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9805-079 (AR) Title 24
FROM CHBEC%C.Christensen PHONE NO. +909 763 0522 Carole Christetiseti, Aitalyst Title -24 Energy Calculations May. 20 1999 10:57AM P01 May 20, 1998 p � " PRESCRIPTIVE COMPLIANCE FOR ADD, PF -105 etfy Add i ion I T 376 sq.ft.��1✓Ei' ' �d �.'% 78-021 LaggDrive v�)a'Y-G �ES La Quint.a, CSA �. ,. � �gL� CnD �.,•�'�ajy rid- �ii/ i Contretor: William IL Fri' 66261 Rose R at] Montrose, . ) n Table of Contents CF -IR MF -1R CF -6 1C-1 'fable 7-1 Table 3-L15 41-396 Luke Cwwon brhic, Aglireigo, CA 923.16 1.900-735.8152 1- klember CABF.(.' - C oIttonda Associalio i c?l111110ing h.7icrgls C,onsullevifs C 4 R , FROM fN� :CR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: PHONE tJO. . +909 763 0522 RESIDENTIAL Pb�ty. 20 1998 10:57RI P62 . Page 1 CF -IR'" Project Title.......... Petry Addition Date. 05/20/99t`, Project Address........ 78-021. Lago Drive ******* s:s La Quinta, Ca *v4.51* Documentation Author,.. Carole.Christensen ******* BUliding Permit j• Carole Christensen 47-596 Lake Canyon Drive`: ` Y an CReck ate gin: Aguanga, CA 92536 ' 800-735-8152a ecc dl.imate Zone. ..... 15 a e s Compliance Method...... MICROPAS4 'v4.51 for 1995 Standards by RnP.rnmmn Tv%e4 MICROPAS4 x4.51 File-P8TRYADD Wth-CTZ15592 Program -FORM CF -1R User##-MP1017 User -Carole Christensen Run -PRESCRIPTIVE ADDITION GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... Building Type .............. Construction Type ... Building Front Orientation. Number of Dwelling Units... Number of Stories.......... r Floor Construction Type.... Glazing Percentage......... Average Glazing U -value.... 376 of Single Family Detached Addition Alone Front Facing 270 deg (w) .15 1 Slab On Grade 1.06.9 � of floor area 0.75 Btu/hr.-sf.—F BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Frame Cavity Sheathing Insul Assembly Type. Type R -value R -value R --value U -value Location/Comments ,k Wall Wood R-21 R-0 R-21 0.059 Roof Wood R-3.3. R-7.7 R-.38 0.025 Attic FENESTRATION # of Interior Area U- Pan- Shading/ Orientation (sf) Value es Description, Door Back (F) 390.0 0.750 2 R.oll.er..wht Window Back (E) 12:0 0.720 2 Ro3l.e.r..Wht Type S1abOnGrade EgtJa.pment Type f�'u��nacP ACSplit Exposed No Minimum Efficiency 0.780 AFUE 9,00 SEER THERMAL MASS Area Thickness (sf) (in) 376 3.5 HVAC SYSTEMS Duct Location Attic Attic Over - Exterior hang/ Framing(; Shading Fine Type f: Rol.];Dwn Awn. None Metal Ro11Dwn Awn None Metal != Y• Location/Comments k Covered f. Duct Thermostat R -value Type R-4.2 Setback R--4.2 Setback FP01,I CAEEC:YC. Chri =,tensen PHONE N0. +909 763 0522 May. 20 1995 10:58A11 P03 , F . ',CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CH -1.R, prn;anr. Tit -.1P- - PPt-ry Addit-inn hat -.a. --J--- ------ - - - - - - - - ----1 ---------- -- -- - - -- 4 1.4. MICROPAS4 v4.51 File-PETRYADD Wt;h-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R } ,u User##-MP1017 User -Carole Christensen Run -PRESCRIPTIVE ADDITION s?: SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS —Ceiling and walls will have double 1/2 inch drywall. 'SPACE HEATING AND COOLING = Existing EXISTING WATER HEATING EQUIPMENT ,-This 376 of addition complies under the Prescriptive Compliance for Additions as follows: f= INSULATIONF %Walls at least R-21. There is an 11 inch cavity in existing wall, �. Roof = R38 it FENESTRATION ` :376 x 16% - 60 sf allowed PLUS glass removed f..or. addition •°REmoving 402 of of old window and replacing with -402 sf of new "dival pane. Henry's Glass in India will certify .75 U -value, No additional fenestration to be added. SHADING ...Permanent 8 ft roll down awning the full length of back. PLUS White Roller Shades with .40 SC. THERMAL MASS a R6quired Thermal Mass - 376 x 20� = 75.2 ,+ Y, Proposed thermal mass —Ceiling and walls will have double 1/2 inch drywall. 'SPACE HEATING AND COOLING = Existing EXISTING WATER HEATING EQUIPMENT ' 4 - FROM CABEC. C. Chri stenser-i PHONE NO. : +909 763 0522 Play. 20 1998 10:58W PO4 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 C�'-1•R` Project Title.......... Petry Addition Dat -e........ 05/20/98- MICROPAS4 v4.51 File-PETRYADD Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -IR - k User#-MP1017 User -Carole Christensen Run -PRESCRIPTIVE ADDITION COMPLIANCE STATEMENT s'This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance '.�.�specificati.ons needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 7. and 6 of. the :California Code of Regulations, and the administrative re�ulati.ons to rjimplement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with :ioverall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is '•submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special. Features/ ,?.Remarks section. P:, DESIGNER or OWNER °3 :Name.... William H. Fritz Name.... r''Company . Company. ;;'Address. 66261 Rose Koia Address. Montrose, CO 87.401 Phone... (970) 249-•9756 Phone.. License . 1�.. - �'9ySf�y -.Signed.. � �y to Y Signed.. •a. , ate iof f Name. .Title „,sAgency . Phone. . ';','Signed. ENFORCEMENT AGENCY DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Carole Christensen Carole Christensen 47-596 Lake Canyon Drive Aguanga, CA 92536 BOO -735-8152 �i (date) (date) x l Y� f11 ,V ilk "75/20/1998 10:58 6193420459 HENRY GLASS COMPANY e HENRY'S GLASS CO PANY 48-848 FLOWER STREET, INDIO CA 92201 May 20,1998 William H. Fritz 66-261 Rose Road Montrose, CO 81401 re: Petry Residence Lago, La Quinta (780)347-2389 (78D)3420459 FAX CCL -733837 ADA S OF OLAZCONlNDUSTM9S,7NC, i I Dear. Bill, :flere is the information you requested regarding the U -Value ce glass doors and. fixed window to be installed at the petry reside Fleetwood's 3000 Series sliding glass door and 250 series fixed w units (1/.4" glass). As you can see, the door is rated at a .75 U -V .5.9 U -Value. Please forward this infomation to the building dep it' you need any additional information. or certification. Vespectfully, ario I�ernande:2 Gerieral Manager PAGE 01 ation for the sliding We will be using w with 1 " insulating and the window at -a ent and let me know 057'20/19916- 1998 10: 37 6193420459 HEt lRY GLASS COMPAIlY PAGE 02 A' PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AL U1M1IN'UM SLIDING GLASS DOOR PRODUCT NAME I . NOR WOOD SERIES 3000 N-F&C RESIDENTIAL, V6L,,IJES i (. . 7S CLRIAIA) - .65 LOW E/AIR - . S2 H1H#66/ARGON (SEE BELOW FOR COMMON GLAZING OPTIONS) SPFCIAL PRQD.UQT FEATURES X " -INSULATED GLASS CUSTOM COLOR ` STAINLESS TRACK INSERT HIGH SErVRITY HOOK LATCH AVAILABLE 12' TALL DEL UXi SCREEN ................. ............... .--------- ...................................................... CLAZINQ OPTION51^_ INTERIOR SPACER SP,4CE EXTERIOR AA RESULT i SP6CIaL NOTbS�\, 1/4" .500 AIR 1/4" .75 2, 114" LOW E .500 AIA I/4" .65 ! .20 LOW E - I 3, 3116" LOW E' .312 ARGON 3116" .52 HEA T MIRROR #66 i 4,, 1/4" LOW E .281 ARGON 3/16" .53 .10 LOW EIHM#66 5 1/47 .250 AIR 1/4" ,61 HEAT MIRROR #66 ------------------------ ---------------- --------- --------------------------------------- -------l.... ..... .... _____--__---- CONSUL,TANT_NOTES I i ITHE OPTIONS LISTED ARE ONLY: -4 SAMPLE. THE ENTIRE MAT] REQUEST, IS •AVAILABLE BY _4W 1 2: 3 4 5 6 7 5 8 't'0 12 14_i: 37 619'..:420459 HEHRV GiL(-'1SE; CA iPIFIAj,j r' I $i.mulated Total U -Value. Summary Date: 8/24193 Frame Option: None Manufacturer: Fleetwood Aluminum Products Spacer Type(a):',Dual-Seat Alum, Double Steel. Dual Seal (HM), Swiggie (#23) Note: For aladho opyons, SB=Slnflla-Strength d - D5•LjouWaStrsng�th gtesi, For apaaerR S$aS�Seat and DS,vDual.Ssel. F A(3E C1 Report 0 930121 ModOUSeries:. Norwood 3000 81iding Glass Door Operator Type: Daubte & Multiple Doors w/Frame Frame Type: Aluminum no winu/erea prwucx represents me -©,roup Leader and has the highest U-vjue among the prouptnQ of simulated and Other.Ceistardr-glass options. IGt UM Srouping8 ars adowad by NFRC TI 93001. rhts report is the property of WFSTLab and.1ho dent and must nAt bs reproduced, except in ful, without witttan approve! flora Wt:STLeb. i i W'ESThab Initials: ...: DS..164"Air DS rr - .UVA r • 3/18' 1i4'-.t�arA�.3rr� .75 with Wlo dividers Iif�;, -1/4, .74 PS :T64"Argon:(80%filttypical)_DS 3/14"-.024'Arpon•3/ic ► with w10 dividers' Ira- - .Serk2on - 3I1 it .-.. .T4 .72 1,l4":'.50D�"Arm -1/4' 1 DS LowE.200 :764"Air dS &Ifr .awe.200 - .624'Alr - 3hI U4" X00- ''`�-�14i With w/o dividers .65 .63 1/4'L0wE.200..600 0-1/4'I DS: Low.E.200. 764"Argon DS with; tyle dividers 11 _L0,WE.200 • .5&rArQW - *i a• .62 .60 • i/4"14y&.200 -,5OCrAr. t° C DS LowE.100 '.764"Air DS . 311Blow E.100-124•Air-3/1le 1/4'L.owE;100 with w10 dividers. - .582" Air - Wh 1i4•Lo+y.1o0.,SWAL*-1/4'1 .62 .61 .13S'LowE.100 .764"Argon DS 3118'Lawg.100 • ,8'Ia'Argon -�/ir withw/o dividers 1/4-LowE.100 • ,WTArgon - �18' .59 .58 1 /4%mEA 00 • .500'Ar - I 44 DS_M2"Air_HM66_AIr DS ' Ile ".X w/o dividers .55 .53 DS LowE.200_.382"Air HM66 Air DS w/o dividers .53 .51 0$.Lo'WE.100^ 382"Air HM86,-,Alr,. DS w/o' dividers f .52 .50 DS 'LoWtJO0_ ..382"Argon_HM66 Argon DS w/o dividers. .4g .47 311:6" .312"Air_HM66 Air 3116" W/o dividers i .5$ .56 3/16" LowE.200_ 312"Air<HM66_Alrj/16" w/o dividers' .56 .54 no winu/erea prwucx represents me -©,roup Leader and has the highest U-vjue among the prouptnQ of simulated and Other.Ceistardr-glass options. IGt UM Srouping8 ars adowad by NFRC TI 93001. rhts report is the property of WFSTLab and.1ho dent and must nAt bs reproduced, except in ful, without witttan approve! flora Wt:STLeb. i i W'ESThab Initials: J9` /< 1=17/ 1998 10: 5 18 619 420459 i Repoli # 930744 °i! '1onvt) Simulated Total .0 .Value urrtmary Y Date : 7014193 Frame Option: N ' n spacer Type(s): A1, MInum Dual Seal and Manufacturer: Fleetwood. Aluminum Products S*Iggle Seal (#13 OnIY) . ModeUBaries: Westwood 250 Fixed d (or nonistd +shape) Afota: r ar' Glazt4g bpttdna, Oi. operator Yyp®: FixeOscpaub�la�trar�gih bass. For spacers, . Saal and D$ -D Fpm Yypa; Aluminum ii"#Al• 13 i-0 6 n -q with w/o dividers f La'l —99 96M – rjW"GIr _' I'-