2021 04 06 Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1 APRIL 6, 2021 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 2021 3:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION | 4:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION ****************************** SPECIAL NOTICE Teleconferencing and Telephonic Accessibility In Effect Pursuant to Executive Orders N-25-20, N-29-20, N-33-20, N-35-20, and N-60- 20 executed by the Governor of California, in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.), members of the City Council, the City Manager, City Attorney, City Staff, and City Consultants may participate in this regular meeting by teleconference. Additionally, pursuant to the above-referenced executive orders, members of the public temporarily are not permitted to physically attend at City Hall the meeting to which this agenda applies, but any member of the public may listen or participate in the open session of this meeting as specified below. Members of the public wanting to listen to the open session of the meeting may do so by tuning-in live via http://laquinta.12milesout.com/video/live.   Members of the public wanting to address the City Council during the open session, either for public comment or for a specific agenda item, or both, are requested to send an email notification to the La Quinta City Clerk’s Office at CityClerkMail@LaQuintaCA.gov, and specify the following information: 1) Full Name 4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number 2) City of Residence 5) Subject 3) Phone Number 6) Written or Telephonic Verbal Comments City Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City’s web page: www.LaQuintaCA.gov CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2 APRIL 6, 2021 The email “subject line” must clearly state “Written Comments” or “Telephonic Verbal Comments.” *** NEW TELECONFERENCE PROCEDURES *** Verbal public comments via Teleconference – requests to speak must be emailed to the City Clerk no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the City Council, and general public for the item(s) by providing him/her with the teleconference information for the meeting and allowing him/her to be queued in to speak. Please note – members of the public must independently queue themselves into the meeting following the instructions provided by the City. Only one person at a time may speak by telephone and only after being recognized by the Mayor. Written public comments must be received by the City Clerk’s Office no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, and will be distributed to the City Council, incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Mayor, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the City Clerk’s Office can accommodate such request. It would be appreciated that any email communications for public comments related to the items on the agenda, or for general public comment, are provided to the City Clerk’s Office at the email address listed above prior to the commencement of the meeting. If that is not possible, and to accommodate public comments on items that may be added to the agenda after its initial posting or items that are on the agenda, every effort will be made to attempt to review emails received by the City Clerk’s Office during the course of the meeting. The Mayor or Chairperson will endeavor to take a brief pause before action is taken on any agenda item to allow the City Clerk to review emails and share any public comments received during the meeting. All emails received by the City Clerk, at the email address above, until the adjournment of the meeting, will be included within the public record relating to the meeting. ****************************** CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda by emailing written public comments or requests to CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 3 APRIL 6, 2021 provide verbal telephonic public comments as indicated above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words). The City Council values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by Government Code § 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA CLOSED SESSION 1. THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES, PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (a) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957. CONSULTATION WITH: ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, SENIOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR; WILLIAM H. IHRKE, CITY ATTORNEY (Review Continued Need and Response to Proclaimed State and Local Emergencies Caused by COVID-19) 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION; SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: 1) 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE. NAME OF CASE: CITY OF LA QUINTA, PETITIONER, V. LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION, RESPONDENT, USPTO TRADEMARK TRIAL AND APPEAL BD., CANCELLATION CASE NO.: 92076446. NAME OF CASE: LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION, PLAINTIFF, V. CITY OF LA QUINTA, DEFENDANT, US DIST. COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CAL., CASE NO. 5:21-CV-515 4. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON NORTH OF HIGHWAY 111, WEST OF WASHINGTON STREET (APN 604- 050-067) CITY NEGOTIATOR: JON McMILLEN, CITY MANAGER NEGOTIATING PARTY: MICHAEL SHOVLIN UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT 5. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6; CITY DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE: CHRIS ESCOBEDO, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY RESOURCES; AND EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION: LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES’ ASSOCIATION CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4 APRIL 6, 2021 RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. REPORT ON ACTIONS(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda by emailing written public comments or requests to provide verbal telephonic public comments as indicated above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words). The City Council values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by Government Code § 54954.2(b). ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. PRESENTATION BY REGIONAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING PLANNER TAYLOR LIBOLT VARNER WITH LIFT TO RISE REGARDING THE WE WILL LIFT: REGIONAL PLEDGE FOR HOUSING AND OPPORTUNITY CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. PAGE 1. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES DATED FEBRUARY 16, 2021 9 2. APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH COMPLETE PAPERLESS SOLUTIONS FOR LASERFICHE SOFTWARE SUPPORT SERVICES AND PURCHASE OF THREE LASERFICHE FULL-USER LICENSES 25 3. ACCEPT LA QUINTA LANDSCAPE RENOVATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2016-03E, LOCATED AT LA QUINTA RANCHO OCOTILLO DEVELOPMENT, ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF FRED WARING AND EAST SIDE OF ADAMS STREET 61 4. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PROJECT LIST FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 FOR SENATE BILL 1 - ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT 2017 FUNDING [RESOLUTION NO. 2021-009] 65 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 5 APRIL 6, 2021 5. ADOPT A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE WE WILL LIFT: REGIONAL PLEDGE FOR HOUSING AND OPPORTUNITY [RESOLUTION NO. 2021-010] 73 6. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED MARCH 12, 19, AND 26, 2021 83 7. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED FEBRUARY 28, 2021 113 8. APPROVE PURCHASE OF A FORD F-450 4x4 DUMP TRUCK FOR CITY MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS THROUGH SOURCEWELL COOPERATING PURCHASING 119 BUSINESS SESSION PAGE 1. INTRODUCE FOR FIRST READING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.25 OF LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 3.25.055 RELATED TO NON-ISSUANCE OF NEW SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMITS AND SECTION 3.25.065 RELATED TO GROUNDS FOR DENIAL OF SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMITS [ORDINANCE NO. 591] 131 STUDY SESSION - NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS – after 5:00 p.m. For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed “Request to Speak” form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to consideration of that item. A person may submit written comments to City Council before a public hearing or speak via teleconference in support or opposition to the approval of a project(s). If you challenge a project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the public hearing. PAGE 1. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE CITY’S SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM PERMIT FEES [RESOLUTION NO. 2021-011] 141 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK – CITY BOARDS, COMMISSION, AND OUTSIDE AGENCIES COMMITTEE’S ANNUAL RECRUITMENT 157 4. COMMUNITY RESOURCES CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 6 APRIL 6, 2021 5. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT – HIGHWAY 111 FORM BASED CODE AND DESIGN CIP PROJECT 2019-05 UPDATE 159 6. FINANCE 7. PUBLIC WORKS MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. CVAG CONSERVATION COMMISSION (Evans) 2. CVAG ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE (Evans) 3. CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Evans) 4. GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (Evans) 5. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DELEGATE (Evans) 6. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT JOINT POLICY COMMITTEE (Evans) 7. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (Evans) 8. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE (Evans & Radi) 9. COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (Fitzpatrick) 10. DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & Radi) 11. COACHELLA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & Peña) 12. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (Fitzpatrick) 13. SILVERROCK EVENT SITE AD HOC COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick) 14. CANNABIS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Peña and Sanchez) 15. CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (Peña) 16. CVAG VALLEY-WIDE HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE (Peña) 17. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES – PUBLIC SAFETY POLICY COMMITTEE (Peña) 18. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT – ENERGY CONSUMERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Peña) 19. COVID-19 SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ECONOMIC RELIEF PROGRAM AD HOC COMMITTEE (Peña and Radi) 20. CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (Radi) 21. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY (Radi) 22. CITYWIDE SECURITY CAMERAS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Radi) 23. DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Radi & Sanchez) 24. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (Sanchez) 25. GREATER CV CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (Sanchez) 26. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES – TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC WORKS POLICY COMMITTEE (Sanchez) 27. RIVERSIDE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (Sanchez) 28. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DATED DECEMBER 14, 2020 162 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 7 APRIL 6, 2021 ADJOURNMENT ********************************* The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on April 20, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk, of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chambers at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at the Stater Brothers Supermarket at 78630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on April 1, 2021. DATED: April 1, 2021 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices  The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777- 7092, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made.  If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092. A one (1) week notice is required.  If background material is to be presented to the Councilmembers during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting.  Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Community Development counter at City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 15 FEBRUARY 16, 2021  CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Evans. This meeting provided teleconferencing accessibility pursuant to Executive Orders N-25-20, N-29-20, N-33-20, N-35-20, and N-60-20 executed by the Governor of California, in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager McMillen, City Attorney Ihrke, City Clerk Radeva, Assistant to the City Manager Villalpando, Community Resources Director Escobedo, Public Safety Manager Mendez, Traffic Operations Analyst Gunterson, Riverside County Sheriff’s Department Lt. Buompensiero, Public Works Director/City Engineer McKinney, Management Analyst Mignogna, City Consultant Gruehl with NAI Consulting, City Consultant Hermann with Hermann Design Group, Inc., Finance Director Romero, Finance Manager Martinez, Financial Services Analyst Hallick, Senior Planner Flores, Design and Development Director Castro, City Planning Consultant Criste with Terra Nova Planning & Research, and Senior Planner Flores. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Councilmember Peña said he will recuse himself from discussion and vote on Business Session Item Nos. 1 and 2 related to the Citywide Public Safety Camera System project, due to a potential conflict of interest stemming from the proximity of real property to the project locations. Council concurred. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 9 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 15 FEBRUARY 16, 2021  CLOSED SESSION 1. THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES, PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (a) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957. CONSULTATION WITH: ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, SENIOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR; WILLIAM H. IHRKE, CITY ATTORNEY (Review Continued Need and Response to Proclaimed State and Local Emergencies Caused by COVID-19) 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION; SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: 1) COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:03 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:00 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported no actions were taken in Closed Session that require reporting pursuant to Government Code section 54950 et seq. (Brown Act). PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Sanchez led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA Assistant to the City Manager Gil Villalpando said City Employee Augustine “Augie” Arellano, Maintenance Worker II in the Public Works Department, recently passed, and requested a moment of silence in his honor. City Clerk Radeva said WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS were provided by the citizens listed below in alphabetical order, which were distributed to Council, made publicly available, and incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting:  Lee Anderson, La Quinta – related to Short-Term Vacation Rentals (STVR);  Meagan Beaver, La Quinta – in opposition of STVRs; 10 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 15 FEBRUARY 16, 2021   Judy Carey, La Quinta – in opposition of STVRs, and requested that density regulations for STVRs be implemented;  Donald Church, La Quinta – in opposition of STVRs;  Marcia Cutchin, La Quinta – in opposition of STVRs;  Sarah Gelberd, La Quinta/Los Angeles – in support of STVRs;  Arlene Gotshalk, La Quinta – in opposition of STVRs; and  Bob and Cindy Stoddard, La Quinta – in opposition of STVRs, and requested that density regulations for STVRs be implemented. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS – None. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES DATED FEBRUARY 2, 2021 2. ADJUST PROJECT BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS AND AWARD CONTRACT TO UNIVERSAL CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING FOR THE CITYWIDE MISCELLANEOUS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2020-02 3. APPROVE AMENDMENTS NO. 1 TO AGREEMENTS FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH NV5, INC AND THE ALTUM GROUP FOR ON-CALL SURVEY SERVICES 4. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH SCOPE EVENTS LLC TO HOST THE LA QUINTA ART CELEBRATION FROM NOVEMBER 11 TO NOVEMBER 14, 2021 5. APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 TO CONTRACT WITH JONES BROS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE SILVERROCK WAY STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2014-13/141513 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A RETENTION BASIN 6. APPROVE PURCHASE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES VEHICLE 7. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED JANUARY 29 AND FEBRUARY 5, 2021 8. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE FEDERAL AWARDS REPORTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UNIFORM GUIDANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 15 FEBRUARY 16, 2021  MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION COUNCILMEMBER PEÑA RECUSED HIMSELF FROM DISCUSSION AND VOTE ON BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NOS. 1 AND 2 RELATED TO THE CITYWIDE PUBLIC SAFETY CAMERA SYSTEM DUE TO A POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST STEMMING FROM THE PROXIMITY OF REAL PROPERTY INTEREST TO THE PROJECT LOCATIONS, AND LEFT THE MEETING AT 4:09 P.M. 1. APPROVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR CITYWIDE PUBLIC SAFETY CAMERA SYSTEM (PSCS) IN LA QUINTA Community Resources Director Escobedo and Public Safety Manager Mendez presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed PSCS videos archival costs, retention period, and destruction pursuant to the City’s adopted records retention schedule and PSCS policies and procedures; process for accessing video records and for documenting and tracking video viewing activities; the video recording does not include audio; importance to put a requirement in place that would allow amendments to the PSCS configuration or adopted policies and procedures only by a four-fifths (4/5) majority vote of the Council; the City has the option to retain the video recordings either in high-quality or lower-quality to mitigate electronic archival costs; rename the “Operational Guidelines” section to “Operational Procedures” to avoid any potential misconception that the policies and procedures might be optional; the City would not be required to preserve evidence past the established records retention for criminal cases, once it has been provided to the law enforcement agency; Riverside County Sheriff’s Department’s retains medium-quality videos for one year and high- quality videos for 90-days; there would be two available viewing stations at City Hall, one at the traffic control center and one at the police substation; members of the public will be able to view PSCS footage under City staff supervision; authorized City staff and public safety personnel (police and fire) would have the ability to access and view PSCS recordings and their activity will be tracked and logged by the system; PSCS recordings do not replace applicable requirements for new developments to conduct formal traffic studies; PSCS is not intended to replace public safety services, but rather be an added value to public safety efforts; PSCS videos can be very helpful to track criminal activities, missing persons, natural disasters, traffic accident investigations, etc.; and the PSCS cameras will not be linked to the traffic 12 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 of 15 FEBRUARY 16, 2021  control signals, however the time stamp of the traffic control signal can be matched to the time of the PSCS video to determine traffic light changes; the PSCS does not have the ability to broadcast audio messages; ability to incorporate electronic messaging signs to the PSCS as an added component in the future. PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELEPHONIC ACCESSIBILITY: Kay Wolff, La Quinta – said the City’s PSCS has gone through several iterations since 2019; expressed concerns relating to racial injustice and civil rights; spoke in support of not using facial or license plate recognition, and noted concerns that law enforcement may not abide by the City’s policies and procedures once recordings have been provided; the PSCS pilot program and community survey conducted by the City in 2019 did not expressly list the total number of cameras intended to be installed, and the community members who participated in the survey did not accurately represent the City’s minority community who may be adversely affected; and expressed general concerns about the use and success of the PSCS, and emphasized the importance of annual review of the PSCS to evaluate the pros and cons. PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELEPHONIC ACCESSIBILITY: Anonymous, La Quinta - inquired about the regulations for a councilmember to recuse themselves from participating on an agenda item due to the close proximity of a real property interest. City Attorney Ihrke explained the Political Reform Act and Fair Political Practices Commission regulations require an elected official to recuse themselves from projects located within 500 feet of a real property interest. Mr. Anonymous expressed concerns about having the PSCS policies and procedures being considered during a pandemic, a financial crisis, and after a three-day holiday weekend, while members of the public are not allowed to physically in-person attend the public Council meeting in accordance with statewide safety protocols in place due to COVID-19; spoke of issues relating to his experience with the quality of the City’s livestream video feed of the public meeting; requested five changes to the proposed PSCS policy presented at the June 18, 2019 Council meeting that he felt were not addressed; opined that there are issues with the proposed PSCS policy as it raises unanswered questions and seems contradicting; requested the Council table this policy to a later time and conduct further review of the policy and amend it; expressed concerns on the lack of data showing the PSCS would deter crime; inquired if police services would be cut in order to offset costs associate with the PSCS; noted there was conflicting language in the policy stating that audio to the video is available via a court order, while also stating that audio is not recorded; the policy does not mention a warrant; said he was glad to see that 13 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 15 FEBRUARY 16, 2021  that policy include reference to the Fourth Amendment; expressed concerns about members of the public viewing the videos might record the video on their phone; and spoke in opposition of Council’s justification related to the PSCS being helpful with natural disasters as the traffic signals already provide live video. City Clerk Radeva noted that public speaker Kay Wolff and all written comments listed below were submitted for Business Session Item Nos. 1 and 2. WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS FOR BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NOS. 1 AND 2 were provided by the citizens listed below in alphabetical order, which were distributed to Council, made publicly available, and incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting:  Anonymous, La Quinta – in opposition of the PSCS and submitted a petition, dated October 17, 2020, signed by La Quinta residents opposing the PSCS;  Paul Hoesterey, La Quinta – in opposition of PSCS;  Donald Reifer, La Quinta – in opposition of PSCS; and  Mario Sewell, La Quinta – in opposition of PSCS. Council further discussed the general process for handling and responding to public records requests, which would be applied to processing requests for the production of PSCS videos, and related applicable exemptions in accordance with state law; clarified that any requests for records by a court order would supersede City regulations, and the City must turn over the information; the PSCS would be a helpful tool in solving crime; the clarification that a court order and a warrant are similar in nature, but both terms should be listed in the policy for thoroughness; the current PSCS design does not have the option to record audio, and would need additional physical components in order to add the audio feature; the current level of law enforcement service will remain unchanged, the PSCS is not intended for surveillance or to replace law enforcement personnel, and rather to provide video recordings as an enhancement tools for investigations and public safety to law enforcement and the City; noted cameras are present in parks in other cities; the advantage the PSCS provides to public safety agencies’ by enabling them to access the PSCS live feed at any time, should an incident occur; noted the citywide advantages of the PSCS; clarified that PSCS would not be placed in residential areas and the legal restrictions in place to avoid that; the community’s complaint of an increase in crime and their request to increase patrol hours; the Financial Advisory Commission’s involvement in reviewing the police services study as well as the fire services study; and the importance to recognize that the policy was developed based on extensive research and obtaining multiple perspectives from the community. 14 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 of 15 FEBRUARY 16, 2021  Council expressed general support to rename the “Operational Guidelines” section of the policy to “Operational Procedures;” to further define the language relating to subpoenas, court orders, and warrants; there have been no formal discussions with adjoining cities about the installation of the PSCS at bordering traffic intersections, and Staff plans to present the information and potential benefits of the PSCS to the other cities; Staff will look into amending the maintenance agreements with bordering cities to include reference to the PSCS on shared traffic signals; importance to require that any amendments to the PSCS design and policies be approved by four-fifths (4/5) majority vote. Council reached a consensus to continue this item to allow staff to amend the policy language and incorporate the requested clarifications and bring it back for reconsideration at the March 2, 2021 Council meeting. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to continue this item to the March 2, 2021, regular meeting; and directed Staff to incorporate the following amendments: 1) Rename the “Operational Guidelines” section of the policy to “Operations Procedures” for language clarity and to ensure it is not perceived as a recommendation instead of a requirement; 2) Further define the policy section related to subpoenas, court orders, and warrants; 3) Require a minimum of four-fifths (4/5) majority votes in order to amend the PSCS design and policies and procedures; and 4) If necessary, as determined by the City Attorney, prepare an ordinance to add a Chapter to the La Quinta Municipal Code further defining the PSCS policies and procedures. Motion passed – 4 yes, 0 noes, 1 absent (Peña). 2. APPROPRIATE FUNDING AND AWARD CONTRACT TO CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CITYWIDE PUBLIC SAFETY CAMERA SYSTEM PROJECT NO. 2020- 03 Public Works Director/City Engineer McKinney and Management Analyst Mignogna presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed the PSCS scope of work and anticipated installation timeline of 60 working days from the notice to proceed; anticipated timeline to ensure programming of the PSCS software after construction is completed; concerns related to PSCS installations on streets that have recently been rehabilitated; dust control fees were incorporated into the project due to the trenching that 15 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 of 15 FEBRUARY 16, 2021  would occur at Fritz Burns Park for new conduit; importance to prioritize the installation of the PSCS on the major arterial intersections first; the City would realize cost savings by installing the additional cameras listed in the additive alternates at the same time; the X-park is not included in the PSCS scope of work because it is not constructed yet, however, conduit is being installed as part of the project build-out, to allow for an easy addition when completed; and importance to keep track of potential future additions. PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELEPHONIC ACCESSIBILITY: Anonymous, La Quinta - spoke in opposition of awarding the contract prior to the PSCS policies and procedures are in place; noted a petition opposing the PSCS signed by approximately 150 residents was submitted to the City, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office; questioned the necessity of the PSCS; provided safety statistics on La Quinta’s low crime rates and a residents’ survey indicating they already felt safe; expressed concerns of multiple camera locations identified and the potential future expansion of this project, and about the approval of a fiscally large contract without having specific data that supports that the PSCS would be effective; spoke in opposition of using Measure G Funds for the project; statistics relating to the 2016 PSCS survey conducted in the community and it’s use for this proposal; private business surveillance is fragmented and thus it differs from the proposed citywide PSCS; and thanked Council for continuing Business Session Item No. 1 for further review and to incorporate amendments. City Clerk Radeva reiterated that the WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS noted above under Business Session Item No. 1 were also pertinent to Business Session Item No. 2. Council further discussed that Council and staff conducted extensive research and exercised due diligence in observing camera systems at other cities; the PSCS objective was to be used as an adjunct to policing, and to assist law enforcement in investigating crime activity, deterring crime, and ensuring the safety of the community; this project is within the approved scope of Measure G Funds in accordance with the ballot measure; the Financial Advisory Commission oversees the use and appropriation of Measure G Funds, and was involved in this project; the installations of the PSCS will have minimal impact to traffic flow and would only require a lane closure; directed staff to suggest the order of installation to the contractor to prioritize the major arterial intersections first; noted the PSCS were not equipped for facial recognition, license plate recognition, or record audio; reiterated the importance for any amendments to the PSCS design or policies and procedures be approved by four-fifths (4/5) majority vote of the Council; noted the proposed PSCS is in compliance with Supreme Court rulings; public input is critical in the workings of local government; the City’s compliance with Brown Act posting 16 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9 of 15 FEBRUARY 16, 2021  requirements for public meeting agendas, and the additional website and media channels the City uses to communicate what items are coming forth for consideration; importance of ensuring respect for privacy to residents while securing the safety of the community; commended Staff for their hard work and diligence during this process, educating the Council and the community; and welcomed any further input from residents on this matter. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Sanchez to appropriate $372,296 from the Public Safety Fund; award a contract to Convergint Technologies in the amount of up to $1,211,296 to construct the Citywide Public Safety Camera System Project No. 2020-03; and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract. Motion passed 4 yes, 0 noes, 1 absent (Peña). COUNCILMEMBER PEÑA JOINED THE MEETING AT 6:05 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – Continued PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELEPHONIC ACCESSIBILITY: Arlene Gotshalk, La Quinta – spoke in opposition of STVRs in residentially zoned areas. 3. APPROVE PRELIMINARY DESIGN OPTION AND APPROPRIATE MEASURE G RESERVE FUNDING FOR THE SILVERROCK RETENTION BASIN SOIL STABILIZATION PROJECT NO. 2020-07 Public Works Director/City Engineer McKinney introduced Management Analyst Mignogna who presented the staff report, in conjunction with City Consultant Hermann with Hermann Design Group, Inc., which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed the types of planting materials available and the ability to customize the type of grass seed mix used for the retention basin; anticipated timelines for completing construction of the SilverRock event site and the retention basin soil stabilization project; the two projects are independent of each other; the shrubbery proposed for the retention basin is not intended to provide a fence-like barrier, but rather act as a deterrent; whether or not fencing the retention basin is warranted for public safety; and expressed general support for Option 4 of the proposed preliminary design. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Peña to approve preliminary design Option No. 4 as presented in the staff report; and appropriate Measure G Reserve funding in the amount of $427,250 for the SilverRock Retention Basin Soil Stabilization Project No. 2020-07. Motion passed unanimously. 17 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10 of 15 FEBRUARY 16, 2021  4. RECEIVE AND FILE FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 MID-YEAR BUDGET REPORT, APPROVE THE RECOMMENDED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS, AND DESIGNATE RESERVE FUNDING ALLOCATIONS Financial Services Analyst Hallick and Accounting Manager Martinez presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed the importance of conservative budgeting and ensuring the long-term fiscal stability of the City; expressed their contentment with the City’s ability to adapt and respond to the needs of local businesses and residents caused by the pandemic; the loss of $800,000 dollars of property tax revenue due to a formula change in how the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund pass-through funds are calculated by the county; options for reserve funding allocations; revenues from local sales and property taxes are constitutionally protected because they were passed by the voters and cannot be taken by the state; expressed general support of additional reserve funding allocation option four to fully fund all reserve accounts; and the Financial Advisory Commission periodically evaluates the City’s reserve fund categories and needs to determine if adjustments are needed based on ever-changing economic circumstances. Council commended staff for their efforts in ensuring the City’s financial stability. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Radi to receive and file fiscal year 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Report; approve the recommended budget adjustments, and fully fund the City’s reserve categories by allocating $4,700,000 dollars to the Economic Disaster reserve fund and $3,460,000 dollars to the Capital Replacement reserve fund from Unassigned Fund Balance. Motion passed unanimously. MAYOR EVANS CALLED FOR A BRIEF RECESS AT 7:06 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE COUNCIL MEETING AT 7:22 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSS PROPOSED 2021-2026 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE Management Analyst Mignogna and Public Works Director/City Engineer McKinney presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. 18 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 11 of 15 FEBRUARY 16, 2021  Council discussed the cost savings realized in completing crack sealing improvements on multiple road segments simultaneously, instead of a single road segment, which also helps the City maintain its very good 80 Pavement Condition Index (PCI) rating; as the roads become older, more severe road maintenance would be required to maintain the City’s PCI; use of alternative transportation methods; the need for road improvements for Highway 111 are being evaluated as part of the Highway 111 Corridor Revisioning project; ability to place vehicle weight restrictions on certain street segments to help mitigate the wear and tear of the roads; the City’s continuous efforts and consistent annual investments to maintain the integrity of its road infrastructure; directed staff to look into what level of funding would be required and what funding mechanisms might be available to increase the City’s PCI to 85 as it has been in the past, particularly with the roads getting older and the anticipation that more costly maintenance would be required; procedures for obtaining a quorum of the Council in the event there might be a potential conflict of interest due to the project(s)’s proximity to real property interests for Council and related FPPC exceptions; and the process conducted by the City’s consultant in evaluating the road infrastructure citywide and strategically preparing a Pavement Management Plan which lists recommended improvements based on need and priority. Council reached a consensus and directed staff to proceed with the 2021-2026 Pavement Management Plan as presented. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ADOPT RESOLUTIONS TO ADOPT A SUBSEQUENT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2020-0001) AND APPROVE SPECIFIC PLAN 2020-0001, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 2020-0001, SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2020-0001, AND VARIANCE 2020-0001 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 40-UNIT RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT PROJECT; CEQA: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS PREPARED A SUBSEQUENT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2020- 0001; LOCATION; SOUTHEAST CORNER OF JEFFERSON STREET AND PALM CIRCLE DRIVE [RESOLUTION NOS. 2021-001 AND 2021-002] Senior Planner Flores presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed that this project is consistent with the City’s General Plan; density is calculated based on the gross acreage of the project site; there is 19 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 12 of 15 FEBRUARY 16, 2021  one entrance and exit to the development, accessed from Jefferson Street, which is not gated; secondary emergency only egress access is available to public safety agencies from the north side of the project; ensuring the ability to appropriately decelerate off of Jefferson and safely enter the apartment complex; and the ability to narrow the lanes along Jefferson Street to provide additional space for deceleration and for residents to safely enter the development. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:08 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY: Jim Snellenberger, Applicant and CEO of Global Development, LLC – introduced himself and spoke about his qualifications and experience; gave a detailed overview of the proposed development, including the conducted traffic study found there is less than significant impact, the right-in and right-out access off of Jefferson Street, allowable parking spaces allotted for the project; this project would provide additional medium income housing units for the City; said many residents from the surrounding communities have expressed support for the project; and would be honored to provide more housing opportunities to new or existing La Quinta residents. Council discussed the project’s access point from Jefferson Street was due to the applicant’s inability to secure an easement for Palm Circle Drive from the neighboring development; reasons for changing the project from the previous entitlement approval for 16 single family dwellings development to the 40- unit proposed apartment complex; costs associated with utilities connections; the complex is within walking distance from nearby schools; ensuring safe routes for children to cross Jefferson Street; and the proposed location of the trash receptacles and potential alternative locations. City Clerk Radeva said WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS were provided by the citizens listed below, in alphabetical order, which were distributed to Council, made publicly available, and incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting:  Dawson Bailard, La Quinta – in support of Jefferson Street Apartments (Project);  Brian Dowdle, La Quinta - in support of Project;  Rick Hand, La Quinta - in opposition of Project;  Jennifer Hill, La Quinta - in opposition of Project; and  Vicki Vince-Olsen, La Quinta – in opposition of Project. PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELEPHONIC ACCESSIBILITY: Jennifer Hill, La Quinta – said she is in opposition of the Project because apartments are not an appropriate development for that lot, however, she is not in opposition of 20 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 13 of 15 FEBRUARY 16, 2021  developing the parcel; the total gross acreage of the lot should not be used to calculate the allowable density for this project due to the irregular lot form and size, which also affects the closeness of the buildings, trash enclosures, and allows for minimum amount of parking; and requested the applicant submit a more appropriately designed project for this area. PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELEPHONIC ACCESSIBILITY: Rick Hand, La Quinta – said he is in opposition of the Project due to its high density of 40 units, which is a drastic change from the previously approved 16 single family dwellings development, and in light of the irregular lot form and size; spoke about the past litigation related to the easement giving the Applicant access to Palm Circle Drive; noted the residents of the Westward Isle HOA community are willing to discuss the project with the Applicant; and requested the applicant submit a more appropriately designed project for this area. PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELEPHONIC ACCESSIBILITY: Heather Michel – said she is in support of the Project because it would grow the community by providing affordable housing options for medium-income families, which are hard to find in the City. PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELEPHONIC ACCESSIBILITY: Jovanni Michel – said the location of the trash receptacles was required by the waste collection agency to ensure path of access and sufficient room for trash collection; said he is in support of the Project; noted that as an experienced realtor, the proposed apartments are in high demand and provide growth opportunities for the City; spoke of the City’s high-quality education system and this Project would create diversity and give aspiring individuals and families an opportunity to move to La Quinta and have their children benefit from the school system; and spoke in support of developing the vacant land. Council further discussed per the La Quinta Municipal Code (Code) the allowed density is calculated based on the gross acreage of the entire parcel, regardless of the lot form or any applicable use restrictions; the proposed four 3-bedroom units are a maximum of 1,430 sq. ft.; maximum allowable units on the lot would be 42 and the project proposes 40 units. Staff explained the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) current cycle requirements for La Quinta; the City currently is below the RHNA required number of moderate-income housing units and this project would help the City reach the RHNA requirements; the State’s ability to increase density on cities without the city’s approval; and the current zoning and General Plan designation allow for this parcel to be developed as proposed for a maximum of 42 units. 21 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 14 of 15 FEBRUARY 16, 2021  Council further discussed infill development will increase and become more prominent as the City runs out of vacant land to develop and will have an effect on neighbors and residents; and general affordable housing requirements and regulations, and related City efforts to meet the state’s mandates and housing opportunity the City offers. Council thanked the residents for the comments provided; and inquired if delaying the Project would be beneficial to allow the Applicant time to meet with the neighboring community. Mr. Snellenburger said the Project has been thoroughly vetted and all options considered to ensure most efficient use of the parcel space and the design is open and aesthetically suited for the Jefferson Street corridor; and explained how the connection to the sewer lines would be established. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 9:10 P.M. Council expressed general support for the Project; discussed the ever- changing state mandates; the Project is well designed and will provide a sound barrier to the homes behind it; the City will continue to face infill development; the residents’ concerns were evaluated and taken into consideration; and conversations between the residents and the Applicant can continue as the Project progresses. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to adopt Resolution No. 2021-001 to adopt a Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2020-0001 as recommended: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A SUBSEQUENT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF JEFFERSON STREET AND PALM CIRCLE DRIVE; CASE NO. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2020-0001; APPLICANT: JIM SNELLENBERGER Motion passed unanimously. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to adopt Resolution No. 2021-002 to approve Specific Plan 2020-0001, Tentative Parcel Map 2020-0001, Site Development Permit 2020- 0001, and Variance 2020-0001, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, AND VARIANCE FOR THE 22 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 15 of 15 FEBRUARY 16, 2021  JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF JEFFERSON STREET AND PALM CIRCLE DRIVE; CASE NUMBERS: SP 2020-0001, TPM 2020-0001, SDP 2020-0001, VARIANCE 2020-0001; APPLICANT: JIM SNELLENBERGER Motion passed unanimously. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS All reports are on file in the City Clerk’s Office. MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS Council expressed their deepest condolences to the family of City Employee Augustine Arellano who recently passed. Mayor Evans reported her planned attendance at the Women Council of Realtors next week to provide an update and highlights on La Quinta. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta’s representative for 2020, Councilmember Fitzpatrick reported on her participation in the following organization’s meeting:  RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (RCTC) La Quinta’s representative for 2020, Councilmember Sanchez reported on his participation in the following organization’s meeting:  ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Sanchez to adjourn at 9:18 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, NICHOLE ROMANE, Deputy City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 23 24 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: April 6, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH COMPLETE PAPERLESS SOLUTIONS FOR LASERFICHE SOFTWARE SUPPORT SERVICES AND PURCHASE OF THREE LASERFICHE FULL-USER LICENSES RECOMMENDATION Approve Agreement for Contract Services with Complete Paperless Solutions for a total not to exceed amount of $140,000; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City acquired the Laserfiche (LF) software to manage its permanent electronic repository in the mid-1990s. In May 2018, staff solicited bids for LF licenses, maintenance and support services; Complete Paperless Solutions (CPS) was the top contender; and the City executed an agreement which expires May 31, 2021. Staff recommends executing a new Agreement for Contract Services (Agreement) (Attachment 1) with CPS for LF software support services and to purchase three additional LF full-user licenses. FISCAL IMPACT Total compensation to be paid under this Agreement is not to exceed $140,000 for the entire five-year term.  Annual   Maintenance  & Support   3 New LF  Licenses  Professional  Technical  Support  CPI Annual   Increase   Estimated at 3%  Annual Total  FY 2021/22   $       22,130    $       2,700   $     15,000   N/A  $        39,830  FY 2022/23   $       22,850   N/A  N/A   $       685.50   $       23,536  FY 2023/24   $       23,536   N/A  N/A   $      706.07   $       24,242  FY 2024/25   $       24,242   N/A  N/A   $      727.25   $       24,969  FY 2025/26   $       24,969   N/A  N/A   $      749.06   $       25,718  Total not to exceed Agreement amount has been rounded to $140K to  accommodate potential higher CPI increases above the estimated 3%  $      138,294  CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 25 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City acquired the Laserfiche software to manage its permanent electronic repository in the mid-1990s. Software upgrades and enhancements were implemented in 2017 and 2018, along with records archival process automation improvements, custom search forms available 24/7 on the City’s website via the public document portal, and custom-built agreements and insurance certificates expiration tracking reports in 2020. Following a request for proposals in June 2018, Council awarded the LF annual maintenance and support services agreement to CPS. In May 2019, Council approved Amendment No. 1 to the agreement to purchase five additional user LF licenses to allow other City departments to perform records management administrative duties due to the rapid expansion of the City’s electronic library. The Agreement expires on May 31, 2021. The City is looking to execute a five-year agreement with CPS for LF software support services, purchase three additional full user licenses due to an increased user demand, and acquire 75 professional technical service support hours to implement complex software customizations, workflows, and reports during the term of the Agreement. If approved, staff will issue a RFP and seek proposals following the end of this proposed Agreement. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to approve this Agreement or approve the Agreement only in part. Prepared by: Nichole Romane, Deputy City Clerk Approved by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk Attachment: 1. Agreement for Contract Services with CPS 26 AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, (“City”), a California municipal corporation, and Complete Paperless Solutions (CPS) (“Contracting Party”). The parties hereto agree as follows: 1. SERVICES OF CONTRACTING PARTY. 1.1 Scope of Services. In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, Contracting Party shall provide those services related to Laserfiche Avante Support Services, including purchase of three (3) additional Laserfiche full-user licenses, as specified in detail in the “Scope of Services” attached hereto as “Exhibit A” and incorporated herein by this reference (the “Services”). Contracting Party represents and warrants that Contracting Party is a provider of first-class work and/or services and Contracting Party is experienced in performing the Services contemplated herein and, in light of such status and experience, Contracting Party covenants that it shall follow industry standards in performing the Services required hereunder, and that all materials, if any, will be of good quality, fit for the purpose intended. For purposes of this Agreement, the phrase “industry standards” shall mean those standards of practice recognized by one or more first-class firms performing similar services under similar circumstances. 1.2 Compliance with Law. All Services rendered hereunder shall be provided in accordance with all ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, regulations, and laws of the City and any Federal, State, or local governmental agency of competent jurisdiction. 1.3 Wage and Hour Compliance, Contracting Party shall comply with applicable Federal, State, and local wage and hour laws. 1.4 Licenses, Permits, Fees and Assessments. Except as otherwise specified herein, Contracting Party shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits, and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the Services required by this Agreement, including a City of La Quinta business license. Contracting Party and its employees, agents, and subcontractors shall, at their sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement any licenses, permits, and approvals that are legally required for the performance of the Services required by this Agreement. Contracting Party shall have the sole obligation to pay for any fees, assessments, and taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise from or are necessary for the performance of the Services required by this Agreement, and shall indemnify, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold City, its elected officials, officers, ATTACHMENT 1 27 -2- employees, and agents, free and harmless against any such fees, assessments, taxes, penalties, or interest levied, assessed, or imposed against City hereunder. Contracting Party shall be responsible for all subcontractors’ compliance with this Section. 1.5 Familiarity with Work. By executing this Agreement, Contracting Party warrants that (a) it has thoroughly investigated and considered the Services to be performed, (b) it has investigated the site where the Services are to be performed, if any, and fully acquainted itself with the conditions there existing, (c) it has carefully considered how the Services should be performed, and (d) it fully understands the facilities, difficulties, and restrictions attending performance of the Services under this Agreement. Should Contracting Party discover any latent or unknown conditions materially differing from those inherent in the Services or as represented by City, Contracting Party shall immediately inform City of such fact and shall not proceed except at Contracting Party’s risk until written instructions are received from the Contract Officer, or assigned designee (as defined in Section 4.2 hereof). 1.6 Standard of Care. Contracting Party acknowledges and understands that the Services contracted for under this Agreement require specialized skills and abilities and that, consistent with this understanding, Contracting Party’s work will be held to an industry standard of quality and workmanship. Consistent with Section 1.5 hereinabove, Contracting Party represents to City that it holds the necessary skills and abilities to satisfy the industry standard of quality as set forth in this Agreement. Contracting Party shall adopt reasonable methods during the life of this Agreement to furnish continuous protection to the Services performed by Contracting Party, and the equipment, materials, papers, and other components thereof to prevent losses or damages, and shall be responsible for all such damages, to persons or property, until acceptance of the Services by City, except such losses or damages as may be caused by City’s own negligence. The performance of Services by Contracting Party shall not relieve Contracting Party from any obligation to correct any incomplete, inaccurate, or defective work at no further cost to City, when such inaccuracies are due to the negligence of Contracting Party. 1.7 Additional Services. In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Contracting Party shall perform services in addition to those specified in the Scope of Services (“Additional Services”) only when directed to do so by the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, provided that Contracting Party shall not be required to perform any Additional Services without compensation. Contracting Party shall not perform any Additional Services until receiving prior written authorization (in the form of a written 28 -3- change order if Contracting Party is a contractor performing the Services) from the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, incorporating therein any adjustment in (i) the Contract Sum, and/or (ii) the time to perform this Agreement, which said adjustments are subject to the written approval of Contracting Party. It is expressly understood by Contracting Party that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to the Services specifically set forth in the Scope of Services or reasonably contemplated therein. It is specifically understood and agreed that oral requests and/or approvals of Additional Services shall be barred and are unenforceable. Failure of Contracting Party to secure the Contract Officer’s, or assigned designee’s written authorization for Additional Services shall constitute a waiver of any and all right to adjustment of the Contract Sum or time to perform this Agreement, whether by way of compensation, restitution, quantum meruit, or the like, for Additional Services provided without the appropriate authorization from the Contract Officer, or assigned designee. Compensation for properly authorized Additional Services shall be made in accordance with Section 2.3 of this Agreement. 1.8 Special Requirements. Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part hereof are set forth in “Exhibit D” (the “Special Requirements”), which is incorporated herein by this reference and expressly made a part hereof. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Special Requirements and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of the Special Requirements shall govern. 2. COMPENSATION. 2.1 Contract Sum. For the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Contracting Party shall be compensated in accordance with “Exhibit B” (the “Schedule of Compensation”) in a total amount not to exceed One Hundred and Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000) for the life of the Agreement. (the “Contract Sum”), except as provided in Section 1.7. The method of compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation may include a lump sum payment upon completion, payment in accordance with the percentage of completion of the Services, payment for time and materials based upon Contracting Party’s rate schedule, but not exceeding the Contract Sum, or such other reasonable methods as may be specified in the Schedule of Compensation. The Contract Sum shall include the attendance of Contracting Party at all project meetings reasonably deemed necessary by City; Contracting Party shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for attending said meetings. Compensation may include reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for reproduction costs, transportation expense, telephone expense, and similar costs and expenses when and if specified in the Schedule of Compensation. Regardless of the method of 29 -4- compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation, Contracting Party’s overall compensation shall not exceed the Contract Sum, except as provided in Section 1.7 of this Agreement. 2.2 Method of Billing & Payment. Any month in which Contracting Party wishes to receive payment, Contracting Party shall submit to City no later than the tenth (10th) working day of such month, in the form approved by City’s Finance Director, an invoice for Services rendered prior to the date of the invoice. Such invoice shall (1) describe in detail the Services provided, including time and materials, and (2) specify each staff member who has provided Services and the number of hours assigned to each such staff member. Such invoice shall contain a certification by a principal member of Contracting Party specifying that the payment requested is for Services performed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Upon approval in writing by the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, and subject to retention pursuant to Section 8.3, City will pay Contracting Party for all items stated thereon which are approved by City pursuant to this Agreement no later than thirty (30) days after invoices are received by the City’s Finance Department. 2.3 Compensation for Additional Services. Additional Services approved in advance by the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, pursuant to Section 1.7 of this Agreement shall be paid for in an amount agreed to in writing by both City and Contracting Party in advance of the Additional Services being rendered by Contracting Party. Any compensation for Additional Services amounting to five percent (5%) or less of the Contract Sum may be approved by the Contract Officer, or assigned designee. Any greater amount of compensation for Additional Services must be approved by the La Quinta City Council, the City Manager, or Department Director, depending upon City laws, regulations, rules and procedures concerning public contracting. Under no circumstances shall Contracting Party receive compensation for any Additional Services unless prior written approval for the Additional Services is obtained from the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, pursuant to Section 1.7 of this Agreement. 3. PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE. 3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. If the Services not completed in accordance with the Schedule of Performance, as set forth in Section 3.2 and “Exhibit C”, it is understood that the City will suffer damage. 3.2 Schedule of Performance. All Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed diligently and within the time period established in “Exhibit C” (the “Schedule of Performance”). Extensions to the 30 -5- time period specified in the Schedule of Performance may be approved in writing by the Contract Officer, or assigned designee. 3.3 Force Majeure. The time period specified in the Schedule of Performance for performance of the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be extended because of any delays due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of Contracting Party, including, but not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, fires, earthquakes, floods, epidemic, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight embargoes, acts of any governmental agency other than City, and unusually severe weather, if Contracting Party shall within ten (10) days of the commencement of such delay notify the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, in writing of the causes of the delay. The Contract Officer, or assigned designee, shall ascertain the facts and the extent of delay, and extend the time for performing the Services for the period of the forced delay when and if in the Contract Officer’s judgment such delay is justified, and the Contract Officer’s determination, or assigned designee, shall be final and conclusive upon the parties to this Agreement. Extensions to time period in the Schedule of Performance which are determined by the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, to be justified pursuant to this Section shall not entitle the Contracting Party to additional compensation in excess of the Contract Sum. 3.4 Term. Unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions in Article 8.0 of this Agreement, the term of this agreement shall commence on June 1, 2021, and terminate on May 31, 2026 (“Initial Term”). 4. COORDINATION OF WORK. 4.1 Representative of Contracting Party. The following principals of Contracting Party (“Principals”) are hereby designated as being the principals and representatives of Contracting Party authorized to act in its behalf with respect to the Services specified herein and make all decisions in connection therewith: (a) Claude Schott, Vice President of Sales- Tel No. (760) 522-5031 E-mail: cschott@cps247.com (b) Joe Mempin, VP Professional Services Group – Programmer Email: jmempin@cps247.com It is expressly understood that the experience, knowledge, capability, and reputation of the foregoing Principals were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, the foregoing Principals shall be 31 -6- responsible during the term of this Agreement for directing all activities of Contracting Party and devoting sufficient time to personally supervise the Services hereunder. For purposes of this Agreement, the foregoing Principals may not be changed by Contracting Party and no other personnel may be assigned to perform the Services required hereunder without the express written approval of City. 4.2 Contract Officer. The “Contract Officer”, otherwise known as Monika Radeva, City Clerk or assigned designee may be designated in writing by the City Manager of the City. It shall be Contracting Party’s responsibility to assure that the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, is kept informed of the progress of the performance of the Services, and Contracting Party shall refer any decisions, that must be made by City to the Contract Officer, or assigned designee. Unless otherwise specified herein, any approval of City required hereunder shall mean the approval of the Contract Officer, or assigned designee. The Contract Officer, or assigned designee, shall have authority to sign all documents on behalf of City required hereunder to carry out the terms of this Agreement. 4.3 Prohibition Against Subcontracting or Assignment. The experience, knowledge, capability, and reputation of Contracting Party, its principals, and its employees were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Except as set forth in this Agreement, Contracting Party shall not contract or subcontract with any other entity to perform in whole or in part the Services required hereunder without the express written approval of City. In addition, neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be transferred, assigned, conveyed, hypothecated, or encumbered, voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written approval of City. Transfers restricted hereunder shall include the transfer to any person or group of persons acting in concert of more than twenty five percent (25%) of the present ownership and/or control of Contracting Party, taking all transfers into account on a cumulative basis. Any attempted or purported assignment or contracting or subcontracting by Contracting Party without City’s express written approval shall be null, void, and of no effect. No approved transfer shall release Contracting Party of any liability hereunder without the express consent of City. 4.4 Independent Contractor. Neither City nor any of its employees shall have any control over the manner, mode, or means by which Contracting Party, its agents, or its employees, perform the Services required herein, except as otherwise set forth herein. City shall have no voice in the selection, discharge, supervision, or control of Contracting Party’s employees, servants, representatives, or agents, or in fixing their number or hours of service. Contracting Party shall perform all Services required herein as an independent 32 -7- contractor of City and shall remain at all times as to City a wholly independent contractor with only such obligations as are consistent with that role. Contracting Party shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are agents or employees of City. City shall not in any way or for any purpose become or be deemed to be a partner of Contracting Party in its business or otherwise or a joint venture or a member of any joint enterprise with Contracting Party. Contracting Party shall have no power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability on behalf of City. Contracting Party shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are agents or employees of City. Except for the Contract Sum paid to Contracting Party as provided in this Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Contracting Party for performing the Services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contracting Party for injury or sickness arising out of performing the Services hereunder. Notwithstanding any other City, state, or federal policy, rule, regulation, law, or ordinance to the contrary, Contracting Party and any of its employees, agents, and subcontractors providing services under this Agreement shall not qualify for or become entitled to any compensation, benefit, or any incident of employment by City, including but not limited to eligibility to enroll in the California Public Employees Retirement System (“PERS”) as an employee of City and entitlement to any contribution to be paid by City for employer contributions and/or employee contributions for PERS benefits. Contracting Party agrees to pay all required taxes on amounts paid to Contracting Party under this Agreement, and to indemnify and hold City harmless from any and all taxes, assessments, penalties, and interest asserted against City by reason of the independent contractor relationship created by this Agreement. Contracting Party shall fully comply with the workers’ compensation laws regarding Contracting Party and Contracting Party’s employees. Contracting Party further agrees to indemnify and hold City harmless from any failure of Contracting Party to comply with applicable workers’ compensation laws. City shall have the right to offset against the amount of any payment due to Contracting Party under this Agreement any amount due to City from Contracting Party as a result of Contracting Party’s failure to promptly pay to City any reimbursement or indemnification arising under this Section. 4.5 Identity of Persons Performing Work. Contracting Party represents that it employs or will employ at its own expense all personnel required for the satisfactory performance of any and all of the Services set forth herein. Contracting Party represents that the Services required herein will be performed by Contracting Party or under its direct supervision, and that all personnel engaged in such work shall be fully qualified and shall be authorized and permitted under applicable State and local law to perform such tasks and services. 33 -8- 4.6 City Cooperation. City shall provide Contracting Party with any plans, publications, reports, statistics, records, or other data or information pertinent to the Services to be performed hereunder which are reasonably available to Contracting Party only from or through action by City. 5. INSURANCE. 5.1 Insurance. Prior to the beginning of any Services under this Agreement and throughout the duration of the term of this Agreement, Contracting Party shall procure and maintain, at its sole cost and expense, and submit concurrently with its execution of this Agreement, policies of insurance as set forth in “Exhibit E” (the “Insurance Requirements”) which is incorporated herein by this reference and expressly made a part hereof. 5.2 Proof of Insurance. Contracting Party shall provide Certificate of Insurance to Agency along with all required endorsements. Certificate of Insurance and endorsements must be approved by Agency’s Risk Manager prior to commencement of performance. 6. INDEMNIFICATION. 6.1 Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City and any and all of its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers as set forth in “Exhibit F” (“Indemnification”) which is incorporated herein by this reference and expressly made a part hereof. 7. RECORDS AND REPORTS. 7.1 Reports. Contracting Party shall periodically prepare and submit to the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, such reports concerning Contracting Party’s performance of the Services required by this Agreement as the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, shall require. Contracting Party hereby acknowledges that City is greatly concerned about the cost of the Services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. For this reason, Contracting Party agrees that if Contracting Party becomes aware of any facts, circumstances, techniques, or events that may or will materially increase or decrease the cost of the Services contemplated herein or, if Contracting Party is providing design services, the cost of the project being designed, Contracting Party shall promptly notify the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, of said fact, circumstance, technique, or event and the estimated increased or decreased cost related thereto and, if Contracting Party is providing design services, the estimated increased or decreased cost estimate for the project being designed. 34 -9- 7.2 Records. Contracting Party shall keep, and require any subcontractors to keep, such ledgers, books of accounts, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, reports (including but not limited to payroll reports), studies, or other documents relating to the disbursements charged to City and the Services performed hereunder (the “Books and Records”), as shall be necessary to perform the Services required by this Agreement and enable the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, to evaluate the performance of such Services. Any and all such Books and Records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be complete and detailed. The Contract Officer, or assigned designee, shall have full and free access to such Books and Records at all times during normal business hours of City, including the right to inspect, copy, audit, and make records and transcripts from such Books and Records. Such Books and Records shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years following completion of the Services hereunder, and City shall have access to such Books and Records in the event any audit is required. In the event of dissolution of Contracting Party’s business, custody of the Books and Records may be given to City, and access shall be provided by Contracting Party’s successor in interest. Under California Government Code Section 8546.7, if the amount of public funds expended under this Agreement exceeds Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), this Agreement shall be subject to the examination and audit of the State Auditor, at the request of City or as part of any audit of City, for a period of three (3) years after final payment under this Agreement. 7.3 Ownership of Documents. All drawings, specifications, maps, designs, photographs, studies, surveys, data, notes, computer files, reports, records, documents, and other materials plans, drawings, estimates, test data, survey results, models, renderings, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to, physical drawings, digital renderings, or data stored digitally, magnetically, or in any other medium prepared or caused to be prepared by Contracting Party, its employees, subcontractors, and agents in the performance of this Agreement (the “Documents and Materials”) shall be the property of City and shall be delivered to City upon request of the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, or upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement, and Contracting Party shall have no claim for further employment or additional compensation as a result of the exercise by City of its full rights of ownership use, reuse, or assignment of the Documents and Materials hereunder. Any use, reuse or assignment of such completed Documents and Materials for other projects and/or use of uncompleted documents without specific written authorization by Contracting Party will be at City’s sole risk and without liability to Contracting Party, and Contracting Party’s guarantee and warranties shall not extend to such use, revise, or assignment. 35 -10- Contracting Party may retain copies of such Documents and Materials for its own use. Contracting Party shall have an unrestricted right to use the concepts embodied therein. All subcontractors shall provide for assignment to City of any Documents and Materials prepared by them, and in the event Contracting Party fails to secure such assignment, Contracting Party shall indemnify City for all damages resulting therefrom. 7.4 In the event City or any person, firm, or corporation authorized by City reuses said Documents and Materials without written verification or adaptation by Contracting Party for the specific purpose intended and causes to be made or makes any changes or alterations in said Documents and Materials, City hereby releases, discharges, and exonerates Contracting Party from liability resulting from said change. The provisions of this clause shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement and shall thereafter remain in full force and effect. 7.5 Licensing of Intellectual Property. This Agreement creates a non- exclusive and perpetual license for City to copy, use, modify, reuse, or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, rights of reproduction, and other intellectual property embodied in the Documents and Materials. Contracting Party shall require all subcontractors, if any, to agree in writing that City is granted a non-exclusive and perpetual license for the Documents and Materials the subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Contracting Party represents and warrants that Contracting Party has the legal right to license any and all of the Documents and Materials. Contracting Party makes no such representation and warranty in regard to the Documents and Materials which were prepared by design professionals other than Contracting Party or provided to Contracting Party by City. City shall not be limited in any way in its use of the Documents and Materials at any time, provided that any such use not within the purposes intended by this Agreement shall be at City’s sole risk. 7.6 Release of Documents. The Documents and Materials shall not be released publicly without the prior written approval of the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, or as required by law. Contracting Party shall not disclose to any other entity or person any information regarding the activities of City, except as required by law or as authorized by City. 7.7 Confidential or Personal Identifying Information. Contracting Party covenants that all City data, data lists, trade secrets, documents with personal identifying information, documents that are not public records, draft documents, discussion notes, or other information, if any, developed or received by Contracting Party or provided for performance of this Agreement are deemed confidential and shall not be disclosed by Contracting Party to any person or entity without prior written authorization by City or unless required 36 -11- by law. City shall grant authorization for disclosure if required by any lawful administrative or legal proceeding, court order, or similar directive with the force of law. All City data, data lists, trade secrets, documents with personal identifying information, documents that are not public records, draft documents, discussions, or other information shall be returned to City upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement. Contracting Party’s covenant under this section shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement. 8. ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT. 8.1 California Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed, and governed both as to validity and to performance of the parties in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Legal actions concerning any dispute, claim, or matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California, or any other appropriate court in such county, and Contracting Party covenants and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such court in the event of such action. 8.2 Disputes. In the event of any dispute arising under this Agreement, the injured party shall notify the injuring party in writing of its contentions by submitting a claim therefore. The injured party shall continue performing its obligations hereunder so long as the injuring party commences to cure such default within ten (10) days of service of such notice and completes the cure of such default within forty-five (45) days after service of the notice, or such longer period as may be permitted by the Contract Officer, or assigned designee; provided that if the default is an immediate danger to the health, safety, or general welfare, City may take such immediate action as City deems warranted. Compliance with the provisions of this Section shall be a condition precedent to termination of this Agreement for cause and to any legal action, and such compliance shall not be a waiver of any party’s right to take legal action in the event that the dispute is not cured, provided that nothing herein shall limit City’s right to terminate this Agreement without cause pursuant to this Article 8.0. During the period of time that Contracting Party is in default, City shall hold all invoices and shall, when the default is cured, proceed with payment on the invoices. In the alternative, City may, in its sole discretion, elect to pay some or all of the outstanding invoices during any period of default. 8.3 Retention of Funds. City may withhold from any monies payable to Contracting Party sufficient funds to compensate City for any losses, costs, liabilities, or damages it reasonably believes were suffered by City due to the default of Contracting Party in the performance of the Services required by this Agreement. 37 -12- 8.4 Waiver. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy of a non-defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. City’s consent or approval of any act by Contracting Party requiring City’s consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary City’s consent to or approval of any subsequent act of Contracting Party. Any waiver by either party of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 8.5 Rights and Remedies are Cumulative. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. 8.6 Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, at law or at equity, to cure, correct, or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Agreement, to obtain declaratory or injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Agreement. 8.7 Termination Prior To Expiration of Term. This Section shall govern any termination of this Agreement, except as specifically provided in the following Section for termination for cause. City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days’ written notice to Contracting Party. Upon receipt of any notice of termination, Contracting Party shall immediately cease all Services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the Contract Officer, or assigned designee. Contracting Party shall be entitled to compensation for all Services rendered prior to receipt of the notice of termination and for any Services authorized by the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, thereafter in accordance with the Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by the Contract Officer, or assigned designee, except amounts held as a retention pursuant to this Agreement. 8.8 Termination for Default of Contracting Party. If termination is due to the failure of Contracting Party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, Contracting Party shall vacate any City-owned property which Contracting Party is permitted to occupy hereunder and City may, after compliance with the provisions of Section 8.2, take over the Services and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and Contracting Party shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the Services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated (provided that City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold 38 -13- any payments to Contracting Party for the purpose of setoff or partial payment of the amounts owed City. 8.9 Attorneys’ Fees. If either party to this Agreement is required to initiate or defend or made a party to any action or proceeding in any way connected with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief which may be granted, whether legal or equitable, shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees; provided, however, that the attorneys’ fees awarded pursuant to this Section shall not exceed the hourly rate paid by City for legal services multiplied by the reasonable number of hours spent by the prevailing party in the conduct of the litigation. Attorneys’ fees shall include attorneys’ fees on any appeal, and in addition a party entitled to attorneys’ fees shall be entitled to all other reasonable costs for investigating such action, taking depositions and discovery, and all other necessary costs the court allows which are incurred in such litigation. All such fees shall be deemed to have accrued on commencement of such action and shall be enforceable whether or not such action is prosecuted to judgment. The court may set such fees in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose. 9. CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; NONDISCRIMINATION. 9.1 Non-liability of City Officers and Employees. No officer, official, employee, agent, representative, or volunteer of City shall be personally liable to Contracting Party, or any successor in interest, in the event or any default or breach by City or for any amount which may become due to Contracting Party or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 9.2 Conflict of Interest. Contracting Party covenants that neither it, nor any officer or principal of it, has or shall acquire any interest, directly or indirectly, which would conflict in any manner with the interests of City or which would in any way hinder Contracting Party’s performance of the Services under this Agreement. Contracting Party further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, no person having any such interest shall be employed by it as an officer, employee, agent, or subcontractor without the express written consent of the Contract Officer, or assigned designee. Contracting Party agrees to at all times avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of any conflicts of interest with the interests of City in the performance of this Agreement. No officer or employee of City shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement nor shall any such officer or employee participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which effects his financial interest or the financial interest of any corporation, partnership or association 39 -14- in which he is, directly or indirectly, interested, in violation of any State statute or regulation. Contracting Party warrants that it has not paid or given and will not pay or give any third party any money or other consideration for obtaining this Agreement. 9.3 Covenant against Discrimination. Contracting Party covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of any impermissible classification including, but not limited to, race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry in the performance of this Agreement. Contracting Party shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry. 10. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 10.1 Notice. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, or communication either party desires or is required to give the other party or any other person shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail to the address set forth below. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing. Notice shall be deemed communicated forty-eight (48) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this Section. To City: CITY OF LA QUINTA Attention: Monika Radeva, City Clerk 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 To Contracting Party: COMPLETE PAPERLESS SOLUTIONS Claude Schott, VP of Sales 5130 E La Palma Avenue; Suite 206 Anaheim, CA 92807 10.2 Interpretation. The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either party by reason of the authorship of this Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply. 10.3 Section Headings and Subheadings. The section headings and subheadings contained in this Agreement are included for convenience only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the terms of this Agreement. 40 -15- 10.4 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. 10.5 Integrated Agreement. This Agreement including the exhibits hereto is the entire, complete, and exclusive expression of the understanding of the parties. It is understood that there are no oral agreements between the parties hereto affecting this Agreement and this Agreement supersedes and cancels any and all previous negotiations, arrangements, agreements, and understandings, if any, between the parties, and none shall be used to interpret this Agreement. 10.6 Amendment. No amendment to or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and approved by Contracting Party and by the City Council of City. The parties agree that this requirement for written modifications cannot be waived and that any attempted waiver shall be void. 10.7 Severability. In the event that any one or more of the articles, phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining articles, phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections of this Agreement which are hereby declared as severable and shall be interpreted to carry out the intent of the parties hereunder unless the invalid provision is so material that its invalidity deprives either party of the basic benefit of their bargain or renders this Agreement meaningless. 10.8 Unfair Business Practices Claims. In entering into this Agreement, Contracting Party offers and agrees to assign to City all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. § 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2, (commencing with Section 16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arising from purchases of goods, services, or materials related to this Agreement. This assignment shall be made and become effective at the time City renders final payment to Contracting Party without further acknowledgment of the parties. 10.9 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. With the exception of the specific provisions set forth in this Agreement, there are no intended third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement and no such other third parties shall have any rights or obligations hereunder. 10.10 Authority. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of each of the parties hereto represent and warrant that (i) such party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver 41 -16- this Agreement on behalf of said party, (iii) by so executing this Agreement, such party is formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and (iv) that entering into this Agreement does not violate any provision of any other Agreement to which said party is bound. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the parties. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE] 42 -17- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates stated below. CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California Municipal Corporation JON McMILLEN, City Manager City of La Quinta, California Dated: COMPLETE PAPERLESS SOLUTIONS ____________________________ Claude Schott, Vice President of Sales Dated: ______________________ ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 43 Exhibit A Page 1 of 1 Last revised summer 2017 Exhibit A Scope of Services 1. Annual Laserfiche LSAP Software Maintenance and CPS VIP Support 2. Purchase of 3 Additional Laserfiche Licenses 3. Professional Support Hours (75) for Laserfiche Software Customization Services are described in more detail in the attached CPS Quote # 2253 dated March 23, 2021. 44 Tax ID: 27-0926551 | Please Make Checks Payable to: Complete Paperless Solutions | Please Make Checks Payable to: Complete Paperless Solutions Complete Paperless Solutions 5130 E La Palma Ave Ste 206 Anaheim, CA 92807 (866)661-2425 cschott@cps247.com Quote ADDRESS Monika Radeva City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 USA SHIP TO Monika Radeva City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 USA QUOTE #2253 DATE 03/23/2021 DATE DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT MATX16B Laserfiche LSAP Advanced Audit Trail with Watermark 9 20.00 180.00 MCQ01B Laserfiche LSAP Quick Fields 1 120.00 120.00 MCQC3B Laserfiche LSAP Zone OCR Validation Pak 1 560.00 560.00 MCQC5B Laserfiche LSAP Real Time Look UP and Validation Package 1 120.00 120.00 MFRM16B Avante Laserfiche Forms Basic LSAP 9 10.00 90.00 MNF16B Laserfiche LSAP Full Name User 9 120.00 1,080.00 MPFRMB Laserfiche Forms LSAP 1 1,600.00 1,600.00 MPL01B LF Plus Plug in LSAP 1 1,590.00 1,590.00 MPPSB Laserfiche LSAP Standard Public Portal, incl. Laserfiche WebLink and 25-only retrieval connections 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 MSA30B Avante Add. DB-SQL Basic LSAP 1 200.00 200.00 MSE30B Laserfiche LSAP Avante Server MS SQL 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 On-Site Support CPS VIP On-Site Support -Guaranteed Next Business Day if unable to fix remotely 1 10,590.00 10,590.00 Professional Services CPS Professional Services -Project Mgmt 75 200.00 15,000.00 45 Tax ID: 27-0926551 | Please Make Checks Payable to: Complete Paperless Solutions | Please Make Checks Payable to: Complete Paperless Solutions DATE DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT -Installation -Design -Training MNF16 Laserfiche Named Full User with Web Access, Mobile, Snapshot and Email 3 600.00 1,800.00 MFRM16 Laserfiche Forms: allows form creation and submission as well as the ability to participate in routing for all licensed users. 3 50.00 150.00 MATX16 Laserfiche Advanced Audit Trail with Watermark 3 100.00 300.00 MNF16B Laserfiche LSAP Full Name User 3 120.00 360.00 MFRM16B Avante Laserfiche Forms Basic LSAP 3 10.00 30.00 MATX16B Laserfiche LSAP Advanced Audit Trail with Watermark 3 20.00 60.00 Laserfiche software support renewal for the period of June 5, 2021 to June 4, 2022. No tangible software item will be delivered. Electronic download only. TOTAL $39,830.00 Accepted By Accepted Date 46 Exhibit B Page 1 of 1 Exhibit B Schedule of Compensation With the exception of compensation for Additional Services, provided for in Section 2.3 of this Agreement, the maximum total compensation to be paid to Contracting Party under this Agreement is not to exceed One Hundred and Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000) (“Contract Sum”).  Annual   Maintenance  & Support   3 New LF  Licenses  Professional  Technical  Support  CPI Annual   Increase   Estimated at 3%  Annual   Total  FY 2021/22   $         22,130    $       2,700   $      15,000   N/A    $        39,830  FY 2022/23   $         22,850   N/A  N/A   $                    685.50    $        23,536  FY 2023/24   $         23,536   N/A  N/A   $                    706.07    $        24,242  FY 2024/25   $         24,242   N/A  N/A   $                    727.25    $        24,969  FY 2025/26   $         24,969   N/A  N/A   $                    749.06    $        25,718  Total not to exceed Agreement amount has been rounded to $140K to  accommodate potential higher CPI increases above the estimated 3%  $      138,294  Payments shall be made to Contracting Party annually upon receipt of billing invoice and in an amount identified in Contracting Party’s schedule of compensation listed above. 47 Exhibit C Page 1 of 1 Exhibit C Schedule of Performance Contracting Party shall complete all services identified in the Scope of Services, Exhibit A of this Agreement, in accordance with the Project Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 48 Exhibit D Page 1 of 1 Exhibit D Special Requirements None 49 Exhibit E Page 1 of 7 Exhibit E Insurance Requirements E.1 Insurance. Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of this Agreement, the following policies shall be maintained and kept in full force and effect providing insurance with minimum limits as indicated below and issued by insurers with A.M. Best ratings of no less than A-VI: Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001) $1,000,000 (per occurrence) $2,000,000 (general aggregate) Must include the following endorsements: General Liability Additional Insured General Liability Primary and Non-contributory Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001) $1,000,000 (per accident) Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 (per claim and aggregate) Workers’ Compensation (per statutory requirements) Must include the following endorsements: Workers Compensation with Waiver of Subrogation Workers Compensation Declaration of Sole Proprietor if applicable Contracting Party shall procure and maintain, at its cost, and submit concurrently with its execution of this Agreement, Commercial General Liability insurance against all claims for injuries against persons or damages to property resulting from Contracting Party’s acts or omissions rising out of or related to Contracting Party’s performance under this Agreement. The insurance policy shall contain a severability of interest clause providing that the coverage shall be primary for losses arising out of Contracting Party’s performance hereunder and neither City nor its insurers shall be required to contribute to any such loss. An endorsement evidencing the foregoing and naming the City and its officers and employees as additional insured (on the Commercial General Liability policy only) must be submitted concurrently with the execution of this Agreement and approved by City prior to commencement of the services hereunder. 50 Exhibit E Page 2 of 7 Contracting Party shall carry automobile liability insurance of $1,000,000 per accident against all claims for injuries against persons or damages to property arising out of the use of any automobile by Contracting Party, its officers, any person directly or indirectly employed by Contracting Party, any subcontractor or agent, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, arising directly or indirectly out of or related to Contracting Party’s performance under this Agreement. If Contracting Party or Contracting Party’s employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Contracting Party shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. The term “automobile” includes, but is not limited to, a land motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer designed for travel on public roads. The automobile insurance policy shall contain a severability of interest clause providing that coverage shall be primary for losses arising out of Contracting Party’s performance hereunder and neither City nor its insurers shall be required to contribute to such loss. Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form coverage specifically designed to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the Contracting Party and “Covered Professional Services” as designated in the policy must specifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The policy must “pay on behalf of” the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer’s duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. Contracting Party shall carry Workers’ Compensation Insurance in accordance with State Worker’s Compensation laws with employer’s liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. Contracting Party shall procure and maintain Cyber Liability insurance with limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence/loss which shall include the following coverage: a. Liability arising from the theft, dissemination and/or use of confidential or personally identifiable information; including credit monitoring and regulatory fines arising from such theft, dissemination or use of the confidential information. b. Network security liability arising from the unauthorized use of, access to, or tampering with computer systems. c. Liability arising from the failure of technology products (software) required under the contract for Consultant to 51 Exhibit E Page 3 of 7 properly perform the services intended. d. Electronic Media Liability arising from personal injury, plagiarism or misappropriation of ideas, domain name infringement or improper deep-linking or framing, and infringement or violation of intellectual property rights. e. Liability arising from the failure to render professional services. If coverage is maintained on a claims-made basis, Contracting Party shall maintain such coverage for an additional period of three (3) years following termination of the contract. Contracting Party shall provide written notice to City within ten (10) working days if: (1) any of the required insurance policies is terminated; (2) the limits of any of the required polices are reduced; or (3) the deductible or self-insured retention is increased. In the event any of said policies of insurance are cancelled, Contracting Party shall, prior to the cancellation date, submit new evidence of insurance in conformance with this Exhibit to the Contract Officer. The procuring of such insurance or the delivery of policies or certificates evidencing the same shall not be construed as a limitation of Contracting Party’s obligation to indemnify City, its officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors, or agents. E.2 Remedies. In addition to any other remedies City may have if Contracting Party fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, City may, at its sole option: a. Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due under this Agreement. b. Order Contracting Party to stop work under this Agreement and/or withhold any payment(s) which become due to Contracting Party hereunder until Contracting Party demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof. c. Terminate this Agreement. Exercise any of the above remedies, however, is an alternative to any other remedies City may have. The above remedies are not the exclusive remedies for Contracting Party’s failure to maintain or secure appropriate policies or endorsements. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which Contracting Party may be held responsible for payments of damages to persons or property resulting from 52 Exhibit E Page 4 of 7 Contracting Party’s or its subcontractors’ performance of work under this Agreement. E.3 General Conditions Pertaining to Provisions of Insurance Coverage by Contracting Party. Contracting Party and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Contracting Party: 1. Contracting Party agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials, employees, and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an edition prior to 1992. Contracting Party also agrees to require all contractors, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Contracting Party, or Contracting Party’s employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. Contracting Party agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all contractors and subcontractors to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contracting Party and available or applicable to this Agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. 4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 5. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called “third party action over” claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any contractor or subcontractor. 6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Contracting Party shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City’s protection without City’s prior written consent. 7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Contracting Party’s general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In 53 Exhibit E Page 5 of 7 the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Contracting Party or deducted from sums due Contracting Party, at City option. 8. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Contracting Party or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, non-contributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self-insurance available to City. 9. Contracting Party agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project that is brought onto or involved in the project by Contracting Party, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Contracting Party. Contracting Party agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Contracting Party agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. 10. Contracting Party agrees not to self-insure or to use any self- insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein (with the exception of professional liability coverage, if required) and further agrees that it will not allow any contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self-insure its obligations to City. If Contracting Party’s existing coverage includes a deductible or self-insured retention, the deductible or self-insured retention must be declared to the City. At that time the City shall review options with the Contracting Party, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 11. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of this Agreement to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Contracting Party ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Contracting Party, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increased benefit to City. 12. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto 54 Exhibit E Page 6 of 7 taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 13. Contracting Party acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Contracting Party of non- compliance with any insurance requirement in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 14. Contracting Party will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. 15. Contracting Party shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from Contracting Party’s insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and an additional insured endorsement is required in these specifications applicable to the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five (5) days of the expiration of coverages. 16. The provisions of any workers’ compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Contracting Party under this agreement. Contracting Party expressly agrees not to use any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials, and agents. 17. Requirements of specific coverage features, or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all-inclusive. 18. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this Agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such. 19. The requirements in this Exhibit supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Exhibit. 55 Exhibit E Page 7 of 7 20. Contracting Party agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Contracting Party for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. 21. Contracting Party agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Contracting Party arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. 56 Exhibit F Page 1 of 3 Exhibit F Indemnification F.1 Indemnity for the Benefit of City. a. Indemnification for Professional Liability. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for Contracting Party’s Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees, and agents (“Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities of every kind, nature, and description, damages, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death of an employee of Contracting Party or of any subcontractor), costs and expenses of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, attorneys’ fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, to the extent same are caused in whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Contracting Party, its officers, agents, employees or subcontractors (or any entity or individual that Contracting Party shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this agreement. With respect to the design of public improvements, the Contracting Party shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a location other than that specified in Exhibit A without the written consent of the Contracting Party. b. Indemnification for Other Than Professional Liability. Other than in the performance of professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties from and against any liability (including liability for claims, suits, actions, arbitration proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings, losses, expenses or costs of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, attorneys’ fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses) incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, where the same arise out of, are a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this Agreement by Contracting Party or by any individual or entity for which Contracting Party is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors of Contracting Party. c. Indemnity Provisions for Contracts Related to Construction (Limitation on Indemnity). Without affecting the rights of City under any 57 Exhibit F Page 2 of 3 provision of this agreement, Contracting Party shall not be required to indemnify and hold harmless City for liability attributable to the active negligence of City, provided such active negligence is determined by agreement between the parties or by the findings of a court of competent jurisdiction. In instances where City is shown to have been actively negligent and where City’s active negligence accounts for only a percentage of the liability involved, the obligation of Contracting Party will be for that entire portion or percentage of liability not attributable to the active negligence of City. d. Indemnification Provision for Design Professionals. 1. Applicability of this Section F.1(d). Notwithstanding Section F.1(a) hereinabove, the following indemnification provision shall apply to a Contracting Party who constitutes a “design professional” as the term is defined in paragraph 3 below. 2. Scope of Indemnification. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for Contracting Party’s Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees, and agents (“Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all losses, liabilities of every kind, nature, and description, damages, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death of an employee of Contracting Party or of any subcontractor), costs and expenses, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, reimbursement of attorneys’ fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, to the extent same are caused by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Contracting Party, its officers, agents, employees or subcontractors (or any entity or individual that Contracting Party shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this agreement. With respect to the design of public improvements, the Contracting Party shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a location other than that specified in Exhibit A without the written consent of the Contracting Party. 3. Design Professional Defined. As used in this Section F.1(d), the term “design professional” shall be limited to licensed architects, registered professional engineers, licensed professional land surveyors and landscape architects, all as defined under current law, and as may be amended from time to time by Civil Code § 2782.8. F.2 Obligation to Secure Indemnification Provisions. Contracting Party agrees to obtain executed indemnity agreements with provisions 58 Exhibit F Page 3 of 3 identical to those set forth herein this Exhibit F, as applicable to the Contracting Party, from each and every subcontractor or any other person or entity involved by, for, with or on behalf of Contracting Party in the performance of this Agreement. In the event Contracting Party fails to obtain such indemnity obligations from others as required herein, Contracting Party agrees to be fully responsible according to the terms of this Exhibit. Failure of City to monitor compliance with these requirements imposes no additional obligations on City and will in no way act as a waiver of any rights hereunder. This obligation to indemnify and defend City as set forth in this Agreement are binding on the successors, assigns or heirs of Contracting Party and shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 59 60 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: April 6, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ACCEPT LA QUINTA LANDSCAPE RENOVATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2016-03E, LOCATED AT LA QUINTA RANCHO OCOTILLO DEVELOPMENT, ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF FRED WARING AND EAST SIDE OF ADAMS STREET RECOMMENDATION Accept the La Quinta Landscape Renovation Improvements – Rancho Ocotillo Project as complete; authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Office of the County Recorder; and authorize staff to release retention in the amount of $35,133, thirty-five days after the Notice of Completion is recorded. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The La Quinta Landscape Renovation project included approximately 80,000 square feet of parkway, median, and retention basin including the replacement of 28,000 square feet of turf with the Desert Oasis plant palette. •The work is complete and Council acceptance will close the contract and allow final payment. FISCAL IMPACT The following is the financial accounting for Project No. 2016-03E: Original Contract Amount $ 657,317 Change Order No. 1 & 2 $ 45,351 Final Contract Amount $ 702,668 Project Budget $ 895,567 Final Contract Amount ($ 702,668) Design, Professional, & Personnel Costs ($ 35,000) Inspection, Survey, Plans, & Other Construction Costs ($ 2,552) Anticipated Funds Remaining* $155,347 * All costs to date have been accounted for and no further costs are anticipated. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 3 61 There are adequate funds to close this project; the final retention amount of $35,133 will be paid from account number 401-0000-20600. The anticipated savings ($155,347) will remain as available appropriations for this project until the completion of all phases. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On July 21, 2020, Council awarded a $657,317 contract to Urban Habitat. On September 2, 2020, a Notice to Proceed was issued with a 120-working day completion time starting on September 2, 2020 and ending on March 2, 2021. The project was deemed substantially complete on March 10, 2021. No liquidated damages or early completion incentives are recommended. Contract Change Order No. 1 was issued to allow for quantity adjustments and painting and cleaning of 2 retention basin walls , extending completion date to March 5, 2021. Contract Change Order No. 2 was issued to allow for installation of concrete, keystone wall, and steel edging, extending completion date to March 10, 2021. The project construction effort is complete and in compliance with the plans and specifications. Staff recommends acceptance and release of the retention thirty-five days after the Notice of Completion is recorded. ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Carley Escarrega, Management Assistant Approved by: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachment: 1. Vicinity Map 62 *IMPORTANT* Maps and data are to be used for reference purposes only. Map features are approximate, and are not necessarily accurate to surveying or engineering standards. The County of Riverside makes no warranty or guarantee as to the content (the source is often third party), accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any of the data provided, and assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained on this map. Any use of this product with respect to accuracy and precision shall be the sole responsibility of the user. © Riverside County GIS Legend Notes REPORT PRINTED ON...4/5/2019 11:12:16 AM Vicinity Map Rancho Ocotillo Landscape Renovation 0 3,0091, 505 Feet Blueline Streams City Areas World Street Map ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 163 64 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: April 6, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PROJECT LIST FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 FOR SENATE BILL 1 - ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT 2017 FUNDING RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution to approve the City of La Quinta project list for fiscal year 2021/22 to receive estimated funds from Senate Bill 1, Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •On March 2, 2021, Council provided direction on Senate Bill 1 (SB-1) and Measure A funding through the Capital Improvement Plan study session discussion. •To receive the SB-1 funds, the City must comply with the following requirements: o Demonstrate an annual Maintenance of Effort (MOE) expenditure from the City’s General Fund in the amount of $1,786,109; and o Submit a Council resolution which lists the projects to be funded in the following fiscal year with SB-1 funds, including a project description, location, schedule of completion, and estimated use ful life of the improvements. FISCAL IMPACT The following table represents the currently identified SB-1 funded projects by fiscal year: 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 TOTAL $822,800 $800,000 $858,000 $860,000 $850,000 $4,190,800 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 4 65 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS SB-1 created new permanent funding for road maintenance and rehabilitation projects. Each city and county must submit a project list to the California Transportation Commission by July 1, 2021 to be eligible for SB-1 funding for the following fiscal year. The draft Fiscal -Year 2021/22 through 2025/26 Capital Improvement Plan proposes using SB-1 funding for the following transportation improvements: Project Description 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 Total Dune Palms Road Pavement Rehabilitation (Miles Avenue to Fred Waring Drive) $822,800 $822,800 Fred Waring Drive Pavement Rehabilitation (Washington Street to Adams Street) $800,000 $800,000 Francis Hack Lane Pavement Rehabilitation (Avenida Bermudas to Cul-De -Sac) $380,000 $380,000 Washington Street Sidewalk Improvements (Avenue 50 to Calle Tampico) $478,000 $478,000 Cove Area Slurry Seal Improvements Phase 1 $860,000 $860,000 Cove Area Slurry Seal Improvements Phase 2 $850,000 $850,000 TOTAL: $822,800 $800,000 $858,000 $860,000 $850,000 $4,190,800 The Dune Palms Road Pavement Rehabilitation Project is proposed to receive SB-1 funds in 2021/22. The improvements along Dune Palms Road include complete pavement reconstruction from Miles Avenue to Fred Waring Drive. The project is partially funded with Measure A Half Cent Sales Tax in the amount of $240,000 and SB1 Road Maintenance Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) Funds in the amount of $822,800. 66 ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to approve the SB-1 Resolution and decline SB-1 funds. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer 67 68 RESOLUTION NO. 2021 – A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A LIST OF PROJECTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 20 21-22 FUNDED BY SB 1: THE ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2017 WHEREAS, Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (Chapter 5, Statutes of 2017) was passed by the Legislature and Signed into law by the Governor in April 2017 to address the significant multi - modal transportation funding shortfalls st atewide; and WHEREAS, SB 1 includes accountability and transparency provisions that will ensure the residents of the City of La Quinta (City) are aware of the projects proposed for funding in our community and which projects have been completed each fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the City must adopt by resolution a list of projects proposed to receive fiscal year funding from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA), created by SB 1, which must include a description and the location of each proposed project, a proposed schedule for the project’s completion, and the estimated useful life of the improvement; and WHEREAS, the City, will receive an estimated $822,800 in RMRA funding in Fiscal Year 2021-22 from SB 1; and WHEREAS, this is the third year in which the City is receiving SB 1 funding and will enable the City to continue essential road maintenance and rehabilitation projects, safety improvements, repairing and replacing aging bridges, and increasing access and mobility options for the traveling public that would not have otherwise been possible without SB 1; and WHEREAS, the City has undergone a robust public process to ensure public input into our community’s transportation priorities/the project list through three public meeting opportunities; and WHEREAS, the City used a Pavement Management System to develop the SB 1 project list to ensure revenues are being used on the most high - priority and cost-effective projects that also meet the community’s priorities for transportation investment; and 69 Resolution No. 2021 - xxx The Road Repair and Accountability Act Adopted: April 6, 2021 Page 2 of 3 WHEREAS, the funding from SB 1 will help the City maintain and rehabilitate one street/road project in the City this year and other similar projects into the future; and WHEREAS, the City’s current Pavement Management Plan found that the City’s streets and roads are in a “very good” condition and are currently ranked with an overall 80 Pavement Condition Index (PCI). This revenue will assist the City in maintaining the very good roadway system condition over the next decade and beyond; and WHEREAS, the SB 1 project list and overall investment in our local streets and roads infrastructure with a focus on basic maintenance and safety, investing in complete streets infrastructure, and using cutting -edge technology, materials and practices, will have significant positive co -benefits statewide. WHEREAS, on April 6, 2021, by a majority vote of the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, the following project was selected: Project Name Fiscal Year Amount 1.Dune Palms Road Pavement Rehabilitation 2021/22 $822,800 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2. The following list of proposed projects will be funded in-part or solely with fiscal year 2021-22 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account revenues: Project Name Fiscal Year Amount 1.Dune Palms Road Pavement Rehabilitation 2021/22 $822,800 Title: Dune Palms Road Pavement Rehabilitation (Miles Avenue to Fred Waring Drive) Description: The proposed improvements along Dune Palms Road include complete pavement reconstruction from Miles Avenue to Fred Waring Drive. The project is partially funded with Measure A Half Cent Sales Tax in the amount of $240,000 and SB1 RMRA Funds in the amount of $822,800. Estimated Useful Life: 20 Years. 70 Resolution No. 2021 - xxx The Road Repair and Accountability Act Adopted: April 6, 2021 Page 3 of 3 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this day of April, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ________________________ LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: __________________________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: _______________________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 71 72 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: April 6, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE WE WILL LIFT: REGIONAL PLEDGE FOR HOUSING AND OPPORTUNITY RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution in support of the We Will Lift: Regional Pledge for Housing and Opportunity; and authorize the City Manager to sign the pledge. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •Lift to Rise (LTR) is a local collective impact organization with the goal of working toward a future where all Coachella Valley families are healthy, stable, and thriving. •In 2020, LTR requested a letter of support from the City of La Quinta for a State of California (State) Budget proposal for the Coachella Valley Regional Housing Catalyst Fund (Fund) to assist with development of affordable housing in the Coachella Valley. •LTR is seeking a pledge from all local jurisdictions, called the We Will Lift: Regional Pledge for Housing and Opportunity (Pledge) (Attachment 1), to strengthen the regional effort of affordable housing coordination and support State funding opportunities. FISCAL IMPACT - None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS LTR has requested the City pledge its support for a regional approach and plan to increasing housing stability and economic mobility by signing the We Will Lift: Pledge. By signing the Pledge, the City conveys its support for their two- year action plan to develop 2,000 units of affordable housing in the Coachella Valley, furthering a regional investment vehicle to assist with acquiring State funding and coordinating efforts for regional affordable housing projects. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 5 73 ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to adopt the Resolution as presented or direct staff to make additional revisions. Prepared by: Doug Kinley, Management Specialist Approved by: Gil Villalpando, Assistant to City Manager Attachment 1: We Will Lift: Regional Pledge for Housing and Opportunity 74 RESOLUTION NO. 2021 - 0XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, TO SUPPORT THE WE WILL LIFT: REGIONAL PLEDGE FOR HOUSING AND OPPORTUNITY WHEREAS, one in two individuals in the Coachella Valley earn at or below 200% of the federal poverty line; and WHEREAS, wages in the Coachella Valley are half of what they need to be to afford the Fair Market Rent for a median two-bedroom apartment; and WHEREAS, more than half of Coachella Valley renters are housing cost burdened, or paying more than 30% of their monthly incomes on rent, and one third of renters pay more than half of their monthly incomes on rent; and WHEREAS, people of color in the Coachella Valley face higher rates of rent-burden, eviction, and are more likely to experience homelessness; and WHEREAS, COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the economic well-being of families in the Coachella Valley; and WHEREAS, high development costs, long development timelines, infrastructure gaps, and incompatible land uses pose barriers to the development of more affordable housing units the Coachella Valley; and WHEREAS, Lift to Rise is a local collective impact organization working to achieve a future where all Coachella Valley families are healthy, stable, and thriving; and WHEREAS, Lift to Rise and a cross-sector network of partners have developed a plan to achieve increased housing stability and economic mobility by: • Advancing a community-valued pipeline of investable projects that will result in 2,000 units of affordable housing in the next two years; and • Implementing affordable housing friendly policies that will facilitate the planning, approval, and construction of affordable housing units in the shared pipeline; and • Driving a regional investment vehicle to invest in and catalyze the development of affordable housing across the region; and 75 Resolution No. 2021 – 0XX Support of We Will Lift: Regional Pledge for Housing & Opportunity Adopted: April 6, 2021 Page 2 of 3 • Building pathways to economic mobility and security for residents experiencing poverty. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. As part of the City’s ongoing efforts to promote housing stability and economic mobility for all residents, the City Council of La Quinta hereby pledge our support to a shared, concrete, and forward-thinking plan and direct the City Manager to communicate this support by signing the We Will Lift: Regional Pledge for Housing and Opportunity. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 6th day of April, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ________________________ LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 76 Resolution No. 2021 – 0XX Support of We Will Lift: Regional Pledge for Housing & Opportunity Adopted: April 6, 2021 Page 3 of 3 ATTEST: ____________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 77 78 Lift to Rise seeks to radically change the trajectory of opportunity and affordability in the Coachella Valley. Transforming our community into a place of opportunity for everyone requires changing the policies and practices that affect how investment flows throughout our region to ensure every Coachella Valley family has safe and affordable housing, and stable and satisfying employment with opportunities to thrive. WE WILL LIFT REGIONAL PLEDGE FOR HOUSING AND OPPORTUNITY COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the economic well-being of families in the Coachella Valley. Unemployment and sudden losses in household income have worsened conditions for many families in a region where incomes were already on the decline. The lack of affordable housing in the region is exacerbating a growing economic and quality-of-life divide fueled by the alarming rise of rent burden— a marginalizing phenomenon reshaping resident quality of life and opportunity across our region. We must address the underlying causes and consequences of housing and economic instability in the Coachella Valley, and the time to do so is now. Lift to Rise has an ambitious Action Plan that uplifts our region’s story, builds local strength, and catalyzes change. Pre-COVID, one in two individuals earned at or below 200% of the federal poverty line. Wages are half of what they need to be to afford the Fair Market Rent for a two-bedroom apartment. More than half of renters are housing cost burdened and one third of renters pay more than half of their monthly incomes on rent. People of color face higher rates of rent- burden, eviction, and are more likely to experience homelessness. 1 1 / 3Draft ATTACHMENT 1 79 We stand with Lift to Rise and pledge our support for a shared, concrete, and forward-thinking plan. This plan will: WE WILL LIFT | REGIONAL PLEDGE FOR HOUSING AND OPPORTUNITY As public and private organizations, we will assign a representative to align our policies, practices, and resources in a way that advances this plan. As community members, we will shape the ongoing development and implementation of this plan and hold ourselves and partners accountable to realizing community priorities. Together in Unity, Advance a community- valued pipeline of investable projects that will result in 2,000 units of affordable housing in the next two years. Work with city, county, and state governments to implement affordable housing-friendly policies that will facilitate the planning, approval, and construction of affordable housing units in the shared pipeline. Drive a regional investment vehicle to invest in and catalyze the development of affordable housing across the region. Build pathways to economic mobility and security for residents experiencing poverty. 2 / 3 Draft ATTACHMENT 1 80 Pledge Partner Contributions: Draft 3 / 3 Government Agencies As government agencies we recognize the following opportunities to align with and support priorities of the CAN: • Use our expertise to provide technical assistance to support the implementation of the CAN’s priorities. • Contribute detailed and up-to-date, publicly-available information on affordable housing projects and development opportunities to the shared pipeline of projects. • Comply fully with all state and federal housing rules/requirements. • Provide opportunities for (and not unduly constrain) affordable housing development in our community. • Advance pro-affordable-housing policies in our communities, including those that prioritize favorable zoning and land use, decrease production timeframes, and reduce construction and development costs. • Collaborate with other jurisdictions and agencies to align policy and remove barriers to affordable housing. • Coordinate and align funding opportunities with the regional fund to advance unit production. • Express our support of the Coachella Valley Housing Catalyst Fund and investments proposals (i.e. letter of support). Developers As developers we recognize the following opportunities to align with and support the priorities of the CAN: • Use our expertise to provide technical assistance to support the implementation of the CAN’s priorities. • Contribute detailed and up-to-date information on affordable housing projects and development opportunities to the shared pipeline of projects. • Publicly voice our support for projects in the shared pipeline. • Identify barriers in the regulatory environment and work to craft solutions. • Advocate for pro-affordable-housing policies in our communities, including those that prioritize favorable zoning and land use, decrease production timeframes, and reduce construction and development costs. • Hold our elected leaders accountable to promoting the creation of more affordable housing. • Express our support of the Coachella Valley Housing Catalyst Fund and investments proposals (i.e. letter of support). Funders/ Banks/ Foundations As funders/foundations we recognize the following opportunities to align with and support the priorities of the CAN: • Use our expertise to provide technical assistance to support the implementation of the CAN’s priorities. • Publicly voice our support of the development of projects in the shared pipeline. • Advocate for pro-housing policies in our communities, including those that prioritize favorable zoning and land use, decrease production timeframes, and reduce construction and development costs. • Hold our elected leaders accountable to promoting the creation of more affordable housing. • Express our support of the Coachella Valley Housing Catalyst Fund and investments proposals (i.e. letter of support. • Coordinate and align funding opportunities to advance unit production. Private Sector As private organizations we recognize the following opportunities to align with and support the priorities of the CAN: • Use our expertise to provide technical assistance to support the implementation of the CAN’s priorities. • Publicly voice our support for projects in the shared pipeline. • Advocate for pro-affordable-housing policies in our communities, including those that prioritize favorable zoning and land use, decrease production timeframes, and reduce construction and development costs. • Hold our elected leaders accountable to promoting the creation of more affordable housing. • Express our support of the Coachella Valley Housing Catalyst Fund and investments proposals (i.e. letter of support). Other CBOs As community-based organizations we recognize the following opportunities to align with and support the priorities of the CAN: • Use our expertise to provide technical assistance to support the implementation of the CAN’s priorities. • Publicly voice our support of the development of projects in the shared pipeline. • Advocate for pro-affordable-housing policies in our communities, including those that prioritize favorable zoning and land use, decrease production timeframes, and reduce construction and development costs. • Hold our elected leaders accountable to promoting the creation of more affordable housing. • Express our support of the Coachella Valley Housing Catalyst Fund and investments proposals (i.e. letter of support). Residents As residents we recognize the following opportunities to align with and support the priorities of the CAN: • Join and/or support the Resident Leadership Table. • Participate in community meetings convened by the resident leadership table. • Publicly voice our support of the development of projects in the shared pipeline. • Advocate for pro-affordable-housing policies in our communities, including those that prioritize favorable zoning and land use, decrease production timeframes, and reduce construction and development costs. • Hold our elected leaders accountable to promoting the creation of more affordable housing. • Express our support of the Coachella Valley Housing Catalyst Fund and investments proposals (i.e. letter of support). WE WILL LIFT | REGIONAL PLEDGE FOR HOUSING AND OPPORTUNITY ATTACHMENT 1 81 82 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: April 6, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED MARCH 12, 19, AND 26, 2021 RECOMMENDATION Approve demand registers dated March 12, 19, and 26, 2021. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – None FISCAL IMPACT Demand of Cash: City 5,782,123.84$ Successor Agency of RDA 125.00$ Housing Authority 9,901.36$ 5,792,150.20$ BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Routine bills and payroll must be paid between Council meetings. Attachment 1 details the weekly demand registers for March 12, 19, and 26, 2021. Warrants Issued: 204251-204330 1,561,677.25$ 204331 203.72$ 204332-204391 355,401.87$ 204392-204449 3,243,874.21$ EFT 111 30.00$ AP VOIDS (7,952.07)$ Wire Transfers 373,391.82$ Payroll Tax Transfers 70,274.90$ Payroll Direct Deposit 195,248.50$ 5,792,150.20$ In the amounts listed above, sixteen checks were voids, and four were re-issued. The majority of voids were the result of the periodic review of stale-dated checks, along with those voided for vendor non-receipt or corrections. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 6 83 The most significant expenditures on the demand registers are: Account Name Amount Riverside County Sheriff Various 2,246,682.22$ 12/17/20-02/10/21 Police Svcs Riverside County Sheriff Various 1,184,476.55$ 11/19-12/16/20 Police Svcs Jones Bros Construction Construction 436,224.80$ SRR Way Street Improvements Urban Habitat Construction 253,692.89$ 01/2021 SilverRock Park Venue Urban Habitat Construction 109,432.21$ Rancho Ocotillo Land- scape Improvement PurposeVendor Wire Transfers: Eleven transfers totaled $373,392. Of this amount, $162,367 was for Landmark and $159,671 was for CalPERS. (See Attachment 2 for a full listing). Investment Transactions: Full details of investment transactions as well as total holdings are reported quarterly in the Treasurer’s Report. Transaction Issuer Type Par Value Settle Date Coupon Rate Maturity Ally Bank CD 245,000$ 3/8/21 2.500% Maturity Unity Bank CD 245,000$ 3/16/21 2.550% ALTERNATIVES Council may approve, partially approve, or reject the demand registers. Prepared by: Jesse Batres, Account Technician Approved by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Attachments:1. Demand Registers 2.Wire Transfers 84 3/12/2021 12:02:10 PM Page 1 of 7 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT02720 - JB 03/12/21 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 2,200.00TOT - Short Term Vac. Rentals02/22/21 - OVERPAYMENT TOT FEES REF…204295MYERS, BARBARA 101-0000-41401 50.00Over Payments, AR Policy03/03/21 - BUS LIC OVERPAYMENT REFU…204308RELIABLE ROOFING BY TGY 101-0000-20330 160.00Over Payments, AR Policy03/03/21 - BUS LIC OVERPAYMENT REFU…204264CALERES, INC.101-0000-20330 50.00Over Payments, AR Policy03/03/21 - BUS LIC OVERPAYMENT REFU…204256AMS PAVING INC 101-0000-20330 3,900.00Fritz Burns Pool Maintenance03/04/21 - FB POOL IRON FENCE PAINTING204296NAVA, FRANCISCO JIMENEZ 101-3005-60184 4,000.00Administrative Citations03/05/21 - CITATION REFUND LQ161384204262BAUGH ENTERPRISES INC 101-0000-42700 1,000.00Administrative Citations03/08/21 - CITATION REFUND LQ 160897204252AIEVOLI, TOM GRANT 101-0000-42700 300.00Lot Cleaning/Gravel Program08/03/20 - WEED ABATEMENT CASE CE-20…204259BALDWINS MANY HATS 101-6004-60120 126.07Maintenance/Services03/01/21 - REKEY SPORTS COMPLEX204321THE LOCK SHOP, INC 101-3008-60691 165.00Consultants02/03/21 - CLASS B PHYSICAL204278EISENHOWER OCCUPATIONAL…101-1004-60104 2,100.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…02/24-03/23/21 - PS AIRPORT DIGITAL NE…204320THE LAMAR COMPANIES 101-3007-60461 798.50Administrative Citation Services01/2021 - CODE CITIATION PROCESSING204273DATA TICKET, INC.101-6004-60111 1,691.48Telephone - Utilities02/23-03/22-21 - EOC PHONE LINE SVC204324TPX COMMUNICATIONS 101-2002-61300 247.81Community Experiences02/26/21 - PILLARS FOR THE COMMUNITY…204304POWERS AWARDS INC 101-3003-60149 21.20Office Supplies02/24/21 - PLASTIC FILES204300OFFICE DEPOT 101-1004-60400 5.44Office Supplies03/03/21 - COLOR PAPER COPY204300OFFICE DEPOT 101-1006-60400 4,000.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…12/2020 - DESIGN PRODUCTION RETAINER204257ARK CONNECTS LLC 101-3007-60461 4,000.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…03/2021 - DESIGN PRODUCTION RETAINER204257ARK CONNECTS LLC 101-3007-60461 6,000.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…03/2021 - PRINT MEDIA204289LOS ANGELES MAGAZINE LLC 101-3007-60461 77.37Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites02/01/-02/28/21 - SATELLITE PHONES204297NI GOVERNMENT SERVICES INC 101-2002-61304 622.00Maintenance/Services02/23/21 - C.H. MAIN LINE REPAIR204328VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 101-3005-60691 167.39Tools/Equipment03/02/21 - CHAIN LOOP204292MOWERS PLUS INC 101-3005-60432 4,120.00Professional Services12/2020 - STVR CONTRACT SERVICES204294MUNIREVS INC 101-6006-60103 2,500.00Lot Cleaning/Gravel Program03/01/21 - WEED ABATEMENT CASE 20-0…204293MOYA, DANIEL 101-6004-60120 410.11Office Supplies03/02/21 - BLACK TONER CARTRIDGE204316STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6004-60400 479.40Operating Supplies03/01/21-02/28/22 - ANNUAL SVC GPS D…204327US FLEET TRACKING LLC 101-2001-60420 4,120.00Professional Services01/2021 - STVR CONTRACT SERVICES204294MUNIREVS INC 101-6006-60103 1,499.20Marketing & Tourism Promoti…02/2021 - RAIDO ADS204254ALPHA MEDIA LLC 101-3007-60461 1,500.80Marketing & Tourism Promoti…02/2021 - RADIO ADS204254ALPHA MEDIA LLC 101-3007-60461 680.00Map/Plan Checking03/03/21 - LLA 2021-002 ON CALL MAP C…204307RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 290.00Map/Plan Checking03/03/21 - LAD 2021-0001 ON CALL MAP …204307RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 370.00Map/Plan Checking03/03/21 - LLA 2021-0001 ON CALL MAP …204307RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 99.15Tools/Equipment03/02/21 - TRI-BALL DRAW BAR BALL MO…204258AUTOZONE 101-3005-60432 771.42Temporary Agency Services02/26/21 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS T.SUDAKO…204301OFFICE TEAM 101-6006-60125 9,766.71Janitorial01/2021 - JANITORIAL SERVICES204290MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…101-3008-60115 10,303.86Janitorial02/2021 - JANITORIAL SERVICES204290MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…101-3008-60115 165.00Blood/Alcohol Testing01/01-01/14/21 - BLOOD/ALCOHOL ANAL…204255AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES …101-2001-60174 555.00Blood/Alcohol Testing11/15/20 - 2/11/21 - BLOOD/ALCOHOL A…204255AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES …101-2001-60174 7,850.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…03/06/21 - 50% DEPOSIT FOR VIDEO PRO…204268CITYGIRL MARKETING 101-3007-60461 125.00Maintenance/Services03/09/21 - FS 70 REPAIRS204302PATTON DOOR & GATE 101-2002-60691 19.25LQ Police Volunteers02/05/21 - POLICE SHRED204312SHRED-IT USA - SAN BERNADI…101-2001-60109 165.00Security & Alarm01/01-03/31/21 - ALARM MONITORING S…204253ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…101-3008-60123 495.00Security & Alarm01/01-03/31/21 - ALARM MONITORING S…204253ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…101-3008-60123 510.00Fire Station01/01-03/31/21 - FIRE ALARM MONITORI…204253ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…101-2002-60670 255.00Security & Alarm01/01-03/31/21 - FIRE ALARM MONITORI…204253ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…101-3008-60123 255.00Security & Alarm01/01-03/31/21 - FIRE ALARM MONITORI…204253ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…101-3008-60123 6.68Materials/Supplies02/26/21 - KEYS FOR SPORTS COMPLEX204321THE LOCK SHOP, INC 101-3008-60431 62.06Materials/Supplies03/04/21 - UNIVERSAL PIN PADLOCK204321THE LOCK SHOP, INC 101-3005-60431 -2.61Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites03/02/21 - SATELLITE PHONES LATE FEE204311ROADPOST USA INC.101-2002-61304 1,454.47Electricity - Utilities03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-2002-61101 13.20Electric - Monticello Park - Utili…03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61102 2,570.39Electric - Civic Center Park - Uti…03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61103 943.00Electric - Fritz Burns Park - Utili…03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61105 ATTACHMENT 1 85 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02720 - JB 03/12/21 3/12/2021 12:02:10 PM Page 2 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 12.34Electric - Colonel Paige - Utiliti…03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61108 5,620.06Electric - Community Park - Util…03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61109 42.51Electric - Adams Park - Utilities03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61110 13.43Electric - Velasco Park - Utilities03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61111 22.52Electric - Eisenhower Park - Util…03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61113 13.06Electric - Desert Pride - Utilities03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61114 7,084.66Electricity - Utilities03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3008-61101 382.97Water -Pioneer Park - Utilities03/04/21 - WATER SERVICE204270COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61207 3,500.00ConsultantsFY 20/21 - ASSESSMENT CALC & TAX ROLL204269CLEARSOURCE FINANCIAL CO…101-7002-60104 3,648.18Professional Services02/2021 - SECURITY PATROL REIMBURSE…204276DESERT RESORT MANAGEMENT 101-6004-60103 104.39Gas - Utilities01/28-03/01/21 - FS #93 GAS SVC204319THE GAS COMPANY 101-2002-61100 15.14Materials/Supplies02/24/21 - SCREWS204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3008-60431 220.00Travel & Training02/09/21 - STORM WATER TRAINING204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-7003-60320 850.38Materials/Supplies02/23/21 - CONCRETE ROTARY MIXER204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3005-60431 75.00Travel & Training02/03/21 - GOV'T ACCTING COURSE D.AR…204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-1006-60320 75.00Travel & Training03/2021 - GOV'T ACCTING COURSE J.BATR…204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-1006-60320 75.00Travel & Training03/2021 - GOV'T ACCTING COURSE D.BAT…204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-1006-60320 150.00Travel & Training02/12/21 - GOV'T ACCTING COURSE R.HAL…204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-1006-60320 3,506.12Special Enforcement Funds02/22/21 - DRONE FOR LQPD204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-2001-60175 333.97Community Experiences02/18/21 - 37 SOAKER GUNS204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3003-60149 432.31Community Experiences02/11/21 - SIDEWALK CHALK204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3003-60149 55.95Community Experiences02/10/21 - WATER BLAST TUBES204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3003-60149 174.30Community Experiences02/12/21 - PLUSH BUNNIES204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3003-60149 470.72Community Experiences02/01/21 - ROCKET LAUNCH SUPPLIES204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3003-60149 828.50Community Experiences01/27/21 - EASTER EVENT SUPPLIES204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3003-60149 680.78Community Experiences02/11/21 - EASTER EVENT SUPPLIES204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3003-60149 225.00Travel & Training02/16/21 - AP STYLE TRAINING COURSE K.…204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60320 30.00Travel & Training02/03/21 - ULI TRAINING C.FLORES204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-6002-60320 55.57Travel & Training02/16/21 - CC MEETING DINNER204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-1002-60320 9.47Travel & Training02/05/21 - BOOK FOR CCAC TRAINING204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-1006-60320 46.62Operating Supplies02/19/21 - PLASTIC SPRAY BOTTLE & JUGS204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3002-60420 16.38Community Experiences02/18/21 - BUNNY VEST & BOW TIE204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3003-60149 695.80Materials/Supplies02/13/21 - 15 CHRISTMAS LIGHT SETS204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3005-60431 87.99Membership Dues02/05/21 - MAILCHIMP204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60351 14.99Marketing & Tourism Promoti…02/2021 - APPLE MUSIC SUBSCRIPTION204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 56.52Marketing & Tourism Promoti…02/03/21 - 2 DESK LED RING LIGHTS204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 339.67Marketing & Tourism Promoti…01/2021 - FB ADS204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 70.60Marketing & Tourism Promoti…01/27/21 - ROCKET LAUNCH SUPPLIES204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 0.99Marketing & Tourism Promoti…02/22/21 - ICLOUD STORAGE K.CAMARENA204260BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 -29.93Sales Taxes Payable02/23/21 - PARK REPLACEMENT PARTS TAX204286KOMPAN INC 101-0000-20304 334.84Operating Supplies01/2021 - RADIO MAINT204309RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMAT…101-2001-60420 48.38Telephone - Utilities03/2021 - LQ PARK PHONE204280FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…101-3005-61300 38.25Telephone - Utilities02/28-03/27/21 - SPORT COMPLEX PHONE204280FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…101-3005-61300 1,848.57Fritz Burns Pool Maintenance03/04/21 - CHEMICAL PUMPS FOR FB POOL204299OCEAN SPRINGS TECH INC 101-3005-60184 1,665.31Water -Fritz Burns Park - Utiliti…03/04/21 - WATER SERVICE204270COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61204 512.18Water - Utilities03/04/21 - WATER SERVICE204270COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3008-61200 173.85Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites01/23-02/22/21 - EOC SATELLITE PHONES204311ROADPOST USA INC.101-2002-61304 176.46Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites02/23-03/22/21 - SATELLITE PHONES204311ROADPOST USA INC.101-2002-61304 299.57Materials/Supplies03/01/21 - LED LIGH BULBS204330WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…101-3005-60431 705,983.34Sheriff Patrol11/19-12/16/20 - BP 06 POLICE SERVICE204310RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60161 19,679.68Police Overtime11/19-12/16/20 - BP 06 POLICE SERVICE204310RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60162 120,165.39Target Team11/19-12/16/20 - BP 06 POLICE SERVICE204310RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60163 57,550.28Community Services Officer11/19-12/16/20 - BP 06 POLICE SERVICE204310RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60164 14,102.40Gang Task Force11/19-12/16/20 - BP 06 POLICE SERVICE204310RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60166 14,102.40Narcotics Task Force11/19-12/16/20 - BP 06 POLICE SERVICE204310RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60167 125,745.08Motor Officer11/19-12/16/20 - BP 06 POLICE SERVICE204310RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60169 37,284.00Dedicated Sargeants11/19-12/16/20 - BP 06 POLICE SERVICE204310RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60170 22,187.20Dedicated Lieutenant11/19-12/16/20 - BP 06 POLICE SERVICE204310RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60171 35,005.91Sheriff - Mileage11/19-12/16/20 - BP 06 POLICE SERVICE204310RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60172 1,894.44Special Enforcement Funds11/19-12/16/20 - BP 06 POLICE SERVICE204310RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60175 86 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02720 - JB 03/12/21 3/12/2021 12:02:10 PM Page 3 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 3,746.06Prepaid Expense7/1/21-9/30/21-PHASE 1 MS4 ANN PERMI…204318SWRCB 101-0000-13600 11,237.94Professional Services10/01/20-06/30/21 - PHASE 1 MS4 ANNU…204318SWRCB 101-7002-60103 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:1,287,822.84 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 352.35Traffic Control Signs02/26/21 - TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS204323TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 69.40Materials/Supplies03/01/21 - DIG ALERT FEES204326UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 201-7003-60431 37.73Materials/Supplies01/20-02/20/21 - CYLINDER RENTAL204305PRAXAIR INC 201-7003-60431 23.15Materials/Supplies03/01/21 - CA STATE FEE204326UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 201-7003-60431 393.07Electricity - Utilities03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 201-7003-61101 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:875.70 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 217.50Operating Supplies03/05/21- BOOKS FOR LIBRARY CIRCULAT…204288LA QUINTA HISTORICAL SOCIE…202-3004-60420 2,538.23Janitorial01/2021 - JANITORIAL SERVICES204290MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3004-60115 640.01Janitorial01/2021 - JANITORIAL SERVICES204290MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3006-60115 2,647.80Janitorial02/2021 - JANITORIAL SERVICES204290MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3004-60115 640.01Janitorial02/2021 - JANITORIAL SERVICES204290MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3006-60115 165.00Security & Alarm01/01-03/31/21 - ALARM MONITORING S…204253ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…202-3004-60123 165.00Security & Alarm01/01-03/31/21 - ALARM MONITORING S…204253ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…202-3006-60123 255.00Security & Alarm01/01-03/31/21 - FIRE ALARM MONITORI…204253ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…202-3004-60123 255.00Security & Alarm01/01-03/31/21 - FIRE ALARM MONITORI…204253ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…202-3006-60123 165.00Security & Alarm01/01-03/31/21 - LUMBER YARD MONITO…204253ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…202-3006-60123 100.12Maintenance/Services02/25/21 - SEAT COVER DISPENSERS FOR L…204279FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 202-3004-60691 1,291.67Electricity - Utilities03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 202-3004-61101 487.25Electricity - Utilities03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 202-3006-61101 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:9,567.59 Fund: 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 1,291.86COPS Robbery Prevention11/19-12/16/20 - BP 06 POLICE SERVICE204310RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…212-0000-60178 29,484.57COPS Burglary/Theft Preventi…11/19-12/16/20 - BP 06 POLICE SERVICE204310RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…212-0000-60179 Fund 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND Total:30,776.43 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 2,211.39Materials/Supplies02/25/21 - LANDSCAPE RIVER ROCK204315SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…215-7004-60431 433.51Safety Gear03/01/21 - PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUI…204316STAPLES ADVANTAGE 215-7004-60427 535.42Materials/Supplies02/22/21 - PRESSURE REGULATING FILTER204313SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 215-7004-60431 153.13Materials/Supplies02/23/21 - QUICK COUPLER VALVE204313SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 215-7004-60431 1,136.00Maintenance/Services02/16/21 - PVC CONDUIT SERVICES204329VINTAGE E & S INC 215-7004-60691 2,797.82Maintenance/Services02/19/21 - PVC CONDUIT SERVICES204329VINTAGE E & S INC 215-7004-60691 362.04Materials/Supplies02/22/21 - PLANTS204265CALIFORNIA DESERT NURSERY,…215-7004-60431 155.16Materials/Supplies02/26/21 - PLANTS204265CALIFORNIA DESERT NURSERY,…215-7004-60431 6,650.00Maintenance/Services03/25/21- PLANT REPLACEMENT & NEW …204306PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60691 1,375.00Maintenance/Services03/01/21 - TREE AND STUMP REMOVAL204306PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60691 1,725.00Maintenance/Services03/05/21 - TREE AND STUMP REMOVEAL204306PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60691 797.53Materials/Supplies02/16/21 - LANDSCAPE DG204325TRI-STATE MATERIALS INC 215-7004-60431 655.22Materials/Supplies02/19/21 - LANDSCAPE DG204325TRI-STATE MATERIALS INC 215-7004-60431 4,501.94Electric - Utilities03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 2,500.54Electric - Medians - Utilities03/04/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204285IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 5,369.46Water - Medians - Utilities03/04/21 - WATER SERVICE204270COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 565.69Materials/Supplies02/24/21 - PLANTS204328VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 215-7004-60431 1,454.63Materials/Supplies03/02/21 - PLANTS204328VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 215-7004-60431 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:33,379.48 Fund: 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) 125.00Relocation Benefits06/28/19 - FINAL CLAIM WSA RELOC PRJ204291MEZA, MARIA 248-9102-60159 Fund 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) Total:125.00 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 2,375.00Construction02/23/21- 2014-13 LOWER BYPASS IRRIG…204271COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…401-0000-60188 4,200.00Construction03/01/21 - 2014-13 BASIN SOD204317SUNRISE GOLF CONSTRUCTION…401-0000-60188 -3,296.25Retention Payable01/31/21 - 2015-03 VILLAGE COMPLETE ST…204283GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO…401-0000-20600 65,924.95Construction01/31/21 - 2015-03 VILLAGE COMPLETE S…204283GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO…401-0000-60188 4,820.00Technical11/29/20-01/02/21 -2016-08 ONCALL CO…204298NV5 401-0000-60108 87 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02720 - JB 03/12/21 3/12/2021 12:02:10 PM Page 4 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 14,470.00Technical11/29/20-01/02/21 -2014-13 ONCALL CO…204298NV5 401-0000-60108 800.00Technical11/29/20-01/02/21 -2017-01 ONCALL CO…204298NV5 401-0000-60108 9,355.00Technical12/26/20-01/29/21- 2014-13 ONCALL MA…204272CONVERSE CONSULTANTS 401-0000-60108 13,927.50Technical12/26/20-01/29/21- 2017-01 ONCALL MA…204272CONVERSE CONSULTANTS 401-0000-60108 660.00Technical12/26/20-01/29/21 - PALEONTOLOGICAL…204277DUDEK & ASSOCIATES INC 401-0000-60108 3,285.00Design02/01/21 - FS #70 REVITALIZATION DESIGN…204263BOA ARCHITECTURE 401-0000-60185 9,181.97Design12/01/20-01/30/21 - 2016-03 TOPAZ ST S…204274DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATE…401-0000-60185 332.23Construction02/10/21 - 2019-07 BID SET204303PLANIT REPROGRAPHICS SYST…401-0000-60188 10,693.74Construction12/2020 - LQ VILLAGE COMPLETE STREET …204314SOUTHSTAR ENGINEERING & …401-0000-60188 8,887.85Construction01/2021 - LQ VILLAGE COMPLETE STREET …204314SOUTHSTAR ENGINEERING & …401-0000-60188 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:145,616.99 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 1,641.72Vehicle Repair & Maintenance02/17/21 - VEHICLE #30 TAILGATE REPAIR204284HWY COLLISION CENTER 501-0000-60676 14.00Parts & Maintenance Supplies02/25/21 - EMERGENCY FUSE CADDY204258AUTOZONE 501-0000-60675 4,914.85City Bldg Repl/Repair03/02/21 - COUNCIL CHAMBERS CARPET I…204322THE WORKS FLOOR & WALL 501-0000-71103 108.62Parts & Maintenance Supplies02/25/21 - BATTERY & AIR FILTER204266CARQUEST 501-0000-60675 32.00Parts & Maintenance Supplies01/2021 - CASH WASH SVCS204287LA QUINTA CAR WASH, L.P.501-0000-60675 81.00Parts & Maintenance Supplies02/2021 - CAR WASH SVCS204287LA QUINTA CAR WASH, L.P.501-0000-60675 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total:6,792.19 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 313.21Computers02/17/21 - TOMMI NOTEBOOK REPAIRS204275DELL MARKETING LP 502-0000-80103 3,118.62Telephone - Utilities02/23-03/22-21 - PHONE LINE SVC204324TPX COMMUNICATIONS 502-0000-61300 1,580.10Machinery & Equipment02/24/21 - QNAP STORAGE DEVICE204267CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-80100 1,448.13Machinery & Equipment03/01/21 - ACCESS POINTS204267CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-80100 24,495.00Consultants03/2021 - IT SERVICES204251ACORN TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 502-0000-60104 575.00Consultants02/2021 - INSTALL WIRELESS ACCESS POI…204251ACORN TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 502-0000-60104 60.48Software Licenses02/21-03/23/21 - UBIQ BI SUBSCRIPTION…204260BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60301 14.99Software Licenses02/07/21 - HOMEBASE ADOBE J.DELGADO204260BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60301 1,000.46Operating Supplies02/01/21 - 4 HEADSETS204260BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60420 250.11Operating Supplies02/23/21 - DUAL HEADSET A.WEISMAN204260BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60420 87.00Machinery & Equipment02/19/21 - TRANSCEIVER MODULES204260BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-80100 0.99Software Licenses02/2021 - ICLOUD STORAGE M.GRAHAM204260BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60301 50.00Software Licenses02/13-03/13/21 - BASECAMP204260BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60301 14.13Machinery & Equipment02/19/21 - USB/SD CARD ADAPTER204260BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-80100 118.88Machinery & Equipment02/09/21 - 2 WEB CAMERAS204260BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-80100 250.92Machinery & Equipment02/04/21 - PW IPAD CASES204260BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-80100 85.98Cable - Utilities02/25/-03/24/21 - C.H. INTERNET204280FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…502-0000-61400 51.70Cable - Utilities02/27-03/26/21 - BLACKHAWK/LQ PARK D…204280FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…502-0000-61400 91.86Cable - Utilities02/26-03/25/21 - C.H. DSL204280FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…502-0000-61400 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:33,607.56 Fund: 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 391.93Parks02/23/21 - PARK REPLACEMENT PARTS204286KOMPAN INC 503-0000-71060 11,871.21Parks02/25/21 - LQ PARK BENCHES204281GAMETIME 503-0000-71060 Fund 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND Total:12,263.14 Fund: 504 - INSURANCE FUND 71.76Office Supplies02/24/21 - LAPTOP STAND (ERGO ASSESS…204300OFFICE DEPOT 504-1010-60400 129.92Office Supplies02/24/21 - ERGO ASSESSMENT SUPPLIES204300OFFICE DEPOT 504-1010-60400 Fund 504 - INSURANCE FUND Total:201.68 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 648.65Bank Fees03/2021 - SRR ARMORED SVCS204282GARDAWORLD 601-0000-60455 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total:648.65 Grand Total:1,561,677.25 88 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02720 - JB 03/12/21 3/12/2021 12:02:10 PM Page 5 of 7 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 1,287,822.84 201 - GAS TAX FUND 875.70 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 9,567.59 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 30,776.43 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 33,379.48 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014)125.00 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 145,616.99 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 6,792.19 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 33,607.56 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 12,263.14 504 - INSURANCE FUND 201.68 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 648.65 Grand Total:1,561,677.25 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-13600 Prepaid Expense 3,746.06 101-0000-20304 Sales Taxes Payable -29.93 101-0000-20330 Over Payments, AR Policy 260.00 101-0000-41401 TOT - Short Term Vac. Ren…2,200.00 101-0000-42700 Administrative Citations 5,000.00 101-1002-60320 Travel & Training 55.57 101-1004-60104 Consultants 165.00 101-1004-60400 Office Supplies 21.20 101-1006-60320 Travel & Training 384.47 101-1006-60400 Office Supplies 5.44 101-2001-60109 LQ Police Volunteers 19.25 101-2001-60161 Sheriff Patrol 705,983.34 101-2001-60162 Police Overtime 19,679.68 101-2001-60163 Target Team 120,165.39 101-2001-60164 Community Services Offic…57,550.28 101-2001-60166 Gang Task Force 14,102.40 101-2001-60167 Narcotics Task Force 14,102.40 101-2001-60169 Motor Officer 125,745.08 101-2001-60170 Dedicated Sargeants 37,284.00 101-2001-60171 Dedicated Lieutenant 22,187.20 101-2001-60172 Sheriff - Mileage 35,005.91 101-2001-60174 Blood/Alcohol Testing 720.00 101-2001-60175 Special Enforcement Funds 5,400.56 101-2001-60420 Operating Supplies 814.24 101-2002-60670 Fire Station 510.00 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 125.00 101-2002-61100 Gas - Utilities 104.39 101-2002-61101 Electricity - Utilities 1,454.47 101-2002-61300 Telephone - Utilities 1,691.48 101-2002-61304 Mobile/Cell Phones/Satell…425.07 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 46.62 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 3,240.72 101-3005-60184 Fritz Burns Pool Maintena…5,748.57 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 1,907.81 101-3005-60432 Tools/Equipment 266.54 101-3005-60691 Maintenance/Services 622.00 101-3005-61102 Electric - Monticello Park -…13.20 101-3005-61103 Electric - Civic Center Park…2,570.39 101-3005-61105 Electric - Fritz Burns Park -…943.00 101-3005-61108 Electric - Colonel Paige - U…12.34 101-3005-61109 Electric - Community Park …5,620.06 101-3005-61110 Electric - Adams Park - Util…42.51 101-3005-61111 Electric - Velasco Park - Uti…13.43 89 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02720 - JB 03/12/21 3/12/2021 12:02:10 PM Page 6 of 7 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-3005-61113 Electric - Eisenhower Park …22.52 101-3005-61114 Electric - Desert Pride - Uti…13.06 101-3005-61204 Water -Fritz Burns Park - …1,665.31 101-3005-61207 Water -Pioneer Park - Utili…382.97 101-3005-61300 Telephone - Utilities 86.63 101-3007-60320 Travel & Training 225.00 101-3007-60351 Membership Dues 87.99 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro…27,432.77 101-3008-60115 Janitorial 20,070.57 101-3008-60123 Security & Alarm 1,170.00 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 21.82 101-3008-60691 Maintenance/Services 126.07 101-3008-61101 Electricity - Utilities 7,084.66 101-3008-61200 Water - Utilities 512.18 101-6002-60320 Travel & Training 30.00 101-6004-60103 Professional Services 3,648.18 101-6004-60111 Administrative Citation Se…798.50 101-6004-60120 Lot Cleaning/Gravel Progr…2,800.00 101-6004-60400 Office Supplies 410.11 101-6006-60103 Professional Services 8,240.00 101-6006-60125 Temporary Agency Servic…771.42 101-7002-60103 Professional Services 11,237.94 101-7002-60104 Consultants 3,500.00 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 1,340.00 101-7003-60320 Travel & Training 220.00 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 352.35 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 130.28 201-7003-61101 Electricity - Utilities 393.07 202-3004-60115 Janitorial 5,186.03 202-3004-60123 Security & Alarm 420.00 202-3004-60420 Operating Supplies 217.50 202-3004-60691 Maintenance/Services 100.12 202-3004-61101 Electricity - Utilities 1,291.67 202-3006-60115 Janitorial 1,280.02 202-3006-60123 Security & Alarm 585.00 202-3006-61101 Electricity - Utilities 487.25 212-0000-60178 COPS Robbery Prevention 1,291.86 212-0000-60179 COPS Burglary/Theft Prev…29,484.57 215-7004-60427 Safety Gear 433.51 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 6,890.21 215-7004-60691 Maintenance/Services 13,683.82 215-7004-61116 Electric - Utilities 4,501.94 215-7004-61117 Electric - Medians - Utiliti…2,500.54 215-7004-61211 Water - Medians - Utilities 5,369.46 248-9102-60159 Relocation Benefits 125.00 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable -3,296.25 401-0000-60108 Technical 44,032.50 401-0000-60185 Design 12,466.97 401-0000-60188 Construction 92,413.77 501-0000-60675 Parts & Maintenance Supp…235.62 501-0000-60676 Vehicle Repair & Mainte…1,641.72 501-0000-71103 City Bldg Repl/Repair 4,914.85 502-0000-60104 Consultants 25,070.00 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 126.46 502-0000-60420 Operating Supplies 1,250.57 502-0000-61300 Telephone - Utilities 3,118.62 502-0000-61400 Cable - Utilities 229.54 502-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 3,499.16 90 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02720 - JB 03/12/21 3/12/2021 12:02:10 PM Page 7 of 7 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 502-0000-80103 Computers 313.21 503-0000-71060 Parks 12,263.14 504-1010-60400 Office Supplies 201.68 601-0000-60455 Bank Fees 648.65 Grand Total:1,561,677.25 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense AmountProject Account Name Project Name **None**1,369,922.73**None****None** 141513CT 6,575.00Construction Expense SilverRock Way Infra/Street Improvements 141513T 24,485.00Technical Expense SilverRock Way Infra/Street Improvements 151603CT 85,506.54Construction Expense La Quinta Village Complete St-ATPSBIL-5433(020) 151603RP -3,296.25Retention Payable La Quinta Village Complete St-ATPSBIL-5433(020) 201603D 9,181.97Design Expense La Quinta Landscape Renovation Improvement 201608T 4,820.00Technical Expense SilverRock Event Space 201701T 14,727.50Technical Expense Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive 201804E 17,474.03Landscape & Lighting Median Island …Landscape & Lighting Median Island Improvements 201907CT 332.23Construction Expense Fire Station 70 Revitalization 201907D 3,285.00Design Expense Fire Station 70 Revitalization CORONANR 3,000.00Corona Non Reimbursable Corona Virus Emergency Response CSA152E 18,704.00CSA 152 Expenses CSA 152 Project Tracking EGGE 2,522.19La Quinta Egg Hunt Expense La Quinta Egg Hunt PILQE 247.81Pillars of the Community Expense Pillars of the Community ROCKETE 541.32Mission La Quinta Rocket Launch Ex…Mission La Quinta Rocket Launch STVRE 3,648.18Short Term Vacation Rental Expense Short Term Vacation Rental Tracking Grand Total:1,561,677.25 91 3/12/2021 12:01:52 PM Page 1 of 2 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT02721 - JB 03/12/21 (2) AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 203.72Rental Expense01/18/21 - FUEL METER READING DUNE P…204331VCS BILLING 241-9104-60157 Fund 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Total:203.72 Grand Total:203.72 92 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02721 - JB 03/12/21 (2) 3/12/2021 12:01:52 PM Page 2 of 2 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 203.72 Grand Total:203.72 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 241-9104-60157 Rental Expense 203.72 Grand Total:203.72 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense AmountProject Account Name Project Name **None**203.72**None****None** Grand Total:203.72 93 3/18/2021 6:51:47 PM Page 1 of 5 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT02728 - JB 03/19/2021 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 551.26Professional Services02/2021 ADDITIONAL MINUTES & 03/2021…204341CENTRAL COMMUNICATIONS 101-6004-60103 47.19Uniforms03/01/21 - EMBROIDERY FOR CODE COMP…204370PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-6004-60690 50,000.00TOT Resort Rebate Program07/01-08/31/20- TOT INCENTIVE PROGR…204358LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB 101-1007-60536 10.56Cable - Utilities03/05-04/04/21 - FS #32 CABLE (1841)204384TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 250.00Lot Cleaning/Gravel Program03/03/21 - HOUSE BOARDING CASE # 21-…204362MOYA, DANIEL 101-6004-60120 1,000.00Administrative Citations03/11/21 - CITATION DISMISSAL REFUND …204360LEGACY LUXURY VILLAS 101-0000-42700 1,000.00Administrative Citations03/11/21 - DISMISSED CITATION REFUND …204332ADAM SANTIAGO OR ELENA B…101-0000-42700 441.00Instructors03/11/21 - PILATES204390WILLIAMS, BILLEE 101-3002-60107 415.80Instructors03/11/21 - LINE DANCING204379SHIRY, TERESA 101-3002-60107 315.00Instructors03/11/21 - ESSENTIAL FITNESS204378RUDY, LORI A 101-3002-60107 84.00Instructors03/11/21 - TAI CHI CHUAN204361MEDEIROS, JOYCELEEN 101-3002-60107 520.00Instructors03/11/21 - STRETCH & RESTORE204357JOHNSON, KAREN T. PAYNE 101-3002-60107 1,131.38Operating Supplies03/12/21 - POLICE TRAFFIC DATA COLLECT…204372PRISM SURVEYING AND CONS…101-2001-60420 2,000.00Administrative Citations03/15/21 - DUPLICATE PAYMENT REFUND …204334ATHANASIA VASILIOU OR ANG…101-0000-42700 1,275.00Boys & Girls Club09/01/20-03/16/21 - LQ BOYS&GIRLS CLU…204335BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF COACH…101-3001-60135 179.98Cable - Utilities02/3-03/2/21 & 03/3-04/2/21 - FS #93 IN…204384TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 171.21Professional Services01/2020 - ARMORED SVCS204346GARDAWORLD 101-1006-60103 171.21Professional Services07/2020 - ARMORED SVCS204346GARDAWORLD 101-1006-60103 171.21Professional Services08/2020 - ARMORED SVCS204346GARDAWORLD 101-1006-60103 171.21Professional Services09/2020 - ARMORED SVCS204346GARDAWORLD 101-1006-60103 3,980.00Fritz Burns Pool Maintenance03/02/21 - PAINTING OF FB POOL DECK204347H&G HOME IMPROVEMENTS I…101-3005-60184 215.00Membership Dues2021/2022 - CALBO MEMBERSHIP A.ORTE…204338CALIFORNIA BUILDING OFFICI…101-6003-60351 11.29Office Supplies03/04/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES204367OFFICE DEPOT 101-1005-60400 8.63Office Supplies03/04/21 - FACIAL TISSUE204367OFFICE DEPOT 101-1005-60400 4.12Office Supplies03/04/21 - DISINFECTANT WIPES204367OFFICE DEPOT 101-1005-60400 3,150.00Contract Services - Administrat…04/2021 - LOBBYIST SVCS204356JOE A GONSALVES & SON 101-1002-60101 4,000.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…04/2021 - GRAPHIC DESIGN RETAINER204333ARK CONNECTS LLC 101-3007-60461 5,860.00ConsultantsCAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN204365NAI CONSULTING INC 101-7006-60104 71.35Recruiting/Pre-Employment02/2021 - PRE-EMPLOYMENT BACKGROU…204354IRC CORPORATION 101-1004-60129 390.00Operating Supplies03/12/21- DRONE MAPPING SOFTWARE …204371PIX4D INC.101-2001-60420 1,826.25Buildings12/2020 - ALONGI BUILDING DESIGN SVCS204349HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 101-1007-71050 201.16PrintingFY 20/21 EXHIBITIONS COVID-19 SAFETY S…204391XPRESS GRAPHICS 101-3007-60410 425.00Lighting Service03/2021-03/2022 CONTROL LINK ANNUAL…204364MUSCO CORPORATION 101-3005-60136 1,005.23Disaster Prep Supplies02/12/21 - EMERGENCY SHELTER COTS204373PROPAC, INC 101-2002-60406 4,120.00Professional Services03/2021 - STVR CONTRACT SERVICES204363MUNIREVS INC 101-6006-60103 680.00Map/Plan Checking03/09/21 - LLA 2021-0003 ONCALL MAP C…204376RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 722.40Temporary Agency Services01/22/21 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS M.GONZA…204377ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 101-6006-60125 771.42Temporary Agency Services02/12/21 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS T.SUDAKO…204368OFFICE TEAM 101-6006-60125 1,156.25Temporary Agency Services02/12/21 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS M.GONZA…204377ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 101-6006-60125 1,155.84Temporary Agency Services02/19/21 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS M.GONZA…204377ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 101-6006-60125 771.42Temporary Agency Services02/19/21 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS T.SUDAKO…204368OFFICE TEAM 101-6006-60125 1,155.84Temporary Agency Services02/26/21 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS M.GONZA…204377ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 101-6006-60125 1,155.84Temporary Agency Services03/05/21 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS M.GONZA…204377ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 101-6006-60125 890.10Temporary Agency Services03/05/21 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS T.SUDAKO…204368OFFICE TEAM 101-6006-60125 16.53Postage02/23/21 - OVERNIGHT MAIL204344FEDEX 101-1007-60470 12,027.70Marketing & Tourism Promoti…02/2021 DIGITAL ADS & 03/2021 RETAINER204355JNS MEDIA SPECIALISTS 101-3007-60461 3,509.70Telephone - Utilities01/26-02/25/21 - LQPD CELL (6852)204388VERIZON WIRELESS 101-2001-61300 86.80Water - Utilities03/11/21 - WATER SERVICE204342COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-2002-61200 17.68Water - Utilities03/11/21 - WATER SERVICE204342COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3008-61200 16.79Small Tools & Equipment02/10/21 - RATCHET TOOL SET FOR FS # 93204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-2002-60545 337.64Maintenance/Services02/10/21 - SUPPLIES FOR FS 93204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-2002-60691 209.18Maintenance/Services02/24/21 - PVC SUPPLIES FOR FS # 70204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-2002-60691 489.59Community Experiences02/04/21 - STEEL PLATFORM TRUCK FOR F…204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3003-60149 94 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02728 - JB 03/19/2021 3/18/2021 6:51:47 PM Page 2 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 13.01Materials/Supplies02/09/21 - DIAMOND BRAID POLY ROPE F…204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 27.15Materials/Supplies02/01/21 - ROUNDUP WEED KILLER204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 32.59Materials/Supplies02/24/21 - BATTERY LEAD ACID204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 33.67Materials/Supplies02/16/21 - BATTERIES FOR C.H204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 45.44Materials/Supplies02/10/21 - PAINTING MATERIALS FOR FB …204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 14.12Materials/Supplies02/24/21 - LOCK WASHER204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 18.47Materials/Supplies02/18/21 - CAR WASHING SUPPLIES FOR …204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 16.46Materials/Supplies02/22/21 - DUCT TAPE FOR FB POOL204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 119.07Materials/Supplies02/23/21 - MATERIALS FOR FB POOL204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 83.54Materials/Supplies02/24/21 - MATERIALS FOR C.H204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 82.30Materials/Supplies02/26/21 - PADLOCK FOR FB POOL204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 17.18Materials/Supplies01/28/21 - MATERIALS FOR FB204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 4.33Materials/Supplies02/09/21 - PAINTING MATERIALS FOR FB …204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 2.57Materials/Supplies02/18/21 - SCREWS204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 23.89Tools/Equipment02/04/21 - HEX SET204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60432 34.72Tools/Equipment02/08/21 - TOOLS FOR C.H204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60432 48.71Operating Supplies02/25/21 - PVC MATERIALS204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60420 56.45Operating Supplies02/17/21 - TOWLES & PROPANE TORCH KIT204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60420 378.45Tools/Equipment02/24/21 - GRINDER/BATTERIES204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60432 1,603.33Marketing & Tourism Promoti…02/26-03/25/21 - IN-THEATER ADVERTISI…204366NATIONAL CINEMEDIA LLC 101-3007-60461 130.89Water -Desert Pride - Utilities03/11/21 - WATER SERVICE204342COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61206 6,147.86ConsultantsQ3/2020 - CONTRACT/AUDIT SVCS SALES …204350HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS & AS…101-1006-60104 2,827.50Developer Deposits02/2021 - TRAVERTINE EIR PEER REVIEW204382TERRA NOVA PLANNING & RE…101-0000-22810 800.80Machinery & Equipment11/04/20 - REPAIRS TO FS #70 GENERATOR204375QUINN COMPANY 101-2002-80101 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:122,907.26 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 182.05Traffic Control Signs03/09/21 - TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS204385TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 253.22Traffic Control Signs03/09/21 - TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS204385TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:435.27 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 198.49Water - Utilities03/11/21 - WATER SERVICE204342COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…202-3006-61200 135.62Maintenance/Services02/02/21 - UTILITY HEATER FOR LIBRARY204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3004-60691 55.14Maintenance/Services02/17/21 - MATERIALS FOR LIBRARY REST…204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3004-60691 181.21Maintenance/Services02/10/21 - MATERIALS FOR LIBRARY REST…204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3004-60691 30.41Maintenance/Services02/16/21 - DRAIN CLEANER204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3006-60691 10,988.63HVAC12/14/20-02/19/21 - BOILER WATER LEAK…204369PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…202-3004-60667 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:11,589.50 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 5,278.00SilverRock Way Landscape02/2021 - FY 20/21 SRR PERIMETER204359LANDMARK GOLF MANAGEM…215-7004-60143 1,492.59Materials/Supplies03/10/21 - PLANTS204337C.V CACTUS NURSERY 215-7004-60431 1,752.18Materials/Supplies02/24/21 - PVC MATERIALS204380SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 215-7004-60431 348.00Materials/Supplies02/22/21 - PLANTS204389W.D. YOUNG & SONS 215-7004-60431 943.89Materials/Supplies03/03/21 - PLANTS204339CALIFORNIA DESERT NURSERY,…215-7004-60431 12.93Materials/Supplies03/08/21 - PLANTS204339CALIFORNIA DESERT NURSERY,…215-7004-60431 5,300.00Maintenance/Services03/16/21 - PLANT REPLACEMENT204374PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60691 871.77Materials/Supplies02/25/21 - LANDSCAPE DG204386TRI-STATE MATERIALS INC 215-7004-60431 1,801.25Materials/Supplies03/04/21 - LANDSCAPE RIVER ROCK204386TRI-STATE MATERIALS INC 215-7004-60431 1,992.84Materials/Supplies03/09/21 - LANDSCAPE ROCK204386TRI-STATE MATERIALS INC 215-7004-60431 45.57Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism02/26/21 - GRAFFITI SUPPLIES204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60423 -37.15Materials/Supplies02/25/21 - TRENCHER RENTAL DEPOSIT R…204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60431 250.00Maintenance/Services02/26/21 - TRENCHER RENTAL204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60691 13.06Electric - Medians - Utilities03/11/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204353IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 2,198.12Water - Medians - Utilities03/11/21 - WATER SERVICE204342COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 170.30Materials/Supplies02/26/21 - ELECTRICAL SUPPLES204343DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 215-7004-60431 -225.26Materials/Supplies02/26/21 - RETURNED ELECTRICAL ITEMS204343DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 215-7004-60431 273.48Materials/Supplies03/08/21 - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES204343DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 215-7004-60431 1,090.26Materials/Supplies03/11/21 - LED BULLET FLOOD LIGHTS204343DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 215-7004-60431 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:23,571.83 95 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02728 - JB 03/19/2021 3/18/2021 6:51:47 PM Page 3 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAMS (SHSP) 6,018.00SHSP Grant02/12/21 - EMERGENCY SHELTER COTS204373PROPAC, INC 227-0000-43120 Fund 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAMS (SHSP) Total:6,018.00 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 4,028.45Retention Payable01/21/21 - 2017-22 RETENTION RELEASE204336BUNKER ENGINEERING 401-0000-20600 11,400.00Construction02/22/21 - 2014-13 LOWER 12 INCH MAIN…204381SUNRISE GOLF CONSTRUCTION…401-0000-60188 630.00Professional ServicesCITYWIDE MISC. ADA IMPROVEMENTS204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 850.00Professional ServicesSILVERROCK RETENTION BASIN SOIL STABI…204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,935.00Professional ServicesEISENHOWER RETENTION BASIN LANDSC…204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 4,220.00Professional ServicesLA QUINTA LANDSCAPE RENOVATION IM…204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,332.50Professional ServicesLA QUINTA X PARK204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 3,435.00Professional ServicesMONROE STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITAT…204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 4,195.00Professional ServicesFIRE STATION 70 REVITALIZATION204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,320.00Professional ServicesPAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN (PMP)204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 6,082.50Professional ServicesDUNE PALMS BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,782.50Professional ServicesJEFFERSON STREET AT AVENUE 53 ROUN…204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,102.50Professional ServicesWASHINGTON ST AT AVE 50/CALLE TAMP…204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,790.00Professional ServicesWASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING …204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 52.50Professional ServicesWASHINGTON STREET PAVEMENT REHABI…204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,117.50Professional ServicesCITYWIDE PUBLIC SAFETY CAMERA SYSTEM204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 3,597.50Professional ServicesHIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,197.50Professional ServicesSILVERROCK EVENT SPACE204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 3,380.00Professional ServicesSILVERROCK RESORT INFRASTRUCTURE204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,780.00Professional ServicesLA QUINTA VILLAGE COMPLETE STREETS204365NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 318.00Design12/2020 - SRR DESIGN SVCS204349HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 1,591.25Design12/2020 - SRR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE…204349HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 200.00Design12/2020 - RANCHO OCOTILLO LANDSCAPE…204349HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 2,982.50Design12/2020 - DESERT PRIDE LANDSCAPE ARC…204349HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 300.00Design01/2021 - RANCHO OCOTILLO LANDSCAPE…204349HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 4,745.00Design01/2021 - MARBELLA/SIERRA DEL REY LA…204349HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 4,420.00Design01/2021 - DESERT PRIDE LANDSCAPE ARC…204349HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 -5,759.59Retention Payable02/2021 - 2016-03E RETENION PAYMENT …204387URBAN HABITAT 401-0000-20600 115,191.80Construction02/2021 - 2016-03E PROGRESS PAYMENT…204387URBAN HABITAT 401-0000-60188 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:182,217.41 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 45.83Street Sweeper02/2021 - SWEEPER FUEL204383THE GAS COMPANY 501-0000-60678 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total:45.83 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2,102.47Copiers03/2021 CITY PRINTER & 02/2021 METER …204340CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, …502-0000-60662 736.30Copiers03/20-04/19/21 - CITY PRINTERS204340CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, …502-0000-60662 66.52Cable - Utilities02/02-03/01/21 - BACKUP SERVER (2183)204388VERIZON WIRELESS 502-0000-61400 1,110.63Cell/Mobile Phones02/02-03/01/21 - CITY IPADS (5587)204388VERIZON WIRELESS 502-0000-61301 3,645.79Cell/Mobile Phones02/02-03/01/21 - CITY CELL SVC (5496)204388VERIZON WIRELESS 502-0000-61301 507.00Software Licenses04/01-06/30/21 - COVID -19 CHECK IN APP204348HEALTHCHAMPION PARTNERS…502-0000-60301 217.15Cable - Utilities03/04-04/03/21 - DSL SVC204345FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…502-0000-61400 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:8,385.86 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 14.20Bank Fees02/2021 - SRR ARMORED SVCS204346GARDAWORLD 601-0000-60455 115.12Repair & Maintenance02/25/21 - KITCHEN FAUCET204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 601-0000-60660 29.82Repair & Maintenance02/11/21 - MATERIALS FOR SRR204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 601-0000-60660 71.77Repair & Maintenance02/09/21 - MATERIALS FOR SRR204351HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 601-0000-60660 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total:230.91 Grand Total:355,401.87 96 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02728 - JB 03/19/2021 3/18/2021 6:51:47 PM Page 4 of 5 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 122,907.26 201 - GAS TAX FUND 435.27 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 11,589.50 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 23,571.83 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAMS (SHSP)6,018.00 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 182,217.41 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 45.83 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 8,385.86 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 230.91 Grand Total:355,401.87 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-22810 Developer Deposits 2,827.50 101-0000-42700 Administrative Citations 4,000.00 101-1002-60101 Contract Services - Admini…3,150.00 101-1004-60129 Recruiting/Pre-Employme…71.35 101-1005-60400 Office Supplies 24.04 101-1006-60103 Professional Services 684.84 101-1006-60104 Consultants 6,147.86 101-1007-60470 Postage 16.53 101-1007-60536 TOT Resort Rebate Progr…50,000.00 101-1007-71050 Buildings 1,826.25 101-2001-60420 Operating Supplies 1,521.38 101-2001-61300 Telephone - Utilities 3,509.70 101-2002-60406 Disaster Prep Supplies 1,005.23 101-2002-60545 Small Tools & Equipment 16.79 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 546.82 101-2002-61200 Water - Utilities 86.80 101-2002-61400 Cable - Utilities 190.54 101-2002-80101 Machinery & Equipment 800.80 101-3001-60135 Boys & Girls Club 1,275.00 101-3002-60107 Instructors 1,775.80 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 489.59 101-3005-60136 Lighting Service 425.00 101-3005-60184 Fritz Burns Pool Maintena…3,980.00 101-3005-61206 Water -Desert Pride - Utili…130.89 101-3007-60410 Printing 201.16 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro…17,631.03 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 509.90 101-3008-60432 Tools/Equipment 58.61 101-3008-61200 Water - Utilities 17.68 101-6003-60351 Membership Dues 215.00 101-6004-60103 Professional Services 551.26 101-6004-60120 Lot Cleaning/Gravel Progr…250.00 101-6004-60690 Uniforms 47.19 101-6006-60103 Professional Services 4,120.00 101-6006-60125 Temporary Agency Servic…7,779.11 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 680.00 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 105.16 101-7003-60432 Tools/Equipment 378.45 101-7006-60104 Consultants 5,860.00 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 435.27 202-3004-60667 HVAC 10,988.63 202-3004-60691 Maintenance/Services 371.97 202-3006-60691 Maintenance/Services 30.41 202-3006-61200 Water - Utilities 198.49 215-7004-60143 SilverRock Way Landscape 5,278.00 215-7004-60423 Supplies-Graffiti and Van…45.57 97 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02728 - JB 03/19/2021 3/18/2021 6:51:47 PM Page 5 of 5 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 10,487.08 215-7004-60691 Maintenance/Services 5,550.00 215-7004-61117 Electric - Medians - Utiliti…13.06 215-7004-61211 Water - Medians - Utilities 2,198.12 227-0000-43120 SHSP Grant 6,018.00 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable -1,731.14 401-0000-60103 Professional Services 42,800.00 401-0000-60185 Design 14,556.75 401-0000-60188 Construction 126,591.80 501-0000-60678 Street Sweeper 45.83 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 507.00 502-0000-60662 Copiers 2,838.77 502-0000-61301 Cell/Mobile Phones 4,756.42 502-0000-61400 Cable - Utilities 283.67 601-0000-60455 Bank Fees 14.20 601-0000-60660 Repair & Maintenance 216.71 Grand Total:355,401.87 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense AmountProject Account Name Project Name **None**151,989.64**None****None** 111205P 6,082.50Professional Expense Dune Palms Bridge Imp/BRLKS-5433(014) 141513CT 11,400.00Construction Expense SilverRock Way Infra/Street Improvements 141513P 3,380.00Professional Expense SilverRock Way Infra/Street Improvements 151603P 1,780.00Professional Expense La Quinta Village Complete St-ATPSBIL-5433(020) 151609P 1,332.50Professional Expense La Quinta X Park 18-002E 2,827.50TRAVERTINE CORPORATION EXP TRAVERTINE CORPORATION 201603CT 115,191.80Construction Expense La Quinta Landscape Renovation Improvement 201603D 12,647.50Design Expense La Quinta Landscape Renovation Improvement 201603P 4,220.00Professional Expense La Quinta Landscape Renovation Improvement 201603RP -5,759.59Retention Payable La Quinta Landscape Renovation Improvement 201608D 1,909.25Design Expense SilverRock Event Space 201608P 1,197.50Professional Expense SilverRock Event Space 201701P 2,790.00Professional Expense Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive 201704P 1,935.00Professional Expense Eisenhower Retention Basin Landscape Improvements 201709P 2,782.50Professional Expense Ave 53 Jefferson St.Roundabout 201722RP 4,028.45Retention Payable Fritz Burns Parks Sidewalk and Parking Lot Improve 201804E 15,787.08Landscape & Lighting Median Island …Landscape & Lighting Median Island Improvements 201806D 1,826.25Design Expense SilverRock Event Space Modular Building 201905P 3,597.50Professional Expense Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Implementation 201907P 4,195.00Professional Expense Fire Station 70 Revitalization 201923P 1,102.50Professional Expense Washington St at Ave 50/Calle Tampico ADA 201924P 1,320.00Professional Expense 5 Year Pavement Management Update 202001P 3,435.00Professional Expense Monroe Street Pavement Rehab (Ave 52, Ave 53) 202002P 630.00Professional Expense Citywide Miscellaneous ADA Improvements 202003P 2,117.50Professional Expense Citywide Public Safety Camera System 202004P 52.50Professional Expense Washington Street Pavement Rehabilitation 202007P 850.00Professional Expense SilverRock Retention Basin Soil Stabilization CORONANR 708.16Corona Non Reimbursable Corona Virus Emergency Response CSA152E 45.83CSA 152 Expenses CSA 152 Project Tracking Grand Total:355,401.87 98 3/29/2021 2:03:38 PM Page 1 of 7 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT02734 - JB 03/26/21 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 72.00United Way DeductionsCONTRIBUTION204445UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 101-0000-20981 334.40Advertising01/08/21 - PUBLICATION PUBLIC HEARING…204409DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 101-6002-60450 441.00Advertising01/16/21 - PUBLICATION PUBLIC HEARING…204409DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 101-6002-60450 441.00Advertising01/15/21 - PUBLICATION PUBLIC HEARING…204409DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 101-6002-60450 462.00Advertising01/03/21 - PUBLICATION PUBLIC HEARING204409DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 101-6002-60450 806.11Professional Services03/18/21 - MUNICIPAL CODE BINDERS204425MUNICODE 101-1005-60103 1,010.02Plan Checks06/2020 - ON CALL PLAN REVIEW204415ESGIL CORPORATION 101-6003-60118 735.00Plan Checks01/2021 - ON CALL PLAN REVIEW204415ESGIL CORPORATION 101-6003-60118 30.00Recruiting/Pre-Employment12/2019 - LIVE SCAN FINGERPRINTING VO…204392111 NOTARY SERVICES 101-1004-60129 30.00Travel & Training03/26/21 - CCAC TRAINING REIMBURSEM…111RADEVA, MONIKA 101-1005-60320 18.00Business Licenses02/25/21 - REISSUE BUS LIC/HOME PERMI…204401CARRENO, OSCAR 101-0000-41600 100.00Home Occupations02/25/21 - REISSUE BUS LIC/HOME PERMI…204401CARRENO, OSCAR 101-0000-42447 75.00Recruiting/Pre-Employment02/2021 - LIVE SCAN FINGERPRINTING CU…204392111 NOTARY SERVICES 101-1004-60129 75.00Business Licenses03/10/21 - BUS LIC-766980 FEE REFUND204426NHA VUU STUDIO & DESIGN 101-0000-41600 100.00Over Payments, AR Policy03/17/21 - BUS LIC-0000055 FEE OVERPA…204438STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY 101-0000-20330 34.00Over Payments, AR Policy03/17/21 - BUS LIC OVERPAYMENT REFU…204410DUDEK & ASSOCIATES INC 101-0000-20330 1,350.00Civic Center Lake Maintenance03/2021 -LAKE MONTHLY MAINTENANCE204435SOUTHWEST AQUATICS INC 101-3005-60117 23,960.01Sales Tax Reimbursements03/24/21 - SALES TAX REIMB QTR ENDING…204428ONE ELEVEN LA QUINTA LLC 101-1007-60535 47.00Recruiting/Pre-Employment03/2020 - LIVE SCAN FINGERPRINTING REC…204392111 NOTARY SERVICES 101-1004-60129 89.99Cable - Utilities03/01-03/28/21 - FS # 32 INTERNET (6491)204440TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 88.37Operating Supplies02/24-03/10/21 - DRINKING WATER204436SPARKLETTS 101-7003-60420 5,000.00Travel & Training02/04/21 - DRONE TRAINING FOR 4 DEPUT…204399CALABRESE, DARIO 101-2001-60320 271.86Small Tools & Equipment03/24/21 - REPLACMENT SAW CHAIN FOR…204403COACHELLA AVE HARDWARE 101-2002-60545 1,750.00Repair & Maintenance - EOC03/16/21 - DRONE TRAINING FOR JOHNS…204399CALABRESE, DARIO 101-2002-60671 3,500.00Travel & Training03/16/21 - DRONE TRAINING FOR TORRES…204399CALABRESE, DARIO 101-3001-60320 1,750.00Travel & Training03/16/21 - DRONE TRAINING FOR GRAH…204399CALABRESE, DARIO 101-3007-60320 1,750.00Travel & Training03/16/21 - DRONE TRAINING FOR E. HER…204399CALABRESE, DARIO 101-7006-60320 165.58Citywide Conf Room Supplies02/24-03/10/21 - CITY WIDE DRINKING W…204436SPARKLETTS 101-1007-60403 405.44Professional Services02/2021 - PROG MGMT OF FEMA DOC SV…204447VANIR CONSTRUCTION MANA…101-1006-60103 21.34Natural Disaster - FEMA02/2021 PROJECT MGMT OF FEMA SVCS …204447VANIR CONSTRUCTION MANA…101-1007-50180 4,850.00Professional Services02/10/21 - AVE 48 SIDEWALK REPAIR204407DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUC…101-7003-60103 4,775.00Professional Services02/17/21 - SINKHOLE REPAIRS204407DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUC…101-7003-60103 23,250.00Professional Services02/25/21 - ASPHALT REPAIRS ON MONROE…204407DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUC…101-7003-60103 131.31PM 10 - Dust Control02/15-03/14/21 - PM 10 ANSWERING SVC204395ANSAFONE CONTACT CENTERS 101-7006-60146 35,764.75Landscape Contract03/2021 - MONTHLY MAINTENANCE204448VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 101-3005-60112 260.00Maintenance/Services03/15/21 - PLANT INSTALLATION AT FB P…204448VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 101-3005-60691 1,553.68Administration12/01/20-02/28/21 - BANK FEES204396BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 101-1006-60102 6,870.83Marketing & Tourism Promoti…03/2021 - GEM ADS204439THE CHAMBER 101-3007-60461 42.25Postage03/05/21 - OVERNIGHT MAIL204417FEDEX 101-1007-60470 37.49Disaster Prep Supplies03/11/21 - XL DISPOSABLE GLOVES204437STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-2002-60406 139.19Disaster Prep Supplies03/11/21 - LARGE DISPOSABLE GLOVES204437STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-2002-60406 41.69Office Supplies03/16/21 - BANKER BOXES204437STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6001-60400 211.94Office Supplies03/16/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES204437STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6001-60400 1,155.84Temporary Agency Services03/12/21 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS M.GONZA…204434ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 101-6006-60125 270.00Janitorial01/20/21 - COVID-19 C.H CLEANING204424MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…101-3008-60115 70.00Janitorial01/21/21 - COVID-19 CODE ENFORCEMEN…204424MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…101-3008-60115 70.00Janitorial01/25/21 - COVID-19 CODE ENFORCMENT…204424MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…101-3008-60115 150.00Pest Control03/17/21 - BEE HIVE REMOVAL204443TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 1,242.42Landscape Contract03/2021 - L&L MONTHLY MAINTENANCE204432PWLC II, INC 101-2002-60112 125.00Travel & Training04/06-04/28/21 - CCAC ANNUAL CONFER…204402CITY CLERK ASSOCIATION OF C…101-1005-60320 15,547.78Animal Shelter Contract Service01/2021 - ANIMAL SERVICES204406DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SER…101-6004-60197 1,500.00Prepaid ExpenseFY21/22 UCLA ECON FORECAST 10110066…204444UC REGENTS 101-0000-13600 487.97Water - Utilities03/19/21 - WATER SERVICE204404COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-2002-61200 99 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02734 - JB 03/26/21 3/29/2021 2:03:38 PM Page 2 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 555.96Water -Monticello Park - Utiliti…03/19/21 - WATER SERVICE204404COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61201 117.64Water -Fritz Burns Park - Utiliti…03/19/21 - WATER SERVICE204404COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61204 19.05Water -Seasons Park - Utilities03/19/21 - WATER SERVICE204404COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61208 157.31Water -Community Park - Utilit…03/19/21 - WATER SERVICE204404COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61209 80.83Water - Utilities03/19/21 - WATER SERVICE204404COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3008-61200 1,088.00Maintenance/Services03/16/21 - FS #32 HVAC CAPACITORS REP…204418FIRST CHOICE A/C & HEATING …101-2002-60691 42.29Materials/Supplies02/18/21 - FB FOUNTAIN REPAIR SUPPLIES204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60431 70.27Materials/Supplies02/22/21 - TRASH CANS204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60431 6.81Materials/Supplies02/24/21 -BATTERIES204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60431 -49.54Materials/Supplies02/17/21 - RETURN FIRE EXT204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60431 101.02Materials/Supplies02/16/21 - FIRE EXT SUPPLIES ADAMS PA…204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60431 20.62Materials/Supplies01/29/21 - CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60431 206.63Tools/Equipment02/20/21 - SMALL TOOLS204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60432 16.52Tools/Equipment02/19/21 - DRILL BIT SET204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60432 46.98Materials/Supplies01/27/21 - COPPER PIPE FOR FB204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3008-60431 113.85Materials/Supplies02/04/21 - MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FOR C…204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3008-60431 34.53Tools/Equipment01/26/21 - COMPRESSER ACCESSORIES204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3008-60432 70.94Operating Supplies02/23/21 - SUPPLIES204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60420 41.29Tools/Equipment02/23/21 - FIXED SNAP RING SET204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60432 134.58Tools/Equipment02/04/21 - SMALL TOOLS/PLYWOOD204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60432 61.91Tools/Equipment02/11/21 - LOPPERS/GLOVES204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60432 4,954.13HVAC12/07-12/11/20 - C.H HVAC REPAIRS204430PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…101-3008-60667 125.00HVAC03/2021 - C.H WATER TREATMENT204430PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…101-3008-60667 227.29Typewriters03/02/21-03/01/22 - TYPEWRITER MAINT …204394ADVANCED IMAGING SOLUTI…101-1007-60663 4,902.63Fritz Burns Pool Maintenance02/08/21 - CHEMICAL MONITOR FOR FB …204427OCEAN SPRINGS TECH INC 101-3005-60184 750.00LQ Park Water Feature03/2021 - SPLASH PAD MONTHLY MAINT…204427OCEAN SPRINGS TECH INC 101-3005-60554 39.55PM 10 - Dust Control03/19/21 - WATER SERVICE204404COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-7006-60146 516.32Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism03/16/21 - ELECTRICAL WALLPACKS204408DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 101-3005-60423 366.63Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism03/17/21 - ELECTRICAL WIRE204408DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 101-3005-60423 54.14Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism03/17/21 - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES204408DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 101-3005-60423 624,122.65Sheriff Patrol12/17/20-01/13/21 - BP 07 POLICE SERVICE204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60161 10,620.29Police Overtime12/17/20-01/13/21 - BP 07 POLICE SERVICE204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60162 126,149.40Target Team12/17/20-01/13/21 - BP 07 POLICE SERVICE204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60163 57,827.70Community Services Officer12/17/20-01/13/21 - BP 07 POLICE SERVICE204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60164 14,102.40Gang Task Force12/17/20-01/13/21 - BP 07 POLICE SERVICE204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60166 14,102.40Narcotics Task Force12/17/20-01/13/21 - BP 07 POLICE SERVICE204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60167 126,189.83Motor Officer12/17/20-01/13/21 - BP 07 POLICE SERVICE204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60169 39,769.60Dedicated Sargeants12/17/20-01/13/21 - BP 07 POLICE SERVICE204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60170 22,187.20Dedicated Lieutenant12/17/20-01/13/21 - BP 07 POLICE SERVICE204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60171 32,848.09Sheriff - Mileage12/17/20-01/13/21 - BP 07 POLICE SERVICE204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60172 1,464.12Special Enforcement Funds12/17/20-01/13/21 - BP 07 POLICE SERVICE204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60175 695,598.67Sheriff Patrol01/14-02/10/21 - LAW ENFORCEMENT BP…204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60161 22,308.61Police Overtime01/14-02/10/21 - LAW ENFORCEMENT BP…204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60162 134,074.17Target Team01/14-02/10/21 - LAW ENFORCEMENT BP…204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60163 54,350.64Community Services Officer01/14-02/10/21 - LAW ENFORCEMENT BP…204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60164 23,456.83Special Enforcement/City Spec…01/14-02/10/21 - LAW ENFORCEMENT BP…204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60165 14,102.40Gang Task Force01/14-02/10/21 - LAW ENFORCEMENT BP…204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60166 14,102.40Narcotics Task Force01/14-02/10/21 - LAW ENFORCEMENT BP…204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60167 113,453.60Motor Officer01/14-02/10/21 - LAW ENFORCEMENT BP…204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60169 39,521.04Dedicated Sargeants01/14-02/10/21 - LAW ENFORCEMENT BP…204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60170 22,187.20Dedicated Lieutenant01/14-02/10/21 - LAW ENFORCEMENT BP…204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60171 33,191.68Sheriff - Mileage01/14-02/10/21 - LAW ENFORCEMENT BP…204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60172 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:2,394,064.36 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 264.53Traffic Control Signs03/19/21 - TRAFFIC CONTROLS SIGNS204441TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 103.10Paint/Legends03/23/21 - PAINT WHITE MARKINGS204441TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60433 49.75Street Striping03/16/21 - 2020-06 CONSTRUCTION SET204431PLANIT REPROGRAPHICS SYST…201-7003-60141 14.84Asphalt01/28/21 - ASPHALT CRACK FILLER204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…201-7003-60430 22.63Paint/Legends02/03/21 - SPRAY PAINT204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…201-7003-60433 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:454.85 100 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02734 - JB 03/26/21 3/29/2021 2:03:38 PM Page 3 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 773.50Landscape Contract03/2021 - MONTHLY MAINTENANCE204448VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 202-3004-60112 161.50Landscape Contract03/2021 - MONTHLY MAINTENANCE204448VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 202-3006-60112 125.00HVAC03/2021 - LIBRARY WATER TREATMENT204430PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…202-3004-60667 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:1,060.00 Fund: 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 10,951.30COPS Burglary/Theft Preventi…12/17/20-01/13/21 - BP 07 POLICE SERVICE204433RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…212-0000-60179 Fund 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND Total:10,951.30 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 51.55Materials/Supplies03/23/21 - PAINT WHITE MARKINGS204441TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 215-7004-60431 1,158.19Materials/Supplies03/02/21 - PLANTS204398C.V CACTUS NURSERY 215-7004-60431 10,085.25Landscape Contract03/2021 - MONTHLY MAINTENANCE204448VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 215-7004-60112 5,397.33Consultants03/2021 - LIGHTING MAINTENANCE SERVI…204405CREATIVE LIGHTING & ELECTR…215-7004-60104 155.36Operating Supplies03/17/21 - COFFEE KCUPS & PAPPER TOW…204437STAPLES ADVANTAGE 215-7004-60420 49,772.58Landscape Contract03/2021 - L&L MONTHLY MAINTENANCE204432PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60112 895.82Materials/Supplies03/03/21 - LANDSCAPE ROCK204442TRI-STATE MATERIALS INC 215-7004-60431 895.46Materials/Supplies03/15/21 - LANDSCAPE DG204442TRI-STATE MATERIALS INC 215-7004-60431 145.05Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism01/27/21 - PAINT SUPPLIES204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…215-7004-60423 62.80Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism01/25/21 - GRAFFITI SUPPLIES204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…215-7004-60423 71.08Materials/Supplies02/01/21 - PAINT SUPPLIES204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…215-7004-60431 113.08Electric - Utilities03/07-04/06/21 - PHONE SVC204419FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…215-7004-61116 41.76Electric - Utilities03/10-04/09/21 - PHONE SVC204419FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…215-7004-61116 469.09Electric - Utilities03/19/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204420IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 37.52Electric - Medians - Utilities03/19/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE204420IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 2,382.39Water - Medians - Utilities03/19/21 - WATER SERVICE204404COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 1,801.15Materials/Supplies03/16/21 - 12W FLOOD LIGHT FIXTURES204449WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…215-7004-60431 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:73,535.46 Fund: 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 4.00SB 1186 Revenue02/25/21 - REISSUE BUS LIC/HOME PERMI…204401CARRENO, OSCAR 230-0000-42130 4.00SB 1186 Revenue03/10/21 - BUS LIC-766980 FEE REFUND204426NHA VUU STUDIO & DESIGN 230-0000-42130 Fund 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 Total:8.00 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 1,920.60Construction01/20-01/27/21 - PUBLICATION 2020-02 B…204409DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 401-0000-60188 1,757.80Construction12/18/20-01/06/21 - PUBLICATION 2020-…204409DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 401-0000-60188 861.25Construction03/09/21 - RED BALL LEDS204422JTB SUPPLY CO., INC.401-0000-60188 -22,959.20Retention Payable03/01/21 - 2014-13 RETENTION PAYMENT…204421JONES BROS CONSTRUCTION …401-0000-20600 459,184.00Construction03/01/21 - 2014-13 SILVERROCK WAY ST …204421JONES BROS CONSTRUCTION …401-0000-60188 7,165.50Design02/2021 - WASHINGTON/WARING TRIPLE …204413ENGINEERING RESOURCES 401-0000-60185 -13,352.26Retention Payable01/2021 - 2016-08 RETENTION PAYMENT …204446URBAN HABITAT 401-0000-20600 267,045.15Construction01/2021 - 2016-08 PROGESS PAYMENT NO…204446URBAN HABITAT 401-0000-60188 7,816.35Technical12/2020 - ON CALL MATERIALS TESTING X…204411EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC 401-0000-60108 10,679.00Technical01/2021 - ON CALL MATERIALS TESTING X…204411EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC 401-0000-60108 40.35Construction03/16/21 - LOAD RESISTORS FOR RT OVER…204412ECONOLITE CONTROL PRODU…401-0000-60188 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:720,158.54 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 960.00City Bldg Repl/Repair03/23/21 - REPLACE WALL PANELS UPHOL…204416F AND J BARAJAS UPHOLSTERY 501-0000-71103 50.75Vehicle Repair & Maintenance12/17/20 - SMOG INSPECTION FOR 08 CH…204400CAM STONE'S AUTOMOTIVE I…501-0000-60676 50.75Vehicle Repair & Maintenance12/28/20 - SMOG INSPECTION 2010 FORD…204400CAM STONE'S AUTOMOTIVE I…501-0000-60676 17,750.83Vehicles, Rentals & Leases02/2021 - FLEET LEASE204414ENTERPRISE FM TRUST 501-0000-71030 17,613.24Vehicles, Rentals & Leases03/2021 - FLEET LEASE204414ENTERPRISE FM TRUST 501-0000-71030 26.82Vehicle Repair & Maintenance01/26/21 - DEF FLUID FOR BUCKET TRUCK204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…501-0000-60676 3,088.51Building Leases04/2021 - PW TRAILER RENTAL204429PACIFIC MOBILE STRUCTURES, …501-0000-71032 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total:39,540.90 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 5.00Technology Enhancement Sur…02/25/21 - REISSUE BUS LIC/HOME PERMI…204401CARRENO, OSCAR 502-0000-43611 2,079.00Cable - Utilities03/10-04/09/21 - C.H INTERNET (2546)204440TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 800.00Software Licenses03/02/21 - INSTALL AND EDGE GATEWAY …204397BUSINESS TELECOMMUNICAT…502-0000-60301 600.00Public Works, Software Enhan…03/2021 - TRAFFIC INFRASTRUCTURE IT S…204393ACORN TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 502-0000-71048 101 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02734 - JB 03/26/21 3/29/2021 2:03:38 PM Page 4 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 95.98Cable - Utilities03/10-04/09/21 - C.H INTERNET204419FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…502-0000-61400 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:3,579.98 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 35.06Repair & Maintenance02/11/21 - MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FOR …204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…601-0000-60660 16.44Repair & Maintenance02/09/21 - SPRAY PAINT204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…601-0000-60660 9.94Repair & Maintenance02/23/21 - SCREWS AND NUTS204423LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…601-0000-60660 489.38Repair & Maintenance03/05/21 - ELECTRICAL WIRE204449WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…601-0000-60660 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total:550.82 Grand Total:3,243,904.21 102 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02734 - JB 03/26/21 3/29/2021 2:03:38 PM Page 5 of 7 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 2,394,064.36 201 - GAS TAX FUND 454.85 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 1,060.00 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 10,951.30 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 73,535.46 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 8.00 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 720,158.54 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 39,540.90 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 3,579.98 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 550.82 Grand Total:3,243,904.21 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-13600 Prepaid Expense 1,500.00 101-0000-20330 Over Payments, AR Policy 134.00 101-0000-20981 United Way Deductions 72.00 101-0000-41600 Business Licenses 93.00 101-0000-42447 Home Occupations 100.00 101-1004-60129 Recruiting/Pre-Employme…152.00 101-1005-60103 Professional Services 806.11 101-1005-60320 Travel & Training 155.00 101-1006-60102 Administration 1,553.68 101-1006-60103 Professional Services 405.44 101-1007-50180 Natural Disaster - FEMA 21.34 101-1007-60403 Citywide Conf Room Suppl…165.58 101-1007-60470 Postage 42.25 101-1007-60535 Sales Tax Reimbursements 23,960.01 101-1007-60663 Typewriters 227.29 101-2001-60161 Sheriff Patrol 1,319,721.32 101-2001-60162 Police Overtime 32,928.90 101-2001-60163 Target Team 260,223.57 101-2001-60164 Community Services Offic…112,178.34 101-2001-60165 Special Enforcement/City …23,456.83 101-2001-60166 Gang Task Force 28,204.80 101-2001-60167 Narcotics Task Force 28,204.80 101-2001-60169 Motor Officer 239,643.43 101-2001-60170 Dedicated Sargeants 79,290.64 101-2001-60171 Dedicated Lieutenant 44,374.40 101-2001-60172 Sheriff - Mileage 66,039.77 101-2001-60175 Special Enforcement Funds 1,464.12 101-2001-60320 Travel & Training 5,000.00 101-2002-60112 Landscape Contract 1,242.42 101-2002-60406 Disaster Prep Supplies 176.68 101-2002-60545 Small Tools & Equipment 271.86 101-2002-60671 Repair & Maintenance - E…1,750.00 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 1,088.00 101-2002-61200 Water - Utilities 487.97 101-2002-61400 Cable - Utilities 89.99 101-3001-60320 Travel & Training 3,500.00 101-3005-60112 Landscape Contract 35,764.75 101-3005-60117 Civic Center Lake Mainten…1,350.00 101-3005-60184 Fritz Burns Pool Maintena…4,902.63 101-3005-60423 Supplies-Graffiti and Van…937.09 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 191.47 101-3005-60432 Tools/Equipment 223.15 101-3005-60554 LQ Park Water Feature 750.00 101-3005-60691 Maintenance/Services 260.00 101-3005-61201 Water -Monticello Park - …555.96 103 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02734 - JB 03/26/21 3/29/2021 2:03:38 PM Page 6 of 7 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-3005-61204 Water -Fritz Burns Park - …117.64 101-3005-61208 Water -Seasons Park - Util…19.05 101-3005-61209 Water -Community Park -…157.31 101-3007-60320 Travel & Training 1,750.00 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro…6,870.83 101-3008-60115 Janitorial 410.00 101-3008-60116 Pest Control 150.00 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 160.83 101-3008-60432 Tools/Equipment 34.53 101-3008-60667 HVAC 5,079.13 101-3008-61200 Water - Utilities 80.83 101-6001-60400 Office Supplies 253.63 101-6002-60450 Advertising 1,678.40 101-6003-60118 Plan Checks 1,745.02 101-6004-60197 Animal Shelter Contract S…15,547.78 101-6006-60125 Temporary Agency Servic…1,155.84 101-7003-60103 Professional Services 32,875.00 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 159.31 101-7003-60432 Tools/Equipment 237.78 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 170.86 101-7006-60320 Travel & Training 1,750.00 201-7003-60141 Street Striping 49.75 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 264.53 201-7003-60430 Asphalt 14.84 201-7003-60433 Paint/Legends 125.73 202-3004-60112 Landscape Contract 773.50 202-3004-60667 HVAC 125.00 202-3006-60112 Landscape Contract 161.50 212-0000-60179 COPS Burglary/Theft Prev…10,951.30 215-7004-60104 Consultants 5,397.33 215-7004-60112 Landscape Contract 59,857.83 215-7004-60420 Operating Supplies 155.36 215-7004-60423 Supplies-Graffiti and Van…207.85 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 4,873.25 215-7004-61116 Electric - Utilities 623.93 215-7004-61117 Electric - Medians - Utiliti…37.52 215-7004-61211 Water - Medians - Utilities 2,382.39 230-0000-42130 SB 1186 Revenue 8.00 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable -36,311.46 401-0000-60108 Technical 18,495.35 401-0000-60185 Design 7,165.50 401-0000-60188 Construction 730,809.15 501-0000-60676 Vehicle Repair & Mainte…128.32 501-0000-71030 Vehicles, Rentals & Leases 35,364.07 501-0000-71032 Building Leases 3,088.51 501-0000-71103 City Bldg Repl/Repair 960.00 502-0000-43611 Technology Enhancement…5.00 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 800.00 502-0000-61400 Cable - Utilities 2,174.98 502-0000-71048 Public Works, Software E…600.00 601-0000-60660 Repair & Maintenance 550.82 Grand Total:3,243,904.21 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense AmountProject Account Name Project Name **None**2,519,732.99**None****None** 141513CT 459,184.00Construction Expense SilverRock Way Infra/Street Improvements 141513RP -22,959.20Retention Payable SilverRock Way Infra/Street Improvements 104 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02734 - JB 03/26/21 3/29/2021 2:03:38 PM Page 7 of 7 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense AmountProject Account Name Project Name 151609T 18,495.35Technical Expense La Quinta X Park 201608CT 267,045.15Construction Expense SilverRock Event Space 201608RP -13,352.26Retention Payable SilverRock Event Space 201701D 7,165.50Design Expense Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive 201804E 2,949.47Landscape & Lighting Median Island …Landscape & Lighting Median Island Improvements 202002CT 1,920.60Construction Expense Citywide Miscellaneous ADA Improvements 202003CT 1,757.80Construction Expense Citywide Public Safety Camera System 202006CT 49.75Construction Expense Adams Street Restriping Project 2021TMICT 901.60Construction Expense FY20/21 Traffic Maintenance Improvements CORONANR 992.12Corona Non Reimbursable Corona Virus Emergency Response CORONAP 21.34ContractsCorona Virus Emergency Response Grand Total:3,243,904.21 105 3/15/2021 4:20:48 PM Page 1 of 2 Payment Reversal Register City of La Quinta APPKT02718 - JB 03/12/21 CK REVERSALS Canceled Payables Vendor Set:01 - Vendor Set 01 Bank:APBNKBOW - APBNK- BOW 00647 Vendor Number SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Total Vendor Amount -13.64 Vendor Name Check 202441 03/12/2021 -13.6407/24/2020 03/12/2021 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 3611137A 06/30/202006/16/20 - WC EMMISSIONS LATE FEE 13.6406/16/2020 05109 Vendor Number ALL VALLEY APPLIANCE INC Total Vendor Amount -69.95 Vendor Name Check 203541 03/12/2021 -69.9512/18/2020 03/12/2021 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 121169 12/18/202012/04/20 - Fire Station 32 Dryer 69.9512/04/2020 08317 Vendor Number ARK CONNECTS LLC Total Vendor Amount -4,000.00 Vendor Name Check 203399 03/12/2021 -4,000.0012/04/2020 03/12/2021 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 1835 12/04/202012/2020 DESIGN PRODUCTION RETAINER 4,000.0012/01/2020 09321 Vendor Number MEZA, MARIA Total Vendor Amount -125.00 Vendor Name Check 201595 03/12/2021 -125.0004/10/2020 03/12/2021 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 062819A 04/10/202006/28/19 - FINAL CLAIM WSA RELOC PRJ 125.0006/28/2019 106 Payment Reversal Register Packet: APPKT02718 - JB 03/12/21 CK REVERSALS 3/15/2021 4:20:48 PM Page 2 of 2 Bank Code Summary Canceled Payables Payables Left To Pay AgainBank Code Total APBNKBOW -4,208.59 0.00 -4,208.59 -4,208.59 0.00Report Total:-4,208.59 107 3/30/2021 10:39:03 AM Page 1 of 3 Payment Reversal Register City of La Quinta APPKT02732 - JB 03/25/21 REVERSALS Canceled Payables Vendor Set:01 - Vendor Set 01 Bank:APBNKBOW - APBNK- BOW 06895 Vendor Number DR RAUL RUIZ FOR CONGRESS Total Vendor Amount -200.00 Vendor Name Check 200563 03/25/2021 -200.0001/10/2020 03/25/2021 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date R19474A-R 01/10/202008/01/18 - POLITICAL SIGN REFUND SA2016-0062 200.0006/29/2018 08990 Vendor Number LUNA, FERNANDO M AND HEATHER D Total Vendor Amount -6.00 Vendor Name Check 200833 03/25/2021 -6.0001/31/2020 03/25/2021 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date R32929AA-R 01/31/202003/08/18 - LIC-765632 REFUND OVERPYMT BL 6.0003/08/2018 09251 Vendor Number RUIZ, RAUL Total Vendor Amount -198.00 Vendor Name Check 200623 03/25/2021 -198.0001/10/2020 03/25/2021 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date R39719A-R 01/10/202009/26/18 - SA2018-0058 REFUND POLITICAL SIGNS 198.0009/26/2018 09350 Vendor Number HOME TIME LLC Total Vendor Amount -5.33 Vendor Name Check 200828 03/25/2021 -5.3301/31/2020 03/25/2021 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date R44717A-R 01/31/202002/12/19 - LIC-766695 REFUND OVERPYMNT STVR 5.3302/12/2019 09354 Vendor Number PRICE, DALE Total Vendor Amount -132.00 Vendor Name Check 200616 03/25/2021 -132.0001/10/2020 03/25/2021 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date R41457A-R 01/10/202011/19/18 - LIC-0108078 & -0110696 REFUND 132.0011/19/2018 09516 Vendor Number CALHOUN, BRYCE Total Vendor Amount -55.00 Vendor Name Check 201568 03/25/2021 -55.0004/10/2020 03/25/2021 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 081319A-R 04/10/202008/13/19 - LQP12071 REFUND CITATION 55.0008/13/2019 09520 Vendor Number DYNAMIC INTERIOR/EXT Total Vendor Amount -40.00 Vendor Name Check 201574 03/25/2021 -40.0004/10/2020 03/25/2021 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 081319A-R 04/10/202008/13/19 - LQP12093 REFUND CITATION 40.0008/13/2019 108 Payment Reversal Register Packet: APPKT02732 - JB 03/25/21 REVERSALS 3/30/2021 10:39:03 AM Page 2 of 3 09526 Vendor Number MECH, CHARLES Total Vendor Amount -25.00 Vendor Name Check 201594 03/25/2021 -25.0004/10/2020 03/25/2021 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 081519A-R 04/10/202008/15/19 - LQP30406 REFUND CITATION 25.0008/15/2019 09528 Vendor Number WILEY, KAY AND RONALD Total Vendor Amount -29.70 Vendor Name Check 201614 03/25/2021 -29.7004/10/2020 03/25/2021 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 081519A-R 04/10/202008/15/19 - LQP23566 REFUND CITATION 29.7008/15/2019 09954 Vendor Number CARRENO, OSCAR Total Vendor Amount -127.00 Vendor Name Check 204193 03/25/2021 -127.0003/05/2021 03/25/2021 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 022521-R 03/05/202102/25/21 - BUS LIC & HOME PERMIT REFUND LIC769149 127.0002/25/2021 09958 Vendor Number J and H ASSET PROPERTY MGT, INC Total Vendor Amount -2,925.45 Vendor Name Check 204246 03/25/2021 -2,925.4503/05/2021 03/25/2021 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 13390-R 03/05/202101/2021 - MANAGEMENT FEE AND EXP REIMBURSEMENT 2,925.4502/08/2021 109 Payment Reversal Register Packet: APPKT02732 - JB 03/25/21 REVERSALS 3/30/2021 10:39:03 AM Page 3 of 3 Bank Code Summary Canceled Payables Payables Left To Pay AgainBank Code Total APBNKBOW -3,743.48 0.00 -3,743.48 -3,743.48 0.00Report Total:-3,743.48 110 City of La Quinta Bank Transactions 03/08 – 03/26/2021 Wire Transaction Listed below are the wire transfers from 03/08 – 03/26/2021. Wire Transfers: 03/10/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS 120,148.42$ 03/18/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK 162,366.72$ 03/19/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS 20,108.27$ 03/19/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS 13,597.27$ 03/19/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS 5,817.10$ 03/19/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - AMERICAN FIDELITY 3,359.54$ 03/19/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - DUNE PALMS TRUST ACCT 40,000.00$ 03/22/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA 4,900.29$ 03/22/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - AMERICAN FIDELITY 1,821.96$ 03/22/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - TEXAS LIFE 849.25$ 03/22/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 423.00$ TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT 373,391.82$ ATTACHMENT 2 111 112 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: April 6, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED FEBRUARY 28, 2021 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file revenue and expenditure report dated February 28, 2021. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The report summarizes the City’s period and year-to-date (YTD) revenues and expenditures for February 2021 (Attachment 1). •These reports are also reviewed by the Financial Advisory Commission. FISCAL IMPACT – None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Below is a summary of the column headers used on the Revenue and Expenditure Summary Reports: Original Total Budget – represents revenue and expenditure budgets the Council adopted in June 2020 for fiscal year 2020/21. Current Total Budget – represents original adopted budgets plus any Council approved budget amendments from throughout the year. The 2019/20 operating and Capital Improvement Project carryovers to 2020/21 have been added to the current budget. Period Activity – represents actual revenues received and expenditures outlaid in the reporting month. Fiscal Activity – represents actual revenues received and expenditures outlaid YTD. Variance Favorable/(Unfavorable) - represents the dollar difference between YTD collections/expenditures and the current budgeted amount. Percent Used – represents the percentage activity as compared to budget YTD. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 7 113 The revenue report includes revenues and transfers into funds from other funds (income items). Revenues are not received uniformly throughout the year, resulting in peaks and valleys. For example, large property tax payments are usually received in December and May. Similarly, Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund payments are typically received in January and June. Any timing imbalance of revenue receipts versus expenditures is funded from the City’s cash flow reserve. The expenditure report includes expenditures and transfers out to other funds. Unlike revenues, expenditures are more likely to be consistent from month to month. However, large debt service payments or CIP expenditures can cause swings. Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Approved by: Karla Romero, Finance Director Attachment: 1. Revenue and Expenditure Report for February 28, 2021 MTD YTD YTD Percent of Budget General Fund 5,665,731$ 28,933,266$ 52.57% All Funds 7,038,839$ 60,254,629$ 35.41% MTD YTD YTD Percent of Budget General Fund 1,014,293$ 19,513,481$ 29.71% Payroll - General Fund 635,289$ 6,153,139$ 59.10% All Funds 3,111,412$ 64,956,285$ 34.97% February Revenues February Expenditures General Fund Non-General Fund Property Tax in lieu of Vehicle License Fees 2,173,317$ SilverRock Greens Fees 465,624$ Measure G 1,097,653$ County Government Revenue -Library/Museum 374,681$ Sales Tax 732,977$ Gas Tax 120,624$ Transient Occupancy (Hotel) Tax 573,267$ Interest Earnings 90,407$ Franchise Tax- Burrtec 289,749$ Development Impact Fees (Transportation)84,189$ General Fund Non-General Fund Marketing and Tourism Promotions 84,358$ CIP-Construction(2)530,685$ Parks Landscape Maintenance 35,765$ Library Operations 374,681$ Greater Palm Springs Convention Bureau 28,500$ Small Business Economic Relief 285,960$ Membership Dues(1)20,906$ SilverRock Maintenance 142,363$ Plan Checks 17,411$ Earthquake Insurance Premium 77,308$ Top Five Revenue/Income Sources for February Top Five Expenditures/Outlays for February (1)Dues: League of California Cities and Southern California Association of Governments (2)CIP Construction: SilverRock Way, landscape improvments, Firtz Burns sidewalk 114 For Fiscal: 2020/21 Period Ending: 02/28/2021 3/31/2021 Page 1 of 3 Revenue Summary Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable)Fund Period Activity Current Total Budget Original Total Budget Percent Used 101 - GENERAL FUND 28,933,2665,665,73150,726,100 55,040,534 -26,107,268 52.57 % 201 - GAS TAX FUND 990,097120,6241,778,400 1,791,800 -801,703 55.26 % 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 671,514374,6812,808,500 2,807,200 -2,135,686 23.92 % 203 - PUBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEASURE G)2,411010,000 10,000 -7,589 24.11 % 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 460141,900 147,472 -147,426 0.03 % 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 98,8498,333101,000 101,000 -2,151 97.87 % 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 1,412,11501,877,000 1,877,000 -464,885 75.23 % 220 - QUIMBY FUND 1,365080,000 80,000 -78,635 1.71 % 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 28,80913,14776,000 76,000 -47,191 37.91 % 223 - MEASURE A FUND 716,18501,319,000 1,519,000 -802,815 47.15 % 224 - TUMF FUND -376000 -376 0.00 % 225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 390200200 -161 19.31 % 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT (EMPG)-11012,100 19,700 -19,711 0.06 % 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAMS (SHSP)3,19405,000 5,000 -1,806 63.88 % 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 10,6611,28218,200 18,200 -7,539 58.58 % 231 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 RORF 7,276,453020,539,264 20,539,264 -13,262,811 35.43 % 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 13,631053,000 53,000 -39,369 25.72 % 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN 10,873013,505 13,505 -2,632 80.51 % 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 1,562,96423,813513,300 1,715,756 -152,792 91.09 % 243 - RDA LOW-MOD HOUSING FUND 4,640035,000 35,000 -30,360 13.26 % 244 - HOUSING GRANTS (Multiple)00060,000 -60,000 0.00 % 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 6,850040,000 649,100 -642,250 1.06 % 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016)58,7810200,000 200,000 -141,219 29.39 % 250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 352,27084,189380,000 380,000 -27,730 92.70 % 251 - PARKS & REC DIF FUND 147,09144,226304,000 304,000 -156,909 48.39 % 252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 89,41325,830110,000 110,000 -20,587 81.28 % 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 27,3898,33745,000 45,000 -17,611 60.86 % 254 - COMMUNITY & CULTURAL CENTERS DIF 60,72020,07616,500 16,500 44,220 368.00 % 255 - STREET FACILITY DIF FUND 4,180017,000 2,000 2,180 209.01 % 256 - PARK FACILITY DIF FUND 33307,100 500 -167 66.54 % 257 - FIRE PROTECTION DIF 28,9217,74955,500 55,500 -26,579 52.11 % 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 121,28010,960111,000 121,000 280 100.23 % 275 - LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER 2,09502,600 2,600 -505 80.56 % 299 - INTEREST ALLOCATION FUND 643,47990,40700 643,479 0.00 % 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERVICE 001,100 1,100 -1,100 0.00 % 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 11,446,158019,058,300 73,855,948 -62,409,790 15.50 % 405 - SA PA 1 CAPITAL IMPRV FUND 10,3010100,000 100,000 -89,699 10.30 % 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 442,3990902,500 902,500 -460,101 49.02 % 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 889,6081,7101,721,500 1,747,300 -857,692 50.91 % 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 107,1490245,000 245,000 -137,851 43.73 % 504 - INSURANCE FUND 468,1670928,500 928,500 -460,333 50.42 % 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 2,600,758519,4373,882,100 3,882,100 -1,281,343 66.99 % 602 - SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE 1,04304,500 4,500 -3,457 23.17 % 760 - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN 5,15806,500 6,500 -1,342 79.35 % 761 - CERBT OPEB TRUST 218,959060,000 75,000 143,959 291.94 % 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST 785,40418,307300,000 600,000 185,404 130.90 % Report Total:7,038,839 60,254,629108,606,169 170,144,279 -109,889,650 35.41 % ATTACHMENT 1 Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), published annually in December, is the best resource for all final audited numbers. 115 For Fiscal: 2020/21 Period Ending: 02/28/2021 3/26/2021 Page 2 of 3 Expenditure Summary Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable)Fund Period Activity Current Total Budget Original Total Budget Percent Used 101 - GENERAL FUND 19,513,4811,014,29347,911,600 65,689,997 46,176,516 29.71 % 201 - GAS TAX FUND 655,73842,3951,775,300 2,288,769 1,633,031 28.65 % 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 967,458392,7781,715,100 2,318,100 1,350,642 41.73 % 203 - PUBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEASURE G)7,71601,000,000 1,372,296 1,364,580 0.56 % 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 00141,900 321,339 321,339 0.00 % 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 25,8330100,000 100,000 74,167 25.83 % 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 1,129,367203,8721,876,600 2,126,600 997,233 53.11 % 220 - QUIMBY FUND 491,275002,781,625 2,290,350 17.66 % 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 1,9000100,000 250,000 248,100 0.76 % 223 - MEASURE A FUND 185,09001,263,900 2,455,084 2,269,994 7.54 % 225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 00022,618 22,618 0.00 % 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT (EMPG)19,629012,000 19,600 -29 100.15 % 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAMS (SHSP)005,000 5,000 5,000 0.00 % 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 2,3782,3784,400 4,400 2,022 54.05 % 231 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 RORF 13,336,34019,7288,405,468 8,405,468 -4,930,872 158.66 % 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 25,56123942,200 48,900 23,339 52.27 % 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN 9,750013,505 13,505 3,755 72.20 % 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 693,77450,612822,300 1,143,062 449,288 60.69 % 243 - RDA LOW-MOD HOUSING FUND 00250,000 250,000 250,000 0.00 % 244 - HOUSING GRANTS (Multiple)14,1420060,000 45,858 23.57 % 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 1,463,432292,35310,000 1,630,500 167,068 89.75 % 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016)6,116,79606,185,000 6,185,000 68,204 98.90 % 250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 743,05601,293,000 1,957,670 1,214,614 37.96 % 251 - PARKS & REC DIF FUND 959,71300959,713 0 100.00 % 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 8,298030,000 30,000 21,702 27.66 % 254 - COMMUNITY & CULTURAL CENTERS DIF 000101,639 101,639 0.00 % 256 - PARK FACILITY DIF FUND 0005,600 5,600 0.00 % 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 51,90213,239110,000 725,700 673,798 7.15 % 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERVICE 001,100 1,100 1,100 0.00 % 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 11,532,566534,51319,058,300 70,321,842 58,789,276 16.40 % 405 - SA PA 1 CAPITAL IMPRV FUND 2,647,939005,539,155 2,891,216 47.80 % 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 269,92142,866902,500 1,144,464 874,542 23.58 % 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 830,59974,3671,684,200 1,924,200 1,093,601 43.17 % 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 120,37335,247595,000 682,986 562,613 17.62 % 504 - INSURANCE FUND 869,23177,747827,500 904,500 35,269 96.10 % 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 2,216,315314,7853,881,500 3,881,500 1,665,185 57.10 % 760 - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN 12,833012,850 12,850 17 99.87 % 761 - CERBT OPEB TRUST 77601,500 1,500 724 51.74 % 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST 33,101052,000 52,000 18,899 63.66 % Report Total:3,111,412 64,956,285100,083,723 185,738,282 120,781,997 34.97 % Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), published annually in December, is the best resource for all final audited numbers. 116 Fund #Name Notes 101 General Fund The primary fund of the City used to account for all revenue and expenditures of the City; a broad range of municipal activities are provided through this fund. 201 Gas Tax Fund Gasoline sales tax allocations received from the State which are restricted to street-related expenditures. 202 Library and Museum Fund Revenues from property taxes and related expenditures for library and museum services. 203 Public Safety Fund General Fund Measure G sales tax revenue set aside for public safety expenditures. 210 Federal Assistance Fund Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) received from the federal government and the expenditures of those resources. 212 SLESF (COPS) Fund Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Funds (SLESF) received from the State for law enforcement activities. Also known as Citizen's Option for Public Safety (COPS). 215 Lighting & Landscaping Fund Special assessments levied on real property for city-wide lighting and landscape maintenance/improvements and the expenditures of those resources. 217 Development Agreement Revenue and Expenditures related to development agreement for Village. 220 Quimby Fund Developer fees received under the provisions of the Quimby Act for park development and improvements. 221 AB939 Fund/Cal Recycle Franchise fees collected from the city waste hauler that are used to reduce waste sent to landfills through recycling efforts. Assembly Bill (AB) 939. 223 Measure A Fund County sales tax allocations which are restricted to street-related expenditures. 224 TUMF Fund Developer-paid Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees (TUMF) utilized for traffic projects in Riverside County. 225 Infrastructure Fund Developer fees for the acquisition, construction or improvement of the City’s infrastructure as defined by Resolution 226 Emergency Mgmt. Performance Grant (EMPG)Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant for emergency preparedness. 227 State Homeland Security Programs (SHSP)Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant for emergency preparedness. 230 CASP Fund, AB1379 / SB1186 Certified Access Specialist (CASp) program fees for ADA Accessibility Improvements; derived from Business License renewals. Assembly Bill (AB) 1379 and Senate Bill (SB) 1186. 231 Successor Agency PA 1 RORF Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund (RORF) for Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) taxes received for debt service payments on recognized obligations of the former Redevelopment Agency (RDA). 235 SO Coast Air Quality Fund (AB2766, PM10)Contributions from the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Uses are limited to the reduction and control of airborne pollutants. Assembly Bill (AB) 2766. 237 Successor Agency PA 1 Admin Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 for administration of the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) associated with the former Redevelopment Agency (RDA). 241 Housing Authority Activities of the Housing Authority which is to promote and provide quality affordable housing. 243 RDA Low-Moderate Housing Fund Activities of the Housing Authority which is to promote and provide quality affordable housing. Accounts for RDA loan repayments (20% for Housing) and housing programs,. 244 Housing Grants Activites related Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) and SB2 grants for housing planning and development. 247 Economic Development Fund Proceeds from sale of City-owned land; transferred from General Fund for future economic development. 248 SA 2004 LO/MOD Bond Fund Successor Agency (SA) low/moderate housing fund; 2004 bonds refinanced in 2014; for Washington Street Apartment rehabilitation only. 249 SA 2011 Low/Mod Bond Fund Successor Agency (SA) low/moderate housing fund; 2011 bonds refinanced in 2016. 250 Transportation DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - transportation related. 251 Parks & Rec. DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - parks and recreation. 252 Civic Center DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - Civic Center. 253 Library Development DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - library. 254 Community Center DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - community center. 255 Street Facility DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - streets. 256 Park Facility DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - parks. 257 Fire Protection DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - fire protection. 270 Art In Public Places Fund Developer fees collected in lieu of art placement; utilized for acquisition, installation and maintenance of public artworks. 275 LQ Public Safety Officer Fund Annual transfer in from General Fund; distributed to public safety officers disabled or killed in the line of duty. 299 Interest Allocation Fund Interest earned on investments. 310 LQ Finance Authority Debt Service Fund Accounted for the debt service the Financing Authority’s outstanding debt and any related reporting requirements. This bond was fully paid in October 2018. 401 Capital Improvement Program Fund Planning, design, and construction of various capital projects throughout the City. 405 SA PA 1 Capital Improvement Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 bond proceeds restricted by the bond indenture covenants. Used for SilverRock infrastructure improvements. 501 Equipment Replacement Fund Internal Service Fund for vehicles, heavy equipment, and related facilities. 502 Information Technology Fund Internal Service Fund for computer hardware and software and phone systems. 503 Park Equipment & Facility Fund Internal Service Fund for park equipment and facilities. 504 Insurance Fund Internal Service Fund for city-wide insurance coverages. 601 SilverRock Resort Fund Enterprise Fund for activities of the city-owned golf course. 602 SilverRock Golf Reserve Fund Enterprise Fund for golf course reserves for capital improvements. 735 97-1 Agency Redemption Fund To account for sewer improvement assessments. 760 Supplemental Pension Plan (PARS Account)Supplemental pension savings plan for excess retiree benefits to general employees of the City. 761 Other Post Benefit Obligation Trust (OPEB)For retiree medical benefits and unfunded liabilities. 762 Pension Trust Benefit (PARS Account)For all pension-related benefits and unfunded liabilities. Fund Descriptions 3 of 3 117 118 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: April 6, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE PURCHASE OF A FORD F-450 4x4 DUMP TRUCK FOR CITY MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS THROUGH SOURCEWELL COOPERATING PURCHASING RECOMMENDATION Approve the purchase of a Ford F-450 dump truck for City maintenance and operations through Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing; and authorize the City Manager to execute the purchase agreement(s). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •Staff requests Council approval to purchase a Ford F-450 4x4 dump truck (F-450) from Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing (Sourcewell) for use in the Maintenance and Operations division. •Sourcewell's analysts streamline the procurement process by developing requests for proposals for national, competitive solicitations that meet or exceed local requirements. •Staff has determined that the overall cost to the City will be lower if the vehicle is purchased rather than leased. FISCAL IMPACT Funds are budgeted in the Machinery & Equipment account (501-0000-80100) for the Ford F-450 ($75,841) (Attachment 1) and is reimbursable through the County Service Area (CSA) 152 assessment. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The F-450 will be utilized by the Maintenance and Operations division which requires a heavy-duty full-sized truck to safely haul newly procured equipment and to perform deferred maintenance to the stormwater conveyance system and other uses that increase productivity and efficiency. Staff recommends the purchase of the F-450 that will support the City’s ongoing efforts to comply with The Clean Water Act and NPDES regulations. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 8 119 Quotes for the vehicle were procured through Sourcewell and complies with the City’s Purchasing and Contracting policy. ALTERNATIVES Council may choose to continue to lease a similar vehicle at a higher cost rather than purchase a new vehicle. Prepared by: Tony Ulloa, Facilities Deputy Director Approved by: Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachment: 1.F-450 - Proposal 120 ATTACHMENT 1 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: April 6, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: INTRODUCE FOR FIRST READING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.25 OF LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 3.25.055 RELATED TO NON-ISSUANCE OF NEW SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMITS AND SECTION 3.25.065 RELATED TO GROUNDS FOR DENIAL OF SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMITS RECOMMENDATION A. Move to take up Ordinance No. ___ by title and number only and waive further reading. B. Move to introduce at first reading, Ordinance No. ____to amend Chapter 3.25 of the La Quinta Municipal Code by adding Section 3.25.055 related to Non-issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits; Periodic Council review, and Section 3.25.065 Short-term vacation rental permits – Grounds for denial. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY At the March 16, 2021 meeting, Council considered establishing a permanent moratorium on the issuance of new short-term vacation rental (STVR) permits due to the proliferation of STVRs in residential areas in the City. Council provided direction on code amendments relating to the non- issuance of any new applications for STVR permits, with certain exceptions. FISCAL IMPACT - None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Executive Order No. 10, Fourth Amendment, effective since August 4, 2020, imposes a moratorium on processing any new STVR applications until June 1, 2021. Executive Order No. 10 was issued to best protect the public health and welfare and follows orders and directives from the State and County BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 131 related to Covid-19.   Processing new STVR applications in specific Tourist and Village Commercial zones are exempted from the moratorium because these zoning areas are intended for uses oriented to tourist and resort activity. Council provided direction to codify the non-issuance of new STVR permits. The proposed code amendments would replace the moratorium under Executive Order No. 10, and if approved at first reading at this meeting, and adopted on April 20, would go into effect on May 20, 2021. The following is a general summary of the proposed amendments to Chapter 3.25:  Add Section 3.25.055 Non-issuance of new STVR permits and Periodic Council review – which codifies that new STVR permits shall not be processed or issued, except for STVR units that meet one or more of the following exceptions: 1. STVR permits may be processed for units located in the Tourist Commercial (TC) District zone. 2. STVR permits may be processed for units located in the (VC) Village Commercial District zone. 3. If a residential dwelling is within a residential project subject to a development agreement with the City or subject to a condition of approval(s) attached to any entitlement approved by the City, and STVRs are an intended use and authorized under the CC&Rs. This exception covers Puerta Azul and other future residential projects that may not be in TC or VC zones but are intended for uses oriented to tourist and resort activity. 4. If a residential dwelling is within the area covered by the SilverRock Resort Specific Plan.  Renewals of existing STVR permits may be processed in all residential zones and in HOA communities that allow STVRs. No new STVR permits shall processed.  Council shall periodically review the impacts or effects, if any, caused by the non-issuance of new STVR permits. Staff will prepare reports and data assessing impacts or effects, if any, for the Council to review at a regular or special meeting. 132  Add Section 3.25.065 STVR permit grounds for denial – which lists several grounds for denial of a STVR permit application, both new and renewal, based on any one or more of the following:  Prohibited by any local ordinance or by any state or federal law, statute, rule or regulation  A public nuisance  In any way detrimental to the public interest  Prohibited by zoning laws and ordinances  Applicant has knowingly made a false statement in a material matter either in their application or in their testimony before the city manager or other body hearing such testimony. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect to adopt some of the changes; instruct Staff to make additional/different amendments; and/or amend certain sections of these chapters of the Code. Prepared by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager 133 134 ORDINANCE NO. XXX AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 3.25 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 3.25.055 RELATED TO NON-ISSUANCE OF NEW SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMITS AND SECTION 3.25.065 RELATED TO GROUNDS FOR DENIAL OF SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMITS WHEREAS, Chapter 3.25 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC) relates to short-term vacation rentals; and WHEREAS, the City has the authority to regulate businesses operating within the City; and WHEREAS, Chapter 3.25 of the LQMC addresses permitted uses, short- term vacation rental process and permitting procedures; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments are intended to impose regulations for the non-issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits upon the effective date of this Ordinance, and periodic review by the City Council of the impacts on the non-issuance regulations, under the City’s short- term vacation rental program, as more particularly set forth in this Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 3.25 shall be amended by adding Section 3.25.055 Non-issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits; Periodic council review, as written in "Exhibit A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2. Chapter 3.25 shall be amended by adding Section 3.25.0065 Short-term vacation rental permit – Grounds for denial, as written in "Exhibit A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 3. Corrective Amendments: The City Council does hereby grant the City Clerk the ability to make minor amendments and corrections of typographical or clerical errors to "Exhibit A" to ensure consistency of all approved text amendments prior to the publication in the La Quinta Municipal Code. 135 Ordinance No. XXX Amendments to Chapter 3.25 Short-Term Vacation Rentals (STVR) Adding Section 3.25.055 Related to Non-Issuance of New STVR Permits Adding Section 3.25.065 Related to Grounds for Denial of STVR Permits Adopted: ____________, 2021 Page 2 of 6 SECTION 4. Posting: The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after passage of this Ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council, shall certify to the adoption and posting of this Ordinance, and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City of La Quinta. SECTION 5. Effective Date: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. SECTION 6. Severability: If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and each and every section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions thereof be declared unconstitutional. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held this ___ day of _______, 2021 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ________________________ LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 136 Ordinance No. XXX Amendments to Chapter 3.25 Short-Term Vacation Rentals (STVR) Adding Section 3.25.055 Related to Non-Issuance of New STVR Permits Adding Section 3.25.065 Related to Grounds for Denial of STVR Permits Adopted: ____________, 2021 Page 3 of 6 ATTEST: _______________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 137 Ordinance No. XXX Amendments to Chapter 3.25 Short-Term Vacation Rentals (STVR) Adding Section 3.25.055 Related to Non-Issuance of New STVR Permits Adding Section 3.25.065 Related to Grounds for Denial of STVR Permits Adopted: ____________, 2021 Page 4 of 6 Chapter 3.25 SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTALS Chapter 3.25 SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTALS 3.25.055 Non-issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits; Periodic council review. A. Commencing [INSERT DATE, 2021], which is the effective date of the ordinance adding this section, there shall be no processing of, or issuance for, any applications for a new short-term vacation rental permit, required by this chapter to use or operate a short-term vacation rental unit in the city, except applications for a new a short-term vacation rental permit covering a short-term vacation rental unit that meets one or more of the following: 1. A residential dwelling within a residential project located in the CT Tourist Commercial District zone, as defined in Section 9.70.070 (or successor section) of this code and depicted in the city’s official zoning map. 2. A residential dwelling within a residential project located in the VC Village Commercial District zone, as defined in Section 9.70.100 (or successor section) of this code and depicted in the city’s official zoning map. 3. A residential dwelling within a residential project subject to a development agreement with the city, or subject to a condition of approval(s) attached to any entitlement approved by the city (including but not limited to a specific plan, subdivision map, or site development permit), pursuant to which short-term vacation rentals are a permitted use, and the residential dwelling’s use as a short-term vacation rental is authorized under a declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs), for the residential project; 4. A residential dwelling within the area covered by the SilverRock Resort Specific Plan; C. The city manager or authorized designee shall have the authority to implement policies or procedures to review and verify whether an application for a new short-term vacation rental permit meets the criteria set forth in this section. D. This section shall not apply to applications for a renewal of an existing short-term vacation rental permit and business license, submitted in  EXHIBIT A 138 Ordinance No. XXX Amendments to Chapter 3.25 Short-Term Vacation Rentals (STVR) Adding Section 3.25.055 Related to Non-Issuance of New STVR Permits Adding Section 3.25.065 Related to Grounds for Denial of STVR Permits Adopted: ____________, 2021 Page 5 of 6 compliance with this chapter, and for which the short-term vacation rental permit is not under suspension or revoked during the time for processing the renewal application, and the short-term vacation rental unit covered by the renewal application is not in violation of this chapter or any other provisions of this code. E. The city council shall periodically review the impacts or effects, if any, caused by the non-issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits set forth in this section. The city manager or authorized designee shall prepare a report assessing impacts or effects, if any, for the council to review at a regular or special meeting. 3.25.065 Short-term vacation rental permit—Grounds for denial. A. In addition to any other grounds provided in this chapter, an application (including renewal application) for a short-term vacation rental permit may be denied if use of the short-term vacation rental unit has been, will be, or is apt to become any one or more of the following. 1. Prohibited by any local ordinance or by any state or federal law, statute, rule or regulation; 2. A public nuisance; 3. In any way detrimental to the public interest; 4. Prohibited by zoning laws and ordinances. B. A application (including renewal application) for a short-term vacation rental permit may also be denied on the grounds that the applicant has knowingly made a false statement in a material matter either in his/her/their application or in his/her/their testimony before the city manager or other body hearing such testimony. C. This section is intended to be, and shall be construed as being, in alignment with the grounds for denial of a business license set forth in Section 3.28.080 (or successor section) of this code. 139 Ordinance No. XXX Amendments to Chapter 3.25 Short-Term Vacation Rentals (STVR) Adding Section 3.25.055 Related to Non-Issuance of New STVR Permits Adding Section 3.25.065 Related to Grounds for Denial of STVR Permits Adopted: ____________, 2021 Page 6 of 6 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA ) I, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and correct copy of Ordinance No. ____ which was introduced at a regular meeting on the ___ day of ______, 2021, and was adopted at a regular meeting held on the ___ day of _______, 2021, not being less than 5 days after the date of introduction thereof. I further certify that the foregoing Ordinance was posted in three places within the City of La Quinta as specified in the Rules of Procedure adopted by City Council Resolution No. 2015-023. _______________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California DECLARATION OF POSTING I, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted on _____________, 2021, pursuant to Council Resolution. _______________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 140 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: April 6, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE CITY’S SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM PERMIT FEES RECOMMENDATION Adopt a Resolution to amend the City’s Short-Term Vacation Rental Program Permit Fees. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  On a recurring basis, staff reviews existing user fees and rates as a basis for recovering allowable costs of certain City services.  On March 2, 2021, Council adopted Resolution No. 2021-004 updating the City’s Short-Term Vacation Rental (STVR) permit fees due to recent revisions to the STVR Program rules and permit types, which will go into effect on May 1, 2021.  Staff proposes one additional STVR permit fee revision for residential dwellings within a residential project subject to a “mitigation fee.” FISCAL IMPACT – None. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Staff conducts on-going reviews of user and regulatory fees. Periodically, fee adjustments are considered to improve the correlation between the City’s cost of providing services and the fees imposed to recover those costs. On February 25 and March 2, 2021, Council considered an updated cost analysis for STVR permit fees due to recent revisions to the STVR Program rules and permit types, and adopted Resolution No. 2021-004 increasing the prior $200 dollar STVR fee to the permit types and related fees listed below, which will go into effect on May 1, 2021. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 1 141 The City continues to collect less than the City’s full cost of service for STVR permit issuance. Certain residential projects within the City are specifically designed to operate as STVRs and as such are subject to related mitigation fees pursuant to a development agreement with the City or a condition of approval(s) attached to the project’s entitlement approval. These mitigation fees are in addition to the required transient occupancy tax assessed based on each property’s STVR activity. Currently, the following residential projects remit a mitigation fee to the City:  Codorniz – pursuant to a development agreement;  La Quinta Desert Club Villas (Homewood Suites) – pursuant to a development agreement;  Legacy Villas – pursuant to a development agreement;  Puerta Azul – pursuant to conditions of approval; and  Signature at PGA West – pursuant to a development agreement. 142 Staff proposes to add a fourth (4th) STVR permit type and fee - General STVR Permit (subject to a mitigation fee) – for properties located within residential projects subject to mitigation fees as listed below in red:   AGENCY AND PUBLIC REVIEW Notice regarding the proposed fee changes was provided in accordance with Government Code Section 6062(a). Public Hearing notices were published in The Desert Sun on March 26 and April 2, 2021. ALTERNATIVES Council may not approve the recommended permit fees and direct staff accordingly. Prepared by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager Attachment: 1. STVR Program Cost of Service Analysis  143 144 RESOLUTION NO. 2021 – XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CITY’S SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM PERMIT FEES WHEREAS, this action is exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Article 18, Statutory Exemptions, Section 15273(a) Rates Tolls Fares and Charges; and WHEREAS, this public hearing to set fees was duly noticed pursuant to Government Code Section 6062(a) – Manner of Publication for new fees and increases in The Desert Sun newspaper on March 26 and April 2, 2021; and WHEREAS, user and regulatory fees are established by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City recently completed a study to identify the cost of providing various user and regulatory fee-related services; and WHEREAS, the study examined fee-related services provided by the City, the costs reasonably borne by the City in providing those services, the beneficiaries of those services, and the revenues produced by those paying fees and charges for special services; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that providing these services is of special benefit to applicants both separate and apart from the general benefit to the public; and therefore, in the interests of fairness to the general public, the City desires to better recover the costs of providing these services from applicants who have sought or require the City's services by revising its schedule of fees; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that the study provides adequate evidence to conclude that the revised Short-Term Vacation Rental Program Permit (STVR) fees do not exceed the cost to provide the services for which the fees are charged; and WHEREAS, a separate STVR permit type and fee should be added for residential dwellings located within certain residential projects in the City designed specifically to operate as STVRs and as such are subject to related mitigation fees pursuant to a development agreement with the City or a 145 Resolution No. 2021 – XXX Update of User and Regulatory Fees – Short-Term Vacation Rental Program Permit Fees Adopted: April 6, 2021 Page 2 of 3 condition of approval(s) attached to the project’s entitlement approval. These mitigation fees are in addition to the applicable transient occupancy tax assessed based on each property’s STVR activity; and WHEREAS, this Resolution shall supersede Resolution No. 2021-004 adopted on March 2, 2021 establishing revised STVR permit fees; and WHEREAS, the adopted fees shall be incorporated into the City’s existing Master Fee Schedule. The existing Master Fee Schedule was adopted on July 21, 2020, via Resolution No. 2020-027. Incorporating these fees into the Master Fee Schedule will allow for the fees to be considered with future comprehensive user and regulatory fee updates. Resolution No. 2020-27 is amended as expressly provided by this resolution, but shall otherwise remain in effect. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council hereby adopts each recital set forth above as a specific finding. SECTION 2. The City Council hereby adopts the Short-Term Vacation Rental Program permit fees and charges as set forth in attached Exhibit "A," incorporated herewith by this reference, adding a separate STVR permit type and fee for residential dwellings located within residential projects subject to mitigation fees as noted in detail in Exhibit “A.” SECTION 3. This Resolution shall become effective on April 6, 2021. The fees imposed by this Resolution shall go into effect on May 1, 2021. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 6th day of April, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 146 Resolution No. 2021 – XXX Update of User and Regulatory Fees – Short-Term Vacation Rental Program Permit Fees Adopted: April 6, 2021 Page 3 of 3 ________________________ LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: ________________________ MONIKA REDEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 147 "Exhibit A" City of La Quinta MASTER FEE SCHEDULE ‐ SHORT‐TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMIT FEE Fee Charge Basis Note Short‐Term Vacation Rental Permit Fee 1 Homeshare Short‐Term Vacation Rental Permit Homeshare STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms $250 per year [a] Homeshare STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More $500 per year 2 Primary Residence Short‐Term Vacation Rental Permit Primary Residence STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms $750 per year [a] Primary Residence STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More $1,250 per year 3 General Short‐Term Vacation Rental Permit General STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms $1,000 per year [a] General STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More $1,250 per year 4 General Short‐Term Vacation Rental Permit (subject to mitigation fees)[b] General STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms (subject to mitigation fees)$250 per year [a];[b] General STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More (subject to mitigation fees)$500 per year [b] 5 Technology Enhancement Fee $5 per year [a] [b] Activity Description If special inspection is required, amount will be billed hourly in half‐hour increments using the billing rate of the department providing the  services. A residential dwelling within a residential project subject to a “mitigation fee,” paid to the city to offset revenue losses caused by the  development of the residential project, pursuant to a development agreement with the city, or pursuant to a condition of approval(s)  attached to any entitlement approved by the city (including but not limited to a specific plan, subdivision map, or site development  permit), pursuant to which short‐term vacation rentals are a permitted use. [As of the adoption of this resolution, the following residential projects qualify under these requirements: Codorniz, La Quinta Desert Villas  (Homewood Suites), Legacy Villas, and Signature at PGA West] 148 User and Regulatory FeesFee‐Related Cost of Service AnalysisShort‐Term Rental Permit FeesATTACHMENT 1149 City of La QuintaUser and Regulatory Fee StudyCalculation of Estimated Cost of Service: Short‐term Rental Permit FeeCode ComplianceAllocation of Divisional Labor to STVR ProgramDescription FTE Est. Annual Effort Associated Adjusted FTE Associated with STVR D&D ‐ Permit Tech1.00100%1.00D&D ‐ Permit Tech1.0050%0.50D&D ‐ Manager1.0060%0.60D&D ‐ Director1.0020%0.20D&D ‐ Office Asst1.0010%0.10D&D ‐ Admin Assistant 1.0025%0.25Finance ‐ Director1.005%0.05Finance ‐ Analyst1.0010%0.10Finance ‐ Accountant1.0025%0.25Finance ‐ Account Tech1.0025%0.25Code ‐ Director1.0020%0.20Code ‐ Manager1.0050%0.50Code ‐ Supervisor1.0075%0.75Code ‐ Officer II1.0095%0.95Code ‐ Officer II1.0050%0.50Code ‐ Officer II1.0050%0.50Code ‐ Officer I 1.0095%0.95Code ‐ Officer I1.0060%0.60Code ‐ Admin Tech1.0080%0.80Code ‐ Admin Asst1.0060%0.60Clerk ‐ City Clerk1.0010%0.10Clerk ‐ Mgmnt Asst1.0010%0.10Clerk ‐ Deputy City Clerk1.0010%0.10CM ‐ City Manager1.0010%0.10Marketing ‐ Manager1.005%0.05Total25.0010.10Divisional Share40%150 City of La QuintaUser and Regulatory Fee StudyCalculation of Estimated Cost of Service: Short‐term Rental Permit FeeLabor Expenditures Allocated to STVR ProgramDescriptionEst. Annual Salary and Benefits Est. Annual Effort Associated Est. Labor Costs Associated D&D ‐ Permit Tech$80,668100% $80,668D&D ‐ Permit Tech$80,66850% $40,334D&D ‐ Manager$146,34160% $87,805D&D ‐ Director$200,61320% $40,123D&D ‐ Office Asst$95,02410% $9,502D&D ‐ Admin Assistant $65,20025% $16,300Finance ‐ Director$200,5365% $10,027Finance ‐ Analyst$125,83310% $12,583Finance ‐ Accountant$116,74125% $29,185Finance ‐ Account Tech$86,05125% $21,513Code ‐ Director$200,13320% $40,027Code ‐ Manager$150,62450% $75,312Code ‐ Supervisor$118,86475% $89,148Code ‐ Officer II$105,69095% $100,406Code ‐ Officer II$97,56050% $48,780Code ‐ Officer II$127,11150% $63,556Code ‐ Officer I $81,26795% $77,203Code ‐ Officer I$81,26760% $48,760Code ‐ Admin Tech$83,28280% $66,626Code ‐ Admin Asst$65,15960% $39,096Clerk ‐ City Clerk$148,79810% $14,880Clerk ‐ Mgmnt Asst$78,59710% $7,860Clerk ‐ Deputy City Clerk$90,22810% $9,023CM ‐ City Manager$255,26910% $25,527Marketing ‐ Manager$132,3415% $6,617Total$3,013,865$1,060,859151 City of La QuintaUser and Regulatory Fee StudyCalculation of Estimated Cost of Service: Short‐term Rental Permit FeeServices and SuppliesDescription  Total   Adjustment   Subtotal   Share to STVR   Share to STVR Contract Services101‐6004‐60103 Professional Services$45,000$0$45,0000%$0101‐6004‐60108 Technical$2,000$0$2,0000%$0101‐6004‐60111 Administrative Citation Service$25,000$0$25,0000%$0101‐6004‐60119 Vehicle Abatement$1,000$0$1,0000%$0101‐6004‐60120 Lot Cleaning/Gravel Program$20,000$0$20,0000%$0101‐6004‐60125 Temporary Agency Services$10,000$0$10,0000%$0101‐6004‐60194 Veterinary Service$15,000$0$15,0000%$0101‐6004‐60197 Animal Shelter Contract Services$190,000 $0$190,000 0%$0Maintenance and Operations101‐6004‐60121 Low‐Income Housing Grants$5,000$0$5,0000%$0101‐6004‐60130 Resident Assistance Program$2,000$0$2,0000%$0101‐6004‐60320 Travel & Training$3,000$0$3,00064% $1,905101‐6004‐60351 Membership Dues$600$0$60064%$381101‐6004‐60400 Office Supplies$2,200$0$2,20064% $1,397101‐6004‐60410 Printing$10,000$0$10,000 64% $6,350101‐6004‐60425 Supplies ‐ Field$2,000$0$2,00064% $1,270101‐6004‐60690 Uniforms$4,000$0$4,00064% $2,540Internal Service Charges101‐6004‐98110 Information Tech Charges$96,400$0$96,400 64% $61,214101‐6004‐98140$88,400$0$88,400 64% $56,134Hotline$15,000$0$15,000 100% $15,000Compliance Vendor (MuniRevs)$49,400$0$49,400 100% $49,400Security$42,000$0$42,000 100% $42,000Legal (30% of retainer and estimate of appeals)$0$40,000$40,000 100% $40,000Marketing$0$15,000$15,000 100% $15,000New Vendor $0$70,000$70,000 100% $70,000Training Vendor$0$10,000$10,000 100% $10,000Total$628,000$135,000$763,000$372,591Total Estimated Program Costs$1,433,450Cost OverviewDescription  Total Design & Development and Finance Permitting and Accounting$348,040Code Enforcement Program Regulation (Labor / Svcs & Supplies)$1,021,504Central Service Support (e.g. City Manager, City Clerk, Marketing)$63,906Total$1,433,450152 City of La QuintaUser and Regulatory Fee StudyCalculation of Estimated Cost of Service: Short‐term Rental Permit FeeEstimated Count by Permit TypeDescription  Total Homeshare10Primary Residence Short‐Term Vacation Rental Permit192General Short‐Term Vacation Rental Permit1,098Total1,300Estimated Count by Permit Type ‐ With Break‐Out by Bedroom CountDescription % Allocation   Count Homeshare STVR PermitHomeshare STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms100.0%10Homeshare STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More0.0%0Primary Residence Short‐Term Vacation Rental PermitPrimary Residence STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms94.0%180Primary Residence STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More6.0%12General Short‐Term Vacation Rental PermitSTVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms94.4%1,037STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More5.6%611,300153 City of La QuintaUser and Regulatory Fee StudyCalculation of Estimated Cost of Service: Short‐term Rental Permit FeeCost Weighting for Core Services (1.0 is Base Weighting)Weighting Unit EquivalentDescriptionDesign & Development Code Enforcement Central Service Design & Development Code Enforcement Central Service   Total Homeshare STVR PermitHomeshare STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms1.00                     0.25                     0.25                     10.00                  2.50                     2.50                     15.00                  Homeshare STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More2.00                     0.50                     0.25                     ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Primary Residence Short‐Term Vacation Rental PermitPrimary Residence STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms1.00                     1.00                     1.00                     180.48                180.48                180.48                541.44                Primary Residence STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More2.00                     1.50                     1.00                     23.04                  17.28                  11.52                  51.84                  General Short‐Term Vacation Rental PermitSTVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms1.00                     1.50                     1.00                     1,037.00             1,555.50             1,037.00             3,629.50             STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More2.00                     2.50                     1.00                     122.00                152.50                61.00                  335.50                1,372.52           1,908.26            1,292.50           4,573.28           Cost OverviewDescription  Total Total Unit Equivalent Cost Per Unit Equivalent  Design & Development and Finance Permitting and Accounting$348,040 1,372.52              $254Code Enforcement Program Regulation (Labor / Services & Supplies)$1,021,504 1,908.26             $535Central Service Support (e.g. City Manager, City Clerk, Marketing)$63,9061,292.50             $49Total$1,433,450Cost Weighting for Core Services (1.0 is Base Weighting)DescriptionDesign & Development Code Enforcement Central Service   Total Homeshare STVR PermitHomeshare STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms$254$134$12$400Homeshare STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More$507$268$12$787Primary Residence Short‐Term Vacation Rental PermitPrimary Residence STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms$254$535$49$838Primary Residence STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More$507$803$49$1,360General Short‐Term Vacation Rental PermitSTVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms$254$803$49$1,106STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More$507 $1,338$49$1,895154 City of La QuintaUser and Regulatory Fee StudyCalculation of Estimated Cost of Service: Short‐term Rental Permit FeeCost of Service and Cost RecoveryDescriptionCost of Service (Per Unit)   Current Fee Current Cost Recovery Homeshare STVR PermitHomeshare STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms$400$25063%Homeshare STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More$787$50064%Primary Residence Short‐Term Vacation PermitPrimary Residence STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms$838$75089%Primary Residence STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More$1,360 $1,25092%General Short‐Term Vacation Rental PermitSTVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms$1,106 $1,00090%STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More$1,895 $1,25066%Proposed Fee StructureDescription  Current Fee   Proposed Fee Current Cost Recovery   Notes Homeshare STVR PermitHomeshare STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms$250$25063%[a]Homeshare STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More$500$50064%Primary Residence Short‐Term Vacation PermitPrimary Residence STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms$750$75089%[a]Primary Residence STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More$1,250 $1,25092%General Short‐Term Vacation Rental PermitGeneral STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms$1,000 $1,00090%[a]General STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More$1,250 $1,25066%General Short‐Term Vacation Rental Permit (subject to mitigation fees)[b]General STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms (subject to mitigation fees)$1,000 $25023%[a];[b]General STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More (subject to mitigation fees)$1,250 $50026%[b]Notes:  ‐ Forecasted salary and benefit information based on FY 19/20 forecast expenditures.   ‐ Labor allocation and time estimates provided based on anticipated program support ‐ Estimated STVR unit count received from City Finance staff, as of January 2021.  Actual counts will change throughout the year ‐ Weighting factors intended to represent reasonable proportionality of effort required to serve various rental types[a] If special inspection is required, amount will be billed hourly in half‐hour increments using the billing rate of the department providing the services.[b] A residential dwelling within a residential project subject to a “mitigation fee,” paid  to the city to offset revenue losses caused by the development of the residential project, pursuant to a development agreement with the city, or pursuant to a condition of approval(s) attached to any entitlement approved by the city (including but not limited to a specific plan, subdivision map, or site development permit), pursuant to which short‐term vacation rentals are a permitted use.[As of the adoption of this resolution, the following residential projects qualify under these requirments: Codorniz, La Quinta Desert Club Villas (Homewood Suites), Legacy Villas, Puerta Azul, and Signature at PGA West]155 City of La QuintaWORKING DRAFT MASTER FEE SCHEDULE ‐ SHORT‐TERM RENTAL PERMIT FEECurrent FeeProposed Fee Charge Basis Note1 Homeshare STVR Permit  Homeshare STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms  $250 $250 per year [a] Homeshare STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More  $500 $500 per year2 Primary Residence Short‐Term Vacation Permit  Primary Residence STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms  $750 $750 per year[a] Primary Residence STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More $1,250$1,250per year3 General Short‐Term Vacation Rental Permit  General STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms $1,000$1,000per year[a] General STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More $1,250$1,250per year4 General Short‐Term Vacation Rental Permit (subject to mitigation fees) [b] General STVR Permit ‐ Less than 5 Bedrooms (subject to mitigation fees) $1,000$250per year [a];[b] General STVR Permit ‐ 5 Bedrooms or More (subject to mitigation fees) $1,250$500per year [b]5  Technology Enhancement Fee $5$5per yearActivity Description[a] If special inspection is required, amount will be billed hourly in half‐hour increments using the billing rate of the department providing the services.[b] A residential dwelling within a residential project subject to an annual “mitigation fee,” paid to the city to offset revenue losses caused by the development of the residential project, pursuant to a development agreement with the city, or pursuant to a condition of approval(s) attached to any entitlement approved by the city (including but not limited to a specific plan, subdivision map, or site development permit), under which short‐term vacation rentals are a permitted use (referred to as “Mitigation Fee Dwelling”).[As of the adoption of this resolution, the following residential projects qualify per this requirment: Codorniz, La Quinta Desert Club Villas (Homewood Suites), Legacy Villas, Puerta Azul, and Signature at PGA West]156 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO: Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Monika Radeva, City Clerk DATE: April 6, 2021 SUBJECT: CITY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND OUTSIDE AGENCIES COMMITTEES’ ANNUAL RECRUITMENT 1. CITY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND OUTSIDE AGENCIES COMMITTEES’ ANNUAL RECRUITMENTS Annually, the City conducts recruitment to fill vacancies on its boards, commissions, and outside agencies committees between April and June. Vacancies published on the City’s website and social media platforms on April 1, 2021; The Desert Sun on April 2, 2021; and will publish in the Gem newspapers on May 1, 2021. The recruitment period will close on May 31, 2021, and Council interviews shall be conducted sometime in June 2021. There are a total of 15 vacancies as listed below: Planning Commission – 3 vacancies Philip Bettencourt (termed out) Mary Caldwell Michael Proctor Financial Advisory Commission – 4 vacancies Corry Hunter Richard (Dick) Mills Steven Rosen Daniel Twohey Community Services Commission – 3 vacancies Sharrell Blakeley Brandon Marley Doriel Wyler DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 3 157 Housing Commission – 4 vacancies (1 must be tenant 62 year of age or older) Gia Casto Gwendolyn Davidson Veronica Gaeta Mejia Michele McDonough Palm Springs Airport Commission – 1 vacancy Kathleen Hughes Due to the large number of vacancies, Staff seeks Council’s direction on whether to schedule a special meeting to conduct the interviews. 158 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO: Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Cheri Flores, Planning Manager DATE: April 6, 2021 SUBJECT: HIGHWAY 111 FORM BASED CODE AND DESIGN - CIP PROJECT 2019-05 UPDATE _______________________________________________________________ The Highway 111 Corridor Plan (Plan) seeks to address connectivity, pedestrian- and bicycle-friendliness, transit, green infrastructure, economic development, and the retrofitting of the existing suburban fabric. Recommendations from the Plan detail a strategy for improvements, recognizing the dual functions of moving vehicles and creating a safe, walkable environment that will lead to increases in economic competitiveness, neighborhood livability, and sustainability in La Quinta. In September 2020, Council approved a contract with GHD, Inc. and Lisa Wise Consulting (LWC) to continue planning efforts for the Highway 111 Corridor (Corridor) consisting of four phases: •Phase 1: Form-Based Code (FBC) Assessment o Provide an overview of what FBC’s are and examples of other cities that have implemented them successfully. o Prepare a sample FBC for a portion of the Corridor – the demonstration site. •Phase 2: Corridor Design Concept o Create design concepts for the Corridor including landscape design guidelines, and considering right of way availability, utility conflicts, roadway level of service, and business access. •Optional Phase 3: Active Transportation Program (ATP) Grant Application and Engineered Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) for demonstration project o Prepare ATP grant application and PS&E for the demonstration project area identified in Phase 1. •Optional Phase 4: Highway 111 Corridor Form-Based Code o Conduct deeper review into the Specific Plans along the Corridor, which may include maintaining standards we want to keep or removing standards that do not work. o Determine the possibility of repealing some or all of the Specific Plans and/or consolidation utilizing FBC or combination. o Prepare FBC for the entire Corridor. Currently, staff is working with the consulting team on Phases 1 and 2. As part of Phase 1, an educational session was given in a joint meeting of the Council and Planning DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 5 159 Commission in November 2020, including an introduction to form-based code, examples from other cities where this has been implemented and how it could be used in La Quinta to transform and enhance future development of the Corridor. Council and the Commission gave feedback which is being incorporated into the preparation of the sample FBC for the demonstration site, located on the north side of Highway 111, generally between La Quinta Center Drive and La Quinta Drive (Attachment 1). The sample FBC will include an overview of the demonstration site (including a summary of the General Plan, Zoning and Specific Plan that governs the site and opportunities and constraints), summary of suggested FBC districts, and development standards for height, setbacks, and design. The sample FBC builds on the existing framework and includes suggestions and interventions that can be done to guide developers to realize the vision. For Phase 2, staff is also currently working with the consulting team to develop a set of design concepts for the Highway 111 roadway. This effort includes an analysis of existing conditions on the roadway, review of vehicle collision data, traffic counts and level of service, and bike and pedestrian conditions and comfort levels on the roadway. Design concepts will be evaluated against these and more performance metrics, including return on investment (benefit/cost). The concepts will seek to implement transportation corridor improvements that complement the vision for development along Highway 111, including connections into the demonstration site, connections to the CVLink throughout the area, and connections to proposed future multimodal corridors like the Arts & Music Line. In addition to the planning efforts for the Corridor, staff has been working on the 6th cycle update to the City’s Housing Element. During this effort, staff has identified housing inventory sites, as is required for Housing Elements, including three within the Corridor (Attachment 1). Housing inventory sites are required to be identified to show that cities can meet their Regional Needs Housing Assessment (RHNA) share given by the State. These sites were chosen to be included in the inventory because of the ability to have mixed use in the Corridor area. If sites identified in the inventory are not used for affordable housing, the City must identify an alternate site which could be available for the same number of affordable units identified in the housing element for that site. Next Steps Staff is continuing to work with the consulting team to finish up the sample FBC to be presented at a joint study session in May. Presentation of design concepts for the roadway will be presented at a subsequent study session. Attachment: 1. Highway 111 Corridor Map 160 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community City of La Quinta Design and Development Department Highway 111Corridor Map March 2021 ® Planning Division Legend Highway 111 Area Boundary Phase 1 Demonstration Site Phase 2 Demonstration Site Housing Inventory SitesWashington StreetAdams StreetDune Palms RdJefferson StreetHighway 111 CV Link Westward Ho Dr Avenue 48 BestBuy Kohls Target Walmart Costco StaterBros Lowe's HomeDepot CityProperty ShopoffResidentialProject PostOffice Marshalls Vons Aldi HobbyLobby Okura Smart &Final Mimi'sDealerships PlanetFitness SolaSalons ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 1161 162 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES December 14, 2020 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, DECEMBER, 14 2020 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Community Services Commission was called to order by Chair Wyler at 5:35 p.m. This meeting was held by teleconference pursuant to Executive Orders N-25-20, N- 29-20, N-33-20, N-35-20, and N-60-20 executed by the Governor of California, and the directives under the “Regional Stay At Home Order” from the California Department of Public Health, in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). PRESENT: Commissioners Biondi, Blakeley, and Vice-Chair Marley ABSENT: Commissioners La Greca and Chair Wyler STAFF PRESENT: Community Resources Director Escobedo, Community Resources Manager Calderon, Community Resources Analyst Torres, Management Coordinator Calderon, and Community Services Commission Secretary Chaudhry. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Blakeley led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1.CITY OPERATIONS UPDATE Community Resources Director Escobedo and Community Resources Manager Calderon presented the verbal report. Director Escobedo provided an update regarding the Governor’s Stay at Home orders and its effects on the City’s community services and then introduced the Community Resources Manager Calderon to provide updates on food services and distribution, library curbside services, childcare services at the museum relocating in January 2021, allowing virtual programming to resume. 2.WALL ART MURAL BY NATE FRIZZELL UPDATE >>>>>> Commissioner La Greca joined the meeting at 5:42 pm <<<<<<< REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEM NO. 28 162 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES December 14, 2020 Community Resources Analyst Torres presented the verbal report. Community Resources Analyst Torres provided a brief update on the work and community response to the mural on Fred Waring and Washington. Vice-Chair Marley suggested that the City develop an arial mural tour to highlight the City’s new murals. Community Resources Analyst Torres said that staff is working with the City’s marketing team on the Art on Fifth, a website platform that showcases the City’s art. Commissioner Biondi asked it the City’s website provided a timeline of the mural’s progress. Community Resources Analyst Torres said that the information is not currently published on the City’s website, but it can be added. He also mentioned that there are signs posted at the mural site to inform people of work in progress. 3. SILVERROCK EVENT SITE UPDATE – COMMUNTIY RESOURCES DIRECTOR ESCOBEDO Community Resources Director Escobedo presented the verbal report. Community Resources Director Escobedo provided a brief overview of the Event Site photos that were provided in advance to Commission. The photos included the Elongi Building, the event lawn, and landscape. Commissioner Blakeley asked if chairs were going to be installed in the tiers of the event lawn. Community Resources Director Escobedo said chairs were not being installed. Vice-Chair Marley compared the concept to Palm Desert’s Civic Center Atrium. Community Resources Director Escobedo said that Council wants to reconvene the group that was involved in the planning and creation of the Event Site. Chair Wyler was appointed for phase 1 and staff will follow up with Commission about the next phase; once the orders are lifted, staff will arrange for Event Site tour for Commission; and staff is requesting Commission input for the Recreation and Art Programming opportunities for the Event Site. Commissioner Blakeley asked if in the future will the La Quinta Art Celebration be programmed at the site. Community Resources Director Escobedo said that the site has been offered as a location for the event and remains as a future consideration. As Event Site construction concludes, conversations with Goldenvoice and other producers will resume. BUSINESS SESSION 163 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES December 14, 2020 1. APPROVE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Blakeley/La Greca to approve the September 14, 2020 meeting minutes. Motion: ayes 4, absent 1 (Wyler). 2. APPOINT COMMISSIONER TO ASSIST IN ANNUAL CITY EVENTS PLANNING Community Resources Manager Calderon presented the staff report, which is on file in the Community Resources Department. Commissioner Blakeley asked for confirmation that the La Quinta Art Celebration was not being held at the Civic Center Park in April despite the announcement she read in a March publication. Community Resources Director Escobedo said that because of the pandemic and the frequent changes in protocols, information published and actual planning may not concur. Staff is working with art event producers to ensure that protocols are met. Vice-Chair Marley declined invite to participate in the event planning sub-committee but welcomes staff to “pick his brain” with the virtual events. Commissioner Blakeley nominated Commissioner La Greca and recognized that he volunteered to participate in the sub-committee. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Blakeley/Biondi to appoint Commissioner La Greca to assist in Annual City Events Planning Sub- committee. Motion: ayes 4, absent 1 (Wyler). COMMISSIONER’S ITEMS Vice-Chair Marley recommended additional lighting in areas at the Old Town La Quinta. Community Resources Director Escobedo acknowledged receipt of the information prior to the meeting and staff is working on increased lighting for the area. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners La Biondi/Blakeley to adjourn the meeting at 5:59 p.m. Motion: ayes 4, absent 1 (Wyler). Respectfully submitted, ELIZABETH (LISA) CHAUDHRY, Community Services Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California 164 POWER POINTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 6, 2021 04/06/2021 1 City Council April 6, 2021 City Council April 6, 2021 Closed Session In Progress 1 2 04/06/2021 2 Pledge of Allegiance City Council Meeting April 6, 2021 P1 – Lift-to-Rise Pledge 3 4 04/06/2021 3 Regional Pledge for Housing & Opportunity April 2021 NORTH STAR•A future where all Coachella Valley families are healthy, stable, and thriving •We have two main pathways towards achieving this goal: o Advancing housing stabilityoIncreasing economic opportunity. THE WAY WE LIFT•With input from more than 50 collaborative partners and countless community members, Lift to Rise created a 2020-2022 Action Plan—a roadmap to radically increase housing stability and advance economic opportunity for all Coachella Valley residents. Our Vision 6 5 6 04/06/2021 4 A Tale of Two Valleys We envision a future where Coachella Valley families have: •Stable, safe, and affordable housing with more money left over to spend on things other than rent. •Stable and satisfying employment with opportunities to thrive. A Fair Chance For All 8 7 8 04/06/2021 5 How We’ll Get There 9 Our Regional Housing Plan 9 10 04/06/2021 6 •Create 10,000 affordable homes by 2028•Reduce rent burdened households by 30% Our Vision 11 Summary of Total Pipeline and Demand (as of March 2020) Total number of projects:44 Total number of units:2,835 Total development costs:$699,523,152 Total capital gap:$187,850,295 1. A Ready and Investable Pipeline 12 After redevelopment agencies closed the average number of affordable units completed each year dropped from 292 units (2008 – 2014), to just 59 units (2015-2020). Our regional pipeline has enough projects to quickly absorb capital, increasing its annual production from 59 to 1,000 units a year . Diverse Project Types1.Polancos2.Permanent Supportive Housing 3.Family Housing in High Resource Areas4.Sustainable Rural Development 11 12 04/06/2021 7 OUR PIPELINE ADDRESSES THE LACK OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING THROUGHOUT THE REGION. Achieving Regional Equity 13 More affordable housing stock across the CV will provide additional opportunities for the majority Latinx community members who need access to quality housing in close proximity to their employment. Spatial proximity to key services, combined with a lower housing-cost burden, will help residents live healthier lives by having greater physical and financial access to food, credit, transportation, and other life necessities. We refer to the processes, mechanisms, and incentives that shape how affordable housing is considered, planned, resourced, and built as the region’s enabling environment. We are targeting changes to the enabling environment that:•Prioritize favorable zoning and land use•Decrease production timeframes, and•Reduce construction and development costs. 2. Enabling Environment: Changing Policy 13 14 04/06/2021 8 We Lift: The Coachella Valley’s Housing Catalyst Fund •Multilayered investment makes projects feasible. •Credit Enhancement at the base is critical to make this approach work; by investing at the base of the fund, other investment becomes possible. •The capital stack allows various types of investors to participate, thereby reducing rates and creating various product types to solve for financing gaps. Product Types: 1.Planning grants2.Predevelopment 3.Site Acquisition4.Construction Financing5.Permanent Financing6.Infrastructure Loans7.Polanco-specific financing 3. Transformative Investment 15 Private Capital: $10-20 million CDFI Capital: $30-40 million Foundation PRI Capital: $30-40 million Credit Enhancement/Grants: $30-50 million Total: $100-150 million 4. Building Economic Mobility Our plan will build pathways to economic mobility and security for Coachella Valley residents experiencing poverty by: •Expanding affordable housing •Increasing access to living-wage jobs Our local and regional partners include the County of Riverside, the Desert Healthcare District, and the Desert Aids Project. 15 16 04/06/2021 9 In partnership & coordination, We Will Lift by: 1.Advancing a community-valued pipeline of investable projects 2.Working together to implement affordable- housing friendly policies 3.Driving a regional investment vehicle to invest in and catalyze housing development 4.Building pathways to economic mobility and security for residents Thank you. Heather Vaikona CEO heather@lifttorsie.org Araceli Palafox-Parks Deputy Director araceli@lifttorise.org Taylor Libolt Varner Regional Planner taylor@lifttorise.org 17 18 04/06/2021 10 Appendix A: Lift With Us The pledge signals regional support of this shared, concrete, and forward-thinking plan. Why is this important? •Helps attract and leverage regional investment (by coordinating and organizing demand for capital)•Increase the scale of the impact of our investments•Enables jurisdictions to align city policy, practice, and resources with regional effort, increasing efficiency and maximizing potency•Enhance public understanding and opportunity for resident participation (See attachments included with the Staff Report) Assign a representative to work with the Housing Stability Collaborative to align policies, practices, and resources in a way that advances this plan, recognizing the following opportunities for alignment: •Use our expertise to provide technical assistance to support the implementation of the CAN’s priorities.•Contribute detailed and up-to-date publicly-available information on affordable housing projects and development opportunities to the shared pipeline of projects.•Comply fully with all state and federal housing rules/requirements.•Provide opportunities and/or incentives for (and not unduly constrain) affordable housing development in our community.•Advance pro-affordable-housing policies in our communities, including those that prioritize favorable zoning and land use, decrease production timeframes, and reduce construction and development costs.•Collaborate with other jurisdictions and agencies to align policy and remove barriers to affordable housing.•Coordinate and align funding opportunities with the regional fund to advance unit production.•Express our support of the Coachella Valley Housing Catalyst Fund and investments proposals (i.e. letter of support). What’s in the Pledge? 19 20 04/06/2021 11 A shared commitment to radically change the trajectory of opportunity and affordability in the Coachella Valley. Take the pledge and stand with dozens of local and regional partners to ensure that every Coachella Valley family has safe and affordable housing, and stable and satisfying employment with opportunities to thrive. 21 22 04/06/2021 12 City Council Meeting April 6, 2021 B1 - INTRODUCE FOR FIRST READING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.25 OF MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTALS Background •November 2019 ‐Council approved the formation of a STVR  Ad Hoc Committee  •February 2020 ‐Council appointed 15 individuals to serve on  the Committee •December 2020 ‐Council received the final Committee  recommendations. 23 24 04/06/2021 13 Background •December 2020 - January 2021 – Council reviewed Ad Hoc Committee recommendations, data/statistics on STVR, Code actions, public testimony •January 15, 2021 (effective date) - Code Update o Hosting platforms to verify property listings have active STVR permit before booking o Renewal applications submitted as early as 60 days but no later than 30 days prior to permit expiration o Local contact person available 24/7; 30-minute response o Bedroom additions/conversions verified and approved by City o Inaccurate advertisement subject to fine o HOA letter to verify STVR allowed o Ownership change notification; STVR permit non-transferable o Operating without a permit: fines, and no permit for life o Increase STVR violation fines Background •March – June 2021 - Noise Monitoring Devices Pilot Program underway •March 2021 (April 15, 2021 effective date) - Code Update o Four permit types: 1) Homeshare, 2) Primary Residence, 3) General STVR Second Home/Investment, and 4) Estate Home o Clarification of adequate on-site parking based on overnight occupants allowed o Contract between owner and renter acknowledging regulations o Two-strikes policy 25 26 04/06/2021 14 Background •March 2021 - Consideration of a permanent moratorium on processing new applications for STVRs in residential areas of the City. •March 2021 – Updated STVR permit fees Background •Executive Order No. 10 imposes a moratorium on processing any new STVR permits until June 1, 2021. Executive Order No. 10 was issued to best protect the public health and welfare and follows orders and directives from the State and County related to Covid-19 •March 2021 - Council provided direction to codify by ordinance the non-issuance of new STVR permits. To be effective May 20, 2021 27 28 04/06/2021 15 Title 3: Chapter 3.25 Code Ordinance Amendments •Add Section 3.255.055 Non-issuance of new STVR permits. Exceptions: •Tourist Commercial zones •Village Commercial zone •Residential project is subject to a development agreement or subject to a condition of approval attached to entitlement with City; STVRs are an intended use and authorized under the CC&Rs; Residential community intended for uses oriented to tourist and resort activity. •Within SilverRock Resort Specific Plan Title 3: Chapter 3.25 Code Ordinance Amendments •Renewals of existing STVR permits may be processed in all residential zones and in HOA communities that allow STVRs. •No new STVR permits shall be processed. •Council shall periodically review the impacts or effects caused by the non-issuance of new STVR permits. 29 30 04/06/2021 16 Tourist Commercial zones •Center Pointe •Rancho La Quinta •Legacy Villas •La Quinta Resort •SilverRock •Signature at PGA West •S/W corner 62nd and Madison •N/W corner 64th and Madison Village Commercial zone •Embassy Suites (Casitas Las Rosas) 48 HOA communities. 42 HOA communities prohibit STVRs. 6 HOA communities allow STVRs: 1. Monticello 2. Legacy Villas 3. Los Estados @Santa Rosa Cove 4. Santa Rosa Cove 5. Puerta Azul 6. PGA West 31 32 04/06/2021 17 Legacy Villas entirely within Tourist Commercial zone. Puerta Azul: condition of approval of their entitlement with the City - STVRs are an intended use and authorized under the CC&Rs. HOAs that  allow STVR # of  Improved  Parcels # of  Permitted  STVR Density  Permitted  STVR 2020 Code  Actions  (Notice/ Suspensions 2020 Code  Citations Monticello 206 12 5.8% 3 2 Los Estados @  Santa Rosa  Cove 40 7 17.5% 1 0 Santa Rosa  Cove 334 67 20.1% 2 0 PGA West 2,747 454 16.5% 183 82 STVR Density and Code Action/Citations Data 33 34 04/06/2021 18 Title 3: Chapter 3.25 Code Amendments •Add Section 3.25.065 Grounds for denial for both new permits and renewals, based on any one or more: Prohibited by any local ordinance or by any state or federal law, statute, rule or regulation A public nuisance In any way detrimental to the public interest Prohibited by zoning laws and ordinances Applicant has knowingly made a false statement in a material matter either in their application or in their testimony before the city manager or other body hearing such testimony. 35 36 04/06/2021 19 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS INCLUDE PGA WEST & HOAs IN MORATORIUM WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS INCLUDE PGA WEST IN MORATORIUM FORM LETTER 1 37 38 04/06/2021 20 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS INCLUDE PGA WEST IN MORATORIUM FORM LETTER 2 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS STVR OPPOSITION 39 40 04/06/2021 21 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS STVR OPPOSITION WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS STVR SUPPORT 41 42 04/06/2021 22 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS STVR SUPPORT WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS STVR SUPPORT 43 44 04/06/2021 23 City Council Meeting April 6, 2021 PH1 – STVR Fee Update 45 46 04/06/2021 24 •On March 2, 2021, Council updated the STVR permit fees due to recent revisions to the STVR Program rules and permit types. •The new fees will go into effect May 1, 2021 Background Proposed New STVR Fees 47 48 04/06/2021 25 Current & Proposed STVR Fees •A residential dwelling within a residential project subject to a “mitigation fee,” paid to the city to offset revenue losses caused by the development of the residential project, pursuant to a development agreement with the city, or pursuant to a condition of approval(s) attached to any entitlement approved by the city (including but not limited to a specific plan, subdivision map, or site development permit), pursuant to which short-term vacation rentals are a permitted use. Developments •As of this writing the following residential projects qualify under these requirements: Codorniz La Quinta Desert Villas (Homewood Suites) Legacy Villas Puerta Azul Signature at PGA West 49 50 04/06/2021 26 Effective Date If adopted, updated fees will go into effect May 1, 2021 51 52 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 6, 2021 1 From:Kim Floyd Sent:Tuesday, March 23, 2021 3:30 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Public Comment for April 6, 2021 City Council Meeting Attachments:California Organic Waste Reduction Actions.pdf Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Subject: Please support SB 1383 Organic Waste Reduction Dear La Quinta City Council Members and Staff As you probably know, jurisdictions across the state are working hard to stop dumping organic material into landfills, as called for by Senate Bill 1383 “Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: Organic Waste Methane Emissions Reductions.” I urge you to make rapid progress to divert organics, including food waste, from landfills. Nearly one in four Californians suffer from food insecurity. Yet more than 11 billion pounds of food is wasted every year in California. Organic waste, including food waste, decomposes in landfills releasing methane emissions that account for 20% of the state’s methane. Since methane is a short-lived climate super pollutant 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide, reducing methane has the fastest impact on the climate crisis. According to the Legislative Analyst's Office, organic waste reduction is one of the cheapest forms of greenhouse gas reductions. And according to a well-known report The Business and Societal Case for Reducing Food Waste by ReFED: “Restaurants and foodservice providers could gain the largest profit boost” “Food waste solutions are a strong engine for job creation.” Consumer education campaigns have the smallest cost and biggest benefit. Our Coachella Valley cities can act individually and/or partner with other cities to form regional Organic Waste Reduction Campaigns with three excellent results: ●Feed the Hungry ●Conserve Natural Resources ●Slow Down Climate Change Attached is Sierra Club’s recommended actions for organic waste reduction. We know it will not be easy, and may require raising collection fees, but this is important, and the results will be worth the effort. Please let me know how constituents like me can help. Thanks! Kim F Floyd Tahquitz Group (Coachella Valley) Sierra Club CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY KIM FLOYD WITH SIERRA CLUB PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - CA ORGANIC WASTE REDUCTION ACTIONS 1 ORGANIC WASTE REDUCTION ACTIONS January 27, 2021 In 2016, California passed Senate Bill 1383 Short-Lived Climate Pollutants that requires all jurisdictions to ensure their waste transfer/processing facilities and operations increase diversion away from landfills of organic waste, recover edible food, and purchase recovered organic waste products such as compost, fertilizers, biofuels and paper.1 California must divert 50% of organic2 waste landfill disposal by 2020, and 75% by 2025. In addition, by 2025, edible food recovery must be increased by 20% for distribution to people in need. The state as a whole didn’t meet the 2020 target. Enforcement will start in 2022. Noncompliance will face penalty amounts of up to $10,000 a day from 2024. Besides equity issues, organic waste contributes to many environmental problems: • Organics decompose in landfills releasing methane emissions of which a sizable fraction escape.3 According to CalRecycle, methane is “a short-lived climate super pollutant 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide and a major contributor to climate change.” • Wasting food means wasting the water used to produce it, and the energy used to produce, transport and dispose it, as well as the water and air pollution caused by these activities. Sierra Club California supports jurisdictions to act individually and partner with each other and form regional Organic Waste Reduction Campaigns with three outcomes: • Feed the Hungry • Conserve Natural Resources • Slow Down Climate Change 1 California Code of Regulations Article 6.0. Transfer/Processing Operations and Facilities Regulatory Requirements. 2 Note that “organic” in this material refers to waste that is of biological origin, it does not refer to “certified organic foods.” 3 California Air Resources Board reports 8.63 million tons CO2eq annually escape from CA landfills. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY KIM FLOYD WITH SIERRA CLUB PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA CA ORGANIC WASTE REDUCTION ACTIONS 2 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTIONS: 1. Incorporate organic waste diversion as a multi-benefit initiative including feeding hungry people, producing clean energy and healthy soil, reducing climate and air pollution. 2. Immediately develop food recovery programs, which are especially important during the current socioeconomical crisis: a. Support and fund programs and organizations that rescue edible food and fight food insecurity. b. Collaborate with neighboring cities and county on public education programs to prevent and reduce food waste in businesses and homes. 3. Adopt strong ordinances for rapid reduction of organic waste, including but not limited to: a. Implement source separated collection programs with at least three containers: organic waste, recyclables, and trash. b. Develop zero waste goals and implementation plans. 4. Implement programs to reduce contamination of waste stream and increase recovery rates of all recyclables and all organics. a. Launch public education campaigns financed by increased trash fees as authorized by SB 1383. b. Educate people, and support home and community composting that doesn’t generate methane. c. Regulate the use of pesticides and herbicides that can contaminate greenwaste. d. Regulate the use of single-use foodware that is plastic or contains PFAS (commonly known as “forever chemicals”). 5. Immediately adopt procurement policies that follow the State’s Environmentally Preferred Purchasing guide, and conduct public education on appropriate compostable products that support organics diversion programs. 6. Require all anaerobic digestion and compost facilities report results of regular surveys for methane leaks. 7. Regularly and prominently post progress reports online documenting the status of their efforts on reducing contamination, increasing recovery rates, diminishing methane from all facilities including landfills, purchasing of recycled products, etc. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY KIM FLOYD WITH SIERRA CLUB PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA CA ORGANIC WASTE REDUCTION ACTIONS 3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Credit: CR&R Environmental Services Credit: American Biogas Council Anaerobic digestion (AD) uses anaerobic bacteria to digest the organics in the absence of oxygen (in a completely closed system) and produce methane (similar to the process that produced fossil natural gas millions of years ago) plus CO2. After the digestion, there remains a liquid and solid digestate full of high quality nutrients useful as compost, soil amendment, or liquid or dry fertilizer. Credit: Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority dba RecycleSmart Composting uses different aerobic bacteria to digest the organics in the presence of oxygen, which does not produce methane (but does release an amount of CO2 similar to that produced in AD). The digestion produces a solid compost, which can be used as a soil amendment or dry fertilizer. However, if the composted material is wet (such as food waste), it needs considerable energy to power fan-blown air to constantly circulat e through the compost pile or windrow to keep the anaerobic bacteria from digesting the food and releasing methane.4 Soil amendments from organic waste streams in California represent a potential $200-400 million market in California, exceeding the likely value of energy products from the resource.5 Both AD and composting can be done with solid wastes from humans and industry, such as sewage wastewater sludge, but in that case the resulting fertilizer may have contaminants including heavy metals, pharmaceuticals,6 etc., which may make it unusable on food crops or organic farms, and also greatly reduce its profitability. So the most desirable option is to process food waste and green waste separately from sludge. 4 Production of large amounts of methane from a composting facility in the Bay Area was observed in 2020 by planes from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory 5 CA Short-Lived Climate Reduction Strategy (2017) p. 31. 6 A recent study of composting examined its ability to break down 10 pharmaceutical and personal-care product residues in biosolids collected from a wastewater treatment plant in San Diego. Fatih Büyüksönmez, of San Diego State University's department of civil and environmental engineering, found that composting for 45 days reduced residues of 9 out of 10 products by at least 85 percent. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY KIM FLOYD WITH SIERRA CLUB PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA CA ORGANIC WASTE REDUCTION ACTIONS Summary of Written Public Comments received for Business Session Item No. 1 related to Short-Term Vacation Rentals (STVRs) on the April 6, 2021 Council meeting – listed by subject matter and alphabetical order:  Requesting to Include PGA West in the moratorium for new STVR permits – Form Letter No. 1 was received from a total of 113 PGA West residents;  Requesting to Include PGA West in the moratorium for new STVR permits – Form Letter No. 2 was received from a total of 98 PGA West residents;  Requesting to Include HOAs and PGA West in the moratorium for new STVR permits – freelance comments were received from a total of 47 citizens;  In general opposition of STVRs – comments included a variety of topics, such as requesting a permanent moratorium on new STVRs, requesting to extend the moratorium on new STVRs, requesting that STVRs be banned, requesting to phase-out STVRs, requesting the moratorium include PGA West, requesting to limit STVRs, etc. – a total of 78 citizens’ comments were received;  In general support of STVRs – comments included a variety of topics, such as requesting to lift the moratorium on new STVRs, in opposition of a permanent moratorium on new STVRs, requesting the HOAs and PGA West not be included in the moratorium, outlining the economic benefits of STVRs to the community, etc. – a total of 221 citizens’ comments were received. La Quinta City Council - April 6, 2021 Written Public Comments Received Include PGA West in the Moratorium Form Letter No. 1 113 Include PGA West in the Moratorium Form Letter No. 2 98 Include HOAs & PGA West in the Moratorium (freelance comments) 47 In General Opposition of STVRs 78 In General Support of STVRs 221 Total: 557 1 Alwood, Gary & Chriss 2 Anderson, Roger & Sue 3 Baak, Tom & Sandy 4 Bangert, Steven 5 Bergman, Mark 6 Beshara, Jodi 7 Bloesser, Rex & Polly 8 Bottom, Steve & Susan 9 Bowen, Stephen & Joan 10 Brown, Beth 11 Brown, Martin & Karen 12 Buckman, Tony 13 Bushong, Susan & Bruce 14 Capobianco, Peter 15 Carlisle, Darrell & O'Toole Patricia 16 Carse, Leo 17 Cebron, Carol & Harry 18 Chandler, Cal & Kathy 19 Christopher, Eva & Doug 20 Clark, Brian & Bergeron, Shirley 21 Clay, Sharon & Ken 22 Collins, Brian & Suzanne 23 Condon, Cathy 24 Considine, John 25 Corr, Kelly 26 Corr, Laurie 27 Cunnington, Ed & Karayn 28 Davis, Charles & Laurie 29 Dean, Richard 30 Donaldson, Toni & Shane, Lawrence 31 Dwyer, John 32 Estren, Emmet 33 Foley, John & Janet 34 Gallagher, James & Janet 35 Goldman, Harvey 36 Graves, Dean 37 Gregory, Larry 38 Gruber, John & Diane 39 Hackel, Joan 40 Hamilton, John PGA West - Form Letter No. 1 Include PGA West in the Moratorium CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS PGA West - Form Letter No. 1 Include PGA West in the Moratorium 41 Heeter, Robert & Carol 42 Herman, Michael & Nancy 43 Hillebrand, Jeff 44 Hraban, Edith 45 Huntley, Andrew & Susan 46 Ihlenfeld, Cynthia 47 Intemann, Gertrude 48 Jahnke, David 49 Jaramillo, Salvador 50 Johnson, Ron & Becky 51 Kahn, Suzanne & Kevin 52 Kaiser, Jeffrey 53 Kalman, Joe 54 Kleiner, Donald & Charlene 55 Klink, Bruce 56 Korbey, Alexis 57 Lambert, Jim & Barbara 58 Lazich, Loydene 59 Leo, Robert & Rebecca 60 Leven, Norman 61 Lint, James & Michelle 62 Lloyd, Walt 63 Martin, Paul 64 Mattos, Mke & Kris 65 McAslan, Keith 66 Messeri, Dean & Linda 67 Millar, Rick & Elaine 68 Montavon, Barbara 69 Mortimer, Cathy Ann 70 Mortimer, Tom & Cathy 71 Nelson, Matthew 72 Newton, Sandra 73 Noble, Robert & Rocio 74 Nolte, Carol 75 Olsen, Risa 76 Olson, Mark & Marde 77 Oneil, Chantel 78 Ortiz, Betty 79 Park, Diana & David 80 Patel, Balmukund CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS PGA West - Form Letter No. 1 Include PGA West in the Moratorium 81 Pelletier, Bill & Karen 82 Pipoly, GM (George) 83 Pracht, Terry & Patricia 84 Rashkin, Michael 85 Raymond, Paul 86 Reich, Richard & Lynn 87 Rendino, Dan 88 Revy, Karin Andrea 89 Sahagian, James & Jane 90 Savery, Barbara 91 Schubert, Roy & Terry 92 Silveira, Jim & Karen 93 Sites, William 94 Smith, Rod 95 Spitzer, Paul 96 Spridgeon, Ken 97 Stark, Anne & Jim 98 Steele, Gary & Karen 99 Steward, Ken & Cathy 100 Sultan, Anthony 101 Thomas, Tom 102 Tippett, Thomas 103 Tung, Andre 104 Ungar, Peter 105 Wall, David & Jennifer 106 Welty, John & Sharon 107 White, David & Catherine 108 White, Jessica 109 White, Shawn & Rebecca 110 Williams, John 111 Wilson, Colleen & Achs, Ken 112 Young, Robert 113 Zenz, Steve & Joanne CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS Re: Request for inclusion of HOAs in post-Moratorium Stay on new STVR Permits -&- Please Post in the City Record Dear Mayor Evans & City Council Members, City Clerk, City Attorney The purpose of this letter is to add my name to the list of PGA West and other La Quinta residents, homeowners, and taxpayers seeking City implementation of a stay on Short Term Vacation Rental (STVR).permits that treats all residential areas uniformly. This action is sought in keeping with Neighbors4Neighborhoods (N4N) and STVR Ad-Hoc Committee recommendations and in response to the untenable density issue our community faces regarding the unchecked proliferation of STVRs. Key points for your consideration: 1. PGA WEST accounts for 32.8% of La Quinta STVR permits (as of 2/19/21) STVR density as of 2/19/21 within PGA WEST is 12.7%, and over 16%, if you remove empty lots in your (the City) calculation. This PGA West percentage is more than triple the rate of 3.8% in North La Quinta. 2. To exclude HOAs from the proposed ordinance would disregard the equity interests served by the uniform application of the City's permitting practices across residential zones. Should the current moratorium with no disparate treatment for HOAs be supplanted by an HOA-excluded stay ordinance, STVR would crowd into an already overcrowded PGA West. 3. As taxpayers and citizens covered by the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution, we at PGA West expect fair and equal treatment by the City Government. We expect any language the City uses about "gated communities" with HOAs to read something to the effect of: "All HOAs will be included in the rule adoption. The City will adopt rules that will apply in the HOA unless the HOA is more restrictive, then the more stringent HOA Rules will apply there." The impact from noise, threats to safety, excessive occupancy, trespass, property damage, trash, parking, etc., at their current level, are excessive. A majority of PGA West residentshave shown by a free election that they have an endured unwanted quality of life brought on by a high density of STVR’s that exceeds our communities' capacity to control. An increase in PGA West STVR permits issued by the City under the proposed HOA exemption could turn PGA West into a de facto Tourist and Commercial zone. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS PGA WEST Homeowners' Association CC&Rs were established decades ago — pre Airbnb — and while we continue to refine and modernize our governing language, rules, and regulations, we are limited in our abilities due to legal thresholds required for implementation, rules that remand far more than a simple majority. We look to you - our elected City Officials - to support all citizens and residents in La Quinta residential zones (inclusive of those of us within an HOA), and apply the “stay” uniformly while implementing the density measures called for by N4N and your Ad-Hoc Committee, and under Section 3.25.60 (H) of the La Quinta Municipal Code. Please support us in our efforts to restore the previous quality of life we enjoyed here in PGA WEST and INCLUDE us in your actions! CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Brian Clark Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 1:45 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; BIhrke@rutan.com Cc:respect.my.neighbors@gmail.com Subject:Re: Request for inclusion of HOAs in post-Moratorium Stay on new STVR Permits (Please Post in the City Record)  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans, City Council Members, City Clerk, City Attorney, The purpose of this letter is to add our names to the list of PGA West and other La Quinta residents seeking City implementation of a stay of STVR permits that treats ALL residential areas uniformly in keeping with Neighbors4Neighborhoods and STVR Ad-Hoc Committee recommendations and in response to the unacceptable density issue our community faces regarding unchecked STVR proliferation.   You, no doubt, have received similar correspondence from other PGA West owner/residents so I will forego some of the detailed rationale other than to demonstrate my concurrence with 5 key points stated by others: 1.PGA WEST accounts for almost 1/3rd of La Quinta STVR permits. 2. PGA WEST Homeowners' Association CC&Rs were established decades ago — pre STVR popularity. Like any residential neighbourhood, STVRs are not explicitly allowed at PGA West; they exist because they have not been specifically disallowed. We look to our elected City Officials to support ALL residents by applying the “stay” uniformly. City Council may have excluded HOA-managed neighbourhoods not wanting to interfere with community-specific rules/regulations. The City could achieve this result by requiring HOAs to have explicit provisions permitting STVRs in the future that could override the City rather than being silent as is the case at PGA West. This would shift the burden of acceptance to the owners within the HOA if the majority so desire.  3. The impacts from noise, threats to safety, excessive occupancy, trespass, property damage, trash, parking, etc., at their current levels, are already excessive. 4.Excluding HOAs from the proposed ordinance would disregard equity interests served by the uniform application of the City's permitting practices.  2 5. Taxpayers and citizens are covered by the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution and should expect fair and equal treatment by City Government. Additionally, I would suggest that continued operation of commercial enterprises within ANY residential neighbourhood is a clear violation of the spirit of land use zoning principles, if not the letter of the law & regulations. Unfortunately, the current City Council appears to be addicted to STVR revenue and lacks the confidence to run the City, as other Coachella Valley cities have done, by rejecting STVRs and their associated revenues in favour of the best interest of its citizens. With all the beauty and natural attributes that exist within our city, I am confident that this revenue shortfall can be overcome with some amount of effort.     In the meantime I would request that you please support and INCLUDE PGA West in your actions!   Respectfully submitted, Brian Clark & Shirley Bergeron La Quinta, CA 92253 1 Alioto, Angelo 2 Armstrong, Gary 3 Askin, Dick 4 Baak, Tom & Sandy 5 Baker, Michelle & Dee 6 Blackmore, Nancy 7 Boysen, Paul 8 Britt, William 9 Brown, Beth 10 Butler, Bill & Terri 11 Carpenter, Bob 12 Civello, Nicholas & Julie 13 Crampton, Perrine 14 Davis, Charles & Laurie 15 Dingerson, Brett 16 Dolenga, R. Gary & Phylis 17 Echelberger, Linda & Larry 18 Enebak, Tip & Diane 19 Falore, David 20 Floersheim, Rob & Betty 21 Fox, Cliff 22 Fulmer, Scott & Chris 23 Goldfinch, Greg 24 Goldman, Harvey 25 Grenier, Kylie 26 Gruber, John & Diane 27 Gutowicz, Alice 28 Gutowicz, Matthew 29 Hagerman, Allen 30 Hamilton, Jim & Janet 31 Herpick, Richard 32 Hinman, Michael & Heather 33 Hodgetts, Joanne & Craig 34 Hraban, Edith 35 Johnson, Phylis 36 Jones, Linda 37 Justis, Larry 38 Kellam, Ron & Lane 39 Kennedy, Jeanine & Jack, James PGA West - Form Letter No. 2 Include PGA West in the Moratorium CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS PGA West - Form Letter No. 2 Include PGA West in the Moratorium 40 Kirley, Joe & Sally 41 Knight, Tom & Jahanna 42 Korbey, Alexis & Wolf, Margaret 43 Kraemer, Linda 44 Laperuto, Anthony 45 Lloyd, Walt 46 Long, Jeffrey 47 Lynch, Jim & Nancy 48 Lyon, Thomas 49 MacRae, James & Vaughan, Sheri 50 Martin, Carol 51 McBay, Robert & Shelly 52 McCowan, Mary Jo & Robert 53 McGray, Mike 54 Michalowski, Peter 55 Millar, Marcia 56 Millar, Rick & Elaine 57 Moberg, Randy & Mitzi 58 Montavon, Barb & Gary 59 Montgomery, Terry 60 Morse, Alan 61 Mortimer, Cathy 62 Mueller, Chloe & Lance 63 Nagel, Joni 64 Niemi, Gary & Bonnie 65 Nimis, Connie 66 Nimis, Donald 67 Noble, Robert & Rocio 68 Nolte, Ronald 69 O'Connell, Jean 70 Parkin, Mark & Lorraine 71 Patel, Balmukund 72 Ploetz, Mary & Savageau, Joe 73 Raymond, Paul 74 Reich, Lynn & Richard 75 Rndino, Dan 76 Rock, Leslie 77 Romano, David 78 Rosen, Scott CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS PGA West - Form Letter No. 2 Include PGA West in the Moratorium 79 Ryan, Timothy & Victoria 80 Scheela, Janie & Walt 81 Scherry, John & Tacey 82 Schuler, Arthur & Gayle 83 Silverman, Charles 84 Smith, Rod 85 Sommer, Cheryl 86 Spraker, Terry & Linda 87 Struther, George & Monica 88 Theron, Elizabeth 89 Theron, Pieter 90 Tseng, T C 91 Van Bavel, Cathy 92 Vislocky, Greg & Pam 93 Weberling, Jerry & Janet 94 White, David & Catherine 95 Williams, Margaret 96 Wilson, Rich 97 Yukich, Jim & Janet 98 Zehnder, Werner & Susan CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS Dear Mayor Evans & City Council Members Please add my name to the list of La Quinta residents requesting PGA West be included in the STAY being deliberated by City Council for adoption to stop approving new permits for Short Term Vacation Rentals (STVRs) in residential zones. Each member of the City Council represents all La Quinta residential communities, including the Cove, N. LA Quinta and PGA West (PGAW). The STAY should apply to all La Quinta residential zones equally. The stay must stop the conversion of residential homes into STVRs which is altering the character of all our neighborhoods. The Ad Hoc Committee and N4N recommended the La Quinta STVR program have a city wide application, including HOAs.  Omitting HOAs from the STAY will leave these communities open to a rush of STVR conversions.  HOA CC&Rs were written without the foresight of STVRs and their impact on neighborhoods.  The extremely high threshold (50%+1of all homes) makes It difficult particularly in large HOAs (greater than 600 homes) to change CC&Rs  The impact on residents quality of life exceeds the ability of HOA security. The recent votes and survey show a strong majority of PGA West residents want STVRs restricted.  PGA West recently had two votes on amending CC&Rs with more than 81% of possible votes being cast with approximately 2 to 1 of the votes opposing STVRs  A recall vote initiated by STVR owners of both HOA boards was defeated by better than a 2 to 1 margin  PGA West resident participation in the N4N survey shows 69% want the moratorium extend (STAY) compared to only 6% to lift moratorium with unlimited permit approval Excluding PGAW from the STAY will increase the demand for STVR conversions in a community that already has the highest concentration of STVRs in La Quinta.  City Staff Report Jan 27 Council Meeting showed the Cove, N La Quinta and PGA West have 10,904 homes with 1,102 permitted and unpermitted STVRs CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS  PGA West has only 33% of the homes, 3,334 yet 49% of the STVRs, 540.  Saturation level (ratio of STVRs to homes) for PGA West is 16.2%, more than twice that of any other residential community in La Quinta.  Excluding PGAW from the STAY means the balance that was promised in 2012 when STVRs were permitted into residential communities is greater than 16.2%. What is the “balance” saturation level? We look to you – our elected City Officials – to represent all La Quinta residential communities equally and include PGA West and all residential HOAs in the STAY. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Lynn Reich Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 6:54 AM To:City Clerk Mail; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Robert Radi; Linda Evans; Kevin Meredith; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Please Add my name to list of LQ residents regarding inclusion of PGAWest HOA in Stay ordinance - April 6th meeting  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans & City Council Members  Please add my name to the list of La Quinta residents requesting PGA West be included in the STAY being deliberated by City Council for adoption to stop approving new permits for Short Term Vacation Rentals (STVRs) in residential zones.  As a 22 year owner in LaQuinta, we have seen a lot of progress and thoughtful consideration by the city. Now is the time to act for all those that live in your community.  Each member of the City Council represents all LaQuinta residential communities, including the Cove, N. LA Quinta and PGA West (PGAW). The STAY should apply to all La Quinta residential zones equally. The stay must stop the conversion of residential homes into STVRs which is altering the character of all our neighborhoods.  The Ad Hoc Committee and N4N recommended the La Quinta STVR program have a city wide application, including HOAs.  Omitting HOAs from the STAY will leave these communities open to a rush of STVR conversions. PGA West has only 33% of the homes, 3,334 yet 49% of the STVRs, 540. HOA CC&Rs were written without contemplating running STVR businesses in a residential neighborhood. Res 2 has one sentence in the governing documents from 30+ years ago stating owners can rent or lease their home. It was not meant to create a hotel atmosphere. Changing CCRs is difficult - in larger HOAs (600+ hones) requires an extremely high threshold (50%+1vote of all homes) - since the density of STVR has escalated dramatically, a majority vote is difficult as investors continue to rent without regard for the environment of those that actually live in their homes. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS 2 The impact on residents quality of life exceeds the ability of HOA security. The recent votes and survey show a strong majority of PGA West residents want STVRs restricted. PGA West recently had two votes on amending CC&Rs with more than 81% of possible votes being cast and approximately 2-1 of votes opposing STVRs.  A recall vote initiated by STVR owners of 2 of the HOA boards was defeated by better than a 2 to 1 margin. PGA West resident participation in the N4N survey shows 69% want the moratorium extended (STAY) compared to only 6% to lift moratorium with unlimited permit approval Excluding PGA West from the STAY will increase the demand for STVR conversions in a community that already has the highest concentration of STVRs in La Quinta. City Staff Report Jan 27 Council Meeting showed the Cove, N La Quinta and PGA West have 10,904 homes with 1,102 permitted and unpermitted STVRs. Saturation level (ratio of STVRs to homes) for PGA West is 16.2%, more than twice that of any other residential community in La Quinta. Excluding PGA West from the STAY means the balance that was promised in 2012 when STVRs were permitted into residential communities is greater than 16.2%. What is the “balance” saturation level? We look to you – our elected City Officials – to represent all La Quinta residential communities equally and include PGA West and all residential HOAs in the STAY. Respectfully,  Lynn and Richard Reich    PGA West Res 2  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Harvey Goldman Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 8:44 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:PGA West must be included. Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans and Members of the City Council Please add my name to the list of La Quinta residents requesting PGA West be included in the STAY being deliberated for adoption to stop new permits for Short Term Vacation Rentals (STVRs) in residential zones. Please do not allow what has always been one of the crown jewels of La Quinta to transform into a giant trouble plagued quagmire. Freeze permits until rational and equitable rules and balance can be arrived at. The City Council represents all La Quinta residential communities, including the Cove, North La Quinta and PGA West (PGAW). The STAY should apply to all La Quinta residential zones. The stay must stop the conversion of residential homes into STVRs which alters the character of all our neighborhoods. PGAW is a community of La Quinta residents also in need of representative government and the protections you provide. Our needs are identical to other La Quinta neighborhoods. The Ad Hoc Committee and N4N recommended the La Quinta STVR program have a city wide application, including HOAs. Omitting HOAs from the STAY will leave these communities open to a rush of STVR conversions. HOA CC&Rs were written without the foresight of numerous STVRs and their impact on neighborhoods. The threshold (50%+1of all homes) makes It extremely difficult in large HOAs (greater than 600 homes) to change CC&Rs The impact of STVRs on residents exceeds the ability of HOA security. The recent HOA votes and N4N survey show a strong majority of PGA West residents want STVRs restricted. PGA West recently had two elections to amend the CC&Rs with more than 81% of possible votes being cast with approximately 2 to 1 of the votes opposing STVRs. A recall vote initiated by STVR owners of both HOA boards was defeated by better than a 2 to 1 margin. PGA West resident participation in the N4N survey shows 69% want the moratorium extended (STAY) compared to only 6% to lift the moratorium with unlimited permit approval. Excluding PGAW from the STAY will increase the demand for STVR conversions in a community that already has the highest concentration of STVRs in La Quinta. The City staff report from the Jan 27 Council Meeting determined the Cove, North La Quinta and PGA West have 10,904 homes with 1,102 permitted and un-permitted STVRs. PGA West has only 33% of the homes (3,334) yet 49% of the STVRs (540). CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS 2  Saturation level (ratio of STVRs to homes) for PGA West is 16.2%, more than twice that of any other residential community in La Quinta.  Excluding PGAW from the STAY means the balance promised in 2012 when STVRs were permitted into residential communities is greater than 16.2%. What is the “balance” saturation level? We are well beyond any semblance of a balance with so many residents impacted. We look to you – our elected City Officials – to represent all La Quinta residential communities equally and include PGA West and all residential HOAs in the STAY. Respectfully, Harvey Goldman La Quinta   Sent from my mobile device  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Perrine Crampton Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 4:15 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; BIhrke@rutan.com Subject:Feedback on GLUT of STVRs in La Quinta! Specifically, PGA West  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans & City Council Members  Please add my name to the list of La Quinta residents requesting PGA West be included in the STAY being deliberated by  the City Council for adoption to stop approving new permits for Short Term Vacation Rentals (STVRs) in residential  zones. Including PGA West is critical.   Each member of the City Council represents all La Quinta residential communities, including the Cove, N. LA Quinta and  PGA West (PGAW). The STAY should apply to all La Quinta residential zones equally. The stay must stop the conversion  of residential homes into STVRs, which is altering the character of all our neighborhoods.  The Ad Hoc Committee and N4N recommended the La Quinta STVR program have a city wide application, including  HOAs.  Omitting HOAs from the STAY will leave these communities open to a rush of STVR conversions. HOA CC&Rs were written without the foresight of STVRs and their impact on neighborhoods. The extremely high threshold (50%+1of all homes) makes It difficult particularly in large HOAs (greater than 600 homes) to change CC&Rs The impact on residents quality of life exceeds the ability of HOA security. The recent votes and survey show a strong majority of PGA West residents want STVRs restricted. PGA West recently had two votes on amending CC&Rs with more than 81% of possible votes being cast with approximately 2 to 1 of the votes opposing STVRs A recall vote initiated by STVR owners of both HOA boards was defeated by better than a 2 to 1 margin PGA West resident participation in the N4N survey shows 69% want the moratorium extend (STAY) compared to only 6% to lift the moratorium with unlimited permit approval Excluding PGAW from the STAY will increase the demand for STVR conversions in a community that already has the  highest concentration of STVRs in La Quinta.  City Staff Report Jan 27 Council Meeting showed the Cove, N La Quinta and PGA West have 10,904 homes with 1,102 permitted and unpermitted STVRs PGA West has only 33% of the homes, 3,334 yet 49% of the STVRs, 540. The saturation level (ratio of STVRs to homes) for PGA West is 16.2%, more than twice that of any other residential community in La Quinta. Excluding PGAW from the STAY means the balance that was promised in 2012 when STVRs were permitted into residential communities is greater than 16.2%. What is the “balance” saturation level? We look to you – our elected City Officials – to represent all La Quinta residential communities equally; including PGA  West and all residential HOAs in the STAY.  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS 2 I am a full‐time, homeowner at PGA West who is tired of dealing with the glut of noise, parking, and behavior problems  from STVRs at PGA West! I live and work from home.    This past year has been especially stressful with the COVID‐19 pandemic and people flocking to PGA West to escape  other locations. I assume most are from LA or other more populated areas.) These weekend‐only people create a high‐ risk environment for those of us who are practicing social distancing.     These STVR people go to the grocery stores; just like full‐time residents.     The huge increase in STVR people has caused me to feel less safe. I am complying with the COVID‐19 rules of CA and  Riverside County. The STVR people typically do not comply with the rules (wearing facemasks, complying with social  distancing, etc.), or don't know what the rules are because they are from out of the area, and cause me to 'hide' in my  home to avoid them. My quality of life is significantly impacted by the increase in STVR at PGA West.       Respectfully,    Perrine V. Crampton    La Qunita, CA 92253   ________________________________              Perrine V. Crampton, PMP  Social Media Strategist  La Quinta, CA                                            ________________________________     Perrine Crampton     CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Terry Montgomery Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 4:13 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail Subject:Please Listen to Us....We need your wisdom and fairness Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear La Quinta leaders, When a friend of mine mentioned that the City Council is being wise in considering a “stay” on new STVR permits I was delighted but then my friend told me that PGA West would be excluded. I thought what I heard could not possibly be right. Why on earth would a fair minded group of leaders with the best interest of all of La Quinta consider such a bizarre action….actually pushing out PGA West as a member of the community. After my dismay I researched the background and found the following very well written factual communication… “The Ad Hoc Committee and N4N recommended the La Quinta STVR program have a city wide application, including HOAs. ꞏ Omitting HOAs from the STAY will leave these communities open to a rush of STVR conversions. ꞏ HOA CC&Rs were written without the foresight of STVRs and their impact on neighborhoods. ꞏ The extremely high threshold (50%+1of all homes) makes It difficult particularly in large HOAs (greater than 600 homes) to change CC&Rs ꞏ The impact on residents quality of life exceeds the ability of HOA security. The recent votes and survey show a strong majority of PGA West residents want STVRs restricted. ꞏ PGA West recently had two votes on amending CC&Rs with more than 81% of possible votes being cast with approximately 2 to 1 of the votes opposing STVRs ꞏ A recall vote initiated by STVR owners of both HOA boards was defeated by better than a 2 to 1 margin ꞏ PGA West resident participation in the N4N survey shows 69% want the moratorium extend (STAY) compared to only 6% to lift moratorium with unlimited permit approval Excluding PGAW from the STAY will increase the demand for STVR conversions in a community that already has the highest concentration of STVRs in La Quinta. ꞏ City Staff Report Jan 27 Council Meeting showed the Cove, N La Quinta and PGA West have 10,904 homes with 1,102 permitted and unpermitted STVRs ꞏ PGA West has only 33% of the homes, 3,334 yet 49% of the STVRs, 540. ꞏ Saturation level (ratio of STVRs to homes) for PGA West is 16.2%, more than twice that of any other residential community in La Quinta. ꞏ Excluding PGAW from the STAY means the balance that was promised in 2012 when STVRs were permitted into residential communities is greater than 16.2%. What is the “balance” saturation level? We look to you – our elected City Officials – to represent all La Quinta residential communities equally and include PGA West and all residential HOAs in the STAY.” So how could you possibly approve an action that flies in the face of a large group of tax paying loyal citizens. Please reject the exclusion of PGA West from the La Quinta community. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS 2 Respectfully, Terry H Montgomery    La Quinta, CA  92253    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Randy Moberg Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 3:32 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please add our names to the list of La Quinta residents to include PGAW in Stay Ordinance Attachments:Letter to LQ_RE PGA West.docx  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hello City Council.   My wife and I wanted to let you know that we fully endorse  The attached letter regarding Short Term Vacation Rentals in La Quinta.   We purchased  Here, in PGA West, for the serenity, beauty, and peacefulness it provides.  We  Thoroughly love it here, and in La Quinta overall.    Now, the proliferation of short Term Vacation Rentals threatens the very reason we moved here!  We urge you to vote to stop issuing any new STVR permits in La Quinta and especially  Here in PGA West.   Thank you for your consideration and for doing the right thing to  Protect our quality of life here.     Sincerely,  Randy & Mitzi Moberg  Supporting PGA West  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:B J Floersheim Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 5:21 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; BIhrke@rutan.com Subject:Request for inclusion of HOAs in post-Moratorium Stay on new STVR Permits -&- Please Post in the City Record Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans & City Council Members Please add my name to the list of La Quinta residents requesting PGA West be included in the STAY being deliberated by City Council for adoption to stop approving new permits for Short Term Vacation Rentals (STVRs) in residential zones. Each member of the City Council represents all La Quinta residential communities, including the Cove, N. LA Quinta and PGA West (PGAW). The STAY should apply to all La Quinta residential zones equally. The stay must stop the conversion of residential homes into STVRs which is altering the character of all our neighborhoods. The Ad Hoc Committee and N4N recommended the La Quinta STVR program have a city wide application, including HOAs. Omitting HOAs from the STAY will leave these communities open to a rush of STVR conversions. HOA CC&Rs were written without the foresight of STVRs and their impact on neighborhoods The extremely high threshold (50%+1of all homes) makes It difficult particularly in large HOAs (greater than 600 homes) to change CC&Rs. The impact on residents quality of life exceeds the ability of HOA security. The recent votes and survey show a strong majority of PGA West residents want STVRs restricted. PGA West recently had two votes on amending CC&Rs with more than 81% of possible votes being cast with approximately 2 to 1 of the votes opposing STVRs. A recall vote initiated by STVR owners of both HOA boards was defeated by better than a 2 to 1 margin. PGA West resident participation in the N4N survey shows 69% want the moratorium extend (STAY) compared to only 6% to lift moratorium with unlimited permit approval Excluding PGAW from the STAY will increase the demand for STVR conversions in a community that already has the highest concentration of STVRs in La Quinta. City Staff Report Jan 27 Council Meeting showed the Cove, N La Quinta and PGA West have 10,904 homes with 1,102 permitted and unpermitted STVRs. PGA West has only 33% of the homes, 3,334 yet 49% of the STVRs, 540. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS 2  Saturation level (ratio of STVRs to homes) for PGA West is 16.2%, more than twice that of any other residential community in La Quinta.  Excluding PGAW from the STAY means the balance that was promised in 2012 when STVRs were permitted into residential communities is greater than 16.2%. What is the “balance” saturation level? We look to you – our elected City Officials – to represent all La Quinta residential communities equally and include PGA West and all residential HOAs in the STAY. We just recently moved to PGA West in La Quinta and bought our forever home and intend to live here year round. We consider ourselves residents of La Quinta. Please include us in the STAY for STVRs. Respectfully, Rob & Betty Floersheim La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Mary Jo McCowan Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 4:51 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:STVR Stay  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans and Member of the City Council,  We are writing all of you again to request that PGA West be included in the STAY on new permits in residential  zones.  Our street is completely overrun with STVR vehicles and consequent noise and congestion problems.  Just last  week a short term rental person opened our door and walked in thinking our home was his short term rental.  Needless  to say it was frightening and we are constantly reminded to keep doors and windows locked.  We will not reiterate the attached N4N items.  The ballot measure to change our CC&R’s to limit short‐term rentals lost  by 10 votes with 48.5 approving amendment and 30.4 disapproving.  Now is the time to stop this hotel/motel activity in our neighborhood.  As La Quinta residents we should not have to  support out‐of‐town individuals running a business in our community.  Thank you for your consideration.  Respectfully,  Mary Jo and Robert McCowan    La Quinta CA  92253    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS 2   CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MULTIPLE PGA WEST RESIDENTS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 6, 2021 INCLUDE HOAs & PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM 1 From:Gary Armstrong Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 1:33 PM To:City Clerk Mail Cc:jpena@laquntaca.gov; rradi@laquintaca.go; Kevin Meredith; Linda Evans; jmcmillen@laquntaca.gov; Monika Radeva Subject:Written Comments for City Council Meeting on April 6, 2021  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Names:  Mira and Gary Armstrong  Residence: City of La  Quinta  Phone: Mobile:   My wife and I strongly recommend the City Council of La Quinta INCLUDE PGA WEST HOA’S IN THE STAY ORDINANCE.  It  is unclear to us why the City Council would exclude the residents of PGA West from this STAY ORDINANCE as we, the  residents of PGA West, are indeed residents of the City of La Quinta.  We are suffering under the same proliferation of  “Short‐Term Rentals” as all residents of the City of La Quinta.  We, as a community, critically need time to better  understand the problems created by  “Short‐Term Rentals”, and to find solutions that benefit all involved.  The  unacceptable exclusion of PGA West has put a target on our community by real estate developers who want to take  advantage of the “Exclusion”.  There is no better example of this than what is going on at this moment inside PGA West’s  HOA’s.  The Group calling themselves “I Love La Quinta” have made moves on our HOA’s by trying to replace our Board  Members with their own slate of candidates by promoting “Recall” elections and sending out Self Serving Surveys to all  residences.  None of their slate of candidates are permanent residences and not here to address problems that manifest  throughout the whole year.  Currently they are targeting PGA West’s Res1 HOA that has a board of highly qualified  members who have demonstrated actions for the good of all.  After reaching out to this group with questions as to who  the individuals were behind all their emails, they refused to identify themselves.  After further investigations I have  come to learn they are a group of absentee landlords, and real estate developers, who make profits by forcing “Short‐ Term Rentals”.  All of them are hiding behind a veil of anonymity.  This group is very active in The City of La Quinta’s Ad‐ Hoc Committee deliberations and subsequent recommendations.  This is the group petition the City to exempt HOA’s  from the proposed moratorium.  They are doing this NOT ON BEHALF OF PERMENATE RESIDENTS OF THOSE HOA’s.    My wife, Mira, and I live in the Palmer Res1 PGA West Community.  We are members of PGA West Country Club.  We are  full time residents and love our community and City. We respect property owners to responsibly rent their homes for  profit but what we are seeing going on is not “responsible renting”.  The current Short‐Term renters bring very large  groups of people into one home.  They disrespect the golf course, they disrespect the neighbors, they make it impossible  for residences to enjoy our community pools, they do not follow any community rules, and over run our security  staff.  Further they are detrimental to our Big Horn Sheep with their ignorance of the harmful effects of feeding  them.  Time is needed for ALL residences of The City of La Quinta to review this serious problem.  My wife and I  respectfully ask our City Council NOT to EXCLUDE PGA West from the Stay Ordinance.  If you do, for some reason,  exclude PGA West you will make our community unlivable for permanent residences of PGA West Res1.      Respectfully,  Mira and Gary Armstrong    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS MIRA & GARY ARMSTRONG BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS 1 From:Ergun Bakall Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 4:22 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; BIhrke@rutan.com Subject:Short Term Rentals in Residential Zones and at PGAWEST  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans & City Council Members Please add our name to the list of La Quinta residents requesting PGA West be included in the STAY being considered by the City Council for adoption to stop new permits for Short Term Vacation Rentals (STVRs) in residential zones. We strongly believe The STAY should apply to all La Quinta residential neighborhoods equally including all HOA Communities.The stay will prevent conversion of residential homes into STVRs which is negatively affecting the character of all our neighborhoods.Omitting HOAs from the STAY leaves these communities open to a rush of STVR conversions. HOA CC&Rs were written before the thought of STVRs and their impact on neighborhoods.The extremely high threshold makes It difficult to change CC&Rs. Excluding PGAWest, an HOA Community, from the STAY will likely increase STVR conversions. PGAWest already has the highest concentration of STVRs in La Quinta. City staff reported at the Jan 27 Council Meeting that the Cove, North La Quinta and PGA West have a total of 10,904 homes and there are 1,102 permitted and unpermitted STVRs. PGA West has only about one third of these homes (3,334) yet almost one half of the STVRs (540). Saturation level (ratio of STVRs to homes) for PGA West is 16.2%, more than twice that of any other residential community in La Quinta. We respectfully plead that in equity our City Council will include PGA West and all residential HOAs in the STAY Ergun Bakall and Cheryl A.Bakall , La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS ERGUN & CHERYL BAKALL BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAS IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS 1 From:Marte Bassi Sent:Friday, March 26, 2021 6:29 AM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; BIhrke@rutan.com Subject:Request to Include PGA WEST in the protection of the City's Moratorium Ordinance  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans & City Council Members, City Clerk, City Attorney My wife and I live at at PGA WEST in La Quinta. We have been full time here since October 2019. Although we have a home in San Francisco where we were both born and raised, we relocated full time to the desert for now and for the foreseeable future. We understand that a short-term vacation rental moratorium ordinance may be passed but that HOAs such as those that comprise PGA WEST will not be covered. We think this is a big mistake and urge you to include all HOAs in the coverage of the ordinance. As La Quinta residents, this is by far the most important issue to us as homeowners here. Thank you for your consideration. Marte J. Bassi Senior Partner 500 Washington Street, Suite 700 | San Francisco, CA 94111 direct (415) 394-9274 | main (415) 397-9006 fax (415) 397-1339 website | bio | vCard | contact | map | email San Francisco | Los Angeles This communication may contain privileged and confidential information and is intended only for the addressee(s). Any other use is prohibited. If you have received  this message erroneously, please destroy it.  CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MARTE BASSI BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Ronald Beams Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 9:46 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Dear Mayor Evans and Members of the City Council Stay Ordinance  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans and Members of the City Council My wife and I have been full time residents of PGA West since 2006. We have also belonged to the private PGA West Golf Club, since 2006. I think excluding us from the Stay ordinance will impact the future of full and part time residents, who wants to enjoy PGA West, and who might want to join the private PGA West golf club, since the STVR owners will only want to rent to transient visitors. We would also like to endorse the N4N letter recommendation that was sent to you. Thank You for your attention, Ronald Beams M.D. Corla Beams La quinta, Ca 92253 CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS RONALD & CORLA BEAMS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:BETTE BERON Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 6:05 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Please add PGA West to the new stay list for Stvr's  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Mayor and City Council  There is a rental directly across the street from me.    The noise is unbearable at times.  Cars go in and out at all times of the night and day.  The cars are parked up and down  the street and race and squeal their brakes  when they leave.   The noise of people dragging suitcases across the street  at all hours of the night is unbearable.  Plus there is the noise that carries from the swimming pool.  This goes on day and  night.  The trash is put out on all days of the week.  Of course, sometimes the trash cans are not large enough and it blows  around the street.  Then the crows pick at the plastic bags so that there are remnants of take‐out dinner all over the  street.  Please do not allow any more rentals at PGA West.  Thank you.  Bette Beron    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT BETTE BERON BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS 1 From:Corr, Kelly Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 8:37 PM To:City Clerk Mail; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Robert Radi; Linda Evans; Kevin Meredith; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:PGA West and STVR ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** I live in PGA West. I am opposed to excluding PGA West from the moratorium on STVRs. Why on earth would you exclude only 1 neighborhood? It makes no sense and is undoubtedly illegal as a form of spot zoning. Thanks . Kelly Corr La Quinta. Sent from my iPad CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT KELLY CORR BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS 1 From:Roy Dotto Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 12:51 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:STAY  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans and Members of the City Council, Please add my name to the list of la Quinta residence supporting PGA West be included in the STAY being debated for application to stop new permits for short term vacation rentals (STVRs) and residential zones. The City Council represents all La Quinta resident communities, not just specific ones. We at PGA West support local businesses and pay our taxes like everyone else so please make sure that the entire city of La Quinta is represented in this Stay Respectfully Roy Dotto , La Quinta 1 From:J Gottlieb Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 7:23 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   I would appreciate and request the inclusion of PGA West in the "Stay" ordinance. Having owned my home for 30 yrs  I  have witnessed the decline first hand.   Thank you for reconsideration   Janice Gottlieb  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JANICE GOTTLIEB BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Thomas Hall Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:21 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:STVR and STay  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Sent from Mail for Windows 10  Dear City of La Quinta:          As a homeowner in PGA West for 20 years I STRONGLY support applying the contemplated stay of new STVR  permits INCLUDE PGA West.  I reside next to a vacation rental that, at times, has been used as a STVR without a  permit.  It is a very unpleasant experience to say the least.  We need less short term rentals, not more. I the City  excludes PGA West from the stay, it will simply insure that MORE STVR will emerge, not less.  Please let us have our  neighborhood back.  Thomas G. Hall    La Quinta, CA 93352.    1 From:George Pipoly Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:32 PM To:John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Robert Radi; Linda Evans; City Clerk Mail; Kevin Meredith; Jon McMillen Subject:STVR stay order  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Council  The stay order is a good one.  It is important that PGA West be included in STVR regulatory proposals and rules.  We pay  taxes too.  George Harmina,   1 From:George Pipoly Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:34 PM To:John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Robert Radi; Linda Evans; City Clerk Mail; Kevin Meredith; Jon McMillen Subject:STVR Stay Order  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Council  The stay order is a good and necessary improvement.  STVR units are too numerous and should not be increased.  This  goes especially for PGA West which has the highest rental percentage in the city  Geraldine Harmina,   1 From:Headrick, Thomas Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 8:50 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:PGA West and STVR's  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans and Members of the City Council,  We joined the PGA West Club in 1988 and bought our first home at PGA West in 1990. In 1998 we moved to  our present home and officially became La Quinta residents in 2000. For now over 30 years we have a paid our  local taxes and since 2000 voted in local elections as well as state and federal contests, most  recently depositing our ballots at City Hall. We are proud members of the La Quinta community and see no  reason why PGA West should be treated any differently with regard to STVR’s than the rest of the city.   You have received a number of letters spelling out the reasons why we should not be left out of your  proposed restrictions  on new permits for STVR’s. Those letters  make the case fully. We support them.  So  please add our names to the list of La Quinta residents supporting PGA West inclusion in the STAY being  deliberated for adoption to stop new permits for Short Term Vacation Rentals (STVRs) in residential zones. We  deserve to be protected just like all other La Quinta residents.  Thank you for your kind consideration,  Maggie and Tom Headrick    La Quinta, CA 92253  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS MAGGIE & TOM HEADRICK BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS From: John Hoffner   Date: March 29, 2021 at 9:37:40 AM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>, John  Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez  <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Personal Request ‐ STVR Moratorium  Dear Madam Mayor and City Council Members,    I am writing today with great respect to make a personal request for PGA West to remain permanently  included in the City’s moratorium protection on STVR’s.  I make this request for the following reasons:    1.  STVRs in PGA West have increased significantly in recent years with the advent of companies like  Airbnb and VRBO.  This significant growth has been further exacerbated by and all throughout the Covid  virus pandemic during this past year.    2.  These greater numbers of STVRs have become increasingly damaging to the standard of living and  quality of life which many, if not all, permanent residents of PGA West came here to enjoy.    3.  PGA West is an older community which has evolved over many years, and which did not ever  anticipate this recent significant growth in STVRs.  Consequently, our HOA Bylaws and CC&Rs were not  strengthened to limit and curtail STVRs to a manageable level, and with the recent significant STVR  increase, making changes to these Bylaws and CC&Rs has now become much more difficult and very  contentious.  Such battles are damaging relationships throughout PGA West, and even modest and  reasonable changes to manage STVRs are being met with great resistance, and are costing our HOA  Boards lots of time and money to navigate and implement solutions for the greatest good.    4.  PGA West today has a much greater number and percentage of STVRs than any other HOA  community in La Quinta.  And we have very few of the protections in place on STVRS like many other  communities have.  For example, Griffin Ranch prohibits all rentals which are less than 28 days.  That  measure alone is a powerful deterrent to STVR problems.  Consequently, PGA West is currently very  vulnerable to any further increases in STVRs, and it will become even more vulnerable to further  deterioration if we are excluded form the City’s moratorium on STVRs.  As such, PGA West actually has a  much greater need for the same protections which the City is affording to ALL of its other communities  and residents.    5.  To that point, it seems to me that it is discriminatory and unfair for the City to exclude PGA West  from its STVR moratorium.  It may be legal and technically permissible to do so, but that does not make  it right, fair, equitable, and ethical to do so.  It seems to me that the primary bedrock principle of our  City’s governance practices should be to always apply ALL of its ordinances, regulations, laws, and  mandates equally, consistently, and uniformly to ALL La Quinta communities and residents, and to avoid  at all costs any exclusions and exceptions in the administration and enforcement of those ordinances.    6.  PGA West believes that the management of STVRs is not solely a City responsibility.  PGA West is  committed to strengthening its HOA Bylaws and CC&Rs to stem the tide of STVR increases, and we have  had some recent success with that.  However, because we are already vulnerable from these recent  significant STVR increases, we simply cannot count on those “legislative” efforts to be successful, and we  know for sure they will take time and cost money.  If we are not included in the City’s STVR moratorium  protection, the challenges to change our Bylaws and CC&Rs will only grow and become more difficult as  time passes.  As such, we need the City’s protections MORE than any other community in La Quinta  while we work to make those changes on our own.    7.  In terms of being “deserving” of the City’s protections, I would make the case that PGA West is the  “Jewel in the Crown” of the “Gem of the Desert”.  We are a large community which contributes much in  many ways to the City’s strong financial condition.  We are good citizens who support many La Quinta  businesses, who volunteer to serve our charities, commissions, school systems, health care, and social  services.  We attract many visitors and guests to the area, and we present an extremely favorable  impression of La Quinta to those guests.  In short, I suggest it is fair and reasonable to say that PGA West  adds great value to the entire quality of life equation the City of La Quinta prides itself on.  Because of all  that, I suggest it is also fair to say that if ANY community in La Quinta is deserving of consideration to be  included in this STVR moratorium protection, that community is PGA West.    Therefore, for all of these reasons, I most respectfully request that the La Quinta City Council continues  to permanently include PGA West in the City’s STVR moratorium.  If for some very good reason it is not  possible to permanently include PGA West, then may I please request that at the very least, you provide  PGA West with a two‐year STVR moratorium protection period to allow our HOAs some reasonable time  to develop and implement positive and necessary changes to their Bylaws and CC&Rs?    Thank you very much for your consideration of my request, and also for your exemplary service to and  leadership of our wonderful City.    With respect and appreciation,    John F. Hoffner    Sent from my iPad    1 From: Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 6:40 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Stay Request - PGA West  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   I am a PGA West resident writing to request that PGA West be included in the stay being considered for new short term vacation rental (STVR) permits in residential zones. I believe that excluding PGA West from the permit stay would be inappropriate – there is nothing unique about our community that suggests STVRs are less problematic than elsewhere, nor that suggests we are better suited than other La Quinta neighborhoods to serve as a horizontal, unpermitted hotel community in violation of common zoning principles. I understand that many members of Council regard the STVR permitting issue to be one that homeowner associations (HOAs) should be primarily responsible for. However, in most cases (and certainly in the case of PGA West), Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs) were written before the proliferation of STVRs. Consequently, they did not anticipate the manifold impacts on neighborhoods that STVRs have had, and in most cases the language within the CC&Rs was developed in a manner that now makes it difficult to amend in a manner that protects residents. As a consequence, absentee investors and unlicensed hoteliers find themselves better protected than actual residents – an untenable situation if the City wishes to support family homes and neighborhoods. Recent HOA votes and a Neighbors4Neighborhoods survey show that a strong majority of PGA West residents want STVRs restricted. However, the CC&Rs currently contain language that constrains our ability to prevent future new STVRs in a meaningful way. PGA West resident participation in the N4N survey shows 69% want the moratorium (stay) extended, as contrasted with only a 6% support for lifting the moratorium with unlimited permit approval. Excluding PGA West from the stay will increase the demand for STVR conversions in a community that already has the highest concentration of STVRs in La Quinta. The La Quinta City Council represents PGA West residents no differently from any other residents of the City. We deserve the same consideration by our representative government as other La Quinta neighborhoods. Because City Council represents first and foremost La Quinta residents, as contrasted with out-of-state investors and unlicensed hoteliers, I strongly urge your support to include PGA West and all its residential HOAs in the continued new permit moratorium (stay). Thank you for your consideration. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JEFF HULLINGER BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:BRYAN ISAACS Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 8:23 PM To:City Clerk Mail; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Robert Radi; Linda Evans; Kevin Meredith; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Short Term Rentals ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Sirs and Madams As one who suffers weekly from disturbances caused by short term renters at PGA WEST, I implore you to include PGA WEST in your proposed moratorium. Some realtors in this area are using the fact that you propose to EXCLUDE PGA WEST from the moratorium as a “selling point” to proposed buyers; i.e. that their house purchase will be a great source of income !! Please do NOT carve out PGA WEST from your proposed moratorium. Bryan Isaacs Sent from my iPhone CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT BRYAN ISAACS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS 1 From:Jim Lambert Sent:Wednesday, March 24, 2021 11:47 AM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; BIhrke@rutan.com; Danny Castro; Monika Radeva Subject:Written comments for meeting April 6, 2021 call for inclusion of HOAs in ordinance HOLD on new permits.  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Mayor Evans, City Manager and Council,  I think some clarification about PGA West and the 3 HOAs is necessary. Only Fairways HOA with 989 houses, 141 of which are permitted STVRs, passed the amendment to CC&Rs to limit rentals to more than 28 days with 586 votes for the amendment. Mayor Evans reacted to these results saying it was thought we would not be able to get the required number of votes, and congratulations. The other 2 HOAs with 1981 houses, 263 permitted STVRs are still not restricted. As I reported at the March 16 meeting Res 2’s vote was 10 votes short of the necessary 319 votes even though there were 61% of the votes for the amendment. In the discussion by council later in the study session (6:10:29 of the meeting record) Councilwoman Fitzpatrick stated in reference to the “Whale in the room, PGA West”, that 2 of the three HOAs had passed the amendment, which is unfortunately not the case. Mayor and council have claimed that PGA West was “dumping their problems on the City”. That sounds like you think of us as a foreign country asking for protection without being part of the City. You need to remember, we ARE La Quinta. We are zoned RESIDENTIAL, not T.C. We pay taxes as low density and medium density residential zoned properties. Council keeps using the term R-1, but that designation is not referenced in the Municipal code, chapter 9.30. We have to assume you mean RVL, RL, RM, and RC zoning when you say R-1. In your discussions during the work session you each referred to keeping the R-1 areas protected by the hold on new permits, but not the few HOAs which have not enacted limits on STVRs like the other 48 HOAs which have. If you differentiate HOAs by allowing less stringent rules you are not following the standard you referenced in the study session where you stated that the City can not make rules less strict than the State rules, nor can HOAs make rules less strict than the City’s (6:11:30) There seems to be a perception that PGA West is asking the City to do something that is already covered by our own Security, gates and patrols. Admittedly, our patrols and gate personnel are armed……….with a pen and clipboard, to write citations to the house owner, not any perpetrators. La Quinta police do not regularly patrol the streets of PGA West as they do throughout the city, we do not get a discount on our taxes due to this because we ARE La Quinta. Mayor Evans referenced 418 permits for North La Quinta and The Cove, among 6772 houses, which is about 6%. This leaves out those areas zoned for STVRs, the T.C. zones. PGA West has 404 permits among 2970 houses, which is 13.6%. Illegal rentals in both categories are not counted. In your work session discussions, there were references to 3% as a goal for permits. Obviously PGA West has exceeded that parameter since permits were apparently approved with no regard to density, with heavy impact on quality of life. As an example, the 12 houses surrounding me are 50% STVRs. Mr Radi had a suggestion (6:12:00) to reach out to the 6 or so HOAs on whether they want to be included. May I suggest you give them the opportunity to choose between remaining Residential under the 3% or whichever cap happens or convert their zoning to Transient Commercial if they want to be STVR saturated. CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JIM LAMBERT BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 2 In conclusion, do not abandon the HOAs which are part of the City of La Quinta. Oversaturation which currently exists will be multiplied and there will be no quality of life. The gem which is La Quinta will be cleft and flawed, losing value as a place to live. Jim & Barbara Lambert . CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JIM LAMBERT BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Jan & Walt Sent:Saturday, March 27, 2021 1:25 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Sue and Bob Brown; Robert Radi; John Miller; City Clerk Mail Subject:Re: Request for inclusion of HOAs in post-Moratorium Stay on new STVR Permits -&- Please Post in the City Record ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Please stop the explosion of more STVRs in PGA West. I have lived here for almost 19 years and you are ruining our community by allowing more and more STRVRs. It is not why most of us came to live here — to have a motel next door. The recent amendment change and recall defeated measure show that overwhelmingly, we do not want STVRs here. Please do not allow any more and consider banning them altogether. Thank you, Walt Lloyd La Quinta, CA 92243 CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS JAN & WALT LLOYD BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO BAN STVRS & TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM 1 From:Jan & Walt Sent:Sunday, March 28, 2021 6:47 PM To:Linda Evans; Steve Sanchez; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Miller; John Pena; City Clerk Mail Subject:Request for inclusion of HOAs in post-Moratorium Stay on new STVR Permits -&- Please Post in the City Record ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Please do not allow any more STVRs in PGAWest. We are over saturated with them. The recent vote shows that the vast majority of homeowners do not want a business next door. Get rid of them once and for all. I did not come here to be bothered by rowdy weekend renters. We are LQ citizens and want you to do the right thing and start to curb SRVRs in LQ and PGA West, especially. Thank you, Walt Lloyd La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS JAN & WALT LLOYD BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO BAN STVRS & TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM 1 From:Jan & Walt Sent:Monday, March 29, 2021 2:33 PM To:Linda Evans; Steve Sanchez; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Miller; City Clerk Mail Subject:Request for inclusion of HOAs in post-Moratorium Stay on new STVR Permits -&- Please Post in the City Record ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Please vote to ban STVRs in LQ. We full time homeowners are your base and foundation for the city. Renters are not LQ citizens. Make sure that the ban applies to PGA West as we have the worst concentration of STVRs in LQ and the most problems. Please help us to have a quite, safe and enjoyable lifestyle; the reason we came to call LQ home. Walt Lloyd La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS JAN & WALT LLOYD BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO BAN STVRS & TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM 1 From:Linda Evans Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 8:19 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Fwd: Please add my name to the list of La Quinta residents requesting PGA West be included in the STAY They have sent this about 3 times, along with the shorter version stating “enough is enough” that came in yesterday and  included City Clerk.   m m m m V Linda Evans | Mayor  City of La Quinta  78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253  Ph. 760.777.7030  C:   760.899.3279  E: levans@laquintaca.gov  www.laquintaca.gov   www.playinlaquinta.com  Begin forwarded message:  From: Jan & Walt   Date: April 2, 2021 at 2:00:55 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, John Miller <mcmillen@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez  <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Please add my name to the list of La Quinta residents requesting PGA West be included in the  STAY  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement  and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear Mayor Evans and Members of the City Council  Please add my name to the list of La Quinta residents requesting PGA West be included in the STAY  being deliberated for adoption to stop new permits for Short Term Vacation Rentals (STVRs) in  residential zones.  The City Council represents all La Quinta residential communities, including the Cove, North La Quinta  and PGA West (PGAW).  The STAY should apply to all La Quinta residential zones.  The stay must stop the  conversion of residential homes into STVRs which alters the character of all our neighborhoods. PGAW is  a community of La Quinta residents also in need of representative government and the protections you  provide. Our needs are identical to other La Quinta neighborhoods.  The Ad Hoc Committee and N4N recommended the La Quinta STVR program have a city wide  application, including HOAs.  Omitting HOAs from the STAY will leave these communities open to a rush of STVR conversions.  CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS JAN & WALT LLOYD BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO BAN STVRS & TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM 2   HOA CC&Rs were written without the foresight of numerous STVRs and their impact on neighborhoods.  The threshold (50%+1of all homes) makes It extremely difficult in large HOAs (greater than 600 homes)  to change CC&Rs.    The impact of STVRs on residents exceeds the ability of HOA security.    The recent HOA votes and N4N survey show a strong majority of PGA West residents want STVRs  restricted.  PGA West recently had two elections to amend the CC&Rs with more than 81% of possible votes being  cast with approximately 2 to 1 of the votes opposing STVRs.  A recall vote initiated by STVR owners of both HOA boards was defeated by better than a 2 to 1 margin.  PGA West resident participation in the N4N survey shows 69% want the moratorium extended (STAY)  compared to only 6% to lift the moratorium with unlimited permit approval.    Excluding PGAW from the STAY will increase the demand for STVR conversions in a community that  already has the highest concentration of STVRs in La Quinta.    The City staff report from the Jan 27 Council Meeting determined the Cove, North La Quinta and PGA  West have 10,904 homes with 1,102 permitted and un‐permitted STVRs.  PGA West has only 33% of the homes (3,334) yet 49% of the STVRs (540).  Saturation level (ratio of STVRs to homes) for PGA West is 16.2%, more than twice that of any other  residential community in La Quinta.    Excluding PGAW from the STAY means the balance promised in 2012 when STVRs were permitted into  residential communities is greater than 16.2%.  What is the “balance” saturation level?  We are well  beyond any semblance of a balance with so many residents impacted.    We look to you – our elected City Officials – to represent all La Quinta residential communities equally  and include PGA West and all residential HOAs in the STAY.    Respectfully,    Walt Lloyd    La Quinta, CA 92253  CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS JAN & WALT LLOYD BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO BAN STVRS & TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM 1 From:Jan & Walt Sent:Saturday, April 3, 2021 6:26 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; John Miller; City Clerk Mail; Robert Radi Subject:Request for inclusion of HOAs in post-Moratorium Stay on new STVR Permits -&- Please Post in the City Record ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Please make the STVR moratorium permanent. I live in PGA West and we are citizens of LQ, just as everyone else is. We should not be treated differently since we are in a HOA. Thank you, Walt Lloyd La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS JAN & WALT LLOYD BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO BAN STVRS & TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM 1 From:Jan & Walt Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 12:53 PM To:John Pena; Linda Evans; Steve Sanchez; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Miller; City Clerk Mail; Robert Radi Subject:Request for inclusion of HOAs in post-Moratorium Stay on new STVR Permits -&- Please Post in the City Record ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Please ban STVRs in La Quinta. Enough is enough. Remember, PGA West in La Quinta too! Thank you, Walt Lloyd La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS JAN & WALT LLOYD BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO BAN STVRS & TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM 1 From:John Logan Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 2:19 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Star ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Why would PGAWEST be subjected to unlimited status? I pay taxes, and resent the idea of being subjected to STRV problems. John Richard logan LA QUINTA , CA 92253 Sent from the iPad CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JOHN LOGAN BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM 1 From:Rick and Marcia Lund Sent:Thursday, March 25, 2021 4:33 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva; BIhrke@rutan.com Subject:Moratorium on STVR Permits ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Mayor Evans, City Council Members, City Manager, City Clerk and City Attorney, I write to request that when the City of La Quinta considers its moratorium on short-term vacation rental permits (STVRs), the City should treat all residential neighborhoods equally, including those with HOAs. I won’t repeat all of the issues that STVRs have created, as I know you have gathered good information from sources including Neighbors4Neighborhoods and the STVR Ad-Hoc Committee. I am a resident in PGA West. Our HOA sought to amend our CC&Rs to ban new STVRs. It was a very well-considered amendment. The vote was 48.3% in favor, 30.4% against, and 21.3% not voting, meaning that despite overwhelming support among those voting, the amendment failed because of the stringent requirement for a simple majority of all homeowners. It’s distressing that so many homeowners within our HOA chose not to vote or were unable to vote despite active get-out-the-vote efforts by supporters and opponents of the amendment. 92.5% of the non-voters would have to be opposed to the amendment in order for the amendment to fail had all homeowners voted. It’s not reasonable to conclude that would have been the outcome. Therefore, a reasonable effort to address the STVR issue within the HOA’s rules and regulations came up short. Accordingly, I ask that to the extent the City concludes limits should be placed on STVRs, those limits should be applied regardless whether the neighborhood also has an HOA governing body. To exclude HOA-governed neighborhoods from limits that are placed on other City neighborhoods will drive STVRs into HOA-governed neighborhoods like PGA West. Clearly, that outcome would not be acceptable for a community that is already experiencing issues with STVRs. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Richard Lund La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS RICHARD & MARCIA LUND BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Sherri Lusk Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 6:04 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Request PGA West be included in STAY to Stop New Permits for STVRs in Residential Zones  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Please include PGA West in the City's new STVR Stay Ordinance.  We love La Quinta.  We love PGA West.  Our HOA  Board is working with current homeowners who have a City Permit to assure compliance that will allow STVR owners  and non STVR owners to live in harmony.   But it is a process.  Please allow us the time to work with our current permit holders to rebuild relationships.  In order to  do so, we respectfully ask you to include PGA West in the stay to stop new permits.   It is essential to our community to  allow us to work with current permit holders.  Thank you so much for your consideration.  Mark Marcus    La Quinta  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MARK MARCUS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:James Martin Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 3:53 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:INCLUDE PGA WEST IN STVR ORDINANCE  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   To La Quinta City Council:  We are requesting that PGA West be included in the STVR Ordinance.  Here are some of the problems we have  experienced with short term rentals, primarily during the concerts.   Large amounts of trash left out on the curb for days.   Loud parties lasting into the early morning.   A short term renter slept on the chaise lounge next to the pool.  Our daughter had to drive him to his rental,  which was in another section of PGA West across Madison Street.   Excessive traffic.  Thank you for your consideration of our request.  Jim & Betty Ann Martin  Residents of La Quinta since 2008.  1 From:Kris MAUGHAN Sent:Saturday, April 3, 2021 5:43 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; blhrke@rutan.gov Subject:The Moratorium STAY ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Mayor Evans and City Council members, Please add our names to the list of La Quinta residents requesting PGA West be included in the MORATORIUM STAY being considered by the City Council for adoption to stop approving new permits for Short Term Rentals (STVRs) in residential zones. We believe the STAY should apply to all La Quinta residential zones EQUALLY. It should be city-wide and include homeowners’ associations. What is the reasoning behind singling out PGA West as the destination for further STVRs? The continuing STAY will work to stop the rapid conversion of residential homes into STVRs which is now altering the peaceful nature of our neighborhoods. Please do not exclude PGA West from the STAY. We do not wish to have our neighborhood subject to a further wave of STVR conversions. Recent votes in our HOA indicated a strong majority of residents wish to restrict further STVRs. We hope you will consider the problem this issue may cause for PGA West. Please consider all of La Quinta equally and include PGA West and all the residential homeowners’ associations in the STAY. Thank you, Kris and Wes Maughan La Quinta CA 92253 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS KRIS & WES MAUGHAN BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS 1 From:Merchant, Kenneth A Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 10:14 AM To:City Clerk Mail; Monika Radeva Subject:Do not exclude PGA West from the stay on new STVR permits  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans and Members of the City Council; Please add my name to the list of La Quinta residents requesting PGA West be included in the STAY being deliberated for adoption to stop new permits for Short Term Vacation Rentals (STVRs) in residential zones. The City Council represents all La Quinta residential communities, including PGA West (PGAW). The STAY should apply to all La Quinta residential zones. The stay must stop the conversion of residential homes into STVRs which alters the character of all our neighborhoods. PGAW is a community of La Quinta residents also in need of representative government and the protections you provide. Our needs are identical to other La Quinta neighborhoods. The Ad Hoc Committee and Neighbors for Neighborhoods of LQ (N4N) recommended the La Quinta STVR program have a city wide application The recent HOA votes and N4N survey show a strong majority of PGA West residents want STVRs restricted. Excluding PGAW from the STAY will increase the demand for STVR conversions in a community that already has the highest concentration of STVRs in La Quinta. This would have a significant negative effect on the PGAW neighborhoods. We look to you – our elected City Officials – to represent all La Quinta residential communities equally. PLEASE include PGA West and all residential HOAs in the STAY. Respectfully, Kenneth A. Merchant Kenneth A. Merchant    La Quinta, CA 92253    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT KENNETH MERCHANT BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS From: "W. Richard Mills"   Date: March 29, 2021 at 11:18:52 AM PDT  To: John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>, Linda Evans  <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez  <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: PGA West ‐ STVR Moratorium Exclusion      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.           Madam Mayor and City Council Members –      If you have not already heard from PGA West residents, you will be inundated with emails respecting  the exclusion of PGA West from the possible moratorium of STVR’s at the April 6th Council meeting.     I am thinking it might save a lot of time and energy, if you were to make an opening remark outlining the  rationale to exclude PGA West. I live at PGA West and would favor being INCLUDED.     Also, two rules you might consider. I have tried to follow all the STVR sessions and I may have missed  these:     1. No street parking permitted until garage is parked to capacity.  2. For Lease signs should have a limited life. In other words, do not become institutional. Once the  sign has successfully driven home its message, it should be removed. If that means taking it  down Friday and replacing it on Monday, so be it.     Dick     1 From:Lisa Mitchell Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 10:58 AM To:City Clerk Mail Cc:Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen Subject:Please include PGA West in those communities to be protected from STVR proliferation Attachments:letter to LaQuinta re STVR.docx ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Please read our attached letter to the LaQuinta City Council. Sincerely, Lisa and Ed Mitchell La Quinta, Ca 92253 April 2, 2021  To the La Quinta City Council,  My husband Ed and I are writing to add our voices to the upcoming STVR Stay vote at the council  meeting on April 6th.   We are residents of PGA West and are upset that our community is being  excluded from the protections of the STVR Stay ordinance.  We should be included.  PLEASE do not  exclude us.  Sincerely,  Lisa and Ed Mitchell    La Quinta,  Ca 92253    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS LISA & ED MITCHELL BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Terry Montgomery Sent:Tuesday, March 23, 2021 5:30 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; BIhrke@rutan.com Subject:STVR Ill Considered Discriminatory Moratorium Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   La Quinta Leaders, My opinion is shared by a large number of my friends that reside in PGA West.  While I vigorously  applaud your considering a permanent moratorium on new STVR’s, we believe that you are not serving the people of  PGA West with the targeting of your proposal.  In fact you have missed the target by not applying your proposal to the  highest density of STVR’s in La Quinta.  Here are the facts… 1.PGA WEST accounts for 32.8% of La Quinta STVR permits (as of 2/19/21) STVR density as of 2/19/21 within PGA WEST is 12.7%, and over 16%, if you remove empty lots in your (the City) calculation. This PGA West percentage is more than triple the rate of 3.8% in North La Quinta. 2.To exclude HOAs from the proposed ordinance would disregard the equity interests served by the uniform application of the City's permitting practices across residential zones. Should the current moratorium with no disparate treatment for HOAs be supplanted by an HOA-excluded stay ordinance, STVR would crowd into an already overcrowded PGA West. The STVR is certainly a broad problem for the citizens of La Quinta but for me it is personal. My wife and I moved to PGA West to pursue an active retirement and bought a home on Winged Foot. When we bought in 2017, we have one rental location beside us that was seldom rented. However, in May 2020, the neighbor on the other side sold her home to her son and left the area. Since then, the new rental has continuously been rented and I have had to report disturbances 3 times and have lived with predictable noise that is just below what is not tolerable. We have lost our privacy and peace. We finally have given up and sold our home and are moving to an area of PGA West that has limited the number of STVR’s that are allowed. The sole reason for our move was the STVR problem….nothing more. While I was fortunate to make a move, many of my friends are seriously angry that they cannot move to get away with the travesty of STVR’s Please be the leaders you have been elected to be and rather than slink away from your responsibilities to all of La Quinta, stand up for all citizens. Respectfully, Terry Montgomery (new address) La Quinta, CA Terry H Montgomery    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT TERRY MONTGOMERY BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOS IN THE MORATORIUM STAY ON NEW STVRS 1 From:Cathy Ann Mortimer Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 9:55 AM To:Linda Evans Cc:City Clerk Mail Subject:Short Term Vacation Rentals -- Please Post in the City Record Importance:High  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Good Morning Linda,   I specifically wanted to send you an email to express my disappointment that the City of La Quinta did not include PGA  West in the STAY that being deliberated by this City Council for adoption to stop approving new permits for Short Term  Vacation Rentals (STVRs) in residential zones.    You have specifically supported STVRs provided quality of life is preserved.  PGA West is clearly a residential  neighborhood and your decision to not include PGA West will result in an rush of new STVRs into our neighborhood and  that  influx of new short term rentals would change the quality of life in PGA West forever.   As such, I ask that you keep your promise to insure that our quality of life is preserved by including PGA West in the STAY  that is currently being deliberated.    Please treat all residents and neighborhoods equally.     Warm Regards,   Cathy Ann  Western Lead Recycling, Inc.    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT CATHY ANN MORTIMER BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS 1 From: Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 12:21 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:STVR stay ordinance  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   I currently have a home in PGA West. I do not understand why PGA West would not be included?  Many residents  have  serious concerns about this issue that is no different than the rest of the city.  Sent from my Verizon Motorola Smartphone  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT TKC PEREZ BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS 1 From:Scott Randall Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 12:26 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Letter to Mayor Evans and City Council Attachments:PGAW-LettertoCoLQ-04052021.pdf  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Good Morning Monica !  You will find attached a letter to the Mayor and City Council, from the President and Board here at PGA WEST.  We will  be delivering a hard copy to City Hall later this afternoon.  We would appreciate your assistance in seeing that this letter is routed to all.  Thank you for your help !  Scott Randall | General Manager  PGA West Master Association  M m m M m 56144 PGA Boulevard • La Quinta, California 92253   P: (760) 564‐3858 | F: (760) 564‐2329   m mm m m m mm m m m mmm m mmm m mm m m m Please tell us about your experience with our company. Take our survey at www.surveymonkey.com/r/TrustCares  1 From:Mark Schmitz, Sr < Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 8:52 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Let PGA West be part of STAY program ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Council Members We have an enormous problem here at PGA West and it will get worse if we are excluded from the proposed ordinance. We will become THE place for STRs. As shown by a recent election, the residents of PGA West want restrictions including a moratorium on new rentals. Thank you, Mark & Diana Schmitz  La Quinta CA 92253‐8773 Annette R. Chester & Jonathan D. (Jody) Shapiro    La Quinta, CA 92253‐8720     City of La Quinta Mayor and City Council Members  Re: Extension of Moratorium of Additional STVRs  Dear Madam Mayor and City Council Members,  We are writing today with a request for PGA West to remain permanently included in the City’s  moratorium protection on STVRs.  As 17 year residents at PGA West, we make this request for  the following reasons:  1.STVRs in PGA West have increased significantly in recent years with the advent of companies like Airbnb and VRBO.  This significant growth has been further exacerbated by and all throughout the COVID virus pandemic during this past year. 2.These greater numbers of STVRs have become increasingly damaging to the standard of living and quality of life which many, if not all, permanent residents of PGA West came here to enjoy. 3.PGA West is an older community which has evolved over many years, and which did not ever anticipate this recent significant growth in STVRs.  Consequently, our HOA Bylaws and CC&Rs were not strengthened to limit and curtail STVRs to a manageable level, and with the recent significant STVR increase, making changes to these Bylaws and CC&Rs has now become much more difficult and very contentious.  Such battles are damaging relationships throughout PGA West, and even modest and reasonable changes to manage STVRs are being met with great resistance, and are costing our HOA Boards lots of time and money to navigate and implement solutions for the greatest good. 4.PGA West today has a much greater number and percentage of STVRs than any other HOA community in La Quinta.  And we have very few of the protections in place on STVRS like many other communities have.  For example, Griffin Ranch prohibits all rentals which are less than 28 days and our sister neighborhood, The Citrus, has the same policy. That measure alone is a powerful deterrent to STVR problems.  Consequently, PGA West is currently very vulnerable to any further increases in STVRs, and it will become even more vulnerable to further deterioration if we are excluded from the City’s moratorium on STVRs.  As such, PGA West actually has a much greater need for the same protections which the City is affording to ALL of its other communities and residents. Page 2  5.To that point, it seems to us that it is discriminatory and unfair for the City to exclude PGA West from its STVR moratorium.  It may be legal and technically permissible to do so, but that does not make it right, fair, equitable, and ethical to do so.  It seems to us that the primary bedrock principle of our City’s governance practices should be to always apply to ALL of its ordinances, regulations, laws, and mandates equally, consistently, and uniformly to ALL La Quinta communities and residents, and to avoid at all costs any exclusions and exceptions in the administration and enforcement of those ordinances. 6.PGA West believes that the management of STVRs is not solely a City responsibility.  PGA West is committed to strengthening its HOA Bylaws and CC&Rs to stem the tide of STVR increases, and we have had some recent success with that.  However, because we are already vulnerable from these recent significant STVR increases, we simply cannot count on those “legislative” efforts to be successful, and we know for sure they will take time and cost money. If we are not included in the City’s STVR moratorium protection, the challenges to change our Bylaws and CC&Rs will only grow and become more difficult as time passes.  As such, we need the City’s protections MORE than any other community in La Quinta while we work to make those changes on our own. 7.In terms of being “deserving” of the City’s protections, we would make the case that PGA West is the “Jewel in the Crown” of the “Gem of the Desert”.  We are a large community which contributes much in many ways to the City’s strong financial condition.  We are good citizens who support many La Quinta businesses, who volunteer to serve our charities, commissions, school systems, health care, and social services.  We attract many visitors and guests to the area, and we present an extremely favorable impression of La Quinta to those guests.  In short, we suggest it is fair and reasonable to say that PGA West adds great value to the entire quality of life equation the City of La Quinta prides itself on.  Because of all that, we suggest it is also fair to say that if ANY community in La Quinta is deserving of consideration to be included in this STVR moratorium protection, that community is PGA West. 8.Our first house at PGA West in 2004, was a rental for 18 months while we built 2 (two) houses on the Greg Norman Course, helping the economy in La Quinta grow. We then kept 1 (one) and sold off the other. It never crossed our minds that a house could be a Short Term Rental. 9.The home on 1 (one) side of us is now on its 5th owner in 17 (seventeen) years. The first 2 (two) owners used it for themselves. The third rented it out on a monthly basis, and the fourth weekly. Unfortunately, the current owners have turned it into a Motel 6 commercial operation. It is occupied almost every day, all year. One group leaves at noon, and the next arrives by 4:00PM.  The last 10 days were 2 (two) families with screaming kids playing "Marco Polo" endlessly for 6 days, followed by 3 days of "Girls Gone Wild", drunk and screaming in the pool at midnight. Our Security didn't want to go in their backyard to quite them down because they were all naked! Page 3  Our quality of life has been dramatically effected by this home, along with the other 9 (nine)  out of 17 (seventeen) homes in 1 (one) stretch of our street, that are Short Term Rentals. Three  of which are next to each other. Beside the standard problems of noise, excess vehicles, and  not knowing who, or how many are "visiting",  many of these "renters" do not pick up after  their dogs. Plus they are constantly propping  open an Exit Only, Emergency pedestrian gate so  they can jump in a Ride‐Share or ride their bicycles on the streets without having to go back  around to the visitor's entrance. With this gate opening onto Monroe Street and open  farmland, it has become a major safety issue for our street.  10.We also believe the City needs to keep STVR violators feet to the fire when they are fined or suspended. Especially because it is a difficult process getting the right person out to help enforce the City's STVR policies. When the house next to us was suspended for 30 days because finally "official" violations were recorded vs. the countless complaints fulltime residents had made to PGA West security, it was reduced by 50%. We understand other fines and/or suspensions were also changed from the stated policy. Therefore, for all of these reasons, we most respectfully request that the La Quinta City Council  continues to permanently include PGA West in the City’s STVR moratorium.    Thank you very much for your consideration of our request, and also for your service to, and  leadership of our wonderful City.  Best regards,  Annette Chester & Jody Shapiro  1 From:Amarjit Singh Sent:Saturday, April 3, 2021 8:44 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Short term rentals at PGA West .  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans & members of the city council,   Please add my name to the list of La Quinta residents requesting PGA West be included in the STAY being deliberated for  adoption to stop new permits for short term vacation rentals in residential zones.   Thank you.  Dr. Amarjit Singh    La Quinta  CA 92253.  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT AMARJIT SINGH BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS 1 From:Larry Stover Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 8:15 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:PGA West ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Just writing to request that PGA West be included in any order to restrict short term rentals. Larry Stover La Quinta 1 From: Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 9:53 AM To:City Clerk Mail; levans@laquinta.gov; kfitzpatrick@laquinta.gov; jpena@laquinta.gov; rradi@laquinta.gov; ; jmcmillen@laquinta.gov  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans and City Council members, Please add my name to the list of PGA West residents that request a permanent change in the Short term rental permits. We are a vital part of the La Quinta community and would like the City to include us with all other City residents. We became California residents about 10 years ago and selected PGA West as our home for its residential character. Please do not allow a few homeowners that profit from home rentals to change that character. James Tompkins CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JAMES TOMPKINS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOAs IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Frank Vandeventer Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 5:49 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:STR’s in PGA West ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Please do not exclude PGA West from the STR rental exclusion. We are against the proliferation of STR’s in our neighborhood. We definitely want to enjoy our life without the noise of the loud parties in our neighborhood. Frank and Julie VanDeventer La Quinta, CA Sent from my iPhone CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS FRANK & JULIE VANDEVENTER BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING PGA WEST IS INCLUDED IN THE MORATORIUM 1 From:Jim Wanshura Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 5:09 PM To:Monika Radeva; Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez Subject:PGA West issues  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Mayor Evans, La Quinta City Council,  Both my wife and I strongly urge you to include PGA West in the legislation being deliberated.  Please stop all new permits for Short Term Vacation Rentals. We bought at PGA West in 2000  and it was our dream location but now the place is changing with the STVRs. The quiet and  peaceful place we once had has turned into something very different.  Traffic Parking Noise Lack of respect for the property But the most serious issue with the units being rented is none will have a Golf Membership  with the property. When I joined in 2000 the vast majority of the homes had a membership  included, no longer the case. The corporations or individuals buying properties to rent never  become golf members. In the time since I joined the Premier Golf members have decreased by  over 700 members. If this trend continues PGA West will not continue to be a private club or  at a minimum reduce the number of private courses.   Please save our club.  Please save our community.  Kathryn & James Wanshura    La Quinta  1 From:Margaret Williams Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 10:46 AM To:City Clerk Mail; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Robert Radi; Linda Evans; Kevin Meredith; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Fwd: We Urgently Need Vacation Homes To Rent Near You. Join Us and We Will Instantly Promote Your Property Everywhere Guests Shop For Travel.  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Begin forwarded message:  From: Margaret Williams   Subject: Fwd: We Urgently Need Vacation Homes To Rent Near You. Join Us and We Will Instantly Promote Your Property Everywhere Guests Shop For Travel.  Date: April 2, 2021 at 10:41:11 AM PDT  To: Margaret Williams   This email to me ( scroll down ) is just another example of the aggressive and constant expansions and  massive explosions of short term rentals that threaten our community. Recently, while on my daily walk,  I was approached by 2 “roadside barkers” / representative that work to promote their rental properties.  No crime but unfortunately the intrusive atmosphere that the rental companies produce lessens the  quality of our community and housing.  We need your council to vote and protect our community of PGAWEST from the expansion of short term  rentals...PLEASE!  Sincerely,  Margaret Williams   Sent from my iPhone  Begin forwarded message:  From: Mike Browne <mike.browne@redawning.com>  Date: April 2, 2021 at 10:03:47 AM PDT  To:  Subject: We Urgently Need Vacation Homes To Rent Near You. Join Us and We Will  Instantly Promote Your Property Everywhere Guests Shop For Travel.  Reply‐To: mike.browne@redawning.com                             CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MARGARET WILLIAMS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 2 Hi there Second Home Owner, I'm the Director of Partner Development + Success at RedAwning, the USA’s most powerful marketing engine for short-term rentals and we’ve identified you as a potential partner for our Exclusive Host Program. We are experiencing explosive growth in your area and other parts of the country. We need hosts interested in helping us meet that immediate need. To sweeten the deal, if you sign up for our Vacation Rental Exclusive Host Program and go live by April 30, 2021, we will not charge our usual commission for the first 90 days that your vacation rental unit is live for booking. That’s right – No RedAwning Commission Fee for three months, while your vacation rental property enjoys the increased bookings that come from being a pat of RedAwning’s industry-leading platform. Wondering how much money you could make listing your second home as a vacation rental? Use the link to get a complete, customized rental income estimate and analysis for your rental property: Click here to find out how much you should be earning on your second home. If that number impresses you, imagine what you could make with a short-term rental marketing, reservations and hospitality solution like RedAwning? CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MARGARET WILLIAMS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 3 Hosts in our program sign one contract and get their listing on every major online travel website including Google Travel, Booking.com, Expedia, Airbnb, HomeAway/Vrbo. One commission covers all websites and includes listing optimization, expert marketing and revenue management, and 24/7 reservation payment processing and guest support. Our industry-leading listing network and exclusive services are designed to maximize bookings and revenue without you ever having to lift a finger. Average revenue per listing was up an impressive 120% in September. Ready to Start Earning With RedAwning and Get a Full Rebate for Your First Three Months' Commission Fees? Click here to register today. Have questions? Click here to set up some time to speak with me about how RedAwning can help you make more money Join RedAwning and start making more money on your vacation rental home today! All the best, CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MARGARET WILLIAMS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 4 Mike Browne Manager of Partner Development - Home Owners Program mike.browne@redawning.com M m m R Join the Best Performing Vacation Rental Marketing Solution Today! RedAwning, 5900 Hollis St, Suite S, Emeryville, CA 94608 Unsubscribe Manage preferences CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MARGARET WILLIAMS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Kenny Woods Sent:Tuesday, March 23, 2021 5:39 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; BIhrke@rutan.com Subject:Include PGA West in Moratorium on short term rentals Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   I bought in PGA West to enjoy the peacefulness of the area. I did not buy so my neighbors can make money at my  expense of the noise and traffic and drunkenness that comes with the rentals.   If 70% of La Quinta is part of the moratorium and PGA West is the balance, all rentals will now be in PGA West.  Homeowner rules and regulations were drafted way before VRBO and other websites. Please protect us and vote us in.  You represent all of La Quinta and PGA West is part of La Quinta. What is good for La Quinta is good for PGA West.  Include us in the moratorium.  Thanks for your time.  Ken Woods   La Quinta, Ca. 92253    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT KENNY WOODS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO INCLUDE HOS IN THE MORATORIUM STAY ON NEW STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 6, 2021 IN GENERAL OPPOSITION OF STVRS 1 From:Akeakle111 Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 1:34 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Stop STVR Permits  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   My name is Avis Kemper Eakle at  in La Quinta.  My phone number is .  I live in a community in the Yucatán Cove where there are homes continually being rented as short term rentals. Many  of the renters are noisy and have too many people in the rentals.  This cove area should be for neighbors and not for owners looking to profit at the expense of homeowners.  There is something to be said about the quality of life for the residents that live here all year as opposed to the City of La  Quinta always looking for the almighty dollar.  1 From: Sent:Sunday, March 28, 2021 6:40 PM To:City Clerk Mail; Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez Subject:Views of a Concerned Citizen Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans and Council Members, Thank you for the many hours you have devoted to the Short Term Rental crisis we are experiencing in our city. As a full- time resident of PGA WEST, I share your frustration in reaching equitable solutions to protect your constituents. Many statistics and much data have been shared with you outlining the many problems caused by STRs. I do not wish to be redundant and recap that information, however, I do want to share personal thoughts for your consideration. The Fairways HOA spent over $20,000 conducting a vote of their residents to determine their wants in relation to STRs. We were able to have “our say” to what we desire for our neighborhood—you are aware of the overwhelming vote to limit STRs to a minimum of 28 days if any permits are issued in the future. Unfortunately, any existing STRs are able to continue renting as currently permitted until the property is sold—unless the council elects to take overriding action. We purchased our “bare dirt lot” in 2005 with our home construction completed in 2006. STRs were never on anyone’s radar at that point. According to various discussions at your meetings, STRs did not become prevalent until approximately 2012 and began creating massive problems about 2018. None of us in the Fairways HOA could have anticipated such problems at our time of purchase. Being a full time resident, we pay state and local taxes on our purchases and services year round—not just on weekends or shorts stays like visitors. While it is true as touted by STR owners and managers during your Zoom meetings, they do employ housekeepers, gardeners, pool personnel, etc. However, I do take offense if they think permanent residents do not employ those same services on a weekly basis. We also frequent restaurants and purchase groceries; we utilize the medical and dental practices; we seek the services of legal, accounting and insurance offices; we frequent barber shops, beauty shops and nail salons; we purchase automobiles, appliances and other large ticket items. The list is never-ending of the various ways permanent homeowners support our community. PGA WEST residents have taken an active role in supporting various La Quinta and Coachella Valley charities. In the past year we raised over $80,000 (in a matter of days) for a Go Fund Me campaign to assist our employees who were suddenly unemployed due to the pandemic; have financially supported the Coachella Valley Boys and Girls Clubs; and collected donations for the local Rescue Mission. In the month of April alone, we are supporting a local food bank and the First Tee through donations of food items and monetary contributions. We are very proud of the Scholarship Education Fund CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT CONNIE ALDERSON BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING PERMANENT MORATORIUM 2 established four years ago to assist employees or their children with the opportunity to further their education after high school. To date $200,000 has been given in scholarships with 29 worthy recipients this year. I venture to say most STR users do not make any philanthropic contributions to our city. One would hope the council would look in earnest at developments in the future promoting condo or villa rentals (much like our sister cities in the Valley) in a contained tourist area where visitors could enjoy a golf course, tennis courts, swimming pools, on-site dining, etc.—not to mention our sunshine, restaurants and markets. This would enable vacationers to enjoy what La Quinta has to offer without saturating the residential neighborhoods with STRs. Please remember year-round residents elected you to represent us and our wants and needs. We want and need you to place a permanent moratorium on STRs; we want and need you to include PGA WEST HOAs in any decisions to limit STR stays to a minimum of 28 days; we want and need you to assist with security issues in our neighborhoods; we want and need you to help coordinate and track the “2 Strike” rule within our neighborhoods. This is a two-way street. We want and need you to include us as you address STR issues; you want and need us to vote for you in future elections. My hope and plea as you vote on STR issues is you include all of the La Quinta citizens you represent and not exclude those who live in a gated HOA community—we, too, are suffering the consequences of STRs. Sincerely, Connie Alderson CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT CONNIE ALDERSON BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING PERMANENT MORATORIUM 1 From:Meagan Beavers Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 9:48 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments: Short Term Rental. For April 6th Meeting.  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Council members, For ten years now I have spoken and shared with each of you how my life has been negatively affected by the short‐ term rentals in my neighborhood ‐ specifically the one next door to me at   It disappoints me that  after ten years ‐ we are still here.   I am still hopeful that the home I purchased will be in a community where neighbors  know and support each other ‐ as communities were meant to do.   Is this too much to ask?   Over this past decade, I have tried to highlight to you what living beside, and across, from short‐term hotels ‐ is like.  For  a decade I have had to endure drunken arguments, parties complete with DJs,  early morning wake‐up calls of "Marco  Polo" and fireworks at midnight.   I have had the police show up at my house believing I was in danger because the  wrong address had been provided to them, instead a call had come from a girl next door,  and sadly they never did get  to help her because the renters left before they could step in.  I have even been in situations that could have caused me  harm:  a drunk man pounding on my front door at 5 am, and a teenager shooting a bow and arrow into my outdoor  living area, with the arrow landing into a chair.    For over a decade, I have had to endure listening to parties every weekend beside my home, and across the street.  I  have considered selling,  but why should I sell this home that I love?  Why should I sell my home so that the Orange  County residents who own the homes beside me, and across the street, can continue to line their pockets?  I am an  Emergency Room, Registered Nurse.  I need my sleep to function well to provide care to community members ‐ maybe  even you.   Would you be okay, knowing the nurse taking care of you did not sleep the night before because of her  inability to sleep due to a party she spent the night listening to?   I  have had to get up in the middle of the night and  rent hotel rooms because of noise.  A cost out of my own pocket.  There have been times, I have not slept at all over  several days, so I had to call off sick.  Ultimately, I had to quit my job, so that I could work in a position to accommodate  the rental situation next door, a position that did not involve patient care and was 8 hours versus 13 hours.  I took a $25‐ thousand‐dollar‐year pay cut.  For the short‐term rentals next door.  I have never been reimbursed for the total loss of  $250,000 +hotel bills so that my non‐existent neighbors next door could run their hotel.  Please think about that number  ‐  $250,000 lost wages to help "support" the little business next door.    I should not have to plead with you to give us our community back.  One would think that you as members of this city  would also want to live beside those who live in this community as well.  After all, you were voted to support this  community and its members.  However, I question your interest in this community ‐ because we continue to come to  this crossroad:  supporting La Quinta community members versus supporting non‐existent homeowners.  Why is  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MEAGAN BEAVERS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 2 this?  Why are we continuing to debate on who should live in neighborhoods:  those that live and work in communities,  versus those coming from out of town.  Do you own a short‐term rental?  If so ‐ you need to step away from this vote,  and this docket.  You are not impartial.  Ethically,  as council members,  you should not be participating in a vote that  provides you with financial gain.      YOU are responsible to ensure this community continues to THRIVE for its community members.  YOU have an  opportunity to stop promoting unsupervised transient lodgings in our neighborhoods.  WE gave you the power to work  for THIS community.   I am begging you ‐ please stop issuing licenses for unsupervised STR's in our neighborhoods.    Meagan Beavers  La Quinta Homeowner 2007‐present     PUBLIC COMMENT/SHORT TERM RENTALS  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MEAGAN BEAVERS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Rick Bogin Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 6:30 AM To:City Clerk Mail Cc:Wanda Bogin Subject:STVR Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  We love la Quinta and we commend the council for issuing a “stay” on ffuture STVR.  We live in the LQ Cove and chose this area over gated communities and other choices as we appreciated the sense of  community the cove offered.  The proliferation of STVR is changing the cove. We have a STVR  across the street. With 4 bedrooms and up to 10 people,  they often have rude, rowdy and loud guests,  coming and going at all hours and in multiple vehicles. They  have little or  no regard for their neighbors and our neighborhood.  We urge the council to make the “stay” permanent, ban STVRs from communities and return areas to neighborhoods as  originally intended  “ Short Term Vacation Rentals = longer term problems  Sincerely,  Rick and Wanda Bogin    1 From:Bill Borders Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 10:25 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:WRITTEN COMMENTS. (Hurray for the Stay, But go all the way!)  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   To The Mayor and City Council:  Just a quick letter of commendation for your insightful decision to implement a “stay” on short term rental permits.  Bravo for the gutsy first step.  With so many voices applying pressure for near‐term profits, it’s probably not easy to take the long‐term view. But that’s  what leaders need to focus on—what LQ will become in two, five, 10, 25 years.  Halting the infiltration of neighborhood "mini‐motels" is a great start. Hopefully you'll see the wisdom in taking the next  steps of reducing and eventually phasing them out entirely, as other foresighted communities around the nation have.   LQ is blessed with two things: a number of eclectic, close‐knit neighborhoods—the lifeblood of every community. AND a  burgeoning number of tourism‐tax‐dollar‐generating commercial residential rental and hotel options—reducing the  compulsion to infect neighborhoods with STVRs.   Let’s keep the two separate...and thriving!  Thanks,  Bill Borders    La Quinta, CA  92253    1 From:M Kent Case Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 1:37 PM To:City Clerk Mail; Linda Evans Subject:STVRs - Written comments for April 06, 2021  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Good Day - So it seems we are at a crossroads on this issue. It's about time. For the last year, we have argued and verbally re- litigated it, time and time again. Through all that, it has always been more than obvious that the STVR program in La Quinta has caused undue disruption to a previously peaceful residential neighborhood. It is equally clear that a majority of residents DO NOT WANT THEM HERE. We get it, the revenue stream is nice for the City balance sheet, but it surely comes a a great cost, both literally and figuratively; a cost in neighborhood character, in the level of peaceful enjoyment possible, in the interaction with actual neighbors, and so much more. Why on Earth would any reasonable city leader suggest these outcomes are preferred? It's a profit-making scheme, pure and simple - that's called a BUSINESS. Businesses are clearly not allowed within the Cove neighborhood, per existing City zoning policy. Once that is said, what more do you need to hear? Sadly, the negative opinions of STVRs in our neighborhoods stated by many residents has met with obvious disdain by certain members of the City Council, as frequently evidenced by consistently minimizing comments (sometimes delivered snidely), amid rolling eyes, snarky responses and voice tones, etc. How unfortunate, but for some, the $$$ will always be King. Nevertheless, the indefinite pause being considered on new units would seem to be the best solution at this time. Then eventually, they could go away naturally, by attrition, as such properties change hands, or are transitioned to other uses. Then perhaps we can get a return to a reasonable lifestyle , over the long term. I feel confident that this marginal revenue add (once costs are deducted) could be easily replaced through other means, as the region and nation begin to recover from the Pandemic, La Quinta is in a great position for growth on many other fronts. Please enact the indefinite pause, so we can get our neighborhood back!! I understand it is disappointing when a planned investment does not pan out, such as being an out-of-town hotelier with visions of dollars signs in their eyes, but that's the nature of investment, isn't it? And investments can be repositioned, whereas our home cannot. Anyone who sells a house purchased six or more months ago will make money, should they decide to sell due to new STVR regulations which may not fit their previous plans. Unfortunately, having them in our midst has proven to be just too disruptive. But I can understand that if one does not live next to or near one, they may not be really in touch with the actual experience of it. And that is why I have consistently said "please listen to your residents". Doesn't that seem eminently fair? And to finally put a period on this entire discussion, how about a referendum? Then we will know for sure where everyone stands. As a side benefit, no individual or entity would have to bear the responsibility for making a "right" or "wrong" decision, or any decision at all, for that matter. Perhaps that idea is at least food for thought. For me, this will be my final communication on this topic. It has all been said, many times over, and I have grown weary of the fight. A person should not have to spend a year begging for basic rights that all residents should enjoy. It should be obvious that this is what the City would want to promote, but so far, making that case has been quite an uphill battle,. I did not move here from LA to be the STVR police, nor fight with so-called "neighbors". That phase is now over. I urge the City Council to LISTEN, and make the proper and fair decision. I further urge the City Council to carefully consider the wishes of the majority of residents. After all, we are what La Quinta is made of. Best Regards, Michael Case - La Quinta Cove 1 From:Cornick, Therese Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 8:47 PM To:City Clerk Mail Cc:RICI CORNICK Subject:STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   1) THERESE CORNICK 2) LA QUINTA 3) 4)PUBLIC COMMENT 5)STVR 6) WRITTEN MY HUSBAND AND I HAVE LIVED IN OUR HOME FOR 15 YEARS. WE HAVE A YOUNG DAUGHTER WHO HAS GROWN UP IN  ONLY ONE HOME. THE PAST 2 YEARS SHE HAS WITNESSED DRUNKEN PARTIES, HEARD LOUD OBSENITIES AND  INAPPROPRIATE CONVERSATIONS. THE SCREAMING AND LOUD MUSIC CONTINUES WELL PAST REASONABLE HOURS  ALMOST EVERY WEEKEND, AND NOW ON WEEKDAYS AS WELL. THE TRASH THAT IS LEFT BEHIND AND THE NUMBER OF  CARS COMING AND GOING HAS CREATED HAVOC AND OFTEN THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE CONGREGATING IN THE FRONT  YARD FEELS AT TIMES THREATENING. WE FEEL LIKE PRISONERS IN OUR OWN HOME. ON BOTH SIDES OF OUR ONCE  BEAUTIFUL FAMILY HOME ARE SHORT TERM RENTALS. CALLS TO THE CITY HAVE DONE LITTLE TO HELP. WE NO LONGER  FEEL SAFE AND COMFORTABLE IN OUR OWN HOME BECAUSE OF THE UNKNOWN ‐EVERY WEEK WE WORRY ABOUT THE  NEW OCCUPANTS AND THE BEHAVIOR THAT MAY ACCOMPANY THEM. PLEASE HELP US RETURN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD  TO A PLACE WE FEEL SAFE AND CAN BE PROUD TO CALL HOME. THANK YOU FOR CARING ABOUT THE CITY OF LA  QUINTA!  1 From: Sent:Wednesday, March 24, 2021 1:32 PM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:La Quinta STR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Madame and Gentleman; I am writing to show my support for NOT allowing STR's in La Quinta. I have been a licensed broker since 1986 and a member of La Quinta Country Club since 1984. We have a 30 day minimum rental policy though out the HOA associations within the club "campus". In times when this rule was broken, trouble seemed to follow in more ways than one - golf carts in the bunkers or overturned - swimming in the golf course ponds, loud music (and even louder language!). I live across from Legacy and watch the renters swinging from the balconies and tossing beer cans during Coachella. I think the variety of type and variety of prices of our many hotels throughout the Coachella Valley are enough to house these temporary vacationers. I am in no way saying these renters should not have a rousing good time in our desert. Indeed I remember Spring Break in Fort Lauderdale with 8 girls to a room. Oh, the memories! But I digress...... I wholeheartedly disagree with any measure of STR's in our beautiful La Quinta. Respectfully, Kathy Coulter Kathy Coulter, Broker www.LaQuintaCountryClubs.com "Where man goes to dwell, his character goes with him" CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT KATHY COULTER BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS 1 From:mercedes courting Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 6:20 PM To:City Clerk Mail  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   We do not want anymore short.... term rentals in the cove. The beauty of living here is the community feeling.  We have  young.  Families seniors,artists,gays,singles ,all races and religions and live happily together. Please don't change things.  The. Cove is a very very special place  1 From:mercedes courting Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 3:30 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:shot term rental  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   As a long time Cove resident I am abhorred by the number of existing 3 day and less rentals.  . They are destroying the  neighborhood  atmosphere.  Our wonderful village of La Quinta is becoming  a place of transit indifference to noise and noninvolvement.  Please vote  against an extension of the ordinance.  Robert Courting      1 From:Marcia Cutchin Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 11:53 AM To:City Clerk Mail; Linda Evans; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Jon McMillen Subject:Re: "Written Comments" Council meeting April 6th Attachments:Screen Shot 2020-11-18 at 4.59.24 PM.png; Screen Shot 2020-11-18 at 5.00.08 PM.png; Screen Shot 2020-12-11 at 12.30.33 PM.png  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   specify the following information: 1) Marcia L Cutchin 2) La Quinta 3) 4) Public Comment 5)Stay on STVRs 6)Written comments Dear Mayor, Council Members and City Manager, Thank you for your careful consideration of the future of residential neighborhoods within the city of La Quinta. You have been provided substantial evidence that there are sufficient numbers of STVRs, licensed and unlicensed. to be greatly impacting the nature of our communities. In acknowledgment of council's request for a compromise, your constituents have offered a generous proposal. Cathedral City, Palm Desert, and Rancho Mirage residents did not offer this generous proposal. Your constituents are asking council to vote the stay in place so the compromise and 3% cap that Neighbors for Neighborhoods proposed, can be brought to fruition. Tonight's vote is an opportunity to 1) Acknowledge your constituents 2)Demonstrate a willingness to end the drive to increase STVRs in our communities. 3) Accept a compromise. We can all work together toward an equitable solution. Thank you in advance for your vote to compromise and save our neighborhoods from an inundation of STVRs. Sincerely, Marcia L Cutchin         1 From:Stephanie Duncan Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 6:43 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Please vote for an extended moratorium on STVRs  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Ms. Mayor and Members of the City Council, Many of us in the La Quinta Cove were hopeful about the discussion at the last Study Session in regard to your support of an extended stay for the STVR program. We want to strongly encourage you to vote for the extended moratorium on new permits. The City Council has voted on a number of policy changes to the existing program but many of them have just been initiated and there has been little time to measure the effectiveness of the changes to violations, fees, permits and staffing. Please allow the time to evaluate the effectiveness of these numerous changes. Many of us are impacted by the numbers of STVR’s permitted nearby us. Some have four or five in close proximity. That is simply too many for any neighborhood. It is a reasonable request to ask for time and increased management as we move forward. STVR’s are not a property right, they are a privilege provided by the Council to operate in R-1 and R-2 neighborhoods. We need the program to demonstrate fewer problems in our neighborhoods before other permits are added throughout the city. Please vote to extend the moratorium so Council and residents can measure the changes. The revenue is important but so is the time to improve the program and manage it well. Thank you for your attention to this very important decision that affects all of us in LQ Cove. We as home owners pay big real estate property taxes and want to keep our neighborhood free of any further permits for STVRs. Please vote to extend the moratorium for any more permits allowing STVRs. Respectfully, Stephanie Duncan La Quinta,CA. 92253 1 From:Lucy Facchin Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 6:23 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Short Term Rental Vote ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Mayor and City Council Members, We support the permanent stay on new STVR permits being proposed at the city council meeting on 4/6/21. We accept the compromise yet we would prefer a total ban of STVRs including a phase-out of STVRs in R-1 and R-2 zones. The enforcement issues you have already adopted are complex and difficult to enforce, it will consume a large part of city resources to implement and maintain. We look forward to your vote in favor of the permanent stay, as well as your continued commitment to supporting the quality f life we enjoy here in La Quinta. Sincerely, Lucy and John Facchin La Quinta, CA 92253 Lucy Facchin 1 From:Lucy Facchin Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 5:12 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Short Term Rental Vote  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Mayor & City Council Members, We support the permanent stay on new STVR permits being proposed at the city council meeting on 4/6/21. While we accept this compromise solution, we would prefer a total ban of STVRs, including a phase-out of STVRs in R-1 and R-2 zones. We hope the “stay” on new STVRs is a stepping stone in that direction. Now we are left with enforcement issues for existing STVRs. The ordinances you have already adopted are not only unnecessarily complex and therefore difficult to enforce, but will also consume a large part of city resources to implement and maintain. The violations and appeals process allows for too much discretionary judgment from code enforcement officers and the city manager. The criteria for violations, citations, and “strikes” need to be more clearly defined. Right now it seems that STVR owners get the benefit of the doubt regarding complaints about their properties, but the reverse ought to be the norm—neighbors who lodge complaints should be given the benefit of the doubt. Appeals ought to require a process of public notification and input from neighbors within 300 feet of the STVR in question. If STVR owners are the good neighbors they claim to be, they should welcome the input from their neighbors. The city needs to be more transparent about the status of existing STVRs, including publishing a monthly report that shows information about violations and enforcement actions taken by the city. We look forward to your vote in favor of the permanent stay, as well as your continued commitment to supporting the quality of life we enjoy here in La Quinta.  Sincerely,  Lucy and John Facchin    La Quinta, CA 92253  1 From:Lucy Facchin Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 5:08 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Short Term Rentals  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Ms. Mayor and Members of the City Council, Many of us in the La Quinta Cove were hopeful about the discussion at the last Study Session in regard to your support of an extended stay for the STVR program. We want to strongly encourage you to vote for the extended moratorium on new permits. The City Council has voted on a number of policy changes to the existing program but many of them have just been initiated and there has been little time to measure the effectiveness of the changes to violations, fees, permits and staffing. Please allow the time to evaluate the effectiveness of these numerous changes. Many of us are impacted by the numbers of STVR’s permitted nearby us. Some have four or five in close proximity. That is simply too many for any neighborhood. It is a reasonable request to ask for time and increased management as we move forward. STVR’s are not a property right, they are a privilege provided by the Council to operate in R-1 and R-2 neighborhoods. We need the program to demonstrate fewer problems in our neighborhoods before other permits are added throughout the city. Please vote to extend the moratorium so Council and residents can measure the changes. The revenue is important but so is the time to improve the program and manage it well. Lucy and John Facchin    La Quinta, Ca 92253  Lucy Facchin   1 From:Lucy Facchin Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 6:16 PM To:City Clerk Mail; Monika Radeva Subject:STVR ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Ms. Mayor and Members of the City Council, We want to strongly encourage you to vote for the extended moratorium on new permits. Many of us are impacted by the numbers of STVR’s permitted near us. Some of us have four or five in close proximity. Too Many! Please vote to extend the moratorium so Council and residents can measure the changes. Revenue is important but so is the time to improve the program and manage it well. Sincerely, Lucy and John Facchin La Quinta, CA 92253 Lucy Facchin 1 From:> Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 7:26 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Short term rental  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.    Dear  La Quinta mayor and city council. My name is Joe Faherty  and I am a 20 year resident of PGA West and a builder  who has built houses in that project.   Please accept my opinion that short term rentals are a terrible experience for homeowners like me who have invested in  the PGA West communities as their primary residence and vacation home.   When I made this investment there were no short term rentals to speak of. Opertunists  real‐estate brokers saw a great  chance to make a windfall by both selling the homes as investment rentals and charging large fees for renting the units.  This is a terrible burden on other property owners with all of the well known negative effects that the rental mob brings  to the project. The zoning in that project was never ment to turn it into a large hotel without all of the management and  control that go along with the proper zoning of those projects.   I am aware of the tempting short term rental fees that the city collects, but I  emplore you to do the right thing and keep  these real‐estate opertunists from driving the solid homeowners out. Frankly I was gone until I heard this short term  rental madness is being recognized and reconsidered   JOE FAHERTY  PGA West  Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JOE FAHERTY BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS IN RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS 1 From:marlene fradis Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 1:46 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Fw: opposition to lifting moratorium to vacation rental permits  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   From: marlene fradis  Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 1:43 PM  To: Levans@laquintaca.gov <Levans@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: opposition to lifting moratorium to vacation rental permits   This is to ask you to extend the moratorium on issuing new vacation rental permits in the City of La Quinta on  a permanent basis. No new vacation rental permits should be issued, at least while the pandemic continues.   Vacation renters usually disturb the peaceful and quiet enjoyment of the permanent residents of the City of  La Quinta in the Cove Area. by holding parties that last for the period of their stay, violating noise codes and  restrictions, destroying the properties they rent, and engaging in excessive consumption of drugs and alcohol  a and driving carelessly.  Vacation renters will increase the number of persons infected with Corona Virus Covid 19, as statistics show  that younger vacation renters have been careless in following health directives, such as wearing masks,  observing social distancing, etc. Number of younger patients have increased with mutations of the virus, that  are more deadly.    The alleged economic benefits do not justify lifting the moratorium, to the health detriment of the residents of  La Quinta.  Respectfully submitted for your consideration.  Marlene Fradis permanent resident of La Quinta.    1 From:dianne franco Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 9:00 AM To:City Clerk Mail; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Robert Radi; Linda Evans; Jon McMillen Subject:Written comments re STVRs ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** I am writing once again to ask the LQ City Council to extend the moratorium on STVRs in our City. Better still, to respect the voting residents and the peaceful quality of life in our cove, I urge you to do whatever it is you must do, to stop any further licensing of such businesses. The existing 1200+ STRVs should be generating quite a bit of revenue, plenty. As a 40 year resident of LQ, I am having a difficult time comprehending that this council is representing me and not some special interest groups who do not live nor vote in LQ. I am not advocating throwing out existing STVRs. Perhaps we can all learn to live with existing units. Although having my bedroom window 10 feet from a STVR pool makes this issue extremely personal, I am advocating approving no more of these AND allowing existing STRVs to phase out over the years. I believe in the power of the ballot box. Dianne Franco Sent from my iPad CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DIANNE FRANCO BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUETING TO EXTEND THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:dianne franco Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 7:08 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written comments. STVR ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Once again an issue. 1:13 a.m. on April 1. I was awoken by voices from the neighboring STVR. Not loud music. Voices. If this were a neighbor, they probably wouldn’t have resort behavior. They would probably know their neighbors. And hopefully care. Short term renters are here to play. I got dressed. Went to the backyard. 5 times called out. No one responded. I knocked on the fence and got attention. They sounded offended that I asked them to go inside. But gruffly they did. This type of issue occurs frequently. No. I did not call the hot line. The decibels certainly were not over the ‘limit’. Lots are small. Noise carries from pools. Please give us back our ‘neighborhood’. Do not remove the moratorium. Dianne Franco Homeowner Sent from my iPad CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DIANNE FRANCO BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUETING TO EXTEND THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From: Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 10:55 AM To:City Clerk Mail Cc:  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   We agree strongly that short term rentals is reducing our quality of life in LaQuinta. We have to contend with additional noise from parties, the smell of weed being smoked in neighboring homes, and the additional traffic and trash being thrown on our streets from renters who have no interest in being good citizens that care about the neighborhood. There are many additional reasons why we would vote to stop any additional short term rental agreements. Please add us to the list of home owners that vigorously oppose any move that would increase the number of short term rentals beyond it's current number. Edward & Consuella Gilreath 1 From:PAMELA GLASIER Sent:Monday, March 29, 2021 1:56 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:WRITTEN COMMENTS REGARDING STVR APRIL 6 MEETING  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   To City Council Members, La Quinta  I purchased a home in La Quinta 3 yrs ago. AFTER I was moved into the home, I learned that  the home next door to me was a STVR and that there were as many as five‐six other STVRS on  my street, in this neighborhood.  NEIGHBORHOODS ARE FOR NEIGHBORS NOT FOR SHORT TERM RENTALS I was looking forward to owning a home and the right to the “Pleasure of Quiet Enjoyment”  of  this home.  It has been anything but that. The homes on this street house 8‐16  guests.  These people throw in enough money per person, to party like a “Rock Star” and  someone else gets to clean up the mess.  Noise, domestic situations, excessive garbage which  smells after a day in the sun, and which has also been thrown onto my property,  dogs peeing  in my yard, 6‐8 cars parked along the street, barely leaving access to my own garage. Several  days ago, a guest next door, was gesturing obscenity towards me, because while backing out  of MY garage, he determined I was apparently in his way, as he was trying to jockey around to  park.  I live here. He does not.    The moratorium should be made permanent in residential zones, and there should be a  moratorium on new licensing of any and all un‐hosted STVRS. Bottom line… STVRS should be  banned in our neighborhoods.  I have written numerous times and NOTHING has been done…no cap and no announcement of  a permanent moratorium. WE NEED AND WANT THIS PERMANENT in residential zones.  It is  extremely disrespectful, and reckless that the citizens who reside here are robbed of what is  rightfully ours.  It is not only a waste of revenue to have to police these situations, but also extremely  disruptive to the neighborhood. STVRs are causing unrest in our neighborhoods, not to  CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT PAMELA GLASIER BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM & BAN ON STVRS 2 mention the security factor.  This is not fair. I live alone and am constantly worried about the  strangers that are coming and going at all hours and loitering in the neighborhood.  Do the right thing and protect the citizens in this community.  We are the ones that vote you in  and we will certainly vote you out.   Pamela Glasier    LaQuinta, CA  92253      CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT PAMELA GLASIER BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM & BAN ON STVRS 2 That being said, I do SUPPORT THE COMPROMISE OF AN ORDINANCE FOR A PERMANENT STAY  ON STVR PERMITS IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES.   The STAY is certainly NOT A BAN on STVRs. However, it will STOP the  unlimited explosion  of STVRs in residential Districts. The moratorium must be continued until the STAY ordinance is  adopted.  A “STAY” on new permits is a unique COMPROMISE and a positive SOLUTION. By continuing the  moratorium until the ordinance is adopted, a fair and balanced solution is achieved  It is a unique solution in CV It will save LQ from years of fighting, of special elections, and of future lawsuits. It allows currently permitted STVRs to continue and gives them the chance to operate under the new enforcement regulations  Those that do not follow the regulations should have their permits revoked It makes it easier to find the STVRs operating without a permit and to eliminate them Through attrition, the density of STVRs will be reduced to a more reasonable amount The Stay provides the City the time to explore and build units in Tourist Commercial zones Thank you for coming up with a rational plan to lead us out of this difficult situation of  uncontrolled growth of STVRs in Residential Zones. I support the Ordinance for a Permanent STAY on  STVR licenses and continuing the moratorium until the full adoption of the Ordinance.  Arlene Gotshalk  - _________________________________________________________  "For there is always light / If only we’re brave enough to see it / If only we’re brave enough to be it." Amanda Gorman  Arlene Gotshalk  CareGiving Toolkit        Arlene Gotshalk SUBJECT: SUPPORT OF PERMANENT STAY ON STVR PERMITS Continue the moratorium until the STAY ordinance is adopted. Madam Mayor and City Council Members, You know that I have voiced my opinion that STVRs don’t belong in Residential Districts – that they violate the zoning regulations in many ways and that this is especially true in the Cove. But I do believe in working together and finding a solution to this ongoing quagmire of a problem – What to do with STVRs in residential zones. LQ currently has more permitted STVRs than most cities in CV. In City Council report, it was stated that LQ residential has a total density of 9.1%.* This density percentage is grossly higher than the cities who have decided to ban or greatly limited STVRs in Residential Zones. That being said, I do SUPPORT THE COMPROMISE OF AN ORDINANCE FOR A PERMANENT STAY ON STVR PERMITS IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES. The STAY is certainly NOT A BAN on STVRs. However, it will STOP the unlimited explosion of STVRs in residential Districts. The moratorium must be continued until the STAY ordinance is adopted. A “STAY” on new permits is a unique COMPROMISE and a positive SOLUTION. By continuing the moratorium until the ordinance is adopted, a fair and balanced solution is achieved • It is a unique solution in CV • It will save LQ from years of fighting, of special elections, and of future lawsuits. • It allows currently permitted STVRs to continue and gives them the chance to operate under the new enforcement regulations • Those that do not follow the regulations should have their permits revoked • It makes it easier to find the STVRs operating without a permit and to eliminate them • Through attrition, the density of STVRs will be reduced to a more reasonable amount • The Stay provides the City the time to explore and build units in Tourist Commercial zones Thank you for coming up with a rational plan to lead us out of this difficult situation of uncontrolled growth of STVRs in Residential Zones. I support the Ordinance for a Permanent STAY on STVR licenses and continuing the moratorium until the full adoption of the Ordinance. Arlene Gotshalk * 1 From:Kathy Gottberg Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 4:31 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Message for the La Quinta City Council Meeting on 4. 6.21  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear La Quinta City Council,  Please ban all new permits for short term vacations rentals in our city and more closely regulate the ones we have.  At one time in the past my husband and I rented our home out temporarily during the Coachella to supplement our  income.  Never again.  Unfortunately what started out as a way to help residents earn a little money has become BIG  BUSINESS with people buying up homes and turning them into hotels.  With people constantly  coming and going and  using the neighborhood as a plaything it is destroying the very fabric of our community.      Those of us who call our city home did not move here and buy a home realizing that the city could unilaterally decide to  put the needs of business and money‐making above the needs of the residents.  If you do not put an end to the rampant  Vacation Rental business in our city it will force many of us to move to cities where the needs of the citizens matter  more than business.  Clearly the zoning in my residential neighborhood is there to protect the residents—not allow  anyone to have a business –be it a marijuana store, a brothel, a car repair facility OR a hotel (STR).  While the city might  be making a great deal of money from this enterprise, it is ruining our neighborhoods, increasing unnecessary traffic,  trash and noise.  It is also artificially   pushing the price of real estate up by out of town speculators rather than people who want to make La Quinta their  home.  Once again, please put a ban on any new permits for STRs.  At the same time, please start regulating the ones that we  already have.  We love La Quinta and want to continue to live here but your actions will help us decide which way we  will be going in the future.  Sincerely,  Kathy & Thom Gottberg    La Quinta, CA   1 From:Diane Greenberg Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 4:50 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:STVR ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** I am writing this letter in support of the moratorium on STVRs In La Quinta. We are personally impacted by one nearby almost weekly. The noise is annoying and the disregard for others nearby is unacceptable. I understand the difficulty enforcing rules and would appreciate less, not more of these disrespectful owners and renters. Thank you for your time. Roger and Diane Greenberg La Quinta Sent from my iPad 1 From:Diane Gunn Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 8:53 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Support for STR ordenance  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Please support your residents of business interests and stop short term rentals in neighborhoods.  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DIANE GUNN BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS IN RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS 1 From:cheryl heineman Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 5:37 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Stop mini-hotels ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** To the city council of La Quinta, I am expressing my support of the ordinance to stop the expansion of mini-hotels in La Quinta. Thanks, Cheryl Heineman Sent from my iPhone 1 From:Judy Hoffman Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 6:12 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Judith Hoffman  La Quinta    Public Comment  STRV  Written comment  To Mayor Evans and the City Counsel,  It's decision time!  When shopping for a home I never would have thought we'd be in this position .I shopped with a  neighborhood in mind. A neighborhood where people would get to know each other, know your mail carrier,  accept packages for your neighbors, maybe even exchange keys in case of an emergency. A neIghborhood  with children in it! I  have a short neighbor, if you will, about 7 yrs. old. While he's developing his throwing arm  he occasionally sends a ball/plane over our shared wall. That's how I met this charming little guy. The first time  it happened he apologized and brought a box of Girl Scout cookies. We know have an understanding, ring the  bell and we'll go check it out together. Wouldn't want it any other way!  I think you get the picture. The decision you'll be making can preserve that long time image of a neighborhood  or turn it into something we never imagined or sought out.   Please say no the STVR's.  Respectfully,  Judy Hoffman  ‐‐   Judy Hoffman    1 From:Jeanne Holmgren Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 9:05 PM To:City Clerk Mail; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Robert Radi; Linda Evans; Kevin Meredith; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Short term rentals ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Please we beg you to stop all these short term rentals in PGA west. It’s a nightmare already. Our wonderful serene life has been torn upside down by these inconsiderate owners and rentals. Jeanne Holmgren LaQuinta, CA CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JEANNE HOLMGREN BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO BAN STVRS IN PGA WEST 1 From:Edie Hylton Sent:Saturday, April 3, 2021 9:01 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Vote yes on the Extended Moratorium  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Ms. Mayor and Members of the City Council, Many of us in the La Quinta Cove were hopeful about the discussion at the last Study Session in regard to your support of an extended stay for the STVR program. We want to strongly encourage you to vote for the extended moratorium on new permits. The City Council has voted on a number of policy changes to the existing program but many of them have just been initiated and there has been little time to measure the effectiveness of the changes to violations, fees, permits and staffing. Please allow the time to evaluate the effectiveness of these numerous changes. Many of us are impacted by the numbers of STVR’s permitted nearby us. Some have four or five in close proximity. That is simply too many for any neighborhood. It is a reasonable request to ask for time and increased management as we move forward. STVR’s are not a property right, they are a privilege provided by the Council to operate in R-1 and R-2 neighborhoods. We need the program to demonstrate fewer problems in our neighborhoods before other permits are added throughout the city. Please vote to extend the moratorium so Council and residents can measure the changes. The revenue is important but so is the time to improve the program and manage it well. Thank you, Dan and Edie Hylton LQ Cove Residents CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS DAN & EDIE HYLTON BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO EXTEND THE MORATORIUM IN NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Ron Kaiser Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 1:32 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** 1.Ron and Alison Kaiser 2. La Quinta, CA 92253 3. 4.Short term vacation rentals 5.Short term vacation rentals 6.Comments: We support the indefinite stay on new permits for short term vacation rentals. We have had a number of problems with stvr’s in our neighborhood, and feel a stay is important to evaluate the issue further. Sent from my iPhone 1 From:Ron Kaiser Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 1:16 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Short term vacation rentals Categories:Follow up ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear City of La Quinta:  We are writing this electronic letter to support the indefinite stay on new permits for short term vacation rentals in La  Quinta.  We have had a number of problems with STRV’s in our neighborhood, and we believe a stay on new permits  would be important as the issue is further evaluated.  Sincerely,  Ron and Alison Kaiser    La Quinta, CA 92253  1 From:Ron Kaiser Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 1:09 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Short term vacation rentals Categories:Follow up ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear City of La Quinta:  We are writing this electronic letter to support the indefinite stay on new permits for short term vacation rentals, which  we understand is on the City Council’s agenda tonight. We have had numerous issues with STVR's in our immediate  neighborhood, and we believe a stay on new permits would be important as the matter is reviewed more throughly.  Sincerely,  Ron and Alison Kaiser    La Quinta, CA 92253  1 From:Mathias Vince Karlen Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 7:55 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.  Hello,  Please find below my letter as it concerns the issue of short term vacation rentals, as to be   discussed at today's city council meeting 4/6/21.  Thank you for your assistance.  To the Honorable La Quinta City Council:  As you know, several of your neighbors ‐ Rancho Mirage, Cathedral City, Palm Desert ‐ have taken the aggressive step of  actively phasing out already existing vacation rentals in many parts of their cities. By comparison, it would seem to me  your proposed solution of allowing rentals to continue where they already exist, while disallowing new units, offers a  compromise that works towards maintaining some balance in the makeup of your neighborhoods without needing to  uproot those rental operators that have already made investments in their businesses.   It is my hope that you will support an indefinite stay on new vacation rentals.  Thank you,  Vince Karlen  Palm Desert  1 From:Paddy Kelly Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 11:00 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Fwd: WRITTEN COMMENTS. (Hurray for the Stay, But go all the way!)  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.    It would be difficult to improve on Mr. Borders letter to the City regarding the stay on STVRs ,so we would like to record  that we wholeheartedly concur with his opinion and sentiments on this subject. Thank you for your time in this matter.  Sincerely. Oliver and Patricia Kelly.  La Quinta, California 92253.  ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Forwarded message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  From: Bill Borders   Date: Mon, Apr 5, 2021 at 12:35 PM  Subject: Fwd: WRITTEN COMMENTS. (Hurray for the Stay, But go all the way!)  To: Barrows Katie&Cam   Hi Neighbors:   Apparently there haven’t been a lot of letters supporting the LQ Council’s decision to impose a Stay on short term  rentals. Edward is urging folks to submit a letter that thanks them and urges them to even do more.  By noon tomorrow! Mine is below just as a reference (and the email address.) If you get a chance would be nice to dash  off an email to them too…to keep things moving in the right direction.  Thanks!  BB  “What if there were no hypothetical questions?”   —‐Anon  2 Halting the infiltration of neighborhood "mini‐motels" is a great start. Hopefully you'll see the wisdom in  taking the next steps of reducing and eventually phasing them out entirely, as other foresighted  communities around the nation have.    LQ is blessed with two things: a number of eclectic, close‐knit neighborhoods—the lifeblood of every  community. AND a burgeoning number of tourism‐tax‐dollar‐generating commercial residential rental  and hotel options—reducing the compulsion to infect neighborhoods with STVRs.   Let’s keep the two separate...and thriving!  Thanks,  Bill Borders    La Quinta, CA  92253    Begin forwarded message:  From: Bill Borders   Subject: WRITTEN COMMENTS. (Hurray for the Stay, But go all the way!)  Date: April 5, 2021 at 10:24:33 AM PDT  To: "CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov" <CityClerkMail@LaQuintaCA.gov>  To The Mayor and City Council:   Just a quick letter of commendation for your insightful decision to implement a “stay” on short term  rental permits. Bravo for the gutsy first step.  With so many voices applying pressure for near‐term profits, it’s probably not easy to take the long‐term  view. But that’s what leaders need to focus on—what LQ will become in two, five, 10, 25 years.  1 From:Terri Sent:Monday, March 29, 2021 1:21 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; BIhrke@rutan.com Subject:Please INCLUDE PGA West in the STVR Moratorium ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** For all the reasons everyone else has copied and pasted into their emails. We are already dense with STVRS, more so than The Cove. We are struggling to deal with enforcement as it is; please don’t make it worse. Terri Langhans La Quinta Registered Voter in La Quinta 1 From:Sandy Langson Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 11:23 AM To:City Clerk Mail Cc:Kevin Meredith Subject:Written comments ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Homeowner: Sandra Langson Address: Phone: Re: Council meeting-4/6/2021 I have written many times before, and will continue to write until STVR's are completely banned, or a cap put on the number allowed and how many allowed to operate within a certain radius/proximity to each other. Darryl has now bought up 3 properties all surrounding my property. He has a STVR permit on one already, currently doing constant construction on the other two. Endless construction noise happening on both properties from 7am-4pm.. Property at (directly next to the STVR Todd owns) has been under construction for months-pool building, landscaping, fence building, constant drilling and pounding...As that weren't enough irritation, he now as built an 8 foot wood fence, painted white, just to the South of my property, that totally obstructs my mountain view! I'm sure you are all aware of the draw to La Quinta Cove for the mountain views! I'm PISSED! Who the hell does he think he is? The maximum allowed height for a wall is 6 ft. He couldn't have possibly gotten a permit for this! I've reported this to code enforcement who has already been out and taken pictures, and working on it now... I want this wall completely down, or reduced to code compliant 6 ft. or I will raise HOLY HELL! A very unhappy, disgusted homeowner, Sandy Langson 1 From:Cat Makino Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 3:25 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:NO NEW STVRs Permits ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Catherine Makino  , La Quinta 92253    Public Comment  Short Term Rentals  I am against any NEW licensing of short‐term rental.  1 From:Interseafisheries Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 5:27 AM To:City Clerk Mail; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Robert Radi; Linda Evans; Kevin Meredith; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Short Term Rentals at PGA West ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear City Council, I live at , La Quinta, Ca. 92253. I live here full time. I am opposed to any rentals less than 30 days. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Regards, John Martin Sent from my iPad CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JOHN MARTIN BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS 1 From:Kris Mattos Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 1:28 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please include PGA West IN Stay ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** We just relocated full time from busy life in La Jolla where we had a loud rental home by us We moved to La Quinta for it’s beauty, peace and quiet. Please help us keep our community that way. We did not move here to be in a commercial zone where LA and SD folks can come to party for a weekend. There are many lovely hotels for that Thank you Mike and Kris Mattos La Quinta, CA. 92253 Sent from my iPhone CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS MKE & KRIS MATTOS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITON OF STVRS IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES 1 From:Rod McGuire Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 12:18 PM To:City Clerk Mail; Linda Evans Subject:City Council Written Comments - STVR licensing Stay(Moratorium) to remain ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Greetings Honorable Mayor and Council Members: I am writing to express my support for the Stay in licensing STVRs to remain in place indefinitely, these businesses should have never been allowed to operate in Residential Zoned areas of our city. The residents have spoken out against STVRs and have been the majority of comments made (written and verbal) to the council at most every council meeting. I am happy middle ground has been found as the STVR’s already licensed will remain as long as they remain in good standing and licenses are not transferable. Mayor Evans was looking for a “La Quinta way” of handling this situation and it appears it’s been found. However enforcement of the new policies for existing STVRs seem difficult to comprehend and appears there is a lot of wiggle room as to what and who must prove the violation, again putting the residents in the position of enforcement and proving their case, giving the benefit to the STVR owner. Once a citation is issues they can dispute it to the City Manager who it appears has sole discretion as to the outcome. There should be more transparency involved, perhaps a committee of residents meeting with the City Manager or the affected residents of the STVR in question more involved in the outcome, with a monthly report of fines collected or refunded and the reasons. The code enforcement officers work very hard to do their jobs only to have one person reverse their citation. I’m satisfied this compromise will have a positive effect on the residents and neighborhoods and look forward to the Mayor and Council Members voting in favor of this new ordinance on the Permanent Stay of licensing STVRs in residential zoned neighborhoods. Thank you, Rod McGuire La Quinta Cove 1 From:Tim McQuiggan Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 6:00 PM To:City Clerk Mail; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Robert Radi; Linda Evans; Kevin Meredith; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Written Statement: Include PGA WEST - STVR Moratorium  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   I join the majority of PGA WEST homeowners (not just a few as some people like to say) that are fed up with the  problems that STVRs bring to our residential neighborhoods.  You've seen the data from the various sources (Ad Hoc  Committee, N4N Survey Results and the recent PGA WEST HOA votes) that clearly indicate STVRs are no longer welcome  in today's residential areas. You have a fiduciary responsibility as well as a moral obligation to represent the majority of  residents who call La Quinta their home and not the small minority that want to profit from STVRs.   You must move in  the direction, as most other enlightened Cities have done, to curtail and/or eliminate STVR activity in residential zones.    I do not understand how in today's environment,  the City Council can allow a business to operate in a residential  zone.  Clearly, there is a place for rentals, hotels, motels etc but not in the middle of a residential area.  You wouldn't  allow a massage parlor, barber shop, fast food drive‐in or any other business to operate in a residential community but  you continue to allow STVRs.  The very reason you wouldn't allow these other businesses to operate in a residential  community are the same principles that STVRs should not be allowed to operate (transients, noise, trash, parking issues,  trespassing and the list goes on).  The business model for STVRs has changed and are now negatively impacting  neighborhoods which was not the case early on.  But, the City continues to place band aids on the problem.  Do what  you know is right and move in the direction to ban STVRs in residential neighborhoods.  Thank you.  Timothy McQuiggan  PGA WEST Resident  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT TIMOTHY McQUIGGAN BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS IN RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS & REQUESTING A BAN ON STVRS 1 From:Christopher Mikulenka Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 10:43 AM To:City Clerk Mail; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Linda Evans Subject:STVR Moratorium  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.  I am sending this email on behalf of my wife and myself requesting City of La Quinta impose a permanent moratorium on STVR permits in all areas other than commercial tourist zones. We would also like to request the City of La Quinta to continue to consider the option to impose a permanent ban on all STVR operations in all neighborhood zoned areas by the end of 2021; this ban would exclude all commercial tourist zones. Regards, Christopher Mikulenka and Monica Guiza Full-time residents of La Quinta Christopher Mikulenka Have a Great Day! 1 From:Kevin Miles Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 5:47 AM To:City Clerk Mail Cc:Marcia Cutchin; Kevin Miles Subject:Stay on new STVR licenses Attachments:STVR Written Comments_pt3.pdf Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.  1)Full Name: Kevin J. Miles 2)City of Residence: La Quinta, CA 3)Phone Number: 4)Public Comment: Yes to the Stay of STVR Permits 5)Subject: No New STVR Permits 6)Written Comments: Please vote “Yes” to place a stay on not issuing any new STVR Permits. The city needs to place a cap on the  amount of STVRs within its boundaries. There are too many STVRs and not placing a stay on the moratorium would allow  for more STVRs to obtain a permit and only increase the amount of STVRs within residential neighborhoods. It has been  documented that there is a problem with ensuring STVRs are within compliance of the city’s ordinance and this places  responsibility on neighbors to do the policing.   It has been shown that residents bring more revenue to the city than vacationers. Residents make more  purchases, and larger purchases, within the city adding to our revenue generated by sales tax. It is understandable the  desire the City holds to have a permitting process and be friendly towards this market. The revenue that the city is  making from permitting, penalties, and the tax from these STVRs is surely attractive to officials to manage a budget.  However, this is coming at the expense of its residents who see very little, if at all any, benefit from living next door to a  full‐time STVR. Along with a decrease in sales tax generation.   The housing market is currently in a position that homes can be sold to future residents that will bring value to  the city. Investors that took a gamble to purchase homes during the current moratorium did so at their own risk. These  investors can either opt to turn the property into a long‐term rental home that would bring value to the city, or they can  take advantage of the lack of inventory and sell the property to a future resident.   I’m not for allowing STVRs to operate in residential areas. I have a major concern that we allow businesses to  operate in areas where there are families. Can STVR owners guarantee that they don’t allow a sex offender to rent their  property? I know that background checks and credit checks can be performed on the individual renting the home.  However, they can’t do a background check on an individual that is accompanying the listed tenant. This is worrisome  because we are allowing hotels/businesses to operate in areas where there are kids. Areas within the city like the Cove  and North La Quinta are seeing extremely high numbers of full time STVRs. This is due to them not being attributed to a  current HOA. Note, these areas within the city are the areas that hold the most full‐time, working‐class families.  Respectfully,  Kevin Miles 1 From:Thomas Minichiello Sent:Saturday, April 3, 2021 6:34 AM To:City Clerk Mail; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Robert Radi; Linda Evans; Kevin Meredith; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Rentals at PGA West  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   We are opposed to allowing more rentals at PGA West. We are homeowners - to have a large group of renters in our community is not appealing. We bought a lot here and in '95-96 we built our home. Please remember we are voters......renters are short term and leave for their actual home somewhere else. Roberta/Tom Minichiello CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS ROBERTA & TOM MINICHIELLO BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING A MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS IN PGA WEST 1 From:Judith Neid Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 8:07 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:STVR’s Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Judith Neid  La Quinta  STVR’s  Written  Council members and City manager  I live in the Cove and support a ban on new licenses until you decide what to do with the backlog of illegal units you will  be processing once the moratorium is lifted.  Do you realize what you have in this area?  A community backing up to the mountains near Old Town and not gated or a retirement community.  I bought property in Healdsburg before it became “Healdsburg” because I saw the obvious potential.  This area could become another Newport Beach, Belmont Shores, Sausalito, any desirable and limited location.  Instead you are loading it up with destructive rentals and using it as a dumping ground for low income quotas.  Please recognize what you have here and rethink your very limited view of the area.  Thank you for your time,  Judith Neid  Sent from my iPhone  1 From:Noelani Nelson Sent:Monday, March 29, 2021 2:30 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments on STVRs  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   1) Derek and Sharla Nelson 2) La Quinta 3) 4) Comment on STVR 5) STVR 6)Written Comments Good Afternoon, I have written in the past and am writing again today against increased STVR permitting in our residential neighborhoods. I live in an area where a handful of neighbors have been here since the 90s, many of them not computer-savvy enough to write to the city council which, unfortunately, makes our numbers for those against STVRs much lower than they actually are. We are tired of the parties, the business-sense rather than community-atmosphere in which a neighborhood should entail. We are tired of policing our neighbors, the reduction in quality of life, the lack of opportunity to make connections with real people in our neighborhoods as homes are being bought up by investors, most of whom are absent owners, who are not interested in making La Quinta great. We are tired of people who decide to move out of La Quinta because they are incredibly tired of STVRs in their neighborhoods. STVRs are pushing families out, destroying our sense of community and causing increased tensions on our streets. They are a bad idea. They have to stop. The city cannot issue any more licenses. Our city will change in the worst possible way if we lift this moratorium and it will not recover. Please think of LOCALS who LIVE IN LA QUINTA. We are counting on the city council to make the right decision. No more STVR licenses. Sincerely, Derek and Noe Nelson CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS DEREK & SHARLA NELSON BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING A MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Robin Nenninger Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 1:27 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; Monika Radeva Cc:Robin Nugent Subject:Written Comments for the City Council Meeting on 4/6/2021 - STVRs ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Mayor Evans, City Manager and Council, This email is from: Robin and Bob Nugent La Quinta, CA 92253 PGA West We have lived in PGA West since 2004 and are full time residents. I would describe our lives as blissful from 2004 until this past year when the entire STVR issue reared its ugly head. I just cannot figure out why you are not listening to your residents about this quality of life issue. We do not need more STVRs in this city. In fact, per capita, we have more than almost any other city in Southern California. Other cities in California, the US and the world are banning them. There is a clear reason for this ground swell. We do not not need a commercial business in our neighborhoods. That is what hotels are for. This issue has divided neighbors and neighborhoods. We live in constant turmoil over this STVR issue. Is the City Council going to place a moratorium on new STVRs? What about PGA West? We are citizens of La Quinta too. We pay taxes just like the rest of the city citizens. Please do the right thing and PERMANENTLY cap the number of STVRs. Don’t just kick the can down the road. Please make a decision. Our citizens are depending on you to do the right thing for us, your constituents. Thank you. Robin and Bob Nugent 1 From:Katherine Overley Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 6:57 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Short term rentals ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Kathy Overley La Quinta, Ca 92263 Please keep vrbo and other rental companies out of the cove. We are a true neighborhood community. We care for each other. Renters are noisy and aren’t respectful to the houses around them. STOP it NOW! Sent from my iPhone 1 From:Bruce Poynter Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 5:40 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments. ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** >>> >>> Honorable Mayor and City Council: >>> >>> Make the Short Term Vacation Rental Moratorium Permanent! >>> >>> In the last year I have watched the various Coachella Valley City Council meetings. >>> Two things stand out: >>> 1) the number of mostly out of town STVR owners. >>> 2) The tremendous amount of time cities, residents, Code and Law Enforcement put in trying to manage - control- babysit these problems. >>> >>> The mini-motel owners often say, “I’ve never had a problem with my unit.” Ha. It’s because they’re sound asleep in San Diego, Orange County, another state or country, dreaming of money. Meanwhile the de facto property manager, (neighbor, resident next door, in the middle of the night), is calling Fire, Police, Medics, Code and other agencies on yet another party house disaster in a once peaceful neighborhood. >>> >>> I have a great concern for the rise in serious crime in the STVR industry. Check the news. In the last 18 months, shootings, stabbings, rapes, robberies, human trafficking, drug houses, and units with multiple murders. >>> The soft targets that are STVRs are being exploited by the criminal element. >>> >>> Whatever happened to Neighborhood watch.? >>> The industry cannot vet constantly rotating groups of strangers showing up every weekend. >>> >>> In my lifetime I have never seen another issue that’s caused more and constant problems for Families, Neighborhoods and Cities as the STVR industry. >>> >>> Bruce Poynter, Fire Captain, (Ret.) >>> Palm Desert >>> Phone: > > 1 From:Desiree Purcell Sent:Monday, March 29, 2021 2:41 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Fwd: Objects to unlimited STVR -correction  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Sent from my iPhone  Begin forwarded message:  From: Desiree Purcell   Date: March 29, 2021 at 2:38:59 PM PDT  To: CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov  Subject: Objects to unlimited STRV  I live in La Quinta Cove  Desiree Purcell         I believe our current STRV should be limited.  Thank you.  Sent from my iPhone  CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DESIREE PURCELL BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO LIMIT STVRS 1 From:Paul Quill Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 11:29 AM To:City Clerk Mail; John Pena; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Linda Evans Subject:Business Agenda Item 1, Public Hearing Agenda Item 1, regarding STVRs CC meeting 4-6-2021  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Please distribute and include in public comments on the above agenda items.  City Council, Please, Please, Please, do what is right by the voters and residents of the La Quinta by extending the stay  against new STVR permits indefinitely for all of the right reasons below:  1.Save our neighborhoods from STVR blight caused by transient weekend partiers that have no stake in the neighborhood. 2.Save La Quinta’s small town feel and residential quality of life 3.Don’t illegally change our zoning to commercial/resort hotel by allowing STVRs in our R‐1 zones 4.Do what you have suggested by creating STVR zones in the General Plan/Zoning where they can be designated in new development areas or where they are not negative to the neighbors. 5.Don’t increase the City’s need for constantly adding enforcement and associated costs which are already excessive.  The existing enforcement though very costly is still inadequate. WRONG REASON:  1.$$$$.  You are getting substantial TOT already and you will get more as new hotels are developed.  Don’t ruin our City in your constant quest for more dollars!  Our City’s Quality of Life is at stake and no amount of revenue can save that if you don’t limit/stop the STVRs. ANECTDOTAL EVIDENCE POINTS           The STVR owners represent themselves to the Council as responsible however here are two instances that tell  the real story of these business owners:    A neighbor of mine  on Alvarado near Montezuma was walking by an STVR across the street near his house and  overheard the owner discussing with his short  term renter that he did not give an F‐‐‐ about the neighbors or the  neighborhood and this was his business and no one was going to stop him.  This STVR has had complaints to code.           Another neighbor overheard a telephone conversation through open windows between the houses that was an  non‐permitted STVR where the owner was discussing how this was her house and she did not care about moratoriums  or stays on new permits she was planning on renting for short term anyway.  She purchased the house for the STVR  business and no one was going to stop her.  She then went on to discuss how she would do this and escape being caught  by Code Enforcement.    How many more have the same disrespect for their neighbors?  Probably most.  This e-mail is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521. It contains information which may be privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Dissemination or copying of this e-mail and/or any attachments by anyone other than the addressee or the addressee's agent is strictly prohibited. If this electronic transmission is received in error, please notify Paul Quill immediately. Paul D Quill 1 From:Lucinda Robson Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 10:03 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Please continue the ban on short term vacation rentals. These businesses do not belong in residential neighborhoods.  The renters have no personal investment in the areas and do not always respect the homeowners around them.    We all buy or rent our homes on a long term bases to provide a sanctuary for ourselves and our family. We have a  commitment to the area and wish to see it maintained for the long run. We all want peaceful and safe neighborhoods  and we want everyone to abide by these guidelines  or face consequences for their failure to do so. This social  conscience does not apply to short term renters and thus   leaves the neighborhood vulnerable to their possibly irresponsible behavior.  Just ask yourself if you would like your house to be next to a STVR where there could be nightly parties, people parked  all over the street preventing your family and friends from visiting. And then, after 2 or 3 days leaving and another group  coming in and possibly doing the same thing. Or, if you would like your child walking home from a friends and having an  exchanging with one of the renters.  I’m not saying all short term renters are like this, but some are. Think about this in terms of your neighborhood, your  street and your family‐ is this the type of neighbor you want.  Thank you,  Lucinda Robson  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY LUCINDA ROBSON BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS IN RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS & REQUESTING TO EXTEND THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From: Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 5:52 AM To:City Clerk Mail Cc:jim lambert Subject:Short term rentals  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   To All Above  I write to urge all city officials to protect the beautiful city of La Quinta buy strongly restricting SHORT TERM RENTALS in  our community .  As  residents of PGA WEST we are also citizens of La Quinta and as such SHOULD NOT BE excluded from any protection  imposed by City officials against the growing menace of STRs  We ask nothing special , just inclusion  Bruce  and Judith Schwartz    La Quinta Ca  92253  Cc Res 2 Homeowners Association  City Clerk. Please forward all City Council Members  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT BRUCE & JUDITH SCHWARTZ BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS & REQUESTING TO INCLUDE PGA WEST IN THE MORATORIUM 1 From:Jeff Smith Sent:Tuesday, March 30, 2021 9:53 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please Forward to City Council  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   March 30, 2021 La Quinta City Council Members Ten years ago the La Quinta City Council honored both Jeff and I with the "Pillar of the Community" award. This year Jeff received recognition from the city with the "City of La Quinta 20-21 Senior Inspiration" award. We are both immensely grateful for your recognition of our efforts to help make this city a better community. Yet, the best award you could give us (and all residents of the city) is your vote - your vote to stop the issuance of new short-term-rentals permits. My neighborhood is saturated with STVR businesses causing us great anxiety watching strangers come and go frequently. We have lived in the Cove for 47 years and would like to be able to stay in our beloved community. Your vote will determine if we must choose to move to another city to get away from the scourge of STVRs. I heard a STVR owner say, "I just want to be a good neighbor." My response: "How can you be a GOOD neighbor when you never were a neighbor in the first place?" Please vote to stop issuing new permits for short-term-rentals R-1 and 2 zoned neighborhoods. Sincerely, Valerie Smith La Quinta, CA. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JEFF SMITH BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES 1 From:Jeff Smith Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 6:06 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please distribute to mayor and city council  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   April 4, 2021 Dear Mayor Evans, Council Members Radi, Fitzpatrick, Pena, and Sanchez: Conventional wisdom says that in true compromise neither side is happy. Neither side gets all it wants and needs, but agreement is reached. I am definitely not happy. But, I reluctantly accept an agreement which halts the spread of these community-destroying businesses in R-1 and R-2 zoned neighborhoods. Confining additional STVRs to Tourist Commercial, Village Commercial zoned areas, and HOAs whose CC&Rs allow them at least prevents the spread of STVRs in our residential neighborhoods. It's not complete protection. We still have to live with the problems and issues created by hundreds of licensed and unlicensed vacation rentals near our homes. But, hopefully, staff will continue to ferret out the unlicensed businesses and permanently shut them down, and serious licensed offenders will be heavily fined, suspended, and if necessary have their license permanently rescinded. That's what I hope. This compromise still requires residents and city staff to bear the burdens imposed by these highly profitable businesses. STVRs have run amok here for over a year. What started as a way for local owners to make a few extra bucks renting out their homes during the festival and concert season turned into cash cows for outside investors and LLCs. Residents, the city and local owners were simply steamrollered by outsiders. All this was exacerbated by Covid-19 and the desire for coastal Californians and others from around the country to escape to the so-called wide open spaces. Unfortunately, that meant they came here creating not only a flood of money to licensed and unlicensed residential businesses, but huge problems for residents and the city which was caught flat footed. TOT revenue soared, but so did the anger and frustration of those of us who live here and elected a mayor and city council who we thought were supposed to have our best interests at heart. The emergency moratorium stopped the spread, but frustration over the failure of the council to accept its role to protect us led to the current controversy. This compromise piece of legislation stops the spread of STVRs. Savvy investors are all ready moving on to other cities and communities where they can continue to cash in without interference from existing residents. It’s what they do. Please pass the proposed ordinance to prevent the spread of more STVRs in La Quinta’s residential neighborhoods. Sincerely, Jeff Smith CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JEFF SMITH BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES 1 From:ROGER STEENSON Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 7:46 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:STVR - Written Comments  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Roger Stevenson  La Quinta    STVR Ordinance reading 4/6/21  STVRs are 'for profit' businesses located in existing SFR areas.     As such, they should be REMOVED from these SFR areas.  Most families that move into La Quinta and invest into the  community expect "NEIGHBORHOOD" environments, not 'for profit' ventures located next door.   Again,  Please remove these 'for profit' ventures from our NEIGHBORHOODS.  1 From:Liz Stoddard Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 3:17 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Subject: Written Comments  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   1) Elizabeth Stoddard 2) 3) 4)B on Agenda Item 1 5)INTRODUCE FOR FIRST READING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.25 OF LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 3.25.055 RELATED TO NON‐ISSUANCE OF NEW SHORT‐TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMITS AND  SECTION 3.25.065 RELATED TO GROUNDS FOR DENIAL OF SHORT‐TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMITS [ORDINANCE NO.  591] Subject 6) Written Comments I am writing to implore the City Council to establish a permanent moratorium on ALL STVR applications, both new and  renewal applications. I also ask the City Council to institute a gradual phase out of all STVR permits.  If property was  purchased during the moratorium with the intent of establishing an STVR in the future, that’s the buyers  problem.  When you gamble, sometimes you lose.  Further, I think a ballot initiative is the fair thing to do for everybody...let the full-time residents/registered voters decide. WE as full time residents contribute to the City’s revenue stream and support local businesses all year long. Considering some members of the Council appear to have STVR’s in the City, it is a conflict of interest and those the do have rentals/STVR licenses should recuse themselves from the vote. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Stoddard Sent from Mail for Windows 10  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ELIZABETH STODDARD BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS, PHASING OUT OF STVRS, & PLACING STVRS ON THE BALLOT FOR A VOTE 1 From:Dick Storbo Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 1:57 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments for City Council Meeting 4/6/21  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   To: La Quinta City Council From: Dick & Janis Storbo , La Quinta RE: Written Comments for STVR Agenda Item 4/6/21 Mayor & City Council Members, We support the permanent stay on new STVR permits being proposed at the city council meeting on 4/6/21. While we accept this compromise solution, we would prefer a total ban of STVRs, including a phase-out of STVRs in R-1 and R-2 zones. We hope the “stay” on new STVRs is a stepping stone in that direction. Now we are left with enforcement issues for existing STVRs. The ordinances you have already adopted are not only unnecessarily complex and therefore difficult to enforce, but will also consume a large part of city resources to implement and maintain. The violations and appeals process allows for too much discretionary judgment from code enforcement officers and the city manager. The criteria for violations, citations, and “strikes” need to be more clearly defined. Right now it seems that STVR owners get the benefit of the doubt regarding complaints about their properties, but the reverse ought to be the norm—neighbors who lodge complaints should be given the benefit of the doubt. Appeals ought to require a process of public notification and input from neighbors within 300 feet of the STVR in question. If STVR owners are the good neighbors they claim to be, they should welcome the input from their neighbors. The city needs to be more transparent about the status of existing STVRs, including publishing a monthly report that shows information about violations and enforcement actions taken by the city. We look forward to your vote in favor of the permanent stay, as well as your continued commitment to supporting the quality of life we enjoy here in La Quinta. 1 From:Craig Thompson Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 3:09 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written comments: April, 6th meeting, permanent ban on STVR's  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   City Manager, City Council and Mayor,  As the City of La Quinta continues to look for a workable policy for STVR’s, we would all like a simple answer that treats residents and property owners with the respect they deserve. We are a City that is made up of traditional Residential Communities, Gated / Golf Communities, Resort Communities, Multifamily housing and Business Zones. Longer term La Quinta residents are faced to deal with the relatively new introduction of hotel businesses, randomly increasing within the Residential zoned communities. Whether the vacationers are well behaved or not the weekly introduction of new, unknown, short term occupants is a significant disruption to the established neighborhood.   Realtors have been selling properties in the residential communities with the promise that STVR’s are allowed and can be a significant business opportunity. The City has supported this idea by issuing licenses to these would-be business operators. STVR’s are clearly businesses intended to generate revenue for the owner/operators. The Resort Communities are the natural fit for STVR operation and accommodate them with their own rules. The Gated / Golf Communities have their own HOA rules that mange the acceptance and control of STVR’s. Business Zones could make special accommodations for STVR’s in pre-planned areas. Multifamily apartments and condominiums with close proximity, shared walls and common spaces seem to be a poor choice unless the entire building is designated as STVR’s setting the proper expectations.   The Residential Communities, especially the Cove, have residential lots that are designed with minimal space between the homes. Parking, noise, privacy and unwanted intruders are primary concerns for the residents. When one of these homes suddenly becomes a mini-hotel, occupied weekly by a new set of vacationers with a priority for fun, then the neighborhood sensitivities are not a concern. When three, four and five unexpected mini-hotels appear on a residential block, the effect on residents is disruptive and often traumatic.  STVR licenses should only be issued for the communities that are set up to manage these business activities. For the Residential Communities like the Cove, we need to stop issuing and renewing STVR licenses. If the City Council believes that there is truly community support for Residential STVR’s, then a ballot measure should be developed to let the voters determine that future.  Sincerely,  Craig Thompson   La Quinta resident, 8 years   1 From:Marie Thompson Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 8:12 AM To:Jon McMillen; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Monika Radeva; City Clerk Mail; John Pena; Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez Subject:Written comment: permanent moratorium on new residential STVRs ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear City Manager, City Council, Mayor;   Please make a permanent moratorium on new STVRs in residential neighborhoods like the Cove.   When the City first decided to issue STVRs licenses they never considered the density of said business in a residential  area. The Cove has small lots and is a very dense neighborhood.   When does a neighborhood or block loose its residential character?  At what number of business to residential homes  on one block does that happen? (Not to mention the fact the no business that impacts the neighbors is allowed).  We have three (3) permitted on our block with another one  (1) waiting for the moratorium to end plus one (1) directly  behind me waiting. How is this equitable?  Please the City needs to address the uncontrolled growth. I know there are many waiting to get their  homes permitted  for STVRs. I know they say that it’s their right to do so. No, this is a residential area not a business area. Those who are  waiting have options open to them; long term rentals or they can sell the property.   If the City isn’t willing to control this explosive growth, the the City needs to implement the 300 foot density rule  proposed by the adhoc committee and the N4N group.   Again, I ask you to put a permanent moratorium on STVRs in residential neighborhoods, create  STVR areas where  people and developers can purchase and build.  Please you are our elected officials, do not let investors and big business  ruin our Neighborhoods.   I have faith that you will do the right and moral thing for your residents.   Sincerely,  Marie Thompson   La Quinta Resident    ‐‐   Marie Thompson  1 From:Marie Thompson Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 7:38 PM To:City Clerk Mail; Jon McMillen; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Linda Evans; Robert Radi Subject:Thank you. ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Thank you for finding a way to help control the growth of new STVR in residential areas . I appreciate your  hard work  and ask going forward, please address the density.   I look forward to seeing what you come up with and the future of the city.   Sincerely,  Marie Thompson  ‐‐   Marie Thompson  1 From: Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 11:12 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS FOR 4/6/21 MEETING  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   LAURA VANO La Quinta, CA 92253 REQUEST FOR A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW LICENSING OF ABSENT OWNER STVRs IN R-1 ZONES Madam Mayor and Council Members, April 6, 2021, the time has come...what's it going to be? If you've truly been listening, it's time to make the moratorium on new permits permanent. Every letter I've written has cried out to stop the extreme proliferation of STVRs in the Cove. We are inundated! In our immediate area, out of eight houses, we have two full-time neighbors, one that is not sure what they are going to do, and one that lives out of the area and visits occasionally but does not rent out their house. And there are three STVRs. Two weeks ago we were away from home and had a situation occur where our 10 year old granddaughter was upset and ran a mile to our house. Both of our neighbors came to her rescue and helped her be safe until we got home. I can't even tell you how upsetting this was for us. And all I could think of was how thankful I was for the only two neighbors we have. This is no BS! I'm not a fan of sharing personal information, but this situation was serious and bothered me more than you know. Please read my prior letters talking about how hard it was for our daughter and her family to even find a rental in the Cove a year and a half ago. And as two working parents, it was imperative for them to be near us for all the help and security we provide. This is a residential community. What has transpired in the last few years since we moved here 18 years ago is disheartening. Where have all the neighbors gone? Who are these people who drop in for a few days and leave? Why are they more important than neighbors? The debate over the STVR situation is wearing thin. In fact, with this latest personal incident that occurred, I'm pretty much done with the debate. There is no debate as far as I'm concerned. We bought a home in a residential community. We didn't buy in a business district. Companies/people are buying homes and making lots of money from these mini motels that do not belong in our residential neighborhoods. If City Council cannot understand that the Cove residents want their neighborhoods back, then let's VOTE on it! Respectfully submitted, Laura Vano 1 From:Susan Vaughn Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 10:51 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:WRITTEN COMMENT'S  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   My name is Susan L. Vaughn   City of residence La Quinta Ca.  Phone number   PUBLIC COMMENT  SUBJECT‐SHORT TERM VACATION RENTALS  I am totally against any additional Short Term Vacation Rental Permit's. Our City is over run with Short Term Rentals as it  is. We have 4 STVR properties on our 1 block from Montezuma to Sinaloa and 2 are not permitted at this time. The City  of La Quinta cannot control the existing STVR's permitted or not. I VOTE NO FOR ANY ADDITIONAL STVR PERMITS. I  moved here from a big City to enjoy the peace and serenity of La Quinta without the noise and crime yet the obnoxious  STVR'S destroy this idea.   Please accept this email as my firm vote on this issue. Neighborhoods are for neighbors, not investor's trying to make a  buck off the discomfort of the residents.   Respectfully,  Susan L. Vaughn  1 From:Lourdes Vega Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 10:43 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Short Term Rentals  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.  Good morning. I am requesting that short term rentals permits not be granted. It is not family friendly. Thank you 1 From:Vicki Vince Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 6:20 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Fwd: WRITTEN COMMENT Attachments:STRVs.docx ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Forwarded message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  From: Vicki Vince <vmvcsr@gmail.com>  Date: Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 2:24 PM  Subject: WRITTEN COMMENT  To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov>  Please see attached for tonight's city council meeting.  Thank you!  VICKI M. VINCE   PUBLIC COMMENT IN RE:  STVRs  RESIDENT OF LA QUINTA / OLD WESTWARD HO    WRITTEN COMMENT  Dear Mayor Evans, City Council Members, and Planning Commission:  I am very much opposed to short‐term vacation rentals in the City of La Quinta.  At this stage, I would like the council to extend the moratorium on the rentals and  NOT issue new permits.  The residents have spoken.  If you look at the numbers of people who call and/or  write in, the majority are opposed to STRVs in La Quinta.  And, frankly, some of  the people who call in in opposition to STRVS aren’t even residents and their  “vote” wouldn’t even count if put on a ballot.  If the council refuses to listen to its community, and choses to continue down this  slippery slope of allowing La Quinta’s homes to be purchased and run as a  business, there will be much less opportunity for families and future generations  to purchase desirable, affordable homes in our city that are not within a stone’s  throw of a STVR.    If this is the path on which the council wants to tread, take the recommendations  of increased permit fees, increased fined, license plate information, noise  monitoring, etc., and move forward with the current permits, but KEEP THE  MORATORIUM in place and try to “manage” the permits that you currently have,  as well as get a handle on the ones running without a permit.    Ultimately, the residents of the City of La Quinta will get this issue on a ballot and  abolish STVRs in our city, just as Cathedral City recently did.    Please put your residents first and make the choice, as our city leaders, to ban  STVRs moving forward.  Sincerely,  Vicki M. Vince  1 From:Rochelle Watson Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 12:51 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Short Term Rental Stay ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** April 6, 2021 To the City Council of La Quinta, As a full time resident in La Quinta Cove, I would very much urge for continuing the Short Term Rental Stay. Some of the Short Term Renters can have a tendency to be loud-all day long- and often into the night. While I understand the desire to monetize an investment property, more needs to be done to keep the short term renters in check. Perhaps more manpower, provided by the city, and funded by taxes on the owners of the Rental properties might help. As for future short term rentals, maybe allow a few choice weeks, or weekends to be opened up for renting. For example: Paribas Tennis, Coachella and StageCoach, and Christmas and or Thanksgiving. Maybe Spring Break. Demand a full week rental during each special weekend. Finally, make all short term rent a period of 30 days—while I realize that isn’t really short term, it still can generate income for investors, and keep a better paying clientele, who are probably quieter than young party people! Just some ideas, and thank you for listening! Sincerely, Jim and Rochelle Watson La Quinta, CA 92253 1 From:Linda Williams Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 1:08 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Linda & Philip Williams La Quinta Public Comment Ordinance Related to Non-Issuance of New STVR Permits Written Comments Dear Mayor Evans, Council Members Fitzpatrick, Radi, Pena and Sanchez, We are writing in support of the ordinance that prohibits the issuance of new Short Term Vacation Rental permits. However, there is more work to be done and we must continue to evaluate the program. La Quinta residents still have the responsibility of policing these businesses and this is not the outcome we wanted. Allowing new permits will only inflame an already extremely tense situation. For the past year our community has lived under the COVID crisis. STVRs have added to the strain. Please consider the health and well being of La Quinta residents and pass the ordinance. Thank you, Linda and Philip Williams La Quinta Cove 2 d)Number of revocations by category and address, since the last report and compared with one year/month ago. e)Number of appeals and outcomes of the appeals since the last report and compared with one year/month ago. Minutes of these proceedings including those present. This amount of transparency will assure the public that the ordnance is being implemented as we hope, and that troublesome addresses will be revoked, never to disturb our community again. Thank you for your thoughtful and thorough consideration of this whole mess. Sent from Mail for Windows 10  1 From:Jim Yaple Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 4:07 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Keep the stay forever and a day ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear sirs, After having lived next door to a STVR (aka, frat house) for about 2 years. I am in full support of keeping the stay on no new permits. I would like to see this on a ballot measure in the future for the complete elimination of STVR’s Thank you for accepting my input! James Yaple Top of the Cove resident (15 years) It used to be so quiet and peaceful WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 6, 2021 IN GENERAL SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Toral Patel <toral.patel@airbnb.com> Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 5:30 PM To:Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez Cc:City Clerk Mail Subject:Comment on Business Session Item 1 - April 6, 2021 Council Meeting Attachments:Airbnb Letter to La Quinta City Council.pdf ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear Mayor and Councilmembers,   Thank you for the opportunity to provide public comment on the proposed non‐issuance of new short‐term vacation  rental permits (Business Session Item 1) on the April 6th Council meeting agenda. I've attached Airbnb's public comment  letter for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.  Best,  Toral  To help protect yMicrosoft Office pautomatic downlopicture from the Toral Patel  Policy & Communications  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY AIRBNB (TORAL PATEL) BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF RESPONSIBLE STVRS, PROVIDING COMPLIANCE RECOMMENDATIONS, AND LIFIGN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS April 2, 2021 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City Hall 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 RE: Non-Issuance of Short-Term Vacation Rental Permits Dear Mayor and Councilmembers, On behalf of Airbnb, I would like to thank you for taking input from stakeholders on the City’s short-term vacation rental program. We commend you for recognizing home sharing as a valuable part of the local economy, and for adopting fair, balanced regulations that reflect months of stakeholder input and careful deliberation. Our people-to-people platform democratizes the benefits of tourism to entire communities, including those that have not traditionally benefited from tourism. Airbnb was founded in 2008 and has since grown into a global company with 4 millions hosts around the world, including in La Quinta. Over 800 million guests have stayed in a home on the Airbnb platform, and hosts worldwide have earned over $110 billion in extra income. We have worked with hundreds of cities around the world to address concerns about perceived impacts to quality of life and housing, and are committed to working with you to continue responsible home sharing in La Quinta. We are concerned, however, by the City’s recent extension to June 1st of the moratorium on new permits in residential areas, as well as the proposal to place an indefinite stay on permits. This means that hosts currently without permits in residential areas will not be given a chance to come into compliance with the new regulations. Moreover, anyone that has submitted a permit since last August will not have their application considered and they will be blocked from participating in this otherwise legal activity. We understand the City’s concerns about bad actors and neighborhood impacts, and have a number of tools and policies to support local governments in addressing them. Below, we have detailed our concerns as well as a series of tools to help the City address its specific concerns. Maximizing Compliance The majority of La Quinta hosts are responsible neighbors that support the local community. The City’s newly adopted regulations will help address the few bad actors who negatively impact CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY AIRBNB (TORAL PATEL) BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF RESPONSIBLE STVRS, PROVIDING COMPLIANCE RECOMMENDATIONS, AND LIFIGN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS quality of life in neighborhoods. In particular, the new permitting structure, the higher fines for violations, and two-strike policy provide strong enforcement tools for the City. In other jurisdictions across the U.S., these same tools have been utilized with significant success to address chronic bad actors, while allowing the vast majority of hosts who are not causing problems to continue to bring the benefits of tourism to the community. If the CIty’s intent is to maximize compliance while reducing noise and nuisance, permitting is one of the most effective tools in the regulatory toolbox. As such, we urge the Council to give all existing operators a chance to obtain a permit when registration opens. We understand that Council plans to continue to consider density limits - conversations that can take months to resolve, based on our experience across the country. Moreover, we recently launched the City Portal, a first-of-its-kind solution built exclusively for governments that includes tools and locally-specific data that provide insights into short-term vacation rental market characteristics and tools to help governments develop and manage fair, balanced policies and regulations. We are currently working with City of La Quinta staff to build a dedicated portal to support its enforcement efforts, as well as ensure Airbnb’s compliance with the hosting platform responsibilities (Section 3.35.080). Addressing Noise & Nuisance Concerns We appreciate that the City wants to protect neighborhood integrity, and stand ready to support your enforcement efforts toward this goal. We would like to highlight a few ways in which we can work together. We have long standing policies, protocols, and procedures addressing safety and the potential misuse of listings on Airbnb. In 2019, we built upon existing policies we already had in place to address the more serious trust and safety issues that result in immediate removal from the platform. We are also enhancing our system to better monitor for guests who disturb the community through situations involving excessive noise, major cleanliness concerns, unauthorized guests, unauthorized parking, or unauthorized smoking as well as hosts who allow such situations to continue once it's been brought to their attention. We will educate and take appropriate action against guests and hosts when we identify violations of our Community Standards. To demonstrate our commitment to helping your community address problematic short-term vacation rentals in your community, we want to share our Airbnb Neighbors Tool (airbnb.com/neighbors) and 24/7 phone hotline (855-635-7754). It empowers your constituents, regardless of whether they have an Airbnb account, to report concerns regarding noise, parties and other nuisances directly to Airbnb, allowing us to take appropriate action to address the issue. If the concerned neighbor provides the listing’s web address, an Airbnb team member will follow up personally with the neighbor. Constituents can also make inquiries or provide feedback anonymously. We encourage you to share this tool with your constituents, local neighborhood groups, HOAs and anyone else who you believe will benefit from the tool. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY AIRBNB (TORAL PATEL) BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF RESPONSIBLE STVRS, PROVIDING COMPLIANCE RECOMMENDATIONS, AND LIFIGN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS In addition, we have a full-time team committed to engaging with our law enforcement partners to assist with investigations of criminal activity and ensure the safety of our community. Law enforcement officials can submit both standard and emergency requests via our dedicated Law Enforcement Portal. Addressing Party House Concerns To build on our efforts to crack down on “party houses”—and in the context of the ongoing public health crisis—in August 2020, we announced a global ban on all parties and events at Airbnb listings, in accordance with our policies and in the interest of public health, until further notice. This was accompanied by a new occupancy cap of 16 people in a listing. This ban has been well received by our global host community, the majority of whom already prohibited parties in their listings’ House Rules. We also took measures within our platform to promote responsible behavior such as removing the “event-friendly” search filter and removing any “parties and events allowed” House Rules in listings. Related, we have developed and implemented new technologies to help identify suspicious reservations and help stop unauthorized listing activities before they start. For example, we look at the duration of the stay and listing attributes such as the size of the listing, amongst hundreds of other factors. This technology launched in North America in December 2019, and thanks to these systems, we have identified and proactively cancelled nearly 9,000 high-risk reservations. To complement this risk detection system, earlier this year we shared out additional safety defenses aimed at protecting our hosts, including an initiative that restricts certain bookings in the US and Canada for guests under the age of 25 of entire home listings in their local area. * * * We urge the Council to fully implement the regulations adopted on March 16, 2021, allowing all existing operators an opportunity to apply for a permit. We would like to reiterate our willingness to collaborate with the City in fully implementing its regulations and supporting enforcement against bad actors. Our comments here are offered in that spirit. Sincerely, Toral Patel Policy Manager CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY AIRBNB (TORAL PATEL) BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF RESPONSIBLE STVRS, PROVIDING COMPLIANCE RECOMMENDATIONS, AND LIFIGN THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS 1 From:Lisa Aleman Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 1:33 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Support my right to host  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Lisa. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. We started using Airbnb  platform after obtaining a permit from the City of La Quinta to rent our home while we were traveling. Our grown  children manage our home while we travel. We hire local specialist to maintain our yard, pool and inside home every  week. We encourage our guests to patron locally our restaurants, theaters, and events. Our home is helps us fund our  travels. We live in our home 6 months or more and allow guests the other months. It has been a positive experience that  we hope to continue.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Lisa Aleman  From: CAROL ALPI   Date: April 5, 2021 at 9:39:30 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: April 6th Council Meeting  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement  and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **      Honorable Mayor and Council Members. I am respectfully requesting that the moratorium on short‐ term vacation rental licenses be REMOVED. Short‐term vacation rentals in our community play a vital  role in the health and vitality of the local economy as well as local businesses, and I ask that you vote in  favor of short‐term rentals. I would further ask that my letter be read aloud and entered into the record  for the April 6, 2021 meeting so that my voice in opposition of this measure can be heard. Thank you for  your time and consideration.      Sent from my iPhone    1 From:Cynthia Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 2:27 PM To:Michelle Lopez Cc:Robert Radi; City Clerk Mail Subject:STR Homeshare  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   April 5, 2021 City of La Quinta Design and Development Department Short Term Rental License Attn: Michelle Lopez 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 (760)777-7000 Re: Home share/ STR LIC- 763426/ACCT La quinta, CA 92253 Dear Michelle et all, Thank you for taking my call last Friday and listening to my plea to re-instate my STR license. Although my husband and I understand that the STR License moratorium have been extended until June, we would like to ask the City for leniency in our case to reinstate our “Home share” STR License. We fully understand the reasons for the moratorium due to irresponsible owners and lack of control over noise and pool parties, etc at other rental, however please consider the following why we are asking: a.We are a “home share” which we are ON PROPERTY as we live here and have been in good standing with the City since the inception of the STR License . We have had NO issue by limiting the number of occupants, no visitors not booked, no noise outdoors, etc and strict house rules. Living on property also causes us to be very selective as to who can stay in our casita because safety and peace is the utmost concern for us and for all. We have successfully achieved this since with AIRBNB since 2016. b. Sadly, We have missed the opportunity to reinstate our license during the initial surge in the Spring/Summer of 2020 Pandemic because we were unsure of how to safely share our home (specifically our Casita). Since then we have been able educate ourselves for safety protocols sharing our pool and outdoor amenities, and air scrubbing/UV protection in our AC systems. c. We would also like to assure the City here in Desert Club Estates, we are at the end of a cul-de-sac and abut Washington street which is far removed from most full time homeowners.(btw the noise from the traffic is much louder than any amplified music or speech)! d.We believe STR have been our means for capital to improve our property. e. We believe that STR generate more income per month and therefore provide more income for the owners, thus making the property more of an asset rather than a liability, therefore increasing the value of said properties and yielding increase of transient taxes. f. Long term Rentals on the other hand can be just as disruptive as far as noise and partying of renters, and are often rife with property damage from absentee owners. this we believe decrease the value of the properties. g. Seasonally Vacant homes are often target for crime/robberies and property damage. h. We have lived in Desert Club estates at our home here for almost 20 years and have finally seen our neighborhood thrive and improve exponentially in the last 5 years, We have noticed similar STR neighbors achieve the same! Before that, we had seen our neighbor’s house vacant for years and rented out a number of times, with various persons. Each time, putting stress on the condition of the property, robbed, and become dilapidated. The above reasons are our specific observations and may have already been discussed as far as the benefits of STR vs Long term vs seasonally Vacant homes. Nonetheless, we are voicing our plea against the opposition of recent, in case others like us are NOT voicing their support for Home share STR’s. We at least ask: if the moratorium is not lifted by June 1, 2021 to please place home shares like ours, that have been in good standing, to be on a wait list so that we fill the gap for those who have lost their license due to repeat offenses! Additionally, we would be interested in the pilot program for the noise reduction tool if it helps. 2 We have reason to believe we can contribute to helping our community with STR done successfully, and are open to providing ideas. We love living here in Desert Club Estates and wish it continue to increase in value and beauty. Respectfully, Cynthia (and Anthony) Appolito La Quinta, CA 92253 CC: Monika Radeva cityclerkmail@laquintaca.gov Robert Radi Rradi@laquintaca.gov From   Date: March 29, 2021 at 5:30:21 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>, John  Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez  <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: PGA West ‐ Please Allow STVR Permits on April 6th, 2021      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Dear Mayor Evans & City Council Members     The purpose of this letter is to ask you to consider excluding PGA West from the moratorium on new  STVR permits.  Aside from being a source of revenue for the city vie the Transient Occupancy Tax  allowing STVR also preserves the property values in PGA West.  As a homeowner and tax payer in La  Quinta I would like the choice of whether to rent my home or not and thus maintaining the value of my  property.       Key points for your consideration:      1. The homeowners of PGA West Res II have recently voted against a proposal to limit short  rentals in the community.  We believe that not giving homeowners that choice will reduce  property values.   2. There is no evidence whatsoever that if/when the STVR permit moratorium is lifted that there  would be an overwhelming percentage of homeowners who would apply for the permit.  Some  may, others may not, but please give the option to those who may be interested.      3. Some, NOT ALL, owners do a poor job of enforcing community rules for their renters.  Let the  community, not the city government, manage those owners and implore them to abide by the  HOA rules. This is not a city government issue – it’s an HOA issue.      Please, help us preserve our homes’ values in PGA WEST and exclude us from the permanent  moratorium!       Thank you for your consideration,  Julie Arpe          1 From:Joey Arsanto Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 3:23 PM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva; Jolie Leydekkers Subject:STVR Vote ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  I requested this be logged in and presented for the April 6th meeting regarding short‐term rentals.   I've emailed and spoken before in front of council. I want to reiterate my position on the short‐term rentals that I am  extreme favor of.   I ask that the city at least give home owners and investor's an opportunity to test out ad hoc community suggestions  before banning the program altogether.   The revenue and benefits to the city are too great to get rid of all together.   Joseph Arsanto  1 From:Garrett Atkins Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 9:45 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:La Quinta STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans and Members of the City Council, I would like to mention something I don’t see mentioned much with my fellow PGA west residents. Before I owned a home at PGA west I would come and stay for a short period of time with my family to enjoy the golf and sunshine. I liked it so much I decided to buy a home. The only way to make it make sense financially was to be able to rent it out to help cover the hoa and other expenses. And my main point is without short term rentals you are affectively making it impossible for younger families to visit because they cannot take a month of work and school for their kids to rent a place in la Quinta. The only people able to rent would be other retired people or rich people. Help keep the community accessible to everybody. Thanks. Garrett Atkins Sent from my iPhone  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT GARRETT ATKINS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS From: John Barletta   Date: April 3, 2021 at 8:47:32 AM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: April 6th Council Meeting  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement  and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **      Honorable Mayor and Council Members.  I am respectfully requesting that the moratorium on short‐ term vacation rental licenses be REMOVED.  Short‐term vacation rentals in our community play a vital  role in the health and vitality of the local economy as well as local businesses, and I ask that you vote in  favor of short‐term rentals. This decision will hurt all homeowners and lower property values for  everyone.      Renters in affluent areas increase exposure to the area, help local businesses, and bring money to the  county and city which should help defray future tax hikes.  Please do not cut your nose off to spite your  face.      I would further ask that my letter be read aloud and entered into the record for the April 6, 2021  meeting so that my voice in opposition of this measure can be heard. Thank you for your time and  consideration.    Sincerely    John P. Barletta, M.D.    Owner since 2014 at PGA West           1 From:Ryan Barton Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 10:51 AM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Re: Short Term Rentals in La Quinta  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   To whom it may concern, I apologize my first draft of this email was sent before I was finished typing it. I wanted to send an email to you in support of the moratorium to be lifted and to allow new short term rental permits. My wife and two children moved to La Quinta Cove this year and have loved loving here thus far. Our home in La Quinta is our primary home, we both work here and live here full-time... and we are in-favor because of the below reasons.. 1) We travel and stay exclusively at short-term rentals when we travel. It is what brought us to Coachella Valley in the first place. If we had not stayed in a short-term rental upon visiting we may not have bought a home here. Actually, we probably wouldn't have. 2)Short-term vacation rentals let families (like mine) enjoy a home vs hotel and may turn into them investing in the city (just as it did with us). 3) Property values go up and the pride of ownership (i.e. fixing up the homes making them nice). We spent over $40,000 renovating our home and this is before we put in a pool. We did this for us but when our family travels over the summer we have taken pleasure in thinking that we have the ability to one-day share our home with other families who due to our renovations and love of our home and La Quinta could possibly fall in love with it themselves. 4) Quality of Life: My wife and I met some new friends at the F. Burns park in La Quinta Cove who were staying at a short-term rental property (for 3 months) this winter. Our kids get along, and all four of the parents have become friends. They are now life-long friends and we cannot wait to go visit them in Maryland when the world opens back up again. 5) Economics - My wife and I own a small business (in Las Vegas, NV) and I wish the Centennial Hills area of Las Vegas would personally allow short-term rentals so that we could provide our service and help grow our business there. La Quinta has the ability to share it's beauty with the world via short term rentals. 6) Tourism - Short-Term rentals bring in new people to our city every day! I love that about where we live. It makes them jealous of our community and town... AS THEY SHOULD BE!! 7) Jobs - it provides for local residents (ie. managers, cleaners, gardeners, pool men/woman, contractors/service) 8)Revenue for local shops and restaurants 9) Revenue for the city (ie. tot tax)... which leads to a better community for my family. 10) And at the end of the day, whomever owns the home should be able to use it how they wish. Whether I agree or disagree it's not my progitive to tell someone how to live their life, invest their money or rent (or not rent) their home.   I could certainly write much-much more but I want to make sure you actually read all of this! Bravo if you made it this far. =) Please call or email with any questions.  Best,  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RYAN BARTON BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & LIFTING THE MORATORIUM TO ALLOW NEW STVRS 2 Ryan Barton    On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 10:37 AM Ryan Barton wrote:  To whom it may concern, I wanted to send an email to you in support of the moratorium to be lifted and to allow new short term rental permits. My wife and two children moved to La Quinta Cove this year and have loved loving here thus far. Our home in La Quinta is our primary home but we are still in-favor because of the below reasons..  1) We travel and stay exclusively at short-term rentals when we travel. It is what brought us to Coachella Valley in the first place. If we had not stayed in a short-term rental upon visiting we may not have bought a home here.  2)Short‐term vacation rentals let families (like mine) enjoy a home vs hotel and may turn into them investing in the city (just as it did with us).  3) Property values go up and the pride of ownership (i.e. fixing up the homes making them nice). We spent over $40,000 renovating our home and this is before we put in a pool. We did this for us but when our family travels over  the summer we have taken pleasure in thinking that we have the ability to one‐day share our home with other families  who due to our renovations and love of our home and La Quinta could possibly fall in love with it themselves.   4)   Quality of Life: My wife and I met some new friends at the F. Burns park in La Quinta Cove who were staying at a short‐term rental property (for 3 months) this winter. Our kids get along, and all four of the parents have become  friends. They are now life‐long friends and we cannot wait to go visit them in Maryland when the world opens back up  again.  5)   Economics ‐ My wife and I own a small business (in Las Vegas, NV) and I wish the Centennial Hills area where it is would allow short‐term rentals so that we could provide our service and help grow our business.        ‐Jobs it provides for local residents (ie. managers, cleaners, gardeners, pool men/woman, contractors/service)  ‐Revenue for local shops and restaurants   ‐Revenue for the city (ie. tot tax)  ‐Property values go up pride of ownership (ie fixing up the homes making them nice)   ‐Allows families to enjoy a home vs hotel and may turn into them investing in the city   CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RYAN BARTON BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & LIFTING THE MORATORIUM TO ALLOW NEW STVRS 1 From:Amy Baxa Sent:Saturday, April 3, 2021 4:55 PM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:STVR Letter - For Meeting 4/6 Attachments:Letter to City of La Quinta.pdf  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear La Quinta Mayor + City Councilmembers:  Please enter the attached letter into the record for the April 6th meeting.   With thanks, Amy Baxa Best Beverage Catering , a division of F&B Associates, Inc. P: 760.863.0100 l F: 760.863.1077 l C. 760.285.4998 Learn more about our company and services at... www.bestbeverage.com  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY AMY BAXA, GENERAL MANAGER WITH BEST BEVERAGE CATERING BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & POSITIVE ECONOMIC EFFECTS THEY BRING TO THE COMMUNITY March 26, 2021 Amy Baxa Mayer Linda Evans, City Manager + Clerk, La Quinta City Councilmembers 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mayor Evans, City Manager, Clerk, and Council members: I am writing you today in regard to the current short term rental (STR) moratorium and the future of STRs in the city of La Quinta. I am a stakeholder in the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, namely, the General Manager of Best Beverage Catering, the beverage catering company who manages and operates the food and bar sales for the music festival. As you can imagine, providing food and beverage to more than 100,000 festival attendees a day is no small feat, and it requires massive manpower, support, and planning on our end. Each weekend in April, my company hires more than 600 bartenders, 30 bar managers, and several more key managers to operate and run the food and beverage areas of the event. To provide a team of certified and trained bartenders and management of that size, we bring many in from our offices in LA, San Diego, and San Francisco. In turn, we have a staff that assists with lodging these temporary employees (mostly in La Quinta), and every year it is a challenge, as most hotels and airbnbs sell out quickly. If the City of La Quinta moves to put an end to STRs, I fear our greatest challenge of housing a staff of this magnitude, will only become greater, resulting in the reduction of service staff, thus creating a rippling effect that will be felt throughout the event (e.g. poor service, longer lines, more expensive product that will be passed along to the consumer). Moreover, if housing 600+ bar staff between current STRs and hotels is a challenge, imagine housing 100,000+ people without the support of STRs. Tent camping can only accommodate so many people at the festival grounds, and the vast majority need lodging off the property. In addition to our staff and the festival attendees, there are the hundreds of artists and performers who need STRs. Simply put, STRs provide the lodging that the hotels cannot provide alone, and they are imperative to the success of this large operation. I am sure the city of La Quinta feels the positive economic impact the festivals create every April, and I hope that when making your determination regarding the future of STRs in the beautiful city of La Quinta, you will keep in mind all of the companies who rely on STRs in order to succeed. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY AMY BAXA, GENERAL MANAGER WITH BEST BEVERAGE CATERING BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & POSITIVE ECONOMIC EFFECTS THEY BRING TO THE COMMUNITY With hope and gratitude, Amy Baxa General Manager Best Beverage Catering CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY AMY BAXA, GENERAL MANAGER WITH BEST BEVERAGE CATERING BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & POSITIVE ECONOMIC EFFECTS THEY BRING TO THE COMMUNITY 1 From:Matthew Bayley Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:08 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Matthew. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. My partner and I  purchased our first home in La Quinta, and love the community so much, we want to share this beautiful community  and the home we’ve built with vacationers. We both work in hospitality and would be devastated if we can’t use our  home as a platform to create experiences for others while earning an income that helps us pay our mortgage. Please let  us and others like us pay our taxes and rent legally   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Matthew Bayley  1 From:Donna Behrens Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 7:46 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:IN SUPPORT OF STVRs!!!  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   I don't have an STVR but I support them. I rent STVRs when I travel. I like the diversity here in La Quinta Cove. I believe  that STVR owners do a better job of keeping up their rental homes than long‐term rental landlords do. And the  troublemakers are the exception, not the rule! We need to allow STVRs and punish the violators!    Thank you!  Donna Behrens  Cove resident  CITY COUNCIL MEETIN G- APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESDENT DONNA BEHRENS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Donna Behrens Sent:Saturday, March 20, 2021 1:23 PM To:Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Linda Evans; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:In Support of STVRs!  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Kathleen and your colleagues,   With all due respect, your argument against STVRs is seriously flawed! For one, the vast number of people making the  noise against them are the people who don't like them. But that doesn't mean they represent the majority of the  population. The people who don't mind the STVRs aren't paying attention because it's all "okay" with them!!! When you  say 75% of the comments you've gotten are against STVRs, do you really think that represents the entire population?  C'mon! NOOOO!  The only way to know what the majority would like, is to put this to a vote of the entire population ‐‐ not just the  disgruntled ones! It would be a huge miscarriage of your authority to initiate a permanent BAN on STVRs based on the  responses you've gotten from the nay‐sayers in La Quinta. Maybe the people who don't like STVRs should move to a  gated community that doesn't allow them and leave the Cove, and the freedom that I embraced when I bought my  home here, ALONE!  Another fatal flaw in your argument is that Cathedral City and other cities that have banned STVRs have invented the  wheel! Where on earth did you get that? Because they banned them does not prove your argument that that is the  correct course of action for La Quinta!  Also, Coachella Valley is a tourist destination! Anyone that has moved here since the time of Marilyn Monroe would  have known that before they came. I moved here as a permanent resident in 2017 with the thought that I might want to  rent a room once in a while, or maybe even my whole house for a few weekends of the year, for income! And there are  a lot of people who have planned to do this to help with their retirement!  I also love the fact that I live in a tourist destination!!! STVRs are a great way to diversity the neighborhood with happy  visitors and properties that are better maintained than long‐term rentals. If La Quinta bans STVRs, then it should ban the  long‐term rentals as well, along with large families, families that have dogs that bark incessantly, families with too many  clunkers leaking oil in the street, families that like to leave old furniture in their front yard, families that have a yard full  of weeds and dead palm trees, etc.! STVRs are well kept!!!  There are people who don't like change, and that's really a shame if they have the upper hand in our local government  because, guess what ‐‐ the world is changing and we need to change with it! I'm almost 70 but I feel like I keep up with  the times. I recommend that you do the same!  As I wrote in a previous email to be entered into the record for the April 6th meeting:  I do not own an STVR but I like the concept, I use short-term rentals myself, and I believe most of the STVR’s are well-managed and a good addition to our community. I feel like density restrictions would be appropriate, and repeat violators should lose their license, but an outright ban is totally unacceptable -- for many reasons, including the property rights of the owners, the revenue that STVRs bring to the city, the diversity STVRs bring CITY COUNCIL MEETIN G- APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESDENT DONNA BEHRENS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 2 to the neighborhood, and the kind of lodging that the modern day world craves today!!! STVRs allow visitors to vacation like they live here. That’s the way I like to travel. Hotels have their place but it’s a whole different experience. As for the problems, enforcement is the key, as I mentioned above! Not an outright ban! Just because Cathedral City and Rancho Mirage have banned them doesn’t make that the correct choice of action! Future STVR’s need to be allowed according to density limits. Current STVR owners need to be held accountable for repeat violations! I'd also like to say that there are plenty of long-term rentals that may present more of a problem/eye sore than the short-term rentals, but of course we don't ban them. Short-term rental properties are typically well-kept and the guests are typically well-behaved. Thank you for your consideration of this very important issue.  Donna Behrens Resident of La Quinta Cove CITY COUNCIL MEETIN G- APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESDENT DONNA BEHRENS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Donna Behrens Sent:Saturday, March 20, 2021 9:41 AM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Do NOT Ban STVRs in La Quinta!  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Please enter this into the record for the April 6th, 2021 meeting and have it read during the meeting.   I’M WRITING IN SUPPORT OF SHORT-TERM RENTALS IN LA QUINTA COVE AND ELSEWHERE IN LA QUINTA!   I do not own an STVR but I like the concept, I use short-term rentals myself, and I believe most of the STVR’s are well-managed and a good addition to our community. I feel like density restrictions would be appropriate, and repeat violators should lose their license, but an outright ban is totally unacceptable -- for many reasons, including the property rights of the owners, the revenue that STVRs bring to the city, the diversity STVRs bring to the neighborhood, and the kind of lodging that the modern day world craves today!!! STVRs allow visitors to vacation like they live here. That’s the way I like to travel. Hotels have their place but it’s a whole different experience. As for the problems, enforcement is the key, as I mentioned above! Not an outright ban! Just because Cathedral City and Rancho Mirage have banned them doesn’t make that the correct choice of action! Future STVR’s need to be allowed according to density limits. Current STVR owners need to be held accountable for repeat violations! I'd also like to say that there are plenty of long-term rentals that may present more of a problem/eye sore than the short-term rentals, but of course we don't ban them. Short-term rental properties are typically well-kept and the guests are typically well-behaved. Thank you for your consideration of this very important issue.  Donna Behrens  Resident of La Quinta Cove  CITY COUNCIL MEETIN G- APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESDENT DONNA BEHRENS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Audrey Savin < Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 10:38 AM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:For City Council Meeting Today - video in Support of STVR ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Download Attachment Available until May 6, 2021 Hi Madam Mayor, City Council Members and City Staff,   Please play the attached short video today, 4/6/21 at the City Council Meeting in favor of continuing to allow STVR in R‐1  non‐HOA homes.  My husband and I are owners. We live in Palm Desert, manage it ourselves and have had no  neighborhood problems.   Thanks,  Audrey   Audrey Bell, Owner  Vacation on Victorira,LLC  760‐351‐6650  Vacationonvictoria@gmail.com  Click to Download IMG_1913.MOV 0 bytes Sent from my iPhone  1 From:Tim Bendokas < Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 10:02 AM To:Linda Evans Cc:Monika Radeva Subject:Regarding the Short-Term Vacation Rental Issue Attachments:Letter sent to Mayor Evans 04-06-21.pdf Importance:High ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Good Morning Madam Mayor,   Please read the attached letter from my wife and me regarding STVR's. We are homeowners in PGA West.  Thank you very much,   Tim Bendokas      La Quinta, CA 92253      April 6, 2021 Dear Mayor Evans: I write you again today to voice my strong support of Short-Term Vacation Rentals in La Quinta, specifically in PGA West (where my wife and I own a home). We are 17-year PGA West homeowners but are not full-time residents. We aren't "investors" as such or an “LLC.” Our home will be our retirement home when that time comes. In the meantime, we're able to cover some of our expenses by operating an STVR. We’re all painfully aware of the small number of irresponsible, disrespectful, thoughtless, and down- right despicable people (the out-of-control short-term renters) who have inflicted tremendous mis- ery on some of the full-time residents here in PGA West this past year. Our full-time neighbors have had to put up with far too many terrible issues, whether it was exces- sive noise, wild parties, or just people who lack common decency and respect for others. On the other hand, we carefully vet, screen, do background checks, and search the internet for every potential renter of ours. We DEMAND renters conduct themselves in the respectful manner our full- time neighbors seek. We always have. As a result, we turn many people who give us the sense they won’t ‘fit’ our community. Our efforts have paid off as we have not had one problem renter, not once, not ever. We will keep it that way, or we will stop STVR-ing. The City and the various HOA boards should create rules and restrictions that severely penalize the owner of these properties. These penalties should also apply to the out-of-control renter. Penalizing the renter is critical – for example, when one rents a car from Hertz and then gets a speeding ticket or damages the vehicle, who pays? Certainly not Hertz. Yet as we understand it, because of these reckless renters, property owners like my wife and me are about to be punished. When we purchased our condominium in PGA West in April of 2004, there were no restrictions. We had the unfettered ability to rent our home out as an STVR. When we bought, we had the full expectation if we wanted or needed to sell, we would have the right to sell our home to a buyer who also could STR if they desired. This was and is property right, one we’ll held for 17 years that’s about to be taken away. The denial of our property right will be confiscated without just compensation. Having this “right” taken away from us will significantly diminish the value of our property. It is simply unfair to remove, limit, or restrict our rights (via regulation) to use or sell our private property with the rights in place at the time of purchase. I’d like to respectfully offer some compromise suggestions as you make your decisions on the fate of STVR’S.  “Grandfathering” of existing property owners like us (for STVR permits) Please consider extending the grandfathering to our properties, not just us personally.  A current owner like us could sell our property to a buyer who would continue to be al- lowed to short-term rent; however, this would be a one-time event for the new buyer.  At the time of closing, this new buyer would have one opportunity to elect to short-term rent and obtain a permit.  If they did not make this election at closing, this privilege would be permanently unavaila- ble, never again to be an option.  When this new buyer chooses to sell their property, the permit ends with them and would not be available to subsequent buyers. They would not have this same property right ex- pectation other current owners, and we do.  People who purchased a property before or during the moratorium (beginning October 7, 2020).  These folks fully expected the moratorium to be lifted and anticipated being able to STR once the moratorium was lifted.  In many cases, these people no doubt based their buying decision on the ability to STR.  In my opinion, this too is the confiscation of a property right without just compensation.  Please consider extending the grandfathering provision described above to this group of property owners.  People who purchased a property since March 1, 2021, and going forward:  Institute a permanent moratorium ban with no ability whatsoever to obtain an STVR per- mit. A system such as this protects our rights and will still phase out STVR's eventually, just one more "generation" down the line. People like my wife and I are full tax-paying property owners of La Quinta, Riverside County, and the State of California. We have rights too. The only difference between full-time residents and us is, we can’t vote in City, county, and state elections because our primary residence is not here. We pay the same property taxes and the same HOA dues (PGA West in our case) as full-time resi- dents, yet we seem not to have the same rights as full-time property owners. Whatever your decisions are, we and the coalition want to work together with full-time residents to solve these problems. We honestly want to protect their rights; we only ask the full-timers to recog- nize and acknowledge we have rights. People like my wife and I do not need a list of rules or regulations to treat our full-time neighbors with respect, care, and concern. That’s how we were raised and how we have, and will always, con- duct our lives. Most of the STVR owners we know possess these attributes as well. All we’re seeking is fairness, balance, and a consideration of our rights. Thank you for reading and considering our request, for your hard work, and your service to our community. Sincerely, 54-613 Tanglewood 54-613 Tanglewood La Quinta, CA 92253 La Quinta, CA 92253 1 From:Chris Bennett Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 2:08 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail Subject:short term rental decision ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Councilmembers, I am writing in regards to your decision on short term rentals. My wife and I have been vacationed in La Quinta for the past 20 years, enjoying the resort and many rental homes throughout the years, and falling in love with the community. We have always dreamed of having our own place and eventually retiring here when our kids are grown. We finally purchased a home last year with the plan of living here part time and renting it out to cover the expense when not in town. The decision to not allow any new rentals means we will need to sell our home and delay our dream of coming to La Quinta. Drawing a line excluding any future new permits creates an unfair situation where properties have more rights simply because they were faster to get a permit. We understand the need to regulate this use to make sure they are friendly to the neighborhoods, but disallowing responsible homeowners that weren’t fast enough to get in the door, isn’t equitable. Please reconsider the ban on permits and let everyone operate under the same rules here. Thank you, Chris Bennett 1 Monika Radeva From: Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 10:57 PM To:City Clerk Mail; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Robert Radi; Linda Evans; Kevin Meredith; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva; Subject:PGA west ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** We purchased our home in pga west only because we knew at some point we wanted to be able to rent it. It would be totally unfair to stop rentals or extend rental stays to those of us that purchased our homes in pga west to be able to rent them short term. Please keep PGA west the way it has always been with short term rentals. Thank you DeBora Bernick la quinta, ca 92253 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DEBORA BERNICK BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF A MORATORIUM IN PGA WEST From: Carolina   Date: April 5, 2021 at 11:03:09 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: STR permit moratorium  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and  caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **    Dear La Quinta Mayor and City Council:    You have been considering a moratorium on permits to short term vacation home rentals. I am one of  those "investors" who would be greatly impacted by these restrictions. I am a middle‐class full‐time  worker, who saw the great opportunity when the housing market crashed last decade, to buy a piece of  paradise in your area.    My family and I have vacationed in the La Quinta area for many decades, either in hotels or home  vacation rentals. Because of this familiarity, we didn't hesitate to make a home purchase, even though all  throughout, neighborhoods were blighted with foreclosures, short sales, and other distressed sales. There  were abandoned properties on every block.  As a matter of fact, it is due to your being a vacation destination that you were able to come out of the  housing slump far sooner than the rest of Riverside County! Investors such as myself scraped our savings  together, may have taken a loan against our IRA, or gone in with other family members, or otherwise, in  order to invest in your then‐depressed area.    For many of us, the only way to pay for a second home is by way of short‐term rentals. Any gripping  restrictions to this may force mass home dumping by many boutique investor homeowners such as  myself. Many of us utilize this second home as a vacation home, and/or potential retirement home. We  know our neighbors, cooperate fully with them, and heed any concerns. We contribute to area businesses  by hiring property management, landscaping, repair, and other service companies. Not to mention the  fact that tourists that rent short term are here to patronize restaurants, sights, shopping, and other  businesses.    We are not absentee landlords. Many of us live in Southern California and frequent your area and  businesses when we upgrade our own business‐‐our rental home. As a business it needs much more  upkeep than a private home. Anything from patio furniture to kitchen appliances to plumbing and HVAC  services, there is a constant maintenance and replacement schedule, which translates into local economy  investment.    We've also referred family and friends who have in turn invested and/or purchased a home in your area.  We are compliant with local, municipal code and all applicable laws, and regulations, as well as pay the  myriad taxes and fees to operate. We are not —as people like to assume— deep pocket, out‐of‐state  hedge fund investors making millions by renting out our properties. We care about our community and  bend over backward to make an attempt to keep our neighbors happy.    We remain committed to continue to be involved in the area economy, especially now as we crawl out of  a world pandemic when many of us have been shuttered. Please remember to think of us short term  rental owners as economic partners and an asset to the city. Just like any other business. Thank you.    Carolina Beuermann  1 From:Angela Biller Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 1:53 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Angela. I have been an Airbnb host, and have shared my home and welcomed guests to La Quinta. I would  like the opportunity to host because I am very selective with my guests and ensure they are responsible and compliant  with my stringent house rules. I attract high quality visitors who get to explore the beauty of La Quinta and support local  businesses.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Angela Biller  1 From:Deanne and Joe Sent:Saturday, March 27, 2021 4:28 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Fwd: April 6th Council meeting, please read  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   I was told by John Pena to email this to you as well. Thank you, Deanne Bilsborough , La Quinta ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐   From: Deanne and Joe    To: "levans@laquintaca.gov" <levans@laquintaca.gov>, "ssanchez@laquintaca.gov"  <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, "jpena@laquintaca.gov" <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, "rradi@laquintaca.gov"  <rradi@laquintaca.gov>, "kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov" <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>   Date: 03/27/2021 4:16 PM   Subject: April 6th Council meeting, please read   Please enter this email into the record for the April 6, 2021 City Council Meeting. I hope that the moratorium is lifted for gated communities that already allowed STVRs. We just recently bought into PGA West a few years before we decided to fully retire and hope to spend time there as well as rent it out periodically until we retire. When we closed on our home purchase in October, we knew there was a moratorium but with the understanding that the moratorium would end at some point. Please protect homeowners that bought into a community that allowed STVR ‘s and allow us to soon get a permit. It seems as though with COVID closures loosening, our communities should not see the big party crowds coming in as we saw early in the pandemic. Thank you for your consideration and for listening, Deanne Bilsborough CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY JOE & DEANNE BILSBOROUGH BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO LIFT THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS IN HOAs 1 From:Molly Blanchard Sent:Tuesday, March 30, 2021 5:21 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Support my right to host  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Molly. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I started hosting to start  a business for my family that would help secure our future for our retirement and for our kids college. Buying a second  home was an investment for a better quality of life for me and my family. I also started hosting because I wanted people  to experience the uniqueness and beauty of La Quinta. It is such a special place and I know that families and friends  would enjoy all that it and the local businesses have to offer.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Molly Blanchard  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MOLLY BLANCHARD BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Carol Bloch Sent:Tuesday, March 30, 2021 8:58 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Support my right to host  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Carol. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I started hosting so  others could enjoy the house and community as much as I do. To maintain the home for rentals, I employ a gardener,  pool service, cleaning service, pest control service and my guests frequent the local restaurants, grocery stores, and.  many local attractions. In addition, I have a 3 bedroom, but only market the home as a 2 bedroom as to not attract large  groups. Most times, only one quiet couple will stay.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Carol Bloch  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY CAROL BLOCH BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From: Sent:Friday, March 19, 2021 10:04 AM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   We are in favor because...    ‐Jobs it provides for local residents (ie. managers, cleaners, gardeners, pool men/woman, contractors/service)  ‐Revenue for local shops and restaurants   ‐Revenue for the city (ie. tot tax)  ‐Property values go up pride of ownership (ie fixing up the homes making them nice)   ‐Allows families to enjoy a home vs hotel and may turn into them investing in the city   Warmly,  Kim Bloch    DRE# 01509857  www.RicAndKim.com  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT KIM BLOCH BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Ric Bloch Sent:Friday, March 19, 2021 10:57 AM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:In Favor of Lifting the STVR Moratorium  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Madam Mayor and Respected Council Members,  We are in favor of lifting the STVR moratorium and allowing  new vacation rental permits.  We are in favor because...   ‐Jobs it provides for local residents (ie. managers, cleaners, gardeners, pool men/woman, contractors/service)  ‐Revenue for local shops and restaurants   ‐Revenue for the city (ie. tot tax)  ‐Property values go up pride of ownership (ie fixing up the homes making them nice)   ‐Allows families to enjoy a home vs hotel and may turn into them investing in the city   Kindly.  Ric Bloch  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT RIC BLOCH BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF LIFTING THE MORATIORIUM ON NEW STVRS 1 From:Hale Boggs Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:08 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Hale. I’m not a host presently but have been an Airbnb user in other markets (and in La Quinta before  purchasing my home) for many years. It’s a great service and I could definitely see becoming a host for my La Quinta  property in the future. In fact, the potential ability to rent my house from time to time for STVR purposes was a major  component in my decision to purchase my property.  Please protect the rights of owners like me who may seek to share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite  freeze on new STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and  create long‐term uncertainty for all hosts and property owners as the Council continues to consider additional changes.  It also will undoubtedly have a negative impact on property values, especially relative to other communities that allow  for STVRs.  We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Hale Boggs  1 From:Ellen Bojarski Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 2:22 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:Please Allow STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & Council Members,  I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means.   Please do not let the efforts of the City Council, the working groups, and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating.  We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during Covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs.   We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules.  Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs.   We Love all of La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits.   Sincerely,  Ellen Bojarski  1 From:John Bojarski Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 2:16 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:End the STVR Moratorium  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & Council Members,  I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well‐regulated and  positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means.   Please do not let the efforts of the City Council, the working groups, and community go to waste. Everyone worked so  hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring  balance. Let these take effect before over‐regulating.  We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting  today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to  sell their family home when it becomes theirs.   We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts  have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules.  Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists or only sequestering them in the most expensive of HOAs.  We love all of La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on  continuing the ban on new permits.   Sincerely,  John Bojarski  On Apr 5, 2021, at 4:24 PM, Elena Bonilla  wrote:  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement  and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **      Dear Mayor & CouncilMembers,  I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well‐ regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means.    Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups and community go to waste.  Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise  complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over‐regulating.    We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't  actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those  whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs.    We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all  current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules.    Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive  of HOAs. We Love _all of_ La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds.  Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits.    Sincerely,  Elena Bonilla ‐ Highland Palms      Sent from my iPhone    1 From:Elena Bonilla Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:08 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please support vacation rentals in La Quinta  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Elena. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I started hosting because  I had great experience with other host while staying in their home. Staying at a STVR I got The local experience unlike  staying in a hotel. I have used Airbnb all over Europe and it has been an incredible experience one that only locals can  give to their guest. La quinta is a tourist destination and brings people from around the world. I want to keep providing  positive experience to my guest.   Elena  Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Elena Bonilla  1 From:Sheryl Boyd Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 10:17 AM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; Vacation Rental Owners and Neighbors of La Quinta Subject:STR Regulations  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   I have owned a home at PGA West since 1998.  During this time I have occasionally rented my home.   I sincerely hope that you will think twice before over‐regulating STR in our community.  I believe that as a landowner it is  not right for you to take away my rights.    Sheryl Boyd  ‐‐   Sheryl Boyd, PhD 1 From:Gary Boyle Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:08 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Gary. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. We have purchased a  home in PGA West and hope to retire here in the future when our children go to school. We have since tried to create a  home where we could provide access to families who come to enjoy the desert for various reasons. One of those is to  participate in the horse shows. We are very careful on who we allow to come to the home. We make sure that their  intentions are in line with a healthy community. They provide revenue to the city and county when they come to visit.  We are saddened to think that we would possibly have to sell our retirement home if we couldn't rent to these families.  The only way we can afford this home right now is by having the consistent rent that the Airbnb provides.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Gary Boyle  1 From:Paige Bradley Frost Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:33 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Please Oppose Indefinite Ban on New STVR Permits  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans and Honorable Members of the La Quinta City Council, I write to express my deep concern about the proposed ordinance to extend indefinitely the moratorium on the granting of new permits for short-term vacation rentals to homeowners in La Quinta. As new owners of a beloved home located in La Quinta Cove (as of Jan 2021), my husband and I were alarmed to read recent news accounts about the proposed move by the City Council that would, in effect, grandfather into law a system that unfairly penalizes one group of homeowners while favoring another, simply on the basis of tenure of ownership. As new homeowners who invested our family savings in our home with the intention of sharing it with carefully vetted renters on an occasional basis, while following the strictest of guidelines and highest standards, we find this move to be inherently unjust, legally unsound, and simply wrong. This is fundamentally a question of equality of access and fairness among homeowners in our community. This move would effectively penalize new homeowners by denying us the opportunity to adhere to the same enhanced regulations as homeowners who benefited from a separate and unequal set of guidelines. We find this proposed move to be inherently discriminatory and fear it would inadvertently worsen animosity among neighbors in our community. Furthermore, there will be natural transition of home ownership in La Quinta and thus, the expiration of existing STVR permits. As you know, this will lead inevitably to an ever diminishing stream of revenue to the City in the form of new permit application fees, rental taxes, as well as lost future revenue to our valued small businesses, restaurants, and seasonal events. A moratorium on new permits will also create a disincentive to new buyers, like ourselves, who purchased our home to create value for our ourselves, the neighborhood and community in the long-term. As homeowners, voters, and tax-payers in La Quinta, we simply seek the opportunity to adhere to the same rules and guidelines as our fellow homeowners in our new neighborhood. To do anything less is to legislate a system of preferential treatment and inequality among homeowners that is simply untenable. On behalf of my family, I respectfully request to be granted the very same rights and responsibilities that are enjoyed by our neighbors and fellow owners. We look forward to the opportunity to apply for a permit and follow the carefully crafted rules and regulations developed for STVR's in a vibrant and thriving La Quinta. Sincerely, Paige Bradley La Quinta, CA 92253 1 From:Mindy B Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 1:55 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:WRITTEN COMMENTS FOR 4/6/2021 MEETING ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Full Name: Mindy Brar City: La Quinta Phone: Public Comment Subject: STVR licenses Hello, my name is Mindy Brar. We have a home in La Quinta that we put an offer on for the end of August. We closed in October. We bought this home as a second home as a vacation home for our kids and family. We loved La Quinta the city and businesses after staying at two different STVR last summer in PGA West. We only still bought in La Quinta because we assumed the moratorium was for Covid and would be lifted on November 1, and therefore we could possibly rent when not in town to help with the financial burden. We had no other reason to think otherwise that we wouldn’t be able to get a license. Now we are being pushed further and further down the line after making such a big investment in the city. We put 150k into this home to remodel, furnish and update the pool. We feel that people who bought last year should still be able to still get a license for STVR. We got moved from Nov 1 to Feb 2 to April 6 and now again. It’s totally unfair. You have people complaining who already have a STVR and don’t want further competition, but yet they have their own property for rent. All these plans went in place (updated fees and fines) and we should see it out and open it for those who invested last year. Let the people who purchased last year get their licenses this April as stated. Then if they don’t follow the rules and regulations, then reassess the program as a whole maybe like the city of Palm Springs and only a certain amount of rentals in a year per house. The homeowners who follow the rules, regulations and take pride in their property are getting punished for a few bad apples. Let’s open the program to those who invested last year and bring in further money to La Quinta city as it also helps local businesses who are still already hurting from Covid shutdowns. As the covid numbers are going down now and over the next few months, less people will be flocking to the desert and will resort to airplane travel, therefore, we will have less complaints overall as a whole. Thank you, Mindy and Tony Brar 1 From:Anthony Brazas Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 1:35 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Support my right to host Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Anthony. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I moved to PGA West  in August 2019,and have been a Airbnb Host since October.  I am retired and the rental income helps with bills .  Please issue a permit so I can continue to host.  Thank you   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Anthony Brazas  1 From:BobbiJo Broad Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 8:18 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please support vacation rentals in La Quinta Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is BobbiJo. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. We purchased our  home in 2018 as we were looking for a family vacation home and the intention was to retire in La Quinta. Soon after my  mother law has some major medical issues and our family needed to financial take care of her. As such, we couldn't  afford to keep this home and pay for our mother in law as well. So we started looking for a few long term renters to help  subsidize the cost and now we need we a few short term renters to help finance the house. We do not allow  instabooking as we want to know about the renters before we allow them in our home as this is our family home as we  spend our holidays, weekends and vacation there and this is not a business for us.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   BobbiJo Broad  1 From:Kjell Brudevold Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 10:30 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Support my right to host ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Kjell Brudevold and I along with Emily Read are Airbnb hosts through our property manager, and we share  our home and welcome guests to La Quinta. After enjoying many trips to La Quinta specifically PGA West as guests in  short term rentals we decided to explore how we could join the community. We wanted to start building a future in a  community that we fell in love with while visiting over several years and wanted to enjoy the experience in our own  home and to ultimately retire in. So, we decided to purchase a property and become Airbnb hosts so others could enjoy  it as well like we had until we are ready to move out here full time. A perfect example of todays vacationers becoming  future owners. As vacationers, we brought revenue to the city and surrounding areas while the owners were not  present. As owners, we bring revenue to the city and surrounding areas by upgrading and maintaining our property. This  is a win win for the city and surrounding areas and with a sound short term rental plan in place coupled with appropriate  enforcement we can all benefit. I would hope we can all work together and make La Quinta a sought after destination  for those looking to relax and enjoy all there is to do here.  We have worked hard to be good considerate hosts and an indefinite freeze on new STVR permits would prevent some  hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐term uncertainty for all hosts as the  Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time and consideration.  Sincerely,   Kjell Brudevold  1 From:Robert Buce Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 8:43 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:STVR Permits  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   I am an owner of property in La Quinta. Please keep La Quinta a vibrant community. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new STVR permits.   Robert E. Buce    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ROBERT BUCE BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Evvan Burke Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:53 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hello,  I am urging the City Council to NOT indefinitely restrict STR permits and to allow for new permits to be issued in June or  sooner.    At the start of the pandemic, I purchased my first home.  I am not a rich investor with a ton of inventory.  I am an  individual, who purchased a small home.  Since my situation allows, I looked for and purchased a home that I could rent  part time on Airbnb occasionally while staying with friends and family to help offset the costs.  The measure I have heard makes no sense to me.  Stopping additional permits does nothing to address the problematic  properties.  And while noise issues are a problem, in much the same way that there was a national increase in  complaints regarding fireworks last year when people needed new forms of entertainment, it is unsurprising to me that  there is more noise in our neighborhoods now when there is nowhere else for people to go and socialize.  Furthermore, how will a ban like this affect the value of our homes?  I and many others made purchases with short term  renting, either part or full time, in mind throughout the past year. If all of those people are forced to sell at a loss, and  without investors looking to buy, won't housing prices in residential areas tank?  Problematic STR are something that needs to be addressed, but do not rush to indefinitely stay permits. A basic tenet of  science is that you cannot test all of your variables at once if you want to know what worked.  Multiple changes to fines  and punishments for violations have occurred. Allow time for those measures to take effect.  Allow those who made  purchases during an already stressful time the ability to get permits and showcase a responsible way of renting on  airbnb. If that does not work, then take the necessary steps or put the issue up for a vote.  ‐‐   Evvan Burke  La Quinta    Public Comment on STVR Restrictions  Written Comments  From: Evvan Burke   Date: March 26, 2021 at 2:15:15 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Argument against Short Term Rental Ban      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Hello,     I am contacting you in regards to an upcoming vote over an indefinite stay on new STR permits.  I Do not  agree with this ordinance at this time, and hope the city council takes my concerns into consideration.    My understanding is that the City Council is concerned about noise complaints that arose when  lockdowns were eased.  As there have been no new permits offered for a year now, all of those  complaints were in regard to current short term rentals.  How does a stay on new permits combat the  problematic properties? Wouldn't the wiser decision be to simply cull the permits for the offending  listings, rather than punish those in the community who wish to contribute positively.    Furthermore, while any increase in complaints is troublesome, one must understand that people have  been isolated in their homes for over a year.  In much the same way that there were increases in  complaints regarding fireworks nationwide, I suspect those noise complaints will simmer down naturally  once people are able to socialize in restaurants, bars, and concerts.      People rent airbnbs for a place to stay.  When there is nowhere else to go, it seems natural that they will  use the space to socialize.  As we begin lifting restrictions, those same people will choose to socialize  outside of their accommodations, only returning to sleep and relax.    At the very least, please allow time for the current measures (increased fines and stricter rules) to be  studied before rushing to weaken a pillar of La Quinta's economy (tourism) before it has even had time  to recover.  If you include both measures at the same time, it will be impossible to tell which was more  effective.  Thank you.    Evvan Burke       1 From:Olivier Chaine Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:08 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Olivier. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. We have been coming  to la Quinta for 15 years, and love staying here. About 5 years ago we found a wonderful home that badly needed a lot  of repairs (no work since 1970), and we put more than the purchase price into bring the house to its full beauty, new  pool and so much more. We use it ourselves on a regular basis, but we also rent it out to friends and other people that  want to visit the valley. The income from our short term guests is critical to paying for our home, and many have fallen  in love with the place, either for golf, for great food, or for a peaceful escape. Short term rentals are important for our  community in la Quinta. Please keep la Quinta open and welcoming.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Olivier Chaine  1 From:CLARK Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 11:44 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Short Term Rentals La Quinta  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hello La Quinta City Reps!! My name is Clark and my wife and I Claudia just moved here to La Quinta in July, 2020! We have heard that there is a debate, and concern with short term rentals here in La Quinta. Please let me tell you, we would have not moved here if it wasn't for a short term rental. We were literally married a mile from where we purchased out house! I feel they are extremely beneficial. I am aware of certain problems, however the good clearly outweighs the bad. My wife and I are very interested in apply for a permit to one day share our lovely home with vacationers who are looking to relax and experience the desert life. We are not interested at all in renting to partiers or people who wouldn't appreciate the atmosphere of desert life. So please don't take the opportunity of "Short Term Rentals" away. We'd like to have a chance to prove that "Short Term Rentals" are good in many ways for our community. Thank you for your time! Sincerely, Clark CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT CLARK BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM 1 From:Chuck Colby Sent:Friday, March 19, 2021 12:01 PM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:letter to be entered into the public record for the upcoming City Council meeting April 6th 2021  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   3/19/21 Mayor Linda Evans, La Quinta City Council, via electronic mail (original will not follow) Re upcoming vote on STVR's moratorium in La Quinta vote Dear Mayor Evans et al., I cannot appear at the meeting but would appreciate my comments herein be considered in light of the upcoming proposed vote to make the moratorium on issuing new STVR permits permanent. My name is Chuck Colby and I own a home in La Quinta currently. I have been trying to retire and plan my retirement around living in La Quinta. A great deal of that retirement and my ability to do so, is specifically dependent upon being able to rent my home in part on a short term basis. I have been operating my home as a short term rental now since 2019 without incident or complaint or fine/issue. This allows me to be part time in La Quinta, afford my home and have a modest income to fund my retirement. I'm trying to purchase a new home as well in La Quinta such that I could have two residences there and the ability to spend more time in town. The moratorium on the new rental permits has kept me from doing so and is forcing me to look elsewhere. I love La Quinta and want to make this my 6/7 month a year primary residence permanently. The ability to have two homes there would afford me the ability to not have to leave town if I were to rent while in retirement. If STVRs were taken away from me, I would be forced to sell my home and move elsewhere as many others. This would trigger a mass exodus and potentially troubling economic dominos that are more far reaching than simply local business and property values. I fully support the temporary moratorium on the issuance of new permits up until now and believe that there has to be some sanity here with regard to how these permits are issued. But simply making the moratorium permanent is not the answer in the least. The existence of STVRs support not only local merchants, tax revenues, golf courses but also make up an important part of what La Quinta is. While Covid has presented many challenges to all of us, clearly the STVR issue and the rise in complaints and travel was unexpected to all of us. In the words of Abraham Lincoln "this too shall pass". CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY CHUCK COLBY BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 2 I would ask only that prior to taking actions that would irreparably hurt the community and have vast and profound long term economic impacts to our local businesses, that you consider the down steam impact of making harsh or rash decisions. A cap on STVRs is a good thing and perhaps consideration to only issuing new permits to those whom can and have demonstrated their ability to properly manage theirs. Further issuing no more than "X" per person or entity and limiting the number of properties that a property management company can manage at one time. Increasing enforcement funded by raising the price of the STVR permit perhaps or raising the TOT tax rate to fund better enforcement if the tax revenue is not sufficient to support this. I don't have the numbers but I would wager that the TOT tax is more than sufficient to fund operations and that the monies are being perhaps allocated to other necessary city resources. I for one would be happy to pay an increased fee and tax rate to fund better enforcement of potential violations. in our own community, PGA WEST we see that only less than 1/2 of 1% of homes in the entire community are identified as "problematic" by the Master association. It is sad that these few repeat offenders are allowed to negatively impact our community as a whole. I submit that this speaks back to enforcement. I realize that increased enforcement comes at a cost but what is the bigger cost to our economy as a whole if we lose this influx of visitors in the area. I beg you and the council to consider the potential long term effects of your actions in the upcoming vote. Regards, Chuck Colby La Quinta CA 92253 ‐‐   Chuck Colby  Sent from my gmail account.   CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY CHUCK COLBY BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Neal Collier Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 10:44 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please support vacation rentals in La Quinta  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Neal. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I hosted to supplement  my income given my high mortgage and other costs. The new City of La Quinta legislation will make it even harder for  honest hard working hosts to make a living.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Neal Collier  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY NEAL COLLIER BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM 1 From: Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 1:28 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Council Members, First of all, I wanted to say thank you to every each one of you for your service to the City of La Quinta. I moved here in September of 2020 and my experience so far has been nothing short of wonderful. From my friendly neighbors to the beautiful surroundings, I am so glad I call La Quinta home. I purchased this home in August 2020 and closed in September 2020, and one of my considerations in purchasing this home was the non-HOA area of the Cove, as well as my ability to short-term rent when I am out of town to help pay for my costs. I am begging the members to reconsider the ban on STVR’s. Or at least offer the ability for those who purchased before the ban to obtain a permit. I have been an Airbnb and VRBO host for my parents' property in a different state, and as a hopeful host in La Quinta, I would never want to be a bother to my neighbors and would vet guests and rent to those who are responsible, have good ratings, etc. Banning permits for those who spent their finances purchasing a home in the area where they were under the assumption that they would be able to obtain a permit seems unfair. I believe there are ways to solve the current issue without a complete ban. A permanent ban also allows for a monopoly market for those who are current permit holders. I understand we all need to work together so this issue is resolved in a way that benefits all parties and stakeholders. I am dedicated to complying with the city and my neighborhood on the new ordinances but ask you to allow us the opportunity to obtain a permit. My sincere thanks and appreciation, Cari Cooper La Quinta, CAari CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT CARI COOPER BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & REQUESTING TO LIFT THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:CJ CRANE Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 2:37 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:VOTE NO - 3.25.055 ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  CJ CRANE  LQ/other    3.25.055  Subject : VOTE NO ‐ 3.25.055  This is an unfair rule. Do not block new STVR permits. Maybe limit the number allowed to be added each year moving  forward?  In the cove area, there is no HOA or CCR’s. But blocking additional permits seems as if the city is acting like an HOA.  STVR bring in guests to spend time and money in the community. There are taxes made off of the rentals, not to  mention the guests shopping or doing activities around town. I see STVR as a revenue stream for the city. & like me, it  may only take one trip to the desert to make you want to end up there.  Please do not block additional permits because a few citizens are complaining about noise or covid.  The city has already  adopted a ticketing/fine system.  Have you done an analysis on the economic impact of not receiving additional tax revenue from STVR? Or the economic  loss if the city did not have ___ number of guests interacting in the community on a trip.  Please consider my opinion, that blocking additional permits is harmful to the residents and city of La Quinta.  Dear Mayor and City Council, I have owned a home in La Quinta for over 10 years. I attribute, at least partially, the growing business base, year-round restaurants, recreation, and entertainment to tourism fed by short, medium and long- term rental home availability in all shapes and sizes. My family and I came to La Quinta as short-term renters. After a weekend, we fell in love with the city and bought a home 6 months later. We now spend several months a year in La Quinta and plan to retire here in 6-7 years. I found La Quinta, I spend a significant amount of money investing in my home and the community and it is only because of a great short term rental experience. I understand that the paradigm shift toward short term rentals in desirable communities like La Quinta is challenging to legislate and manage, but it is possible and a lot of groundwork and education for everyone is already in place. La Quinta can become a forward-thinking leader among its peers with some continued effort along with input from the short-term rental community. Reasonable regulations and ordinances along with managing out the bad actors that drive the vast majority of the quiet enjoyment issues are possible and necessary. Regulating short term rentals out of business is bad for La Quinta long term. It’s a resort town with a strong retirement community—the two can, and should, be balanced. Continuing COVID-driven bans is not the answer. We now have an opportunity to maximize the benefits of all types of tourism categories. Let’s not let the good work and learnings go to waste. I ask you to refrain from further restrictions and to focus on improving the regulatory framework to ensure the city derives the maximum benefit from all it’s tourism opportunities. The people and businesses of La Quinta will be better for it long term. The regulatory arguments and many of the outcomes at the city level and in my HOA have put a bitter taste in my mouth about La Quinta lately. Neighbor against neighbor, rules that will literally disallow laughing kids in pools. It is frustrating and it is getting a little ridiculous to see that some people are totally disinterested in a happy middle-ground for all. I would hate to see people new to La Quinta intent on a great weekend away become soured on the city because of inane regulations. I truly believe La Quinta can set itself apart and continue to benefit from a huge swath of tourists and tourist dollars without becoming Orlando. Thoughtful regulations, not bans. People working together, not against each other. It can work and it needs to work. Sincerely, John L. Dal Poggetto 1 From:Ray De Antonio Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 4:54 PM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:STVR Agenda for April 6  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hello,    As a homeowner in the La Quinta Cove for the past 14 years I would like to express my opinion on the subject  of STVR's in La Quinta and especially in the Cove.  I have an STVR home across the street from my home here in the Cove and I have had nothing but pleasant  experiences with all that have stayed there. The home is very well maintained and the owners have given me  their phone number should I have any concerns. The visitors have always been very respectful and never a  nuisance. Most of the conversations I have had with many of them was about what to see ( casinos‐living  desert‐street fairs etc.) and where to eat. I am certain that they are contributing to the businesses here and  adding much needed income.    I have also heard where some of my neighbors have stated that the STVR's are going to bring down the value  of the homes in the area.  As a person who owns my home and is interested in keeping values high I have to  disagree with them. All of the STVR's owners are very conscious of the fact that their properties must be clean  and presentable in order for them to rent them out, Unfortunately the same cannot be said of the long term  rental owners who do not care what their properties look like once they are rented out.       In conclusion I would like to state that I am all for STVR's and so are many of my neighbors. Please consider  this in your decision to lift the moratorium on STVR's and allow more permits to be issued. Should you have  any reason to have further contact with me on this issue please fell free to reach out to me. I would like for  this to be entered into the record and read for the April 6th meeting.   Thanking you in advance  Ray De Antonio    La Quinta CA 92253    1 From:Nadia De Winter Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 4:41 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please support vacation rentals in La Quinta Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Nadia. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I have been hosting for  the past 12 years and enjoy it very much.   I have seen an huge improvement and growth in La Quinta. Great new restaurants and stores relying on tourism.   To stop giving out STVR licenses would be a big mistake.   Full time residences do not support enough the economy in la quinta.   We need regulations and restrictions I agree but to let I die out would be a big mistake. Everybody profits from tourism  and you cannot turn the clock back as the impact on businesses and owners would be detre   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Nadia De Winter  From: Vanetta Diamond   Date: March 27, 2021 at 9:01:21 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez  <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Resume STVR permits      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.          Extending indefinitely the moratorium against new permits for short term vacation rentals is a  terrible idea.  The increase in noise complaints related to STVR's is something that needs to be  addressed, and it appears that this is exactly what is happening with the introduction of stricter  monitoring and increased fines.  In this way you should b able to identify and deal with the offending  properties.  One thing for certain, though, is that the problems the community is having has to do with  existing permitted properties.  How is not letting new investors in the  community acquire permits going  to reduce the noise from established trouble properties?        In fact, the proposed moratorium on new permits will have absolutely no effect in dealing with  problems that currently exist.  Deal with those problem units first.  See if the stricter rules and higher  fines produce the desired results they are intended to produce before punishing people who are not  responsible for these noise complaints.       In addition, as the tourist industry comes back, new rental units may be the answer to improving the  overall economy of the region.  Airbnb's are the future, and denying the community of the future will  leave La Quinta behind.      Please vote AGAINST extending indefinitely the moratorium on issuing new permits for STVRs.  Sincerely,  Vanetta Diamond    From: Barbara Dixon   Date: April 2, 2021 at 5:01:55 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: April 6th Council Meeting      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Honorable Mayor and Council Members,    Short‐term vacation rentals play a vital role in the health and vitality of the local economy as well as  local businesses.   If it was not for the ability to supplement our income by doing short‐term rentals, my  husband and I would not be able to afford the over $20,000 in annual operating expenses associated  with owning a part‐time vacation home.  This is money that stays in the community in the form of HOA  fees, property taxes, insurance, pest control  and utilities.  This money is in addition to the expenses we  have that are directly associated with being a STR Owner such as Business Licenses, Permits, Property  Manager, Housekeeping Services, Repairs, Item Replacement, etc.  Part‐time Owners and our renters  pump additional money into the local economy in the form of going out to eat, playing golf (my  favorite), shopping, pampering ourselves at nail salons, etc.  If this was just a "Commercial Business" as  described in the Dec 2020 City Council meeting by the STR Committee Chair, the best thing to do to  show a profit would be to sell our condo.   We only see a very modest profit at the end of each year  (with the exception of year 2020 when we operated at a loss) of which about half will be wiped out with  the increase in the city permit fees.    However, I do not consider this a commercial business.  I consider our condo as part of my dream to  return to my roots.  I grew up in a small desert town in Southern California and moved to  Northern California to go school.  I married a "Northerner" who had a preconceived opinion of Southern  California and it was not a good one.  Staying at our condo in La Quinta has changed his perception of  Southern California.  He is now as eager to spend time in La Quinta as I am and has agreed that when we  retire next year, we can fulfill my dream of living in La Quinta (at least part‐time).  The moral to my story  is that education is the key.  Just as my husband had preconceived notions about Southern California,  there are several preconceived notions about STR Owners.  Instead of punishing the STR Owners group  as a whole, let's spend our efforts educating STR owners and their guests on being good, respectful  neighbors.  I am respectfully requesting that the moratorium on short‐term vacation rental licenses be  removed.  I ask that you vote in favor of short‐term rentals.        I would further ask that my letter be read aloud and entered into the record for the April 6, 2021  meeting so that my voice in opposition of this measure can be heard. Thank you for your time and  consideration.     Respectfully  Barbara Dixon        Dear Mayor Evans & City Council,    Today I ask that the moratorium be lifted. When placed into effect the reasoning was the Covid  outbreak and the uptick of complaints. Today Covid is on the decline and complaints have dropped  dramatically.   I could go on about property rights however many have made this argument already. Instead, I ask you  to think ahead about the seeds of a diverse community and how that is built slowly over time. Should  some new permits be limited in some areas where we have saturation. I would say a specific and limited  approach would be the next step. Not a ban.  Misconception ‐ Many businesses thrive along residents in almost every neighborhood and operate  during the day. The world is changing and so is the definition of neighborhood. I have been interrupted  more than once on a daytime Zoom call but I’m not here to limit someone’s ability to earn income.   My larger concern is whats next after this SRT discussion... We have seen a recent post on ND where  someone mentions that long term renters might be the next target and another post supporting a  preference of “better income earners” like from the Tech industry. This is concerning... for the Cove we  have all walks of life and its quite wonderful.  I also want to mention one last thing however do not want to offend anyone. So here it goes. I feel that  some let’s say legacy residents and let’s say some new neighbors that have entered retirement and  moved here expect that their Ideal neighborhood …..should somehow be more important than my ideal  neighborhood. That somehow they are more important neighbors…We are equal and being equal comes  with compromise and not Just being the loudest voice in pushing one’s own agenda.   Sincerely,  Lenard Dobrowolski     Proud Resident, Dog Dad, STR Owner সহ঺঻  1 From:Denise Donahoe Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 9:04 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:STVR support  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hello,    I am a homeowner in the city of La Quinta.  I love this city and am grateful to be able to come here and  enjoy the beauty, golf, community and people here.   I am 100% in favor of STVR in La Quinta.  STVRs bring economic opportunity, vitality and respectful  visitors to this wonderful city, the city is thriving because of all of the above!   Thank you for all you do!  Sincerely,   Denise Donahoe  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DENISE DONAHOE BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Nancy Dubin Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 1:14 AM To:Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org; Levans@laquinta.gov Subject:STVR Permits  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor and Council Members,  My name is Nancy Dubin and I want share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I recently bought my home in La  Quinta because it is close to my children.    I am a (very) senior citizen and would like to spend as much time with them as possible. However, I cannot afford to live  here full time, so I need short term tenants to be able to accomplish this Life Purpose.   It is a beautiful home and I know others, who might not be able to afford to buy in La Quinta, would get great joy  vacationing here!  This ban hurts so many people and takes so much income away from the town.  How can this make sense to anyone?  I think we need a thriving tourism program including wonderful short term rentals to allow many people to experience  the joys of life in the desert in general and La Quinta in particular.   Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, and I look forward to hearing from you.  Kind regards,  Nancy Dubin   Nancy Dubin  Associate Broker   GRI, ABR, SRES, M.Ed, Realtor  Accredited Luxury Homes Specialist  Apex Real Estate Group, LLC      1 From:Bill DuFour Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 1:39 AM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail Cc:Bill DuFour Subject:Written Comments - STVR Permits at PGA West  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & Council Members,  As a native of Los Angeles, I have been a frequent visitor and patron of the La Quinta community for nearly 20 years.  My  parents are homeowners in the community, having purchased a second home in La Quinta back in 2003.  Simply put, I love La Quinta and was recently able to realize one of my personal dreams ‐ I recently purchased a home on  February 16, 2021, in the PGA West community at .  At the time of purchase, I was aware of the “moratorium” on STVR permits by the City of La Quinta.  And, I bought the  home on that exact premise – that the moratorium would be lifted at some time in the relatively near future (i.e., when  the effects of the Covid pandemic eased).  I understand that the City is contemplating turning this moratorium into an  outright ban on STVR permits for new owners.  From my perspective, such a ban on STVRs for new applicants seems arbitrary and capricious.    I know for a fact that lots of folks have been working very hard to come up with solutions for proper regulation of  STVRs.  And the effect of an outright ban on STVRs seems more like an over‐reaching and draconian measure, as  opposed to a more thoughtful solution.  We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting  today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell  their family home when it becomes theirs.   We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts  have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules.   Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits.  Thank you very much for your time.  Best regards,  William DuFour    1 From:Nancy Dunn Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 3:18 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Moratorium on short term vacation rentals  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans and City Council members: I'm writing to express my disappointment in regards to the moratorium on licenses for short term vacation rentals, which was imposed recently by your members. I have been a year-round resident of La Quinta for nearly twenty years and have rented a room in my house as an Airbnb short term vacation rental since the spring of 2016, during the first weekend of the Coachella Music Festival. As a retired elementary school teacher, the income from my room rental has provided me with funds for emergency, home maintenance, and travel to supplement my teacher pension. I understand that complaints concerning noise, parties, trash, traffic et cetera have been lodged with the City of La Quinta by a number of La Quinta homeowners. I have, before COVID. attended a couple meetings for licensed hosts in regards to such concerns and, in the city-sponsored meetings, learned that a number of city ordinances address these issues, such as acceptable decibel levels permitted in the neighborhood. Enforcement protocols are clearly defined by the city and procedures for mitigating these issues have been in place for years. I learned that, if hosts do not respond to these complaints in a timely manner, they will be notified by city authorities and their licenses might be in jeopardy as a result. From my brief research, I became aware that the bulk of the complaints come from residents of the La Quinta cove and PGA West. I'm not privy to the number or nature of the complaints, but I don't quite understand why the city officials who handle these complaints cannot enforce the laws/ordinances already on the books. Also, I don't comprehend why this moratorium imposed by the city council applies to all residences in La Quinta. I live in North La Quinta near the Indian Wells Tennis Garden and am not aware of complaints in my neighborhood. I compare this sweeping decision to my experience a s a classroom teacher. If a few students in my class broke classroom rules or misbehaved, I certainly wouldn't punish the entire class. That wouldn't be fair to my students, just as a city-wide moratorium is not fair to hosts who are complying with the La Quinta hosting regulations. I hope you will take my concerns into consideration this evening and make decisions that will be beneficial to the city finances as well as the residents/hosts who would love to welcome visitors who wish to vacation in this "gem of the desert." Thank you for taking the time to read my email. Sincerely, Nancy Dunn From: Carla Dyck   Date: April 3, 2021 at 3:09:30 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: April 6th Council Meeting  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement  and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **      Honorable Mayor and Council Members. I am respectfully requesting that the moratorium on short‐ term vacation rental licenses be REMOVED. Short‐term vacation rentals in our community play a vital  role in the health and vitality of the local economy as well as local businesses, and I ask that you vote in  favor of short‐term rentals. I would further ask that my letter be read aloud and entered into the record  for the April 6, 2021 meeting so that my voice in opposition of this measure can be heard. Thank you for  your time and consideration.      Sent from my iPad        1 From:Nimrod Erez Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 10:36 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Comment for STVR debate at City Hall Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear City Clerk,  I’d like to enter this statement to the debate scheduled today regarding STVR in the city of La Quinta:  Dear City Council,  As a homeowner and short term rental operator in La Quinta since 2017 I am baffled by the proposition to immediately  ban all issuance of new short term rental licenses. This decision will severely impact our investment in La Quinta and I  believe will have long term negative ramifications for the city and its business community at large as it will signal that La  Quinta is liable to capricious decision making and does not project certainty necessary for long term planning. The  personal implications for myself are enormous as I believe the enactment of this proposition will lead to the plummeting  of home values in the Cove which will negate any gain made by EVERYONE and will make it impossible for us to keep the  property ‐ and with it the pure joy of staying in La Quinta which we so love. We LOVE the peace and quiet of the Cove,  cycling to Old Town to get our coffee and bagels in the morning, hiking along the trail at the edge of the neighborhood,  ordering the best ice cream in the world at Nitro and getting dinner at Casa Mendoza. We love La Quinta and we love  our home and plan on spending more and more time here ‐ our way of sustaining that dream is with STVR until we can  relocate to La Quinta in a few years time.  I sincerely believe that any community and city have the right to set and determine the rules and regulations within its  boundaries but I think a grace period should be given to homeowners who need to extend or issue an STVR license ‐ let  us who were affected by Covid settle our permit situations with the city in the next 60 days and declare a moratorium  after a certain future date. Declaring the moratorium effective immediately is simply incredibly unfair. I would happily  welcome other restrictions like the number of days a year STVR are allowed to operate: 180 days a year will be enough I  believe to cover most homeowners mortgages and operating costs ‐ it would ours. I think this would be a proper  compromise by everyone.  Sincerely and respectfully,  Nimrod Erez  1 From:Andrew Estopinal Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 8:00 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please support vacation rentals in La Quinta Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Andrew. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. We have hosted our  property about 50 times. Mostly its families escaping LA. We've had zero complaints. We are right next to the resort. If  you require a 30 day renter the area will be a ghost town or it will be an apartment. These tourists spend big money and  I've paid the city big money on tax. I never would have known about La Quinta if it had not been for Airbnb. You've got a  few complainers and they are taking our property rights away.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Andrew Estopinal  From: Eddy Estrada   Date: March 24, 2021 at 9:18:57 AM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: You have a perfect pulse on the what's happening in the city...      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Linda,     I am very sorry for not sending you this email sooner and right after the last city council meeting.  I  simply wanted to say Thank You.  I feel like you have such an honest pulse on what is happening in the  city.  When you speak it's like the words are coming out of my mouth.  I have agreed with all the work  that you and the city council members have been doing for so many months.  I am fine with the changes  you have made and I think they will have a positive impact on the city and the community.    I know you probably hear from all the people that are upset, but it's important that you also hear from  us who greatly appreciate what you are doing.  So simply put, THANK YOU.    ‐Eddy Estrada    Signature    Digital Business Card    1 From:Kimberly Estrada Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 4:47 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Public Comment from Kimberly Estrada for 4/6 City Council Meeting Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Completed  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hello, My public comment is in the video below. I am requesting that the video be shown during the April 6th City Council Meeting during the Public Comment for vacation rentals. Please let me know if you have any questions. Link to video: https://youtu.be/bYAlGJyKKaw Thank you so much. Kimberly Estrada CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - VIDEO PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT KIMBERLY ESTRADA BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - RESIDENTS & STVR OWNERS CAN WORK TOGETHER 1 From:Ashley Evans Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 7:07 AM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & CouncilMembers, I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means. Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating. We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs. We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules. Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs. We Love _all of_ La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits. Sincerely, Ashley Evans Sent from my iPhone  1 From:Fach Michael Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 10:15 AM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:Short Term Rentals Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.    Dear Mayor & CouncilMembers, I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means. Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating. We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs. We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules. Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs. We Love _all of_ La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits. Sincerely, Mike Fach Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone  1 From:Jason Fairchild Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 11:41 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Jason. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. We have been home  owners in LaQuinta for 6 years. We subsidize the cost of the house with occasional rentals, while enjoying the house  ourselves or with our family for 1‐2 months a year. We are active in the community from a commerce pov, spending  money on entertainment, the house, furnature, food, etc.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Jason Fairchild  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY JASON FAIRCHILD BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM 1 From:Jade Feng Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 9:15 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Jade. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I really love La Quinta  Cove. I moved here last year and fell in love with the desert and the Old Town.   I’ve heard again and again that STVR has helped improve the care and safety of the neighborhood.   It’s really important for me to be able to use STVR as the income is necessary for me to afford my mortgage, as when I  bought, prices shot up.   Also, events like Coachella are so impactful to the income of the residents ‐ and closing down STRV will affect our  wellbeing.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Jade Feng  1 From:Ilia Florentin Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 4:33 PM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Input on STVRs from owner of house at 46775 Cameo Palms Drive, La Quinta  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor, City Council, City Manager and City Clerk,   My name is Ilia Florentin and I am the owner of a single family home in La Quinta (). I  purchased this home with an intention to renovate it, use it as a vacation home for my immediate and extended  families, as well as lease it to vacationers as a short term vacation rental (STVR).   The house was in need of significant repairs and I spent tens of thousands of dollars to improve it. Those funds were  directly injected into the La Quinta business community, enabling employment during a critical, high unemployment,  pandemic period. I also think my efforts would also lead to the benefit of higher property values for my neighbor  property owners as well.  To continue owning this house for my family's enjoyment, I would need to generate adequate rental income.The STVR  program is the ideal vehicle for such as it will not only help me generate income to cover home ownership expenses, but  it will also generate tax revenue for the City, jobs for local residents (property manager, cleaners, gardener, pool  maintenance crew, contractors, service providers), and revenues for local businesses, shops, and restaurants. It seems  to me it's the perfect win‐win scenario for all stakeholders involved, as long as I follow the STVR rules and am respectful  of my neighbors. I am and will remain respectful of my neighbors' enjoyment and I plan on following the STVR rules for  the greater benefit of the La Quinta community.  I would like to urge the City Council to lift the STVR business license moratorium and allow the issuance of new short  term rental permits. Unfortunately, if I am not able to generate rental income to cover my homeownership expenses, I  would have to sell the house.  Thank you in advance for your attention.  Respectfully,  Ilia Florentin  ‐‐   Ilia Florentin  Email:   US cell:   CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ILIA FLORENTIN BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO LIFT THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS From: Meredith Flynn   Date: April 3, 2021 at 4:37:13 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: April 6th Council Meeting  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement  and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **      Honorable Mayor and Council Members. I am respectfully requesting that the moratorium on short‐ term vacation rental licenses be REMOVED. Short‐term vacation rentals in our community play a vital  role in the health and vitality of the local economy as well as local businesses, and I ask that you vote in  favor of short‐term rentals. I would further ask that my letter be read aloud and entered into the record  for the April 6, 2021 meeting so that my voice in opposition of this measure can be heard. Thank you for  your time and consideration.    I know people who have done vacation rentals for 5 years who have never had an incident or complaint.  The money they earned helped them keep their home. It can be done successfully and people should be  allowed to do so.    Respectfully,    Meredith Flynn  Full Time La Quinta Resident      Sent from my iPad        1 From:Greg Frost Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:38 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail Cc:info@vronlq.org Subject:An elegant solution: STVR "learner's permits"  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   (Resending to correct formatting issues)  Dear Mayor Evans & La Quinta Council Members,  In January 2021 I purchased my dream house in the Cove. It is modest in size but has a pool and enough space for my  family. I love waking up to the cooing of the morning doves. I love the light the setting sun casts on the mountains. I love  the eclectic community on my street.  I'm concerned by recent reports that you are considering indefinitely extending the moratorium on short‐term vacation  rental permits. Doing so will create an unfair penalty for homeowners like me. Although I have stayed responsibly in  many short‐term rentals over the last 10 years ‐‐ some of them right here in La Quinta! ‐‐ I have never rented out my  own property before. That said, I purchased this house with the idea that perhaps when I am not using it, I would allow  other families like mine to enjoy it ‐‐ along with all that La Quinta and the Coachella Valley have to offer.  I understand that this is a very divisive issue. But it strikes me that the solutions being proposed do not account for the  nuance of homeowners in my situation ‐‐‐ that is to say, homeowners who do not have a permit and who have never  rented out their home on a short‐term basis. I'm the first to admit that I am new to this and am learning what this  process involves. I'm essentially like a teenager taking driving lessons: I'm not ready to climb behind the wheel of a big  rig and drive cross‐country. I'm more comfortable getting my learner's permit and going out for a spin before I build up  the confidence to venture out on the freeway.  To carry that analogy forward, I'd like to propose that you create a tier of STVR "learner's permits" for homeowners like  me: people who need to crawl before we walk. I'm not interested in renting out my house every single day of every  month. At the same time, I think it's seriously unfair to ban me from responsibly renting out my home when I'm not  using it ‐‐ but allow other homeowners to continue to do so.  A "learner's permit" could provide an elegant solution. I could see a scenario in which homeowners who receive such  permits are only allowed to rent out their homes to a single tenant/family for at least 7 consecutive nights a month. No  more than 12 such rentals would be possible in any calendar year. Perhaps such rentals would have additional  conditions to attain the desired win‐win‐win‐win for homeowners, their neighbors, visitors, and the city as a whole.  I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well‐regulated and  positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means. Please do not unfairly bar responsible homeowners  like me from participating, even on a limited basis. Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups  and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the  noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over‐regulating.  Sincerely,  2   Greg Frost    1 From:Ensar Gackic Sent:Tuesday, March 30, 2021 12:34 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Ensar. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. My wife and I purchased  a property in La Quinta after a few vacation visits and falling in love with it. This is our desired retirement place and in  the meantime the income from the vacation rentals is paying for the property and helping our day to day costs.  The income from this property is a crucial in our overall financials. We are also working very hard to ensure noise  compliance is met along with offering outstanding service and property cleanliness.  We are among those who are highly reaponsible owners and operators and recent developments feel unjust and unfair  given how reaponsible we have been toward our neighbors and guests.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Ensar Gackic  CITY COUNTIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ENSAR GACKIC BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM From: Rene   Date: April 5, 2021 at 10:49:36 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>, Robert  Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez  <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>, Vacation Rental Owners and  Neighbors of La Quinta <info@vronlq.org>  Subject: In Support of La Quinta Vacation Rentals      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Dear Mayor and Council Members,      My name is Rene Garcia and I own a property in PGA West at .  I am writing to you this  evening to express my support for short‐term vacation rentals (STVRs) in the city of La Quinta.      For many years, my wife and I dreamed of owning a vacation property, which could one day become our  full‐time retirement home.  At the end of 2019, we took the leap and invested in our beautiful home  overlooking the Palmer course.  We found that the La Quinta landscape with its picturesque mountains  and sprawling golf courses would provide us many years of relaxation and enjoyment.  In addition, we  were very excited to introduce our friends and extended families to the stunning views and wonderful  town by offering them our home as their vacation destination.  In the years to come, we hope for many  opportunities to enjoy our home away from home.       We are thankful for La Quinta’s STVR program, for without it, this opportunity could not have been  afforded to us.  We believe the program should continue and that permits should not be restricted,  allowing for new families to explore, enjoy and potentially own their own vacation and/or retirement  homes in this one‐of‐a‐kind city.     Respectfully,     Rene Garcia       From: Alexander Garcia   Date: April 2, 2021 at 9:50:41 AM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>  Cc: Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: La Quinta Short Term Rental Permit Moratorium      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Mayor Linda Evans La Quinta City Council,    The current short term rental moratorium in the City of La Quinta was set into place originally due to the Covid 19 outbreak and to reduce further spread of the virus. The moratorium was intended to temporarily ban short-term rentals, but the City Manager and Council chose to include the processing of new STR applications as well. The current moratorium has been amended four times at the determination of the La Quinta City Council and the City Manager, not the CDC and now further extends to June 1st, 2021. As a homeowner in the City of La Quinta, PGA West, I find the decisions of the council regarding Executive order number four, erroneous, excessive, and absurd.  To learn that the La Quinta City Council and the City Manager have taken it upon themselves to potentially ban further Short-Term Rentals and all future Short-Term Rental permits in the City of La Quinta is astounding. The most recent executive order on Short Term Rentals reads as follows:   This Executive Order is issued because a Local Emergency, as defined in Section 2.20.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, has been proclaimed by the City Council of the City of La Quinta to exist due to the threat of the existence and spread of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in and throughout the city.   Yet on March 18, 2021 the City Manager and City council TERMINATED face masks and social distancing with Executive Order number eight. No masks and no social distancing required, but the City council will not process new STR applications for permits due to Covid 19? The City council is using Covid 19 as an excuse. The County will be moving into the orange tier next week allowing retail at full capacity and restaurants at 50%, but the processing of STR permits to remain on hold makes zero sense.   As the owners of two Short Term Rentals in Bermuda Dunes for the past 10 years, we recently sold both properties and purchased a home in PGA West. We purchased this home with the intent to exercise our right to short term rent the home. The City Council’s decision to delay STR permits has caused our family extreme financial hardship. We would not have invested in the City of La Quinta if we were aware that the La Quinta City Council and City Manager were planning to ban Short Term Rentals throughout the city and no longer issue STR permits.  The HOA and CC&Rs for our home indicate that we can short term rent. Recently our Fairways HOA in PGA West conducted a homeowner vote that solidified any further purchases in PGA West/Fairways Association will not be allowed to short term rent. This ONLY applies to future sales and excludes our home purchased in August of 2020. Let each HOA make their own determination whether to allow short term rentals. This should not be the decision of the City Council or the City Manager. For the La Quinta City Council to make decisions based on their own personal desires, political pressures and personal bias is unethical. Owners in the City of La Quinta were fully aware of the terms, bylaws, and rules of their communities before purchasing in La Quinta.   The City Manager and the council were voted into office to govern for all the taxpayers in the City of La Quinta. Executive Order number four has nothing to do with COVID 19, but only the desire to extinguish Short Term Rentals.   Sherie and Alex Garcia          1 From:Howard Gelberd Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:17 AM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:Preserve STVR Permits Dear Mayor & Council Members,  I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well‐regulated and  positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means.   Please do not let the efforts of the City Council, the working groups, and community go to waste. Everyone worked so  hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring  balance. Let these take effect before over‐regulating.  We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting  today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell  their family home when it becomes theirs.   We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts  have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules.  Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs.  We Love all of La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on  continuing the ban on new permits.   Sincerely,  Sarah Gelberd  Tax Paying Owner  1 From:gillian gibson Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 7:46 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:Please keep our city's economy strong maintaining STVR's  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor and Council Members,   Firstly, thank you for all your time and efforts  spent on behalf of the residents of La Quinta.  My husband and I are Canadians and  we fell in love with La Quinta when we visited over 10 years ago staying in a short  term rental.  Highlights of our stay were the annual art festival and the Indian Wells Tennis.  We subsequently bought a seasonal residence at Legacy villas and more recently a home in PGA west Residence 1 on the  Stadium course.  We bought our La Quinta residence primarily for our personal use , but we have benefited from occasional rentals . We  have had no complaints regarding our renters with the exception of a single trash violation.  Our observations have been that  our short term renters significantly benefit the local economy being primarily golfers  who come to golf, eat out in the evening and shop locally.    We have contacted past renters who estimated that they  spent approximately  $3500  in golf, entertainment and dining out  for a 7 to 10 day rental. In summary our 3 bedroom  home rented out for 12 weeks of the year conservatively generates $42,000 of income to the La Quinta community.    We are currently only doing 1 month rentals.  Our observations are that the demographic of the 1 month renters are  quite different, being primarily retired like ourselves, and tending to eat at home and spend less for golf and  entertainment.  STVR's also keep the economy alive by supporting so many service industries in the community.    Conservatively we  spend $15,000 a year on painting, maintenance and upgrades all supporting local businesses.  When  we rent  the unit  there are the additional cleaning services of $200 or more per rental.  Please listen to the many seasonal residents of La Quinta who are responsible citizens who love their desert community,  support your efforts, but want to maintain the ability to offer short term rental of their seasonal homes.  Yours sincerely,  Gillian Gibson  Vancouver, BC , Canada   1 From:John Giliam Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 1:00 PM To:Steve Sanchez Cc:City Clerk Mail Subject:<no subject>  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & CouncilMembers, I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means.   Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating.  We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs.   We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules.   Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs. We Love _all of_ La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits.   Sincerely,  Everett John Giliam III 1 From:cindy lou golin Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 8:55 PM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:pro STVR / lift the moratorium.  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hi, I am emailing to express my opinion on STVRs... I have been a resident of the LQ Cove since 2013. I love LQ and I think we should lift the moratorium and allow new STVR licenses. Clearly we can handle whatever the issues are with existing STVRs and if we regulate appropriately, there won't be the issues with the new ones. And there are no existing problems that we can not solve (perhaps we pull the licenses of those current ones we have issues with). Having STVRs is a benefit to our neighborhood if they are managed properly (by the owners). Having local owners or managers is preferable (rather than absent or corporate ones). I am in favor of STVRs... They bring revenue, they raise property values, the properties are better cared for, and they are good for the community. I have had long term renter neighbors who party and play music outside into the night. I also have an owner occupied neighbor who intentionally vandalized my yard (oddly they had a "neighborhoods are for neighbors" sign in their front yard!). I think we are better off regulating all of the cove and dealing with the issues caused by long term residents, not the STVRs. I also do NOT understand how a moratorium on new licenses resolves the problems with the existing STVRs. I think the people are mis-directing the stress of covid and wanting to be polarized around something. The upset around other things is being directed towards this issue... these issues and complaints can so easily be resolved. . Please, please, lift the moratorium. STVRs are good for our neighborhood. Thank you, Cynthia Golin CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT CYNTHIA GOLIN BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & LIFTING THE MORATORIUM FOR NEW STVR PERMITS From: Robert Gravina   Date: March 26, 2021 at 11:57:15 AM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>  Cc: Robert Gravina <rgravina01@gmail.com>  Subject: STVR      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Dear Councilmembers,     Please enter this email into the record for the April 6, 2021 City Council Meeting.      My name is Robert J. Gravina and I am a homeowner in The Legends Golf Community (  ). I visited Palm Springs, Indian Wells and La Quinta for over a decade before I finally decided to  purchase a home in PGA West. My primary home is in San Diego, but I have come out to the desert  several times a year since purchasing my home there. When I am not using the desert house, I rent it  out. That is one of the main reasons that I purchased the home in La Quinta, rather than somewhere  else. Most of my renters are for two weeks, or more, except for April during the Concert Season.     I am a supporter of short‐term vacation rentals in the city of La Quinta and I ask the moratorium on  short‐term vacation rentals be removed.  I believe that short‐term rentals have a vital impact in our  community and I ask that you vote in favor of short‐term rentals.       The negative impacts of limiting STVR to the community are immeasurable.     Here is some information I have become aware of which you should consider before voting to restrict  STVRs:    1. It is incorrect to stay "if this passes, there will be NO immediate impact to STRs, because current  owners will be grandfathered in (I will discuss this later #5), so nothing will change about the neighbors  who have problems."  2. There is no doubt that if this passes, it will impact property values negatively. Ask any realtor in the  neighborhood. If you take 25% of the potential buyers off the market, less people buying your home will  reduce the value.  3. In addition, many people who come out here for a vacation end up buying, as I and many of  my neighbors did, including those I hear speaking about limiting this now that they have moved in  permanently. Those buyers will also be off the market.  4. There is no research, or evidence that allowing STRs in any way negatively affects property values, nor  is it required to notify potential buyers. However, a potential buyer who would want to buy a home as  an investment, would no longer want to do that and would do their research before buying.  5. The Grandfather Clause, which allows current owners to continue to rent short term will cause those  owners. who currently rent longer (like me) terms to be forced to rent shorter terms, because they  will be the only ones who can. Property managers will be forced to rent new owners homes for 30  days+. That means that current residents who don't have a problem, may now have problems with the  rental next to them because they now have a good owner, who usually rents for longer terms and takes  care of their property. This will force owners to rent their property out to people they normally  wouldn't. Most of the good property owners rent to SnowBirds. The property owners who are not  diligent should be penalized, not those of us who are good owners.  6. I heard a stat at the "We Love La Quinta" meeting that .01% of the complaints came from rentals last  year. While I can't confirm that, it would be interesting to note that most complaints by far are from  homes where the owner lives there.  7. It is a fact that 75% of the property tax bills go to a zip code other than 92253. That means most of us  don't live here full time.  8. Restricting STRs will impact many businesses. Realtors, property managers, restaurants, shops, hair  salons, etc. The renters all use these businesses. Is this really the time to put more people out of work  and close down more businesses? Has anyone looked at the impacts to City Revenues?  9. This year has been particularly difficult due to COVID. Many of the STRs have been from local cities,  like LA and San Diego. That means more STRs than normal and different kinds of renters. This year is  an abnormality and you should not make a knee jerk reaction to a one time occurence.   10. I purchased my home with the express purpose of renting it out to, yes, make a profit, but in the 4  years I have owned and rented my house, I have had two issues, both when I was out and both minor.  My neighbor can verify this. As I stated, after I bought the house, I started coming out (I live in San  Diego) and started spending more time here and now live here about 1/2 the time. That is what I hear a  lot from others in the community.   11. As I listen to the complaints on all the different Zoom meetings, I hear a theme. There are a few bad  owners, who rent their properties out full time for STVRs and don't care about the impact on their  neighbors. This is a small group and they should be dealt with accordingly. These owners will not care  about your STR regulations. Most of them don't follow them now (or even bother to get a license) and  that is the problem. You will be creating a bigger enforcement issue for the City. One that will be  overwhelming to enforce and cost the City a lot of money.   12. We will lose a lot of the tax revenue from the STRs and potentially reduce the number of people who  attend the concerts as well. Do we really want to lose the Tennis Tournament and the Concerts?    A couple of suggestions:    1. I heard a great suggestion at the "We Love La Quinta" mtg. Let's let the police give citations to the  renters directly. The renters don't care now, because the owner has to pay the fine. The owners who  allow this to happen don't care, because they consider it the cost of doing business. This will get out to  people in surrounding cities and they will know, plus they will stop the bad behavior immediately.   2. It sounds like this is an enforcement issue.   3. We should not curtail the STRS in March and April for the Tennis Tournament and Concerts. This is not  only where most of us make the money to pay our mortgages, but they are usually the people who are  more considerate. They are the ones who spend a lot of money in the community. They are also usually  good tenants.   4. If you decide to limit STVR, then at the very least, you should exempt the periods during the Tennis  Tournament and Concerts. This is when we and the local businesses make most of our money.      I don't believe that we are working together as a community to solve the issues. I think a group of  reasonable people should be able to figure this out, but right now, all I hear are a small group of people  on both sides arguing and spreading false info to get their way.    The Snow Birds will return again and if we have proper enforcement, most of these issues will go away.     Let's not make a knee jerk reaction without considering all the consequences of that action.     Best wishes for a happy and peaceful year  ahead,    ‐‐   Robert J. Gravina   President  Evolution Learning; A Technology Consultancy      "Risk is the price you pay for opportunity"      1 From:Sandy Gray Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 12:42 PM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Lift moratorium/allow permits for new short term rentals  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hello, My name is Layne Gray, I own at . I recently purchased a home back in December with all my 401K money knowing I was going to do a Airbnb because I was told the moratorium would be lifted in February due to Covid. It was then extended to April which I understood because of Covid. Now I believe this has nothing to do with Covid and now its just a city issue. I saved my whole life to purchase a property in La Quinta because that was where my family vacationed growing up. Please lift the moratorium for those who have already purchased homes or are in escrow then put in place new rules for people so when buying a home they totally understand the new rules of short term rentals. I'm in favor because it provides so many jobs for local residences(gardeners, pool contractors, cleaners etc...) Revenue for local shops and restaurants. Revenue for the city Property values go up Pride of ownership Allows families to enjoy a home vs hotel Thank you Layne Gray CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT LAYNE GRAY BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO LIFT THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS   From: Steph Griffith   Date: April 6, 2021 at 8:27:14 AM PDT  To: Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>, Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Unique Circumstances for STVR Permit / A Plea from our Family  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and  caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **      Hi,    My name is Stephanie and my husband and I bought property in La Quinta in September of 2020. We  purchased a home in PGA West, a HOA community. We purchased the home to enjoy for ourselves but also  to rent out occasionally when the home is not in use. We specifically sought out PGA West since it was, at the  time, allowing under 30 day rentals. Well as everyone here now knows, things have drastically changed and  emotions have run rampant throughout the community. From a strictly private property rights concern, I am  pleading with the city to allow responsible adults such as myself and my husband to allow us to submit an  application for a short term vacation rental permit as we have approval from our HOA to rent our property  out as a short term vacation rental. We have spent money on the HOA STVR application as well, which again  has been approved by our neighborhood and HOA. We applaud the HOA and City for implementing great  ideas and guidelines for property managers and short term vacation rentals, to which we have to say, we  have seen extremely beneficial results. Never once have we ever heard loud noises at night, seen any “party  homes”, or have seen anyone utilize the golf course without permission. Frankly, PGA West is the most silent,  non intrusive private neighborhood we have ever seen at this point. Please allow for people in our unique  circumstance to submit STVR permits to the city so we can all live happily. The city refusing an application  from people such as myself and my husband punishes us for absolutely no reason at all and puts our lives in a  much tougher situation.    Thank you for reading.  Stephanie    1 From:Kelly Grotsky Sent:Friday, March 26, 2021 10:38 AM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Letter for April 6th City Council Meeting Attachments:Letter to LQ.docx  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Good Morning Mayor Evans, City Council Members, City Manager & City Clerk,  I writing to ask that this letter below be entered into the record for the April 6th City Council meeting and read aloud as I  am unfortunately not able to attend this very important meeting.  Thank you for your consideration.  The letter is also  attached as a Word doc.   ************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************** ****************************  I am writing this letter in support of Short Term Vacation Rentals and asking that the City Council consider lifting the  moratorium on new STVR permits.  I am a current STVR owner that manages my own STVR in La Quinta, which is the City  I also live in.  I am a responsible owner/operator and follow the City guidelines to ensure that all of my guests are made  aware of and agree to all current STVR regulations including but not limited to noise ordinances, parking, maximum  number of guests, trash, etc.  I have been a STVR owner/operator for over 8 years and have never had a complaint or  issue with maintaining my rentals.  I have been able to improve both the interior and exterior of our rental homes,  adding to property value and neighborhood value, as well as give back to the City in the form of Transient Occupancy  Tax.  There are many other responsible STVR operators out there just like me.    There are a significant number of steps that the City is taking to ensure that the problems that have come along with  STVRs are being addressed.  The formation of the STVR Ad Hoc committee (of which I was a member) was an excellent  step that the City took to ensure they had voices representing all sides of the STVR issues.  Our group often did not agree  on issues but after many passionate and heated debates, we came together and formed consensus on  recommendations that will enhance the program and create the level of oversight needed to manage the problem  properties.    The City has also taken steps to work with such vacation rental platforms like Airbnb to ensure that all advertised STVRs  are properly permitted to operate in the City of La Quinta.  Steps like these will help to weed out the “bad actors” and  homes that have been operating illegally and will no longer be featured on these vacation rental sites as of May 15th,  2021.    Additionally, substantially increasing the cost of a STVR permit will also help to reduce the current number of STVRs as  many operators may find the cost increase difficult to pay, and therefore opt out of the STVR program.  The steps that City Council has taken to address the growing concern related to STVRs have been thoughtful, well  vetted, and truly have La Quinta residents best interests in mind.  I have faith and confidence in our elected officials,  that they will continue to made decisions not based on resident anger and negative emotion around STVRs, but instead  CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT KELLY GROTSKY BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & REQUESTING TO LIFT THE MORATORIUM 2 based upon new data  eviews AFTER adopting some of the recommendations from their own appointed STVR Ad Hoc  Committee and other City Officials guidance.   At this time, it seems very premature for City Council to enact a permanent stay on any new Short Term Vacation  Rentals, without first attempting some of the recommendations from the STVR Ad Hoc committee.  Those  recommendations include, but are not limited to: trainings for new hosts, signed rental agreements for all guests, a  revision and update of the Good Neighbor Brochure, reducing the total number of guests allowed on property, and  home inspections prior to permit issuance.  We need to eventually pave the way for new STVRs to keep our City on the map as a family vacation destination, and  continue to collect TOT tax that directly goes into improving the City and making La Quinta one of the Top Destinations  to visit and reside.   Please consider adopting the STVR recommendations on permit oversight first, and then evaluate  their effectiveness prior to any rash decision‐making regarding permanent stays.  Thank you.    Sincerely,  Kelly Grotsky  La Quinta Resident & STVR Owner/Operator           RUHS Confidentiality Disclaimer  The information contained in this electronic message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipients named  above.  This e‐mail transmission and any documents, files or previous e‐mail messages attached to it may contain confidential information that is  legally privileged, covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act 18 U.S.C. § 2510‐2522.  If you are not the intended recipient, or a person  responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that any retention, dissemination, distribution, disclosure,  copying or further use of any of the information contained in or attached to this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.  CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT KELLY GROTSKY BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & REQUESTING TO LIFT THE MORATORIUM I am writing this letter in support of Short Term Vacation Rentals and asking that the City Council consider lifting  the moratorium on new STVR permits.  I am a current STVR owner that manages my own STVR in La Quinta,  which is the City I also live in.  I am a responsible owner/operator and follow the City guidelines to ensure that  all of my guests are made aware of and agree to all current STVR regulations including but not limited to noise  ordinances, parking, maximum number of guests, trash, etc.  I have been a STVR owner/operator for over 8  years and have never had a complaint or issue with maintaining my rentals.  I have been able to improve both  the interior and exterior of our rental homes, adding to property value and neighborhood value, as well as give  back to the City in the form of Transient Occupancy Tax.  There are many other responsible STVR operators out  there just like me.    There are a significant number of steps that the City is taking to ensure that the problems that have come along  with STVRs are being addressed.  The formation of the STVR Ad Hoc committee (of which I was a member) was  an excellent step that the City took to ensure they had voices representing all sides of the STVR issues.  Our  group often did not agree on issues but after many passionate and heated debates, we came together and  formed consensus on recommendations that will enhance the program and create the level of oversight needed  to manage the problem properties.    The City has also taken steps to work with such vacation rental platforms like Airbnb to ensure that all  advertised STVRs are properly permitted to operate in the City of La Quinta.  Steps like these will help to weed  out the “bad actors” and homes that have been operating illegally and will no longer be featured on these  vacation rental sites as of May 15th, 2021.    Additionally, substantially increasing the cost of a STVR permit will also help to reduce the current number of  STVRs as many operators may find the cost increase difficult to pay, and therefore opt out of the STVR program.  The steps that City Council has taken to address the growing concern related to STVRs have been thoughtful,  well vetted, and truly have La Quinta residents best interests in mind.  I have faith and confidence in our elected  officials, that they will continue to made decisions not based on resident anger and negative emotion around  STVRs, but instead based upon new data reviews AFTER adopting some of the recommendations from their own  appointed STVR Ad Hoc Committee and other City Officials guidance.   At this time, it seems very premature for City Council to enact a permanent stay on any new Short Term  Vacation Rentals, without first attempting some of the recommendations from the STVR Ad Hoc committee.   Those recommendations include, but are not limited to: trainings for new hosts, signed rental agreements for all  guests, a revision and update of the Good Neighbor Brochure, reducing the total number of guests allowed on  property, and home inspections prior to permit issuance.  We need to eventually pave the way for new STVRs to keep our City on the map as a family vacation destination,  and continue to collect TOT tax that directly goes into improving the City and making La Quinta one of the Top  Destinations to visit and reside.   Please consider adopting the STVR recommendations on permit oversight first,  and then evaluate their effectiveness prior to any rash decision‐making regarding permanent stays.  Thank you.    Sincerely,  Kelly Grotsky  La Quinta Resident & STVR Owner/Operator  CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT KELLY GROTSKY BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & REQUESTING TO LIFT THE MORATORIUM 1 From:Megan Guerra Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 11:41 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please support vacation rentals in La Quinta  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Megan. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. Not only am I a STVR  owner myself, but I’m A host for multiple other properties in La Quinta Cove area. I became an owner and a host  because I’ve grown up in La Quinta, I went to La Quinta high school, and I am also a business owner in the city of La  Quinta. This rental income allows me to support my baby and also support the city by bringing in money to the economy  through tourism. I do absolutely everything in my power to ensure that my rental benefits the community and that  guests respect the rules and our neighbors. I support cleaning services, handy men, pool men, local restaurants, etc with  my rentals and by promoting local businesses to our guests   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Megan Guerra  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MEGAN GUERRA BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM 1 From:Lisa hackner Sent:Monday, March 29, 2021 5:50 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Support my right to host Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Lisa. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I started hosting a few  years ago and have had a fantastic experience. We have never had any noise or violations of any kind and enjoy sharing  our home with respectful families who love visiting La Quinta and supporting local businesses. Hosting is helping us put  our daughters through college.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Lisa hackner  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY LISA HACKNER BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM 1 From:eve milrod halwani Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:05 AM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:Please Oppose New Ban on STVR Permits  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & Council Members, I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means. Please do not let the efforts of the City Council, the working groups, and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating. We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs. We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules. Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs. We Love all of La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits. Sincerely, -Eve and John Halwani ‐‐‐  1 From:Mike Hashimi Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 3:58 PM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Cc:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comment - For STVR’s ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council:  Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to provide my experience and insights in this forum. I’m currently a proud  resident of the Cove. My discovery of the city of La Quinta came about when I was looking for a family getaway to Palm  Springs in 2018. We had never been to Palm Springs nor experienced the desert. While researching the Palm Spring  area, the listing that came up was of a beautiful house with incredible mountain views, located in the Cove. For us it was  the mountains, we immediately booked it and made our way to the desert. Our family fell in love with La Quinta and  discovered its incredible surrounding areas. This experience had left a great impression on us and made our decision to  start saving up for a family vacation/retirement house. Fast‐forward three years later, we are grateful and fortunate to  have been in a position to purchase our lovely house in the Cove. This has been an exciting journey and we have invited  other family members to experience this place. As many of my family members are in the food business, they have been  considering opportunities to invest in restaurant and food business.  Lots of ideas and suggestions on how we can  contribute to food options and experiences and searching for locations that would fit the business model. However, they  had to put a hold on this idea since they heard about the potential phase‐out of STVRs. As it's known, the restaurant and  food business thrives more when the city/area is strong in the tourism sector . Additionally, we had gone in with the  assumption that we could short‐term rent the property when the family was not using it, in order to help cover some of  the expenses and set me up for retirement in the lovely city of La Quinta. This would allow us not only to accelerate on  our permanent move to LaQuinta but most importantly missed opportunities of business investments in La Quinta. Iam  hopeful that this forum and our community assesses STVRs impacts across a number of channels, slows down new  business opportunities, tours in‐making it very expensive for tourists due to availability of short term rental, and  homeowners‐ livelihood of the many who are looking to make this place their permanent residency.  Thank you,  Mike Hashimi  La Quinta    1 From:John Hastie Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 8:11 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   1) Full Name John Hastie  2) City of Residence La Quinta  3) Phone Number     4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number Public Comment    5) Subject INTRODUCE FOR FIRST READING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.25 OF LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING  SECTION 3.25.055 RELATED TO NON‐ISSUANCE OF NEW SHORT‐TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMITS AND SECTION  3.25.065 RELATED TO GROUNDS FOR DENIAL OF SHORT‐TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMITS  6) Written Comments Please enter this email into the written record.  Mayor Evans and Council Members  Over the course of the Pandemic, I have witnessed a decline in the number of STVR permitted properties.  With the  increased rules and regulations and pushback from the community, many STVR permit holders have decided to sell up  and move on or rent their properties for 30 or more nights. For those selling, increased property prices may also have  something to do with this phenomenon.  You may be surprised to learn that approximately 10% of the properties permitted three months ago are no longer  permitted today. I would encourage you to look at the data and confirm my findings with your own eyes. As you know  the permit list is published on the City of La Quinta website for the world to see and is updated weekly.    I'm going to refer to the following 2 documents on the City's website:  This report is current as of December 30, 2020, and it contains all 1359 Active STVR Permits and 7 Suspended STVR  permits as of this date    https://www.laquintaca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument?id=44512  This report is current as of April 2, 2021, and it contains all 1233 Active STVR Permits and 4 Active but Currently  Suspended STVR permits as of this date   2 https://www.laquintaca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument?id=44930    By cross referencing the Permit Numbers in these two reports,  3 months apart, I was able to determine that of the 1366  properties with permits at the end of 2020, a total of 161 are no longer permitted. (6 of these 161 have changed hands  and were issued new permits).     An additional 32, including the aforementioned 6, have been issued new permits.  As expected, due to the Moratorium,  these are predominantly in the TC and VC designated zone in the City where an exemption applies.    If we add these back in the total loss of permitted  STVRs is 161‐32 = 129.      That's an attrition rate of almost 10% in 3 months.  That's 129 properties that are no longer paying TOT monthly to the City    This following map shows the above information visually.  https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1ZFle39ZIlQLqXgJ s4YD4MilCCWpEPCf&usp=sharing    In my opinion, the tougher ordinances and increased costs of doing business are having a major impact on STVRs in La  Quinta. The tougher rules and regulations already put in place are working and they should be allowed time to stabilize.   The Moratorium should end immediately and market forces should be allowed to prevail. All homeowners should be  treated on a level playing field and market equilibrium will result.    The proposed section 3.25.055 of the Ordinance is not needed.        Thank you for the opportunity to comment    Best Regards  John Hastie  , La Quinta, CA 92253          1 From:John Hastie Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 7:26 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   1) Full Name John Hastie  2) City of Residence La Quinta  3) Phone Number     4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number Public Comment    5) Subject INTRODUCE FOR FIRST READING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.25 OF LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING  SECTION 3.25.055 RELATED TO NON‐ISSUANCE OF NEW SHORT‐TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMITS AND SECTION  3.25.065 RELATED TO GROUNDS FOR DENIAL OF SHORT‐TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMITS       6) Written Comments Mayor Evans and Councillors  The existing Moratorium on the issuance of new STVR permits has now been amended FOUR times and now has an end  date of June 1 2021.  Executive Order 10 contains the following wording on why the Moratorium was necessary....  4. This order is issued to best protect the public health and welfare and follows recent orders and directives from the California Department of Public Health (DPH) as implemented by Riverside County Public Health Office, including....  Many people purchased properties in the City with the intention of applying for a STVR permit and renting them on a  short term basis. The proposed section 3.25.055 will make it impossible for them to do so.    As California and  Riverside County re‐opens this Moratorium is no longer necessary and should no longer exist. By  codifying the Moratorium you are effectively introducing a ban on new Short Term Vacation Rentals. The Council  appears to be using the cover of the pandemic as a means to pacify those who are yelling the loudest.  Owners who purchased during the pandemic, should be given the chance to apply and be issued a permit. Why not  select a date and allow anyone who closed prior to this specific date to apply for and be issued a permit.  Not allowing  them this opportunity is unfair and inequitable.    2 Please do the right thing and allow them the opportunity to rent legally on a short term basis, for the benefit of the City  and all residents.  Thanks for the opportunity to comment.  Best Regards  John Hastie  , La Quinta, CA 92253  1 From: Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 8:24 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:PLEASE VOTE YES FOR NEW STVR PERMITS IN PGA WEST! ~ PGA West HAS ALWAYS had Short Term Vacation Rentals since it was developed! Importance:High  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans and the Members of the City Council:  PLEASE VOTE YES FOR NEW STVR PERMITS IN PGA WEST. LET’S KEEP OUR CITY OPEN FOR ALL FAMILILES THAT WANT  TO ENJOY OUR BEAUTIFUL DESERT AND STIMULATE THE ECONOMY OF LA QUINTA.     I am a full time resident of PGA West and Premier Golf Member with 2 rental properties  Maybe some of the complaining members don’t realize that PGA West HAS ALWAYS had Short Term Vacation Rentals  since it was developed.  NOW AN ACTIVIST GROUP WANTS TO CHANGE THE CCR RULES AND BAN NEW PERMITS‐ AFTER  A LONG HISTORY OF STVRS AND/OR TOTALLY ELIMINATE THEM BECAUSE IT WOULD SUIT THEM BETTER??    What needs to happen is a fair solution that would serve BOTH sides.  All those with licenses and those being issued new  permits must follow strict rules as set forth by the City of La Quinta and PGA West. For example, I have created a full  checklist of violations and email it to them. This opens their eyes to our rules and regulations!  I also posted the fees associated with those violations in my properties. When a guest signs up to rent one of my  properties, I send them this document and require that they respond back to me that they have read, understand and  will comply with all the City of La Quinta Regulations and PGA West Regulations. 2 copies of my document is also in each  of my condos in a plastic stand right in the entryways and living rooms. In fact I state, “If you want to party hardy, this is  NOT the place or the time”  No renter has access to my property until I receive that statement from the prospective  renter.  Maybe this could be a requirement for all STVR so all prospective renters know the rules and if they want to  party hardy, go somewhere else.    It’s ALL ABOUT PROPERLY MANAGING THE RENTERS SO THAT THEY COMPLY AND UNDERSTAND THAT QUIET  ENJOYMENT IS WHAT IS REQUIRED.  In fact, most of my renters say they totally understand my Rules Document and are  happy that there are rules because they just want to relax, golf and enjoy the City of La Quinta.  So, do not let a few angry voices pave the path for those of us who are taking great effort to respect our neighbors with  rules that benefit all.  Please vote YES for new STVR permits.  Thank you  Deonn Hayes  1 From:Dr. Don Hayes, DC Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 12:53 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Cc:Deonn Hayes; Subject:YES for STVR in PGA West and all of La Quinta & NO on banning permits!  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & Council Members,  Please vote YES for STVR in PGA West and all of La Quinta.   Let’s keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits. Sincerely,  Donald L. Hayes  PGA West Homeowner  Thank you for your support!  From: Linda Hill   Date: April 5, 2021 at 4:49:46 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Allow families to visit La Quinta  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement  and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **      I want to express my support of keeping La Quinta open to families who want to experience a safe and  affordable place to vacation. I know that during this pandemic families have found homes available for  vacation rentals allowed them a much needed change to recharge yet be together safely.  My friends  Erin and Christine, both teachers, found homes to rent for separate long weekends in La Quinta with  their young children. They loved it even though it was summer.  It was affordable.    We purchased a home in La Quinta with the intention of transitioning to it as we retired. Renting it out  was the one way we could afford to do so.  Our neighbors here have not expressed concerns with our  renters. Our property managers are good stewards of our home and we work to take care of it when we  visit.    Working with other rental owners to address concerns will allow new people to visit, possibly to return  on vacation again or to settle.  Keeping it affordable for families is part of that.    Sincerely,    Linda Hill          Sent from my iPad          1 From:Bruce Hoban < Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 10:57 AM To:Olivier Chaine Cc:Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; Linda Evans; Vacation Rental Owners and Neighbors of La Quinta Subject:Re: Letter of Support from our Local Smaller Businesses- STVRs ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Very well done! Bruce Hoban Sent from my iPhone > On Apr 6, 2021, at 9:13 AM, Olivier Chaine < wrote: > > > Please see the following letter of support signed by over 110 local small businesses with more than 522 employees that depend on and strongly support a responsible, vibrant and growing STVR program in the City of La Quinta. > > We would be happy to answer any questions you may have. > > Olivier Chaine > President - VRON-LQ > <VRON-LQ Supporting Businesses Letter-3.pdf> To: La Quinta City Council Members, Mayor Cc: City Manager, City Clerk Submitted April 6th, 2021 ─ Letter of Suppor t for STVR Program We, the undersigned businesses below, are writing to the La Quinta Mayor and City Council in support of a continued and growing responsible STVR Program. Short Term Rentals are a key part of our community, our economy and our jobs.They bring tourists, golfers, families, and future generations of long term residents and homeowners. Many of our businesses could not survive without the revenue that is generated from the owners, from the guests, and to our city. Our businesses depend on a strong and well managed short term rental program, and we plead that the City Council does not restrict or eliminate responsible rentals further. Sincerely, Signatures: //s// Manny Pest control Service (employees: 2) La Quinta //s// Jose Pool Maintenance La Quinta //s// Natali Flores Cleaning Services (employees: 30) Bermuda Dunes, Cathedral City, La Quinta, Palm Desert,Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage From: Eric Holby   Date: April 5, 2021 at 8:33:52 AM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: April 6th Council Meeting  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement  and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **      Honorable Mayor and Council Members. I am respectfully requesting that the moratorium on short‐ term vacation rental licenses be REMOVED. Short‐term vacation rentals in our community play a vital  role in the health and vitality of the local economy as well as local businesses, and I ask that you vote in  favor of short‐term rentals. I would further ask that my letter be read aloud and entered into the record  for the April 6, 2021 meeting so that my voice in opposition of this measure can be heard. Thank you for  your time and consideration.    My wife and I have had a property in LaQuinta for more than ten years. We still reside in Illinois but  hope to retire to LaQuinta someday. Short term rental has allowed us to hold onto our place until that  day comes. We enjoy everything LaQuinta has to offer, but would be forced to sell and buy property  elsewhere if we could no longer rely on income from short term rentals.  We understand concerns about  noise and unruly renters but I believe these concerns can be addressed through cooperation with  responsible management companies.    Thanks for your consideration.    Eric and Tammy Holby          1 From:Brad Holcenberg Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 11:28 PM To:City Clerk Mail Cc:Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; Linda Evans; Brad Holcenberg Subject:PGA West STR Comment for meeting ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Mayor and Council Members, We are new to this community but it already feels like home. My wife, two sons (14 and 10) and I first came to the desert in December for a visit. We had been in our apartment all during Covid and had been safe, but we needed something to change. We came here and fell in love. A week turned into a month and a month turned into purchasing our house. We love our house. We are in PGA West Res II and just love our setting, the neighbors, the house - it’s a beautiful place. Last week, after not seeing my parents since February of last year, they came to stay with us at our beautiful new house. It was amazing. They spent a good solid chunk of time with their grandchildren and with us and had a great time. They couldn’t stop raving about the house. And we were excited about all the memories we’ll be making at our house. But in the back of my mind I was worried. We live in LA as our primary residence (we have to for jobs). We need to keep a place there but La Quinta will be our long term home. But paying for both without renting one part time would be really hard to pull off. And I knew that my HOA allowed short term rentals (because I wouldn’t have felt comfortable buying if I couldn’t rent it). So I should be fine. Except the city has been holding up permits and now is threatening to stop them completely. That’s devastating news to us. Yes, we could keep the place without renting but it would deplete a not-insignificant chunk of our savings. But our choices are either do that or sell the house. And the house would lose value because STRs were banned. Either is a loss but it’s more than that - we love our house here. It’s the first house we’ve owned. We decorated it for ourselves and for guests. Yes, I know we can rent long term and defray some cost that way. But there’s a good 6 months you just can’t rent. People only rent short term then. 2 So here we are, stuck with a painful choice despite our best efforts. We played by the rules, we did our research, we plan to be responsible owners. We need you to allow what our HOA allows - short term rentals. Not only does our HOA allow it, we just voted to keep it. So do the right thing so I don’t have to make a hard choice. Thank you for your time. Brad Holcenberg La Quinta, CA 92253 PGA West Res II 1 From:James Houk Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 8:47 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:Tuesday 4/6 City Council Meeting - Short-Term Rental Permits  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & Council Members,  I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well- regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means.   Please do not let the efforts of the City Council, the working groups, and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating.  We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs.   We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules.  Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs.   We Love all of La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits.   Sincerely,  James Houk  1 From:Patty Ignatowski Sent:Monday, March 22, 2021 9:41 AM To:Linda Evans Cc:John Pena; kfitzpatrick#@laquintaca.gov Subject:Short term rental permits  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   To whom it may concern:  We are in favor of lifting the moratorium for short term rental permits in La Quinta.  We have a home in the area and  would like   to rent it out from time to time.  We have been waiting since last April for a permit.  Originally we had a permit for a   different house in La Quinta and was not allowed to transfer the permit when we purchased the larger home.  The moratorium was not in effect when the purchase was closed.  If we would have known we couldn’t transfer or  obtain a short term  rental permit, we may not have purchased it.  There are a lot of advantages to the City for allowing these short term rental permits.  A few of the advantages for  approving  the short term rental permits are as follows:   It provides jobs for the residents, cleaners, gardeners, managers, pool people, contractors etc.,   It brings in more revenue for restaurants and shops and adds more revenue for The City of La Quinta (i.e. tot tax),   Property values to up from pride of ownership (owners completing upgrades for potential renters),      Allows families to enjoy a home instead of a hotel.  Then in turn, they may buy a house themselves.   This is how we ended up buying a house in La Quinta (from renting a house several times and loving the area).  PLEASE LIFT THE MORATORIUM FOR SHORT TERM RENTAL PERMITS.  Thank you,  Patty Ignatowski    Sent from Mail for Windows 10  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY PATTY IGNATOWSKI BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & LIFTING THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS 1 From:Patty Ignatowski Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 9:39 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:For tonight's Council Meeting/Short Term Rental Permits Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.    The purpose of this email is for written comments for tonight’s meeting regarding the topic of Short Term Rental  Permits.  Please consider changing your policy and lifting the moratorium for Short Term Rental Permits.  Or at least allow people  who   used to have them to obtain them again.  We had a Short Term Rental Permit for a house we owned in La Quinta for 5‐6  years.  Last year we sold it and purchased a larger one in the same area.  We thought the Short Term Rental Permit would be  transferred   to the new property.  We have been waiting for a year to apply for a new permit.  We never had any problems in the  past with our renters,   and no complaints from the HOA or neighbors.  We are Seniors and screen our renters prior to renting to them.   We hope to rent our property mostly to “snowbirds” when we aren’t staying at our own house.  This brings more people  to the community to eat in   restaurants, shop, golf, and spend their vacation money here in La Quinta. The Short Term Rental Permits help provide  jobs to locals, like cleaners and   grounds maintenance.   It also creates pride of ownership as we owners want to fix up our homes to look nicer. Some  renters even buy in the area after they have rented.    We, along with several of friends from out of the State have purchased homes in La Quinta after renting here.    Please AT LEAST allow those who have had Short Term Rental Permits in the past to obtain them again.  Thank you,  Patty Ignatowski     Sent from Mail for Windows 10  1 From: on behalf of Dennis and Roberta Ingram Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 8:17 AM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; City Clerk Mail; Vacation Rental Owners and Neighbors of La Quinta Subject:STVRs in La Quinta Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & Council Members, I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means. We support better control over approving new permits in areas already heavily populated with rentals but not discontinuing new permits altogether. This program is a huge draw for families wanting to come to La Quinta and spend time together without being spread out in different hotel rooms or deal with a crowded hotel outdoor space. We often host multi-generational families who live in different parts of the country but come together in La Quinta to have time to visit and relax as a family. Many of our guests mention the wonderful memories they have of coming to La Quinta over the years for just such family vacations. Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating. We urge you not to pass ordinances completely banning the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to renew their permit and come into compliance with the new rules. Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs. We Love _all of_ La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits. Sincerely, Dennis and Roberta Ingram La Quinta, CA 1 From:Oran Johnson Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 11:41 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Oran. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I started hosting two  years ago. I’m now retired and need the opportunity to supplement my meager retirement income when we begin  enjoying local events again.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Oran Johnson  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ORAN JOHNSON BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM 1 From:Cheryl Azoulay Sent:Saturday, March 20, 2021 2:15 PM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Against STVR Moratorium Extension ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** To Whom It May Concern: I am requesting that this email be read and entered into the record for the meeting on April 6th regarding the extension of the moratorium on STVR new permits. I live on a street with one other STVR about a block away and I have been waiting for the opportunity to apply for a permit since the hold went into place. There have not been any issues with the rental on our street, and all of my neighbors prefer STR as opposed to the low income long term rentals that have come and gone on our street. We have had issues with these long term rentals such as drug sales, loud music blasting ALL DAY, truck engines revving early in the morning for extended periods of time, very loud domestic disturbances, and homeowners of these properties that allow the home to get rundown and look trashy. This is the quality of long term rental that you get in certain parts of The Cove. My neighbors would much rather I rented my home to quality vacationers a couple of days a week who obeyed the rules of maintaining a quiet atmosphere at all times and spent most of their time visiting other places instead of long term renters blaring music and working on cars in front of their homes. I would absolutely abide by handling any complaints without hesitation, but would make sure any renters understood the terms before renting. I think you have made it perfectly clear that disturbances to the peace will not be tolerated, and I also think that vacation home renters could also be held liable by the city for those disturbances, should they occur. If current STVR homeowners do not comply, you have stated that you will take quick action to shut them down, but not all STVR homeowners-in-waiting should be penalized before getting the opportunity to prove that we can operate one successfully and with the full support of our neighbors. Sincerely, Cheryl Johnson-Azoulay La Quinta Cove CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT CHERYL JOHNSON-AZOULAY BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSING THE MORATORIUM 1 From:Marita Kakuk Sent:Monday, March 22, 2021 10:51 PM To:Marita Kakuk Subject:STVR Moratorium  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   March 22, 2021  Good Evening, We recently bought a vacation house in La Quinta with our family. We vacation out in the desert  frequently and La Quinta is by far our favorite place to spend time. We bought our house with the  intent of using it with our family as well as renting out the house as a STVR. While we do plan on  using the house frequently we would also like to have the option of renting it. That being said we  are in favor of lifting the moratorium on STVR and allowing new short‐term rental permits.   As vacation‐goers (and now owners) we also see the many financial benefits that the STVR’s bring  to the city including: tax revenue, jobs for local residents and revenue for La Quinta shops /  restaurants. Now that we are part of the La Quinta community, we felt that we had to reach out  and let our voices be heard. By suppressing STVR’s it could have many negative repercussions that  could be detrimental for La Quinta’s financial structure.   We previously spent time at resorts out in the desert but fell in love with spending time renting  houses in La Quinta.  It is from this experience that we started to feel connected to the  community. We have pride in the house that we recently purchased and our new community and  our goal is to be good neighbors. We have full intent of renting our house but also staying in our  house frequently to make sure we are part of this community. I honestly believe that STVR’s can  exist in a residential area as long as certain rules are reinforced (i.e. noise ordinance, street  parking etc.) which seem to the problems that are discussed the most.   We are so happy to be new members of the La Quinta community but truly hope the STVR  moratorium is lifted and that we can have the option of renting our home and having members  outside of our community fall in love with La Quinta the way that our family did.   Thank you for your time and consideration,  Marita Kakuk CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MARITA KAKUK BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF LIFTING THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS 1 From:Peter Kakuk Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 7:33 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Short term rentals  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & CouncilMembers, I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means. Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating. We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs. We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules. Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs. We Love _all of_ La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits. Sincerely, Peter Kakuk Sent from my iPhone  From:   Date: April 3, 2021 at 6:06:21 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: April 6th Council Meeting      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Honorable Mayor and Council Members, I am respectfully requesting that the moratorium on short-term vacation rental licenses be REMOVED. And, asking that you vote in favor of short-term rentals. Short-term vacation rentals in our community has played a vital role in the vitality of our local economy and businesses. As an example, I purchased a property after staying in a short term rental. Then subsequently used STVR as a way to augment the costs. Not only did it provide a vehicle to own in La Quinta but also provided revenue for the local small businesses and drive healthy property value. Additionally, it supports La Quinta’s public services which has a strong public reputation. I would further ask that my letter be read aloud and entered into the record for the April 6, 2021 meeting so that my voice in opposition of this measure can be heard. Thank you for your time and consideration. Kindest regards, Avi Lee Kaplan        1 From:Alison Kaufman Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 11:36 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Support my right to host Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Alison. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I have been a dental  hygienist for the past 12 years. I began hosting to make extra income to be able to afford a nice life for myself and my  two young children. Even with two working parents, expenses are high nowadays. I take hosting very seriously and as a  dental hygienist I am meticulous and cautious, and have never had a single complaint. I have all neighbors phone  numbers and they have mine. I feel as a host I contribute to the financial benefit of the city of La Quinta, both by  employing cleaning and handy people and by the taxes I submit to the city for the TOT taxes.   Please consider current hosts in good standing to keep and renew permits and the option for new permits on other  homes. This will ensure the hosts are not the “bad apples” and that tourists still get to enjoy the beautiful city of La  Quinta from the privacy of a home rental.   Thank you,  Alison   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Alison Kaufman  1 From:Mel K Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 4:46 PM To:City Clerk Mail; Monika Radeva Subject:Written Comments for City Council Meeting on 4/6/21  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  Please add the following to the comments for the city council meeting on 4/6/21...  Dear La Quinta City Council Member,  I would like to ask for the City Council to hold off on making final decisions on the STVR Licensing.  There have been many recent  laws and rules made to make sure that people who rent a home (completely or even partially) shall be more respectful in following  these new adopted rules.  We should let time pass, say 12 months to see how things are panning out.    My husband and I have always traveled and vacationed the way of renting a home, condo, or apartment for our family of 5  people.  It has afforded us a greater and more affordable way to vacation.  We have visited the La Quinta and Palm Springs area for  over 30 years.  A single hotel room does not compare to a vacation in a home with our family.  Purchasing two hotel rooms is an  expense that we could not afford or wanted to pay.  Having the option to enjoy a new location and vacation in someone’s home is  how we will continue to travel.  If you were to take away the option of being able to rent someone’s home in the La Quinta area,  then we will choose to vacation elsewhere.  I think this is an important consideration for the city, as many people have chosen La  Quinta as a place to vacation in people’s homes over hotels.  The snowbirds are one market that does this, as well as families who  want to vacation together in comfortable relaxing environments.  These vacationers bring money into the community with their  tourism.  On another note, because we fell in love with La Quinta, we purchased a second home here to come and live part‐time over the  year.  To help afford this, we rent out our home part‐time and we have a current city license for this.  We purchased a home in the  cove and remodeled it, which helps bring the property values up for the surrounding neighbors.  We rented it out some last year.  It  did not cover our annual property costs, but it helped.  I do find it frustrating to hear Anti‐Short‐Term‐Renters complain of how big  companies are owning these STVR’s and how they don’t care about the neighbors or the community, or that they are taking money  away from the community, which is the furthest from the truth with us (and I would guess with most STVR owners).  I would like the  city to be more open to STVR owners, as it seems that the people complaining are being listened to more than us. It has been a  unique year as well with the pandemic and more people being home and hearing noise.  I would like people to realize that a  neighbor is a neighbor – no matter if they own the property or rent it long term or short term.  They are a human being, that’s  all.  So please remember that we chose to purchase a property to be able to come and enjoy La Quinta and to let others come and  enjoy La Quinta by staying in our home part‐time.    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MELANIE KEATING BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - URGING COUNCIL TO WAIT ON MAKING A FINAL DECISION ON THE MORATORIUM DUE TO THE MANY RECENT CHANGES TO THE STVR RULES AND REQUIRMENTS 2 By investing in a home in La Quinta, we have paid a Contractor to do work, his sub‐contractors, and other local businesses in the city  to do this.  We have paid the city licensing as well as the STVR taxes.  There are so many people that we have paid that has helped  the local economy from our pool maintenance person, pool contractor, house cleaners, real estate agent and more.  And let’s not  forget the property taxes, and so I would like the city to consider this when making decisions that can affect a homeowner and  STVR.  When guests come, they bring in tourism money into the area.  All of these things are benefits to the city.  Finally, we have  not had any issues with our guests being loud or having parties, and we have gotten to know our neighbors and they have our  contact numbers in case it is needed.     Thank you for reading through my comments.  I do understand that you are working to make the city of La Quinta a wonderful place  to live for all.  Sincerely,  Melanie Keating  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MELANIE KEATING BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - URGING COUNCIL TO WAIT ON MAKING A FINAL DECISION ON THE MORATORIUM DUE TO THE MANY RECENT CHANGES TO THE STVR RULES AND REQUIRMENTS 1 From:Brian Kennedy Sent:Friday, March 26, 2021 7:23 AM To:Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov:; Monika Radeva Subject:IN FAVOR OF SHORT TERM RENTALS IN LA QUINTA  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Good morning.    I am an owner in La Quinta.  I am in favor of Short term rentals.  Please consider the following.  ‐Jobs it provides for local residents (ie. managers, cleaners, gardeners, pool men/woman, contractors/service)  ‐Revenue for local shops and restaurants   ‐Revenue for the city (ie. tot tax)  ‐Property values go up pride of ownership (ie fixing up the homes making them nice)   ‐Allows families to enjoy a home vs hotel and may turn into them investing in the city   Please stop this moratorium.  Lets get back to normalcy after a year of Pandemic.  Brian Kennedy    La Quinta CA  CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT BRIAN KENNEDY BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Amy Klaiman Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:12 AM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:STVR permits  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   "Dear Mayor & Council Members, I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means. Please do not let the efforts of the City Council, the working groups, and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating. We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs. We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules. Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs. We Love all of La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits. Sincerely, Amy and David Klaiman Sent from my iPhone  1 From:COATS Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 5:35 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:David Kohan: PRO STVR, Against Permanent Ban on No New Permits  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hello, I would like to speak at tomorrow's city council meeting, as well as submit a comment in writing. Please let me know how to do so and what my time slot is.   Name: David Kohan  Phone Number:   Comment:   As La Quinta homeowners who have purchased a property in the La Quinta Cove just last month, we are 100% against being excluded from getting a new STVR permit, as we were lead by facts from both the city website and it's staff (Lori and Michelle) that we would 100% be allowed to and be given a new permit.   If the city wants to amend their original ordinance and ban giving out new STVR permits, then the ONLY people that should be affected are ones that would be purchasing a home AFTER the new ordinance goes into full effect. And that's only if there is public knowledge (published on the city website) of this new ordinance so that they can be aware and make the decision themselves.   Please see Palm Desert & Cathedral City as they have disclosed everything upfront, which is ironically why we did not purchase our investment property in those cities (even though there are class action lawsuits right now against both PD and CT).   Before we purchased our property, we did our due diligence, as did our realtor, lender, and even our buyer's agent. We went off the information published on the city of La Quinta website at first, which clearly states STVR are allowed and are being given (at our property address specifically), and in addition to that, we received confirmation from Lori and Michele, as did our team. They stated that we would 100% be allowed to get our permits once the COVID related moratorium was lifted April 6th. There was never any suggestion that the city was looking to completely amend their ordinance and would ever stop giving new permits to new homeowners like us. We received the green light to invest our life savings into our new home. Had we known we could not get a STVR permit, we would never have even considered purchasing a home in La Quinta. We do not feel it is fair or constitutional to not be given a permit, just like many other new homeowners in our position, when other homeowners who have had permits are simply able to renew. This shows blatant favoritism and it is completely unethical.   As SuperHosts who have another property in Indio, we pride ourselves on being responsible STVR owners who follow all the rules, and generate thousands and thousands of TOT income for the city of Indio. Individual homeowners of STRs should be held responsible for their own issues, noise complaints, etc. via fines, warnings, etc. - not the contrary, which is unfair and ruining it for others who pay property taxes just the same and have all the equal rights.   2 For our new La Quinta property, we projected to pay over $20,000 this year to the City Of La Quinta in TOT alone if we were able to STVR our home, as we have paid an interior decorator to custom design our space and we have put well over 6 figures into that alone.   Not giving new permits to people like us, who went by the words and guidance and confirmation of the city, and invested over $150,000 of our life savings, is not only wrong, but it is unfaithful and unconstitutional on so many levels. We ask that if a ban on giving our new permits does go into effect, that anyone (like us) who purchased a home BEFORE the new ban, gets the opportunity to apply for and receive a new STVR permit as stated all over the City Of La Quinta's website, as well all clearly stated by staff there.  Thank You,   David Kohan  1 From:nick konkle Sent:Monday, March 29, 2021 1:58 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Short Term Rental New Permit Ban  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   I'd like the following included for the public comments.   I'm a resident of La Quinta, and I believe it is a mistake to indefinitely stop the issuing of new short‐term vacation  rentals.  Being able to collect additional income in the months that I am away is part of what makes it viable for me to  continue to invest in bettering my property, which I believe is great for our local economy.  I certainly understand that the council wants to limit the growth of STRs, but I feel that raising the price of the permit is a  better tool to achieve that, instead of simply blocking new licenses while allowing old ones to be grandfathered in.    I'd be more than happy to see the price of the new licenses go up if it meant greater revenue for the city and fewer new  properties being used as STRs. I know that many of my neighbors in similar situations feel the same way.  Thank you,  Nick Konkle  CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY NICK KONKLE BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUESTING TO LIFT THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Tegankossowicz Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 12:34 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments - PLEASE LIFT THE STVR MORATORIUM!!  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & Council Members: I am an attorney and my husband is a film editor in Los Angeles. We have been short term renters at PGA West for a few years and finally bought a property inside PGA West which we closed on in January 2021. The HOA inside PGA West where our condo is located (Res 1) currently allows STVRs and we even already obtained our PGA West STVR license. The only thing we are still waiting for is for La Quinta to lift its ban. When we bought our condo, there was no reason to believe that La Quinta's moratorium on STVR licenses would be unreasonably extended beyond the coronavirus lockdown and that our property rights would be affected by the La Quinta city council. If the moratorium is not lifted, we believe that the city misled us into believing that STVR licenses would be available once the pandemic eased. There are a significant number of others in the same position as us (people who bought properties where STVRs are allowed and just waiting for the city STVR moratorium to be lifted after the pandemic). If the moratorium is not lifted, we may have to consider legal options. We are strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for La Quinta, including regulated short term vacation rental options for travelers. Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups and the community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints and the problem party houses. We ask that you allow these measures to take effect before over-regulating and affecting our property rights. We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Those that aren't renting today or stopped during covid may need to rent in the future. STVR is a great way to allow vacationers to experience living in the area, spend money on local restaurants and businesses, play some golf and be drawn back to La Quinta hopefully again and again. We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all properties such as ours have an opportunity to apply for a permit as long as there is compliance with all of the rules and regulations both on the city and HOA side. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits - please DO NOT take away our right as a PGA West Res. 1 homeowners to use our property as an STVR. Tegan Kossowicz & Sam Seig PGA West homeowners Los Angeles, CA 1 From:m b Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 11:54 PM To:Linda Evans Cc:Don Kula; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Jon McMillen; Steve Sanchez; City Clerk Mail Subject:Moratorium on STVR ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Mayor Evans, My name is Marichi Kula - we have a property on the Norman Course of PGA West. I have participated once in a zoom meeting re: STVR. I continue to support STVR and although we do not live in the area - we visit often enough - specially during the summer time. We have seen so many developments including the city development (I believe it will be a resort) of which may have been made possible from the tax revenues assessed on STVRs. While I understand that permanent residents do not like to have a neighbor that rents out their home as an STVR...they (and us - when we decide to move in permanently upon retirement) live in a “destination” community. Whether we like it or not...the desert communities thrive on tourist income. Much like Hawaii or other destination cities. Having said that...with the income generated from STVR - the city will improve its roads, its schools and it’s reputation as a welcoming destination city. We have an existing STVR license, so whatever the decision is - will not drastically affect us. But it may affect the city’s revenues...and the housing market in the desert. It is a difficult decision for all....and I do not want to sound like I am making it political. But as Americans...we are slowly eroding our basic constitutional rights...by stipulating so many government restrictions. IF STVR owners continue to be irresponsible, they will have to pay penalties. And the consequence of possibly losing their ability to renew their license. But the responsible STVR owners - current and future should not have to pay that consequence. I am not a public official, and I commiserate on what you have to do to please both sides. However, as a Parent...I always have to be fair to my children and punish the child that did something wrong and not have to punish “all”. Thank you for your time and careful consideration. Marichi Kula 1 From:Brent Lamb Sent:Tuesday, March 23, 2021 10:32 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Lamb, Brent (In Support of STVR) WRITTEN Comments – April 6, 2021 Council Meeting Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Completed  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hello,    I would like to submit written comments in favor of La Quinta's STR Program for the April 6, 2021 council meeting. Can you confirm receipt when you have a chance? Here is the requested info, per the website:  1) Full Name: Brent Lamb 2)City of Residence: La Quinta 3) Phone Number: 4) Public Comment 5) Subject: Written Public Comments in Favor of La Quinta's STR Program 6) Written Comments: "My wife and I rely on STR income to support our family, especially since I lost my job due to covid. We understand that there are some issues with some STR permit holders, and those permit holders who do not follow the rules should lose their permits entirely. The STR holders who are causing issues should not jeopardize the entire STR program for the folks who are respectful and abide by the rules. We ask that you please consider this, as well as the impact that not allowing STRs will have on our La Quinta community, such as the further impact to small businesses, and devastating loss of tax revenue that our schools rely on, our police and fire departments, city workforce, infrastructure, jails, parks, and countless other public and municipal services and resources that our hard working residents rely on.   We support more stringent rules for STRs to alleviate the issues caused by the rise in vacation rentals from the pandemic. The pandemic will come to an end and the rate of vacation rentals will level out once again, but the decisions that are made by this committee will have a lasting impact on our community and the people that rely on STR income. Let's work together to solve these issues so that we can find a mutually-beneficial resolution.   Thank you for your consideration." CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT BRENT LAMB BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS From: "  Date: March 26, 2021 at 2:40:13 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: April 6th Council Meeting      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Please enter this email into the record for the April 6, 2021 City Council Meeting.  I am a supporter of  short‐term vacation rentals in the city of La Quinta and I ask the moratorium on short‐term vacation  rentals be removed.  I believe that short‐term rentals have a vital impact in our community and I ask  that you vote in favor of short‐term rentals.   Thank you for your consideration.    1 From:Dustin Leibelt Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 6:17 PM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:LaQuinta and STVRs  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   To the City of La Quinta Leadership,  I'm sure you receive a flood of emails everyday with a lot of opinions on short‐term rentals, and I'm guessing a lot of the  emails come from individuals who either fully support STVRs and want little restriction, or who want short‐term rentals  completely banned.  As an owner of a house in LaQuinta, a part‐time resident, and having neighboring houses with a mix of permanent  residents, long‐term rentals and short‐term rentals, I am hoping I can offer a more neutral perspective that points  towards a balanced solution which does not cater to the vocal, and sometimes unreasonable, individuals with views at  either extreme.  I want to share some of my observations that have led me to believe that a middle of the road compromise on STVRs  would be the best solution for LaQuinta:  ‐Even someone who is renting short‐term does not want to live next to a house that is a 24X7 party, so rules should be in  place to control repeated behavior that is disturbing to neighbors.  ‐The problems associated with rentals in our neighborhood (whether short‐term, 30 day, or long‐term lease) appear to  be more related to how they are managed rather than the term for which they are rented.  Rentals are rarely a problem  if they are managed appropriately ‐including the addition of specific language in rental agreements that prohibit  problematic behaviors.  ‐Many people have recently purchased homes in La Quinta for the flexibility to reside in the home part time but also  have the flexibility to rent their home during events and festivals.    ‐There are many existing HOA communities within LaQuinta that have specific rules regarding rentals, but yet I have  seen a number of individuals recently purchase homes in non‐HOA neighborhoods and then passionately advocate for  city level restrictions they could have had by simply purchasing in an HOA neighborhood.  My simple suggestion is that as the city leadership develops solutions for the short‐term rental conundrum, there is a  focus on putting basic rules in place to have both owners and renters share accountability for ensuring rentals do not  have a negative impact on neighborhoods, while avoiding extreme restrictions or bans that would have a negative  impact to those who invested in LaQuinta specifically for its fun and friendly resort atmosphere. If a more permanent  restriction on new short‐term rentals really becomes necessary, an implementation date at some point in the future  would make more sense than one that is essentially retroactive back to the beginning of a temporary moratorium.  This  would allow future home‐buyers to make their decision to invest in La Quinta based on full knowledge of how their  investment can be used, but allow people who have already bought a home to use their property as it was sold to them.  Thanks for your time,  Dustin Leibelt  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DUSTIN LEIBELT BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF RENTERS & OWNERS SHARING RESPONSIBILITY & LIFTING THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS 1 From:Leibelt, Wendy M. Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 1:40 PM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:In favor of STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Council –  My husband and I recently purchased a home in Desert Club Estates in November 2020.  We purchased that home based  on the location and non‐HOA neighborhood allowing for STRV.   We are part‐time residents of La Quinta and enjoy  everything the community has to offer.  We also look forward to sharing this beautiful community and amenities it has  to offer with others.   Allowing STRV for new and existing residents will allow substantial revenue increase as well as jobs for local restaurants,  shops, and the city.    I’ve managed rental properties for the last 15 years in Oregon on campus at OSU and understand the concerns and  violations that permanent residents have with short term renters.  It all comes down to how the property is managed  and the guests you approve to stay in your home.  If the property is managed appropriately and guests comply with the  rules and regulations, both STRV and permanent residents can cohabitate.   Regards,  Wendy Leibelt  Desert Club Estates     CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY WENDY LEIBELT BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & LIFTING THE MORATORIUM TO ALLOW NEW STVRS 1 Monika Radeva From:Jolie Leydekkers <jolie@jolie4homes.com> Sent:Friday, March 26, 2021 9:47 AM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva; Joey Arsanto Subject:Fwd: Attachments:FinalVideo-1616776360.469238.MOV  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hello! I ask that this video be entered into the record for the April 6th meeting or played.  I am sending about 5‐ 6 SHORT 30 second videos on projects we have done in 2020 (just some, we did  upwards of near 40) whereas we took dilapidated properties specifically IN La Quinta and put hundreds  of thousands of dollars into these homes as well as hard labor, turning them into something beautiful  and selling them at TOP DOLLAR. We hear the good...... we get comments from NEIGHBORS, agents,  buyers AND sellers, of how we are 'beautifying' this city, increasing home values, and like we mentioned  before at the meeting, our flips are employing many people on average 30 hands AS WELL AS putting  back money into local businesses like Floor and Decor etc. We have a waiting list of buyers for our  product FOR La Quinta specifically. We get on average 9‐10 offers on a single flip.  We (myself who is also a La Quinta resident) and many others are in FAVOR or keeping the STVR option  for La Quinta for not only real estate perspective (as we will clearly have to move our business to other  cities should this be shut down) but for our city revenue and small business owner friends as well. Please  allow the suggested options a CHANCE to work and not punish the good STVR owners who abide by  regulations. Lastly, consider those who have lost income from COVID and are using all their savings to  acquire a STVR as a source of income for their family.   Maybe not so many on a certain block radius, etc? Certainly we should be allowed some sort of option  to play out before banning altogether...   See video attached, more to follow.  Cheers!  Jolie Leydekkers Realtor | DRE 01480535  Windermere Homes & Estates  M: (760) 702-6736  jolie@jolie4homes.com  www.JolieSellsTheDesert.com  Follow me on:  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JOLIE LEYDEKKERS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Jolie Leydekkers <jolie@jolie4homes.com> Sent:Friday, March 26, 2021 9:54 AM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva; Joey Arsanto Subject:Fwd: Attachments:FinalVideo-1616776285.089570.MOV  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.    before and after   I ask that this video be entered into the record for the April 6th meeting or played.   CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JOLIE LEYDEKKERS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Hongmei Lu Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 11:41 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Hongmei. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. Hi!  My Two bedroom 2 bathroom condo is next to the hotel and there are no houses around except for a restaurant.  My family needs income from renting out this apartment to support it. My husband and I planned to adopt a child last  year. We postponed it to the second half of this year due to the epidemic. We hope to get your support to agree to our  short‐term apartment rental, so that our income can fulfill our wish of adopting children. Thank you from the bottom of  my heart! My address is , La Quina, CA 92263   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Hongmei Lu  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY HONGMEI LU BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM 1 From:Laura Lucas Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 11:30 AM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:Please Lift the STVR Moratorium  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & Council Members,  I am strongly in favor of a vibrant, inclusive, and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well‐ regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means. Please do not let the efforts of the  City Council, the working groups, and community go to waste. Everyone worked incredibly hard to pass reasonable  regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let’s pause as these  measures take effect before potentially over‐regulating.  We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit ‐ even those that aren't actively renting  today, those who stopped during COVID, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell  their family home when it becomes theirs.   For our family personally, we purchased a home right before the moratorium went into effect and thus have not been  able to get a STVR permit. We love La Quinta and all it has to offer and wanted to have a home that was ours where we  could install a pool fence so that we could have peace of mind that our small kids would be safe here. There are very few  homes here that have pool fences, so we’re hoping to get an STVR permit so that other families with children can safely  vacation here when we’re out of town. While this is just our story, there are so many families in varying circumstances  so having the opportunity to apply for a permit gives host families flexibility and optionality while allowing visitors to  find a place to stay that best suits them.   We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts  have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules. Let's keep our city open for  families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits.   Thank you,   Laura Lucas   April 6, 2021    Dear Mayor Evans and City Council,        We’re Laura and Graham Lucas, and we recently purchased a wonderful home in PGA West. We are  from Santa Monica and have made beautiful memories in the Palm Desert area during our prior trips  here. We have two small kiddos (two and four years old), and our jobs often allow us to work remotely,  so we were thrilled with the opportunity to buy a property and rent it part time to offset the mortgage  costs.   We have been landlords in Santa Monica and have also been renters in Palm Desert, so we understand  the issues that full time residents have had with “bad apples.” Unfortunately, we’re now limited to a 30‐ day rental schedule until you and the City Council decide to allow short term rental permits to be issued.  We have many friends and family that would like to rent the home and spend time in our beautiful city  enjoying all the area has to offer. In fact, one of our main decision points was finding a home where we  could install a pool fence so that we could have peace of mind that our small kids would be safe here.  There are very few rental homes here that have pool fences, so we’re hoping to get an STVR permit so  that other families with children can safely vacation here when we’re out of town. While this is just our  story, there are so many families in varying circumstances so having the opportunity to apply for a  permit gives host families flexibility and optionality while allowing visitors to find a place to stay that  best suits them.  Limiting us to a 30‐day rental schedule and allowing our neighbors on both sides of our home in PGA  West to have a full short term rental ability is highly discriminatory against us as new homeowners.  From an HOA perspective, we are “Grandfathered in” to file for an HOA STVR permit, but we urge City  Council to lift the moratorium so we can have the same opportunities as our neighbors. We’ve now  owned the home for several months, and throughout this period, we’ve spoken with many renters  around us, and we have not had any issues with loud noises or disruptive behavior. It seems to me that  there may be certain times of the year that you would have individuals or groups that could cause an  issue, but I am sure that between the City and the HOA, provisions could be made to deal with any bad  element.  Being a responsible landlord while also having the ability to share time with our children and extended  family at our home has been a long‐time goal and dream of ours. I urge you to reinstate the STVR. The  STVR is not just for profit, it is a flexibility platform that already exists for some but now in jeopardy of  not being for all, which will only create division and conflict. As a new member of the community, we  expect the same rights and responsibilities as our neighbors ‐ bad apples/landlords can be dealt with.  Reading the current provisions for corrective action you have in place seems logical and thoughtful. We,  as members of the community, need to help do our part to keep this a dream destination that provides  fair, equitable, and inclusive opportunities for all homeowners and residents.  Sincerely,  Laura & Graham Lucas   Homeowners & Residents of     1 From:Matthew Lucas Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 7:42 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please support vacation rentals in La Quinta ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Matthew. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I’m at 56893 Merion.  Bought this Highlands 3 in PGA West in December 2019 as a second hone and planned part time stvr for $589K. We’ve  put another $200K in with a complete interior renovation, pool and landscaping. Covid delayed everything last year ‐ we  just finished the landscaping this week. The stvr moratorium caught us completely by surprise, we thought we’d just  apply when the renovations were completed.   For those who complain about “absentee owners”, that’s who sold to me. Couple from Ohio, owned 5 years and never  set foot here. Local real estate agent found them a residential tenant, owners cut out the agent and cashed the rent  check each month. Our inspection revealed evidence the house was being used long term as a marijuana grow house.  Signs were everywhere including the locked gates and the fact no one seemed to notice or care they never saw the  residents here much. I laugh when I see the comments about how bad second home owners are because we don’t care  about the neighborhood ‐ yet the full time residents had a drug house on the block for years and never said a word. I’d  hope they think folks like us that invest, improve the property, help property values appreciate and bring tax dollars to  the area are preferable to drug dealers but it appears maybe not.   We built a successful stvr second home in Avila Beach in 2014. The area has a good track record of accord between stvr  owners and full time residents. I spoke at at both the master assoc meeting and a res ii meeting last year ‐ La Quinta  could learn from San Luis Obispo and central coast what works and what doesn’t.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Matthew Lucas  From: Wayne Lunan   Date: April 3, 2021 at 12:39:02 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>  Cc: Debra W Terry Schubert   Subject: April 6th Council Meeting  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement  and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **      Honorable Mayor and Council Members.  I am respectfully requesting that the moratorium on short‐ term vacation rental licenses be REMOVED.  Short‐term vacation rentals in our community play a vital  role in the health and vitality of the local economy as well as local businesses, and I ask that you vote in  favor of short‐term rentals.    I would further ask that my letter be read aloud and entered into the  record for the April 6, 2021 meeting so that my voice in opposition of this measure can be heard. Thank  you for your time and consideration.    My wife, Debra and I own our dream home on Pebble Beach in the Stadium Gate of PGA.  When we  build10 years ago, all of our neighbours owned their homes and nobody rented.  Such a lovely peaceful  street to enjoy our lives.  Since then, a lot of the demographics have changed including the sale of  several homes to owners who don’t share the same view of peaceful ownership on a luxury street in  PGA.  Yes, these owners have rights to accumulate income by renting their homes to short term  rentals.  However, it is done on a purely selfish means with greed and lack of consideration of  others.  We didn’t invest $2 million dollars in building our retirement home to be encroached upon by  selfish renters, speaking primarily of short term renters who invade our privacy with their loud music,  volumous voices and obnoxious pool parties.  Our immediate neighbour has a beautiful home for short  term rentals.  We personally have been insulted and harassed by their renters, who trespass on our  property while running through our lakeside yard to the other rental homes to join in their parties, they  have parked their cars in our driveway and entered our backyard without permission, thinking our home  was the rental unit, we even have had the renters break into our home while we were at church.   We  are constantly calling the security guards on these renters who are staying here short term.  They are  invading our privacy on a daily basis, and we apparently are one of the most harassed homes in the  Stadium Gate, and probably PGA.  We believe in respecting our neighbours, and have established close friendships on our  street.  However, the owners of the rental properties  prefer to prioritize their morals on financial gain.  Debra and I passionately request that the moratorium on short term vacation rental licenses be  REMOVED in order to reestablish our peaceful community.    Respectfully yours,  Wayne Lunan and Debra Wildman        1 From:Najelli Lopez Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 5:14 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Public Comment Attachments:VR_City of La Quinta.pdf  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hello,  We want to be part of the City Council Meeting through the written public comments.  Attached you’ll find our letter as a public comment.  Thank you,  Najelli Lopez   CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER / REALTOR  c CalBRE No. 02070822 VISIT OUR WEBSITE Follow us! Dear Mayor & Council Members, We are a family-owned independent real estate brokerage who successfully manages over 35 short term and monthly vacation rentals across the valley; we have a proven track record that vacation rental guests and residents can harmonize in the community through smart policies and best practices. We are in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options. Everyone has been working vigorously to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints and bring balance to the community. We need to allow more time for the regulations to take effect before over-regulating. We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit, we believe investors care about our community and we have confidence that the promotion of responsible vacation rental ownership and management programs will preserve the balance between neighbors. We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules. Let's keep our city open to create one-of-a-kind experiences for our guests, family, and friends. Supporting our small shops in old town La Quinta, family-owned restaurants, and residents that work in the hospitality industry. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits. Sincerely, Lux Box Vacation Rentals 1 From:Sarah Lynch Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 5:43 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Sarah. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. Our family uses this  property for helping to fund the college tuition for the kids and future kids of our family.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Sarah Lynch  1 From:Denise M Sent:Tuesday, March 30, 2021 11:24 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please support vacation rentals in La Quinta  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Denise. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. We are snowbirds who  have been hosting for 2 years. We are thankful to have a way to offset the housing cost so that we are able to afford a  2nd home as well as welcoming visitors to La Quinta. It also generates income for our maintenance & cleaning crew. No  violations in that time. I have a noise monitor and carefully vet people 30 and over. I do not allow parties or even the  max # of guests that I am allowed to stay at our home. Neighbors have my cell phone and are encouraged to call if they  are bothered in any way   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Denise M  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY DENISE M BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:N Patzner < Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 7:05 PM To:Monika Radeva Cc:Steve Sanchez Subject:Letter in Support of STRs ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear Mayor Evans & City Council,                                                4/6/2021 We are Julie & Daniel Machock. Last year we  purchased a beautiful home located in the PGA West Legends  neighborhood in June 2020.  We are from Los Angeles (via the midwest)  and have been visiting the La Quinta area for  many years.  We wanted a place in the desert to enjoy as a family with our two young boys. To make this affordable for  our family we offset the mortgage cost with short term rentals until hopefully someday we can make our move to full  time residency upon retirement. This was our intention in joining the community and we truly hope this doesn’t change with new regulations. We also  helped influence another wonderful family to do the same and they purchased a home on Spanish Bay in PGA West  Fairways. Because of their timing, they haven’t been able to get a license for STR and now they are at risk of having to  move after they put their hearts and souls into making the house a home for their family. We are responsible landlords, have never had a complaint, and absolutely love our home and the community. We bring  business to the area and are responsible citizens in every way.  We understand the need to address “bad apples” and  support the current provisions for corrective action you have in place. But please consider continuing to allow STVR so  we can realize our retirement dreams and continue to build beautiful memories with our family. Sincerely, Julie and Dan Machock         Homeowners 81045 Golf View Drive, La Quinta CA Sent from my iPhone    Nyla Patzner, Realtor®, DRE#01903843  Pacific Sotheby’s International Realty.  415‐341‐3426  1 From:Debbi Malet Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 4:33 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Debbi. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I have owned a condo in  pga  for 15 years and have responsibly chosen renters  When we are not there. I do  have a property manager to  oversee mostly longer term rents. During Covid last summer our license expired  unknown to me. When I   checked it this year I was surprised to hear I couldn’t  reinstate it. I paid all taxes  due for the beginning of the year until things shut down  I’ve never had a complaint   and have followed the rules  Is there any reconsideration   of reinstatement?   Sincerely. Debbi Malet   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Debbi Malet  1 From:Jasmin Manning Sent:Saturday, April 3, 2021 12:26 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Jasmin. I am an Airbnb host, and I welcome guests to La Quinta. Hosting is a liberty and freedom of the  people and our property! It doesn’t even matter how I have been positively impacted by hosting or negatively impacted  by long term renters—it’s about property and freedom and rights!   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Jasmin Manning  1 From:Serj Manukyan Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 10:09 AM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:"Dear Mayor & CouncilMembers  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   "Dear Mayor & CouncilMembers,  I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well‐ regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means.   Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups and community go to waste. Everyone worked so  hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring  balance. Let these take effect before over‐regulating.  We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting  today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell  their family home when it becomes theirs.   We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts  have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules.   Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs. We  Love _all of_ La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing  the ban on new permits.   Sincerely,  Serj Manukyan   1 From: Sent:Monday, March 22, 2021 3:18 PM To:City Clerk Mail Cc:Jon McMillen; Teresa Thompson Subject:Public Comment About STVR-s  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   As a supporter of STVR-s, the moratorium should no longer be extended as California is now moving towards reopening. The moratorium was issued primarily to reduce STVR's due to Covid-19, and there was no indication that new applications for permit will no longer be accepted in the immediate future. Applicants are kept on being given false hope by the continuous extension of this order. If there is really a plan to stop issuing new STVR permits through an ordinance, it would be fair to at least give a chance to those who've been waiting patiently for months to obtain a new permit and set a deadline when new permit applications will no longer be accepted. Some of these applicants bought properties with existing STVR permits and granting permits to the new owners does not necessarily impact the overall STVR density. - Mark and Ethel CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY MARK & ETHEL BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF LIFTING THE MORATIORIUM ON NEW STVRS 1 From:Melrose Mixology Tea Lover Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 6:23 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Jen Marrical: PRO short term rentals. AGAINST ban of short term rentals Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   To whom it may concern:   It is imperative I am heard at tomorrow's council meeting regarding the unbelievable and unjust extension of the moratorium and also possible permanent ban of short term rentals in La Quinta.  Name: Jen Marrical  Phone Number:   Comment:   I want to start off by saying thank you for your time and essential work during a pandemic. It has been an extremely rough time for all of us and this moratorium extension on short term rentals (which does not make sense) has exasperated and exaggerated my hardships as a business owner, who in fact stimulates much for the desert economy.   I have been in touch with an organization with many members pro short term rentals and also many community members in the same situation as myself. I am appalled and, to be frank, disgusted that this city would even consider permanently ending short term rentals. I purchased my home post covid-19 and after travel bans were lifted. I was also informed that homeowners would be able to apply for their short term rental permits April 6. Your website shows all of this. Also, I spoke with Lori from city hall, as my assistant and realtors (both buyer's agent & seller's agents) confirmed. I planned on retiring based on the income that was projected from my new La Quinta investment property. THAT has been grasped away from me with no empathy... with no clear explanation... and this conundrum is immoral and unconscionable.   Why is it that my neighbor across the street can rent his home every night as a short term rental because he had his permit just last year? When in fact, and ironically, I pay more property taxes than he does? I am an abiding citizen. I have equal rights. I understand the constitution. And I understand my freedom to be able to start a business, just as anyone else, given the same information.   I have lost so much money because of this moratorium, while my neighbors rake it in. How is this fair?! How is that American? How is this something to be proud of? Where will this city go? Property values will plummet, just like in Cathedral City, and have you ever looked around? This is a destination place for TOURISM! How can you be so ignorant to not consider for one second our losses? And that our gorgeous city thrives on the occupancy taxes and tourism income.  I demand this moratorium is released and short term rentals remain operable in La Quinta. Everybody has the right to earn money when they pay their taxes and follow rules. There will be no more prejudice and no more discrimination that serves your traditionalist views of who can rent my home and who cannot. I believe in a fair America and I stand by La Quinta to be the true "gem of the desert". But it will rapidly turn to the "coal of the desert" when all these small businesses have to shut down because the city has imposed 2 ridiculous restrictions and limits on short terms. This is a trickle down effect that will impact thousands and thousands of jobs. Who will be responsible then?   I have talked with my attorney in deep details regarding your total lack of transparency and complete misguidance and will be pursuing a lawsuit against the city La Quinta for all my money lost. And my attorney's firm believes this is a very promising class action lawsuit. So please make it less of a headache on all of us and do the right thing and validate all (not just some) short term rentals, or you will be held responsible for the millions of dollars lost, due to your lack of preparedness and your spiritnessless to make things right for all of us business owners and homeowners of La Quinta.   P.S. - I am all for strict rules regarding short term rentals and those infractions should be held on the permit holder themselves via heavy fines, etc. But everybody here knows that it's completely foolish and quite asinine to punish others who have done nothing wrong, like myself and hundreds more.   Thank you for your time and we all look forward to continuously calling La Quinta "gem of the desert".  Jen Marrical,  A very distressed and very motivated business owner and homeowner who is just trying to retire like all of my neighbors  1 From:STUART MARSH Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:08 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Support my right to host  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is STUART. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I started being a host  when I bought my home in La Quinta to offset the costs of owning the 2nd home we plan to retire to full time in the  future. Our local services and vendors depend on the income guests bring to the city. If guests are banned, homes will  be vacant half the year and these small businesses will not survive.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   STUART MARSH  From: James Mawhiney   Date: April 2, 2021 at 9:33:58 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: April 6th Council Meeting  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement  and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **      Honorable Mayor and Council Members. I am respectfully requesting that the moratorium on short‐ term vacation rental licenses be REMOVED. Short‐term vacation rentals in our community play a vital  role in the health and vitality of the local economy as well as local businesses, and I ask that you vote in  favor of short‐term rentals. I would further ask that my letter be read aloud and entered into the record  for the April 6, 2021 meeting so that my voice in opposition of this measure can be heard. Thank you for  your time and consideration.      James Mawhiney        From: Sherronna Mawhiney   Date: April 5, 2021 at 7:10:07 AM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: April 6th Council Meeting  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement  and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **      Honorable Mayor and Council Members. I am respectfully requesting that the moratorium on short‐ term vacation rental licenses be REMOVED. Short‐term vacation rentals in our community play a vital  role in the health and vitality of the local economy as well as local businesses, and I ask that you vote in  favor of short‐term rentals. I would further ask that my letter be read aloud and entered into the record  for the April 6, 2021 meeting so that my voice in opposition of this measure can be heard. Thank you for  your time and consideration.      Be blessed,  Sherronna Mawhiney        1 From:eileen mccarroll Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 1:59 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:Permanent ban on new STVR permits ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Ms. Mayor and Council members, I purchased my beautiful second home in PGA West in December 2020. I've spent decades coming to the area from San Francisco. My retirement plan included investing in a property I could rent out occasionally, enabling me to make the purchase. I was made aware of the STVR moratorium, assured it came about as a measure to curb unwanted travel during COVID. It seems it has morphed into something else entirely. I am 100% for responsible vacation property management. Not only did I sign up immediately with a highly reputable company with a strong local presence, I also spent thousands of dollars substantially renovating my property to meet their standards. I have attended all meetings and calls since becoming a homeowner here. It seems many folks have worked very hard to come up with solutions to the real problems of noise complaints and problem homes. I would hope these regulations would be given a chance, measuring their impact, prior to an out right ban. Obviously the new permit seekers are NOT part of the existing problem. I would welcome a 1 year "trial" permit with special provisions, such as 7 night minimum, limited # of rentals annually, must use local property management company year 1, etc. to make sure new permit holders adhere to the regulations. This would be an acceptable compromise, as an outright ban is punishing the wrong parties. A total ban will negatively impact the market for homes in La Quinta. I know I would not have purchased here had a total ban been raised as a possibility. There are those that may argue that prices are going up, and no STVR permit will have little impact, but we all know the cyclical nature of real estate. It won't last forever and I feel homeowners should have the right to be competitive with surrounding cities when it comes time to sell, or be able to responsibly generate income from their asset should life circumstances dictate the need to do so. I implore you to please consider a compromise. A conditional one year permit as opposed to an out right ban for new permits. I know I'm not alone, numerous parties have found themselves in this wholly un-anticipated boat. If you must issue a ban, then grandfather those of use that purchased properties while this was only being touted as a moratorium. Thanks for your consideration. Eileen McCarroll 1 From:Steph Griffith Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 8:04 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments - April 6th Meeting ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Hi, 1)Full Name - Stephanie McCartney 2)City of Residence - La Quinta 3)Phone Number - 4) Agenda Item # - Business Session 1 - STVR Permits 5)Subject - Please approve permits for those who purchased a home in a HOA neighborhood during the temporary city moratorium. 6)Written Verbal Comments - Hello. I am Stephanie and we purchased a home in PGA West, a HOA community, in September of 2020. We purchased the home to enjoy for ourselves but also to rent out occasionally when the home is not in use. We specifically sought out PGA West since it was, at the time, allowing under 30 day rentals. Well as everyone here now knows, things have drastically changed and emotions have run rampant throughout the community. From a strictly private property rights concern, I am pleading with the city to allow responsible adults such as myself and my husband to allow us to submit an application for a short term vacation rental permit as we have approval from our HOA to rent our property out as a short term vacation rental. We have spent money on the HOA STVR application as well, which was also approved. We applaud the HOA and City for implementing great ideas and guidelines for property managers and short term vacation rentals, to which we have to say, we have seen extremely beneficial results. Never once have we ever heard loud noises at night, seen any “party homes”, or have seen anyone utilize the golf course without permission. Frankly, PGA West is the most silent, non intrusive private neighborhood we have ever seen at this point. Please allow for people in our unique circumstance to submit STVR permits to the city so we can all live happily. The city refusing an application from people such as myself and my husband punishes us for absolutely no reason at all and puts our lives in a much tougher situation. Thank you. Thanks, From: Wes McWhorter   Date: April 2, 2021 at 5:10:48 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: April 6th Council Meeting  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement  and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **      Honorable Mayor and Council Members. I am respectfully requesting that the moratorium on short‐ term vacation rental licenses be REMOVED. Short‐term vacation rentals in our community play a vital  role in the health and vitality of the local economy as well as local businesses, and I ask that you vote in  favor of short‐term rentals. I would further ask that my letter be read aloud and entered into the record  for the April 6, 2021 meeting so that my voice in opposition of this measure can be heard. Thank you for  your time and consideration.  My wife and I purchased our property in 2014 and would not have been able to do it if it were not for  the short term rental market. We travel to La Quinta 2‐4 times per year and stay at our unit between  rental bookings. Please do not ban short term rentals!!    Please note my email has changed to     Wes McWhorter and Wendy McWhorter            1 From:Rick Melniker Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 12:25 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Cc:Paul E. Harris; Rebeca; info@iluvlaquinta.com Subject:STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear all, While I 100% agree with the info@iluvlaquinta.com letter below I would like to make the following observation. If the city is to pass this ordinance it should also all eliminate all STVRs. To retain STVRs for exiting permits is grossly unfair. To allow only existing STVRs is to cut off the supply thus greatly benefitting said STVR permit owners. Is it not the case that existing STVR permit owners are promoting this ordinance? It seems to me that the problems associated with STVRs are not difficult to remedy. The owner just needs to be held responsible to insure rules are followed by their tenants. If rules are not followed the owner needs to be significantly fined. The owner then needs to notify their tenants of the rules and retain a deposit significant enough to cover potential fines. If the tenant is aware that they would be responsible for the significant fines the chances are rules would be respected. Sincerely, Richard Melniker , PGA West "Dear Mayor & Council Members, I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means. Please do not let the efforts of the City Council, the working groups, and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating. 2 We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs. We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules. Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs. We Love all of La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits. Sincerely, Richard Melniker 1 From:Teresa Thompson Sent:Monday, March 29, 2021 2:35 PM To:Jon McMillen; Danny Castro; Monika Radeva; Chris Escobedo Subject:Comments: Request for Reasonable Checks and Balances Provisions in STVR Ordinance Amendments - Mitzev Attachments:LaQuintaSTVRCheckBalanceProvisions 3-26-21.docx; 2021-03-26-Attachment-VaskoLtrCouncil.pdf Teresa Thompson | Management Specialist City Manager's Office City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7030 www.laquintaca.gov www.laquintaca.gov/covid19 www.playinlaquinta.com From: Vasko Mitzev    Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 1:39 PM  To: Council <Council@laquintaca.gov>; Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>;  Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez  <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Request for Reasonable Checks and Balances Provisions in STVR Ordinance Amendments   EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Hon. Mayor and Esteemed Council, Please consider my attached correspondence and proposed DRAFT provisions to include in any STVR Ordinance Amendments. A community issue as important as STVR requires community inclusion as a whole, as well as community accountability. The proposed approaches are underway- or being considered- in multiple STVR jurisdictions. Thank you for reasoned consideration and your continued diligence. Have a great week and wonderful Easter. Vasko. CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VASKO MITZEV BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUEST FOR CHECSK & BALANCES FOR FALSE STVR COMPLAINTS . \ 0v0 March 26, 2021 FROM: Vasko R. Mitzev, STVR Owner/Licensee, La Quinta Cove TO: CITY COUNCIL RE: Inclusion of Checks/Balances Provision in Proposed Amendments to STVR Ordinance for False/Harassing/Frivolous Complaints against STVR Owners for Improper Purpose _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Council, Any prudent, common sense, STVR Ordinance Amendment must include a checks and balances provision against frivolous, resource-exhausting, and punitive/vindictive false reporting of alleged STVR code violations by members of the public. STVR’s are extremely polarizing and while, on the one hand, STVR licensee must compromise and accept prudent-City imposed limits and requirements, members of the public are free to potentially weaponize the STVR complaint process, with its leave to file anonymous complaints over-and-over again, regardless of validity, basis, or number. Left unfettered, and with no consequence, this group of residents/interest groups that are outright seeking City ban and sunset of STVR will and do use the anonymous calls to Code Compliance as weapons, levering precious City resources for their own manipulative intent- to end STVR’s altogether. As STVR violations increase to serious monetary penalty amounts and can elevate to infractions and penal code misdemeanors capable of prosecution, checks and balances are necessary to protect both civil rights, property rights, and basic liberties of freedom and due process. And as a practical matter, if indeed, the City sought to prosecute an STVR entity or owner, it would have to turn over all evidence against that alleged offender; that evidence necessarily includes the “eye witness” or other evidence of alleged wrongdoing. This information would be subject to both a PRA/FOIA request as well as a civil/criminal subpoenas. So, ultimately, if the City actually sought to prosecute, it would need cogent, reliable and verifiable information of the source of the alleged call for violation. Below are two provisions that address these concerns, that should be included in the new proposed Ordinance: CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VASKO MITZEV BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUEST FOR CHECSK & BALANCES FOR FALSE STVR COMPLAINTS Page 2 . \ 0v0 MANDATORY STRVR ORDINANCE PROVISIONS: CONFIDENTIAL, NOT ANONYMOUS REPORTING OF ALLEGED STVR CODE COMPLIANCE Recommended Provision No. 1: “A person designated as a code inspector or compliance officer may not initiate an investigation of a potential violation of a duly enacted code or ordinance, including the Short Term Vacation Rental Ordinance, by way of an anonymous complaint. A person (defined to include an entity) who reports a potential violation of a code or an ordinance must provide his or her name and address to Code Compliance before an investigation may occur. This paragraph does not apply if the person designated as a code inspector has independent reason to believe that the violation presents an imminent threat to public health, safety or welfare or threat of imminent destruction of habitat or sensitive resources.” SOURCE: 2021 Pending Florida State House Bill 833 (Attached). Additional Support: 1. San Diego Code Compliance does not accept anonymous complaints; 2. Placer County (Tahoe) Code Compliance does not accept anonymous complaints. (See attached Complaint Form) 3. City of Philadelphia recognizes the resource-impact negatives of anonymous reporting, in an easy to understand, Public-facing Analysis/Public Education in the distinction between Anonymous and Confidential Reporting, posted on its website: [https://www.phila.gov/2020-01-28-anonymous-versus-confidential-whats-the- difference/] “What does it mean to report anonymously? When you witness wrongdoing in City government, you can report it to the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) anonymously. This means that your identity is unknown to us or anyone else. If you would like to remain anonymous, just let the investigator know when you report through our fraud hotline at 215-686-1770. Tell them you would rather not give a name. If you report online, just leave the “Complainant Name” section empty. What does it mean to report confidentially? CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VASKO MITZEV BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUEST FOR CHECSK & BALANCES FOR FALSE STVR COMPLAINTS Page 3 . \ 0v0 Confidential reporting means that when you report wrongdoing to the OIG, your identity and the information you share will solely remain with our office and will not be shared with anyone else. This also means that your information will not be shared with anyone else who may be involved in the investigation outside of the OIG. Simply let the investigator know you would like to be a confidential source. Why is confidential reporting more helpful than anonymous reporting? The Office of the Inspector General reviews all complaints, anonymous or otherwise, to make sure that they are credible before pursuing any leads. When the OIG knows who the reporter is, it allows investigators to quickly validate sources, ask follow-up questions, and confirm important facts before our work can begin. When a tip is anonymously reported, the investigators first have to try to find additional sources to make sure that the claim is legitimate, which can take time to do. The extra time and resources needed to make sure the claim is real can delay investigations, and those delays can sometimes damage an investigation’s outcome. It is important to know the difference between the two, especially because you have a right to have your identity protected when you report government misconduct. Although we encourage all tipsters to be a confidential source so that we can follow up, you have the right to report anonymously if you choose to do so.” Summary of Benefits of Provision 1: 1. “Put your name on it,” promotes accuracy, accountability, transparency and mitigates City resource (compliance officers responding to bogus calls) to good faith, evidence backed complaints. 2. Allows City investigators and alleged Violators to understand the Complaint; 3. Allows City compliance with PRA/FOIA/Civil/Criminal Subpoenas, while maintaining confidentiality. 4. Deters bogus, punitive volume calls by one or group of anti-STVRs. ________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDED PROVISION NO. 2: A. Fines for False Complaints: a. It shall be a violation of City Ordinance [INSERT NO. HERE] to make a false or unsubstantiated Complaint against any STVR or STVR Licensee. Any person or entity being found to have made a false or unsubstantiated Complaint, under this Ordinance shall be Cited, and fined as follows: 1. $250 for the first violation; CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VASKO MITZEV BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUEST FOR CHECSK & BALANCES FOR FALSE STVR COMPLAINTS Page 4 . \ 0v0 2. $500 for the second violation; 3. $1000 for the third and subsequent violation. SOURCE: Cathedral City uses this graduated fine structure to deter false reports. (range $100-$500) B. Designation of Vexatious Complainant: City of La Quinta, by its Code Compliance Division and/or designated responsible officer or agent, may designate a person or entity a vexatious complainant if, in the preceding twelve (12) month period, the complainant has submitted to the City ten (10) or more communications or Complaints alleging STVR violations that have been closed at inquiry stage without investigation because the communications or Complaints did not allege sufficient factual or legal grounds to indicate a potential STVR Code/Ordinance violation. City will mail notice of the designation of Vexatious Complainant and a copy of this rule to the complainant at the complainant’s last known address. City and/or Code Compliance may decline to review and process any subsequent communications and/or Complaints regarding STVR Code/Ordinance Violations from a person designated a vexatious complainant under this provision, unless: a.) the communication is verified by the complainant under penalty of perjury; b.) and the communication is submitted on the complainant’s behalf by an attorney who holds an active license to practice law in the State of California and is not currently in disciplinary proceedings or on disciplinary or criminal probation. If the vexatious complainant is an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of California, the communication must be submitted on the vexatious complainant’s behalf by another attorney who is actively licensed to practice law in the State of California and is not currently in disciplinary proceedings or on disciplinary or criminal probation and is notdesignated as a vexatious complainant pursuant to this rule. SOURCE: California State Bar Rules, Rule 2605 [http://www.calbar.ca.gov/Portals/0/documents/publicComment/2019/IIIB- RAD_ProposedNewRuleofProcedure2605Vexatious-Complainants_ATTA.pdf]; California Code of Civil Procedure Section 391, et seq. CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VASKO MITZEV BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUEST FOR CHECSK & BALANCES FOR FALSE STVR COMPLAINTS Page 5 . \ 0v0 CONCLUSION: As STVR’s are a community issue, community accountability and shared responsibility in addressing STVR’s are required. These proposed provisions to any STVR Ordinance Amendment balance resource allocation with meaningful access to bona fide complaints or concerns. They also mitigate special interest groups simply bent on manipulating police power to eradicate STVR’s. That’s not in the community interest at all and only turns neighbor-on-neighbor. Please consider these as a necessary inclusion and mandatory checks and balances on any STVR Code/Ordinance Amendment. Thank you. Vasko R. Mitzev CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VASKO MITZEV BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUEST FOR CHECSK & BALANCES FOR FALSE STVR COMPLAINTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VASKO MITZEV BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUEST FOR CHECSK & BALANCES FOR FALSE STVR COMPLAINTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VASKO MITZEV BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUEST FOR CHECSK & BALANCES FOR FALSE STVR COMPLAINTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VASKO MITZEV BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUEST FOR CHECSK & BALANCES FOR FALSE STVR COMPLAINTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VASKO MITZEV BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – REQUEST FOR CHECSK & BALANCES FOR FALSE STVR COMPLAINTS 1 From:DOUGLAS MONTGOMERY Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 10:26 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please support vacation rentals in La Quinta Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is DOUGLAS. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. We love La Quinta as  a vacation home for our family. Like to provide the same opportunity to others by short term rentals   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   DOUGLAS MONTGOMERY  1 From:Tanya Moore Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 10:34 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Message before mtg. Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.    It’s interesting, right now I’m sitting on my back patio sending this email to you   and I hear music from my neighbors which is annoying but part of life. Are they blaring it? No. But it just shows we have  to be able to be tolerable citizens....  "Dear Mayor & Council Members, I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means. Please do not let the efforts of the City Council, the working groups, and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating. We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs. We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules. Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs. We Love all of La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits. 2 Sincerely, Tanya Moore (New home owner PGA West Stadium course)      Sent from my iPhone  1 From:Sandra Frazier Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 5:20 AM To:mayor.levanse@laquintaca.gov; jmmillen@laquintaca.gov; Monika Radeva; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; kfitpatric@laquintaca.gov Subject:PLEASE ENTER INTO THE RECORD FOR APRIL 6, 2021 MEETING Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Please enter into the record for the April 6, 2021 meeting.  Thank you,  Citizens of La Quinta Cove  STVR’S in La Quinta Cove Mayor Linda Evans, and all Council Members: Thank you for the wonderful work you do for the community of La Quinta. We really appreciate it! You are doing a wonderful job managing the city. This email is regarding the STVR’s in the Cove. We want you to know that we are in favor of the STVR program. As homeowners this decision is especially important to us! All homeowners should have the same rights and be able to obtain short term vacation rental permits for their property if they so choose. No homeowner should have more entitlements than another homeowner in the same city or community as that would be very unfair! The cove property values have been increasing over the past few years. It has much to do with the home purchases by STVR’s as well as new buyers relocating to La Quinta. Many have purchased in the cove for the beautiful views and location. It is wonderful to see the growth and improvements! As residents and homeowners, we have had no issues with the short-term vacation rentals located on our streets. Unfortunately, some of us have had issues with the long-term renters on our streets. The issues are excessive cars, trash, too many animals not kept in the yard, and properties not maintained. This can have a negative impact on the neighborhoods in the Cove. We have not removed the rights of homeowners to rent out their property for long-term use…even with all these issues. How can we remove the rights of short-term rentals when often the issues are the same? All the homeowners should legally have the same rights. The Cove is not in a gated community and there are no CCR’s that any of us agreed to when we purchase our homes. Let us not try to create one. It would be so unfair to give some homeowner’s more rights and entitlements than the property owner next door. Thank you for the consideration in this matter. Johna Bodge (homeowner in La Quinta Cove) Sandy Frazier (homeowner in La Quinta Cove) David & Jaclyn Rios (homeowner in La Quinta Cove) Jeff Harrison (homeowner in La Quinta Cove) Carmen Kelly (homeowner in La Quinta Cove) 1 From:Morgan Myrmo Sent:Saturday, April 3, 2021 5:41 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Support my right to host Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Morgan. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I love hosting on the  Airbnb platform. We have reinvested much of our earnings back into the community through tradesmen, local retailers  and others by adding value to the home.  We haven't had a single complaint, report or incidence of a violation since inception in 2017. I recently heard that initial  fines for such a violation are $2,000, while a second offence in one year equates to a removal of your STVR license. Is  this true? If so, is this fair?  It's not the homeowners fault if some bad actor rents the place. It's also not fair that the city places higher standards on  STVRs than with long‐term tenants.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. Hosts like me are committed  to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible hosts and citizens in La Quinta.  Thanks!  Sincerely,   Morgan Myrmo  1 From:Imelda Nelson Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 10:47 AM To:Linda Evans Subject:La Quinta New Permits  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & Council Members, I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means. Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating. We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs. We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules. Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs. We Love _all of_ La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits. Sincerely, Imelda & Kayne Nelson (East Bay NZ Real Estate LLC) 1 From: Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 2:19 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments on STRs Attachments:LaQuintaMar29.2021.pdf  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   1)Ton C. Nguyen 2)Santa Ana, CA 3) 4)BUSINESS SESSION PAGE 1. INTRODUCE FOR FIRST READING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.25 OF LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 3.25.055 RELATED TO NON-ISSUANCE OF NEW SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMITS AND SECTION 3.25.065 RELATED TO GROUNDS FOR DENIAL OF SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PERMITS [ORDINANCE NO. 591]  5)STR – issuance of new permits. 6)Written.  Please see attached. TON CHI NGUYEN A T T O R N E Y A T L A W 4 8 0 6 W E S T FIR S T S TR E E T S A N T A A N A , C A L I F O R N I A 9 2 7 0 3 -3 1 0 8 (7 1 4 ) 8 3 5 -3 3 3 3 FA X (7 1 4 ) 8 3 9 -2 9 3 6 E M A IL d o c u m e ntsla w o ffic e tc n@ g m a il.c o m March 29, 2021 Via Email: levans@laquintaca.gov; rradi@laquintaca.gov; kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov; jpena@laquintaca.gov; ssanchez@laquintaca.gov, only La Quinta City Council 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 RE:Short Term Rentals, Council Meeting April 6, 2021. Dear Mayor Evans, City Manager, Clerk, and Council members: Please include this writing as part of the record for your upcoming meeting of April 6, 2021, as well as for your review and consideration prior to said meeting in support of Short Term Rentals in La Quinta and the issuance of new permits. I am a practicing Attorney from Orange County that specializes in criminal defense, and our firm also provides civil and family law litigation. I have had several close friends and associates who have purchased homes and moved to the Coachella Valley in the last few years. Some of these people have made the Coachella their primary city of residence, and some have purchased a second home. In the last four months, I have started searching for a second home in the Coachella Valley to invest for my future retirement and also for use in the interim on a part time basis. One of the key factors in my search is to find a property that can be used also as a short term rental (STR), and in the price range of $1.5 to $2 million. I have been assisted and directed by my local realtor to focus in PGA West in La Quinta and other Palm Springs properties as cities that may continue to allow for STRs. My search continues, but, proceeding with a purchase has been placed on hold pending La Quinta’s current moratorium on issuing new STR permits. I have also been informed that the property which I am interested in, recently fell out of escrow, for the same reason that I have not made an offer for its purchase, which is La Quinta’s unresolved STR policy. I can assure you that if La Quinta’s STR policy is restrictive going forward or if it evolves to a complete ban of STRs in the future, that I and many other buyers will not consider La Quinta for investment purposes, and look elsewhere. TON CHI NGUYEN A T T O R N E Y A T LA W La Quinta City Council March 29, 2021 Page 2 I have been in contact with your city manager, who has answered some of my concerns, but there is still a substantial amount of ambiguity with respect to STRs in La Quinta. Ambiguities exists in the language of your executive order, discussion during your meetings, and your proposals for possible solutions regarding STRs going forth. I watched your City Council meeting of March 23, 2021, and your discussion did not clearly identify or clarify your position on HOAs that allow STRs, namely PGA West. I am also confused why paragraph 3 of your executive order #10 for HOAs would not exempt PGA West or other HOAs that allow STRs from obtaining new permits. I assume that since you allowed the existing STRs in these HOAs to have permits and operate currently that they were in compliance with the criteria of paragraph 3, and would therefore continue to be in compliance, absent a mutual agreement to change to existing ordinances, regulations, or policies by both parties. I am assuming that the language and criteria of paragraph 3 of executive order #10, that permitted the HOAs’ STRs, is not newly drafted language, and likely derived or borrowed from existing ordinances, regulations and policies. If there were any changes, then would these HOAs’ STRs be in violation? You must realize that current and future buyers and homeowners would overwhelmingly prefer the STR option to remain available to them, whether they want to offer STRs today or in the future, the option should be available as needed or desired by your citizens. Obviously, based upon the overwhelming demand for STRs and the availability of them demonstrates that they are desired by visitors and homeowners alike. Foreclosing on this option by changes to your longstanding laws, ordinances, regulations, and policies will only do harm and create instability to the real estate market, local economy, and create friction amongst the citizenry. The primary complaints which were raised by full-time residents to STRs were mostly complaints of noise levels and trash. Those primary concerns’ impact and resolution are substantially simpler, cheaper and are less damaging to the market and local economy than to eliminate, limit or phase out STRs all together. These complaints seem very minor, temporary and easily resolved in a multitude of ways. These complaints seem rather insignificant as compared to many of life’s other worries and concerns. It would be unreasonable to presume that a majority of TON CHI NGUYEN A T T O R N E Y A T LA W La Quinta City Council March 29, 2021 Page 3 STR renters, with their families, have any malevolent or ill will to the city or its residents, when they have spent a substantial amount of money to travel here and stay in La Quinta. The majority of travelers do not travel with any destructive or apathetic attitude towards others. STR renters generally are polite and are interested in rest and relaxation, and have a substantial security deposit on the line and have paid up front substantial rents and travel expenses. Many STR renters eventually even become homeowners in the community after visiting and staying in an STR. There was also some concerns to seeing strangers or even a unknown vehicle in the neighborhood. These complaints seem to be from residents that are unreasonably sensitive and acutely focused on identifying problems. It would be interesting to understand the level of tolerance and the distance radius that these complainants can tolerate not seeing any persons or vehicle which are not known or familiar to them. Would the stress and trauma must be intolerable for their daily routine such as going to the market or bank also. It is not government’s responsibility, duty, nor obligation to address every possible concerns of its citizenry. There is a balance that needs to be reached based upon the interests of all in the community, a small minority should not be able to dictate new policies and to change what has been in existence for decades, simply because of their intolerance and unreasonable sensitivity. It should also be noted that if a STR renter proves to be bothersome, at minimum he will be gone in a short time. There is no guarantee or assurances that full-time resident neighbors will be cordial, polite, neat, or perfect towards their other neighbors. In fact, there is little action that a complainant can do to a full-time resident that is noisy or messy, or if he proves to be the contrary the complainant’s wishes. The undesirable full-time resident will remain, with equal rights of occupancy, to bother and vex his other neighbors as long as he wishes. Economically, the Council cannot deny that there has been substantial financial benefit that STRs provide to all in the community and the City of La Quinta. Any statements or ideas that the owners of STRs are not all locals or from out of state. and thus take their profits out of area is over simplified, shortsighted and presumptuous. Our country remains very divided and this division is pervasive at every level. The idea that an TON CHI NGUYEN A T T O R N E Y A T LA W La Quinta City Council March 29, 2021 Page 4 out of area owner, should not benefit from enjoying the city or rental income is small-minded, exclusionary, unreasonable, anti- capitalism, and un-American. Where ever the homeowner may also reside, is his choice, he is exercising the right of freedom that we all cherish. Making this absurd argument ignores the fact that the investor, whether out of area or local, invested his hard earned money to buy real estate, this purchase makes him a stakeholder in the community and supports countless local residents that are involved in the real estate industry and other services with the property and owner. The money invested stabilizes the market and may improve property values. If the owner offers his home for STR, the rental income will be reinvested into the home in many ways, including maintenance, improvements, etc. We should also not be concerned nor presume how others spend or use their money. The STR renters are usually vacationers, and are coming into the community to enjoy and participate in its culture and to spend money at all its local businesses. Most full-time residents do not spend at the same level as visiting families. Visiting families are on vacation and all that is offered is entirely novel to them. The renters will shop, dine out, and participate in other entertainment venues for almost the entire time that they are present in the community. La Quinta and other local communities should understand and analyze the financial impact that STRs have had on the community before they decide to choke the revenue stream as well as local business. As business struggle to stay open during Covid and during this recovery period, the last impediment that local businesses need is a reduction in revenue source from tourists and visitors. If more and more businesses fail, the community will begin to look more and more deserted, and run down, and become less and less desirable of a destination. If that should happen, the City will not need to worry about STRs, as they will not exists or remain empty. I suppose that would be a mix metaphor of sorts, which came first the banning of STRs or the closing of local business, and/or killing two birds with one stone, STR ban, destroys STRs and local businesses. Currently, we have a fairly stable economy, and most real estate prices in the area are at a high. However, lets remind ourselves of the last real estate market crash, and how fast the market pricing fell. There will be an inevitable downturn in the real TON CHI NGUYEN A T T O R N E Y A T LA W La Quinta City Council March 29, 2021 Page 5 estate market, STRs will aid the homeowner to generate additional income to prevent the property’s foreclosure and further damage and free fall of the local real estate market. The STR income will help dissuade upside down owners to simply walk away from the property, and to avoid foreclosure, this will lend more stability to all homeowners in the area. Many of the area’s residents are retirees and their homes are apart of their estate that may be passed on to their heirs. STRs may be necessary as additional income to allow the heirs to keep the property and maintain it, rather than force an unwarranted sale due to the heirs’ inability to cover extra property costs and expenses including mortgage, maintenance and repairs, taxes, etc. Additionally, most STRs are very well maintained, as they are self-motivated to seek positive reviews from renters, and have rental income, and thus are kept in pristine condition and little to no deferred maintenance. I understand that the moratorium will end soon and the City Council intends to decide the future of STRs in the city. There seems to be a leaning or strong sentiments to ban STRs as a whole, as many cities in the Coachella Valley have been determined to do. As an attorney, I would strongly caution any overly restrictive regulations or outright bans on STRs. As you well know, there were and are many non-permitted STRs in the entire desert area. The non-permitted STRs were, and will remain undeterred by any bans or penalties imposed by the city. The non-permitted STRs existed prior to, and continue to operate post regulations by all local cities. As I have seen in my 27 years of practicing law, laws do not stop or prevent their violations simply because they exist. The issue really is how much resources do government agencies intend to spend on enforcing the laws and regulations, and can the enforcement keep up with the number of violators. If your laws are overly restrictive, i.e. a total ban and phase out of STRs, the law is guaranteed to be subject of prolonged and expensive litigation by those who oppose it, and will simply drive most STRs underground, or create methods and loopholes in the law to escape violations. No law, no matter now cleverly written is immune to court challenges, nor creative interpretations. The more restrictive the law, the more violators the law will create, and the more enforcement expenditures will be required to attempt to uphold the law. It would be a mistake to assume that by simply passing a law that it will result in the law’s automatic or substantial compliance by TON CHI NGUYEN A T T O R N E Y A T LA W La Quinta City Council March 29, 2021 Page 6 the citizenry. This is especially true when the law would take away rights that have existed for decades, or if it is difficult to detect violations, enforce, or monitor compliance. It would be more prudent, knowing that STRs, both non-permitted, and permitted, will continue to operate irrespective of any bans or restrictions, to allow all who qualify with reasonable criteria an STR permit, so that overall compliance with community standards can be achieved. The city would be able to identify and maintain a tracking of STRs that it can monitor and regulate as compared to chasing violators endlessly and unable to stop new violators. Please consider my statement above in your decision, and allow the STRs to remain and for the issuance of new STR permits. Should you have any comments, or questions, please feel free to contact me directly. Sincerely, /s/ Ton C. Nguyen, Esq. TCN:kn cc: Bihrke@rutan.com From:   Date: March 24, 2021 at 7:15:14 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>  Cc: Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: STR's moratorium      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Mayor Evans,     I watched the City Council meeting on 3/16/21, and it has left me confused.  I understand that there is a  moratorium on issuing new STR permits that were submitted after Aug. 20, 2020.  However, the  meeting and the city’s ordinance and executive order left me with the following questions:     1. were permits for STR in PGA west exempt from this moratorium under the extended Executive  Order#10 , paragraph #3?  2. It is the city’s position to leave HOA’s, namely PGA West, to self‐govern?    3. Will a permit for STR in PGA West submitted today be processed and issued accordingly under  the extended Executive Order#10 , paragraph #3, or is the moratorium to not process the permit  extend also to PGA West?  If so, what portion of the executive order is it based on?  4. Are there any limits on a STR permit for PGA West?     Sincerely,     Ton C. Nguyen.    1 From:Juliet Nuzzo Sent:Wednesday, March 24, 2021 1:55 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Short Term Vacation Rental Permit Ban  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   I'd like the following included for public comments.   It is a huge mistake for the city to permanently stop the issuing of new short‐term vacation rental licenses. What the  council is undervaluing is how important vacation rentals are to the working class in La Quinta ‐ the countless gardeners,  cleaning professionals, and contractors who are all employed by the work that these rentals generate. Their  livelihoods will be several impacted.   As a resident I'm extremely disappointed in this decision ‐ part of what makes La Quinta thrive is that it can our city can  be shared by travelers around the world. I expect our property values to plummet and for tourism in the city to do the  same. This will certainly impact my choice of elected officials moving forward.   Thank you,   Juliet Nuzzo  CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JULIET NUZZO BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – IN OPPOSITION OF THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Susan orman Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 11:41 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Support my right to host  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Susan. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I first began hosting  after a divorce left me needing income to live . I bought a property in PGA WEST with the last of my savings. For 4 years  it ran perfectly smoothly with mostly golfing groups and families . Since Covid I noticed an influx of younger people and I  could see some hosts were not monitoring the situation . I immediately put very harsh house rules into place for anyone  not respecting the house or the neighbors and PGWEST rules . I have had no complaints and I do find now things are  going back to the normal golf groups I had in the past . I truly believe this was just a “ covid bubble” and that hosts have  had a wake up call and majority of them are vetting their renters very closely . I support a housekeeper and a handiman  ‐ window cleaners, appliance repair man etc . My renters love the restaurants in Old Town and they play golf all around  La Quinta. La Quinta is a destination resort town offering world class golf, tennis, horse show, music and art festivals , it  would be a shame that the tourist stop coming to this lovely town because there is no accommodation . I would like to  buy another property but fear there may be no more STVR permits , so I’m holding off on that decision.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Susan orman  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SUSAN ORMAN BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM 1 From:Jerry Palmer Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 1:16 PM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:STR Moratorium/Ban  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   All:   I am a full time resident and homeowner in the City of La Quinta that would vigorously like for you to remove the  moratorium and allow STRs to continue to operate and flourish in the City. I successfully owned one previously when I  lived in another city and it was that experience that led me to ultimately buy and move here.  Although I no longer operate a STR, I just can't understand your logic in wanting to curtail what has been an economic  boon for the City.  More tourists, more $ flowing into the area, more resultant jobs and rising property values.  All of  these benefits to be wiped out because of a supposed enforcement issue. How is it that we can monitor and shut down  all other types of undesirable activity but we can't deal with STRs that receive complaints. Seems like it would be  something that your collective expertise could easily handle via some multi‐step process leading to shutdown.  Certainly you have to admit that there has recently been more than enough restrictions on our individual rights. Now  you would propose to limit my future ability to use my property the way I might choose just because you don't trust me  to act responsibly. That seems patently unfair.  I don't see how you can allow some existing sites to operate but then say other existing homeowners won't have that  right in the future. So some out of town property owners benefit but local residents and members of our community  have lesser rights. Makes no sense.  Let the HOAs set their own rules and let the rest of the homeowners control their future destiny. W Denying the  financial benefits to the City simply because of a few bad operators is absurdly wrong in our opinion.  Respectfully,  Luanne and Gerald Palmer  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS LUANNE & GERALD PALMER BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & LIFTING THE MORATORIUM TO ALLOW NEW STVRS 1 From:Jeff Palumbo Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 9:52 PM Cc:Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail Subject:Re: STVR Issues  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & CouncilMembers,   I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means. Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating. We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs. We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules. Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs. We Love _all of_ La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits. Sincerely, Jeff Palumbo    La Quinta, California   CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY JEFF & DIANE PALUMBO BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Karen Parnell Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 2:17 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail Subject:Supporting Data - Permit Moratorium @ PGA West Attachments:PastedGraphic-12.pdf; PastedGraphic-2.tiff  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.    Dear Mayor and City Council,  We are a group 200+ Owners and Supporters at PGA West who are committed to improving our community.  Our  membership includes both full and part time residents.    Over the past several months there has been extensive outreach, visibility, education and training in our community as it  relates to short term rentals. Not only have we implemented a robust PGA West Rental Registration program with  additional rules for renters, we have worked together with those that oppose short term rentals to find  solutions. Advocacy within our community is a long game and we are committed to the continued efforts that are  required.  Our actions these past several months can be demonstrated by the below graph, showing the downward trend in Noise  Violations. (Data provided by PGA West Gates and Patrol). We remain confident that this trend will continue in the right  direction. We urge the Council to immediately lift the short term rental permit moratorium for homes within the PGA  Community.  It no longer makes sense to deny these owners a permit based on Executive Emergency Orders due to the  pandemic.  PGA West is a managed community with CCRs that specifically give owners the right to short term rent their  homes.   From:   Date: March 24, 2021 at 9:20:39 AM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: rental restrictions      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Dear Mayor Evans,  I am writing to express my concern about short term rental restrictions in La Quinta. The rentals that  come to our area help support our economy and keep the area vibrant and alive. Driving them away  serves a small minority of people who want to maintain their exclusivity but is not in the best interest of  the community as a whole. Please do not cut off this vital part of our economy. I fully agree with making  sure rentals are done properly and not creating a nuisance in our neighborhoods. This can be done  without completely restricting short term rentals.  Thank you for your consideration,  Dwight Pauls       1 From:Matt Peca Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:08 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Matt. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. My wife and I found the  perfect home for us to retire in when that time comes! In the mean time, we rent out our beautiful property to pay for  the mortgage and the expenses to help us keep it in the family until we can move into it full time.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Matt Peca  1 From:Beachyshar Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 6:30 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please leave PGA West alone!  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans and Members of the City Council  Please add my name to the list of La Quinta residents NOT supporting PGA West be included in the STAY being deliberated for adoption to stop new permits for Short Term Vacation Rentals (STVRs) in residential zones.  PGA West should be left seperate. Don't get involved in the unfortunate Board politics. The Board is trying to make  general statements that don't represent the whole PGA West community.   We appreciate you so much for making the right decision.   Thank you Sharla Pitzen  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT SHARLA PITZEN BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO EXCLUDE PGA WEST FROM THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Jennifer Porter Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 2:15 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written comments Importance:High  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Jennifer Porter  La Quinta Cove    Public comment   In support of STVR  To the La Quinta Madam Mayor, City Council, and other City officials present:  I want to start by saying, thank you, for moving away from an all‐out STVR ban and proposed 300ft radius restriction.  Your decisions show that you are working on a solution that respects the full time residents and STVR owners (many  local residents and second home owners) and meeting somewhere in the middle. Not an easy task.  I did want to ask for you to reconsider the permit fee increase amount and the permanent moratorium.  The permit fee  increase is a dramatic increase and quite a bit more that other cities of our size. I do realize this pays for the program but  I am hoping to line up our fees with perhaps our Palm Springs neighbors‐For a 3/2 non hosted STVR…can we keep it at  $1000 or lower for this initial increase? Please consider.  As for the Moratorium, if that does become a permanent ordinance and no new permits given, I hope you will at least  consider grandfathering in those individuals who were in escrow before the moratorium and even accommodate those  waiting who purchased during this time.  I cannot share with you enough how devastated (financially and emotionally) I  would have been if I had been in their shoes. Outside of a permanent Moratorium, an alternative would be arriving at a  CAP amount for the overall city and individual neighborhoods and allowing new licenses/permits for when those  numbers fall below the set upon CAP levels.   I remain a dedicated second home/STVR owner and love our desert gem! My goal is to be a good neighbor, a good host  to our visitors, and supportive community member.  Sincerely,  Jennifer Porter  CONFIDENTIAL NOTICE: If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are not authorized to intercept, read,  print, retain, copy, forward, or disseminate this communication. This communication may contain information that is  proprietary, attorney/client privileged, attorney work product, confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If  you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately either by phone or by return e‐mail, and  destroy all copies of this message, electronic, paper, or otherwise.  1 From:Jillian Preher Sent:Tuesday, March 30, 2021 2:33 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please support vacation rentals in La Quinta  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Jillian. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I’ve been using Airbnb to  supplement my income in the cove for 2 years now. I have a great relationship with both my neighbors, they both know  to call me directly if my property gets too loud. I also keep my guest count low at 4 guests max. I do this to keep my  home clean and in good standing. I do own my home and do not want it thrashed. As do most hosts. On my street the  Airbnb homes are better kept then the ones lived in by 4 multiple families, with 15 cars out front. In my  Opinion those are the homes we should be focused on. Airbnb homes are well  Kept and bring an economy to the cove.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Jillian Preher  CITY COUNTIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY JULIAN PREHER BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM 1 From:Diane Reed Sent:Monday, March 29, 2021 5:50 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Diane. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I started hosting after I  inherited home and needed income to pay property taxes and expenses. I think it’s important that stvrs are not limited  or given to hotels because the local market has events right for them and owners need to live from the income. La  Quinta Resort owners are approaching one trillion dollars worth and can afford more loss of income than ordinary  homeowners. There is no evidence strv guests create any problems greater than non rented homes. They help local  businesses and economy. Please do not require permits or give citations to strv homeowners. Neighbors turn in  neighbors, destroying harmony and trust for no reason. Strv owners have an inherent right to rent for income. Thank  you.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Diane Reed  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY DIANE REED BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM 1 From: Diane Reed   Date: March 19, 2021 at 6:13:02 PM PDT  To: Council <Council@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Video opinion on stvr and penalties  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Download Attachment Available until Apr 18, 2021 To each and every city council member   Thank you very much.  Every person has a right to rent stvr with no penalties and no taxes. The poorest need the income to just  keep their homes. The poorest should be our highest consideration.   If the City wants the income from stvr they should not get it from the poorest but from the wealthiest,  the corporations buying multiple houses and give penalties to those who can hire their own security if  problems actually exist.  I personally see zero evidence significant noise or traffic problems exist on account of stvr. Coachella  causes problems. It’s not a stvr. Most renters are here for sun, golf, relaxation, tennis, or even for work!  Thank you,  Diane  Diane Reed  Click to Download Video.mov 0 bytes CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DIANE REED BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Diane Reed Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 6:25 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Stvr ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** I’m in support of stvr. They are supposed to be permitted in Santa Rosa Cove but apparently they aren’t. I would suggest you send out letters to every resident about what they can and cannot do. You can’t have a roommate less than 31 days. You can’t have a listing of a stvr from years prior to the present that is clearly not active fir years or you will get a find if $3000. You will get fined $3000 if you don’t know all the rules and don’t attend every City Council meeting. I can’t pay my property taxes but I can’t rent my property for income. I do think this is economic discrimination. You don’t have to rent your property for income so we, the poor, don’t have to and can’t. Diane Reed 1 From:Diane Reed Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 6:40 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:No let’s not be neighbors again ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Let’s call in false complaints on neighbors and use the government’s strict rules that the public doesn’t know to eliminate our neighbors with $3000 fines so they lose their home. Diane Reed 1 From:Diane Reed Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 7:06 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Why aren’t we all allowed to rent stvrs ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** without a permit? Because of you. You even took away stvrs from our HOAs so the right to rent is no longer a right. YOU took away our rights. That’s all you’ve done. You had one council member who told you the truth. Don’t know his name. Thanks so much for the $3000 fine for not knowing a website I haven’t used in years is evidence I’m using the website. Diane Reed 1 From:Diane Reed Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 7:21 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:YOU took away our right to rent our properties ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Or even to have roommates. YOU caused us to have to BUY a permit to rent what we already had a right to do. YOU gave us $3000 fines which will cause the poorest of us to lose our homes because YOU interpret what the rules mean. YOU have no right to do this. Diane Reed 1 From:jimmy repp Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 10:22 PM To:Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; John Pena; City Clerk Mail; Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi Cc:info@vronlq.org Subject:Local Family wanting to be STR legal  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor and Councilmembers, My family and I have lived in the Coachella Valley over 20 years and in mid 2020 set our sites on the top of La Quinta Cove to be closer to my grandmother who's lived in the Cove( street) for 15years. After being laid off due to the pandemic in May 2020 I took what savings I had and brought my family together to team up on a great solution for us to be close to my grandmother and bring our love of hosting others(family,friends and new guests) to reality. Our goal is to be able to close as a family and use the house to visit her frequently. When we can not stay ourselves we want to be able to offset cost by welcoming respectful guests during high seasonal times. With the momeratrum in place we can not do so as we only can do 30+ stays or a year lease. Please do not let all your extensive meeting efforts, the subcommittee and community go to waste. Everyone has worked so hard to agree upon reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaint and the problem houses. Let these ordinances take effect before over-regulating. Banning will drive illegal short term rentals to rise and cause more issues for those that want to do this within the rules. Homeowners, local cleaners, local landscapers, local pool cleaners and local businesses are all wanting this to be a fair outcome. Our family has been patiently waiting for the reassessment of regulations and lifting of the moratorium since closing on our La Quinta cove home in August. We have Noiseaware detectors installed to understand a baseline for what is normal primary residence noise. We've been in limbo now 8 months and just want a chance at a license to do things the right way. We've made huge improvements on the home to make this a reality and sincerely worried what to do next. (First time in our house after closing August 13th 2020 just 6 days after moratorium was put in place) CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY JIMMY, MARY, & ROBERT REPP BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF RESPONSIBLE STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 2 (February 2021) (Our Family, 20 years local and new LA Quinta residents) CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY JIMMY, MARY, & ROBERT REPP BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF RESPONSIBLE STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 3 We are open to piloting any solution to make this work Please allow us the chance to prove what responsible hosts can do and have a place for my family to be close to my grandmother. Would happily invite you to tour my home and look at all the precautions I have taken to ensure rules are followed and neighbors are respected. Warm Regards, Jimmy,Mary and Robert Repp CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY JIMMY, MARY, & ROBERT REPP BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF RESPONSIBLE STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Jesse Rhodes Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:08 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Jesse. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. Due to the fact that my  business was extremely slow due to the economy a few years ago if I wasn’t able to rent my house on a short term basis  it would have been foreclosed   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Jesse Rhodes  1 From:Agnes Rosiak Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 12:14 PM To:Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Linda Evans; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:STVR-in favor of new rental permits and in favor of lifting the moratorium  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hello,  I am one of the owners of a SFR in La Quinta. We are voicing our opinion about being in favor of issuing the new short  term vacation rental permits and lifting the moratorium.  Please hear our voices as it is important for us to generate additional income during this unprecedented time.  We specifically would like the moratorium to be lifted and to allow new short term rental permits.  I am an owner of a home in the Sonrisa community.  We are in favor because...    ‐Jobs it provides for local residents (ie. managers, cleaners, gardeners, pool men/woman, contractors/service)  ‐Revenue for local shops and restaurants   ‐Revenue for the city (ie. tot tax)  ‐Property values go up pride of ownership (ie fixing up the homes making them nice)   ‐Allows families to enjoy a home vs hotel and may turn into them investing in the city  Agnes Rosiak   resident.    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT AGNES ROSIAK BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & LIFTING THE MORATORIUM TO ALLOW NEW STVRS 1 From:Maciej Rosiak Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 12:29 PM To:Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Linda Evans; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:STVR-in favor of new rental permits and in favor of lifting the moratorium  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hello, I hope this email finds you well. I am one of the owners of a SFR in La Quinta. We are voicing our opinion about being in favor of issuing the new short term vacation rental permits and lifting the moratorium. Please hear our voices as it is important for us to generate additional income during this unprecedented time. We specifically would like the moratorium to be lifted and to allow new short term rental permits. I am an owner of a home in the Sonrisa community. We are in favor because... -Jobs it provides for local residents (ie. managers, cleaners, gardeners, pool men/woman, contractors/service) -Revenue for local shops and restaurants -Revenue for the city (ie. tot tax) -Property values go up pride of ownership (ie fixing up the homes making them nice) -Allows families to enjoy a home vs hotel and may turn into them investing in the city Michael Rosiak La Quinta resident. Cell #   MAKE YOUR DAY OUTSTANDING! 1 From:Karoline Sauls Sent:Monday, March 29, 2021 5:50 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please support vacation rentals in La Quinta Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Karoline. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I love La Quinta!   I have been coming to La Quinta every year for the past thirty years, as I'm a hunter/jumper who horseshows!!  At first, I loved staying at the La Quinta Resort for years when we showed at the old Indio showgrounds, and ten years  ago I bought my first house!! I love staying in my own home while here to horseshow!! As you may know, our  horseshows are only a few weeks of the year and otherwise, my house would remain vacant. What a waste of a lovely  home!! Between mortgage, property taxes, insurance, HOA dues, and maintenance, my house expenses are tens of  thousands every year. Renting my house has afforded me the ability to not only share my house with my horse showing  friends while I'm here, but also with guests from all over the world!!   I am proud of my guests, and they love my house and the community in which we live. and they take great care of my  house and the community while they're here!!   When my guests come, whether it's for golf, sunshine, relaxing by the pool, shopping, and dining out they always tell me  how much they love La Quinta!!   Not everyone can afford to stay an entire month in La Quinta! Short term rentals attract entire families, groups of  friends, etc. who consume in the neighborhood!!! Whether it's at the local grocery store, restaurants, boutiques, gas  stations, etc. Imagine all of the jobs that STR guests afford! From housekeepers to car rentals to chefs, the list is  endless!!  STR's maintains & enhances our property values.   I have never had one problem with renters over the past ten years that I've owned a home here. Mostly guests come  here to enjoy the sunshine and golf! The average age of my guests has always been over 50!  I absolutely encourage you to come up with some restrictions that encourage good people to enjoy our community and  people who might want to party to keep it under control. Luckily, I'm in guard gated community where I can restrict the  number of people who come through the gates. I also make sure that my guests have good previous reviews, and I  restrict the number of people staying! Truly, this whole issue is punishing everyone for a few bad actors. I'd love to know  why, as this doesn't make any sense to me.  Please, guys! Figure out a way to encourage good citizens to be responsible hosts, and discourage irresponsible hosts!!  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY KAROLINE SAULS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF RESPONSIBLE STVRS 2 Thank you for reading.  Karoline Sauls    La Quinta, CA   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.     Thanks for your time.    Sincerely,   Karoline Sauls  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY KAROLINE SAULS BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF RESPONSIBLE STVRS 1 From:Lawrence Schwartz Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:13 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:URGENT - Tuesday 4/6 City Council Meeting  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & Council Members,  I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short-term vacation rental options for travelers of all means.   Please do not let the efforts of the City Council, the working groups, and the community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating.  We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for an STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs. Eliminating short-term rental is likely to result in a decline in property values and the resulting property tax base.  We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules.  Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs.   We Love all of La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits.   Sincerely  Lawrence Schwartz La Quinta CA 92253   1 From:Safta Bella Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:41 AM To:Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; Jon McMillen; John Pena; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org; Steve Sanchez; Linda Evans Subject:STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & Council Members,  I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well‐regulated and  positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means.   Please do not let the efforts of the City Council, the working groups, and community go to waste. Everyone worked so  hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring  balance. Let these take effect before over‐regulating.  We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting  today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell  their family home when it becomes theirs.   We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts  have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules.  Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs.  We Love all of La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on  continuing the ban on new permits.   Sincerely,  Sarah Schwartzbord  From:   Date: April 5, 2021 at 10:15:58 AM PDT  To: Levans@laquintaca.gov  Subject: "Dear Mayor & Councilmembers  I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta,  including well‐regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means.    Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups and community go to waste.  Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise  complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over‐regulating.    We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't  actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those  whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs.    We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all  current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules.      1 From:Matthew Shapiro Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:07 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Support my right to host  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Matthew. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. We live in  Connecticut and wanted a winter escape. I am from California and remember fondly my family trips to the desert. So we  looked in La Quinta and loved it. However, we can only afford our condo there by offsetting some of the costs with  rentals. We have never had any issues or violations by our tenants.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Matthew Shapiro  1 From:Dave Sharrer Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 4:13 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail Cc:info@vronlq.org Subject:La Quinta STVR permits and upcoming city council meeting  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & Council Members, I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options. I trust the La Quinta government can continue to build towards the goal of a productive and positive solution for all parties related to STVR permits and governance. Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups, and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Please let these take effect before over- regulating. I believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs. We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits. Sincerely, Dave Sharrer 1 From:Adam Singer Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 4:33 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please support vacation rentals in La Quinta ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Adam. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I have been hosting in La  Quinta for almost a full year. Hosting on Airbnb is a large part of my livelihood, and I take great care to make sure my  guests are quiet and respectful. I have been an active member with groups who have been proposing commonsense  measures to minimize noise and disruptions within the community, and I continue to be willing to adopt additional  measures to ensure a safe and quiet community here.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Adam Singer  1 From:Justin Smith Sent:Wednesday, March 24, 2021 12:04 PM To:Justin Smith RE/MAX Consultants Subject:IN FAVOR - STR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Madam Mayor and City Council Members,   Hope you are having a great week!  We are writing you as we would like the moratorium to be lifted and to allow new short term rental permits. We own  two homes in La Quinta Cove and below is why we are in favor…  ‐Jobs it provides for local residents (ie. managers, cleaners, gardeners, pool men/woman, contractors/service)  ‐Revenue for local shops and restaurants   ‐Revenue for the City of La Quinta (ie. tot tax)  ‐Property values go up  with pride of ownership (ie fixing up the homes making them nice)   ‐Allows families to enjoy a home vs hotel and may turn into them investing in property  Thank you for your consideration,   ‐Justin Smith    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JUSTIN SMITH BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Susie G. Smith Sent:Sunday, April 4, 2021 6:02 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Str  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hi‐  I am not sure what the upcoming vote is on short term rentals are but we are in favor of allowing all rentals with no restrictions.  Susie Smith  PGA west stadium  Susie G. Smith First Vice President Facilities Director Farmers & Merchants Bank Tel. (562) 485-3505 | Mobile susie.smith@fmb.com | www.fmb.com This message is confidential. It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. If you have received it by mistake, please let us know by e-mail reply and delete it from your system; you may not copy this message or disclose its contents to anyone. Please send us by fax any message containing deadlines as incoming e-mails are not screened for response deadlines. The integrity and security of this message cannot be guaranteed on the Internet. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT SUSIE SMITH BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS 1 From:Xavier Sosa Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 11:41 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Support my right to host  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Xavier. I am an Airbnb host, and I share our homes and welcome guests to La Quinta often. Family of 3  toddlers and 1 teenager. We chose La Quinta to invest all of our savings and run STR as it was allowed in the City and we  depend fully on this income as we are full time. We have license, respect, follow all laws/rules of the city. We believe in  the city's growth and how different it is from the other neighbor cities/towns. We would be utterly shocked if this is  taken from us, as we have multiple properties invested here. We would go back to square one. Please look STR as a  GREAT potential to grow this city even more. It's been multiple years and it shows how the city has grown and big part  of it from STR income and taxes we all pay to the city. Changing this could potentially destroy many people's jobs,  business, retirements, and beyond that personal/business dreams. We respect and value all of our full time neighbors  and communicating is a big key to this and engrave rules to our properties so that all of our guests understand and  respect the laws in the city. Collectively, we are in great belief that La Quinta will grow larger and with more  projects/amenities around the city. Please Please Please continue STR as it has been proven it helps the community and  overall the city in all levels of income and growth‐ on a rapid pace. There are ways we can shut down any "party houses"  or "bad management/characters" out there. But not by shutting this off completely. Not fair for the others, like us, that  do follow all protocols.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Xavier Sosa  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY XAVIER SOSA BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM 1 From:Jason Sowle Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 4:23 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Please support vacation rentals in La Quinta Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Jason.   I am an homeowner, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I started hosting for additional income  stream. This is helped my family in many ways of having extra income for uncertain times like COVID‐19. Having this  vacation rental has allowed not only jobs in our community but also the city tax money to build our city.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   Let’s just be honest, COVID‐19 HIT While there are 500 people walking in target touching everything in sight. But then  you have boomers on the other side where they’re disinfecting everything and they shut their business down.With  numbers are still going down, people getting vaccinated. what is the true situation here?   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Jason Sowle   1 From:Melanie Sprague Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 2:26 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:Please vote NO on passing new ordinances to restrict new STVR permits ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear Mayor & Council Members,  I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well‐regulated and  positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means.   Please do not let the efforts of the City Council, the working groups, and community go to waste. Everyone worked so  hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring  balance. Let these take effect before over‐regulating.  We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting  today, those who stopped during COVID, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell  their family home when it becomes theirs.   We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts  have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules.  Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs.   We Love all of La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on  continuing the ban on new permits.   Sincerely,  Melanie Sprague      1 From:Jeff Sprague Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 9:08 PM To:Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail Cc: Subject:In support of STVR's with proper enforcement & oversight - We Are New To La Quinta (purchased our future permanent home last August)  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Madam Mayor and City Council Members, Thank you for all the hard work, long hours, thought and effort that has gone into the extremely sensitive topic regarding Short Term Vacation Rentals in La Quinta. We support Short Term Vacation Rentals with the proper enforcement and oversight. After attending the last several city council meetings, it definitely sounds like La Quinta is on the right track regarding overseeing STVR’s in our beautiful community. Some of the positive steps include the following: Identifying illegal short term rental properties (those without permits). Fining and educating owners of short term rental properties. Updating the cost of annual STVR permits to cover the costs incurred by the city. Enforcement of STVR’s rules and regulations. Fining property owners and/or guests for violations. It goes without saying that the last year during the pandemic has been challenging and life changing for so many. We are fortunate to have stayed safe and healthy over the last year. During this time, we had time to reflect and realize that life is too short and delaying one’s dreams until retirement sometimes doesn’t make sense. Why wait if you can afford to start your dream now? My wife and I finalized the purchase our home in La Quinta back in late August shortly after the moratorium went into effect. Our long term goal is to make La Quinta our permanent residence. We have family that live in Palm Springs so we have been a part of the area for 16 years and we love it here. Until that time, we plan to rent out our property on a long term basis as well as a short term basis (assuming we can get a permit) when we are not staying there ourselves with a local property manager. We would like the City Council to consider the following five (5) options: 1.Let the HOA’s govern themselves. Exclude HOA’s from any new ordinance that prevents any additional STVR permits from being issued. I believe many of the HOA’s require an additional permit issued by the HOA as well in order for an owner to rent out their property on either a short term or long term basis. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS MELANIE & JEFF SPRAGUE BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS WITH THE PROPER ENFORCEMENT & OVERSIGNT 2 OR 2.Lift the moratorium on issuing new short term rental permits for existing owners of record. Any properties purchased after the moratorium is lifted (possibly on June 1st) would not be eligible to request a STVR permit. To make it fair to both current sellers and purchasers of properties, you could even use the date when the offer to purchase the property was officially accepted and allow them to request a STVR permit (if the offer acceptance was before June 1st, but the property closing date falls after June 1st). Providing clarity to both purchasers and sellers of homes in La Quinta is extremely important, but we can’t forget about those of us who purchased (or closed deals) during the moratorium. We are already committed to La Quinta. OR 3.Allow all current owners of record to request a STVR permit, but only give them 30 or 90 days to do so after a new ordinance is passed that ends the issuance of new STVR permits. After the 30 or 90 days, no one will be able to apply for a new STVR permit. Existing STVR permit holders will be allowed to renew each year (unless there are violations or problem houses). OR 4.Allow existing owners who don't have a STVR permit to request a STVR permit, but limit the number of reservations per year. A possible option would be to limit new STVR permit holders during the 1st year to 10 reservations, then 15 reservations in the 2nd year and then 20 reservations in the 3rd year (assuming no unresolved violations, etc.). OR 5.Allow existing owners to request a STVR permit during the big events in La Quinta each year. 1. American Express Golf tournament CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS MELANIE & JEFF SPRAGUE BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS WITH THE PROPER ENFORCEMENT & OVERSIGNT 3 2. BNP Paribas Open Tennis tournament 3. Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival 4. Stagecoach Festival 5. Etc. We’d be happy to discuss any of these options if that’s helpful. Thank you, Melanie & Jeff Sprague CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS MELANIE & JEFF SPRAGUE BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS WITH THE PROPER ENFORCEMENT & OVERSIGNT 1 From:Matthew Stauber < Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 3:59 PM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:PLEASE READ AT APRIL 6TH COUNCIL MEETING STVR's ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Hello Madam Mayor & Council Members,   I apologize for not being present at this meeting ‐ it would mean a lot if my email is read during the April 6th meeting  and entered into the record. My comment is in regards to the ongoing short‐term rental situation in La Quinta. I feel that  La Quinta City Council owes its current residents and prospective residents a clear picture on STVR's. Current La Quinta  residents selling their homes and prospective home buyers deserve to know what the city ordinance is regarding STVR's.  With that said, I am incredibly pro short‐term rentals here in La Quinta and the Coachella Valley. My family and I have  lived in La Quinta and around the Coachella Valley for over 30 years. We have invested in real estate and now work  together as a family managing our properties and short‐term rental listings. We have fixed up and beautified each  property we own and have added undeniable value to our neighborhoods. We have invested hundreds of thousands of  dollars in real estate, remodeling, upgrades, and fixing problems. We bought in La Quinta 3 years ago, thinking we would  be allowed to obtain a short‐term rental permit ‐ this moratorium has been a crushing blow to the hard work and money  we've spent. We hope that La Quinta continues to share its beautiful city with tourists as the Coachella Valley continues  to thrive off an undeniable boom in tourism. It is much needed for our restaurants, boutiques, coffee & tea shops,  breweries, and bars ‐ not to mention the great things we can do in our city with the generated occupancy tax. Short‐ term rentals are equally important to the many La Quinta and Coachella Valley residents who depend upon the array of  jobs these types of rentals provide. Please get rid of the bad actors and allow responsible owners to obtain permits  again. We care about our homes, our city, and most importantly, our neighbors! We are at our properties multiple times  a week and appreciate being in close communication with our neighbors! The most important element to our short‐term  vacation rental is that guests respect our home and the neighborhood!  Best regards,  Matthew  From: Steve Suard   Date: April 5, 2021 at 4:13:35 PM PDT  To: Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, Linda Evans  <Levans@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: La Quinta      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Thank you for the opportunity to share my opinion on the proposed STVR regulation changes for our wonderful City of La Quinta! This town has been growing/thriving due to its great combination of weather, resources, amenities, security and respect/fairness for all. It is a melting pot that works across the board to fairly treat all while satisfying the diverse draws like entertainment/recreation required for the retired, vacation home owners, tourists, families, along with jobs/income for the professionals and workers of all types who moved here to make a stable living and set-up roots in this safe and welcoming community for all. All have accepted and counted on the fair and open rules to live by that attracted them to this area, and of course all residents/visitors alike are expected to act respectfully in order to make this work and the area prosper. As problems come up, the citizens also expect our capable City employees and Council members to responsibly address any problems evenly across the board without regard to whether the owner is renting his property or not and effectively pursue the remedy without removing any material reasons its citizens decided to move/buy here. For example, if there are frequent noise disturbances, the residents would naturally expect the issue to be addressed with appropriate monitoring, follow-up and penalties commensurate with the problem to effectively quelch it regardless of its source. Likewise with over-crowding and any other disrespectful actions by anyone, homeowner or visitor alike. There are numerous strategies available to address the problem depending on its nature. Unfortunately, the proposed ban is on an activity that MANY residents depend on for their livelihood or to support the property they purchased. All have moved here expecting to be, and knowing others would be, allowed the freedom to rent their property. A ban will drastically financially impact many innocent people when the first logical steps to address the ancillary problems have not even been researched adequately and implemented. The removal of property owner rights should be the last resort after ALL other remedies have been thoroughly tried and proven unsuccessful. To allow a vocal group to force their "not in my backyard" mentality when their proposed change does not either address the fundamental problems is not right. We have a property in La Quinta that is rented out and recently received less than our usual 5-star review because our neighboring OWNER had both his college kids and married kid with youngsters partying at the house with screaming and noise and too many people to park their vehicles, etc. Our renter complained to us about the owner nextdoor after they left our rental. The problem is, the proposed ban does NOTHING to address the root problems and unfairly punishes a certain sub-set of owners who are responsible with their renting practices but are being banned for good behavior before they even create a problem. There is also a question of whether the owners who stopped their rentals for awhile will be treated the same as those who did not stop their rentals (even through Covid). So it will again hurt the cautious owner who stopped their rentals while rewarding those who push the limit. When will fairness be given the weight it deserves in determining regulation changes? Please do not be pushed into draconian right-removing restrictions by a vocal minority whose problems should be immediately addressed so ALL sources are addressed and ALL residents are treated fairly without injuring any innocent parties. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. We have been a responsible property owners for 40+ years and would be happy to share with you insights on solving problems of this sort without unfairly treating or alienating anyone other than the perpetrators. Thank you again for doing what is right and fair for all residents. Steve Suard     1 From:Suzanne Suppelsa Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 10:45 AM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:La Quinta STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hello,    I am a homeowner of 2 properties in the city of La Quinta.  I love this city and am grateful to be able to come here and  enjoy the beauty, golf, community and people here.   I am 1000% in favor of STVR in La Quinta.  STVRs bring economic opportunity, vitality and visitors to this wonderful city.  Thank you for all you do!  Sincerely,   Suzanne Suppelsa     CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT SUZANNE SUPPELSA BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From: Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:42 AM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:In Support of STVRs: Basic Economics ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** La Quinta city officials, I asking that this email be read and entered into the record on the April 6 council meeting. I am a homeowner in La Quinta and also rent out my home to vacationers on a short-term basis. I also have a degree in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley. The issue here is one of basic economics. The fact that numerous homes in La Quinta are used as vacation rentals is a function of demand and supply. La Quinta homes are in demand from vacationers for many reasons: our beautiful city, unparalleled recreational opportunities, gorgeous weather, nice homes, etc. For many vacationers, a rental home is preferable to a hotel room for multiple reasons: group size, cost, privacy, meal preparation. Artificially limiting the supply of STVR homes through permanent moratoria, bans, etc., will have two negative effects: (1) driving vacationers who desire to rent homes to choose other destinations; (2) creating a shortage which will drive up the prices and occupancy rates of the remaining inventory of units. (1) Driving away business from the city is obviously a bad idea. Vacation renters are a major revenue source for restaurants, shops and service providers. Numerous individuals support themselves and their families by maintaining STVR homes: cleaners, exterminators, pool service providers, building contractors, etc. To kill business is to punish local residents and their families. (2) Intentionally creating a shortage of STVR homes through bans, moratoria, etc. will exacerbate some of the very problems that STVR critics cite such as continuous occupancy of remaining units. It will also hurt property values and discourage improvement, investment and development of homes in areas where STVRs are restricted. I strongly urge La Quinta city officials to support market-based solutions. Don't try to tinker with the laws of supply and demand. It's never economically beneficial. A lesson from economic history is instructive here. Few people remember now that in the early 1950s the former East Germany and West Germany were roughly comparable in terms of wealth and economic output, with both regions having been equally devastated by World War II. West Germany adopted a free-market based economy, was open for business, welcomed tourists and for the next four decades experienced an unprecedented boom and by 1990 was one of the wealthiest countries in the world. East Germany, on the other hand, was a closed country that limited tourists and restricted business activity for political reasons. The result was an economically stagnant country with only a tiny fraction of the business activity and wealth of its neighbor to the west. It was a place few wanted to visit with a population that badly wanted to escape. The lesson: the free market works. Free enterprise creates jobs and wealth. Economic openness works. I strongly urge La Quinta city officials to come down on the side of the free market. Michael Sweeney 1 From:S A Taddy Sent:Monday, March 29, 2021 9:27 PM To:City Clerk Mail Cc: Subject:Written Public Comment: STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   To:      La Quinta City Council  Subject:       Public Comment on STVR ‐ Opposition to Short Term Rental Ban  From:    Sonia Taddy and Manuel Sandino / Property owners in La Quinta Cove  Date:                       3/29/2021  Our family has been visiting La Quinta for years and have enjoyed staying at various short term vacation rentals. Last fall,  we were thrilled to finally purchase a home in the Cove. We are excited to be part of this vibrant community and to  support local businesses and the beautiful natural landscape. We currently live in Pasadena and in order to make this  dream a reality, we are planning to occasionally rent our home to defray the costs.  This is one among several reasons  we chose to buy in La Quinta Cove.   While we understand and share the concerns of full time residents, we firmly believe short‐term vacation rentals can co‐ exist with permanent residents and contribute to the social and economic wellbeing of La Quinta.  As new home owners,  we are very concerned about the extended moratorium on new permits which has left us hanging with uncertainty.  We  urge the city to lift the moratorium on new permits and focus on sensible regulations that ensure La Quinta continues to  be a beautiful, peaceful community where we can all enjoy everything the area has to offer.  We truly care about this  community, are committed to being good neighbors, and to work together to achieve these goals.  Sonia Taddy and Manuel Sandino  Cell:    City of Residence:  Pasadena, CA  Sent from Mail for Windows 10  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY SONIA TADDY & MANUEL SANDINO BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF LIFTING THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS From: S A Taddy   Date: April 3, 2021 at 11:27:03 AM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>  Cc: Manuel Sandino   Subject: Resident in Favor of STVR      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Dear Ms. Evans,     Our family has been visiting La Quinta for years and we’ve enjoyed staying at various short term  vacation rentals. Last October, we were thrilled to finally purchase a home in the Cove. We are excited  to be part of this vibrant community and to support local businesses and the beautiful natural  landscape. We currently live in Pasadena and in order to make this dream a reality, we are planning to  occasionally rent our home to defray the costs. My husband, Manuel, is semi‐retired and this would  allow us to make our retirement transition to the desert while our son finishes high school.   The ability  to occasionally rent our home is one among several reasons we chose to buy in La Quinta Cove. We  were aware of the moratorium at the time of purchase but believed it was temporary due to COVID‐ 19.  We are very concerned that we may not be able to obtain a STVR permit which seems unfair to  those of us who purchased homes believing this was an option.      While we understand and share the concerns of full time residents about noise and disrespectful  behavior, we firmly believe short‐term vacation rentals can co‐exist with permanent residents and  contribute to the social and economic wellbeing of La Quinta.  As new home owners, we are very  concerned about the extended moratorium on new permits which has left us hanging with  uncertainty.  We feel it is unfair that we should be excluded from the ability to rent our homes because  of a few bad apples.  We urge the city to lift the moratorium on new permits and focus on sensible  regulations that ensure La Quinta continues to be a beautiful, peaceful community where we can all  enjoy everything the area has to offer. We want to be part of the solution, not the problem.  At a  minimum, we would hope those of us who purchased homes during the moratorium be given the  opportunity to proceed with our permits before closing the door.  We truly care about this community,  are committed to being good neighbors, and to work together to achieve these shared goals.       Respectfully,     Sonia Taddy and Manuel Sandino  Cell:    City of Residence:  Pasadena, CA        Sent from Mail for Windows 10           On Apr 6, 2021, at 8:11 AM, William Taylor  wrote:      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Dear Mayor,     We are Canadian and have a modest property in PGA West.    We enjoy the area, climate and activities as well as a vibrant community.  As we are retired we need to offset the costs of maintaining the home and do so with short and long term  renters. The renters are screened well , and aside from a minor garbage infringement, we have had no  complaints.    Our short term renters come to golf and some come for the events.  The golfers play 1 or 2 rounds a day and mostly eat out or occasionally BBQ.  The reasonable STVR rental rates makes the trip affordable for them.    If shut out from STVR’s in La Quinta these golfers will go elsewhere to other golf destinations such as San  Diego and Arizona. Over 2,000 golf courses closed in the US last year and only a handful of new courses  opened. This will put further financial strain to the bottom line of the courses.    As owners, we are strongly considering moving to another area if we cannot rent out and we have  contacted a realtor and are updating our home to sell.    Respectfully submitted,    William Taylor   Res 1 PGA West  ‐‐   W N Taylor       1 From:Joseph Testa Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 11:41 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Support my right to host  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Joseph. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I am a past tennis coach  that had a career ending Tennis injury that forced me forced me to vacation rent my home to make a living..   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Joseph Testa  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY JOESPH TESTA BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM From: Warren Thompson   Date: April 6, 2021 at 8:19:36 AM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez  <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>  Cc: Cami Russell   Subject: Warren & Cami Thompson Nation Drive PGA West   EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Dear Mayor Evans & City Council members,                                                                                                                                                                                                        We are Warren & Cami Thompson and just currently purchased a beautiful home located on the PGA West  Greg Norman Course. We are from San Diego and have been visiting the Palm Desert area for over 30 years.  Now in our 50’s we were looking for a place to retire and call home, our dream has been to sell a rental home  we have had in San Diego for 30 years and do a 1031 exchange to purchase our dream retirement home in La  Quinta. We both are still working at our family business daily hoping to turn it over to our children in the not‐ too‐distant future, our goal is to fix up the home while we are still young and rent it part time to offset the  mortgage cost until we can make our move to full time residency.  As long‐time landlords of our home in San Diego and yearly renters of homes in La Quinta, Palm Springs,  Indian Wells, we understand the issues that full time residents have had with “bad apple tenants”. We have  never been to Stagecoach or the Coachella Music Festival and understand what some investment owners and  full‐time residents must go through dealing with the crowds and hustle. Our goal has now been limited to a  30‐day rental schedule until you and the City Council decide to allow short term rental permits to be issued.  We have many friends and family that would like to rent the home and spend time in our beautiful city  enjoying all the area has to offer. But if we do rent to friends or family under the current rules and  regulations we would be in violation and subject to being fined and possibly be excluded from ever being  able to hold a STVR permit from the City of La Quinta.  Limiting us to a 30‐day rental schedule and allowing our neighbors on both sides of our home on National  Drive in the PGA West to have a full short term rental ability is highly discriminatory against us as new  homeowners. When we made our purchase, we rushed to make a deadline that our HOA “Fairways” had set  for 2021 and we are now “Grandfathered in” to file for an HOA STVR permit. We have now owned the home  for several months and have been working in San Diego Monday‐Wednesday then traveling to La Quinta and  working on our home then returning to San Diego on Sunday. All this time having witnessed renters and  speaking with them on the North and South side homes, we have not had any issues with loud noises or  disruptive behavior. It seems to me that there may be certain times of the year that you would have  individuals or groups that could cause an issue, but I am sure that between the City and the HOA, provisions  could be made to deal with any bad element.  Being a responsible landlord while also having the ability to share time with our children and grandchildren at  our home has been a long‐time goal and dream of ours. I urge you to reinstate the STVR permitting process  so we can maintain our retirement plan. The STVR is not just for profit it is a flexibility platform that already  exists for some but now in jeopardy of not being for all, which will only create division and conflict. As a new  member of the community, we expect the same rights and responsibilities as our neighbors, bad apples and  landlords can be dealt with. Reading the current provisions for corrective action you have in place seems  logical, we as members of the community need to help do our part to keep this a dream destination that  provides fair and equitable opportunities for all homeowners and residents.  Sincerely,     Warren & Cami Thompson             Homeowners & Residents of  La Quinta, CA 92253  1 From:Dave Torrey Sent:Sunday, March 28, 2021 8:19 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:April 6th Council Meeting  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.  Please enter this email into the record for the April 6, 2021 City Council Meeting. I am a supporter of short‐term  vacation rentals in the city of La Quinta and I ask the moratorium on short‐term vacation rentals be removed. I believe  that short‐term rentals have a vital impact in our community and I ask that you vote in favor of short‐term rentals.  Thank you for your consideration.  Dave Torrey  ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  Subject: Automatic reply: April 6th Council Meeting  From: John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2021, 4:55 PM  To: Dave Torrey  CC:   Thank you for your email. Due to receiving a high volume of email, sometimes replies by email may be delayed, though I read and consider every email received and I appreciate you emailing me regarding issues of city concern.   For any matters that are time-sensitive, urgent, related to scheduling, requesting a meeting, or requesting an immediate response, please contact our executive assistant Teresa Thompson at tthompson@laquintaca.gov or at 760.777.7030  If you need a reply from city staff, or if this is related to city services or city programs, please also contact City Hall by phone at (760) 777-7000. If this is related to an item coming before the City Council and you would like to submit a public comment, please also send your email to Monika Radeva, La Quinta City Clerk at mradeva@laquintaca.gov. For items related to public agenda items or public hearings, your email to the City Clerk will be included as a public comment in the public record.   CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY DAVE TORREY BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – IN SUPPORT OF LIFTING THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 2 Thank you for contacting me and I look forward to speaking with you. I will be out of the office until January 4, 2021.  John Peña | Councilmember City of La Quinta  78-495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7030 www.laquintaca.gov www.playinlaquinta.com CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY DAVE TORREY BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – IN SUPPORT OF LIFTING THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:Steven Tschacher Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:18 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:Fwd: Air Bnb in La Quinta  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Steve    ^..^   Sent from my iPad  Begin forwarded message:  From: Steven Tschacher   Date: April 5, 2021 at 9:16:15 PM PDT  To: Levans@laquintaca.gov  Subject: Air Bnb in La Quinta  "Dear Mayor & CouncilMembers, I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means. Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating. We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs. We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules. Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs. We Love _all of_ La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits. 2 I started doing AirBnb “House Share” in Rancho Mirage three years ago, and in the year I did it, i never had any complaints or issues. My policy followed the Cities, and enforced them. I am building with a double casita and would like to keep my standing. Please consider all sides of the process. Sincerely, Steven L Tschacher Steve    ^..^   Sent from my iPad  From:Olivier Chaine To:Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; Linda Evans Cc:Vacation Rental Owners and Neighbors of La Quinta Subject:Letter of Support from our Local Smaller Businesses- STVRs Date:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 9:13:29 AM Attachments:VRON-LQ Supporting Businesses Letter-3.pdf ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Please see the following letter of support signed by over 110 local small businesses with more than 522 employees that depend on and strongly support a responsible, vibrant and growing STVR program in the City of La Quinta. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Olivier Chaine President - VRON-LQ To: La Quinta City Council Members, Mayor Cc: City Manager, City Clerk Submitted April 6th, 2021 ─ Letter of Suppor t for STVR Program We, the undersigned businesses below, are writing to the La Quinta Mayor and City Council in support of a continued and growing responsible STVR Program. Short Term Rentals are a key part of our community, our economy and our jobs.They bring tourists, golfers, families, and future generations of long term residents and homeowners. Many of our businesses could not survive without the revenue that is generated from the owners, from the guests, and to our city. Our businesses depend on a strong and well managed short term rental program, and we plead that the City Council does not restrict or eliminate responsible rentals further. Sincerely, Signatures: //s// Manny Pest control Service (employees: 2) La Quinta //s// Jose Pool Maintenance La Quinta //s// Natali Flores Cleaning Services (employees: 30) Bermuda Dunes, Cathedral City, La Quinta, Palm Desert,Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage 2 //s// Nadia de Winter Property Management (employees: 10) La Quinta //s// Rosa Chavez Cleaning Services (employees: 25) Indio, La Quinta //s// Guillermo Cota Cleaning Services (employees: 15) La Quinta //s// Francisco rivera Landscaping (employees: 12) Bermuda Dunes, Cathedral City, La Quinta, Palm Desert,Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage //s// Alicia m Muñoz Cleaning Services (employees: 10) Bermuda Dunes, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage //s// Kevin Coad Construction (employees: 2) La Quinta //s// Nimrod Erez Short Term Rental Owner (employees: 8) La Quinta //s// Paul 3 Personalized Concierge Services La Quinta //s// Petros Ktori Property Management (employees: 2) Bermuda Dunes, La Quinta //s// Serj Manukyan Wholesale (employees: 4) La Quinta //s// Ashot Manukyan Property Management La Quinta //s// Heidi Podjavorsek Property Management La Quinta //s// Manvel Tabakian Real estate sales/lease Bermuda Dunes, Cathedral City, La Quinta, Palm Springs //s// Hovsep Pool Maintenance (employees: 40) Bermuda Dunes, Cathedral City, La Quinta, Palm Desert,Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage //s// Alexa Oliva Property Management La Quinta 4 //s// Shirl Berwind Digital Media La Quinta //s// Fanci plummer Cleaning Services La Quinta //s// Megan Guerra Property Management La Quinta //s// Joshua Guerra Construction La Quinta //s// Adam iglesias Cleaning Services La Quinta, Palm Desert, Palm Springs //s// Loran Arvizu Real estate agent Palm Desert //s// Yangzom Brauen Property Management La Quinta //s// Jerry Stephens 5 Property Management La Quinta //s// Nina Hauser Property Management La Quinta //s// Savik Property Owner La Quinta //s// Art Kasabyan Property Management (employees: 2) La Quinta //s// Emma Manukyan Dance Instructor (employees: 3) La Quinta //s// Marine Childcare (employees: 10) La Quinta //s// Gohar Ayvazyan Furniture Rentals (employees: 3) La Quinta //s// Lusine Petrosyan Interior Design Glendale 6 //s// Grazyna Motala Property Management La Quinta //s// Ismael Garcia Window & Door Screens (employees: 2) Palm Desert //s// Pete Commare Pool Maintenance (employees: 7) La Quinta, Palm Desert //s// Heather Zorzi Property Management La Quinta As a divorced woman who was a stay home mother for 25 years STVR has been the sole source of my income and gives me the opportunity to still be a stay home mom and offer my children a life that they were accustomed to prior to divorce.STVR has allowed me to own beautiful homes that I am proud of and the ability to share my homes for other to make memories in as well as afford me to make a living.Thank you for understanding the importance of this to the majority of us who are not running a business but sharing a home to support ourselves. //s// Sarah Handy Property Owner La Quinta //s// Shelly Gorden Property Management (employees: 2) Rancho Mirage 7 We would be closed down. We have many vendors we use to manage the rental which would mean they would loose work as well. //s// Rian Gorden Construction (employees: 3) Rancho Mirage If short-term vacation rentals were to be shut down we would lose a ton of business which would dramatically affect our company. We also use a lot of subcontractors and vendors that service these vacation rentals and they would be negatively impacted as well. //s// Guadalupe Vazquez Cleaning Services (employees: 8-12) La Quinta It is 50% of our income //s// Doug Baysore Carpet/Flooring (employees: 10 Subcontractors ) La Quinta Renters don’t come, they don’t wear out the floors.HUGE IMPACT!!! //s// Vidal coronel Cleaning Services (employees: 6) La Quinta Hello- please don’t stop the short term! Please- our cleaners are all single mothers with this only job. They love this job and do amazing to help keep everyone safe. My children also eat and have a place to sleep due to our business model. Please consider us business owners. We can help take care of a few sour apples but vacation rentals have been a blessing to many of us //s// Sergio Alvarez HVAC (employees: 2) Bermuda Dunes, Cathedral City, La Quinta, Palm Desert,Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage 8 60% of my customers are Vacation Rental propertys. Cutting them down will definitely slow down alot of work for me. It's already slow as all of the big events have been canceled again for 2021. //s// Davis inzunza- Restaurant (employees: 16) Bermuda Dunes We will have less visitors to The Valley We will have less money into our community Less work for my employees //s// Jordan Medwin Short term rental (employees: 6) La Quinta Many residents use STVR for additional income. The STVRs bring tourism, events and money to the city. The city, businesses and residents make significant revenue from this. It makes La Quinta a known city for vacations and families to come during a weekend or weekday trip. This is a MUST for the economy of the city. The city relies on money from this to pay for things for the same city. They use this revenue to better our city for the residents and vacationers. //s// Pablo Flores Property Management (employees: 2) Indio, La Quinta Limiting STR would absolutely limit not just my property management business, but also be detrimental to the dozens of cleaners, landscapers,handymen, and pool service technicians who I employ as part of my business, all who live in the valley. Furthermore, as a real estate agent I know this would also plummet real estate price which would affect everyone whether a supporter of STRs or not. //s// Yesica Zarate Cleaning Services (employees: 2) Cathedral City, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Palm Springs,Rancho Mirage Stopping, even limiting short term rentals impacts the business by limiting, lowering down the amount of work we have which results us in less income for our families. We each have a family 9 to take care of, and I being the main provider for my child. Less rentals, less work, less income and it's a real struggle when jobs are barely slowly coming back because of covid 19 and it's not as easy getting one again. Even now, it's been hard trying to find a second job aside from this business, but we are holding on, but taking it away can cause not just us but many to suffer, making us lose our way of income. Cleaning vacation rentals is our job, our work, don't limit nor stop the rentals please. //s// Jesus inzunza Restaurant (employees: 16) Bermuda Dunes I’m a restaurant owner and I have been blessed to have guest from All over the world visit my restaurant. Vacation rentals do help me keep Business going along with our local customers recommending us too them //s// George Montoya Property Repairs Desert Hot Springs My repair work comes from short term rentals //s// Denise Macris Construction (employees: 4) La Quinta This would end out business and put Dooley out of work //s// Letirgarcia Baby Boutique Accesories Coachella Specially in this times STR is a super good Idea for anybody that is sober this quarantine and can’t go out of town and just take a short trip to one of the rentals. //s// Jeannette Kneuer Crane Service Company (employees: Husband and Wife owners ) 10 Bermuda Dunes, Cathedral City, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage Removing short term rentals will affect our business.It brings so much profit to the Coachella Valley and so much work to everyone. //s// Elena Bonilla Property Management (employees: 4) Indio, La Quinta, Idywilld Ca //s// Alma Braga Property Management (employees: 2) La Quinta We are in support of short term vacation rentals.If these were to be limited or non existent is would significantly decrease our ability to employ sub contractors and other employers that maintain our short term rental. It will also decrease the value of real estate in the city of La Quinta. La Quinta is also a tourists destination due to its majestic mountains, meandering trails, and gorgeous weather. This tourism stimulates the local economy and benefits the working community. //s// Adam Santiago Property Management (employees: 2) Indio, La Quinta I manage several vacation rentals limiting STVR would hurt me financially and all the services I use around the valley and La Quinta. //s// Olga B Gilbert Hairdresser Palm Desert Housekeepers, gardeners and pool cleaners would not make the extra money they make . They would not be able to have their hair done as often.STVR guests spend money in our valley. Helps keep us employed. For every dollar spent here $.65 goes back into our economy. We are a service industry. 11 //s// Veronica Prado Food and catering (employees: 8) Indio Tourism and people renting short term in La quinta brings more business to us in our Shop if they get denied my business will be affected directly. //s// Ali Garcia Property Management (employees: 2) La Quinta 80% if our business revenue comes from short term rental, limiting them would devastating to the business. //s// Stephanie Hernandez Insurance Cathedral City "//s// Douglas Lopez Cleaning Services (employees: 9) Indio, La Quinta, Palm Springs I employed about 9 employees, financially it will impact their families. The same thing will happen to me, I depend on the company to generate money from short term rentals. The money helps me support my family, pay bills and put food on the table. Please continue to allow short term rentals ....... Thank you. //s// Jose Coronel Property Maintenance Indio, La Quinta, Palm Springs It would greatly impact my life as well as my children’s life as most of my business is servicing vacation rental homes and keeping them up to par. //s// The McAuley Family 12 Property Management (employees: appr. 6) La Quinta We would have to end our business immediately, let go of all our workers, at least one of which makes a significant percentage of their yearly income exclusively from STVR. //s// Anne Lewis Dog Grooming La Quinta Even short term rental people have pets! //s// gary spencer mechanic Cathedral City, Coachella, La Quinta, Palm Desert,Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage //s// Jimmy Repl Vacation Rental Consulting Bermuda Dunes, La Quinta, Palm Desert It’s impact would cause stress on many homeowners that feel the need to sell their secondary seasonal homes. The greater effect is tourism dollars not helping many other local coachella valley businesses. "//s// Pedro martinez Landscaping La Quinta Me llamo Pedro y la verda esto es muy triste lo que está pasando. No es justo de que cancellation de esto. Yo tengo diabetes 3 pero 3 vacaciones de renta me an ayudado a comprar medicina y comida para que yo siga vivo Porfavor no lo cancelé Porfavor tengan Corazón Solo muchos los afectados 13 //s// Gerardo Sanchez Landscaping (employees: 2) La Quinta //s// Vincent OConnor Property Management La Quinta We purchased this place with a self directed IRA and are required to rent it out //s// Jessica Young Property Management La Quinta, Rancho Mirage //s// Vidal coronel Cleaning Services (employees: 9) La Quinta //s// Mayra Guerrero Cleaning Services (employees: 4) Bermuda Dunes, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage //s// Jesse Vaca Landscaping (employees: 4) La Quinta I will not have extra work //s// Ivan Beltran Landscaping (employees: 3) La Quinta 14 //s// Rosa Reyes Cleaning Services (employees: 6) La Quinta This job is essential for many families because it provides a job for us to ensure that the vacation homes are ready and spotless to go. //s// savik Property Owner La Quinta //s// Bill Silvers Handyman Service Palm Desert If rentals stay empty I would not have to make repairs on people’s properties. //s// Kyle Charles Aquino Property Management La Quinta I wish to be flexible in my stay on the property,but don't want to be slaved to it for months at a time without the financial repercussions. In addition to impacting my financial livelihood, it will impact the livelihood of all the supporting contractors we've hired that solely rely on this source of income (i.e., cleaners, handymen, etc.). //s// Keegan Wetzel Owner La Quinta //s// Petros Ktori Property Management (employees: 2) Bermuda Dunes, La Quinta 15 //s// Juan C Martin Food Industry (employees: 12) La Quinta Reduces the amount of people that come to town and that would affect our business //s// Rick Eggan Plumbing & Pumping Coachella Valley //s// Abel & Laree Landscaping (employees: 6) La Quinta //s// Abel Aranda Landscaping (employees: 40) //s// Alex Business Consulting/Prop Mgt La Quinta/Coachella Valley //s// Alfredo Olivas Fuel Oil & Lp Gas (employees: 5) DHS //s// Avaro Delatorre Construction La Quinta //s// Brian Reyes HVAC 16 La Quinta //s// Claudia Valle Cleaning Services (employees: 2) Cathedral City/Coachella Valley //s// Crystal Garcia House Cleaning (employees: 10) La Quinta/Bermuda Dunes //s// David and Jesse Air Conditioning & Heating Indio/ La Quinta //s// David Ramirez Landscaping Company (employees: 3) La Quinta/Coachella Valley //s// Gail Wayne Realty La Quinta //s// Jim Carpet / Flooring Indio //s// Jon Plumbing Company La Quinta/Coachella Valley //s// Karen 17 Retail/Food Bermuda Dunes/La Quinta //s// Mario Yarza Pool Maintenance La Quinta/Bermuda Dunes //s// Marisol Galxioa House Cleaning La Quinta //s// Michael Lansing Retail Palm Desert/La Quinta //s// Michele Hamid Interior Designers La Quinta/Bermuda Dunes //s// Mike Salazar Property Mgt La Quinta //s// Roger Miranda Plumbing La Quinta/Coachella Valley //s// Rosa Cleaning Services La Quinta/Coachella Valley 18 //s// Scott Tamme Furniture Rentals La Quinta/Coachella Valley //s// Stephen Little Pool Maintenance Palm Desert/La Quinta //s// VJ Florist La Quinta/Palm Desert //s// Flower Patch Florist La Quinta Business names have been redacted due to fear of retribution on nextdoor. 1 From: Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 12:10 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez Cc:Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail Subject:VRON-LQ and We Love La Quinta Coalition - letter submission to city council Attachments:PermanentBanOnNewSTVRPermitsLetterToCouncil.pdf  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor Evans and members of La Quinta city council,  VRON‐LQ and We Love La Quinta Coalition would like to submit the attached letter for your review and consideration  before the city council meeting on April 6th.  Thank you,  Jelena Tamm   CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY VRON-LQ (JELENA TAMM) BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS TO: La Quinta City Council FROM: VRON-LQ and We Love La Quinta Coalition RE: Permanent ban on new short-term vacation rental permits VRON-LQ and PGA West Coalition have formed a work group to help the city council consider alternatives to permanently banning new short term vacation rental permits. Here is our position on the proposed new ordinance discussion on April 6th, 2021: 1) The STVR ordinance has been revised twice recently, in January and in February 2021. The new STVR ordinance is stricter and accomplishes the following: - 30 minute complaint response time, instead of 45 - Doubled (and in some cases tripled) fines for violations - Zero tolerance for STVRs operating without a valid permit - Two instead of a three strike policy - 5 time increase in the yearly STVR permit fees - Noise monitoring and inspection requirements for estate homes 2) New enacted ordinances have been effective: - Less complaints - Less citations - Almost no STVRs operating without a valid permit are left. VRON-LQ and We Love La Quinta Coalition are in great support of responsible short term renting, and welcome the stricter ordinances that have been passed. VRON-LQ and We Love La Quinta Coalition are against a permanent ban on new STVR permits anywhere in the city of La Quinta. There are no serious concerns that STVR permit numbers will be overwhelming for the city. Stricter ordinance and market self-correction (supply/demand rules of the short-term rental industry) will keep STVRs in the city of La Quinta at a reasonable number. Thank you for taking the time to read this document and take it into consideration. Sincerely, VRON-LQ and PGA West Coalition CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY VRON-LQ (JELENA TAMM) BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVRS From: David Warda   Date: March 30, 2021 at 2:23:31 PM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: PGA West  Residence      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Dear Mayor Linda,  My wife and I purchased a beautiful Home in PGA West in January 2021.  Our reason for this purchase was to provide a quality short term rental and enjoy the property and  region with friends and family.  We are very excited to spend about 6 months a year there and making La Quinta part of our lives.  If short term rentals are stopped by the city of La Quinta, this would force us to sale the home as we  could no longer afford the monthly costs.  We implore you to not let this happen and allow us to move forward with our new lives in La Quinta.  We would bring much revenue to the city and provide a very nice rental for others around the world to  share.  Appreciate your consideration!        David and Donna Warda          1 From:Linda Evans Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 9:37 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Fwd: EXCLUSION of PGA West in Post-Moratorium Stay on New STVR Permits m m m m V Linda Evans | Mayor  City of La Quinta  78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253  Ph. 760.777.7030  C:   760.899.3279  E: levans@laquintaca.gov  www.laquintaca.gov   www.playinlaquinta.com  Begin forwarded message:  From: "Katherine F. Weber"   Date: March 29, 2021 at 2:03:38 PM PDT  To: Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>, Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez  <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>  Cc: Rob Weber   Subject: EXCLUSION of PGA West in Post‐Moratorium Stay on New STVR Permits   EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor and City Council:  It has come to our attention that, following an unsuccessful attempt to amend the CCR&R’s to ban  STVR’s within PGA West, an undeterred group of supporters of such a ban are attempting a new tactic,  in which they are asking the City Council to do what they could not achieve by a proper vote of the  homeowners—impose a ban on a use that is otherwise lawful and permitted under both current law  and their own private covenants.    We first and foremost wish to express that we do not agree with these efforts and end run tactics and  wish to again reiterate our SUPPORT for STVR’s.  We also renew our request that the moratorium  banning STVR’s be lifted as of April 6.  We are particularly offended that a group purporting to represent  the PGA West Homeowners are in fact attempting to undermine and circumvent the recent vote results  of the very homeowners they are claiming to represent.    STVR’s, by covenant, are permitted in PGA West.  They are also strictly regulated, and the HOA  continues to explore additional rules and requirements to mitigate against the complained‐of impacts of  2 STVR’s.  The HOA is in a better position to govern itself and does not require the intervention by the City  or the imposition of unsupported land use regulations.  One of the specific reasons we purchased in PGA  West was because it permits STVR’s, and we relied on both existing law and covenants in so doing.  We therefore again request that the Council LIFT the STVR moratorium as of April 6.  While we believe  that this should be lifted for all (given the questionable use of a public health moratorium to prevent  homeowners from even submitting STVR applications during the moratorium); however, at a minimum,  PGA West and other homeowner associations should be excluded from any ongoing ban of  STVR’s.  Additionally, current homeowners should be grandfathered in under existing STVR’s laws (and  before any new ban is imposed), and their applications to STVR should be allowed as soon as the  moratorium is lifted.  We implore that the City not intervene in a private HOA issue, and allow the PGA West Homeowner’s  Association to continue to govern itself with respect to STVR’s.  Thank you for your consideration,  Rob and Kathy Weber  PGA West, La Quinta)  1 From: Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 7:20 AM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:Please vote NO on further STVR restrictions Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.  Dear Mayor & Council Members,  We need to support our thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well‐regulated and positive short  term vacation rental options for travelers of all means.   Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups and community go to waste. Everyone worked so  hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring  balance. Let these take effect before over‐regulating.  We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting  today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell  their family home when it becomes theirs.   We purchased a home in LaQuinta in December of 2020. We love it and although it’s our second home, we are there  almost every other weekend. It’s serene and beautiful and that is how I want to keep it. We do not rent out our home  but I would like the ability to do so if we ever find that to be necessary. Covid has taught us that flexibility is key in all  industries. Let’s not over‐regulate the STVR’s to the detriment of the city and locals who are employed by them.  We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts  have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules. .  Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs.  Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new  permits.   Sincerely,  Nicole and Marc Weiss  1 From:Jonathan Welin Sent:Thursday, April 1, 2021 11:54 AM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Protect my ability to share my home Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Jonathan. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. I host a vacation  rental in Casitas Las Rosas. The experience has been life enriching for me. I love sharing the beauty of the desert,  especially Old Town and La Quinta Cove with our guests. The extra income allows for me to spend more time with my  family, and less time at work.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Jonathan Welin  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY JONATHAN WELIN BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM 1 From:Jeff Wen Sent:Thursday, March 25, 2021 11:01 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:April 6th, 2021 Council Meeting Citizen Comments Attachments:La Quinta Letter.docx  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Hi, my name is Jeffrey Wen, and my phone # is    I am writing in support of STVRs and wish to provide telephonic comments towards the city council and any  residents/citizens listening.  Please see attachment for Word Document related to my written comments.  I have timed for reading to be at 3  minutes.  Thank you!  ‐‐   Jeff Wen  CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY JEFF WEN BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – IN SUPPORT OF STVRS Dear La Quinta City Council,  My name is Jeff Wen, and I am a new homeowner in your lovely city of La Quinta.  I fell in love with the  city after I stayed at a local Airbnb with my wife and two children, 1 and 3 years old.  My wife and I very  excitedly and quickly discussed the idea of purchasing a second home in the desert where my kids can  swim almost year round and visit the beautiful areas in and surrounding the area.  We had been saving  up money for quite a while, and believed that we would be able to occasionally rent out the home as a  STVR to help offset the costs.    I knew as we were in contract to purchase the home that there was a moratorium in place for the  issuance of new permits.  I had called the city of La Quinta, and I was assured that this moratorium  would be lifted in a matter of time once the new regulations and codes had been tested.  I did my  research, and read through the code, and could appreciate the need for regulation, being as I had served  in the Army and had worked in law enforcement.    Needless to say, I was shocked and appalled at the tone of the city councilmembers during the March  16th meeting.  I can definitely understand the sentiment of residents and their opposition towards  STVRs, but I felt that with the regulations and rules in place from the emergency ordinances, natural  selection of STVRs would play itself out; the bad actors would eventually get kicked out, and the ones  that remain in compliance would be able to serve travelers and the community in a harmonious manner.    I have listened to several of these recent city council meetings now, and there have been a small handful  of new homeowners that have purchased with the same understanding that I had; that was this was a  temporary moratorium to be lifted.  As expressed in the March 16th meeting by Councilmember  Fitzgerald and Sanchez, there is a huge problem with not giving clear guidance to those thinking to  purchase, but especially to those that have already bought and closed.  I can appreciate that the city  council is working toward providing clear guidance, but I feel the city needs to give a chance for those  that want to play by the rules a chance to succeed.  In addition, new mortgage financing rules by Fannie  Mae and Freddie Mac have already made it much more prohibitive to purchase second homes and  investment properties.  This in itself would serve as a natural barrier to those looking to speculate on  purchases in wonderful towns such as La Quinta.      I am asking the city council to take into consideration those that have already purchased, have every  intention to act in good faith, and treat their neighbors with courtesy and respect.  STVRs do serve a  purpose for the traveling community that traditional hospitality options do not.  Thank you for your time.  CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY JEFF WEN BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Gord Wengreniuk Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 2:02 PM To:Linda Evans; ktizpatrick@laquintaca.gov; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; City Clerk Mail Subject:STVR Permit Moratorium  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Council members,  I have sat in and observed the countless hours you have spent in chambers discussing, debating and listening to all  stakeholders relating to the STVR issue and am empathetic to the difficult task of navigating this charged topic.  I have  been impressed with your compassion to those who have been negatively impacted  by noise / traffic / trash / etc. and  with your wisdom to find balance in our community.  I am hopeful that we will see the fruit of everyone’s labors going  forward and although I understand the caution with which you are proceeding; I do hope you allow HOA’s to continue to  determine their own destiny through their democratic purposes and exclude them from the proposed stay.  I further see wisdom in pausing new permits for a time, but believe those that purchased in the last year during  emergency orders should be granted the opportunity to acquire permits sooner rather than later as there has been  attrition of existing permits and compliance shut downs of non‐registered operators.  I do hope the time is not too far off of when we can see positive change from the operational changes the city has  implemented which then leads to a return to allowing everyone in La Quinta to have an equal opportunity to responsibly  run a STVR.  While this may not be that time, I hope balance prevails at tomorrows juncture and believe it may be  achieved by allowing existing homeowners and HOAs to begin acquiring STVR permits now and deferring new purchases  to a future date.  Respectfully,  Gordon Wengreniuk  PGA West  1 From:Michael Wiedder Sent:Monday, April 5, 2021 3:03 PM To:Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; info@vronlq.org Subject:STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & Council Members,  I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means.   Please do not let the efforts of the City Council, the working groups, and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating.  We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs.   We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules.  Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs.   We Love all of La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits.    Sincerely,  Michael Wiedder  1 From:Dirk Wierema Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 7:21 AM To:John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Linda Evans; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Please Lift the moratorium and allow new short term rental permits  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor & CouncilMembers, I am strongly in favor of a vibrant and thriving tourism program for the City of La Quinta, including well-regulated and positive short term vacation rental options for travelers of all means. Please do not let the efforts of the city council, the working groups and community go to waste. Everyone worked so hard to pass reasonable regulations and ordinances to remove the noise complaints, the problem houses, and bring balance. Let these take effect before over-regulating. We believe all homeowners should have the right to apply for a STVR permit. Even those that aren't actively renting today, those who stopped during covid, those that might need to tomorrow, those whose children may not want to sell their family home when it becomes theirs. We urge you not to pass ordinances further restricting the issuance of new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come into compliance with the new rules. Don't paint our city as not welcoming to tourists, or only sequestering them only in the most expensive of HOAs. We Love _all of_ La Quinta. Let's keep our city open for families of all means and backgrounds. Please vote NO on continuing the ban on new permits. Sincerely, Dirk Wierema 1 From:Dirk Wierema Sent:Monday, March 22, 2021 12:24 PM To:John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Linda Evans; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Please Lift the moratorium and allow new short term rental permits  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   To the Mayor, City Council, City Manager, and City Clerk.   I am in favor of short term rental permits.   I own a home in La Quinta and have not heard or witnessed any negative  behavior as a result of short term rentals in my neighborhood.  The property values in the neighborhood have increased  in part due to the investment of upgrades that owners of STVR properties have made.  The economic loss to the cities would affect all city residents, local shops, property managers, cleaners, gardeners, pool  men/women, contractors, and restaurants. This tax revenue loss by the city would also degrade the support of  improvements to infrastructure and services that the city currently provides.    Dirk Wierema  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DIRK WIEREMA BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Karen Wierema Sent:Sunday, March 28, 2021 2:48 PM To:John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Linda Evans; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; Monika Radeva Subject:Fwd: Please Lift the moratorium and allow new short term rental permits  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   To the Mayor, City Council, City Manager, and City Clerk.   I am in favor of short term rental permits. I own a home in La Quinta, and have spent the entire month of March staying in our rental home and have seen renters come and go; all of whom have been courteous, respectful, neighborly, and thrilled to share in our wonderful community. That is what we love about La Quinta. Enjoying our time here when we can, as well as sharing our home and beautiful neighborhood and community when we are not able to. It's a win win for everyone, including the city!  Karen Wierema CITY COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 6, 2021 – WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY KAREN WIERENA BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 – IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Linda Wilkie Sent:Tuesday, April 6, 2021 5:46 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Support my right to host ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Linda. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. We started hosting in  2019 and have sustained 5 star reviews since we opened. We also frequently stay in our home as does our family and  friends. Our rental helps employ many local small businesses, including a cleaning crew, landscaper, and pool service.  The effect of stopping STR’s will have a dramatic economic ripple effect in the La Quinta community.   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.   Thanks for your time.  Sincerely,   Linda Wilkie  1 From:Amy Wilson Sent:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 11:41 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:Support my right to host  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear City Clerk Monika Radeva,  My name is Amy. I am an Airbnb host, and I share my home and welcome guests to La Quinta. (only 31 day rentals now  as we can't obtain license) We are recent homeowners within the La Quinta community. We purchased a condo in PGA  West that was previously used as a responsible short term rental. During our escrow period we were made aware of a  short delay on issuing new STVR permits due to the CoronaVirus, which we completely understood. We moved ahead  and closed escrow at the end of December 2020 knowing that we could apply in February for a legal permit. That date  was pushed to April. Now again pushed to June with rumblings that we might not be able to obtain a permit at all!   We fully understand the concerns that community members have regarding these rentals and PGA West has addressed  many of said issues with increased security, fines and new rules put into place. We are fully on board with having a  limited number of rentals per month and/or year. We are OK with an increase in fee to obtain a permit. But if we are not  allowed to rent our property AT ALL we would suffer a significant financial loss. We currently have our listing advertised  as a 31 day rental (which we can do legally) but have zero hits. We increased the age to 30 or over to prevent young  partiers. We have listed the rules in our advertisement. We also would only rent to a person who had positive reviews  from past hosts. All of the surrounding condos are currently being used as STVRs and we have never had any issues with  any of their guests during our short time of ownership.  If La Quinta decides at some point to put a stop to issuing new STVR permits that is fine, but we feel that people should  at least be made aware of that during a softer phasing out of permits. For example, you could state as of January 1, 2022  we will issue no new permits. That allows people like us who purchased their home to be legal, responsible, contributing  members of the La Quinta community. It allows anyone who enters escrow at the end of 2021 to do so with a full  awareness of the restrictions and possibility of not obtaining a license. It allows anyone entering into escrow after  deadline to know that they can only use property as primary residence, second home or long term rental.  And it also will not cause a huge dip in housing prices throughout La Quinta. To end permits now with zero warning  leaves any new homeowner stuck in a position to sell at a loss. We already are out an estimated $12,000 for the year  and would be out at least $30,000 at the end of 2021. Moving forward we are unable to take such a loss every year.   We beg you to allow us to obtain a legal license. We promise to work with La Quinta, PGA West and our neighbors to  ensure a successful situation for all of us!   Please protect the rights of hosts like me who share our homes to supplement our income. An indefinite freeze on new  STVR permits would prevent some hosts from coming into compliance with the newly adopted rules, and create long‐ term uncertainty for all hosts as the Council continues to consider additional changes.   Hosts like me are committed to contributing to the neighborhood quality of life, and take measures to be responsible  hosts and citizens in La Quinta. Moreover, we direct our guests to support local businesses in the community, so that  they can benefit too.   CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY AMY WILSON BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM 2 We need to work together to preserve the economic benefits of short‐term rentals in La Quinta. Please vote against an  indefinite stay on new permits, and ensure that all current hosts have an opportunity to apply for a permit and come  into compliance with the new rules. These regulations represent months of stakeholder input, and should be fully  implemented and given a chance to work before they are adjusted again.     Thanks for your time.    Sincerely,   Amy Wilson    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY AMY WILSON BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & OPPOSITION OF A PERMANENT MORATORIUM From: Fred Wilson    Sent: Monday, April 5, 2021 9:38 AM  To: Nichole Romane <nromane@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Re: Written Comment 4/6 Council Meeting     EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     City Clerk, City of La Quinta:     Please include and have read aloud at the April 6th City Council meeting the attached one‐page Open  Letter in support of allowing Short term Vacation rentals and in favor of removing the current STR  Moratorium.    Thank you for all your hard work for and dedication to the City of La Quinta!    Respectfully,    Fred Wilson      (non‐STR owner)    From: Fred Wilson   Date: April 5, 2021 at 9:07:46 AM PDT  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>, John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>, Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>, Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>, Jon McMillen  <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Open Letter ‐ Yes to Short Term Rentals / Remove STR Moratorium      EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.     Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers:     Attached herewith, please take a minute to read my one‐page Open Letter in support of allowing Short  term Vacation rentals and in favor of removing the current STR Moratorium.    Thank you for all your hard work for and dedication to the City of La Quinta!    Respectfully,    Fred Wilson    (non‐STR owner)        April 4, 2021 Fred Wilson La Quinta Cove (non-STR owner) Open Letter to the City of La Quinta • STR properties equal long-term benefits for La Quinta (not long-term problems) ✓ Increased ownership options for citizens of La Quinta. ✓ Increased property values for citizens of La Quinta. ✓ Increased prosperity for property owners in La Quinta. ✓ Increased and expanded public awareness of La Quinta. ✓ Increased visitation to La Quinta. ✓ Increased participation at events staged in La Quinta. ✓ Increased income for many community businesses in La Quinta. ✓ Increased tax revenue to the City of La Quinta. ✓ Overall, increased opportunity for all property owners in La Quinta. • Ultimately, the relevant discussion point surrounding STRs isn’t simply a yes/no question but rather a property rights infringement issue… …And property rights should be maintained, not eliminated*. • Historically, citizens of La Quinta who own property in non-gated, non-HOA communities acquired that property with the opportunity to operate it as an STR that can provide much-needed income… …And broadly denying that opportunity unfairly infringes on citizens historical and current property rights and significantly hurts citizens financially. • Fundamentally, however, all citizens of La Quinta should have the absolute right to live in peace… …Primarily, therefore, the problem isn’t STRs, themselves, but the potential for public disturbance (principally, noise) coming from the people staying in them. • Consequently, the solution isn’t to eliminate STRs but, instead, to effectively reduce the amounts of noise (or any other public disturbances) their users might generate… …And the City of La Quinta is adopting stricter rules to enforce those reductions. • Alternatively, consider banning dogs or pickup trucks or pools or music; or even banning seasonal and/or annual rentals (which potentially generate noise, too, but nevertheless aren’t up for discussion). Clearly, any such action would be an unacceptable overreaction… …And banning STRs would be an arbitrary overreaction fueled by a vocal minority; an overreaction that’s harmful to the citizens of La Quinta in many ways. • Basically, citizens of La Quinta—STR owners and non-STR owners, alike—all want the very same things: access to opportunity and the chance to live in peace… …And the City of La Quinta can and should maintain those rights for its citizen stakeholders. CONCLUSION: Overall, STRs bring major benefits to the City of La Quinta and its residents. Specifically, though, noise from STRs can be a frustrating public disturbance and is, therefore, a significant concern. But the solution to potential noise (or any other form of public disturbance) from STRs isn’t the emotional, ban-mania reaction of eliminating* STRs. Rather, and much more appropriately, the answer lies in the establishment and enforcement of firm yet fair citywide rules that effectively govern STRs. And the City of La Quinta is quite able and equipped to do exactly that… In going forward, Short Term Rentals should be allowed, and the STR moratorium lifted. Thank you! *In the likely event the City doesn’t eliminate STRs but, instead, caps the total number at some fair and reasonable level, that fact should not rule out other current or future property owners in La Quinta from the chance to operate one. Bearing that in mind, as individually held STR permits expire—either through sale of the property, owner nonrenewal, or City revocation—the same number of permits should be made available to other property owners in the order of their STR application having been filed with the City. 1 From:KKII9 .. Sent:Friday, April 2, 2021 6:18 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Verbal Comments / Public Comment  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Meeting April 6, 2021  Please also include these written comments, I wish to express verbally as well. Dear Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council, I'm a recent homeowner in La Quinta, I purchased a second home in this city with plans to spend time with my growing family and escape the hustle of Los Angeles. I plan on applying for STVR permits once the moratorium would be lifted because the supplemental income is a critical consideration in affording this purchase, particularly with the significant rise in home prices over the past year. So you can understand my concern and frustration when I heard in the last council meeting the conversation change from imposing regulations on STVRs to suspending all new applications in response to rising complaints during the pandemic. There are many reasons I feel this is wrong and unfair for a new homeowners like myself, who may have purchased a home with the expectation that the moratorium on permits would eventually end. The principal reason I believe this is wrong is because it doesn't actually address the problem of the current complaints at all! I've read through many of the written comments from residents complaining about this issue and I see a common complaints of negligent hosts that have too many guests to a home which creates noise, trash and parking disruptions. One resident mentioned there were over 20 SUV's on his block, which certainly should not be happening and I can very well understand that resident's complaint. The problem derives from irresponsible hosts that are not managing their guests and by extending the permit moratorium, all the bad actors still have their permits and can continue to be a cause of complaint to other residents; while new hosts - that are more responsible and have respect our neighbors - are unable to participate The problem is there is a lack of punitive measures for irresponsible STVR hosts and as Councilmember Sanchez pointed out, there essentially has been no time for any new policy to take effect and address the actual problem. Councilmember Kathleen Fitzpatrick mentioned in the last meeting there is a lack of rules and regulations for this as a business. This is exactly correct. I believe it is the city's responsibility to maintain public health and safety in the community by creating appropriate rules and regulations, but as a homeowner I should have the right to rent my property in a manner that is safe and is not a disruption to my neighbors. And do I respect and care about my neighbors. I want to be welcomed and avoid any friction with my neighbors when I'm there with family. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY KEVIN WONG BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & LIFTING THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 2 Another issue I've been seeing is an implied bifurcation of rights among full time residents and part time residents, or those who have lived longer in the community than others. The rights for all property owners should be the same, and there is likely just as many supporters of STVR as there are opposers of it, it's just the opposer it make a lot more effort to be heard. These long time residents are not taking into consideration the fact that I'm likely paying two to three times more property taxes to the city than they are, so why should they be favored first? Ultimately there should be no basis for comparison here, we all add   value in different ways and the council should not be taking away from one group of owner rights in favor of  others. I understand the concerns of these residents and fully sympathize with their complaints; however, it should  be noted that there already are solutions to their issues. For those residents who hate STVRs in their  neighborhood, they can move to one of the many HOA's that don't allow STVR or even an age restricted  community.  They might say, "well why should they be forced to sell their home and move?" To that, I would  answer, "why should I be forced to sell my home when I can't subsidize my mortgage, because they have a problem  with their neighbors?"     There already exists solutions for these resident's concerns with STVRs but of course this is not the solution they want to hear. The limitations of areas to provide STVRs is frankly what is creating a problem in the first place. The high concentration of STVRs in the Cove, where many of the complaints come from due to the density, which is because it's not allowed in the neighboring HOAs. Placing more restrictions on who can participate in STVRs is not going to solve the problem. It needs to have regulations on the number of people in a home, parking enforcement, and other rules that will maintain public health and safety.     So I urge the council to come up with proper measures to appeal to the rights of ALL owners in the city. The share economy is here to stay and change is imminent, and you can either participate in the growth or resist it and be left behind.     Please reconsider the passing of an indefinite mortarium on STVR.   Kevin Wong   CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY KEVIN WONG BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & LIFTING THE MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:James Young Sent:Tuesday, March 23, 2021 5:41 PM To:Linda Evans; John Pena; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Robert Radi; Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen; City Clerk Mail; BIhrke@rutan.com Subject:Pga West STVR Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   March 26, 2021 Re: Request for EXCLUSION of HOAs in post-Moratorium Stay on new STVR Permits  Please Post in the City Record Thank you,   For considering the appropriateness of continuing STVR’s at PGA WEST. I am a full time resident AND own / operate an  STVR within PGA West. I am among a vast majority of owners and operators who live here and who operate STVR’s  without incident or problems.  I’M VERY SUPPORTIVE OF RETAINING (AND EXPANDING) THIS VALUABLE ASSET WHICH  PROMOTES PGA WEST, LA QUINTA AND SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES.   I welcome an opportunity to speak more comprehensively on the issue at anytime, but don’t want to overwhelm w a  lengthy email.   Thanks for taking a moment to consider my point of view. Certainly feel free to reach out to me anytime...I welcome an  opportunity to participate in any process to improve the community w respect to addressing this controversial issue  responsibly.   Sincerely,  Jim Young  Cell:    Sent from my iPhone; please excuse typos and errant spell checker corrections.  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JIM YOUNG BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUESTING TO EXCLUDE HOS IN THE MORATORIUM STAY ON NEW STVRS