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12-1467 (SFD) Structural Calcs (3)
Knapp & Associates,. Inc. 408. South Stoddard.Ave., San Bernardino Ca. 92401 Phone: (909) 889-0115 Fax: (909)889-0455 E=mail:.knappae@aol.com Structural Calculations for Filler Residence — Guest H 81 150 Elsworth Place La:Quinta, California �;3057T: gip, 313111A:.. J+ CN�� l,,llfOF:CA`\�p� Date: August 14, 2013 Prepared By: BDM CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION - BY Knapp & Associates, Inc. 408 South Stoddard Ave., San Bernardino Ca. 92401 Phone: (909) 889-0115 Fax: (909) 889-0455 E-mail: knappae@aol.com Filler Residence (Guest House) Vertical loading GLP 1 -2 GRF 1 - 44 GCD 1 — 2 Lateral Loading GLRI-13 Structural Sheet Index: Design criteria Roof Level Framing Column Design Lateral Resistance Foundation Loading GFDN 1 — 11 Foundation Calculations Ext. Stud Wall: Knapp & Associates Inc. 2x Framing = 1.7 psf Insulation = 0.6 psf 7/8" Plaster = 8.0 Filler Residence (Guest House) 5/8" Drywall By: BDM 1/2" Plywood 408 SOUTHSTODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARARDINOINO, CA 92401 psf 81150 Elsworth Place = 0.7 Date: 8/6/13 E-mailKNAPPAEQAOL.COM TEL (909) 889-0115 = 15.0 psf La Quinta, CA 92253 Proj # 12092.2 Fax (909) 889-0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects; Inc. Sheet: Load Properties Roof (Gym Ceiling) Roof (Plaster Ceiling) Roof Metal Deck = 2.0 psf Roof Metal Deck = 2.0 psf Felt Paper = 0.5 psf Felt Paper = 0.5 psf Roof Truss = 2.5 psf Roof Truss = 2.5 psf 5/8" Plywood = 1.8 psf 5/8" Plywood = 1.8 psf R-30 insulation = 1.2 psf R-30 insulation = 0.0 psf Sprinkler = 2.1 psf Sprinkler = 2.1 psf 5/8" Drywall = 2.8 psf 7/8" Plaster = 10.0 psf Misc. = 2.1 psf Misc. = 1.1 psf DL = 15.0 psf DL. = 20.0 psf LL = 20.0 psf LL = 20.0 psf Ext. Stud Wall: 2x Framing = 1.7 psf Insulation = 0.6 psf 7/8" Plaster = 8.0 psf 5/8" Drywall = 2.5 psf 1/2" Plywood = 1.5 psf Misc. = 0.7 psf DL = 15.0 psf Partition Wall: DL Lateral Loads: Per CBC 2010 (Plywood Shear Wall) Seismic (Method A) SS = 1.50 S1 = 0.60 Seismic Category: D (ss s s, (uscs)j T = C1(h„) x = 0.21 sec. [CI = 0.020 Occupancy Group : II CBC 2010 Table 1604.5 Site Classs: D Fa = 1.00 -(Table 11.4-1) F„ = 1.50 01 (Table 11.4-2) = 15.0 psf CITY OF LA QUINT BUILDING & SAFETY DEP APPROVE® FOR CONSTRUCTION I = 1.00 R = 6.50 DATE BY .(Table 12.8-2) SMS = FaSs = 1.5 SDs = 2/3 x SMs = 1.00 SML = FaS1 = 0.60 SM1 = F„S1 = 0.9 SD, = 2/3 x SM1 = 0.60 SDL = 2/3 X SML = 0.40 V = SDsR I = 0.154 WDL. /, 1:4 x 1 Increased per ASCE 7 05 sec. 12.3 - Redundancy Factor X- 13 = 0186 WDL (ASD) Governs V _ SD1RT.1 = 0.439 WDL / 1.4 x 1.3 x 1.3 0:530 WDL .(ASD) V = 0.01 WDL / 1.A :x 1.3 :x 1.3 . ^ _ ~.0.012 WDL (ASD) Soil Properites: Soil Engineer: Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure = 1500 psf xxx Lateral Bearing Pressure = 150 psf Report #: xxx Date: xxx Tel: xxx a = lesser of : 10% of the least horizontal dimension = 0.1 x 44.5' = 4.45 ft 40% of mean roof height = 0.4 x 17.70 = 7.1 ft But Less Than: 4% of the least horizontal dimension = 0.04 x 44.5' = 1.8 ft 3.0 ft Therefore a = 4.5 ft; End Zone = 2 x 4.5 ft = 8.9 ft Pa = XK tIPg3o 11 (Min. 10 psf in any direction) Transverse MWFRS - P- Calculations Knapp & Associates Inc. P530 (figure 6-2) % Kn I Filler Residence (Guest House) Ps By: D.J. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 Ht. 81150 Elsworth Place Ht. Date: 4/29/13 E-mail COM Design La Quinta, CA 92253 Zone Proj # 12092.1 J TEL (909) 883-0115 TEL (909) 89-011 `n Fax (909)889-0455 100 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Factor Sheet: P. 2 - Pressure A 10.9 Wall -6L 10.9 Wind (Method 1) Wind Per CBC 2010 x 1.29 k = 1.29 (ASCE 7 05,Figure 6-2) 1 = 1,00 (ASCE 7 05,Tabie 11.5-1) 1.00 x v = 95 mph Exposure C (Maslly'C' exposure) psf K, = 1.00 (ASCE 7 05, sec.6.5.7) Pitch 0.75 12.0 (Max 12:12) Roof B 4 -3.4 -3.4 x Building Dimensions x 1.00 44.5' Wide x 78.0' Long x 17.0' Height Ri psf Horiz End Zone w L x End Zone = 2a (figure 6-2) 7.2 10.8 a = lesser of : 10% of the least horizontal dimension = 0.1 x 44.5' = 4.45 ft 40% of mean roof height = 0.4 x 17.70 = 7.1 ft But Less Than: 4% of the least horizontal dimension = 0.04 x 44.5' = 1.8 ft 3.0 ft Therefore a = 4.5 ft; End Zone = 2 x 4.5 ft = 8.9 ft Pa = XK tIPg3o 11 (Min. 10 psf in any direction) Transverse MWFRS - P- Calculations Lonaitudinal MWFRS - P. Calculations P530 (figure 6-2) % Kn I I Ps Base Ht. Roof Angle interpolation Ht. & Exp. Topography Important Design Type Zone Surface Label 0 0 100 3.6 a Factor Factor Factor Pressure A 10.9 Wall A 10.9 16.2 14.7 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00 18.9 psf x 1.00 End Roof B -3.5 -3.4 -3.4 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00 0.0 psf Horiz D 10.8 x Wall C 7.2 10.8 9.7 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00 12.6 psf 1.29 Int. Roof D -3.1 -3.9 -3.7 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00 0.0 psf Int. Wind Wind E -12.5 -17.3 -15.9 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00 -20.5 psf x End Lee F -7.3 -10.5 -9.6 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00 -12.4 psf Vert. Wind G -8.7 -12.0 -11.1 1 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00 -14.3 ps Int. Lee 1 H -5.6 -8.1 -7.4 1 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00 i -9.5 psIl Lonaitudinal MWFRS - P. Calculations So, the design wind pressure for both directions shall be: 20.9 psf - Conservative Ps30 % Kn I Ps Base Ht. & Exp. Topography Important Design Type Zone Surface Label Pressure Factor Factor Factor Pressure End Wall A 10.9 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00 14.0 psf Roof B 16.2 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00 20.9 psf. Horiz Int. Wall C 7.2 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00 9.3 psf Roof D 10.8 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00 13.9 psf End Wind E -12.5 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00 -16.1 psf Lee F -7.3 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00ni Vert. Int. Wind G -8.7 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00 lee H -5.6 x 1.29 x 1.00 x 1.00 So, the design wind pressure for both directions shall be: 20.9 psf - Conservative !7:1 i 9 Knapp & Associates Inc. P� n -1 Filler Residence -Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE r 8 i 150 Elsworth Place Dote: 8/6/13 SE maAN d KN%1PPAE�AOL.COM, Lo Quinto, CA 92253 Proj 12092.2 TEL. (909) 889-0115 Fax (909)889-0455 Prest—Vuksic Architects, inc. Sheet: //�{��1 &e -9 !7:1 i 9 RB— n -1 !7:1 i 9 r Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 Filler Residence Guest House — 81150 Elsworth Place By: D.J. Date: 4/26/13 E-maflKNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL_ (909) 889.0115 Fax (909) 889-0455 La Cuinta CA 92253 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. PfOf # 12092.1 Gd Sheet: 6xF-Z Joist I Beam Loading USE: 6X12 RB- 2 USE: W14X43 DL+LL RB- 1 R cant. = .0' DL = 15*4/2- L = 10.00' L cant. _ .0' R cant. _ .0' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DL = 15*13/2 = 98 plf PILL - LL = 20*13/2 = 130 plf 10.00' P1DL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib ---------->I PILL = (From RB - } = 0 Ib L X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft = Distance from left support P2DL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - } = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: 6X12 RB- 2 USE: W14X43 L = 4.50' L cant. = 10.0' R cant. = .0' DL = 15*4/2- = 30 plf LL = 20*4/2 = 40 plf PZDL = (From RB - 1) = 560 Ib PILL - = (From RB - 1) = 650 Ib X = Distance from left support = -10.0 ft P2DL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P21 -L = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft P, DL+LL iill11111111illllillllill1111111 lillilillf1111111111111 10.00' 4.50' 1 <--->i<---------->I L cant. L USE: W14X43 RB- 3 L = 11.00' L cant. _ .0' R cant. _ .0' DL = 20*14.5/2+10*6/2 = 175 plf LL = 20*14.5/2+20*6/2 = 205 plf P101- = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib PILL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft P2DL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: 6X16 P, DL+LL iill11111111illllillllill1111111 lillilillf1111111111111 10.00' 4.50' 1 <--->i<---------->I L cant. L Kapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 Filler Residence Guest House — 81150 Elsworth Place By: D.J. Date: 4/26/13 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM 1, TEL, (9091 889-0115 Fax 1909 1889-0455 La Quinta, CA 92253 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Pro # 12092.1 Sheet: '4fF 3 Joist / Beam Loading RS- 4 L = 7.50' L cant. = 5.0' R cant. = 6.0' DL = 20`27/2 = 270 plf LL = 20*2712 = 270 plf P1DL = (From RB - 3) = 1,070 Ib PILL = (From RB - 3) = 1,130 Ib X = Distance from left support = -5.0 ft P20L = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: W8X18 RB- 5 L = 18.00' L cant. = .0' R cant. _ .0' DL = 20*4/2 = 40 plf LL = 20*4/2 = 40 plf PIDL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib PILL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft P2DL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: 6X16 RB- 6 L = 25.00' L cant. = 5.5' R cant. _ .0' DL = 20*(29/2+2) = 330 plf LL = 20*(29/2+2) = 330 plf P1DL = (From RB - 7) = 2,590 Ib PILL = (From RB - 7) = 1,680 Ib X = Distance from left support = -5.5 ft P2DL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: W10X39 �DL+LL 5.0' 7.50' 6.00' i <--->I< --- ------- - --------- ---- <--> i L cant L R cant. DL+LL Q U I NI A BUILDI1d.rog SAFt�(�CnI�-J.''��—^T' DEFT. FOR CLONSTRUCTION DATE BY P1 �DL+LL IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII������������������ 5,50' 25.00' L cant. L Knapp & Associates Inc. L Filler Residence Guest House By: D.J. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 — 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 4126/13 /1 E.m7ELr (909) E 010 .COM La Quinta, CA 92253 Proj # 12092.1 " Fax (909)889-0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: AAF 4 Joist / Beam Loading RB- 7 L = 30.50' L cant. _ .0' R cant. _ .0' DL = 20*(7/2+2) = 110 plf LL = 20*(7/2+2) = 110 plf PIDL = (From RB - ) = 0 lb PILL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft P201- = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: W10X60 (TRANSOM BEAM) RB- 8 L = 25.00' L cant. = 4.0' R cant. _ .0' DL = 20*4/2 = 40 plf LL = 20*4/2 = 40 plf PIDL _ (From RB - 6) = 10,410 Ib PILL = (From RB - 6) = 8,190 Ib X = Distance from left support = -4.0 ft P20L = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib p21-1- = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X - - = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: W10X68 RB- 9 L = 25.00' L cant. _ .0' R cant. _ .0' DL = 20*5 = 100 plf WL = 20.9*15/2 = 157 plf PIDL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib PILL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft P20L = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: HSS12X8X1/2 (TRANSOM BEAM) P1 DL+LL IIIII IIII II I III I I II I II IIIIIIII III I I IIII II I II I 111111 IIII 4.00' 25.00' <---> 1< L cant. L RB- 10 IKna & Associates Inc. PP OB SOLITH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 Filler Residence _Guest House 81150 Elsworth Place = 12.50' L cant. = 6.0' By: Date: BDM 8/6/13 E-MilKNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL. (909) 889-0115 Fax (9091889-0455 = 49 plf La Quinta, CA 92253 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. = 20*(2.5/2+2) Proj # Sheet: 12092.2 44ic - = (From RB - 6) = 4,070 Ib PILL = (From RB - 6) = 4,130 Ib X = Distance from left support Joist I Beam Loading , P2DL = (From RB - ) RB- 10 L = 12.50' L cant. = 6.0' L 2 = 10.0' DL = 15*(2.5/2+2) = 49 plf LL = 20*(2.5/2+2) = 65 plf P1DL = (From RB - 6) = 4,070 Ib PILL = (From RB - 6) = 4,130 Ib X = Distance from left support = -6.0 ft P2DL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - } = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: W10X39 RB- 11 L = .00' L cant. _ .0' R cant. _ .0' DL = 0 = 0 plf LL = 0 = 0 plf PIDL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib PILL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft P2DL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: Beam Not Used RB- 12 L = 5.50' L cant. _ .0' R cant. _ .0' DL = 15*5712 = 428 plf WL = 20*57/2 = 570 plf PIDL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib PILL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft P20L = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: 6X12 DL+LL 6.0' 12.50' 10.00' <---> I <------------------------ <----> L cant. L L 2 I CITY OIY��—'-- 6H0� I 1J,IDNETPTA APDO�VED. FOR CONSTRUC�ON DATE �L BY �DL+LL 5.50' L Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.CDM ( TEL. (909)889.0115 Fax 19091889-0455 Filler Residence Guest House — 81150 Elsworth Place La Quinta, CA 92253 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. By: BDM Date: 816/13 Proj # 12092.2 Sheet: F - Joist / Beam Loadinci R cant. _ .0' DL = 15*28/2 DL+LL RB- 13 = 20*28/2 = 280 pif L = 5.50' L cant. _ .0' R cant. _ .0' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DL = 15*10.5/2 = 79 plf 6 LL = 20*10.5/2 = 105 plf 5.50' P1DL = (From RB- ) = 0 l ---- --------- -------� PILL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib L X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft = Distance from left support P2DL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib USE: 6X12 P2LL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: 6X12 RB- 14 L = 8.00' L cant. _ .0' R cant. _ .0' DL = 15*28/2 = 210 plf LL = 20*28/2 = 280 pif PIDL = (From RB - ) - 0 Ib PILL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft P2DL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: 6X12 RB- 15 L = .00' L cant. _ .0' R cant. _ .0' DL = 0 = 0 plf WL 0 = 0 plf PIDL = (From RB - ) 0 Ib PILL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft P2DL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL z (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: Beam Not Used Joist / Beam Loadina RB- 16 Kapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 Filler Residence Guest House — 81150 Elsworth Place L By: Date: BDM 8/6/13 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL. (909) 889-0115 Far 19091889-0455 La Quinta, CA 92253 Prest - Vuksic Architects. Inc. = 94 plf Proj # Sheet: 12092.2 - i Joist / Beam Loadina RB- 16 L = 23.00' L cant. _ .0' R cant. _ .0' DL = 15*2+15'4.25 = 94 plf LL = 20*2 = 40 plf PIDL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib PILL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft P2DL = (From RB - ) = 0 -lb P2LL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: 5 1/8 X 21 GLB RB- 17 L = 9.00' L cant. = 9.0' R cant. _ .0' DL = 15*27/2+15°4.25 = 266 plf LL = 20*27/2 = 270 plf P1DL = (From RB - 16) - 1,358 Ib PILL = (From RB - 16) = 460 Ib X = Distance from left support = -9.0 ft P2DL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - ) = 0 lb X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: 6 3/4 X 42 GLB RB- 18 L = 8.00' L cant. _ .0' R cant. _ .0' DL = 20*6/2 = 60 plf WL = 20*6/2 = 60 plf PIDL = (From RB- ) = 0 Ib PILL = (From RB- ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft P2DL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: HSS 6X12X1/4 P, , DDLL+LL ley - 23.00' L DL+LL �uQ0I NTA NILUING & SAFETY DEPT P —� ® L DATE By (11111111111111111111111 DL+LL 1111111111111111111 8.00' <------------ L Joist / Beam Loading RB- 19 Knapp & Associates Inc. L = 4.00' L cant. = .0' R cant. = .0' DL = 15*27/2+15*4.25 Filler Residence Guest House LL By: BDM PIDL 406 SOUTHDDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARARDINO, ca szaal — 81150 Elsworth Place PILL Date: 816/13 E-mailKNAPPAE@AOL-COM La Quinta, CA 92253 = 0.0 ft Pro # 1 12092.2 _j TEL. (909 889-0115 FaX (9091e89-0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. = (From RB - ) Sheet: 4p7►G�-� Joist / Beam Loading RB- 19 L = 4.00' L cant. = .0' R cant. = .0' DL = 15*27/2+15*4.25 = 266 plf LL = 20*27/2 = 270 plf PIDL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib PILL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft P20L = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: 6X6 RB- 20 L = 11.00' L cant. = .0' R cant. _ .0' DL = 15*6/2+15*4.75 = 116 plf LL = 20*6/2 = 60 plf PIDL = (From RB - } = 0 Ib PILL = (From RB- ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft P2DL = (From RB - } - = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: 6X12 RB- 21 L = 14.00' L cant. _ .0' R cant. = .0' DL = 15*6/2+2/2 = 60 plf WL = 20*6/2+2/2 = 80 pif P1DL = (From RB - } = 0 Ib P1LL = (From RB - } = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft P20L = (From RB - ) = 0 Ib P2LL = (From RB - } = 0 Ib X = Distance from left support = 0.0 ft USE: 6X14 1 I . Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E -mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM C 4 TEL, (909) 889.0115 Fax (909) 869-0455 Wood!Beam , _- � . ! ! 1 • Tom_ il�ity16'bc%'�7+r'!!�; Description : RB -1 CODE REFERENCES Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 Project Descr. 81150 Elswodh Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 ' Q CP�' 6 Pried 6 AUG 2013 3 42F.i -4ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2013. Bu81: Ver6.13.6.21 Calculations per NDS 2005, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Fb - Tension 1,350.0 psi E: Modulus of Elasticity Load Combination IBC 2009 Fb -Compr 1,350.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,600.Oksi Fc - Pdl 925.0 psi Eminbend - xx 580.0 ksi Wood Species :Douglas Fir- Larch Fc - Perp 625.0 psi Wood Grade : No.1 Fv 170.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Density 32.210pcf Beam Bracing Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsion buckling r D(0.098) Lr(0.13) 4 ) f . t i I � 6X12 Span = 10.0 ft CITY OF LA QUINTA', BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. Applied Loads Service loads ent red. Loaf Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load : D = 0.0980, Lr = 0.130 , Tributary Width =1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY DATE Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.1781 Maximum Shear Stress a Io - Section used for this span 6x12 Section used for this span 6x12 fb : Actual = 299.62 psi fv : Actual = 23.26 psi i FB :Allowable = 1,687.50 psi Fv : Allowable = 212.50 psi ! Load Combination +D+Lr+H Load Combination +D+Lr+H f Location of maximum on span = 5.000ft Location of maximum on span = 0.000 ft Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Maximum Deflection '1.00 1.00 1.00 Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.026 in Ratio = 4549 j Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = • 0 <360 1.00 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.049 in Ratio = 2442 1.40 138.76 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <240 +D+Lr+H 1.00 Maximum Forces'& Stresses for:Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Cd C FN Ci Cr Cm C t CL M fb F'b V fv F°v D Only 1.00 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length =10.0 It 1 0.103 '0.063 1.OD 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.40 138.76 1350.00 0.45 10.77 170.00 +D+Lr+H 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 10.0 ft 1 0.178 0.109 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.03 299.62 1687.50 0.98 23.26 212.50 Overall Maximum Deflections • Unfactored.Ltiads Load Combination Span Max. '= Den Location in Span Load Combination Max. '+• Den Location in Span D+Lr 1 0.0491 5.036 '0.0000 0.000 ! Project Title: Filler Residence_Guest House Knapp & Associates Inc. Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Project Descr: 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 Lr� �(Q E-mail KNAPPAE®AOL.COM TEL, (909) 889.0115 (9091889.0455 Prin;et 6 AUG 2013 3 42;4.1 Wood Beam FE=Z:MM26-APRES7tFD2LRB-JICSUPH4-0112D92.21GGN06E-N118NIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2013, Build: Ver: Description : RB -1 .Vertical Reactions - Unfactored Support notation; Far left is #1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MA)Gmum 1.211 1.211 D Only 0.561 0.561 Lr Only 0.650 0.650 D+Lr 1.211 1.211 1 Applied Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations - Knapp & Associates Inc. Project Title: Filler Residence_Guest House Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 ' 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 Project Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 II r `f CITY Orr-- E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL. (909) 889-0115 Uniform Load : D = 0.030, Lr = 0.040 k/ft, Tributary Width = 1.0 ft Fax (9091 889-0455 P(mled- 6 AUG 2013 3.a3P1.4 ' Steel Beam FIe=Z:122wH26-APRESTI FD2LRB-ACSUPH4-ai12D92.2%GGND6E-NtlONIPL-J.ECB 1 ENERCALC, INC.1983-2013, Build:613.6.21, Ver. ARMOVED Uniform Load : D = 0.030, Lr = 0.040 k/ft, Tributary Width =1.0 ft Description: RB -2 1CODE REFERENCES Calculations per AISC 360-05, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 0.050: 1 Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 Section used this span W14x43 Properties Ma : Applied 17.745 k -ft Va : Appl1e2A t _Material Analysis Method: Allowable Strength Design Fy : Steel Yield : 50.0 ksi Mn / Omega: Allowable 173.653 k -ft Load Combination +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (LL) Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsional buckling E. Modulus: 29,000.0 ksi Location of maximum on span 10.000ft Bending Axis: Major Axis Bending 10.000 ft Combination IBC 2009 - Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 .Load D(0.56) LrO.65) f 1 Applied Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations - Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 CITY Orr-- LA Q U I N TA Uniform Load : D = 0.030, Lr = 0.040 k/ft, Tributary Width = 1.0 ft ' Point Load : D = 0.560, Lr= 0.650 k @ 0.0 ft, (From RB -1) BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. Load for Span Number 2 ARMOVED Uniform Load : D = 0.030, Lr = 0.040 k/ft, Tributary Width =1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY FO(- CON Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.102 : 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio -=-' 4r 0.050: 1 Section used for this span W14x43 Section used this span W14x43 Ma : Applied 17.745 k -ft Va : Appl1e2A t BY ----4497 Mn / Omega: Allowable 173.653 k -ft Load Combination +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (LL) Vn/Omega-: Allowabt Load Combination +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run(LL) Location of maximum on span 10.000ft Location of maximum on span 10.000 ft Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.055 in Ratio = 4,356 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection -0.002 in Ratio = 34,437 I Max Downward Total Deflection 0.11.3 in Ratio = 2125 i Max Upward Total Deflection -0.003 in Ratio = 16769 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Summary of Moment Values Summary of Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Mmax + Mmax - Ma - Max Mnx Mnx/Omega Cb Rm Va Max Vnx Vnx/Omega D Only Dsgn. L = 10.00 ft 1 0.053 0.027 •9.24 9.24 290,00 173.65 1.00 1.00 2.22 125.36 83.57 Dsgn. L = 4.50 It 2 0.053 0.027 -9.24 9.24 290.00 173.65 1.00 1.00 2.22 125.36 83.57 +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run ('L) Dsgn. L = 10.00 ft 1 0.053 0.028 -9.24 9.24 290.00 173.65 1.00 1.00 2.31 125.36 83.57 Dsgn. L = 4.50 ft 2 0.053 0.028 -9.24 9.24 290.00 173.65 1.00 1.00 2.31 125.36 83.57 +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (L') Dsgn. L = 10.00 ft 1 0.102 0.049 -17.74 17.74 290.00 173.65 1.00 1.00 4.11 125.36 83.57 Dsgn. L = 4.501 2 0,102 0.049 -17.74 17.74 290.00 173.65 1.00 1.00 4.11 125.36 83.57 +D+Lr+H. LL Comb Run (LL) Dsgn. L = 10.00 ft 1 0.102 0.050 -17.74 17.74 290.00 173.65 1.00 1.00 4.20 125.36 83.57 Dsgn. L = 4.50 It 2 0.102 0.050 -17.74 17.74 290.00 173.65 1.00 1.00 4.20 125.36 83.57 Overall Maximum Deflections• Unfactored Loads ' Load Combination Span Max, !- De0 Location in Span Load Combination Max. `-V Dell Location in Span D+Lr 1 0,1129 0.000 0.0000 1.904 2 010000 0.000 D+Lr -0.0032 1.904 I L� t 1 r, Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House Knapp & Associates Inc. Engineer. BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Project Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 L SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 l , E-mail KNAPPAEQAOL.COM C (909)889.0115 Fax Fax (909) 889.0455 FriNed 6 AUG 2017 a aaanl Steel Beam File=Z'12ZWH26-71PRESTIFD2LRB-JICSUPH4^0112092.21GGN66E-N118NIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC. INC. 1983.2013. Buili:6.13.621, Ver: i.iir Description : RB -2 Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. Downward Deft Location in Span Span Max. Upward Dell Location in Span D Only 1 0.0578 0.000 2 -0.0017 1.904 Lr Only, LL Comb Run ('L) 2 0.0000 2.285 1 -0.0002 0.000 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (L') 1 0.0551 0.000 2 -0.0016 1.904 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (LL) 1 0.0549 0.000 2 -0.0015 1.904 D+Lr, LL Comb Run ('L) 1 0.0576 0.000 2 -0.0016 1.904 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (L') 1 0.1129 0.000 2 -0.0032 1.904 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (LL) 1 0.1127 0.000 2 -0.0032 1.904 Vertical Reactions • Unfactored Support notation: Far left is #1 Values In KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Support 3 Overall MA)Gmum 6.535 -3.779 D Only 3.507 -1.89 Lr Only, LL Comb Run ('L) 0.090 0.090 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (L') 2.939 -1.889 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (LL) 3.029 -1.799 D+Lr, LL Comb Run ('L) 3.597 -1.800 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (L') 6.446 -3.779 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (LL) 6.536 -3.689 Steel Section Pro erties : W1443 Depth = 13.700 in _ I xx - 428.00 in^4 J - 1.050 in"4 , Web Thick = 0.305 in S xx 62.60 in13 Cw = 1,950.00 in16 Flange Width = 8.000 in R xx = 5.820 in Flange Thick = 0.530 in Zx = 69.600 in^3 Area = 12.600 in12 I yy = 45.200 tn^4 Weight = 42.890 plf S yy = 11.300 in^3 Wno = 26.300 in12 Kdesign = 1.120 in R yy = 1.890 in Sw = 27.900 in'4 K1 = 1.000 in Zy = 17.300 Ing Of = 13.400 in"3 its = 2.180 in rT = 2.120 in Ow = 34.000 in"3 Ycg = 6.650 in t 1 r, t fl t Ll 1 t Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL. (909) 889-0115 Fax (909)889.0455 Wood Beam Description : RB -3 CODE REFERENCES Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House Engineer. BDM Project ID: 12092.2 Protect Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 am_P Prin(n' 6 AUG 2013 3 44P)1 ENERCALC, INC. 1983.2013. Build:, Ver. Calculations per NDS 2005, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combination Set : IBC 2009 Material Properties F LA UINTA 1 Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Fb - Tension 1,350.0 psi E: Modulus of Elasticity Load Combination IBC 2009 Fb - Compr 1,350.0 psi Ebend- xx 1,600.0 ksi Segment Length Span # M V C d C FIV Fc - Pdl 925.0 psi Eminbend - xx 580.0 ksi Wood Species : Douglas Fir - Larch Fc - Perp 625.0 psi 0.201:1 Maximum Shear Stres-1.50 Wood Grade : No.1 Fv 170.0 psi fb : Actual 328.89psi Ft 675.0 psi Density 32.210pcf Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsion buckling j Load Combination +D+Lr+H �---------------------- 0(0.175) Lr(0.205) - --- ----- - -- -, I Span # 1 Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Maximum Deflection Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations 6x16 F LA UINTA 1 FBUILDING& SAFETY DEPT. Span = 11.0 ft PROVEDApplied Loads Moment Values Service loads a ' d7e i q a ations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V C d C FIV Uniform Load : D=0.1750, Lr = 0.2050 , Tributary Width =1.0 ft C r DESIGN SUMMARY C t DATE Maximum Bending Stress Ratio - 0.201:1 Maximum Shear Stres-1.50 Section used for this span 6x16 Section used for this span 6x16 fb : Actual 328.89psi fv : Actual 29.60 psi FB: Allowable 1,640.19psi Fv: Allowable 212.50 psi j Load Combination +D+Lr+H Load Combination +D+Lr+H ! Location of maximum on span = 5.500ft Location of maximum on span = 9.715 ft Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Maximum Deflection 1312.15 0.82 1 Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.025 in Ratio = 5306 ; Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.048 in Ratio = 2726 i Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <240 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V C d C FIV C i C r C In C t C L M ib Fb V tv FV D Only 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length =11.0 ft 1 0.122 0.085 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.94 159.94 1312.15 0.82 14.39 170.00 +D+Lr+H 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length =11.0 It 1 0.201 0.139 1.25 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.04 328.89 1640.19 1.68 29.60 212.50 Overall Maximum Deflections • Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. '- Den Location in Span Load Combination Max. '+' Defl Location in Span D+Lr 1 0.0484 5.540 0.0000 0.000 , r Kapp & Associates Inc. Project Title: Engineer: Filler Residence—Guest House BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO;.CA92401 Project Descr: 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 P %� '^ \E-mail KNAPPAEQAOL,COM TEL. (909 889-0115 .,�,.. Fax (90911 889.0455 t Prin!ed' SAUG -70i3 344PP.5 WooCi'B@aril File Z122wH26 71PRESnFD2LRe-JICSUPH4-0112092.21GGN06E-N1IBNIPL--J.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2D13. Build:, Ver.6:13,6.21' , r.��r• - - - Description .' RB -3 .Vertical. Reactions - Unhictor@d Support notation: Far left is #1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 1 Overall MAXimum 2.195 2.195 D Only 1.067 1.067 Lr Only 1.128 1.128 D+Lr 2.195 2.195 t t 1-1 Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM 1 TEL. (909) 889-0115 ..,...i Fax (909) 889-0455 1 Steel Beam Description: RB4 CODE REFERENCES Calculations per AISC 360-05, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combination Set : IBC 2009 Material Properties Project Title: Filler Residence Guest House Engineer. BDM - Project ID: 12092.2 Project Descr: 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 Cleor -tS File = Ponied G ALIG 2013 3 45PM ENERCALC. INC. 1983-2013, Build:, Ver. Analysis Method: Allowable Strength Design Fy : Steel Yield: 50.0 ksi Beam Bracing: Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsional buckling E: Modulus: 29,000.0 ksi Bending Axis: Major Axis Bending Load Combination IBC 2009 I D(1 [l C C� Span = 5.0 ft W Bx18 Span = 7.50 ft W 8x18 Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Uniform Load: D = 0.270, Lr = 0.270 k/ft, Tributary Width = 1.0 ft Point Load : D =1.070, Lr =1,130 k @ 0.0 ft, (From RB -3) Load for Span Number 2 Uniform Load : D = 0.270, Lr = 0.270 klft, Tributary Width =1.0 ft Load for Span Number 3 Uniform Load: D = 0.270, Lr = 0.270 k/ft, Tributary Width =1.0 ft Span =6.0ft W 8x18 Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. ("VITY OF LA QUINTA ,�6.:IL.DJNG & SAFETY DEPT. `w - ROVED 1=OFA CONSTRUCTION .DESIGN SUMMARY. " DATE ' e Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.424: 1 Maximum Shear Sti ess Ratto = OT Section used for this span W8x18 Section used for this span rg- Ma: Applied 117.974k -ft Va : Applied 4.990 k j Mn / Omega: Allowable 42.415 k -ft Vn/Omega : Allowable 37.444 k Load Combination +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (L'7 Load Combination +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (L'-) Location of maximum on span 5.000ft Location of maximum on span 5.000 ft Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 Maximum Deflection 56.17 37.44 Dsgn. L = 7.50 ft Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.204 in Ratio = 588 -0.00 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection -0.048 in Ratio = 1,858 42.42 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.384 in Ratio = 313 37.44 Max Upward Total Deflection -0.086 in Ratio = 1046 0.046 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Segment Length Span # Max Stress Ratios M V Mmax + Mmax - Summary of Moment Values Ma - Max Mnx Mnx/Omega Cb Rm Summary of Shear Va!ues Va Max Vnx Vnx/Omega D Only Dsgn. L = 5.00 If 1 0.211 0.067 -8.95 8.95 70.83 42:42 1.00 1.00 2.51 56.17 37.44 Dsgn. L = 7.50 ft 2 0.211 O.D46 -0.00 -0.95 8.95 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 1.73 56.17 37.44 Dsgn. L = 6.00 If 3 0.122 0.046 -5.18 5.18 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 1.73 56.17 37.44 +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run ("L) Dsgn. L = 5.00 It 1 0.211 0.067 -8.95 8.95 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 2.51 56.17 37.44 Dsgn. L = 7.50 It 2 0.237 0.089 -0.00 -10.04 10.04 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 3.35 56.17 37.44 Dsgn. L = 6.00 It 3 0.237 0.089 -10.04 10.04 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 3.35 56.17 37.44 +D4Lr+H, LL Comb Run ('L') Dsgn. L = 5.00 It 1 0.211 0.069 -0.95 8.95 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 2.59 56.17 37.44 Dsgn. L = 7.50 It 2 0.211 0.069 -0.00 -8.95 8.95 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 2.59 56.17 37.44 Dsgn. L = 6.00 It 3 0.122 0.046 -5.18 5.18 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 1.73 56.17 37.44 +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run ('LL) Dsgn. L = 5.00 It 1 0.211 0.067 -8.95 8.95 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 2.51 56.17 37.44 Dsgn. L = 7.50 ft 2 0.237 0.089 -0.00 -10,04 10.04 70:83 42.42 1.00 1.00 3.35 56.17 37.44 Dsgn. L = 6.00 It 3 0.237 0.089 -10.04 10.04 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 3.35 56.17 37.44 +O+Lf+H, LL Comb Run (L") , Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House Knapp & Associates Inc. Engineer. BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Project Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 O// �W� 1f SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92401 Email KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL. (909) 889.0115 Fax (909)889-0455 Printed 6AUGr313 345PM Steel Beam Fib=Z,.22vvH26-TIPRESTI FD2LRB-JICSUPH4-0112092.21GGN06E-N118NIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 19832013, Build:, Ver. , 1.0ii Description : RB-0 Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Summary of Moment Values Summary of Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Mmax + Mmax - Ma - Max Mnx Mnx/Omega Cb Rm Va Max Vnx Vnx/Omega Dsgn, L = 5.00 It 1 0.424 0.133 -17.97 17.97 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 4.99 56.17 37.44 Dsgn, L = 7.50 ft 2 0.424 0.074 -0.00 -17.97 17.97 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 2.79 56.17 37.44 Dsgn, L = 6.00 It 3 0.122 0.046 -5.18 5.18 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 1,73 56.17 37.44 , +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (L'L) Dsgn, L = 5.0011 1 0.424 0.133 -17.97 17.97 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 4.99 56.17 37.44 Dsgn. L = 7.50 ft 2 0.424 0.089 -0.00 -17.97 17.97 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 3.35 56,17 37.44 Dsgn. L = 6.00 ft 3 0.237 0.089 -10.04 10.04 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 3.35 56.17 37.44 +D4Lr+H, LL Comb Run (LL') ' Dsgn, L = 5.00 It 1 0.424 0.133 -17.97 17.97 70.83 42,42 1.00 1.00 4.99 56.17 37.44 Dsgn, L = 7.50 ft 2 0.424 0.101 -0.00 -17.97 17.97 70,83 42.42 1.00 1.00 3.80 56.17 37.44 Dsgn, L = 6.00 It 3 0.122 0.046 -5.18 5.18 70.83 42.42 1.00 1,00 1.73 56:17 37.44 +D4Lr+H, LL Comb Run (LLL) Dsgn, L = 5.00 It 1 0.424 0.133 -17.97 17.97 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 4.99 56.17 37.44 ' Dsgn. L = 7.50 ft 2 0.424 0.089 •0.00 -17.97 17.97 70.83 42.42 1.00 1,00 3.35 56.17 37.44 Dsgn. L = 6.00 It 3 0.237 0.089 -10.04 10.04 70.83 42.42 1.00 1.00 3.35 55.17 37.44 Overall Maximum Deflections - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. '= Dell Location in Span Load Combination Max. '+- Defl Location in Span D+Lr 1 0.3837 0.000 0.0000 3.513 2 0.0000 0.000 D+Lr -0.0861 3.608 D+Lr 3 0.3318 6.000 0.0000 3.608 Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. Downward Dell Location in Span Span Max, Upward Dell Location in Span D Only 1 0.1797 0.000 2 -0.0376 3.608 Lr Only, LL Comb Run ("L) 3 0.1119 6.000 2 -0.0172 4.367 Lr Only, LL Comb Run ('L') 2 0.0109 3.797 3 -0.0274 6.000 Lr Only, LL Comb Run ('LL) 3 0.0845 6.000 2 -0.0070 5.221 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (L") 1 0.1748 0.000 2 -0.0324 3.228 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (L'L) 1 0.2041 0.000 2 -0.0484 3.608 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (LL') 1 0.1520 0.000 2 -0.0219 2.943 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (LLL) 1 0.1812 0.000 2 -0.0375 3.513 D+Lr: LL Comb Run (-L) 3 0.2666 6.000 2 -0.0542 3.797 D+Lr, LL Comb Run ('L') 1 0.1568 0.000 2 -0.0268 3.418 D+Lr, LL Comb Run ('LL) 3 0.2392 6.000 2 -0.0433 3.892 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (L") 1 0.3545 0.000 2 -0.0699 3.418 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (L'L) 1 0.3837 0.000 2 -0.0861 3.608 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (LL') 1 0.3316 0.000 2 -0.0591 3.323 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (LLL) 1 0.3609 0.000 2 -0.0752 3.513 Vertical Reactions - Unfactored Support notation: Far left is #1 Values in KIPS ' Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Support 3 Support 4 Overall MAX1mum 8.787 5.585 D Only 4.091 2.305 Lr Only, LL Comb Run ("L) -0.648 2.268 Lr Only, LL Comb Run ('L') 1.013 1.013 Lr Only, LL Comb Run ('LL) 0.365 3.281 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (L"') 3.683 -1.203 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (L'L) 3.035 1.065 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (LL') 4.696 -0.191 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (LLL) 4.048 2.077 D+Lr, LL Comb Run ("L) 3.443 4.573 D+Lr, LL Comb Run ('L') 5.104 3.317 D+Lr, LL Comb Run ('LL) 4.456 5.585 , D4Lr, LL Comb Run (L") 7.775 1.102 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (L'L) 7.127 3.370 D4-Lr, LL Comb Run (LL') 8.787 2.114 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (LLL) 8.139 4.382 t f Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAEQAOL.COM TEL. (909) 889.0115 Fax (9091889-0455 1 Wood Beam m5clmm�.�rl� Description : RB -5 J ri �I t CODE REFERENCES Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 Project Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 4AF-i7 Prxied 6 AUG 2013 3 49PM File = Z:122WH26-APRESTIF02LRB-JICSUPH4-0112092.21GGNO6E-NII8NIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2013. Build:, Ver:6.13.6,21 Calculations per NDS 2005, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 Material Properties Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Uniform Load : D = 0.040, Lr = 0.040, Tributary Width =1.0 ft Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Fb - Tension 1,350.0 psi E: Modulus of Elasticity Load Combination I BC 2009 Fb - Compr 1,350.0 psi Ebend- xx 1,600.0 ksi FB: Allowable = Fc - Pdl 925.0 psi Eminbend - xx 580.0 ksi Wood Species :Douglas Fir -Larch Fc - Perp 625.0 psi Span # 1 Wood Grade : No.1 Fv 170.0 psi Segment Length Span # M V C d C FN C i Ft 675.0 psi Density 32.210 pcf Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsion buckling M fb Fb D(0.04) Lr(0.04 j 6x16 CITY OF LA QUINTA Span = 18.0 ft BUIL//��DING (&''��SAAFETY DEPT. 1 .Applied Loads Service 1 ds enIeu�►Pd�1Rr,witlke EplDor calcula ions. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Uniform Load : D = 0.040, Lr = 0.040, Tributary Width =1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY !�~ ^0.133` !Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 1 Section used for this span 6x16 1 fib : Actual = 218.62 psi FB: Allowable = 1,640.19psi Load Combination +D+Lr+H Location of maximum on span = 9.000ff Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Maximum Deflection Shear Values Maximum Shear Stress Rar-f o Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Section us for Ihls span axia fv : Actual = 13.51 psi Fv: Allowable = 212.50 psi Load Combination +D+Lr+H Location of maximum on span = 16.752fl Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.035 in Ratio = 6207 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.086 in Ratio = 2506 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <240 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V C d C FN C i Cr C In C t C L M fb Fb V tv Fv D Only 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length =18.0 it 1 0.099 0.047 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.39 130.35 1312.15 0.48 8.06 170.00 +D+Lr+H 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length =16.0 It 1 0.133 0.064 1.25 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.01 218.62 1640.19 0.77 13.51 212.50 Overall Maximum Deflections - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. =' Defl Location in Span Load Combination Max. '+' Defl Location in Span D+Lr 1 0.0862 9.065 0.0000 0.000 f Project Title: Filler Residence—Guest House Knapp & Associates Inc. Engineer. BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Protect Descr. 81150 Ellsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 G p SAN 6ERNARDINO, fl E-mail KNAPPAEQAOLOL.COM COM TEL. (909) 889.0115 „,,�,a Fax (909) 889-0455 Pnnted• 6 AUG 2013 3 4WPM Wood BeamFit?=Z:122wH26-TiPRESTtFD2LRB-JICSUPH4-011 2092.21GGN06E-NIIBNIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983.2013, Build:, Ver. Description : RB-5 vertical Reactions • Unfactored Support notation: Far lett is #1 Values in KIPS ' Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MA imum 0.892 0.892 D Only 0.532 0.532 Lr Only 0.360 0.360 D*Lr 0.892 0.892 t 1 1 1 1 r Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE } SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 •sx�� E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM [ TEL. (909) 889-0115 Fax (909) 889.0455 Steel Beam Description: Pmject Title: Filler Residence Guest House Engineer. BDM - Project ID: 12092.2 Protect Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 C-alic-If FrdAeo' 6 AUG 2113 350R.4 File= Z:12M26-APRES'RFD2LR8-JICSUPH4-0112092.21GGN06E-N118NIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1963-2013.80d:, Vec6.13.6.21 - CODE REFERENCES Calculations per AISC 360-D5, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Strength Design Fy : Steel Yield: 50.0 ksi Beam Bracing: Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsional buckling E: Modulus: 29,000.0 ksi Bending Axis : Major Axis Bending Load Combination IBC 2009 I D(2.59)�3.Lr(0.33 v 1 Span = 5.50 ft W10x60 Ci 1 Loads Service Beam self weight calculated and added to loads BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. Load for Span Number 1 Uniform Load : D = 0.330, Lr = 0.330 k/ft, Tributary Width =1.0 ft APPROVED Point Load : D = 2.590, Lr = 1.680 k @ 0.0 ft FOR CONSTRUCTION Load for Span Number 2 Un'dorm Load : D = 0.330, Lr = 0.330 k/ft, Tributary Width =1.0 It DESIGN SUMMARY DATE hvs • • . • . Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.250: 1 Maximum Shear Stfese-Ratio= 0 421 Section used for this span W10x60 Section used for this span W10x60 Me: Applied 46.622 k -ft Va : Applied 10.374 k Mn / Omega: Allowable 186.128k -ft Vn/Omega : Allowable 85.680 k Load Combination +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (•L) Load Combination +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (LL) Location of maximum on span 13.654ft Location of maximum on span 5.500 it Span # where maximum occurs Span # 2 Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 Maximum Deflection Mnx/Omega Cb Rm Va Max Vnx Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.137 in Ratio = 963 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection -0.206 in Ratio = 639 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.508 in Ratio = 590 Max U rd Total Deflection -0 256 in Ratio = 516 �J Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Summary of Moment Values Summary of Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Mmax + Mmax - Ma - Max ' Mnx Mnx/Omega Cb Rm Va Max Vnx Vnx/Omega D Only Dsgn. L = 5.50 It 1 0.106 0.066 -20.14 20.14 310.83 186.13 1.00 1.00 5.68 128.52 85.68 Dsgn. L = 25.00 It 2 0.114 0.066 21.22 -20.14 21.22 310.83 186.13 1.00 1.00 5.68 128.52 85.68 +D+Lr-H, LL Comb Run ('L) Dsgn. L = 5.50 ft 1 0.108 0,114 -20.14 20.14 310.83 186.13 1.00 1.00 9.80 128.52 85.68 ' Dsgn. L = 25.00 It 2 0.250 0.114 46.62 -20,14 46.62 310.83 186.13 1.00 1.00 9.80 128.52 85.68 +O+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (L') Dsgn. L = 5.50 It 1 0.185 0.096 -34.37 34.37 310.83 186.13 1.00 1,00 8.23 128.52 85.68 Dsgn. L = 25.00 It 2 0,185 0.073 15.70 -34.37 34.37 310.83 186,13 1.00 1,00 6.25 128.52 85.68 +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (LL) Dsgn. L = 5.50 It 1 0.185 0.121 -34.37 34.37 310.83 186.13 1.00 1.00 10.37 128.52 85.68 Dsgn. L = 25.00 It 2 0.217 0.121 40,37 -34.37 40.37 310.83 186.13 1.00 1,00 10.37 128.52 85,68 Overall Maximum Deflections • Unfactored Loads ' Load Combination Span Max. °' Dell Location in Span Load Combination Max.'+' Dell Location in Span 1 0.0000 13.462 D+Lr -0.2560 0.000 D+Lr 2 0.5083 13.077 0.0000 0.000 �J ' Associates Inc. Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House Knapp & Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Project Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92401 !4 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM { TEL. (909) 889.0115 Fax (909) 889-0455 PrWed 6AUG 2Qr] 350PM Steel Beam Hp= Z:122WH26-'7%PRESTIFD2LRB-JICSUPH4-0112092.21GGN06E-NII8NIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983.2013, Build:, Ver. , r.�r1 Description: RB -6 Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations • Unfactored Loads , Load Combination Span Max. Downward Dell Location in Span Span Max. Upward Dell Location in Span D Only 2 0.2124 13.654 1 -0,0496 0.000 Lr Only, LL Comb Run ('L) 2 0.2969 12.692 1 -0.2055 0.000 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (L') 1 0.1370 0.000 2 -0.1017 10.577 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (LL) 2 0.1988 13.462 1 -0.0695 0.000 D+Lf, LL Comb Run ('L) 2 0.5083 13.077 1 -0.2560 0.000 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (L') 2 0.1193 15.000 2 -0.0035 1.154 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (LL) 2 0.4111 13.462 1 -0.1191 0.000 Vertical Reactions - Unfactored Support notation: Far left is #1 Values in KIPS ' Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Support 3 Overall MAXimum 18.603 8.193 D Only 10.414 4.068 , Lr Only, LL Comb Run ('L) 4.125 4.125 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (L') 4.064 -0.569 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (LL) 8.189 3.556 D+Lr, LL Comb Run ('L) 14.539 8.193 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (L') 14.478 3.499 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (LL) 18.603 7.624 Steel Section Properties : W1040 Depth - 10.200 In I xx = 341.00 InA4 J = 2.480 inh4 ' Web Thick = 0.420 in S xx 66.70 in13 CW - 2,640.00 inh6 Flange Width = 10.100 in R xx = 4.390 in Flange Thick = 0.680 in Area = 17.600 in42 Zx I yy = = 74.600 inA3 116.000 inA4 ' Weight = 59.910 pH S yy = 23.000 in13 Wno = 24.000 in12 Kdesign = 1.180 in R yy = 2.570 in Sw = 41.300 in4 Kt = 0.813 in Zy = 35.000 inA3 of = 15.700 in13 ns = 2.880 in rT = 2.770 in Qw = 36.800 in13 ' Ycg = 5.100 in 1 r Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House Knapp & Associates Inc. Engineer. BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Project Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 W -t.( SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM 6p TEL. (909)689.0115 .. �.i r Fax (909) 889-0455 Panted• 6 AUG 2013.3 51P1d Steel Beam FIIe=Z:122WH26-71PRESnFD2LRB-JICSUPH9-0112092.21GGN06E-N118NIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983.2013, Build:, Ver. --- Description : RB -7 CODE REFERENCES Calculations per AISC 360-05, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combination Set : IBC 2009 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Strength Design Fy : Steel Yield: 50.0 ksi Beam Bracing: Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsional buckling E: Modulus: 29,000.0 ksi Bending Axis : Major Axis Bending Load Combination IBC 2009 I D(0.11) Lr(0.11) Span = 30.50 ft W 10x60 t Applied Loads Service loads rn_ tered. Loact Factors wilLbe eonlied_fe�atculations_ Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load : D = 0.110, Lr = 0.110 k/ft, Tributary Width =1.0 fi DESIGN SUMMARY CITY OF LA Q U (1 TA BUILDING "� Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.175: 1 W Maximum Shear Stre s katioF- ��ROVFP-67--i-'!Section used for this span W10x60 Section used for thisspan- Q rOR C )NSTRUG54 Ma: Applied 32.548k -ft Va : Appli 269 k i Mn / Omega: Allowable 186.128 k -ft Vn/Omeg Allowable 85.680 k Load Combination Location of maximum on span +D+Lr+H 15.250ft Load Combinalio +D+Lr+H Location of maxisrQurl�o/ii parr- BY0.000 It Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 Span # where maidmtlm-occ Maximum Deflection I 1 Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.218 in Ratio = 1,676 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 I Max Downward Total Deflection 0.556 in Ratio = 659 I Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <180 Maximum Forces 8 Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Summary of Moment Values Summary of Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Mmax + Mmax - Ma - Max Mnx Mnx/Omega Cb Rm Va Max Vnx Vnx/Omega D Only Dsgn. L = 30.50 ft 1 0.106 0.030 1936 19.76 310.83 186.13 1.00 1.00 2.59 128.52 85.68 +D+Lr+H Dsgn. L = 30.50 It 1 0.175 0.050 32.55 32.55 310.83 186.13 1.00 1.00 4.27 128.52 85.68 Overall Maximum Deflections- Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. "Deft Location in Span Load Combination Max. '+' Dell Location in Span D+Lr 1 0.5555 15.403 0.0000 0.000 .Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. Downward Dell Location in Span Span Max. Upward Deo Location in Span D Only 1 0.3372 15.403 0.0000 0.000 Lr Only 1 0.2163 15.403 0.0000 0.000 D+Lr 1 0.5555 15.403 0.0000 0.000 Vertical Reactions - Unfactored Support notation: Far left is #1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAximum 4,269 4.269 D Only 2.591 2.591 Lr Only 1.678 1.678 D+Lr 4.269 4.269 Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE } SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92401 ter'^ E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL COM _J F TEL, (909) 889.0115 Fax f909) 889.0455 Steel Beam Description: RB -8 CODE REFERENCES _ _ Calculations per AISC 360-05, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Strength Design Beam Bracing: Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsional buckling Bending Axis : Major Axis Bending Load Combination IBC 2009 D(10.4 T Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House ' Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 Project Descr: 81150 Elswodh Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 /� ,• c� u RMd 6 AUG 2013 4 26P64 Fit = Z.122N?126-lIPREST1FD21RB-JICSUPH4-0112092.21GGNO6E-N118N1PL-J.EC6 , ENERCALC, INC 1983.2013, Build:, Vec6.13.6.21 Fy : Steel Yield ; 50.0 ksi E: Modulus: 29,000.0 ksi I Lr(0.04) SpW10x68 ftp W1 Sp0z680 ft Applied Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Uniform Load: D = 0.040, Lr = 0.040 k/ft, Tributary Width =1.0 It Point Load : D=10.410, Lr = 8.190 k @ 0.0 ft Load for Span Number 2 Uniform Load : D = 0.040, Lr = 0.040•k/ft, Tributary Width =1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY • _ _ Maximum Bending Stress Ratio _ 0.355 : 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = 0.196 : 1 Section used for this span W10x68 Section used for this span W10x68 Ma : Applied 75.585 k -ft Va : Applied 19.192 k Mn / Omega: Allowable 212.824 k -ft Vn/Omega : Allowable 97.760 k Load Combination +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (L•) Load Combination +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (L•) Location of maximum on span 4.000ft Location of maximum on span 4.000 It Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.194 in Ratio = 496 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection -0.205 in Ratio = 1,466 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.400 in Ratio = 240 Max Upward Total Deflection -0.386 in Ratio = 777 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Summary of Moment Values Summary of Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Mmax + Mmax . Ma - Max Mnx Mnx/Omega Cb Rm Va Max Vnx Vnx/Omega D Only Dsgn. L = 4.00 It 1 0.200 0.111 42.50 42.50 355.42 212.82 1.00 1.00 10.84 146.64 97.76 Dsgn. L = 25.00 ft 2 0.200 0.031 -42.50 42.50 355,42 212.82 1.00 1.00 3.05 146.64 97-76 +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run ('L) Dsgn. L = 4.00 ft 1 0.200 0.111 42.50 42.50 355.42 212.82 1.00 1.00 10.84 146.64 97.76 Dsgn. L = 25.00 ft 2 0.200 0.036 0.08 42.50 42.50 355.42 212.82 1.00 1.00 3.55 146.64 97.76 +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (L-) Dsgn. L = 4.00 ft 1 0.355 0.196 -75.58 75.58 355.42 212.82 1,00 1.00 19.19 146.64 97.76 Dsgn. L = 25.00 ft 2 0.355 0.045 -75.58 75.58 355.42 212.82 1.00 1.00 4.37 146.64 97.76 +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (LL) Dsgn. L = 4.00 ft 1 0.355 0.196 -75.58 75.58 355,42 212.82 1.00 1.00 19.19 146.64 97.76 Dsgn. L = 25,00 ft 2 0.355 0.050 75.58 75.58 355.42 212.82 1.00 1.00 4.87 146.64 97.76 Overall Maximum Deflections - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. '-' Defl Location in Span Load Combination Max. '+' Dell Location in Span D+Lr 1 0.3995 0.000 0.0000 10.000 2 0.0000 0.000 D+Lr -0.3863 10.192 1 t [I 1 r Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTHSTODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARARDINO.INO. CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL. (909) 889.0115 Fax (909) 889-0455 Steel Beam Description : RB -8 Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations - Unfactored Loads Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 Project Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 I R -f e_z3 File = Z:122WH26- Pr I-&. 6 AUG 2013 4.26At1 INC. 1983-2013, Build:, Ver: Load Combination Span Max. Downward Del Location in Span Span Max. Upward Den Location In Span D Only 1 0.2060 0.000 2 -0.1823 9.808 Lr Only, LL Comb Run ('L) 2 0.0311 12.692 1 -0.0158 0.000 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (L-) 1 0.1935 0.000 2 -0.2046 10.577 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (LL) 1 0.1778 0.000 2 -0.1745 10.385 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (-L) 1 0.1903 .0.000 2 -0.1535 9.231 D+Lr, LL Comb.Run (L') 1 0.3995 0.000 2 -0.3863 10.192 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (LL) 1 0.3838 0.000 2 -0.3566 10.000 Vertical. Reactions - Unfactored Support notation: Far left is #1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Support 3 Overall MAXmum 24.067 -1.672 D Only 13.894 -0.349 Lr Only, LL Comb Run ('L) 0.500 0.500 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (C) 9.673 -1.323 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (LL) 10.173 -0.823 D+Lr, LL Comb Run ('L) 14.394 0.151 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (L') 23.567 -1.672 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (LL) 24.067 -1.172 Steel Section Properties : W10x68 (is = 2.910 in Depth = 10.400 in I xx = 394.00 In"4 J = 3.560 in44 Web Thick = 0.470 in 5 xx 75.70 in13 Flange Width = 10.100 in R xx = 4.440 in Flange Thick = 0,770 in Zx = 85.300 in"3 Area = 20.000 in42 I yy = 134.000 in^4 Weight = 68.080 plf S yy = 26.400 in"3 Kdesign = 1.270 in R yy = 2.590 in K1 = 0.875 in Zy = 40.100 in"3 (is = 2.910 in rT = 2.790 in Ycg = 5.200 in Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 +E-mail TEL (909) 89.011 COM �'^J TEL (909) 889.0115 Fax (9091889.0455 Steel Beam Description: RB -9 (Gravity Load) CODE REFERENCES Project Title: Filler Residence—Guest House I Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 Project Descr: 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 a"„Z,4. Fr Oct 6 AUG 2113 4 ?9P61 :D2LRB-JtCSUPH4-0112092.2\GGNOBE-N118NIPL-J.EC6 ' ENERCALC. INC. 1983-2013, Build:, Ver: Calculations per AISC 360-05, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Strength Design Fy : Steel Yield: 46.0 ksi Beam Bracing: Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsional buckling E: Modulus: 29,000.0 ksi Bending Axis: Major Axis Bending Load Combination IBC 2009 D(O.1) Span = 25.0 ft HSS12x8x1/2 Aoolied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads 0.012 :1 Uniform Load: D = 0.10 kfft, Tributary Width =1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY Va : Applied Maximum Bending Stress Ratio 0.081 : 1 Section used for this span HSS12x8x1/2 Ma: Applied 12.682 k -ft Mn / Omega: Allowable 156.317 k -ft Load Combination D Only Location of maximum on span 12.500ft Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 f'. I Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. ' Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = 0.012 :1 Section used for this span HSS12x8x1/2 Va : Applied 2.029 k Vn/Omega : Allowable 162.999 k Load Combination D Only Location of maximum on span 0.000 ft Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 Maximum Deflection Segment Length Span # M V Mmax + Mmax - Ma - Max Mnx Mnx/Omega Cb Rm Va Max Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0 <360 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.149 in Ratio = 2014 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <240 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Summary of Moment Values Summary of Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Mmax + Mmax - Ma - Max Mnx Mnx/Omega Cb Rm Va Max Vnx Vnx/Omega D Only Dsgn, L = 25.00 H 1 0.081 0.012 12.68 12.68 261.05 156.32 1.00 1.00 2.03 272.21 163.00 Overall Maximum Deflections - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. " Defl Location in Span Load Combination Max. '+' Dell Location in Span D Only 1 0.1489 12.625 0.0000 0.000 Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. Downward Dell Location in Span Span Max. Upward Defl Location in Span D Only 1 0.1489 12.625 0.0000 0.000 Vertical Reactions - Unfactored Support notation: Far left is #1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAXrmum 2.029 2.029 D Only 2.029 2.029 1 1 �J L� rl 11 r Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE } SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL. (909) 889.0115 Fax 19091889-0455 Steel Beam x.111-. Description: RB -9 (Wind Load) CODE REFERENCES Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 Project Descr: 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 CHIC„ Z.< Printed 6 AUG 2013 4 30Pr.1 ENERCALC, INC: 1983.2013, Suild:, Ver: Calculations per AISC 360-05, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Strength Design i Fy : Steel Yield: 46.0 ksi Beam Bracing: Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsional buckling E: Modulus: 29,000.0 ksi Bending Axis: Minor Axis Bending Load Combination IBC 2009 �I W(0.157) } � ♦ � v i 1 Span = 25.0 ft j HSS12x8x1/2 I I Applied Loads Service Toads en ereLNoa�ctors a aRpn� hors Uniform Load : W= 0.1570 k/ft, Tributary Width =1.0 ft k--" r I U r L—$ -k U U I IN I A DESIGN SUMMARY Segment Length Span # M V Mmax + Mmax - Ma - Max Mny Mny(Omega Cb Rm Va Max EYJ(LDING W Only ' Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.104: 1 Maximum Shear Str se s Ratio Section used for this span 1HSS12x8x1/2 Section used for this span HSSSS12x8> Ma: Applied 12.266 k -ft Va : Applied' F, i CONSTRUC1.: 1k Mn / Omega: Allowable 116.214 k -ft Vn/OmegaAllowable 101.519 k } Load Combination W Only Load Combination W Only Location of maximum on span 12.500ft Tr Location of maximum on span -- BY 259 OQ ft I Span # where maximum.occurs Span #.1 Span # where maximum occurs------- 5q Maximum Deflection Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 W Only 1.963 1.963 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 j Max Downward Total Deflection 0.269 in Ratio = 1113 j Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <240 Maximum Forces 81 Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Summary of Moment Values Summary of Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Mmax + Mmax - Ma - Max Mny Mny(Omega Cb Rm Va Max Vny Vny/Omega W Only Dsgn. L = 25.00 ft 1 0.104 0.019 12.27 12.27 197.42 116.21 1.00 1,00 1.96 169.54 101.52 Overall Maximum Deflections - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. ' ' Dell Location In Span Load Combination Max. '+' Dell Location in Span W Only 1 0.2695 12.625 0.0000 0.000 Maximum Deflections. for Load Combinations-.Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. Downward Dell Location in Span Span Max. Upward Deft Location in Span W Only 1 0.2695 12.625 0.0000 0.000 Vertical Reactions - Unfactored Support notation : Far left is #1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAXimum 1.963 1.963 W Only 1.963 1.963 Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92401 " E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM __JTEL. (909) 889-0115 ,�� Fax (909)889.0455 Steel Beam Description : RB -10 CODE REFERENCES Calculations per AISC 360-05, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Strength Design Beam Bracing: Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsional buckling Bending Axis : Major Axis Bending Load Combination IBC 2009 a Span = 6.0 ft W1 0x39 Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House I Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092,2 Project Descr: 61150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 rX pr Print¢,+ 6 NiG 2013 4 36PM Span = 12.50 ft W10x39 File = Z:122wH26-71PRES RFD2LR9-JICSUPH4-011 ENERCALC.INC 1983: Fy : Steel Yield E: Modulus: 50.0 ksi 29,000.0 ksi Span = 10.0 W10x39 Ver6.13.6.21 :111500:34-A I Applied Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Uniform Load : D = 0.0490, Lr = 0.0650 k/ft, Tributary Width = 1.0 ft Point Load : D = 4.070, Lr = 4.130 k @ 0.0 ft Load for Span Number 2 Uniform Load : D = 0.0490, Lr = 0.0650 k/ft, Tributary Width =1.0 it Load for Span Number 3 Uniform Load : D = 0.0490, Lr = 0.0650 k/ft, Tributary Width = 1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.445.1 Section used for this span W10x39 Ma: Applied 51.957 k -ft Mn / Omega: Allowable 116.766 k -ft Load Combination +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (L") Location of maximum on span 6.000ft Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 Maximum Deflection Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = Section used for this span Va : Applied Vn/Omega : Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.285 in Ratio = 505 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection -0.085 in Ratio = 1,759 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.562 in Ratio = 256 Max Upward Total Deflection -0.166 in Ratio = 905 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations 0.146 :1 W10x39 9.119 k 62.496 k +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (L') 6.000 ft Span # 1 Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Summary of Moment Values Summary of Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Mmax + Mmax - Ma - Max Mnx Mnx/Omega Cb Rm Ve Max Vnx Vnx/Omega D Only Dsgn. L = 6.00 ft 1 0.223 0.074 -26.01 26.01 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 4.60 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 12.50 ft 2 0.223 0.036 •0.00 -26.01 26.01 195.00 116.77 1,00 1.00 2.28 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 10.00 it 3 D.D38 D.014 AA1 4.41 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 0.88 93.74 62.50 +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run ("L) Dsgn. L = 6.00 ft 1 0.223 0.074 -26.01 26.01 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 4.60 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 12.50 It 2 0.223 0.032 -0.00 -26,01 26.01 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 2.02 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 10.00 ft 3 0.066 0.025 -716 7.66 195,00 116.77 1.00 1.00 1.53 93.74 62.50 +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run ('L') Dsgn. L = 6.00 ft 1 0.223 0.074 -26.01 26.01 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 4.60 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 12.50 ft 2 0.223 0.043 -0.00 -26.01 26.01 195,00 116,77 1,00 1,00 2,69 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 10.00 It 3 0.038 0.014 -4,41 4.41 195.00 116.77 1,00 1.00 0.88 93.74 62.50 +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run ('LL) Dsgn. L = 6.00 ft 1 0.223 0.074 -26.01 26.01 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 4.60 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 12.50 ft 2 0.223 0.039 -0.00 -26.01 26,01 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 2.43 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 10.00 ft 3 0.066 0.025 -7.66 7.66 195.00 116.77 1.00 1,00 1.53 93.74 62.50 +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (L") 1� 11 L__J & Associates Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House Knapp Inc. Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Project Descr: 81150 Elsworth Place, la Duinta, Ca 92253 A e - ' SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92401 L'•°" E-mail KNAPPAEQAOL.COM (909)889. 0 Fax Fax (909) 889.045555 Prints? G AUG 2013, 4 35P1.1 Steel Beam File=Z:MWHZ6-7)PRESTIFD2LRB--J1CSUPH4-0112D92.2tGGN06E--N118NIPL-J.EC6 1 ENERCALC, INC. 1983.2013, 110d:, Ver.6.13,6.21 i.6rr Description ; RB -10 ' Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Summary of Moment Values Summary of Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Mmax + Mmax - Ma -Max Mnx Mnx/Omega Cb Rm Va Max Vnx Vnx/Omega Dsgn, L = 6.00 ft 1 0.445 0.146 -51.96 51:96 195,00 116.77 1.00 1.00 9.12 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 12.50 ft 2 0.445 0.070 0.00 -51.96 51.96 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 4.35 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 10.00 ft 3 0.038 0.014 441 4.41 195,00 116.77 1.00 1.00 0.88 93.74 62.50 +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (L'L) Dsgn. L = 6.00 ft 1 0.445 0.146 -51.96 51.96 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 9.12 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 12.50 ft 2 0.445 0.066 -0.00 -51.96 51.96 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 4.09 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 10.00 ft 3 0.066 0.025 -7.88 7.88 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 1.53 93.74 62.50 ' +D+Lr+H,.LL Comb Run (LL') Dsgn. L = 6.00 ft 1 0.445 0.146 -51.96 51.96 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 9.12 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 12.50 ft 2 0.445 0.076 -0.00 -51.96 51.96 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 4.76 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 10.00 ft 3 0.036 0.014 4.41 4:41 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 0.86 93.74 62.50 +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (LLL) Dsgn. L = 6.00 ft 1 0.445 0.146 -51.96 51.96 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 9.12 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 12.50 ft 2 0.445 0.072 -0.00 -51.96 51.96 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 4.50 93.74 62.50 Dsgn. L = 10.00 ft '3 0.066 0.025 -7.66 7.66 195.00 116.77 1.00 1.00 1.53 93.74 62.50 Overall. Maximum Deflections -Unfactored Loads ' Load Combination Span Max. "' Deft Location in Span Load Combination Max. "+' Dell Location in Span D+Lr 1 0.5624 0.000 0.0000 5.538 2 0.0000 0.000 D+Lr -0.1657 5.538 D+Lr 3 0.4332 10.000 0.0000 5.538 ' Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. Downward Dell location in Span pa ..i l ' ax. U 9N Qto D Only 1 0.2772 0.000 '2 -§ 0805 �'tJ I LD I �� SAF ETY PT. Lr Only, LL Comb Run ("L) 3 0.0616 10.000 2 o ' Lr Only. LL Comb Run ('L') 2 0.0060 6.329 3 P 0.015; q / V `r �_ Lr Only, LL Comb Run ('LL) 3 0.0465 10.000 2 , 10.0039 L °r 8x03 Lr Only. LL Comb Run (L**) 1 0.2736 0.000 2 FOR CAdAtIS ! RUCTM ' Lr Only, LL Comb Run (L'L) Lr Only. LL Comb Run (LL') 1 1 0.2851 0.2645 0.000 0.000 2 2 -0.0852 5.538 -0.0708 5.221 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (LLL) 1 0.2761 0.000 2, t TF -0.0793 BY 5.538 " D+Lr, LL Comb Run ("L) 1 0:2888 0.000 2 ----o-.0892- --0:0892-D+Lr, D+Lr,U. Comb Run ('L') 1 0.2682 0.000 2 " '-- -0'0746 D+Lr, LL Comb Run ('LL) 1 0.2798 0.000 2 -0.0833 5.696 ' D+Lr, LL Comb Run (L") 1 0.5508 0.000 2 -0.1571 5.380 D+Lr,. LL Comb Run (L'L) 1 0.5624 0.000 2 -0.1657 5.538 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (LL') 1 0.5418 0.000 2 -0.1512 5.380 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (LLL) 1 0.5533 0.000 2 -0.1598 5.538 Vertical Reactions:- Unfactored Support notation: Far left is #1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Support 3 Support 4 Overall MAXtmum 13.880 -2.372 0 Only 6.678 -0-296 ' Lr Only, LL Comb Run ("L) -0:260 0.910 Lr Only, LL Comb Run ('L') 0.406 0.406 Lr Only. LL Comb Run ('LL) 0.146 1.316 ' Lr Only, LL Comb Run (L") Lr Only, LL Comb Run (L'L) 6.596 6.336 -2.076 -1.166 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (LL') 7.002 -1.670 Lr Only, LL Comb Run (LLL) 6.742 -0.760 D+Lr, LL Comb Run ("L) 6.618 0-614 D+Lr, LL Comb Run ("L') 7.284 0.111 ' D+Lr, LL Comb Run ('LL) 7.024 1.021 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (L") 13.474 -2.372 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (UL) 13:214 -1.462 D+Lr, LL Comb Run (LC') 13.880 -1.965 ' D+Lr, LL Comb Run (LLL) 13.620 -1.055 - j 1 _ I s 6x12 , i t .Applied Loads I Span = 5.50 ft,_ Serrice Toads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations - ' , Knapp & Associates Inc. Project Title: Engineer. Filler Residence -Guest House BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 Project Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 �M ' E-mail KNAPPAEQADL.COM TEL, (909) 889-0115 �• Fax (909)889-0455 Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = Praled 13AUG9013 ia,li + 0.204: 1 WOOC>7 BeamFile=Z:122wH26-APRESRFD2tR8-JIGSUPH4-0112092.21GGNO6E-N418NIPL-J.EC6 Section used for this span- 6x12 Section used for this span 6x12 C. m ENERCALC, INC 1983.2013.8uild 6.13 6.21, Ver: 378.84 psi fv : Actual - 43.36 psi ' IkDescription 1,687.50 psi : RB42 212.50 psi 1.00 Load Combination CODE REFERENCES Load Combination +D+Lr+H 1 0.00 Calculations per NDS 2005, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 2.750ft Location of maximum on span = 4.557 ft Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Span # when: maximum occurs = Material Properties ' Maximum Deflection 0.80 Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Fb - Tension 1,350.0 psi E., Modulus of Elasticity Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection Load Combination I BC 2009 Fb - Compr 1,350.0 psi Ebend- xx 1,600.0 ksi 1.00 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection Fc - Prll 925.0 psi Eminbend - xx 580.0 ksi 0.00 0,00 Wood Species : Douglas Fir - Larch Fc - Perp 625.0 psi ' Wood Grade : No.1 Fv 170.0 psi 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <240 Ft 675.0 psi Density 32.210 pcf Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsion buckling , - j 1 _ I s 6x12 , i t .Applied Loads I Span = 5.50 ft,_ Serrice Toads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations - ' Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load : D = 0.4280, Lr = 0.570 , Tributary Width = 1.0 ft Load Combination Max Stress Ratios DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.2241 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = 0.204: 1 Shear Values Section used for this span- 6x12 Section used for this span 6x12 C. m fb : Actual 378.84 psi fv : Actual - 43.36 psi ' ! FB: Allowable = 1,687.50 psi ry : Allowable = 212.50 psi 1.00 Load Combination +D+Lr+H Load Combination +D+Lr+H 1 0.00 Location of maximum on span = 2.750ft Location of maximum on span = 4.557 ft 1.00 Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Span # when: maximum occurs = Span # 1 E ' Maximum Deflection 0.80 18.94 170.00 ' +o+Lr+H 1.00 Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.011 in Ratio = 6235 1.00 1.00 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 0.00 0,00 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.019 in Ratio = 3511 1.00 1.00 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <240 1 ' Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Cd C FN Ci Cr C. m C t CL M fb Pb V tv F'v D Only 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 5.50 ft 1 0.123 0.111 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.67 165.49 1350.00 0.80 18.94 170.00 ' +o+Lr+H 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Length = 5.50 ft 1 0.224 0.204 1.25 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.83 378,84 1687.50 1.83 43.36 212.50 Overall Maximum Deflections • Unfactored Loads , Load Combination Span Max. '= Deft Location in Span Load Combination Max. '+ Deli Location in Span D+Lr 1 0.0188 2.770 0.0000 0.000 Project Title: Filler Residence_Guest House Knapp & Associates Inc. En ineer. BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE PrO�ect Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253_ ZQ SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM (p TEL. (909) 889,0115 Fax (909) 889.0455 PdNed 13 AUG 2013 10 MOM Wood Beam File =Z:MVV.H26-71PRESRFD2LRB-JICSUPH4-0112092.21GGN06E-MISNIPL-J.EC6 ENERGALC, INC. 1983.2013, Build: Vec6,13.6.21 Description : RB=12 Vertical Reactions =.Unfactored Support notation : Far let( is #1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAxmum 2.783 2:783 D Only 1.216 1.216 Lr Only 1:568 1:566 D+1_r 2.783 2.783 CITY OF LA QUIMITA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. /% PR®VE® FOR CONSTRUCTION '.ATE BY Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House Knapp & Associates Inc. Engineer. BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Project Descr: 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 ��- 3O SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL, (909) 889.0115 Fax (909)889-0455 Prnted 13 AUG2U13 1012rr1 FIIe = Z:122wH26-74PREST1F02LRB-JSCSUPFW 0t12092.21GGN86E-NI"' " L-J:EC6 WOOd .Beath ENERCALC, INC.1983.21113, Build:6J3.6.21, Ver: Description : RB -13 CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NDS 2005, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 i----------- -- Span = 5.50' ft Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Fb -Tension 1,350.0.psi E.::Modulus of Elasticity Load Combination IBC 2009 Fb - Comp. 1,350.0 psi Ebend- xx 1,600.Oksi Fc - Pril 925.0 psi Eminbend - xx 580.0 ksi Wood Species :Douglas Fir- Larch Fc - Perp 625:0 psi Segment Length Span # M V Cd C Fnr Woad Grade : No.1 Fv 170.0 psi Cm Ft 675.0 psi Density 32.210 pcf Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsion buckling Section used for this span 602 D(0:079) Lr(0.105) 6X12 fb : Actual = 74.16psi fv : Actual = 8.49 psi 1E 6x12 - 212;50 psi Load Combination I i----------- -- Span = 5.50' ft Load Combination Max Stress Ratios .Applied Loads . ;..: Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Moment Values Uniform Load : D = 0A790, Lr = 01050 ; Tributary. Width= 1.0 ft Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Cd C Fnr DES►GN'SUMMARY Cr Cm C t Maximum Bending Stress Ratio F 0.0441 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio _� 0.040 :1 Section used for this span 602 Section used for this span 6X12 fb : Actual = 74.16psi fv : Actual = 8.49 psi FB : Allowable c 1;687.50psi Fv: Allowable = 212;50 psi Load Combination +D+Lr+H Load Combination +D+Lr+H - Location of maximum on span - 2.75011 _ Location of maximum on span - 4.557 ft i Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Maximum Deflection 1.00 1.00 1:00 i Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.002 in Ratio = 33852 0.00 0.00 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 1.00 Max Downward Total. Deflection 0.004 in Ratio = 17938 1687.50 I Max Upward Total Deflection 0:000 In Ratio = 0 <240 Maximum Forces'&'Stresses forLoad Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Cd C Fnr Ci Cr Cm C t CL M fb. F'b V fv F'v D Only 1:00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length =:5.50 ft 1 0.026 0.023 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1400 0.35 34.86 1350.00 0.17 3.99 170.00 +O+Lr+H 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 5.50 ft 1 0.044 0.040 1.25 1:00 1:00 1,.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.75 74.16 1687.50 0:36 8.49 212.50 overall Maximum:Deflections - Unfactored:Loads . Load Combination Span Max.'" Dell Location in Span Load Combination Max: '+" Deli Location in Span D+Lr 1 0.0037 2.770 0.0000 0.000 Project Title: Filler Residence—Guest House Knapp & Associates Inc. Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Protect Descr: 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 l4c_ 3i SAN BERNARDINO, OA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COMCOM TEL. (909) 889-0115 Fax (909) 889;0455 Fnnt-d 13 AUG 2013 1012M3 Wood 'Beam File=Z:122WH26-APRESTIFD2LRB-JICSUPM-0112092,aGGND6E-NF18NIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC. INC. 1983.2013, Build:„Ver. r.rrr Description : 'RB -13 Vertical Reactions - MnfactorBd Support notation: Far lelt.is #1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAXimum 0.545 0.545 D Only 0.256 0.256 Lr Only 0.289 0.289 D+Lr 0.545 0.545 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE I I ' I Knapp & Associates Inc. Project Title: Engineer: Filler Residence -Guest House BDM Project 10: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Project Descr: 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 `r 37 6x12 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAEQAOL.COM f TEL. (909) 889.0115 Span = 8.0 ft Fax (909) 889-0455 PanM_d 13 AUG 2013 ;a t2a:1 Wood BeamFite=Z.122WH26-TPRESTIFD2LRB-JICSUPH4-011 2092.21GGN06E-MIBNIPL-J.EC6 ------- ------� ENERCALC. INC 1983.2013, Build:, Ver: - - Service loads entered. Load Factors ffm,wm,.���•�� Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Description: RB-14 CODE REFERENCES Width =1.0 ft Calculations per NDS 2005, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 :SUMMARY Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 r • Material Properties _ __ _ _ -_ 0.237.1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = 0.172:1 Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Fb -Tension 1,350.0 psi E: Modulus of Elasticity 6x12 Load Combination IBC 2009 Fb - Compr 1,350.0 psi Ebend- xx 1,600.0 ksi Fc - Pril 925.0 psi Eminbend - xx 580.0 ksi fv : Actual Wood Species : Douglas Fir - Larch Fc - Perp 625.0 psi ' Wood Grade : No.1 Fv 170.0 psi = 212.50 psi Ft 675.0 psi Density 32.210pcf Load Combination Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsion buckling Load Combination +D+Lr+H j Location of maximum on span = 4.000ft Location of maximum on span = 7,066 ft I I _ j 6x12 , Span = 8.0 ft _____ _--- ------- ------� Applied Loads - - Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load : D = 0.210, Lr = 0.280, Tributary Width =1.0 ft :SUMMARY r • ^DESIGN Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = _ __ _ _ -_ 0.237.1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = 0.172:1 j i Section used for this span 6x12 Section used for this span 6x12 F fb : Actual = 399.23psi fv : Actual = 36.65 psi ' FB : Allowable = 1,687.50psi Fv: Allowable = 212.50 psi Load Combination +D+Lr+H Load Combination +D+Lr+H j Location of maximum on span = 4.000ft Location of maximum on span = 7,066 ft i Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 ' Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.023 in Ratio = 4125 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 I Max Downward Total Deflection 0.042 In Ratio = 2291 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <240 ' t i ' t yMaximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations ^� Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Cd C FIV Cl Cr Cm C t CIL M fb F'b V fv F'v D Only 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 8.0 ft 1 0.131 0.096 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.79 177.50 1350.00 0.69 16.30 170.00 ' +D+Lr+H 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 8.0 it 1 0.237 0.172 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.03 399.23 1687.50 1.55 36.65 212.50 Overall Maximum Deflections • Unfactored Loads , Load Combination Span Max. " Dell Location in Span Load Combination Max. W Deli Location in Span D+Lr 1 0.0419 4.029 0.0000 0.000 � I � I � I � I i I � I � I IL � I � I t it CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY r Knapp & Associates Inc. Project Title: Engineer: Filler Residence Guest House BDM — Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 Protect Descr: 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 E-mail KNAPPAE a@AOL.COM TEL. (909) 889-0115 Fax (9091889.0455 Pruu-d 13AUG 201310'i2AM Wood B@8111 File= 2:122WH26-TPRESTIFD2LRB-JICSUPH4-0112092.21GGN06E-N118NIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC. INC,.1983.2013. Build:, Ver. r.r11• Description : RB -14 Vertical Reactions •'Unfactored Support notation : Far left is #1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAXimum 2.017 2.017 ' D Only 0.897 0.897 Lr Only 1.120 1.120 D+Lr 2.017 2.017 � I � I � I � I i I � I � I IL � I � I t it CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92401 -' E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM pt /} TEL.(909)889.0115 ..��.�} ''`� Fax NMI 889.0455 Wood Beam Description RB46 CODE REFERENCES Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 Project Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 Fife Poled, 14 AUG 2013. 10.31AM Ver`. Calculations per NDS 2005, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 . .. . . 5.125x2.1 Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 r I Span =:23.0 ft :APplled:Loads --- Material. Properties Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load : D = 0.0940, Lr = 0,040 , Tributary Width = 1.0 ft Analysis Method: Allowable Stress -Design Fb - Tension 2,400.0 psi E: Modulus of Elasticity Load Combination IBC 2009 Fb - Compr 1.,850.0 psi Ebend- xx 1;800:0 ksi 5.125x21 Fc - Prll 1,650.0 psi Eminbend - xx 930.0 ksi Wood Species : DF/DF Fc - Perp 650.0 psi Ebend- yy 1,600.0.ksi Wood Grade :24F - V4 Fv 265.0 psi Eminbend - yy 830:0 ksi Span # 1 Ft 1,100.0 psi Density 32.21O.pcf Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsion buckling 1.00 Max Upward L+Lr+S.Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 i I t 1 1 1 1 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations . .. . . 5.125x2.1 r I Span =:23.0 ft :APplled:Loads --- Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load : D = 0.0940, Lr = 0,040 , Tributary Width = 1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY • .Maximum Bending Stress Ratio _ __ .0.118 1^ Maximum Shear Stress Ratio _ 0.065 : 1 Section used for this span 5.125x21 Section used for this span 5.125x21 fb : Actual = 332.99psi fv: Actual _ '21.64 psi FB: Allowable 2,811.04psi Fv: Allowable = 331:25 psi Load Combination +D+Lr+H Load Combination +D+Lr+H j Location of maximum on span 11.5001t Location of maximum on span = 0.000 It Span* where maximum occurs Span # 1 Span # where maximum.occurs _ Span # 1 Maximum Deflection 1.00 I Max Downward:L+Lr+S Deflection 0.036. in Ratio = 7756 1.00 Max Upward L+Lr+S.Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 1.16 Max Downward Total Deflection, 0.141 in Ratio = 1962 1.00 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <240 1.00 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations . .. . . Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment.Values Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V C d C FIV C i C r 'Gm C I C L M fb F'b V tv Fv D Only 0:94 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 23.0 ft 1 0.111 0.061 1.00 0.94 1.00 1.00 1:00 1.00 1.00 7,81 248'.72 2248.83 1.16 16.16 265.00 +D+Lr+H 0.94 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 23.0 it 1 0:118 0.065 1.25 0.94 1:00 1.00 1:00 1.00 1.00 10.45 332.99 2811.04 1.55 21.64 331.25 Overall Maximurn'Defiections - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. -' Del Location in Span Load Combination Max. "-v Del Location in Span D+Lr 1 0.1406 11.584 OA000 0.000 1 Project Title: Filler Residence—Guest House Knapp & Associates Inc. Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Project Descr: 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL. (909)889.0115 ®� Fax (9091 889.0455 Paned 14 AUG 2013, 10 31AM Wood Beam File=Z:122M2&71PRESTIFD2LRB-JICSUPH4-0112092,ZGGN06E-NIIBNIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC;'INC. 1983-2013, Bu1d:, Ver: r,�r1• Description: RB -16 Vertical Reactions-:Unfactored Support notation: Far left is #1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAXimum 1:818 1.818 D Only 1.358 1.358 Lr Only 0.460 0.460 D+Lr 1.818 1.818 r119TY OF LA QUINTA SUIDUNG & SAFETY DEPT. F i'� CONSTRUCTION DATE BY Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92401 �E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL.(909)889.0115 -J.,.® Fax (9091889-0465 Wood Beam Description: RB -17 CODE REFERENCES Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House Engineer. BDM Project ID: 12092.2 Project Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 64F_ �C F 910 14 AUG 2013 10 3ami File = Z:VIM26-TPRES RFD2LRB-JICSUPH4-0112092.21GGN06E-Nt18NIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983.2013, Bulld:, Ver. Calculations per NDS 2005, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Span # Max Stress Ratios M V C d C FN Load Combination Set: ASCE 7-05 6.750 X 42.0 6.750 X 42.0 I - Span = 9.0 ft Material Properties , Applied Loads Shear Values fv F'v Service loads entered. Load Factors Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Fb - Tension 2,400.0 psi E : Modulus of Elasticity Load Combination ASCE 7-05 Fb - Compr 2,400.0 psi Ebend- xx 1,800.0 ksi Uniform Load : D = 0.2660, Lr = 0.270 , Tributary Width =1.0 ft Fc - Pdl 1,650.0 psi Eminbend - xx 930.0 ksi Wood Species : DF/DF Fc - Perp 650.0 psi Ebend- yy 1,600.0 ksi Wood Grade :24F - V8 Fv 265.0 psi Eminbend - yy 830.0 ksi 1.00 Fl 1,100.0 psi Density 32.210pcf Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsion buckling Section used for this span 6.750 X 42.0 Section used for this span D(1.358) Lr(0.46) In(n 2RF! I rtn 971 ntn 2RR1 I rin 771 fv : Actual = 27.16 psi Maximum Forces 8 Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Segment Length Span # Max Stress Ratios M V C d C FN 1 6.750 X 42.0 6.750 X 42.0 I - Span = 9.0 ft Span = 9.0 ft , Applied Loads Shear Values fv F'v Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads 0.93 Load for Span Number 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 Uniform Load : D = 0.2660, Lr = 0.270 , Tributary Width =1.0 ft Point Load: D =1.358, Lr = 0.460 k @ 0.0 ft 0.00 0.00 0.00 Load for Span Number 2 1 0.069 0.063 Uniform Load : D = 0.2660, Lr = 0.270 , Tributary Width =1.0 ft 0.93 1.00 DESIGN SUMMARY 1.00 1,00 1.00 (Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.0813 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = 0.082: 1 Section used for this span 6.750 X 42.0 Section used for this span 6.750 X 42.0 fb : Actual = 245.73psi fv : Actual = 27.16 psi FB: Allowable = 2,802.54psi Fv : Allowable = 331,25 psi Load Combination +D+Lr+H Load Combination +D+Lr+H Location of maximum on span = 9.000ft Location of maximum on span = 9.000 ft Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Maximum Deflection 0.93 1.00 1.00 Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.015 in Ratio = 14042 ' Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection -0.001 in Ratio = 82042 0.00 i Max Downward Total Deflection 0.043 in Ratio = 5012 0.088 Max Upward Total Deflection -0.004 in Ratio = 28497 1.00 Maximum Forces 8 Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Segment Length Span # Max Stress Ratios M V C d C FN C i C r C m C t C L Moment Values M fb F'b V Shear Values fv F'v D Only 0.93 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 9.0 ft 1 0.069 0.063 1.00 0.93 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 25.56 154.58 2242.03 3.18 16.82 265.00 Length = 9.0 ft 2 0.069 0.063 1.00 0.93 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 25.56 154.58 2242.03 3.18 16.82 265.00 +D+Lr+H 0.93 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 9.0 it 1 0.088 0.082 1.25 0.93 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 40.64 245.73 2802.54 5.13 27.16 331.25 Length = 9.0 ft 2 0.088 0.082 1.25 0.93 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 40.64 245.73 2802.54 5.13 27.16 331.25 CITY OF LA QUIiNTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY Klapp & Associates Inc. Project Title: Filler Residence_Guest House Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH.STODDARD AVENUE Project Descr: 81150 Elsworttl Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 _ SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL. (909) 889.0115 ® Fax .(9091889.0455 FnniMa AUG 2013 10']SkkA Wood Beam Ftia=2:MM26-APRESTIFD2LR8-JICSUPH4-0112092.21GGN06E-M18NIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC,.INC.1983-2013,.Bu➢d:, Ver: �.�i�•�12�icqn se Description : RB-17 Averall Maximum Deflections-.Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. '-' Den Location in Span Load Combination Max. '+" Den Location in Span D+Lr 1 0.0431 0.000 0.0000 3.620 2 0.0000 0.000 D+Lr -0.0038 3.620 Vertical Reactions = Unfactored Support notation: Far. left is #1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Support 3 .Overall MAXimum 14.425 -1.818 D Only 8.645 -1.358 Lr Only 5:780 -0:460 D+Lr 14.425 •1.818 CITY OF LA QUIiNTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY Span =8.08 L� Project HSS12x6x1/4 Knapp & Associates Inc. Title: Engineer. Filler Residence -Guest House BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Project Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253_ 3p Uniform Load : D = 0.060, Lr = 0.060 k/ft, Tributary Width =1.0 ft SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92401 ©© � • �v 0.006 : 1 Email KNAPPAEQAOL.COM TEL. (909) 889-0115 i Section used for this span HSS12x6x1/4 Section used for this span HSS12x6x1/4 Fax 19091889-0455 0.5968 k FdNed I4 AUG 2013 10 3iA!1 Mn / Omega: Allowable 77.595 k -ft Vn/Omega : Allowable Load Combination +D+Lr+H Load Combination Steel Beam File=Z:12M26-APRESTIFD2LRB-JtCSUPH4-0112092.2tGGN06E-NIISNIPL-J.EC6 Location of maximum on span 4.0008 Location of maximum on span 8.000 ft ' ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2013, Buib:, Ver.6.13.6,21 Span # 1 I •1 r Maximum Deflection UT-11-30, DgMiTTo Description : RB-18 ! 3 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 CODE REFERENCES Max Downward Total Deflection 0.003 in Ratio = 30331 Calculations per AISC 360-05, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 inRatio= 0 <180 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 Summary of Shear Va:•ues Segment Length Span # M V Mmax + Mmax - Ma -Max Mnx Mnx/Omega Cb Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Strength Design D Only Fy : Steel Yield: 50.0 ksi Dsgn, L = 8.00 ft 1 0.009 0.004 0.71 0.71 129.58 77.59 1.00 Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsional buckling E: Modulus : 29,000.0 ksi Bending Axis: Major Axis Bending Dsgn. L = 8.00 ft 1 0.015 0.006 1.19 1.19 129.58 77.59 1.00 1.00 0.60 157.99 94.60 Load Combination IBC 2009. Load Combination Span Max. %* Dell Location in Span Load Combination D(0.06) Lr(0.06) V D+Lr 1 0.0032 4-040 0.0000 0,000 Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. Downward Defl Location in Span Span Max. Upward Dell Location in Span D Only 1 0.0019 4.040 Span =8.08 L� HSS12x6x1/4 1 Applied Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load : D = 0.060, Lr = 0.060 k/ft, Tributary Width =1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY _ Maxlmurr► Bending Stress Ratio =. 0.015:1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = � • �v 0.006 : 1 i Section used for this span HSS12x6x1/4 Section used for this span HSS12x6x1/4 Ma: Applied 1.194 k -ft Va : Applied 0.5968 k Mn / Omega: Allowable 77.595 k -ft Vn/Omega : Allowable Load Combination +D+Lr+H Load Combination 94.604 k +D+Lr+H i Location of maximum on span 4.0008 Location of maximum on span 8.000 ft ' j Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 I r Maximum Deflection ' Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.001 in Ratio = 75,420 ! 3 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.003 in Ratio = 30331 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 inRatio= 0 <180 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Summary of Moment Values Summary of Shear Va:•ues Segment Length Span # M V Mmax + Mmax - Ma -Max Mnx Mnx/Omega Cb Rm Va Max Vnx Vnx/Omega D Only Dsgn, L = 8.00 ft 1 0.009 0.004 0.71 0.71 129.58 77.59 1.00 1400 0.36 157.99 94.60 +DAr+H Dsgn. L = 8.00 ft 1 0.015 0.006 1.19 1.19 129.58 77.59 1.00 1.00 0.60 157.99 94.60 Overall Maximum Deflections • Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. %* Dell Location in Span Load Combination Max. -+ Dell Location in Span V D+Lr 1 0.0032 4-040 0.0000 0,000 Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. Downward Defl Location in Span Span Max. Upward Dell Location in Span D Only 1 0.0019 4.040 0.0000 0.000 Lr Only 1 0.0013 4.040 0.0000 0.000 D+Lr 1 0.0032 4.040 Vertical Reactions - Unfactored Support notation: Far left is #1 0.0000 0.000 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAXimum 0.597 0.597 D Only 0.357 0.357 Lr Only 0.240 0.240 D+Lr 0.597 0.597 7 L rProject Title: Knapp & Associates Inc. Filler Residence -Guest House Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Protect Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 - 3r� 1 SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92401 4eF E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL. (909) 889.0115 mss. Fax (909)889.0455 Fdnted 14 AUG 2013 10 40A'd Wood Beam File=z.12M26-71PRESTIFD2LRB-S%CSUPH4-0112092.ZGGND6£-N118NiPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983.2013, BLAJ:, Ver: KW�06000933 Description: RB -19 CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NDS 2005, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 Material Properties ' Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Fb - Tension 1,350.0 psi E: Modulus of Elasticity Load Combination IBC 2009 Fb - Compr 1,350.0 psi Ebend- xx 1,600.0 ksi Fc - Pdl 925.0 psi Eminbend - xx 580.0 ksi Wood Species : Douglas Fr - Larch Fc - Perp 625.0 psi Wood Grade : No.1 Fv 170.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Density 32.210pcf Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsion buckling D(0.26Q Lr(0.27) i ITY OF LA QUiNTA UIL.DING & SAFETY DEPT. F I FOR CONSTRUCTION i t 6x6 i DATE Span = 4.0 ft Applied Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load : D = 0.2660, Lr = 0.270 , Tributary Width = 1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY a - _ (Maximum Bending Stress Ratio - _ _ 0.276 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio - 0.196 : 1 Section used for this span 6x6 Section used for this span 6x6 fb : Actual 469.77psi fv: Actual 41.65 psi FB: Allowable 11'687.50psi Fv: Allowable 212.50 psi Load Combination +D+Lr+H Load Combination +D+Lr+H Location of maximum on span = 2.000ft Location of maximum on span = 3.547 ft Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.013 in Ratio = 3743 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.026 in Ratio = 1862 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <240 Maximum Forces &Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Cd C FN Ci Cr Cm C t C L M fb F'b V fv F'v D Only 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 4.0 It 1 0.175 0.123 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.55 236.08 1350.00 0.42 20.93 170.00 +D+Lr+H 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 4.0 It 1 0.278 0.196 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.09 469.77 1687.50 0.84 41.65 212.50 Overall Maximum Deflections-'Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. °-' Den Location in Span Load Combination Max. '+' Den Location in Span D+Lr 1 0.0258 2.015 0.0000 0.000 1� Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTHSTODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARARDINO,NO, CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL (909) 8890115 Fax (909)889-0455 Wood Beam Description : RB -19 Vertical Reactions • Unfactored Project Title: Filler Residence_Guest House I Engineer, BDM Project ID: 12092.2 Project Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 )er I f DI Pdnled 14 AUG 2013 10 40A41 File= 2;122VN-126-APRESi1FD2LRB-JICSUPH4-01120°231GGN06E-NIIBNIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983.2013. Build:, VeC6.13.6.21 Support notation : Far left is #1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAXimum 1,086 1.086 D Only 0.546 0.546 Lr Only 0.540 0-540 D+Lr 1.086 1.086 Project Title: & Associates Inc. Filler Residence -Guest House Knapp Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Project Descr: 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM } TEL. (909) 889.0115 Fax (909) 889-0455 P*ed 14 AUG 2013 104aMd.1 Wood Beam File=Z:U21NH26-APRESTIFD2LRa-JICSUPH4-0112092.ZGGN06E-Nf18NIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1%3.2013.8uild:, Ver. 0.rri• Description : RB -20 CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NDS 2005, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Fb- Tension 1,350.0 psi E: Modulus of Elasticity Load Combination 18C 2009 Fb - Compr 1,350.0 psi Ebend- xx 1,600.0 ksi Fc - Pd1 925.0 psi Eminbend - xx 580.0 ksi Wood Species : Douglas Fir - Larch Fc - Perp 625.0 psi Wood Grade : No.1 Fv 170.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Density 32.210 pcf Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsion buckling D(0.116) Lr(0.06) i � v ;ITY. OF LA QUIN A r . T. i'ROVED i 6x12 I� (M CONSTI UCTIO 1 Span = 11.0 ft j�rt:_ BY Applied Loads Service loads`eriteFed`Load"Fac ors wit be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load : D = 0.1160, Lr = 0.060 , Tributary Width =1.0 ft DESIGN . s .SUMMARY ..-.-.-- `Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = _ 0.168 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = 0.097 :1 Section used for this span 6x12 Section used for this span 6x12 fb : Actual 284.68psi fv : Actual 20.64 psi FS : Allowable 1,687.50psi Fv : Allowable 212.50 psi Load Combination +D+Lr+H Load Combination +D+Lr+H Location of maximum on span = 5.500ft Location of maximum on span = 10.077 ft Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.018 in Ratio = 7405 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 In Ratio = 0 <360 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.056 in Ratio = 2336 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <240 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations toad Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Cd C FN C1 Cr Cm C t CL M fb F'b V fv F'v D Only 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 11.0 ft 1 0.144 0.083 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.97 194,85 1350.00 0.60 14.13 170.00 40+Lr+H 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 11.0 It 1 0.169 0.097 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.88 284.68 1687.50 0.87 20.64 212.50 Overall Maximum Deflections - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. °' Deft Location in Span Load Combination Max. '+' De0 Location in Span D+Lr 1 0.0565 5.540 0.0000 0.000 f'. Knapp & Associates Inc. Project Title: Engineer. Filler Residence—Guest House BDM Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Project DeScr. 81150 Elswortn Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 } SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM t TEL. (909) 889-0115 Fax (909) 889.0455 Pnnied, 14 AUG 2013 10 4M Wood BeamFile=Z:IP2VVH26-APRESTIFD2LRB-JiCSUPH4-O112D92-21GGN06E-Nt18NIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC. INC, 1983.2013, Build:, Vec6.13.8.21 INFA—WE — Description : RB-20 Vertical Reactions - Unfactored Support notation: Far left is #1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAXimum 1.046 1.046 D Only 0.716 0.716 Lr Only 0.330 0.330 D+Lr 1.046 1.046 f'. t r Knapp & Associates Inc. Project Title: Filler Residence Guest House En ineer: BDM - Project ID: 12092.2 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE Pro Descr: 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 /�fC' _ V U11� ' SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E-rnail KNAPPAE@AOLCOM { TEL (909) 889-0115 Fax (909) 889-0455 Pript-d r4 AUG 2013 1041A1.1 Wood BeamFile=Z-.MM26-APRESTIFD2LRB-JICSUPH4-0112D9221GGN06E-NII8NIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC, INC, 1983-2013, Build,, Ver. r,rrr9 Description: RB -21 CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NDS 2005, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combination Set: IBC 2009 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Fb - Tension 1,350.0 psi E: Modulus of Elasticity Load Combination I BC 2009 Fb - CDmpr 1,350.0 psi Ebend- xx 1,600.0 ksi Fc - Pdl 925.0 psi Eminbend - xx 580.0 ksi Wood Species : Douglas Fir - Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Fc - Perp 625.0 psi Fv 170.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Density 32.210pcf Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral -torsion buckling - -- - . - - - - - - - D(0.06) Lr(0.08)- I QUINTA 7Y DEPT. a SAFE 1 6x14 t',.,.-4'::����� � TtON _ Span = 14.0 ft Applied Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load : D = 0.060, Lr = 0.080, Tributary Width =1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY a ?Maximum Bending Stress Ratio - - 0.1651 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio - 0.087 :1 I Section used for this span 6X14 Section used for this span 6x14 1 1 fb : Actual 275.60psi fv : Actual = 18.59 psi j FB : Allowable = 1,665.56psi Fv : Allowable = 212.50 psi I I Load Combination +D+Lr+H Load Combination +D+Lr+H Location of maximum on span = 7.0001t Location of maximum on span = 12.876 fl l Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.039 in Ratio = 4358 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection i 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.075 in Ratio = 2226 Max Upward Total Deflection 1 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <240 1 Maximum Forces $ Stressesfor Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V C d C F(V C 1 C r C m C t C L M fb Pb V (v F'v D Only 0.99 1.D0 1.00 1.D0 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 D.00 0.00 Length =14.0 ft 1 0.101 0.053 1.00 0.99 1.D0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.88 134.82 1332.45 0.45 9.09 170.00 +D+Lr+H 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 14.0 ft 1 0.165 0.087 1.25 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.84 275.60 1665.56 0.92 18.59 212.50 Overall Maximum Deflections • Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. =' De0 Location in Span Load Combination Max. '+' Defl Location in Span D+Lr 1 0.0755 7.051 0.0000 0.000 t Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL (909) 689.0115 _ Fax (909) 889.0455 Wood Beam Description : RB -21 Project Title: Filler Residence—Guest House Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 Project Descr: 81150 Elsworth Place, La Quinta, Ca 92253 /jam Prim- 14 AUG 2017 10419A Fiie = Z:122wH26-APRESi1FD2LRB-,ACSUPH4-0112092.21GGN06E-N418NIPL-J.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983.2013, Bubd:, Ver: ef67�TiR4--Tfi9: `I_1:22f--l: f1:1164d Vertical Reactions - Unfactored Support notation : Far lett is M Values in KIPS Load Combination Suppod 1 Support 2 Overall MAXimum 1.096 1.095 D Only 0.536 0.536 Lr Only 0.560 01560 D+Lr 1.096 1,096 r Fria & Associates Inc. PP 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 Filler Residence Guest House — 81150 Elsworth Place Loads By: Date: D.J. 4/29/13 E-mail ( TE�909A8 9,0115 OM .�.-- Fax (9091889.0455 La Quinta, CA 92253 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. 15.0 ft Proj # Sheet: 12092.1 C'f0— I COLUMN SIZE Locations Height Loads Allowable Load Column Size RB -2 (L) 15.0 ft 6.536 kip 66 kip HSS 5x5x1/4 ok RB -4 (L) 15.0 ft 8.787 kip 66 kip HSS 5x5x1/4 ok RB -4 (R) 15.0 ft 5.585 kip 66 kip HSS 5x5x1/4 ok RB -8 (L) + RB -9 (L) 15.0 ft 26.096 kip 66 kip HSS 5x5xl/4 ok RB -10 (L) 15.0 ft 13.880 kip 66 kip HSS 5x5xl/4 ok CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE -� BY Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOLOL.COMOM TEL. (909) 889-0115 Fax (909) 8B9-0455 Wood Column Description : Compression Column supporting RB -17 Code References Project Title: Filler Residence -Guest House Engineer: BDM Project ID: 12092.2 Protect Descr. 81150 Elsworth Place, La Ouinta, Ca 92253 4 C? _Z Flis = Z'22WH26-;ZPRESTIF02LRB=JICSUPH4=011 Calculations per 2005 NDS, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combinations Used: ASCE 7-05 General Information Analysis Method : Allowable Stress Design Wood Section Name 6x8 End Fixities Top & Bottom Pinned Wood GradingfManuf. Graded Lumber Overall Column Height 9.0 ft Wood Member Type Sawn ( Used tar aon-slcadtr calErdailcrs ) 3. 11 21BL1 Wood Species Douglas Fir - Larch Enact width 5.50 in Allow Stress Modification Factors Wood Grade No.1 Exact Depth 7,50 in Cf or Cv for Bending 1.0 Area 41.250 in12 Cf or Cv for Compression 1.0 Fb -Tension 1,200.0 psi Fv 170.0 psi Ix 193.359 in14 Cl or Cv for Tension 1.0 Fb - Compr 1,200.0 psi R 825.0 psi ly 103.984 in^4 Cm : Wet Use Factor 1.0 Fc - Pdl 1,000.0 psi Density 32.210 pcf Ct :Temperature Factor 1.0 Fc -Perp 625.0 psi Cfu :Flat Use Factor 1.0 E :Modulus of Elasticity ... x x Bending y y Bending Axial Kf : Built-up columns 1.0 r+n3152 Basic 1,600.0 1,600.0 1,600.0 ksi Use Cr: Repetitive 7 No :Nfl-sl1v LOA Minimum 580.0 580.0 Brace condition for deflection (buckling) along columns : X -X (width) axis : Unbraced Length for X -X Axis buckling = 9.0 It, K =1.0 Y -Y (depth) axis : Unbraced Length for X -X Axis buckling = 9.0 ft, K = 1.0 Applied Loads. Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Column self -weight included : 83.041 lbs' Dead Load Factor AXIAL LOADS. . Roof Load: Axial Load at 9.0 ft, D = 7.893, L = 4.660 k :.DESIGN SUMMARY : . Bending & Shear Check Results PASS Max. Axial+Bending Stress Ratio = 0,7447 ; 1 Maximum SERVICE Lateral Load Reactions . . Load Combination +D+L Top along Y -Y 0.0 k Bottom along Y -Y 0.0 It Governing NDS Forumla Comp Only, fc/Fc' Top along X -X 0.0 k Bottom along X -X 0.0 k Location of max.above base 0.0 ft Maximum SERVICE Load Lateral Deflections.... Al maximum location values are... Along Y -Y 0.0 in at 0.0 It above base Applied Axial 12.636 k for load combination : n!a Applied Mx Applied My 0.0 k -ft 0.0 k -ft Along X -X 0.0 in at 0.0 It above base Fc: Allowable 411.338 psi for load combination: Na Other Factors used to calculate allowable stresses ... PASS Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = 0.0 :1 Bending Compression Tension Load Combination +D+L Cf or Cv 'Size based factors 1.000 1.000 Location of max.above base 9.0 ft Applied Design Shear 0.0 psi Allowable Shear 212.50 psi Load Combination Results Maximum Axial + Bending Stress Ratios Maximum Shear Ratios Load Combination C. D Stress Ratio Status Location Stress Ratio Status Location D Only 1.000 0.4849 PASS 0.0 ft 0.0 PASS 9.0 ft +D+L 1.250 0.7447 PASS 0.0 ft 0.0 PASS 9.0 ft Maximum Reactions - unfactored Note: Only non -zero reactions are listed. X -X Axis Reaction Y -Y Axis Reaction Axial Reaction Load Combination @ Base @ Top @ Base @ Top @ Base D Only k k 7.976 k L Only k k 4.660 k D+L k It 12.636 k F L j 1 n 1 i t r r Knapp & Amociates Inc. Filler Residence Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 — 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/12/13 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL. 1909) 889-0115 ,,,✓✓✓ Fax La QUtnta, CA 92253 Pfo # 12092.2 -_.,j (909) 88"455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: 4a_1 Lateral Load To Shear Line Roof DL (w/o plaster ceiling) = 15.0 psf (Roof) Roof DL (w/ plaster ceiling) = 20.0 psf Stud Wall DL = 15.0 psf Seismic Coefficent = 0.186 Wind Pressure = 20.9 psf 1) Along Grid Line - 7O Seismic DL = 15 + 1512 + 1512 = 30 psf (w/o plaster) Seismic DL = 20 + 1512 + 15/2 = 35 psf (w plaster) Seismic = 30*14*13/2*0.186 = 508 Ib Wind = 20.9*1212*13/2 = 815 Ib 2) Along Grid Line - 7.1 Seismic = 30*11*712*0.186 = 215 Ib CITY OF LA QUINTA Wind = 20.9*15/2*7/2 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. = 549 Ib APPROVED R CONSTRUCTION 3) Along Grid Line - 7.2 DATE- BY Seismic = 30*14*13/2*0.186+35*24*14.5/2*0.186 = 1,641 Ib Wind = 20.9*12/2*13/2+20.9*12/2*14.5/2 = 1,724 Ib 4) Along Grid Line - 7.3 Seismic = 30*11*7/2*0.186 = 215 Ib Wind = 20.9*1512*7/2 549 Ib 5) Along Grid Line - 7.4 Seismic = 35*24*14.5/2*0.186+35*34.5*(23/2+8)*0.186 = 5,512 Ib Wind = 20.9*1212*14.512+20.9*1712*(2312+8) = 4,373 Ib Knapp & Associates Inc. Filler Residence Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTHSTODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARARDINOINO. ca, 92401 — 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/12/13 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM 1 TEL. (909) 889-0115 La Quinta, CA 92253 Proj # 12092.2 Fax (909) 889-0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: Lateral Load To Shear Line Roof DL (w/o plaster ceiling) = 15.0 psi (Roof) Roof DL (w/ plaster ceiling) = 20.0 psi Stud Wall DL = 15.0 psi Seismic Coefficent = 0.186 Wind Pressure = 20.9 psi 6) Along Grid Line - 7.5 Seismic DL = 15 + 15/2 + 15/2 = 30 psi (w/o plaster) Seismic DL = 20 + 1512 + 1512 = 35 psi (w plaster) Seismic = 35*34.5"(23/2+2.5)*0.186+30*19*28/2*0.186 = 4,629 Ib Wind = 20.9*17/2*(2312+2.5)+20.9*14/2*28/2 = 4,535 lb 7) Along Grid Line - 7.6 Seismic = 30*9*6/2*0.186 = 151 Ib Wind = 20.9`11 /2*6/2 = 345 Ib 8) Along Grid Line - 7.7 Seismic = 30*9*6/2*0.186+30*19*27/2*0.186 = 1,582 Ib Wind = 20.9*11/2*6/2+20.9*14/2*27/2 = 2,320 Ib 9) Along Grid Line - 7.8 Seismic = 30*6*12/2*0.186 = 201 Ib Wind = 20.9*14/2'`12/2 = 878 lb 10) Along Grid Line - 7.9 Seismic = 30*17*28/2*0.186 = 1,328 Ib Wind = 20.9*14/2*28/2 = 2,048 Ib 1 Ci [J �q 1 [J 1 1 'I 1 w 1 t 1 [I t i Knapp & Associates Inc. Filler Residence Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 — 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/12/13 q E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL. (909) 889-0115 4'-�.... La Quinta, CA 92253 Proj # 12092.2 Fax (909) 889.0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: 449-3 Lateral Load To Shear Line Roof DL (w/o plaster ceiling) = 15.0 psf (Roof) Roof DL (w/ plaster ceiling) = 20.0 psf Stud Wall DL = 15.0 psf Seismic Coefficent = 0.186 Wind Pressure = 20.9 psf 11) Along Grid Line - O Seismic OL = 15 + 15/2 + 15/2 = 30 psf (w/o plaster) Seismic DL = 20 + 15/2 + 15/2 = 35 psf (w plaster) Seismic = 30*19*27/2*0.186 = 1,431 Ib Wind = 20.9*14/2*32/2 = 2,341 Ib 12) Along Grid Line - 8 Seismic = 30*8*(412+4)*0.186 = 268 Ib Wind 20.5/2*(b/2+4) _ 941lb �, QtJ11�1 1 AING P`�sii OF DEPT. & SAFEV 13) Along Grid Line - H.2 PP�� �TRI�CTION FOR COS Seismic = 30*8*4/2*0.186+30*28*13/2*0.186 = 1,105 Ib BY DATE Wind = 20.9*15/2*(4/2+4)+20.9*10/2*13/2 = 1,620 Ib 14) Along Grid Line - H.3 Seismic = 35*33*(25/2+2)*0.186 = 3,115 Ib Wind = 20.9*17/2*(25/2+2) 2,576 Ib 15) Along Grid Line - H.4 Seismic = 30*14*6/2*0.186 = 234 Ib Wind = 20.9*1412*6/2 = 439 Ib Knapp & Associates Inc. Filler Residence Guest House By: BDM 408 N ERNARDINO, AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 — 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8112113 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM t TEL. (909) 889-0115 La Quinta, CA 92253 Proj # 12092.2 Fax (909) 889-0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: —¢ Lateral Load To Shear Line Roof DL (w/o plaster ceiling) = 15.0 psi (Roof) Roof DL (w/ plaster ceiling) = 20.0 psi Stud Wall DL = 15.0 psi Seismic Coefficent = 0.186 Wind Pressure = 20.9 psi 16) Along Grid Line - H.5 Seismic DL = 15 + 15/2 + 15/2 = 30 psi (w/o plaster) Seismic DL = 20 + 15/2 + 15/2 = 35 psi (w plaster) Seismic = 35*28*13/2*0.186+35*14.5*9/2*0.186 = 1,610 Ib Wind = 20.9*15/2*22/2 = 1,724 Ib 17) Along Grid Line - H.S Seismic = 30*29*17/2*0.186+30*14*612*0.186 = 1,610 Ib Wind' `, -= 20.9*14/2*24/2 = 1,756 Ib 18) Along Grid•Line - H.7 Seismic = 35*14.5*(14.512+2)*0.186 = 873 Ib Wind = 20.9*1512*(14.5/2+2) = 1,450 Ib 19) Along Grid Line - O Seismic = 35*33*(25/2+6)*0.186+30*28*17/2*0.186+30*32`18/2*0.186 = 6,909 Ib Wind = 20.9*1712*35/2 = 3,731 Ib 20) Along Grid Line - ( K Seismic = 35*27*18/2*0.186 = 1,582 Ib Wind = 20.9*14/2*1812 = 1,317 Ib L� t 'I 1 1 'I t 1 u F1 1 J Knapp & Associates Inc. Filler Residence_ Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE /} SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8112/13 . E-rnW KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL (9D9) 889-0115 La Quinta, CA 92253 Proj # 12092.2 - Fax (999) 889.0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: WOOD SHEAR WALL DESIGN 1 1 318"CBC-8d (Enter 1,2.3,4,5.6,7 or 8) 1) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - 7 Seismic = 30'14'1312'0.186 = 508 lb 508 / 4.00 = 127 plf Wind = 20.9"12/2`13/2 = B15 Ib 815 / 4.00 = 204 plf Max. Uniform Shear (plf) = 204 plf —> Use shear type CaD 2 w / h = 0.80 (Per Nos special 2008 seismic /wind provision Wall Length (ft) 4.00 Plate Height (ft) 10.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 8,150 Dead Load (plf) 150 R.M. (ft -Ib) 804 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 1,837 Hold Down I HDU2 Note(s): 2) 1st -Floor Shear Along Grid Line - 7.1OF:�UI CtTy Seismic = 30'11'712'0.186 215 J '8.50 DIjILP�ING & SAFftY DE�TIb 25 – plf Wind = 20.9'15/2`712 T-'sIL� 549 lb .�-�* � ���� 9 549 / 8.50 ? . CONSTRL ,TIONsS plf Max. Uniform Shear (plf) = 65 plf — Use shear type SP1`' 2,/h = 1.00 (Per NDS special 2008 seismic / wind provision Wall Length (ft) 8.50 DATE BY Plate Height (ft) 15.0 --� O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 8,235 Dead Load (plf) 225 R.M. (ft -Ib) 5,446 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 328 Hold Down I HDU2 Note(s): 1 3/8" CBC 8d 3) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - 7.2 Seismic = 30'14'13/2'0.186+35'24'14.5!2'0.186 = 1,641 Ib 1641 / 8.33 = 197 ptf Wind = 20.9'12/2'1312+20.9'12/2`14.512 = 1,724 lb 1724 / 8.33 = 207 plf Max Uniform Shear (ptf) = 207 ptf Use shear type SP1 2 w / h = 1.00 (Per NDS special 2008 seismic / wind provision Wall Length (ft) 8.33 Plate Height (ft) 10.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 17,240 Dead Load (plf) 150 R.M. (ft -Ib) 3,487 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 1,651 Hold Down I HDU2 Note(s): Use SP2 Shearwall Knapp & Associates Inc. Filler Residence_ Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/12/13 _+tf} . E•..11 KNAPPAE@AOL.COM La Duinta, CA 92253 Pro # 12092.2 ) y TEL (909) 889-0155 Fey rsost ses-o4ss Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. _ Sheet: 14 WOOD SHEAR WALL DESIGN 1 1 3/8" CBC-Sd (Enter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8) 4) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - 7.3 Seismic = 30*11*7/2*0.186 = 215 lb 215 / 8.00 = 27 ptf Wind = 20.9*15/2*7/2 = 549 lb 549 / 8.00 = 69 pff Max. Uniform Shear (plf) = 69 pff Use shear type 5P1 2 w / h = 1.00 (Per NDS special 2008 seism!c / wind provision Wall Length (ft) 8.00 Plate Height (ft) 15.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 8,235 Dead Load (ptf) 225 R.M. (ft -Ib) 4,824 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 426 Hold Down I HOU2 Note(s): 3/8" CBC -8d 5) `1'st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - 7.4 Seismic = 35*24*14.5/2*0.186+35*34.5*(23/2+8)*0.186 = 5,512 lb 5512 / 18.25 = 302 plf Wind = 20.9*12/2*14.5/2+20.9*1712*(2312+8) = 4,373 Ib 4373 / 18.25 = 240 pff Max. Uniform Shear (plf) _ .302 pff —► Use shear type GED 2 w / h = 1.00 (Per NDS special 2008 seismic / wind provision Wall Length (ft) 18.25 Plate Height (ft) 15.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 82,680 Dead Load (pff) 225 R.M. (ft -Ib) 25,105 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 3,155 Hold Down I HDUS Note(s): 1 3/8" CBC -8d 6) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - 7.5 Seismic = 35*34.5*(2312+2.5)*0.186+30*19*28/2*0.186 = 4,629 lb 4629 / 13.50 = 343 pff Wind = 20.9*17/2*(23/2+2.5)+20.9*14/2*28/2 = 4,535 lb 4535 / 13.50 = 336 pff Max. Uniform Shear (plf) = 343 plf Use shear type SP2 2 w / h = 1.00 (Per NDS special 2008 seismic / wind provision Wall Length (ft) 13.50 Plate Height (ft) 14.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 64,806 Dead Load (pff) 210 R.M. (ft -Ib) 12,821 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 3,851 Hold Down I HDUS Note(s): Pj 1 1 1 u t 1 Ll 1 1 t ij t Knapp & Associatcs Inc. Filler Residence_ Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTH DAVENUE SAN BERNARNARDINO. INO, CA 92401 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/12/13 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL, (909) 889.0115 La Quinta, CA 92253 Pro # 1 092.2 -� Pax (909) 889-0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. �. Sheet: -7 WOOD SHEAR WALL DESIGN 1 1 318 -CBC -8d (Enter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8) 7) 1 st - Floor Shear.Along Grid Line - 7.6 Seismic = 30'9'6/2'0.186 = 151 Ib 151 / 7.00 = 22 plf Wind = 20.9`11/2`6/2 = 345 lb 345 / 7.00 = 49 plf Max Uniform Shear (plf) = 49 plf Use shear type 5P1 2 w / h = 1.00 (Per NDS special 2008 seismic / wind provision Wall Length (ft) 7.00 Plate Height (ft) 10.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 3,450 Dead Load (plf) 150 R.M. (ft -Ib) 2,462 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 141 Hold Down HDU2 Note(s): Qu I� flaw, 8) 1 .st -Floor Shear Along Grid Line - 7.7FL�D Seismic = 30'9`6/2'0.186+30'19'27/2'0.186 D��'zTb SAFETY 1582 / 2.00 791 ptf Wind = 20.9'11/2'6/2+20.9'14/2'27/2 ®N�� 3 O lb 2320 / 2.00 STRI�CTI 0 pff Max. Uniform Shear (plf) = 1160 plf —> Use shear type HFX 2 w / h = NIA Wall Length (ft) .2.00 DAT. -- Plate Height (ft) 9.0 O.T:M. (ft -Ib) '20,880 -- Dead Load (plf) 135 R.M. (ft -Ib) 181 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 10;350 Hold Down 1 118-A.B:. Note(s): Use (2) HFX-24x9 STD Hardy Panel. Allowable Shear = 2800 Ib/panel. Allowable Uplift = 15,560 Ib, 1 318' CBC 8d 9) 1 st -.Floor Shear Along Grid Line - 7.8 Seismic = 30'6`12/2'0.186 = 201 Ib 201 / 5.50 = 37 plf Wind = 20.9`1412'12/2 = 878 lb 878 / 5.50 = 160 pif Max. Uniform Shear (plf) = 160 plf Use shear type CE2w/h = 0.85 (Per NDS special 2008 seismic / wind provision Wall Length (ft) :5.50 Plate Height (ft) 13.0 O.T.M. (ft4b) 11,414 Dead Load (ptf) 195 R:M. (ft -Ib) 1,976 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 1,716 Hold Down HDU2 Note(s): Knapp & Associates Inc. Filler Residence—Guest House By: BDM ` 408 SOUTH ARDINO. AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/12/13 _T E-mail E-mail KNAPPAEQAOL.COM La Quinta, CA 92253 Proj # 12092.2 TEL (909) 889.0115 Fax (909)889-0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: L, - WOOD SHEAR WALL DESIGN 1 I ifwcec-ad (Enter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8) 10) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - 7.9 Seismic = 30'17`28/2'0.186 = 1,328 lb 1328 1 6.50 = 204 pff Wind = 20.9'14/2'28/2 = 2,048 lb 2048 / 6.50 = 315 pff Max. Uniform Shear (plf) = 315 pff Use shear type 5P2 2 w / h = 1.00 (Per NDS special 2008 secmic t wind provision Wall Length (ft) 6.50 Plate Height (ft) 12.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 24,576 Dead Load (plf) 180 R.M. (ft -Ib) 2,548 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 3,389 Hold Down I HDU5 Note(s): 1 318" CBC-Bd 11) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - 8 Seismic = 30'19'2712'0.186 = 1,431 lb 1431 / 14.92 = 96 pff Wind = 20.9'14/2'32/2 = 2,341 Ib 2341 / 14.92 = 157 pff Max. Uniform Shear (plf)157 pff Use shear type CaD 2 w / h = 0.90 _ (Per NDS special 2008 seismic ! wind provision Wall Length (ft) 5.42 9.50 Plate Height (ft) 12.0 12.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 10,201 17,891 Dead Load (plf) 180 180 R.M. (ft -Ib) 1,769 5,442 Uplift Above (lb) 0 0 Total Uplift (lb) 1,557 1,310 Hold Down I HDU2 I HDU2 Note(s): Use SP2 Shearwalls 1 318" C8C-8d 12) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - H.1 Seismic = 30'8"(4/2+4)'0.186 = 268 lb 268 / 6.00 = 45 pff Wind = 20.9`1512`(412+4) = 941 Ib 941 1 6.00 = 157 pff Max. Uniform Shear (pff) = 157 pff —> Use shear type CSP1 2 w / h = 0.80 (Per NDS special 2008 seismic / vind provision Wall Length (ft) 6.00 Plate Height (ft) 15.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 14,115 Dead Load (plf) 225 R.M. (ft -Ib) 2,714 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 1,900 Hold Down I HDU2 Note(s): Use SP2 Shearwall 1 1 1 t ii fl t J 1 r� L t r, d t Knapp & Associates Inc. Filler Residence Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTKSTODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARARDINOINO. CA 92401 — 81150 ElSworth Place Date: 8/12/13 E-mail KNAPPAE®AOL.COM . TEL(909) 889.0115 La Quinta, CA 92253 Pro # 12092.2 Fax (909) 869-0465 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: ZfLO ` WOOD SHEAR WALL DESIGN 1 1 318" CBC -8d (Enter 1,2,3,4,5,6.7 or 8) 13) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - H.2 Seismic = 30'8`4/2'0.186+30'28`13/2'0.186 = 1,105 lb 1105 / 6.00 = 184 plf Wind = 20.9`15/2"(4/2+4)+20.9`10/2'13/2 = 1,620 lb 1620 / 6.00 = 270 plf Max Uniform Shear (pff) = 270 plf —> Use shear type CiD 2 w / h = 1.00 (Per NDS special 2008 seismic / wind provision Wall Length (ft) 6.00 Plate Height (ft) 12.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 19,440 Dead Load (plf) 180 R.M. (ft -Ib) 2,171 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 2,878 Hold Down I HDU2 Nole(s): Use SP2 Shearwall 14) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - .H.3 Y Y 1 r3 B BUILDING & SA APPRr"DV,119Ib Seismic = 35'33'(25/2+2)'0.186 3115 / 5.00 FOR CON i RUC_A�GW Wind = 20.9'17/2'(25/2+2) = 2,576 lb 2576 / 5.00 = 515 pff �; Max. Uniform Shear (plf) = 623 pff —� Use shear type `� 2w / In :BY (Per Nos speda120M soismicl .. nrg ' ' Wall Length (ft) 5.00 Plate Height (ft) 10.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 31,150 Dead Load (plf) 150 R.M. (ft -Ib) 1,256 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 5,979 Hold Down I HDUB Note(s): 5 Hardy Panel 15) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - HA Seismic = 30'14`6/2'0.186 = 234 Ib 234 / 2.00 = 117 pff Wind = 20.9'14/2'6/2 = 439 lb 439 / 2.00 = 220 pff Max. Uniform Shear (plf) - 220 pff —> Use shear type HFX 2 w / h = N/A Wall Length (ft) .2.00 Plate Height (ft) 9.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 3,951 Dead Load (plf) 135 R.M. (ft -Ib) 181 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 1,885 Hold Down 1 vs^ A.B. Note(s): Use (1) HFX-24x9 STD Hardy Panel. Allowable Shear = 2800 Ib/panel. Allowable Uplift = 15,560 Ib. Knapp & Associates Inc. Filler Residence Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92401 — 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/12/13 (p C� E-mail KNAPPAE®AOL-COM TEL- (909) 889.0115 La Quinta, CA 92253 Pro # 12092.2 ,o...i....,e Fax (909) 689-0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: WOOD SHEAR WALL DESIGN 5 1 Hardy Panel (Enter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8) 13) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - H.5 Seismic = 35'28`13/2"0.186+35`14.5'9/2'0.186 = 1,610 lb 1610 / 2.00 = 805 plf Wind = 20.9'15/2'22/2 = 1,724 lb 1724 / 2.00 = 862 plf Max. Uniform Shear (plf) = 862 plf Use shear type CiD 2 w / h = N/A Wall Length (ft) 2.00 Plate Height (ft) 10.0 O.T.M. (ft -lb) 17,240 Dead Load (plf) 150 R.M. (ft -Ib) 201 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 8,520 Hold Down 1 1 116" A.B. Note(s): Use (2) HFX-24x10 STD Hardy Panels. Allowable Shear = 2580 Ib/panel. Allowable Uplift = 16,055 Ib. 1 318" CBC -8d 14) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - H.6 Seismic = 30'29`17/2'0.186+30'14'6/2'0.186 = 1,610 lb 1610 / 16.00 = 101 plf Wind = 20.9'14!2'24/2 = 1,756 lb 1756 / 16.00 = 110 plf Max. Uniform Shear (plf) = 110 pif —> Use shear type CSP1D 2 w / h = 1.00 (Per NDS special 2008 seismic /wind provision Wall Length (ft) 16.00 Plate Height (ft) 12.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 21,072 Dead Load (plf) 180 R.M. (ft -ib) 15,437 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 352 Hold Down I HDu2 Note(s): Use SP2 Shearwall 1 31B"CBC-Bd 15) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - H.7 Seismic = 35`14.5"(14.5/2+2)'0.186 = 873 lb 873 / 5.00 = 175 plf Wind = 20.9'15/2'(14.5!2+2) = 1,450 lb 1450 ! 5.00 = 290 ptf Max. Uniform Shear (plf) = 290 plf Use shear type SP2 2 w / h = 1.00 (Per NDS special 2008 seismic / wind provision Wall Length (ft) 5.00 Plate Height (ft) 10.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 14,500 Dead Load (plf) 150 R.M. (ft -Ib) 1,256 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 2,649 Hold Down1 HDu2 Note(s): 1 C� t C fl 1 1 1 1 1 t t 1 Associates Inc. [Knapp& Filler Residence Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/12/13 pp '� E-mail KNAPPAE®AOL-COM TEL. (909) 889.0115 La Quinta, CA 92253 Proj 12092.2 Fax (909) 889.0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: -- I WOOD SHEAR WALL DESIGN 1 1 318-COC-8d (Enter 1,2.3,4,5,6,7 or 8) 16) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - J Seismic = 35'33'(25/2+6)'0.186+30'28`17/2'0.186+30'32'18/2'.0.186 = 6.909 lb 6909 / 21:50 = 321 pff Wind = 20.9`17/2'35/2 = 3,731 Ib :3731 / 21.50 = 174 plf Max. Uniform Shear (plf) = 321 plf Use shear type CED 2 w / h = 1.00 (Per NDS special 2008 seismic 1 mind provision Wall Length (ft) 21.50 Plate Height (ft) 12.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 82,908 Dead Load (plf) 180 R.M. (ft -Ib) 27,874 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 2,560 Hold Down HDU2 Note(s): CITY OF LA e �1� 17) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - :K Seismic = 35'27'1812'0.186 BUILDING & SAFETY 5"82 Ib 1582 / 4.00 APPROVEM; Plf Wind = 20.9'14/2'18/2 FOR CONS -i RUCTIQ)Nlb 1317 / 4.00 = 329 pff Max. Uniform Shear (pff) = 396 pff —> Use shear type 4j SPD 2 w / h = 0.80 f DATE (Per NDS specia12006 mic / ' Wall Length (ft) 4.00 Plate Height (ft) 10.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 15,820 Dead Load (plf) 150 R.M. (ft -Ib) 804 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 3,754 Hold Down I Hous Note(s): Use SP4 Shearwall 1 3/8"CBC Sd 18) 1 st - Floor Shear Along Grid Line - Seismic = = Ib 0 / 0.00 = 0 pff Wind = = Ib 0 ! .0.00 = 0 pff Max. Uniform Shear (plf) = 0 pff Use shear type CiD 2 w / h = 1.00 (Per NOS special 2008 seismic / vrind provision Wall Length (ft) 0.00 Plate Height (ft) 0.0 O.T.M. (ft -Ib) 0 Dead Load (plf) 0 R.M. (ft -Ib) 0 Uplift Above (lb) 0 Total Uplift (lb) 0 Hold Down I NIA Note(s): I. Knapp &Associates Inc. Filler Residence Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/13/13 i E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM La Quints, CA 92253 Pro # 12092.2 TEL.(9091889-0115 . Fax (909)889.0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: llirto `I2 Shear Wall Deflection Per CBC 2010 (Section 2305.3) p a V 3 i , e_ 8 v h + v h+ 0.75 h eo + do h E A b Gt b ; 2 (sw) h A = Area of boundary element cross section in square inches (in) , (Vertical member at shear wall boundary) b = Wall width (ft) 'da = Vertical elongation of overturning anchorage (including fastener slip, device elongation, anchor rod elongation, etc.) at the design shear b load. (in.) - (From Simpson Strong -Tie Catalog) E = Elastic modulus of boundary element (vertical member at shear wall boundary), (ksi) e„ = Nail or staple deformation, in inches (Table 2305.2.2(1)) Gt = Panel rigidity through the thickness, (k/in) of panel width or depth (Table 2305.2.2(2)) h = Wall Height (ft) I _ _v. _ = Maximum shear due to design load at top of the wall (plf) A =. The calculated deflection (in.)A11d = 0.02 hx (Table 12.12-1 of ASCE 7 05) 1 Post Size _ Panel Grade Deflection Amplification 1 = 4 x 4 post 4 = 6 x 8 post 100 = CDX (Other) Cd = 4.0 { 2= 4 x 6 post 5= 6 x 10 post 101 = Struct. I 3= 6 x 6 post 6= 8 x 8 post I s Fir. Grid Line 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.8 7.9 8 8 H.1 H.2 - Panel Thk 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 Nail Size 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d F' Post Size 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 r Panel 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 Grade s ` A = 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 I I b = 4.00 8.50 8.33 8.00 18.25 13.50 7.00 5.50 6.50 5.42 9.50 6.00 6.00 I p = F V = 204 65 207 69 302 343 49 160 315 151 151 157 270 F; r j E = 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 h = 110.0 115.0 110.0 115.0 115.0 114.0 110.0 113.0 112.0 112.0 ( 12.0 115.0 112.0 Gt = 34.0 1 34.0 34.0 1 34.0 34.0 1 34.0 34.0 1 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 en = 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 , I da = 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.115 0.115 0.086 0.086 0.115 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 , r i A = 1.43 0.74 0.97 0.79 1.85 1.51 0.55 1.49 2.07 1.37 1.03 1.65 1.84 A = Allowed 2.40 3.60 2.40 3.60 3.60 3.36 2.40 3.12 2.88 2.88 2.88 3.60 2.88 FI i O.K. O.K. I O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. app & Associates Inc. Filler Residence -Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTH DAVENUE SAN BERNARARDINO, INO, CA 92401 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/13/13 1 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL. (909) 889-0 5 La Quinta, CA 92253 Pro # 12092.2 f � _ ,.. b Fax (909) 689.04555 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: Shear Wall Deflection Per CBC 2010 (Section 2305.3) p v 3 � A= 8 v h + v h+ 0.75 h e. + dA h ; E A b G t b A (sw) h = Area of boundary element cross section in square inches (int) ; (Vertical member at shear wall boundary) b = Wall width (ft) da = Vertical elongation of overturning anchorage (including fastener slip, device elongation, anchor rod elongation, etc.) at the design shear b load. (in.) - (From Simpson Strong -Tie Catalog) E = Elastic modulus of boundary element (vertical member at shear wall boundary), (ksi) e„ = Nail or staple deformation, in inches (Table 2305.2.2(1)) Gt = Panel rigidity through the thickness, (k/in) of panel width or depth (Table 2305.2.2(2)) h = Wall Height (ft) v = Maximum shear due to design load at top of the wall (plf) rer) A = The calculated deflection (in.) al ae = 0.02 h% (TableRkd qm LA QUI NTA DING & SAFETY DEPT. Post Size Panel Grade�peflection& ; 4if'sation A i K 1 = 4 x 4 post 4 = 6 x 8 post 100 = CDX (OGRfVSI��i1CTION 2= 4 x 6 post 5= 6x10 post 101 = Struct. I3= 6 x 6 post 6= 8 x 8 post _ BY 1 st Flr. Grid Line H.3 H.6 H.7 J K Panel Thk 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 Nail Size Sd 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d ed 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d Post Size 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Grade 101 101 101 1 101 101 A = 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 30.25 b = 5.00 16.00 5.00 21.50 4.00 v = 623 110 290 321 396 E = 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 h = 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 Gt = 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 e„ = 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.02 de = 0.116 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.115 A = 2.34 0.42 1.67 1.74 2.28 A = Allowed 2.40 2.88 2.40 2.88 2.40 O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. JzKnapp& Associates Inc. Filler Residence Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTHSTODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARARDINO.INO, CA 92401 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8114/13 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL.(9o9)689-olt5 La Quinta, CA 92253 Pro # 120921 Fax (909)8139-0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: '(Wtw—/ Footing Design Load Critia Wconc. = 150 pcf Wwau = 15.0 psf (Stud Wall) Wsoll = 110 pcf WFtoor = 0.0 psf WFr9 = 40 pcf (150 pcf - 110 pcf) WRoof = 15.0 psf (Dead) WRoof = 20.0 psf (Live) S.B.P. = 1500 psf Stud Wall - Worst Case (try a 12" x 12" footing) — Interior br'g. wall along grid 7.4 (1 -Story Portion) WRoof = ( 15.0 + 20.0 ) psf x ( 37' / 2 ) = 647.5 pif Wwa11 = 15.0 psf x 14.0' = 210 pif W Flo., = 0.0 psf x ( .0' / 0 ) = 0 pif WFr9 = 40.0 pcf. x 1.0' x 1.0' = 40.0 plf Wvenee,= 12.0 psf x .0' = 0 pif WTotal = = 897.5 plf Allowed by footing = 1500 psf x 1.0' = 1500 pif > 898 pif O.K. Use: V-0" wide x V-0" deep Continuous Footing w/ (1 )45 at top and bott. 1 Pad Footinq �1 12" 24" Typical pad capcity: T-0" x 3'-0" pad = 1500 x 3' x 3' = 13,500 Ib Max. Point Load Allowed by Footing 4'-0" x 4'-0" pad = 1500 x 4' x 4' = 24,000 Ib P = 1500 psf x 1.0' x 2.0' 6-0" x 5'-0" pad = 1500 x 5' x 5' = 37,500 Ib = 3,000 Ib 6'-0" x 6'-0" pad = 1500 x 6' x 6' = 54,000 Ib Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 E-mail KNAPPAE@AOL.COM TEL. (909) 889.0115 Fax (909)889:0455 Filler Residence Guest House — 81150 EISWorth Place La t QU lna , CA 92253 Prest-:Vuksic Architects, Inc. By: BDM Date: 8/14113 Proj # 12092.2 Sheet: PAD FOOTING DESIGNIDOWNWARD LOADING) S.B.P. = 1.5 ksf O Cloumn Locations Loads Min. Pad Size Pad Symbol Reinforcement RB -2 (L) 6.536 kip 2.09' sq. x 24" dp. A 445 Each Way RB -4_(L) 8.787 kip 2.42' sq.:x 24". dp. A 445 Each Way RB -4 (R) 5.585 kip 1.93' sq. x 24" dp. A 445 Each Way RB -8 (L) + RB -9 (L) 26.096 kip 4.17' sq. x 24" dp. C 645 Each Way RB -10 (L) 13.880 kip 3.04' sq. x 24" dp. B 545 Each Way RB -17 (L) 12.553: kip 2.89' sq. x 24" dp. A 445 Each Way ���DE P� G�� O� �` & SAFES gUltrDlNG Vk FD lON FOR CONJ gY . DATE ` Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 Filler Residence Guest House — 81150 Elsworth Place By: Date: BDM 8/14/13 E-mTEL, ( PPA 69.011 COM TEL, (909) 889.0115 Fax (909) 889-0455 La Quinta, CA 92253 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Pro # Sheet: 12092.2 ./ ¢FDIr PAD FOOTING DESIGN (UPWARD LOADING) Conc. Unit Wt. = 0.15 kcf Pad Thickness = 24 in. — Cloumn Locations RB -2 (R) RB -8 (R) RB -10 (R) RB -17 (R) -3.779 kip -1.672 kip -2.372 kip -2.93 Min. Pad Size 3.55'.sq. x 24" dp. 2.36' sq. x 24" dp. 2.81' sq. x 24" dp. 3.12' sq. x 24" dp. Pad Symbol Reinforcement B #5 @ 12" O.C. ENV A #5 @ 12" O.C. ENV A #5 @ 12" O.C. ENV A #5 @ 12" O.C. ENV Knapp & Associates Inc. 4.00' b = 24" Lam, = 2.0' Fy = 60 ksi f'c = 2,500 psi Filler Residence Guest House By: BDM 40B SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/14/13 E-mail KNAPPAEc@AOL.COM S TEL.(909)889.0115 La Quints, CA 92253 Pro # 12092.2 Fax (909)889-0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: x LS,,, = Grade Beam Desitin For Plywood Shear Wall c n FEY 10. ' EU14`vll�a & 6`0.0 �N Slab: = 150 At Grid Line K Moment: h = Given: = 150 Cf 2.0'N� 800 b p FG5-� ( Grade Bm: Wconc = 150 pcf WH,dli = 15 psf S.B.P. = 1,500 psf H = 10 ft ft -k (see shear wall calcs) LSH, = 4.00' b = 24" Lam, = 2.0' Fy = 60 ksi f'c = 2,500 psi h = 24" d = 20" tslab = 4" A .ff = 0.00250 OR As.coeB = 0.00333 Try: T 4 - # p � AS = 6 to and Bottom 1.77 in ACI 318 05, SEC 10.5.1 Wall: = 15.0 psf x H x LS,,, = 15.0 psf x c n FEY 10. ' EU14`vll�a & 6`0.0 �N Slab: = 150 Overturning Moment: h = 24" = 150 Cf 2.0'N� 800 b p FG5-� ( Grade Bm: d = 20" MOT = 15.82 ft -k (see shear wall calcs) x L= 145 pcf x 2.0' x 2.0' x 8=X4,648— b Pad Ft'g. = 150 pcf x h x b x L = 150 pcf xODAT.0' _ Soils Wt. r\ b= 24" 1 As Resisting Dead Load: L =LSH + 2 Lam, = 4.0' + �--n ��N'TA CI OF DEPT. Wall: = 15.0 psf x H x LS,,, = 15.0 psf x c n FEY 10. ' EU14`vll�a & 6`0.0 �N Slab: = 150 ,pcf X b X L X tslab = 150 Cf 2.0'N� 800 b p FG5-� ( Grade Bm: = 145 pcf x h x b x L= 145 pcf x 2.0' x 2.0' x 8=X4,648— b Pad Ft'g. = 150 pcf x h x b x L = 150 pcf xODAT.0' _ Soils Wt. = 110 pcf x h x b x L = 110 pcf x- x 0' = 0 Ib P = 600 Ib + 800 Ib + 4,640 Ib + 0 Pm = 0.85 x P = 0.85 x 6,040 Ib = 5,134 Ib Resisting Moment: MRes st = Pm x L = 5,134 lb x 8.0' = 20.5 Check Soil Stress e = MOT / P = ( L1 Ib + 0 Ib = 6,040 Ib ft -k > 15.8 ft -k O.K. 16 ft -k ) / 6.04 k = .2.6' > L / 6 = 1.3' I=[ L* / 2 - e] = [ 8.0' / 2 - 2.6', = 1.4 ft 1/3 increase for seismic Q max = 2 x P = 2 x 6,040 Ib = 1458 psf < 1995 .psf O.K. 3 x b x L1 3 x 2.0' x 1.4' _ Q max Q arm 3 x L1 x (31_1 - Larm) = 754 psf < 1995 psf O.K. Knapp & Associates Inc. Filler Residence Guest House 408 N BE ARDINO, AVENUE - SAN BERNARD(NO, CA 92401 81150 Eisworth Place E-mail KNAPPAE®AOL.COM TEL (909)889.0115 La Quinta, CA 92253 1j �+s`^ Fax (909) 889.0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. CDn'd. Grade Beam Design For Plywood Shear Niall At Grid Line K Reinforcinq Steel Armin = 0.00333 x b x d = 0.00333 x 24" x 20" = 1.60 int < 1.77 int a _ AS x fy _ 1.77 int x 60,000 psi = 2.08 in 0.85 f, x b 0.85 x 2500 psi x 24" Grade Beam Design 2 2 l Me = (Qmax - Qa ) . L arm + Qa 2 L arm I x width x 1.4 = 5.5 ft -k vu = (Qmax + Qarm) • L2arm J x width x 1.4 = 6.2 k omn = 0.9 x AS x fy xI d - =] 2 10124 0.9 x 1.77 int x 60 ksi x 20" - 2.1"2 = 151 ft -k > 5.5 ft -k O.K. �V, = 0.85 x 2 x b x d x If'r l 112 r = 0.85 x 2 x 24" x 20" x 125000.5 = 40.8 k V, = 40.8 k > 6.2 k O.K. Check for Strirrups Try A„ = # 3 bar @ 10" o.c. V = A„ Fyt d = 0.11 int x 40,000 psi x 20" x 1.33 = 11.8 k s s 10.0" ,vhere max Vs = 8, fc bd = 8 X,/2500 psi x 24" x 20" = 192.0 kip > 11.75 kip O.K. -► So, use # 3 at 10" o.c. Use: 24" wide x 24" deep x 8'-0" long Grade Beam w/ 44 6 at top & 446 at Bottom w! #3 stirrups @ 10" o.c. By: BDM Date: 8/14/13 Proj # 12092.2 Sheet: e CDn'd. Grade Beam Design For Plywood Shear Niall At Grid Line K Reinforcinq Steel Armin = 0.00333 x b x d = 0.00333 x 24" x 20" = 1.60 int < 1.77 int a _ AS x fy _ 1.77 int x 60,000 psi = 2.08 in 0.85 f, x b 0.85 x 2500 psi x 24" Grade Beam Design 2 2 l Me = (Qmax - Qa ) . L arm + Qa 2 L arm I x width x 1.4 = 5.5 ft -k vu = (Qmax + Qarm) • L2arm J x width x 1.4 = 6.2 k omn = 0.9 x AS x fy xI d - =] 2 10124 0.9 x 1.77 int x 60 ksi x 20" - 2.1"2 = 151 ft -k > 5.5 ft -k O.K. �V, = 0.85 x 2 x b x d x If'r l 112 r = 0.85 x 2 x 24" x 20" x 125000.5 = 40.8 k V, = 40.8 k > 6.2 k O.K. Check for Strirrups Try A„ = # 3 bar @ 10" o.c. V = A„ Fyt d = 0.11 int x 40,000 psi x 20" x 1.33 = 11.8 k s s 10.0" ,vhere max Vs = 8, fc bd = 8 X,/2500 psi x 24" x 20" = 192.0 kip > 11.75 kip O.K. -► So, use # 3 at 10" o.c. Use: 24" wide x 24" deep x 8'-0" long Grade Beam w/ 44 6 at top & 446 at Bottom w! #3 stirrups @ 10" o.c. Knapp & Associates Inc. 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92401 Filler Residence Guest House - 81150 Elsworth Place By: Date: BDM 8/14/13 / ` E-mail KNAPPA 89.011 COM t / Fax (909) 889-0115 "•^"..''"' Fax (909)889.0455 La Quinta, CA 92253 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Pro # Sheet: 12092.2 Grade Beam Design For Hardy Panel Dead Load: L = ACI 318 05, SEC 10.5.1 At Grid Line HA -# 6 top and Bottom -► As = 1.77 int Given: Wcwc = 150 pcf Wwjj = 15 psf S.B.P. = '1,500 psf H = 9 ft Lsw = 2.0' b = 24" Lam, = 3.0' Fy = 60 ksi fc = 2,500 psi h = 24" d = 21" tsfab = 12" As,coefT = 0.00250 OR As,caeff = 0.00333 Resisting Dead Load: L = ACI 318 05, SEC 10.5.1 Try: 4 -# 6 top and Bottom -► As = 1.77 int SAIFDEPT. Overturning Moment: h = 24" BUILDING Wall: = 15.0 d = 21" Mol = 3.95 ft -k (see Hardy Panel Shear calcs) psf x 9.0' . x 2 -AP ED • • Check Soil Stress e = MOT / P ( 4 ft -k) / 7.31 k = .5' < L / 6 = 1.3' L1 _[ L* / 2 - e, = C &0' / '2 - .5', = 3.5 ft r 1/3 Increase for seismic 704 psf < 19195 psf O.K. Q max = 2 x P = 2 x 7,310 Ib = 3 x b x L1 3 x 2.0' x 3.5' __ Q arm Q max3 x L x (31-1 - Lam,) = 501 psf < 1995 psf OX. 1 b= 24" A Resisting Dead Load: L = LsW + 2 Lam, = 2.0' + 2 xchTOY 0rNTA SAIFDEPT. BUILDING Wall: = 15.0 psf x .H x Ls,, = 15.0 psf x 9.0' . x 2 -AP ED FOR CONSTRUCTION Slab: = 150 pcf x b x L x ts,ab = 1.50 pcf x 2.0' :x 8.0' x 1.00' = 2,400 1 Grade Bm: = 145 pcf x h x b x L = 145 pcf x ,DATE BY 2. X .0' . Pad Ft'g. = 150 pcf x h x b x L = 150 pcf x x .0' x .0'.- = 0 Ib Soils Wt. = 110 pcf x h x b x L = 110 pcf x .0' x .0' x .0' = 0 Ib P = 270 Ib + 2,400 Ib + 4,640 Ib + 0 Ib + 0 Ib = 7,310 Ib Pm = 0.85 x P = 0.85 x 7,310 Ib = 6,214 Ib Resisting Moment: MResist = Pmx L = 6,214 lb2 x 8.0' = 24.9 ft -k > 4.0 ft -k O.K. Check Soil Stress e = MOT / P ( 4 ft -k) / 7.31 k = .5' < L / 6 = 1.3' L1 _[ L* / 2 - e, = C &0' / '2 - .5', = 3.5 ft r 1/3 Increase for seismic 704 psf < 19195 psf O.K. Q max = 2 x P = 2 x 7,310 Ib = 3 x b x L1 3 x 2.0' x 3.5' __ Q arm Q max3 x L x (31-1 - Lam,) = 501 psf < 1995 psf OX. 1 Knapp & Associates Inc. Filler Residence Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO.INO. CA 92401 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/14/13 E-mail KNAPPAEQa AOL.COM TEL (9D9) 889.0115 La Quinta, CA 92253 Proj # 12092.2 Fax (909) 889-0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: %rFyi% Con'd. Grade Beam Design For Hardy Panel At Grid Line HA Reinforcing Steel Asmin = 0.00333 x b x d = 0.00333 x 24" x 21" = 1.68 int < 1.77 in O.K. As x fy 1.77 in x 60,000 psi a = - 0.85 f', x b 0.85 x 2500 psi x 24" = 2.08 in Grade Beam Design 2 kQmax - Qa ) • L 2 M" _ amt 2 x width x 1.4 = 7.2 ft -k VD - �Qmax + Qarrn2' ) L. arm x width x 1.4 = 5.1 k 2 ' r f In = 0.9 x As x fy x I d a - # I ` 2 = 0.9 x 1.77 in x 60 ksi x ( 21 - 2.21 = 159 ft -k > 7.2 ft -k O.K. �V, = 0.85 x 2. x b x d x 1f'r11J2 = 0.85 x 2 x 24" x 21" x 12500]05= 42.8 k QVC = 42.8 k > 5.1 k O.K. Check for Strirrups Try A„ = # 3 bar @ 10" o.c. V = A„ Fyl d = 0.11 in x 40,000 psi x 21" x 1.33 = 12.3 k S s 10.0" sere max VS = 8,Fr bd = B x 2500 psi x 24" x 21" = 201.6 kip > 12.34 kip O.K. So, use # 3 at 10" o.c. Use: 24" wide x 24" deep x 8'-0" long Grade Beam wl 44 6 at top & 446 at Bottom wt #3 stirrups @ 10" o.c. r Map & Associates Inc. CI TYb()E74' QUINTA Filler Residence Guest House By: BDM 408SOUTHDDARAVENUE SAN BERNARARDINO, CA szao, BUIL AI=ETY DEPT. 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/14113 E-mad KNAPPAE@AOL.COM + 2 Lam, La Quinta, CA 92253 PfOJ # 12092.2 TEL. (909)889.0115 Fax (909) 889-0455 Prest - Vukslc Architects, Inc. Sheet: Wall: = 15.0 Grade Beam Design For Hardy Panel H x Ls,,,, = 15.0 psf x At Grid Line H.5 Given: Wconc = 150 pcf W,,,,g = 15 psf S.B.P. = 1,500 psf H'= 10 ft Slab: = 150 LAW = 2.0' b = 24" Lam, = 3:5' Fy = 60 ksi f'c = 2,500 psi = 150 h = 24" d = 21" tslab = 12" As coefr = 0.00250 OR As,caeff = 0.00333 .pcf x ACI 31805, SEC 10.5.1 b x L = Try: 4 - # 6 top and Bottom --y Ar = 1.77 in' x 2.0' x 2.0' x 9.0' = 5,220 Ib Pad Ft'g. = 1.50 .pcf x h x b x L = Overturning Moment: h = 24" .0' x .0' x .0' = 0 Ib Soils Wt. = 110 d = 21" MOT = 17.24 ft -k (see Hardy Panel Shear talcs) b x L = IC _ .0' x .0' x .0' = 0 = 2:4 ft r- 1/3 increase for seismic 2 x P _ 2 x 8,220 Ib _ Q max 3 x b x L1 .3 x 2.0' x 2.4' 1140 psf < 1995 psf O.K. __ Q max Q a� 3 x L1 x (31-1 Lam,) _ .587 psf < 1995 psf O.K. CI TYb()E74' QUINTA BUIL AI=ETY DEPT. Resisting Dead Load: L = Ls,., + 2 Lam, = 2.0' + 2x 365�t"" PF�-.� ED FOR CONSTRUCTION Wall: = 15.0 psf x H x Ls,,,, = 15.0 psf x 10.0 x 2.0' = 300 Ib DATE._ BY Slab: = 150 pcf . x b x L . x tslab = 150 pcf 0' x 1. - b Grade Bm: = 145 .pcf x h x b x L = 145 pcf x 2.0' x 2.0' x 9.0' = 5,220 Ib Pad Ft'g. = 1.50 .pcf x h x b x L = 150 .pcf x .0' x .0' x .0' = 0 Ib Soils Wt. = 110 pcf x h x b x L = 110 pcf x .0' x .0' x .0' = 0 Ib P = 300 Ib + 2,700 Ib + 5,220 Ib + 0 Ib + 0 Ib = 8,220 Ib Pm = 0.85 x P = 0.85 x 8,220 Ib = 6,987 Ib Resisting Moment: MResist = P,x L = 6,987 lb2 x 9.0' = 31.4 ft -k > 17.2 -k O.K. ft Check Soil Stress e = MOT / P = ( 17 ft -k ) / 8.22 k = 2.1' > L / 6 = 1.5' L1 _[ L' i 2 - e, = C 9.0' 1 2 - 2.1'1 = 2:4 ft r- 1/3 increase for seismic 2 x P _ 2 x 8,220 Ib _ Q max 3 x b x L1 .3 x 2.0' x 2.4' 1140 psf < 1995 psf O.K. __ Q max Q a� 3 x L1 x (31-1 Lam,) _ .587 psf < 1995 psf O.K. Knapp& Associates Inc. Filler Residence Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTH ARDINO, AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 _ 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/14/13 p E-mail KNAPPAEu@AOL.COM TEL (909) 889.0 La Quinta, CA 92253 Proj # 12092.2 55 Fax 1909) 889-0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: 4 f7CDA Con'd. Grade Beam Design For Hardy Panel Al Grid Line H.5 Reinforcing Steel Armin = 0.00333 x b x d = 0.00333 x 24" x 21" = 1.68 int < 1.77 in O.K. AS x fy 1.77 int x 60,000 psi a _ _ 0.85 f c x b 0.85 x 2500 psi x 24" = 2.08 in Grade Beam Design 2 (Qmax - Qa 2 Qarm L M„ _ + arm x width x 1.4 = 13.2 ft -k J Vu _ �Qmax + Q arm) • L2ann X width X 1.4 = 8.5 k . 2 �Mn = 1 0.9 x AS x fy x l d - al { `` 2J - x 0.9 - x 1.77 int 60 ksi x 21" - 22 = 159 ft -k > 13.2 ft -k O.K. . J J oV, = 0.85 x 2 x b x d x lf'�]112 = 0.85 x 2 x 24" x 21" x 2500]0 .5 = 42.8 k ova = 42.8 k > 8.5 k O.K. Check for Strirruos Try A = # 3 bar @ 10" o.c. V = A, Fyt d = 0.11 int x 40,000 psi x 21" x 1.33 = 12.3 k s s 10.0" )ere max Vs = 8X bd = 8 x 2500 psi x 24" x 21" = 201.6 kip > 12.34 kip O.K. -� So, use # 3 at 10" o.c. Use: 24" wide x 24" deep x 9'-0" long Grade Beam w/ 44 6 at top Sr 446 at Bottom wl #3 stirrups @ 10" o.c. I Knapp & Associates Inc. Dead Load: Filler Residence Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTH STODDARD AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 F eResisting '&fSAFQUIN 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/14/13 pp // Email KNAPPAE@AOL.COM 1 TEL. (909) 889.0115 2.0' La Quinta, CA 92253 Proj # 12092.2 Fax (909) 889-0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet: -pc®o/- Grade Beam Design For Hardy Panel ETY DE At Grid Line 7.7 Given: W,„c = 150 pcf Wwall = 15 psf S.B.P. = 1,500 psf H = 9 ft LS,N = LSw = 2.0' b = 24" Lam, = 3.5' Fy = .60 ksi f'c = 2,500 psi h = 24" d = 21" tslab = 12" A$ COef = 0.00250 OR N coefi = 0.00333 ACI 318 05, SEC 10.5.1 = 150 Try: # 4 - .6 t0and Bottom -y A5 = 1.77 in p L x tslab = 150 .pcf x 2.01.00' = 2,700 b1 Overturning Moment: h = 24" d = 21" MOT = 20.88 ft -k (see Hardy Panel Shear calcs) r. BYGrade I Dead Load: L _ Lsw + 2 Lam, = 2 F eResisting '&fSAFQUIN 2.0' + x q ETY DE T. Wall: = 15.0 psf x H x LS,N = 15.0 psf x 9.0' x NSTRUCTIONSlab: CDATE = 150 .pcf x .b x L x tslab = 150 .pcf x 2.01.00' = 2,700 b1 BYGrade Bm: = 145 pcf x h x b x L = 145 pcf x 2.0' =Pad Ft'g. = 150 pcf x h x b x L = 150 pcf x .0' = 0 Soils Wt. = 110 pcf x h x b x L = 110 .pcf x .0' x .0' x .0' = 0 Ib P = 270 Ib + 2,700 Ib + 5,220 Ib + 0 Ib + 0 Ib = 8,190 Ib Pm = 0.85 x P = 0.85. x 8,190 Ib = 6,962 Ib Resistinq Moment: MResist = P,,x L = 6,962 1b x 9.0' = 31.3 ft -k > 20.9 ft -k O.K. Check Soil Stress e = MOT /P = ( 21 ft -k)/ 8.19 k = 2.5' > L/6 = 1.5' L1 L* 2 e, 9.0' / 2 - 2.5' 2.0 ft 1/3 increase for seismic Q max = 2 x P = 2 x 8,190 lb = 1400 psf < 1995 psf O.K. 3 x b x L1 3 x 2.0' x 2.0' Q max Q amt = x .(31_1 - Lam,) = 562 psf < 1995 psf O.K. 3 x L1 I Knapp& Associates Inc. Filler Residence Guest House By: BDM 408 SOUTHARDAVENUE SAN BERNARDINOINO, CA 92401 81150 Elsworth Place Date: 8/14/13 E -mall KNAPPAE@AOLCOR4 TEL (909) 869.0115 La Quinta, CA 92253 Proj # 12092.2 Fax (9091 889.0455 Prest - Vuksic Architects, Inc. Sheet:&FPW-11 Con'd. Grade Beam Design For Hardy Panel At Grid Line 7.7 Reinforcinq Steel Asmin = 0.00333 x b x d = 0.00333 x 24" x 21" = 1.68 in < 1.77 in O.K. AS x fy 1.77 in' x 60,000 psi a _ _ = 2.08 in 0.85 f', x b 0.85 x 2500 psi x 24" Grade Beam Design Mu = kQmax - Qa ) ' Lean" + Qa 2 L2 2arm x width x 1.4 = 14.4 ft -k L + 2 Vo = kQmax Qarm) • L arm J x width x 1.4 = 9.6 k ,. t �Mn = 0.9 x As x fy x d al 2 0.9 x 1.77 in x 60 ksi x 121" - 22 = 159 ft -k > 14.4 ft -k O.K. 112 .5 FOVA-= 0.85 x 2 x b x d x I f'] = 0.85 x 2 x 24" x 21" x 12500 = 42.8 k Q,VF = 42.8 k > 9.6 k O.K. Check for Strirrups Try A„ = # 3 bar @ 10" o. c. Vs = A„ Fyt d = 0.11 in x 40,000 psi x 21° x 1.33 = 12.3 k s 10.0" where max Vs = 8,fc bd = 8 x j2500 psi x 24" x 21" = 201.6 kip > 12.34 kip O.K. So, use # 3 at 10" D.C. Use: 24" wide x 24" deep x 9'-0" long Grade Beam w/ 44 6 at top & 446 at Bottom w! #3 stirrups @ 10" o.c.