PAC - Minutes 10-19-1994u
Wednesday, October 19, 1994
PAC Members Present:
Committee Members Seth Etinger, Dan Featheringill, Stan Long, Gerald Perschetz,
Bruce Swan, and Chairman S. Chevis Hosea.
PAC Members Absent:
Committee Member Scott Dalecio
Staff Present:
Jerry Herman, Planning and Development Director, and Jim Simon, Agency
Redevelopment Consultant
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Chairman Hosea who stated he had spoken
with Committee Member Dalecio who was unable to attend the meeting due to a business
I. Approval of Minutes from September 13 1994.
It was moved and seconded by Committee Members Perschetz/Etinger to approve the
minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved.
II. Introduction of New PAC Member/Appointment to Fill Vacancies.
Committee Member Bruce Swan was introduced as the new PAC Member to fill one
of the Residential Tenant seats. After Committee Member Swan provided a brief
background, a motion was made by Committee Member Etinger and Committee
Member Perschetz to accept Committee Member Swan for the PAC.
III. Review of Preliminary Report.
The PAC then were presented with a review of the Preliminary Report by the
Agency's Redevelopment Consultant. The Agency's Redevelopment Consultant
explained that the purpose of the Preliminary Report is to provide the reasons for the
Plan Amendment. Specifically, the Preliminary Report: 1) restates the physical and
economic conditions that were present when Project No. 1 was created in 1983; 2) the
Agency's accomplishments with the Project to date; 3) the deficiencies of the existing
Redevelopment Plan for the Project that inhibit future redevelopment activities; 4) the
financial feasibility of the Plan Amendment; and, 5) the Agency's proposed programs
and projects under an Amended Redevelopment Plan. The final section of the
Preliminary Report correlates the proposed programs and goals of the Plan
Amendment to the mitigation of blight.
Chairman Hosea and Committee Member Etinger asked if the PAC would be
permitted to make suggestions to modify the project list. Agency Redevelopment
Consultant explained that the PAC is to make any recommendations, including
changes to the list of potential projects, as a part of its formal report and
recommendation on the Plan Amendment. The report and recommendation is to be
transmitted to the City Council prior to the joint public hearing scheduled for
February 7, 1995.
AUL Committee Member Swan asked staff to review the method of financing the
Redevelopment Program. Planning Director Jerry Herman and Consultant Jim Simon
responded with an overview of tax increment revenue financing.
Chairman Hosea asked whether the projects list can be stated in such a way as to
permit a broader scope of projects. Because Agency legal counsel was not present at
this meeting, the PAC requested legal counsel to address this issue at the next PAC
Chairman Hosea also asked about why the Agency had to continue to include
properties within the Project Area which were no longer blighted. Agency
Redevelopment Consultant indicated that the Agency's bond covenants on its tax
allocation bonded debt issues prohibited the Agency from making any alterations to
the Project boundaries that would reduce tax increment revenues. Because areas such
as PGA West, The Quarry, and the Citrus developments generated significant tax
increment revenue, the Agency could not remove these nonblighted properties from
the Project Area.
IV. Review of Redevelopment Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Report.
Due to the lateness of the hour, Committee Member Perschetz asked staff to briefly
summarize the significant points of the Redevelopment Plan and the Draft
Environmental Impact Report. Chairman Hosea then suggested that the PAC bring up
any issues on these documents at the next PAC meeting.
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V. Other Items.
The PAC discussed the issue of the remaining vacancies on the PAC. In light of their
recent efforts to fill the PAC, the PAC determined by consensus that there would be
no further attempts to solicit new members.
Committee Member Swan requested a copy of the original Redevelopment Plan.
The PAC set Wednesday, November 9, 1994, as the date for the next PAC meeting.
The next meeting would be convened at 6:30 P.M.
VI. Adjournment.
The meeting was adjourned a ):45 P.M.
PAC 10-19