0309-067 (SFD) Title 24TITLE 24 I ENERGY COMPLIANCE RESIDENTIAL DEWEESE RESIDENCE LOT 54, THE TRADITION LA QUINTAq CA MAY 15, 2003 %1 REVISION OCT. 16.2003 it CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CM. STRUCTION �- DATE 4 1 BY 778 -41eo ;C4 PREPARED BY: AMCOR, TITLE 24 SERVICE 372 MANZANITA AVE., VENTURA, CA 93001 (805) 641-1212 PAMELA S. ROBINSON AMCOR TITLE 24 COMPLIANU SERVICE 377 MAN ANITA AVE. WNTURA, (Ally. 93001 (B05) 641-1212 Dear Owner/Builder- The enclosed compliance package includes the necessary mini mm requirements for your home for compliance with the State of California: s Title 24. Energy Efficiency Standards. The standards have provided you with a good energy efficient design: Please note, however, that these are minimum requirements for compliance. Not necessarily the maximmm energy efficiency features available for your home. If you are interested in further energy saving ideas for your home, we are available for further consulting. Included in this package are "sticky backs" of the necessary ,forms that need to be included on your blueprints (CF -IR, MF -IR) Please be sure the sig pvvner's or designer's signature is on page.3 of the CF -1R on the sbckybacks and in - >>s package. Also included in this package is your HVAC SIZING CALCULATIONS. Please shove these to your HV AC contractor so that he may properly supply you with i -V AC equipment appropriate to the efficiencv (AFUE & SEER) and sizing information called, out in the energy compliance. Your contractw!musi fill out & post on site the form CF -6R prior to final inspection., describing the installation of HVAC & Water Pleating Equipment. Good Luck with vom new home... Sincerer°, Pamela S. Robinson, Amcz CB0 Cei i.ficate no: RES -88-2017 AMCOR TITLE 24 - ENERGY COMPLMNCE TABLE Of CONTENTS MANDATORY FEATURES CHECKLIST (MF- I R) MICROPASS COMPLIANCE (V. 6.01) (CF- I R, CF -2R) HVAC SIZING (HEATING & COOLING LOADS SUMMARY) HERS RATING COMPLIANCE FORMS (CFAR) (IF NEEDED FOR DUCT SEALING FIELD VERIFICATION) MANUFACTURER'S DATA (CF -611) (TO BE FILLED OUT BY CONTRACTOR BEFORE FINAL INSPECTION) PAMELA S. ROBINSON 372 MANZANITA AVE., VENTURA, CA 93001 (805) 641-1212 AMCOR MANDATORY FEATURES CHECKLIST (MF- I R) PAMELA S. ROBINSON 372 MANZANITA AVE., VENTURA, CA 93001 (805) 641-1212 MAL (Page) of 2) Mr -IR MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDEN Note: i.,o\\prise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain ihesemcasures regardless of tyle compliance approach used. Items marked will) an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more sbingpil compliance requireinetlts listed on the Certificate of Compliance. W11en this checklist is incorporated into 111e pemlit documents, elle features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for Vic mandatory mtaitlres »nether Illey are sho\aln else where in the documents or on ibis chec)d ist only. Instructions: Check or inilial applicable boxes wlien oonlpleied or enter 1\IIA if not applicable DESCRIPTION DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Building Eri elope Measures: " 0500): Minimum R-19 ceilingitnulation. � V §150(b): Loost fill insulalion manufacturer`s labeled R -Value. (/ " §350(c): Minnnum R-) 3 \\sll insulation in \\wod $arced walls or equi\�lart 1}factot in metal frame \valis _ ` J (does tot apply to watmor mass \\slls). V hininrmn R-33 raised Door insulation in framed Doors. §150(1) : Slab edge insulation - \\ater absorption rate no greater than 0.3°x, \\attrvapor transmission rate N 1 O no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. / 1� §118: insulation specified or installed meets insulation quality standards. Indicate typtand form. §116-17: Fcoestration products, Exterior Doors, and brrltratitnrlrxfltrat tnr Controls 3. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to lbnii airleahage. / V 2. Ftnesirvion products (except field -fabricated) have label with entified UT -actor, certified Solar Ileal Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification. 3. L-raerior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. §150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory, in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. t� §150(f): Sptcial infiltration barrier installed to comply \\ tb § 153 meets Commission quality standards. �f §150(1): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces bave: a. Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilot lights allowed. Spa Ce Condi. ioniDb, Wster Hcating and Plumbing System Measures: §110-§113:IfVACequipment; water beaters,.sho\\erheadsandlsucetsctrtiftiedbytlreCorrorussiou. ►f §150(h): licati))gaud/or cool;ngloadsealculated in amordancewilh AS)iRAL-,ShhAO\IA or ACCA. 1✓ §150(i): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. §150(j): Pipeand tank insolation 3. storage gas water heaicrs rater; with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally -,yapped with insulation having an installed tbctmal resistance of R-12 m neater. / 2. Firs) 5 feet of pipes closes) to watca heater tank; non -recirculating systems, insulated (A4 or greaten•) (,// 3. Bach -up talks for solar system, unfired sturap tanks: or other indirect hot water tanks love. R. 12 wdenal insulalion or R-16 combined inicnrallrxlcmal insulalimr. A. A.11 buried ur exposed pipinginsulated in recirculating swiuns of but wall �51C1nt 5. Coolinf s)mwen piping below 55° F insulated. 6. Piping insulated between heating source and indirect bot \\stet ianit. Ja n ua ry 4, 7,003 MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESiDENT7AL (rage 2 of 2) MF -IR bole: L.owrise residential buildings subteen to Me Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliplce approach used. Items marked with an asterisk ('r) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on tl•te Certificate of Compliance. When this checltlist is incorporated into the pennit documents, the features noted shall be, considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandato,)~ measures whether they are shown else\6ere ill the documents or on 01is cllecldisl only. Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or enter N/A if not applicable. DESCRIPTION DESIaTER ENFORCEMENT Space Conditioning, Water Beating and Plumbing System hleasures: (continued) " 4150(m): Ducts and Pans I. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirement oflhe 1998 CMC Sections 601, 603,604t and Standard 6.3; ducts insulated to a minimum installed level ofRA1 orenclosed entirety in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed hath mastic, tape, 2=SD) sealanl,orother duct -closure sysiem that meets the applicable requirements of UL 183, UL 183A, or U1. )SIB.If mastic or tape is used to seal openingsgreater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and eitimr mesh or tape shall be used. Building cavities shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Joints and seams of dud systems and their components shall not be sealed with clog) back rubber adhesive duct tapes unlesssuclr tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. 2. E-%haust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampen. 3. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned spact have either automatic Or readily aecessible; manually operated dampers. §1 14: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment.. 1. System is certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on-off smijeh, wVallitriiroDfoper2lip ustructions, no electric resistance heating and no pilot lighi. 2. System is installed witfn: a. At bast 36" of pipe between filter and beater for future solar heating. b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switcb. §115: Gas fired central fumaces, pool treaters, spa beaters or household cooking appliances have no continuously burning pilot light. (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliancts with pilot < 150 BtuAhr) Lighting Measures: §350(k)l.: Lumbhaires for general liglntingin kitchens slral3 havelampswithancfficacyof40 )umenshvatt or greater for general lighting in kitchens. This general beitingshall be controlled by a sMich ou a readily accessible h hting control panel at an entrance to the kitchen. §150(k)2.: Rooms with a shower or bathtub musl have either at least one luminaire with lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/wan or greater switched at the entrance to the room or ont of the allemativL� to this h • uinemeni alloumd in §i 50(k)2.; and ruessed ceilin fi>.lures arc IC (vhsulatimr coves n roved. January 4, ZOO) AMCOR MICROPASS COMPLIANCE (V. 6oO 1) '(FORMS CF - IR, CF -2R) PAMELA S. ROBINSON 372 MANZANITA AVE., VENTURA, CA 93001 (805) 641=1212 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -1R Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 Project Address........ LOT 54:THE TRADITION ******* --------------------- LA QUINTA CA *v6.01* Documentation Author... PAMELA S. ROBINSON ******* Building Permit # AMCOR .372 Manzanita Ave Plan Check / Date Ventura, CA 93001 805-641-1212 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R I User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area.....5006 sf Building Type...... ...... ingle Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 180 deg (S) Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Stories.......... 1 Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Glazing Percentage......... 34.6 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.36 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.29 Average Ceiling Height..... 13.6 ft BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Frame ------------------------- Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly Type ------------ Type ------- R -value -------- R -value -------- R -value ------- U -factor ------- Wall Wood R-21 R-0 R-21 0.059 Roof Radiant Wood R-11 R-27 R-38 0.025 RoofRadiant Wood R-38 R-0 R-38 0.029 Door None R-0 R-0 R-0 0.330 S1abEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.760 S1abEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.510 Wall Wood R-0 R-0 R-0 0.293 Orientation -------------------- Window Front (S) Window Front (S) Window Front (S) FENESTRATION Location/Comments SOUTH, TO GARAGE WEST, NORTH, EAST CORNER, TO STORAGE ATTIC, VAULTED VAULTED Solid Wood TO OUTSIDE TO GARAGE, TO STORAGE Area U- Interior (sf) Factor SHGC Shading ----- ------ ------ --------------- 1.8 0.360 0.290 Standard 12.0 0.360 0.290 Standard 12.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Over - Exterior hang/ Shading -------------- Fins ----- Standard Yes Standard Yes Standard Yes CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF -IR Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 I MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE I -----------------------------=------------------------------------------------- FENESTRATION Over - Area U- Interior Exterior hang/ Orientation -------------------- (sf) Factor SHGC Shading Shading Fins Window Front (S) ----- ------ 1.8 0.360 ------ 0.290 --------------- Standard -------------- Standard ----- Yes Door Front (S) 21.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Front (S) 48.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Front (S) 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Window Front (S) _21.0 17.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Front (S) L 42. 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Front (S) 32.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Left (W) 48.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Left (W) 3.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Left (W) 31.5 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Left (W) 17.5 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Left (W) 4.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Left (W) 6.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Back (N) 20.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (N) 13.4 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (N) 48.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (N) 13.4 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Window Back (N) 17.5 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Door Back (N) 88.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (N) 88.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (N) 198.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Window Back (N) 22.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Window Back (N) 2 0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Window Front (S) -n.0, 9.� 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Right (E) 31.0 .0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Right (E) 120.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Right (E) 31.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Right (SE) 12.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Door Right (SE) 40.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Door Right (SE) 12.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Front (S) 60.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Front (S) 6.8. 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Back (N) 2 0. 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (N) 0.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (N) 48.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Window Back (N) 8.6 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (N) 48.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (N) 48.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Window Back (N) 24.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Window Back (N) 4:0.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Right (E) 8.3 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Right (E) 8.3 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -IR Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 ----...-_----•---5=-=----.�.�---_--------C--.�-�------•---SCS---�•----�.-r.�-------_�.--�.-- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R I User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FENESTRATION Over - Area U- Interior Exterior hang/ Orientation (sf) Factor SHGC Shading Shading Fins Window Right (E) 8.3 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Right (E) 0.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Left (NW) .0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Back (NE) 18.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Left (NW) 8.3 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Front (S) 13.5 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Door Front (S) 12.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Door Front (S) 48.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Door Front (S) 12.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Front (S) 3.8 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Front (S) 11.5 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Door Left (W) 24.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Left (W) 11.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Door Back (N) 48.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (N) 16.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (N) 48.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (N) 16.0 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard Yes Window Right (E) 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Right (E) 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Right (SE)(n6.8 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None Window Front (S) 0.360 0.290 Standard Standard None THERMAL MASS ------------ Area Thickness Type Exposed (sf) (in) Location/Comments -----Yes------ ---3.5--- SlabOnGrade- 288 TILE-------------------- S1abOnGrade Yes --9-87 3.5 TILE S1abOnGrade Yes 543 3.5 TILE S1abOnGrade No 110 3.5 CARPET S1abOnGrade No 478 3.5 CARPET HVAC SYSTEMS Refrigerant ------------ Tested ACCA Equipment Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Thermostat Type Efficiency Airflow Location R -value ------- Leakage D Type ------------ Furnace ------------ 0.800 ------- AFUE n/a ----------- Attic R-4.2 ------- ------ No No ---------- LivingSta ACSplit 12.00 SEER No Attic R-4.2 No No LivingSta CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 4 CF -IR Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -IR I User#-MR0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE I Equipment Type ------------ Furnace ACSplit Furnace ACSplit HVAC SYSTEMS ------------ _WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number Tank External in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value Storage Gas Standard 3 0.62 50 R- n/a SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This building incorporates a Zonally Controlled HVAC System. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This'building incorporates a High Mass Design. This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System REMARKS INSULATION: WALLS R-21, CEILING R-38 GLAZING: DG WD/VINYL LOW E -!U -VALUE .36, SHGC .29 OR BETTER RADIANT BARRIER REQUIRED HIGH EFFICIENCY WATER HEATERS REQ:RHEEM 41VR50N (.62 EF.)OR EQ. FAU SIZE LIVING ZONE: 86,650 BTUH OUTPUT, 80% AFUE. FAU SIZE MASTER ZONE: 38,400 BTUH OUTPUT, 80% AFUE. FAU SIZE GUEST ZONE: 19,000 BTUH OUTPUT, 80% AFUE. AC SIZE LIVING ZONE: 84,000 BTUH OUTPUT, 12.0 SEER. AC SIZE MASTER ZONE: 33,000 BTUH OUTPUT, 12.0 SEER. AC SIZE GUEST ZONE: 16,900 BTUH OUTPUT, 12.0 SEER. Refrigerant Tested ACCA Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Thermostat Efficiency Airflow Location R -value Leakage D Type 0.800 SSE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No SleepingS 12.00 SEER No Attic R-4.2. No No SleepingS 0.800 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No SleepingS 12.00 SEER No Attic' R-4.2 No No SleepingS _WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number Tank External in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value Storage Gas Standard 3 0.62 50 R- n/a SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This building incorporates a Zonally Controlled HVAC System. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This'building incorporates a High Mass Design. This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System REMARKS INSULATION: WALLS R-21, CEILING R-38 GLAZING: DG WD/VINYL LOW E -!U -VALUE .36, SHGC .29 OR BETTER RADIANT BARRIER REQUIRED HIGH EFFICIENCY WATER HEATERS REQ:RHEEM 41VR50N (.62 EF.)OR EQ. FAU SIZE LIVING ZONE: 86,650 BTUH OUTPUT, 80% AFUE. FAU SIZE MASTER ZONE: 38,400 BTUH OUTPUT, 80% AFUE. FAU SIZE GUEST ZONE: 19,000 BTUH OUTPUT, 80% AFUE. AC SIZE LIVING ZONE: 84,000 BTUH OUTPUT, 12.0 SEER. AC SIZE MASTER ZONE: 33,000 BTUH OUTPUT, 12.0 SEER. AC SIZE GUEST ZONE: 16,900 BTUH OUTPUT, 12.0 SEER. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 5 CF -1R Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE - Date.1.10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R I. User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE i I --------------------------------------------------.------------------------------ i REMARKS r MIN. SIZING -INCLUDES 1.4 WARM-UP FACTOR, 1.2 COOL -DOWN FACTOR. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT -------------------- This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply With Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of. Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual With overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be.built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features Modeling Assumptions section. DESIGNER or OWNER Name.... Name.... Company. Company. Address. Address. Phone... Phone... Licens . Signed.. Signed.. - -- -- (d e) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name.... Title... Agency.. Phone... Signed.. (date) DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR PAMELA S. ROBINSON AMCOR 372 Manzanita Ave Ventura, CA 93001 805-641-1212 - COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C -2R Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 Project Address........ LOT 54:THE TRADITION ******* --------------------- .LA QUINTA CA *v6.01* Documentation Author... PAMELA S. ROBINSON ******* Building Permit # AMCOR 372 Manzanita Ave Plan Check / Date Ventura, CA 93001 805-641-1212 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone.. ........ 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R I User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area .....X006 s Building Type .............. Single -Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 180 deg (S) Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type.......... ReducedYear Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Number of Building Zones., Conditioned Volume........ ��6s�fSlab-On-Grade Area......... Glazing Percentage......... 34.6 W of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.36 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.29 Average Ceiling Height..... 13.6 ft = MICROPAS6 ENERGY USE SUMMARY = ---------------------------- = Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance _ _ (kBtu/sf-yr) ----------------------- Design ---------- Design ---------- 'Margin = ---------- _ = Space Heating.......... 3.74 3.99 -0.25 = = Space Cooling.......... 39.52 37.37 , 2.15 = = Water Heating.......... 5.69 7.01 -1.32 = = Total 48.95 48.37 0.58 = _ *** Building complies with Computer Performance GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area .....X006 s Building Type .............. Single -Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 180 deg (S) Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type.......... ReducedYear Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Number of Building Zones., Conditioned Volume........ ��6s�fSlab-On-Grade Area......... Glazing Percentage......... 34.6 W of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.36 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.29 Average Ceiling Height..... 13.6 ft COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C -2R Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Zone Type -------------- LIVING Living MASTER Sleeping GUEST Sleeping BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION ------------------------- Floor # of Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat (sf) (cf) Units itioned Type 2998 40746 1.00 Yes LivingStat 1465 20810 0.00 Yes SleepingStat 543 Area Surface (sf) LIVING 1 Wall 775 2 Wall 252 4 Wall 970 6 Wall 680 8 Wall 577 10 Wall 1 1 20 Roof Radia 267 21 RoofRadiant 82 22 RoofRadiant 82 23 RoofRadiant 82 24 RoofRadiant 82 32 Door 32 MASTER 3 Wall 421 5 Wall 341 7 Wall 140 9 Wall 603 11 Wall 38 12 Wall 38 25 RoofRadiant 1415 26 RoofRadiant 13 27 RoofRadiant 13 28 RoofRadiant 13 29 RoofRadiant 13 30 RoofRadiant 459 31 RoofRadiant 459 GUEST 13 Wall 205 14 Wall 193 Vent Vent Air Height Area Leakage (ft) (sf) Credit 2.0 Standard No 2.0 Standard No 6600 0.00 Yes SleepingStat 2.0 Standard No OPAQUE SURFACES U- --------------- Insul Act Solar Form 3 Location/ factor ----- R-val ----- Azm --- Tilt Gains ---- ----- Reference ------------ Comments ---------------- 0.059 21 180 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 SOUTH 0.059 21 180 90 No W.21.2X6.16 TO GARAGE 0.059 21 270 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 WEST 0.059 21 0 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 NORTH 0.059 21 90 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 EAST 0.059 21 135 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 CORNER 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 ATTIC 0.029 38 180 16 Yes R.38.2X12.16 VAULTED 0.029 38 0 16 Yes R.38.2X12.16 VAULTED 0.029 38 90 16 Yes 8.38.2X12:16 VAULTED 0.029 38 270 16 Yes R.38.2X12.16 VAULTED 0.330 0 180 90 Yes None Solid Wood 0.059 21 180 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 SOUTH 0.059 21 270 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 WEST 0.059 21 0 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 NORTH 0.059 21 90 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 EAST 0.059 21 315 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 0.059 21 45 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 ATTIC 0.029 38 180 16 Yes R.38.2X12.16 VAULTED 0.029 38 180 16 Yes R.38.2X12.16 VAULTED 0.029 38 180 16 Yes R.38.2X12.16 VAULTED 0.029 38 180 16 Yes R.38.2X12.16 VAULTED 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 VAULTED 0.029 38 90 16 Yes R.38.2X12.16 VAULTED 0.059 21 180 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 SOUTH 0.059 21 270 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 WEST COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R I User#)-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEES$ I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Surface -------------- 15 Wall 16 Wall 17 Wall 18 Wall 19 Wall Surface LIVING 33 SlabEdge 34 SlabEdge MASTER 35 SlabEdge GUEST 36 SlabEdge 37 SlabEdge Orientation LIVING PERIMETER LOSSES Length F2 OPAQUE SURFACES 1.8 0.360 Area U- --------------- Insul Act Solar Form 3 Location/ (sf) factor R-val Azm Tilt Gains Reference Comments 142 0.059 21' 0 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 NORTH 248 0.059 21 90 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 EAST 16 0.059 21 315 90 Yes W.21.2X6.16 STORAGE 60 0.059 21 180 90 No W.2.1.2X6.16 TO STORAGE 84 0.059 21 0 90 No W.21.2X6.16 TO STORAGE LIVING 33 SlabEdge 34 SlabEdge MASTER 35 SlabEdge GUEST 36 SlabEdge 37 SlabEdge Orientation LIVING PERIMETER LOSSES Length F2 Insul Solar 1.8 0.360 (ft) ------ Factor -------- R-val ------- Gains ----- Location/Comments ---------------------- 286 0.760 R-0 No TO OUTSIDE 21 0.510 R-0 No TO GARAGE 120 0.760 R-0 No TO OUTSIDE 90 0.760 R-0 No TO OUTSIDE 12 0.510 R-0 No TO STORAGE FENESTRATION SURFACES --------------------- Area U- Act Exterior Shade Interior Shade (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type/SHGC Type/SHGC 1 Window Front (S)- 1.8 0.360 2 Window Front (S) 12.0 0.360 3 Window. Front (S) 12.0 0.360 4 Window Front (S) 1.8 0.360 5 Door Front (S) 21.0 0.360 6 Door Front (S) 48.0 0.360 7 Door Front (S) 0.360 8 Window Front (S)'T:42.5 7.0 0.360 9 Door Front (S) .360 10 Door Front (S) 2. 0.360 11 Door Left (W) 48.0 0.360 12 Window Left (W) 3.0 0.360 13 Window Left (W) 31.5 0.360 14 Window Left (W) 17.5 0.360 15 Window Left (W) 4.0 0.360 16 Window Left (W) 6.0 0.360 17 Window Back (N) 20.0 0.360 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C -2R Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R I User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FENESTRATION SURFACES --------------------- Area U- Act Exterior Shade Interior Shade Orientation (sf) factor SHGC.Azm Tilt Type/SHGC Type/SHGC ---------------------- ----- ----- ----- --- ---- -------------- -------------- 18 Door 19 Door 20 Door 21 Window 22 Door 23 Door 24 Door 25 Window 26 Window 27 Window 28 Door 29 Door 30 Door 31 Door 32 Door 33 Door 65 Window MASTER 34 Window 35 Window 36 Window 37 Door 38 Door 39 Window 40 Door 41 Door 42 Window 43 Window 44 Window 45 Window 46 Window 47 Window 48 Window 49 Window 66 Window GUEST 50 Window 51 Window 52 Door 53 Door 54 Door 55 Window 56 Window Back (N) 13.4 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/.0.76 Back (N) 48.0 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Back (N) 13..4 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Back (N) 17.5 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Back (N) 88.0 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Back (N) 88.0'0.360 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Back (N) 198.0 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Back (N) 22.0 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Back (N) 2 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Front (S) Ca.i3O.360 8.3 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Right (E) 31.0 0.360 0.290 90 90 Standard/0.76 Right (E) 120.0 0.360 0.290 90 90 Standard/0.76 Right (E) 31.0 0.360 0.290 90 90 Standard/0.76 Right (SE) 12.0 0.360 0.290 135 90 Standard/0.76 Right (SE) 40.0 0.360 0.290 135 90 Standard/0.76 Right (SE) 2.0 0.360 0.290 135 90 Standard/0.76 Right (SE) 9, 0 360 0.290 135 90 Standard/0.76 Front (S) 60.0 0.360 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Front (S) 6.8 0.360 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Back (N) 24.0 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Back (N) C::DP 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Back (N) 48 0 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Back (N)$.6D 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Back (N) 4 0 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Back (N) 48.0 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Back (N) 24.0 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 Back (N)0.0 0.360 0.290 0 .90 Standard/0.76 Right (E) 8.3 0.360 0.290 90 90 Standard/0.76 Right (E) 8.3 0.360 0.290 90 90 Standard/0.76 Right (E)8.3 0.360 0.290 90 90 Standard/0.76 Right (E) 0. 0.360 0.290 90 90 Standard/0.76 Left (NW) 18.0 0.360 0.290 315 90 Standard/0.76 Back (NE) 18`Q 0.360 0.290 45 90 Standard/0.76 Front (S) 6.8 0.360 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Left (NW) 8.3 0.360 0.290 315 90 Standard/0.76 Front (S) 13.5 0.360 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Front (S) 12.0 0.360 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Front (S) 48.0 0.360 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Front (S) 12.0 0.360 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Front (S) 3.8 0.360 0.290 180 90 Standard/0.76 Front (S) 11.5 0.360 0.290'180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 :COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 5 C -2R Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R I .. User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FENESTRATION SURFACES --------------------- Area' U- Act Exterior Shade Interior Shade Orientation (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type/SHGC Type/SHGC ---------------------- ----- ----- ----- --- ---- -------------- -------------- 57 Door Left (W) 24.0 0.360 0.290 270 90 Standard/0.76 58 Window Left (W) 11.0 0.360 0.290 270 90 Standard/0.76 59 Door Back (N) 48.0 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 60 Door Back (N) 16.0 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 61 Door Back (N) 48.0 0.360 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 62 Door Back (N) 16.0,0.360 8.0 0.290 0 90 Standard/0.76 63 Window Right (E)4 n/a 0.360 0.290 90 90 Standard/0.76 64 Window Right (E) .5 0.360 0.290 90 90 Standard/0.76 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS ----------------------- n/a Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.68 ---Window-- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin -- Area Left Rght Surface (sf) Wdth Hgth Dpth Hght Ext Ext Ext Dpth Hght Ext Dpth Hght ----------- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- LIVING 1 Window 2 Window 3 Window 4 Window 5 Door 6 Door 7 Door 8 Window 9 Door 10 Door 17 Window 18 Door 19 Door 20 Door 22 Door 23 Door 24 Door 25 Window 26 Window 27 Window 28 Door 29 Door 30 Door MASTER 36 Window 37 Door 38 Door 1.8 n/a 1.5 ' 6.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 12.0 n/a 6.0 6.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 12.0 n/a 6.0 6.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.8 n/a 1.5 6.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 21.0 n/a 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 48.0 n/a 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 21.0 n/a 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 17.0 n/a 8.0 33.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 42.5 n/a 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 32.0 n/a 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 20.0 n/a 2.0 7.0 0.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 13.4 n/a 8.0. 7.0 2.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 48.0 n/a 8.0 7.0 2.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 13.4 n/a 8.0 7.0 2.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 88.0 n/a 8.0 9.0 3.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 88.0 n/a 8.0 9.0 3.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 198.0 n/a 11.0 12.0 2.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 22.0 n/a 2.0 9.0 0.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 22.0 n/a 2.0 9.0 0.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 9.O'n/a 6.0 17.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 31.0 n/a 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 120.0 n/a 8.0 .8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 31.0 n/a 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 24.0 n/a 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.0 n/a 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 48.0 n/a 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 6 C -2R Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R I User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS • ---Window-- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin -- Area Left Rght Surface (sf) Wdth Hgth Dpth Hght Ext Ext Ext Dpth Hght Ext Dpth Hght ----------- 39 Window ----- ----- 8.6 n/a ----- 8.0 ---- ---- ---- 8.0 1.0 n/a ---- n/a ---- ---- ---- n/a n/a n/a ---- n/a ---- n/a ---- n/a 40 Door 48.0 n/a 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 41 Door 48.0 n/a .8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 42 Window 24.0 n/a 2.0 8.0 0.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a GUEST 59 Door 48.0 n/a 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 60 Door 16.0 n/a 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 61 Door 48.0 n/a 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 62 Door 16.0 n/a 8.0 8.0 1.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a INTER -ZONE SURFACES Area ------------------- Insul Form 3 Surface (sf) U -factor R-val Reference Location/Comments ------------ --------------- LIVI NG/MASTER --------------------- ---------------------- 1 Wall 574 0.293 R-0 None THERMAL MASS Area Thick ------------ Heat Conduct- Surface Mass Type ---,------------ (sf) ------ (in) ----- Cap ivity ------------- UIMC ---- R -value Location/Comments ------- ---------------------- LIVING 1 S1abOnGrade (,288 3.5 28.0 0.98 4.60 R-0.0 TILE 4 S1abOnGrade 110 3.5 28.0 0.98 1.80 R-2.0 CARPET MASTER 2 S1abOnGrade 987 3.5 28.0 0.98 4.60 R-0.0 TILE 5 S1abOnGrade 478 3.5 28.0 0.98 1.80 R-2.0 CARPET GUEST 3 S1abOnGrade 543 3.5 28.0 0.98 4.60 R-0.0 TILE HVAC SYSTEMS Refrigerant ------------ Tested ACOA System Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Duct Type Efficiency Airflow Location R -value Leakage D Eff ------------- LIVING• ----------- ------- ------------- ------- --------- -------- ---- Furnace 0.800 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No 0.743 ACSplit 12.00 SEER No Attic R-4.2 No No 0.637 MASTER COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 7 C -2R Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE' Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R I User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System Type ------------- Furnace ACSplit GUEST Furnace ACSplit Tank Type ------------ 1 Storage SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed -to manufacturer and CBC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This building incorporates a Zonally Controlled HVAC System. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates a High Mass Design. This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System INSULATION: WALLS R-21, CEILING R-38 GLAZING: DG WD/VINYL LOW E- U -VALUE .36, SHGC .29 OR BETTER RADIANT BARRIER REQUIRED HIGH EFFICIENCY WATER HEATERS REQ:RHEEM 41VR50N (.62 EF.)OR EQ. FAU SIZE LIVING ZONE: 86,650 BTUH OUTPUT, 80% AFUE. FAU SIZE MASTER ZONE: 38,400 BTUH OUTPUT, 80% AFUE. FAU SIZE GUEST ZONE: 19,000 BTUH OUTPUT, 80W AFUE. AC SIZE LIVING ZONE: 84,000 BTUH OUTPUT, 12.0 SEER. AC SIZE MASTER ZONE: 33,000 BTUH OUTPUT, 12.0 SEER. HVAC SYSTEMS ------------ Refrigerant Tested ACCA Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Duct Efficiency Airflow Location ------------- R -value ------- Leakage ----------------- D Eff ---- ----------- 0.800 ------- AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No 0.743 12.00 SEER No Attic R-4.2 NO No 0.637 0.800 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No 0.743 12.00 SEER No Attic R-4.2 No No 0.637 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number Tank External in Energy Size Insulation Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value ----------- Gas ------------------- Standard -------------- 3 ------ 0.62 50 ---------- R- n/a SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed -to manufacturer and CBC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This building incorporates a Zonally Controlled HVAC System. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates a High Mass Design. This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System INSULATION: WALLS R-21, CEILING R-38 GLAZING: DG WD/VINYL LOW E- U -VALUE .36, SHGC .29 OR BETTER RADIANT BARRIER REQUIRED HIGH EFFICIENCY WATER HEATERS REQ:RHEEM 41VR50N (.62 EF.)OR EQ. FAU SIZE LIVING ZONE: 86,650 BTUH OUTPUT, 80% AFUE. FAU SIZE MASTER ZONE: 38,400 BTUH OUTPUT, 80% AFUE. FAU SIZE GUEST ZONE: 19,000 BTUH OUTPUT, 80W AFUE. AC SIZE LIVING ZONE: 84,000 BTUH OUTPUT, 12.0 SEER. AC SIZE MASTER ZONE: 33,000 BTUH OUTPUT, 12.0 SEER. COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 8 C -2R ________________ __=====a== -c:= -==_____-__=-===c=== ______-_==-------= Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 ____________ MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R I User#-MP0956. User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE REMARKS AC SIZE GUEST ZONE: 16,900 BTUH OUTPUT, 12.0 SEER. MIN. SIZING -INCLUDES 1.4 WARM-UP FACTOR,.1.2 COOL -DOWN FACTOR. AMCOR HVAC SIZING PAMELA S. ROBINSON 372 MANZANITA AVE., VENTURA, CA 93001 (805) 641-1212 HVAC ;SIZING Page 1 HVAC Project Title......:... DEWEESE RESIDENCE te..10/16/03 15:51:09 Project Address........ LOT 54:THE TRADITION ******* --------------------- LA QUINTA CA *v6.01* Documentation Author... PAMELA S. ROBINSON ******* Building Permit # AMCOR 372 Manzanita Ave Plan Check / Date Ventura, CA 93001 805-641-1212 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone..... ..... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc.. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING I User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE I --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area.................. 5006 sf Volume .. ..... ............ 68156 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 180 deg (S) Sizing Location........ .. PALM DESERT Latitude ... ............... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 32 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range ............... 34 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent. Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all Heating Cooling Description (Btuh) (Btuh) -------------------------------------------- Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 33821 ----------- 14800 Glazing Conduction ............... 23717 21220 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 20312 Infiltration ..................... 35990 23817 Internal Gain .................... n/a 2550 Ducts ............................ 9353 8270 Sensible Load .................... 102880 90970 Latent Load...................... n/a 18194 Minimum Total Load ----------- 102880 ----------- 109164 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all HVAC SIZING Page 2 HVAC Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/1.6/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC_SIZING Page 3 HVAC Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING I User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ----------------------=----------------- ZONE 'LIVING' Floor Area ....................... 2998 sf Volume ........................... 40746 cf Sensible Load .................... 61893 Latent Load ...................... n/a Minimum Zone Load 61893 ZONE 'MASTER' Floor Area ....................... 1465 sf Volume ........................... 20810 cf Heating Description (Btuh) ----------- -----------------=--------------- Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 19509 Glazing Conduction ............... 15242 Glazing Solar....... ............. n/a Infiltration ..................... 21516 Internal Gain .................... n/a Ducts ............................ 5627 Sensible Load .................... 61893 Latent Load ...................... n/a Minimum Zone Load 61893 ZONE 'MASTER' Floor Area ....................... 1465 sf Volume ........................... 20810 cf Sensible Load .................... 27410 Latent Load ...................... n/a Minimum Zone Load 27410 Cooling (Btuh) 8524 13638 14119 14239 2550 5307 58376 11675 70051 Cooling (Btuh) 4520 4100 3079 7272 0 1897 20868 4174 25041 Heating Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) ----------- Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 9347 Glazing Conduction ............... 4583 Glazing Solar .................... n/a Infiltration ..................... 10989 Internal Gain .................... n/a Ducts ............................ 2492 Sensible Load .................... 27410 Latent Load ...................... n/a Minimum Zone Load 27410 Cooling (Btuh) 8524 13638 14119 14239 2550 5307 58376 11675 70051 Cooling (Btuh) 4520 4100 3079 7272 0 1897 20868 4174 25041 HVAC SIZING Page 4 HVAC Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING I User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZONE 'GUEST' FloorArea ....................... 543 sf Volume :........................... 6600 cf Sensible Load .................... 13576 LatentLoad ...................... n/a Minimum Zone Load 13576 Cooling (Btuh) 1757 3482 3115 2306 0 1066 11726 2345 14072 Heating Description (Btuh) ------------ --------------------------------- Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 4965 Glazing Conduction ............... 3892 Glazing Solar .................... n/a Infiltration ................... 3485 Internal Gain .................. .. n/a Ducts ............................ 1234 Sensible Load .................... 13576 LatentLoad ...................... n/a Minimum Zone Load 13576 Cooling (Btuh) 1757 3482 3115 2306 0 1066 11726 2345 14072 HVAC=SIZING Page 5 HVAC Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING I User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING LOAD CALCULATIONS ------------------------- DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 'LIVING': WINTER DESIGN TEMPERATURES: Inside Temperature ................................ 70.0 F Outside Temperature ............................... 32.0 F DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES South 1.8 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = Standard .......................................... Double Window South 38.0 F 0.3600 CONDUCTIVE HEAT LOSS: 38.0 = 164 U -factor Window South Heat x 0.3600 Area 38.0 = (Btu/hr- Double TD Loss Description Orientation (sf) x sf-F) 25 (F) (Btuh) -------------------------- Wall ----------- South ------ 775.0 x ------- 0.0592 ------- x 38.0 -------- = 1744 Shaded Wall n/a 252.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 567 Wall West 970.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 2182 Wall North 680.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 1530 Wall East 577.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 1298 Wall Southeast 111.0 x 0:0592 x 38.0 = 250 Shaded Wall n/a 2670.0 x 0.0247 x 38.0 = 2504 Shaded Wall n/a 82.0 x 0.0293 x 38.0 = 91 Shaded Wall n/a 82.0 x 0.0293 x 38.0 = 91 Shaded Wall n/a 82.0 x 0.0293 x 38.0 = 91 Shaded Wall n/a 82.0 x 0.0293 x 38.0 = 91 Door South 32.0 x 0.3300 x 38.0 = 401 SlabEdge n/a 286.0 x 0.7600 x 38.0 = 8260 .S1abEdge n/a 21.0 x 0.5100 x 38.0 - 407 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 19509 Double Window South 1.8 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 25 Double Window South 12.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 164 Double Window South 12.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 164 Double Window South 1.8 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 25 Double Door South 21.0.x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 287 Double Door South 48.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 657 Double Door South 21.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 287 Double Window South 17.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 233 Double Door South 42.5 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 581 Double Door South 32.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 438 Double Door West 48.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 657 Double Window West 3.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 41 Double Window West 31.5 x 0.3600 x 38.0 - 431 Double Window West 17.5 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 239 HVAC_SIZING Page 6. HVAC Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Window West 4.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 55 Double Window West 6.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 82 Double Window North 20.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 274 Double Door North 13.4 x0.3600 x 38.0 = 183 Double Door North 48.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 657 Double Door North 13.4 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 183 Double Window North 17.5 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 239 Double Door North 88.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 1204 Double Door North 88.0 x 0..3600 x 38.0 = 1204 Double Door North 198.0 x 0.3600 x- 38.0 = 2709 Double Window North 22.0 x 0.3600 x .38.0 = 301 Double Window North 22.0.x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 301 Double Window South 9.,0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 123 Double Door East 31.0 x'0.3600 x 38.0 = 424 Double Door East 120.0 x 0.3600 -x 38.0 = 1642 Double Door East 31.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 424 Double Door Southeast 12.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 164 Double Door Southeast 40.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 547 Double Door Southeast 12.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 164 Double Window Southeast 9.8 x 0.3600 x 38.0 134 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR GLAZING SURFACES 15242 INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 40746 cuft x 0.77 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 38.0 = 21516 SUBTOTAL 56267 DUCT HEAT LOSS: Duct Location: Attic 0.10 x 56267 = 5627 TOTAL HEATING LOAD: 61893 HEATING LOAD CALCULATIONS ------------------------- DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 'MASTER': WINTER DESIGN TEMPERATURES: Inside Temperature............ 70.0 F Outside Temperature ............................... 32.0 F DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard.......................................... 38.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT LOSS: U -factor Heat HVAC SIZING Page 7 HVAC Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING I User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE . I Description Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Shaded Wall Shaded Wall Shaded Wall Shaded Wall Shaded Wall Shaded Wall Shaded Wall S1abEdge Orientation (sf) South 8f -F) x (F) (Btuh) South 421.0 x0.0592 Window x 38.0 = 947 West 341.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 767 North 140.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 315 East 603.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 1357 Northwest 38.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 85 Northeast 38.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 85 n/a 1415.0 x 0.0247 x 38.0 = 1327 n/a 12.5 x 0.0293 x 38.0 = 14 n/a 12.5 x 0.0293 x 38.0 = 14 n/a 12.5 x 0.0293 x 38.0 = 14 n/a 12.5 x 0.0293 x 38.0 = 14 n/a 459.0 x 0.0247 x 38.0 _ 431 n/a 459.0 x 0.0293 x 38.0 = 511 n/a 120.0 x 0.7600 x 38.0 = 3466 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 9347 Double Window South 60.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 821 Double Window South 6.8 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 92 Double Window North 24.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 - 328 Double Door North 0.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 0 Double Door North 48.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 657 Double Window North 8.6 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 118 Double Door North 48.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 657 Double Door North 48.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 657 Double Window North 24.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 328 Double Window North 0.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 0 Double Window. East 8.3 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 113 Double Window, East 8.3 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 113 Double Window East 8.3 x 0.3600 x 38.0 1.14 Double Window East 0.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 0 Double Window Northwest 18.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 246 Double Window Northeast 18.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 246 Double Window South 6.8 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 93 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR GLAZING SURFACES INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 20810 cuft x 0.77 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 38.0 4583 10989 SUBTOTAL 24919 HVAC SIZING Page 8 HVAC Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING I . User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE DUCT HEAT LOSS: Duct Location: Attic 0.10 x 24919 = 2492 (TOTAL HEATING LOAD: HEATING LOAD_CALCULATIONS ------------------------- DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 'GUEST': WINTER DESIGN TEMPERATURES: Inside Temperature ................................ 70.0 F Outside Temperature ................................ 32.0 F DESIGN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard.......................................... 38.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT LOSS: Description Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Shaded Wall Shaded Wall S1abEdge S1abEdge Orientation South west North East Northwest n/a n/a n/a n/a 27410 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 4965 Double U -factor Northwest 8.3 Heat Area x (Btu/hr- 113 TD Loss (sf) 13.5 sf-F) 0.3600 (F) (Btuh) -------- ------ 205.0 x ------- 0.0592 ------- x 38.0 = 461 193.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 434 142.0 x 0.0592 x 38'.0 = 319 248.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 558 16.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 36 60.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 = 135 84.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 189 90.0 x 0.7600 x 38..0 = 2599 12.0 x 0.5100 x 38.0 = 233 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 4965 Double Window Northwest 8.3 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 113 Double Window South 13.5 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 185 Double Door South 12.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 164 Double Door South 48.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 657 Double Door South 12.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 164 Double Window South 3.8 x 0.3600 x 38.0 51 Double Window South 11.5 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 157 Double Door West 24.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 328 Double Window West 11.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 150 Double Door North 48.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 657 Double Door North 16.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 219 Double Door North 48.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 657 Double Door North 16.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 219 Double Window East 4.0 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 55 HVAC SIZING Page 9 HVAC Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE. Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING I User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE . I Double Window East 8.5 x 0.3600 x 38.0 = 116 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR GLAZING SURFACES INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 6600 cuft x 0.77 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/tuft-F x 38.0 (DUCT HEAT LOSS: Duct Location: Attic (TOTAL HEATING LOAD: COOLING LOAD CALCULATIONS ------------------------- DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 'LIVING': SUBTOTAL 3892 3485 12342 0.10 x 12342 - 1234 SUMMER DESIGN CONDITIONS: Inside Temperature ........................ 78.0 F Outside Temperature...............................112.0 F Temperature Range ................................. 34.0 F DESIGN EQUIVALENT TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard .......................................... 34.0 F Frame Walls and Doors ............................. 32.6 F Frame Partitions .................................. 24.0 F 13576 CONDUCTIVE HEAT GAIN: U -factor Heat Area (Btu/hr- TDeq Gain Description Orientation (sf) sf-F) (F) (Btuh) -------------------------- Wall ----------- South ------ 775.0 x ------- 0.0592 ------- x 32.6 -------- = 1496 Shaded Wall n/a 252.0 x 0.0592 x 24.0 = 358 Wall West 970.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 1872 Wall. North 680.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 1313 Wall East 577.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 1114 Wall Southeast 111.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 214 Shaded Wall n/a 2670.0 x 0.0247 x 24.0 = 1582 Shaded Wall n/a 82.0 x 0.0293 x 24.0 = 58 Shaded Wall n/a 82:0 x 0.0293 x 24.0 - 58 Shaded Wall n/a 82.0 x 0.0293 x 24.0 = 58 Shaded Wall n/a 82.0 x 0.0293 x 24.0 = 58 Door South 32.0 x 0.3300 x 32.6 = 344 HVAC SIZING Page 10 HVAC Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING I User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE I CONDUCTIVE TOTAL FOR GLAZING SURFACES SOLAR HEAT GAIN: Note: CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 8524 Double Window South 1.8 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 22 Double Window South 12.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 - 147 Double Window South 12.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 147 Double Window South 1.8 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 22 Double Door South 21.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = .257 Double Door South 48.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 588 Double Door South 21.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 257 Double Window South 17.0 x 0.3600 x .34.0 = 208 Double Door South 42.5 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 520 Double Door South 32.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 - 392 Double Door West 48.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 588 Double Window West 3.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 37 Double Window West 31.5 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 386 Double Window West 17.5 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 214 Double Window West 4.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 49 Double Window West 6.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 73 Double Window North 20.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 245 Double Door North 13.4 x 0.3600 x 34.0 - 164 Double Door North 48.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 588 Double Door North 13.4 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 164 Double Window North 17.5 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 214 Double Door North 88.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 1077 Double Door North 88.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 1077 Double Door North 198.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 2424 Double Window North 22.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 269 Double Window North 22.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 269 Double Window South 9.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 110 Double Door East 31.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 379 Double Door East 120.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 1469 Double Door East 31.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 379 Double Door Southeast 12.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 147 Double Door Southeast 40.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 490 Double Door Southeast 12.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 147 Double Window Southeast 9.8 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 120 CONDUCTIVE TOTAL FOR GLAZING SURFACES SOLAR HEAT GAIN: Note: SCapprox = SHGC / 0.87 Shading Area Coeff. Description ---------------------------- Orientation ------ (sf) SHGF SCapprox Double Window ------------- South 1.8 ---- x 32 ------- x 0.346 Double Window South 12.0 x 32 x 0.346 Double Window South 12.0 x 32 x 0.346 13638 Heat Gain (Btuh) 20 = 133 = 133 HVAC -SIZING Page 11 HVAC Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 EXTERIOR SOLAR TOTAL (Sext) 14119 INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 40746 cuft x 0.57 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 34.0 - 14239 INTERNAL GAIN (Ig): 1.00 x ( 6 x 225.0 + 1200) = 2550 Dwelling Units People Appliance -------- SUBTOTAL 53069 DUCT HEAT GAIN: Duct Location: Attic 0.10 x 53069 = 5307 TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN 58376 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Window South 1.8 x 32 x 0.346 = 20 Double Door South 21.0 x 32 x 0.346 - 232 Double Door South 48.0 x 32 x 0.346 = 531 Double Door South 21.0-x 32 x 0.346 _ 232 Double Window South 17.0 x 32 x 0.346 _ 188 Double Door South 42.5 x 32 x 0.346 = 470 Double Door South 32.0 x 32 x 0.346 _ 354 Double Door West 48.0 x 73 x 0.346 1212 Double Window West 3.0 x 73 x 0.346 = 76 Double Window West 31.5 x 73 x 0.346 = 795 Double Window West 17.5 x 73 x 0.346 - 442 Double Window West 4.0 x 73 x 0.346 - 101 Double Window West 6.0 x 73 x 0.346 = 151 Double Window North 20.0 x 15 x 0.346 - 104 Double Door North 13.4 x 15 x 0.346 - 70 Double Door North 48.0 x 15 x 0.346 - 249 Double Door North 13.4 x 15 x 0.346 = 70 Double Window. North 17.5 x 15 x 0:346 = 91 Double Door North 88.0 x 15 x 0.346 = 456 Double Door North 88.0 x 15 x 0.346 = 456 Double Door North 198.0 x 15 x 0.346 = 1027 Double Window North 22..0 x 15 x 0.346 = 114 Double Window North 22.0 x 15 x 0.346 = 114 Double Window South 9.0 x 32 x 0.346 = 100 Double Door East 31.0 x 73 x 0:346 = 783 Double Door East 120.0 x 73 x 0.346 = 3029 Double Door East 31.0 x 73 x 0.346 783 Double Door Southeast 12.0 x 62. x 0.346 = 257 Double Door Southeast 40.0 x 62 x 0.346 = 858 Double Door Southeast 12.0 x 62 x 0.346 = 257 Double Window Southeast 9.8 x 62 x 0.346 = 210 EXTERIOR SOLAR TOTAL (Sext) 14119 INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 40746 cuft x 0.57 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 34.0 - 14239 INTERNAL GAIN (Ig): 1.00 x ( 6 x 225.0 + 1200) = 2550 Dwelling Units People Appliance -------- SUBTOTAL 53069 DUCT HEAT GAIN: Duct Location: Attic 0.10 x 53069 = 5307 TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN 58376 i HVAC SIZING Page 12 HVAC Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING I User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LATENT LOAD: 0.20 x 58376 = 11675 TOTAL COOLING LOAD 70051 COOLING LOAD CALCULATIONS ------------------------- DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 'MASTER': SUMMER DESIGN CONDITIONS: Inside Temperature ................................ 78.0 F Outside Temperature ........................ .....112.0 F Temperature Range ................................. 34.0 F DESIGN EQUIVALENT TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard.......................................... 34.0 F Frame Walls and Doors .............................. 32.6 F Frame Partitions .................................. 24.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT GAIN: South 60.0 x U -factor x Heat 734 Double Window Area 6.8 (Btu/hr- 0.3600 TDeq Gain Description Orientation (sf) North sf-F) x (F) (Btuh) -------------------------- Wall 294 ----------- South ------ 421.0 x ------- 0.0592 ------- x 32.6 -------- = 813 Wall 0 West 341.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 658 Wall 588 North 140.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 270 Wall East 603.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 1164 Wall Northwest 38.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 73 Wall Northeast 38.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 73 Shaded Wall n/a 1415.0 x 0.0247 x 24.0 = 838 Shaded Wall n/a 12.5 x 0.0293 x 24.0 = 9 Shaded Wall n/a 12.5 x 0.0293 x 24.0 = 9 Shaded Wall n/a 12.5 x 0.0293 x 24.0 = 9 Shaded Wall n/a 12.5 x 0.0293 x 24.0 = 9 Shaded Wall n/a 459.0 x 0.0247 x 24.0 = 272 Shaded Wall n/a 459.0 x 0..0293 x 24.0 323 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 4520 Double Window South 60.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 734 Double Window South 6.8 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 83 Double Window North 24.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 294 Double Door North 0.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 0 Double Door North 48.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 588 HVAC SIZING 60.0 x South 6.8 Page 13 HVAC Project Title.. North DEWEESE RESIDENCE x North Date .10/16/03 x 15:51:09 8.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 48.0 Program -HVAC SIZING North 48.0 I North User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE x North 0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Window North 8.6 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 105 Double Door North 48.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 588 Double Door North 48.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 - 588 Double Window North 24.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 294 Double Window North 0.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 0. Double Window East 8.3 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 101 Double Window East 8.3 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 101 Double Window East 8.3 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 102 Double Window East 0.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 0 Double Window Northwest 18.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 220 Double Window Northeast 18.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 220 Double Window South 6.8 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 83 CONDUCTIVE TOTAL FOR GLAZING SURFACES 4100 SOLAR HEAT GAIN: Note: SCapprox = SHGC / 0.87 Area Description Double Window Double Window Double Window Double Door Double Door Double Window Double Door Double Door Double Window Double Window ' Double Window Double Window Double Window Double Window Double Window Double Window Double Window Orientation (sf) South 60.0 x South 6.8 x North 24.0 x North 0.0 x North 48.0 x North 8.6 x North 48.0 x North 48.0 x North 24.0 x North 0.0 x East 8.3 x East 8.3 x East 8.3 x East 0.0 x Northwest 18.0 x Northeast 18.0 x South 6.8 x SHGF 32 32 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 73 73 73 73 48 48 32 Shading Coeff . SCapprox x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 Heat Gain (Btuh) 664 75 124 0 249 45 249 249 124 0 208 208 210 0 299 299 75 EXTERIOR SOLAR TOTAL (Sext) 3079 INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 20810 cuft x 0.57 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 34.0 = 7272 INTERNAL GAIN (Ig): 0.00 x ( 4 x 225.0 + 1200) = 0 Dwelling Units People Appliance-------- HVAC SIZING Page 14 HVAC Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 -File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING I User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE I (DUCT HEAT GAIN: Duct Location: Attic LATENT LOAD: SUBTOTAL 18971 0.10 x 18971 = 1897 TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN 20868 0.20 x 20868 = 4174 TOTAL COOLING LOAD 25041 COOLING LOAD CALCULATIONS ------------------------- DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 'GUEST': SUMMER DESIGN CONDITIONS: Inside Temperature ................................ 78.0 F Outside Temperature...............................112.0 F TemperatureRange ................................ 34.0 F DESIGN EQUIVALENT TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES Standard.......................................... 34.0 F Frame Walls and Doors ............................. 32.6 F Frame Partitions .................................. 24.0 F CONDUCTIVE HEAT GAIN: Description Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Shaded Wall Shaded Wall CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 1757 Double Window Northwest U -factor x Heat x Area 101 (Btu/hr- TDeq Gain Orientation (sf) 0.3600 sf-F) (F) (Btuh) ----------- South ------ 205.0 x ------- ------- 0.0592 x 32.6 -------- = 396 West 193.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 373 North 142.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 274 East 248.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 479 Northwest 16.0 x 0.0592 x 32.6 = 31 n/a 60.0 x 0.0592 x 24.0 = 85 n/a 84.0 x 0.0592 x 24.0 = 119 CONDUCTIVE TOTALS FOR OPAQUE SURFACES 1757 Double Window Northwest 8.3 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 101 Double Window South 13.5 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 165 Double Door South 12.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 147 Double Door South 48.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 588 Double Door South 12.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 147 HVAC -SIZING Page 15 HVAC Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE 8.3 x Date..10/16/03 15.51.09 x South 12.0 x MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 x Program -HVAC SIZING 12.0 I '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- South User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE x South 11.5 Double Window South 3.8 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 46 Double Window South 11.5 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 141 Double Door West 24.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 294 Double Window West 11.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 135 Double Door North 48.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 588 Double Door North 16.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 196 Double Door North 48.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 588 Double Door North 16.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0 = 196 Double Window East 4.0 x 0.3600 x 34.0- = 49 Double Window East 8.5 x 0.3600 x 34.0 - 104 CONDUCTIVE TOTAL FOR GLAZING.SURFACES 3482 SOLAR HEAT GAIN: Note: SCapprox = SHGC / 0.87 Area Description Double Window Double Window Double Door Double Door Double Door Double Window Double Window Double Door Double Window Double Door Double Door Double Door Double Door Double Window Double Window Orientation (sf) Northwest 8.3 x .South 13.5 x South 12.0 x South 48.0 x South 12.0 x South 3.8 x South 11.5 x West 24.0 x West 11.0 x North 48.0 x North 16.0 x North 48.0 x North 16.0 x East 4.0 x East 8.5 x SHGF 48 32 32 32 32 32 32 73 73 15 15 15 15 73 73 Shading Coeff . SCapprox x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 x 0.346 Heat Gain (Btuh) 137 149 133 531 133 41 127 606 278 249 83 249 83 101 215 EXTERIOR SOLAR TOTAL (Sext) 3115 INFILTRATION: (Type: Medium) 6600 cuft x 0.57 ac/hr x 0.018 Btu/cuft-F x 34.0 = 2306 INTERNAL GAIN (Ig): 0.00 x ( 2 x 225.0 + 1200) = 0 Dwelling Units People Appliance -------- SUBTOTAL 10660 DUCT HEAT GAIN: Duct Location: Attic 0.10 x 10660 = 1066 HVAC SIZING Page 16 HVAC Project Title.......... DEWEESE RESIDENCE Date..10/16/03 15:51:09 MICROPAS6 v6.01 I File-DEWEESE Wth-CTZ15S92 Program-HVAC SIZING User#-MP0956 User-AMCOR Run-DEWEESE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN. 11726 LATENT LOAD: 0.20 x 11726 = 2345 TOTAL COOLING LOAD 14072 AMCOR MANUFACTURER'S DATA (CF -6R) PAMELA S. ROBINSON 372 MANZANITA AVE., VENTURA, CA 93001 (805) 641-1212 Storage GasStandard -_ - w_ +'_-__~_ -T___ 3 0..62 50 R- n/a r SPECIAL FEATURES AND- MODELING; ASSUMPTIONS ! *** Items in thise sction should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC .specifications,. and *.** *** verified during plan check and field inspection.. *** This building incorporates a Zonally Controlled HVAC System. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0..05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and.must meet attic ventilation criteria.. This building incorporates a High Mass Design.. This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System REMARKS ------- v INSULATION: WA., A, jS R-21, CEILING R-3-8 �� v GLAZING: DG WD%VINYL LOW E- U -VALUE .36, SHGC C2:9 OR BETTER RADIANT HARRIER.REQUIRED HIGH EFFICIEN'C'Y WATER HEATERS REQ:RHEEM: 41V'R50X (.62 EF.) OR EQ. FAU SIZE LIVING ZONE: 86,,650 BTUH OUTPUT,: 80W. AFUPs_,. �'G{'.('.t.e('.-. 'Q>p�1/-1155-?0: FAU SIZE MASTER ZONE: 38,:400 STUN 'OUTPUT,: 80V AE'UE.._.... EAU' SIZE GUEST ZONE: 19,000 BTUH OUTPUT' Sot AFUE,_ AC SIZE LIVING ZONE: 84,000 BTUH OUTPUT. 12.0 SEER..... « - g 16 R(r-0lco-54 AC SIZE MASTER ZONE: 33,000 STUN OUTPUT$ 12.0 SEER.. AC SIZE GUEST ZONE: 16,900 BTUH OUTPUT', 12.0 S�i R... if - . 3..8)e> SCC - O:A y- 31 FROM : AMCOR HEATING 9 ODOLING PHONE NO. : 8056411212 Oct. 29 2003 09:21AM P3 Product C)ata 38BRC (60 Hz) Air Conditioner Sizes 024 iflru 060 Model 38BRC Energy -Efficient Air Conditioner inoorWrates innovative technology to provide quiet, reliable cooling performance. Built into these units are the features most desired by homeowners today, including SEER ratings of at least 12.0 when used with specific Carrier indoor sections. All models are listed with UL, a -UL, ART, CEC, and CSA-EEV. The 38BRC meets the Energy Stam guidelines for energy efficiency. AVAILABLE OPTIONS Electrical Range —All units are offered in single phase 208/230v. The 38BRC 036 d=ugh 060 models are offered in 208/230v 3 phase. Wide Range of Sizes —Available in 6 nominal sizes from 024 through 060 to moct the needs of residential and light commercial applications. Compressor — This unit features a scroll compressor. This compressor is significantly more_effrcient.than conventional compressors. Its simple design offers improved reliability. Each compressor is mounted on .tubber isolators for additional sound reduction. Scroll compressors start under most system loads, minimizing the need for start assistance components. For improved serviceability, all models are equipped with a compressor terminal plug.' Contiiiiiotii opeiation is approved down to 55°F (12.8°C) is the cooling mode, (See cooling performance tables.) Operation down to 0°F or –20°F is approved when low -ambient requirements are met. Weather Armor II Cabinet —The access panels and top are protected C VIght tow cwr* CorPamlon Form 388RC-SPD FROM : AMCOR PHONE NO. : 8056411212 Oct. 29 2003 09:22AM P4 with a galvanized coating, then treated with a layer of zinc phosphate to which a modified polyester powder coating is applied and baked on. This provides each unit with a hard, smooth finish that will last for marry years. All screws on cabinet exterior are' coated for a long-lasting, rust -resistant, quality appearance. Totally Enclosed Fan Motor •—• Means greater reliability under adverse weather conditions and dependable performance for many.years. The permanent -split -capacitor type motor was designedfm optimum.efficiency.- The motor was tested and qualified under extreme conditions to ensure the greatest reliability. Unit DMgo — Copper tube, enhanced sine wave aluminum fin coil is designed As an ENERGY PAO • P� aa: Corrin Cwta+mlon ' �� '..' .. hardetamumdtkAttEir �nodact maces the 8N6RGY CERTIFICATION APPLIES s'L1aeYu;JctixrGr+c,m� ONLYWHENTHE�. COMPLETE SYSTEM' IS LISTED WITH ARI, for optimum heat trawfer. Vertical air discharge carries sound and hot condenser air up and away from adjacent patio areas and foliage. Heat pump style drain pan for easy removal of water, dirt, and leaves. Application Versatility -- The 38.BRC can be combined with a wide variety of evaporator coils and blower packages to provide quiet, dependable comfort. Unit can be Installed on a roof or at ground level. External Service Vntvea — Both service valves are brass, front seating type with sweat connections. Valves are externally located so refrigerant tube connections can be made quickly and easily. Each valve has a service port for ease of checking operating refrigerant pressures. Easy Servkeabillty -- One access panel provides access to electrical. controls and compressor. Removal of wire dome gives access to fan motor and removal of the top gives access to the coil. Compressor Protecdon-- Inc ludes a suction tube accumulator on the 048 and 060 sizes that reduces the amount of liquid refrigerant reaching the compressor. All oompressors am protected by internal temperature and current sensitive overloads. An intemal pressure relief is provided for high- pressure protection. Limited Warranty — Standard I -year warranty on all parts, with an additional 4 -year wenranty on the compressor. APFRpvAl9 ISO fOaI EN 26Di1 UL B& 6760 PAR'[ 1 � �_,�y ,�,p MSUASOCQ31 108001 N+"' (iRrlfirAlE N0. fM rHltiB REGISTERED QUALITY SYSTEM Model number nomenclature 3s$RC star'" 12 SEER Spat -system Ab C.ondttloner Nominal Capacity 024 = 24A00 Btuh 042 — 42,00013tuh 030 — 30,000 Btuh 046 — 48,000 Stuh 036 — 36,000 Btuh 060 — 60.000 Stuh US 3 t 1 PseKsging settee Emetrical 3 — 208/2MA 6 — 208/2303 FROM AMCOR PHONE NO. : 8056411212 Oct. 29 2003 09:22AM P5 Physical data -... , ..1i a^ 4r:,9.a.. ,.ty1.,,..': :!�� :i 11�+S�ti .Ni«^T1''.. ::i9NtY ':.d3, _.; '�•:b:. �qt, OPERATING WEIGt1T Lb 147 161 189/189/173 1 180/1801188 2371231 2641260 COMPR@880R Manufacturer Copeland Copeland/wenniun Miilermlum Copeland/Miltennium Type Srtoll REFRIGERANT R•22 Control AacuRater® (Bypaas Type) Cha Ls @ 19 Ft 5.25 625 1 6.5016.8017.10 1 8.7618.78/8.38 10.46 1 12.88 CONDENSER FAN Propallaf 1ypa. Direct Drive Air Discharge 1/hrti l A r tray (CFM) 1800 2500 2800 / 21100 / 9900 2800/3300 3300 motor NP 1/75 1/8 115 /1/5,1/a 1161 114 1/4 mater RPM 820 825 825 / 82511125 825 / 1125 1125 CONDENSER COIL Copper Tuba. Aluminum Plate Fin Face Area (Sq 1t) 12.4 14,9 14.9110.9118,7 18.7/18.7122.4 18.7 22.4 Fins per In. 25 25 25 25 20 23 Rewe 1 1 1 1 2 2 (lrcuhs 2 2 2 913/4 5 6 VALVE CONNECT. On. ID) Sweat Vapor 518 3/4 314 718 718 7/8 U uld 3/8 REFRIGTUBES• (In.OD) Vapor (0-bOFtTobe Lonplh) S/8 3/4 3/4 I 7/8 1-1/8 Vapor (Mau Diameter for ( ( I Long4lnsApp8Caltons) 314 7/8 17/8 Ij 718 .1/8 7-1/8 1-18 Liquid (0-60 FtTbbo Length) 318 Liquid ne loedone) 318 Tube 6izes.ane for tuns up to 50 it. For tube sets between 50 and 175 R, aonsuSt Residential Spilt System Long-Une Application Guideline, NOPE: See untl Inatslltion Instructions for proper IrWal ation. ACCURATIBR®'PISTON CHART . Riston listed Is for any approved non -capillary tube poll Combination. Piston is shipped with outdoor unit and must be Installed In an approved indoor coil. CHARGING SUBCOOLING (TXV TYPE EXPANSION DEVICE) 3 FROM : AMCOR PHONE NO. : 6056411212 Oct. 29 2003 09:23AM P6 Product Data Ism 58PAV Energy -Efficient Induced -.Combustion Upfiow Furnace Input Capacities: 45,000 thru 155,000 Btuh 80% AFLIE At Budget Price Carrier provides an 80 percent Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AIFUE) gas furnace for the budget conscious consumer and builder. The 58PAV offers the same high quality you demand and receive from Carder. All models are GAMA efficiency rating certified and certified for use in California Air Quality Management Districts. The cabinet is constricted from a specially selected galvanized steel_ There is also double protection for the cabinet. First, a galvanized steel substrate provides resistance to rusting. Then the cabinet is constricted of prepainted steel-- the same high-quality finish found on refrigerators and dishwashers. The 58PAV otl'eis a hot surface ignition system which provides a superior. and more reliable ignition-syskm-than oldrir spark relight systems. The heat exchangers ars constrtwted of aluminized steel and covered by a 20 -year Limited Warranty. They are Caaier's patented super -s heat exchanges that improve heat transfer and enable downsizing of this furnace to ably 40 -in. tall. A patented draft safeguard will stop furnace operation, if the vent system is not operating properly. To improve the sound level, we have incorporated a soft mount inducer assembly and a slow opening gas valve. The control board is the brain of this induced -combustion gas furnace. It offers a unique self -test feature that checks all the major functions of the furnace within 1 minute. The control board also features a 3 -amp fuse that protects the transformer and control board. Another feature on the control board is an LED status indicator light to ensure top furnace performance. coprrigm 1998 Cartier Caporslion Form No. WAV -Wt) 58PAV Energy -Efficient Induced -.Combustion Upfiow Furnace Input Capacities: 45,000 thru 155,000 Btuh 80% AFLIE At Budget Price Carrier provides an 80 percent Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AIFUE) gas furnace for the budget conscious consumer and builder. The 58PAV offers the same high quality you demand and receive from Carder. All models are GAMA efficiency rating certified and certified for use in California Air Quality Management Districts. The cabinet is constricted from a specially selected galvanized steel_ There is also double protection for the cabinet. First, a galvanized steel substrate provides resistance to rusting. Then the cabinet is constricted of prepainted steel-- the same high-quality finish found on refrigerators and dishwashers. The 58PAV otl'eis a hot surface ignition system which provides a superior. and more reliable ignition-syskm-than oldrir spark relight systems. The heat exchangers ars constrtwted of aluminized steel and covered by a 20 -year Limited Warranty. They are Caaier's patented super -s heat exchanges that improve heat transfer and enable downsizing of this furnace to ably 40 -in. tall. A patented draft safeguard will stop furnace operation, if the vent system is not operating properly. To improve the sound level, we have incorporated a soft mount inducer assembly and a slow opening gas valve. The control board is the brain of this induced -combustion gas furnace. It offers a unique self -test feature that checks all the major functions of the furnace within 1 minute. The control board also features a 3 -amp fuse that protects the transformer and control board. Another feature on the control board is an LED status indicator light to ensure top furnace performance. coprrigm 1998 Cartier Caporslion Form No. WAV -Wt) FROM : AMCOR PHONE NO. : 8056411212 Oct. 29 2003 09:23AM P7 A89217 A95246 A92t7/4 HEATEXCHANGER CONIVO>< BOA" IMUCER BLOWER Model. number nomenclature 49PAV ONS 190 as Nominal Gaoling Sl�a tlsaue6a CoaatbuatEmn Wim) (400 CFM Per 92,000 6uih) tlpftw Funfaco 08 — 900 CFM 12 —1200 CFM Input Capacity 14 ---1400 CFM 039 —44,000 gtuh 111 — :10,000 Stun 16 —1600 CFM 070 — 66:000 Btuh 136 —132,000 Btuh 20 — 2000 CFM 090-88.000 CW6 155-154,000 Btuh 9eriea Number 2 FROM AMCOR PHONE NO. : 8056411212 Oct. 29 2003 09:24AM P8 3 It�1�1 11 � tX 1 1a 2 0® 4 11 5 6 1 12 8-11 140TE: The 58PAV Fumaces are for use with natural gas. These humces can be field -convened for propane gas with a factory -authorized and listed accessory eoflvec3iam kit. NOTE: Comm) loeation.and artual cmtrol.tnay be dilieteat tban shown.sbom ® intium Assembly ® Air Filter, Retainer 0 Pressure Switch Air Filter ® Gas Control valve ® Wrap -Around Cluing Burner Assembly Drag Safeguard Switch g Blower Door Safety Switch ® Heat Exchanger ® Control Box ® Blower and Blower Motor 3 FROM : AMCOR PHONE NO. : 8056411212 Carrier accessories* Asr432 CONTROLS: THTRMOSTATS AND ZONING Available in protlremmablo and no&programmabts models. Comer ti ermomts maintain a omrstant, - obml'pAabfe temperd0ur` Level in the nome. Fbr"ullimate in home comfort, Cagier s 2, 4, and 8-7zone systems allow temperature control of individual?zoneV oI:IAo home. TMs 19a coomplishad through a series of efectronicdampar: and nsmoto room Sansom T1ie 44one ey"em is ¢tiown, FILTER FRA1rr-_' e FaTIeR c A FURNACE 001OR. A93OW SIDE FILTER RACK Custom made fl&w mck tot easy oonnecllon when a return plenum already &Aaf4. Provides easy acceas for cleaning filter. A 23.1/8 in. B 2.311111in. - C 14-1/2 In. MEATgECOVERV VEEMILATOR ENERGY RMOVERY VENTILATOR TFiEpMObYAT—NON VgOCiRAMb1AELE THERM08TAT — PROGRApIMA@LE ZONING -2 ZONE ZONINO —4 ZONE ZONING—OZONE s„+c IT A97390 MECIUMCAL OR ELECTRONIC AIR CLF-ANER r74eens the air of smoke, dirt, and marry potions commonly found. Saves decorating and loaning -pensee by keeping carpele, furniture. and Grapes cleaner. Electronic air cleaner is shorn Model AIRA Oct. 29 2003 09:24A1M P9 A91366 IdiODEL HUMCCLFP HUAIIDWMR By adding moisture to wfntardy air, a Carrier humloMlar can often improve the comfort and keep furniture. ruga and dropefts in better condition. Molstulrttirtg house- hold otshold air also Wpa to Zemin normal body hear and provides comfort at lower temperatures. Models VA3B. Y85B. or VCSB M*CW VL3A Auto Chan;iaover, 'P/'C. i -Stege HeaV1-Stage Cool— TETATCCNACOiS Auto ChanOaover, 'FPC.2-Sage Heatlt-Stage Coot— TSTATCCNHPOi.8 Auto Changeover, 117M. 2 -Stage Heat/2-Stage Cool — T8TATCCN2S0t-8 In AC Mode. 3SS a Heat 12 -Stage Cool in HP Mode Air Conditioner, I -Stege HeaViStage Cool, Manual Changeover, `F/°C — TSTATCCBAC01 Heat Pump, 2 -Stage HeaVlStege Cool, Manual Changeover, 'F/°C — TSTATCO241501°1 Auto Chengeq w, T -DW Programttable.'FM. lSb w_e HeatMS"e CAN— TSTATCCPA.COI-8 Atmo Changeover, 7 -Day Pnrgrsmmeble, TrC, 2Statga HeaVII-Stage Cod — TSTATCCPHPOi-B Audo Changeover, 7 -Day Pmgrarnen-'br , °F/C, 2 HaaWStage Coat._ TSTATCCP2SO1.8 in AC Mcdo, 3 -Stags HeaWStage Cod lir HP Mode Dual Fuellb&mostat,includes OwWoorAir Temperature Sow —TSTATCCPDF0I-B-- Themtldism Cortisol — NorWrognatnmabie/Programcnable Thenrloe6at — TSTATCCPRHO 1 -8" with Humidity Cormal (For use in Dual Fuel, AC, HP, and 23 eppticaftna, includes Outdoor Au Tempemutra Sensor.) d FRAM - : P.MU R Physical data ylMS• . f?:�'°f5b;t4r�R•.-.�'�}Y •w'; $:t�.lco, OUTPUT CAPACITY (STUM)1 Nor INPUT BTUM' 210PP)NO WEIGHT 1w, .. CERTIFIED TEMP RISE RANGE (8F) CERTIFIED EX? 9 TAWCfiPRSSS MW t3aaang corlse gan�wra" Goofing PHCNIE NO. : -8056411212 -Oct. 29 2130- -09: 5AM - P•1 CO 154 160 1 166 184 1. 179 1 194 204. 160 55.85 46.75 2b b5 50410 40-70 50410 Os 0.20 0.20 D.20 0.20 0,20 0.20 7.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 D.5 0.5 945 ` 41TS -1810 11750 '150- 4775' 1770 740 4205 1575 2225 1526 2025 2055 SP -ST ate Timo Oocrsticn" BURNERS (Itlanoport) 2 1 2 1,3 _2__,L__44 5 L 5 1 6 1 6 @ 1 7 GAS CONNECTION SIZE 1/2+n. NPT OAS VALVE'(RWYndanl) Td6nufacturef "--_ ..._ Whito-Rodgers 4.5 (Natural Gas) e_1aslawn Intat Premum (los: WO 13.8 (Naauat Gas) IGNITION'DEVICE Hot suluc* • Gee Input re0ngs are certified for elevations to 2000 ft. For elevations above 2000 ft toduo3 rstings 4 percent for each i O 0 ft above saa 16vai. Rafar to National Fuel One Code Table F4 or furnace Installation Instructions. In Canada, derate the unit 10 percent for el"lons 2000 ft to 4500 ft above sea level. f 'Capaclty In accordance with U.S. Government DOE test procedures. P,eow sham is for bottom enty Imam air nupply. For as delivery above 1800'CFM, sea Air Delivery (able for other options. A flW is required for each return - elf suopty, IM --Isolated Combustion System Bpgerformance data MP 4P8Q) ' 1/5 413 119 113 113 1 112 113 U2 1 314 172 9!4 314 MOTOWFULL LOAD AMPS 2.9 5.8 -2.9 5:6 S:8 7.9 • '5:8 7.9 J 11.1 7.0 11:1 11.1 RPM(Nomina0-.9PEED3 1075-3 10754 1075.5 1075-4 1075.4 1075.4 1075-4 1075,4 1075-A 1075=4 1076.4 107r4- 075-4'BLOWER 'SLOWERWHEEL DIAMETER x WIDTHS (M.) 10 x 6 10 x e 10 x 6 10 x e 10 x 7 10 x B . 10 x 7 . 10 x 8 tt x 10 10.x 8 11 x 10 14 x t0 WASHABLE 18 x'25 x 11n. FILTER t21y 1 1 4 1 1- :wAMMLE 20 x U,% 1 -In. FILTER- .AWASHA®LE 24 x 29 x 14n. FILTER PSC- Nmmanent Split Capacitor ENERGY EFFICMNC( CAPACITY BTUM6 NomwatheAxmd ICS 135,000 35,000 1 S3,000,153.00 71,000 1 71,000. 89,000. 89.000 1 69.000:1107,001107A0011124,000 AFUE%* NonweethaAxed ICS 1 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 BD.O 80.0 60.0 • 80_.0 Capacity and AFUE In aeoordanoe wish U.S. Government DOE beet procedures. tCS°45alarsd Cambustw System 5 INSTALLAT N CERTIFICATE (CF -6R' AND INSULATION CERTIFICATE (IC -1 I. I IMMI .• we -giant • 1{.t .t t ! — -_81b P 't IIJ 1111l"1 H 1 X14 § W 14bl4r: 14 LO)1 a • •t 1' elt •{i• 1' 1 1' '� 1 OF-MUR• •W 9• {'• 1' 't •{I't IWOMMITZ•t• -� •11 1 1' r • • IM TOM 0 1 f •tA.311 f! • • e l l• f •! 1' � !1-c! 4l• l' i � • � i` 1! •- 1•!- •• t ! •- • •-111 .• 1 -t \. 1- •• •11MRi 1 .. 1 • it _ •• 11'1 • i • 111 !t • . • • ! • 1 - t t i • -- Title 24, Part 1, Section 10-103(a)3 addresses the responsibility of ensuring that building construction conforms to the CF -1R by referring to Standards: The enforcement agency may require the person with overall responsibility for the construction to provide any other reasonable information to determine that the building as constructed is consistent with approved plans and specifications and complies with Part 6. The Standards require that the Cl~ -6R be signed by the installer of each device (heating, cooling, water heating/plumbing equipment and fenestration products) or alternatively, the person with chief responsibility for construction. The insulation installer must sign the IC -1. Persons signing these forms are verifying that the installed efficiencies meet or exceed those used for compliance with the Standards as shown on the CF -1 R. INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page 1 of 8) CF -6R SitkAddress Permit lumber An installation certificate is required to be posted at the building site or made available for all appropriate inspections. (Tile information provided on ibis form is required; however, use of this form toprovide the information is optional.) Afier completion of final inspection, a copy must be provided to the building department (upon request) and die building owner at occupancy, per Section 10-103(b)_ HVAC STSTEAlS: Hea0ig Equipment Equip. 4 of EfficiencyDuG Duel or Heatutg Heatina Type (pkg. CBC Certified Mfr Name identical (AFUE, etc.)' Location Piping load Capacity ileal -ow-nn) and Model Number Systems t>CFAR valuel tattic etc) R -value (MAT) (Blntbr) Cooling Equipment Equip. CIC Certified Compressor 9 of Efficiency Dad Cooling Cooling Type (pkg. Unit Mfr Name and Identical (SEER, etc.), Location Duct Load Capacity heat Pump) Model Number Svstems PCRIR valuel (attic etc) R -value (IltuArr) Mtubr) 1. > reads greater than or equal to. 1, the undersigned, verify that equipment listed above is: 1) is the actual equipment installed, 2) equivalent to or more efficient than that specified in the certificate of compliance (Form CF -1R) submitted for compliance with the Energy Efficiency Standards for residential buildings, and 3) equipment that meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices (from the Appliance Efficiency Regulations or Part 6), where applicable. Signature, Date WATER P(EATING SYSTEMS: Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR GeneraJ Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner Distribution if Recir- n of Rated Tani( Efii• External I3eater CEC Certified Mfr Type (Std, culation, Identical Input (WW Volume ciencj� Standbys Insulation Type Name & Model Number Point -0f --Use) Control Type Systems or Btu/hr) (gallons) (EF, R.E) Loss (°Jo) R -value 2 For small gas storage (rated input of less than or equal to 75,000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and beat pump water beaters, list Energy Factor. For targe gas storage mater beaters (rated input of greater than 75,000 Btunrr), list Rccm-ery Efficiency, Standby Loss and Rated Input. For instaotancous gas water heaters, list Recovery Efficiency and Rated input. 3. R-12 external insulation is mandatory for storage water beaters with an energy factor of less than 0.58. Faucets & Sbower Beads: All faucets and sbowerbeads installed are certified to the Commission, pursuant to Title 24, Part 6, Section I I I. 1, the undersigned, verify that equipment listed above my signature is: l) the actual equipment installed; 2) equivalent to or more efficient. than drat specified in tl)e certificate of compliance (Form CF-) R) submitted for compliance with the Enerzr Efficiency Standards for residential buildings; and 3) equipment tbal meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices (from the Appliance Efficiency ,Regulations or Part 6), where applicable. Signature, Date COPY TO: Building Department HERS Provider (if applicable) Building Owner at Occupancy Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner YNSTALLATXON CERTIFICATE (rage 2 of 8) CF -6R Site Address I Permit.Number FENE STRA T) ON/GLAZING : Total Quantity Product Product of Like )exterior Shading U -Factor' (5 Sj1GC' (5 4 of Producl Square Device or Comments/Location/ h4anufacturer/Brand Name CF -1 R value)2 Cl --1 R valueh Panes fOnrionall Feel Overhang Special l-eatures (GROUP LDT PRODUCTS) 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 6. _ 7. 9. _ 10. _ lL 12. 13. r 14. 15. ' Manufactured fenestration products use the values from the product label. Field fabricated fenestration products use the . default values from Section 116 of the Energy Efficiency Standards. 2 Installed U -Factor must be less than or equal to values from CF -111. Installed SHGC must be less than or equal to values from CF -IR, or a shading device (exterior or overhang) is installed as specified on the CF -1R. Alternatively, installed weighted average U -Factors for the total fenestration area are less than or equal to values from CF -IR - 1, the undersigned, verify that the fenestration/glazing listed above my signature: 1) is the actual fenestration product installed; 2) is equivalent to or has a lower U -Factor and lower SHGC than that specified in the certificate of compliance (Form CF -1R) submitted for compliance with. the Energy Efficiency Standards for residential buildings; and 3) the product meets or exceeds tate appropriate requirements for manufactured devices (from Part 6), wbere applicable. Item Its Signature, Date (if applicable) Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner OR Window Distributor Item *.s Signature, Date Installing Subcontractor (Co. Natne) OR (if applicable) General Contractor (Co. Name) OR 0\\Mer OR Window Distributor Item Os Signaiure,Date Installing subcontractor (Co. Name) OR (if applicable) General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner OR Window Distributor COPY TO: Building Department HERS Provider (if applicable) Building Owner at. Occupancy t INSULATION CERTIFICATE IC -1 Number and Street County Description of Installation I 2. 3 4 I6 1 City Subdivision Lot Number Material Brand Name Thickness (inches) Thermal Resistance (R -Value) _ CEILING Batt or Blanket Type Brand Name Thickness (inches) Thermal Resistance (R -Value) _ Loose Fill Type Brand Contractor's min installed weigbt/fl2 Ib Minimum thickness inches Manufacturer's installed weight per square foot to achieve Thermal Resistance (R -Value) EXTERIOR WALL Frame Type A. Cavity Insulation Material Thickness (inches) B. Exterior Foam Sheathing Material Thickness (inches) RAISED FLOOR Material Thickness (inches) 5. SLAB FLOOR/PERIMETER Material Thickness (inches) Perimeter Insulation Depth (inches) 6. FOUNDATION WALL Brand Name Thermal Resistance (R -Value) Brand Name Thermal Resistance (R -Value) Brand Name Thermal Resistance (R -Value) Brand Name Thermal Resistance (R -Value) Material Brand Name Thickness (inches) Thermal Resistance (R -Value) Declaration I hereby certify that the above insulation was installed in the building at the above location in conformance with the current Energy Efficiency Standards for residential buildings (Title 24, Part 6, California Code of Regulations) as indicated on the Certifrcaie of Compliance, where applicable. Item l;s Item Ns Signature, Date Signature, Date Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner Item 4s Signature, Dale Installing Subcontractor (Co. Nacre) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner t . le 3.4 Radiant Barriers MR I RADIANT BARRIER is any reflective material that has an emittance of 0.05 or less, Ism tested in accordance with ASTM C-1371-98 or ASTM E408 -71(1996)e 1, and is certified to the California Department of ConsumerAffairs as required by CCR, Title 24, Part 12, (§101(b), 151(f 2) Chapter 12-13, Standards for Insulating Material. §151(1)2 Radiant Barrier. A radiant barrier required in Tables 1-Z1 through 1-Z16 is any reflective material that has an emittance of 0.05 orless, tested according to ASTM C-1371-98 or ASTM E408 -71(1996)e1, and that is certified to the Department of Consumer Affairs as required by CCR, Title 24, Part 12, Chapter 12-13, Standards for Insulating Material. A radiant barrier is required for roofs in climate zones with signil:ant cooling loads (2, 4, and 8 through 15). The radiant barrier is a reflective material that reduces radiant heat transfer caused by solar heat gain to the roof. This reduces the radiant gain to ducts and insulation located below the radiant barrier. Residential Manual Auqus12001 3-13 r • Figure 3-2 — Methods of Installation for Radiant Barriers Requirements The Residential ACM Manual describes the radiant barrier installation requirements as from ACM follows: Radiant barriers must meet specific eligibility and installation criteria to be modeled by any ACM and receive energy credit for compliance with the energy efficiency standards for low-rise residential buildings. ■ The emittance of the radiant barrier must be less than or equal to 0.05 as tested in accordance with ASTM C-1371-98 or ASTM E408 -71(1996)e1. ■ Installation must be in conformance with ASTM C-1158-97 (Standard Practice For Use and Installation Of Radiant Barrier Systems (RBS) In Building Construction.), ASTM C -727-90(1996)e1 (Standard Practice For Installation and Use Of Reflective Insulation In Building Constructions.), ASTM C1313-975 (Standard Specification for Sheet Radiant Barriers for Building Construction Applications), and ASTM G1224- 99 (Standard Specification for Refiective Insulation for Building Applications) and the radiant barrier must be securely installed in a permanent manner with the shiny side facing down toward the attic floor. Moreover, radiant barriers must be installed to the roof truss/rafters (top chords) in any of the following methods, with the material: 1. Draped over the truss/rafter (the top chords) before the upper roof decking is installed. 2. Spanning between the truss/rafters (top chords) and secured (stapled) to each side. 3-14 August 2001 Residential Manual �r GIN I �i0111 1`��'_ .. ,�•t���Q= ■��■�■� Mimi®■� 1 'Batri Insulafton 44 Requirements The Residential ACM Manual describes the radiant barrier installation requirements as from ACM follows: Radiant barriers must meet specific eligibility and installation criteria to be modeled by any ACM and receive energy credit for compliance with the energy efficiency standards for low-rise residential buildings. ■ The emittance of the radiant barrier must be less than or equal to 0.05 as tested in accordance with ASTM C-1371-98 or ASTM E408 -71(1996)e1. ■ Installation must be in conformance with ASTM C-1158-97 (Standard Practice For Use and Installation Of Radiant Barrier Systems (RBS) In Building Construction.), ASTM C -727-90(1996)e1 (Standard Practice For Installation and Use Of Reflective Insulation In Building Constructions.), ASTM C1313-975 (Standard Specification for Sheet Radiant Barriers for Building Construction Applications), and ASTM G1224- 99 (Standard Specification for Refiective Insulation for Building Applications) and the radiant barrier must be securely installed in a permanent manner with the shiny side facing down toward the attic floor. Moreover, radiant barriers must be installed to the roof truss/rafters (top chords) in any of the following methods, with the material: 1. Draped over the truss/rafter (the top chords) before the upper roof decking is installed. 2. Spanning between the truss/rafters (top chords) and secured (stapled) to each side. 3-14 August 2001 Residential Manual 0, t 3. Secured (stapled) to the bottom surface of the truss/rafter (top chord). A minimum air space must be maintained between the top surface of the radiant barrier and roof decking of not less than 1.5 inches at the center of the truss/rafterspan. 4. Attached [laminated] directly to the underside of the roof decking.* The radiant barrier must be laminated and perforated by the manufacturer to allow moisture/vapor transfer through the roof deck. In addition, the radiant barrier must be installed to cover all gable end walls and other vertical surfaces in the attic. ■ The attic must be ventilated to: 1. conform to manufacturer's instructions. 2. provide a minimum free ventilation area of not less than one square foot of vent area for each 150 square feet of attic floor area. 3. provide no less than 30 percent upper vents. (Ridge vents or gable end vents are recommended to achieve the best performance. The material should be cut to allow for full airflow to the venting.) ■ The radiant barrier (except for radiant barriers laminated directly to the roof deck) must be installed to: 1. have a minimum gap of 3.5 inches between the bottom of the radiant barrier and the top of the ceiling insulation to allow ventilation air to flow between the roof decking and the top surface of the radiant barrier. 2. have a minimum of six (6) inches (measured horizontally) left at the roof peak to allow hot air to escape from the airspace between the roof decking and the top surface of the radiant barrier. ■ When installed in enclosed rafter spaces where ceilings are applied directly to the underside of roof rafters, a minimum air space of 1 inch must be provided between the radiant barrier and the top of the ceiling insulation, and ventilation must be provided for every rafter space. Vents must be provided at both the upper and lower ends of the enclosed rafter space. ■ The product must meet all requirements for California certified insulation materials [radiant barriers] of the Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, as specified by CCR, Title 24, Part 12, Chapter 12-13, Standards for insulating Material. The use of a radiant barrier and the criteria specked above for covering all gable end walls and other vertical surfaces in the attic, and for providing attic ventilation shall be listed in the Special Features and Modeling Assumptions listings of the CF -1R and C -2R and described in detail in the ACM Compliance Supplement. For the heating season, Equation 4.1 is the expression for the U -value modifier, for the cooling season, Equation 4.2. To determine the U -value for a ceiling with a radiant barrier, multiply the U -value of the ceiling assembly without the radiant barrier times the U -value modifier. The U -value modifiers are calculated from equations 4.1 and 4.2. For installed insulation greater than R-8: Uva1ModHeating - (-11.404 x U2) + (021737 x U) + 0.92661 Equation 4.1 . UvalModCooling - (-58.511 x UZ) + (3.22249 x U) + 0.64768 Equation 4.2 Otherwise, these modifiers are 1.000. Residential Manual August 2001 3.15 w G. 9 Installation of radiant barriers is somewhat more challenging in the case of closed rafter Radiant Barriers spaces. A minimum vent area of one square foot is required for each 150 square feet of in Closed rafterspaces. floor area. This ratio may be reduced to 1 to 300 if a ceiling vapor retarder is present Spaces or if high (for example, ridge or gable vents) and low (soffit vents) attic ventilation is used— Since Since part of the vent area is blocked by meshes or louvers, the net free area of.a. vent must be considered for meeting ventilation requirements. It is difficult to achieve ' uninterrupted air movement in closed rafter spaces and to meet the minimum ventilation requirements making such spaces more prone to moisture damage compared to open attic spaces. Also radiant barriers must'see' air spaces this places more restrictions on installing them in dosed rafter spaces. In closed rafter spaces, the depth of the rafters severely limits the provision of this gap. Rafters used in home construction are usually not large enough to provide the proper amount of insulatibn to fit in the cavity between the rafters and still have a ventilation space. Both are required to have an energy efficient' building envelope. The depth of the rafters dictates a certain volume of space that can be filled with only so much insulation and still have an air space at the top for natural ventilation. 10 inches thick batt insulation in 2x12 rafters leaves less than 2 inches for air. movement and installing radiant barriers. There are two primary choices of radiant barrier placement in the cathedral ceiling design. The radiant barrier can be draped over the rafter or attached to the bottom of the decking. Ensure adequate ventilation by providing continuous venting through the sides and protecting this opening by overhangs. Check the Certificate of Compliance (CF -1 R) to see if a radiant barrier is required and review form IC -1 (Insulation Certificate) for consistency. Check that the radiant barrier is installed with the shiny side facing the attic air space.