SA 2012-1614P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNLA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLS TA-1PIC0 (760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760)777-7101 June 1, 2012 Mr. Bill Sigurdsen Sign -a -Rama . 41-945 Boardwalk, Suite L Palm Desert, CA 92211 SUBJECT: SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 2012-1614:. DESERT BLOOD SERVICES Dear Mr. Sigurdsen: The Planning Department has reviewed and approved your request for two building - mounted signs, for "Desert Blood Services",. located at 79-215 Corporate Center Way. The approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. This sign permit grants two internally -illuminated building -mounted signs and logos to be located on the north and west building elevations, for the building located at 79`-215 Corporate Center Way. Sign lettering is limited to a maximum height of sixteen (16) inches. Logo height shall not exceed twenty-four (24) inches. Total sign area for each sign shall not exceed thirty seven (37) square feet. 2. The approved signs shall conform to the sign graphics submitted as part of this application (SA 12-1614). The applicant is required to obtain a building permit prior to the placement of signs on the building. The Building and Safety Department can be reached at (760) 777-7012. 3. The signs approved for this permit shall conform to the Corporate Center Professional Pfaza Sign Program (Sign Application 2011-1536). Should you have any questions or need additional information please feel free to contact me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, ERIC CEJA Assistant PI er C: Building and Safety Department #` 0060 MUMIL1,06d ti" veftl Hfummaidd A&yfic Paced ullidmLei Leff&a ArfkhfeP,!"tq bidmilol 16*, fflodL.L.V, 06 11 Lt.b' Lf" DESERT BLOOD SERVICESItl�f, Irbntagels - 111141'f4t bo� 1 3 1 1 1 1 If I I(,J I . tl%jis td a, , n ""!I I" '[Will 11111"AAM& I&I SIG N*A*RAMA tdHimetwIg He 0 910-114 tog, 66042 41 94`e Boardmilk, Ste, I h1hilUescit(AW)II City LIC. #000�401 1111 760-776-990/ -17X 16�m-/16-984,1 0WHOP 5hovl Iload 0%,V9, No : f5)4() I'l Date: 05-23-12 vesignet%, A jail 'q Ita IllUffilmated Acrylic Faced Channel Letters Aluminum: ,040 Depth: 5" Acrylic:] /8" Face Color-: Blue (Hexis Vinyl) Red (Holl Vinyl) Return Colum BlAtk Mounting,, Plush 1- F, D. Culler: Red Af Wh It@ t aiitllattt Appmvni: ft sut't Ovi— r7Ff Lib id LWT100 C Itt"t W �t. bL ,HUAN ARE ONLY REPRESENTATIVE OF AG76AL EMS' COLOR CALL OUTS FINAL COLOR VOLL 8E MATCHEOAS CLOSE AS POSSIBI F COW4ENSURATE WITH MATERIALS USED 1-11 5 !)Pop NowltiAtfinj rifilhit0i I fiftmq chaffliel Lotion's Will. L r D -%�DESERT BLOOD SERVICES III it 0 sloti belletitifloil! h1#01fidlid; 7130 �. LVWILIAIEPAP It t P poll Me- A01110 Mljlo'ItFp I q AI Mi§t f 11 VAIJON FA" (01,04 ht I) F !IjLx I,; v III f, 1, fit: 1 t 1,13 v! I W fit 101114 ( Ulf fill "I Ar I MUUH I NU 11,0514, IF if cul'of, 0--l) s will I I littil 5jqhaqt' mi.0 tit % A1Gft —SIGNR aPN*A*.A.MA Llt: 0 09141 b4b, U614142 ------ ---- 111__--_ 41-945 Ooardwdlk, Ste. L cdfttp: 0 Palm Dewt CA, YM I PH 760-116-990i i rX /60-116 9844 Cit y Lie, 09100491 do h1#01fidlid; 7130 41101v 1,10 th poll Me- M�('t ,WRoad L A 0409 Mi§t f 11 VAIJON DWY, No,! bate: 05-21-12 00S1qtj#r:_JT Illuminated Acrylic Faced Channel Letters Aluminum: .040 Depth: 5" AcrYlic: 1/8" Face Color: Blue (Nexis Vinyl) Red (-lexis Vinyl) Return Color, Black Mounting., Flush L1,D, Color: Red & White OANK NO.— 6, I t,,, i,- A p I,!,, %A: tt-'_019 Gli"10 Ullibi, Wriv Li CIUIHIA, UA 900W YOLM SoltfhiA lottil; I, tit i m� ANO JAYUIJ(FIPIAP �4. , (oil ANi THI REPRESFAITA TIVIS OF ACTUAL PMSMOR CALL OW S. FINAL COLOR WILL 13L MATCHED AS CI OSE AS POSSIAlff, COMMENSURA TE Wirt I MAI CHIALS USED. llt ft N 00h Stitt t dt PON 'A WAIA