BSOL2015-0004 Structural CalcsLi 1. INNOVATIVE 29970 Technology Drive, Suite 108 IS[ STRUCTURAL Murrieta, CA 92563 t ENGINEERING Phone: (951) 600-0032 Fax: (951) 600-0036 Structural Calculations for: I Auerbach Residence I Photovoltaic Array Addition 54170 Avenida Cortez La Quinta, CA 92253 Owner/DeveloQer. New Day Solar 23811 Washington Ave. Suite C 110 #224 Murrieta, CA 92562 January 28, 2015 ISE Job#: 15 - INNOVATIVE 29970 Technology Drive, Suite 108 STRUCTURAL Murrieta, CA 92563 ENGINEERING Phone: (951) 600-0032 Fax: (951) 600-0036 n.., . n...... _:..,.,,,�-R0OF-'-C—.W I-FOR�fI'OC/5E Check Photovoltaic Array Addition at Buildings - 2013 California Building Code (CBC) Roof Type: Asphalt Shingle roofing over 1/2" sheathing over 2k Rafters over 5/8" gypsum board Live Load: Dead Load: :20.0 psf Roofing Material: 2.0 psf Sheathing: 1.5 psf Roof Framing Members: 1.5 psf Drywall: 3.0 psf Insulation: 1.0 psf Miscellaneous: 1.0 psf Solar Array & Rack System 2.89 psf. Roof Dead Load w/o Solar Array = 10.00 Ipsf Roof Dead Load at Solar Array = 12.89 psf Total Roof Load W/o Solar Array 1 30.0 Ipsf Total Roof Load at Solar Array = 32.9 psf Area of Solar Array Addition (for gravity check) =[4731 fe Total Area of. Affected Trusses (for gravity check)ft2 Area of Solar Array Addition (for seismic check) =ft2Total Area of Affected Roof (for seismic check) =ft2 Check Additional Gravity Loads on Trusses: - Additional Load Applied Over < 50% of Roof Area Total Load Increase at.Affected Trusses= 1.19 psf Percentage of Total Load Increase = E3.95% < 5.0% OK :. Per CBC 3403.3:Additional Solar Array Weight is Structurally Acce table Check Additional Gravity Loads on Lateral Resisting System: Dead Load Increase at Entire Roof = 0.45 psf Prct. Dead Load Increase on Entire Roof= 4.48% < 10.0% OK '. Per'CBC'34014,Additional Solar Array 'L'ateral Load'is=Si6JIcWrall Acceptable.. r .:...�...a.....[.n.'�.ta.W:�.i.:.av:..::-:.-.�.r.r.na,.....ivoY;Lt44•':k.«.b.�fiuWu�Y.a:..l'J-i.:•::�,S,i:::+.,;�: iti. �i�:�:.: �... �'rNw..�; INNOVATIVE 29970 Technology Drive, Suite 108 STRUCTURAL Murrieta, CA 92563 E N G I N E E R I N G (951) 600-0032, (951) 600-0036 Fax 1 ROOF MOUNTED 50LAK FANEL5 FArthaviAlrP Dprnlen nor Ar-%rF 7-1L] 1 Site Class = D Per Table 1613A.3.2 Latitude, deg Longitude, deg Short Period 5.A., 55 = 1.500 U5G5 33.6551 -116.3181 Site Coefficient, F, = 1.00 Table 1613A.3.3(1) 5m6- F,5, = 1.50 EQ 16A-37 5D5 = 2/3.5me = 1.00 EQ 16A-39 Importance Factor, 1p = 1.00 Section 13.1.3 Height of Equipment, z = 11.00 ft Height of Roof, h = 12.00 ft Weight of Panels to each Mount, Wp = 37.80 117E, a = 1.00 Table 13.6-1 RP =1 2.50 Table 13.6-1 Determine. Fp. 5eismic Design Force (5TRENGTH LEVEL) Fp = (0.4ap5D5WP)(1+2z/h) / (RP/IP) = 17 Ib6 EQ.13.3-1 [Not Greater Than:] Fp=1.65D5WPIP = 60 I176 EQ 13.3-2 [Not Le6s Than:] Fp = 0.35D5WPlp = 11 lbs EQ 13.3-3 Therefore, Use Fp = 17 Ib6 at each Roof Mount Bracket IS[1 N N 0 VAT I.V E 1 29970 Technology Drive, Suite 108 STRUCTURAL Murrieta, CA 92563 ENGINEERING (951) 60D-0032,,(951) 600-0036 Fax ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR PANELS Com onentc and Cladding -Wind -Load Design er ASCE 7-10, 30.4.2 ­h<60,ft :r�..�..•_......,;: ;'.... - - .:. _, - .. . - ... ... -. � ,^?. .x a u�aJ�:-�^;...dr.r.,i :.-:,moi .w Design Parameters Design Wind Velocity (36 Gu6t), V = 110 mph Wind Exposure = Mean Panel Height = Total Effective Area of Typical Array = Panel Area to Each 5upport = Angle of Panels — "a'"= C 11.00 194 18 12 4.25 Determine Wind Force at Each Roof Mount 0.00256 K, Kn Ke I = KZ = Kn = Ka = 1 = 13.4 psf Load case 0.6'W Table 30:3-1, Page 317 Figure 26.8-1, Page 252-253 Table 26.6-1; Page 250 0.85 10 0.85 1.00 GCP (Zone 1) = 0.45 1.00 Per Figures 30.41 thru 30.47 GCP (Zone 2)= 0.45 -Ilko Per Figures 30:4-1 thry 30.1-7 GCP (Zone 3)= 0:50 -2.40 (NO PANELS IN.ZONE 3 FOR THIS PROJECT) (+.) P = qy (GCP - GCP;) =I psf, Positive Wind (10 psf min) - Worst Case 10.0 1 -21.5 Lateral Load at Each Mount = 37 -80 Ib6 Compression / Uplift at Each Mount = 176 --.3-76-7dIbs Rauf_ Mmirt /a s=whed'to romfWw.% 1ny A.iwfine b" w/(f) &76-x 3-1/ZrrLV Div/t w/M/n. 2° thrnwd Embed Allowable Load6 for'5/16",Dtameter.;Lag Screw ;erthg,2012kNDS (Table 11.2A) Withdrswl= 266 Ib/in x 2" x: (Cd =1.6) = 851 I1'6 (Table 11K) Shear= 140 lb x (Cd = 1.6) = 224 lbs soLARARRAYArTACHMENTMETHOD/a smvaURALLYAL4XPTA&E////I/