09201 (AR) Title 24T-24 RMERGY CALCS CX) _ SFEC I AL FACK.AG]E " A " CALCULATIONS FOR: William H_ Fritz, General Contractor 54-550 Avenida Velasco La Quinta, CA PROJECT Mr_ and Mrs_ Sayers Addition 396 sq -ft - 78 -062 Lago Drive La Quinta, CA ----------------------------------------------------------------- ?9-= Cocan try Cl eab Dr... Bermuda !banes, California 9-'2c' 1 (619) 360-0535 (714) 763-4250 � CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -1R =============================================================================== Project Title.......... SAYERS ADDITION Date........ 02/06/91 Project Address........ 78-062 Lago Drive La Quinta CA' ` ' ' Documentation Author... C. Randall -Christensen Building Permit # | Company................ T-24 Energy Calcs Co. | � Telephone.............. (619) 360-0535 | Plan Check / Date � . . . ' Compliance Method...... MICROPAS3 by Enercomp, Inc. | Field Check/ Date � Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- =============================================================================== � MICROPAS3 v3.01 File -SAYER Weather-CTZ15 Program -FORM CF -1R | | User#-MP1017 User -T-24 Energy Calcs Co. Run-DShdsR19.30 � __________________-____________________________________________________________ ' GENERAL INFORMATION -------------------- Conditioned __________________Conditioned Floor Area..... 396 sf Building Type.............. Single Family Detached Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 180 deg (S) Number of Dwelling Units... .17 Number of Stories.......... 1 Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Infiltration Control....... Standard GLAZING Glazing Area # of Interior Exterior Framing Orientation ___________________ (sf) Panes Shading ______ _____ __________ Shading ______________ Overhang Type ________ Window Front (S) 6 2 Shades None ________ None Metal Skylight Front (S) 1'6 2 none Tint None Metal THERMAL MASS Area Thickness Hard Surfaced/ Type (sf) (in) Exposed Location/Comments ____________ ______ _________ ______________ ________________________ -SlabOnGrade 396 3.5 No ASSUMED HVAC SYSTEMS Assumed Duct Duct Assumed System Efficiency Location R -value _______________ ____________ _____________ -------- Gas ______Gas 0.720 SE Attic R-2.1 Air Conditioner 8.90 SEER Attic R-2.1 ACTUAL HVAC SYSTEMS Actual Output Manufacturer and Model # Actual System Efficiency (Btuh) (or approved equal) _______________ ___________ ________ ---------------------------------- Heating ________________________________Heating Existing Cooling Existino Cooling Coil ~ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF -1R =============================================================================== Project Title.......... SAYERS ADDITION Date........ 02/06/91 � MICROPAS3 v3.01 File -SAYER Weather-CTZ15 Program -FORM CF -1R � � User#-MP1017 User -T-24 Energy Calcs Co. Run-DShdsR19.30 | _______________________________________________________________________________ CEC Maximum Output for Gas Central Furnaces: Btuh SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS ---------------------------- This _______________________ This project consists of a 396 sq.ft. addition to a residence. It qualifies for Special Package A for additions (Page 7-2 of the Energy Conservation Manual) Proposed glazing Front Door Glass = 6.00 Two 2 x 4 skylights = 16.00 Total proposed = 22.00 396 sq.ft. x .16 = 63.36 allowed glazing Copy of Prescriptive Package A for CTZ15 attached. All applicable features of Package A must be noted on plans. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -11",,' =============================================================================== Project Title.......... SAYERS ADDITION Date........ 02/06/91 � MICROPAS3 v3.01 File -SAYER Weather-CTZ15 Program -FORM CF -1R � | User#-MP1017 User -T-24 Energy Calcs Co. Run-DShdsR19.30 | -------------------------------------------------------- _______________________ COMPLIANCE STATEMENT --------------------- This ___________________ This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Chapter 2-53 and Title 20, Chapter 2, Subchapter 4, Article 1 of the California Administrative code. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility and the building owner, who shall retain a copy of it and transmit the certificate to any subsequent purchaser of the building. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, all building conservation features which vary are indicated in the Special Features/Remarks section. DESIGNER OWNER Name.... William Fritz Name.... Mr. and Mrs. Sayers Company. General Contractor Company. Address. 54-550 Avenida Velasco Address. 78-062 Lago Drive La Quinta CA La Quinta CA Phone... (619) 564-6402 Phone... License. 594854 Signed Signed (date) (date) DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name.... C. Randall -Christensen Name.... Company. T-24 Energy Calcs Co. Title... Address. 79-733 Country Club Dr. Agency.. Bermuda Dunes, California Phone... (619) 360-0535 Phone... Signed Signed i (date) (date) MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL -------=-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MF -1R ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk(t) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as binding minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. DESCRIPTION ;Designer ;Enforcement; Building Envelope Measures ' 3Sec.2-5352(a): Minimum ceiling insulation R-19 weighted average. �✓ ; ; Sec.2-5.352(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value. BSec.2-5352(c); Minimum wall insulation in framed walls R-il weighted average (does not ; apply to exterior mass waIls). Sec.2-5352(k): Slats edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. Sec.2-5311: Insulation specified or installed meets California Energy Commission (CEC) quality standards. Indicate type and form. Sec.2-5352(f): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate ?ones 14 and 16 only. ; A/ /�9- Sec.2-5317; Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls ' a. floors and windows between conditioned and uncondition spaces designed to limit air leakage. ' b. Doors and windows certified. ' , 1 1 c. Doors and windows weatherstrlppedg all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. ; ✓ ; Sec.2-5352(e); Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Sec.2-5351 meets CEG quality standards. Sec.2-5352(d); Installation of Fireplaces 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Tight fitting, closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control ' 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. ; A1119 ; HVAC and Plumbing System Measures ; Sec.2-5352(g) and 2-5303: Space conditioning equipment sizing: attach calculations, i N Sec.2-5352(h) and 2-5315: Setback thermostat on all applicable heating systems. ; ✓ ; ; tSec.2-5316(a); Ducts constructed, installed and insulated per Chapter 10, 1976 UPC. Sec.2-5316(b): Exhaust systems have damper controls. ; Allh Sec.2-5314(c): Gas-fired space heating equipment has intermittent ignition devices. n//A ; Sec.2-5314: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the CEC. Sec.2-5352(1): Nater heater insulation blanket (R-12 or greater) for storage and backup tanks for solar w/h systems (first 5 feet of pipes closest to tank insulated (R-3 or greater)) ; ,VIA Sec.2-5312(Exception I): Pipe insulation on steam and steam condensate return Pj recirc piping. ; N /A Sec.2-5318(d): Swimming Pool Heating System has: 1 . a. On/off switch on heater. ' b. Weatherproof instruction plate on heater. c. Plumbed to allow for solar. t , ' 2. 75 percent thermal efficiency. t 3. Pool cover. ; 4. Time clock. ' 5. Directional water inlet. Lighting and Appliance Measures ' Sec.25352(j): Lighting -25 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens and bathrooms.; ; Sec.2-5314(c); Gas fired appliances equipped with intermittent ignition device=_., Sec.2-5314(a): Refrigerators, refrigerator -freezers, freezers and fluorescent lamp ballasts certified by the CEC. Indicate make and model number. >/ Form, Revised July 1990 BEFORE Remvedportion of housa 1� II �—�.—• Addiaun must still comply Figure 7-1: Addition Must Still Comply If Remodeled House Has Less Floor Area Than Existing House Addition Alone Any addition --that is, the sum of all new conditioned spaces and associated new exterior walls, ceilings, and floors within the building -- may be shown to meet the energy budget as .a separate entity. This procedure does not ' involve the existing structure, except to modify the internal gains within the approved computer performance method, and may be performed using either a special prescriptive package or the point system or any approved computer performance method. SPECIAL PACKAGE A An addition may be shown to comply with the Standards by meeting specific requirements of Package A for the climate zone in which it is located as stated in §2-5301(d)2C of the Standards. The Package A features which apply to additions include: Ceiling, wall, slab perimeter and raised floor insulation levels • Glazing U -Value • Shading . the added floor area. The net glazing area takes into account glazing "removed from the existing building because of the addition." Therefore, the maxiinwn glazing area is 16% of the addedfloor area plus the area of glass taken ow of existing exterior walls and ceilings tp rapke way joi the addition. Package A for additions does not limit the amount of glazing which may occur on any one orientation, nor does it require any, thermal mass. Another feature of this special Package A for additions is that electric resistance space and/or water heating may be installed.. All applicable mandatory measures still apply. POINT SYSTEM OR COMPUTER METHOD ANALYSIS OF ADDITION ALONE Any addition may be analyzed alone using either the point system or a computer method . The rules for doing this are the same as for showing compliance of any new building except that the internal heat gain in Btu/day may have to be entered according to the following formula (depending upon the computer method): These Package A requirements are listed in Tables 3-ZI to 3-ZI6 in Section 3.4. In.this method, total glazing area in the addition is limited to 16% of •� 9 7-2 Energy Conservation Manual Revised July 1990 a4y Table 3-Z15:Prescriptive Packages for Climate Zone 1S q Package Package Package PacD g Package Component A B E BUILDING ENVELOPE Ji Insulation Minimums; C want g R-30 R-38 R-30 R-38 R-38 R-19' R-19 R-19 R-19. R-19 "Light " Wall (R-5.5) (R-4.5) (R-4.0) N/A N/A Light Mass" Wall [R-7,0] [R-6.0] [R-6.0] N/A N/A Slab Floor Perimeter � R-7 � R-7 R-7 NR N/A GLAZING Raised sur R-19 R-19 R-19 N/A' R-19, Maxim Wn U -Value 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 Maximum Total Area NR 16% 16% 16%. Maximum Total Nonsouth Facing Area 9.6%. N/A N/A N/A' �. N/A Minimum South Facing Area OA%. NR NR NR NR SHADING COEFFICIENT South Facing Glazing 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.36 West Facing Glazing 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.36 East Facing Glazing 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.36y • 0.36 North Facing Glazing 0.36 0.36 THERMAL-MASS3 � NR � 0.36 ..� , REQ NR NR 25% 10% INFILTRATION CONTROL Continuous Barrier NR REQ NR NR NR Air -to -Air Heat Exchanger :. NR REQ NR NR NR SPACE HEATING SYSTEM' If Gas, Seasonal Efficiency= 71% 71% 7196 If Heat Pump ACOP-- MIN MIN MIN 2.5 25 SPACE COOLING SYSTEM 2.5 2.5 If Air Conditioner6, SEER= MIN MIN MIN 9.5 '. .9.5 DOMESTIC WATER HEATING TYPE System must meet budget, ANY ANY Solar w/ ANY ANY see §2-5351(b) and 2-5351(f)(8) Any Backup LEGEND. NR - Nqt Required; N/A = Not Applicable; RHQ = Required 1. The value is parmthesp is the minimum R. -value for the entire wall assembly excluding interior No exterior airfdM if the wall weight exceeds 40 pounds per square foo. The value in bmdtets is the minimum R -value for" cruise assembly if the heat capacity of" wall meets or exceeds the result of multiplying the bradca W minimum R-vahu by 0.65. The insulation must be integral with or installed on the outside of the exterior mass. The inside surface of the thermal mass, including plaster or gypsum board in direct contrast with the masonry wall, shall be exposed to the roam air. Tho exterior wall wed to moat the R•value in parentheses caaaot also be used W meet the above thermal mass requiremeat• 2. No specific SWWS mut be inatallad with double glaring to meet the 0.66 shading coefftciwu requirement which auumcs light drapery• 3. To calwlato rho amount of thermal mass required for Package A. use the method set forth in 12-5351(f)4. Padu&o D (for slab Door buildings) requires 25 percent of the &Fouad floor area ditudy aspoed to the aoaditioaed space. Uncarpeted (e.&., linoleum or tiled) ground floor ars, such u entry ways. kitchens, bathrooms, and ooudidoaed utility rooms or closes may all be counted tow" this floor buildings) requires a thermal mass area equal to 10 percent of the &round floor area. To f ah mite go B (for resod have a perfomum equivsleat to a two inch thick mus elca"t with a volumetric beat as qty for thermal mess. the conductivity wed mut Bw/ft-°F sad a surface arca diroaly exposed to the room air of the Pay of ad floor.BtW•°F., tt tbfrma oonduc4viry of 0 98 required p�+uts8e of the &rolled floor. 4. The 71'dr SH requi tmeats are superseded by the Appluwoe Efficiency Staudards which less t1,an 175,000 BwAw manufacuuW an or after laa reqs that all rwa m atherproof oe acral gas fumpa b of itutalled era nary Pt rhos have a rating of 72. SB or higher. Automatic setbadt Ihgmoststs utwt be �! ctiaq with all space heating systems except those sated in Seaiwh 23. S. Heata s tape mut moat the minimum ti 6 f pe Pe(Heating Seasonal Performance Factor) value specified in the Appliuneo $!t-rciauyy Surds ds u wolf rho ACOP (Adjusted Coefficient of dormauce) listed is the Tsbla 6 Both Aiir caaditiooe s and the coolith& cycle of beat pumps must moot the listed SHER (SessoFal Energy Efficiency Ratio) listed Iii ttno Table. Y 4"i f to +t which meets the AppLanpo H"COW SW►dards also meets the "MEN" package requimaptt for 000lia 3-26 Energy Conservation Manual Revised December 1987