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05-2113 (SFD) Report of Observations and Testing During Rough Grading
• �/ REPORT OF OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING DURING ROUGH GRADING TRADITION - TRACT 25470 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA — Prepared By— SOadden Engineering 6782 STANTON AVE... SUITE E BUENA PARK, CA 90621 (213) 864-4121 (714) 523,0952 c:)o-pA'4&q51.,�(j. Siodden Encgineering �l 1�& • �/ REPORT OF OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING DURING ROUGH GRADING TRADITION - TRACT 25470 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA — Prepared By— SOadden Engineering 6782 STANTON AVE... SUITE E BUENA PARK, CA 90621 (213) 864-4121 (714) 523,0952 c:)o-pA'4&q51.,�(j. Siodden Encgineering Sladden Engineering 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite E, Buena Park, CA 90621 (310) 864-4121 . (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 39-725 Garand Ln., Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (619) 772-3893 Fax (619) 772-3895 July 30, 1997 Tradition Club Associates, LLC c/o Winchester Development. Company 41-865 Boardwalk, Suite 101 Palm Desert, California 92211 Attention: Mr. Mike Rowe Project: Tradition - Tract 28470 La Quinta; Caiifomia Project No. 522-6138-G 1 Subject: Report of Observations and Testing During Rough Grading Ref Geotechnical Update prepared by Sladden Engineering dated December 12, 1996; Project No. 4446130 Summarized in this report are our observations and the results of in-place density tests performed at the project site during rough grading. The rough grading consisted of the grading of an eighteen hole golf course surrounded by residential building pads. As indicated in the previous geotechnical reports and summarized in the referenced Geotechnical Update, portions of the project site including some of the building pads were previously graded in 1988 as part. of the East La Quinta Flood Control project. Due to the varying soils conditions on the site (including previously graded building pads), the. extent of ,the remedial grading- work performed during rough grading varied across the site. I Observations and field testing was performed during the rough grading operations from January 2, 1997 to April 4, 1997. Gradingoperations were performed by Nuevo Engineering using conventional heavy equipment. A representative of Sladden Engineering was present on the site continuousl}, during the grading of building pads and intermittantly during the. grading of golf course areas. July 30, 1997 (2) Project No. 522-6138-G1 Field "Vests: In-place moisture/density tests were performed using a nuclear density gauge in accordance with test methods ASTM D 2922 and ASTM D 3017. A total of 1417 tests were performed during the* initial rough grading. The approximate test locations are indicated on the grading plans included with this report and test results are summarized on the attached data sheets. Testing indicates that a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction was attained in the areas tested. The passing test results indicate compliance with the project specifications at the tested locations and depths but are no guarantee or warranty of the contractor's work. Laboratory Tests: The moisture -density relationships for the tested materials were determined in the laboratory in accordance with test method ASTM D 1557-91. Laboratory test results are summarized on the attached data sheet. Discussion: As previously discussed, the remedial grading performed at the site varied with location and soils conditions. Prior to grading, the building areas were stripped of weeds, brush and other surface vegetation. Clearing operations also included the removal of citrus trees and other trees from the lower (northern) portion of the site. In general, remedial grading throughout the southern portion of the site consisted of watering and compaction of the native soils in-place along with the placement of engineered fill material to construct the building pads. Native soils were watered so that near optimum moisture content was attained to a minimum depth of three feet below original grade or four feet below pad grade, whichever was deeper. The exposed surface was compacted so that at least 90 percent relative compaction was attained to a depth of two feet below original grade or three feet below pad grade, whichever was deeper. In most areas, fill material obtained from the adjacent golf course areas was placed to construct the building pads. The lots graded as described above included lots 150 through 229 and 238 to 241. The majority of the lots located within the .middle portion of the site were previously rough graded_ These lots were cleared of weeds and brush and watered prior to grading. In general, grading consisted primarily of some minor cuts and fills (some in excess of 10 feet) to achieve the plan elevations. In most cases, the building pads did' not extend laterally beyond the previously graded building pads. In areas' where the pads were extended substantially (such. as along the rear property lines of lots 81 through 84), the fills were initiated within firm native soils neat the toe of the slopes. A keyway was established near the toe of the slope and fill soils were benched into the existing slope during placement. The previously graded lois that were regraded as described above include lots 27 through 36 and lots 76 through 150. Sladden Engineering July 30, 1997 (3) Project No. 522-6138-G1 The remedial grading performed throughout the northern portion of the site included overexcavation and recompaction within the building areas. In general, lots were overexcavated to a depth of at least three feet below original grade. The previously removed soils were replaced in thin lifts and compacted along with fill soils obtained from the nearby golf course areas to construct the building pads. The lots that were overexcavated include lots I through 26 and 37 through 75, and the maintenance building area- Some reaSome of the -residential lots have been used for the storage of rock, trees, other construction materials and excess fill soils subsequent to grading. Although some of these lots may require additional clearing or fine grading„ no degradation of the compacted fill material is expected. Fill material was stockpiled on lots 193 through 207 for use during the future. grading of lots 230 through 236. The stockpiled material was not tested because it will be removed at a later date. Irrigation lines were encountered in the area of the existing pond and accessing the pond. The pond was removed during grading but some of the irrigation lines were left in place for future abandonment. These irrigation lines should be removed from building pads and roadway areas when abandonment is allowed. The resulting excavations should be properly backfilled and backfill materiatshould be properly compacted. Recommendations: The allowable bearing pressures recommended in the original Gebtechnical Engineering Report prepared by Buena Engineers, Inc. dated November 27, 1984 (B -14796 -Pi, 84-11-216) remain applicable. Conventional shallow spread footings should be bottomed in properly compacted fill material at least 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade. Continuous footings should be at least 12 inches wide and isolated pad footings should be at least two feet wide. Continuous footings and isolated pad footings may be designed utilizing an allowable bearing pressures of 1500 psf. An allowable increase of 200 psf for each additional six inches of depth may be utilized if desired. The maximum allowable bearing pressure should be 3000 psf. The recommended allowable bearing pressures may be increased by one-third for wind and seismic loading. Lateral forces may be resisted by friction acting along the base of the foundations and passive resistance along the sides of the footing's. A friction coefficient of 0.45 times the normal dead load forces is suggested for use irl design. Passive resistance may be estimated using an equivalent fluid weight of 300 pcf. If used in combination, we suggest that either the frcitional resistance or the passive telistance be reduced by one-third. Sledden engineering July 30, 1997 (4) Project No: 522-6138-Gi Cantilever retaining walls should be designed using "active" pressures. Active pressures may be estimated using an equivalent fluid weight of 35 pcf . Walls that are restrained should be designed using "at rest" pressures. At rest pressures may be estimated using an equivalent fluid weight of 55 pcf. The given design pressures are applicable for free - drained level backfill conditions. The project site is located in a seismically active area and the potential for seismic activity should be considered in building design. In general, the Uniform Building Code requirements for Seismic Zone 4 should be adequate for the design of the planned residential structures. Because some of the site soils (primarily the silty sands and sandy silts encountered throughout the northern portion of the site) may be susceptible to settlements due to the introduction of excess moisture, care should be taken to minimize infiltration adjacent. to building foundations. Positive drainage should be. provided to direct water away from the structures. 'The ponding of water adjacent to buildings or paved areas should not be allowed. Proper grading should be performed to direct stormwater runoff away from structures and landscape irrigation should be minimized. Limitations: Sladden Engineering has prepared this report for the exclusive use of the client and it's authorized representatives. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices as of this date. No other warranties, either expressed or implied are made. If there are any questions regarding this report or the testing summarized herein, please contact the. undersigned. Respectfully submitted, `nF 'SLAD DEN 'ENGINEERCMOs ING J Hogan R. Wright Brett L. Andersop`;.,r Project Engineer Principal Engineer' ^._ Copies: 2- Tradition Club Associates,' LLC 2 - Winchester Development Company Sl®dden Englneedng July 30, 1997 (5) Project No. 522-6138-G1 Laboratory Fest Results: Gray brown line to coarse grained sand with gravel (SP) Maximum Dry Density - 127.8 pcf / Optimum Moisture Content - 8.7% Brown silty fine to coarse grained sand with gravel (SM) Maximum Dry Density - 123.5 pcf / Optimum Moisture Content - 7.9% Brown slightly silty fine to coarse grained sand with gravel (SP) Maximum Dry Density 130.7 pcf ! Optimum Moisture Content - 8.7% Brown silty fine grained sand (SM) Maximum Dry Density - 116.2 pcf / Optimum Moisture Content - 13.4% Brown very silty fine grained sand (SM) Maximum Dry Density - 110.0 pcf / Optimum Moisture Content - 11.7% Brown silty fine to medium grained. sand (SM) Maximum Dry Density- 120.0 pcf / Optimum Moisture Content - 8.9% `t Siodden Engineering File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 1 Test No. Date Loc_ Eley_ Moist Cont Percent 1~ld Dry Iden Max Dry Den Lbs/Cu Pt Lbs/Cu Pt Percent Maximum 1 1-02-97 K Street 134.0 8.50 119.8 127.8 93.7 2 1-02-97 °' 135.0 8.25 120.0 127.8 93.8 3 1-02-97 " 136.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 4 1-02-97 °' 135.0 8.50 119.8 127.8 93.7 5 1-02-97 °' 136.0 8.75 118.1 127.8 92.4 6 1-02-97 °' 137.0 8.50 119.3 127.8 93.3 7 1-02-97 °' 137.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 8 1-02-97 '° 138.0 8.75 117.2 127.8 91.7 9 1-03-97 °' 139.0 8.75 119.1 127.8 93.1 10 1-03-97 °' 140.0 8.75 119.3 127.8 93.3 11 1-03-97 Pad 220 153.0 7.50 121.8 127.8 95.3 12 1-03-97 154.0 9.00 117.8 127.8 92.2 13 1-03-97 Pad 219 153.0 8.50 117.5 127.8 91.9 14 1-03-97 Pad 218 151.0 8.50 119.3 127.8 93.3 15. 1=03-97 Pad 221 151.0 .-8.25 119.1 127.8 93.1 16 1-03-97 °' 152.0 8.00 120.3 127.8 94.1 17 1-03-97 151.0 8.25 119.6 127.8 93.8 18 1-03-97 152.0 8.25 1 :y 119.1 127.8 93.1 Saedden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April, 1997 Page 1 Test No. Date Loc. Eley foist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Ivry Den Percent . Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 290 1-28-97 Lot 94 74.0 9.1 118.7 127.8 91.0 291 1-28-97 °' 75.0 8.2 118.7 127.8 93.0 292 1-28-97 76.0 8.3 126.4 127.8 99.0 293 1-28-97 Lot 93 71.0 9.1 121.4 127.8 95.0 294 1-28-97 °' 72.0 9.4 118.7 127.8 93.0 295 1-28-97 73.0 8.3 122.5 127.8 96.0 296 1-28-97 Lot 92 68.0 10'.4 120.0 127.8 92.0 297 1-28-97 91 69.0 10.9 120.5 127.8 92.0 298 1-28-97 of69.0 9.5 118.7 127.8 93.0 299 1-28-97 Lot 91 68.5 10.6 117.4 127.8 92.0 300 1-28-97 69.0 10.1 119.9 127:8 94.0 301 1-28-97 °' 69.0 9.5 11.7.6 127.8 92.0 302 1-28-97 Lot 157 87.0 10.0 117.8 127.8 92.0 303 1-28-97 88.0 7.3 121.2 127.8 95.0 304 1-28-97 Lot 158 86.0 10.7 120.3 127.8 94.0 305 1-28-97 °' 87.0 8.8 123.9 127.8 97.0 306 1-29=97 Lot 150 85.0 9.4 126.2 127.8 99.0 307 1-29-97 86.0 8.3 ' 125.3 127.8 98.0 308 1-29-97 Lot 151 85.0 6.7 ` R 121.9 127.8 95.0 Sladden Engine 9ng File: 422-6138 .January 31, 1997 Page 2 Test No Date Loc l lev Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den. Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft M dm im 19 1-03-97 Pad 220 154.0 8.25 120.0 127.8 93.8 20 1-03-97 154.0 8.50 120.7 .127.8 93.8 21 1-03-97 " 154.0 8.50 119.3 127.8 93.3 22 1-03-97 150.0 8.50 118.8 127.8 92.9 23 1-03-97 151.0 8.50 118.8 127.8 92.9 24 1-03-97 °'. 151.0 8.25 119.6 127.8 93.5 25 1-06-97 Pad 239 142.0 7.75 120.4 127.8 94.2 26 1-06-97 143.0 8.50 119.3 127.8 93.3 27 1-06-97 144.0 9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 28 1-06-97 Pad 239/240 140.0 8.25 118.7 127.8 92.8 29 1-06-97 " 141.0 8.00 119.9 127.8 93.8 30 1-06-97 " 142.0 8.25 119.6 127.8 93.5 31 1-06-97 Pad 238/239 145.0 8.75 120.4 127.8 94.2 32 1-06-97 Pad 219 146.0 8:75 119.6 127.8 94.2 33 1-06-97 if 154.0 '9.00 118:8 127.8 92.9 34 1-06-97 154.0 9.00 117.8 127.8 92.1 35 1-06-97 154.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 36 1-06-97 Pad 218 154.0 9.00 : f 'i 119.2 12.7.8 93.3 S1®dden ENin®ering File: 422-6138 (Add) February 28, 1997 Page 2 Test No. Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Lbs/Cu Ft Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft M imum 309 1-29-97 Lot 151 86.0. 6.6 122.1 127.8 310 1-29-97 Lot 165 81.0 6.2 122.3 127.8 96.0 311 1-29-97 91 82.0 6.2 122.6 127.8 96.0 312 1-29-97 " 83.0 6.8 118.2 127.8 93.0 313 1-29-97 Lot 166 81.0 8.4 120.4 127.8 94.0 314 1-29-9 °' 82.0 6.4 118.0 127.8 92.0 315 1-29-97 83.0 6.6 121.8 127.8 95.0 316 1-29-97 Lot 167 82.0 6.2 125.1 127.8 98.0 317 1-29-97 " 83.0 7.1 122.0 127.8 95.0 318 1-29-97 it84.0 7.2 123.5 127.8 97.0 319 1-29-97 Lot 168 82.0 8.2 120.2 127.8 94.0 320 1-29-97 °' 83.0 8.0 119.3 127.8 93.0 321 1-29-97 °' 84.0 9.0 121.5 127.8 95.0 322 1-29-97 Lot 173 83.0 8.6 121.4 127.8 95.0 323 1-29=97 83.0 8.7 120.4 127.8 94.0 324 1-29-97 °' 83.0 6.9 117.1 127.8 92.0 325 1-29-97 Lot 172 85.0 10A 119.4 127.8 93.0 326 1-29-97 °' 85.5 8.6 120.6 127.8. 94.0 327 1-29-97 86.0 8.9 `' 120.7 127.8 94:0 Siadden Engineedng File:.'422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 3 . woo . _.- a .- _., __..- ., _'.. ,.. ... No. Bate LOG_ Eley. Percent Lbs/Cu Ft LbsXu Pt l!/lwx m 37 1-06-97 Pad 218 152.0 9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 38 1-06-97 152.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 39 1-06-97. Pad 241 150.0 9.00 117.8 127.8 92.1 40 1-06-97 Pad 241 150.0 9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 41 1-07-97 152.0 9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 42 1-07-97 Pad 239 152.0 8.75 121.8 127:8 95.3 43 1-07-97 153.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 44 1-07-97 154.0 9.25 119.9 127.8 93.8 45 1-07-97 Pad 238 152.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 46 1-07-97 153.0 9.25 119.9 127.8 93.8 47 1-07-97 154.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.2 48 1-07-97 Pad 217 145.0 8.75 120.4 127.8 94.2 49 1-07-97 147.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 50 1-07-97 148.0 .8, 75 119.5 127.8 93.5 51 1-07-97 149.0 8.75 120.9 127.8 94.6 52 1-07-97 Pad 216 145.0 9.00 119:2 :.127.8 93.3 53 1-07-96 146.0 8.75 118.6 127.8 92.8 54 1-07-97 °' 147.0 9.00. , 120.1 127.8 94.0 55 1-07-97 Pad 215 14.4.0 9.00 119.7 127.8 93.6 SBmdden jOnea dng File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 3 'fest Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 328 1-29-97 Lot 171 88.0 8.1 120.5 127.8 94.0- 329 1-29-97 88.5 8.5 118.8 127.8 93.0 330 1-29-97 °' 89.0 8.2 .120.4 127.8 94.0 331 1-29-97 Lot 170 90.0 9.2 120.9 127.8 95.0 332 1-29-97 °' 90.0 7.7 123.3 127.8 96.0 333 1-29-97 90.0 7.6 121.2 127.8 95.0 334 1-29-97 Lot 169 92.0 9.5 119.6 127.8 94.0 335 1-29-97 92.0 9.9 120.5 127.8 94.0 336 1-29-97 92.0 9.0 121.0 127.8 92.0 337 1-29-97 Lot 153 86.0 9.2 118.2 127.8 92.0 338 1-29-97 87.0 8.2 122.1 127.8 96.0 339 1-29-97 88.0 9.6 116.8 127.8 91.0 340 1-29-97 Lot 152 85.0 8.3 117.4 127.8 92.0 341 1-29-98 °' 86.0 7.9 119.9 127.8 94.0 342 1-29-97 01 87.0 8.0 118.6 127.8 93.0 343 1-29-97 Lot 154 87.0. 8.5 118.4 127.8 93.0 344 1-29-97 88.0 8:1 118.9-' 127.8 93.0 345 1-29-91 89.0 9.9 ' 118.1 127.8 92.0 346 1-29-97 Lot 160 80.0 9.5 ` � 120.7 127.8 94.0 SBedden Engineering File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 4 'fest No. Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Percent . Fid Dry Iden Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 56 1-07-97 Pad 215 145.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 57 1-07-97 ." 146.0 9.00 118.8 127:8 92.9 58 1-07-97 Pad 214 143.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 59 1-07-97 °' 144.0 8.75 120.4 127.8 94.2 60 1-07-97 °' 145.0 9.00 119.1 127.8 93.6 61 1-07-97 Pad 213 141.0 8.75 120.4 127.8 94.2 62 1-07-97 °1 142.0 9.00 119.7 127.8 93.6. 63 1-07-97 to 143.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 64 1-07-97 Pad 212 139.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 65 1-07-97 It 140.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 66 1-07-97 °' 141.0 .8.75 120.0 127.8 93.8 67 1-07-97 Pad 211 135.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 68 1-07-97 It 136.0 8.75 117.2 127.8 91.7 69 1-07-97 137.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 70 1-07-97 Pad 210 130.0 8.75 120.4 127.8 94.2 71 1-07-97 °' 131.0 9.00 119.2 ,127.8 93.3 72 1-07-97 °' 132.0 8.75 118.6 127.8 92.8 73 1-08-97 Pad 217 150.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.2 Sl®dden fEnginee dng File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 4 Test Nn_ Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry lien Max dory Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 347 1-29-97 Lot 160 82.0 8.6 121.6 127.8 95:0 348 1-29-97 to 83.0 9.5 121.4 127.8 95.0 349 1-29-97 Lot 161 77.0 10.0 118.9 127.8 93.0 350 1-29-97 °' 78.0 8.8 119.1 127.8 93.0 351 1-29-97 79.0 8.8 119.7 127.8 94.0 352 1-29-97 Lot 162 75.0 8.3 121.9 127.8 95.0 353 1-29-97 °' 76.0 10.1 124.3 127.8 97.0 354 1-29-97 77.0 10.1 126.7 127.8 96.0 355 1-29-97 Lot 163 74.0 10.7 123.2 127.8 96.0 356 1-29-97 °' 75.0 10.0 121.7 127:8 95.0 357 1-29-97 °' 76.0 9.0 123.0 127.8 96.0 358 1-29-97 Lot 155 90.0 9.2 117.7 127.8 92.0 359 1-30-97 °' 91.0 7.2 115.5 12.7.8 90.0 360 1-30-97 Lot 156 90.0 7.0 115.1 127.8 90.0 361 1.30-97 " 91.0 7.8 119.1 127.8 93.0 362 1-30-97 92.0 9.4 121.7 127.8 95.0 363 1-30-97 Lot 157 89.0 6:9 122.7 127.8 96.0 364 1-30-97 90.0 7.6 ' . 121.4 127.8 95.0 365 1-30-97 '° 90.0 1 7.0'! 116.6 127.8 91.0 Si®dden (Engineering File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page .5 Test No. Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den, Percent L6s/C► Ft Lbs/Cu Ft 1lRaximum 74' 1-08-97 Pad 217 150.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 75 1-08-97 it 150.0 9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 76 1-08-97 Pad 216 148.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 77 1-08-97 148.0 8.75 1.19.5 127.8 93.5 78 1-08-97 148.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.2 79 1-08-97 Pad 215 147.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.2 80 1-08-97 to 147.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.2 81 1-08-97 to 147.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.2 82 1-08-97 Pad 214 146.0 9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 83 1-08-97 it146.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 84 1-08-97 of 146.0 .8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 85 1-08-97 Pad 229 142.0 9.00 119.7 127.8 93.6 86 1-08-97 143.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.2 87 1-08-97 144.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 88 1=08-97 Pad 228 138.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 89 1-09-97 139.0 9.00 119.7 1.27.8 93.1 90 1-09-97 140.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 91 1-09-97 Pad 227 135.0 9.00 • . ; 119.7 127.8 93.6 92 1-09-97 " 136.0 i 9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 Sladden engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 5 Test foist Cont Fld Dry igen Max Ivry Den Percent 366 1-30-97 Lot 158 88.0 8.4 121.0 127.8 95.0 367 1-30-97 °' 89.0 7,0 122.0 127.8 96.0 368 1-30-97 Lot 159 85.0 6.8 122.8 127.8 96.0 369 1-30.97 °' 87.0 7.9 121.0 127.8 95:0 370 1-30-97 Lot 160 85.0 9.6 120.2 127.8 94.0 371 1-30-97 it 87.0 7.9 121.7 127.8 95.0 372 1-30-97 It.88.0 9.7 120.7 127.8 94.0 373 1-30-97 Lot 161 82.0 8.6 120.0 127.8 94.0 374 1-30-97 /1 83.0 7.9 121.2 127.8 95.0 375 1-30-97 11 84.0 8.3 118.3 127.8 93.0 376 1-30-97 Lot 162 79.0 10.1 119.3 127.8 93.0 377 l-30-97 it 81.0 9.2 119.8 127.8 94.0 378 1-30-97 it82.0 8.9 118.3 127.8 93.0 379 1-30-97 Lot 163 78.0 9.8 119.7 127.8 94.0 380 1-30-97 °' 79.0 11.5 122.2 127.8 96.0 381 1-30-97 °' 80.0 10.7 120-4- 127.8 94.0 382 2-03-97 Lot 160 88.0 8.3 126.7, 127.8 99.0 383. 2-03-97. Lot 159 87.0 8.3 ' 125.7 127.8 98.0 384 2-03.=97 88.0 7.5 ` ! 127.1 127.8 99.0 Siodden ENineering File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 6 Test No. 'Date Loc Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbcl u F Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 93 1-09-97 Pad 227 137.0 8.75 120.0 127.8 93.8 94 1-09-97 Pad 226 135.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.2 95 1-09-97 it 136.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 96 1-09-97 of 137.0 9.00 118.8 127.8 92.9 97 1-09-97 Pad 225 140.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.2 98 1-09-97 °' 141.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.2 99 1-09-97 01 142.0 8.75 118.6 127.8 92.8 100 1-10-97 Pad 210 133.0 6.90 126.0 127.8 99.0 101 1-10-97 °' 133.0 7.20 123.4 127.8 97.0 102 1-10-97 to 133.0 7.30 120.9 127.8 95.0 103 1-10-97 Pad 211 138.0 6.80 127.2 127.8 99.0 104 1-10-97 to 138.0 7.50 126.4 127.9 99.0 105 1-10-97 to 138.0 7.30 131.0 127.8 97.0 106 1-10-97 Pad 212 142.0 10.2 142.0 127.8 98.0 107 1-10=97 to 142.0 7.00 125.1 127.8 98.0 108 1-10-97 142.0 7.50 124.0 127.8 97.0 109 1-10-97 Pad 213. 144.0 7.90- 123.2 '127.8 96.0 110 1-10-97 144.0 6.70 122.9 127.8 96.0 111 1-10-97 of 144.0 8.60 ! 124.7 127.8 98.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 6 Test No. Date Loc. 1~lev, Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry lien Max Dry ben Percent Lbs/ , Ft Lbs/ u Ft M ximum 385 2-03-97 Lot 158 89.0 6.4 123.1 127.8 96.0 386 2-03-97 °' 90.0 6.7 115.1 127.8 90.0 387 2-03-97 °` 90.0 6.5 124.4 127.8 90.0 388 2-03-97 Lot 154 89.0 6.5 119.1 127.8 90.0 389 2-03-97 Lot 153 88.0 7.2 118.4 127.8 93.0 390 2-03-97 Lot 152 88.0 8.9 118.1 127.8 92.0 391 2-03-97 Lot 151 88.0 7.9 120.4 127.8 94.0 392 2-03-97 Lot 165 83.0 13.1 116.8 123.5 95.0 393 2-03-97 91 84.0 10.6 118.8 123.5 96.0 394 2-03=97 Lot 166 84.0 10.3 118.1 123.5 96.0 395 2-03-97 °' 85.0 8.4 117.4 123.5 95.0 396 2-03-97 Lot 167 87.0 8.9 111.5 123.5 90.0 397 2-03-97 Lot 168 89.0 7.9 112.2 123.5 91.0 398 2-03-97 Lot 159 89.0 7.8 111.4 123.5 90.0 399 2-03-97 °' 89.0 7.8 112.6 123.5 91:0 400 2-03-97 Lot 161 85.0 9.0 115.4. 123.5 93.0 401 2-03-97 it 85.0 9.1 116. 0 .123.5 94.0 402 2-03-97 Lot 162 83.0 8.41 114.8 123.5 93.0 403 2-03-97 of 83.0 11.8i. 114.0. 123.5 92.0 Sladden Engin®eting File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 7 'fest No Date Loc Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 112 1-10-97 Pad 208 114.0 9.40 122.7 127.8 96.0 113 1-10-97 it115.0 8.10 124.5 127.8 97.0 114 1-10-97 of116.0 _ 7.20 122.1 127.8 96.0 115 1-10-97 Pad 205 115.0 7.70 122.7 127.8 96.0 116 1-10-97 116.0 8.60 121.3 127.8 95.0 117 1-10-97 117.0 8.40 123.1 127.8 96.0 118 1-10-97 Pad 201 109.0 8.10 121.1 127.8 95.0 119 1-10-97 110.0 7:70 124.9 127.8 98.0 120 1-10-97 111.0 7.10 120.9 127.8 95.0 121 1-10-97 Pad 199 105.0 8.60 121.3 127.8 95.0 122 1-10-97 if106.0 8.40 121.4 127.8 95.0 123 1-10-97 °' 107.0 8.60 123.3 127.8 96.0 124 1-10-97 Pad 197 105.0 10.3 121.6 127.8 95.0 125 1-10-97 106.0 8.70 120.9 127.8 95.0 126 1-10-97 107.0 6.90 121.4 127.8 95.0 127 1=14-97 Pad 199 108.0 8.25 122.4 127.8 95.7 128 1-14-97 109.0 7.75 122.9 127.8 96.1 129 1-14-97 110.0 9.25. 121.2 127.8 94.8 130 1-14-97 Pad 198 108.0 9.00 120.1 127.8 93.9 5lodden Engineardng File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 7 'fest No. Date Lac, Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fld Ivry Den Max Dry. igen Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft M dm am 404 2-03-97 Lot 163 81.0 10.3 114.8 123.5 93.0 405 2-03-97 it 81.0 9.1 117.1 123.5 95.0 406 2-03-97 Lot 164 75.0 10.5 118.5 127.8 93.0 407 2-03-97 of76.0 9.3 122.1 127.8 96.0 408 2-03-97 " 77.0 9.5 120.7 127.8 94.0 409 2-03-97 Lot 144 75.0 8.8 119.7 127.8 94.0 410 2-03-97 of 76.0 10.3 120.5 127.8 94.0 411 2-03-97 of 77.0 9.5 118.6 127.8 93.0 412 2-03-97. Lot 145 79.0 8.6 119.3 127.8 93.0 41,3 2-03-97 80.0 9.1 120.1 127.8 94.0 414 2-03-97 Lot 140 64.0 9.7 118.2 127.8 92.0 415 2-04-97 if 64.5 9.7 120.6 127.8 94.0 416 2-04-97 it65.0 9.6 120.5 127.8 94.0 417 2-04-97 Lot 135 52.0 11.2 117.8 127.8. 92.0 418 2-04-97 °1 54.0 9.4 122.9 127.8 96.0 419 2-04-97 " 55.0 9.8 122.1 127.8 96.0 420 2-04=97 Lot 136 55.0 9:6 119.9 127.8 94.0 421 2-04-97 °' 56.0 8.7 119.5 127.8 94.0 422 2-04-97 57.0 ;4 7.8 ` 1 121.9 127.8 95.0. Sladde n Eregineadng File:. 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 8 Test No. Date -Loc_ Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 131 1-14-97 Pad 198 109.0 8.75 120.9 127.8 94.6 132 1-14-97 of 110.0 8.50 119.3 127.8 93.3 133 1-14-97 Pad 197 109.0 8.50 121.6 127.8 95.1 134 1-14-97 of 11.0 8.75 120.9 127.8 94.6 135 1-14-97 If 111.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 136 1-14-97 Pad 196 11.0 8.25 121.9 127.8 95.3 137 1-14-97 if 111.0 8.50 121.1 127.8 94.7 138 1-14-97 112.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 139 1-14-97 Pad 203 112.0 8.25 119.1 127.8 93.1 140 1-14-97 ". 113.0 8.75 120.4 127.8 94.2 141 1-14-97 114.0 8.00 122.2 127.8 95.6 142 1-14-97 Pad 204 112.0 9.25 120.3 127.8 94.1 143 1-14-97 113.0 7.75 119.7 127.8 93.6 144 1-14-97 114.0 8.25 120.5 127.8 94.2 145 1-14-97 Pad 202 112.0 -8.50 121.1 127.8 94.7 146 1-14-97 °' 113.0 8.25 121.0 1.27.8 94.6 147 1-14-97 114.0 8.00 119.9 127.8 93.8 148 1-15-97 Pad 200 110.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 149 1-15-97 111.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 Sladden Enlneedng File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 8 Test Moist Cont 1~ld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 423 2-04-97 Lot 137 56.0 11.6 123.2 127.8 96.0 424 2-04-97 °' 57.0 11.7 120.9 127.8 • 95.0 425 2-04-97 91 58.0 7.8 124.2 127.8 97.0 426 2-04-97 Lot 138 58.0 8.9. 120.0 127.8 94.0 427 2-04-97 " 59.0 10.9 123.0 127.8 96.0 428 2-04-97 60.0 10.3 122.3 127.8 96.0 429 2-04-97 Lot 139 60.0 9.0 121.5 127.8 95.0 430 2-04-97 °' 61.0 8.4 120.8 127.8 95.0 431 2-04-97 62.0 10.8 121.5 127.8 95.0 432 2-04-97 trot 111 60.0 8.8 113.8 123.5 92.0 433 2-04-97 61.0 10.2 112.3 123.5 91.0 434 2-04-97 °' 62.0 9.0 113.6 123.5 98.0 435 2-04-97 Lot 112. 59.0 9.2 120.6 123.5 98.0 436 .- 2-04-97 60.0 10.0 115.5 123.5 94.0 437 2-04-97 61.0 8.8 114.6 123.5 94.0 438 2-04-97 Lot 113 60.0 9.5 114.1 123.5 92.0 439 2-04-97 to 61.0 10.1 114.2 123.5 92.0 440 2-04-97 62.0 8.5 116.9 123.5 95.0 441 2-04-97 Lot 114 59.0 8.2 ' 114.9 123.5 93.0 59mdden Engineefing File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 9 Test foist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 150 1-15-97 Pad 200 112.0 9.00 119.8 127.8 93.6 151 1-15-97 Pad 207 116.0 9.25 120.8 127.8 94.5 152 1-15-97 " 117.0 9.50 121.4 127.8 94.9 153 1-15-97 If 118.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 154 1-15-97 Pad 206 116.0 9.25 118.5 127.8 92.7 155 1-15-91 If 117.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 156 1-15-97 if118.0 8.50 119.8 127.8 93.7 157 1-15-97 Pad 204/205 113.0 8.75 120.0 127.8 93.8 158 1-15-97 114.0 9.00 122.0 127.8 95.4 159 1-15-97 119.0 8.75 119.0 127.8 93.1 160 1-15-97 Pad 203 114.0. .9.00 121.5 127.8 95.0 161 1-15-97 °' 115.0 8.50 120.7 127.8 94.4 162 1-15-97 115.0 8.50 120.7 12.7.8 93.1 163 1-15-97 Pad 201 112.0 9.25 120.8 127.9 94.5 164 1-15-97 113.0 8.75 119.5 127.8 93.5 165 1-15-97 If 114.0 9.25 120.3 127.8 94.1 166 1-16-97 Pad 221 154.0 9.25 117.6 127.8 92.0 167 1-16-97 if154.0 9.25.. 116.7 127.8 91.3 168 1-16-97 of 154.0 9.00 118.3 127.8 92.5 Sladden 6nglnesring File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 9 e wwb No- Date Loc. Eley lod MIat `WVIA4 Percent v I-Iy HJGII Lbs/CuFt 1V14A 1-vey L."Q 1 rcl t.;Cla Lbs/ , l+t hd xim lm 4422-04-97 Lot 114.. 60.0 8:7 115.7 123.5 94.0 443 2-04-97 °' 61.0 9.1 113.3 123.5 92.0 4442-04-97 Lot 115 57.0 10.9 113.1 1215 92.0 445 2-04-97 58.0. 10.4 113.1 123.5 92.0 4462.04-97 °' 56.0 10.9 .114.0 123.5 92.0 4472-04-97 Lot 116 55.0 10.7 112.3 123.5 91.0 448.2-04-97 °' 56.0 9.1. 114.5 123.5 93.0 4492-04-97 °' 57.0 10.9 113.9 123.5 92.0 4502-04-97 Lot 51 43.0 8.1 107.8 110.0 98.0 r 4512-04-97 44.0 8.8 106.9 110.0 97.0 452 2-04-97 Lot 50 43.0 9.2 105.2 110.0 96.0 453 2-04-97 44.0 10.9 105.7 110.0 96.0 4542-04-97 Lot 49 43.0 11.3 106.2 110.0 96.0 455 2-04-97 °' 42.0 9.8 104.9 110.0 95.0 4562-04-97 Lot 53 41.0 8.7 108.0 110.0 98.0 4572-04-97 42.0 8.5 107.9 110.0 98.0 458 2-04-97 Lot 52 43.0 10.6 106.2 1.10.0 98.0 459 2-04=97 °' 44.0 8.7 107.6 110.0 98.0 4602-05-97 Lot 116 58.0 7.6 s; 115.2 123.5 93.0 59odden Enginesting File: 422-6138 January31, 1997 Page 10 'fest No. Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 169 1-16-97 Pad 222 150.0 9.00 117.4 127.8 91.8 170 1-16-97 150.0 9.25 117.1 127.8 91.6 171 1-16-97 °' 150.0 8.75 117.2 127.8 91.7 172 1-16-97 Pad 241 154.0 8.75 118.1 127.8 92.4 173 1-16-97 " 154.0 8.75 119.7 127.8 93.6 174 1-16-97 154.0 9.00 119.7 127.8 93.6 175 1-16-97 Pad 240 155.0 9.25 118.5 127.8 92.7 176 1-16-97 155.0 8.75 116.7 127.8 91.3 177 1-16-97 155.0 8.75 120.9 127.8 94.6 178 1-16-97 Pad 239 157.0 8.75 118.1 127.8 92.4 179 1-16-97 °' 157.0 .9.00 118.3 127.8 92.6 180 1-16-97 157.0 9.00 119.2 127.8 93.3 18.1 1-16-97 Pad 238 157.0 9.25 120.8 127.8 94.5 182 1-16-97 157.0 9.00 120.6 127.8 94.3 183 1-16-97 157.0 '9.00 118.3 127.8 92.6 184 1-16-97 'Temp Prkg 157.0 12.00 105.8 127.8 91.0 185 1-16-97 157.0 11.75 106.4 127.8 91.5 186 1-16-97 °' 157.0 12.00 105.3 127.8 90.6 187 1-16-97 157.0 12.25 105.5 127.8 90.7 Sloddan Enginaadng File: 422-6138(Add) April 10, 1997 Page 10 Test Foist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 461 2-05-97 Lot 116 59.0 7.9 120.1 123.5 97.0 462 2-05-97 °' 60.0 7.6 118.6 123.5 96.0 463 2-05-97 Lot 115 59.0 8.2 119.8 123.5 97.0 464 2=05-97 °' 60.0 7.8 121.8 123.5 99.0. 465 2-05-97 61.0 10.3 120.9 123.5 98.0 466 2-05-97 Lot 135 55.0 10.3 112.5 123.5 91.0 4672-05-97 °' 56.0 9.7 118.9 123.5 96.0 468 2-05-97 51.0 8.6 115.2 123.5 -93.0 4692-05-97 Lot 109 63.0 12.0 120.9 127.8 95.0 4702-05-97 °' 64.0 9.7 125.7 127.8 98.0 4712-05-97 °' 65.0 12.3 125.0 127.8 98.0 472 2-05-97 Lot 110 61.0 16.8 116.1 127.8 91.0 473 2-05-97 62.0 15.9 115.5 127.8 90.0 4742-05-97 63.0 14.3 117.8 127.8 92.0 . 475 2-05-97 Lot 136 58.0 '9.7 117.5 127.8 93.0 4762-05-97 if59.0 9.3 116.6 123.5 94.0 477 2-05-97 It 60.0 9.3- 117.0 123.5 95.0 478 2-05-97 Lot 105 64.0 7.2- , 117.7 127.8 92.0 4792-05-97 65.0 9.9` `; 122.4 127.8 96.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 11 - Test No_ Date . Loc. Eley, Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent L.bs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 188 1-17-97 Lot 189 117.0 9.5 121.9 127.8 95.0 189 1-17-97 it, 118.0 8.8 121.2 127.8 95.0 190 1-17-97 of 119.0 10.0 119.5 127.8 94.0 191 1-17-97 Lot 190 116.0 9.2 122.8 127.8 96.0 192 1-17-97 117.0 9.0 120.8 127.8 95.0 193 1-17-97 118.0 7.9 130.4 127.8 95.0 194 1-17-97 Lot 191 112.0 11.7 123.4 127.8 97.0 195 1-17-97 113.0 10.8 121.5 127.8 95.0 196 1-17-97 '° 114.0 10.2 118.6 127.8 93.0 197 1-17-97 Lot 192 108.0 9.0 118.8 127.8 92.9 198 1-17-97 109.0 8.7 116.7 127.8 91.3 199 1-17-97 " 108.00 9.0 117.4 127.8 91.8 200 1-17-97 109.0 9.0 120.6 127.8 94.3 201 1-17-97 Lot 191 114.0 .9.2 120.8 127.8 94.5 202 1-17=97 of115.0' 9.5 120.0 127.8 93.9 203 1-17-97 116.0 9.5 120.0 ..127.8 93.9 204 1-17-97 Lot 190 119.0 8.7 119.0 127.8 93.1 205 1-17-97 °' 120.0 9.0...'1 i� 120.1 127.8 94.0 206 1-17-97 121.0 9.2 121.2 127.8 94.8 Slmdden I -Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 11 nest No Date Loc Eley. 1VIV13L `l,Vf1t inu wry Lion max ury ucn rercent Percent Lbs/Ft t bs/C u Ft M xim>>m 480. 2-05-97 Lot 105 66.0 6.3 121.4 127.8 95.0 481 2-05-97 Lot 106 66.0 7.6 124.1 127..8 97.0 4822-05-97 °' 67.0 7.2 118.7 121.8 93.0 483 2-05-97 °' 68.0 7.4 122.3 127.8 96.0 484 2-05-97 Lot 111 63.0 7.8 123.1 127.8 96.0- 6.04852-05-97 4852-05-97 64.0 7.3 120.1 127.8 94.0 486.2-05-97 65.0 7.1 119.9 127.8 94.0 4872-05-97 Lot 110 64.0 9.1 119.8 127.8 94.0 4882-05-97 °' 65.0 8.6 118.7 127.8 93.0 4892-05-97 °' 66.0 7.6 118.9 127.8 93.0 4902-05-97 Lot 109 66.0 7.9 120.7 127.8 94.0 4912-05-97 67.0 8.7 120.6 127.8 94.0 4922-05-97 °' 68.0 8.0 11.9.9 127.8 94.0 493 2-05-97 Lot 112 63.0 7.6 119.3 127.E 63.0 4942-05-97 °' 64.0 8.1 • 118.7 127.8 93.0 495 2-05-97 °` 65.0 9.1 119.2 .127.8 93.0 496 2-05-97 Lot 107 65.0 8.2 119.8 127:8 94.0 497 2-05-97 66.0 10.4 124.3 127.8 97.0 498 2-05-97 `° 67.0 9.8 t; , 123.9 127.8 97.0 Sladden Enginsefing .File: 422-6138 .January 31, 1997 Page 12 test No_ Date Loc. Eley. moist cont Percent kid oryven Max Dry igen Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 207 1-17-97 Lot 189 121.0 9.0 119.7 127.8 93.6 208 1-17-97 122.0 9.0 119.2 127.8 93.3 209 1-17-97 123.0 91 118.9 127.8 93.1 210 1-21-97 Lot 188 116.0 10.3 113.0 127.8 88.0 211 1-21-97 of117.0 9.6 120.2 127.8 94.0 212 1-21-97 if118.0 10.3 116.0 127.8 91.0 213 1-21-97 Lot 187 112.0 8.7 118.7 127.8 93.0 214 1-21-97 °' 113.0 11.0 113.7 127.8 89.0 215 1-21-97 114.0 8.1 115.5 127.8 90.0 216 1=21-97 Lot 223 143.0 10.5 114.7 127.8 90.0 217 1-21-97 144.0 10.9 120.7 127:8 94.0 218 1-21-97 145.0 9.6 118.7 127.8 93.0 219 1-21-97 146.0 10.3 120.0 127.8 94.0 220 1-21-97 Lot 224 141.0 10.E 118.5 127.8 93.0 221 1-21-97 if142.0 9.6 121.2 127.8 95.0 222 1-21=97 143.0 9.8 118.0 127:8 92.0 223 1-21-97 144.0 11.0 118.2 127.8 93.0 224 1-21-97 Lot 225 140.0 10.3 , • 120.0' 127.8 94.0 Slodden EVneedng File: 422-6138 (Add.) April 10, 1997 Page 12 Test 1110. bate Loc. Eley, Moist Cont Percent laid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Et Lbs/Cu Ft Mwdmum 499 2-05-97 Lot 108 65.0 8.5 126.0 127.8 99.0 500 2-05-97 .. °' 66.0 9.1 120.4 127.8 94.0 501 2-05-97 °' 67.0 10.6 122.2 127.8 96.0 502 2-05-97 Lot 103 70.0 8.8 118.9 127.8 93.0 503 2-05-97 °' 71.0 9.6 120.2 127.8 94.0 504 2-05-97 72.0 11.2 123.5 127.8 97.0 505 2-05-97 Lot 104 64.0 10.7 123.1 127.8 96.0 506 2-05-97 of65.0 8.0 125.2 127.8 98.0 507 2-05-97 66.0 9.1 120.9 127.8 95.0 508 2-06-97 Lot 117 51.0 6.7 122.0 127.0 96.0 509 2-06-97 °' 52.0 6.9 124.5 127.0 98.0 510 2-06-97 53.0 8.2 120.8 127.0 95.0 511 2-06-97 Lot 118 51.0 8.0 115.4 127.0 91.0 512 2-06-97 °' 52.0 8.8 115.8 127.0 91.0 513 2-06-97 53.0 9.2 116.7 127.0 92.0 514 2-06-97 Lot 119 53.0 8.4 115.3 127.0 91.0 515 2-06-97 of 54.0 10.2 118.0 127.0 93.0. 516 2-06-97 " 55.0 9.8 117.7 127.0 93.0 517 2-06-97 Lot 137 59.0 12.4' ! 17.7 127.0 93.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 13 Test No. Date Loo, Eley_ Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent LWCu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 225 1-21-97 Lot 225 141.0 10.0 120.7 127.8 94.0 226 1-21-97 4' 142.0 10.7 119.5 127:8 94.0 227 1-21-97 Lot 186 109.0 9.9 116.5 127.8 91.0 228 1-21-97 110.0 9.4 114.0 127.8 89.0 229 1-21-97 " . 110.0 8.5 116.5 127.8 91.0 230 1-21-97 Lot 185 106.0 10.8 115.5 127.8 9Q0 231 1-21-97 of 107.0 8.7 118:2 127.8 93.0 232 1-21-97 108.0 8.9 119.0 127.8 93.0 233 1-21-97 Lot 184 103.0 10.1 117.2 127,8 92.0 234 1-21-97 11 104.0 10.7 117.5 127.8 92.0 235 1-21-97 105.0 .10.0 120.7 127.8 94.0 236 1-21-97 Lot 183 100.0 9.6 117.7 127.8 92.0 237 1-21-97 °' 101.0 10.3 116.0 127.8 91.0 238 1-21-97 '° 102.0 10.3 120.0 127.8 94.0 239 1-21-97 Lot 182 97.0 9.4 120.5 127.8 94.0 240 1-21-97 98.0 9.8 118.5 127.8 93.0 241 1-21-97 °' 99.0 9.6 119.7 127.8 94.0 242 1-21-97 Lot 181 93.0 9.0 _ . j 117.7 127.8 93.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 13 'fest No. Date Loo_ Eley, Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 518 2-06-97 Lot 137 60.0 8.8 118.6 127.0 93.0 519 2-06-97 if61.0 10.6 116.6 127.0 92.0 520 2-06-97 Lot 134 53.0 8.7 123.5 127.0 97.0 521 2-06-97 1/ 54.0 12.7 115.4 127.0 91.0 522 2-06-97 of 55.0 10.1 117.1 127.0 92.0 523 2-06-97 Lot 117 54.0 12.9 119.4 127.0 94.0 524 2=06-97 55.0 14.5. 117.6 127.0 93.0 525 2-06-97 °' 56.0 13.9 114.3 127.0 90.0 526 2-06-97 tot 118 54.0 14.1 115.4 127.0 91.0 527 2-06-97 55.0 12.9 117.4 127.0 92.0 528 2-06-97 56.0 14.4 119.0 127.0 94.0 529 2-06-97 Lot 113 61.0 12.6 119.0 127.0 94.0 530 2-06-97 62.0 12.1 117.2 127.0 92.0 531 .2-06-97 63.0 -.12.0 123.1 127.0 97.0 532 2-06-97 Lot 152 88.0 7.0 121.2 127.8 95.0 533 2-06-97 °' 88.0 .7.6 119.3 127.8 93.0 534 2-06-97 Lot 165 85.0 8.4 ,i 116.5 127.8 91.0 Slodden rEnginearing File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 14 'Fest Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max DryDen Percent No. Date Loc_ Eley. Percent Lbs/CuFt Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 243 1-21-97 Lot 181 94.0 9.8 117.0 127.8 94.0 244 1-21-97 95.0 9.6 118.7 127.8 95.0 245 1-21-97 Lot 180 90.0 10.0 110.7 127.8 90.-0 246 1-21-97 '.' 91.0 9.4 120.0 127.8 91.0 247 1-21-97 °' 92.0 10.3 119.5 127.8 94.0 248 1-21-97 Lot 179 90.0 9.6 119.2 127.8 90.0 249 1-21-97 of 91.0 9.4 119.0 127.8 91.0 250 1-21-97 to92.0 9.4 120.0 127.8 94.0 251 1-21-97 Lot 178 86.0 9.6 118.2 127.8 93.0 252 1-21-97 °' 87.0 10.3 120.0 127.8 94.0 253 1-21-97 88.0 10.7 119.5 127.8 94.0 254 1-21-97 Lot 177 82.0 10.1 118.2 127.8 93.0 255 1-21-97 83.0 10.7 119.0 127.8 94.0 256 1-21-97 84.0 9,6 120.2 127.8 94.0 257 1-27-97 Lot 191 116.0 9.4. 119.5 127.8 94.0 258 1-27-97 116.0 9.8 118.0 127.8 92.0 259 1-27-97 116.0 9.4 119.5 127.8 94.0 260 1-2.7-97 Lot 190 117.0 9.6-; 1 119.2 127.8 93.0 Si®dden Engineadng. File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 14 1 VOL - LVIUM %,U1IL i'lU UIy 1JG11 1V14A 9J1y SJG11 rVIIGGIIL 535 2-06-97 Lot 165 85.0 7.2 121.5 127.8 95.0 536 2-06797 Lot 166 87.0 8.4 121.4 127.8 95.0 537 2-06-97 87.0 12.0 121.3 127.8 95.0 538 2-06-97 " 87.0 9.6 123.8 127.8 97.0 539 2-06-97 Lot 167 90.0 7.4 116.6 127.8 91.0 540 2-06-97 90.0 7.7 117.3 127.8 92.0 541' 2-06-97 90.0 7.8 121.2 127.8 90.0 542. 2-06-97 Lot 168 92.0 10.7 124.5 127.8 92.0 543 2=06-97 of92.0 8.6 118.4 127.8 93.0 544 2-06-97 Lot 99 81.0 8.3 122.2 127.8 96.0 545 2-06-97 it81.0 7.5 120.0 127.8 94.0- 546 2-06-97 Lot 98 78.0 8.6 114.7 127.8 98.0 547. 2-06-97 78.0 7.7 124.8 127.8 98.0 548 2-06-97 Lot 139 63.0 8.7 119.7 127.8 94.0 549 2-06-97 to64.0 8.3 119.3 127.8 93.0 550 2-06-97 Lot 138 61.0 8.8 118.6 127.8 93.0 551 2-06-97 62.0 7.9 126.4 127.8 99.0 552 2-06-97 Lot 108 68.0 8.4 121.6 127.8 95.0 553 2-06-97 " 69.0 8.7 127.2 127.8 96.0 Sl®dden Enginesting File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 15 Test No. Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft 1lilaximum 261 1-27-97 Lot 190 117.0 .10.1 119.2 127.8 93.0 262 1-27-97 it117.0 10.3 119:5 127.8 94.0 263 1-27-97 Lot 189 122.0 9.6 119.7 127.8 94.0 264 1-27-97 °' 122.0 9.8 119.0 127.8 93.0 265 1-27-97 122.0 8.9 120.0 127.8 94.0 266 1-27-97 Lot 188 1180 9.2 119.2 127.8 93.0 267 1-27-9.7 118.0 9.8 117.5 127.8 92.0 268 1-27-97 118.0 9.6 118.2 127.8 93.0. 269 1-27-97 Lot 187 114.0 9.8 119.5 127.8 94.0 270 1-27-97 114.0 10.0 119.7 127.8 94.0 271 1-27-97 '° 114.0 9.4 119.5 127.8 94.0 272 1-27-97 Lot 186 111.0 9.8 119.5 127.8 94.0 273 1-27-97 111.0 8.9 120.2 127.8 94.0 274 1-27-97 111.0 8.9 120.5 127.8 94.0 275 1-27-97 Lot 185 108.0 8.7 121.2 127.8 94.0 276 1-27-97 " 108.0 9.2 117.7 127.8 92.0 277 1-27-97 118.5 8.9 118.5 127.8 93.0 278 1-27-97 Lot 184 105.0 10.0-11 117.7 127.8 92.0 279 1-27-97 105.0 9.6 120.2 127.8 94.0 S9©dden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 15 'fest No. Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Ed Dry Den Max Dry Iden Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 554 2-06-97 Lot 71 48.0 10.1 105.1 110.0 96.0 555 2-06-97 01 49.0 9.4 107.5 110.0 98.0 556 2-06-97 t0 50.0 9.7 108.6 120.0 91.0 557 2-06-97 Lot 70 48.0 8.8 110.3 120.0 92.0 558 2-06-97 °' 49.0 7.6 108.9 120.0 91.0 . 559 2-06-97 °' 50.0 8.8 110.0 120.0 92.0 560 2-06-97 Lot 69 48.0 7.6 113.5 120.0 95.0 561 2-06-97 to49.0 9.2 113.4 120.0 95.0 562 2-06-97 °' 50.0 8.9 112.1 120.0 93.0 563 2-06-97 Lot 69 47.0 9.8 112.5 120.0 94.0 564 2-06-97 /1 48.0 8.8 111.1 120.0 93.0 565 2-06-97 49.0 9.6 110.9 120.0 92.0 566 2-06-97 Lot 67 47.0 9.2 111.2 120.0 93.0 567 2-06-97 48.0 8.6 110.4 120.0 92.0 568 2-06-97 " 49.0 9.0 109.7 120.0 91.0 569 2-06-97 Lot 66 46.0 7.2 114-.4- 120.0 95.0 570 2-06-97 47.0 8.4 110.4 120.0 92.0 571 2-06-97 48.0 10.7' 109.3 120.0 91.0 572 2-06-97 Lot 65 45.0 8.81 ! 113.7 120.0 95.0 Saaddan &%ginearing File: 422-6138 January 31, 1997 Page 16 Fest No_ Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Et Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 280 1-27.97 Lot 184 105.0 9.8. 121.0 127.8 95.0 281 1-27-97. Lot 183 102.0 9.2 118.7 127.8 93.0 282 1-27-97 102.0 9.4 120.0 127.8 94.0 283 1-27-97 102.0 9.6 118.7 127.8 93.0 284 1-27-97 Lot 182 99.0 9.8 119.0 127.8 93.0 285 1-27-97 99.0 9.8 119.0 127.8 93.0 286 1-27-97 99.0 9.6 118.7 127.8 .93.0 287 1-27-97 Lot 181 95.0 10.1 118.7 127.8 93.0 288 1-27-97 95.0 9.8 120.5 127.8 94.0 289 1-27-97 95.0 9.3 .119.2 127.8 93.0 Maximum Dry Density - 127.8 Lbs/Cu Ft; Optimum Moisture - 8.7% Sl®dden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add)] April 10, 1997 Page 16 Test Moist Cont Fld Dry. lien Max Ivry Den Percent 573 2-06=97 Lot 65 46.0" 8.9 111.3 120.0 93.0 574 2-06-97 Lot 74 51.0 6.6 112.6 120.0 94.0 575 2-06-97 °' 52.0 11.1 112.5 120.0 94.0 576 2-06-97 °' 53.0 9.3 113.9 120.0 95.0 577 2-06-97 Lot 73 49.0 7.8 113.2 120.0 94.0 578 2-06-97 50.0 9.7 111.8 120.0 93.0 579 2-06-97 °' 51.0 8.6 111.3 120.0 93.0 580 2=06-97 Lot 72 48.0 7.9 111.6 120.0 93.0 581 2-06-97 49.0 10.7 108.0 120.0 90.0 582 2-06-97 °' 50.0 10.5 111..5 120.0 93.0 583 2-06-97 Lot 138 63.0 8.7 118.7 127.8 93.0 584 2-06-97 °' 63.0 7.2 117.9 127.8 92.0 585 2-06-97 °' 63.0 9.1 119.9 127.8 94.0 586 2-06-97 Lot 134 65.0 8.7 119.5. 127.8 94.0 587 2-06-97 °' 65.0 8.5 118.4 127.8 93.0 588 2-06-97 Lot 141 72.0 9:1 119.3- 127.8 93.0 589 2-06-97 °' 72.0 9.9 120.4' 127.8 94.0 590 2-06-97 °' 72.0 9.51 118.0 127.8 92.0 591 2-06-97 Lot 142 76.0 10.0' 116.7 127.8 93.0 _ S0®dden Engineadng File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 17 Fest. No. Date Loc. Eley, foist Cont 1~ld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 592 2-06-97 Lot 142 76.0 11.5 119.1 127.8 93.0 593 2-06-97 °' 76.0 10.7 121.0 127.8 95.0 594 2-06797 Lot 143 79.0 10.3 119.0 127.8 93.0 595 2-06-97 °' 79.0 9.7 118.3 127.8 93.0 596 2-06-97 79.0 8.2 121.4 127.8 95.0 597 2-10-97 Lot 105 67.0 6.5 114.3 120.0 95.0 598 2-10-97 01 67.0 6.7 110.4 120.0 92.0 599 2-10=97 °1 67.0 6.5 114.4 120.0 95.0 600 27-.10-97 Lot 104 67.0 6.9 108.7 120.0 91.0 601 2-10-97 °' 67.0 7.5 109.5 120.0 91.0 602 2-10-97 °' 67.0 7.4 IIIA 12.0.0 93.0 603 2-10-97 Lot 106 69.0 6.4 108.3 120.0 93.0 604 2-10-97 69.0 8.0 111.8 120.0 93.0 605 2-10-97 69.0 6.5 112.5 120.0 97.0 606 2-10-97 Lot 56 38.0 12.6 104.7 116.2 90.0 607 2-10-97 °' 39.0 9.8 109.8 , ' 116.2 94.0 608 2-10-97 °' 40.0 10.1 108.6 116.2 93.0 609 2-10-97 Lot 57 39.0 15.6 105.5 116.2 91.0 610 2-10-97 °' 40.0 9.7. 108.6 116.2 93.0 Sladden * agineeting File: '422=6138 (Add) April 10; 1997 Page 18 'fest Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 611 2-10-97 Lot 57 41.0 10.6 109.9 116.2 95.0 612 2-10-97 Lot 58 39.0 11.4 110.9 116.2 95.0 613 2-10-97 °' 40.0 10.7 110.5 116.2 95.0 614 2-10-97 41.0 9.5 112.8 116.2 97.0 615 2-10-97 Lot 164 79.0 9.8 116.1 127.8 91.0 616 2-10-97 of79.0 7.3 126.4 127.8 99.0 617 2-10-97 Lot 163 81.0. 7.9 121.9 127.8 95.0 618 2-10-97 to81.0 8.6 119.1 127.8 93.0 619 2-10-97 Lot 162 83.0 7.8 119.0 127.8 93.0 620 2-10-97 to83.0 6.5 114.8 127.8 90.0 621 2-10-97 Lot 161 85.0 6.1 122.6 127.8 96.0 622 2-10-97 85.0 6.2 119.6 127.8 94.0 623 2-10-97 Lot 160 88.0 9.5 115.7 127:8 91.0 624 2-10-97 88.0 6.6 119.6 127.8 94.0 625 2-10-97 Lot 101 77.0 6.7 119.4 127.8 93.6 626 2-10-97 of 78.0 6.8 116.3 127.8 91.0 627 2-10-97 Lot 100 75.0 6:6 120.6 ' 127.8 94.0 628 2-10-97 76.0 7.3 124.3 127.8 97.0 629 1.10-97 of77.0 12.9 ' + 122.0 127.8 95.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-613 8 .(A.dd) April 10; 1997 Page 19 . Test No. Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Et Maximum 630 2-10-97 Lot 63 44.0 11.7 102.6 110.0 .93.0 631 2-10797 " 45.0 10.3 107.1 110.0 97.0 632 2-10-97 °' 46.0 10.4 107.4 110.0 98.0 633 2-10-97 Lot 64 45.0 10.0 106.8 110.0 97.0 634 2-10-97 46.0 11.8 103.9 110.0 94.0 635 2-10-97 47.0 8.5. 109:0 110.0 99.0 636 2-10-97 Lot 65 46.0 10.0 107.7 110.0 98.0 637 2-10=97 Is 47.0 10.8 106.6 110.0 97.0 638 2-10-97 it 48.0 9.8 107.7 110.0 98.0 639 2-10-97 Lot 145 81.0 7.8 121.2 127.8 95.0 640 2-10-97 °' 81.0 7.3 119.8 119.8 94.0 641 2-10-97 Lot 144 79.0 7.8 117.8 127.8 92.0 642. 2-10-97 if79.0 8.8 122.0 127.8 95.0. 643 2-10-97 :Lot 55 39.0 8.4 108.5 116.2 93.0 644 2-10-97 40.0 8.7 107.0 116.2 92.0 645 2-10-97 41.0 8.2 110.5 ' 116.2 4. 95.0 646 2-10-97 Lot 57 41.0 7.8 109.2 116.2 94.0 647 2-10-97 if42.0 7.6 1 109.6 116.2 94.0 648 2-10-97 43.0 7.7 109.4 116.2 94.0 Slodden ENIneednq File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 20 Test Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent No. Date Loc. Eley. _ _ Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Pt Maximum 649 2-10-97 Lot 59 41.0 7.2 109.2 116.2 94.0 650 2-10-97 °' 42.0 7.8 110.7 116.2 95.0 651 2-10-97 °' 43.0 9.1 107.3 116.2 92.0 652 2=10-97 Lot 60 41.0 8.7 107.3 116.2 92.0 653 2-10-97 to 42.0 10.5 104.0 116.2 90.0 654 2-10-97 43.0 11.0 104.8 116.2 90.0 655 2-10-97 Lot 61 42.0 12.7 105.9 116.2 91.0 656 2-10-97 °' 43.0 9.8 110.7 116.2 95.0 657 2=10-97 °' 44.0 8.3 110.4 116.2 95.0 658 2-10-97 Lot 62 42.0 93 108.1 116.2 93.0 659 2-10-97 43.0 11.3 107.5 116.2 93.0 660 2-10-97 °' 44.0 12:6 105.8 116.2 91.0 661 2-11-97 Lot 102 77.0 6.2 121.4 127.8 95.0 662 2-11-97 78.0 6.9 .122.4 127.8 96.0 663 2-11-97 Lot 101 73.0 7.4 119.8 127.8 94.0 664 2-11-97 of75.0 6.7 120.8 127.8 95.0 665 2-11-97 °' 77.0 .7.3 121.8 127.8 95.0 666 2-11-97 Lot 61 41.0 7.6 113.8 116.2 98.0 667 2-11-97 of 42.0 9.3 ' 108.1 116.2 93.0 5lndden fAgIneoring File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 21 'fest No. Date Loc. Eley_ Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum_ 668 2-11-97 Lot 61 43.0 7.8 109.2 116.2 93.0 669 2-11-97 Lot 63 46.0 7.6 107.7 116.2 93.0 670 2-11-97 °' 47.0 7.0 112.1 116.2 96.0 671 2-11-97 48.0 6.6 111.5 116.2 96.0 672 2-11-97 Lot 65 47.0 10.5 109.1 116.2 94.0 673 2-11-97 48.0 9.8 108.9 116.2 94.0 674 2-11-97 °' 49.0 9.8 107.2 116.2 92.0 675 2-11-97 Lot 67 49.0 11.4 110.0 116.2 95.0 676 2-11-97 50.0 9.7 108.6 116.2 93.0 677 2-11-97 51:0 10.5 108.2 116.2 93.0 678 2-11-97 Lot 68 50.0 11.7 105.8 116.2 91.0 679 2-11-97 °' 51.0 10.6 109.8 116.2 94.0 680 2-11-97 52.0 11.3 105.8 116.2 91.0 681 2-11-97 K. -Street 58.0 8.4 108.5 116.2 93.0 682 2-11-97 °' 60.0 8.8 108.8 116.2 94.0 683 2-11-97 Lot 62 44.0 7.0 108.1 116.2 92.0 684 2-11-97 °' 45.0 7.6 107.6 116.2 93.0 685 2-11-97 46.0 8.1 106.5 116.2 92.0 686 2-11-97 Lot 64 47'.0 11.2, 109.8 116.2 94.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 22 IGJL MVLJL -VUL rlu LAY 1,M-11 M&A 1.J1y A9101 rZ1%icI1L 687 2-11-97 Lot 64. 48.0 14.3 109.5 116.2 94.0 688 2-11-97 °1 49.0 11.3 109.8 116.2 94.0 689 2-11-97 Lot 66 48.0 8.7 108.2 116.2 93.0 690 2-11-97 49.0 9.4 106.9 116.2 92.0 691 2-11-97 50.0 8.2 107.7 116.2 93.0 692 2-11-97 Lot 69 50.0 8.4 113.4 116.2 93.0 693 2-11-97 Lot 102 79.0 8.7 115.7 127.8 91.0 694 2-11-97 of 79.0 8.4 118.5 127.8 93.0 695 2-11-97 Lot 101 78.0 7:5 117.6 127.8 92.0 696 2-11-97 " 78.0 8.4 118.5 127.8 93.0 697 2-11-97 Lot 103 74.0 6.9 123.0 127.8 96.0 698 2-11-97 of 74.0 7.1 117.0 127.8 92.0 699 2-11-97 Lot 100 77.0 6.7 119.0 127.8 93.0 700 2-11-97 °' 77.0 7.1 119.9 127.8 94.0 701 2-11-97 Lot 69 50.0 11.3 1023' 110.0 93.0 702 2-11-97 51.0 11.4 102.4' : 110:0 93.0 703 2-11-97 if 52.0 11.7 102.4 110.0 93.0 704 2-11-97 Lot 70 50.0 11.2 108.9 110.0 99.0 705 2-11-97 51.0 12.7'1. 103.0 110.0 94.0 Slodden (Englnesting File: 422-6.138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 23 Test Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 706 .2-11-97. Lot 70 52.0 11.8 101.3 110.0 92.0 707 2-11-97 Lot 84 59.0 11:3 110.7 116.2 95.0 708 2-11-97 IV60.0 8.8 110.9 116.2 95.0 709 2-11-97 61.0 10:1 111.6 116.2 96.0 710 2-11-97 Lot 83 58.0 7.9 109.1 116.2 94.0 711 2-11-97 °' 59.0 9.4 109.0 116.2 94.0 712 2-11-97 °' 60.0 9.3 108.1 116.2 93.0 713 2-11-97 Lot 82 58.0 9.3 106.7 116.2 92.0 714 2-11-97 59.0 7.4 108.7 116.2 94.0 715 2-11-97 °' 60.0 8.4 110.4 116.2 95.0 716 2-11-97 Lot 81 57.0 8.1 110.4 116.2 95.0 717 2-11-97 °' 58.0 11.0 109.5 116.2 94.0 718 2-11-97 59.0 9.6 109.9 116,2 95.0 719 2-11-97 Lot 85 63.0 9.7 107.3 116.2 92.0 720 2-11-97 °' 63.0 11.9 109.4 116.2 94.0 721' 2-11-97 it 63.6 10.1 106.6' 116.2 92.0 722 2-11-97 Lot 86 64.0 12.2 109.9 116.2 94.0 723 2-11-97 64.0 11.4 ' 106.1 116.2 91.0 1 724 2-11-97 °' 64.0 11.9 t 106.7 116.2 92.0 Sudden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 24 Fest foist Cont F1d Dry lien Max Dry lien Percent 725 2-11-97 Lot 80 59.0 9.6 1.11.6 116.2 96.0 726 2-11-97 60.0 8.7 109.1 116.2 94.0 727 2-11-97 °' 61.0 12.3 110:5 116.2 95.0 728 2=11-97 " 61.0 11.0 108.7 116.2 94.0 729 2-11-97 Lot 81 12.3 106.6 106.6 116.2 92.0 730 2-11-97 61.0 12.2 105.5 116.2 91.0 731 2-11-97 Lot 82 61.0 11.0 106.5 116.2 92.0 732 2-11-97 it61.0 9.6 107.3 116.2 92.0 733 2-11-97 Lot 83 61.0 12.8 110.9 116:2 95.0 734 2-11-97 °' 61.0 10.8 109.2 116.2 94.0 735 2-11-97 Lot 84 62.0 10.5 107.6 116.2 93.0 736 2-11-97 62.0 9.6 108.3 116.2 93: 0 737 2-12-97 Lot 71 52.0 9.8 107.9 110.0 98.0 738 2-12-97 " 53.0 11.7 106.4 110.0 97.0 739 2-12-97 54.0 14.2 102.2 110.0 93.0 740 2-12-97 Lot 69 51.0 9.8 108.4 110.0 99.0 741 2-12-97 52.0 15. i 105.6 110.0 96.0 742 2-12-97 °' 53.0 10.5 107.8 .110.0 98.0 743 2-12-97 Lot 70 10.3 10.31 108.5 110.0 99.0 Skadden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 25 Fest No Date Loc. Plev, Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Len Max Dry lien Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 744 2-12-97 Lot 70 53.0 9.4 107.4 110.0 98.0 745 2-12-97 °1 54.0 8.7 108.4 110.0 99.0 746 2-12-97 Lot 73 52.0 7.6 105.4 110.0 96.0 747 2-12-97 53.0 7.5 106.5 110.0 97.0 748 2-12-97 °' 54.0 7.1 105.5 110.0 96.0 749 2-12-97 Lot 72 51.0 6.7 106.0 110.0 96.0 750 2-12-97 °' 52.0 7.6 105.5 110.0 96.0 751 2-12-97 °' 53.0 7.3 107.1 110.0 97.0 752 2-12-97 Lot 71 54.0 7.2 107.4 110.0 98.0 753 2-12-97' °' 55.0 7.0 107.1 110.0 97.0 754 2-12-97 56.0 7.8 108.1 110.0 98.0 755 2-12-97 Lot 50 44.0 9.3 102.1 110.0 93.0 756 2-12-97 45.0 12.7 100.4 110.0 91.0 757 2-12-97 °' 46.0 10.1 99.7 110.0 91.0 758 2-12-97 Lot 51 44.0 8.7 99.8 110.0 91.0 759 2-12-97 45.0 10.5 99.9* 110.0 91.0 760 2-12-97 46.0 12.9 99.9 110.0 91.0 761 2-12=97 Lot 108 69.0 8.8 119.2 127.8 93.0 762 2-12-97 " 69.0 ,i 90� " 118.5 127.8 93.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 26 Test No. mate Loc. Eley, Moist Cont Percent 1~Id Dry Den Max Ivry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Et Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 763 2-12-97 Lot 107 69.0 11.2 121.0 127.8 95.0 764 2-12-97 °' 69.0 10.7 118.6 127.8 93.0 765 '2-12-97 °` 69.0 9.1 122.8 127.8 96.0 766 2=12-97 Lot 109 69.0 8.2 119.7 127.8 94.0 767 2-12-97 °' 69.0 10.3 122.6 127.8 96.0 768 2-12-97 °' 69.0 9.6 119.6 127.8 94.0 769 2-12-97 Lot 110 67.0 12.1 120.5 127.8 94.0 770 2-12-97 01 67.0 11.7 123.1 127.8 96.0 771 2-12=97 of67.0 8.8 119.8 127.8 94.0 772 2-12-97 Lot 111 66.0. 9.4 121.1 127.8 95.0 773 2-12-97 °' 66.0 9.6 120.3 127.8 94.0 774 2-12-97 °' 66.0 8.3 119.9 127.8 94.0 775 2-12-97 Lot 112 66.0 10.9 120.5 127.8 94.0 776 2-12-97 °' 66.0 9.5 121.8 127.8 95.0 777 2-12-97 66.0 9.2 116.9 127.8 91.0 778 2-12-97 Lot 113 64.0 9:6 119.6 127.8 94.0 779 2-12-97 0/ 64.0 8.6 120.6 127.8 94.0. 780 2-12-97 " 64.0 10.4 120.0 127.8 94.0 781 2-12-97 Lot 114 63.0 -,1 10.0 ' 125.0 127.8 98.0 Slodden ergine®Ping File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 27 'gest Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Ivry Den Percent 782 2-12-97 Lot 114 63.0 10.6 123.6 127.8 97.0 783 2-12-97 63.0 8.3 121.2 127.8 95.0 784 2-12-97 Lot 115 62.0 9.5 123.0 127.8 96.0 785 2-12-97 it 62.0 9.6 122.2 127.8 96.0 786 2-12-97' 62.0 8.6 120.3 127.8 94.0 787 2-12-97 Lot 116 61.0 8.5 120.7 127.8 94.0 788 2-12-97 61.0 10.0 118.5 127.8 93.0 789 2-12-97 61.0 12.2 118.9 127.8 93.0 790 2-13-97 Lot 46 42.0 7.9 109.0 120.0 91.0 791 2713-97 43.0 9.5 111.8 120.0 93.0 792 2-13-97 Lot 47 44.0 12.0 112.1 120.0 _ 93.0 793 2-13-97 45.0 9.2 113.9 120.0 95.0 794 2-13-97 Lot 48 44.0 8.3 113.4 120.0, 95.0 795 2-13-97 45.0 7.8 112.2 120.0 94.0, 796 2-13-97 Lot 52 45.0 9.3 112.8 120.0 94.0 797 2-13-97 46.0 7.9 112.6' 120.0 94.0 798 2-13-97 °' 47.0 1.1.5 111.0 120.0 93.0 799 2-13-97 Lot 50 47.0 9.2� 111.5 120.0 93.0 800- 2-13-97 01 48.0 ,! 781 112.0 120.0 93.0 SOedden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 28 'fest No. Date Loo. Eley_ Moist Cont Fld Ivry lien Max Dry Iden Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 801 2-13-97 Lot 50 49.0 8.3 112.4 120.0 94.0 802 2-13-97 Lot 51 46.0 7.2 111.2 120.0 93.0 803 2-13-97 it 47.0 8.9 112.7 120.0 94.0 804 2-13-97 it 48.0 9.8 113:7 120.0 95.0 805 2-13-97 Lot 46 45.0 8.0 118.1 120.0 98.0 806 2-13-97 Lot 47 46.0 8.8 118.1 120.0 98.0 807 2-13-97 °' 47.0 9.3 119.2 120.0 99.0 808 2-13-97 Lot 45 42.0 6.9 114.6 120.0 96.0 809 2-13-97 91 43.0 7.9 110.6 120.0 92.0 810 2-13-97 01 44.0 7.2 115.8 120.0 97.0 811 2-13-97 Lot 72 55.0 8.3 108.3 120.0 90.0 812 2-13-97 56.0 12.5 109.7 120.0 91.0 813 2-13-97 " . 57.0 12.3 110.6 120.0 92.0 .814 2-13-97 Lot 73 55.0 13.3 110.6 116.2 95.0 815 2-13-97 °' 56.0 10.2 113.5 116.2 98.0 816 2-13-97 °' 57.0 15.3 108.2 116.2 93.0 817 2-13-97 Lot 74 56.0 10.9 110.9 116.2 95.0 818 2-13-97 of 57.0 8.6 111.3 116.2 96.0 819 2-13-97 " 58.0 9.4 112.7 116..2 97.0 Slodden engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 29 Test No. Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 820 2-13-97 Lot 75 60.0 10.7 110.8 116.2 95.0 821 2-13-97 of 61.0 11.7 111.2 116.2 96.0 $22 2-13-97 Lot 93 74.0 6.9 121.7 127.8 95.0 823 2-13-97 °' 74.0 7.0 121.8 127.8 95.0 $24 2-13-97 °' 74.0 12.0 121:5 127.8 95.0 825 2-13-97 Lot 92 70.0 7.2 121.3 127.8 95.0 $26 2-13-97 if70.0 7.0 120.6 127.8 94.0 827 2-13-97 to 70.0 3.8 118.1 127.8 92.0 828 2-13-97' Lot 91. 69.0 7.4 121.5 127.8 95.0 829 2-13-97 69.0 5.4 120.6 127.8 94.0 830 2-13-97 °' 69.0 7.8 120.2 127.9 94.0 831 2-13-97 Lot 90 67.0 7.4 121.7 127.8 95.0 832 2-13-97 67.0 5.6 118.7 127.8 93.0 S33 2-13-97 67.0 6.2 120.5 127.8 94.0 834 2-13-97 to67.0 5.9 122.7 127.8 96.0 835 2-13-97 Lot 89 65.0 7.8 120.7' 127.8 94.0 836 2-13-97 0/ 65.0 8.0 118.1 127.8 92.0 $37 2-13-97 to65.0' 7.0' 119.7 127.8 94.0 838 2-13-97 65.0 7.6 118.5 127.8 93.0 Sleddan Engineering Tile: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 30 Test Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 839 2-13-97 Lot 88 63.0 6.4 121.0 127.8 95.0 840 2-13-97 if 63.0 .6.1 119.7 127.8 94.0 841 2-13-97 to63.0 5.2 118.7 127.8 93.0 842 2-13=97 Lot 87 63.0 6.8 118.0 127.8 96.0 843 2-13-97 It63.0 5.2 119.0 127.8 96.0 844 2-13-97 it63.0 6.6 113.9 127.8 92.0 . 845 2-13-97 if63.0 6.3 116.0 127.8 94.0 846 2-18-97 Lot 103 74.0 5.5 123.3 127.8 96.0 847 2-18=97 °' 74.0 7.0 121.7 127.8 95.0 848 2-18-97 Lot 104 67.0 7.0 123.5 127.8 97.0 849 2-18-97 Lot 101 78.0 6.7 123.1 127.8 96.0 850 2-18-97 Lot 44 41.0 13.7 110.6 120.0 92.0 851 2-18-97 42.0 10.1. 117.0 120.0 98.0 852 2-18-97 °' 43.0 12.3 117.2 120.0 98.0 853 2-18-97 Lot 48 46.0 10.3 112.3 120..0 94.0 854 2-18-97 if47.0 10.2 , 110.1 120.0 92.0 855 2-18-97 Lot 47 47.0 13.2. 118.5 120.0 99.0 856 2-18-97 48.0 14:9 ; } i 115.5 120.0 96.0 857 2-18-97 Lot 49 47.0 12.5 119.3 120.0 99.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422=6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 31 Test Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Iden Percent 858 2-18-97 Lot 49 48.0 13.2 118.0 120.0 98.0 859 2-18-97 Lot 53 44.0 I0.7 114.1 120.0 95.0 860 2-18-97 °' 45.0 12.2 118.2 120.0 99.0 861 2-18-97 46.0 8.3 116.0 120.0 97.0 862 2-18-97 48.0 8.8 115.3 120.0 96.0 863 2-18-97 49.0 10.6 117.8 120.0 98.0 . 864 2-18-97 Lot 51 50.0 11.1 116.1 120.0 97.0 865 2-18-97 Lot 50 49.0 8.8 116.8 120.0 97.0 866 2-18-97 50.0 9.6 118.6 120.0 99.0 867 2-18-97 " 51.0 9.7 118.9 o 120.0 99.0 868 2-18-97 Lot 44 44.0 8.2 112.3 120.0 94.0 869 2-18-97 " . 45.0 10.7 114.7 120.0 96.0 870'2-19-97 °' 46.0 7.1 118.6 123.5 96.0 871 2-19-97 47.0 9.6 121.7 123.5 99.0 872 2-19-97 of 48.0 8.7 121.8 123.5 99.0 873 2-19-97 Lot 46 48.0 6.5 118.0 123.5 96.0 874 2-19-97 to 49.0 10.5 117.7 123.5 95.0 875 2-19-97 it.50.0 6.0 116.7 123.5 94.0 876 2-19-97 Lot 48 49.0 9.7 112.3 123.5 91.0 S9odden ENInsering File: -.422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 32 Test No. Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont FId Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent ]Percent Lbs/Cu Ft LbsCu Pt Maximum 877, 2-19-97 Lot 48 50.0 8.8 112.3 123.5 91.0 878 2-19-97 if 51.0 9.7 111.5 123.5 90.0 879 2-19-97 Lot 53 46.0 7.6 113.8 123.5 92.0 880 2-19-97 01 47.0 7.4 114.1 123.5 92.0 881. 2-19-97 of 48.0 7.9 114.0 123.5 92.0 882 2-19-97 Lot 75 62.0 8.4 112.0 123.5 92.0 883 2-19-97 " 63.0 11.2 119.7 123.5 97.0 884 2-19-97 Lot 74 62.0 10.7 110.6 123.5 90.0 885 2-19-97 63.0 9.4 111.4 123.5 90.0 886 2-19=97 Lot 73 59.0 11.4 111.2 123.5 90.0 887 2-19-97 it 60.0 8.6 112.7 123.5 91.0 888 2-19-97 Lot 72 58.0 12.5 119.1 123.5 96.0 889 2-19-97 °' 59.0 11.9 115.6 123.5 94.0 890 2-19-97 Lot 76 62.0 11.9 118.6 123.5 96.0 891 2-19-97 63.0 11.7 117.0 123.5 95.0 892 2-19-97 °' 64.0 10.6 114.0 123.5 92.0 893 249-97' Lot 77 62.0 11.2 113.8 123.5 92.0 894 2-19-97 °' 63.0 9.5 113.7 123.5 92.0 895 2-19-97 Lot 78 61.0. 9.3 117.4 123.5 94.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10; 1997 Page 33 'fest l�lo_ Date Loc_ Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 896 2-19-97 Lot 78 62.0 8.8 116.4 123.5 94.0 897 2-19-97 0063.0 8.6 118.4 123.5 96.0 898 2-19-97 Lot 73 60.0 9.4 115.3 123.5 93.0 899 2-19-97 61.0 8.5 114.1 123.5 92.0 900 2-19-97 Lot 74 62.0 9.3 113.9 123.5 92.0 901 2-19-97 if 63.0 10.7 114.4 123.5 93.0 902 2-19-97 to 64.0 10.3 114.7 123.5 93.0 903 249-97 11 64.0 10.1 113.6 123.5 92.0 904 2-20-97 Lot 75 63.0 14.1 113.7 123.5 92.0 905 2-20-97 64.0 11.7 115.2 123.5 93.0 906. 2-20-97 65.0 12.8 112.2 123.5 91.0 907 2-20-97 Lot 76 63.0 8.5 118.0 123.5 96.0 908 2-20-97 64.0 8.7 117.2 123.5 95.0 909 2-20-97 °' 65.0 8.4 117.8 123.5 .95.0 910 2-20-97 Lot 78' 63.0 9.6 115.7 123.5 94.0 911 2-20-97 " 63.0 8.3 116.2 123.5 94.0 912 2-20-97 °' 63.0 10.0" 115.7 123.5 94.0 913. 2-20-97 Lot 79 62.0 8.9 119.2 123.5 97.0 914 2-20-97 °' 62.0. 10.5 118.7 123.5 96.0 Sladden Eroginsoring File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 34 Test No. Date Loc_ Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs /Cu Ft Maximum 915 2=20-97 Lot 79 62.0 10.4 120.0 123.5 97.0 916 2-20-97 Lot 55 41.0 12.3 113.7 123.5 92.0 917 2-20-97 42.0 10.1 115.6 123.5 94.0 918 2-20-97 43.0 11.1 112.9 123.5 91.0 919 2-20-97 Lot 56 41.0 10.7 114.2 123.5 92.0 920 2-20-97 42.0 9.8 112.9 123.5 91.0 921 2-20-97 °' 43.0 8.3 112.9 123.5 91.0 922 2-20-97 Lot 58 42.0 11.6 113.6 123.5 92.0 923 2-20-97 43.0 9.4 117.6 123.5 95.0 924 2-20-97 44.0 9.9 117.1 123.5 95.0 925 2-20-97 Lot 59 43.0 9.6 115.0 123.5 93.0 926 2-20-97 44.0 8.0 118.2 123.5 96.0 927 2-20-97 45.0 9.5 116.7 123.5 94.0 928 2-20-97 Lot 60 44.0 10.0 117.2 123.5 95.0 929 2-20-97 °' 45.0 12.2 115.1 123.5 93.0 930 2=20=97 °' 46.0 8.7 112.9 123.5 91.0 931 2-20-97 Lot 61 45.0 9.1- 117.6 123.5 95..0 932 2-20-97 46.0 9.5 115.2 • 123.5 93.0 933 2-20-97 47.0 10.5 114.5 123.5 93.0. 51adden (Engineer ng File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10; 1997 Page 35 Test Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 934 2-20-97 Lot 62 46.0 8.1 119.0 123.5 96.0 935 2-20-97 01 47.0 8.7 118.3 123.5 96.0 936 2-20-97 11 48.0 9.6 115.4 123.5 93.0 937 2-20-97 Lot 209 129.0 6.5 120.2 127.8 94.0 938 2-20-97 °' 129.0 6.7 123.7 127.8 97.0 939 2-20-97 °' 129.0 6.4 121.4 127.8 95.0 940 2-25-97 Lot 94 77.0 8.2 120.7 127.8 94.0 941 2-25-97 If77.0 6.8 119.0 127.8 93.0 942 2-25-97 11 77.0 7.2 122.7 127.8 96.0 943 2-25-97 Lot 177 81.0 7.6 124.5 127.8 97.0 944 2-25-97 :' 81.0 7.1 123.9 127.8 97.0 945 2-25-97 81.0 8.6 124.9 127.8 98.0 946 2-25-97 Lot 178 85.0 9.5 125.0 127.8 98.0 947 2-25-97 85.0 7.2 122.6 127.8 96.0 948 2-25-97 85.0 8.0 121.6 127.8 95.0 949 2-25-97 Lot 179 88.0 7.8 119.2 127.8 93.0 950 2-25-97 88.0 8:6 122.6 127.8 96.0 951 2-25-97 °' 88.0 8.5 117.8 127.8 92.0 952 2.25-97 Lot 180 91.0 7.2 ' 1 123.6 127.8 91.0 Siodden Enginearing File' 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 36 Test No. Date Loc. Eley. foist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 953 2-25-97 Lot 180 91.0 7.7 . 123.1 127.8 96.0 954 2-25-97 °1 91.0 8.2 125.2 127.8 01.0 955 2-25-97 Lot 7 34.0 15.6 103.6 110.0 94.0 956 2-25-97 35.0 13.8 101.0 110.0 92.0 957 2-25-97 Lot 9 33.0 15.1 103.5 110.0 94.0 958 2-25-97 it 34.0 16.9 105.9 110.0 96.0 959 2-25-97 Lot 11 33.0 16.3 102.5 110.0 93.0 960 2-25-97 It 34.0 17.4 100.4 110.0 91.0 961 2-25-97 Lot 18 31.0 17.9 99.4 110.0 90.0 962 2-25-97 32.0 14.7 100.7 110.0 92.0 963 2-26-97 Lot 17 31.0 14.2 103.0 110.0 94.0 964 2-26-97 it32.0 14.8 103.6 110.0 94.0 965 2-26-97 Lot 16 31.0 14.3 101.5 110.0 92.0 966 2-26-97 32.0 15.9 103.3 110.0 94.0 967 2-26-97 Lot 14 32.0 17.3 99.3 110.0 90.0 968 2-26-97 °' 33.0 15:2 100.2 110.0 91.0 969 2-26-97 it 34.0 13.1; 102.8 110.0 93.0 970 2726-97 Lot 8 34.0 17.5 100.7 110.0 92.0 971 2-26-97 of 35.0 12.4 100.6 110.0 91.0 Siedden Engineer dng File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 37 Test No_ Date Loo, Elev- Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den. Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 972 2-26-97 Lot 8 36.0 13.8 100.5 110.0 91.0 973 2-26-97 Lot 10 34.0 13.6 102.6 110.0 93.0 974 2-26-97 91 35.0 11.7 103.8 110.0 94.0 975 2-26-97 °' 36.0 14.8 101.7 110.0 92.0 976 2-27-97 Lot 137 62.0 8.6 116:5 127.8 91.0 977 2-27-97 °' 62.0 9.1 119.2 127.8 93.0 978 2-27-97 °' 62.0 9.6 118.6 127.8 93.0 979 2-27-97 Lot 117 59.0 8.3 120.2 127.8 94.0 " 980 2-27-97 °' 59.0 11.3 119.5 127.8 94.0 981 2-27-97 °' 59.0 8.9 -117.6 127.8 92.0 982 2-27-97 Lot 118 58.0 9.0 117.9 127.8 92.0 983 2-27-97 °' 58.0 9.7 121.2 127.8 95.0 984 2-27-97 °' 58.0 8.5 118.2 127.8 92.0 985 3-03-97 Lot 2 36.0 14.2 101.6 110.0 92.0 986 3-03-97 °' 37.0 14.6 106.7 110.0 97.0 987 3-03=97 11 38.0 10.8 106.0 110.0 96.0 988 3-03-97 Lot 4 35.0 11.0' 103.9 110.0 94.0 989 3-03-97 01 36.0 12.4 104.2 110.0 95.0 990 3-03-97 11 37.0 13.4 } 102.6 110.0 93.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 38 Test Moist Cont Ild Dry,Ven Max Dry Den Percent No. Date Loc. Eley. Percent ]Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 991 3-03-97 Lot 6 36.0 12.7 105.1 110.0 96.0 992 3-03-97 °' 37.0 13.3 105.9 110.0 96.0 993 3-03-97 °° 38.0 10.5 104.2 110.0 95.0 994 3-04-97 Lot 1 36.0 6.4 107.7 110.0 98.0 995 3-04-97 of37.0 8.9 105.4 110.0 96.0 996 3-04-97 if38.0 10.8 103.4 110.0 94.0 997 3-04-97 Lot 13 35.0 14.6 106.5 110.0 97.0 998 3-04-97 It 36.0 14.3 101.6 110.0 92.0 999 3-04-97 to 37.0 11.8 108.3 110.0 98.0 1.000 3-04-97 Lot 15 34.0 16.3 104.8 110.0 95.0 1001 3-04-97 is 35.0 17.6 107.8 110.0 98.0 1002 3-04-97 °' 36.0 15.6 108.5 110.0 99.0 1003 3-04-97 Lot 49 53.0 8.4 122.6 127.8 96.0 1004 3-04-97 of53.0 7.7 124.3 127.8 97.0 1005 3-04-97 Lot 48 53.0 8.1 121.7 127.8 95.0 1006 3-04-97 53.0 7.7 121.4 127.8 95.0 1007 3-05-97 Lot 1 39.0 12.4 104.7 110.0 95.0 1008 3-05-97 It40.0 13.2 108.2 110.0 98.0 1009 3-05-97 Lot 2 41.0 .1 10.0 107.7 110.0 98.0 Siodden ENInsaring File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 39 Test Moist Cont Fid Ivry Den Max Dry Den Percent 1010 3-05-97 Lot 3 39.0 11.5 107.0 110.0 97.0 1011 3-05-97 40.0 11.3 105.2 110.0 96.0 1012 3-05-97 °' . 41.0 12.8 106.7 110.0 97.0 1013 3-05-97 Lot 5 40.0 13.5 103.9 110.0 94.0 1014 3-05-97 to 41.0 12.5 103.5 110.0 94.0 1015 3-05-97 42.0 11.4 105.6 110.0 96.0 1016 3-05-97 Lot 12 36.0 14.1 102.9 110.0 94.0 1017 3-05-97 37.0 13.3 103.8 110.0 94.0 1018 3-05-97 38.0 13.1 103.5 110.0 94.0 1019 3-05-97 Lot 11 37.0 10.9 105.1 110.0 96.0 1020 3-05-97 38.0 12.3 104.5 110.0 95.0 1021 3-05-97 39.0 11.2 104.9 110.0 95.0 1022 3-05-97 Lot 9 38.0 11.5 105.6 110.0 96.0. 1023 3-05-97 to 39.0 12.5 108.5 110.0 99.0 1024 3-05-97 is 40.0 11.5 107.2 110.0 97.0 1025 3-05-97 Lot 7 39.0 10.6 107.1 110.0 97.0 1026 3-05-97 to 40.0 11.9" 106.5 110.0 97.0 1027 3-05-97 to 41.0 11.5 103.1 110.0 94.0 1028 3-05-97 Lot 22 30.0 14.7 101.9 110.0 93.0 5i®ddean Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 40 Test No_ Date Loc. Eley, Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Iden Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1029 3-05-97 Lot 22 31.0 14.3 105.1 110.0 96.0 1030 3-05-97 it32.0 13.2 107.0 110.0 97.0 1031 3-05-97 Lot 24 29.0 12.7 105.9 110.0 96.0 1032 3-05-97 " 30.0 13.6 105.8 110.0 96.0 1033 3-05-97 of 31.0 10.9 107.6 110.0 98.0 1034 3-06-97 Lot 8 39.0 11.4 109.1 110.0 99.0 1035 3-06-97 of 40.0 10.7 107.6 110.0 98.0 1036 3-06-97 it 41.0 10.7 106.9 110.0 97.0 1037 3-06-97 Lot 9 38.0 11.9 107.1 110.0 97.0 1038 3=06-97 °' 39.0 11.1 108.7 110.0 99.0 1039 3-06-97 40.0 14.1 103.2 110.0 94.0 1040 3-06-97 Lot 10 38.0 14.4 105.6 110.0 96.0 1041 3-06-97 it39.0 12.8 106.2 110.0 97.0 1042 3-06-97 to 40.0 10.5 105.1 110.0 96.0 1043 3-06-97 Lot 23 31.0 11.4 108.5 110.0 99.0 1044 3-06-97 °' 32.0 10.5 105.4 110.0 96.0 1045 3-06-97 33.0 12.6" 107.2 110.0 97.0 1046 3-06-97' Lot 21 31.0 11.6 107.5 110.0 98.0 1047 3-06-97 of 32.0 'i 11.7 106.1 110.0 96.0 Sladden ENIneeting File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 41 't est No_ Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Fid Dry lien Max Dry igen Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1048 3-06797 Lot 21 33.0 10.5 104.9 110.0 95.0 1049 3-06-97 Lot 19 31.0 11.8 105.4 110.0 96.0 1050 3-06-97 32.0 10.5 104.2 110.0 95.0 1051 3-06-97 Lot 19 32.0 10.5 104.2 110.0 95.0 1052 3-06-97 Lot 14 36.0 11.6 108.9 110.0 99.0 1053 3-06-97 of 37.0 11.3 108.0 110.0 98.0 1054 3-06-97 °' 38.0 10.9 107.6 110.0 98.0 1055 3-06-97 Lot 16 35.0 9.6 106.9 110.0 97.0 1056 3-06-97 It 36.0 11.4 107.5 110.0 98.0 1057 3-06-97 1° 37.0 12.3 105.1 110.0 96.0 1058 3-06-97 Lot 18 35.0 12.8 107.1 1160 97.0 1059 3-06-97 36.0 14.5 103.9 110.0 94.0 1060 3-06-97 37.0 10.0 105.4 110.0 96.0 1061 3-06-97 Lot 26 30.0 13.3 101.9 110.0 93.0 1062 3-06-97 31.0 15.1 103.3 110.0 94.0 1063 3-06-97 :' 32.0 11.5 106.5 110.0 97.0 1064 3-06-97 Lot 22 33.0 12.3 " 107.9 110.0 99.0 1065 3-06-97 34.0 - 9.9 104.2 110.0 95.0 1066 3-06-97 35.0 10.6 107.7 110.0 98.0 Sladden "neadng Pile: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 42 Fest Moist Cont ,old Dry Den Max Dry igen Percent No. mate Loc Eley. Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Pt Maximum 1067 3-06-97 Lot 20 32.0 11.7 107.1 110.0 97.0 1068 3-06-97 of 33.0 12.3 105.6 110.0 96.0 1069 3-06-97 of 34.0 12.2 105:6 110.0 96.0 1070 3-10-97 Lot 19 34.0 11.4 109.1 110.0 99.0 1071 3-10-97 °' 35.0 11.9 107.6 110.0 98.0 1072 3-10-97 36.0 11.7 107.1 110.0 97.0 1073 3-10-97 Lot 21 34.0 14.3 101.2 110.0 92.0 1074 3-10-97 °' 35.0 12.8 105.7 110.0 96.0 1075 3-10-97 36.0 12.4 105.1 110.0 96.0 1076 3-10-97 Lot 23 34.0 10.6 102.0 110.0 93.0 1077 3-10-97 °' 35.0 11.3 104.9 110.0 95.0 1078 3-10-97 36.0 10.9 106.7 110.0 97.0 1079 3-10-97 Lot 24 34.0 14.3 101.1 110.0 92.0 1080 3-10-97 35.0 10.6 _ 107.6 110.0 98.0 1081 3-10-97 36.0 10.0 104.5 110.0 95.0 1082 3-10-97 Lot 21 35.0 10.8 104.3 110.0 95.0 1083 3-10-97 01 36.0 12.0 102.9 110.0 94.0 1084 3-10-97 it 37.0 10.8 102.7 110.0 93.0 1085 3-10-97 Lot 25 33.0 12.3 i 105.6 110.0 96.0 SOodden &VInearerg Fele: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 43 'fest No Date Lac 1~lev Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu-Et Maximum 1086 3-10-97 Lot 25 34.0 12.9 104.3 110.0 95.0 1087 3-10-97 of 35.0 13.6 107.6 110.0 98.0 1088 3-11-97 Lot 42 36.0 10.4 109.3 110.0 94.0 1089 3-11-97 1° 37.0 12.3 113.2 116.2 94.0 1090 3-11=97 to 38.0 11.5 107.2 116.2 92.0 1091. 3-11-97 Lot 41 37.0 13.2 109.6 116.2 94.0 1092 3-11-97 it 38.0 13.5 109.0 116.2 94.0 1093 3-11-97 11 39.0 15.0 111.3 116.2 96.0 1094 3-11-97 Lot 40 38.0 13.5 112.1 116.2 96.0 1095 3-11-97 °' 39.0 12.5 110.3 116.2 95.0 1096 3-11-97 40.0. 12.1 109.8 116.2 94.0 1097 3=11-97 Lot 37 39.0 14.2 107.9 116.2 93.0 1098 3-11-97 40.0 13.4 110.2 116.2 92.0 1099 3-11-97 °' 41.0 14.3 106.9 116.2 92.0 1100 3-11-97 Lot 38 39.0 12.2 109.2 116.2 94.0 1101 3-11-97 of 40.0 13.1 110.0 116.2 95.0 1102 3-11-97 °' 41-.0 12.5 107.1 116.2 92.0 1103 3-11-97 Lot 39 38.0 9.6 107.5 116.2 93.0. 1104 3-11-97 °' 39.0 11.1 107.5 116.2 94.0 Sladden ENIne®ring File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 44 Test Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Ivry Den Percent 1105 3-11-97 Lot 39 40.0 13.3 106.9 116.2 92.0 1106 3-11-97 Lot 27 57.0. 14.4 105.1 110.0 96.0 1107 3-11-97 91 58.0 15.3 103.6 110.0 94.0 1108 3-11-97 of 59.0 15.5 106.7 110.0 97.0 1109 3-11-97 Lot 28 59.0 16.3 108.5 110.0 99.0 1110 3-11-97 °r 60.0 16.2 103.2 110.0 94.0 1111 3-11-97 °' 61.0 13.7 104.9 110.0 94.0 1112 3-11-97 Lot 30 57.0 13.4 101.9 110.0 93.0 1113 3-11-97 " 58.0 16.9 103.3 110.0 94.0 1114 3-11-97 of 59.0 15.6 102.9 110.0 94.0 1115 3-11-97 Lot 29 54.0 15.3 105.6 110.0 96.0 1116 3=11-97 55.0 16.5 101.6 110.0 92.0 1117 3-11-97 °' 56.0 16.3 105.0 110.0 95.0 1118 3-11-97 Lot 31 53.0 13.7 106.9 110.0 97.0 1119 3-11-97 °' 54.0 15.7 103.1 110.0 94.0 1120 3-11-97 55.0 14.7 105.1 110.0 96.0 1121 3-11-97 Lot 36 47.0 14.9 107.1 110.0 97.0 1122 3-11-97 it48.0 11.8 106.3 110.0 97.0 1123 3-11-97 °' 49.0 11.5 108.5 110.0 99.0 Sladden Engineadng File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 45 Test _ Moist tont Fid Dry igen Max Dry Den Percent 1124 3-11-97 Lot 28 61.0 13.8 105.2 110.0 96.0 1125 3-11-97 to 62.0 13.5 105.5 110.0 96.0- 1126 3-11-97 Lot 1 42.0 10.6 105.2 110:0 96.0 1127 3-11-97 42.0 9.6 105.9 110.0 96.0 1128 3-11-97 Lot 2 42.0 12.0 102.9 110.0 94.0 1129 3-11-97 it42:0 12.2 107.1 110.0 97.0 1130 3-11-97 Lot 3 42.0 11.5 104.2 110.0 95.0 1131 3-11-97 It 42.0 12.9 104.5 110.0 95.0 1132 3-11-97 Lot 4 43.0 14.6 104.9 110.0 95.0 1133 3-11-97 43.0 11.0 103.7 110.0 94.0 1134 3-11-97 Lot 5 43.0 12.3. 105.7 110.0 96.0 1135 3-11-97 °' 43.0 12.2 104.2 110.0 95.0 1136 3-12-97 Lot 31 51.0. 8.4 109.0 116.2 94.0 1137 3-12-97 52.0 9.7 106.3 116.2 91.0 1138 3-12-97 53.0 8.0 106.8 116.2 92.0 1139 3-12-97 Lot 28 62.0 7.9 111.7 116.2 96.0 1140 3-12-97 to 63.0 9.9 107.2 116.2 92.0 1141 3-12-97 of64.0 8.7 105.9 116.2 91.0 1142 3-12-97 Lot 29 58.0 8.2 105.0 116.2 90.0 Sadden Engdneadng File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 46 Test foist Cont 1~ld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 1143 3-12-97 Lot 29 59.0 9.1 108.5 116.2 93.0 1144 3-12-97 01 60.0 8.8 107.9 116.2 93.0 1145 3-12-97 Lot 28 63.0 10.1 108.7 116.2 94.0 1146 3-12-97 64.0 .9.0 112.6 116.2 97.0 1147 3-12-97 °' 65.0 11.4 112.0 116.2 96.0 1148 3-12-97 . Lot 30 59.0 11.2 111.2 116.2 96.0 1149 3-12-97 60.0 8.9 107.9 116.2 93.0 1150 3-12=97 °' 61.0 8.5 112.7 116.2 97.0 1151 3-12-97 Lot 29 61.0 10.8 110.6 116.2 95.0 1152 3-12-97 is 62.0 7.1 110.0 116.2 95.0 1153 3-12-97 it 63.0 8.8 108.7 116.2 94.0 1154 3-12-97 Lot 40 41.0 9.6 112.7 116.2 97.0 1155 3-12-97 42.0 10.7 109.2 116.2 94.0 1156 3-12-97 °' 43.0 10.4 109.7 116.2 94.0 1157 3-12-97 Lot 41 39.0 10.3 111.7 116.2 96.0 1158 3-12-97 °' 40.0 9.8 109.0 116.2 94.0 1159 3-12-97 1/ 41.0 8.6' 112.0 116.2 96.0 1160 3-12-97 Lot 42 39.0 10.6 108.9 116.2 94.0 1161 3-12-97 °' 40.0 10.4 109.2 116.2 94.0 Sudden finginearing File: ' 422=6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 47 Test No Date Loc Eley Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1162 3-12-97 Lot 42 41.0 10.9 109.9 116.2 94.0 1163 3-12-97 Lot 38 38.0 8.9 107.9 116.2 93.0 1164 3-12-97 it 44.0. 9.7 106.9 116.2 92.0 1165 3-12-97 45.0 11.4 110.7 116.2 95.0 1166 3-12-97 Lot 39 41.0 11.2 111.7 116.2 96.0 1167 3-12-97 of 42.0 11.6 108.2 116.2 93.0 1168 3-12-97 of430 8.4 106.5 116.2 92.0 1169 3-12-97 Lot 37 42.0 8.6 109.9 116.2 95.0 1170 3-12-97 it 43.0 10.5 109.2 116.2 94.0 1171 3-12-97 of 44.0 103 111.8 116.2 96.0 1172 3-12-97 Lot 6 43.0 14.2 105.7 116.2 91.0 1173 3-12-97 Lot 7 42.0 14.7 107.9 116.2 93.0 1174 3-12-97 °' 42.0 13.8 104.8 116.2 90.0 .1175 3-12-97 Lot 8 42.0 14.9 106.7 116.2 92.0 1176 3-12-97 Lot 9 41.0 12.9 104.2 116.2 90.0 1177 3-12-97 Lot 10 41.0 11.7 104.6 116.2 90.0 1178 3-12-97 41.0 12.7 108.9 116.2 94.0 1179 3-12-97 Lot 11 41.0 14.2 107.6 116:2 93.0 1180 342-97 Lot 12 40.0 14.0 t 107.5 116.2 93.0 Siodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) Apruil 10, 1997 Page 48 Test No. Date Loc. Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1181 3-13-97 Lot 12 40.0 15.6 108.8 116.2 94.0 1182 3-13-97 Lot 13 40.0 12.8 107.6 116.2 93.0 1183 3-13-97 9' 40.0 13.7 105.9 116.2 91.0 1184 3-13-97 lot 14 39.0 14.0 105.9 116.2 91.0 1185 3-13-97 Lot 15 39.0 11.5 107.2 116.2 92.0 1186 3-13-97 it 39.0 15.3 109.9 116.2 95.0 1187 3-13-97 Lot 16 38.0 14.6 106.4 116.2 92.0 1188 3-13-97 Lot 17 38.0 14.2 107.0 116.2 92.0 1189 3-13-97 91 38.0 13.5 106.3 116.2 91.0 1190 3-13-97 Lot 77 65.0 8.3 115.7 123.5 94.0 l 1191 3-13-97 " 65.0 9.6 113.9 123.5 92.0 1192 3-13-97 Lot 76 66.0 10.9 116:6 123.5 94.0 1193 3-13-97 Lot 75 66.0 10.5 116.9 123.5 95.0 1194 3-13-97 01 66.0 10.8 112.9 123.5 91.0 1195 3.13-97 Lot 74 65.0 7.5 114.0 123.5 92.0 1196 3-13-97 Lot 73 63.0 8.2 116.7 123.5 94.0 1197 3-13-97 Lot 72 62.0 8:5 116.0 123.5 94.0 1198 3-13-97 °' 62.0 9.0 115.2 123.5 93.0 1199 3-13-97 Lot 71 58.0 .1 8.2 } 117.3 123.5 95.0 Siodden Engine a dng Sladden (Engineering 4 File: 422-6138 (Add) Apri] 10, 1997 Page 49 'fest No. Date Loc. Eley, Moist Cont Percent Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Et Lbs/Cu Et M imum 1200 3-13-97 Lot 70 55.0 8.7 116.9 123.5 95.0 1201 3-13-97 Lot 69 54.0 10.1 116.0 123.5 94.0 1202 3-13-97 Lot 68 53.0 9.5 118.5 123.5 96.0 1203 3-13-97 Lot 67 52.0 10.1 114.3 123.5 93.0 1204 3-13-97 Lot 66 51.0 7.4 114.9 123.5 93.0 1205 3-13-97 Lot 65 50.0 10.5 113.6 123.5 92.0 1206 3-13-97 Lot 64 50.0 8.6 116.2 123.5 94.0 1207 3-13-97 Lot 63 49.0 8.8 116.3 123.5 94.0 1208 3-13-97 Lot 62 . 49.0 8.6 114.6 123.5 93.0 1209 3-13-97 Lot 61 48.0 7.4 112.2 123.5 91.0 121013-13-97 Lot 60 47.0 7.1 113.0 123.5 91.0 1211 3-13-97 Lot 59 46.0. 7.6 112.9 123.5 91.0 1212 3-13-97 tot 58 4.5.0 8.6 115.9 123.5 94.6 1213 3-13-97 Lot 57 45.0 8.1 114.2 123.5 92.0 1214 3-13-97 Lot 56 44.0 8.8 118.2 123.5 96.0 1215 3-13-97 Lot 55 44.0 8.2 115.9 123.5 94.0 1216 3-17-97 Lot 95 71.0 7.0 121.3 127.8 95.0 1217 3-17-97 to71.0 7.6 118.7 127.8 93.0 1218 3-17-97 if71.0 7.6 118.5 127.8 93.0 Sladden (Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 50 Test No. Date Loc. Eley_ Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/CU Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1219 3-17-97 Lot 96 74.0 8.2 123.9 127.8 96.0 1220 3-17-97 of74.0 8.0 119.2 127.8 93.0 1221 3-17-97 01 74.0 8.5 120.2 127.8 94.0 1222 3-17-97 Lot 97 76.0 7.0 120.7 127.8 94.0 1.223 3-17-97 76.0 7.3 124.0 127.8 97.0 1224 3-17-97 °' 76.0 7.1 120.9 127.8 97.0 1225 3-17-97 Lot 98 78.0 7.6 119.7 127.8 94.0 1226 3-17-97 °1 78.0 7.1 119.5. 127.8 94.0 1227 3-17-97 Lot 174 80.0 7.0 120.9 127.8 95.0 1228 3-17-97 °' 80.0 7.7 124.7 127.8 98.0 1229 3-17-97 °' 80.0 6.1 122.6 127.8 96.0 1230 3-17-97 Lot 175 77.0 7.0 120.0 127.8 94.0 1231 3-17-97 °' 77.0 7.1 123.1 127.8 96.0 1232 3-17-97 °' 77.0 7.2 123.9 127.8 97.0 1233 3-17-97 Lot 176 74.0 7.9 121.9 127.8 95.0 1234 3-17-97 °' 74.0 7.3 122.6 127:8 96.0 1235 3-17-97 " 74.0 7.1 120.3 127.8 94.0 1236 3-17-97 Lot 136 61.0 8.5 124.2 127.8 97.0 1237 3-17-97 " 61.0 9.1 123.9 127.8 97.0 Siodden Engine®ring File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 51 Test No. Date Loc Eley, Moist Cont: Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Percent L.bs/CuFt Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1238 3-17-97 Lot 140 68.0 7.9 120.6 127.8 94.0 1239 3-17-97 is 68.0 8.5 122.7 127.8 96.0 1240 3-18-97 Lot 244 31.1 16.6 101.2 110.0 92.0 1241 3-18-9.7 °' 32.1 17.0 105.9 110.0 96.0 1242 3-18-97 33.1 16.8 105.9 110.0 96.0 1243 3-18-97 " 33.1 16.4 104.3 110.0 95.0 1244 3-18-97 °' 32.1 14.3 104.9 110.0 95.0 1245 3-18-97 33.1 15.0 104.8 110.0 95.0 1246 3-18-97 °' 31.1 14.2 105.7 110.0 .96.0 1247 3-18-97 32.1 15:1 103.2 110.0 94.0 1248 3-18-97 33.1 13.8 103.5 110.0 94.0 1249 3-26-97 Lot 120 53.0 8.2 119.6 127.8 94.0 1250 3-26-7 °' 54.0 7.8 121.3 127.8 95.0 1251 3-26-97 55.0 7.8 117.9 127.8 92.0 1252 3-26-97 Lot 133 57.0 9.1 119.2 127.8 93.0 1253 3-26-97 57.0 8.3 119.0 127.8 93.0 1254 3-26-97 Lot 132 56.0 7.7 123.6 127.8 97.0 1255 3-26-97 56.0 7.6 123:5 127.8 97.0 l 1256 3-26-97 56.0 7.7 125.2 127.8 98.0 Siadden Enginearing File: 422-6138 (Add) April i 0, 1997 Page 52 Test Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Iden Percent 1257 3-26-97 Lot 131 55.0 7.7 125.0 127.8 98.0 1258 3-26-97 01 55.0 7.1 123.6 127.8 97.0 1259 3-26=97 1° 55.0 6.7 123.1 127.8 96.0 1260 3-26-97 Lot 130 54.0 7.0 124.7 127.8 98.0 1261 3-26-97 of 54.0 7.3 120.6 127.8 94.0 1262 3-26-97 is54.0 6.4 120.7 127.8 94.0 1263 3-26-97 Lot 129 53.0 7.0 121.9 127:8 95.0 1264 3-26-97 to53.0 6.9 123.6 127.8 97.0 1265 3-26-97 to53.0 7.4 123.0 127.8 96.0 1266 3-26-97 Lot 128 52.0 6.7 123.9 127.8 97.0 1267 3-26-97 °' 52.0 7.0 120.7 127.8 94.0 1268 3-26-97 °' 52.0 6.6 123.7 127.8 97.0 1269 3-26-97 Lot 127 52.0 7.5 120.0 127.8 94.0 1270 3-26-97 to 52.6 7.9 119.5 127.8 94.0 1271 3=26-97 01 52.0 6.3 119.1 127.8 93.0 1272 3-26-97 Lot 126 52.0 6.4 123.2 127.8 96.0 1273 3-26-97 91 52.0 7`3 125.0 127.8 98.0 1274 3-26-97 °' 52.0 7.6 125.1 127.8 98.0 1275 3-26-97 Lot 125 52.0 7.3 � 124.6 127.8 97.0 Smcadden Engineafing File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 53 Test foist Cont Fid Ivry Den Max.Dry Iden Percent No Date, Loc Eley. Percent Lbs/Cu lat Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1276 3-26-97 Lot 125 52.0 6.7 124.0 127:8 97.0 1277 3-26-97 if 52.0 7.0 125.5 127.8 98.0 1278 3-26-97 Lot 124 52.0 7.0 123.6 127.8 97.0 1279 3-26-97 of52.0 6.7 122.9 127.8 96.0 1280 3-26-97 of52.0 7.4 119.9 127.8 94.0 1281 3-26-97 Lot 123 54.0 7.3 119.5 127.8 93.0 1282 3-26-97 to 54.0 7.9 121.6 127.8 95.0 1283 3-26-97 0/ 54.0 7.0 121.9 127.8 95.0 1284 3-26-97 Lot 122 55.0 7.1 125.4 127.8 98.0 1285 3-26-97 /1 55.0 6.2 125.0 127.8 98.0 1286 3-26=97 °1 55.0 6.2 121.6 127.8 95.0 1287 3-26-97 Lot 121 56.0 6.7 121.0 127.8 95.0 1288 3-26-97 °' 56.0 7.0 124.6 127.8 97.0 1289 3-26-97 " 56.0 6.8 124.2 127.8 97.0 1290 3-26-97 Lot 120 56.0 7.6 123.2 127.8 96.0 1291 3-26-97 '° 56.0 7.1 123.1 127.8 96.0 1292 3-26-97 11 56.0 7.9 124.7 127.8 98.0 1293 3-27-97 Lot 18 38.0 13.8 y 104.7 110.0 95.0 1294 3-27-97 Lot 19 37.0 13.2 108.5 110.0 99.0 Slodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (.Add) April 10, 1997 Page 54 Test Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Ido_ Date Loc, Eley. Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1295 3-27-97 Lot 20 37.0 12.3 109.0 110.0 99.0 1296 3-27-97 Lot 21 38.0 12.6 106.3 110.0 97.0 1297 3-27-97 Lot 22 38.0 12.8 106.0 110.0 96.0 1298 3-27-97 Lot 23 38.0 9.7 107.2 110.0 97.0 1299 3-27-97 Lot 24 37.0 9.9 103.0 110.0 94.0 1300 3-27-97 Lot 25 36.0 11.1 103.9 110.0 94.0 1301 3-27-97 Lot 26 36.0 12.6 105.6 110.0 94.0 1302 3-27-97 Lot 244 35.1 11.7 107.1 110.0 97.0 1303 3-27-97 of 35.1 11.4 105.9 110.0 96.0 1304 3-27-97 35.1 9.9 105.5 110.0 96.0 1305 3-27-97 Lot 53 49.0 9.1 120.0 123.5 97.0 1306 3-27-97 49.0 10.4 119.5 123.5 97.0 1307 3-27-97 Lot 52 50.0 8.7 115.6 123.5 94.0 1308 3-27-97 if50.0 7.8 116.6 123.5 94.0 1309 3-27-97 Lot 51 51.0 8.2 117.9 123.5 95.0 1310 3-27-97 51.0 8.0 120.1 123.5 97.0 1311 3-21-97 Lot 50 52.0 9.6 119.0 123.5 96.0 1312 3-27-97 it52.0 9.3 114.9 123.5 93.0 1313 3-27-97 Lot 47 53.0 9.6 '' 116.5 123.5 94.0 Sladden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 55 Test Moist Cont Fld Dry. Iden Max Dry Den Percent 1314 3-27-97 Lot 47 53.0 9.1 118.9 123.5 96.0 1315 3-27-97 Lot 46 51.0 8.6 121.6 123.5 98.0 1316 3-27-97 °1 51.0 10.4 119.2 123.5 97.0 1317 3-27-97 Lot 45 50.0 10.3 118.9 123.5 96.0 1318 3-27-97 to50.0 8.5 120.2 123.5 97.0 1319 3-27-97 Lot 44 49.0 8.9 114.9 123.5 93.0 1320 3-27-97 °' 49.0 9.1 116.7 123.5 94.0 1321 3-31-97 Lot 37 46.0 13.2 108.7 116.2 94.0 1322 3-31-97 " 46.0 12.6 110.2 116.2 95.0 1323 3-31-97 Lot 38 46.0 .11.7 108.0 116.2 93.0 1324 3-31-97 46.0 11.5 108.2 116.2 93.0 1325 3-31-97 Lot 39 44.0 11.6 111.6 116.2 96.0 1326 3-31-97 44.0 10.4 111.0 116.2 96.0 1327 3-3-97 Lot 40 44.0 9.8 112.9 116.2 96.0 1328 3-31-97 44.0 10.5 111.6 -116.2 96.0 1329 3-31-97 Lot 41 42.0 9.6 110.9 116.2 95.0 1330 3-31-97 42.0 10.5 108.5 116.2 93.0 1331 3-31-97 °' 42.0 11.3 107.6 116.2 93.0 1332 3-31-97 Lot 42 42.0 11.1 109.7 116.2 94.0 Si®dden "ngsedng File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 56 Test Moist Cont Fid Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent 1333 3-31-97 Lot 42 42.0 9.8 109.2 116.2 94.0 1334 3-31-97 is 42.0 11.4 110.6 116.2 95.0 1335 3-31-97 Lot 27 57.0 10.5 110.0 116.2 95.0 1336 3-31-97 57.0 9.2 109.2 116.2 94.0 1337 3-31-97 57.0 8.9 111.2 116.2 96.0 1338 4-01-97 Lot 28 66.0 10.5 110.3 116.2 95.0' 1339 4-01-97 67.0 11.0 108.6 116.2 93.0 1340 4-01-97 Lot 29 64.0 9.7 107.1 116.2 92.0 1341 4-01-97 65.0 11.5 111.1 1162 96.0 1342 4-01-97 66.0 9.8 109.7 116.2 94.0 1343 4-01-97 Lot 30 63.0 10.5 111.7 116.2 96.0 1344 4-01-97 °' 64.0 11.0 110.5 116.2 95.0 1345 4-01-97 64.0 11.3 109.9 116.2 95.0 -1346 4-01-97 Lot 31 55.0 10.6 108.7 116.2 94.0 1347 4-01-97 if56.0 .10.7 108.5 116.2 93.0 1348 4-01-97 It57.0 9.2 110.0 116.2 96.0 1349 4-01-97 Lot 28 66.0 .9.7 107.9 116.2 93.0 1350 4-01-97 67.0 11.0 110.0 116.2 95.0 1351 4-01-97 Lot 36 57.0 9.2 ,t 114.7 123.5 93.0 Sladden Englneeting File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 57 Stodden Engineering lest No Date Loc Eley MUM 'k UI1L Percent PILL 1-J13/ Lbs/Cu IVA"^ Sf1.7 it vaa a W.-.... Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1352 4-01-97 Lot 36 57.0 9.8 113.5 123.5 92.0 1353 4-01-97 Lot 35 56.0 7.4 115.7 123.5 94.0 1354 4-01-97 °' 56.0 8.6 115.3 123.5 93.0 1355 4-01-97 " 56.0 8.2 116.2 123.5 94.0 1356 4-01-97 Lot 34 55.0 9.6 115.0 123.5 94.6 1357 4-01-97 if55.0 9.4 116.1 123.5 94.0 . 1358 4-01-97 of55.0 8.1 116.3 123.5 92.0 1359 4-01-97 Lot 33 54.0 8.0 113.9 123.5 92.0 1360 4-01-97 54.0 -10.0 118.4 123.5 96.0 1361 4-01-97 54.0 13.6 116.9 123.5 95.0 1362 4-01-97 Lot 32 52.0 11.2 117.0 123.5 95.0 1363 4-01-97 52.0 11.8 117.0 123.5 95.0 1364. 4-01-97 '°. 52.0 10.0 114.5 123.5 93.0 1365 4-01-97 Lot 43 41.0 11.3 112.0 120.0 93.0 1366 4-01-97 1442.0 .8.2 115.2 120.0 96.0 1367 4-01-97 43.0 8.2. 115.0 120.0 96.0 1368 4-01-97 Lot 54 41.0 8.5 113.6 120:0 95.0 1369 4-01-97 42.0 10.7 112.1 120.0 93.0 1370 4-01-97 it43.0 7.5 112.9 120.0 94.0 Stodden Engineering File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 58 Test No. Date Loc, Eley. Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1371 4-01-97 Lot 242 N 38.0 9.5 114.5 120.0 95.0 1372 4-01-97 of 39.0 10.1 113.6 120.0 95.0 1373 4-02-97 Lot 43 43.0 8.6 110.9 120.0 92.0 1374 4-02-97 to44.0 13.3 115.5 120.0 96.0 1375 4-02-97 45.0 12.4 118.0 120.0 98.0 1376 4-02-97 Lot 242 S 38.0 12.6 112.9 120.0 94.0 1377 4-02-97 to 39.0 13.3 115.3 120.0 96.0 1378 4-02-97 of 40.0 12.5 118.4 120.0 99.0 1379 4-02-97 39.0 12.5 118.0 120.0 98.0 1380 4-02-97 °' 40.0 11.3 118.9 120.0 99.0 1381 4-02-97 Lot 54 44.0 13.0 113.9 120.0 95.0 1382 4-02-97 °' 45.0 12.3 108.6 120.0 91.0 1383 4-02-97 °' 46.0 8.8 108.0 120.0 90.0 1384 4-02-97 Lot 243 N 41.0 9.9 108.4 120.0 90.0 1385 4-02-97 it42.0 11.3 108.2 120.0 90.0 1386 4-02-97 to 43.0 12.1 109.0 120.0 91.0 1387 4-02-97 10 41.0 9.0' 110.6 120.0 92.0 1388 4-02-97 " 42.0 6.7 113.2 120.0 94.0 1389 4-02-97 Lot 54 44.0 13.9 118.7 120.0 99.0 1 Sdndden ENInasflt File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 59 Test No. Date Loc Eley.Percent Moist Cont Fld Dry Den Max Dry Den Percent Lbs/ -Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Et Maximum 1390 4-02-97 Lot 54 45.0 13.8 109.7 120.0 91.0 1391 4-02-97 of 46.0 12.6 109.0 120.0 91.0 1392 4-02-97 Lot 43 44.0 7.9 110.0 120.0 93.0 1393 4-02-97 of45.0 9.8 112.7 120.0 94.0 1394 4-02-97 of 46.0 11.6 109.5 120.0 91.0 1395 4-02-97 Lot 242 S 41.0 7.7 110.8 120.0 92.0 1396 4-02-97 42.0 7.2 110.9 120.0 92.0 1397 4=02-97 ". 41.0 7.9 109.8 120.0 92.0 1398 4-02-97 42.0 7.7 114.2 120.0 95.0 1399 4-02-97 Lot 242 N 43.0 8.7 116.9 120.0 97.0 1400 4-02-97 43.0 7.4 115.2 120.0 96.0 1401 4-02-97 44.0 11.2 114.1 120.0 95.0 1402 4-02-97 Lot 242 S 41.0' 12.2 111.3 120.0 93.0 1403 4-02-97 is42.0 9.7 113.0 120.0 94.0 1404 4-02-97 43.0 8.5 112.1 120.0 93.0 1405 4-02-97 41.0 6.6 109.1 120.0 91.0 1406 4-02-97 42.0 7.0 108.0 120.0 90.0 1407 4-02-97 43.0 11.2 112.3 120.0 94.0 1408 4-02-97 41.0 11.5 115.3 120.0. 96.0 Sl®dden Engineering ml File: 422-6138 (Add) April 10, 1997 Page 60 Test No Date Loc Eley, Moist Cont Percent Fld Dry Den Max Dry Iden Percent Lbs/Cu Ft Lbs/Cu Ft Maximum 1409 4-02-97 2425 42.0 10.8 115.1 120.0 96.0 1410 4-03-97 Lot 28 68.0 8.4 109.2 116.2 94.0 1411 4-03-97 °' 68.0 8.5 111.6 116.2 96.0 1412 4-03-97 Lot 29 67.0 9.6 110.0 116.2 95.0 1413 4-03-97 If66.0 9.1 113.0 116.2 97.0 1414 4-03-97 Lot 30 66.0 8.3 111.7 116.2 96.0 1415 4-03-97 66.0 10.5 109.2 116.2 94,0 1416 4-03-97 Lot 31 58,0 10.4 107.9 116.2 93.0 1417 4-03-97 °' 58.0 9.2 109.5 116.2 94.0 'i Sicdden (Engineering Contents TECHNICAL INFORMATION Sierra Pacific Windows GeneralInformation................................................................................................................... 2 General Performance Notes....................................................................................................... 3 IndustryCertifications................................................................................................................ 4 Understanding Product Performance....................................................................................... 6 Elements of Glazing Performance............................................................................................. 8 Thermal Performance Data................................................................................................ 9 CardinalGlass.................................................................................................................... 23 Edgetech............................................................................................................................. 25 Glazing and Simulite Options............................................................................................ 26 SoundAttenuation.................................................................................................................... 27 PaintSpecifications......................................:............................................................................ 28 FinishingGuidelines.................................................................................................................. 29 StructuralMulling....................................................................................................................... 30 Product Callout Descriptions.................................................................................................... 34 Product Dimension Information................................................................................................ 35 Radius Bending Capabilities..................:.................................................................................. 36 Warranty..................................................................................................................................... 37 Attention: • Specifications and technical data are subject to change without notice. 78- 43/ 7/7/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 1 TECHNICAL INFORMATION General Information Sierra Pacific A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries General Information 4 The following pages contain important general information for Sierra Pacific window and door products. Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change details, sizes, specifications and any other information contained herein without notice. If you have any questions regarding size, use, or installation of Sierra Pacific products, please contact your local Architectural Specialist. The information contained herein does not create any warranty of fitness, for a particular purpose. Determining particular fit and purpose of a given product is the responsibility of the building owner, architect, contractor, installer and/or homeowner. The performance of any building is dependent upon the design, installation and workmanship of the entire building system. Sierra Pacific recommends consulting an architect, contractor and/or structural engineer prior to installation of Sierra Pacific products: Building Codes Codes regulating the -design and use of fenestration products vary greatly by region. Sierra Pacific Windows shall not be held responsible for failure by the building owner, architect, contractor, installer and/ or homeowner to choose products that comply with applicable regulations, laws or building codes. Safety Glazing Unless specifically noted on the customer order, Sierra Pacific products are not provided with safety glass. Specific code requirements, windloading and/or design specifications may require special glazing. Glass installed in areas of human -impact must be safety glazed according to the Safety Standard for Architectural Glazing Material (16CFR 1201), issued by the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission or as required by applicable building codes. Disclaimer Sierra Pacific Windows accepts no responsibility whatsoever for failure of building owner, architect, contractor, installer, and/or consumer to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, safety and building codes. Sierra Pacific Windows shall not be responsible for windows and doors not installed in compliance with applicable laws, codes, or other regulations. See the Sierra Pacific product warranty for detailed information on warranty coverage and limitations. 2 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 General Performance Notes TECHNICAL INFORMATION Sierra Pacific A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries General Performance Notes Sierra Pacific Windows product designs have been tested and certified in accordance with industry standards, including those of WDMA, AAMA, NFRC and ASTM. All performance testing is conducted under controlled laboratory conditions. Not every configuration or size of a particular product can be tested. The actual performance of installed windows and doors, whether in a mulled combination or single unit, is dependent upon proper installation practices over which Sierra Pacific Windows has no control. In addition, extreme or unusual weather conditions or exposure, non-standard installation or glazing methods, or use of non-standard glazing units or materials may likewise affect window or door performance characteristics. These unusual conditions can include: Climatic exposure: Sierra Pacific Windows products are designed to perform in cold climate areas. Note that under some low temperature conditions, condensation or ice may form on the interior glass surface. Such condensation will primarily depend upon the amount of humidity within the room in which the products are exposed. Severe wind: Severe wind and rain may produce conditions that temporarily exceed product performance standards. No claims are made beyond compliance with the product performance levels indicated for each product. Salt exposure: Any window or door installed near the coast or any other salt -water source can encounter more severe weathering than other locations. In addition to normal protective measures, they should receive protection that is standard and customary for products in coastal environments at the time of installation and periodic inspection and maintenance as necessary thereafter. Chemical exposure: Severe chemical exposure in locations near industrial plants, swimming pools and other sources may adversely affect Sierra Pacific Windows.. products and may substantially increase maintenance requirements.. Decisions regarding the use of Sierra Pacific Windows . products, in such areas should be based upon local experience and customer awareness. Product performance limitations: All Sierra Pacific Windows products must be installed in accordance with Sierra Pacific Windows. standard installation instructions and / or approved shop drawings. No Sierra Pacific Windows products are to be installed at any angle other than vertical, unless specifically approved by Sierra Pacific Windows. Any glass or hardware replacements must be of equal specifications. Glass installation in areas subject to human impact must be safety glazed per the Safety Standard for Architectural Glazing Materials (16 CFR 1201), issued by the United States Consumer Products Safety Commission, or as prescribed by local codes. 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 3 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Industry Certifications Sierra Pacific � M A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries WDMA Hallmark Certification 1 The Window and Door Manufacturers Association (WDMA) Hallmark Certification Program provides a method of identifying windows and doors that are manufactured in accordance with ANSI/AAMA/WDMA/ 101/I.S.2-97 standards. Regular third party sample testing and inspection of manufacturing facilities ensures conformance. Certification through the WDMA Hallmark Program is a mark of quality that is highly regarded by architects, contractors and government agencies. Sierra Pacific Windows has many products that are certified through the WDMA Hallmark Program. Certification requires the following testing / verification: • Insulated glass certification (IGCC) ASTM E774 • Product certification per WDMA I.S. 2-97 (air, water & structural) • Water repellant / preservative treating per WDMA I.S. 4 • Fingerjoint material performance testing Additional requirements, include: • Documented and updated quality control procedures and processes • Submittal of detailed information files, including part drawings, bills of material and fastener schedules • Semi-annual plant inspections from WDMA representatives Benefits to Hallmark certification: • Third -party verification of product quality and manufacture • Acceptance by various federal agencies and building code organizations • Acceptance / specification by architects / builders on light commercial projects Window & Door Manufacturers Association 1400 E. Touhy.Avenue, Ste 470 Des Plaines, IL 60018 800-223-2301 847-299-1246 fax www.nwwda.ora 011 4 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 Industry Certifications TECHNICAL INFORMATION _ Sierra Pacific A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries NFRC Certification The purpose of the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) is to establish and enact a fair, accurate and credible energy rating system for window, door and skylight products. This rating system allows for the measure and comparison of energy performance of various fenestration products. NFRC is composed of members from a variety of organizations including window, door and skylight manufacturers, testing laboratories and state / federal energy offices among others. Sierra Pacific Windows products have been certified through NFRC and are labeled accordingly with the appropriate U -factor, solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) and visible light transmittance (Vt) information. National Fieonestratioo Rating omel f ENERGY STAR participation National Fenestration Rating Council 8484 Georgia Avenue, Ste 320 Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-589-1776 301-589-3884 fax www.nfrc.org ENERGY STAR is a program jointly sponsored by the DOE and EPA to" promote energy efficient products. For windows and doors, ENERGY STAR relies on U -factors and SHGC as determined through the NFRC product certification program. Sierra Pacific Windows participates in the ENERGY STAR program. US EPA Climate Protection Partnerships Division - ENERGY STAR Programs Hotline & Distribution (MS -6202J) 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20460 888 -STAR -YES www.eneraystar.a_ov 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 5 Understanding TECHNICAL INFORMATION Product Performance Sierra Pacific A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries Understanding Product Performance , The functional performance of window or door products is determined through a series of tests which include air / water infiltration and structural wind load testing. Product performance as specified by ANSI/ AAMA/WDMA 101/I.S. 2-97 is based upon performance class and performance grade assigned as a result of these and other tests. Performance class: ANSI/AAMA/WDMA 101/I.S. 2-97 defines five performance classes: residential (R), light commercial (LC), commercial (C), heavy commercial (HC) and architectural (AW). Performance grade: The performance grade is the design pressure (in psf) for which a product has been rated. Product is tested to a structural test pressure equal to 1.5 times the design pressure. Product performance is designated by a product code followed by the performance class and the performance grade, for example C -C 30 Where the first C identifies the product type as a casement window that has been designated C (commercial class) 30 (grade). The 30 is the design pressure in psf. The "gateway" design pressure, structural test pressure and water resistance test pressure (all in psf) for each performance class is: performance design structural water resistance class pressure test pressure test pressure R 15 22.5 2.86 LC 25 37.5 3.75 C 30 45 4.50 HC 40 60 6.00 AW 40 60 8.00 "Gateway" (minimum) test sizes are mandatory for each performance class and vary by product type. Requirements also include testing for air infiltration. Air infiltration testing is performed at 1.57 or 6.24 psf depending upon the product type and performance class. Other test requirements are also dependant upon product type and performance class. Among these are those for forced entry, hardware'load and operating force. Optional performance grade levels are available when higher structural and water- performance is desired. These are shown in the chart on the next page. 6 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 n Understanding Product Performance TECHNICAL INFORMATION Sierra Pacific For further information -regarding product performance specifications, please refer to n ANSI/AAMA/WDMA 101/I.S.2-97 "Voluntary Specifications for Aluminum, Vinyl (PVC) A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries and Wood Windows and Glass Doors". SIERRA PACIFIC WINDOWS PRODUCT O tionaI Performance Grades CLAD CASEMENT C - C40 CLAD FRENCH CASEMENT Optional Performance GradeHC Applicable Product Designation Design Pressure Structural Test Pressure Water Resistance Test r R, LC, C and AW I Ib/ft2 (Pa) Ib/ft2 (Pa) Ib/ft2 (Pa) Ib/ft2 (Pa) 20 R 20 (960) 30.0 (1440) .3.00 (150) - - 25 R 25 (1200) 37.5 (1800) 3.75 (180) - - 30 R,LC 30 1440) 45.0 2160) 4.50 (220) - -- 35 R,LC,C 35 1680) 52.5 (2520) 1 5.25 (260) - -- 40 R,LC,C 40 1920) 60.0 (2880) 1.6.00 (290) 8.00 (390) 45 R,LC,C,HC,AW 45 (2160) 67.5 (3240) 1 6.75 (330) 9.00 (440) 50 R,LC,C,HC,AW 50 (2400) 75.0 (3600) 7.50 (360 10.00 (480) 55 R,LC,C,HC,AW 55 (2640) 82.5 (3960) 8.25 (400) 11.00 (530) 60 R,LC,C,HC,AW 60 2880) 90.0 4320) 9.00 (440) 12.00 (580) 65 R,LC,C,HC,AW 65 3120) 97.5 (4680) 9.75 (470) 12.00 (580) 70 R,LC,C,HC,AW 70 1(3360)1 105.0 1 (5040) 110.50 (510) 12.00 (580) 75 R,LC,C,HC,AW 1 7 1(3600)1 112.5 1 (5400) 111.25 (540) 12.001(58n) SIERRA PACIFIC WINDOWS PRODUCT *PERFORMANCE RATING CLAD CASEMENT C - C40 CLAD FRENCH CASEMENT C - C30 CLAD AWNING AP - C40 CLAD SEDONA CASEMENT C -`C30 CLAD CARMEL DOUBLE HUNG H - C40 CLAD SLIDER HS - R15 CLAD DIRECT GLAZE F - C40 CLAD�PATIO SLIDER SGD - C40 CLAD INSWING FRENCH- DOOR HGD - R15 CLAD OUTSWING FRENCH DOOR HGD - R15 -PRIMED CASEMENT C - C40 PRIMED FRENCH CASEMENT C - C30 PRIMED AWNING AP - C40 PRIMED SEDONA CASEMENT C - C30 PRIMED DOUBLE HUNG H - R15 PRIMED SLIDER -HS-R15 PRIMED DIRECT GLAZE F - C40 PRIMED PATIO SLIDER SGD = C40 .. PRIMED INSWING FRENCH DOOR HGD - R15 PRIMED OUTSWING FRENCH DOOR HGD - R15 *Specific ratings can vary by product size and configuration. Please contact Sierra Pacific Windows for additional information. 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7 Elements of TECHNICAL INFORMATION Glazing Performance Sierra Pacific �ry A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries Elements of Glazing Performance Glazing performance terms U -Factor: U -factor measures how well a product prevents heat from escaping. The rate of heat loss is indicated in terms of the U -factor (U -value) of a window assembly. U -factor ratings generally fall between 0.20 and 1.20. The insulating value is indicated by the R -value, which is the inverse of the U -factor. The lower the U -factor, the greater a window's resistance to heat flow and the better its insulating value. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: Solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) measures how well a product blocks heat caused by sunlight. The SHGC is the fraction of incident solar radiation admitted through a window, both directly transmitted and absorbed and subsequently released inward. SHCG is expressed as a number between 0 and 1. The lower a window's solar heat gain coefficient, the less solar heat it transmits. Visible Transmittance: Visible transmittance (VT). measures how much light comes through a product. The visible transmittance is an optical property that indicates the amount of visible light transmitted. VT is expressed as a number between 0 and 1. The higher the VT, the more light is transmitted. NFRC Labeling: All certified Sierra Pacific Windows and Doors are shipped with both a temporary and permanent label affixed to the glass. The temporary label is intended to remain on the unit through the construction process and provides the consumers, builders and code officials with energy performance ratings in a comparable, easy -to -read format. The label shows the product is NFRC certified, provides a brief product description, and shows the pertinent thermal performance values. The permanent label allows for manufacturer identification and performance tracking for the life of the product. 8 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 Elements of Glazing Performance TECHNICAL INFORMATION Sierra Pacific DivisioniIndustries THERMAL PERFORMANCE DATA Sierra Pacific PRODUCT LINE DESCRIPTION & • GLAZING VARIATIONS Casement Windows WC Wood Casement WC Wood Casement WC Wood Casement WC Wood Casement WC Wood Casement WC Wood Casement WC Wood Casement WC Wood Casement WC Wood Casement WC Wood Casement WC I Wood Casement WC - Wood Casement . _Casement Picture WCP Wood Casement Picture WCP Wood Casement Picture WCP Wood Casement Picture WCP Wood Casement Picture WCP Wood Casement Picture WCP Wood Casement Picture WCP Wood Casement Picture WCP Wood Casement Picture WCP Wood Casement Picture WCP Wood Casement Picture WCP Wood Casement Picture WCPI Wood Casement Picture Casement Half Round CH Wood Half Round Casement CH Wood Half Round Casement CH Wood Half Round Casement CH Wood Half Round Casement CH Wood Half Round Casement CH_ Wood Half Round Casement CH Wood Half Round Casement CH Wood Half Round Casement CH Wood Half Round Casement CH Wood Half Round Casement CH Wood Half Round Casement CH I Wood Half Round Casement Radius Casement RC Wood Radius Casement RC Wood Radius Casement RC Wood Radius Casement RC Wood Radius Casement RC 'Wood Radius Casement RC Wood Radius Casement RC Wood Radius Casement RC- Wood Radius Casement RC Wood Radius Casement RC Wood Radius Casement RC Wood Radius Casement RC Wood Radius Casement Single glaze Clear I Wide grid bar Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar Single glaze Clear One lite Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar Insulated glass Clear One lite Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow rid bar Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar Insulated "lass Lo E 140 Narrow arid bar Single glaze Clear I Wide grid bar Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar Single glaze Clear One lite Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar Insulated glass Clear One lite Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar Insulated qlass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar Insulated qlass Lo E 140 One lite 0.31 0.51 0.53 0.33 Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar Single glaze Clear One lite Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar Insulated glass Clear - Narrow grid bar Insulated glass Clear One lite Insulated qlass Lo E 172. Wide rid bar Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite Insulated lass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite Sin le alaze Clear Wide grid bar Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar Single glaze Clear One lite Insulated. glass Clear Wide grid bar Insulated glass Clear • Narrow grid bar Insulated glass Clear One lite Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow arid bar LI -factor I SHGC Vtc Res NRes Res NRes Res NRes 0.90 0.94 0.57 0.58 1 0.58. 0.62 0.92 0.96 0.62 0.63 0.63 0.67 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.46 0.47 0.50 0.46 0.47 0.51 0.50 0.52 0.55 0.46 0.47 0.56 0.55 0.57 0.60 0.33 0.32 0.26 0.27 0.42 0.44 0.33 0.32 0.28 0.2 1 .46 0.48 0.33 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.51 0.53 0.33 0.33 1 0.17 0.17 0.23 0.23 0.33 0.33 0.18 0.19 0.25 0.26 0.97 1.00 0.63 0.62 0.64 0.65 0.98 1.00 0.69 0.68 0.71 0.73 0.47 0.48 0.50 0.48 0.51 0.52 0.47 0.48 0.56 0.53 0.58 0.58 0.47 0.48 0.61 0.59 0.64 0.65 0.32 0.32 0.28 0.28 0.45 0.46 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.51 0.51 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.57 0.57 0.33 0.32 0.18 0.18 0.25 0.24 0.33 0.32 0.20 0.19 0.28 0.27 0.33 0.32 0.21 0.21 0.31 0.31 0.92. 0.95 1 0.52 -0.54 0.52 0.56 0.90 0.94 0.57 0.58 0.58 0.62. 0.92 0.96 0.62 0.63 0.63 0.67 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.46 0.47 0.50 0.46 0.47 0.51 0.50 0.52 0.55 0.46 0.47 0.56 0.55 0.57 0.60 0.33 0.32 1 0.26 0.27 0.42 1 0.44 0.33 0.32 0.28 0.29 0.46 0.48, 0.33 0,32 0.31 0.31 0.51 0.53 0.33 0.33 0.17 0.17 0.23 0.23 0.33 0.33 0.18 0.19 0.25 0.26 0.33 0.33 0.20 0.20 0.28 0.28 0.90 0.94 1 0.57 0.58 1.0.58 1 0.62 0.92 0.96 1 0.62 0.63 0.63 0.67 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.46 0.47 0.50 0.46 0.47 0.51, 0.50. 0'.52 0.55 0.46 0.47 0.56 0.55 0.57 0.60' 0.33 0.32 0.26 0.27 0.42 0.44 0.33 0.32 0.28 0.29 0.46 0.48 0.33 0.320.31 0.31 0.51 0:53 0.33 0.33 0.17 0.17 0.23 0.23 0.33 0.33 0.18 0.19 0.25 0.26 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 9 Elements of TECHNICAL INFORMATION Glazing Performance THERMAL PERFORMANCE DATA 1111 :1 A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries 10 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 PRODUCT LINE DESCRIPTION GLAZING VARIATIONS LI -factor SHGC Vtc Res FNRes Res NRes I Res _ NRes Radius Casement Picture RCP Wood Radius Casement Picture Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.95 1 0.97 0.57 0.56 0.57 0.58 RCP Wood Radius Casement Picture Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.97 1 1.00 0.63 0.62 0.64 0.65 RCP Wood Radius Casement Picture Single glaze Clear One lite 0.98 1 1.00 0.69 0.68 0.71 0.73 RCP Wood Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.47 0.48 0.50 0.48 0.51 0.52 RCP Wood Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.47 0.48 0.56 . 0.53 0.58 0.58 RCP Wood Radius Casement Picture Insulated qlass Clear One lite 0.47 0.48 , 0.61 1 0.59 0.64 0.65 RCP Wood Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 1 Wide grid bar 0.32 .0.32 0.28 0.28 1 0.45 0.46 RCP Wood Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.32 0.32 0.31 •0:31 0.51 0.51 RCP Wood Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.57 0.57 RCP Wood Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.33 0.32 0.18 0.18 0.25 0.24 RCP Wood Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.33 0.32 0.20 0.19 0.28 0.27 RCP Wood Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 0.33 0.32 0.21 0.21 0.31 0.31 French Casement FC Wood French Casement Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.92 0.95 0.52 0.54 0.52 0.56 FC Wood French Casement Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.90 0.94 0.57 0.58 0.58 0.62 FC Wood French Casement Single glaze Clear One lite 0.92 0.96 0.62 0.63 0.63 0.67 FC Wood French Casement Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.46 0.47 0.50 FC Wood French Casement Insulated alass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.46 0.47 0.51 0.50 0.52 0.55 FC Wood French Casement Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.46 0.47 0.56 0.55 0.57 0.60 FC Wood French Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.33 0.32 0.26 0.27 0.42 0.44 FC Wood French Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.33 0.32 0.28 0.29 0.46 0.48 FC Wood French Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.33 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.51 0.53 FC I Wood French Casement Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.33 0.33 0.17 0.17 0.23 0.23 FC Wood French Casement Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.33 0.33 0.18 0.19 0.25 0.26 FC Wood French Casement Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 0.33 0:33 0.20 1 0.20 1 0.28 0.28 Sedona Casement SC Wood Sedona Casement Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.92 0.95 0.52 0.54 1 0.52 0.56 SC Wood Sedona Casement Single glaze Clear Narrowrid bar 0.90 0.94 • 0.57 0.58 0.58 0.62 SC Wood Sedona Casement Single glaze Clear One lite . 0.92 0.96 0.62 0.63 0.63 0.67 SC Wood Sedona Casement Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.46 0.47 0.50 SC Wood Sedona Casement Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.46 0.47 0.51 0.50 0.52 0.55 SC Wood Sedona Casement Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.46 0.47 0.56 0.55 0.57 0.60 SC Wood Sedona Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.33 1 0.32 0.26 1 0.27 1 0.42. 0.44 SC Wood Sedona Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.33 1 0.32 0.28 0.29 0.46 0.48 SC Wood Sedona Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.330.32 0.31 0.31 0.51 0.53 SC I Wood Sedona Casement I Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.33 0.33 0.17 0.17 0.23 0.23 SC Wood Sedona Casement Insulated lass Lo E 140 Narrow rid bar 0.33 0.33 0.18 0.19 0.25 0.26 SC Wood Sedona Casement Insulated lass Lo E 140 One lite 0.33 0.33 0.20 0.20 0.28 0.28 Sedona Casement Picture SCP Wood Sedona Casement Picture Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.95 0.97 0.56 0.55 0.57 0.58 SCP Wood Sedona Casement Picture Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.97 1.00 0:63 0.62 0.64 0.65 SCP Wood Sedona Casement Picture Single glaze Clear One lite 0.98 1.00 0.69 0.68 , 0.71 0.73 SCP Wood Sedona Casement -Picture Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.47 0.48 0.50 0.48 0.51 0.52 SCP Wood Sedona Casement Picture Insulated class Clear Narrow grid bar 0.47 0.48 0.56 0.53 0.58 0.58 SCP Wood Sedona Casement Picture Insulated class Clear One lite 0.47 0.48 0.61 0.59 0.64 0.65 SCP Wood Sedona Casement Picture Insulated lass' Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.32 0.32 0.28 0.28 0.45 0.46 SCP Wood Sedona Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.51 0.51 SCP Wood Sedona Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.57 0.57 SCP Wood Sedona Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.33 0.32 0.18 0.18. 0.25 0.24 - SCP Wood Sedona Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.33 0.32 0.20 0.19 0.28 0.27 SCP Wood Sedona Casement Picture Insulated alass I Lo E 140 1 One lite 0.33 0.32 0.21 1 0.21 1 0.31 10.31 10 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 Elements of Glazing Performance TECHNICAL INFORMATION Sierra Pacific N aDivision ot THERMAL PERFORMANCE DATA Sierra Pacific Industries 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 1 ] PRODUCT LINE DESCRIPTION & GLAZING VARIATIONS U -factor SHGC Vtc Res NRes Res NRes Res NRes Awning WA Wood Awning Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.88 0.93 0.51 '0.53 0.50 0.55 WA Wood Awning Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.90 0.95. 0.55 0.58 0.55 0.61 WA Wood Awning Single glaze Clear One lite 0.90 0.95 0.60 0:62 0.61 0.66 WA Wood Awning Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.46 0.47 0.45 0.46 0.45. 0.49 WA Wood Awning Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.46 0.47 0.49 0.50 0.50 0.54 WA Wood Awning Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.46 0.47 1 0.53 0.54 0.55 1 0.59 WA Wood Awning Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.33 0.32 0.25 '0.27 0.40 0.43 WA Wood Awning Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.33 0.32 0.27 0.29 0.44 0.48 WA Wood Awning Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.33 0.32 0.29 0.31 0.48 0.52 WA Wood Awning Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.33 0.33 0.16 0.17 0.22 0.23 WA Wood Awning Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 1 0.33 0.33 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.25 WA Wood Awning Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 0.33 1 0.33 1 0.19 1 0.20 0.27 1 0.28 Direct Glaze Windows DG Wood Direct Glaze Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 1.06 1.07 0.65 0.62 0.66 1 0.65 DG Wood Direct Glaze Single glaze Clear ' Narrow grid bar 1.06 1.07 0.71 0.68 0.74 1 0.73 DG Wood Direct Glaze Single glaze Clear One lite 1.06 1.07 0.78 0.75 0.81 0.81 DG Wood Direct Glaze Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.49 0.49 0.58 0.53 0.60 0.58 DG Wood Direct Glaze Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.49 0.49 0.63 0.59 0.67 0.65 DG Wood Direct Glaze Insulated qlass Clear One lite 0.49 0.49 1 0.70 0.65 1 0.74 0.72 DG I Wood Direct Glaze Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.32 0.31 1 0.32 0.31 1 0.53 0.51 DG Wood Direct Glaze Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.32 0.31 1 0.34 0.34 1 0.59 0.57 DG Wood Direct Glaze Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.32 0.31 1 0.38 0.37 0.65 0.64 DG Wood Direct Glaze Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.32 0.32 0.20 0.19 0.29 0.27 DG Wood Direct Glaze I Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.32 0.32 0.22 0.21 0.32 0.31 DG Wood Direct Glaze Insulated glass I Lo E 140 One lite 0.32 0.32 0.23 0.23 0.36. 0.34 Horizontal Sliding Windows WS Wood Horizontal Sliding Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.98 1.00 1 0.55 0.56 0.55 0.58 WS Wood Horizontal Sliding Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.98 1.00 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.65 WS Wood Horizontal Sliding Single glaze Clear One lite 0.98 1.00 0.67 0.67 0.68 0.71 WS Wood Horizontal Sliding Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.48 0.49 0.51 WS Wood Horizontal Slidinq Insulated qlass Clear Narrow grid bar •0.49 0.49 0.54 0.53 0.55 0.57 WS Wood Horizontal Sliding Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.49 0.49 0.59 0.58 0.62 0.63 WS Wood Horizontal Sliding Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid. bar 0.35 1 0.34 0.27 0.28 0.44 0.46 WS Wood Horizontal Sliding Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.35 1 0.34 1 0.30 0.31 1 0.49 0.51 WS Wood Horizontal Sliding Insulated glass Ld E 172 One lite 0.35 0.34 0.33 0.33 0.54 0.56 WS Wood Horizontal SlidingInsulated lass Lo E 140 Wide rid bar 0.35 0.34 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.24 WS Wood Horizontal SlidingInsulated lass Lo E 140 Narrow rid bar 0.35 0.34 0.19 0.19 0.27 0.27 WS Wood Horizontal SlidingInsulated lass Lo E 140 One lite 0.35 0.34 0.21 0.21 0.30 0.30 Double Hung Windows WDH I Wood Double Hung Single glaze Clear 'Wide grid bar 0.97' 1.00 0.54 0.55 0.54 0.57 WDH Wood Double Hun Single laze Clear Narrow rid bar 0.97 1.00 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.64 WDH Wood Double Hung Single glaze • Clear One lite 0.97 1.00 0.66 0.66 0.67 0.70 WDH Wood Double Hung Insulated glass Clear Wide cirid bar 0.49 0.49 .0.48 -0.47 0.48 0.51 WDH Wood Double Hung Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.49 0.49 0.53 0.52 0.54 0.56 WDH Wood Double Hung Insulated qlass Clear One lite 0.49• 0.49 1 0.58 0.57 0.61 0.62 WDH Wood Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.34 ' 0.34- 0.27 0.28 0.43 0.45 . WDH Wood Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.34 0.34 0.29 0.30 0.48 0.50 WDH Wood Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.34 0.34 0.32 0.33 0.53 0.55 WDH Wood Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.34 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.24 WDH Wood Double Hung I Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.34 0.19 0.19 0.26 0:27 WDH I Wood Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 1 0.35 1 0.34 1 0.21 0.21 0.29 0.29 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 1 ] Elements of TECHNICAL INFORMATION Glazing Performance THERMAL PERFORMANCE DATA Sierra Pacific A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries 12 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 PRODUCT LINE DESCRIPTION & GLAZING VARIATIONS 1.1 -factor SHGC Vtc Res NRes Res . NRes Res NRes Radius Double Hung Windows RDH Wood Radius Double Hung Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.97 1.00 0.54 0.55 0.54 0.57 RDH Wood Radius Double Hung Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.97 1.00 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.64 RDH Wood Radius Double Hung Single glaze Clear One lite 0.97 1.00 0.66 0.66 0.67 0.70 RDH Wood Radius Double Hung Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.49 0.49 0.48 0.47 0.48 0.51 RDH Wood Radius Double Hung Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.49 0.49 0.53 0.52 0.54 0.56 RDH Wood Radius Double Hung Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.49 0.49 0.58 0.57 0.61 0.62 RDH Wood Radius Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 172 1 Wide grid bar 0.34 0.34 0.27 0.28 0.43 10.45 RDH Wood Radius Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.34 0.34 0.29 0.30 0.48 0.50 RDH Wood Radius Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.34 0.34 0.32 0.33 0.53 0.55 RDH Wood Radius Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.34 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.24 RDH Wood Radius Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.34 0.19 0.19 0.26 0.27 RDH Wood Radius Double Hung Insulated lass Lo E 140 One lite 0.35 0.34 0.21 0.21 0.29 0.29 Cottacie Double Hung Windows CDH Wood Cottacie Double Hunq Sin le qlaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.97 1.00 0.54 0.55 0.54 0.57 CDH Wood Cottage Double Hung Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.97 1.00 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.64 CDH Wood Cottage Double Hung Sin le laze Clear One lite 0.97 1.00 0.66 0.66 0.67 0.70 CDH Wood Cottage Double Hung Insulated qlass Clear Wide grid bar 0.49 0.49 0.48 0.47 0.48 0.51 CDH Wood Cottage Double Hunq Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.49 0.49 0.53 0.52 0.54 0.56 CDH Wood Cotta a Double Hung Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.49 1 0.49 0.58 0.57 0.61 0.62 CDH Wood Cottage Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.34 1 0.34 0.27 1 0.28 1 0.43 0.45 CDH Wood Cottage Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.34 0.34 0.29 0.30 0.48 0.50 CDH Wood Cotta a Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.34 0.34 0.32 0.33 0.53 0.55 CDH Wood Cottage Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.34 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.24 CDH Wood Cottage Double Hung Insulated lassLo E 140 Narrow rid bar 0.35 0.34 0.19 0.19 0.26 0.27 CDH Wood Cottage Double Hung Insulated glass I Lo E 140 1 One lite 0.35 0.34 0.21 0.21 0.29 0.29 Double Hung Picture Windows WPU Wood Double Hung Picture Sin le alaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.98 1.00 0.56 0.55 0.57 0.58 WPU Wood Double Hung Picture Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.98 1.00 0.62 0.61 0.63 0.65 WPU Wood Double Hung Picture Single glaze Clear One lite 0.98 1.00 0.69 0.68 0.71 0.72 WPU Wood Double Hung Picture Insulated glass Clear Wide rid bar 0.48 0.48 0.50 0.47 0.51 0.51 WPU Wood Double Hung Picture Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.48 0.48 0.56 0.53 0.57 0.58 WPU Wood Double Hung Picture Insulated olass Clear One lite 0.48 0.48 0.61 0.58 0.64 0.64 WPU Wood Double Hung Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.33 0.32 0.28 0.28 0.45. 0.45 WPU Wood Double Hung Picture Insulated alass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.33 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.51 0.51 WPU Wood Double Hung Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.33 0.32 0.34 0.33 0.56 0.57 WPU Wood Double Hung Picture Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.33 0.33 0.18 0.18 0.25 0.24 WPU Wood Double Hung Picture Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.33 0.33 0.20 0.19 0.28 0.27 WPU Wood Double Hun Picture Insulated lass Lo E 140 One lite 0.33 0.33 0.21 1 0.21 1 0.31 0.30 Patio Slider Doors PS Wood Patio Slider Door Single glaze. Clear Wide grid bar 0.89 0.90 0.47 0.46 1 0.46 0.46 PS Wood Patio Slider Door Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.89 0.90 0.52 0.51 0.51. 0.52 PS Wood Patio Slider Door Single glaze Clear One lite 0.89 0.90 0.57 0.56 0.58 0.58 PS Wood Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.47 0.47 0.42 0.40 0.41 0.41 PS Wood Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.47 0.47 0.46 0.44 0.47 0.46 PS Wood Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Clear I One lite 0.47 0.47 1 0.51 0.48 0.52 0.52 PS Wood Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.24 0.24 0.36 0.36 PS Wood Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.24 0.24 0.36 0.36 PS Wood Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.35 0.35 0.29 0.28 0.46 0.46 PS Wood Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.16 0.16 .0.20 10.19 PS Wood Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.17 0.17 0.23 0.22 PS Wood Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 1 One lite 1 0.35 0.35 1 0.19 0.18 0.25 10.24 12 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 Elements of Glazing Performance TECHNICAL INFORMATION a Sierra Pacific �N ADivision of THERMAL PERFORMANCE DATA Sierra Pacific Industries 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 13 PRODUCT LINE DESCRIPTION - & GLAZING VARIATIONS s U -factor SHGC Vtc Res NRes Res NRes Res NRes Patio Slider Door Sideli hts PSS Wood Patio Slider Sidelite Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.80 0.42 0.41 PSS Wood Patio Slider Sidelite Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.80 0.45 0.43 PSS Wood Patio Slider Sidelite Single glaze Clear One lite 0.80 0.47 0.46 -PSS Wood Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.45 0.38 •0.37 PSS Wood Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.45 0.40 0.39 PSS Wood Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.45 0.42 0.41 PSS Wood Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.37 0.22 0.32 PSS Wood Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass Lo. E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.37 0.23 0.34 PSS Wood Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.37 0.24 0.37 PSS Wood Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated lass Lo E 140 Wide rid bar 0.37 0.15 0.18 PSS Wood Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass I Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.37 0.16 0.19 PSS Wood Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass I Lo E 140 1 One lite 0.37 0.16 0.20 Patio Slider Door Transoms PST Wood Patio Slider Transom Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.78 0.81 0.40 0.41 0.38 0.41• PST Wood Patio Slider Transom Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.78 0.81 0.42 0.43 0.40 0.43 PST Wood Patio Slider Transom Sin le glaze Clear One lite 0.78 0.81 0.44 0.45 0.42 0.46 PST Wood Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.45 0.45 0.36 0.36 0.35 0.36 PST Wood Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.45 0.45 0.38 0.37 0.37 0.38 PST I Wood Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.45 0.45 0.39 0.39 0.38 0.40 PST Wood Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.37 0.36 0.21 0.22 0.31 0.32 PST Wood Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.37 0.36 0.22 0.23 0.32 0.34 PST Wood Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.37 0.36 0.23 0.24 0.34 0.36 PST Wood Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass I Lo E 140 Wide rid bar 0.37 0.36 0.15 0.15 0.17 0.17 PST Wood Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass I Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.37 0.36 0.15 0.15 0.18 0.18 PST I Wood Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass I Lo E 140-1__One lite 0.37 0.36 1 0.15 0.16 0.19 0.19 Inswinq Doors ID Wood Inswing Door Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.83 0.83 0.44 0.42 0.42 0.42. ID Wood Inswing Door Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.83 0.83 0.49 0.46 0.48 0.47 ID Wood Inswing Door Single glaze Clear One lite 0.83 0.83 0.54 0.51 0.53 0.53 ID Wood Inswing Door Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.45 0.45 0.39 0.36 0.38 0.37 ID Wood Inswing Door Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.45 0.45 0.43 0.40 0.43 0.42 ID I Wood Inswing Door Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.45 0.45 0.48 1 0.44 0.48 0.47 ID Wood Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.34 '0.34 0.22 0.22 0.34 0.33 ID Wood Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.34 0.34 0.25 0.24 0.38 0.37 ID Wood Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.34 0.34 0.27 0.26 0.43 0.41 ID Wood Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.15 0.15 0.19 0.17 ID Wood Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.16 0.16 1 0.21 0.20 ID Wood InswingDoor Insulated lass Lo E 140 One lite 0.35 0.35 0.18 0.17 0.24 0.22 Radius Inswing Doors RID Wood Radius Inswing Door Single glaze ' Clear Wide qrid bar 0.83 0.83 0.44 0.42 '0.42 0.42 RID Wood Radius Inswing Door Single glaze Clear Narrow rid bar 0.83 0.83 0.49 0.46 0.48 0.47 RID Wood Radius Inswing Door Single glaze Clear One lite 0.83 0.83 0.54 0.51 0.53 .0.53 RID Wood Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Clear • Wide grid bar 0.45 0.45 0.39 0.36 0.38 0.37 RID Wood Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.45 0.45 0.43 0.40 0.43 0.42 RID Wood Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.45 - 0.45 0.48 0.44 1.0.48 0.47 RID Wood Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.34 0.34 0.22 0.22 0.34 0.33 RID Wood Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.34 0.34 0.25 0.24 0.38 0.37 RID Wood Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.34 0.34 0.27 0.26 0.43 0.41 RID Wood Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.15 -0.15 0.19 10.17 RID Wood Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.16 0.16 0.21 10.20 RID I Wood Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 1 0.35 0.35 0.18 0:17 0.24 T 0.22 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 13 Elements of TECHNICAL INFORMATION Glazing Performance THERMAL PERFORMANCE DATA A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries 14 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7!212004 PRODUCT LINE DESCRIPTION & GLAZING VARIATIONS U -factor SHGC Vtc Res 7NRes Res I NRes Res NRes In wing Door Sidelights iS Wood Inswing Door Sidelite Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.60 0.60 0.26 0.25 0.22 0.22 IS Wood Inswing Door Sidelite Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.60 0.60 0.27 0.26 0.24 0.23 i9 Wood Inswing Door Sidelite Single glaze Clear One lite 0.61 0.61 0.28 0.27 0.25 0.24 IS Wood Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.42 0.42 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.19 is Wood Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.42 0.42 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.21 is Wood Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Clear I One lite 0.42 1 0.42 0.26 1 0.24 1 0.22 0.22 is Wood Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.36 0.36 0.15 0.14 0.18 0.17 is Wood Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.36 0.36 0.15 0.15 0.19 0.18 is Wood Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.36 0.36 0.16 0.16 0.20 0.19 iS Wood Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.36 0.36 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.09 is Wood Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.36 0.36 1 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 is Wood Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass I Lo E 140 One lite 0.36 1 0.36 1 0.12 1 0.11 1 0.11 0.10 Inswing Door Transoms IT Wood Inswing Door Transom Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.69 0.74 0.29 0.32 0.26 0.31 IT Wood Inswing Door Transom Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.70 0.75 0.34 0.37 0.31 0.36 IT Wood Inswing Door Transom Single glaze Clear One lite 0.70 0.76 0.39 0.43 0.36 0.43 IT Wood Inswing Door Transom Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.43 0.44 0.27 0.28 0.24 0.27 IT Wood Inswing Door Transom Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.43 0.44 0.30 0.32 0.28 0.32 IT Wood Inswing Door Transom Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.43 1 0.44 0.35 0.37 0.33 0.38 IT Wood Inswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.16 0.18 0.21 0.24 IT Wood Inswin Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.18 0.20 0.25 0.29 IT Wood Inswing Door Transom Insulated lass Lo E 172 One lite 0.35 0.35 0.20 0.22 0.29 0.33 IT Wood Inswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.36 0.35 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.13 IT Wood Inswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.36 0.35 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.15 IT Wood InswingDoor Transom Insulated lass- Lo E 140 One lite 0.36 0.35 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.18 0 tswing Doors OD Wood Outswing Door Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.84 0.84 0.44 1 0.42 0.43 •0.42 OD Wood Outswing Door Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.84 0.84 0.49 1 0.47 0.48 0.47 OD Wood Outswing Door Single glaze Clear One lite 0.84 0.84 0.54 0.52 0.54 0.43 OD Wood Outswing Door Insulated qlass Clear Wide grid bar 0.46 0.46 0.40 0.37 0.39 0.37 OD Wood Outswing Door Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.46 0.46 0.44 0.41 0.44 0.42 OD Wood Outswing Door Insulated glass Clear I One lite 0.46 1 0.46 0.48 0.45 0.49 0.47. OD Wood Outswing Door. Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.23 0.22 0.34 1 0.33 OD Wood Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.25 1 0.24 0.38 0.37 OD Wood Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.35 0.35• 0.27 0.26 0.43 0.42" OD Wood Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.15 0.15 '0.19 0.18 OD Wood Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.35 . 0.35. 0.17 0.16 0.21 0.20 OD Wood Outswin2 Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 1 0.35 0.35 0.18• 0.17 1 0.24 0.22 Radius Outswinq Doors ROD Wood Radius Outswing Door Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.84 0.84 0.44. 0.42 0.43 0.42 ROD Wood Radius Outswing Door Sin ie alaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.84 0.84 0.49 0.47 0.48 0.47 ROD Wood Radius Outswing Door Single glaze Clear One lite 0.84 0.84 0.54 0.52 0.54 0.43 ROD Wood Radius Cutswing Door Insulated qlass Clear Wide grid bar 0.46 0.46 , 0.40 0.37 0.39 0.37 ROD Wood Radius Outswing Door Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.46 0.46 0.44 0.41 0.44 0.42 ROD Wood Radius Outswing Door Insulated qlass Clear One lite 0.46 0.46 0.48 0.45 0.49 '.0.47 ROD I Wood Radius Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.23 0.22 0.34 0.33 ROD Wood Radius Outswing Door Insulated qlass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.25 0.24 0.38 0.37 ROD Wood Radius Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.35 0.35 0.27 0.26 0.43 0.42 ROD Wood Radius Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.15 0.15 0.19 0.18 ROD Wood Radius Outswing Door Insulated glass I Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 1 0.35 1 0.35 0.17 0.16 0.21 0.20 ROD Wood Radius Outswing Door Insulated glass I Lo E 140 One lite 0.35 1 0.35 0.18 0.17 0.24 0.22 14 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7!212004 Elements of t Glazing Performance TECHNICAL INFORMATION Sierra Pacific A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries THERMAL PERFORMANCE DATA 7!112004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 15 WOOD PRODUCT LINE DESCRIPTION & GLAZING VARIATIONS LI -factor SHGC Vtc Res NRes Res I NRes Res NRes Outswing Door Sidelights OS Wood Outswing Door Sidelite Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.60 0.60 0.26 0.24 0.21 0.21 OS Wood Outswing Door Sidelite Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.61 0.61 0.27 0.26 0.23 0.22 OS Wood Outswing Door Sidelite Single glaze Clear One lite 0.61 0.61 0.28 0.27 0.24 0.24 OS Wood Outswing Door Sidelite . Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.42 0.42 0.23 0.22 0.19 0.19 OS Wood Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated qlass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.42 0.42 1 0.24 0.23 0.21 0.20 OS Wood Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.42 0.42 0.25 0.24 0.22 0.21 OS Wood Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.38 0.38 0.15 0.14 1 0.17 0.16' OS Wood Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.38 0.38 0.15 0.15 0.18 0.17 OS Wood Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.38 0.38 0.16 0.15 0.19 0.18 OS Wood Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass I Lo E 140 1 Wide grid bar 0.38 0.38 0.11 0.11 0.09 0.09 OS Wood Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.38 0.38 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.09 OS Wood Outswing Door Sidelite I Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 1 0.38 1 0.38 1 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.10 Outswing Door Transoms OT Wood Outswin • Door Transom Sin le glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.69 0.74 0.29 0.32 0.26 0.31 OT Wood Outswing Door Transom Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.70 0.75 0.34 0.37 0.31 0.36 OT Wood Outswing Door Transom Single glaze Clear One lite 0.70 0.76 0.39 0.43 0.36 0.43 OT Wood Outswing Door Transom Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.43 0.44 0.27 0.28 0.24 0.27 OT Wood Outswing Door Transom Insulated glass Clear Narrow arid bar 0.43 0.44 0.30 0.32 0.28 0.32 OT Wood Outswing Door Transom Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.43 1 0.44 0.35 1 0.37 0.33 1 0.38 OT Wood Outswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.35 1 0.35 0.16 0.18 0.21 0.24 OT Wood Outswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.35 1 0.35 0.18 0.20 0.25 0.29 OT Wood Outswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.35 0.35 0.20 0.22 0.29 0.33 OT Wood Outswing Door Transom Insulated olass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.36 0.35 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.13 OT Wood Outswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.36 0.35 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.15 OT I Wood Outswino Door Transom I Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 0.36 0.35 0.14 1 0.15 0.16 1 0.18 Shasta Door SD Wood Shasta Door Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.83 0.83 0.44 0.42 0.42 0.42 SD Wood Shasta Door Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar. 0.83 0.83 0.49 0.46 0.48 0.47 SD Wood Shasta Door Single glaze Clear One lite 0.83 0.83 0.54 0.51 0.53 0.53 SD Wood Shasta Door Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.45 0.45 0.39 0.36 0.38 0.37 SD Wood Shasta Door Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.45 0.45 0.43 0.40 0:43 0.42 SD Wood Shasta Door Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.45 0.45 0.48 0.44 0.48 0.47 SD I Wood Shasta Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.34 0.34 1 0.22 0.22 0.34 1 0.33 SD Wood Shasta Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.34 0.34 0.25 0.24 .0.38 0.37 SD Wood Shasta Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.34 0.34 0.27 0.26 0.43 0.41 SD Wood Shasta Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.15 0.15 0.19 0.17 SD Wood Shasta Door Insulated glass I Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.16 0.16 ` 0.21 0.20 SD Wood Shasta Door I Insulated glass I Lo E 140 One lite 0.35 0.35 0.18 0.17 0.24 0.22 7!112004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 15 Elements of TECHNICAL INFORMATION Glazing Performance THERMAL PERFORMANCE DATA n •.z►.:1 A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries 16 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 CLAD PRODUCT LINE DESCRIPTION & GLAZING VARIATIONS LI -factor SHGC Vtc Res INRes Res NRes Res NRes Clad Casement Windows C -WC Clad Casement Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.94 0.97 0.49 0.52 0.48 0.53 C -WC Clad Casement Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.94 0.97 0.54 0.56 0.54 0.58 C -WC Clad Casement Single glaze Clear One lite 0.94 0.97 0.59 0.61 0.59 0.64 CWC Clad Casement Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.44 0.45 0.44 0.47 C -WC • Clad Casement Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.48 0.49 0.48 0.52 C -WC Clad Casement Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.50 0.50 1 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.56 C -WC Clad Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 1 Wide grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.25 0.26 1 0.39 0.42 C -WC Clad Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 1 Narrow grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.27 0.28 0.43 0.46 C -WC Clad Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.38 0.36 0.30 0.31 0.47 0.50 C -WC Clad Casement Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.17 0.17 0.21 0.22 C -WC Clad Casement Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.24 C -WC Clad Casement Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 1 0.38 1 0.36 1 0.19 0.20 0.26 0.27 Clad Casement Picture Windows C-WCP Clad Casement Picture Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 1.00 1.01 0.55 0.54 0.55 0.56 C-WCP - Clad Casement Picture Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 1.00 1.01 0.61 0.60 0.62 0.63 C-WCP Clad Casement Picture Single glaze Clear One lite 1.00 1.01 0.68 0.67 0.69 0.71 C WCP Clad Casement Picture Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.47 0.50 0.50 C-WCP Clad Casement Picture Insulated class Clear Narrow grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.54 0.52 0.56 0.56 C-WCP Clad Casement Picture Insulated glass Clear I One lite 0.50 1 0.50 1 0.60 0.58 0.62 0.63 C-WCP Clad Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.35 1 0.34 1 0.28 .0.27 1 0.44 0.44 C-WCP Clad Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.34 0.30 0.30 0.49 0.50 C-WCP Clad Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.35 0.34 0.33 0.33 0.55 0.56 C-WCP Clad Casement Picture Insulated lass' Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.36 0.35 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.23 C-WCP Clad Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.36 0.35 0.20 0.19 0.27 0.26 C-WCP Clad Casement Picture Insulated glass I Lo E 140 1 One lite 0.36 0.35 0.21 0.21 0.30 t 0.30 Clad Casement Half Round Windows C -CH Clad Half Round Casement Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.94 0.97 0.49 0.52 0.48 0.53 C -CH Clad Half Round Casement Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.94 0.97 0.54 0.56' 0.54 0.58 C -CH Clad Half Round Casement Single glaze Clear One lite 0.94 0.97 0.59 0.61 0.59 0.64 C -CH Clad Half Round Casement Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.44 0.45 0.44 0.47 C -CH Clad Half Round Casement Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.48 '0.49 0.48 0.52 C -CH ' Clad Half Round Casement Insulated glass Clear I One lite 0.50 1 0.50 1 0.53 0.53 0.53 '0.56 C -CH Clad Half Round Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.25 0.26 1 0.39 0.42 C -CH Clad Half Round Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.27 0.28 0.43 0.46 C -CH Clad Half Round Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.38 0.36 0.30 0.31 0.47 0.50 C -CH Clad Half Round Casement I Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.17 0.47 0.21 0.22 C -CH Clad Half Round Casement Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.24 C -CH Clad Half Round Casement Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 0.38 1 0.36 1 0.19 0.20 0.26 0.27 Clad Radius Casement Windows C -RC Clad Radius Casement Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.94 0.97 0.49 0.52 0.48 0.53 C -RC Clad Radius Casement Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.94 0.97 0.54 0.56 0.54 0.58 C -RC -Clad Radius Casement Single glaze Clear One lite 0.94 0.97 0.59 0.61 0.59 0.64 C -RC Clad Radius Casement Insulated gliass Clear Wide grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.44 0.45 0.44 0.47 C -RC Clad Radius Casement Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.48 0.49 0.48 0.52 C -RC Clad Radius Casement Insulated 61ass Clear I One lite 0.50 1 0.50 1 0.53 . 0.53 0.53 0.56 C -RC Clad Radius Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.38 1 -0.36 1 0.25 0.26 0.39 0.42 C -RC Clad Radius Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar' 0.38 1 0.36 0.27 0.28 0.43 0.46 C -RC Clad Radius Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.38 0.36 0.30 0.31 0.47 0.50 C -RC Clad Radius Casement Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.17 0.17 0.21 0.22 C -RC Clad Radius Casement Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.24 C -RC Clad Radius Casement Insulated glass I Lo E 140 1 One lite 0.38 0.36 0.19 0.20 0.26 0.27 16 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 Elements of Glazing Performance TECHNICAL INFORMATION Sierra Pacific M ' Aoivisionof THERMAL PERFORMANCE DATA Sierra Pacific Industries 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 17 CLAD PRODUCT LINE DESCRIPTION & GLAZING VARIATIONS U factor SHGC Vtc Res I NRes Res INRes Res NRes Clad Radius Casement Picture Windows C -RCP Clad Radius Casement Picture Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 1.00 1.01 0.55 0.54 0.55 0.56 C -RCP Clad Radius Casement Picture Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 1.00 1.01 0.61 0.60 0.62 0.63 C -RCP Clad Radius Casement Picture Single glaze Clear One lite 1.00 1.01 0.68 0.67 0.69 0.71 C -RCP Clad Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.47 0.50 0.50 C -RCP Clad Radius Casement Picture Insulated alass Clear Narrow and bar 0.50 0.50 0.54 1 0.52 0.56 0.56 C -RCP Clad Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.58 0.62 0.63 C -RCP Clad Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar0.35 l 0.34 0.28 0.27 0.44 0.44 C -RCP Clad Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar .0.35 0.34 0.30 0.30 0.49 0.50 C -RCP Clad Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.35 0.34 0.33 0.33 0.55 0.56 C -RCP Clad Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 140 1 Wide grid bar 0.36 0.35 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.23 C RCP Clad Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.36 1 0.20 0.19 0.27 0.26 C -RCP I Clad Radius Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 0.36 0.35 1 0.21 0.21 0.30 0.30 Clad French Casement Windows C -FC Clad French Casement Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar- 0.94 0.97 0.49 0.52 0.48 0.53 C -FC Clad French Casement Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.94 0.97 0.54 0.56 0.54 0.58 C -FC Clad French Casement' Single glaze Clear One lite 0.94 -0.97 0.59 0.61 0.59 0.64 C -FC Clad French Casement Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.44 0.45 0.44 0:47 C -FC Clad French Casement Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.48 0.49 0.48 0.52 C -FC Clad French Casement Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.50 0.50 1 0.53 0.53 1 0.53 0.56 C -FC I Clad French Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.25 0.26 0.39 0.42 C -EC Clad French Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.27 0.26 0.43 0.46 C -FC Clad French Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.38 0.36 0.30 0.31 0.47 0.50 C -FC Clad French Casement Insulated class Lo E 140 Wide cirid bar 0.38 0.36 0.17 0.17 0.21 0.22 C -FC Clad French Casement Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.24 C -FC Clad French Casement Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 0.38 0.36 0.19 0.20 1 0.26 •0.27 Clad Sedona Casement Windows C -SC Clad Sedona Casement Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.94 0.97 0.49 0.52 0.48 0.53 C -SC Clad Sedona Casement Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.94 0.97 0.54 0.56 0.54 0.58 C -SC Clad Sedona Casement Single glaze Clear One lite 0.94 0.97 0.59 0.61 0.59 0.64 C -SC Clad Sedona Casement Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.44 0.45 0.44 0.47 C -SC Clad Sedona Casement Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.48 0.49 0.48 0.52 C -SC 1 Clad Sedona Casement Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.50 0.50 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.56 C -SC Clad Sedona Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.38 0.36 0'.25 0.26 0.39 0.42 C -SC Clad Sedona Casement -Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.27 0.28 0.43 0.46 C -SC Clad Sedona Casement Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.38 0.36 0.30 0.31 0.47 0.50 C -SC Clad Sedona Casement I Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.17 0.17 1 0.21 1 0.22 C -SC Clad Sedona Casement Insulated lass I Lo E 140 1 Narrow grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.24 C -SC I Clad Sedona Casement Insulated glass I Lo E 140 1 One lite 0.38 0.36 1 0.19 0.20 1 0.26 ' 0.27 Clad Sedona Casement Windows C -SCP Clad Sedona Casement Picture Single glaze • Clear Wide grid bar 1.00 1.01 0.55 0.54 0.55 0.56 C -SCP Clad Sedona Casement Picture Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 1.00 1.01 0.61 0.60 0.62 0.63 C -SCP Clad Sedona Casement Picture Single glaze Clear One lite 1.00 1.01 0.68 0.67 0.69 0.71 C -SCP Clad Sedona Casement Picture Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.47 0.50 0.50 C -SCP Clad Sedona Casement Picture Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.54 0.52 0.56 0.56 C -SCP Clad Sedona Casement Picture Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.50 0.50 0.60 •0.58 0.62' 0.63 C -SCP Clad Sedona Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.34 0.28 0.27 0.44 -0.44 C -SCP Clad Sedona Casement Picture Insulated lass Lo E 172 Narrow rid bar 0.35 0.34 0.30 0.30. 0.49 0.50 C -SCP Clad Sedona Casement Picture Insulated lass Lo E 172 One lite 0.35 0.34 0.33 0.33 0.55 0.56. C -SCP Clad Sedona Casement Picture insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.36 0.35 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.23 C -SCP Clad Sedona Casement Picture Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar . 0.36 0.35 0.20 0.19 0.27 0.26 C -SCP I Clad Sedona Casement Picture I Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 0.36 0.35 0.21 1 0.21 1 0.30 0.30 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 17 Elements of TECHNICAL INFORMATION Glazing Performance THERMAL PERFORMANCE DATA I rPacific A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries 18 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 CLAD PRODUCT LINE DESCRIPTION & GLAZING VARIATIONS U -factor SHGC Vtc Res NRes Res I NRes Res NRes Clad Awning Windows C -WA Clad Awning Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.94 0.97 0.50 0.52 0.48 0.53 C -WA Clad Awning Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.94 0.97 0.54 0.56 0.54 0.58 C -WA Clad Awning Sin lelaze Clear One lite 0.94 0.97 0.59 0.61 0.59 0.64 C -WA Clad AwningInsulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.51 0.50 0.44 0.45 0.44 0.47 C -WA Clad Awning Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.51 0.50 0.48 0.49 0.48 0.52 C -WA Clad Awning Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.51 0.50 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.57 C -WA Clad Awning Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.25 1 0.26 0.39 0.42 C -WA Clad Awning Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.38 0.36 0.27 0.29 0.43 0.46 C -WA Clad Awning Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.38 0.36 0.30 0.31 0.47 0.50 C -WA Clad Awning Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.38 0.37 0.17 0.17 0.21 0.22 C -WA Clad Awning Insulated glass I Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.38 0.37 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.24 C -WA Clad Awning Insulated glass I Lo E 140 One lite 10.38 0.37 0.19 0.20 0.26 0.27 $ Clad Direct Glaze Windows C -DG Clad Direct Glaze Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 1.09 1.09 0.63 0.61 0.64 0.64 C -DG Clad Direct Glaze Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 1.09 1.09 0.70 0.67 0.72 0.72 C -DG Clad Direct Glaze Single glaze Clear One lite 1.09 1.09 0.77 0.74 0.80 0.80 C -DG Clad Direct Glaze Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.51 0.51 0.56 0.52 0.58 0.57 C -DG Clad Direct Glaze Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.51 0.51 0.62 0.58 0.65 0.64 C -DG Clad Direct Glaze Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.51 0.51 0.68 0.64 0.72 0.71 C -DG Clad Direct Glaze Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.34 1 0.34 0.31 1 0.30 0.51 0.50 C -DG Clad Direct Glaze Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.33 0.57 0.56' C -DG Clad Direct Glaze Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.34 0.34 0.37 0.36 0.63 0.63 C -DG Clad Direct Glaze Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.34 0.20 0.19 0.28 0.27 C -DG Clad Direct Glaze Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.34 0.22 0.21 0.32 0.30 C -DG Clad Direct Glaze Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 0.35 0.341 0.23 0.23 0.35 0.33 Clad Horizontal Sliding Windows C -WS Clad Horizontal Sliding Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.97 1.00 0.53 0.54 0.52 0.56 C -WS Clad Horizontal Sliding Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.97 1.00 0.58 0.59 0.58 0.62 C -WS Clad Horizontal Sliding Single glaze Clear One lite 0.97 1.00 0.64 0.65 0.65 0.69 C -WS Clad Horizontal Sliding Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.50 C -WS Clad Horizontal Sliding Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.52 0.51 0.53 0.55 C -WS Clad Horizontal Sliding Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.50 0.50 0.57 0.56 0.59 0.61 C -WS Clad Horizontal Sliding Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.361 0.35 0.271 0.27 0.41 1 0.44 C -WS Clad Horizontal Sliding Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.36 0.35 0.29 0.30 0.47 0.49 C -WS Clad Horizontal Sliding Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.36 0.35 0.32 0.32 0.52 0.54 C -WS Clad Horizontal Sliding Insulated glass Lo E 140 1 Wide grid bar 0.37 0.35 0.18 0.18 0.23 0.23 C -WS Clad Horizontal Sliding Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.37 0.35 0.19 0.19 0.26 0.26 C -WS Clad Horizontal Sliding Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 0.37 0.35 0.20 0.21 0.29 0.29 Clad Carmel Double Hung Windows C -DHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Sin le alaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.88 0.51 0.52 C -DHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.88 0.57 0.59 C -DHC Clad Carmel Double HU'nq Single glaze Clear One lite 0.88 0.64 0.67 C -DHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.48 0.46 0.48 C -DHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar -'0.48 0.52 0.54 C -DHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Insulated olass Clear One lite 0.48 1 0.581 0.61 C -DHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.25 0.42 C -DHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.28 0.47 C -DHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.35 0.31 0.53 C -DHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.16 0.23 C -DHC Clad Carmel Double Hunci Insulated glass Lo E 140 1 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.18 0.26 C -DHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Insulated glass Lo E 140 1 One lite 0.35 0.20 I0.30 18 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 Elements of qSierra rPacific Glazing Performance TECHNICAL INFORMATION AacificIn u THERMAL PERFORMANCE DATA Sierra Pacific Industries 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 19 CLAD PRODUCT LINE DESCRIPTION & GLAZING VARIATIONS LI -factor SHGC Vtc Res NRes Res NRes Res NRes Clad Radius Carmel Single Hung Windows C-RSHC Clad Radius Carmel Single Hung Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.88 0.51 0.52 C-RSHC Clad Radius Carmel Single Hung Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.88 0.57 0.59 C-RSHC Clad Radius Carmel Single Hung Single glaze Clear One lite 0.88 0.64 0.67 C-RSHC Clad Radius Carmel Single Hung Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.48 0.46 0.48 C-RSHC Clad Radius Carmel Single Hung Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.48 1 0.52 0.54 C-RSHC Clad Radius Carmel Single Hung Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.48 0.58 0.61 C-RSHC I Clad Radius Carmel Single Hung Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.25 0.42 C-RSHC Clad Radius Carmel Single Hung Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.28 0.47 C-RSHC Clad Radius Carmel Single Hung Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.35 0.31 0.53 C-RSHC Clad Radius Carmel Single HungInsulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.16 10.23 C-RSHC Clad Radius Carmel Single Hung ilnsulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.18 0.26 C-RSHC Clad Radius Carmel Single Hung I Insulated glass 1 Lo E 140 1One lite 0.35 0.20 0.30 Clad Carmel Double Hung Cottage C-CDHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Cottage Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.88 0.51 0.52 C-CDHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Cottage Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.88 0.57 0.59 C-CDHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Cottage Single glaze Clear One lite 0.88 0.64 0.67 C-CDHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Cottage Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.48 0.46 0.48 C-CDHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Cottage Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.48 0.52 0.54 C-CDHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Cottage Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.48 0.58 0.61 C-CDHC I Clad Carmel Double Hung Cottage Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.25 0.42 C-CDHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Cottage Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.28 0.47 C-CDHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Cottage Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.35 0.31 0.53 C-CDHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Cottage Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 1 0.35 0.16 0.23 C-CDHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Cottage Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.18 0.26 C-CDHC Clad Carmel Double Hung Cottage Insulated glass I Lo E 140 1 One lite 0.35 0.20 0.30 Clad Carmel Double Hung Picture C -PUC Clad Carmel Double Hung Picture Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.89 0.53 0.54 C -PUC Clad Carmel Double Hung Picture Single alaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.89 0.59 0.61 C -PUC Clad Carmel Double Hung Picture Sin le glaze Clear One lite 0.89 0.66 0.69 C -PUC Clad Carmel Double Hung Picture Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.47 0.48 0.50 C -PUC Clad Carmel Double Hung Picture Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.47 0.54 0.56 C -PUC I Clad Carmel Double Hung Picture Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.47 1 0.60 0.63 C -PUC Clad Carmel Double Hung Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.34 0.26 0.43 C -PUC Clad Carmel Double Hung Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.34 0.29 0.49 C -PUC Clad Carmel Double Hung Picture Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.34 0.32 0.55 C -PUC Clad Carmel Double Hung Picture Insulated qlass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.34 0.16 0.24 C -PUC Clad Carmel Double Hung Picture Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.34 0.18 1 0.27 C -PUC . I Clad Carmel Double Hung Picture I Insulated glass I Lo E 140 1 One lite 1 0.34 0.20 0.31 Clad Patio Slider Doors C -PS Clad Patio Slider Door Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.91 0.92 0.46 0.45 0.45 0.45 C -PS Clad Patio Slider Door Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.91 0.92, 0.52 0.50 0.51 0.51 C -PS Clad Patio Slider Door Single glaze Clear One lite 0.91 0.92 0.58' 0.56 0.58 0.58 C -PS Clad Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.49 0.49 0.41 0.39 0.40 0.40 C -PS Clad.Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Clear • Narrow grid bar 0.49 0.49 0.46 • 0.44 0.46 0.46 C -PS Clad Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.49 1 0.49 0.51 0.49 0.52 0:52 C -PS Clad Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.36 0.36 0.24 0.24 0.35 0.36 C -PS Clad Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.36 0.36 0.26 0.26 0.41 0.41 C -PS Clad Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.36 0.36 0.29 0.29 • 0.46 0.46 C -PS Clad Patio Slider Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.36 0.36 0.16 0.16 0.20 0.19 C -PS Clad Patio Slider Door Insulated glass I Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.36 0.361 0.17 0.17 0.22 0.22 C -PS Clad Patio Slider Door Insulated glass I Lo E 140 One lite 0.36 1 0.361 0.19 0.18 0.25 0.24 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 19 Elements of TECHNICAL INFORMATION Glazing Performance, THERMAL PERFORMANCE DATA r-, C Sierra Pacific n A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries 20 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 CLAD PRODUCT LINE DESCRIPTION 4 & GLAZING VARIATIONS , U -factor SHGC Vtc Res NRes Res NRes Res NRes Clad Patio Slider Door Sidelights C -PSS Clad Patio Slider Sidelite Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.88 0.27 0.21 C -PSS Clad Patio Slider Sidelite Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.88 0.28 0.22 C -PSS Clad Patio Slider Sidelite Single glaze Clear One lite 0.88 0.29 0.27 C -PSS Clad Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.54 0.24 0.19 C -PSS Clad Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.54 0.26 0.20 C -PSS Clad Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.54 0.27 0.22 C -PSS Clad Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.46 0.16 0.17 C -PSS Clad Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.46 0.17 0.18 C -PSS Clad Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.46 0.17 0.19 C -PSS Clad Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.46 0.12 0.09 C -PSS Clad Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.46 0.13 0.10 C -PSS Clad Patio Slider Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 0.46 1 0.131 1 0.10 Clad Patio Slider Door Transoms C -PST Clad Patio Slider Transom Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.89 0.90 1 0.36 0.39 1 0.31 0.37 C -PST Clad Patio Slider Transom Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.89 0.90 0.38 0.41 0.33 0.39 C -PST Clad Patio Slider Transom Single glaze Clear One lite 0.89 0.90 0.39 0.44 0.35 0.42 C -PST Clad Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.56 0.56 0.33 0.35 0.28 0.33 C -PST Clad Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.56 0.56 0.34 0.36 0.30 0.35 C -PST Clad Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass Clear I One lite 0.56 0.56 0.36 0.38 0.32 0.37 C -PST Clad Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.48 1 0.46 1 0.20 0.22 1 0.25 0.29 C -PST Clad Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.48 0.46 0.21 0.23 1 0.26 0.31 C -PST Clad Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.48 0.46 0.22 0.24 0.28 0.33 C -PST Clad Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.48 0.46 0.15 0.16.- 0.14 0.15 C -PST Clad Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.48 0.46 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.16. C -PST Clad Patio Slider Transom Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 0.48 0.46 0.16 0.17 0.15 0.17 Clad Inswing Doors C -ID Clad Inswing Door Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.89 0.89 0.44 0.42 1 0.42 0.42 C -ID Clad Inswing Door Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.89 0.89 0.49 0.46 0.48 0.47 C -ID Clad Inswing Door Single glaze Clear One lite 0.69 0.89 0.54 0.51 0.54 0.43 C -ID Clad Inswing Door Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.46 0.46 0.39 0.36 0.38 0.37 C -ID Clad Inswing Door Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.46 0.46 0.44 0.40 0.43 0.42 C -ID Clad Inswing Door Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.46 1 0.46 0.48 0.44 0.48 0.47 C -ID Clad Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.23 0.22 1 0.34 0.33 C -ID Clad Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.25 0.24 0.38 0.37 C -ID Clad Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.35 0.35 0.27 0.26 0.43 0.41 C -ID Clad Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.15 0.15 0.19 0.17 C -ID Clad Inswing Door Insulated glass I Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.16 0.16 0.21 0.20 C -ID Clad Inswing Door Insulated glass I Lo E 140 One lite 1 0.35 1 0.35 0.18 0.17 0.24 0.22 Clad Radius Inswing Doors C -RID Clad Radius Inswing Door Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.89 0.89 0.44 0.42 1 0.42 0.42- C -RID Clad Radius Inswing Door Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.89 0.89 0.49 0:46 0.48 0.47 C -RID Clad Radius Inswing Door Single glaze Clear One lite 0.89 0.89 0.54 0.51 0.54 0.43 C -RID Clad Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.46 0.46 0.39 0.36 0.38 0.37 C -RID Clad Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.46 0.46 0.44, 0.40 0.43 0.42 , C -RID Clad Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.46 0.46 0.48' 0.44 0.48 0.47 C -RID Clad Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.23 1 0.22 0.34 0.33 C -RID Clad Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.25 0.24 0.38 0.37 C -RID Clad Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.35 0.35 0.27 0.26 0.43 0.41 C -RID Clad Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.15 0.15 0.19 0.17 C -RID Clad Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.35 0.35 0.16 0.16 0.21 0.20 C -RID I Clad Radius Inswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 0.35 1 0.35 1 0.18 0.17 0.24 0.22 20 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 Elements of Glazing Performance TECHNICAL INFORMATION Sierra Pacific ry A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries THERMAL PERFORMANCE DATA 7r-/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 21 CLAD PRODUCT LINE DESCRIPTION & GLAZING VARIATIONS LI -factor SHGC Vtc Res NRes Res INRes Res NRes Clad Inswing Door Sidelights C -IS Clad Inswing Door Sidelite Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.62 0.62 0.20 0.19 0.15 0.15 C -IS Clad Inswing Door Sidelite Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.62 0.62 0.24 0.23 0.19 0.19 C -IS Clad Inswing Door Sidelite Single glaze Clear One lite 0.62 0'.62 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.23 C -IS Clad Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.43 0.43 0.18 0.17 0.13 0.13 C -IS Clad Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.43 0.43 0.21 0.20 0.17 0.17 C -IS I Clad Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.43 0.43 0.25 0.23 0.22 0.21 C -IS Clad Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.38 0.38 0.12 0.12 0.12 10.11 C -IS Clad Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.38 0.38 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 C -IS Clad Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.38 0.38 0.16 0.15 0.19 0.18' C -IS Clad Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.38 1 0.38 0.10 10.09 0.07 0.06 C -IS Clad Inswing Door Sidelite I Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.38 1 0.38 10.11 10.10 0.08 0.08 C -IS I Clad Inswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 0.38 1 0.38 10.12 10.11 0.10 0.10 Clad Inswing Door Transoms C -IT Clad Inswing Door Transom Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.78 0.83 0.30 0.32 0.25 0.29 C -IT Clad Inswing Door Transom Sin le olaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.78 0.83 0.34 0.37 0.30 0.34 C -IT Clad Inswing Door Transom Single glaze Clear One lite 0.78 0.83 0.38 0.42 0.35 0.41 C -IT Clad Inswing Door Transom Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.51 0.51 0.27 0.28 0.22 0.25 C -IT Clad Inswing Door Transom Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.51 0.51 0.31 0.32 0.27 0.31 C -IT I Clad Inswing Door Transom Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.51 1 0.51 0.35 1 0.37 0.31 0.36 C -IT Clad Inswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.44 0.43 0.17 0.18 0.20 0.23 C -IT Clad Inswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.44 0.43 0.19 0.20 0.24 0.27 C -IT Clad Inswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.44 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.28 0.32 C -IT Clad Inswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.44 0.43 0.13 0.13 0.11 1 0.12 C IT Clad Inswing Door Transom Insulated glass I Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.44 0.430.14 0.14 0.13 0.14 C -IT Clad InswingDoor Transom Insulated lass Lo E 140 One lite 0.44 0.43+0l 3 0151 5 0.16 0.15 1 0.17 Clad Outswing Doors C -OD Clad Outswing Door Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.89 0.89 0.45 0.43 0.43 0.42 C -OD Clad Outswing Door Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.89 0.89 0.50 0.47 0.48 ' 0.47 C -OD Clad Outswing Door Single glaze t Clear One lite 0.89 0.89 0.55 0.52 0.54 0.53 C -OD Clad Outswing Door Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.37 0.39 0.37 C -OD Clad Outswing Door Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.50 • 0.50 0.45 0.41 0.44 0.42 C -OD Clad Outswing Door Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.50 0.50 0.49- 0.45 ' 0.49 0.47 C -OD I Clad Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar 0.39 0.39 0.23 0.23 0.34 10.33 ' C -OD ' Clad Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.39 0.39 0.26 10.25 0.38 10.37 C -OD Clad Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.39 0.39 0.28 0.27 0.43 0.42 C -OD Clad Outswing Door I Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.40 0.40 0.16 0.16 '0.19 0.18 C -OD Clad Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 1 Narrow grid bar 0.40 0.40 .0.17 0.17 0.21 0.20 C -OD Clad Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite 0.40 0.40 0.19 0.18 0.24 0.22 Clad Radius Outswing Doors C -ROD Clad Radius Outswing Door Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar 0.89 0.89 0.45 0.43 0.43 0.42 C -ROD Clad Radius Outswing Door Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar 0.89 0.89 0.50 0.47 0.48 0.47 C -ROD Clad Radius Outswing Door Single glaze Clear One lite 0.89 0.89 0.55 0.52 0.54 0.53 C -ROD Clad Radius Outswing Door Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.37 0.39 0.37 C -ROD Clad Radius Outswing Door Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar 0.50 1 0.50 0.45 0.41 0.44 0.42 C -ROD I Clad Radius Outswing Door Insulated glass Clear One lite 0.50 1 0.50 0'..49 0.45 0.49 0.47 C -ROD Clad Radius Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar- 0.39 0.39 0.23 10.23 1 0.34 0.33. C -ROD Clad Radius Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar 0.39 0.39 0.26 0.25 0.38 0.37• C -ROD Clad Radius Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite 0.39 0.39 0.28 0.27 0.43 0.42 C -ROD Clad Radius Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar 0.40 0.40 0.16 0.16 0.19 0.18 C -ROD Clad Radius Outswing Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar 0.40 0.40 0.17 0.17 0.21 0.20 C -ROD I Clad Radius Outswing Door Insulated glass I Lo E 140 One lite 10.40 0.40 1 0.19 0.18 0.24 0.22 7r-/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 21 Elements of TECHNICAL INFORMATION Glazing Performance Pacific Sierra Paci • �ry oi THERMAL PERFORMANCE DATA Ao��cIn Sierra Industries CLAD PRODUCT LINE DESCRIPTION & U -factor SHGC Vtc GLAZING VARIATIONS Res I NRes Res I NRes Res I NRes C -OS Clad Outswing Door Sidelite Single glaze Uear Wide grid bar C -OS Clad Outswing Door Sidelite Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar C -OS Clad Outswing Door Sidelite Single glaze Clear One lite C -OS Clad Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar C -OS Clad Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar C -OS Clad Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Clear One lite C -OS Clad Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar C -OS Clad Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar C -OS Clad Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite C -OS Clad Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass 'Lo E 140 Wide grid bar C -OS I Clad Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar C -OS Clad Outswing Door Sidelite Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite Outs Ing Door Transoms 0.44 0.12 0.12 C -OT Clad Outswing Door Transom Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar C -OT Clad Outswing Door Transom Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar C -OT Clad Outswing Door Transom Single" laze Clear One lite C OT Clad Outswing Door Transom Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar C -OT Clad Outswing Door Transom Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar C -OT Clad Outswing Door Transom Insulated glass Clear One lite C -OT Clad Outswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar C -OT Clad Outswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar C -OT Clad Outswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite C -OT Clad Outswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar C -OT Clad Outswing Door Transom I Insulated glass Lo E 1.40 Narrow grid bar C -OT Clad Outswing Door Transom Insulated glass Lo E 140 One lite Clad Shasta Door 0.44 N 0.21 C -SD Clad Shasta Door Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar C -SD Clad Shasta Door Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar C -SD Clad Shasta Door Single glaze Clear One lite C -SD Clad Shasta Door Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar C -SD Clad Shasta Door Insulated glass Clear Narrow grid bar C -SD Clad Shasta Door Insulated glass Clear I One lite C -SD Clad Shasta Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 1 Wide grid bar C -SD Clad Shasta Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar C -SD Clad Shasta Door Insulated glass Lo E 172" One lite C -SD Clad Shasta Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar C -SD Clad Shasta Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar C -SD Clad Shasta Door Insulated glass I Lo E 140 One lite Clad Commercial Door 0.48 0.47 0.35 C -CD Clad Commercial Door Single glaze Clear Wide grid bar C -CD Clad Commercial Door Single glaze Clear Narrow grid bar C -CD Clad Commercial Door Single glaze Clear One lite C -CD Clad Commercial Door Insulated glass Clear Wide grid bar C -CD Clad Commercial Door Insulated qlass Clear Narrow grid bar C -CD Clad Commercial Door Insulated qlass Clear One lite C -CD Clad Commercial Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Wide grid bar C -CD Clad Commercial Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 Narrow grid bar C -CD Clad Commercial Door Insulated glass Lo E 172 One lite C -CD Clad Commercial Door Insulated glass Lo E 140 Wide grid bar C -CD Clad Commercial Door Insulated glass I Lo E 140 Narrow grid bar C -CD Clad Commercial Door Insulated glass I Lo E 140 One*lite ' 0.68 1 0.68 0.27 0.26 1 0.21 0.21 0.68 0.68 0.28 0.27 0.23 0.22 0.68 0.68 0.29 0.28 0.24 0.24 0.49 0.49 0.24 0.23 0.19 0.19 0.49 0.49 0.25 0.24 0.21 0.20 0.49 0.49 0.26 0.25 0.22 0.21 0.44 1'0.44 0.16 0.15 0.17 0.17 0.44 0.44 0.16 0.16 0.18 0.18 0.44 0.44 0.17 0.16 0.19 0.19 0.44 0.44 0.12 0.12 " 0.09 0.09 0.44 0.44 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.44 0.44 0.13 10.12 1 0.11 -10.10 0.78 0.83 0.30 0.32 1 0.25 0.29 0.78 0.83 0.34 0.37 1 0.30 0.34 0.78 0.83 0.38 0.42 0.35 0.41 0.51 0.51 0.27 0.28 0.22 0.25 0.51 0.51 0.31 0.32 0.27 0.31 0.51 1 0.51 0.35 0.37 0.31 0.36 0.44 0.43 0.17 0.18 0.20 0.23 0.44 0.43 0.19 1 0.20 1 0.24 0.27 0.44 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.28 0.32 0.44 0.43 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.12 0.44 0.43 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.14. 0.44 1 0.43 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.17 0.89 0.89 0.44 0.42 1 0.42 0.42 0.89 0.89 0.49 0.46-- 0.48 0.47 0.89 0.89 0.54 0.51 0.54 0.43 0.46 0.46 0.39 0.36 0.38 0.37 0.46 0.46 0.44 0.40 0.43 0.42 0.46 1 0.46 0.48 0.44 0.48 0.47 0.35 0.35 0.23 0.22 0.34 0.33 0.35 0.35 0.25 0.24 0.38 0:37 0.35 0.35 0.27 0.26 0.43 0.41 0.35 0.35 0.15 0.15 0.19 0.17 0.35 0.35 0.16 0.16 0.21 0.20 0.35 1 0.35 0.18 0.17 0.24 0.22 0.91 0.91 0.45 10.43 1 0.43 0.42 0.91 0.91 0.50 0.47 1 0.48 0.47 0.91 0.91 0.55 0.52 0.54 0.53 0.52 0.52 0.40 0.37. 0.39 0.37 0.52 0.52 0.45 0.41 0.44 0.42" 0.52 0.52 0.49 0.45 0.49 0.47 0.41 0.41 0.23 0.23 0.34 0.33 0.41 0.41 0.26 10.25 0.38 0.37 0.41 0.41 0.28 0.27 0.43 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.16 0'.16 0.19 0.18 0.42 0.42 0.17 0.17 0.21 10.20 0.42 0.42 0.19 0.18 0.24 10.22- 22 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2M4 I Elements of Glazing Performance TECHNICAL INFORMATION Sierra Pacific M A Division of Sierra Paciic Industries Sierra Pacific Windows offers the following high performance spectrally -selective glass from Cardinal. Loi s -1`x.2 Glass All Climate, All Season Window Glass The clear choice, no matter where you live. 1 r C - Unlike many glass products on the market today, Cardinal LoE2-172 is the one clear choice. With patented coatings and superior energy ratings, LoE2-172 delivers the clearest, highest performing glass available today. Because LoE2-172 glass blocks most of the sun's damaging ultraviolet rays, it will help curtains, carpets, furniture and wall coverings stay beautiful for years to come. Window glass that can control the weather. Although windows provide beautiful views and wonderful natural light, they can also account for up to 30 percent of the annual energy consumed in a home. Card inal'LoE2-172 glass is designed to provide year-round savings and comfort by optimizing both the sun's heat and the home's heating and cooling systems. In the summer, LoE2-172 keeps the home cool and comfortable by rejecting the sun's heat and damaging rays. In the winter, LoE2-172 helps the home stay warm and cozy by reflecting heat back into the room. Think of it as invisible insulation. Cardinal's LoE2-172 blocks 84 percent of the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays and delivers a remarkable 96 percent performance improvement in winter nighttime insulation (R -value) compared to non -coated air- filled insulating glass. However, it is virtually invisible to the eye -- just like looking through clear glass. In fact, LoE2-172 is the clearest, highest performing glass on the market; there's no haze or bluish cast to mar the view. LoE2-172 even outperforms the tinted glass often used in warm, sunny climates. You see out and the light shines in, with no heavy bronze or smoke -colored tints to darken the personality of the home. All around comfort, all year long. If you live in a climate controlled by heating and air conditioning, Cardinal LoE2-172 is the best available glazing option. It provides unhindered views, substantial savings on both heating and cooling bills and year-round comfort. In addition, many utility companies are now offering rebates. for energy efficient window products like LoE2-172. 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 23 Elements of TECHNICAL INFORMATION Glazing Performance 71 Sierra Pacific A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries Ld'- 140 Glass All Climate Glare Control Window Glass V.Cardinal introduces the most impressive scientific advancement in solar control glass in years! LoE2-140, a tinted version of Cardinal's finest LoE2 insulating glass controls glare, blocks excessive solar gains, and maintains proven year round comfort. How it works. Regular tinted glass works by absorbing sunlight. The color of the glass changes with glass thickness and it gets hot in the sunlight. LoE2-140 is a coating that is applied to clear glass, so the appearance and performance are the same regardless of the glass thickness. LoE2-140 blocks visible light for glare control, reflects invisible solar heat and, because it has a low-emittance coating, the glass stays comfortable all year long — cool in the summer, warm in the winter. A glass for all seasons. LoE2-140 is more than a solar control glass. Its advanced coating design also provides the lowest possible U -factor to deliver energy savings and comfort during cold winter weather. Year-round thermal comfort is a result of warm glass temperatures in the winter, cool glass temperatures in the summer, and the blockage of oppressive solar heat gains. What's your vision? If you envision your project benefiting from a "tinted" glass for glare control, LoE2-140 offers the best combination of aesthetic appeal along with energy performance and in-home comfort. 24 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 Super Spacer® by Edgetech Elements of Glazing Performance TECHNICAL INFORMATION Every Sierra Pacific window and door features Super Spacer® by Edgetech - the world's only NO -Metal, all -foam, TrueWARM® Edge technology insulating glass spacer. With its advanced all -silicone foam formula and a unique dual -seal design, Super Spacer leaves all other window spacers out in the cold and delivers on the promise of warm edge technology. Windows edged with Super Spacer satisfy the toughest warm edge demands by: • Clearly resisting windovv condensation. • Reducing energy costs. • Providing long -life durability. • Maintaining their attractive appearance. • Reducing outside noise distractions. • Adding both comfort and value to your project. What is Warm Edge Technology? Today more than ever, homeowners are replacing their old worn out windows with energy efficient replacement windows. Poorly insulated windows can attribute to 25 percent of a building's heating and cooling loads. It is just as important to know what type of window spacer material is being used on the insulating glass unit as it is to know what type of glass package (or glazing) is going into the window. In order to overcome the thermal inefficiency of conventional aluminum window spacers, a new type of spacer product called warm -edge technology has evolved in the window industry. Warm -edge refers to the type of spacer material used to separate the panes of glass (or glazing) in an insulated window unit. If the material conducts less heat or cold than a conventional aluminum spacer at the edge of the glass, it is said to be 'warm -edge.' Most of these newer window spacers are less conductive and outperform pure aluminum. But there's still one small problem -- most contain some kind of metal. And metal is highly conductive. Super Spacer® - The NO -Metal Advantage Super Spacer is a TrueWARM® Edge technology product because it is the only all -foam, NO -Metal spacer on the market today. Unlike other so-called "warm" edge spacers that contain steel or aluminum wrapped in butyl rubber, Super Spacer is made of 100% polymer structural foam. Super Spacer's hallmark is thermal efficiency which results from the absence of conductive metals. Super Spacer's NO -Metal formula blocks the heat escape path and provides one. of the best thermal performances in the industry. Super Spacer assures comfortable humidity levels with reduction of condensation and mold. 7/2/2004 NOTE! Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 25 Elements of TECHNICAL INFORMATION Glazing Performance SINGLE GLAZE ARM SINGLE GLAZE INSULATED w/GBG GLAZING AND SIMULITE OPTIONS CLAD VERTICAL SECTIONS INSULATED 5/16" INSULATED INSULATED INSULATED W/ 7/a" BAR W/ 1 5/16" BAR W/ 2" BAR WOOD VERTICAL SECTIONS r~ f; Sierra Pacific tiv " A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries INSULATED W/ WOOD GRILL Casement Sash Shown 26 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/7/2004 Sound Attenuation TECHNICAL INFORMATION Sierra Pacific A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries Sound Attenuation Sound attenuation is an important consideration when choosing windows and doors. Sound Transmission Class (STC) is a method of rating that provides a single value to represent sound transmission loss. While the method is frequently used, it is based on noise reduction achieved over a range of frequencies associated with indoor environment (human speech or office equipment). Outdoor -Indoor Transmission class (OITC), while less referred, is actually a better measure of a windows or doors transmission loss because it is based on a range of lower frequency sounds (traffic, trains, aircraft, etc.). Both rating numbers are provided for Sierra Pacific products. Sierra Pacific Windows Sound Transmission Ratings Product Product Callout STC OITC Clad direct glaze w/ 3/4" IG 36 x 48 29 24 Clad direct glaze w/ 3/4" lami IG 36 x 48 33 28 Clad wood casement w/ 3/4" IG 36 x 48 30 x-24 Clad wood casement w/ 3/4" lami IG 36 x 48 35 29 Clad wood casement w/ 3/4" simulite IG 36 x 48 35 28 Clad patio slider door w/ 3/4" IG 72 x 82 25 23 Clad patio slider door w/ 3/4" lami IG 72 x 82 31 28 Clad patio slider door w/ 3/4" simulite IG 72 x 82 24 23 Clad patio slider sidelight w/ 3/4"*IG 36 x 82 31 26 Clad patio slider sidelight w/ 3/4" lami IG 36 x 82 36 30 Clad patio slider sidelight w/ 3/4" simulite IG 36 x 82 32 27 Clad IS door w/ 3/4" lami IG 36 x 82 32 28 Clad OS door w/ 3/4" lami IG 36 x 82 1 33 30 OITC ratings are typically lower than STC ratings because lower frequency.s.ounds are more.difficult to attenuate. 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 27 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Paint Specifications A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries High Performance Super Dynapon® Coatings Super Dynapon@ is a super durable polyester spray applied coating for aluminum extrusions and wall panels that will meet or exceed AAMA 2604 specification requirements. The Super Dynapon® formulation contains top quality mixed metal oxide (ceramic) and other select inorganic pigments. These durable pigments provide high performance protection against color fade. The high molecular polyester resin system resists chalking and provides excellent adhesion. The Super Dynapon® system has a pencil hardness* of 2H that offers superior abrasion and mar resistance to endure the physical abuses that can occur as a result of normal application, fabrication, transportation, and installation processes. This system is designed to meet the application and performance demands of high end residential and commercial markets. To specify, write: Factory applied, baked -on high molecular weight polyester (HMP) resin -based paint coating Super Dynapon® as manufactured by VALSPAR© Performance Properties Mechanical AAMA-02 Super Dynapon Performance Reference Performance Dry Film Hardness Sec 7.3 Pass 2H minimum Dry Film Adhesion Sec Pass No film disbondment Impact Resistance Sec 7.5 Pass No film disbondment Abrasion Resistance Sec 7.6 Pass >20 liters per mil Chemical AAMA-02 Super Dynapon Resistance Reference Performance Muratic Acid Sec 7.7.1 Pass No visual change or Resistance blistering Mortar Resistance Sec 7.7.2 Pass No visual change or loss of adhesion Nitric Acid Resistance Sec 7.7.3 Pass Color change 5 E (Hunter) Detergent Resistance Sec 7.7.4 Pass No film removal or blistering Corrosion Test AAMA-02 Super Dynapon Reference Performance Wet Adhesion Sec Pass No film removal or blistering Boiling Water Sec Pass No film removal or Adhesion blistering Humidity Resistance Sec 7.8.1 Pass No blisters >"few. No. 8" (ASTM D 714) Salt Spray Resistance Sec 7.8.2 Pass <1.6 mm creep from scribe Weathering AAMA-02 Super Dynapon 5 Years Florida Reference Performance Color Retention Sec Pass- Color change 5 E (Hunter) .Chalking Resistance Sec Pass No more than No.8 rating (ASTM D 4214) Gloss Retention Sec Pass 30% gloss retention Erosion Resistance Sec Pass <10% Film loss 28 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 Finishing Guidlines TECHNICAL INFORMATION P Sierra Pacific A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries General Finishing Guidelines Preparation Fill any visible nail holes in the glazing bead and sash or panel stops with a high quality wood filler and allow to dry per the manufacturer's instructions. All exterior seams and joints must be caulked with an exterior grade caulk. Fill in all nail holes with an exterior grade wood filler and let dry, following the manufacturer's instructions. Lightly hand -sand the interior wood surfaces of windows and doors using 220 grit sandpaper to remove any handling marks, dirt or construction residue. Always sand in the direction of the grain. Be careful not to scratch the glass while sanding. Hand sanding ensures a consistent finish. Do not use an orbital or belt sander. All exposed wood surfaces, including edges (top, bottom and sides) of door panels and window sashes, must be finished / sealed., Stains and oils alone are not sealers. A clear finish/sealer coat must also be applied. Failure to do so will void the warranty. The oak threshold on your Sierra Pacific doors must also be finished, Wipe all surfaces clean of sanding dust with a clean tack cloth or a clean soft rag. Do not use cleaners or polishes. They could discolor the wood and affect your finish. When any hardware is removed from a window or door, take note of placement, fastener type and location. Keep the removed hardware together in a safe location to prevent damage. Hardware placement is critical to the operation of windows and doors. Make sure that the hardware is replaced in the same position from which it was removed, using the same fasteners. Finishing Finish all exposed wood surfaces on the windows and doors (including top, bottom and sides). The wood surfaces must be totally free of dust, dirt; grease or any other surface contamination and dry (to a moisture content of between 6 and 12%) prior to any finish being applied. If staining, Sierra Pacific strongly recommends the use of a high quality pre -stain wood conditioner prior to staining the interior or exterior of windows of doors. A pre -stain wood conditioner will help to ensure even stain coverage, consistency and penetration. Apply the pre -stain wood conditioner in the direction of the wood grain, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. If staining, test the stain by applying to a small, inconspicuous area. After drying, check for desired results. If painting, apply a high quality primer to all interior wood surfaces and allow it to dry, following the manufacturer's instructions. If staining, apply the stain according to the manufacturer's instructions followed by at least two coats of a high quality clear coat to ensure an adequate moisture vapor barrier. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on drying time and sanding between coats. If painting, apply two coats of high quality paint. For either coating, lap the finish coat 1/16" onto the glass. This will help protect against moisture penetrating between the wood glazing bead and the insulated glass. Not all finishing products are compatible. Check the product instructions for compatibility.or use finish products from the same manufacturer designed to be used together. This will ensure compatibility of all coatings, Always open or remove sash and panels prior to applying any finish. Do not close windows or doors until the finish is thoroughly cured. Do not allow uncured finished surfaces to touch each other. Though the finish may be dry to the touch, it may not be thoroughly cured. Consult the finish / coating manufacturer's instructions. Do not allow paints or stains to come in contact with weather-strips, jamb liners, screens, hardware or any surface that makes sliding contact with another surface (e.g. stile sides on double hung window sash). Paints and stains contain solvents that can cause plastic and vinyl to lose flexibility and become brittle. -If.paint or stain comes in contact with anyof these components, clean off immediately. For further details concerning the proper preparations and finishing of windows and doors, please refer.to the Sierra Pacific Windows Owners Manual or contact your local Sierra Pacific Service Center. 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 29 Structural Mulling r. TECHNICAL INFORMATION Sierra Pacific �ry Sierra Pacific Windows ,A Division of Windload Reinforcing Mullions Sierra Pacific Industries Need for structural reinforcement k Large mull composites of windows are very popular. Many of these composites are installed in homes and - buildings constructed on mountains, canyon rims or oceanside. While these sites provide magnificent views, they also introduce the potential for exposing windows to very strong windloads. Standard mulling methods of joining window units is more than sufficient for many composites. Under heavy windload situations, however, standard mullion joints could bow (deflect) beyond their design limits. In these situations, it is necessary to consider additional structural mullion reinforcement. Structural alternatives Assuming that structural reinforcement is required, there are currently two alternatives. First, the customer can supply his own. He can add additional framing or secure the services of a structural engineer to design specific supports. Sierra Pacific Windows offers two structural reinforcement alternatives. The first is a'/2" narrow aluminum support. This system consists of two symmetrically interlocking aluminum extrusions with end brackets to anchor the extrusions to the framing structure. Since the narrow support adds only 1/2" to the mullion joint, there is minimal visual interference. It works with both wood and aluminum clad wood product. 30 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 wood casement clad casement example example o o o � e 0 Q 0 0 0 e 0 0 end bracket bracket alignment 30 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 Sierra Pacific A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries Structural Mulling TECHNICAL INFORMATION Aluminum Structural Reinforcement For higher windload requirements, a second alternative is available. Steel tubing (typically 1-1/2" x 411) can provide support beyond the capacity of the aluminum. Utilizing welded steel plates for anchoring into frame walls, steel tubing provides additional support for larger mull composites. Note that t this option will add a minimum of 2-1/4" to the width of the mullion joint. Frame expanders Frame receptor steel tubing 2-1/4- 1 I I I I t I _ I I 1 , Steel Tubing Structural Reinforcement. Either support option can be used horizontally or vertically. Sierra Pacific has mull cover options to complete the installation. 7/004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 31 Structural Mulling_ TECHNICAL INFORMATION Sierra Pacific Determining the need for structural mullion reinforcement y A Division of Calculating the need for structural mullion reinforcement is a straightforward process consisting Sierra Pacific industries of the following steps. It works for both horizontal and vertical mullion joints. Step 1. Determine the windload requirements for the project. ) Verify the windload requirements with the local building cod2 authority. This information may be provided in terms of wind speed velocity (e.g. 75 mph) and will have to be converted into windload force (psf)*. * psf = V2 _ 390.625 where V = velocity in mph Step 2. Determine the performance specifications of the windows being considered. Compare the product design pressure to the project windload requirements. If -the windows in the mull combination in question do not meet the performance requirements, then there is no need to proceed with structural calculations. Step 3. Determine the performance of the proposed mull combination. Calculate whether or not mullion reinforcement will be required and whether it will provide the necessary windload support. This is accomplished by referring to the adjacent windload charts. The charts apply to both horizontal and vertical mullion joints. Begin by evaluating the mull combination using the "standard mulling" (no mullion reinforcement) windload chart. Calculate the average width (or height) of two adjoining units using (A+B)/2, where A and B are the representative widths (or heights). This resulting average mull width is located on the left side of the chart. C is the mullion length between A and B and is located along the top of the chart. The intersection of the corresponding row and column is the maximum windload that average width and mullion length combination ,will withstand. If the windload requirements are less than the maximum windload value, the mullion joint requires no structural reinforcement. If, however, the'windload requirements are greater than the maximum windload value, then the,"aluminum mull support" windload chart must be consulted. If the windload requirements exceed the maximum windload value on this chart, then steel tubing reinforcement may be considered. Consult your Sierra Pacific Windows Architectural Specialist for more information. Example: 1. Determine the windload requirements for the project. For this example, 30 psf. 2. Determine the performance specifications of the windows being considered. Refer to the figure below for a 3 -wide x 2 -high mull combination. The casement product in this arrangement has a design pressure rating of 40 psf. Therefore, the windows exceed 'the project windload requirement of 30 psf. 32 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 3.5 32 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 Structural Mulling TECHNICAL INFORMATION *Si.".ic 4V ' 3. Determine the performance of the proposed mull combination. ADcifcIndustries n of Sierra Pacific A, B and C are already noted on the mull combination drawing. For this example (A+B)/2 = (4+4)/2 = 4 ft. The mullion length is 7 ft. Referring to the "standard mulling" chart, the intersection of 4 ft. (average width) and 7 ft. (mullion length) falls beyond the range of the chart. This means that standard mullions will not suffice and the "aluminum mull support" chart must be consulted. • Checking the intersection of the average width and the Mullion length on this chart yields a maximum windload value of 32 psf . Since the project windload requirement of 30 psf is less than 32 psf, then the aluminum structural reinforcement will be sufficient. For help with questions or assistance in determining additional structural needs, please contact your Sierra Pacific Windows Architectural Specialist. Windload Chart Design Pressure (psf) standard mulling mull length (ft) 1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 _5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 (A+B)/2 = 2 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 34 29 25 21 19 17 (A+6)12`29 i4Q40Mur 4040ft40' _(A+B)/2 = 3 40 40 40 40 40 40 33 27 23 19 17 �(A+BJ/23�5;'40'g404a4Q{t463629 (rA 4e 40 40 40 40 40 3 2a 25 21 17 3 (A+BU2 - 4.5; �40.4Qt�-,40,��40;�'�37:*�;29�� 23�+1419'(<16d,Ei��±:d�"���`:... �•,w,.:..r... ,a..,. (A+B)/2-_5 40: .40 40 35 26 ' 17 6E�A B2t5M. steyf f�W."7tr:. :-, 1 , M"(A+B)/2 = 6 40 40 40 40 31 23 18 ratf,.sry;�spr.• +3�T F� S w� a,r� »,s � Sl' f : � � � i Y rr . (A+B)/2-�7 40 40 40 40 29 yCeAstyea u.•; 6 21 ii1r+6 BPa7.5e4044'0 56,rV�6M2a1 :. •s "..' :: i 7.,' ^ . .:,1Fr1 ��-• X+�#'# L'-:.' tP:.'f:=-n` I a "z. "f' . (A+B)/2 = 8 40 40 40 40 2820 15 CA+B 2 8.5 40 4Q 40 # 40^ 28 t20�� q J#6;Wr l RI -Mb (A+B/P --t 9 40 40 40 40 28 20 _ "''�'i'K'4k �' ;+r�` y.° s` it • rS� �� FFA �� + a �"iy:,rt>?°-r�..e.'V; ; (A+f�}i2,�,9.5t: �40: �40:. 4Q;40,,�.i2824���`��1'�t�.�r';�'�: f�3i€3��;���r#i3S3.:S7:.<�:i• . .. - (A+B)/2 =10 40 40 40 40 28 20 Windload Chart Design Pressure (psf) aluminum mull support mull length (ft) 1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 t(A+�+B)12 - 2 N $40 40 40 400 40 40 40 r 40 40 40 40 40 40 X40 37 34 30 27 ` 25 123 21 (A±B)/22.5?_40 '40 40 4u;40k 4Q;i40499040 �4038f34�30.2r7.;��24.�f,22..,20 '18 17 _(A+B)/2 = 3 40?OMr4440 40 40 40 40 40 40 40.E 40 40 36 32 28 25 22 20 18 17 15 x (A+B)(2 33 S£i 40:F; (*Y 40, .40;t40 40 r.4 , 40;x;7400,3 31,r 2t '74Z`22+x 19 17c?'�16 r �(AA++B)//2 -= 4 ; 40 40 40 40 40 40 �e4::0 40 40 ', 7, 32 28 24 21 19 t17 15 (A±B}/2=_4:$ 40_, 40.` '40 :;44x x.40: 40t�?90 40 139,;,33.132$?25; 22: 9is.1715"'d'`' Er (A++ I.2� = 5 40 r4;0 40 40 40 40 40 40 36 30 26 22 yr20 17 • 15 �(A+B)/2.4055P;',�40L4044k0 40' .4Ue40 33 "24, SEA;40 «..., X 4040 40 40 40 40 37, 31 �26 22 19{17s�� (AA 622 = 7Kr# 40 40 40} 40 400 40 40 33 27 23 19 17 '� (A+Bj[2 ?.SF 4Q 40i _40th T40' 400, 40; '32 :26, .21. 8t6sitz�': ;� i3'!. f (A9)/2 = 8 40 40 40 40 40 40 38 30 25 20 17 �401T40 40.:,.40 .4,0 40%PIFIY29=. 24 .2Q 17 Qt�Y (� " i °, (A++B)/2 = 9 40 40 40 40 40 40 37 29 23 19 16 (A+8) 9`�u 40 . 40x40 'tik4R-._40i7'x44f36n 2t22r;1815M. (A+B)/2 =10 40 40 40 40 40 40 36 28 22 18 7/2/2004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 33 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Product Callout Descriptions Note: Most products are offered in both Wood and Aluminum Clad. Unless otherwise noted add C- for Aluminum Clad. I acific on of Sierra Pacific Industries Window Products CASEMENT AWNING WC Casement WA 'Awning WCP Casement Picture SLIDER RC Radius Casement WSJ Slider RCP Radius Casement Picture DIRECT GLAZE CH Casement Half Round DG Direct Glaze FC French Casement SL Segment With Legs RFC Radius French Casement HL Half Round With Legs SC Sedona Casement RS Radius Segment SCP Sedona Casement Picture EL Elliptical RSC Radius Sedona Casement OV Oval RSCPj Radius Sedona Casement Picture OR Quarter Round DOUBLE HUNG HR Half Round WDH , Double Hung FR Full Round (Circle) WPU Double Hung Picture GO Gothic RDH Radius Double Hung TR Triangle CDH Cottage Double Hung PA Parallelogram CARMEL DOUBLE HUNG (Clad Only) TP Trapezoid C -DHC Double Hung Carmel PE Pentagon C-CDHC Cottage Double Hung Carmel OC Octagon C-RSHC Radius Single Hung Carmel HE Hexagon C -PUC Picture Unit Carmel Door & Frame Products DOOR PANEL SWINGING DOOR GD Door Panel ID Inswing Door RGD Radius Door Panel RID Radius Inswing Door COMMERCIAL DOOR(Clad Only) OD Outswing Door C -CD I Commercial Door ROD Radius Outswing Door SHASTA DOOR IS Inswing Door Sidelite SDI Shasta Door OS Outswing Door Sidelite FRAMES ONLY IT Inswing Door Transom IF Inswing Frame OT Outswing Door Transom RIF Radius Inswing Frame PATIO DOOR Wood Onl OF Outswing Frame PD Patio Door ROF Radius Outswing Frame PDS Patio Door Sidelite ISF Inswing Sidelite Frame PT Patio Door Transom OSF Outswing Sidelite Frame PATIO SLIDER DOOR RISF Radius Inswing Sidelite Frame PS Patio Slider ROSF Radius Outswing Sidelite Frame PSS Patio Slider Sidelite PST Patio Slider Transom 34 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 7/2/2004 Product Dimension Information TECHNICAL INFORMATION Sierra Pacific �ry A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries 712✓' -'004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 35 Product Dimension Information PRODUCT NARROWEST WIDEST SHORTEST TALLEST It Casement (Operable) 14 1/2" 36" 12" 84" Not to exceed 24 square feet Casement (Picture) 12" 120" 12" 120" Maximum in sash 40 square feet French Casement 42" 60" 36" 60" Sedona Casement 141 /2" 36" 12" 84" Awning * 16" ** 20" 48" 12" 36" * Dyad Operator ** Maxim Operator Double Hung 12" 48" 30" 78" Maximum 26 square feet Double Hun (Picture) 12" 120" 12" 120" Maximum in sash 40 square feet Horizontal Slider 12" 96" ** 16" 60" ** >72" XOX Operation Direct Glaze (Geometric) 6" 144" 6" 144" Maximum 50 Square feet with warranty Maximum in sash 40 square feet Direct Glaze (Radius) 12" 120" 12" 120" Maximum 50 Square feet with warranty Maximum in sash 40 square feet Direct Glaze (1/4 Rounds) 18" 120" 18" 120" Maximum 50 Square feet with warranty (1/2 & Full Rounds) Maximum in sash 40 square feet Patio Sliders (Two Panel) 48" 96" 72" 106" Patio Slider (Three Panel) Patio Slider (Four Panel) Patio Slider Sidelite Patio Slider Transom Swing Door (One Panel) Swing Door (Two Panel) Swing Door (Three Panel) Swing Door Sidelite Swing Door Transoms Commercial Door (One Panel) Commercial Door (Two Panel) 72" 120" 12" 12" 24" 48" 72" 12" 12" 36" 72" 144" 192" 48" 96" 36" 72" 108" 48" 96" 36" 72" 71" 72" 72" 16" 72" 72" 72" 72" 12" 82" 1 82" 106" 106" 106" 36" 106" 106" 106" 106" 36" 96" 96" For oversized doors, please contact your Sierra Pacific Windows Architectural Specialist 712✓' -'004 NOTE: Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 35 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Radius Bending Capabilities Radius Bending Capabilities PRODUCT WOOD CLAD Casement Frame 9.001, 9.50" Casement Sash Narrow 9.001, 9.501, Casement Sash Wide 12.00" 14.750" Direct Glaze Frame 9.001, 9.625" Direct Glaze "A sash" 9.001, 9.625" Direct Glaze "B" sash 12.00" 14.750" jj Oval Elliptical 4.00" 6.579" Double / Single Hung 6.00" 18.375" i Swing Doors 18.00" 45.00" ........ .... .... Simulite Bar Narrow 6.00" 9.625" Simulite Bar Wide 6.00" 11.688" Simulite Bar, 2" 6.00" 14.750" Spacer Bar Narrow 10.001, 10.001, Spacer Bar Wide 41.00" 41.00" Brickmould 9.001, 13.625" Drip Cap N/A 9.375" * All.radii shown represent minimum radius available. [in Mj A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries 36 NOTE: Sierra Pacific windows reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 712/2004