0308-260 (CSCS)v Malling .Address City' 8 Classif. nr-v n o /-- � Lic:11 P.O. BOX 1504 78-485 CALLS TAMPICO tLAQUINTA, 0ALIFORNIA12253 L, P. �7v' b'SMii aff"M Arc.:, tngr., S f E Designer k IS ! v Address Tel. 11741 f?') /YI / fir/ 7ZI- Qu (2 _ fr S I x C.' pt" LICENSED, CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION /,hereby affirmtthat I am Iicenaed.undar provlsloneol Chapter 9 (commenclRg with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and; Prefesalona'Coda, and myiicense.1s Io.fu11'force rind effect. SIGNATURE DATE OW N E114V ILDER; DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm. that I,am exempt from ttie Contractor's,Licensdi f aw for the following `reason: (Sec: 7091:5 Buelnesa �arid Profesalona.'Code: My nay a county whkh requlles: a peirixf to conatruct,`alter; .Improve demollah,. or.repd( my atnrcfure. pAor fo""ha' Issuance` elan regiilres. the applkanl'Mi such permR, fo IiMa 8i9ned :sritement that he fa' llcenaed puisu'ant�td Ne provlsiorrs of /lie Conlrecfork Ucarias Lair Chapter 8 (commenelnpwidt Seeflon 7000] of GNision 9 of pie Buslnessantl.Rrelesabns lode: or that,Ae, /a exempt therefrom,, antl the+heals for rhe alleged. exemption: Any v/olaflon of •Secf/on Z03f.5 Dy 'any, app9carlt for -a pemtlf sub)ecte4he�applkantto;e,ebilpeileltyofnof more%fhenitive hundrod;ddkue (1500). t'1,1,}as owner:ofjtheaproperty,'arti'excluslyely contracting with licensed contractors.to•oon- struct the project. (Sec. 704-0, Business and Profsasions Code:_ The Contactors Ucerfse L8w- does not ppply'fo an owner.�or.properry, who fxrnde. of improves 'M'ereon and 'who contraete. %dr. such,projacfs with a,contracforfs) Ucenaed,'p'ursuant to`tfie.Contrector's'Llcense L'aw,j 17 1 am exempt under Sec:- S. & P:C. for this'reason Date Owner, WORKERS' C_OMPENSATION•DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm, that I"have a certificate of consent a.4 to self4risure, or,a,certlfic'of" Worker's Compensation Insuradce;.or.a certified copy, thereof. (Ssc.-3800, Labor Co W:) Policy No. Company f7Xopy is.filedmith the city. O''Certified copy, is hereby,fumished. CERTIFICATE'OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This secrlon need not be: congviated It the, permlf. is, for one hundred dosara '(Srf00) vduation oalesa.j I certify that, in, the performance.:of'!hq work far which this ipermit,isylssued, l shelllnot: employ;any ppeerson In ,any. manner so as'tO, become subject to the worke(i,,Compenaatlon Lawsiof Califor'nie. Date .. Owner NOTICE TO APPLICANT h, Mer maMng Mrs CerNHeate of ,Exemption you shorild baorne'. c suDjaot to the Workers Coriipensetloll prov181ons' of the Latii}r. Code, you must fa-dh4 h' coniply;'irlth aucn;plo'yrslcjrla:or this pemiR Snal•be tlesmedYewked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affirm that:'there is, a, construction lending agency fof'the,performance of the work for which lMs�per^}It I I ued. (Sec, 309 Z; Civil Coda.) Lender's Name /` /nii—Ok- Lender's Address This ;is a building perms w nprope'riy ed out; signed and validated,'an&is subject'to, ezpirationre ,if work theunderiis su-spended1or180 days;. 1: certify, that 1 have read this application and :alate that theaboveinformation"is;correci: I agree to comply with, all city,and county ordinances (and state, laws; relating, to building construction; and hereby authorize representatives -of this city to an the above- mentioned property forinspeclion purposes: Signature of. aoolicant Date Mailing Address City, state, zip^ - r' , 1-� ..�" v APPLICATION ONLY .DING: TYPE'CONST. OCC. GRP. Number Number 72 3 , 3270 - ON — `t Description It Description Ft. No. Dw. ❑ Add ❑ Alter p Repair Demolition ❑'. >v - (got, E-J->e-/VZM//fC 45b -636 e-ISE-YUlMaJE timated Valuat _ n / PERMIT Plan Chk: Dep: Plan Chk. "Bal'. Const: Mech. Electrical Plumbing s.M.l., Grading Driveway Enc: Infra ZONE: BY: Minimum Setback Distances: Front Setback from: Center Line Real Setback from Rear'Prop. Line Side Street Setback from' Center Line Side�Setback from Property Line FINAL.DATE INSPECTOR Issued'by: Date Permit Validated ,by: Validations WHITE =FINANCE YELLOW a ,APPLICANT' PINK-AUILDING; DNVISION