PP 1986-021Department of Caunaity Development 78-105 Gallo Not"o La Quist&, a 92253 JOziCI OF Eax"ia 20: Secretary for lesouroes 1h16 Ninth Streot, loan 1311 Saorasento, California 9581k County Clerk County of Riverside P. O. Boot 431 Riverside, M 92502 P"Joat Title: _Precise Plan No. Project Location-speaifio: Projoat Locatiowtity: Le Ouinta, CA 92253 Description of Nature, lorposo and Nesefieiaries of "oat$ Construct Single -Family Dwelling Base of Public icy Approving Project: _ La Quint& Plarnzim Departnent Naso of Person or icy Carrying Out Ibmpt Status: (Cheat One) Kinisterial (Seo. 15073) Declared Naergenay (Sec. 15M(a) ) �_Categorioal Exemption. State Type and Section Nmber: 15303, Class 3 _Other , lessons *y project is exempt: Cbnstructicn of cne single-family- house in an urbanized area; a site within a subdivided area and is serviced by paved road and utilities. Contact Person: