2021-25 SECURE G2G MOU - Attachment B REVISION 2 (LA, SD, Orange, RIVCO)Revised 05/12/2021
Attachment B- Riverside County
B.1 Hours of Operation
a) 8:00a.m. Recording Time
Government Agency documents may be submitted to SECURE each day from 3:01p.m.
the previous day to 8:00a.m. (Pacific Time).
b) Daily Documents
Government Agency documents may be submitted to SECURE from 8:01a.m. to
3:00p.m. (Pacific Time) each day.
Submissions will be processed by the County of Riverside Monday through
Friday, excluding County Holidays. Submissions on Saturdays, Sundays, and
County Holidays are unacceptable and will be rejected by our office.
B.2 Types of Documents and Processing Timeframes
a) 8:00a.m. Government Agency Documents
Documents submitted will be recorded and returned daily on a First In – First Out (FIFO)
basis and will receive a time stamp of 8:00a.m.
b) Daily Documents
Documents submitted under this category will be recorded on a FIFO basis and will
receive a time stamp of the real time receipted. Documents in the daily queue not
processed the day they were electronically received will be processed within three
business days thereafter.
B.3 Concurrent Packages/Related and Severable Documents
a) Concurrent Packages
Government Agencies must identify all packages that are to record concurrently with
another package by checking the appropriate box in SECURE, identifying the recording
specifics in the notes field and within the package order number (i.e. CoR- 123456- 1 of
3). It is the responsibility of the Government Agency to submit the packages in the
proper recording order.
Revised 05/12/2021
b) Related and Severable Documents
Riverside County will reject an entire package if any document in the package requires
further attention.
B.4 Correction Handling
Government Agencies will have the opportunity to correct only those documents that
have been marked as “Correction”. When a package is received in SECURE with a
status of “Correction Uploaded by County”, the Government Agency will have 30
minutes to complete the necessary corrections and resubmit the package for recording.
The 30-minute timeframe includes packages that are returned for correction after the
3:00p.m. queue closure. Packages returned for correction after 3:00p.m. will have one
opportunity to be corrected before they are expired for the day.
Upon the return of the corrected package, it will be processed “in priority” using the
original submission date and time.
Packages that are not resubmitted within the 30-minute timeframe will have expired and
will then receive an updated status in SECURE of “Completed Uploaded by County”. If
customers choose to resubmit a package that has previously expired, they can do so by
creating a new package.
B.5 Package Submittals
Government Agencies are required to request a unique “Account Code” from the
County of Riverside Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder for financial billing purposes.
Packages shall be submitted using the unique “Account Code” as the leading prefix,
followed by the transaction order number: i.e. COR-125630.
The Government Agency shall limit the size of each package to a maximum of 25
B.6 Recording Fees
All fees shall be paid in accordance with Riverside County’s approved process as
described in B.13 and may be amended from time to time by the County.
B.7 Return Options
Recorded documents will be returned to the Government Agency in electronic format
after recordation is complete. Recorded documents will include endorsement labels
which will provide the following: Document Number, Recording Date and Time, Fees,
Transfer Tax Paid (if applicable), and Number of Pages.
Revised 05/12/2021
The County of Riverside reserves the right to make changes to the indexing and/or
Documentary Transfer Tax information, as well as any fee adjustments as necessary.
Submitted documents that are rejected for correction will be returned to the Government
Agency in electronic format along with a description of the reason(s) for rejection.
B.8 Scanning Requirements
x Scan documents at 300 dpi
x Solid black characters on white paper
x Embossed text and seals shall be shaded and legible
x Minimum font size is 10 pt. Arial font type is recommended
x Scan in black and white scale. Grey or colored scale is unacceptable
x Original page size must be maintained when scanning into SECURE. Page size
must not exceed 8 ½ x 14
B.9 Illegible Documents
The Government Agency is responsible for scanning documents at 300 dpi quality level
and performing quality assurance on each page of all documents to ensure compliance
with photographically reproducible requirements. Documents or pages not meeting this
requirement will be rejected for rescanning and resubmission.
B.10 Preliminary Change of Ownership Report (PCOR)
PCORs shall be scanned as a separate attachment to the document and submitted into
the “PCOR” image field. Documents containing PCORs as part of the recordable
document will be rejected and returned to the Government Agency for correction and
B.11 Documentary Transfer Tax Affidavit (DTT Affidavit)
If a document includes a PCOR and a DTT Affidavit, the DTT Affidavit must be scanned
after the PCOR into the “Other” image field.
B.12 Technical Service Help and Security Incident Contact Information
If assistance is required for technical issues or a security issue requires reporting,
please call SECURE at (714) 478-9891, Monday through Friday between the hours of
7:00a.m. and 5:00p.m.
B.13 Payment Options
The Government Agency is responsible for the payment of all recording fees. Below
are the two available payment options:
Revised 05/12/2021
x Automated Clearing House (ACH)- The Government Agency agrees to provide
the County of Riverside with an authorization to originate Automated Clearing
House (ACH) debits against its bank account in payment of said fees. If any
ACH debit is returned unpaid, the County of Riverside may immediately stop the
submission and recording of electronic documents from the Government
Agency. The Government Agency must pay all outstanding balances and
returned item fees and may be required to post a security deposit as condition to
resume the submission and recording of electronic documents.
x Monthly Billing - The Government Agency agrees to set up a house account
with the County Recorder for monthly billing. The recording fees are billed in
arrears based on the previous months recording fees.
B.14 Account Setup Procedures
The Government Agency is required to complete the applicable Memorandum of
Understanding, Application for Charge Account and ACH Debit Authorization forms.
Once the account request is approved, a Customer Code will be created and activated
for use.
B.15 Reporting and Reconciliation
The County of Riverside will e-mail a House Account Statement Monthly Report to each
Government Agency, showing the breakdown of the fees due to be debited via ACH or
billed on a monthly statement. The Government Agency is responsible for reconciling
the detail report and notifying the County Recorder’s Accounting department of any
B.16 Agent Responsibilities
All Government Agencies are required to follow the guidelines listed above when using
an Agent to submit on their behalf. It is the responsibility of every Agent to deliver a
copy of this Attachment B, which outlines the rules for electronic recording in Riverside
County, to each of their Authorized Submitters.
The above ‘Attachment B’ is a component of the Electronic Recording Memorandum of
Understanding (“MOU” or “Agreement”), made and entered into, between the counties
of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Diego that own the Statewide Electronic
Courier Universal Recording Environment (“SECURE”), which contains specific
business operating procedures for the County of Riverside.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Government Agency/Agent have thoroughly reviewed the
contents of the above ‘Attachment B’, have thorough understanding of, and agree to
comply with its terms and conditions.
Revised 05/12/2021
Government Agency/Agent: ______________________________________
Signed & Approved By: ______________________________Date:_________
Printed Name: __________________________________________________
Title: __________________________________________________________
Office Location: __________________________________________________
Telephone#: ______________ Email Address: _________________________
City of La Quinta
May 17, 2021
Monika Radeva
City Clerk
78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253
(760) 777-7035 MRadeva@LaQuintaCA.gov