2017-10-04 CBA Minutes CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS 1 OCTOBER 4, 2017 CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2017 CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the La Quinta Construction Board of Appeals was called to order at 2:02 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Study Session Room by Board Member Venuti. PRESENT: Board Members Edwards, Leonhard, Morris, Venuti and Wolff ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney William Ihrke, Assistant City Attorney Morgan Gallagher, Building Official Burt Hanada, Board Secretary Wanda Wise-Latta, Office Assistant Mirta Lerma and Building Inspector Jacob Fuson. APPELLANTS PRESENT: Mr. Ken Duce OTHERS PRESENT: Peter MacDonald, Land Use Attorney Neville Pereira, P.E., Transtech Engineers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Board Member Morris led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA It was noted for the record by Board Secretary Wanda Wise-Latta that Attachment C to Business Session Item No. 3 in the agenda packet was incorrect and the correct document was distributed to the Board; and copies made available to the public. Agenda confirmed. CONSENT CALENDAR - None PUBLIC HEARING - None CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS 2 OCTOBER 4, 2017 BUSINESS SESSION ITEMS City Attorney William Ihrke introduced himself and introduced Assistant City Attorney Morgan Gallagher and stated that Ms. Gallagher was present in an advisory role to the Board regarding Business Item No. 3. He also advised the Board Members of their role as set forth in the City of La Quinta Municipal Code. City Attorney Ihrke advised that he had been advising and continued to advise City staff with respect to the application and recommendations for staff as part of the initial determination by the city building official and during the administrative appeal. Assistant City Attorney Gallagher had not been involved in such advocacy or advising, and had remained neutral from advising staff during the course of the application process. 1. ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Board Members Morris/Venuti to select Board Member Leonhard to serve as Construction Board of Appeals Chairperson. Motion passed unanimously. Chairperson Venuti assumed the duties of presiding officer for the remainder of the meeting. 2. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRPERSON MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Board Members Wolff and Leonhard to select Board Member Venuti to serve as Construction Board of Appeals Vice Chairperson. Motion passed unanimously. 3. APPEAL OF THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL REGARDING ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS AND METHODS REQUEST BY KEN AND CATHY DUCE. City Attorney Ihrke advised the Board that in accordance with California case law, he was stepping aside and allowing Assistant City Attorney Gallagher, who had not been involved in the matter or with its participants; to advise the Board procedurally and answer their questions. Building Official Burt Hanada presented the staff report, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Board discussion followed regarding flood zones in relationship to Mr. Duce’s property; the proposed adjusted building pad height; impact of moisture on the alternative material proposed by Mr. Duce; Mr. Duce’s request to use alternative materials and construction methods is the first such request received by staff; nuisance or danger to surrounding properties; neighbors’ awareness of the use of the alternative materials CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS 3 OCTOBER 4, 2017 and methods of construction; and the disclosure covenant and indemnification of the City. City Attorney Ihrke advised the Board that there are state laws that require the City to follow all building codes. Assistant City Attorney Gallagher stated that the City has the obligation to uphold the California Building Code. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Ken Duce, Missoula, MT - introduced himself as the applicant and introduced Peter McDonald of Pleasanton, CA. Mr. Duce presented his proposal to use alternative materials and methods of construction and responded to the Board’s question regarding the width of the exterior walls. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Peter McDonald, Pleasanton, CA – Mr. McDonald provided additional information regarding the exterior wall construction; the use of wood moisture sensors; and testing of the alternative materials and methods of construction. Mr. Duce advised on the proposed wall assembly and his proposed use of energy- recovery ventilator address moisture in the interior of the home. Board discussion followed regarding the use of proven methods and tested materials for construction. Building Official Hanada stated that the materials used in the construction of a building would typically be certified by the California State Energy Commission. A Board Member asked if the proposed wall assembly had been built elsewhere and Mr. Duce responded no. The Board asked if any state had approved any part of the products being proposed for use by the applicant. Assistant City Attorney Gallagher read from the California Building Code standards regarding the options available to the Board in making their determination. Mr. McDonald and Mr. Duce provided information regarding the construction of the roof deck. The Board inquired if they approved any part of Mr. Duce’s request would it be subject to only Mr. Duce’s project and no other project. City Attorney Ihrke indicated that the proposed alternative materials and methods of construction have not been approved and the Code has specific provisions to allow for testing, which can be interpreted as testing done before construction; however, the applicant is proposing to conduct testing and monitoring after construction; and should the materials and construction fail, what is the alternative to address the failure. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS 4 OCTOBER 4, 2017 Mr. Duce shared information regarding the use of plastic stucco. Board discussion followed regarding the experimental nature of Mr. Duce’s proposed home construction which is not currently allowed under State or City Code; the risk if the proposed alternative materials and methods of construction should fail and the impact of such a failure on the neighbors; and the impact staff should the proposed building become a nuisance. Mr. Duce commented on building a similar structure in other areas of the country and other climates using the proposed alternative materials. Board discussion followed regarding Mr. Duce’s option to appeal the Board’s action to the City Council should the Board deny his request. Building Official Hanada discussed the use of a special inspector and the appropriate qualifications. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Neville Pereira, P.E., Transtech Engineers – discussed the proposed alternate building materials and chain of custody and storage such materials. Board discussion followed regarding the impact of construction defects and the assurance that construction plans are followed. Mr. Hanada discussed the plan review process and addressing specific concerns regarding the proposed materials. Board discussions followed regarding possible conditions of approval. Mr. Duce provided information regarding Graymont, a producer of lime and limestone products. Assistant City Attorney Morgan advised the Board that the Board can condition the approval. Board discussion continued regarding a possible motion and conditions of approval that would include the use of qualified inspectors; quality control of products and materials used; a covenant to address public nuisance should the alternative materials and construction methods used in the construction fail; and deed restriction regarding the sale of the property in the future. City Attorney Ihrke advised that the matter could be continued in order to work on language related to the Conditions of Approval and reconvene at a future date to review and approve the Conditions of Approval. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS 5 OCTOBER 4, 2017 Mr. Neville shared is concerns regarding the use of untested alternative materials and construction methods. The Board asked Mr. Duce if there was any reinforcement in the proposed concrete block wall and Mr. Duce responded no. Mr. Duce stated that his structural engineer will address the correction list provided by Esgil Engineering on behalf of the City upon the approval of his request to use alternative materials and methods of construction. Building Official Hanada clarified that the City’s consultant, Esgil Corporation, has completed a review with corrections that the Mr. Duce will have to address. He also stated that the structural requirements for the State of California and Energy review are in process and have not been approved. He stated that with regards to the hiring of special inspectors, the City would approve the inspector’s qualifications and it is typically the owner’s responsibility to hire the special inspectors. MOTION: Motion was made by Board Members Wolff/Venuti to modify the decision of the Building Official regarding alternative materials and methods of construction for a roof and wall system in the construction of a one-story, single-family dwelling that incorporates lime masonry blocks, lime-treated insulation and lime plaster finish for proposed project to be located at 51335 Calle Hueneme and, subject to a continuance in order to establish conditions of approval to address the following: • Need for qualified special inspector(s); • Quality control of the alternative materials used; • Covenant to address the proposed project should it become a public nuisance; • Covenant to be attached to property disclosing approval of said project; • Establish specific types of paint and stucco to be used in the maintenance of the proposed project; • Indemnification of the City of La Quinta; • Address the costs borne by the City and implementation issues as the result of the additional inspections that may be required and • Other conditions consistent with the intent of the Board. AYES: Board Members Edwards, Venuti and Wolff. NOES: Chairperson Leonhard and Board Member Morris. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS - None BOARD MEMBER ITEMS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Board Members Leonhard/Venuti to adjourn this meeting at 4:23 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS 6 OCTOBER 4, 2017 Respectfully submitted, WANDA WISE-LATTA, Board Secretary City of La Quinta, California