PAC - BylawsE
ARTICLEI - THE COMMITTEE ...................................
Section 1.
Name of Committee ...............................
Section 2.
Purpose .......................................
Section 3.
Definitions .....................................
Section 4.
PAC Membership .................................
Categories .....................................
Vacancies in Membership Categories —Adjustment of Composition
of PAC; Succession ................................
Terms of Members ................................
Addition of Members ...............................
Section 5.
Election Process ..................................
Initial Members ..................................
Subsequent Elections ...............................
PAC Applications .................................
Eligibility Requirements for PAC Membership ...............
Voter Registration .................................
Candidate Speeches ................................
Voting Categories .................................
Balloting ......................................
Section 6.
Termination of Membership ...........................
Section 7.
Removal of Members ...............................
Section 8.
Resignation .....................................
Section 9.
Filling of Vacancies to PAC ..........................
Section 10.
Compensation of PAC Members ........................
ARTICLEII- OFFICERS ........................................
Section 1.
Officers .......................................
Section 2.
Chairperson ....................................
Section 3.
Vice Chairperson .................................
Section 4.
Secretary ......................................
Section 5.
Additional Duties .................................
Section 6.
Election of Officers .................................
Section 7.
Vacancies ......................................
Section 8.
Additional Staff and Resources .........................
ARTICLEIII- MEETINGS .......................................
Section 1.
Annual Meetings .................................
Section 2.
Regular Meetings .................................
Section 3.
Special Meetings ..................................
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• Section 4. Adjourned Meetings ...............................
Section 5. All Meetings to be Open and Public ......................
Section 6. Quorum and Motions ..............................
Section 7. Unexcused Absences ..............................
Section 8. Order of Business ................................
Section 9. Resolutions ....................................
Section 10. Minutes ......................................
Section 11. Rules of Order ..................................
Section 12. Committee Reports ...............................
ARTICLE V- SUBCOMMITTEES ..................................
Section 1. Establishment ..................................
Section 2. Membership ...................................
Section 3. Appointment of Members ...........................
Section 4. Officers and Meetings .............................
Section 5. Subcommittee Reports .............................
ARTICLE VI - AMENDMENTS ...................................
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Section 1. Name of Committee
The name of the Committee shall be the Project Area Committee of the La Quinta.
Redevelopment Project (the "PAC").
Section 2. Purpose
The PAC shall advise and make recommendations to the La Quinta Redevelopment
.Agency (the "Agency") on matters relating to the amendment of the La Quinta Redevelopment
Plan (the "Plan") for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project (the "Project") in the City of
La Quinta (the "City"). In order to accomplish this purpose, the PAC shall:
(1) Consult with and advise the Agency on policy matters which affect
owners, residents, businesses, and community organizations in the Project
Area and which deal with the planning and provision of residential
facilities or replacement housing for those residents to be displaced by
Project activities; and
(2) Gather information and serve as a communication link between the: Agency
and Project Area owners, residents, businesspersons and community
organizations to keep them informed of the various elements included or to
be included in the proposed amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the
Project Area; and relay the owners', residents', businesspersons' and
community organizations' questions, concerns and suggestions to the
Section 3. Definitions
For the purposes herein:
1. 'Agency" means the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, a public body,
corporate and politic, which exercises powers as a redevelopment agency under the California
Community Redevelopment Law, Health and Safety Code Section 33000, et se-,
2. "Business" means any lawful activity, whether or not carried on for profit,
which is conducted within the Project Area for (i) the purchase, sale, lease or rental of tangible
or intangible personal property (a "Retail Business"); (ii) the manufacture, processing or
AWL marketing of products, commodities or any other personal property (a "Manufacturing
Business"); or (iii) the sale of services to the public (a "Service Business"). Business includes
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any Business Property Owner, Large Business Owner or Small Business Owner, as those terms
are hereinafter defined.
3. "Business Property Owner" means a Person who owns real property in the
Project Area who does not use such real property for his primary residence. Such real property
includes residential non -owner occupied property, industrial property, retail property, and other
commercial property.
4. "City" means the City of La Quinta, California, a municipal corporation.
5. "City Council" means the City Council of the City, exercising powers as
the legislative body under the California Community Redevelopment Law.
6. "Existing Community Organization" means any nonprofit association of
Persons organized for religious, entrepreneurial, scientific, educational, literary or other
purposes, which conducts its regularly scheduled meetings within the boundaries of the Project
Area and uses an address located within the Project Area for its office or headquarters.
7. "Large Business Owner" means a Business (as defined in paragraph 2
above) having more than twenty (20) employees who are employed and work within the Project
8. "Person" means, but is not limited to, an individual, household, family,
• proprietorship, partnership, business trust, joint venture, syndicate, corporation or association.
9. "Project Area" or "Project Area No. 1" means the redevelopment project
area established by Ordinance No. 43 of the City, as more particularly shown on the Project
Area Map attached hereto as Exhibit "A".
10. "Project Area Committee" or "PAC" means the committee formed and
selected in accordance with Section 33385, et seq. of the California Community Redevelopment
Law and the Procedure for Formation and Election of the Project Area Committee for the
La Quinta Redevelopment Project.
11. "Project" or "Project No. 1" means the La Quinta Redevelopment Project
as adopted by Ordinance No. 43 of the City.
12. "Resident" means a Residential Owner -Occupant or Residential Tenant.
13. "Residential Owner -Occupant" means a Person who owns a dwelling unit
in the Project Area and occupies such dwelling unit as the Person's permanent residence and
usual place of abode.
14. "Residential Tenant" means a Person who rents a dwelling unit in the
Project Area pursuant to a rental agreement and has occupied such dwelling unit as a permanent
• residence and usual place of abode for not less than ninety (90) days prior to the submittal of a
completed PAC application as described in Section 5 of this Article I.
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15. "Small Business Owner" means a Business (as defined in Paragraph 2
above) having at least one (1)„ but not more than twenty (20) employees who are employed and
work within the Project Area.
Section 4. PAC Membership
A. Categories
Subject to the remaining provisions of this Section 4, the PAC is to be composed
of nine (9) members which shall include the number of representatives listed in each of the
following categories:
Residential Owner -Occupant
Residential Tenant
Business Property Owner
Small Business Owner
Large Business Owner
Number of Representatives
Existing Community Organization 2
Note: because of the voluntary nature of participation in the PAC, as well as other constraints,
it is possible that the number of representatives in one or more of the categories or the
total membership may be below those levels set forth in the preceding portion of this
Section 4. Such circumstances will not affect conduct of business by the PAC.
B. Vacancies in Membership Categories —Adjustment of Composition of
PAC; :succession
If an insufficient number of candidates are elected to represent each category of
membership on the PAC, such seats may remain vacant until qualified and eligible candidates are
elected pursuant to Section 9 of this Article 1.
C. Terms of Members
The terms of all initial PAC members shall expire upon the date which is three (3)
years after the City Council's adoption of the redevelopment plan for the Amended Project. Such
terms may be extended upon resolution of the City Council. After the terms have expired new
PAC members shall be elected in the same manner as the initial members as set out in the
"Procedure for Formation and Election of the Project and Committee for the La Quinta
Redevelopment Project" (the "Procedure"). The terms of any PAC members elected after the
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• initial terms have expired shall be determined by resolution of the City Council. Nothing shall
prevent any PAC member from succeeding himself or herself. The terms of PAC members shall
continue until their successors are elected and assume office.
D. Addition of Members
In the event that one or more amendments to the Redevelopment Plan are
proposed which would expand the territory included in the Project Area, the membership of the
PAC shall be expanded as appropriate as set forth in the Community Redevelopment Law
(California Health and Safety Code §§ 33000 et seq.).
Section 5. Election Process
A. Initial Members
The initial members of the PAC shall be elected in the manner set forth in the
"Procedure for Formation and Election of the Project Area Committee for the La Quinta
Redevelopment Projects," which was adopted by the City Council by Resolution No. 94-26 on
March 15, 1994.
B. Subsequent Elections
In the event that the number of PAC members is expanded as provided in
Section 4(c) above, such PAC members shall be elected in the manner set forth in Paragraphs C
through J of this Section 5.
C. PAC Applications
A candidate for PAC membership must submit a completed PAC Application to
the Agency office, which application must be received by the Agency prior to the PAC Election.
A copy of the "PAC Application" is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by
this reference. All PAC Applications submitted shall be available to the general public for
review beginning on the business day following submittal. PAC Applications shall be available at
the Agency office until the date when PAC Applications are due and at the informational meeting
to be held concerning the PAC. The Agency office is located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, Office of
Agency Secretary, La Quinta, California 92253, or such other address as may from time to time
be established by the City for the Office of the City Clerk. The Agency telephone number is
(619) 777-7000.
D. Eligibility Requirements for PAC Membership
Upon submittal of a PAC Application, candidates for PAC membership must
present evidence that they are eighteen (18) years of age or older. Candidates are advised that
the Fair Political Practices Commission requires elected PAC members to complete Statements of
Economic Interest which disclose certain personal financial information concerning such PAC
• Member. Candidates may only run for one category of PAC membership and must present a
valid California identification card, drivers license, military identification, or similar identification
and the following evidence as eligibility for the applicable category:
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Ak 1. Residential Owner -Occupant: Recorded grant deed or property
tax bill.
2. Residential Tenant: Executed rental agreement or rent receipt.
bill. 3. Business Property Owner: Recorded grant deed or property tax
4. Small Business Owner: Business license issued by State of
California or City and a list of employees at such Business.
5. Large Business Owner: Business license issued by the State of
California or City and a list of employees of such Business.
6. Existing Community Organization: Each of the following:
(i) proof of existence of the organization at the time of the initial PAC meeting, (ii) proof of
existence and operation within the Project Area, such as articles of incorporation, bylaws or
business license, and (iii) a resolution of the board of directors or Chairman of such organization
authorizing such Person to act: on its behalf.
E. Voter Registration
Anyone desiring to vote at the PAC Election must register prior to the PAC
Election by providing satisfactory evidence to the Agency that he or she is (1) at least eighteen
(18) years of age or older and (2) is a Residential Owner -Occupant or Residential Tenant in the
Project Area, or is the authorized representative of a Business or Existing Community
Organization within the Project Area. Only one person may vote on behalf of any Residential
Owner -Occupant or Residential Tenant, Business or Existing Community Organization. Any of
the following documents, where appropriate to the category of the voter, may be provided as
evidence of eligibility to vote:
1. California Driver's License
2. California Identification Card or Military Identification
3. Rental agreement
4. Rent receipt
5. Grant Deed to real property
6. Property tax bill
7. Business license issued by the State of California or City
8. Utility bill
9. Voter registration
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10. Resolution of or letter from Business
11. Resolution of Existing Community Organization
F. Candidate Speeches
All candidates for each PAC membership category ((i) Residential Owner -
Occupant, (ii) Residential Tenant, (iii) Business, (iv) Existing Community Organization shall be
given an opportunity to make a speech at the PAC Election meeting. The Agency shall establish
a time limit for each speech and reasonable rules of order, considering the number of candidates
running in the PAC Election.
G. Voting Categories
Each voter may cast ballots for representatives of that voter's PAC membership
category, including all subcategories within such membership category. Voters who have
qualified to vote as Residential Owner -Occupants shall be entitled to vote for representatives of
the Residential Owner -Occupant category. Voters who have qualified to vote as Residential
Tenants shall be entitled to vote for representatives of the Residential Tenant category. Voters
who have qualified to vote as representatives of Businesses shall be entitled to vote for
representatives of the Business Property Owner, Small Business Owner, and Large Business
Owner subcategories. Voters who have qualified to vote as representatives of Existing
Community Organizations are entitled to vote for that category only.
• H. Balloting
Ballots shall be provided to registered voters for each PAC membership category,
i.e. a Residential Owner -Occupant ballot, a Residential Tenant ballot, a Businesses ballot, and an
Existing Community Organizations ballot. Voting shall be conducted by secret ballot. The
Agency shall appoint authorized election assistants to collect and tally the ballots. The Agency
shall ensure secrecy of the ballot by requiring each ballot to be folded and passed to an
authorized election assistant. The election assistants shall tally the ballots at the PAC Election
meeting. A representative from the City Clerk's office shall be present when the ballots are
tallied to provide official verification of the results of the PAC Election.
I. Results/Runoffs
The Agency staff shall announce the results of the PAC Election at the PAC
Election meeting when the ballots are tallied. If a runoff is necessary it shall be announced
immediately. At the PAC Election meeting, the Agency staff shall announce that the results and
ballots shall be maintained by the Agency for presentation to the City Council.
J. Challenges/Validity
Any challenge to the PAC Election or to the electoral procedures followed in
• connection with the PAC Election shall be filed with the City Council within fifteen (15) days
following the PAC Election. The City Council shall consider all challenges so filed and will
determine the validity of those challenges within thirty (30) days following the PAC Election.
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Section 6. Termination of Membership
Membership in the PAC shall terminate in the event that:
1) The member is not a Residential Owner -Occupant, a Residential Tenant, a
Business Property Owner, a Small Business Owner, a Large Business Owner, or a
member of an Existing Community Organization residing, established and doing
business, or located within the Project Area; or
2) The member shall have been absent from the number of PAC meetings specified
in Article III, Section 7.
Section 7. Removal of Members
The termination of a member may be effected and a member may be removed by a vote
of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the total membership of the PAC, if, after a hearing, it is found and
determined that any one of the grounds for termination specified in Article I, Section 6, exists.
Section 8. Resignation
Any PAC member may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Chairperson.
Any such resignation will take effect upon receipt or upon any date specified therein. The
acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.
Section 9. Filling of Vacancies to PAC
In the event a vacancy occurs on the PAC by reason of death, resignation, removal, or
lack of nominees, such vacancy shall be filled by a vote of the remaining members of the PAC.
New members so selected shall meet the qualifications set forth in Article I, Section 4. Members
elected by the remaining PAC members shall serve the unexpired portion of the term of the PAC
member who has vacated his or her PAC membership.
Section 10. Compensation of PAC Members
The members of the PAC shall serve without compensation.
Section 1. Officers
The officers of the PAC shall consist of a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, and a
Secretary, and shall be elected in the manner set forth in this Article II.
Section 2. Chairperson
The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the PAC, and shall submit such agenda,
recommendations, and information at such meetings that are reasonable and proper for the
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• conduct of the business affairs and policies of the PAC. The Chairperson shall sign all
resolutions, approved minutes, and other legal documents of the PAC. The Chairperson shall
annually prepare a report on the PAC's activities and shall file such report with the Agency after
such report has been approved by the PAC.
Section 3. Vice Chairperson
The Vice Chairperson shall perform the duties of the Chairperson in the absence or
incapacity of the Chairperson. In the event of the resignation, death, or removal of the
Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall assume the Chairperson's duties until such time as the
PAC shall elect a new Chairperson.
Section 4. Secretary
The Secretary shall keep the records of the PAC, shall act as secretary of the meetings of
the PAC, shall record all votes, and shall keep a record of the meetings in a journal of
proceedings. The Secretary shall attest to and/or countersign all resolutions, approved minutes,
and other legal documents of the PAC.
Section 5. Additional Duties
The officers of the PAC shall perform such other duties and functions as may from time
to time be required by the PAC, these Bylaws, or other rules and regulations, which duties and
• functions are incidental to the office held by such officers.
Section 6. Election of Officers
The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary shall be elected by the PAC when its
membership is elected from among the members of the PAC. Such officers of the PAC shall
hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. An officer shall not
be prohibited from succeeding himself or herself in office.
Section 7. Vacancies
Should the offices of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, or Secretary become vacant, the
PAC shall elect a successor from among the PAC members at the next regular or special
meeting, and such office shall be held for the unexpired term of said office.
Section S. Additional Staff and Resources
The PAC may recommend to the City Council that funds or equivalent resources be
allocated for operation of the PAC as necessary for the purposes set forth in Article I, Section 2
hereof and as determined necessary by the City Council. The PAC shall not recommend or use
any appropriated funds or resources for the purpose of litigation, other than litigation to enforce
or defend the rights of the PAC under the California Community Redevelopment Law.
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Section I. Annual Meetings
The annual meeting of the PAC shall be held on the first day of October of each year
during the existence of the PAC at the hour of 7:00 p.m. (or such other time as the PAC deems
convenient); provided, however, that should said date be a legal holiday, then any such annual
meeting shall be held on the next business day thereafter ensuing which is not a legal holiday. Al
annual meetings (i) PAC officers shall be elected; (ii) reports of the affairs of the PAC shall be
considered; and (iii) any other business may be transacted which is within the purposes of the
PAC. Notice of annual meetings shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in
the City at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the annual meeting and the notice and the
agenda for such annual meeting shall be posted in City Hall at least three (3) days prior to the
date of the annual meeting.
Section 2. Regular Meetings
The PAC shall establish a regular meeting date which may be of such frequency as the
PAC deems appropriate. In the event that the regular meeting date shall be a legal holiday, then
any such regular meeting shall be held on the next business day thereafter ensuing that is not a
legal holiday. Notice of all regular meetings and the agenda for such meetings shall be posted in
the City Hall at least three (3) days prior to the meeting. At such meetings, no business other
than that designated in the posted agenda shall be considered.
Section 3. Special Meetings
Special meetings may be held upon call of the Chairperson, or of the majority of the
membership of the PAC, for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call, after
notification of all members of the PAC by written notice personally delivered or by mail at least
five (5) days before the time specified in the notice for a special meeting. Additionally, the
Secretary shall be responsible for the posting of said notice publicly in City Hall at least five (5)
days prior to the time specified) in the notice for the meeting. At such special meeting, no
business other than that designated in the noticed agenda shall be considered.
Section 4. Adjourned Meetings
Any meeting of the PAC may be adjourned to an adjourned meeting without the need for
notice requirements of a special meeting providing the adjournment indicates the date, time and
place of the adjourned meeting. PAC members absent from the meeting at which the
adjournment decision is made shall be notified by the Secretary of the adjourned meeting.
Section 5. All Meetings to be Open and Public
All meetings of the PAC and any subcommittee of the PAC created pursuant to Article V
:shall be open and public to the extent required by law. Meetings shall be conducted as if the
PAC and any subcommittee is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act (Chapter 9 [commencing with
Section 54950] of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code). The PAC shall not meet in
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closed session. All persons shall be permitted to attend any such meeting except as otherwise
provided by law.
Section 6. Quorum and Motions
The powers of the PAC shall be vested in the members thereof in office from time to
time. A majority of the PAC membership shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of
conducting the PAC's business, exercising its powers and for all other purposes, but less than a
majority of the PAC membership may adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum is
obtained. An affirmative vote by a majority of the total membership of the PAC which is present
shall be required for approval of any question brought before the PAC.
Section 7. Unexcused Absences
If a member shall be absent without the approval of the PAC from two (2) consecutive
meetings, whether regular or special, or from three (3) meetings within six (6) calendar months,
such absence shall effect the termination of the membership of the absent member. Such
member's absence may be approved if, prior to the meeting from which said PAC member will
be absent, said member notifies the Chairperson or other officer of his or her intent to be absent
and the reasons therefor. At each meeting, after the roll has been called, the Chairperson or
other officer shall report to the PAC the name of any member who has so notified him or her of
his or her intent to be absent and the reason of such absence. The PAC shall then take action to
formally approve or disapprove of such absence of the subject member.
Section 8. Order of Business
The following shall be the order of business at regular meetings of the PAC:
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting
3. Communications
4. Reports
5. Old business
6. New business
7. PAC member comments
8. Community Questions and Answers (3 minutes per speaker. The
Chairperson shall have the authority to extend the time limit.)
9. Adjournment
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Section 9. Resolutions
Resolutions of the PAC shall be in writing and shall be designated by number, reference
to which shall be inscribed in the minutes of the meetings at which they are approved. Approved
resolutions shall be filed in the official book of resolutions of the PAC, which shall be kept by
the Secretary of the PAC.
Section 10. Minutes
A written summary of the PAC meeting shall be prepared ("Minutes"). Copies of the
Minutes of each PAC meeting; shall be made available to each member of the PAC and the
Agency three (3) working days prior to the next scheduled meeting. Approved Minutes shall be
filed in the official book of Minutes of the PAC.
Section 11. Rules of Order
Except as provided in these Bylaws, all business and matters before the PAC shall be
transacted in conformance with Robert's Rules of Order (Newly Revised Edition).
Section 12. Committee Reports
Oral and written reports of the PAC, including resolutions adopted by the PAC, shall
19 include a report of the position of the minority of the PAC as well as the majority. When
applicable, an indication of the relative size of the majority and the minority for each such report
shall be included within the report.
Any official representations on behalf of the PAC before the Agency, the City Council, or
any other public body shall be made by the Chairperson, the Vice -Chairperson in the
Chairperson's absence, or a member of the PAC specifically so designated by the PAC.
Section 1. Establishment
The PAC may establish subcommittees as necessary to accomplish the purposes set forth
in Article I, Section 2, of these Bylaws.
Section 2. Membership
Each subcommittee shall be composed of at least one, but not more than four (4)
members of the PAC, and may include Persons from the Project Area.
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Section 3. Appointment of Members
Members of a subcommittee (including Persons from the Project Area) shall be appointed
by the Chairperson of the PAC with the approval of the PAC.
Section 4. Officers and Meetings
Subcommittee chairpersons shall be designated by the Chairperson of the PAC from
among the PAC members appointed to the subcommittee. Subcommittees may elect other
officers as necessary, and, in conformity with these Bylaws, shall establish the date, time, and
place for meetings to conduct the subcommittee's business.
Section 5. Subcommittee Reports
From time to time, subcommittees shall submit written reports to the PAC, which reports
summarize the subcommittee's activities, findings, and/or recommendations on matters for which
the subcommittee was established.
The Bylaws of the PAC may be amended upon the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds
(2/3) of the total membership of the PAC at a duly noticed and agendized regular or special
meeting. Notice of a proposed amendment shall identify the section or sections of the Bylaws
proposed to be amended.
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(To Be Inserted)
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La Quinta Redevelopment Agency
Project Boundaries
(Please Print and Check the Appropriate Boxes)
(This Information Will Be Made Available To
Voters Before The Election)
To the City Council of the City of La Quinta:
would like to volunteer to run for election to the La Quinta Redevelopment Project at the election
meeting to be held on April 20, 1994.
would like to be elected as a representative for the following category:
L] Residential Owner -Occupant
L] Residential Tenant
Ll Business Property Owner
L1 Small Business Owner
L J Large Business Owner
L] Existing Community Organization
1. I am a Residential Owner -Occupant because I own and reside in residential
property located at the following address:
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2. I am a Residential Tenant because I rent a dwelling unit and have occupied the
dwelling unit as my permanent residence and usual place of abode. I reside at the following
3. I am a Business Propeny Owner because I own real property which is not my
residence. The name and address of the business is:
4. I am a Small Business Owner, or authorized representative of such Small
Business, which employs _ persons. The name and address of the business is:
5. I am a Large Business Owner, or authorized representative of such Large
Business, which employs _ persons. The name and address of the business is:
6. I am a member of an Existing Community Organization for either a service club
a church group [_], a neighborhood organization [_], or other community organization [_],
which conducts its regularly scheduled meetings within and uses an address located within the
Project Area, and am eligible to vote as a unit member. I have an official letter or resolution
from the organization, on their letterhead, authorizing me to represent them. The name, address
and description of this community organization is:
The reasons I would like to serve on the Project Area Committee are as follows (include prior
experience in community affairs and/or my other qualifications to serve on the Project Area
Committee, and attach additional sheet, if necessary):
I acknowledge that if elected as a PAC Member I will be required to complete a Statement of
Economic Interest which discloses certain personal financial information concerning me (and my
family and spouse, if applicable.) I possess all the necessary qualifications to serve as a
representative on the Project Area Committee and will participate in the regular PAC meetings. I
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certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true
and correct:
Date and Place Signature
Residence Address
Qualifying Address (Address of Residence/Business/Existing Community
Organization --whichever is applicable)
Daytime Telephone Number
Mailing Address
Evening Telephone Number
To be eligible for Project Area Committee membership, this completed application must be
returned to and received by the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, 79-495 Calle Tampico,
La Quinta, California, no later than 3:00 p.m. on April 20, 1994. Any applications received
after that date and time will be put on file for consideration for future Project Area Committee
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