05-0107 (SFD) Title 24I TITLE 24 REPORT I Title 24 Report for.- Kristine or: Kristine & Earl Morley Jr. Residence 52530 Del Gato Dr., Traditions Country Club La Quinta, CA 92253 Project Designer: Kristi' Hanson Architects, Inc. 72-185 Painters Path Suite #A Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-776-4068 Report Prepared By: Gina Rose G.R. Rose CAD Design 42,335 Washington Suite F I Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 345-4859 Job Number: Dater 2/26/2005 CITY OF LA � oNT BUILDING �pV E D PTs APP FOR CON�RUCTION -he EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this; compliance report: _ This program has approval and is iihorizedlby the California Energy Commission for use with both the::Residential and Nonresidential 2001 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by EnergySott, LLC (415) 883-5900. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft Job Number. User Number. 5862 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Cover Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Form CF -1 R, Certificate of Compliance 3 Form MF -1 R Mandatory Measures Checklist 7 Form C -2R Computes Method Summary 9 HVAC System Heating and Cooling Loads Summary 18 Room Load Summary 22 Room Heating Peak Loads 26 Room Cooling Peak Loads 30 Equipment Specifications 39 EnergyPm 3.1 By EnergySoft Job Number. User Number 5862 Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Part 1 of 2) CF -IR Kristine & Earl Morley Jr. Residence Project Title 52530 Del Gato. Dr., Traditions Country Club La Quinta Project Address G.R. Rose. CAD Design (:760) 345-4859 Documentation. Author Telephone 2/26/2005• Date Building Pernilt # Plan Check I Date. Field Check/ Date ,Enforcement Agency Use Only GENERAL INFORMATION Total Conditioned Floor Area: 8-1-79f? Average Ceiling Height: 13.4 ft Total Conditioned Slab Area: 8,179 ft2 Building Type: (check one or more) Single Family Detached ❑ Addition ❑ Single Family Attached ❑ Existing Building ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Existing Plus Addition Front Orientation: (West) 270 deg. Floor Construction Type: Slab Floor Number of`Dwelling Units: 1.00 • Number of Stories: 1 ❑ Raised Floor Frame R-38iRoof (R.3&2x14.16) Wood R-21 Wall (W:21.24.16) Wood Slab On Grade n/a Slab On Grade n/a Solid Wood Door Wood FENESTRATION 0.028 Exterior Roof 0.059 ExteriorWall 0:756 Exposed Slab >w/R-0.0 Perimeter -Insulation 0.756 Covered Slab w/R-0.0:.Perimeter Insulation 0.387 Exterior Door U -Factor SHGC Shading Yes / No Yes / No Skylight 28.8 Shading Devices Type Orientation Area Fenestration Exterior Overhang Side Fins SF U -Factor SHGC Shading Yes / No Yes / No Skylight 28.8 0.80 0.60 None❑ X❑ ❑ X' Left (North) 235.0 0.60 0.50 Bug.Screen ❑ Rear (East) 504.0 0.60 0.50 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ Q Rear (East) 108.2. 0.55 0.45 Bug Screen ❑X❑ ❑ X❑ Right- (South) 180.0 .0.60 .0.50 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ X❑ Right. (South) 113.4 0.55 0.455. Bug Screen ❑ E ❑ X❑ Left (North) 155.2 0.55 0.45: Bug'Screen 1:1 X❑ ❑ X❑ Front (West) 72.0 0.60 0.50 Bug 'Screen ❑, 1 ❑ XI Front (West) 118.3 0.55 0.45 Bug Screen ❑ X❑' ❑X❑' ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ El El El F1 El El El El Run Initiation ri1 Code* Energyft 3. 1, By EnergySoft User Number.. 5862 Job'Number. Pa a:3 of,48 Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Part 2 of 2) CF -1 R Kristine & Earl Morley Jr. Residence 2/26/2005 Project Title Date. HVAC SYSTEMS Note: Input Hydronic or Combined, Hydronic data under Water HeatingSystems; except-Design,Heattng Load. Heatingg- Equipment Minimum Type and Duct or Address: 42335 Washington Suite F#i330 Type:(furnace, heat Efficiency Location Piping Thermostat Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPF)(ducts, attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments Central Fumam 80% AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback Master.SuRe Central Fumace Central Furnace 80% AFUE 80% AFUE Ducts in Attic Ducts in Attic 42 4.2 Setback Setback Living Area Bedrooms :(:Antral Furnace 80% AFUE Ducts -in Attic 4.2 Setback Guest Suite Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heatpump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (a_ttic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments, Split Air Conditioner 13:0 SEER Ducts in Attic 42 Setback MagtAr Suitp. 80111 A L Conditioner Sold Air Conditioner SnIR Air Conditioner 1.O�CFy FR 14.0 SEER 14.0 SEER Ducts in Attic Ducts -in Attic Ducts in Attic 42 4.2 4.2 Setback Setback Setback I lying Area Bedrooms Guest Suite WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Rated 1 Tank Energy Fact! 1 External Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby Tank Insul. System Name Type Type Syst. Btu/hr (gal) Efficiency Loss (%) R -Value A.O. SMITH FPS -75-230 Small Gas Recrechrrie+Teme , 2 75.000 - 75 0:88 n/a n/a. 1 For small gas,storaga Rated inputs of less than'or equatto'75,1i0o Btuthr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For'large.gas storage water heaters,(rated input of greater than 75,000 Btuthr). list Rated; Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss.. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated lnput and Recovery Efficiency. COMPLIANCE'STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features;and' perfonnance�specifications needed to comply with Title 24i:Parts 1 and 6 of the. California,Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. Thi&,certiricate has been signed by individual with overall design, responsibility. The undersigned recognizeAhatcomplianoe using duct sealing and TXV's requires installer testing and oertification and field verification byan approved: HERS rater. Designer Or Owner (per,, Business-B.Professions Code) Documentation Author Name: Title/Firm Kristi Hanson Architects, Inc. Address: 72-185 Painters Path Suite #A Title/Firm: _ Address: Telephone: Name: Gina Rose Title/Firm: G.R. Rose CAD Design Address: 42335 Washington Suite F#i330 Palm Desert,.CA,92211 Telephone:. (760) 345-4859 nature) (da e) (signature/stamp) (date) Run Initiation Time: 02126105MA 1':24 Run Code: 1109430681 Ener'gypro 3.1 ByEnergySoft User Number 5862; Job Number Fage;4 of 48 Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Addendum) CF -1 R 'ristine & Earl Morley Jr. Residence _ 2/26/2005 ,,oject Title bate Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The locatenforcement agency should`pay,special attention to the-ttems specified Inthis checklist. These items require,speciai written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with -the performance°approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of -the justification, and mayreject-a building or design that otherwise compiles based onthe'adequacyof the special justification and documentation submitted: Plan I Field The HVAC System "Master'Suite" must meet all CEO Criteria fora Zonally Controlled system�serving only Sleeping Areas. The HVAC System "Master Suite" includes credit for a Radiant Bamer installed per Section 8>13 of the Residentlal'Manuai. HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass`, 521 sgft;Exposed,Slab Floor, 4.00" thibk'at Zone 1 HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) -Verify Thermal Mass: 1029 sgff Covered,Slab Floor, 4.00"thick at Zone 1 The HVAC System "Living Area" must meet all CEC Criteria for a Zonally Controlled system serving only Living Areas. The HVAC System "Living Area" includes credit fora Radiant Barrier installed per Section,8.13 of the Residential Manual. HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal.Massz 3290 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at.Zone 2 HIGH MASS Desi n see C -2R - Ve i Thermal Mass: 1335 soft Covered Slab Floor, 4.00" thick;at Zone'2 TherHVAC System "Bedrooms" must mestiallCEC Criteria for a Zonally Controlledsystem serving onlySleeping Areas. The,HVAC System "Bedrooms" includes creditfora Radiant.Barrier installed per Section 8.13 of the. Residential Manual. HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 627 sqft Masonry Veneer Exterior Mass,.2.00" thick at'Zone 3 HIGH.MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 48 soft Masonry Veneer -Exterior Mass, 2.00" thick at -Zone 3 HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 216;sgft:Exposed'Slab Floor, 4.00" thick�at Zone,3 HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed andlortested by a certified HERS rater underthe supervision of'aiCEC approVed HERS provider. The HERS ratermust document the field verification and diagnostic testing of these measures on a form CF -6R. Plan Field' tie,HVAC System "Master Suite"'includes Refigerent'Charge and Airflow Credit (ora TXV). A certified HERS rater'must provide ,erifification ofthe TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge'and Airflow. The HVAC System "Living Area" includes Refrigerant Chargerand Airflow Credit (or &TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide verifification of the,TXV, ormeasure_the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System "Bedrooms" includes Refrigerant Chargeand Airflow Credit (ora TXV). A certified. HERS.rater must provide verifification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System"Guest Suite" Includes Refrigerant Charge -and Airflow Credit (or a TM. A certified HERS rater must provide verifification of the TXV, ormeasurethe Refrigerant Charge,and.Airnow. I Run Initiation Ti e: 02126105 7.1 Run Cod 1109430681 EnergyPro 3;1 By:EnergySoft User Number. 5862 Job Number. Fage:5°of 48 Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Addendum) CF -1 R 'ristine & Ead Morley Jr. Residence 2/26/2005 ;eject Titre Date Special. Features and Modeling Assumptlons The local enforcement agency,should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written, justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance,approach. The local enforcement aaencv determines the adeauacv of'the lustification. and may relecta buildino or desian that otherwise. complies based on the adequacy of thespeclatjustification and documentation submitted. Plan Field HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 890 sgft Covered Stab Floor;:4.00"thick atZone 3 The HVAC:System "GuestSuite"mustmeet all CEC Criteria.fora Zonally Controlled system serving only Sleeping Areas. The HVAC System "GuestSuite" includes credit for a Radiant Barrer"installed, per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual.. HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 383 sgftMasonry Veneer Exterior Mass,;2.00" thick at;Zone 4 HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) -Verify Thermal Mass: 134rsgft Masonry Veneer Exterior Mass, -2.00" thick at Zone 4 HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Ve ` Thermal Mass.: 638 sq .Exposed Slab'fFloor, 4.00" thick at,Zone;4 -- HIGH(MASS Desi n(see C -2R) -Verify Thermal Mass: 260_sgft;Covered Slab Floor,; 4.00" thick at -Zone 4 HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed andlor tested by a certified. HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC approved HERS Run Initiation Time: 02126105 07:11:21Code: 11094-30681 'EnergyPm 3.1 By EnergySott User Number. ;5882' Job Number. Page:6;of-48 Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential (Page 1 of 2) M17-111 NOTE: Lowrise residents subject,to,the.Standards,mustoontain these measures regardless of the oompliance'approach' used. Items marked with an asterisk (") may be supersededby more,stringent compliance -requirements listed:on the Certificate of Compliance. When'this checklist is Incorporated into the permit documents, the features,noted.shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance spedficationsJor the mandatory measures whether, they'are shown elsewhere in the documents or on',this checklist only. DESCRIPTION Instructions; Check or`Initial applicable boxes orenter NIA ff notapplicable. DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Building Envelope Measures. 41 50(a): Minimum IR -19 ceiling insulation. 6150(b): Loose fill Insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value:. '§150(c): Minimum R-13 wait,insulation'in wood framed walls or equivalent U-value'inmetalifmmewalls (does not apply to exterior mass -wails). a'§15.0(d)t Minimum R-13'raised floor insulation in framed floors or equivalent ❑§ 150(1): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.39b, water vapor transmission rate no, greater than 2.0 pemYnch. §118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation,quality,standards: Indicate type;and'forrn. ® §116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and. InfittratioNExIlltration Controls 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. 2. Fenestration products{except fieldfabdeated)' have;labepwfth oertified'U-Factor„certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)„andlinfiltration certification. 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; alljointsand penetrations caulked and reeled. 61 60(g)'; Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate'Zones' 14 and 18:ony. §150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Section 151 meets Commission quality standards. ❑1150(e): Installation ofFireplaoe,s; .Deooretive,Gas,Appliances and Gas'Logs. 1. Masonry and factory-built!firepiaces have: a. Closeable metal or.glass door b. outside air Intake with damper and control c. Flue damper.and;control: 2. No continuous buming,gas pilots allowed. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures a §110-13- HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads'and faucets certified.by the Commission, §150(h): Heating and/or cooling! loads 'calculated , In accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACOA.. ry 9150(i): Setbackithennostat,on all applicable heating and%rcooling.systems. ❑X §1500): Pipe and Tank Insulation 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less'than 0.58 must,be.extemally wrapped wift insulabon,having an installed thermal resistance of R-12;or,greater. 2, First 5,feetof pipes closestto water heater tank, non-recirculating;syst ems, insulated (R-4 or greater) 3. Back-up tanks1or4olar system, unfired, storagetanks, or other, ndirect hot water tanks have R12 external insulation or R-18 combined Internal/external Insulation. 4. All buried or exposed piping:insulated in recirculating, sections of hot water systems. 5. Cooling system piping,below 55 degrees F, insulated:, 8. Piping insulating between heating sourceand indirect hot waw,tank. EnergyPro 3:1 By EnergySoR ,User Number. 5862 Job Number: P.age:7 of 48 Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential (Page 2 of 2) MF -1 R NOTE: Lowiise residential buildings subject'to the Standards must contain these,measures,regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (") may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate"ofiCompliance. Whenithis checklist is incorporated into. - the pemiit documents, the features noted shalt be considered byall,parties as -minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown alsewhere.in the documents or on this checklist only. DESCRIPTION Instructions: Check -or Initial applicable boxes or enter NIA H`notvppl_Icable.. DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Space Conditioning; Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: (continued) 7,',§150(m): Ducts;and Fans 1. Al ducts and plenums installed, sealed, and"insulated to meet theirequirements of the 1998 CMC Sections 601, 603, 60,4 -and Standard 6-3; ducts'insulated to a minimum.installed,level of R42 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape, aerosol'sealant, or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable. requirements of UL181, UL181A, or UL181 B. If mastic or tape is used to seal.openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape'shail be used: Building cavities shad not be used for conveying conditioned air. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shetl.not be sealed with cioth.back rubber adhesive ductfapes unless such tape Wused in combinetion'.with"mastioand drawbands. 2. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materialwather than sealed sheetmetal, duct board or flexible dud shall not be used for conveying conditioned:air: Building cavities and support,platfonns may contain duds:, Duds. installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions.in the cross-sectional area of the ducts; 3. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not besealed with doth back. rubber adhesive dud tapes unless such a tape is. used imoombinationwith mastic and drewbands.. 4. Exhaust famsystems;have back draft or automatic dampers. 5. Gravity ventilation systems serving conditioned speceihave eitherauWmaticor readily accessible; manually operated dampers. 6. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected fromdamage, including that due to sunlight, moisture,. equipment maintenance, and wind but not limited to the following: Insulation exposed to weather shall be suitable for outdoor service e.g., protected by aluminum, sheet metal; painted canvas, or plastic cover: Cellular foam insulation: shall be protected as above,or painted with a coating that is water retardanfand provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause,degradation of the material. ❑ §114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and:Equipment 1. Certified with 78% thermaCefficiency; on -01f switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating, and no pilot. 2. System is installed with at'least 36" of pipe.between'fitter and heater for future solar, cover foroutdoor pools or spas: a. At.least 36" of pipe between filter and.heaterforfuWre:solar heating. b. Cover foroutdoor pools or outdoor spas; 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch §115: Gas fired central, furnaces, pool'. heaters,spa:heaters or household cooking appliances. have no continuously burning pilot light (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliancea,witti pilot < 150 BtuRir) ❑ §118 (f): Cool Roof matedai meet specified criteria Lighting Measures 6150(k)1: Luminairewforgeneral lighting:in kitchens shall have lamps with an efficacy 40 lumens/Watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens: This general lighting shall be controlled bya switch oma; readily accessible lighting control, panel atan entrance to the kitchen. §150(k)2: Rooms with ..shower or bathtub must have either at least one,luminaire with lamps with an efficacyof 40 IumensMattor greater switched at the entrance.to'ihe room or one of the altemative to.this requitement allowed in Section 150(k)Z;,and',recessed .ceiling factures are IC (insulation cover);approved. 3.1 ByEnergySoft User Number., 5862 Job Number.', Page;8 0f 48 Computer Method, Summary (Part 1 of 3) C -2R. '<dstine & Farl Morley Jr- Residence ojectTitle .)9530 nel tato Dr , Traditions Country Chlb I aQuinta Project Address G, rR Rose CAD Design (760) 345-4859 Documentation Author Telephone Building Permit # Plan Check/Date Source Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance (kBtu/sf-yr) Design Design Margin _ Space Heating 3.48 2.65 0.83 Space Cooling 34.55 34.49 0:06 Domestic Hot Water 3.48 2.33 1.15 Totals 41!.52 3.9:47 2.04 Percent better than :Standard: 4.9% Total Conditioned Floor Area: Building'Type: Building Front Orientation: Numberof Dwelling Units:. Number of Stories: BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Zone Name Master Suite Wing Area 8,179 ft2 Single Fam Detached (West) 270 deg 1.00 1 Floor Area Volume 1 550 4,625 1.106 898 Solar OPAQUE SURFACES Act. Gains Type Area U -Fac. Azm: Tilt Y / N Roof x,534 0.028 o 0 jp�a11 272 - 0.059 a 90 Wail. 161 OA59 gd an Wall 723 0.059ISO_ 90 1Na11 77 0.059 270 90 Kopf— 4,612 0.028 _0 0 Wall, 841 0.059 6 90 �plall 655 01159 90 90 Wath 1 058 0 059. 180 as Wall 768 0-059 27n gQ nnnr 24 0.387 270. 90 Roof 1,106 0.028 a a Wall 627 0 A 0 90 lniall 48 0.059 90. gn Wall 240 0.059 270 ga Rpnf 898 0.028 01 a Wall 383 0.059 a 90 Wall 134 0.059 go g_ Wall 393 0.059 180 90_ wall 333 0:059 270 90 Floor Construction Type: ❑ Raised Floor ❑X Slab Floor Total Fenestration. Area: 18.5%0 'Total Conditioned Volume: 109',575 ft 3 Total Conditioned ,Slab Area: 8,179 ft 2 # of Thermostat Vent Units Zone Type Type Hgt. Area 019 Sleeping_ SIPepingRfat ala 0.57 Living L�gStat n1a 0.14 Slaepine SleepingSt t� 2 n/a 0.11 Sleepin j SleepinaStat �][� Location / Comments EnergyPro 3:1 By Energy$oft User!Number 5862 Job Number Page:B of 48 1 C -2R. Computer Method Summary (Part 2 of 3) 'Cristine & Earl Morley Jr. Residence 2/26/2005 oJect TMe Date FENESTRATION SURFACES U- Act. Glazing Type Location/ # Type Area Factor SHGG Azm. Tilt Comments J__ Skylight Left (Noith) � 1 0.800 0:60 0_ _ a Bristolite Zone 1 2 Skylight Left (North) 4:0 0.800 0!60 0 0 Bristolite Zone 1 3 Skylight. Left (North) 40 .0.800 0.60 0 0 Bdstolite Zone 1 4 Skylight Left (North) 4.0 0.800 0.60 0 0 Bristolite Zone 1 5 Window Left (North) 25.0 0:600 0.50 0 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 1 Window Rear (East)_ 60.0 0.600 0.50 90 90 Fleetwood Glazing_ _ Zone 1 7_ Window Rear (East) 32:0 0.550 0.45 -90 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 1 8 Window Right (South) 60:0 0.600 0.50. 180 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 1 ;9- Window Right. (South) 13.1 0.550 045 _. 180 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 1 10 Window Right (South) _ 2.5 0.550 0.45 - 180 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 1 11 Window Right (South) 0-5W 0.45 _180 90 Fleetwood`;Glazing_ Zone 1 12 Window Right (South) Z:5 0.550 0.45 180 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 1 1a Window Right. (South) 1.6 0.550 0.45 _ 180_ Qn Fleetwood' Glazing Zone 1 14 Window Right (South) 7.0 0.550 0.45 180 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 1 15 Window Right (South) 1.6 0.550 0.45 180. 90 Fleetwood Glazing. Zone 1 16 Window Right (South) 18 0.550 0:45 180 90, Fleetwood.Glazing Zone 1 17 Window Right (South) 38 0.550 0.45 180 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 1 18 Window Right (South) 3:8 0.550 0.45 180 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 1 14 Skylight Left -(worth) 0.8 0,800 0:60 _� 0 Bristolite Zone 2 20 Skylight Left (North) 4:0 0.800 0.60 0, 0 Bristolite Zone 2 21 Skylight Left (North) 4.0 0.800 0.60 0 0 Bristolite Zone 2 22 Slight Left (North) 4Q 0.800 0:60 0. _ 0 Bristolite Zone 2 23 Window Left (North) 1.0 0.550 0.45. 0 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 24 Window Left (North) 17:5 0.550 0.45. 0 . 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 25 Window Left (North) 17.:5 0:550 0.45 0 90 Fleetwood Glazind Zone 26 Window Left (North) 26:1 0.550 0:45_ _ _ _ 0 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 7 Window Left (North) 11.9 0.550 0.45_ 0 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 Window Left (North) 60.0 0.600 0:50 0 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 c9 Window Rear (East) 50.0 0.600 0:50 90 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR:SHADING: Window Overhang Left.Fin Right Fin # Eztedor.Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. ,LExt. RExt. Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hot. 1 None 1.00 2 None 1.00 3 None 1.00 4 None 1.00 5 Bug Screen 0.76 6 Bug Screen 0:76. 7 Bug Screen 0.76. 8 Bug Screen 0.76 9 Bug Screen 0.76 10 Bug Screen 0.76 11 Bug Screen 0.76 12 Bug Screen 0.76 13 Bug Screen 076 14 Bug Screen 0.76 15 Bug Screen 0.76 16 Bug`Screen 0.76 17 Bug Screen 0.76 18 Bug Screen 0.76 19 None 1.00 20 None 1.00 21 None _ 1.00 22 None 1.00 23 Bug Screen 0.76 24 Bug Screen 0.76 25 Bug Screen 0.76 26 Bug Screen 0:76 Bug.Screen 0.76 Bug Screen 0.76 A Bug Screen 0:76 Run Initiation Time@ 0 Run Code- 1109430681 EnergyPro 3.1 By Ene_rgySoft User Number. 5882 Job,Number Page:10 of 48 Computer Method Summary (Part 2 Of 3) C -2R 'pristine & Earl Morley Jr. Residence 2/26/2005, bJect Title Date FFNFSTRATIM Sl1RFOCFS I 31 32 33 34 -35 26 37 3$ 32 40 41 A2 43 44 45 46 47 AA 49 50 bi 52 53 54 55 .S Window Window Rear Rear (Fast) (East) Window Rear (East) Window Rear (East) Window Rear (East) Window Rear (East) Window Window Right Right (South) (South) Window Window Window Right Right Right (South) (South) (South) Window Front (West) Window Window Front Front so (West) Window Front (West) Window Front (West) Window Front (West) Window Front (West) Window Lett (North) Window Left (North) Window Left (North] Area 5off 3010 37.6 18.3 ;264:0 60.0 10:5 35 26:1 11.9 72:0 2&1 11.9 70 7:0 7.0 7.0 1.0 60.0 14:4. 2.5 14:4 2.5 25.0 9:8 9:0 1..6 A Window Left (North) 1.0 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR.SHADING, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40- 41 4-2- 4-3 44 45 46 47- T8 4-9- 66 51 62- 53 54 55 =5 .d Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen 0:76 0:76. 0:76 0.76 0:76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0:76 0.76 0:76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0:76 0.76 0:76 0:76 0.76 0:76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0:76 0:76 0.76 0.76 0.76 U- Act. Glazing Type Location/ Factor SHGC Azm. Tilt Comments 0.606 agn 90 A0. FleetwoodiGlazing Zone 2 0.600 0.50 90 90, Fleetwood.Glazinla Zone 2 0.600 0.50 90 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2. 0:550 0.45 90 90 Fleetwood'Glazing Zone 2 0.550 0:45 96 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 0:600 0:50 90 . 90 Fleetwood: Glazing Zone 2 0.600 050 iso 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 0.550 0.45 180 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 0.550 0.45 180 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 0.550 0.45 180 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 0:550 0:45 180 0 Fleetwood Glazing Zone2 0.600 0:50 .270 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 0.550 0:45 _270_ QQ Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 0.550 0:45 270 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 0.550 0.45 270 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 0.550 0.45 270 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 0.550 0.45 .270 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 0.550 0.45 270, 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 2 0.550 0.45 0 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 3 0.600 0.60 0 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 3 0.550 0.45 0 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 3 0.550 0:45 0 _90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone3 0.550 0.45 0 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 3 0.550 0.45 0 90 FleetwoodGlazing Zone 3 0.550 0.45 0 96 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 3, 0.550 0.45 0 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 3 0.550 0.45 0 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 3 0.550 0.45 0 90 Fleetwood Glazing Zone 3 0.550 0.45 0 90 Fleetwood .Glazing Zone 3 Len. Run Initiation Time: 02126/05 07:11':21 Run Code: 1109430681 EnergyPro 11 By EnergySoft User Number.'.' 5862 Job Number.;; Page; 11 of 49 _ Computer Method Summary (Part: 2 Of 3) C -2R 'pristine & Earl Morley Jr. Residence 2/26/2005 'oJect Title Date FENESTRATION SURFACES U- Act. Glazing Type. .Location/ # Type Area Factor SHGC Azm. Tilt Comments Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing. Fleetwood Glazing. Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing Zone 4 _ Zone -4 Zone 4 Zone.4 _ Zone 4 Zone 4 Zone 4 Zone 4 Zone -4 Zone 4 Zone 4 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin Window Left (North) sn_o 0,600 nAn a Qn 60 Window Left (North) 30.0 0:600 0:50 0 90 61 Window Rear (East) 14.0 0:550 0.45 90 90 62 Window Rear (East) 63 0:550' 0.45 90 90 63 Window Right (South) 60.0 0.600 0:50 180 90 64 Window Right (South) 7.0 0,550 0.45 180 90 .0 Window Right (South) 1.6 0.556 0.45 180 90 66 Window Front. (West) 14.0 0:550 0.45 270 90 BZ Window Front westj 63 0.550 0.45 270 90 -0 Window Front OARW) 8.0 .0:550 0.45 270 . 90 fa Window Front est) 24:0 .0.550 0.45 270 90 Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing. Fleetwood Glazing. Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing Zone 4 _ Zone -4 Zone 4 Zone.4 _ Zone 4 Zone 4 Zone 4 Zone 4 Zone -4 Zone 4 Zone 4 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin # Exte6or Shade, Type SHGG Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. Md. REA Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 59 Bug Screen 0.76 60 Bug Screen 0.76 61 Bug Screen 0.76 62 Bug Screen 0.76 63 Bug Screen 0.76 64 Bug Screen 0.76 65 Bug Screen 0.76 66 Bug Screen 0.76 67 Bug Screen 0.76 68 Bug Screen 0:76 69 Bua Screen 0.76 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 5862 Job Number. Page:12,d48. Computer Method Summary Insulation (Part 3 of 3) C -2R. 'fristine & Earl. Morley Jr, Residence Slab Perimeter 31 0.76 0.0 0 Zone 1 2/26/2005 oject Title Stab Perimeter 135 0-M —QQ 0 Zone 2 Date. THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN Slab Perimeter 30 0.76 —U 0 :Zone 3 Area Thick. Heat 80%AFUE Ducts.in Attic Inside Location Type (so (in.) Cap. Cond. Form 3 Reference R -Val. Comments Concrete. Hea4ght 521 a-oo 2A AM n/a 0 Zone 11 Slab on Grade Concrete. Heavyweight 1.029 AM _ 2$ AN n/a :2 Zone 1' /Zlab.on Grade Concrete, 3,290 4.00 26 098 n/a 0 Zone,2 / Slab on Grade -weight Concrete. Heavyweight 1.335 400 28 0.98 n/a 2 zone /Slab on Grade Masonry Veneer 627 2.00 25 0.62 R-21 Wall (W.21.Zx6.16) 0 Zone:31 Exterior Mass PERIMETER LOSSES F2 Insulation Type Length Factor R -Val: Depth Location / Comments Slab Perimeter 31 0.76 0.0 0 Zone 1 Slab Perimeter 102 0.76 __U _ 0 Zone 1 Stab Perimeter 135 0-M —QQ 0 Zone 2 Slab Perimeter _11.47 0.76 0.0 0 Zone 2. Slab Perimeter 30 0.76 —U 0 :Zone 3 HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Minimum, Distribution Type Type (furnace, heat Efficiency and Location Duct Pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPFXducts/attic, etc.) R -Value Location Comments Central Furnace 80% AFUE Ducts In.AI t c 4.2 Setback. Master Suite Central, Fumace 80%AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2.Setback Living Area Centraf Furnace 80%AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback Bedrooms Central Furnace 80%AFUE Ducts.in Attic 4.2 Setback Guest Suite. ydronic Piping Pipe Pipe Insul.. System Name, Length Diameter Thick. Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Effciency Location Duct t hermostat Location,/ heat pump,.. evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic; etc,) a Type Comments Split Air Conditioner 13:0 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback Master Suite Split Air Conditioner 13.0 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback Living Area Split Air Conditioner 14. S ER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback Bedrooms SplitAirConditioner 14O,SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback Guest Suite WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Rated' Tank Energy Fact! 1 Tank Insul. Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby R -Value System Name Type Type Syst. (Btu/hr) (gal) Efficiency Loss Ext. A.O. SMITH FPS45-230 Small Gas Recimrrime+Temp 2 M060 75 088 n/a n/a 1 For small gas storage (rated Input —15000 Btulhr), electric resistance:and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters {rated input > 75000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, hist Rated Input; and Reoovery'Efficiency. Run Initiation Time: 02126105'07:11:21 Run Code: 1109430681 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft. User Number.. 6862 Job Number. Page: 13 of 48 Computer Method Summary (Part3 of 3) C -2R ''ristine. & Earl Morley Jr. Residence 2/26/2005 oject Title Date THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS ;DESIGN Area Thick. 'Heat Inside Location. Type (sf) (in.) Cap. Cond. Form 3 Reference R -Val. Comments Masonry Veneer 48 200 95 A162 R-21 Wall (W_212x6.16) 0 7one.3 / Fxterinr'Mass Concrete, Hee ight 216 4 D , 28 62$ n%a 0 Zone, / Slab on Grade Concrete. He�cy�eteight 890 AM _2$ _0M n/a_ - 2 Zone 3 / Slab on Grade Masonry Veneer 383 2.00 '25 0.62 R -21' -Wall (W:21.24,16) —0 Zone 4/ Exterior Mass Masonry Veneer 334 204 _-M 0.62 R-21 Wall 0 Zone 4 / Exterior Mass PERIMETER LOSSES F2 Insulation Type Length_ Factor R -Val. Depth Location / Comments Slab,Perimeter _58 0.76 0.0 0 one 3 Slab Perimeter 80 _i:im 0.0 6 Zone4 Slab Perimeter _84 _O.M 0.0 — 0 Zone4 HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Minimum Distribution Type. Type (fumace; heat Efficiency and Location Duct Thermostat_ Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPFxducts/attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments ydronic Piping Pipe Pipe Insul. System Name Length Diameter Thick. Cooling Equipment Type (air conditioner, heat Dump: evaD: coc 0 .Duct Thermostat R -Value Type Location / Comments WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Rated' Tank Energy Fact:' 1 Tank 1nsul. Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap: or'Recovery Standby R -Value System Name Type Type Syst. (Btu/hr) (gal) Efficiency Loss M) Ext. For small gas,storage (rated input <= 75000 Btu/hr), electric resistanoe a-nd heat pump water heaters, list,energyfactor. For Iarge.gas storage water heaters (rated input > 75000 Btu/hr), list Rated' Input, Recovery Efficiency and •Standby Loss For instantaneous gas water. heaters, list -Rated Input, and:RecoVery Efficiency: Comouter Method Summary (Part 3 of 3) C -2_R '?ristine & Earl Morley Jr. Residence. 2/26/2005 oJect Title Date THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN Area Thick. Heat Inside Location Type (sfy (in.) Cap. Cond. Form 3 Reference R -Val. Comments Concrete Heavyweight MA 4M _M O_98 n/a a Zone A/ Slabon Grade - Concrete. Heavyweight 260 4.00 28 0:98 n/a 2 Zone 4 / Slab on Grade PERIMETER LOSSES For small gas storage (rated Input <= 76000 Btufhr), electric resistance and heat pump waterheaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage waterheaters (rated input > 75000 Btuthr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss For, instantaneous gas water heaters, list.Rated Input; and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS F2 Insulation Type Length Factor R -Val. Depth Location / Comments HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Minimum Distribution Type Duct Thermostat Location/ Type (furnace, heat Efficienccyy and Location pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPFXducts/attic,. etc:) R:Value. Type Comments ,ydronic Piping Pipe Pipe Insul.. System Name Length Diameter Thick. Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct, Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location iDuct Thermostat Location./ heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc,) R -Value Type Comments WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Ratedl Tank. Energy Fact? Tank Insul. Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby R -Value System Name Type Type: Syst. (Btu/hr.) (gal Efficiency Loss.(°) Ext: For small gas storage (rated Input <= 76000 Btufhr), electric resistance and heat pump waterheaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage waterheaters (rated input > 75000 Btuthr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss For, instantaneous gas water heaters, list.Rated Input; and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS Computer Method Summary (Addendum) C -2R 'ristine & Earl' Morley Jr. Residence 2/26/2005 ,ojectTitle Date Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency..should pay,specialattention to the items specified Inthis checklist, These Items require special written justification and documentation, and speciatveribcation to lie used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the, justi ication, and may reject .a building or design that otherwise complies based onthe adequacy,of the:special justification and documentation ubmitted. Plan I Field The HVAC System "Master Suite" must mest`all CEG Criteria for a Zonalry Controlled system serving onlySleep'ing Areas. The HVAC System "Master Suite" includes credit for a Radiant: Border installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual. HIGH.MASS Design(see C -21R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 521 sgk.Exposed Slab Floor, 4;Q0" thicicat Zone -1 HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) -Verify Thermal Mass: 1029 sgf 'Covered Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at Zone 1 The HVAC System "Living Area" must meet all CEC Criteria fora Zonally Controlled system serving only Living Areas. The HVAC System "Lwin Area" includes credit for Radiant Barnevinstalled per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual._ HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) -Verify Thermal Mass: '3290 sgft Exposed'Siab Floor; 4.00" thick at Zone 2 HIGH;MASS Design(see C -2R) - I Verify, Thermal,Mass: 1335 s _ _Covered Slab, Floor, 4:00" thick at Zone,2 The;HVAC System 'Bedrooms" must meet.ali'CECCriteria for a Zonally Controlled system serving only Sleeping Areas. The HVAC System "Bedrooms" includes credit fora Radiant Barrer installed per Section 8.13of the Residential Manual. HIGH MASS Design(see C4R) - Verify Thermal Mass: '627 sqft Masonry Veneer Exterior Mass, 2.00" thick at.Zone 3 HIGH MASS Design(see, C -2R) -Verify Thermal Mass: 48 sgft Masonry Veneer Exterior Mass, 2.'00" thick at Zone 3 HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 216 sgft Exposed Slab+Floor, 4.00"thick at Zon&3 HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed andfor tested by a certified HERS rater under thwsupervisionof a CEC approved HERS provider. The HERS ratermust document the field verification.and diagnostic testing of these -measures on a form GF -51R. Plan Field ie HVAC System"Master,Suite"includes,Refrigerant Charge and,Airflow Credit.(or a TXV). A certified HERS 4atermust provide erifification of the TXV; ormeasure the Refrigerant Char.ge,and Airflow. The HVAC System "Living Area" includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide verifification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant,Charge:and Airflow. The HVAC System "Bedrooms" includes Refrigerant Charge'and%Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide. verification of.the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and'Airflow. The HVAC System "Guest Suite" Includes Refrigerant'Charge and Airflow,Credit(ora TXV). Acertified HERS raterrmust provide verification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and. Airflow. I Run Initiation T 2 07:11:21 Run Code: EnergyPm 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 5862 Job. Number. P_age:18'0,48 Computer Method Summary (Addendum) C -2R. Iristine & Earl' Morl ey Jr. Residence 2/26/2005 ,eject Titie Date Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency,,should'pay special; attention to the items specified inthis chackiist. These Items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcemeritagency determines the adequacy;; of'the:justification, and may reject a building or design thatotherWise complies based,on'the adequacy, of the special' justiflcatlon and documentation'submitted. I Plan I Field HIGH MASS Design(see C21R) -Verify Thermal Mass. 890 sqftCovered Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at Zone 3 The HVAC System "Guesf"Suite" must, meet all CEC Criteria fora Zonally Controlled system serving only Sleeping Areas. The HVAC System "GuesttSuite" includes credd for a.Radiant Barrer installed per:Section:8.11of the Residential Manual. 'HIGH'MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass`. 383 sqft; Masonry Veneer Exterior Mass, 2.00" thick at. Zone 4. HIGH MASS Design(see C -21R) Verify Thermal Mass: 134 sqft Masonry Veneer ExteriorMass, 2.00" thick at Zone 4: HIGH°MASS Design(see C -21R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 638 sqft.Exposed.Slab Floor, 4:00" thick;at Zone4 HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 260 sqft Covered Slab Floor, 4.00" thick at.Zone 4 HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed andlor'tested by a certified,HERS. rater under the supervision of a CEC approved HERS I Run Initiation Time, 021261057:1'1: 1 Run Code: 1109430681 EnergyPm 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 5862 Job Number. Page: 17'of 48 ,HVAC `SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE. Kristine & Earl Morley Jr. Residence 2/26/2.01 (STEM NAME FLOOR AREA Master Suite 1,550 ENGINEERING CHECKS 11SYSTEM LOAD Number of'S stems 1 Heating' System Output per System 601000 Total Output'(Btuh) 60,000 Output (Btuh/sgfi) '38.7 Cooling System Output perSystem 58,000 Total Output'(Btuh) 56;000 TotalOutliyt�(Tons) 4:8 Total! Output?(Stuh/sgft) 37.4 Total' Output (sgftrron) 320:7 Airs stem CFM per,System 2,000 Airflow (cfm) 2;000 Alrflow'(cfmisgft) 1.29 Airnow'(cfmrron) 413.8 Outside Air (96) 11.5 Outslde_Air(cfmisgft) 0.15 Total Room; Loads. Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTALZYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK. CFM I Sensible Latent I CFM 11 Sensible 46,14 516 37'187 TIRANE.4TTUo6orrUD10OR960 (5) 47,766 775 .60000 Tota[Adjusted System Output" 47,755 775 60;000 (Adjusted for Peak Design,Conditions) ,. TIME .OFSYSTEM PEAK IF Aug2pm Jm12am Note- values:above given at ARI iconditlonq EATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS (Airstream Tel 2&0 OF 64:4°F 64AOF 166.6oF Outside Air 2.30 cfm SuppiyFan Heating�Coil, '2000 cfm 69.4'0F 115.0/73.50F 30 Out 1 230 cf n 72:6 / 60.6 of k Return Air Ducts 4 2 of 77.6 / 62.2 °F' 65:0 /.63:7'PF . Supply Fan Cooling Coil 2000 cfm A:_ m.�, Air Ducts 104.4 OF ROOMS 70.0 OF 1,799 Supply Air Ducts �' 55:8 / 54:1.OF 51.0% R.H. ROOMS' 72:0160.3 OF Energyft 3.1 By EnergySoft UserrNumber. ,5882 Job Number. Paw: 18`of 48' 32,553' 717 648 24141 0 1;628 1,207 0 0 230 10,333 -20 230 10,631 0 0 1,,628 1,207 46,14 516 37'187 TIRANE.4TTUo6orrUD10OR960 (5) 47,766 775 .60000 Tota[Adjusted System Output" 47,755 775 60;000 (Adjusted for Peak Design,Conditions) ,. TIME .OFSYSTEM PEAK IF Aug2pm Jm12am Note- values:above given at ARI iconditlonq EATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS (Airstream Tel 2&0 OF 64:4°F 64AOF 166.6oF Outside Air 2.30 cfm SuppiyFan Heating�Coil, '2000 cfm 69.4'0F 115.0/73.50F 30 Out 1 230 cf n 72:6 / 60.6 of k Return Air Ducts 4 2 of 77.6 / 62.2 °F' 65:0 /.63:7'PF . Supply Fan Cooling Coil 2000 cfm A:_ m.�, Air Ducts 104.4 OF ROOMS 70.0 OF 1,799 Supply Air Ducts �' 55:8 / 54:1.OF 51.0% R.H. ROOMS' 72:0160.3 OF Energyft 3.1 By EnergySoft UserrNumber. ,5882 Job Number. Paw: 18`of 48' HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Kristine & Ear_ I Morley Jr. Residence 2/26/2005 (STEM NAME FLOOR AREA Numberof Systems 3 Heating System Output per System 6000 Total OutpuU(Btuh) 180,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 38.9 Cooling System Output per System 58;000 Total Output (Btuh) 1,74,000 Total Output (Tons) 14.5 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 37.6 Total Output.(sgfNTon) 319.0 Alr,Systern CFM per System 2;000 Airflow'(cfm) 61000 Alrflow (cfm/sgft) 1.30 Airflow'(cfm/Ton) 413.8 Outside Air (%) 1.9 Outside Air (cfmi'sgft) 0.02 26.0 of Outside �� 115 efm. 69.4 OF 115:0 / 73.5 of Outside Air 1"15 dm 72:9 /.60:7 of Total .Room Loads Return Vented'. Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan SupplY Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD 68.6 of 68:6 of 105.0 of Supply'fan Heating -Coil 6.000 cfm COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM I Sensiblel Latent CFM 11 Sensible 6 Return Air Ducts 4 73.7 / 60:9 of 73.7/60.90F 0 55.'0/53.80F Supply Fan Cooling Coil 6000 dm h Return Air Ducts M 132 27 2022 Supply Air Ducts _ 104.4 of ROOMS 70.OoF lupply Air Ducts 55.9 / 64.1 OF 51.2% R.H. ROOMS 72:0160!3 OF EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number.5862 Job Number.. Page: 19 of 48 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING ,LOADS SUMMARY ROJECT NAME Kristine & Earl Morley Jr: (STEM NAME Number of Systems 11 Heating System Output per.System 62,000 Total Output (Stuh) 621000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 56.1 Cooling System Output per System 48;000 Total Output (Btuh) 48;000 Total Output (Tons) 4.0 Total Output (Btuhlsgft) 43.4 Total Output (sgftrron) 276.5 Air System, CFM per System 1,600 Airflow (cfm) 1,600 Airflow (cf nfsgft) 1.45 Airflow (cfmlTon) 400.0 Outside Air (%) 14.4 Outside Alr (cfrnlsgft) 0:21 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 of 63.3 OF %. —0 . %� Outside,Ait 230 cfm 69.5 of 115:0 / 73:5 of Outside A 230 drn 72.5/60.4 of Total Room Loads Retuth'Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM, LOAD DATE FLOORAREA 1.106 COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM I'Sensible Latent CFM I Sensible 30,774 360 28;700 TRANE 4TTX48/rUD100R948 (4) 40;345 0 Total Adjusted System Output 40;345 0 (Adjusted4or'Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF :SYSTEM PEAK I Aug,2 pm 105:0 of Heating Coil Supply Fan 1600cfm 105:0 of h Return,Air Ducts i 78:6162:5 °F . 55.0 / 53.7 OF Cooling Coil Supply Fan 1600, cfm 62,000 62,000 Jan 12,am Air Ducts 104.5 of ROOMS 70.0 of / 53.7 of Supply Air Ducts 55:6/-53.9 of 50.8% R.H. ROOMS 72:01:60:2 OF h Return Air Ducts `S EnergyPro 3:1 By EnergySoft User'Number: 58.62 Job -Number:. Page: 20 of 48 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY ROJECT NAME Kristine & Earl Morley Jr. (STEM'NAME Number of`Systems 1 Heating System Output per System 51,000 Total Output (Btuh) 51;000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 56.8 Cooling System Output per System 36,000 Total Output(IRuh) 36;000 Total:Output,(Tons) 3.0 Total Output.(Btuh/sgft) 40.1 Total Output'(sgf fTon) 299.3 Air 'System CFM per System 1;200 Airflow (cfrn) 1,200 Airflow (cfnVsgft) 1.34 -Airflow (cfmrron) 400.0 Outside Air (%) 19.2 Outside Air (aWsgft) 0:26 Note: values (EATING S' 26.0 of Outside. Air 2XCfm 69.2 of W/ 73:5 of Outside Air 230 dm 72.9/60.4 of 60.9 OF 60.9 OF Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD DATE 2/26/2( FLOOR.AREA 89.8 COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM I Sensible Latent CFM I Sensible 1,252 22,658 415 540 20,101 0 1,133 1.,005 0 0 230 10;303 -70 230 1007 0 0 1,133 1,005 3522 345 32 688 'RAKE 4TTX4036/TUD10OR936 (3) 30,589 0 51,000 Total Adjusted System. Output 30;589 0 51;000 (Adjusted for Peak Design CondiUona) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 2 pm Jan 12 am ,am Temperatures at Tirn of Heating Peak) 1105.00F Supply Fan Heating Coil 1200 cfm Supp y Ir ucts 104.2 OF ROOMS 70.0 of Return Air,Ducts. I 81.0 / 63.2.OF 81.0 / 63:2 °F W '55.0 /'53:5 OF Supply Fan Cooling Coil 1200 ch 6 Return,Air Ducts 4 Supply Air Ducts 55:9/53.9OF 50:3% R.H. ROOMS 72.0 /'60.1 of I EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User. Number. 58.62 Job Number. Paae:21, of'48 SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Kristine &_Earl Morley Jr. Residence DATE 2/26/2005 YS_TEM NAME Master Suite FLOOR AREA 1,650 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY A00M'COOLINGlPEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK. .ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult: CFM SENSIBLE, LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE Zone 1 Zone 1 1 1,799 32;553 1 717 1;799 32,553 717' 648 24,141 PAGE TOTAL 1 1,799 32,553 717 648 24,1'41 TOTAL 1 1,799 :32;553 717 648 24;141 EnergyRro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 5862 Job Number. Page:22 of 46 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Kristine & Earl Morley Jr. Residence DATE 2126/2005 ,YSTEM NAME Living Area FLOOR AREA 4,62-5 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOWCOOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE.NAME ROOM NAME Multi CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM'. SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE Zone.2 Zone 2 1 61388 115,565 2,134 6,388 115,565 2,134 2;085' 77.679 i PAGE TOTAL 6,388 115;585' 2,134 TOTAL 1 6,388 1.15,565 2,134 1 2,085 77,679 2,085 77,679 EnergyPro 3.1 ByEnergySoit User Number. 5862 Job Number Page:23 of 48 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY (PROJECT NAME I DATE Kristine & Earl Morlev Jr. Residence YSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA Bedrooms 1 1,106 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM?COOLINGiPEAK COIL COOLING,PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME i Mult: CFM SENSIBLE 'LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE Zone 3 Zone 3 11 1;025' 18 539 511, 1;025 18,539 .511 440 16;407 i PAGE TOTAL 1 1,025,1' 18j5391 511 440 16,407 TOTAL 1 1,025 18,539 51,1 440 16,407 Energyfto 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number; 5862 Job Number: Page -.24 of'48 IROOMLOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Kristine & Earl Morley Jr. Residence. JSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA Guest Suite 1 898 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING,PEAK COIL_HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME MuR: CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM ISENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE Zone 4 Zone 4 1. 1,252 22,656 415' 1,252 22,658 415 540 20,101' PAGE TOTAL 1 1,2521 22,6581 TOTAL 1 1,,252 22,658 415 540 1 20,101 540 20;101 EnergyPm 3.1 By EnergySott User Number: 5662 Job Number. Page:25 of 48 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS rojectnue Astine Room Name Zonell Time of'Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 1,550 Outdoor'Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 706E Conduction Items shownwith an asterisk (`r) denote conduction through an interiorsurface to another room. Page Total;' 17488 Infiltration: I 1.00 x 1.064 x 1 550 x 11.00 X. 0.50 / 60] x 0 = 6.6531 had -le Air Sensible Area Calling Height ACH AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 24,141 EnergyPro 3.1, By EnergySoff User Number. 6862 Job Number. Pagei26 of 48 1534'.0 X X X X X X It ' X X x X X x X X X X X X It X x. X x X X. X x X X X X. X x x x x X X. 0.0284 X X x X X X X X x X x X X X X x X x X x x X X x. X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X 44:0 = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1,914 16.0 0.8000 44.0 563 1233.2 0:0592 44.0 3;213 145.0 0.6000 44.0 3j828 84.8 0.5500 44.0' 2.052 perimeter =133:0 44.5' 5;918 Items shownwith an asterisk (`r) denote conduction through an interiorsurface to another room. Page Total;' 17488 Infiltration: I 1.00 x 1.064 x 1 550 x 11.00 X. 0.50 / 60] x 0 = 6.6531 had -le Air Sensible Area Calling Height ACH AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 24,141 EnergyPro 3.1, By EnergySoff User Number. 6862 Job Number. Pagei26 of 48 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Jr. Room Name zones Time of Peak Jan 12 -am Floor Area 4;625 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26 of Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70°F Conduction R-38 Roof R.38.2x14.16 Area 4612.2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X x. X X X X X 0.0284: X X X x X X x x X X x x X x X x x X X X x X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X x 44.0 _ = = = = = = = = = = = _ = = = = = = = _ = = = = = = = = 5754. Bristolfte 12.8 0.8000 44.0 452 3,322.1 0.0592, 44:0 %655 Fleetwood Glazing 247.9 0.5500 44.0 5,999 Fleetwood Glazing Solid Wood Door 636.0 0:6000 44.0 16.790 24.0 0.38721 44:0 409 perimeter= 282.0 44.5 12,549 - - - I Items shown with an.asteriW(') denote,conduction1hrough an interiorsurface Infiltration:1.00 x 1.064 x �chedule Air Sensible Fraetlon to;anotherroom. 4625 x 15:00;x Ceiling Height 0.50 160] ACH' Page Total: ® AT 50 608 27071 TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR..ROOM 77,679 EnergyPro 31 By'Energy8oft User'Number.; 5862 Job Number: Page:27.of,48 ROOM. HEATING PEAK LOADS `rojecYTide ristine & Earl Morley Jr. Residence Room information Desian Conditions Room Name zone 3 Time of Reak Floor Area 1,106 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Jan 12:am 26 OF Conduction Area. Area X x IX X X X X, X X X X X X X ;X X X X X X X. X X X X X. ;X X X X X X X X X X X X x x U Value X X X x X X X X X X X X X x x x X X X X x X X x X x x X x X x x x X x X X x x x AT of = = = = = _ = = _ = = = = = _ =. = = _ =. = = = Btulhr R-36 Roof R.38:2x14.16 1,106.0 0.0284 44.0 1,380 R-21 Wall :21.24.16 914:8 0.0592 44.0 2,383 Fleetwood Glazing Fleetwood Glazing 81.2 0:5500, 44.0 1.965 60.0 0:6000 44.0 1,584 nmeter = 88.0 . 44.5 3i916 - _ Items shown with,an asterisk,(*) denote conduction through aninteriorsurface Infiltration: �I1.00 X 1.064 X chedule Air Sensible Fraction to.anomer room. 1 106 x 12.00 c6fling.Height. 0:50 !6] ACR Page Total: 0 AT F 11.2281 5179 TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 16,407 EnergyPro 3.1 By EhergySof4 User Number. 5862, Job Number.Page28 of 48 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS `ro)ect TRIO. ristine & Earl Morlev Jr. Room Name Floor Area Indoor Dry. Bulb Temperature Conduction Desi n Conditions zone 4 Time of Peak 898 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 of Jan 12.am 26 of R-38 Roof R.38.2x14.16 surface Area 898.0 X X X X X X X x X ,X x X X X x x x x X X X X x X X X X X X X :X X X X x X x X X 0.0284 x x x X X X X X x X X X x x X x X x x X X X x X X x x X X X x X X x X X X X X X' 44:0 = = = = = = = _ = = = = = _ = =. = = = = = = = = =- _ 1,120 R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 1,242.8 0.0592 44:0 3,238 Fleetwood GI2zInj3 150.0 0:6000; 44.0 3,960 Fleetwood Glazing 81.2 0:5500 44.0 1,965 Slah-On-Grarip perimeter=134.0 44.5 &963 - _ Items shown with amasterisk (••) denote wnduction1hrough'an interior Infiltration: 1.001 X 1.064X hedute AlrBensible Fraction to another room. 898 X 11.00;X Ceiling Heigh! 0:50 /60] ACti Page Total: AT AT 16 246 3855 TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 20,101 E.rgyP. 3.1 By EnergySoft. UserNumber. 5862_ Job Number. Page: 20 of 46 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Kristine & Earl Morley Jr !Residence 2/26/2005 Project.Titie Date Room Name. Design Indoor Dry Bulb'Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference:, Conduction -38 Roof R.38:2A4.,16 ristolde R-21 Wall W.21.24.16) leetwood Glazin -leetwood,,Glazing Area Zone 1 720E 1160F 440F X X X X X, DETD 1 = p = c = Btu/hr 61.0 2,653 44.0 563 40.6 2,964 44.0 $ 828 44.0 2052 X X X X 1. Design Equivalent Temperature,Difference (DETD) Page Total 12061 Items shown with an asterisk (7 denote conduction through, an interior surfac6to-a_notherroom: Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF SIC Btu/hr L (Skvliaht) 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + + 1 _+_, 1 + + 1 + (Skylight) SL8 (Skylight) SL5' (Skylight) M (North) L (East) 20 (East) K (South) 18 (South). 19 South ( 0io x x x x X x',1 x X x1 x 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + + 1 _+_, 1 + + 1 + 4.0 X x X X x x X X x x 152)x x X x X X X ) X ) x 0.= =/ = = = .= 1= I= = 41 (' 0.0 4.0 152) 0.690 419 ( 0.0 4.0 152) 0.690 419 ( 0.0 4.0 152) 0.690 419 ( 0:0 25.0 15) 0.557 269 ( oA 60.0 73) 0.55 2,438 ( 0:0 32.0 7.3)X 0.50 1 170 ( 0.0 60.0 32) 0.55 1069 ( 0.0 13., 32 0.50 ( 0.0 2.5 0.50 40 Sched. Page,Total i31 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Lights 1.00 x 1;550,x 0.5 Watts/scift x 3.41 Btuh/Watt 2;645 Occupants 1.00 x 1,560 X 2 Btuh/OCC.. / 333 sgft/occ. = 1,139 Rece tacle 1.00 X 1,550 x 0.50 Watts/sgft x 3:41 Btuh/Watt = 2,645 Process 1.00 x 1,550 X 0-00C Watts/$qft x, 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: -Schedulex Air S� x mu x Ceinng H fight x ACH / 60] Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN 'FOR ROOM 32,9531 Schad. Latent Gain Frac., Area Heat.Gain. Btu/hr 'Occupants 1:00 x 1 550 X 155 Btuh/ocC. I sgftlOCc. = 7 1 Receptacle; 1100 x 1 550 x 0.00 Watts/sgft x 3.4 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process x 1 0 x 0100 Watts/sgft x 3:41 Btuh/Watt' = 0 Infiltration: 1 1.001 x 477 x 155 x 11. X 0.50 /601 1 -o:00001 hedule Air Latent Area Ceiling Haight ACH dyy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 717 Energ Pro 3.1 By Energ Soft 'User Number.5882 Job Number, Pa ei30 of 48 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING 'LOAD SUMMARY Kristine & Earl Morley Jr Residence 2/26/2005 Project idle Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry'Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Gond Zone 1 72°F 116°F 44°F Area U -Value DETD 1 Btu/hr X X X. X 1. Design Equivalent Temperature,Dllference (DETD) Items shown with an.asterisk (')denote conduction 'lhrough an interior surface to another room. Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain OrlentaUon 1 (South) SGF 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1" + 1 + L + (South) 15 l .(South) 10 (South) 11 (South) 12 (South) 13' 14 (South) (South) i 210 0.0 Page Total 'Do Area X1+ x x X, X X x x X SGF 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1" + 1 + L + Area X X X X 7( X X X X SGF )X ).X X X )x SC = = = = = = Btu/hr (0,0 11 3 0.50 210 0.0 2.5 32.x 0.50= 40 0.0' 1.6 32 0.50 26 ( 0.0 7.0 32)x 0:50 112 ( 0.0 1:6 32) 0:50 26 ( 0.0 3.8 32)x 0.50 61 ( 0.0 3:8 32) 0150 61 ( 0.0 3:8 301 0.50 61 ( I Sched. Page Total Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Li hts 1.00 X 1,550 x 0.50 'Watts/Sgft X 3:41 BtUh/Watt = 2,645 Occupants 1.00 X 1,550 X A24Btuh/OCC. I 333 $gft/occ. = 1 ,139 Racetate 1.00 X 1550 x Watts/Sgft X 3.4_1 _ Btuh/Watt= 2 645 Process 1.00 X 1550 X .Watts/sgft X 3:41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration:x � 'x � / 601 x hedule Air Sensible Area Ce111ng Height x ACH DT Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area. Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1:00 X 1 550 x 155 Btuh/OCc. / 33 sgft/occ. = 721 Rece tacle 1.00 x 1 550 X 0.00o Watts/sgft x 41 Btuh/Watt =o Process x 155 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt =0 Infiltration: 1.00, X 4'77 x 155 X: 11.0 ' X 50 / 60] -0: 001 ehedule Air Latent Area Calling Height ACH Q1N Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 717 1EnergyPro 3.1, By EnergySoff User Number. 58w Job Number: Page:31 of.48 RESIDENTIAL ROOMCOOLING LOAD SUMMARY Kristine & Earl Morley Jr Residence 2/26/2005 Project Title Date Room Name Design Indoor.Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference:. Conduction 38 Roof R.38:2x14.16 nstolite -21 W611 '2 : 6 leetwood Glazing leetwood Glazing Solid o Door. Zone 2 720F 1160F 44OF U -Value DETD' Btulhr X X X X X X X I X x ;X x X X 61.0 = = = .= = T977 44.0 452 40.6 7,986 44.0 5L999 44.0 16790 40 (North) X X X 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total 39 561 Items shown'withan asterisk (I denote conduction,through an. Werior surface to another room Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area. SOF Area SGF Sc Btulhr SOLA TUBE (Skylight) SL2(Skylight) SL3 (Skylight) SL4 (Skylight) 50 23 (North) (North) 24 (North) 40 (North) 41 C (North) North ( .0 -XX X x x X x1 x x 'x x 1 + 1 + 1 + Al + + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + x x x x: ;X x: X x x )'X x x x. x 06Q = = = = = = = _ =1 7 ( 0.0 4.0 152),x 0:6 0 419 (, 0.0 490 152 0:690 4.19 (' 0.0 4:0 152) '0:690 419. (, 0.0 1.0 15) 0;501 8 (, 0:0 17.5 15)X 0:50 131 ( 0.0 17.5 15)x 0.50 131 (' 0.0 1 26:.1' 15)X` 0:50 196 ( 0.0 11.9 1) 0:50 89 ( 0.0 1 60.0 15) '0.55 50.1 Schad. Page Total 2402 Internal Gain Frac: Area Heat Gain Btu/,hr Li hts 1:00 x 4;625 x 0:50 Watts/sgft x 141• Btuh/Watt = 7;893 Occupants 1.00 x 4,625 x 2 Btuh/oCC. I 333 sgft/occ. = 3399 Receptacle 1.00 X 4,625 X 0.50Watts/sgft x 3.41.3 Btuh/Watt 7.893 Process 1.00 X 4,625 x 0.00 Watts/sgft. x; 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration:x a x x CoAreaum x/ 60] = 27_:U71 ITOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 11F ,;r,,; Sched. Latent Gain. Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x a s2 x 155 Btuh/occ. / sgft/occ: = 2 Receptacle 1.00 x 4 625 x 0.000 Waft/soft 'X 4 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 62 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = Infiltration: 1�chetool x AIr L 47 x 4 62 x Area cemne Height x nc0.50 / 60] 0001 = -17 Fraction TOTAL HOURLY'LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2.134 EnergyPro 3.1 By-,EnergySoft User Number. 6862 Job Number. P,age:32 of -48 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Kristine & Earl Morley Jr Residence 2/26/2005 Project Title Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry, Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference; Zone 2 720E 116°F 440E Conduction Area U=Value DETD 1 Btu/hr X X X X X X X x X 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (q denote conduction through an interior surface to another room._ Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF + (Easo X (East) S P 21 (East) (East) (East) 22 (East) N (East) G (South) 36 !.(South) 37 South Area SGF + 5010 X 7 + 50.0 x 7 + 50.0 X 7 + 30.0 X i + 37:6 x 7 + 18:3 x' 7 + 264:0 'x R 1 +60.0 X + 10.5 X 3t5 x Page Total )X' i),X= I )X. I)x I)x i )x i )x ) X ) x ) x; SC = = = = = = = = __ = Btu/hr 0.557 2,032 0.557 2,032 0.55 2,032 0.55 1,219 OM1 1,375 0:50 669 0.557 10J27 0:55 1;069 0.50 168 0:50 56 Schad. Page Total 21 37 Internal Gain Frac: Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Whit 1.00 X 4,625 X 0.50 Watts/sgft x 3x41 Btuh/Watt = 71893 Occupants 9.00 X 4°625 x 24 Btuh/oC¢. / 333 sgft/occ. = 3399 Receptacle 1.00 X. 4,625 x 0.50 Watts/sgft x, 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 1,8 93' Process 1.00 X; I 4625 XI 0.0 Watts/sgft x' 3:41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: �c� x AlrSensible xt Area X Ceig� x CH/ 60] z_ Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 115565 Schad. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.0o x 4 x 155 Btuh/occ. / sgftlocc. 21 1 Receptacle 1.00 X 4 625' x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt 0 Process r 1.00 x 4 62 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 01 Infiltration: I 1A0 x 4'77 X 462 X 15.00 x 60] -0.00001 = -17 hedule Air Latent. Area Calling Height ACH �yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY.LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2134 EnergyPro 31 B . Ene Soft User Number. 5862 Job Number. Pa e:33'of 48 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Kristine & Earl Morley -Jr Residence - 2/26/2005 ProjectTwe Date Room Name Design iIndoor Dry Bulb'Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Zone 720F. 116°F 44°F ^- "-- Area U -Value DETD 1 Bt /h X X X X X X; X. x. �X 1. -Design Equivalent Temperature, Dtiference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with aniasterisk,(7;denote,conduction throuph:an interior surfaoelto:anoiharroom. ShadedUnshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF SC 8 i (South) 39 (South) B (West) 42 (Nest) 43 (West) 46 47 (West)- - - (Nest) 48 (West) 49 (West) (0.0 X, x! X X X1 x X' 1 + 1 + 1 + Al + + 1 + 1 + 1 + + X X X X X X X X X X ).X ( 0.0 11.9 32)X. ( 0:0 72.0 73) 0:0'x! 26.1 73)x Oi0 11.9 731)X ( 0.0 7.0 73)X ( 04 7.0 73)X (` 0:0'X 7.0 73),X (' 0:0X 7.0x 7)X (' I 256 _ - - 256 256 256 Schad. Page Total 5i94g Internal Gain frac. Area HeaWain Btu/hr Li hts 1.00 X 4,625,x 0.500 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt T893 Occupants 1.00 .X 4,625 X 245 Btuh/occ. l 333 sgftlocc. 3399 Receptacle 1.00 x 4,625.x 0.500 Watts/sqft X 3:41 BtuhM# t 7,893 Process 1.00 x I_ - 4,625 X X0-'000 Watts/sq{t X 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: hedule x Air SensibleX I, X Celnn� X 1601 _ Z Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM, 115,56j Sched. Latent Gain Frac.. Area, Heat,Gain, Btu/hr occupants 1.00 X 4615 Ix'155 Btuhlocc. / sgftlocc. Receptacle. 1.00 'X 4 625 -X .000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btu hMatt' = 0 Pro ss 1 x -'X :000 Wattslsgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: i.601 x 4 7t :x 462 X 15:00 X I.60] 0:00001 _ -17 chadule AIr Latah Area Ceiling Height ACH' "!SW Fraction: TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,134. EnergyPro 3:1 By Fse Soft User Number., 5862 Job Number. Pa e:34 of`48 11 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY 'Kristine & Earl Morley Jr Residence 2/26/2005 Project Title Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb, Temperature: Design Temperature: Difference: Zone 3 72°F 116°:F 446F Conduction Area U -Value DETD 1 Btu/hr X, X X X X X X X 61:0 = = n = = = = = 1,913 40:6 2099 44.0 14965 44.0 1,584 31 (North) 32 North 33 North. 0:50 108 2:5X 15)X 1. Design. Equivalent TemperstureDinerence (DEM) Page Total 7661 Itemsshown with an: asterisk r) denoie conduction through an. interior surface to anolher room, Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation, Area SOF Area SGF SC Btu/hr 25 (North) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1,0+ 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + (North) 26 27 28 North North (North), 29 (North) 30 North 31 (North) 32 North 33 North. �(0.0 ( 0:0 ( 0.0 0.0x ( 0.0 ( 0;0 ( 0.0 ( 0.0 0:0x (i 0.0 X1 X x' x x X x x + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1,0+ 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + . X x X x X X X x 15)x ) X 0,50 = = = = = = = = 8 60.0 15)X .55 501 14:4 15 0:50 108 2:5X 15)X 0.50 19 14A 15);x; 0:50 108 2.5 15);X. 0;501 19 25.0 1511, 0.50 188 9.8 15)X 0:50 74 9.0X 1)X- 0.50= 68 1.6 15).x 0:50 12 Sched. Page Total oa Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Li hts 1.00 X 1;106 X 0.50Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 1,887 Occupants 1.00 x 1,106 X 2 Btuh/oCc. / 333 sgft/occ. = 813 Receptacle 1.00 .x 1,106 ix 0.5 Watts/sgft 'x 3:4,1 Btuh/Watt 1,987 Process 1.00 X 1j.106 X' 0.00 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt 0 Infiltration: x x � x x / 60] _ chedule Alt Sensible Area_ Ceiling,Height; ACH nT F'actlon TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN .FOR ROOM 18.,539 Schad. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x1 106 x 1 Btuh/occ. / . sgft/occ. _ 1 Receptacle 1.00 x 1.106 x 0:000 Watts/sgft X 41 Btuhlwatt = 0 Process o X 1 6 x ' Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 477 x 1 1 x 12: 0, x 60] -0:00001 = 0 chedule Air U6iern Area Ceiling Haight ,ACH ow Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 511 EnergyP.ro 3.1 By Ene ySM 'User Number. 5882 Job Number. Page: 35 of 48 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Kristine & Earl Morley Jr Residence 2/26%2005 Project Title Data Room Name Design Indoor D y Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Conduction Area U -Value X. X X X X X. X x X. 1. Design Equivalent Temperature:DiHerence (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an Interior surfbce to another room., Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Page Total Zone 3 720F 11'6°F 44OF Btu/hr Do Area X X x x X X X X X X: SGF t + + + + + + + + + Area X X X X X x X X X SGF )X ):x ),x )X )X ).x )'x ):X SC = _ = = = Btu/hr U 1 1,01 115)X 0.50 -- (. I -)x Schad. Page Total Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain. Btu/hr Li hts 1.00 x 1006 x 0.50 Watts/sgft -x 3.413 Btuh/Watt 1,887 Oocti ants 1.06 x 1,106 X 2 Btuhlocc. / 333 sgft/occ. = 813 Receptacle 1.00 x 11o6 x 0.50 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt 1,887 Process 1.00 x 1,106 x 0-00d Watts/sgft x 3.411 BtuhMatt 0 Infiltration: x AtrS x � x ceuln x / 60] _ Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE. HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 18 539. Schad.. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occu ants 1:00 X 1 1 x 155 Btuh/occ. / sgft/occ. LA Recetacle 1:00 x 1106 x; 0.000 Watts/sgft X 41 Btuh/Watt =P ces 0 ,x 1 1 x Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt = Infiltration: 1:00 x 477 'x 1 10 X 12.0 X 60] L chadule .Air Latent Area Calling Height ACH oW Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM -511 Energ Pro 3:1 By `Energ Soft User Number. 5862 Job Number. Page:38 of 44 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Kristine & Earl Morley Jr Residence 2/26/2005 Project Title. Date Room Name. Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor,Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Conduction Area 898. X 1,242.8 X. 160.o X 81.2 X X. X. X. x - x 1. Design Equivalent Temperature, Difference (DETD) Items shown with.amasterisk (7 denote conduction through.an,intedorsurface to another room, Shaded Solar Gain Orientation D DETD 1 = = = = _ _ = = _(North) (North) 44 (East) 45 (East) F 7 (South) (South) 8 (South) 4 (West) 5 (West) 6 (West) Zone 4 72°F 116°F 4.4°F X X X X X X. X. X X DETD 1 = = = = _ _ = = Btu/hr 61.0 1,553 40.6 2,988 :44.0 ZI 966 44.0 1'965 ( 0:0 x; 1,069 1 .+ - (i 0:0 x 512 1 Unshaded Area SGF Area t 0.0 X, Sc 1 + 60, ( 0.0 X 250 i+ 512 30.0 ( 0:0 x; 1,069 1 .+ '14.0 (i 0:0 x 512 1 +: 6.3 ( 0:0x 1. + 60.0 ( 0:0 X 10+ 7.0 (-0.0 x 1 + 1.6 ( 0.0 x 1 + 14.0 0.0 x, 1 + 6.3 ( 0;0,X, 1 + 8.0 Page Total P 10.466 SGF X 1 X 15)X X 73 X 73) X 32)x X 32) X 32),X x 73) x 7)-X x 73) ).x )x x X X x Sc =I = _ _ = _ _ = = Btu/hr 0.55 501 0.557 250 0:50 512 0:50 230 0.55, 1,069 0:50 112 0.50, 26 0.50 512 0.50 230 0.50 293 'Sched. Page.Total 73 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Li hts 1.00 x 898 x 0.50 Watts/sgft XAl.4 Btuh/Watt = 1,532 Occupants 1.00 X - 898 X 24 Btuh/OCC. / stiftfocc: = 660 Receptacle 1.00 x 898 ,x 0.50 Watts/sqf# X, Btuh/Watt 1,532 Process 1.00 X 898'x 0.00 Watts/sgft XBtuh/Watt. = 0 Infiltration: �� x Air Sensible x Area x Calling. x ACH / 60] n 1 3.8551 _ ITOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 22.65A 1 Sched: Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.0o x 898, x 155 Btuh/om / 3 sgfit/occ. = 418 Receptacle 1.00 X 898 X 0=0 Watts/sgft x Btuh/Watt = 0 Process I.Q0 IX 898 IX Q.,000 Watts/sgft x 3:a1 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: �cheduls x Air Latent x Area Calling x CallingHeight x acH50' "/ 60�I ow000l = 0 Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 416. lEnergyPro 3.1 By Erre Soft User Number 5882 Job Number. Pa e:37 of 48 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Kristine & Earl Morley Jr Residence 2/26/2005 Project Too Date. Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference! Zone 4 720F 116°F 4'4°F Conduction Area U -Value DETD 1 Btu/hr 1. Design Equivalent.Temperature Ditference,(DETD) Page Total Do Items shown with an asterisk (7 denote conduction through an interior surface_ to another room. Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF Sc Btu/hr W091 '0,0.x 1 + 24. X 7 ) X OM= 878 X + X )X F= X + x )x C X + x )x = X' + X )x X + X )X = x + X )x = X + X )X = X + X )X Sched. Page Total Internal Gain Frac Area HeaWain Btu/hr Li hts 1.00 x 898,X 0-50qWatts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 1,532 Occupants 1.00 x 898 X 2a Btuh/occ. / 333 sgft/occ. = 660 Receptacle. 1.00 x 898 x 0:50 Watts/sgft X 3:41 BtuhMatt- 1,532 Process 1.00 X 898 ;x 0.00 Watts/sgft .x 3.41 Btuh/Watt 0 Infiltration: x airs Am x x ceuh x / 60] 3.8551 chedule Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 22658 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1�. o. x 8 It 1551 Btuhlocc. / sgftlocc. = 4 Receptacle 1.00 x 898 x 0. 0o Watts/sgft x Btuh/VYatt = o Process 1 It 8 X 0.00 Watts/sgft X 3.41 Btuh/Watt' = o Infiltration: 1,00 x 47t x 89 X Heig x 60]' -0O,W 1 = 0 "— cheduk Alr Latent Area Ceiling Height ACH �yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM .415 Energ Pro 3.1 By EnergySoft aUser Number. 6862 Job Number: Page: 38 of 48 0 TAANETM TAG: 5/8' 7/8' DIA. HOLES ELECTRICAL 13 1 CONNECTION 4=1/1'6° 3/4" 3-15116° 8-1/4" 3/4" M < 28-1/4° 3/4-' j ` ' 22-1/2'' 2 -1 ° 3-13/16" Project Name Equipment Number Sales Office/Distributgr 1/2" 1 1-1/2"DIA. HOLE X3/8- GAS CONNECTION 2-1/6"' Date Upflow / Horizontal Gas Furnace" Fan -Assisted Combustion" TUD100R960K 4' DIAMETER FLUE CONNECT 7/8' DIA. KA: — ELECTRICAL CONNECTION (ALTERNATE) •1-11'2' DIA. IKArGAS CONNECTION (ALTERNATE) FURNACE AIRFLOW (CFM) VS. EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN. W.C.) MODEL SPEED. TAP 0:10 0:20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 TUD10OR960K 4 - HIGH - Black 2201 2146 2077 2026 1948 1882 1810 1738 1625 3 - MED. -HIGH - Blue. 1943 1909 1857 1804 1786 1716 1659 1.579 1506 2 - MED. -LOW - Yellow 1543 1520 1509 1490 1481 1,460 1398 1356 1303 1 - LOW -Red 1282 1272 1267 1268 1256 1226 1176 1163 1102 CFM,VS. TEMPERATURE RISE CFM CUBIC, FEET PER MINqM MODEL 1200 1 1300 1 1400 1 1500 1 1600 1 1700 1 1800 1 1900_ 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 TUD100RWK 62 1 57 1 53 1 49 1 48 44 1 41 1 39 37 35 34 32 31 ®American Standard Inc. 2002 General Data o TYPE Upflow / Horizontal RATINGS 2 1st Stage Input BTUH 65;000 1st Stage Capacity BTUH' (ICS) 3 52,000 2nd Stage Input BTUH 100;000 2nd Stage Capacity BTUH (ICS) 3 80,000 Temm rise (Min. -Maxi °F: 30.-60 BLOWER DRIVE DIRECT Diameter -Width (In.) 11 X10 No. Used 1 Speeds (No) 4 CFMv& lin. w.g. See Fan Performance Motor HP 1/2 R.P.M. 1075, Volts/Ph/Hz 115/1/60 COMBUSTION FAN - Type Centrifugal Drive -.No: Speeds Direct --2 Motor HP - RPM 1/50-3000 Volts/Ph/Hz 115/1/60 F.L. Amos 0:93 FILTER -Furnished? Yes Type.Recommended High Velocity HiVel. (No.-Size-Thk.) Shipped 1 - 20x25 -1 in. VENT COLLAR — Size (in.) 4 Round HEAT EXCHANGER Type -Fired Alum. Steel -Unfired Gauge (Fired) 20 ORIFICES— Main Nat.Gas. Oty. — Drill Size 5-45 L.P. Gas Qty. — DrilPSize 5-56 faAS'VALV Redundant -- Two' Staie - PILOT SAFETY DEVICE !me HotSurface I nation BURNERS—Type Multiport Inshot Number 5' POWER CONN. — V/PWHz • 115/1/60 Ampacity (In Amps) 12.8 Max. Overcurent.Protection (amps) 15 PIPE CONN-SIZE11N.) 1/2 DIMENSIONS H x.W x D Crated (In) 4144 x 23x.30-1/2, Unrated (In) 40 x 21 x28 WEIGHT Shipping (Lbs.) /Net(Lbs) 162/151 O Central Fumace.heating designs are certified by the AmericamGas Association Inc. Laboratories. O Ratings shown -am for elevations up to.2000 feet.Forelevations:above 20110 feet;, Ratings should be reduoed at the rate of 4%,for each 11000Afeet above,sea level. O Based on U.S. Government Standard Tests: (D The above wiring specifications are in accordance with National: Electrical Code; however, installations must.comply with local codes. Mechanical Specifications NATURAL GAS MODELS—Central heat- BURNERS — Multi=port, in -shot burners Ing furnace designs are certified by the will give years of quiet and efficientservice: American Gas Association for both natu- All models can be converted to. L.P. gas ral and L.P. gas., Limit setting and rating data were established and approved un- der standard rating conditions using Ameri- can National Standards Institute standards. SAFE OPERATION — The Integrated System Control .has solid state devices, which continuously monitor for presence of:flame, when the systems in the heating. mode of operation. Dualsolenoid combi- nation ,gas valve and regulator provide extra safety. QUICK HEATING— Durable, cycle tested, heavy gauge aluminized steel heat ex- changer quickly transfers heat to provide warm conditioned air to the structure. Low energy power vent blower, to increase efficiency and provide a'positive discharge of gasfumes to the outside, allows com- mon venting with hot water heater. Technical' Literature - Printed in U.S.A. American Standard Inc. The Trane Company 6200 Troup Highway Tyler, TX375707 without changing burners. INTEGRATED SYSTEM CONTROIL= Ex- clusivelydesigned operational program pro= vides total control of furnace, limit sensors, blowers, gas valve, flame control and iri- cludes'self diagnostics for ease of service. AIR DELIVERY —'The multispeed, direct - drive blower motor, withsufficient airflow range for most heating and cooling re- qui�ements, will switch from heating to cooling speeds on demand from room 'thermostat. Theblower door safety switch will preventorterminate furnace operation when the blower door is removed. (Farn relay and 35VA control transformer is stan- dard). STYLING Heavy gauge steel and ""wraparound" cabinet, construction ,is used in the;cabinet with baked -on enamel finish for strength and beauty. The heat exchanger section of the cabinet is com- pletely'lined with foil -faced fiberglass insu- lation. This results in quiet and efficient operation due to the. excellent acoustical and insulating qualities of fiberglass. FEATURES AND GENERAL OPERA- TION — These High Efficiency Gas Fur- naces employ a Hot Surface Ignition sys- tem, which eliminates'the waste of a con- stantly burning pilot. The integrated sys- tem control.lights the main burners upon a demand for heat from the: room thermo- stat: Complete front service.access. a. Low energy power venter... b. Vent. proving differential switch.. Slnce.the Trane Company has a policy of continuous product improvement, it reserves the,rlght.to change specifications and desIgnmithout notice., Project Name TRANE' Equipment Number Sales Office/Distributor TAG: 7/8'DIA. HOLES ELECTRICAL 13= CONNECTION f 4-1 /16" 3-15/16" 1 4/ " ..8-1/4". 3/4 28-1 3/4" 1 " 3-13%16" Date Upflow / Horizontal Gas Furnace" Fan -Assisted Combustion" TUD10OR948K ��w t� MODEL Dpl � p 0:10 0.20 �� 2-1/16° 0.50 0 0.70 ELECTRICAL 0.90 TUD10OR948K CONNECTION (ALTERNATE) �'� 40" 1799 1740 3-314" 1595 ` 1381 1-12" DIA. 3 - MED. -HIGH - Blue K.O.,GAS 1635 lsj CONNECTION 2-,1/1.6" I 1°424 (ALTERNATE) I 1157 2 - MED. -LOW - Yellow 2 -1/4" 1421 2-1'/8" \ 1-5-5/16" 1-ur DIA. HOLE GAS`. CONNECTION FURNACE AIRFLOW (CFM) VS. EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN. W.C.) MODEL SPEED TAP 0:10 0.20 .0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 TUD10OR948K 4 - HIGH - Black 1880 1846 1799 1740 1669 1595 1489 1381 1260 3 - MED. -HIGH - Blue 1662 1635 1598 1.551 1493 1°424 1345 1256 1157 2 - MED. -LOW - Yellow 1428 1421 1402 1,370 1326 1269 1199 1117 1022 1 -LOW - Red 1208 1215 1210 11.93' 1164 112,4 1'073 1009 935 ®American Standard Inc. 2062 CFM VS. TEMPERATURE RISE CFM CUBIC FEET PER, MINUTE) MODEL 1100 1.200 1 1300. 1400 1500 1600 1,700 1800 1900 2000 'TUD10OR948K 67 62 1 57 53 49 1 46 44 41 39 37 ®American Standard Inc. 2062 General Data o TYPE Upflow / Horizontal RATINGS ;2 1 stStage Input BTUH 65;000 1st Stage Capacity BTUH,(ICS) 3 52,000 2nd Stage Input BTUH 100,000 2nd Stage'Capacity BTUH (ICS) 3 79;000 Temp. rise (Min -Max.) °F: 35-65 BLOWER'DRIVE DIRECT Diameter -Width (In.) 10x& No. Used 1 Speeds (No.) 4 CFMvs..in. w.g. See Fan Performance Motor HP 12 R:P.M. 1075` VoIWPh/Hz. 115/1/60 COMBUSTION.FAN - Type Centrifugal Drive - No. Speeds Direct -.2 Motor HP - RPM' 1/50-3000 Volts/Ph/Hz 115/1'/60 F:L. Amps 0.93 FILTER— Furnished? Yes; Type Recommended High Velocity HI Vel. (No:-Size-Thk.).Shipped 1 - 20x25 -1 in. VENT COLLAR — Size (in.) 4 Round EAT EXCHANGER Type -Fired AIUm; Steel -Unfired Gauge (Fired) 20 ORIFICES — Main Nat.Gas. Oty. — Drill Size 5-45 L;P. Gas ]ty. — Drill Size 5-56 GAS VALVE Redundant - TwwSta e PILOT SAFETY.DEVICE Te Hot Surface Ignition R S — Type Multiport Inshot Number POWER CONN. — V/Ph/Hz + 115/1/60 Ampacity (In Amps) 12.0 Max. Overourrerit Protection (amps) t5 PIPE.CONN. SIZE (IN.) 1/2 DIMENSIONS H x W x D Crated (In.) 41-3/4x 23:x'30-1/2 Unrated (In:) 40 x 21 x28 WEIGHT Shipping:(Lbs.) /Not (Lbs) 162/151 O: Central.Fumace heating designs are certified, by the American Gas Association lnc.'Caboratorles.. O Ratings shown arefor elevations up 16'2000 feet. For,elevations`above2000 feet,'Ratings should be reduced at the ratwof 456;for each 1006,,feetabove sea level. O. Based on U.& Government Standard Tests. O The: above' wiring.specifications are, in accordance with National Electrical Code; however, Installations must oomply with local codes. Mechanical Specifications NATURAL GAS MODELS—Central heat- Ing furnace designs are, certified by 'the American Gas Association for both natu- ral and L.P. ,gas Limit setting,and' rating data were established and approved un- derstandard rating conditions using Ameri- can National Standards Institute standards: SAFE OPERATION — The Integrated System Control has solid state .devices, which continuously monitor for presence of flame, when the system is in the, heating mode ofoperation. Dual solenoid combi- nation gas valve and regulator provide extra safety. QUICK HEATING—Durable, cyclatested, heavy gauge aluminized steel heat ex- changer quickly transfers heat to provide Warm conditioned airto the structure: Low energy power, vent blower, to increase efficiency and provide a positive"discharge of gas' fumes to the outside; allows com- mon venting with hot water heater. Technical Literature - Printed in U.S.A. American Standard Inc. The Trane Company 6200 Troup Highway Tyler, TX 75707 RURN.E.RS — Multi -port, in -shot burners will give years of quiet and'efficient service. All models can be converted to. L.P. gas without changing burners INTEGRATED SYSTEM CONTROL—Ex clusivelydesigned operational program pro- vides total control of furnace limit sensors; blowers, gas valve, flame control 'and in- cludes self diagnostics'for easy of'serviice. AIR DELIVERY — The multispeed, direct drive blower motor, with sufficient airflow range for most heating and cooling re- quirements, will switch from heating to cooling .speeds on demand from room thermostat. The blower -door safety switch Will prevent or terminate furnace operation when .the blower door is removed. (Fan relay and 35VA control'transformer is stan- dard). STYLING — Heavy gauge steel and "wraparound"- cabinet construction is used`in the cabinet with baked -on enamel finish for strength and beauty. The heat exchanger section of thecabinet is com- pletely lined with foil -faced fiberglass insu- lation. This results in quiet and efficient operation. dueto the excellent acoustical. and insulating qualities,of fiberglass. FEATURES AND GENERAL OPERA- TION These. High Efficiency Gas. Fur- naces employ a Hot Surface Ignition sys- tem, which eliminates the waste of a con- stantly burning pilot. The integrated sys- tem control lights the, main burners upon a demand for heatfrom the room thermo- stat. Complete front service access. a. Low energy power venter.. b. Vent proving differential switch. Since the Trane Company has a policy of continuous product Improvement, It reserves the right to change speclflcations and design'wiftut notice. 1 0 TRWWA Project Name Equipment Number Sales Office/Distributor Date 16-1/4°�IJ \ 5/8" 1 -5 8° 28- 8" 5/8u 1/2" 7/8' DIA. HOLES I / NCT�95/8"CONO G 3/4" 3-15/16" 0 3/4" 2-1/16" r ' I 28-i ` I .1 3-13/16" 2-1/8" Upf low / Horizontal Gas Furnace" Fan -Assisted Combustion' TUD08OR936K 4"DIAMETER FLUE:CONNECT /1 6" 7/8' DIA. K.O. ELECTRICAL CONNECTION 40" (ALTERNATE) 5-5/16" 1-1/2' DIA. HOLE GAS'CONNECTION, 10 .FURNACE AIRFLOW (CFM) VS. EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN. W.'C.) MODEL SPEED`TAP 0.10 0.20 0:30 0:40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 .0.90 TUD08OR936K 4 - HIGH - Black 1392 1384 1364 1335 1296 1247 11.89 1120 1042 3 - MED. -HIGH - Blue 1210 1209 1198 1177 1147 1107 1058 999 930 2 - MED. -LOW - Yellow, 1046 1052 1047 1033 1008 973 928 873 808 1 - LOW - Red 1 900 1 903 1 895 1 888 1 869 1 842 1 808 766 1 717 CFM VS. TEMPERATURE RISE MODEL CFM (CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE) 1000 1 1100 1200 1300 1400 TUD080R9WK 59 1 54 49 46 42 ® American Standard Inc. 2002 General Data o TYPE Upflow / Horizontal RATINGS 2 1 st Stage, Input BTUH 52;000 1st Stage CapacityBTUH (ICS) 3 411600 2nd Stage Input BTUH 801000 2nd StageCapaaty BTUH (I.CS) 3 63,000 Temp. rise (Min. -Max.) "F. 30-60 BLOWER,DRIVE DIRECT DiametecWidth (In.} 10x-7 No. Used 1 Speeds (No.) 4 CFM vs.'in. w.g. See Fan Performance Motor HP 1/3 R.P.M. 1075 Volts/Ph/Hz 1,1511/60 COMBUSTION FAN - Type Centrifugal Drive -.No; Speeds Direct- 2 Motor HP- RPM 1/50-3000 Volts/Ph/Hz 115/1/60 F.L. Amps 1.0 FILTER— Furnished? Yes Type Recommended High Velocity Hi Vel.:(No:-Size-Thk:) Shipped 1 -17x25'-11n. VENT COLLAR —Size (in.) 4 Round MEAT EX HANGER Type -Fred Alum. Steel -Unfired Gauge (Fired) 20 ORIFICES— Main Nat.Gas. Qty. — Drill Size 4-45 L.P. Gas Qty. — Drill Size 4-96 GAS VALVE . Redundant - Two Sta e PILOT SAFETY'DEVICE De Hot'Surface I nition BURNERS. — Type Multiport Inshot Number 4 POWER CONN.— V/Ph/Hz 4 115/1/60 Ampacity`(In Amps) 10.4 Max. Overcurrent.Protection (amps) 15' PIPE CONN. SIZE (IN.) 1/2 DIMENSIONS H x W x:D Crated (Im) 41-3/4 x 19=1%2 x 30-1/2 Uncrated (In.) 40 x 17=1/2 x 26" WEIGHT Shipping'(Lbs.) / Net.(Lbs) 142/132 O Central Furnace heating designs are certltfed by the American Gas Association Inc. Laboratories. ® Ratings shown are for,elevations up to 2000 feet. For elevations above 2000 feet;:Ratings should be reduced at the rate of 40/6 for each 1000 feet above sea level. O Based on U.S. Govemment:Standard Tests. ©"The above wiring specifications are'in:acoordance with National Electrical Code; however,instailations mustoomplywith! locatcodes. Mechan,ical Specifications NATURAL GAS MODELS—Central heat - Ing furnace designs are certified by the American Gas Association for both natu- ral and L.P. gas. Limit setting and rating data were established. and approved un- derstandard rating conditions"using Ameri- can National Standards Institute.standards.. SAFE OPERATION — The Integrated System Control has solid state devices, which continuously monitor for presence of flame,:when the system is in,the heating mode of operation. DuaGsolenoid combi- nation gas valve and regulator provide extra safety. OUICK HEATING— Durable, cycie'tested, heavy gauge aluminized steel heat ex- changer quickly transfers.heat to provide warm conditioned air to the structure. Low energy power'vent blower, to increase efficiency and provide a positive discharge of gas fumes to the outside, allows com- mon venting'with hot water heater. Technical Literature - Printed in U.S.A. American Standard Inc. The Trane Company 6200 Troup Highway Tyler, TX 75707 BURNERS Multi -pot, in -shot burners will give years of quiet and ,efficient service.. All 'models can be converted to L.P. gas without changing burners. INTEGRATED SYSTEM CONTROL— Ex= clusivelydesignedoperational program pro- videstotal control of furnace limit sensors, blowers;gas valve, flame control and in- cludes self: diagnostics for ease otservice AIR DELIVERY—The muitispeed, direct - drive blower motor; with .sufficlent .airflow range for most heating and cooling re- quirements, will switch from heating to cooling speeds on demand from room thermostat. The: blower door safety switch will prevent or terminate.furnace operation when the: blower door is removed. (Fan relay and 35VA control transformer. is Stan- dard):. STYLING — Heavy ,gauge steel and "wraparound"' cabinet construction is used in the cabinet with baked -on enamel finish for:strength and beauty: The. heat exchanger section of the cabinet is com- pletely lined with foil -faced fiberglass insu- lation., This results in quiet and efficient operation due to the excellent acoustical and insulating qualities of fiberglass. FEATURES AND GENERAL OPERA- TION — These High, Efficiency Gas Fur- naces employ s Hot Surface Ignition sys- tem, which eliminates the waste of a con- stantly burning pilot. The integrated sys- tem control.lights the main burners upon a demand for heat from the room thermo- stat. Complete front service access. A. Low energy power venter:. b. Vent proving differential switch. Since,the Trane Companyhas a•policy of continuous productimprovement,+lt reserves the rlght.to change specifications and deslgn'.without notice. Project Name. rAME' Equipment Number Sales,0ffice/Distributor TAG: NOTE: All dimensions are in mm/Inches. ELECTRICAL AND REFRIGERANT COMPONENT CLEARANCES PER'PIIEVAILI N6 CODES', LIQUID L VALVE, T BRAZE WITH I1H PRESSURE TAI UNIT SHOULD 81 ' P"C[D. SO ROOF RUN-OFF JAIER DOES NOT POOR DIRECTLY ON UNIT'. -AND 'SHOULD'BC Al LEAST 305 112'1 ERONIVALL AND ALL ,SURROUNDI46:SHOUBBERT ON TWO SIDES. _07HER'TWO SIDES UNNESTRVED. MODELS, I BASEJ A B I C I D E J F, G I H J 4TTX4036A 1 3 1 1118 "297 3l4 143 82 210? Z9 (44) (323/8) (2&36A) (5-5/8) (3'-5/8) (81/4) (&118) From Dwg.'21D152635.Rev. ; 0-2002 American Standard Ind. All Rights Reserved 4TTX4036-S U B-1.00.00 3 Ton Split System Cooling —1 Phase 4TTX4036A Outdoor Unit z 4TTX4036A1000A General Data SOUND RATING (DECIBELS) ® OO 74/72 POWER CONNS.—.V/PH/HZ OO 208/230/1/60 MIN. BRCH. CIR.. AMPACITY 21 BR; CIR. ll MAX. (AMPS) 35 PROT. RTG. J MIN. (AMPS) 30 COMPRESSOR CLIMATUFP° - SCROLL NO: USED-- NO. SPEEDS 1 -1 VOLTS/PH/HZ 208/230/1/60 R.L. AMPS O - LR. AMPS 15.4-83 FACTORY INSTALLED START COMPONENTS O NO INSULATION/SOUND BLANKET YES COMPRESSOR, HEAT NO OUTDOOR- F.A.N. — TYPE PROPELLER DIA. (IN)-_N..SED 23 - 1 TYPE DRIVE - NO. SPEEDS DIRECT - 2 CFM 0 0.0 IN. W.G. (D 3100 NO. MOTORS - HP. 1 1/6 MOTOR SPEED kP.M. 825 VOLTS/PH/HZ 200A230/1/60 F.L. AMPS 1.4 OUTDOOWCOIL —TYPE SPINE FINTM ROWS F.P.I. 1-24 FACE.AREA,(SQ. FT.) 2120 TUBE SIZE (IN;) 5/16 REFRIGERANT R -410A (O.D. UNIT) NP CHRG. © 5/11-LB/OZ FACTORY SUPPLIED YES LINE SIZE - IN. O.D. GAS © 3/4 LINE SIZE - IN. O.D. LIQ. © 3/8 FCCV RESTRICTOR ORIFICE SIZE 0.065 DIMENSIONS H X W X D OUTDOOR. UNIT CRATED (IN.) 48:3 X 30:.1 X 33:8 UNCRATED SEE OUTLINE DWG. WEIGHT SHIPPING (LBS.) 255 NET (LBS.) 21 g' NorEs: OO CERTIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ;UNITARY'AIR-CONDITIONER EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATION PROGRAM WHICH IS BASED ON A.R.J. STANDARD 210/240. © RATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.&I. STANDARD 270. OO CALCULATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. ONLY USE HACR CIRCUIT BREAKERS OR FUSES. O STANDARD AIR DRY COIL- OUTDOOR OO THI&VALUE APPROXJ%1T :FOR MORE PRECISE VALUE SEE UNIT_' NAMEPLATE AND:SERVICE INSTRUCTION. OO ,MAX LINEAR LENGTH: 80 FT WITH, RECIPROCATING COMPRESSOR - 60 FT WITH SCROLL. MAX. LIFT -SUCTION, 60 FT. MAX,LIFT- LIQUID 60 FT. FOR GREATER LENGTH REFER TO REFRIGERANT PIPING SOFTWARE PUB.LNO.32-3312-01, OO THE VALUE SHOWN FOR COMPRESSOR 'RLAONTHE UNIT NAMEPLATE ANOON THIS'SPECIFICATION SHEET IS USED TO'COMPUTE MINIMUM BRANCH:CIRCUIT AMPACITY'AND MAXIMUM FUSE SIZE. THE•VALUE SHOWN IS THE BRANCH CIRCUIT SELECTION CURRENT. O NO MEANS'NO START COMPONENTSYES;,MEANS QUICK, START KIT COMPONENTS PTO MEANS POSITIVE TEMPERATURE, COEFFICIENT STARTER. OO RATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.R.I. STANDARD 270/SECTION 5.3.6: 4TYX4036A With Cooling Coils TXH033A4 T70J047M EXPNNS INI TYPE CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 BTUH (T=Q RXCM33 R)COM 81000375] • RX0054S3 TXA030C4 7XA031C4 TXPAW EXPpNSIDNTYPE TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB CHG'TO 65 CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 RATOIIGS (C00L0 q O BTUH (TOTAL). 35200 36400, 36400 36800 34600 35000 !34600 BTUH (SENSIBLE) 26100 21700 27700 29000 25300 25700 25300 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CFM) 1110 1200 1200 1350 1100 1100 1160 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 3.20 3.26 3.26 3.32 3.22 324 .3.22 EER /'SEER (BTUIWA T -HR.) 11:00113.00 11.15113.25 11:15/1325 11.10/13.00 1005112:00 10.80112.00 10.75112.00 iXA006C4 iXA037C4 iXA042C4 TXA043C4 iXA04eG TXA049C4 TXAWA EXPANSION TYPE CHG TO,,65 CHGJO 65 CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 CHG TO.65 CHG'TO'65 RAnvu (COOLNG) O' BTUH (T01AL) 35600 35600 36000 36400 37000 37000 31000 BTUH (SENSIBLE) 27000 27000 27300 28800 29300 29300 29300 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CFM) 1200 1200 1206 1350 1350 1350 1350 SYSTEM POWER (KW), 3.30 3:30 3.30 3:39 3.41 3.41, 3.41 EER3,SEER (BTUIWATFHR.). 10.80112:00 10.80112.00 _ . 10.96112.00 '10.15/12.00 10.85112.00 10:8511200 10.85112.01) TXC030C4 TXC0390!t TXC031C4 TXC03104 TXC035C4 TXe{ TXC039C4 EXPNTYPE CHG T0,65 CHG'TO 65 CHG TO 65 CHG'TO 65 CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 CHG,T6`65 RAnm (CODLOIq O BTUH (TOTAL) 34600 34600, 35000 35000 34606 34600 35600 BTUH (SENSIBLE), 25300 25300 25700 25700 25300 25300 27000 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CFM) 1100 9100 1100 1100 1100 1.100 1200 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 3.22_ 3:22 3;24 3;24 3.22 3.22, 3:30 EER I SEER (BTUANIUFHR.) _ 10.75112:00 10.75112.00 10.80112.00 10.80112.00 10.7511200 10.75112:00 10.80112.00 TXH033A4 T70J047M EXPNNS INI TYPE CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 BTUH (T=Q TXCWBD4 T7 MWA TXC042C4 TXCOM TX0049C4: TXC049C4 TXOD50C4 UFNISIONTM CHG TO'65 CHG TO 65 GH= 65 CHG. TO 65 CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 RA1WMfOOLNG) 0 BTUH (TOTAL) 35600 35600 36000 36400 37000 37000 37000 BTUH (SENSIBLE)_., 27000 27000 27300 28800 29360 29300 29300 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CFM) 1200 1200 1200 1350 1356 1350 1350 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 3.30 3.30 3:30 3:39 3.41 3.41 3:41 EERJ SEER,(BTUiWATTHR:) 10.801.12.00 10.BW2.00' 10;90/12.00 10.75112:00 10:85112.00 10.85112.00 10.851.12:00 TXH033A4 T70J047M EXPNNS INI TYPE CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 BTUH (T=Q 35400 37000 BTUH (SENSIBLE) 26500 29600 INDOOR AIRFLOW -(CFM) 1125 1350 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 326 3.41 EER 1 SEER (BTLIM& HR.) 10.85112:25 10.85112:00 4TTX40-36A With Air Handlers 'RAiM (COOLDWO Notes.- O'Certif(ed in accordance with A.R.I. Standard 210/240. 4TTX4036-SUB-100.00 4iEE3F31A 4iEESMA 4TEE3F40A 4TEEIF49A 4iFP3F30A 4TEP3FUR 4TEP3F42A EXPNNSIONTYPE TXV:NB TXV-NB TXV-NB' TXV-NB' TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB 'RAiM (COOLDWO BTUH (FOTAL) 35400 35800 37800 38000 34200 35200 36600 BTUH (SENSIBLE) 27200 27100 29100 29100 24000' 26700 29200 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CFM) 1226 1160 1200 1200 940 1200 1350 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 3.19 3.08 3.09 3.05 3.08 3.23 3.33 EER'hSEER (BTUIWMTHR.) 11.10113.00 11.70114.00 12.25114.50 1145/14:15 11.10/13.00 10.9011235 11.00113:00 Notes.- O'Certif(ed in accordance with A.R.I. Standard 210/240. 4TTX4036-SUB-100.00 4TEP3F49A TVF8=14 TVF036A14 TWE010C14 TWE006C14 7WE042C14 TWE5=4 EXPANSION TYPE TXV-NB CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 CHG TO`65 CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 RAT M (COOLBIq O BTUH (TOTAL) 37000 35600 36400 33400 35200 36400 36600 BTUH (SENSIBLE) 29500 '26800 296W 23400 27200 29300 29600 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CFM) 1350 1,125 1200 945 1200 1350 1350 SYSTEM POWER (KM 3.26 3.30 3.35 3.08 3:26 3.39 3.44 EER /,SEER (BTU/WATFHR3 11.3511325 10.80/12.25 10.8511225 10.85112.25 10.80112.25 10.75112.00 10.70!1100 Notes.- O'Certif(ed in accordance with A.R.I. Standard 210/240. 4TTX4036-SUB-100.00 With Furnaces & Coils EXFMINSIDNTYPE CHG TO'65 CHG TO 65 TXV-NB TXV-NB CHG T0.65 CHG'TO 65 TXV-NB RAUOGS 9000 IS) O +RXCOM +T1O1033A4 +TXH041A4 tRXC031S3 +RXCOM +TXHNW +TXH041M BTUH (TOTAL) 36000 37000 35800 36600 35800 .36800 35600 BTUH (SENSIBLE)., 27700 28400 27460 27900 26900 27700 26600 _ INDOOR AIRFLOW'.(CFM) 1200. 1200 1200 1,200 1125 1140 1120 SYSTEM POWER,(KW) 3:19 3.19 3.17 3.16, 3:13 3:15 3:11 EER [SEER (BTUIWArTHR.) 11.30113.00 11.60113.25 11.30113.25 _ 11.60113.75 11.45113.00 11.70113:50 11.45/13.50 SYSTEM„POWER'(KW) 3.09 3:]6 3.18 3:14 3.13 3.08 3:11 EER4l SEER_(BTUIWA7THR.) 7DDOIMVII TDD100RIV5 TDIVIM V5 TDD101112M TUMIRIV3 TDU06o M TD1060RIV3 eernrc avrni lw, n, +RXC03153 +,TXH033A4 +TXH041A4 +RXC03753 +T)00133A4 +TXH041A4 +RXC031S3 EXFANSIONTYPE TXV-NB CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 TXV-NB CHG TO 66 CHG,M65 TXUN8 RADI65 (COOl14q O BTUH (TOTAL) 36600 35800 .37200 .37000 35600 36400 35600 BTUH (SENSIBLE) 27300 27000 28600 28100 26400 26800 26300 INDOOR. AIRFLOW (CFM) 1130 1130 1200 1180 1080 1070 1090 SYSTEM POWER,(KW) 3.10 3.13. 3:11 3.05 3.11 '3.11 3:11 EER.! SEER (BTU/W&MR.) 11.80114.00 11.45113:25 11.95114.00 12.15114.50 11:45111.00 11.7011150 11.45113.50 TUDOMM TUDOlORW3" TUDIOORWS TUD100RW5; TUD1001190 TUYO60RIV3 1UYOIDRYV3 +RXCOIIS3 +RXC03SS3 +TXN033A4 +TXH041A4 +RXC037S3 +TXH03IA4 +TXH041A4 EVANSIONTYPE TXV-NB TXVNB CHG TO 65 CKTO 65 TXUNB CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 RIPM MU11iq U TUMN0113 TDITIBOIiJ113 TDIfOl0NV3 10181111151111101 7DU0811R9Vi TDYIOOR9V4 TOnOORIV4 BTUH (TOTAL} +RXCOM +T1O1033A4 +TXH041A4 tRXC031S3 +RXCOM +TXHNW +TXH041M SWAM ION TYPE TXV--NB CHG TO 65: CHG TO 65, TXV-NB ._ _ TXV-NB CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 RIQM (CODU1q O 1200 1200 1200 1200 1110 1070 1025 BTUH (TOTAL) 36200 35400 36400 3$200 36000 35400; 36400 BTUH (SENSIBLE) 26600 26400 27000, 25600 26100 26000 26600 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CFM) 1085 1100 1100 1050 1050 1050 1050 SYSTEM„POWER'(KW) 3.09 3:]6 3.18 3:14 3.13 3.08 3:11 EER4l SEER_(BTUIWA7THR.) 11.70114:00 11.20113:00 11.45[13.00 '11.20113.00 11.5011150 11.5011125 1130/13.50 eernrc avrni lw, n, TUDOMM TUDOlORW3" TUDIOORWS TUD100RW5; TUD1001190 TUYO60RIV3 1UYOIDRYV3 +RXCOIIS3 +RXC03SS3 +TXN033A4 +TXH041A4 +RXC037S3 +TXH03IA4 +TXH041A4 EVANSIONTYPE TXV-NB TXVNB CHG TO 65 CKTO 65 TXUNB CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 RIPM MU11iq U TUn0MV4 TUDOBORi113 TUDOBORIV3 TUDOIORM TUD080RIII3 TUDOMV3 TWNOROV3 BTUH (TOTAL} +RXC03TS3 +TXHUTA4 +TXH041A4 AMU& ' +RXC038S3 +TXH033A4 +TXH041A4 EXPANSION TYPE TXV NB CHG TO 65. CHG TO 65 T&N9 TXIFNB CHG'TO65 CHG TO 65 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CF4 1200 1200 1200 1200 1110 1070 1025 BTUH (TOTAL) 36200 36000 37000 35800 36600 36000 36800: BTUH (SENSIBLE) 26300 28100 28800 27400 27900 27700 28200 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CFM), 1050 1250 '1250 1200 1200 1200 1200 SYSTEM,POWER'(KW) 307 3.27 3:27 3.20 3.20 3:20 3:20 EER / SEER (BTUANArTHR.) 11.801140 11.001.12:50 11.30113.00 11301.13.00 11.4511150 11.25113.00 11.50113.25 TUDOMM TUDOlORW3" TUDIOORWS TUD100RW5; TUD1001190 TUYO60RIV3 1UYOIDRYV3 +RXCOIIS3 +RXC03SS3 +TXN033A4 +TXH041A4 +RXC037S3 +TXH03IA4 +TXH041A4 EVANSIONTYPE TXV-NB TXVNB CHG TO 65 CKTO 65 TXUNB CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 RIPM MU11iq U 35400 36200 35200 36200 4,400 36200" 35600 BTUH (TOTAL} 35800 36600 =36200 37200 37200 35400 36200: BTUH (SENSIBLE), 27460. 27900 27900 28600 .27600 26100 26300 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CF4 1200 1200 1200 1200 1110 1070 1025 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 3:20 3.21 3:12 3.14 3.14 3:12 3.07 EERI SEER°(BTUIWATFHR.) 11.20113.00 11.40113.25 11.60113.50 11.85113.75 11.85114.00 11.35113.00 11:80113.50 TUVOIORIV3 TUYOIO M TUYOI0RIV3 TUMIRIVII TU1fOlORY113 7UYOIORIV3 TUV100 04 +RXC071S3 +RXCOM +TXH03lA1 4X41f IA1 +BXCOIIS3 +fRXC0mb +T1OI033A4 EVANSION TYPE. TXV-NB TXIFNB :CHG TO 65 CHG TO 65 TXV-NB TXIFNB CHG TO 65 BTUH (1101AL) 35400 36200 35200 36200 4,400 36200" 35600 BTUH_(SENSIBLE) 25800 26300 254008301)" =R 1 SEER'(BTUIWATFHR.) 25700 26200 26200 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CFM) 1050 1050 1000 1025 1040 1040 1050 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 3.11 3.09 3:06 3.01 3.08' 3:08 3:07 EER l SEER (BTUIWAITHR.) 11.40113.50 11.70/14.00 11.50113.25 11.80113.50 11.50113:50 1.1.75114.00 11.6011150 TUY100ROV4 TUY100RIV4 +7XH IA4 +RXC03753 EUANSIONTYPE CHG TO 65 TXV-NB eernrc avrni lw, n, BTUH (TOTAL) 36400 36400 BTUH (SENSIBLE) 26660 26600 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CFM) 1650 1060 SYSTEM POWER, (KW) 3.07 3:01 =R 1 SEER'(BTUIWATFHR.) 11:85113.75 12.10114.. 4TTX4036-SUB-100.00 Notes: D Certified in accordance with A.R.I. Standard'2101240. 3 Mechanical Specification Options General The 4TTX4 shall.be fully charged from the factory for matched, indoor section and up to 1;5'feet of piping. This unit must be designed to operate at outdoor ambient temperaturesas high;as 1.15°F. Cooling capacities shall be matched with a wide selection of'air'handlers and furnace coifs that -are A.R.I. certified. The, unit -shall be UL.listed. Exterior must be designed for outdoorepplication. Casing Unit casing is 'constructed of heavy gauge„ galvanized,steel and,painted with a weather -resistant powder paint. Corrosion and weatherproof'CMBP-G30 DuratutlTm Base. Refrigerant; Controls Refrigeration system controls include condenser fan and compressor contactor. High and low pressure?controls are. inherent to the compressor. Another standard'feature is the liquid'fine dryer. Compressor The Climatuf * compressor features internAt overtemperature and pressure protector, total dipped hermetic motor And. thermostatically controlled sump heater. Otherfeatures include: roto lock suction and discharge refrigeration connections,, centrifugal oil pump„ and low vibration and noise. The Climatuff® compressor is:standard with a 10 year limited warranty. c U L us cm 7RAM"' Condenser Coil` The Spine FnTm coil shall be: continuously wrapped, corrosion resistant all alumi- num with minimum brazed joints. This. coil is 5/16 inch O.D. seamless aluminum glued to a continuous aluminum fin. Coils are lab :tested to'withstand 2,000 pounds of pressure per.square inch. The outdoor ooil,provides tow airflow resistance and efficient heat transfer. The coil :is pro- tected on all four sides by louvered panelsi and has a 10 year limited warranty. Low Ambient Cooling As manufactured, this unit,has.a cooling capability to 55°F Thwaddition of an evaporator defrost control permits operation to 40°F. The�adc ition of an evaporator'defrost control with TXV permits low ambient cooling to 30°F Accessories Thermostats — Heating/Cooling (manual and Automatic;changeover). Sub -base to match thermostat and locliing thermostat cover. Evaporator Defrost'Control — See Low Ambient Cooling. Outdoor Thermostat — Supplemental heat -outdoor ambienttockout from 46, to -1 &F Thm Abusiness of American Standard CoaWntes Trane has a polky of continuous product and product data knprotisment and R. reserves the right to change wwwft"," design,and specifcatiorns without notice: TAG: NOTE:.,AII dimensions are in m, mAnches. SERVICE PANEL ELECTRICAL ,AND REFRIGERANT COMPONENT -CLEARANCES PER PREVAILING CODES. LIOUID LI VALVE. Y 1 ORA11 *LTH H1A' PRESSURE TAP Project Name Date Equipment Number 4TTX404.8-'S U B-10.0.00 -Sales Office/Distributor MODELS BASE A 'B I C D E F G H J 4TTX4048A 4 1267 948 1 870 7/8 318 152 98, 219 86 (49=7/8) (37-1/4) (34-1/4) (6) (3-7/8) (85/8) (3.3/8) From D". 21D152635 R6v.3 4 Ton Split System Cooling —1 Phase 4TTX4048A Outdoor Unit „ 2 4TTX4048A1000A General Data SOUND RATING (DECIBELS) OO OO 78/75 POWER CONNS. — V/PH/HZ O 208/230/1/60 MIN. BRICK CIR. AMPACITY 27 BR. CIR, ll MAX. (AMPS) 45 PROT RTG. I MIN. (AMPS) 40 COMPRESSOR CLIMATUFF° - SCROLL NO. USED - NO: SPEEDS 1 -1 VOLTS/PHr 208/230/1/60. R.L., AMPS O - L.R..AMPS 20.5-109 FACTORY INSTALLED START COMPONENTS ON NO INSULATION/SOUND' BLANKET YES COMPRESSOR, HEAT NO OUTDOOR FAN — TYPE PROPELLER DIA. (%) - NO. USED 27.6 - 1 _ TYPE DRIVE - NO. SPEEDS DIRECT - 2 CFM ® 0.0 IN. W.G..0 4400 NO. MOTORS - HP. 1 -11/6 MOTOR SPEED R.P.M. 825 VOLTS/PH/HZ 200/230/1/60 F.L.;AMPS 1.4 OUTDOOR COIL.—TYPE SPINE 'FINTM ROWS-- F.P.I. 1 -N FACELAREA (SQ. FT.) 27.81 TUBE SIZE (IN.) 511'6 REFRIGERANT R-41 OA (0 D. UNIT) NP CHRG. © 7/15-LBIOZ FACTORY SUPPLIED YES ONE SIZE -,IN. O.D. GAS@ 7/8 LINE ,SIZE - IN. O.D. LIQ. © 3/8 RESTRICTOR ORIFICE SIZE. 0.075 DIMENSIONS H X W .X D OUTDOOR. UNIT CRATED (IN.) 54 X 35.1 .X 38.7 UNCRATED SEE OUTLINE DWG: SHIPPING (LBS:) 310 NET ,(LBS:) 262 NOTES: O CERTIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE'WNITARY AIR -CONDITIONER: EQUIPMENTCERTIFICATION PROGRAM WHICH IS BASED ON A.R.I. STANDARD 2101240. OO RATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.R.I. STANDARD 270. OO CALCULATEDIN ACCORDANCE WITH NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. ONLY USE HACR CIRCUIT BREAKERS OR FUSES. OO STANDARD AIR - DRY COIL! OUTDOOR! OO THIS VALUE APPROXIMATE. FOR MORE PRECISE VALUE SEE UNIT © MAX. LINEAR LENGTH:'80 FT WITH RECIPROCATING COMPRESSOR- 60 FT WITH SCROLL X: MAUFT -SUCTION 60 FT; MAX LIFT,- LIQUID 60 FT.. FOR GREATER LENGTH'REFER TO REFRIGERANT PIPING SOFTWARE PUB. NO. 32-3312-01. © THE.VALUESHOWN FOR COMPRESSOR RLAON THE UNIT NAMEPLATE, AND ON THIS SPECIFICATION SHEET IS:USEDTO COMPUTE MINIMUM C ®L us BRANCH CIRCUIT AMPACITY AND MAXIMUM FUSE SIZE. THE VALUE • SHOWN IS THE BRANCH CIRCUIT SELECTION CURRENT. ON NO MEANS NO START COMPONENTSYES MEANS QUICK!START`,KIT COMPONENTS PTC MEANS POSITIVE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT STARTER. ON RATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.R.I.' STANDARD._2701SECTION 5.3.6+ 0 2002 American Standard'Inc. All Rights Reserved' 4TTX4048A With Cooling Coils TXC010C4 TXC049C4 TXC050C4 TXH041A4 UNDIAM EXPANSION TYPE CHG TO 75 CHG TO 15 CHG TO 75 CHG TO 75 CHG T0.75 BTUH (iOTAI.) 47000 RxAOM. RXA001S3 RXCUM RxCNm RX0001S2 RXCo0M RN;to M EXMNMNTYPE TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB R=W (COOLMM (D 4.35 4.30 4:46 EER I SEER (BTUANATF1-1R:) 11:30112:75 71:15112:50 1115t12.50 111511240 BTUH (TOTAL) 48000 49000 48000 48000 49000 49000 .50000 BTUH (SENSIBLE) 36800 39600 36000 36800 39000 39000 40100 INDOOR AIRFLOW, (CFM) 1700 1800 1600 1760 1860 1800 1800 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 4:23 4.28 4.19 4.23 428 4;2Q 4.27 EER I SEER (BTU1WAfFHR.) 11.35113.50 11145113:50 1145/1150 1135/13150 11.45113.50 11.45173.50 11.70114.00 TXA04204 1XADUr.4 TXA048C4 TXA040C4 TXA050C4 TXC042C4 TWO= EXFl MNTYPE CHG TO 75 CHG T0.75 CHG T0:75 CHG TO 75 ... CHG.TO 75 CHGTO 15 CHG, TO 15 RATWGS'(COOLUM O BTUH (10TAL) 45500 47500 47000 48500 48500 45500 47500 BTUH (SENSIBLE) 31200 35500 33300 36500 36500 31200 35500 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CFM) 1200 1575 1350 1600 1600 1200 1575 SYSTEM POWER _(KM 4.04 4.28 4.16 4.35 4:35 4.04 4.28 EER 1 SEER (BTLIUMTHR:) 11.25112.50 11:10112:50 11 3&(275 11:15112:50 19:15112:50 11:25112.50 11.10112:50 TXC010C4 TXC049C4 TXC050C4 TXH041A4 UNDIAM EXPANSION TYPE CHG TO 75 CHG TO 15 CHG TO 75 CHG TO 75 CHG T0.75 BTUH (iOTAI.) 47000 48500 48500 48000 50000 BTUH..(SENSIBLE) 33300 36500 36500 36300 39600 INDOOR,AIRFLOW (CFM) 1350 1600 1600 1575 1700 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 4:16 4.35 4.35 4.30 4:46 EER I SEER (BTUANATF1-1R:) 11:30112:75 71:15112:50 1115t12.50 111511240 11.20/1150 4TTX4048A With Air Handlers 4.69 4.22 4.19 4:46 aEEV4011 4TEE IFM 4TfP7FaA. 75 'CHG TO 75 BTUH (fO1AL) 50000 50500 47500 48000 50000 47000 48000 BTUH,(SENSIBLE) 37400 38900 35800 36400 39900' 35600 36700 INDOOR. AIRFLOW (CFM) 1500 1640 1575 1600 1800 1575 1600. SYSTEM POWER (KW) 3.98 4.69 4.22 4.19 4:46 4:35 4.34 EER 1 SEER (BTUIWATTHR.) 12;55115.00. . 12:35)1435 1125113.00 11145113:00 17.20113:00 10.8011225 11.05112;50 Notes: O Certified in accordance with A.R.I. Standard 210/240 2 4TTX4048-SUB-100:00 4TTX4048A With Furnaces & Coils TUM40RM' TLIVIWDV4 TUV1MM4 TUV10M4 TUY10 MV4 7UV100RAV4 TUY12WAN +RXCDBSS3 +TXH641M +TXHUW +RXC03733 +RXCO54S3 +RXH00343 +TXH041A4 EXPANSDNTVPE TXV-NB CHG TO 75 CHG TO 75 TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB CHGTO 75 BTUH,(fOTAL) MIMI M +TMMU TDD10W M +T)00) W TDD100RBV5 +RXC037S3 TDD1MV5 +RXC01 M TDD100RBV5, +RIW= TDD120 M +TXH041M TDD1t0 M +TXH661M mwmsIONTYPE CHG TO 75 CHG TO'75 TXV-NB TXV-NB' TXV-NB CHG TO 75 CHG TO 75 RIQ9rUI000UNG)'O TXV-NB CHG TO'75 CHG TO'75 TXV-NB TXV-NB TXIENB CHG TO'75 BTUH (TOTAL) 48500 50000 48500 48500 50000 48500 50000 BTUH (SENSIBLE) 47000 38600 37100 36600 38300 37000 38700 INDOOR:AIRFLOW (CFM) 1600 1600 1620 1620 1600 1600 1606 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 4.20 4.35 4:15 4.15 4:12 4.15 4.27 EER /SEER (BTUAWOTHR.) 11.55113.25 11.50113.25 11.70114.00 11;70/14.00, 12.15114.50 11.7011150 11.70/13.50 TUM40RM' TLIVIWDV4 TUV1MM4 TUV10M4 TUY10 MV4 7UV100RAV4 TUY12WAN +RXCDBSS3 +TXH641M +TXHUW +RXC03733 +RXCO54S3 +RXH00343 +TXH041A4 EXPANSDNTVPE TXV-NB CHG TO 75 CHG TO 75 TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB CHGTO 75 BTUH,(fOTAL) TDDIZO M TDInMV4 TDY100W/1f4 MIXIM TD OMV4 TDY1MV4 TDY120RBV5 BTUH,(SENSIBLE) +R_ XW= +T)m1M +7XW054M. +RXC037Sf +RXC054Ss +RXHOO 3 +TXHMA4 EXFOO NTYPE TXV-NB CHG TO'75 CHG TO'75 TXV-NB TXV-NB TXIENB CHG TO'75 R1004GS (COOLRQ O 4.02 4.17 4.22 4.06 4.064.03 4.00 4118 BTUH (TO1AL) 50500 47500 49000 47500 47500 .49000 47500 BTUH (SENSIBLE) INDOOR AIRFLOW (CFM) 39000 1625 349W 1450 36400 1450 34800 1450 34400 1450 36000 1450 34600 1410 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 47.06 4.19 4.28 4.11 4;11 4.08 4.17 EER / SEER (BTUIWATFHR) 12:45115:00 11.35113:00 11.45113.00 11.55113:75 11.55113.75 12.00114.25 11:55/13.25 EER I SEER (BTU1W/0"THR,) 11.601,13:25 117.60113.25 123511435 12:00/1415 11.65113.50, 11.70113.50 1235/14.75 Tun20Rsys Twnuit/V6 TUD100RBV5 TUD1mVs TUD1own mmo-- RD1f5 TUD100R81T5 +7XH054M +RXHOUS3 +TXH041A4. +TXH054A4 +RXCO37S3 +RXC054S3 +RXHMM EXINS M TYPE CHG TO 75 TXV-NB CHG TO'75 CHG TO 75 TXV-NB TXIENB TXIFNB R=rPsS'000Ot"0 BTUH (1101AL) ,49000 49000 48500 50000 48500 48000 49500 BTUH (SENSIBLE) 36100 35700 37600 39100 37500 36600 37800 INDOOR AIRFLOW'(CFM) 1415 1405 1670 1650 1670 1670 1600 SYSTEM. POWER (KW) 4.22 4,03_ 4.27. 4.39 4:18 4.19. 4.16. EER I SEER .(BTUANATFHR:) 1:1.60113:25 12:15114.50 11'.35113.00 11.40113100 11.60113.75' 1145113:50 11.90114:00 TUM40RM' TLIVIWDV4 TUV1MM4 TUV10M4 TUY10 MV4 7UV100RAV4 TUY12WAN +RXCDBSS3 +TXH641M +TXHUW +RXC03733 +RXCO54S3 +RXH00343 +TXH041A4 EXPANSDNTVPE TXV-NB CHG TO 75 CHG TO 75 TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB CHGTO 75 BTUH,(fOTAL) MMMM' TUD1t0 M TUD721101W TW11A M TUD140RM TUD140R.M Tum4mm BTUH,(SENSIBLE) +TXH041A4, +T7HMW +RXNDM +RX0005S3 +TXH041A4 +TXH054M +RXH06353 MWANS1 N WK CHG TO 75 CHG TO.75 TXV-NB T"B CHG TO 75 CHG TO .75 TXV NB Rimmao 6*0191q D 4.02 4.17 4.22 4.06 4.064.03 4.00 4118 BTUH (TOTAL) 485W 50000 50000 49000 48500 50000 50000 BTUH (SENSIBLE) 37300 38900 38500 37600 37000 38700 38300 INDOORAIRFLOW (CFM) 1625 1625 1625 1625 1600 '1600 1600 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 4.18 4.31 4.05 4.08 4.16 4:2T 4.05 EER I SEER (BTU1W/0"THR,) 11.601,13:25 117.60113.25 123511435 12:00/1415 11.65113.50, 11.70113.50 1235/14.75 TUM40RM' TLIVIWDV4 TUV1MM4 TUV10M4 TUY10 MV4 7UV100RAV4 TUY12WAN +RXCDBSS3 +TXH641M +TXHUW +RXC03733 +RXCO54S3 +RXH00343 +TXH041A4 EXPANSDNTVPE TXV-NB CHG TO 75 CHG TO 75 TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB CHGTO 75 BTUH,(fOTAL) 48500 48000 49000 47500 47500, 49000 47500 BTUH,(SENSIBLE) 34500 35100 36300 34600 34300 35800 34600 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CFM) 1315 1425 1430 1430 1430 1425 1400 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 4.02 4.17 4.22 4.06 4.064.03 4.00 4118 EER I SEER (BTUIWATFHRi) 12.05/14.00 11.50113.25 11.'wh3.25 11:7011,4x00 11.70114.00 12:15114.50 11.65113.50 Notes: O Certified in accordance with A.R.I. Standard 210/240. 4TTX4048-SUB-100.00 TUV12van TUY12mm Tuvim V5' +TXHKAM +RXF106353 +RXCOBSS2 EXPANSDNTYPE .CHG TO 75 T)11*6 TXV-NB RAFM (000LWq O BTUH (TO1AL) 49000 49000 48000 BTUH (SENSIBLE) 36200 35600 34900 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CFM) 1425 1400 1400 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 4.17 4.00 1L98 EER I SEER (BTU1 fflTHR.) 1135!13.50 12,251100 12.05114.25 Notes: O Certified in accordance with A.R.I. Standard 210/240. 4TTX4048-SUB-100.00 Mechanical Specification Options General The 4TTX4•shal[ be fullycharged:from the factory for matched indoor section and up to 15 feeVof piping. This unit must be designed'to operate at outdoor ambient temperatures as high as 115°F. Cooling capacities shall be matched with a wide^selection of air handlers and furnace coils'that:are A.R.Lcertified. The unit shall be UL listed. Exterior must be designed for outdoor application. Casing Unit casing is.constructed of heavy gauge, galvanized steel and painted with a weather -resistant powder paint. Corrosion.and weatherproof CMBP-G30 DuratuffTm Base. Refrlgerant Controls Refrigeration.system:controls include condenser fan and compressor°contactor: High and low pressure controls are inherent -to the compressor. Another standard feature is.the,liquid line dryer: Compressor. The ClimatufP compressor features ;internal overtemperature and pressure protector, total dipped hermetic motor and thermostaticallycontroiled :sump heater. Other features include: roto lock suction and discharge refrigeration connections, centrifugal oil pump, and low vibration and noise. The Climatuff* compressor is standard with a 10 year limited warranty Condenser Coil The Spine FinTm-coilshall be Continuously wrapped, corrosion resistant all alumi- num with minimum brazed Joints. This coil is 5/16 inch O.D. seamless aluminum glued to a continuous aluminum fin. Coils are lab tested to withstand 2,000,pounds of pressure per square `inch. The outdoor coil provides low airflow resistance and efficient heat transfer. The coil is pro- tected on all foursides by louvered panels and has,a 10 year limited warranty. Low Ambient Cooling As manufactured, this unit has a cooling capability to 55°F. The, addition of an evaporator defrost: control permits operation -to 40°F. The addition of an evaporator defrost control with TXV permits low:ambient cooling to 30°F. Accessories Thermostats,— Heating/Cooling (manual and.automatic changeoyer). Sub -base to match thermostat and, locking thermostat cover: Evaporator Defrost Control — See Low Ambient Cooling. Outdoor Thermostat — Supplemental heat outdoor ambient lockout :from 46 to –10'F. Thm Abuetneaeof Awn sb rodawcompanin Trane has a pollcyof cont/nuous produd and product data lmpro►ernent end it reserves the right to change wwwftne mn design and specifications without notice.. TAG: NOTE:AII dimensions are in mminches: ELECTRICAL .AND REFRIGERANT COMPONENTCLEARANCE5 PER PREVAILING CODES'. L1000 L VALVE. 'E.' 11117E WITH I/4 PRESSURE FAI Project Name Equipment Number Sales Office/Distributor UNIT ..OULD'BE PUCE0.50 RUN-OFF WATER ;DOES MOT PODURT DIRECTLY ON UNIT. AND 'SROULO.BE AT LEAST 505 112.1 FROM WALL AND ALL SURROUNDING_SNRUBBERT ON. TWO SIDES.. -,OTHER TWO SIDE S-URRES?NICTED. MODELS I BASE1 A B C D I E I F G I H I J 4TTX4060A 1 4 1 1267 90 870 17/813/81 152 98219 86 (49-7/8) (37-1/4) (34-1/4) (6) (3-7/8), (8--") 1 (3-M) From Dwg:21D1S2635 Rev., grim's us 0.2002 American Standard Inc: All Rights Reserved. Date 4T1'X4060-S U B-100.00 5 Ton Split System Cooling —1 Phase 4TTX4060A Outdoor Unit L 2 4TTX4060AI000A General Data SOUND RATING (DECIBELS)® OR 78/78 POWER .CONNS. —,v/pH/Hz O 208/230/1/60 MIN. BRCH. CIR. AMPACITY 39 BR. CIR, l MAX: (AMPS) 60 PROT. RTG. MIN. (AMPS) 60 COMPRESSOR CLIMATUFF° - SCROLL NO. USED - NO: SPEEDS 1 - 1 VOLTS/PH/HZ 208/230/1760 R.L. AMPS 0 - L.R. AMPS 30.1-158 FACTORY INSTALLED START COMPONENTS OW YES INSULATION/SOUND BLANKET YES COMPRESSOR HEAT NO OUTDOOR, FAN — TYPE PROPELLER DIA. (IN:) - NO. USED 27.6-1 TYPE, DRIVE - NO. SPEEDS DIRECT'- 2 CFM @ 0.0 IN. W.G. D 4400 NO. MOTORS - HP. 1 - 1/6 MOTOR SPEED, R.P.M. 825 VOLTS/PH/HZ 200/230/1/60 F-L..AMPS 1.4 OUTDOOR, COIL — TYPE SPINE F1.N rm ROWS- F.P.I. 2-24 FACE .AREA (SQ. FT) 26.32 TUBE SIZE (IN.) 5116 REFRIGERANT R -410A (O.D- UNIT) NP CHRG. © 8/04-LB/OZ FACTORY''SUPPLIED YES LINE SIZE - IN. O:D: GAS © 7/8 LINE SIZE - IN. O.D. LIQ. (D 318 FCCV RESTRICTOR ORIFICE SIZE 0.086 DIMENSIONS H X W X D OUTDOOR UNIT CRATED (IN.) 54 X.35.1 'X 38.7 UNCRATED SEE OUTLINE.DWG. WEIGHT SHIPPING (LBS,) 360 NET (LBS.) 312. NOTES: OO CERTIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH.THE.UNITARY ,AIR -CONDITIONER EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATION' PROGRAM WHICH IS BASED ON. AIR.L STANDARD 210/240. OO RATED,IN ACCORDANCE WRH A'.R.I. STANDARD 270. OO .CALCULATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. ONLY USE HACR CIRCUIT BREAKERS OR FUSES. O STANDARD AIR- DRY COIL -OUTDOOR THIS VALUE APPROXIMATE: FOR MORE PRECISE'VALUE SEE UNIT NAMEPLATE AND;SERVICE INSTRUCTION.. © MAX. LINEAR LENGTH: so FT WITH RECIPROCATING COMPRESSOR = 60 FT WITH SCROLL MAX: UFT'- SUCTION 60 FT; MAX LIFT - LIQUID 60 FT. FOR GREATER LENGTH REFER TO REFRIGERANT PIPING, SOFTWARE PUB. NO. 32-3312-01. OO THE VALUE SHOWN ,FOR -COMPRESSOR RLAONTHEUNITNAMEPLATE ' O NO MEANS NO START COMPONENTSYES MEANS QUICK START'KIT COMPONENTSIPTC MEANS POSITIVE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT STARTER. OO .RATEDilN'A000RDANCE.WITH A:R:I. STANDARD270/SECTION 5.3.6. 4TTX4060A With Cooling Coils MIRUi P"TYPE TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV<NB TXV:NB BTUH (9WS 59500 60500 59500 59500 60500 615W 63500 BTUH 41700 43606 41800 41700 43600 46100 48000 _(SENSIBLE) INDOOR.AIRFLOW (CFM) 1700 1800 1700 1700 1800 `2000 2060 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 5:83 5.87 5.83 5.83 5:67 5.94 6.02 EER I SEER (BTUIWATTHR) 10:2011225 10:3011150 10.20112.25 10:20112.25 10.30112.50 1035112:50 10.55112.75 TXA0421'A TX40M TXA041C4 TXA048C4 TXA050G TXC042C4 TXC04SC4 EVANSWMTYPE CHG'TO 86 CHG TO 86 CHG TO 86 CHG TO 86 CHG:T0:86 CHG TO N CHG TO 86 BTUH (T01AL) ;54500 58500 57000 60000 60000 54500 58500 BTUH,(SENSIBLE) 35200 40300 37700 42000 42000 35200 40300 INDOOR AIRFLOW (CFM) 1200 1575 1350 1675 1675' 1200 1575 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 5:53 5:85. 5.67. 5.94 .5:94 5.53 5.85. EER'i SEER (BTUIWATT-HR.) 9.85/11.25 10.0011 1.50 10.05111:50 10:10111.50 10:10111:50 9.85/11:25 10:00111, 4TTX4060A With Air Handlers Txcmro4l TXCDUC4 TXc050C4 TXH04 U TXH054M DFANSION7WE CHG TO 86 CHG TO 86 CHG TO 86 CHG TO 86 CHG TO 86 RAiUiIIGS (COOO TXV-NB CHG TO 86 CHG TO 86 R== (COGUNG) 0 BTUH (TOTAL) 57000 60000 60000 59500 62500 BTUH, (SENSIBLE) 37700 42000 42000 41300 44700 INDOOR.AIRFLOW (CFM) 1350 1675 1675 1575 1700 SYSTEM POWER, (KW) 5.67 5.94 5.94, 548 6.04 EER 1 SEER (BTUIWATTHR.) 10A5111.50 10.10111.50 10.10!11:50 10.15111.50. 10:35111.75 4TTX4060A With Air Handlers Notes: 0Certified in accordance with XR:I. Standard 210/240 4TTX4060-SUB-100.00 4rUV4U aMFM 4TEM4M 4nM4M 4TEM67A TWEH=4 TWE040C14 EXFPIM M TYPE TXV-NB TXV-NB TXV-NB TXIENB TXV-NB CHG TO 86 CHG TO 86 R== (COGUNG) 0 BTUH (TOTAL) 62500 63000, 58500 60500 63000 58000 60500 BTUH (SENSIBLE), 45400 45700 40500 43600 47,400 40400 43800 INDOOR AIRFLOW(CFM) 1800 1800, 1.575 1800: 2000 1575 1806 SYSTEM POWER (KW) 5.95 6.83 5.79 5':67 6.24 5.89 6.08 EER PSEER (BTU1WIUTHR.) 10.SOM2:50 10.80113.00 10.10112.00 10.30/12.25 10.10112.00 9.8511150 9.95111:50 Notes: 0Certified in accordance with XR:I. Standard 210/240 4TTX4060-SUB-100.00 4TTX4060A With. Furnaces & 'Coils TUMQIM +Rxc�M 59000' 40800 1575. '5:78 Notes: O Certified,in accordance with A:R.I. Standard 210/240. 4TTXOMSUB-100.00 Mechanical Specification Options General The 4TTX4 shall be fully charged from the factory for matched'indoor section and'.'up to 15 feetof piping: This unit;must be designed to operate atoUtdoor ambient temperatures as high as 1'1'5°F. Cooling capacities shall' hall be matchedW, th a wide selection of air handlers and furnace coils that are A.R.I. certified: The unit shall be UL listed. Exterior -must be designed for outdoor application. Casing Unit casing is constructed :of';heavy gauge, galvanized steel and painted, with, a weather -resistant powder paint. Corrosion and weatherproof CMBP-G30 Duratuff m Base. Refrigerant°Controls Refrigeration system controls include oondenser'fanand compressor contactor. High and low pressure contrAl are inherent to the compressor: Another standard feature,' is the liquid line dryer. Compressor„ The Climatuff9 compressor features internal over temperature :and pressure protector; total' dipped hermetic to suction compressor is standard limited warranty OcULus 0 TAWIEII Condenser Coil The Spine F!nTm coil shal(be continuously wrapped, corrosion resistant all alum!- num with minimum brazed joints. This coil is•5/161rIch O.D. seamless aluminum glued to:a continuous aluminum,fin. Coils are lab tested to withstand 2;000 pounds 'of pressure per square inch. `The:outdoor .coil provides low airflow resistance;and efficient heat transfer. The coil is,pro- ;tectedeon all four sides by,louvered panels:and has a-10 year limited warranty. ,Low Ambient.Cooling As manufactured, this unit has,a cooling capability to 550,F. The addition;of an evaporator defrost control permits operation to 40'F,. The addition,,of an evaporator defrost control with TXV permits low ambient cooling to 30°F Accessories Thermostats Heating/Cooling (manual and automatic changeover). Sub -base to match;thermostatand locking thermostat cover. Evaporator Defrost Control— See Low Ambient Cooling. Outdoor Thermostat — Supplemental heat outdoot�arhbient lockout from 4610 –10°F )�- 4&Wnewof AmedcnnStandWd Cornp&nW Trane h -.a policy of continuous productand product data Improvement and: it reserves the right to change WWVA&We com design and spedfications- Without 'notice. Jan 04.06 12:15p The Airconditioning Co RATINGS a PHYSICAL: / ELECTRICAL DATA 760,200 0626 P.1 036-21647-001,Rev: 8 (0605) IAodels Input Output Nominbb al' ' Ca81 a�8 AlrTenlp. (G,L)YOS080Al2D1471 A (2)14,,x;20 MBH MBH &M Widlh 8(2)14'x:20 Rise; •F ( L) 83100 12DN11 8 (GL)Y.8SO40 120H11 40 32 1200 14112 80:0' 20-50 (4L) 8S113C16DN11 C (G,L)Y6S66OAl2DH11 51 8 1200 ! 14 112 80.0 25 55 (G,L) 83060A120H11 60 64 1200 14,112 80.0 3566 (0,L)Y8S080816 11 ,80 54 1600 17112 80,0 25-55 (G,(4yasl00612 11 100 0 1200 ; 17112 80.0 40.70 (4 Y8S100 ._6DH11 100 80 1600 21 8075 2 55 (CNL)YOSIOUG20OH11 100 60 2000 j 21 80.0 25-55 (G;L)Y8S115G16DH11 115 92 i 1600 21 80.0 3545 ( ,L)Y88IIX2ODH11 115 92 2004 21 80.0 30-Wi (9,1_)YSS130020 H11, 130 104 1 2000 241/2 80.0 40-70 Max: Outlet Blower 1 Blower Tow Unit Mix On. 'Wire OPelafts Models Air Tamp'FHp An I Size In. Amps Over -current Size (a") WGT. LBS J protect 0 T61L one wa)/ (G,l)Y88D40Al2DN11 150 119 6.2 40 x 8 8A' 20 14 1 (G,L)YBSOBOAl2DN11 155 113 6.2 10 x 8 9:0 20 14' �.1:jjD� (G,L)Y S060Al2ON11 165 1.3 6.2 10 x 8 8:0 20 14 (G.I.)YO080016mil 16D 314 11;0 ; 11 x10 12,0 20 14 (aL)Y$81008120N1 t 17D 112 7.0 ( 10 x 8 12.0' - 20 14125 (G,L)Y S100c18DH11 155' 314 11.0 i 11 X 10 12.0, 20 14 f 12-5!---`' ( L)Y88100G20DN11. 155r1 122 1 11 K'11 4:0 20 12 140 (G;L)Y 3115C16DN11 165 314: 11.0 1 11 X10 12.0 20 14 (C%L)Y8S11 DN11', ISO 1 122" 1 11 x11 14.0 20 12 `(419Y8 13002, ©jd'11,1 �ft7x a1 _ .s•.� BO Wfe dze erd Overa and protecron n%M comply WMh"maibnm Emodt pd cod Thd ,kmtm1 ed What the eleL�Erial eomOnems An� FuCiti ere proi eeeed,Rom EiBdency (AEUE muffbers,sm delerminad'm aecOrdenee FILTER SEES s'(NFFA=70.IaterteAsfaq' aldst local'mdes; wale►,: wtlh DOE res( -procedures, Modals Cabinet Size Top Return Filter (in) W040AIffiNil A (2)14'x'20 . (G,L)YOS080Al2D1471 A (2)14,,x;20 (GYBSOSOAUDNII A (2)14 x 20'' (G, YSS08 8180N11 8(2)14'x:20 ( L) 83100 12DN11 8 (2)14:x 20 ((kL)YBS100C160H11 C (2)14;x';20. (GAL) 8S100C20DN11 C (2)14,x-20 (4L) 8S113C16DN11 C (2)14 x 20 L)Y8S11 N11 D(Q (2)14 x 20 L)Y8S13OD2ODN11 D (2) 20 x 20 'ESP MxWra191ali6Preasure)..5' WO is al lurnsoe "defshsd of ooA1<ip Coil. NOSES: " 1.:A11 Were mud be high vabdty cleermbletype. Unitary Products Group 3