BSOL2016-0046 Structual Calcsvivint. solar Structural Group Scott E. Wyssling, PE Senior Manager of Engineering February 12, 2016 Mr. Dan Rock, Project Manager Vivint Solar 3301 North Thank *A� Lehi, UT 84043 CITY OF LA QUINT& BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Rock: DATE i411 -al 6BY 3301 North Thanksgiving Way, Suite 500 Lehi, UT 84043 P: (801) 234-7050 scoff. wyssling@vivintsolar.com Structural Engineering Services Zysk Residence 79190 Laurie Ct, La Quinta CA S-4733541 8.06 kW Pursuant to your request, we have reviewed thA following information regarding solar panel installation on the roof of the above referenced home: JOL46110. 04*10 1. Site Visit/Verification Form prepared by a Vivint Solar representative identifying specific site information including size and spacing of members for the existing roof structure. 2. Design drawings of the proposed system including a site plan, roof plan and connection details for the solar panels. This information was prepared by the Design Group and will be utilized for approval and construction of the proposed system. 3. Photovoltaic Rooftop Solar System Permit Submittal identifying design parameters for the solar system. 4. Photographs of the interior and exterior of the roof system identifying existing structural members and their conditions. Based on the above information we have evaluated the structural capacity of the existing roof system to support the additional loads imposed by the solar panels and have the following comments related to our review and evaluation: Description of Residence: The existing residence is typical wood framing construction with the roof system consisting of the following: • Roof Sections (1 and 2): Prefabricated truss with all chords constructed of 2x4 dimensional lumber at 24" on center. The attic space is unfinished and photos indicate that there was free access to visually inspect the size and condition of the roof members. All wood material utilized for the roof system is assumed to be Douglas -Fir #2 or better with standard construction components. The existing roofing material consists of rolled asphalt. Our review of the photos of the exterior roof does not indicate any signs of settlement or misalignment caused by overstressed underlying members. Stability Evaluation: A. Wind Uplift Loading 1. Calculations for uplift are based on ASCE/SEI 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Structures, a wind speed of 130 mph based on Exposure Category C and 15 degree roof slopes on the dwelling areas. 2. Total area subject to wind uplift is calculated for the Interior, Edge and Corner Zones of the dwelling. vivint. solar Page 2 of.2 B. Loading Criteria 10 PSF = Dead Load (roofing/framing) 20 PSF = Live Load (-ground snow load) 3 PSF = Dead Load (solar panels/mounting hardware) Total Dead Load = 13 PSF The above values are within acceptable limits of recognized industry standards for similar structures and in accordance with the 2013 California Building Code. Analysis performed on the existing roof structure utilizing the above loading criteria indicates that the existing members will support the additional panel loading without damage, if installed correctly. C. Roof Structure Capacity 1. The photographs provided of the attic space and roof rafters show that the framing is in good condition with no visible signs of damage caused by prior overstressing. D. Solar Panel Anchorage 1. The solar panels shall be mounted in accordance with the most recent "EcoFasten Solar Installation Manual", which can be found on the EcoFasten Solar website (ecofastensolar.com). If during solar panel installation, the roof framing members appear unstable or deflect non -uniformly, our office should be notified before proceeding with the installation. - 2. The solar panels are 1 '/2" thick and mounted 4'/z" off the roof for a total height off the existing roof of 6". At no time will the panels be mounted higher than 6" above the existing plane of the roof. 3. Maximum allowable pullout per lag screw is 235 lbs/inch of penetration as identified in the Nation Design Standards (NDS) of timber construction specifications for Douglas -Fir assumed. Based on our evaluation, the pullout value, utilizing a penetration depth of 2 '/z", is less than the maximum allowable per connection and therefore is adequate. 4. Roof Sections (1 and 2): Considering the roof slopes, the size, spacing, condition of the roof, the panel supports shall be placed at and attached no greater than every third roof member as panels are installed perpendicular across members and no greater than the panel length when installed parallel to the members (portrait). No panel supports spacing shall be greater than three (3) spaces or 72" o/c, whichever is less. 5. Panel support connections shall be staggered to distribute load to adjacent members. Based on the above evaluation, with appropriate panel anchors being utilized the roof system will adequately support the additional loading imposed by the solar panels. This evaluation is in conformance with the 2013 California Building Code, current industry standards and practices, and the information supplied to us at the time of this report. Should you have any questions regarding the above or if you require further information do not hesitate to contact me. Aly yours, �co. Wysslin CA License No. vivint. solar viv* ntsolar Structural Group 3301 (Forth Thanksgiving Way, Suite 500 Lehi, UT 84043 P:(801) 234-7050 Scott E. Wyssling, PE Head o/ Structural Engineering Structural Analysis Report scott.wyssnng@vivintsolar.com Project Address Zysk Residence 79190 Laurie Ct La Quinta, CA Residence Roof Area 3000 ft2 Upper Floor Area 0 ft2 Lower floor Area 2500 ft2 Number of Stories 1 Type of Construction Wood -Framed with Rated shear panels Mean Roof height 15 ft Upper Floor height 0 ft Lower Floor height 10 ft Location Parameters Latitude 33.841 Longitude -117.85 Site Class D Risk Category II Seismic Parameters Date: February 16, 2016 SS = 1.50 g 0.2 sec Spectral Response Acceleration S1 = 0.55 g 1.0 sec Spectral Response Acceleration Fa = 1.0" Site Coefficient from ASCE 7-10, Table 11.4-1 F„ = 1.5 Site Coefficient from ASCE 7-10, Table 11.4-2 SDS = 1.00 g Short Period Design Spectral Acceleration SD, = 0.55 g 1 Second Period Design Spectral Acceleration Wind Parameters Wind Speed 130 mph Exposure Category C Roof Angle, Q 15.0 deg Product Information Manufacturer Yingli. Solar No. of Panels 31 Weight 3.00 psf including mounting system Installed Area 544.98 ft2 No. of Connectors 56 2012 IBC / 2013 CBC Section 3403.4 states: "Any existing lateral load -carrying structural element whose demand -capacity ratio with the addition considered more than 10 percent greater than its demand -capacity ratio with the additoin ignored shall be permitted to rem unaltered." Sheet 1 of S vivi nt. solar a Existing Additional Total Gravity Loads Existing Structural Elements Carrying Gravity Load 2013 California Building Code Section 3404.3 Roof Dead Load 7 psf Clay Tile 2 psf 3/4" Plywood Sheathing 0.75 psf Roof Framing @ 24" o.c. 2 psf Ceiling, Mechanical, Electrical 1.25 psf Miscellaneous 13 psf TOTAL Floor Dead Load 7.5 psf Floor Finishes 3.3 psf 1 1/8" Subfloor Sheathing 3.4 psf Joists @ 16' o.c. 15 psf Partitions 3.6 psf Ceiling, Mechanical, Electrical below 1.2 psf Miscellaneous 34 psf TOTAL Roof Live Load 20 psf Reducible Floor Live Load 40 psf Reducible Roof Dead Load 3 psf Yingli Solar Roof Live Load with Solar Panels 0 psf Total Existing Roof Load = (DLRooF+ LLRooF) AreaRooF = 99000 lbs Total New Roof Load = (DLRooF) AreaRooF+ (DLADD) AreaADD + (LLRooF) (AreaRooF - AreaADD) = 100635 lbs Change in Demand = (Total New Roof Load - Existing Roof Load) / Existing Roof Load 1.65% Total New Gravity Loads increase by less than 5%. OK Sheet 2 of 5 DY0nI S® ]a r Base Shear Calculations 2012 IBC / 2013 CBC 3404.4 Site Class = D Risk Category = II SDs = 1.00 SDI = 0.55 Lateral force resisting system: Wood -Framed with Rated shear panels R.= 6 1/2 from ASCE 7-10, Table 12.2-1 I= 1.0 h = 15.0 ft Mean Roof Height Ct = 0.02 from ASCE 7-10, Table 12.8-2 x = 0.75 from ASCE 7-10, Table 12.8-2 T,, = C,h„x = 0.152 sec Approximate Fundamental Period, ASCE 7-10, Equation 12.8-7 WExISTING = 124.00 kip Approximate mass of building WNEw = 125.63 kip Approximate mass of building and solar panels Base Shear = SDR I W= 0.154 x W ASCE 7-10, Equation 12.8-2 Max Base Shear = T x R W = 0.556 x W ASCE 7-10, Equation 12.8-3 Min Base Shear = .044 SDs X1 (>_ 0.01) x W 0.044 x W ASCE 7-10, Equation 12.8-5 Cs = 0.154 Static Base Shear, Vx = 19.08 kip Existing 19.33 kip New 1.32% increase INCREASE IS LESS THAN 10% - OK Sheet 3 of 5 wowon ° s c u t Existing New Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces 2012 IBC / 2013 CBC 3403.4 k = 1.00 Structural Period Exponent from ASCE 7-10 Section 12.8.3 V = 19.08 kip V = 19.33 kip Weight Sto �'i hi k Diaphragm Force Story Level Heighryhx h; (ft) H,i hik Force (kip) (ft) S(w; h; `) (�P) (kin) Roof 39.00 15 25 975 0.534 10.19 10.19 Upper 0.00 0 10 0 0.000 0.00 10.19 Lower 85.00 10 10 850 0.466 8.89 19.08 sE 124.00 25 1825 1.000 19.08 V = 19.33 kip Demand Increases Level Diaphrag Story m Force Force (kip) Roof 3.25% 3.25% INCREASE IS LESS THAN 10% - OK Upper -- -- Lower -0.90% 1.32% NET DECREASE IN SEISMIC LOAD - OK Sheet 4 of 5 w6w0n Ll o solar Weight StoryStory w; h; ` Diaphragm Force Level Height, hi h; (ft) N� h k Force (gip) (ft) S(w; h k) (kip))ado) Roof 40.63 15 25 1016 0.544 10.52 10.52 Upper 0.00 0 10 0 0.000 0.00 10.52 Lower 85.00 10 10 850 0.456 8.81 19.33 SF 125.63 25 1866 1.000 19.33 Demand Increases Level Diaphrag Story m Force Force (kip) Roof 3.25% 3.25% INCREASE IS LESS THAN 10% - OK Upper -- -- Lower -0.90% 1.32% NET DECREASE IN SEISMIC LOAD - OK Sheet 4 of 5 w6w0n Ll o solar Wind Uplift Simplified Procedure for Componenets and Cladding ASCE 7-10, Section 30.5 V = 130 Basic Wind Speed Exposure C ASCE 7-10, Section 26.7 1 = 1.21 Adjustment Factor for building height, ASCE 7-10, Figure 30.5-1 KIt = 1 Topographic Factor, ASCE 7-10, Section 26.8.2 Roof Zone 2 As shown in ASCE 7-10, Figure 30.5-1 Roof Q = 15 deg Apanel = 544.98 ft' Ao-ib = 9.73 ft Panel Area tributary to each roof anchor pnet3o = 38 psf Net Wind Design Pressure, ASCE 7-10, Figure 30.5-1 Pn. = lKnPnet3o = 46 psf Design Wind Uplift Pressure, ASCE 7-10, Equation 30.5-1 Pnet = 16 psf Minimum Design Wind Pressure, ASCE 7-10, Section 30.2.2 Use 46 psf Connection to Existing Roof Framing F.S. = 1 Additional Factor of Safety applied to withdrawl force, if desired Aa9b = 9.73 ft' DLpan,l = 3.00 psf Wnpii ft = 46 psf Piag = F.S. x Al;b x (0.6D - 0.6W) _ -251.0 lbs Withdrawl force for each roof anchor Connection Capacity db = 5/16 in Lag Screw diameter Dpen = 2.50 in Lag Screw penetration into existing framing member Douglas Fir -Larch Species of wood framing CD = 1.6 Load Duration Factor for Wind Loading, NDS Table 2.3.2 C' = 0.7 Temperature Factor, NDS Table 10.3.4 W = 266 lb/in Withdrawl Capacity, NDS Equation 11.2-1 W' = Co x CL x W = 298 lb/in Adjusted withdraw) value Pauow = Dpen x W' = 7451bs DEMAND= 251 lbs = 0.337 OK CAPACITY = 745 lbs Sheet 5 of 5v,v'nt'. s o d r STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS October 23, 2015 Rillito River Solar, LLC dba EcoFasten Solar 289 Harrel Street Morrisville, VT 05661 TEL: (877) 859-3947 Attn.: Engineering Department, Re: Engineering Certification for the EcoFasten Rock -it System Installation Manual This letter is to document that PZSE, Inc. -Structural Engineers has reviewed EcoFasten Rock -it System Installation Manual published October 12, 2015 and specifically the "Loading Tables". SCOPE OF THE SYSTEM: The EcoFasten Rock -it System is a solar panel support system for installing solar photovoltaic arrays on sloped roofs of buildings. Typically such buildings are residential with shingle or tile roofs. The number and spacing of attachments to the roof structure can vary depending on various site specific criteria including, but not limited to, roof slope, spacing of supporting structural members and environmental loading. SCOPE OF OUR REVIEW: PZSE, Inc.—Structural Engineers provided a review of the following • Rock -it System design methodology • Rock -it System Installation Manual • Rock -it System Loading Tables and has determined that all information, data and analysis contained within the Installation Manual are based on, and are in compliance with, the structural requirements of the following Reference Documents: • Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Structures, ASCE/SEI 7-10 • International Building Code, 2012 Edition, by International Code Council, Inc. • California Building Code, 2013 Edition, by California Building Standards Commission • Aluminum Design Manual, 2010 Edition, by The Aluminum Association This letter certifies that the EcoFasten Rock -it System Installation Manual and Loading Tables are in compliance with the above Reference Documents. 8150 Sierra College Boulevard, Suite 150 • Roseville, CA 95661 • 916.961.3960 P • 916.961.3965 • www.pzse.com Page 1 of 2 DESIGN RESPONSIBILITY: The Rock -it System Installation Manual is intended to be used under the responsible charge of a registered design professional where required by the authority having jurisdiction. In all cases, the user of the Installation Manual has sole responsibility for the accuracy of the design and integrity of the system. The Installation Manual does not check the capacity of the building structure to support the loads imposed on the building by the array, such as bending strength of roof rafters spanning between supports. This requires additional knowledge of the building and is outside the scope of the Installation Manual and our review. If you have any questions on the above, do not hesitate to call. Prepared By: PZSE, Inc. - Structural Engineers Roseville, CA 8150 Sierra College Boulevard, Suite 150 • Roseville, CA 95661 • 916.961.3960 P • 916.961.3965 • www.pzse.com Page 2 of 2 YINI LAR OVEN PERFORMANCE AND VERSATILITY Our most popular product line, the YGE 60 Cell Series, is ideal for a broad range of applications. It is proven to perform in tens of thousands of projects across the Americas, from residential and commercial rooftops to ground- I'rusted Partner Yingli is one of the world's largest solar module manufacturers with over 10 GW deployed worldwide, and Yingli modules are trusted by leading energy providers and financial institutions in more than 8S,000 proierls in the Americas. 16.0% we. ftw U C � More Energy per Watt MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY Ajdft Yingli modules deliversuperior power output;h a variety of temperahir :and.irradiance 44 1) WIN conditions, and self-cleaning an&reflective coated glass reduces sorting to help 25 YEAR maximize power output. Performance is backed by our 25 -year linear warranty. LINEAR POWER WARRANTY Designed to Outlast Tested to the industrys most rigorous durability standards, Yingli modules are PID - resistant in conformance with IEC 62804 (draft). To ensure reliable performance, Yingli O 0-3% uses quality components such as DuPont Tedlar® PVF film -based backsheets. POWER TOLERANCE Best -In -Class Technical Support Yingli's locally -based engineering team is trained in system design and operations to provide field -support and value-added after sales services, including commissioning and field-testing support. Our PV Testing Lab in California provides a resource for evaluating technical inquiries. Warranty Information Ten-year limited: product warranty. Industry leading 25 -year performance warranty adds.value by guaranteeing power output on an annual basis, in compliance with our warranty terms and conditions. Performance Modeling For those interested in obtaining module performance modeling files for system energy yield simulation, please contact Yingli at simulation®yingliamericas.com. Qualifications & Certificates UL 1703 and UL 1703, CEC, FSEC, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, 85 OHSAS 18001:2007, SA8000 we. ftw U C � mormmw i eo wo�mw Y I N G L I S O LA R .COM (PHOTOVOLTAIC E MODULE) 44 1) LYGE 60CELL.SERIES ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE Powered by YINGLI Modulo" low -iron tempered gl® / 3.2nvn YL260P-29b YL255P.29b YL250P•29b YL243P.29b YL24OP-M Power output Pains W 260 255 2$0 245 240 Payer output telarences APs., % MC4 / IP67 o Amphenol H4 / IP68 -01+3 Module efficiency q.. % 1&0 15.7 15.4 15.1 14.8 Voltage at P,o Vnv V 30.3 30.0 29.8 29.6 29.3 Current at P. Inv A 8.59 0.49 8.89 0.28 6.10 open-d=it valtage W. V 37.7 37.7 37.6 37.5 37.5 ShartKlrcutt cumin V A 9.09 9.01 L92 8.83 0.75 STC 1000MAn' Inadiance, 2S'C cell tamperamme. AM 1.SG sp-&urn according to EN 60904.3 11arnpersture WPM Irradlence YL260P-Vb YL255P-29b YL250P,29b YL245P-29b YL240P,29b T W/ms IN W W W W High Tempratve Condition NTC 75 1000 203.7 199.8 195.9 192.0 18&1 Nominal Operating Coll Temperature NOCT 46 800 190A 106.9 163.2 179.5 175.9 Low Temperature condition LTC 1s 500 135.7 133.1 130S 127.9 125.3 Low Irredirnoe Condition LIC 25 200 50.3 49.6 4&4 47.4 465 OPERATING CONDITIONS THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS UnkcInd1(MM) Most. syalotn voltage 1000Vx TrtpenLwe msffidrd of Pao WC 4413 Mai marks fuse rating 15A Temprature coef cle nt of V. %PC 432 ]996 _ Lk.IU g reverse current 15A Temperature coefficient of V %PC 0.04 Operating trrperawm range -40 to I8WF (40 to BSC) Temperature coeflkiaM of Ksv %,sec -0.42 O Max hellatone Inspect (diameter / velodty) 2S sen / 23m/s CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Front cover (material / thickness) low -iron tempered gl® / 3.2nvn Call (quantity / materia( / dhnrisloma sea silicon / 60 / mnddcni x 11 156mm x 156mm Encapculant (material) ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) Backefeaet (Material / Do" fluarspolyneerbased with EVA primer / white or black Frame (meterW / color) anod'oed aluminum / silver or blade Junction boa (Ingrate p chic on rating) aIP65 Came Orngth / c oteaectianal ares) 1000mm /4enmr Connecter (type / ingress protection reUr!3) MC4 / IP67 o Amphenol H4 / IP68 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Module dlmantioru(L/W/N) 6&5Tm(16Wrm0/38.98n( O..)/139n P%vn) Module weight 40.6ms (18.Skg) Number of modeles Per pallet 29 Number of plea per 40' contalner 28 Packaging box dlmenskxss (L / W / HI 67in (1700mm) / 45in (111 35mm) / 46in (1165rmn) PaLkeyhg bum wafglel 1252161(36" Fire claufRcatlon typo Type 1 and Type 2 QlNarning: Read the Installation and User Manual in its entirety before handling, installing, and operating Yingli modules. Yingli Green Energy Americas, Inc. info@yingliamericas.com Tel: +1 (888) 686-8820 YINGLISOLAR.COM NYSE:YGE m YIngli Green Energy Holding Co. Ltd. I YGF60CellSerfes2Ol5_EN 201502_YOI a,ro �•w,tla,e.m ....s.....re,u,.,.,,e.sea., a.vmlw.x�w.wdc r.�•,arw.aw., Ib ryanhu ,u,rM tlW,�M �^ol suw.,ra.M aM.n v�.n anw^ar.,ib�n pno.wl2< 0a7 1 1 I SECTION hA 1 _ YItNGwITI ALAR