MA 2005-551Water resistant Gypium Board. @ . shower enclosure. installed to a minimum height of 70". Per California Budding Code 807.1 .3 Install one layer type '%' gypsum bo on one side of demising wa(I bet— garage and residence. To comply th Caldo— Building Code 302.4, . Gyp. Board must be ..stalled for Ian M. toroof sheatmg where trusses ire pa d to occupancy seperation. Studs pare t spaced not greater than 24' an Framing Plan 2138 I Approved by- Date - 1 0 Planning Commission _ a Cl Council _ y _ Mu Dev. Dept. �c6 Initials _ Cats t 'o. -- 0 ��ee.,�Irnpson p oter�-ace EbL�ll lfall Intersec Ions, an as ndge ties. 5ee manufacture peck. o appllcakten. � lih Conditions Brace Wail Panel Schedule 1/2" plywood sheating with a A nail schedule of 4 $ 12. 10" x 5/8"• anchor bolt embedded 7" Into footing, not more than 48" o.c. Install [wo layere type 'X* gypsum board on each stele of demumg wall between garage and residence. To —pty withO CAI— Bmldmg Code Table 7-C. Item 21. As published by the Gypsum Asse-ahon.^, Gyp. Board ..It i installcd from foundation to roof sheahng inhere trusses are parallel I to occupancy sepuation. studs are to be spaced not greater than 24' on center. This project 15 proposed to meet the recjulrements of CBC 2320 for Conventional Light -Frame Con5tructlon CITY OF LA CSUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. R0VEE- FOR CONSTRUCTION PIan5 Prepared 5y: Chrl5 Britton 79-52G Dandelion Dr. 11 KEVI5ED BY: DATE Chris Britton 3-25-05 11 L . C) ca O� � N Ln I � All construction shall comply with the 2001 California bulldmg,Plumbing,Mechanical, Electrical and Energy Codes and all other local codes and ordinances. All "or equal' sub'stltlons must be submitted to, and approved by the Building Official prior to 1_ Nation of the Item. DATE ; 5CALlf:�-- 'r ; � Floor Plan FLK. ALLW. NA FVTFPlr')?C. NA INTERIORS: NA DOOR STYLE: NA . E DRAWN BY: Chr15 Britton PAGE: f SIGNED APPROVAL: DATE t f f