06-3853 (SFD) Title 24z TITLE 24 REPORT Title 24 Report for: Hendler Residence 77-320 Calle Durango La Quinta, CA 92253 Project , estemn IS �0.10f- W.- -McGraw i 21241 Pacifi 0 -,,Malibu,,: q ortf�Pr� A 'W Mon a 0b. a t fb, J, CITY OF LAQUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATEI q a_ -7- IN q ortf�Pr� Mon a 0b. a t fb, J, or: ., 7R16 2V alt' h lwaky—"--�ti )4 33 A bfi i1119, a 1 V r ii'r Patk. N"I -a, & JI, j-, CITY OF LAQUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATEI q a_ -7- or: h lwaky—"--�ti i1119, a 1 V N"I -a, & JI, Job -Num er- 7", 11 A -GAA Date: 1/16/2007 oftlakoftm Cdknb &Oft 00do mff4ft Cdbmlm Ame"m of &"V B" Cwmdwb Espy ResEmi On 1017 -RES 8"103 P—chb- of @= E -W Mmmom VPM CAMC-CwWWOmo mn Air of Amba wwwMeNdde.aan Anmkm of Hafift R, 4, , o & AIC E al WANWAR Preserve our earth NATIONWIDE, ONE Day Service Since 1.978 - Toll Free 800-2374824 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Form CF -1 R Certificate of Compliance 3 Form MF -1 R Mandatory Measures Summary 7 Form WS -SR Residential Kitchen Lighting 9 HVAC System Heating and Cooling Loads Summary 10 Room Heating Peak Loads 11 Room Cooling Peak Loads 12 HVAC Brochures 13 EnergyPro 4.3 by EnergySoft Job Number. 116948 User Number. 1348 Certificate Of Compliance: Residential (Part 1 of 4) CF -1 R 1:=61 1./16/2007 Date Building Permit # Plan Check/Date EnaMyPro Compfffice Method [ Single Family ❑,Addition 15 Field Check/Date, Climate Zone TDV Standard Proposed Compliance (kBtu/sf-yr) Design Design Margin Space Heating 1.71 2.62 -0.91 Space Cooling 70.78 73.78 -3.00 Fans 10.08 10.66 -0.59 Domestic Hot_ Water 15.49 8.44 7.04 Pumps 0.00 0.00 0.00 Totals 98.05 95.51 2.55 Building Type: [ Single Family ❑,Addition Total Conditioned .Floor Area: 1,238 ft2 New 09-A6 First Finn ❑ Multi Family ❑ Existing + Add/Alt Existing Floor Area: n/a ft2 Building Front Orientations (S)180 deg Raised Floor Area: 0 ft2 Fuel Type: Natural'Gas Slab on Grade Area: 1,238 ft2 Fenestration: Average Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft Area: 559 ft2 Avg. U: 0.42. Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Ratio: 45.2% Avg. SHGC: 0.31 Number of Stories: 1 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION # of Thermostat Vent Zone Name Floor Area Volume Units Zone Type Type Hgt. Area Res HVA f _ New Gystem 1,238 12;380 X00_ Conditioned Setback 2 nia OPAQUE SURFACES Insulation Act. Gains Condition Type Frame Area U -Fac. Cay. Cont. Azm. Tilt Y / N Status JA IV Reference Location / Comments WAIT Weed 274 0.057 R-21 R-3_0 _d 9Q❑ Wall— Wood 342 0:052 _ R21 R-3.0 Igo go Wall Wned— 266 0.057 R_21 R-3.0 go- gn Door None _ 20 1-450 Nona R-0.0 A()- nn Wall Wood 103 0057 R-21 R-3.0 270 _ go Root_ Wood 1,214 0.036 _gm RR -0.0 270 Q A ® ® ® O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1-1 F-1 F-1 ❑❑ ❑❑ F-1 F] ❑New ❑New ❑New ❑New ❑❑New ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑' El F-1 F-1 1-1 F] New 09-A6 First Finn 09.A6 First Floor 09-A6 First Floor 28-A1 First Flnnr 09-A6 First Fioor 02 -AA First Finer Run Initiation Time: 01/1610714:45:07 Run Code: 1168987507 EnergyPM 4.3 by EnergySoft User Number. 1348 Job Number. 116948 Page. 3 of 16 Certificate Of Compliance : Residential (Part 2 of 4) CF -1 R Hendler Residence 1/16/2007 Project Title Date FENESTRATION SURFACES True Cond. Location! # Type Area U -Factor' SHGCZ Azm. Tilt Stat. Glazing Type Comments 1- Window Rear (N) 36.0 n.420 NFRC 0:31 NFIR 2 Window Rear (N) 80.0 0.420 NFRC 0.31 NFRC 3 Window Rear (N) 30.0 0.420 NFRC 0.31 NFRC 4 Window Front (S) 64.0 0.420 NFRC 0.31 NFRC 3 Window Front (S) 14.0 0.420 NFRC 0.31 NFRC Sz Window Right (E) 64.0 0AW NFRC 0:31 NFRC L Window Left (W) 80.0. 0.420 NFRC 0:31 NFRC 8 Window Left (W) 24.0 0.420 NFRC 0.31 NFRC 3 Window Left (W) 128.0 0.420 NFRC A111 NFRC AQ Window Left M 15.0. 0.420 NFRC JLW NFRC " Skylight Left VI() 24.0 0.370 NFRC 0.29 NFRC 1. Indicate source either from NFRC or Table 116A. 0 �0_ New Fleetwood First Floor 0 90 New Fleetwood First Floor 0 90 New Fleetwood First Floor 180 90 New Fleetwood First Floor 180 _90 New Fleetwood First Floor 90 90 Now Fleetwood First Floor 270 _90- New Fleetwood First Floor 270 90 New Fleetwood First Floor 270 --Q New Fleetwood First Floor 270 --Q New Fleetwood First Floor 270 0 New Velux Comfort (75) Lowe2/Arg First Floor 2. Indicate source either from NFRC-or Table 1168. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. LExt. REA Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 1 Bug Screen 0.76 2 Bug Screen 0.76 3 Bug Screen 0.76 4 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 SA 10.0 0.1 5 Bug Screen 0.76 1.0 14.0 3.0 0.1 3.0 3.0 6 Bu Screen 0.76 8.0 8.0 0.0 1 01 _1U10 0 7 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 10.0 9.0 0.1 .9.0 9.0 8 Bug Screen 0.76 1.5 160- 9.0 0:1 9.0 9.0 9 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 16.0 9.0 0:1 9.0 90 10 Bug Screen 0.76 1:5 %0 9.0 0:1 9.0 9:0 11 None 1.00 THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN Area Thick.Heat Inside Condition Location/ Type (sf (in.) Cap. Cond. FI -Val. JA IV Reference Status Comments Concrete. Heawweight 1,238 4.00 28 0_98 0 26-A1 New First Floor] Slab on Grade PERIMETER LOSSES Insulation. Condition Location/ Type Length R -Val. Location JA IV Reference. Status Comments Slab Perimeter 154 None No Insulation 26-A1 New First. Floor Run Initiation Time; 01/1610714:45:07 Run Code: 11 987507 EnergyPro 43 by EnergySoft User Number. 1348 Job Number. 116948 Page:4 of'16 Certificate Of Compliance : Residential (Part 3 of 4) CF -1 R Hendler Residence 1/16/2007 Projw Mtle. Date HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Minimum Cooling Minimum Condition Thermostat Location Type Eff Type Eff Status Type Res HVAC New System Central Furnace 91 % AFUE Split Air Conditioner 14.0 SEER New Setback HVAC DISTRIBUTION Duct .Duct Condition Ducts Location Heating Cooling Location R -Value Status Tested? Res HVAC New System Ducted Ducted Attic 8.0 New Yes Hydronic Piping Pipe Pipe Insul. System Name Length . Diameter Thick. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Rated Tank Energy Tank Insul. Water Heater #'in Input Cap. Condition Factor Standbyy R -Value System Name TYDe Distribution Svst. (Btu/hr) (aal) Status or RE Loss M Ext. (B) Takagi T -KIS Large Gas All Pipes Ins 1 190,000 0 New 0.84 0.00% 0.0 Multi -Family Central Water Heating Details Hot Water Pump Hot Water Piping Length (ft) Add 1/2" Control # HP Type- In Plenum Outside. Buried Insulation REMARKS www;titie24.gpg.com e-mail: t1tte24@frazmtn.com I'One Day Service" since 1978 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compllance lists the building features and specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrativeregulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. The undersigned recognizes that compliance using duct design, duct sealing, verification of refrigerant charge, and TXVs, insulation installation quality, and building envelope sealing require installer testing and certification and field verification by�an approved HERS rater. Designer or Owner, (per Business & Professions Code) Name: Tltle/Firm: Oscar W. McGraw Architecture & Planning. Address: 21241 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90265 Telephone: (310) 456.3903 Lic. M (signature) (date) Enforcement Agency Name: TiUe/Firm: Address: Telephone: (signature) (date) Documentation Author Name: Monika. Kimball R05-01-5104 Title/Finn: Title 24 Data Corporation Address: 633 Monterey Trail. Frazier Park, CA 93225-2199 Telephone: 800 237&#,&4 (signature) (date) EneroyPro 4.3 by EnerovSoft User Number: 1348 Job Number. 116948 Page:5 of 16 1 Certificate Of Compliance: Residential (Part 4 of 4) CF -1 R Hendler Residence 1/16/2007 Project Title Date Special. Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items:specifted In this checklist. These items,require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the Justification, and may reject.a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. Plan Field The Roof "R-30 Roof Rafter" Includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 3.3.3 of the Residential Manual. HIGH MASS Design - Verify Thermal Mass: 1238 sgft Exposed Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at Firsffloor HERS Required Verification items In this section require field testing and/or verification by a certified home energy rater under the supervision of a CEC- approved HERS provider using CEC approved testing and/or verification methods and must be reported on the CF -4R Plan Field installation certificate. The HVAC System "Res HVAC _ New System, incorporates HERS verified Duct Leakage. Target leakage is calculated and documented on the CF -4R.. The HVAC System "Res HVAC _ New System" Incorporates a HERS°verified Refrigerant Charge test ora HERS verified Thermostatic Expansion Valve. EnergWM 4.3 by EneraySoft User Number: 1348 Job Number. 116948 Page:6 of 16 1 Mandatory Measures Summary: Residential (Page 1 of 2) MF -1R NOTE: Lowdse residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures'regardless of the compliance approach used. More stringent compliance requirements from the Certificate of Compliance supercede the items marked with an asterisk (')below. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist• only. DESCRIPTION Check or Initial applicable boxes or check NA If not applicable and included with the permit application documentation. WA DESIGNER ENFORCE - MENT Building Envelope Measures ❑ ❑x ❑ $ 150(a): Minimum R-19 in wood ceiling insulation or equivalent 1.1 -factor in Metal 'frame ceiling. ❑ 0 ❑ $ 150(b): Loose fill Insulation manufacturers labeled R -Value: ❑ ❑ ❑ $ 150(c): Minimum, R-13 wall insulation In wood framed'walls or equivalent U -factor in metal frame walls'(does not ❑ ❑X ❑ apply to exterior mass walls). ❑ ❑ ❑ $150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors or equivalent U -factor. ❑ 0 ❑ $ 150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: ❑ 19 ❑ a. closable metal or glass door covertng.the entire opening of the firebox ❑ ❑x ❑ b. outside air intake with damper and oontrof;.flue damper and control ❑ 19 ❑ 2. No continuous burning gee, pilot lights allowed. ❑ 5 ❑ $ 1500: Air retarding wrap installed to comply with $151 meets,requirementsispecified in the ACM ResidentlaliManual. ❑ ❑ ❑. $ 150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. ❑ ❑ ❑ $ 150(1): Slab edge insulation - water -absorption rate for the insulation alone without facings no greater than 0.3%, water vapor ❑ ❑ ❑ perneanoe rete no greater than 2.0 pemvincK $ 118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation installation quality standards. Indicate "a and include El❑ FX CF -OR Form:, ❑ 19 ❑ $ 116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors, and Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls. ❑ ❑X ❑ 1. Doors -and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air, leakage. ❑ FX] ❑ 2. Fenestratiomproducts (except field.fabricated) have.label with certified U-Factor,.cert fied,Solar Heat Gain ❑ 19❑ Coefficient (SHGC), and Infiltration certification. ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. ❑ ❑X ❑ Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures $ 110-13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Energy Commission. ❑ 19 ❑ $ 150(h): Heating and/or cooling loadscalculated in, accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or RCCA. ❑ ❑x ❑ $ 1500: Setback thermostat on altapplicable heating and/or cooling systems. ❑ FRI ❑ $ 150(1): Water system ,pipe and tank lnsulatlon and cooling systems line Insulation. 1. Storage gas waterheaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be extemally.wrapped with Insulation ❑ ❑X ❑ having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. 2. Back-up tanks for solar systems, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 extemal ❑ 1*1 ❑ Insulation or R-16 internal insulation andlndiceted on the exterior of the tank showing the R -value. 3. The following piping is insulated according to Table 150 -AB or Equation 150-A Insulation Thickness:, 1. First 5 feet of -hot and cold water pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculating systems, and entire ❑ 19 ❑ length of recirculating sections of hot water pipes shall be insulated to.Table 150B. ❑ ❑X ❑ 2. Cooling system piping (suction, chilled water, or brine lines), piping Insulated between heating source and Indirect ,hot water tank shall: be Insulated to Table 150-6 and Equation 150-A. 4. Steam hydronic heating systems or hot water systems > 15 psi, meet requirements of Table 1237A. ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. Insulation' must be protected from damage, including that. due to sunlight, moisture; equipment, maintenance, ❑ ❑X ❑ and wind. 6. Insulation for chilled water piping and refrigerant suction piping includes a vapor retardant or is enclosed ❑ ❑ ❑ entirely in conditioned space. 7. Solarwaterfieating systema/collectors are certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation. ❑ ❑ ❑ EnergyPro 4.3 by EnergySoft User Number. 1348 Job Number. 116948 Page:7 of 16 Mandatory Measures Summary: Residential (Page 2 of 2) MF -IR NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. More stringent compliance requirements from theCertificate of ConSpliance supersede the Items marked withan asterisk (') below. When this checklist Is incorporated Into the permit documents, the features noted shall be, considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on checklist only. DESCRIPTION Instructions: Check or initial applicable, boxes when completed or check NIA if not ENFORCE - applicable. NIA DESIGNER MENT Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: (continued) § 150(m): Ducts and Fans. 1. All ducts and plenums Installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of the CMC- Sections 601, 602,.603, 604, ❑ ❑X ❑ 605, and Standard 6-5; supply -air and return=airducts and plenums are insulated to a minumum installed level of R-42 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall.:be sealed with mastic, tape or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of,UL 181, UL 181"A .or UL 181B or aerosol sealant1habmeets:the requirements of UL 723. If.mastic or tapeis used to seal openings greater than 1/4 Inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used. 2. Building cavities, support platforms for air'handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than ❑ ❑X ❑ sealed sheet metal, dud board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may oontsm.ducts. Ducts installed in cavitiesand support platforms shall notbe compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. 3. Joints and seams of dud systems and: their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive ❑ 2 ❑ dud tapes unless such tape is used, in combination with, mastic and draw bands: ❑ 2 ❑ 4. Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. S. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditloned,space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operating ❑ 2 ❑ dampers. 6. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected,from damage,'induding that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment ❑ 2 ❑ maintenance, and wind.. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardent and provides shielding from solar radiation: that can cause degradation of the material. ❑ 2' ❑ 7. Flexible ducts cannot have porous inner cores. § 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. A thermal efficiency that complies with the,Applianoe Efficiency Regulations, on-off switch mounted,outside of the ❑ ❑ ❑ heater, weatherproof operating Instructions, no electric resistance heating and no pilot light.. 2. System is installed with: a. At least.36" of pipe between filter and heaterfor future solar heating. ❑ ❑ ❑ b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor apes. ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump.time switch. ❑ ❑ ❑ § 115: Gas'flred fan4ype central furnaces, pool heaters, spa heaters or household cooking appliances'have no continuously ❑ 2 ❑ burning pilot light. (Exception: Non-eledricat cooking appliances with pilot < 150 Btu/hr) § 118 (I): Cool Roof ,material ,meets specified criteria ❑ ❑ ❑ Lighting Measures § 150(k)l:,HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRES OTHER THAN OUTDOOR HID:, contain only high efficacy lamps as outlined In Table ❑ 2 ❑ 150-0, and do not contain a medium"screw, base. socket (E24/E26). Ballasts forlamps 13 Watts or greater are electric and have an output frequency no less,than 20 kHz. § 150(k)1: HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRES - OUTDOOR HID: contain only high efficacy lamps as outlined in Table 150-C, ❑ ❑A ❑ luminaire has factory instalfed'HID ballast. § 150(k).2: Permanentlylnstalled luminaires In kitchens shall be high efficacy luminaires. Up to 50% of the Wattage; as: determined ❑ ❑X ❑ in Section 130(c), of permanently installed luminaires in kitchens maybe in luminaires that are not higgh"efflcacy luminaires, provided that these luminaires are controlled by switches separate from those controlling the high efficacy luminaires:, § 150(k)3: Permanently installed luminaires in bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, utility rooms shall be high efficacy luminaires: ❑ ❑X ❑ OR are controlled by, an occupant sensor(s) certfied to comply with Section 119(d). § 150(k)4: Permanently installed luminaires located other than in kichens, bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms shell be high efficacy luminaires (except closets less than 70 ft)OR are controlled by a dimmer switch OR:are ❑ ❑X ❑ controlled by an occupant sensor that complies with Section 11 Old) that does not tum on: automatically or have an afways.on option. § 150(k),S:.Luminaires thatare,reoessed Into Insulated ceilings are"approved for zero clearance insulation cover (IC) and are ❑ Q 1:1 oeitified to ASTM E283 and labeled as airtight (AT) to fess than 2.0 CFM at 75 Pascals. § 150(k)g:.Luminaires providing outdoor lighting and permanently mounted to,a residential building or toother buildings on the ❑ 2 ❑ samalot shall be high efficacy luminaires;(not including lighting,around swimming pooletwater features or other Article 680 locations) AR are controlled byoccupant sensors with integral photo control certified to comply with Section 119(d). § 150(k)7: Lighting for; parking lots for 8 or more vehicles shall have lighting that complies with Sections 130, 132, and 147. ❑ ❑ ❑ Lighting for parking garages for 8 or more vehicles shall,have light(ng"that complies with Section 130, 131, and 146.. § I50(k)8: Permanently installed lighting in the enclosed, non -dwelling spaces of low-rise residential buildings with four or more ❑ ❑ ❑ dwelling units shall be high efficacy luminaires OR are controlled by occupant sensors) certified to comply with Section 119(d). EnergyPro 4.3 by.EnergySoft userNumber. 1348 Job Number. 118948 Page:8 of 16 Residential Kitchen LiahtinQ Worksheet WS -5R Hendler Residence 1/16/2007 Project Title Date At lent 50% of the total rated wattage of permanently Installed`luminaires In kitchens must be In, luminaires that are high efficacy luminaires as defined In Table 150-0. Luminaires that are, not high efficacy must be switched separately. Kitchen Lighting Schedule. Provide the following information for all luminaires to be installed in kitchens. High Efficacy Luminaire Type High Efficacy? Watts Quantity Watts Other Watts 'l 9M9CAb TLEK.- Yes No F � o x �S _ �Z _ or Yes I No x = Yes No -Z (P_ x zo Ps or or f Lo 272 Yes No x = Yes NoX, x ` = or or 7-2 -DELPLATI V � I Yes. No x = or Yes. No I x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No _ x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x. = or Yes No x = or Yes No I x = or Yes No x = or Total A: 210 0 B: Z Z5 0 COMPLIES IF A;-0 B YES [i] NO ❑ EnergyPro 4.3 by EnergySoft User Number. 1348 Job Number. 116948 Page:9 of 16 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Hendler Residence 1/16/2007 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA Res HVAC New System 1.238 Number of Systems 1 Heating System Output per System 56,000 Total Output,(Stuh) '56,000 Output (B.tuh/sgft) 45:2 Cooling System Output per System 35,800 Total Output (Btuh) 35,800 Total Output (Tons) 3:0 Total Output (Stuh/sgft) 28:9 Total Output (sgftlTon) 415.0 Air System CFM per System 0 Airflow (cfm) 0 Alrflow (cmvsgft) 0.00 Airflow (chnrron) 0.0 Outside. Air (%) 0:0 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0:oo Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 OF Outside Air 0 cfm 70.0 OF 11.0 172.5 OF Outside Air O,cfm 78.0/62.2 OF Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air!Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM I Sensiblel Latent CFM I Sensible 26,966 -189 28,789 CARRIER 58MCA060-12/38ESGO36 29,545 1,055 Total Adjusted System Output 29;545 1,055 (Adjusted for Peak Design, conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 2 pm 70.00F no 105.00F Heating Coil h Retum Air Ducts 'J 78.0 / 62.3 OF . 55.0 / 53.7 OF Cooling Coil h Return Air Ducts `S 56,000 5s,000 Jan 12 am Supply Air Ducts 105.0 OF ROOMS 70.0 OF Supply Air Ducts `S W 55.0 / 53.7 of 41.2% R.H. ROOMS 78.0/62.2 OF EnergyPro 4.3 by EnergySoft User Number. 1348 Job Number. 116948 Page: 10 of 16 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Me Date Hendler Residence 11/16/2007 Room Information Desian Conditions Room Name First -floor! Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 1,238 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26 OF Indoor,Dry Bulb Temperature 70°F Conduction, Area U -Value AT of Btu/hr perimeter=154:0 X x X X X X X X X X X X x x x X X X X X X X X x X X X X X. X X X X. X, X" X X X X. 0.7300 'X x X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X' X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 44 = = = = = = = = = = = _ = = _ = = = _ = = = = = 4,M 274.0 0.0575 44 693 3640 0.4200 44 665 80.0 0.4200 44 1,478 30.0 0.4200 44 554 342.0 0.0575 44 865 64:0 0.4200 44 1,183 14.0 0.4200 44 259 266:0 0,0575 44 673 20:0 1.4500 44 1,276 64.0 0.4200 44 1A83 103:0 0.0575 44 261 W 0.4200 44 1,478 24.0 0.4200 44= 444 0:4200 44=.ZARA 15.0 •0.4200 44 277 1 j214-0 0,0360 44 1,923 24.0 0.3700 44 39 Items, shown with an asterisk (•)) ,denote conduction through aminterior surface,to another room. Page Total: 20 975 Infiltration: I 1:00 x I x 1 238 x 10:00 x 0.442 160] x hedule Air.Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH AT Fraction TOTAL.HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 25;184 EnergyPro 4.3 by EnergySoft User Number: 1348 Job Number. 116948 Page: 11 of 16 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Title Date Hendler Residence �1/16/2007 Room Information Desi n Conditions Room Name: First Floor Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 1120E Floor Area: 1,238 sf Outdoor Web Bulb Temperature: 730E Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 78 of Outdoor Daily Range: 340E surfaces Wall R-30 Roof Rafter Orientation Area X X X X X X x x X X X X U -Factor X X X X X X x x x x X X CLTD 1 = = = = = = = = = _ Btulhr N 274.0 0.0575 23.0 362 S 342:0 0.0575 26.0 511 E 266.0 0.0575 33.0 505 E 20.0 1.4500 33.0 957 '597 1'03.0 0.0575 33.0 195 20.0 1,214.0 0.02481 56.0 1,685 0.0 20:0 279 E 63.2x 19.9+ 0.8X 38.3= 1,289 W 71.0X 19.9+ 9.0x 38.3= 1,758 W 24.0 19.9 0.0 38:3 478 113.6x 19.9+ 14.4X 38.3 2,813 W 15.O3C 19.9+ Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room: 1. Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLM) Fenestration Window Sliding Door Window Slidin Door Window Sliding Door Slidina Door Window Slidina Door Window Page Total 1 4:2151 Orientation Shaded Area. X X X x X X GLF + + + + + I + Unshaded Area x 1 .X .x x 1XI GLF = = = = _ Btulhr N 0.0x 19.9+ 36.0x 19.9= 717 N 0.0 19.9 800- %9 1,592 N 0.0 19.9 30.0 19.9 '597 S 64.0 19.9 0.0 20.0 1,274 S 14.0 19.9 0.0 20:0 279 E 63.2x 19.9+ 0.8X 38.3= 1,289 W 71.0X 19.9+ 9.0x 38.3= 1,758 W 24.0 19.9 0.0 38:3 478 113.6x 19.9+ 14.4X 38.3 2,813 W 15.O3C 19.9+ 0.0x 38.3= 299 I I Page Total 11 094 Internal Gain Btulhr Occu ants EI x Dwelling Units E of ment ts x 1 600 Watts/sgft = 1.600 Infiltration: 1 o x 1.1 x 78.44 x 1 32991 Air Sensible CFM ELA DT TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 22,2851 Latent Gain Btulhr Occu ants 0 X Occupants X 200 Btuh/oCC. = 600 Infiltration: 4,77 X F 1.16 X 78.44 X -0.00;184 = -789 Alr.Latent CFM ELA pW TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM -189 EnergyPro 4.3 by EnergySoft User Number. 1348 Job Number. 116948 Page: 12 of 16 Product 58MCA Data 4 -Way Multipoise Fixed -Capacity Direct -Vent Condensing Gas Furnace Input. Capacities: 40,000 thru 138,000 Btuh High Efficiency and Flexibility Designed to Meet the Needs of New Homes The model 58MCA combines high efficiency with flexibility to meet the changing needs of new home construction. The unique 4 -way, multipoise design of the 58MCA allows for installation in upflow, downflow, horizontal left, and horizontal rightorientations, meaning it is perfect for a variety of installation applications. With the exception of the 140 size unit, all sizes of the 58MCA can be installed in a manufactured (mobile) home when the optional kit. is used. The furnace is factory configured for upflow application but can easily be made ready for downflow or horizontal installation. Horizontal applications offer the advantage of.reduced space requirements by locating the furnace in an attic or crawlspace, freeing space formerly dedicated to a furnace or utility room. The 58MCA is specifically designed to meet. the needs of home builders and new home owners. Home builders benefit from the 58MCA's unmatched flexibility and by building a reputation of using quality appliances in homes. Home owners benefit by energy savings from one of the most important home appliances. The components of the 58MCA represent the finest in the industry. Hot surface ignition (HSI) and a control center provide reliable and efficient ignition. The combustion inducer is unique in that. efficient operation is achieved in any type of CopyrW 2002 Cartier CoMomWn Form 58MCA-11 PD D D 0 D 4 0 Nationwide Energy Documentation Tide 24 Data, Corp. 633 Monterey Trail P.O. Bor2199 Frazier Park, Ca. 93225-2199 (800)237-8824 High Efficiency and Flexibility Designed to Meet the Needs of New Homes The model 58MCA combines high efficiency with flexibility to meet the changing needs of new home construction. The unique 4 -way, multipoise design of the 58MCA allows for installation in upflow, downflow, horizontal left, and horizontal rightorientations, meaning it is perfect for a variety of installation applications. With the exception of the 140 size unit, all sizes of the 58MCA can be installed in a manufactured (mobile) home when the optional kit. is used. The furnace is factory configured for upflow application but can easily be made ready for downflow or horizontal installation. Horizontal applications offer the advantage of.reduced space requirements by locating the furnace in an attic or crawlspace, freeing space formerly dedicated to a furnace or utility room. The 58MCA is specifically designed to meet. the needs of home builders and new home owners. Home builders benefit from the 58MCA's unmatched flexibility and by building a reputation of using quality appliances in homes. Home owners benefit by energy savings from one of the most important home appliances. The components of the 58MCA represent the finest in the industry. Hot surface ignition (HSI) and a control center provide reliable and efficient ignition. The combustion inducer is unique in that. efficient operation is achieved in any type of CopyrW 2002 Cartier CoMomWn Form 58MCA-11 PD Electrical data UNIT SIZE 040.08 040.12 060-08 060.12 060=16 080.12 080.16 080.20 10016 100.20 120.20 140.20 UNIT VOLTS -HERTZ -PHASE ' 115-00-1 OPERATING VOLTAGE RANGE (Min -Max)* 104-127 MAXIMUM UNIT AMPS - 6.1 7:3 1 6.1 7.1 9.5 7.6 10.0 14.1 10.2 14.8 14.6 14.3 UNIT AMPACITYt8.4 10.0 8.4 9.8 12.8 10.4 13.4 18.4 13.5 19.3 19.1 18.8 MINIMUM WIRE SIZE 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 12 14 12 12 • 12 MAXIMUM WIRE LENGTH (Ft)* 44 37 44 38 29 36 28 31 27 30 30 30 MAXIMUM FUSE SIZE OR CKT SKR (Amps)** 15 15 15 15 15 - 15 20 15 20 20 20 TRANSFORMER (24v) 40va EXTERNAL CONTROL POWER AVAILABLE Heating Cooling 12va 21va • Permissible limits of the voltage range at which the unit will operate satisfactorily. t Unit ampacity = 125% of largest operating component's full load amps plus 100% of all other potential operating components' (EAC, humidifier, etc.) full toad amps. # Length is as measured 1 way along wire path between unit and service panel for maximum 2% voltage drop. •• Time -delay type is recommended. ical wirina schematic Nationwide Energy Documentation Title 24 Data, Corp. 633 Monterey Trail P.O. Bo: 2199 Frazier Park; Ca. 93225-2199 (800) 237-8824 ---- FIELD 24-VWIRING ---- FIELD 115-,208/230-.460-V WIRING - FACTORY 24-V WIRING - FACTORY 1154 WIRING NOTE 2 w THERMOSTAT FIVE WIRE c a o r TERMINALS THREE -WIRE HEATING -ONLY �-- BLOWER DOOR SWITCH I 1 1 I I N 1 I H BLK � Bl O i 1 I I I I ( 1 I -- C -- ----- WHMI -- O I I I -- - N OND R -____-_1 j T-F.O, H 1'15-V FIELD- AUXILIARY O --j 1 SUPPLIED 3 -BOX L ----- --- i I DISCONNECT ___NOT§ 1 ___!CONDE UNIT 24-V TERMINAL WIRE wl nrlt FIELD -SUPPLIED DISCONNECT 208/230.OR -- 460-V __ THREE PHASE 208/230-V SINGLE PHASE FURNACE NOTES: 1. Connect Y terminal In furnace as, shown for proper blower operation. 2. Some thermostats require a'C"terminal connection as shown. 3. It any of the original wire, as supplied, must be replaced, use same type or equivalent wire. A02174 Nationwide Energy Documentation Tide 24 Data, Corp. 633 Monterey Trail -P ' aoz.2199 Frazier Park, Ca. 93225-3199 (800)237-8824 7e M' duct.. h Les dual is used. we Do duel ma� a w- qy- T" N b' l- For 800 CFM --lair; mind of 14-1/2 X /24n. reavVie, AWfLOw • a w'-OUAET 24N' MI001� OOr10EMSQEOMW R�q - M� �, r TP. Tele in Pmduct Data 6Mralure br aped8e use of eint b side �Fn 'waa�09 "SCOMr GAS Comm I* bcaom, or the I ", oNy w I entire adeglmte retum•eir '�K OIA POW" COMM l�m VIA POMFI o 1HN. MA OASOO,ar�. s E o TMEMMOSW ENfM sx,rErh tOra, 040-12. e o a-MVEM COMM ♦ 17.1/2 157/8 =% e 060-12 T %4WOMEPMOOSM - �•TrP 17-1/2, 1554/8 009i m ! a�wE"M iwaou 7-1. 157/8 117-1Q. /2 16 080-20 AOCESSaMT 19-1/2 100-16 e POMENEMiMY n*•TTp o 21 19-3/8 p — --------- Q � ,E e T! 140-20 mow• � M o ! !OW 24-1 e ,� ! SIMPANT , 171V' e e 1s� —.—.—:_.—.—._..... oarP1F �oe�loMs. eortNorrwsaFl n f„ II IF--- aoEsaET a wTrP Nationwide Energy Documentation Tide 24 Data, Corp. 633 Monterey Trail -P ' aoz.2199 Frazier Park, Ca. 93225-3199 (800)237-8824 AM175 �s 7e M' duct.. h Les dual is used. we Do duel ma� a w- qy- T" l- For 800 CFM --lair; mind of 14-1/2 X /24n. reavVie, � ounET 1' T R�q 4. For ai8ow repusements abode 1800 CFM. we Ac DaBvery M� �, Tele in Pmduct Data 6Mralure br aped8e use of eint b side Wals. The use d both side :dela, a combkkOw of 1 abe arta 'waa�09 "SCOMr GAS Comm I* bcaom, or the I ", oNy w I entire adeglmte retum•eir '�K OIA POW" COMM DIMENSIONS (In.) 1HN. MA NIT SIZE A D E 040-08 TMEMMOSW ENfM 16 040-12. W a-MVEM COMM 060-08 17.1/2 157/8 16 060-12 17-1/2 15.7/8 16 060-16 17-1/2, 1554/8 16 080-12 ! 16 080-16 7-1. 157/8 117-1Q. /2 16 080-20 ! 19-1/2 100-16 lI L• SM PART 1, 21 19-3/8 19-1/2 120-20 24-1/2 22-7/8 i ! 140-20 24-1/2 22.7/8 23 t •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-a' 1 wh.- OPAN erPPl.oMn oarP1F �oe�loMs. eortNorrwsaFl n AM175 �s NOTES: Mii nawn rehan-air openirp SlAwnace. based an metal duct.. h Les dual is used. we Do duel ma� r000nrrbMaBon for eq "I" d4meron l- For 800 CFM --lair; mind of 14-1/2 X /24n. reavVie, 2. For 1200 CFi► ro M -204h. or 1412 X 19.1Q iL ieAanpb. 3.. For 1900 CFM -22 -in. mond or 141/2.Xr23.1p in. rer?ugle. 4. For ai8ow repusements abode 1800 CFM. we Ac DaBvery Tele in Pmduct Data 6Mralure br aped8e use of eint b side Wals. The use d both side :dela, a combkkOw of 1 abe arta I* bcaom, or the I ", oNy w I entire adeglmte retum•eir openigs brai8ow requhemerds.abore 1800 CFM 41 OS' W.C. ESP. DIMENSIONS (In.) NIT SIZE A D E 040-08 17-1/2 ISMS 16 040-12. 17-1/2 157/8 16 060-08 17.1/2 157/8 16 060-12 17-1/2 15.7/8 16 060-16 17-1/2, 1554/8 16 080-12 17-1/2157/8 16 080-16 7-1. 157/8 117-1Q. /2 16 080-20 21 19-8/8 19-1/2 100-16 21 19-3/8 19-1/2 100-20 21 19-3/8 19-1/2 120-20 24-1/2 22-7/8 23 140-20 24-1/2 22.7/8 23 AM175 �s Physical data UNIT SIZE 060-16 080-12 080-16 040-081040-12 '060-08 1 060.12 ,060.16 080-12 080-161080-20 100.16 100-20 120-20 140.20 OUTPUT CAPACITY BTUH• (Nonweatherized ICS) Multipolse 37,000 37„000 56,000 56.000 56,000 1 74;000, 74,000 74,000 93,000' 93,000 112,000 127,000 INPUT BTUHt 11 1 40,000 40,000 60;000 60,000 60,000 80,000 80,000 80,000' 100,000 100,000 120,000 138.000 SHIPPING WEIGHT (Lb) 165 166 172 174 1.74 188 194 206 219 221 250 250 CERTIFIED TEMP RISE RANGE ('F) 30-60 15-45 45-75 30-60 20-50 40-70 30-60 20-50 45-75` 30-60 40-70 50-80 CERTIFIED EXT STATIC PRESSURE (In. wc) Heating Cooling 0.10 0.50 1 0.10 0.50 0.12 0.50 0.12 0.50 0.12 0.50 0.f5 0.50 0.15 0.50 0.15 0.50 0.20 0.50 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.50 0.50 1 0.50 AIRFLOW CFM# Heating Cooling 850 895 1125 1215 885 900 1065 1200 1320 1 1'545 1,190 1245 1285 1525 1785 1925 1315' 1570 1690 1720 1 1970 1930 2000 1 1990 LIMIT CONTROL SPST HEATING BLOWER CONTROL (Off Delay) Selectable 90, 120, 150, or 180 sec BURNERS (Monoport) 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 3 1 4 14 4 1 5 1 5 1 6 1 6 GAS CONNECTION SIZE 1/2 -in. NPT GAS VALVE (Redundant) Manufacturer White -Rodgers Minimum Inlet Pressure (in. wc) 4.5 (Natural Gas) Maximum Inlet Pressure (In. wc) 13.6 (Natural Gas) IGNITION DEVICE . Hot Surface Capacity in accordance with U.S. Government DOE test procedures. 1 Gas input ratings are certified for elevations 102000 ft..For elevations above 200011, reduce ratings 2% for each 1000 ftabove sea level. In Canada, aerate the and 5%jor elevation's 2000 to 4500 it above sea level. ; Airflow snown is for. bottom only return -air supply. For air delivery above 1800 CFM, see Air Delivery table for other options. A filter is required for eacn return air supply. iCS-Isolated Combustion System Performance data a UNIT SIZE 040-08 040A2 060-08 060-12 060-16 080-12 080-16 080-20 100-16 100-20 120-20 140-20 DIRECT -DRIVE MOTOR Hp (PSC) 1/5 113 1/5 1/3 1/2 1/3 1/2 3/4 112 3/4 3/4 3:4 MOTOR FULL LOAD AMPS 4.9 5.8 4c9 5.8 7:9 5:8 7.9 11.1 7.9 11.1 11.1 11 1 RPM (Nominal) - SPEEDS 11 0 7 5-311 07 5--411 0 7 5-3I 1075-4 BLOWER WHEEL DIAMETER X WIDTH (In.) 10 x Q 1 10 x 7 110 x 6 1 10 x 7 1 11 x•8 1 10 x 7 1 11 x 8111 x 101 11 x 8 111 x 1.0 11 x 10 1 1 A 10 FILTER SIZE (In.) - (Washable) (1) 16 x 25 x 1 (1) 20 x 25 x 1 (1) 24 x 25 x ! rJv-rermanern apnt vapacnur EFFICIENCY UNIT SIZE 040.08 040_-1.2 060-06 060-12 060-16 080-12 080-16 080-20 100-16 1.00-20 1.20-20 1.40-20 CAPACITY* Nonweatherized ICS 37;000 37,000 56.000 56;000 56,000 74000 74;000 74;000 93,000 91000 112.000 127.000 Upflow/Horizontal 92.1 92.1 92.1 92.1 92.1 92.1 92.1 92.1 92.1 92.1. 92.1 92'.1 92.0 AFUE%0 Downftow 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 9,1.0 91.0 910 - Capacity and AFUE in accordance with U.S. Government DOE test procedures. ICS -Isolated Combustion System Nationwide Energy Documentation Title 24 Data, Corp. 633 Monterey Trail P.O. Bo: 2199 Frazier Park, Ca. 93225.2199 (800)237-8824 Product Data Nationwide Energy Documentatit?n Title 24 Data, Corp. 633 Monterey Trail P.Q. Box 2199 Puron,razFier Park, Ca. 93225-2199 ; (800) 237-8824 "' 38ESG (60 Hz) Air conditioner with Puron® Refrigerant Sizes 024 thru 060 Model 38ESG Energy -Efficient Air Conditioner incorporates innovative technology to provide quiet, reliable cooling performance. Built into these units are the features most desired by homeowners today, including SEER ratings of up to 15.0 when used with specific Carrier indoor sections, The 38ESG family has been designed utilizing Carrier's Puron@ refrigerant. This environmentally sound refrigerant allows you to make a responsible decision in the protection of the earth's ozone layer. All models are listed with UL (U.S. and Canada), ARI and CEC. The 38ESG meets the Energy Star® guidelines for energy efficiency.. FEATURES/BENEFITS Electrical Range —All units are offered in single phase 208/230v. Wide Range of Sizes — Available in nominal sizes from 024 through 060 to meet the needs of residential and light commercial applications. Puron Environmentally Sound Refrigerant — Puron is Carrier's brand name for a refrigerant designed to help protect the environment. R-22, the most commonly used refrigerant in home cooling systems today, is scheduled for future phase-out by the government because it contains chlorine, which harms the earth's protective ozone layer. Puron is an HFC refrigerant that does not contain. chlorine, which means it does not harm the ozone layer. Carrier air conditioners with Puron refrigerant are . now in service in thousands of applications providing highly reliable, environmentally sound performance. For specific R-22 refrigerant phase-out information, see your Carrier distributor. Copyright 2003 Carrier Corporation Form 38ESG-1 PD 00 M AIR IN N AIR IN —� 3/e -IN. DW TIEDOWN KNOCKOUTS (2) PLACES AIR.DISCHARGE I E 1 Nationwide Energy Documentation Title 24 Data, Corp. 633 Monterey Trail P.O. Box 2199: Frazier Park, Ca. 93225-2199 (800)237-8824 -Aso AIR DISCHARGE AIR DISCHARGE FIELD POWER SUPPLY CONN Q 7/e -IN. DIA#HOLE WITH ° 1 VB -INDIA KNOCKOUT AND 1 3/B -IN. DIA. KNOCKOUT J E- K AIR IN FIELD CONTROL SUPPLY L 1 CONN /e-IN.DU1 B �a{Y HOLE 9/e -IN: DIA LIQUID LANE CONN o I—�p 2 %' C D DIA VAPOR LINE.CONN -J IA' NOTES: 1. Allow 30 in. clearance to service side of unit, 48 in. above unit, 6 in. on one side, 12 in. onremaining side, and 24 in. between units for proper airflow. 2. Minimum outdoor operating ambient in cooling mode is 55°F, max.125'F. 3. Series designation is the 13th position of the unit model number. 4. Center of gravity S. DIMENSIONS (IN.) A023M UNIT SIZE SERIES A B C D E F G H J K L M N P MINIMUM MOUNTING -PAD DIMENSIONS 4 024 30 30 33-15/16 3-3/16 5/e 6-1/2 23-1/2 27-1/4 29-3/4 20 27-1/16 29-9/16 15-1/2 14-3/4 13 30 x'30 030 30 30 33.15/16 3-1/4 3/4 6-1/2 23-1%2 27-1/4 29-3/4 20 27-1/16 294/16 15-1/2 14-3/4 13 30x30 036 30 30 33-15/16 3-1/4 3/4 6-1/2 23'•1/2 27-1/4 29-3/4 20 27-1/16 29-9/16 15-1/2 14-3/4 13 30 x 30 042 30 30 33-15/16 3-1/4 7/8 6-1/2 23-1/2 27-1/4 29-3/4 20 27-1/16 29-9/16 15.1/2 14-3/4 13 30 x 30 048 30 30 69-15/16 34/4 7/8 6-1/2 23-1/2 27-1/4 29-3/4 20 27-1/16 29-9/16 15-1/2 14-3/4 14-1/2 30 x 30 060 30 30 43-15/16 3-1/4 7/8 6-1/2 23-1/2 27-1/4 29-3/4 20 1 27-1/16 29-9/16 15-1/2 143/4 15 30 x 30 Electrical data UNIT SIZE -SERIES V/PH OPER VOLTS* COMPRESSOR LRA I RLA FAN FLA MCA 60•C MIN WIRE SIZEt 75°C MIN WIRE SIZEt 60•C 75•C MAX MAX LENGTHLENGTH (Ft)# (Ft)* MAX FUSE** OR. CKT BKR AMPS, Max Min 024-30 208/2301 253. 1 187 61.0 13.5 0.8 17.7 14 1.4 45 43 25 030-30 72.5 14.7 0.8 192 14 14 41 39 30 036-30 83.0 '15.4 1'..1 20.4 12 12 60 57 30 042-9 105.0 18:6 1.1 24.4 10 10 81 77 40 04830 1,09.0 20.5 1.4 27.0' 10 10 74 70 40 060.30 145.0 26.9 1.4 35.0 8 8 86 82 60 Permissible limits of the voltage range at which.unit will operate satisfactorily. Operation outside these limits may result in unit failure. t It wire is applied at ambient greater than 30°C (86°F), consult Table 3.10-16 of the NEC (ANSUNFPA 70). The ampacity, of nonmetallic -sheathed cable (NM), trade name ROMEX, shall be that of 60°C (140'F) conductors, per the NEC (ANSI/NEPA 70) Article 336-26. If other than unooated (non -plated), 60° or 75•C (140° or 167°F) insulation, copper wire (solid wire for tO AWG and smaller, stranded wire for larger than 10 AWG) is used, consult applicable tables of the NEC (ANSI/NFPA 70). $ Length shown Is as measured 1 way along wire path between the unit and service panel for a voltage drop not to exceed' 2%. Time -delay fuse. FLA - Full Load Amps LRA - Locked Rotor Amps MCA - Minimum Circuit Amps RLA - Rated Load Amps NOTES: L. Control circuit is 24v on all units and requires external power source. 2. Copper wire must be used from service disoonnecfto unit. 3. All motors/compressors contain Internal overload protection. Sound power (dBA) (A -WTD, with out pure tone penalty) UNIT SIZE Sound Level (dBA) 125 250 OCTAVE BAND FREQUENCY (Hz) 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 024-30 75 53.5 60.0 65.5 70.0 66.0 58.5 51.5 030-30 76 54.5 61.5 615 67.5 67.0 59.0 55.0 03640 76 53.5 60.5 65.0 68.0 63.5 58.5 51.5 042=30 77 54.5 63.5 68.0 70.5 65.5 59.5 52.0 048-30 78 57.0 65:0 68.5 72.0 68.0 65.0 60.0 060-30 78 55.0 64.0 68.5 72.0 68.0 65.5 60.0 Not Iisted'In. ARI; however, tested in accordance with ARI Standard 270-95. Nati'onv&ide Energy Documentation. Title 24 Data, Corp. r 633 Monterey Trail P.O. Box 2.199 Frazier Park, Ca. 93225-2199 (800)237-8824 Physical data UNIT SIZE -SERIES 02440 030-0 036-30 042-30 048-30 060.30 OPERATING WEIGHT Lb 209 209 225 225 245 293 COMPRESSOR Manufacturer Copeland Type Scroll REFRIGERANT Puron Control AccuRaterS (Bypass Type) Charge Lb 0 15 Ft 9.50 10.00 10450 1 11.00 12.00 15.00 CONDENSER FAN Propeller Type, Direct Drive Air Discharge Vertical Air Qty (CFM) 2400 2400 2800 2800 3400 3400 Motor HP 1/8 1/8 1/5 1/5 1/4 1/4 Motor RPM 825 825 825 825 11.00 1100 CONDENSER COIL Copper Tube, Aluminum Plate Fin Face Area (Sq ft) 18.49 18A9 1'8A9 18.49 22:19 24.66 Fins per In. 20 20 20 20 22.5 22.5 Rows 2 2 2 2 2 2 Circuits 4 4 4 4 4 5 VALVE CONNECT. (In. ID) Sweat Vapor 5/8 3/4 3/4 1 7/8 7/8 1-7/8 Liquid 318 REFRIGTUBES* (in. 00) Vapor (0-60 Ft Tube Length) 5/8 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 1-1/8 Vapor (Max Diameter for Long -Line Applications) 3/4 7/8 7/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 Liquid (0-60 Ft Tube Length) 3/8 Liquid For Lon -Line Applications). 3/8 For tubing sets greater than 50 it or 20 it vertical differential, consult Residential Split. System Long Line Application Guideline and Service Manual. NOTE:. See unit Installation Instructions for proper installation. CHARGING SUBCOOLING (TXV-TYPE EXPANSION DEVICE*) REQUIRED 024-M 12 03030 12 036-30 12 04230 1-2 04830 12 06030 12 *Must be a Puron approved hard shutoff TXV. Nationwide Energy'Documentation Title 24 Data, Corp. 633 Monterey Trail P.O. Box 2199 r' Frazier Park, Ca. 93225-21.99 (800)237-8824 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL (Page 1 of 5) C&M Project Title Date MOM PM Project Address Documentation Author Telephone P e:L, CoNsnu cn orJ J N L , IUD . x32 Zo 2-4 Compliance Method (Prescriptive) Climate Zone Alternative Component Package Method: (check one) C D D (Alternative) Package C and Package D -choices require HERS rater field verification and/or diagnostic testing (see CF -1R page 3) For Package D Alternative see Appendix B Table 151-C Footnotes 8-14 in the. Residential Compliance Manual (RCM) GENERAL INFORMATION Total Conditioned Floor Area (CFA) fl. Average Ceiling Height: ft. Check Applicable Boxes Building Type: (check one or more) Single Family Multifamily Addition Alteration (If adding fenestration fill -out WS -4R, Fenestration Maximum Allowed Area Worksheet and see Section 8.3.2 for Additions and 8.3.3 for Alterations in the RCM.) • Maximum Allowed Total Fenestration Area f) (from WS -4R), • Maximum Allowed West Facing Fenestration Area fl? (from WS4R) • Number of Stories: Number of Dwelling Units: • Floor Construction Type Slab/Raised Floor (circle one, or both) • Front Orientation: North / South / East / West: All Orientations (input.front orientation in degrees from True North and circle one). O RADIANT BARRIER (check box if required in climate zones 2.4.8-15). OPAQUE SURFACES INCLUDING OPAQUE DOORS Component Type (Wall, Roof, Floor, Slab Edge, Doors) Frame Type Cavity (Wood or Insulation Metal) R -Value Assembly U- factor (for wood, Continuous metal frame and Insulation mass R -Value assemblies '1 Joint Appendix IV Reference RooEy ant; Bane Installed "� .Yes ;or No = °.: Location Comments (attic, garage, ical, etc: 1) See Joint Appendix IV in Section 1V.2,1V.3„and 1VA, Which is the basis for the U -factor criterion. U -factors -cannot exceed prescriptive value to show equivalence to R -values. 2) This column is for the, Inspector'to verify installation of.roof radiant barrier. Residential Compliance Forms December 2005 Sep 04 08 04:350 AUG -29-2008 =R1 01:08 PIA I PutnAl Cons,lruction FAX RD. 780 324 94.80 p2 P. 0'03/003 FM4MZ'3tATION PRODUCT'S — IJ -FACTOR AND SHG ✓ 0 FM4BS7' LION MAXMIUM ALLOWED AREA WORKSFIBET WS-4R—mustbe included for NeW Construction, Additits, and Aheratione. Fear shadon NTypefty. (Front, Orion Lest, Rear, Right, 'talion, S G N S.F. W' Btterior ShadkwWoverhangss'r Area TJ -factor SHGC ✓ box if WS :3R it U -factor, Sotube SEGO' Sources included Distribution Type gad Locatilon Dut t orPiping Thermostat Configuration ducts em: - R -Value Type tit or - N MC Z ( o N . D .o v D . E3 .o 13 o 1) Skylights are now inchtded' in West -facing fenestration area if the akylighMve tilted to the w M or:tilted is say dhwAiozwbea the phehiS'leastthaa 1:12. See $151('.)3C and imSwdon3.2.3 of the ResidmtialMaaual. 2) Enter vabes is this cohttna from either NFRC Cerfifted Label or from Standard's Default Table I.16 -A. 3) Lndicate source either from MC or Table, 116-A;, 4) Enter vahm in t'hb cob ma •fmm NFRC.or, from Staoda✓rd.s De6snit' Tablc 1168 or a4uated SHGC A= W S -3R- 5) Indicate saarce either from NFRC, Table 1,168 or WS -3R 6) Shading Devices are defined is Table 3-3 in the Residenfidl Manual: aad see WS -M to calculate 5ft for Shading devices. 7) Ser SeMon'3.2.4 in the Residential Manual HVAC SYSTRMS Reating EquTmW Typo U d,Capacity Mulm bxbtpuxoh bow, sea ildWrmim 13fcienay an"B Dt iM Distribution Type gad Locatilon Dut t orPiping Thermostat Configuration ducts em: - R -Value Type tit or Thermostat Confvn ion alit or 1s e �Ceoihw .o v Cooling Equipment Type and Capacky (AJC,Iaatptupp, &mp• Minimum Ef ffeiAncy Distribution (SM or Type sad Location JE etc Dtict cr?%ftg R Value Thermostat Confvn ion alit or 1s e �Ceoihw .o v ,Residential Compliance Pomt Decewbs r 2005 Sep 02 08 04:23p EDWARD'S PLUMBING, INC. AUG-il2mrR0 jj4d jna. Ptrnel Cons.truc•t°ion *:0.. Ekxc 109 Patin Desert, CA 9=81-0189 calk -iT8�1011Phone. CERTMCATE of COAVIIANC) ��HAL3D DQand KVs (or Ahanative,Mea A shated CF' -4R Form must be provided to the tauld 0 Sealed Duata all climate zoites tallier. 0 TXVs, readily accee®ble (comate zones 2 Qyg!L1W testing and cmniScaton =A,HE ❑ Regoigerant C harge.(olimato zones 2 and 8 vtsrifica4ort i OR 7608371828 p.2 FAX ND. 7,30 3,24 9480 P- 004A04 ge 3 of S) CF -IR ,cots for each home and ceniftutiou and we required. ❑ : Aloenfative m°Sealed'"Dente acct' Rofrigetpnt Charge /17i Vs (See Package D Alternative !`Wags Features fbr pro' Climate Zone in the RM A eWk B'Tabie 151-0 Footnotes 7-14, OR �a Tank (kW ac AW O No ducts installed. ❑ New ducts from existing ace canditionize egubmentnot aw@ding 4011. in l For additions and alterations, dun systems mat are not doenmented to have been previously sealed as confirmed !D lkmWh field verification and diagnostic testing is w4oMance with procedures in the.Residetitid ACM b0zatal. Duct systeams with snore tbon 40 linear Ewt in unco"dowA spaces shall nzat•the zequirameub of Section 150(m) Water Heater and duct iA$1Wonv9q3#Ments ofPadne D. SYSTEMS I ID( I Check box if aystem.rneets caitetia of a "Standard" system Standard system is cne gas-fired water heater per dwelling tutu. If to Water heater is a Stamm tvae. 50 gams is the mnirnum cemoty and reeircniatiaa systmn is not allowed. I 0, Check boa whet Wft,PtespprovedAlternative Water Heatingtable, Table "inChspler5,inftResidential MstmaL. No vrater heating calculadow we xNuked,and *a wmm c lies: W":vatioally, Check box if spatem does no meet coterie, of "Stsadszd".system, and does not comply with lite Aupproved ❑ Alteamative Water Heating table. In this case, the: Perfounance Meftd must be used and must be included in the submittal. [l lCheaboxtovetfthat a time cottaol is reguired for a techadating system vuedofor s system se ttlttllti lc traits Svstemt saving eine& dwal""a nnito Peas 11M Tahla S:d A!ta. iw W�11.m:..w e...a..... R... *—.1m:.......,..;.e.. —dA aysum semngmainnre aweutne oma mae s:agna®xat Wetac);ioatar eType Distribution Ruled �a Tank (kW ac AW l�aergy Steadbyt Loss Tank Iopntt Tangy Factor' orExternal Water Heater Distniritica Wumber CXW or capacity Zb=d Standby' Issuiadon T e/Fuel 7 e in .S m e BM Loss °/. R Value e 3 aysum semngmainnre aweutne oma mae s:agna®xat Wetac);ioatar eType Distribution Number, io: �a Tank (kW ac AW Boa Factor oarEuteaasl CapWitY Thermsl aju Efftcl Steadbyt Loss Tack basu]a an It -Value A For sd7atl'•gae storage xatar heaters (sated sopuls of lees t>:an or equal to 75,Ot10,Atulbr), deebrio xeei stele, end heat pump water he&wM list E=v Pastor. FQr Istge pu atocase water, seated (rated input of poaler Qua 75,Wo Hmlhr), list Aatedleput, Recovery Effa:iesey,.7bertns1 Effisiencya and Simm6y Loss. for igatentemous gee water; beaters, Hsi hated Input and R'banmtl E$raisneiea. 1110 JUSU UD (kiteh= nines >_ 3/4 inches) All hot water pipes from the ItWng eo`aoe to the kitchen fixtures that are % ftucbm or greatarin di Teter shall be thectaetly insulated as Vectfied'by Seddon 150 0) 2 A or 130.0)2B. I1Cesiefent+al Compi'taneaFormu DaceorberZ00� CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Project Title 4r=t.1 D L—et2— (Page,4'of 5) CF -1R Date Indicate which special features are parts of this project. The list below only represents special features relevant to the prescriptive method. Ulleck ADVIicable boxes Category Building Official Verification of Special Features HERS Rater Verification HERS',Rater Diagnostic Testing Measure Ducts ❑ 1001% of ducts in crawlspaceibasement. ❑ �;� Y Buried ducts ❑ Y Diagnostic supply duct location, surface area, and R -value ❑ Y Dud increased R -value ❑ - s : � Y Duct leakage ❑ Ducts in attic with radiant barriers ❑Y INUM Less than 12 ft. of dud Pa outside conditioned space ❑ Y Non-standard dudilocation ❑1 Supply registers within two ft of floor Envelope ❑ W,„I'S` Air retarding wrap, ❑ '� Cool roof ❑ . �. Y _ Exterior shades ❑ High thennal.mass ❑ NSA~ Inter -zone ventilation ❑ - Metal framed walls ❑ q Y,•r Non -default vent heights ❑ Y Quality insulation installation ❑MW ",`M Radiant barrier ❑ ''t Y Reduced. infiltration (blower door). May also require.mechanical ventilation. ❑ Solar gaintargeting (for sunspaces) ❑ Sunspace.with interzone surfaces ❑ a W110” Vent area greater than 1 0% 13 HVAC Equipment ❑ Y Adequate air flow. ❑r" Y Air conditioner size ❑ Y Air handier fan power ❑ Y High EER ❑ Y Via. Hydronic heating systems ❑ * x� . Y Mechanical ventilation ❑ Y Refrigerant charge ❑ ❑_ j . zx:. Y Thermostatic expansion valve,(TXV) Zonal control Water Heater ❑ h Combined hydronic ❑ t Y., High'EF for existing water heaters ❑ � Non-NAECAwater heater ❑ t Non-standard water heaters (wh/unit) ❑ " . Water heater distribution credits Residential Compliance Forms December 2005 Aug 29 08 01:15p Oscar W. McGraw AUG -19-1U08 FRI U1:1U RM Purnel Construction 310-456-8004 FAX No. 100 324 9480 p.2 P. 001/001 CERTIYr'iCAT'E OF l.QNWLIANCE: RLSMENT14L e s of Puojeat-ride H'?f bueI2_ Date tedd arks This eea flem of cmgrliaace lim the building &alum ad specifications needed to mc*y with Tide 24,. Parte i and 6 of the CoRtwab Code of Reguladons, and the admioistnrtive regulatiom to imple=t them. Ibis eerd&ate has been signed by the individual with overall design respoodbility. IV undersignod recognizes. that eomp4aaee using dwsdesigp, dud sealing, waifiaadon-ofrefiigerant charge and TRVsy hwaUtiion installation quality, and.bmIdieg envehVe sealing n quiet installer tooting and od:Waat m sod field raz5catiao by m approved Hm m1m Air or Vwaer &a D==u mdPbofeeeioos code) Documentation Author N=C O.6C*W- M'- &f1 -ASN N W -AY PU RN Er 'tlaelt = t rr= hDe6 TWIM. 6T9x 1v4 Addm. 21-41 PActFt& CD/kST "I arc tpo-1,6,36 UtA M 1 T PIZ- E %it OT C vtzA1. CtzY, LAr Z2_i! T'W'�3to • q5 to •34 b 3 T` *1 - a7.4- 2 r V'` W ` 't (dm) (tins) Rn6dmdai Co mplionee Fort December 1003