04-7941 (CONR) Geotechnical InvestivationFrom: 5624279864 Page: 1/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:36:59 PM unknown pa8e: 1/45 Date: 11312 ` - 005 3:39:29 PM "OTECHNICAL INVESTIQATION PROPOSED RESORT HOMES DEVELOP4'IE14T QST OF EISENHOWER DRIVE LA QUINTA. CALIFOW41A Ptcpaied By- Sladden Engineering - 39 -725 Garand Lane, Suite a PalM Nsert, California 92211 (760) 7n-3893 40 Z O =, From: 5624279864 Page: 2145 Date: 2/23/2006 2:36:59 PM From: unknown „ Pagq: 2/45_. Date: 1!3/2005 3:39:29 PM Sladden Engineering 6782 Siantori Ave., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90821 (714) 5234YO32 Fax (714) 623-1369 $9-725 Garand Ln., Suite G. Palm Desert, CA MI1 (760)T72-3893 Fax(760)772-3895 May L3, 2003 Project No. 544-3183 03.05-3:30 Centex Destination Properties 1111 East Tahquit2 Canyon Way, Suite 10.1 Palm, Springs, California 92262 Attention: W. Mike Darcy Project: Proposed Resort Homes Development West of Eisenhower Drive at Coachella Drive La Quinta California Subject: Geoteehnical Investigation PresenW herewith is the report of our Geotechnical Investigation conducted at the site of the Proposed destination resort residential development located just west of EiserLhower Drive north of Avenida Fernando in the City of La Gtuinta, California, The investigation was performed in order to provide recommendations for site preparation and to assist in foundation design for the proposed residential buildings and associated improvements. The project will also include various related aite improvements including concrete walkways, patios, swimming pools, paved roadway,, driveways, parking areas and various underground utilities, This report presents the results of our field investigation and laboratory testing along with conclusions and recommendations for foundation design and site preparation as outlined in our proposed dated April 10, 2003. We appreciate the opportunity to provide service to you on this project, If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact the undersigned RMectfully submitted, SLADDBN ENGINEEI{INQ J Brett L. Anderson Principal Engineer SER/pc Copies= 6/Centex Destination Properties From: 5624279864 Page: 3145 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:00 PM From: unknown Paye: 3145 _ Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:29 PM GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED RESORT HOMES DF.VEi,OPMENT WEST OF EISENHOWER DRIVE LA QUINTA, CAIJFORNIA . May 23: 200!3 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ ... 1 SCOPEOF WORK ................................ -............ ------------------------------------- -.... -.......................... 1 PROJECTDESCRIPTION............................................................................................----------- I GEOLOGYAND SEISMICITY --................ ......... ................................................................... 2 SUBSURFACECOMMONS ............................................._..................................----....•---..... 2 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................................... 3 FoundationDesign.............................................................................................................. 4 Settlements...................................................................................................................- 4 LateralDeaign............................................................................................................. RetainingWalls............................................-----------------..........•--_........................................ 5 ExpansiveSoils.................................................................................................................... b ConcreteSlabs•on-Cradc..................................................................................................... 5 SolubleSulfate&................................................................................................................... 5 Tentative Pavement Design.......................................................................... ..................... b Shrinkageand Subsidenm.................................................................................................. 6 GeneralSite 0-rading.................................... -..................................................................... 6 1. Clearing and Grubbing ........... .......................................................... -..................... 6 2. Preparation of Building Areax................................................................................ 6 3. Preparation of Surfaces to Receive Compacted Fill ................................................ 6 4. Placement of Compacted Fill.............................................................. -...... ............. 6 5. Preparation of Slab and Pavement Areas...........................................................It.- 7 6. Testing and Inspection.............................................................................................. 7 GENERAL----------------------------------- ----------------. __......_.._._ ...... _.._.,_..._...........-. _.. .._.......-•------- 7 APPENDIX A - Site Plan and Boring Logs Field Exploration APPENDIX B - Laboratory Tosting Laboratory Test Results APPENDIX C - 1997 UBC Seismic Design. Critori n t From: 5624279864 Page: 4/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:00 PM ` - - - From: unknown P2ge: 4/45 ..Date -..1 r3/2005 3:39:30 PM - May 23. 2003 l- Project No. 544.3183 • os-(�i•:i30 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our Geotechnical Investigation performed is order to provide recommendations for the design and construction of the foundations for the proposed resort residential complex. The project site is located on the west side of Eisenhower Drive just north of Avenida Fernando in the City of La Quint&, California. The preliminary plans indicate that the proposed project wM include a destination resort complex and various related site improvements. The associated site improvements will include concrete walkways, patios, paved roadways, driveways and parking areas, swimming pools, various underground utilities and landscape areas - SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of our investigation was to determine certain engineering characteristics of the near surface soils on the site in order to develop recommendations for foundation design and site preparation. Our investigation included field exploration, laboratory testing, engineering analysis and the preparation of this report_ Evaluation of environmental ieeuce or hazardous materials was not within the scope of services provided. Our inve%tigation was performed in accordance with contemporary geotechnical engineering principles and practice, We make no other warranty, either express or implied. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is located on the west side of Eisenhower Drive just north of Avenida Fernando in the City of La Quinta, California. The preliminary site plan provided by Centex Destination Resorts indicatna that the project will consist of a multi -building resort re3idential development. It is our understanding that the proposed residential buildings will be of relatively lightweight wood -frame construction. The associated site improvements will include concrete walkways and patios, paved roadways, driveways and parking areas, swimming pools, landscape areas and various underground utilities. The project site is presently vacant and the ground surface is covered with scattered desert bruah, weeds, short grass and debris_ The &subject site is generally trianguVAr in shape and occupies approximately 68 acres. The eouthera, western and northern edges of the site are delineated by the baso of the Santa Rosa 1Vl9untains that ascend stccplp upward from tho level portions of the site. The majority of the site is relatively level and near the elevation of the adjacent property to the east and Streets. There are underground utilities along the nearby street. The La Quinta Reeort and Spa facility is located south of the site beyond the mountain ridge that separates the properties. The La Quinta Country Club development is located east of the site beyond Eisenhower Drive. The adjacent property to the northeast of the site remains vacant. Based upon our previous experience with similar lightweight wood -frame structures, we expect that isolated column loads will be less than 30 kips and wall loading will be less than 3.0 kips per linear foot. Orading is expected to include minor Guts and fill* to construct slightly elevated buildit►g pads and to accommodate site drainage. This does not include removal and reeompaction of the foundation bearing soils within the building areas. If the anticipated foundatiou loading or site grading varies substantially from that assumed, the recommendations included in this report should be reevaluated_ From: 5624279864 Page: 5145 Date: 2123/2006 2:37:00 PM From: unknown Page; 5/45 Date: 113/2005 3:39:30 PM May23, 2003 -2- Project No- 544.3183 03-06.330 GEOLOGY AND SEISMICITY The project site is located within the northern portion of the Salton Trough which is a structural depression resulting from movement along faults within the region. Generally, the trough is defined on the northeast by the San Andreas. Fault zone and on the southwest by the San Jacinto 1' ault zone_ The Balton Trough represents a northerly extension of the gulf of California. The Salton Trough has experienced ongoing deposition of sedimenta (both marine and non-msrins) since Miocene times, The Bite is underlain by Quaternary lake and alluvial deposits consisting of interbedded silty sands, silts and clays. The site is underlain by several thousand feet of lacustrine and alluvial. deposits. Seismic activity along the nearby faults continues to affect the area and the Coachella Valley is considered one of the more seismically active regions in California. The San -Andreas Fault system is the closest fault zone to the site, The San Andreas Fault is considered capable of generating a Maximum Credible Earthquake of magnitude 8 0 in the event of multiple segment grotuid rupture. The Mission Creek segment is considered capable of generating earthquakes of magnitude 7.5. Based upon an estimated distance to the fault of approximately 11.6krn. the maximum site acceleration is estimated to be approximately 0.368g - Several significant seismic events have occurred within the Coachella Valley during the past 60 years. The events include Desert Flot Springs - 1948 (6-6 Magnitude), Palm Springs • 19W (5,9 Magnitude), Deaert Hot Springs - 1992 (6,1 Magnitude), Landers - 1992 (7-5 Magnitude) and Big Bear - 1992 (6.6 Magnitude). SUBSUBPA,CE CONDITIONS The site is underlain primarily by native sandy silts and fine-grained silty sands. In general, the site soils appeared loose throughout the upper 5 to 10 feet but sampler penetration resistance (aa measured by field blow counts) indicate that density generally increases with depth Relatively undisturbed samples indicated in-place they density varying from 78 to 97 pounds per cubic foot. The site soils were found to be generally dry throughout the depth of our borings but some of the deeper soils were moist Moisture contents varying hom.0 to 19 percent were determined for the samples obtained within our borings- , Laboratory classification testing indicates that the near surface soils consist primarily of sandy ¢ills and silty fine grained sande. l;xpansion testing indicates that the surface soils are generally non - expansive and fall within the "very low' expansion category in accordancc with the Uniform Building Cods classification system. No groundwater was encountered within our borings that extended to a depth of approximately 50 foot below the existing ground surface. Groundwater should not be a factor in foundation design or construction- From: 5624279864 - Page: 6145 Date: 2123/2006 2:37:01 PM ` - From: unknown Paye: 6/45 Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:30 PM May 23, 2003 -3• Project No_ 544-3183 03.05-330 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon our field and laboratory investigation, it is our opinion that the proposed resort residential complex is feasible from a soil mechanic's standpoint provided that the recommendations included in this report are considered in building foundation design and site grading. Due to the loose and compressible conditions of the near surface native soils, remedial grading including over - excavation and recompaction is recommended for the proposed building areas. We recommend that remedial grading within the proposed building areae include over -excavation and recompaetion of the artificial fills and the primary foundation boaring soils. Specific recommendations for site preparation are presented in the site grading section of this report_ Groundwater was not encountered within our borings and groundwater is expected to be in excess of 60 feet below the existing ground surface in the vicinity of the :cite. Due to the depth to groundwater, specific liquefaction analyses were not performed. Based upon the depth to groundwater, the generally dense conditions of the deeper silty sands and the prominence of non•liquefiuhle sandy silts within our borings, the potential for liquefaction and the related surficial affects of liquefaction impacting the site aro considered negligible. The site is located at the base of the Santa Rosa Mountains and Acep slopes of exposed bedrock form the southern, weti-tern and northern property boundaries- The natural slope; consist of weathered bedrock and loose boulders and cobbles exist throughout the exposed surface. Some of tho eurface rocks may be eu.-sccptible to downslope movement resulting from erosion or seismic events. The proposed site configuration including the construction of retention bruins along the base of the mountains should adequately mitigate rockfall or rolling boulder hazards. The site is located in one of the more seismically active areas in California. Design professionals should be aware of the site !matting and the potential for earthquake activity during the anticipated life of the structure should be acknowlodged. The accelerations that may be experienced on the site las previously discussed) should be considered in design. The seismic provisions included in the Uniform Building Code for Seismic Zone 4 should be considered the minimum design criteria, Pertinent 19971111C Seismic Design 06tcria is summarized in Appendix C_ Caving did occur to varying degrees within our borings and the potential for caving should be expected within deeper excavations. All excavations should be constructed in accordance with the normal CalOSHA excavation criteria. On the basis of our observations of the materials encountered; we anticipate that the near surface silty sands will be classified ns Type "B' or "C' in accordance with CalOSHA classification criteria- Soil conditions should be verified in the field by a 'Competent person" employed by the Contractor - The near surface sandy silts and silty sands encountered during our investigation were found to be generally non -expansive- Laboratory testing indicated Expansion lndices of 1 and 19 for near Surface sandy silts and the "alty sands that corresponds with the "very low" expansion entegory in accordance with UBC Table 18-I•B. Because substantial mixing and blending of the surface wile is expected during site grading the expansion potential may change. The expansive potential should be evaluated after grading and the foundation and slab design should be modified if deemed necessary. From: 5624279864 Page: 7/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:01 PM ` From: unknown Pale: 7/45 _ Date: 11312005 3:39:31 PM May 23, 2003 -4- Project No. 544.3183 03-05-330 Several large cracks and/or fissures were observed within the southern and eastern portion of the site. The cracks appear to be the result of drying shrinkage within the near surface silt layers and exploratory trenches excavated along the cracks indicate that the cracks disappear -approximately 4 to 5 feet below grade. It ie possible that the noted cracks may be related to ground subsidence within the central portion of the valley. The surface manifestation of regional subsidence would likely iadude the creation of tension zones and tension cracks around the perimeter of the valley - The following recommendations present more detailed design criteria. which have been developed on the basis of our field and laboratory investigation_ Foundation Design- The results of our investigation indicate that either conventional shallow continuous footings or isolated pad footings, which are supported upon properly recompacted soils- may be expectedto provide satisfactory support for the proposed self - storage buildings. Over -excavation and/or recompaction should be performed as described in the Site Grading Section of this report. Footinp should extend at least 12 inches beneath lowest adjacent grade. Isolated square or rectangular foutingn at least 2•fect square may be designed using an :allowable bearing pressure of 2000 pounds per square foot. Continuous footings at least 12 inches wide may be designed using an allowable bearing pressure of 1800 pounds per square foot. Allowable increases of 200 psf for each additional 1 foot of width and 260 psf for each additional 6 inches of depth may be utilized if desired. The maximum allowable bearing pressure should be 2500 pat. The allowable bearing pressures are for dead and frequently applied live loads and may be increased by 1/3 to resist wind, seismic or other transient loading Care should be taken to see that bearing soils are not allowed to become saturated from the ponding of rainwater or irrigation. Drainage from the building areas should be rapid and complete. The recommendations made in the preceding paragraphs are based on the assumption that all footings will be supported upon properly compacted engineered fill soils. All grading shall be performed under the testing and inspection of the Solls Engineer or his representative. Prior to the placement of concrete, we recommend that the footing excavations be inspected in order to verify that they extend into compacted sail and are free of loose and disturbed materials. Sottlemonte: Settlements may result from the anticipated foundation loads. These estimated ultimate settlomente are calculated to be a maximum of 1 -inch when using the recommended bearing values. As a practical matter, differential settlements between footings can be assumed as one -hall of the total settlement. Subsidence related to e6amic events or groundwater depletion is a possibility in the Coachella Valley. Subsidence from groundwater depletion is not expected to occur directly beneath the site but the proximity of the mountain ridges suggests that tension zones may develop on tho site as a result of regional subsidence - Lateral Design: Resistance to lateral Ion" can be provided by a combination of friction acting at the base of the slabs or foundations and passive earth pressure along the sides of the foundatione. A coefficient of friction of 0.40 between soil and concrete may be used with dead load forces only. A passive earth pressure of 250 pounds per square foot, per foot of depth, may be used for the sides of footings. which are poured against properly compacted native soils- uotluuuglut:)Ujmq allmade agl uodn poseq sts cleui: uv pue silos opez3gns luniou eq; jo 3upsel pus 3uildmvs opnlauL ttim stgy -easId_ui oxv silos opoi2qut3 egl uogm 2uipuzZ alts jo not;aldwoo oql av you xguoa aq pinogs pun 2A►at'4u9I ary suftisap gvrs pun luatuan8a -luauiaavld �u?.mp euogvnala . pun ssowpM jo lozluoa asmaxd pun opu figns pa;avdwoo S(mzojiun a gjint papTnoad aq pinotls saogoos papumnaoaaz oq,L -suogeagtaadS paepue}S etrwjju;D erll 3o G£ uopoos o; mzojuw pinogs alaaauaa o. lcgdsV -Z66T Sxvnuup 'euopuagpoddS paupuviS auu.Ltvo 3o 9Z uot}aaS ut aseq eluSaagV Z 5sulo xoj sluauraiinbaa aqa of wxojuoo pinotls oseq alr,3az33V - -}aema�ed alisuo aql jo Ripotvax eql jo u&esp eql xoj algeaildde aq pinogs Ivrxegem aeeq jo sagaui g-{, uo jIWgdsv jo sagotn 0•g ,}o uot;aas }aamanEd wnwtuiiu a 'sionq scg} uo -Moedxa w 0; jo ssaoxo ut anTuA-?I us paxalunooua suollipuoa pos aaajrns aa} uodn paovq'uogvagvotut xno licgmp pol'npuoa;ou vvb Soneel anTvA-U 43no1qllV vodw stgl 3o uoi$aaS 3uipuxf on eg} ut paglxaaap se patnxo;xad aq Apux stgl, -(asaq gv902v Dwpnlaxo) satput ZI jo ssauVM Ug poiaedwoo mnuii m v Aq utulzapun aq pinogs 3utAed UV ;tdisa(X juamaAed aer}eluay ,am pa -a m 3v pe-=opRd eq pings sansei alvjlnS -facsssoeu eq IOU pinogs saxtca a;axaaoo luvieisax alvAns pnaads xo luatueo A edd,L jo aen sql pua luautoa H adU jo eon oql xoj s36mtt aigv"^o[Te Innen eul utgates et etgy (tudd) uotMm zed alxud CTT aq o} pautmzajap axaAt elioe aavjms aga jo uot}er}uaotioo Krgine elgnloe eqt •sa}tAnS algnloS -r.mut2ug Iuxnlonx;S ogl Aq pautwaa;ap aq ppiogs elino[ loaluoo jo Svpuds exp pus 1uamoazognax gelS -9pvz2.uo.sgvls elezouoo Ire ut pa;edgTjuv aq pings 3utpvxo paiigw a2v4wxgs pas oxnlexadmoy •a2L-4uixgs a}axauoo of anp 3upppm Suraivluoa ut loajja leiagauaq a aeeq litm IuAmeaxojmaa 'xaAa.Aog paainbaa aq jou dura santseaA 1" 9AteuvcTw9 lersax aq iopxo ui opu13.uo.sgvjs jo laameazojaia)j '3uuna a'jo.cauoo uxzojtun 3uiutvago ut pte o} putt a2uuwp jo Sliligissod oql oonptu a3 zopxo ut pues jo eagatn owl areal iv Sq papajozd eq p1notls szauxeq xodsA -xaizxvq zoduA olegdoxdde utr jo esn mp puommoaw am 'partsap Ion sT qule xooU aql jo st-audraVP axaq* xo 92UTXGAOO xooli *ARMuss wn}erow eAtaoaz of axv squls oraq[& -arodex wqj jo uotlaoS 3trtpwo a;tS aqz ut pagposep sv shoe pa oudtao".i Xq utvlzapun aq.pinotis apoz2.a9-sg1c(s a}sinzuoo 9AE90W of saauians ItV -epwfl-Ao-sgvM q}=uoD uooudua iwalo s;S eq} Sq pegsnginsa aq pinogs nua}tro u9rsap TvuM •opuz3.uo .sq is e;azawo pas suoileptmoj jo u$iQep eKl aoj STvwoa ou 3q lou pings vtza;rxa u2isop jcos omsuedxo leraads 'ale aql uo epos omsuedxa.uou 3o aoueurmwd ettl of and -sltog antsavda� -suot1tpuw mpp-eq 3u1ute,p-a'rj lana( illim silos lliplaeq aAileu ,xoj pd 09 jo a1q2T*M pinU lualvAinba ue 2ursn pa;vmr"aa eq Sam 9=t%ssazd asax ad uBiaaP m T'=?l!}h a4 ptx'ogts sameaatd jeez iv„ 'pout gsox ate ;vtn ohne xo j suotvpuao llrjgovq 2aiuivxp•aax4 lanai tD!& silos TtUI:>vq anp;va zoj Sad 0; jo ag3tam ptn13 ;uelanntba ue 8utsn palsctxrjea aq St3tu OXneaaxd eAt73d -saanssaad anxlae, 2uten pau%oap aq Setu stent Surtrtvlax x3A3lr4ue3 -aotlotuasuoo pasodoxd aql gezldmoaae of pannbax aq XRm sheat 1ltriumit% _MUM& 4utulu}ag pxtq;_euo Sq peanpez eq pinot;s uot}arxj jo luatar�jow wp zo aouuIsp z oAlssnd otll regata `uotasuigiuoa m pass u2gM (gels xooll r gleouoq se ganef pauguoa azag,w idaaxo looj.l xoddn oq; utxp!tA pa.roxiSr aq plttogs oanssezd gazvs eAmvd OCE -40•£0 EST E-1,1,4 'ox }aafQzd -5- EoOZ `EZ Sew . Wd L£:6£:£ SOOZ M :eleQ SY18 :shed unnouijuri :uiotd .. _ . _ , _ Nd ZO:L£ Z 90OZICZIZ :ale(] Stijq :abed 6996LZbZ99:wOJJ From: 5624279864 Page: 9/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:02 PM From: unknown Page: 9/45 Date: 1/3/20053:39:31 PM May 23, 2003 -6- Project No. 544-31.83 03-M-330 Shrinkage and Subsidence: Voltunetric shrinkage of the material, that is excavated and replaced as cvntrollcd compacted fill should be anticipated- We estimate that this shrinkage could vary from 25 to 30 percent. Subsidence of the surfaces that are scarified and compacted should be between 0.1 and 0.3 tenths of a fool. This will vary depending upon the type of equipment used, the moisture content of the soil at the time of grading and the actual degree of compaction attained. These values for shrinkage and subsidence are exclusive of losses that will occur due to the stripping of the organic material from the site, the removal of deletetiouA materials add the removal of debris, and other subsurface obstructions- Goveral Site Grading: All grading should be performed in accordance with the grading ordinance of the City of I•a Quinta. California. The following recommendations have been developed on the basis of our field and laboratory tanting= 1. Clearing and Grubbing. Proper clearing of any existing vegetation and debris will be very important. All surfaces to receive compacted fill should be cleared of roots, vegetation, debris. and other unsuitable materials that should be removed from the site. Soils that are disturbed due to the romoval of the surface vegetation, previous improvements or artificial fill material should be replaced ae controlled compacted fill under the direction of the Soils Engineer. 2. Preparation of Building Areae: Within the building areas, removal and/or recompaction of the foundation bearing soils and any artificial fill soils is recommended- Removals should extend to a depth of at least 6 feet below existing grade or 4 fcct below the bottom of the footings, whichever is deeper. The exposed surface should be scariflM, moisture conditioned and compacted so that a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction is attained. Once deleterious materials are removed, the native soils may be placed as controlled compacted 61L Over - excavation should be observed by a representative of Sladden Engineering and compaction should be verified by testing. Over -excavation should extend at least 5 feet laterally beyond the footings - 3. Preparation of Burfaeea to Receivo Compacted Fill= Other areas to receive compacted fill should be brought to now optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction - 4. Placement of Compacted Fill= INU materials consisting of on-aite soils or approved imported granular soils, should be spread in thin lifts, and compacted at near optimum moisture content to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. Imported material shall have an Expansion Index not exceeding 20. The contractor shall notify the Soils Engineer at least 48 hours in advance of importing soils in order to provide sufficient time for the evaluation of proposed import materials. The contractor shall be. responsible for delivering material to the site, which complies with the project apecifications. Approval by the" Soils Engineer will be based upon material delivered to the site and not the preliminary evaluation of import sources. From: 5624279864 Page: 10/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:02 PM From: unknown Pale: 10145 Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:32 PM \lay 23, 2003 •7• s Project No. 544.3183 03-06.330 Our observations of the material encountered during our investigation indicate that compaction will be most readily obtained by means of heavy rubber -wheeled equipment and/or vibratory compactors. At tho time of our investigation, the aubaor79 were found to be quite dry_ A more uniform and near optimum moisture content should be maintained during recompaction and fill placement- 5. lacement5. Preparation of Slab and Pavement Areas= All surfaces to receive asphalt concrete pavement or concrete slabs -on -grade sheuld be underlain by a minimum compacted fill thickness of 12 inches. This may be n000mplished by a combination of QcarifCcatio:n and reeompaetion of the surface sorts and placement of the fill material as controlled compacted fill. Compaction of the slab and pavement cress should be to a minimum of" percent relative compaction. 8. Testing and Inspection: During grading testa and observations should be performed by the Soils Engineer or his representative in order to verity that the grading is being performed in accordance with the project specifications. Field density testing shall be performed in accordance with acceptable ASTM test methodq_ The minimum aoceptable degree of compaction should be 90 percent of the maximum dry dermity as obtained by the ASTM D1557-91 teat method_ Where testing indicates insufficient density, additional compactivc effort shall be applied until retesting indicates satisfactory compaction. GENERAL The finding& and reeomwendation.s presented in this report are based upon an interpolation of the soil conditions between the exploratory boring locations and extrapolation of these conditions throughout the proposed building area. Should conditions encountered during grading appear different than those indicated in thio report, this office should be notified. This report is considered to be applicablo.for use„by Centex.Deatination.Propertiea.for.,the spaaific site and project described herein. The use of this report by other parties or for other projects is not authorized. The recommendations of this report are contingent upon monitoring of the grading operations by a representative of Shedden Engineering. All recommendations are eonaidered to be tentative pending our review of the grading operations and additional testing, if indicated. If others are employed to perform any soil testing, this office should be notifM prior to such testing in order to coordinate any required site visite by our representative and to assure indemnification of Sladden Engineering - Our investigation was conducted prior to the completion of plans for the project. We recommend that a pre job conference be held on the site prior to the.initiation of site grading. The purpose of this meeting will be to assure a complete understanding of the recommendations presented in this report as they apply to the actual grading performed. From: 5624279864 Page: 11/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:03 PM From: unknown Page: 11/45_ Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:32 PM APPENDIX A Site Plan -Burings Logs From: 5624279864 Page: 12/45 Date: 2/2312006 2:37:03 PM From: unknown Page: 12/45 Date: 1/312065 3:39:32 PM APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION For our field investigation, 9 exploratory borings were excavated on May 5. 2003, using a truck mounted hollow stem auger rig (Mobile S53) in the approximate locations indicated on the site plan included in this appendix- Continuous logs of the materials encountered were made on the site by a representative of Sladden Engineering. Boring logs are included in this appendix. Representative undisturbed samples were obtained within our borings by driving a thin-walled steel penetration sampler (California split spooa sampler) or a Standard Penetration Test (SP7) sampler with a 140 pound hammer dropping approximately 30 inches (ASTM D1586). The number of blows required to drive the samplers 18 inchess was recorded in 6 inch increments and blowcounte are indicated on the boring loge_ The California samplers are 3.0 inches in diameter, carrying brass sample ridge having inner diameters of 2.5 inches. The .st:sndard penetration samplers are 2.0 inches in diameter with an inner diameter of 1.5 inches. Undisturbed semples'wcre removed from the sampler and plamd in moisture sealed containers in order to preserve the natural soil moisture content. Bulk samples were obtained from the excavation spoils and samples were then transported to our laboratory for further observations and testing.. Tn addition, several exploratory trenches were excavated in the vicinity of visible cracks within the ground surface_ Photographs of the various trenches are included within this appendix ' From: 5624279864 Page: 13/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:03 PM From: unknown Pale: 13145 Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:33 PM North, Approximate Boring Locations No Scale Boring Location Map Proposed Residential Development Eisenhower Drive, north of Avenida Fcmando La Quinta,California Sladden Engineering Proiect Number: 544-3183 I Date: 5-1S-03 From: 5624279864 Page: 14145 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:04 PM From: unknown- Pale: 14145 Dote: 1/3/2005 3:39:33 PM Proposed Resort Homes Eisenhower Drivc ! La Quinta, California Date: 5-5-U3 arinis N1 Job No.: 5 3. d aSO DESCRIPTION F. A as cs REMARKS et O nq G7 Un U rn 7 O V 0 - Clayey Silt: Brown, ML I W7/50 90 0 -- 86% passing #200 , 2RJ42/s0 RR 1 — 74% passing 9200 10 9/23 Sand: Brown, SP/S 91 0 p=ing #20012/1 10% - slightly sity, fine ganed 15 13/17/20 ML 89 2 — 74% passing 9200 Clayey Silt. Brown, sandy 20 - 13/19/29 Sand: Brown, fine grained Sp 1 95 0 — 16% passing IJ200 - - Recovered Sample - Total Depth - 21.5 No Bedrock No Oroundwuter 2s 30 35 40 45 60 - Note: The stratification lines ss +tipregent the approximate boundarlet hetween the soil typpes; the transitions may he gn}dw% From: 5624279864 Page: 15/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:04 PM From: unknown Page: 15/45 Date: 1/30005 3:39:33 PM . . From: 5624279864 Page: 16/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:04 PM From: unknown Page: 16/45 - Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:34 PM Proposed Resort Homes , 'Eisenhower Drive / La Quintal California Date: 5-5-03 ~_ _ .. _._Joh No.: 544-3183 a i tom, o DESCRIPTION: q o W REMARKS a Claycy Silt_ Brown, ML s 19/30/30 93 2 -- 89% passing #200 10,7/11/16 Silty Siand: Brown, SM 88 j -- 48'/a passing 9200 _ very silty, fine grained 7b 9/10/13 I Silty Clay: Brown Cl. 8l t0 -- 94% passing #200 - Total Depth v LGS - - Recovered Sample No Bedrock - No Groundwater 20 is so - r- JB 40 4b so Ptutc: Tho s1coifiwlian I111cs 55 represcnt the aWoximate botlndarics batween the soil ly tha transitions may be gradual. From: 5624279864 Page: 17145 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:05 PM ` From: unknown Page: 17/45 Date: 1/312005 3:39:34 PM Proposed Resort Homes Eisenhowcr Drive / La Quints, California ring Date: No. ,;.54 n31, w a DESCRIPTION P -F -MARKS A�� U cq �R n eU Silty Clay: Brown CL 5 IW0145 93 5 — 940/npa."ing 11200 10 23/50-5" 78 7 ••• 91 % passing 11200 ;a 12/18/30 81 1 4 — 99% passing #200 - - _ - TWA) I)cplh = 16 S - Recovered Sample No Bedrock - No Gmundwaw 20 25 From: 5624279864 Page: 1845 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:05 PM From: unknown Pale: 18/45- Date: 1/3!20053:39:34 PM Proposed Resort Homes Eisenhower Drive/ La QuInta, California Job 544 Ci > i oG DESCRIPTION q o REMARKS �" ►�. O •avi U � tY4 Ar- C?,D15 e L) -. _.. .. __._......... 8� Silty Sand: Brown_ SM rine to coarse grained S tall R27 ^ 97 2 - 21% passing #200 to 12/17/28 Sandy Silt: Brown, ML 95 1 -- 57% passing il200 - very sandy 's MI/23 Silty Sand: Drown, SM 92 1 - 441/6 passing #200 - very silty, fine gtnined 20-t" _-- -- --- No Recovery - Sampler on Cobble Depth - 20' T---- -I•otal - - Rccvv=d Snmplc No Bedmck - No (3TOtunrWaW 25 From: 5624279864 Page: 19145 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:05 PM From: unknown Page: 19145 Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:35 PM Proposed Resort Homes Eisenhower Drive / iia Quints, California n2te:5- -03 _.. E 544-3 8 ,J DESCRIPTION E~ q obi a � e o U SM 9 � s4. CP 0 n.!! v� Cg p4 ° Sitty Sand: Bmwn, very silty, find: grained a 6/10/13 " 9/12118 Silty Clay: Brown REMARKS " 11 89 1 3 1 -- 11470/. pmaing 1/200 cL I I U I 19 I -- 1108% passing #2DO is 9/12113 " — 16 ••• 11 95% passing #200 'O 6/7/8 Clayty Silt: Brown, ML. -- 10 — 86% passing #200 Total Depth = 215' - - - ' Recovered Sample No Bedrock (� No Groundwater as L>U Standard Penetration Sample - so I 35 �o 4s so • Note; '11%e struificatinn fines 66 represent the approximate boundaries betvvsen the sail type S; the transitions may he g►aduaL From: 5624279864 Page: 20/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:06 PM From: unknown PaOe: 20!45 Qate: 1/3/2005 3:39:35 PM Proposed Resort Homes )Cisenhower Drive I loring No. L_u Quinta. California S8 _ 544-3183 Date- 5-7-0 j 7 > d a �- DESCRIPTION � a o � P. REMARKS , >r a � q A Ci r%i V GG rn A .J o o CJ o Sandy Silt: Brown, M1. - slightly clayey 19130/50 91 1 — 60% passing 1/200 10 1 Q/14/22 Silty Sand: Brown, SM _-- I •. 45% passing #200 - very silty, fine grained 's 9/t5/23 Silty Clay! Brown CL 86 3 901/6 passing X200 2O 3/5m" Sand: Brown, fine grained SP - 1 — 5°'0 passln #200 Total Drpth = 219 Recovcrcd Samptc No 33airock - No Groundwntrr 25 3o 39 40 45 50 - Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate 65 howxiarics between the soil (y the transitions may be gnulaal_ From: 5624279864 Page: 21/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:06 PM From: unknown Page: 21/45_ Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:35 PM Proposed Resort Homes Eisenhower Drive / La Quinta, California d o DESCRIPTION ate, pa s REMARKS a aP.,v as a o 0 - Clayey Silt- brown. Mt, s 8/24!32 89 3 — 77% passing 11200 10 28/50-6' 81 Sllty Clay: Brown CL 7 - 95% passing #200 ie 3!11/17 -- 64%passing ;1200 Sandy Silt: Brown, ML 86 1 slightly Clayey 20 Silty :: Brown, SM 1111x)/28 &a 92 4 _ 27%passing /1200 Roeowmld Smnple No Dcdru21 S' ck - No Groundwatcr 2s ao From: 5624279864 Page: 22145 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:07 PM From: unknown Page: 22145 Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:36 PM Proposed Resort Homes 5-7-03 Eisenhower Drive / La Quinta, California Due r; o.9 Tob • s 4-31.8 , _ � A a o DESCRIPTION � A � � REMARKS Co A rn v oa c$ ML ? o o u _ Clayey Silt_ Brown s 618/10 - 87 2 -- 970/. passing #200 10 W14/14 96% pissing #200 5Z �s tti/22/I8 r -- 4 --- 95% passing N200 20 1viwu 1 — 256/6 passing H2O0 Silty Sand: Brown, SM — fine grained Silty Sand: Brown, very silty, fine grained 25 - vx 511024 SM — 2 = 133% passing #200 Silty Clay- Brown CL -- 9 --- J%QA passim8 #200 ao 12/22/20 Silty Sand: Brown, SM 4 — 42% passing #200 3S 2/315 ••- _ vtay silty, fine grained Silty Clay: Brown 194% passing #200 40 gn v16 CL _. 23 -- Sandy Silt: Brown, ML — 13 --- 640/a passing 0200 45 4/6/10 _ slightly clayey 5o Silty Sand: Brown, SM 12/30/44 lino grained -- 3 --- 18%passing#200 W itecovared Sample Total Depth - 51.5 _ Disturbed Sample Nora The stratification lines No Bedrock m roprescnt the approximate No Groundwater Elf SW%dr1r4l Penetration houndarie3 between the soil types; be Satn Ie the transitions may graduai. From: 5624279864 Page: 23/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:07 PM From: unknown Page: 23/45_ Date: 1/3120053:39:36 PM AITHNUEX B Labor atory Teahag Laboratory Test Newts From: 5624279864 Page: 24145 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:07 PM From: unknown Pace: 24145 Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:36 PM APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Representative bulk and relatively undisturbed soil samples were obtained in the field and returned to our laboratory for additional observations and testing. Laboratory testing was generally performed in two phases_ The first phase consisted of testing in order to determine the comp$,�tion of the existing natural soil and the general engineering classifications of the soils underlying the site_ Tlus testing was performed in order to estimate the engineering characteristics of the soil and to serve as a basis for selecting samples for the second phase of testing. The second phase ovnsisted of soil mechanics testing. This testing including consolidation, shear strength and expansion testing was performed in order to provide a means of developing specific design recommendations based on the mechanical properties of the soil_ CIASSIFICATION AND COMPACTION TESTING Unit ,Weight and Moisture Content Determinations: Each undisturbed sample was weighed and measured in order to determine its unit weight. A small portion of each sample was then subjected to testing in order to determine its moisture content. This was used In order to determine the dry density of the soil in its natural condition. The results of this testing are shown on the Boring Logs. Maximum Density -Optimum Moisture Determinations: Repreaentotive soil types were selected for maimum density determinations_ This testing was performed in accordance with the ASTM Standard D1557.91, Test Method A. The results of this testing are presented graphically in this appendix. The maximum densities are compared to the field densities of the soil in order to determine the existing relative compaction to the soil. This is. shown on the Boring Logs, and is useful in estimating the strength and compressibility of the soil. Classification Testing: Soil samples were selected for classification testing. This testing consists of mechanical grain sire analyeea and Atterberg Limits determinations. These provide information for developing clasaificationas for the soil in accordance with the unified Clasaifkation System. This Classification system categorizes the soil into groups having similar engineering characteristics. The results of this testing are very useful in detecting variations in the soils and in selecting samples for further testing. SOIL MECHANIC'S TESTING Direct Shear Testing= Ono bulb sample was selected for Direct Shear 'Testing. This testing measures the shear strength of the soil under various normal pressures and is used in developing parameters for foundation design and lateral design. Testing was performed using recompacted test specimens, which were saturated prior to testing_ Testing was performed using a attain controlled test apparatus with normal pressures ranging from 800 to 2300 pounds per square foot_ Expansion Testing: One bulk sample was selected for Expansion testing. Expansion testing was performed in accordance with the UBC Standard 18-2. This testing consists of remolding 4 -inch diameter by 1 -inch thick feet specimens to a moisture content and dry denoity corresponding to approximately 50 percent saturation. The samples aro subjected to a surcharge of 144 pounds per square foot and- allowed to reach equilibrium. At that point the specimens are inundated with distilled water_ The linear expansion is then measured until complete_ Consolidation Testing: Six relatively undisturbed samples were aelected for consolidation testing. For this testing one -inch thick test specimens are subjected to vertical loads varying from 575 pef to 11520 psf applied progressively. The consolidation at each load increment was recorded prior to placement of each eubsequcnt load. The specimens were saturated at the 575 psf or 720 psf load increment. From: 5624279864 Page: 25/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:08 PM Frorn: unknown Page: 25145 Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:37 PM ti Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture ASTM D698/D1557 Project Number. 544-3193 May 7, 2003 ProjectName: Eisenhower & Fernando ASTM D-1557 A Lab ID Number: Rammer Type: Malwal Sample Location: Bulk I @ 0-4' r Description: Sandy Silt Maximum Density: 108 pef , Optimum Moisture 16% Sieve Size % Retained 3/4" J 3/8" #4 0.0 143 140 135 130 u Q' 12S D A 120 4 113 uo 10S too 0 3 10 IS 20 25 Moisture Content, % r From: 5624279864 Page: 26145 Date: 2123/2006 2:37:08 PM From: unknown Page: 26/45 - Date: 1WOOS 3:39:37PM One Dimensional Consolidation ASTM D2435 d! D5333 Job Number: 544-3183 Job Name: Fisenhower & Fernando Sample ID: Boring 1 @ 5 Soil Description- Sandy Silt 1 0 -1 .2 -3 .4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 % Change in Height vs Normal Pressure Diagram :6- Refore Sativation —A --After Sataralion —1 --9— Rebound - _ —sl-- Hydro Consolidation am===---a■222■-; �■■6--�gMMM -�-� ■��222s�G22�■��=■�'2222■�'S2 �2�p►G�245222222-- May 7, 2003 Initial Dry Density, pef: 80.3 Initial Moisture, %. 7 Initial Void patio: 1.077 Specific Gravity: 2.67 % Change in Height vs Normal Pressure Diagram :6- Refore Sativation —A --After Sataralion —1 --9— Rebound - _ —sl-- Hydro Consolidation am===---a■222■-; �■■6--�gMMM -�-� ■��222s�G22�■��=■�'2222■�'S2 �2�p►G�245222222-- -21222--� 22 G2 ■■s_ _Gig_ ■��E 2 -�=l�225M wa22a w�a2 assail2G�i'1�'c,aMl=222:J6'M=2-�■■ �■ MOM MOM ®�■� M --■■■■5■e---==G■0e=.Ml22222 122205'2 ■MMM-- iwa■C_ ili��1 -�■- !=■■ FEEM=w ME= OEM iwaii MEM::�=222®-----225■■■-M-22■■--=5a— ��.ii!'�■iE��.22 __=�=�� wi22ilw ■�a;-�Ii!l�M����-wi��gs�2_ i�■� ! i iii iwlw!li��222iiiwwi�■Bill iiiw i !!i!�` fi ®�2GmeZ' 22555====--0515'=='-- ■�--i,w222i2---22.■on lME2�■ 1522 wwsG■■----�■�■��---■■22wi222 ■SG�eES;s��■ 5522211!0■ G�C!!■N■� QC�C!iii■® No== Elm ME am liG�MM■Ci2 - �J"■O.r9�ia ■Eli --■■■2501:■-■■G5■2_12�11■■2■e 31 --■���!_ -� tsm��M■�---2®2M■m--ONES a=11119■mMM 11M a'.7■MOn Macao ��■2C OEM CMMM Ci�■0MEN! 11!!! !�®__-_-_� ■11wi222222 l====5■■Gm's =22555=��SG ...2■ ■�■ 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 From: 5624279864 Page: 27/45 Date: 2123/2006 2:37:08 PM From: unknown PaOe: 27!45 Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:37 PM One Dimensional Consolidation ASTM D2435 & D5333 Job Number: 544-3183 Job Name: Eisenhower & Fernando Sample ID: Boring 4 Q 51 Soil Description_ Sandy Silt r—"to Change to Height vs Normal Presssure Diagram --fit Scfore Saturation --AW After Saturation —�_Rebour—W--Hydro Consolidation ■ --= i===■ — May 7, 2003 Initial Dry Density, pcf: 93.8 Initial Moisture, W 5 Initial Void Ratio: 0.777 Specific Gravity- 2.67 r—"to Change to Height vs Normal Presssure Diagram --fit Scfore Saturation --AW After Saturation —�_Rebour—W--Hydro Consolidation ■ --= i===■ — 1.0 2.0 ..l?■fil► _�_ 2 �_—�E ■ --���■ _!!�■�� mmmmiMA OEM= son _-- !nNiq mm mmimm■ .. I i _■i■■ �•._ MU®-- I ate-----s..so.am' Win am -mom= imam mmmmmm BEEN= m ONES imam= _■■�■��i'=9■■=---- !a=5■■■m:—!_Bidmmm m m ■■mega■�--�__■°■■■e�---=mom=■ ---------------- --- ■ia=�■■==i=ii OMMMM Mon2Z ==m=0210orm mr'9UN MERIM_!__M■■■1■=■■%!_!m_ ■Q■■■■�---- _®■�_ii■1■■■®�■ __w ■■■■■■�___�...! ■■ase==�--..-.. -=iM= Sam imam — ■ _ 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 From: 5624279864 Page: 28145 Date: 2/2312006 2:37:09 PM From: unknown Page: 29/45 Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:38 PM One Dimensional Consolidation ASTM D2435 & D5333 Job Ntunber: 544-3183 May 7, 2003 Job Name: Eisenhower & Fernando Initial Dry Density, pcf: 81.8 Sample ID: Boring 4 Q 10' Initial Moisture, %: 7 Soil Description: Sandy Silt Initial Void Ratio: 1.037 Specific Gravity: 2.67 Hydrocollapse: 0.9% QQ 0.575 Jcsf % Change In Height vs Normal Presssure Diagram s--8cfore SatumdooRer Saturation - t3 Rebound --IF-Hydro Consolidation •- IGEN = .il6Eiiee::111■,■� arm armll Ismail ii■!i Having...fi..i■■ CI■��Qos I,CCiiii■iiINININs■:M!O!_�� Norm i 01No I :11 ow ■■E■ -1,.. -::::::!■...■.. illi !■ ---------.■i■!i�j11111!EEEi::1■�1; ■■■,■■mD►`ii��■■---!■!:!l!lQ!s:MIN■■■■ !-�I 111l; fliffliffs3mm i■-. �l■■!1�■■ a■!Ei■■El■--■g�,!� MEE w II■■■■ ■■■■i!!�■i■-3011■w■i■■■!l lww �ii■!!l■ ■!■�ll■, ■i■■Eill,■■■,. !■!E�im!■■■� -ill ,■■,■■a��■m,��■wl:�:: l!!!!!Si��,■■m ....i„■l■m - ..i..... EI,m:.i...,■■5■ iilsliwONE�E. i■!i■■■i■■■ ig�■, ■,■::: ..,.---.■■■■Div,,,,,■®�-i.■:::■ Eu ONSIMI ion a, ■-:::�i::!!E ,aa ON mom logo ll■■m iii■i■■■ ■!■■iN,,■m lE■E■■■■i■i E,■� ■ .ii...s=,.� !!ii■e =s■, moi, oliiii�sm��.■5ialliiliIL-o 0MMOMMM �EiE,■mON miiiilli:::WO:llGe iii■■:::N1!ll;ll1U;�l l:::::i .:■l.11l:.. ::::::5s::!!!i■,EEiiEe.■i...i�.m■m1111m�m:!95m ilii■i■t:.ii -■■■i - ---.. .. ■■■■■9!:M!el:aiilzE: ■■■,,■,a,1114E..i.EmIffii■l- U iliE - iii■ilii■i! _ 1151= ,■■m !lieEE6m■�m®im::::::a5!!!!!!!!E,■liiie1=;ommm■gii � ■illi.■i■■w .W■.illi■iii■iiEi From: 5624279864 Page: 29/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:09 PM - From: unknown Page: 29/45 Date: 1/312005 3:39:38 PM One Dimensional Consolidation ASTM D2.335 & D5333 Job Nurnber. 544-3183 Job Name. 8iscnhower & Fernando Sample ID: goring 4 @ 15' Soil Description: Sandy Silt % Change in Height vs Normal Pres=urc-Diagrant —0—Herae Saturation—ARer Saturation - 6�--Rebound_ — T14ydro Consolidation a.� Z.0 25 3-0 3.5 4-0 4.5 5.0 May 7, 2003 Initial Dry Density, pcf: 83.4 Initial Moisture, %: 4, Initial Void Ratio: 0.999 Specific Gravity. 2.67 % Change in Height vs Normal Pres=urc-Diagrant —0—Herae Saturation—ARer Saturation - 6�--Rebound_ — T14ydro Consolidation a.� Z.0 25 3-0 3.5 4-0 4.5 5.0 From: 5624279864 Page: 30/45 Date: 2123/2006 2:37:09 PM From: unknown Pale: 30/45 Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:38 PM One Dimensional Consolidation ASTM D2435 & D5333 Job Number: 544-3183 May 7, 2003 Job Name: Eisenhower & Fernando Initial Dry Density, pcf: 89.2 Sample ID: Boring 7 aQ 5 Initial Moisture, %: 1 Soil Description: Sturdy Silt Initial Void Ratio: 0.869 Specific Gravity: 2.67 �mmm� am �!=5'�a5�i5�s5i5555 -55 5a� �"@;e--■���---■■---5555- ■��-s MMM MM MM MM MMM 50■5- ��e■5555=5M MR R -__■ -■�■ _ NIZE 55i5-5°�a5i --■--..s5m5� -�5 -----■■ __■m�v_5m11ee---M5■�5e ■�I■m____e5■____i■�C----�■5e-- ■ -___■■■_'� _■■■ MINE �- _■■ '�■�■ IMMOM� :5e9 -=�55■ -.M5■e5■__5MMM ZSCH55 H=EW 0=221i MMMM R-1 MM BE __�_�■■__i-----�1iwR i_a� __ __- --_2S 20 IM SSee�iEM5=�Mi-e=m=55■NE ZMMVia"-5_5-- --■e MM_■■ __aem �5■e 55 55511UMWOOINe■5a5555■■-=-55G5i-555 __IM■■---■eS_ 5e56555555®s 5955556i5■■S5■ - ■$5e_ ■ 55555■5--155■50-°=55-=5355--SEG ®®■----5=9e:---5555155-5®55■5_ge5 a5=s5555�i5_25®5555---_555 -_55 - ■■■e®5_9■s5■5'■eae=-5=-°r■- -■■■5i =a�5 --ame55---SSS■---i55;5i'e ■ea■ -55ee1 0.0 ' 1.0 . 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 From: 5624279864 Page: 31145 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:10 PM From: unknown PaSe: 31/45 Date: 1/312005 3:39:39 PM One Dimensional Consolidation ASTM D2435 & D5333 Job Number_ 544-3183 May 7, 2003 Job Name: Eisenhower & Fernando Initial Dry Density, pcf- 84.2 Sample ID: Boring 8 cQ 5° Initial Moisture, W 3 Soil Description: Sandy Silt Initial Void Ratio: 0.980 Specific Gravity: 2.67 Change In Height vs Normal Presssure Diagram I --0 Beibre Saturation -A After Saturation - tom-Rebound-iF-l-tydro Consolidntion� 1 0 -1 _2 -3 --4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6-0 7.0 From: 5624279864 Page: 32/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:10 PM From: unknown Pale: 32145 Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:39 PM Gradation ASTM CI I7 & C136 Project Numbcr_ 544-3183 May 7, 2003 Project Name: Eisenhower & Fernando Sample ID: Boring 1 @ 10' Sieve Sieve Percent Size, in Size, mm Passing 1" 25.4 100 3/4" 19.1 100 1/2" 12.7 100 3/8" 9.53 100 #4 4.75 100 #8 236 100 #16 1.18 100 #30 0.60 I00 #50 0-30 98 _ #100 0.15 48 #200 0.074 10 From: 5624279864 - Page: 33/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:11 PM . From: unknown Pase: 33145 , Date: 1/312005 3:39:39 PM Expansion Index ASTM D 4829/UBC 29-2 Job Number: 544-3183 Date: 5/7/03 Job Name: Eisenhower & Fernando Tech: Jake Lab 1D: Wt of Wet Soil: Sample 11): Bulk 1 @ 04' Soil Description: Sandy Silt Wet Density, pef 104.9 Denstiy, pet 90A Saturation: 50.0 Expansion Rack # Wt of Soil + Rin : 525.0 Wei hi of Rin : 179.0 Wt of Wet Soil: 346.0 Percent Moisture: 16% Wet Density, pef 104.9 Denstiy, pet 90A Saturation: 50.0 Expansion Rack # Expansion Index. 1 (FIrW - tnitia) x 1000 Lit Slad&tl Engineering Revised 12110102 Datefrime 5/9/03 1 p 00A.M. Initial Reading 0.500 Final Raadipj 0.501 Expansion Index. 1 (FIrW - tnitia) x 1000 Lit Slad&tl Engineering Revised 12110102 From: 5624279864 Page: 34/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:11 PM From: unknown Pale: 34145 _ Date: 1/3f2005 3:39:40 PM - ANAHEIM TEST LABORATORY 3008 S. ORANGE AVENUE. 5ANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA 92707 PHONE (714) 549-7267 Ta SLADDEN ENGINEERING: 6782 STANTON AVE. SUITE A DATE- 5/16/03 BUENA PARK, CA. 90621 eo.No Chain of Custody Shipper Np. ATTN: $REIT/DAVE LOO. N06 A-3188 Spec4ficafiore Maferipl- SOIL PROJECT: $544-3183 H-1 @ 0-5' FORM #2 M ANALYTICAL REPORT CORROSION SEItIES SUMMARY OF DATA .pH SOLUBLE SULFATES SOLUBLE CHLORIDES MIN. RESISTIVITY per Ca. 417 per ea. 422 per Ca. 643 PPM ppm ohm -cm 7.8 115 482. 949 FA, W .�✓Jc.i%lI/AL1/ From: 5624279864' Page: 35145 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:11 PM From: unknown Pale: 35145 Data: 1/3/2005 3:39:40 PM APPENDIX C 1997 UBC Seismic Design Criteria From: 5624279864 Page: 36145 Dater 2/23/2006 2:37:12 PM From: unknown Pale: 36145 _ Date: 113/2005 3:39:40 PM 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE INFORMATION The International Conference of Building Officials 1997 Uniform Building Code contains substantial revisions and additions to the earthquake engineering section summarized in Chapter 1&. Concepts contained in the 1997 code that will likely be relevant to construction of the proposed structure are summarized below. Ground shaking is expected to be the primary hazard most likely to affect the site, based upon proximity to significant faults capable of generating large earthquakes. Major fault zones considered to be most likely to create strong ground shaking at the site are listed below. Based on our field observations and underatending of local geologic conditions, the soil profile type judged applicable to thin sitc is 9a, generally deacribcd as stiff' or dense soil. The site is located within UBC Seismic Zone n, The following table presents additional coefficients and factors relevant to seismic mitigation for new construction upon adoption of the 1997 code. Approximate I}istonce Fault Type Fault Zone From Sita (1997 UBC) San Andreas I L5 km A San Jacinto 31.7 km A, Based on our field observations and underatending of local geologic conditions, the soil profile type judged applicable to thin sitc is 9a, generally deacribcd as stiff' or dense soil. The site is located within UBC Seismic Zone n, The following table presents additional coefficients and factors relevant to seismic mitigation for new construction upon adoption of the 1997 code. Near -Source Near -Source Seismic Seismic octsmic Acceleration Velocity Coefficient Coefficient Source Factor N. Factor, Nx Ca C.. San Andreas 1'.0 1.14 0.44 Na 0.64 N. San Jacinto 1.Q 1.0 0.44 Na 0.64 N„ From: 5624279864 Page: 37/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:12 PM From: unknown Pale: 37145 Date: 1!3/2005 3:39:41 PM I - %.i .��.A#}AAA}�}A*ML.V@@•lri { E 0 F A U L T } Version 3.00 # ' DETERMINISTIC ESTIMATION OF PF.AK ACCELERATION FROM DiGi'll'LED FAULTS JOB NUMRF.R:.544-3183 DATE: 06-02-2003 JOB NAME: Eisenhower Drive, north of -Avenida Fernando La Quinta, California CALCU!AIlON NAME: Test Run Analysis FAULT -DATA -FT TX NAME: CDMGFLTE.DAT SITE (:OOADINATES: SITE. LATITUDE: 33.6944 SITE LONGITUDE: 116.3084 SEARCH RADIUS: 100 mi ATTENUATION RPIATION: 5) Boore et al. 11997) Hori7. - SOIL (310) UNCERTAINTY (M -Median, S=Sigma): M Number of Sigmas: 0.0 DISTANCE MEASURE: cd_2drp SCOND: 0 Basement Depth: 5.00 km Campbell. SSR: Campbell SHR- COMPUTE PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION FAULT -DATA FILE USED: ,CDMGE*LTE_DAT MINIMUM DEPTH VALUE (km): 0.0 From: 5624279864 Page: 38/45 Date: 2123/2006 2:37:12 PM From: unknown Page: 38/45 Date_ 1!3!2005 3:39:41 PAA EQFAULT SUMMARY --------------- ----------------------------- DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS Page 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' I I AABREVIATED .I FAULT NAME I I SAN ANDREAS - Coachella I SAN ANDREAS - Southern I BURNT MTN. I SAN ANDREAS - San Bernardino EUREKA PEAK i SAN JACTNTO-ANZA I SAN JACINTO-COYOTE CREEK I PINTO MO1)NTAIN I EMERSON So. - COPPER MTN, I LAND99S I SAN JACINTO SORREGO I SAN JAC1N'1'O-SAN JACTNTO VALLEY I PISGAH-BULLION MTN.-MESQUITE LIC I NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (East) I EARTHQUAKE, VALLEY I ELSINORE-JOLIAN BRAWLEY SEISMIC ZONE { JOHNSON VALLEY (Northern) I CALICO - HIDALGO { ELSINURE-TEMECULA NORTH FRONTAL FAVLT'ZONE (West) I LENWOOD-LOCKHART-OLD WOMAN SPRGSI ELMORE RANCH I ELSINORF-COYOTE MOUNTAIN I 3UPERSTITION MTN. (San .Tar_into) I SUPERSTITION HILLS (San Jacinto)( HELENDALE - S. LOC:KHARU7• I SAN JAC,INTO-SAN BtRNARDINO I EL SINORE-GLEN IVY 1 CLEGHOR14 1 IMPERIAL ) LAGUNA SALADA 1 CUCAMONGA I CHINO -CENTRAL AVE.. (Elsinore) I NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (Offshore) I ROSE CANYON I WHITTILR I SAN ANDREAS - Mojave I SAN ANDREAS - 18S7 Rupture I SAN JOSE I IESTTMATED MAX. EARTHQUAKE EVENT APPROXIMATE I---•----------- ---------------- DISTANCE I MAXIMUM I PEAK ZEST. SiTE Mi (km) (EARTHQUAKE( SITE (INTENSITY I MAG.(Mw) I ACCEL. g IMOD.MF.RC. 7.1( 11.5)1 7.1 1 0.314 I IX /.l( 11.5)) 7.4 1 0.368 I IX 17.8( 28.6)1 6.4 1 0.114 1 VII 18.6( 29.9)1 7.3 1 0.1'/8 1 VIII 1.9.0( 30.5)1 6.4 1 0.109 1 vil 19.7(' 31.7)1 7.2 1 0.162 1 VTTT 20.0( 32.2)1 6.8 1 0.129 1 V111 30.2( 48.6)1 7.0 1 0.105 1 VTT 32.8( !)2.8)1 6.9 1 0.093 1 VII 33.0( 53.1)1 7.3 1 0.115 1 VIT 34.8( 56.0)1 6.6 1 0.076 1 VTT 35.1( 56.5)1 6.9 1 0.089 1 VII 35.2( 36.7)1 7.1 1 0.098 I VII 37.5( 60.4)1 6.7 1 0.092 1 V11 38.8( 62.01 6-5 1 0.067 1 VI 42.0( 67.6)1 '/.1 1 0.086 1 VTT 42.1( 67.8)1 6.4 1 0-059 1 Vi 43.8( 70.5)1 6.7 1 0.067 1 VI 45.9( 73.9)1 7.1 1 0.080 1 VII 46.0( 74.1)1 6.8 1 0.068 1 VI 49.2( 79.1)1 7.0 1 0.088 1 VII 49.3( 79.3)1 7.3 1 0.084 1 V11 49,3( 79.4)1 6.6 1 0.058 1 VI 50.5( 81.3)1 6.8 1 0.064 1 VI 53.3( 85.8)1 6.6 1 0-05') 1 VI 54.3( 87.4)1 6.6 1 0.054 1 V1 56.8( 91.4)1 7_1 1 0.068 1 VT 57.8( 93.1)1 6.7 1 0.054 I, VI 59.8( 96.3)1 6.8 1 0.056 1 V1 65.6( 105,6)1 6.5 1 0.044 1 VT 68.7( 110.6)1 7.0 1 0.056 1 VI 71.3( 114.8)1 7.0 1 0.0`4 I V1 73.0( 117.5)1 7.0 1 0.065 1 VI 73.0( 117.5)1 6.7 1 0.055 1 VT 74.4( 119.7)1 6.9 1 0.050 1 VI 74.4( 119.8)1 6.9 1 0.050 1 VI 77.2( 124.2)1 6.8 1 0.046 1 VI 82.1( 132.))1 7.1 1 0.051. 1 V1 82.1( 132.1)1 7.0 ( 0.074 1 VII 84.6( 136.1)1 6.5 1 0.044 1 V1 From: 5624279864 Page: 39145 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:13 PM From: unknown PeSe: 39!45 Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:41 PM ----------------------------- DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS ----------------------------- Page 2 -------------------------------------- I JESTIMATED MAX. EARTHQUAKE EVENT I APPROXIMATE I -------------------------------- ABBREVIATED I DISTANCE I MAXIMUM I PEAK JEST. SITE; FAULT NAME I mi (km) IF.ARTIIQUAKEJ SITE (INTENSITY MAG. (Mw) I ACCF.T.. g ___-_� IMOD.MCRC. • . , =•�• • : _.- __—___ _����o�� SIERRA MADRE I a��_»....,,m=ate I m=- I n���>=�L W..: I 87.4( 140_•/)I 7.0 1 0.056 1 VI GRAVEL HILLS - HARPER LAKE I 88.6( 142.6)1 6.9 1 0.043 1 VI ELYSIAN PARK THRUST L 89.5( 144.0)1 6.7 1 0.047 1 VI CORONADO HANK I 89.6( 144.2)1 7.4 1 0.056 I VI NEWPORT-1NGLEWOOD (L.A.Rasfn) 1 93.1( 149.8)1 6.9 1 0.042 1 VI COMPTON THRUST 1 96.0( 154-5)1 6.8 1 0.047 1 VI CLAMSHELL-SAWPIT 1 96.1( 154.6)1 6.5 1 0.040 1 V PALOS VEIU)ES I 9'/_9( 157.6)1 7.1 1 0.045 1 VI :aa*aaaa�aaaaaa=a�..,.,rrwwwwrrr+wwwsww,F.k#aaasas.sail+xraaa•rwrrasrw�.awraeraacw,r: —ENR OF SEARCH— 48' FAULTS FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SEARCH 1tAVIUS, THE SAN ANDREAS - Coachella FAULT•IS CLOSEST TO THE SITE. IT IS ABOUT 7.1 MILLS (11.5 km) AWAY. LARGEST MAXIMUM -EARTHQUAKE SITE, ACCELERATION. 0.3682 g t ` 7 • From: 5624279864 Page: 40145 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:13 PM _ From: unknown ...Pa e: 40/45 Date: 1/3/20053:39:42 PM CALIFORNIA FAULT MAP EiscnhoWrr Clove, north of Avenida Fernando 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 Soo 400 300 `200 100 0 -100 -400- -300 -200 -100 - 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 From: 5624279864 Page: 41/45 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:13 PM _ From: unknown , Page: 41!45 Date: 1/3/2005 3:39:42 PM STRIKE --SLIP FAULTS 5) Booze et al. (1997) Horiz. - SOIL (3 Y 0) M=5 M=6 M=7 M=8 :'V 5_, 1 .01: .001 i 10 100 Distance Fadistj (km) From: 5624279864 Page: 42/45 Date: 2123/2006 2:37:14 PM _ _.• _ _ From: unknown Pale: 42/45 Date: 1/3120053:39:42 PM _ DIP -SLIP FAULTS 5) Boore et al. (1997) Horiz. - SOIL (310) M=5 M=6 M=7 M=8 U Ca - Q .01 .001 1 10 100 Distance (adistj (km) .n From: 5624279864 Page: 43145 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:14 PM _ From: unknown Page: 43/45 • Oate:1/3/2005 3:39:43 PM BLIND THRUST FAULTS 5) Boore et al- (1997) Horiz. -- SOIL (310) M=5 M=6 M=7 M=8 C, .1 c� a� .0011 t 10 100 Distance [adist] (km) From: 5624279864 Page: 44/45 Date: 2123/2006 2:37:14 PM From: unknown ..P ge: 44145 Date: 11312005 3:39:43 PM MAMNYLRvl EARTHQUAKES Eistnhow.er Drive, north of Avenida Fernando tl; C .1 0 .001 N 1 10 100 Distance (mi) From: 5624279864 Page: 45145 Date: 2/23/2006 2:37:15 PM From: unknown Page: 45145„Date: 1/312005 3:39:43 PM a EARTHQUAKE MAGNITUDES & DISTANCES Eisenhower Drive, north of Avenida Fernando .1 1 • 7.75 7.50 7.25. ` • •M • •• 7.00 • • •• 6.75-- A • • 6.550 * • go 10 100 Distance (mi)