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05-3286 (SFD) Title 24
VICE MAUIPUP TITLE 24 ENERGY CALCULATIONS, INC. 7544 E. SADDLEHILL TRAIL, ORANGE, CA 92869 (714) 771-1507 July 19, 2005 Revised: 08/10/05 (Update to 2005 Standards) Owner: Sun Vista Development Corp. 51-370 Avenida Bermudas, #6 La Quinta, CA 92253 Designer: Sun Vista Development Corp. CITY OF LA QUINTA 51-370 Avenida Bermudas, #6 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. La Quinta, CA 92253 • A P P P O E FOR CONSTR ' CTION ! ts/o� Project: "Traditions" DA Lot #15 - Barkley Residence La Quinta, California STATEMENT OF CONFORMANCE This Calculation contains all the building features and performance specifications required for compliance by the California Code of Regulations Title 24, Part 1, Administrative Requirements; Part 6, Building Energy Efficiency Standards; and portions of Title 20, Appliance Efficiency Standards. When these features are incorporated into the architectural plans the design will be in compliance with the 2005 Energy Efficiency Standards as they apply in Climate Zone 15 , using MICROPAS7 Version 7.00, a California Energy Commission approved computer performance method program. Certified Energy Analyst RickMaurer r.r r NR 98-90-528 R 98.90-1CABC California Association of Building Energy Consultants Prepared By: Rick Maurer Energy PlansExaminer Certificate No. RES -88-1006 and NRE-88-1052 California State License No. 502290 C20 "* SUMMARY SHEET ** Proiect: Sun Vista Development -- La Quinta, CA Zone: 15 "Tradition" Lot #15 - Barkley Residence Wall Insulation: R-21 (Min. 2X6 Exterior Walls Required) Ceiling Insulation: R-38 Radiant Foil Barrier: Not Required Raised Floor Insulation: N/A Slab Edge Insulation: None Glazing Type: All glass is DUAL PANE. (See Notes) Hard Surface Flooring: None Required Minimum Furnace AFUE: 80% AFUE Minimum Heating Capacity: 59,011 BTUH Minimum A/C SEER: 13.0 SEER/11.0 EER Rater Verified (TXV Required) A/C Tonnage: 12.0 Tons (Min.Sens.=(a506@ 115°) Duct Insulation: R-6.0 (Duct Leakage Test Required) Note(s): 1) This house requires R-4 or greater insulation on .75 inch or larger hot water main lines or recirculating lines. This is in addition to the insulation required by the mandatory measures. 2) The water heaters for this house can have a recirculating pump with a thermostatic controller and time clock, or a hot water demand type recirculating system. 3) The sliding glass door will have a metal frame with an NFRC U -factor of .60 or less - and a SHGC of .40 or less with high performance Low -E glass. 4) The entry door assembly will have a wood frame with optional metal cladding and dual pane glass and default values. 5) All windows and hinged/fixed french glass doors will have wood frames with optional metal cladding and an NFRC U -Factor of .45 or less and a SHGC of .40 or less with high performance Low -E glass. MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: RESIDENTIAL (Page 1 of 2) MF -1R Project Title Date Note: Low-rise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. More stringent compliance requirements from the Certificate of Compliance supersede the items marked with an asterisk (•) below. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or check NA if not applicable. DESCRIPTION NA Designer Enforce -ment Building Envelope Measures: ✓ `� ✓ • § 150(a): Minimum R-19 in wood frame ceiling insulation ore uivalent U -factor in metal ceilin — VF—R § 150(b): Loose fill insulations manufacturerr''s labeled R -Value: O G • § 150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent 1.1 -factor in metal frame walls (does not a ply to exterior mass walls). Q p 1— iJ A'C E. L1% O GF — R E D • § I50(d): Minimum R-13 raisedfl LU -5-3 floor insulation in framed floors ore ui alent U -fa tor. G § I We): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. I. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. closeable metal or glass door covering the entire opening of the firebox b. outside air intake with damper and control, flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilot lights allowed. : E] ® El § 150(f): Air retarding wrap installed to comply with § 151 meets requirements specified in the ACM Residential Manual. ® ® 11 § I Wg): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. R9 ® ❑ § I W) : Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate for the insulation material alone without facings no greater than 0.3%, water vapor permeance rate no greater than 2.0 mi/inch. 19 0 § 118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation installation quality standards. Indicate type and include CF -611 Form: ® ® El §116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors, and Infrltration/Exfiltration Controls. 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. 0 ® 11 2. Fenestration products (except field -fabricated) have label with certified U -factor, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient SHGC , and infiltration certification. 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. 0 ® 11 Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: §110+13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Energy Commission. 11 ® 0 § 150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. 0 0 0 § I50(i): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. ❑ ® 11 § 1500): Water system pipe and tank insulation and cooling systems line insulation. ® 0 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. ® ❑ 2. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 internal insulation and indicated on the exterior of the tank showing the R -value. ❑ ® 11 3. The following piping is insulated according to Table 150-A/B or Equation 150-A Insulation Thickness: 1. First 5 feet of hot and cold water pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculating systema, and entire length of recirculating sections of hot water pipes shall be insulated to Table 15013. 2. Cooling system piping (suction, chilled water, or brine lines), piping insulated between heating source and indirect hot water tank shall be insulated to Table 150-B and Equation 150-A. A.10 Sk.XXIOV4 1-1 ES ® 0 4. Steam hydronic heating systems or hot water systema >15 psi, meet requirements of Table 123-A. [I ® 0 Residential Compliance Forms March 2005 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: RESIDENTIAL (Page 2 of 2) MF -1R Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: (continued) NA Designer Enforce V -ment 5. Insulation must he protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind. ❑ ® ❑ 6. Insulation for chilled water piping and refrigerant suction piping includes a vapor retardant or is enclosed entirely in ❑ ® ❑ conditioned space. 7. Solar water -heating systems/collectors are certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation. ❑ ® ❑ ' 150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirement of the CMC Sections 601, 602,603 ' 02,603, 604, 605 11 ® 11and Standard 6-5; supply -air and return -air ducts and plenums are insulated to a minimum installed level of R-42 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181 A, or UL 181 B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used 2. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than 11 ® 11sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. 3. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes ❑ ® ❑ unless such tae is used in combination with mastic and draw bands. 4. Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. ❑ ® ❑ 5. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated ❑ ® 11dam rs. 6. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, 11® ❑ equipment maintenance, and wind. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material. 7. Flexible ducts cannot have porous inner cores. ❑ ® ❑ 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment. 1. A thermal efficiency that complies with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations, on-off switch mounted outside of the ❑ � 14 13heater, weatherproof operatinginstructions, no electric resistance heatingand no pilot light. 2. System is installed with: a. at least 36" of pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating ❑ N ❑ b. cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas ❑ ® ❑ 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. ❑ ® ❑ § 115: Gas fired fan -type central furnaces, pool heaters, spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no continuously [1 ® ❑ burningpilot light. (Exception: Non -electrical cookingappliances with pilot < 150 Btu/hr § 118(i): Cool Roof material meets specified criteria ❑ to ❑ Residential Lighting Measures: §I50(k)1: HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRES OTHER THAN OUTDOOR HID: contain only high efficacy lamps as outlined in Table 150-C, and do not contain a medium screw base socket (E24/1326). Ballast for lamps 13 watts or ❑ to ❑ greater are electronic and have an output frequency no less than 20 kHz § 150(k)1: HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRES - OUTDOOR HID: contain only high efficacy lamps as outlined in Table 13 ® ❑ 150-C, hardwired ballasts and if the ballast is electromagnetic has a medium screw base socket. § 150(k)2: Permanently installed luminaires in kitchens shall be high efficacy luminaires. Up to 50 percent of the total rated wattage of permanently installed luminaires (based on nominal rated wattage of high efficacy lamps) in kitchens ❑ ® 11may be in luminaires that are not high efficacy luminaires, provided that these luminaires are controlled by switches separate from those controlling the high efficacy luminaires. § I50(k)3: Permanently installed luminaires in bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms utility rooms shall be high efficacy luminaires. OR are controlled by an occupant sensor(s) certified to comply with Section I I9(d) that does not tum on ❑ ® ❑ automatically or have an always ono tion. § 150(k)4: Permanently installed luminaires located other than in kitchens, bathrooms, garages, laundry moms, and utility rooms shall be high efficacy luminaires (except closets less than 702): OR are controlled by a dimmer switch OR are El ® 11controlled by an occupant sensor that complies with Section I I9(d) that does not turn on automatically or have an always ono tion. § 150(k)5: Luminaires that are recessed into insulated ceilings are approved for zero clearance insulation cover (IC) and are El ® ❑ rated to ASTM E283 and labeled as air tight (A to less than 2.0 CFM at 75 Pascals. § 150(k)6: Luminaires providing outdoor lighting and permanently mounted to a residential building or to other buildings on the same lot shall be high efficacy luminaires (not including lighting around swimming pools/water features or other ❑ ® ❑ Article 680 locations) OR are controlled by occupant sensors with integral photo control certified to comply with Section 119(d). § I50(k)7: Lighting for parking lots for 8 or more vehicles shall have lighting that complies with Sec. 130, 132, and 147. ❑ ® 11 Lightingfor parkinggarages for 8 or more vehicles shall have lighting that complies with Sec. 130, 131, and 146. § I50(k)8: Permanently installed lighting in the enclosed, non -dwelling spaces of low-rise residential buildings with four or more dwelling units shall be high efficacy luminaires OR are controlled by occupant sensor(s) certified to comply with ❑ ® ❑ Section 119(d). Residential Compliance Forms March 2005 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF -1R Page 1 Project Title.......... Sun Vista Devlp.- Lot #15 Date..08/10/05 16:17:15 *** Project Address........ Barkley Residence *** La Quinta, Cali-fornia *v7.00* Documentation Author... Rick Maurer ******* Building Permit Rick Maurer Title 24, Inc. 7544 E Saddlehill Trail Plan Check Date Orange, CA 92869 714-771-1507 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone.. ..... 15 Compliance Method...... MICROPAS7 v7.00 for 2005 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS7 v7.00 File-SUNVST44 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0357 User -Rick Maurer Title 24, Inc Run -Tradition - Lot #15 GENERAL INFORMATION HERS.Verification.......... Conditioned Floor Area..... Building Type .............. Construction Type ......... Fuel Type ................. Building Front Orientation. Number of Dwelling Units... Number of Building Stories. Weather Data Type.......... Floor Construction Type.... Number of Building Zones... Conditioned Volume......... Slab -On -Grade Area......... Glazing Percentage......... Average Glazing U -factor... Average Glazing SHGC....... Average Ceiling Height..... Required 3435 of Single Family Detached New NaturalGas Front Facing 0 deg (N) 1 1 FullYear Slab On Grade 2 38956 cf 3435 of 22.1 % of floor area 0.51 Btu/hr-sf-F 0.42 11.3 ft MICROPAS7 ENERGY USE SUMMARY Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance (kTDV/sf-yr) Design Design Margin Space Heating.......... 2.40 2.14 0.26 Space Cooling.......... 74.49 69.94 4.55 Water Heating 7.48 10.58 -3.10 Total 84.37 82.66 1.71 *** Building complies with Computer Performance *** *** HERS Verification Required for Compliance *** GENERAL INFORMATION HERS.Verification.......... Conditioned Floor Area..... Building Type .............. Construction Type ......... Fuel Type ................. Building Front Orientation. Number of Dwelling Units... Number of Building Stories. Weather Data Type.......... Floor Construction Type.... Number of Building Zones... Conditioned Volume......... Slab -On -Grade Area......... Glazing Percentage......... Average Glazing U -factor... Average Glazing SHGC....... Average Ceiling Height..... Required 3435 of Single Family Detached New NaturalGas Front Facing 0 deg (N) 1 1 FullYear Slab On Grade 2 38956 cf 3435 of 22.1 % of floor area 0.51 Btu/hr-sf-F 0.42 11.3 ft CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF -1R Page 2 Project Title.......... Sun Vista Devlp.- Lot #15 Date..08/10/05 16:17:15 MICROPAS7 v7.00 File-SUNVST44 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0357 User -Rick Maurer Title 24, Inc Run -Tradition - Lot #15 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Floor # of Vent Vent Verified Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Area Leakage or Zone Type (of) (cf) Units itioned Type (ft) (sf) Housewrap HOUSE Residence GUEST Residence Surface HOUSE 1 Wall 2 Wall 4 Wall 5 Wall 7 Wall 8 Wall 10 Wall 12 Wall 13 Roof 15 Door GUEST 3 Wall 6 Wall 9 Wall 11 Wall 14 Roof Surface HOUSE 16 SlabEdge 18 S1abEdge GUEST 17 S1abEdge 3071 35316 0.89 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No 364 3640 0.11 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No OPAQUE SURFACES U- Sheath- Solar Appendix Frame Area fact- Cavity ing Act Gains IV Location/ Type (sf) or R-val R-val Azm Tilt Reference Comments Wood 265 0.069 21 0 0 90 Yes None Attic KneeWall Wood 134 0.069 21 0 0 90 Yes None Front 2x6 Wall Wood 296 0.069 21 0 0 90 No None Gar. 2x6 Wall Wood 582 0.069 21 0 90 90 Yes None Left 2x6 Wall Wood 90 0.069 21 0 90 90 No None Gar. 2x6 Wall Wood 404 0.069 21 0 180 90 Yes None Back 2x6 Wall Wood 713 0.069 21 0 270 90 Yes None Right 2x6 Wall Wood 30 0.069 21 0 270 90 No None Gar. 2x6 Wall Wood 3071 0.025 38 0 n/a 0 Yes None Vented Attic Wood 24 0.500 0 0. 0 90 No None Garage Door Wood 160 0.069 21 0 0 90 Yes None Front 2x6 Wall Wood 195 0.069 21 0 90 90 Yes None Left 2x6 Wall Wood 30 0.069 21 0 180 90 Yes None Back 2x6 Wall Wood 176 0.069 21 0 270 90 Yes None Right 2x6 Wall Wood 364 0.025 38 0 n/a 0 Yes None Vented Attic PERIMETER LOSSES Appendix Length F2 Insul Solar IV Location/ (ft) Factor R-val Gains Reference Comments 240 0.730 R-0 No NONE To Outside 44 0.730 R-0 No NONE To Garage 65 0.730 R-0 No NONE To Outside CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF -1R Page 3 Project Title.......... Sun Vista Devlp.- Lot #15 Date..08/10/05 16:17:15 MICROPAS7 v7.00 File-SUNVST44 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0357 User -Rick Maurer Title 24, Inc Run -Tradition - Lot #15 Orientation FENESTRATION SURFACES Exterior Area U- Act Shade (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type Location/Comments HOUSE 2 Wind Front (N) 12.5 0.450 0.400 0 90 Standard FGLASS2 3 Door Front (N) 73.5 0.640 0.650 0 90 Standard FGLASS3 5 Door Left (E) 20.0 0.450 0.400 90 90 Standard LGLASS2 6 Wind Left (E) 18.0 0.450 0.400 90 90 Standard LGLASS3 7 Wind Left (E) 15.0 0.450 0.400 90 90 Standard LGLASS4 8 Wind Left (E) 15.0 0.450 0.400 90 90 Standard LGLASS5 9 Door Left (E) 80.0 0.450 0.400 90 90 Standard LGLASS6 10 Door Back (S) 80.0 0.450 0.400 180 90 Standard BGLASSI 11 Door Back (S) 200.0 0.600 0.400 180 90 Standard BGLASS2 12 Door Back (S) 80.0 0.450 0.400 180 90 Standard BGLASS3 16 Wind Right (W) 20.0 0.450 0.400 270 90 Standard RGLASS3 17 Wind Right (W) 12.0 0.450 0.400 270 90 Standard RGLASS4 18 Wind Right (W) 6.0 0.450 0.400 270 90 Standard RGLASS5 19 Wind Right (W) 25.0 0.450 0.400 270 90 Standard RGLASS6 20 Wind Right (W) 6.0 0.450 0.400 270 90 Standard RGLASS7 21 Wind Right (W) 8.0 0.450 0.400 270 90 Standard RGLASS8 GUEST 1 Wind Front (N) 10.0 0.450 0.400 0 90 Standard FGLASSI 4 Wind Left (E) 25.0 0.450 0.400 90 90 Standard LGLASSI 13 Wind Back (S) 10.0 0.450 0.400 180 90 Standard BGLASS4 14 Door Right (W) 24.0 0.450 0.400 270 90 Standard RGLASSI 15 Wind Right (W) 20.0 0.450 0.400 270 90 Standard RGLASS2 OVERHANGS Window Overhang Area Left Right Surface (sf) Width Height Depth Height Extension Extension HOUSE 2 Window 12.5 n/a 5.0 2.5 2.0 n/a n/a 3 Door 73.5 n/a 10.5 3.5 0.5 n/a n/a 5 Door 20.0 n/a 8.0 10. 2.5 n/a n/a 6 Window 18.0 n/a 3.0 2.0 0.3 n/a n/a 7 Window 15.0 n/a 5.0 2.0 2.0 n/a n/a 8 Window 15.0 n/a 5.0 2.0 2.0 n/a n/a 9 Door 80.0 n/a 8.0 2.0 2.0 n/a n/a 10 Door 80.0 n/a 8.0 3.0 2.0 n/a n/a 11 Door 200.0 n/a 10. 11. 2.5 n/a n/a 12 Door 80.0 n/a 8.0 5.0 2.0 n/a n/a 16 Window 20.0 n/a 5.0 2.0 2.0 n/a n/a 17 Window 12.0 n/a 3.0 2.0 0.3 n/a n/a 18 Window 6.0 n/a 3.0 2.0 1.5 n/a n/a 19 Window 25.0 n/a 5.0 2.0 2.0 n/a n/a 20 Window 6.0 n/a 3.0 3.0 1.5 n/a n/a 21 Window 8.0 n/a 4.0 2.0 2.0 n/a n/a GUEST 1 Window 10.0 n/a 4.0 1.5 0.3 n/a n/a 4 Window 25.0 n/a 5.0 2.0 2.0 n/a n/a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF -ZR Page 4 Project Title.......... Sun Vista Devlp.- Lot #15 Date..08/10/05 16:17:15 MICROPAS7 v7.00 File-SUNVST44 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0357 User -Rick Maurer Title 24, Inc Run -Tradition - Lot #15 • / ;. f V. , SLAB SURFACES Area Slab Type (sf) HOUSE Standard Slab 3071 GUEST Standard Slab 364 HVAC SYSTEMS Window overhang Maximum System Area Cooling Type Syst-f"ic'ency EER or TXV Airflow Draw Capacity Left Right Surface (of) Width Height Depth Height Extension Extension 13 Window 10.0 n/a 5.0 2.0 2.0 n/a n/a 14 Door 24.0 n/a 8.0 8.0 0.0 h/a n/a 15 Window 20.0 n/a 5.0 2.0 2.0 n/a n/a SLAB SURFACES Area Slab Type (sf) HOUSE Standard Slab 3071 GUEST Standard Slab 364 HVAC SYSTEMS Number Verified Verified Verified Maximum System . of Minimum Refrig Charge Adequate Fan Watt Cooling Type Syst-f"ic'ency EER or TXV Airflow Draw Capacity HOUSE Furnace n/a .800 AFUE n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ACSpl' n/a 3.00 SEER 11.0 Yes No No No GUEST Furnace 1 0.800 AFUE n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ACSplit 13.00 SEER 11.0 Yes No No No HVAC SIZING Verified Total Sensible Design. Maximum Heating Cooling Cooling Cooling System Load Load Capacity Capacity Type (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) HOUSE Furnace 51107 n/a n/a n/a ACSplit n/a 60037 74734 n/a GUEST Furnace 7905 n/a n/a n/a ACSplit n/a 8469 10543 n/a Total 59011 68506 85276, n/a Sizing Location... ........ LA QUINTA Winter Outside Design...... 32 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Sumer Outside Design...... 112 F ' Sumer Inside Design....... 75 F Sumer Range ............... 34 F CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF -1R Page 5 Project Title.......... Sun Vista Devlp.- Lot #15 Date..08/10/05 16:17:15 MICROPAS7 v7.00 File-SUNVST44 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0357 User -Rick Maurer Title 24, Inc Run -Tradition - Lot #15 DUCT SYSTEMS Verified Verified Verified System Duct Duct Duct Surface Buried Type Location R -value Leakage .Area Ducts HOUSE Furnace Attic R-6 Yes No No ACSplit Attic R-6 Yes No No GUEST Furnace Attic R-6 Yes No No ACSplit Attic R-6 Yes No No WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Tank External Heater in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value 1 Storage Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 2 .62 40 R- n/a SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This building incorporates a HERS verified Refrigerant Charge test or a HERS verified Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary. This building incorporates HERS verified EER. This building incorporates HERS verified Duct Leakage. This building incorporates a non-standard Water Heating System. HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods and *** *** must be reported on the CF -4R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates a HERS verified Refrigerant Charge test or a HERS verified Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary. This building incorporates HERS verified EER. This building incorporates HERS verified Duct Leakage. Target leakage is calculated and documented on the CF -4R. If the measured CFM is above the target, then corrective action must be taken to reduce the duct leakage and then must be retested. Alternatively, the compliance calculations could be CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF -1R Page 6 Project Title.......... Sun Vista Devlp.- Lot #15 Date..08/10/05 16:17:15 MICROPAS7 v7.00 File-SUNVST44 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0357 User -Rick Maurer Title 24, Inc Run -Tradition - Lot #15 HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION redone without duct testing. If ducts are not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary. REMARKS 1) This house requires R-4 or greater insulation on .75 inch or R-.4 larger hot water mainlines or recirculating lines. This is in addition to the insulation required by the mandatory measures. 2) The water heaters for this house can have a recirculating pump with a thermostatic controller and time clock, or a hot water demand type recirculating system. . 3) The sliding glass door will have a metal frame with an NFRC U -factor of .60 or less and a SHGC of .40 or less with high performance Low -E glass. 4) The entry door assembly will have a wood frame with optional metal cladding and dual pane glass and default values. 5) All windows and hinged/fixed french glass doors will have wood frames with optional metal cladding and an NFRC U -Factor of .45 or less and a SHGC of .40 or less with high performance Low -E glass. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF -1R Page 7 Project Title.......... Sun Vista Devlp.- Lot #15 Date..08/10/05 16:17:15 MICROPAS7 v7.00 File-SUNVST44 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0357 User -Rick Maurer Title 24, Inc Run -Tradition - Lot #15 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. DESIGNER or OWNER DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name.... Company. Sun Vista Development Address. 51-370 Avenida Bermudas#2 La Quinta, CA 92253 Phone... (760) 771-4722 License. Signed.. ate ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name.... Title... Agency.. Phone... Signed.. ate Name.... Rick Maurer Company. Rick Maurer Title 24, Inc. Address. 7544 E Saddlehill Trail Orange, CA 92869 Phone... 714-771-1507 Signed.. at HVAC SIZING HVAC Page 1 Project Title.......... Sun Vista Devlp.- Lot #15 Date..08/10/05 16:17:15 ***** Project Address........ Barkley Residence La Quinta, California *v7.00* Documentation Author... Rick Maurer ******* Building Permit Rick Maurer Title 24, Inc. 7544 E Saddlehill Trail Plan Check Date Orange, CA 92869 714-771-1507 Fie Check/ Date Climate Zone.. ........ 15 Compliance Method...... MICROPAS7 v7.00 for 2005 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS7 v7.00 File-SUNVST44 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0357 User -Rick Maurer Title 24, Inc Run -Tradition - Lot #15 i GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area ................. Volume.. .............. Front Orientation.......... Sizing Location........ ... Latitude... ......... Winter Outside Design...... Winter Inside Design....... Summer Outside Design...... Summer Inside Design....... Summer Range..... .. ..... Interior Shading Used...... Exterior Shading Used...... Overhang Shading Used...... Latent Load Fraction....... Description 3435 sf 38956 cf Front Facing LA QUINTA 33.7 degrees 32 F 70 F 112 F 75 F 34 F Yes Yes Yes 0 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Opaque Conduction and Solar...... Glazing Conduction and Solar..... Infiltration ..................... Internal Gain .................... Ducts.... .. ...................... Sensible Load .................... Latent Load ...................... Minimum Total Load 0 deg (N) Heating Cooling (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) 25606 14944 14667 24550 10831 7762 n/a 9650 7909 11599 59011 68506 n/a 0 59011 68506 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING HVAC Page 2 Project Title.......... Sun Vista Devlp.- Lot #15 Date..08/10/05 16:17:15 MICROPAS7 v7.00 File-SUNVST44 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0357 User -Rick Maurer Title 24, Inc Run -Tradition - Lot #15 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ZONE 'HOUSE' Floor Area ....................... 3071 sf Volume ........................... 35316 cf Heating Cooling Description (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 21430 12961 Glazing Conduction and Solar..... 13145 21382 Infiltration ..................... 9683 6940 Internal Gain .................... n/a 8589 Ducts.... .. ................... 6849 10165 Sensible Load .................... 51107 60037 Latent Load ...................... n/a 0 Minimum Zone Load 51107 60037 ZONE 'GUEST' Floor Area ....................... 364 of Volume ........................... 3640 cf Description Heating Cooling (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 4176 1983 Glazing Conduction and Solar..... 1522 3168 Infiltration ..................... 1148 823 Internal Gain .................... n/a 1062 Ducts.... .. ................... 1059 1434 Sensible Load .................... 7905 8469 Latent Load...... .............. n/a 0 Minimum Zone Load 7905 8469 MICROPAS7 Chapter 2: INPUT REFERENCE Table 2-2. Standard U factors of Wood Frame Roofs/Ceilings and Walls, Framing Reference Appendix IV Insulation Spacing Name U -Factor Table Cell Roof/Ceiling Reference Appendix IV Insulation Condition R- 19 16" o.c. R. 19.2X8.16 0.049 IV.I A4 R-19 24" o.c. R. 19.2X4.24 0.048 IV.1 A14 R-30 16" o.c. R.30.2X10.16 0.032 IV.I A7 R-30 24" o.c. R.30.2X4.24 0.032 IV.I A17 R-38 16" o.c. R.38.2X12.16 0.026 IV.I A8 .�+••� R-38 24" o.c. R.38.2X4.24 0.02509'- IV.1 A18 R-49 16" o.c. R.49.2X4.16 0.020 IV.I A9 R-49 24" o.c. R.49.2X4.24 0.020 IV.I A19 Wall Insulation R-13 16" o.c. W. 13.2 X4.16 0.102 IV.9 A3 R-13 16" o.c. W. 13.2 X4.16. R4 0.068 IV.9 C3 R-15 16" o.c. W. 15.2X4.16 0.095 IV.9 A4 R- 15 16" o.c. W.15.2X4.16.R4 0.064 IV.9 C4 R-19 16" o.c. W. 19.2X6.16 0.074 IV.9 A5 R-19 16" o.c. W. 19.2X6.16. R4 0.055 IV.9 C5 R-19 24" o.c. W. 19.2X6.24 0.071 IV.9 A23 R-19 24" o.c. W.19.2X6.24.R4 0.053 IV.9 C23 R-21 16" o.c. W.21.2X6.16 0.069 IV.9 A6 R-21 16" o.c. W.21.2X6.16.R4 0.051 IV.9 C6 R-21 24" o.c. W.21.2X6.24 0.066 IV.9 A24 R-21 24" o.c. W.21.2X6.24.R4 0.049 IV.9 C24 Solidcore wood DOOR 0.50 '"00 IV.28 A4 Slab Edge no insulation EDGE.EXT 0.73 4r.-- IV.26 Al Slab Edge R7 insulation EDGE..EXT.R7 0.56 IV.26 C7 Table 2-3. Standard U factors of Wood Frame Raised Floors Floor Reference Appendix IV Insulation Condition Name U -factor Table Cell R-13 No crawlspace FX.13.2X6.16 0.064 IV.21 A3 R-13 Crawlspace FC. 13.2X6.16 0.046 IV20 A3 R-19 No crawlspace FX. 19.2X8.16 0.048 IV.21 A4 R-19 Crawlspace FC. 19.2X8.16 0.037 IV.20 A4 R-30 No crawlspace FX.30.2X10.16 0.034 IV.21 A7 R-30 Crawlspace FC.30.2X10.16 0.028 IV.20 A7 © 2005 by Enercomp, Inc. , 03/30/2005 COMPLIANCE 2 -3 3 2-34 MICROPAS7 I Metal Chapter 2: INPUT REFERENCE Table 2-4. Default Fenestration Product U -Factors (this table to be used by manufacturer's to establish a U -factor rating without performance testing) Single Pane Double Pane Types Product Type U -factor U-factoP Thermal Break Thermal Break Thermal Break Thermal Break Thermal Break Non -Metal Non -Metal Non -Metal Non -Metal Operable Fixed Greenhouse/Garden window Doors Skylight Operable Fixed Greenhouse/Garr en window Doors Skylight Operable Fixed 'E�. 1012. Doors Greenhouse/Garden windows Skylight 1.28 0.79 1.19 0.71 2.26 1.40 1.25 0.77 1.98 1.3 0.66 0.55 1.12 0.59 1.11 0.99 0.58 0.55• Ww�0.53 1.94 1.06 1.47 0.84 I. Metal includes any field -fabricated product with metal cladding. Non-metal framed manufactured fenestration products with metal cladding must add 0.04 to the listed U - factor. Non -Metal frame types can include metal fasteners, hardware, and door thresholds. Thermal break product design characteristics are: a. The material used as the thermal break must have a thermal conductivity of not more than 3.6 Btu-inch/hr/ft2/0F, b. The thermal break must produce a gap of not less than 0.210", and c. All metal members of the fenestration product exposed to interior and exterior air must incorporate a thermal break meeting the criteria in (a) and (b) above. In addition, the fenestration product must be clearly labeled by the manufacturer that it qualifies as a thermally broken product in accordance with this standard. Thermal break values shall not apply to field -fabricated fenestration products. The values for non-metal can be used for unframed windows. 2. Glass block may use the values for double pane windows of the same frame type used with the glass block. 3. For all dual glazed fenestration products, adjust the listed U -factors as follows: a. Subtract 0.05 for spacers of 7/16" or wider. b. Subtract 0.05 for products certified by the manufacturer as low -E glazing. c. Add 0.05 for products with dividers between panes if spacer is less than 7/16" wide. d. Add 0.05 to any product with true divided lite (dividers through the panes). The sliding glass door will have a metal frame with an NFRC U -factor of .60 or less and a SHGC of .40 or less with high performance Low -B glass. The entry door assembly will have a wood frame with optional metal cladding and dual pane glass and default values. All windows and hinged/fixed french glass doors will have wood frames with optional metal cladding and an NFRC U -Factor of .45 or less and a SHGC of .40 or less with high performance Low -E glass. r • oA 1 . MICROPAS7 NOTE - Labeling: As of January 1, 1993, all fenestration products used for new, retrofit or remodel construction, must display a label stating the window line's performance. Beginning in July 1999, the only exception to labeling is for field fabricated fenestration products. These are products constructed at the building site from materials not cut or formed with the intention of making a fenestration product. All other products must be labeled with a CEC Default or NFRC-rated U factor and solar heat gain coefficient (see Table 2-4 and Table 2-S). Table 2-5. Default Solar Heat Gain Coefficient Total Window SHGC Single Double Frame Type • Products Glazing Pane Pane ------------------- ------ Metal ---------------- Operable ------------ Clear ---------- 0.80 ---------- 0.70 Metal Fixed Clear 0.83 0.73 Metal Operable Tinted 0.67 0.59 Metal Fixed Tinted 0.68 0.60 Metal, Thermal Break Operable Clear 0.63 Metal, Thermal Break Fixed Clear 0.69 Metal, Thermal Break Operable Tinted 0.53 Metal, Thermal Break Fixed Tinted 0.57 Non -Metal Operable Clear 0.74 0.65 Non -Metal Fixed Clear 0.76 0.67 Non -Metal Operable Tinted 0.60 0.53 Non -Metal Fixed Tinted 0.63 0.55 SHGC = Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 1. The values for non-metal can be used for unframed windows. Glass Block may use the values for double pane windows of the same frame type used with the glass block. Q`' NOTE — Low -e Glass Default SHGC: If you do not have an NFRC value for the SHGC, use the clear values from Table 2-5. Low -e glass is not a tinted product. Glazing Area The area for glazing or fenestration products is calculated from the nominal (e.g., 5030) or rough opening dimensions. Doors: Any door having glass must be entered in MICROPAS as glazing area. For any door with an NFRC rating (doors with more than SO percent of their surface area made up of glass), the entire area of the door must be entered in MICROPAS as glazing area, since the product rating is for the entire door. For doors with 50 percent or less of their surface area made up of glass enter either the entire door area as glazing or the actual area of glass plus a two inch frame extending on all sides (the remaining door area is modeled as an OPAQUE SURFACE. The U -factor and solar heat gain coefficient of the door is taken from Table 2-4 and Table 2-5 or manufacturer data. Greenhouse (garden) Windows: Greenhouse window glazing area is calculated using the rough opening for the unit (see Figure 2-23). The typically higher U -factor of greenhouse windows accounts for additional heat loss from the projecting top, sides and bottom of the 3) The sliding glass door will have a metal. frame with an -� NFRC U -factor of .60 or less and a SHGC of .40 or less with high performance Low -E glass. 4) The entry door assembly will have a wood frame with optional metal cladding and dual pane glass and default values. 5) All windows and hinged/fixed french glass doors will have wood frames with optional metal cladding and an NFRC U -Factor of .45 or less and a SHGC of .40 or less with high performance Low -E glass Ob MICROPAS7 'The INTERIOR/EXTERIOR SHADE NAME refers to the user -defined name for the combination of shading devices. Table 2-6 lists interior shading devices and the associated solar heat gain coefficients. Table 2-7 lists exterior shading devices. No devices other than those listed can be modeled for compliance credit.. Q' NOTE — Interior and Exterior Shading Types Solar Heat Gain Coefficients: By choosing either 'Standard' or 'None' as the shading device type, the CEC standard assumption for interior and exterior shading is modeled by MICROPAS (drapes and bug screens on glazing other than skylights, and no interior or exterior shading on skylights). Table 2-6. Solar Heat Gain Coefficientsfor Interior Shading Devices Standard: Drapery 0.681 None (for Skylights only) 1.00 1. 0.68 is the default value used when there is no interior shading device installed on vertical fenestration products. Table 2-l. Solar Heat Gain Coefficients for Exterior Shading Devicest 1. Exterior operable awnings (canvas, plastic or metal) except those that roll vertically down and cover the entire window, should be treated as overhangs. 2. Standard bug screens are assumed for all vertical glazing unless replaced by other exterior shade screens. The SHGC for bug screens is an area -weighted value that assumes that the screens are only on operable windows. The SHGC of exterior shade screens that are applied to some of the window areas is area -weighted with the SHGC of bug screens for the remainder of the glazing. 3. Reference glass for SHGCs is 1/8 inch double strength sheet (DSS) glass. Values from the Residential Manual. Form S It is not necessary to fill out Form S when using MICROPAS. When the solar heat gain coefficient values and fenestration type are entered into the MICROPAS program, MICROPAS internally computes the solar heat gain coefficient that would otherwise be calculated using Form S. Enter the solar heat gain coefficient for the fenestration product and shading devices shown in Table 2-5, Table 2-6 and Table 2-7. 2"40 COMPLIANCE 03/30/2005 © 2005 by Enercomp, Inc w/ Single Pane Shading Device2 Clear Glass3 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Standard (Bug Screens) 0.76 Woven Exterior Shadescreens (53x16/inch weave) 0.30 Louvered Shadescreens w/louvers as wide as openings 0.27 Low Sun Angle (LSA) Louvered Shadescreens 0.13 Roll down (awnings, blinds, or slats) a 0.13 None (for skylights only) 1.00 None (for vertical glazing surfaces) 0.76 Substantially Shaded/Building Shade 0.20 1. Exterior operable awnings (canvas, plastic or metal) except those that roll vertically down and cover the entire window, should be treated as overhangs. 2. Standard bug screens are assumed for all vertical glazing unless replaced by other exterior shade screens. The SHGC for bug screens is an area -weighted value that assumes that the screens are only on operable windows. The SHGC of exterior shade screens that are applied to some of the window areas is area -weighted with the SHGC of bug screens for the remainder of the glazing. 3. Reference glass for SHGCs is 1/8 inch double strength sheet (DSS) glass. Values from the Residential Manual. Form S It is not necessary to fill out Form S when using MICROPAS. When the solar heat gain coefficient values and fenestration type are entered into the MICROPAS program, MICROPAS internally computes the solar heat gain coefficient that would otherwise be calculated using Form S. Enter the solar heat gain coefficient for the fenestration product and shading devices shown in Table 2-5, Table 2-6 and Table 2-7. 2"40 COMPLIANCE 03/30/2005 © 2005 by Enercomp, Inc PLAN Cov3—T�) v�o II GLAZING AREAII 3 9 35 54.F,- -30?1+ toy- RACE SKYLICNTS O zexS �.Sv�r� ZbxS- aS(.� l�.SVITL Z�`S= I -o C�,-S 370 JZ1 rn,�R• )�,�s-,s�.� ��7-Zx3 = .Z fit, rn,d��4. 3xS=r��• S2nv. Zx3 = b OFF Z�xg=11FY� OA,3 �V T, 7 x I Do 7 3.J '73.5- aA.GE TOTAL GL-AZiNCa C2-1zz,�7o 0 _UP_EIOW_ _C-AS-�U _ S.b_S--m- l 1022 _D js-: t W CjA5 FLU 159p o . cl.vF-�.ST - -I---. _ .... -� .VF-V-T,_G.00-L - Go.1t-v,5.PA.OIOf-izalgo Ks pA�.0lo � Ghs9ACOZ y_. H- -012-17 L-001 ( -..COI - ---.-- --- s .. _.... TXV � 12Ego.____ .. _ t�E.o .. _ _. G.oW- vew-✓i- 4A..UNIT 313 0100 3bETC-P60 6STI�1O _ SEER (MII�I.) 13.� _�3.�1 .0. •Of .o. y It 1-) 9 _. _ CD , W1 WATER PEATIFa. - C1,To4c.- 4Zv2LO--qOF: G AW.Oti15 . . ... _ ._ _.. _ _... 0 .: 13TU.K IwP.U'r. . ___._..._----- oo.� sro•Oy�wss _ KEE9 y .FAcw EXT., Py>_ANl�E•i' .. . HVAC. VVC;T TEST "VA- C. OUGT....lV4S\J . .RPE2VECIFIED NIh�-1T �ET'-1�J�G1� T�I.EtZM�TATS..A.tZE I�ERvIt�Ep. *VE121FY SOUND ORDINANCE REQ. (IF ,&VAy). PR\Oa TO A)G SST. ECarrier Copyright 2002 Carrier Corporation Product Data Cater Acein 58STA/STX 4 -Way Multipoise Induced -Combustion Gas Furnace Input Capacities: 45,000 thru 155,000 Btuh THE CARRIER 58STA/STX GAS FURNACE The 58STA/STX 4 -way Multipoise Gas Furnaces feature Carrier's QuieTechTm noise reduction system for incredibly quiet induced draft operation. Applications are easy with 4 -way multipoise design, through - the -furnace downflow venting, 13 dif- ferent venting options, and a door designed for easy service access. An inner blower door is provided for tighter sealing in sensitive applica- tions. The 58STA/STX furnaces are approved for use with natural or pro- pane gas. STANDARD FEATURES — QuieTech noise reduction system — Microprocessor based control center Adjustable heating air temperature rise Adjustable cooling airflow LED diagnostics and self test feature — 4 -way Multipoise furnace, 13 vent applications — Only 33-1/3" tall — Inner blower door — Hot surface ignition (HSI) — Draft safeguard switch to ensure proper furnace venting — Heat pump compatible — Residential installations eligible for consumer financing through the Retail Credit Program LIMITED WARRANTY — 20 -year warranty on "Super ST*'" heatexchanger — 1 -year parts warranty on all other components Form 58ST-1 PD Blower performancel data UNIT SIZE r 045 08 12 070 08 12 090 14 1 16 ' - Physical data 110 - 135 155 1 16. 1 22 16 20 20 DIRECT -DRIVE MOTOR Hp (PSC) 1/5 1/3 1/5 1/3 045 070 090 1110 135 . 155 UNIT SIZE ' 08 12 08 12 14 16 12 16 22 16 22 - 20 7.9 58STX Upflow; all 35,000 36,000 53,000 54,000 71,000 71,000 69,000 89,000 89,000 107, 107, 125,000 OUTPUT CAPACITY BTUH' 58STA 10 x 6 10 x 6 10 x 8 10 x 10 10 x 8 (Nonweatherized ICS) t 58STX Downfiow/ 34,000 34.000 51,000 51,000 68,000 68,000 85,000 85.000 85,000 102,000 102,000 119,000 Horizontal 58STX Upflow; all 58STA 44,000 44,000 66,000 66,000 88,000 88,000 110, 110, 110,132, 132, 154,000 INPUT BTUH' 58STX Downflow/ Horizontal 42,000 42,000 63,000 63,000 84,000 84,000 105, 105, 105,126, 126, 147,000 SHIPPING WEIGHT (Lb) 104 107 111 115 127 140 135 146 15149 163 170 CERTIFIED TEMP RISE RANGE ('� 300 20-50 40-70 30-60 40-70 30-60 500 40-70 30-150-80 40-70 45-75 CERTIFIED EXT STATIC Heating 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 PRESSURE Cooling 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.5 AIRFLOW CFM; Heating 920 1250 830 1195 1375 1505 1335 1515 1900 1525 1850 1790 Cooling 845 1160 900 1200 1385 1720 1355 1680 2220 1710 2110 2230 AFUE%' NICS eatherized 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 LIMIT CONTROL SPST HEATING BLOWER CONTROL Solid -State Time Operation BURNERS (Monoport) 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 6 1 7 GAS CONNECTION SIZE 1/2 -in. NPT GAS VALVE (Redundant) Manufacturer White -Rodgers Minimum Inlet Pressure (In. wc) 4.5 (Natural Gas) Maximum Inlet Pressure (In. wc) 13.6 (Natural Gas) IGNITION DEVICE Hot Surface • Gas input ratings are certified for elevations to 2000 ft. For elevations above 2000 ft, reduce ratings 4% for each 1000 ft above sea level. Refer to National Fuel Gas code Table F4 or furnace Installation Instructions. In Canada, derate the unit 10% for elevations 2000 to 4500 ft above sea level. t Capacity in accordance with U.S. Government DOE test procedures. t Airflow shown is for bottom only return -air supply. For air delivery above 1800 CFM, see Air Delivery Table for other options. A filter is required for each retum-air supply. ICS - Isolated Combustion System Blower performancel data UNIT SIZE r 045 08 12 070 08 12 090 14 1 16 12 110 - 135 155 1 16. 1 22 16 20 20 DIRECT -DRIVE MOTOR Hp (PSC) 1/5 1/3 1/5 1/3 1/3 1/2 1/3 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 3/4 MOTOR FULL LOAD AMPS 2.9 5.2 2.9 5.2 7.9 5.2 .9 11.1 7.9 11.1 11.1 RPM (Nominal) - Speeds E5.2 1075-3 1075-3 1075-3 1075-3 75 3 1075-3 1075-3 1075-3 1075.3 1075-3 1075-3 1075-3 BLOWER WHEEL DIAMETER x WIDTHS (In.) 10 x 6 10 x 6 10 x 6 10 x 6 10 x 8 10 x 10 10 x 8 10 x 10 i t x 11 10 x 10 11 x 11 11 x 11 PSC -Permanent Split Capacitor 6 11 AIR DELIVERY—CFM (With Filter)' 'A filter is required for each retum-air supply. Airflow performance includes 1" washable filter media such as contained in factory -authorized accessory filter rack. To determine airflow performance without this filler, assume an additional . t available external static pressure. -Indicates unstable operating conditions. EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (In. wc) RETURN -AIR 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 UNIT SIZE SUPPLY SPEED — Bottom High 1085 1035 975 915 845 770 675 565 390 195 04508 or Med-High 920 875 830 770 7105 440 250 — 1 Side Med-Low 820 775 730 680 620 5 470 360 190 — Bottom High 1440 1375 1305 1240 1160 1070 975 870 730 560 045-12 or Med-High 1360 1300 1240 1175 1115 1040 950 850 725 575 1 Side Med-Low 1250 1210 1160 1100 1040 965 885 790 670 520 Bottom High 1030 1010 980 945 900 845 775 680 490 335 070-08 or Med-High 835 815 790 760 720 675 610 490 375 265 1 Side Med-Low 725 700 675 645 600 555 475 390 300 — Bottom High 1425 1375 1320 1265 1200 1125 1035 940 830 655 070.12, or Med-High 1320 1280 1240 1205 1140 1075 995 905 790 620 1 Side Med-Low 1200 1175 1145 1105 1050 990 920 840 725 555 Bottom High 1650 1600 1535 1465 1385 1285 1175 1055 895 645 090-14 or Med-High 1515 1485 1440 1380 1300 1220 1115 990 830 600 iside Med-Low 1385 1360 1320 1260 1195 1120 1025 915 710 565 Bottom High 2060 1985 1915 1820 1720 1610 1490 1340 1135 925 090.16 or Med-High 1790 1765. 1715 1645 1560 1470 1345 1195 1010 820 1 Side Med-Low 1505 1505 1480 1440 1375 1300 1190 1045 890 740 Bottom High 1625 1575 1515 1445 1355 1260 1165 990 785 — 110-12 or Med-High 1510 1470 1415 1355 1285 1185 1070 890 725 — 1 Side Med-Low 1360 1335 1295 1250 1180 1100 985 . 810 — — Bottom High 2035 1965 1880 1790 1680 1495 oOI365 1215 1075 875 110-16 or Med-High 1745 1710 1650 1560 1450 1A000 1205 1090 955 750 1 Side Med-Low 1530 1515 1470 1400 1310 00715 1095 990 830 670 Bottom Higgh 2530 2470 2400 2320 2220 15 2000 1865 1730 1590 Only Med-High 2230 2205 2165 2110 2035 1950 1855 1740 1615 1485 Med-Low 1920 1900 1880 1845 1795 1730 1650 1555 1460 1340 110 22> Both Sides or Higgh T.B.A. T.BA T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.BA T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A 1 Side 8 Bottom Med-High 1 Side Only High 2540 2495 2430 2355 2265 2175 2065 1935 1785 1650 Med-High 2125 2120 2105 2060 2010 1940 1840 1730 1615 1485 Bottom High 2090 2010 1930 1835 1710 1590 1470 1335 1025 835 13516 or Med-High 1790 1755 1705 1640 1550 1465 1360 1210 945 785 1 Side Med-Low 1545 1525 1500 1450 1380 1315 1215 1005 855 670 Bottom High 2485 2400 2310 2215 2110 2000- 1880 1725 1535 1355 Only Med-High 2195 2150 2090 2000 1920 1825 1720 1565 1405 1255 Med-Low 1880 1850 1820 1780 1715 1635 1540 1415 1290 1160 13522 Both Sides or High T.B.A. T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A I Side 8 Bottom Med-High 1 Side Only High 2320 2250 2155 2055 1970 1855 1725 1600 1450 1280 Med-High 2125 2065 1995 1910 1815 1710 1610 1490 1340 1175 Bottom High 2465 2430 2375 2305 2230 2110 2000 1865 1725 1545 Only Med-High 2115 2105 2075 2030 1980 1910 1830 1725 1590 1425 Med-Low 1800 1790 1770 1735 1695 1640 1570 1465 1345 1225 15520 Both Sides or High T.B.A. T.BA T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A 1 Side 8 Bottom Med-High 1 Side Onl y High T.B.A. T.B.A T.BA T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A T.B.A McNigh 'A filter is required for each retum-air supply. Airflow performance includes 1" washable filter media such as contained in factory -authorized accessory filter rack. To determine airflow performance without this filler, assume an additional . t available external static pressure. -Indicates unstable operating conditions. Dimensions 33 28-7/8' 25- V 9' 22-9/16" 9 VENT COMI .u+Cr,C" 80x LOCATION V 111-1E 21-s/R" —1 L f n/ 6 L s V7 80770- IME] X9/16' 2-9/16' 4-v/5" U r aiRElOw 19"1370/16 CUTLET (SUPPLY WIDTH) 1 (TOP VENT OUTLET) 7/6 Dia 8-7n6' 1 V2- OIA, V5' ACCESSORY L RJ. GAS ENTRY 4 045-12 I/2' DIA.T7[JAIDSTAr 12-9/16 12-11/16 MIRE ENTRY MIRE ENTRY F 7/16" 14-3/16 12.916 3-5/16" 9-5/16 4 .AN 80x E.M. GAS ENTRY SIDE IKE7 7/8' DIA. ACCESSCRT 12-9/16 24-T V 111-1E 21-s/R" —1 L f n/ 6 L s V7 80770- IME] X9/16' 2-9/16' 4-v/5" U r aiRElOw 19"1370/16 CUTLET (SUPPLY WIDTH) i_ (TOP VENT OUTLET) VENT CONNECTION (see note 1 & 2) 8-7n6' 1 V2- OIA, V5' 12-11/16 RJ. GAS ENTRY 4 045-12 V2' da. THERhO57A 12-9/16 12-11/16 MIRE ENTRY 4 F 7/16" 14-3/16 12.916 Ai TERNA7E I. T 9-5/16 4 .AN 80x ....._ .. _. 12-9/16 LOCATIONITI9) 9-5/16 4 VENT CUTLET SIDE WET 15-7/8 5 RACES 11YR) 11-9/16 H -T/8- 3.3/4" It 7/B' DIA ACCESSOtr 15-7/8 16.1/8 BOTTOM 4 /16' INLET 19-3/8 131/2 22.1/16" f 090.20 21 A02021 58STA/STX UNIT SIZE (CABINETDE WIDTH) (SUPPLY WIDTH) RETURN WIDTH) (TOP VENT OUTLET) VENT CONNECTION (see note 1 & 2) 045-08 14-3/16 12-9/16 12-11/16 9-5/16 4 045-12 14-3/16 12-9/16 12-11/16 9-5/16 4 070-08 14-3/16 12.916 12-11/16 9-5/16 4 070-12 14.3/16 12-9/16 12-11/16 9-5/16 4 070-16 17-1/2 15-7/8 16-1/8 11-9/16 4 090-14 17-1/2 15-7/8 16.1/8 11-9/16 4 090.16 21 19-3/8 131/2 13-5/16 4 090.20 21 133/8 19-1/2 13-5/16 4 110-12 17-1/2 15-7/8 16-1/8 11-9/16 4 110-16 21 133/8 131/2 13-51/6 4 110-22 21 133/8 131/2 13-5/16 4 135.16 21 133!8 131/2 113-5/16 4 (note 1) 13522 24-1/2 22-7/8 1 23 15-1/16 4 (note 1) 155-20 24-1/2 22-7/8 1 23 15-1/16 4 (note 1) 1) 135 and 155 size furnaces require five - inch vents. Use a 4-5 inch vent adapter be- tween furnace and vent stack. 2) See Installation Instructions for complete installation requirements. 8 CAC-Dimensional-info-psc.doc 4 HEATING & COOLING Product 38ETG (60 Hz) Data 13 SEER Air Conditioner with Purono Refrigerant P ron® —Tro Copyright 2004 Carrier Corporation Sizes 018 thru 060 Model 38ETG Energy -Efficient Air Conditioner incorporates innovative technology to provide quiet, reliable cooling performance. Built into these units are the features most desired by homeowners today; including SEER ratings of up to 14.5 when used with specific Carrier indoor sections. The 38ETG family has been designed utilizing Carrier's Puron@ refrigerant. This environmentally sound refrigerant allows you to make a responsible decision in the protection .of the earth's ozone layer. All models are listed with UL (U.S. and Canada), ARI, and CEC. The 38ETG meets the Energy Star@ guidelines for energy efficiency. FEATURES/BENEFITS Electrical Range — All units are offered in single phase 208/230v. Wide Range of Sizes — Available in. nominal sizes from 018 through 060 to meet the needs of residential and light commercial applications. Puron@ Environmentally Sound Refrigerant — Puron@ is Carrier's brand name for a refrigerant designed to help protect the environment. R-22,, the most commonly used refrigerant in '. home cooling systems today, is` ' scheduled for future phase-out by the government because it contains chlorine, which harms the earth's protective ozone layer. Puron@ is an HFC refrigerant that does not contain.. chlorine, which means it does not harm the ozone layer. Puron@ refrigerant is now in service in thousands of systems providing highly reliable, environmentally sound performance. For specific R-22 refrigerant phase-out information, see your Carrier distributor. Form 38ETG-3PD L1, Combination ratings See notes on pg. 19. 377 SEER Puron®TXV FACTORY- Carrier Gas and Carrier UNIT SUPPLIED Furnace or Gas Furnace SIZE- INDOOR TOT. CAP. ENHANCE- STANDARD Accessory or Accessory Puron SERIES MODEL BTUH MENT RATING TDRt TDR TXV$ EER 'CK5PA024 17,000 TXV - 13.00 - - 10.90 CC5A/CD5AA018 16,500 NONE - - 12.50 - 10.45 CC5A/CD5AA024 17,000 NONE - - 12.50 - 10.70 CC5A/CD5AW024 17,000 NONE - - 12.50 - 10.70 CE3AA024 17,000 NONE - - 13.00 - 10.80 CF5AA024 17,000 NONE - - 12.50 - 10.70 • CK3BA024 17,000 NONE - - 13.00 - 10.90 CK5A/CK5BA018 16,500 NONE - - 12.50 - 10.65 CK5A/CK5BA024 17,000 NONE - - 13.00 - 10.90 CK5A/CK5BW024 17,000 NONE - - 13.00 - 10.90 CK5PA018 16,500 TXV - 12.50 - - 10.65 CK5PW024 17,000 TXV - 13.00 - - 10.90 F(A,B)4BN(F,C)018 16,500 TDR - - - 12.50 10.60 F(A,B)4BN(F,C)024 17,000 TDR - - - 13.00 10.95 FC4CNF024 17,000 TDR&TXV - - - 13.00 10.95 FFIDNA018 16,500 TDR - - - 12.50 10.95 FFlDNA024' 17,000 TDR - - - 12.50 10.70 FG3AAA024 16,500 NONE - - 12.50 - 10.60 FK41)NF00l 17,500 TDR&TXV - - - 14.00 12.25 FK4DNF002 17,500 TDR&TXV - - - 14.00 12.35 FV4BNF002 17,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 - - - 12.35 FX4BNF018 17,000 TDR&TXV 13.00 - - - 10.95 CC5A/CD5AA018 16,500 TDR - - - 14.00 11.55 CC5A/CD5AA024 17,000 TDR - - - 14.00 11.85 CC5A/CDSAW024 17,000 TDR - - - 14.00 11.85 CE3AA024 17,000 TDR - - - 14.00 11.90 018-30 CK3BA024 17,500 TDR - - - 14.00 12.10 CK5A/CK5BA018 17,000 TDR - - - 14.00 11.75 CK5A/CK5BA024 17,500 TDR - - - 14.00 12.10 CK5A/CK5BW024 17,500 TDR - - - 14.00 12.10 CK5PA018 17,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 - - - 11.75 CK5PA024 17,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 - - - 12.10 CKSPW024 17,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 - - - 12.10 5i . CC5A/CD5AA018 16,500 TDR - - - 14.00 11.55 CC5A/CD5AA024 17,000 TDR - - - 14.00 11.80 CCSA/CD5AW024 17,000 TDR - - - 14.00 11.85 CE3AA024 17,000 TDR - - - 14.00 11.85 CK3BA024 17,500 TDR - - - 14.00 12.10 CK5A/CK5BA018 17,000 TDR - - - 14.00 11.70 CKSA/CK5BA024 17,500 TDR - - - 14.00 12.00 CK5A/CK5BW024 17,500 TDR - - - 14.00 12.00 CK5PA018 17,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 - - - 11.70 CK5PA024 17,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 - - - 12.00 CK5PW024 17,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 - - - 12.00 "1L58��6a7° ib'R1%tB E��SP D; F� - N CC5A/CD5AW024 17,500 TDR - - - 14.00 11.80 CE3AA024 17,500 TDR - - - 14.00 11.85 CK5A/CK5BW024 17,500 TDR - - - 14.00 11.95 CK5PW024 17,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 - - - 11.95 •®.,.�'� � - fes: '6 _ CC5A/CD5AW024 17,500 TDR - e - - 14.00 11.85 CE3AA024 17,500 TDR - - - 14.00 11.80 'CK5PA036 24,000 TXV - .13.00 - - 11.30 CC5A/CD5AA024 23,000 NONE - - 12.50 - 10.80 CC5A/CD5AA030 23,600 NONE - - 12.50 - 10.95 CC5A/CD5AA036 24,000 NONE - - 13.00 - 11.20 CC5A/CD5AW024 23,000 NONE - - 12.50 - 10.80 CC5A/CD5AW030 23,600 NONE - - 12.50 - 10.95 CC5A/CD5AW036 24,000 NONE - - 13.00 - 11.20 CE3AA024 23,000 NONE - - 12.50 - 10.95 CE3AA030 23,600 NONE - - 12.50 - 11.05 CE3AA036 24,000 NONE - - 13.00 - 11.10 CF5AA024 23,000 NONE - - 12.50 - 10.80 CF5AA036 24,000 NONE - - 13.00 - 11.20 CK3BA024 23,000 NONE - - 12.50 - 11.00 02430 0 CK36A030 23,600 NONE - - 12.50 - 11.05 CK3BA036 24,000 NONE - - 13.00 - 11.30 CK5A/CK5BA024 23,000 NONE - - 12.50 - 11.00 CK5A/CK5BA030 23,600 NONE - - 12.50 - 11.05 CK5A/CK5BA036 24,000 NONE - - 13.00 - 11.30 CK5A/CK5BT036 24,000 NONE - - 13.00 - 11.30 CK5A/CK5BW024 23,000 NONE - - 12.50 - 11.00 CK5A/CK5BW030 23,600 NONE - - 12.50 - 11.05 CK5A/CK5BW036 24,000 NONE - - 13.00 - 11.30 CK5PA024 23,000 TXV - 12.50 - - 11.00 0 CK5PA030 23,600 TXV 12.50 11.05 4 - CK5PT036 24,000 TXV - 11.30 CK5PW024 23,000 TXV T- F13.00 12.50 - F- - 11.00 CK5PW030 23,600 TXV - 12.50 - - 11.05 See notes on pg. 19. 377 -1 Combination ratings continued UNIT SIZE- SERIES INDOOR MODEL TOT. CAP. BTUH FACTORY- SUPPLIED ENHANCE- MENT STANDARD RATING Carrier Gas Furnace or Accessory TDRt and Cartier Gas Furnace or Accessory TDR Puron TXV; EER 13.50 CE3AA048 45,500 TDR - - - 13.50 11.80 048-30 CE3AA060 46,000 TDR - - - 14.00 12.15 11.55 CK38AG48 45,500 TDR - - - 13.50 11.80 TDR CK3BA060 46,500 TDR - - - 14.00 12.15 - CK5A/CK5BA048 45,500 TDR - - - 13.50 11.80 - CK5A/CK5BA060 46,500 TDR - - - 14.00 12.15 CKSPX060 57,000 CK5A/CK5BT048 45,500 TDR - - - 13.50 11.80 CK5A/CK5BT060 46,500 TDR - - - 14.00 12.15 CK5A/CK5BW048 45,500 TDR - - - 13.50 11.80 CK5A/CK5BX060 47,000 TDR - - - 14.00 12.35 CC5A/CD5AA060 CK5PA048 45,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 - - - 11.80 CC5A/CD5AW060 CK5PA060 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 - - - 12.15 CE3AA060 CK5PT048 45,500 TOR&TXV 13.50 - - - 11.80 CK3BA048 CK5PT060 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 - - - 12.15 CK3BA060 CK5PW048 45,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 - - - 11.80 CK5A/CK5BA048 CK5PX060 47,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 - - - 12.35 13.00 11.45 C5A/CD5AW060 46:000 TDR 13.50 11.75 I CC5A/CDSAA060 45500 TDR C CE3AA060 I 46.000 I TDR I - I - I - I 13.50 I 11.80 CC5A/CD5AA060 55,000 CC5A/CD5AA060 45,500 TDR - - - 13.00 11.45 13.50 C05A/CD5AW060 46,000 TDR - - - 13.50 11.80 048-30 CE3AA060 46,000 TDR - - - 13.50 11.80 11.55 CK3BA060 46,000 TDR - - - 13.50 11.75 TDR CK5A/CK5BA060 46,000 TDR - - - 13.50 11.75 - CK5A/CK5BT060 46,000 TDR - - - 13.50 11.75 - CK5A/CK5BX060 47,000 TDR - - - 13.50 11.95 CKSPX060 57,000 CK5PA060 46,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 - - - 11.75 CK5PT060 46,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 - - - 11.75 CK5PX060 47,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 - - - 11.95 f - CC5A/CD5AA060 45,500 TDR - - - 13.00 11.45 CC5A/CD5AW060 46,000 TDR - - - 13.50 11.80 CE3AA060 46,000 TDR - - - 13.50 11.80 CK3BA048 45,500 TDR - - - 13.50 11.55 CK3BA060 46,000 TDR - - - 13.50 11.80 CK5A/CK5BA048 45,500 TDR - - - 13.50 11.55 CK5A/CK5BA060 46,000 TDR - - - 13.50 11.80 CK5A/CK5BT048 45,500 TDR - - - 13.50 11.55 CK5A/CK5BT060 46,000 TDR - - - 13.50 11.80 CK5A/CK5BW048 45,500 TDR - - - 13.50 11.55 CK5A/CK5BX060 47,000 TDR - - - 13.50 12.00 CK5PA048 45,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 - - - 11.55 CKSPA060 46,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 - - - 11.80 CK5PT048 45,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 - - - 11.55 CK5PT060 46,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 - - - 11.80 CK5PW048 45,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 - - - 11.55 CK5PX060 47,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 - - - 12.00 CD5PX060 57,000 TXV - 13.00 - - 11.50 CC5AlCD5AA060 55,000 NONE - - 12.50 - 11.10 CC5A/CD5AW060 56,000 NONE - - 13.00 - 11.35 CE3AA060 56,000 NONE - - 13.00 - 11.45 CK3BA060 56,500 NONE - - 13.00 - 11.40 CK5A/CK5BA060 56,500 NONE - 13.00 - 11.40 CK5A/CK5BT060 56,500 NONE - 13.00 - 11.40 CK5A/CK5BX060 57,000 NONE - - 13.00 - 11.55 • CK5PA060 56,500 TXV 13.00 11.40 Ar- TXV - - - 56,500 - 13.00 11.40 CK5PX060 /* CK5PX060 57,000 TXV - 13.00 - - 11.55 F(A,B)4BN(FB,C)060 57,000 TDR - - - 13.00 11.15 FB4BNB070 58,000 TDR - - - 13.00 11.45 FC4CN(F,B)060 57,000 TDR&TXV - - - 13.00 11.15 FC4CNB070 58,000 TDR&TXV - - - 13.00 11.45 060 30 FG3AAA060 56,000 NONE - - 12.50 - 11.20 FK4DNB006 58,000 TDR&TXV - - - 14.00 12.10 FV4BNB006 58,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 - - - 12.10 FX4BNB060 57.500 TDR&TXV 13.00 - - - 11.45 CC5A/CD5AA060 55,000 TDR - - 13.00 11.15 CD5PX060 57,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 - - 11.55 CE3AA060 57,000 TDR - - - 13.50 11.55 CK3BA060 56,500 TDR - - - 13.50 11.55 CK5A/CK5BA060 56,500 TDR - - - 13.50 11.55 CK5A/CK5BT060 56,500 TDR - - - 13.50 11.55 CK5A/CK5BX060 57,500 TDR - - - 13.50 11.70 CK5PA060 56,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 - - - 11.55 CK5PT060 56,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 - - - 11.55 CKSPX060 57,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 - - - 11.70 See notes on pg. 19. 18 386 r•. Fury® Gas Water Heaters 0 Available in 30, 38, 40 and 50 Gallon Tall — 30 and 40 Gallon Short Gas Models a ► 6 -Year Limited Tank and Parts Warranty' ►With ProtectionPlus" the 6 -Year Limited Tank Warranty Becomes 10 Years! 40 42VR40-40F ® TALL I50 421[BSG,000 Longer Life • Patented magnesium anode rod design incorporates a special resistor that protects the tank from rust Plus..- • Brassdrain valve and temperature and pressure relief valve are included • Meets or exceeds National Appliance Energy Conservation Act (NAECA) requirements ® High Efficiency Models Feature: • High performance and lower operating cost • Compliant with many gas utility incentive programs 'See Residential warranty Information Brochure for complete warranty information. EneW Factor and Average Annual Operating Costs based on D.O.E_ (Department or Energy) test procedures I I D.O.E. national average fuel rate natural gas 1 f 60.dtkMherm; lP 98.30¢l'Don. '•.Sv3t: 68 1 631/41 59.3!41 21 114-12 1 3 1 8 1 53-121 344 1 135 1 0.62 1 $146 22V30 30F 30 27 30.3 27.3 53 60.1/4 57 17-Y4 14-12 3 8 51.1!4 34 101 0.61 $147 T 38 42V38.40F 1 40 34 40.4 34.3 1 68 1 61-1/4 1 57-3/4 1 19 314 14-12 3 1 8 52-1/4 314 1 125 0.60 $150 A L Guardian System" 42V40 -40F • One -of -a -kind air/fuel shut-off device offers double 34 40.4 134.3 1 protection 62-12 1 • Maintenance free — no fitter to clean • Standard replacement parts ' Environmentally Friendly Burner 3 • Low NOx design for low nitrous oxide emissions 1 53-12 Self -Cleaning 1 130 • EverKleen" patented system fights sediment build-up $152 • Reduces fuel costs 50 • Provides more hot water t Easy to Light 83 • No matches required 58 Energy Efficient • More hot water at low operating cost 14-12 High Altitude Compliant 8 • ATI models are certified for applications up to 3r4 6,000 feet above sea level 40 42VR40-40F ® TALL I50 421[BSG,000 Longer Life • Patented magnesium anode rod design incorporates a special resistor that protects the tank from rust Plus..- • Brassdrain valve and temperature and pressure relief valve are included • Meets or exceeds National Appliance Energy Conservation Act (NAECA) requirements ® High Efficiency Models Feature: • High performance and lower operating cost • Compliant with many gas utility incentive programs 'See Residential warranty Information Brochure for complete warranty information. EneW Factor and Average Annual Operating Costs based on D.O.E_ (Department or Energy) test procedures I I D.O.E. national average fuel rate natural gas 1 f 60.dtkMherm; lP 98.30¢l'Don. '•.Sv3t: 68 1 631/41 59.3!41 21 114-12 1 3 1 8 1 53-121 344 1 135 1 0.62 1 $146 22V30 30F 30 27 30.3 27.3 53 60.1/4 57 17-Y4 14-12 3 8 51.1!4 34 101 0.61 $147 T 38 42V38.40F 1 40 34 40.4 34.3 1 68 1 61-1/4 1 57-3/4 1 19 314 14-12 3 1 8 52-1/4 314 1 125 0.60 $150 A L 40 42V40 -40F 40 34 40.4 134.3 1 70 62-12 1 59 19-3/4 1 14-12 1 3 8 1 53-12 344 1 130 0.59 1 $152 L 50 42V50.40F 40 36 40.4 1 36.4 83 61-12 58 21.3/4 14-12 3 8 52-12 3r4 150 0.58 $155 50 42V50 SOF 50 - 50.6 - 83 62 58 213/4 14.12 4 8 52-12 3/4 150 0.58 $155 H 30 22V30S•30F 30 - 30.3 - 50 49.34 a&U4 19-314 14-12 3 8 40-1/4 314 98 0.61 $147 RR_ 40 42V40S-40F 40 36 40.4 36.4 70 53 49-72 21-3/4 14-12 3 8 44 314 t33 0.59 $152 SPECIFY LP GAS WHEN ORDERING. Add'P'suffix to the model number: Example: 42VR40-40PF. For high attitude applications of 6,000 to 10,000 feet above sea level, add "H" suffix to the model number: Example: 42VR50-40HF (available in 40 and 50 gallon models) Rheem Guardian System Features... i4 Exclusive Combustion Shut-off System Flame Arrestor Plate Maintenance Free Should a spill incident occur, the A spe ially-de&*ied flame arrestor Superior air filtration prevents the Guardian System shuts off the gas prevents ignition of vapors outside the flame arrestor from becoming dogged supply and the air supply preventing combustion chamberby lint, dust and oil. a sustained vapor bum in the combustion chamber. These units are designed to meet or exceed ANSI (American National Standards Institute) requirements and have been tested according to D.O.E. test proce- dures and meet or exceed the energy efficiency requirements of NAECA, ASHRAE standard 90, BOCA Code and all state energy efficiency perfor- mance criteria for energy consuming appliances. Before purchasing this appliance, read important energy cost and efficiency inlormation available from your supplier. 6 YEAR LIMITED TANK WARRANTY BECOMES For more details, see form 101-7. FLUE ANODE ROD O H O O H HOT COLD WATER WATER CONNECTION ; CONNECTION F E qNING N.P.T. LIEF LVE C A B trz- G D Rheem Water Heaters • 101 Bell Road, Montgomery, Alabama 36117-4305 • www.rheem.com PRINTED IN U.S.A 04104 WP FORrA NO. 101.6 Rev. 4 r I F Rheem & Ruud GUARDIAN SYSTEM Gas Water Heater Specifications Description Features Roughing In Dimensions Energy Into Canon Dimensions j BTU's i u v i g { tl(Inches) ....... ...... ... 4 _............... ........... is v 1 2 U I IL y 3 od I I rn .,.I1 j a7!7 1 0 Z b rna o 0 u 22 `-� a a i ion 7 3` i 9 I� N t v O� a 1 g r 1- U j u l- u I $ •s I O g N I o $ U. ' L a, c i IV Q 1 0 N I U N o A �� Z '✓�' Z F- c 41 ja N a N 4+ po v O j A b C a p I. 0 m v m m q Rheem Ruud C� C7 = _ CJ i 2 S > ! 2 U j Prolessionel Tall 40 !RHG PR040.40F RUG PR040.40F 40 34 i 40.4 34.3 i 66 63 1/4 59 3/4 I 21 14 1/2 J 1 8 53 214 3/4 1 135 0.62 ! $148 0.62 $146 65.9 1 21.5 25.4 Tell 40 it IV40.40PROF PH40.40PROF 40 i 40.4 1 70 631/4 59 i 173/4 14112 3 i 6 532/4 3/4 130 0.54 1 6187' 0.56 $161 64.5 18.4 22.1 Tell 50 !RHG PRO50.40F RUG PRO50.40F 40 36 1 40.4 36 4 I 83 62 114 Se 3/4 23 14 1/2 3 6 52 214 3/4 165 0.62 $146 0.62 $146 64.8 23.5 27.3 Tall 50 ;!4 IVSO-4OPR<)F PH50.40PROF 40 40 4 i 83 61 314 56 ! 19 314 14 112 3 1 8 52 2/4 3/4 150 0.53. 5171 0.54 ' $167 63.5 i 20.5 24,t Short 40 iRHG PR040S•40F RUG PR0403.40F 40 36 i 40.4 36.4 1 70 53 49 2/4 19 3/4 14 1/2 3 8 4d J/4 133 0.56 1 $164 0.56 $161 $5.0 i 20.5 24.1 1 I SPIN - Fury, Pacemaker Tell d0 '41VR40.40F PHR40.409 40 34 140.4 34,3 i 68 63114 1 593/4 21 141/2 3 1 8 532/4 1 3/4 135 0.62 1 $146 0.82 $148 1 65.9 21.5 25.4 High Etfive,,cy Tall 50 141VR50.40F PHR60•dOF u P30 -30F 30 27 30.3 27.3 I 53 60 U4 67 i 15 3/4 14 1/2 3 6 51 1/4 3/4 101 0.67 $159 0.58 $158F64 .1 17.4 22.1 Pacemaker jho 40 14IV40.40F PH40.40F 40 34 140.4 3d.3 70 •831/4 69 173/4 141/2 3 8 53214 3/4 130 0.54 6167 0.56 $181.5 i 18.4 22.t 50 ia1V60•sOF PHSO•a0F40 36 404 36.4 i 83 61 314 S6 j 19 314 14 1r2 3 ! 8 52 214 314 150 0.53 $171 0.54 $167.5 20.5 24.1 I I 1 1 30 21V30S•30F P303.30F 30 30.3 ! 50 d9J/4 e6114 173/4 14112 J I e 401/4 3/d 96 0.67 j $159 0.56 $156 51.816.4 22.1 a0 j41 Va0S•40F PH40S•a0F 40 38 i 40.4 J84 ! 10 53 492/4 19 J/4 1d t!2 J 1 8 44 J/4 139 0.55 $164 0.56 $161 55.0 ! 20.5 24.1 Exclusive avRuel shul•011 system EverKieen self-cleaning device T&P valve Included Maintenance tree Guardian System Brass drain valve LP models. add $40.00 Easy to light: No matches required. Environmentally friendly LowNOX burner design