PP 1980-159CITY OF LA QOINTA Department of Community Development 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 NOTICE OF EXEMION TO: Secretary for Resources 1416 Ninth Street, Room 1311 Sacramento, California 95814 County Clerk County of )?IVEL'S L7E P0, $0X q31 121 VF-P-5ISLE, CR. 9 Z 5-0'-7 Project Title: pieEc_is 1. P/ +A1 /1/O, 97— �S Project Location -Specific: .5-Y-66-5- 0 i,4 Z. Pro j eat Location -City: L A Q U /N iR , C +, 9 2 2 s3 Description of Nature, Purpose and Beneficiaries of Project: CO/VS7-RucT S/NG C/6-- FA /SIL y PWEL L /A/(:S,, Name of Public Agency Approving Pro j set: L A Qui A/) A 17/ A AINIM6 COMM /55 /UN Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Pro j eat: OE S E 2 -6 4,g o,, r� Exempt Status: (Check One) Ministerial (Sec. 15073) Declared Emergency (Sec. 15071(a) ) 4�Cstegorical Exemption. State Type and Section Number: 15303 CLASS 3 Other Reasons why project is exempt: C0/V5TfUC i /)N Oj ONIF 51AI&LE F_ y NO U S I= 11�/ A lV cl � nAAl )_2 A lz_ C/-9 A 5" / iG V /i 7-1y /n/ A S'"80ivin e:n ARF -A Ani0 /S SC2Vir-E-1 Oy PAYr/2 20AD5 SND Contact Person: iCIcR4ttO L. RC -A -' i2 -)L-( 614 ) _56Y-ZZY6 -Z 4-'`f Area Code Telephone Ext. Signature Title