2021-04-06 SRR Dev Co - LQ Official Statement re: Notice of Default
April 6, 2021
Official Statement by City of La Quinta Regarding SilverRock Resort Project
Today, the City of La Quinta has made the decision to issue a notice of default to
the SilverRock Development Company, LLC (Robert Green Developer). After lengthy
discussions with legal counsel the Mayor and City Council unanimously voted to
issue the notice of default, per the terms of the agreement. The project consists of
the Montage and Pendry Resort and Lifestyle Residences at the SilverRock property
and was scheduled to be completed in late 2020.
The City has acknowledged the default status of the project and would like to make
the community aware of next steps:
• The City will be issuing a letter of default to the developer on April 7, 2021
• City staff will continue working with the developer to outline steps to cure the
• A study session will be held at the next City Council meeting on April 20 to
provide details regarding schedule, progress and plan forward
The Mayor, City Council, City Manager and City staff will continue to support and
assist the developer in moving forward on this project, as well as continue to keep
the community updated on next steps and milestones as they become available.
Marcie Graham
Marketing Manager/Public Information Officer