9806-143 (RER) Title 24F-R6rf CABEC/C. Chr i stenSen PHONE NO. +909 763 0522 -jut'). 03 1990 05: 19PM P03 Carole Christensen, Analyst Title -24 Energy Calculations June 3, 1998 PRESCRIPTIVE COMPLIANCE FOR AN ADDITION Dickey Addition 43 sq.ft. 77- �ago Drive Tan i ilita, CA Contretor: William H. Fritz 66261 Rose Road Montrose, CO 81401 Table of Contents CIS -1 R MF-lR C -3R CF -6 CITY Y 03d CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTED FOR CONSTRUCTION SUBJECT TO INSTALLATION AS PER AND ALL APPLICABLE CODES 0 .1 :5- BY 41-596!•ake Carpo» Drive, Aguanga. CA 91536 1-800-735-8152 Member CABrsC - CaUjornia Association of Budding KnOrby Conwhana FROM . CABEC/C. Cl -,r i stertsen PHONE 1,10. : 1909 763 0522 .Jur-1. 03 1998 05: 00P11 P01 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -1R Pro,ect Title .... ;Z eV.K1germy Addition Date........ 06/03/98 Project Address Pr_mss La D' / r ******* g , ive 77 La Quinta, Ca *v4.51* Documentation Author... Carole Christensen ******* Bu i I alFg­_Te_r_mTt___ff- Carole Christensen 47-596 Lake Canyon Drive Plan Check 7 Dal-e- Aguanga, CA 92536 800-735-8152 Fieeck7_D_a_Fe_ Climate Zone. ..... 15 Compliance Method...... MICROPAS4 v4.51 for 1995 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS4 V4.51 File-DICKYADD Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP1017 User -Carole Christensen Run -PRESCRIPTIVE ADDITION GENERAL INFORMATION FENESTRATION ## of Interior Over - Area U- Pan- Shading/ Exterior hang/ Framing Orientation (sf) Value es Description Shading Fins Type Window Front (W) 20.0 0.750 2 Rli.nds,Lt bldg shade None Meta). THERMAL MASS Area Thickness Type Exposed (sf) (in) Location/Comments SlabOnGrade No 43 3.5 Covered Interi.orHorz Yes 17 1.0 tub deck HVAC SYSTEMS Minimum Duct Duct Thermostat Equipment Type Efficiency Location R -value Type Furnace 0.780 AFUE Attic. R-4.2 Setback ACSplit 8.00 SEER Attic R-4.2 Setback Conditioned Floor Area..... 43 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type .......... Addition Alone Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 270 deg (W) Number of Dwelling Units... .02 Number of Stories. ....... 1 Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Glazing Percentage......... 46.5 t of floor area Average Glazing U -value.... 0.75 Btu/hr-sf-F BUILDING SMELL INSULATION Component Frame Cavity Sheathing Insul Assembly Type Type R -value R -value R --value U -value Location/Comments Wall Wood R-25.5 R-.62 R-26.12 0.057 y Roof Wood R-11 R-27 R-38 0.025 Attic FENESTRATION ## of Interior Over - Area U- Pan- Shading/ Exterior hang/ Framing Orientation (sf) Value es Description Shading Fins Type Window Front (W) 20.0 0.750 2 Rli.nds,Lt bldg shade None Meta). THERMAL MASS Area Thickness Type Exposed (sf) (in) Location/Comments SlabOnGrade No 43 3.5 Covered Interi.orHorz Yes 17 1.0 tub deck HVAC SYSTEMS Minimum Duct Duct Thermostat Equipment Type Efficiency Location R -value Type Furnace 0.780 AFUE Attic. R-4.2 Setback ACSplit 8.00 SEER Attic R-4.2 Setback FR'01.1' : CABEC/C:. Christensen PHONE NO. : +909 763 0522 Jur, 03 1998 05: OOPM P02 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF -1k Project Title..�,. y Addition Date........ 06/03/98 MICROPAS4 V4.51 File-DICKYADD Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP1017 User -Carole Christensen Run -PRESCRIPTIVE ADDITION SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS This 43 sf addition complies under the Prescriptive Compliance for Additions as follows: INSULATION Walls at least R-21. See Form 3-R Construction Assembly Roof a R38 FENESTRATION 43 x 16k = 6.88ef allowed PLUS glass removed for addition Removing 48 of of old window and replacing with 20 sf of new dual pane. Henry's Glass in Indio will certify .73 U -value. No additional fenestration to be added. SHADING White Roller Shades with .40 SC. THERMAL MASS Required Thermal Maes - 43 x 20% =.8.6 Proposed thermal mase Tub deck will be tile - 17.5 sq.ft. SPACE 14EATING AND COOLING : Existing EXISTING WATER HEATING EQUIPMENT FROM CABEC/C.Cl-,rist.ensen PHONE NO. +909 763 0522 Jun. 03 1993 05:04PM P10 CERTIFICA'T'E OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF_ IR Project Title ......►,�`��r Addition Date......,. 05/03/98 MICROPAS4 x4.51 File-DICKYADD Wth-CTE15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP1017 User -Carole Christensen Run -PRESCRIPTIVE ADDITION SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS This 43 of addition complies under the Prescriptive Compliance for Additions as follows: INSULATION Walls at least R-21. See Form 3-R Construction Assembly Roof = R38 FENESTRATION 43 r. 16k = 6.88sf allowed PLUS glass removed for addition Removing 48 of of old window and replacing with 20 sf of new dual pane. Henry's Glass in Indio will certify .73 U -value. No additional fenestration to be added. SHADING White Roller Shades with .40 SC. THERMAL MASS Required Thermal Mass - 43 x 20� = 8.6 Proposed thermal mass Tub deck will be tile - 17.5 sq.ft. SPACE HEATING AND COOLING - Existing EXISTING WATER HEATING EQUIPMENT FROM : CABEC/C. Chri stensen PHONE NO. : +909 763 0522 Jun. 03 1998 05: 01PM PO3 .CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -7.R Prpject Title...'�.e.w'� Petty Addition Date........ 06/03/98 MICROPAS4 v4.51 File-DICKYADD Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -].R User4-MP7.07.7 User -Carole Christensen Run -PRESCRIPTIVE ADDITION COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance Lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative revulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features/ Remarks section, , DESIGNER or OWNER Name.... William H. Fritz Name.... Company. Company, Address. 66261 Rose Road Address. Montrose, CO 81401 Phone... (970) 249-9756 Phone... License. Signed.. %oPmjJ_A^•• �, L• SP- t{ Signed. . (date) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name.... Title... Agency.. Phone... Signed.. _ Mate) DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Carole Christensen Carole Christensen 47-596 Lake Canyon Drive Aguanga, CA 92536 800-735-8152 FROM PHONE 1,1 I, : +909 763 0522 T. -!n. 03 1998 05: 19F'11 PO4 IYIA.NDATOR'Y MEASURES CHECKLIST: RE SIDE NTIA.L MF -'IR Nuto: 1-,uwrisu rtaidential buildings subject to the Standards uulst contain 1110W MMasures regardk.ss of the contplinncc approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (') may b6 superseded by more stringent compliance reyuireaients listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist N incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as binding minitnuln Component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or tinter N/A if not applicable. Building Envelope measures: ' i o(a): M n�nium -19 ceiling tnsulation. §I50(b): Loose fill Insulation manufacturer'f • pI50(c). Minimum R- 13 wall insulation in T' (does not apply to extortor mass walls). ¢I50(d): Minimum um R-13 raised flour Insulae §150(1): Slab edge insulation -Yater absorp no greater than 2,0perm/inch. 6118: Insulation snot ted or Installed meets or equivalent U -value In nictal frunie walls n framed floors; minimum R-8 in raised concrete (tours. rate no greater Ulan 0.3%, water vapor trunsrn ssion ruts I. Uuuis and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage, 2, Manufuolured fenestration products have label with certified U -value, and infilualion certification. 3. Geld for douhs and windows weutlierstripped; all joints turd penetrations cnulkcd and scaled. T 1. (e): Vapor barriers mwidatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. I50(f): Special ltifillrauon bullet Installed to comply with 4 151 "heels Commission quality standtude 150(c : lnstallat on ;F Fl replaces, Decorative Gas Appllruims and Oas Logs, I. Masonry find factory -built fireplaces huve: it, C:lusoablo metal or glass door b. Outside air Intake with damper and control r•. Fluc dumpu and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilot lights allowed, tee Conditioning, 'Vater Heating and Plumbing System Measures: f 10-13: HVAC eau ument. wale( heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the cununission. ng and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with AS uent:, SMAUNA Or :k thermostat on all app ouble hating and ur cooling systems. 1. First 5 fact of pipes closust to water heater tank, non-reclrculating systems, insulated (R•4 or gre.utei) 2. Buck -up tanks for solar systcnh, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water twhks have K-12 external Insulation or R-16 combined Internalloxtemal Insulation, 3. All buried or exposed piping insulated In recirculating sections of hot water systems, 4. Cooling system piping below 551 P Insulated. S. Piplog Insulated between heating source and indirect hot water ttuik. i. DUCts eonstructod, installed and scaled to comply with ttMC sections 6U and 603; ducts insulated to a mininwm Installed R-4.2 or ducts enclosed entirely within conditioned space. 2. Exhaust fen systems have book draft or oulomatc dampers, 3. Gravity ventilating systoms serving conditioned space have elther automatic or readily uccessible, 1. System is certified with 78% thermal ofticleney, on-off swileh, weatherproof operating Instruollons, no electric resistance heating and no pilot light. 2. System Is installed with: a. At lust 36" ol'pipe between filter and hoatur fur future solar heating, b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. s. I'iiul syslcm has directional Inlets and a Orathilon pump tlnic switch. 115: Gas fired central furnaces, pool hooters, spa calm; or household cooking uppliwhccs huve no� continuously burnlntt Pilot Il&ht. (Exception: Non eleetrioal cooking appliances with pilot < 15013W/hr nttn measures: 150(k): 40 lumen watt or greater for gencrul Ilghting in kitchens ana rooms with water closets; lcccsscd oelllna fixtures urc IC (Insulation cover) approved. 0J CLQ y,. FROr'l : CABEC/C.Ckristensen PHONE NO. : +909 763 0522 Jun. 03 1998 05:03PM P08 • Greater than or equal to 500 ft2 anti less than minimum mandatory requirements listed in 1000 ft2; and Chapter 2. O tion aly. additions of less • Creator than or equal to 1000 ft2, JDD_hIcan meet 1 r7 eacri tivo cj� t�quiremonts for additions groaner than or The compliance requirements for each equal to (>) 100 Q but lass t1,An (<)�Qp112, category are summarized in Table 7-1 and 2, Additions greater than o• equal to 100 n2 described as follows: and less than 500 ft2 shall mee,. all of the 1. Additions less than 100 ft2 may have up to requirements of Prescriptivo Package D (for 50 ft2 of fenestration with a U -value of no slab on grade buildings) or R (for raised floor more than 0.75. Any dual glazed skylight or buildings) for the appropriate climate zone dual -glazed greenhouse window can be except for the following: assumed to meet this (L -valva requirement. Insulation levels must meet or exceed the Table 7-1; Prosct•iptivc: Compliance of Addition,% - Summilry of Section 152(x)l RC(Iair('lnents of the .Sl(!j!(1UI'(16' COMPONENT 100 ft2 > tn0b< s fie >s00u.u.t..<_1444 ft2 >1000 0 Insulation , Ceiling R-19 Package, Package Package W0112 R-13 R-13 R-13 Package Floor Mandatory5 Package Package Package Fenestration him U-Value3 0.75 0.75 Package Package % of CPA < SO ft2 Pkg. + RennoveM Pkg. T Removed Package Shading n/a Package Package Package Thermal Mass n/a Package Package Package Space Heating Mandatory5 Package Package Package & Cooling (No electrie)6 (No electric) (No electric) (No electric) Water Heating Replacement n/a n/a n/a ala Increase See Table 7-2 See Table 7-2Sce 'fable 7-2 See Table 7-2 I , Meet the component prescriptive requirement for Package D for .slab -on -grade construction or Package L for raised floor construction (see Chapter 3) and all mandatory requirements. 2• "Heavy Mass" and "Light Mass" walls may.atect the Package la or E requirements for mass wall insulation instead of R-13 (see Chapter 3). 3. hor compliance of additions and alterations only, dual glazed "greenhouse" windows and skylights may be assumed to meet this requirement.' 4. The Package D or E fenestration area Plus the area of any glazing removed because of the addition. 5. All applicable mandatory measures for insulation or 14VAC systems must be niet (see Chapter 2), C. No electric resistance space heating may be installed. 74 Maatctt 1, 1996 Residential M>uival FROH . CABEC/C. CI-,ri sterrsen PHONE NO. :_ +909 763 0522 Jun. 03 1998 05:02PM P07 CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY Page 2 3R Project Title.... i��, Peery Addition v Date........ 06/03/98 MICROPAS4 v4.51 File-DICKYADD Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM 3R ^� User#-MP1017 User -Carole Christensen Run -PRESCRIPTIVE ADDITION Cavity Frame R -Value R -Value 0.17 0.7.7 0.21 0.21 0.06 0.06 0.62 0.62 0.80 0.80 27.00 27.00 11.00 -- -- 3.46 r / N �j Sketch of Construction Assembly Parallel Path Method Reference Name , R.38.2X4.24A Description .... Roof R-38 2x4 24oc Type ........... Roof R -Value ........ 38 Hr-sf-F/Btu Framing Material ..... Type ......... Description .. Spacing .... Framing Frac.. LIST OF CONSTRUCTION COMPONENTS Material Name Description 0. FILM. EX 1. SHNGL.CEMENT 2. BLDG.PAPER 3. PLY.0.50 4. AIR.RF.3.50 5. BATT.R27.0 6c. BATT.RII.0 6f. FIR.2X4 7. GYP.0.63 I. FILM.IN.RF FIR. 2X4 Wood 2x4 f.ir 24 inches on center 0.07 Exterior air film: winter value Asphalt -cement shingles Building paper (felt) 0.50 in plywood 3.5 in & greater: air space: heat flow up R-27 batt insulation R-11 batt insul (cavity > 3.5 in) 2x4 fir 0.625 in gypsum or plaster board 'Inside air film: heat flow straight up FRAMING ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION j Cavity I 11, U -Value: (1 / 41.03 x 0.93),,+ Total Unadjusted R -Values Framing Total (1 / 33.50 x 0.07) - 0.025 Btu./hr.-sf-F Total R -Value: 1 / 0.025 40.39 hr-st-F/Btu 0.56 0.56 0.61 0.61 41.03 33.50 Framing Total (1 / 33.50 x 0.07) - 0.025 Btu./hr.-sf-F Total R -Value: 1 / 0.025 40.39 hr-st-F/Btu FROI'1 CABEC/C. Cki-i stensan PHONE NO. +909 763 0522 Jury. 03 1999 05: 20PM P65 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (page 1 of 4) CF -6R Site Xddress PermltNumbeF An installation certificate is required to be posted at the building site or made avallable for all appropriate Inspections. (The information provided on this form is required; however, use of this form to provide the information is optional.) Aller completion of final -inspection, a copy must be provided to the building department (upon request) and the building owner at occupanoy, per Section 10.103(b). HVAC�S5� S: Heating Equipment ti of ktiicicncy Duct Duct or Hcating lleating 13qulp, Type (pkg. CEC C:ortined Mfr Name Identical (AFUE, elo.)' Location ,.— ,.,,,_ .,.- % Piping R_ Oh . Load rnunn,r1 Capaell) (Htuthr) Cooling Equipment Equip, CCC Certified Comprossor N of Efficiency Duct Cooling Cooling Typo (pkg. Unit Mfr Name and identical (SECR, etc.), Locution Duct Load Capacity beat pump) Modcl Number^ Systems - f C}t lR valucl (attic eto) R-velua otahr) (BIu hr) reads greater than or equal to, 1, the undersigned, verify that equipment listed above is: 1) is the actual equipment installed, 2) equivalent to or more efficient than that specified In the certificate of compliance (Form CF -1R) submitted for compliance with the Energy EJyiclency Standards for residential buildings, and 3) equipment that meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices (from the Appliance Wcicncy Regulations or Part 6), where applicable. Signature, Date Distribution If Reclr- Heater. CEC Certified Mfr Type (Std, culation, Tvoc Plante & Model Number Po)nt-of-Usc) Control lista ng gubcontractor(Co. ams OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner 0 of hated' Tank Em- Bxtomal Identical . input (kW Volume olenoy' Startdby' insulation c ­,o,... Ar nrntIA Wilms) (EF. RE) LosB (%) R411111C 2 For small gas storage (rated Input of less than or equal to 7$,000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list Energy factor. For latge gas storage. water heaters (ratod input of greater Oran 75,000 BtuAir), list Recovery Efficiency, Standby Loss and Rated Input. For Instantaneous gas water heaters, list Recovery Efticlency and Rated Input. Faucots & Shower Heads: All faucets and showerheads installed are certitted to the Commission, pursuant to Title 24, Part 6, Subchapter 2, Section 111, 1, the undersigned, verify that equipment listed above my signature: 1) is the actual equipment installed; 2) is equivalont to or more efficient than that specified In the certificate of compliance (Form Cl' -1R) submitted for compliance with the Energy F ciency Standards for residential buildings; and 3) the equipment meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices (from the Appliance EfficiencyRegulations or Pan 6), where applicable. Signature, 13 -ate COPY TO: Building Department Building Owner at Occupancy Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR General Contractor (C.o. Name) OR Owner %1W. -1..A Ma"At I 1QQA FROt'l : CABEC!C.Christensen PHONE NO. : +989 763 0522 .Jun. 03 1998 05:20PM P06 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (page 2 Of 4) CF -6R Site Addross Permit Number ir. ANESTFj,&TI N/ j,&Z1NCs Manufactured Operator Products 'typo (e.g„ Labeled Slte RaIll ptpducts Total UK U-valuo (s N of DAult Quantity Square Contn►onts/ Manu%ctureQr d Wine, slider) F•IR valk a Panes U -Value! a� h Foot spool41 Egaluroe (OROUP LIKE PRODUCTS) 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. t Installed U-valuo must be less than or equal to value from CF. lit. Altomatively, installed weighted average U -value for the total fenestration area is less than or equal to value from CF -IR. 1, the undersignod, verify that the fenestration/glazing listed above my signature: 1) is the actual fenestration produot installed; 2) is equivalent to or more efficient than that specified in the certificate of compliance (Form CF -IR) submitted for compliance with the Energy gt'tency Standards for residential buildings; and 3) the product meets or exceeds lite appropriate requirements for manufactured devices (from Part 6), where applicable. Item Ne Signature, Date Insla lutg Su contractor(Co, amo (if applicable) General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner Item A S gnature, Date (if applicable) Item No Signature, Mto (if applicable) COPY T0: Building Department Building Owner at Occupancy Insta ng Subcontractor Co, MR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner Insta tag Su Contractor Z Coame) General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner FR''OM' . CABEC/C.Christensen PHONE NO. : +909 763 0522 Jun, C13 1990 05:21PM P07 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (page 3 of 4) CF -6R The following is an explanation of many of the input values required on this form: HY.Ar.S]CI I EMS Heating Equipment Type must be one of the follow Furnace: I Gas or oil -fired central furnace & space heater Boiler: I Gas or oil -fired boiler PckgHeatPump: Packaged central hoot pump SplitHeatPump; Split central heat pump RoomHeatPump: Room heat pump LgPkgHeatPump: Large packaged heat pump (Z 65,000 Btu/hr output) Electric: Electric resistance heating (fixed liSPr - 3.413); radiant electric resistance (fixed HSPF w 3.55) CombinedHydro; Reference water heater under water heating systems below CEC Certifled Manufacturer Name & Model Number from applicable Commission approved appliance directory. n of Identical Systems is for those systems with the same efficiency, duct location, duct R -value and capacity. Efficiency from applicable Commission certified appliance directory. Duct Location is attic, crawl space, CVC crawl space, conditioned space, unconditioned space (piping) or none. Duct (or piping) R -Value fhom Directory of Certified insulation Materials and/or manufacturer's data. Heating/Cooling Load refor to Commission approved load calculation procedure. Heating/Cooling Capacity from tite applicable Commission certified appliance directory. Note: location elevations over 2,000 ft above sea level require a derating of output capacity (refer to manufacturer's literature). Cooling Equipment Type must be one of the fol SplitAirCond: Split system air conditioner PckgAirCond: I Packaged air conditioner Split Heat Pump: Split system heat pump PckgHeatPump: I Packaged heat pump RoomHeaftn►p: I Room heat pump LgftlieatPump: Large packaged heat pump 0: 65,000 Btu/hr output). Substitute EER for SEER when SEER is not available RoomAirCond: I Room air conditioner. Minimum SEER varies` LgPkgAirCond: Large packaged air conditioner (z 65,000 Btulhr output). Substitute EER for SEER when SEER is not available EvapDirect: Direct evaporative cooling system. For compliance calculation purposes, fixed values: SEER - 11.0; duct location - attic; duct insulation R -value 4,2 Evapindirect: It evaporative cooling system. For compliance calculation purposes, fixed values: SEER - 13.0; duct location - attic; duct insulation R -value - 4.2 ;..e__a__ r__ir Y.. l �i1 1N»nv Rpari ntlmts. P400-92.029 t0 FROM CHEEC/C.Ct,rist.ensan PH01,1E 1,10. +909 763 0522 Jur-i. 03 1998 05:22FM PGt9 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (page 4 of 4) CF -6R The following is an explanation of many of the input values required on this form: Storage Gas, Oil or Electric Heat Pump Instantaneous Gas Instantaneous Electric Large Storage Gas Indirect Gas (Boiler) Information Needod Yes No No No Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes (AFUE) No Yes FEN ESIATIO G AZING Fenestration: Windows, sliding glass doors, french doors, skylights, garden windows, and any door with more than one square foot of glass Operator Type: Slider, hinged, fixed U -Value: Installed U -value must be less than or equal to value from CF -IR OR Installed weighted average U -value for the total fenestration area is less than or equal to value from CF -1R F-P,brl CABEC/C. Chri stensen is PHONE NO. : +909 763 7522 Jun. 03 1998 05:03PM P09 Table 3-ZIS: Prewriptive Pluckages fur Climate `Lone is Package Package Package. Package Package Component A H C 11 D lE BUILDING ENVELOPE R-38 R-21 R-21 Insulation Minimums: (R-4,76) NIA NIA Culling R-30 R-38 R49 Wood Frame Wall R•19 R-19 R-29 "Heavy Mass" Wall (R-5.5) (R-4,5) NIA "Light Mass" Wall [R-7.0) (R-6,0) NIA Slab Floor Perimeter R-7 R-7 R-7 Raised Floor R-19 R-19 R-21 FENESTRATION Maximum U-Valuel2 0.65 0.65 0.40 Maximum Total Area NR 1690, 16% M'ximum 'Total Nonsouth Facing Area 9.69'0 NR NR Minimum South Facing Area 6.4 % NR NR SHADING COEFFICIENT4 South Facing Glazing 0.15 0.15 0.40 West Facing Glazing 0.15 0.15 0.40 East Facing Glazing NR NR 0.40 North Facing Glazing NR NR 0.66 THERMAL MASS5 REQ NR RLQ INFILTRATION CONTROL Continuous Barrier NR REQ NR Air -to -Air Heat Exchanger NR R8Q NR SPAC13 HEATING SYSTEM6 Electric Resitance Allowed NO NO YES7 If Clas,AFUE. 78% 78% 78% If Heat Pump, Split System HSPF8 6.8 6.8 6.8 Single Package System HSPF w 6.6 6.6 6.6 SPACE COOLING SYSTEM If Split System AIC, SEER = 10.0 10.0 10.0 If Single SRER9 - 9.7 9.7 9.7 )OMESTIC WATER HEATING TYPE System must meet budget, Meets Meets Meets10 see §151(b) and 151(1)(8) Budget Budget Budget X-GEND; NR " Not Required; NIA - Not Applicable; REQ = Required �ee notos following Table 3-Z16. R-38 R-38 R-21 R-21 (R-4.76) (R-4,76) NIA NIA NR NR? R-193 R-19 0.65 0.65 16% 169'0 NR NR NR NR 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0,x}0 0.66 0.66 20% 5% NR NR NR NR NO NO 78% 78% 6.8 6,8 6.6 6.6 10.0 10.0 9.7 9.7 Meets Meets Budget Budget 3-34 January 1, 1995 RQS1de11tiE1 h4nnuH1