11576 (RPL) Hydrology ReportLOT 9, TR. 26524 THE ORCHARD, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS FOR: STROTHER CONSTRUCTION JN: 220.009E .DATE: 7/22/92 BY: 9 CK: GARY PIKE THE HOLT GROUP, INC. �V V PALM SPRINGS, CA 92262 LOT 9, TR. 26524 THE ORCHARD, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS FOR: STROTHER CONSTRUCTION JN: 220.009E .DATE: 7/22/92 BY: PHILLIP FOMOTOR CK: GARY PIKE THE HOLT GROUP, INC. 275 N. EL CIELO #D-3 PALM SPRINGS, CA 92262 (619) 320-0045 PRELIMINARY SUBJECT TO AGENCY REVIEtpj M. IVY CIM •9 Jl9 P.MHO AG Z,Z 71110 bOD' OZZ -DN o -.07-0 01 sn 1 /vis mo �l �o � � q \ b'9� >70 ����� '�� yrs •y� Z N S r�� rh u VOLS -21157/l/0 ON IK1 J O � -_`d W Oiv 1dS err d>.>'o/_ W V �d x+05 q's- � 17n 'Oi H a'�'r1 j �' at�d „o• 5 � `7'��d.�Nid U ois z �l� O �d�.S /'1'�IS� I � a nSSd IVY CIM •9 Jl9 P.MHO AG Z,Z 71110 bOD' OZZ -DN �l � � aor 133HS SNOLL���7-7`•c�7 �-� V%vV C.� l� j-{ 17 59 G p7 lbs road /`IOl1.7Y') S/VO7 _ S �, 1M1l31'1� f(ILO 'Va •••,n•,q •I.uaqjL % B W'YI CCI df1Qa ('\J . f YC10 •V:i ••W,wlp bq.d pq •11^4 ol•ID U'll i[t �.i, 1 • ;1 The�.�.,.., . Holt GroupIll►L E►Ct.►a n.1t.t P.h•, i�p"%t:A. OY1 N! IA.In 8tr..1. W.•d.y. CM VIM CLIENT '. STP_.C)Tr 12 cWSv(-.• c- m oN PROJECT_ LOT cl . TP. 2 65 2 4 - Cl -\L Cc-.ALA,-Po0 S - CALCULAT7o0S SHEET 2 OF $ - JOB NO. 2Z0.00q E . DATE ']'22 1 q 2 BY PkF CIA'd BY G WP C - �L t�1J0F� I �D� to ►'�E 'jU 'ilk . � � �vS SA ! N RLk V07-77 (zooF I - 5,5c) sr o, -75 17 2 I P.I✓ of w i PAWN P� E"i'< I I AD 0 Si O. '2- 15 8 2 1 o sF 1 0,'75 66 I N Z2 I I F I 1,1\5 F^v&,o A 12 c -A 1 11654- Si -7 PLSVTa . ZPIW 6 I 16 6 o. 2 I 14 Pool I b �3 o � o I q cF. • I 8A51 I i I i � I moor_ P" f z� QI.aN' I «wvpq2o, + r Ia 5 C. .. I I The Holt Group,IS 71. EI ri.le %I t. 77.7 P.1 .1 dp.fMq% UA. 07701 f$S N.M. Bvut. an..67. C4. 07117 CLIENT ST20'(N� 2 COA�S"jU<_.'n ON PROJECT 407 q . Te '26>52-4- �`!t?P_.p/__. Gy CALCULATIONS SHEET 3. OF $* JOB NO. Z20.00q E. GATE -7.12 J q 2 BY Q v I= CHk-d BY &- WP `u?46_,_J'_�EA +(�<^NoGF ! QA7N_FA G��Lo RuNOGG 5 .{Zn✓oF` MF /i2 x T12�B , AQEA �` (�A-no . � -- P-oo I / 4 n.�4 I Z17 R067" 3 6AW1F-:C WN i I � � 1 I ! I I I I ! I F.. A E-044 REV. PRINTED IN U.S.A. EARTHWORK CALCULATION SHEET i F. 1481wlll��:llllilffil STATION RE . ADING DOUBLE PLANIMETER , REAENNG FACTORPLANIIAETER • • , VOLUME , S. ' /ME,- "FAR WWWAMMM F,-4 C-049 REV. PRINTED IN U.S.A. EARTHWORK CALCULATION SHEET DESCRIPTION'4Ccii/J20.�f�/ 9 1: 5; 10 X - SECTION SCALE NORIZ.: FT.AK s 42-,4L3,O VERT'.,Ag euf Zk::754- EST' tMATED SHRII4K4(;E % FT/n CU.FT./LF. =54• .3 2 CU.YDS/L.E • FACTOR STATION PLANIMETER READING CUT FILL DOUBLE PLANIMETER READING CUT FILL FACTOR • O.P. R. • CU. YDS./ LIN. FT. DIST. CUT FILL LIN. FT. VOLUME CU. YDS. REMARKS CUT FILL �S Z -d 07- 2 g. D 0,t3g, G.A,,93 " 3a, ofzf, Z,9 f7, l2 Z z .o X53 c -F 78 Soil name and map symbol SOIL SURVEY TABLE 12.—Soil and water features—Continued. Hydro- Flooding iligh water table Bedrock logic group Frequency Duration Months Depth Kind Months Depth Hardness N Z. Myoma: - . Ma B, Ma D ----------- A Mc-----------------A Niland: Na B---------=------ C NbB---------------- C Omstott: OmD---------------- C Ors: Omstoit part....... C Rock outcrop part. Riverwash: RA. Rock outcrop: RO. . RTI: Rock outcrop part. Lithic Torripsamments part. D Rubble land: Ru. Salton: Sa; Sb--------------- D Soboba: Sol), SpE------------ A Torriorthents: . TO 1: Torriorthents part:' - Rock outcrop part. T. a: None------ ------•----- --------- ----- --- --- >80 ---•---- None_____. 1.5,1:00 None----- ---------------------- >6•0 ---------------- ---- >60.......... None ________________________________ 1.5-5.0 Apparent_____ Jan -Dec_-__ >Go None ----- ------------- ------------>6.0 --- - ------ ---- --- 4-20 Rippable. None------------------------- >0.0 -------------- ---------- 4-20 Rippable. None-- --------------- --------- >0.0 --• ------ ----- -- 1-10 Hard. None----- ------ ------- ------- 2.0-5.0 Apparent---- Ian -Dec__ >60 ......... None----- ------------ ---------- >6.0 ............... ---------- >60 --------- TpE, TrC, TsB ....... A None ------ --------------+----------- >(t.0------------..........>�--------- = This mapping unit is made up of two or more dominant kinds of soil. See mapping unit description for the composition and behavior of the whole mapping unit. parent; and the months of the year that the water and on otherobservations during. the mapping of the table commonly is high. Only saturated zones above a soils. The kind of bedrock and its hardness as related depth of 5 or 6 feet are indicated. to ease of excavation is also shown. Rippable bedrock Information about. the seasonal high water table can be excavated with a single -tooth ripping attach - helps in assessing the need for specially designed ment on a 200 -horsepower tractor, but hard bedrock foundations, the need for specific kinds of drainage generally requires blasting. systems, and the need for footing drains to insure dry basements. Such information is also needed to decide whether or not construction of basements is feasible Formation, Morphology, and and to determine how septic tank absorption fields and Classification of the Soils other underground installations will function. Also, a seasonal high water table affects ease. of excavation. This section contains descriptions of the major fac- Depth to bedrock is shown for all soils that are tors of soil formation as they occur in the Coachella underlain by bedrock at a depth of 5 to 6 feet or less. Valley Area, a summary of significant morphological For many soils, the limited depth to bedrock is a part characteristics of the soils of the Area, an explanation of the definition of the soil series. The depths shown of the current system of classifying soils by categories are based on measurements made in many soil, borings broader than the series, and a table showing the clas- t ti CDA :: r 5"t, t i OF 17 C; .Nell', ;w S. c'., .. 5',':� rsra, .`' ".. MaB ice'. �a'• aD p , '1,i ta :l:: 1 .? . :.Mad t•r'` i ;'v ' ra8 MaD. - r;5t;. �•.. i !.. 0...,: ;.I t Mab .i ' •,�::.<" i •• ,..i - ,Mao! — •'MaD: `:•' � : fit' t a ry 1� rt 'r M ab r.� ,, w�_r A- •32 .. � �. , _, �. I I `v y�1 Mab -.r. II.� T.5S. JN 1:' VIS .'._ ".:' • 4i`:P �� . -Y �� _ l 8e . •., , : D'•.•S' 79:`1t1: Wj �: +! LTJ _. ti'•' µeB•F'.�1 'MaD I , ,r'ttrL%�^ ,;,�.i`_"`�'`';.;� �'�''',;.:'�:,:r'�:::' � � �, ry^�ir •h`1.. itri• 41 y :��-flrrC, t'• l'; til '• I i'.�1FA J, �r•� ��i �+�•. ."1 a5o r � ' '• r�.. ..'. ••':�: ,MaD,: �' �1, ..�'... ,!%-',J, . -� Mao a � • z '�• •.: - � �•,� :.,•: �, �•` "' ,•t GbA'e• ,'J:.,• �•" •r i + I,+t:r ., t :I r ' , r: t �i MaB Ax ss • a ��� W �;:. •3 tom; `-ti,:.GbAl:�I?';�. :r' T Y y T.6S. MaB gad . :i �. ..• id ' 1d ! `�� r a r • • J y-'.,�ro•+k' ,' \ ' ID liv\ ' � � � , •�• rSt41a 11 •O r ,r stir,...; -.. .. ..�; .. '+2'8ak'.;v'• �>�i• rA';i VA, 411p, �:rl � MaB ' •' :.�,.; t • s��`„Qk' '•''•?` ,: 1 s.,{:4.�i:al': S�i:'�,��:+'r' M PaP ik a! :! 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