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2016 01 16 CC Minutes
CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2016 A special meeting of the La Quinta City Council (Community Workshop) was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by Mayor Evans at the La Quinta Wellness Center, 78-450 Avenida La Fonda, La Quinta. PRESENT: Councilmembers Franklin, Osborne, Pena, Radi, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None RESIDENTS SIGNED IN: 40 STAFF PRESENT: 24 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Mayor Evans PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Walt Sorenson, La Quinta - Mr. Sorenson explained the reasons for his, and his neighbors' opposition to the proposed commercial development at Washington Street and Avenue 50. STUDY SESSION 1. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS THE CITY'S VALUES, ITS 2015 ACCOMPLISHMENTS, AND 2016 INITIATIVES Mayor Evans welcomed residents, explained the purpose of the workshop and introduced Cynthia Henson, the facilitator. Ms. Henson conducted a quiz on City revenues and expenditures (Attachment 1). City Manager Spevacek provided a comprehensive history of the challenges and accomplishments of the Council and City staff over the past few years. Participants formed small groups and listed what has gone well and not well around the City. Results are compiled on Attachment 2. Ms. Henson led participants in an exercise to determine capital projects and priority spending for discretionary capital improvement funds called the "CIP Dollars & Priorities Game". The game instructions are explained on Attachment 3. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 16, 2016 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 4:13 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Digitally signed by Susan Maysels DN: serialNumber=j4r7111g1 ppsr45f, c=US, st=California, l=La Quinta, o=Susan Maysels, cn=Susan Maysels Date: 2016.03.02 07:48:22 -08'00' SUSAN MAYSELS, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2 SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 16, 2016 ANSWER SHEET City Council Workshop Wellness Center January 16, 2016 ATTACHMENT 1 1) What are the revenues anticipated for 2015-16's operating budget? A. $20 million B. $55 million C. $38.6 million D. $42.5 million Answer: C. 38.6 million 2) How much of that revenue comes in the way of taxes? A. $24.7 million B. $28.6 million C. $38.6 million D. $41 million Answer: A. 24.7 million 3) What is the cost for police services? A. $7.9 million C. $10 million Answer: B. 13.9 million B. $13.9 million D. $12.5 million 4) As property owners, you pay property tax annually to the County of Riverside who then distributes it to multiple government agencies including the City of La Quinta - Of the amount you pay how much of those tax dollars go to the City to fund services?? A. 100% C. 25% B. 50% D. 7% Answer - D. 7% - That is 7 cents per dollar. 5) How much annually does the City spend on pavement maintenance to maintain its streets in their current condition? A. $100,000 C. $1 million Answer: C. 1 million B. $500,000 D. Not enough! 6) True or False - The City can use developer fees, Quimby fees, equipment replacement and Art in Public Places funds for operations? Answer - False. These funds are restricted for specific uses and cannot be used for city operations. What went well? Ranking Opening of a lot of new businesses (theater, In N' Out, Aldi, Tower Gas) (3) 37 Finances - balanced budget (3) 29 Community Engagement (4) 29 Movie Theater (5) 28 Wellness Center (9) 28 Roadrunner at the roundabout (3) 16 Coachella Festivals (2) 12 Safety satisfaction 12 Parks & Amenities 12 Activities/ Events (2) 11 Increased TOT collection (3) 10 Planned auto dealer improvements 10 Taproom in Old Town 8 Jule's Market (3) 7 New roundabout imp (2) 7 Re-stripped roundabout Jefferson/52 (3) 7 Marketing (Gm/ Social media) 7 Restaurants 6 High use of Bear Creek Trail - well maintained 6 Business friendly ordinances (2) 5 52nd Street Landscape test program (2) 5 City Building/ Upgrades/ parking/ drainage 5 New signal & median imp. At Adams & Corporate Center 4 All 2015 accomplishments mentioned 4 City is clean 4 Response to floods/ emergency services 3 Staffing 3 Arts ©City Hall 3 Retail 3 Advisory Committee startup 3 Most ever community confidence in local gov't, specifically city leadership (2) 3 Update animal ordinance 3 Commercial space becoming occupied 3 Old Town Block parties (2) 2 Hobby Lobby opening (2) 2 Village Master plan 2 Road improvements 2 Customer Service Center 2 LQ Cove roundabout (2) 1 Library paved parking and Old Town parking lot 1 La Quinta Brewery in Old Town 1 Landscape conversion (So LQ specifically) (2) 1 New parking 1 Police services study and review 1 Keep up quickly with graffiti Farmer's market New Arts & Education Center approval New Fre Station building Pedego bicycle in Old Town Washington/ Highway 111 widening project Info outreach Staff accessible (2) Library Completion (2) Proposed tune-up of development code, current, contemporary, Streamlined Slurry seal Public art Next Door updates Go Request Parks survey Number in () is the number of groups that mentioned the topic & Ranking is in order of priority What did not go well? Ranking Closing of Ralph's Grocery store & no new store opening in its place (3) 28 Increased cost of public safety (3) 24 Vacant homes/ Businesses (Ralph's) (4) 18 Fritz Burns Pool not utilized enough (2) 17 Bicycle paths (Washington/ Elsenhower) (3) 16 Some businesses not attracting people still (Jule's, Ralphs) 16 SilverRock hasn't broke ground (2) 14 Zoning 50th and Washington 12 Saxony is a concern (2) 11 North La Quinta landscaping (2) 10 Short term rental enforcement (2) 10 Jule's Market 9 Lack of traffic light synchronization 9 Hooding (2) 8 Unmet capital needs 8 Utility Poles 8 Closing of John Adams Elementary School 9Causes lowering of property value) 7 Retail tax base/ high standards 7 Auto Center 5 Need more parking at the Top of the Cove (Gt cars off the street) 5 Poor communication about Library parking lot renovation and closing of library 5 Public safety Ed 4 Tree maintenance (Dates) Hidden Harvest - Find 4 Bear Creek Trail maintenance - Restroom 3 Code enforcement of Cove properties 3 Traffic congestion, east-west on Jefferson roundabout during festivals 3 Lack of light repair on south side of the Eisenhower roundabout. 3 More promotions of events/ activities 3 No Daycare at Wellness Center 3 Parks outside exercise equipment 3 Repaving of Washington & Calle Tampico 3 Wellness Center promotion 3 Attract LGBTcommunity 2 Qty Image (Qty Hall) not desert landscaping 2 Pickle ball/ Bocce 2 Street Sweeping 2 Address perception that more police coverage is needed 1 Coachella Festival impact on residents 1 September storm drain issues 1 Drought conditions have forced LQ to not reseed parks Improve perception of crime in Cove Landscaping Police traffic enforcement (Washington & HWY 111) Number in () is the number of groups that mentioned the topic Ranking is the order of priority City of La Quinta CIP Dollars & Priorities Game 1/16/2016 Your Challenge: Your table team has 30 minutes to spread the discretionary CIP $ on your map. Explanation / Instructions: • Map is four geographic regions within the City of La Quinta - same as used for Community Services Needs Survey. • Each region has a pie chart with the total anticipated cost by project category over the next ten years for Flood protection, Roadways, Bicycles/Pedestrian improvements, Parks/Facilities and Landscape Conversion. A location on each map is designated for reserves that may be prudent for future unforeseen costs or revenue reductions. • The projects and funds are those that are unrestricted funds; in other words discretionary funds that you can spread out amongst the regions and the categories as your group sees fit. • You have o 10 million non-recurring dollars that can only be used all at once or in increments (the money goes away once spent) It's from Unallocated Reserves o 2 million annual dollars that are anticipated funds for the next 10 years that may be designated for projects. • Once you have decided where you will spend your funds - Place the dollar amount from the specified zone pie piece and subtract from either the 2 million recurring section on the left or the 10 million non-recurring on the right. Divide the amount until you have zero dollars left. • You can also put money into the reserve section on the bottom right. • Select a spokesperson to present back your map to the entiregroup and share your rationale. o Where will you spend your discretionary funds and why? o You will have 3 minutes to present back We will have staff floating about that can answer your questions during the 30 minutes. Clarifying Questions? You have 30 minutes.