SBA 1994-276I Dec. 20, 1994 T-iht 4 4Qu&tw MEMORANDUM CASE: SBA 94-276 Location(s) : 45-330 Desert Fox Requests) : Reduce rear yard setback from 5' to 3' for pool/spa, and reduce rear yard setback from 10' to 5''for pool equipment. Your setback adjustment application is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: Conditions: 1. Obtain a building permit from the Building and Safety Department. 2. The other Zoning Code provisions shall be met. 3. If ground excavation is required, please contact Underground Service Alert (USA) at 1-800-422-4133. The service is free of charge provided USA is given at least two working days' notice. 4. Additional Conditions: After review it was determined that: 1. This adjustment is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. There are special circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify approval of the adjustment. These circumstances are: small yard and increase distance from pool to hope. Than y fo your cooperation. Sin rel CITY OF LA OLONT'A om evelopment Department DEC 2 0 RECD Attachments -- - — BUILDING AND SAFETY c: Building and _Saf.ety Department PA i P/L io APPROVE Ntd1PaG & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PY RA SCALE r• e' 0 W. AND NRS. JOHN (Al TOPAZ HOMES 415--330 LA WNTA, GA. (bl9) 341-5699 (619) 340.5521 SUNRISE POOLS PALM CALFO A LX:BW w. '03-556M MRpllt� 9'r na DPAVM RD= mprwrr a ReaaouCTM OR V A M -la LSE Wl 8901 i+ a PROPOTM. r