374762 (SFD) Truss CalcsTRUSS DIVISION THE A.C. HOUSTON * LUMBER Co 'Lumbermen Since 1884- 83-490 Indio Boulevard .Indio, California 92201/(619) 347-9754 HOUSTON LUMBER CO. INDIO, CA GTI U.B.C: STANDARD; 25-17 Q SECT. 25.1738&39 NER-275 (:QUALITY, :AUDITED BY TIMBER PROD -OCT") INSPECTION, INC. CONTRACTOR.:�� �X % JOB 'NAME: JOB ADDRESS: HYDRD,AIR' .O b. 733.1 A twa �w+oi(A7�77 i {!Oq 7tS3073 a PDQ S.T-7 SSI CONNECTOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS:- BOCA 86-93 HUD/FHA TCB 17.08 Ic8o 1591 SBCCi 8712 Wtcrrntt "R a7nndn nl TOTAL LOAD DEF O JOINT 4 = 0.130- L/DEF=999 Lre 163.0 REC CMBR= 0.17" TOTAL LOAD HOR DEF = 0.000" 12 4.00 2 4X4 — 12 Q 4.00 5X6 — 4 UBR FORCE IBR FORCE 2— 4 305 a_ 0 f WBR FORCE LUMBER S.,L_UT I ON TOP 2X4 DF—L 11. BOT 2X4 DF—L 1. WEB 2X4 DF—L 3. ENG VER:3.200 DATE 5/ 9/91 JOB ID DH14TH SHEET OF t Cont. 1X4 Loterol Breg—No1:I r/2 -8d Com 0/A SPAN.14—, 0— .0 (FT. INCHES. 16THS) SCALE= 0.375/1'.0 hANOLING AND ERECTION r•an�t.ng and Enteron are not the tespons•Dihy of the designer nr me Date manufacture Tn;sses are to be hancled wan part tear care during band.nq a"lot Duna.nq. delivery and ns:anahon to a.oie elan a;e. Temporary and-errnanentbracing for horC.nq trusses in a atra.ghl and pturnb posit .On. and lot res.sung lateral laic*$ Shad be o..igned end irstaued by otht tS. •Careful andtnq is essential and electron bracing is aI-sys re^.cued. Normal precautionary act -On let tnrsse$ r4l0vires such temporarybraanq durng uls:altatron between trusses to a.ad IopplY.q and oomw". . Tne wxnrsron of electron of trusses Shan be under the control Of berSons C.";enc ed n me ins :at:anon of trusses Prates• s•o'at ad.ica shad be sought.? needed . ConC.ntratol at Construeton lo.o$ greater than Inc de S.qn loads Shan not W apol•td to trusses at any trine. NO IOads other tan Ine w.ignt or Int hectors shall be applied Ie trusses until 098 a0 I►stsniNg and DtaCng .S completed. DESIGN INFORMATION Des•gn mnee:s ..in the la:est te,,is.on of: Natonat Des.gn Spee - trcatron For Stress Grace Lumber and Its Fasten✓+Ss. oI tnt National Forest Products ASsoeial.on. and Design $pec.f.ca- tans lot Lrgnl Metal Pate Connected Wood Trusses. 01 11-e Truss Pate Inftrlule ITPII. NOTE 1 Connector, plates Sall be located on bath laces of Int truss with nits properly imbecoed and shall be $ymmett.eat about the jo.n1 uNtss other-rs* shown. . 2.AII braCng and electron itCOmmenCal.orlf are to be Iona -ed in accordance ..In bracing of vood-trusses E%VT 76 of TPI. .7.1f an ,nOnridval trussed una Ie h fres more than one truss. trusses shall be fabricated as a separate un.L then a.led or boil CC logever as noted, a.Tne oes.gn assvrnes compression chaos Itop or bottom) are Continuously braced by aheatr a g. Where bottom ehabs an tension art not Ivry braced by a propery, ap0e•to Irq.d ced.nq. they shoule be mated at a mai.mum spaeng d 10. 0" o e. MATERIALS AND FABRICATION • 9 r kit kit n I t r t Oti t e to Pates snag not Dt ns•a e. a e e s o d s o d n S,30%. rn . Meptrs shin I De Cul 0r 1p t f.tt.n q -ooe to wood bea•nq. •PatecettterWnes and pent centerines s+aD eo.ncroe e.teW as Otherw.se sho-n. •DOuDr cuts on wa mtmptts $ran meet at the centerines of Intw JS un4fs Olntrw.St shown -An m .le,WS art n aCCOrCaMtO -.lh the 3DOI-Cab1e S*C:ron on maler.ats of tnt TPI Des.gn Sxe•f.Cafrons -Fastener Saes Sho-n art aCtual 111410SCluted Saes and eay need tO De Kreased n S.ft for Clina.n hanCIng and/or ertC- bon proce--tes •Camper as SnO..n on INS erawng IS that It:*mr enetd for normal concdrons OI tcadng anc lab.rca:ron Camber may b* rtre Seo at Ira 0;11-0^ 01 he apnC310f or aten.:eCI THE A.C. HOUSTON CUMBER Co. ..turrlbanitn S. -Ce ISS.f' I . 83-4901ndio E:0ulev3fd Indio. Caliro:,ia 522CWjE19)3=7-975f s DES I OR LOAD IBR LEN FORCE IBR LEN ..a2CE TOP LLc:— 32.0 PSF 1— 2 7.08 —2697 3— 4 7.08 2432 TOP DL= '28.0 PSF 2— 3 7.08 —2697 4— 1 7.08 2432 EOT LL= 0.0 PSF BOT DL= 45.0 PSF 1 2 3 OUR OF LOAD INC 1.25 SPACING 12.0 IN 0/C PLATE : HYDRO—AIR �� STANDARD LOAD JT JT LBS SECTION PSF 2 993.0 NONE JT REACT MIN SRG CANT 1 1210. 3.50" 3 1210. 3.50" TOTAL LOAD DEF O JOINT 4 = 0.130- L/DEF=999 Lre 163.0 REC CMBR= 0.17" TOTAL LOAD HOR DEF = 0.000" 12 4.00 2 4X4 — 12 Q 4.00 5X6 — 4 UBR FORCE IBR FORCE 2— 4 305 a_ 0 f WBR FORCE LUMBER S.,L_UT I ON TOP 2X4 DF—L 11. BOT 2X4 DF—L 1. WEB 2X4 DF—L 3. ENG VER:3.200 DATE 5/ 9/91 JOB ID DH14TH SHEET OF t Cont. 1X4 Loterol Breg—No1:I r/2 -8d Com 0/A SPAN.14—, 0— .0 (FT. INCHES. 16THS) SCALE= 0.375/1'.0 hANOLING AND ERECTION r•an�t.ng and Enteron are not the tespons•Dihy of the designer nr me Date manufacture Tn;sses are to be hancled wan part tear care during band.nq a"lot Duna.nq. delivery and ns:anahon to a.oie elan a;e. Temporary and-errnanentbracing for horC.nq trusses in a atra.ghl and pturnb posit .On. and lot res.sung lateral laic*$ Shad be o..igned end irstaued by otht tS. •Careful andtnq is essential and electron bracing is aI-sys re^.cued. Normal precautionary act -On let tnrsse$ r4l0vires such temporarybraanq durng uls:altatron between trusses to a.ad IopplY.q and oomw". . Tne wxnrsron of electron of trusses Shan be under the control Of berSons C.";enc ed n me ins :at:anon of trusses Prates• s•o'at ad.ica shad be sought.? needed . ConC.ntratol at Construeton lo.o$ greater than Inc de S.qn loads Shan not W apol•td to trusses at any trine. NO IOads other tan Ine w.ignt or Int hectors shall be applied Ie trusses until 098 a0 I►stsniNg and DtaCng .S completed. DESIGN INFORMATION Des•gn mnee:s ..in the la:est te,,is.on of: Natonat Des.gn Spee - trcatron For Stress Grace Lumber and Its Fasten✓+Ss. oI tnt National Forest Products ASsoeial.on. and Design $pec.f.ca- tans lot Lrgnl Metal Pate Connected Wood Trusses. 01 11-e Truss Pate Inftrlule ITPII. NOTE 1 Connector, plates Sall be located on bath laces of Int truss with nits properly imbecoed and shall be $ymmett.eat about the jo.n1 uNtss other-rs* shown. . 2.AII braCng and electron itCOmmenCal.orlf are to be Iona -ed in accordance ..In bracing of vood-trusses E%VT 76 of TPI. .7.1f an ,nOnridval trussed una Ie h fres more than one truss. trusses shall be fabricated as a separate un.L then a.led or boil CC logever as noted, a.Tne oes.gn assvrnes compression chaos Itop or bottom) are Continuously braced by aheatr a g. Where bottom ehabs an tension art not Ivry braced by a propery, ap0e•to Irq.d ced.nq. they shoule be mated at a mai.mum spaeng d 10. 0" o e. MATERIALS AND FABRICATION • 9 r kit kit n I t r t Oti t e to Pates snag not Dt ns•a e. a e e s o d s o d n S,30%. rn . Meptrs shin I De Cul 0r 1p t f.tt.n q -ooe to wood bea•nq. •PatecettterWnes and pent centerines s+aD eo.ncroe e.teW as Otherw.se sho-n. •DOuDr cuts on wa mtmptts $ran meet at the centerines of Intw JS un4fs Olntrw.St shown -An m .le,WS art n aCCOrCaMtO -.lh the 3DOI-Cab1e S*C:ron on maler.ats of tnt TPI Des.gn Sxe•f.Cafrons -Fastener Saes Sho-n art aCtual 111410SCluted Saes and eay need tO De Kreased n S.ft for Clina.n hanCIng and/or ertC- bon proce--tes •Camper as SnO..n on INS erawng IS that It:*mr enetd for normal concdrons OI tcadng anc lab.rca:ron Camber may b* rtre Seo at Ira 0;11-0^ 01 he apnC310f or aten.:eCI THE A.C. HOUSTON CUMBER Co. ..turrlbanitn S. -Ce ISS.f' I . 83-4901ndio E:0ulev3fd Indio. Caliro:,ia 522CWjE19)3=7-975f DESIGN LOAD TOP LL= 16.0 PSF TOP DL= 14.0 PSF. BOT LL= . 0.0 PSF BOT DL= 10.0 PSFI +51SF RM=- Of TAM IN AXIAL STRM OLY DUR OF LOAD INC 1.25 SPACING 24.0 IN 0/C NIN-STA)IDM LOAD JT LBS SECTION PSF NONE NONE JT REACT WIN ERG 1 .697. 3.50" 5 697. 3.50" MBR • LEN FORCE 1- 2 4.77 -1549 2- 3 4.72 -1064 3- 4 4.72 -1064 4--.5 4.77 -1549 HER LEN FORCE MSR FORCE MSR FORCE MBR FORCE. LIMBER SOLUTION 5- 6 9.96 1377 2- 6 -395 3- 6 .390 4- 6 .-395 6- 1 9.96 1377 TOP 2X4 DF -L #I, BOT 2X4 OF -L X11, YES 2X4 OF -L #3, 5 3' 4.006; 2 4X4 - 4 V4.00 1 2X4 \ 2X4 / 5 in 3X4 - 3X4 CD In i.. met, CS 5X6 - 6 In Cb b ENG VERs 3.085 DATE 10/23/90 JOB ID GLHH2O SHEET OF ,3 f' 0/gA SPAN 20-1-0- 0 II NN(FF7T, INC HES. I STHS) SCALE= 0.125/1.0 '%t=RUE 3�JORECO� hAhI0LING AND EKCI.ON DESIG,a INFORMATION MATE RIALS Aho FAIINICATION handl.ngan.l Etactw. Otnol the nspa,14II-17 Of deagnsr e nat O•n Spe. Des.gn Masts the lf h atCag at.sl t•..s•On o pr *Notes Shan nut D• nsiv.aW a J 0.•1%16411, •...Iroise u•sw.le m Ina Nale manirl.Ctvn • tcdgn Fol $IIUS G.ace Lurroa/ and Its f all, -1, OI Ina glen aHmOpa analt Do Cul fur lynl 4111ny .%,A lu wuW T:a a1. IO be h+1ow .•m pall,cutar Cate Oaring Dandlnq hdonat Fonts plOau[IS AcfoWt.On and 0•sgn $oae.lrea• D•ar nQ ..._ _ • .. _ _ . • ,Morar Dundt. d.ynr aro.Mlaltat.On to a.ad4ama a nq. t a bons tot I. t Metal pial• CCcnnectao Wwo Tlvtfa. Ot 111. •oU4tanlattnst aro rO.nt Csnleatrlas►hau cuaKCs msC.yl as _- :• a rF tempOl *'V a. Dl aClhg lar hOidnglruf USlna a - eight and pluM4 pos44A and lot 1•uat1t j IVA(al IQ -Cos shall Truss plate nthtYla►Tpll NOtE OIMt..fa Sho+nLJf�%L+•a._.1 •D0.1D1 Cvtf 011 ..v mempsy span meal at W C•nlulnas OI T r -,?!E D. o."ned erb nalaa.4Oy om•rf I Connector Owes shalt D. located on Dorn lac•t at Ind cuss Ina . is.nl•> olnel..ss sho.n d: 1 J� i RH I t I MPI'\ • L � L.1rr Va i bV! � s�+ •Car.tyl h3/dlrlg rl n64m.d aro ar eclron Onenq LL 31.31{ IOr a .ah na if propalq uh0.O4.0 aro shall p• t►mmellY al lDOut •AU m .1.1.3116 aIe n ac CO.O.ACe ..In the appeCaae section on mala.aRplln.TplOasynSp.c.4Cal.On► , aI I'LL= .-wm.BRSirba 4" Iwssea vret 1 rad No1mN q •Q.. yeewtwn I 3Clrat such t.mpoNry DIaC Qum nflalla[.pn peMMn IrvKsf 10 IM IOnlumilstathelwraeshown 2 All Dl1C and U•c1wn.HtOmth•ndslgnf ala t0 W I011w..d •Fast•n•t utas snu.n an actual manufactuted w.s aro end,132 , Fw•tiri. Iij°C GJ0;4Y3.'d a.o.4 topping and*0.^3.ngg naccord�anCe..m D.acrng OlwocatwiMs BwT)6of T➢I Med to Do.M1•asedn a•ls for Carlen hanatusg a1.0101,19C ' •Tn. fypal..tAn Of.t.cl.:n Ol llus,es 0411Ds.ndat Ina Control •,,11 an Ittim"C.al 11.64.4 unit requires W410 "A one II.M. Ilion play allyl of 211 t•a l ft •r"G-r—a �"'O �`I;O•:'$ ��ri. �lZ3lJa 1'.. �+ C, tp•Ison, •Ips n.n;.a n th• n,utupU 01 dvS,H violas• u.s,a, sivll b IaGca44 al a sa,'vrate unit. thn na.4a d •Calhoel as sho.11 un In.s ala+ng .► that ncommanwa Iw nO.mdCorrl.nWro 4110, dcI aW 1•o.calgn CaTj.•I mat t:. f.Crt ai ear<. tnaaG ta..CnIJMSJad ►Cont emutan of CYl,uycWn wads gnsl., Bon IM tl.Ssgn boltiatocal/Vtasnotaa. a Ttw pe,gn &».rhe, CCmp1 a„�On Cror4, IIOp a Lcrlaml an r •'s'^- a 10. ..1..•.. .t p.c lata• c au• a• ,.crt•tKI 106,341nall not be so"ea to lrul64l11 ant [Itn1. COnld%A VV DtaCad DS thaatnaIg When DOltotn chaos In a . -.114f than In, n I ha uaclarf Ihall M appLw n I roll 1 rl a lye (,94 CJ