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13-0807 (SFD) HERS Testing Report
c HERS TESTING Report CEC Approved 2008 Residential Standards - Contents — Five HVAC Systems HERS Verification Testing • Duct Leakage Test — CF6R//CF4R-MECH-20 E C E IV� D • High EER Equipment — CF6R//CF4R-MECH-23 • Refrig Charge — CF6R//CF4R-MECH-25 JAN 06 2015 Jnh Namp CITY OF L.4, QUIN TA McElwee Residence 53 Latrobe Lane La Quinta, CA 92253 Prepared For Kelly Pacific Construction 1554 Lincoln Avenue San Rafael, CA 94901 415-464-0900 / 760-409-4848 Pre Jack LaFontaine CaICERTS - HERS Rater - CC2004051 EMSEnergy Management Services HVAC / Energy Consulting Services 41-485 Adams Street, Unit C — Bermuda Dunes, Ca. 92203 — (760) 360-4631 / Fax (760) 360-3074 CSLB C20 C61/1362 License No. 315890 — E-mail: iack.cealAgmail.com T24 Reports — HVAC Design — CalCERTS HERS Rater — NBC Certified Air/Water Balance Testing — Cabec Certified Energy Analyst t CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-4R-MECH-20 Duct Leakage Test - Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 1 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 1 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 1)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Enter the Duct System Name or Identification/Tag: System 1 (HVAC 1) Enter the Duct System Location or Area Served: Master BR Note: Submit one Installation Certificate for each duct system that must demonstrate compliance in the dwelling. This certificate is required for compliance for completely new duct systems installed in new dwelling construction, and also For completely new or replacement duct systems in existing dwellings. For existing dwellings, a completely new or replacement duct system can also include existing parts of the original duct system (e.g., register boots, air handler, coil, plenums, etc.) if those parts are accessible and they can be sealed. Iilift I anitana ninnnnctir Tact - e-mmnlatalu now nr ranine-omont Aiiet cvctom Enter a value for the Allowed Leakage (CFM) for the duct system leakage verification. The value entered must be the VLLDCS criteria or one of the three calculated leakage rates described below. Verified Low Leakage Ducts in Conditioned Space (VLLDCS) Compliance Credit. If compliance credit for Allowed verified low leakage ducts in conditioned space is shown in the special features section of the CF -1R, the Leakage leakage to outside test method must be used to verify duct leakage (refer to RA3., and 25 CFM must (CFM) be entered for Allowed Leakage. Allowed leakage calculation - (select one calculation method from this section). Use 6% (leakage factor = 0.06) for calculations. When utilizing Low Leakage Air Handler (LLAH) credit, the allowed duct leakage may be specified by the CF -1R to be less than 6%, in which case the user-specified leakage rate must be used in the calculations below. For example, if the user-specified leakage (specified as a percentage of fan airflow) is reported on the CF -111 as 3%, then use a leakage factor of 0.03 in the calculations below. ® Cooling system,method: _ _ Nominal capacity of condenser in Tons, 5�0 z _ leakage fa_ cfor = 120` CFM- FM- d � 1 J 1 -./- ❑Heating system method:'' 21.7 x 1 Output Capacity in Thousands of Btu/hr x/leakage factor= CFM / \ ❑ Measured airflow method (RA3.3): .J ( - Enter measured fan flow in CFM here x leakage factor = CFM Enter value for Actual leakage (CFM) in the right column, from measurement using applicable duct leakage Actual Leakage pressurization test procedure from Reference Residential Appendix RA3.1(CFM @ 25 Pa). (CFM) List Actual Leakage from duct leakage test(CFM) 112 Pass if Actual Leakage is less than Allowed Leakage ® Pass ❑ Fail For complete replacement of duct systems only, if the 6 percent leakage rate criteria cannot be met, a smoke test should be performed to verify that the excess leakage is coming only from a pre-existing furnace cabinet (air handler cabinet), and not from other accessible portions of the duct system. A HERS rater must verify the installation (No sampling allowed). List Actual Leakage from smoke test(CFM) Pass if all accessible leaks (except for existing air handler) are sealed using smoke ❑ Pass ❑ Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000001A-M20A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 19:43:15 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-4R-MECH-20 Duct Leakage Test - Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 2 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 1 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 1)) City of La Quinta 13-807 IeaOutside air (OA) ducts for Central Fan Integrated (CFI) ventilation systems, shall not be sealed/taped off during duct kage testing. CFI OA ducts that utilize controlled motorized dampers, that open only when OA ventilation is required to meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2, and close when OA ventilation is not required, may be configured to the closed position during duct leakage testing. ® All supply and return register boots must be sealed to the drywall ® New duct installations cannot utilize building'cavities'as plenums or platform returns in'lieu,of ducts.--�- RucMastic and draw bands must be used in combination with Cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at t connections. DECLARATIOWSTATEM ENT • I certify underpenalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form'is true and correct. • I am the certified HERS rater who performed the verification services identified and reported on this certificate (responsible rater). • The installed. feature, material, component, or manufactured device requiring HERS verification that is identified on this certificate (the installation) complies with the applicable requirements in Reference Residential Appendices RA2 and RA3 and the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -1R) approved by the local enforcement agency. • The information reported on applicable sections of the Installation Certificate(s) (CF -611), signed and submitted by the person(s) responsible for the installation conforms to the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -111) approved by the enforcement agency. Builder or Installer information as shown on the Installation Certificate (CF -6R) Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: CSLB License: Anton Marinkovich N/A HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): N/A ® tested/verified dwelling ❑ not-tested/verified dwelling in la HERS sample group HERS Rater Information CalCERTS Certificate # CCi-1798936038 HERS Rater Company Name: Energy Management Services Responsible Rater's Name: Responsible Rater's Signature: Jack B LaFontaine Jack B LaFontaine Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 CC2004051 Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000001A-M20A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 19:43:15 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-4R-MECH-20 Duct Leakage Test - Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 1 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 2 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 2)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Enter the Duct System Name or Identification/Tag: System 2 (HVAC 2) Enter the Duct System Location or Area Served: Great Rm/Dining Note: Submit one Installation Certificate for each duct system that must demonstrate compliance in the dwelling. This certificate is required for compliance for completely new duct systems installed in new dwelling construction, and also For completely new or replacement duct systems in existing dwellings. For existing dwellings, a completely new or replacement duct system can also include existing parts of the original duct system (e.g., register boots, air handler, coil, plenums, etc.) if those parts are accessible and they can be sealed. Durt Leakana Diannnctir Tact - rmmnlataly naw nr ranlnramant elnr-t cvctam Enter a value for the Allowed Leakage (CFM) for the duct system leakage verification. The value entered must be the VLLDCS criteria or one of the three calculated leakage rates described below. Verified Low Leakage Ducts in Conditioned Space (VLLDCS) Compliance Credit. If compliance credit for Allowed verified low leakage ducts in conditioned space is shown in the special features section of the CF -1R, the Leakage leakage to outside test method must be used to verify duct leakage (refer to RA3., and 25 CFM must (CFM) be entered for Allowed Leakage. Allowed leakage calculation - (select one calculation method from this section). Use 6% (leakage factor = 0.06) for calculations. When utilizing Low Leakage Air Handler (LLAH) credit, the allowed dud leakage may be specified by the CF -111 to be less than 6%, in which case the user-specified leakage rate must be used in the calculations below. For example, if the user-specified leakage (specified as a percentage of fan airflow) is reported on the CF -1R as 3%, then use a leakage factor of 0.03 in the calculations below. ® Cooling system,method: Nominal capacity of condenser in Tons^ s 0 x leakage f torr _= 120`, CFM ❑ Heating system method:" / r 21.7 x i{ Output Capacity in Thousands of Btu/hr x leakage factor= CFM ❑ Measured airflow method (RA3.3): ._ Enter measured fan flow in CFM here x leakage factor = CFM Enter value for Actual leakage (CFM) in the right column, from measurement using applicable duct leakage Actual Leakage Pressurization test procedure from Reference Residential Appendix RA3.1(CFM @ 25 Pa). (CFM) List Actual Leakage from duct leakage test(CFM) 94 Pass if Actual Leakage is less than Allowed Leakage ® Pass ❑ Fail For complete replacement of duct systems only, if the 6 percent leakage rate criteria cannot be met, a smoke test should be performed to verify that the excess leakage is coming only from a pre-existing furnace cabinet (air handler cabinet), and not from other accessible portions of the dud system: A HERS rater must verify the installation (No sampling allowed). List Actual Leakage from smoke test(CFM) Pass if all accessible leaks (except for existing air handler) are sealed using smoke ❑ Pass ❑ Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000004A-M20A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 19:43:15 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-411-MECH-20 Duct Leakage Test - Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 2 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 2 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 2)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Outside air (OA) ducts for Central Fan Integrated (CFI) ventilation systems, shall not be sealed/taped off during duct eakage testing. CFI OA ducts that utilize controlled motorized dampers, that open only when OA ventilation is required to meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2, and close when OA ventilation is not required, may be configured to the closed position during duct leakage testing. ® All supply and return register boots must be sealed to the drywall ® New duct installations cannot utilize build Ing`cavities as plenums or platform.retums in'lieu of ducts-.,----, ® Mastic and draw bands must be used in combination with Cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at ruuct connections. DECLARATION rSTATE MENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of h State of Callfornla,'the information provided on this form" is true and correct. . I am the certified HERS rater who performed the verification services identified and reported on this certificate (responsible rater). • The installed feature, material, component, or manufactured device requiring HERS verification that is identified on this certificate (the installation) complies with the applicable requirements in Reference Residential Appendices RA2 and RA3 and the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -111) approved by the local enforcement agency. • The Information reported on applicable sections of the Installation Certificate(s) (CF -611), signed and submitted by the person(s) responsible for the Installation conforms to the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -SR) approved by the enforcement agency. Builder or Installer information as shown on the Installation Certificate (CF -6R) Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: CSLB License: Anton Marinkovich N/A HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): N/A TO tested/verified dwelling ❑ not-tested/verified dwelling in la HERS sample group HERS Rater Information CaICERTS Certificate # CC1-1798936038 HERS Rater Company Name: Energy Management Services Responsible Rater's Name: Responsible Rater's Signature: Jack B LaFontaine Jack B LaFontaine Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 CC20040S1 Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000004A-M20A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 19:43:15 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-411-MECH-20 Duct Leakage Test - Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 1 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 3 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 3)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Enter the Duct System Name or Identification/Tag: System 3 (HVAC 3) Enter the Duct System Location or Area Served: Kitchen/Family Note: Submit one Installation Certificate for each duct system that must demonstrate compliance in the dwelling. This certificate is required for compliance for completely new duct systems installed in new dwelling construction, and also for completely new or replacement duct systems in existing dwellings. For existing dwellings, a completely new or replacement duct system can also include existing parts of the original duct system (e.g., register boots, air handler, coil, plenums, etc.) if those parts are accessible and they can be sealed. Mart 1 aalrmna rfinnnnctir Tact - rmmnlataly nau# nr ranlnramant dent --*- Enter Enter a value for the Allowed Leakage (CFM) for the duct system leakage verification. The value entered must be the VLLDCS criteria or one of the three calculated leakage rates described below. Verified Low Leakage Ducts in Conditioned Space (VLLDCS) Compliance Credit. If compliance credit for Allowed verified low leakage ducts in conditioned space is shown in the special features section of the CF -1R, the Leakage leakage to outside test method must be used to verify duct leakage (refer to RA3., and 25 CFM must (CFM) be entered for Allowed Leakage. Allowed leakage calculation - (select one calculation method from this section). Use 6% (leakage factor = 0.06) for calculations. When utilizing Low Leakage Air Handler (LLAH) credit, the allowed dud leakage may be specified by the CF -111 to be less than 6%, in which case the user-specified leakage rate must be used in the calculations below. For example, if the user-specified leakage (specified as a percentage of fan airflow) is reported on the CF -1R as 3%, then use a leakage factor of 0.03 in the calculations below. ® Cooling system,.method: Nominal capacity of condenser in Tons 5r • x 400 z leakage factor`=. T120` CFM 71 ❑ Heating system method` % iI 21.7 x f. Output Capacity in Thousands of Btu/hr x, leakage factor = CFM ;f r } ❑ Measured airflow method (RA3.3): Enter measured fan flow in CFM here x leakage factor = CFM Enter value for Actual leakage (CFM) in the right column, from measurement using applicable duct leakage Actual Leakage pressurization test procedure from Reference Residential Appendix RA3.1(CFM @ 25 Pa). (CFM) List Actual Leakage from duct leakage test(CFM) 89 Pass if Actual Leakage is less than Allowed Leakage ® Pass ❑ Fail For complete replacement of duct systems only, if the 6 percent leakage rate criteria cannot be met, a smoke test should be performed to verify that the excess leakage is coming only from a pre-existing furnace cabinet (air handler cabinet), and not from other accessible portions of the dud system. A HERS rater must verify the installation (No sampling allowed). List Actual Leakage from smoke test(CFM) Pass if all accessible leaks (except for existing air handler) are sealed using smoke ❑ Pass ❑ Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000005A-M20A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 19:43:15 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-411-MECH-20 Duct Leakage Test - Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 2 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 3 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 3)) City of La Quinta 13-807 eaFOutside air (OA) duds for Central Fan Integrated (CFI) ventilation systems, shall not be sealed/taped off during duct kage testing. CFI OA ducts that utilize controlled motorized dampers, that open only when OA ventilation is required to meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2, and close when OA ventilation is not required, may be configured to the closed position during duct leakage testing. ® All supply and return register.boots must be sealed to the drywall IN New dud installations cannot utilize building'caVities•as plenums or platform•retums`in lieu'ofducts'-- udgMastic and draw bands must be used -in combination with Cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at connections. J f �ti r DECLARATION{STATEMENT ' r" • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws, of the State of California, the information provided on this form "is true and correct. • I am the certified HERS rater who performed the verification services identified and reported on this certificate (responsible rater). • The installed feature, material, component, or manufactured device requiring HERS verification that is identified on this certificate (the installation) complies with the applicable requirements in Reference Residential Appendices RA2 and RA3 and the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -111) approved by the local enforcement agency. • The information reported on applicable sections of the Installation Certificate(s) (CF -6R), signed and submitted by the person(s) responsible for the Installation conforms to the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -111) approved by the enforcement agency. Builder or Installer information as shown on the Installation Certificate (CF -6111) Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: CSLB License: Anton Marinkovich N/A HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): N/A ® tested/verified dwelling ❑ not-tested/verified dwelling in la HERS sample group HERS Rater Information CalCERTS Certificate # CCi-179893.6038 HERS Rater Company Name: Energy Management Services Responsible Rater's Name: Responsible Rater's Signature: lack B LaFontaine Jack B LaFontaine Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 CC20040S1 Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000005A-M20A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 19:43:15 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-4R-MECH-20 Duct Leakage Test - Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 1 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 4 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 4)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Enter the Duct System Name or Identification/Tag: System 4 (HVAC 4) Enter the Duct System Location or Area Served: Casita Note: Submit one Installation Certificate for each duct system that must demonstrate compliance in the dwelling. This certificate is required for compliance for completely new duct systems installed in new dwelling construction, and also for completely new or replacement duct systems in existing dwellings. For existing dwellings, a completely new or replacement duct system can also include existing parts of the original duct system (e.g., register boots, air handler, coil, plenums, etc.) if those parts are accessible and they can be sealed. Duct Leakage Diagnostic Test - comnletely new or replacement duct system Enter a value for the Allowed Leakage (CFM) for the duct system leakage verification. The value entered must be the VLLDCS criteria or one of the three calculated leakage rates described below. Verified Low Leakage Ducts in Conditioned Space (VLLDCS) Compliance Credit. If compliance credit for Allowed verified low leakage ducts in conditioned space is shown in the special features section of the CF -1R, the Leakage leakage to outside test method must be used to verify duct leakage (refer to RA3., and 25 CFM must (CFM) be entered for Allowed Leakage. Allowed leakage calculation - (select one calculation method from this section). Use 6% (leakage factor = 0.06) for calculations. When utilizing Low Leakage Air Handler (LLAH) credit, the allowed duct leakage may be specified by the CF -111 to be less than 6%, in which case the user-specified leakage rate must be used in the calculations below. For example, if the user-specified leakage (specified as a percentage of fan airflow) is reported on the CF -1R as 3%, then use a leakage factor of 0.03 in the calculations below. ® Cooling system,method: _ _ Nominal capacity of condenser in Tons ° 20'z leakage f ca for =.4 -CFM ❑ Heating system method:""' 21.7 x f Output Capacity in Thousands of Btu/hr xleakage factor = CFM ❑ Measured airflow method (RA3.3): Enter measured fan flow in CFM here x leakage factor = CFM Enter value for Actual leakage (CFM) in the right column, from measurement using applicable duct leakage Actual Leakage pressurization test procedure from Reference Residential Appendix RA3.1(CFM @ 25 Pa). (CFM) 39 List Actual Leakage from duct leakage test(CFM) Pass if Actual Leakage is less than Allowed Leakage ® Pass ❑ Fail For complete replacement of duct systems only, if the 6 percent leakage rate criteria cannot be met, a smoke test should be performed to verify that the excess leakage is coming only from a pre-existing furnace cabinet (air handler cabinet), and not from other accessible portions of the duct system. A HERS rater must verify the installation (No sampling allowed). List Actual Leakage from smoke test(CFM) Pass if all accessible leaks (except for existing air handler) are sealed using smoke ❑ Pass ❑ Fail Reg: 213-N0097133A-M2000006A-M20A Registration Date/Time: 2019/12/18 19:93:15 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-4R-MECH-20 Duct Leakage Test - Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 2 of 2) Site Address:Enforcement 53 Latrobe Lane, LaQuinta CA 92253 (System 4 (HVAC Agency: Permit Number: 4)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Outside air (OA) ducts for Central Fan Integrated (CFI) ventilation systems, shall not be sealed/taped off during duct eakage testing. CFI OA ducts that utilize controlled motorized dampers, that open only when OA ventilation is required to meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2, and close when OA ventilation is not required, may be configured to the closed position during duct leakage testing. ® All supply and return register boots must be sealed to the drywall ® New duct installations cannot utilize building'cavities,as plenums or platform.retuirns in lieu -of ;ducts7!�- Mastic and draw bands must be used in combination with Cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at uct connections. j DECLARATION iSTATEM ENT �•, I j , / �•, . I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and,correct. . I am the certified HERS rater who performed the verification services identified and reported on this certificate (responsible rater). . The installed feature, material, component, or manufactured device requiring HERS verification that is identified on this certificate (the installation) complies with the applicable requirements in Reference Residential Appendices RA2 and RA3 and the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -111) approved by the local enforcement agency. . The information reported on applicable sections of the Installation Certificate(s) (CF -611), signed and submitted by the person(s) responsible for the installation conforms to the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -111) approved by the enforcement agency. Builder or Installer information as shown on the Installation Certificate (CF -6R) Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: CSLB License: Anton Marinkovich N/A HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): N/A ® tested/verified dwelling ❑ not-tested/verified dwelling in a HERS sample group HERS Rater Information CaICERTS Certificate # CC1-1798936038 HERS Rater Company. Name: Energy Management Services Responsible Rater's Name: Responsible Rater's Signature: lack B LaFontaine Jack B LaFontaine Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 CC2004051 Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000006A-M20A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 19:43:15 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-411-MECH-20 Duct Leakage Test - Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 1 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 5 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 5)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Enter the Duct System Name or Identification/Tag: System 5 (HVAC 5) Enter the Duct System Location or Area Served: Guest BR Note: Submit one Installation Certificate for each duct system that must demonstrate compliance in the dwelling. This certificate is required for compliance for completely new duct systems installed in new dwelling construction, and also for completely new or replacement duct systems in existing dwellings. For existing dwellings, a completely new or replacement duct system can also include existing parts of the original duct system (e.g., register boots, air handler, coil, plenums, etc.) if those parts are accessible and they can be sealed. Duct Leakage Diagnostic Test - comnletely new or renlacement duct evetem Enter a value for the Allowed Leakage (CFM) for the duct system leakage verification. The value entered must be the VLLDCS criteria or one of the three calculated leakage rates described below. Verified Low Leakage Ducts in Conditioned Space (VLLDCS) Compliance Credit. If compliance credit for Allowed verified low leakage ducts in conditioned space is shown in the special features section of the CF -1R, the Leakage leakage to outside test method must be used to verify duct leakage (refer to RA3., and 25 CFM must (CFM) be entered for Allowed Leakage. Allowed leakage calculation - (select one calculation method from this section). Use 6% (leakage factor = 0.06) for calculations. When utilizing Low Leakage Air Handler (LLAH) credit, the allowed duct leakage may be specified by the CF -1R to be less than 6%, in which case the user-specified leakage rate must be used in the calculations below. For example, if the user-specified leakage (specified as a percentage of fan airflow) is reported on the CF -111 as 3%; then use a leakage factor of 0.03 in the calculations below. ® Cooling system. method: _ _ ctor= •CFM __ 7'_ _ Nominal capacky'of condenser in Tons 3� " 0 z leakage fa ' ❑ / i Heating system method: "� J 21.7 x { Output Capacity in Thousands of Btu/hr xfleakage factor CFM l f ❑ Measured airflow method (RA3.3): Enter measured fan flow in CFM here x leakage factor = CFM Enter value for Actual leakage (CFM) in the right column, from measurement using applicable duct leakage Actual Leakage pressurization test procedure from Reference Residential Appendix RA3.1(CFM @ 25 Pa). (CFM) List Actual Leakage from duct leakage test(CFM) 64 Pass if Actual Leakage is less than Allowed Leakage ® Pass ❑ Fail For complete replacement of duct systems only, if the 6 percent leakage rate criteria cannot be met, a smoke test should be performed to verify that the excess leakage is coming only from a pre-existing furnace cabinet (air handler cabinet), and not from other accessible portions of the duct system. A HERS rater must verify the installation (No sampling allowed). List Actual Leakage from smoke test(CFM) Pass if all accessible leaks (except for existing air handler) are sealed using smoke ❑ Pass ❑ Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000007A-M20A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 19:43:15 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-411-MECH-20 Duct Leakage Test - Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 2 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 5 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 5)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Outside air (OA) ducts for Central Fan Integrated (CFI) ventilation systems, shall not be sealed/taped off during duct eakage testing. CFI OA ducts that utilize controlled motorized dampers, that open only when OA ventilation is required to meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2, and close when OA ventilation is not required, may be configured to the closed position during duct leakage testing. ® All supply and return register boots must be sealed to the drywall IN New duct installations cannot utilize building'cavities'as plenums or platform.retu�rns in'lieu of ducts:=-,�- 10uMastic and draw bands must be used in combination with Cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at ct connections. I DECLARATION+;STATEMENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form" is true and correct. t • I am the certified HERS rater who performed the verification services identified and reported on this certificate (responsible rater). • The installed feature, material, component, or manufactured device requiring HERS verification that is identified on this certificate (the installation) complies with the applicable requirements in Reference Residential Appendices RA2 and RA3 and the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -111) approved by the local enforcement agency. • The information reported on applicable sections of the Installation Certificate(s) (CF -611), signed and submitted by the person(s) responsible for the installation conforms to the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -111) approved by the enforcement agency. Builder or Installer information as shown on the Installation Certificate (CF -6R) Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: CSLB License: Anton Marinkovich N/A HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): N/A ® tested/verified dwelling ❑ not-tested/verified dwelling in la HERS sample group HERS Rater Information CaICERTS Certificate # CCI -1798936038 HERS Rater Company Name: Energy Management Services Responsible Rater's Name: Responsible Rater's Signature: Jack B LaFontaine Jack B LaFontaine Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 CC2004051 Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000007A-M20A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 19:43:15 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 :ERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-411-MECH-2; ✓erification of High EER Equipment (Page i of 1; Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Verification of High EER Equipment Procedures for verification of High EER Equipment are described in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4. For dwelling units with multiple systems, the procedures must be applied to each system separately. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. 1 System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 (HVAC System 4 N/A HERS Provider Data Registry Information (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) 3) (HVAC 4) 2 System Location or Area Served Master BR Great Rm/Dining Kitchen/Family Casita 3 Certified EER Rating of the installed equipment Jack B LaFontaine Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 CC2004051 (Btu/Watt-hr) 12.5 12.5 12.5 13.0 4 Make and Model Number of the installed York York York York Outdoor Unit CZF06013CA CZF06013CA CZF06013CA CZF02413CA 5 Make and Model Number of the installed Inside ADP ADP ADP ADP Coil CX60OC635 CX60OC635 CX60OC635 CX240B625 6 Make and Model Number of the installed York York York York Furnace or Air Handler. TMLX10OC20 TMLXIGOC20 TMLX10OC20 TMLXOSOB12 7 Minimum Equipment EER required for compliance as reported on the CF -1R 12.5 12.5 12.5 13 ® When a high EER system specification includes a time delay relay, the installation of the time delay relay must be verified for compliance credit. Refer to Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4.3 for the Time Delay Relay Verification Procedure. ® When installation of specific matched equipment is necessary to achieve a high EER, installation of the specific equipment must be verified for compliance credit. Refer to Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4.3 for the Matched Equipment Verification Procedure. If the Certified EER Rating in row 3 is equal to 8 or greater than the required minimum EER in pA55 PASS PASS PASS row 7, the unit complies. If the unit complies enter Pass r DECLARATION STATEMENT . I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form Is true and correct. • I am the certified HERS rater who performed the verification services Identified and reported on this certificate (responsible rater). • The installed feature, material, component, or manufactured device requiring HERS verification that Is Identified on this certificate (the installation) complies with the applicable requirements in Reference Residential Appendices RA2 and RA3 and the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -1R) approved by the local enforcement agency. • The information reported on applicable sections of the Installation Certificate(s) (CF -6R), signed and submitted by the person(s) responsible for the installation conforms to the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -1R) approved by the enforcement agency. Builder or Installer information as shown on the Installation Certificate (CF -6111) Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: CSLB License: Anton Marinkovich N/A HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): N/A ® tested/verified dwelling ❑ not-tested/verified dwelling in la HERS sample group HERS Rater Information CalCERTS Certificate # CC1-1798936038 HERS Rater Company Name: Energy Management Services Responsible Rater's Name: Responsible Rater's Signature: Jack B LaFontaine Jack B LaFontaine Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 CC2004051 Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2300008A-M23A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 19:53:30 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-4111-MECH-23 Verification of High EER Equipment (Page 1 of 1) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Verification of High EER Equipment Procedures for verification of High EER Equipment are described in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4. For dwelling units with multiple systems, the procedures must be applied to each system separately. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. 1 System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 (HVAC 5) Responsible Person's Name: CSLB License: Anton Marinkovich 2 System Location or Area Served Guest BR ® tested/verified dwelling ❑ not-tested/verified dwelling in la 3 Certified EER Rating of the installed equipment (Btu/Watt-hr) 12.5 HERS Rater Company Name: Energy Management Services Responsible Rater's Name: 4 Make and Model Number of the installed Outdoor Unit York CZF03614CA Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 CC2004051 5 Make and Model Number of the installed Inside Coil ADP CV362B6 6 Make and Model Number of the installed Furnace or Air Handler. York TMLX08OB12 7 Minimum Equipment EER required for compliance as reported on the 12.5 CF -1R M When a high EER system specification includes a time delay relay, the installation of the time delay relay must be verified for compliance credit. Refer to Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4.3 for the Time Delay Relay Verification Procedure. M When installation of specific matched equipment is necessary to achieve a high EER, installation of the specific equipment must be verified for compliance credit. Refer to Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4.3 for the Matched Equipment Verification Procedure. If the Certified EER Rating in row 3 is equal to or greater than the 8 required minimum EER in row 7, the unit complies. PASS 1 If the unit complies enter Pass DECLARATION STATEMENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form Is true and correct. • I am the certified HERS rater who performed the verification services identified and reported on this certificate (responsible rater). • The Installed feature, material; component, or manufactured device requiring HERS verification that Is Identified on this certificate (the installation) complies with the applicable requirements in Reference Residential Appendices RA2 and RA3 and the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -111) approved by the local enforcement agency. • The Information reported on applicable sections of the Installation Certificate(s) (CF -611), signed and submitted by the person(s) responsible for the Installation conforms to the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -1R) approved by the enforcement agencv. Builder or Installer information as shown on the Installation Certificate (CF -6111) Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: CSLB License: Anton Marinkovich N/A HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): N/A ® tested/verified dwelling ❑ not-tested/verified dwelling in la HERS sample group HERS Rater Information CalCERTS Certificate # CCI -1798936038 HERS Rater Company Name: Energy Management Services Responsible Rater's Name: Responsible Rater's Signature: Jack B LaFontaine Jack B LaFontaine Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 CC2004051 Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2300008A-M23A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 19:53:30 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-411-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 1 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 1 13-807 Note: If installation of a Charge Indicator Display (CID) is utilized as an alternative to refrigerant charge verification for compliance, a MECH-24 Certificate (instead of this MECH-25 Certificate) should be used to demonstrate compliance with the refrigerant charge verification requirement. TMAH and STMS are not required for compliance, when a CID is utilized for compliance. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. Temperature Measurement Access Holes (TMAH) and Saturation Temperature Measurement Sensors (STMS) Procedures for installing TMAH are specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. If refrigerant charge verification is required for compliance, TMAH are also required for compliance, unless the TMAH Compliance Option is chosen. STMS are only required for completely new or replacement space -conditioning systems that utilize prescriptive compliance method. TMAH - Access Holes in Suooly and Return Plenums of Air Handler System Name or System I System 2 System 3 (HVAC 3) stem 4 HVAC Identification/Tag (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) 4) System Location or Area Served Master BR Great Rm/Dining Kitchen/Family Casita 5/16 inch (8 mm) access 1 hole upstream -of evaporative, coil in'the return plenum and" --�–..- %O Yes -- - — l Yes - - jl _®Yes ®Yes labeled according to,Figure in ❑ No • ❑ No ; f ❑ No ❑ No Section RA3.2.2.2.-2. , Return side of the duct - �r system is located entirely la within conditioned space and ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes '� ❑ Yes return airflow temperature to ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No be measured at the return grille. 5/16 inch (8 mm) access hole 2 downstream of evaporative coil in the supply plenum and ® Yes ® Yes ® Yes ® Yes labeled according to Figure in ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No Section RA3. The TMAH Compliance Option should be checked only if the HERS Rater is able to confirm that it was physically impossible for the HVAC Installer to drill the TMAH as required by Section RA3. Using this Compliance Option requires the HVAC installer to annotate on the HERS Provider's data registry an explanation as to why the TMAH cannot be installed on the system, and photographs of the equipment on which the TMAH cannot be installed. Use of this Compliance Option also requires minimum airflow verification through the direct measurement of airflow per RA3.3. For more information see httr)://www.enerciv.ca.gov/title24/"2008standards/sr)ecial case appliance/ TMAH Compliance Option ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes to 1 and 2, or Yes to la and 2, or checking the TMAH 11 Pass ® Pass ® Pass ® Pass Compliance Option, is a pass. ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail Enter Pass or Fail rt Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 20:18:38 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms February 2013 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-4R-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 2 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 STMS - Sensor on the Evaaorator Coil System Name or1 System (HVAC System 2 (HVAC System 3 (HVAC System 4 (HVAC Identification/Tag 1) 2) 3) 4) , The sensor is factory installed, or field installed according to manufacturer's specifications, or is installed by methods/specifications approved by the Executive Director. ❑ Yes ❑ No 1 ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No The sensor wire is terminated with a standard mini plug suitable for connection to a digital thermometer. 4 The sensor mini plug is accessible to the installing technician and the HERS rater without changing the airflow through the condenser coil ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No 5 When attached to a digital thermometer, the sensor provides an indication of the saturation temperature of the coil. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes to 3, 4, and 5 is a pass. Enter N/A if STMS are not ® N/A ® N/A ® N/A ® N/A applicable. ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass Otherwise enter Pass or ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail Fail STMS - Sensor on the Condenser Coil System Name•or- \—, System,l,(HVAC System 2 (HVAC System 3 (HVAC. System 4 (HVAC Identification/Tag ti '1) ► , 2) , 3) • 4) 6 The sensor is factoryinstalled, or field installed according to manufacturer's specifications, or is installed by methods/specifications approved by the Executive Director.` Jf / y. 1 ❑ Yes ❑ No 1 ❑ Yes' 0, No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No The sensor wire is terminated with a standard mini plug suitable for connection to`a digital thermometer. 7 The sensor mini plug is accessible to the installing technician and the HERS rater without changing the airflow through the condenser coil ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No 8 When attached to a digital thermometer, the sensor provides an indication of the saturation temperature of the coil. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes to 6, 7, and 8 is a pass. Enter N/A if STMS are not ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A applicable. ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass Otherwise enter Pass or ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail Fail i` Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 20:18:38 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms February 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-4R-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 3 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Standard Charge Measurement Procedure (for use if outdoor air dry-bulb is above 55°F) Procedures for determining Refrigerant Charge using the Standard Charge Measurement Procedure are available in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. • The system should be installed and charged in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications before starting this procedure. • The system must meet minimum airflow requirements as prerequisite for a valid refrigerant charge test. • If outdoor air dry-bulb temperature is less than 55°F, the installer must use the RA3.2.3 Alternate Charge Measurement Procedure (Weigh -In Charging Method). If the Weigh -In Method is used, the dwelling cannot be included in a sample group for HERS verification compliance.) Space Conditioninq Svstems System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 (must be re -calibrated monthly) (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) System Location or Area Served Master BR Great Rm/Dining Kitchen/Family Casita Outdoor Unit Serial # WiG4985227 WiG4879083 WiG4985231 WIC4554989 Outdoor Unit Make York York York York Outdoor Unit Model CZF06013CA CZF06013CA CZF06013CA CZF02413CA Nominal Cooling Capacity 5 Tons 5 Tons 5 Tons 2 Tons Date of venfication', 11/13/2014 11/13/2014 ` 11/10/2014 11/13/2014 (Tcondensor sat) r � i Calibration of Diagnostic Instruments Date of Refrigerant Gauge. Calibration 11/10/2014 (must be re -calibrated monthly) Date of Thermocouple Calibration 11/10/2014 (must be re -calibrated monthly) Measured Temperatures (°F) System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Supply (evaporator leaving) air dry-bulb temperature (Tsu I db) 55.6 54.0 54.1 54.1 Return (evaporator entering) air dry-bulb temperature (Treturn db) 74.1 71.9 72.1 72.1 Return (evaporator entering) air wet -bulb temperature (Treturn wb) 62.0 61.0 62.0 61.9 Evaporator saturation temperature (Teva 34.5 40.8 37.9 36.5 orator sat) Condensor saturation temperature 88.2 80.7 85.1 83.7 (Tcondensor sat) Suction line temperature (Tsuction) 56.4 56.3 60.6 58.6 Liquid Line Temperature (Tliquid) 76.4 72.4 75.2 72.2 Condenser (entering) air dry-bulb 76.0 75.0 76.0 76.0 temperature (Tcondenser, db) h Reg: 213-N0097133A-M2500009A-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2019/12/18 20:18:38 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms February 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-4R-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 4 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number:inta 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Qu13-807 Minimum Airflow Requirement Temperature Split Method Calculations for determining Minimum Airflow Requirement for Refrigerant Charge Verification. The temperature split method is specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Calculate: Actual Temperature Split = 18.50 17.90 18.00 18.00 Treturn db - Tsupply, db Target Temperature Split from Table RA3.2-3 using Treturn, wb and 18.7 18.2 17.6 17.6 Treturn db Calculate difference: Actual Temperature Split - Target -0.2 -0.3 0.4 0.4 Temperature Split = Passes if difference is between -4°F and +4°F or, upon remeasurement, if PASS PASS PASS PASS between -40F and -100OF Enter Pass or Fail Note: Temperature Split Method Calculation is not necessary if actual Cooling Coil Airflow is verified using one of the airflow measurement procedures specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.3. If actual cooling coil airflow is measured, the value must be equal to or greater than the Calculated Minimum Afiflow'Requirement in�the tabWbelow. Calculated Minimum Airflow Requirement (CFM) = Nominal Cooling Capacity (ton) X 300 (cfm/ton) v , System Name or Identification/Tag Calculated Minimum Airflow Requirement (CFM) Measured Airflow using RA3.3 procedures (CFM) Measurement Method Passes if measured airflow is greater than or equal to the calculated minimum airflow requirement. Enter Pass or Fail h Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 20:18:38 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms February 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-411-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 5 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Qu 1 13-807 Superheat Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for fixed orifice metering device systems System Name or Identification/Tag System i System 2 System 3 System 4 Calculate: Actual Superheat = (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Tsuction - Teva orator sat 11.8 8.3 9.9 11.5 Target Superheat from Table RA3.2-2 using Treturn wb and Tcondenser db 10.0 10.0 10.0 11.0 Calculate difference: Actual Superheat - Target Superheat = 3-26 3-26 r 3-26 System passes if difference is between -6°F 1.8 1.7 ! -0.1- 0.5 and +6°F Enter Pass or Fail Subcooling Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identification/Tag System i System 2 System 3 System 4 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Calculate: Actual Subcooling = 11.8 8.3 9.9 11.5 Tcoridenser, sat - Tli uid Target Subcooling specified by 10.0 10.0 10.0 11.0 manufacturer Calculate difference:' 3-26 3-26 r 3-26 Actual Subcooling -,Target Subcooling 1.8 1.7 ! -0.1- 0.5 available) tem passes if difference is between F arid +4°F ! t-4'�_ PASS PASS '� PASS` PASS Enter Pass or Fail .1/1 Metering Device Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Calculate: Actual Superheat = 21.9 15.5 22.7 22.1 Tsuction - Teva orator sat Enter allowable superheat range from manufacturer's specifications (or use range between 3°F and 26°F if 3-26 3-26 3-26 3-26 manufacturer's specification is not available) System passes if actual superheat is within the allowable superheat range PASS PASS PASS PASS Enter Pass or Fail r Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 20:18:38 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms I I February 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-4R-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 6 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: I Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Standard Charge Measurement Summary: System shall pass both refrigerant charge criteria, metering device criteria (if applicable), and minimum cooling coil airflow criteria based on measurements taken concurrently during system operation. If corrective actions were taken, all applicable verification criteria must be re -measured and/or recalculated. System Name or Identification/Tag System i System 2 System 3 System 4 dwelling (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) System meets all refrigerant charge HERS Rater Company Name: Energy Management Services Responsible Rater's Name: Responsible Rater's Signature: and airflow requirements. PASS PASS PASS PASS Enter Pass or Fail ® Residential Appendix RA3.2.2 requires that if the outdoor temperature is between 55°F and 65°F the return air dry bulb temperature shall be maintained above 70°F during the Standard Charge Measurement Procedure. The signature of the Responsible Person in the declaration statement below certifies this requirement has been met for all applicable system verifications reported on this certificate. DECLARATION STATEMENT . I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. . I am the certified HERS rater who performed the verification services identified and reported on this certificate (responsible rater). . The installed feature, material, component, or manufactured device requiring HERS verification that is identified on this certificate (the installation) complies with the applicable requirements in Reference Residential Appendices RA2 and RA3 and the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -1R) approved by the local enforcement agency. . The information reported on applicable sections of the Installation Certificate(s) (CF -611), signed and submitted by the person(s) responsible for the installation conforms to the -requirements specified,on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -111) approved by the enforcement agency. .1 Builderor Installer information as shown on,the Installation Certificate (CF -6R) Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. /�1 A Responsible Person's Name: }' CSLB License: Anton Marinkovich N/A HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): N/A �19tested/verified dwelling ❑ not-tested/verified dwelling lin a HERS sample group HERS Rater Information CalCERTS Certificate # CC1-1798936038 HERS Rater Company Name: Energy Management Services Responsible Rater's Name: Responsible Rater's Signature: Jack B LaFontaine Jack B LaFontaine Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: 2014 Signed: ned: 11 13 Dg / / CC2004051 Reg: 213-N0097133A-M2500009A-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2019/12/18 20:18:38 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms February 2013 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-411-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 1 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Note: If installation of a Charge Indicator Display (CID) is utilized as an alternative to refrigerant charge verification for compliance, a MECH-24 Certificate (instead of this MECH-25 Certificate) should be used to demonstrate compliance, with the refrigerant charge verification requirement. TMAH and STMS are not required for compliance, when a CID is utilized for compliance. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. Temperature Measurement Access Holes (TMAH) and Saturation Temperature Measurement Sensors (STMS) Procedures for installing TMAH are specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. If refrigerant charge verification is required for compliance, TMAH are also required for compliance, unless the TMAH Compliance Option is chosen. STMS are only required for completely new or replacement space -conditioning systems that utilize prescriptive compliance method. TMAH - Access Holes in Supply and Return Plenums of Air Handler System Name or Identification/Tag System 5(HVAC 5) System Location or Area Served Guest BR 5/16 inch (8 mm) access hole 1 upstream of evaporative coil in the ® Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes return plenum and labeled according..,. ,,r❑.No .� .— ❑ No _�_❑,No �. ❑ No to Figure in Section RA3.2:2:2.2. , Return side of the duct system is I ; la located entirely within conditioned ❑ Yes4 ( 13 Yes 13 Yes` ❑ Yes space and return.airflow temperature ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No to be measured at the return grille. ^ ,' 5/16 inch (8 mm) access hole - r 2 downstream of evaporative coil in the ® Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes supply plenum and labeled according ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No to Figure in Section RA3.2.2.2,2, The TMAH Compliance Option should be checked only if the HERS Rater is able to confirm that it was physically impossible for the HVAC Installer to drill the TMAH as required by Section RA3. Using this Compliance Option requires the HVAC installer to annotate on the HERS Provider's data registry an explanation as to why the TMAH cannot be installed on the system, and photographs of the equipment on which the TMAH cannot be installed. Use of this Compliance Option also requires minimum airflow verification through the direct measurement of airflow per RA3.3. For more information see htto://www.energy.ca.gov/title24/2008standards/special case apr) iance/ TMAH Compliance Option ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes to 1 and 2, or Yes to la and 2, or checking the TMAH Compliance Option, is ® Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass a pass. ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail Enter Pass or Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 20:18:38 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms February 2013 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-4R-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 2 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Qu 1 13-807 STMS - Sensor on the EvaDorator Coil System Name orSystem 5 (HVAC Identification/Tag 5) 3 The sensor is factory installed, or field installed according to manufacturer's specifications, or is installed rby methods/specifications approved by the Executive Director. ❑ Yes ❑ No 1 ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No The sensor wire is terminated -with a standard mini plug suitable for connection to a digital thermometer. 4 The sensor mini plug is accessible to the installing technician and the HERS rater without changing the airflow through the condenser coil ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No 5 When attached to a digital thermometer, the sensor provides an indication of the saturation temperature of the coil. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes to 3, 4, and 5isa pass. Enter N/A if STMS are not ® N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A applicable. ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass Otherwise enter Pass or ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail Fail STMS - Sensor on the Condenser Coil System Name -or-\" System,5,(HVAC Identification/Tag 41 .�5) t 6 re sensor is factory; installed; or field installed' according to manufacturer's specifications, or is installed methods/specifications approved by the Executive Director. j/ ' ❑ Yes ❑ Nod 1 ❑ Yes ❑,No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes 13 No ; The sensor wire is terminated with a standard mini plug suitable for connection to a digital thermometer. 7 The sensor mini plug is accessible to the installing technician and the HERS rater without changing the airflow through the condenser coil ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No 8 When attached to a digital thermometer, the sensor provides an indication of the saturation temperature of the coil. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes to 6, 7, and 8isa pass. Enter N/A if STMS are not ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A applicable. ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass Otherwise enter Pass or ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail Fail A Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 20:18:38 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms February 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-4R-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 3 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Qu 1 13-807 Standard Charge Measurement Procedure (for use if outdoor air dry-bulb is above 55°F) Procedures for determining Refrigerant Charge using the Standard Charge Measurement Procedure are available in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. • The system should be installed and charged in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications before starting this procedure. • The system must meet minimum airflow requirements as prerequisite for a valid refrigerant charge test. • If outdoor air dry-bulb temperature is less than 55°F, the installer must use the RA3.2.3 Alternate Charge Measurement Procedure (Weigh -In Charging Method). If the Weigh -In Method is used, the dwelling cannot be included in a sample group for HERS verification compliance.) Space Conditioning Systems System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 (HVAC 5) (must be re -calibrated monthly) Date of Thermocouple Calibration 11/10/2014 System Location or Area Served Guest BR Outdoor Unit Serial # WiA4379428 Outdoor Unit Make York Outdoor Unit Model CZF03614CA Nominal Cooling Capacity 3 Tons r wet -bulb temperature (Treturn wb) Date of Verification f 11/13/2014 (Teva orator sat) Calibration of Diagnostic Instruments Date of Refrigerant Gauge Calibration 11/10/2014 (must be re -calibrated monthly) Date of Thermocouple Calibration 11/10/2014 (must be re -calibrated monthly) Measured Temperatures (°F) System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 (HVAC 5) Supply (evaporator leaving) air dry-bulb 55.0 temperature (Tsu I db) Return (evaporator entering) air 72.0 dry-bulb temperature (Treturn db) Return (evaporator entering) air 62.8 wet -bulb temperature (Treturn wb) Evaporator saturation temperature 32.4 (Teva orator sat) Condensor saturation temperature 85.6 (Tcondensor, sat) Suction line temperature (Tsuction) 56.4 Liquid Line Temperature (Tliquid) 72.6 Condenser (entering) air dry-bulb 76.0 temperature (Tcondenser, db) Reg: 213-N0097133A-M2500009A-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2019/12/18 20:18:38 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms February 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-411-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 4 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 1 13-807 Minimum Airflow Reauirement Temperature Split Method Calculations for determining Minimum Airflow Requirement for Refrigerant Charge Verification. The temperature split method is specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 (HVAC 5) Calculate: Actual Temperature Split = 17.00 Treturn db - Tsupply, db Target Temperature Split from Table RA3.2-3 17.0 using Treturn wb and Treturn db Calculate difference: Actual Temperature 0 Split - Target Temperature Split = Passes if difference is between -4°F and +4°F or, upon remeasurement, if between PASS -4°F and -100°F Enter Pass or Fail Note: Temperature Split Method Calculation is not necessary if actual Cooling Coil Airflow is verified using one of the airflow measurement procedures specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.3. If actual cooling coil airflow is measured, the value must be equal to or greater than the Calculated Minimum Airflow Requirement in the table below. a Calculated Minimum Airflow'Requirement (CFM) = Nominal^ Cooling` Capacity (ton) X'300 (cfm/ton) 14 System Name or"Identification/Tag �. f Calculated Minimum Airflow Requirement (CFM) Measured Airflow using RA3.3 procedures (CFM) Measurement Method Passes if measured airflow is greater than or equal to the calculated minimum airflow requirement. Enter Pass or Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 20:18:38 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms February 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-4R-MECH-2: Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 5 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 1 13-807 Superheat Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for fixed orifice metering device systems System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 (HVAC 5) Calculate: Actual Superheat = 13.0 Tsuction - Teva orator sat Target Superheat from Table RA3.2-2 using 10.0 Treturn wb and Tcondenser, db 3-26 Calculate difference: 3 Actual Superheat - Target Superheat = i r System passes if difference is between -6°F ( and +6°F ( PASS 11 Enter Pass or Fail / ; j Subcooling Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 (HVAC 5) Calculate: Actual Subcooling = 13.0 Tcondenser, sat - Tli uid Target Subcooling specified by 10.0 manufacturer 3-26 Calculate difference:' c-7 f: 3 Actual Subcooling -Target Subcooling = i r System passes if difference is between ( -4°F a +4°F /-/Enter ( PASS I Pass or Fail / ; j Metering Device Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 (HVAC 5) Calculate: Actual Superheat = 24.0 Tsuction - Teva orator sat Enter allowable superheat range from manufacturer's specifications'(or use range 3-26 between 3°F and 26°F if manufacturer's specification is not available) System passes if actual superheat is within the allowable superheat range PASS Enter Pass or Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 20:18:38 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms February 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-4R-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 6 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 1 13-807 Standard Charge Measurement Summary: System shall pass both refrigerant charge criteria, metering device criteria (if applicable), and minimum cooling coil airflow criteria based on measurements taken concurrently during system operation. If corrective actions were taken, all applicable verification criteria must be re -measured and/or recalculated. System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 (HVAC 5) N/A HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): N/A System meets all refrigerant charge and not-tested/verified dwelling in a HERS sample group airflow requirements. PASS Energy Management Services Responsible Rater's Name: Responsible Rater's Signature: Enter Pass or Fail Jack B LaFontaine Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 CC2004051 ® Residential Appendix RA3.2.2 requires that if the outdoor temperature is between 55°F and 65°F the return air dry bulb temperature shall be maintained above 70°F during the Standard Charge Measurement Procedure. The signature of the Responsible Person in the declaration statement below certifies this requirement has been met for all applicable system verifications reported on this certificate. DECLARATION STATEMENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. • I am the certified HERS rater who performed the verification services identified and reported on this certificate (responsible rater). • The installed feature, material, component, or manufactured device requiring HERS verification that is identified on this certificate (the installation) complies with the applicable requirements in Reference Residential Appendices RA2 and RA3 and the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -1R) approved by the local enforcement agency. • The information, reported on applicable -sections of the, Installation Certificate(s),(CF-6R);-signed and submitted by the person(s) responsible for the installation conforms to,the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -111) approved by the enforcement agency. Builder or Installer information as shown on'the Installation Certificate (CF -6111) Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc., / / �•1' - / ' Responsible Person's Name: CSLB License: Anton Marinkovich N/A HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): N/A ® tested/verified dwelling not-tested/verified dwelling in a HERS sample group HERS Rater Information CaICERTS Certificate # CC1-1798936038 HERS Rater Company Name: Energy Management Services Responsible Rater's Name: Responsible Rater's Signature: Jack B LaFontaine Jack B LaFontaine Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 CC2004051 L Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 20:18:38 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms February 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-20-HERS Duct Leakage Test — Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 1 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 1 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 1�) City of La Quinta 13-807 Enter the Duct System Name or Identification/Tag: System 1 (HVAC 1) Enter the Duct System Location or Area Served: Master BR Note: Submit one Installation Certificate for each duct system that must demonstrate compliance in the dwelling. This certificate is required for compliance for completely new duct systems installed in new dwelling construction, and also for completely new or replacement duct systems in existing dwellings. For existing dwellings, a completely new or replacement duct system can also include existing parts of the original duct system (e.g., register boots, air handler, coil, plenums, etc.) if those parts are accessible and they can be sealed. Duct Leakage Diagnostic Test - completely new or replacement duct system Enter a value for the Allowed Leakage (CFM) for the duct system leakage verification. The value entered must be the VLLDCS criteria or one of the three calculated leakage rates described below. Verified Low Leakage Duds in Conditioned Space (VLLDCS) Compliance Credit. If compliance credit for verified low leakage ducts in conditioned space is shown in the special features section of the Allowed CF -1R, the leakage to outside test method must be used to verify duct leakage (refer to RA3., Leakage and 25 CFM must be entered for Allowed Leakage. (CFM) Allowed leakage calculation - (select one calculation method from this section). Use 6% (leakage factor = 0.06) for calculations if tested at "final" or 4% (leakage factor = 0.04) if tested at "rough." When utilizing Low Leakage Air Handler (LLAH) credit, the allowed duct leakage may be specified by the CF -111 to be less than 6%, in which case the user-specified leakage rate must be used in the calculations below. For example, if the user-specified leakage (specified as a percentage of fan airflow) is reported on the_ ,CFS R as 3%, then use a leakage factor. of -0.03, in the. calculations. below. ® Cooling system method: ► - -in Nominal.capacity of condenser Tons x 400 x leakage factor'= 120 CFM, ❑ Heating system method:! 21.7 x Output Capacity in Thousands of Btu/hr x leakage factor = CFM ❑ Measured airflow method (RA3.3): Enter measured fan flow in CFM here x leakage factor = CFM Enter value for Actual leakage (CFM) in the right column, from measurement using applicable duct Actual leakage pressurization test procedure from Reference Residential Appendix RA3.1(CFM @ 25 Pa). Leakage (CFM) List Actual Leakage from duct leakage test(CFM) 112 Pass if Actual Leakage Is equal to or less than Allowed Leakage ® Pass ❑ Fail For complete replacement of duct systems only, if the 6 percent leakage rate criteria cannot be met, a smoke test should be performed to verify that the excess leakage is coming only from a pre-existing furnace cabinet (air handler cabinet), and not from other accessible portions of the duct system. A HERS rater must verify the installation (No sampling allowed). List Actual Leakage from smoke test(CFM) Pass if all accessible leaks (except for existing air handler) are sealed using smoke ❑ Pass ❑ Fail Reg: 213-N0097133A-M2000001A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2019/12/18 17:39:17 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-20-HERS Duct Leakage Test — Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 2 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 1 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 1)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Compliance Method This dwelling was: (select one of the following two choices): ® Tested at Final ❑ Tested at Rough -in (requires installer to complete the visual inspection at final construction stage described below) Visual Inspection at Final Construction Stage (if applicable) After installing the interior finishing wall and verifying that the above rough -in tests was completed, the following procedure must be performed: ❑ For all supply and return registers, verify that the spaces between the register boot and the interior finishing wall are properly sealed. ❑ If the house rough -in duct leakage test was conducted without an air handler installed, inspect the connection points between the air handler and the supply and return plenums to verify that the connection points are properly sealed. ❑ Inspect all joints to ensure that no cloth backed rubber adhesive duct tape is used. ® Outside air (OA) ducts for Central Fan Integrated (CFI) ventilation systems, shall not be sealed/taped off during duct leakage testing. CFI OA ducts that utilize controlled motorized dampers, that open only when OA ventilation is required to meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2, and close when OA ventilation is not required, may be configured to the closed position during duct leakage testing. ® All supply and return register boots must be sealed to the drywall ® New duct -installations cannot°utilize building cavities as•plenums or platform returns in lieu of ducts. / i f , ® Mastic and draw bands'must,be used in combination with Cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at duct connections: 1 1 DECLARATION STATEMENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the Information provided on this form is true and correct. • I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction (responsible person). • I certify that the installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate (the Installation) conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. • I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking identifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and if those installations fail to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense. • I reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF -1R) form approved by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF -111 that apply to the installation have been met. • I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data registry for multiple orientation alternatives, and beginning October 1, 2010, for all low-rise residential buildings. Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Anton Marinkovich Anton Mcrinkovich CSLB License: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 Position With Company (Title): Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000001A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 17:34:17 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-23-HERS Verification of High EER Equipment (Page 1 of 1) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Verification of High EER Equipment Procedures for verification of High EER Equipment are described in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4. For dwelling units with multiple systems, the procedures must be applied to each system separately. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwellino as aoolicable. 1 System Name or Identification/Tag System i System 2 System 3 (HVAC System 4 CSLB License: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) 3) (HVAC 4) 2 System Location or Area Served Master BR Great Rm/Dining Kitchen/Family Casita 3 Certified EER Rating of the installed equipment 12.5 12.5 12.5 13.0 (Btu/Watt-hr) 4 Make and Model Number of the installed Outdoor York York York York Unit CZF06013CA CZF06013CA CZF06013CA CZF02413CA 5 Make and Model Number of the installed Inside ADP ADP ADP ADP Coil CX60OC635 CX60OC635 CX60OC635 CX240B625 6 Make and Model Number of the installed Furnace York York York York or Air Handler. TMLX10OC20 TMLXIOOC20 TMLXIOOC20 TMLXOSOB12 7 Minimum Equipment EER required for 12.5 12.5 12.5 13 compliance as reported on the CF -111 ® When a high EER system specification includes a time delay relay, the installation of the time delay relay must be verified for compliance credit. Refer to Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4.3 for the Time Delay Relay Verification Procedure. ® When Installation of specific matched equipment is necessary to achieve a high EER, installation of the specific equipment must be verified for compliance credit. Refer to Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4.3 for the Matched Equipment Verification Procedure. If the Certified EER Rating in row 3 is equal to $ or greater than the required minimum EER in PASS PASS PASS PASS row 7, the unit complies. .—,---If,the unit complies enter -Pass 7--:-77 , 44 DECLARATION STATEMENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. • I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction (responsible person). • I certify that the installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate (the installation) conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. • I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking identifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and if those installations fail to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense. • I reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF -SR) form approved by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF -1R that apply to the installation have been met. • I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data registry for multiple orientation alternatives. and beoinnino October 1. 2010. for all low -rice rpcirlpntial huilrlinnc Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Anton Marinkovich Anton Morinkovich CSLB License: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 Position With Company (Title): Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2300002A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:03:46 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-23-HERS Verification of High EER Equipment (Page 1 of 1) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Verification of High EER Equipment Procedures for verification of High EER Equipment are described in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4. For dwelling units with multiple systems, the procedures must be applied to each system separately. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional Form(s) for any additional systems in the dwellinq as applicable. 1 System Name or Identification/Tag 2 System Location or Area Served 3 Certified EER Rating of the installed equipment (Btu/Watt-hr) 4 Make and Model Number of the installed Outdoor Unit 5 Make and Model Number of the installed Inside Coil 6 Make and Model Number of the installed Furnace or Air Handler. 7 Minimum Equipment EER required for compliance as reported on the CF -1R ❑ When a high EER system specification includes a time delay relay, the installation of the time delay relay must be verified for compliance credit. Refer to Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4.3 for the Time Delay Relay Verification Procedure. ❑ When Installation of specific matched equipment Is necessary to achieve a high EER, Installation of the specific equipment must be verified for compliance credit. Refer to Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4.3 for the Matched Equipment Verification Procedure. Certified EER Rating in row 3 is equal to or greater than the Tfthe quired minimum EER in row 7, the unit complies. If the unit complies enter Pass DECLARATION STATEMENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. • I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction (responsible person). • I certify that the Installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate (the installation) conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. • I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that If such checking identifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and if those installations fail to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense. • I reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF -1R) form approved by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF -1R that apply to the installation have been met. • I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data reciistry for multiple orientation alternatives. and beoinnino October 1. 2010for all low-rise residential huildinns. Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: CSLB License: Date Signed: Position With Company (Title): Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2300002A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:03:46 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 1 of 6) Site Address: I Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 1 City of La Quinta 13-807 Note: If installation of a Charge Indicator Display (CID) is utilized as an alternative to refrigerant charge verification for compliance, a MECH-24 Certificate (instead of this MECH-25 Certificate) should be used to demonstrate compliance with the refrigerant charge verification requirement. TMAH and SIMS are not required for compliance when a CID is utilized for compliance. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. Temperature Measurement Access Holes (TMAH) and Saturation Temperature Measurement Sensors (STMS) Procedures for installing TMAH are specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. If refrigerant charge verification is required for compliance, TMAH are also required for compliance, unless the TMAH Compliance Option is chosen. STMS are only required for completely new or replacement space -conditioning systems that utilize prescriptive compliance method. TMAH - Access Holes in Supply and Return Plenums of Air Handler System Name or Identification/Tag System System 3 (HVAC 3) System 4 HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) HVAC 4) System Location or Area Served Master BR Great Rm/Dining Kitchen/Family Casita 5/16 inch (8 mm) access hole 1 upstream.of;evaporative coil in the,r turn plenum and -1® Yes - ® Yes . Z—® Yes""' �% ,0 '� ® Yes labeled according to Figure m %'� ❑No ,, ❑No No 0 N Section RA3.'' Return side of the duct system is located I - entirely r la within conditioned space and El Yes ❑ Yes 11Yes=-. ❑ Yes. , w return airflow temperature to ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No 0 No be measured at the return grille. 5/16 inch (8 mm) access hole downstream of evaporative ® Yes ® Yes ® Yes ® Yes 2 coil in the supply plenum and ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No labeled according to Figure in Section RA3. The TMAH Compliance Option should be checked only if it is physically impossible to drill the TMAH as required by Section RA3. Using this Compliance Option requires the HVAC installer to annotate on the HERS Provider's data registry an explanation as to why the TMAH cannot be installed on the system, and photographs of the equipment on which the TMAH cannot be installed. Use of this Compliance Option also requires minimum airflow verification through the direct measurement of airflow per RA3.3 For more information see htto://ww w-energy.ca.gov/title24/2008standards/special case armliance/ TMAH Compliance Option ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes to 1 and 2, or Yes to 1a and 2, or checking the TMAH ® Pass ® Pass ® Pass ® Pass Compliance Option, is a pass. ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail Enter Pass or Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500003A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:06:54 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 2 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 1 City of La Quinta 13-807 STMS - Sensor on the Evaporator Coil System Name ortem 1 (HVAC Tys System 2 (HVAC System 3 (HUA-9 1 System 4 (HVAC Identification/Tag 1) 2) 3) 4) Tb he sensor is factory installed, or field installed according to manufacturer's specifications, or is installed y methods/specifications approved by the Executive Director. ❑ Yes ❑ No 1 ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No The sensor wire is terminated with a standard mini plug suitable for connection to a digital thermometer. 4 The sensor mini plug is accessible to the installing technician and the HERS rater without changing the airflow through the condenser coil ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No 5 The sensor measures the saturation temperature of the coil within 1.3 degrees F ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes to 3, 4, and 5isa pass. Enter N/A if STMS are not ® N/A ® N/A ® N/A ® N/A applicable. ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass Otherwise enter Pass or ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail .Fail STMS - Sensor on the Condenser Coil System Name or System 1 (HVAC I System 2 (HVAC I System 3 (HVAC System 4 (HVAC Identification/Tag j /`-�3)--,-? ,' 4) 6The sensor is factory installed, orffield installed according to manufacturer's specifications, or is installed Tby methods/specifications approved by the Executive,Director. fY. I I ,/j J I ? ❑ Yes ❑ No It ❑ Yes' ❑ No 1 ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes: ❑.Not The 'sensor wire it terminated.with a standard mini plug suitable for connection to a digital thermometer. 7 The sensormini'plug+is accessible to th6 installing technician and the HERS rater without changing�ttie'�4 airflow through the condenser coil 13Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes 13No 13 Yes ❑ No ❑Yes 13 No 8 IThe sensor measures the saturation temperature of the coil within 1.3 degrees F ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes to 6, 7, and 8isa pass. Enter N/A if STMS are not ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A applicable. ❑ Pass ❑Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass Otherwise enter Pass or ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500003A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:06:54 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 3 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 1 City of La Quinta 13-807 Standard Charge Measurement Procedure (for use if outdoor air dry-bulb temperature is 55°F or above) Procedures for determining Refrigerant Charge using the Standard Charge Measurement Procedure are available in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. . The system should be installed and charged in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications before starting this procedure. • The system must meet minimum airflow requirements as prerequisite for a valid refrigerant charge test. • If outdoor air dry-bulb temperature is less than 55°F, the installer must use the RA3.2.3 Alternate Charge Measurement Procedure (Weigh -In Charging Method). If the Weigh -In Method is used, the dwelling cannot be included in a sample group for HERS verification compliance.) Space Conditioning Svstems System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 (must be re -calibrated monthly) (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) System Location or Area Served Master BR Great Rm/Dining Kitchen/Family Casita Outdoor Unit Serial # WiG4985227 WiG4879083 WiG4985231 WiC4554989 Outdoor Unit Make York York York York Outdoor Unit Model CZF06013CA CZF06013CA CZF06013CA CZF02413CA Nominal Cooling Capacity 1 56.4 �-, 5 Tons �..__5 Tons, 2 Tons .--s A--S.Tons.- 76.4 72.4 75.2 72.2 Date of�Verification` f 11/13/2014 .11/13/2014 11/13/2014 11/13/2014 temperature (Tcondenser, db) 76.0 75.0 76.0 76.0 1 Calibration of Diagnostic Instruments .n n f�rr Date of Refrigerant Gauge Calibration 11/13/2014 y(must be re -calibrated monihly) V Date of Thermocouple Calibration 11/13/2014 (must be re -calibrated monthly) Measured Temperatures (°F) System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 wet -bulb temperature (Treturn wb) (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Supply (evaporator leaving) air dry-bulb temperature (Tsu I db) 55.6 54.0 54.1 54.1 Return (evaporator entering) air dry-bulb temperature (Treturn db) 74.1 71.9 72.1 72.1 Return (evaporator entering) air 62.0 61.0 62.0 61.9 wet -bulb temperature (Treturn wb) Evaporator saturation temperature 34.5 40.8 37.9 36.5 (Teva orator sat) Condensor saturation temperature (Tcondensor, sat) 88.2 80,7 85.1 83.7 Suction line temperature (Tsuction) 1 56.4 56.3 60.6 58.6 Liquid Line Temperature (Tliquid) 76.4 72.4 75.2 72.2 Condenser (entering) air dry-bulb temperature (Tcondenser, db) 76.0 75.0 76.0 76.0 9 Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500003A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:06:54 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 4 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Minimum Airflow Requirement Temperature Split Method Calculations for determining Minimum Airflow Requirement for Refrigerant Charge Verification. The temperature split method is specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Calculate: Actual Temperature Split = 18.50 17.90 18.00 18.00 Treturn db - Tsupply, db Target Temperature Split from Table RA3.2-3 using Treturn, wb and 18.7 18.2 17.6 17.6 Treturn db Calculate difference: Actual Temperature Split - Target -0.2 -0.3 0.4 0.4 Temperature Split = Passes if difference is between -3°F and +3°F or, upon remeasurement, if between -30F and -100OF PASS PASS PASS PASS • Enter Pass or Fail Note: Temperature Split Method'Calculation is not necessary if actual Cooling Coil Airflow is verified using one of the airflow measurement procedures specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.3. If actual cooling coil airflow is measured, the value must be equal to or greater than the Calculated Minimum Airflow Requirement in'the -table below. •-'��?�+ I` --�— 7 �-� ! Calculated Minimum Ar irflow Requirement Nominal Cooling Capacity (CFM) (ton) X 300, (cfm/ton) System Name or Identification/Tag System i System 2 System 3 'System 4 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Calculated Minimum Airflow Requirement (CFM) Measured Airflow using RA3.3 procedures (CFM) Measurement Method Passes if measured airflow is greater than or equal to the calculated minimum airflow requirement. Enter Pass or Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500003A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:06:54 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 5 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 1 City of La Quinta 13-807 Superheat Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for fixed orifice metering device systems System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Calculate: Actual Superheat = 11.8 8.3 9.9 11.5 Tsuction - Teva orator sat Target Superheat from Table RA3.2-2 10.0 10.0 10.0 11.0 using Treturn wb and Tcondenser, db Calculate difference:' 4-25 4-25 4-25 4-25 Actual Superheat —Target Superheat = 1.7"'1 ;` -0.1-7 /'71 1 r 0.5 System passes if difference is between -5°F and +5°F / PASS r PASS \ PASS Enter Pass or Fail PASS PASS PASS _ Subcooling Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Calculate: Actual Subcooling = 11.8 8.3 9.9 11.5 Tcondenser, sat - Tli uid Target Subcooling specified by 10.0 10.0 10.0 11.0 manufacturer Calculate difference: 4-25 4-25 4-25 4-25 Actual Subcooling Target Subcooling, 1.7"'1 ;` -0.1-7 /'71 1 r 0.5 available) tem passes if difference is between F and +3°F / ' ' t-3 / PASS r PASS \ PASS ,+ PASS PASS PASS _ A Xnter Pass or, Fail Metering Device Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Calculate: Actual Superheat = 21.9 15.5 22.7 22.1 Tsuction - Teva orator sat Enter allowable superheat range from manufacturer's specifications (or use range between 4°F and 25°F if 4-25 4-25 4-25 4-25 manufacturer's specification is not available) spasses if actual superheat is rwittm the allowable superheat range PASS PASS PASS PASS Enter Pass or Fail t <, Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500003A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:06:54 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 'INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 6 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Standard Charge Measurement Summary: System shall pass both refrigerant charge criteria, metering device criteria (if applicable), and minimum cooling coil airflow criteria based on measurements taken concurrently during system operation. If corrective actions were taken, all applicable verification criteria must be re -measured and/or recalculated. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) System meets all refrigerant charge and airflow requirements. PASS PASS PASS PASS Enter Pass or Fail ® Residential Appendix RA3.2.2 requires that if the outdoor temperature is between 55°F and 65°F the return air dry bulb temperature shall be maintained above 70°F during the Standard Charge Measurement Procedure. The signature of the Responsible Person in the declaration statement below certifies this requirement has been met for all applicable system verifications reported on this certificate. DECLARATION STATEMENT . I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. . I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction (responsible person). . I certify that the installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate (the installation) conforms to all applicable. codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. . I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking identifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked,by a HERS rater, and'if.those installations fail,to'meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense./ . I reviewed a copy of the'Certificate of Compliance (CF -1R) form app�oved'by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirementsrf6r the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on.the CF -111 that apply to the • installation have been met. / ,` 'A j „ / 1 ..I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available., with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data registry for multiple orientation alternatives, and beginning October 1, 2010, .for all low-rise residential buildings. Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Anton Marinkovich Anton Morinkovich CSLB License: Date Signed: 111/13/2014 Position With Company (Title): Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500003A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:06:54 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-20-HERS Duct Leakage Test — Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 1 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 2 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 2)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Enter the Duct System Name or Identification/Tag: System 2 (HVAC 2) Enter the Duct System Location or Area Served: Great Rm/Dining Note: Submit one Installation Certificate for each duct system that must demonstrate compliance in the dwelling. This certificate is required for compliance for completely new duct systems installed in new dwelling construction, and also for completely new or replacement duct systems in existing dwellings. For existing dwellings, a completely new or replacement duct system can also include existing parts of the original duct system (e.g., register boots, air handler, coil, plenums, etc.) if those parts are accessible and they can be sealed. Dud Leakaqe Diaqnostic Test - comDletely new or reDlacement duct system Enter a value for the Allowed Leakage (CFM) for the duct system leakage verification. The value entered must be the VLLDCS criteria or one of the three calculated leakage rates described below. Verified Low Leakage Duds in Conditioned Space (VLLDCS) Compliance Credit. If compliance credit for verified low leakage ducts in conditioned space is shown in the special features section of the Allowed CF -1R, the leakage to outside test method must be used to verify duct leakage (refer to RA3., Leakage and 25 CFM must be entered for Allowed Leakage. (CFM) Allowed leakage calculation - (select one calculation method from this section). Use 6% (leakage factor = 0.06) for calculations if tested at "final" or 4% (leakage factor = 0.04) if tested at "rough." When utilizing Low Leakage Air Handler (LLAH) credit, the allowed duct leakage may be specified by the CF -1R to be less than 6%, in which case the user-specified leakage rate must be used in the calculations below. For example, if the user-specified leakage (specified as a percentage of fan airflow) is reported on the,CF,1R as 3%, then use a leakage, factor of,0.03,in the calculations.below.— ® Cooling.'system method: Nominal capacity of condenser in Tons x 400 x leakagfactor, _ 120 CFMI/- r i ❑ Heating system method:/ A� '= 21.7 x - Output Capacity in Thousands of Btir x leakage tactor CFM ❑ Measured airflow method (RA3.3): Enter measured fan flow in CFM here x leakage factor = CFM Enter value for Actual leakage (CFM) in the right column, from measurement using applicable duct Actual leakage pressurization test procedure from Reference Residential Appendix RA3.1(CFM @ 25 Pa). Leakage (CFM) List Actual Leakage from duct leakage test(CFM) 94 Pass If Actual Leakage is equal to or less than Allowed Leakage ® Pass ❑ Fail For complete replacement of duct systems only, if the 6 percent leakage rate criteria cannot be met, a smoke test should be performed to verify that the excess leakage is coming only from a pre-existing furnace cabinet (air handler cabinet), and not from other accessible portions of the duct system. A HERS rater must verify the installation (No sampling allowed). List Actual Leakage from smoke test(CFM) Pass if all accessible leaks (except for existing air handler) are sealed using smoke ❑ Pass ❑ Fail Cl Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000004A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 17:42:26 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-20-HERS Duct Leakage Test — Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 2 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 2 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 2)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Compliance Method This dwelling was: (select one of the following two choices): ® Tested at Final ❑ Tested at Rough -in (requires installer to complete the visual inspection at final construction stage described below) visual inspection at Anal construction Mage (IT appucaDle) After installing the interior finishing wall and verifying that the above rough -in tests was completed, the following procedure must be performed: ❑ For all supply and return registers, verify that the spaces between the register boot and the interior finishing wall are properly sealed. ❑ If the house rough -in duct leakage test was conducted without an air handler installed, inspect the connection points between the air handler and the supply and return plenums to verify that the connection points are properly sealed. Inspect all joints to ensure that no cloth backed rubber adhesive duct tape is used. ® Outside air (OA) ducts for Central Fan Integrated (CFI) ventilation systems, shall not be sealed/taped off during duct leakage testing. CFI OA ducts that utilize controlled motorized dampers, that open only when OA ventilation is required to meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2, and close when OA ventilation is not required, may be configured to the closed position during duct leakage testing. ® All supply and return register boots must be sealed to the drywall ® New ductInnstallations cannot, utilize - building cavities as plenums or platformireturns In lieu`of ducts. 4 � t ® Mastic and draw bands' mustbe used in combination with Cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at duct connections: DECLARATION STATEMENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. • I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction (responsible person). • I certify that the installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate (the Installation) conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. . I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking identifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and if those installations fail to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense. • I reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF -111) form approved by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF -111 that apply to the installation have been met. • I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data registry for multiple orientation alternatives, and beginning October 1, 2010, for all low-rise residential buildings. Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Anton Marinkovich Anton Marinkovich CSLB License: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 Position With Company (Title): Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000004A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 17:42:26 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-20-HERS Duct Leakage Test — Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 1 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 3 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 3)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Enter the Duct System Name or Identification/Tag: System 3 (HVAC 3) Enter the Duct System Location or Area Served: Kitchen/Family Note: Submit one Installation Certificate for each duct system that must demonstrate compliance in the dwelling. This certificate is required for compliance for completely new duct systems installed in new dwelling construction, and also for completely new or replacement duct systems in existing dwellings. For existing dwellings, a completely new or replacement duct system can also include existing parts of the original duct system (e.g., register boots, air handler, coil, plenums, etc.) if those parts are accessible and they can be sealed. Duct Leakaqe Diaqnostic Test - comDletely new or replacement duct system Enter a value for the Allowed Leakage (CFM) for the duct system leakage verification. The value entered must be the VLLDCS criteria or one of the three calculated leakage rates described below. Verified Low Leakage Ducts in Conditioned Space (VLLDCS) Compliance Credit. If compliance credit for verified low leakage ducts in conditioned space is shown in the special features section of the Allowed CF -111, the leakage to outside test method must be used to verify duct leakage (refer to RA3., Leakage and 25 CFM must be entered for Allowed Leakage. (CFM) Allowed leakage calculation - (select one calculation method from this section). Use 6% (leakage factor = 0.06) for calculations if tested at "final" or 4% (leakage factor = 0.04) if tested at "rough." When utilizing Low Leakage Air Handler (LLAH) credit, the allowed duct leakage may be specified by the CF -1R to be less than 6%, in which case the user-specified leakage rate must be used in the calculations below. For example, if the user-specified leakage (specified as a percentage of fan airflow) is reported on the,CFZlR as 3%, then use a leakage factor of -0.03, in the. calculations. below. ® Cooling system method: Nominal capacity of condenser in Tons 400 CFM J x x leakage factor=Q 1l " r ❑Heati 9s stem method:,� c ' f 21.7 x Output Capacity in Thousands.of Btu/hr x leakage factor = CFM ❑ Measured airflow method (RA3.3): Enter measured fan flow in CFM here x leakage factor = CFM Enter value for Actual leakage (CFM) in the right column, from measurement using applicable duct Actual Leakage leakage pressurization test procedure from Reference Residential Appendix RA3.1(CFM @ 25 Pa). (CFM) List Actual Leakage from duct leakage test(CFM) 89 Pass if Actual Leakage Is equal to or less than Allowed Leakage ® Pass ❑ Fail For complete replacement of duct systems only, if the 6 percent leakage rate criteria cannot be met, a smoke test should be performed to verify that the excess leakage is coming only from a pre-existing furnace cabinet (air handler cabinet), and not from other accessible portions of the duct system. A HERS rater must verify the installation (No sampling allowed). List Actual Leakage from smoke test(CFM) Pass if all accessible leaks (except for existing air handler) are sealed using smoke ❑ Pass ❑ Fail N Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000005A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2019/12/18 17:52:06 HERS Provider: Ca10ERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-20-HERS Duct Leakage Test — Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 2 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 3 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 3)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Compliance Method This dwelling was: (select one of the following two choices): ® Tested at Final ❑ Tested at Rough -in (requires installer to complete the visual inspection at final construction stage described below) Visual Inspection at Final Construction Stage (if applicable) After installing the interior finishing wall and verifying that the above rough -in tests was completed, the following procedure must be performed: ❑ For all supply and return registers, verify that the spaces between the register boot and the interior finishing wall are properly sealed. ❑ If the house rough -in duct leakage test was conducted without an air handler installed, inspect the connection points between the air handler and the supply and return plenums to verify that the connection points are properly sealed. ❑ Inspect all joints to ensure that no cloth backed rubber adhesive duct tape is used. ® Outside air (OA) ducts for Central Fan Integrated (CFI) ventilation systems, shall not be sealed/taped off during duct leakage testing. CFI OA ducts that utilize controlled motorized dampers, that open only when OA ventilation is required to meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2, and close when OA ventilation is not required, may be configured to the closed position during duct leakage testing. ® All supply and return register boots must be sealed to the drywall ® New duct -installations cannot�utilize building cavities as plenums or platform returns in'lieu'of ducts. ® Mastic and draw bands'rnust+be used in combination with Cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at duct connections. J` 1 J DECLARATION STATEMENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the Information provided on this form is true and correct. • I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction (responsible person). • I certify that the installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices Identified on this certificate (the installation) conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, and the Installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. • I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking identifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and if those installations fail to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense. • I reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF -1R) form approved by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF -111 that apply to the installation have been met. • I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data registry for multiple orientation alternatives, and beginning October 1, 2010, for all low-rise residential buildings. Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Anton Marinkovich Anton Marinkovich CSLB License: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 Position With Company (Title): Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000005A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 17:52:06 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-20-HERS Duct Leakage Test — Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 1 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 4 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 4)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Enter the Duct System Name or Identification/Tag: System 4 (HVAC 4) Enter the Duct System Location or Area Served: Casita Note: Submit one Installation Certificate for each duct system that must demonstrate compliance in the dwelling. This certificate is required for compliance for completely new duct systems installed in new dwelling construction, and also for completely new or replacement duct systems in existing dwellings. For existing dwellings, a completely new or replacement duct system can also include existing parts of the original duct system (e.g., register boots, air handler, coil, plenums, etc.) if those parts are accessible and they can be sealed. Duct Leakaqe Diaqnostic Test - completely new or replacement duct system Enter a value for the Allowed Leakage (CFM) for the duct system leakage verification. The value entered must be the VLLDCS criteria or one of the three calculated leakage rates described below. Verified Low Leakage Ducts in Conditioned Space (VLLDCS) Compliance Credit. If compliance credit for verified low leakage ducts in conditioned space is shown in the special features section of the Allowed CF -1R, the leakage to outside test method must be used to verify duct leakage (refer to RA3., Leakage and 25 CFM must be entered for Allowed Leakage. (CFM) Allowed leakage calculation - (select one calculation method from this section). Use 6% (leakage factor = 0.06) for calculations if tested at "final" or 4% (leakage factor = 0.04) if tested at "rough." When utilizing Low Leakage Air Handler (LLAH) credit, the allowed duct leakage may be specified by the CF -111 to be less than 6%, in which case the user-specified leakage rate must be used in the calculations below. For example, if the user-specified leakage (specified as a percentage of fan airflow) is reported on theCF 1R as 3%, then use a leakage factor of_0.03.in the calculations, below. � ® Cooling ;system. method: Nominal capacity of condenser in Tons 2 x 400 x leakage factor = 48 CFM [IHeating d:,' r system meth ; ,, 21.7 x •\ Output Capacity in ThousandsofBtu/hr x leakage factor = CFM ❑ Measured airflow method (RA3.3): Enter measured fan flow in CFM here x leakage factor = CFM Enter value for Actual leakage (CFM) in the right column, from measurement using applicable duct Actual Leakage leakage pressurization test procedure from Reference Residential Appendix RA3.1(CFM @ 25 Pa). (CFM) List Actual Leakage from duct leakage test(CFM) 39 Pass if Actual Leakage Is equal to or less than Allowed Leakage ® Pass ❑ Fail For complete replacement of duct systems only, if the 6 percent leakage rate criteria cannot be met, a smoke test should be performed to verify that the excess leakage is coming only from a pre-existing furnace cabinet (air handler cabinet), and not .from other accessible portions of the duct system. A HERS rater must verify the installation (No sampling allowed). List Actual Leakage from smoke test(CFM) Pass if all accessible leaks (except for existing air handler) are sealed using smoke ❑ Pass ❑ Fail 0 Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000006A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:00:19 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-20-HERS Duct Leakage Test — Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 2 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 4 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 4)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Compliance Method This dwelling was: (select one of the following two choices): M Tested at Final ❑ Tested at Rough -in (requires installer to complete the visual inspection at final construction stage described below) visual inspeCilon at Anal t onsiruCLlon ,Lage (IT appncaole After installing the interior finishing wall and verifying that the above rough -in tests was completed, the following procedure must be performed: ❑ For all supply and return registers, verify that the spaces between the register boot and the interior finishing wall are properly sealed. ❑ If the house rough -in duct leakage test was conducted without an air handler installed, inspect the connection points between the air handler and the supply and return plenums to verify that the connection points are properly sealed. ❑ Inspect all joints to ensure that no cloth backed rubber adhesive duct tape is used. ® Outside air (OA) ducts for Central Fan Integrated (CFI) ventilation systems, shall not be sealed/taped off during duct leakage testing. CFI OA ducts that utilize controlled motorized dampers, that open only when OA ventilation is required to meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2, and close when OA ventilation is not required, may be configured to the closed position during duct leakage testing. ® All supply and return register boots must be sealed to the drywall ® New duct, installations cannot, utilize, bu!il-d_ing_c.a.v_-ities as -p lenru—m�s o-r-� platf*o-rm...r-etu--rn- s + in .,l.rieuteo-f ducts. ® Mastic and draw bands'must be used in combination with Cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at duct connections. DECLARATION STATEMENT . I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. . I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction (responsible person). . I certify that the installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate (the installation) conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation Is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. . I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking identifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and if those installations fail to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense. . I reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF -111) form approved by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF -1R that apply to the installation have been met. . I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data registry for multiple orientation alternatives, and beginning October 1, 2010, for all low-rise residential buildings. Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Anton Marinkovich Anton Marinkovich CSLB License: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 Position With Company (Title): Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000006A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:00:19 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-20-HERS Duct Leakage Test — Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 1 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 5 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 5)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Enter the Duct System Name or Identification/Tag: System 5 (HVAC 5) Enter the Duct System Location or Area Served: Guest SR Note: Submit one Installation Certificate for each duct system that must demonstrate compliance in the dwelling. This certificate is required for compliance for completely new duct systems installed in new dwelling construction, and also for completely new or replacement duct systems in existing dwellings. For existing dwellings, a completely new or replacement duct system can also include existing parts of the original duct system (e.g., register boots, air handler, coil, plenums, etc.) if those parts are accessible and they can be sealed. Duct Leakage Diagnostic Test - completely new or replacement duct system Enter a value for the Allowed Leakage (CFM) for the duct system leakage verification. The value entered must be the VLLDCS criteria or one of the three calculated leakage rates described below. Verified Low Leakage Ducts in Conditioned Space (VLLDCS) Compliance Credit. If compliance credit for verified low leakage ducts in conditioned space is shown in the special features section of the Allowed CF -1R, the leakage to outside test method must be used to verify duct leakage (refer to RA3., Leakage and 25 CFM must be entered for Allowed Leakage. (CFM) Allowed leakage calculation - (select one calculation method from this section). Use 6% (leakage factor = 0.06) for calculations if tested at "final" or 4% (leakage factor = 0.04) if tested at "rough." When utilizing Low Leakage Air Handler (LLAH) credit, the allowed duct leakage may be specified by the CF -111 to be less than 6%, in which case the user-specified leakage rate must be used in the calculations below. For example, if the user-specified leakage (specified as a percentage of fan airflow) is reported on the,CF41R as 3%, then use a leakage, factor, of 0.03,in the calculations, below` / ® Coolingsystem method: ► t Nominal capacity of condenser in Tons x 400 x leakage factor = 72 CFM / It r /r- r r ❑ Heati�g system method: �t 21.7 x Output Capacity in Thousands of Btu'/hr x leakage factor = CFM ❑ Measured airflow method (RA3.3): Enter measured fan flow in CFM here x leakage factor = CFM Enter value for Actual leakage (CFM) in the right column, from measurement using applicable duct Actual leakage pressurization test procedure from Reference Residential Appendix RA3.1(CFM @ 25 Pa). Leakage (CFM) List Actual Leakage from duct leakage test(CFM) 64 Pass If Actual Leakage Is equal to or less than Allowed Leakage ® Pass ❑ Fail For complete replacement of duct systems only, if the 6 percent leakage rate criteria cannot be met, a smoke test should be performed to verify that the excess leakage is coming only from a pre-existing furnace cabinet (air handler cabinet), and not from other accessible portions of the duct system. A HERS rater must verify the installation (No sampling allowed). List Actual Leakage from smoke test(CFM) Pass if all accessible leaks (except for existing air handler) are sealed using smoke ❑ Pass ❑ Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000007A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:08:14 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-20-HERS Duct Leakage Test — Completely New or Replacement Duct System (Page 2 of 2) Site Address: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 (System 5 (HVAC Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 5)) City of La Quinta 13-807 Compliance Method This dwelling was: (select one of the following two choices): ® Tested at Final ❑ Tested at Rough -in (requires installer to complete the visual inspection at final construction stage described below) visual inspecxlon a[ Anal GOnstrucxion btage (Ir appllcaoie) After installing the interior finishing wall and verifying that the above rough -in tests was completed, the following I procedure must be performed: ❑ For all supply and return registers, verify that the spaces between the register boot and the interior finishing wall are properly sealed. ❑ If the house rough -in duct leakage test was conducted without an air handler installed, inspect the connection points between the air handler and the supply and return plenums to verify that the connection points are properly sealed. ❑ Inspect all joints to ensure that no cloth backed rubber adhesive duct tape is used. ® Outside air (OA) ducts for Central Fan Integrated (CFI) ventilation systems, shall not be sealed/taped off during duct leakage testing. CFI OA ducts that utilize controlled motorized dampers, that open only when OA ventilation is required to meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2, and close when OA ventilation is not required, may be configured to the closed position during duct leakage testing. ® All supply and return register boots must be sealed to the drywall ® New duct -'installations cannotutilize,liuilding cavities aspplenums or platformireturns in lieu of ducts. ® Mastic and draw bands°must;be used in combination with Cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at duct connections.' ' DECLARATION STATEMENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the Information provided on this form is true and correct. • I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction (responsible person). • I certify that the installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate (the Installation) conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. • I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking identifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and if those installations fail to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense. • I reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF -1R) form approved by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF -111 that apply to the installation have been met. • I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data registry for multiple orientation alternatives, and beginning October 1, 2010, for all low-rise residential buildings. Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Anton Marinkovich Anton Morinkovich CSLB License: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 Position With Company (Title): Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2000007A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:08:14 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-23-HERS Verification of High EER Equipment (Page 1 of 1) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Verification of High EER Equipment Procedures for verification of High EER Equipment are described in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4. For dwelling units with multiple systems, the procedures must be applied to each system separately. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwellino as applicable. 1 System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 (HVAC System 4 CSLB License: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) 3) (HVAC, 4) 2 System Location or Area Served Master BR Great Rm/Dining Kitchen/Family Casita 3 Certified EER Rating of the installed equipment 12.5 12.5 12.5 13.0 (Btu/Watt-hr) 4 Make and Model Number of the installed Outdoor ' York York York York Unit CZF06013CA CZF06013CA CZF06013CA CZF02413CA 5 Make and Model Number of the installed Inside ADP ADP ADP ADP Coil CX60OC635 CX60OC635 CX60OC635 CX240B625 6 Make and Model Number of the installed Furnace York York York York or Air Handler. TMLX10OC20 TMLX100C20 TMLX10OC20 TMLX08OB12 7 Minimum Equipment EER required for 12.5 12.5 12.5 13 compliance as reported on the CF -111 ® When a high EER system specification includes a time delay relay, the installation of the time delay relay must be verified for compliance credit. Refer to Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4.3 for the Time Delay Relay Verification Procedure. ® When Installation of specific matched equipment is necessary to achieve a high EER, installation of the specific equipment must be verified for compliance credit. Refer to Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4.3 for the Matched Equipment Verification Procedure. If the Certified EER Rating in row 3 is equal to or greater than the required minimum EER in PASS PASS PASS PASS row 7, the unit complies. ,T ,,-7If,the unit complies enter. Pass � /I— ---;-- -- �, ., DECLARATION STATEMENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the Information provided on this form is true and correct. • I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction (responsible person). • I certify that the installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate (the installation) conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. • I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking identifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and if those installations fail to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense. • I reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF -111) form approved by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF -1R that apply to the installation have been met. • I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data registry for multiple orientation alternatives, and beainnino October 1. 2010. for all low-rise rpsidpntial hi lefinne Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Anton Marinkovich Anton Marinkovich CSLB License: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 Position With Company (Title): Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2300008A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:10:02 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-23-HERS Verification of High EER Equipment (Page 1 of 1) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Verification of High EER Equipment Procedures for verification of High EER Equipment are described in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4. For dwelling units with multiple systems, the procedures must be applied to each system separately. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for anv additional systems in the dwellina as aDDlicable. 1 System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 Responsible Person's Signature: Anton Marinkovich Anton Marinkovich CSLB License: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 (HVAC 5) Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No 2 System Location or Area Served Guest SR 3 Certified EER Rating of the installed equipment (Btu/Watt-hr) 12.5 4 Make and Model Number of the installed Outdoor Unit York CZF03614CA 5 Make and Model Number of the installed Inside Coil ADP CV362B6 6 Make and Model Number of the installed Furnace or Air Handler. York TMLXOSOB12 7 Minimum Equipment EER required for compliance as reported on the 12.5 CF -1R M When a high EER system specification includes a time delay relay, the installation of the time delay relay must be verified for compliance credit. Refer to Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4.3 for the Time Delay Relay Verification Procedure. M When installation of specific matched equipment is necessary to achieve a high EER, Installation of the specific equipment must be verified for compliance credit. Refer to Reference Residential Appendix RA3.4.3 for the Matched Equipment Verification Procedure. the Certified EER Rating in row 3 is equal to or greater than the 8 JIf required minimum EER in row 7, the unit complies. PASS If the unit complies enter Pass DECLARATION STATEMENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form Is true and correct. • I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction (responsible person). • I certify that the Installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate (the Installation) conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation Is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. • I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking identifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and if those installations fail to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense. • I reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF -111) form approved by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF -1R that apply to the installation have been met. • I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data reqistry for multiple orientation alternatives, and beainnina October 1. 2010. for all low-rise residpntial huildinnc Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Anton Marinkovich Anton Marinkovich CSLB License: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 Position With Company (Title): Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2300008A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:10:02 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 1 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Note: If installation of a Charge Indicator Display (CID) is utilized as an alternative to refrigerant charge verification for compliance, a MECH-24 Certificate (instead of this MECH-25 Certificate) should be used to demonstrate compliance with the refrigerant charge verification requirement. TMAH and STMS are not required for compliance when a CID is utilized for compliance. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. Temperature Measurement Access Holes (TMAH) and Saturation Temperature Measurement Sensors (STMS) Procedures for installing TMAH are specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. If refrigerant charge verification is required for compliance, TMAH are also required for compliance, unless the TMAH Compliance Option is chosen. STMS are only required for completely new or replacement space -conditioning systems that utilize prescriptive compliance method. TMAH - Access Holes in SuDDIv and Return Plenums of Air Handler System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 (HVAC 3) System 4 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 4) System Location or Area Served Master BR Great Rm/Dining Kitchen/Family Casita 5/16 inch (8 mm) access hole 1 upstream;of�evaporative coil in the return plenum and ®Yes•^ "" - ®Yes; .-` f'� '®Yes'`' '> ®Yes labeled according to Figureiin ❑ No4 11 No J +r❑ No 13 No Section RA3." Return side of they duct 1 ; system is located entirely �' la within conditioned space and ❑Yes 13 Yes Yes' J 11❑ / .Yes. return airflow temperature to ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No be measured at the return grille. 5/16 inch (8 mm) access hole 2 downstream of evaporative coil in the supply plenum and ® Yes ® Yes ® Yes ® Yes labeled according to Figure in . ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No Section RA3., The TMAH Compliance Option should be checked only if it is physically impossible to drill the TMAH as required by Section RA3. Using this Compliance Option requires the HVAC installer to annotate on the HERS Provider's data registry an explanation as to why the TMAH cannot be installed on the system, and photographs of the equipment on which the TMAH cannot be installed. Use of this Compliance Option also requires minimum airflow verification through the direct measurement of airflow per RA3.3 For more information see http@//www.eneray.ca.aov/title24/2008standards/`sr)ecial case ag li[� ance/ TMAH Compliance Option ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes to 1 and 2, or Yes to la and 2, or checking the TMAH ® Pass ® Pass ® Pass ® Pass Compliance Option, is a pass. ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail Enter Pass or Fail n Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2019/12/18 18:13:27 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 2 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 1 City of La Quinta 13-807 STMS - Sensor on the Evaporator Coil System Name ortem Sys 1 (HVAC System 2 (HVAC System 3 (WAq System 4 (HVAC Identification/Tag 1) 2) 3) 4) .4 The sensor is factory installed, or field installed according to manufacturer's specifications, or is installed by methods/specifications approved by the Executive Director. ❑ Yes ❑ No 1 ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No The sensor wire is terminated with a standard mini plug suitable for connection to a digital thermometer. 4 The sensor mini plug is accessible to the installing technician and the HERS rater without changing the airflow through the condenser coil ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No 5 IThe sensor measures the saturation temperature of the coil within 1.3 degrees F ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes to 3, 4, and 5 is a pass. Enter N/A if STMS are not ❑ N/A pass. Enter N/A if STMS are not ® N/A ® N/A ® N/A ® N/A applicable. ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass Otherwise enter Pass or ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail Fail STMS - Sensor on the Condenser Coil System Name or System 1 (HVAC System 2 (HVAC System 3 (HVAC System 4 (HVAC Identification/Tag—,,--y ., 1) r-'^ - --:2) �y / = 3) ;. - —,7 � 4) Tby he sensor is factory installed, or.field installed according to manufacturer's specifications, or is installed methods/specifications approved by the Executive,Director., /j / I ' ❑ Yes ❑ No It ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No 1 ❑ Yes.,❑ No,, The sensor wire is terminated with a standard mini plug suitable for connection to a digital thermometer. 7 The sensor:mini`plu61s accessible to the installing technician and -the HERS rater without changinglttie',� airflow through the condenser coil ` ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes 0_Wo__7 ❑ Yes ❑ No T ❑ Yes ❑ No 8 IThe sensor measures the saturation temperature of the coil within 1.3 degrees F ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes to 6, 7, and 8isa pass. Enter N/A if STMS are not ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A applicable. ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass Otherwise enter Pass or ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:13:27 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 3 of 6) Site Address: IEnforcement Agency:713-807 Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta Standard Charge Measurement Procedure (for use if outdoor air dry-bulb temperature is 55°F or above) Procedures for determining Refrigerant Charge using the Standard Charge Measurement Procedure are available in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. The system should be installed and charged in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications before starting this procedure. • The system must meet minimum airflow requirements as prerequisite for a valid refrigerant charge test. • If outdoor air dry-bulb temperature is less than 55°F, the installer must use the RA3.2.3 Alternate Charge Measurement Procedure (Weigh -In Charging Method). If the Weigh -In Method is used, the dwelling cannot be included in a sample group for HERS verification compliance.) Space Conditioninq Systems System Name or Identification/Tag System i System 2 System 3 System j (must be re -calibrated monthly) (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4 System Location or Area Served Master BR Great Rm/Dining Kitchen/Family Casita Outdoor Unit Serial # WiG4985227 WiG4879083 WIG4985231 WiC4554989 Outdoor Unit Make York York York York Outdoor Unit Model CZF06013CA CZF06013CA CZF06013CA CZF02413CA Nominal Cool ing,Capacity S.Tons_ ,_ 5 Tons 5.Tons, 2 Tons ' 76.4 72.4 75.2 72.2 Date of Verification !`n r 11/13/2014 111/13/2014 11'/13/2014 11/13/2014 temperature (Tcondenser, db) 76.0 75.0 76.0 76.0 Calibration of Diagnostic Instruments .rr Date of Refrigerant Gauge Calibration _ 11/13/2014 (must be re -calibrated monthly)Y Date of Thermocouple Calibration 11/13/2014 (must be re -calibrated monthly) Measured Temperatures (OF) System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 wet -bulb temperature (Treturn wb) (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Supply (evaporator leaving) air dry-bulb temperature (Tsu I db) 55.6 54.0 54.1 54.1 Return (evaporator entering) air dry-bulb temperature (Treturn db) 74.1 71.9 72.1 72.1 Return (evaporator entering) air wet -bulb temperature (Treturn wb) 62.0 61.0 62.0 61.9 Evaporator saturation temperature (Teva orator sat) 34.5 40.8 37.9 36.5 Condensor saturation temperature (Tcondensor sat) 88.2 80.7 85.1 83.7 Suction line temperature (Tsuction) 56.4 56.3 60.6 58.6 Liquid Line Temperature (Tliquid) 76.4 72.4 75.2 72.2 Condenser (entering) air dry-bulb temperature (Tcondenser, db) 76.0 75.0 76.0 76.0 Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:13:27 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 4 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 1 City of La Quinta 13-807 Minimum Airflow Requirement Temperature Split Method Calculations for determining Minimum Airflow Requirement for Refrigerant Charge Verification. The temperature split method is specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Calculate: Actual Temperature Split = 18.50 17.90 18.00 18.00 Treturn db - Tsupply, db Target Temperature Split from Table RA3.2-3 using Treturn, wb and 18.7 . 18.2 17.6 17.6 Treturn db Calculate difference: Actual Temperature Split - Target -0.2 -0.3 0.4 0.4 Temperature Split = Passes if difference is between -3°F and +3°F or, upon remeasurement, if between -3°F and -100°F PASS PASS PASS PASS Enter Pass or Fail Note: Temperature Split Method Calculation is not necessary if actual Cooling Coil Airflow is verified using one of the airflow measurement procedures specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.3. If actual cooling coil airflow is measured, the value must be equal to or greater than the Calculated Minimum Airflow Requirement in`the,table below, r-� '`� �� `�` "+ Calcul to Minimum Airflow1Requirement (CFM) = Nominal Cooling Capacity (ton) X 300 r f y System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Calculated Minimum Airflow Requirement (CFM) Measured Airflow using RA3.3 procedures (CFM) Measurement Method Passes if measured airflow is greater than or equal to the calculated minimum airflow requirement. Enter Pass or Fail Reg: 213-N0097133A-M2500009A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:13:27 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 5 of 6) Site Address: EnforcementAgency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Superheat Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for fixed orifice metering device systems System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Calculate: Actual Superheat = 11.8 8.3 9.9 11.5 Tsuction - Teva orator sat Target Superheat from Table RA3.2-2 10.0 10.0 10.0 11.0 using Treturn wb and Tcondenser, db Calculate difference: 1:8 ` 1:7� "" -O'l `'+ 0.5 Actual Superheat - Target Superheat = r System passes if difference is between -5°F and +5°F PASS JPASS 1 PASS PASS Enter Pass or Fail PASS PASS PASS PASS Subcooling Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Calculate: Actual Subcooling = 11.8 8.3 9.9 11.5 Tcondenser, sat - Tli uid Target Subcooling specified by manufacturer 10.0 10.0 10.0 11.0 Calculate difference: Actual Subcooling Target Subcoolingr 1:8 ` 1:7� "" -O'l `'+ 0.5 manufacturer's specification is not r System+passes if difference is between -3°F and +3°F ,rf j PASS JPASS 1 PASS PASS �. A `Enter Pass or, Fail PASS PASS PASS PASS Metering Device Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) Calculate: Actual Superheat = 21.9 15.5 22.7 22.1 Tsuction - Teva orator sat Enter allowable superheat range from manufacturer's specifications (or use range between 4°F and 25°F if 4-25 4-25 4-25 4-25 manufacturer's specification is not available) System passes if actual superheat is within the allowable superheat range PASS PASS PASS PASS Enter Pass or Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:13:27 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 6 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Standard Charge Measurement Summary: System shall pass both refrigerant charge criteria, metering device criteria (if applicable), and minimum cooling coil airflow criteria based on measurements taken concurrently during system operation. If corrective actions were taken, all applicable verification criteria must be re -measured and/or recalculated. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality (HVAC 1) (HVAC 2) (HVAC 3) (HVAC 4) System meets all refrigerant charge and airflow requirements. PASS PASS PASS PASS Enter Pass or Fail ® Residential Appendix RA3.2.2 requires that if the outdoor temperature is between 55°F and 65°F the return air dry bulb temperature shall be maintained above 70°F during the Standard Charge Measurement Procedure. The signature of the Responsible Person in the declaration statement below certifies this requirement has been met for all applicable system verifications reported on this certificate. DECLARATION STATEMENT . I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. . I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction (responsible person). . I certify that the installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate (the installation) conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. . I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking identifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and'if.those installations fail,to'meet the requirements of such quality. assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense.l / . I reviewed a copy of the�Certificate of Compliance (CF -1R) form approved -by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on,the CF -1R that apply to the - installation have been met. / 11 f / fA J 1 1 r . I will ensure.that'a'completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made availablei..., with the building permits) issued for the building, and made available -to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data registry for multiple orientation alternatives, and beginning October 1, 2010, for all low-rise residential buildings. Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Anton Marinkovich Anton Morinkovich CSLB License: Date Signed: 11/13/2014 Position With Company (Title): Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:13:27 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 1 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Ag7n7y.1 Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Note: If installation of a Charge Indicator Display (CID) is utilized as an alternative to refrigerant charge . verification for compliance, a MECH-24 Certificate (instead of this MECH-25 Certificate) should be used to demonstrate compliance with the refrigerant charge verification requirement. TMAH and STMS are not required for compliance when a CID is utilized for compliance. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. Temperature Measurement Access Holes (TMAH) and Saturation Temperature Measurement Sensors (STMS) Procedures for installing TMAH are specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. If refrigerant charge verification is required for compliance, TMAH are also required for compliance, unless the TMAH Compliance Option is chosen. STMS are only required for completely new or replacement space -conditioning systems that utilize prescriptive compliance method. TMAH - Access Holes in Supply and Return Plenums of Air Handler System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 (HVAC 5) System Location or Area Served Guest BR 5/16 inch (8 mm) access hole 1 upstream of evaporative coil in the ® Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes return plenum and labeled according ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No to Figure in Section RA3.2.2:2.2./ �-- Return side of the duct,system is la located entirely within conditioned El Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes\ El Yes space and return, inflow temperature ❑ No- ❑ No ❑ No ❑:No-,, to be measured'at.the return grille. ) .f 5/16 inchr(8 mm) access hole r 2 downstream of evaporative coil in the ® Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes supply plenum and labeled according ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No to Figure in Section RA3. The TMAH Compliance Option should be checked only if it is physically impossible to drill the TMAH as required by Section RA3. Using this Compliance Option requires the HVAC installer to annotate on the HERS Provider's data registry an explanation as to why the TMAH cannot be installed on the system,. and photographs of the equipment on which the TMAH cannot be installed. Use of this Compliance Option also requires minimum airflow verification through the direct measurement of airflow per RA3.3 For more information see htto•//www enerav ca aov/title24/2008standards/special case aooliance/ TMAH Compliance Option ❑ ❑ ❑ p Yes to 1 and 2, or Yes to la and 2, or checking the TMAH Compliance Option, is ® Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass a pass. ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail Enter Pass or Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:13:27 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 2 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 1 13-807 STMS - Sensor on the Evaporator Coil System Name ortem Sys 5 (HVAC -1 Identification/Tag 5) 3 The sensor is factory installed, or field installed according to manufacturer's specifications, or is installed by methods/specifications approved by the Executive Director. ❑ Yes ❑ No 1 ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No The sensor wire is terminated with a standard mini plug suitable for connection to a digital thermometer. 4 The sensor mini plug is accessible to the installing technician and the HERS rater without changing the airflow through the condenser coil ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No 5 IThe sensor measures the saturation temperature of the coil within 1.3 degrees F ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes to 3, 4, and 5isa pass. Enter N/A if STMS are not M N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A applicable. ❑ Pass ❑Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass Otherwise enter Pass or ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail Fail STMS - Sensor on the Condenser Coil System Name or System 5 (HVAC Identification/Tager Tby he sensor is factory installed, or field installed according to, manufacturer's specifications, or is installed methods/specifications approved by the Executive.Director. 1 �4 i I 1 ❑ Yes ❑ No 11 []Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes .❑•No. The sensor wire is terminated,with a standard mini plug suitable for connection to a digital thermometer. 7 The sensorimini:plug is accessible to the` installing technician and the HERS rater without changing the airflow through the condenser coil I` ❑ Yes ❑ No []Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No 8 IThe sensor measures the saturation temperature of the coil within 1.3 degrees F ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes to 6, 7, and 8 is a pass. Enter N/A if STMS are not 13 N/A 13 N/A 13 N/A ❑ N/A applicable. ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass ❑ Pass Otherwise enter Pass or ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail ❑ Fail Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:13:27 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 3 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Standard Charge Measurement Procedure (for use if outdoor air dry-bulb temperature is 55°F or above) Procedures for determining Refrigerant Charge using the Standard Charge Measurement Procedure are available in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. • The system should be installed and charged in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications before starting this procedure. • The system must meet minimum airflow requirements as prerequisite for a valid refrigerant charge test. • If outdoor air dry-bulb temperature is less than 55°F, the installer must use the RA3.2.3 Alternate Charge Measurement Procedure (Weigh -In Charging Method). If the Weigh -In Method is used, the dwelling cannot be included in a sample group for HERS verification compliance.) Space Conditioninq Svstems System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 (HVAC 5) (must be re -calibrated monthly) Date of Thermocouple Calibration 11/13/2014 System Location or Area Served Guest SR Outdoor Unit Serial # W1A4379428 Outdoor'Unit Make York Outdoor Unit Model � C7.F03614CA / Nominal Cooling Ca'pacity� 3 Tons Date oftVerification ! 11/13/2014 f f_ Calibration of Diagnostic Instruments - Date of Refrigerant Gauge Calibration 11/13/2014 (must be re -calibrated monthly) Date of Thermocouple Calibration 11/13/2014 (must be re -calibrated monthly) Measured Temperatures (°F) System Name or Identification/Tag System 5(HVAC 5) Supply (evaporator leaving) air dry-bulb 55.0 temperature (Tsu I db) 32.4 Return (evaporator entering) air 72.0 dry-bulb temperature (Treturn db) 85.6 Return (evaporator entering) air 62.8 wet -bulb tempdrature (Treturn wb) Evaporator saturation temperature 32.4 (Teva orator sat) Condensor saturation temperature 85.6 (Tcondensor, sat) Suction line temperature (Tsuction) 56.4 Liquid Line Temperature (Tliquid) 72.6 Condenser (entering) air dry-bulb 76.0 temperature (Tcondenser, db) Reg: 213-N0097133A-M2500009A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2019/12/18 18:13:27 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 4 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Qu 1 13-807 Minimum Airflow Requirement Temperature Split Method Calculations for determining Minimum Airflow Requirement for Refrigerant Charge Verification. The temperature split method is specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 (HVAC 5) Calculate: Actual Temperature Split = 17.00 Treturn db - Tsupply, db Target Temperature Split from Table RA3.2-3 17.0 using Treturn wb and Treturn db Calculate difference: Actual Temperature 0 Split - Target Temperature Split = Passes if difference is between -3°F and +3°F or, upon remeasurement, if between PASS -3°F and -100°F Enter Pass or Fail Note: Temperature Split Method Calculation is not necessary if actual Cooling Coil Airflow is verified using one of the airflow measurement procedures specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.3. If actual cooling coil airflow is measured, the value must be equal to or greater than the Calculated Minimum Airflow Requirement in the table below. Calculated Minimum Airflow Requirement (CFM) = Nominal Cooling Capacity (ton) X1300 (cfm/ton) 1 System Name or;Identiflcation/Tag- System 5.(HVAC 5) Calculated Minimum Airflow Requirement (CFM) Measured Airflow using RA3.3 procedures (CFM) Measurement Method Passes if measured airflow is greater than or equal to -the calculated minimum airflow requirement. Enter Pass or Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:13:27 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HER: tefrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 5 of 6; Site Address: Enforcement Ag7n7y.1 Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 13-807 Superheat Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for fixed orifice metering device systems System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 (HVAC 5) Calculate: Actual Superheat = 13.0 Tsuction - Teva orator sat Target Superheat from Table RA3.2-2 10.0 using Treturn wb and Tcondenser, db 4-25 Calculate difference: Actual Superheat - Target Superheat = System passes if difference is between PASS C -5°F and +5°F j Enter Pass or Fail Subcooling Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 (HVAC 5) Calculate: Actual Subcooling = 13.0 Tcondenser, sat - Tli uid Target Subcooling specified by 10.0 manufacturer 4-25 Calculate difference: Actual Subcoolin Target Subcooling,--.--- ubcoolin -.---System Systempasses if difference is between -3°F and +3°Fe';'� I PASS C //r Enter Pass or Fail j Y i J l Metering Device Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification.'This procedure is�required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 (HVAC 5) Calculate: Actual Superheat = 24.0 Tsuction - Teva orator sat Enter allowable superheat range from manufacturer's specifications (or use range 4-25 between 4°F and 25°F if manufacturer's specification is not available) System passes if actual superheat is within the allowable superheat range PASS Enter Pass or Fail Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:13:27 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 6 of 6) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 53 Latrobe Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 1 13-807 Standard Charge Measurement Summary: System shall pass both refrigerant charge criteria, metering device criteria (if applicable), and minimum cooling coil airflow criteria based on measurements taken concurrently during system operation. If corrective actions were taken, all applicable verification criteria must be re -measured and/or recalculated. System Name or Identification/Tag System 5 (HVAC 5) CSLB License: Date Signed: 111/13/2014 Position With Company (Title): System meets all refrigerant charge and Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No airflow requirements. PASS Enter Pass or Fail IN Residential Appendix RA3.2.2 requires that if the outdoor temperature is between 55°F and 65°F the return air dry bulb temperature shall be maintained above 70°F during the Standard Charge Measurement Procedure. The signature of the Responsible Person in the declaration statement below certifies this requirement has been met for all applicable system verifications reported on this certificate. DECLARATION STATEMENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. • I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction (responsible person). • I certify that the installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate, (the installation) conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. • I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking; identifiis'defects, I am required t6take corrective action at my,expense: I undefstand that Energy�Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including -those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and if those installations fail to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, tlie,required corrective action and additional checking/testirig of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at,rnyiexpense:' ,1T f J` ' 1 , . f • I reviewedWcopy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF -1R) form approved'by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF -1R that apply to the installation have been met. • I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data registry for multiple orientation alternatives, and beginning October 1, 2010, for all low-rise residential buildings. Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Stracts Inc. Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Anton Marinkovich Anton Morinkovich CSLB License: Date Signed: 111/13/2014 Position With Company (Title): Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Reg: 213-N0047133A-M2500009A-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2014/12/18 18:13:27 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2013 12/1812014 Ca/CERTS - CF -6R (2008 Standards) Name Address / CF-6Rs Plan croup Status Phase 53 ft—(cf4r 2008.cfm? McElwee Residence-Stracts (plans 2008 edit.cfm? 595456 Lot Latrobe Complete o 1 Lane project id=425987&plan id=339561) project id=425987&test lot id=595456) Please select the CF -6R To Complete: Tested Form CF -6R Select System Feature Name Status Wncheck AM (cf6r 2008.cfm?pro4ect id=425987&lot id=5954561 System Duct CF -6R- � (cert Sessionprint.cfm?source=1) O✓ ��j (cf6r 2008.cfm? 1 Leakage MECH- Complete project id=425987&lot id=595456&process=killfile&filetokill=E:\calcertscco,gym'\pre2013Standards\ProjectFiles\425987\ 1H)VAC Test - New 20- HERS N0047133A-M2000001A-0000.pdf) System CF -6R- (cert Session print.cfm?source=2) 2 ��}� (cf6r 2008.cfm? High EER MECH- Complete project id=425987&lot id=595456&process=killfile&filetokill=EAca Ice rtscom\pre20l3Standards\ProjectFiles\425987\ (HVAC 1) HERS N0047133A-M2300002A-0000.pdf) System CF -6R- I I}1 (cert Sessionprint.cfm?source=3) O (cf6r 2008.cfm? 1 Refrigerant MECH- Complete UEV project id=425987&lot id=595456&process=killfile&filetokill=E:\calcertscom'\pre2013Standards\ProjectFiles\425987\ (HVAC Charge RCA - 1) HERS N0047133A-M2500003A-0000.pdf) System Duct CF -6R- I j}1 (cert Sessionprint.cfm?source=4) 0 }�j (cf6r 2008.cfm? 2 Leakage MECH- Complete project id=425987&lot id=59545"6&process=killfile&filetokill=E:\calcertscom\pre2013Standards\ProjectFiles\425987\ 2) VAC Test - New 20- OERS N0047133A-M2000004A-0000.pdf) httpsYAvww.calcerts.com/cf6r 2008.cfm?project id=425987&lot id=595456&se1ecta/1=1 113 12/18'2014 Ca10ERTS - CF -6R (2008 Standards) System CF -6R- � (cert Sessionprint.cfm?source=5) 19,(cf6r 2008.cfm? 2 High EER MECH- Complete (HVAC 23- project id=425987&lot id=595456&process=killfile&filetokill=E:\calcertscom\pre2013Standards\ProjectFiles\425987\ 2) HERS N0047133A-M2300002A-OOOO.pdfl System CF -6R- (cert Session print.cfm?source=6)! (cf6r 2008.cfm? 2 Refrigerant g MECH- Complete project id=425987&lot id=595456&process=killfile&filetokill=E:\ca Ice rtscom\pre20l3Standards\ProjectFiles\425987\ (HVAC Charge RCA- � 2) HERS N0047133A-M2500003A-OOOO.pdfl (,(1 System Duct CF -6R- � (cert Sessionprint.cfm?source=7) O✓ (cf6r 2008.cfm? 3 Leakage MECH- Complete project id=425987&lot id=595456&process=killfile&filetokill=E:\calcertscom\pre2013Standards\ProjectFiles\425987\ (HVAC Test - New 20- HERS N0047133A-M2000005A-0000.pdf) System CF -6R- (cert Session print.cfm?source=8) ITP(cf6r 2008.cfm? 3 High -EER MECH- Complete project=id=425987&lot id=595456&process=killfile&filetokill=E:\calcertscom\pre2013Standards\ProjectFiles\425987\ (HVAC 23- _ 3) HERS N0047133A-M2300002A-OOOO.pdfl System CF -6R- (cert Session print.cfm?source=9)(cf6r 19- 2008.cfm? 3 (HVAC Refrigerant MECH- RCA- Complete pro ect id=425987&lot id=5951456& P J rocess=killfile&filetokill=EAcaIcertscom\ re20l3Standards\Pro ectFiles\425987\ p P J Charge 3) HERS N0047133A-M2500003A-0000.pdf) System CF -6R- � (cert Session pri nt.cfm?sou rce=1 0) OO �� (cf6r 2008.cfm? LILY 1 , 4 Duct Leakage MECH- Complete project id=425987&lot id=595456&process=killfile&filetokill=E:\calcertscom\pre2013Standards\ProjectFiles\425987\ VAC 20- OERS 4) Test - New N0047133A-M2000006A-0000.pdf) System CF -6R- l a! (cert Sessionprint.cfm?source=11) j} (cf6r 2008.cfm? 4 High EER MECH- Complete project id=425987&lot id=595114456``&process=killfile&filetokill=E:\calcertscom\pre2013Standards\ProjectFiles\425987\ httpsYAvww.calcerts.com/cf6r 2008.cfn?project id=425987&1ot id=595456&se/ectal1=l 213 12/182014 Ca/CERTS - CF -6R (2008 Standards) (HVAC 23- N0047133A-M2300002A-0000.pdf) 4) HERS System CF -6R- (cert Sessionprint.cfm?source=12)(cf6r 19. 2008.cfm? 4 Refrigerant M - ECH Complete LEY project id=425987&lot id=595456&process=killfile&filetokill=E:\ca Ice rtscom\pre20l3Standards\ProjectFiles\425987\ (HVAC Charge RCA - 4) HERS N0047133A+M2500003A-0000.pdf) System Duct CF -6R- (cert Sessionprint.cfm?source=13) P5 Q (cf6r 2008.cfm? Leakage 3 Complete iL� project id=425987&lot id=595456&process=killfile&filetokill=E•\calcertscoommm\pre2013Standards\ProjectFiles\425987\ (HVAC 5)ECH- Test -New HERS N0047133A-M2000007A-0000.pdf) System CF -6R -I r>1(cert Session print.cfm?source=14) OOj (cf6r 2008.cfm? High EER 33 tr./ project id=425987&lot id=595456&process=killfile&filetokill=E•\calcertscom\pre2013Standards\ProjectFiles\425987\ (HVAC -Complete 5) HERS N0047133A-M2300008A-0000.pdf) System CF -6R- C* (cert Sessionprint.cfm?source=15) O✓ LJ*01 (cf6r 2008.cfm? 5 Refrigerant g MECH- Complete project id=425987&lot id=595456&process=killfile&filetokill=EAcaIce rtscom\pre2013Standards\ProjectFiles\425987\ (HVAC Charge RCA - 5) HERS N0047133A-M2500009A-0000.pdf) IL 1 Multi -Print: If you would like to download a single PDF for multiple items, select the ones you want to print from above, then click the Print Selected button. Print Selected `; Copyright © 2004-2014 CaICERTS, Inc. All rights reserved. (Al" "Iffm %"* . httpsY/www.calcerts.com/cf6r 2008.cfm?project id=425987&lot id=595456&se1ecta11=1 X3 Sladden Engineering 45090 Golf Center Parkway, Suite F, Indio, CA 92201 (760) 863-0713 Fax (760) 863-0847 6782 Stanton Avenue, Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 450 Egan Avenue, Beaumont, CA 92223 (951) 845-7743 Fax (951) 845-8863 800 E. Florida Avenue, Hemet, CA. 92543 (951) 766-8777 Fax (951) 766-8778 June 18, 2013 , Project No. 544-13146 13-06-211 1 Mr. McElwee c/o Stracts Inc. Rsc& 51-350 Desert Club Drive La Quinta, California 92253 Subject: Geotechnical Update 2013 00fl, 'ICU 0'� Project: McElwee Residence �VI7-Y QIJI/VT Lot 18 - 53-045 Latrobe Lane q Tradition Golf Club D�V�COP MF/V7' La Quinta, California Ref: Report of Testing and Observation During Rough Grading prepared by Sladden Engineering dated July 30,1997; Project No. 522-6138G1 Geotechnical Update report prepared by Sladden Engineering dated December 12, 1996; Project No. 444-6130 As requested, we have reviewed the referenced geotechnical reports as they relate to the design and construction of the proposed Duffield residence. The project site is located on lot 18 53-045 Latrobe Lane within The Tradition Golf Club. development in the City of La Quinta, California. It is our understanding that the proposed residential structure will be of relatively lightweight wood -frame construction and will be supported by conventional shallow spread footings and concrete slabs on grade. The lot was previously graded during the initial rough grading of the Tradition Golf Club project site. The rough grading included over -excavation and/or recompaction of the native surface soil along with the placement of engineered fill material to construct the building pads. The site grading is summarized in the referenced gradingreport along with the compaction test results. The referenced reports include recommendations pertaining to the design and construction of residential structure foundations. Based upon our review of the referenced reports, it is our opinion that the structural values included in these reports remain applicable for the design and construction of the proposed residential structure foundations. June 18, 2013 -2- Project No. 544-13146 13-06-211 Conventional shallow spread footings should be bottomed into properly compacted fill material a minimum of 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade. Continuous footings should be at least 12 inches wide and isolated pad footings should be at least 2 feet wide. Continuous footings and isolated pad footings should be designed utilizing allowable bearing pressures of 1800 psf and 2000 psf, respectively. Allowable increase of 200 psf for each additional 1 foot of width and 250 psf for each additional 6 inches of depth may be, utilized, if desired. The maximum allowable bearing pressure should be 3000 psf. The recommended allowable bearing pressures may be increased by one-third for wind and seismic loading. Increases in allowable bearing pressures may be realized with increased footing size. ' Resistance to lateral loads can be provided by a combination of friction acting at the base of the slabs or foundations and passive earth pressure along the sides of the foundations. A coefficient of friction of 0.48 between soil and concrete may be used with dead load forces only. A passive earth pressure of 300 pounds per square foot, per foot of depth, may be used for the sides of footings, which are placed against properly compacted native soils. The bearing soil is non -expansive and falls within the "very low" expansion category in accordance with 2010 California Building Code (CBC) classification criteria. Slab thickness and reinforcement should be determined by the structural engineer, we recommend a minimum floor slab thickness of 4.0 inches. All slab reinforcement should be supported on concrete chairs to ensure that reinforcement is placed at slab mid -height. Because the lot has been previously graded, the remedial grading required at this time for the proposed residence should be minimal. The building areas should be cleared of surface vegetation, scarified and moisture conditioned prior to precise grading. The exposed surface should be compacted so that a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction is attained prior to fill placement. Any fill material should be placed in thin lifts at near optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. Based on our field observations and understanding of local geologic conditions, the soil profile type judged applicable -to this site is SD, generally described as stiff soil. The following presents additional coefficients and factors relevant to seismic mitigation for new construction based upon the 2010 California Building Code (CBC). The seismic design category for a structure may be determined in accordance with Section 1613 of the 2010 CBC or ASCE7. According to the 2010 CBC, Site Class D may be used to estimate design seismic loading for the proposed structures. The 2010 CBC Seismic Design Parameters are summarized below. Sladden Engineering June 18, 2013 -3- Project No. 544-13146 13-06-211 Occupancy Category (Table 1604.5): II Site Class (Table 1613.5.5): D Ss (Figure 1613.5.1):1.50g S1 (Figure 1613.5.1): 0.60g Fa (Table 1613.5.3(1)):1.0 Fv (Table 1613.5.3(2)):1.5 Sms (Equation 16-36 {Fa X Ssl): 1.50g Sm1 (Equation 16-37 {Fv X Si)): 0.90g SDS (Equation 16-38 (2/3 X Sms)):1.00g SDI (Equation 16-39 (2/3 X Sm1)): 0.60g Seismic Design Category D In addition, we have sampled the surface soil on the subject lot to determine the soluble sulfate content as it relates to selecting appropriate concrete mix designs. Testing indicates that.the site soil is generally considered non- corrosive with respect to concrete. The testing indicated soluble sulfate content of 50 ppm (0.005 percent) that corresponds. with the "negligible" exposure category in accordance with ACI 318-08, Table 3. Based upon this, the use of sulfate resistance concrete mixes is not required. We appreciate the opportunity to provide service to you on this project, if you have any questions regarding this letter or the referenced reports please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, SLADDEN ENGINEERING FRANK D. Frank D. Gorman Principal Engineer h GORMAN No. 36496 Exp. 8!30114 CIVIL SER/jg >f ENGINEERING /_. Copies: 4/ Stracts Inc. Sladden Engineering Sladden Engineering 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 45090 Golf Center Pkwy, Suite F, Indio, CA 92201 (760) 863-0713 Fax (760) 863-0847 450 Egan Avenue, Beaumont, CA 92223 (951) 845-7743 Fax (951) 845-8863 r Date: June 21, 2013 r Account No.: 544-13146 " Customer: Mr. McElwee c/o Stracts Location: Traditions, 53-045 Latrobe Lane, Lot 18, La Quinta Sulfate Series Analytical Report Soluble Sulfates Soluble Chloride per CA 417 per CA 422 IDIOM ppm 50 120 Sulfate 544-13146 066213 I TABLE 19-A-2—REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIAL EXPOSURF cnwmmr)Pi__q TABLE 19-A-3—REQUIREMENTS FOR CONCRETE EXPOSED TO SI 11 FGTF_f r1MTAll 1" s- ! MAXIMUM MINIMUM f'c, NORfAAL-.WEIGHT AND . WATER-CEMENTMus LIGHTWEIGHT.. 4 MATERIALS' RATIO;'BY.:' AGGREGATE -CONCRETE, EXPOSURE CONDITION WEIGHT,'NORMAL=WEIGHT• ' AGGREGATE CONCRETE ::'.:Psl'....' ... x 0.00689 for MPa Concrete intended to have low permeability when exposed to water. 0.50 4,000 Concrele exposed to freezing and thawing in a moist condition or to deicing chemicals 0.45 4,500 For corrosion protection for reinforced concrete exposed to chlorides from deicing chemicals, salts or . �.Llghtwelghl ' SULFATE brackish water, or -spray -from thesc'sources 0.40 Wet h4 Ncitne{ Welgtit Aggrbgale.. Concrete,.. pili 5,000 TABLE 19-A-3—REQUIREMENTS FOR CONCRETE EXPOSED TO SI 11 FGTF_f r1MTAll 1" s- against eorrosion'of embedded items or freezing and thawing (T ble 19-A-2uired j r low permeabilityor for protection ZSeawater 3pozzolan that has been determined by test or service record to improve sulfate resistance when used in concrete con - mining Tl pe V cement. 2-264 I NORMAL -WEIGHT LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE AGGREGATE CONCRETE Maxlmum'Water- Cementltlous !",'Normal- Weight WATER- SOLUBLE and SULFATE Matarlals.: Ratlo; bq . . �.Llghtwelghl ' SULFATE ((SO )IN '011 AC AG BY Wet h4 Ncitne{ Welgtit Aggrbgale.. Concrete,.. pili EXPOSURE WEIGHT SULFATE (SO4) IN WATER, ppm CEMENT TYPE Aggregate Concrete' x a.006891or MPa. Negligible 0.00-0.10 0-150 Modcratez. 0.10-0.20 1501,500 II, IP(MS), IS '0.50• 4,000 (MS) Severe 0.20-2.00 1,500-110,000 V 0.45 4,500 Very severe Over 2.00 Over 10,000 V plus 0.45 4,500 pozzolan3 against eorrosion'of embedded items or freezing and thawing (T ble 19-A-2uired j r low permeabilityor for protection ZSeawater 3pozzolan that has been determined by test or service record to improve sulfate resistance when used in concrete con - mining Tl pe V cement. 2-264 I LA QUINTA SLILI- J3ly� Please verify that soils reports contain all of the above information. In addition, to assure continuity between'the investigation/reporting stage and the execution stage, please use the following checklist to verify that the conclusions and recommendations in the report cover all the required elements. Only then. can we be assured that the construction documents address all of the site soil conditions. La. Quinta Geotechnical Report Checklist Does the "Conclusions and Recommendations" section of the report address each of the following criteria? "Address" means: (a) the criterion is considered significant and mitigation measure(s) noted, or; (b) the criterion is considered insignificant and explicitly so stated. Yes No Criterion ` ❑ Foundation criteria based upon bearing capacity of natural or compacted soil. ❑ Foundation criteria to mitigate the effects of expansive soils. ❑ Foundation criteria based upon bearing capacity. -of natural or --compacted soil. ❑ Foundation criteria to mitigate the effects of liquefaction. ❑ Foundation criteria. to mitigate the effects of seismically induced differential settlement. ❑ Foundation criteria to mitigate the effects of long-term differential settlement. ❑ Foundation criteria to mitigate the effects of varying soil strength. ❑ Foundation criteria to mitigate expected total and differential settlement. Any "No" answers to the above checklist should be noted as specific required corrections. w .w�Electronically Filed by Tim Scott and Authentic) C CERtacmt. o- 6/2 /r62 Electronically Signed at CalCERTS.com by Anton Marinkovich (nc. 60 P PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential Part 1 of 5 CF -1 R Project Name McElwee Residence Building Type m Single Family ❑ Addition Alone ❑ Multi Family ❑ Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 612512013 Project Address 53 Latrobe lane, The Traditions La Quintz California Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 15 Total Cond. Floor Area 5,153 Addition n/a # of Stories 1 FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST ❑ Yes ❑ No HERS Measures -- If Yes, A CF -413 must be provided per Part 2 of 5 of this form. ❑ Yes ❑ No Special Features -- If Yes, see Part 2 of 5 of this form for details. INSULATION Area Special Construction Type Cavity Features see Part 2 of 5 Status Roof Wood Framed Attic R-38 5,149 Radiant Ba New Wall Wood Framed R-21 4,202 New Slab Unheated Slab -on -Grade None 5,153 Perim = 440' V C LJ New UG 1 7411 . LA QUIN Y DEVELop FENESTRATION '' °V',U- Exterior Orientation Area 1 Factor SHGC Overhang Sidefins Shades Status Skylight 4.0 1 `:x:0.800 0.39 none none None New Front, (E);;, _ 134.50,390;0.39- none:.. none, -Bug Screener New /�, 0.39 10.0 - r'n'one° -- Bu Screen New Left (S)',t 184.0s' ,0.390 9 Front (NE) r , 227 7 " [,' 0.390;: 0.39 none o`ne Bug Screen \, f "-New Left (SE) ef 138.0 ,gf`:. 0.390 039 I40 ,,. m " none __,i - Bug Screen f1Vew a a t Left(SE)v,��l °,430.0Qx1; ,0.390 ,,, 0.39 W180noneBug:Sc.yreen ,New, LeR (SE) ; ' 78.0 0.390 0.39,, _ none - none Bug Screen New Rear(SK 221.0 + `:0.390 0.39 14.0 none Bug Screen New Rear (SM - 25.0 J. 10.390 0.39 10.0 none Bug Screen New Rear (SW '30.0 0.390 0.39 none none Bug Screen New Right (NM 187.0.x; 0.390 0.39 none none Bug Screen New HVAC SYSTEMS Qty.' Heating Min. Eff Cooling Min. Eff Thermostat Status 1 Central Furnace 80% AFUE Split Air Conditioner 15.0 SEER Setback New 2 Central Furnace 80% AFUE Split Air Conditioner 15.0 SEER Setback New 1 Central Furnace 80% AFUE Split Air Conditioner 15.5 SEER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION t Location Heating Coolin t1lon 01 1INTRt lue Status HVAC 1 Ducted Ducted tti , ilio Ins v qt New HVAC 2 8 3 Ducted Ducted r, I n ins v n 8.0 New HVAC 4 Ducted Ducted Attic Ceiling ns, v n 8.0 New WATER HEATING FOR L Qty. Type Gallons Min Eff Di%trfoutionT Status 2 Small Gas 75 0.80 New EnergyPro 5.1 by Ene Soft User Number: 6712 RunCode: 2013-06-25T18:46:50 ID: Pae 1 of 9 Reg: 213-N0047133A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2013/06/26 00:27:50 HERS Provider: Ca10ERTS, inc Electronically Filed by Tim Scott and Authenticated at CalCERTS.com -.6/26/2013 Electronically Signed.at CalCERTS.com by Anton Marinkovich (Stracts Inc.) 6/26/2013 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential Part 1 of 5 CF -1 R Project Name McElwee Residence Building Type m Single Family ❑ Addition Alone ❑ Multi Family O Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 6/25/2013 Project Address 53 Latrobe lane, The Traditions La Quint4 California Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 15 Total Cond. Floor Area 5,153 Addition' n/a # of Stories 1 FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST ❑ Yes ❑ No HERS Measures -- If Yes, A CF -4R, must be provided per Part 2 of 5 of this form. ❑ Yes ❑ No . Special Features --1f Yes, see Part 2 of 5 of this form for details. INSULATION Area Special Construction Type, Cavity Features see Part 2 of 5 Status FENESTRATION::' ` , .IU- Exterior Orientation......:..a.Area (Actor SHGC Overhang Sidefins Shades Status Right (N) 20.0x' ';;:0.390 0.39 none none Bug Screen New Left (SE) - _ _. 52.8 0 390 0 39 8 0� _, none.. BugScreen New Rear (SVI� '. 104.0 090'0 39 8, 0 + 4none 1 Bug Scr en _ New s, M. G ?d �•�..< '„���. �� V t.3'3 Jh t � '... �Yxx <..:-... � ,?��� ./4i,±., .,' .A _K... ,k. .^f .. ...v .. ... �._ .f.: :..... V. ,+, Z, '. HVAC SYSTEMS Ot . - Heating Min. Eff Cooling Min. Eff Thermostat Status 1 Central Furnace 80% AFUE Split Air Conditioner 14.5 SEER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION Duct Location Heating Cooling Duct Location R -Value Status HVAC 5 Ducted Ducted Attic, Ceiling Ins, vented 8.0 New WATER HEATING ! 1%J ETY Ot Type Gallons Mi . Ef'f�IL16iQrI6 t�F SEPT. Status �� l C FOR C N5 IJ DATE ---- BY EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 6712 Run Code: 12,01,&0 2=18x4&5 Pane 2 of 9 Reg: 213-M0047133A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time:2013/06/26 00:27:50 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, inc Electronically Filed by Tim Scott and Authenticated at Ca10ERTS.com - 6/26/2013 Electronically Signed at CalCERTS.com by Anton Marinkovich (Stracts Inc.) 6/26/2013 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential Part 2 of 5 CF -1 R Project Name Building Type ® Single Family ❑ Addition Alone Date McElwee Residence 1 ❑ Multi Family ❑ Existing+ Addition/Alteration 1612512013 SPECIAL FEATURES INSPECTION CHECKLIST The enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. he HVAC System HVAC 1 must serve only Sleeping Areas. The non -closable area between zones cannot exceed 40 sf and each zone must have a separate thermostat. In addition the air flow requirements and fan waft draw requirements in Residential Appendix RA3.3 must be met. HIGH MASS Design - Verify Thermal Mass: 837.0 It' Covered Slab Floor, 3.500" thick at Master Bedroom HIGH MASS Design - Verify Thermal Mass: 205.0 fl2 Exposed Slab Floor, 3.500" thick at Master Bedroom HIGH MASS Design - Verity Thermal Mass: 278.0 fl2 Covered Slab Floor, 3.500" thick at Office HIGH MASS Design - Verify Thermal Mass: 79.0 fl2 Exposed Slab Floor, 3.500" thick at Office The HVAC System HVAC 2 & 3 must serve only Living Areas. The non -closable area between zones cannot exceed 40 sf and each zone must have a searete thermostat. In addition the air flow uirements and fan waft draw requirements in Residential Appendix RA3.3 must be met. HI H MASS Design - Verify Thermal Mass: 264.0 fl2 Covered Slab Floor, 3.500" thick at Great/Dining/Kitchen/Family HIGH MASS Design - Verity Thermal Mass. 2,223.0 fl2 Exposed Slab Floor, 3.500" thick at Great/Dining/Kitchen/Family The HVAC System HVAC 4 must serve only Living Areas. The non -closable area between zones cannot exceed 40 sf and each zone must have a separate thermostat. In addition the air flow requirements and fan watt draw requirements in Residential Appendix RA3.3 must be met. HIGH MASS Design - Verify Thermal 360.0 R' Covered Slab Floor, 3.500" thick at Casita )Mass: HIGH MASS Design - Verity Thermal Mass: 72.0 R2 Exposed Slab Floor, 3.500" thick atCasita The HVAC System HVAC 5 must serve only Livino Areas:7The'rion-closable area between zonescannot exceed''40'sf and each zone must have a se arate thermostat. Inaddition the airflow requirements. and fan watt thaw re `uirements in"Residential Appendix RA3'3 must be met. HIGH MASS Design = Venfy.Thermel} !Mass: 678.0 flZ Covered Slab Floor, 3.500" thick at Bedroom 2'& 3oe- ... HERS REQUIREDNERIFICATION . - �-- �" r Items m-tfiisectlon require Held testing and/or verificcertified HER S,Rater.�The'inspector must receive a Z-Owby:a corn Ieted CF -4R form for each of the measures listed below for final to be given. The Cooling System Carrier 24ANP660 /58CVX110 includes credit for a 12.5 EER Condenser. A certified HERS rater must field verify the installation of the correct Condenser. I The HVAC System HVAC 1 ,., incorporates HERS Verified Refrigerant Charge or a Charge Indicator Display. r, The HVAC System HVAC 1 'incorporates HERS verified Duct Leakage. HERS field verification and diagnostic testing is required to verify that duct leakage meets the specified criteria The Cooling System Carrier 24ANP660 / 58CVX110 includes credit for a 12.5 EER Condenser. A certified HERS rater must field verify the installation of the correct Condenser. The HVAC System HVAC 2 & 3 incorporates HERS Verified Refrigerant Charge or a Charge Indicator Display. The HVAC System HVAC 2 & 3 incorporates HERS verified Duct Leakage. HERS field verification and diagnostic testing is required to verify that duct leakage meets the specified criteria. The Cooling System 24ANP624 / 58CVX070 includes credit for a 13.0 EER Condenser. A certified HERS rater must field verify the installation of the correct Condenser. I The HVAC System HVAC 4 incorporates HERS Verified Refrigerant Charge or a Charge Indicator Display. The HVAC System HVAC 4 incorporates HERS verified Duct Leakage. HERS field verification and diagnostic testing is required to verify that duct leakage meets the specified criteria. The Cooling System Carrier 24ANP636 / 58CVX070 includes credit forndemsar-AI rce i erdnu field verify the installation H of the correct Condenser. Q The HVAC System HVAC 5 incorporates HERS Verified Refrigerant Chrg�or �I Lha I d' to�r�Df' IJcy DEPT. The HVAC System HVAC 5 incorporates HERS verified Duct Leakage. ERS fie/dAVe- yI nja y di` g'ob ie tes-7 is req 'red to verify that duct leakage meets the specified criteria. 1 Ene Pro 5.1 by EnerqySoft User Number: 6712 RunCode: 201306-25718:46:50 D: Page 3 of 9 Reg: 213-N0047133A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2013/06/26 00:27:50 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc Electronically Filed by Tim Scott and Authenticated at Ca10ERTS.com - 6/26/2013 Electronically Signed at Ca10ERTS.com by Anton Marinkovich (Stracts Inc.)•6/26/2013 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential Part 2 of 5 CF -1 R Project Name McElwee Residence Building Type ;® Single Family ❑ Addition Alone I . - ❑ Multi Family ❑ Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 6/25/2013 SPECIAL FEATURES INSPECTION CHECKLIST . The enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. HIGH MASS Design - Verify Thermal Mass:. 157.0 ft2 Exposed Slab Floor, 3.500" thick at Bedroom 2 6 3 The Roof R-38 Roof Attic includes credit for a Radiant Barrier that is Continuous meeting eligibility and installation criteria as specified in Residential Appendix RA4.2.2. 3: Zli Wff. i�:. .j � ���F:. .0 .s� ,9 f �..��.., ".. _... �. IiEi�.. x}F F Q i �, ed HERS,REQUIRED�/ERIFICATIO� a � Items linahis s�ecUon�requirefeld testing�dlor verification byacerfified HERSRater , Thesmspectormust receff tee, �,. ive a com Ieted.CF-4.R-form for each of the measures.hsted below for final to w iven:" -' SAFETY DEPT. PPROVE® FOR CONSTRUCTION -DATE BY - - Ene Pro 5.1 by EnemySoft User Number: 6712 RunCoPage 4 of 9 Reg: 213-N0047133A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Timed 2013/06/26 00:27:50 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc Electronically Filed by Tim'SCott and Authenticated at Ca10ERTS.com - 6/26/2013 Electronically Sioned at Ca10ERTS.com by Anton Marinkovich (Stracts Incl 6/26/2013 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential Part 3 of 5 CF -1 R Project Name Building Type m Single Family ❑ Addition Alone Date McElwee Residence o Multi Family ❑ Existing+ Addition/Alteration 1612512013 ANNUAL ENERGY USE SUMMARY Standard Proposed Margin TDV . kBtu/kt r Space Heating 4.46 ' a.3s 0.08 Space Cooling .53.78 47.54. 6.25 Fans 10.80 14.31 -3.51 Domestic Hot Water 7.08 5.79 1.29 Pumps 0.00 0.00 0.00 Totals 76.13 72.01 4.12 Percent Better Than Standard: 5.4% BUILDING COMPLIES -HERS VERIFICATION REQUIRED . Fenestration Building Front Orientation:.. (NE) 60 deg Ext. Walls/Roof Wall Area Area Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 (NE) 1,586 362 Fuel Available at Site: :. Natural Gas (SE) 1,333 483 Raised Floor Area: 0 (SM 1,538 380 Slab on Grade Area:'-, 5,153 (NIM 1,177 207 Average Ceiling Height: ifs; ' 12.8 Root 5,153 4 Fenestration. Average LlFactor: 0.39 TOTAL: 1,436 Average SHG,,I: 0.39 Fenestration/CFA Ratio: 27.9% j l H 1 CIYICrV l Vr' l:rV1Y11"LIHIVVC Thls certificate of compliance list'.'the building features and specifications needed to comply with Title 24,; Parts'A the Administrative Regulations and Part 6 the Efficiency Standards otthetlifornia Code of Regulations. The documentation author hereby certifies that the documentation is accurate and complete: Documentation Author Company Scott Design and Title 24, Inc, 6/25!2013 Address 77-085 Michigan Drive Name Tim Scott City/State/ZiD Palm Desert, Ca 92211 Phone (760) 200-4780 Signed Date The individual with overall design responsibility hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other -compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application, and recognizes that compliance using duct design, duct sealing, verification of refrigerant charge, insulation installation quality, and building envelope sealing require installer testing and certification and field verification by an approved HERS rater. Designer or Owner (per Business & Professi Company STRACTS, Inc. Address 550 S. Oleander Name City/State/Zip Palm Springs, CA 92264 Phone Reg: 213-NO047133A1-000000000-0000 Registration Date) ns(5ppy OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. ton Man�vc �® ( so) 771FOR CONSTRU N le: W6-25718:46:50 ID: 'Eim�...;2.(l�'�)nFi�F nn•27•s0 HFRS Prov' License # Date ar: CalCERTS, Inc Electronically Filed by Tim Scott and Authenticated at CalCERTS.com - 6/26/2013 Electronically Signed at CalCERTS.com by Anton Marinkovich (Stracts Inc.) 6/26/2013 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential Part 4 of 5 CF -1 R Project Name McElwee Residence Building Type m Single Family ❑Addition Alone ❑ Multi Family ❑ Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 6/25/2013 OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS Surface Type Area U- Insulation Joint Appendix Factor Cavity Exterior` Frame Interior Frame Azm Tilt I Status 4 Location/Comments Roof 1,038 0.025 R-38 0 0 New 4.2.1-A21 Master Bedroom Wall 32 0.069 R-21 5 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Master Bedroom Wall 324 0.069 R-21 95 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Master Bedroom Wall 169 0.069R-21 185 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Master Bedroom Wall 64 0.069 R-21 275 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Master Bedroom Slab 837 0.730 None 0 180 New 4.4.7-A1 Master Bedroom Slab 205 0.730 None 01 180 New 4.4.7-A1 Master Bedroom Roof 357 0.025 R-38 0 0 New 4.2.1-A21 Office Wall 73 0.069 R-21 185 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Office Wall 90 0.069 R-21 240 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Office Wall 1 100 0.069 R-21 275 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Office Slab 278 0.730 None 0 180 New 4.4.7-A1 Office Slab 79 0.730 None 0 180 New 4.4.7-A1 Office Roof 2,487 0.025 R-38 0 0 New 4.2.1-A21 Great/Dinin /Kitchen/Fam (Nall 682 0.069 R-21' 60 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Great/Dinin /Kitchen/Fam Wall 517 0.069 R-21 150 90 1 New 14.3.1-A6 Great/Dinin /Kitchen/Fam FENESTRATION SURFACE DETAILS ID Type Area LI -Factor' SHGC Azm Status Glazing Type Location/Comments 1 Skylight 4.0 0.800 NFRC 0.39 1 NFRC 0 New Skylight Master Bedroom -2-. Window 6.0 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 95 New Architectural Traditions Window Master Bedroom '3 . Window `" 20.0 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 95 New Architectural Traditions Window Master Bedroom 4„ Window 20.0 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 95 New Architectural Traditions Window Master Bedroom 5'\ Window..., .0 20.0 0.390 NFRC--. ...0.39_.NFRC,,,-.. ......_95 New -Architectural -Traditions : Window Master Bedroom 6 Window"•. _ V 6.0 . 6.390 'NFRC ,,Xe--, 0.39 ;NFRC "" 95 New [r.. Architectural Traditions !Window Master Bedroom 7 Window,, "12.5 6.390 NFRC 1 "' a . 0.39 'NFRC 95 New:. ? . Architectural Traditions Window Master Bedroom 8 Window 12.5_ "'Zo.390, NFRC 0.39 NFRC 4 95 New: Architectural Traditions Window Master Bedroom - - .9 Window 112?0 10.390 NFRC t 0.39 NFRC 1 185 New i ''. Architectural Traditions Window Master. Bedrooms. 'O 10 Wndow ,172.0,'),0.390 NFRC , 0.39' NFRC.., ,f85 New i Architectural Traditions Window Officers, I,(fI 11 ,: Windows l k,,,72.0' ,.,0.390 NFROm 'X639 NFRC 60 New.' '-, Architectural,Traditions:Whdow Great/DininghQtchen/Family 12 Wndow 103.7 0.390 NFRC ' 0.39. NFRC 60 New Architectural Traditions Window GreaNDining/Kitchen/Family 13 Window 40.0 6.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 60 New Architectural Traditions Window Great/Dining/Kitchen/Family 14.- Window '+6.0 0.396 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 60 New Architectural Traditions Window Great/Dining/Kitchen/Family 15 Window 6.0 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 60 New Architectural Traditions Window Greab57ningh0tchen1Fami1y 16 Wndow 90.0 1 k. 0.390 NFRC 0.39 1 NFRC 150 New Architectural Traditions Window Great/Dining/Kitchen/Family (1) LI -Factor Type: -116-A = Default Table from Standards, NFRC = Labeled Value 2 SHGC Type: 116-B = Default Table from Standards, NFRC = Labeled Value EXTERIOR SHADING DETAILS ID Window Exterior Shade Type SHGC Wit I Wd Ove hanq Left Fin Ri ht Fin Len I H t LExt RExt Dist Len H t Dist Len H t 1 None 1.00 2 Bug Screen 0.76 3 Bug Screen 0.76 4 1Bug Screen 0.76 5 Bug Screen 0.76 6 Buv Screen 0.76 7 Bug Screen 0.76 8 Bug Screen 0.76 9 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 14.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 10 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 9.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 11 Buq Screen 0.76 12 13 Bug Screen Bug Screen 0.76r 0.76 a Y 14 Bug Screen 0.76 Rum NN 15 Bug Screen 0.76.-- 16 Bu Screen 0.76 10.0 9.0 14.0 q [0.`1 . 1910! } FOR CONSTRUCTION EnemyPro 5.1 by EnergvSoft User Number: 6712 RunCode: 2013-06-25718:46:50 ID: Page 6 of 9 I Reg: 213-N0047133A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2013/06/26 00:27:50 HERS Provider: Ca10ERTS, inc Electronically Filed by Tim Scott and Authenticated at Ca10ERTS.com - 6/26/2013 Electronically Signed at Ca10ERTS.com by Anton Marinkovich (Stracts Inc.) 6/26/2013 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential Part 4 of 5 CF -1 R Project Name McElwee Residence Building Type ® Single Family ❑ Addition Alone ❑ Multi Family ❑ Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 1612512013 OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS Surface Type Area U- Insulation Joint Appendix Factor Cavity Exterior Frame Interior Frame Azm Tilt Status 4 Location/Comments Wall 688 0.069 R-21 240 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Great/Dinin 2 tchen/Fam Wall 246 0.069 R-21 330 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Great/Dinin /Kitchen/Fam Slab 264 0.730 None 0 180 New 4.4.7-A1 Great/Dinin /Kitchen/Fam Slab 2,223 0.730 None 0 180 New 4.4.7-A1 Great/Dinin /Kitchen/Fam Roof 432 0.025 R-38 0 0 New 4.2.1-A21 Casita Wall 60 0.069 R-21 5 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Casita Wall 198 0.069 R-21 95 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Casita Wall 64 0.069 R-21 185 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Casita Watl 50 0.069 R-21 240 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Casita Wall 20 0.069 R-21 275 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Casita Wall 260 0.069 R-21 330 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Casita Slab 360 0.730 None 0 180 New 4.4.7-A1 Casita Slab 72 0.730 None 0 180 New 4.4.7-A1 Casita Roof 835 0.025 R-38 0 0 New 4.2.1-A21 Bedroom 2 & 3 Wall 20 0.069 R-21 60 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Bedroom 2 & 3 Wall 27 0.069 R-21 150 90 New 4.3.1-A6 ISedroorn 2 & 3 FENESTRATION SURFACE, DETAILS ID Type Area Ll -Factor' SHGC Azm Status Glazin Type Location/Comments 17 Window 30.0 ` 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 1501 New Architectural Traditions Window Great/DiningA(itchen/Family 18, Window 48.0 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 150 New Architectural Traditions Window Great/Dining/Kitchen/Family 19 Window -i -`� 48.0 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 150 New Architectural Traditions Window GreatlDinin /Kitchen/Famil 20. Window 6.0 0.390 NFRC. 0.39 NFRC 150 New Architectural Traditions Window GreaUDining/Kitchen/Family 21-, Window , „„6.0 0.390 NFRC _:: <..„0,39: NFRC ;._ : _150 New_ :ArchitecturalTc, d ons Window ,G reat/Dining/Kitchen/Family 22 . Window' : "' x'6.'0 0.390 NFRC � P" 0.39` NFRQ 150 Nkw -, " Architectural Traditions' ,Window 'Great/Dining/Kitchen/Family 23 Window ".6.0 0;390 NFRC 0.39 'NFRC 150 NQw ;. ArchitecturaFTradition$window 'Great/l7ining/Kitchen/Family 24 window' 6.0' � 0.390; NFRC 0.39 NFRC 150 New, '- Architectural Traditions'l:Wndow Great/Dining/Kitchen/Family 25 Window 105!0 „t 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC x_240 New , Architectural Traditions Window GreatLDining/Kitcheb4F,amily 26 Window J25A, i 0.390, NFRC 0.39'; NF, RC /240. New ( Architecture)"Traditions Window GreafLDin, g/KitcFien/Family 27 ' Windowx4 f t116.0+ _.0:390' NFRC, , '0:39 NFRC 240 New '-. Architectural (Traditions Window 'GreklDg ng/Kdctien/Family 28' Window 6.0 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 240 New .::z Architectural Traditions Window 'GreaVDining/Kitchen/Family 29 Window .6.0 0.390 NFRC . ' 0:39 NFRC 240 New Architectural Traditions Window Great6nin /Kitchen/Famil 30. Window ,6.0 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 240 New Architectural Traditions Window Great/Dining/Kitchen/Family 31 Window 6:01 0.390 1 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 240 New Architectural Traditions Window Great/Diningh0tchen/Family 32Window 1 6.0,1,..0.390,1 NFRC I 0.39 NFRC 1 240 New Architectural Traditions Window Great/Dining/Kitchen/Family (1) U -Factor Type: : ` ,11,6-A = Default Table from Standards, NFRC =Labeled Value 2 SHGC Type: ` .116-B = Default Table from Standards, NFRC = Labeled Value EXTERIOR SHADING DETAILS ID Exterior Shade Type SHGC Window H t Wd Ove hanq Left Fin Ri ht Fin Len H t I LExt REM Dist Len H t Dist I Len H t 17 Bug Screen 0.76 5.01 6.0 18.0 0.1 18.0 18.0 18 Bug Screen 0.76 8.01 6.0 14.0 0.1 14.0 14.0 19 Bug Screen 0.76 20 Bug Screen 0.76 21 Bug Screen 0.76 22 Bug Screen 0.76 23 Bug Screen 0.76 24 Bug Screen 0.76 25 Bug Screen 0.76 10.0 10.5 14.0 0.1 14.0 14.0 26 Bug Screen 0.76 5.0 5.0 10.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 27 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 14.5 14.01 0.1 14.0 14.0 28 Bug Screen 0.76 29 Bug Screen 0.76 :1 Y l J d 30 Bug Screen 0.76r. e 1 1 1 h s C C 31 Bu Screen 0.76 E "I ""� '� "A 32 JBug Screen 0.76 FOR CONSTRUCTION Energ Pro 5.1 by EnerqySoft User Number: 6712 RunCode: 2013-06-25718:46:50 ID: Page 7 of 9 DATE BY Reg: 213-N0047133A-000000000-0000 Registration DateFiiider: Ca10ERTS, inc Electronically Filed by Tim Scott and Authenticated at Ca10ERTS.com - 6/26/2013 Electronically Signed at Ca10ERTS.com by Anton Marinkovich (Stracts Inc.) 6/26/2013 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential Part 4 of 5 CF -1 R Project NameType McElwee Residence 7❑ Building m Single Family 13Addition Alone Multi Family ❑ Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 6/25/2013 OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS Surface U Insulation Joint Appendix Type Area Factor Cavity7Exterior Frame Interior Frame Azm Tilt Status 4 Location/Comments Wall 146 0.069 R-21 240 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Bedroom 2 & 3 Wall 373 0.069 R-21 330 90 New 4.3.1-A6 Bedroom 2 & 3 Slab 678 0.730 None 0 180 New 4.4.7-A1 Bedroom 2 & 3 Slab 157 0.730 None 0 180 New 4.4.7-A1 Bedroom 2 & 3 FENESTRATION SURFACE DETAILS ID Type Area I ..'U -Factor' SHGC Azm Status Glazing Type Location/Comments 33 Window 20.0. `' 0.390 NERC 0.39 NFRC 330 New Architectural Traditions Window Great/Dining/Kitchen/Family ,34..... Window 22.5 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 330 New Architectural Traditions Window Great/Dining/Kitchen/Family 35 Windd- :: r . 6.0 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 330 New Architectural Traditions Window Great/Dinin /Kitchen/Faniil 36 Window 6.0 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 330 New Architectural Traditions Window Great/Dining/Kitchen/Family 37. Window, x....20.0 0.390 NFRCI..',0,39_ NFRC _.: --5 New-_.Architectural,Traditions Window Casita 38 ; Window`. 'g,12.5 0.390 NFRC ,d 0.39' NFRC " X95 New .._ Arch{t6ctural Traditions'Wndow 'Casita 39 Wndow ''12.5 0,.390 N RC "- 0:39 'NFRC , .,; 95 Now, 3, ; Architectu'ral Traditions Window Casita ... 40 window ` 12.5,,' "� 0.390, NFRC 0.39 NFRC ' �..4 95 New �� Architectural Traditions�Window Casita 41 Window 48/0 10.396 NFRC ;' 6.39 NFRC, It 330 New Architectural Traditions Window Casita 42 ,Window #, 12.5, 7 0.390 NFRC '° ' 0.39' NFRC.. d330 New» % Architectural ;Traditions Window Casita' j if 43 .` Window,o r X52.8: -0.390 NFRC, .` 0.39- NFRC T -C` 150 New '% Archit6c ral ETraditionsWthdow bedroom"2 13,-00= 44'" Window . 104:0 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC `:. -240 New . " ' `Architectural Traditions Window Bedroom 2 & 3 45 Window 20.0 0.390 NFRC ; 0.39 NFRC 330 New Architectural Traditions Window Bedroom 2 & 3 <'46- Window 6.0 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 330 New Architectural Traditions Window Bedroom 2 & 3 47 Window, 6:0 0.390 NFRC 0.39 NFRC 330 New Architectural Traditions Window Bedroom 2 & 3 48 Window 40.0 r,. 0.390 NFRC 1 0.39 1 NFRC 1 330 New Architectural Traditions Wndowl Bedroom 2 & 3 (1) LI -Factor Type: 116-A = 2 SHGC Type: ' 116-B =Default Default Table from Standards, NFRC = Labeled Value Table from Standards, NFRC = Labeled Value EXTERIOR SHADING DETAILS ID Window Exterior Shade Type SHGC H t Wd Ove hang Left Fin Right Fin Len H t LExt RExt Dist Len H t Dist Len H t 33 Bug Screen 0.76 34 Bug Screen 0.76 35 Bug Screen 0.76 36 B ug Screen 0.76 37 Bug Screen 0.76 38 Bug Screen 0.76 39 Bug Screen 0.76 40 Bug Screen 0.76 41 Bua Screen 0.76 42 Bug Screen 0.76 43 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 6.6 44 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 13.0 8. 0 UU Lbw 45 46 Bug Screen 0.76 Bug Screen 6.76 a t x 47 Bug Screen 0.76 A D D 48 JBug Screen 0.76 EnergyPro 5.1 by EnerqySoft User Number.' 6712 Run o 2913-06-25T18:46:5 V ID: Page 8 of 9 Reg: 213-N0047133A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2013/06/26 00:27:50 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc " Electronically Filed by Tim Scott and Authenticated at CalCERTS.com - 6/26/2013 Electronically Signed at CalCERTS.com by Anton Marinkovich (Stracts Inc.) 6/26/2013 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential Part 5 of 5 CF -1 R Project Name McElwee Residence Building Type ® Single Family ❑ Addition Alone ❑ Multi Family ❑ Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 1612512013 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION System Name Zone Name Floor Area New Existina Altered' Removed Volume Year Built HVAC 1 Master Bedroom 1,042 11,254 Office 357 3,570 HVAC 2 & 3 Great/Dining/Kitchen/Family 2,487 38,549 HVAC 4 Casita 432 4,320 HVAC 5 Bedroom 2 & 3 835 8,350 ? Totals 1 5,1531 0 0 01 1 HVAC SYSTEMS >S stem Narrte QtV 7Heatina T e Min. Eff. Cooling Type Min. Eff. Thermostat Type Status HVAC 1 ^' ' 1 Central Furnace 80% AFUE Split Air Conditioner 15:0 SEER Setback New HVAC 2 & 3 2 ''Central Furnace 80% AFUE Split Air Conditioner 15.0 SEER Setback New H' C 4 ,' ,; 1 , Central Furnace `$0%`AF,CIE` 'S lit Air Conditioner;--�,, "15"5"SEER, Setback ;,,. New HVAC 51 ir' 1 .J CenAl"'Fumace 80%'AFUE` S IigAirConditioAer 1 14.5 SEER Setback' New HVAC DISTRIBUTION ol _`•.- ) S raj .. .t.. System Name J Heating -'•eDuct k e` { Ducts7.'* , Cooling,Duct Location : R -Value Tested? Status HVAC 1 - Ducted Ducted Attic, Ceiling Ins, vented 8.0 m New HVAC 2'& 3 Ducted Ducted Attic, Ceiling Ins, vented 8.0 m New HVAC 4 . Ducted Ducted Attic, Ceiling Ins, vented 8.0 El New HVAC 5 Ducted ,'! Ducted Attic, Ceilin Ins, vented 8.0 m New ❑ WATER HEATING SYSTEMS S stem Name Qty. Type Distribution Rated Input Btuh Tank Cap. al Energy Factor or RE Standby Loss or Pilot Ext. Tank Insul. R- Value Status Bradford White M-1-75S6B 2 Small Gas All Pipes Ins 70,000 75 0.80 n/a n/a New MULTI -FAMILY WATER HEATING DETAILS HYDRONIC HEATING SYSTEM PIPING Control Hot Water Piping Length ff c _ o i� Q — Pipe --S eF"a th Pipe Diameter Insul. Thick. Qty. HP Plenum Outside JaLW_e_d_ "� IG r n r W DEM. LIED � cxQ �- to;) P_i . rr� T EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 6712 RunColle: 2013-06-25718:46:50 ID: Page 9 of 9 } DATE -- -- BY Reg: 213-N0047133A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: er: CalCERTS, Inc