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10-0703 (SFD) Structual Calcs
STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR: SUN VISTA DEVELOPMENT LOT 8 THE TRADITION LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA A4'P.( . c. SEP 23 21110 June 13, 2008 ��Qy�pFE S� O �Q' aJpMIN yF ��l _ C054193 In/ LCAIUXpe Prepared By: CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE �kov BY SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTING. ENGINEERS (208) 634-8148 (208) 634-6395 fax _ SV -27314. f; _n aN�� DESCRIPTION PAGE DESIGNCRITERIA...............................................................................................1 DESIGN LOADS .................... MATERIAL SPECIFICATION................................................................................3 SHEARWALL SCHEDULE...........:......................................................................4 SOIL REPORT ............................................ VERTICALANALYSIS..................................................................................... 8-37 LATERALANALYSIS.................................................................................. L1-1-18 ,SUMI�tiT'STRUCTURAL.ENGINEERING f Pfione 866 `8b2-8148 `'Fax 08 630.079,;; � �.. �., , ' sk 106.E iPaiic St Ste 206 .ivlcCali;'ID. SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ' 1 106 East Park Street Suite McCall1,, ID 83638 �DES�IG:N CR�TE;RIA .FOR :S�RUCTI�RAL: CALCIJLA710NS„• Governing Code 2006 IBC Seismic Criteria Location La Quinta, CA 92253 Ss = 1.500 S1=0.600 Sds=1.00 Sd 1=0.600 Seismic Design Category = D Site Class = D (assumed) Occupancy Category 11 Seismic Importance I = 1.0 Response Modification Coefficient R=6.5 (1.5 @ steel Cant. Column where occurs) Reduncancy Factor p = 1.3 Wind Loading Wind exposure category C Wind Importance Factor 1=1.0 Basic Wind Speed =,90 mph Topographic Factor Kzt=1.0 Soil Report Soil Bearing. Pressure By: Earth Systems Consultants Report No. 00-04-707 Dated: April 4th 2000 Phone No.: (760) 345-1588 1500 psf. ' St�MMr:STRUCTutu►L ENGINEERING_ ; PHONE` (866);862-Ba48 .:FT,x (ZOS) 6345079 <,106 E PARK ST MCCALL ID. . 1 • The drawings, calculations, specifications and reproduction are instruments of ' service to be used only for the specific project covered by agreement and cover sheet. Any other use is solely prohibited. ' • The- structural calculations included here are for the analysis and design of the primary structural system. • Non-structural elements and the attachment mechanism is the responsibility of the ' architects or designer, unless specifically shown otherwise. 0 All changes made to the subject,project shall be submitted to Summit Structural Engineering in writing for review and comments. • Sketches and details in calculations are not to scale and may not present true conditions on plans. Architect or designer is responsible for drawing details in plan which represent true framing conditions and scale. Governing Code 2006 IBC Seismic Criteria Location La Quinta, CA 92253 Ss = 1.500 S1=0.600 Sds=1.00 Sd 1=0.600 Seismic Design Category = D Site Class = D (assumed) Occupancy Category 11 Seismic Importance I = 1.0 Response Modification Coefficient R=6.5 (1.5 @ steel Cant. Column where occurs) Reduncancy Factor p = 1.3 Wind Loading Wind exposure category C Wind Importance Factor 1=1.0 Basic Wind Speed =,90 mph Topographic Factor Kzt=1.0 Soil Report Soil Bearing. Pressure By: Earth Systems Consultants Report No. 00-04-707 Dated: April 4th 2000 Phone No.: (760) 345-1588 1500 psf. ' St�MMr:STRUCTutu►L ENGINEERING_ ; PHONE` (866);862-Ba48 .:FT,x (ZOS) 6345079 <,106 E PARK ST MCCALL ID. . 1 L 1 1 SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 106 East Park Street Suite 206 McCall, ID 83638 DESIGN: LOADS'. Roof Loads - Sloped Clay Tile -mud set 22 psf. Sheathing (1/2" CDX) 1.5 psf. Framing 2.5 psf. Insulation 1.5 psf. Ceiling 2.5 psf. Misc. 0.0 psf. Total Dead Load 30 psf. Total Live Load 20 psf. Floor Loads 1 Stucco Sheathing (3/4" Plywd.) 2.5 psf. ' Framing 3.5 psf. Misc. Ceiling 2.5 psf. a�- Misc. 3.5 psf. ' Total Dead Load 12 psf. SC— Total Live Load 40 psf. ' TotaL FloorLoad' 1 52` psf ' Exterior Wall 1 Stucco 10.0 psf. Studs 1.0 psf. Drywall 2.5 psf. Misc. 1.0 psf. Total Waft=Werght ` ' ::4. Otpsf `,x a�- Misc. tn=X km' Ar (,UAl CJyy CtV_ IS psf. Total Live Load SC— �— Roof Loads - Flat Roofing 3.5 psf. Sheathing (1/2" CDX) 1.5 psf. Framing 2.5 psf. Insulation 1.8 psf. Ceiling 2.5 psf. Misc. 3.2 psf. Total Dead Load IS psf. Total Live Load 20 psf. Tota11 Roof Ltia,d. , 35 psf Deck Loads - 2x Decking 5.0 psf. Framing 2.0 psf Misc. 1.0 psf Total Dead Load 8.0 psf. Total Live Load 60 psf. Total Interior Wall Drywall 5.0 psf. Studs 1.0 psf. Mechanical & Insulation 1.0 psf. Misc. 1.0 psf. Toial Wall,Weight .; cvja �; -r �� SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 106 East Park Street Suite 206 McCall, ID 83638 MATERIAL SPECIFICATION . Timber. All timber shall be Douglas Fir Larch with a maximum moisture content of 19%. Grading rules agency: West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau (WCLIB). Member Fb (psi) Fv (psi) E (psi) Sawn Lumber (DF -L)'. ♦ Structural Steel: 2x Joists & Rafters (No.2) 1006 95 1.6x106 4x Sawn Beams (No.2) 875 95 1.6x 106 6x Sawn Beams (No.2) 875 85 1.3x106 4x Sawn Beams (No.1) 1000 95 1.7006 6x Sawn Beams (No.1) 1350 85 1.6006 Values may be increased according to size factor, CF Manufactured Products Glu -Lam 2400 165 4.8x 406 Paralam PSL 2900 290 2.0x106 Microllam LVL 2600 285 1.8x106 ♦ Concrete: Application Strength @ 28 days Slab on grade 2500 psi Footings and grade beams 3000 psi Design is based on 2500 psi concrete. No inspection is required, unless noted otherwise. *Reinforcing Steel: Bars Allowable stress #4 and smaller reinforcing bars shall conform to A.S.T.M. A - 615-40. Fy=40,000 psi #5 and larger reinforcing bars shall conform to A.S.T.M. A - 615-60. Fy=60,000 psi ♦ Structural Steel: Description Specification Allowable stress Pipe ASTM A-53 Type E or S, Grade B Fy=30,000 psi Tube ASTM A-500, Grade B Fy=46,000 psi All other shapes ASTM A-36 Fy=36,000 psi High strength bolts ASTM A-325 All other bolts ASTM A-307 ♦CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS All concrete masonry units shall conform to standard specifications for hollow load bearing concrete masonry units (ASTM C-90, Grade N-11). SUMMIT,;S.TRUCTiJitAL ENGINEERING . ,.1?HONE. (866) 862$148_= Fax j206) 630-5fl79, : ,, : 1U6 E Pnr Sr McCn�� ID 3 11 SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 106 East Park Street Suite McCall1,, ID 83638 SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE ... Number Construction Plate A35 Anchor Bolt Shear Nailing Equiv. Size and Value 16d sinker Spacing '/2" or 5/8" Drywall unblocked, w/ 5d (6d @ 5/8") 8" 48" 5/8" @ 48" 100 plf. -50 pif in zone 1 cooler nails @ 7" o.c. @ edges . 3&4 and field ''/2" or 5/8" Drywall 8" 32" 5/8" @ 48" 200 plf. unblocked, w/ 5d (6d @ 5/8") . •100 pif in 1 a cooler nails @ 7" o.c. @ edges zone 3 & 4 and field. Both Sides. 318" Plywood, wl 8d nails @ 2" 2" 8" 518" @ 16" 640 plf. 2 o.c. @ edges and 12" o.c. field. 3/8" PJywwood, w/ 8d naJJs @ 2" 2-16d @ 2" 4" 7/8" @ 12" 1280 p)f. 2a o.c. @ edges and 12" o.c. field. Both Sides. 3/8" Plywood, w/ 8d nails @ 3" 3" 12" 5/8" @ 16" 490 plf. 3 o.c. @ edges and 12" o.c. field. 3/8" Plywood, w/ 8d nails @ 3" 2-16d @ 3" 6" 7/8" @ 12" 980 plf. 3a o.c. @ edges and 12" o.c. field. Both Sides. 3/8" Plywood, w/ 8d nails @ 4" 4" 16" 5/8" @ 24" 385 plf. 4 o.c. @ edges and 12" o.c. (limited to field. � ' 350 plf.) 3/8" Plywood, w/ 8d nails @ 4" 2" 8" s/" @ 12" 760 plf. 4a o.c. @ edges and 12" o.c. field. Both Sides. 3/8" Plywood, w/ 8d nails @ 6" 6" 24" 5/8" @ 32" 260 plf. 6 o.c. @ edges and 12" o.c. field. 7 7/8" Stucco o/ paper backed lath w/ 16 8" 32" 5/8" @ 48" 180 plf gauge staples @ 6" o.c. @ top, bottom, edge, and field. '/2" Plywood, w/ 10d nails @ 2" 2" 7" 5/8" @ 16" 770 plf. 8 o.c. @ edges and 12" o.c. field. SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING:,: PHONE (866)y862-6148 F ox:(08j_63D 5079_x; ., 106E PARiCS�. McCAu ,ID 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 106 East Park Street Suite 206 McCall, ID 83638 The calculations for this project have been prepared in accordance with the ASD basic load combinations per ASCE 7, Sec. 2.4.1 and IBC (CBC) Sec. 1605.3.1 The ASD basic load conbinations are as follows: simplified combinations 1. D + F 2. D+H+'F+L+T - D + L 3. D+H+F+(Lr orS or R) D+Lr 4. D + H + F + 0.75(L + T) + 0.75(Lr or S or R) D + 0.75L + 0.75Lr 5. D+H+F+(W or 0.7E) D+(W or 0.7E) 6. D + H + F + 0.75(W or 0.7E) + 0.75E + 0.75(Lr or S or R) D + 0.75(W or .7E) + 0.75L + 0.75Lr 7. 0.6D+W+H 0.6D+W 8. 0.6D'+0.7E+H 0.61D=0.7E D Dead load E Earthquake load F Load due to fluids with well defined pressures and maximum heights Fa Flood load H Load due to lateral earth pressure, groundwater pressure, -or pressure of bulk materials. L Live load Lr Roof live load R Rain load S Snow load T Self straining force (temperature) W Wind load Note that for this structure, it would be unusual to consider fluid loads or self straining loads. Also, lateral pressure from earth (wood structure raised above ground), and flood loading, and snow loads are exempt in this structure. Rain loads are not considered, as the roof is sloped, and has enough pitch to drain, and will not accumulate rain. See simplified combinations. }S IT UMM;S,1RUCiWRAL ENGINEERINYSsr YPHONE X866);862-8148 ;�Fnx<(2O8) 630 5079 baa' ., 1,06E PARKST. {iAcCAL 1D i! i ' Wind Load is based on the Simplified Method Justification for this is as follows: (ASCE 7 section 6.4) ' SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ' 106 East Park Street 1. Suite 206 McCall, ID 83638 The building is a low-rise building as defined in section 6.2 =J- ' Wind Load is based on the Simplified Method Justification for this is as follows: (ASCE 7 section 6.4) ' 1. The building is a simple diaphragm building as defined in section 6.2 2. The building is a low-rise building as defined in section 6.2 3. The building is enclosed as defined in section 6.2 and conforms to the wind- borne debris provisions of section (building is not in a wind-borne debris region) ' 4. The building is a regular -shape building or structure as defined in section 6.2. 5. The building is not classified as a flexible building as defined in section 6.2. ' 6. The building does not have response characteristic making it subject to across wind load, vortex shedding, instability due to galloping or flutter; and does not have a site location for which channeling effects or buffeting in the wake of upwind obstructions warrant special consideration. 7. The building has an approximately symmetrical cross section in each ' direction with either a flat roof or a gable or hip' roof with 0:5 450 8. The building is exempted from torsional load cases as indicated in Note 5 of ' Fig. 6-10, or the torsional load cases defined in Note 5 do not control the design of any of the MWFRS of the building. 1 6 I ' 07/16/2008 10:49 7607714922 SUNVISTA PAGE 06/11 Earth Systems Southwest 79-311 B Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 ' (760)345-1538 (800) 924-7015 FAX (760)345-7315 ' October 30, 2006 Ftle No.: 10773-01. 06-10-825 ' Sun Vista Development Corporation P. 0. Box 1.144 ' La Quinta, California 92247 Attention: Ms. Joni Fernie ' Project 52-945 Latrobe Lane Lot 8 at The Traditions La Quinta, California Subject: Report of Field Density Testing on Pad Grade and Sulfate Testing On August 21, 2006, a represen..tati.ve of our fern perfonned density tests at the above referenced project. Tests were performed at random locations; b.i. accordance with ASTM D 2922-81 ' Method A or B and ASTM D 3017-88 Nuclear Density Test Procedure. Tests were performed as per authorizations of. Mg. Joni l+erniE: The estimated locations of the tests are presented on the attached drawing with their results being summarized on the attached test report sheet. A total of 2 density tests were performed. Test results indicate that a minimum of 90% relative compaction has been obtained within the area tested. The maximum density -optimum moisture were detennhied in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM D .1557-91, Method A or C. Test results ate as .follows: Soil Descri tion USCS Maximum Density QPti mum Moisture Moderate yellowish brown Sand, fine to coarse grained. SP -SM 124.0 pef 8.0% with silt and gravel ' DISCUSSION: ' 1. The project is located on Lot 8 at 52-945 Latrobe Lane within The Traditions Country Club in the City of La Quinta, California. • I 07/16/2006 10:49 7607714922 SUNVISTA PAGE 07/11 ' October 30, 2006 - 2 - File No.: 10773-01 06-10-825 2. At the time of testing the lot was still covered with grass which will have to be removed prior to start of constriction. 3. A composite soil sample. was obtained from the site in random areas within the top foot of the pad subgrade. Soil chemical analysis tests were conducted on the sample which included soluble sulfate and chloride, resistivity, and pH. These test results are used as indicators whicla can help to dete.mine if site soils may be corrosive to concrete, plumbing,. and other underground piping. t 4. Selected chemical analyses for corrosivity were conducted oil soil samples from the project site as shown in Appendix. B. The native soils were found to have a low sulfate ion. concentration (95 ppm) and a low chloride ion concentration (440 ppm). Sulfate ions can attack the cementitious material in concrete, causing weakening of the cement matrix and eventual deterioration. by .raveling. Chloride ions can cause corrosion of reinforcing steel. The California Building Code does not require any special provisions for concrete for these low concentrati.om as tested. Normal concrete mixes may be used. 5. A, miniinum concrete cover of 3 inches should be provided around steel reinforcing or embedded components exposed to native soil or landscape water (to 1.8 inches above grade). Additionally, the concrete should be thoroughly vibrated during placement ' t. Laboratory testing of the soil suggests that the site soils may present a very severe potential for metal loss from electrochemical corrosion processes. Corrosion. protection of steel pipes can be achieved by using epoxy corrosion. inbi.bitors; asphalt coatings, cathodic protection, or encapsulating with densely consolidated concrete. A qualified ' corrosion engineer should be consulted regarding mitigation of the corrosive effects of site soils on metals. 1 7. The purpose of testing was to observe compliance with the minimum requirements of the City of La Quinta. The test results summarized in this report present the moisture and density only at the locations and depths tested on. the specified dates. The summarized field and laboratory tests were performed in accordance with engineering principles generally accepted at this time and location. No opinion is expressed as to the uniformity of the material or compaction. No guaranty or warranty of the contractor's work is made or implied. The test locations are approximate and were determined by pacing and sighting from prominent field features. In our work, we have relied on topographic and surveying information. provided by others. With any manufactured product, there are statistical variations in its uniformity and in the accuracy of tests used to measure its quality. As compared with other manufactured products, field construction usually presents large statistical variations in its uniformity and accuracy of test results used to measure its quality. Thus, even with very careful observation and testing, it cannot be said that all parts of the product comply with. the job requirements altbough the degree of certainty is greater with full-time observation and testing than it is with testing only. Therefore, our opinion based on testing the work paeans that there is only a statistically based probability that the densities obtained comply with the job requirements. EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST CS 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 07/16/2008 10:49 7607714922 SUNVISTA PAGE 08/11 October 30, 2006 - 3 - File No.: 10773-01 06-10-825 This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of. We owner, or of his representative to ensure that, this report is submitted to the appropriate governing agencies. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST . SSy��lt<` Q:a9�p ti� U�o•3p•o�,<< G� �j CE 38234 m Phillip D..Cl.anton Craig S. Hil'' 03/31/07 Senior Technician CE 38234 q Ctv1I- SCF cAL� C.ompaction/pdc/csh/aj f Diitdbuti.on: 4/Sun Vista Development Corporation 1 /RC . 2/BD File LnRTH SYSTEMS SOLTTHWFST ' �/ I fc C' i'l C--) ' -C C., � 1 � `Z 3� � i 4 � � � C C 3 M (eye I I I OC_ 0.I O� Z�(�� _ ��y - scx t. <m> 0 VA ly covvwvs) cg -,A C' c:. +vjc-� d SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 106 EAST PARK STREET Suite 206 McCall, ID 83638 (208) 634-8148 fax (208) 630-5079 JoB No. SHEET No. CALCULATED BY CHECKED By SCALE P� F1 1 i_] 1 n Al kXj 05i'� f`fie+�oh - I���, ►� l & PCC �62 Gc v" t /-,j -3 lZ? �- ►2-3 �• _ �` \ 1 `.,r iii c` A, ) Q 1S > /W. Sf- Q, 00 L5 Ct ��c ►�(v��3>��L� �� J 1 Cp Z 0, h'0 Use Zo' 2,C1 tS� 5;A C -y r� 7,7d SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JOB No. 106 EAST PARK STREET SHEET No. Suite 206 CALCULATED BY McCall, ID 83638 CHECKED BY (208) 634-8148 fax (208) 630-5079 SCALE & PCC �62 Gc v" t /-,j -3 lZ? �- ►2-3 �• _ �` \ 1 `.,r iii c` A, ) Q 1S > /W. Sf- Q, 00 L5 Ct ��c ►�(v��3>��L� �� J 1 Cp Z 0, h'0 Use Zo' 2,C1 tS� 5;A C -y r� 7,7d SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JOB No. 106 EAST PARK STREET SHEET No. Suite 206 CALCULATED BY McCall, ID 83638 CHECKED BY (208) 634-8148 fax (208) 630-5079 SCALE zz il" d CG (C S G), etc" .- +Y� lo; 3v` 0 I i a ctc6 u'. I Z 7- z r4 - !z> @ j�� TIS, c u� SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JoB No. 106 EAST PARK STREET SHEET No. _ Suite 206 CALCULATED BY McCall, ID 83638 CHECKED BY (208) 634-8148 fax (208) 630-5079 SCALE s I 1 1 u 1 1 SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JOB No. 106 EAST PARK STREET SHEET No. Suite 206 CALCULATED BY McCall, ID 83638 CHECKED BY (208) 634-8148 fax (208) 630-5079 SCALE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.3 LOADS: Load COMPANY PROJECT 3 Works `t Summit Structural Engineering Box Lot 8 with changes The Tradition Unit 90 902 Baycoltcolt Way La Quinta, CA 680 McCall, ID 83638 Beam1 Start End July 19, 2010 15:29 d Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.3 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location (ft) Magnitude Unit 1179 Other 680 tern Start End Start End fb = d Dead Full Area fb/Fb' = 0.58 Live Defl'n 30.00 (8.50)* psf 1 Live Full Area Total Defl'n 0.18 = 20.00 (8.50)* psf W Dead Full Area 1.00 Load Comb 15.00 (2.00)* psf -Tributary wiatn art) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and REARING LENGTHS (in) : Unfactored• Analysis Value IDesign Dead 1179 Shear 1179 Other 680 212 680 Bending(+) fb = 865 Fb' = Factored: fb/Fb' = 0.58 Live Defl'n 0.05 = Total 1859 L/360 1859 Total Defl'n 0.18 = L/526 0.40 = Bearing: 0.46 E' 1.6 million 1.00 Load Comb #2 1.00 - #2 Length 0.54 1.00 - - - 0.54 Cb 1.00 Custom duration factor 1.00 Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, W" Self -weight of 9.8 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value IDesign Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 57 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv' = 0.27 Bending(+) fb = 865 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.58 Live Defl'n 0.05 = <L/999 0.27 = L/360 0.19 Total Defl'n 0.18 = L/526 0.40 = L/240 0.46 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear : LC #2 = D+L, V = 1859, V design = 1569 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 3718 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L (live) LC #2 = D+L (total) EI = 309e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact Lr=roof live Lc=concentrated All LC's are listed in the Analysis output Load combinations: ASCE 7-05 DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMPANY PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition Q)-�.WobdWor'-ks'106 East Parc Street, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA McCall, ID 83638 Beaml.wwb SOE7it'ARE FOR WOOD DESIGN (208) 634-6148 July 30, 2008 12:31 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit 880 Total 2778 tern Start End Start End fb = d Dead Full Area fb/Fb' = 0.45 Live Defl'n 30.00 (8.00)* psf 1 Constr. Full Area Length 0.81 20.00 (8.00)* psf W Dead Full Area 1.00 15.00 (6.00)* sf -Trinutary wiatn (rt) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 11 Dead 1815 Value 1815 Live 880 Shear 880 Total 2778 212 2778 Bearing: fb = 756 Fb' = 1663 fb/Fb' = 0.45 Live Defl'n 0.05 = Load Comb #2 L/360 #2 Length 0.81 L/659 - 0.81 Cb 1.00 1.00 Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x12" Self -weight of 15.02 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005 Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Anal sis/Desi n Shear fv = 54 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv' = 0.26 Bending(+) fb = 756 Fb' = 1663 fb/Fb' = 0.45 Live Defl'n 0.05 = <L/999 0.37 = L/360 0.13 Total Defl'n 0.20 = L/659 - 0.55 = L/240 0.36 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 0.986 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Ervin' 0.58 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear LC #2 = D+C, V = 2778, V design 2294 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+C, M = 7638 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+C . EI = 1115e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 1t) r • COMPANY PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition Woo'dWo iy' kS 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 La Quints, McCall, ID 83638 Beam1.wwb SOFTWARE FOR WOOD OFSIGN (208) 634-8148 July 30, 2008 12:36 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Shear 2025 Total 5778 331fv/Fv' Start End Start End fb = d Dead Full Area #2 Live Defl'n 30.00(15.00)* Lnitern 1.73 Constr. Full Area Cb 1.00 20.00(15.00)* 1.00 L/240 Dead Full Area 1.00 1.00 - - - - 15.00 (6.00)* 2 "•rrlDuLary wiuLn TIL/ MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : n' 13' Dead 3645 Value 3645 Live 2025 Shear 2025 Total 5778 331fv/Fv' 5778 Bearing: fb = 1503 Fb' = Load Comb #2 Live Defl'n #2 Length 1.73 L/360 1.73 Cb 1.00 L/361 1.00 Glulam-Unbal., West Species, 24F -1.8E WS, 5-1/8x13-1/2" Self -weight of 15.93 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Anal sis/Desi n Shear fv = 104 Fv' = 331fv/Fv' = 0.32 Bending(+) fb = 1503 Fb' = 2685 fb/Fb' = 0.52 Live Defl'n 0.12 = <L/999 0.45 = L/360 0.26 Total Defl'n 0.45 = L/361 0.67 = L/240 0.66 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct . CL CV Cfu Cr Cfrt Notes Cn LC# Fv' 265 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+, 2400 1.25 1.00 1.00 0.962 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00. 1.00 - 2 Fcp'; 650 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - - E' 1.8 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - 2 Emin' 0.85 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear : LC #2 = D+C, V = 5778, V design = 4815 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+C, M = 19499 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+C EI = 1891e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Glulam design values are for materials conforming to AITC 117-2001 and manufactured in accordance with ANSI/AITC A190.1-1992 3. GLULAM: bxd = actual breadth x actual depth. 4. Glulam Beams shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 3.3.3. 5. GLULAM: bearing length based on smaller of Fcp(tension), Fcp(comp'n). COMPANY PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA VoodWo*rks' McCall, ID 83638 Beaml.wwb SOFiWAREFOR WOOD &SWN (208) 634-8148 . July 30, 2008 12:39 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 1 nAnq- ' Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft) Magnitude Un't 850 Total' 2374 tern Start End Start End fb = d Dead Full Area #2 Live Defl'n 30.00(17.00)* sf 1 Constr. Full Area Total Defl'n. 0.06 = 20.00(17.00)* psf w Dead Full Area 15.00 (6.00) sf x'1'rrDuLary wauui t1L-/ MAXIMUM EACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : In Dead 1500 iJ71500 Design Live 850 Shear 850 Total' 2374 2374 Bending(+) fb = 691 Fb' = Bearing: Load Comb #2 Live Defl'n #2 Length Cb 0.69 1 1.00 60 0.69 1.00 Tim -soft, D it -L, No. 1, 6x8" Selftei t of 9. plf included in loads; Lateral support: to - at upports, bottom= at supports; Analvsis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflectio ) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Val/e An 1 sis/Desi n Shear fv = 65 Fv' = f Fv' = 0.30 Bending(+) fb = 691 Fb' = 1 7/240 fb = 0.46 1 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 0.17 = 60 0.09 Total Defl'n. 0.06 = <L/999 0.25 = 0.23 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS:.F/E CD CM Ct C/=1.215 F Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - 1.00 00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 0 - 2 Fcp' 625 - 1'.00' 1.00 - - 1.00 1.0 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emi.n' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live loa Shear LC #2 = D+C, V = 274, V design = 1781 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+C,• M = 68 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+C EI = 309e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Lo d Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=w' d I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the alysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 1-2..- COMPANY PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA WOO'IdWorks McCall, ID 83638 Beam1.wwb SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN (208) 6.34-8148 July 30, 2008 12:42 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Un*Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (lbs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 10, 5'-6'i Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x8" Self -weight of 9.8 pif included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00. 1.00 - - -' - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear LC #2 = D+C, V = 1929, V design = 1987 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 D' +C, M = 2696 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+C EI = 309e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. it tern Start End Start End Dead Full Area 30.00(12.00)* psf Constr. Full Area 20.00(12.00)* psf W Dead 1237 Design Value 1237 Live 660 Fv' = 212 660 Total- 1929 Fb' = 1500' 1929 Bearing: Load Comb #2 d #2 Length Cb 0.56 1.00 . 0.56 1.00 . 1 Dead Full Area _ 15.00 (6.00)* sf Dead 1237 Design Value 1237 Live 660 Fv' = 212 660 Total- 1929 Fb' = 1500' 1929 Bearing: Load Comb #2 , #2 Length Cb 0.56 1.00 . 0.56 1.00 Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 59 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv'.= 0.25 Bending(+) fb = 616 Fb' = 1500' fb/Fb' = 0.91 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 0.18 = L/360 0.09 Total Defl'n 0.06 = <L/999 0.28 = L/290 0.22 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMPANY 'PROJECT 7 Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 with changes �/V®r ks PO Box 2618 The Tradition 902 Baycolt Way La Quinta, CA McCall, ID 83638 Beam1 / - July 19, 2010 15:34 (�- Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.3 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit 1674 Other 950 tern Start End Start End fb = d Dead Full Area fb/Fb' = 0.51 Live Defl'n 30.00(19.00)* psf 1 Live Full Area Bearing: #2 20.00(19.00)* psf W Dead Full Area 0.76 15.00 (6.00)* sf -1LIUULaLy W -LULU k1L) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and SEARING LENGTHS (in) : 0' Unfactored: Analysis Value Design Dead 1674 Shear 1674 Other 950 212 950 Factored: fb = 763 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.51 Live Defl'n 0.02 = Total 2624 L/360 2624 Bearing: #2 L/953 #2 Load Comb Length 0.76 0.76 Cb 1 1.001 1.00 Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x8" Self -weight of 9.8 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 72 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv' = 0.34 Bending(+) fb = 763 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.51 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 0.17 = L/360 0.10 Total Defl'n 0.06 = L/953 0.25 = L/240 0.25 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM_ Ct CLQ CF. Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Ervin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load'= 1.25 Shear : LC #2 = D+L, V = 2624, V design = 1968 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 3281 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L (live) LC #2 = D+L (total) EI = 309e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact Lr=roof live Lc=concentrated All LC's are listed in the Analysis output Load combinations: ASCE 7-05 DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. j4 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMPANY PROJECT ® Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition VoOdWork5 , 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA McCall, ID 83638 Beam1.wwb SOFTWARE FOR -WOOD DES/CN (208) 634-8148 July 30, 2008 12:48 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] MagnitudeUnit fv = 21 fb = 505 0.08 = <L/999 0.62 = L/466 240 Total 1331 tern Start End Start End 1.00 1.00 0.944 1.000 1.00 d Dead Full Area #2 - 1.00 - - 30.00 (1:00)* psf 1 Constr. Full Area Cb 1.00 20.00 (1.00)* psf W Dead Full Area Shear : LC #1 15.00 (3.00)* sf *Tributary wiatn (rt) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 24 Dead 900 Design Value 900 Live 240 fv = 21 fb = 505 0.08 = <L/999 0.62 = L/466 240 Total 1331 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1331 Bearing: 1.00 1.00 0.944 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1 Load Comb #2 - 1.00 - - #2 Length 0.50* - 1.00 - - 0.50* Cb 1.00 - 1.00 - - 1.00 -Min. bearing iengtn Tor beams is -uz Tor extenor supports Glulam-Unbal., West Species, 24F -1.8E WS, 5-1/8x13-112" Self -weight of 15.93 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design FACTORS: F/E CD Shear Bending(+) Live Defl'n Total Defl'n fv = 21 fb = 505 0.08 = <L/999 0.62 = L/466 Fv' = 238 Fb' = 2038 0.80 = L/360, 1.20 = L/240 fv/Fv' = 0.09 fb/Fb' = 0.25 0.10 0.51 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 Fb'+2400 0.90 1.00 1.00 0.944 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CV Cfu Cr Cfrt Notes Cn LC# Fv' 265 0.90 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 Fb'+2400 0.90 1.00 1.00 0.944 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1 Fcp' 650 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - - E' 1.8 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - 2 Emin' 0.85 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear : LC #1 = D only, V = 1091, V design = 989 lbs Bending(+): LC #1 = D only, M = 6547 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+C EI = 1891e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Glulam design values are for materials conforming to AITC 117-2001 and manufactured in accordance with ANSI/AITC A190.1-1992 3. GLULAM: bxd = actual breadth x actual depth. 4. Glulam Beams shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 3.3.3. 5. GLULAM: bearing length based on smaller of Fcp(tension), Fcp(comp'n). r5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMPANY PROJECT O Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition �OOd Works /O �"'C 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA V V. ! J McCall, ID 83638 Beaml.wwb SOnWAR&OR WOOD DESWN (208) 634-6146 July 30, 2008 13:23 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 IIILOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit 185 Total 1165 tern Start End Start End fb = d Dead Full Area #2 Live Defl'n 30.00 (1.00)* psf 1 Live Full Area Cb 1 1.00 20.00 (1.00)* psf W Dead Full Area 1.00 - - - 15.00 (9.00)* sf "Tributary Wiazn (rt) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (lbs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 18' Dead 832 Value 832 Live 185 Shear 185 Total 1165 238 1165 Bearing: fb = 399 Fb' = Load Comb #2 Live Defl'n #2 Length 0.50* L/360 0.50* Cb 1 1.00 L/890 1.00 -Min. bearing iengtn Tor Deams is uc Tor emenor supports Glulam-Unbal., West Species, 24F -1.8E WS, 5-118x13-1/2" Self -weight of 15.93 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 19 Fv' = 238 fv/Fv' = 0.08 Bending(+) fb = 399 Fb' = 2082 fb/Fb' = 0.17 Live Defl'n 0.03 = <L/999 0.62 = L/360 0.05 Total Defl'n 0.25 = L/890 0.92 = L/290 0.27 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL Cv Cfu Cr Cfrt Notes Cn LC# Fv' 265 0.90 1.00. 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 Fb'+ 2900 0.90 1.00 1.00 0.969 1.000 1.00 1.00 .1.00 1.00 - 1 Fcp' 650 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1..00 - - - E' 1.8 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - 2 Emin' 0.85 million.1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear : LC #1 = D only, V = 980, V design = 861 lbs Bending(+): LC #1 = D only, M = 9532 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L EI = 1891e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Glulam design values are for materials conforming to AITC 117-2001 and manufactured in accordance with ANSUAITC Al 90.1-1992 3. GLULAM: bxd = actual breadth x actual depth. 4. Glulam Beams shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 3.3.3. 5. GLULAM: bearing length based on smaller of Fcp(tension), Fcp(comp'n). `t ®® Works , COMPANY Summit Structural Engineering Box PROJECT Lot 8 with changes The Tradition Pat- 90 902 Baycoltcolt Way La Quinta, CA Unit McCall, ID 83638 Beam1 1120 July 19, 2010 15:37 'hp PTO, - Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.3 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit 2038 Other 1120 tern Start End Start End fb = d Dead Full Area fb/Fb' = 0.48 Live Defl'n 30.00(16.00)* psf 1 Live Full Area Bearing: 0.10 = 20.00(16.00)* psf W Dead Full Area Load Comb Length 15.00 (6.00)* psf -II ULQLy VV1UL" kLLJ MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 01 Unfactored: Analysis Value • Design Dead 2038 r 2038 Other 1120 212 1120 Factored: fb = 802 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.48 Live Defl'n 0.03 = Total 3158 L/360 3158 Bearing: 0.10 = L/819 0.35 = #2 0.29 #2 Load Comb Length 0.92 DESIGN NOTES: 0,92 Cb 1.00 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 1.00 Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x10" Self -weight of 12.41 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using Nos 2005: Criterion Analysis Value • Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 70 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv' = 0.33 Bending(+) fb = 802 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.48 Live Defl'n 0.03 = <L/999 0.23 = L/360 0.12 Total Defl'n 0.10 = L/819 0.35 = L/240 0.29 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 625 -• 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear : LC #2 = D+L, V-= 3158, V design = 2444 lbs Bending(+):•LC #2 = D+L, M = 5527 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L (live) LC #2 = D+L (total) EI = 629e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact Lr=roof live Lc=concentrated All LC's are listed in the Analysis output Load combinations: ASCE 7-05 DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. F7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.3 LOADS: Load COMPANY PROJECT WoodWorks Summit Structural Engineering Box Lot 8 with changes The Tradition Unit 90 colt 902 Baycolt Way La Quinta, CA 2400 McCall, ID 83638 Beam1 Start End July 19, 2010 15:40 d Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.3 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit 4408 Other 2400 tern Start End Start End fb = d Dead Full Area fb/Fb' = 0.56 Live Defl'n 30.00(16.00)* psf 1 Live Full Area Bearing: 0.53 = 20.00(16.00)* psf W Dead Full Area Load Comb 15.00 (6.00)* psf -irinutdry wracn krt) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (lbs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 0' 1 Unfactored• Analysis Value Design Dead 4408 Shear 4408 Other 2400 331 2400 Factored: fb = 1594 Fb' = 2835 fb/Fb' = 0.56 Live Defl'n 0.14 = Total 6808 L/360 6808 Bearing: 0.53 = L/341 0.75 = L/240 0.70 Load Comb #2 #2 Length 2.04 2.04 Cb 1.00 1.00 Glulam-Unbal., West Species, 24F -1.8E WS, 5-1/8x15" Self -weight of 17.7 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 111 Fv' = 331 fv/Fv' = 0.33 Bending(+) fb = 1594 Fb' = 2835 fb/Fb' = 0.56 Live Defl'n 0.14 = <L/999 0.50 = L/360 0.28 Total Defl'n 0.53 = L/341 0.75 = L/240 0.70 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CV Fv' 265 1.25 1.00 1.00 Fb'+ 2400 1.25 1.00 1.00 0.945 1.000 Fcp' 650 - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.8 million 1.00 1.00 - - Emin' 0.85 million 1.00 1.00 - - Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Cfu Cr Cfrt Notes Cn LC# - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 - 1.00 - - - - - 1.00 - - 2 - - 1.00 - - 2 Shear : LC #2 = D+L, V = 6808, V design = 5673 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 25529 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L (live) LC #2 = D+L (total) EI = 2594e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. D=deadL=live S=snow W=wind I=impact Lr=roof live Lc=concentrated All LC's are listed in the Analysis output Load combinations: ASCE 7-05 DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Glulam design values are for materials conforming to AITC 117-2001 and manufactured in accordance with ANSI/AITC A190.1-1992 3. GLULAM: bxd = actual breadth x actual depth. 4. Glulam Beams shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 3.3.3. 5. GLULAM: bearing length based on smaller of Fcp(tension), Fcp(comp'n). 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMPANY PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition W6.od Wo rks 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA McCall, ID 83638 Beam1.wwb SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN. (208) 634-8148 July 30, 2008 13:40 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- tern Location [ft] Start End `Magnitude Start End Unit d Dead Full Area 212 2515 30.00(18.00)* psf 1 Live Full Area #2 Live Defl'n 20.00(18.00)* psf W Dead Full Area Cb 1.00 15.00 (6.00)* psf pl Dead Point 1.00 1.00 1238 lbs 2 Live Point 1.00 - - - - 1 1.00 1 825 lbs , Tr1AUL3ry WLQLn k1L) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 0' Dead 2188 Value 1570 Live 1339 Shear 926 Total 3547 212 2515 Bearing: fb = 736 Fb' = Load Comb #2 Live Defl'n #2 Length 1.03 L/.360 0.73 Cb 1.00 <L/999 1.00 Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x8" Self -weight of 9.8 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Anal sis/Desi n Shear fv = 106 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv' = 0.50 Bending(+) fb = 736 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.49 Live Defl'n 0.01 = <L/999 0.13 = L/.360 0.08 Total Defl'n 0.04 = <L/999 0.20 = t/240 0.19 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL - CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 --, - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear LC #2 = D+L, V = 3547, V design = 2922 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 3164 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L EI = 309e06-lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) ,(All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: Load Type COMPANY PROJECT Location [ft) }^ U ® --Woo.dWo ks Shear Summit Structural Engineering 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 Lot 8 at the Tradition La Quinta, CA 5660 1 Start End McCall, ID 83638 Beam1.wwb ' SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DES/CN Full Area (208) 6:34-8148 Live Defl'n 30.00(18.50)* LPP-1'fff 1 July 30, 2008 13:46 Full Area Cb Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft) Magnitude Shear 2035 Total 5660 tern Start End Start End fb d Dead Full Area #2 Live Defl'n 30.00(18.50)* LPP-1'fff 1 Live Full Area Cb 1.001 20.00(18.50)*w 1 1.00 L/240 Dead Full Area 15.00 (6.00)* "Tributary wiatn trz) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (lbs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : o' If Dead , 3548 Value 3548 Live 2035 Shear 2035 Total 5660 331 5660 Bearing: fb = 1519 Fb' = Load Comb #2 Live Defl'n #2 Length 1.70 L/360 1.70 Cb 1.001 = L/391 1 1.00 Glulam-Unbal., West Species, 24F -1.8E WS, 5-1/8x12" . Self -weight of 14.16 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 113 Fv' = 331 fv/Fv' = 0.34 Bending(+) fb = 1519 Fb' = 2928 fb/Fb' = 0.52 Live Defl'n 0.09 = <L/999 0.37 = L/360 0.25 Total Defl'n 0.34 = L/391 0.55 = L/240 0.61 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CV Cfu Cr Cfrt Notes Cn LC# Fv' 265 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 2400 1.25 1.00 1.00 0.976 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 650 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - - E' 1.8'million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - 2 Emin' 0.85 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - 2 Custom duration factor.for Live load = 1.25 Shear : LC #2 = D+L, V = 5660, V design = 4631 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 15566 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L EI = 1328e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Glulam design values are for materials conforming to AITC 117-2001 and manufactured in accordance with ANSUAITC A190.1-1992 3. GLULAM: bxd = actual breadth x actual depth. 4. Glulam Beams shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 3.3.3. 5. GLULAM: bearing length based on smaller of Fcp(tension), Fcp(comp'n). Z e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMPANY PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition /'� `n /drk§'� 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA WOOM Y' V McCall, ID 83638 Beam1.wwb SOFTWARE FOR -W606 OFSIGN (208) 634-8148 July 30, 2008 13:48 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] MagnitudeUnit Shear 555 Total 1443 tern Start End Start End fb = d Dead Full Area #2 Live Defl'n 30.00(18.50)* psf 1 Live Full Area Total Defl'n 0.02 = 20.00(18.50)* psf W Dead Full Area 1.00 1.00 - - - - 15.00 (2.00)* sf *Tributary wiatn tir) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : n' Dead 877 Value 877 Live 555 Shear 555 Total 1443 212 1443 Bending(+) fb = 468 Fb' = Bearing: Load Comb #2 Live Defl'n #2 Length Cb 0.50* 1. 1.001 L/360 0.50* 1.00 `min. Dearing iengin Tor oeams is If/ Tor exTenor suppons Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x6" Self -weight of 7.19 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analvsis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Desi n Shear fv = 50 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv' = 0.23 Bending(+) fb = 468 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.31 Live Defl'n 0.01 = <L/999 0.10 = L/360 0.06 Total Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 0.15 = L/240 0.13 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear LC #2 = D+L, V = 1443, V design= 1002 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 1082 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L EI = 122e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. z i COMPANY PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition Wo.odWorks'. 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 La Quints, 1 ' McCall, ID 83638 Beaml.wwb .SUFIWARE FOR WOOD DFSIc7J (208) 634-8148 July 30, 2008 13:50 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: *Tributary Width (ft)_ MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): z 10' 5'-6't Tim r -soft, .Fir -L, No. 1, 6x8" Se -weight of 9.8 included in loads; Lateral s port: top= at supp , bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) an Deflection (in) using N 2005: ADDITIONAL DATA: . FACTORS: F/E CD CM t CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00 .00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.'00 2 Fb'+ 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' . 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.0 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.00 million 1. 0 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration facto for Live load = 1.25 Shear LC #2 ='D+L, V'= 2034, V design = 1572 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 2797 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L EI = 309e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D --dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit tern Start End Start d d Dead Full Area 30.00(700)*Ipsf 0)* psf 1. Live Full Area 20.00( 0)* psf W Dead 1238 Value 1238 Live 770 ) � 770 Total 2034 c/ 2039 Bearing: 0. Bending(+) fb = Load Comb #2 1500 #2 Length 0.59 0.02 = 0.59 Cb 1.00 1.00 Dead Full Area 0.28 = L/240 15.00 Dead 1238 Value 1238 Live 770 ) � 770 Total 2034 c/ 2039 Bearing: 0. Bending(+) fb = Load Comb #2 1500 #2 Length 0.59 0.02 = 0.59 Cb 1.00 1.00 Criterion Analysis Value D i n Value Anal sis/Des n Shear fv = 57 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv' = 0. Bending(+) fb = 651 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.43 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 0.18 = L/360 0.10 Total Defl'n 0.06 = <L/999 0.28 = L/240 0.23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 wQOdw01ks" Type COMPANY Summit Structural Engineering 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 PROJECT Lot 8 at the Tradition La Quinta, CA Location (ft) Start End .. Unit McCall, ID 83638 Beaml.wwb Full Area • SOFRYARFFOR WOOD'DFSIGN 1507 (208) 634-8148 psf 1 Live Full Area July 30, 2008 14:02 Live Defl'n 20.00 (2.00)* Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 DADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- tern Location (ft) Start End Magnitude Start End Unit d Dead - Full Area 212 1507 30.00 (2.00)* psf 1 Live Full Area #2 Live Defl'n 20.00 (2.00)* psf W Dead Full Area Total Defl'n 0.04 = 15.00(10.00)* psf pl Dead Point 1.75 1268 lbs 2 Live Point 1.75 B45 ilbs "lrinuLdry WiaLu tiLl MAXIMUM REACTIONS (lbs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : n, Dead 1002 Value 1002 Live 492 Shear 492 Total 1507 212 1507 Bending(+) fb = 971 Fb' = Bearing: Load Comb #2 Live Defl'n #2 Length Cb 0.50* 1 1.001 L/360 0.50* 1 1.00 'Mm. Dearing IengTn Tor Deams Is l Iz Tor exterior suppoRs Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x6" ` Self -weight of 7.19 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analvsis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using Nos 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 69 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv' = 0.32 Bending(+) fb = 971 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.65 Live Defl'n 0.01 = <L/999 0.12 = L/360 0.10 Total Defl'n 0.04 = L/935 0.18 =' L/240 0.26 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# FV, 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 1200 1.25 1.00' 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live'load = 1.25 , Shear : LC #2 = D+L, V = 1507, V design = 1389 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 2243 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L EI = 122e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMPANY PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition 106 East Paris Street, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA Woo'dWorks" McCall, ID 83638 Beaml.wwb SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DER& (208) 634-B148 July 30, 2008 14:04 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit 390 Total 1499 tern Start End Start End #2 d Dead Full Area 0.50* Live Defl1n0.02 30.00 (6.00)* psf 1 Live Full Area Total Defl'n 0.08 = 20.00 (6.00)* psf w Dead Full Area 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 15.00(10.00)* sf x'rriouzary wiaLn r=L) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 6' Dead 1072 Value 1072 Live 390 w 390 Total 1499 153 1494 Bearing: Load Comb #2 918 #2 Length 0.50* Live Defl1n0.02 0.50* Cb I 1 1.00 L/360 1.00 -nein. Dearing iengin Tor oeams is iic wi ex tniva suppuiw Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x8" Self -weight of 9.8 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analvsis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 32 Fv' = 153 fv/Fv' = 0.21 Bending(+) lfb = 918 Fb' = 1080 fb/Fb' = 0.39 Live Defl1n0.02 = <L/999 0.22 = L/360 0.07 Total Defl'n 0.08 = L/959 0.32 = L/240 0.25 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' ' 170 -0.90. 1.00. 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 Fb'+ 1200 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1 Fcp' 625 - -1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear : LC #1 = D only, V = 1109, V design = 892 lbs Bending(+): LC #1 = D only, M = 1795 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L EI = 309e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D -dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMPANY PROJECT ® Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition ' Wo ot� W- s o 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA (J McCall, ID 83638' Beam1.wwb SOMME FOR WOOD'DESICN (208) 634-8148 July 30, 2008 14:08 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Un*Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (lbs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 10' Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x12" Self -weight of 15.02 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 0.986 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2. Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - 1.00 .1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.58 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear LC #2 = D+L, V = 4226, V design = 3455 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 11094 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L . EI = 1115e06 lb -int -Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. it tern Start End Start End d Dead Full Area 30.00(14.00)* psf 1 Live Full Area 20.00(14.00)* psf W Dead 2678 Value 2678 Live 1470 Shear 1970 Total 4226 212 4226 Bearing: #2 1098 #2 Load Comb Length 1.23 0.07 = 1.23 Cb 1.00 1.00 0.26 = L/961 0.52 = Dead Full Area 15.00 (6.00)* sf Dead 2678 Value 2678 Live 1470 Shear 1970 Total 4226 212 4226 Bearing: #2 1098 #2 Load Comb Length 1.23 0.07 = 1.23 Cb 1.00 1.00 Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 82 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv' = 0.39 Bending(+) fb = 1098 Fb' = 1669 fb/Fb' = 0.66 Live Defl'n 0.07 = <L/999 0.35 = L/360 0.20 Total Defl'n 0.26 = L/961 0.52 = L/290 0.50 -2- COMPANY PROJECT ® Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition WoodWorks 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA McCaII, ID 83638 Beam1.wwb a SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN (208) 634-8148 July 30, 2008 14:10 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude 6nit 2014 Total 5049 212 tern Start End Start En 1167 Fb' = d Dead Full Area 0.02 = Load Comb 30.00(14.00 * psf #2 1 Live Full Area 1.64 Cb 20.00(14.0 )* psf 1.00 w Dead Full Area 15.00 (2.•0)* psf pl Dead Point 3.00 4320 lbs 2 ILive lPoint 1 3.00 1 2280 llbs -i-r1Duzary wlaLn (IL) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 0' NO 5' Dead 3201 Value 3594 Live 1806 Shear 2014 Total 5049 212 5649 Bending(+) fb = 1167 Fb' = Bearing: fb/Fb' = 0.70 Live Defl'n 0.02 = Load Comb #2 L/360 #2 Length, 1.47 <L/999 1.64 Cb 1.00 1.00 Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x12" Self -weight of 15.02 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 117 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv' = 0.55 Bending(+) fb = 1167 Fb' = 1676 fb/Fb' = 0.70 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 0.18 = L/360 0.09 Total Defl'n 0.06 = <L/999 0.28 = L/240 0.23 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Ell 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 0.993 1.000 1.00., 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.58 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear LC #2 = D+L, V = 5649, V design = 4935 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 11794 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L EI = 1115e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 06 COMPANY PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition Wood . -Works` r k J 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA V . V 1 McCall, ID 83638 Beaml.wwb SOFnVAREFOR-WOODDESICIV (208) 634-8148 July 30, 2008 14:14 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit*Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 10' 10'-6'( *Min. bearing length for beams is 1/2" for exterior supports Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x8" Self -weight of 9.8 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 0.90 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 FbI+ 1200. 0.90 1.00` 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 .1.00 1.00 1.00. - 1 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 2 Emin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear : LC #1 = D only, V = 639, V design = 739 lbs Bending(+): LC #1 = D only, M = 2202 lbs -ft. Deflection: LC #2 = D+L EI = 309e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. tern Start End Start End d Dead Full Area 30.00 (2.00)* psf 1 Live Full Area 20.00 (2.00)* psf W Dead 767 Value 767 Live 210 Shear 210 Total 1049 153 1099 Bearing: fb = 513 Fb' = Load Comb #2 Live Defl'n #2 Length 0.50* L/360 0.50* Cb 1.00 L/509 1.00 Dead Full Area 15.00 (6.00)* sf Dead 767 Value 767 Live 210 Shear 210 Total 1049 153 1099 Bearing: fb = 513 Fb' = Load Comb #2 Live Defl'n #2 Length 0.50* L/360 0.50* Cb 1.00 L/509 1.00 Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 27 Fv' 153 fv/Fv' = 0.18 Bending(+) fb = 513 Fb' = 1080 fb/Fb' = 0.97 Live Defl'n 0.09 = <L/999 0.35 = L/360 0.10 Total Defl'n 0.25 = L/509 0.52 = L/240 0.97 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.3 .LOADS: Load COMPANY PROJECT Pat- W®r k Summit Structural Engineering PO Box 2618 Lot 8 with changes The Tradition 2184 s� 902 Baycolt Way La Quinta, CA Start End Start End McCall, ID 83638 July 19, 2010 15:50 Beam1 4- Vt4,� Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.3 .LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft)' Magnitude Unit 2184 Other 1200 tern Start End Start End fb d Dead Full Area fb/Fb' = 0.55 3384 30.00(16.00)* psf 1 Live Full Area Load Comb Length 20.00(16.00)* psf W Dead Full Area 1.00 15.00 (6.00)* psf --LL1MULGLy wiuLii, kLLI MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 0. :A Unfactored: Analysis Value Design Dead 2184 Shear 2184 Other 1200 = 212 1200 Factored: fb =- 920 Fb' 3384 fb/Fb' = 0.55 3384 Total Bearing: #2 = L/360 #2 Load Comb Length 0.98 0.38 0,98 Cb 1.00 1.00 Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x'80" Self -weight of 12.41 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 77 Fv' = 212 'v/Fv' = 0.36 Bending(+) fb =- 920 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.55 Live Defl'n 0.04 = <L/999 0.25 = L/360 0.14 Total Defl'n 0.14 = L/665 0.38 = L/240 0.36 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00. - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear : LC #2 = D+L, V = 3384, V design = 2670 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 6345 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L (live) LC #2 = D+L (total) EI = 629e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) +. Live Load Deflection. D=dead L=live S=snow W --wind I=impact Lr=roof live Lc=concentrated All LC's are listed in the Analysis output Load combinations: ASCE 7-05 DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. COMPANY PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition Wfoodo rk 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA V. V J McCall, ID 83638 Beam1.wwb SOFTWARE F& WOOD bFVGN (208)634-8148 July 30, 2008 14:20 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft) Magnitude Unit 1017 Total 2653 tern Start End Start End fb = d Dead Full Area fb/Fb' = 0.57 Live Defl'n 30.00(18.50)* psf 1 Live Full Area Length 0.77 20.00(18.50)* psf W Dead Full Area 1.00 1.00 - - - - 15.00 (2.00)* sf -i-rlDuzary wioLa r=L) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (lbs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) 0' 5' Dead 1609 Value 1609 Live 1017 Shear 1017 Total 2653 212 2653 Bearing: fb = 849 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.57 Live Defl'n 0.02 = Load Comb #2 L/360 #2 Length 0.77 L/785 0.77 Cb 1.00 E' 1.6 million 1.00 Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x8" Self -weight of 9.8 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 75 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv' = 0.35 Bending(+) fb = 849 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.57 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 0.18 = L/360 0.13 Total Defl'n 0.08 = L/785 0.28 = L/240 0.31 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear : LC 42 = D+L, V = 2653, V design = 2050 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 3648 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L EI = 309e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. Z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMPANY PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition WoodWo'rkse 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA McCall, ID 83638 Beam1.wwb 17i9 i&iWAAFFOIt•woaD'DFvcN (208) 634-8148 July 30, 2008 14:21 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 (LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Dnit 540 Total 1946 tern Start End Start End fb = d Dead Full Area fb/Fb' = 0.38 #2 30.00 (6.00)* £ 1 Live Full Area Cb 1.00 20.00 (6.00)* :PsSff Dead Full Area 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 15.00 (8.00)* 2 '1L1LU Lf1Ly R1UL11 tLLJ MAXIMUM REACTIONS (lbs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : Dead 1350 Value 1350 Live 540 Shear 540 Total 1946 153 1946 Bearing: fb = 459 Fb' = #2 fb/Fb' = 0.38 #2 Load Comb Length 0.57 L/360 0.57 Cb 1.00 L/781 1.00 Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x10" Self -weight of 12.41 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) usinq NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Desi n Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 33 Fv' = 153 fv/Fv' = 0.22 Bending(+) fb = 459 Fb' = 1215 fb/Fb' = 0.38 Live Defl'n 0.03 = <L/999 0.30 = L/360 0.09 Total Defl'n 0.14 = L/781 0.45 = L/240 0.31 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 0.90 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 •1 Fb'+ 1350 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear : LC #1 = D only, V = 1406, V design = 1159 lbs _Bending(+): LC #1 = D only, M = 3163 lbs -ft Deflection: LC 42 = D+L EI'= 629e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMPANY PROJECT 0. Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition WOk 106 East Park Street, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA OCIWO 1 S McCall, ID 83638 Beam1.wwb SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DES/ON (206) 634-8148 July 30, 2008 14:25 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Shear 1470 Total 4138 212 Start End Start End fb d Dead Full Area #2 Live Defl'n 30.00(21.00)* Ln,_t]tern 1.20 Live Full Area Cb 1.00 20.00(21.00)* 1.00 w Dead Full Area 1.00 1.00 - - - - 15.00 (8.00)* 1.00 - -TriDULary WJ.ULn t1L) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (lbs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 0' Dead 2625 Value 2625 Live 1470 Shear 1470 Total 4138 212 4138 Bearing: fb = 1051 Fb' = Load Comb #2 Live Defl'n #2 Length 1.20 L/360 1.20 Cb 1.00 = L/625 1.00 Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x10" Self -weight of 12.41 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Anal sis/Desi n Shear fv = 92 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv' = 0.43 Bending(+) fb = 1051 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.62 Live Defl'n 0.04 = <L/999 0.23 = L/360 0.15 Total Defl'n 0.13 = L/625 0.35 = L/240 0.38 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 .2 Fb'+ 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - • 2 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear : LC #2 = D+L, V = 4138, V design = 3202 lbs Bending(+):.LC #2 = D+L, M = 7242 lbs -ft Deflection: LC 42 = D+L EI = 629e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated)- (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 3( COMPANY PROJECT }^ ® Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition WOOdWO1061 kS East Park Street, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA McCall, ID 83638 Beam1.wwb �4 . SOF7WAREFOR WOOD DESICN (208) 634-8148 July 30, 2008 14:27 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit 540 Total 1739 tern Start End Start End fb = d Dead Full Area fb/Fb' = 0.40 Live Defl'n 30.00 (9.00)* psf 1 Live Full Area Length 0.51 20.00 (9.00)* psf W Dead Full Area 1.00 1.00 - - - - 15.00 (8.00)* sf -Trinurary wiar-n,trLr MAXIMUM REACTIONS (lbs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 01 Dead 1170 Value 1170 Live 540 Shear 540 Total 1739 212 1739 Bearing: fb = 607 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.40 Live Defl'n 0.02 = Load Comb #2 L/360 #2 Length 0.51 L/979 0.51 Cb 1.00 E' 1.6 million 1.00 Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x8" Self -weight of 9.8 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Anal Sis/Desi n Shear fv = 50 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv' = 0.24 Bending(+) fb = 607 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.40 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 0.20 = L/360 0.08 Total Defl'n 0.07 = L/979 0.30 = L/240 0.24 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1..00 2 Fb'+ 1200 '1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 '1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear : LC #2 = D+L, V = 1739, V design = 1377 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 2609 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L EI = 309e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 1. 1 1 1 1. 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMPANY PROJECT q Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 with changes ® , a o r k s 90 Box colt The Tradition ®/ \/ 902 Baycolt Way La Quinta, CA McCall, ID 83638 Beam1 July 19, 201015:58 7 Design Check Calculation Sheet * Sizer 8.3 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- tern Location [ft] Start End Magnitude Start End Unit d Dead Full Area 238 1028 30.00 (4.00)* psf 1 Live Full Area fb/Fb' = 0.38 Live Defl'n 20.00 (4.00)* psf W Dead Full Area Bearing: 0.46 = 15.00 (6.00)* psf P1 Dead Point 42 11.50 1170 lbs P2 Live Point 11.50 540 lbs -Trioutary wiatn (rt) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (lbs) and SEARING LENGTHS (in) : 1 Unfactored: Anal sis Value Design Dead 2136 Shear 2648 Other 792 238 1028 Bending(+) fb.= 1080 Fb' = Factored: fb/Fb' = 0.38 Live Defl'n 0.09 = Total 2928 L/360 3676 Bearing: 0.46 = 'L/415 0.80 = Load Comb #2 Deflection: LC #2 = D+L (live) 42 Length 0.88 1.10 Cb 1.00 1.00 Glulam-Unbal., West Species, 24F -1.8E WS, 5-1/8x13-1/2" Self -weight of 15.93 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Anal sis Value Design Value Anal sis/Desi n Shear fv = 52 Fv' = 238 fv/Fv' = 0.22 Bending(+) fb.= 1080 Fb' = 2853 fb/Fb' = 0.38 Live Defl'n 0.09 = <L/999 0.53 = L/360 0.18 Total Defl'n 0.46 = 'L/415 0.80 = L/240 0.58 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS:'F/E CD CM Ct CL Cv Cfu Cr Cfrt Notes Cn LC# Fv' 265 0.90 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 Fb'+ 2400 1.25 1.00 1.00 0:951 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 650 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - - E' 1.8 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - 2 Emin' 0.85 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear LC #1 = D only, v = 2648, v design = 2394 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 14012 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L (live) LC #2 = D+L (total) EI = 1891e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact Lr=roof live Lc=concentrated All LC's are listed in the Analysis output Load combinations: ASCE 7-05 DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Glulam design values are for materials conforming to AITC 117-2001 and manufactured in accordance with ANSUAITC A190.1-1992 3. GLULAM: bxd = actual breadth x actual depth. 4. Glulam Beams shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 3.3.3. 5. GLULAM: bearing length based on smaller of Fcp(tension), Fcp(comp'n). _�3 1 11 1 COMPANY PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 @ The Tradition Woo.Wo'rks : P.O. Box 2618 Beaml.wwb McCall, ID 83638 SOFTWARFFORWOOD AFSIGN (206) 634-8148 Sep. 29, 2008 14:36 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 10' 64 Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x8" Self -weight of 9.8 pif included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+. 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - '2 Emin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear : LC #2 = D+L, V = 2699, V design = 2137 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 4049 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L EI = 309e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC. DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. Load Type Distribution Pat- Location (ft] Magnitude Lni Dead 1710 Value 1710 Live 960 Shear 960 Total 2699 tern Start End Start End fb = d Dead Full Area fb/Fb' = 0.63 Live Defl'n 30.00(16.00)* Load Comb 1 Live Full Area Length 0.79 20.00(16.00)* 0.79 w Dead Full Area 1.00 15.00 (6.00)* Dead 1710 Value 1710 Live 960 Shear 960 Total 2699 212 2699 Bending(+) fb = 942 Fb' = Bearing: fb/Fb' = 0.63 Live Defl'n 0.03 = Load Comb #2 L/360 #2 Length 0.79 L/692 0.79 Cb 1.00 1.00 Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 78 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv' = 0.37 Bending(+) fb = 942 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.63 Live Defl'n 0.03 = <L/999 0.20 = L/360 0.15 Total Defl'n 0.11 = L/692 0.30 = L/240 0.37 � 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMPANY PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 @ The Tradition WoodWor`ks P.O. Box 2618 Beaml.wwb McCall, ID 83638 . SOF7WAREFORWOOD DESIGN , (208) 634-8148 Sep. 29, 2008 14:31 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 ILOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit 2035 Total 5330 tern Start End Start End #2 d Dead Full Area30.00(18.50)* Length 1.60 0.09 = psf 1 Live Full Area 1.00 0.31 = 20.00(18.50)* psf W Dead Full Area 1.00 1.00 - - - - 15.00 (2.00)* sf IL1LULaLy W1UL11 kLL) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 0' C7 Dead 3218 Value 3218 Live 2035 Shear 2035 Total 5330 331 5330 Bearing: #2 1430 #2 Load Comb Length 1.60 0.09 = 1.60 Cb 1.00 0.25 1.00 Glulam-Unbal., West Species, 24F -1.8E WS, 5-118x12" Self -weight of 14.16 plf included in loads; - Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Anal sis Value Desi n Value Analysis/Design Shear fv - 106 Fv' = 331 fv/Fv' = 0.32 Bending(+) fb = 1430 Fb' = 2928 fb/Fb' = 0.49 Live Defl'n 0.09 = <L/999 0.37 = L/360 0.25 Total Defl'n 0.31 = L/419 0.55 = L/240 0.57 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CV Cfu Cr Cfrt Notes Cn LC# Fv' 265 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 2400 1.25 1.00 1.00 0.976 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 650 - 1.00 1.00 -. -• - - 1.00 E' 1.8 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - 2 Emin' 0.85 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 - - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear LC #2 = D+L, V = 5330, V design = 4361 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 14659 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L EI = 1328e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Glulam design values are for materials conforming to AITC 117-2001 and manufactured in accordance with ANSUAITC A190.1-1992 3. GLULAM: bxd = actual breadth x actual depth. 4. Glulam Beams shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 3.3.3. 5. GLULAM: bearing length based on smaller of Fcp(tension), Fcp(comp'n). 1� COMPANY PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering Lot 8 at the Tradition WoodWorks106 East Park Street, Suite206 La Quinta, CA0 McCall, ID 83638 Beam1.wwb SOFTWARE FOR W90D DEMN (208) 634-8148 July 30, 2008 14:50 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 8.0 LOADS: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit 1080 Total 2819 tern Start End Start End fb = d Dead Full Area fb/Fb' = 0.66 Live Defl'n 30.00(18.00)* psf 1 Live Full Area Length 0.82 20.00(18.00)* psf W Dead Full Area 1.00 1.00 - - - - 15.00 (2.00)* sf -1r1nuLary wiaLn trL/ MAXIMUM REACTIONS (lbs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : 0. Dead 1710 Value 1710 Live 1080 Shear 1080 Total 2819 212 2819 Bearing: fb = 984 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.66 Live Defl'n 0.03 = Load Comb #2 L/360 #2 Length 0.82 L/621 0.82 Cb 1.00 E' 1.6 million 1.00 Timber -soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x8" Self -weight of 9.8 plf included in loads; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2005: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value. Anal sis/Desi n Shear fv = 81 Fv' = 212 fv/Fv' = 0.38 Bending(+) fb = 984 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.66 Live Defl'n 0.03 = <L/999 0.20 = L/360 0.17 Total Defl'n 0.12 = L/621 0.30 = L/240 0.39 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F/E CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC# Fv' 170 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 625 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Emin' 0.00 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 Shear LC #2 = D+L, V = 2819, V design = 2232 lbs Bending(+): LC #2 = D+L, M = 4229 lbs -ft Deflection: LC #2 = D+L EI = 309e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection)' + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction Lc=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) Load combinations: ICC -IBC DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. /a 1 1 1 1 1 PAD FOOTING TABLE SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JOB No. 106 EAST PARK STREET SHEET No. :;;:7 Suite 206 CALCULATED By McCall, ID 83638 CHECKED By (208) 634-8148 fax (208) 630-5079 SCALE M LE A `Lb 0:1-000sP- 18" 3,375 LB 241) 6,000 LB 30" 9,375 LB 36" 13,500 LB 4211 18,375 LB SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JOB No. 106 EAST PARK STREET SHEET No. :;;:7 Suite 206 CALCULATED By McCall, ID 83638 CHECKED By (208) 634-8148 fax (208) 630-5079 SCALE mto.i: AtONCH 5548 24 2 54� —,2-4-- 0 3 5648 24 4 4226 24 5 5649_. 24,, 7 7466 30 8 4838 24 9 6577 30 10 3904 24 11 &a18 5--S-S�V 24 SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JOB No. 106 EAST PARK STREET SHEET No. :;;:7 Suite 206 CALCULATED By McCall, ID 83638 CHECKED By (208) 634-8148 fax (208) 630-5079 SCALE 1 FOUNDATION DESIGN 1 Grade Beam Design Grade Beam @ Line 1 Strongwall 1 DL + LL x Trib. Area = Load 1 La H 1 All A 1 1 1 G M M 1 ' .S q 1 Al 1 G 1 .1 1 1 1 teral Force (V)= 932 Ib. He of applied force 13 ft. owable Soil Pressure (q) = 1500 psf Ad Gr usted Soil Pressure (q') 1.33*q - : _ 1995 psf e a ade. Beam Geometry b= 24" h= 30" d= 27" toe = 3 ft heel - = 3ft eneral Stability Check of = V x (H+h) _ r= Wxtoe+(bxhx(toe+heel) xtoex150pcf= General Stability O.K. Sc Roof Load 18 16 x 0 = 0 Floor Load 12 40 x 0 = 0 Wall Load 15 x 0 0 ' Point Load 1400 1400 Total (W) 1400 1 La H 1 All A 1 1 1 G M M 1 ' .S q 1 Al 1 G 1 .1 1 1 1 teral Force (V)= 932 Ib. He of applied force 13 ft. owable Soil Pressure (q) = 1500 psf Ad Gr usted Soil Pressure (q') 1.33*q - : _ 1995 psf e a ade. Beam Geometry b= 24" h= 30" d= 27" toe = 3 ft heel - = 3ft eneral Stability Check of = V x (H+h) _ r= Wxtoe+(bxhx(toe+heel) xtoex150pcf= General Stability O.K. Sc ?Cc 14,446 ft.lb 28,500 ft.lb Pressure Check ' = F x (H + h) / (b*Toe/2) = 1,605 'psf lowable Soil Pressure = 1995 psf Soil Pressure O.K. rade Beam Strength Check Ms= 12.116 ft -kip Mu= . 0.75 x 0.4D + 1.7L x 1.7(1.1 E)) = 16.9624 ft -kip fc= 2500 -psi ty= 60000 psi b= 24" d= 27", As= 3,x # 5 rebar = 0.92 in."2 T= • As x fy= 55221.68 Ib. a = T/(0.85 x fc' x b) = 1.08 in. Mu'= 0.9 x (As x fy x (d -a/2)) = 109.58 ft -kip ' Mu'= 109.58 'ft -kip > Mu = 16.962 O.K. ?Cc 14,446 ft.lb 28,500 ft.lb FOUNDATION DESIGN Grade Beam Design Grade Beam @ Line 6 Strongwall DL + LL x Trib. Area = Load Roof Load • 18 16 x 0 = 0 Floor Load 12 40 x 0 = 0 Wall Load 15 x 0 0 Point Load' 500 500 Total (W) 500 Lateral Force (V)= 548 Ib. Height of applied force 10 ft. Allowable Soil Pressure (q) = 1500 psf Adjusted Soil Pressure (q') 1.33*q _ 1995 psf Grade Beam Geometry b= 24" h= 30" d= 27" toe = 3 ft heel = 3 ft General Stability Check Mot = V x (H+h) _ 6,850 ft.lb Mr= W x toe + (b x h x (toe + heel) x toe x 150 pcf = 25,800 ft.lb General Stability 0. K. Soil Pressure Check q ='F x (H 4- h) / (b"T6e/2) = 761 psf Allowable Soil Pressure = 1995 psf Soil Pressure O.K. Grade Beam Strength Check ' Ms= 5.48 ft -kip Mu= 0.75.x (1.4D + 1.71- x 1.7(1.1 E)) = 7.672 ft -kip fc= 2500 psi fy= 60000 psi b= 24" • d= 27" As= 3 x # 5 rebar = 0.92 in.^2 T= As x fy= 55221.68 Ib. a = T/(0.85 x fc' x b) _ _ _ . 1.08 in. Mu'= 0.9 x (As x fy x (d -a/2)) = 109.58 ft -kip Mu'= 109.58 ft -kip > Mu = 7.672 0. K. SUMMIT STRUCTUR,AL E1�GINEERING ,log -MOM EASTh�P�RZ S �REET�� "� , �`� : `� '� � a '$HE�ET NO�`�` �, , �A $ Ik, izat106 F A TSE©sBY r� ;McCail;�b 83638 k� w GFiECKEDMM {208634#81E4$faz /20x8 6305079 "x` *� SC .:z� w.cc. ��x�x..sv.�:�.�'u�._. .m�o-�._=..n 1.,.t._:.. �...m.,u: ��6*y..v....S..�Sa'��'��. ''.r�. `�.x.:.. '?`.�.�..�i�r.C..%��:v v. �� �Sk _,x•z....a._r._. „n.�..��' 1 1 1 .1 1 ' SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 106 EAST PARK STREET Suite 206 ' McCall; ID 83638 (208) 634-8148 fax (208) 630-5079 JOB No. SHEET No. L 1 CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE 2006 IBC Lateral Analysis La Quinta, CA 92253 Wind and Seismic Load Distribution Weight of Materials Roof DL 30 psf Exterior Wall 15 psf Interior Wall 10 psf Design Base Shear Ss= 1.5 Fa= 1 S1= 0.6 Fv=1.5 Sds= 1 Sds = 2/3 Sms = Fa x Ss x 2/3 Sd1= 0.6 Sd1 = 213 Sm1 = Fv x S1 x 213 Seismic Design Category = D Site Class = D (assumed) Ts = Sdi/Sds = Occupancy Category II Seimic Importance 1=1 h = 20 R= 6.5 T= Ct(hn)314 Rho= 1.3 T= 0.189 V= (rho) x Sds x I / 1.4R x W Ts = Sdt/Sds = 0.6 V= 0.143 W ' 0.189 < 0.6 Sds governs Design Wind Pressure (Simplified Method) Roof slope = 4 12 Roof angle = 18.44 degrees Ps30 15 deg. 20 deg. linear interp. ps=AKIps30 Zone A 16.1' 17.8 17.27 21.31 Zone B -5.4 -4.7 -4.92 ' -6.07 Zone C 10.7 11.9 11.52 14.22 Zone D -3 -2.6 -2.73 -3.36 Mean.Height 46.5 A15'= 1.21 \20'= 1.29 X ht. = 1.23 Wind Exposure Category C 0.40 mean height = Importance =1 = 1 Least horiz dim. _ Basic Wind Speed = 90 mph 0.1 b = Topographic Factor Kzt = 1 2a = End Zone Dim Wind Factor ps = A x Kzt x I x Ps30 Zone B and D are negative ( 6.6 65 6.5 13 ft. outward) and will be set to 0 for most conservative value Vertical Distribution of Forces North - South Direction Dead Loads Roof 30 psf x Exterior Wall 15 psf x Interior Wall 10 psf x Wind A 21.3 psf x Wind C 14.2 psf. x Check 10 psf 'min to dia 10 x East - West Direction 2 = 140 Dead Loads Roof = 30 psf x. Exterior Wall 15 psf x Interior Wall 10 psf x Wind A 21.3 psf x Wind C 14.2 psf. x Check 10 psf min to dia 10 x Tribituary Area 65 ft = 1950 6ftx 2 = 180 7ftx 2 = 140 0.143 x 2270 324lb.1ft. 7 ft. = 149 fb.M. 7 ft. = 100 lb./ft. 12 ft. 120 lb./ft. Tribituary Area 123 ft = 3690 6 ft x 4 = 360 6 ft x 6 = 360 0.143 x 4410 6301b.1ft. 7 ft. = 149 lb./ft. 9.5 ft. = 135 fbJ'ft. 12 ft. 120 lb./ft. X :,, ..>x '�tr'%''�"w'��..,:3:;.u3w?."�_':^.-.?:=u'?'..e..�.r x:>;u....., a-','r'.�". ��„�'.,,+.v:.,n:ga- SUMMI,TS3 f7CTURAL`ENG NEERINGti JosgNo�` �x 106 \ �.� y..Y x'TS rfi � S ; MX• :•F '. ...������ i� � �I, ✓' k � � � ": ^,��".,�,�x':aN' RY�Xi �M"s'^��X • . �McCa11�1D 83638 f ���'' �i � � �� � ,�� ��:.:z: �,C" °� i ", 634,8148 faz (208 e630 5079fi x.a.._�'_'_..,_.,M: IIS CA b W1 • N --11 -°f1 i���ll�gi77���9i�i;'/i9��ijig:ji�g:7i�zg:7��z r- I � A -AL Cb J � c z 0 J W Q W � I � Kcd id.1b1 i���ll�gi77���9i�i;'/i9��ijig:ji�g:7i�zg:7��z r- I � A -AL Cb J � c z 0 J W Q W RIGHT ELEVATION Z14 `U3? tT.s 9 ,q �f tr rr V i uu s� W caw ,K • ro Main Wind Force Resisting System — Method I h:5 60 ft. Figure 6-2 Design Wind Pressures Walls & Roofs Enclosed Buildings H F, Re`.erence Co -e, Transverse H, 1 E 1 j1 . i C �"•: B . A $�c / i� Reference A I � Corner Longitudinal ,2d Notes: I. Pressures shown are applied to the horizontal and vertical projections, for exposure B. at h=30 ft (9.1 m),1=1.0, and K. = 1.0. Adjust to other conditions using Equation 6-l. 2. The load patterns shown shall be applied to each corner of the building in tum as the reference comer. (See Figure 6-10) 3. For the design of the longitudinal M W FRS use 0 = 0"..and locate the zone E/F. G/H boundary at the mid -length of the building. 4. Load cases I and 2 must be checked for 25` < 0 <— 45`. Load case 2 at 25° is provided only for interpolation between 251 to 30°. 5. Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the projected surfaces, respectively. 6. For roof slopes other than those shown, linear interpolation is permitted. 7. The total horizontal load shall not be less than that determined by assuming ps = 0 in zones B & D. 8. The zone pressures represent the following: Horizontal pressure zones — Sum of the windward and leeward net (sum of internal and external) pressures on vertical projection of: A- End zone of wall C- Interior zone of wall 13- End zone of roof D- Interior zone of roof Vertical pressure zones — Net (sum of internal and external) pressures on horizontal projection of: E - End zone of windward roof G - Interior zone of windward roof F - End zone or leeward roof H - Interior zone of leeward roof 9. Where zone E or G falls on a roof overhang on the windward side of the building, use EoH and GoH for the pressure on the horizontal projection of the overhang. Overhangs on the leeward and side edges shall have the basic zone pressure applied. 10. Notation: n: 10 percent of least horizontal dimension or 0.4h, whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% of least horizontal dimension or 3 ft (0.9 m). h: Mean roof height, in feet (meters), except that eave height shall be used for roof angles <10°. e. Angle of plane of roof from horizontal, in degrees. L ®3C, I Lateral Analysis Shear Wal) Line 8 Roof level V =154 o3� Q1 = 154 Ib/ft x 13/ 2 = 1001 Load From Side 0 Ib/ft x 0/ 2= 0 Additional Load 0 0 Total Load 1001 Unit Shear = 4DD1 / 119 ft. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 4 Capacity = 350 Ib./ft- 3/8" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @ 4/4/12 Overturning Clieck Li 6.5 h 10 Unit Shear Dead Load Tribituary Load x Arm2/2 Mr Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x 8 = 240 6.5 5070 Wall Load 15 psf x 10 = 150 6.5 3168.75-- Floor 168.75..Floor Load 12 psf x 0 = 0 6.5 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0 0 6.5 0 Mr = 8238.75 .Mot = 111 plf x 6.5 x 10 = 7229 Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / 6.5 ft- 0.33 ft. T = 277 Use HTT16 Cap. = 3480 Ib. SUMM�gSTRUC URAL ENGINEERING Job No .� � I U r- ASI C�STREET 5 SHEETI � w .� rte20 Au6 n� k'CALKCU�LATE� BY��? Callmiff.' McHECJ<ED�Y��3y�_ ^ *�,"��:?�+t_ zeal; �� � 'Nva"4� a � '�'`•x# '� s .. � .n 1' � x � �+' :q?c.�.hr n:. C i..n� � - .��+,i f ti �� Lateral Analysis Shear Wal) Line C Roof level L� }} p� O Vu \YU L- �g V= 282 Q1 282 Ib/ft x 47 / 2 = 6627 Load From Side 0 Ib/ft x 0/ 2= 0 Additional Load 0 0 Total Load 6627 Unit Shear = 6627 I. . / 28 ft. _ b./ft. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 4 Capacity = 350 lbJtL 318" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @ 414112 Overturning Check ` Li 28 h 14 Unit Shear = 237 Dead Load Tribituary Load x Arm2/� Mr Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x 16 = 480 28 188160 Wall Load 10 psf x 14 = 140 28 54880 Floor Load 12 psf x 0 = 0 28 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0 0 28 0 Mr = 243040 Mot = 237 plf x 28 x 14 = 92778 Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / 28 ft- 0.33 ft. T = -2532 Standard A.B. adequate No Holdown Required Sl7MMIT^�SUC�, RA�L��EiVGiNEERI..NG���` � J�oE� :9.06AS E�PARK STREET �i,IWIN x CCc 111D'83638'*$x� CHEC ED"s���� 208j 634.8148 �faxs 20'8 63©=5079 � �.� � .��rte�s,��.'tu.,.. Lateral Analysis t D Roof J v JShear WaJJ Lyne v� / lig L= 30 5�' S ` ZAP, V = 630 Z 1 S C¢T�L> Q1 = 630 Ib/ft x 47 / 2 = 14805 Load From Side 0 Ib/ft x 0/ 2= 0 fid' S Additional Load 0 0, Total Load 14805 I - Unit Shear = 94805 / 30 ft. = 494 1bJft. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 2 Capacity = 640 lb1ft. 3/8" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @ 212112 ' Overturning Check Li 6.5 h 14 Unit Shear = 494 Dead Load Tribituary Load x Arm2/2 Mr Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x 16 = 480 6.5 10140 Wall Load 10 psf x 14 140 6.5 2957.5. Floor Load 12 psf x 0 - 0 6.5 0 Additional Pt. D.L.:: 0 0 6.5 0 ' Mr = 13097.5 Mot = 494 plf x 6.5 x 14 = 44909 ' Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / 6.5 ft - 0.33 ft. T = 5856 Use PHD8 Cap. = 6730 Ib. f 0 ME xSUMMIiTSTRUCTURA�ENGIN RING 1HEY'ET�`sN ML _ MCC IIA`53638 k �y r�� CHECKEDYa ' 208 634 8"a48�M 08a 630=5D79 _ Sc a _ ........!..e,.,.!s.;.ao....[ ....._. k.. s.. Lateral Analysis hear Wall Line F " Roof level = 48.5 = 630 1 = 630 Ib/ft x 20 / 2 = 6300 oad From Side 0 Ib/ft x 0/ 2= 0 dditional Load 0 0 Total Load 6300 nit Shear = 6300 1 .48.5 ft. = 130 lbJft. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 6 Capacity = 265 lb.lft. 3/8" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @ 616112 R . Overturning Check 5 10 Unit Shear = 130 Dead Load Tribituary Load x Arm2/,, Mr Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x 14 = 420 5 5250 Wall Load 15 psf x 10 = 150 5 1875 Floor Load 12 psf x 0 = 0 5 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0 0 5 0 Mr = 7125 i Mot = 130'plf x 5 x 10 = 6495 Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / 5 ft - 0.33 ft. T = 369 Standard A.B. adequate t No Holdown Required Lateral Analysis 7290 9 6075 Li _ 9 Shear Wall Line F Roof level 10 13320 L= 32 Dead Load V= 256 f._ la3v lZ 3 - 6 = 180 Wall Load 15 psf x l / ���)o`er-w Floor Load 12 psf z 0 = 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 500 Q1 = 256 Ib/ft x 37/ 2 = 4736 Tup = Load From Side 0 Ib/ft x 0 ! •2 = 0 Additional Load 0 0 Total Load 4736 Unit Shear = 4736 / 32 ft. = 148 lb.lft. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 4 Capacity = 350 lb.lft.. 318" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @ 4/4112 . Overturning Check 7290 9 6075 Li _ 9 9 4500 h 10 13320 Unit Shear = 148 Dead Load Tribituary Load Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x - 6 = 180 Wall Load 15 psf x 10 = 150 Floor Load 12 psf z 0 = 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 500 500 Mot = 148 plf x 9 x 10 = Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / 9 ft - 0.33 ft. Standard A.B. adequate No Holdown Required x Arm2/d Mr 9 7290 9 6075 9 0 9 4500 Mr = 17865 13320 T = 156 SUMMI ST CTURA ;ENGINEERING }, E Jos No K.IIIT 206 3 , UTAl B1' .��.�o-� `����, Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line F Root level Entry Tower L= 12.5 V = 149 Q1 = 149 lb/ft x 13/ 2 = 968.5 Load From Side 0 lb/ft x 0/ 2= 0 Additional Load 0 0 Total Load 968.5 Unit Shear = 968.5 J 12.5 ft. = 77 lb.1ft. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 6 Capacity = 265 lb.1% 318" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @ 616112 Overturning Check Li 12.5 h 16.5 Unit Shear= 77 Dead Load Tribituary. Load x ArM2/� Mr Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x 8 = 240 .12.5 18750 Wall Load 15 psf x 6.5 = 97.5 - 12.5 7617.19 Floor Load 12 psf x .0 = 0 12.5 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0 0. 12.5 0 Mr = 26367.2 Mot = 77 plf x 12.5 x 17 = 15980 Tup = (Mot -..67 x Mr) 12.5 ft - 0.33 ft. T = -139 Standard A.B. adequate No Holdown Required DOWN & "A 4.112t -W -W -P -I M. 06 --AS, "g--% ARK -!�'5TRE IN; IMM7,4111§4 18303 Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line G .Roof level L= 16 V = 154 Q1 = 154 Ib/ft x 28/ 2 = 2156 Load From Side 0 Ib/ft x 0/ 2= 0 Additional Load 0 r 0 Total Load 2156 Unit Shear = 2956 / 16 ft. = 135 1b.1ft. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 6 Capacity = 265 IbJft. 318" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @ 616112 Overturning Check Li 16 h 10 , Unit Shear = 135 Dead Load Tribituary Load x Arm2/,, Mr Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x 14 = 420 16 53760 Wall Load 15 psf x 10 = 150 16 19200 .Floor Load 12 psf x 0 = 0 16 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0 0 _ 16 0 Mr = 72960 Mot = 135 plf x 16 x 10 = 21560 Tup _ (Mot -..67 x Mr) / 16 ft- 0.33 ft. T = -1744 Standard A.B. adequate No Holdown Required 'py_^(^i��� � � ":� J ONMI -V, MMIT STR�>,�CTdJRAL ENGINEERING i n EAST�PAKIM RKgSTMREET � � HEE4T NO « 5y . NcCH,'1D83638;�g� CHECKEDB�ir* E 'c?-� �F �a ��;: �" .�v', y� .� "xr}� ���fi� .,'k���� � � S ���"v���� `5�C,�u', -:� i:�v* �`✓�`i, �.r�� ,�, at a � l• k(208) 6S4 38<348�fax�(�208�,630A��07�=...3w''� �� � ,` �z �'���;�s�z'��%: �SC„A�LE�;a� �� ���.•. . Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line H Roof level L= 19-;, V = 154 Q1 = 154 Ib/ft x 16 / 2 = 1232 Load From Side 0 Ib/ft x ` 0/ 2 = 0 Additional Load 0 0 . Total Load 1232 Unit Shear = 1232 1 19 ft. = 65 lb.Ift. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 6 Capacity = 265 lb - /ft -3/8" Plywd. CDX wl 8d @ 6/6/12 Overturning Check - Li 29 h 10 Unit Shear = 65 Dead Load Tribituary Load x Arm2/2 Mr Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x 10 = 300 29 126150 Wall Load 15 psf x 10 = 150 29 63075 Floor Load 12 psf x' 0 = 0 29 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0 0 29 0 N Mr = 189225 Mot = 65 pif x 29 x 10 = 18804 Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / 29 ft - 0.33 ft. T = -3766 Standard A.B. adequate No Holdown Required "-�$,:k-. SUMMIT STRUCTUR�AL�ENGINEERNG��: z JoW�� �i 06 E�T1r? SREET � KSuite 206 �'�:� � .M Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line 1 Roof level L= 2 V = 324 Q1 = 324 Ib/ft x 16 / 2 = 2592 Load from Side 0 Ib/ft x 0/ 2= 0 Additional Load 0 t 0 Total Load 2592 Unit Shear = 2592 / 2 ft. = 9296 lb./ft. Use Simpson "Strongwall" 1CBO.No. PFC5489 ,SSW24xl j Cap. = 7 7CIb. SUMMISTRUCURAL�ENGINEERING, k� 4sMW �9506'E M. ARKSTREET 4 5 � SHEET�NO��L � � 208 684 8�148�'fax�' 208 630 50?9,u �..� 1,Ekr SCAL Lateral Analysis ' Shear Wall -Line 2 Roof level ' L= V = 324 ' Q1 = 324 Ib/ft x 40'/ 2 = 6480 _ Load From Side 0 Ib/ft x 0/ 2 = 0 .Additional Load: 0 0 Total Load 6480 Unit Shear = 6480 / 20 ft. = 324 lb./ft. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 2 Capacity = 640 Ib./ft. 318" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @ 212112 Overturning Check Li 5 ' h 14 ; Unit Shear = 324 ' Dead Load Tribituary Load x. ArmZ/,, Mr Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x 2 = 60 5 750 - Wall Load 15 psf x 14 = 210 5 2625 ' Floor Load 12 psf x 0 = 0 5 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0 0 5 0 Mr = 3375 mot..= 324, plf x 5 x 14 = 22680 Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / 5 ft - 0.33 ft. T = 4372 ' Use 22 C . = 5250 Ib. 1 SUMMI i SnTRU TURALENG EERING Jos NoNow MI-111 x : 1�ES�PK$� SHEET�N(�(�,W, - �S2O6 r C�A�LC�ED�BY _�RMcCaII�1D 8.3638: ' HES BY E �208 6348,148 :faz � 208 `630`=5079 � - . ScA�E � Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line 3 Roof )eve) L= 33 V =• 324 Q1 = 324 Ib/ft x Load From Side 0 Ib/ft x Additional Load -0 56 / 2 = 0/ 2 = 9 Total Load 9072 0 0 9072 Unit Shear = 9072 � / 33 ft. = 275 Ib.lft. Use HTT22 Cap. = 62501b. SUMMITST:R1lCTURAL{ENGINEERING �9 06 EAST PARK STREET M � � E O� n � ��• ����� � � � ��;��=,� � �,��^ �;'� � ; ��' -CHECKED $�Y�����r��� �. .....,r :vs...k.a..•iE4`....:_�.:.. m�s,�-..•:w...rw. w..v_.._ .,.,.-«: .�5:..3,.:,o:rx. �a..'v�v:.:-,...�.x�..%.,0:-_..•... - ?�'�x....... � :+� ���__ � ... .. .. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 4 Capacity = 350 lbJft.. 3/8" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @ 4/4/12 =\�✓5 I� Overturning Check` Li 5 ' i — Z Z-7 v h 13 Unit Shear = 275 Dead Load Tribituary Load x Arm2/,z Mr Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x 12 = 360 5 4500 Wall Load' 10 psf x 13 = 130. 5 1625 Floor Load 12 psf x 0 = 0 5 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0 0 5 0 Mr = 6125 r Mot = 275 plf z. 5 x 13 = 17869 Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / - 5 ft - 0.33 ft. T = 2948 Use HTT22 Cap. = 62501b. SUMMITST:R1lCTURAL{ENGINEERING �9 06 EAST PARK STREET M � � E O� n � ��• ����� � � � ��;��=,� � �,��^ �;'� � ; ��' -CHECKED $�Y�����r��� �. .....,r :vs...k.a..•iE4`....:_�.:.. m�s,�-..•:w...rw. w..v_.._ .,.,.-«: .�5:..3,.:,o:rx. �a..'v�v:.:-,...�.x�..%.,0:-_..•... - ?�'�x....... � :+� ���__ � ... .. .. Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line 4 Roof leve! L= 27 V= 324 ' Q1 = 324 Ib/ft x 38 / 2 = 6156 Load From Side 0 Ib/ft x 0/ 2= 0 Additional Load 0 0 Total Load 6156 Unit Shear = 6156 % 27 ft. = 228 lb.lft. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 2 Capacity = 640 Ib.(ft. 3/8" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @ 2/2/12 Overturning Check Li 17 ; h 10 Unit Shear= . 228 Dead Load Tribituary Load x Arm2/2 Mr Roof/Clg Load.. 30 psf x 2 = 60 17 8670 Wall Load 10 psf x 10 = 100 17 14450 Floor Load 12 psf x ' 0 = .0 17 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0 0 17 0 Mr = 23120 Mot = 228 plf x 17 x 10 = 38760 Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / 17 ft- 0.33 ft. T = 1396 Use HTT22 Cap. = 5250 Ib. V4.'C/"'x,�.e;2�r7'�5 ,,'�.A°t -0 . iSUM - --RUCTURA�L ENG NEERING �; � Joe o 5 x� 906 EASE PARK $ REET x r� tiEE�T ccav- 5 uJ V t� 'I.,634 8148 "fax�(208� 630 5079 �� CALEB�w�s�:. ��.e_....�,„_ 1 1 Lateral Analysis 1 Shear Wall Line 5 Roof level V = 324 1 .Q1 = 324 Ib/ft x 24/ 2 = 3888 Load From Side 165 Ib/ft x 21 / 2 = 1732.5 1 Additional Load 0 0 �kc 1 Total Load 5620.5 Unit Shear = 5620.5/ 6 ft. _ !b.lft. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 4 Capacity = 350 lb./ft. 1 3/8" Plywd. CDX wl 8d @ 4/4112 6kJ 1 Overturning Check Li 10 1 h 10 . Unit Shear = 216 Dead Load Tribituary Load x Arm2/e Mr Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x 6 180 10 9000 1 Wall Load 15 psf x 10 = 150 10 7500 Floor Load 12 psf x 0 0 10 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0 0 10 0 1 Mr = 16500 Mot = 216 plf x 10 x 10 = 21617 1 Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / 10 ft- 0.33 ft. T = 1092 R C Use HTT16� Ca . - 80 Ib. 1 p SUMMIT STRUCTU�LENGINEER�NG� Jog1o���, kao AARKSTREEH ESN � MOB OLATED�BIf-+ $u�te 206 1 Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line 6 Roof level L= 21 V = 324 P Q1 = 324 Ib/ft x 27./ 2 = 4374 Load From Side 0 ib/ft x 0/ 2= 0 Additional Load 0 0 Total Load 4374 Unit Shear = 4374 / 21 ft. _ 208 lbJft. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 4 Capacity = 350 lblft. 318" Plywd. CDX w18d @ 414112 Overturning Check Li 11.5 h 10 Unit Shear = 208 Dead Load Tribituary Load x Arm2/2 Mr Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x 2 = 60 11.5 -.3967-.5- 3967.5Wall Wall Load 15 psf x 10 = 150 11.5 9918.75 Floor Load 12 psf x 0 =. 0 11.5 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0 0 11.5 0 Mr = 13886.3 Mot = 208 plf x 11.5 x 10 = 23953 Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / 11.5 ft - 0.33 ft. T = 1311 Use HTT16 Cap. = 3480 Ib. 1 Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line 8 Roof level L 13 V = 120 - Q1 = 120 Ib/ft x 29/ 2 = 1740 ' Load From Side 0 Ib/ft x 0/ 2 = 0 Additional Load 0 0 Total Load 1740 Unit Shear = 1740 / 13 ft. = 134 Ib./ft. 1 Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 4 Capacity = 350 lb.lft. 318" Plywd. CDX'w/ 8d @ 414112 Overturning Check Li 13 I h 10 f Unit Shear = 1.34 Dead Load ry L d Tribitua Load x Arm2/2 Mr Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x 4 = 120 13 10140 Wall Load 15 psf x 10 '150 13 12675 Floor Load' 12 psf x 0 0 13 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0 0 13 0 'Mr = 22815 Mot = 134 plf x 13 x 10 17400 Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / 13 ft- 0.33 ft. T = 167 Standard A.B. adequate No Holdown Required 1 . 1 �I � y . i ....T �:....: �;Y •. ./�q ..r..... +a.+_,n +� .�. X.:'4. .-t1?. .',,.: i;�'�.. �'=.. .vl... .. .... .�.:- 'C�.. M...:..,.M 1 i' 1 I 1 n Y t:''.i�4i:k�it�e�.:-:°��"�+n.:.i°:.r,+ii�.�.�..4='�..:'v°xYG'�"i��v::.,�'.,'!�'i'.-0:.�'*i}•VQ?.... ymi y��c _ ��._SF..�txT�� � .Y�. �;n• MMI SUT�`STRUCTURAL� '�'�';:�• � SS'u lt'U06 s. .. �`z `A CUTA ESB s� MEN z m {ZOS) 634 848fax(208� 630 5079 � f cAt� Mall - A ID PCc w""j�,"9 r, %; vim' Z ® ?s F i—a-�% I ch. lel® Al 6 -7 0(, o i Ar 3) 3y k goo y{t�� r i7�� C v= 7 k 4 -Ltlr,6tn Ans���v"e- �V�� Xcl, -L A Mim 4�! E X4 MIN � fit WrIN I z__-- 4 -.20 c:5ulo-�—S C- 0 -7 Vic- 70 2 77()(4 7L 5 tee. w"^ (I V71 k :SUMMIT STRUCTURALENGINEERING i� 'I 4,K4'St�5��`,i��x —`� AWE ry;� � $`5! §, 4 � x � VHE M z $Ulte IN CAICULPTEDBYµ�� McCall ID�83638x� r s =u r�� �rk�;� �K 'CHEyCKED $Y� r 7-'r _ C9�� c J C1 Ick,,C AWY ill"(Ci � J lt7G C., L,(.4"eLue Cc C, Jc�� . VIJ �G-f (�F i �-c C. 4 p .4;--Z. I q L'i :� r �-af --'A r --;� , A A- I C, t ►,,� �'� (-�.� � f �, � Vie. � � �, S _ _ C�� � Z Ile Jt� 1 1 Is 1 f Z 4 6 = 1.76 1 P-Q) 1 1 C 1 � c 1 SUMMITCTURAL'EM!�' NGINEII�G�� � ER 1 m106E►SfiPARK SREE��� t� ET NOS; \\ • 0.`�'x�RV,"`r+C '^S' „ y 'uga'i i§ l3 No - 9MIF y,x 3�y v,�. �, ✓.�, � * ! � °r:� x �, .h��,,.xd �. •�^ IF 6 83638 1 1 1 1 n n 1 11 Shear Line 2 Analysis ' First off, there is quite a bit of overstrength/factor of safety in both line 1 and line 2. Line 1 was calculated using a 16' tribitutary width, all the way back to the door into the great room, and has a load of 1296#, and a capacity of 2970#. Line 2 has a shear load of 270 lb/ft versus strength of 640 lb/ft. Refer to'the calculations below, which justify the ability of the shear walls to work independently, and have the overstrength to accommodate a possible shear load from the center "high" section if necessary, due to differences in diaphragm stiffness. C" - �c-tit, � S � � �� •�—��c_�� �_ � �u, 7 �. CC? SIS �.. Z SUMMITSTRUCTURAt ENG'INEERING``'� r :106sEAS iWeA ICkSTREE \ °$UltUs�1 CiJLAfED.BY�� KMcCaN ID 83633 9 e CHECK£DBY�' lei 1J CC -(C C- C, 6�e 5-76 > Uzi: c tl V -C, cc; -e VC4c�Cw, 13 7c) A- Or-, cc -c INtLKIN 30 �g4 �I MEASMKPIAR.KibTREE SHEETS? , 85 6`d OXO'4`0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 :V �rc_ i_���^�• it I C t�c1�c� C7C-► C/��(Y r2�� r el tA ccy SUMMIT;ST:RUCTURA�ENGINEER NG �4 .Ioe No awn. EAST PARK STREET x Y'x%= :n �Si�EET NO��G a�20s8.)._r63481.48fax(208J63,,U. 5079�w .022. _y1.SIM lim C.) J I �Z_o IL cc CS 7c) AQ 115'6�e'. cl. I'll - i M—o r.,su .s liA' f 2-i > OeRc-j-io,, (.,CJC-;JcAl�, IN GINFFI;? N 6v �i P, i H E, E Ig �-'N IRS 5BEC' Shearwall Deflection Typical Shear Wall Deflection - Lightly Loaded Wall As=Ob+Ov+An+Da Ob= bending deflection Ov= shear deflection On= nail slip deflection Da= anchorage slip deflection 4 A* - b R„ shear wall A=chord b= 34.5 .ft. `note - all deflection calculations are at strength level h= 12 ft. V= 494 Ib./ft. v„=v x 1.4 = 692 Ib./ft. E= 1,600,000 psi. (shearwall chord modulus of elasticity) A= 30.25 sq. in. . diaphragm chord area (for 1-6X6 edge chord) = 5.5x5.5 Ob= bending deflection = 8v„h3/(EAb) = 0.005726 in. G= 90,000 psi (diaphragm shear modulus) t= •0.278 in. (sheathing effective thickness) 3/8" plywd Av= shear deflection = v„ h/(Gt) = 0.331703 in. nf= 2 iri./ft (shearwall nailing) Ipn 115.1b./nail load per nail (diaphragm load v/nail spacing @ stength level) en= 0.007629 fastener aprox. slip quoef. (adjusted x 1.2 for non-struct 1, 8d nails, dry/dry) On= nail slip deflection = 0.75h(e„) 0.068658 in. . da = 0.125 in.. (typical common limit for normal shearwall condition) Aa= anchor slip deflection = h/b x da = 0.043478 in. Total Shearwall Deflection= Ob+Ov+On+Da 0.449565 in. , 4� ZOMMIT�zam V. STRUC°TURAL ENG'INEERaNG � 9'k:. a ,.,� .r .�. :•r ,�v, ra 06 -A5 IgH..ARK�ST.REETs , , '3 HEEv O �b I, rs Y x ,._; • 'McCa°11�D�83638 -� ��,� ° ��� �� �Lv���� � r� z�;t,� �C��+Ec►cED.B�i a������ ` 7�.wc'+St 1 :2!;. 'Y`s"✓y's." 'ks3 '� k y � , Z X3. >G � ,�•± '�'�'T.� �� s ��s y'f� �?�X a �,� �s � # � �� � '�� �i � � ���, .��' h 4 A* - b R„ shear wall A=chord b= 34.5 .ft. `note - all deflection calculations are at strength level h= 12 ft. V= 494 Ib./ft. v„=v x 1.4 = 692 Ib./ft. E= 1,600,000 psi. (shearwall chord modulus of elasticity) A= 30.25 sq. in. . diaphragm chord area (for 1-6X6 edge chord) = 5.5x5.5 Ob= bending deflection = 8v„h3/(EAb) = 0.005726 in. G= 90,000 psi (diaphragm shear modulus) t= •0.278 in. (sheathing effective thickness) 3/8" plywd Av= shear deflection = v„ h/(Gt) = 0.331703 in. nf= 2 iri./ft (shearwall nailing) Ipn 115.1b./nail load per nail (diaphragm load v/nail spacing @ stength level) en= 0.007629 fastener aprox. slip quoef. (adjusted x 1.2 for non-struct 1, 8d nails, dry/dry) On= nail slip deflection = 0.75h(e„) 0.068658 in. . da = 0.125 in.. (typical common limit for normal shearwall condition) Aa= anchor slip deflection = h/b x da = 0.043478 in. Total Shearwall Deflection= Ob+Ov+On+Da 0.449565 in. , 4� ZOMMIT�zam V. STRUC°TURAL ENG'INEERaNG � 9'k:. a ,.,� .r .�. :•r ,�v, ra 06 -A5 IgH..ARK�ST.REETs , , '3 HEEv O �b I, rs Y x ,._; • 'McCa°11�D�83638 -� ��,� ° ��� �� �Lv���� � r� z�;t,� �C��+Ec►cED.B�i a������ ` 7�.wc'+St 1 :2!;. 'Y`s"✓y's." 'ks3 '� k y � , Z X3. >G � ,�•± '�'�'T.� �� s ��s y'f� �?�X a �,� �s � # � �� � '�� �i � � ���, .��' .P • a vas r r ww._ Sep 2L u� 11 ' Selstrtic.l)eslgFr Cerdegory: D Load cambanatfon: CBClIBCSeetlnn 1605.?.1 Fi!ill arrcftor be far�gued? fya Number of anchor. n. 1 Concrete t}pe: Nortgal welglst ' Concrete strength, f c = 'SOU. psi. Anchor material: A36 anchor head'type: Headed stud! bolt 11.00 in Author tronAwl dlam&tera d. _ Enrbedmen� h _ Use ttrfarivar p = late Metltber depth, h = 14.00 in Anchor hud bealing area A f 2875 in (ltfinfrrzw»).. Anchor sha,uE type: Threaded �ffectfve cross-seztion ares A,c 0.. 62 lnz Steel.streugtlt of anchor in. Fertslolt (AC1318 D.4. AS.l) '0.75 ¢lel f = 0.75 n Ase (futa) _ 20085 lbs CQttcrete breakout strettgtdt.of,andtor:ki-tension (dC13181? 4.4, D•12) { ) s = A 9 x hej ca _..00 bt o cat _ � .00 In. k-= `�• Oti Na ' k Ire ham . = + 1.5h 0-) + Ani = (141Pn(cur.1.51r} ,�)(n(cayal.Slr 1089.00 in? ' �►� lbr -firs 1y = N�(A Mc .) !A rdWedgy► qrc, n Na 0.70 cb • 1.00 Pullout strength. of rtncrter.in-tension-(AC1318 D.4.4 D.5.3) e L = � �QO• Irr �( yfG.P T.00 NP a8Abgfe.or0.9fcehdw �1f� ✓'� lbs �. = R70- ¢A►r„ _ OYC'PNp ¢ �sf abs concrete side face blowout strength ofheadedonchorin tension {RC1318!? 4.4, ia. �) � 0.70. CaZ1Cn1)14 l� r (Cal. is,nat <D.ntte� Edge distance, spacings and thicku-SEs to predttde*fttfng.;%Hare (AC1318 D &2) Jblinitutrni tgu{red edge distance per_AC1.318-Sertlon 7-7,. de4�ji. %1.6= ®�10 tfis f{r�nd allowable "M sign terrafen - CBC/,fBC 1908.1.16. D.3.3.3 Seismic allowable stress design tension SEeei IrMI& QK �� bs Sep 2E ` Selstuic.Design Caregorl,: D Load cornbanatfon. CBClIBCSecriarr 1605.2.1 Will mrchor be torqued? No Num&v of anchor, n: f ' Catcrete tlx: Normal Wigfrt Concrete strenylk f , 4sw 0 Anchor material: A36 Anchor head type: Headed aterd! bolt e L• mbedment. h �f _ 11.00 in Anchor nontlnal dlamder: da = 0.87S in Usrmbdtw-plate = 2.0'jgx3t8P yer kfenrber depth, h 14.00 in -4nchor head bearing areaA f irs z (Minfinrarr)' area A;r v Anchor shanA type: Threaded Effective cross Section 0.462 inz ' sleet Strength of anchor hj Tension (ACI 318 D•4.4, 0.5-1) 0.75 0.75 n Ase (fula) = 0_ . 2008S lbs rCotrcrcte breakout strength of atulior In tendon (AC1318 D.4 4, D.S.2) = 6•.00 fn Arm,. = 9x( hef )I A r 1089.00 in . car k f'c hem _ lbs k= M,00 N h = ca ?�-3 :m -;-1.Shd)(hftn(co2.l.5h,} + IShd)) r . tl • = yred, N - 0.7 + Q3ca, er, ! l.Sh r= � _ yrc N 1.00/ ib = 0.70 0N4 _ O(Arx1Av.) Wedn§vc.aNh •e Pallo:rt strengtlt of aucJror.iin teusiarr (ACI3ISD:�4, p.3j eA = 0.000 in FC,P f•00 a.1(0:5& lbs 0= 0.70- ON,. 0vC,PNr = 15145 rbs BD,44 D54 ) Concrete side -face blowout strength of headed anchor In tenstotr 1dUCl3I . , •, 0.70. 160Ca1�A (j + wical)(4 = (Cal. is not -cmneO Edge distance, spacings and.thlaknesses to preclude spilttingf$tlure (ACB18 D.&2) Miniurum required edge distance per. ACI 318 Section 7.7. Wind 00wabfestress destgrr terrslorr 13j.97511.6 = ��gQ lbs CBCgBC 1908.LM , Selsrrrlc allowable stress design lens ion Q.7S at 001-4 Std YWds OK � � V bs Sheet Job No Single Anchor Bolt Shear Design Client CBC /IBC 19081 16I ACl 318 OS A - ppendrx D Plan No ; Bolt imjorneatlon: Date ; 8/5/08 Seismic Design Category; D Load Combination CBC/IBC Section 1605.2.1 Will anchor be torqued? No Shear force parallel to an edge? No Concrete type.. Normal weight Concrete strength, f = 2500 psi Anchor material: A307 - A Anchor head type: J -bolt / L -bolt Anchor spacing, S = 48.00 in Number of anchor, n.- .(S (Sis not used in single anchor cafes) Embedment, h � = 7.00in Anchor diameter, d, = 0.625 in Member depth, h = 22.00 In Weld -Attachment per D.6.2.3? No Steel strength of anchor in shear (Sec D. 6.1) Grout pads? No 0 = 0.65 WY, = 0.65n 0.6Asefu! = 5288 Ibs Concrete breakout sirength of anchor In shear.(See- D.6.2) Ftg, Wi&k W 12 in Cat = 12.05 in - (Min) Slab thy, T= 4 in Ftg. Type-> Exterior Cal = 1.7S in Avco = 4.5 Ca i = 653.4 in 2 Avc=Mir,(Avco,(Min(I.SCal,(W-Co2))+Ca2)x11Tn(h, 1.5Cal)+(1.5CaI+Ca2-W) x T)= 248.2 int e= S.00 in Yb = 7 (1 d,)o'zFd f ��Ca," = 17543 lbs Y�� = 0.7 + 0.3Ca' / 1.SCa r = 0.73 S ] y,,v= 1.000 0 _ 0.7 Orrb = 0(/Avo/Arm)Y�d.vY4vVb = 3401 lbs Conrreie pryout strengtlt of arrdtor in shear (Sec D.6.3) k ep = 2 Ca..,,,, =Mhr(Ca t , Ca 2) = 1.75 in AN =' 21 x 12.25 = 257.25 in? Ate, a 91ref2 = 441.00 in? Ni, = 24 f ;c h';6 22224 lbs = 0.7 Y,dN ='0.7+0.3 Cgmlta/1.5hef = 0.750 y1c, N= 1.00 N.b = (AN/AJVo)YaHY ,NNb = 9723 lbs 0V,p - Ok pNb = 13612 Ibs A?nd alto wable stress design shear = 3401 / L 6 = 2125 lbs Seismic allowable stress design shear = 0. 75x340111.4= 7822 Ibs Governing Shear Strength nv"t--i4- ' Slreel ; Job No Single Anchor Bolt Shear Design Client CBC /IBC 1908.1.161 AC131 B-05 Appendir D Plan No Date :8/5/08 OVn = 1821.8 Ibs x1.4 = 2550.6 lbs For 0.625 '1 dia. AB in 2x sill plate, Z (alloiv) = 930 lbs For . 0.625 of dia: AB in 3z sill plate, Z (allmij = 1180 lbs (K)'= 2-1610, NDS 2005 Appendix Nsection N.3, TableW, N2, & N3) For 518 in dfa AB. In 2x sill plate AOZ = 930 Ibs x1x2.16= 2008.8 lbs < 0V, = 2550.6 lbs Bob in sill governs- OK, Attachment rrelds, D3 3.5 2x4 Wall For 5/8 in dia. AB. In 3x sill plate AOZ = 1180 Ibs xlx2.16= 2548.8 lbs < ¢V, = 2550.6 lbs Bolt in sill governs- OK, Attachment Yields, D3.3.5 2x4 Wall LDF = 1.33 " (Conservatively use 1.33 instead of 1.6) For 5/8 in dia. AB in 2x =>LDF x 930 lbs =1236.9 lbs For 518 in dia AB in 3x =>LDF x 1180 Ibs =1569.4 Ibs Calc. Design Spac19 SpacI& tn. in. (Max) (2x sill) For 910 wall, Vw = 260 bolt spacing = Z(allaw) x 12 / Vw= 57.1 48 (2x sill) For X11 wall, (w - 350 bolt spacing = Z(allow)x 12 / Vw= 42.4 40 (2x sill) '.For 912 wall, Vw - 450 bolt spccing = Z(ailo►v)12x 121 Vw, = 16.5 16 Z(allm4)/2 (2x sill) For 913 wall, Vw = 600 bolt spacing = Z(allow j12 x 12 / Va= 12.4 I2 Z(allow)12 ; (3x sill) For R14 wall, Viv = 870 bolt spacing = Z(allotiv) x 12 / V�P-- 21.6 20 (3x sill) For 512 wall, 7w = 980 • bolt spaicing = Z(aI1mv) x l2 / Vw= 19.2 16 B.S. (3x sill) For 913 Hull, Vw = 1200 bolt spacing = Z(allow) x 12 / T1'w= 15.7 12 B.S. (3x sill) For '04 wall, Vw = 1740 bolt spacing = Z(allow) x 121;,'w= 10.8 8 B.S Seismic Design Category.* D Load combaration: CBC /IBC Section 1605.2.1 Will anchor be torqued? No Nwrber ofanchor, n: 1 Concrete i)pe.• Normal weighi Concrete strength, f, = 2500 psi Anchor material: A36 Anchor head type: Headed stud /bolt Embedotenl, he = 8.00 it? Anchor nominal diameter, d„ = 0:625 in Use minium plate = 1.5 "sq.x318" yes Member depth, h = 12.00 in Anchor head bearing area A b x 2.25 in ' ("initm m) Anchor shank t)pe: 77rrended Effective cross-section area A F 0.226 in' Steel strength of turchor in Temsion (ACI 318 D.4.4, D_5.1) ¢ = 0.75 SNS = 0.75 n Ase (fitta) = 4831 Ibs Concrete breakotrr strength of anchor in tension (ACI 318 D.4.4, 0.5.2) car = 8.00 in A _ 9 x ( hef ).7 = 576.00 in ca, = 8.00 in k = 24.00 Nr, = k 'e hats = f ?7152.9 lbs AN,. _ (Min(cat,l.5h,f) + l.5h,f)(Min(ca2,1.5hf) + 7.5hrf)) = 400.00 in- V1ed, N = 0.7 + 0.3ca,;,u„ 11. 5h �f= 0.900 vC N = 1.00 = 0.70 ONS _ 0(4,,,, /AK,„) y!cd,n V/c, n Nh = 11879 lbs' P411orit strength of anchor in tension (ACI 318 D.4.4, D.5.3) eh = 0.000 in Y/C,P= 1.00 Ne =8Ab,,,f, or0.9f,et,d,, = 45000 lbs 0 = 0.70 ONpn = OWC.pNr = 31500 lbs Concrete side-face blowout strength of headed anchor in tension (ACI 318 D.4.4, D.5.4) = 0.70 N,t, _ ¢ 160CM Abs f', (I + CaVC61)/4 = N/A (Cal. is not <0.4heo 'Edge distance, spacings and thicknesses to preclude splitting failure (AC1318 D.8.2) Minimum required edge distance per,40 318 Section 7.7. Ind allowable stress design tetrsionn = 9831 / 1.6 = 6144 lbs CBG7BC 19081.16. D.3.3.3 E Seismic allowable stress design tension= 0.75x 9831 / 1.4 = Steel Yields OK 5267 lbs 1 Seismic Design Category: D Load combonation: CBC /!BC Section 1605.2.1 ' Will anchor be torqued? No Number of anchor, rr: I Concrete type: Normal uei ht Concrete strew d = .. 8 g �.f� 2500 psi Anchor material. A35 Anchor head type: Headed surd / bolt Embedment. h f = 11.00 In Anchor nominal diameter, d„ = 0.875 in Use minium plate = 2.0"sq.x318" ' yes Member depth, h = 14.00 in Anchor head bearing area A hn = 4 in 2 (minimum) Anchor shank type: Threaded Effective cross-section area A 0.462 in 2 Sleet strength of anchor in Temr on (ACI 318 D.4.4, D.S.I) ' 0 = 0.75 �N, = 0.75 n Ase (f rlo) = 2008S lbs Concrete breakout strerrgtlr of anchor in tension (AC1318 D.4.4, D.5.2) car = 12.00 in A Na, = 9 x ( hef ) 2 = 1089.00 in' CO ? = 12.00 in 'k = 16.00 N h = k Ye hetes = 43525.6 lbs .4 (Min(ca t ,1.5hI ) + 1.5hI _ f) (Min(ca z,1.5h , + 1.5h�)) — C 812. � ' -5 in ' Ved, N = 0.7 + 0.3cc4 ,p / L Sh �= 0.918 yrc, N = 1.00 0.70 ONS, _ ¢ (A /A N.) yied,n yrc, n Nr, = 20866 lbs Pullout strength of anchor nt teruion (AC1318 D.4.4, D.5.3) e h = 0.000 in ' yrc•P = 1.00 NP = BAh,Ff, or0.9f,e1,d, = 80000 lbs 0 = 0.70N = c, N = � P� OWCP P 5600 0 !bs ' Concrete side -face blowout strength of headed anchor In tension (ACl 318 D.4.4, D.5.4) 0 = 0.70 N,h = 160Ca 4, 4f, , (1 + Ca2JCo 1)/4 = N/A (Cal. is not <0.4het) ' Edge distance, spadngs and thick Lana to preclude splitting foWe (A C1318 A8.2) Minimum required edge distance per ACI 318 Section 7.7. Wind allowable stress design tension=20085IL6 = 12553 lbs CBCJIBC 1908.1.16. D3.3.3 Seismic allowable stress design letrsion = 0.75x 2008511.4 = Steel Yields OR 10760 lbs Seismic Design Category; D Load conrbanation: CBC/1BC Section 1605.2.1 W111 anchor be torqued? Na Nanrber ofanchor, n: 1 Concrete type: Normal weight Concrete strengtl , f , = 2500 psi Anchor material: A36 Anchor head type: Headed stud / bolt Eurbedmen4 h 12.00 in Anchor nominal diameter, d„ = 1.000 in Use winium plate = 2.25"sq-r318" yes • Member depth, h = 16.00 in Anchor head bearing area,4 t o 5.063 in (Minimum) Anchor shank type: Threaded Effective crass-section area A,, = 0.606 in -7 Steel strength of anchor in Tension (AC1318 D.4.4, D.51) O= 0.75 0 N, = 0 75 n Ase (f eta) = 26350 lbs Concrete breakout strength of anchorin tension (AC1318 D.4.4, D.5.2) cat = 15.00 in A Nro 9x ( he. f )' = 1296.00 in ' ea = 15. 00 in k = 16.00 NF = kJ, het 7 = 50318.2 lbs A v _ (Mln(cat,1.5h�f) + L5hd)(Min(ca:,1.5h�J) + 1. 5h 1089.00 in' yted,N=0.7+0.3ca,,a.,/1.5hd= 0,9.10 grc,N= 1.00 = 0.70 ON,.b = O(AN, /Axa,) yred,n Vm n Nt, = 28117 lbs Pullout strength of anchor in tension (AC1318 D.4.4, D.5.3) el, = 0.000 in Wc,P = 1.00 Art, = 8Ar„rf or 0.9f,ehd, = 101260 lbs 0 = 0.70 �Nm = OWc,P 1yr = 70882 lbs Concrete side -face blowoutstrength of headed anchorin tension (AC1318 D.4.4, D.5.4) if = 0.70 N_ 0 160Ca1 Ahm f � (I + Ca2/Cal)/4 = N/A Edge distance, spacings and thicknesses to preclude splitting failure (AC1318 A8.2) (Cat. is not <0.4heO Minimwn required edge distance per ACI 318 Section 7.7. Mad allowable stress design tension = 26350 / 1.6 = 16469 lbs CBC/IBC 190& Seismic allowable stress design tension =0.75x2635011.4 = Steel Yields OK 14116 lbs S e7 Seismic Design Caregory: D Load combanation: CBC / IBC Section 1605.2.1 Will anchor be torqued? No Number of anchor, n: 1 Concrete type. Normal weight Concrete strength, f , = 2500 psi Anchor material: A36 anchor head type. Headed shrd / bolt Embedment, h,,r 14.00 in Anchor nominal dianterer, d, = 1.250 in Use minium plate = Z25 -sq -x318- yes Member depth. h = 18.00 in Anchor head bearing area A � = 5.063 in (Minimum) Anchor shank type: Threaded Effective cross section area A,, _ 0.969 in � Steel strength of anchor in Tension (ACI 318 D.4.4, D. 5. 1) 0 _ . 0.75 ON, = 0.75 n Ase (litta) = 42156 Ibs Concrete breakout strenngth of anchorin tension (AC1318 D.4.4, D.12) car = 2 1. 00 In A N = 9x ( hef J' = 1764.00 ca: = 2 1. 00 in k = 16.00 Nb = k f', h.P = 65058.4 lbs A �<< - (Min(ca t ,1.5h 1) + 1.5h 4) (Min(co 2 ,1.5h y) + 1.51?,f)) = 1764.00' in' Bred, N = 0.7 + 0.3ca, „i„ / 1.5h r= 1.000 yrc,N = 1.00 0 = 0.70 0 N _-0(Ar,4. /,4,v.o) Ved,n Wc, n Nb = 4SS41 Ibs Palloul strength of anchor in tension (ACI 319 D.4.4, D.5.3) eh = 0.000 in WC.P = 1.00 No = 8Ab,Ff , or 0.9f,et,d,, = 101260 lbs 0 = 0.70 ONy, = ¢rpc,P Nr, = 70882 lbs Concrete side -face blowout strength of headed anchorin tension (ACI 318 D.4.4, D.5.4) _ . 0.70 Nsb = 0 160Ca Ab,r Vrjr, (I + Ca2/Ca/)/4 = N/A (Cal. is not <0.4hef) Edge drstauce, spa cMgs and thicknesses to prechrtle splitfing faMire (AC1318 D.8.2) Minimum required edge distance per AC1318 Section 7.7. Mud allowable stress design tension =4215611.6 = 26348 lbs CBGIBC 1908.1.16. D.3.3.3 Seinnic allowable stress design rernlon = 0.7S x 42156 /1.4 = Steel Yields OK 22584 lbs cis )6 k tug 14 08 07:41a Antonio I 7607766582 6" MIN. p.2 FOOTING :AD THICK T - PROVIDE.MIN. #4 BAR, 6'-0" LONG, 3" TO 5" FROM THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION. CENTERED AT "HD" (BEND REBAR AT CORNER) - DEEPEN FOOTING AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE le + d + 3" COVER - REFER TO MFR. SPECS. FOR INSTALLATION TO WOOD MEMBER - fc = 2500 psi SIMPSON POST HOEDOWN (MIN.) NAILS ANCHOR DIA. AND TYPE de (e MIN DIST. TO CORNER HT122 4x4 (28) 10d COMMON OR 5/8" 0 ALL THREAD (28) 16d SINKER 2 1/2" SQ. x 1/4" THICK 1 3/4" 20" 5" ' WASHER W/ NUT TYPICAL HOEDOWN INSTALLATION O ' Aug 14 08 07:41a Antonio 1 Imrn 1 1 1 1 7607766582 p.1 8" MIN. @ XT. FTG WIDEN FTG AS REgD AT INT. FTG TO RECEIVE de HOLDOWN SLAB 7/8° 0 ALL THREAD 2 1/2" SQ. x 1/4" THICK WASHER W/ NUT FOOTING - PROVIDE MIN. #4 BAR, V-0" LONG, 3" TO 5" FROM THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION. CENTERED AT "HD" (BEND REBAR AT CORNER) - DEEPEN FOOTING AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE le + d + 3" COVER - REFER TO MFR. SPECS. FOR' INSTALLATION TO WOOD MEMBER - f'c = 2500 psi (U.N.O.) - SEE PLANS FOR HOLDOWN TYPE SIMPSON HOLDOWN POST (MIN.) ANCHOR DIA. AND TYPE de le MIN DIST.. TO CORNER HD5A 4X4 5/8' 0 ALL THREAD 13/411 20" 5" HD8A 4X4 7/8' 0 ALL THREAD 4" S • x 1/2" THICK —1 3/4" - 28" 5" WASHER W/ NUT HD10A4X6 7/8" 0ALL THREAD 1 3/4" 28" 5" TYPICAL HOLDOWN INSTALLATION M C' 1 Jc- Poo L) � � J Z -7 G S� --:F OA e Z-- 1 � 1 �PC, -33 A T YF) 1 r . 1 SUMMIT*QTR. I�5C�TURAL E?VGINEERII�iGy `u� z `� err :k ` 106 EAS7PAR1c�STRET x ��'�s SH �.:•�,�� .� x��' �rM `�;� ���� � �'�x'�.;a � � ,�' �ALCU TEDsBY� '�4 �� McCali�ID`83638 k� :�x� w„ �x � ME 1 ' Isokern Fireplace Calculations Master Bedroom Standard 4619 Fireplace (See the coat sheet for dimensions ' and weight) ' Note that earthcore mortar is used to glue all Isokern components together. This "thinset" type of adhesive has a bonding strength greater than the pumice core ' components used in the Isokern fireplace units. Also note that the base plate (3" thick) is fully leveled and floated in a bed of earthcore mortar for full bearing onto slab (master bedroom fireplace is set directly on slab, with a height of firebox of 3" base plate plus 1.1/2" fire brick = 4.1/2" raised off slab to finished surface). At master bedroom, we are assuming the center of mass at the center of the ' fireplace. Though at first glance, it looks like the center of mass would be higher (top heavy), due to the open front face of the firebox, and fireplace geometry, this ' is not the case, as the lower portion is thicker (double thickhess wedge shaped sides, and back thickness of 5" vs 4" on the upper components back and side walls. Also, the firebox gets lined with 1.1/2" thick fire brick, which weighs approximately 220 pounds, for almost triple wall thickness weight of the bottom, ' which more than compensates for the open front face, the damper roughly in the center of the firebox is rectangular, and the upper portion of the smoke ' dome/shelf slopes inward, reducing its mass at the top). Also, we are ignoring 1 the weight of the metal chimney sections, as they are light in comparison to the firebox below (100 lbs vs 1370 lbs), and do not add or detract from the structural i integrity of the fireplace. (01 t SUMMIT STFt10CTt1RAL ENGINEERIiQG k rr t Jae No 106 EAST PARK STREETn�� SHEET NO - Suite 206 x :-� <� x4 c f` CALCULATED$Yr v Mccalt, !D 83638 CHECKED BY ' a5 (208).634-8148 fax (208j 630-5079., h� ScaLE. ,., 1 4-CAI� In VVI cvr, C- c�& k A, Z- I�a�S cam, �..�® �aG�1 ��es .�1,of 4 f` 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c SAFE'T'Y INSTRUCTIONS ........ I A B C F ...... ... ... .... _.......... A MODEL A B C D E F G I J 36" 43" 25 Y4" 79" 32" 3T' 27" 22,1V 20 V 4',e' 42" 49" 251.", ' 79" 32" 43" 32" 22-V 20%* 4'1"" 46" 53" 25 Y4" 79" 32" 47" ` 37" 333i" 20N" 4%" G MINIMUM FRAMING WEIGHT (46" W) x (80" H) x (27" D) 1260 LBS (52" Vii x (60" H) x (2T' D) 1305 LBS (56'W) x (60" H) x (27" D) 1370 LBS Lwit ` FIREBOX & SMOKE DOME COMPONENT LIST TOP PLATE - Small TOP PLATE - Large PART MODEL QTY- PART MODEL QTY. NUM.NVM, 36 36" 1 37 46" 1 36 42" 1 26 Y 101'" 0 26 Yo" 1022 V� �•• �' 40 6/47 I me,5vtom -PSS M30 5 NO 4e> coice*,ms c7f &&d C- (-,iceJ we's uQ*- V-eLm6.1 i -n erc.,k Cowvl:eo,—: e,f fl --f- -is-b6-v, �i I to Wv^.– 'LxAJ-o 6-.Pv-oj4.-- s-dtfc/- 4 c&ok g'`� �- ce - 1, . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y Assembled Firebox and Smoke Dome Dimensions - Models 36, 42, 48 i E F Right 5ection Front Elevation ---T— N —TN -� O -4- M _L K Top Plan View Model A B c D E F G H ( J K M N 36" 43" 28" 69'/9" 38" 39" 19'/4" 325/8" 25'/4" 43/4" 5" 8" 17'/4" 10 3/4" 42" 48%2" 28" 69V2" 38" '44'/2" 243/4" 325/8" 25'/4" 43/4" 5" 8" 17'1 " 10 3/4" 48" 53" 28" 69'112" 38" 49" 293/8" 43" 25'/4" 43/4" 5" 8" 17'/4" 10 3/4" Plan 5ection Minimum Framing Weight 46" W x 71" H x 291/9" 0 1360 ib5. 52" W x 71' H x 291/2" 0 1480117. 56" W x 71" H x 291/9" D 1600165. Firebox and Smoke Dome Components List - Models 36, 42, 48 Part Fireplace Quantity. No.: Size: M77 36' W 1 M77 42"W, 1 a, ,s21` � 4• TOP PLATE SMALL Part Fireplace 3uantAty. No.: Size: Mai 48"W 1 TOP PLATE LARGE 6/60 C `—C zC