2015 10 28 Agend Packet - Development Code Ad-hocAd -hoc Committee agendas and City of La Quinta staff reports are available on the City's web page: www.la-quinta.ora AD -HOC COMMITTEE AGENDA CITY HALL STUDY SESSION ROOM 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2015 AT 3:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Committee Members Bettencourt, McCune, Pena, Radi, and Chairperson Wright. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the Committee on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The Committee values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve minutes of September 9, 2015. STUDY SESSION 1. Development Code Tune Up. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Ad -hoc Committee will be held on November 19, 2015, commencing at 5:00 p.m. at the La Quinta Study Session Room, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. AD -HOC COMMITTEE AGENDA OCTOBER 28, 2015 DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, Executive Assistant, of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta Ad -hoc Committee meeting was posted on the City's website, near the entrance to the Council Chambers at 78-495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at the Stater Brothers Supermarket at 78-630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas, on October 23, 2015. DATED: October 20, 2015 MONIKA RADEVA, Executive Assistant City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTICES The La Quinta City Study Session Room is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at 777-7123, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Committee, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's office at 777-7123. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Committee during an Ad -hoc Committee meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Executive Assistant for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Committee regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Community Development Department's counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. AD -HOC COMMITTEE AGENDA 2 OCTOBER 28, 2015 AD -HOC COMMITTEE MINUTES WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 09, 2015 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta Ad -hoc Committee was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Planning Manager Gabriel Perez. Roll Call: Committee Members Bettencourt, McCune, Pena, Radi, and Wright. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE City Manager Frank Spevacek led the Committee in the Pledge of Allegiance. APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS 1. Appointment of Ad -hoc Committee Chairperson. Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Committee Members Pena/Bettencourt to nominate Committee Member Wright as Chairperson. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Appointment of Ad -hoc Committee Vice Chairperson. Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Committee Members Pena/Radi to nominate Committee Member Bettencourt as Vice Chairperson. Motion passed unanimously. PUBL. - None CONFIRMATION=OF AGED, - Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINA - None STUDY SESSION 1. Development Code Tune Up. City Manager Spevacek thanked the Committee and staff for their participation and efforts in the development code tune up streamlining process, explained the reasons for which it was needed, and outlined the results the City aimed to achieve. AD -HOC COMMITTEE MINUTES 1 SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 Planning Manager Perez asked the Committee to identify the reasons and motivations for their participation in this process. The Members identified the following: • Importance of creating mechanisms that provide flexibility and allow for processes that are "outside the box" • Evaluate the rationale behind the existing code requirements to ensure they are still applicable • Establish developer- and user-friendly Development Code that sets the City of La Quinta apart from other cities Planning Manager Perez gave a power point presentation outlining the development code tune up benefits, goals, objectives, guiding principles, components, regulatory framework, scope, strategies, outreach, and schedule. The Committee Members expressed their support for the process and said that they would like to initiate changes to the La Quinta Municipal Code that would result in a more efficient and developer friendly development review process with more effective timeframes of approval. Discussion followed regarding regulatory state noticing requirements for the California Environment Quality Act, SB 18, AB 52, as well as the City's local General Plan, Specific Plans, Municipal Code and Design Guidelines requirements that influence the timing of development approvals. Further discussion followed regarding items that influence the development process, but are outside the scope of the Development Code Tune Up, such as requirements established by the Public Works Engineering Bulletin, Coachella Valley Water District, Boards and Commissions meeting schedules, and appropriate level of review for cultural resources reports. These items are usually referred to as "Parking Lot" items. The Committee suggested that staff explore best practices utilized by other cities. The Committee was supportive of possible code amendments that would increase the scope of development review applications subject to an administrative review in order to minimize turn -around time. These decisions would be eligible for appeal to the Planning Commission and/or City Council. The Committee will further discuss "Level of Comfort" at the next Ad -hoc Committee meeting. General discussion followed regarding the existing development review process, the multiple legislative noticing requirements, the approving bodies, and different methods through which it could be streamlined. The Committee requested that staff provide a flowchart of the process. Staff noted that an online survey would be utilized for the outreach phase of this effort and the Committee noted that they would like to actively participate by reviewing the survey questions and providing feedback. AD -HOC COMMITTEE MINUTES 2 SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 The Committee agreed to change the commencement time of the next Ad -hoc Committee meeting scheduled for October 28, 2015 from 5:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Bette ncourt/Pena to adjourn this meeting at 6:40 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, Executive Assistant City o AD -HOC COMMITTEE MINUTES 3 SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 City of La Quinta AD -HOC COMMITTEE MEETING, October 28, 2015 STAFF REPORT TO: Honorable Ad -hoc Committee Members FROM: Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager DATE: October 28, 2015 SUBJECT: Development Code Tune Up The following outline represents the key items that will be presented by staff: OVERVIEW OF PROCESS: • Outcomes • Guiding Principles • Review of Development Code OUTREACH UPDATE • Stakeholder Meeting - October 13 • Online Survey Results • One -on -One Learning Conversations DRAFT CODE TUNE UP OVERVIEW • Title 9 - Zoning a) Permitted Uses Table b) Review Authority c) General Permitting Procedures • Title 8 - Buildings and Construction • Title 13 - Subdivision Regulations a) Review Authority b) Subdivision Process • Question and Answer NEXT STEPS • Next Ad -Hoc Committee meeting - November 19 - 5PM Development Code Tune Up Stakeholder Meeting Results October 13, 2015- City Council Chambers Description: Attendees were invited to visit stations according to topic areas (1-Technology, Plan Check and Inspections, 2-Subdivisions, and 3-Development Review Projects), interact with staff at each station, and provide comments in three specific areas: Problems and Challenges, Suggestions for Streamlining, and What is Going Well. 12 total attendees were identified on the meeting sign -in sheet. Technology/ Plan Check and Inspection Problems and Challenges Inspection time frame/ window/ notify Fees for Plan Revisions can sometimes be very high. Some revisions are minor, but the plan check fee is fixed regardless of the extent of the revisions and overpriced for minor revisions. If a set of plans has expired, but no, or minor changes it is the some plan check cost. This is difficult to justify to developers and clients. The inter -department process needs improvement. Too many times we have to track down the submittals to get to the correct department for checking/approval. Only qualified public works personnel should plan check improvement plans. On a recent Capitol Improvement project, we had our grading plan checked by a plan checking consultant and then construction inspector. While the hydrology and wqmp were checked by the public works staff. This led to confusion, conflicting comments and unorthodox changes to the plans. At times we have had consultant plan checkers checking plans and then a second non - concurrent plan check completed by city staff that draws out the process with conflicting comments/delays. Sometimes comments are not received by some departments, until the project is deemed approved for processing causing undo redesign, delays and costs. Suggestions for Streamlining Allow submittal ok all documents by email, external drive of dropbox for single family lot development, single site, and/or multi -site locations (DVBA) Scheduling- tracking of inspectors visits in sequence, expectations of timing and arrival for convenience (DVBA) Dealing with outside plan checkers (engineering specifically) is very cumbersome. They need to be available to discuss issues rather than constant emails or letters back and forth (Public Works and Building Plans) The plan check process could be improved with a full implementation of electronic plan check submittals with full cooperation of all agencies who participate in plan checks. Including getting all external departments and agencies, Police, Fire, utilities, etc. The one stop shop -once fully implemented should greatly improve service. When using a Consultant Plan Checker, we would request that only that person be providing comments. If they need to meet with City staff to get on the some page that is ok. At times we have had consultant plan checkers checking plans and then a second non -concurrent plan check completed by city staff that draws out the process with conflicting comments/delays. Concurrent Processing with public agencies - the first plan check should be concurrently processed through all commenting agencies so that a complete set of comments outlining everything that needs to be addressed is provided at the same time to provide for a more fluid process. Sometimes comments are not received by some departments, until the project is deemed approved for processing causing undo redesign, delays and costs. Plan checks turnaround times need to be reduced (for the most part) and should meet state law. Some simple plan checks (PM10 or Erosion Control for example which can be done basically over the counter at other cities and can take months in the City of La Quinta) need to be fast tracked. What is aoina well? Add projects to view The overall response time and openness from City staff during the process is great. Subdivisions Problems and Challenges Geotechnical Engineer of Record- to maintain geotechnical continuity and quality I suggest either 1) Maintain geotechnical engineer of record 2) If geotechnical is changed during the project the new geotechnical should review previous geotech reports and issue a letter stating they concur with the reports and stating they are the new geotech of record. This process helps ensure the geotechnical recommendations are implemented in the project. Clear inspection requirements for various types of construction Timing of inspections (Building): 1. From call in date to the time of schedule to completion- how long? 2. Opportunity for off -hour inspections? Cost to occur? (DVBA) 3. Challenges to quality of trained inspectors (i.e. one inspector clears them, second inspector reviews/ declines and requests redo) Suggestions for Streamlining Make TTMs good for 3 years plus extensions (1 agreement) Extension of map conditional approval at Director's level for extraordinary circumstances (Michael Shovlin) 1 point of contact from initial contact through construction final (DVBA) What is going well? Process has been pretty workable Development Review Projects Problems and Challenaes Over -use of Specific Plans Need process to modify standards for specific projects- if it doesn't get built it sunsets (1 agreement) Too much engineering at preliminary stage It has become too costly for developers to complete design review and reach Planning Commission and City Council. For example, requiring a complete hydrology report or fully designed improvement plans before entitlement approval can be a deterrent and cost prohibitive for developers. Conditions of approval received too late in the process. Sometimes there are too many layers for a project. You should not have a VUP and a Specific Plan that conflict. Either one should override the other, or the VUP should be mad a part of the SP, etc. One hundred conditions for a simple project (many do not pertain) gets cumbersome and confusing. Suggestions for Streamlining Eliminate ALRB and HPC Reduce Parking for commercial/ large scale mixed use projects (1 agreement) Work with Sunline Transit Corridors allowing reduced parking/ Transit -Oriented Development (1 agreement) Require less detail in entitlement plans The Conditions of Approval need to be made available right after design review, so that Developers can have time to address/negotiate concerns instead of receiving COAs late and having to appeal to the Planning Commission and/or City Council. Tentative Map extensions should be able to be automatically extended at Director level if no new conditions, or ordinances, etc. Write the COA's as needed for each project. One hundred conditions for a simple project (many do not pertain) gets cumbersome and confusing. It would be helpful if the Department heads and staff were given more authority, flexibility and allowed creativity to work with developers and engineers on projects. Many projects have unique aspects to them. This would help projects move more smoothly through the process and help developers feel like the City is working with them rather than against them and provide for more creativity and better overall design while reducing costs. What is going well? Process today is as good as any in Valley (1 agreement) Staff and Council are to be commended for undertaking advance to tech world Title 9- Zoning - (La Quinta Municipal Code) Development Code Tune Up Draft Recommendations Analysis *Highlighted rows identify substantial changes from existing procedures that will be referenced in future Ad -Hoc Meetings. 9.40.040 Housing types not -Specific Plans require Create new Code Provisions for Planned Savings in Time Permitted permitted by right in lengthier processing Unit Development Permits Money Uses in specific residential times, subject to SB maximum flexibility from existing Residential zones require approval 18, and can be costly development standards for District of a Specific Plan (pg 1- to prepare. residential projects 2) -Creative housing allow the final review authority to types and project be Planning Commission Approval designs are not allowed within the scope of the Code. -Creates staff challenge for tracking multiple standards for Specific Plans 9.40.040 Townhomes and -Require a Specific -Allow as a Permitted Use in Medium Savings in Time Permitted Condominiums Land Plan in Medium Density Residential Zone Money Uses in Use (pg 2) Density Residential Residential Zone District 9.40.040 Resort Residential Land -Requires a CUP and -Allow as a Permitted Use Savings in Time Permitted Use (pg 3) approval at the -No review Money Uses in Planning Commission Residential District 9.40.040 Senior Group Housing -Not allowed in -Allow as a Minor Use Permit Savings in Time Permitted (pg 4) Medium Density -Administrative Level Review Money Uses in Residential Residential -Requires Planning Page 1 - Development Code Tune Up- Title 9 Draft Recommendations and Analysis District Commission approval as a CUP in Medium High Density and High Density Residential zones 9.40.040 Bed and Breakfast (pg -Requires a -Allow as Minor Use Permit Savings in Time Permitted 4) Conditional Use -Administrative Level Review Money Uses in Permit Residential District 9.40.040 Cottage Food -Requires a Minor Use -Permit by right since Riverside County Savings in Time Permitted Operations (pg 5) Permit Environmental Health conducts health Money Uses in - Riverside County inspections and City currently does not Residential Environmental Health reviews. District conducts health inspections -unecessary 9.40.040 Lighted tennis and -Requires a -Allow as Minor Use Permit Savings in Time Permitted other game courts on Conditional Use -Administrative Level Review Money Uses in private property (pg 5) Permit in Medium Residential Density Residential, District Medium High Density Residential and High Density Residential zones -Does this really need a public hearing? 9.40.040 Stand Alone Driving -Requires a CUP -Allow as Minor Use Permit Savings in Time Permitted Range (pg 6) -impacts can be -Administrative Level Review Money Uses in evaluated at staff Residential level District 9.40.040 Home Occupations -Doesn't make sense -Move to Title 8 Easier to Permitted in this table and is Understand Uses in handled entirely by Residential code enforcement District 9.40.040 Museum or gallery -unnecessary -Allow as Minor Use Permit Savings in Time Page 2 - Development Code Tune Up- Title 9 Draft Recommendations and Analysis Permitted displaying sculpture, -Impacts can be -Administrative Level Review Money Uses in artwork or crafts (pg evaluated at staff Residential 11) level or will already be District evaluated with SDP if new construction 9.40.040 Recreational Vehicle -doesn't permit in -Allow in all residential zones if associated Easier to Permitted Storage (pg 11) Very Low Density or with a planned community and therefore understand Uses in Low Density can be located to minimize impacts to Potential Residential Residential zones residents. savings to District when there is a need residents in to store vehicles/ storage fees Reduce demand for code enforcement services 9.80.040 Retail stores under -doesn't make sense -Allow as permitted use in all non- Easier to Permitted 10,000 sq. ft. of floor to be an accessory residential zones, except Major Community understand Uses in area per business (pg use in Commercial Facilities zone. Encourage Nonresidenti 14) Park, Tourist, or development al Districts Office Commercial zones 9.80.040 Retail stores, 10,000— -Requires CUP -Allow as a permitted use in Commercial Savings in Time Permitted 50,000 sq. ft. floor area approval by Planning Park, Community Commercial, Money Uses in (pg 14) Commission in Neighborhood Commercial, and Village Nonresidenti Commercial Park, Commercial Zones. al Districts Community Commercial, and Neighborhood Commercial Zone -No reason why a CUP is necessary if new construction requires an SDP. 9.80.040 Retail stores, over -CUP required for -Allow as permitted use in Regional Savings in Time Permitted 50,000 sq. ft. floor area Regional Commercial Commercial. Money Uses in (pg 14) and Community -Allow as a minor use permit in Nonresidenti Commercial Zones Community Commercial since the scale of Page 3 - Development Code Tune Up- Title 9 Draft Recommendations and Analysis al Districts -No reason why a CUP commercial in this zone is intended for is needed for this use smaller scale commercial. The minor use in these zones. permit allows for any impacts to be addressed through conditions of approval. -Not permitted in the Village Commercial Zone 9.80.040 Food, liquor and -Requires a CUP for -Allows as minor use permit in the Savings in Time Permitted convenience stores Regional Commercial, Regional Commercial, Community Money Uses in under 10,000 sq. ft. Community Commercial, Neighborhood Commercial, Nonresidenti floor area, open 18 or Commercial, Tourist Commercial, and Village al Districts more hours/day (pg 14) Neighborhood Commercial zones. Commercial, Tourist -Administrative Level Review Commercial, and Village Commercial zones -Impacts related to the proposed use can be conditioned at the administrative level. 9.80.040 Plant nurseries and -Requires a CUP in the -Permit by right in Regional Commercial, Savings in Time Permitted garden supply stores, Regional Commercial, Community Commercial, Neighborhood Money Uses in with no propagation of Community Commercial, and Village Commercial Nonresidenti plants on the premises, Commercial, zones al Districts subject to Section Neighborhood 9.100.120 (pg 15) Commercial zones -No reason why they shouldn't be allowed 9.80.040 General and -No reason why not to -Allow as permitted use in the Commercial Easier to Permitted professional offices (pg allow in Commercial Park or major Community Facilities zones understand Uses in 16) Park or major Encourages Nonresidenti Community Facilities investment, al Districts zones development 9.80.040 Medical offices— -No reason why not -Allow as permitted use in Commercial Easier to Permitted physicians, dentists, permitted in Park zone understand Uses in optometrists, Commercial Park Encourages Nonresidenti chiropractors and zone investment, al Districts similar practitioners Page 4 - Development Code Tune Up- Title 9 Draft Recommendations and Analysis (pg 16) development 9.80.040 Surgicenters/ medical -No reason why not -Allow as permitted use in Commercial Easier to Permitted clinics (pg 16) permitted in Park zone understand Uses in Commercial Park Encourages Nonresidenti zone investment, al Districts development 9.80.040 Veterinary -No reason this should -Allow as a Minor Use Permit in Regional Savings in Time Permitted clinics/animal hospitals be a CUP approval at Commercial, Commercial Park, Money Uses in and pet boarding Planning Commission. Community Commercial, Neighborhood Nonresidenti (indoor only) (pg 16) -Can be reviewed at Commercial and Village Commercial al Districts administrative level Zones -Administrative Level Review 9.80.040 Restaurants, drive- -Not permitted in -Allow as a permitted use in Neighborhood Encourages Permitted through Neighborhood Commercial or Tourist Commercial Zones investment, Uses in Commercial or development Nonresidenti Tourist Commercial al Districts Zones -Limits development opportunities 9.80.040 Restaurants, counter -We may want to -Allow as an Accessory use Encourages Permitted take-out with ancillary allow restaurants and investment, Uses in seating, such as lessees in Public development Nonresidenti yogurt, ice cream, Facilities al Districts pastry shops and similar 9.80.040 Micro -brewery or wine -Not currently a land -Add as a new land use. Savings in Time Permitted tasting, accessory to use designation and -Allow as an accessory use in all Money Uses in restaurant or bar. (pg therefore not commercial zones except Major Encourages Nonresidenti 17) permitted. Community Facilities zone. investment, al Districts -No opportunities for development these establishments that can be great attractions. 9.80.040 Bars and cocktail -Not allowed in -allow as a Conditional Use Permit in the Encourages Permitted lounges (pg 17) Neighborhood Neighborhood Commercial Zone as we are investment, Uses in Commercial Zone still able to condition the use to address development Nonresidenti -limits economic possible impacts. Page 5 - Development Code Tune Up- Title 9 Draft Recommendations and Analysis al Districts development opportunities 9.80.040 Dance clubs and -not allowed in -allow in Commercial Park Zone with Encourages Permitted nightclubs (pg 17) Commercial Park approval of a Conditional Use Permit. investment, Uses in zone development Nonresidenti al Districts 9.80.040 Dancing or live -not allowed in -Allow as a permitted use in Commercial Savings in Time Permitted entertainment as an Commercial Park Park zone Money Uses in accessory use (pg 17) zone -Allow as an accessory permitted use in Nonresidenti -requires CUP in the Community Commercial, al Districts Community Neighborhood Commercial, and Tourist Commercial, Commercial zones Neighborhood Commercial, and Tourist Commercial zones -If this is an accessory use do we really need a CUP? 9.80.040 Theaters, live or -requires a CUP in -Allow as permitted us in Regional Savings in Time Permitted motion picture (pg 17) Regional Commercial, Commercial Zone. Money Uses in Community -Allow as a minor use permit in the Encourages Nonresidenti Commercial zone, Commercial zone, Neighborhood investment, al Districts Neighborhood Commercial, and Tourist Commercial development Commercial, and Zones. Easier to Tourist Commercial -Administrative Level Review understand Zones. Theaters in a Regional Commercial zone should have the least impact. Impacts in other commercial zones can be mitigated in the conditions of approved under an Page 6 - Development Code Tune Up- Title 9 Draft Recommendations and Analysis MUP. -Not allowed in Major Community Facilities zone which limits ability to have a community theater in a City facility. 9.80.040 Tobacco shops without -Requires a CUP in -Allow as permitted use in Community Savings in Time Permitted onsite smoking, as per Community Commercial and the Neighborhood Money Uses in the provisions of the Commercial and Commercial Zones. Nonresidenti Heath and Sanitation Tourist Commercial -Allow as an accessory use in the Tourist al Districts Code (pg 17) Zones Commercial Zone. -Not permitted in Neighborhood Commercial Zone -Are there any business impacts that require special conditions? 9.80.040 Cigar lounges, hookah -Requires a CUP in the -Allow as minor use permit in Regional Savings in Time Permitted bars, and similar uses Regional Commercial Commercial, Community Commercial, Money Uses in with onsite smoking, as and Tourist Neighborhood Commercial, and Village Nonresidenti per the provisions of Commercial Zones Commercial zones. al Districts the Health and -Not permitted in -Allow as Accessory in the Tourist Sanitation Code (pg 17) Community Commercial Zone. Commercial and Neighborhood Commercial Zones -Are these restrictions necessary? -Impacts can be addressed with conditions at administrative level. 9.80.040 Bowling alleys (pg 17) -Requires a CUP and is -Allows as a permitted use in Regional Savings in Time Permitted added in same Commercial, Commercial Park, Money Uses in category as pool or Community Commercial zones. Nonresidenti billiards centers -Allow as a CUP in the Village Commercial al Districts zones Page 7 - Development Code Tune Up- Title 9 Draft Recommendations and Analysis 9.80.040 Pool or billiard centers -Not allowed in -Allow as a CUP in the Commercial Park Encourages Permitted as a principal use a Commercial Park and Village Commercial Zones investment, Uses in principal use (pg 17) zone development Nonresidenti al Districts 9.80.040 Golf courses and -Do not allow golf courses in Commercial Encourages Permitted country clubs (see GC Park, Tourist Commercial, or Office investment, Uses in district permitted uses, Commercial zone development Nonresidenti Chapter 9.120) (pg 18) (encourage al Districts retail development) 9.80.040 Health clubs, martial -requires a minor use -Allow as a permitted use in all commercial Savings in Time Permitted arts studios, and dance permit in most zone Money Uses in studios, 5,000 sq. ft. commercial zones -allow as minor use permit in Major Nonresidenti floor area or less (pg -biggest impacts for Community Facilities zone al Districts 18) these uses are parking in existing retail centers which can be analyzed during tenant improvements 9.80.040 Health clubs, martial -requires a -Allow as a minor use permit in all Savings in Time Permitted arts studios, and dance Conditional Use commercial zones, including Major Money Uses in studios, over 5,000 sq. Permit in commercial Community Facilities zone. Easier to Nonresidenti ft. floor area (pg 18) zones. understand al Districts -Parking impacts larger than some use less than 5,000 square feet but CUP is too much 9.80.040 Miniature -requires a -Allow as Minor Use Permit in Tourist Savings in Time Permitted golf/recreation centers Conditional Use Commercial Zone. Money Uses in Permit in Tourist Nonresidenti Commercial Zone. al Districts -it should be easier to approve miniature gold centers since the Page 8 - Development Code Tune Up- Title 9 Draft Recommendations and Analysis use is compatible. 9.80.040 Ice skating rinks (pg -requires a CUP in -Allow as Minor Use Permit in Regional Savings in Time Permitted 19) Regional Commercial, Commercial, Commercial Park, Money Uses in Community Community Commercial, Tourist Nonresidenti Commercial, and Commercial, and Major Community al Districts Major Community Facilities zones. Facilities Zone. -Not permitted in Commercial Park and Tourist Commercial Zone 9.80.040 Electrical Substations -requires a minor use -require Community Facilities zoning for Too permissive Permitted permit electrical substation sites. and has Uses in potential Nonresidenti impacts al Districts 9.80.040 Water wells and -allow as permitted in all commercial Permitted pumping stations (pg zones Uses in 19) Nonresidenti al Districts 9.80.040 Reservoirs and water -requires a minor use -allow as a permitted use in Community Savings in Time Permitted tanks (pg 20) permit in Major Facilities zone Money Uses in Community Facilities Nonresidenti zone when the al Districts designation is already the most appropriate zone 9.80.040 Colleges and -not allowed in -allow as a minor use permit in Savings in Time Permitted universities (pg 20) Commercial Park or Commercial Park and Office Commercial Money Uses in Office Commercial Zone. Easier to Nonresidenti Zones and therefore -allow as a Conditional Use permit in understand al Districts difficult for desired Village Commercial Zone Encourages educational facilities investment, and associated development economic opportunities to operate in these Page 9 - Development Code Tune Up- Title 9 Draft Recommendations and Analysis zones. 9.80.040 Private swim schools -no need to regulate -eliminate land use category Easier to Permitted these. understand Uses in -Can be classified in Nonresidenti health club category al Districts 9.80.040 Train, bus and taxi -None exist and are -eliminate land use category Permitted stations there any reasons we Uses in would want these Nonresidenti facilities? al Districts 9.80.040 Townhome and -Only allowed as a -Permit by right in Regional Commercial, Savings in Time Permitted multifamily dwelling as CUP in Regional Commercial Park, Community Money Uses in a primary use (pg 21) Commercial and Commercial, Neighborhood Commercial, Encourages Nonresidenti Commercial Park Zone Tourist Commercial, Office Commercial, investment, al Districts -Not Permitted in and Village Commercial zones development Community Commercial, Neighborhood Commercial, Tourist Commercial or Office Commercial 9.80.040 Residential as an -Requires a CUP in all -Allow with a minor use permit in all Savings in Time Permitted accessory use, e.g., zones which is too commercial zones. Money Uses in caretaker residences rigid Nonresidenti per Section 9.100.160 al Districts (pg 21) 9.80.040 Timeshare facilities -there is a difference -Divide timeshares into two categories 1) Savings in Time Permitted subject to Section between new new development 2) conversions Money Uses in 9.60.290 (pg 22) development for -Allow new development timeshares as Easier to Nonresidenti timeshares and permitted by right for Regional understand al Districts conversions Commercial, Community Commercial, -Conversions may Tourist Commercial, and Village create impact on Commercial zones. existing residential -Require timeshare conversion as Page 10 - Development Code Tune Up- Title 9 Draft Recommendations and Analysis developments Conditional Use Permits for Regional -Existing CUP Commercial, Community Commercial, requirements is too Tourist Commercial, and Village cumbersome for new Commercial zones proposed timeshare development 9.80.040 Vehicle and vessel -CUP is unnecessary -Allow as a minor use permit in Regional Savings in Time Permitted sales and rentals (pg and impacts can be Commercial and Commercial Park Zones Money Uses in 22) mitigated with Nonresidenti conditions under a al Districts Minor Use Permit 9.80.040 Private automobile -Requires a CUP in -Prohibit in Regional Commercial and Savings in Time Permitted parking lots/garages as most Commercial Community Commercial Zones Money Uses in a principal use subject Zones -Allow as minor use permit in Tourist Nonresidenti to Chapter 9.150, -May not be a desired Commercial, Office Commercial, and al Districts Parking (pg 23) use in some Major Community Facilities, and Village commercial zones as Commercial zones. it may prevent retail development 9.80.040 Recording Studios -Prohibited in -Allow as minor use in Regional Flexibility Permitted Regional Commercial Commercial and Village Commercial Uses in and Village zones Nonresidenti Commercial zones al Districts 9.200.020 Site Development -Requires approval by -Allow SDP to be approved at the Savings in Time Authority Permit (SDP) (pg 35) Planning Commission administrative level. Money -Some Site Development Permits require approval by City Council 9.200.020 Home Occupation -already reviewed by -Move to Title 11 Easier to Authority Permit (pg 35) Code Enforcement understand 9.200.020 Add: Planning -No specific process -add to authority table at staff level review Easier to Authority Compliance Review for substantial understand Page 11 - Development Code Tune Up- Title 9 Draft Recommendations and Analysis (pg 35) conformance review 9.200.020 Sign Program (pg 35) -Requires Planning -Move to Staff review Savings in Time Authority Commission review Money 9.200.090 C. Criteria (*this is the -only allows for -Allow for decrease in building square Savings in Time Modification criteria for allowing modification of footage through the Modification by Money by applicant minor changes to an building square Applicant process. (MBA) approved development footage if it is design) increases. A decrease in square footage is subject to a Site Development Permit to be approved by the Planning Commission. 9.200.090 C. Criteria (pg 40) -MBA process does -Allow for changes, additions or Savings in Time Modification not allow for minor substitutions for site and grading plans in Money by applicant changes to site or the Modification by Applicant process. (MBA) grading plans as an administrative function. -Any changes site or grading plans would require Site Development Permit approval by the Planning Commission. 9.200.090 C. Criteria (pg 40) -MBA process does -Allow for changes in residential model Savings in Time Modification not allow for changes design in the Modification by Applicant Money by applicant in residential model process. (MBA) design. -Any changes to the residential model design would require a Site Development Permit approval by the Planning Commission. Page 12 - Development Code Tune Up- Title 9 Draft Recommendations and Analysis Chapter D. Decision -making -requirements that -Remove SDP from final approval authority Savings in Time 9.210 authority (pg 45) Site Development Money Developmen Permits for high t Review density residential or Permits non-residential permits with structures greater than one-story and twenty-two feet in height and within one hundred feet of residentially zoned properties be reviewed by Council is too rigid. Page 13 - Development Code Tune Up- Title 9 Draft Recommendations and Analysis TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits 9.40.0340 Table of permitted uses. Table 9-1: Permitted Uses in Residential Districts, following, specifies those areas and structures which are permitted within each residential district. The letters in the columns beneath the district designation mean the following: "P": Permitted as a principal use within the district. "A": Permitted only if accessory to the principal residential use on the site. "C": Permitted if a conditional use permit is approved. W": Permitted if a minor use permit is approved. "H": Permitted as a home occupation if accessory to the principal residential use and if a home occupation permit is approved. "S": Permitted if a specific plan is approved per Section 9.40.030. "X": Prohibited in the district. Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in Residential Districts P = Principal Permitted use A = Accessory use C= Conditional use permit M = Minor use permit H = c ° Home a i m occupation c permit � S = Specific plan required o a T= Temporary o r Use Permit X = Prohibited _j o use �' 3 > J 0 Land Use RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Single-family detached dwellings P P P P P S Single-family detached patio S S S S P S homes (i.e., "zero lot -line") Duplexes (two units on the same S S 9X S P P lot) Comment [nl]: would a PUD or PRD Permit with Planning Commission approval be appropriate instead of requiring a Specific Plan? TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in Residential Districts P = Principal Permitted use A = Accessory use C= Conditional use permit 2 w M = Minor use 'E = m permit H = 2 Home to Ei occupation U) c a �, permit w � -a S = Specific r U) _ m plan required o D: T= Temporary o 3 w c �, o Use Permit X= Prohibited o J E E m use �' (D 3 o > o =a m =a m t > J V 2 Land Use RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Single-family attached dwellings (two units per S S X S P P building with each unit on its own lot) Townhome dwellings (two or more units per S S X SP P P building with each unit on its own lot) Condominium multifamily S S X SP P P ("airspace" units Apartment multifamily (rental X X X P P P units) Mobilehome parks SX 6X SX C C C and subdivisions — — — M NIPh r . subdivisions and nWanufactured or prefabricated P P P P P X homes on individual lots, subject to Section 9.60.180 ._.- Comment [n2]: would a PUD or PRD Permit with Planning Commission approval be appropriate for first three rows instead of requiring a Specific Plan? TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in Residential Districts P = Principal Permitted use A = Accessory use C= Conditional use permit 2 w M = Minor use 'E = m permit H = 2 Home U) a) Ei occupation U) c a �, permit w � -a S = Specific r U) _ plan required o m D: T= Temporary o 3 w c �, o Use Permit X= Prohibited o J o E 3 E 3 m use �' aD 3 o > o =a m =a m t > J V 2 Land Use RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Resort residential subject to Section GP CP X CID CID GP 9.60.320 Guesthouses, subject to Section A A A A A A 9.60.100 Second residential units subject to A A A A A A Section 9.60.090 Group Living and Care Uses Child day care facilities as an accessory use, serving 976 or AP AP AP AP AP X fewer children, subject to Section 9.60.190 Child day care facilities as an accessory use, serving 9--447 or M M M M M X more children, subject to Section 9.60.190 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in Residential Districts P = Principal Permitted use A = Accessory use C= Conditional use permit 2 w M = Minor use 'E = m permit H = 2 Home U) a) Ei occupation U) c a �, permit w � -a S = Specific r U) _ plan required o m D: T= Temporary o 3 w c �, o Use Permit X= Prohibited o J E E m use �' aD 3 o > o =a m =a m t > J V 2 Land Use RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Congregate living facilities, 6 or fewer P P P P P X persons Congregate care C C C C C C facility Residential care facilities, 6 or fewer P P P P P P persons Senior citizen residences, 6 or fewer persons; subjestte SestieR 9.60.200 P P P P P P Senior group housing, 7 or more X X X XM GM GM persons, subjeGt tO Rentio.. o 60 200 — — — Time share facilities, subject to GM GM GM GM GM GM Section — — — — — — 9.60.2-80290 Bed and breakfast inns, subject to GM GM GM GM CM GM Section 9.65.285 Supportive X X X C C C Housing TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in Residential Districts P = Principal Permitted use A = Accessory use C= Conditional use permit 2 w M = Minor use 'E = m permit H = 2 Home U) a) Ei occupation U) c a �, permit w � -a S = Specific r U) _ m plan required o D: T= Temporary o 3 w c �, o Use Permit X = Prohibited o J o E E 0 m use �' aD 3 o > o =a m =a m t > J V 2 Land Use RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Transitional X X X C C C Housing Cottage Food Operations, subject MP MP MP MP MP MP to Section 9.60.115 Open Space and Recreational Uses Public parks, playfields and open P P P P P P space Bicycle, equestrian P P P P P P and hiking trails Clubhouses and community pools/Spas/cabana P P P P P P s (sublect to 9.60.070 Unlighted tennis and other game courts on private A A A A A A property, subject to Section 9.60.150 Lighted tennis and other game courts on private property, M M M GM GM CM subject to Section 9.60.150 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in Residential Districts P = Principal Permitted use A = Accessory use C= Conditional use permit 2 w M = Minor use 'E = m permit H = 2 Home to Ei occupation U) c a �, permit w � -a S = Specific r U) _ m plan required o D: T= Temporary o 3 w c �, o Use Permit X = Prohibited o J o E E m use �' (D 3 o �, > o =a m =a m t > J V 2 Land Use RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Golf courses and country clubs per P P P P P P Section 9.110.040 Stand-alone dsriving range with GM GM X GM GM GM or without lights Stand-alone driving C C X_ C C C range with or without lights Accessory Uses and Structures Home occupations, subject to Section H H H H H H 9.60.1101 Patio covers, decks, and A A A A A A gazebos, subject to Section 9.60.040 Fences and walls, subject to Section P P P P P P 9.60.030 Satellite dishes and other antennas A A A A A A subject to Section 9.60.080 Comment [n3]: Home occupations are entirely handled by Code Enforcement. Delete all references and move to Municipal Code Title 87 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in Residential Districts P = Principal Permitted use A = Accessory use C= Conditional use permit 2 w M = Minor use 'E = m permit H = 2 Home U) a) Ei occupation U) c a �, permit w � -a S = Specific r U) _ m plan required o iY T= Temporary o 3 w c �, o Use Permit X = Prohibited o J o E E m use �' aD 3 o �, > o =a m =a m t > J V 2 Land Use RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Swimming pools, spas and cabanas, A A A A A A subject to Section 9.60.070 Garages and carports, subject to A A A A A A Section 9.60.060 Keeping of household pets, A A A A A A subject to Section 9.60.120 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in Residential Districts P = Principal Permitted use A = Accessory use C= Conditional use permit 2 w M = Minor use 'E = m permit H = 2 Home U) a) Ei occupation U) c a �, permit w � -a S = Specific r U) _ plan required o m D: T= Temporary o 3 w c �, o Use Permit X = Prohibited o J o E E 0 m use �' aD 3 o > o =a m =a m t > J V 2 Land Use RVL RL RC RM RMH RH On lots of 1 acre or more, the noncommercial keeping of hoofed animals, fowl (except roosters) and rabbits, subject to Section 9.60.120. Hoofed animals include A A X X X X horses, sheep, goats, pot bellied pigs, and similar. The keeping of horses is subject to Section 9.140.060 and limited to one horse per 2.5 acres. TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in Residential Districts P = Principal Permitted use A = Accessory use C= Conditional use permit 2 w M = Minor use 'E = m permit H = 2 Home U) a) Ei occupation U) c a �, permit w � -a S = Specific r U) _ m plan required o D: T= Temporary o 3 w c �, o Use Permit X= Prohibited o J o E 3 E 3 m use �' aD 3 o > o =a m =a m t > J V 2 Land Use RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Other accessory uses and structures which are customarily associated with and subordinate to A A A A A A the principal use on the premises and are consistent with the purpose and intent of the zoning district. Agricultural Uses Tree crop farming; P X X X X X greenhouses Field crop farming P M X X X X Produce stands, subject to Section P M X X X X 9.100.100 Temporary Uses Garage sales A A A A A A Construction and guard offices, M M M M M M subject to Section 9.60.210 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in Residential Districts P = Principal Permitted use A = Accessory use C= Conditional use permit 2 w M = Minor use 'E = m permit H = 2 Home U) Ei occupation U) c a �, permit w � -a S = Specific r U) _ plan required o m D: T= Temporary o 3 w c �, o Use Permit X = Prohibited o J o E E 0 m use �' aD 3 o > o =a m =a m t > J V 2 Land Use RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Use of relocatable M M M M M M building Model home complexes and sales offices not approved in M M M M M M conjunction with project SDP, subject to Section 9.60.250 Special outdoor events, subject to M M M M M M Section 9.60.170 Parking of recreational A A A X X X vehicles, subject to Section 9.60.130 Commercial Filming, subject to T T T T T T Section 9.210.050 Other Uses Churches, temples and other places of C C C C C C worship 10 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in Residential Districts P = Principal Permitted use A = Accessory use C= Conditional use permit 2 w M = Minor use 'E = m permit H = 2 Home U) a) Ei occupation U) c a �, permit w � -a S = Specific r U) _ m plan required o D: T= Temporary o 3 w c �, o Use Permit X= Prohibited o J o E 3 E 3 m use �' aD 3 o > o =a m =a m t > J V 2 Land Use RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Museum or gallery displaying sculpture, artwork or crafts, nslading . On more GM GM GM GM GM GM Gemmenity Rrecreational vehicle storage lots, XA XA X PA RA RA nensemmemalass — — — — — ociated with a planned community Communication towers and equipment C C C C C C (freestanding, new towers) subject to Chapter 9.170 Communication towers and equipment (co - location, mounted M M M M M M to existing facility) subject to Chapter 9.170 11 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in Residential Districts P = Principal Permitted use A = Accessory use C= Conditional use permit 2 w M = Minor use 'E = m permit H = 2 Home U) a) Ei occupation U) c a �, permit w � -a S = Specific r U) _ plan required o m D: T= Temporary o 3 w c �, o Use Permit X= Prohibited o -j E E m use �' aD 3 o > o =a m =a m t > J V 2 Land Use RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Utility substations M M M M M M and facilities Public flood control facilities and P P P P P P devices Medical marijuana X — X — X — X — X — X — dispensaries Other principal, accessory or Director or Planning Commission to determine whether temporary uses not use is permitted in accordance with Section 9.20.040 listed in this table (Ord. 492 § 1, 2011; Ord. 480 § 1, 2010; Ord. 466 § 1, 2009; Ord. 445 § 1, 2007; Ord. 414 § 1, 2005; Ord. 394 § 2 (Exh. A), 2003; Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A), 1998; Ord. 299 § 1, 1997; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 12 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Chapter 9.80 NONRESIDENTIAL PERMITTED USES 9.80.010 Development permits required. Table 9-4 of this chapter specifies whether a land use or structure is permitted within a zoning district. However, in most cases development to establish a use also requires approval of a site development permit and/or other permits as set forth in Chapter 9.210. Consistent with the requirements of the General Plan, approval of a specific plan is required for any development or land division in the CR district. (Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) Comment [ALR4]: Changed because the RSP overlay section has been moved. 13 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits 9.80.0240 Table of permitted uses. A. Uses and Structures Permitted. Table 9-5, Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts, following, specifies those uses and structures which are permitted within each nonresidential district. The letters in the columns beneath the district designations mean the following: 1. "P": Permitted as a principal use within the district. 2. "A": Permitted only if accessory to the principal use on the site. 3. "C": Permitted as a principal or accessory use if a conditional use permit is approved. 4. W": Permitted if a minor use permit is approved. 5. "T": Permitted as a temporary use only. 6. "V: Prohibited in the district. 7. "S": Permitted under a specific plan. B. Uses Not Listed in Table. Land uses which are not listed in Table 9-5 are not permitted unless the planning direEterCommunity Development Director or the planning GOMMiGGiORPlanning Commission determines that such use is within one of the permitted use categories listed (e.g., principal use, conditional use, etc.) in accordance with Section 9.20.040. Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts P = Principal Permitted use Y R T R A= Accessory use m a r R 'L o R C= Conditional E m s i E £ E ayi E use permit C .5 3 N E O 4) O E E_ O M =Minor use E s E v c) L) v permit c c o o U v o v in m O LL 4)T= Temporary use v z 3 .2 permit � O X = Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC Retail Uses Retail stores under 10,000 sq. ft. floor P AP P P AP AP X P area per business Retail stores', 10,000-50,000 sq. P GP CID GP X X X P ft. floor area Retail stores', over 50,000 sq. ft. floor GP C CM X X X X X area Food, liquor and convenience stores under 10,000 sq. ft. P A P P A A X P floor area, open less than 18 hours/day2 14 -- Formatted Table TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts P = Principal Permitted use L Y R f0 A= Accessory use d a w o CD c C= Conditional £ 'E L) t i E B E m E use permit 0 E o N o E E= U a M= Minor use E E t E v c0 m v permit c o o o r, v o v in d o LL m T= Temporary use v z 3 � permit O > X = Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC Food, liquor and convenience stores M under 10,000 sq. ft. GM X GM GM OM X X floor area, open 18 or more hours/dayz Plant nurseries and garden supply stores, with no propagation of plants on the CID X CID CID X X X P premises, subject to — Section 9.100.120 (Outdoor storage and display) Showroom/catalog stores, without P P P X X X X X substantial on -site — inventory General Services Barbershops, beauty, nail and P A P P P A X P tanning salons and — similar uses Miscellaneous services such as travel services, photo deVel0PiRg, rentd video P A P P P A X P services, shoe repair, appliance repair, and similar uses Laundromats and dry cleaners, except P X P P P X X M central cleaning — plants Printing, blueprinting and copy services P P P P P P X P Pet grooming— P X P P P X X 15 Formatted T.bl. TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts P = Principal Permitted use L Y R f0 A= Accessory use d a w o CD >_ C= Conditional £ 'E L) c i E E E m E use permit 0 E o N o E E= U a M= Minor use E E t E v cj m c.) permit c o o o v v o v in d o LL m T= Temporary use v z 3 � permit O > X = Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC without overnight P boarding Office and Health Services Banks P X P P P P X P General and p XP P P P P CID P professional offices — — Medical offices — physicians, dentists, optometrists, P XP P P P P X chiropractors and F similar practitioners, AAedisal Genters/GliniG6 four P X P C X P X Surgicenters/ P XP P C X P X X medical clinics — Hospitals C X X X X X Cr X Convalescent C X C X X X C X hospitals Veterinary clinics/animal hospitals and pet CM CM CM CM X X X M boarding (indoor only) Dining, Drinking and Entertainment Uses Restaurants, other P A P P P X A P than drive -through Restaurants, drive- P A P XP PX X X X through — — Restaurants, counter take-out with ancillary seating, such as P P P P P X XA P yoghurt, ice cream, — pastry shops and similar 16 Formatted Table _ .. ..__ Formatted Table TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts P = Principal Permitted use L Y R f0 A= Accessory use d a w o (D >_ C= Conditional £ 'E L) t i E B E m E use permit 0 E o °' o E E= U a M= Minor use E E t E v c0 m v permit c o o o r, v o v in d o LL m T= Temporary use v z 3 � permit O > X = Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC Micro -brewery or wine tasting, A A A A A X A accessory to A restaurant or bar. Bars-, taverRs and cocktail lounges C C C XC C X X C DanGiRg OF We entpr-tainr o.+ as a pr+nsipaluseDance C SEC C X C X X C clubs and nightclubs Dancing or live entertainment as an A XA GA GA GA X X A_ accessory use Theaters, live or GP X GM XM GM X XA motion picture M Tobacco shops without onsite smoking, as per the P X GP XP GA X X P provisions of the — — — — Heath and Sanitation Code Cigar lounges, hookah bars, and similar uses with onsite smoking, as GM X XM XM GA X X M per the provisions of the Health and Sanitation Code Recreation Uses Bowling alleys P P P X A_ X_ X C Driving range p A C X P A P X unlighted — — — — — — — BewAing Ppool or billiard centers as a C SEC C X C X X C principal use Pool or billiard tables as accessory A A A A A A X A use (3 tables or less) 17 Formatted Table Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 0" TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts P = Principal Permitted use L Y R f0 A= Accessory use d Ii w o CD c C= Conditional £ 'E L) t i E B E m E use permit 0 E o N o E E= U a M= Minor use E E t E v c0 m v permit c o o o v v o v in d o LL m T= Temporary use v z 3 � permit O > X = Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC Game r„enhieen 11 s s X or ^ (as either o PFORGipal aGGesseFy e) Game machines -as A A A A A A X A 10 or fewer Golf courses and country clubs (see X GC district permitted X AX X X GA AX X uses, Chapter 9.120) Teenio nl-ihs n GGITIPI"es G A S X X A G Health clubs, martial arts studios, and dance studios, 5,000 MP MP MP MP MP MP AM P sq. ft. floor area or less Health clubs, martial arts studios, and dance studios, over GM GM GM GM GM GM XM M 5,000 sq. ft, floor area Libraries P XP P GP P P P P Museum or gallery displaying on„Inture P artwork OF rafts nl union snhenln for above P P P P P P P Arts and crafts studios, including P P P P P P P P classes Parks, unlighted playfields and open P P P P P P P P space Lighted playfields X X X X X X C C Bicycle, equestrian P P P P P P P and hiking trails P 18 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts P = Principal Permitted use L Y R f0 A= Accessory use d a w o CD E C= Conditional £ .E L) c i E E E m E use permit 0 E o N o E E= U a M= Minor use E E t E v cj m c.) permit c o o o v v o v in d o LL m T= Temporary use v z 3 � permit O > X = Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC Indoor pistol or rifle X C X X X X X ranges X Miniature golf/recreation C X X X GM X X X centers Assembly Uses Ice skating rinks GM XM CM X XM X CM X Lodges, union halls, social clubs and P sexier GP GP GP GP X X GP si#+�eacommunity centers Churches, temples and other places of GM GM CM GM X GM X M wers44ipassembly Mortuaries and GM GM GM X X X X funeral homes X Public and Semipublic Uses Fire stations P P P P XP P P P Government offices P P P P P P P and police stations P Communication towers and C equipment C C C C C C C (freestanding, new towers) subject to Chapter 9.170 Communication towers and equipment (co - location, mounted to M M M M M M M M existing facility) subject to Chapter 9.170 Electrical MX M MX X X X M X substations — — Water wells and MP MP MID XP XP XP MP pumping stations P 19 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts P = Principal Permitted use L Y R f0 A = Accessory use d li w o CD >_ C= Conditional £ 'E L) t i E E E m E use permit 0 E o N o E E= U a M= Minor use E E t E v c0 m v permit c o o o v v o v in d o LL m T= Temporary use v z 3 � permit O > X = Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC Reservoirs and X X X X X X MP water tanks X Public flood control P P P P P P P facilities and devices P Colleges and C BEM X X X XM C universities C Vocational schools, e.g., barber, beauty GM C C X X C C C and similar Private or charter elementary, C C C C C C C C intermediate and high schools Private ssgeelsc,./i G G G X G X G Train, ID .1 2Xi S Rn statiORS G X G X G X G Helicopter pads X X X X C X C X Public or private kennels and animal shelters (with indoor X C X X X X C X or outdoor pet boarding) r if n-e urs e s a nrl URtFy nL bs (coo GG d'StFin+ permitted A G X G A P uses, Ghapter 9 Plri ems` Un4ghted P A G X R A P Tnnnio nl-ihs n GGmple*� G A G X G A G Health nl he moh'ol arts s+tudiees a;d ., f+ flnnr o R P P P R P A less Residential, Lodging and Child CareChild daycare Uses Existing single I X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 P 20 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts P = Principal Permitted use L Y R f0 A= Accessory use d a w o CD E C= Conditional £ 'E L) c i E E E m E use permit 0 E o N o E E= U a M= Minor use E E t E v cj m c.) permit c o o o v v o v in d o LL m T= Temporary use v z 3 � permit O > X = Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC family home Townhome and multifamily dwellinP C3P3 C4P4 XP XP XP XP X P as a primary use Residential as an accessory use, e.g., caretaker GM GM GM GM CM GM GM M residences per Section 9.100.160 Child day-care facilities, centers and preschools as a principal use, GM CM CM GM XX GM GM M subject to Section 9.100.250 (also see Accessory Uses) Senior group housing, sus GX X X X X X X M Rooming and GX X X X X X X M boarding houses — Single room occupancy (SRO) C X X X X X X X hotels, subject to — Section 9.100.270 Emergency shelters P P P P P P P X Transitional shelters for homeless C X X X X X Cr X persons or victims of — domestic abuse Single family SX X X X X X X residential X Mixed -use projects, subject to P 9.110.130s resodi-nfial and off _rGia4 SP XP XP XP XP XP X RV fental-parks and CX X CX X GM X X 21 Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 0", Space Before: 0 pt Formatted: Not Highlight TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts P = Principal Permitted use L Y R f0 A= Accessory use d a w o (D E C= Conditional £ .E L) c i E E E m E use permit 0 E o °' o E E= U a M= Minor use E E t E v cj m c,) permit c o o o v v o v in d o LL m T= Temporary use z 3 � permit v O > X = Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC OW ershiplmernbe.s 4 -per X Reesr4reesm&Rtial 9 x G x G x x Hotels and motels GP X GP X GP X X P Timeshare facilities PS — Xx — PG — XX — PG — XX — XX — P V (new development), fractional ownership, subject to Section 9.60.290T'^ shh...e #asiiities ubjest to SeGtoon-•' 60.290 Timeshare facilities C (conversions), fractional ownership, C X C X C X X_ subject to Section 9.60.290 rva'ercty ccr M M AA M AA M M AA A..4i.ci.4ive Vehicle and Vessel Uses5 Golf cart, neighborhood electric vehicle P P P xM X X X M (NEV), and electric — scooter sales n„4-eh;'e Vehicle and vessel service P stations (no repair), GP GP GP GP XP X X with or without — — — — — minimart, subject to 9.100.240 Car washes GM GM GM X X X X X Vehicle and vesselAute _body X C X X X X X X repair and painting; transmission repair Vehicle and vessel C C C X X X X Auto repair specialty shops, providing minor auto 22 Formatted: Not Highlight Formatted: Not Highlight TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts P = Principal Permitted use L Y R f0 A= Accessory use d li w o (D c S C= Conditional £ 'E L) t i E E E m E use permit 0 E o °' o E E= U a M= Minor use E E t E v c0 m v permit c o o o v v o v in d o LL m T= Temporary use v z 3 � permit O > X = Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC maintenance: tire sales/service, X muffler, brake, lube and tune-up services —net ins4uding rna)er repair Vehicle and vessel CM GM X X X X X X Auto and motorcycle sales and rentals Used vehicle and vessel sales, not associated with a C C X X X X X X new vehicle sales facility, as per Section 9.100.030 Tn Gk eat'nn .Ph*nle �tnd hn.;thn;;t sales b` �' # # # x Vehicle and vessel Aute parts stores, with no repair or P P P CP X X X P parts installation on the premises Vehicle and vessel X CX X X X X X X o tntr GL storage yards, not including dismantling Private automobile parking lots/garages as a principal use GX GM CX X GM GM XM subject to Chapter 9.150, Parking M Warehousing and Heavy Commercial Uses5 Wholesaling/distribut ion centers, general GX P X X X X X X warehouses with no — sales to consumers General G P X X X X X 23 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts P = Principal Permitted use L Y R f0 A= Accessory use d li w o CD c C= Conditional £ 'E L) t i E B E m E use permit 0 E o N o E E= U a M= Minor use E E t E v c0 m v permit c o o o v v o v in d o LL m T= Temporary use v z 3 � permit O > X = Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC warehouses, With r` sales to Mini- x ste Fagew aFPh.,1 x x6 x x x x x Mini -storage Lumber yards, outdoor (see retail X CM X X X X x stores for indoor x lumber sales) Pest control services GM PC x X X X X x_ Plumbing -repair sheps G g x x x x x Contractor offices, public utility and x similar GX GM X X x x CP equipment/storage yards Central cleaning or GX CX CX X xA X X laundry plants x Felay f��l��en�i ar"ic}crn�vo as primary use C C G G G G C Industrial and Research Uses Indoor manufacture and assembly of components or finished products frorn materiels s-wh x P x x x x X X as ..le4h fiher' fur, glass leather, stene panes,(except milliRg) pla-tiGo �od Research and PX P X X X CEP X development x Recording studios PM P X X X X X M Bottling plants X PX X X X X X X 24 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts P = Principal Permitted use L Y R f0 A= Accessory use d a w o c C= Conditional £ -E L) t i E E E m E use permit 0 E o °' o E E= U a M= Minor use E E t E v c0 m v permit c o o o v v o v in d o LL m T= Temporary use z 3 � permit v O > X = Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC Sinn mnL'nn e ept enllhloc+inn P C'n akin +ns4uding endhloc+inn wry X R X X X X X Recycling centers as X a primary use, X C X X X X C collection and sorting only, subject to Section 9.100.190 Off -site hazardous waste facilities, X SX X X X X X X subject to Section — — 9.100.230 Accessory Uses and Structures Construction and guard offices, M M M M M T T M subiect to Section — — — — — — — 9.100.170 Portable outdoor "di ;vendor uses is, �nh `leweF as stands hetdeg M M M M M M M M stands e+G.�Fsubject to Section ,9.100.4-09110 Swimming pools as MA AAA XA AA AAA AA an accessory use A Indoor gGolf or tennis facilities as an AAA_ MA AAA XA AA MA AA A_ accessory use Outdoor golf or tennis facilities as an M M M M M M M M accessory use cinnG iihjen++e "`� Then+e, o 6n w A A A A A A A Cannes en.+ walls, subje�� ttoSeptien A A A A A A A 25 Formatted: Not Highlight TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts P = Principal Permitted use L Y R f0 A= Accessory use d a w o c C= Conditional £ 'E L) t i E E E m E use permit 0 E o °' o E E= U a M= Minor use E E t E v c0 m v permit c o o o v v o v in d o LL m T= Temporary use v z 3 � permit O > X = Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC 9A00.030 Antennas and satellite dishes, A A A A A A A subject to Section A 9.100.070.A.2 Reverse vending machines and recycling dropo— AM AM AM AM X X A M bites subject to Section 9.100.190 ReGyGling drepe M A M M X X A Incidental on -site products or services for employees or businesses, such as A A A A A A A child day care, A cafeterias and business support uses Other accessory uses and structures which are customarily associated with and subordinate to the principal use on the A A A A A A A A premises and are consistent with the purpose and intent of the zoning district, as determined by the director Temporary Uses Christmas tree sales, subject to T T T T X X T T Section 9.100.080 Halloween pumpkin sales, subject to T T T T X X T T Section 9.100.090 26 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts P = Principal Permitted use L Y R f0 A= Accessory use d a w o (D c C= Conditional £ 'E L) t i E E E m E use permit 0 E o °' o E E= U a M= Minor use E E t E v c0 m v permit c o o o v v o v in d o LL m T= Temporary use v z 3 � permit O > X = Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC Stands selling fresh produce in season, T T T T X X T T subject to Section 9.100.100 Sidewalk sales, subject to Section T T T T T T X T 9.100.130 Temporary outdoor events, subject to T T T T T T T T Section 9.100.140 guardT subject to Sestien 9A00 8 T $ T T T T T Use of relocatable building, subject to T T T T T T T T Section 9.100.180 Holiday period storage, subject to M M M M M M X M Section 9.100.145 Commercial Filming, T_ T T T T T T T subject to Section 9.210.050 Other Uses Fnrtunpteuffing and pak:pjsj' C X S X X X X Sexually oriented businesses, subject C X X X X X X X to Section 9.110.080, Medical marijuana X — X — X — X — X — X — X — X dispensaries Other uses not listed in this table: per Section 9.20.040, "r^^*^r ^f ^'^^^Ing GOMMISSOOR t^ determine ,.blether use is permitten Notes: 1 , 27 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits (exGept lumber yards), and similar retail Unless use is specifically listed elsewhere in this table. 2 With no consumption of alcohol on the premises. 3 If part of a mixed -use project per Section 9.80 non r 9.80 0209 140.120. 4 Subject to Section 9.30.070 (RH, High Density Residential District) for density, 9.60.270. 5 Subject to Section 9.100.120, Outdoor storage and display. 6 Mini -storage warehousing operating on December 17, 2008 (the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section), are considered legal, conforming land uses._Existing facilities may be reconstructed if damaged, and may be modified or expanded within the boundaries of the lot on which they occur as of December 17, 2008 with approval of a site development permit. Any modification or expansion shall conform to the development standards for the commercial park zoning district contained in Chapter 9.90, Nonresidential Development Standards. 7 Property must also be located within the SOB (sexually oriented business) overlay district. (Ord. 492 § 1, 2011; Ord. 480 § 1, 2010; Ord. 472 § 1, 2009; Ord. 471 § 2, 2009; Ord. 466 § 1, 2009; Ord. 449 § 1, 2007; Ord. 429 § 1, 2006: Ord. 414 § 1, 2005; Ord. 397 § 1 (Exh. A), 2004; Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A), 1998; Ord. 307 § 1, 1997; Ord. 299 § 1, 1997; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) Chapter 9.110 SPECIAL PURPOSE/OVERLAY. DISTRICTS Chapter 9.120 SPECIAL PURPOSE PERMITTED USES 9.120.010 Development permits required. Table 9-8 of this chapter specifies whether a use or structure is permitted within a zoning district. However, in most cases development to establish a land use requires approval of a site development permit and/or other permits as set forth in Chapter 9.210. (Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) 9.120.020 Table of permitted uses. Table 9-8, Permitted Uses in Special Purpose Districts, following, specifies those uses and structures which are permitted within each special purpose district. The letters in the columns beneath the district designations mean the following: 1. "P": Permitted as a principal use within the district. 2. "A": Permitted only if accessory to the principal use on the site. 3. "C": Permitted as a principal or accessory use if a conditional use permit is approved. 4. "T": Permitted on a temporary basis if a temporary use permit is approved. 5. "V: Prohibited in the district. 28 Formatted: Space Before: 0 pt, After: 10 pt, Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style Formatted: Font: (Default) Anal Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-8 Permitted Uses in Special Purpose/Overlay Districts District, P = Permitted use A = Accessory use C = Conditional use permit T =Temporary use permit X= Prohibited use la o c�a ';� Y 41) ,`a d d m n 'o w o 0 R c a. 0 a °o LL o m i >� , y L y o> 2U0 c m 2> 0 O �' M c axi 3 U)00 {Q >75 0 a W T d O � a .y 0 o L 3 L Q > w D a x P GC OS FP HC* SOB* EOD* HO* #i#2A MU Land Use E PI P,P P Open space Public parks, lakes P P, P, P and passive recreation facilities Playfields, lighted or unlighted, P P P P Bicycle, equestrian and hiking trails �C C Libraries and museums .0 A C C C Visitor centers Clubhouses and community pools/cabanas Tennis courts or E, A A A A** '* 29 Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted qq Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Table Formatted 1 Formatted Formatted �l Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted i Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted I' Formatted Formatted TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-8 Permitted Uses in Special Purpose/Overlay Districts District P = Permitted use >, m A = Accessory use ;_ `m 3 C =Conditional m o' > O ` 0 use permit a s R m O '0 O Q inT= Temporary use ;� o Can -a m M T a' m permit Y w c -0° y `� .c d a N M X=Prohibited use c`a a;o c o y o> m 3 a � o x IL W 0 O LL 2U0 !nm W Q2 complexes, public, Tennis clubs or ;omplexes, privatE 3olf courses and ;ountry clubs, ncluding ;lubhouses and )they customary accessory uses, 3olf courses vithout above - ]round structures, ncluding fairways, 3reens, tees and jolf-cart paths, subject to :r 9.160, ences and walls, object to Section .100.030. atellite dish and Cher antennas, ubject to Section .100.070, emporary outdoor T, vents, subject to ection 9.100.040. 30 Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted i Formatted Formatted � Formatted i Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted � � Formatted Formatted Formatted - Formatted Formatted i� Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted `�� Formatted Formatted �.1\OFormatted Formatted V Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted { il; Formatted �I; Formatted Formatted i Formatted IFormatted i Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted �I 4ji Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted i Formatted ;r Formatted Formatted �N Formatted f sll Forte TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-8 Permitted Uses in Special Purpose/Overlay Districts District P = Permitted use A = Accessory use C =Conditional use permit T= Temporary use permit X= Prohibited use a oo Y� m a;o IL m o w 0 R c c. O E T °o F o' — m>>' °�'a y o> xU0 `m > O T E m 3 vnm 16 O r ayi a w O m 0 o Qx 3 ` Q O N x U Commercial Filming, subject to T T T T T T T T T T Section 9.210.050 ** C Y, C� Single-family residential Multifamily} }4 residential, commercial (except sexually oriented ** businesses), office or industrial development, .*,(44 «: ** Sexually oriented businesses, subject o Section x C ** 9.140.050 Communication *�4 towers and equipment (freestanding, new C C C C C' C ** towers) subject to Chapter 9.170 Communication ** ** towers and equipment (co - location, mounted to wl M IMA AMA M ** existing facility) subject to Chapter 9.170 M M ** Electrical substations Water wells and P P pumping stations 31 Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Table Formatted ;;; I, Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted f/ Formatted Formatted Formatted -- —Formatted Table .- Formatted ��<--- Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted a Formatted �\ �\ Formatted \ Formatted Formatted I\ \\ Formatted Formatted �.� Formatted Iii\ Formatted r, l Formatted I III Formatted 'I Formatted Formatted Formatted I: Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted } I Formatted 1� I IIII Formatted Formatted 1 I I. Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted Formatted TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Table 9-8 Permitted Uses in Special Purpose/Overlay Districts District P = Permitted use A = Accessory use L d 16 C = Conditional N N = O °—' > i O d U O use permit a o R O a� O Q w T= Temporary use o a m T 1 R= M permit Y L w c c y y C = .__ 4) 'y m X= Prohibited use ,`o m o C c = o> axi 3 a � o x as C9 O � s�0 co w Qs �A M M Water tanks and reservoirs 2- Public flood control P P P P facilities and devices Medical marijuana X — X — — — — — X dis ensaries Other principal, accessory or pirector or n'e^^iRg ^e^R^Ai&Sie^Plannin Commission to determine whether temporary uses not use is permitted in accordance with Section 9.20.040 listed above Uses are subject to the additiGRal requirements of the everlay district as set fnrth in * Chapter * As permitted in the underlying base district and base the on SeGtiGR Gt Section .tted /2) As permitted R underlying 'n-the Underlying base and diStr'.+t and .-n Cer•tion-Q . 1401-00 /3) As perm rlitted ip the pnd..ipn hose distF'Gt and ip Ce..+i.,p 9.140.110 As the base district and SeGtioR 9.140.120 �4) permitted underlying Allowed only if permitted in the underlying base district and only if the additional requirements of the HC overlay district are met (per Section 9.140.040) and a eenditien ' use permit 06 appFeved., j(Ord. 492 § 1, 2011; Ord. 299 § 1, 1997; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 32 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Chapter 9.200 GENERAL PERMITTING PROCEDURES 9.200.010 Development review process. A. Purpose. Chapters 9.200 through 9.260 set forth the procedures for processing development review applications and the criteria and conditions necessary so that an appropriate decision may be made by the city on each such application. B. Applicable State Law. It is intended that the provisions of this chapter shall be consistent and in full compliance with Section 65920 et seq., and other applicable sections of the State Government Code and that such provisions shall be so construed. C. Persons Who May File Applications. An application for a permit or other action under Chapters 9.200 through 9.260 may be submitted only by a property owner of the subject property, by an agent with notarized written authorization from the property owner, or by a public agency. D. Application Filing. Applications shall be filed with the planning d8paFtMeRtCOMMunity Development Department on forms prescribed by the director, together with: (1) all maps, plans, documents and other materials required by the director, and (2) all required fees per Chapter 9.260. The director shall provide the necessary forms plus written filing instructions specifying all materials and fees required to any requesting person at no charge. E. Legal Actions. Any action or proceeding to challenge, attack, review, set aside, void or annul any discretionary action described in this chapter shall be governed by the applicable provisions of the State Planning and Zoning Law (Government Code Section 65000 et seq.). (Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) F. Projects located in the vicinity of an airport. Any project proposed on a site located within either the Land Use Plan or the noise contours of either the Bermuda Dunes or the Jacqueline Cochran airports shall be submitted to the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission for review prior to review and approval by the City reviewing authority. 33 Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits 9.200.015 Preliminary Review. ascertain anticipated conditions, requirements and costs associated with a proposal. This allows the applicant to be informed of any potentially significant issues which may affect any decision to pursue the project. This process offers the following advantages: 1. Provides a comprehensive overview of city applications, fees, and other requirements necessary to obtain protect approval, in writing; 2. Provides previous project background which can speed up the formal approval process when the project is submitted; 3. The written information can be used as the basis for an estimate of project costs, in order to determine a proiect's viability. Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Indent: Left: 0", Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style, Line spacing: single Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Right: 0.01.., Keep with next Submittal for this process shall include completion of an application and' Formatted: Indent: Left: 0 Right: 0.01" supplemental documentation as determined by the Community Development Director., Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial ' Formatted: Right: 0.01" Within thirty calendar days of receipt of a preliminary development plan application, a review letter shall be issued to the applicant, incorporating all comments received during the review period. 9.200.020 Authority. A. Decision -Making Authority. Table 9-23, following, specifies the decision - making authority for each of the various actions described in this code. An "A," "PH" or "CC" means that the official or body at the top of the column has decision -making authority for the application. An "A" means that the application is reviewed administratively without a public hearing. A "PH" means that a public hearing is required before action is taken. An "R(PH)" means that the PlaRRiRg commissionPlanning Commission is responsible for holding a public hearing and forwarding a recommendation to the c4ty EeuRc+lCity Council. A "CC" means that the ^sty- G m4;ci:City Council is responsible for considering the site development permit as a consent calendar item. Table 9-23 Discretionary Review Authority**** PH = Decision -making body (public hearing required) R(PH) = Recommending body (public hearing required) A = Administrative review by director (no public hearing) CC = Decision -making body (City Council as consent calendar Type of Application I Decision -Making Authority 34 Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Staff Planning Commission city 6eunGilCity Council General plan amendment R(PH) PH Zoning code amendment R(PH) PH Zone change R(PH) PH Specific plan R(PH) PH Development agreement R(PH) PH Variance PH Conditional use permit PH Site development permit (not within scope of LQMC 9.210.010.D2) PH Site development permit (per LQMC 9.210.010.D2) IPHI CC/PH*** Minor use permit A* Minor adjustment A* Temporary use permit A* Home occupation permit A** Sign permit A* Sign program PH Subdivisions Per city subdivision code Planning Compliance Review A* Environmental review Per city environmental review procedures By Community Development Director, By director of building and safety, PH would be if the item as not approved on CC as a consent calendar item ***"Also see Title 13, Subdivisions, B. Administrative Action. Actions to be taken administratively per Table 9-23 pFeGeding-are those which are relatively minor in nature and with relatively little potential for adverse impacts on the surrounding community or the environment. A public hearing or public notification is not required for administrative actions, although the director may notify residents or property owners near the subject property if the director determines on a case -by -case basis that the public interest would be served by such notification. C. Public Hearings. Public hearings shall be noticed and held in accordance with Section 9.200.110 for those applications shown in Table 9-23 as requiring a hearing. (Ord. 425 § 1, 2006: Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.200.030 Combined applications. At the discretion of the director, applications for different types of actions may be combined and processed concurrently in ene appl'GatiGR with ene foe depesi+ so long 35 discussion ment [n5]: should SDPs be an inistrative process, with staff approval? (See under 9.210.010. Comment [n6]: May be deleted if Home Occ. Moved to Title 11. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 10 pt, Not Bold, Not Italic Formatted, Font: (Default) Arial, 10 pt Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 10 pt, Not Bold, Not Italic Formatted: Font: (Default) Anal, 10 pt Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 10 pt, Not Bold, Not Italic Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits as all applicable processing requirements and all required findings are satisfied. The following rules shall apply to such combined applications: A. When an application requiring a public hearing is combined with one not requiring a public hearing, the combined application shall require a public hearing. B. The final decision on the combined application shall be made by the highest applicable decision -making authority pursuant to Table 9-23 preceding. For example, the decision on an application combining a zone change and a conditional use permit shall be made by theG.ty-Geua Council. C. The applicable fee(s) shall be collected in accordance with Chapter 9.260. (Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.200.040 General permit provisions. A. Applicability of Permits to Property. All rights granted by the approval of a development review permit remain with the affected property and all entitlements, conditions and requirements of a discretionary permit are passed on to the new property owner when there is a change of ownership. B. Enforceability of Permit Provisions. All conditions, requirements and standards specified either in writing or graphically as part of any approval granted by authority of this chapter shall have the same force and effect as this zoning code. Any land use or development established as a result of an approval which is not in compliance with all such conditions, requirements or standards shall be in violation of this chapter, and the enforcement provisions of the municipal code shall be applicable. (Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.200.050 Permit applications. A. Acceptance of Applications as Complete. Within thirty days of receipt of a permit application, the director shall determine whether the application is complete and shall transmit such determination to the applicant. If the application is determined not to be complete, the director shall specify in writing those parts of the application which are incomplete and shall indicate the manner in which they can be made complete. B. Preparation of Environmental Documents. When it is determined that an environmental impact report or a negative declaration is required for a proposal, the application for that proposal shall not be deemed complete until the applicant has deposited with the planning depa tmentCommunity Development Department sufficient funds to pay for the cost of completion of the environmental impact report or negative declaration. The director shall determine the amount of funds required to be deposited for the preparation of an environmental impact report or negative declaration and 36 Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits shall advise the applicant of that amount within ten days after the application is filed. (Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.200.060 Action by decision -making authority. A. Possible Actions. The decision -making authority may take one of the following actions on each application: 1. Approval. Simple approval of an application means that no conditions or requirements other than those specified by the application are imposed. After the action's effective date defined in subsection C of this section and after approval of any required plan revisions per subsection D of this section, the proposed land use or development may be established in compliance with all applicable regulations and the approved project plans and specifications. 2. Sendi#ienal Approval with Conditions. Any application may be approved subject to compliance with conditions. Conditions may require dedication of land, installation of improvements, the posting of financial security to guarantee performance, design modifications or other conditions necessary to achieve the objectives of the general plan and this zoning code. After the action's effective date as defined in subsection C of this section and after approval of any required plan revisions per subsection D of this section, the proposed land use or development may be established in compliance with all applicable regulations, the approved project plans and specifications, and the requirements of the conditions of approval. 3. Denial. When a conditional use permit or site development permit application has been denied, an application for the same or a similar use on the same property shall not thereafter be accepted for a period of one year from the date of final determination, except that the decision -making authority may specify that this time limitation shall not apply. This time limitation on resubmittal of applications is not applicable to other discretionary permits. 4. Withdrawal. With the concurrence of or at the request of the applicant, any application may be withdrawn. When an application is withdrawn, such action is effective immediately and is not subject to appeal. Thereafter, such application shall be null and void and the property shall have the same status as if no application had been filed. B. Action in Writing. The decision on each application, including any required findings and any other reasons that serve to explain the determination plus all conditions of approval shall be in writing. A copy of the written determination shall be forwarded to the applicant following the date of final determination and shall be made available at cost to any person requesting such a copy. C. Effective Date. The determination of the decision -making authority by Resolution shall be effective fifteen Garen ar days after the date 37 Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits deGioien is add and offer all appeals, if any, have been aGte d on per Section ° 2^-00.120immediately unless appealed. Ordinances shall be effective 30 days after second reading. D. Tie Votes. 1. Development Review Applications. If action on a development review application results in a tie vote by the decision -making authority, such vote shall constitute a lost motion. 2. Appeals. When all members of a decision -making authority are present, a tie vote on whether to grant an appeal shall be considered a denial of the appeal. The original action shall then stand unless the decision - making authority takes other action to further consider the matter. If a tie vote occurs when less than all members of the decision -making authority are present, the matter shall automatically be continued to the next regular meeting unless otherwise ordered by the decision -making authority. E. Use of More Restrictive Standards. In conjunction with approval of a development review permit, the decision -making authority may impose more restrictive site development standards than set forth in this code in order to make the required findings for each type of permit as specified in Chapter 9.210. (Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.200.070 Time limits on processing applications. A. Development review applications shall be processed within the time limits specified in Chapter 4.5 of the State Planning and Zoning Law (Government Code Section 65920 et seq.). Time periods specified in Section 9.200.120 regarding actions on appeals shall be in addition to the preceding Government Code time limits. B. Incomplete Application Sunset Provisions. All applications which remain incomplete armor inactive for a minimum six-month period shall have a written thirty -day warning notification forwarded to the applicant by means of certified mail or similar method. If no action is taken by the applicant regarding the application within thirty days thereafter, the application shall automatically be withdrawn and closed. (Ord. 466 § 1, 2009; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.200.080 Permit expiration and time extensions. A. Period of Validity. The period of validity for a development review permit shall begin on the permit's effective date as set forth in Section 9.200.060. The period of validity shall run pursuant to subsection C of this section. B. Establishment. A development review permit shall be deemed established if the following actions occur within twenty-four months of the effective date of the approval or within such other time period designated by the approval: 38 Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits 1. In the case of a development review permit where ministerial permits are required, such permits have been issued. In circumstances where a certificate of occupancy is required, such certificate has been issued. 2. In the case of a development review permit where no ministerial permits are required, the use authorized by the permit has been established. In circumstances where a certificate of occupancy is required, such certificate has been issued. C. Expiration. A development review permit shall expire and be of no further force or effect if: 1. The permit is not established within twenty-four months of the permits effective date or such other time period designated by the permit approval, by state law or by this code; or 2. After establishment, the use or activity for which the permit was approved is discontinued or abandoned for a period of one year. 2-.3. If a project initiated construction but only a portion of the project was occupied, the construction of the protect may resume without further discretionary review only if, at a minimum, one building or use is operational. D. Time Extensions. 1. Upon application before expiration of the period of validity, the original decision -making authority may grant an extension to the period of validity for up to two years if it finds that such an extension is justified by the circumstances of the project. The filing of an application for extension shall stay expiration of the permit until action is taken on the time extension by the decision -making authority unless the application has been deemed incomplete and inactive pursuant to Section 9.200.070(B). Development Review Permits can be extended no more than twice. 2. Projects not requiring a time extension may be constructed in accordance with the requirements and standards in effect at the time of permit approval provided the construction complies with all project conditions of approval and all laws in effect at the time of the permit approval. However, any project or permit requiring a time extension shall conform to the requirements and standards in effect at the time the extension is granted. (Ord. 489 § 1, 2011; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) E. Amendments to development review permits. ,41. Content of Amendments. Permit amendments are required for substantial revisions to conditions of approval, alterations to approved plans which are more substantial than the modifications provided for in Section 9.200.090 new or additional land uses, or similar major chanaes. 9-.2. Procedures. A development review permit may be amended any number of times by the approval of a subsequent application. All permit amendments shall be for the same parcel or property for which a 39 Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.75", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5" TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits development review permit was previously approved. Amendments shall be filed prior to the expiration of the previously approved permit in compliance with the same filing procedures and payment of the fee required for an amendment. Amendments shall be processed in the same manner as an original application. (Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A). 1998: Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.200.090 Modifications by applicant. A. Plan Modifications by Applicant. Site development permit and Village permit plans modified at the initiative of the applicant from those approved by the decision -making authority may be submitted to the director. B. Procedures. If the director determines that the proposed plan modification is minor, will not result in a significant change in the project approved by the decision -making authority, and complies with the spirit and intent of the original approving action, the director may approve the modified plan without further compliance with this section. If the director determines that the plan modification may result in a significant change in the project, the director shall refer the change to the original decision -making authority. C. Criteria. Modifications by applicant shall permit minor changes to an existing or approved site development permit er Village use permit. The following criteria constitute minor changes that shall be deemed eligible for modification by applicant consideration: 1. ;T;GFeases Changes in building square footage not to exceed ten percent from the original approval that have been determined to not result in a significant architectural, aesthetic, or visual impact to the existing project and require additional parking; 2. Changes, additions, or adjustments to windows, window locations, or window treatments; 3. Changes, substitutions, or adjustments to building materials, roofing materials, screening materials, lighting fixtures, or paving; 4. Changes, additions, or substitutions to existing -approved landscaping; incl ,ding the removal of turf or ,motor feat, row site or grading plans; 5. Minor adjustments, substitutions, or additions to architectural features such as pilasters, canopies, trellises, shade structures, overhangs, eaves, parapets, cornices, or portions of roof structures that do not result in a significant effect on the overall aesthetic or architectural style of the building; 6. Changes, substitutions, or adjustments to the approved color palette or material colors. Pa-. 7. Changes in residential model design. D. Ineligibility. Modifications by applicant which have been determined by the p :aRRiRg direste Community Development Director, planning GO,; miss;onPlanning Commission, orb= GOU;C-4City Council to exceed these standards or constitute a significant change shall require application 40 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits and approval of an amended site development permit er amended Village use Rt. (Ord. 466 § 1, 2009; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.200.110 Public hearings. Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Right: 0", Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, No bullets or numbering A. Applicable State Law. Public hearings required for development review actions shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section. It is intended that the provisions of this section shall be fully consistent and in full compliance with Section 65090 et seq., of the State Government Code and that such provisions shall be so construed. B. Failure to Receive Notice. Pursuant to State Government Code Section 65093, the failure of any person to receive notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the decision -making authority. C. Conduct of Hearings. Public hearings shall be noticed in accordance with subsection D of this section and then held by the decision -making authority prior to action on the relevant application. At the public hearing, the decision -making authority may take action on the application, continue the application to a specified date, or take the application under submission. An application taken under submission may later be taken out of submission for the purpose of taking action on the application without scheduling a new public hearing provided no additional testimony is heard and no further evidence is presented. Further testimony may be heard and further evidence may be presented regarding an application taken under submission only if a new public hearing is held in compliance with this section. D. Noticing Requirements. Not less than ten days prior to hearing. The city shall: 41 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits 1. Mail or deliver a public notice, which includes the date, time and place of the hearing, the application number, the applicants name, the location of the property affected, and a description of the land use, development or other action proposed, to: a. The owner of the subject real property, b. The owners authorized agent, if any, c. The project applicant, d. Each local agency expected to provide water, sewage, street, roads, schools or other essential facilities or services to the project, e. All owners of real property as shown on the last equalized assessment roll within five hundred feet of the subject real property. If the number of owners to whom notice would be mailed is greater than one thousand, the city may instead place a display advertisement of at least one -eighth page in a newspaper of general circulation; and 2. Publish a legal notice in a newspaper of general circulation or post a notice at two public places in the city and one place at the subject site. E. Additional Notice. The planning dire Community Development Director may require that additional notice be given by enlarging the notification radius or by other means determined by the director. F. Other Notice. The city shall also provide any other notice required by law. (Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A), 1998; Ord. 299 § 1, 1997; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.200.120 Appeals. Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same A Appealable Decisions. Any development review action by the director may Sale be appealed to the Planning Commission and any development review action by the Planning Commission may be appealed to the Gity GGuRG4City Council in compliance with the provisions of this section. en shah. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Font the beard of appeals feF deGiSiens by the planning ddFeGteFcolor: Black the Gity GGURGH shall Genstitute the beard ef appeals for deGiSiens by the Formatted: Right: 0.01", Keep with next GB. Persons Who May Appeal. Any interested person may appeal a decision of the director or the pIaRRiRg ^^mm'SGRORPlanning Commission regarding the action taken on a development review permit application for a development project upon submittal of the required documents and information and the payment of the required fee. D-.C. Call -Up Review. The bead of appears —(either the pig GOMFnission.Planning Commission or G:+%c*City Council), on its own motion adopted by a majority vote of its total membership, may elect to call up and review any decision of the director or the plaRRiRg GeMM'SSiGRPlanning Commission regarding the action taken on a 42 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits development review permit application. The beard of appe^'cPlanning Commission's or City Council's' call-up review shall be processed in accordance with subsection E of this section and may be exercised at any time prior to the expiration of fifteen days from the date on which the decision was made. l=_ Q. Appeal Procedures. 1. Time Limits for Filing Appeals. All appeals shall be filed with the director within fifteen calendar days of the date on which the decision being appealed was rendered. If the fifteenth day is a nonworking day for the city, the appeal period shall be extended to include the next city working day. No appeal shall be accepted after the appeal period has expired. 2. Required Documents. Each appeal, except for call-up reviews initiated shall be in writing and shall include all grounds for the appeal and sufficient information so as to make it clear to the beard ef app Planning Commission or City Council the substance of each of the grounds for appeal. The director may require that the written appeal be accompanied by such other documents and information that the director determines to be necessary to adequately explain and provide proper notification for the appeal. No appeal shall be accepted if it fails to contain the grounds for the appeal and the description of the grounds. 3. Forwarding of Records. When an appeal has been received, the director shall forward to the beard of appeals Planning Commission or City Council —all documents and information on file pertinent to the appeal together with the minutes or official action of the decision - making authority and a report on the basis of the decision. 4. Public Hearing Requirements. If the original approving action did not require a public hearing, the appeal review shall not require a public hearing. If the original approving action required a public hearing, the appeal review shall also require a public hearing. Notice and scheduling requirements for an appeal hearing shall be the same as those for an original hearing as described in Section 9.200.110. 5. Issues to be Considered. The beard ef appeal&Planning Commission or City Council —may refuse to consider any issues which were not raised by the appellant or another person either by verbal testimony or written correspondence made at or before the time the decision -making authority took action. When reviewing a decision -making authority's decision via its own call-up review, the Planning Commission or City Council beard of appeals may raise and consider any issue it deems appropriate to the project application. 6. Action on Appeal. Not later than forty-five days after an appeal has been received and accepted by the director, the Planning Commission or City Council beard--ef--appeaFS shall consider the appeal and take one of the following actions: a. Take action to sustain, reverse or modify the original decision. If an original decision to approve a project is modified, the Planning 43 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Commission or City Councilbeard of appeals may modify permitted land uses, place additional or different conditions of approval on the project, direct that revisions be made to project plans, or require other project modifications. b. Continue the appeal for further consideration. c. Refer the application back to the original decision -making authority with directions. Majority Vote. Action by the Planning Commission or City Council beard of appeals to reverse or modify an appealed decision shall require a majority vote of appeal board members present. If there is a tie vote, the original decision shall stand. (Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.200.130 Permit revocation. A. Grounds for Revocation. Any development review permit may be revoked by the decision -making authority or the Gity-eeunc-4City Council pursuant to the provisions of this section on any of the following grounds: 1. Such approval was based on inaccurate or misleading information. 2. One or more of the conditions upon which such approval was granted or extended have been violated. 3. A change in conditions occurring after the original grant of the approval or the continuation of the use as approved is contrary to public health, safety or general welfare, or is detrimental or incompatible with other permitted uses in the vicinity. 4. The findings which were the basis for the original permit approval can no longer be made. 5. Other grounds as set forth elsewhere in this code such as, but not limited to, those for sexually oriented businesses. B. Procedure. Prior to any action on revocation, the decision -making authority shall hold a public hearing noticed and held in accordance with Section 9.200.110, except that the permittee shall be given not less than fifteen days' notice. The notice shall state the causes for which the revocation is to be considered. C. Action of Decision -Making Authority. Following the hearing, the decision - making authority may revoke the permit or revoke the permit subject to reinstatement upon compliance with the conditions of the original permit. D. Amortization. If a revocation of any permit is ordered, the decision -making authority may at the same time provide for a reasonable period of time to amortize any lawful existing uses on the site. Extensions of this time period may be granted for good cause shown on later application to the decision - making authority by any affected person. E. Appeal. Any action by the decision -making authority pursuant to this section may be appealed as set forth in Section 9.200.120. F. New Decision -Making Authority. If the decision -making authority which granted a permit is no longer in existence or no longer issues such permits, 44 Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits the authority which would issue such permit at the time revocation is to be considered shall be the decision -making authority as that term is used in this section. (Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) Chapter 9.210 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PERMITS 9.210.010 AutheritySite Development Permits. A. Terminology. For purposes of this code, site, architectural, lighting and Preliminary landscape plans, related development plans, and sign programs are included within the term site development permit. B. Purpose. The purpose of a site development permit is to ensure that the development and design standards of this zoning code, including, but not limited to, permitted uses, development standards and supplemental regulations are satisfied. The site development permit process provides a means of achieving this purpose through city review of detailed plans for proposed development projects. Therefore, all development authorized under a site development permit and any land uses associated with the development shall be in compliance with the plans, specifications and conditions of approval shown on and/or attached to the approved permit.. C. Applicability. A site development permit is required for all projects which involve building construction except the following: 1. Individual single-family houses and alterations to single-family houses or associated accessory structures, unless a site development permit is otherwise required by an applicable provision of this code or permit condition of approval. 2. Temporary uses (requires temporary use permit per Section 9.210.050). D. Decision -Making Authority. Site development permits shall be processed as follows: 1. All permits shall be processed by the plaRRiFig GOFFIFFIOGGOOR Planning Commission per this section.) 2. (Following pIaRRiRg GGMM iSSIOR Planning Commission decision, all high - density residential and all non-residential permits with structures greater than one-story or twenty-two feet in height and within one hundred feet of residentially zoned properties, as measured by outer boundary of the parcel which is the subject of the permit, shall be reviewed by the GAY GOURG'lCity Council. If an appeal regarding the permit has been filed in accordance with Section 9.200.120, the appeal shall be heard by the Grty-GGUno44City Council in accordance with that section. If no appeal is filed regarding the permit within the fifteen -calendar -day appeal period, approval of the plaRRiRg GOMMiSSi^^Planning Commission action shall be placed on theGrty co14FIeilCity Council's consent calendar at a council meeting within thirty days of the planning ^^mmissienPlan ning Commission's decision. Should any member of the city G YM4G4Ci�t r 45 Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Font color: Black Comment [0]: Should SDPs be processed administratively: With public notice and Director's Hearing? Administrative for some, Planning Commission for others? TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits E. F Council request that the item be removed from the consent calendar, or should the planning commissionPlanning Commission's action not be approved as a consent calendar item, the permit shall be noticed for public hearing before the Gity GYjnc�ICity Council. City GOURG40ty Council's review of the item shall fully consider the application. Precise D v e-t Per. UPOR approval, a site devel omen+ PeFMit senstitutes—aprec+se devekepTeR+Therefore, all deveI nmon+ authorized Under a site development permit and a land uses asse Giated with the develepment shall be iR GeMplianGe with the plans, speGifiGatiens and conditions f approval shown on and/or ottaehe�_r_�ed_ o the approved permit. Required Findings. The following findings shall be made by the decision - making authority prior to the approval of any site development permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The project is consistent with the general plan. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The project is consistent with the provisions of this zoning code. 3. Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4. Architectural Design. The architectural design of the project, including, but not limited to, the architectural style, scale, building mass, materials, colors, architectural details, roof style and other architectural elements are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the city. 5. Site Design. The site design of the project, including, but not limited to, project entries, interior circulation, pedestrian and bicycle access, pedestrian amenities, screening of equipment and trash enclosures, exterior lighting, and other site design elements are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the city. 6. Landscape Design. Project landscaping, including, but not limited to, the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, has been designed so as to provide visual relief, complement buildings, visually emphasize prominent design elements and vistas, screen undesirable views, provide a harmonious transition between adjacent land uses and between development and open space, and provide an overall unifying influence to enhance the visual continuity of the project. DregramSTPer �SeEtien 9.16n n90 /S.in,n permit review), -m-order to approve a planner) sign program the decision_ making authority m c+ fiRd had a. The sign pro��oggram_ is consistent with the purpose and 'n+en+ of b. The sign harmop„ with and visually related 46 Comment [n8]: For discussion with Ad Hoc Committee. Staff recommends deletion. TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits I. All signs within the planned sign pregrarn, via the ip r�+ien of several remmgn design elements s Ugh as materials letter Style, GGIGFG ill rninotien sign type or sign shape ' H. The Buildings They Identify. �+ he a,GGG lishe h�4 The 1 �. TTv*T�9 cy--rcf tFY)f— $—r�uy--per TTTPrT �Y utilizing �t+iliz�iny� 1 6e� , de +if n�rled the lYCGTl g�TI'Tmaterials, S Ol�l�.r.�T—fTTViTr—fl""f Cf �G buildiRg being identified, Sl FFGl Rdipg De„elenmen+ Implementatien of the plenped s ohssi ire adjacent senfermipg s G. Appeals. Appeals to decisions on -site development permits shall be reviewed pursuant to Section 9.200.120. H. Expiration and Time Extensions. The period of validity for establishment or time extension of a site development permit is pee year from its effen+i"e dateasdefined OR SestiGR 9z200.060 Time extensiens may grantedshall be pursuant to Section 9.200.080.E I. Amendments. Amendments to site development permits shall be processed pursuant to Section 9.200.100. J. Staff Certification of Construction Documents. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the director shall certify that final construction documents conform to preliminary plans (schematic elevations, preliminary site and landscape plans, etc.) approved as part of the site development permit. (Ord. 425 § 1, 2006; Ord. 299 § 1, 1997; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.210 020 Conditional use permits A. Purpose. The purpose of a conditional use permit or minor use permit is to provide for individual approval or denial of land uses requiring such permits under this code. Uses requiring these permits have potential for adverse impacts on surrounding properties, residents or businesses. Therefore, when such uses are approved, conditions are placed on their establishment and operation to mitigate or eliminate such impacts. der purpeses of this sestiep the term ' usepermil" innli Arles he+h senditienal use and miner use permits B. Definitions. _See Chapter 9.280. C. Applicability. A conditional use permit or a minor use permit is required for all land uses identified in this code as requiring such permits. D. Decision -Making Authority. Conditional use permits shall be reviewed by the planning ,.pmmissienPlanning Commission in conjunction with a public hearing held pursuant to Section 9.200.110. Minor use permits shall he PFGGessed adrrriRistrativeIythe planniRg d'reEtGF pursuant to SeGtien 9.200.020. E. Compliance with Permit. The establishment and operation of any land use authorized under a use permit and any development associated with the permit shall be in compliance with the approved permit and any plans, 47 Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Font color: Auto TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits specifications and conditions of approval shown on and/or attached to the permit at all times. F. Required Findings. The following findings shall be made by the decision - making authority prior to the approval of either a conditional use permitoF a m innr U Pe mi+• 1. Consistency with General Plan. The land use is consistent with the general plan. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The use is consistent with the provisions of this zoning code. 3. Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4. Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. G. Appeals. Appeals to decisions on use permits shall be reviewed pursuant to Section 9.200.120. H. Expiration and Time Extensions. The period of validity for establishment or time extension of a site development permit shall be pursuant to Section 9.200.080.The deG'S' ak'n authority m impose a time limitatiOR OR li fthe use as de#i ed S�r92 080 Rd/er may e sfa b,Ts hr�en+ r-or-R,n e� , establish a expiratien Ante en the u permit itself. Time extensions may hen aRted pursuant to Section a 200 090 I. Amendments. Amendments to use permits shall be processed pursuant to Section 9.200.4-WO80. J. The use permit may be modified or revoked by the city counGilCitV Council, or plonninl. ,.,,mm'SSOOnPlanning Commission, should they determine that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare, or materially injurious to property, or improvements in the vicinity, or if the property is operated or maintained, so as to constitute a public nuisance. (Ord. 489 § 1, 2011; Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A), 1998; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.210 020 Minor use permits A. Purpose. The purpose of a minor use permit or minor use permit is to' Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", Numbered + provide for individual approval or denial of land uses requiring such permits Level: 1 + Numbering Style: A, B, C, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + under this code. Indent at: 0.5^ B. Definitions. See Chapter 9.280. C. Applicability. A minor use permit is required for all land uses identified in this code as requiring such permits. D. Decision -Making Authority. Minor use permits shall be processed administratively bV the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.200.020. 48 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits E. Compliance with Permit. The establishment and operation of any land use authorized under a use permit and any development associated with the permit shall be in compliance with the approved permit and any plans, specifications and conditions of approval shown on and/or attached to the permit at all times. F. Required Findings. The following findings shall be made by the decision - making authority prior to the approval of a minor use permit: 5. Consistency with General Plan. The land use is consistent with the general plan. 6. Consistency with Zoning Code. The use is consistent with the provisions of this zoning code. 7. Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 8. Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or incurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. G. Appeals. Appeals to decisions on use permits shall be reviewed pursuant - to Section 9.200.120. K. ExDiration and Time Extensions. The period of validitv for establishment or Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: A, B, C, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5" time extension of a site development permit shall be pursuant to Section 9.200.080. H. Amendments. Amendments to use permits shall be processed pursuant toy - Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0.5", Section 9.200.1 OO. Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: A, B, C, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned I. The use permit may be modified or revoked by the City Council, or at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5° Planning Commission, should they determine that the proposed uses or Formatted: Font. (Default) Anal, 12 pt, Font conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to color: Black the public health, welfare, or materially injurious to property, or improvements in the vicinity, or if the property is operated or maintained, so as to constitute a public nuisance. (Ord. 489 § 1, 2011: Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A), 1998; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.210.030 Variances. A. Purpose. The purpose of a variance Otis to provide for deviations from applicable standards of this zoning code such as the development standards set forth in Chapter 9.50 and 9.90. Therefore, any development or other activitv authorized under such a permit shall be in comDliance with the Dlans. sDecifications and conditions of aDoroval shown on and/or attached to the approved permit, B. Applicability. A variance permit is required for any development which is not consistent with applicable site development standards or other regulations of this code and which is not eligible for consideration as a minor adjustment pursuant to Section 9.210.040. 49 Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style Formatted: Font: (Default) Anal, 12 pt, Font color: Black TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits C. Decision -Making Authority. Variances shall be reviewed by the planning Gorn Iss;o^Planning Commission in conjunction with a public hearing held pursuant to Section 9.200.110. D. Conditions of Approval. If a variance is approved, conditions may be placed on the permit to mitigate or eliminate adverse impacts on surrounding properties, residents or businesses. E. PFes+se Development Plan I Inen a al a varianGe permit eenstitutes a pre6lae deyelepmen+ plan. Therefore, any deyelep ent o ether aGtWity +heri rJ + shall he liars h the plans, au�ze per sec �pe�r�;��,,,�.,--p�� knee w+t�-p.�,T approved permit. F-.E. Required Findings. The following findings shall be made by the decision -making authority prior to the approval of a variance +t: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The variance is consistent with the general plan. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The variance is consistent with the provisions of this zoning code. 3. Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the perms variance application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4. Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. 5. Special Circumstances. There are special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, which, when the zoning regulations are strictly applied, deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity subject to the same zoning regulations. The special circumstances shall be specified in the adopted finding. 6. Preservation of Property Rights. The granting of the variance is necessary for the preservation of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zoning district and otherwise denied to the subject property. 7. No Special Privileges. The variance's ems -required conditions of approval assure that the adjustment authorized will not constitute a grant of special privileges which are inconsistent with the limitations placed upon other properties in the vicinity subject to the same zoning regulations. 8. No Land Use Variance. The approval does not authorize a land use or activity which is not permitted in the applicable zoning district. L. Expiration and Time Extensions. The period of validity for establishment or time extension of a site development permit shall be pursuant to Section 9.200.080. 50 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits G. The deGiSikin^ authe„ty may im ese a time —limitation r—en establishment ofthe —variaRGe—permit, as defined in Se8 ' 9.200.080. Time extensions may he granted pursuant to Co^#inn 9.200.080. ki-.F. Amendments. Amendments to variance permits shall be processed pursuant to Section 9.200.4-00080 4-.G. Staff Certification of Construction Documents. If development is provided for under the variance permit, prior to issuance of a building permit the director shall certify that final construction documents conform to preliminary plans (schematic elevations, preliminary site and landscape plans, etc.) approved as part of the variance. (Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.210.040 Minor adjustments. A. Purpose. The purpose of a minor adjustment permit is to provide for minor deviations from certain specific development standards set forth in this code. B. Definition. See Chapter 9.280. C. Applicability. A minor adjustment permit may be approved only for deviations of up to ten percent of a numerical development standard (for example, a reduction of one foot from a ten -foot setback requirement) for an approved or proposed map; approved or proposed development permit review; single family home building permitor for deviations speGifiGa mdentified in this ^„ate. Other deviations shall require consideration of a variance pursuant to Section 9.210.030. Only one setback adjustment per lot shall be allowed. Example —an adjustment of the front and rear yard shall not be approved. D. Decision -Making Authority. Minor adjustments shall be reviewed administratively by the director pursuant to Section 9.200.020 unless combined with another application which requires discretionary review by the planning GOMMiSSOORPlanning Commission or ^sty G9un4City Council pursuant to Section 9.200.030 and 9.200.090.B. E. Conditions of Approval. If a minor adjustment is approved, conditions may be placed on the permit to mitigate or eliminate adverse impacts on surrounding properties, residents or businesses. F. Pre^'se Development Plan Upon approval a miner adjustment permit seastitutes a precise development plan Therefere—aAny development authorized under such a permit shall be in compliance with the plans, specifications and conditions of approval shown on and/or attached to the approved permit. G. Required Findings. The following findings shall be made by the decision - making authority prior to the approval of any minor adjustment permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The project is consistent with the general plan. 51 Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits 2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The project is consistent with the provisions of this zoning code. 3. Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4. Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. H. Appeals. Appeals to decisions on minor adjustments shall be reviewed pursuant to Section 9.200.120. I. Expiration and Time Extensions. The decision_ making authority may imnese a time limitatien OR establishment of the mFlFiRGFadj Stment n mit as defined in SeGtien 9.200.090. Time extensions may he granted n ant to SeGtiGR o 200 080.The minor adjustment will expire at the same time as the primary building or planning permit. J. Amendments to Minor Adjustment Permits. Amendments to minor adjustments shall be processed pursuant to Section 9.200.100. K. Staff Certification of Construction Documents. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the director shall certify that final construction documents conform to preliminary plans (schematic elevations, preliminary site and landscape plans, etc.) approved as part of the adjustment. (Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A), 1998; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996), 9.210.050 Temporary use permits. A. Purpose. The purpose of a temporary use permit is to regulate certain temporary land uses and activities to ensure that adverse impacts on surrounding properties, residents and businesses are minimized, that the time limitations for temporary uses are specified and complied with, and that the site of the temporary use is restored to its condition prior to establishment. B. Applicability. A temporary use permit is required for temporary uses permitted under this code. C. Decision -Making Authority. Temporary use permits shall be reviewed administratively by the director pursuant to Section 9.200.020. D. Conditions of Approval. If a temporary use is approved, conditions may be placed on the permit to mitigate or eliminate adverse impacts on surrounding properties, residents or businesses. E. PFes+se Development o�. Upen appreval, a terporary use permit Eenstitutes—a—PFeGise—develop -rent—play;. TherefGFe a_Any use or development authorized under such a permit shall be in compliance with the plans, specifications and conditions of approval shown on and/or attached to the approved permit. 52 Formatted: Font: (Default) Anal, 12 pt, Font color: Black Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Right: 0.01" Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits F. Required Findings. Findings required for approval of a temporary use permit shall be deemed to have been made if the director determines that the standards set forth for such temporary uses in the applicable section of this code have been satisfied. (Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.210.060 Home occupation permits. comment [n9]: May move to Title 11. A. Purpose. The purpose of a home occupation permit is to regulate certain Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same incidental and accessory home enterprises in residential neighborhoods Style under conditions that will ensure their compatibility with the neighborhood. Regulations for home occupations are set forth in Section 9.60.110. B. Applicability. A home occupation permit is required for home occupations conducted within a residence which are accessory to the main residential use of the dwelling and which are permitted pursuant to Section 9.60.110. C. Decision -Making Authority. Home occupation permits shall be reviewed administratively by the d'FeGt()F of building—and safet}FCommunity Development Director pursuant to Section 9.60.110. D. Conditions of Approval. If a home occupation is approved, conditions may be placed on the permit to mitigate or eliminate adverse impacts on surrounding properties, residents or businesses. E. Compliance with Permit. Any use or activity authorized under a home occupation permit shall be in compliance with the specifications and conditions of approval shown on and/or attached to the approved permit. Failure to comply with such specifications and conditions of approval may result in revocation of the permit. F —Required Findings. Findings required for approval of a home occupation permit shall be deemed to have been made if the director of building and safety determines that the standards set forth in Section 9.60.110 for home occupations have been or will be satisfied. These S+andardS GORSis+ of +he feAew+ng: The e"stabl'sh„Telat and—GeRd6lGt of a home gEEYpatiGRshall be _____ Forma tted:Indent: Left: 0.5', Numbered+ inn'den+al and aGGessery use and shall net Ghanne the GharaGter Level: 1 + Numbering Style: A, B, C, ... + Start prinGipal at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + 2. Only the dwelling nit be in the he;,� Indent at: 0.5" residentsof may engaged eseUpat♦en: home n +ion shall be d i nhi the IiViRg wi+hin �eest����ee,,�c� era se urea the the of URit Gr withiR garage provided RG garage spaGe required fer eff_street narkiRg is The home a na+fen shall ne+ e used. five + f the bin floor f the d t#ap-Ewen#�„�Pefce+���ce,;,�.r�ed�area��k�eesez.,;a 53 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits Chapter 9.220 ZONE MAP CHANGES AND CODE AMENDMENTS 9.220.010 Zone map changes and prezoning. A. Purpose. A zone map change is a deve'^^m^^+ review action by the Gty-GE)upc-4City Council to change the zone designation of a property or properties on the official zoning map. A prezoning is the zoning of property outside the city's boundaries in anticipation of annexation into the city. For purposes of this code, prezonings are included within the term "zone change." B. Applicable State Law. It is intended that the provisions of this section shall be fully consistent and in full compliance with Section 65853 et seq., of the State Government Code and that such provisions shall be so construed. C. Who May Apply. 1. The owner of the property or by the owners agent (with written notarized authorization from the owner); 2. The ^'�ty-GGunc-4City Council by a majority vote; 3. The Planning Commission by a majority vote; or 4. The ^'^^^i^^ rComm unity Development Director. D. Review Procedures. 1. Zone changes shall be approved, approved with modifications or denied by ordinance of the city G Ainc+4City Council after receipt of testimony at a public hearing held pursuant to Section 9.200.110. 54 Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits 2. Prior to Gty--GeuRoRCity Council review, the planning ^ ^^�o„-,miss^Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing, review the application, and forward a recommendation to the council. 3. If the council contemplates a modification to the application not previously considered by the PIOIRRiRg ce;,,MiSSiGRPlanning Commission, the proposed modification may be referred to the plaRRiRg GGMFnissien.Planning Commission for report back to council. A public hearing shall not be required for such Planning Commission review. E. Required Findings. The following findings shall be made by the city GOURGK[CitY Council prior to approval of any zone map change: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The zone mats change is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the general plan. 2. Public Welfare. Approval of the zone map change will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. 3. Land Use Compatibility. The new zoning is compatible with the zoning on adjacent properties. 4. Property Suitability. The new zoning is suitable and appropriate for the subject property. 5. Change in Circumstances. Approval of the zone mats change is warranted because the situation and the general conditions of the property have substantially changed since the existing zoning was imposed. (Ord. 367 § 1 (Exh. A), 2002; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) 9.220.020 Zoning code text amendments. A. Purpose. A zoning GGde—text amendment is a development review action by the GityG0YPe44City Council to change the text and/or graphics within this zoning code. B. Applicable State Law. It is intended that the provisions of this section shall be fully consistent and in full compliance with Section 65853 et seq., of the State Government Code and that such provisions shall be so construed. C. Who May Apply. A code amendment may be initiated by: 1. The city ee RG4City Council; 2. The planning GeM M iGGiGR Planning Commission by a majority vote; or 3. The plaRRORg unity Development Director; -3-4. An interested party. D. Review Procedures. Cede Text amendments shall be reviewed under the same procedures as zone mats changes as set forth in Section 9.220.010. E. Required Findings. The following findings shall be made by the G4 EeURs+4City Council prior to approval of any cede -text amendment: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The code amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the general plan. 55 Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits 2. Public Welfare. Approval of the code amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. (Ord. 367 § 1 (Exh. A), 2002; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) Chapter 9.230 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS 9.230.010 Application and referral. A. Purpose. A general plan amendment is a di^^a aFy legislative action by the ^sty GGU„C-4City Council to change the text of the general plan or any map or diagram of the general plan. B. Applicable State Law. It is intended that the provisions of this section shall be fully consistent and in full compliance with Section 65350 et seq., of the State Government Code and that such provisions shall be so construed. C. Who May Apply. 1. The owner of the property or by the owners agent (with written notarized authorization from the owner); 2. The Gty-GGuPeilCity Council by a majority vote; 3. The planning GeFnMi^ci^^Planning Commission by a majority vote; or 4. The pIaRRiRg ,+;re^+erCommunity Development Director. 4:5. An interested party. D. Referral of Proposed Amendments. Proposed general plan amendments shall be referred to the persons and agencies as specified in Section 65352 of the State Government Code. E. Frequency of General Plan Amendment. Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style i=1. General Plan elements specified as mandatory in the State' Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.75", Numbered + Government Code Resolution 2000-77. may be amended Each amendment pursuant to City Council may include more than one Level: 1 li Numbering Style: 1, z, at ... +start at: 1 +Alignment: Left +Aligned at: 0.56" + Indent at: 0.81" change to the general plan. GThe limitation on frequency of amendments to the general plan set forth in subsection (E)(1) of this section does not apply to residential development projects with at least twenty-five percent of the dwelling units to be occupied by persons or families of low or moderate income. (Ord. 367 § 1 (Exh. A), 2002; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) H-.2. i:F.Review Procedures. 4—Gener-al Plan etemei;ts specified as mandateryin the State 2000 777 Caeh a RdmeRt May n^Iu de ere than r.^e ^haRg8 to the ^^^^moral pI1aR.. 2 The limi+a+iOR OR freq UeRGY of a eRdMer,+s to the g ral plan set forth Fn SubSeGtiGR (E)(11) of this seGtiGR deer Ret apply to side tial development r, eGtS with at least twenty five p ea+ of the dwellk4 units +e he a ied by persons r families of lew a e.dera+e rd. vv 367 § 1 (Exh. A), 2002; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 19W iv 56 Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Font color: Black TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits 1. General plan amendments shall be approved, approved with modifications or denied by resolution of the Gity-GOupc-4City Council after receipt of testimony at a public hearing held pursuant to Section 9.200.110. Approval or approval with modifications shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of the total membership of the council. 2. Prior to sitSGGURGOICity Council review, the pIaRRiRg GGFnM enPlanning Commission shall hold a public hearing, review the application, and forward a recommendation with findings to the council. 3. If the council contemplates a modification to the application not previously considered by the planniRg cOMM+ssieRPlanning Commission, the proposed modification may be referred to the commission for report back to the council. A public hearing shall not be required for such commission review. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Space After: 10 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style, Line spacing: Multiple 1.15 li, Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: A, B, C, ... + Start at: I + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.75" + Indent at: 1" 8-.G. Required Findings. The following findings shall be made by the e4y' Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + eel neACity Council prior to the approval of a general plan amendment: Numbering Style: A, B, C, ... + Start at:1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.56" + Indent 1. Internal General Plan Consistency. The General Plan amendment is at: 0.81" internally consistent with those goals, objectives and policies of the general plan which are not being amended. 2. Public Welfare. Approval of the General Plan amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. 3. General Plan Compatibility. In the case of amendments to the general plan policy diagram, the new designation is compatible with the designations on adjacent properties. 4. Property Suitability. In the case of amendments to the general plan policy diagram, the new designation is suitable and appropriate for the subject property. 5. Change in Circumstances. In the case of amendments to the general plan policy diagram, approval of the amendment is warranted because the situation and the general conditions of the property have substantially changed since the existing designation was imposed. (Ord. 367 § 1 (Exh. A), 2002; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) Chapter 9.240 SPECIFIC PLANS 9.240.010 Specific plan review. A. Purpose. A specific plan is a detailed plan covering a selected area of the city for the purpose of implementation of the general plan. 57 ' Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits B. Applicable State Law. It is intended that the provisions of this section shall be fully consistent and in full compliance with Section 65450 et seq., of the State Government Code and that such provisions shall be so construed. C. Who May Apply. A specific plan or specific plan amendment application may be initiated by: 1. The Gity-GE)uR, City Council 2. The owner of the property or by the owners agent (with written notarized authorization from the owner); 3. The planning ^^mmissienPlanning Commission by a majority vote; or 4. The planning 're^+^Community Development Director. D. Review Procedures. Specific plans shall be prepared, adopted and amended in the same manner as the general plan, except that a specific plan may be adopted either by resolution or ordinance. E. Required Findings. The following findings shall be made by the coy GGunGi[CitV Council prior to approval of any specific plan or specific plan amendment: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The plan or amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the general plan. 2. Public Welfare. Approval of the Specific Pfflan or amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. 3. Land Use Compatibility. The specific plan is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties. 4. Property Suitability. The specific plan is suitable and appropriate for the subject property. (Ord. 367 § 1 (Exh. A), 2002; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) F. Substantial Conformance. The PlaRRO^^ D'Fe^+^FCommunity Development Director shall determine substantial conformance in approved Specific Plans with submittal of a Planning Compliance Review application. G. Waiver of Amendments. The P!aRR'Rg DIreGtGFCommunity Development Director has the authority to waive the need for a Specific Plan amendment under the following circumstances: 1. when changes to the land use allocation are less than 5%, 2. when the off -site circulation pattern and turning movements will not be altered by the proposed change, 3. when the change is considered minor in nature and does not conflict with the purpose and intent of the Specific Plan, or 4. when no new land use is proposed. G-. H. Density Transfers. Density transfers may occur in Specific Plans when common area amenities and open space are provided beyond that required by Code. Chapter 9.250 OTHER ACTIONS 58 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits 9.2-60250.020 Environmental review. A. Definition. See Chapter 9.280. B. Procedures. All discretionary applications shall be evaluated in compliance with CEQA the CEQA Guidelines, and the citys environmental review procedures to determine the proposals potential impacts. Examples e potential irnppads iRG'6ide-but arm RGt limited W; Glimate any, air aiity, sells, geelegy artd-se+s+sic+ty,hyd,eleg; biotiGreseerees, archeeleg , paareentnlegy and nUIt FaI FeSGU-FGeS, Iand use -'—cmRd -health Trinin , tFaffin rrterSr� ae�etiGS�htand glare, �Saf t" pcbliG serv'ces and atilities , and threatened or endangered cnonioc (Ord 284 § 1 (Exh A) (part)1996) 9.250.030 Development agreements. A. Purpose. A development agreement is a diSnr ' legislative action by the ^ -_4City Council to provide certainty in the review and approval of development projects in order to make maximum efficient utilization of resources at the least economic cost to the public, strengthen the public planning process, encourage private participation in comprehensive planning, reduce the economic costs of development, and provide for public facilities and infrastructure. Development agreements shall be prepared, reviewed, adopted, and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this section. B. Applicable State Law. It is intended that the provisions of this section shall be fully consistent and in full compliance with Section 65864 et seq., of the State Government Code and that such provisions shall be so construed. C. Review Procedures. 1. Application Forms. The director shall prescribe the form of each application, notice and document provided for or required under this chapter for the preparation, processing and implementation of development agreements. The application shall include as separate documents by reference, the following information: a. Duration of the agreement; b. The permitted uses of the property; c. The density or intensity of use of the property; d. The maximum height and size of proposed buildings; e. Provisions for reservation of dedication of land for public purposes; f. Fiscal impact statement to include revenue generated to the city and benefits received by the developer; g. Phasing and project completion date; h. Consistency with the general plan and any applicable specific plan. 59 Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style Formatted: Heading 2, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Add space between paragraphs of the same style TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits In addition to the above, the director may require an applicant for a development agreement to submit such other information and supporting data as the director deems necessary to process the application. 2. Fees. The eity Geun-G4City Council shall establish and from time to time amend by resolution a schedule of fees imposed for the filing and processing of each application and documentation required by this chapter. The fee may be waived in whole or in part by the coy GounGifCity Council for affordable housing that is in conformance with the general plan. 3. Who May Apply. An application for a development agreement may only be filed by a person who has a legal or equitable interest in the real property for which a development agreement is sought or the authorized representative of such person. 4. Proposed Form of Agreement. Each application shall be accompanied by draft development agreement in form which is mutually agreed upon by the applicant and the city at a pre -proposal meeting. This requirement may be met by using the city's standard development agreement form and including specific proposals for changes in or additions to the language of the standard form. 5. Review and Filing of Application. The director shall endorse on the application the date it is received. The director shall review the application and determine if additional requirements are necessary to complete the agreement. The application may be rejected if it is not completed in the manner required by these rules. After receiving the required information, the director shall prepare a staff report. The staff report shall analyze the proposed development agreement and shall contain a recommendation as to whether or not the development agreement proposed or in an amended form would be consistent with the general plan or any applicable specific plan. Before processing the application the director shall obtain the opinion of the city attorney as to sufficiency of the applicant's interest in the real property to enter into agreement. 6. Notice of Intention. Upon completion of the staff report required by subsection C5 of this section, in addition to any other notice required by law, the director shall give notice of intention to consider adoption of a development agreement. The notice shall contain: a. The time and place of the public hearing; b. A general explanation of the development agreement, including a general description of the property proposed to be developed; c. Other information that the director considers necessary or desirable. 7. Manner of Giving Notice. All notices required by these rules shall be processed in the manner provided in Section 9.200.110 of this code. 8. Hearing and Recommendation of Planning Commission. The planning GGMM0660ORPlan ning Commission shall hold WE TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits a public hearing on the proposed development agreement at the time and place specified in the notice of intention. The p!aRR'Rg GGMFn Planning Commission shall make its recommendation to the ^sty—G AipaCity Council in writing within thirty days of the date set for the public hearing. The recommendation shall include whether or not the proposed development agreement: a. Is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs specified in the general plan and any applicable specific plan; b. Is compatible with the uses authorized in and the regulations prescribed for the land use district in which the real property is located; c. Is in conformity with the public necessity, public convenience, general welfare and good land use practices; d. Will be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare; e. Will adversely affect the orderly development of property or the preservation of property values; f. Will have a positive fiscal impact on the city. 9. Hearing by Sits GGupG4City Council. After the recommendation of the plaRRORg GOMMiSSieRPlanningCommission or after the expiration of the time period specified in subsection C8 of this section, the director shall give notice of a public hearing before theGty GGYPaCity Council in the manner provided for in subsections C6 and 7 of this section. 10. Decision by City Eeoae44City Council. a. After it completes the public hearing and considers the recommendation, if any, of the planning Gorn m ission Planning Commission, theme= G A4Roi4City Council may accept, modify or disapprove the proposed development agreement. It may, but need not, refer the matters not previously considered by the plaRRiRg Planning Commission during its hearing back to the plaRRORg GOMMiss4enPlanning Commission for report and recommendation. The plaRniRg GernFniSSiGRPlanning Commission shall not be required to hold a public hearing on matters referred back to it by the Gity-�,si4City Council. b. The development agreement may not be approved unless the c4ty GGLAn;+4City Council finds that the development agreement is consistent with the general plan and any applicable specific plan. 11.Approval of Development Agreement. The development agreement shall be approved by the adoption of an ordinance. Upon the adoption of the ordinance, the city shall enter into the development agreement by the execution thereof by the city manager. 12.Amendment and Cancellation. a. Either the city or the applicant or successor in interest thereto may propose an amendment or cancellation in whole or in part of the development agreement. 61 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits b. The procedure for proposing and approving an amendment to or cancellation in whole or in part of the development agreement shall be the same as the procedure for entering into a development agreement. c. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a proposed amendment to a development agreement to delete certain real property from the terms and conditions of the agreement and sell such property to a public entity considered by the planning commissionPlanning Commission without a noticed public hearing so long as the planning Planning Commission holds a properly noticed public hearing in connection with a proposed general plan amendment and/or zone change for such property. Upon consideration of the proposed amendment and written recommendation to theme= coU,GilCity Council by the planning GOMmissionPlanning Commission, the Gity GO City Council shall hold a properly noticed public hearing and consider the amendment in accordance with the same procedure for entering into a development agreement. d. Except as expressly set forth herein, each and every provision of this section concerning the procedures for processing and approval of development agreements remains in full force and effect. e. Except as provided for in subsection C14c of this section, the development agreement may only be amended or canceled in whole or in part by the mutual consent of all parties to the development agreement. 13. Recordation. a. No later than ten days after the city enters into the development agreement, the city clerk shall record with the county recorder a copy of the development agreement. b. If the parties to the agreement or their successors in interest amend or cancel the agreement, or if the city terminates or modifies the agreement for failure of the applicant to comply in good faith with the terms or conditions of the agreement, the city clerk shall cause notice of such action to be recorded with the county recorder. 14. Periodic Review. a. The s+ty GGYnGiICity Council shall review the development agreement at least every twelve months from the date the development agreement is entered into until expiration of the term of the agreement. b. The director shall give the applicant or successor in interest thereto at least thirty days' advance notice of the time at which the G4 GE)unc+ICity Council will review the development agreement. c. The ^sty-coa„A&4City Council may refer the matter to the plaRRiRg 4Planning Commission for further proceedings or for a report and recommendation. 62 TITLE 9 ZONING ORDINANCE AD Hoc Edits d. The applicant or successor in interest thereto shall demonstrate good faith compliance with the terms of the development agreement. e. If, as a result of such periodic review, the ^sty GE)uPG4City Council finds and determines, on the basis of substantial evidence, that the applicant or successor in interest thereto has not complied in good faith with the terms or conditions of the development agreement, the city counGilCity Council may commence proceedings to enforce, modify or terminate the development agreement. 15. Modification or Termination. a. If, upon a finding under subsection C14e of this section, the Goy seLAn;ACity Council determines to proceed with modification or termination of the development agreement, theme= coa,,Gi1C Council shall give notice to the applicant or successor in interest thereto of its intention to do so. The notice shall contain the time and place of the hearing. b. At the time set for the hearing on the modification or termination, the ^sty GGunGiICity Council may refer the matter back to the planning sem iss. Planning Commission for further proceedings or for report and recommendation. The decision of the ^sty- YUROCity Council shall be final. (Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) 63 Title 8- Buildings and Construction Procedural Improvements (La Quinta Municipal Code) Title 8; Chapters 8.13 and 8.80 Development Code Tune Up Draft Recommendations Analysis Highlighted text relates to streamlining change • 7 8.13.030. Applicability of Turf reduction plans -Clarify inapplicability to SFD homesites Savings in time A landscaping review subject to full review -Make section inapplicable to turf reduction $ savings process/application plans 8.13.030.E Clarify submittal Text not tied to actual -Change text to cite application items application requirement Due to upcoming revisions to CVWD Model Ordinance; no further changes are proposed to Chapter 8.13 as they may conflict. However, most of the remaining landscape code requirements are technical and do not impact potential for streamlining. 8.80.050 Bonding N/A - Clean-up only Minor clean-up language related to current Update and Grading requirements bond requirements clarification Bonds Page 1- Development Code Tune- Title 8 Draft Recommendations Title 8 Buildings and Construction Ad Hoc Edits 8.13.030 Provisions for new or rehabilitated landscapes.) A. Applicability. 1. Except as provided in subsection (A)(3) of this section, this section shall apply to: a. All new construction and rehabilitated landscaping for private, public, commercial and governmental development projects; and b. All new construction and rehabilitated landscaping in single-family tracts and multifamily projects. 2. Projects subject to this section shall conform to the provisions in this section. 3. This section shall not apply to: a Rena GRt herne.,wner_pr.,yided and/er hoFne ,W.,or_hired Iand6GaPiRg of Ssingle-family residential landscaping projects on individual lots/parcelswith a total project landscape area less than five thousand square feet; b. Homeowner -provided landscaping within individually -maintained patio areas, courtyards, or private gardens at a condominium, townhome, or similar multifamily project; b.c. Turf-reduction/replacement landscaping projects, with no new or expansion of existing landscaped area(s) involved; Ed. Registered local, state, or federal historic sites; cue. Ecological restoration projects that do not require a permanent irrigation system; e.f. Mined -land reclamation projects that do not require a permanent irrigation system; f�g_Plant collections, as part of botanical gardens and arboretums open to the public. B. Final Landscaping Plan Application Submittal PaskageReguirements. 1. Each final landscaping plan submittal shall include the following elements: a. Water conservation concept statement; b. Calculation of the maximum applied water allowance; c. Calculation of the estimated applied water use; d. Calculation of the estimated total water use; e. Landscape design plan; f. Irrigation design plan; g. Grading design plan; and h. Soil analysis. 2 Five Copies of fhoThe final landscaping plan submittal Gonf„rrr iRg to thin ehapteraapplication shall be submitted to the city in accordance with the requirements and information as stipulated on the City application form. No permitCiit-aapproval shall be issued until the city and the local water purveyor FGVie 6 and approveshave reviewed and accepted the landscape documentation package. Prior to preparatiOR and subMOGG'OR of the final Comment [WN1]: Much of this Section will need revision based on the new draft CVWD revised model ordinance Title 8 Buildings and Construction Ad Hoc Edits Iar dSGar 'Rg plaR submittal, .with the e PtiOR of rehabilitated eF heme- nwner provided landscaping, the preliminary landscape design shall half applicable, the final landscape plan submittal shall substantially conform to the proiect's preliminary landscape plan as approved by the g Planning eemmi&&ienCommission. 3. A copy of the approved final landscaping plan submittal shall be provided to the property owner or site manager along with the record drawings and any other information normally forwarded to the property owner or site manager. C. Elements of Final Landscaping Plan Submittal. Chapter 8.80 GRADING 8.80.010 Purpose and intent. A. Generally. The purpose of this chapter is to safeguard life, limb, health, property and public welfare by establishing minimum requirements for regulating grading and procedures by which these requirements may be enforced. B. Scope. No person shall make, alter or maintain any excavation or fill except as provided by this chapter. Exception: The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the following: 1. Work accomplished under the auspices of land owned and controlled by the United States of America or by the State of California. 2. Work in a public right of way, drains and drainage structures constructed by or under contract with the city or county flood control district unless the structure forms a portion of the support for a building or a structure coming within the jurisdiction of the building and safety department. C. Permissive Provisions. The permissive provisions of this chapter do not waive, and shall not be presumed to waive, any limitations imposed by other statutes or ordinances of the state or city. D. Limitations. If two or more pertinent limitations are not identical, those limitations shall prevail which provide the greater safety to life, limb, health, property, and public welfare. Comment [WN2]: Per Comment 1, no changes to and subsequent sections are proposed so they are not included here. The new CVWD ordinance will need to be incorporated which will replace the remainder of this Section. Title 8 Buildings and Construction Ad Hoc Edits PFGjeGt; the type Of UR!t SeleGted must be used eXGIUS*Vely thrGugheut that projeGt !R 8.80.050 Grading bonds. A. Requirements. A permit will not be issued for excavation or fill of more than five hundred cubic yards (three hundred eighty cubic meters) in hillside areas, more than one thousand cubic yards (seven hundred sixty cubic meters) in other areas, or for any work which requires retaining walls, until the permittee shall post with the city engineer a bond for the benefit of the city. The bond shall be executed by the owner and a corporate surety authorized to do business in this state as surety in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of the project, including corrective work necessary to remove and eliminate geological hazards. All bonds shall be in a form acceptable to the city engineer. Exception: The city engineer may waive the requirement that a bond be posted before a permit is issued as provided in this section if the city engineer determines that no potential hazard would exist if the grading is not completed. B. Cash or Deposit Agreement in Lieu of Bond. In lieu of a surety bond the applicant may file a deposit agreement or deposit cash with the city engineer upon the same terms and conditions and in an amount equal to that which would be required in the surety bond. The deposit submitted with the cash bond may be in the form of cash or negotiable United States securities. The deposit agreement shall be on forms approved by the city engineer. C. Application of Bond to Adjacent Property. Where grading is required on property adjacent to the grading site under permit to complete a project satisfactorily, written consent must be obtained from the adjacent owner and a copy of the written consent submitted to the city engineer prior to commencement of grading on the adjacent property. The owner of such adjacent property need not provide an additional grading bond, if the original is of sufficient amount to include such additional grading. D. Conditions of the Bond, Deposit Agreement, or Cash Deposit. Every bond, deposit agreement or cash deposit shall be conditioned that the permittee shall: 1. Comply with all of the provisions of this chapter and all other applicable laws and ordinances. 2. Comply with all of the terms and conditions of the permit for excavation and fill to the satisfaction of the city engineer. E. Period and Termination of Bond, Deposit Agreement, or Cash Deposit. Title 8 Buildings and Construction Ad Hoc Edits 1. The term of each security shall begin upon the date of filing with and shall remain in effect until the completion of the work to the satisfaction of the city engineer, plus an additional period of one year. Such completion shall be evidenced 6eid Ger-tifiGate-by inspection and acceptance of the work by the City Engineer or Designee. In the event of failure to complete the work and failure to comply with all of the conditions and terms of the permit, the city engineer may order the work to be completed as required by the permit and to the satisfaction of the city engineer's office. The surety executing such bond or such deposit, shall continue to be firmly bound under a continuing obligation for the payment of all necessary costs and expenses that may be incurred or expended by the city in causing any and all of such required work to be accomplished and that said surety or the depositor assents to any lawful extensions of time within which to construct and complete such work. In the case of a cash deposit or deposit agreement, any unused portion shall be refunded to the permittee. 2. After the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the city engineer, the city engineer may release or exonerate the bond, deposit agreement, or cash deposit earlier than the additional one-year period if the city engineer determines that the public health and welfare is not jeopardized. In no case shall the security be released earlier than four months after the grading work has been completed to the satisfaction of the city engineer. F. Amount of Security. The amount of the security shall be based Upon the estimated GGSt PILIS tWeRty PeFGent, as determined by the number Of G61b'G yards of material i either a iatien er fill whinheyer is the greater o nt Rd shall protective devices as „ lawfully her rent (Ord 406 § 1 200 determined by the method outlined in Enaineerina Bulletin #04-09. which is available via the Citv website at www.la-guinta.org. Title 13- Subdivision Regulations (La Quinta Municipal Code) Development Code Tune Up Draft Recommendations Analysis *Highlighted text relates to streamlining or significant change for discussion by Ad -Hoc Committee Code Review I nefficiency/Cha lie nge Possible Improvement Outcome Section• • 13.04.060 Decision Reduce layers of review for Revise review table to limit PC and CC Savings in time Review and authority on map applications review of mapping actions, except where $ savings Approval tentative maps maps filed with other applications require Authority (pg 2) those reviews. 13.04.070 Add review No procedures for TTM Add definitions to allow for Revised TTM Defines action to Definitions type definitions revisions or substantial and Substantial Conformance processes establish process (pg 4) conformance Chapter Subdivision Outdated Delete Chapter and reserve Chapter None - process 13.08 process number defined in Chapter Subdivision flowchart (pg 13.12 Process 10) 13.12.050 Clarify Clean-up / update Consistency with application forms and Savings in time Application requirements current procedures materials (pg 11) 13.12.120 Requires Unclear and redundant as Delete Section as application and General Savings in time, $ Special cultural and bio applications vary Plan sets for the requirement to address studies studies (pg 12) studies 13.12.120 Add process for Current ordinance does not Add Section on procedure for revised Flexibility (New) revised maps allow for revision to approved tentative maps Time Revised tentative maps $ savings tentative maps 13.12.140 Process for map N/A - Clean up only N/A N/A Appeals action appeals (pg 12) 13.12.150 Establish N/A - Update and clarify Current state provisions allow initial 3 year Time Term of validity of approval term, while current code cites 2 $ savings tentative tentative map year term maps (pg 13) Page 1— Development Code Tune Up —Title 13 Draft Recommendations 13.12.160 Establishes time Ordinance not reflective of Allow longer extension terms and flexibility Time Extensions of extension current state allowances in granting those terms. $ savings time for process (pg 14) tentative maps 13.12.170 Establish Ordinance does not codify Codifies the current process and clarifies it Flexibility Substantial substantial current use of a substantial as a Public Works preocedure, allowing Time conformance conformance conformance through Public flexibility by granting discretion to PW in $ savings with process (pg 15) Works. applying the process tentative map Chapter N/A (pg 16) Minor clean up to language in 13.20 FINAL 13.20.020 and 13.20.130 MAPS AND PARCEL MAPS 13.24.070 and Sets street design Section reflects prior General Plan Delete Table 13.24.070, and replace with Potential time 080 - Street standards (pg 17) geometries general reference to current General Plan. savings design Update table in 13.24.080. $ savings in correcting conflict 13.24.090 References image Section reflects prior General Plan Update per current GP Potential time Image corridors (pg 18) language savings corridors $ savings in correcting conflict 13.24.130 References Section reflects prior General Plan Update per current GP Potential time Landscaped landscape language savings setbacks setback $ savings in requirements (pg correcting conflict 19) Limits Unclear at this time Proposes including Village Commercial and Unclear at this time Lot line adjustments Major Community Facility zoned property to adjustments within a 6 month allowed exception for commercial districts period on residential zoning (pg 21) 13.48.050 Determines park Section to be updated consistent State mandate to be consistent with General Increase park and dedication Formula for fee or land with current General Plan, which Plan to be required dedication of dedication now requires 5 acres/1000 land required of new population in lieu of 3 acres subdivisions (pg 21) Page 2 — Development Code Tune Up —Title 13 Draft Recommendations Page 3 — Development Code Tune Up —Title 13 Draft Recommendations TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS Chapter 13.04 BASIC PROVISIONS 13.04.010 Purpose. This title is adopted pursuant to Sections 66410 — 66499.58 of the Government Code to provide the city with legal authority for the review and processing of proposed subdivision, reconfiguration and/or consolidation of real property. (Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.04.020 Applicability. This title shall apply to the subdivision, reconfiguration and consolidation of land within the city. (Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.04.030 Authority. The provisions of this title are adopted pursuant to, are intended to be used in conjunction with, and are to be construed in light of, the provisions of the Government Code. Whenever adherence to the provisions of this title would constitute a violation of state and/or federal law, the provisions of state and/or federal law shall take precedence. (Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.04.040 Advisory agency. The planning direG Community Development Director is designated an "advisory agency" under state law for the purposes of: A. Investigating and preparing reports to the planning commission on the design and improvement of subdivisions; B. Approving, conditionally approving or disapproving tentative parcel maps. C. Approving, conditionally approving or disapproving amending of final maps. (Ord. 356 § 1, 2001; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.04.050 Conformance with existing city plans and development criteria. A. All land divisions shall conform with the general plan of the city, with all applicable specific plans, with the requirements of the land use ordinance and other ordinances, with the requirements of this title except as hereinafter provided, and with the State Subdivision Map Act, all as may be revised from time to time. B. Exceptions from the requirements of this title relating to the design or improvement of land divisions shall be granted only when it is determined that there are special circumstances applicable to the property, such as, but not limited to, size, shape or topographical conditions, or existing road alignment and width, and that the granting of TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS the modification will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare, or other property in the vicinity. C. Applications for exceptions shall be made, in writing, stating fully the reasons and justification for the requested exception, and shall be filed with the tentative map. (Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.04.060 Review and approval authority. The authority for review and approval of subdivisions and related land actions is set forth in Table 13-1. as follows: Formatted Table Tentative map extensions City sta Other ro sible agenGies- City council 2 DID Rg n4 2 TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS Table 13-1 Review and Approval Authority PH = Decision -making body (public hearing required) R(PH) = Recommending review body (public hearing required) A = Administrative review by Community Development Director (no PH) CC = Decision-makinq body (City Council as consent calendar item) Decision -Making Authority Type of Application Staff Planning I City Commission I Council Vesting Tentative maps R(PH) PH Tentative maps PH Revised Tentative maps PH Tentative Parcel maps PH Tentative map extensions A' Final and Parcel maps CC 3 TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS Waiver of Parcel map Reversion to Acreage Lot Line Adjustments Parcel Mergers Amending Final maps Substantial Conformance - Tentative maps Environmental review PH PH A A PH A** Per city environmental review procedures By Community Development Director ** By Public Works Director Community Development Director may only consider extensions if there are no proposed changes to the tentative map. 41RIannong GOMmission shall review tentative traGt map when Gity GGunGil is the appr authority. a traei map. (Ord. 394 § 2, 2003; Ord. 356 § 1, 2001; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.04.070 Definitions. As used in this title: "Access/egress" means the ability to enter a site from a roadway and exit a site onto a roadway by motorized vehicle. "Alley" means a secondary means of access to property and is located at the rear or side of the property. Minimum right-of-way width shall be twenty feet. 0 TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS "Approved," when used to refer to a tentative map or other subdivision or reconfiguration action having received the consent, endorsement or permission of the city or any advisory agency thereof, means and includes those maps or actions which have been "conditionally approved." "Archaeological" means that which relates to the material remains of past human life, culture or activities. "Caltrans" means the California Department of Transportation. "Census" means the official decennial enumeration of the population conducted by the federal government. "CEQA" means the California Environmental Quality Act. "City" means the G4City of La Quinta and/or its employees. "Civil code" means the Civil Code of the stateState-of California. "Consistent" means free from variation or contradiction. Programs in the general plan are to be consistent, not contradictory or preferential. State law requires consistency between a general plan and implementation measures such as the subdivision ordinance. "Covenants, conditions and restrictions" (CC&Rs) means a document which describes restrictive limitations that may be placed on property and its use, and which usually are made a condition of holding title or lease. "Cul-de-sac" means a street open at one end only, with special provisions for turning around. Further extension of a cul-de-sac is precluded by the land division design. "Design" means and includes the following features: (1) street alignments, grades and widths; (2) drainage water, and sanitary sewer facilities and utilities, including alignments and grades thereof; (3) location and size of all required easements and rights -of -way; (4) fire roads and firebreaks; (5) lot size and configuration; (6) traffic access; (7) grading; (8) land to be dedicated for park or recreational purposes; and (9) such other specific physical requirements in the plan and configuration of the entire subdivision as may be necessary to ensure consistency with, or implementation of, the general plan or any applicable specific plan. "Detention basin" means a facility constructed to temporarily retard stormwater runoff from entering downstream drainage facilities. Water is slowly released through an outlet structure at a rate that will not exceed the carrying capacity of the downstream channel. Detention basins are often planted with grass and used, in dry weather, for open space or recreation areas. TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS "Development" means the uses to which the land which is the subject of a map shall be put, the buildings to be constructed on it, and all alteration of the land and construction incident to them. "Development right" means the right to develop land by a landowner who maintains fee - simple ownership over the land or by a party other than the owner who has obtained the rights to develop. Such rights usually are expressed in terms of density allowed under existing zoning. For example, one development right may equal one unit of housing or may equal a specific number of square feet of gross floor area in one or more specified zone districts. "Easement" means the fight to use property owned by another for specific purposes or to gain access to another property. For example, utility companies often have easements on the private property of individuals to be able to install and maintain utility facilities. "Final map" means a final tract map. "Finding(s)" means the result(s) of an investigation and the basis upon which decisions are made. Findings are used by city employees and decision -making bodies to justify action taken by them. Flood, One -Hundred -Year. "One -hundred -year flood" means the magnitude of a flood expected to occur every one hundred years, on average, based on historical data. The one -hundred -year flood has a one in one hundred, or one percent, chance of occurring in any given year. "General-plar4Plan" means the general plan of the Csity of La Quinta, as adopted and amended pursuant to Section 65302 et seq. of the Government Code. "Geologic analysis" means the analysis of geologic hazards, including all potential seismic hazards, surface ruptures, liquefaction, landsliding, mudsliding and the potential for erosion and sedimentation. "Government Code" means the Government Code of the Sstate of California. "Improvement" means any street work and utilities to be installed, or agreed to be installed, by the subdivider on the land to be used for public or private streets, highways, and easements, as are necessary for the general use of the lot owners in the subdivision and local neighborhood traffic and drainage needs as a condition precedent to the approval and acceptance of the final map. It also refers to any other specific improvements or types of improvements, the installation of which, either by the subdivider, by public agencies, by private utilities, by any other entity approved by the TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS local agency, or by a combination of them, is necessary to ensure consistency with, or implementation of, the geneFaHa4RQeneral Plan or any applicable specific plan. "Improvements" shall either be "Private Improvements," which retained by the subdivider, the lot owners, and/or an association of owners within the subdivision, or "Public Improvements," which are intended to be owned by, or dedicated to, the city or another public agency. "Parcel map" means a final parcel map. "Parkway" means the area adjoining the outer edge of the roadbed, extending to the right-of-way line in which sidewalks, plantings, utilities, bank slopes and related facilities may be located. "Pro rata" means the proportionate distribution of something to something else or to some group, such as the cost of infrastructure improvements associated with new development apportioned to the users of the infrastructure on the basis of projected use. "Restrict" means to check, bound or decrease the range, scope or incidence of a particular condition. "Retention basin" means a facility constructed to prevent stormwater from entering downstream drainage channels. The water is retained until it percolates into the ground and helps recharge the natural water table. Retention basins are often planted with grass and used, in dry weather, for open space or recreation areas. "Revised Tentative map" means a revision to a valid approved tentative map and/or its approval conditions, wherein the design and/or improvements of the tentative map are modified from that of said aDDroved tentative man. but with no substantial chanae in concept from the approved tentative map, as determined by the Community Development Director. "Right-of-way" means the entire width of property used for highways, flood and drainage works, overhead and underground utilities, or any related improvements. "Shall" means that which is obligatory, necessary or mandatory. "Slope" means land gradient described as the vertical rise divided by the horizontal run, and expressed in percent. "Specific plan" means a plan adopted by the GityGOupCity Council that is based upon the G*City of La Quinta genera;-p: Qeneral Plan and is consistent with Section 65450 et seq. of the Government Code. TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS "Storm runoff" means surplus surface water generated by rainfall that does not seep into the earth but flows overland to lower elevations. Street, Collector. "Collector street" means a two-lane street improvement within a si ty- feur to seventy fouF feet right-of-way with a ahie width as specified in the General Plan circulation element. Collector streets are designed for both mobility and access to adjacent property and often provide on -street parking. Collector streets generally serve shorter trips within neighborhoods and access to higher -level streets. Designation of collector streets in the City of La Quinta are set forth in the General Plan circulation element.VVest aFd HE) flr'ye is an example .,f a neiientnr street withiR the Gity 0 Quinta. Street Improvements, Full -Width. "Full -width street improvements" means pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, medians, traffic -control devices, pavement markings, and other improvements required by Chapter 13.24, the La Quinta general planGeneral Plan circulation element and the city engineer. Street, Local. "Local street" means a two-lane street within a sixty foot right-of-way with a variable width of thirty-six to forty feet between curb faces. All renaainingother roadways which do not fit within the arterial or collector classifications are local streets. The local street system is designed for access to abutting properties and the movement of traffic is of secondary importance. Street, Major Arterial. "Major arterial street" means a six -lane street improvement within a ene hundred twenty feet right-of-way width as specified in the General Plan circulation element,ni^et foot width between urh faE)es .with oeighteen feet wiand includes a raised center median to separate opposing traffic flows and restrict access to adjacent properties. Major arterial streets are designed to provide a high level of mobility for very large traffic volumes and generally serve trips of several miles or more, including pass -through traffic. Major arterial streets link major activity centers within the community and provide direct connections to the regional roadway system. Wao Street leffeFson Street and Fred Waring nri„e a example&Designation of major arterial streets in the city -City of La Quinta are set forth in the General Plan circulation element. Highway 111 is atse-classified as a major arterial, but has seventy two foot variable right-of-way and varying improvement widths as established by the GalifGFRia Department of TraRSPE)rtat set forth in the General Plan circulation element. Street, Primary Arterial. "Primary arterial street" means a four -lane street improvement within a right-of-way width as specified in the General Plan circulation element, seventy-six to eighty-six feet in width between curb faces, having -and includes a raised center median twelve to eighteen feet in wi ++h to TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS separate opposing traffic flows and restrict access to adjacent properties. The primary arterial is designed to provide mobility for high traffic volumes, to provide continuity through the city, and generally serve trip lengths of one or more miles. Designation of Primary arterial streets in the City of La Quinta are set forth in the General Plan circulation element. Moles Avenue, Avenue 50 and E'senhewer Drive , examples of primary arterial streets On the city of La Quanta. Street, Private. "Private street' means a privately maintained street within a private development or a planned residential development. Street, Secondary Arterial. "Secondary arterial street' means a four -lane street improvement within an eighty eight feet -a right-of-way width as specified in the General Plan circulation element.six+„_feur feet Wide between GYrh tease. The secondary arterial is designed for mobility, to provide continuity through the community, and generally serves trips of a mile or more. Secondary arterial streets generally border neighborhoods and offer access as a secondary consideration. Designation of secondary arterial streets in the City of La Quinta are set forth in the General Plan circulation element. Adams Street, Dune PaIMS and Avenida Bermudas south f Avenue 52 are pies of se Gendar„ arterial streets in the pity Of La Quinta "Subdivision" means the division of any unit or units of improved or unimproved land, or any portion thereof, shown on the latest equalized county assessment roll as a unit or as contiguous units. Property shall be considered as contiguous, even if it is separated by roads, streets, utility easements or railroad rights -of -way. This definition also refers to a condominium project, a community apartment project, or the conversion of five or more existing dwelling units to a stock cooperative, as defined in subdivisions (f), (d) and (m) of Section 1351 of the Civil Code. "Subdivision Map Act" means Sections 66410 to 66499.58, inclusive, of the Government Code of the state of California as may be revised from time to time. "Substantial Conformance" means minor modification(s) to a valid approved tentative map, which involve changes to map characteristics such as lot lines, shapes, dimensions, size, etc; changes to street widths or grades, grading criteria, pad elevations, and other similar characteristics that do not change the basic design and improvements required of the approved tentative map and the conditions thereof. "Tentative map" and "tentative parcel map" mean a map designed to illustrate the concept of a proposed subdivision and how it interfaces with existing conditions and surrounding uses. Tentative maps need not be based upon an accurate or detailed field survey of the property. TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS Comment EWN11: Delete this entire section 13.08.010 Diagram. The La Quanta subdivision prOGessshall he as fellow-& • wn snr... k we a•�' a.. l`21TI§a M�anl� YrY�ra i._. i� e�ol w KnR' �a i L.c pes. M Arh �A aY.1r W Ate. ti.uw Fw W� M►ry ypwY �I`1 �arw ae_> iwr �+a. 6an� ba urvrse r SST I�r 10 TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS Chapter 13.12 TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAPS 13.12.040 Filing of tentative maps. Tentative maps shall be filed with the planniRg departr en+Community Development DepartmentCommunity Development Department. The city may by resolution establish a filing fee schedule for the processing of final maps. (Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.12.050 Application materials. The following application materials shall be submitted with each proposed subdivision: ,-The city tentative subdivision map application form; A. tB— B. A public notification package must be submitted to the Community Development Department and shall include a scaled map or Assessor's Map showing all properties within a minimum 500-foot radius of subject property, a typed list of all Property owners and their mailing address within a 500-foot radius, and all residents/tenants of said properties, and a typed list of the residents that reside contiguous to the subject property. The package shall include 3 sets of typed, self-adhesive, address labels for the above property owners and residents, as well as application contact persons. The list and map must be prepared with a wet signed or notarized certification by a title company, the Riverside County Assessor, or a licensed architect, engineer, or surveyor. A five hURdFed feet Fadius map exhibit, dFaWR te sGale, Wh'Gh displays these properties within five hundred foot of the subdivision boundaries anof whioh identifies thenarnes of the affented n perky GWRers s listed in the latest updated s my equalized tax rolls; ThFee sets of self adhesive FnailiRg labels and E)Re PhOtE)GOPY Of th8 RaMeS and addresses of these property ow;Terwithinfive feet of the sy bdiyisien -,-R,o- �n �4�dred -� b9URdaaF) C. A completed copy of the city environmental information form and environmental filing fee, if the tentative map is determined to be subject to CEQA. D. Twenty she requisite number of copies of the tentative map (as stated in the application requirements form), folded a^^erdien st„ leappropriately to a size not exceeding eight and one-half inches by eleven inches, with two reduced reproducible originals not exceeding eight and one-half inches by eleven inches in size; E. A preliminary title report prepared and dated no more than ninety days prior to submission of the application; 11 TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS F. A drainage report describing the on- and off -site drainage characteristics, the amount of stormwater falling within the development and the proposed method of retaining that stormwater, and the amount and nature of historic inflow from other properties and the proposed method of retaining or passing through the inflow; G. The following additional documentation and special studies may be required: 1. 1. Historical, paleontological and/or archaeological study 2_ 2. Biological study i. , 3 Geologic onrl or coils st dy i 3_ 4. Traffic study 4. Geologic and/or soils study, 4-.5. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP). This list is not all inclusive, and any other special studies required will be determined by city staff on a case -by -case basis. (Ord. 295 § 1, 1997; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 1 Q 12 120 Special studies. As part Of aRy teRtatiVe map submittal, a qualified aFGhaeeleg'st shall evaluate, rep and identify appropriate mitigation measures on the projeGt related impaGtS to cultural, horticulturist may be required to evaluate any project related impacts to-h-Abit-At arpeas of threatened or endangered plant and wildlife species —(Ord. 295§1, 1997; Ord. z272-§- , 4-995) 13.12.120 Revised tentative maps A revised tentative map may be filed for an approved tentative map, where the design and/or improvements of the tentative map are modified from that of said approved tentative map, but with no substantial change in concept from the approved tentative map. A. The Community Development Director shall determine whether the proposed revisions to the tentative map substantially conform to the original concept of the approved tentative map. B. A revised tentative map shall comply with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and all applicable provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code in effect at the time of aaaroval of the revised tentative maD. 12 TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS C. A revised tentative map shall be processed in the same manner as an initial tentative map proposal, with the exception of any procedures determined to be inapplicable. D. The approval or conditional approval of a revised tentative map shall terminate approval of the original tentative map. However, the revised tentative map approval or conditional approval shall not extend the original time period within which the final map may be filed. 13.12.140 Appeals. A subdivider or any other interested party may appeal a decision of the advisory ageneyCommunity Development Director or the glanningPlanning Dorn-m;ss;o^ Commission by using the following procedures: A. Appeal of the Adviser„ geRGyA�proval Authority Decision. Within ten -fifteen calendar days after the date of the-@E decision by the advisery agenEyCommunity Development Director, a written appeal, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee, may be submitted to the planning depa'me^'Community Development Department. The "date of decision" shall be either the time a formal noticed hearing is held or the date noted on correspondence mailed to the subdivider indicating the staf —decision. The appeal shall state the item to be appealed and the reason for the request. The Community Development Director shall set the matter for hearing before the plaRRing GOMm+ssion Planning Commission within thirty days after the date of filing the appeal. Written notice of the hearing shall be provided by mail to the subdivider, the property owner and those property owners or individuals originally noticed at the time of the first public hearing. B. Appeal of the Planning Commissions Decision. Within4en fifteen calendar days after the date of the decision by the Planning Commission RaR R 0 Rg GOmmiSsi9n, a written appeal, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee, may be submitted to the planning departmentCommunity Development Department. The city clerk shall set the matter for hearing before the G*Qity_GGuRGi4Qouncil. The hearing on the appeal shall be held not more than thirty days from the date of receipt of the appeal and shall give written notice of the hearing to the subdivider, property owner, and those property owners or individuals originally noticed at the first public hearing. (Ord. 356 § 1, 2000; Ord. 295 § 1, 1997; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.12.150 Term of tentative maps. Pursuant to California Government Code §66452.6(a)1, tThe approval or conditional approval of a tentative map by the c*City GGunEi-Council shall expire twenty uFthirty_ six months after such approval. (Ord. 295 § 1, 1997; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.12.160 Extensions of time for tentative maps. 13 TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS The expiration of an approved tentative map shall terminate all proceedings and no final map or parcel map of all or any portion of the real property included within the tentative map shall be filed with the city council without first processing a new tentative map. The initial twothree-year term of tentative maps may be extended as follows: A. Nothing in this chapter shall preclude or otherwise disallow any automatic time extension which may be granted by the state of California, for any approved tentative map meeting the criteria for such an extension. Any automatic extension shall run from the expiration date of the qualifying map, and shall be in addition to any remaining extensions available under this chapter. B. Request by the Subdivider. Before the expiration of the tentative map, the subdivider may apply for awe -ye r-- extension of time. ems -Applications for extensions of time shall be filed with the planning departmentCommunity Development DepartmentCommunity Development Department ^^ ocean All requests for extensions of time shall include: 1. A completed application forme letter; 2. An identification of the length of time requested and reasonts) for the request; 3. The current processing fee as charged by the city for tentative map time extensions; 4. eThe requisite number of copies of the tentative map as required by the application. The tentative map shall be as approved by the c*City ceURG"Council. Additional copies may be requested subsequent to the application submittal. Extensions of time may be granted by the PlaRRig Community Development d+reotor Director if there are no changes to the approved tentative map. The director may waive some or all submittal material as noted in subsections (13)(1) through (4) of this section. Extensions of time that include m^dTchanges to the approved tentative map are subject to the public notification procedure provided for in Section 13.12.090 and will be considered at a public hearing, to be held by the designated approval authority as set forth in Section 13.04.060. A time extension granted by the Community Development Director may not exceed two years. The approval authority may appreve—agrant a maximum of six one-year time extensions. The extension may be granted for any period of time, from one year up to the maximum of six years. rv,axim„rn of three Re yeaF time exte ,siens and The approval authority shall impose additional conditions of approval if such conditions are intended to maintain the public health, safety and welfare and/or to comply with current city, state or federal requirements. If, as part of the request for extension of the term of a tentative map, the subdivider requests changes or amendments to the tentative map or the conditions of approval for that map, the s+ty approval authority may impose other conditions or amendments to the tentative map or the conditions of approval including the then -current standards and requirements for approval of tentative maps. 14 TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS C. Filing of Final Maps/Off-site Improvements. If a subdivider is required to expend the amount specified in Section 66453.6 of the Government Code to construct, improve or finance the construction or improvement of public improvements outside the property boundaries of the tentative map, excluding improvements of public rights -of -way which abut the boundary of the property to be subdivided and which are reasonably related to the development of that property, each filing of a final map authorized by Section 66456.1 of the Government Code shall extend the expiration of the approved tentative map by thirty-six months from the date of its expiration or the date of a previously filed final map, whichever is later. The extensions shall not extend the term of the tentative map more than ten years from its approval. D. Development Agreements, Moratoriums, Lawsuits, Etc. Additional factors affecting the term of approved tentative maps, and information for the proper construction of the provisions of subsections A through C of this section shall be as specified in Section 66452.6 of the Government Code. (Ord. 394 § 2, 2003; Ord. 295 § 1, 1997; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.12.170 Substantial conformance with tentative map The process and criteria for substantial conformance determinations with an approved tentative map are at the discretion of the Public Works Director, based on the definition set forth in Chapter 13.04, Section 13.04.070. Requests for substantial conformance determinations shall be filed with the Public Works Department, in the format and with the information as may be required by the Public Works Director in order to adequately review and decide on the reauest. As part of the review. the Public Works Director shall transmit a copy of the request to the Community Development Department for comment, as to zoning comnformance with the approved tentative map. 15 TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS Chapter 13.20 FINAL MAPS AND PARCEL MAPS 13.20.010 Purpose. This chapter establishes requirements for the preparation and processing of final maps, parcel maps and waivers of parcel maps. (Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.20.020 Applicability. A final map shall be required for all subdivisions creating five or more parcels, five or more condominiums as defined in Section 783 of the Civil Code, a community apartment project containing five or more parcels, or for the conversion of a dwelling to a stock cooperative containing five or more dwelling units, except as specified herein below. A parcel map shall be required for all subdivisions creating four or less parcels, four or less condominiums as defined in Section 783 of the Civil Code, a community apartment project containing four or less parcels, or for the conversion of a dwelling to a stock cooperative containing four or less dwelling units, ORGILidipgwith exception of land and parcels with the following characteristics: A. The land consists of a parcel or parcels of land having approved access to a Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + public street or highway which comprises part of a tract of land zoned for Numbering Style: A, B, C, ... + Starr at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.28" + Indent industrial or commercial development, and which has the approval of the at: 0.53" governing body as to street alignments and widths; or B. The land before division contains less than five acres, each parcel created by the' Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + division abuts upon a maintained public street or highway and no dedications or Numbering Style: A, B, C, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.28" + Indent improvements are required by the legislative body; or at: 0.53" C. Each parcel created by the division has a gross area of twenty or more acres Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + and has an approved access to a maintained public street or highway; or Numbering Style: A, B, C, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.28" + Indent at: 0.53" D. Each parcel created by the division has a gross area of not less than forty acres Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + or is not less than a quarter or a quarter section. (Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) Numbering Style: A, B, C, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.28" + Indent at: 0.53" 13.20.130 Appeals. Appeals ^f the advisery ageRGY or planning GOMmissien deG'S'^^^ concerning final maps, amending final maps, parcel maps and waivers of parcel maps shall be processed as provided in Section 13.12.140, Appeals. (Ord. 356 § 1, 2000; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 16 TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS Chapter 13.24 IMPROVEMENTS 13.24.070 Street design —Generally. The design of street improvements shall conform with the following: A. Full -width street improvements shall be required for all internal subdivision streets and alleys. B. Subdivisions bordering a public street shall provide half -width right-of-way improvements, plus one additional travel lane on the opposite side of the centerline if it does not already exist. C. The street system in a proposed subdivision shall relate to and be compatible with existing or proposed streets in adjacent subdivisions and/or specific plans and shall, where applicable, provide for future development of adjoining property. D. Street connections shall be at ninety -degree angles unless approved by the city engineer. E. Alleys shall be at least twenty feet in width. Dead-end alleys shall provide adequate area for a turnaround. F. Cul-de-sacs shall not exceed a distance of one thousand three hundred twenty feet in length (measured from the centerline of the intersection to the center of the cul-de-sac) unless provided with improved emergency access/outlet routes no more than one thousand three hundred twenty feet from the end of the cul-de- sac. G. Minimum street grades shall be 0.5 percent longitudinally, 2.0 percent laterally. H. Additional rights -of -way or easements shall be provided, where necessary, to accommodate roadway slopes, drainage structures, bicycle or equestrian paths and trails, and other facilities related to subdivision development. I. The size and configuration of streets shall comply with the fe8ewiRg tableCirculation Element of the La Quinta General plan. 17 TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS NONE rem .MEN= J. The right-of-way radius for cul-de-sac bulbs shall be a minimum of forty-five feet. The minimum curb radius shall be forty-five feet for private streets and thirty-eight feet for public streets. (Ord. 490 § 1, 2011; Ord. 275 § 1, 1997; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.24.080 Street design —Private streets. Private streets, permitted only when there is adequate provision for their construction and maintenance, shall be in conformance with the standards listed in Table 13.24.070 except as follows: Width Permitted Use 28 feet No on -street parking 32 feet Parking on only one side of street 36 feet Development Parking on both sides of the street 40 feet Entry and primary circulation streets (Ord. 295 § 1, 1997; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 18 TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS 13.24.090 Image corridors and gateway iRteFS8GtOGRS The circulation element of the La Quinta general plan establishes image corridors -and gateway 'RteFSeGt' RS which warrant special improvements. Improvements constructed along image corridors and at gateway comply with the improvement standards identified in the general plan. (Ord. 295 § 1, 1997; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.24.130 Landscape setbacks. Landscape setbacks are required along public street rights -of -way. Buildings, walls, parking lots, and other improvements associated with the subdivision shall not be constructed within setbacks except as allowed herein. Retention basins, public sidewalks and equestrian trails may be located in setbacks if approved by the city as compatible with the landscape and design theme desired within the setbacks. Landscape setbacks for residential subdivisions shall be created on the final map as lettered lots. If the subdivision streets are to be ungated and publicly maintained, landscape setback lots shall be dedicated to the city. If the subdivision streets are to be gated and privately maintained, landscape setback lots shall be dedicated to the homeowners' or landowners' association. Landscape setback widths, as measured perpendicular to the ultimate right -of way line, shall generally be as follows: Street Setback Highway 111 50 feet Other major arterial streets 20 feet Primary arterial streets 20 feet Secondary arterial streets 10 feet Collector streets 10 feet 13.24.140 Landscaping plans. Landscape and irrigation plans for landscaped lots, landscape setback areas, medians, common retention basins and park facilities shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted for review and approval of 19 TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS the plann+ng-direeterCommunity Development Director and the CSity €ng}aeerEngineer (Ord. 295 § 1, 1997; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.24.150 Special improvements. Bicycle lanes shall be designed and improved consistent with the bikeway corridor policy diagram contained within the La Quinta general plan, or and the comprehensive trails system master plan. Hiking and equestrian trails shall be designed and improved consistent with the park recreation policy diagram of the La Quinta general plan, or if adopted, the comprehensive trails system master plan. The trails shall be deeded to the city either in fee or as easements as determined by the c*City engine-erEngineer. (Ord. 295 § 1, 1997; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.24.160 Maintenance. Subdividers shall make provisions for maintenance of improvements until final acceptance, by the city council, of all improvements required as conditions of approval. For privately maintained street and drainage improvements, the entity responsible for maintenance shall comply with all applicable provisions of the gener-ai-most current stormwater discharge permit (SDP) issued for the Colorado River Basin under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), including the city's stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) and the drainage area master plan (DAMP). (Ord. 295 § 1, 1997; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.24.170 Clean air/clean water The subdivider shall comply with applicable provisions of the NPDES. In the absence of an NPDES permit specific to the subdivision, the subdivider shall comply with the SWPPP and DAMP as approved for the c*City under the city's SDP. Graded land shall be protected from wind and water erosion through the use of various materials and methods such as, but not limited to, active irrigation, establishment of vegetative root structure to anchor soil, or surface barriers such as straw, wood chips or anchored plastic sheeting. Prior to grading operations, the subdivider shall submit and receive approval of a fugitive dust control plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 6.4&16 of this code. (Ord. 295 § 1, 1997; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) W TITLE 13 SUBDIVISIONS AD HOC EDITS Chapter 13.32 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS 13.32.010 Purpose. This chapter establishes procedures for adjusting the boundary lines between two or more existing parcels. (Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 13.32.020 Applicability. Lot line adjustment may be utilized to reconfigure the size or shape of one lot provided that: A. All property line segments adjusted are boundary lines of the subject lot (though the extensions of the adjusted segments may affect several lots); B. The lot line adjustment does not alter the number of lots; and C. The applicant and/or owner of the property has not received approval of a lot line adjustment affecting any of the lots to be altered, or lots abutting any of the lots to be altered, for a period of six months immediately preceding the date of the current application, unless the property is zoned neighbeFhesd.Neighborhood oornrneroalCommercial, -nem—m—un—ithT-Community oon,moroialCommercial, regional Regional oonMeMialCommercial, e#ioe Office Commercial,o GG gaF!(Commercial Park, Village Commercial or Major Community Facilities in which case there shall be no time restriction between lot line adjustments. (Ord. 444 § 1, 2007; Ord. 326 § 3, 1998; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) Chapter 13.48 PARK DEDICATIONS (QUIMBY ACT) 13.48.050 Formula for dedication of land. The parkland dedication requirement shall equal three -five 5 acres per one thousand people. The number of people within a subdivision shall be calculated by multiplying the number of dwelling units times the average deRS*ty per dwe"iRg ^ }persons per household in the city according to the latest U.S. Census. (Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 21