LLA 1995-190; PM 1995-305; PM 1995-309AICOROINO REOUEOTED AYr 6M" bELO 1 SAIL 1001 01E1 AM1 1101,9111 4111FIVICE 114"111 Iri" Om TAX 11A1EMr4T TO: [—City N•%mr of La Quinta str.N c/o Community Development Ae.r.n PO Box 1504 z;; Quinta, CA 92253 LLa mAm TAX STATEMENTS TO No" IJ. Frederick Wilson � Iu,.„ Beth C. Wilson Add"'" c/o Coldwell Banker Sandpiper Rea1Ly t;Iaa< 45000 Club Drive !�Iet. LIndian Wells, GA 92210 J TITLE 00011 NO, E1C1OW N0, l SPACE MOVE TH1III LINE FOR RECORDER'S Ulf! GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAXIS $ ' © computed on full value of property conveyed, or [3 computed on full valueless value of Ilona or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. [p unincorporated area ecity0l La Ou i n a , AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, J. Frederick Wilson and Beth C. Wilson, husband and wife as joint te0arktS.,, hereby GRANT(s) to J. Frederick Wilson and Beth C. Wilson, husband and wife as joint tenants the following described real property in tho County of Riverside' , State of California; Lot 13, together with lot 1.4, but• c-xcluciing the west five feet of lot. 14 conveyed to lots .15, 16 and 17, Block 169 of Santa Carcnelita C4 V:�1F� La Quinta Lirit No. 17, as shown.. by Uap on fill. in book 19, pa 19 :tnd 20 cif �4 .1�s, 1.tFrords of ?.tivcrr:ic:e County, CaIiforni�>. ')'his cieed rt flec,t.t3 Lot Line Adjur.tment; 95-190 ins apnrovpd by the City of !4.: Quintet. Datod STATE OF CALIF COUNTY of On this 00 before the uncersigne Ni �PpaulJl+�rP_c� �F.irt-��1L � 0 personally known to me S�. In the year �q e �y Public in and foryaid State. persaniNy fir► � 7��� Sundance Escrow ID:1-619-341-9199 3UN 27'95 16:17 No.016 P.04 AOP*O ' 0 5' Adjustment (Lot Line Adjustmant 95-190) 1 I'arc .1 Merger 95-305 i Parcel Merger 95-309 I � I LP i �(o 0(1 ' Lot 15 Lot 14 I tot 13 a 13 I _ o f CASE Na Calle Chihuahua CASE MAP Lot I ine !Adjustment 95-190 Post-Itm brand fax transmittal memo 7671 # of pages ► To Fro V4dIJL Dept. Phone _ 70( 97 Fax # W 99 Fax #-7 -1 7 - 715-5 -4 NORTN SCALE: 1" = 30' May 11, 1995 gt C�