PP 1985-105'f TWit 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 February 25, 1985 Mr. Zban Doczi T. K. D. Associates 980 E. Tahquitz-MoCallun Way Palm Springs, CA -92262 BE: PLOT PLAN NO. 85-105, A Request to: 1. Install access gate at Coachella Drive east of Eisenhower Drive. 2. Install emergency access gates on the northerly and southerly ends of Avenida Fernando. 3. Install fencing connecting the three proposed gates. Dear Mr. Doczi: This letter is to report that the La Quinta Planning Cannission, at its meeting of February 12, 1985, approved the above request, subject to the. Conditions of Approval previously sent you, with the following revision: Adel Condition No. 14 to read as follows: "14. Prior to the operation of the approved entry gates, the perimeter wall or fencing shall be installed." If ym%need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. - Very truly yours, •Y @I • * 1 D1• •N1 61Di Sar�3ra L. Bonner. Principal Planner SLB:dmv Atch: 1. Copy of Revised Conditions 2. Copies of Approved Plans (3) 16 -41C, OE'P7,, IFR -e be -PT. MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 PLOT PLAN NO. 85-105 CCNIDITICNS OF APPROVAL February 12, 1985 1. The construction and installation of the aocess-control gates shall conform with Exhibit "A" as contained, in the Cmraunity Development Department's file for Plot Plan No. 85-105 and the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the plot plan. 2. Ihis approval is limited to the following only: a. Installation of gates and appurtenant street improvenents on Coachella Drive at a point apprb imately 110 -feet easterly of the Eisenhower Drive right -of -ray. b. Installation of wrought -iron sliding gate for emergency access only on the southerly portion of Avenida Fernando at the west side of El Nido Avenue. c. Installation of wrought -iron fixed fencing, or solid fencing to match the perimeter wall at such time. that the perimeter wall plan is approved. 3. This approval does not include the installation or construction of the following improvements: a. "Temporary" grapestake or other type of fencing or wall. b. Entry identification walls on Coachella Drive at Eisenhower Drive. 4. The gates shall be located as shaven on Exhibit "A". No portion of the gates shall be located within or be allowed to extend into Eisenhower Drive public right-of-way. 5. The design, size and height of the gates shall coaiform with the approved Exhibit "A", with the provision that the height of any wall, or fence, or gate shall not exceed six (6) feet. 6. All gates shall be equipped with automatic gate openers activated by an enezgency receiver as required by the City Fire Marshal. 7. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for the approved use, the Applicant shall submit street improvegnent plans to the City Engineer for review and approval. The plans shall indicate all street improvements and striping necessary to provide the following requirements:. a. Left -turn lane on Eisenhower Drive at Coachella Drive with a minimum stacking area of. 80 feet. b. Deceleration lane on Eisenhower Drive at Coachella Drive with a minimum stacking area of 60 feet and a minimum width of 12 'feet. c. Acceleration lane on Eisenhower Drive at Coachella Drive in accordance with the City Engineer's requirements. CONDITIMS OF APPRCNAL - PIAT PIAN NO. 85-105 February 12, 1985 Paget2. d. Installation of pavement and curb on Coachella Drive in accordance with approved Exhibit "A" and City standards, with the additional provision that the island between the visitor and resident access lanes be shortened to provide additional turning area west of the gate. e. Provide for a paved turnaround area with a minimum width of 40 feet on the southern portion of Avenida Fernando adjacent to the west of the approved emergency access gate. f. Any additional improvements as required by the City Engineer. 8. All requited street improvements, including pavement striping, shall be complete, as determined by the City Engineer, prior to the operation of the access gates. 9. Prior to the issuance of building or encroachment permits, the. Applicant shall submit a detailed landscaping and outdoor lighting plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval. Said plan shall indicate the location, species, size and spacing of all planting materials, the irrigation system, and the location and type of any proposed outdoor lighting. 10. The Applicant shall submit a traffic signage plan to the Community Development Department indicating location and design of traffic control and directional signs to be installed in conjunction with the access gates, including the following: a. Sign on the northerly portion of Avenida Fernando at E1 Nido Avenue indicating "Dead End Ahead". b. Sign on gate located on southern portion of Avenida Fernando indicating "Emergency Access Cnly & directing traffic to Coachella Drive." c.. Signs at Coachella Drive gate:directing guest and member access to appropriate gate, and also designating gate equipped with emergency receiver. 11. Prior to the of any work approved or required by Plot Plan No. 85-105, the Applicant shall obtain encroachment and building permits from the Community Development Department. 12. Information prepared by the Applicant's consultant analyzing perimeter security fencing shall be submitted within 60 days to the Community Development Department which shall forward that report and other related information to the Planning Commission for its review as Phase No. 2 of Plot Plan No. 85-105. 13. Detailed information concerning proposed on-site entry identification signs shall be submitted, to the Comammmty Development Department for review and approval. Signs shall generally be as shown on preliminary plans provided that the square footage, height, location and materials shall be subject to review. Signs shall generally be a lour -level n nnment type and shall not be located within the public right-of-way. If located on private property, the. Association shall either provide written verifi- cation of its right to construct or shall provide written approval of the Prey mer (s) . CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PLOT PLAN NO. 85-105 February 12, 1985 Page 3. 14. Prior to the operation of the approved entry gates, the perimeter wall or fencing shall be installed. COMPLIANCE CHECK LIST PER DESIGN DATA SLAB OR FLOOR , WALL INSULATION, CEILING INSULATION, ATTIC, NORTH WINDOWS GLAZING EAST WINDOWS GLAZING SOUTO WINDOWS GLAZING ' WEST WINDOWS GLAZING SKYLIGHT GLAZING ^ EAST SHADING COEFFICIENT SOUTH SHADING COEFFICIENT WEST SHADING COEFFICIENT NORTH SHADING COEFFICENT U SKYLIGHT SHAD.ING COEFFICIENT INFILTRATION THERMAL MASS 365 SQ.FT. SOUTH OVERHAND 2 FT. GAS FURNANCE 71 SE AND REFRIGERATION COOLING THE EER OF THE COOLING SYSTEM IS 8.7 COOLING -4 POINTS 0 POINTS 0 POINTS 4 POINTS -2 POINTS -2-POINTS 2 POINTS 2 POINTS 0 POINTS ' -4 POINTS 0 POINTS -1 POINTS 3 POINTS ' 0 POINTS -1 POINTS 4 POINTS ' 0 POINTS 6 POINTS THE ALLOWABLE POINTS PER AB1'63 IS -4 FOR AREA 15 THE TOTAL POINTS ARE 7 THE FOLLOWING MANDATORY FEATURES/DEVICES ARE REQUIRED PERCAC TITLE 24 ' -ELBTRICRESISTANCE WATER HEATING NOT PERMITTED INSULATION AS SPECIFIED: PER MANUFACTURES LABLE IMFILTRATRION CONTROL. DOORS, WINDOWS FULLY WEATHERSTRIPPED QPENINGS CAULKED AND SEALED AROUND JOINTS IN WINDOW AND WALL SOLE PLATES AND ELECTRICAL OUTLET PLATE GASKETS MANUFACTURED DOORS SHALL MEET APPLICABLE STANDARDS BACK DRAFT DAMPERS ON EXHAUST FAN FIREPLACES MUST HAVE TIGHT FITTING, CLOSEABLE DOORS COVERING FIREBOX PROVIDE COMUSTION AIR INTAKE DUCTS (6 SQ.IM~) WITH TIGHT FITTING DAMPER 20CTS; BUILT PER CHAPTER 10 U"MLC. GAS FURNANCE SIZED TO 1.3 DESIGN LOSS+10 BTUH PER SQ.FT.OR 45,000 BTU GETBACK THERMOSTATS SHALL HAVE AUTOMATIC SETBACK CAPABILITY /2 PERIODS PER 24 HR WATER HEATER TO HAVE R-12 INSULATION WRAPPINGv AND R-3 ON FIRST 5' OF PIPE NAT. GAS STOVES SHALL NOT HAVE CONT. BURNING PILOTS LIGHT IN KITCHEN AND BATH TO BE FLOURECFNT° EXCEPT BATH MIRROR KIT SINK, TABLE �CERTIFIED BY ___________ v -r a -rI FE E -9'41E= F:;t4.3 Y C:: R'A'Y L-C:�UA 4"h -r 1 C:)0'W 4EN f -1.H -o h I JOHN H. HACKER, CIVIL ENGINEER, PALM SPRINGS 327-4565 LATITUDE _73.0 WINTER TEMP. 31.DEG SUMMER TEMP. 110 DEG NAME ------- MR. WALTER DE'ICKMAN ADDRESS ---- LA,QUINTA GOLF ESTATES CITY -------.LA QU.INTA REF.CAL.ENERGY CONSERVATION DES"IGN MANUAL, FORM 2, HEATING LOSSES MANUAL J FOR COOLING LOSSES AREA BLDG 2878 SQ. FT. PERLMETER 319.7778 SQ. FT. INSULATION R VALUES .FLOOR 0 ..CEILING 38 ...WALL 19 AREA NORTH WINDOWS 109 SQ.FT. PERCENT OF AREA 3.787"352 AREA EAST WINDOWS 116.5 SQ.FT. PERCENT OF AREA 4.04795 AREA SOUTH WINDOWS 24-.5 SQ.FT. PERCENT OF AREA .8512856 AREA WEST WINDOWS 84 SQ.FT. PERCENT OF AREA 2.918694 AREA SKYLIGHTS 0 SO„FT. PERCENT .OF AREA 0 TOTAL WINDOW AREA 33.4 SQ.FT. PERCENT OF AREA 11.60528 THE U VALUE OF THE WINDOWS IS .65 DUAL PANE THIS BLDG USES DRAPES & FLAT SHADING DEVICES* ON WINDOWS (*mi.ni-blinds, rollar shades, venetian blinds or vertical blinds) THE TOTAL S.C. OF THE WINDOWS I;S 0.30 SOUTH OVERHANG LENGTH 2 INTERI'OR.THERMAL MASS AREA = 365 SQ. FT. ATTIC AREA 2878 SQ FT INFILTRATION (STD 0.018,, MED.0.014, TIGHT 0.012) = .014 HEATING LOSSES FOOTING LOSSES... 11102.68 BTU CEILING LOSSES.... 2258.684 BTU WINDOW LOSSES.. 6730.1 BTU WALL LOSSES.... 3363.458 BTU INFILTRATION LOSSES,... 9992.416 BTU TOTAL HEAT LOSSES BTU/HR.. 33447.34 GAS.FURNANCE SIZE 72261.54 BTU OR 45,000 BTU COOLING LOSSES INFILTRATION LOSSES... 12893..44 BTU FOOTING LOSSES... 14326.04 BTU CEILING LOSSES... 2914.43+1 BTU WINDOW LOSSES.... 19224.28 BTU WALL LOSSES..... 4336.043 BTU INFILTRATION LOSSES... 12893-.44 BTU NO. OF PEOPLE... 5 COOLING LOSSES... 2000 KITCHEN... 1500 BTU -DUCT LOSSES INCLUDED IN TOTAL TOTAL COOLING LOSSES 57194.24 BTU u