05-3643 (SFD) Title 24Title 24 Report 2005 CEG Building Energy Efficiency Standards (EnergyPro Beta Version 4.0 submittal) 1 ' Job Name Kelly Desert Development LLC (New Residence) 53-930 Del Gato Drive La Quinta, Ca. 92253 „Prepared For r` Kristi Hanson Architects Inc. 72-185 Painters Path Palm Desert, ca. 92260 760-776-4068 Prepared By Energy Management Services Jack LaFontaine CABEC Certified Energy Analyst R 01-03-262 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONST .UCTION DATE I ofzdos By AUG 1 11111 lDy ENS En'er'gy /Management Services HVAC /Energy Consulting Services 41-485 Adams Street, Unit C — Bermuda Dunes, Ca. 92203 — (760) 360-46311 Fax (760) 360-3074 C20 License No. 315890 — E-mail: freon.iackOverizon.net T24 Reports —HVAC Mechanical Design — Calif Certified HERS Rater — NBI Certified Air Balance Tests — Cabec Certified Energy Analyst 1 ",! � I � I � I I I 1� I � I Note to Plan Checker, Inspectors & Builder Project Name: Kelly Desert Development Job Number: 080305 Project Designer: Kristi Hanson Architects Inc. Software: EnergyPro Beta Version 4.0 (City of La Quinta only) This Building COMPLIES by 11.1 % better than standard. HERS Verification Required Special Features and Modeling Assumptions • Not valid for permit applications submitted on or after 01/23/2006 because energy budget is based on SEER 10. • The roof assemblies include credit for Radiant Barrier installed as per Section 3.3.3 of the residential manual. I HERS Required Verification " • The HVAC Zones I, II & III incorporate HERS -verified Duct Leakage. Target leakage is calculated and documented on the CF -4R. • The HVAC Zone I, IM III incorporate a HERS verified Thermostatic Expansion Valve. Notes • Refer to WS -5R worksheet for Kitchen Lighting Schedule. • Sensible cooling and heating loads are. shown on pages 14, 15 & 16 for the HVAC contractor's information. ENSEnergy Management Services HVAC /Energy Consulting Services 41-485 Adams Street) Unit C - Bermuda Dunes, Ca. 92203 - (760) 360-4631 / Fax (760) 360-3074 C20 License No. 315890 E-mail: freon.iack(&verizon.net T24 Reports — HVAC Mechanical Design — Calif Certified HERS Rater — NBI Certified Air Balance Tests — Cabec Certified Energy Analyst r 1p TITLE 24 REPORT Title 24 Report for: Kelly Desert Development LLC (New Residence) 53-930 Del Gato Drive La Quinta, Ca. 92253 Project Designer: Kristi Hanson Architects Inc. 72-185 Painters Path Palm desert, Ca. 92260 760-776-4068 Report Prepared By: Jack LaFontaine Test Version - Not Valid for Submittals Not a Certified Version , ENERGY MANAGEMENT SERVICES 41-485 ADAMS STREET, UNIT C BERMUDA DUNES, CA 92203-1186 Job Number: 080305 r Date: 8/7/2005 The EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by EnergySoft, LLC - www.energysoft.com. EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft Job Number: 080305 User Number: 0000 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page Table of Contents Form -CF -1 R Certificate of Compliance. Form MF -1 R Mandatory Measures Summary Form WS -5R Residential Kitchen Lighting HVAC System Heating and Cooling Loads Summary Room Load Summary Room Heating Peak Loads Room Cooling Peak Loads 1 2 3 11 13 14 17 20 24 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft j Job Number: 080305 User Number: 0000 Certificate Of Compliance : Residential (Part 1 of 3) 2F-1 R Beta Version O Iry Calculatinns Project Title 53-930 nP1 Cato Drive 1 not Validated a_G?ttinta Not fpr Submittal 8/7/2005 Date Project Address ® ❑ New 09-A6 Zone I Building Permit # lest Versinn - Not Valid for Documentation Author Submittals New n9 -A6 7nne I Telephone Plan Check/Date EnerovPro Compli'grice Method 09-A6 Zone I R -21R-0.-0 0 gn 15 Climate Zone Field Check/Date Source Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance New 09-A6 7nnP I (kBtu/sf-yr) Design Design Margin R-21 _R -0.0_x80 90 Space Heating 1.95 0.97 0.98 ® Space Cooling 61.05 51.17 9.87 Not Valid for permit Fans 8.78 7.73 1.05 09-A6 Znne I Domestic Hot Water 3.62 7.06 -3.43 applications submitted on or Pumps 0.00 0.10 -0.10 after 01/23/06 because Totals 75.40 67.03 8.37 Energy Budget is based on Percent better than Standard: New 09-A6 7nnP I -R-91 R-00 18n 90 11.1% SEER 10. Building Type: [j] Single Family ❑ Multi Family Building Front Orientation: Fuel Type: ❑ Addition ❑ Existing + Add/Alt (South)180 deg Natural Gas Total Conditioned Floor Area: Existing Floor Area: Raised Floor Area: Slab on Grade Area: Fenestration: Average Ceiling Height: Area: 1,517 ft2 Avg. U: 0.31 Number of Dwelling Units: Ratio: 21.4% Avg. SHGC: 0.29 Number of Stories: BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION # of Thermostat Zone Name Floor Area Volume Units Zone Type Type HVA . 7pnp 1 9 96ri 30 57R X39 Conditioned Setbark- HVAC Zone II 3,302 54,483 0.47 Conditioned Sethack HVAC Zone III 1,520 17.480 0.21 Conditioned Setback 7,087 ft2 n/a ft2 0 ft2 7,087 ft2 14.5 ft 1.00 Vent Hgt. Area 2 -nfa n/a _2 n/a OPAQUE SURFACES Insulation Act. Gains Condition Type Frame Area U -Fac. Cay. Cont. Azm. Tilt Y / N Status JA IV Reference Location / Comments 13-38 R -n n 27n 22 ® 1J New 01-A18 Znne I R-30 R-0 0 270 22 ® ❑ New 02-A10 ZoneI R-21 R-0 0 135 90 ® ❑ New 09-A6 Zone I R-21R-nn4rign ® El New n9 -A6 7nne I R-21 R-0.0 90 90 ® ❑New 09-A6 Zone I R -21R-0.-0 0 gn ® E:1 New 09-A6 Znne I _R21 R-0 0 0 ,90 ® ❑ New 09-A6 7nnP I None _R-0 0 n 90 ® ❑New 28-A4 Zone I R-21 _R -0.0_x80 90 ® ❑New 09-A6 Zone I R-21 R-0.0 270 90 ® ❑New 09-A6 Znne I R-21 R -n n 0 90 ® ❑New MAR 7nne I R-21 R-0 0 0 90 ® ❑New 09-A6 Znne I R-21 R-0 0 180 _go ® ❑New 09-A6 Zone I R-21 R-0.0 270 go ® ❑New 09-A6 Zone I R-21 R-0 0 0 90 ® ❑New 09-A6 Zone I R-21 R-0 0 270 go _R_21 R-0 0 x_90 R-21 R_0 0 __ gn ® ® ® ❑ ❑ ❑ New 09-A6 Zone I New 09-A6 7nnel New 09-A6 7nnP I -R-91 R-00 18n 90 ® ❑New MAR 7nneI 09-A6 Zone I R-21 R-0 0 AZO g0 ® ❑New R-21 R-0 0 n go ® E] New_ 09-A6 Zone I R-21 R-0 0 g0 go ® ❑New 09-A6 Zone I 01-A18 Zone 11 R-38 ! R-0.0 gn 99 ® ❑New 02-A10 7nne II R -3n R_00 180 99 ® ❑New R-21 LE 0 180 __q0 ® ❑ New 09-A6 7nne II Run Initiation Time: 08/07/05 14:12:18 Run Code: 1123449138 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page:3 of 29 Certificate Of Compliance : Residential (Part 1 of 3) CF -1 R Beta Version Only Gala/ llationS not Validated Not for Submittal_ 8/7/2005 Date Project Title T 0 ft2 Slab on Grade Area: 53-930 Del Cato Drive 1 aQllinta Average Ceiling Height: 14.5 ft Number of Dwelling Units: Project Address Building Permit # Test Version - Not Valid for Submittals Plan Check/Date Documentation Author Telephone Fn __r�avPro CompliXrfce Method 15 Climate Zone Field Check/Date Source Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance (kBtu/sf-yr) Design Design Margin Space Heating 1.95 0.97 0.98 Space Cooling 61.05 51.17 9.87 Not Valid for permit Fans 8.78 7.73 1.05 . Domestic Hot Water 3.62 7.06 -3.43 applications submitted on or Pumps 0.00 0.10 -0.10 after 01/23/06 because Totals 75.40 67.03 8.37 Energy Budget is based on Percent better than Standard: 11.1% SEER 10. Building Type: Y Single Family ❑ Multi Family Building Front Orientation: Fuel Type: Fenestration: ❑ Addition ❑ Existing + Add/Alt (South)180 deg Natural Gas Area: 1,517 ft2 Avg. U: 0.31 Ratio: 21.4% Avg. SHGC: 0.29 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Zone Name Floor Area Volume OPAQUE SURFACES Insulation Act. Type Frame Area U -Fac. Cay. Cont. Azm. Tilt Wall Wond 258 n n61 R_91 R-0 0 1A0 90 New 09-A6 7nne II Wall Wood 51 0.069 R_21 R-00 1190 gn ®❑New__ 09-A6 Zone II Wall Wood 51 0.069 R-21 R-0.0 270 90 ®❑New 09-A6 Zone II Wall Wnnd 51 0 089 - R_91 R-00 0 90 ® ❑New 09-A6 ZnnP II Wall Wood 51 0069 R_21 R-0.0 8090 ® ❑New 09-A6 Zone II Wall Wood 186 0.069 R_21 R-0 0 180 go ® ❑New 09-A6 Zone II Wall Wood 94 n n69 R-21 R_0 0 315 90 ® ❑New MAR ZnnP II Wall Wood 120 n 069 R_91 R_0 0 0 90 ® ❑New 09-A6 Znne II Wall Wood 119 0069 R_21 R-0.0 45 go ® ❑New 09-A6 Zone 11 Wall Wood Al 0.069 R_21 R-00 315 90 IN [:]New 09-A6 Zone II Wall Mod 121 0 069 R -u R_0 0 _Q 90 ® ❑New 09-A6 ZnnP II Wall Wood 158 n n69 _$_21 R-0 0 45 qQ ® ❑New 09-A6 7nnP II Wall Wood 304 0 069 R_21 R-0 0 90 gn ® ❑ New 09-A6 Zone II Wall Wood 150 0069 _$21 R-0.0 _0 go IN ❑New 09-A6 Zone II Wall Wood 199 0.069 R_21 R-0.0 90 90 ® ❑New 09-A6 Zone II Wall Wood 63 0069 R21 R-0.0 0 go ® ❑New 09-A6 Zone II Rnnf Wond 1 2,96 _n 098-$_38 -$QO x80 99 ® ❑New 01-AlA ZnnP III Roof Wond 224 n 035 R-30 R-0 n 1190 0 ® ❑New 02-A10 Zone III Wall Wond 141 n n69 R_91 R-0 0 0 90 ® ❑New 09-A6 7nne III Wall Wood 40 0069 _R21 R-0.0 0 90 ® ❑New MAR Zone III Wall Wood 156 006q R-91 R-0 0 An 90 ® ❑New 09-A6 Zone III Wall Wood 41 0 069 _$21 R-0.0 135 gQ ® ❑New 09-A6 Zone III Wall Wood 81 0 069 _R21 R-0.0 45 90 ® ❑New MAR Zone III Wall Wand 73 n n69 X21 • R-0 0 Angf) ® ❑ New 09-A6 Zone III Wall Wand 103 n 069 R_91 R-0 0 135 90 ® ❑ New MAR Zone III Run Initiation Time: 08/07/05 14:12:18 Run Code: 1123449138 EnergyPro 4.0 by Energysoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 PageA of 29 I Total Conditioned Floor Area: 7,087 ft2 Existing Floor Area: n/a ft2 Raised Floor Area: 0 ft2 Slab on Grade Area: 7,087 ft2 Average Ceiling Height: 14.5 ft Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Number of Stories: 1 # of Thermostat Vent Units Zone Type Type Hgt. Area Gains Condition Y / N Status i I 1 Certifir,ate Of Compliance : Residential ft2 (Part 1 of 3) CF -1 R Reta version Only_ Calculations Project Title �- not Validated Not for Submittal 8/7/2005 Date 53-930 nel Gato nriye I a Quinta ft2 Average Ceiling Height: 14.5 Project Address Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Building Permit # Test Version - Not Valid Documentation Author for Suhmittals Telephone Plan Check/Date EnergyPro Compiffrice Method 15 Climate Zone Field Check/Date Source Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance (kBtu/sf-yr) Design Design Margin Space Heating 1.95 0.97 0'.98 Space Cooling 61.05 51.17 9.87 Not Valid for permit Fans 8.78 7.73 1.05 Domestic Hot Water 3.62 7.06 -3.43 applications submitted on or Pumps 0.00 0.10 -0.10 after 01/23/06 because Totals 75.40 67.03 8.37 Energy Budget is based on better than Building Type: id Single Family ❑ Multi Family Building Front Orientation: Fuel Type: Fenestration: ❑ Addition ❑ Existing + Add/Alt (South)180 deg Natural Gas Area: 1,517 ft2 Avg. U: 0.31 Ratio: 21.4% Avg. SHGC: 0.29 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Zone Name Floor Area Volume OPAQUE SURFACES Insulation Act. Type Frame Area U -Fac. Cay. Cont. Azm. Tilt Wall Wnnd 73 n o6A R-21 R -n n 180 gQ Wall Wood 164 0 069 R-21 R-0 0 92. gQ Wall Wood 47 0.069 R_21 R-0.0 115 gn Wall Wnnd 91 0 069 R_91 R-0 0 An gn Wall Wood 116 0.069 R_21 R-0.0 180 An Wall Wood 18 0 069 R-21 R-0.0 270 _9.Q Wall Wnnd 36 n n69 R_91 R_n 0 180 gn Wall Wnnd 107 n n69 R-21 R-0 0 27n An Wall Wood 32 0"069 -$_21 R-0.0 n gn Wall Wood 136 n o89 R_21 R-0 0 270 An Wall Wnnd 77 n 089 R-91 R_0 0 ngp Wall Wood 130 n n69 R_91 R-0 0 315 An Wall Wood 50 0"069 R_21 R-0.0 315 gn Wall Wood 72 0.069 R_21 R-0 0 270 90 Wall Wood 93 0 069 R_91 R-0.0 270 An Run Initiation Time: EnergyPro 4.0 by Energysoft User Number: 0000 i Total Conditioned Floor Area: 7,087 ft2 Existing Floor Area: n/a ft2 - Raised Floor Area: 0 ft2 Slab on Grade Area: 7,087 ft2 Average Ceiling Height: 14.5 ft Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Number of Stories: 1 # of Thermostat Vent Units - Zone Type Type Hgt. Area Gains Condition Y / N Status JA IV Reference Location / Comments Job Number: 060305 of 29 1 Certificate Of Compliance : Residential (Part 2 of 3) CF -1 R ' Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for Submittal. 8/7/2005 PERIMETER LOSSES Project Title Date Condition FENESTRATION SURFACES Type Length ' True Cond. Location/ # Type Area LI -Factor" SHGCz Azm. Tilt Stat. Glazing Type Comments New 1 Window Right (Southeast) 55fL 0_300 NERC 0_29 NERC135 _9d New Hurd Primed Wood 7one I None No Insulation 2 Window Right (Southeast) 4.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 135 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone I 3 Window Right (East) 6.8 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 90 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone I New 4 Window Right (East) 6.8 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 90 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone 1 5 Window Front (South) 24.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 180 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone 1 ' 6 Window Front (South) 4.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 180 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone I ' Z Window Left est) 24.0 0_300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 270 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone I 8 Window Left (West) 14.0 0.300 NFRC 0.29 NFRC 270 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone 1 3 Window Left (West) 14.0 0_300 NFRC 0_29NFRC'270 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone I AG Window Rear (North) 40.0 0.300NFRC 0.29 NFRC 0 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone I 11 Window Rear (North) 40.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 0 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone I 12 Window Rear (Northeast) 60.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 45 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone I _U Window Front (South) 4.0 _ 0_300 NFRC _0-29 NFRC 180 _,q0_ New Hurd Primed Wood Zone I 14 Sk,Iight Right (East) 18.0 1.040 116-A 0_63 116-B 90 22 New Sl,liliiht�Default 2005 Non Metaeone II 15 Window Front (South) 55.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 180 90 NewrHG d Primed Wood Zone II 16 Window Front (South) 4.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 180 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II 17 Window Front (South) 55.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 180 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone 11 18 Window Front (South) 4.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 180 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II 19 Window Front (South) 55.0 0_300 _NFRC 0_29NFRC 180 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II 1. Indicate source either from NFRC or Table 116A. 2. Indicate source either from NFRC or Table 116B. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. LExt. RExt. Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 1 Bug Screen 0.76 2 Bug Screen . 0.76 3 Bug Screen 0.76 8 4 Bug Screen 0.76 5 Bug Screen 076 6 Bug Screen 0.76 7 Bug Screen 0.76 8 Bug Screen 0.76 9 Bug Screen 0.76 10 Bug Screen -i _1 0.76 Bug Screen 0.76 12 Bug Screen 0.76 13 Bug Screen 0.76 14 None 1.00 15 Bug Screen 0.76 16 Bug Screen 0.76 17 Bug Screen 0.76 18 Bug Screen 0.76 19 Bug Screen 0.76 THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN Area Thick. Heat Inside Condition Location/ (sf) (in.) Cap. Cond. R -Val. JA IV Reference Status Comments 'Type Concrete, Heavyweight 2.265 3.50 28 0_98 0 26-A1 New Zone I ! Slab on Grade Concrete, Heavyweight 3.302 3.50 28 0.98 0 26-A1 New Zone II / Slab on Grade Concrete, Heavyweight 1.520 3.50 28 0.98 0 26-A1 New Zone III / Slab on Grade ' PERIMETER LOSSES Insulation Condition Location/ Type Length R -Val. Location JA IV Reference Status Comments Perimeter 161 None No Insulation 26-A1 New Zone I 'Slab Slab Perimeter 181 None No Insulation 26-A1 New Zone II Slab Perimeter 189 None No Insulation 26-A1 New Zone III ' Run Initiation Time: 08/07/05 14:12:18 Run Code: 1123449138 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page:6 of 29 Certificate. Of Compliance : Residential (Part 2 of 3) CF -1 R Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for Submittal. Project Title Date 8/7/2005 FENESTRATION SURFACES # Type Area True Cond. U-Factorl SHGC2 Azm. Tilt - Stat. Glazing Type Location/ Comments 2(Q Window Front (South) 4.0 0.300 NERC J129 NFRC 180 __qd New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II 21 Window Left (Northwest)120.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 315 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II 22 Window Left (Northwest) 4.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 315 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II 23 Window Left (Northwest) 4.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 315 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II 24 Window Rear (North) 72.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 0 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II 25 Window Rear (North) 4.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 0 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II .M Window Rear (Northeast)120.0 0.300 NFRC 0.29 NFRC 45 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II 27 Window Left (Northwest) 60.0 0.300 NFRC 0.29 NFRC 315 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II a$ Window Rear (North) 90.0 0.300 NFRC 0.29 NFRC 0 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II 2R Window Right (last) 56.0 0.300 NFRC 0.29 NFRC 90 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II M Window Right (East) 28.1 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 90 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II 31 Window Right (East) 28.1 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 90 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II ,2 Window Right (East) 28.1 0.300 NFRC 0.29 NFRC _90_ -20- New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II 33 Window Right (East) 28.1 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 90 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II 34 Window Right (East) 33.8 0.300 NFRC 0.29NFRC 90 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone II 35 Window Right (Southeast) 40.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 135 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone III 36 Window Rear (Northeast) 60.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 45 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone III 37 Window Right (East) 40.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 90 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone III -3$ Window Right (Soiltheast) 45.0 X30 NFRC -QZ NFRC 135 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone III ® 1. Indicate source either from NFRC or Table 116A. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING # Exterior Shade Type SHGC 2. Indicate source either from NFRC or Table 116B. Window Overhang Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. LExt. Left Fin Right Fin REA Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 20 Bug Screen 0.76 Condition Location/ Type Length R -Val. Location JA IV Reference Status Comments 21 Bug Screen 0.76 22 23 Bug Screen Bug Screen 0.76 0.76 24 Bug Screen 0.76 25 Bug Screen 0.76 26 Bug Screen 0.76 10.0 12.0 13.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 27 Bug Screen 0.76 10.0 6.0 13.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 1 28 Bug Screen 0.76 10.0 9.0 13.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 29 Bug Screen 0.76 7.0 8.0 14.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 30 Bug Screen 0.76 31 Bug Screen 0.76 132 Bug Screen 0.76 33 Bug Screen 0.76 34 Bug Screen 0.76' ` 35 Bug Screen 0.76 36 Bug Screen 0.76 37 Bug Screen 0.76 38 Bug Screen 0.76 THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN Area Thick. Heat Inside Type (so (in.) Cap. Cond. R -Val. JA IV Reference Condition Status Location/ Comments PERIMETER LOSSES Insulation Condition Location/ Type Length R -Val. Location JA IV Reference Status Comments Run Initiation Time: 08/07/05 14:12:18 Run Code: 1123449138 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page:7 of 29 v 1 Certificate Of Compliance : Residential (Part 2 of 3) CF -1 R ' Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for Submittal. 8/7/2005 Project Title Date ' FENESTRATION SURFACES True Cond. Location/ # Type Area U -Factor' SHGCZ Azm. Tilt Stat. Glazing Type Comments ' _39_ Window Front (South) 40.0 0.300 NERG_029 NFRC 180 90_ New Hurd Primed Wood lone III 40 Window Right (Southeast) 24.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 135 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone III Bug Screen ' 41 Window Front (South) 4.5 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 180 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone III 42 Window Left (West] 6.8 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 270 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone III Bug Screen 43 Window Rear (North) 4.5 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 0 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone III 44 Window Rear (North) 24.0 0.300 NFRC 0_29 NFRC 0 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone III Bug Screen ' A5 Window Left (Northwest) 30.0 0_300 NFRC -U-,Q NFRQ 315 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone III 46 Window Left (West) 24.0 0.300 NFRC 0.29 NFRC 270 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone III A7 Window Left (West) 6.8 0_300 NFRC0_29 NFRC 270 90 New Hurd Primed Wood Zone III ' 1. Indicate source either from NFRC or Table 116A. 2. Indicate source either from NFRC or Table 11613. ' INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. LExt. REA Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 39 Bug Screen 0.76 40 Bug Screen 0.76 41 Bug Screen 0.76 ' 42 Bug Screen 0.76 43 Bug Screen 0.76 44 Bug Screen 0.76 45 Bug Screen 0.76 46 Bug Screen 0.76 ' 47 Bug Screen 0.76 THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN Area Thick. Heat Inside Condition Location/ Type (sf) (in.) Cap. Cond. R -Val. JA IV Reference Status Comments PERIMETER LOSSES Insulation Condition Location/ Type Length R -Val. Location JA IV Reference Status Comments Run Initiation Time: 08/07/05 14:12:18 Run Code: 1123449138 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page:8 of 29 � I � I � I � I Certificate Of Compliance : Residential (Part 3 of 3) CF -1 R Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for Submittal. 8/7/2005 Project Title Tank Energy Date HVAC SYSTEMS # in Input Cap. Condition Factor Loss R -Value Heating Minimum Cooling Minimum Condition Thermostat Location Type Eff Type Eff Status Type HVAC Zone I Central Furnace 80% AFUE Split Air Conditioner 13.0 SEER New Setback HVAC Zone II Central Furnace 80% AFUE limit Air 13.0 SEER New Setback HVAC Zone III Central Furnace 80% AFUE �S p i Ipner 13.0 SEER New Setback Conditioner HVAC DISTRIBUTION + Duct Duct Condition Ducts Location Heating Coolinq Location R -Value Status Tested? HVAC Zone I Ducted HVAC Zone II Ducted HVAC Zone III Ducted Ducted Attic Ducted Attic Ducted Attic Hydronic Piping Pipe Pipe Insul. System Name Length Diameter Thick. 4.2 New 4.2 New 42 New Yes Yes Yes Multi -Family Central Water Heating Details Hot Water Pump Hot Water Piping Length (ft) Add 1/2" Control # HP Type In Plenum Outside -Buried Insulation 1 -ti/ r r r 1 For small gas storage (rated input <= 75000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. l iBEC For large gas storage water heaters (rated input > 75000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss�/br19aA480Bj*n01BUHGYf1gEAB1gjrC0llsUltdfltS For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input, and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS CERTIFIED ENERG atieLYST JACK LaFONTAINE R 01-03.262 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. The undersigned recognizes that compliance using duct design, duct sealing, verification of refrigerant charge and TXVs, insulation installation quality, and building envelope sealing require installer testing and certification and field verification by an approved HERS rater. Designer or Owner (per Business & Professions Code) Name: Title/Firm: Address: jn- Telephone: Lie. A.: / R EnforCement+Agency Name: Title/Firm: Address: (date) Documentation Author Name: Title/Firm: `S Telephone: (signature/stamp) - (date) Run Initiation Time: 08/07/05 14:12:18 Run Code: 1123449138 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 ' Page:9 of 29 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Rated Tank Energy Standbyl Tank Insul. Water Heater # in Input Cap. Condition Factor Loss R -Value ' System Name Type Distribution Syst. (Btu/hr) (gal) Status or RE 1 (%) Ext. STATE PRV 75 NRVT1 Small Gas Recirc/Temp 2 75,000 75 New 0.52 n/a n/a Multi -Family Central Water Heating Details Hot Water Pump Hot Water Piping Length (ft) Add 1/2" Control # HP Type In Plenum Outside -Buried Insulation 1 -ti/ r r r 1 For small gas storage (rated input <= 75000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. l iBEC For large gas storage water heaters (rated input > 75000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss�/br19aA480Bj*n01BUHGYf1gEAB1gjrC0llsUltdfltS For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input, and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS CERTIFIED ENERG atieLYST JACK LaFONTAINE R 01-03.262 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. The undersigned recognizes that compliance using duct design, duct sealing, verification of refrigerant charge and TXVs, insulation installation quality, and building envelope sealing require installer testing and certification and field verification by an approved HERS rater. Designer or Owner (per Business & Professions Code) Name: Title/Firm: Address: jn- Telephone: Lie. A.: / R EnforCement+Agency Name: Title/Firm: Address: (date) Documentation Author Name: Title/Firm: `S Telephone: (signature/stamp) - (date) Run Initiation Time: 08/07/05 14:12:18 Run Code: 1123449138 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 ' Page:9 of 29 Certificate Of Compliance : Residential (Addendum) CF -1 R Beta Version Only. Calculations not --Validated. Not for Submittal. 8/7/2005 Project Title Date Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. Plan Field Not Valid for permit applications submitted on or after 01/23/06 because Energy Budget is based on SEER 10. The Roof "R-30 Roof(R.30.2x12.16)5/8gyp" includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 3.3.3 of the Residential Manual. The Roof "R-38 Roof(R.38.2x4.24)5/8gyp" includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 3.3.3 of the Residential Manual. HIGH MASS Design - Verify Thermal Mass: 2265 sgft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Mbr Suite/HaIVUtiVGuest#1 HIGH MASS Design - Verify Thermal Mass: 3302 sgft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Entry/Dng/GrtRm/Kit/Nook/P HIGH MASS Design - Verify Thermal Mass: 1520 sgft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Guest Living HERS Required Verification Items in this section require field testing and/or verification by a certified home energy rater under the supervision of a CEC- approved HERS provider using CEC approved testing and/or verification methods and must be reported on the CF -4R Plan Field installation certificate. The HVAC System "HVAC Zone I" incorporates HERS verified Duct Leakage. Target leakage is calculated and documented on the CF -4R. The HVAC System "HVAC Zone P' incorporates a HERS verified Refrigerant Charge test or a HERS verified Thermostatic Expansion Valve. The HVAC System "HVAC Zone II" incorporates HERS verified Duct Leakage. Target leakage is calculated and documented on the CF -4R. The HVAC System "HVAC Zone II" incorporates a HERS verified Refrigerant Charge test or a HERS verified Thermostatic Expansion Valve. The HVAC System "HVAC Zone IIP' incorporates HERS verified Duct Leakage. Target leakage is calculated and documented on the CF -4R. The HVAC System "HVAC Zone IIP' incorporates a HERS verified Refrigerant Charge test or a HERS verified Thermostatic Expansion Valve. EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Paoe:10 of 29 1 .1. 1 � I � I � I � I � I � I � I � I Mandatory Measures Summary: Residential .(Page 1 of 2) MF -1 R NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (') may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. DESCRIPTION Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes or check N/A if not applicable. N/A DESIGNER ENFORCE - MENT Building Envelope Measures ❑ ❑X ❑ !§ 150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation or equivalent U -factor in metal frame ceiling. ❑ ❑X ❑ § 150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value: ❑X ❑ ❑ f§ 150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U -value in metal frame walls (does not ❑ ❑X ❑ apply to exterior mass walls). ❑ ❑X ❑ § 150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors or equivalent U -factor. ❑X ❑ ❑ § 150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. ❑ ❑X ❑ 1. Masonry and factory -built have: ❑ ❑X ❑ a. closable metal or glass door covering the entire opening of the firebox ❑ ❑x ❑ b. outside air intake with damper an control, flue damper and control ❑ ❑X ❑ 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. ❑ ❑X ❑ § 150(0: Air retarding wrap installed to comply with §151 meets requirements specked in the ACM Residential Manual. ❑X ❑ ❑ § 150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. ❑X ❑ ❑ § 150(1): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than ❑X ❑ ❑ 2.0 perm/inch. ❑ ❑X ❑ § 118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation quality standards. Indicate type and form: ❑ ❑X ❑ § 116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls ❑ ❑X ❑ 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. ❑ X ❑ 2. Fenestration products (except field fabricated) have label with certified U -Factor, certified Solar Heat Gain ❑x ❑ ❑ Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification. El E❑ ❑ 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. ❑ ❑X ❑ Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures § 110-13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Energy Commission. ❑ ❑X ❑ § 150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. ❑ ❑X ❑ § 150(i): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. . ❑ ❑X ❑ § 1500): Water system pipe and tank insulation and cooling systems line insulation. 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation ❑ ❑X ❑ having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. 2. Back-up tanks for solar systems, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external Q ❑ ❑ insulation or R-16 internal insulation. 3. The following piping is insulated according to Table 150-A/B or Equation 150-A Insulation Thickness: First 5 feet of hot and cold water pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculating systems, and entire ❑ ❑X ❑ length of recirculating sections of hot water pipes shall be insulated to Table 150B. Cooling system piping (suction, chilled water, or brine lines), piping insulated between heating source an ❑ ❑X ❑ indirect hot water tank shall be insulated to Table 150-B and Equation 150-A. 4. Steam hydronic heating systems or hot water systems > 15 psi, meet requirements of Table 123-A. ❑x ❑ ❑ 5. Insulation must be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, ❑ ❑X ❑ and wind. 6. Insulation for chilled water piping and refrigerant suction piping includes a vapor retardant or is enclosedt v(❑x { ❑ entirely in conditioned space. 7. Solar water -heating systems/collectors are certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation. Q ❑ ❑ EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page: 11 of 29 , Mandatory Measures Summarv: Residential (Page 2 of 2) MF -1 R NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (') may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. ENFORCE - DESCRIPTION Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes or check N/A if not applicable. N/A DESIGNER MENT Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: (continued) § 150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of the CMC Sections 601, 602, 603, 604, ❑ ❑X ❑ 605, and Standard 6-5; supply -air and return -air ducts and plenums are insulated to a minumum installed level of R-4.2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181A, or UL 181 B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used. 2. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed ❑ ❑X ❑ sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. 3. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive ❑ ❑X ❑ duct tapes unless such a tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. ❑ ® ❑ 4. Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. 5. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operating ❑ ® ❑ dampers. 6. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment X. @1 ❑ maintenance, and wind. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material. ❑ 7. Flexible ducts cannot have porous inner cores. (t' , ` _ / § 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. A thermal efficiency that complies with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations, on-off switch mounted outside of the - ❑ heater, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating and no pilot light. 2. System is installed with: a. At least 36" of pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating. ® ❑ ❑ b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. { X' - ❑ 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. ❑X ❑ ❑ § 115: Gas fired fan -type central furnaces, pool heaters, spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no continuously ❑ ® ❑ burning pilot light. (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliances with pilot < 150 Btu/hr) § 118 (i): Cool Roof material meets specified criteria ❑ ❑X ❑ Lighting Measures §'150(k)1: HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRES OTHER THAN OUTDOOR HID: contain only high efficacy lamps as outlined in Table ❑ ❑X ❑ 150-C, and do not contain a medium screw base socket (E24/E26). Ballasts for lamps 13 Watts or greater are electric and have an output frequency no less than 20 kHz. § 150(k)l: HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRES - OUTDOOR HID: contain only high efficacy lamps as outlined in Table 150-C, hardwired ❑ ® ❑ ballasts and if the ballast is electromagnetic has a medium base socket. § 150(k)2: Permanently'installed luminaires in kitchens shall be high efficacy luminaires. ❑ ❑X ❑ § 150(k)3: Permanently installed luminaires in bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, utility rooms shall be high efficacy luminaires. ❑ ❑X ❑ OR are controlled by an occupant sensor(s) ceritfied to comply with Section 119(d). § 150(k)4: Permanently installed luminaires located other than in kichens, bathrooms, garages, laundtry rooms, and utility rooms ❑ ❑X ❑ shall be high efficacy luminaires (except closets less than 70 It �. § 150(k)5: Luminaires that are recessed into insulated ceilings are approved for zero clearance insulation cover (IC) and are rated LX) ❑ to ASTM E283 and labeled as air tight (AT) to less than 2.0 CFM at 75 Pascals. " § 150(k)6: Luminaires providing outdoor lighting and permanently mounted to a residential building or to other buildings on theXi } ❑ same lot shall be high efficacy luminaires (not including lighting around swimming pools/water features or other Article 680 locations) § 150(k)7: Lighting for parking lots for 8 or more vehicles shall have lighting that complies with Sections 130, 132, and 147. ❑ ❑ ❑ Lighting for parking garages for 8 or more vehicles shall have lighting that complies with Section 130, 131, and 146. § 150(k)8: Permanently installed lighting in the enclosed, non -dwelling spaces of low-rise residential buildings with four or more ❑ ❑ ❑ dwelling units shall be high efficacy luminaires OR are controlled by occupant sensor(s) certified to comply with Section 119(d). EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page: 12 of 29 Residential Kitchen Lighting Worksheet WS -5R Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for Submittal. 8/7/2005 Project Title Date At least 50% of the total rated wattage of permanently installed luminaires in kitchens must be in luminaires that are high efficacy luminaires as defined in Table 150-C. Luminaires that are not high efficacy must be switched separately. Kitchen Lighting Schedule. Provide the following information for all luminaires to be installed in kitchens. High Efficacy Luminaire Type High Efficacy? Watts Quantity Watts Other Watts (1) 18w Compact Fluorescent Triple 4 Pin Yes X No 18.0 x 6 = 108 or 1 ft Fluor Nora NU12-F8T5 Electronic Ballast Yes X1 No 1 8.0 x 15 = 120 or 5w Low Voltage Halogen Cold Strip Yes No X 5.0 x 45 = or 225 Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No I x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Total A: - 228 B: 225 y COMPLIES IF A z B YES ® No ❑ n EnergyPro 4.0 by Energysoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page: 13 of 29 ' r IHVAC'SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY ::1 PROJECT NAME DATE Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for Submittal. 8/7/2005 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC Zone 1 2,265 26.0 of 68.4 of Outside O. 0 cfm Supply Fan 1400 cfm 68.4 of 68.4 of Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM ISensiblel Latent CFM I Sensible 1,226 22,011 3,492 470 25,292 0 2,282 2,335 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,282 1 2,335 26 576 31492 F77;;;2 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION YorkCZB42.PS8C20N100.1400cfm 29,694 7,044 80,000 Total Adjusted System Output29,69a 7,o4a 80,000 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 2 pm Jan 12am Heating Coil res at Time of Heatin h Return Air Ducts 11 Supply Air Ducts 120.6 of ROOMS 70.0 of DOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Cooling Peak 111.0 177.6 OF 77.5 / 64.4 OF 77.5 / 64.5 OF 57.6 156.6 OF O Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 0 cfm Supply Fan Cooling Coil 59.1 / 57.1 of 1400 cfm 52.0% R.H. ROOMS 77.5/64.4 of 76.0 / 63.9 of Return Air Ducts I EnergyPro By EnergySoft User Number: User Job Number: 080305 Paoe:14 of 29 1 IHVACS'YSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for Submittal. 8/7/2005 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC Zone II 3,302 ENGINEERING CHECKS SYSTEM LOAD Number of Systems 2 Heating System Output per System 80,000 Total Output (Stuh) 160,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 48.5 Cooling System Output per System 41,500 Total Output (Btuh) 83,000 Total Output (Tons) 6.9 Total Output (Stuh/sgft) 25.1 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 477.4 Air System CFM per System 1,400 Airflow (cfm) 2,800 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 0.85 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 404.8 Outside Air (%) 0.0 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0.00 Note: values above given at ARI conditions Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts .TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM I Sensible Latent I CFM I Sensible 2,32 43,169 4,725 731 39,873 0 4,476 3,68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,476 3,681 52,122 4,725 —47:235 YorkCZB42.PS8C20N100.1400cfm 61,029 11,724 160,000 Total Adjusted System Output61,029 11,72a 160,000 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 2 pm I I Jan 12 am EATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Heating Peak 26.0 of 68.8 of 68.8 of 122.5 of 0 Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 0 cfm Supply Fan Heating Coil 121.2 of 2800 cfm ROOMS 70.0 of 68.8 of h Return Air Ducts 11 DOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Cooling Peak 111.0 / 77.6 of 77.5 / 63.8 of 77.5 / 63.8 of 57.0 / 55.9 of 40w _4 Supply Air Ducts Outside Air O 0 cfm Supply Fan Cooling Coil 58.5 / 56.5 of 2800 cfm 49.9% R.H. ROOMS 77.5/63.8 of 76.0/63.3OF 71..7 A:. n.. aU 6 I EnergvPro By EnergySoft User Number: User Job Number: 080305 Paoe:15 of 29 1 IHVAC'SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY ' PROJECT NAME Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for Submittal. DATE 8/7/2005 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA 'HVAC Zone III 1,520 ENGINEERING CHECKS SYSTEM LOAD Number of Systems 1 Heating System Output per System 80,000 Total Output (Btuh) 80,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 52.6 Cooling System Output per System 41,500 Total Output (Btuh) 41,500 Total Output (Tons) 3.5 Total Output (Btuh/sqft) 27.3 Total Output (sqf /Ton) 439.5 Air System CFM per System 1,400 Airflow (cfm) 1,400 Airflow (cfm/sqft) 0.92 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 404.8 Outside Air (%) 0.0 Outside Air (cfm/sqft) 0.00 Note: values above given at ARI conditions ' EATING SYSTEM 26.0 of I Sensiblel ' Outside Air I Sensible 0 cfm 2,185 2,169 68.5 of 0 0 'COOLING SYSTEN 0 0 111.0 / 77.6 of ' Outside Air 0 2,1851 0 cfm 77.5/163.9 of EnergyPro By 1 68.5 of 68.5 of 0 Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM I Sensiblel Latent I CFM I Sensible 1,137 21,074 2,607 435 23,498 0 2,185 2,169 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,1851 1 2,169 25,4451 2,6071 1 27,836 YorkCZB42.PS8C20N100.1400cfm 30,320 6,117 80,000 Total Adjusted System Output 30,320 6,117 80,000 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 2 pm Jan 12 am Cream Temperatures at Time of Heatina Peak) 122.2 of Supply Fan Heating Coil 1400 cfm 77.5 / 63.9 of 77.5 / 63.9 of o..a...., n ;. n....a. sratures at Time of Coo 57.1 / 56.0 of Supply Fan Cooling Coil 1400 cfm User Number: User Return Air Ducts Job Number: 080305 Supply Air Ducts 120.8 of ROOMS 70.0 of Supply Air Ducts 58.6 / 56.6 of 50.3% R.H. ROOMS 76.0 / 63.4 of I 6 of 29 I JR001A LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for Submittal. DATE 8/7/2005 SYSTEM NAME HVAC Zone 1 FLOOR AREA 2,265 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE Zone I Mbr Suite/Hall/Util/Guest#1 1 1,226 22,011 3,492 1,226 22,011 3,492 470 25,292 l PAGE TOTAL 1 1,226 22,011 31492 470 25,292 TOTAL 1,226 22,011 3,492 470 25,292 t EnergyPro By EnergySoft User Number: User _ Job Number: 080305 Page:17 of 29 1 I EnergyPro By EnergySoft User Number: User Job Number: 080305 . Page: 18 of 29 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for Submittal. 8/7/2005 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC Zone II 3,302 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM I SENSIBLE Zone II Entry/Dng/GrtRm/Kit/Nook/P 1 2,321 43,169 4,725 2,321 43,169 4,725 731 39,873 J a ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for Submittal. DATE 8/7/2005 SYSTEM NAME HVAC Zone III FLOOR AREA 1,520 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult: CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE Zone III Guest Living 1 1,137 21,074 2,607 1,137 21,074 2,607 435 23,498 PAGE TOTAL 1 1,1371 21,0741 2,607 435 23,498 TOTAL 1 1,137 21,074 2,607 435 23,498 U EnergyPro By EnergySoft User Number: User Job Number: 080305 Page: 19 of 29 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS tProject Title Date Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for i/7/2005 mation Design Conditions Room Name Mbr Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 2,265 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70°F Conduction Area U -Value AT of Btu/hr ' 1267.0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0.0250 X X X X X x X X X x x X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X 44 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =171 = = = = = 1,394 998.0 0.0350 44 1,537 perimeter = 161.0 0.7300 44 5,171 65.5 0.0690 44 199 55.0 0.3000 44 726 4.0 0.3000 44 53 60.0 0.0690 44 182 69.8 0.0690 44 212 6.8 0,3000 44 89 6.8 0.3000 R-21 Wall 89 106.0 0.0690 44=399 84.3 0.0690 44 256 24.0 0.5000 '44 528 96.0 0.0690 44= 291 24.0 0.3000 44= 4.0 0.3000 44 53 438 0069 44 133 124.0 0.0690 44=376 36.3 0.0690 44 110 36.3 0.0690 44 110 203.0 0,0690 44=RJR 24.0 0.3000 44 317 22.7 0.0690 44 69 197.9 0.0690 44=601 14.0 0.3000 44=185 14.0 0.3000 44 185 128.5 0.0690 44=390 40.0 03000 44= 4n n n 3nnn 44 9;9R 55.8 0,0690 60.0 0.3000 44= 56.4 0.0690 4.0 0.3000 44 53 60.4 0.0690 44 183 60.4 0.0690 44 183 60.4 0.0690 44 183 ' . Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Infiltration:1 1.001 X 1.064 X 2 265 X 13.50 X 0.335 / 6] X chedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH Fraction Page Total: AT AT 17 302 = 7 990 TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 17,302 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page: 20 of 29 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for 18/7/2005 mation Desiq6 Conditions Room Name Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 3,302 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70°F Conduction Area U -Value Z�T OF Btu/hr ■ Items shown with an asterisk ('r) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total: 27 589 Infiltration: 1.001 x 1.064 ' x 3 302 x 16.50 x 0.274 / 6] x 0 = 11 648 chedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH D7 Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 28,225 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page:21 of 29 2.625.0 X 0.0250 X 44 = 18.0 x 1.0400 X 44 = 659.0 X 0.0350 X 44 = perimeter= 181.0 x 0.7300 X 44 = 58.3 x 0.0690 X 44 258.5 x 0.0690 X 44 = 55.0 x 0.3000 x 44 = 4.0 x 0.3000 X 44 = 55.0 X 0,3000 X 44 = 4.0 X 0.3000 X Hurd = 55.0 X 0.3000 X Pri = 4.0 x 0.3000 x W044 = 51.0 X 0.0690 x 44 = 51.0 X 0.0690 X 44= x 0.0690 X 44 51.0 X 0.0690 X 44 = 186-0 X X 44= 94.0 X 0.0690 X 44= 120.0 X 0.3000 X 44 = 4.0 x 0.3000 X 44 = 4.0 X 0,3000 X 44= 120.5 x 0.0690 X 44 = 72.0 X 0.3000 X 44 = 4.0 X 0.3000 X 44 119.0 X 0.0690 X 44= 120.0 X 0.3000 X 44 = 80.8 X 0.0690 x 44= 60.0 X n.innn X 44= X n nsqn X 44 90.0 X 0,3000 X 44 158.4 x 0.0690 x 44= 303.5 X 0.0690 X = 56.0 x 0.3000 X 44 149.5 x 0.0690 X 44 = 198.7 X 0.0690 X 44 = 28.1 X 0.3000 X 44 = %28.1 x 0.3000 X = 28.1 X 0.3000 X 44 = 28.1 X 0.3000 X = Btu/hr ■ Items shown with an asterisk ('r) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total: 27 589 Infiltration: 1.001 x 1.064 ' x 3 302 x 16.50 x 0.274 / 6] x 0 = 11 648 chedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH D7 Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 28,225 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page:21 of 29 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project TitleDate Beta Version Only' . Calculations not Validated. Not for 8/7/2005 mation Desicin Conditions Room Name Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 3,302 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction Area U -Value AT of Btu/hr 33.8 X X x x X X X x X X x X x x x x X X X X X X x x X X X X X x X X X X x X x x X 0.3000 X X x x X X X X X X X X x x X X X X x X x x X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X 44 = = _ = = = = = = = = = = = 446 63.0 0.0690. 44 191 OT ' Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 28,225 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page: 22 of 29 i ' Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total: 637 Infiltration: r 1.001 X 1.064 x 3 302 X 16.50 X 0.274 / 60] X = 11 648 chedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH OT ' Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 28,225 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page: 22 of 29 i ' ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for 8/7/2005 mation Design Conditions Room Name Guest Living Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 1,520 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction Area U -Value AT of Btu/hr 1296.0 X X X x x X x X X X x X x X X X X X x x x x X X X X x X X X X x x X X x x X X 0.0250 X X x x x X X X X X x x X X X X X x X x x x X X x x X x X X x x X X X x x x X 44 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 224.0 0.0350 44 perimeter= 189.0 0.7300 44 141.0 0.0690 44 40.3 0.0690 44 156.0 0.0690 44 40.6 0.0690 44 40.0 0.3000 44 80.8 0,0690 44 60.0 0.3000 R-21 Wall 72.7 0.0690 44= 40.0 0.3000 44 102.9 0.0690 44 45.0 0.3000 44= 72.7 0.0690 44= 40.0 0.3000 44 164 *3 U690. 44 41.5 0.0690 44= 24.0 0.3000 44 90.8 0.0690 44 116.5 0,0690 44= 4.5 0.3000 44 17.7 0.0690 44 36.3 0.0690 44c 106.8 0.0690 44= 6.8 0.3000 44 31.8 0.0690 44= 4.5 03000 44= 1,491 44 0,0690 44= 24.0 0.3000 44= 130.0 0.0690 30.0 0.3000 44 50.4 0.0690 44 71.8 0.0690 44 24.0 0.3000 44 93.2 0.0690 6.8 0.3000 44 Btu/hr Items shown with an asterisk (•rr) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total: 18 136 ' Infiltration: I1 1.001 x 1.064 x 1 520 x 11.50 x 0.393 / 6] x chedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH Fraction &T DT = 5 362 TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 18,136 Energypro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page: 23 of 29 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Title Date Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for 18/7/2005 oration Desi n Conditions Room Name: Mbr Suite/Hall/Util/Guest#1 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 760F Floor Area: 2,265 sf Outdoor Web Bulb Temperature: 1120F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 76 of Outdoor Daily Range: 340F Opaque Surfaces Orientation Area U -Factor CLTD 1 Btu/hr R-38 Roof(R.38.2x4.24)5/8gyp R-30 Roof(R.30.2x12.16)5/8gyp R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall W.21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall W.21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall W.21.2x6.16 Door, Solid Wood R-21 Wall (W.21.24.16) R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. 1. Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD) Fenestration Wind#31 66x120 csmt Wind#40above 24x24 fix Wind#30 18x54 csmt Wind#29 18x54 csmt Wind#26 48x72 csmt Wind#38 24x24 fix Wind#25 48x72 fix Wind#24 24x84 fix Wind#23 24x84 fix Wind#22 48x120 fix x 0.0173 X x 0.0241 X x 0.0690 X x 0.0690 X x 0.0690 X x 0.0690 X X 0.5000 X x 0.0690 X x 0.0690 X x 229 x X 16.8 x X 229 X Page Total 4 435 Orientation Internal Gain Shaded Area X X X X X x X X x x X GLF + + + + + + + + + + I + Unshaded Area X X X X X X X X X X X1 GLF = = = = = = = = = I Btu/hr Southeast 0.0 16.8 55.0 23.4 1,289 Southeast 0.0 16.8 4.0 23.4 94 East 0.0 16.8 6.8 34.0 229 East 0.0 16.8 6.8 34.0 229 South 0.0 16.8 24.0 16.8 404 South 0.0 16.8 4.0 16.8 67 est 0.0 16.8 24.0 34.0 815 est 0.0 16.8 14.0 34.0 476 est 0.0 16.8 14.0 34.0 476 North 0.0 16.8 40.0 16.8 670 I Page Total a 750 Internal Gain Btu/hr 'Occu ants 4 x Occupants X 230 Btuh/occ. = B 920 E ui ment x Dwelling Units X 1,600) Watts/sqft = 1,6001 Infiltration: to64 X 1.19 X 143.51 X = 6 537 Air Sensible CFM ELA le�'T TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 22,0111 ' Latent Gain Btu/hr Occu ants 0 X Occupants x 200 Btuh/occ. = 800 ' Infiltration: 4 7t x 1.19 x 1x 0.00331 = 2 692 Air Latent CFM ELA AW TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 3,492 ' EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page:24 of 29 F. RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Title Date Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for 8/7/2005 hAMAWmation Desi n Conditions Room Name: Mbr Suite/Hall/Util/Guest#1 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 760F Floor Area: 2,265 sf Outdoor Web Bulb Temperature: 1120F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 76OFOutdoor Daily Range: 340F Opaque Surfaces Orientation Area U -Factor CLTD 1 Btu/hr R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall W.21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall W.21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) 36.3 X X X X X X X X x X X X 0.0690 X X X X X X x X X X x X 203.0 0.0690 197.9 0.0690 55.8 0.0690 56.4 0.0690 60.4 0.0690 60.4 0.0690 670 Northeast 0.0 16.8 60.0 26.1 1,565 South 0.0 16.8 Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. 1. Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD) Fenestration Wind#21 48x120 fix Fr Doors#M 72x120 Wind#39 24x24 fix Page Total Orientation Btu/hr Shaded Area X X X X X X x X X X GLF + + + + + + + + + + Unshaded Area X X X X X X X x X X Page GLF = = = Btu/hr North 0.0x 16.8+ 40.0x 16.8= 670 Northeast 0.0 16.8 60.0 26.1 1,565 South 0.0 16.8 4.0 16.8 67 Total 2 303 Internal Gain Btu/hr !occupants F�i X Occupants X 230 Btuh/occ. = P 920 E ui ment x Dwelling Units x 1,6001 Wafts/sqft = 1,6001 Infiltration: 1.064 x 1.19 x 143.51 x = 6 537 Air Sensible CFM ELA OT TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 22,0111 Latent Gain Btu/hr Occupants 0 x Occupants X 2001 Btuh/occ. = 800 Infiltration: 4 771 x 1.19 x 143.51 x 0.00331 = 2 692 Air Latent CFM ELA pW TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 3,492 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page:25 of 29 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY ' Project Title Date Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for 8/7/2005 '96WAI@6ation Desicin Conditions Room Name: Entry/Dng/GrtRm/Kit/Nook/P Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 760F Floor Area: 3,302 sf Outdoor Web Bulb Temperature: 1120F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 76OFOutdoor Daily Range: 340F Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total 5 461 I1. Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD) Shaded Unshaded Fenestration Orientation Area GLF Area GLF Btu/hr 1 Skylight, 36x72 Bristolite Wind#3 66x120 fix Wind#34above 24x24fix Wind#2 66x120fix Wind#33above 24x24fix Wind#1 66x120fix Wind#32above 24x24fix GI Pocket Dr#L 144x120 Wind#37above 24x24fix Wind#36above 24x24fix Orientation Area x X X X X X x X X x X X U -Factor X X X X X X X X X X X X CLTD 1 = = = = = = = = = = = Btu/hr 130.2 East 2,625.0 0.0173 56.0 2,543 South 659.0 0.0241 56.0 890 South 58.3 0.0690 26.0 105 South 258.5 0.0690 26.0 464 South 51.0 0.0690 26.0 91 West 51.0 0.0690 33.0 116 (North) 505.2 0.0690 23.0 802 (East) 51.0 0.0690 33.0 116 South 186.0 0.0690 26.0 334 Northwest 0.0 16.8 4.0 26.1 104 Northwest 0.0 4.0 26.1 104 Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total 5 461 I1. Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD) Shaded Unshaded Fenestration Orientation Area GLF Area GLF Btu/hr 1 Skylight, 36x72 Bristolite Wind#3 66x120 fix Wind#34above 24x24fix Wind#2 66x120fix Wind#33above 24x24fix Wind#1 66x120fix Wind#32above 24x24fix GI Pocket Dr#L 144x120 Wind#37above 24x24fix Wind#36above 24x24fix ' (Skylight)0.0 Page Total s ss2 X X X X X x x x X x16.8 x 44.9 + + + + + + + + + + + 18.0 X X X X X X X x X X x 130.2 = = = = = = = = = = 2,344 South 0.0 16.8 55.0 16.8 926 South 0.0 16.8 4.0 16.8 67 South 0.0 16.8 55.0 16.8 926 South 0.0 16.8 4.0 16.8 67 South 0.0 16.8 55.0 16.8 926 South 0.0 16.8 4.0 16.8 67 Northwest 0.0 16.8 120.0 26.1 3,130 Northwest 0.0 16.8 4.0 26.1 104 Northwest 0.0 4.0 26.1 104 ' Page Total s ss2 Internal Gain Btu/hr ' Occupants 4 X - Occupants X 230 Btuh/oCC. = B1 920 E ui ment X Dwelling Units X 1,6001 Watts/sqft = 1,6001 Infiltration: 1.064 X 1.19 X 209.22 X = 9 530 ' Air Sensible CFM ELA OT TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 43169 ' Latent Gain Btulhr Occu ants F 41 x Occupants X 200 Btuh/oCC. F800 ' Infiltration: 4 771 x i.19 x 209.22 x 0.00331 = F---3.9215 Air Latent CFM ELA AW TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 4,725 ' EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000,;4- t" Job Number.. 080305 Page: 26 of 29 11 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Title Date Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for 8/7/2005 ation Desi n Conditions Room Name: Entry/Dng/GrtRm/Kit/Nook/P Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 760F Floor Area: 3,302 sf Outdoor Web Bulb Temperature: 1120F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 76 of Outdoor Daily Range: 340F upaque ourraces R-21 Wall W.21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall W.21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 Orientation Area X X X X x X x X x x x X U -Factor 94.0 0.0690 119.0 0.0690 80.8 0.0690 158.4 0.0690 303.5 0.0690 198.7 0.0690 North 0.0x 16.8+ 4.0X 16.8= Northeast 0.0 16.8 120.0 26.1 Northwest 0.0 Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. 1. Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD) Fenestration Wind#20 72x144fix Wind#35above 24x24fix GI Pocket DR#K 144x120 GI Pockwt Dr#J 72x120 GI Pocket DR#H 108x120 Wind#19 96x84 HS Wind#18 45x90fix Wind#17 45x90fix Wind#16 45x90fix Wind#15 45x90fix CLTD 1 Btu/hr X Ov.c = x 29.0 = x 30.2 = X 29.0 = X 33.0 = x x x X = X = X x Page Total Orientation Btu/hr Shaded Area X X X X X x x x x x GLF + + + + + + + + + + Unshaded Area X X X X x x x x x X Page GLF = = = = = = = _ = North 0.0 16.8 72.0 16.8 North 0.0x 16.8+ 4.0X 16.8= Northeast 0.0 16.8 120.0 26.1 Northwest 0.0 16.8 60.0 26.1 North 0.0 16.8 90.0 16.8 East 56.0 16.8 0.0 34.0 East 0.0 16.8 28.1 34.0 East 0.0 16.8 28.1 34.0 East 0.0 16.8 28.1 34. East 0.0 16.8 28.1 Total Btu/hr Internal Gain Btu/hr Occu ants P 4 X Occupants X 230 Btuh/occ. = P 920 E ui ment 1 X Dwelling Units X 1,6001 Watts/Sgft = 1 1,6001 Infiltration: 1.064 x 1.19 x 209.22 x = 9 530 Air Sensible CFM ELA le�'T TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 43169 Latent Gain Btulhr Occu ants 0 X Occupants X 1 200 Btuh/OCC. 1 800 Infiltration: 4 771 X 1.19 X 209.22 . X 1 0.00331 = 3 925 Air Latent CFM ELA pW TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 4,725 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page:27 of 29 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Title Date Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for 18/7/2005 4"06ation Desicin Conditions Room Name: Guest Living Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 76oF Floor Area: 1,520 sf Outdoor Web Bulb Temperature: 1120F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 76OFOutdoor Daily Range: 340F ODaaue Surfaces Orientation Area U -Factor CLTD 1 Btu/hr R-38 Roof(R.38.2x4.24)5/8qyp R-30 Roof(R.30.2x12.16)5/8gyp R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 1,296.0 x X X X X X x X X x X X 0.0173 X X X X X X X X X x X X 56.0 224.0 0.0241 56.0 290.1 0.0690 23.0 156.0 0.0690 33.0 40.6 0.0690 31.0 80.81 0.0690 29.0 72.7 0.0690 33.0 102.9 0.0690 31.0 72.7 0.0690 26.0 Southeast 0.0 16.8 45.0 23.4 1,055 South 0.0 16.8 Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. 1. Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD) Fenestration Fr Drs#E 60x96 Wd Fr Drs#D 72x120 Wd Wind#13 48x120 fix Wind#12 54x120 fix Wind#11 48x120 fix Wind#10 48x72 csmt Wind#9 12x54 fix Wind#8 18x54 csmt Wind#7 12x54 fix Wind#6 48 x72 csmt Nage i otal 1,255 303 460 355 87 162 166 220 130 3 138 Orientation Internal Gain Shaded Area x X x X X x X x x x x GLF + + + + + + + + + + + Unshaded Area X x x X X X x X x X x Page GLF = = = = = = = = = Btulhr Southeast 0.0 16.8 40.0 23.4 937 Northeast 0.0 16.8 60.0 26.1 1,565 East 0.0 16.8 40.0 34.0 1,359 Southeast 0.0 16.8 45.0 23.4 1,055 South 0.0 16.8 40.0 16.8 673 Southeast 0.0 16.8 24.0 23.4 562 South 0.0 16.8 4.5 16.8 76 est 0.0 16.8 6.8 34.0 229 North 0.0 16.8 4.5 16.8 75 North 0.0 16.8 24.0 16.8 402 F Total 6 935 Internal Gain Btu/hr ' Occupants 4 X Occupants X 230 Btuh/OCC. = 920 1. . E ui ment x Dwelling Units x 1,6001 Watts/sqft = 1,600 Infiltration: 1.064 x 1.19 x 96.31 x = 4 387 ' Air Sensible CFM ELA DT TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 21,074 ' Latent Gain Btu/hr Occu ants F 41 X Occupants x 200 Btuh/occ. F800 ' Infiltration: 4 7t X 1.19 X x 0.00331 = 1-8071 Air Latent CFM EpW LA TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,607 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page:28 of 29 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Project Title Date Beta Version Only. Calculations not Validated. Not for 18/7/2005 oration Design Conditions Room Name: Guest Living Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 76°F Floor Area: 1,520 sf Outdoor Web Bulb Temperature: 1120F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: . 76 of Outdoor Daily Range: 340F Opaque Surfaces Orientation Area U -Factor CLTD 1 Btu/hr R-21 Wall W.21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall W.21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall W.21.24.16 R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall W.21.2x6.16 R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) R-21 Wall (W.21.24.16) R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 164.3 X X X X X X X X X X X X 0.0690 X X X X X X X X X x X X 41.5 0.0690 90.8 0.0690 116.5 0.0690 17.7 0.0690 36.3 0.0690 106.8 0.0690 136.1 0.0690 130.0 0.0690 16.8 24.0 34.0 815 West 0.0 Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. 1. Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD) Fenestration Page Total Orientation Shaded Area X X x x x x X- x x x x GLF + + + + + + + + + + + Unshaded Area x X x x x x x x x x x Page GLF = = = = = = = = = = = Btu/hr Northwest 0.0 16.8 30.0 26.1 783 West 0.0 16.8 24.0 34.0 815 West 0.0 16.8 6.8 34.0 229 Total 1 827 Internal Gain Btu/hr Occu arits 4 X Occupants X 230 Btuh/oCC. = 920 P P E ui ment 1 x Dwelling Units X 1,600] Wafts/sgft = 1 600 Infiltration: 1.064 x 1.19 X 96.31 X F 4 387 Air Sensible CFM ELA &T TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 21,074 Latent Gain Btu/hr Occu ants �4 X Occupants x 1 200 Btuh/oCC. = 800 Infiltration: 4 771 X 1.19 x 96.31 x 0.00331 = 1 807 Air Latent CFM ELA AW TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,607 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 0000 Job Number: 080305 Page:29 of 29 HVAC EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE (York or Equal) ZONE I & II AC-I,IIA,IIB: York CZB042 condenser, R410A refrigerant, 3.5 ton nominal, 13.00 SEER, 11.30 EER, 1 -stage, 208-230/1/60 volts, 28.7 MCA, 50 amps MOCP, 205 lbs op wt. FAU-I,IIA,IIB: York PS8C20N100 (set blower speed to '1430cfm (a- .7"esp), 3.5 ton, downflow furnace, natural gas, 80% AFUE, 100mbh input — 80mbh heating output, multi -speed blower with 1 -hp motor, 115/1/60,14 FLA, 20 amp MOCP, 140 lbs op wt. COIL-I,IIA,IIB: York G2FD048S21 downflow evaporator coil and cabinet with TXV (thermostatic expansion valve) to obtain specific system performance. Note: Install twinning kit to FAU IIA and IIB controlled by one thermostat. This twinned system will have a common supply air plenum and a common return air plenum. Building cavities cannot be used for air ducts. ZONE III AC- 3: York CZB042 condenser, R410A refrigerant, 3.5 ton nominal, 13.00 SEER, 11.30 EER, 1 -stage, 208-230/1/60 volts, 28.7 MCA, 50 amps MOCP, 205 lbs op wt. FAU- 3: York PS8C22N80 (set blower speed to 1430cfm (a1.7"esp), 3.5 ton, upflow furnace, natural gas, 80% AFUE, 80mbh input - 64mbh heating output, multi -speed blower with 1 -hp motor, 115/1/60,14 FLA, 20 amp MOCP, 144 lbs op wt. COIL- 3: York G1 FA048S21 upflow evaporator coil and cabinet with TXV (thermostatic expansion valve) to obtain specific system performance. ALL ZONES Thermostats — Honeywell (or equal) Model T8000 series, electronic programmable, 1 stage cooling/1 stage heating w/dual setback feature. ALL ZONES Option A Upgrade to CZE condensers (15+ seer — 2 stage). Option B Honeywell (or equal) Energy Recovery Fresh Air Ventilation Systems. Models ERI 50B and/or ER200B are suitable for one or two HVAC systems. They will provide proper levels of ventilation air with energy savings by transferring heat and moisture between the exhaust and fresh air streams. Size to suit. Option C Honeywell (or equal) F20OF Media Air -Cleaner. High efficiency media filter captures particles as small as 0.3 microns. Mounts in the return duct. Option D Honeywell (or equal) F300 Electronic Air Cleaner. High efficiency electronic air cleaner is mounted in the return duct. It captures a significant amount of the airborne particles 0.5 microns and larger from the air circulated through it. Option E Honeywell (or equal) UV1000ltaviolet Air Treatment System. Reduces the level of pollution to kill airborne bacteria and mold. Premium dual lamp kills up to 87% of airborne bacteria. Kelly Desert Development LLC_08.11.2005 rev. WYO.�RIC Heating and Air Conditioning TECHNICAL GUIDE AFFINITY R -410A SPLIT -SYSTEM AIR CONDITIONERS 13 SEER MODELS: CZBO18 THRU 060 (1.5 THRU 5 NOMINAL TONS) a I I,; I I CERTIFICATION APPLIES ONLYI WHEN THE COMPLETE SYSTEM IS LISTED WITH ARI. C UL US LISTED �y�towu *meo��t Good Houserfeeping �,�Prom�isoes� ISQ soot Certified Quality Management System Due to continuous product improvement, specifications ' are subject to change without notice. Visit us on the web at www.york.com for the most up-to-date technical information. i' Additional rating information can be found at www.ariprimenet.org. i 036-21554-002 Rev. C (0805) DESCRIPTION The CZB Series condensing unit is the outdoor part of a versa- tile air conditioning system. It is designed to be custom matched with one of our complete line of evaporator sections, each designed to serve a specific function. Matching air handlers are available for upflow, downflow, and horizontal left or right appli- cation to provide a complete system. Electric heaters are avail- able if required. Add-on coils are available for use with upflow, downflow, or horizontal furnaces. Field installed accessories are available as needed. WARRANTY 5 -year limited parts warranty. 10 -year limited compressor warranty. Premium System Warranty - Limited lifetime compressor and 10 -year parts when matched with an approved York Affinity fur- nace or UPG air handler and coil. FEATURES • Superior Coil Protection — A stamped decorative metal coil guard completely protects coil from debris and other large damaging material while a polymer mesh further protects the coil against smaller particles. • Color Grilles - Engineered around the needs and wants of the consumer, Affinity units are now available with a choice of color options designed to compliment any home. • Isolated Compressor Compartment — A molded composite bulkhead isolates the compressor from the rest of the unit reducing sound and vibration. • Protected Compressors — Each compressor is protected against abnormal pressures by an internal pressure relief valve and factory installed high and low pressure controls. Additional protection against moisture and debris is provided by factory installed liquid line filter driers. • Environmentally Friendly Refrigerant — Next generation refrigerant R -410A delivers environmentally friendly perfor- mance with zero ozone depletion. . • Durable Finish — Automotive quality finish provides the ulti- mate protection from harmful U.V. rays and rust creep ensur- ing long-lasting high quality appearance. A powder -paint topcoat is applied over a baked -on primer, using a galva- nized, zinc coated steel base material. The result is a finish that has been proven in testing to provide 33% greater dura- bility than conventional powder -coat finishes. • Lower Installed Cost — Designed to provide enhanced installability by featuring a slide -down control compartment and angled service valves to reduce overall installation time and cost. • Low Operating Sound Levels — A fan design boasting tech- nology adapted from aeronautic and defense engineering provides for whisper quiet operation by allowing airflow to flow smoothly and efficiently across the fan tips. • Filter -Drier — A factory installed, solid core liquid line filter - drier filters harmful debris and moisture from the system. • Easy Service Access — A full end, full service, access panel with handle makes for easy entry to internal components. • Composite Base - Strong and durable composite base pan resists rust and corrosion while it helps reduce vibrations and noise. • Quiet drive system - Features combination of swept -wing fan, composite base pan, isolated compressor compartment and two-stage compressor to reduce overall sound to a mere whisper. • Low RPM fan motor - Helps to reduce airflow noise. Certified in accordance with the Unitary Small Equipment certifi- cation program, which is based on ARI Standard 210/240. FOR DISTRIBUTION USE ONLY - NOT TO BE USED AT POINT OF RETAIL SALE 636-21554-002 Rev. C (0805) PHYSICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA MODEL CZBO1811 CZB02411 CZB03011 1 CZB03611 1 CZB04211 CZB04811 CZB06011 Unit Supply Voltage Liquid Vapor 018 208-230/1/60 37 31 3/8" Normal Voltage Range 024 29-1/2 37 31 030 33-1/2 37 31 036 33-1/2 37 31 187 to 252 7/8" 048 39-1/2 37 31 .060 39-1/2 37 31 Minimum Circuit Ampacity 13.3 16.5 18.9 22.3 28.7 27.9 34.4 Max. Overcurrent Device Amps 2 20 25 30 35 50 45 60 Compressor Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Compressor Amps Rated Load 10.3 14.3 16.4 16.6 21.8 21.1 26.3 Locked Rotor 51 60 73 88 105 113 150 Crankcase Heater No No No No I No No No Fan Motor Amps Rated Load 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Fan Diameter Inches 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Fan Motor Rated HP 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 Nominal RPM 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 Nominal CFM 2100 2,250 2,300 3,200 3,250 3,500 3,500 Coil Face Area Sq. Ft. 14.86 14.86 17.15 17.15 20.58 20.58 20.58 Rows Deep 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Fins / Inch 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Liquid Line Set OD (Field Installed) 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 Vapor Line Set OD (Field Installed) 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8 Unit Charge (Lbs. - Oz.) 3 5-.13 6-4 7-4 6-4 1 8-13 8-12 13-9 Charge Per Foot, Oz. 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.67 0.67 0.67 Operating Weight Lbs. 165 170 190 190 205 215 260 1 Rated in accordance with ARI Standard 110, utilization range "A". 2 Dual element fuses or HACR circuit breaker. 3 The Unit Charge is correct for the outdoor unit, matched indoor coil and 15 feet of refrigerant tubing. For tubing lengths other than 15 feet, add or subtract the amount of refrigerant, using the difference in length multiplied by the per foot value. All dimensions are in inches. They are subject to change without notice. Certified dimensions will be provided upon request. . DIMENSIONS Unit Model Dimensions (Inches) Refrigerant Connection Service Valve Size A B C Liquid Vapor 018 29-1/2 37 31 3/8" 3/4" 024 29-1/2 37 31 030 33-1/2 37 31 036 33-1/2 37 31 042 39-1/2 37 31 7/8" 048 39-1/2 37 31 .060 39-1/2 37 31 2 Unitary Products Group 0 036-21554-002 Rev. C (0805) Additional R-41 OA Charge / TXV Size for Various Matched Systems • • • • I EtiYI:I�iE'ii■<N�:I�YLif■EzrI-I�xUSi■t•Y�:URI:if■Et•YI-I�LYii■EZ•Y,:UL!'hf■t•Y.I:I�I:Uyi■ I • - —000000 •TXV Kit'3 Additional Charge, • [eY��eI�YLEfckaiLEir��_ • � c �E>E'.I1�----- [eY 97d7iIN1IME '-----NWWA am [ciL/_I�kI:fa>irll��:�_�- • � c : • � ° ---- KM,LYL`YZI�i�—s�---■-- [e; d9Leilllc[�kUb`>rCEs�� •' ` •' ` •' ' ---- [t; y_tLcLllkl�kI:Iair�i����� c ° •' ' --- [e; ynt•Lejl1/_I�Lii.Yi►���'-- • � c ' � c : '' • ' •' ' — [ei ytt•Le314_I�I:U�`Y�EYZ���'---- • � • � <:U��'��•' Mal 1 Systems matched with furnace or air handlers not equipped with blower -off delays may require blower Time Delay Kit #6918A5011. 2 These orifices are factory mounted in the flow device of each indoor coil. 3 A TXV kit must be used with these coils to obtain system performance (903, 904, 905, 906 indicates 1TV09... series). PROCEDURES: 1. Unit factory charge listed on the unit nameplate includes refrigerant for the condenser, the smallest evaporator and 15 feet of intercon- necting line tubing. 2. Verify the TXV and additional charge required for specific evaporator coil in the system using the above table. 3. Additional charge for the amount of interconnecting line tubing greater than 15 feet at the rate specified on the previous page. 4. Permanently mark the unit nameplate with the total system charge. Total System Charge = Base Charge (as shipped) + adder for evaporator + adder for line set. Unitary Products Group 3 036-21554-002 Rev. C (0805) COOLING CAPACITY - Upflow, Downflow & Horizontal Furnaces and Coils (Continued) UNIT MODEL FURNACE** CFM RANGE (MIN. -MAX.) W COIL MODEL RATED CFM TOTAL CAPACITY COOLING SENSIBLE CAPACITY SEER 1 p EER CZB03611 1000 1400 17,21 G1FA036S17,21 1200 34.6 25.4 12.50 10.95 17 G1FA048S17 1200 36.0 27.0 13.00 11.50 21,24 G1FA048S21 1200 36.2 27.5 13.00 11.70 14 G2FD035(S,H)14 1200 34.6 25.4 12.50 10.95 17 G2FD036(S,H)17 1200 35.6 26.3 13.00 11.20 21 G2FD036(S,H)21 1200 36.2 26.7 13.00 11.40 21 G2FD042(S,H)21 1200 36.4 26.9 13.00 11.45 17 G2FD046(S,H)17 1200 36.0 27.0 13.00 11.50 21,24 G2FD048(S,H)21,24 1200 36.2 28.1 13.00 11.80 - G1HA036H14 1140 35.8 26.1 13.00 11.40 - G1HA036H17 1140 36.2 26.3 13.00 11.50 - GlHD036 1200 35.8 26.6 13.00 11.30 17 G1NA036S17L 1200 36.4 26.4 13.00 11.45 21 G1 NA048S21 D 1200 36.4 26.4 13.00 11.45 14 G1UA036S14 1200 35.0 25.8 12.50 11.05 17,21 G1UA036S17,21 1200 34.6 25.4 12.50 10.95 17 G1UA048S17 1200 36.0 27.0 13.00 11.50 21,24 G1UA048S21 1200 36.2 27.5 13.00 11.70 CZB04211 1200 1600 21,24 G1FA048S21 1400 40.5 29.6 12.75 11.15 21,24 G1FA060S21,24 1400 41.5 30.6 13.00 11.45 21 G2FD042(S,H)21 1400 40.0 29.0 12.75 11.00 17 G2FD046(S,H)17 1400 40.0 29.2 12.75 11.05 21,24 G2FD048(S,H)21,24 1400 41.0 30.2 13.00 11.30 - G1 HA048S21 1330 40.5 29.0 12.75 11.20 - GlHD048 1400 40.0 29.2 12.50 11.06 24 G1 NA042S24W 1400 41 30.1 13.00 11.30 24 GlNA060S24T 1400 41 29.7 13.00 11.35 17 GlUA048S17 1400 40.0 29.2 12.75 11.05 21,24 G1UA048S21 1400 40.5 29.6 12.75 11.15 21,24 GlUA060S21,24 1400 41.5 30.6 13.00 11.45 CZB04811 1400 1800 21,24 G1FA048S21 1600 47.0 35.0 12.50 11.10 21,24 G1FA060S21,24 1600 48.5 36.5 13.00 11.45 17 G2FD046(S,H)17 1600 46.5 34.6 12.50 10.95 21,24 G2FD048(S,H)21,24 1600 48.0 35.8 12.50 11.20 24 G2FD060(S,H)24 1600 48.5 36.5 13.00 11.45 24 G2FD061 H24 1600 49.0 36.9 13.00 11.50 - G1 HA048S21 1520 47.0 34.2 12.50 11.10 - GlHD048 1600 47.0 35.2 12.50 11.10 24 GlNA060S24T 1600 47.5 35.5 13.00 11.35 17 G1UA048S17 1600 46.5 34.6 12.50 10.95. 21,24 G1 UA048S21 1600 47.0 35.0 12.50 11.10 21,24 GlUA060S21,24 1600, 48.5 36.5 13.00 11.45 CZB06011 1600 2000 24 G2FD060(S,H)24 1800 57.0 40.8 13.00 11.20 24 G2FD061 H24 1800 57.5 41.4 13.00 11.30 - GlHA060H24 1800 56.5 39.9 13.00 11.25 - GlHD060 1800 56.0 39.7 12.50 11.05 24 GlNA060S24T 1800 56 39.4 13.00 11.10 21,24 GlUA060S21,24 1800 57.0 40.8 13.00 11.20 1 Requires a 2FD Blower Time Delay unless a standard furnace is equipped with one. 2 TXV = Use 1TV900 series kit. Refer to Quick Selection Chart for specific furnace match -up. 6 r Unitary Products Group 036-21554-002 Rev. C (0805) ACCESSORIES* SOUND POWER RATINGS" Hard Start Kit (024-31994-000, 024-31995-000) - Provides increased starting torque for areas with low voltage. TXV Kits - 1TV09 series thermal expansion valves precisely meter refrigerant for optimum performance Low Ambient Pressure Switch Kit (2LA06700424)- Allows use of air conditioning at low outdoor ambient temperatures. For use with models containing R -410A refrigerant only. Dehumidistat (2HU16700124) - Provides increased dehu- midification when matched with variable speed furnace or air h Al UNIT MODEL (dBA) 018 65 024 69 030 69 036 72 042 72 048 72 060 72 an er. • Rated in accordance with ARI 270-95 Standards. Room Thermostats - A wide selection of compatible thermo- sets are available to provide optimum performance and fea- COLOR GRILLES tures for any installation. 1 Heat Stage only, manual, mechanical thermostat. Add sub- base for 1 H/1 C. 1 H/1 C, manual change -over electronic non -programmable thermostat. 111-1/11C, auto/manual changeover, electronic programmable, deluxe 7 -day, thermostat. 1 H/1 C, auto/manual changeover, electronic programmable. * For the most current accessory information, refer to the price book or consult factory. A Unitary Products Group j CHOICE OF SEVERAL COLOR COIL GRILLES TO COMPLIMENT ANY HOME. Color Grill Color Description 1CP0126 Terra Cotta 018,024 1CP0130 Terra Cotta 030,036 1CP0136 Terra Cotta 042, 048, 060 1CP0226 Jet Black 018,024 1CP0230 Jet Black 030,036 1CP0236 Jet Black 042, 048, 060 1CP0326 Stone 018,024 1CP0330 Stone 030,036 1CP0336 Stone 042, 048, 060 1CP0426 Bermuda 018,024 1CP0430 Bermuda 030,036 1CP0436 Bermuda 042,048,060 1CP0526 Gunmetal 018,024 1CP0530 Gunmetal 030,036 1CP0536 Gunmetal 042, 048, 060 1CP0626 Chocolate 018,024 1CP0630 Chocolate 030,036 1CP0636 Chocolate 042, 048, 060 9 636-21554-002 Rev. C (0805) COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA Coil T.C. S.C. KW NlAHC16 G2FD042(S,H)21 0.98 0.96 1.00 NlAHC16 G2FD048(S,H)21 1.00 1.00 1.00 OUTDOOR UNIT MODEL NO. CZB04211 1.01 1.00. 0.95 F2FP042N G2FD048(S,H)24 0.98 0.96 1.00 F2FP048N G1FA048S17 1.00 1.00 1.00 INDOOR COIL MODEL NO.. G2FD048S21 0.98 0.97 1.00 P'DUC20V G1FA048S21 0.99 0.98 1.00 PlXUC16V G 1 FA060S21,24 1.01 1.01 CONDENSER ID CFM G2FD042(S,H)21 0.98 1200 1.00 PlXUC20V G2FD046(S,H)17 0.98 1400 1.00 PlXUC20V GlHA048S21 0.99 1600 1.00 PlXUD20V ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURE ID DB (°F) 80 80 75 80 80 80 80 75 80 80 80 80 75 80 80 ID WB (°F) 57 62 62 67 72 57 62 62 67 72 57 62 62 67 72 - T.C. 36.0 38.4 36.8 40.5 45.9 38.2 39.0 38.3 41.8 46.9 40.3 39.5 39.7 43.2 47.9 65 S.C. 35.9 34.7 29.1 28.6 22.1 38.1 37.8 31.5 30.8 23.4 40.3 40.9 33.9 33.1 24.8 K.W. 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.4 T.C. 38.9 40.1 40.9 43.9 49.3 40.7 41.2 42.0 45:3 50.7 42.6 42.3 43.1 46.8 52.0 75 S.C. 38.9 34.9 30.1 29.4 23.4 40.8 37.8 32.5 31.7 24.8 42.6 40.8 34.9 34.1 26.3 K.W. 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 85 T.C. 37.5 39.3 38.9 42.2 47.6 39.5 40.1 40.1 43.6 48.8 41.4 40.9 41.4 45.0 49.9 S.C. 37.4 34.8 29.6 29.0 22.8 39.4 37.8 32.0 31.3 24.1 41.4 40.8 34.4 33.6 25.5 K.W. 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 95 T.C. 35.5 37.0 36.7 39.9 44.8 37.2 37.9 37.7 41.0 45.8 39.0 38.8 38.8 42.1 46.8 S.C. 35.4 33.6 28.6 27.9 21.8 37.2 36.3 30.9 30.2 23.2 38.9 38.9 33.2 32.5 24.5 K.W. 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.7 T.C. 33.5 34.7 34.5 37.5 42.0 35.0 35.7 35.3 38.4 42.8 36.5 36.7 36.2 39.3 43.6 105 S.C. 33.4 32.5 27.5 26.9 20.8 34.9 34.8 29.7 29.1 22.2 36.5 37.1 31.9 31.3 23.6 K.W. 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.2 115 T.C. 31.6 32.5 32.3 35.3 .39.2 32.9 33.6 33.0 35.9 39.9 34.2 34.7 33.7 36.6 40.5 S.C. 31.5 31.3 26.5 25.9 19.9 32.8 33.3 28.6 28.1 21.2 34.0 35.3 30.7 30.3 22.6 K.W. 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.7 4.7 125 T.C. 29.7 30.3 30.2 33.0 36.5 30.7 31.8 30.7 33.4 37.0 31.8 32.7 31.2 33.8 37.5 S.C. 29.6 30.2 25.5 24.8 18.9 30.6 31.8 27.5 27.0 20.3 31.6 33.5 29.5 29.2 21.7 K.W. 5.2 5.1 1 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 1 5.2 NOTE: ALL CAPACITIES ARE NET (KBTUH) WITH INDOOR FAN HEAT ALREADY DEDUCTED AT 1250 BTUH/1000 CFM. Multipliers for determining the performance with other indoor sections. NOTE: For dry bulb temperatures different than those listed (between 73-87 F), sensible capacity increases by 1060 BTUH per 1000 CFM per degree above the listed temperature and decreases by 1060 BTUH per 1000 CFM per degree below the listed temperature. Air Handler Coil T.C. S.C. KW NlAHC16 G2FD042(S,H)21 0.98 0.96 1.00 NlAHC16 G2FD048(S,H)21 1.00 1.00 1.00 NlVSC16 G2FD048(S,H)21 1.01 1.00. 0.95 F2FP042N G2FD048(S,H)24 0.98 0.96 1.00 F2FP048N G1FA048S17 1.00 1.00 1.00 P"DUC20V G1FA048S17 0.98 0.97 1.00 P'DUC20V G1FA048S21 0.99 0.98 1.00 PlXUC16V G 1 FA060S21,24 1.01 1.01 1.00 PlXUC16V G2FD042(S,H)21 0.98 0.96 1.00 PlXUC20V G2FD046(S,H)17 0.98 0.97 1.00 PlXUC20V GlHA048S21 0.99 0.96 1.00 PlXUD20V GlHD048 0.98 0.97 1.00 PlXUD20V G1UA048S17 0.98 0.97 1.00 G1UA048S21,24 0.99 0.98 1.00 G1 UA060S21,24 1.01 1.01 1.00 - G1NA042S24W 1.00 1.00 1.00 GINA06OS24T 1.00 0.98 1.00 Variable Speed Furnace Coil T.C. S.C. KW PlXDC20V G2FD042(S,H)21 0.98 0.96 0.99 PlXDC20V G2FD048(S,H)21 1.00 1.01 0.99 PlXDC20V G1HA048H21 0.99 0.99 0.98 PlXDD20V G2FD048(S,H)24 1.01 0.99 0.96 P'DUB16V G1FA048S17 0.99 0.97 0.97 P"DUC20V G1FA048S21 1.00 0.99 0.97 P'DUC20V G2FD042(S,H)21 0.99 0.97 0.97 PlXUC16V G1FA048S21 1.00 0.99 0.97 PlXUC16V G2FD042(S,H)21 0.98 0.96 0.97 PlXUC20V G1FA048S21 1.00 0.99 0.97 PlXUC20V G2FD042(S,H)21 0.98 0.97 0.97 PlXUD20V G1FA060S24 1.02. 1.03 0.98 PlXUD20V I G2FD048(S,H)24 1.01 1.01 0.98 14 Unitary Products Group 5 MATCHING INDOOR COMPONENTS ADD-ON COILS - FOR FURNACE APPLICATIONS G1UA 1/2 CASED UPFLOW G1HD HORIZONT G1H R " , k Aatu DRIZONTAL 036-21554-002 Rev. C (0805) G1FA '11� G2FD' FULL CASED MULTI -Pool i FUN UPFLOW (UPFLOW, HORIZONTAL AND DOWNFLOW) `Available with factory installed horizontal drain pan. AIR HANDLERS - FOR NON -FURNACE APPLICATIONS N -AH OR N -VS MODULAR BLOWER (UPFLOW, HORIZONTAL AND DOWNFLOW) r Unitary Products Group I COIL F+RC / F+FC OR F+RC/F+FP FAN COIL UNITS (UPFLOW, HORIZONTAL) 17 YORK Heating and Air Conditioning TECHNICAL GUIDE AFFINITY MODELS: PS8 GAS-FIRED HIGH EFFICIENCY SINGLE STAGE UPFLOW/HORIZONTAL FURNACES STANDARD & LoNOx 80% AFUE NATURAL GAS 40 -130 MBH INPUT EFFICIENCY �• *�`�+a� NgT�ND Good Housekeeping CEFTIFIED 9' ESIQ , TN. I d.1-1 malwlaclureD •,•^• in 9 Plant whale quality system I9. lTiftEO is Cantifedhegislenad as Wing in a hf—tity with ISO 9001. Due to continuous product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. Visit us on the web at www.york.com for the most up-to-date technical information. Additional rating information can be found at www.gamanet.org. 036-21615-002 Rev. A (1004) DESCRIPTION These high efficiency, compact units employ induced com- bustion, reliable hot surface ignition and high heat transfer aluminized tubular heat exchangers. The units are factory shipped for installation in upflow or horizontal applications. These furnaces are designed for residential installation in a basement, closet, alcove, attic, recreation room or garage and are also ideal for commercial applications. All units are factory assembled, wired and tested to assure safe depend- able and economical installation and operation. These units are Category I listed and may be common vented with another gas appliance as allowed by the National Fuel Gas Code. WARRANTY 20 -year limited warranty on the heat exchanger. 10 -year heat exchanger warranty on commercial applica- tions. 5 -year limited parts warranty. FEATURES • Compact, easy to install, ideal height 40" cabinet • Blower -off delay for cooling SEER improvement. • Easy to connect power/control wiring. • Built-in, high level self diagnostics with fault code display. • Low unit amp requirement for easy replacement applica- tion. • Integrated control module for reliable, economical opera- tion. • High velocity filter and side -return filter rack provided for easy field installation. • Electronic Hot Surface Ignition saves fuel cost with increased dependability and reliability. • Induced combustion system with inshot main burners for quiet, efficient operation. • 100% shut off main gas valve for extra safety. • PSC -four speed, direct drive motor with large, quiet blower. • 24V, 40 VA control transformer and blower relay supplied for add-on cooling. • Hi -tech tubular aluminized steel primary heat exchanger. • Timed on, adjustable off blower capability for maximum comfort. • Solid removable bottom panel allows easy application. • Easy access from front of unit for cleaning, maintenance or service. • Insulated blower compartment for quiet operation. • Independent door removal for greater durability and ease of access. • LoNOx models have been designed to meet specific code requirements. • LoNOx models may not be converted to propane. FOR DISTRIBUTION USE ONLY - NOT TO BE USED AT POINT OF RETAIL SALE 036-2161 t-002 Rev. A (1004) FRONT 1-3/8 2626-3/4 0 C BOTTOM IMAGE 4' RETURN END CABINET AND DUCT DIMENSIONS I _D` 20 V� ENT CONNECTION POWER WIRING 7/8" HOLE 13-3/4 ED ® 2-1/2 GAS INLET 32-1/2 1-1/4 x 2.1/2 ACCESS WIRING 7/8' K.O. 16 30.1/8 —►I LEFT SIDE T'STAT WIRING 7/8" K.O. 5/8 TOPIMAGE SUPPLY END ® 14-3/4 CFM Cabinet Size A Cabinet Dimension B C . D — — 1200 �— 141/2 14 101/8 23-1/22 60/48' ® I — J 1zkz8 141/2 T RIGHT SIDE 101/8 BTUH Input/Output CFM Cabinet Size A Cabinet Dimension B C . D 40/32' 1200 A 141/2 131/4 101/8 101/8 60/48' 1200 A 141/2 131/4 101/8 101/8 80/64' 1200 A 141/2 131/4 101/8 101/8 80/64' 1600 B 171/2 161/4 131/8 11 5/8 80/64' 2200 C 21 193/4 165/8 133/8 100/80' 1200 B 171/2 161/4 131/8 115/8 100/80' 1600 B 171/2 161/4 131/8 115/8 100/80' 2000 C 21 193/4 165/8 133/8 115/92 1600 C 21 19314 165/8 133/8 115/92' 2000 C 21 193/4 165/8 133/8 130/104' 2000 D 241/2 231/4 201/8 151/8 " Models available in LONUx. HORIZONTAL VENTING -MUST USE FIELDS'CONTROL MODELS SWG-4Y OR TJERENLAND MODEL GPAK-IT FIELD SUPPLIED POWER VENTING KITS Heating Input Heating Output Furnace Airflow Horizontal Vent Length Ft with 4 Elbows - Pipe Size Min. Vent Length Max. Vent Length BTU/H BTU/H CFM Inches Feet Feet 40,000 32,000 1200 4 4.5 34.5 60,000 48,000 1200 4 4.5 34.5 80,000 64,000 1200 4 4.5 34.5 80,000 64,000 1600 4 4.5 34.5 80,000 64,000 2200 4 4.5 34.5 100,000 80,000 1200 4 4.5 34.5 100,000 80,000 1600 4 4.5 34.5 100,000 80,000 2000 4 4.5 34.5 115,000 92,000 1600 4 4.5 34.5 115,000 92,000 2000 4 4.5 34.5 130,000 104,000 2000 4 4.5 34.5 2 . i Unitary Products Group 036-21615-002 Rev.A (1004) RATINGS & PHYSICAL / ELECTRICAL DATA - UPFLOW MODELS Input Output Nominal Cabinet Width Bottom (in) 40/32 1200 A MBH MBH 60/48 CFM A In. AFUE Air Temp. Rise °F 1200 40 32 14 x 25 1200 1600 14-1/2 80.0 25-55 80/64 2200 60 48 20 x 25 1200 1200 14-1/2 80.0 25-55 100/80 1600 80 64 16 x 25 1200 2000 14-1/2 80.0 35-65 115/92 1600 80 64 20 x 25 1600 2000 171/2 80.0 25-55 130/104 2000 80 64 22 x 25 2200 21 80.0 25-55 100 80 1200 171/2 80.0 40-70 100 80 1600 171/2 80.0 35-65 100 80 2000 21 80.0 25-55 115 92 1600 21 80.0 35-65 115 92 2000 21 80.0 30-60 130 104 2000 24-1/2 80.0 35-65 Max Over -current Min. Input Max. Outlet Blower Total Unit Operation MBH Air Temp °F Blower Size In: Amps Size awg) @ ft. 75 ( Wire WGT. LBS protect one way 40 155 1/2 7.1 10 x 8 9.0 20 14 107 60 155 1/2 7.1 10 x 8 9.0 20 14 112 80 170 1/2 7.1 10 x 8 9.0 20 14 119 80 155 3/4 11.5 11 x 8 12.0 20 14 129 80 165 1.0 14 11 x 11 14.0 20 12 144 100 170 1/2 7.1 10 x 8 12.0 20 14 131 100 165 3/4 11.5 11 x 8 12.0 20 14 137 100 155 1.0 14 11 x 11 14.0 20 12 149 115 170 3/4 11.5 10 x 10 12.0 20 14 149 115 170 1.0 14 11 x 11 14.0 1 20 12 151 130 165 1.0 14 11 x 11 14.0 1 20 12 163 Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) numbers are determined in accordance with DOE Test procedures. Wire size and over current protection must comply with the National Electrical Code (NFPA-70-latest edition) and all local codes. The furnace shall be installed so that the electrical components are protected from water. FILTER SIZES BTU/H Input / Output CFM Cabinet Size Side (in) Bottom (in) 40/32 1200 A 16 x 25 14 x 25 60/48 1200 A 16 x 25 14 x 25 80/64 1200 A 16 x 25 14 x 25 80/64 1600 B 16 x 25 16 x 25 80/64 2200 C (2) 16 x 25 20 x 25 100/80 1200 B 16 x 25 16 x 25 100/80 1600 B 16 x 25 16 x 25 100/80 2000 C (2) 16 x 25 20 x 25 115/92 1600 C 16 x 25 20 x 25 115/92 2000 C (2) 16 x 25 20 x 25 130/104 2000 D (2) 16 x 25 22 x 25 " ESP (External Static Pressure) .5" WG is at furnace outlet ahead of cooling coil. NOTES: 1. All filters must be high velocity cleanable type. 2. Air flows above 1800 CFM require either return from two sides or one side plus bottom. Unitary Products Group q 036-21615-002 Rev. A (1004) 1. BLOWER PERFORMANCE CFM - UPFLOW (WITHOUT FILTER) - BOTTOM RETURN' MODELS Input I CFM Speed Single Stage Bottom Airflow Data (SCFM) Ext. Static Pressure (in. H2O) ' 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 High 1610 1540 1460• 1360 1290 1200 .1110 1020 900 760 40/1200/A Medium High 1430 1390 1330 1250 1190 1110 1030 940 840 710 t Medium Low 1200 1180 1140 1100 1050 1000 930 850 750 620 Low 980 980 960 920 890 840 790 720 620 530 High 1570 1490 1420 1340 1250 1180 1090 990 870 700 60/1200/A Medium High 1410 1360 1310 1250 1190 1090 1020 920 810 650 t Medium Low 1200 1180 1150 1100 1050 990 920 830 700 580 Low 960 960 950 930 900 840 800 720 610 500 80/1200/A High 1590 1520 1460 1380 1300 1240 1150 1050 930 800 Medium High 1400 1360 1310 1260 1200 1140 1070 960 860 740 t Medium Low 1180 1160 1130 1090 1040 990 920 840 750 640 Low 940 940 940 920 880 840 790 710 630 530 High 1850 1820 1790 1750 1690 1630 1570 1500 1430 1330 80/1600/13 t Medium 1470 1450 1440 1430 1390 1360 1310 1270 1220 1150 Low 1260. 1260 1260 1260 1250 1200 1150 1110 1070 1010 High 2490 2410 2320 2230 2130 2030 1900 1790 1630 1470 80/2200/C t Medium High 2120 2060 2000 1970 1840 1730 1680 1570 1460 1260 Medium Low 1720 1700 1670 1620 1570 1500 1430 1310 1160 1000 Low 1410 1390 1360 1330 1280 1220 1170 1060 930 840 100/1200/B t High 1700 1620 1560 1480 1390 1300 1210 1110 970 820 Medium High 1430 1400 1350 1300 1230 1160 1080 980 870 710 Medium Low 1180 1170 1160 1130 1080 1030 1000 860 750 510 Low 950 950 930 920 880 840 790 720 620 530 100/1600/B t High 1880 1850 1770 1720 1650 1560 1490 1420 1320 1210 Medium 1470 1460 1420 1390 1360 1300 1250 1190 1110 1000 Low 1250 1240 1220 1190 1150 1130 1070 1030 970 880 100/2000/C High 2590 2500 2400 2280 2180 2080 1970 1840 1720 1560 Medium High 2180 2120 2040 1980 1900 1810 1720 1600 1480 1320 t Medium Low 1750 1720 1680 1640 1580 1520 1440 1350 1220 1060 Low 1450 1420 1380 1330 1300 1240 1160 1070 970 860 High 2020 1930 1820 1730 1640 1540 1400 1250 1090 920 115/1600/C Medium 1750 1710 1650 1590 1490 1390 1290 1160 1010 810 Low 1540 1500 1460 1410 1350 1260 1180 1060 910 750 High 2500 2400 2320 2220 2110 2000 1870 1750 1610 1450 115/2000/C t Medium High 2130 2070 1990 1920 1840 1760 1660 1570 1460 1320 Medium Low 1700 1680 1650 1620 1560 1500 1410 1320 1210 1070 Low 1420 1390 1360 1330 1290 1240 1150 1060 950 840 130/2000/D High 2640 2550 2440 2340 2230 2110 2010 1870 1750 1580 Medium High 2120 2070 2010 1950 1890 1810 1730 1610 1490 1320 t Medium Low 1690 1660 1640 1600 1550 1490 1410 1330 1240 1100 Low 1370 1360 1340 1310 1270 1230 1150 1070 990 850 NOTES 1. Airflow expressed in standard cubic feet per minute (CFM) and in cubic meters per minute (m3/min). 2. Motor voltage at 115 V. ' Input / CFM / Cabinet Width (A=14-1/2, B=17-1/2, C=21, D=24-1/2) t Indicates model available in LoNOx. 0 4 Unitary Products Group 036-21615-002 Rev. A (1004) - BLOWER PERFORMANCE CFM - UPFLOW (WITHOUT FILTER) - LEFT SIDE RETURN MODELS Input / CFM Speed Single Stage Left Side Airflow Data (SCFM) Ext. Static Pressure (in. H2O) 0.1 0.2 0.3. 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 High 1810 1730 1660 1570 1480 1390 1300 1200 1090 930 40/1200/A t Medium High 1390 1390 1350 1320 1270 1210 1150 1080 970 790 Medium Low 1120 1120 1120 1110 1080 1080 1020 930 830 690 Low 880 910 920 920 910 870 820 740 650 510 High 1770 1690 1630 1560 1490 1390 1290 1190 1050 920 60/1200/A Medium High 1400 1380 1350 1320 1280 1230 1160 1060 930 780 t Medium Low 1120 1130 1150 1130 1120 1080 1000 950 790 630 Low 880 900 900 900 880 850 790 730 660 530 High 1790 1720 1670 1590 1530 1450 1350 1260 1140 1000 80/1200/A t Medium High 1420 1370 1350 1320 1280 1230 1170 1090 990 840 Medium Low 1080 1120 1110 1100 1080 1040 1000 920 820 690 Low N/A 900 900 890 870 850 800 730 670 560 High 2000 1960 1930 1900 1800 1760 1710 1640 1550 1460 80/1600/B t Medium 1440 1440 1430 1420 1400 1380 1340 1300 1220 1150 Low 1220 1230 1230 1230 1200 1190 1170 1160 1110 1050 80/2200/C High 2710 2640 2560 2480 2360 2260 2160 2010 1860 1650 Medium High 2110 2110 2070 2030 1980 1910 1850 1710 1570 1300 t Medium Low 1690 1690 1650 1610 1540 1480 1410 1280 1170 1030 Low 1350 1330 1310 1290 1260 1220 1150 1050 970 860 High 1780 1710 1640 1560 1490 1390 1290 1180 1030 820 100/1200/B t Medium High 1430 1410 1370 1340 1280 1220 1140 1040 890 730 Medium Low 1140 1170 1150 1120 1080 1040 970 890 760 630 Low 920 940 950 940 920 890 850 770 660 560 High 1950 1890 1840 1790 1730 1660 1570 1480 1390 1300 100/1600/B t Medium 1440' 1420 1400 1390 1350 1320 1270 1210 1150 1060 Low 1230 1210 1190 1180 1150 1130 1090 1050 990 920 High 2770 2670 2610 2540 2450 2340 2210 2070 1890 1730 100/2000/C t Medium High 2120 2060 2030 2000 1950 1880 1810 1720 1580 1370 Medium Low 1690 1660 1630 1610 1560 1490 1420 1350 1240 1070 Low 1390 1370 1330 1290 1250 1200 1120 1010 910 850 115/1600/C High 2160 2070 1990 1900 1800 1690 1580 1430 1260 1000 Medium 1760 1720 1690 1630 1560 1480 1390 1250 1080 890 Low 1510 1490 1470 1440 1380 1300 1210 1110 950 780 115/2000/C t High 2740 2650 2560 2480 2380 2280 2170 1990 1840 1650 Medium High 2120 2090 2040 2000 1940 1870 1780 1680 1550 1370 Medium Low 1690 1670 1650 1610 1560 1510 1440 1310 1160 1030 Low 1390 1360 1330 1300 1250 1190 1100 1020 940 840 130/2000/D t High 2680 2600 2520 2410 2300 2180 2050 1910 1730 1550 Medium High 2140 2110 2070 1990 1930 1850 1770 1 1670 1530 1370 Medium Low 1660 1640 1620 1570 1530 1470 1400 1310 1220 1090 Low 1370 1350 1 1320 1290 1 1240 1190 1 1140 1040 930 860 NOTES 1. Airflow expressed in standard cubic feet per minute (CFM). 2. Return air is through side opposite motor (left side). 3. Motor voltage at 115 V. *Input/ CFM /Cabinet Width (A=14-1/2, B=17-1/2, C=21, D=24-1/2) t Indicates model available in LoNOx. Unitary Products Group 5 1 036-21615-002 Rev. A (1004) SLK w BLK (HOT) o� _ 1 NOMINAL WHT A WHT (NEUTRAL) 1r 120 VOLT GRN GRN FILTER PERFORMANCE The airflow capacity data published in the 'Blower Perfor- mance" table listed above represents blower performance WITHOUT filters. To determine the approximate blower per- formance of the system, apply the filter drop value for the fil- ter being used or select an appropriate value from the "Filter Performance" table shown below. NOTE: The filter pressure drop values in the "Filter Perfor- mance" table shown below are typical values for the type of filter listed and should only be used as a guideline. Actual pressure drop ratings for each filter type vary between filter manufacturer. FILTER PERFORMANCE - PRESSURE DROP INCHES W.C. AND (KPA) Airflow Minimum Opening Size Range 1 Opening 2 Openings Filter Type Disposable Washable Fibers' Pleated 1 Opening 2 Openings 1 Opening 2 Openings 1 Opening 2 Openings CFM In' In' inwc inwc inwc inwc inwc inwc 0-750 230 YES 0.01 YES 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.1 UPFLOW B -VENT 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.25 3 751 -1000 330 1001 -1250 330 1251-1500 330 0.05 0.1 0.1 1501 -1750 380 658 0.15 0.09 0.14 0.08 0.3 0.17 1751 -2000 380 658 0.19 0.11 0.18 0.1 0.3 0.17 2001 & Above 1 463 658 1 0.19 1 0.11 1 0.18 1 0.1 1 0.3 10.17 Washable Fibers are the type supplied with fumace (if supplied). APPLYING FILTER PRESSURE DROP TO DETERMINE SYSTEM AIRFLOW To determine the approximate airflow of the unit with a filter in place, follow the steps below: 1. Select the filter type. 2. Select the number of return air openings or calculate the return opening size in square inches to determine the proper filter pressure drop. 3. Determine the External System Static Pressure (ESP) without the filter. 4. Select a filter pressure drop from the table based upon the num- ber of return air openings or return air opening size and add to the ESP from Step 3 to determine the total system static. 5. If total system static matches a ESP value in the airflow table (i.e. 0.20 w.c. (50 Pa), 0.60 w.c. (150 Pa), etc,) the system air- flow corresponds to the intersection of the ESP column and Model/Blower Speed row. 6. If the total system static falls between ESP values in the table (i.e. 0.58 w.c. (144 Pa), 0.75 w.c. (187 Pa), etc.), the static pres- sure may be rounded to the nearest value in the table determin- ing the airflow using Step 5 or calculate the airflow by using the following example. Example: For a 130,000 BTUH (38.06 kW) furnace with 2 return openings and operating on high-speed blower, it is found that total system static is 0.58" w.c. To determine the system airflow, complete the following steps: Obtain the airflow values at 0.50 w.c. (125 Pa) & 0.60 w.c. (150 Pa) ESP. Airflow @ 0.50": 2125 CFM (60.17 m3/min) Airflow @ 0.60": 2035 CFM (57.62 m3/min) Subtract the airflow @ 0.50 w.c. (125 Pa) from the airflow @ 0.60 w.c. (150 Pa) to obtain airflow difference. 2035 - 2125 = -90 CFM (2.55 m3/min) Subtract the total system static from 0.50 w.c. (125 Pa) and divide this difference by the difference in ESP values in the table, 0.60 w.c. (150 Pa) - 0.50 w.c. (125 Pa), to obtain a percentage. (0.58-0.50)/(0.60-0.50)=0.8 Multiply percentage by airflow difference to obtain airflow reduction. (0.8) X (-90) = -72 Subtract airflow reduction value to airflow @ 0.50 w.c. (125 Pa) to obtain actual airflow @ 0.58 inwc (144 Pa) ESP. 2125 - 72 = 2053 UNIT CLEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBLES (ALL SURFACES IDENTIFIED WITH THE UNIT IN A VERTICAL POSITION) APPLICATION TOP FRONT REAR LEFT RIGHT SIDE FLUE tFLOOR/ LO O / TTM CLOSET ALCOVE ATTIC LINE CONTACT UPFLOW 1 6 0 0 3 6 COMBUSTIBLE YES YES YES NO UPFLOW B -VENT 1 3 0 0 0 1 COMBUSTIBLE YES YES YES NO HORIZONTAL 1 6 0 0 3 6 COMBUSTIBLE NO YES YES YES' HORIZ. B -VENT 1 3 0 0 0 1 COMBUSTIBLE NO YES I YES YES' 1 Line contact only permitted between lines formed by the intersection of the rear panel and side panel (top in horizontal postion) of the furance jacket and building joists, studs or framing. 6 Unitary Products Group ACCESSORIES PROPANE (LP) CONVERSION KIT - 1NP0347 - 040, 080,100 1 N P0348 - 060, 115, 130 This accessory conversion kit may be used to convert natural gas (N) units for propane (LP) operation. Conversions must be made by qualified distributor or dealer personnel. EXTERNAL BOTTOM RETURN FILTER RACK.W/FILTER - Provides a cleanable, high velocity type filter and filter rack. Attaches to the bottom of the furnace. 1BR0314 - For 14-1/2" cabinets 1BR0317 - For 17-1/2" cabinets 1 BR0321 - For 21" cabinets 1BR0324 -For 24-1/2" cabinets . 036-21615-002 Rev. A (1004) HIGH ALTITUDE PRESSURE SWITCHES - These accessory kits may be used to convert units for high altitude operation. Conversion must be made by qualified dis- tributor or dealer personnel. Input (MBH) Output (MBH) 2,000 Ft. to 5,500 Ft. >5,500 Ft. to 10,000 Ft. 40 32 1PS0301 1PS0301 60 48 1PS0301 1PS0301 80 64 1PS0302 1PS0302 100 80 1PS0312 1PS0311 115 92 1PS0312 1PS0311 130 104 1PS0312 1PS0311 FIELD INSTALLED ACCESSORIES - ELECTRICAL MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION USED WITH 6TT03701124 TALKING THERMOSTAT- 1H/1C ALL MODELS 2TB17700424 SUBBASE (24V) -One -stage Heat/ Cool. Manual changeover. ALL MODELS System Switch: Cool -Off -Heat. Fan Switch: Auto -On. THERMOSTAT -One -stage heat. Deluxe 24V with heat only sub- 2TH13700524 base, does not include fan switch. NOTE: For one -stage cool or ALL MODELS one -stage heat/cool, must be used with subbase 2TB17700424. 2ET03700324 THERMOSTAT- Hardwired, 1Heat/ 1 Cool. Manual changeover. ALL MODELS System Switch: Cool -Off -Heat. Fan Switch: Auto -On. 2ET03701224 THERMOSTAT -Power Stealing, 1 Heat /1 Cool. Manual ALL MODELS changeover. System Switch: Cool -Off -Heat. Fan Switch: Auto -On. 2ET03700124 THERMOSTAT -Hardwired, 1 Heat / 1 Cool. Programmable, Auto ALL MODELS changeover. System Switch: Cool -Off -Heat. Fan Switch: Auto -On. THERMOSTAT -Power Stealing, 1 Heat /1 Cool. Programmable, 2ET03701024 Auto changeover. System Switch: Cool -Off -Heat. ALL -MODELS Fan Switch: Auto -On. 2TC03700124 TWINNING CONTROL ALL MODELS Unitary Products Group 7 MYO,RIC Heating and Air Conditioning TECHNICAL GUIDE AFFINITY OMODELS: PS8 GAS-FIRED Q HIGH EFFICIENCY SINGLE STAGE DOWNFLOW FURNACES 80% AFUE NATURAL GAS 40 -130 MBH INPUT ' Gamay=� et �tayw Ylt:lCk'��Q� `L' , SP m nnb VaEud war manufxcrtoa n mnn� � wnnee 9ueii7 sYa�am apirbma ar oeMp maaar wan iso eaoi. ' Due to continuous product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. Visit us on the web at www.york.com for the most ' up-to-date technical information. Additional rating information can be found at twww.gamanet.org. 036-21610-002 Rev. A (1104) DESCRIPTION These high efficiency, dedicated downflow compact units employ induced combustion, reliable hot surface ignition and high heat transfer tubular heat exchangers. These furnaces are designed for residential installation in a closet, attic or garage and are ideal for commercial applica- tions. All units are factory assembled, wired and tested to assure safe dependable and economical installation and operation. These units are Category I listed and may be common vented with another gas appliance as allowed by the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1 (latest edition). WARRANTY 20 -year limited warranty on the heat exchanger. 10 -year heat exchanger warranty on commercial applica- tions. 5 -year limited parts warranty. FEATURES • Dedicated downflow models may be easily applied with- out any field conversion • Top vent connection allows installation in narrow loca- tions • Electronic hot surface ignition with high reliability and dependability • 100% shut off main gas valve for added safety • High velocity filter provided for field installation • "Diamond Tough" hot surface igniter • High quality inducer motor for quiet operation • Standard terminals for controlling humidifiers & EAC's • 40 VA control transformer, fuse protected • Easy to connect power and control wiring • Efficiency ratings of 80 AFUE attained by using tubular heat exchangers • Cooling relay standard for easy installation of add-on cooling • Blower off -delay for cooling SEER improvement • Multi -speed PSC, direct -drive blower motors to match cooling requirements • Adjustable fan -off settings to eliminate "cold -blow" • Compact 40 -in height allows installation in small space confines • All models are propane convertible FOR DISTRIBUTION USE ONLY - NOT TO BE USED AT POINT OF RETAIL SALE 036-21610-002 Rev. A (1104) 3/4 20(Vent Cwnec8en) T— WIRING 718' KO. 40 ® ® ® 31-1/8 ® 1G la'I xNLET n• ® ® At 1/LT 4 XS2NLET 2-112 —� 5-314 '�— �—A FRONT LEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE �B w—A-1 ,-,la Power Vent Cannectl n PO ' 20 Whin.O. Went she) I 7/8' K 1-718 OO p 1-1I8 7-3/8 FROM FRONT TOPIMAGE BOTTOM IMAGE CABINET AND DUCT DIMENSIONS Models Cabinet Width In. Cabinet Size A B Cabinet Dimension C D E F PS8Al2N040DN11 14-1/2 A 141/2 131/4 101/8 4.0 101/8 33/4 PS8Al2N060DN11 14-1/2 A 141/2 131/4 101/8 4.0 101/8 33/4 PS8Al2N080DN11 14-1/2 A 14112 131/4 101/8 4.0 101/8 33/4 PS8B16N080DN11 171/2 B 171/2 161/4 131/8 4.0 11 5/8 33/4 PS8B12N100DN11 171/2 B 171/2 161/4 131/8 4.0 11 5/8 33/4 PS8C20N100DN11 21 C 21 193/4 165/8 4.0 133/8 33/4 PS8C16N115DN11 21 C 21 193/4 165/8 4.0 .133/8 33/4 PS8C20N115DN11 21 C 21 193/4 165/8 4.0 133/8 33/4 PS8D20N130DN11 1 24-1/2 D 241/2 231/4 201/8 4.0 151/8 33/4 HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL VENTING CLEARANCES - MUST USE FIELDS CONTROL MODELS SWG-4Y OR TJERENLAND MODEL GPAK-IT FIELD SUPPLIED POWER VENTING KITS Models Horizontal Vent Length Ft with 4 Elbows Pipe Size Min. Vent Length Max. Vent Length Inches Feet Feet PS8Al2N040DN11 4 4.5 34.5 PS8Al2N060DN11 4 4.5 34.5 PS8Al2N080DN11 4 4.5 34.5 PS8616N080DN11 4 4.5 34.5 PS81312N100DN11 4 4.5 34.5 PS8C20N100DN11 4 4.5 34.5 PS8C16N115DN11 4 4.5 34.5 PS8C20N115DN11 4 4.5 34.5 PS8D20N130DN11 4 4.5 34.5 2 Unitary Products Group 036-21610-002 Rev. A (1104) RATINGS & PHYSICAL / ELECTRICAL DATA Wire size and over current protection must comply with the National Electrical Code (NFPA-70-latest edition) and all local codes. The furnace shall be installed so that the electrical components are protected from water. . Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) numbers are determined in accordance with DOE Test procedures. FILTER SIZES Models Input Output PS8Al2N040DN11 A Air Temp. PS8Al2N060DN11 A Models 1PS8Al2N080DN11 A Nominal CFM AFUE (2) 14 x 20 PS8B12N100DN11 B (2) 14 x 20 MBH MBH (2) 14 x 20 PS8C16N115DN11 C Rise °F PS8C20N115DN11 C PS8Al2N040DN11 40 32 (2) 14 x 20 1200 80.0 20-50 PS8Al2NO60DN11 57 48 1200 80.0 25-55 PS8Al2N080DN11 80 64 1200 80.0 35-65 PS8B16NO80DN11 80 64 1600 80.0 25-55 PS81312N100DN11 100 80 1200 80.0 40-70 PS8C20N100DN11 100 80 2000 80.0 25-55 PS8C16N115DN11 115 92 1600 80.0 35-65 PS8C20N115DN11 115 92 2000 80.0 30-60 PS8D20N130DN11 130 104 2000 80.0 40-70 Max. Outlet Blower Blower Total Unit Max Min. Operation Models °F Over -current Wire Size (awg) Air Temp Hp Amps Size In. Amps protect @ 75 ft. one way WCT LBS PS8Al2N040DN11 150 1/3 6.2 10 x 8 9.0 15 14 100 PS8Al2N060DN11 155 1/3 6.2 10 x 8 9.0 15 14 110 PS8Al2N080DN11 165 1/3 6.2 10 x 8 9.0 15 14 120 PSSB16N080DN11 160 3/4 11.0 11 x10 12.0 15 14 130 PS81312N100DN11 170 1/2 7.0 10 x 8 12.0 15 14 125 PS8C20N100DN11 155 1 12.2 11 x 10 14.0 20 12 140 PS8C16N115DN11 165 3/4 11.0 11 x 10 12.0 15 14 150 PS8C20N115DN11 160 1 12.2 11 x 10 14.0 20 12 150 PS8D20N130DN11 170 1 12.2 11 x 10 14.0 20 12 160 Wire size and over current protection must comply with the National Electrical Code (NFPA-70-latest edition) and all local codes. The furnace shall be installed so that the electrical components are protected from water. . Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) numbers are determined in accordance with DOE Test procedures. FILTER SIZES Models Cabinet Size Top Return Filter (in) PS8Al2N040DN11 A (2) 14 x 20 PS8Al2N060DN11 A (2) 14 x 20 1PS8Al2N080DN11 A (2) 14 x 20 PS8616N080DN11 B (2) 14 x 20 PS8B12N100DN11 B (2) 14 x 20 PSK20N100DN11 C (2) 14 x 20 PS8C16N115DN11 C (2) 14 x 20 PS8C20N115DN11 C (2) 14 x 20 PS8D20N130DN11 D (2) 14 x 20 ESP (External Static Pressure) .5 WG is at furnace outlet ahead of cooling coil. NOTES: 1. All filters must be high velocity cleanable type. 0 Unitary Products Group 3 b36-21610-002 Rev. A (1104) BLOWER -PERFORMANCE CFM - (WITHOUT FILTER) MODELS Speed Ext. Airflow Data Static Pressure (in. H2O) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 High 1620 1590 1480 1400 1310 1240 1140 1040 910 760 PS8Al2N040DN11 Medium High 1430 1390 1340 1280 1220 1140 1050 960 820 710 Medium Low 1210 1210 1190 1200 1100 1020 940 850 730 620 Low 980 980 970 950 920 870 810 720 620 520 PS8Al2N060DN11 High 1500 1470 1390 1320 1240 1170 1070 960 830 700 Medium High 1380 1340 1280 1210 1150 1060 970 870 760 610 Medium Low 1220 1200 1160 1 1110 1050 1 990 910 820 700 600 Low 960 950 940 920 890 840 770 710 630 530 High 1550 1480 1410 1330 1250 1150 1050 940 810 700 PS8Al2N080DN11 Medium High 1400 1360 1290 1220 1150 1060 970 860 730 590 Medium Low 1230 1210 1170 1120 1060 990 910 810 680 560 Low 980 970 960 930 890 830 760 680 550 450 PS81316N080DN11 High 2070 2000 1930 1 1850 1770 1 1670 1580 1470 1360 1250 Medium 1650 1630 1610 1560 1490 1420 1360 1270 1170 1 1040 Low 1410 1400 1370 1340 1320 1270 1210 1140 1050 950 PS8B12N100DN11 High 1710 1650 1580 1510 1420 1330 1260 1160 1090 930 Medium High 1480 1440 1380 1330 1270 1180 1090 1 980 790 630 Medium Low 1240 1230 1200 1170 1110 1030 950 850 710 600 Low 980 980 980 1 970 930 1 890 800 720 630 530 PS8C20N100DN11 High 2400 2330 2240 2130 2030 1960 1820 1710 1570 1390 Medium High 2130 2070 2000 1940 1840 1760 1660 1540 1420 1230 Medium Low 1800 1760 1730 1650 1580 1510 1430 1300 1200 1030 Low 1480 1450 1390 1360 1300 1240 1180 1 1080 960 860 PS8C16N115DN11 High 2210 2160 2100 2030 1940 1850 1750 1640 1520 11400 Medium 1640 1640 1620 1590 1530 1500 1430 1360 1270 1160 Low 1410 1410 1370 1 1360 1300 1260 1210 1150 1090 1010 PS8C20N115DN11 High 2400 2310 2220 2120 2010 1910 1800 1660 1520 1350 Medium High 2090 2030 1970 1880 1790 1730 1640 1520 1370 1190 Medium Low 1720 1690 1650 1600 1550 1460 1370 1270 1150 980 Low 1440 1430 1400 1340 1280 1220 1140 1040 930 830 High 2530 2420 2340 2250 2110 1 2020 1920 1750 1590 1410 PS8D20N130DN11 Medium High 2190 2150 2070 1970 1910 1790 1680 1550 140Q 1250 Medium Low 1800 1760 1720 1680 1610 1490 1410 1300 1160 1040 Low 1450 1440 1410 1360 1310 1250 1170 1080 980 860 NOTES: 1. Airflow expressed in standard cubic feet per minute (CFM). 2. Motor voltage at 115 V. BLK w BLK (HOT) NOMINAL WHT AWHT (NEUTRAL) } 120 VOLT GRN GRN Line Wiring Connection FILTER PERFORMANCE The airflow capacity data published in the "Blower Perfor- mance" table listed above represents blower performance WITHOUT filters. To determine the approximate blower per- formance of the system, apply the filter drop value for the fil- ter being used or select an appropriate value from the "Filter Performance" table shown below. NOTE: The filter pressure drop values in the "Filter Perfor- mance" table shown below are typical values for the type of filter listed and should only be used as a guideline. Actual pressure drop ratings for each filter type vary between filter manufacturer. 4 Unitary Products Group FILTER PERFORMANCE - PRESSURE DROP INCHES W.C. Airflow Range Minimum Opening Size 1Opening Disposable 1Opening Filter Type WASHABLE FIBER' IOpening Pleated IOpening CFM In' inwc inwc inwc 0-750 230 0.01 0.01 0.15 751 -1000 330 0.05 0.05 0.2 1001-1250 330 0.1 0.1 0.2 1251 -1500 330 0.1 0.1 0.25 1501-1750 380 0.15 0.14 0.3 1751 -2000 380 0.19 0.18 0.3 2001 & Above 463 0.19 0.18 0.3 Washable Fiber are the type supplied with furnace (if supplied). APPLYING FILTER PRESSURE DROP TO DETERMINE SYSTEM AIRFLOW To determine the approximate airflow of the unit with a filter in place, follow the steps below: 1. Select the filter type. 2. Calculate the return opening size in square inches to _ determine the proper filter pressure drop. 3. Determine the External System Static Pressure (ESP) without the filter. 4. Select a filter pressure drop from the table based upon return air opening size and -add to the ESP from Step 3 to determine the total system static. 5. If total system static matches a ESP value in the airflow table (i.e. 0.20, 0.60, etc,) the system airflow corre- sponds to the intersection of the ESP column and Model/ Blower Speed row. 6. If the total system static falls between ESP values in the table (i.e. 0.58, 0.75, etc.), the static pressure may be rounded to the nearest value in the table determining the airflow using Step 5 or calculate the airflow by using the following example. UNIT CLEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBLES 036-21610-002 Rev. A (1104) Example: For a 130,000 Btuh furnace with operating on high speed blower, it is found that total system static is 0.58" w.c. To determine the system airflow, complete the following steps: 1. Obtain the airflow values at 0.50" & 0.60" ESP. Airflow @ 0.50": 2110 CFM Airflow @ 0.60": 2020 CFM 2. Subtract the airflow @ 0.60" from the airflow @ 0.5 to obtain airflow difference. 2020 - 2110 = -90 CFM 3. Subtract the total system static from 0.50" and divide this difference by the difference in ESP values in the table, 0.60" - 0.50", to obtain a percentage. (0.58-0.50)/(0.60-0.50)=0.8 4. Multiply percentage by airflow difference to obtain airflow reduction. (0.8)x(-90) = -72 5. Subract airflow reduction value to airflow @ 0.50" to obtain actual airflow @ 0.58" ESP. 2110 - 72 = 2038 TOP APPLICATION FRONT REAR LEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE FLUE CLOSET LINE ALCOVE ATTIC CONTACT In. In. In. In. In. In. BOTTOM DOWNFLOW 1 6 0 0 3 6 11 YES YES YES NO DOWNFLOW 13 -VENT . 1 3 0 0 0 1 111 YES YES YES NO 1 Special floor base or air conditioning coil required for use on combustible floor. la Unitary Products Group 5 b36-21610-002 Rev.A (1104) ACCESSORIES PROPANE CONVERSION KIT--1NP0347 (32, 64 & 80 MBH) 1NP0348 (48, 92,& 104 MBH) This accessory conversion kit may be used to convert natural gas units for propane (LP) operation at altitudes up to 2,000 ft. Conversion should be made by qualified distributor or dealer personnel. COMBUSTIBLE FLOOR BASE 1CB0314 = For 14-1/4" cabinet models 1CB0317 = For 17-1/2" cabinet models 1CB0321 = For 21" cabinet models 1CB0324 = For 24-1/2" cabinet models HIGH ALTITUDE PRESSURE SWITCH These accessory kits may be used to convert units for high altitude operation. Conversion must be made by qualified dis- tributor or dealer personnel. ° FIELD INSTALLED ACCESSORIES - ELECTRICAL HIGH PRESSURE SWITCH DESCRIPTION Input (MBH) Output (MBH) 2,000 to 5,500 Ft. >5,500 to 10,000 Ft. 40 32 1PS0301 1PS0301 57 48 1PS0301 1PS0301 80 64 1PS0302 1PS0302 100 80 1PS0312 1PS0311 115 92 1PS0312 1PS0311 130 104 1PS0312 1PS0311 ° FIELD INSTALLED ACCESSORIES - ELECTRICAL MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION USED WITH 2TB17700424 SUBBASE (24V) -One-stage Heat / Cool. Manual changeover. ALL MODELS System Switch: Cool -Off -Heat. Fan Switch: Auto -On. THERMOSTAT -One -stage Heat. Deluxe 24V with heat only subbase, 2TH13700424 does not include fan switch. NOTE: For one -stage cool or one -stage ALL MODELS heat/cool, must be used with subbase 2TB17700424. 2ET03700324 THERMOSTAT- Hardwired, 1 Heat/ 1 Cool. Manual changeover, Sys- ALL MODELS tem Switch: Cool -Off -Heat. Fan Switch: Auto -On. 2ET0370.1224 THERMOSTAT -Power Stealing, 1 Heat/1 Cool. Manual changeover, ALL MODELS System Switch: Cool -Off -Heat. Fan Switch: Auto -On. 2ET03700124 THERMOSTAT -Hardwired, 1 Heat/ 1 Cool. Programmable, Auto ALL MODELS changeover. System Switch: Cool -Off -Heat. Fan Switch: Auto -On. 2ET03701024 THERMOSTAT -Power Stealing, 1 Heat / 1 Cool. Programmable, Auto ALL MODELS changeover. System Switch: Cool -Off -Heat. Fan Switch: Auto -On. 6TT03701124 TALKING THERMOSTAT lHeat/lCool ALL MODELS 6 Unitary Products Group 12YORK Heating ■ Air Conditioning TECHNICAL GUIDE ADD - ON COILS FOR USE WITH SPLIT -SYSTEM COOLING & HEAT PUMPS MODELS: GHD, GFD, GFA, GNA, GUA & GHA 600 - 2000 CFM 2 - 5 TON COILS HORIZONTAL G1HD -v _ UPFLOW UNCASED G1NA FULL CASED 'n MULTI -POSITION r-2FD HORIZONTAL CASED G1HA a A i r UPFLOW CASED G1FA UPFLOW G1UA C UR Uft iNMlIl NIiGIStK��" iso soot certified Quality Management System ' Due to continuous product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. Visit us on the web at www.york.com for the most up-to-date technical information. ' Additional rating information can be found at www.ariprimenet.org. 036-21145-004 Rev. B (0405) DESCRIPTION These cooling and heat pump coils are designed to be installed with UPG furnaces and to be matched with UPG cooling and heat pump outdoor units. All coils are available as sweat -connect models for your convenience and ease of matching. Upflow Coils - Available in high-capacity models to match . any system and upflow furnace. Models available with factory installed TXV or orifice metering system. Multi -Position Coils - Available in high-capacity models to match any system and any multi -position furnace and air handler. Selected models available with factory installed TXV or standard orifice metering systems. Selected models also available from the factory with thicker 3/4" cabinet insulation. Horizontal Duct Coils - Available to match any cooling or heat pump system and horizontal furnace. Field transition may be required. Dedicated Horizontal Cased Coils - Available to match most cooling or heat pump systems and any horizontal gas furnace or modular air handler. For horizontal application only. Models available with factory installed TXV or orifice metering system. FEATURES Insulated Cabinet - All evaporator coil cabinets are thermally insulated to prevent sweating. Internally Clean - All evaporator coils are factory leak - tested, dehydrated, sealed and shipped with a holding charge. Durable Finish - Coil casings are made of pre -painted steel. The pre-treated flat galvanized steel provides a better paint to steel bond, which resists corrosion and rust creep. Optimum Heat Transfer - Using the latest in heat transfer technology, staggered rows of rifled copper tubes are mechanically expanded into aluminum fins to provide opti- mum air to surface contact for ample moisture removal as well as high performance ratings. Optional Factory Installed Thermal Expansion Valve - Provides flexibility to match high efficiency applications at a lower installed cost. Yorkmate Refrigerant Control - Provides optimum system performance and the flexibility to match coils with any effi- ciency level cooling or heat pump system. ACCESSORIES Refer to Price Manual for specific model numbers. TXV Kits - Thermal expansion valve kits are available for indoor coils to obtain specific system performance. Horizontal Drain Pan Kits - A field installed horizontal drain pan kit (1 HP0623BK or 1 HP0628BK) is available for horizon- tal applications on the multi -position coil. The full cased multi - position coil is also available with a factory installed horizon- tal drain pan option. I FOR DISTRIBUTION USE ONLY - NOT TO BE USED AT POINT OF RETAIL SALE 036-21145-004 Rev. B (0405) COOLING CAPACITY - Coil Only Model Rated CFM Entering Air °F (Wet Bulb) MBH @ Evaporator Temperature and Corresponding Pressure °F / PSIG 35 / 61.5 40 / 68.5 45/76.0 50/84.0 HORIZONTAL DUCT TYPE UPFLOW "A" TYPE G 1 H D024 G1 FA024S14(T) GWA024S14 675 72 35.6 32.5 29.0 25.2 67 32.9 29.7 26.3 22.7 62 27.0 23.9 20.7 17.4 57 21.9 19.0 15.9 12.4 G1FA024S17(T) G1UA024S17 850 72 35.6 32.5 29.0 25.2 67 32.9 29.7 26.3 22.7 62 27.0 23.9 20.7 17.4 57 21.9 19.0 15.9 12.4 G1FA030S14(T) GlUA030S14 1025 72 38.9 35.4 31.6 27.6 67 33.9. 30.3 26.8 23.0 62 27.3 23.7 22.5 18.0 57 22.6 20.1 17.5 14.8 G1FA036S14(T) G1 FA036S17(T) G1UA036S14 G1UA036S17 1250 72 51.1 46.5 41.5 36.6 67 40.9 36.1 31.7 26.9 62 32.0 26.8 29.3 21.8 57 27.4 25.4 23.4 21.8 G1FA036S21(T) G1UA036S21 1250 72 51.1 46.5 41.5 36.6 67 40.9 36.1 31.7 26.9 62 32.0 26.8 29.3 21.8 57 27.4 25.4 23.4 21.8 G1FA048S17(T) G1FA048S21(T) G1UA048S17 G1FUA048S21 1620 72 99.4 85.5 71.2 56.2 67 79.6 66.8 54.4 41.6 62 62.1 49.4 40.2 33.7 57 53.3 46.7 40.2 33.7 G1FA060S21(T) G1 FA060S24(T) G1 UA060S21 GlUA060S24 1850 72 118.7 100.0 81.1 61.5 67 95.0 78.4 61.9 45.4 62 174.0 58.0 45.7 36.7 57 1 63.6 54.8 45.7 36.7 - See Condensing Unit or Heat Pump Technical Guide for Total Cooling Capacity and Sensible Capacity. (T) indicates models with factory installed thermal expansion valve. Coil Only MODEL CFM ENTERING AIR °F (Wet Bulb) MBH @ Evaporator Temperature and Corresponding Pressure °F/ PSIG 35/61.5 40/68.5 45/76.0 50/84.0 HORIZONTAL DUCT TYPE G 1 H D024 815 72 35.3 32.4 28.7 24.9 67 32.6 29.4 26.0 22.5 62 26.7 23.7 20.5 17.2 57 21.7 18.8 15.7 12.3 GlHD036 1192 72 57.9 52.7 47.1 41.5 67 46.4 41.1 35.9 30.4 62 36.2 30.4 26.5 24.7 57 31.1 28.7 26.5 24.7 GlHD048 1610 72 83.4 71.7 59.7 47.1 67 66.8 56.1 45.6 34.9 62 52.1 41.5 33.7 28.3 57 44.7 39.2 33.7 28.3 GlHD060 2100 72 133.0 112.4 90.9 69.2 67 106.5 87.9 69.4 50.0 62 83.0 65.0 51.3 41.1 57 71.2 61.4 51.3 41.1 See Condensing Unit or Heat Pump Technical Guide for Total Cooling Capacity and Sensible Capacity. 2 Unitary Products Group � I � I � I � I I I I I 11 036-21145-004 Rev. B (0405) COOLING CAPACITY - COIL ONLY Model Coil Rated CFM Entering it (Wet Bulb) Evaporator 35/61.5 1 lemperature and 40/68.5 Corresponding Pressure 6.0 50184.0 12 32.0 Z0.0 G1HA036H14(T) 1150 G2FD024(S,H)14(T) G2FD024(S,H)17(T)(X) 850 G1HA036H17(T) 1200 67 33.4 30.2 23.1 T16.2 5 2 1550 G2FD030(S,H)17(T) G2FD035(S,H)14(T) 1025 57 50.6 44.4 297 G1HA060H24(T) 1800 67 36.2 slu' 5 24.1 21.5 18.7 G2FD036(S,H)17(T)(X) 1250 bt .7 36.8 bZ 32.5 27.3 . 2.9 25.8 2 G2FD036(S,H)21(T) 1200 67 2.8 37. 3 . 28.2 7 28.7 26.5 24.5 2 . G2FD046(S,H)17(T)(X) G2FD042(S,H)21(T) 1400 6 70.8 5 G2FD048(S,H)21(T)(X) G2FD048(S,H)24(T) 1650 tZ 100.5 86A 72.0 G2FD060(S,H)24(T)(X) 1825 tZ 119.9 101,U 80.0 G2FD061H24(T)(X) 2000 124.8 1052 85.3 b4.7 See Condensing Unit or Heat Pump Technical Guide for Total Cooling Capacity and Sensible Capacity. Notes: G2FD coils available with a factory installed horizontal drain pan option (H). • G2FD061 H24 is only available with a factory mounted horizontal pan. (T) = Indicates models with factory installed thermal expansion valve. Only available on coils with factory installed horizontal drain pan (H). (X) = Models shown with X suffix are available with increased cabinet insulation thickness. Only available on coils without factory installed horizontal drain pan (S) except 061. COOLING CAPACITY - COIL ONLY Model Rated CFM Entering Air °F CORRESPONDING PRESSURE °F / PSIG (Wet Bulb) 35/61.5 40168.5 45/76.0 50/84.0 G1HA0241-114(T) 800 12 32.0 Z0.0 G1HA036H14(T) 1150 67 348 25.9 G1HA036H17(T) 1200 GIIHA0481-121(T) 1550 57 50.6 44.4 297 G1HA060H24(T) 1800 slu' See Condensing Unit or Heat Pump Technical Guide for Total Cooling Capacity and Sensible Capacity. (T) indicates models with factory installed thermal expansion valve. Unitary Products Group 3 f STATIC PRESSURE VS. AIRFLOW (BASED ON WET COIL) Model Airflow Wet Coll UPFLOW CASED 'W TYPE Mu 0.19 G1FA024S14(T) G1UA024S14 600 0.12 0.15 1000 0.23 G2FD035(S,H)14(T) 0.33 G1 FA024S17(T)7 G1UA024S17 1200 0.49 G2FD030(S,H)17(T) 800 T2MT_ 0.40 G2FD036(S,H)17(T)(X) G1FA030S14(T) GlUA030S14 0.24 0.33 0 o.TT-- 1200 0.33 0.31 G1FA036S14(T) G1UA036S14 0.21 1400 0.30 G2FD042(S,H)21(T) 1400 G1FA036S17(T) G1UA036S17 G2FD048(S,H)21(T)(X) 18 1200 0.26 0 0.36 G1 FA036S21 (T) G1UA036S21 0.21 0.27 0.34 0.22 740- 0.30 G1FA048S17(T) G1UA048S17 1200 0.19 1400 0.25 0.28 zzuu UNCASED UPFLOW G1NA024S17G G1FA048S21(T) G1UA048S21 800 0.20 1000 0.31 GlNA030S17H 2 0.27 . 8 1800 0.36 G1FA060S21(T)2 G1UA060S21 1200 G1NA036S17J 1000 0.21 0.42 G1 NA036S17L 0.22 0.47 G1FA060S24(T) GlUA060S24 G1NA036S21C 0.22 1800 0.28 G1NA042S24W TTGU­ 0.42 - HORIZONTAL -DUCT TYPE 1400 0.38 G1 HD024 600 _n6 0.25 1800 _iY32 0.39 0.47 G1 HD036 G1 0.19- 20 .28 1400 0. G1 HD0480' 1200 __V14 19 .5 5 2 GlHD060 6 6 0.20 0-25 2200 0 HORIZONTAL CASED G1HA024H14 (T) 600 7 0.12 0.19 G1HA036H14 (T) 9 5 0.31 G1 HA036H 17 (T) 1000 0.20 7 3 .3 G1 HA048H21 (T) -1400 0.7r - 550 6 .3 G1 HA060H24 (T) 0.25 0.28 8 .30 1900 3 zuuu U.34 (T) Indicates models with factory installed thermal expansion valve. Unitary Products Group 036-21145-004 Rev. B (0405) Model i ow I Wet rof CASED "A" TYPE MULTI -POSITION G2FD024(S,H)14(T) 600 0.10 Mu 0.19 1000 0.29 G2FD024(S,H)17(T) 600 0.08 0.15 1000 0.23 G2FD035(S,H)14(T) 800 0.22 1200 0.49 G2FD030(S,H)17(T) 800 U.Tr- T2MT_ 0.40 G2FD036(S,H)17(T)(X) 0.17 0.24 0.33 G2FD036(S,H)21(T) 1000 0.23 1200 0.33 G2FD046(S,H)17(T)(X) 1200 0.22 1400 0.30 G2FD042(S,H)21(T) G2FD048(S,H)21(T)(X) 0.24 1600 0.31T8MF_ 0.39 G2FD048(S,H)24(T) 5 0.21 0.27 0.34 G2FD060(S,H)24(T)(X) 1600 0.22-- 8 0.41 G2FD061H24 0.18 0.23 0.28 zzuu UNCASED UPFLOW G1NA024S17G 600 0.11 800 0.20 1000 0.31 GlNA030S17H 800 0.17 0.27 0.38 GlNA030S17K 800 0.16 1000 0.25 1200 G1NA036S17J 1000 0.21 0.42 G1 NA036S17L 0.22 1200 0.30 0.38 G1NA036S21C 1000 0.18 1200 0.24 G1NA042S24W 0.51 G1NA048S21D 1200. 0.28 1400 0.38 1600 0.50 0.63 GlNA060S24T 0.25 1800 _iY32 0.39 0.47 (T) Indicates models with factory installed thermal expansion valve. 5 e e 0 i I II �� I I I I I I I � I � I � I 036-21145-004 Rev. B (0405) PHYSICAL DATA Model Application Refrig. Conn. Types Std.Face Orifice Size Area (Sq. Ft.) Deep Fin in Per In. Coil Size Tube Geometry Tube Dia. Fin Type Expansion Device Operating Weight (Lbs.) UPFLOW "A" TYPE G1FA024S14 Cooling / Heat Pum p Sweat 59 2.92 2 14 (2) 12 x 17.5 1 x 0.866 3/8 Enhanced Orifice 30 G1FA024S14T - 2.92 2 14 (2) 12 x 17.5 2 Ton TXV 32 G1FA024S17 59 2.92 2 14 (2) 12 x 17.5 Orifice 31 G1FA024S17T - 2.92 2 14 (2) 12 x 17.5 2 Ton TXV 33 GlFA030S14 65 3.40 2 14 (2) 12 x 17.5 Orifice 38 GlFA030S14T - 3.40 2 14 (2) 12 x 17.5 2 Ton TXV 40 G1FA036S14 73 4.38 2 14 (2) 18 x 17.5 Orifice 41 G1 FA036S14T - 4.38 2 14 (2) 18 x 17.5 3 Ton TXV 43 G1 FA036S17 73 3.89 2 14 (2) 16 x 17.5 Orifice 40 G1 FA036S17T - 3.89 2 14 (2) 16 x 17.5 3 Ton TXV 42 G1 FA036S21 73 3.89 2 14 (2) 16 x 17.5 Orifice 45 G1 FA036S21T - 3.89 2 14 (2) 16 x 17.5 3 Ton TXV 47 G1 FA048S17 84 5.83 2 11 (2) 24 x 17.5 Orifice 64 G1 FA048S17T - 5.83 2 11 (2) 24 x 17.5 5 Ton TXV 66 GlFA04BS21 84 4.86 3 11 (2) 20 x 17.5 Orifice 64 G1 FA048S21T - 4.86 3 11 (2) 20 x 17.5 5 Ton TXV 66 GIFA060S21 90 5.83 3 12 (2) 24 x 17.5 Orifice 75 G1 FAO60S21T - 5.83 3 12 (2) 24 x 17.5 5 Ton TXV 77 G1 FAO60S24 90 5.83 3 12 (2) 24 x 17.5 Orifice 78 G1 FAO60S24T - 5.83 3 12 (2) 24 x 17.5 5 Ton TXV 80 G1 UA024S14 Cooling / Heat Pum p Sweat 59 2.92 2 14 (2) 12 x 17.5 1 x 0.866 3/8 Enhanced Orifice 30 G1 UA024S17 59 2.92 2 14 (2) 12 x 17.5 31 G1 UA030S14 65 3.40 2 14 (2) 12 x 17.5 38 G1UA036S14 73 4.38 2 14 (2) 18 x 17.5 41 G1 UA036S17 73 3.89 2 14 (2) 16 x 17.5 40 G1UA036S21 73 3.89 2 14 (2)16 x 17.5 45 G1UA048S17 84 5.83 2 11 (2) 24 x 17.5 64 G1 UA048S21 84 4.86 3 11 (2) 20 x 17.5 64 G1 UAO60S21 90 5.83 3 12 (2) 24 x 17.5 75 G1 UAO60S24 90 5.83 3 12 (2) 24 x 17.5 78 HORIZONTAL - DUCT TYPE G1 HD024 Cooling / Heat Pum p Sweat 59 3.67 2 14 22 x 24 1 x 0.866 3/8 Enhanced Orifice 34 G1 HD036 69 3.67 3 11 22 x 24 40 G1HD048 81 4.33 3 12 26 x 24 46 GlHD060 - 93 5.42 3 11 26 x 30 52 UNCASED UPFLOW G1NA024S17G Cooling / Heat Pump Sweat 51 2.75 2 16 12 x 16.5 1 x 0.625 5/16 High Efficiency Orifice 20 GlNA030S17H 57 3.21 3 14 14 x 16.5 26 GlNA030S17K 63 3.67 3 14 16 x 16.5 29 G1NA036S17J 67 4.13 3 14 18 x 16.5 31 G1 NA036S17L 71 4.13 4 12 18 x 16.5 36 G1NA036S21C 67 4.13 3 14 18 x 16.5 32 G1 NA048S21 D 78 4.13 4 12 18 x 16.5 39 G1NA042S24W 84 5.26 4 12 22 x 17.5 1 x 0.866 3/8 Enhanced G1 NAO60S24T 87 5.73 4 12 24 x 17.5 1 x 0.625 5/16 High Efficiency L48 6 Unitary Products Group 1 l 036-21145-004 Rev. B (0405) PHYSICAL DATA (Continued) Model Application Refrig. Conn. Types Std. Orifice Size Face Area (Sq. Ft.) Rows Deep Fin per In Coil Size Tube Geometry Tube Dia. Fin Type Expansion Device Operating Weight (Lbs.) FULL CASED "A" TYPE MULTI -POSITION G2FD024(S,H)14 Cooling / Heat Pump Sweat 61 3.40 2 14 (2) 14 x 17.5 1 x 0.866 3/8 Enhanced Orifice 37 G2FD024H14T - 3.40 2 14 (2) 14 x 17.5 2 Ton TXV 39 G2FD024(S,H)17 61 3.40 2 14 (2) 14 x 17.5 Orifice 42 G2FD024H17T - 3.40 2 14 (2) 14 x 17.5 2 Ton TXV 44 G2FD030(S,H)17 65 3.88 2 14 (2) 16 x 17.5 Orifice 48 . 132FD0301-117T - 3.88 2 14 (2) 16 x 17.5 2 Ton TXV 50 G2FD035(S,H)14 65 3.89 2 14 (2) 16 x 17.5 Orifice 46 132FD0351-114T - 3.89 2 14 (2) 16 x 17.5 2 Ton TXV 48 G2FD036(S,H)17 75 4.86 2 14 (2) 20 x 17.5 Orifice 55 G2FD036H17T - 4.86 2 14 (2) 20 x 17.5 3 Ton TXV 57 G2FD036(S,H)21 75 3.40 3 12 (2) 14 x 17.5 Orifice 58 G2FD036H21T - 3.40 3 12 (2) 14 x 17.5 3 Ton TXV 60 G2FD042(S,H)21 78 4.86 3 11 (2) 16 x 17.5 Orifice 62 132FD0421-121T - 4.86 3 11 (2) 16 x 17.5 3 Ton TXV 64 G2FD046(S,H)17 78 5.83 2 14 (2) 24 x 17.5 Orifice 65 G2FD046H17T - 5.83 2 14 (2) 24 x 17.5 5 Ton TXV 67 G2FD048(S,H)21 84 5.35 3 12 (2) 22 x 17.5 Orifice 69 G2FD048H21T - 5.35 3 12 (2) 22 x 17.5 5 Ton TXV 71 G2FD048(S,H)24 84 5.35 3 12 (2) 22 x 17.5 Orifice 71 G2FD048H24T - 5.35 3 12 (2) 2 x 17.5 5 Ton TXV 73 G2FD060(S,H)24 90 5.83 3 12 (2) 24 x 17.5 Orifice 79' G2FDO60H24T - 5.83 3 12 (2) 24 x 17.5 5 Ton TXV 81 132FD061 H24 90 6.81 3 12 (2) 28 x 17.5 Orifice 89 Note: G2FD coils available with a factory installed horizontal drain pan option (H). G2FD061H24 is only available with a factory mounted horizontal pan. Data applies to G2FD models with or without (X). HORIZONTAL CASED TYPE G1HA0241­114 Cooling / Heat Pump Sweat 61 3.40 2 14 (2) 14 x 17.5 1 x 0.866 3/8 Enhanced Orifice 38 131HA0241-114(T) - 3.40 2 14 (2) 14 x 17.5 2 Ton TXV 40 G1HA036H14 75 3.40 3 12 (2) 14 x 17.5 Orifice 47 G1 HA036H14(T) - 3.40 3 12 (2) 14 x 17.5 3 Ton TXV 49 G1HA0361-117 78 4.86 3 11 (2) 16 x 17.5 Orifice 52 G1 HA036H17(T) _ 4.86 3 11 (2) 16 x 17.5 3 Ton TXV 54 GlHA04BH21 84 4.86 3 11 (2) 20 x 17.5 Orifice 64 GlHA048H21(T) - 4.86 3 11 (2) 20 x 17.5 5 Ton TXV 66 G1 HAO60H24 90 5.83 3 12 (2) 24 x 17.5 Orifice 74 G1 HAO60H24(T) - 5.83 3 12 (2) 24 x 17.5 5 Ton TXV 76 Note: G1HA Models with the (T) option feature a factory installed thermal expansion valve. Unitary Products Group 7 036-21145-004.Rev. B (0405) DIMENSIONS G1 FA UPFLOW CASED COIL c Model Dimensions — Inches Refrigerant Connections A B C D E F G Line Size Liquid Vapor G1FA024S14(T) 14-1/2 16 13-3/8 13-1/2 - 3/8 5/8 G1FA024S17(T) 17-1/2 16 16-3/8 16-1/2 - 3/8 5/8 G1FA030S14(T) 14-1/2 18 13-3/8 13-1/2 - 3/8 3/4 G1FA036S14(T) 14-1/2 22-1/4 13-3/8 13-1/2 3/8 3/4 G1FA036S17(T) 17-1/2 19-1/2 16-3/8 16-1/2 3/8 3/4 G1FA036S21(T) 21 19-1/2 19-7/8 20 3/8 3/4 G1FA048S17(T) 17-1/2 28-1/4 16-3/8 16-1/2 3/8 7/8 G1 FA048S21(T)(T) 21 24 19-7/8 20 3/8 7/8 G1FA060S21(T) 21 28-1/4 19-7/8 , 20 3/8 7/8 G1FA060S24(T) 24-1/2 1 28-1/4 23-3/8 23=1/2 3/8 7/8 NV i t: ( i matcaces moaeis win raaory instanea inermai expansion valve. 8 Unitary Products Group G2FD MULTI -POSITION "A" COIL 036-21145-004 Rev. B (0405) (Available with or without a factory installed horizontal drain pan). 4NGE G F BOTTOM OPENING Dimensions — Inches Refrigerant Connections Model Quick -Connect Line Size A B C D E F G Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor G2FD024(S,H)14(T) 14-1/2 22 23 19-7/8 13-3/8 20-3/16 13-1/2 — — 3/8 5/8 G2FD024(S,H)17(T)(X) 17-1/2 23 16-3/8 16-1/2 — — 5/8 G2FD035(S,H)14(T) 14-1/2 23 13-3/8 13-1/2 — — 5/8 G2FD030(S,H)17(T) 17-1/2 23 16-3/8 16-1/2 — — 5/8 G2FD036(S,H)17(T)(X) 17-1/2 28 .16-3/8 16-1/2 — — 3/4 G2FD036(S,H)21(T) 21 23 19-7/8 20 — — 3/4 G2FD046(S,H)17(T)(X) 17-1/2 28 16-3/8 16-1/2 — — 7/8 G2FD042(S,H)21(T) 21 23 19-7/8 20 — — 7/8 G2FD048(S,H)21(T)(X) 21 28 19-7/8- 20 — — 7/8 G2FD048(S,H)24(T) 24-1/2 28 23-3/8 23-1/2 — — 7/8 G2FD060(S,H)24(T)(X) 24-1/2 28 23-3/8 23-1/2 — — 7/8 G2FD061H24 24-1/2 F 3 23-3/8 23-1/2 IVV IC: G2FD coils available with a factory installed horizontal drain pan option (H). G21FD061 H24 is only available with a factory mounted horizontal pan. (T) = Indicates models with factory installed thermal expansion valve. Only available on coils with factory installed horizontal drain pan (H). (X) = Models shown with X suffix are available with increased cabinet insulation thickness. Only available on coils without factory installed horizontal drain pan (S) except 061. 0 Unitary Products Group 11 Register and Grille Schedule (MetalAire or Equal) Zone I A SA 6x4 VD sidewall w/OBD B SA 8x8 LS4D ceiling w/OBD C .-SA 6x6 LS4D ceiling w/OBD D SA 6x4 VD sidewall w/OBD E SA 6x4 VD sidewall w/OBD F SA 6x6 LS4D ceiling w/OBD G SA 6x6 LS4D ceiling w/OBD H SA 10x6 VD sidewall w/OBD J SA 10x6 VD sidewall w/OBD K RA 16x12 RH ceiling no damper L RA 16x12 RH ceiling no damper M SA 8x8 LS4D ceiling w/OBD N SA 8x8 LS4D ceiling w/OBD O SA 6x6 LS4D ceiling w/OBD P SA 6x6 LS4D ceiling w/OBD Q SA 10x4 VD sidewall w/OBD R SA 10x4 VD sidewall w/OBD RR RA 12x8 RH sidewall no damper Zone II S SA 4"x2.5' 2000FD floor register w/OBD T SA 4"x2.5' 2000FD floor register w/OBD U SA 4"x2.5' 2000FD floor register w/OBD V SA 4"x2.0' 2000FD floor register w/OBD w SA 4"x2.0' 2000FD floor register w/OBD X SA 4"x2.0' 2000FD floor register w/OBD Y SA 4"x1.5' 2000FD floor register w/OBD Z SA 4"x1:5' 2000FD floor register w/OBD AA SA 4"x1.5' 2000FD floor register w/OBD AB SA 4"x1.5' 2000FD floor register w/OBD AC SA 4"x1.5' 2000FD floor register w/OBD AD SA 4"x1.5' 2000FD floor register w/OBD AE RA 40x18 RH sidewall no damper AF SA 1.5"x1' 2000FD floor register w/OBD AG RA 12x8 RH sidewall no damper AH SA 4"x1.5' 2000FD floor register w/OBD Zone. III AJ SA 6x6 LS4D ceiling w/OBD AK SA 12x12 LS4D ceiling w/OBD AL SA 10x4 VD sidewall w/OBD AM SA 10x4 VD sidewall w/OBD AN RA 16x12 RH ceiling. no damper AO SA 10x4 VD sidewall w/OBD AP SA 12x6 VD sidewall w/OBD AQ RA 16x12 RH sidewall no damper AR SA 132x6 VD sidewall w/OBD AS SA 14x10 LS3D ceiling w/OBD AT RA' 12x8 RH sidewall no damper AU SA 10x10 LS4D ceiling w/OBD AV SA 6x6 LS4D ceiling w/OBD Kelly Desert Development Reg & Grille Sched_08.12.2005 IGeneral Information Series 2000 Linear Bar Grilles & Registers Series 2000 Linear Bar Grilles and Registers are engineered for supply and return air distributionIn heating, cooling, and ventilating applications, and are designed for sidewall,floor, sill, and ceiling installation. Material: Linear Bar Grilles are made lusively of high grade aluminum extrusions (6063-T5 alloy) for maxi- mum strength, corrosion resis- tance, and dimensional stability. Floor grilles are additionally rein- ed with 1/8 inch by 11/16 inch sup - t brackets. Model 2100 nstruction: Face bars of natural anodized extruded aluminum are mechanically interlocked into heavy gauge cross bars to produce straight, 1, and blemish -free core sections. laced on 1/2 inch centers, the face bars, which measure 7/32 inch by 3/4 inch, are available in three angles of deflection: 0°, 150 and (face bars of "Pencil Proof' Model OFP are slightly wider). Floor and sill �s are removable, and are secured Dy coated steel retaining clips. Wall and ceiling cores are permanently attached to their frames. Model 220OF Bar Grille frames are made of extruded ninum and are available in two bor- Jer widths: 1 inch and 1/2 inch ("fra- meless" flange Model 2200F features a narrow 3/16" border). :eel snap -in friction springs are used he standard mounting method for r, sill and sidewall applications, espe- -,ly where specifications call for con cealed installation. Frames can be supplied with face screw mounting holes upon request. Concealed mounting sys- tems, using hanger brackets and leveling screws, are available for ceiling installa- tions, both into hemmed ducts or factory supplied subframes. Two auxiliary sub - Model 2000FP ' ©1998 Metal Industries Inc., Clearwater, FL All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. frames are offered for flush, plaster, and tile ceiling installation. Performance: Multiple applications of Series 2000 including sidewall, sill, floor, and ceiling installations make separate performance data necessary. Refer to pages 14 and 15 for details. Measure- ments of throw performance for all Me t a f Ai r ee models are based on supply air at 50°F. Size Availability: Series 2000 Bar Grilles are available in a total of 18 differ- ent widths ranging from 1 1/2 inch to 24 inches, with floor mounted units limited to a maximum width of 12 inches. Stan- dard widths include:1 1/2", 2", 2 1/2", 3", 3 1/2" 4" 5" 6" 7", 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20", 22", and 24". Bar grilles are available in virtually any length above a minimum length of 6 inches, but one piece lengths are limited to 6 feet. Longer Series`2000 grilles (except for Model 2200F) are formed by butting mul- tiple grille sections together with align- ment strips at the frame borders, resulting in hairline joints and a smooth unbroken face appearance. Finish: Standard finish for all Series 2000 Bar Grilles and Registers is Natural Anodized. Accessories/Options: A complete line of accessories and options is available for Series 2000 Bar Grilles and Regis- ters, including mitered corners, opposed blade dampers, adjustable extractors and grids, access doors, and debris screens. Metal Industries, Inc. is committed to an ongoing program of product development and improvement. Product descriptions are therefore subject to change without notice. Contact your me t a PA i t ee repre- sentative to verify current product details. IETAUTAURE. Available Models and Dimensional Data WdBm = 2m 1 Lblad Wdi.,-28.,., _ _ 'U,�d Ustnd L Ultcd Ih WdOl L kignowit Spline 4Typ,) For Ca-,%rium4 Fbmg Ji = LMIfqd t6ftO - 2 ' I Remumbie Com (Tyoj H. r -j yp-) G Fft)M Reirdarcement Bms an ApIquOmaitty TGurd" L"h = L.14*1 ILOP910 Model2000F All Dimensions in Inches I I W, of lfete,- 2's 4 '7 -116 aw Unnod LL -W W&M 'Aidlh'412 j Arqn--t EOL- ".I yi _91 (T)7p) ' F�cr��sF tsa.�i , urad "Ih, I --I Lizind Langlh - Lf Ftemovahlb cm rr".1 Com RImn jiRsintrearrigrt ELa.% on ffi4pqragemMy A? Cenleris t�qj LipVth -,LWod L4.9th h I I Model 2000FP All Dimensions in Inches 3T W 0448dw IF cwfwa m 30P vanRaan Series 2000 Linear Bar Grilles & Registers Model 2000F Grilles and Registers Supply or return units with 1 inch frame border and reinforced for floor installation with support brackets. 00, 150, and 301 deflection available. Con- cealed mounting with snap -in friction springs standard. Face screw mount- ing holes optional. Cores removable. Material: Extruded Aluminum. Finish: Natural Anodized. Models Available: Grilles Registers Deflection 2000F 2000FD 00 2015F 2015FD 150 203OF 2030FD 300 Model 2000FP Grilles and 2000FPD Registers Supply or return units with 1 inch frame border and reinforced with sup- port brackets for floor or sill installa- tion. Face bars extruded slightly wider than Model 2000E Narrow slot width results in "pencil proof" design. Con- cealed mounting with snap -in friction springs standard. Cores removable. Material: Extruded Aluminum. Finish: Natural Anodized. Models Available: Grilles Registers Deflection 2000FP 2000FPD 00 2015FP 2015FPD 150 2030FP 2030FPD 300 I ©1998 Metal Industries Inc., Clearwater, FL All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 3 M Es i TA MIA I RE-.. -.. 91 1=151; 1� 32 e, -7 -� 30- I 'A v. 32 1 A L Iffil riia f, rill 1-f—. r-- 2UP4 0* Dededon 1W fleflactlan 301 Dffhmticn W, of lfete,- 2's 4 '7 -116 aw Unnod LL -W W&M 'Aidlh'412 j Arqn--t EOL- ".I yi _91 (T)7p) ' F�cr��sF tsa.�i , urad "Ih, I --I Lizind Langlh - Lf Ftemovahlb cm rr".1 Com RImn jiRsintrearrigrt ELa.% on ffi4pqragemMy A? Cenleris t�qj LipVth -,LWod L4.9th h I I Model 2000FP All Dimensions in Inches 3T W 0448dw IF cwfwa m 30P vanRaan Series 2000 Linear Bar Grilles & Registers Model 2000F Grilles and Registers Supply or return units with 1 inch frame border and reinforced for floor installation with support brackets. 00, 150, and 301 deflection available. Con- cealed mounting with snap -in friction springs standard. Face screw mount- ing holes optional. Cores removable. Material: Extruded Aluminum. Finish: Natural Anodized. Models Available: Grilles Registers Deflection 2000F 2000FD 00 2015F 2015FD 150 203OF 2030FD 300 Model 2000FP Grilles and 2000FPD Registers Supply or return units with 1 inch frame border and reinforced with sup- port brackets for floor or sill installa- tion. Face bars extruded slightly wider than Model 2000E Narrow slot width results in "pencil proof" design. Con- cealed mounting with snap -in friction springs standard. Cores removable. Material: Extruded Aluminum. Finish: Natural Anodized. Models Available: Grilles Registers Deflection 2000FP 2000FPD 00 2015FP 2015FPD 150 2030FP 2030FPD 300 I ©1998 Metal Industries Inc., Clearwater, FL All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 3 M Es i TA MIA I RE-.. -.. • i Series 2000 Linear Bar Grilles & Registers `A, Dual 4 DW C+vert311 Length Overall LWglh Duct Length 0 — I. T I A .Alk dfmyingr o Iht pane ere Pie -n Vew�. A Pleat View shdrrw•s the grllfo from bela nd -as if you vm'4N st��nding.on. the ftmr above, looking dawn onto the bakk dP the gr'.illo, 02 CenlerSsdon jType)' OenterSection (fyp..) No End Calm Pea End Capp All Oimdislom shswsi eaa for model 20DU' (1' Elorder%i Contlntr vs ru.mpriders''lothei tT anviraiglit Penrglhs),should ire - elude a Pbn Fleur drayA ng indioating general con[o uratkn, mitered canners; and cap&:• e1c. Orders should be sited on duct openiing dhr,tOtic onlly.. Cl) End Section jyp) End Secdon (T)e) , OAo &d Cap any oho End Cap only L.H. RA — 4�ucll Imtglh - Nteled Lenhfn :�f Lk4. Scclon, One Ent! Cap 1 ftutlldnali-lieleele¢rgih PBt benQth 4�tsd Lnr�gth +,T �i' Single Section Tt.®End Gap>: Ce�DEr �e*dbfl �Xf Lbr listed1,4, ,.gnit$mr .l�n91� Cmtar,,aelittii No. End Cot '4 f*� 50'i�l;torndGon-sc'A'' - I-O�d649rc-�fh ' 4forlil ngth II11 1 It Dimensions and Continuous Runs MCI Length Overa* Ltniglh 0 Sailb Ofiel!OdCep 1 900 Mitered Corner Dimensions Listed Width "A" Listed Width "A" _F 1 1/2" 14" 5" 17 1/2" 2' 14 1/2" 6" 18 1/2" 2 1/2" 15" 8" 20 1/2" tg•' 3" 151/2" 1 10° 1 221/2° 3 1/2" 16" 12" 4" 16 1/2" _i. *Duct Width Equals Listed Width MEI'�� � _ - - 8 ©1998 Metal Industries Inc., Clearwater, FL ►��AAW-IR . All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Performance Data a Series '2000 . . .. Linear Bae br"illes & Registers• Table 1- Supply Air Performance 00 and 150 Deflection Listed Outlet Velocity (Vk) 500 700 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 Width Total Pressure (Pt) .016 .031 .051 .062 .075 .090 .105 (in inches) Static Pressure (Ps) .012 .024 .040 .050 .060 .072 .084 and Ak Area NC 15 20 23 26 29 31 per foot 1 1/2 Flow CFWFt. 31 44 56 63 69 75 81 Throw, Sill or Floor 6 9 9 13 10 14 11 16 13 18 13 19 14 20 .062 Ft. Side Wall 8 11 11 16 13 18 14 20 15 22 17 24 17 25 2 Flow CFM/Ft. 43 60 77 85 94 102 111 Throw, Sill or Floor 5 8 8 12 10 14 11 16 13 18 13 19 14 20 .086 Ft. Side Wall 7 10` 10 15 13 18 14 20 15 22 17 24 17 25 21/2 FlowCFM/Ft. 55 77 99 110 121 132 143 Throw, Sill or Floor 6 9 9 13 11 16 1.3 18 13 19 15 21 15 22 .110 Ft. Side Wall 8 11 11 16 14 20 16 23 17 24 18 26 20 28 3 Flow CFWFt. 65 91 117 130 143 156 169 Throw, Sill or Floor 7 10 10 15• 13 18 15 21 15 22. 17 24 18 26 .130 Ft. Side Wall • 8 12 13 18 15 22 17 25 18 26 20 28 21 30 31/2 Flow CFM/Ft. 76 107 137 153 168 183 198 Throw, Sill or Floor 7 10 10 15 13 18 15 21 15 22 17 24 18 26 .152 Ft. Side Wall 9 13 13 19 16 23 18 26 20 28 21 30 22 23 4 Flow CFWFt. 110 154 198 220 242 264 286 Throw, Sill or Floor 8 11 13 18 14 ,20 16 23 18 26 19 27 20 29 .176 Ft. Side Wall 10 14 15 22 17 25 20 29 22 32 24 34 25 26 5 Flow CFM/Ft. 110 154 198 220 242 264 286 Throw, Sill or Floor 8 12 13 18 15 21 17 24 18 26 19 27 21 30 .220 Ft. Side Wall 10 15 15 22 18 26 21 30 22 32 24 34 26 37 6 Flow CFWFt. 133 186 239 265 292 318 345 Throw, Sill or Floor 8 12 13 18 15 22 17 25 18 26 20 28 21 30 .265 Ft. Side Wall 10 15 15 22 19 27 22 31 23 33 24 35 27 38 8 Flow CFM/Ft. 178 249 320 355 391 Throw, Sill or Floor 10 14 13 19 15 22 18 26 19 27 356 Ft. Side Wall 12 17 17 24 20 28 23 33 24 34 10 Flow CFWFt. 223 312 401 445 Throw, Sill or Floor 10 15 15 22 18 26 21 30 .446 Ft. Side Wall 13 19 20 28 23 33 26 37 12 Flow CFM/Ft. 268 375 482 Throw, Sill or Floor 12 17 22 31 21 30 .536 Ft. Side Wall 15 21 24 35 27 38 For application of the performance data shown in Table 1, please refer to the Engineering Notes, pages 14, 15 and 16. Throw and NC values in Table 1 are based on a 4 foot active Grille length. For Grille lengths other than 4 feet, please see Table 5, page 14. Notes and Symbols Throw—The total distance (in feet) covered by the airstream Flow—The volume of air per lineal foot of grille, in cubic feet per before its maximum velocity falls to a preselected terminal level minute. (Vt) of 150 fpm and 50 fpm respectively. Vk— Outlet Velocity, in feet per minute. NC— Noise Criteria. Table 1 is based on a room attenuation of Vr— Room Velocity (measured in the occupied zone), in feet per 10 dB, re: 10-12 watts. minute. Ps— Static Pressure in inches H2O. Vt—Terminal Velocity, in feet per minute. Ak— Effective area, in square feet of active grille, per foot of Pt— Total Pressure, in inches H2O. length. Al 1998 Metal Industries Inc., Clearwater, FL �,� I � _w. t All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 9 ■�+h II.. Accessories Series 2000 Linear Bar Accessories Accessory devices are designed to improve overall air.handling perfor- mance and reduce operational costs. Proper application of duct and outlet accessories minimizes pressure losses within the air distribution system, resulting in a quieter,,more economical system. Access Door— Used in a variety of applications that require hands-on access through the grille face — for example, to provide access to the oper- ating controls of a fan coil cabinet — the Series 2000 access door consists of a 2000 core section, approximately 7 1/2 inches long, with concealed hinges that allow it to pivot upward 900. Access Extruded Opposed Blade Damper Model OBDE— Extruded aluminum opposed blade volume control dampers are available for all Series 2000 units with a width of at least 4 inches. OBDE units are constructed of mill finish alumi- num extrusions with nylon bushings on each blade pivot point. The damper operator is slotted to accept a standard Airtrol Models 101 and 102— Meta eAire®Models 101 and 102 airtrols are all aluminum, fully adjustable air extractors designed to aid in the extraction, equalization, and volume control of air flow from a main duct to a branch duct. Installed at a branch duct take off, an airtrol "scoops" main duct primary air and uniformly distributes it across the grille or branch duct open - Equalizing Grid Model L9— Meta PAi r e® Model L9 equalizing grids are designed to provide uniform air flow control in branch ducts or supply outlet collars. L9 grids are constructed entirely of aluminum extrusions and fea- ture individually adjustable control Debris Screen— Installed permanently on the grille neck, Me to (Aire® Debris Screens are designed to prevent the introduction of foreign debris larger than 1/4" into the duct system. Usually specified in applications where expo- doors are available on either or both ends of a Series 2000 grille section, and can be specified in 00, 150, or 300 deflec- tion. When 150 or 300 deflection is speci- fied, it is imperative to orient the access door location to the direction of the air flow. (See page 20 for specification details.) Access doors are not available in floor units. screwdriver and is accessible through the register face. Minimum damper size is 6" X 4" and maximum one piece size is 48" X 16", with larger sizes made of mul- tiple damper sections. Series 2000 regis- ters with widths of 1 1/2", 2", 2-1/2", 3", and 3 1/2" are supplied with extruded "flap style" dampers. ing. The aluminum extractor turning vanes are gang operated and synchro- nized to remain parallel with the air flow regardless of the extractor angle. Model 101 airtrol has vane spacing on 1" cen- ters while Model 102 features 2" vane spacing. Minimum airtrol size is 6" X 4" and maximum one piece size is 48" X 12". vanes. These extruded vanes may be adjusted to equalize air flow across the grille or to provide directional control of the supply air. The minimum size of an L9 grid is 6" X 4" and the maximum is 48" X 24". sure to externally generated debris is high — for example in restaurant sill installations — debris screens are avail- able in 1/4" X 1/4" galvanized or alumi- num wire mesh, and are riveted to the diffuser frame. ©1998 Metal Industries Inc., Clearwater, FL A Al,Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 13 META+ 1' RE` Features ❑ Rollformed Aluminum Construction ❑ Single or Double Deflection ❑ Semi -airfoil Deflection Blades Adjust Individually ❑ Opposed Blade or Multi -shutter Dampers Models VH & VM Series V, VH & VM Sidewall Supply Grilles and Registers Series V (Single Deflection) and VH (Double Deflection) Sidewall Supply Grilles and Registers provide the advantage of corrosion resistant all -aluminum assem- bly with the economy and efficient performance of rollformed construction. Series V single and double deflection rollformed grilles are recommended for all sidewall applications, especially where control of either air pattern spread or drop may be desired by the room occupants. Series V Single Deflection models have vertical deflection blades are mounted at the face, with the rear set off deflection blades to control air pattern spread in a single direction or in both directions. Series VH Double Deflection rollformed grilles are recommended for applica- tions requiring control of both air pattern spread and drop. Their vertical deflection blades are mounted at the face, with the rear set of deflecting blades mounted horizontally. Series V or VH Registers can be factory equipped with a rollformed aluminum opposed blade damper. Single deflection models may be fitted with an optional multi -shutter damper with gang- operated parallel blades. Series VM Registers equipped with multi -shutter dampers provide air pattern drop con- trol when less than 15% throttled, and are ideal for applications requiring intermittent complete air shut-off at the unit. Multi -shutter adjustment is readily accessible at the unit face. Construction: All Series V and VH mod- els are manufactured entirely of corro- sion resistant aluminum material. Most models in sizes to 16" x 8" utilize one- piece frame construction. Sizes greater than 16" x 8" have extruded aluminum frames assembled using corner inserts to ensure hairline seams. All outer frame bor- ders are 1-1/4" wide and gasketed to pre- vent air leakage and minimize smudging. Deflecting blades are aluminum roll - formed to a double material thickness; shape is semi -airfoil in design for greater performance efficiency. Blades are assembled in outer frames with pressure fitted pivot pins to ensure positive posi- tioning when adjusted to desired deflection. Performance: All models in this Series incorporate semi -airfoil shaped deflec- tion blades mount on .666" centers to produce greater than 80% average effec- tive area at a 00 deflection setting. Deflecting blades, both horizontally and vertically mounted, are fully adjustable. Vertical blades can be adjusted to pro- duce 00 through 45° spread, or as much as a 50% reduction in forward throw. Horizontal blades may be adjusted upward through 200 to gain a greater ceiling effect for drop control. Series V Single Deflection models per- form efficiently at temperature differen- tials of 20°F cooling and up to 50°F heating; with 20 air changes per hour at normal ceiling heights of 9-10 feet. Series VH Double Deflection models perform efficiently at temperature differ- entials through 25°F cooling and up to 50°F heating; with 25 air changes per hour at normal ceiling heights of 9-10 feet. Refer to Performance Tables beginning on page 8 for proper outlet selection. Size Availability: Series V and VH Grilles and Registers are available in square and rectangular neck sizes from 6" x 4" to 48" x 14". Series VM Regis- ters are available in square and rectangu- lar neck sizes from 6" x 4" to 24" x 14". Finish: The standard Series V, VH and VM Sidewall Supply finish is aluminum paint. An optional off-white painted finish is available at no additional cost. Accessories/Options: Series V and VH models may be ordered with a Model OBDR rollformed aluminum opposed blade damper as Register Models VD and VHD. Larger sizes are made of mul- tiple sections. For applications requiring frequent removal, these grilles and regis- ters are available with plaster frames as Models V -PF, VD -PF, VH -PF, or VHD-PF. Additional information on these and other accessories begins on page 73. ' ©19ig Metal Industries, Printed Clearwater, FL WA I a All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. ' Series V. VH & VM Sidewall Supply Grilles and Registers Model V Sidewall Supply Grille: Model VD Sidewall Register: Single deflection grille has one set of vertical deflecting blades that are fully adjustable through 450 for side spread in one or both directions. Register is factory fitted with Model OBDR opposed blade damper. Aluminum damper frame is U -Channel shaped for added rigidity and damper blades are rollformed to a double wall shape to prevent bowing in larger sizes. Damper operator is accessible at the register face and is slotted to accept a standard screwdriver. Finish is aluminum. Model VM Sidewall Register: Vertical deflecting blades are fully adjust- able through 450 for side spread in one or both directions. Register is factory fitted with a lever -operated multi -shutter damper. Finish is aluminum. Model VH Sidewall Supply Grille: j Model VHD Sidewall Register: Both sets of deflecting blades are fully adjustable. Front vertical blades may be adjusted through 45° for side spread in one or both directions; rear horizontal blades may be adjusted through 200 for drop control. Register is factory fitted with Model OBDR opposed blade damper. Aluminum damper frame is U -Channel shaped for added rigidity and damper blades are rollformed to a double wall shape to prevent bowing in larger sizes. Damper operator is accessible at the reg- ister face and is slotted to accept a Stan- dard'screwdriver. Finish is aluminum. i Available Models Model V Model VH M ETA 1 E; 2 ©1998 Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Series V, VH & VM Sidewall Supply Dimensional Data Grilles and Registers ,__ sa Model V Sidewall Supply Grille: Motirrkrl8 Hn'89 4 as `ovs;cxModel VD Sidewall Register: ' _ o ISi�o od*pff Blades are assembled on .666" cen- ters. Available in nominal neck sizes a r I I from 6" x 4" to 48" x 14". The frame ! laird! �� �� is 2" greater than the specified duct sty I - size. Rollformed damper blades 42 f $ pivot on 1-1 /2" centers. Frame mounting holes are located 5/8" from edge. Sizes 8" x 4", 8" x 6", a 1 ours @r a anr9; 10" x 4" 10" is 6" 10" x 8" 12" x 4" —�'Z2 `t' ?: x`.- nmrropamtnr 12" x 6", 12" x 8", 14" x 4", 14" x 6 2 .. Rwd)?rAr �1Qlj 14" x 8", 16" x 6" and 16" x 8" have Model VD (Drawing #4000) one-piece stamped aluminum frames. i DNDFA RoJficrrW 006ok'l7i Fede Model VM (Drawing #4006) n Kn �MIWN Go". %'WW A DareLftn �r +-1krics tl" Nw"I.N S�ttiap L�i1P�. ' ts�.oel�a ioy P' :Dud; e' Glee u L rxy otl,�, 3,��L t�uK-ShutloerC'�mp�r $ ` fitauffw of R.'yMAoglo to 7 w4wlin Vanm Iuliri9-�hyU_aP 13'itdg . iU8::119 Model VHD (Drawing #4002) Model VM Sidewall Register: Available in nominal neck sizes from 6" x 4" to 24" x 14". The frame is 2" greater than the specified duct size. Multi -shutter damper blade pivot on 1"centers. Frame mounting holes are located 5/8" from edge. Sizes 8" x 4", 8" x 6", 10" x 4", 10" x 6", 10" x 8", 12" x 4", 12" x 6", 12" x 8", 14" x 4", 14'-x 6", 14" x 8", 16" x 6" and 16" x 8" have one-piece stamped aluminum frames. O 1998 Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL 3 All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. - - U* I R E. Model VH Sidewall Supply Grille: dFtbeDw Model VHD Sidewall Register: Blades are assembled on .666 cen- r ters. Available in nominal neck sizes u from 6" x 4" to 48" x 14". The frame I is 2" greater than the specified duct S-Im size. Rollformed damper blades pivot on 1-1 /2" centers. Frame mounting holes are located 5/8" from edge. Sizes 8" x 4" 8" x 6", Duaeyoii,e 10 x4,10 x6,10 x8,12 x4, ^=10azWr Operilw12" x 6", 12" x 8", 14" x 4", 14" x 6", 14" x 8", 16" x 6" and 16" x 8" have one-piece stamped aluminum frames. O 1998 Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL 3 All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. - - U* I R E. Performance Notes and Terminology. All Meta t*AI r e® Grilles and Registers are tested in accordance with Air Diffusion Council Test Code 1062 R4 and ISO Standard 3741. The perfor- mance data shown in this catalog are based on measurements taken under 1 the conditions outlined in the definitions and explanations that follow. Mea- surements of throw performance for all Me t a t*A.ii r e® models are based on supply air at 50°F. Ak — Ak is the symbol for area factor. It is a performance characteristic of air out- lets or inlets that when multiplied by the average outlet velocity of the airstream yields the volume of air being handled. The formula for area factor is Ak = CFM Vk where CFM is the volume of air and Vk is the outlet velocity. The area factor of an outlet is always less than its nominal area because the blades, vanes, damper etc., of the outlet core necessarily obstruct some airflow. Air Change Rate —The air change rate is the number of times per hour that the total volume of a conditioned space is replaced with fresh supply air (normally between 6-10 changes/hour). The for- mula used for calculating CFM is CFM = RoomVolume x # Changes/Hr. 60 Minutes CFM — CFM is the standard unit of mea- sure for air volume, and stands for Cubic Feet per Minute. The capacity of an air outlet or air inlet (i.e., the volume of air it can handle) is normally expressed in CFM. Delta T (DT) — Delta stands for differen- tial and T for temperature, sometimes this expression is written dT or AT. Delta T is the difference in temperature (measured in °F) between room air and supply air. Discharge Velocity (Vk) — Discharge velocity is the velocity of the supply air- stream as it leaves its support outlet. It is known as face velocity. The standard unit of measure for discharge velocity is FPM (Feet Per Minute). Decibel (dB) — Decibel is the standard unit of measure for sound pressure and is abbreviated as dB. Sound levels are based on the A or 40 dB weighted scale of standard sound level meter. Decibels are measured on a logarithmic scale where 0 dB equals the threshold of human hearing and 140 dB equals the threshold of pain (See NC). Drop — Drop is the vertical distance that a horizontally projected airstream falls measured from the base of the outline to the bottom of the airstream at the end of the throw. Drop is primarily affected by the length of throw and Delta T. FPM — FPM is the standard unit of mea- sure for air velocity, and stands for Feet Per Minute. Fusible Link — A fusible link is a two part metallic coupling designed to melt and separate at a preset temperature. Fus- ible links are frequently used to restrain the closing action of gravity or spring loaded fire dampers, so that when an elevated temperature causes the link to. melt the damper closes. Noise Criteria (NC) — NC values repre- sent equal loudness in all eight octave bands, despite varying sound pressure levels in each band. They are based on a room absorption of 10 dB for sound power level (Lw) RE: 1 pW (10.12 watts). An NC less than 20 is below the thresh- old of audibility in all octave bands. In the Performance Data, double lines denote the ranges of NC values. Occupied Zone —The occupied zone of a conditioned space is that portion of its interior area normally used by people. The occupied zone is generally consid- ered to extend from floor up 6 feet and to within 6 inches of the sidewalls. Primary Air — Primary air, or Supply air, is the treated air delivered by an air out- let to the conditioned space. Some defi- nitions of primary air include that portion of the room air which is entrained with the supply airstream within a 150 FPM envelope. Roll Forming — Roll forming is the pro- cess of shaping metal sections by forc- ing thin strips of metal through a progressive series of rollers. Room Velocity — Room velocity is the air velocity in the occupied zone. Secondary Air — Secondary air is room air entrained with supply air at or near the diffuser. The movement of secondary Explanation of Terms air up and into the flow of supply air is called Secondary Air Motion. Spread — Spread is the maximum dis- tance between the extremes of the termi- nal velocity envelope. It is a measure of how far the supply airstream diverges after it leaves the supply outlet. Static Pressure (Ps) — Static pressure is that portion of the total pressure of the airstream which produces outward force against the inside of the duct. Static pressure can exist in air at rest or in motion and is measured in inches of water gauge. Values given in the Return Performance Data are in negative inches of water. Terminal Velocity (Vt) — Terminal veloc- ity is the highest velocity of an airstream at the end of its throw. Terminal velocity can vary considerably depending on the application and conditions, but for grilles and registers it is normally selected between 50 and 100 FPM and for ceiling outlets between 75 and 200 FPM. Increasing the selected terminal velocity will increase the throw, all other condi- tions being equal. Throw (T) —Throw is the distance an air- stream travels from he supply outlet to a point where it reaches a specified termi- nal velocity. Throw values for sidewall supply grilles reflect min -to -max veloci- ties of 50-100-150 FPM. Throw values for ceiling supply grilles reflect 50 FPM terminal velocity for 1, 2, 3 and 4 -way air patterns. Throw values for Revers -A - Core.,. sidewall grilles indicate terminal velocity at 00, 220, and 450 spread for double deflection models. Velocity — Values in the Performance Data are for Neck or Duct velocity and refer to the velocity of the supply air- stream in the duct just before it meets the supply outlet. It is measured in FPM. ' ,�, 4 ©1998 Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL M ETA Xi,Ar—W All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. � I Features ❑ Volume Control Duct Dampers ❑ Air Equalizers ❑ Adjustable Grids ❑ Plaster Frames ❑ T Bar Plaster Frames ❑ T Bar Panels ❑ Transitions Model OBDE Accessories Accessory devices are primarily designed to improve overall air handling per- formance and reduce operational costs. Proper application of duct and outlet accessories minimizes pressure losses within the duct and distribution sys- tem, thus reducing radiated system noise and fan horsepower for a quieter, more economical system. Model OBDR rollformed aluminum damper is furnished on all of the follow- ing aluminum Registers: all Curved Blade Models; Sidewall Models VD, VHD; Return Model RHD; Cube Core Models CC1 D; CC15D, CC5D; Perforated Return Models RPD, RPD -TB; Steel Return Models SRHD and SRH -HD. Maximum blade length is 14"; larger sizes are made in sections. U -Channel frames secure doublewall rollformed blades on 1 1/2" centers. Blades taper at the edges to reduce pressure drop and provide tight closure. Screwdriver slot operator is accessible from the register face. Model OBDE extruded aluminum damper is furnished on all of the follow- ing aluminum Registers: Series 4000 Sidewall Supply and Return Models; all Revers -a -Core- Models. Blades are heavy gauge extruded aluminum, webbed to prevent bowing in large sizes and tapered to ensure tight closure. Max- imum blade length is 14"; greater frame height is achieved by the use of multiple sections. Blades are assembled on 1" centers and pivot on nylon bushings. Screwdriver slot operator is accessible from the register face. Airtrols are available for additional airflow control in all ducted sidewall grille and register applications. All Model 101 and 102 Airtrols comprise a series of radius aluminum vanes assembled on 1"centers (Model 101) or 0 centers (Model 102) and are gang -operated and synchronized to remain parallel with airflow regardless of extractor angle. Model 101 permits complete shut-off in the closed position. Models 101-1 and 102-1 Airtrols incor- porate a push-pull operator strap to per- mit readjustment of the Airtrol setting after installation as well as provide a fix- ing strap when fastened to the duct drop. Models 101-2 and 102-2 Airtrols incor- porate all standard features of 101 and 102 Airtrols, plus special actuator arms for use with remote operators (furnished by others). Airtrol sizes wider than 15" should be supported by a shelf installed in the duct to preclude sagging. Model L-8 Directrols are recommended for control of airflow from branch ducts into drops leading to ceiling diffusers and are designed to reduce air -turning pres- sure losses in standard take -offs. Direc- trols have two opposed sets of extruded aluminum vanes; the entering air side for regulating volume into the drop and the leaving air side for achieving uniform air- flow to the diffuser. Pre -tensioned blades adjust individually. Model L-9 Equalizing Grids are designed to provide uniform air flow in branch ducts at close -coupled take -off points above diffuser collars. Grids are comprised of a single set of extruded aluminum vanes set on 2/3" centers and tapered to a semi -airfoil shape for greater efficiency. Pre -tensioned blades adjust individually and may be set at an angle at the branch take -off to provide a rake-off effect. Model PF Plaster Frames provide a uni- form opening in plaster ceilings or side- wall to accommodate grilles and registers and are available for all ceiling and sidewall grilles and registers. Model TBPF T -bar Plaster Frames per- mit installation of T -bar frame style ceiling diffusers into plaster frame or gypsum ceilings, and are available in standard T bar sizes as well as custom sizes. Model TBP T -bar Panels are available factory attached to supply and return grilles and registers with neck sizes 4" or more under the T -bar grid size. Model TR Square -to -Round Transitions are available for all ducted supply and return grilles to provide an economical means of adapting square neck grilles and registers to applications requiring round neck connections. Transitions are constructed with lap formed corners, tablocked to prevent air leakage. Transi- tions slip -fit over the grille's square neck and are secured in place with standard sheet metal screws. Model TR Deep transitions provide additional depth to accommodate some dampers. ©1998 Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL 73 ,..��, All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. ETA M I RE$ Series V4000 & H4000 Sidewall Supply. -Grilles" and: Registers.ti Performance Data Note: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Ak = Neck area in square feet x multiplier. Example: 16" x 8" @ 22 1/2° Deflection Area Refer to Page 4 for explanation of terms used. 16" x 8" = 128" sq. " 128 s . inches = 0.89 sq. ft. (less than one sq. ft.) 144 sq. inc es one sq.toot) 0.89 sq. ft. x 0.670 = Ak = 0.596 AkVALUES Multipliers Neck Area > one square foot Neck Area < one square foot 0° Deflection OUTLET SIZE 0.705 22 112° 0.744 0.670 45° Deflection 0.666 0.599 CFM 6x4 8x4 10x4 8 x 6 10x6 12x6 10x8 12x8 18x6 16x8 24x6 20x8 28x6 30x6 NC Velocity 300 225 50 Ps .011 .006 Throw 12-9-7 600 11.8-6 450 360 300 240 200 Velocity 100 Ps .044 .025 .016 .011 .007 .005 Throw 20-14-11 900 18.13-10 675 16-12-9 540 15.11-9 450 14-10-8 360 13.10-7 300 - 270 225 200 Velocity 150 Ps .099 .056 .036 .025 .016 .011 .009 .006 .005 Throw 26.18-14 23-17-13 900 22-15-12 720 20-14-11 600 19.13.10 480 18-13-10 400 17-12-9 360 16-11-9 300 15.11-9 267 225 200 Velocity 200 Ps .099 .064 .044 .028 .020 .016 .011 .009 .006 .005 Throw 28.20-16 26-19-14 25.18-14 750 23-16.13 600 22-15-12 500 21-15.11 450 20-14-11 375 19-13-10 333 18-13-10 281 17-12-9 250 225 214 200 Velocity 250 Ps .069 .044 .031 .025 .017 .014 .010 .008 .006 .006 .005 Throw 29-20-16 900 27-19.15 720 25-18-14 600 24-17.13 540 23-16-13 450 22.16.12 400 21-15-11 338 20-14-11 300 19-14.11 270 19-13-10 257 18-13-10 240 Velocity 300 Ps .099 .064 .044 .036 .025 .020 .014 .011 .009 .008 .007 20 Throw 33.23-18 30-21.17 840 28-20-16 700 27.19.15 630 26-18-14 525 25.18-14 467 23-17-13 394 22-16-12 350 22-15.12 315 21-15-12 300 21.15.11 280 Velocity 350 Ps .087 .060 .049 .034 11 .027 .019 .015 .012 .011 .010 Throw 1 34-24.18 32-22-17 800 30.22-17 720 29-20-16 600 27-19-15 533 26-18.14 450 25-18-14 400 24-17-13 360 24.17.13 343 23-16-13 320 Velocity 400 Ps .079 .064 .044 •.035 .025 .020 .016 .014 .013 Throw 35-25-19 900 33-24-18 810 31.22-17 675 30-21.17 600 28-20-16 506 27-19-15 450 26.19-14 405 26-18.14 386 25-18-14 360 Velocity 450 Ps .099 .080 .056 .044 .031 .025 .020 .018 .016 Throw 38-27-21 36.26-20 34-24.19 750 33-23-18 667 31-22-17 563 30-21-16 500 29.20-16 450 28.20-15 429 27.19.15 400 Velocity 500 Ps .069 .055 .039 .031 .025 .023 .020 Throw 37-26-20 825 35-25-19 733 33-23-18 619 32-23.17 550 31.22.17 495 30-21-17 471 29-21-16 440 Velocity 550 Ps .083 .066 .047 .037 .030 .027 .024 Throw 39-28.21 900 37-27-21 800 35-25-19 675 34-24-19 600 33.23-18 540 32.23-18 514 31.22.17 80 Velocity 600 Ps .099 .079 .056 .044 .036 .032 .028 Throw 41-29.23 40-28-22 867 38-27-21 731 36-26-20 650 35.25-19 585 34.24-19 557 33-24.18 520 Velocity 650 Ps .092 .066 .052 .042 .038 .033 Throw 42-30-23 40-28-22 787 38.27-21 700 37.26.20 630 36-26.20 600 35-25.19 560 Velocity 700 Ps .076 .060 .049 .044 .038 Throw 11 42-30-23 40-28.22 39-27.21 38-27-21 36-26-20 NC 30-35 20-25 Note: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Ak = Neck area in square feet x multiplier. Example: 16" x 8" @ 22 1/2° Deflection Area Refer to Page 4 for explanation of terms used. 16" x 8" = 128" sq. " 128 s . inches = 0.89 sq. ft. (less than one sq. ft.) 144 sq. inc es one sq.toot) 0.89 sq. ft. x 0.670 = Ak = 0.596 __F.� ,& L't- IR,Ei $ ©1998 Metal Industries,.lnc. Clearwater, FL All Ri hts Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. AkVALUES Multipliers Neck Area > one square foot Neck Area < one square foot 0° Deflection 0.780 0.705 22 112° 0.744 0.670 45° Deflection 0.666 0.599 __F.� ,& L't- IR,Ei $ ©1998 Metal Industries,.lnc. Clearwater, FL All Ri hts Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Features ❑ All Aluminum Construction ❑ Single and Double Deflection Models ❑ Full Horizontal to Vertical Downblow Patterns ❑ Individually Adjustable Curved Blades ❑ Five Air Patterns ❑ Opposed Blade or Multi -shutter Dampers ❑ Companion Returns ❑ Popular T bar Sizes IModel STH Model LTC One -Piece Frame Sizes 6x4 6 x 6 8 x 4 8 x 6 8 x 8 10x4 10x6 10x8 10x10 12x4 12x6 12x8 12x12 14x4 14x6 14x8 14x10 16x6 16x8 Series L & S Curved Blade Grilles and Registers Series L & S all aluminum Ceiling Supply Grilles and Registers combine the advantages of corrosion resistant construction and durability with attractive design, solid performance and competitive cost. Series L and S grilles and registers are recommended for ceiling applications requiring 1, 2 (opposite or corner), 3 or 4 -way air patterns; but may also be uti- lized in certain sidewall applications. Individually adjustable curved blades ; offer maximum air pattern control by varying the blade discharge angle. } Blades may be set to produce a full horizontal for a full -to -modified vertical downblow, pattern. L Model blades run parallel to the width (long) dimensions; S Model Blades run parallel to the height (short) dimension. Double deflection models have an additional row of deflection blades running perpendicular to the front set of curved blades. Series L and S registers are available with factory attached rollformed alumi- num opposed blade dampers or multi -shutter dampers. Model LTM and LTMH registers feature a one-piece aluminum frame with a die -cut slot for the damper operator. A gang -operated horizontal blade multi -shutter damper is furnished on these registers In sizes that make them ideal for residential and light commercial applications. Model RH Return with 450 fixed curved deflecting blades are available as + companion units for the supply grilles and registers in this Series. Refer to i pages 39-45 for construction and performance details. Performance: The basic design of all models in this Series incorporate streamlined curved blades mounted on .9" centers to produce greater than 35% average effective area when adjusted for a horizontal air pattern. When set to dis- charge air vertically in a downblow pat- tern for heating or cooling, average effective area is increased to 75%. All Series L and S Models perform effi- ciently at temperature differentials through 20°F cooling and 50°F heating, with air handling capability of 15/20 air changes per hour (1-way/2-way) at nor- mal ceiling heights of 9-10 feet. Construction: All sizes indicated in the chart to the left are constructed of corro- sion resistant aluminum material and have one-piece stamped aluminum frames. All other models have extruded aluminum frames assembled using cor- ner inserts to ensure hairline seams. All outer frame borders are 1-1/4" wide and gasketed to prevent air leakage and min- imize smudging. Curved blades are rigid rollformed alumi- num, assembled in an auxiliary core channel frame and pre -tensioned to ensure positive positioning when adjusted to desired deflection. The core is then mounted in an outer frame, pro- viding a clean unobstructed collar sur- face for mounting in the duct or opening. Optional opposed blade dampers are rollformed aluminum. Blades are arranged on 1-1/2" centers with screw- driver slot operator accessible through the face of the register. Multi -shutter gang - operated damper blades are rollformed aluminum assembled on 1" centers. Size Availability: Series L & S Grilles and Registers are available in square and rectangular neck sizes from 6" x 4" to 48" x 48". Models with any dimension over 48" will be made in sections with a flange around each piece. A mullion is provided for every mating section pair. Finish: The standard Series L and S Ceiling Supply finish is off-white. An optional aluminum finish is also available. Accessories/Options: Series L & S may be ordered to fit standard T -bar ceil- ing grids. In addition, models with neck sizes at least 3" smaller than standard T -bar grid size may be ordered with a TBP T-var lay -in panel. All models may be ordered with plaster frames as Mod- els L -PF, LD -PF, etc. Airtrols with 1" or 2" blade spacing are also available. Additional information on these and other accessories begins on page 73. ' O 1998 Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL 15� All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. ET L*A I R E. i Series L & S Curved Blade Grilles and Registers Model LTC3 Ceiling Supply Grille: Fully adjustable curved blades are set to produce a 3 -way air pattern with 50% of capacity being discharged in a single direction and 50% in 180° opposed directions (251/6-25%; short vertical blades are mounted for 2 -way opposed deflection). Ideally suited for long rectan- gular shaped entries or alcoves. Finish is off-white. Model LTC3D Ceiling Register: Register is equipped with Model OBDR opposed blade damper. Damper opera- tor is accessible at the register face and slotted to accept a standard screwdriver. Note: Model LTC3 is furnished as shown. If required other than shown, a sketch must accompany order. Model LS3 Ceiling Supply Grille: Fully adjustable curved blades are set to produce a 3 -way air pattern (33%-33%- 33%). Short horizontal blades divide 2 sets of opposed direction vertical blades - provided equal throw in each direction. Finish is off-white. Model LS3D Ceiling Register: Register is equipped with Model OBDR opposed blade damper. Damper blades are mounted parallel to the vertical curved center blades. Damper operator is accessible at the register face and slotted to accept a standard screwdriver. Model LS4 Ceiling Supply Grille: Fully adjustable curved blades are set to pro- duce a 4 -way air pattern. Finish is off-white. Model LS40 Ceiling Register: Register is equipped with Model OBDR opposed blade damper. Damper opera- tor is accessible at the register face and slotted to accept a standard screwdriver. Available Models Model LTC3 ModelLS3D ModelLS4D ' M E�A �M� I R 18 ©1998 Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL _ _ _ _ � � E; All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Dimensional Data Ma:rtEr►� hkk� I 52 "6 sof aim r _P a Ifamcall Cunt sweet A' Gasket Model LTC3D (Drawing 111004) C,Nkfid OB DR Qppnsgdl B1sde oanper i:biisd 5�sa Epaltcd octet sr�= cini'sy Oltgr�, 1?>;l�airot�+ntvr }#airutid (�4itN}d -3z , oV.?nsnN Btade D�npei hind 540 1 Wod t!Z ' k-00"-- - - d .z. 1. BullS-Mc - B L'i.9¢d a'iZm; -- I1,r r ii{_ ,ate By ouh : .'9l1U Gasibt 1-"� � '� _. I.. k� rFS�!=TfrmtSiuli. Model LS3D (Drawing #7006) $< - i+ W (�;Mri Ems, az Ir �. I FIT +2: 1 ateuA Model LS413 (Drawing #1006) appwmd eiede Camper inti am Q7U 94aa! ,n Lhled'S� ouh B1r'�D�tria �I7Aripfdt�&!�E'iif lS�ovdhrr. Slot] Series L & S Curved Blade Grilles and Registers Model LTC3 Ceiling Supply Grille: Model LTC3D Ceiling Register: Blades are assembled on .9' centers. Available in nominal neck sizes from 6" x 4" to 48" x 48". The frame is 2" greater than the specified duct size. Rollformed damper blades pivot on 1- 1/2" centers. Fairing mounting holes are located 5/8" from edge. Model LS3 Ceiling Supply Grille: Model LS3D Ceiling Register: Blades are assembled on .9" centers. Available in nominal neck sizes from 6" x4"to 48"x48".The frame is 2" greater than the specified duct size. Rollformed damper blades pivot on 1- 1/2" centers. Fairing mounting holes are located 5/8" from edge. Model LS4 Ceiling Supply Grille: Model LS4D Ceiling Register: Blades are assembled on .9"centers. Available in nominal neck sizes from 6" x 4" to 48" x 48". The frame is 2" greater than the specified duct size. Rollformed damper blades pivot on 1- 1/2" centers. Fairing mounting holes are located 5/8" from edge. ©19Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL 19 META•y�IRE$ All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 3 Series L & S Curved Blade Grilles and Registers r Performance Data Note: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Refer to Page 4 for explanation of terms used. E'�� L-A 1 R E. 24 ©1998 Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL Allll Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. OUTLET SIZE CFM 6 x 6 8x6 8x8 12x6 10x8 10x10 12x10 12x12 14x12 14x14 18x12 16x16 Ak .08 .10 .14 .15 .17 .22 .26 .31 .36 .42 .46 .55 NC Velocity 645 484 363 323 290 232 50 PS .055 .012 .007 .005 .004 .003 Throw 12-8.7.6 11-7-6-5 968 10.78.5 726 965-4 645 9.8-5-4 581 865-4 65 387 323 276 237 215 Velocity 100 PS .049 .028 .022 .018 .011 .008 .005 .004 .003 .002 Throw 17-12-108 15-11-9-7 1089 15-10-9.7 968 14-1067 87'697 13-9.88 13-9-76 581 12478 4845 11-86-5 11-765 355 10-765 323 272 20 Velocity 150 PS .063 .049 .040 .026 .018 .012 .009 .007 .005 .004 Throw 20-14-12-10 20-14.11-9 19-13-11-9 1161 17.12-10-8 929 16-12-10.8 774 15-11-9-7 645 15-10.9.7 553 14-108-7 474 13.966 430 13-9.7-6 Velocity PS .071 .046 .032 .022 .016 .012 .010 L363200 Throw 23-16.13.11 21-15-12-10 1161 20.14-12-9 968 19-13-11-9 806 18-13-106 691 17-12-108 592 1611.108 538 Velocity 250 PS .071 .049 .034 .025 .019 .015 .011 Throw 25.17.14-12 23-16-14-11 1161 22-15-13-10 968 21-15-12-10 82 20-14-11.9 711 19-13-11-9 645 18-13-10-8 544 Velocity 300 PS .071 .049 .036 .027 .022 .016 20 Throw 26-19-15-12 25-17-14-12 1129 23.16-14-11 968 22-18.13-11 829 22-15-13.10 753 20-14-12-10 635 -- 25 Velocity 350 PS .067 .049 .036 .030 .021 Throw 28.19-16-13 26-18-15.12 1106 25-17-14-12 948 24-17-1441 860 23-1843-11 726 Velocity 400 PS .065 .047 .039 .028 Throw 29-20-17-14 27.19-16-13 1066 26-18.15-12 968 25-17-14.12 817 Velocity 450 PS .060 .049 .035 Throw 29-21-17-14 1185 28-20-17-13 1075 27-19-16.13 907 Velocity 500 PS .074 .061 .043 Throw 32-22-18-15 31-22-18-14 1183 29-20-17-14 998 30 -- Velocity 550 PS .074 .053 35 Throw 33-23-19-15 31-22-18-15 1089 Velocity 500 PS .063 Throw 3323.19-18 1179 Velocity 650 PS .073 Throw 35-24-20-16 Note: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Refer to Page 4 for explanation of terms used. E'�� L-A 1 R E. 24 ©1998 Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL Allll Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Features ❑ Choice of Aluminum or Steel Construction ❑ RH Rollformed, RHE Extruded and HD RH Heavy Duty Extruded Aluminum Styles ❑ SRH Rollformed Steel Style Filter Racks on Select Models ❑ Volume Control Dampers on Select Models Model HD RH Model RH Series RH, SRH, RHE and HD RH Return Grilles and Registers Horizontal fixed blade Return or Exhaust Grilles and Registers combine the advantages of corrosion resistant construction and rugged durability with a selection of styles and features designed'to meet today's performance stan- dards and your specific needs. Series SRH rollformed steel, RH rollformed and RHE extruded aluminum models have fixed 450 angled deflecting vanes mounted horizontally and are recommended for all normal return or exhaust applications in sidewall or ceil- ing locations. Models RH, RHE or SRH provide a vision obscured appearance when.installed with the deflecting vanes opposed to the line of sight. Series RH-H, RHE -H and SRH -H models offer the additional feature of a hinged core for applications requiring a combination of air inlet and quick access to apparatus or other concealed equipment. Series RHF an SRHF models are similar to RH-H units but have a filter back frame to accept 1" dis- posable filters. All RH, RHE, RH-H, RHE -H, SRH and SRH -H models are avail- able in sizes to fit standard T bar ceiling grid systems and when ordered as registers are furnished with Model OBDR rollformed opposed blade dampers. Series HD RH models -are specifically suited to applications where the mount- ing location is subject to'moderate physical abuse. Register models are fur- nished'with Model OBDE extruded opposed blade damper. Construction: All Series RH models through size 14" x 14" utilize one-piece frame construction. Larger sizes have extruded aluminum frames assembled using corner insert to ensure hairline seams. All outer frame borders are 1-1/4" wide. Deflecting vanes are roll - formed to a 45° curved shape for greater performance efficiency. Series RHE models are similar in appearance to RH models, but are constructed entirely of aluminum extru- sions and have countersunk frame mounting screwholes. Series SRH models are identical to RH models but are constructed entirely of rollformed steel. All Series HD RH models are made of aluminum material equal to or greater than 14 gauge steel. Outer frames are thicker than those of normal grilles and registers. All outer frame borders are 1-5/ 8" wide. Vanes are assembled in the outer frame using heavy alloy metal screws for added rigidity. All Heavy -Duty Return models.are braced heavily to ensure construction integrity under the most severe conditions. Performance: Series RH and SRH mod- els incorporate streamlined 450 deflect- ing vanes mounted on .666" centers to produce greater than 75% average effec- tive area. To ensure proper.comfort conditioning in applications requiring low sidewall mounted returns, an inlet velocity (Vk) of 500 FPM should not be exceeded. Refer to Performance Tables beginning on page 44 for proper inlet selection. Size Availability: All 45° fixed blade Return or Exhaust Registers in this Series are available in square and rect- angular neck sizes from 6" x 4" to 48" x 48". Models with any dimension over 48" will be made in sections with a flange around each piece. A mullion is provided for every mating section pair. All filter back models are available in grille or filter sizes. Finish: The standard finish for Series RH, RHE and HD RH return grilles and registers is aluminum paint. An optional off-white finish is also available. Standard Series SRH finish is electro -deposition off-white paint. An optional aluminum fin- ish is available at an additional charge. Accessories/Options: All models are available to fit popular Tbarceiling grid sys- tems. For applications requiring frequent removal, these grilles and registers are available with plaster frames. Airtrols with 1 " or 2" blades spacing are also available. Additional information on these and other accessories begins on page 73. ©19Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL 39 i'V�ETA-1�'0A IRE. All Rigig hts Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. i Series, RH & SRH Return Grilles and Registers Model Wand SRH Return Grille: Model RHE Return Grille: The fixed 450 angled deflecting vanes provide a vision obscured appearance when properly, installed. Model RH is constructed of rollformed aluminum. Model RHE is dimensionally similar except that blades and frame are extruded aluminum. Frame has counter- sunk screw mounting holes. Standard . finish is aluminum paint (optional off- white painted finish is also available). Model SRH is rollformed steel. Standard finish is electro -deposition off-white paint (optional aluminum paint is also available). Model RHD/SRHD Return Register: Model RHED Return Register: Model RHD and SRHD Returns have a rollformed opposed blade damper. Damper frame and opposed blades of Model RHED are extruded aluminum:. Damper operator is accessible at the register face and is slotted to accept a standard screwdriver. Model HD RH Return Grille: Model HD RHD Return Register: This heavy duty extruded aluminum model has outer frames nearly twice the i thickness of the RHE grille and RHED register. Return Register has damper frames and opposed blades of heavy - duty extruded aluminum with blades 1 pivoting on high impact.nylon bushings to ensure jam -free operation even under the most severe conditions. Standard finish is aluminum (optional off-white painted finish is also available). Damper operator is accessible of the register face, and is slotted to accept a standard screwdriver. Not shown: Models RH-H, SRH -H, RHE -H Return Grilles and Models RH-HD, SRH -HD, RHE -HD Return Register are all hinged to provide quick access to concealed equipment. Bottom hinged is standard, but core may be hinged from top. io Model RH Available Models 'C 40 ©1998 Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL ETAL-AI EfP All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Dimensional Data Tiiraiifnd Hi>� 5 _. Lim 4, r Sttc Model RHD (Drawing 114030) �d diL size' E' 12 Model HD RHD (Drawing #4038)' 11a 1 VeFkK0an Va im .' fiJpionaf! GUD.R . t—��GP�y BL+da Dta�cr I tBa 1 5 �E Out � pthrro ..9�gtsx 4'�It�lr�r (Suovddmer Shtj 01 WatiftV yanan c *aj- 6N2 o.Rd! BSdo 1per LAW S4� ;.stxa 4ut� $ �n�(,FeUlAOd' lS',+�Ut�rrr QIP}I, .oxm"tle Xhiwgh F-Vj Series RH & SRH Return Grilles and Registers Model RH, SRH and RHE Returns: Model RHD, SRHD and RHED Return Registers: Angled vanes are on .666" centers are always parallel to the width, whether it's the long or short side (For short vanes, use reverse sizing, i.e., 12" x 24" instead of 24" x 12'j. Available in nominal neck sizes from 6" x 4" to 48" x 48". Model OBDR damper blades pivot on 1-1/2" centers. Model OBDE damper blades pivot on 1" centers. Model.HD RH or HD RHD Return: Angled vanes are on 1-1/3" centers are always parallel to the width, whether it's the long or short side (For short fins, use reverse sizing, i.e., 12" x 24" instead of 24" x 12"). Available in nominal neck sizes from 6" x 4" to 48" x 48". Model OBDE damper blades pivot on 1-1/2" centers. Model OBDE damper blades pivot on 1" centers. - - y- - -- ©19ig Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL 41 M ETA U* -A 1 E8 All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. �F, Series RH; SRH, RHE. and HD RH Return'Grilles and' Registers: Performance Data Note: Refer to page 4 for explanation of terms used. Ps -Negative static pressure is in pressure is in inches of water. When selecting filter grilles, add ' 05 to listed Ps values to compensate for the additional resistance through the filter media. ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. ' M ETA L�A I R E. 44 ©1998 Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Series RH, SRH and RHE NECK SIZE CFM CFM 10X6 1 12X6 1 10X8 12X8 18X6 12X12 16X12 18X12 20X12 24X12 18X18 20X18 20X20 24X18 48X48 Alk .40 .47 .53 .63 .71 .95 1.27 1.42 1.58 1.90 2.14 2.37 2.63 2.85 245 .003 327 .006 408 .009 Nk Vel 240 200 NkVel Ps 1500 NkVel Ps 2000 NkVel Ps 3000 NkVel Ps 4000 NkVel Ps 5000 NkVel Ps 100 Ps .007 360 .005 300 270 225 200 30 25 NkVel 150 Ps .016 480 .011 400 .009 360 .006 300 .005 267 200 NkVel 200 Ps .029 600 .020 500 .016 50 .011 375 .009 333 .005 250 NkVel 250 Ps .046 720 .032 600 .026 540 .018 450 .014 400 .008 300 225 200 Nk Vel 300 Ps .066 840 .046 700 .037 630 .026 525 .020 67 .011 350 .006 263 .005 233 210 NkVel 350 Ps .089 .062 • 800 .050 720 .035 600 .028 533 .016 400 .009 300 .007 267 .006 240 200 NkVel 400 Ps .081 900 .066 810 .046 675 .036 600 .020 450 .011 338 .009 300 .007 270 .005 225 200 Nk Vel 450 Ps .103 .083 .058 750 .046 667 .026 500 .014 375 .011 333 .009 300 .006 250 .005 222 200 Nk Vel 500 Ps .071 825 .056 733 .032 550 .018 413 .014 367 .011 330 .008 275 .006 244 .005 220 Nk Vel 550 Ps .086 900 .068 800 .038 600 .022 450 .017 400 .014 360 .010 300 .008 267 .006 240 216 200 Nk Vel 600 Ps .103 .081 867 .046 650 .026 488 .020 33 .016 390 .011 325 .009 289 .007 260 .006 234 .005 217 NkVel 650 Ps .095 .054 700 .030 525 .024 467 .019 420 .013 350 .011 311 .009 280 .007 252 .006 233 NkVel 700 Ps .062 750 .035 563 .028 500 .022 450 .016 375 .012 333 .010 300 .008 270 .007 250 NkVel 1 750 Ps .071 .040 .032 .026 .018 .014 .011 .009 .008 NC 40 35 30 25 Note: Refer to page 4 for explanation of terms used. Ps -Negative static pressure is in pressure is in inches of water. When selecting filter grilles, add ' 05 to listed Ps values to compensate for the additional resistance through the filter media. ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. ' M ETA L�A I R E. 44 ©1998 Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Series HD RH NECK SIZE CFM Alk 12X12 16X16 1 18X18 20X20 24X24 124X30 32X24 36X32 36X36 36X42 36X48 42X42 42X48 48X48 .82 1.78 1.85 2.85 3.29 5.76 4.94 6.58 7.40 8.64 9.87 10.08 11.84 13.16 500 Nk Vel Ps 500 .014 281 .004 �.01 .040.025 222 .003 889 044 324 .006 540 .016 720 .029 225 .003 375 .008 500 .014 750 .031 300 .005 400 .009 600 .020 800 .036 28 .004 375 .008 563 .018 750 .031 250 .003 375 .008 500 .014 625 .022 222 .003 333 .006 444 .011 556 .017 286 .005 381 .008 476 .013 250 .003 333 .006 417 .010 245 .003 327 .006 408 .009 214 .003 286 .005 357 .007 250 .003 313 .005 900 NkVel Ps 1500 NkVel Ps 2000 NkVel Ps 3000 NkVel Ps 4000 NkVel Ps 5000 NkVel Ps NC 35 30 25 Note: Refer to page 4 for explanation of terms used. Ps -Negative static pressure is in pressure is in inches of water. When selecting filter grilles, add ' 05 to listed Ps values to compensate for the additional resistance through the filter media. ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. ' M ETA L�A I R E. 44 ©1998 Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Performance Data Series RHA SRH, Return. Grilles and Registers, Note: Refer to page 4 for explanation of terms used. Ps -Negative static pressure is in inches of water. When selecting filter grilles, add .05 to listed Ps values to compensate for the additional resistance through the filter media. ALL DIVISIONS IN INCHES. Alternate Grille Sizes Series RH, SRH and RHE Alternate Listed Size Alternate Listed Size Alternate Listed Size NECK SIZE 10x6 16x4 8x8 24x12 30x10 20x14 18x16 30x18 CFM 36x24 22 x 22 30 x 18 24 x 24 36 x 18 30 x 24 36 x 24 30 x 30 36 x 30 48 x 24 42 x 30 42 x 36 48 x 36 48 x 42 48 x 48 44x26 42x28 38x30 36x32 34x34 Ak 3.19 3.56 3.80 4.27 4.75 5.70 5.94 7.12 7.60 8.31 9.97 11.40 13.30 15.20 38x6 28x8 22 x 10 Nk Vel 208 36 x 24 con't 44 x 20 40 x 22 24 x 12 36 x 8 30 x 18 46 x 12 48 x 42 46 x 44 700 Ps .005 238 213 200 Nk Vel 800 Ps .007 298 .006 267 .005 250 222 200 NkVel 1000 Ps .011 357 .009 320 .008 300 .006 267 .005 240 200 NkVel 1200 Ps .016 417 .013 373 .011 350 .009 311 .007 280 .005 233 224 NkVel 1400 Ps .02211.017 476 27 .015. 400 .012 356 .010 320 .007 267 .006 256 213 200 NkVei 1600 Ps .028 595 .023 .533 .020 500 .016. 444 .013 400 .009 333 .008 320 .006 267 .005 250 229 Nkvei 2000 Ps .044 7 .036 667 .031 625 .025 556 .020 500 .014 7 .013 400 .009 333 .008 313 .007 286 238 208 Nkvei 2500 Ps .069 893 .056 800 .049 750 .039 667 .031 600 .022 500 .020 80 .014 400 .012 375 .010 343 .007 286 .005 250 214 Nkvel 3000 Ps .100 1 .080 .070 875 .056 778 .045 700 .031 583 .029 560 .020 467 .018 438 .015 .010 333 .008 292 .006 250 219 Nkvei 3500 Ps .096 .076 889 .061 800 .043 667 .039 640 .027 533 .024 500 '400 020 57 .014 381 .011 333 .008 286 .006 250 NkVei 4000 Ps .099 .080 900 .056 750 .051 720 .036 600 .031 563 .026 514 .018 429375 .014 .010 321 .008 281 NkVei 4500 Ps .101 .070 833 .065 800 .045 667 .040 625 .033 571 .023 476 .018 7 .013 357 .010 313 NkVei 5000 Ps .087 .080 .056 800 .049 750 .041 686 .028 571 .022 500 .016 9 .012 375 NkVei 6000 Ps .080 .070 .059 .041 .031 .023 .018 NC 1 40 35 30 25 Note: Refer to page 4 for explanation of terms used. Ps -Negative static pressure is in inches of water. When selecting filter grilles, add .05 to listed Ps values to compensate for the additional resistance through the filter media. ALL DIVISIONS IN INCHES. Alternate Grille Sizes Listed Size Alternate Listed Size Alternate Listed Size Alternate Listed Size Alternate 10x6 16x4 8x8 24x12 30x10 20x14 18x16 30x18 40x14 34x16 28x20 24x22 36x24 34x26 30x28 12x6 18x4 36x30 48x22 46x24 42x26 38x28 34x32 10x8 20x4 14x6 18x18 42x8 32x10 28x12 24x14 20x16 24x24 42x14 36x16 32x18 28x20 26x22 12x8 24x4 16x6 10x10 48x24 44x26 42x28 38x30 36x32 34x34 18x6 28x4 14x8 30x12 48x8 36x10 26x14 22x16 20x18 36x18 46x14 40x16 32x20 12x12 38x4 24x6 18x8 14x10 30x24 40x18 36x20 32x22 28x26 48x30 44x32 42x34 24x18 44x10 36x12 30x14 22 x 20 18x12 38x6 28x8 22 x 10 48x36 46x38 44x40 42 x 42 36 x 24 con't 44 x 20 40 x 22 24 x 12 36 x 8 30 x 18 46 x 12 48 x 42 46 x 44 1998 Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL ET -A �,t A IRE. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. `i' FRI&H e p1qy & Health SoIII S OR F100 Air Cleaner yr Whole -House Air Cleaners trap a high percentage of B airborne particles of the air passing through it. 111111 WhatFS 01M mhome11111 S aw? 8 Remember the last time you saw sun beaming through a EMIL,1 window? The visible particles that dance in a sunbeam, amount to about I percent of all particles in the air. That leaves 99 percent too small to be seen with an unaided eye. The effects of these invisible pollutants may be seen when it is too late—in soiling film that slowly coats walls, I furnishings and draperies and in human discomfort. Here's A Solution Efficiency Chart* Professional Grade Media ' 100% Air Cleaners - F100 75% _ 50% I I I 25% ltl;Ydl <1% 0% Partide Size 10 0.3 10 0.3 in Miaons F10 0 Standard 1" Media Fiberglass Filter Filter Your Home _'Fxper# www.honeywell.com/yourhome/ Typical Household Particles P441913 Sim #mirwas b :nkrerar Did you know? A standard 1 inch furnace filter: 1. Removes only some of the larger contaminants that would otherwise enter your furnace. But, it removes only a small percent of dust, pollens, pet dander, plant spores, fungi, bacteria, tobacco smoke and other small particles Whole House Air Cleaning: The Honeywell F100 Media Air Cleaner captures particles in your indoor air more efficiently than a one -inch disposable filter. Honeywell media air cleaners significantly reduce the antigens and allergens re -circulated through your hom"roviding you greater comfort and piece of mind. Convenient, Easy Filter Replacement: It takes just a couple of minutes to restore your air cleaner to its original performance. No messy combs or complicated assembly is required. Replacement filters come fully assembled, ready to slide into your unit. Upgrade when your needs or budget dictates: Install our F100 Media Air Cleaner and get the benefits of cleaner indoor air now—without locking yourself into one type of air cleaner. If you decide later that you need or want a more efficient Honeywell air cleaner, you can easily upgrade in the future without expensive modification to your ductwork. 'Efficiency is determined by the air passing through the air cleaner. Independent lab fractional efficiency testing. Honeywell's exclusive AIRWATC[r Performance Indicator just made your life a little easier. The AIRWATCH Indicator reminds you when to change your ultraviolet lights, humidifier pad and air filter. 'Stanford Research Institute. This chart is intended to provide information on particle size only, not air cleaner performance. that can cause harm. 2. Restricts greater airflow in your �. heating system, causing it to operate less efficiently and reducing �k the operating life of your equipment. F100 3. Requires frequent replacement every one to three months. Whole House Air Cleaning: The Honeywell F100 Media Air Cleaner captures particles in your indoor air more efficiently than a one -inch disposable filter. Honeywell media air cleaners significantly reduce the antigens and allergens re -circulated through your hom"roviding you greater comfort and piece of mind. Convenient, Easy Filter Replacement: It takes just a couple of minutes to restore your air cleaner to its original performance. No messy combs or complicated assembly is required. Replacement filters come fully assembled, ready to slide into your unit. Upgrade when your needs or budget dictates: Install our F100 Media Air Cleaner and get the benefits of cleaner indoor air now—without locking yourself into one type of air cleaner. If you decide later that you need or want a more efficient Honeywell air cleaner, you can easily upgrade in the future without expensive modification to your ductwork. 'Efficiency is determined by the air passing through the air cleaner. Independent lab fractional efficiency testing. Honeywell's exclusive AIRWATC[r Performance Indicator just made your life a little easier. The AIRWATCH Indicator reminds you when to change your ultraviolet lights, humidifier pad and air filter. 'Stanford Research Institute. This chart is intended to provide information on particle size only, not air cleaner performance. Enhance the air that touches your family m every room of your home Honeywell Choose better indoor air for your family by installing Honeywell solutions. You'll enhance your comfort and peace of mind. Ultraviolet Air Treatment Systems Zap airborne germs and prevent mold spore growth on air conditioning coils Whole -House Air Cleaners -Trap a high percentage of airborne particles of the air passing through it Whole -House Humidifiers Moisturize dry air to optimize humidity for your home Zoning Systems UeControl temperature by area in your home, saving energy and improving comfort PerfectWindow® Air Exchangers Ventilate your home to assure fresh air while minimizing energy loss Programmable Thermostats Save up to 30% in annual energy costs with this easy-to-use thermostat* *depending on geography and usage = 11 Fractional Efficiency' (at 0.3-0.4 microns) 15% Fractional Efficiency' (at 0.7-10.0 microns) 83% Initial Pressure Drop (inches w.c.) 0.18 Dust Hoiding Capacity (grams) 73 Warranty 1 year limited Clean Coil Guaranty NA AIRWATCH Indicator Included Sizes Available (inches) 20x25, 16x25, 20x20, 16x20 Efficiency rating based on American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air -Conditioning Engineers Standards 52.2-1999. ' Nome and Building Control In the US: Honeywell, 1985 Douglas Drive North, Golden Valley, MN 55422-3992 In Canada: Honeywell Limited, 35 Dynamic Drive, Toronto, Ontario M I V 4Z9 ' 50-8863 7/01 JSR2GPC Printed in the USA ® Honeywell 2001 A I rights reserved ®Printed on rerytled paper containing 40% preconsumer waste and 10% postconsumer waste. Honeywen Four Home ,� JExper� www.honeywell.com/yourhome/ 1 We're "collecting" data. Testing shows high -efficiency electronic air cleaner collects particles 1 known to trigger allergic reactions A recently completed trial by a nationally recognized independent laboratory tested the ability of the Honeywell Electronic Air Cleaner (EAC) to collect specific bioaerosols from the air passing through the unit. The aerosols tested included fungi, bacteria, mite antigen from house dust, cat antigen from house dust, and ragweed pollen antigen. 1 Honeywell Electronic Air Cleaner 100% 90% > 80% LD 70% t—� 60% w 50% c 0 40% w 30% 20% 10% 0% � a � 50-8731-1 Rev 3/02 0 Honeywell 1999 All Rights Reserved High allergen -capturing performance As you can see, the Honeywell EAC demonstrated very high collection efficiencies against these allergens! More than 90% of fungi and ragweed pollen antigen were captured by the EAC as were more than 70% of bacteria and cat antigen and nearly 60% of mite antigen. Compared to a standard I -inch filter, the Honeywell EAC captured up to 10 times more of the bioaerosols tested. Tell your customers about this trial Explain which allergens are captured with a Honeywell electronic air cleaner and you'll have your customers' full attention. Then show them the data documenting the trial results - and you'll have them buying. And we're not done yet - stay tuned for more Honeywell research in this area. ■ Honeywell EAC ■ Std 1" filter 0� qP Testing was conducted using a certified ASHRAE 52.2 a test duct with a 20" x 25" air cleaner and filter at 2000 cf n. Fungi tested was Aspergillus versicolor. Bacteria at)j tested was Bacillus subtilis. Q' Whole House Air Quality / F300E 1035 - Honeywell Environmental And Combustion Control Page 1 of 2 a . a Honeywell 4 Honeywell.com -+ Your Home Exp HOME ABOUT US PRODUCTS NEWS & EVENTS SUPPORT & RESOURCES CONTACT US HELP Product Search Buildings ' Thermostats 0 Whole House Air Quality Enviracaire Elite Electronic Air Cleaner, 20x25 > Air Cleaners .. Product Specifications . Literature and Documents > Ultraviolet Air Treatment - "e > Ventilation ' > Humidification F300E1035 > Carbon Monoxide Enviracaire Elite Electronic Air Cleaner, 20x25 Detection .. Product Specifications . Literature and Documents HVAC Zoning - "e • Residential Combustion Overview • EnviraCOM Communications ' • Water Control mounts in return air duct of forced air • Training Materials 8r Product heating, cooling and ventilating systems. Literature 4 Advanced Search Quick Minks Tradeline Catalog Printed '• Version (114 MB) • Tradeline Catalog CD-ROM version (50 MB) ACI Contractor Locator '• • Create an Account Now! � I � I � I � I Homes Applications & Downloads Cross Reference > Electronic Air Cleaners > F300 Welcome F300E1035 Login to My Account ; Enviracaire Elite Electronic Air Cleaner, 20x25 .. Product Specifications . Literature and Documents 4 ACI Contractor Locatoi - "e Search Overview High efficiency electronic air cleaner that This Site Only mounts in return air duct of forced air heating, cooling and ventilating systems. i 4 Advanced Search Literature Resources � i All Literature ®. r Model ®I i� Replacement Parts . 203365A - Conversion Kit for Features changing 120V Power Supply t • Media post -filter provides enhanced filtration. 240V . 4074EHG - F58C and FC37A • Solid state power supply is self-regulating and maintins peak efficiency during a Terminal Board Repair Kit. wide range of cell dirt loading conditions. Contains 2 connector clips, 1 • New low-prfile door with test button to check system opporation. Terminal Board and instruction sheet • Helps filter efficiency -robbing "gunk' before it coats critical system parts. . 4074ETH - Air Flow Switch Bac . Very low pressure drop. Assembly, with pin connection; . Exclusive wireless W8600A AIRWATCH indicator reminds customers when to for F50 and F58 air cleaners wash cells to keep the unit operating at peak efficiency, as well as when to • 500 r for 2 x2 - n x 0x1 Post Filter for 20x25 and 20x12.5 change UV Lamps and Humidifier Pads. (optional) F300E and F50F . Exclusive 10 -year Clean Coil Guarantee. . FC37A1049 - Electronic Air . Rugged zinc -coated, roll -formed cabinet provides superior strength and Cleaner Cell, 9.8 x 20 corrosion protection. • FC37A1064 - Electronic Air Cleaner Cell, 12.4 x 20 . FC37A1114 - Electronic Air Product Specifications 4 Back To Top Cleaner Cell, 9.8 x 16 Application Duct mounted • FC37A1130 - Electronic Air Cleaner Cell, 12.4 x 16 "Dimensions (in.) 20 in. x 25 in. Product Accessories • W860OAl007 - AIRWATCH Dimensions (mm) 508 mm x 635 mm indicator for use with F50F, F100F, F1 50E, or F300E Airflow Max. -Capacity (cfm) 2000 cfm • W86001`1 006 -Taupe EAC Performance indicator for uE Airflow Max. -Capacity (m' /hr) 3400 m'/hr with F50F or F300E Efficiency Standard Efficiency ratings are based on American nce -White EAC ' Performance Performance indicator for u: Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air- with F50F or F300E Conditioning Engineers Standard 52.2-1999. Efficiency ranges are defined for small particles, E1=0.3 to 1.0 microns; medium Related Information particles, E2=1.0 to 3.0 microns; and large • Here is a PDF that list the part replacement parts. 'htt ://customer.hone el1.com/Hone ell/Catalo Navi ator.as x?Definition=Product&Catalo... 8/7/2005 p Yw Yw 9 9 P Whole House Air Quality/ F300E1035 -Honeywell Environmental And Combustion Control Page 2 of 2 aFractional Efficiency E1=81%, E2=93%, E3=99% This chart has a list of the Electrical Ratings 120 Vac, 0.4A max. parts for the different size: the F300 Air Cleaner. Replacement Filters ` -50000293-004 Static Pressure Drop (in. w.c.) 0.26 at max flow a Additional Features Includes high air flow post-Filter to enhance filtration performance. Type or Air Cleaner Electronic Air Cleaner 0 Frequency 60 Hz Approvals, Underwriters Listed: Report E30954 Laboratories Inc aTradeline Value Tradeline Literature and other Resources 4 Back To Top Download .D._ •D How often do I need to wash EAC cells?(White Paper - PDF) Honeywell Electronic Air Cleaner out-filters the competition(White Paper - PDF Honeywell Electronic Air Cleaner outclasses 24-volt ❑competition❑(White Papp : Honeywell F50 Electronic Air Cleaners and variable speed air handlers: a winn Performance of Honeywell Electronic Air Cleaner amazes at Air-Rite(White Pa) White Dust?(White Paper - PDF) ` F300 Electronic Air Cleaner(Newsoaoer Ad Slick - PDF' Download Terms & Conditions Privacy Statement Site Map I Advanced Choose Your Region/Country I Select a Site Search v1.0.21 0 © Copyright Honeywell International Inc 2004-2005 1 7 — http://customer.honeywell.com/Honeywell/CatalogNavlgator.aspx. Definitlon-Product&Catalo... 8/7/2005 ;Honeywell Ventilation Systems �1 C� 1 ' THERMOSTATS I ZONING I AIR CLEANERS I HUMIDIFIERS I ULTRAVIOLET SYSTEMS I VENTILATION I WATER SOLUTIONS r Today's homes are built tight for energy efficiency, but that same tightness can also restrict the intake of fresh air and trap dust, allergens and more. The average person spends 90%* of his or her time indoors, breathing in stale air. In fact, poor indoor G ' air quality ranks among the top five environmental risks to public health*. Honeywell offers several solutions for bringing fresh air into your home while still helping you ' maintain energy efficiency. According to the EWronmer#A Protection Agency ' THERMOSTATS I ZONING I AIR CLEANERS I HUMIDIFIERS I ULTRAVIOLET SYSTEMS I VENTILATION I WATER SOLUTIONS Honeywell Ventilation Systems FRESH AIR YEAR-ROUND: Honeywell offers three whisper -quiet, low -maintenance choices for ventilation. Y8150 Fresh Air Ventilation System: The Y8150 works with your existing heating and cooling fan system to deliver fresh air to your home. Its "set -it -and -forget -it" program gives you optimal ventilation without having to worry about settings. Your installer sets it up and the Y8150 does the work. Perfect Window- Ventilation Systems — HRV and ERV Honeywell's Perfect Window Ventilation Systems allow you to manually or automatically adjust the fresh air flow in your home. You can also add options for adjusting dehumidistat and fan timer controls. There are two types of Perfect Window systems — Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV) and Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERV). Each can be connected to your existing heating and cooling system by your installer or will work as a stand-alone system. And each can be configured to meet your personal needs. Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) • Provides continuous exchange of stale air for fresh air • Helps reduce window condensation and excess moisture • Uses about the same amount of energy as a 100 -watt light bulb • Offers five speeds for specific demands, including frost control • Recovers up to 80% of the heating/cooling energy from the air leaving your home • Ideal for cold climates ' Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) Includes all the features of an HRV system, plus: • Helps reduce amount of humidity brought into the home in ' summer and retains humidity in winter • Transfers both heat and moisture between incoming and outgoing air.streams for maximum energy efficiency • Ideal for hot, humid climates ' Learn More Call toll-free 1-800-328-5111 ' or visit http://yourhome.honeywell.com Email info®honeywell.com Automation and Control Solutions ' Honeywell 1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 55422-3992 50-8170 RL 5/05 www.honeywell.com 02005 Honeywell International Inc. Fresh air from outside Stale air from inside Top blower wheel and housing - _.._ ___ - -- Stale air deposited outside home Fresh air distributed throughout home Your contractor or heating and cooling expert can help you determine the best Honeywell fresh air ventilation system for your home. P-4 P� AMER CAN LUNG ASSOC AT ON flMEALTH House. Honeywegg Honeywell ER1 50B2006 and ER20OB2006 Energy Recovery Fresh Air Ventilation Systems #t .4?$4r a"';* } �•`t'tr fid, p.� �r�.ws' +a f CATION DATr APPLICATION The ER150 and ER200 Perfect WindowTA°.Fresh Air Ventilation Systems provide proper levels of ventilation with energy savings by transferring heat and moisture between the exhaust and fresh air streams. SPECIFICATIONS Efficiency Rating: Sensible Efficiency: 110 cfm at 21 °F (16•C) is 79% (perfor- mance per CAN/CSA-C439-88). Moisture Transfer Ratio: 26%. ® U.S. Registered Trademark Copyright © 2002 Honeywell • All Rights Reserved 0 FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Advanced Enthalpic Heat and Moisture Recovery Fixed Core. Robust, high performance, reliable design transfers heat and moisture between the exhaust and fresh air streams, reducing the load on the air conditioner or furnace. • Integral Balancing Dampers: For quick installation. • Low Voltage, High -Speed Override. A simple contact closure steps up the blower speed to high when high demand ventilation is required. Can be connected to the Digital Fan Timer or the Energy Recovery Ventilator outputs on the Perfect Climate Comfort Center TM (see ven- tilation data in 68-0171 for hook-up diagrams). • 4 -Speed Fan Control. Multi-level blower provides control of the amount of ventilation. • Automatic Built-in Defrost. Activates automatically to prevent the core from freezing. • Includes Mounting Hardware. Vibration isolation mount- ing hardware is provided to reduce vibration. • Insulated Cabinet with Duct Collars. Rugged steel cabinet is insulated to reduce blower noise. Duct collars provide easy connection of insulated and non -insulated duct work. • Permanent (Washable) Filters. Filters are provided to protect the core from contaminants in the air stream. Filters are washable. Air Movement: At 0.2 in. we external static pressure. ER150B: 150 cfm. ER20OB: 200 cfm. Install Weight ER150B: 70 Ib (32 kg). ER20OB: 87 Ib (40 kg). Approvals: Canadian Standards Association: Approved. ETL: Certified to UL1812. 11111111111111111111 68-3020-2 Ef?150B2006 AND ER20OB2006 ENERGY RECOVERY FRESH AIR VENTILATION SYSTEMS Electrical Consumption: Electrical Rating: Nominal Current (Amps) Power Rating: 120 Vac, 60 Hz. Mode ER150 ER200 Dimensions in in. (mm): Minimum speed 0.7 0.8 Maximum speed 1.7 1.7 DEFROST i PORT I i S' STALE AIR FROM HOUSE �FRESH AIR FROM OUTSIDE � 14$/4 (375) � Automation and Control Solutions Honeywell Honeywell Limited -Honeywell Limitee 1985 Douglas Drive North 35 Dynamic Drive Golden Valley, MN 55422 Scarborough, Ontario M1V 4Z9 68-3020-2 G.H. Rev. 01-02 STALE AIR TO OUTSIDE 1s (483) FRESH AIR TO HOUSE ALL DUCT CONNECTIONS ARE 6 (150). SERVICE CLEARANCE ' 25 (635) WEIGHT: 7010 (32 kp) SHIPPING WEIGHT: 7210 (33 kg) ®Printed in U.S.A. on recycled paper containing at least 10 postconsumer paper fibers. I M65468 Honeywell www.honeywell.com/youhome 1 t Honeywell HR1 % 200, 205; ER1 50, 200 Perfect WindOWTM Fresh Air Ventilation Systems APPLICATION The HR150, HR200, and HR205 Perfect WindowTm Fresh Air Ventilation Systems provide proper levels of ventilation with energy savings by transferring heat between the exhaust and fresh air streams. The ER150 and ER200 Perfect Window TM Fresh Air Ventilation Systems provide proper levels of ventilation with energy savings by transferring heat and moisture between the exhaust and fresh air streams. The ER150C and ER200C are specifically designed for installations in unconditioned spaces such as attics and garages. ® U.S. Registered Trademark Copyright © 2004 Honeywell International Inc. All Rights Reserved (PRODUCT DATA FEATURES • Low voltage, high-speed override. Integral balancing dampers for quick installation. • Provides ventilation that helps contractors meet ASHRAE 62-89. • 4 -speed fan control. • Automatic, economical built-in frost control available for operation to design temperatures of -40°F (-40°C). • HR150, HR200 and HR205 models have an easy -to - clean aluminum cross-flow core. ER150 and ER200 models have an advanced enthalpy heat and moisture recovery fixed core. • Includes vibration isolation hardware and duct collars. • Insulated cabinet made of rugged steel. • Permanent (washable) prefilters. • Quiet operation. • Digital fan timer option on all models. Contents Application/Features..........................................................1 Specifications/Ordering Information..................................2 Planning the Installation....................................................5 Installation.........................................................................8 Wiring................................................................................9 Startup and Checkout/Service...........................................11 Troubleshooting.................................................................13 . PartsList...........................................................................15 1111111111111111111111I 0 0 HR150, 200, 205, ER150, 200 PERFECT WINDOW -r- FRESH AIR VENTILATION SYSTEMS SPECIFICATIONS IMPORTANT The specifications given in this publication do not include normal manufacturing tolerances. Therefore, this unit might not exactly match the listed specifica- tions. Also, this product is tested and calibrated under closely controlled conditions, and some minor differences in performance can be expected if those conditions are changed. TRADELINE0 Models TRADELINE models are selected and packaged to provide ease of stocking, ease of handling and maximum replacement value. TRADELINE Models Available: HR150, HR200, and HR205 Fresh Air Ventilation Systems: Includes heat transfer core, prefilters, fan and blower assembly and frost control. HR150B: 150 cfm, aluminum core, manual control and ' frost control. HR20OB: 200 cfm, aluminum cross flow core, manual control and frost control. HR2056: 200 cfm, aluminum cross flow core and frost ' control (available in Canada only). ER150B: 150 cfm, moisture transferring core, manual control and frost control. ER150C: 150 cfm, moisture transferring core, manual control and without frost control. ' ER20OB: 200 cfm, moisture transferring core, manual control and frost control. ER20OC: 200 cfm, moisture transferring core, manual control and without frost control. Color: White Electrical Ratings: Power Rating: 120 Vac, 60 Hz Consumption: Mode Nominal Current (Amps) HR150/ HR200/ ER150 ER200 HR205 Minimum speed 0.7 0.8 0.07 Maximum speed 1.7 1.7 1.4 ORDERING INFORMATION Mounting: Most models mount in conditioned space such as a basement, utility room, hallway or closet. Can also be mounted in conditioned attic space. NOTE: ER150C and ER200C models can be installed in unconditioned spaces such as attics and garages. Approvals: Home Ventilation Institute (HVI): Certified. Canadian Standards Association: Approved. ETL: Certified to UL1812. Installed Weight: HR150/HR200: 70 Ib (32 kg). HR205: 87 Ib (40 kg). ER150/ER200: 70 Ib (32 kg). HVI Certifier Ventilation Performance: See Fig. 1. Dimensions: See Fig. 2 and 3. Accessories: See the HR Accessory Items Parts List that follows the Troubleshooting Guide. HR150, HR200, HR205 Maximum Temperature Recovery: 80%. Sensible Efficiency (Performance per CANICSA-C439-88): Low Speed at 32°F (0°C): 68%. High Speed at 32°F (0°C): 62%. Low Speed at -13°F (-25°C): 60%. ER150, ER200 Sensible Efficiency (Performance per CAN/CSA-C439-88): 110 cfm at 61°F (16°C): 79%. Moisture Transfer Ratio: 26%. When purchasing replacement and modernization products from your TRADELINE® wholesaler or distributor, refer to the TRADELINEO Catalog or price sheets for complete ordering number. If you have additional questions, need further information, or would like to comment on our products or services, please write or phone: 1. Your local Honeywell Automation and Control Products Sales Office (check white pages of your phone directory). 2. Honeywell Customer Care 1885 Douglas Drive North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4386 In Canada—Honeywell Limited/Honeywell Limitee, 35 Dynamic Drive, Scarborough, Ontario M1V 4Z9. International Sales and Service Offices in all principal cities of the world. Manufacturing in Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, U.S.A. 1 68-0171-8 2 2 � 1.8 1.6 m 1.4 N 1cd .2 x c 1 u a 0.8 0.6 s 0.4 0.2 0 i 1 HR150, 200, 205, ER150, 200 PERFECT WINDOW- FRESH AIR VENTILATION SYSTEMS cfm(Us =nx0.4719) NET SUPPLY - - - - - NET EXHAUST HR150/ER150 VENTILATION PERFORMANCE EXT STATIC PRESSURE NET SUPPLY AIR FLOW (Pa) ' (in. wg) (US) (cfm) 25 .1 91 177 50 .2 89 ,164 75 .3 84 156 100 .4 78 143 125 .5 69 123 2 1.8 1.6 m ma 1.4 x 1.2 c u 1 a o, 0.8 3 c 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 M6561A 2 1.8 1.6 g 1.4 cd N 1.2 x c 1 n i 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 cfm (Us = n x 0.4719) GROSS SUPPLY - - - - - GROSS EXHAUST HR200/ER200 VENTILATION PERFORMANCE (HVII EXT STATIC NET SUPPLY GROSS AIR FLOW PRESSURE AIR FLOW SUPPLY EXHAUST (Pa) (in. wg) (Us) (cfm) (Us) (cfm) (US) (Cfm) 25 .1 104 214 102 216 97 206 50 '.2 97 206 98 208 93 197 75 .3 91 193 93 197 88 186 100 .4 87 184 88 186 82 174 125 .5 80 170 81 172 75 159 150 .6 73 155 74 157 67 142 175 .7 64 137 65 138 54 114 cfm (Us = n x 0.4719) NET SUPPLY - - - - - NET EXHAUST HR20S VENTILATION PFRFORMANCF 1MVI7 EXT. STATIC NET SUPPLY GROSS AIR FLOW PRESSURE AIR FLOW SUPPLY EXHAUST (Pa) (in. wg) (US) I (cfm) (US) I (CIM) (Us) (cfm) 25 .1 93 196 94 199 93 X197 50 .2 89 188 90 190 88 186 75 .3 84 178 85 181 83 176 100 .4 78 165 79 167 77 153 125 .5 71 149 71 151 73 154 150 .6 62 131 63 133 64 134 175 .7 51 109 52 110 51 508 200 .8 37 79 38 80 41 86 225 .9 23 48 1 23 49 22 47 Fig. 1. Ventilation Performance. 3 M6563A M6562A 68-0171-8 IR150, 200, 205; ER150, 200 PERFECT WINDOWTM FRESH AIR VENTILATION SYSTEMS FRESH AIR ` FROM OUTSIDE J r� DEFROST: PORT I ... ii STALE AIR FROM HOUSE ' MOUNTING STRAP (4) STALE AIR TO OUTSIDE 19 (483) FRESH AIR TO HOUSE ' sN%m�r.mT DRAIN SPOUTS ALL DUCT CONNECTIONS ARE 6 (150). j O O O . 3 19 O • (483) HR \ �( SERVICE CONTROLS - CLEARANCE 255 (635) WEIGI47: 70 m D2 kI) 14.314(375)-I SHIPPINGWEICHT: 724)(331g) \ .65160 Fig. 2. HR150/ER150 and HR200/ER200 dimensions in in. (mm). 7-1/2 O O 2 18 (4 'n t i 22-1/2 (572) i I 26-1/2 (673) ALL DUCT CONNECTIONS` ARE 6 (150) STALE AIR EXHAUST / SUPPLY OF tO FRESH AIR 68-0171-8 FRESH AIR Op SUPPLY TO BUILDING 0 MOUNTING STRAP (4) `STALE AIR RETURN FROM BUILDING WEIGHT: 87 lb. (40 kg) - - SHIPPING WEIGHT: 89lb. 141 kg) M6547A Fig. 3. HR205 dimensions in in. (mm). 4 HR150, 200, 205; ER150, 200 PERFECT WINDOWTm FRESH AIR VENTILATION SYSTEMS PLANNING THE INSTALLATION Application The Fresh Air Ventilation System is designed to supply fresh air and exhaust stale air. The system draws fresh outdoor air through the ventilator for distribution throughout the house. Stale air is exhausted through the ventilator and to the outdoors. Heat is transferred from one airstream to the other as the air passes through the opposite sides of the heat transfer core. See Fig. 4. FRESH AIR IN Fig. 4. Duct connections and airflow. Sizing M5553B There are several methods that can provide satisfactory results for sizing a ventilator to provide adequate ventilation for a home. The ASHRAE Standard 62-1989 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality suggests the following: — .35 air changes per hour (ach) but not less than 15 cfm per person for living areas = house size (sq ft) • ceiling height (ft) 160 (min) •.35 (ach) Example: = 2000 sq ft • 8 ft 160 min •.35 ach = 93 cfm — 50 cfm intermittent or 20 cfm continuous capacity for bathrooms Example: 50 cfm intermittent • 3 bathrooms = 150 cfm 20 cfm continuous • 3 bathrooms = 60 cfm — 100 cfm intermittent or 25 cfm continuous capacity for kitchens Example: 100 cfm intermittent • 1 kitchen = 100 cfm 25 cfm continuous • 1 kitchen = 25 cfm Option 1: Fresh Air Ventilation System provides continuous fresh air supply of 93 cfm, and intermittent capacity for bathrooms of 150 cfm. A separate 100 cfm exhaust fan is used for the range hood. ' Supply air flow required = 93 cfm Exhaust air flow required = 150 cfm Any Honeywell ventilation unit provides suitable ventilation capacity. See Fig. 1. Option 2: Fresh Air Ventilation System provides continuous 93 cfm fresh air supply, 150 cfm intermittent exhaust capacity for bathrooms and continuous 50 cfm kitchen ventilation. Supply air flow required = 93 cfm Exhaust air flow required = 200 cfm Honeywell HR200tER200 have the exhaust capacity required to meet the ventilation needs of this application. See Fig. 1. Mounting Position and Location The HR150/ER150, HR200/ER200 and HR205 can be suspended from exposed ceiling joists, ceiling surface or floor mounted. (Level ventilator so drains function correctly.) NOTE: ER150C and ER200C are specifically designed for installations in unconditioned spaces such as attics and garages. (These units are not equipped with drain kits.) . • Locate fresh air intake 6 ft (2m) or more from stale air exhaust to prevent exhaust air from re-entering. • Locate ventilator where length of ducting required is minimal. Install HR150/ER150, HR200/ER200 and HR205 in a conditioned space using these guidelines: • Pipe drain line (ER150C and ER300C do not have drain kits) from the ventilator to a drain. • Use an existing electrical outlet with appropriate current rating (or install one) close to ventilator power cord. • Allow space for drain line by placing the ventilator at least 10 in. (254 mm) off the floor. • For access and removal of ventilator core, allow at least 25 in. (635 mm) of open space in front of unit. Ducting Ducting between the ventilator and the outdoors must be insulated and have a continuous air vapor barrier. See Fig. 5. IMPORTANT All ducting to the outdoors must be terminated above anticipated snow lines and be fitted with a weather cap that incorporates bird screening. SEAL OUTER LINING OF FLEX DUCT TO OUTER COLLAR � INSULATED COLLAR ON FLEX DUCT r/] IrZI I I I I VENTILATOR SEAL INTERIOR LINING OF FLEX DUCT TO INSIDE COLLAR M6557 Fig. 5. Sealing insulated duct terminations. Design and installation of ductwork must be according to standard HVAC practice to deliver required quantities of fresh air to temperature -controlled space and exhaust equivalent quantities of room air to the outside. 68-0171-8 DEFROST. FORT �� Q STALE AIR To _ _v OUTSIDE S STALE FRESH AIR FROM O AIR TO HOUSE HOUSE Fig. 4. Duct connections and airflow. Sizing M5553B There are several methods that can provide satisfactory results for sizing a ventilator to provide adequate ventilation for a home. The ASHRAE Standard 62-1989 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality suggests the following: — .35 air changes per hour (ach) but not less than 15 cfm per person for living areas = house size (sq ft) • ceiling height (ft) 160 (min) •.35 (ach) Example: = 2000 sq ft • 8 ft 160 min •.35 ach = 93 cfm — 50 cfm intermittent or 20 cfm continuous capacity for bathrooms Example: 50 cfm intermittent • 3 bathrooms = 150 cfm 20 cfm continuous • 3 bathrooms = 60 cfm — 100 cfm intermittent or 25 cfm continuous capacity for kitchens Example: 100 cfm intermittent • 1 kitchen = 100 cfm 25 cfm continuous • 1 kitchen = 25 cfm Option 1: Fresh Air Ventilation System provides continuous fresh air supply of 93 cfm, and intermittent capacity for bathrooms of 150 cfm. A separate 100 cfm exhaust fan is used for the range hood. ' Supply air flow required = 93 cfm Exhaust air flow required = 150 cfm Any Honeywell ventilation unit provides suitable ventilation capacity. See Fig. 1. Option 2: Fresh Air Ventilation System provides continuous 93 cfm fresh air supply, 150 cfm intermittent exhaust capacity for bathrooms and continuous 50 cfm kitchen ventilation. Supply air flow required = 93 cfm Exhaust air flow required = 200 cfm Honeywell HR200tER200 have the exhaust capacity required to meet the ventilation needs of this application. See Fig. 1. Mounting Position and Location The HR150/ER150, HR200/ER200 and HR205 can be suspended from exposed ceiling joists, ceiling surface or floor mounted. (Level ventilator so drains function correctly.) NOTE: ER150C and ER200C are specifically designed for installations in unconditioned spaces such as attics and garages. (These units are not equipped with drain kits.) . • Locate fresh air intake 6 ft (2m) or more from stale air exhaust to prevent exhaust air from re-entering. • Locate ventilator where length of ducting required is minimal. Install HR150/ER150, HR200/ER200 and HR205 in a conditioned space using these guidelines: • Pipe drain line (ER150C and ER300C do not have drain kits) from the ventilator to a drain. • Use an existing electrical outlet with appropriate current rating (or install one) close to ventilator power cord. • Allow space for drain line by placing the ventilator at least 10 in. (254 mm) off the floor. • For access and removal of ventilator core, allow at least 25 in. (635 mm) of open space in front of unit. Ducting Ducting between the ventilator and the outdoors must be insulated and have a continuous air vapor barrier. See Fig. 5. IMPORTANT All ducting to the outdoors must be terminated above anticipated snow lines and be fitted with a weather cap that incorporates bird screening. SEAL OUTER LINING OF FLEX DUCT TO OUTER COLLAR � INSULATED COLLAR ON FLEX DUCT r/] IrZI I I I I VENTILATOR SEAL INTERIOR LINING OF FLEX DUCT TO INSIDE COLLAR M6557 Fig. 5. Sealing insulated duct terminations. Design and installation of ductwork must be according to standard HVAC practice to deliver required quantities of fresh air to temperature -controlled space and exhaust equivalent quantities of room air to the outside. 68-0171-8 Hf2150, 200, 205; ER150, 200 PERFECT WIND OW'm FRESH AIR VENTILATION SYSTEMS Keep intake and exhaust duct runs as short as possible with few bends or elbows. • Keep duct sizes as large as possible throughout the installation. • Use a 6 in. diameter round duct for all connections to and from the ventilator, • Separate outside intake and exhaust vents by at least 6 ft (2m). NOTES:, — Do not locate the fresh air vent where it blows directly onto occupants or the thermostat. — Do not locate the fresh air intake close to known sources of pollutants such as automobile exhaust, a dryer vent or chimney smoke. • Ducting the supply outlet and/or the exhaust inlet of the. ventilator to the return air plenum of the air handler is an excellent way to distribute fresh air and exhaust stale air from all parts of the house, while reducing installation costs. When choosing this method, balance the ventilator when the air handler is running and interlock the ventilator so that it can run only when the air handler runs. See Fig. 6. An alternate method is to balance the ventilator when the air handler is not running and let the ventilator run whether the air handler is running or not, see Fig. 7. An independent installation is shown in Fig. 8. NOTE: When the home is occupied, continuous operation of the ventilator is recommended. When the furnace air handler operates, fresh air is distributed through the heating/air conditioning supply registers. When the air handler is off, fresh air is delivered through both supplies and returns. • An electrical interlock or an automatically powered damper must be used to prevent unwanted entry of outside air if the ventilator is turned off while the furnace air handler continues to operate. ' 68-0171-8 6 - RETURN y AIR OUTDOORS COLD AIR RETURN 0 -1. F t tF t ' EXHAUST AIR FROM • VARIOUS PARTS OF HOME(BATHROOMS IF REQUIRED; KITCHENS IF REQUIRED; ROOMS WITHOUT WINDOWS, URCED IR AND POTENTIALLY B SEMENTS). FABLE FURNACE COMBUSTION I NOTES:- OR ELECTRIC 1. FURNACE BLOWER NEED NOT OPERATE TO PROVIDE GOOD AIR DISTRIBUTION/QUAUTY WITH THIS SYSTEM. 2. IF FURNACE BLOWER OPERATION IS REQUIRED TO HELP DISTRIBUTE SUPPLY AIR: RUN CONTINUOUSLY OR INTERLINK ELECTRICALLY (LOW VOLTAGE) USING OPTIONAL 32003248-001 BLOWER INTERFACE KIT. i' 3. NO SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS ARE NECESSARY BETWEEN DIRECT CONNECTION POINT AND FURNACE. ' I 4. WEATHER -HOOD ARRANGEMENT IS FOR DRAWING ONLY. 6 FT (2m) MINIMUM SEPARATION REQUIRED, 18 IN. (0.46m) ABOVE GRADE MINIMUM. M8549C ' Fig. 6. Direct connection of supply air stream to furnace cold air return for HRV/ERV. ' 68-0171-8 6 - HR150, 200, 205; ER150, 200 PERFECT WINDOWTMI FRESH AIR VENTILATION SYSTEMS RETURN AIR y f 40 IN. (im) MINIMUM y OUTDOORS too: NOTES: ( FORCED AIR 1. FURNACE BLOWER IS REQUIRED TO OPERATE WHEN VENTILATION IS REQUIRED. FURNACE SET THE FURNACE BLOWER TO RUN CONTINUOUSLY, OR INTERLINK ELECTRICALLY ' (LOW VOLTAGE) USING OPTIONAL 32003248-001 BLOWER INTERFACE KIT. COMBUSTION 2. MINIMUM SEPARATION OF 40 IN.IS REQUIRED BETWEEN THE TWO OR ELECTRIC DIRECT CONNECTIONS. COLD AIR RETURN 3. EXHAUST AIR CONNECTION SHOULD BE UPSTREAM OF THE SUPPLY AIR CONNECTION TO PREVENT EXHAUSTING ANY FRESH AIR. 4. WEATHER -HOOD ARRANGEMENT IS FOR DRAWING ONLY. 6 FT. (2 m) MINIMUM SEPARATION REQUIRED, 18 IN. (0.46m) ABOVE GRADE MINIMUM. MesaeO Fig. 7. Direct connection of ventilator supply air stream and exhaust air stream to furnace cold air return. ADJUSTABLE ADJUSTABLE FRESH ADJUSTABLE DAMPERS FOR STALE AIR AIR SUPPLYj BALANCING AIR FLOW INTO RETURN -X L - AND OUT OF THE HOUSE 7 NOTES: \ 1. VENTILATOR EXHAUSTS FROM KITCHEN AND /OR (\ FRESH AIR BATHROOMS OR OTHER CENTRAL LOCATIOSUPPLY HOOD TO OUTDOORS. 2. VENTILATOR SUPPLIES OUTDOOR AIR DIRECTLY TO EACH BEDROOM, TO EACH FLOOR WITHOUT A - STALE AIR BEDROOM, AND TO THE PRINCIPAL LIVING AREAS. EXHAUST HOOD FLEXIBLE INSULATED DUCTING WITH A VAPOR BARRIER M4911A Fig. 8. Independent ventilator installation. 7 68-0171-8 HR150, 200, 205, ER150, 200 PERFECT WINDOWTM' FRESH AIR VENTILATION SYSTEMS Balancing Airflow Balancing the airflow verifies that the Fresh Air Ventilation System is delivering the intended airflow and energy performance. Use the Airflow Balancing instructions in the Installation section to check and balance the airflow. Controls Remote Override Switch Functions On/Off Control If continuous ventilation is not required, an on/off control can be used to activate the ventilator when it is switched to Standby. Controls that can be used for this function include dehumidistats, timers, wall switches and the ventilate function of the Perfect Climate Comfort Center TM. If moisture control in bathrooms is a primary function of the system, a dehumidistat can be used to switch the ventilator from a Low or Standby setting to the High setting. Moisture removal throughout the entire home can only be achieved when the outside air contains less moisture than the inside air (typically during cold weather conditions). The Perfect Climate Comfort Center TM can automatically control the ventilator by using the programmed times or manually control it by pressing the Ventilate button on the keypad. See the Perfect Climate Comfort Center TM Users Guide, form 69-0893, for complete instructions. Digital Fan Timer The ventilator controls are compatible with the Digital Fan Timer. If more than one timer is activated, each runs independently with the ventilator running at high speed until all timers have timed out. Up to four timers can be installed in a system. For complete instructions on the operation of the Digital Fan Timer, refer to the instructions packed with the timer. Moisture Control When a building is new, there is excess moisture in the wood, plaster, cement and other construction materials. When the new building is occupied, the activities of the occupants also increase the moisture level. There can also be high levels of formaldehyde and other chemicals that were used in the building materials. Running the ventilation system on high speed provides optimum indoor air pollutant reduction. High speed also provides maximum moisture removal when the outside air contains less moisture than the inside air. (Typically during cold weather conditions.) Operating Damper Frost Control Some models have an electronically -controlled damper frost control mechanism. When the outside temperature drops below 27°F (-3°C), the defrost timer is activated. At the end of the 17 minute run cycle, when the core can experience some nominal frost buildup, the timer activates a motor -driven damper door that simultaneously opens the defrost port and closes off the supply air port. On the HR205, exhaust air is used for defrost. At the end of the 4.5 minute defrost cycle, the damper operates in the opposite direction and ventilation is resumed. The cycles continue until the outdoor temperature rises above the defrost temperature. 68-0171-8 INSTALLATION When Installing this Product... 1. Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow these instructions could damage the product or cause a haz- ardous condition. 2. Check the ratings on the product to make sure the prod- uct is suitable for your application. 3. Installer must be a trained, experienced service techni- cian. 4. After installation is complete, check out product opera- tion as provided in these instructions. ! CAUTION Electrical shock hazard. Can cause personal injury or equipment damage. Disconnect power supply to prevent electrical shock or equipment damage. Unpacking Fresh Air Ventilation System Check that all the components are included. The Fresh Air Ventilation System is shipped assembled. The carton contains the following: • Fresh Air Ventilation System. • Vibration isolation straps (4). • Drain fittings (2) and T fitting (1). • Literature package. Except for the mounting hardware and drain fittings, the ventilator is ready for installation. Wiring, drain connections and ducting are required to complete the installation. Mounting Suspended from Floor Joists 1. Mount the four vibration isolation straps (provided) to the side of the ventilator using the mounting screws located on the cabinet. See Fig. 2 and 3. 2. Securely fasten the other ends of the straps to the floor joists with wide -head nails (not supplied), making sure the unit is level. The straps are designed to reduce noise, resonance or harmonics; therefore, using the full length of the strap between the ventilator and the floor joists is recommended. NOTE: Removing door and core reduces the weight of the ventilator, making it easier to lift into place. Floor Mounting The mounting hardware included is not needed for floor mounting. 1. Use 2 x 4 in. wood pieces to build a frame to support the ventilator along the bottom edge. The frame must hold the ventilator at least 10 in. up from the floor to allow clearance for the drain line. 2. Set the frame back approximately 2 in. from the front - edge to avoid interference with the hinged door. 3. Place the ventilator on the frame. Secure the ventilator to the frame using screws and a strip of wood or metal; screw into the side walls of the ventilator within 1 in. of the bottom. HR150, 200, 205,• ER150, 200 PERFECT WINDOWTM FRESH AIR VENTILATION SYSTEMS 4. Connect the drain lines to a drain; see Installing Drain Line and P -Trap section. 5. Connect the ventilator to the, ducts. Installing Drain Line and P -Trap There are two holes at the bottom of the ventilator for the drain pan connectors. 1. Insert the connectors through the hole in the drain pan and the bottom of the unit. 2. Place the washer and nut on the connector. 3. Hand tighten the nut. See Fig. 9. DRAIN O RING PAN HR BOTTOM �� WASHER NUT M6552 Fig. 9. Installing drain line. Construct a P -trap using the plastic T -fitting provided. 1. Cut two lengths of 1/2.in. ID hose and connect each drain fitting to the end of the T -fitting. 2. Position the center leg of the T -fitting so it points upward. 3. Connect the drain line to the center leg and tape it in place to prevent any kinks. See Fig. 10. Fig. 10. Installing P -trap. M6551 This creates a trap that will hold some condensation and prevent odors from being drawn up through the drain hose into the unit. If the unit is installed during a season when it is unlikely that condensation will form, fill the trap with tap water. WIRING ACAUTION Electrical Shock Hazard. Can cause personal injury. Be sure ventilator is correctly grounded. Confirm polarity of power line switched with safety (disconnect) switch when cleaning or servicing unit. IMPORTANT The hot line (black) is the correct line to switch. See Fig. 11. To confirm correct polarity, use voltmeter or test lamp to verify there is no power after the switch when the door is open. Check between that point and ground (on cabinet). This process must be used because occasionally some dwellings are incorrectly wired. Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) and Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) Connections The connector is a three -prong, 120 Vac plug with ground. If further wiring is required, Honeywell recommends that a licensed electrician make all electrical connections. It is very important that the unit be correctly grounded. Digital Fan Timer Connections ! CAUTION Electrical Hazard. Can cause equipment damage. Disconnect HRV/ERV from power source before connecting or disconnecting digital fan timer or other device to HRV/ERV high-speed override terminals. IMPORTANT Do not connect external power sources to the high- speed override terminals. Mount digital fan timer in a full or one-half depth electrical box in the living space. See Fig. 11 for the 32003487 digital 20 - minute fan timer and the W8150A Fresh Air Ventilation Control wiring diagrams. (See Accessory Parts List, items 9 and 10, for the W8150A Fresh Air Ventilation Control and the 32003487 Digital Fan Timer.) 68-0171-8 , r HR150, 200, 205, ER150, 200 PERFECT WINDOWTh1 FRESH AIR VENTILATION SYSTEMS LEGEND HIGH VOLTAGE LOW VOLTAGE 120V SUPPLY CARD DEFROST DETAILS SPEED CONTROL SWITCH AUTO TRANSFORMER U SN BLACK r TO � IMOTM WHITE II GROUND n I-1 I -T I L-LF T3 I T4 ' TS T6I I TT I T8 I T9 r T70IT71 I T72I 1 uu u r --------- I u ❑ 04 ❑ C6 I I SEE i GROUND ❑ co) DEFROST DETAILS I - Cu ❑ •_-"""'- a W8150A1001 VENTILATION K1 K2 K3 K4 CONTROL OR REMOTE SWITCH FACTORYR D �--I ED INSTALLED BI-DIRECTIONAL DAMPER MOTOR PCB PLUG-IN n 1 2 MOO P1 &BL -AK BLACK O D ORANGE RED PIN 1 -RED P1 PIN 2 -ORANGE PIN 3 -BLACK PIN 4 -SPARE PLUG IN CONNECTOR 32003487-001 FAN TIMER ' . 68-0171-8 ADO NOT REMOVE JUMPER. Q2 MAXIMUM WIRE IS 100 FEET (30 METERS). USE 20 GAUGE WIRE. e n JUMPER ORANGE n RBCS y BLACK ® C DEHUMIDISTAI fTIIIL-'-JIIl4/ ®GREEN LED DRIVE VAC ® RE CIRCULATE LO] P2 BLUE -ON REMOOTTEE O ® LOW FAN ® GREEN OFR3 !� ® COMM$ THERMISTOR ❑ SWI P5 W8150 FRESH AIR VENTILATION CONTROL AT120 HR150/ER150 Rgpi 0 Q W8150A C10+ - 0 0 0 0 RED BLACK FANTIMER NOTES: - BALANCE THE HRV/ERV TO 160 CFM OR LOWER. - SET VENTILATOR SPEED KNOB TO 0. 1 EARD DAMPER NOT USED WITH HRV/ERV. 2 SEE THE W8150 FRESH AIR VENTILATION CONTROL LITERATURE, 68-0282, FOR COMPLETE WIRING INSTRUCTIONS. Fig. 11. Internal schematic for fresh air ventilation systems. ) 10 M22137 HR150, 200, 205, ER150, 200 PERFECT ININDOW- FRESH AIR VENTILATION SYSTEMS Airflow Balancing Volume -balanced airflow in the ventilator is required. Volume of outside air brought in must equal the volume of air the unit exhausts. If airflow is not correctly balanced: • unit does not operate at its maximum efficiency. • negative or positive air pressure can occur in the house. • unit will not defrost properly. • warranty can be voided. Excessive positive pressure can drive moist indoor air into building external walls where it can condense (in cold weather) and degrade structural components. Moist indoor air can also cause keyholes to freeze. Excessive negative pressure can have several undesirable side effects; in some geographic locations, soil gases such as methane and radon can be drawn into the home through basement/ground contact areas. Excessive negative pressure can also cause back drafting of vented combustion equipment when adequate combustion air supply is not provided. Balancing Procedure Six-inch (150 mm) diameter flow collars connected to inclined or digital manometer, or magnehelic, with range of 0 to.25 in. (0 to 62.5 Pa) of water are recommended for accurate airflow measurements. To avoid airflow turbulence and incorrect readings, flow stations should be located at a distant point of at least five duct diameters; for example, 6 in. (150 mm) duct requires five diameters x 6 in. (150 mm) = 30 in. (76 cm) from nearest valve or flow restriction. This requirement applies to both stale air to exchanger duct and fresh air to house duct. Before balancing, make sure: • all sealing of the ductwork system is completed. • all of the ventilator system components are in place and functioning properly. • balancing dampers are fully open. • unit is on High speed. • airflows in branch lines to specific areas of house are adjusted before balancing the unit. (A smoke pencil used at the grilles is a good indicator of relative airflow for each branch line.) After taking readings in stale air and fresh air ducts; duct with lower cfm (L/s) velocity reading should remain as is, while duct with higher reading should be dampered back to match lower reading. See Fig. 12. Return unit to appropriate fan speed for normal operation STARTUP AND CHECKOUT After installation is complete, check to be sure system is working correctly. On units with microprocessor control, select ventilation speed by touching fan control pad on base module until desired speed is indicated. On units with manual control, turn speed selection knob to desired speed. Activate two -wire control devices in system to make sure devices switch ventilator to High speed. For operating instructions, see instructions packed with digital fan timer. Leave instructions with homeowner. ) TURN WITH SCREWDRIVER. 'AUTOMATICALLY iEN PRESSURE 3ED. M13462 Fig. 12. Balancing airflow. SERVICE ! CAUTION Electrical shock hazard. Can cause personal injury or equipment damage. Disconnect power to unit before starting maintenance. For maximum efficiency, the Fresh Air Ventilation System must be maintained on a regular basis. Honeywell recom- mends checking and cleaning at least twice a year, preferably at the beginning of each heating and cooling season. Cleaning Filters and Core HR150, HR200 AND HR205 MODELS Remove the room air filter, fresh air filter and heat transfer core from the ventilator as a unit. 1. Open ventilator door by loosening draw latches on top of unit and swinging door open. For easier access, remove door by moving it right to disengage hinges. 2. Carefully grip ends of core, (be careful not to damage aluminum fins); then pull evenly outward. Core fits tightly, but slides out of channels. 3. Once core is removed, filters can be removed by remov- ing clips holding them in place. Note clip installation for reassembly. 4. Wash the filters and the core in warm soapy water. Do not wash them in a dishwasher. 5. Place the clean filter (wet or dry) over the core and secure it in place with the clips. 6. Reinstall core by sliding it into the four corner channels. (Water cannot damage gasket and label on core ends, so it is not necessary to remove them from the core.) ER150 AND ER200 MODELS 1. Open access door, carefully grip core ends and pull it out evenly. Core fits tightly but slides out of cabinet. 2. Remove filter clip, remove filters from core and rinse filters with water or a combination of soap and water. Do not clean in a dishwasher. 3. With filters removed, clean core with a vacuum cleaner. Vacuum only filter sides of core to pull dirt back out of core and not through it. 4. Reinstall clean filter and reattach retaining clip. 5. Reinstall clean core. 11 68-0171-8 HR150, 200, 205,. ER150, 200 PERFECT WINDOWTm FRESH AIR VENTILATION SYSTEMS Inspecting Exterior Hoods IMPORTANT Inspect exterior hoods at least monthly. Be sure exhaust and Blocked hoods can cause housebuilding pressure fresh air supply hoods are not blocked or restricted by leaves, change that can lead to possible combustion product grass or snow. In winter, be sure snow does not block hoods spillage from heating appliances. and frost does not accumulate on wire mesh bird screen. p D j 1 1 ' 1 . V i 68-0171-8 12 'Ultraviolet Air Treatment / Whole House Air Quality - Honeywell Environmental And Comb... Page 1 of 2 Honeywell -* Honeywell.com 4 Your Homo Exr 11 � I � I � I HOME ABOUT US PRODUCTS NEWS & EVENTS 'SUPPORT & RESOURCES CONTACT US HELP > Carbon Monoxide Product Search Buildings Homes Applications & Downloads Cross Reference a• HVAC Zoning • ThermostatsEnvironmental & Combustion Control �JL '; I • EnviraCOM Communications • Water Control 0,..,When system offers maximum protection against airborne pathogens. • Training Materials & Product Literature Whole House Air Quality All Literature ®I Coil Irradiation 'q Quick Links > Air Cleaners Ultraviolet Air Treatment welcome D > Ultraviolet Air Treatment To eradicate and capture micro-organism pass-through in residential heating, Login to My Account version (50 MB) '• ventilation and cooling systems, combine our Ultraviolet Air Treatment System with a irritants at the source. • Create an Account Now! > Ventilation high -efficiency air filtration system that includes an electronic air cleaner. 11 � I � I � I > Humidification > Carbon Monoxide Product Models & Key Features Detection a• HVAC Zoning t V1 _ A Return Air UV System is a great line of defense against • Residential Combustion airborne microorganisms passing through return ductwork. combined with a high efficiency filter, a return air UV • EnviraCOM Communications • Water Control 0,..,When system offers maximum protection against airborne pathogens. • Training Materials & Product Literature ' All Literature ®I Coil Irradiation 'q Quick Links 9A Keep air conditioning systems clean, efficient and worry -free. A Tradeline Catalog Printed '• Version (114 MB) • Tradeline Catalog CD-ROM growth in moist locations and reduces inhalent and odor version (50 MB) '• ACI Contractor Locator irritants at the source. • Create an Account Now! 11 � I � I � I Smart Lamp r� SmartLampTM delivers worry -free operation with automatic I,_ brownout and high temperature protection. Intelligent sensors I` and controls protect the unit from extreme conditions and optimize the life of the UV lamp. 4 Product Information UV Parts and Accessories Honeywell original equipment parts and accessories assure proper fit and performance. Honeywell recommends replacing UV bulbs every 12 months, or when indicated by, onboard monitoring systems (when equipped). 4 Product Information Search By Specification Search a Clear Search Criteria Application Type Accessory E] Replacement Bulb Return Air Application C to ' is R d d a Coil Irradiation Application O Replacement Lamp Return Air or Coil Irradiation Application ' on mman a uce http://customer.honeywell.com/Honeywell/CatalogNavigator.aspx?Definition=System&Catalo... 8/7/2005 4 ACI Contractor Locatoi Search Product Models & Key Features Return Air Treatment This Site Only t V1 _ A Return Air UV System is a great line of defense against I v airborne microorganisms passing through return ductwork. combined with a high efficiency filter, a return air UV 4 0,..,When system offers maximum protection against airborne pathogens. Advanced Search Literature Resources 4 Product Information All Literature ®I Coil Irradiation Model ®i 9A Keep air conditioning systems clean, efficient and worry -free. A UV coil irradiation lamp reduces microorganism and mold growth in moist locations and reduces inhalent and odor ° irritants at the source. -� Product Information Smart Lamp r� SmartLampTM delivers worry -free operation with automatic I,_ brownout and high temperature protection. Intelligent sensors I` and controls protect the unit from extreme conditions and optimize the life of the UV lamp. 4 Product Information UV Parts and Accessories Honeywell original equipment parts and accessories assure proper fit and performance. Honeywell recommends replacing UV bulbs every 12 months, or when indicated by, onboard monitoring systems (when equipped). 4 Product Information Search By Specification Search a Clear Search Criteria Application Type Accessory E] Replacement Bulb Return Air Application C to ' is R d d a Coil Irradiation Application O Replacement Lamp Return Air or Coil Irradiation Application ' on mman a uce http://customer.honeywell.com/Honeywell/CatalogNavigator.aspx?Definition=System&Catalo... 8/7/2005 'Whole House.Air Quality / UV100E3007 - Honeywell Environmental And Combustion Con... Page 1 of 1 Honeywell HOME ABOUT US PRODUCTS Product Search Buildings Homes Thermostats Whole House Air Quality > Air Cleaners > Ultraviolet Air Treatment > Ventilation > Humidification > Carbon Monoxide Detection aHVAC Zoning • Residential Combustion • EnviraCOM Communications • Water Control Training Materials & Product Literature ' '4 Quick links • Tradeline Catalog Printed Version (114 MB) i • Tradeline Catalog CD-ROM version (50 MB) '• ACI Contractor Locator • Create an Account Now! 1 -* Honeywell.com 4 Your Homo Exp NEWS & EVENTS SUPPORT & RESOURCES CONTACT US HELP Applications & Downloads Cross Reference > Coil Irradiation UV100E3007 SmartLamp Ultraviolet Surface Treatment System, Coil Irradiation Model .. Product Specifications . Literature and Documents Product Specifications Application Type Contaminants Reduced Electrical Ratings Electrical Rating (Watts) Operating Temperature (outside Duct F) Operating Temperature (outside Duct C) Operating Temperature (inside Duct F) Operating Temperature (inside Duct C) Coil Irradiation Application Surface Mold 120 Vac 36W 30Fto104F -2 C to +40 C 30Fto140F -2Cto+60C Literature and other Resources Download 4 Back To Top 4 Back To Top Ultraviolet Systems(Product Data - PDF) Ultraviolet Air Treatment System - Enviracaire Elite(Owners Manual - PDF) Ultraviolet System(Owners Manual - PDF) ' Terms & Conditions I Privacy Statement I Site Map I Advanced Search Download 0 welcome Login to My Account ; 4 ACI Contractor Locatoi Search i This Site Only ®' r � v 4 Advanced Search Literature Resources All Literature Model Aq Replacement Parts • UC 100E 1030 - Replacement Lamp for UV100E1035 or UV100E3007 Choose Your Region/Country I Select a Site ©Copyright Honeywell International Inc 2004-2005 http://customer.honeywel1.com/Honeywell/CatalogNavigator.aspx?Definition=Product&Catalo. 8/7/2005 0 Honeywell • � Proust ParWri AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION. MHEALTH HOUSE. Honeywell UV100E Ultraviolet Systems UV100E1043 AND UV100E2009 AIR TREATMENT SYSTEMS UV100E3007 SURFACE TREATMENT SYSTEM APPLICATION When installed in forced air heating and cooling systems, the UV100E Ultraviolet Systems kill airborne or surface micro- organism contaminants like mold and bacteria. The UV systems use patented SmartL'ampTM control technology that monitors the HVAC system to operate the lamps only when needed. This technology extends bulb life up to five times and reduces power consumption, lowering operating costs. The UV systems also include local diagnostics with the SmartLampTm LED and reset capability. FEATURES • SnapLampTm features replacement lamp handle with detachable replacement bulb, UC18W or UC36W, to make replacement more economical. • SmartLampT"I Control Algorithm determines optimal UV lamp usage. • SmartLampTm LED shows bulb life and replacement. • Reduced power consumption and extended bulb life. • Communicates with other home appliances through EnviracomTm three -wire communications bus. • Automatic brownout and high temperature protection for UV lamps. • Return air models supplied with integrated airflow sensor to monitor air flowing through ductwork. • Dual-purpose reset button: Commands lamp on with a single one -second push. — -Resets internal lamp run-time timer after bulb replacement with extended five -second hold. • UV -C light kills airborne bacteria and surface mold. • UV lamp does not produce ozone. • Easy lamp maintenance with quick, easy bulb replacement. • Sealed unit prevents accidental installer/homeowner contact with high voltage and ultraviolet rays. • Safe design prevents lamp from lighting unless base is correctly mounted on HVAC duct. • Lamp light indicator to safely view lamp operation. • Power cord that plugs into 120,Vac electrical outlet. • Five-year limited warranty. • Meets American Lung Association® Health House® guidelines. Contents Application/Features............. Specification/Ordering Information....................................2 Installation.........................................................................3 Checkout...........................................................................7 Troubleshooting and Service/Maintenance .......................8 PartsList...........................................................................11 IIIIIIIIIIhIHllllllAlllll 68-0262-3 UV100E ULTRAVIOLET SYSTEMS SPECIFICATIONS IMPORTANT This product is tested and calibrated under closely controlled conditions and some minor differences in performance can be expected if those conditions are changed. The specifications in this publication do not include normal manufacturing tolerances; therefore, an individual unit may not exactly match the listed specifications. TRADELINEO Models available: The UV100E Ultraviolet System is available in three models: a single -lamp air treatment system, a dual -lamp air treatment system, and a surface treatment system. UV100E Air Treatment Systems (single -lamp and dual - lamp) are mounted in the return air duct of an HVAC system. The single -lamp unit has moderate efficiency and the dual -lamp unit has high -efficiency performance against airborne bacteria in return air applications. — Without Enviracom hooked up: monitors air flowing through ductwork using supplied airflow sensor mounted to backside of unit. Operates lamp when air is flowing (120 fpm minimum), leaving lamp on for 40 minutes after airflow stops. If airflow resumes during the 40 minutes, the timer resets to 40 minutes. When no airflow is detected for 40 minutes, the lamp turns off until the next occurrence of airflow. — With Enviracom hooked up: monitors thermostat load information instead of using airflow sensor to operate on and off. UV100E Surface Treatment System is mounted in the supply-side air duct or downstream or upstream from air conditioner evaporator coils in HVAC system. It reduces mold growth and spores on duct surfaces, coils and drip pans. — Does not use an airflow sensor. — Without Enviracom hooked up: operates steady on/off cycle: lamp operates three hours on, three hours off for a total two-year life cycle. — With Enviracom hooked up: after initial three hours run time, operates three hours on and three hours off dur- ing times when the evaporator A -coil may be exposed to moisture, including when the control sees a cooling call and for 30 days after the last cooling occurred. This operation extends the bulb life beyond two years. ORDERING INFORMATION Efficiencies: • UVI.00E Surface Treatment System: Kills up to 99.9% of mold on system cooling coils. — Test performed in a test duct showed reduction in col- ony -forming aspergillus niger mold spores when sur- face was irradiated at a distance of 18 in. for three hours in still air, using new lamps. • UV100E Air Treatment System (dual -lamp): Kills up to 87% of airborne bacteria passing by the system. — Test showed single -pass kill -rate of serratia marce- scens bacteria in a clean metal 12 in. x 25 in. duct at an airflow rate of 2000 cfm using new lamps. • UV100A Air Treatment System (single -lamp): Kills up to 70% of airborne bacteria passing by the system. — Test showed single -pass kill -rate of serratia marce- scens bacteria in a clean metal 12 in. x 25 in. duct at an airflow rate of 2000 cfm using new lamps. EnviracomT'A Communications Capabilities: • Communicates with homeowner through three -wire communication bus using 24 Vac thermostat connections. — Hooked up to single -lamp and dual -lamp Air Treat- ment System: uses thermostat load information instead of airflow sensor. — Hooked up to Surface Treatment System: uses thermostat load information to operate during times evaporator A -coil may be exposed to moisture to extend bulb life beyond two years. • Sends messages to communicate reset and receives remote reset, when available. — Lamp change indication cannot be reset by cycling power. — When Enviracom is transmitting messages, shows flashing green Enviracom LED on bottom of unit. • Other messages include percent of bulb remaining, internal faults, and lamp energized. — Control calculates percent of bulb run time/starts. remaining and sends out this information through an Enviracom message. — When Enviracom is transceiving messages, shows solid green Enviracom LED on bottom of unit. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories: File no. E212213. The health aspects associated with the use of this product and its ability to aid in disinfection of environmental air have not been investigated by UL. When purchasing replacement and modernization products from your TRADELINEO wholesaler or distributor, refer to the TRADELINEO Catalog or price sheets for complete ordering number. If you have additional questions, need further information, or would like to comment on our products or services, please write or phone: 1. Your local Honeywell Automation and Control Products Sales Office (check white pages of your phone directory). 2. Honeywell Customer Care 1885 Douglas Drive North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4386 In Canada—Honeywell Limited/Honeywell Limitee, 35 Dynamic Drive, Scarborough, Ontario M1V 4Z9. International Sales and Service Offices in all principal cities of the world. Manufacturing in Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, U.S.A. 68-0262-3 e �11 Electrical Ratings: Voltage Rating: 120 Vac, 60 Hz. Current and Power Ratings: INSTALLATION When Installing this Product... 1. Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow them could damage the product or cause a hazardous condition. 2. Check the rating given in the instructions and on the product to make sure the product is suitable for your application. 3. Installer must be a trained, experienced service technician. 4. After installation is complete, check out product operation as provided in these instructions. Auvc A WARNING UV Light Hazard. Harmful to bare skin and eyes. Can cause temporary or permanent loss of vision. View illumination only through lamp light indicator on lamp handle. To prevent exposure to ultravioletlight, disconnect power to ultraviolet system before servicing any part of heating and air conditioning system. Do not mount device in location that allows ultraviolet light to be seen after installation. Do not attempt to bypass duct mount switch.. ' ! CAUTION Personal Injury Hazard. Power supply can cause electrical shock. Disconnect power supply before beginning installation: Do not open base unit or lamp handle; there are no user -serviceable components inside. UV100E ULTRAVIOLET SYSTEMS Selecting Mounting Location Auvc Zt CAUTION Equipment Damage Hazard. Ultraviolet light can cause color shift or structural degradation of plastic HVAC materials. Select mounting location that prevents exposure to plastic components with unknown resistance to ultraviolet light. Three -feet minimum is recommended between ultraviolet lamp and plastic -fabricated devices (such as humidifiers and non -fiberglass media filters). Depending on installation location, the UV System can operate as an Air Treatment System or as a Surface Treatment System. Air Treatment System Installed in the return air duct, the Air Treatment System kills a high percentage of airborne germs circulating through the forced air heating and cooling system. Individual results depend on careful installation and maintenance and on the actual amount of time the system fan operates. See Fig.1. Fig. 1. Typical Air Treatment System installations. 3 68-0262-3 Input Power Bulb Wattage Model (A) (W) UV100E1 043 Air Treatment 0.46 18 System (single lamp) Up to 95% rh, non -condensing. UV100E2009Air Treatment 0.62 36 System (dual lamp) (each bulb) UV100E3007 Surface 0.74 36 Treatment System INSTALLATION When Installing this Product... 1. Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow them could damage the product or cause a hazardous condition. 2. Check the rating given in the instructions and on the product to make sure the product is suitable for your application. 3. Installer must be a trained, experienced service technician. 4. After installation is complete, check out product operation as provided in these instructions. Auvc A WARNING UV Light Hazard. Harmful to bare skin and eyes. Can cause temporary or permanent loss of vision. View illumination only through lamp light indicator on lamp handle. To prevent exposure to ultravioletlight, disconnect power to ultraviolet system before servicing any part of heating and air conditioning system. Do not mount device in location that allows ultraviolet light to be seen after installation. Do not attempt to bypass duct mount switch.. ' ! CAUTION Personal Injury Hazard. Power supply can cause electrical shock. Disconnect power supply before beginning installation: Do not open base unit or lamp handle; there are no user -serviceable components inside. UV100E ULTRAVIOLET SYSTEMS Selecting Mounting Location Auvc Zt CAUTION Equipment Damage Hazard. Ultraviolet light can cause color shift or structural degradation of plastic HVAC materials. Select mounting location that prevents exposure to plastic components with unknown resistance to ultraviolet light. Three -feet minimum is recommended between ultraviolet lamp and plastic -fabricated devices (such as humidifiers and non -fiberglass media filters). Depending on installation location, the UV System can operate as an Air Treatment System or as a Surface Treatment System. Air Treatment System Installed in the return air duct, the Air Treatment System kills a high percentage of airborne germs circulating through the forced air heating and cooling system. Individual results depend on careful installation and maintenance and on the actual amount of time the system fan operates. See Fig.1. Fig. 1. Typical Air Treatment System installations. 3 68-0262-3 Temperature Ratings: a Ambient Temperature Range: 30°F to 104°F (-2°C to 40°C). Bulb Temperature Range (In Moving Air): 30°F to 140°F (-2°C to 60°C). Relative Humidity: Up to 95% rh, non -condensing. Dimensions: ® See Fig. 3. INSTALLATION When Installing this Product... 1. Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow them could damage the product or cause a hazardous condition. 2. Check the rating given in the instructions and on the product to make sure the product is suitable for your application. 3. Installer must be a trained, experienced service technician. 4. After installation is complete, check out product operation as provided in these instructions. Auvc A WARNING UV Light Hazard. Harmful to bare skin and eyes. Can cause temporary or permanent loss of vision. View illumination only through lamp light indicator on lamp handle. To prevent exposure to ultravioletlight, disconnect power to ultraviolet system before servicing any part of heating and air conditioning system. Do not mount device in location that allows ultraviolet light to be seen after installation. Do not attempt to bypass duct mount switch.. ' ! CAUTION Personal Injury Hazard. Power supply can cause electrical shock. Disconnect power supply before beginning installation: Do not open base unit or lamp handle; there are no user -serviceable components inside. UV100E ULTRAVIOLET SYSTEMS Selecting Mounting Location Auvc Zt CAUTION Equipment Damage Hazard. Ultraviolet light can cause color shift or structural degradation of plastic HVAC materials. Select mounting location that prevents exposure to plastic components with unknown resistance to ultraviolet light. Three -feet minimum is recommended between ultraviolet lamp and plastic -fabricated devices (such as humidifiers and non -fiberglass media filters). Depending on installation location, the UV System can operate as an Air Treatment System or as a Surface Treatment System. Air Treatment System Installed in the return air duct, the Air Treatment System kills a high percentage of airborne germs circulating through the forced air heating and cooling system. Individual results depend on careful installation and maintenance and on the actual amount of time the system fan operates. See Fig.1. Fig. 1. Typical Air Treatment System installations. 3 68-0262-3 I U,V100E ULTRAVIOLET SYSTEMS Surface Treatment System When installed next to the cooling coil, the Surface Treatment System prevents a high percentage of the growth of micro-organisms such as mold that may grow on duct surfaces, coils and drain pans. Individual results depend on careful installation and maintenance. See. Fig. 2. Fig. 2. Typical Surface Treatment installations. IMPORTANT If mounting options are limited, protect plastic or rubber materials listed in CAUTION with ultraviolet - resistant material such as aluminum foil duct tape. NOTE: When the installer is uncertain about whether the drip pan in the installation can tolerate UV exposure, consult the UV exposure white paper, form no. 50-8788, at hbctechlit.honeywell.com Web site. 1. Choose a location that is readily accessible for regular inspection and cleaning. Fig. 1 and 2 and show possible mounting locations. 2. Allow clearance in front of the device for removing the lamp assemblies. Fig. 3 shows lamp assembly lengths. 68-0262-3 3. Be sure depth can accommodate full length of UV lamp for your model as shown in Fig. 3. 4. Be sure duct mounting location is 8 in. wide minimum. S. Be sure 120 Vac electrical outlet is within range of unit to plug in the power cord. 6. Select single -lamp and dual -lamp air treatment system location on HVAC return air duct that is easily accessible with a flat mounting surface. Select surface treatment system location on HVAC supply air duct that is easily accessible with a flat mounting surface; locate the unit so the lamp can surround the evaporator coil and drip pan with ultraviolet light. 7. Mount to allow correct operation: a. Do not mount upside down. b. Do not mount with lamps facing up. ! CAUTION Sharp Edges Hazard. Can cause personal injury. Be careful when inserting ultraviolet device into sheet metal cutout. Wear protective gloves when working near sheet metal. Duct Mounting Use the following instructions to mount the UV System on the air duct of an HVAC system: 1. Disconnect power to the HVAC system before installing the UV System. 2. Select the appropriate template for your model (see Fig. 18-20). 3. Place the appropriate template for your model on the duct surface, centering the bulb hole(s) on the duct. 4. Mark the location on the duct for 2 in. diameter bulb hole(s), unit mounting -screw pilot holes, and when installing a return air model, the 1-1/2 in. airflow sensor hole. 5. Cut 2 in. bulb hole(s) and 1-1/2 in. airflow sensor hole in the duct. Remove any burrs. Note that the airflow sensor protrudes out of backside of device. Be careful to avoid scratching or damaging the airflow sensor. 6. Use a 3/32- in. drill for pilot holes for mounting screws. 1. Be sure duct surface is flat after all holes are drilled. 8. Position entire base unit on duct. Be sure bulb and airflow sensor holes in duct align with unit holes. Be careful to avoid scratching or damaging the airflow sensor. 9. Install unit into duct using three (or two, depending on model) no. 10, 2 in. Phillips head sheet metal mounting screws provided. (A spare screw is provided for three - screw model.) 10. Tighten screws to 12 to 14 in. -lb so space between case and duct is sealed. 4 (102) I [H 1/2(12) UV100E ULTRAVIOLET SYSTEMS :FACE TREATMENT SYSTEM -7/8(379) -► M20190A AIR TREATMENT SYSTEM (SINGLE LAMP) 4 (102) Fig. 3. Ultraviolet System dimensions in in. (mm). 5 7-7/16 (188) M20191A AIR TREATMENT SYSTEM 3 (DUAL LAMP) 3 1-*- 1/2 (1 2) r- 14.7/8(379) -.� M20192A 68-0262-3 UY100E ULTRAVIOLET SYSTEMS ! CAUTION Breakable Glass Hazard. Can cause personal injury. Be careful when inserting bulb(s) into lamp base. Wear protective gloves when handling bulb(s). %MERCURY NOTICE . This device contains mercury in the sealed ultraviolet bulb(s): Do not place your used bulb(s) in the trash. Dispose of properly. Broken Bulb Cleanup. Do not use a household vacuum. Sweep debris into a plastic bag and dispose of properly. a Contact your local waste management authority for instructions regarding recycling and the proper disposal of old bulb(s). 11. Insert the lamp handle into the base unit with the lamp light indicator at the eleven o'clock position (left of the raised button on the unit cover). See Fig. 4. If you touch the lamp glass with your hands, use a cloth to wipe fingerprints from the glass. See Fig. 5. 0 O � 0 El M22847 Fig. 4. Insert lamp handle into base unit. Fig. S. Use cloth to wipe fingerprints from glass. 12. Continue lightly pushing in on the lamp handle while rotating it slowly counterclockwise. This should cause the lamp handle to drop into the bottom of the lamp well. ' 68-0262-3 6 13. Rotate the lamp handle clockwise until it snaps into place with the lamp light indicator aligned with the raised button on the unit cover. See Fig. 6. M22849 Fig. 6. Snap lamp handle into place. Auvc A WARNING UV Light Hazard. _ Harmful to bare skin and eyes. Can cause temporary or permanent loss of.vision. View illumination only through lamp light indicator located on lamp handle. To prevent exposure to ultraviolet light, disconnect power to ultraviolet system before servicing any part of heating and air conditioning system; NOTE: If you desire to communicate with other appliances using your Enviracom communication bus, go on to step 14; if not, go directly to step 15. 14. Hook up corresponding appliance wires to the Enviracom communication bus located on the bottom of the UV device base. Be sure to loop wire of other Enviracom appliances or Enviracom common node around the UV base Enviracom screw terminals 1, 2 and 3. See Fig. 7. RE,SSE_]"T:,F Fig. 7. Looping Enviracom appliance or common node wire around UV Enviracom base screw terminals. 15. Plug the cord into the nearby. 120 Vac electrical outlet. 1 16. For air treatment systems, wait ten minutes for the airflow sensor to calibrate. During this time, the furnace .fan must remain off. NOTE: Failure to wait ten minutes for the airflow sensor to calibrate before powering the furnace causes the airflow sensor to incorrectly calibrate and the device to incorrectly function. If this occurs, remove power to the furnace or turn off the system and fan, wait ten minutes, and then resume normal furnace operation. 17. Reconnect the power to the HVAC system. 18. Choose a location on the adjacent HVAC equipment for the HVAC maintenance UV warning label included in the UV system packing box. Choose a location that a future installer can easily see during any future HVAC maintenance or repair. 19. Adhere the HVAC maintenance UV warning label to the HVAC equipment (selected in step 17) such as the furnace, air cleaner or humidifier. See Fig. 8. I QWARNING/AVERTISSEMENT I UV ught Heard. Harmful to bare skin and eyes. Can cause temporary or permanent lou of vision. Never look at the lamps while Illuminated. Thio heaWWalr oondhiming system Is equipped with an ultraviolet air treatment system. To prevent exposure to ultraviolet light disconnect power to the ultraviolet air treatment system before servidrg any pan of the heating/air conditioning "am. Rlsque d'exposltlon au W. Noctfs pour Is pmu nue at In yeux. pout muse una parte de Is vue tomporalre ou petro eta. Ce systA a de duur8age-relroidissement ast muni dun systbme de baltemem d'etr A IultravloleL Mn d'Avller tout mmtect avec In rayons ultraviolets, veulfln dAbrancher to systAme de traitement d'atr A lUtravlolel aved do proo6der A Is rAparatlon ou A Is malmenanm _r de touts p1Am du systAme de chautlage-mholdlsmmem. - ® ,mwetsoot REV.B Fig. 8. HVAC maintenance UV safety label. M22868 CHECKOUT ' The installer should verify that the ultraviolet bulb(s) are operating only by viewing the lamp light indicator on the lamp handle. Do not attempt to look directly into the duct to see the illuminated ultraviolet bulbs. See Fig. 9. LAMP LIGHT INDICATOR LED CHANGE INDICATOR RESET SUTTON M22855 Fig. 9. Lamp light indicator, LED and reset button. UV100E ULTRAVIOLET SYSTEMS The installer should orient the homeowner to the unit by showing them the blue glow of the lamp light indicator and discussing how to determine when the unit is functioning properly without looking directly into the duct to see the illuminated ultraviolet lamp. The installer should also emphasize the hot surface and electrical shock safety warnings. The installer should show the homeowner the LED on the front of the UV system and explain operation as follows: LED Status Indicates Homeowner Action Off 100 to 11% bulb lifea remaining Nothing Flashing 10 to 1 % bulb lifea remaining Purchases bulb(s) Solid 0% bulb lifea remaining Replaces bulb(s) 'Bulb life means emitting adequate amount of UV -C energy to maintain an effective kill rate. At 0% bulb life remaining, the lamp continues to operate until catastrophic bulb failure (bulb burns out) but the kill rate becomes rapidly negligible. Installer should also orient the homeowner to the reset button on the bottom of the UV system that, when pressed briefly for one second, can be used to command lamp on for the minimum run time of 40 minutes (air treatment system) or three hours (surface treatment system), depending on system type. And that when a new bulb is installed, the homeowner must hold the reset button for five seconds to reset the internal timers. Cycling power does not reset internal timers. When using Enviracom communication bus to communicate with other appliances, the installer should orient the home- owner to the Enviracom LED and three screw terminals. The Enviracom LED flashes when transmitting and lights solidly when there is a fault. The installer should also explain the extended -bulb life for the surface treatment system. For the single -lamp and dual -lamp air treatment systems, the installer should orient the home- owner to the alternate method of using the UV system to monitor the thermostat load information to turn lamp off and on instead of using the air flow sensor to control lamp operation and that it communicates the percent remaining bulb life. The installer should leave the Owner's Guide with the homeowner and review the bulb cleaning and replacement procedures. A Bulb Cleaning Reminder Schedule is included in the Owner's Guide to help the homeowner set up and track a regular cleaning schedule. 68-0262-3