08865 (SFD) Title 24TITLE -24 REPORT FOR: 1723 Plan Eisenhower Drive and Calle Ensenada ' La Quinta, Ca. PROJECT DESIGNER: John. Robert Bund Architect P.O. Box 1575 La Quinta, Ca. 92253 (619)564 -3363 - OWNER - 619)564 -3363 - OWNER: Innovative Designs 1890 Vista Way * El Cajon, California 92020 REPORT PREPARED BY: John R. Bund P.O. Box 1575 La Quinta, 'a. 92253 (619)564-3363 Job Number: 9014B ^ Date: 9/21/1990 The COMPLY 24 computer program has been,psed to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has interim approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with the Second Generation Nonresidential Building Energy Efficiency Standards for Nonresidential Occupancies. Second Generation Residential Occupancies shown to comply with this program conform to the results produced by the Public Domain Point System, developed by the California Energy Commission. This program developed by Gabel Dodd Associates (415) 428-0803. n Table Of Contents for Title 24 Report ------------------- __________________ � Cover Page .......................................................... 1 Tableof Contents ........................................... 2 Form CF -1R ` Certificate of Compliance: Residential ................... 3 Form MF -1R Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential ... i............ 6 Form P -2R Point System Summary ...................................... 8 Form WS -1R Points Thermal Mass -Worksheet ............................ 9 Form WS -2R -Interpolation Worksheet .................................. 10 Form S Shading Coefficient (SC) Worksheet ....... i.,................. 11 Form CF -3 Construction Assemblies ................. t ....... i..,...... 16 , � Domestic Hot Water Worksheet ........................�................ 27 Form WS -5A Lighting Controls Credit Worksheet ...............`........ 28 ' ? -3 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (part 1 of 3) CF -1R page 3 of 30 Project: 1723 Plan ` | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 \ Designer:` John Robert Bund Architect | Building Permit No | Location: Palm Desert Documentation: John R. Bund ------------------------------------ Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked By | 1 Date (User # 2258) ____________________________ ` PROJECT ADDRESS Job #: 9014B Eisenhower Drive and Calle Ensenada La Quinta, Ca. GENERAL INFORMATION Compliance Method: Point System Climate Zone: 15 Total Conditioned Floor Area: 1723 sqft Building Occupancy: Single Fam Det Front Entry Orientation: South Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Floor Construction Type: Slab Infiltration Control: Standard BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Area U -Value R-19 Wall W/1" EPS 1270 0.0602 R-40Foam Roof 264 0.0243 R-38 Roof/Gyp Ceiling 1634 0.0290 Exposed Slab 601 0.9000 Carpeted Slab 1122 0.7200 Location/Comments 1st. Floor 1st. Floor 1st. Floor 1st. Floor/Insul= R-0.0 1st. Floor/Insul= R-0.0 THERMAL MASS Thick Mass Material Area (in) Type Location/Description ------------------ ___ -___ _____ _______ _________-____________-_______ Concrete, Heavyweight 601 3.500 Exposed 1st. Floor/Int Mass Concrete, Heavyweight 1122 3.500 Covered '1st. Floor/Iht Mass 1 -3 CERTIFICATE OF -COMPLIANCE: Residential --------------------------------------- Project: 1723 Plan Designer: John Robert Bi/nd Architect Location: Palm Desert (part 2 of 3) CF -1R page 4 of 30 ------------------------------------ | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 Date: 9/21/1990 Building Permit No Checked By Documentation: John R. Bund | Date (User # 2258) --------------------- -^_____________________________________________________ GLAZING Glass w/Int Location Orient Area Type U -Val Sc Shade Description _________ ______ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ ----------- ____________ � 1st. Floor North 48.0 Single 1.10 1.00 0.62 Single/White Drapes North 24.0 Single 1.10 1.00 0.62 Single/White Drapes North 4.0 Single 1.10 1.00 0^34 Single/Light Blinds South 15.0 Single 1.10 1.00 0.39 Single/Roller Shades South 48.0 Single 1.10 1.00 1.00 Single/No Int Shades South 5.0 Single 1.10 1.00 0.39 Single/Roller Shades East 15.0 Single 1.10 1,00 0.39 Single/Roller Shades West 67.0 Single 1 10 1 00 0 62 Single/WhiteD . g e . . . rapes West 24.0 Single 1.10 1.00 0.34 Single/Light Blinds Skylt 4.0 Double 0.65 0.88 0.88 Double/No Int Shades SHADING (for Glazing above) Over Location Exterior Device SC hang Framing Type _________ ------------------------ ____ ____ _______________________ 1st. Floor Ordinary Bug Screen 0.67 2.0 Metal w/o Mullions Ordinary.Bug Screen 0.67 2.0 Metal w/o Mullions Ordinary Bug Screen 0.67 2.0 Metal w/o Mullions None 1.00 3.0 Metal w/o Mullions . Ordinary Bug Screen 0.67 2.5 Metal w/o Mullions None 1.00 6.0 Metal w/o Mullions None 1.00 3.0 Metal w/b Mullions Ordinary Bug Screen 0.67 10.0 Metal w/o Mullions Ordinary Bug Screen 0.67 10.0 Metal w/o Mullions None ' 1.00 0.0 Metal w/o Mullions CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (pari:_ 0 of .3) CF -IR page 5 of 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project: 1723 Plan ! COMPLY 24 v _ 0 4.) Designer: John Robert Bund Architect ! Building Permit No Location: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 Checked By Documentation: John R. bund ' Date (User- # 2258) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HVAC SYSTEMS Minimum Output Duct Duct Manufacturer/Model No. System Type Efficiency (Btuh) Location RVal (or- approved equal) --------------------- ---------------------- ---- ----------------------- Heat Pump 6.600 HSPF 41500 Conditioned Space N/A BDP 542GN042 Heat Pump 9.200 SEER 42100 Conditioned Space Zone Furnace Max: 1.3 x C 27447 Btuh + (10 x 1723 sgft) 7 = 58080 Btu.+.h Cooling Exception.: CFM Cooling (see Load Calcs) requires Btuh HOT WATER SYSTEMS Tank Manufacturer -/Model No,. # of Energy R-12 System Type Volume (or- approved equal) Sys Credits Blanket Electric Resistance 47.0 A.O.Smith DSE-050 (SE) 1 `,' SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS (Add extra sheets if necessary) COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Chapter- 2-53 and Title 20, Chapter 2, Subchapter 4, Article 1 of the California Administrative Code. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility and the building owner-, who shall retain .a copy of it and transmit the certificate to any subsequent purchaser- of the building. When this Certificate of Compliance is submitted for a. single building plan to be built in multiple orientations., all building conservation features which vary are :indicated in the Special Features/Remarks section. DESIGNER! John Robert Bund Architect P.O. Box 1575 La Qui.nta, Cao 92253 (619)564-3363 License C,Icga o`er S i g n e l; 1 k3l 101! (Ate) DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR John Rn Bund P.O. Box 1575 La Ou i. nta , Cao 92253 ( 619) 564--.3?63 Signed: `� (0�fe? BUILDING OWNER Innovative Designs 1890 Vista ay E1 Cajon.CaliforniaC 92020 Signed: ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name - Agency: Telephone: Sinned: (Date) MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST (part 1 of 2) MF -1R page 6 of 30 -------------------------------------------------- __________-_______________ Project: 1723 Plan | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 Designer: John Robert Bund Architect Location: Palm Desert Date: Documentation: John R. Bund ----------------------------------------- i | Building Permit No . 9/21/1990 ) Checked By | | Date (User # 2258) NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*> may be superseded by more stringent compliance ^ requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as binding minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. BUILDING ENVELOPE MEASURES o Sec. 2-5352(a): Minimum ceiling insulation R-19 weighted average. * o Sec. 2-5352(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturers labeled R -Value. o'Sec. 2-5352(c): Minimum wall insulation in framed walls R-11 weighted average (does not apply to exterior mass walls). * o Sec. 2-5352(k): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. o Sec. 2-5311: Insulation specified or installed meets California Energy Commission (CEC) quality standards. Indicate type and form. o Sec. 2-5352(f): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. o Sec. 2-5317: Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls a. Doors And windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. b. Doors and windows'certified. c. Doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. o Sec. 2-5352(e): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Sec. 2-5351 meets CEC quality standards. o Sec. 2-5352(d): Installation of Fireplaces 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Tight fitting, closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. Enforcement MANDATORY ___________________________________________________________________________ MEASURES CHECKLIST (part 2 of 2) MF -1R page 7 of 30 Project: 1723 Plan | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 Designer: John Robert BundArchitect | | Building Permit No � Location: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked By Documentation: ___________________________________________________________________________ John R. Bund � � | Date (User # 2258) HVAC AND PLUMBING SYSTEM MEASURES o Sec. 2-5352(g) and 2_5303: Space conditioning equipment sizing: attach calculations. o Sec. 2-5352(h) and 2-5315: Setback thermostat on all applicable heating systems. o Sec. 2-5316(a): Ducts constructed, installed and insulated per Chapter 10, 1976 UMC. * o Sec. 2-5316(b): Exhaust systems have damper controls. o Sec. 2-5314(c): Gas-fired space heating equipment has intermittent ignition devices. o Sec. 2-5314: HVAC equipment, water heaters; showerheadsand faucets certified -by -the CEC. o Sec. 2-5352(i): Waterheater insulation blanket (R_12 or greater) for storage & backup tanks for solar water heating systems; first 5 feet of pipes closest 'to tank insulated (R-3 or greater). o Sec. 2-5312(Exception I>: Pipe insulation on steam and steam condensate return & recirculating piping. o Sec. 2-5318(d): Swimming Pool Heating 1. System has: a. On/off switch on heater. b. Weatherproof instruction'plate on heater. c. Plumbed to allow for solar. 2. 75 percent thermal efficiency. 3. Pool cover. 4. Time clock. 5. Directional water inlet. LIGHTING AND APPLIANCE MEASURES o Sec. 2-5352(j): Lighting - 25 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens and bathrooms. o Sec. 2-5314(c): Gas fired appliances equipped with intermittent ignition devices. o Sec. 2-5314(a): Refrigerators, refrigerator -freezers, freezers and fluorescent lamp ballasts certified by the CEC. Indicate make and model number. Enforcement POINTS SYSTEM SUMMARY: CLIMATE ZONE 15 F -2R page 8 of 30 Project: 1723 Flan COMPLY 24 v 0.10 Designer: John Robert Bund Architect 1 Building Permit No Location: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 f Checked By Documentation: John R. Bund Date (User # 2258) BUILDING DATA Conditioned Floor- Area 1723 sgft Number- of Stories 1 Occupancy Type Single Fam Det Eff SCOPE CARD Measure 4.4 x Points ------------------------- 1. Roof Insulation ------- 0.0284 (U -Value) ------ i 2. Wall Insulation 0.060 (U -Value) 1 _. Raised Floor- Insulation 0.0000 (U -Value) South 68.0 3a. Controlled Vent Cr-awlspace o. C; (R-ValUe) ' -: o 4. Slab Edge Insulation 017619 (f2 factor) 5.3 x 5. I of i 1 trat ion Standard �? 6. Glass Heat Loss 1.10 14.7% -12 Sum 1-6 -10 7. Shade Open Area %.Glass SC OH Eff a. North 76.0 4.4 x 0.65 = 2.9 -1 b. East 15.0 0.9 x 0.88 x 0.80 _ 0.6 1; C. South 68.0 3.9 0.72 0.74 = 2.1 0 d. West 91.0 5.3 x 0.65 0.61 = 2.1 C; e. Skylight 4.0 012 x 0.77 = 0.2 3. Shade Closed Area % Glass SC OH Eff a. ----- North 76.0 ------- 4.4 x ---- 0.49 ---- = ----- 2.2 0 b. East 15.0 0.9 x 0.34 x 0.67 - 0.2 3 c. South 68.0 3.9 x 0.56 x 0.55 - 1.2 1 d. West 91.0 5.3 x 0.44 x 0.50 = 1.2 1 e. Skylight 4.0 0.2 x 0.77 -. O 2 -1 9. Interior- Thermal Mass 2.78 1 10. Exterior- Wall Mass 0.0o o Sum 7-10 11. Heating System 6.600 HSTF x 1.00 Duct Eff - 6.60 Eff HSTF Zonal Control: No 12. Cooling System 9.200 SEES' x 1.00 Duct Eff = 9.20 Eff SEER 13. Water Heating (see DHW Worksheet) - Point Total.: 4 J 21 Q � THERMAL MASS WORKSHEET WS -1R page 9 of 30 ------------------------------------------------- __________________________ Project: 1723 Plan | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 | Designer: John Robert Bund Architect | Building Permit No . | Location: Palm Desert . Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked By | Documentation: John R. Bund | Date (User # 2258> ___________________________________________________________________________ INTERIOR THERMAL MASS Interior Interior Sides Wall Mass Mass Mass Mass Material ______________________ Thick _____ Exposed U -Value Area Factor Capacity Contrete, Heavyweight 3^50 _______ 1 _______ ______ ' 601.0 ________ x 4.6 = ________ 2764.6 Contrete, Heavyweight 3.50 0 1122.0 x 1.8 = 2019.6 TOTAL 4784.2 INTERIOR MASS FACTOR 4784.2 IMC / 1723 sqft = 2.?8 * Mass listed above with a Wall U -Value denotes the Interior Mass credit for Exterior Mass Walls, and are repeated below for Exterior Mass credit. � Sides Exposed indicates mass covered with surface material >= R-2. EXTERIOR MASS WALLS Exterior Exterior Sides Wall Mass Mass Mass Mass Material Thick Exposed U -Value Area Factor Capacity NONE / . , . Project: 1723 Plan ( COMPLY 24 v 3.10 | Designer: John Robert Bund Architect | Permit No Building � Location: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 Checked By | Documentation: John R. Bund ` | Date (User # 2258) ___________________________________________________________________________ INTERPOLATION Point Point Point Score Actual Value Score Score Value Value Point Item _______ _____ 1 Value ______ 1 _____ 2 1 2 1 Score Roof 4 +( 0.0284 - 0.02) x _____ ( -4 _____ - 4) /( _____ 0.04 _____ - 0,02> ----- = 1 Wall 1 +( 0,0602 - 0.06) x < -3 - 1) /( 0.08 - 0.06) = 1 Slab Edge 2 +( 0.7619 - 0.70) x ( -1 - 2> /( 0.80 - 0.70> = 0 Glass Type 1 -11 +(14.7417 -14.00) x ( -13 - -11) /(15.00 _14.00) = -12 Glass Type 2 2 +(14.7417 -14.00) x ( 1 - 2) /(15.00 114.00) = 1 N Shade Open 8 +( 2.8667 - 2.00) x ( -1 - 0> '\( 3.00 - 2.00) = -11 E Shade Open 0 +( 0.6109.- 0.00) x ( 0 - 0) /( 1.00 - 0.00> = 0 S Shade Open 0 +( 2.0951 - 2.00) « ( 0 - 0) /( 3.00 - 2.00> = O W Shade Open 0 +( 2.0881 - 2.00) x ( 1 - 0) /( 3.00 - 2.00) = 0 H Shade Open 0 +( 0.1798 - 0.00) x ( 1 - 0) /( 1.00 - 0.00) = 0 N Shade Clsd 0 +( 2.1556 - 2.00) x ( -1 - 0> /( 3.00 - 2.00> = -0 E Shade Clsd 4 +( 0.2082 - 0.00) x ( 1 - 4) /( 1.00 - 0.00) = 3 S Shade Clsd 2 +( 1.2210 - 1.00> x ( -2 - 2> /( 2.00 - 1.00) = 1 W Shade Clsd 2 +( 1.1732 - 1.00) x ( -3 - 2) /( 2.00 - 1.00) = 1 H Shade Clsd 0+( 0.1798 - 0.00) x ( -8 - 0) /( 1.00 - 0.00> = -1 Int Mass 0 +( 2.7767 - 2.50) x ( 1 - 0) /( 3.00 - 2.50) = 1 Heating 4 +( 6.6000 - 6.42) x ( 7 - 4) /( 7.34 - 6.42> = 5 Cooling 20 +( 9.2000 - 9.00) x.( 27 - 20) /(10.00 - 9.00) = 21 WEIGHTED AVERAGE POINTS Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Total Average Item _________ Points ----- Area _ ____ Points ______ Area Points Area Area Points Glass Type 1,2&3(-12.5 x 250 + 1.3 x ____ 4 ______ + 0.0 x ____ 0) _____ / 254 ------- = �12 SHADING COEFFICIENT (SC) WORKSHEET FORM S page 11 of 30 -----------------------------------------------------------------------���� Project: 1723 Plan | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 Designer: Jdhn Robert Bund Architect } Building Permit No | Location: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked By | Documentation: John R. Bund P Date (User # 2258) ___________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Glazing Type: Single EXTERIOR 3. Framing Type: Metal w/o Mullions 5. Framing/Mullion Factor: 0.88 (from Table G-10) 6. Interior Shade Type: Single/White Drapes ` 7. SC Shade Open: 1.00 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) 8. SC Shade Closed: 0.62 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) GLAZING, INTERIOR -SHADE & FRAMING 10a.0.62 (SC #8) x 0.88 (FMF #5) = 0.55 SC Shade Closed EXTERIOR SHADE Exterior Shade Type: Ordinary Bug Screen 11. SC Exterior Shade: 0.67 (from Table 6-11 or manufacturer's data) 12. [(0.88 (SC #9a) x 0.25) + 0.753 x 0.67 (SC #11) = 0.65 SC Shade Open 13. [(0.67 (SC #11) x 0.25) + 0.751 x 0.55 (SC #10a) = 0.50 SC Shade Close OVERHANG FACTOR Glass Ovrhng Dist Glass Proj OH Factor OH Factor Orientation Area Depth Above Height Ratio Shade Open Shade Clsd ----------- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ---------- ---- West 67.0 10.0 / ( 1.0 + 6.7) = 1.30 0.63 0.52 |d . � SHADING��OEEEIC���Z�1��l_k�OB��S�E�EZ_______________-_____E� Designer: John Robert Bund Architect Location: Palm Desert Documentation: John R. Bund -------------------------------- GENERAL ____________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION � | Building Permit No | Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked By | } Date (User # 2258) ------------------------------------------- 1. ___________________________________ 1. Glazing Type: Single 3. Framing Type: Metal w/o Mullions 5. Framing/Mullion Factor: 0.88 (from Table 6-10) 6. Interior Shade Type: Single/Light Blinds 7. SC Shade Open: 1.00 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) S. SC Shade Closed: 0.34 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) GLAZING, INTERIOR SHADE & FRAMING 9a. 1.00 (SC #7) x 0:88 (FMF #5) 4 0.88 SC Shade Open 10a.0.34 (SC #8) /x 0.88 (FMF #5) = 0.30 SC Shade Closed - EXTERIOR SHADE Exterior Shade Type: Ordinaky Bug Screen 11. SC Exterior Shade: 0.67 (from Table G-11 or manufacturer's data) 12. [(0.88 (SC #9a) x 0.25) + 0.753 x 0.67 (SC #11) = 0.65 SC Shade Open 13. [(0.67 (SC #11) x 0.25) + 0.753 x 0.30 (SC #10a) = 0.27 SC Shade Close / OVERHANG FACTOR Glass Qvrhng Dist Glass Proj OH Factor OH Factor Orientation Area Depth Above Height Ratio Shade Open Shade Cls(::! West 24.0 10.0 / ( 1.0 + 4.0) = 1.70 0.55 0.46 I SHADING COEFFICIENT (SC) WORKSHEET FORM S page 13 of 30 -------- ____________________-______________________________________________ Project: 1723 Plan 1 COMPLY 24 v 3.10 | Designer: John Robert Bund Architect \ Building Permit No | Location: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked By � Docum/ntation: John R. Bund } Date (User # 2258) ________________________________________________-__________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Glazing Type: Single 3. Framing Type: Metal w/o Mullions 5. Framing/Mullion Factor: 0.88 (from Table 6-10) 6. Interior Shade Type: Single/Roller Shades 7. SC Shade Open: 1.00 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) S. SC Shade Closed: 0.39 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) GLAZING, INTERIOR SHADE & FRAMING 9a. 1.00 (SC #7).x 0.88 (FMF'#5) = 0.88 SC Shade Open 10a.0.39 (SC #8) x.0.98 (FMF #5) = 0.34 SC Shade Closed EXTERIOR SHADE Exterior Shade Type: NO EXTERIOR SHADE ` ___________________________________________________________________________ OVERHANG FACTOR Glass Ovrhng Dist Glass Proj OH Factor OH Factpr Orientation Area Depth Above Height Ratio Shade Open Shade Clsd ___________ South. _____ 15.0 ______ 3.0 / _____ ( 0.2 ______ + 3.7) _____ = 0.78 __________ 0.68 ----------- _________South 0.51 South 5.0 6.0 / ( 1.0 + 5.0) = 1.00 0.56 0.45 East 15.0 3.0 / ( 0.2 + 3.7V = 0.78 0.80 0.67 SHADING COEFFICIENT (SC) WORKSHEET FORM S page 14 of Project: 1723 Plan | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 � Designer: John Robert Bund Architect Building Permit No ' \ Location: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked By . Documentation: John R. Bund : Date (User # 2258) ___________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Glazing Type: Single 3. Framing Type: Metal w/o Mullions 5. Framing/Mullion Factor: 0.88 (from Table G-10) 6. Interior Shade Type: Single/No-Int Shades 7. SC Shade Open: 1.00 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) 8. SC Shade Closed: 1.00 (from Table G-9 or showcalculation) GLAZING, INTERIOR SHADE & FRAMING 9a. 1.00 (SC 47) x 0.88 (FMF #5) = 0.88 SC Shade Open 10a.1.00 (SC #8) x 0.88 (FMF #5) = 0.88 SC Shade Closed EXTERIOR SHADE Exterior Shade Type: Ordinary Bug Screen 11. SC Exterior Shade: 0.67 (from Table G-11 or manufacturer's data) 12. [(0.88 (SC #9a) x 0.25) + 0.751.x 0.67 (SC #11) = 0.65 SC Shade Open 13. [(0.88 (SC #10a) x 0.25) + 0.753 x 0.67 (SC #11) = 0.65 SC Shade Close OVERHANG FACTOR Glass Ovrhng Dist Glass Proj OH Factor OH Factor, Orientation Area Depth Above Height Ratio Shade Open Shade Clsd ________ _____ ------- _____ ______ _____ __________ _______�__ South 48.0 2.5 / ( 0.2 + 4.0) = 0.60 0.78 0 58 . SHADING COEFFICIENT (SC) WORKSHEET FORM S page 15 of 30 Project: 1723 Plan 1 COMPLY 24 v 3.10 | Designer: John Robert Bund.Architect | Building Permit No | Location: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked By | ' Documentation: John R. Bund 1 Date (User # 2258) ___________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Glazing Type: Double 3. Framing Type: Metal.w/o Mullions 5. Framing/Mullioh Factor: 0.88 (from Table G-10) 6. Interior Shade Type: Double/No Int Shades 7. SC Shade Open: 0.88 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) B. SC Shade Closed: 0.88 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) GLAZING, INTERIOR SHADE & FRAMING 9a. 0.88 (SC #7) x 0.88 (FMF #5) = 0.77 SC Shade Open 10a.0.88 (SC #8) x 0.88 (FMF #5) = 0.77 SC Shade Closed EXTERIOR SHADE Exterior Shade Type: NO EXTERIOR SHADE ' ---------------------- ______________________________________________________ OVERHANG FACTOR Glass Ovrhng Dist Glass Proj OH Factor OH Factor Orientation Area Depth Above Height Ratio Shade Open Shade Clsd ___________ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ __________ ------------ NO _________NO OVERHANGS CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY -COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 16 of 30 ___________________________________________________________________________ Project: 1723 Plan | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 � Designer: John Robert Bund Architect | Building Permit No | Location: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked By | Documentation: John R. Bund | Date (User # 2258) - ___________________________________________________________________________ Assembly Name: R-19 Wall W/1" EPS Assembly Type: Wall Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (Vertical). Construction Components Outside Air Film 1. Stucco 2. Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt 3. Insulation, Polystyrene, Cut Cell Skin 4. Insulation, Glass Fiber, Organic Bonded 5. Gypsum or Plaster Board 6. 7. 8. 9. Th R -Value Fr (in) Summer Winter_ _________________________ 0.25 __ 0.17 0.875 0.17 0.17 0.010 0.06 0.06 1.000 4.00 4.00 * 3.500 14.00 14.00 0.500 0.45 0.45 Inside Air Film 0.68 0.68 ___________________________________________________________________________ � � Total 19.62 19.53 Framing Percentage: 15.0 % Framing Material: Softwood, Douglas Fir -Larch Calculation for Framing Adjustment Summer U -Value 0.0510 x 0.85 + 0.1101.x 0.15 = 0.0599 Winter U -Value 0.0512 x 0.85 + 0.1111 x 0.15 = 0.0602 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Stucco, Wood Shingles Weight: 13.9 lb/sqft Heat Capacity: 3.27 R -Value 16;71 16.62' U -Value 0.6599 0.0602 ====== ====== CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 17 of 30 ___------------------ ________________________-________________-__________-__ Project: 1723 Plan | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 ` Designer: John Robert Bund Architect Location: Palm Desert Documentation: John R. Bund _____________________________________ | > Building Permit No � Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked By | 1 Date (User # 2258) Assembly We: R-38 Roof/Gyp Ceiling Assembly Type: Roof Assembly Tilt: 0 deg (Horizbntal Roof) Construction Components --------------------------------------------- Outside Air Film 1. Roofing, Asbestos -Cement Shingles 2. Plywood 3. Air Space 4. Insulation, Mineral Wool, R-38 5. Gypsum or Plaster Board 6. 7. � 8. 9. Inside Air Film ' ---------------------- _______________________ ' Th R -Value Fr (in) Summer _-------- Winter ---------------- � 0.25 0.17 0.250 0.21 0.21 0.500 0.63 0.63 12.000 1.00 0.93 * 11.500 38.00 38.00 0.500 0.45 0.45 0.92 0.61 --------------------------- Total ^ Framing Percentagev 10.0% Framing Material: Softwood, Douglas Fir -Larch 41.46 40.87 Calculation for Framing Adjustment Summer U -Value 0.0241 x 0.90 + 0.0674 x 0.10 = 0.0284 Winter U -Value 0.0245 x 0.90 + 0.0702 x 0.10 = 0.0290 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING Absorptivity: _ 0.70 Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles . Weight: 9.9 lb/sqft Heat Capacity: 2.95 R -Value 35.15 34.43 U -Value 0.0284 0.0290 ====== ====== n, f CONSTRUCTION ASSEM!-�L!4-GGNR61ANGE-F9RM----------•--------GF-T---� Project: 1723 Plan COMPLY 24 v 3. 10 Desi ner-: .John Robert Bund Architect g I E+uildinq Permit No Location: Palm Desert Documentation: John R. Bund --------------------------- Date: 9/21/1990 Checked ked By I Date (User- # 2258) -------------------------------------------- Assembly !'dame: R-40 Foam Woof Assembly Type: Roof Assembly Tilt: 0 deg (Horizontal Roof) Construction Components Outside Air- Film 1. Field Applied Pol•yurethine Foam 2. Plywood 3. Insulation, Mineral Wool., R-38 4. Air- Space 5„ Gypsum or Plaster Board 6. 7. S. 9. Inside Air- Film --------------------------------------------- Th R --Value Fr- (in) --------------------------- Summer Winter- 0.25 0.17 1.000 6.00 6.00 0.500 0.63 0.63 11.500 ?8. 00 38. 00 6.000 1.00 0.93 0.500 )f O. 4J 0.45 0.92 0.61 ---------------------------------- Total Framing Percentage: 10.0 Framing Material: Softwood, Douglas Fir --Larch ------------------------------- --.------------------------- SI• etch of Construction Assembly 47.24 46.65 Calculation for Framing Adjustment Summer U -Value 0.0212 x 0.90 + 0.0485 x 0.10 = 0.0239 Winter U-ValLce 0.021.4 ;; 0. 90 + 0.0499 x 0. 10 = 0.0243 OVERALI... VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING Absorptivity-. 0.7o Roughness: Stucco, Wood Shingles Weight: 7.5 lb /sgf•L- Heat Capacity: .2.41 R -Value 41.85 41.19 U -Value 0.0239 0.0243 3, . t. CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM •--------------------------------------- Project: 1721 Plan Designer-: John Robert Bund Architect Location: Palm Desert Documentation: John R. Bund ------------------------------------ CF- page 1.9 of TO ------------------------------------ COMPL.0 24 v 3.10 Building Permit No Date: 9/21/1990 ' Checked By Date (User- #?58) ----------------------------------------- Assembly Name: Carpeted Slab Assembly Type: Floor - Assembly Tilt: 180 deg (Horizontal Floor) Construction Components Outside Air- Film 1. Concrete, 140 lb, Not Dried ?. Flooring, Carpet and Fibrous Pad 3. 4. 5. b. 7. 8. 9.. Inside Air Film ------------------------------------ Framing Percentage: 0.0 Framing Material: NONE , , , , --------------------------------- Sketch of Construction Assembly Thi R -halite Fr- (in) ---------------------------------------- Summer Winter 0. 5 0.17 3. 500 0.28 0. 2B 0.250 2.08 2.08 0.61 0.92 Total _.CC 3.45 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR: FRAMINE, Absorptivity: o.70 Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles :sleight: 40;9 lb/sgft Heat Capacity: 9.01 R -Value -.22 -.45 U -V -Ek l U 0.3106 0. 2899 1, k CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 20 of 30 ---------------------- ---------- ________________________________________-____ Project: 1723 Plan | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 | Designer: J6hn Robert Bund Architect | Building Permit No | Location: Palm Desert . Date: 9/21/1990 Checked By | Documentation: John R. Bund | Date (User # 2258) � Assembly Name: Exposed Slab Assembly Type: Floor Assembly Tilt: 180 deg (Horizontal Floor) Construction Components Outside Air Film 1. Concrete, 140 lb, Not Dried 2. Flooring, Asphalt, Lino, Vinyl or Rubber 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film ---------------------- ______________________ Framing Percentage: 0.0 % Framing Material: NONE ------------------------------- . . | � | | | | | | | | | � | | � | | | | | { | | | ------------------------------- Sketch of Construction Assembly Th R -Value Fr (in) Summer Winter 0.25 0.17 3.500 0.28 0.28 0.010 0.05 0.05 Total 0.61 0.92 1.19 1.42 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles Weight: 40.9 lb/sqft Heat Capacity: 9.00 R -Value 1.19 1.42 U -Value 0.8403 0.7042 ====== ====== CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 21 of 30 Project: 1723 Plan COMPLY 24 v 4,10 Designer-: John Robert Bund Architect Building Permit No Location: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 1 Checked By Documentation: John R. Bund : Date (User- # 2258) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assembly Name: Solid Wood Door - Assembly Type: Door - Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (Vertical) Construction Components ----------------------- Outside Air- Film l. -Hardwood, Maple n ar 5. 6. ' 7. �i tl 9 Th 4' -Value Fr- (in) ------------------------------------------- Summer- Winter 0.25 0. 17 1.750 1,J4 1.54 Inside Air Film 0.68 0.68 Framing Percentage: 0.0 Framing Material: NONE ------------------------------ t ------------------------------ Sketch of Construction Assembly Absorptivity: Roughness: Clear- Pine Weight: Heat Capacity: Total 2.47 2.39 OVERALL_ VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING R -Value 2:47 2.39 U--Va 1 ue 0.4049 X49 0. 4184 0. 70 bei lb/sgft 9 4, " CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 22 of 30 -------------------------------------------- w ------------------------------------- Project: 1723 plan . | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 | Designer: Jdhn Robert Bund Architect | Building Permit No | Location: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 ) Checked By � | Documentation: John R. Bund | Date (User # 2258) � ___________________________________________________________________________ ^ Assembly Name: Single/No Int Shades Assembly Type: Glazing Th R -Value Construction Components Fr (in) Summer Winter ___________________________________________________________________________ Outside Air Film � 0.25 0.17 1. CEC Single Glazing 0.125 0.06 0.06 2. 3. 4. ' 5. � 6. � 7. 8. 9. � Inside Air Film 0.68 0.68 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Framing Percentage: 0.0 % Framing Material: NONE Winter Shading Coefficient: 1.00 Summer Shading Coefficient: 1.00 Total 0.99 0.91 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING R -Value 0.99 0.01 U -Value 1.0110 1.1000 ====== ====== CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF page 23 of 30 Project: 1723 Plan COMPLY 24 v 3. 10 1 Designer: John Robert Bund Architect Building Permit No Location: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 1 Checked By Documentation: John R. Bund Date (User- # 2258) Assembly.Name: Single/White Drapes Assembly Type: Glazing Th R-Va I ue Construction Components Fr- (in) Summer- Winter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Outside Air Film 0.25 0.17 1. CEC Single Glazing 0.125 0:,06 0.06 2. 10 40 5. bd 7. o �o 9 Inside Air- Film o.68 :"r.63 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Framing Percentage: 0.0 Frating Material: NONE ------------------------------- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 � 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sketch of Construction Assembly Winter- Shading Coefficient: 1.00 Summer Shading Coefficient: 0.62 Total 0.99 0.91 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING R-Va I ue 0.99 0.91 U -Value 1._0110 i__10c'>�-; 6� X, CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 24 of 30 Project: 1723 Plan � � COMPLY 24 v 3.10 | Designer: John Robert Bund Architect | Building Permit No `| Location: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked Bv Documentation: John R. Bund 1 Date (User # 2258) Assembly.Name: Single/Light Blinds Assembly Type: Glazing Framing Percentage: 0.0% Framing Material: NONE � | | | | | | | | | | | . | | � | � | \ � | | Sketch -of Construction Assembly Winter Shading Coefficient: 1.00 Summer Shading Coefficient: 0;34 Total 0.99 0.91 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING R -Value 0.99 0.91 U -Value 1.0110 1.1000 ====== ====== . Th R -Value Construction Components � Fr (in) Summer Winter ------------------------------- Outside _------------ Air Film ___________________________-___ 0.25 0.17 1. CEC 2. Single Glazing 0.125 0.06 0.06 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside ___________________________________________________________________________ Air Film 0.68 0.68 Framing Percentage: 0.0% Framing Material: NONE � | | | | | | | | | | | . | | � | � | \ � | | Sketch -of Construction Assembly Winter Shading Coefficient: 1.00 Summer Shading Coefficient: 0;34 Total 0.99 0.91 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING R -Value 0.99 0.91 U -Value 1.0110 1.1000 ====== ====== CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 25 of 30 ___-_____________________--______________ __________________________________ . Project: 1723 Plan | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 Designer: John Robert Bund Architect 1 Building Permit No | Location: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked By � Documentation: John R. Bund | Date (User # 2258) ___________________________________________________________________________ Assembly Name: Single/Roller Shades Assembly Type: Glazing ` Th R -Value Construction Components Fr (in) Summer Winter --------------- ____________________________________________________________ Outside Air Film 0.25 0.17 1. CEC Single Glazing 0.125 0.06 0.06 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. � 7. ` 9. Inside Air Film . ' 0.68 0.68 ----------------- __________________________________________________________ Framing Percentage: 0.0 % Framing Material: NONE ' -------------- a ----------------� | . | | | | | | | | | | | | | / | / | � | | ` | ------------------------------- Sketch of Construction Assembly Winter Shading Coefficient: 1.00 Summer Shading Coefficient: 0.39 Total 0.99 0.91 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING R -Value 0.99 0.91 U -Value 1.0110 1.1000 ====== ====== CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM ------------------------------------- Project: 1723 -Plan Designer: John Robert Bund Architect Location: Palm Dese.t ' CF -3 page 26 of 30 ____________________ | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 � Building Permit No | Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked By ' | Documentation: John R. Bund > Date (User # 2258) ___________________________________________________________________________ ' Assembly Name: Double/No Int Shades Assembly Type: Glazing Construction Components ------------------------ Outside ______________________Outside Air Film - 1. CEC Double Glazing 4. 5. � 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film ------------------ -`------- ______-_- Framing Percentage: 0.0 % Framing Material: NONE Winter Shading Coefficient: 0.88 Summer Shading Coefficient: 0.88 Th R --Value Fr (in) Summer Winter _____________________________________ 0.25 0.17 0.500 0.69 0.69 0.68 .0.68 -------------------------------------------- Total ________________________________________ Total 1.62 1.54 - OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING R -Value 1.62 1.54 U -Value 0.6179 0.6500 ====== ====== DHW WORKSHEET ONE: STORAGE TYPE GAS OR -ELECTRIC page 27 of 30 ^^__V ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Project: 1723 Plan COMPLY 24 v 3.10 | Designer: John Robert Bund Architect | Building Permit No | Locttion: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked By Documentatibn: John R. Bund | Date (User # 2258) A EQUIPMENT DATA 1 Water heater type SE Enter SG or SE 2 Manufacturer & Water heating budget 18700 3 Model number 3 A.O.Smith DSE-050 (SE) 4 Ignition device IID GP, gas pilot or IID, int. ignition device 5 Tank volume 47.0 Total gallons, from CEC Applianc? Directory 6 Recovery efficiency 99.9 Percent from CEC Appliance Directory 7 Standby loss ' 0.8 Percent/hour, from CEC Appliance Directory 8 Rated input 40956 Btu/hr, from CEC Appliance Directory 0.0060 See Table 2 or Appendix B (1 kWh = 3413 Btu) 9 Number of Heaters 1 From building plans (total) 10 Insulation Jacket Y (Y/N) R-12 insulating jacket on the plans B OPERATING DATA 1 Climate Zone 15 See Appendix D 2 Water heating budget 18700 KBtu/yr/unit, see Table 1 3 Tank set temp. 140 F, fixed input 4 Water main temp. 70.0 F, see Table 1 5 Daily hot water load 50 50 or 35 gallons/unit, see Table 1 6 Ambient air temp. 72.6 F, see Table 1 7 Adj Standby Losses 0.0060 See Table 2 or Appendix B 8 No. dwelling units 1 From building plans (total) 9 Number of pumps 0 From building plans 10 Pumping energy 0.0 Watt-hr/yr per Pump, see Table 3 C ___________________________________________________________________________ WATER HEATING ENERGY CREDITS 1 Credit name See Table 5 2 Annual savings 0.0 KBtu/yr/dwelling unit, see Table 5 D CALCULATE ANNUAL WATER HEATING ENERGY (KBtu/yr) ___________________________________________________________________________ 1 Recovery load 10539.4 {[B5 x 8.25 x(140-B4)x 365 x 0.001]-C2}x B8 2 Recovery energy 10549.9 D1 / A6 3 Standby loss energy 1334.1 {24 - [(D2 x 1000/08 x A9 x 36031 x 8.25 x A5 x B7 x 365 x (140-B6) x 0.001 x A9 4 Pumping energy 0.0 B9xB10x3.413x3x0.001 5 Total energy 35652.1 GAS SYSTEMS: 02 + D3 + 04) / B8 ELECTRIC: {[(D2,+ D3) x 33 + D41 / B8 6 Water heating budget comparison -16952.1 KBtu/yr/unit B2 - D5 7 Water heating budget -19.7 Points (D6 / Floor Area) x 2 x B8 HVAC ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY_ page 28 of 30 ~ ---------------------------------------------- Projects 1723 Plan COMPLY 24 v 3-10 Designer: John Robert Bund Architect | Building Permit No | Location; Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked by | � Documentation: John R. Bund | Date (User # 2259) � ___________________________________________________________________________ HVAC ZONE DESCRIPTION HVAC Zone Name: Heating System Name: Cooling System Name: System Multiplier: Heating Schedule: Cooling Schedule: Fan Schedule: .peak Load Method: . Relative Humidity: SPACES IN THIS ZONE PEAK _______________________ 1st. Floor (Jan 12am) TOTAL SPACE.LOAD Bypass Ventilation Air ( 0 cfm) Supply Duct Conduction Supply Duct Leakage ` / Supply Fan Heat Gain EFFECTIVE SPACE LOAD Ventilation 0 cfm> Return Air Lighting Gain Return Duct Conduction Return Duct Leakage Return Fan Heat Gain ^ TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AT DESIGN CONDITIONS 1st. Floor BDP 542GN042 1 Residential Heating Residential Cooling Residential HVAC & Fans COINCIDENT 50 % HEATING 29266 29266 0 ( 0 0 -0 27447 30674 COOLING PEAK SENSIBLE LATENT � ____ ________ (Aug 2pmh 26420 1292 26420 1292 0 cfm) 0 -0 0 0 0 1819 28239 1292 0 cfm> 0 -0 0 0 0 28239 1292 2.4 tons 0,1 tops 30086 7742 2.5 tons 0.6 tons a~ _ RESIDENTIAL SPACE HEATING LOAD SUMMARY page 29 of 30 _7~-__-____________________________________________________________________ Project: 1723 Plan � | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 Designer: JohnRobert Bund Architect | Building Permit No | ocation: 'Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked By \ Documentatibn: John R. Bund | Date (User # 2258) ___________________________________________________________________________ Space Name: Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Winter Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: 1st. Floor 70 F 32 F 38 F Conduction Area U -Value TD Btu/hr ------ ----------------------- R-19 Wall W/1" EPS ------ 1270.0 x ------- 0.0602 x ---- 38.0 = 2904 Solid Wood Door 40.0 x 0.4184 x 38.0 = 636 Single/Whit,D rapes 13 . 9 0 x 1.1000 x 38.0 = 5810 Single/Light Blinds 28.0 x t.1000 x 38.0 = 1170 Single/Roller Shades 35.0 A 1.1000 x 38.0 = 1463 Single/No Int Shades. 48.0 x 1.1000 x 38.0 = 2006 R-40.Foam Roof 264.0 x 0.0243 x 38.0 = 244 R-38 Roof/Gyp Ceiling 1634.0 x 0.0290 x 38.0 = 1803 Double/No Int Shades 4.0 x 0.6500 x 38.0 = 99 Ex -ed Slab Perim .= 34.0 x 42 = 1411 Carpeted Slab Perim = 112.0 42 = 4648 Infiltration: 1.00 x 0.018 x 1723 iqft x 8.0 ft x 0.75 AC x 38.0 = 7071 TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR SPACE 29266 SUPPLY AIR QUANTITY ----------- ____ Heating: 29266 Btu/hr / [1.10 * (105 F Supply - 65 F TStat)] = 665 cfm ` RESIDENTIAL SPACE COOLINGLOAD SUMMARY page 30 of 30 =� =____________-___________________________________________________________ Project: 1723 Plan | COMPLY 24 v 3.10 ' Designer; John Robert Bund Architect_ | Building Permit No | Location: Palm Desert Date: 9/21/1990 | Checked By | Documentation: John R. Bund | Date (Use. # 2258) ________________-__________________________________________________________ � Space Name: 1st. Floor Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 78 F Design Outdoor Summer Dry Bulb Temperature: 112 F Design Temperature Difference: 34 F Conduction _______________________ Area U -Value DETD Btu/hr R-19 Wall W/1" EPS ______ 1270.0 h 0.0599 x 27.6 = 2098 Solid Wood Door 40.0 x 0.4049 x 27.6 = 447 Single/White Drapes 139.0 x 1.0110 x 34.0 = 4778 Single/Light Blinds 28.0 x 1.0110 x 34.0 = 962 Single/Roller Shades 35.0 x 1.0110 x 34.0 = 1203 Single/No Int Shades 48.0 x 1.0110 x 34.0 = 1650 R-40 Foam Roof 264.0 x 0.0239 x 48.0 = 303 R-38 Roof/Gyp Ceiling 1634.0 x 0.0284 x 48.0 = 2231 Double/No Int Shades 4.0 x 0.6179 x 34.0 = 84 Infiftration: 1.00 x 0.018 x 1723 sqft x 8.0 ft x 0.75 AC x 34.0 = 6327 ' Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orient. Area SGF Area SGF Sc Btu/hr _______________________ Single/White Drapes _________ North [ ____ ___ 0.0 x 15 + ____ ___ 48.0 x 153 ____ x 0.50 ______ = 360 Single/White Drapes North [ 0.0 x 15 + 24.0 x 153 x 0.50 = 180 Single/Light Blinds North [ 0.0 x 15 + 4.0 x 153 x 0.27 = 16 Single/Roller Shades South [ 15.0 x 15 + 0.0 x 323 x 0.34 = 77 Single/No Int Shades South [ 48.0 x 15 + 0.0 x 323 x 0.65 = 468 Single/Roller Shades South [ 5.0 x 15 + 0.0 x 323 x 0.34 = 26 Single/Roller Shades East [ 9.0 x 15 + 6.0 x 733 x 0.34 = 197 Single/White Drapes West [ 67.0 x 15 + 0.0 x 733 x 0.50 = 503 Single/Light Blinds West [ 24.0 x 15 + 0.0 x 733 x 0.27 = 99 Double/No Int Shades Skylight [ 0.0 x 15 + 4.0 x1523 x 0.77 = 471 Internal Gain Op F.rac. Area Heat Gain Conv. Btu/hr _______________________ Lighting ________ 1.00 ------- _____Lighting x 1723.0 x 0.200 x 3.413 = 1176 Equipment 1.00 x 1723.0 x 0.250 x 3.413 = 1470 Occupants 1.00 x 1723.0 x 225 / 300 = 1292 TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR SPACE 26420 Latent Gain Op Frac. Area Heat Gain Conv. _____ Btu/hr ------- _____Equipment _______________________ Equipment ________ 1.00 ______ x 1723.0 _________ x 0.000 x 3.413 = ' 0 Occupants 1.00 x 1723.0 x 225 1 300 = 1292 TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR SPACE 1292 SUPPLY AIR QUANTITY ___________________ Cooling: '26420 Btu/hr / [1.08 * (.78 F TStat - 55 F Supply)] 1 64 cf