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13-1374 (SFD) Truss Calcs
O �Jz� w � y bG y N�a � -TI Ri 7 S - t 1 } ? } # Y j A The above referenced T, a based on,the design+ •� , � - 4 Y rr. if you have any questi } tt- Very;t ou , 4 .° David Baxter, P E Sernor Design Engirie� T � " MiTek�USA Y DBlJf. k * .s S r. t -c - l g t � �r a . x r 1� t -sdesi ti n gs.�: neters prc regarding \1 # 1 Y: �F ._ 7 + � FF 1� v . FORC.OlST iii �Gt` 1C. H f lave been prepared and sealed by MTek-.USA,- Inc ided' by Spates.Fabricators, °Inc his matter please feel free tabontact me T � " c * .s 1 g OF x r 1� t !� r { �4 Vx •, _ ���}�it _ - of S 3. 5 4 3 RrOr _ r_ . I I PATES FABRICATORS O O O I a-1 1 112' Job Name: O � - - Britt Residence - - - Lot 16 PGA West O KD - 0 _= O D. O O IN 0 ,., -•o O - lt'e�i e - Lot I G PG/ AZUC -1_ - -_ - u� v 6rFie N r ti I -- -- - c' - - - - _ - O Ch ON FSR ©.. O� - 24• G.C. DPTE - T-9 19-6' Ar 4:- 0 '� 20- _ 1/2Cj° N 25'-1 O 1 t - - - - 1/2' - O r - 22-0° 2a-6 1 rParK AIO] a Alao 'M AIM a O ° O � AM ,'� /1 I YAi, AIW—W 1 MONS& AO -.AX 1LLXW4 AU - I c uee° Assam. pec - b].. A9t N - - a uses. Ax>A]P O O' O Q - I I I 'llpti A76 ->PI _ - 9 MAPA AIO> A71 'iANfl[ __ LLO21' AIIaImP♦R ] IJAH Alt 1 - — 1 YCi, AI]13_ Q _ I IIDP, Ati>Id1'iel ul� - - _ OIID�4A Irs>ImCOt-. p.- ._. ��._ m. A]o-I Designer: r use 11 d AQ � a - ° _ - _a I IAs°c' Aae.y lmlAe 6 _Kqr O in. __ N QIi u~ress, bl -s'UU1 ODGM P%sec- Manager:n�pa A3O 'L Greg Sates ,M - MOM IIIAEC AIM—MIM -- - _ _ Y - - _ _ ossa --LM et Job #i• Ns use° :u�w 0--O e- O _ I {IAM AIOP>As] M-3000" - -- -- °�1 Plan / Elevation: ASI. 1111 NI eG APi2.1 Brat - Residence Lot 51_6. 51_6. VJLP7A ASGIJAPPI'DUR, P. -P -3-- IFU, i N SULTAINTS7- S I CUEZA I'd C 0 IREE'VIEIVED 0 RFVTSEDA?-M, ED RFIJECTED El FLi—KINISH AS CORR-JEC"TE-1-Y Correa„ tions or coil? -monis bade .on the shop draw— ing, cl.-unthis s don -;t relxcve coutractor frwni C4C41sij!'W-ice Na?jtl, t1w rzqmire rents of the drawirgs: claecl- js only for review v of gene= C, id"D nynjajr,am wX11 —he dc-gu concept w the proj4-ct a-yi unc;nM romplian - ce wita ini-or given in the contract dlo-cumcnits. iile- contra ctol- is re. crr ale for coinfirrnio-ily zrd correlative - tit.',cs f�lmiccudon constnx-ticin; h work. -vviu mg -1 tj ;I, (,,f all, other trad'�; and p�-ribtlllu tli5 wo-rik in -a safe saftpf-actory / ma=er. T-' Date —1242,a 3 .11111 II I II IIII r i LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF'#18BTR BC: 2x4 OF A16BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF A1613TR; 2x6 OF SS.A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UDN. LETINS: 2-00-00 1.06.00 Ste le or equal at non=structural vertical members (tion). Connector plate prefix desi nators: C,CN C18 CN18 or no prefix = CompuTrus, Inc M,M2bHS,418HS, 16 = MSTek M series NOTE: TRUSS DESIGNED FOR WIND LOADS IN THE PLANE OF THE TRUSS ONLY. EXCEPTION: FOR EXTERIOR STUD CONDITION REFER TO COMPUTAUS STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL. TRUSS SPAN 23'-. 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE '= 1.25 SPACED 24.0. O.C. LOADING LL(,20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = ,50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM -CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND 'BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 111-03 11-09 T ;igr red Dfnpi IPut S. . .=ABR_ .... ... S (...., Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, /1 Enclosed, Cat.Exp.C, (MFRS, interior zone, load duration factor -l..6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the 'truss only. INote:Trussdesign requires continuous bearina wall for entire scan LION. Design checked for 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per 'IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 1-11 3-03-09 6-00-07 6=00-07 4-0342 1-05-07 12 12 3.50 C - M -4x5 a 3.50 InD RIAIIAC:e Dr+4++ Dnc.irinnne I n+ iR ore Mine+ _ Al V VV le/ \lltl . —1 i % u II.V-V iVIV IrV V . . v • v,. .. ..vv - . ..• Truss: /M% I DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755104 TRANS ID: 3864.61 WARNINGS: 1.. Buller and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and. Wamings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown.+. 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction is the responsiblity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of. the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No load should be applied to any component until afterall bracing and fasteners ara'eorriplale and at no time should any loads greater men design loads be applied to any cu_mponem. S. CompuTrus hes no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabifralbn, handling, shipment and installation of components. S. This design is furnished subject to die limitations set forth by TPVWTCA M BCSI, copies of which Ul be furnished upon request. MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E is: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is Eased oWir upon the parameters shown and is for an Individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and propel Mcorporathn of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced st 2' o.c. and at 10'.d.c: respectively unless braced throughout their len${Lh� by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) andfor drywall C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown +. 4. Inslanallon of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non-conostve environment, and are tor'dry oondltion' of use. e. Design assumes fun bearing at all supports shown.. Shim or wedge M necessary. 7.Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. - S. Plates shell be located on both Moes ofrusty s, and placedso their center Mes'cotndde wxh jobd center lines. 9, Digits Indicate size of plate M Inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -19118 (WTek) 7 (6 0o0 CD 0 reran r n I'll LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF 210OF BC: 2ii4 OF M1dBTR WEBS: 20 OF N16BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 2-00.00 1-06-00 ConnectorPPlate preff de;ignators: C,CN cis CN18 (or no refix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS',418HS, 16 = MiTek MT series TRUSS SPAN 23.'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20:0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43:9 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7:0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 1.1-03 11-09 1-11 3-03-09 6.00-07 6-00 07 3.50 o 12 M-45 4 4".0' n M-20 M -2x4 M -3x6 v o1 A -- <1 3 MHS -3x8 0.25' M-3x4 =M-5x5(S)�� s 7-04 �. 10 <PL.:10-0.0-12 .(`� ]y 2:f CO C Ti :'g ed ompt put SI - -ABR-.... -..D °`.., CSC2010jISC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF C4=1.00 9- 4=(.2956I 83 1= 8=(0) 1944 1- 2=(-2385I 6 2- 3= -2130 0 8. 9=((0)p 1570 3- 8= -218 48 2108 8. 4= 0 372 4. 5= 1:2045 0 4. 5-2350 0) 470 ' 5- 6= -2298 0 9. -2951) 96 6- 7= -197 0 6- 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH. LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES ((SPECIES 0"- 0.0' 0/ 1150V -66/ 69H 5.50' 1.29 DF { 825 23'- 0.0" 0/ 1150V' -66/ 69H 5.50' 1.23 OF l 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.23 DF/ 1.89 HF/ 1.80 SPF BRG @ 23'- 0.0' 1.29 DF/ 1.89 HF/ 1.80 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.157' @ 15'- 2.0' Allowed = 0.736' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = =0.356' @ 15'- 2.0' Allowed= 1.104' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.513'.@ 15'- 2.0' Allowed = 1.104' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.356' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.021' @ 22'- 6.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.052' @, 22'- 6.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.�t Exp.C, kWFRS, interior zone load duration factor=1.6, Truss designeA for wind loads in the plane of the truss only: Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 4-03-02 1-05-07 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers, which is non-concurrent'with other live.loads. 12 a 3.50 7-10 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 R.QkWest Scale: 0,2920 WARNINGS: \ GENERAL NOTES; unlesk ootherwlsenoted' j t..sullder and erection contractor should be advised of saa`erleral Notes 1. This design Is Based only upon.the parameters shown and is for an Individual Truss : gooloo2. end Warnings before construction commences. ` V 2x4 compression web bracing must Da Inslellad wham shown;, bu06Q oomponeid Appllcabllay of design parameters and proper Incorporation ot,,component Is the responsibility of the building designer. DES BY: AM 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction - 2 Design assumes the top end bottom chords to be laterally braced of b 2 o ,and m 1 P o.c, respectively unless bathed throughout Mable by 'such . Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing oft continuous sheathingas plywood sheaths q(TC) and/or drywall i DATE: 12/110/2013 the ownin structure b the responsibility of the designer. 3 2x Impact bddging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ. : 5755105 4. No bad should be applied to any, component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and al no time should any loads greater then •.4.. Instellatlon of hires is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S.+ Design assumes trusses ere to be used In a noii•coroslve environment. TRANS I D : 386461 design bads be applied to any component, S. CompuTrus hes no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are tor'tlrjr coiMi9on' of use. - 6. Design assumes full bearing of all supports shown. Shim or wedge If, fabrication, hand n ng, stiipmenl and inslsliatlon of components: Is necessary 7; Design assurrmes'aderruale drainage h provlded. both 6. This design furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPWVECA in SCSI, copies of which will be hrmehM upon request S. Plates shelf be located on faces of truss, and placed so their tamer Dies cobdde wiZ John anter Imes. IIIIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII III IIII MTek USA, Inc./CofnpuTrus SORw8r9.7.6.4-$PS(1 L) -E B. Dolts sic con size palate In inches. p tit. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1986 (MReW WOW mnnlll I t LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF N16BTR BC: 20 OF k13BTR WEBS: 20 OF NiRBTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <=12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1-06-00 2-00-00 Connector plate prefix des ighators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefixl = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,f,118HS, 16 = MiTek MT series N t7 13=09 2-00 1-05-07 4-03-02 12 3.50 C --- M -3x5 M -6x6 to C, , - o _s o <PL:10-00-12 TRUSS SPAN 25'- 6.0.' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1,.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED.FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 6-00-07 M -4x5 54. " M -2x4 9 0.25" M-5x6{S) L 9-10 7-10 25-06 inn xlAeer. n...�+ n., Ao%n.nn I n+ iQ D/__A IAIee+ _ MI 11-09 6-00-07 3-09-06 .•.. Scale: 0.2575 12 O > 11 3.50 R AQ h1 -n C Vit' 1 1. This design b based only upon the parameters shoym and Is for an Individual 1 M -, -2x4 building component. Appibab0ity of design parameters and proper the building 5. 6= -21135 0 10. 6= -291 37 Z 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown'+. incorporation of component Is the responsibility of designer. 2. Daspn assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at tr aw .1 M-3axl, _ 1 10 WVLJ nr1ntL.. uI LLr_ .. ....., .•.. Scale: 0.2575 S....__ =ABR -_..._..S (,.., WARNINGS GENERAL NOTES, unless otheiwisenoted:. AQ 1. Sunder and erection contractor should be advised of all General, Notes 1. This design b based only upon the parameters shoym and Is for an Individual Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. building component. Appibab0ity of design parameters and proper the building 5. 6= -21135 0 10. 6= -291 37 Z 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown'+. incorporation of component Is the responsibility of designer. 2. Daspn assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM BEARING 3.. Additional temporary bracing to insure stabillty, during construction Is the responsibility of the erector._Addklonal permanent bracing of 2' o.e. and at 10' O.C. respectively unless braced throughout their lenp11h by continuous sheathing such as plywood.sheathine(TC) andlor drywall(BC). DATE: 12/11/2013 01- 0.0' the overall structure isthe responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + SEQ.: 5756173 25'- 6.0' 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greater than 4. installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 'S. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non-cortostw envlonmem, TRANS I D : 386544 design beds be app0ed b any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control and assumes no responsibility for the and are for -dry condition' of use. 8. nep� eryasurnes foil bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge 8 BRG @ 25'- 6.0' 1.28 DF/ 1.97 HFI 1.88 SPF over fabrication. handling. shipment and installation of components. T. Design assumes adequate drebage b rewded. both feces their mull MAX bL CREEP DEFL = •0.317' @ 17'- 8.0' Allowed.= 1.129.' S. This design b furnished subject to the Ilmitalbns set forth by TPlnnrrCA in SCSI, copies of which wig be furnished upon request. 8. Fisica shell De ICCaled on of Uuss, and placed so Comer coincidewith int center lines. of RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.317' MAX HORIZ. LL OEFL = 0.036' @ 25'- 0.5' MAX HORIZ. TL_DEFL = 0.090" @ 25'- 0.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat./1 Exp.C, 6WRS, interior zone,. load duration factor=l.6, 9 Dghs size plate In Inches. llllil VIII VIII 1-11-03 VIII IIMTek-USA, VIII VIII 111 IIII Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E 10. For bask connector plate design values see ESR -1311. ESRA R0 (Mrrek) M -3x6 0 6 0 M=4x6 > >PL:10-03-01 T sign red olnpl Iput S....__ =ABR -_..._..S (,.., CBC2010/IOC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES_ 4WR/GDF/Cq-1.00 1. 2= -100) 53 2 9= 0) 2411 2 3=(-1966) 0 2= 3= -838) 0 9 10=f0), 1712 4 9= -407 20 3. 4= -2590) 0 10 8=(0) 2234 9. 5= 0 563 , 4. 5= •2281)) 0 5-10= 0 457 5. 6= -21135 0 10. 6= -291 37 6. 7= -2421 0 7. 8= -2548 0 7. 8= .37) 57 BEARING MAX NE(1T MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES(SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 336V -83/ 6911 5.50' 0:36 DF ( 825) 2'- 5.5' 0/ 989V 0/ OH 5.50' 1.05 OF 625) 25'- 6.0' O/ 1197V -83/ 69H 5.50' 1.28 OF 625) ! BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.36 DF/ 0.55 HF/ 0.53 SPF BRG @ 2'- 5:5' 1.05 DF/ 1.63 HF/ 1.55 SPF BRG @ 25'- 6.0' 1.28 DF/ 1.97 HFI 1.88 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.139" @ 17'- 8.0' Allowed = 0.753' MAX bL CREEP DEFL = •0.317' @ 17'- 8.0' Allowed.= 1.129.' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.456" @ 17'- 8.0" Allowed = 1,.129' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.317' MAX HORIZ. LL OEFL = 0.036' @ 25'- 0.5' MAX HORIZ. TL_DEFL = 0.090" @ 25'- 0.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat./1 Exp.C, 6WRS, interior zone,. load duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the trues only. -� Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 1-11-03 live load per IBC 2009 duer to maintenance workers which is non -:concurrent with other live loads. M -3x6 0 6 0 M=4x6 > >PL:10-03-01 Inn n nl I t LUMBER. SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF N13BTR BC: 2x41 OF 81BBTR WEBS: 20 OF N16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <_ 121OC. UON. LETINS: 1.06 -DO 1.06-00 Connector plate prefix desi nators:. C,CN C18 GN18 (or no prefix = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,AIBHS, 16 = MiTek'M series o < TRUSS SPAN 28':: 6.0` - LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0'D.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL(( 23.0) ON TOP ,CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50:0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE.DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT'NON-CONCURRENTLY. 13-09 2-00 1-05-07 4-03-02 6-00-07 12 3.50 7 M -2x4 4 M -3x5 _ <PL:10-00- 8x8 9-10 14-09 ' M-45nt Q C_ �pp 54. n fT1 O > WARNINGS: ed of all General Notes 1. "guilder end eredbn contractor should be advised and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2n4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. S. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility mthe ardor. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No bed should be lied to a rw a app cry. component until eller all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater then design loads be applied to any component: 5: CompuTrus has'no control over and assumes no responsibility for the log, ; grant grid Installation of components. febrloatibn, hendl shipment 8. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIMA In I. of w1ilch win be furnished upon MiTe USA, inncc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E request TJ -0 a r l_ I C7 M ;2X4, d F z M u0:25` M-3x44rIE -C M-5x6(S) O Q ; L 7-10 �� 28-06 M12 AI'ARM a Rri++ Dea4 dnnrtn _ I nt 1A ace Wcct _ A'AA M -3x5 ='M-8 >PL: 9-10-14 [PROVIDE C BEA I G•Jt :1 2 8 9 TI ,ign -ed 3I11pb put bn7ale: U.Zqut SI...-- .'ABR__... _..S (J..,, WARNINGS: ed of all General Notes 1. "guilder end eredbn contractor should be advised and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2n4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. S. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility mthe ardor. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No bed should be lied to a rw a app cry. component until eller all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater then design loads be applied to any component: 5: CompuTrus has'no control over and assumes no responsibility for the log, ; grant grid Installation of components. febrloatibn, hendl shipment 8. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIMA In I. of w1ilch win be furnished upon MiTe USA, inncc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E request CBC201011802009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1- 2=. -122 52 2.10=(0 2456 2. 3= -1996 0 2- 3= 7858 0 10-11=(01 1762 4.10=� -403 20 3- 4= -2637 0 11. 8= 0 2401 10- 5= a 0 559 ,. 4- 5= -2330 0 5.11=10 529 5- 6= -2299 0 11- 6= -367 24 6- 7= -2585 0 7- B= -2167 0 7. 8= -669 0 8- 9=( -109 68 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0'- 0.0' 0/ 342Y -83/ 89H 5.50' 0.36 OF 625)) 2'- 5-5' 0/ 999V 0/ OH 5.50' 1.07 OF 625 25'- 0.5' O/ 1168V 01 OH 5':50' 1.25 DF 625) 28'- 6.0' O/ 271V -83/ 89H 5.50' .0.29 DF 625) BRIG 111 0'- 0.0' 0.360t 0.56 HF/ 0.54 SPF BRG @ 2'- 5.5' 1:07 OF/' 1.64 HFI 1.57 SPF BRG @ 25'- 0:5' 1 25 OF/ 1.92 HF/ 1:83 SPF BRG•@ 28'- 6.0' 0.29 DF/ 0.45 HFI 0.43 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.142' @ 171- 8.0' Allowed = 0.753' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.320' @ 17'- 8.0' Allowed = 1.129' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.462' @ 17'- 8.0' Allowed = 1.12.9' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.320' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.055' @ 28'- 3.2.' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.136' @ 28'- 3.2' 'Wind: 90•mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4:2,.ASCE 7.05, 11 Enclosed, Cat. Exp.C, kWRS, interior zone; load duration.factor=l.6, Truss.designed for wind loads -02 1-05=07 3=00 in the plane of the truss: only: Design, checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 12 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers a 3.50 which is non -concurrent with other live loads. M -3x5 ='M-8 >PL: 9-10-14 [PROVIDE C BEA I G•Jt :1 2 8 9 bn7ale: U.Zqut Truss,-: A3A DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/11/2013 SEQ. : 5756174 TRANS I D : .386544 1111111 IN 1111111111111111111111111111111 WARNINGS: ed of all General Notes 1. "guilder end eredbn contractor should be advised and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2n4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. S. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility mthe ardor. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No bed should be lied to a rw a app cry. component until eller all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater then design loads be applied to any component: 5: CompuTrus has'no control over and assumes no responsibility for the log, ; grant grid Installation of components. febrloatibn, hendl shipment 8. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIMA In I. of w1ilch win be furnished upon MiTe USA, inncc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E request GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: nis ro 1, This Assign is based only upon the parameters shown c an individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the bilkling daslenar. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at z o.c. and arta o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by 3. 2x Impact bridging nuous or lateralsbracing �required..wtherre shown+dryweg(BC): responsibilityrespective 4. Installation oftruss h the nes nsiblltt of thacontractor, 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a norfcorms" environment, and are for "dry condition' of use. 8. Design assumes fug bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge a necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Ised. 8. Plates shag be located on both faces - truss, end placed so their center lines, conicide with joint center lines. 10, Fo � connectorp�e designvaluesses ESR -1311, ESR- I"S (NOTek) IIIII 111 II I r LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF #18BTR BC: 2x4 DF #18BTR WEBS: 2x4 DF #16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 2-00-00 1-06-00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18�CN18 or no prefix) ; CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS; 18HS, 16 = MSTek YT series 1-09 1-11-03 3-09-06 12 3.50 F--- 6-00-07 TRUSS SPAN 26'7 6.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1..25 SPACED 24:0' O.C. LOADING - LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON=CONCURRENTLY. M -4x5 A A- 6-0 7-10 <PL10-00- m-oxo(a) 26-06 a 1.4-09- C. .4.;09GCn -i 2x -1� �n C{{ 10 d �j 1� 3x4 > JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A3B Truss.: Q i DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/11/2013 SES.: 5756175 TRANS ID, 386544 WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Mmings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown •. 3. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the, building designer. 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complefe.and at no time should any.loods greater than design bads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication. handling; shipment and Installation of components. S. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPuwTCA In SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software7.6.4SP5(1L)-E VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL -0.144' @ 111- 9.0' Allowed = 0.753' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.326' @ 11 9:0.' Allowed = 1.129' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.470• @ 11'- 9.0' Allowed = 1.129' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.326' AM HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.040' @ 26'- 3.2' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.100' @ 26'- 312' Wind: 90 mph; h=15f,t TCDL=13'.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat. 7G Eko'.C, 1WFNS,. interior zone, load duration factor=1,.6; Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 1-05-07 3-00 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non..concurrent with other live loads. 12 a 3.50 6 M -3x5 7 =M -8x8 >PL, 9-08-09 1PROVIDE FULL BEARI G'J 1 8 Scale: 0.2512 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1 This design is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an individual buldinp component. Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.a.and ot 70' o.c. respectively unless tireoed mroughoutlAelr lennppTahn by coirdnuous sheiMing'such as plywood shaathhp(TC) endlordrywae(BC). 3. Df Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + t 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respecUvb contrarlor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in anon-corrosNe enNronmenl, and am for "dry condition" of use. e. Design essurnea NO bearhig.et all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate dreInage ti rovldeA. a. Plates shall be located on bola feces of buss, and placed so their center lines coincide with joint center Hoes. 9. Dans indicate size of plate In inches. 10. Forbasic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -19a6 (FAlTek) TI Iign ed DInpi. put. CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WRIODF/C -1.00 L• 2=( -38) 57 1--9=�O) 2220 1. 2=(•2532) 0 2- 3= -2405)0 9-1' 0 1693 3. 9=( +293)) 37 3- 4= -2188 0 10- 7= 0 2340 9. 4= r 0 460 4- 5= •2232 0 0 535 5- 6= •2523 0 10- 5= -372 23 6. 7= -848 0 6- 7=(-2126 0 7-. '8= 94 69 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED SRO LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 01 1191V -69/ 89H 5.50' 1.27 DF ( 625) 23'- 0:5' 0/ 1151V 0/ ON 5:50' 1.23 OF ( 625) 26'- 6.0' 0/ 266V -69/ 89H 5.50' 0:28 OF ( 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.27 DF./ 1.96 HF/ 1.87 SPF BRG @ 23'- 0.5' 1.23 DF/ 1.90 HF/ 1.81 SPF BRG @ 26'- 6.0' 0.28 DF/, 0.44 HF/ 0.42 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL -0.144' @ 111- 9.0' Allowed = 0.753' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.326' @ 11 9:0.' Allowed = 1.129' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.470• @ 11'- 9.0' Allowed = 1.129' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.326' AM HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.040' @ 26'- 3.2' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.100' @ 26'- 312' Wind: 90 mph; h=15f,t TCDL=13'.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat. 7G Eko'.C, 1WFNS,. interior zone, load duration factor=1,.6; Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 1-05-07 3-00 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non..concurrent with other live loads. 12 a 3.50 6 M -3x5 7 =M -8x8 >PL, 9-08-09 1PROVIDE FULL BEARI G'J 1 8 Scale: 0.2512 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1 This design is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an individual buldinp component. Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.a.and ot 70' o.c. respectively unless tireoed mroughoutlAelr lennppTahn by coirdnuous sheiMing'such as plywood shaathhp(TC) endlordrywae(BC). 3. Df Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + t 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respecUvb contrarlor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in anon-corrosNe enNronmenl, and am for "dry condition" of use. e. Design essurnea NO bearhig.et all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate dreInage ti rovldeA. a. Plates shall be located on bola feces of buss, and placed so their center lines coincide with joint center Hoes. 9. Dans indicate size of plate In inches. 10. Forbasic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -19a6 (FAlTek) mm�n r LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC, 20 OF MIQBTR BC: 20 OF M16BTR WEBS: 20 OF M1dBTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. LETINS:1-06-00 1.06.00 Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix deli nators: C,CN C18 CN18 or no pprefix = CompuTcus, Inc M,M2658'618HS,416 = MiTek.M series TRUSS SPAN 25'- 6.0' LOAD DURATION_INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0. O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)rDL 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = �43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7,0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED.STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF.CBC 2010 NOT BEING, NET., BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON=CONCURRENTLY. 13-09 11-09 2-001-05-07 4-03-02 6-00-07 6-00-07 4-03-02 1-05-07 12 12 3.50 M-06 a 3.50 5 4 �r" C: C17 rel C ' M -2x4 e `� �11:2ic4 M' -3x4 M -8x8 0.25" 1O I M-5x12(S) 9-10 4-08 ! I3-02 <PL:10-00-12 25-06 1 IAD RIAAAC . nr; ++ Ooe'; t4ont-o _ i t1+ 1 A are Mae+ P 'IBE= U BEA �--F M -3x5 T sigr red OMPI 1put S------ FA6F--_.. - S (I--, CBC 010/,1 2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES, 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1. 2 -2252 1079 2- � 285) 1290 2- 3= •15073 29 343 2. 9= •2384 1299 9-10 -1530) 931 4. 9 704, 3. 4= -2413 744 10-11=# 0) 267 9- 5=-125 938, 4. 5=- 189 11- 8=( -322) 543 5=11=�-1542I 366 5- 6= -418 728 11. 6= =881 118 6- 7= •973 1184 7- 8=(-t518 1752 7- 8= -228 49. BEARING' MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0'- 0.0' •375/ 809V -1211/ 2336H 5.50' 0.86 OF 625 2'- 5.5' 0/ 655V 01 OH 5.50' 0.70 OF 625 14'- 6.0' 0/ 127V '-2380% 1781H 132.00' 0.14 OF 625 17'- 8.0' 0/ 1384V -644/ 204H 132.00' 1.48 DF 625 25'- 8.0' •281/ 531V -1127/ 1273H 132.00' 0.57 DF 1 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.86 DF/ 1.33 HF/ 1.27 SPF BRG @ 2'- 5.5' 0.70 DF/ 1.08 HF/ 1.03 SPF BRG @ 14'- 6.0,' 0.14 DF/ 0.21 HF/ 0.20 SPF BRG @ 17'- 8.0' 1.48 DF/ 2.28 HF/ 2.17 SPF BRG @ 25'• 6.0' 0.57 OF/ 0.87 HF/'0.83 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.096''@ 7'- 8.1' Allowed = 0.401' MAX DL DEFL = -0.147' @ 3 4.5' Allowed = 0.602' MAX TL DEFL = -0.146' @ 7'; 8.1' Allowed '= 0.602' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.147' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.045' @ 0'- 2.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.060' @ 0'- 2.6' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long, term loading (creep) in the total load deflection: The building designer shall verify that this perameter fits with the intended use of this component. COND. 2: 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. SHEARWALL 0.00 to 23.50 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: 90 mph; h=15ft- TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4:2, ASCE 7.05; Enclosed, Cat.1t Exp,C,, %dWFRS, interior zone, 'load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for -a 300 lb concentrated top chord to live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers. o which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 8 co 0 > o M -3x6 >PL:10-03-01 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless othetwIse (toted: 1: Builder Wer and erection contractor should be advised m all Genera Notes 1. This design Is based only upon'the parameters shown and Is for an Individual Truss : A43.- and Wamings before construction commences. building corn ponenL Applicability of design parameters and proper mcorporawn or component Is theresponsibilityof the building designer. z, 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. 2. Design essutres Ne top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM Additional lenglorery.bretlrp to Insure stability dating construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of Y'o. n and a 10' o.e. suchrespasv ly oods braced throughout dry.Ienglh by continuous sheathing Sufi as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywel C). DATE: 12/11/2013 the o.eran structure is the responsibility of the bulk" designer. 3. zx Impact bridgtng or laerat bracing required where shown ++ No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5756176 $EQ fasteners are 6omplete and at no time should any bads greater then S. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a nor(-conosIve environment; 'ary . TRANS I D : 386544 design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the ae ane for ooridrdon of use. 8. Design assumes Nit beeiing et all supports shown. Shim or wedge H fabdoetbn, handling, shipment and Mslallelion of componeMd., 8. This design Is, fumished.subjed_to the limitations set forth by 7. Dee s�a�mes adequate drainage Is provided. 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of loos, and placed so their center @IIII TPIIItIrCA in SCSI, copies of whlfi w01 be Nmished upon request. lines. Bites co with jointcenterIn eche. t ce delde 9. Dips indicate alta of to Illlgl III IIII VIII VIII II VIII VIII IIII IIII MTek USA,. Saftwere 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1998 (Welt) inn n I ll IIII LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 18'-'10.5' WARNINGS: TC: 2x4 OF M18BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 BC; 20 OF 111dBTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. Truss : WEBS: 20 OF N16BTR and Warnings before construction commences. 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown .. building component. Applicability of design parameters and proppeer incorporation of component a the responsibility of the buigIng Aaslaner. LOADING Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+OL23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF SL BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF DATE: 12/11,/2013 TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF 9. 2l impact bridging or afetal breanM3.ired where shown... LETINS`. 0-00.00 1.06.00 BEARING 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL LOCATIONS Connectorpplate prefix designators: REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING !MET. 01- 0.0' C,CN C18�CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS, 18HS, 16 = MSTek MT CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE, LOAD. TOP 15'- 5 0' 18'- 10.5' series BOTTOM.CHORD AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. fabrication• handling, shipment'and Installation of components. S, This design Is furnished to the mm�atkaa sit foils by 4-01.08 14-09 4-01-08 5-10-08 4-05.01 1-05-07 12 12 IIm1 3.50: a 3.50 M -4x5 wti)ea in of which wig be ad upon a S. Plates shall bequest. Ones coincide _beetedploanl both faces of Irusa, and placed se their inter int center lines. 4.0' IIIIII VIII 2 �( III 11111111111111 VIII VIII I'lll IIII M -2x > P"`, q ! j '3-00 t ' C M 2 4 _7 i 1 r• I� Z ; � r M -3x4 N 0 < M-30 M -30C Fr M n r-► � - 1�p� I. L �d 7-11-04 Z rri <PL10=00-12 18-10-b8 > S 1AQ RIAAAC • Q►n; ++ Qeei tiannn _ I nt 19 P(:A Wect _ Ar. T sigr red ;Otnp tput S. __ FABF._.... _..$ CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1.2=� -41) 78 7.8=(0) 558 1-7=( -218 0 2,3= -1144)) 0 8-5= 0) 1364 7-2=(( -806 0 3-4= -1484 0 2.8= 0 669, 4-5=( -413) 0 8.3=( -483) 7 5-6=( -98) 74 4.5=(.1346) 0 .MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES(lSPECIES 0/ 797V -791 89H 5.50' 0.85 DF 625 0/ 839V 0/ OH 5.50' 0.90 DFS 625 0/ 219V -79/ 89H 5.50' 0.23 DF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.85 OF/ 1.31 HF/ 1.25 SPF BRG @ 15'- 5:0' 0.90 DF/ 1.38 HF/ 1.32 SPF BRG @ 18'- 10.5' 0.23 DF1 0.36 HF/ 0.34 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.047' @ 10'- 0.5' Allowed = 0.499' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.106' @ 10'- 0:5' Allowed = 0.748" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.153' @ 10'- 0.5' Allowed.= 0.748' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.106' MAX HORIZ. LL.DEFL = 0:018' @ 18'- 7,7' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.044' @ 18'- 7.7' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13:8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat: Exp'. C, AWFRS; interior zone, load duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers Which is non -concurrent with other live loads. >PL: 9-08-09 �t g,�pt14 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A53. 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1.. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Indhildual Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown .. building component. Applicability of design parameters and proppeer incorporation of component a the responsibility of the buigIng Aaslaner. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction c be laterally braced eii 2.. Design assumes the top and boftomless braced t' o.c..and et 10' o.c. respectively -unless braced throughout their bnpVt by DES. BY: AM b the responaibillry of the erector. AEdftbnel permanent,Dradrng of arMhr dryway. ). continuous sheathing such as Dh'Wopd Shead In CL DATE: 12/11,/2013 'the overall structure is the responsibilny of the building designer. 9. 2l impact bridging or afetal breanM3.ired where shown... 4. No load should be applied to any. component until after all bracing acid 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. ' 5756177 S EQ fasteners are complete -and at no time shouldany loads greater than 5. Design assumes Mass ere to be used In a non-conosWa environment, . TRANS I D s 386544 design bads be appned to any component. 5. CompuTnis has no aontroi over and assumes no responsibility for the and ere f"dry of ine. e. Design easurnes fun bearing al all supports shown. Shim or wedge If fabrication• handling, shipment'and Installation of components. S, This design Is furnished to the mm�atkaa sit foils by ,necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is Ames. IIm1 wti)ea in of which wig be ad upon a S. Plates shall bequest. Ones coincide _beetedploanl both faces of Irusa, and placed se their inter int center lines. IIIIII VIII (IIII III 11111111111111 VIII VIII I'lll IIII IIII MTe USA, IA nca/ComppuTrus Software 7.6.h4SP5(1 LE a. Digits IrnC Me sire of a in inches. 10. For bask connectoroplete design valves see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITek) �t g,�pt14 nnnn n till r LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS' TO: 2x4 OF M16BTR BC: 2x4 OF I1dBTR WEBS: 20 OF p16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS 1-08-10 0.00.00 Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uon). Connector plate prefix desinstore: CCN;C18,CN18 or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M:M20HS,M1SHS, 16 = M Tek NT series - For hanger specs. - See approved plans NOTE: TRUSS DESIGNED FOR WIND LOADS IN THE PLANE OF THE TRUSS ONLY. EXCEPTION: FOR EXTERIOR STUD CONDITION REFER TO COMPUTRUS STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL. TRUSS SPAN 16'- 8.0" LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING . LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = .43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF BEARING LOCATIONS LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 01- 0.0' REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. 16' 6.0' BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 9-09 6-09 1-07 14 3 07-06 4 05 12 6-09 12 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and, proppeer x3.50 11 M -4x4 incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the bulidng designer. M -.3X544.0° M -3x5 M-20_ - � _ 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords m be laterally braced at 7 0.c. and at 10' o.c..respedively unless braced throughout their length by M -2x4 M-20 M -3x5 Is the responsiblilty of the erector. Addttbnal permanent bracing of t2 2. tO M -3X4 o p -� 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ n 4. No bail should be appned to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greater than .- CIO TRANS I D : 386461 design loads be applied to any component, S. Compul hes no control over and assumes no responsiblldy for the and are for *dry condil of use. 8. Design assumes fun bearing at all supports shown.. Shim or wedge H C"1 6 t) «,S) M 3x7 M -3x8^, d.; t , VIII IIm1 1mII , III'I �1II �1II 111 I _< '1�--- 9-09 I C< 6-03-12 u ri - 44 V "<PL -12-00-1.2 16424 �' -' +� s _ c` n 7 V IInn mmfip a Rri t+ Rnc i tions _ I nt 1A MIA Wact _ AR Tt Iign :ed )mpu put SI ---- 'ABR',_ > (i CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES ,4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=( -50) 49 1-6.=(0) 1304 1-2=(-1538 0 5.8=(-898) 0 2-3=(-1432) 0 6-7=(0) 142 3-8=( -396 32 3-4= -1062 0 6-4=( 0) 213 4-5='-1078) r 0 6-5=( 0) 840 7.8= 0) 97 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZEINCHES SPECIES 0/ 842V -57/ 51H 5:50' 0.90 OF (,625) 0/ 804V -57/ 51H 3.50' 0.30 OF (1782) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.90 DF/ 1.39 HF/ 1:32 SPF BRO @ 18'- '6.0' 0.86 DF/ 1.32 HF/ 1.26 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.058' @ 4'. 9.1' Allowed = 0.525' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.119' @ 4'- 9.1' Allowed'= 0.787' MAX TL.CREEP DEFL = -0.175' @ 4'- 9..1' Allowed 0.787' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.119' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.005.' @ 16''- 4.3' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.012' @ 16'- 4.3' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed; Cat .2, Exp.C, MWFRS' - 1 interior zone, load duration factor=1:8, Truas.designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. M-2.50 or equal at non-structural diagonal inlets. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent With other live loads. Truss designed, for 42 outlookers. 20 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insure tight fit at each end of let -in. Outlookers must be cut with care and are M -3x5 permissible at inlet board areas only. M -6x10 +• o o n 7 o 0 M -2x4 LL 0-05-04 :1 0 2 i1cR Ol�au A 6% WARNINGS: 1. Bunder and erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes Warnings befom,consbuction GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and, proppeer Truss: and commences. '2x4 bretl incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the bulidng designer. - DES. BY : AM 2. compression ary gg must re stability where shown ti 9: Additional temporary bracing to insure stability dump constructor 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords m be laterally braced at 7 0.c. and at 10' o.c..respedively unless braced throughout their length by Is the responsiblilty of the erector. Addttbnal permanent bracing of continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywafl(BC). DATE: 12110/2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the bonding designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ. : 5755109 4. No bail should be appned to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greater than 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-oorroslve environment, TRANS I D : 386461 design loads be applied to any component, S. Compul hes no control over and assumes no responsiblldy for the and are for *dry condil of use. 8. Design assumes fun bearing at all supports shown.. Shim or wedge H fabrication, handling, shipment end histaltaeon of cog rents. 9 >P Po S. This Is sul to the limitations set forth by necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. faces truss, their IIt1 VIII IIm1 1mII , III'I �1II �1II 111 VIII oil' II11 ILII 1111 deslgn furnished L) -E request.I, copies of which will be furnished upon k USA, ICA in nc.S/CoinpuTnls 8. Plates shall be located of and pieced so center ppon both F 9. r indicate size late In Inches. design ESR -1311, ESR -1988 I'llll III'I MT Software 7.6.4SP5(1 basic connectons 0. r values see (MITek) Tt Iign :ed )mpu put SI ---- 'ABR',_ > (i CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES ,4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=( -50) 49 1-6.=(0) 1304 1-2=(-1538 0 5.8=(-898) 0 2-3=(-1432) 0 6-7=(0) 142 3-8=( -396 32 3-4= -1062 0 6-4=( 0) 213 4-5='-1078) r 0 6-5=( 0) 840 7.8= 0) 97 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZEINCHES SPECIES 0/ 842V -57/ 51H 5:50' 0.90 OF (,625) 0/ 804V -57/ 51H 3.50' 0.30 OF (1782) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.90 DF/ 1.39 HF/ 1:32 SPF BRO @ 18'- '6.0' 0.86 DF/ 1.32 HF/ 1.26 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.058' @ 4'. 9.1' Allowed = 0.525' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.119' @ 4'- 9.1' Allowed'= 0.787' MAX TL.CREEP DEFL = -0.175' @ 4'- 9..1' Allowed 0.787' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.119' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.005.' @ 16''- 4.3' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.012' @ 16'- 4.3' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed; Cat .2, Exp.C, MWFRS' - 1 interior zone, load duration factor=1:8, Truas.designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. M-2.50 or equal at non-structural diagonal inlets. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent With other live loads. Truss designed, for 42 outlookers. 20 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insure tight fit at each end of let -in. Outlookers must be cut with care and are M -3x5 permissible at inlet board areas only. M -6x10 +• o o n 7 o 0 M -2x4 LL 0-05-04 :1 0 2 i1cR Ol�au Innnn e ! LUMBER_ SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF #1ABTR BC* 2x4 OF #13BTR WEBS: 2X4 OF #18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC, UON. SC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC, UON. LETINS: 1-06-10 0.00.00 Connectorpplate prefix deli nators: C,CN,CI8ICN18 ((or rio Pprefix = CoapuTros, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,Y16 = MiTek M series - For hanger specs. - See approved plans 1-07- TRUSS SPAN 16'- 6.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0'PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD= 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE.TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON:CONCURRENTLY. 9=09 6-09 3.01-12 4-11-06 6-09 12 3.50 v M -4x4 9-09 �PL: 12-00 42 +w r 1 -n op r ry>d Ilk �} M=34 -�1EC ZO� 1-il ; If1D AIARAC I Dili++ nnni/dnnne I f%+ iQ DCA 1A1o1±+ _ A7 V V V 1 \/ \I\I r_ e . V'1 i L L I I V V 1 V V I I V V I,n V\ I V 1 M/ • •. V v •. Truss: DES. BY.: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755110 TRANS ID: 386461 WARNINGS: 1. Builder and electron contractor should be advisW of as General Notes and Mmings before oonsbuction commences. 2. 2X4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown �. A Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure, is the responsibility oflhe building designer. C. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and it no line should any bads greater than design bads be applied to any component. S. CompuTras has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and, Installation of components. S. This design is furnished subject to the Ilmletions set forth by TPInMCA In SCSI, copies of whirch will be furnished upon request. MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6."P5(1 L) -E Ti sign red Ompi put St----- `ABR--- -' (J.-, CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WN/GOF)Cq=1.00 1-2=( -50) 49 t-8=10) 1304 1.2= -1538 0 5.8=(-888) 0 2-3=(-1432 0 6-7= 0 142 9-6= -396 92 3.4=(•1082) 0 6-4= 01 213 r 4-5=(-1078) 0 6-5= 0 840 7-8= 0 97 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 0'- 0.0' 0/ 842V -57/ 51H 5.50' 0.90 F 625 18'- 8.0' 0/ 804V •57/ 51H 3.50' 0.30 OF !1782 BRG @ 0'. 0:0' 0.90 DF/ 1,.39 HF/ 1.32 SPF BRO @ 18.'- 8.0' 0.88 DF/ 1.32 HF/ 1,28 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX.LL DEFL = -0.058' @ 4'- 9.1' Allowed = 0.525' MAX DL CREEP DEFL.= -0.119' @ 4'- 9.1' Allowed = 0.787' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.175' @ 4'- 9.1' Allowed = 0.787' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.119' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.005' @ 16'- 4:3' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.012' @ 16'- 4.9' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.i Exp .C, YWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.8, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the'truss only. 12 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord a 3.50 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 6-03-12 : 0 GENERAL NOTES, :unless olherwlse-noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual building conporrimL Appncabllay, of design parameters and proper Incorporation of eomponem is Ne reaporlsaMlfty of the bulldlrgt designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c: respectively unless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathtng(TC) and/or drywan(BC). 7. 2X Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown '+ 4. Iilsta ation of trigs Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Designassumesbusses are to be used In a non -corms" environment, and ane for 'dry'condition" of use. 9. Design assumes fun bearing at all supports shown. Shin or wedge N necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is rvided. a. Plates shall be located on both faces of inrss, and placed so their center lines coincide with Ord center lines. 9. Dip Indlrale size of plate M inches: 10. For bask connector plate design values see ESR•1311, ESR -1988 (Mrrek) 10 In > o 6 0 >PL:13-00-12 0-05-04 i Z!/off /3 laall 11 IIII IIII ' LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF 1f16BTR BC: 20 OF Y1dBTR WEBS: 20 OF kIeBTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON: BC LATERAL SUPPORT 2= 12.'OC. UON. LETINS: 1-08-10 0.00-00 Unbalancedlive loads have been considered for this design. Connector pplate prefix designators: C,CN CIS 19 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS, 18HS, 16 = M Tek MT series TRUSS SPAN. 16'- 6.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 WARNINGS 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction corrvgences 2. 2r4 corrrpressbn web bnicing must belnstalled where shown +, 3. Additional temporary bradng to insure stability durtng construction is the responsibalty of tine erector. Addhbnal penranant bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no tine should any bads greater than design loads be Applied to any component. S. CompuTrus hes no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and hulallation of components. e 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIIVyrCA b SCSI, copies of whkli wm be furnished upon request. MiTek USA; Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SPS(1 L) -E SPACED 24':0' D.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23:0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF BEARING LOCATIONS LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 01- 0.0' REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. 51- 6.0' 9', 9.0' BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 16'- 6.0' AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 9-09 6-09 1-07-14 3-01-12 4-11-06 6-09 12 12 3.50 a 9.50 M-4 5, A n. M -2x6 m -n 2.. ID 0 I> I M -9X7 Tj =M -5x5 fi 0 c o CD I __ __ _LI 8 - � Y fs 8 � Z1 M-30�M-4116= y "li Com.M-2x4 5-06 4-03 Z (T1 i 6-09 L `U -I J j<PL.:12-00-12 16-06 1 7 '_u� IN2 MARX- Rn; tt Qnei rinnrn _ I nt i g Pf.A Wect _ AA T sign red omp( Iput S.,..-- .-,ABR..,. __S (..., CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1-2= -65) 104 1.6=( 0) 453 1.2= -893) 334 2-3 519))) 0 6.7=( 0)453 3.7= -1026) 303 9-4= -149 461 7.8 -619) 634 7.4= -81.1)' 174 4-5= •1949 1601 7.5= -2190) 1921 5-8= -929) 734 MAX VERT MAX HORZ, BIRO REQUIRED BRG LENGTH, REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES( SPECIES 01 481V 01 237H 5:50' 0.51 DF 825 0/ 187V -929/ 1120H 132.00' 0.20 OF 625 -1481 1241V -1740/ 1339H 132.00' 1.32 OF 625 -685/ 975V -834/ 620H 132.00' 1.04 OF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0:51 DF/ 0:79 HF/ 0.75 SPF BRG @ 5'- 6.0' 0.20, DF/ 0.31 HF/ 0.29 SPF BRG @ 9'- 9.0' 1.32 DF/ 2.04 HF/ 1:95 SPF BRG @ 16'- 6.0" 1.04 DF/ 1.60 HF/ 1.53 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=LI360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.062" @ 1' 6:9" Allowed = 0.168' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.016' @ 4'- 9.1' Allowed = 0.252' MAX, TL DEFL = 0.065' @ 1'- 6.9' Allowed = 0.252' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.016' MAX HOBIZ. LL DEFL = -0.005' @ 16'- 4.3' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.005' @ 16'- 4:3' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. COND. 2: 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. SHEARWALL 0.00 to 18.50 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=19.8 BCDL=4, 2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat. Exp .C, �IWFHS, interior zone; load duration f9ctor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. taceow p� X14 Truss : Aod% DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/1012013 SEQ. : 5755111 r� w c TRANS I D : 386461 IIIIII III VIII VIII VIII IIII VIII IIII IIII WARNINGS 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction corrvgences 2. 2r4 corrrpressbn web bnicing must belnstalled where shown +, 3. Additional temporary bradng to insure stability durtng construction is the responsibalty of tine erector. Addhbnal penranant bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no tine should any bads greater than design loads be Applied to any component. S. CompuTrus hes no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and hulallation of components. e 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIIVyrCA b SCSI, copies of whkli wm be furnished upon request. MiTek USA; Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SPS(1 L) -E GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual building correonent. ApPildabllMy, of design parameters and proper lincoipmetldn of component G the responsibility of trio building designer. p Deelgn assumes the lop and bottom chords to be latereily, braced at 7 o.c. end at 10' O.C. respectively unless braced throughout their len0ph by continuous sheathing such'es pywood sheathing(TC) end/or.drywan( C). 3. 2r Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of truss Is the ,responsibli fig of the respiective contrecior. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment: and are for "dry condition" of use: 9. Design assumes fun bearing at OR supports shown. Shim or wedge If necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate dralnagels provided. 8: P.Isles shall be located on boN'feces of truss, aM pieced so their carder Dies coincide with plot center Mee. 6. Onett coincide site of plate te threes. 10. For beak connector plate design values see ESR.1311. ESR -1980 (sAlTek) T sign red omp( Iput S.,..-- .-,ABR..,. __S (..., CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1-2= -65) 104 1.6=( 0) 453 1.2= -893) 334 2-3 519))) 0 6.7=( 0)453 3.7= -1026) 303 9-4= -149 461 7.8 -619) 634 7.4= -81.1)' 174 4-5= •1949 1601 7.5= -2190) 1921 5-8= -929) 734 MAX VERT MAX HORZ, BIRO REQUIRED BRG LENGTH, REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES( SPECIES 01 481V 01 237H 5:50' 0.51 DF 825 0/ 187V -929/ 1120H 132.00' 0.20 OF 625 -1481 1241V -1740/ 1339H 132.00' 1.32 OF 625 -685/ 975V -834/ 620H 132.00' 1.04 OF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0:51 DF/ 0:79 HF/ 0.75 SPF BRG @ 5'- 6.0' 0.20, DF/ 0.31 HF/ 0.29 SPF BRG @ 9'- 9.0' 1.32 DF/ 2.04 HF/ 1:95 SPF BRG @ 16'- 6.0" 1.04 DF/ 1.60 HF/ 1.53 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=LI360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.062" @ 1' 6:9" Allowed = 0.168' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.016' @ 4'- 9.1' Allowed = 0.252' MAX, TL DEFL = 0.065' @ 1'- 6.9' Allowed = 0.252' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.016' MAX HOBIZ. LL DEFL = -0.005' @ 16'- 4.3' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.005' @ 16'- 4:3' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. COND. 2: 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. SHEARWALL 0.00 to 18.50 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=19.8 BCDL=4, 2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat. Exp .C, �IWFHS, interior zone; load duration f9ctor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. taceow p� X14 laall 11 I II IIII LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF A16BTR BC: 20 OF #1&BTR WEBS: 2x4: DF N16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. LION. LETINS: 1.06-00 1-06-00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18 CN18 for no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,1!118HS, 16 = M Tek MT series TRUSS SPAN 19'- 6.0' LOAD DURATIONINCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL(20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD' 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE. TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. T sign red OMPI iput S,„ FABF___,..,,S (.,.,, CBC2010/IBC2DO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1- 2=( -131 0 1- 8= 0 1584 1-,2=(-1B39) 0 9- 4=(-1454I 0 B- 7=y0; 1584 8- 8_( -910 4048, 4 4. 5=(-1454 0 13- 5= -319 48 5. 8=(-1744 0 6- 7=_ 1839 0 6. 7=( -131 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 975V -57/ 57H 0' 1.04 OF ( 625) 5.5 19'- 6.0' O/ 975V -57/ 57H 5.50' 1.04 OF 625) BRO @ 0'- 0.0' 1.04 DF/ 1.60 HF/ 1.53 SPF BRG @ 19'- 6.0' 1.04 DF/ 1.60 HF/ 1.53 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.105' @ 9'. 9.0' Allowed = 0:619' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = •0.232' @ 9'- 9.0" Allowed = 0.929' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.337' @ 9'• 9.0' Allowed = 0.929' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.232' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.015' @ 19'- 0x5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.037' @ 19'- 0c5' Wind: 90 mph-, h=15ft, TCDL=13:8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2 Exp:C; f,1WFRS, interior zone load duration factor=l .8, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. 1-05-05 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord �( live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 9-09 WARNINGS: 9-09 1-05-05 3-05-03 4-10-08 4-10-08 3-05-03 3.501 I M-04 12 x,3.50 44:0"d` '2. Design assumes the DES. BY: AM 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction the Additional brad T o:e. echo at 10' M -2x4 fTl -n- �L,O•''R ` ' 1 M -2x4 C2 to 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and no time should any bads greater than - 1 TRANS I D 386461 design toads b'e applied to any component., S. has no responsibility for the and are for'ary cobr S. Design assumes fu0 MI -3x5 CompuTnrs no control over and'eserimes fabrication, handling, shipmem,and Installei�n of components. necessary. 7. Deaton assumes ase 03 S. This design Is furnished subject to the Iimftauons set forth by r'1 coCD - ulntlat with Jo 9. Digits Indicate Sithe o Digits II II II Illlgl (IIII VIII VIII IIIEI VIII IIII IIII MiTek USA, Software 7.6.4-SP5(1L)-E 10. For basic connector UJ_ 0 1 < M 3x7 8 M 3x8 7: 1 C n_1 Q n 0 9-09 �( '__� 9-09 <PL"12-00-12 M 19-06 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A9 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unl A9 1. Builder and eredlon contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design is based Truss: and Wamings be.. construction commences. wing component Incorporation of,com 2. 2c4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. '2. Design assumes the DES. BY: AM 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction the Additional brad T o:e. echo at 10' DATE: 12/10/2013 is the responsibility, of erector. anent of Do Dntrn rig me overall structure is the responsibility of the wilding designer. wus sheathing; cont=1b`=1! 3. Di Impel bddping o SEQ. : 5755112 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and no time should any bads greater than 4. Installation of Inas b 8. Design assumes trw TRANS I D 386461 design toads b'e applied to any component., S. has no responsibility for the and are for'ary cobr S. Design assumes fu0 CompuTnrs no control over and'eserimes fabrication, handling, shipmem,and Installei�n of components. necessary. 7. Deaton assumes ase S. This design Is furnished subject to the Iimftauons set forth by 8. Plates shall be bcah gull TPIIWfCA In SCSI, copes ofwhieh w18'De.lumished upon request ulntlat with Jo 9. Digits Indicate Sithe o Digits II II II Illlgl (IIII VIII VIII IIIEI VIII IIII IIII MiTek USA, Software 7.6.4-SP5(1L)-E 10. For basic connector Scale: 0.3388 herwise noted: ipon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual ability of design parameters and proppeer ertIs therespo1mbfVe titldindsi gner. Mb.0o laterally braced at cli ey unless braced diroughout their lengqtVh1 by ss ohwood'sheathh.V(TC and/or drywap(BC). tl bracing required where Shawn ++ esponsibility, of the contractor. re to be used In a non -corrosive envbonment, of use. ig at all supports shown. Shim or wedge V drainage Is provided. boUl faces of truss, andplaced so their center iter lines. i In Inches. lesion values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MRek) M -3x5 MHS -3x8 m 0 0 I��II II I II r LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF-A16BTR BC: 2z4 OF N16BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF NIEBTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON: BC LATERAL SUPPORT r- 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 0-00-00 1-00.00 Connector pplate prefix designators:. C,CN C18 CN 18 for no prefixf = CompuTrus, Inc M,M2621,0 8HS, 16 = MiTek MT aeries TRUSS SPAN 13'- 10.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 29:0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF IL ON BOTTOM, CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50:0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE ,DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC.2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT. NON -CONCURRENTLY., BEARING LOCATIONS 0'- 0.0' 13'- 10:0' 4-01 9-09 4.01 4-10-08 3-10-15 0-11-09 12 12 3.50 v a 3.50 M -4x5 4.0' M -3x4 < M -3x4 «« For hanger specs. - See approved plans JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA Wes T tign, -ed - ompl put SI.. -ABR_ - 3 (� CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GOF/Cq=1,00 ,,-2= -34 80 8.7=�0) 516 1.8=,( -216 0 2-3= =878 0 7-5= 0 1016 8-2=( -7051 0 9-4= -1197 0 2=7= 0 447 4'-5=. -284 0 7-3= =910 19 4.5= -1183 0 MAX VERT MAX HORZ. BRG 'REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0/ 683V -68/ 57H 5.50' 0.79 OF 625 0/ 700V -681 57H 5:50' 0.75 OF ' 825 BRG @ 0'- '0:0' 0..79 DF! 1,.12 HF! 1.07 SPP BRG @ 1S'- 10.0' 0..75 DF! 1.15 HF! 1.10 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/380, TL=L1240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.057' @ 8'- 12.0' Allowed = 0.431' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.116' @ 8'- 12.0' Allowed.= 0.646' MAX TL CREEP.DEFL =.-0.170' @ 8'- 12.0' Allowed = 0.646' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL= 0.118' .MAX HOBIZ. LL DEFL = 0.005' @ 13'- 4.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.013' @ 13'- 4:5' Wind: 80 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13,8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cst:�L Exp .C, �IWFRS, interior zone, load duration"tactor=l,.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plena of the truss only. Design checked for 900 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 20OR due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. co Go 0 11111 III 11 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2114 DF :N10TR' BC: 20 OF #1dBTR WEBS: 20 OF k16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON, LETINS: 0 -00 -DO 1-00.00 Connector pplate prefix desi nators: C,CN C18 CN18 or no prefix=ComjiuTrus, Inc M,M2bHS,418HS,t�16 = MiTek M series 12 3.50 t� M -3x5 1 m 0 CO v 0 N < 7 M -2x4 TRUSS SPAN 13'- 10:0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 4-01 9-09 4-01 3-10-08 3-00-02 1-10'-13 0-11 12 a 3.50 M -4x5 A r - inn KIARAP r Rr+i ++ Qee i clans I nt 1 A Pif;A Wact I. Ali Ti sign 'ed DmpL put Sl.-ABR..,,,,_3 (J,,, C6020101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1..00. 1. 2=(:515 548 7. 8=1(-387) 395 7- 1=(-729) 561 5- 6=(-475) 233 2- 31 357 384 8- 9=1-6941 630 1- 8= -1044 998 3- 4=(-182 299 9- 6= =169 300 8- 2: -319 0 r 4- 5= -233 0 8= 3= •1234 1258 5- 6= -48 52 3. 9= -995 567 9- 4=( •594) 324 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SP.ECIES) 01- 0.0' •531/ 758V -389/ 397H 94.00' 0.81 F 625) 4'- 1.0' 0/ 379V •5001 553H 94.00' 0.40 DF ( 625) 8'- 3.0' -260/ 949V 0/ OH 0.00' 0.00 OF ( 625) 131- 10.0' 01 349V -553/ 500H 5.50' 0.37 OF ( 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.81 DFI 1.25 HF,/ 1.19 SPF BRIO @ 4'- 1.0' 0.40 OFI 0.62 HF/ 0.59 SPF BRG @ 8'- 3:0' 1.01 DF/ 1.56,HF./ 1.49 SPF BRG @ 13'- 10.0' 0.37 DF/ 0.57 HF1 0.55 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.013' @ 111- 0.1' Allowed = 0.171' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.003' @ 111- IDA' Allowed '= 0.258' MAX TL DEFL = -0.015' @ 11'- 0.1' Allowed 0._256_' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0:008' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.005' @ 13' 4.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.005' @ 13'- 4.5'' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep in the total load' deflection. The building desgner shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. CORD. 2: 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. SHEARWALL 0.00 to 13.83 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES_ UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cot.i Elcp.C, WRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers o which is non -concurrent with 'other live loads. 0 _ ExPI i�4 %ZlIo�I3 Ocala; U.0011 Truss : DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ. 575511.4 TRANS I D : 38.6461 IIm1 m1m1 m,II 111111 IIID II'II VIII VIII VIII VIII rill 1: IIm, I'll 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of as General Notes WARNINGSAl and Wemhrgs before construction cmimmces. 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown �. S. Additional temporary bracingto Insure stability during constrectbn Is me responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of bi the toresponsibilitycomp of the bulldier all bracing the overall should 4. No toad should be applied to any component urea atter all bredng ane fasteners are complete and at no tine should any bads greater than design, bads be applied to any component. - 5. CcmpuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the labdratlon, hardline, shipment and Installation of components. - 6. TTPINVTCA In his deslgnls furniI, coples ofwhich win be furnished upon shed subject to the limitations set forth byuest. MiTe USA, Incs/CornpuT s Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 �E GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an individual building conponerd. Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. 2. �qtt assumes the lop and bottom chords to be laterally braced al and at 10' hin respectively unless braced throughout mei length Iry 2' cox.ontinuous cominuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(M) s arwn drywaa(BC). a where mown ++ 4._ Installation of truss lo the responsibility of ttrerespedive cmdream.: 4, In Impact bridging or th Moral Iietlnp ity of S. Design assumes misses are to be used In a nori corrosive environment, and are for "dry condition" of use. _ 8. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown -Shim or wedge M necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates shall be locatedonnboth faces of truss, and placed so their.center ones coincide with joint center lines. a In Inch. 9. Digits Indicate size ofples 10. For best connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -t988 (IAITek) Ti sign 'ed DmpL put Sl.-ABR..,,,,_3 (J,,, C6020101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1..00. 1. 2=(:515 548 7. 8=1(-387) 395 7- 1=(-729) 561 5- 6=(-475) 233 2- 31 357 384 8- 9=1-6941 630 1- 8= -1044 998 3- 4=(-182 299 9- 6= =169 300 8- 2: -319 0 r 4- 5= -233 0 8= 3= •1234 1258 5- 6= -48 52 3. 9= -995 567 9- 4=( •594) 324 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SP.ECIES) 01- 0.0' •531/ 758V -389/ 397H 94.00' 0.81 F 625) 4'- 1.0' 0/ 379V •5001 553H 94.00' 0.40 DF ( 625) 8'- 3.0' -260/ 949V 0/ OH 0.00' 0.00 OF ( 625) 131- 10.0' 01 349V -553/ 500H 5.50' 0.37 OF ( 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.81 DFI 1.25 HF,/ 1.19 SPF BRIO @ 4'- 1.0' 0.40 OFI 0.62 HF/ 0.59 SPF BRG @ 8'- 3:0' 1.01 DF/ 1.56,HF./ 1.49 SPF BRG @ 13'- 10.0' 0.37 DF/ 0.57 HF1 0.55 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.013' @ 111- 0.1' Allowed = 0.171' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.003' @ 111- IDA' Allowed '= 0.258' MAX TL DEFL = -0.015' @ 11'- 0.1' Allowed 0._256_' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0:008' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.005' @ 13' 4.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.005' @ 13'- 4.5'' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep in the total load' deflection. The building desgner shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. CORD. 2: 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. SHEARWALL 0.00 to 13.83 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES_ UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cot.i Elcp.C, WRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers o which is non -concurrent with 'other live loads. 0 _ ExPI i�4 %ZlIo�I3 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS rr� •.vv+�. TRUSS:SPAN . 7'7 8.5' --_- JGel@: V:OVT!' TC: 20 OF N16BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 WARNINGS: 1. SulMer end erection contractor. should be advised of all General Notes BC: 20 OF k16BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. WEBS: 20 OF k1RBTR building component. Applicability of design parameters and pre r Truss: bracing must be Installed LOADING DES. BY: AM TC LATERAL SUPPORT '- 12'0C. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL(( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'0C. UON. UL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF continuous sheathing, such as plywood eheathbrp(TC) andlor drywall C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + - SEQ. 5755115 TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF Connectorpplate prefix designators,: 4. Instillation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used Ina non corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 386461 C,CN CIS 1,918 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL_ M,M26HS,i18HS, 16 = MiTek NT series REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET'. •• For hanger specs. - See approved plans BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR.IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP S. Plates she be located on 60111 feces of truss, and placed so their center AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS.ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 4-01 3-07-08 III11 12 12 3.50 r--- a 3.50 M -2x4 x t � II v; 0 co 0 N n •• q < M -3x4 <PL:10-00-12 , 7-08-08: 1A91 MAW:- Rrni++ Mmeirienre _ 'I nt 1A PrA Wact _ A17 M -2x4 yr •.. ....�. r. rr� •.vv+�. �..�� ��� -� �-. -.�__ --_- JGel@: V:OVT!' -A- WARNINGS: 1. SulMer end erection contractor. should be advised of all General Notes GENERAL NOTES; unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual 22. and Warriings before construction commences. building component. Applicability of design parameters and pre r Truss: bracing must be Installed Incorporation of component b the responsibility of the building designer. DES. BY: AM 2x4 compression wee where alrowr.: 3. Additional temporary b'radng to Insure stability duAng construction 2. Design sesames the top end bosom chords to be laterally braced et. 2• s1g end'el 1 s the respectively unless ds braced throughout their lengpt1hh M DATE: 12/10/2013 T: u the responsibility ofthe-erector. Adtlhlonal perriteneM_bratlrq of the overall swaureis the responsibility of the buntlhrg designer. continuous sheathing, such as plywood eheathbrp(TC) andlor drywall C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + - SEQ. 5755115 4. No load shgald be applied to any co r�onant until after an bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greeter than 4. Instillation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used Ina non corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 386461 design loads be applied to any component. 5. ce mp has for the and are for'dry condillon' of use. S. Design assumes hie Deering it all supports shown. shim or wedge if - uTrus no control over and assumes no responsibility fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. necessary. 7. Design assumes edegoate dratnege Is provided. S. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set tbnh by S. Plates she be located on 60111 feces of truss, and placed so their center III11 TPINYfCA in SCSI, copies of which will be famished upon request. lines coincide with joint denten fines. coincide eMees. IIII 1111111111111011111111111111111111111 IIIII IIIII IIIII ail IIIII 9. Dies sizeofplate p m,,lllll II Ipl �I IIII IIII M(Tek USA, InCJCompuTru9.Softmre 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR•1988 (Mrreq TI lign -ed Dlnpt put Sl-.-- ,'AE1R..,,,, _J (J., CK201O/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WRIGDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=(-34J 80 4.5=(-34) 164 f-4=216) 0 5-3=(-2013) 0. 2-3= -34 75 4.2=.•2381) 4 2-5--1'249 • 4 r BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED,BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES(SPECIES) 01- t).0'' 0/ 418V -68/ 08H 5.50' 0.45 OF ( 625) 7'- 8.5' 0/ 426V -68/ 68H 5.50' 0.45 OF ( 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.45 DF/ 0.69 HF/ 0.66 SPF BRG @ 7'- 8.5' 0.45 OF/ 0.70 HF,/ 0.67 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L1360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.001' @ 4'• 1.0' Allowed = 0.226' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = 0.002' @ 4'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.340' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.004' @. 4' 1.0' Allowed = 0.340' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)=-0.091' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0,001' @ 7'• 5.0' MAX HORIZ. TL.OEFL = 0:001' @ 7'- 5.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft- TCDL=13.8p�B��CDL=4,2,.ASCE 7.05,. Enclosed, Cat.! Ezp.C, 6WRS, interior zone,'ioad duration factor=1.6y Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 ib concentrated top chord live load_ per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. VKR 4 "4 i ZT Io//3 nnnnl LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF g16BTR BC( 2x4 OF k1t1BTR W68: 2x4 OF ##&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT r_ 12'OC AON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12.'OC UON, Connector &pTete prefix de signetors:. C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) - CompuTrus, Inc M,020HS,M18HS, 16 = MiTek MT series 5-05-14 12 3.50 E--- v; O co d' O - oj �• •• For hanger specsx4- See approved plena 7-03-10 <PL:TU-UU= TRUSS SPAN 14'- 2.8' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL. ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = '50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD, TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 10-07-.04 M -2x4 3-07-08 5-01-06 3-07-08 12 a 3.50 M -4x5 4.0° 3 n �f i I M -3x4 14-02-12 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A13 Al 3 WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. GENERAL NOTES, 1 1 1. This design Is bas ont ilding component. buildingcob . Ap; Truss : oneoo 2. 2i4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. tht assumes 2 Design assumes the top sig DES. BY: : AM 3' Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction 6 the responslanity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of T arid IWO e. res continuous sheathing aur DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2z impact bridging or lah SEQ.: 5755116 4. No load.should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any,lo ds greater than 4. Installation of truss Is the '5. Design assumes trusses TRANS I D : 386461 design loads be applied to any component.. S. CompuTma has, no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are for'dry conditlol S. Deems assumes full bea fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequa S. This design le furnished subject to the limitations set forth by S. Plates shall belocatedo I11I1) IBII VIII VIII �I� ILII VIII IIII 7PIAMCA In SCSI. copies of which will be lumished upon requea,. Mies eolnoide with jotrrt e IIII III IIII II IIII MiTek USA, IncJCompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E o. �lbaslic connector pleatr T §igr red ompl 1put S....__ .:ABF _ _ ...5 ('.., CBC201011BC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=�-1455 0 1-5=j0)1318 2.5=(-497 3 2.3= -1075 0 5-6= 0) 500 5-3= 0 647 3.4=( -34) 75 3.6=5.720 0 6.4= -208 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01• 0.0' 0/ 720V •75/ 68H 5.50' 0.77 OF ( 625) 14`- 2.8' O/ 703V -751 68H 5.50' 0.75 OF ( 625) BRG @ 0'- 0:0" 0.77 DF/ 1.18 HFI 1.13 SPF BRG @ 14'- 2.8' 0.75 DF/ 1.16 HF/ 1.10 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.022' @ 51- 5.4' Allowed = 0.444' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.049' @ 5'- 5.4' Allowed = 0.668' MAX TL CREEP DEF.L.= -0.071' @ 5`- 5.4' Allowed = 0.666' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED.ON DL DEFL)= 0.049' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.006' @ 13'- 11,.2' MAX HORIZ, TL DEFL = 0.016' @ 13'- 11.2' Wind: 90 dph, h=15f.t, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2 Exp. C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1,6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per'IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. v 0 v; O cm ' +• M -3x4 U� 6-11U "t ` o6 f -scale: 0. shown and Is for an Individual ctively unless braced thuoughoutthslrle by Lr � e g=- plywood sheathing(fC)endlor drywall C). I bractrlg required where shown +. + isponslblltty of the respective contractor. aMfa� e to be used in a non•eorrosive environment, N use. g at all supports shown. Shim or.wedge If drainage Is provided. uoth faces of truss, and placed so their center � � iter ides: {{{��� ___ in orches. eslgn values see ESR4311. ESR -1 sea (Mrrek) mm�ll LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20, OF M16BTR BC: 20 OF B16BTR WEBS: 20 OF @1dBTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT < 12 OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION _x==c NOTE: 20 BRACING AT 24.00 LION FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED LETINS: 1.00-00 0.00.00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18 CN1S (or no pprefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HSjA18HS, 111 = MiTek MT series 8.05.08 STUB HIP SETBACK 5-06-06 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) LOADING TCUNIT LL 40.0+DL( 46.0)= 86.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' T0, 5'- 6.0' V TC UNIF LL 75.0 4, DLL 88.2 = 161,2 PLF 5,'- 6.0' TO B 5:5' V TC UNIF LL 40:0 tDl 48.0 - 86.0 PLF 6'- 5.5' TO 9:- 5.5." V BC UNIF LL 0:0 +DL 262= 26,2 PLF 0'- 0:0' TO 8 - 5,5' V TC CONC LL( 185:0)+DL( 189.8= 354.8 LBS @ 5'- 6.0' TC CONC LL 165.0)+DL 189.8 = 354.8 LBS @ 6'- 5.5" LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. 80TTOM.CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-05-11 .1-00-10 . 2-11-03 0-11-11 4-00-05 240 2-05-08 12 +354,.80# 12 3.50.[ t�354.80# x:3.50 M -4x8 M -7x6 InR MARK: ■ Rri ++ Qnei tinnno _ I nt 19 P(:A Wcct _ Ai A Truss: Imm"k 1 i DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10'/2013 SEQ.: 5755117 TRANS ID: 386461 WARNINGS: 1. Sunderand, erection contractor should be edvtsed of an General Notes and 1Namings before.00nstructlon oomineeees. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installedwhere shown+., 3. Addf lona] lerrgorary bracing to Insure sla Ifay du ring construction Is the responsg411tyof the erector. Additional permanent Meting of the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should arty loads greater then design loads be applied to any component. S. CompuTnrahas no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components: S: This design Is furnished subject to the dmitations set forth by TPIIWfCA In SCSI, ecples of which win be furnished upon request. MTek USA, Inc./CompuTfus Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E 5 T ;ign red ofnpl iput S. °ABP.__.... _..3' (...., CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1-.2= -358) 0 1. 6=( 0) 1253 1- 2= -1381 0 5- 8=(-976) 0 2. 3= •1380) 0 6- 7=( 0) 1159 6- 3=( -1451 41 3. 4= -1408) 0 7- 8=(-9) 84 6- 4= 0 327 ' r 4- 5= -1110 0 4- 7=1 -588) 0 7 5= 0 1158 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ- BRG. REQUIRED BOG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 839V -36/ 49H 5:50' 0.90 OF ( 625) 9'- 5.5' 0/ 1004V -36/ 49H 5.50' 1.07 OF ( 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.90 OF/ 1.38 HFI 1.32 SPF BRG @ g'- 5.5' 1.07 DF/ 1.65 HF/ 1.57 SPF • • - - �cat.e: u.gaon GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an Individual building component Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component Is the responsmility of the building desIner. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced al 7 o.c, and at,ie' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lent', by continuous sheathing such as plywood shea8dng(TC) and/or drywall( C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral tracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses ars to be used in'a non -corrosive environment, and,ere for 'dry condidon" of use. 9: Desgn.assumes.full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. C Plates shall be located on doth faces of truss: and placed so their center Ones coincide with Joint center lines. 9. Digits Indicate site of plate in inches. to. For bask connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1588 (MITelq VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL L/240 MAX LL DEFL - -0.047 @ 5 8.0' Allowed 0.285' MAX DL CREEP DEFL '= •0.102 @ ,5'- 6.0' Allowed = ,0.427' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.148' @ 5' 6.0' Allowed = 0.427' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL.DEFL)= 0.102' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.004'' @ 9'- 3.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0;011' @ 9'- 9.8' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 SCOL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat./1 Exp.C, �IWfRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a_300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent ;with other live loads. SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD__ . WILL HAVE 1:5" MAX: NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. � �JOj14 I@nnn Il 1111 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF #18BTR BC: 2x4 OF #18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF'#18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT r_1 _ 12'OC. UON. NOTE: 20 BRACING AT 24.00 UON FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED LETINS: 0-00.00 1-00.00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18RCN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus; Inc M,M26HS, 18HS, 16 = MiTek M series 2-11-03 M -3x5 CD 0 q o N to O 9.05.08 STUB HIP SETBACK 5-06.00 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) LOADING TC UNIF LL 40.0 +DL( 46.0)= 88.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 3'- 0.0' V. TC UNIF CL 75.0 +DL 86:2)= 161,2 PLF 3'- 0.0' TO 3'- 11.5' V TC UNIF LL 40.0+DL( 46:0)= 86 O PLF 3'• 11.5' TO 9'- 5.5' V BC UNIF LL(ll(((, 0.0 +DL 26.2)= 26.2 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 9'- 5:5' V TC CONC LL( 165.0;+DL( 189.8)= 354.8 LBS @ 3'- 11.5' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 16PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY: 1-00-10 5-05-11 2-05-08 2-00 4-004512 0 11-11 354.80# 3..50 j354.80# a 3.50 M -4x6 M -7x6 < M -2x4 L 2-02 y. 0.00-08 <PL:12-00-12 M -3x10 M -2x4 L- ,L 2-03-08 9-05 9-05-08 4-10-04 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A15 Truss: /"% ' I DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755118 TRANS ID: 386461 WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes Ind Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web oreefng must be Installed where show n+. 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during constriction IS the responsibOlty of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No load should be applied to any component untilafter ell bracing and fasteners are complete and at no thne should any loads greater than design beds be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsloitdy, for the fabrication. handling, shipment and Installation of components. e: This design is furnished subject to the gmlletions set lorttn by TPIMrrCA in BCSI, coples ofw" win be furnished upon request- MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP50 LYE 4 M 3x4 n M '� r Scale: 0.4591 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. Tihls design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an hrdwmual building component. Applicability of design parameters and pro�ppo, r Incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top and botoini chords to be laterally braced at 7 o.c. and at IT o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lengpt1hh by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) andfor drywall C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respecOve centiactor. 5. Deal& assumes busies are to be used in a norh-cemoslva environment, and am for'dry condition" of use. .B. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown: Shim or wedge t necessary. - 7. DesWnh assumes adequate draIn�e B prevlded. 8. Plates shell ba bceled on both /aces of tons, anti placed so their center Ones coincide wth )oim center Imes. 9. Digits Indicate slis of plate in inches. 10. For basic connector plate. design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITek) T sign red ompl 1put S. __ ?ABR__ _ _..S (c.., CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1,00 1. 2 -1,173) 0 6. 7= -9) 64 6 1=(-982) (•982)0 4. 5=(-1449) 0 2. 3 -1159 0 7- 8=( 0) 1357 1 7= 0 1206 3- 4= -1481 0 8. 5=( O) 1358 7 2= -333 16 ' 4. 5= •407 0 7 9= 1-289 0 3-- 8 0 125 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 0'- 0.5' 01 1004V •491 36H 5.50' 1.07 OF ( 625; 9'= 5,5' 0/ 839V -491 36H 5.50' 0',90 OF ( 625) 8RG @ 0'- 0.5' 1.07 DF/ 1.65 HF/ 1.57 SPF BRG @ 9'- 5:5' 0.90 DF/ 1.38 HFI 1.92 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/350, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.057' @ 3'- 11.5' Allowed = 0.283' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -,0.129' @ 3'- 11.5' Allowed = 0.425' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.186' @ :3'- 11.5' Allowed = 0.425' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED .ON DL DEFL)= 0.129' MAX,HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.005' @ 9'- 0.0" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.012'- @ 9'- 0.0' Wind 90mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat. 11 Exp C, bWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.6, truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only: Design checked .for a 900 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent With other live loads. SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN.. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5" MAX. NAIL P.ENETRAT,ION. HANGER BY OTHERS. nn111 I n LUMBER 'SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF #1&BTR SC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT 2= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. ------------------------------ NOTE: 2x4 BRACING AT 24'OC UON. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED _________________________=====r=== LETINS: 1.00-00 1-06-00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18 -CRIB (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc Y,M28FIS,�118NS,M18 ='M Tek series 13.00-00 HIP SETBACK 6-00.00 FROM END WALL; LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1:25 (Non -Rep) LOADING TC UNIF LL40.0 +DL 46.0 86.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 6'- 0.0' V TC UN IF LL 80 92 BC UNIF LLI 40.0 +D 28.0 = 128.0.PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 13'- 0.0' V TC CONC LL( 200.0)+OLy 230.0= 430.0 LBS @ 6'- 0.0' TC CONC LL 200.0)+DL 230,0 = 490.0 LBS @ 7'- 0.0' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. -00 51M 0-11.11 1-07-09 2-10-12 2-00 2-10-12 1-07-09 -11-11 12 430# +430# 12 3.501--- a 3.50 M -2x4 0 3 C> M -3x5 cl Ln O (A O I I 1. M -4x6 5.04-04 <PL'14-00-12 M -5x6 M -7x6 M -3x8 M -3x4 2-05-04 13-00 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West A16 2x4 _ - L -3x5 T y=,M-'4x6 C ��J ; nom, r 1 5- 02 -till (T1 4.. -gFji, Scale: 0.4174 ,miss noted: Dn the parameters shown and Is for an Individual Mly of design parameters and proppesr s the responsib811y of me building desl ner.. bottom cleoids to be laterally braced at Ively unless braced throughout theh length by s plywoodbheathhrp(TC) and/or drywa8(BC): bracing required where shown ++ ponsibilily, of the respective contractor. to be,used In a,noncomsive environment; use. at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If rabage is provided. th faces of truss. and placed so their center w lines. r Inches. sign values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (FATek) T" - '-sign -----red -ompr`-- 'rput S -ABS i (' CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1. 2= -414 0 1- 9= 0) 1614 1 2=[I902 0 2 3= -1844 0 9.10=(0) 2366 9 9= 0 801 3. 4= -2432 0 10- 8= 0 1615 9 4=-205 44 , 4- 5 -2371 0 9 5 -98 1.11 5. 6- -2408 0 510 -21840 6- 7= --1845 0 10 6= 0 781 7- 8-- -414 0 7 B=�-1903 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 1214V -39/ 39H 5.50' 1.29S 625 13'- 0:0' 0/ 1214V -39/ 39H 5.50' 1.29 DF 1 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.29 DF/ 2.00 HF/ 1.90 SPF BRG @ 13'- 0.0' 1.29 'DF/ 2.00 HF/ 1.90 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.076' @ 6'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.403' MAX.DL CREEP DEFL = -0.158' @ 6'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.604' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.234' @ 6'- 0.0' Allowed = 0:604' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.,158' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.011' @ 12'= 6.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.027' @ 12'-- 6.5" Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13,8 BCDL=4:2,, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.i Exp:C, IgW'R_S; interior zone, hoed duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. O SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL.HAVE 1._5' MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTE Al 61. Builder and erection contractor shook be advised of all General Notes � t. ThLa design h Truss ' DES. BY: AM DATE' 12/10/2013 and Warnings before conshucllon commences. 2. Dol compression web bracing must be Installed where shown*,p 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction- is the responsibility of the erector. Additional penmanenf.brectng of the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. Ib ldlnporelk Design assun 7 o.c. and at continuous sli 3. an Impact bra SEQ. : 5755119 TRANS I D : 386461 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and l fasteners are complete and at no time should any ko toads reaterthen design beds be applied to any component. - - S. Comp,Trus has no control over and assume no responsibility for the fabrication; handling, shipment and Installation of components.7. S. This design Is fumished sub)ect to the limitation set forth by 4. Installation of 5. Design assun and are ford e. Design assun necessary. ay. 8. Rales shall b II II II II II Illnl VIII VIII VIII mill VIII IIS III III) TPIAtVrCA In BCSI, copies of hickwill be fumlNted upon request. MTek USA, Inc./CompuTrueSof"re 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E oincide .Dies cIndloatt 9. 10. For basic con 2x4 _ - L -3x5 T y=,M-'4x6 C ��J ; nom, r 1 5- 02 -till (T1 4.. -gFji, Scale: 0.4174 ,miss noted: Dn the parameters shown and Is for an Individual Mly of design parameters and proppesr s the responsib811y of me building desl ner.. bottom cleoids to be laterally braced at Ively unless braced throughout theh length by s plywoodbheathhrp(TC) and/or drywa8(BC): bracing required where shown ++ ponsibilily, of the respective contractor. to be,used In a,noncomsive environment; use. at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If rabage is provided. th faces of truss. and placed so their center w lines. r Inches. sign values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (FATek) T" - '-sign -----red -ompr`-- 'rput S -ABS i (' CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1. 2= -414 0 1- 9= 0) 1614 1 2=[I902 0 2 3= -1844 0 9.10=(0) 2366 9 9= 0 801 3. 4= -2432 0 10- 8= 0 1615 9 4=-205 44 , 4- 5 -2371 0 9 5 -98 1.11 5. 6- -2408 0 510 -21840 6- 7= --1845 0 10 6= 0 781 7- 8-- -414 0 7 B=�-1903 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 1214V -39/ 39H 5.50' 1.29S 625 13'- 0:0' 0/ 1214V -39/ 39H 5.50' 1.29 DF 1 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.29 DF/ 2.00 HF/ 1.90 SPF BRG @ 13'- 0.0' 1.29 'DF/ 2.00 HF/ 1.90 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.076' @ 6'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.403' MAX.DL CREEP DEFL = -0.158' @ 6'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.604' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.234' @ 6'- 0.0' Allowed = 0:604' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.,158' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.011' @ 12'= 6.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.027' @ 12'-- 6.5" Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13,8 BCDL=4:2,, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.i Exp:C, IgW'R_S; interior zone, hoed duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. O SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL.HAVE 1._5' MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. 11111 III 11 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF H13BTR BC: 20 OF R18BTR WEBS: 20 OF N18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. LETINS: 1.00-00 1.00.00 Connector plate prefix designators: ,Connector CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M;M26HS,418HS, 16 = MiTek M series 0 0 N U) O GO O O 1 TRUSS SPAN 13'- 0:0 - LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0. O.C. LOADING LL'( 20:0)+DL(( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7:0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0.PSF LIMITED,STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REGUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 6-06 6-.06 0-11-11 5-06-05 5-66-05 0-11-11 12 12 3.50 17 a 3.,50 I IM -40 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A17 1 Scale: 0.4174 A17 T Agr red olnpi Iput and Drednp S =ABF_________ S. (-, compress bracing must be instelbd where.saown +. 2 2x4 compression web ng 3. Additional temporary bracMa to Insure stability during construction Z pesgn assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c.•.ard 21.10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their,lenaN by CBC201O/IBC2OO9 mAX-MEMBER FORCES 4WR/G8-1.00 Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or dnywan(BC). DATE: 12/10/2013 1-2(DF/C 3. 2x Impact brMging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No bad should be applied to any component urdn after all bracing and 8-5=�Oj 809 23p SEQ.: 5755120 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 3.4= -925 0 4.53(-981 l( design loads be applied to any component: 5. ConWTms has no control owand assumes no responsibility for the aid ere to�'dry condticn'M use. 8. Design f - Dearing at an supports. shown. Shim or wedge t 4.5=(-197 0 fabrbe0on, hanidlhg, shipment and Installation of comp6nems. BEARING MAX 'VERT MAX HORZ BRG REOUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 650V -38/ 38H 5.50' 0.69 �F 625 13'; 0.0' 0/ 650V -38/ 38H 5.50' 0.69 OF ( 6251 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.69 DF/ 1.07 HF/ 1.02 SPF BRG @ 13'- 0:0' 0.69 DF/ 1.07 HF/ 1.02 SPF JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A17 1 Scale: 0.4174 A17 WARNINGS: 1'. Builder and erection conb clor should he advised of an.General Notes before commences. tionmost GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: San individual 1. This design is based onlyupon the parameters shown and is for an oofftthe Truss: and Drednp b�,co,po,atio�acomp nett b the�respol sllNparameters liy building designer. compress bracing must be instelbd where.saown +. 2 2x4 compression web ng 3. Additional temporary bracMa to Insure stability during construction Z pesgn assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c.•.ard 21.10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their,lenaN by DES. BY : AM Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or dnywan(BC). DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2x Impact brMging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No bad should be applied to any component urdn after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ.: 5755120 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes busses are to be used In a non�conoslve environment, TRANS I D : 386461 design loads be applied to any component: 5. ConWTms has no control owand assumes no responsibility for the aid ere to�'dry condticn'M use. 8. Design f - Dearing at an supports. shown. Shim or wedge t fabrbe0on, hanidlhg, shipment and Installation of comp6nems. 7. Design assumes adequate drelnage is provided. S. This design is furnished subject to the limitations eel forth by S. flares shall be located on both faces of truss, artdpleced so their center °III VIII TflnnrrcA b SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. centere. Imes coincide with john center IIIIII IIII VIII IIg1I I� II II IIII IIII VIII MiTek USA, .Inc./CompuTrus Software 7:6.4SP5(1 L -E 9. Indicatesize of pieta Inches. W. For basic connector plate design valuessee ESR -131 1, ESR•teae (MITeq VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITSi LL=L/360, TL=LI240 MAX LL DEFL = -0:061' @ 6'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.403' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = =0.073' @ 6'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.604' MAX TL DEFL = -0.110' @ 6'- 6.0' Allowed = 0:604' RECOMMENDED CAWBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)-- 0.073' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.005' @ 12'- 6.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.012' @ 12'- 6.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer- ahall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2 Exp.C; 6WFRS; interior zone .load duration factor=1:8, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a'300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due. to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. e"" iZ!/off/3 nnnn n till LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF N18BTR BC: 2x4 OF N18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF N18BTR T6 LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12.00. UON., BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. NOTE 20 BRACING AT 24'OC UON. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED LETINS: 1.00.00 1.00.00 Connector plate prefix d"ipnators C,CN C18SCN18 for no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS, iBHS,M16 = MiTek MT series 7-06-00 HIP SETBACK 3-00.00 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) LOADING TC UNIF LL 40.0 +OC 48.0 = 88.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 3'- 0,0" V TC UNIF LL 50,0;+DL� 57.5 = 107.5 PLF 3'- 0.0" TO 4'- 6'.0' V TC.UNIF LL 40.OPL( 46.0 = 86.0 PLF 4'• 6.0' TO 7'- 6.0' V BC UNIF CL(((((( 0.0�+DL( 17.5)= 17.5 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 7'- 6.0' V TC CONC LL( 40 0)+DL( 46.0)= 86.0 LBS @3'- 0.0' TC CONC LL( 40.0)+DL 46.0 = 86.0 LBS @ 4'- 6.0' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 2-11-11 1-06-10 2-11-11 .0-11-11 2-00 1-06-10 2-00 0-11-11 86k S6rR 12 12 3.50 v a 3.50 M-50 =M -6x6 3 4 N M-30 - - DM -3x4 G7 ,r) co R, y m C? I - I) � 1 7 8 < M -3x6 M -3x6 M -2x4 ix6 f �� (0> c<rn 2-06 2-07.12 2-04-d1j4 I 0 U �J r I'<PL:13-00-12 9-06 7' JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A18 Truss: DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755121 TRANS ID: 386461 WARNINGS: 1. Sunder and erection contractor should be advised of General Notes and VAmtngs before construction commences.. 2 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. S. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construdbn Is the responsibility of the eredor: Additional permanent bracing of the overall shuchrre B the responsibility of the buns ing designer. 4. No load should be applied to arty component un III after all bracing end fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater titian design loads be applied to any component. S. CompuTna has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the febrIcaeon, handling, shipment and installation of components. S. This design is furnished subject to the Imitations set forth by TPIMRCA.In SCSI; copies of which will be furnished upon request MTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1L)S Scale: 0.5530 GENERAL NOTES, unless olherw)se,noted., 1. This design, is based only upon Ne parameters shown and Is for an hidWual building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component Is the,responsmllily,of the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top end bottom chords to be laterally braced at - Y o.c. and M 10' o.c: respectively unless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywa0(SC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown t7. A. Installationof. truss Is the responsibility of the respective cordrector. 5. Design assumes busses are to be used in a noncorrosive envkanmerd; and are for "dry condition" of use. 8. Design esaumes fun bearing at all supports shown.. Shim orwadge If necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate omlh e b vldetl: 5. Plates shall be localatl on both faces of turas, and placed so their tamer lines coWAde with joint center Ones. a. Digits indicate. size of plate In inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MRek) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L1360, TL=L1240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.024' @ 4'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.219' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.051' @ 4'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.329' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.074' @ 41- 6.0' Allowed = 0.329' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.051' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.002' @ 7'- 0.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.005' @ 7'- 0.5' Wind: 90 mph' h=15ft TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.i Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone,'ioad duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads., SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.51 MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS'. Exit �4 iziio/ice T :ign red ompl put .Srnhc. rAE1R a..r. h ..r,3 (un,f CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER -FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1- 2=(-110 0 1- 7= 0) 498 1- 2=1-644)) 0 2. 3= -557' 0 7- 8=�0� 811 7- 3=( .30) 65 3- 4=-699 0 8- 6= 0 605 7- , 4= 39 184 4. 5= -660 0 1-162 4- 8=j,-39) 29 5- 8= 0 5- B= -708 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES ((SPECIES 01- 0.0" 0/ 504V; -21/ 21H 5.50' 0.54 DF ( 625 7'- 6.0' 0/ 504V -211 21H 5.50' 0.54 OF ( 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0" 0.54 DF/ 0.83 HF/ 0:79 SPF BRG @ 7'- 6.0' 0.54 DF/ 0.83 HFI 0,79 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L1360, TL=L1240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.024' @ 4'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.219' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.051' @ 4'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.329' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.074' @ 41- 6.0' Allowed = 0.329' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.051' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.002' @ 7'- 0.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.005' @ 7'- 0.5' Wind: 90 mph' h=15ft TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.i Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone,'ioad duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads., SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.51 MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS'. Exit �4 iziio/ice mnnlr LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC; 20 OF p18BTR BC: 2x4 -DF g1SBTR WEBS: 20 OF HIEBTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT r- 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1.00-00 1-00=00 Connector plate prefix des*gnators: C,CN C18�CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M2&S, 18HS, 16 = M Tek MT series 12 3.50 C --- ww 'qw Int_' <PLc13-00-12 TRUSS SPAN 7'- 6.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF SL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL. LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC.2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD. CHECKED FOR.IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 3-09 2--09-05 2-09-05 I'M -40 34& I� 2.0' II II 3-09 8 M -2x4 7-06 InD GIAAAC. D,,;++ Dne-;rinnnn _ I n+ 14: MIA Dine+ _ A10 3- 12 a 3.50 D C7' r �1 m MM�3x4 N ¢ � p +4=J _ 1 �� � 1 _1 11 (J I '' ) WARNINGS Sunder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes GENERAL NOTES,unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an IndWual A1 i co t and Warnings beforo construction commences. :� Truss. 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. Q rl �� - 0 VVV Ilrlleln.. VI i�V IIVViYv..vv r .v , ....r WARNINGS Sunder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes GENERAL NOTES,unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an IndWual A1 91. and Warnings beforo construction commences. . building component Applicability of design parameters and proper Truss. 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building desiigpner. - 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction2• Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at at respectively bathed througnd/ohout their by DES. BY: AM is the responsib0ly, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 1 otos. all(pS1h ply unless continuous sheathing such ss plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywa0(SC): c ntinu u DATE: 12/102013 the overall structure, is the responsibility otthe buntline designer. S. 2n Impact bddglna or lateral bracing required where shown + s 4. No bad should Ee applied to env component uid9 after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5755122 fasteners ere complete and at no 6meshould any (bads greater then - S. Design assumes trusses am to be used in a non -corrosive environment, *dry TRANS I D : 386461 design loads be applied to any component. Compurrus haa.no control over and assumes no responslbimy for the. and are for condition' of use. e. Design assumes full bearingata8 supports shown. Shim or wedge If - :5. fabrication, handling, shipmentand. ln1pstaliellon of components. necessary. - ioprovided. es ailed an oth 7: Design asshall 8. This design is luml4hed subleCl.to the.lim8atkns sal forth by face 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center b TPWVECA In SCSI, copies of which wig be famished upon request. coincide caate with Joint of 9 Dpb plate Inrinches. Illlp II I VIII VIII VIII VIII 111111111111 III IIII III IIII MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus' Software 7.6.4SP5 1 L}E 10. For bask connector plate desgn values sea ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (Mrrek) T sign red Dmpi [put & - =ABF- _S (,--, CBC201O/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1-2=( -88 0 1-6=(0� 367 1.2=(•517 0 2-3=(-446 0 6-5=(0 367 6-3=( 01 113 3-4=((•448 0 4.5-x(-517 0 4-5= 88 0 BEARING MAX VERTMAX,HORZ BRG. REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES '(SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 441V -22/ 22H 5.50' 0.47 OF 625) 7'- 6.0' 0/ 441V -22/ 22H 5.50' 0.47 OF S 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.47 DF/ 0..73 HF/ 0.69 SPF BRG @ 7' 6.0' 0.47 DF/ 0.73 HF/ 0.69 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = •0:012' @ 3'- 9.0' Allowed = 0.219' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = •0:024' @ 3'- 9:0' Allowed = 0.329' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0;031' @ 3'- 9:0' Allowed = 0:329' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.024' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.001' @ 7'- 0.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.003' @ 7'- 0.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4, 2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed,, Cat./1 Ekp.C; %WEBS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Trtise designed for Wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live 10ad per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 DF'#18BTR BC: 20 OF #18BTR WEBS: 20 OF #18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1.00-00 1.00.00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18�CN18 (or no prefix)' = CompuTrus, Inc M,M2bHS, 18HS, 16 = M>Tek MT series. 0-11-11 12 3.50 v 3-09 2-09-05 TRUSS SPAN 7'- 6.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23,0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF OBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 3-09 M -4x5 s n M -3x4. 0 ern 0 0 oo�o I I o I I I I 0 1 6 M -3X6 M -2x6 3-09 3-00-1.2 7-06 09- 2.0' WARndM MD MAAAG r Qr+i++ Qeei Aanne _ I n1- 1 A MIA Woe+ _ A10A 2 12 a 3.50 M -3x4 ur Scale: 0.5780 noted: i parameters shown and Is for an Individual if design parameters and proppeer responsibility of the building de ner. m chords to be laterally braced unless braced throughout their length by bddgthp or lateral bracing required where shown + + n o1 tnrss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. sumes trusses are to be used In a.noncorrosive environment, ir'dry condition' of use: sumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If F. sumes adequate dreknage Is provlded. til be bested on both laces of truss, and placed so their center cide with joint center Ones. este she of plate In Inches. connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (Mfrek) BEARING LOCATIONS 0' 0.0' 7'- 6.0' T' aigr red olnpl Iput S =ABF S (,.., CBC2010/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES. 4WR/GDF/Cq-1.00 2.3=.)•525) 170 6-5=(-67) 489 6.3 :880 319 3.4= -525)) 70 4.51( 885 323 . 4.5= -220) 146 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES ((SPECIES 0/ 441V -22/ 22H 5.50' 0.47 11F. ( 625) 0/ 441V -22/ 22H 5.50' 0.47 OF ( 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.47,DF/ 0.73 HF/ 0.69 SPF BRG @ 7'- 6.0' 0.47 DF/ 0.73 HF/ 0.69 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/-240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.035' @ 6' 7.3' Allowed = 0.219' MAX DL DEFL = 0.073' @ 0'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.329' - MAX TL DEFL = 0.037' @ 6'- 7.3' Allowed = 0.329' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)=-0.073' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.001' @ 7'- 0.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.003"@ 7'- 0.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading ,(creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the. intended use of this component. COND. 2: 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. . SHEARWALL 0.00 to 7:50 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13,8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat. i1 Exp.C, 4WFRS, interior zone: Toad duration factor=1:6, Truss designed for wind loads in the ,plane of the truss only. Design checked for a $00 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. an 6SM, lon.contractor should be of an General Notes 1. Bulkier and erection advised GEN] 1. T ' and wamhps before construction commences. IX Truss ' In 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed. where shown +, 2.. D 3.- Additional temporary bracing to thwre:stabmty during construction 2' DES. BY: AM Is the msponslblllty'ol the cracker. Additional permanent bracing of a DATE: 12/11/2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the, building designer. 3.2 SEQ. ' 57561 78 am 4- No bed should bs applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners acorrmlete erid at rio time should arty bads greater then 4. In 5. D ' TRANS ID: 386544 design loads be appned to any component.- - 5.6mpuTrushas nocontrol over and assumesnoresponsibmtyfor the al e. o Dr 1l fabrication, handling. shipment and Installation of components. T This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by a.. P in copies of be umished upon request TPI1111 IIIA 111111111111111111111111 IN IN Softwarech Mel USA., ICA nc./CompuT sI, 7.6.4-SP5(1 tin o. F 2 12 a 3.50 M -3x4 ur Scale: 0.5780 noted: i parameters shown and Is for an Individual if design parameters and proppeer responsibility of the building de ner. m chords to be laterally braced unless braced throughout their length by bddgthp or lateral bracing required where shown + + n o1 tnrss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. sumes trusses are to be used In a.noncorrosive environment, ir'dry condition' of use: sumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If F. sumes adequate dreknage Is provlded. til be bested on both laces of truss, and placed so their center cide with joint center Ones. este she of plate In Inches. connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (Mfrek) BEARING LOCATIONS 0' 0.0' 7'- 6.0' T' aigr red olnpl Iput S =ABF S (,.., CBC2010/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES. 4WR/GDF/Cq-1.00 2.3=.)•525) 170 6-5=(-67) 489 6.3 :880 319 3.4= -525)) 70 4.51( 885 323 . 4.5= -220) 146 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES ((SPECIES 0/ 441V -22/ 22H 5.50' 0.47 11F. ( 625) 0/ 441V -22/ 22H 5.50' 0.47 OF ( 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.47,DF/ 0.73 HF/ 0.69 SPF BRG @ 7'- 6.0' 0.47 DF/ 0.73 HF/ 0.69 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/-240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.035' @ 6' 7.3' Allowed = 0.219' MAX DL DEFL = 0.073' @ 0'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.329' - MAX TL DEFL = 0.037' @ 6'- 7.3' Allowed = 0.329' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)=-0.073' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.001' @ 7'- 0.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.003"@ 7'- 0.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading ,(creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the. intended use of this component. COND. 2: 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. . SHEARWALL 0.00 to 7:50 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13,8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat. i1 Exp.C, 4WFRS, interior zone: Toad duration factor=1:6, Truss designed for wind loads in the ,plane of the truss only. Design checked for a $00 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. an 6SM, nm n 1II IIII LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF 81&BTR BC: 2x6 OF SS WEBS: 2x4 OF 91&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <_ 12.00. UON. Single member as shown. Hangers attached to the bottom chord will have 1.5' max. nail penetration. Connectorplate prefix designators: C,CN 1318 CN1S (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M2bHS,fA18HS, 16 = M Tek NT series 12 3.50 C --- C? 0 0) C). LADq 00 0 1, M -8x10 3-09 <.PL:13-00-12 WEDGE REQUIRED AT HEEL(§). M' -2x10 7-06 2'-0° JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A20 T >ign red Ompl Iput WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTE ar S- --- °ABR__... _..5 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes TRUSS SPAN 7'- 6.0" T)' U S S ' 'A 0 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX.MEMBER FORCES4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) 1-2=(-2346) 0 1-4=`0)2106 4.2=(Q) 1517 SPACED 24.0' O.C. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Inslafled where shown +, 2-3=(.2346) 0 4.3=(0) 2106 DES. BY: AM LOADING 3. Additional temporary bracing to nuure stability during consWction, Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 2' o.e: end at 1 eommuous shr ADDL: TC UNIF LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0 = 43.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 7'- 6.0' V BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH ADDL: TC UNIF LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0 = 43.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 7'- 6.0' V LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES ADDL: BC UNIF LL 181.8)'+DL( 242.7 = 404.5 PCF 0'- 0.0' TO 7'- 6.0' V 01- 0.0' 0/ 1866V -37/ 37H 5.50' 1.99 OF ( 625 ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 7.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 7'- 6.0' V 7'- 8.0' 0/ 1866V -37/ 37H 5.50' 1,99 OF ,('625 LIMITED,STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE.TO THE SPATIAL S. This design is lumished SuUleii to the limitations sal forth Ey BRIG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.99 DF/ 3.07 HF/ 2r93.SPF REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. VIII BRG @ 7'- 6:0' 1.99 DF/ 3.07 HF/ 2:93 SPF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/980, TL=G/240 AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. MAX LL DEFL = -0.017' @ 3'- 9.0' Allowed = 0.219' Dies coincide e. Digits Indicate IIII MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.037' @ 3'- 9:0' Allowed = 0:329' 3-09 II 3-09 CREEP = 0.329' DEFL = @DL IIII II IIII RREECOMMENDEDCAMBER (BASED ON DEFL)= 0.03711owed 10. For basicconr 12 -713. 50 MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.004' @ 7'- 0.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.011' @ 7'- 0.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Up Enclosed, Cat.11 q- IGWFRS, interior zone load dura4lofi factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. M-45 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 4.0° live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers 2 rid which is non -concurrent with other live 'loads. 3-09 <.PL:13-00-12 WEDGE REQUIRED AT HEEL(§). M' -2x10 7-06 2'-0° JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A20 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTE ar 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design Is T)' U S S ' 'A 0 and Warnings before construction commences. building rornp Incorporation 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Inslafled where shown +, y, Incsignassum DES. BY: AM 3. Additional temporary bracing to nuure stability during consWction, Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 2' o.e: end at 1 eommuous shr DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2z Impact bdrd SEQ.,: 5755123 4: No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no eme should any loads greater than 4. Installation of S. Design assum and are for'dr TRANS ID: 386461 design loads ba applied to any component. S. compgTrud has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the & Design assum necessary. fabrication; handling, shipment and inslallation'of components.. 7. slum S. This design is lumished SuUleii to the limitations sal forth Ey a. Plates shall be Plates Inl�l IIII VIII IIII �� )IIII VIII TPIlWfCA InBC$1, copies of wtriclr will be.fumished upon request. Dies coincide e. Digits Indicate IIII I II IIII IIII II IIII MTek'USA,Irtc./CompuTrusSoftware7.6.4-SPS(1L)-E 10. For basicconr D G 3 ��1 M-8x1c.: M -r1 OP C) p 309 rn { C rI v J n1 I Z le: 6.6030 ie required where Shown ++ blmy of the respective contractor. used In a non -corrosive environment, supports shown. Shim ocwedge a leis provided. es of buss, and placed so their center S. as. alues see ESR -1311, ESRA9e6 (MfTek) 0 W 8W'$ LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF g18BTR BC: 2x4.OF p16BTR WEBS: 20 OF R13BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1-00-00 1-00-00 Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uon). Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18 NIS for no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M28HS,�1I HS, 16 = Y Tek MT series NOTE: TRUSS DESIGNED FOR WIND LOADS .IN THE PLANE OF THE TRUSS ONLY. EXCEPTION: FOR EXTERIOR STUD CONDITION REFER TO COMPUTRUS STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL. TRUSS SPAN 19'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24:0' D.C. LOADING LL(20:0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR-10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE.LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. T sigr red omp iput S...— FABF.-_........ S (,.., COND. 2: 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. SHEARWALL 0.00 to 19,00 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES'UNIFORM -SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.)t Exp.C, f,IWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Note:Truss desiggn requires continuous. bearingwe l.for entire s an UON. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers Which is non -concurrent With other live loads. 9-06 Residence - Lot 16 PGA West 9-06 0-11-11 3-09-05 4-09 4-09 3-09.05 0-11=11 12 12 3.50 — M -4X5 a 3.50 and Wamkgs before construction commences. 4 i I DES. BY: AM M' -2x4 Installed where shows lI 2. 2x4 compression comb bracing must be stability AddRionel tempoisiy bracing to haute slabsay durtrg constrecibn m the rasponsibimy of he erscior. Additional bracing A 2 0' M -2x4 rn 0 permanent the overall sbuciure li the responsibility of the building designer. to 0 . SEQ. 5755124 Cl) M -3x4 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Design assumes busses are to be used le a ngn<orresi„e envtionmerd, M-30 design loads be applied to any component. 5.. CompuTYus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are '.nary cond8ion' of use. e. gab^ assgnres ram eearhtg at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if C31o _ Go - co ^BC°�ary' 7. n Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. VIII II This Is furnished subled to the limitations set forth by TPIANfCA In BCSI; copies of which will be furnished ished upon request. — — Ilu,� 1 II III VIII VIIIV IIIIII III VIII 1111111011111111111111111111111111 IIII IIII II o C5. 1 < me M -3X8 a 0 M=34O M -3x6 = go �j Y z 6 9-06 W -_, p � �7 '9-06 <PL:10-00-1 33�n C< J O� Z rn JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A21 —{'yScale:0.4423 A2WARNINGS: 1:-Buflder and ereetlen contractor should be advised of all General Notes GENERAL NOTES unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is;ki; V upon lie remetgm shc;and "ran Individual Truss: and Wamkgs before construction commences. building component Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. DES. BY: AM Installed where shows lI 2. 2x4 compression comb bracing must be stability AddRionel tempoisiy bracing to haute slabsay durtrg constrecibn m the rasponsibimy of he erscior. Additional bracing A 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2'o .c. and at 10'"o.a respectively unless braced throughout their linrg�thh by DATE: 12110/2013 permanent the overall sbuciure li the responsibility of the building designer. eon tinuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) andlor drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impart bribing or lateral bracing required where shown - . SEQ. 5755124 4'. No load shoed be applied to any component until ager an bredng and fasteners are complete and at no fine should any leads greater then 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Design assumes busses are to be used le a ngn<orresi„e envtionmerd, TRANS I D : 386'461 design loads be applied to any component. 5.. CompuTYus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are '.nary cond8ion' of use. e. gab^ assgnres ram eearhtg at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if - fabrication, cation, handli np, shipment and Mstallalion of components. 9. design ^BC°�ary' 7. n Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. VIII This Is furnished subled to the limitations set forth by TPIANfCA In BCSI; copies of which will be furnished ished upon request. e. plates shah be located on both feces of truss. and pieced so their center coincide o Ilu,� 1 II III VIII VIIIV IIIIII III VIII 1111111011111111111111111111111111 IIII IIII MITek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L)£ 9. Digiti hdfoeta tEe f plele In Inches. 10. For bath connedor,plate design "values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITek) ismtl II 11� IIII LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF k13BTR BC: 2x4 OF tf18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF /1dBTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. UON. LETINS: 1-00.00 1-00-00 Connector plate prefix desi nators: C,CN C18 CN18 ((or no'pprefix-'CompuTr,us, Inc CON = MiTek series sm 3-09-0; 12 3.50 t 9-06 TRUSS SPAN 19'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20:0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED.STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE,LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 4-09 4-09 1 sigr red :olnp 1put S- - -. -- FABF._--. _S (i..., CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C -1.00 1- 2- -454 0 1= 8=(0) 1550 1. 2=(-1682) 0 2- 3= •1716 0 8- 7=(0) 1550 3. 8=-305) 47 3. 4= •1421 0 8- 4= 0 391 ' 4- 5= •1421 0 8- 5= -306) 47 5= 6= -1716 0 6- 7=(,-1682) 0 6- 7= -453 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 0'• 0._0' 0/ 950V -551 55H 5,50' 1.01 625 19'- 0:0' 0/ 950V -55'/ 55H 5.50' 1.01 OF � 6251' BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1:01, DF/ 1.56 HF/ 1.49 SPF BRG @ 19'• 0.0' 1.Ot DF/ 1.56 HF/ 1.49 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION.LIMITS:_ LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.118' @ 9'- 6,0' Allowed = 0.603' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.259' @ 9'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.904' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0:376' @ 9'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.904' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEF,L)= 0.259' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.015' @ 18'- 6.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.036' @ 18'- 6.5' Wind_: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=19.8 BCDL=4: 2, ,ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat./i Exp.C, fila RS, interior zone, load duration factor=1:.6, 9-06 ind loads in thedpJaneeoffthe truss only. 3-09-05 0_11_11 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated topchord live load per IBC 2009 due, to maintenance.workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 12 a 3.50 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A22 Truss, DES. BY: AM DATE:: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755125 TRANS ID: 386461 WARNINGS: GE 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2A compression web bracing must be Installed where shown •. 2 3. Add8lonal temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure Is the responsmi8ly of the building designer. 3. 4. No load should be applied to any, component until after all bracing and 4. fasteners are compete and at no time should any bads greater than S. design Wads be applied to any component. 8. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for She fabrication, handling, shipment end installation of components. 7 B. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set fodh by S. TPVNIrCA In SCSI, coples of winch will be furnished upon request MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1L)-E 10. otherwise noted: Scale: 0.3357 shown and Is for an Indhddual ;. respectively unless traced throughout their lenby g such as plywood shealhing(TC) and/or orywen C). sr lateral bracing required where shown ++ is the responsibility of the respective contractor. wes are to beused In a iron=corrosive arrvhon Ment, Idrdon' of use. I bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge a iequate drainage is provided. led on both faces of truss, and placed so their center pintcenter Ines. of plate In Inches. plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (Mrrek) t Ui 0 0 0 lean n n .1.1111 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS. TCt 2x4 OF Al&BTR; 2x4 DF 210OF T1 BC: 20 OF W.1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 DF M1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC UON., LETINS: 3-06,-00. 0-00-00 Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (tion). Unbalanced live ,loads have been considered for this design. Connector pplate prefix designstore: C,CN C18 ( (or no pprefix) x CompuTrus, Inc. M,M26HS,41SHS', 16 = M -Tek MT series NOTE: TRUSS DESI,GNED,F,OR WIND LOADS IN THE PLANE OF THE TRUSS ONLY. EXCEPTION: FOR EXTERIOR STUD CONDITION REFER TO COMPUTRUS STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL. TRUSS SPAN 21'- 0.0" LOAD DURATION INCREASE =•1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0), ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC,2010 NOT BEING NET. BOTTOM CHORD_CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE; LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12-06 _ - 8-06 3-04-08 .2-11-06 6-02-02 4-00-13 4-05-03 12 12 3.50 L:--- M-45 - 3.50 4.0' 4 (-� M- M -3x7 T sign red olnp )put S. - -- FARE_ _... _..S (-, CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF'IC -1.00 I- 2= -415 905 1 7=(-551) 2176 1 2' -31501 611 10. 8-(-207) 47 2. 3= -2080 0 7 8- .-333 1925 7 3= 0 218 3- 4= -1582 74 8 9- 479 1164 1-8= -1463 539 4. 5= -1308 0 9-10=( 0) 1335 8 4 0 337 5- 6= -484 496 8- 5- -717) 807 5-10=(-1953) 295 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG, LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE. INCHES (SPECIES 0'- 0.0' 0/ 1132V 0/ 1314H 5..50- 1.21 OF ( 625` 18'- 6:5' 0/ 189V -1314/ 1334H 29.50' 0.20 OF ( 625) 21'- 0.0' 0/ 1085V -1334/ OH 29.50' 1,.16 OF ( 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.21 DF/ 1.86 HF/, 1.78 SPF BRG @ 18'- 6.5.' 0.20 DF/0.31 HF/ 0.30 SPF BRG @ 21'- 0.0' 1:16 DF,I 1:79 HF/ 1:70 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240, MAX LL DEFL = •-0.226-' 0' 3'- 3:5' Allowed = 0.603' MAX DL DEFL = -0.215,' @ 6'- 2.1' Allowed = 0.904' MAX TL DEFL = 0.267' @ 3'- 3.5' Allowed 0.904' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.215' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.017' @ 20'- 8.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.042' @ 20'- 8.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading(creep) in the total load deflection. The buildingp designer shall verify that this parameter 'fits with the intended use of this component. COND. 2: 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. SHEARWALL 0.00 to 21.00 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCOL=13.8 BCDL=4'2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed., Cat: I1 Ex0 q,' �1WFRS, interior zone, hoed duration factor=l,6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. M -2.5x4 or equal at non=structural diagonal inlets. Design checked for a 300.lb concentrated 'top chord live load PerIBC 2009'due to maintenance workers - c whichis.non-concurrert.with other. live ,loads. o. M -2x4. 1 _ 0 - 7 .25" e - < M -4x6 M-08 LD x7 � =.M-5x5(S) C rnM-4x6 m 6=02-02 6-09-14 16-00-00D -05-08. <PL:10'-00-12 21-00I I - � If1D 61AKAC ■ Dn4 ++ Dnc.4 Annno I t%+ IP-- Df -%A IAlnet A94 vvv r.r-1- .+. L nw.v.ayvrrvv .. ry ...... ...-.. Scale: 0.2791 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES unless otherwise noted:: A232. 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1 This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual . T r U S S -� and Warnings before construction commences. building component. Applhab0dy of design paramsleirs and Proper - Incorporation of component Is the. responsibility of the bupdhig designer; �2s4compresslon web bracing must be instaoed where shown •: 2.' Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES.. BY : AM 3. �Addtilonal temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction Is the responsibility.ofthe erector. Additional, permanent bracing of - 2•;o.c. and to.,o:c, respectively unless braced throughout their Inrq1h by centlnuous sheathing such as. plywood sheathing(TC) ard/o� drywall(EC). DATE: 12/1,0/2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. S. lir Impact bridging or Moral bracing required where shown ++ 4: No load should be spotted to any component until atier:all bracing and 4. Installation of buis the responsibility ofthe,respecttve contractor.S ss EQ. :- 5755126 ,fasteners are complete acid at no time should any bads greeter than S., Design assumes trusses are to be used In a noxi-comuM environment, 'dry - TRANS I D : 386461 design loads - applied fo any componeid. - over the and are for condition' of use: 8. assumes sill bearing at ell supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. Compnrtus tie no coriWI and assumes ncteSPbnaibhay,ror necesn febricatlon, lientlling„ahipmeM end instailelion of components: liimitations 7, Design assumes atlequele tlreinage Is grouped. ,. nlll IIII RIII .. S. This design h famished subject to the set forth M TPINVTCA in BC il, wpbs of which w10 be furnish upon request S. Plates shall be located an both faces of truss, and placed so their center Imes coincide with of cel ter Imes. lines oincidIndicate IIIIII VIII I'll) IIII IIII 1). plate sit. ointceinlines.inches. II II IIDII IIII MiTek USA, Irta/COrtIpUTfUa Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L) 10. For basic connedorplate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1886 (MITeq i'=!%oild mm�ll LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF H16BTR BC: 2x4 OF Ii1A8TR WEBS: 2k4 OF M1&8TR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC: UON. SC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12.00. UON. LETINS: 1-06-00 0-00=00 Connector plate prefix dealInators: C;CN'C18�CN18 (or no prefix) CompuTrus, Inc M;M26rii, 18HS,L116 = M Tek MT series TRUSS SPAN. 21'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' D.C. LOADING � LL( 20.0)+DL 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF ADDL: TC UNIF LL+DL= 33.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 3'- 0:0' V LIMITED STORAGE DOES'NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET., BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12-06 1-05-07 4-10`-07 12 3.50 - M -3x5 0 v v I M -3x6 Ln 0 0 o N-UlG 6-02-02 <PL:10-00- 0.25° = M -5x5($) 6-02-02. 6-03-14 21-00 4-03 IIM=4x4 MCI MAW:- Rri ++ Dnei rlanna _ 1 nt 1A PrA Wact _ A7A T ;ign red ompi put CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1,00 1. 2=( -162) 0 1- 7=(0 1934 1'- 2=. -2205 0 9. 6=(•178) 0 2. 3= •2118 0 7- B=(0) 1931 7- 3= 0 178 3. 4= •1387 0 8- 9= 0 1.197 3. 8= -717 0 ' 4- 5= -1371 0 8- 4= 0 981 5. 6= -25 94 8. 5= -33 181 5. 9= =1477 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 1155V -73/ 83H 5,50' 1.23 OF '625 21'- 0.0' 0/ 1047V -73/ 83H 5.50' 1.12 OF 625 BRG @ 01- 6.0' L.23 DF/ 1.90 HF/ 1,81 SPF BRG @ 21'- 0,0' 1.12 DF/ 1.72 HF/ 1.64 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LLA/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.111' @ 6'- 2.1' Allowed = 0.669' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.245' @ 6'-. 2.1' .Allowed = 1.004' MAX.TL,CREEP DEFL.= -0.356' @ 6'- 2.1' Allowed = 1,004' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.245' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0',017' @ 20'- 8.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DER = 0.042' @ 20'- 8:5' Wind: 90 mph h=15ft TCDL=1318-BCDL=4.2,. ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat./! Ezp.C, iWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.6, 8-06 Trus$ designed for wind loads In theplane of the truss only. 4-03 Design.cnecked for 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers 12 which is non -concurrent with other live loads. a 3.50 M -3x6. 3x8 0'- _4ri 8-06 = M -4x4 M -2x4 ocaie: u�our. `42. WARNINGS 1. Budder and erection contractor should De advised of all General Notes and Wam(ngs before construction commences. GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an Individual building component. Applicability of design parametersand p Truss: Zx4 compression wa6 Dradne must be Installed where Shown +. Incorporation of componeid is the responsibility of the buiding�iYmer. DES. BY: AM 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stabilily during construction is the of the Addelonsl bracing of 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally, braced at 2' o.c. and at la o.c: respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 12/10/2013 responsibility erector. pemnanent the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer., cominuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(SC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required wheshown ++ re 4. No load should be applied to any component until ager all bracing and 4. Installation of buss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. /� S EQ . : 5755127 fasteners are complete and at no time should any dads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 386461 design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are for'Hry condition' of use. 8: Design assumes full bearing Stan supports shown. Shim or wedge If fabrication, handling, shi pment and Inslalletion of components. 8. This design Is furnished, forth by necessary. 7; Dosigneswmes adequate drainage Is provided. feces tnns, end their subject to the lineations set TPANfCA M SCSI, copies o, which will be furnished upon request. 8. glees shah be dcaled on both of placed so anter Mas coincide with joint center tines. Illnl IIII VIII VIII VIII IIII.IIIII SII e. Dlefls size of plate In Inness . II III II II IIIIII MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Sofevare 7.6,4:SP5(1 L)£ 18. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -19$8 (WTek) = M -4x4 M -2x4 ::::Ilial LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF t18BTR• 2x4 OF 210OF t1 BC: 20 OF'818BTR WEBS: 20 OF M18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC, UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1-06-00 0-00.00 Connector plate prefix des'gnators: C,CN C18 CN18 Sor no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,418HS,_16 = M'Tek series 1-05-07 4-10.07 12 3.50 C--- 6-02-02 <PL:10-00-12 6-03-14 21=00 InD KIAAAC a 12r%4 ++ DeNi rinnr•n _ I nt 1 R Dr.A 1Alcct _ AOR v....,.v.... .. -- - - ...-- - -- T" Sign red -ompt -put ' C) GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: S :ABR 3 (, TRUSS SPAN 21'- 0.0' 1. Builder and erection or contractor be of all General Notes is based only upon eie parameters shown and is for IrMhrleuel 1. buil CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDFICyy=1.00 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 3x8 -I 110 1. 2= -173 0 1. 7101 1888 1- 2= •2116 0 9. 6=(-178) 0 SPACED 24.0. O.C. -J ,t 2- 3= •2061 0 7- 8= 0 1886 7- 3= 0' 176 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction is the responsibillty, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 3- 4= •1375 0 8. 9= 0 1180 3- 8= -680 0 ' LOADING the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 4- 5= -1360 0 8- 4= 0 372 LL( 20.0)+DLf 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43,0, PSF 5- 6= •25 94 8- 5= 37 177 L ON BOTTOM CHORD.= 7.6 PSF, 5. Design assumes muses are to be used In a normrroshe environment, 5- 9= -1469 0 TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF and are for "dry eontltiion"of use. e. Design assumes full beefing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge 8 5. CompuTrus no control over and,assumes no responsibility BEARING MAX.VERT MAX HORZ BAG REQUIRED BAG LENGTH LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES) REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. S. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set IoM by 01- 0.0' 0/ 1059V -73/ 83H 5.50' 1.13 F ( 6253 21'- 0.0' 0/ 1041V -73/ 83H 5,50' 1.11 OF ( 625 BOTTOM CHORD -CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. BAG @, 0'- 0,0' 1.13 DF/ 1.74 HF/ 1.66 SPF TPUWfCA M BC31; copies of whkh will be lumkhed upon requeri coincide off BAG @ 21'- 0.0' 1.11 OF/ 1.71 HFI 1.63 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360,,.TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0,111' @ -15'.1 2.1' Allowed = 0.669' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0:261' @ 6'- 2.1' Allowed = 1.004' IIII'I III,1, atilt MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.371' @ 6'- 2.1" Allowed = 1.004' VIII 111111111 RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.261' IN IIII MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL 2 0.017' @ 20'- 8.5' MiTek USA,.IncJCorn uTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E 10. For beak connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (AA Tek) MAX HORIZ. TL DEFT. = 0:041' @ 20'- 8,5' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCOL=13.8 BCDL=4:2, ASCE 7-05, �1W Enclosed, Cat.2 Exp.C, AS, interior load duration factor=l.6, 12 06 6 06 zone, Truss designed for wind loads - in the plane of the truss only. 6-02-02 4-03 4=03 Design checked fore 300 lb concentrated top chord 11 live load per IBC 2008 due to maintenance workers 12 which is non -concurrent with other live loads. I'IM-4x4 a 3.50 6-02-02 <PL:10-00-12 6-03-14 21=00 InD KIAAAC a 12r%4 ++ DeNi rinnr•n _ I nt 1 R Dr.A 1Alcct _ AOR -06 L vvv ry -urea.. • yr i r.ry v....,.v.... .. -- - - ...-- - -- 2. C) GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 0 1. Builder and erection or contractor be of all General Notes is based only upon eie parameters shown and is for IrMhrleuel 1. buil Truss: A 5 M 3x8 -I 110 IL oo -J ,t p, Design assumes the top and bosom chords to be laterally tireeed at DES. BY: AM -06 L vvv ry -urea.. • yr i r.ry v....,.v.... .. -- - - ...-- - -- WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. Builder and erection or contractor be of all General Notes is based only upon eie parameters shown and is for IrMhrleuel 1. buil Truss: A 5 commences. on co and Warnings before construcllorcommences.. 2. Yx4 compressor web bracing meal be Installed where shown •: design r Duilding component. Applicability of design parameters and proper building co Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. p, Design assumes the top and bosom chords to be laterally tireeed at DES. BY: AM 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction is the responsibillty, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 7 o.c. and at.1(r o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their Ionppl1hh'by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 12110/2013 the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2a Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No bad should be applied, to any component untilsher all bracing and 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5755.128 fasteners are compote and at no time should any loads imiter,than 5. Design assumes muses are to be used In a normrroshe environment, TRANS I D : 386461 design bads be appliedT. to any component. has for the and are for "dry eontltiion"of use. e. Design assumes full beefing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge 8 5. CompuTrus no control over and,assumes no responsibility fabrication, handl6q, shipment and installation of components.necessary' 7. Design assumes adequate drelirape k provided. S. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set IoM by 8. Raleeshall be located on boN faces of toss, entl plecetl so Neir center TPUWfCA M BC31; copies of whkh will be lumkhed upon requeri coincide off 9. Digits size ptleatte hoir�ei. IIII'I III,1, atilt (IIII VIII 111111111 IN IIII MiTek USA,.IncJCorn uTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E 10. For beak connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (AA Tek) 2x4 C 0 0 wee"" nnnn 11 l�l ' LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF M16BTR• 2x4 DF 210OF f1 BC: 2X4 OF M16BTH WEBS: 2i4 OF 918BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. LETINS: 2-06.00 0-00.00 •• For hanger specs.- See approved plans Connector plate prefix desi nators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix = CompuTrus, Inc Y,Y28HS,i118HS,Y16 = YiTek M aeries 3-10. 12 3.50 r___ TRUSS SPAN 14'•.10.0'. LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25_ SPACED 24:(l. D.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL� 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING YET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12-06 6-03 2-04 2-04 T sigr red ompl Iput CBC201O/.lBC2OOg MAX,MEMBEN FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1.2= •258) 278 1-6=(-206 1611 1-2= •2657) 1047 2.3= -1709) 243 6.7=(•298 636 3.6= -844 358 3-4= •1,081.) 0 8.4= •934 1399 ' 4.5= -261 287 4.7= -1045 282 7.5= -189) 14 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) O'-. 0.0' -66/ 967V -73/ 85H 5,50' 1.03 OF 625 14'- 10.0' -77/ 956V -73/ 85H 5.50' 1,02 OF 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.03 DF/ 1.59 HF/ 1.52 SPF BRG @ 14'- 10.0' 1.02 OF/ 1.57 HF/ 1.50 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL.= -0.252' @ 21- 4.0' Allowed = 0.464' MAX OL DEFL.= •0.161' @ 6'- 2.5' Allowed = 0.696' YAX,TL.DEFL = 0.280' @ 2'- 4.0' Allowed = 0.698' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.181' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL.= 0.012' @ 0'- 5:5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = •0.020' @ 01- 5.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loadin (creepiin_the total load deflection.The building des gner shall verify that this fits with the intended use of this component. COND. 2: 200.00 P.LF DRAG LOAD. SHEARWALL 0.00 to 14:83 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind:' '0 mph, h=15ft TCOL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7=05, Enclosed, Cat./' Exp Ci MWFRS, Interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, TOu83 designed for rind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. r` 12 a 3.50 M -4x6 4 f M -2x4 M 2x s m _C c j1 O �r M -3x6 Z C? o n C o 1-- < M•4z6 =M 4x4 �i m boo Z1 7=05 �7 05 y <PLr10-00-12 _ - 14-10 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 1.6 PGA West - A26 C DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/11/201.3 SEQ.: 5756179 TRANS ID: 386544 WARNINGS: 1 Builder and erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes and Warnings before construct in commences. 2...2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown .. 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 4: No bad should be applied to any component until after all bradng and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than desigaloads be applied to any component.. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. 6. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPINVVCA In SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. MIT& USA, Inc./CompuTrus Soltware,7.6."P5(1L)-E 3 M -3x5 Scale: 0.3799 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual building component AppBeabilay of design parametersand proper Incorypration of component b the responsibeay of the butdlhg designer. 2. Dasign'essumes the top and bot oro chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c..and at 10' o.c: respectively unless braced throughout thew length by continuous sheatbIng such as plywood shealhIng(TC) and/or drywan(BC). 3. 2x Impact brdging or lateral bracing required where shown - + 4. Installation of truss Is the responsfolay, of the respective contractor. S. Design assumes. Misses am to be used In anon -corrosive environment, grid are ter'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full beafhg at all supports shown. Shim or wedge H necessary, 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of trues, and, placed so their center Imes coincide with joint ranter Ones. 6. Dig!Is hdlcate size of plate In Inches. 10. For baste connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITek) Ivan n r it III ' LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC:.2x4 OF B.IEBTR BC: '2x4 OF N18BTR WEBS: 2X4 OF R18BTR. TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'00: UON: BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12110C: UON'. LETINS: 1.00-00 0.00-00 Connector plate prefix des*Gnators: C,CN Cie CM18 (or- no preffz) CompuTrus, Inc 9,1128118, 18HS, 16 = M Tek YT series 0 0 ma M -3x4 4o - co O 0 1 < M -3z6 5PL:10-00- TRUSS SPAN .14'- 10.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20,0)+DLI 29.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD: 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD=50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET, BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12-06 5-03-05 6-03 12 3.80 v M-2x4 r -s1 ` r` ( „A1 -M-3x41 1 h n, Ell --1r 7-05 14-10�- 2.0" M -3x5 specs. - See approved plans JOB NAME: Britt 1 Sigf red :omp� lout - A2 Scale: 0.3840 s FABI :8 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX.MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/,Cq=1.00 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1-'2= -929 0 1-6=� 0) 1157 1-2=1-1282 - 0 Truss: 2 9- •1288 0 8.7: -15 2S7 3 8 462 10 9 4-1058 0 6-4i 0 828 b the raspohsiblaty of the erectoi: Additional permanent bracing of the overpn structure b the responsibility ofthe Wilding designer. 4-5 45 54 4-7= -651 0; 1. Installation of trios Is the responsibility of ere'respectWe-contractor. S. Design assumes trusses els to be used In a non-oorrosive environment, 7-5-- -163 0 BEARING MAX -VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 0''- 0.0' 0/ .750V .73/ 85H 5.50' 0.80 - &F 625 141• 10._0' 0/ 733V -73/ 85H 5.50' .0.78 OF 625 8. Plates smell be o/ placed so tamer Onescoincide with of p center lines. 8. Indicate size of plata irr Inches.vat BRG @ 0'- 0:0" 0.80 DF/ 1.24 HF/ 1.18 SPF BRG.@ 14'- 10,:0' 0.78 OF/ 1.21 HF/ 1.15 SPF ForDigitsb 10. For basic connector plate design valuesseeESR-131 t, ESR -1 988 (Mffek) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360; TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.087' @ 6'-- 2.5' Allowed '= 0.464' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.1.42' @ 6'- 2.5' Allowed 0:696' 2-04 MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.201' @ 6' - 2.5' Allowed : 0.696' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.142' 2-04 MAX,HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.005' @ 14'- S.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.013' @ 14"- 6.5' 12 Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, 11 a 3.50 Enclosed, Cat. Exp.C, I19RS, interior zone, load duration factor:t..8, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. M-45 Design checked fora 300, lb concentrated top chord 1*ve.load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers 4.0" which is non -concurrent' with other 'live loads. a� r M -2x4 M-2x4 r -s1 ` r` ( „A1 -M-3x41 1 h n, Ell --1r 7-05 14-10�- 2.0" M -3x5 specs. - See approved plans JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A2 Scale: 0.3840 WARNINGS GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A27 IL Builder and enation contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and isfor an Individual Truss: and Warnings before construction commences, building component. Applicablaty.of design parameters and prroper Incorporation of component bathe responsibility:of the building designer. - 2.,2x4 compression Web bracing must be Installed where shown.+. 9. Addalonal temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction 2• Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be literally braced et 2' o.c and at te' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their bnpel by DES. BY : AM DATE: 12/10/2013 b the raspohsiblaty of the erectoi: Additional permanent bracing of the overpn structure b the responsibility ofthe Wilding designer. continuous sheathing -such as plywood sheathing(TC) atWor drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bddgIq or lateral bracing required where shown + + SEQ. : '57551 30. 4. No bad should be applied to any component urdil,eaer all bra and fasteners are complete and it no time should any loads grealer than 1. Installation of trios Is the responsibility of ere'respectWe-contractor. S. Design assumes trusses els to be used In a non-oorrosive environment, - - TRANS I D :: 386461 design loads be applied to any component.. 5. CompuTrus has. no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and arc for'rdry condition+ of use. e. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown.. Shim or wedge it fabrication,handling, shipment and Installation of components. 8. This design Is furnished to the limitations set forlli by necessary.. 7. Design assumes adequate drsMege le p-rowded. lorated'on tech faces inose, erM their (IIII VIII ILII subject 7EIn vrCA In SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request 8. Plates smell be o/ placed so tamer Onescoincide with of p center lines. 8. Indicate size of plata irr Inches.vat IIIOI IIII VIII II II VIII IIII IIII - MITek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6:4-SP5(1 L) -E ForDigitsb 10. For basic connector plate design valuesseeESR-131 t, ESR -1 988 (Mffek) r; 0 co EXR�� LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF g16BTR BC: 2x4 OF p16BTR WEBSi'2x4.DF NIRBTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1.00-00 0-00-00 Steele or equal at non-structural vertical Inembers (uon). ** For hanger specs. : See approved plans Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design.. Connector plate prefix deTnators: C,C' C18,CN18 or no prefix) = Comp Trus, Inc M,M2OHS,M18HS, 16.= q Tek MT series 11E 12' 3.50- NOTE: .50v NOTE: TRUSS DESIGNED FOR WIND LOADS IN THE PLANE OF THE TRUSS ONLY. EXCEPTION: FOR EXTERIOR STUD CONOTTTON REFER TO COMPUTRUS STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL. rn1 Co m 0 0 1 1 I �a� I�a.Y ■aaJ aaY�=on 100001■.111001 .a�11��1�ar aaaa�•�/�1 TRUSS SPAN. 14'c 10.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0. O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIBITED.STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12-06 6-03 2-04 2-04 12 a 3.50 M -5x6 -2x4 /;ZY/o/f3 T Sigl Ired :Omp nput scale: u.3b24 -ago WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Wamings before construction commences. GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based onlyupon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual building cor ponem. Applicability of design parameters and proper Truss. 2x4 bracing be Installed where shown +. Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the bulling designer. ammem2. DES. BY: AM compression web must 3. AdMonet temporary bracing to hrsure aiabsny during corrstraawn 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at I(Y o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by 8-5= -168 14 BEARING Is the resptmslb y of the erector. Aedalonal pemtapent bracing ofcontinuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywiagMC). DATE: 12/10/2013 01- 0.01. the overall stricture Is me respommimy of the building designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ. : 5755131 g'- 5.5' 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 4. Installation of Miss is the,responslblmy of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non-conoshre environment, TRANS I D : 386461 dalign loads be applied to any component. S. ContpuTree,hae no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are for "dry cond.1 of use.. e. Design assunres Nn beering'at all supports shown. Shim or wedge H BRG @ 7"- 5.0' 1,10 DF1 1..70 HF/ 1.62 SPF fabrication, handling. shipment and Installation of components. B. This design Is furnished to the IhMellens set forth by necessary' 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided.a be locatedpon both feces truss, then BRG @ 14'- 10.0' t.15 DF/ 1.78 HFI 1.69 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.002' @ 121- 6.0' Allowed = 0.164' MAX.DL DEFL = -0.001' @ 121- 6.0' Allowed = 0.246' MAX TL DEFL = •0:003' @ 12'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.246' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)=-0.125' n EICSI, copies of TPIich win be furnished upon request. a. Plates shall of and placed so anter IN 111111111111111111111111111111111111 This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the M ek USA, Inc./Com uP Ttus Software 7.6.4-SPS(1E 9. Dlalb Indicate size of late in Inches. 10. Fo basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITek) /;ZY/o/f3 T Sigl Ired :Omp nput CBC20101IOC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2= -150 0 1-8=((( 0) 582 1-2=(-1254 673 2.3=l-688 74 6-7=1 Oj 135 3 ' a o757` 80 3-4= -883 674 7.8=(-46 195 6-4 1183 1130 4-5= -261 267 4-8= -1192 853 8-5= -168 14 BEARING MAX VERT YAX,HORI BRG REQUIRED BRG.LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE. INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.01. 0/ 529V 01 588H 113.50' 0.58 DF 625 7'- 5.0' -3471 1035V -7721 888H 113.50' 1.10 OF 625 g'- 5.5' 0/ 177V -908/ 741H 113:50' 0.19 OF 625 14'- 10.0' •6061 1080V -1751 49H 5.50' 1,15 OF ( 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.58 DF/ 0.87 HF/ 0.83 SPF BRG @ 7"- 5.0' 1,10 DF1 1..70 HF/ 1.62 SPF BRG @ 9'- 5.5' 0.19 DF/ 0.29 HF/ 0.28 SPF BRG @ 14'- 10.0' t.15 DF/ 1.78 HFI 1.69 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.002' @ 121- 6.0' Allowed = 0.164' MAX.DL DEFL = -0.001' @ 121- 6.0' Allowed = 0.246' MAX TL DEFL = •0:003' @ 12'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.246' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)=-0.125' MAX,HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.003' @ 14'- 6.5' MAX HORIZ'. TL DEFL = 0.006' @ 14'- 6:5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. GOND. 2: 200+00 PCF DRAG LOAD. SHEARWALL 0.00 t-0'14.83 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat. Exp .C, MWFRS, Un interior zone, load duration factor=1.6', , Truss designed for wind loads rz. in the plane of the truss only. 0 Ca M -2.5x4 or equal at non-structural diagonal inlets. Design checked for ,& 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per -IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is ,on-concurrent'with'other live loads. /;ZY/o/f3 r..rr nr �alll i ` LUMBERSPECIFICATIONS T sign TRUSS SPAN 5'; 10.0' ompl iput TC; 2x4 DF'g16BTR T r U S S :A29 and Warnings before construction cormnences. ,2. 2rA compression web bracing must be Installed where shown �. LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1:25 DES.. BY: AM BC: 20 OF M18BTR CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES .4WR/GDF/C =1..00 SPACED 24.0' O.C. oontWuous sheathing such as plywood shealhing(TC) and/or drywall(13C). &, 2x Impart brldging or lateral bracing required where shown'- - WEBS: '2x4 OF N16BTR 4. No Wad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 55 1-5=(-11) 277 1 2 =503) 195 - TRANS I D : 386461 design bad;',be applied to any component. 5: CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the LOADING -595 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <--'12'OC'. UON. -430)) LLC M 0 41. 23:0) ON TOP- CHORD = 43:0 PSF BC 'LATERAL SUPPORT z= 12.00.'UON. 3-.4= =179 L ON BOTTOM CHORD ,= 7.0 PSF -191 0 ' BEARING TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LETINS: 1-00-00 0.00-00 LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE .INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 388V -37/ 54H 5.50' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE .TO THE SPATIAL Connector plate prefix.desinators: 356V -37/ 54H 5.50' REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. C,CN C16 CN18 (or no prefix4 = CompuTrus, Inc 0.0' 0.41 DF/ 0.64 HF/ 0.61 SPF M,M26HS,68HS, 16 = M Tek MT series 10.0' 0.38 DF/ BOTTOY_CHORD:CHECKED FOR'tOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 0-11-11 1-11-05 2-11 12. 3.50 I- M -2x4 0 <PL:10-00-1'2 l,pproved 5-06.08 0-03-08 Mill JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA.West - A29 VERTICAL DEFLECTION_ LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.012' @ 21, 10.5' Allowed = :0.164' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.007' @ 2'- 10.5' Allowed = 0:246' MAX TL DEFL = -0.017' @ 2'-.10.5' Allowed.= 0:246' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)=-0.017' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL.= 0:001' @ 5'- 6.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL 0.002' @ 5'- 6.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loadingg (creep in the total Toad deflection. The building des �aanar shall verify that this parameter fits with'the intended use of this component. COND. 2: 100.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. SHEARWALL 0.00 to 5.83 w NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER `* Wind: "mph h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat Exp Exp. C,, taWFRS, N' interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a,300 lb concentrated top chord_ live load per IBC 2009. due. to' maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. T sign red', ompl iput 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters _shown and is for an Individual T r U S S :A29 and Warnings before construction cormnences. ,2. 2rA compression web bracing must be Installed where shown �. bulldinp component: Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building desi?ner. DES.. BY: AM 3. Additional,temporary bredag to Insure stability.dudng construction erector. Additional bradrlg CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES .4WR/GDF/C =1..00 N the reaponsibllily of the pertnerrard of the overall structure Is the responsibillly of the building designer. oontWuous sheathing such as plywood shealhing(TC) and/or drywall(13C). &, 2x Impart brldging or lateral bracing required where shown'- - 1-2-i-831 4. No Wad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 55 1-5=(-11) 277 1 2 =503) 195 - TRANS I D : 386461 design bad;',be applied to any component. 5: CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the 2-3 -595 46 3-5 - -430)) 144 a: both Plates 5ltall Daloeered on bent faces of tons; and placed so 1heU center shall de Hes coincide with Iobe cellar fiDighs.nes Ones. IIIIII VIII VIII VIII II VIII VIII IIIb IIIb 3-.4= =179 178 5 4= -191 0 ' BEARING MAX VERT MAX'HORZ SRO REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE .INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 388V -37/ 54H 5.50' 0.4,1 OF 625), 51- 10.0' 0/ 356V -37/ 54H 5.50' 0.98 DF 625 1 BRG @. 0'- 0.0' 0.41 DF/ 0.64 HF/ 0.61 SPF BRG @ 5'- 10.0' 0.38 DF/ 0.59 HF/ 0.56 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION_ LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.012' @ 21, 10.5' Allowed = :0.164' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.007' @ 2'- 10.5' Allowed = 0:246' MAX TL DEFL = -0.017' @ 2'-.10.5' Allowed.= 0:246' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)=-0.017' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL.= 0:001' @ 5'- 6.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL 0.002' @ 5'- 6.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loadingg (creep in the total Toad deflection. The building des �aanar shall verify that this parameter fits with'the intended use of this component. COND. 2: 100.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. SHEARWALL 0.00 to 5.83 w NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER `* Wind: "mph h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat Exp Exp. C,, taWFRS, N' interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a,300 lb concentrated top chord_ live load per IBC 2009. due. to' maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1: Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters _shown and is for an Individual T r U S S :A29 and Warnings before construction cormnences. ,2. 2rA compression web bracing must be Installed where shown �. bulldinp component: Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building desi?ner. DES.. BY: AM 3. Additional,temporary bredag to Insure stability.dudng construction erector. Additional bradrlg 2 Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally. braced at :y_o.C..a_nd alAO'-o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lerrgxdttt�I by DATE: 12/ib/201'3 N the reaponsibllily of the pertnerrard of the overall structure Is the responsibillly of the building designer. oontWuous sheathing such as plywood shealhing(TC) and/or drywall(13C). &, 2x Impart brldging or lateral bracing required where shown'- - 4. No Wad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss B the responsibility of the respective contractor. SM. : 5755132 fasteners are complete and at no time should any toads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses ere to be used W a non -corrosive environment, "dry - TRANS I D : 386461 design bad;',be applied to any component. 5: CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and am for condrdon' of use. 8. Design assumes fun bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge s fabrication. ation. handling, shipment and installation of components. k forth by necessary' 7. Design eIs vied. � 11I'I S. This design furnished subject fo the limitations set TPI/WTCA W SCSI, copies ofwhich will be furnished upon request. a: both Plates 5ltall Daloeered on bent faces of tons; and placed so 1heU center shall de Hes coincide with Iobe cellar fiDighs.nes Ones. IIIIII VIII VIII VIII II VIII VIII IIIb IIIb MTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E 9: Wtic site of late In inches. to. For basic connector pate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITeq LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF k16BTR BC: 20 OF B16BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF B16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT 5= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. LETINS: 1-00-00 0-00.00 Connector plate prefix designators: Cy CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M2b-HS,1IISHS, 16 = MiTek MT series 0-11-11. 1-1.1-05 n 3.50 U-__ TRUSS SPAN 5' 10.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.:25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL 23:0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF 6L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED -FOR 1OP8F'LIVE;LOAO. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 2-11 M -2x4 5=06=08 0-03-08 5-10 <PL:10-00-1.2 Inn n(AnAP' Rr.i tt onai'donra _ I nt 1A PrA Watt . Ann O p l Sig! red :olnp 1put FABF-- ---- ---S (' _ - - CBC2010/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WRy0DF/Cq=1.00 1.2= -62 25 1.5=(-11) 277 1 2 -412) 0 2-3=1-3351 0 3.6=1908) '1 3-4= 31 SO 5-4= 191) 0 ' BEARING MAX VERT- MAX HONZ BAG REQUIRED BRG ,LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE, INCHES (SPECIES 0'- 0:0' 0/ 388V -371 54H 5.50 0.41OF-J,6625 1 5'- 10.0, 0/ 356V -971 54H 5:50' 0:98 OF 25 BRG @ 011- 0:0" 0.41,DF/ 0:84 HFI 0.81 SPF' BRG.@ 5'- 10:0' 0.38 DF/ 0.59 HF/ 0:58 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.008' @ 2'- 10.5' .Allowed 0.164' MAX DL CREEP DEFL 0.007' @ 2'- 10.5' Allowed = 0.246' MAX TL DEFL = -0.013' @ 2'= 10.5' Allowed = 0.246' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)=-0.017' MAX.HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.001' @ 5'. 6.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.002' @ 5'- e:5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation,for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer' shall, Verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.1603 BCDL=4.2„ ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Citi EXp.C, �IWFR3, interior .zone load duration-factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a SOO lb concentrated top chord live load per ISC 2009 due•ti maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. tacew OR �4 WARNINGS 1. Wer and emotion contractor should be of all General Notes GENERAL NOTES; unless otherwise noted: 1. This is based .onlyppl upon the parameters, shown and ' Individual A302. end compress construction races.adAsed an "' can bullding comp onentponen ablllly of design parameters end proper building co Truss: t be hewn on De Inetatied inconporallon w component k the respomibiltty of the,bulkllnp d aner. 2x4 compression web rising must we udng c ti 3. Additional terrmorery Orating to Insure stelrillty dudris construction 2 Dealgn assumes the lop and bottom Chords to be laterally braced of '2 DES : BY: AM Is the responsibillty of tie erector. Additional permanent bracing of o.c. and et ta' o,c. respectively unless bre`ced throughout their length by continuous sheaMing such as plywood sheathtng(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE,: 12/10/2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the buildhq designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or, lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any Component until after an bracing and 4. Installation,of truss' lithe resposibiltiy of the respective contractor. SEQ :: 5755133 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greeter then 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non -corrosive environment, "dry TRANS I D : 386461 deslpn.loads be applied to any component. S. compuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are for condition' of use. 9. Design assumes lull beating n an supports shown. Shim or wedge n - - fabrication. handling, shipment and Installation of componems: Is furnished to the Ihneatlens forth by n�sary' 7. Design assumes adequate drainage l0 truss, . Donrfeees of truss, so their center e. This design subject set TPII, coples of which will be furnished upon nt end placed 8. Plates 3halllre boatedVon a lines coincide with joint center lines. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 MTe US In lnnccS/CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L}E F. A9. . OwabasNidc co connector rplete design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MRek) tacew OR �4 tacit 11'1 II IIII LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC_' i 2x4 OF #18BTR SC: 20 OF.#18BTR WEBS: 20 OF #16BTR Te LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION. LETINS: 0-00-00 1.00.00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18 CN18 Ur no prefix) f! CompuTrus, Inc M,M2bHS, 1SH$, 16 = M TO series <) TRUSS SPAN, 2'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM -CHORD = 7.0.PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING NET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD, TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12 v 3.50 M -2x4 2-00 <PL:10-00-12 I " 9 I 9 rnn. RIAAAC • Qr•i ++ Qnei rinnna _ I nt 1 A P(:A Wact _ All 9 T'- ' - '-Sign red olnpi "lput ' S _ FABF S (. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05; Enclosed, Cat. Exp.C, WRS; interior zone, load duration factor=1.8, Truss designed for wind loads ' in the plane of the truss only. Note:Trusa desiggn requires continuous bearing wall for entire s'p'an LION. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. orals; U.100i Truss . A3 DES. BY: AM WARNINGS: Y. Bulkier and erection contractor should be advised of all General Moles and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x1 compression web bredng must be installed where shown +. 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction is the responslbAlty of the ereotoi. Addhlonal perinanerd bracing of GENERAL NOTES: edonl upon 1. This design b Dosed only upon the parameters shown and b for an Individual building component. Appllrablllly of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. :p Design. assumes the top and bodom chords to, be laterally braced at 7 o:c: and at 10' o.c. respectively unless bracd throughout their Ion plh by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(M) and/or drywan(BC). DATE • 12/102013 SEQ. : .5755134 TRANS I D : 386462 II II IIIISI VIII VIII (IIII rylll (IIII VIII IIII IIII the overallstructure 6 the "iesponslbilxy, of the building designer.. 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after all bredng and fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greater than design loads be applied to any component., s. corn Trus has no control over end assumes no onsibllhy for the Pu. resp fabrication, handling. shipment and installation of components.. S. This design Is furnished subject to the. limitations' set forth by TPINVlCA In SCSI, copies of which coal be furnished upon request. MTek.USA, Inc./CompuTrus.SoUsire 7.6.4.SP5(1 Q -E 3. 2x imppaact bridging oclaleral bracing requiredwhere shown . + 4. Instal of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non-cormelve environment, and are for 'dry condition" of Use. e. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge t necessary. 7, Design. assumes adequate drainage is provided. 9. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center lines coincide with nt 9. Digits indicate sizeofplate In Inches. 10. For basic connedor plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (Mfrek) T'- ' - '-Sign red olnpi "lput ' S _ FABF S (. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05; Enclosed, Cat. Exp.C, WRS; interior zone, load duration factor=1.8, Truss designed for wind loads ' in the plane of the truss only. Note:Trusa desiggn requires continuous bearing wall for entire s'p'an LION. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 1111 1 t LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF N1f1BTR BC:2x4 OF ##&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF N18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 140-00 1.00-00 Connector plate prefix deal nators: C,ON C18�CN1B for no prefigx = Cor4arus, Inc M,M2bFI-, 1BHS, 16 = MiTek MT series. LO 0 0 0 M TRUSS SPAN 16'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE-= 1.25 SPACED 24.0'O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM.CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. T• sign - --red _ omp iput S FABF 5 (' CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2= -275 0 1.6=(0) 1071 1.2=1.1262) 0 2-3=(-1217 0 6-5= 0 1071 6-3=1,. OI 307 3.4= -1217 0 4-5=(-1262))))) 0 ' 4.5= -275 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ BOOV -47/ 47H 5.50' 0.85 SF 625 161- 0.0' 0/ 800V -47/ 47H 5.50' 0.85 OF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.85 OF/ 1.32 HF/ 1.25 SPF BRG @ 16'- 0.0' 0.85 DF/ 1.32 HF/ 1.25 SPF 8.00 8-00 D 11-11 7-00-05 7-00-05 0-11-11 12 12 3.50 U--- a 3.50 I'M -4x4 1/11 RIAAAC - 12r%4++ Dnlr,4'r'Innrn _ I n+ 1 R D(:A iAhme+ _ A47 .,..y re. v.. r.. ... �. r...+.+r.........., .... .. _ ___ _- ucaie: u.aoer WARNINGS _ GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. - Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design b based only upon the parameters shown and is for an Individual Truss : and Wamings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bredrrg must be Installed where shown �. building component. Applicability of design parameters and =rI incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building, .P. Da In aswrrns the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced al DES. BY: AM 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability construction Is the responsibility or the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 2"o.c. end a< 10' ox. respectively unless braced throughout their lenrqgtNh by continuous sheathing sue as plywood aheathing(TC) andfor drywelt(BQ). DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure is the responsibitily of the building designer. 3. '2x Impact bddging orlateral bracing required where shown {+ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installatbn of Truss is me responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5 755135 fasteners,are complete and it no thne should'sny bads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non -corrosive environment, and are for 'dry condition' of use. TRANS I D : 386462 design mads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the S. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If - ,labrleatlon, lab. Ics Ion,hemllhq, shipment and Installation tion of components. 7. Deslgn assumes adequate drainage is provided. G. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by B. Platebe boate�dy-on troth faces of wss, and placed so their center MINI VIII VIII 1111111111111111111111111 TPifWTCA In I. copies of which will be furnished upon request. Mrrek wlnclde With joint oenterlines. 0. n ct rplatetdensgnhvalued EBR ESR USA, Inc.S/Co puT s Software 7.6.4SP5(1 1Ones For bbasicloD see -1311, -1988 (MITelg VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = •0.106' @ 8'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.503' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.077' @ 8'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.754' MAX TL DEFL = -0.157' @ B'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.754' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.077' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL.= 0.008' @ 15'- 6.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.021' @ 15'- 6.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCOL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat./t Exp.C, fdWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1:8, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 0 m 0 EXR.6i�114 11111 II 11 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC; 20 OF 210OF BC: 20 OF g16BTR WE6S: 20 OF 1116BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. LETINS: 1-00.00 1-00-00 Connector plate prefix. deei�natora: C;CN 018 CN18 !or no prefix) = CoropuTrus, Inc M,M29S,i18HS; 16 = M Tek MT series Im 8-00 TRUSS SPAN 16'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1:25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20,0)+DL(( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD -= 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50:0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 4-00-14 W 4x5. 4-00-14 8-00 BEARING LOCATIONS 0'- 0.0 16'- 0.0 -11-07 12 a 3.50 T sigr red Onipi Iput Srr cv rABR..,, .S ('.rn) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cy=1.00 1- 2=( -526) 144 1 8=j0J 1194 1- 2=(-1970) 411 2- 3 149 6)) 0 8- 7= 0 1194 3- 8=(r 1078 970, 3- 4= -1280 0 B. 4=( 0) 299 4- 5= -.1280 0 8- 5=(('-1078 970 5 6=(=14961 0 6- 7= -1970 411 6- 7= -526 144 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0/ 944V -47/ 47H 5.50" 1.01 OF ( 625) 0/ 944V -47/ 47H 5.50' 1.01 W( 525 BRG @, 0'- 0.0' 1.01 DF/ 1.55 HF/ 1,.48 SPF BRG @ 16'- 0.0' 1.01 DF/ 1.55 NF/ 1,48 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0,082' @ 3' 10:6' Allowed = 0.509' MAX DL DEFL = •0:282' @ 12'- 1.4' Allowed = 0.754' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.228' @ 8'- 0:0' Allowed = 0:754' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.262' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.009" @ 15'- 6.5' MAX f(ORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.023"@ 15'- 6._5' - O COND. 2: 280.00 PLF DRA.00 to to18.O16. SNEAgWALL 0.00 00 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN.ASSUMES UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13,8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat. Exp.C, 9FRS, terior zone, load duration factor=l.8, ties designed for wind loads the plane of the truss only. checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord ad per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers s non -concurrent with other live loads. InR MAW: a Rri tt Raci Hanna I nt 1 A P(;A Wact _ A11 i� 0 CO 0 0 NACDOW memo i Z/�o�I3 WARNINGS3: 1. BWlaer end erectlun corrector should be advised of all General Notes Warnings before construction GENERAL design is b unless otherwise noted: 1. This dasigih is based only upon the parameters shown and fsfor an Individual building component. Applicability of design parameters end proper Truss: Ind commences. brectrhp be installed *. Incorporation of component h the responsmlllty of the building ddeesall g 2. 2x4.eompresslon web must whero shown 2 Design assumes the top and bonam chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during conaWctlon 7 0.0, and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by Is the responsibility ofthe erector. Additional permanent bracing of continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(SC). DATE' 12/10/2013 the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. bt Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ. : 5755136 a. No food should be applied to any component until after en bracing and fasteners are complete and allno time should any loads greater than 4. Installation or truss is the responsibility of mve e mspec8contractor. 5. Design assumes susses are to be used In a non-conostve environment, TRANS I D : 386462 design loads be applied to any cginponem. 5. CompgTrus has no control over and assumes no responsid0ly for the and aro for "dry condition' of use. S. Design assumes fun bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if fabrication handling, Shlpmeril ehMinstenallon 01 components. 9.. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by necessary. 7, Design assumes etlequate drainage is provdetl: E. Plates shall be located on both feces of tmss, and placed so their center 1II1I TPIM?CA M BCSI, copies o<whidm will be furnished upon request Dies coincide with gid center lines. IIIIII VIII VIII VIII II IIID VIII IIII IIII II II MTek USA, Inc./CompuTfus Software 7.6.4-SPS(1 L}E g. Digits indicate size of plate In inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek) i� 0 CO 0 0 NACDOW memo i Z/�o�I3 Iaan 1111 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS. TC: 20 OF #18BTR BC: 20 OF #1dBTR WEBS: 2x4 OF MIBBTR Te LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 -'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <-12.00, UON. ---- NOTE 2x4 BRACING AT 24 OC UON FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED LETINS: 1-00-00 1-00-00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18'CNIB for no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M;M26HSiilBHS,1116 = MiTek NT series B-00-00 HIP SETBACK 3-10-08 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE= 1.25 (Non -Rep) LOADING TC UNIF, LL( 40.0)+DL( 48.0)-. 86.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 3'-, 10.5' V TC UNIF LL l(( 58.81))+DL((( 87.6 - 12$.3 PLF 3''- 10.5' TO C- 1.5' V TC'UNIF LL 40.0 +DL 46.0 = 86.0 PLF 4'- 1:5" TO 8'- 0.0' V BC UNIF LL 0.0 +DL 20.6 = 20.6 PLF 0' 0.0' TO 81- 0.0' V TC GONG LL� 74.3 +DL� 85,4;= 159.7 LBS @ 4'- 10.5' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND'BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 3-10-03 0-03-10 3-10-03 0-11-11 2-10-08 0-03-11-0 2-10-08 0-11-11 1 12 159.,70# 19 11 3.501 159.70# a 3.50 M -5x6 M -7x6 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A34 Truss: 1 IN DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755.13.7 TRANS ID: 386462 WARNINGS: 1. Builder and emotion contractor should be advised of an General Notes and Wami gs before oonstmctton commences. 2. 2x4 compresslon web bracing must be Installed where shown +. 3. Additional temporary tracing to Insure stability during construction Is the responsibility of the erector: Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure Is the responsibility,of.the building designer. 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no lime should any bads greater than design bads be applied to any component. 5: CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrlrelion, handling, shipment and Installation of components. 6. Thk design Is furnished Subject to the &rdlalions set forth by TPIM MA In SCSI, copies of which w0 be furnished upon request. MTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Sohwrere.7.6.4-SP5(1L)-E Scale: 0.5558 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This deslpn S based only upon the parameters Shown and is for an Individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component is the responsibilityof the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced M T nit. arid at to o.e: respecf %vy unless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or dryr_rall(SC). 3. 2x Impact bridging -or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility %the ,re Clive contractor. S. Design aSuntes trusses are to be used n a ner=rroslve environment; and ars- for *dry condition' of use. S. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. S. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss. and placed an their center lines coincide with joint center tares. 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in inches. 10. For basic connector plate design valves see ESR -731 t; E6R-1986 (MITep VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.037' @ 4'- 1.5' Allowed = 0.236' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.082` @ -4'- 1.5' Allowed = 0.354' MAX TL CREEP DEFL Ori19' @ 4'- 1.5' Allowed_ = 0:354' RECOMMENDED CAMBER,(BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.082' MAX.HORIZ. LL DEFL 0,003' @ 7'- 6.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.007' @ 7'- 6.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCOL=13.6 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat./1 Exp.0 4WFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5" MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. T sigf red :Dmp Iput CBC2010/IBC2OO9 MAX.MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1. 2= =179 0 1- 7=((0) 714 1-:2= •855) 0 2- 9=(-798 0 7- 8=(O� 821 7- 3- 78 . 3. 4=(((•895 0 8. 6= 0 812 7 .32) 4= 17 159 4. 5=(-889 0' 4 8= •71j 19 5- 6= -227 0 5 6-- -912 0 BEARINGMAX VERT MAX HORZ BRO REOUIRED 8RG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0'- 0.0' 01 591V -26/ 26H 5.50' 0.63 F 625) 81- 0.0' OI 591V -261 26H 5.50' 0.63 OF 625) 1 BRA @ 0'- 0.0' 0.63 DF./ 0.97•HF/ 0.93 SPF BRG @ 8'- 0.0' 0.63 DF/ 0.97 HFI 0.93 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.037' @ 4'- 1.5' Allowed = 0.236' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.082` @ -4'- 1.5' Allowed = 0.354' MAX TL CREEP DEFL Ori19' @ 4'- 1.5' Allowed_ = 0:354' RECOMMENDED CAMBER,(BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.082' MAX.HORIZ. LL DEFL 0,003' @ 7'- 6.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.007' @ 7'- 6.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCOL=13.6 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat./1 Exp.0 4WFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5" MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. POP- nnnnn LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF A18BTR BC: 2x4 OF H13BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. SC LATERAL SUPPORT r_ 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1-00.00 1=00.00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18 CNIB (or no prefix)"= CompuTrus, Inc MiM26HS,k18HS,,16 = MiTek _ _ series TRUSS SPAN 8'- 0.0' LOAVOURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0. D.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY, 4.00 4-00 0-11-11 3-00-05 12 3.50 1:::- I.I M -4x4 34. 0 ' M -3x4 6 M -3x6 M -2x4 4-00 :15-00-12 8-00 3-00-05 0-11-11 12 a 3.50 T :igr red olnpl put CBC20101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF1Cq=1.00 1-2=-97 2--3=I.477 0 6.5= 0) 396 6.3=j 0) 125 3-4= -47.7 0 4-5=((-547) 0 4-5= -97 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES ((SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ '458V -23/ 23H 5.50' 0.49 OF 625 8'- 0:0' 0/ 458V -23/ 23H 5.50' 0.49 DF ! 625 BRG @. 0'- 0.0' 0.49 DF/ 0.75 HF/ 0.72 SPF BRG @ B'- 0.0' 0.49 DF/ 0.75 HF/ 0.72 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:.LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.014' @ 4'- 0:0' Allowed = 0.236' MAX DL DEFL = -0.032' @ 4'- 0.0" Allowed = 0.354' MAX TL CREEP DEFL - -0.036' @ 4'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.354' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL) 0.032' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.001' @ 7'- 6:5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.004' @ 7'- 6.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed,. Cat.�1 Exp.C, �IWFRS, interior zone; load duration factor=1:6r Truss designed for wind loads in the plane; of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. IAD KIAAAC ° 00+4 ++ Desi rinnno _ I n+ 1 R Df_A Milne+ A4r, ...... r.r....�. .r. �.. r....+.r,------ scale: U.btai WARNING5S GENERAL NOM - unless otherwise noted: I s Builder end erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual Truss: end Warnings batons construction commences. building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper inccrporatlun or eu niponent is the responsibility a the building designer. 2.. 2x1 compression web Gracing must be Instaned where shown +. 3. Addxlunel temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords lobe laterally braced at 2' o.c. and al fly o.c. respectively unless braced throughout thatr length by DES. BY: AM ts the respoi slDlifty orthe erector. Additional pemunenl bracing of 'oath uous sheathing such as plywood shealhhrg(TC) and/or drywan(BC). DATE' 12/10/2013 the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing requlred where shown ++ SEQ. : 5755138 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners erecomplete and at no time should any loads greater than 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respedNe contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 386462 design loads be applied to any component. S. Compu7rus has no control over and assumes no responsibnity for the and are furdry condition' of use. e. Design assumes lull bearing at an supports shown. Shim or wedge If fabrication; handl shipment and Installation of components. m9. e. This design is furnished to the limitations forth by necessary' 7. Design aswmes adequate dressage h provided. their center subject set In copies ofwhlch will be furnished upon TPIIII�I e- Plates shall be located on both laces o/= and placed so coincide with center Ones. IIIII IIIII IIIII ��I VIII IIIA�I ISI USA, nc.fCompuT 9. Digits Indicate size of Plate In Inches. Forbaaldconnectorples IA MITek s Software 7.6."P5(1L){SI, 10. plate design values see ESR -1911, ESR -tees (MITeIQ meow /ZI/o/I8 nnnnl LUMBER. SPECIFICATIONS 18-01-08 HIP CG SETBACK 8-00.00 FROM END WALL TC: 2x4,DF NIBBTR;. LOAD -DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) 2x6 OF SS T2 BC: 2x6 OF SS- 20 OF NIIBTR B4 LOADING TC UNIF LL 40.0 +DL 46.0 = 86.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 8'- 0.0' V WEBS: 2x4 OF #16BTR TC UNIF LL � 100.0 +DL 115.0 = 215.0 PLF' 8'- 0.0' .TO 10'- 1.5' V TC UNIF LL 40.0 +DL 46.0 = 86.0 PLF 10'.- 1.5' TO 18'- 1.5' V TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. LION. BC UNIF LLi O:0 +DL 14.0 = 14.0 PLF 0''- 0.0' TO 8'- 0.0' V BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION. BC UNIF LL 0.0 +DL 1+DL 35.0 = 35.0 PLF 8'- 0.0' TO 10'- 1.5' V BC.UNIF LL 0.0 14.0 = 14.0 PLF 10'- 1.5' TO 18'- 1.5' V NOTE: 20 BRACING AT 24'OC UON. FOR BC CONC LL( 373.-3 +DL 560.0)= 933.3,LBS @ 8^- 0.0' ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED BC CONC LL'( 373.3+DL( 560.0)= 933.3 LBS @ 101- 1.5' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY. DUE TO THE SPATIAL M -2x4 where shown; Jts:2,5,700,12,15 REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. Connector plate prefix desi nators: = C,CN 118 CN18 ((or no prefix CompuTrus, Inc 0-03_109 M,M2bHS,�IIBHS,M16 = MiTek M series 7-11-11 2=00.10 7-11-11 3-10-12 3-03-12 1.02-08-03-12 4-01.09 249-14 1-01.12 12 3.50 F-- M -3x6 M-20 12 a 3.50 M -12x14 M -12x14 4 5 M -2x4 = M -4-x10 C; j = 9 -1 - v - ? = MHS -1000 1 g a M-20 M-20 `1 Ce M-406 = MHS -10210 M-6214. M -2x4 <D � �933.30H 933.30# 3 a 3.50 <PL:12-06-00 12 3-10-12 3-05-08 0-09-04 1-09 0-09-04 3-06-02 I. L L - 8-01-08 1-09 7-03 17-01-08 0 .L 18-00 0 JOB NAME: Britt. Residence - Lot 16 PGA West A36 Truss:: 1-%Q 1 DES. BY.: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755139 TRANS ID: 386462 WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor shouldbeadvised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction cornmences. 2. 2x4 compression web ereaito must be installed whom shown +. 3. Additional temporary bracing to insure stabllay during construction Ia the responsibility of the erector: Additional permanentbracing of the overall structure Is the responslbillly of the building designer. 4. No load should be applied io any component until after all bracing and fosleners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loeds.be applied to arty component. 5. CompuTnu has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. S. This design is fumished subject to the limitations set forth by TPWyrCA MUM; copies of which wig be fumistied upon request. MTek USA, Inc:/CompuTrus Software 7,6.4-SP5(1 y -E -2x4 M -4x10 T sigr, red olgp tput FABF._.... ... S (-, CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=.1.00 1. 2= -3815 0 10-1.1= -48 93 10. 1= -1847 0 '14. 6= 0 4018 2- 3= -3771 0 11-12= 0 6996 1.11= 0 3642 6-15= 55 21 , 3- 4= ,8374 0 12-13= 0 7084 2.11= •251 11 6-16= •4369 0 4- 5= -8333 0 13-14= 0 8475 11. 3= -3865 0 16- 7= -259 9 5- 6= •8270 0 14=15= 0 7172 12. 3= -265 0 16-. 8= 0 3181 6. 7= -3257 0 15-16= 0 6895 3.13= 0 4032 8.18= •2096 0 7- 8 -3284 0 16=17= •36 127 13- 4= •514 0 17-18= -6 49 8- 9= 0 66 4-14= •240 1 18. 9= -62 31 5.14= •641 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRA. REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS. REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 1881V -89/ 56H 5.50' 2.01 OF ( 625 18'- 1.5' 0/ 2117V -89/ 56H 12:00' 2.26' OF ( 625 BRG'@ 0'- 0.0' 2.01 DF/ 3.10 HF/ 2.95 SPF BRG @ 18'- 1.5' 2.26 DF/ 3.49 HF/ 3.32 SPF =3x4 cm -1 CM 5x1;4' 4 r 14 1.7. q - • 1� 0` > Pb: 1,3f 00-14 12 G �� 67 09-145i1,0142 a or ' "o=Bio=o18 Scale: 0.2839 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: t. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an'Ind WEual building component Applicability of design parameters and proper rncorporatlon of component Is the responsibility of the br111dlrhp designer. 2. Des a assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout heirlerntpthh by continuous sheathing eadias plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of.tmss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes busses are to be used In e noncorrosive environment, and are for'idry condi0on' of use. 9. Design assumes full bearing at an supports shown. Shim or Waage n necessary. - 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. S. Plates shall be roosted o = faces of truss, and placed so Meir center Ones coincide with joint center lines. 9. Digits Indicate size of plate In laches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311. ESR -1988 (Mrrelh) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL 0:,157. 0 ' 8'- 5:0' Allowed = 0.556' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.354' @ 8'- 5.0' Allowed = 0:833' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.511' @ 8'- 5.0' Allowed = 0.833' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.354' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.108' @ 16'- 11.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.271' @ 16'- 11.8' Wind: 80 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13;8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat:/ Eip.C, MWFRS, interior zone load duration factor=1:8, Truss designeb for wind loads in the plane of the:truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. SINGLE MEMBER' AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5' MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. o HANGER BY OTHERS: 0 0 0 MISS if I n IIII LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF M16BTR BC: 2x6 OF SS WEBS: 20 OF N16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL,SUPPORT r_ 12'OC. UON. •• For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 for no pretiil = CompuTrus, Inc N,M20HS, 8HS, 16 = M Tek MT series 10.10-12 CORNER GIRDER SETBACK,640.00 FROM -END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) LOADING TC UNIF LL BC UNIF:LL1 110.0;+DL� 141.1`= 241.1 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 10'- 10.7' I LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE ,LOADSACT',NON-CONCURRENTLY.. 5-08-14 12 2.47 - 5-03-10 L M -3x5 0 1 v - C, 0 N 6 M -3x5 M -2x4 �5 -2.47 12 5-05-06 5-07-02 l � PL:12-06-00 12-08 M -2x4 TI -ign -ed mnpL put SI - ABR-- - ' (J CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1,00 1-2= :•1358 92 5=8=� -41 88 5-1= -509) 67 3.7=(-822) 92 2-3=1 -105 66 6-7= -.121 1403 1-6= 79� 1305 3-4= -110 48 6.2= -339 120 2-7= -1351) 107 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 01'• 10.0' .85/ 531V. -93/ 42H 7,75' 0.57 �F j 825 111- 0.5' -82/ 1364V 0/ OH 3.50' 0:51 OF 1782 12'- 8.0' •282/ 6V -93/ 42H 1.50' 0.01 OF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.57 DF/ 0.87 HFI 0.89 SPF BRG @ 11'- 0.5' 1..45 DF/ 2.25 HF/ 2.14 SPF BRG @ 12'- 8.0' 0.01 DF/ 0.01 HF/ 0.01 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DER = •0.044' @ 5"- 8.5' Allowed = 0.342' MAX,DL DEFL = 4.031' @ 51- 8.5' Allowed = 0.512' 1-07-08, MAX TL.CREEP OEFL = •0.056' @ 5': 8.5' Allowed = 0.512' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0:034' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.005' @ 11'- 0.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.006' @ 11'- 0.5' >PL:16-09-06 Wind: 90 mph, .h=l5ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, W o T C X 0 C ` �- _-� L71190 1 Enclosed, Cat./! Exp,C, VWfRS, interior -zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. > Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord m live load per IBC 2009 due.to maintenance workers Co which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N C ,I - JOB NAME, Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A37 Z n-;-jBCB1e:6f0.42G2 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 74 Truss : 7A3 1.- Builder and erection contractor should, be advised of. all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 1. This design Is based onl)Lupon the parameters shown and is'for anindividual building component. Appllcabnity`of design pararnsters-pnd r d Incorporation is the responsibility ortlie ba1dh-� 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown a. or component ."ner. 2 Daslgn assumes the top and bottom chords to, be laterally braced d DES. BY: AM 3. Additional temporary bradrrg to Insure stability duNip construction is the responsibility or the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 7,o.c.,and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenptlt by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheauting(Tc) and/or drywaa(BC). DATE: 12 / 10 / 2013the overall structure Is the responsibility or the building designer. 4. No load should be appilad to any component until after all bracing and 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the,respective contractor. SEQ.: 575514o fasteners are complete and at no Urns should any bads greater than 5. Design assumes tresses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, and are for *dry condition' of use. TRANS I D : 386462 design bads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus hes no control over and assumes no responsibility for the 6- Design assumes full bea ft at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. S. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set tote by 7. De i wines adequate drairrage.is,provided. 8. Plates shell be located on bulli faces V=td d placed so their canter IIIIII VIII (IIII VIII 11111111111111 III (IIII VIII IIII IIII TPUWfCA m SCSI: espies of whim will be Furnished upon request. MTek USA, Irtc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SF5(1 L) -E Mas coincide withofjoint center. Mee. 9. Dress indicate side of plate to Mmes. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITeIQ testi 11 l 11 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF N16BTR BC: 20 OF A16BTR WEBS: 20 OF A16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12.0C. LION. Connector plate.prefix designators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus; Inc M,M26 , 18HS, 16 = MiTek "aeries u) N If%D @I ARAE - 01^4 ++ Dec 4 Annnc M TRUSS SPAN 1'- 11.7' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL('20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.O.PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7,0'PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET;. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12 3.50 1--- T sigr red omp Iput CBC2010/I802009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/ODF/Cq=1.00 1.2=(-53) 56 3-4'(-6) 8 1-3=(-151) 19 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' -241 162V -501 48H 5.50' 0.17 DF625 i"- 8.9' -9/ 31V 0/ OH 5:50' 0.03 OF 625 625 1'- 11.7' -26/ 179V -501 48H 1.50' 0.19 OF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0:0' 0.17 OF/ 0.27 HF/ 0.25 SPF BR6 @ 1'- 8.9' 0,03,DF/ 0.05 HF/ 0.05 SPF BRG @ 1'- 11.7' 0.,19 DF/ 0.30 HFI 0,28 SPF' I n+ i R Df3A IAlcet _ A3A V V V 111"ITI V1 - 16 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES,. unless otherwise noted: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design,is based only upon tKa paranxters shown and Is for an Individual Truss:A3 82. and Warnings before construction commences, 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. building component. Applicability of design paremeters end proper Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building Aesianer. 3. Additional lenryorary bracing to Insure stability during construction .Z Design assumes,the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced'st T o.c. and at I G ox. reepedWely unless braced throughout their lengptthh by DES. BY: AM Is the;respo'lisibnity of the, erector. Additional permanent bracing of continuous sheathing such as, plywood sheathfng(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3' 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be appy to any component untti after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5755141 fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, "dry TRANS I D : 386462 design bads be applied to any component.end 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes rig responsibility for the are far condition' of use: S. Design assumes fun bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If handling, shipment end Installation of components. fabrication, handl' e. This design Is furnished subject to the timnetions set forth by necessary; )" Design assumes aGequete dralnepe is provided. a: Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their comer 1IIII 1IIII TPIAMm CA SCSI, copies of which will los furnished upon request ies ructilcalle in with joint center Ones. er ne - Ones 9. OM sae of plate in One VIII IIIIII VIII VIII VIII II II IIII IIII MTek USA, InclCompuTfus Software 7.6-"P5(1 L) -E 1o. For basicconnectorplate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1998 (Mrrek) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX TC PANEL LL DEFL 0.001' @ 1'- 0.1' Allowed = 0.108' MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.005' @ 1'- 0:1' Allowed= 0.162' RECOMMENDED ;CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.002' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.01.1' @ 1'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.012' @ 1''- 10.9' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat. 11 Exp.C, trWFRS, interior zone load duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind"loads in the plane of the" "truss only. Design checked for a'300 lb concentrated top chord live load par IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with.other live loads. .wee"" all if t m IIII LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF 818BTR BC: 2x4 OF M13BTR WEBS: 20 OF N16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC'. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. Connector pDI te.prefix designators: ,C CN C18 CN18 lor.no peefixl - CompuTrus, Inc M,M2&S,41BHS, 16 = MiTek M series 0 C; Co T N M -2x4 TRUSS SPAN 3'- 11.7' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' D.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL 23.0) ON -TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD 50:0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE .DOES NOT APPLY,DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NOWCONCURRENTLY, <PL:12-06-00 12 3-05-15 0-05-12 JOB NAME:'Britt-Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A39 Truss: ! DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755142 TRANS ID: 386462 111111111111111111111111111111111111 oil I I I I III WARNINGS: 1. Builder and &motion oontrador,should be advised of all General Notes and Wamings.before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compresslon'weti bracing must be Installed where shown +. 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stebmty dudng constr6citon is the responsibility of the e..or. Addtilonal permanent. bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No load should be applied to any component until after ail bracing and fasteners ere complete and at no time should any bads greater than design losdss be epptied to any componerd. 5. compuTrus hes nc cenbol ov&.and am ssues no resportsiWmY for the fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. 8. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIANTCA In SCSI, copies of which win be fumished upon request. M7ek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1L)-E Scale: 0.7598 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown arid is for an Individual building component. Applicability of design parametersaid proper Incorporation of component is the responsibllfty of the building designer. 2. Deslg=-Ines the topandbottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. end at.lty ox. respedivetyunless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathti g(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2n Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Design assumes busses are to be used in a non -corrosive envhonmeot, and are for 'dry condmon' of use. 6. Design assumes fun, bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is rovlded. 8. Plates shag tie located oil ticra laces of trued, and placed so their center Anes coincide with joint center lines. e. Digits Indicate size of plate, In Inches., 10. For bask connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -I088 (Wok) tacew �./1fi4'tT�-'� Ti sign -ed ompt put CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WRIGDF/Cq=1.00 14=(=5S) 58 3.4=(-28) 53 3-1=(-218 0 1-A= 49 24 , BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REGUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' O/ 243V 651 OH 5.50' 0.26 DF 625) 3'- 6.5' 01 44V 0/ OH 5.50' 0.05 OF�, 625) 3'- 11.7' -101 212V -651 OH 1.50' 0.23 OF 625) BRO @ 0'- 0.0' 0.26 OF/ 0.40 NF1 0.36 SPF BRG @ 3'- 6.5' 0.05 DF/ 0,07 HF1 0.07 SPF BRG @ 3'- 11.7' 0.23 DF/ 0.35 HF/ 0.33 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L1360, TL=L/,240 MAX TO PANEL LL DEFL = '0.027' @ 2'- 1.0' Allowed = 0:225' MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = -0:041_' @ 2'- 1,0" Allowed = 0.338' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.013' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.001' @ 3'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.001' @. 0'- 2.2' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.�2 Exp. C, �dWFRS, 0 interior zone; load duration factor=l.6, r Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. 0 Cl Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which .is non -concurrent with other live loads. Scale: 0.7598 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown arid is for an Individual building component. Applicability of design parametersaid proper Incorporation of component is the responsibllfty of the building designer. 2. Deslg=-Ines the topandbottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. end at.lty ox. respedivetyunless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathti g(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2n Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Design assumes busses are to be used in a non -corrosive envhonmeot, and are for 'dry condmon' of use. 6. Design assumes fun, bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is rovlded. 8. Plates shag tie located oil ticra laces of trued, and placed so their center Anes coincide with joint center lines. e. Digits Indicate size of plate, In Inches., 10. For bask connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -I088 (Wok) tacew �./1fi4'tT�-'� noun LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS, TC: 20 OF #16BTR BC: 20 OF #16BTR WEBS: 20 OF #16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,618HS, 16 = MiTek MT aeries rn W 0 0 0 N M -2x4 TRUSS SPAN 5'- 11.7' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 7,. 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 45.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = '50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET, BOTTOM CHORD,CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. <PL:12-06-:00 12 1 co 5-00-06 0-11- ilio iumfiC. 13r%4++ Onnirinnnn _ I n+ 14: DIA Mine+ _ AAIrl WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, and at 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. TI Truss and Wamings before construction commences. CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 . 2. 2x4 compression web bractng must be installed where shown +. In 2 D3. 4-5=1 0; 12 1.4-( -60) 24. Additional temporarybradng to insure stability during construction 2. 7 DES. BY: AM Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 00 DATE' 12/10/2013 the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. y SEQ .: 5755143 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greaterthan 4. In s• D TRANS I D : 386462 design bads be applied to any component- S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for me ar 9. G' -7/ 258V -76/ OH 1.50' 0.28 DF fabrication, handlUp. shipmeni and installation, of componems.m 7. a w 8. This design Is fumished b)ed to the tlm8sltons sal foAli by8. q BRG @ 5'- 8.9' 0.05 OF/ 0.07 HF/ 0.07 SPF In SI, Copies of which win be furnished uesL UP III�I IIII VIII VIII VIII ISI III III SII MTek USA,.Inc./CompuT s Software 7.6.4SP5(1TPtWTCA L) -E 10. F and at RING:Jts:3, 5, .. r o 2� -j i' I?, �i i 1 Vi r v'•' (, i 0b n = ' ZIA by tlpact bridging or lateral bracing required whore shown ++ enation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. Ign assumes 4usses are to be used In a non-oorrosha environment, are for "dry condition' of use. Ign assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge H !Seery. Ign assumes adequate drainage is provided. as shall be located on both fres of truss and placed so their center s coincide with joint center Imes. is Indicate.stze of pale in Inches. basic connector pale design values sea ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MTek) onomw �p�14 i Zllo�/3 I sigt red :OMP nput CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1.2=(-68) 71 3-4=4-31 67 3-1=(-266 0 4-5=1 0; 12 1.4-( -60) 24. BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES((SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 305V -76/ OH 5.50' 0.33 DF ( 625 51., 8.9' 0/ 45V of OH 5.50' 0.05 DF 625 5'- 11.7' -7/ 258V -76/ OH 1.50' 0.28 DF (( 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.33 DF/ 0,50 HF/ 0.48 SPF BRG @ 5'- 8.9' 0.05 OF/ 0.07 HF/ 0.07 SPF BRG @ 5'- 11.7' 0.28 DF/ 0.42 HF/ 0.40 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION'.LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.003' @ 5'- 0.9' Allowed = 0.169' MAX DL DEFL =-O.008' @ 5'- 0:9' Allowed= 0.253' MAX TL DEFL = -0:013' @ 5'- 0.9' Allowed = 0.253' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)=-0.114' c, MAX HORIZ..LL DEFL = 0.002' @ 5'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.005' @ 5"- 10.9' o This truss does'not include.any time dependent N deformation for long term loading (gcpreep)ippin the. total load The afitstlwith0the shall verify thattthis parametero intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph; h=15ft, TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2; ASCE 7.05, fdWFRS; Enclosed, Cat.2 Ezp.C, interior zone load duration factor=1.6, Truss designeb for loads wind in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for.a;300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due -to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. RING:Jts:3, 5, .. r o 2� -j i' I?, �i i 1 Vi r v'•' (, i 0b n = ' ZIA by tlpact bridging or lateral bracing required whore shown ++ enation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. Ign assumes 4usses are to be used In a non-oorrosha environment, are for "dry condition' of use. Ign assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge H !Seery. Ign assumes adequate drainage is provided. as shall be located on both fres of truss and placed so their center s coincide with joint center Imes. is Indicate.stze of pale in Inches. basic connector pale design values sea ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MTek) onomw �p�14 i Zllo�/3 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF 2100E BC: 20 OF N18BTR WEBS: 20 OF M16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <='1210C. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. ConnectorpDlate prefix designators: C;CN C18 CN18 for no prefix) = CompuTrus; Inc M,M26HS,k18H8, 16 = MiTek M series I TRUSS SPAN 8'.. 0.0" LOAD DURATION INCREASE ='1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF UL ON BOTTOM CHORD '= 7;0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET: BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 7-11-1.1 12 350 L-- SPL: t2-06- 12 - -- 6-08-1.0 1-03-06 8-00 1PROVIDE FULL BEARINGbJtseS 5.31 Q D m co JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A41 hQ WAR uiNas: GENERAL NOTES, sedans upon se noted: A411.. Builder and erection contractor should advised of an General Roles 1. This design Is based only upon the parer Truss : and warnings before construction commences.. budding component Applicabilfty of deseg Z. 2x4 compessbn web bracing must be installed where shown +. krcorporafbn of component 11 cite respon: 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during constrectlon 2. 2' 0.c: nd atnss the top andb06om ehon DES. BY: AM Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bred of 2' continuous end et 10' hierespectivelysuch ply unless I n0. contlncous sheathing bucti as plywood shy DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2x Impactbddgerg or lateral bradng requl 4: No bad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of O`- 0 ZXn C 0 ni � n 0� �> Scale: 0.4617' shown and Is for an Individual their len,%pth by 'drywaln C).. 1. SEQ.: 5755144 testaner3 are complete and at no thin should any loads greeter than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in anon -corrosive envlronmam: TRANS I D ' 386462 design bads W applied to any component. 5. CompuTnis l es no control over end'essurnss no responsibility for and ala =dry contlMion" of use. e. Design assumes Ws beedrrg atall supports shown. Shim or wedge If fatiricatlen. harltldng; shipment and Installation of components. 6. This design is fumished subject to the IhnBstfons bet forth by 7, De n gimes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates shelf blocated on both faces of Wss, and placed so their center 4.5=( 0 15 1-4q 73 23 BEARING MAX VERT MAX_HORZ BRIG REQUIRED ERG LENGTH rill REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE. INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 404V -88/ OH 5.50' 0.43 OF ( 825) 7'- 9:2' 0/ 59V 0/ ON 5.50' 0.06 OF ( 625) TPI/WfCA In SCSI, copies of which will furnished upon request. Dies coincide -with joint joi to III�I dill Ills �I VIII II III 11111111111111111111 VIII dill Ilry II MiTek USA. Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E ate In Inche: 9. Dg65 Indicate size plate Inches,. 10. For bask: connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITek) onaeow i Z!/off /3 Tf :ign ed ompt put SI _ _ __ °ABR i (J_, CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES4WR/GDF/C -1.00 1.-2=(-75) 92 3-4=(-33)82 3.1=(-351!) 0 4.5=( 0 15 1-4q 73 23 BEARING MAX VERT MAX_HORZ BRIG REQUIRED ERG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE. INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 404V -88/ OH 5.50' 0.43 OF ( 825) 7'- 9:2' 0/ 59V 0/ ON 5.50' 0.06 OF ( 625) 7'- 11.7'' -6/ 335V -88/ OH 1.50' 0.36 OF ( 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.43 DF/ 0.66 HF/ 0.63 SPF BRG @ 7'- 9.2' 0.06 DF/ 0.10 HFI 0.09 SPF .BOO 0 7'- 11:7' 0.36 DF/ 0.55 HF/ 0.53 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION.LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.007' @ 6'- 9.1' Allowed = 0.236' MAX DL DEFL = -0.029"@ 6'- 9..1' Allowed = 0.354' MAX TL DEFL =- -0.049' @ 8'- 9.1' Allowed = 0.354' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)=-0.300' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.004' @ 7'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.014' @ 7'- 10.9' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total.load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind:. 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8iBCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, �dWFRS, Enclosed, Cat. Exp.C, interior zone load duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. onaeow i Z!/off /3 VIII T sign red Ompi Iput raarr n r r S....-- FABF. _ _... ...S (...., LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 1'- 11.7' CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WRIGDF/Cq=1.00 TC:2x4.DF M18BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 1.2= •18 70 5-6=(-20) 7 1.4= •44) 22 BC: 2x4 OF p15BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. 2.3=�-41; 58 2-4= -900e52 WEBS: 20 OF M13BTR 4-5= -13) 89 LOADING TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12.0C. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF 0'= 0.0' -39/ 427V -37/ 48H 10.50' 0.46 OF ( 625) Connector pplate prefix de-i nators: 1-1 1 11 1'- 8.9' -62/ 29V 0/ OH 5..50' 0:03 DF ( 625) C,CN C18 dlea or 60 prefix = CompuTrusi Inc LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 1'- 11:7' -23/ 76V -37/ 48H 1.50' 0.08 DF ( 625) M,M26HS,AI8HS,�18 = MSTek M series REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. 12 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.46 DF/ 030 HF/ 0.67 SPF 9.50 c-- BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR.IOP$F LIVE LOAD., TOP'.. BRG @ 1'- 8.9' 0.03 DF/ 0.05 HF/ 0.05, SPF AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. BRO @ 1'- 11.7' 0.08 DF/ 0.13 HF/ 0.12 SPF M-2) N 0 0 O O N M -4x12 <PL:12-06-00 12 ---- 1-00-04 0-10-15 k 0-00-08 0-10-08 1-01-03 L _ L 1-11-11 ANCHOR TO RESIST HORZ. - AND VERT. REACTIONS JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West A42 Truss: i DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755145 TRANS ID: 386462 WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before consbucllon commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. 3. Addlrone[ temporary bracing to mean stability during constriction IS the responsibility of the eredor Minthonal permanent bmcing of the overall structure Is theresponsibility of the building designer. 4. No bad should be, applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater then design loads be applied to any component. S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. 6. This design Is fumished subject to the limitations set tooth by TPIM MA In SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request MiTek, USA, IncYCompuTrus Software 7:6.4-SPS(1 L}E 0 0 N Scale: 0.6166 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 7. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual buildhrg component. Applicability of design parameters anC proper Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the b. knoll designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally tomoed at 2' o.e. and at 10' ox: respectively unless braced throughout their ton{pM8r by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheatfung(TC) andfordrywal(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral tracing required where shown +-+ 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respedhecontractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, and orator 'dry condition' of. use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge It necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center lines comdde-with joint tamer tines. S. Digits indicate size of plate In inches: 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, EM1988 (MITek) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L1380; TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.001' @ 0' 11.8' Allowed = 0.021' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.000' @ 0'- 11.8' Allowed = 0.032' MAX'TL'DEFL = -6.001' P. 0'- 11.8' .Allowed = 0.032' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.001' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.014' @ 1'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0:018' @ 1'- 10.9' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph; h=15ft TCDL=13.8�BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat. l2 Exp.C, 6WRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind.loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked.for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live.load per IBC 2009.due :to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. nnnn it till LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TO: 2x4 OF M18BTR BC: 20 OF A13BTR WEBS: 20 OF M18BTR TO LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. Connector plate prefix deer nators:, C,ON CIS CN18 or no moll = CompuTrus, Inc M,M29S,618HS,�16 = MiTek M series 12 3.50 M -2y r 0 O N O O O 10 O M -4x12 <PL:12-06-00 �1-00 04 0-00-08 L 0-10-08 TRUSS SPAN 3'- 11:7' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1,25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20:0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD= 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED,STORAGE.DOES NOT APPLY,DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC,2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD., TOP 3-11 -11 AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE. LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. ANCHOR TO RESIST HORZ. / AND VERT. REACTIONS 6 L 2-10-15 3-01-03 L 3-11-11 InD RIAAAC ■ Dni ++ De, --i Annnn - I n+ 10 DrA Mine+ _ A.A Q vvv ro a■��.. r{r .. a, rry v��.. v..v.+ �� •'' �^• ••�� '' •" Scale: 0.4844 _A431. 44 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES; unless otherwise noted:. 23 Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1.- This design 4 based only upon.the parameters shown and is for an Individual Truss' MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH and Warnings before construction commences., building component. Applicability of design peramaters and proper ' 0/ 379V -49/ 48H 10.50' 0.40 DF (' 625 2. Dr4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +, incorporation of component Is theresponsibilityof the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM (( -9/ 175V -49/ 48H 1.50' 0.19 DF B25 3. Additional temporary Dredng to Insure stability during conatreribn is Additional 2' st unless their length by such DATE: 12/10/2013 BRG @ 3''- 8,9' 0.03'DF/ 0.05 HF/ 0.05 SPF the responsibility of the erector. permanent bracing of the overall structure h the responslbllflyof the building designer. continuous ea hin as Ply athin (TC) annul 2x Irnpact sheathing such as plywood shed when s andnor dywaA(BC). 3. Zx Impair bridging or lateral lxacirSg required where stiovin ++ SEQ. : 5755146 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 4. No bed should be applied to any component until after -all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads gresterthen 4.Installation of trussisthe responsibility of the respectivecontractor. S. Design assumes tresses are to be used in a non-odnosive environment, TRANS I D : 386462 PANEL TL DEFL = -0:012' @ 2'- 6.6' Allowed = 0.279' design loads be applied to any component, S. Com;Trus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are for "dry condition" of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge _n MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.014' @ 3'- 10:9' fabdcaWn,.handll rrp.shlpirrord and Installation of components. S_Thio design Is himilhed sub)ed to the.limxatlons set forth try necessary.. 7, Design essurnes atlequete tlreba9e le provided. carder Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed,. Cat.l2 Exp :C, f1WFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1:6, °III Truss designed for wind loads °III in the 'plane of the truss only. °III Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due ,to maintenance workers TPINVECA in BCSI, copies of which will 6e furnished upon request a., Plates shall be Wooled on both faces of truss, and placed so their lines. ines. linea coincide wMlofpate oincidtntficate-size III°I VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII In 9. Dpss of plate lo -1 I' II II II MiTek USA, hie./CompuTrus Scf ware 7.6:4SP5(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311. ESR -1988 (MITek) T sign red Ompl Iput S_..__ =ASR_ .... ... 3 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1:00 1 -2:i( 35 5.6=(-5) 8 1.4=� =40j 44 -59`-17J 2-3= 55 2-4= -951 23 4.5= 0 35 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES)))))) 01- 0.0' 0/ 379V -49/ 48H 10.50' 0.40 DF (' 625 3'= 8.9' 0/ 32V 0/ OH 5.50' 0.03 DF 625 3'- 11.7' (( -9/ 175V -49/ 48H 1.50' 0.19 DF B25 BRG @ 0'-'0.0' 0.40 DF/ 0.62 HF/ 0.60 SPF BRG @ 3''- 8,9' 0.03'DF/ 0.05 HF/ 0.05 SPF BRO @ 3'- 11.7' 0.19 DF/ 0.29,. HF/ 0.27 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX TO PANEL LL DEFL = -0.009' @ 2'- 5.4' Allowed = 0.188' MAX TO PANEL TL DEFL = -0:012' @ 2'- 6.6' Allowed = 0.279' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.004' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.014' @ 3'- 10:9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.016' @ 3'- 10.9' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed,. Cat.l2 Exp :C, f1WFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1:6, Truss designed for wind loads in the 'plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due ,to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. isms it I II II� LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS' TC: 20 OF N16BTR, BC:. 64 OF N1dBTR: WEBS: 20 DF #1RBTR TC LATERAL.SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. Connector pplate_prefix_dest nators: C,CN C18 ON18 ((or no pprefitp) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,418HS,M16 _= MSTek MT series o M -2x 0 C; o L 0 M -5x12, 0 o< 0 5=11.-11 12 3.50 U�- TRUSS SPAN 5'- 11.7' LOAD.DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' D.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23:0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOT.TOM.CHORD = 7.0.PSF TOTAL LOAD= 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010.NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR„1OPSF_ LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. -3.50 <PL:12-06-00 12 1-00-64' 4-01-06 0-00-08 0-09-09 0-10-08 5-01-03 1/%D KIAAAC. 0e+4++ n-^4 A ^n^rt I n+ -4L' DP'_A IAIoL,+ AAA VV✓ JaIIVIL. Scale: 0.467 red olnpl ` - -1puf WARNINGS GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A44- CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes t. This design Is based only upon the psniuneters shown and Is for an Individual Truss : 1,-4= .80) 40 2.6=(-9) 0 'end Warnings before donstructlon commences. building component Appllrability:of design parernrabrs and proper Incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. - 2. 27ct compression web brecirg must hebelnbtelled where shown +. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM MAX VERT 3. Additional.lemporeryybredng to insure stability during construdbn is the responsibaily of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 2',u:a" and at'10': o.c. respec6ely unless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheMhing(rC) andlor drywall(SC). DATE: 1 2'/ 10 / 201 3 REACTIONS the overall structure is the responsmimy 0 the Wildinp_deslgner. 3'2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + 01- 0.0' 0/ 439V 4. No bad should be applied to any wrnponerd until "or all bracing and 4.: Installation of truss is the responsibility ofthe respective contractor. SEQ. : 5755147 0/ 81V fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater then 5.. Design assumes trusses are to be used in s non-cogosKv environment, - TRANS I D : '386462 -6/ 199V design bads be applied to any component. S. has for the and ale for'?dry oordition" of use. 8. Design assumes full bearing et all supports shown. Shim orwedge If BRG @ CompuTrus no control over and assumes no,responslbstiy necessary. BRG @ fabrication. handling, shipment and Installation of components. 7. Design asscmes edequale drehiaga Is provdetl= BRG @ S. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set Porth by S. Fabs shall be located anboth fares of truss, and placed so their center I IIII��,IIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII TPIMIrCA In BCSi, copies of which will be furnished. upon request. Imes poincide,wlth jdM center lines. 9.Dy indicate s@e of plate hr tnehes. II II'plll II IIII IIII MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6:4SP5(1 L) -E 10. For brisk connactor,piate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MRek) o VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/380, TC=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.004'-L@ 1'- 0,7' Allowed' 0:155' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = 0.002' @ 1'- 0,7' Allowed= 0,232' MAX TL DEFL = 0.008" @ 1'= 0.7-' Allowed'= 0.232' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0:018' MAX HORIZ. LL,DEFL = 0.040' @ 5'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ. TL. DEFL = 0.057' @ 5'- 10.9' This truss does ,not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creepy in the total load"deflect'ion. The building dealnor shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph; h=15ft, TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2; ASCE 7.05, Enclosed,_Cat:2 Elip,C; kWFRS- inteeior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300.1b concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. T- gign red olnpl ` - -1puf CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1.2=(-25) 28 5.6i(0) 12 1,-4= .80) 40 2.6=(-9) 0 2.3= -78 19 2-4= -416 0. 4.5= O; 42 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRA LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES(SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 439V -60/ OH 10.50' 0.47 OF ( 625 5;'- 2:8' 0/ 81V 0/ OH 5.50' 0.09 OF 825 5'- 11.7' -6/ 199V 80� OH (( 1.50' 0.21 OF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0,.0' 0.47 DF/ 0.72 HF/ ' 0:69 SPF BRG @ 5'- 2.6' 0.09,DF/ 0.13 HF/,0.19 SPF BRG @ 5'- 11.7" 0.21 Of/ 0.33 HF/ 0.31 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/380, TC=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.004'-L@ 1'- 0,7' Allowed' 0:155' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = 0.002' @ 1'- 0,7' Allowed= 0,232' MAX TL DEFL = 0.008" @ 1'= 0.7-' Allowed'= 0.232' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0:018' MAX HORIZ. LL,DEFL = 0.040' @ 5'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ. TL. DEFL = 0.057' @ 5'- 10.9' This truss does ,not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creepy in the total load"deflect'ion. The building dealnor shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph; h=15ft, TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2; ASCE 7.05, Enclosed,_Cat:2 Elip,C; kWFRS- inteeior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300.1b concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. nut n t li III LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 DF III6BTR BC: 20 DF g18BTR; 2x8 DF SS B2 WEBS: 2x4 OF N16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12.0C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C UON. Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connectorpplate prefix designators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no profix) = CompuTrus,.Inc U,M26HS,618HS, 16 = MiTek U series 1-04-10 m to 0 v N O LO O M -2x4 M -3x4 e 10-10.12. CORNER GIRDER SETBACK 8-00-00 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) LOADING TC UNIF LL( 117.5+DL( 135.1= 252.6 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 10'- 10.7' I BC UNIF LL( 0.0 +DL 41.1 = 41.1 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 10'- 10,7' I. LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 4-04-04 12 2.47 5-03-10 147-08 If1R 61AAAF Rri tt Rcci rianr_a _ I nfi JA P('A "Jact _ AAR M -2x4 77 0>PL`:1:6 _02108 T sign red ompt Iput S..-.__ PABR__..._..5 (.1.., •, CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBEfl, FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=13 1203 3 =0 399), 107 4- 5= 11060 1052 58 51 9-10=1 -641 11 7 28. 7 16 _ •809 10G5 94-10=� -820j 103 2- 9=� -40 '1191 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BOG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 01- 0.0' -2531 20V -129/ 14H 14.88' 0.02 F .625 1'- 4.6' -103/ 867V -97/ 93H 14,.88' 0.92 OF 825 111- 0.5' •741 1272V OI OH 3.50' 0.48 OF (1782 12'- 8.0' -2631 6V 0/ 74H 1.50' 0.01 OF ( 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.02 DF/ 0.03 HF/ 0.03 SPF BRO @ 1'- 4.6' 0:92 DF/ 1.43 HFI 1.36 SPF BOG @ 11'- 0:5' 1.38. OF/ 2.09 HF/ 2.00 SPF BOG @ 12'- 8.0' 0.01 DF/ 0.01 HF/ 0.01 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.029' @ 5'- 8,5' Allowed = 0.322' MAX DL DEFL = -0.021' @ 51- 8.5' Allowed = 0.483' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0:037' @ 5'• 8.5' Allowed = 0.483' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.023' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = •0.003' @ 12' 7.3' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = •0.004' @ 12'- 7.3' Wind: 90 mph,, h=15ft TCDL=19.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7'05, Enclosed, Cat. It Exp.C, I�WFRS, interior zone, load duration'factor=l.e, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. A451: WARNINGS- Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and M for an Individual and lrvemings before construction commences. building compo, ent. Applicability of design parameters and proper Truss : 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. DES. BY: AM 3.. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction 2. Deign ssumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced a( 2' o.c: and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced Ihroughoul their length by is the respons@illy of Ne erector., Adaltional permanem bracing of continuous sheathing such as plywood shesthing(TC) end/or drywa8(BC).. DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure is•the responalbllay of 66 bu8ding'designer. 3. 2x Impact bddging or lateral bracing required "ore shown ++ SEQ. : 57551.48 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fastenersare complete and at no time should any, bads greater then 4. Installation oftrues Is the reapons(bMy,of the respective contractor. S. Deslpn assumes trusses are to be used m a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 386462 design loads be applied to, any component.. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsib8ity,forthe and are for "dry condition' of use. S. Design assumes fun bee". at all supports shown. Shim or wedge H fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. S. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by necessary,. 7. Design asumes adequate drainage Is provided. 8. Plates shell be located on bath,faees of true, end placed (heir center TPIA in I, Ouples Of which will be furnished upon lines coincide with oint center vavalus IIIIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII III IIII L)--E� 9. Digits Indicate sise of plate In finches. r WalkSA, Incs/CompuTrus.Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 10. For bask connecto.. pigs design see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITek) run n 1 iI illi LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF A1&BTR BC: 2_x4 OF p18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF p18BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL. SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. Connector pplate prefix desi nators: C,CN C18 CN18 or no pprefix - CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,4--,�16 = MiTek H series r0 M -3x6 <PL:12-06-00 am 12 3.50 C�- a 3.50 12 0-07-12 1-03-15 L 1-06-03 1 sigi fired -Opp !put S. FAE11,..,,.....IS (.,,.r TRUSS SPAN 1'- 11.7' .Ovale:..U.01 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1:00 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 GENERAL NOTES, unless olhemise poled: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual A46 1-2=(-.40) 35 4-5=(-2) 2 3-1=(-141) 11 SPACED 24.0' O.C. Truss : 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where $hown 3.4=( B LOADING +. 3. Additional tenVorary bracing to insure stability during construction Is BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LL(,20.0)+DL 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 �L PSF LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF 01- -0.0' -3/ 154V -43/ 14H 5.50' 0.05, OF (1870 TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF 11= 8.9' 01 11V 0/ OH 5.50' 0.01 OF( 625 a. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by -8. Plates shall be locatedonboth feces of truss. and placed so their center 1'• 11:7' •161 187V -43/ 14H 1.50' 0.20 OF ( 625 LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REOUIREMENTS OF CBC'2010 NOT BEING MET. BRG @ 0`- -0.0' 0.16'DF/ 0.25,HF/0.24 SPF ies of which win be fumished request.E int r lines. BRG @ 1'- 8.9' 0.01 OF/ 0.02,HF1 0.02 SPF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP VIII BRG @ 1'- 11.7' 0.20 DF/ 0.31 HFI 0.29 SPF AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE_ LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. VIII VIII ILII ILII VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:_LL=L/360, TL=L/240 9. DIM Indicate size of ate in Inches. 10. For bask see ESR ESR (MITek) MAX LL DEFL ='-0.002` @ 0'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.035' MAX DL DEFL = -0:001' @ 0'- 7:7' Allowed = 0.053' MAX TL DEFL = -0.003'@ 0'- 7:7' Allowed = 0.053' connectorplatedesign values -1311, -1880 RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.001' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.006' @ '1'• 8.9' MAX HORIZ. TL PER = 0.008' @ 1'- 10.9' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the ANCHOR TO RESIST HORZ. total load deflection. The building designer �- AND VERT. REACTIONS shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, `WRS, Enclosed, Cat.2 Exp.C, interior zorie, load duration factor=l.6, c Truss designed for wind loads In the plane of the truss only. N Design checked for a 900 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is'non-concurrent with other live loads. r- Inn AIAAAF' nri tt ncei rlanra _ I nt 1 R P(;A Wact _ AAR Naceow i7v'n .Ovale:..U.01 - WARNINGS: 1.. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of ea General Notes GENERAL NOTES, unless olhemise poled: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual A46 and Warnings befog wrlsinrcilon commences. building cornponoM Applicability of design parameters and proper Truss : 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where $hown incorporation of component Is the responsibility ofthe building designer. DES.. BY: AM +. 3. Additional tenVorary bracing to insure stability during construction Is 2. Design assumes the lop ant bottom chords to to laterally braced heir oat 2' respectively, unless biased throughout n and ahea DATE: 12/10/2013 the responsibilityof the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. drywaur.by conllnuolu shealhing such as plywood;healhhg(TC)ftnd/or drywall(BC). continuous hin chp1gl 3. 2t Impact bAt or Were] bratln 6 required where shown SEQ. : 5755149 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greeter than 4. Installation of Wes is the rest nsibiety of Ore respeciive contreclor. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used h a norfcorroslve en I tr ront, - TRANS I D : 386462 design loads be applied to any component; 5: C&*Tru's has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the .and are for'dry condition' of use. S. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim orwedge x fabrication. handling, shipment and installetlori of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. a. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by -8. Plates shall be locatedonboth feces of truss. and placed so their center ies of which win be fumished request.E int r lines. III�I VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII ILII ILII MITerk USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7 6 4SP5(1 9. DIM Indicate size of ate in Inches. 10. For bask see ESR ESR (MITek) connectorplatedesign values -1311, -1880 Naceow i7v'n series Ln 0 A o � N M -3x8 TRUSS SPAN 9'- 11.7' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1..25 SPACED 24.0. O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP -CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED F.OR'1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12. 3.50 v ANCHOR TO RESIST HORZ. AND VERT. REACTIONS M -3x5 c 5 4 M -2x4 f '' CD 4 3.50 Z 12 O] co N 3-06_-03 0-07-12 3-03=15 I 'PROv IDE FULL BEARINaWta-I 5 91 L 7-f I <PL:12-O6-00 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - .Lot 16 PGA West - A47 WARNIN09: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. Bulkier and emribn contractor should be advised d all General Notes 1. Tltlt design is based only upon the parameters shown aril Is bran Individual Truss. and Wemlrps before construction commences. building component. Applicability of design paremeteis and proper 'A47 2. 2x0 oompressbn web bredrp must be Installed where shown +.: incorporation o1 component Is the responsibility of the building designer, 9. Additional to re bracing l0 insure stability during construction 2. Despa.eseumes the lop and bottom Mohs to be laterally braced M n�° ty g 2 o.a entl M i0' o.o: respectively unless braced throughout Netr k�t�9t by DES. BY: AM u the responsibility of the erector: Additional permanent bredrp of continuous sheathing won as plywood elieetnirq(rC) and/or drywell(BC). DATE: 12i10/2613 the overall structure u me responsibility or the bonding assigner. s. 2x Impad bridging ortsterel bracing required wham snows +. 0. No load should be applied to arty component until after all Emdrtp aril 4. Installation of Was Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEG. 5755150 fasteners aro cerrrplate and a, no time should any toads greeter men 5. Design assames wawa .re w be used In . aan-eorroslve environment, design loads be applied to any component. siM ere faa'dry miMNon' of use. TRANS I D : 386462 d. CompuTtu3 has no control oder and assumes no responsibility for Me a. Design assumes lull bearing et ea supports shown. Shim or wedge N fabrication, handl necessary. Ing, ahipineri gndlnsfallatlon of components. 7. Design aaaumes adequate tlrainage Is rovided. 8.. This Oeslgn is furnished subject to the limitations sal forth M S. Rales shall bebleated on both faces o1 tru3s,.and placed so their center IIIIII VIII ILII VIII 1I11I ILII VIII IIII IIII TPVNfrCA'M SCSI, copies of which will be lumklnd upon request a tibl Indicate �e of qcenter a hirhicl^°shes: II', VIII MTek;USA, Inc./Com uTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1L)-E 70..For 0 N Scale: 0.6905 LUMBER 3BECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF g18BTfl BC: 2x4 DF g168Tfl WEBS: 2x4 OF N168Tfl; 2x6 DF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC: 110N. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix desi netors; C,CN C18 CN18 ((or no pprefik = CompuTcus; Inc M,M28HS,�118HS,fd16 = MiTek MI T.- . tign .. __ red . _ _. , , ompi .. _ ._ _. Iput S. 'ASR. - ... S (, . CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2-(-48) 61 4-5=(-6) 6 3-1=(-207) 0 3.4=( 0)' 19 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 01- 0.0' 01 235V -541 14H 5.50' 0.08 DF (1870 3'- 8.9' 0/ 25V 01 OH 5.50' 0.03 DF 625 3'- 11.,7' -8/ 222V •541 14H 1.50' 0.24 DF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.25 DF/ 0.39 HF/ 0.37 SPF BRG @ 3'- 8.9,' 0:03 OF] 0.04.HF/ 0.04 SPF BRG @ 3'- 11.7' 0.24 DF/ 0:37 HF/ 0.35 SPF ANCHOR TO RESIST HORZ. AND VERT. REACTIONS M -3x5 c 5 4 M -2x4 f '' CD 4 3.50 Z 12 O] co N 3-06_-03 0-07-12 3-03=15 I 'PROv IDE FULL BEARINaWta-I 5 91 L 7-f I <PL:12-O6-00 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - .Lot 16 PGA West - A47 WARNIN09: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. Bulkier and emribn contractor should be advised d all General Notes 1. Tltlt design is based only upon the parameters shown aril Is bran Individual Truss. and Wemlrps before construction commences. building component. Applicability of design paremeteis and proper 'A47 2. 2x0 oompressbn web bredrp must be Installed where shown +.: incorporation o1 component Is the responsibility of the building designer, 9. Additional to re bracing l0 insure stability during construction 2. Despa.eseumes the lop and bottom Mohs to be laterally braced M n�° ty g 2 o.a entl M i0' o.o: respectively unless braced throughout Netr k�t�9t by DES. BY: AM u the responsibility of the erector: Additional permanent bredrp of continuous sheathing won as plywood elieetnirq(rC) and/or drywell(BC). DATE: 12i10/2613 the overall structure u me responsibility or the bonding assigner. s. 2x Impad bridging ortsterel bracing required wham snows +. 0. No load should be applied to arty component until after all Emdrtp aril 4. Installation of Was Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEG. 5755150 fasteners aro cerrrplate and a, no time should any toads greeter men 5. Design assames wawa .re w be used In . aan-eorroslve environment, design loads be applied to any component. siM ere faa'dry miMNon' of use. TRANS I D : 386462 d. CompuTtu3 has no control oder and assumes no responsibility for Me a. Design assumes lull bearing et ea supports shown. Shim or wedge N fabrication, handl necessary. Ing, ahipineri gndlnsfallatlon of components. 7. Design aaaumes adequate tlrainage Is rovided. 8.. This Oeslgn is furnished subject to the limitations sal forth M S. Rales shall bebleated on both faces o1 tru3s,.and placed so their center IIIIII VIII ILII VIII 1I11I ILII VIII IIII IIII TPVNfrCA'M SCSI, copies of which will be lumklnd upon request a tibl Indicate �e of qcenter a hirhicl^°shes: II', VIII MTek;USA, Inc./Com uTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1L)-E 70..For 0 N Scale: 0.6905 LUMBER 3BECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF g18BTfl BC: 2x4 DF g168Tfl WEBS: 2x4 OF N168Tfl; 2x6 DF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC: 110N. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix desi netors; C,CN C18 CN18 ((or no pprefik = CompuTcus; Inc M,M28HS,�118HS,fd16 = MiTek MI basigeonneclor plate design values sae ESR -1811, ESR -1e88 (MITeIQ VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL -L/360, TL=L'/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.014' @ 0'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.102' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.014' @ 0'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.153' MAX TL DEFL = -0.023',,@ 0'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.159' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL.DEEL)= 0.014' MAX HOflIZ. LL DEFL = 0.039' @ 9'- 10,9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.083' @ 3'- 10.9' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2 Exp .C, IIiWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane gf the truss only. Design checked for a 900 lb concentrated top chord live load -per IBC 2009 due to maintenance, workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads, 1ee11 11 l 11 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF N1dBTR BC: 2x4 OF /18BTR WEBS: 2x4.DF M18BTAi 2x6 OF SS A. TC.LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix deligrlators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc N,,M2bHS'A18HS,M16 = MiTek M series M -3x6 co 0 C) A 0 `-4 M -3x83 M -2x4 0-07-12 OL:12-06-00 TRUSS SPAN 5'-11.7' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' D.C. LOADING LL(20.0)+DLI 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM MORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12 3.50 G --- -::n 3.50 12 ANCHOR TO RESIST HORZ. AND VERT. REACTIONS 0 0 N 1, Ib d•. f + it Cl; , Q3 0 C" 1 -' 5-03-15 5-06-03 f ` © � I 1l1Q MARA=- Ry+i tt. Rnci riannc _ I nt 1A PGA Wact _ AAA T' ' tign orale: U.dal. red omit put Truss : S....-- .-ABR____S ofoomponerd Is the responsibility of the building designer. (,J 2: 2x4 compression web bracing must be where shown 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction .Incorporation Design assumes the lop and bottom chords to be Iateraey braced at Z o.e, and at1g' o.e. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DES. CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 DATE: 12/10/2013 1-2=(-55) 3., z,1 Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 73 4-5=(-9) 9 3-1= •257 0 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after allbracing end 4;Installaflon of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5755151 fasteners are, complete and at no time should any bads greater then 3-4=5 0� 30 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS_ REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES _ 01- 0.0' 0/ 299V -66/ 14H 5.50' 0.11 F (1870 51- 8.9' 0/ 39V 0/ OH 5.50' 0;04 OF 825 5'• 11:7' -4/ 266V -66/ 14H 1.50' 0.28 (( OF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0,' 0.32 DF/ 0.49 HF/ 0.47 SPF BRG @ 5'- 8.9' 0.04 DF/ 0.06 HF/ 0.06 SPF BRG @ 5'- 11,7' 0.28 OF,/ 0.44 HF/ 0.42 SPF ANCHOR TO RESIST HORZ. AND VERT. REACTIONS 0 0 N 1, Ib d•. f + it Cl; , Q3 0 C" 1 -' 5-03-15 5-06-03 f ` © � I 1l1Q MARA=- Ry+i tt. Rnci riannc _ I nt 1A PGA Wact _ AAA VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.038' @ 0'- 7.7' Allowed - 0.169' MAX DL CREEP OEFL = -0.046' @ 0'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.253' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.070' @ 0'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.253' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.046' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.102' @ 5'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ: TL DEFL = 0.186' @. 5'- 10.9' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13:8}�BCDL=4,2 ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat. Exp.C, WRS, interior Zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Designchecked for a 300 lb concentrated .top chord live -load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non.concurrentwith other live loads. orale: U.dal. A48 WARNINGS t. Builder and election contractor should be advised of. all General Notes and Waminps before oonstnictlon commences GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Islor an Individual building component Applicability of design parameters and proper Truss : Installed r. ofoomponerd Is the responsibility of the building designer. BY: AM 2: 2x4 compression web bracing must be where shown 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction .Incorporation Design assumes the lop and bottom chords to be Iateraey braced at Z o.e, and at1g' o.e. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DES. is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of continuous sheelhhtg such as plywood shealhing(TC) andlor drywall(SC). DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3., z,1 Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after allbracing end 4;Installaflon of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5755151 fasteners are, complete and at no time should any bads greater then s. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a nor)-owreato environment TRANS I D : 386462 design loads be applied to any component. 8. CompuTres has no control over and assumes no responslbiliy for the and am for "dry condition' or use. 8. Design assumes rue bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. by necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage isprovided. This design is famished subject to e limitations set forth TPIlVYfCA In SCSI, copies o, which w10 be furnished upon request. and S. Plates Shall be located on Dull feces of Wss, end plad so their center pies coincide will joint center Mee. o nide VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII Imml 9.. Digits site of plate te codes. IIIIII VIII II MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7:6:4-SP5(1 L) -E I g. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (Wrok) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.038' @ 0'- 7.7' Allowed - 0.169' MAX DL CREEP OEFL = -0.046' @ 0'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.253' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.070' @ 0'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.253' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.046' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.102' @ 5'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ: TL DEFL = 0.186' @. 5'- 10.9' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13:8}�BCDL=4,2 ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat. Exp.C, WRS, interior Zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Designchecked for a 300 lb concentrated .top chord live -load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non.concurrentwith other live loads. nm n l ll IIII LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF /188TR BC: 20 OF M13BTR WEBS: 20 OF p18BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix desinators: C,CN C18 CN18 ((or no prefix r CompuTrus, Inc M, M26HS111118HS,M16 = MiTek M series 0 0 cm M -3x8 0-07-12 TRUSS SPAN 8' 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20:0)+DL( 23:0) ON TOP CHORD = 43:0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.O.PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE'SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET, BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 7-06-03 12 3.50- CD, .50- co 0 0 cm PROVIDE FULL BEARING-Jts:3 6 2 <PL:1.2-06-00 a 3.50 12 m 6=01=13 7-06-08 InIl NAME' Rri tt One i rionra _ Int 1A P(:A Wo --t _ AAQ T ;ign ed Ompl put, Truss' construction incorporationcomponentresponsibility of the building designer. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. 2. Design aswmes the top and'bnttom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY : AM CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES ¢Wil/GDF/Cq=1.00 DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 1-2=(-100) 28 4-5=(-988 3.1 -366 0 TRANS I D : 386462 design loads be applied to any component. 5. CorepuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are for'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes fun bearing m all supports shown. Shim or wedge R 5'-6=( 01 31 3.4=I 0� 75 e "'li TPINyrCA In SC81.0 pbs of which will be furnished upon request. dwith Joint canter Ades. Mas coincide IIIIII VIII VIII VIII 'II (IIII VIII IIII IIII 1-5=1 75 2 BEARING_ MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REOUIRED.BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS 'REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES ((SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 39TV -B1/ OH 5.50' 0.14 tlF (1870 7'- 9.2' 0/ 117V 0/ OH 5.50' '0.12 DF ( 625 7'- 11.7' 01 280V -81/ OH 1.50' 0.30 DF ( 625 BRG @ 0'- O:O' 0.42 DF/ 0.65 HF/ 0.62 SPF BRG @ 7'- 9.2' 0.12 DF/ 0.19 HF/ 0.18 SPF BRG @ 7'- 11.7' 0.30 DF/ 0.46 HF/ 0.44 SPF co 0 0 cm PROVIDE FULL BEARING-Jts:3 6 2 <PL:1.2-06-00 a 3.50 12 m 6=01=13 7-06-08 InIl NAME' Rri tt One i rionra _ Int 1A P(:A Wo --t _ AAQ VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.020' @ 6'- 10.0' 'Allowed = 0.236' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = 4.058' @ 6''- 10.0' Allowed = 0.354' MAX TL CREEP'DEFL 0.075_' @ 6'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.354' RECOMMENDED CALIBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.058' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.004' @ 7'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.012' @ 7'- 10.9' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.6 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat./L Exp .C, IGWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l..6,. Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord five load per.IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. E><R Ojrl01�� acaae: U.vw A49WARNINGS: ' 1. Bulkier and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before commences. GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design 5 based dnly upon the peiameters shown and Is for an Individual 8dingro' eat Applicabilityeofdesign parameters and proper Truss' construction incorporationcomponentresponsibility of the building designer. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. 2. Design aswmes the top and'bnttom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY : AM 7. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent. bracing. of 2'. o.c. and at 10' o.c., respectively unless braced throughout their len by continuoussuch as plywoodand/or drywall DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2x bridging or lateral required where shown �+ EQ . : 5755152 4. No bed shouts be applied to any component until after .all bracing and. fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 4. Instillation of puss h the responsibility of the respective contractor.S S. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a noncorrosive environment,. TRANS I D : 386462 design loads be applied to any component. 5. CorepuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are for'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes fun bearing m all supports shown. Shim or wedge R fabrication, hsndliri ,`shl ment and Installation of components. 9 p S. This design Is furnished subject to the urnXeoons set forth by necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. 8. Plates shall be located on both laces of truss, and placed so their center "'li TPINyrCA In SC81.0 pbs of which will be furnished upon request. dwith Joint canter Ades. Mas coincide IIIIII VIII VIII VIII 'II (IIII VIII IIII IIII MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E 9. Digits indicate site of plate to Inness. 40: For basic connector plate design values see ESRA 311; ESR -1988 (ABTek) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.020' @ 6'- 10.0' 'Allowed = 0.236' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = 4.058' @ 6''- 10.0' Allowed = 0.354' MAX TL CREEP'DEFL 0.075_' @ 6'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.354' RECOMMENDED CALIBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.058' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.004' @ 7'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.012' @ 7'- 10.9' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.6 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat./L Exp .C, IGWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l..6,. Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord five load per.IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. E><R Ojrl01�� LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC" 2x4 OF #13BTR BC; 2x4 OF #188TR WEBS:. 2x4 OF #18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. LETINS: 1-00.00 1.00.00 Staple or equal at non=structural vertical members (uon). Connector pplate prefix designators: C,CN C18 I'M (or no prefix) = ColepuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,618HS, 16 = NiTek M series 8-07 TRUSS SPAN 17'- 2.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' D.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF°CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 0.11-11 3-03-13 12 3.50 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGNED FOR WIND LOADS IN THE PLANE OF THE TRUSS ONLY. EXCEPTION: FOR EXTERIOR STUD CONDITION REFER TO COMPUTRUS STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL. M -2x4 0 cm O M -3x4 0 co o li 0 1 M -3x6 8-07 R11padiID 4-03-08 Inn MARX -a Rri ++ Deci fianra I nt i R Pr.A Wact _ A5n M -4x5 4 4.0, 2. 4-03-08 M13'x8 i 17-02 J 8-07 T Sign red `- - -ompt " '-put SI :ABA 3 (J_ - COND. 2: 200.00 PCF DRAG LOAD._ SHEARWALL 0.00 to -17.17 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES"UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: ,90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat./2 Exp, C, IWWRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l .e, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Note: Truss_desiggn requires continuous bear.in wa1T for entire s an UON. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 3.03-13 0-11-11 12 a 3.50 M -2x4 8-07 /Z!lo�i3 M -3x4 M -3x6 0 Truss: A5U - DES. BY: AM DATE' 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755153 TRANS ID: 386462 'll II II Ilml VIII (IIII VIII Ilnl VIII VIII IIII IIII WARNINGS: 1. Builder and inaction contradorshould be advised of an General Notes and Warnings before. construction commences. 2.2x,4 compression web bracing must be insteeed when: shown +. 3. Addftbnal temporary bredrrp to Ware stabiny dudnp constructbn Is the responsibility Of the erector. Additional permanent bracing or po the overen structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No load should be a" to any component until after ail bracing and faeterrors are complete antl st no time should any bads greeter than design bads be applled to any domponent. S. CompuTrus has no cowl over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and Inslallationof componehls, S. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIANfCA v SCSI, copes of which cont be furnished upon request MTek, USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: -1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an Individual building component. Applirabttly of dssign parameters and proper incorporation of component Is the, responsibility of the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' ntin end et 10' O.C. suchrespectivelyply oounldsn breceQthreugnout drywheir englh ). continuous sheathing such as plywood shealning(TC) ertNor drywanlecl. s; 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown - - 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Deslpn assumes trusses are to be used in a non-comosNe environmerd, and ere for "dry contiti ent of use. S. Design assumes tun east g at all supports shown. Shim orwedge if necessary. '7. Deelpn assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates shell be bested on both faces of truss, and placeA.so their center to Ilnes- imedindicate size of t writer Imes coincide with Joni center nche 9. UsesDigits 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITep 8-07 T Sign red `- - -ompt " '-put SI :ABA 3 (J_ - COND. 2: 200.00 PCF DRAG LOAD._ SHEARWALL 0.00 to -17.17 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES"UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: ,90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat./2 Exp, C, IWWRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l .e, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Note: Truss_desiggn requires continuous bear.in wa1T for entire s an UON. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 3.03-13 0-11-11 12 a 3.50 M -2x4 8-07 /Z!lo�i3 M -3x4 M -3x6 0 nnnnn LUMBERSPECIFICATIONS TC: 2 x 4 OF #tiBTR BC: 2x4.DF #18BTR WEBS: 20 DF #16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12.0C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC: UON, LETINS• 1-00-00 1-00-00 TRUSS SPAN ;17'- 0.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 'SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL �23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7..0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF Ti - g gnred -ompt iput Sl...__ . i °ABR__..._s (J.., CBC201O/IBC2OOO MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1- 2= 369) 0 1. 8= 0 1278 1- 2=(-1466) 0 2- 3=-'-.1429) 0 8= 7=�0� 1317 3. 8=( -244) 40 , 3. 4= -1229) 0 S- 4=( 0) 321 4- 5=,�-1231) 0 8. 5= -288) 45 5. 6= -1488 0 6. 7=(-1458) 0 B- 7= -375) 0 100 AIARAG • Rr-i tt Dine i rinnno _ I nt 1 A Df:A Weet _ AM _ __ - • - - --__ -- -- - - -.. ..-- - LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BAG LENGTH Connector pplate prefix de 111 nators: REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CoapuTrus, Inc building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper O'- 0.0' 0/ 852V -49/ 50H 5.50' 0.91 OF ( 625 Y,M20HS,MISHS,M16 = M1Tek M7 series BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 17'- 0.5' 0/ 852V -49/ SOH 5.50' 0.91 OF ( 625 DATE : 12 / 10 /2013 the overall structure b the responaPolrty of the building designer. AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS_ ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. SEQ. : 5755154 4. No load should be applied to any component untilIafter all bracing and fasteners aro complete andoat no time should any loads greater than 4. Instal of truss 4 the, responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses ere to be used In a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 386462 design bads be applied to any component. S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the BAG @ 0'- 0.0• 0.91 DFj 1..40.HF/ 1.:34 SPF fabrication, handling, shipment. and Installation of components. S. This design Is famished subject to the limitations set forth by 7. Design assumes adequate drelnege U vlded. Do$necas' 6. Plates Shan De located on DoN feces of Wes; end placed so their center p ORO @ 17'- 0:5' 0.91 DF/ 1.40 HF/ 1.34:SPF Dies wheat with Joint center lines. IIII°I IN VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII I' II MiTek USA, IOC./C1mlpuTrus Sott"re 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E 9. Diens Indicate size of plain te Inness. p 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1966 (WTek) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, .TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.089• @ 8'- 5.5' Allowed = 0.537' MAX DL CREEP DEFL ,= =-0:194,' @ 8'- 5.5 Allowed = 0.806' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = •0.283' @ 8'c 5.5' Allowed = 0.805' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL = 0.194' MAX'HORIZ. LL,DEFL = 0;01.1* @ 16'- 7.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.027' @ 161- 7.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, 8-05-08 8_-07 Enclosed, Cet.2 Exp .C, MWFRS, interior zone„ hoed duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads 0-11.09 3-03-03 4-02-12 4-03-08 3-03-13_ _ _ _0-11-1.1 in the plane of the truss only. Design checked fora 300 lb concentrated top chord 12 12 live load per IBC 2009 due to,maintenant0 workers 3:50 v a 3.50 which is non -concurrent witn,other live loads. M=4x4 44.0° M -.2x4 D �N='2X4`- m 2.0 n� = N M 3x4 �j.l j M -3x4 6 Ili I I < M -3x7 M -3x8 r M-3; *` For hanger specs. - See approved plana CD 8-05-08 -j 307 <PL:12-00-12 17-00-08 9 2 100 AIARAG • Rr-i tt Dine i rinnno _ I nt 1 A Df:A Weet _ AM _ __ - • - - --__ -- -- - - -.. ..-- - - ticale: u.2jr9u WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless noted: A 51 1. BUlaei end erection contractor Shoup beadvisedof an General Notes 1. nim design is based only upon the parameters mown and b for an IntlNldual upon Truss : and Warnings before construction conenenoes: building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper 2.2x4 compression web, bracing must be Instaned where shown'•. Incorporation of component Is the responsminty of the building designer. 2. �pn assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY : AM 9. AddRlonel temporary bracing to Msure slabliay during con}lrucaon is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of and a< 10' in such as ply unless braced throughout Ihelr ie h by r continuous contMuous sheathing earn ee plywoodquired n and/or drywall C), DATE : 12 / 10 /2013 the overall structure b the responaPolrty of the building designer. ere s 9. 2x Iriiped bridging w lateral Dretlng required where shown ++ SEQ. : 5755154 4. No load should be applied to any component untilIafter all bracing and fasteners aro complete andoat no time should any loads greater than 4. Instal of truss 4 the, responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses ere to be used In a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 386462 design bads be applied to any component. S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge N fabrication, handling, shipment. and Installation of components. S. This design Is famished subject to the limitations set forth by 7. Design assumes adequate drelnege U vlded. Do$necas' 6. Plates Shan De located on DoN feces of Wes; end placed so their center p TruwrcA In eg31. togas of which will be compelled upon request. Dies wheat with Joint center lines. IIII°I IN VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII I' II MiTek USA, IOC./C1mlpuTrus Sott"re 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E 9. Diens Indicate size of plain te Inness. p 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1966 (WTek) Imp n I LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS" TC': 2x4 OF 210OF BC: 2x4 OF #1RBTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #1RSTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. LETINS: 1-00-00 1.00.00 Connector plate prefix ,desiQnat0rs: C,CN,CI8;CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus; Inc M,M20HS,Mi8H31 16 = MiTek YTT series ++ For hanger specs. - See approved plans SINGLE',MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED. TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5' MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. 11-09 1-09-11 12 3.50 F--- M-20 7 4301# 5-08-03. <PL:12-00-12 TRUSS SPAN 17'- 0,5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)tDL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7:0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 301.0 LBS @ 2'- 4.8•' ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 431.0 LBS @ 5 6:3' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS, OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 8-05-08 2-10-15 2-09-05 M -4x6 4.0' � I M -2x4 I 9 M -3x10 1,431.# 5-08-035-08-03 17-00-08 inn Kmfir • Pri tt Roc i Janna _ I nt 1A P(;A Wpct - AR9 4-03-08 d D 1 5igf red :Orap tput E....__ FAE11, .,,, ,S CBC2010/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1. 2= 442 0 1. 9= 0 1691 1. 2=(•2047) 0 2- S= -193 0 9.10=�0 1602 3. 9=( 0 814 3- 4=(-2485 0 10. 8=(OI 1686 4- 9=( -443) 0 4-'5= -2528 0 9- 5= 0 1192 5. 8=�-1774) 0 5- 5=1 -46) 144 6- 7= •1870) 0 10- 6= 83 103 7= 8=( -491) 0 7- 8= 1835 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES( SPECIES' 01• 0.0' 0/ 1408V -491 50H 5.:50' 1:50, F( 825 17'- 0.5' 0/ 1028V -48/ 50H 5.50` 1.10 DF l 62b BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.50 DF/ 2.32 HF/ 2.21 SPF BOG @ 17'• 0.5' 1.10 DF/ 1.69 HF/ 1.61 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS. LL=L/360, TL=0240 MAX LL DEFL •0.075' @ 12' 9.5' Allowed ' 0:537' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = •0.267' @ 11'- 4.3•' Allowed = 0:806' VAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.342' @ '11'= 4.3' Allowed = 0.806' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.267' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.010' @: 16'- 7.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.034' @ 16'- 7.0' 8-07 Wind: E90 nclosed Cat' TEDp=C' VWF S=4.2, ASCE 7-05, interior zone, load Auration factor=1.5, 3-03-13 0-11-11 Truss designed for wind loads Ir Ir in the plane of the truss only. 12 Design checked fora 300 lb concentrated top chord a 3.50 live load per :IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -:concurrent with other live loads. M` x4;1 S^ �. M -3x5 un O^4LJJ F -' 1 B o M-3xf %z-,' � I C: m0 i �-I m -� r - z Lj 5; 5-08-03 M -4x6 imam" /Z!%off/3 Truss : - - DES. BY : AM DATE • 12/10/201'3 SEQ. : 5755155 TRANS ID: 386462 II (VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIISLIIIII ILII ILII WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 2.2w4 compression web bracing must be Installed whom shown +. 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction le the responsibility of the erector: Additional permanent bracing of the overan structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No load should be applied to any corn pooerd until after an bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any foods Beater than design'bads be applied to any component. S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the ratiricetnn, handling, shiprnem and Installation of components. S. This design is.fumishad subject to the limitations set forth by TPIIWfCA la SCSI, copies of which win be famished upon request. MTBk USA, Inc.ICompuTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E GENERAL NOTES, unless otheraisonoted: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual building component. Applicability of design'piramehni and _proper incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building deaWner. c d t laterally braced eI chobraced 2• Design essurtres lite Wp and boftor unless 7 o.C. and at til'. o:C: respectively unless braced throughout their tonp1h by continuous sheathing such as ptywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall (8C). 3. 2x IffMC1 bddging or, lateral Medng required where shown. + 4. Inatellelion of Cruse is the responslbilty of the respeciiw contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used M on oonosive environment, and are for *dry condition" of use: '8 Design assumes rug beerhng at all supports shown. Shim or wedge t necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate draftme is provided. 8: Plates shelf be located on both faces of tows, and placed so their center with Joint center ache. Mas ce Indicate 9. Digits sicco site of plate la inches. vel 10. For basic connects plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -tete (Mfrelq M -4x6 imam" /Z!%off/3 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF M16BTR BC: 2x4 DF.p16BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF RIBBTR. TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connect orpplate prefix designators: C,CN;CI8;CN18 (or no,prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20H8'MISHSiM16 = MiTek M. series M N CD 0 12 3.50 C --- TRUSS SPAN 2'- 4.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.:25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23:0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. 2-04 BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. M -2x4 2-04 <PL:12-00-12 v 0 M -3x5 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - Truss: %J , DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755156 TRANS ID: 386462 I IIIIII VIII III VIII alit III,1 VIII IIII ISI WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during constmaion Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure Is.the responsibility of the building designer. 4.No bad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any Mads greater than design loads be applied to any component. S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. S. This deslpn Is fumishsd subject to the tons set forth by TPIMIrCA in BC31, duple; of which sum "tons furnished upon request. Ml7ek;USA Iric./CompuTrus Software+7.6.4SP5(1L)-E U� C_� ~ i i I ( J C""j.y •Ji- p UJ _.l..r --i Wil. C(1 C: < r -04 ,1 �� nZ Scale: 0.7073 GENERAL NOTES, unless othewise nolW'1! 1. This deslpn I, bend only upon the parameters shown and is for an Indt Muel building comporent. Applicablaty.of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top arid bottom chords to be laterally braced at 7 o.c. and at t0"o.o. respectively unless braced throughout their le by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathbtg(TC) and/or drywal ). 3. 2z Impact bridging or lateral tracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes Cusses are to be used In a non-eormsNe environment, and are for *dry condalon' of use. 8. Design assumes full beating at as supports shown. Shim or wedge N necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is proAded. S. Plain shall be located on both faces ofwst s and placed so their center lines coincide with joint center fines. a. Dlgits Indicate size of plate In inches. 10. For basic Connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITe10 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX TC PANEL.LL DEFL = -0.004' @ 1'- 2.4' Allowed = 0.091' MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.006' @ 1'- 2.4' Allowed = 0.137' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.002' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.000' @ 2'- MAX HORIZ.'TL DEFL =. 0.000' @ 2'- 2.2' Wind; 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat,2 Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.8, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maipterience workers which is non -concurrent With other live loads:. T sigr red olnp Iput S. __ FABF._ S ('..r CBC2010/IBC2009. MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/CgF1.00_ 1.2=(-44) 10 3.4=(-24) 34.3-1=(-167) 0 2.4=(-176) 0 1.. •29 11 , BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS. REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 160V -30/ 28H 5.50' 0.10 OF ( 6251 2'- 4.0' 0/ 200V -30/ 28H 5.50' 0.21 OF ( 825 BRG @, 0'- 0.0' 0.18 DF/ 0.30 HF/ 0:28 SPF BRG @ 2'- 4.0' 0.21 OF/ 0.33 HF/ 0.31 SPF U� C_� ~ i i I ( J C""j.y •Ji- p UJ _.l..r --i Wil. C(1 C: < r -04 ,1 �� nZ Scale: 0.7073 GENERAL NOTES, unless othewise nolW'1! 1. This deslpn I, bend only upon the parameters shown and is for an Indt Muel building comporent. Applicablaty.of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top arid bottom chords to be laterally braced at 7 o.c. and at t0"o.o. respectively unless braced throughout their le by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathbtg(TC) and/or drywal ). 3. 2z Impact bridging or lateral tracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes Cusses are to be used In a non-eormsNe environment, and are for *dry condalon' of use. 8. Design assumes full beating at as supports shown. Shim or wedge N necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is proAded. S. Plain shall be located on both faces ofwst s and placed so their center lines coincide with joint center fines. a. Dlgits Indicate size of plate In inches. 10. For basic Connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITe10 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX TC PANEL.LL DEFL = -0.004' @ 1'- 2.4' Allowed = 0.091' MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.006' @ 1'- 2.4' Allowed = 0.137' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.002' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.000' @ 2'- MAX HORIZ.'TL DEFL =. 0.000' @ 2'- 2.2' Wind; 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat,2 Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.8, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maipterience workers which is non -concurrent With other live loads:. LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC 20 OF A18BTR BE 20 OF A16BTR WEBS: 20 OF N18BTR TC LATERAL SUPP,ORT'<= 12'OC. UON, BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON, LETINS: 0.00-00 1-00-00 Connector plate prefix des J.'' to C,CN C18,CN1I (or no prefixi = CompuTrus, Inc Y,Y261S,Y18HSy 16 Y Tek YTT series 0 N ,O O p 00 v o, N. 2-10-08 2-10-08 12 3.50 F--- M -2x4 M-4x5 4:0° 2 .r• -T < M -3x4 For hanger specs. - See approved plans <PL:1`2-00- 5-08-12. TRUSS SPAN 11'- 5.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20,0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REOUIREUENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING YET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 8-07 4-03-08 3-03-13 12' a 3-50 M -2x4 J M -3x4 m C7 4 `7 -,1 ] c o p r ,, , _) M-30 JJ I �' -40 60 177 .Inn MARAF i Rri tt Raci rlanr-A _ I nt 1A PAA WpSt - A54 M -3x8 T aigr red omp Iput S. _. __ FABF ,. 5 A54VYARNN706: COC20101IBC2000 MAX MEMBER FORCES .4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1. Bustler, and erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes- and wamhros before construction commences. 1.2= -30 70 a-7=(0 344 1.8=(-189 0 mpAonenilanthe a banddirp designer. 2.3=(•695, 0 7-5=(0� 792 6-2=•535 q DES. 3.4= -891 0 2-7= 0 401 4:5= ,217 0 7-3= •264 15 4. No Mad should be applied to any component until akar all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any Mads greater then 4-5= -921 0 BEARING MAX VENT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE_ INCHES (SPECIES 0'- 0.0' 01 564V -60/ 50H 5:50' 0.80 OF. 625 11'- 5:5' 0/ 582V -60/ 50H 5..50' 0.82 OF 625 1 a. Plates shall be located on both faces of trL: end placed so their center nlll BRG @ .0'- 0:0' 0:80 DF'/ 0.93 HF/ 0.88 SPF TPI/VVECA In SCSI, copies of which wall be furnished upon request BRG @ 11'- '5:5' 0.62 DFl 0.96 HF/ 0.91 SPF III�I IIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII Illi II II II VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/380, TL=L/240 MTek USA Enc./CompuTlUs Software 7.6.4SP5(1 C)� MAX LL DEFL ='-0.037' @ 7'- 2.5' Allowed = 0.351' MAX, OL CREEP DEFL = -0:087' @ 7'- 2:5' Allowed = 0.527' MAX, TL CREEP DEFL = -0.088' @ 7'• 2.5' Allowed = 0.527' 1 111 RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.087' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.003' @ 1,1'• 0.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.008' F 1.1'- 0.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, 11 Enclosed, Cat. Exp.C, VWFRS, interior zone load duration factor=1.8, Truss designeb for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked fora 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2008 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads.. M -2x4 J M -3x4 m C7 4 `7 -,1 ] c o p r ,, , _) M-30 JJ I �' -40 60 177 .Inn MARAF i Rri tt Raci rlanr-A _ I nt 1A PAA WpSt - A54 M -3x8 A54VYARNN706: 1. Bustler, and erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes- and wamhros before construction commences. GENERAL NOTEm, unless otherwise rroteA: aan Individual 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an building mo f desigslblparameters metof Truss: 2. DN compression web bracing must be IrMaaetl where shown +. mpAonenilanthe a banddirp designer. BY: AM 3. Additional temporary bratlnm to Insure stabilky during construction 2. Design :somas the top and bottom chords to bei laterally braced at y o.c. end at 1 a o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their, Mnp1h by DES. Is the responsibility of the,ereGlor. Addklonal permanent bracing of conthiuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE • 12 M ID / 2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral tiredng required where shown - + SEQ. : 57551.57 4. No Mad should be applied to any component until akar all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any Mads greater then 4. Installation of tniss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be'used In a non-coaoshm environment, TRANS I D : 386462 design bads be applied. to anycomponent. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the .and are for'dry condition* of use. S. Design assumes lull bearing at all supports shown.,Shfm or wedge 11 Is ricatl . handling. shipment and Installation of components. necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate dreMege is provtled. 6. This design is furnished subject to the nrrrhetfons set forth by a. Plates shall be located on both faces of trL: end placed so their center nlll TPI/VVECA In SCSI, copies of which wall be furnished upon request ries co with Joint center fiche. III�I IIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII Illi II II II MTek USA Enc./CompuTlUs Software 7.6.4SP5(1 C)� 9. Digits sic con site of plate in Inches. nkat 10. For baste connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1986 (MITak) Iaali 111 � IIII r LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF N16BTR 80: 20 OF k46BTR WEBS: 20 OF 11871 TO LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON, BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON, Connector plate prefix desinators: C; CN C18 CN18 for no prefix) = Computrus, Inc M,M26HS,i18HS, 18 = Y Tek Y series FLAT ROOF TRUSS PROVIDE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE TO PREVENT PONDING TRUSS SPAN 3'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE '= 1.25.(Non-Rep) SPACED 24:0. D.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL 23.0) ONJOP CHORD = 49.0 PSF . ON �LBOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = '50.0 PSF ADDL; 80 CONC LL+DL= 200.0 LBS @ 1'- 11.3' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET: BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 3=00AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. M -2x4 M -3x4 1 2 - I v 0 I M -3x4 M -2x4 '• For hanger specs, - See approved plans L 200# 3-00 <PL:12-00-12 .IF1R KIAMF , Rri tt Raci rlpncp _ I nt 1 F PGA Wpct - A5 ouaae: T sigr red OMP1 Iput S, ; A8R..,,,. .S (..,,1 CBC2010/IBC2609 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cy=1.00 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, urticas otherwise noted: 5-4=(•20) 22 1-9= -18Z 0 1. Bueder and erection contractor should be advised of a8 General Nolen ,1. This design h based only upon the parameters shown and is for an lndMdual Truss ' and Wamings before construction oommences. bracing bullding oumpor ent. Appllcabiety of design parameters and prepar Incorparetbn of component is the r. - MAX VERT 2. 2x4 compression web must be Installed where shown «_ 3. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability durlrro construction ally bWildira ed al. m chords to be laterally ? =ign assumes the lop end bottom chords to De laterely braced el. ?' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout Iheirte,rnpggm� by DES. BY: AM REACTIONS is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permaaenl bradr g of continuous slteeUing such es plywood sheamep(TC) and/or drywas(ec). DATE: 12/1012013 0'- 0.0' overall structure Is Ore responsibility of the Wilding designer. No '3. Zk Impact brtdgbg Or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ.: 5755158 6F ( 625 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing end fasteners are complete and at no dme should arty bads grester than 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the nxpemve contragor. S, Design assumes busses are to be used In a non-mnosNe environment, TRANS I D : 386462 TRANS 5.50• 0.34 design bads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has rro conhol over and assumes no responslbirdy for the f use. and ere to, 'dry condition 0'-- 8. aryssu. full bean. at all supports shown. Shim or wedge a BRA @ 0'- 0.0' fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. nDee:4mn 7, Design assumes adequete drainage is profiled. BRA @ a. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both feces of buss, and placed so their anter HF/ 0.50 SPF TPIANTCA M SCSI. copies of which bum die luirnished upon request. - Imes coincide with joint ate IIIIII.IIII VIII VIII VIII II"' VIII IIII IIII in inches. a. krdicete sire of plate m orches: p III M17ok USA, Inc./CampuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E ForDigits 10. For bash connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MTek) T sigr red OMP1 Iput S, ; A8R..,,,. .S (..,,1 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/960, TL=L/240 MAX TC PANEL LL DEFL = -0.011' @ 1'- 5.1' Allowed = 0.131' MAX BC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.018' @ 11'- 8.2' Allowed = 0.120' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFLJ= O.Of5' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.000' @ 0'- 3.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.000' @ 2'- 10.3' Wind: '0 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2,. ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat:/1 Exp.C, MNFRS, interior, zone, load duration factor=1:6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane, of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 _lb concentrated top chord live load per ISO 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5' MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. CBC2010/IBC2609 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cy=1.00 1-2=(=9) 24 5-4=(•20) 22 1-9= -18Z 0 2-4=(-172) 0 3- 2= -51 7 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 0'- 0.0' 0/ 301V .23/ 23H 5.50' 0.32 6F ( 625 31- 0.0' 0/ 319V -23/ 23H 5.50• 0.34 DF ( 625 BRA @ 0'- 0.0' 0.32 DF/ 0.48 HF/ 0.47 SPF BRA @ 3'- 0.0' 0.34 DF/ 0.59 HF/ 0.50 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/960, TL=L/240 MAX TC PANEL LL DEFL = -0.011' @ 1'- 5.1' Allowed = 0.131' MAX BC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.018' @ 11'- 8.2' Allowed = 0.120' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFLJ= O.Of5' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.000' @ 0'- 3.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.000' @ 2'- 10.3' Wind: '0 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2,. ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat:/1 Exp.C, MNFRS, interior, zone, load duration factor=1:6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane, of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 _lb concentrated top chord live load per ISO 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5' MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS. TRUSS SPAN 3'- 0.0' TC: 2x4 DF'g16BTR': LOAD;DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) SC: 2x4 OF #1RBTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. WEBS: 20 OF #18BTR LOADING TC LATERAL SUPPORT 12'OC.;UON. LL( 20.0)+DL 23.0) ON -TOP <= D = 43.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12.0C.'UON. �L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50:0 PSF Connector -plate prefix desi nators: C,CN C18 CN18 ((or no pprefixg) - CompuTrus, Inc ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 564.0 LBS @ 1'- 11:3' M,M26HS,i18HS,f+16 = MiTek MT series LIMITED STORAGE DOES. NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL FLAT ROOF TRUSS REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. .PROVIDE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD, TOP TO PREVENT PONDING- 3-00 AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. M -2x4 M -3x4 d M T N < M -3x4 - For hanger specs. - See approved plans L - ;1564# 6 3-00 <P,L 12,-00-12 v 0 N Ina MARX • nri ++ no'c i rianna _ I nt 1A PAA Wact - ANA Truss: /-NO 1 .DES. BY: AM DATE:. 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755159 TRANS IM 386462 WARNINGS: t Suilderand erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression weti bracing must be installed.where shown +- 9. Additional temporary` bracing to Insure stability dudng construction is the msponsibnny of Ihesrecior. Additional permenerd bracing of the overall structure Is the responsibilky of the building designer. 4.. No bad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should anybads greeter than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrushas no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication. handling, shipment and Installation of components. S. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIANTCA In SCSI; copies of which will be furnished upon request. MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E ouaie: u:rooe GENERAL NOTES, unless oherwlse noted: 1. This design Is based only upon, the parameters shown and Is for_ an Individual buiWpg component. component Is the responsibility perimeters endn `r incorporation of comporront Mahe responaibgtty of the bullddnp designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2'o.a.ens t f0'. o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral tracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of truss'Is the responslblldy of the respective' contractor. 5. Design assumes busses are to be used in a non•oorrosi a environment, and am for'dry condition' of use. S. Design assumes full bearing at all supports. shown. Shim or wedge N necessary. 7. Design assumes a tedoeq-ate drainage is provided.. 8. Plas shell be baited on both faces of truss, and placed so their center lines, with _ ajoint center jocenter fines.9. Digits Indicate sizeof plata In inches. 10. For basicconnector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESW1988 (Welt) T >ign red Ompi Iput S.. _. _ °ABA . _ .3 (• -.-, OBC20101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2=(•19) 13 3-4=(49) 21 1.3=(-186) 0 2.4=(•171),2 3-2=( 99 22 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BAG REQUIRED. BAG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' 01. 431V -421 42H 5.50' 0.46 F 625 3'- 0:0' 01 553V -42/ 42H 5.50' 0.59 DF 625 BAG @ 0'- 0:0' 0.46 DF/ 0.7.1 HF/ 0.68 SPF BAD @ 3'- 0.0' 0.59 DF/ 0.91 HF/ 0.87 SPF' VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX TC PANEL LL DEFL 0,011' .@ 1'- 5:1' ,Allowed = 0.144' MAX BC PANEL_ TL DEFL = -0.043' @ 1'- 9.4" Allowed = 0.133' RECOMMENDEDCAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.040' MAX.HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.000' @ 0'- 3.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0:000' @ 0'- 3.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat. EXP ,C`, iWFASy- interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for 'wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for 'a 300 lbconcentrated top chord live 'load _per IBC 2009 due. to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN: HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM 'CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5' MAX', NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. v laall n . 11 II� LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF 2100F' 2x4 OF #100 T2 BCt 20 OF #,1dBTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT < 12 OC UON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON ---- NOTE: 20 BRACING AT 24.00 LON. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT:SHEATHED LETINS: 2-00-00 2,00-00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18�CN18 (or no prefizl CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS, 18HS, 16 = MiTek series 2 ) complete trusses repired. Soin 'complete 2 ply with 3'x.131 DIA GUN nails stagggered. at: 9' oc in t row s) throughout; 2x4 topp chords, 9' oc in i rows) throughout 2x4 bottam 'chords, 9' oc in t row(s) throughout 2x4 webs. 1,11 703 148.01 3-10-12 12. 3.50 M -5x12 M -2x4 M=3x8 2748,-08 HIP SETBACK 8-.00.00 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) LOADING TC UNIF LL 40.0 #DL 46 0 = 86:0 PCF 0'- 0:0' TO 8'- 0.0' V TC UNIF LL 100.Oi'+DL� 115 0)= 215.0 PLF 8'- 0.0' TO 19'- 8.5' V TC UNIF LL 40.0 +DL 46.0 = 86.0 PLF 19'- 8:5.' TO 27'- 8.5' V SC UNIF LL 0.0 +DL 35.0)= 95.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 27 8.5' V ADDL: BC UNI LL+DL 20.0 PLF 0' 0:0' TO 27'- 8.5' V TC GONG LL 3173.3)1 429.3?= 802.7 LBS @ B'- 0.0' TC GONG LL � 373.9 +DLJ 429.3)= 802.7 LBS @ 19'- 8.5' ADDL: BC CON LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 0'- 4.0' ADDL: BC GONG LL+DL 39.0 LBS @ 7'- 2.8' ADDL: BC-,CONC LL+DL 39.0 LBS @ 14'- 5.5' ADDL: BC GONG LL+DL= 39.0,LBS @ 21'- 8.3" ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 89.0.LBS @ 27'= 4.5' LIMITED 8TOf1AGE DOES' NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010.NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON' -CONCURRENTLY: 11-09-02 4.00-08 4-05-12 2.70# fr, M -3x5 M,31d10 1 1T - 12 0.1 94 < M -6x6 M-300 .254 39# 39# MHS-5z14(S) I 3 7-041-04 4-05 12 4-02=04 <PL:14-00-12 .27-08 08 1nQ KIARAP - Ari t+ Rcci rlanra _ I nt 1'A M4A Walt _ AR7 1 sigr red Omp )put S FABF. S (I CBC2010/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1:00 1- 2=� -144) 0 1-11=(0) 6394 1- 2=(•7278 0 9-10=(•7282) 0 2. 3= -7036)) 0 11 12= 0 10960 3.11= 0 2472 r 8 4= -8976 0 12-13=50 11018 11- 4= 0 858 4 5=( 8654 0 13-14= 0 1:1018 11 5- -2666 76 5 6=1 10990 0 14-10=(0) 8398 5 12= 0 338 6 7= -8660 0 12 6- -216 188 7 8= -8982 0 13 6= 0 286 8 9= -7040 0 6-14= -2702 74 9-10= -144 0 7-14- 0 842 14- 8= 0 2472 BEARING- MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS. REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE' INCHES (SPECIES 0'- 0.0' OV 3606V -50/ 50H 5.50' 1.92- OF ( 625 27'- 8;5' 0/ 3612V -50/ 50H 5.50' 1.93 OF ( 625) BRG @ 0'- 0,0' 1.92 DF/ 2.97 HF./ 2.83 SPF BRG @ 27'= 8.5' 1.93 DF/2.97 HF/ 2.83 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION.LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MLL DEFL -0,235' @ 11' 10.0' Allowed = 0.8 AX93' MAX DL CREEP DEFL - -0.596' @ 11' 10:0' Allowed = 1.340' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.832' @ 1-1' 10.0' Allowed = 1.340° RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL) 0.596' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.055' @ 27'- 3:0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.147' @ 27'- 3.0' Wind: 90 mph'i h=20ft;.TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4,.2,. ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Get.2 Eip:C', MWFRS, interior zone,1oad'duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads .in the,plane of the truss. only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBG' 2009 due to maintenance workers 7-11-'11 which is non-cool-urreut with other live loads., 3-10-12 1-08 1-11-04 #+ I 12 a 3.50 M -2x4 M -3x8 0 10 00 I I,M-6x6 139# 7-04-04 saosaw i2!/o�t3 -7 WARNINGS: GENERAL unless otherwise noted: A 1'. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes design is b, t. This design )s based only upon the parameters shown and is for an indivlduel Truss . acid V arisings before construction commences. building component. Applicabilxy of design parameters and proper incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. z,_ 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. 2• Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be Merely braced at DES. BY' AM 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during conslrudMn is the responsiblift of the erector. Additional pemianec bracing of 2 o.e: and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their farp!h by DATE.: 12/10/2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. continuous sheathhq such as plywood sheathh g(TC) andlor drywall(SC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required. whereshown + + 4.. No load stiouid be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4:. Installation of tmss Is the responsibility of the, respectlJe contractor. SEQ. , 5755160 fasteners are complete and at no time, should any loads greatiethan S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non mrtosive envhonmenl, design loads be applied to any component. and are Por "dry condition" of use. -assumes TRANS I D : 386462 S. cc Trus ties no control over and assumes no responsibility for the a. Design full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it fabrication„handling; shipmem and Installation of components. fl.This design is fumished emulation by necessary.. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is, provided- roved.9. sualecl to the set forth rpinnircA In BC81 copy of which will be Nmbhed hoer request a. Rates shall tie located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center Disco with joint p center lines 1111111 II II VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIIILIIII Lill MTek USA, Inc;/Com Trus.Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E dleal 9. Digas Indicate site of plate to inches: 10. For bask connector plate design vahies see ESR -131 t, ESR -1859 (MITeW saosaw i2!/o�t3 ImlRllillll , LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 DF 81dBTR BC: 20 OF 816BTR WEBS: 20 OF M1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12.00. LION. BC LATERALSUPPORT<= 12'OC. LOW. ---- NOTE: 2x4 BRACING AT 24'OC UON. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED LETINS: 3.00-00 3-00.00 Connector plate prefix designators; C;CN C18 CN18 for no prefix) CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,b18HS, 16 = M Tek M series SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5" MAX'. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. TRUSS SPAN 27'- 8.5" LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50:0 PSF ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 20.0 PLF 0.'- 0.0' TO 27'- 8.5' V ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= '29.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 27'- 8:0' V ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 0'- 4.0' ADDU BC CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 7'- 2:8' ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 14'- 5.5' ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 21'- 8:3' ADDL: BC CONC.LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 27'- 4.5' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTSOF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 9.11-11 7-09-02 2-10-12 2-00 4-07-0.4 4-04-04 12 3.50 v M-412. M -3x8 5 M -3x5 M -3x10 0 co m o co < - 0 1 10 11 0.25" 12 M=7x6 M -2x4 M -2x4 -5x14(5) , 4V 4-04-041 m 4-09:_ `e o > 0 t2 a7 co 17 .0 T ;ign red Ofnpi Iput S....__ .:ABR ....... S (_ , CBC2010/1BC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF./Cy=1.00 1- 2= -65) 661-10=(0 4046 1- 2= -4514 0 7-14= 0 394 2, 3= -4365 0 10=.11=(0) 4030 10- 3= 0 384 8- 9=•4520; 0 r 3- 4= -4322) 0 11-12=(0 4660 3-11=.-99 230 4- 5=(-4118 0 12.13=(0) 4660 1.1- 4= 0 682 5- 6= -4120 0 13-14= 0 4037 11- 5= -682 0 6. 7=(-4329 0 14. 9= 0 4054 12- 5=0 378 7- 8= -4376 0 5-13= -680 0 8- 9= -.68 61 6'13= 0 689 13- 7= -109 225 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ, BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZEINCHES, ((SPECIES 0'- 0.0' 0/ '2159V -62/ 62H 5.50,' 2.30 ! 625 27'- 8.5' 0/ 2163V -62/ 62H 5.50' 2.31 DF 1 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 2.30 DF/ 3.55 HF/ 3.39 SPF BRG @ 27'- 8.5' 2.31 DF/ 3.56 HF1 3.39 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.147' @ 13'- 10.3' Allowed = 0.893' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.621' @ 131- 10..3' Allowed = 1.340' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0:761' @ 13'- 10.3' Allowed = 1.340' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.621' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.039' @ 27'- 3.0'' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.145' @ 27'- 3.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed,. Cat.71 Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone load duration factor=1.8, Truss designeb for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers 1'1 which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 1.-10-04 2-10-12 12 a.3.50 M -3x5 M A �,J Cj f M 2 14 x4 M Z. M -3x10 to o 00 •9 c M -7x6 4-09 4-07-04 4-06 449 �4�4-07-04 <PL:14-00-12 27-08-08 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A58 Scale: 0.2461 unasom / 2!!0/ I3 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless oltrenwnce noted: A581. Sunder and erection contractor should:be advised of an General Notes 1. This design Is based only upon the peremetens shown and is ler an individual Truss: and Warnings before construction commences.. building component. Applicability of design parameters and pr¢ r Incorporation of component le ttre responsibility of the bulldirp designer. 2. Ad compression web brotlrrp must be Installed.where shown!. 3.- Additional temporary bracing to Insure stablixy during construWon Y Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be literally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10'. o.c+ respecUvely.unless breced throughout their lenpth by DES. BY: AM Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of continuous sheathing such as plywood shesthhg(TC) and/or drywan(bC>. DATE:: 12/ 10/2013 the overall structure It the _ esponsbtilty of the building designer. 3. 2x impact bridging or lateral mating required Where shown + + SEQ. : 5155161 4. No load should be applied to any component until after tracing and fasteners are cemplele and at no time should Brij bads greater then 4. Installation of hula Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Design assumes tresses are to be used In a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 386462 design beds be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus hes no control over acrd assumes no responsibimy for the and am for "dry condition' of use. S. Design assumes fun bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge H fabrication, handlin , shipment and installation of components. m necessary.signas 7. Design assumes adequate drainageIs provided. 8. This design is fumbhed subject le the limitations set forth by a 9. plates shall be Meted on beth (aces of toss, end placed so their earner TPINICA.b SCSI. copies ofwhich Will be furnished upon request Dies coincide with Job( miter noes. Illiml VIII VIII II IIIEI.EIIII II VIII VIII IIII IliII II MJTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1l)-E 9. Dlpns Indicate te b inches . 10 For basic connector plate designvalues sae ESR-1311,ESR-19ee (MfTek) unasom / 2!!0/ I3 laall 11 lit ILII ' LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF #16BTR Be: 2x4 'DF #13BTR WEBS: 20 OF #16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12.'OC. UON. Be LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. NOTE: 2x4 BRACING AT 24'OC UON FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED LETINS: 3-00-00 3-00.00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18'CN18 (or no prefix).= CompuTrus, Inc M,M2bHS,A18HS, 16'= MiTek M series SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS.ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.6' MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY -OTHERS. TRUSS SPAN 27'- 8.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF LON BOTTOM CHORD= 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF AODL: Be UNIF LL+DL= 20:0 P.LF 0'-. 0.0' TO 27'- 8.5' V ADDL: Be CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 01- 4.0' ADDL: Be CONC'LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 7'= 2.8' ADDL: Be CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 14'- 5.5' ADDL: Be CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS '@ 21'- 8.3' ADDL: Be CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 27'- 4.5' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL. REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF.LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 11-11-11 3-09-02 2-10-12 3-00 6-00-15 4-02-13 12 3.50 C___ M-400 M -3x5 0 3 c M -3x8 v coo� _ 0 1 9 10 C. < I M -6x6 M -2x4 0.25" L�39# L �39# M-5x8(,S) ♦` 5-09 5-07-04 5-01-12 L <PL:14-00-12 27-08-08 inn MARX • Rri ++ Dalai Hanna _ I nt 1 A MIA intact _ ARC) Dam T >iqn red OMPI iput S.-.-- -'ABR i (.1,,, CBC2010/,IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1,00 1- 2=( -53) 94 1- 9=(0 3383 1- 2= -9797 0 7. 8=(-3804) 0 2- 3=((=3692 0 9-10= 0 3373 9. 3= 0 329 9- 4= -3223 0 10-11= 0 3043 3.10= -458 15 4-: 5= -9047 0 11-12= 0 3379 10= 4= 0 411 5. 8.3292 0 12- 8= 101 3389 10. 5= -123 135 6- 7= -3839 0. 5.11= 0 409 7- 8= -52; 94 11. 6= -453 13 6-12= 0 330 BEARING MAX VENT MAX HONZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS. REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES ((SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 1757V -74/ 74H 5.50' 1.87 OF 625) 27'- 8.5' 0/ 1763V -74/ 74H 5.50' 1.88 OF 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.87 DF/ 2.89 HF/ 2.76 SPF BRG @ 27'- 8.5' 1.88 DF/ 2.90 HF/ 2.76 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DER = -0:161' @ 15'- 8.5' Allowed = 0.893' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0:522' @ 15'- 8.5' Allowed = 1.340• MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.683' @ 15'- 8.5' Allowed = 1.340' RECOMMENDED CALIBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)- 0.522' MAX HORIZ: LL DEFL = 0,036' @ 27'- 3.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.,113' @ 27'- 3.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.i Exp C, �1WFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only, 3-00 2-10-12 12 M T C - 3.50 o� -3x5 (7 Q M-34 %__ �-` M CM 2x4 11 M -6x6 L �le s5 05 081 �- 5-09 .. .. .. .., ....�. r.l �. .•.. .. .. �._..-- --- _ _. - ..--- - -- scale: u.z9ol A,5�j2. WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of e8 General Notes GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual and Mmirlgs before eonsballon.commences. building component. AppticalifMy of design parameters and proper Truss: ?ri! Cdr11pre55bn bracing be Installed +. Incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. DES. BY: AM web must where shown 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of at 2. Design assuntes the top and vetooly u chords c d throughout roughoderally� t their M by coni,° � he�'0" ���� unbse braced Ih Cuarid%otdry DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure Is the responsibility of the bu8dh g designer_ a1nup1 hr9 such as plywood shealhInp(f ) and/or drywen(BC). 3.2x Impact bddging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEG.: 5755162 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners em ccimplete and at no time should any loads greats than 4. Installatboof tnrss Is the responsibility ofthe respective contractor. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a iron-conosive environment; TRANS I D : 386462 design loads be applied to ally component'. 5. CompuTrus has and responsibility and am for -dry, condition' of use: e. Design assumes full bearMg at all supports shown. Shim or wedge O no control over assumes no for the "8ry- nDesign fabrfcation, andling. shl hpment end lostallatlun o} components: 7- assumes adequate drabage Is provided. S. This design Is furnished subject to the.lbnllattons set forth by 8. (dates shall be bested on both faces of tnss, and placed so their center TPIIWfCA In SCSI, copies of which will be famished upon request ries coincide with pint center Mee. to lines. 111111 IUII III 11111111111111111111,11111111111111111 VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII ILII Ilp II MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SPS(1 L) -E 9. Digs indicate sire of plate 10. For bask connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (Mrrel) Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2.009 due to maintenance workers which is:non-concurrent with 'other live loads. to lo 0 0 Co LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF 210OF BC: 2x4 OF #16BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC: UON. LETINS: 2-06-00 2-06.00 Connector pplate prefix desi nators: CC Cis Cis CN18 for no prefix4 = CompuTrus,.Inc M,M26S, 18HS, 15 = NiTek MT series. SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5" MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. 2-05 2=02-07 12 3.50 U--- m M -2x4 O M-300 rn o�o c 1 <, M -7x6 ��39# 6-11-02 <PL:14-00-12 TRUSS SPAN 27'- '8.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE= 1.25 SPACED 24.0. O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD 50.0 PSF ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 20.0 PLF 0'- 0:0' TO 27' 8.5' V ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 29.0 P.LF 0'- 0.0' TO 27'- 8.0' V ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 0'- 4.0' ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 7' 2.8' ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 14" 5.5' ADDL: 8C CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS 0 21'- 8.3' .ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 27'- 4,5" LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF C8C2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 13-10-04 4-07-07 4-07-07 M -3x5 M -3x4 .139# 6-11-02 4-07-07 M -4x6 5 4.0' Q 3.Oe BEARING LOCATIONS 0'- 0,0' 27'- 8.5' 13-10-04 4-07-07 2-02-07 12 a 3.50 M -3x5 Cf 7 M -2x4 0.25° -A -7I M=3x4 MHS-6xl2(S) C7 z!ri-1 3# _Inc 6 114 z m 27-08.08 -0 '( yam. InR MAW:- Rri ++ Qnei rlonna - I nt 1A DIA Mine+ - Ann 6-11-02 T 3igr red OMPI Iput S =ABF------ --S (.--- CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES - 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1- 2-( 0)) 84 1.10=((0 3832 1- 2= -4337 0 2. 3=(-4160) 0 10.11=(0 4002 3-10=5 0 .521 3- 4= -4364)) 0 11-12= 0 4004 10- 4=Q 0 435 4- 5= -3385 0 12. 9=(0 3836 4-11= 985 0 5- 6= -3385 0 11- 5=I 0 1573 6- 7=(((•4369 0 11- 6=j. •988 0 7-. 8=(-4165 0 6-12=( 0 439 8- 9= 0 64 12'- 7= 0 522 8- 9= -4342 0 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRO REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES( SPECIES) 0/ 2159V -81/ 81H 5.50' 2.30 DF ( 625) 0/ 2163V -81/ 41H 5.50' 2.31 OF ( 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 2.30 DF/ 3.55 HF/ 3.39 SPF BRG @ 27'- 8.5' 2.31 DF/ 3.56 HF/ 3.39 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.135' @ 13'- 10.3' Allowed = 0.893` MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.571' @ 13'- 10.3' Allowed = 1.340' MAX TL CREEP'DEFL = -0:701' @ 13'- 10.3' Allowed = 1.340' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.571' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.036' @ 27'- 3.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.133' @ 27'- 3.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat,1 Exp,C, 6WRS, interior zone, load.duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane.of the truss only. - Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 2-05 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. M -3x10 0 o CID 9 c M -7x6 faceow LXR OW4 zjcale: u.z4oi A6U WARNINGS 1: Bustler and arectloncontractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. GENERAL NOTES; unless otherwise the rated: 1. This design B based only upon the parameters: shown and is for an Individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and.proper Truss . compression bracing must be Installed +. In=ratlon of component Is the responsibility of the bunding designer. z„yrs web where shown 3. Addmonal temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction 2• Design assumes the lop and bottom chords el DES. BY: AM Is the rmponsibmt of the erector. Additional, bred of y nig c d t roug o t theiraced c ntin end sl 10' hin res h asvplly untese Braced throughout their tall(p8r by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) arW/or drywall( C). DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure 13 the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where sham ++ SEQ. : 5755163 4. No load should be applied'lo any component until after all bracing and fasteners em complete and at no one should any bads greater than 4. Instaftii6n of truss Is the responsibility of the respeclive-contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a norr-corrosive environment, - TRANS I D : 386462 design loads be applied to any component, S. CompuTms has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are for *dry condition' of use. S. Design assumes fun bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. 9. This design Is furnished lo,the limitations by 7. pey0 Bryn assumes adequale drainage Is provided. +mss, their Iinl n(I subject set firth TPII1NfCA in SCSI. wpbs of which will be furnished upon request a. Flates shall be located on both faces of and placed so center coincide with joint venternche. Units oinKdewith IIIIII SII VIII IIS VIII ISI Ijll ofetnl�hs. 9. Digit plate IIII II IIII III II IIiI MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E 10. For basic ccnnedor plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1983 (Mfrek) T 3igr red OMPI Iput S =ABF------ --S (.--- CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES - 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1- 2-( 0)) 84 1.10=((0 3832 1- 2= -4337 0 2. 3=(-4160) 0 10.11=(0 4002 3-10=5 0 .521 3- 4= -4364)) 0 11-12= 0 4004 10- 4=Q 0 435 4- 5= -3385 0 12. 9=(0 3836 4-11= 985 0 5- 6= -3385 0 11- 5=I 0 1573 6- 7=(((•4369 0 11- 6=j. •988 0 7-. 8=(-4165 0 6-12=( 0 439 8- 9= 0 64 12'- 7= 0 522 8- 9= -4342 0 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRO REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES( SPECIES) 0/ 2159V -81/ 81H 5.50' 2.30 DF ( 625) 0/ 2163V -81/ 41H 5.50' 2.31 OF ( 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 2.30 DF/ 3.55 HF/ 3.39 SPF BRG @ 27'- 8.5' 2.31 DF/ 3.56 HF/ 3.39 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.135' @ 13'- 10.3' Allowed = 0.893` MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.571' @ 13'- 10.3' Allowed = 1.340' MAX TL CREEP'DEFL = -0:701' @ 13'- 10.3' Allowed = 1.340' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.571' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.036' @ 27'- 3.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.133' @ 27'- 3.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat,1 Exp,C, 6WRS, interior zone, load.duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane.of the truss only. - Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 2-05 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. M -3x10 0 o CID 9 c M -7x6 faceow LXR OW4 Iftftll III II I'll LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC:20 OF 210OF BC: 2x4 OF k1SBTR WEBS: 20 OF k13BTR. TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON.. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 3-00-00 3.00.00 Connectorpplate prefix designators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS'M 8HS, 16 = MiTek MT series SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5'.MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS, 2-10-12 1-08-11 12 3.50 1--- TRUSS -SPAN 27'- 8.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.2.5 SPACED 24.0' O.C: LOADING LL( 20.0)+OL� 23.0) ON TDP CHORD = 43.0 P,SF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF: TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 20,0 P,LF 0'= 0.0' TO 27'- 8.5' V ADOL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 29.0 PLF 01- 0.0' TO 27', 8.0' V ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 0.'- 4:0' ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 7'- 2.8' ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 14'- 5.'5' ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 21'- 8.3' ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 39.0 LBS @ 27'- 4.5' LIMITED.STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF L"IVE.LOAD. TOP_ AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 13-10-04 13-10-04 `I 4-07-07 4-07.07 4=07-07 4-07-07 M -4x6 M -3x5 r 3.1 r v 06 M -2x4 �� Q � M -3x1'0 C7 o PQ GO, 1 10 11 0 1 < M -7x6 M -3x4 Rt. 39#39N M S 6x12( # r, L-:: 6-11=02 6-11-02 n 6� ' cPL:14-00-12 L 127=08-08 "( >" JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A61 Truss: Ifts"k v DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755164 TRANS ID: 386463 WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commenoas. 2. 2M compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during consbridion Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanerd bracing of the overall structure b the responsibility of the buliding designer. 4. No bad should be applied to any, component um8 after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no lime should any bads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CornpuTres has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handllng; shipment and installation of components. e. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIAWfCA M SCSI, copies of which will be fumbned upon request. MiTek USA, Inc-/CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1Lj E M -3x5 BEARING, 0'- 0.0' 27'- 8,5' T, Sign red ompl iput S--.--- 'ABR 3 ('.., CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4Wfl/GDF/Cq=1.00 1- 2= -262) 276 1.10=(0) 3884 1- 2 -4669 0 2- 3= -4199 0 10.11=0 3997 3.10= 277 $029 s 3- 4= -4388) 0 11-12=�0 4000 10. 4= -148 825 4- 5= -3382 0 12. 9=(0) 3889 4.11= -1332 0 5. 6= -3382 0 11. 5= 0 1564 6. 7= •4994 0 11- 6= -1336 0 7- B=_ =4204 0 6.12= -144 829 8- 9= -262 277 12- 7= -276 1030 8. 9= -4674 0 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES ((SPECIES 0/ 2159V -61/ 81H 5.50' 2.30 11F 625) 0/ 2163V -81/ 81H 5.50' 2.31 OF 625) .BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 2.30 DF/ 3.55 HF/ 3.39 SPF BRG @ 27'- 8.5' 2.31 DF/ 3.56 HF/ 3.39 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL.= 0.121' @ 13'- 10.3' Allowed = 0.893' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.508' @ 13'- 10.3' Allowed = 1,340' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0:624' @ 13'- 10.3' Allowed = 1.340' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.508' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL.= .0.036' @ 27'- 3.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.134' @ 27'- 3.0' COND. 2: 200:00 PLF DRAG LOAD. 8HEARWALL 0.00 to 27.71 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES UNIFORM 1-08-11 2 -10 12 SHEAR TRANSFEfl. Wind: 90 mph, =20ft TCDL=13.8)�SCOL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, 12 Enclosed, Cat. Exp.C, WRS, a 3.50 interior zone load duration factor=t...6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per 'IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. IM -2x4 M -3x10 to co0 12 9 o M -3x4 M -7x6 6 j39# 1119# 6-11-02 Scale: 0.2713 GENERAL NOTES, unless othenNse noted: 1. Thisdesignis based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation' of component le.the responsibility of the building designer. 2.. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2 o.c. and at 10', c.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lanp1h by continuous sheathing such as plywood shealhtng(TC) and/or drywall C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of tnrss is the responsibility of the respeallve contractor. S. Design assumes trusses aha ms= be used M e non-oonoshe environment, and are for'dry condition' of use. S. Design assumes full bearing at All supports shown: Shim or wedge 5 necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drelnege Is provided. S. Ph11es`ahas be located on both feces oftruss, and placed so their inter Ones coincide with jointcentertines. 9. Digits Indicate size of plate In Inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1885 (MITek) WOR^ tin m h LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF M,IRBTR BC: 2x4 DF A16BTR WEBS: 2x4 DF M1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON: BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Stapple or equal at. non-structural vertical members (tion). Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connectorpplate prefix designators: C,CN CIS CM (or no prefix f = CompuTrus, Inc MjM26HS,i18HS, 16 = MiTek MT series NOTE: TRUSS DESIGNED FOR WIND LOADS IN THE PLANE OF THE TRUSS ONLY. EXCEPTION: FOR EXTERIOR STUD CONDITION REFER TO COMPUTRUS STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL. 13-10 M -2x TRUSS SPAN 27'- 8.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1,25 SPACED 24;0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL 23.0) ON -TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 1.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 1.3-10 T aigr red ompt [put S- - -- _ _ -ABF S (.1. COND.-2: 100.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. SHEARWALL 0.00 to 27.67 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat UP Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone load duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind load in the plane of the truss only. Note:Truss desiggn requires continuous bearing wall.for entire spall UON. N -2.5x4 or equal at non-structural diagonal inlets. Design checked for a 300.1b concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent -with other live loads. 6-11 6-11 6-11 6-11 12 12 3.50 C M -4x6 a 3.50 inn niAM r nri ++ nnei rlcnnc _ I nt 1 A PIf:A Wcct _ AF7 .......�. ... �. � ......�_._.._— -- _ _ �.. .-_ _ _ - •-- state: u.avah Acz2 WARNINGS 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only,upon the parameters, shown and is for an Individual Truss: and Warnings before construction commences 2. b 4 corrgressbn web t>.ecing must be Instalbd where shown r. building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. 2. chords to De Dread at DES, BY: AM 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability duli4 construction is the nespunwmility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of r ughoerally at I V o.c.top and lybonun s r o.c. and et l y o.c, respectively unless braced throughout their lenrggtthh by r o.c. and continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywan(BIc DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure Is the responsibility of the bullding designer. 3: 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown"- 4. No load should be applied to any component urrm eller all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of tha jespective contractor. SEQ.: -57551.65 fasteners ars complete and at no time should any loads grealerihan 5.. Design assumes husses are to be used in a non•oomosive envbonment, "dry TRANS I D : 386463 design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are -for condition' of use. 8. Design assumes NII Dewing at an supports shown. shim or wedge If fabrlcallon, handling, shipment and Installation of components. necessary. T.Design assumes edeQuate drainage is provided. 8. The design Is furnished wit by Jed to the limitation set forth TPIIWfCA M SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request 8. Plates shall be locatedd on Doth faces of truss; and placed so their center cdn with of center Imes. - Dies coincide izeoplate Inness. 9. Digits Indicatesize IIIIII VIII VIII VIII IIII II VIII VIII IIII IIII MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTlus Software 7.6:4-SP5(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR- 1988 (WTekj 1AY BE. )E OF WEB -2x4 6 0 N nonan LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF N1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF N1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,618HS,M16 = MiTek NT series SINGLE MEMBER.AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5' MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. 13-10 TRUSS SPAN 27'- 8.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL1 23 0), ON TOP CHORD = 43.0_ PSF L ON' BOTTOM CHORD = 7.6 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF ADOL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 20.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 27'- 8.0' V ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 50.0 LBS @ 13'- 10.0' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 1-03-12 3-07-09 4-07-13 4-02-14 449-09 12 3:50 o M -5X6 5 .rSf M=W 3.1" M -4X12 - c M 2x4 M -5x8 0 W i l'M-8x8 1 + 2 c. M -3x8 o N X910 11 M -10x140 M -7x8 o d 3.50 1-03-12 12 # 50A 0-08 5-01-12 6-06-12 7-0 0-07 27-01 105-08 L 12-04-08 2-01-08 25-06-08 <PL:1-3-06-00 27-08 13-10 447-13 4704-10 12 a 3.50 M -3x5 MR AIAAAP, Rri tt Raci Hanna _ I nt 1 R P(;A Wact _ ARA Ti ' lign -ed ` SI 'ABR , i (J. , ompt ' put CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/BOF/C, =1 00 I. 2=( 0 3803 9 10 -352) 0 9. 1= 0) 5712 13 6= -229) 203 2. 3=� 0 3778 10 11= 0 0 1=10= -5566) 0 8 14- -J98� 0, 3. 4 •1357 0 10 12= -470 0 2-10 485) 0 14 7= 0 1028 4. 5= -4062 0 12-13= 0 2625 10.3 -4041 0 7-15= -3037 0 5-'6=•4068 0 13-14= 0 4088 3-12= 0 1852 15. 8= -168; 0 7. 8= -3535 0 27 96 14-15= 0 2549 13.13= 1853 0 0 19 6 BEARING MAX VERTMAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE:INCHES (SPECIES 0'- 1.8' -5592/ OV -120/ 117H 0.00' 0.00 ( 0) 1'- 3,7' 0/ 7591V 0/ OH 12.00' 8.10 OF J 625 27' 8.0' 0/ 1371V -120/ 117H 5.50' 1.46 OF 625; BRG @ 0'- 1:8' 0.00 DF/ 0.00 HF/ 0.00 SPF BRG @ 1'- 3.7' 8.10 DF/ 12.50 HF/11.91 SPF BRG @ .27'- 8.0' 1.46 DF/ 2.26 HF/.2.15 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/380, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = •0,158' @ 13'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.854" MAX DL.CREEP DEFL = -.0:492' @ 13'- 10.0' Allowed = 1.281' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.651' @ 13'- 10.0' Allowed = 1.281' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.492' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.119' @ 27'- 4:0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.363' @ 27'- 4.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat. Exp..C, 4WFRS, interior zone 'load duration factor=l..B, Truss designee for wind loads in the plane.of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. _ M -2x4 o M -3 z 04 000 00 +i 15M -3x10 �,i___ � I � (Ti 8'='��'8.08 nM_ I --10 171 EXR X14 OU4119; V. [Vole A6pq� WARNINGS 1. Builder and erection co, ctor should be advised of all General Notes GENERAL NOTES,. unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shownandIsforan Individual Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. budesignpar met bandpr- er o% 2. 2x4 compression web bracing moat be Installed where shown +. Incorporation w�mponelicabnt Is the responsibility a daelpner. 2. Design the lop and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM 3: Addftlenel temporary hrectng to insure s1eblNly dudng comYrurtlon lithe responsibility of Ma erector: Additional permanent bracing of assumes 2R e,c: nM el 10' o.c. respedivaly unless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(SC). DATE: 12/1012013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2z Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown - + 'responsibility 4. No load'shouN be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is theof the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5755166 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a iron-corrosM environment, - TRANS I D : 386463 design bads be applied, to, any component. S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responslbeity for the end are for'dryconditlon- of use. 9. Design assumes top beartr g at all supports sham. Shim or wedge 8 fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so Meir center TPIMIfCA In SCSI, copies of which will be famished upon request. lines withjoint Inlll IIII.IIIII VIII Gill IIRI VIII II° IIII e. Digi Ind slits Plate in Inches. II II II MTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values sae ESR -1311, ESRA9W (MITak) EXR X14 nnnnl LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF A16BTR BC: 20 OF A18BTR WEBS: 2z4 OF 8188TR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION. Connectorpplate prefix designators: C,CN C18 C9188 for no prefix).=. CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS, 18HS, 16 = MiTek series SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERSATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5" MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. TRUSS SPAN 27'- 8.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20:0)+DL('23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 20.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 27'- 8.0' V ADOL: BC CONC LL+DL= 50.0 LBS @ 13'• 10.0' LIMITED STORAGE -DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO.THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD., TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 1110 WIAAAC Dr+; ++ Onr±i rinnnn _ I n+ i R pr.A Wort _ ARA T sigr red OMPI tput 5----__ WF_ _S (,--, CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 I. 2= -28 102 8- 9=(0) 3620 1- 8=( •199 0 5=11=(-1573) 0 2. 3= -4999 0 9.10- 0 5767 8- 2= •4210 0 11. 6= 0) 1480 . 3. 4 •6473 0 10-11= 0 5603 2- 9= 0 1371 6-12=(-3884) 0, 4 5= -6481 0 19 12= 0� 3255 '9- 3= -1240 0 12. 7=( -190) 0 5. 6= •4669 0 3.10= 0 720 6- 7= •27 96 10. 4= 0 3254 10. 5=( 0 869 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BAG REQUIRED BAG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES ((SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 1685V -117/ 117H 5.50" 1.80 OF 625 27'• 8.0' 0/ 1685V -117/ 117H 5:50' 1.80 OF 625 BAG 111' 0'- 0.0' 1.80 DF/ 2.77 HFI 2.64 SPF BAG @ 27'• 8.0' 1.80 DF/ 2.77 HF/ 2.64 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.282' @ 13'= 10:0' Allowed = 0:892' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.874' @ 13'- 10.0' Allowed = 1.337' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -1:157' @ 13'- 10:0' Allowed = 1:337' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL) 0.874' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.221' @ 27'- 4:0' MAX HOBIZ. TL DEFL = 0.674' @ 27'- 4.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2; ASCE 7-05, 4-04-10 Enclosed, Cat.li Exp.C, WAS,interior zone; load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads 12 in the plane of the truss only. a 3.50 Design. checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which -is non -concurrent with other live loads. M -4x12 M -2x4 0 0 N 12 NM3X12 3:50 12 6-08-08 13=10 13-10, 4-11-05 4-07-13 4-02-14 4-09-09 4-07-13 12 3.50 � If M -6x8 GENERAL NOTES,. unless otherwise noted: 8.0" 4 ( 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an Individual ' M -3x s p ( _M��,x6 .,6° 1 r, M-4022 0 Z d compression web bracing must be inslelled where shown +. M-20 MHS -8x.18 � 10 1 c M -4x5 � �' 'M 3x6 C-4 U: U) C- -� > M -3x12 C < a 3.50 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greater than 12 L 1 501 L 7-03-04 6-06-12 I '7. 0 01 8�� 1 - j<PL:13-06-00 13-10 jl �13-10 27-08 1110 WIAAAC Dr+; ++ Onr±i rinnnn _ I n+ i R pr.A Wort _ ARA T sigr red OMPI tput 5----__ WF_ _S (,--, CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 I. 2= -28 102 8- 9=(0) 3620 1- 8=( •199 0 5=11=(-1573) 0 2. 3= -4999 0 9.10- 0 5767 8- 2= •4210 0 11. 6= 0) 1480 . 3. 4 •6473 0 10-11= 0 5603 2- 9= 0 1371 6-12=(-3884) 0, 4 5= -6481 0 19 12= 0� 3255 '9- 3= -1240 0 12. 7=( -190) 0 5. 6= •4669 0 3.10= 0 720 6- 7= •27 96 10. 4= 0 3254 10. 5=( 0 869 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BAG REQUIRED BAG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES ((SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 1685V -117/ 117H 5.50" 1.80 OF 625 27'• 8.0' 0/ 1685V -117/ 117H 5:50' 1.80 OF 625 BAG 111' 0'- 0.0' 1.80 DF/ 2.77 HFI 2.64 SPF BAG @ 27'• 8.0' 1.80 DF/ 2.77 HF/ 2.64 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.282' @ 13'= 10:0' Allowed = 0:892' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.874' @ 13'- 10.0' Allowed = 1.337' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -1:157' @ 13'- 10:0' Allowed = 1:337' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL) 0.874' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.221' @ 27'- 4:0' MAX HOBIZ. TL DEFL = 0.674' @ 27'- 4.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2; ASCE 7-05, 4-04-10 Enclosed, Cat.li Exp.C, WAS,interior zone; load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads 12 in the plane of the truss only. a 3.50 Design. checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which -is non -concurrent with other live loads. M -4x12 M -2x4 0 0 N 12 NM3X12 3:50 12 6-08-08 Q,a1 ewit WARNINGS GENERAL NOTES,. unless otherwise noted: 1- Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an Individual Truss : A642. and Warnings before conseuctbn commences - .building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper the building designer. Z d compression web bracing must be inslelled where shown +. incoryotanon of component Is the responalDllny of 2.I9^ assumes the top end bottom chords to be laterally braced al DES. BY : AM 3. Addftlonal temporary bracing to Mwre stability construction Is the responsibility ofthe eredor. Additbnel permanent bracingof Z o.a and at 10 o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their letgai W continuous'sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) andfor drywall(BC): DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure is the responsibtmy, of the building designer.. 3: tit tmpaci bddgtng or, Worst bracing required where shown _++ SEQ. : 5755167 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greater than 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective oordrictor. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive envbonmem, TRANS I D : 386.463 design loads be a y compo s. Cor ouTras has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and ars for pry condition* of use. S. Design -assumes full beadrrg at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If - fabrication; handling, shipment and installation of components. necessary. Design Design assumes adequate drainage . is provided. 8. This design Is furnished subject to the nmftatbns sal loth by S. Rates shed be located on boa: faces of truss, acct placed so Vish carder e BCSI. moles ished upon will be f76,4SP5(1�E coincide with nt center Ones. I 111111111111111111111111��111 WelkSAnInclCortlpuTrls SoRwre 9. Digits indicate sae of to In inches. 10. For basicwnner=oOnes ;Iplated sign values see ESR-1311,ESR-1988(111 Q,a1 ewit LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2114 OF'A16BTR BC: 20 OF 816BTR. WEBS: 2x4 DF-k1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'00. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC,. UON. Connector plate prefix desi nators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefizx = Compuirus,:Inc M,M26HS,i18HS, 16 M Tek series SINGLE MEMBER; AS, SHOWN, HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5°' MAX'. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. 4-11-05 12 3.50 C --- TRUSS SPAN '27'- 8.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)4DL( 23'.0) ON'TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7:0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF ADOL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 20.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 27'- 8.0' V ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 50.0 LBS @ 13'- 10.0' LIMITED STORAGE DOES:NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 13-10 4-07-13 .4-02-14 449-09 M -6x8 4 M -3x5 M73x6 h M -4x12 0 0 o M -2x4 co s C3 M -4x5 cm 8 < M -3x12 a 3.50 12 L L - 7=03-04 6-06-12 13=10 <PL:13-06.00 MHS -8x18 27-08 J0.6 NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West -A WARNINGS: OENI T. nin erection contractor be advised of all General Notes 1. TI Truss: on co and Warning before construction commences.. and War lei 2, 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. 2 D DES. BY : AM 3. Additional tenoporary bracing to Insure stability during construction Is tAe iespunsibil of the erector: Additional permanent tracing of 2, a DATE: 12/10/2013 the 0 '- it structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3, 21 SEQ .: 5755168 4. No toed should be applied to any component until after an bracing and fasten' are complete and at no time should any loads graeter than 4. In 5. D TRANS I D : 386463 design loads be applied b any componomt. 5. CompuTrus,hes no control over and assumes no responsibility for the 91 8. D no fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components;0 7: _11�III 8. This design is Iumished'subJect to the Iimiletiona sal foM by p a. I P TAIANfCA In SCSI, copies of Which wet be furnished upon request. Ib IIIIII VIII VIII hili milli VIII VIII IIII IIII MiTek USA, Inc:/CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SPS(1 L) -E to. F 7 Tf lign ned otnpt put: SI =ABR- -A .(J.., CBC201O/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER -FORCES: 401111111=1.00 1- 2= -285) 299 B 9=(0) 3620 1- 8" •199 0- 5.11= -1373 0 2- 3: -4933 0 9 10= 0 5767 8- 2= -4210 0 11- 6= 0 1480 3- 4= -6473 0 10.11=IDj 5609 '2- 9 0 1416 8.12= -3884 0 4. 5= -6481 0 11 12= 0 3255 9- 3= =1240 0 12- 7= -190))) 0 5- 6= •4669 0 3710= -44 990 6- 7= -235 265 254 10. 5= 0) 9167 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS; REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES ((SPECIES 0'- 0.0' 0/ 1685V -.117/ 117H 5.50' 1.80 DF 625 27'- 8.0' 0/ 1686V -117/ 117H 5:50' 1..80 OF 625 BRG'@ 0'• 0.0' 1:80 DF/ 2.77 HF/ 2.64 SPF BRG @ 27'- 8:0' 1.80 DF/ 2.77 HF/ 2.64 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.282' @ 13'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.892'' MAX DL'CREEP DEFL = -0.874' @ 13'- 10:0' Allowed = 1.337' MAX TL. CREEP DEFL = 4.157" @ 13'- 10:0' Allowed = 1.337' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)---0.874? MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.221' @ 27''- 4.0' 13-t0 MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0,674' @ 27'- 4.0' - COND. _ 2: 100.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. 4-07-13 4-64-10 SHEARWALL 0:00 to 27.67 -I NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES UNIFORM 12 SHEAR,TRANSFER a 3.50 Windt 90 mph, h=loft TCDL=,13.8BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05,, Enclosed, Cat. Exp.C,.. ORS, interior zone, load duration factor=1..6, Truss designed for wind loads 'in the plane,of the truss only. Design checked for a 30,0 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to 'maintenance workers M: 4x1.2 which is non•coocurrent with other live loads: -2x4 _n C slat + o 0 J. b N. r � 12 �Fy M=3x12 J D 3.50 0 �` [ 12 CI.1 � U� �" 9 •0-f-`081 � 6-08-08 C .� -, b C` .3 10 d m f- N Scale: 0,2351 by II bearing at all supports sham. Shim or wedge If lequate drainage Is provided. ted o11 both faces of truss, and. placed so their center olid center lines: of plate In Inches. r plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1 980 (MiTek) /.Z7%o�73 mm�llillll r LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF A18BTR BC: 2x4 OF M16BTR WEBS: 20 OF R16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT -c= 12'OC. UON. Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members.(uon), Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN 618 CN18 (or no prefixl = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26H8,�118HS,N16 = MiTek M series NOTE: TRUSS DESIGNED FOR WIND LOADS IN THE PLANE OF THE TRUSS ONLY. EXCEPTION: FOR EXTERIOR_ STUD CONDITION REFER TO COMPOTRUS STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL TRUSS SPAN 27'a 8.0' WARNINGS: COND. 2: 200.00 PLF- DRAG. LOAD, LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 1. SuIder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 'SHEARWALL 0.00 to 27:67 SPACED 24.0' O.C. and Wemmas berore'eonstructlon commences. building ing component. Applicability of design parameters and pro2.. incorporation orcomponent is the responsro8ay of the building Crdestgner. DES. BY: AM DrA.eoarpressbn web bracing mull be installed where shown +. 3.. Additional temporary bredng to Insure stability during constructlen NOTE: TRUSS DE3IQN ASSUMES UNIFORM LOADING 15,the resporhsromy w me, ereaor. Additional permanent txedn of 9 SHEAR TRANSFER LL( 20.0)*DLI 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF the overall structure Is the responsibility of the'buldhhp designer. 3. 2x Impact britlghg or lateral bredng required where shown ++ L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF � design loads be applied to any component. s. CompuTnrs has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the interior�zone;loadpdurationRfactor=l.6, LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT.APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL Truss.designed for wind loads REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. in the plane of the truss only. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP Note:Truss design requires continuous AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. bearing wall for entire span UON. )of Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord WHEN A FLAT BOTTOM CHORD GABLE TRUSS SUPPORTED ON TOP OF A BEARING�WALL SETS NEKT TO SCISSOR TYPE TRUSS(ES), A live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers HINGE TYPE CONNECTION WILL BE CREATED BETWEEN THE TOP PLATE OF THE BEAHING WALL AND THE BOTTOMCHORDOf THE which is nomconcurrent with other live loads. GABLE TRUSS. THIS IS DUE TO THE LACK OF THE LATERAL.BRACINGPROVIDED BY RIGID CEILING ATTHE HINGE TYPE CONNECTION POINT. THE TRUSS DESIGNER ASSUMES NORE8PONSIBILITY FORTHE DESIGN OF THE LATERAL BRACING TO THE HINGE CONNECTION SITUATION. COMPETENT PROFESSIONAL.ADVICE MUST BE OBTAINEDRELATIVE TO THE DESIGN OF THE ADEQUATE LATERAL WEB WEB BRACE SHOWN (+) MAY BE BRACING To THE HINGE TYPE CONNECTION. TO EITHER SIDE OF WEB AT LOCATION SHOWN 13-10 13-10 6-1.1 6711 6-11 6-11 12 12 3.50,E M-46 a 3.50 A n- <PL:13-06-00 27-'08 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A66 Scale: 0.3062 EXR dif�a /,ZY/o/I3 -2x4 7 WARNINGS: GENERALNOTES, unlessotherwtse-noted: 1. SuIder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design is Eased only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual Truss: A66 and Wemmas berore'eonstructlon commences. building ing component. Applicability of design parameters and pro2.. incorporation orcomponent is the responsro8ay of the building Crdestgner. DES. BY: AM DrA.eoarpressbn web bracing mull be installed where shown +. 3.. Additional temporary bredng to Insure stability during constructlen 2. Despn assumes the top end bottom chords to be laterally braced at 7 o.c. er C at to' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by . 15,the resporhsromy w me, ereaor. Additional permanent txedn of 9 continuous sheathing such as plywood shenthing(TC) and/or drywan(BC). DATE:: 12/10/2013 the overall structure Is the responsibility of the'buldhhp designer. 3. 2x Impact britlghg or lateral bredng required where shown ++ SEG.: 5755169 4. No bad should be applied to any component undo after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 4. Inat88aUon of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used In.a non-cortoslve environment, design loads be applied to any component. s. CompuTnrs has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and am for *dry condition' of use- S. Design assumes full beeftng at all supports shown. Shim or wedge N TRANS I D : 386463 fabrication, herhtllirg; shipment and Installation of componenle. 7, Desiumes adequate drainage Is forthe. This design Is furnished sub)ed to the lindtations set forth by provided. e. Plates shall be located on both faces o1 truss, andplaced so their center in BC31 copes of which will be furnished upon request. )of IIIIII IIII.III° VIII 111111111111111 IN IN Welk Welk USA, Inc./Com uTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E 9. Drops Indicate size plate In I fiches. 10. For bask connector. plate design values see EBR -1311, ESR -1988 (WTeI) EXR dif�a /,ZY/o/I3 -2x4 7 IOII 11lIIII � LUMBER: SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF k16BTR BC: 20 OF k18BTR WEBS: 20 OF k1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT r= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1-00.00 1-00-00 Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uoo). Connector pplate prefix designatora: C -CN -C18 CN18 (or no prefix )= CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,418HS, 16 MiTek MT serles 0 r 0 N O m 0 o e TRUSS SPAN 13'- 6:0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF .6L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES AOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED F,OR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY, 6-09 0-11-11 5-09 12 3.50 C--- M-4x5 5-09-05 T sign red ompt put. S--- __ `ABR_ _ _ --S (..., COND. 2: 200:00 P.LF DRAG LOAD. SHEARWALL 0.00 to 13:50 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN.ASSUMES�UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4:2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.1 Exp C,' 6W'FRS, interior zone;, load duration factor=1:6, Trussdesignedfor, wind, loads in the plane of the truss only. Note:Truss design requires continuous be 'in wall for entire span UON. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers 09 which is non -concurrent with other live loads. sm 12. a 3.50 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGNED FOR WIND LOADS IN THE PLANE OF THE TRUSS ONLY. EXCEPTION: FOR EXTERIOR STUD STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL. inn AIAAAG • nri ++ Qoci rlonro _ I nt i A MIA Woe+ _ AA7 �� 5 0 co 0 :6 0 acaie: u.duas A67 WARNINGS. 1. Bulkier and erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes arM Wamings before consbucUon comrrienoes. GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual building component. Applicability of design paeters and proper Wram Truss: 2.2x4 bracing be installed +. incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. compression web must where shown 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during constiuctlon 2. Design assumes the top end bottom chords to be laterally traced at DES. EtY ' AM is the responsibilfty of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 2' oilnuo c. d sheat hill respectively as ply unless braced throughout thele length try eontlnuous sheathlagsuch as plywood sheathing(TC) eadPor drywee(BC). DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3.,2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ 5755170 4. No bed should be applied to any component until after all bracing and ,fasteners are complete and at no time should anyloads greater then 4. Installation of truss Is theresponsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used Ira non -corrosive environment, .: TRANS I D : 386463 design leads be applied to any component. I 5. compu7nts has no control overand assumes no responslblifty for the and am for "dry condition" of use. S. Design assumes fun bearing at an supports shown. Shim or wedge If fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components.necessary. S. This is furnished subject to the limitations Porth by 7. De Ion assumes adequate drainage is provided. be locatedfaces of truss, and their center design set TPvvvrCAjn f, copies otwhich win be furnished upon request. a. Plates shall onboth placed so lines coincidemith joint center H as. IIIIII VIII (IIII VIII VIII VIII (IIII IIII IIII MPT& USA, Inc.%CompuT s Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E 9. 0. For basic cont redo?pia etdesig inches. ve es see ESR-' 1311. ESR -1988 (WTek) �� 5 0 co 0 :6 0 nut n I tl IIII ; LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC:20 OF #16BTR BC:- 2x4 OF #16BTR WEBS: 2x4.DF #18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1-00-00 1.00-00 Connector plate prefix,desi nators: C,CN C18 CN18 for no prefix) CompuTrus, Inc M,M2bHS,%l18HS,--118 = MiTek MT series TRUSS SPAN 13'- 6.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1:25 SPACED 24.0. 0.C. LOADING LL( 20 O)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES,NOT. APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. 'TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 6-09 6-09 0-11-11 5.09-05 5-09-05 0-11-11 12 12 3.50 l7 a 3.50 -I'I M -4X4 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A68 Truss: DES. BY! AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755171 TRANS ID: 386463, WARNINGS: GE 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advise_ d of in General Notes 1. and Warnings beforeconstructioncommences. 2. 20 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. 2. 9. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional psmvnard bracing of the overall structure Is the responsibility ofthe building designer. I. 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greater than S. design loads be applied to any component. 9. 5. CompuTrus hes no control over and assumes no responsibility for the. fabrication, handthig, shipment and installation of components. 7 6. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8, TPINVTCA In BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. MiTek'USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6:4-SPS(1L}E 10. 'Scale: 0.4111 othemise noted: V upon the parameters shown and is for an Indhsduat dkabllay of design parameters and proper end is the responsibility of the building designer. and bottom chonts to be laterally braced at pectively unless braced throughout their ran pth by Xr as plywood shenthing(TC).and/or drywall e( C). oral bracing required where shown ++ r responsibilRy of the respective contractor. aro to be used In a nWconoshie environment, Y of use. ring at all supports_ shown. Shim or wedge M to drainage Is provided. n both feces of truss, and placed so their center Tenter lines. de in Inches. i design values see ESR -1311; ESR -1988 (fatiTek) O tcnrs' T sign red - olnp ` tput S= - FABF--- - _ S (� , CBC20101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1-2=(-210) 0 1-G=(0) 652 1-2= -1029 0 2-3=(-973) 0 6-5=(0) 852 6-3 =5� 01 251 . 3-4= -973)) 0 (.5= -1028 0 4-5=(-210 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED ERG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0-- 0.0' O/ 675V -39/ 39H 5.50' 0.72 OF 625) 13'- 6.0' O/ 675V -39/ 39H 5.50' 0.72 OF 625) 1 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.72 DF/ 1.11 HF/ 1.06 SPF BRG @ 13'- 6:0' 0:72 OF/ '1.11 HF/ 1.06 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.067' @ 6'- 9.0' Allowed = 0.419' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = =0.074' @ 6'- 9.0' Allowed = 0.629' MAX TL DEFL = -0.118' @ 6'- 9.0' Allowed = 0.629' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.074' MAX,HORIZ. LL'DEFL ..= 0.005' @ 13'- 0.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.014' @ 13'- 0.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for longterm loading (tree in the total load deflectin. The building des�gner shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05,. Enclosed, Cat.i . Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1:8, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live.loads. O tcnrs' moon LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS_ TC: 20 OF N1IIBTR; 2x4 OF 210OF T1 BC: 20 OF SS WEBS: 20 DF-N18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT < 12'00. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 OC. UON. NOTE: 20 BRACING AT 24 OC UON. FOR ALL FLATTOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED Connector plate prefix des i nators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix = CompuTrus, Inc M,M2bHS,618HS, 16 = MiTek MT series SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD 15-00.00 STUB HIP CG SETBACK 8-00-00 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) LOADING TC UNIF LL 40.0 +DL 46.0 = 88.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 6'- 0.0' V TC UNIF LL 80.0 +DL f 92.0 172.0 PLF 6'- D:0' TO 9'- 6.0' V TC UNIF LL 40.0 +DL 46.0 80 O 'PLF 9'- 8.0' TO 15'- 0.0' V BC UNIF LL 0.0 +DL 14.0 . 14,0.PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 6'- 0.0' V BC UNIF LL 0.0 +DL 28.0 28.0 PLF 6'- 0.0' TO .9''- 6.0' V BC UNIF LL 0.0 +DL 14.0 14).0 PLF 9'- 6.0' TO 15'•, 0.0' V BC'CONC LL(( 200.01+DL( 900.0)= 500.0 LBS @ 9'- 6.0' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR tOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. WILL HAVE 1.5 MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. 5-11-11 3 06 10 5-05-11 546 0-09-04 2-09-12 0-11 5.00 12 12 3.50 l---- a 3.,60 M -3x TO 1 0 M o 0 N M -2x4 M -2x4 M -8x10 9 m M -8x12 M 3x12 a 3.50 12 L il-0C 5-02-08 0-11 6 -0t -OB :14-00-12 M -3x6 M -8x10 4 =M 8z8 11 r M -4x10 00 50011 �{ 3-03 0-11 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shownA69 t. 3=03 15-00 11112 AIAAAG' LRri++ 12nc'irlcnnc I nt 112 Pr:A IAlcct _ ARC) T"- j -sign ---red `----omp;---- '-iput S FABF. S (� CBC201011BC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/OF/Cq=1.00 1 2- -3612 0 7 8=(-74) 76 7. 1= -1339) 0 4.10=( -394 60 2 3= -4538' 0 8 9= 0) 3832 1. 8= 03' 3412 10- 5= O� 2314 , 9 4= •4567 0 9 10= Of 4519 8. 2= •1420 0 .5.11= -1482 0 4- 5= -4440 0 10-11: 0) 3693 2. 9= 012242 11- 6= 0) 3284 5. 6= •3463 0 11-12= .76 73 9- 3= -.314 66 8-12= -1390) 0 9- 4= -143 217 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' 01 1402V -77/ 74H 5.50' 1.50 DF { 625 15'- 0:0' 0/ 1448V •77/ 74H 5.50' 1.54 OF 1 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.50 DF1 2.31 HFI 2.20 SPF BRIG @ 15'- 0.0' 1.54 OF/ 2.38 HF/.2.27 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L1240 MAX LL DEFL = •0.096' @ 6'- 3.2' Allowed = 0.469' MAX DL CREEP 'DEFL = 0.215' @ 6'- 3.2' Allowed = 0.704' MAX 'TL CREEP DEFL = 0.311' @ 6'- 3,2' Allowed = 0.704' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED :ON DL DEFL)-- 0.215' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.060' @ 14'- 9.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0,151' @ 14'- 9.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13,8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.i Exp.C, IGWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6; Trust designed for wind loads in the, plane of the truss only. M -3x10 N I M -2X4 0 -U 0 12 (y I >PL:14-02-08 54DQU 0 e i Design checked for a.300 lb concentrated top chord five load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers Mich is non -concurrent with other live loads. vaceaw aw i2l�c��/3 scale: U.abah WARNOies: 1, muIlder and emotion contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences.. GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual building componeid. Applicability of design "perimeters and p r Truss : 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shownA69 t. Incorporation of eomponent fs Uig responsidlxy of the buildup deslaner. 3. Addalonel temporary breang to Insure stawmy during concoction. 2• De n assumes the fop and bottom cho ds to be laterally braced d DES. BY: AM is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of . c o.I end sheath respectively ply unless bathed dhreughd/ooul dry all(S by continuous sheatlihpwdh as plywood sheathing(M) arid/or drywell(BC). DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the buildup designer. 3. 2x.lmpaa bddglnp or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until eller all bracing and 4. Installation of truss isthi responsiblflly of the mspecevo co..ba or. SEQ. : 5 755172 festeners'are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes busses are to be used in a noncomoslve environment, TRANS I D : 386463 deslgn'loads be appiled to any component.and has and are for -dry c'ondNon- of use. e. Design assumes fag bearing at all Supports Shown. shim or wedge n 5. CompuTfus no control over assumes no responsibility for the necessary - fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of componeids. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is pr A. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations sal forth by e. Plates shall be located on both faces oftruss,russ, and placed so their center nlll TPIANTCA in SCSI. heplP of which corn be furnished upon request. pies coincide withjointofM center fines. (Illnl VIII Intl III 1111111111111 Intl lllll IIII IN 9. Digits Indicate size of plate to Inches. II II II II II MiTek USA, Inc./Com uTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -10M (Mrrek) Design checked for a.300 lb concentrated top chord five load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers Mich is non -concurrent with other live loads. vaceaw aw i2l�c��/3 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 DF k16BTR' 2x4 OF 2100F 12 BC:2z4 OF A16BTR WEBS_: 2x4 OF N18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OCt UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <a 1210C. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,Al8HS, 16 = MSTek MT series o M -2x4 M 1 0 a 0 0 N M -3x6 <s TRUSS SPAN 15 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE- 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD= 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 7-09 7-03 4-01-03 3-07-13 7-03 12 12 3.50 C--- a 3.50 =M -4x4 s 4.0" M -3x6 2.0" a 3.50 12 <PL: 14 - 00 - 7-09 M -5x8 753-__ T sig) red olnp )put S. FABI-__-.- _- S (,--, CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GOF/C -1.00 1-2=2-3=(-1544I 90 6-7='[•85` 1184 5.272 =-1434 0 4-7=�T697i 14070 r 3.4=(-1574 0 2-6- 0 369 6-3= 0 439 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REOUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES ((SPECIES 0'- 0:0' 0/ 758V •82/ 83H 5:50' 0.81 OF 625 15'- 0.0' 0/ 742V •821 83H 5.50' 0.79 DF 1 625 BRG @. 0'- 0.0' 0.81 DF/ 1.25, HF/ 1.19 SPF BRG @ 15'- 0.0' 0.79 DF/ 1.22 HF/ 1.16 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL_=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.038' @ 7'- 9.0' Allowed = 0.469' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.084' @ 7'• 9:0' Allowed - 0.704' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.122' @ 7'- 9.0' Allowed = 0:704' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)- 0.084 - MAX HORIZ. .084'MAXHORIZ. LL DEFL'= 0.027' @ 14'- 9.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.067' @ 14'- 9.8' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4,.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat./1 Exp.C, BIW AS, interior zone, load, duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb -concentrated top chord live.load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non•concurrent with other live loads. M -3x5 I- 0 0 N M -2x4 7> 15-00 d ' >PL':14-02-08 Z =' JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A70 i, Scale: 0.3562 WARNWGS: G_ ENERALNOTES, unless othenvise noted: -^-� A72. 0 1. Builder end erecllon contractor should be advised of an General Notes 1. This design Is based only upon me parameters shown and is for an Individual Truss : and Vthmings before construction commences. building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. DES. BY: AM 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown. 3. Additional temporaryre temporary bracing to Insustability during construction2' 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at ox, and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their Is by Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of continuous sheathing such as plc b sheaMN(TC) and/or dryway. ). DATE: 12/10/2013 ' the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown +. - SEQ.: 5755173 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater man 4. Installation of truss 13 the respunsibtmy, of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are tube used In a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 386463 design load$ be applied to any component. S. CompuTrvs has no cardrol over end assumes no resporalblly for me and are for "dry aondition' of use. DESIgn assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedgett fabrication, handl) , shipment ng Iprrrenlend Mstellatlon ofwmponenls. S. design Is subject forth necessary. 7, DeslOnassumes adequate drainage Is provlAed. '8. end their IIII°I IIRI VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII This fumished to the Ilmlatlons sin by TPWyrCA M SCSI, copies of which wit be fumtsheA upon request Plates shell be located on bom feces_of truss, placed so coiner 9 D Oils Indicate size of plate in Inches. II II II ,,III MTek USA, Inc./CompuTfus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E 10. For bask connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MfTek) morn I II IIII , LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF k1Q8TR BC: 2x6 OF $S WEBS: 20 OF g18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT r- 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON NOTE: 20 BRACING AT 24'OC UON FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED Connector plate prefix dost nators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefi = CoapuTrus, Inc M,M2bHS,%118HS,N16 = MiTek Series SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN. HANGERS ATTACHED TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5' MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. 5-05-11 5-00 12 3.50 t7--_ MI -WO 0 1 0 0 Cl) o N M -2x4 <PL:14-00-12 I ' 13.50 12 4-08-08 5-07-08 15.00.00 STUB HIP ,CG SETBACK 8-00-00 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE ='.1:25.(Non-Rep) LOADING TC UNIF LL 40.01+ L 46.0 - 88.0 PLF 0'- 0,0' TO 5'- 6.0' V TC UNIF LL 80.0 +DL 92.Oj= 172.0 PLF 5'= 6.0' TO 91• 0.0' V TO UNIF LL 40.0 +DL 48.0)= 86.0 PLF 9'- 0.0' TO 15'- 0.0' V BC UNIF LL 0.0 +DL 14.0)= 14.0 PLF 0'- 0:0' TO 5'- 6.0' V BC UNIF LL 0.0 +DL 28.0j)= 28.0 PCF 5'- 6.0' TO 9'- 0.0' V BC UNIF LL 0.0 +DL 14.0 = 14.0 PLF 9'- 0.0' TO 15'• 0.0' V BC CONC LL( 200.0)+DL( 300.0)= 500.0 LBS @ 5'- 6.0' BC CONC LL( 200.0)+DL 300.0)= 500.0 LBS @ 9'- 0.0' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY.. 3-06-10 5-11-11 0-09-04 2.09-12 0-11 5-06 M-20 ,31 3 a M -8x12 M -3x10 0-11 M -3x6 4 M -8x10 _ r -M-8X6 1 n M -3x12 CD 500 I 3-03 0-11 1 3-03 15-00 Inn AIAAAF • Rri ++ Rnei rianno _ I nt 1A PrA Wact _ A71 12. a 3.50 1 sigr red Omp )put E ---- FABF._.... ... S (...r CBC201011BC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1- 2= -3221 0 7- S= -79 74' 7- 1= •1997 0 4-10=( -315) 65 2. 3= -4051 0 8- 9= OI' 3416. 1- 8=� 0 9061 10. 5=( 0) 2111 3- 4= -4080 0 9.10= 0 4212 8- 2= •1425 0 5.11= -1959) 0 4. 5= -4158 0 10-11= 0 3544 2. 9= 0 2144 11. 6= 0 3177 5. 8= -3981-.77; 76 9- 3=� -327 65 6.12=�-1347) 0 9. 4= -271 66 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRO REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 0'• 0.0' 0/. 1448V -77/ 80H 5.50' 1.54 DF 625 15'- 0.0' O/ 1402V •77/ 80H 5.50' 1.50 • DF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.34 OF/ 2.38 HF/ 2.27 SPF BRG @ 15'• 0.0' 1.50 DF/ 2:31 HF/ 2:20 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION'LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.081' @ 8'- 7.0' Allowed = 0.469' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.182' @ B'- 7.0' Allowed = 0.704' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.262' @, 8'- 7.0' Allowed = 0.704' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0,182' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.052' @ 14'- 9.5" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.131' @ 14'- 9.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4:2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat. Exp.C, 4WFRS, interior zone load duration factor=l.6, Truss design6a for wind loads in the. plane of the truss only. G Z it CCS �} m1 2-) zj O (J-2 r'08. m 6-01.-08-0 .> 11.00 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 'due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. auate: U.aaar WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes grid Wamiogs before construction commences.. GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: t. This design is based only upon me parameters shown and Is for an Individual building component. Applicability of design paremeters inrd proper Truss. tiradrrg +, incorporation of component Is the responsaAltty of the building designer. AM 2. 2z4 wmpresslon web must be Installed where drown 3. Addit onst temporary bradng to Insure stability during construction 2 Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at Y o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DES. BY: Is the responsibility of the erector: Additional pertnanerd bmdog of continuous sheathing such as plywood sheat lMili TC) and/or drywall(BC).. DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure is the reeponsititmy of the bulaing cesgner. bed be to 3. 2x Impact brdg ng or lateral bradnq required where shown + + 4. hgleeatlan of is the of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5755174 4. No should applied any component untilalter, all bracing and fasteners ere complete. and at no tlme should any loads greater then lass responsibiitty '5. Design assures trusses are to be used in a non.conoshe environment, TRANS I D : 386463 design bads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTres has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are for'dry condition' cruse. 8. Design assumes fun beartrq at all supports shown. Shim or wedge n fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations forth by sunres,edequate drainage Is provided. T. Dessignign assumes Plates shell be located both faces of truss, their set I/ TPWfCA b SCSI; copies of which will be famished upon request. 8. on and placed so center fines coincide with joint center II II IIII IIIIII IIII (IIII VIII IIII VIII Ilnl IN MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E che. 6. Imes indicate sire oplate to Inches. 10. For bask connector plate designvalues see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITek) Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 'due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. leall 11 III I'II , LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF N18BTR BC:20 IF NISBTR WEBS: 2x4 OF N18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12.00. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UOW Connector plate prefix desi nators: CCNI8 CN18 ((or no prefix = CompuTrus, Inc M,M2bHS,A18HS,N16 = MiTek M series •• For hanger specs. - See approved plans 8.00.13. CORNER GIRDER SETBACK 6-00-00 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) LOADING TC UNIF LL( 89.2 OL( 102.6)= 191.9 PCF 0'- 0'. 0' TO 8'- 0.8' I. BC UNIF LL( 0.01+DL( 31.2 = 31.2 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 8 - 0.8' I BEARING LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL LOCATIONS REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. 01• 0.0' 8'- 2:8' BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 101- 10.7' AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 4-03-02 3-11-07 2-08-03 12 2.47 v M 2x4 9 I � M -3x5 c m M -2X4 N N O _ c if m M -3x5 P / N Q b �� <5 -2.47 12 Q;< a o2=09 O <PL:14-00-12 10 t0-12 ►� M12 RIARM • Or -i++ Qnei rianra _ I nt 1A PhA Wact _ A77 ...... .......�. ... ��� .......��._.._- --- - -•--- --- acme: u.gall --- 2WARNINGS: A3. 1. Builder end emotion contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an individual build" component Applicability of design parameters and p r Truss : 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. DES. BY: AM Atldalonal temporary bracing to Insureslebllfty tluring construdlon 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced al z' o.c. and of 10' o.c. r5spedlvely unless Wood throughout aitch length Iry is me responeibehy of the erector. Additional permanent "C199 of, continuous sheathing such brraplywood td�ae(nC). ad DATE: 12/10/2613 the overact structure is tiro resporislblllly.otthe building designer. 3. Impact bridging lateral requl wherre shown {, No bad should be appeeC to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5755175 rasroners are complete and at no time should any leads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-comosive environment. TRANS I D : 386463 design loads be applied to any component. 5. compuTnn has nit canwl ever and sesames no n parisibmty for the and are for 'dry condition' of use. S. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If fabrication, handting;.shipment and Instatlatlon of components: design to limitations fold by necessary. 7. �n assumes adequate drehiege is Vrevaed. oPeruu, subject the sal e. This Is furnished sub TPUWfCA In SCSI, copies o1 whish win be furnished upon request. S. Plates shell be bested on loth faces end placed so their center Ines cIndClde Wet joint III°I VIII III 11111111111111111111111111111111111 VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII II° p ate in Inches 9. Delis Indicate size of plate In Inness. II II II MiTek USA, Inc:/CompuTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L}E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITeq T sigr red omp Iput S--- __ FABF S (_, CBC20101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2= -.34) 62 5.6=(-155) 511 1=5= -120 48 2.3=I-76) 36 5.2=(•589 '170 3-4=(((-87 54 2-6=(-494 150 3-6=(•953 99 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES •87/ 379V •84/ 47H 7.75' 0.40 OF 1 625 -1.18/ 658V 0/ OH 3.50' 0.25 OF 1782 -57/ 80V -84/ 47H 1.50' 0.09 OF 625 BRG @ 0'• 0.0' 0.40 DF/ 0.62 HF/ O.W IPF BRG @ 8'- 2.8' 0.70 DF/ 1.08 HF/ 1.03 SPF BRG @ 10'- 10.7' 0:09 DF/ 0.13 HF,/ 0.13 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360; TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.013' @ 4'- 2.8' Allowed = 0.247' MAX DL DEFL = -0.007' @. 4'- 2.8' Allowed = 0.371' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.013' @ 4'- 2.8' Al -lowed = 0.371' RECOMMENDED, CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)==0:142' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0:005' @ 8'- 2.6' MAX HORIZ. TL-DEFL = 0.005' @ 8'- 2.6' Wind: '90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.i Exp .C, 6WFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.6, Truss deeigned for wind loads in the plane'of the truss only. Design checked for a 30D lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF #1hBTR BC: 2z4 OF #I&BTR WEBS: 20 OF #1RBTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT'<= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix, desl nators: C,CN CIS CN18 or no prefix = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,418HS,1�16. = MiTek M series M TRUSS SPAN 1'- 11.7' LOAD DURATION INCREASE- 1.25 SPACED 24.0' D.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF �L ON BOTTOM CHORD 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE:LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12 3.50 E --'- 12 _ ANCHOR TO RESIST HORZ. AND VERT. REACTIONS T 71c•_ Q 8' Go --iCn r -. �<m _� ` ► -� o0 o <PL:14-00-1'2 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot. 16 PGA West - A73 Scale: 0.8578 T' WARNMGe: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design le based only upon me parameters shown and Is for an Individual Truss : A73 and,Wamings before construction commences. building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper de i Incorporation of component b the responsibility of the building designer. 2 2x4 compression web bredng must be Installed where shown a, the building DES. BY : AM 2. Incsgn assumes the top end bottom chords ro be �. Additional temporary bretlng to Insure stability dudng constrodbn T o.c. and at 17 o.cr respectively unless braced throughout their length by is me of the erector. Additional bracing of DATE:' 12/10/2013 responsibility permanent continuous sheathing such its plywood sheathinp(TC) and dryvren C). the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2x Impact bddging or.lateral bracing required wharf shown4 . 4. No bed should be applied to any component until aaer.ell bracing and 4. In. IlMion oftruas is the rosrnsibilfty of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes Weses aro to be used In a non-mroslve environment, SEQ. : 5755176 fasteners are complete and at no time should any beds greater than for'dry condition' of TRANS I D : 386463 design loads be applied many component. and ere use. 5. compuTnus has no control over and assumes no respons Witt', for the 9. Design assumes NII beadrg at all supponrshown. Shim or wedge If fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components., necessary. 7-. Design assumes adequate face Is vided. design Is furnished'subject forth faces truss, their S. This to.lhe,nmRatbns set both of and placed so comer by 9. Plates shell be located on boN TPIn/UrCA In SCSI wpbs of which will be fumBtied upon request. linea cohidlde with joint center Ibex: 9. Mile Indicate size of plate in Inches: IIIIII VIII IIIA VIII VIII ILII VIII IIII IIS MTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus- Software .7.6.4.SP5(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR ESR -1 980 (MITeq, 0 T' 3igr red Dmpl lout S --ABF 5 (. CBC20101,IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=(-56) 59 3.4=(-7) 8 1-3=(-151) 22 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHESSPECIES 01- 0.0' -281 162V -501 51H 5.50' 0.17 �F 625 ; 1'- 8.9' 10/ 91V 0/ ON 5.50' 0,03 OF 625) 1'- 11.7' -29/ 179V -50/ 51H 1.50' 0.19 OF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.17 DF/ 0.27 HF/ 0.25 SPF BRG @ 1'- 8.9' 0.09 DF/ 0.05 HFI 0.05 SPF BRG @ 1''- 11.7' 0.19 DF/ 0.30 HF/ 0.28 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/980, TL=L/240 MAX TC PANEL LL DEFL = -0.001' @ 1'- 0.1' Allowed = 0.108' MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.005' @ 1'- 0.1' Allowed = 0,162' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL= 0.002' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = '0.011' @ 1'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.012' @ 1'- 10.9' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.�1 Exp.C, fIWPRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord Co live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers Which is non -concurrent with other live loads. c N EItR 6A�4 I-meil !'1111111 LUMBER 'SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF #16BTR BC: 20 DF #1dBTR WEBS: 2z4 OF #18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL -SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. Connector plate prefix desiggnators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,418HS,M18 = MSTek M series to 0 C; 0 0 N TRUSS SPAN 3'- 11.7' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20:0_)+DLI 23,0) ON TOP. CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL. REOUIHEMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS 'ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12 3.50 M -3x5 0 1 0 N M-2 > CSI GENERAL NOTES, unl , I . Budder and emotion contractor should be advised of an General Notes G cI-, r Trussand ' 4 e_ _ a 3.50 Uj 12 ) > 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +.. n � m X� DES. BY: AM ouc� 3-04-06 0.0.7-05 G M 3-11-1.1 > <PL:14-00-12 JOB NAME': Britt Residence Lot 16 PGA West - A74 A 111110112111110 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unl 1-2=(-58) 58 3.4=(-30) 53 3.1=(-218) 4 I . Budder and emotion contractor should be advised of an General Notes "1. This design Is based Trussand ' 4 Warnings before construction commences. building component. incorporation of corn REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +.. 2. Desgn assume the DES. BY: AM 3. Additional lemporary.bratlng to Insure stability during constradbn Additional bracing 2' and at 10' o.c. DATE:: 12/10/2013 is the responsibility of the erector. permanent_ of the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. rtin continuousshealhirK 3. 2xImpatl bridging of SEQ.:. 5755177 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greater than5. 4. Installation of truss k Design assumes true 'dry TRANS I D : 386463 deign.loedsbe applied to any component. 5. CompuTnis has no control over and assumes no respondibiilty forthe and are for cont 6. Design assumes s,g TC fabrication, handling, shipment endhistallatbnof coin nerals. Do.... necessary. ''7. Design assumes ode PANEL TL DEFL = -0.041' @ 2'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.339' S. This deign is.furnished subject to the limitations set _forth by S. Plates shag be locab MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.000' @ 3'- 10.9' will be furnished ci copies ofus Ones coincide with VIII VIII Iill SII USA, 5(1 S. Digits indicate she o s III�I VIII VIII VIII VIII Software 7.6.4SPich We Inc./CompuTrSI. )£ 10. For bask connector. Scale: 0.7396 terwbe noted: pon ttie peramoters shown and is for an bid aivldual ability of design parameters and oper I is the responsibility of the bu.1pr. designer. d bottom chords to be laterally braced at cfIvely unless braced throughout theft lenrlgpt1hh by la plywood sheathIng(iC) and/or drywan(BC): it bratlno requlr d where snows++ tspon3 bigty of the respective contractor. a to be used We nowconostve envbonment, of use. g at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If drainage Is provided. loth faces of truss. and placed so their center der lines. In Inches. iesgn values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITek) T sign red ompi lout S. __. =ABF._.... ...S [-, Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. CBC201O/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2=(-58) 58 3.4=(-30) 53 3.1=(-218) 4 1.4= 49' 26 ' BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REGUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' O/ 241V -85'/ OH 5.50' 0.26 F (. 625) 3'- 4.8' 0/ 46V 0/ OH 5.50' 0.05 OF 625 3'- 11.7' -14/ 212V -65/ OH 1.50' 0.23 OF 625; BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.26 DF/ 0.40 HF/ 0.38 SPF BRG @ 3'- 4.8' 0:05 DF/ 0.08 HF/ 0.07 SPF BRG @ 3'- 11,7' 0.23 DF/ 0.35 HF/ 0.33 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL--L/240MAX TC PANEL LL DEFL = -0.027' @ 2'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.226' MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.041' @ 2'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.339' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.013' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.000' @ 3'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.001''111 0'- 2.2' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13x8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, f,IWFRS, Enclosed, Cat.) Eup.C, interior zone, load duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF k16BTR BC: 2x4 OF p18BTR WEBS: 20 OF R16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. Connector plate prefix designators; C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix)= CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS, 18HS, 16 = MiTek MT series 12 3.50 TRUSS SPAN 6'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0. O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD: TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-11-11 12 5-00-10 0.11-06 6-00 <PL:14-00-1.2 1PROVIDE FULL BEARING•Jts:3'5 2 Inn RIAAAC • Rri ++ Qne i rinnr+c _ I nt 1r% MA Wimet AW; 0 0 0 C' 0 -D-I > o-0�0zP. U) u)f- cu a- > � 1 c� n ; pz z 7 u.ab61 T sigr red OMP1 iput S------ FABF--_-.. _S ('- CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1-2=(-68) 71 3-4=(-33) 67 3.1=(-266) 0 4-5= O) 12 1-4y( -61) 25 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRA REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS .REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZEINCHES (SPECIES 0'- 0.0' 0/ 305V -77/ OH 5.50,' 0.33 DF ( 625 5'- 8.3' 0/ 46V 0/ OH 5.50.' 0.05 OF ( 625 5'- 11.7' -14/ 258V -77/ OH 1.50' 0.28 OF ( 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.33 DF/ 0.50 HF/ 0.48 SPF BRG @ 5'- 9.3' 0.05 DF/ 0.08 HF/ 0.07 SPF BRG @ 5'- 11:7' 0.28 OF/ 0.42 HF/ 0.40 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.003' @ 5'- 1.1' Allowed = 0.189' MAX OL DEFL = -0.008' @ 5'- 1.1' Allowed ,= 0.254' MAX TL DER = -0.014',@ 5'- 1.1' Allowed ,= 0.254' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)=-0.114' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.002' @ 5'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.005' @ 5'- 10.9' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creepiin the total load deflection. The building desggner shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended Use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 )B��CDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat./, Exp. C,. mfrrRS� interior zone load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only'. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord III. load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. � X14 .zinc/i3' WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1'. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an IndhMual Truss : end Wamings before construction commences. 2.:yd compression web bracing must be installed where shown +: building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper Inwrporatlon of component is are responslbilny of the building designer. 2. Oeslg . the top bottom b be laterally, braced ai DES. BY: AM 3., Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction Is the responsibility of the erector. Addle oval permanentbrsc7ng or assumes and chords continuous and at 1 or o.c: suchrespas ply unless braced ITC)and/oghout dry ian(s by such as plywood door drywanrec>. w DATE.' 12 /10/2013 the structure Is of the building actsheathing aired where s bridging or lateral erel brectng nagWred where sh-cwn + Impactoftruss alldesbraciner.g 4., No bad should be applied to any component ante ager all brpcing.pnd leads to any comp 4. In 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respediye contractor. SEQ. : 5755178 fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In non-conostva emkonmerd, TRANS I D : 386463 design beds be applied to any component. 5.. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the6. and are for "dry condition' of use. Design assumes ran bearing at an supports shown. Shim or wedge t fabrication,handling, shipment and Installation of components. 6. This design Is lumished subject to the limitations sel forth by necessary' 7 6. PIM nshallali be toc�et�hMuonaboth f �e of tnrss, and placed so their center 11111 TPInMCA In SCSI, copies of which will be famished upon request. lines coincide with john center lines. Illigl II VIII VIII VIII II II VIII 'I IIIA IIII IIII MTBk USA, Ina./CompuTrus Software,7.6.4-SP5(1 LK 9. Digits Indlcele SIiA of plate In Inches- 10. For bas 0 connector plate design values see ESR -1311. ESR -1986 (MReW T sigr red OMP1 iput S------ FABF--_-.. _S ('- CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1-2=(-68) 71 3-4=(-33) 67 3.1=(-266) 0 4-5= O) 12 1-4y( -61) 25 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRA REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS .REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZEINCHES (SPECIES 0'- 0.0' 0/ 305V -77/ OH 5.50,' 0.33 DF ( 625 5'- 8.3' 0/ 46V 0/ OH 5.50.' 0.05 OF ( 625 5'- 11.7' -14/ 258V -77/ OH 1.50' 0.28 OF ( 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.33 DF/ 0.50 HF/ 0.48 SPF BRG @ 5'- 9.3' 0.05 DF/ 0.08 HF/ 0.07 SPF BRG @ 5'- 11:7' 0.28 OF/ 0.42 HF/ 0.40 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.003' @ 5'- 1.1' Allowed = 0.189' MAX OL DEFL = -0.008' @ 5'- 1.1' Allowed ,= 0.254' MAX TL DER = -0.014',@ 5'- 1.1' Allowed ,= 0.254' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)=-0.114' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.002' @ 5'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.005' @ 5'- 10.9' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creepiin the total load deflection. The building desggner shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended Use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 )B��CDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat./, Exp. C,. mfrrRS� interior zone load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only'. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord III. load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. � X14 .zinc/i3' nm a n+till e LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF 816BTR BC: 20 OF H18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF If16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. LON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M2bHS,418HS, 16 = MiTek M series C-1 cm 'C? v 0 0 N M -4x6 M -2x4. TRUSS SPAN 7'- 7.9' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DLI 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A76 Truss: fm% I 1 DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755179 TRANS ID: 386463 WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must tie Installed where shown + S. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction Is the responslMlay,of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No bad should be applied to any component until alter all bracing and .fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component: S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsiblley for the fabrication, handling, shipment and trnstallation of components. e. This design Is fumished subject to the Iimilellorts set forth by TPI/WTCA In'BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. MTek'USA, Ina/CompuTrus Software 7.6..4-SPS(1L)-Z T sign red - On pl iput S....__ --ABR__..._..S (-, CBC201011SC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GD(F(/Cq=1.00. 2-3= •100; 80 4-5=(-33) 78 1-5=y -69� 25 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS: REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 257V' -86/ OH 5.50' 0.27 DF ( 625 .51• 6.5' 0/ 50V O/ OH 5.50' 0:05 OF ( 625 ,5,'- 11.2" 4/" 549V OI OH 1,.50' 0.47 DF(( 625 7'- 7.9' -156/ 24V -86/ CH 1.50' 0.03 OF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.27 DF/ 0.42 HFI 0.40 SPF BRG @ 5'- 6.5' 0.05 DF/ 0.08 HF/ 0.08 SPF BRG @ 5'- 11.2' 0.47 DF/ 0.72 HFI 0.69 SPF BRG @ 7'- 7.9' 0.03'DF/ 0.04 HF/ 0.04 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:,LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX TC PANEL LL DEFL = ;0.074' @ 2'- 10.5'' Allowed = 0.353' MAX TC PANEL TL_DEFL 0.118' @ 2'- 10.6' Allowed = 0.530' RECOMMENDED -CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL= 0.042' o MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.001' @ 7'- 7.2' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.001' @ 5'- 11.2' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.68�BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, N Enclosed, Cat:/1 Exp .C, WRS, interior zone, ioad duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per'IBC 2009 due to -maintenance -workers Mich is non -concurrent with other live. loads. Scale: 0.5583 GENERAL NOTES,- unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an hMlNdual building component.. Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2'o .a. and of 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by doMinuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). S. "2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses ere m be -used In e non-ooaosive environment, and are for'dry condition" of use. e. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown, shim or wedge 0 necessary. 7. Desigeassumes adequate dreInage Is prevldad. e. PIffies shail be located on both feces'of truss, and placed so their center Anes cohuide with john center Imes. 9. Digits Indicate sise of plate in Inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR•1311. ESRA M (Mrrek) �XR�4 dannn t� IIII v LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF B1dBTR BC: 2x4 OF g18BTR WEBS: 20 OF g16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12.00. UON: Connector plate prefix desi nators: C,CN C18 CN18.(or no prefix CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,f,118HS, 16 =.MiTek MT series •* For hanger specs. - See approved plans 7-64-05 CORNER GIRDER SETBACK 6.00.00 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) LOADING TC UNIF BC UNIF LL' 9j+DL� 134:2;= .34.2 PLF 01- 0.0' TO 7'- 4.3' I LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF. CBC 2010 NOT BEING,MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS. ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 7-06-01 2-08-03 12 2.47 - M -2X4 o M -3x5 1 N OI 3x0 C M N M -2x4 <4 z r� T , 2.47 < C 0 M M rT Q -< C: 7-06-01 Z fid <PL:14-00-12 10-02-04 -i 1?. P Inla UAW:- Pri tt Dec i dannin _ I nt 1A P(:A Mine - _ A77 � Ias0i14 T >igr red ompi iput. S. -ABF ... 5 WARNINGS. 1. -Bulkier, and -erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes Warnings before construction commences GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper T r u S $ : -77 and - 2. iz4 compression web tiraolnp most be Installed where shown +. Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the'bu" designer. - DES. BY: AM 3. Additional turporarybracing to Insure, stability during construction the Additional 2 Design assumes the top grid bottom chords to be laterally braced at 21 o.c., and at 10' o.c. respecthely unless braced throughout their lenngptthh M DATE: 12/10/2013 b the responsibility or elector. permanent bredr p,ot the overan atrurlurs is the, risponslbRdy of the building designer: cordnuous sheaths g such as plywood sheathi g(TC) ardlordrywail(EC).. S. ler Impact bddglnp or lateral tiracing required where shown ++ BEARING No load.shoukd lx applied to any component until after all bracing and 4.. Instelletlon of Wss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ.4. S E Q : 5755180 'fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater then 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used to a non -corrosive environment, . TRANS IM : 3. 8646.3 design bads be applied to any, component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no,responsibility for the and are, for "dry oondrdon' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge H - - - fabrication, handling. shipment and installation of components. 8: This design Is furnished to the limitations necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is vkded. shall located on both faces and so their center VIII VIII 1111111111111 IIII IIII subject set forth by TPINVECA M SCSI, eoples of which will be fomished upon request. 8. Plates be o/truss, placed Nies coincidewithJoint canter Itches. 9. Digits Indicate sits of plate te Inches. 111111111111 VIII MiTek USA; IneaCompuTrus Softere L}E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1888 (WTek) � Ias0i14 T >igr red ompi iput. S. -ABF ... 5 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2=( -63) 105 4-5=(-59) 80 4.1=(-207) 88 2-3= -100) 63 1-5=( -65)125 2-5=(-.793) 207 BEARING MAX'VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONSREACTIONS' SIZE INCHES SPECIES' 01- 0.0' -61/ 251V 47/ 50H 7.75' 0.27 625 7'- 6.1' -166/ 878V 0/ OH: 3.50' 0.33 OF .1782 1 10'- 2:2' -210/ 19V -87/ 50H 1.50' 0.02 OF 625 BRG:@ 0'- 0:0" 0.27 DF/0:41 HF/ 0.39 SPF BRG @ 7'- 6.1' 0.94.DF,/ 1'.45 HF/' 1.38 SPF BRG.@ 10'- 2.2' 0.02 DF/ OAS HFI 0.03 SPF VERTICAL_DEFLECTION-LIMITS:.LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX TC PANEL LL DEFL-= -0.275',@ 3'- 7.1' Allowed = 0.439'. MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.309' @ 3'- 7.1' Allowed = 0.658' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.193' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL.= 0.002' @ 10'- 1.5' MAX HORIZ. TL.DEFL = 0.002' @ 10'- 1.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft fCDL=113.8l_BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05,. 6WRSI Enclosed; Cat. Exp.C, interior -zone load duration factor=l,.6, Truss desig"neb for wind loads. in the plane of the truss only. o 'Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers cm f which is non -concurrent with other live .loads. � Ias0i14 Oa11111111I11 ,1 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF 01&BTR BC: 2x4 OF H16BTR WEBS: 2x4 DF 618BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'AC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT 2= 12'OC. UON, Connectorpplate prefix desI inators: C,CN C18�CN18 (or no prefix = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS, 18HS, 18 = M Tek M series 4-03-02 8.00.13 CORNER GIRDER SETBACK 6.00-00 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE'= 1.25 (Non -Rep) LOADING TC UNIF BC UNIF LL( 80.O+OL(' 131.2)= 131.2 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 8TO '- O.B' I LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD. CHECKED FOR JOPSF LIVE LOAD, TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY, 12 2.47 - 3-11-07 2-08-03 M -2x4 3 i M -3x5 M -2X4 ` o M� x� o. N z -1 PO RDVIDE FULL BI M 3x5 <5 < -2.47M 12 -�-� rn �U Z e-62-00 d --A <PL:14-00-12 -- 10-10-12 1 ' - >,L:17-11-1 inn MARAC • Qr•4 ++ Qne4 ricnnc _ I nt 1 A P(;A Minet _ A7A 0 T >ign red ompl Iput WARNINGS 1.- Builder end erection contractor should be advised of all Ganarel Notes GENERAL NOTES, unless oth ... noted: 1. This design Is based Only upon the parameters shown and N for an Individual A782. end Wamings before constriction commences building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper Truss. Incorporation of component Is the' responsibility of the building desioner. MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BBG LENGTH LOCATIONS 2x1 compression web bracing moat be installed where shown +. 2.. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced - DES. ai/ : AM B'- '2.6' 3. Additional temporary bradng to Insure stability during construction tithe responalbl8ry of the aredoc 4ddttlonal permanent brednp of Y o.C. end nt 10' o.c, respectively unless braced throughout their lengp0I l?y continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) end/ordrywall($C). DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall sure 6 the responsibility of the building designer. 3., 2x tmped bddging or lateral tracing required where shown ++ BRG @ 8'- 2.6' 0:70 DF/ 1.08 HF/ 1.03.SPF 4. No load should be applied to any,corrponent until Baer all bracing and 4. Inatallatlon of truss Is the iesporWbllily of the respecthre contractor. SEQ : 5755181 fasteners are complete and at no tine should any bads greater then 5. Design assumes W sses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, "dry . TRANS I D : 386463 MAX design bads be applied to any.componeM, 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsUft for the and are for condrdW of use. S. Design assumes fun bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.005' @ 8'- 2.6' fabrication, handl shipment and Installation of co nents. handling, mpo necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. on their Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13:8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat. Exp.C, faWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.8, SIIII In the plane. of the truss only. 0 Design checked for a 300 Ib concentrated top chord 00 S. This design Is furnished b ished subject the limitations eel forth by In SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon raquesL a center 8. Plates shall be located both faces of truss, and plecedso tines mtnclde with Jocenterlines. late to Inches. 9. Diggs Indicate e size off plate which,is non -concurrent with ,other live loads. IIIIII VIII VIII VIII II III 11111111111 ISIIIII It81III INTPI/yyTCA MiTek USA, Inc:/CompuTrus Software 7.6:4-SP5(1 L -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITek) T >ign red ompl Iput CBC201O/1BC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WRIGDFICq=1.00 1.2=(-341 62 5-6=(-155) 511 1-5=(-120) 48 2.3=((-76 38 5.2=1((-589))) '170 3-4=' -87 54 2-8= -494 150 3-8= •353 99 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BBG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZEINCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' •87/ 379V -841 47H 7.75' 0.40 OF 625 B'- '2.6' -1181 658V 01 OH 3.50' 0.25 OF 1782 10'- 10.7' -57/ 80V -84/ 47H 1.50' 0.09 OF 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.40 DF/ 0.62 HF/ 0,59 SPF BRG @ 8'- 2.6' 0:70 DF/ 1.08 HF/ 1.03.SPF BRG @ 10'- 10.7' 0.09 DFI 0.13 HF/ 0.13 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.013' 0 4'- 2.8' Allowed = 0.247' MAX DL DEFL.= =0.007' @ 4'• 2.8' Allowed = 0.371' MAX TL CREEP-DEFL,= •6.013' @ 4'- 2.8' .Allowed = 0.371' RECOMMENDEO.CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)---0.142- MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.005' @ 8'- 2.6' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.005' @ 8'• 2.6" Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13:8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat. Exp.C, faWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.8, Truss designed for wind loads In the plane. of the truss only. 0 Design checked for a 300 Ib concentrated top chord 00 live loadper-IBC 2069'due to maintenance workers which,is non -concurrent with ,other live loads. N LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF NidBTR BC: 20 OF M1dBTR WEBS: 2x4 OF MidBTR TC'LATERAL SUPPORT'<= 12'OC. LON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. Connector plate prefix deal nators: C,GN 118 CN18 or no prefixg) = CbmpuTrus, Inc M,M2bHS,418HS,�16 = MiTek MT series M TRUSS SPAN 1' 5.7' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' D.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL� 23:0) ON TOP'CHORD = 43,0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES.NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED -FOR 10PSF LIVE, LOAD. TOP 12 AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 3.'50 12 - -- 1-05-11 <PL:14-00-12 InD MAIM ■ 12r -i++ Doe i donna _ I nt 1 h' .P(;A Wact _ A7Q ANCHOR TO RESIST HORZ. AND VERT. REACTIONS C__ 01i � 0 ,PZ 0 OT PO CD0T� �C � rh c > 0 co 0 N vvv .�. .... ��� ......��.�..__ ___. _ �• -.--- -•• - acme: v,ogr: MAX HORZ WARNINGS GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: LOCATIONS I Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is,for an individual Truss. A79 and Warnings berore b6mvniction commences building component, Applicability of design parameters end p 0 r incoryoration of component is the responsibility of the building designer: 01- 0.0' 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be lastalbd where shown + 3. Addhbnal temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction 2. Design assumes the top and bosom mobs at bracedairle DES,. BY : AM Is the res - nsibi of the erector. Additional permanent Inic ng of pe �y c d throughoallyut 2';o.c. and at t tr o.c. respectively unless braced Uroughoot thele lerrrorpmTh by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(Bc). DATE: 12/10/2013 . the overen sbucture;is the responsibility ,of the buildkig designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where sham . 1'-, 2.9' 4. No load.should be applied to any. component until after all bracing and 4.. Installation of in= is the responslbilhy Of the respective contractor. SEQ.. : 5755182 fasteners arecomplete and at no tlme should any toads greater titan 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-oonoslve environment, ",ft TRANS ID,: 386463 design bads be applied to any component.. S. Comhas no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are for condition' of use. 8, Desaumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge B esignpuTrus 1'- 5.7' fabrication. handling, shipment and Installation of components. 9 necessary. _ 7.. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided.. -51"/ S. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces -of truss, and placed so their tamer II1�1, TPINVrCA In SCSI, topica of whim cont be fumishad upon request. oMcde center lines. Meige coincide with joint I'll,l VIII IIII 1111111111111111111111111111 MiTek USA; Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L)=E 9,. Digits te In sire of plate tit Inness: 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (M[Tek) T' ' 3ign red ompt " put. S --ABF - - 3 (` , CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1.2=(-63) 65 3-4=(-10) 10 1-3=(-113) 35 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BOG RWUIREO BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' -52/ 124V -511 55H 5.50' 0.13 F 825625 1'-, 2.9' =26/ 40V 0/ OH 5.50' 0.04 OF 1 1'- 5.7' -40/ 195V -51"/ 55H 1.50' 0.21 OF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.13 DFI 0.20 HFI 0.19 SPF BRG @ 1'- 2.9' 0.04 DF/ 0.07 HFI 0.06 SPF BRG @ 1'- 5.7' 0.21 OF/ 0.32 HF/ 0:31 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX TC PANEL LL DEFL = 4.001' 0, 0'- 9.8,' Allowed =. 0.073' MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.001'.@ - 0'- 9.8', Allowed = 0.110• RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL MEL)= 0.002' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL 0.011' @ 1'- 4.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.011' @ 1'- 4.9' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4, 2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat ./1 Exp.C, �IWFRS, interior zone,. load duration factor=1.6, Truss"designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Inn n I ti I'll , r LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF M18BTR BC: 2x4 OF N18BTR WEBS: 20 DF 0168TR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. Connector plate prefix des' nators: C;CN'C18�CN18 for no prefix1 = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS, 18HS, 16 - N Tek M series N 0 m 0 CV TRUSS SPAN 3'- 5:7' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20:0)+DL( 23,0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET, BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY.. 12 3.50 M -3x5 1 w 0 M o � N C: M-2 4 �0 -' I I I n�a L. I I I M-2x4Q1 Cl) >Do ) m 0 -71 i __13.50 12 0 ® Q -.� 2-11-12 0-05-15 3-05-1.1 <P.L:14-00-12 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West A80 Truss, /-%U 1 DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755183 TRANS ID: 386463 Sale: 0.7664 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual and Warnings before construction commences. bulldhV component. Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporation component Is the responsibility of the Duckling design s'. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing.musl be installed where shown.+. of 2: Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 3. Additionaltemporary bracing to Insure stabORy dudng cogshuctlon truthacing 2' o.c.-arid at 101 o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by h of Is the responsibility of the erector. Addpknel permanent al 80clit continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywae(SC). the overall atmcluro fa e responsibility of building d eslgner. 3. Zi Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss Isthe responsibility of the respective contractor. fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greater than S. Design assumes tr ssais are to be used Ine nonrormstva environment, design loads be applied to any component. _ errd are foray conditiw or use. S. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge II S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrirat n; handling; shipment and Installation of co _ mpononts, S. This deslgn,is furnished subject to ttie limitations set forth Dy' 7 _ Design assumes adequate drainage Is pprovided. a. Plates shall be assume; on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPI/WTCA In SCSI, copies of which will be ftrmished upon request. ides coincide with john center lines. OH 9. Digits Indicate size of plate In Inches. MTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SPS(1 L) -E 10. For bask connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (Mrrek) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L1360, TL=L1240 MAX TC PANEL LL, DEFL = •0.015' @ 1'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.195' MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.022' @ 1''- 10.0' Allowed = 0.293' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.007 - MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.000' @ 3'- 4.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.001' @ 0'- 2.2' Wind: 90 mph,h=20ft TCDL=13:8 BCDL=4, 2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed,. Cat.71 Exp. C, WRS, interior zone, dead duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. w ow T sign red ompt iput S-..--- FABR-.... ...S (-, CBC2010/,I8C2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES' 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=(-59) 55 3.4=(-31) 50 3-1=(-206 7 1-4=( -49 ' 29 BEARING MAX VERT. MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 227V -64'/ OH 5.50' 0.24 DF ( 625 3'- 0.3' -4/ 48V 0I OH 5.50' 0.05 OF 625 3'- 5.7' -15/ 201V -64/ OH 1.50' 0.21 OF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.24 DF/ 0.37 HFI 0.36 SPF BRG @ 3'- 0.3' 0.05 DF/ 0.08 HFI 0.08 SPF BRG @ 3'- 5:7' 0._21 DF/ 0.33 HF/ 0.31'SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L1360, TL=L1240 MAX TC PANEL LL, DEFL = •0.015' @ 1'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.195' MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.022' @ 1''- 10.0' Allowed = 0.293' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.007 - MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.000' @ 3'- 4.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.001' @ 0'- 2.2' Wind: 90 mph,h=20ft TCDL=13:8 BCDL=4, 2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed,. Cat.71 Exp. C, WRS, interior zone, dead duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. w ow lagl 11 l 11 IIII , LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF #18BTR BC: M OF #18BTR WEBS:. 20 OF #13BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18 CN18 for no prefixl = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,418HS, 16 = MiTek MT series M O O N k M -2x, TRUSS SPAN 1'- 11.7' LOAD 'DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF 6L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0.PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET, BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED TOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD.LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12 3.501--- 12 .50v 12 1-11-11 <PL:14-00-12 JOB NAME: Britt Residence Lot 16 PGA West - A81 Truss: DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10'/2013 SEQ.:. 5755184 TRANS ID: 386463 WARNINGS: 1. Bulger and erection contractor should be advised of 811 General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x1 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. 3. ACdftional *n1liorary bracing to hisure stability during construction Is the'responsibility of the erector.. Addxknal permanent bracing of the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No load should be applied to any component until alter all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loath greater than design loads be applied to any component. -5. CompuTrus hasno cordml over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, Shipment and Installation of components. 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPI/WTCA In SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L}E ANCHOR -TO RESIST HORZ. AND VERT. REACTIONS < c / A II� T 0 'P U.C. �ry�'1 'Gn V/ c 00 < �' C rn 4M OD o Scale: 0.8578 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: I. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Isfor an Individual bul ding component. Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporetlan of componert Is the responsibility of the building designer. 2. Design essume5 Me top and bottom chords to be laterally,"oed at 7 o.c. and at 10' o,c. respectively unless braced throughout Mels br1pM by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + w 4. Installation of truss is the respormibilt of the respec#14 contractor. 5. Design assumes tnlsse5 are k ba Iraed in .a non -corrosive environment, and are for 'dry condition" of use. 8. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage la rounded. 8. Pletes'stiell be located ori both faces of truss, and placed so their center lines coincide with joint center lines. 9. Digits Indicate site of plate bl Inches. 10. For beak connector plate design values see ESR4311, ESR -1988 (ABTek) T sign red Ompl Iput S----- FABF-----.-,.S (,--, CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1-.2=(-56) 59 3.4=(-7,) 8 1-9-('•151) 22 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 0'- 0.0' -28/ 162V -50/ 51H 5:50' 0.17 F 625 1'- 8.9' -10/ 31V 0/ OH 5.50' 0.03 OF f 625 1'- 11.7' -29/ 179V ,50/ 51H 1.50' 0.19 OF ( 625 BRG @ 0'- 0:0' 0.17 DF/ 0.27 HF/ 0.25 SPF BRG @ 1'- 8.9' 0.03 DF/ 0.05 HF/ 0.05 SPF BRG @ 1'- 11-.7' 0.19 DF/ 0:30 HF/ 0.28 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/,360, TL=L/240 MAX.TC PANEL LL DEFL = -0.001' @ 1'- 0.1' Allowed = 0.108' MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL-= -0.005' @ 1'- 0.1' Allowed = 0.162' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.002 - MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.011' @ 1'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.612' @ 1'- 10.9' Wind': 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13,8 BCDL=4.2,.ASIDE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat,/1 Exp.C, fiW RS; interior zone load duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated_ top chord o live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 0 N 10 "W4 Won n I tl (III LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF k1&BTR BC: 2x4 DF @1&BTR WEBS: 20 OF N1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT<= 12'OC. UON BG LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC.. UON, Connector pplate prefix designators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or nc prefix f_= CompuTrus, Inc M;M26HS'A18HS; 16 = MiTek M series 0 M 0 0 N TRUSS SPAN 3'- 11.7' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25. SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0)'ON TOP CHORD = 43:0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 3-11-11 <PL:14-00-12 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A82 Truss: 1"'AL; A DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10./2013 SEQ..: 5755185 TRANS ID: 386463 WARNINGS: GEI 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General. Notes 1. and Mmtngs before conslrirctlon commences._ Y.-2z4,00mpresslon web bracing must be Installed where shown •. 3. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction 2. Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall, structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. S. k No load should be applied to any component until after: all bracing and 4., fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greater then 5.. design bads be applied to any component. S. S. CompuTrus has no contrel over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrlcaUon, handlhp, shipment and installation of components. 7. 6. Thls,daslgn is famished subject to the limitations set forth; by S. TPINMA in SCSI, copies of which will be fumished upon request. 9., MiTek USA, Inc:/CompuTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(lQ-E 10, Scale: 0.7396 for an Individual I. bracing required where shown+ �sponsibllity of the respective contractor. e to be used In a non-cogost" envhdnmerd. M use. el ea supports shown. Shim or wedge N dremape is vlded. oth faces of truss, end placedso their center ter lines.. In Inches.. edge values see ESR•1511, ESR4969 (MITek) T ' - Sigr red lomp )put 6 FAEtFS (. CBC201O/IBC2ON MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WRjGDF/Cq=1.00 1-2=(-58) 58 3.4=(-90) 53-3-1=(•218) 4 1.4=( -49)'26 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRIG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE_ INCHES (lSPECIES 01- 0:0' 0/ 241V -65/ OH 5.50' 0.26 tlF ( 625) 3'- 4.8" 0/ 49V 0/OH 5.50' 0.05 DF( 825 3'- 11.7' -141 212V -651 OH '1.50' 0.23 OF l 625 BRG @ 0' 0.0' 0.26 DF/ 0.40 HF/ 0.38 SPF BRG @ 3'- 4.8' 0.05 DF/ 0.08 HF/ 0.07 SPF BRG @ 3'- 11.7' 0.23 DF/ 0.35 HF/ 0.33 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS_: LL=LI360, TL=L/240 MAX TC PANEL LL DEFL.= -0.027''@ 2'- 1.0' Allowed 0.226' MAX TC PANEL TL DEF.L = -0.041' @ 2'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.339' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.013' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.000' @ 3'- 10.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.001' @ 0'- 2:2' Wind: 90, mph h=20ft TCDL=13:8 BCDL=4`:2, ASCE,?-05, Enclosed, Cat. Ekp.C, IGWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6,. Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300.1b concentrated top chord live load per IBC. 2009 due ttimaintenance workers which is non -concurrent with otherr live loads. mm�nrlllll , LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC:20 OF #18BTR BC: 20 OF #16BTR WEBS: 20 OF #18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. Connector pplate prefix designators: C,CN C18�CN18 (or no prefix) = CollouTrus, Inc M,M26HS, 18HS, 16 - M Tek M series M-3X5 � 1 ho 0 m 0 0 N M -2x4 12 3.50 C--- a 3.50 12 5-00-10 TRUSS SPAN 6'= 0.0' v.. ... .. �� �... ..��. .�� ticale: U.4001 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 WARNINGS: -1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. .GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown end Is for an Individual o building, component. AppllcabilRy of design parameters and proper SPACED 24.0. D.C. bracing be Installed +, Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building d lgner. LOADING 2.2x4 compression web must where shown 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during constroctbn 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' end at 10' respectively unless bathed throughout mein league M LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF BEARING OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF LOCATIONS TOTAL LOAD= 50.0 PSF 0'- 0.0' �f o TRANS I D : 386463 design loads be applied to any component. has for the 5'- 9.9'. LIMITEO,STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 5"- 11.7' REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET: fabrication, handling, shipment and Instellallon of components.necessary.7. lhirfloons forth by Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. their BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so ceder h joint lines coincide ae withn m AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. M-2 6-00 OL:14-00-12 1PIOVIDE FULL BEARING;Jts:3 5 2 0-11-06 11) 12 KIAAAG'e Rri ++ D n e i rinnnn _ I n+ 1 A Df.A 1AIn.c+ _ AS24 vv ..•....�. ... �. rry v.r.tw v.. ... .. �� �... ..��. .�� ticale: U.4001 3" WARNINGS: -1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. .GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown end Is for an Individual o building, component. AppllcabilRy of design parameters and proper Truss:, bracing be Installed +, Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building d lgner. AM 2.2x4 compression web must where shown 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during constroctbn 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' end at 10' respectively unless bathed throughout mein league M DES. BY: h the responsibility of the erector. Additional anent bracing of Po �^^ conUnuorn sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) endlor drywal(SC). continuous hin DATE 12/10/2013 the overall structure is.tha responsibility 61 the bulging designer. 3. zz Impact Drtdging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ. : 5755186 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no tlme.itnould any loads greeler`.than 4. Ina Ilalbn of Was is the responsibility of me respective. contractor. _ S. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non-comisive environment, �f o TRANS I D : 386463 design loads be applied to any component. has for the and are for "dry condition' of use. S. Design assumes fug bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge l 5. CompuTms no control over and assumes no responsiblfrty fabrication, handling, shipment and Instellallon of components.necessary.7. lhirfloons forth by Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. their nlll S. This design is furnished subject to the set TPIIWfCA in SCSI, copies of which will be famished upon squeal 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so ceder h joint lines coincide ae withn m IIIIII VIII (IIII VIII Ilnl (IIII IIII IIII the 9. Digits Indicate size of plate In inches. II II II MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -tela (MITek) T sign red OMPI 1put CBC20101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=(-68) 71 3-4=-334-5=� 0; 82 1-4-� 28610; 25 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0/ 305V -771 OH 5.50' 0.33 DF 625 0/ 46V 0/ OH 5.50' 0.05 OF 625 =14/ 258V •77/ OH 1.50' 0.28 OF 625I BRG @ 0'- 0;0' 0.33 DF/0:50 HF/ 0.48 SPF BRG @ 5'- 9.3' 0.05 OF/ 0.08 HFI 0.07 SPF BRG @ 5'- 11.7' 0.28 DF/ 0.42 HF/ 0.40 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360,,.TL=L/240 MAX LL.DEFL = -0,003' @ 5'- 1.1' Allowed = 0.169' MAX DL DEFL = -0.008' @ 5'- 1.1' Allowed = 0.254' MAX TL DEFL = -0.014' @ 5'- 1.1' Allowed = 0.254' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.114' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.002' @ 5.'- 10.9' MAX HORIZ-. TL DEFL = 0,005' @ 51- 10.9' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long "term loading (creep in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=19.8 I DL=4.2, ASCE_ 7-05, Enclosed; Cat:2 Exp .C,. �IWFRS, intehio� zone load -duration factor=l.6, Truss designeb for wind loads It the. plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. nunn tI illi ' . LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF M16BTR: BC: 2x4 OF M18BTR WEBS: 20 OF M1.6BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - WOC. UON. ConnectorDlate prefix desi ttetors: C,CN C18 418 ((or no ppreflxg) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS, �118HS,fd16 = MiTek MT series m ) N 0 a 0 0 N M -2x4 TRUSS SPAN 7'- 7:9' LOAD DURATION INCREASE;= 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL.( ?0.0)+%,23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF 12 LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 3.50 C;--- REOUIREMENTS'OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16PGA West - A84 Truss: /M% U A DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEG.: 5755187 TRANS ID: 386463 WARNINGS: 1. Buller and erection contractor Should be advised of all General Notes and Wamhugs before construction commences. 2. 2x4 cernpresslon web Erasing must be Iuistalled whem.shown +. 3.. Additional temporary bracing to bisure stability during construction Is the responsibl8ly of the erector. Additional penninanl bnidng of the overall structure Is the responsibility ofthe building designer. 4. No load should beapplied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no tine"should any beds greater than design loads be applied to any component 5.: COmpuTrus has no"conhol over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling. shipment and Installation of components. S. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIIWfCA In SCSI, oople of whidi win be furnished upon request" Walk USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7;6:4-SP5(1l)-E Scale: 0.5583 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1: This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an tndtvldual bulldi g component Applicability of design parameters and proppeer incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the buildingde ner. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced ai 7 o.c: and at for o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their [engpiInh by cordinuous sheathing such as plywood shesthhg(Tt7 and/or drywaslec). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown 4. Installationoftruss is the responsibility of the respecthre contractor. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non -corrosive emAronmem, and are for'dry corMlBon', of use. S. Design assumes fun bearing at an supports shown. Shim or wedge 9 necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provkled. 8. Plates shall be bceted onboth faces of buss, end placed so their center Ones coincide with Joint center Ones. 9. Digits Indicate size of plate In Inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1911, ESR -1988 (MITek) T sign red - ompl Iput S------ FARE__..._ --S G.- CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 2-3= -100j 870 4.5=(-93) 78 4-1=1-5=1 2169) 25 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BAG REOUIREO BAG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES ((SPECIES) 01'- 0.0' 0/, 257V -86'/ OH 5.50' 0.27 tlF 625 51- 6.5' 0/ 60V 0/ OH 5.50' 0.05 OF 625; 5'- 11.2' -4/ 549V 0/ OH 1;.50' 0:47 OF 625 7'-- 7.9' -156/ 24Y .861 OH 1:50' 0.09 OF 625; BAG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.27 DF/ 0.42 HF/ 0.40 -SPF BAG @ 5'- 6.5' 0.05 DF/ 0.08 HF/ 0.08 SPF BAG @ 5'-'11:2' 0.47 OF/ 0:72 HF/ 0.69 SPF' BAG @ 7'"- 7.9' 0.03 DF/ 0.04 HF/'0.04 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L1360, TL=L/240 MAX TC PANEL LL DEFL = -0.074' @ 2'- 10.5' Allowed = 0.353' MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL =_x0.118' @- 2'- 10,6'. Allowed = 0.530' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0,042' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.001' @ 7'- 7.2' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.001' @ 5'- 11.2' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft TCDL=13:8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.I1 Ekp.C,, WAS, interior zone, load duration factor=l,6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 ib concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to naintenanoe workers which is, non -concurrent with other live leads. ;:ouHIa r LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 2'c -0.9' TC: 2x4 OF g1QBTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 BC: 2x4 OF #18BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. WEBS: 2x4 OF A18BTR LOADING TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 -OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD= 43.0,PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL- LOAD = 50.0 PSF Connector pplate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 or no pprefix, = CompuTrus; Inc LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL N,M20HS,MI8HS,i116 = MiTek MT series REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 2-.00=14 AND,BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. M -2x4 M -3x4 0 0 N •* For hanger spec 2-00-14 <PL:12-00-12 0 0 N inn n(ARm a nr; tt nor; r'lanna _ I nt IA PrA Wact _ AAR T," ign ---red `--- -Dtnpt . - . . _put .- S 'ABR 3 W . CBC2010/IBC2009MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 11 3-4-(-32) 17 1-3= -136) 0 2-4=(-170) 9 3-2=! -39) 21 ' BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BOG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES) 0'- 0.0' 0/ 181V' -351 35H 5.50' 0'.19 OF ( 625 2'- 0.9' 0/ 183V -35/ 35H 5.50' 0.20 OF ( 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.19 ON 0.30 HFI 0.28 SPF BRG'@ 2'- 0.9' 0.20 OF/ 0.90 HF! 0.29 SPF . VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L1360; TL=61240 MAX TC PANEL LL DEFL,=' O.002' @ 0'- 11.6' Allowed = 0.085' MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.004' @ 0'- 11.8' Allowed = 0.128' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFC)= 0.001' MAX HORIZ. LL bEFL = 0.000': @ 0'- 3.5,' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.000' @ 0'- 3.5' Wind: 80 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cet.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration .factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked fora 300.1b concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009.due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Z!/off I3 WARNINGS: Builder am! erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted:. 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an Individual 51. A8 and Warnings before construction commences. building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper Truss : tracing must be Installed +. Incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. - AM 2, 2x4 compression web where shown 3. Additional temporary bmcfog to Insure stability during construction the at aterally braced e 2. Design andunless braced at Ise the top and bottom chords c be throughoutby 7 end ei DES. BY : Is the res nsibDlly of erector. Additional: permanent bracing of Po - dry ll(pBtlm rdio.n ea hin sucrespectively y continuous sheathing sad} as plywood sheethlnp(7'C) andfordrywall(BC). (=) and/or DATE: 12/10/2013 the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or latera( bracing required where shown++ 4. No bad should be applied to any component until east all bracing and 4. Installation of truss Is the fesponsibllly,of the respective contractor. SEQ : 5755188 fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greater than 5. Deslgn'assurnes trusses ersto be used In a mn-eonoshm environment, 'dry . TRANS ID: -386463 design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the andiam for condition' of use. S. Do assumes full bearing atoll supports shown. shim or wedge If - fabrication,handling, shipment and installation of components:necessary. 7. Design assumes adegmiale dralnega is ed. mull 6. This design is furnished subject to the lineations sal bah by TPINVECA In SCSI, copies of whish will be famished upon request e. Plates shell be bcetedon both faces o Was, and plead so their center Dies coincide weir Joint center Nies, 9. Onescoincide site of plate In Inches. II'Imt III II VIII IItSI II �lll VIII IIII II Illi IIII Mi f ek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6:4-SP5(1 L) -E 1g. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR-19sa (Mirrekj, Z!/off I3 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 DF 016BTR BC: 20 DF N18BTR WEBS: 20 DF 818BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. Connector plate prefix desipnetors: C,CN CIO CN18 for no prefixi = CompuTrus, Inc Y,M2bHS,Z18HS, 16 = MiTek 077 series FLAT ROOF TRUSS PROVIDE.ADEOUATE DRAINAGE TO PREVENT PONDING 0 cii cm TRUSS SPAN, B',- 4.7' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL 23:0)'ON TOP CHORD = �43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7:0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED.STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTSOF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM'CHORD CHECKED_EOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP, AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. 4-02-06 4-02-06 M-20 M -3x4 M -2x4 -I - -2- - -- f 3 A y I I ' C I 71 < M -3x4 '• For hanger specs. - See approved plans <PL:12-00- DD C,- f f1 Z u n JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A86 Truss /--%U 1 DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755189 TRANS ID: 386463 WARNINGS: 1. Buller and erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes and %liumings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. 3: Addalonal temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction Is the responsibility of the area&, Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the.responslbllRy of thsbuilding designer. 4. No bad should be applied to any component units after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should arty bads greater than design beds be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over -arid assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIANfCA lo' BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E M -3x4 Scale: 0.6515 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only, upon the parameters shown and Is for an individual bundhtg component. Applicability of design parameters and proper .Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. 2: Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at ,22 0 c. and at 10' o.c, respectively unless braced throughout their length by oominuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywan(SC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibllxy of the respodfve eodractor. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-mrtosive eilvho .." and are for -dry cond8lon' of use. 8: Design assumes fu0 bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7.. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. 8. 'Plates shall be located on both faces oftruss, and placed so Meir writer lines eo We with john center lines. 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in Inches. 10. For bask connector plate design values see ESR -1311. ESR -1988 (WTek) BAG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.46 DF/ 0.71 HF/ 0.68 -SPF ORO @ 8' 4.7' 0.46 OF/ 0.71 HF/ 0.68 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.006' @ 4'- 2.4' Allowed = 0.247' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.010' @ 4'- 2.4' Allowed = 0.370' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = ,0.016' @ 4'- 2.4' Allowed = 0.370' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEF.L)=-0.130' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.002' @ 8'- 1.2' MAX HORIZ.'TL DEFL 0.005' @ B'- 1.2' Wind: g0 mph, h=15ft TCDL=19.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat .12 Exp.C, tIWFR8, interior zone load duration factor=1.8, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. C. N T sign red - Dmpl put, S --ABR-- - - 3 (J -• CBC20101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1-2= -15 15 .4-5=(0) 476 1-4= -181 0 5-3=(-181) 0 2-3= -1 15 4-2=(-533` 0 2-5=f-539) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 434V -95/ 35H 5.50' 0.46 DF ( 625) 8'- 4:7' 0/ 434V -35/ 35H 6.38' 0.48 DF ( 625) WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. 4-02-06 4-02-06 M-20 M -3x4 M -2x4 -I - -2- - -- f 3 A y I I ' C I 71 < M -3x4 '• For hanger specs. - See approved plans <PL:12-00- DD C,- f f1 Z u n JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A86 Truss /--%U 1 DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755189 TRANS ID: 386463 WARNINGS: 1. Buller and erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes and %liumings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. 3: Addalonal temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction Is the responsibility of the area&, Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the.responslbllRy of thsbuilding designer. 4. No bad should be applied to any component units after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should arty bads greater than design beds be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over -arid assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIANfCA lo' BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E M -3x4 Scale: 0.6515 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only, upon the parameters shown and Is for an individual bundhtg component. Applicability of design parameters and proper .Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. 2: Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at ,22 0 c. and at 10' o.c, respectively unless braced throughout their length by oominuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywan(SC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibllxy of the respodfve eodractor. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-mrtosive eilvho .." and are for -dry cond8lon' of use. 8: Design assumes fu0 bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7.. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. 8. 'Plates shall be located on both faces oftruss, and placed so Meir writer lines eo We with john center lines. 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in Inches. 10. For bask connector plate design values see ESR -1311. ESR -1988 (WTek) BAG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.46 DF/ 0.71 HF/ 0.68 -SPF ORO @ 8' 4.7' 0.46 OF/ 0.71 HF/ 0.68 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.006' @ 4'- 2.4' Allowed = 0.247' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.010' @ 4'- 2.4' Allowed = 0.370' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = ,0.016' @ 4'- 2.4' Allowed = 0.370' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEF.L)=-0.130' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.002' @ 8'- 1.2' MAX HORIZ.'TL DEFL 0.005' @ B'- 1.2' Wind: g0 mph, h=15ft TCDL=19.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat .12 Exp.C, tIWFR8, interior zone load duration factor=1.8, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. C. N IMMII IfI II (III r LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC; 20 OF N13BTR. BC: 2x4'DF N13BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF N16BTR. TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate.prefix designators: C,CN C18018 (or no prefizi = CompuTrus, Inc M,Y2b43, 1BHS, 16 = M Tek MT ,series O O C4 FLAT ROOF TRUSS PROVIDE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE TO PREVENT PONDING M -2x4 15 �• For hang 6-00-14 TRUSS SPAN 12'= 1.7' LOAD DURATIONINCREASE 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)fDL1 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD= 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD "= 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010.NOT BEING MET. 80TTOV CHORD CHECKED.FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. M -3X10 Ti iign -ed ompi. put SI =ABR__ --_--3 (J CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER (FORCES) 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 2-3=1-1=1-15� 18 5:13 1192. 4-2=(-1262) 0 6.3=�-2113i' 0 ' 5-2=( O) 236 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRA REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS; REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' Ot 607V -35/ 35H 5.50,' 0.65 F 625 12'- 1.7' 0/ 607V -95/ 95th 5.50' 0.65 OF 625 BRG.@ 0'- 0.0' 0.65 DF/ 1.00 HF/ 0.95 SPF BRG @ 12'- 1.7' 0.65 DF/ 1.00 HF/ 0.95 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/380, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.026' @ 8'- 0:9' Allowed = 0.374' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = •0.058' @ 8'• 0.9' Allowed 0:561MAX TL ' RECOMMENDED CREEP DEFL 3 OMMENDEDCAMBER (BASEDON@OL DEFL)= 0.058 0:581' Allowed = MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.007' @ 11'- 10.2' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.018' @ 11 10.2' Wind: 90mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat: Exp .C, MWFRS, interior zone, hoed duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers 6-00=14 which is non -concurrent with other live loads. M -2x4 3 - p - rn e --N r r C' o l r_ iM�: - M -30m 2x4; �= M -3x5 !r specs. - See approved plans C < O u 6-00-14 I` j 6-00-14 L <PL:12-00-12. 12-01-12 F i JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West A87 Truss: DES. BY:AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755190 TRANS ID: 386463 WARNINGS: 1: Builder and erection contractor should be advised of ae General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown •. 3. AddNonal temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction Isthe responsibility of the erector.,Additional permanent trading or the overall etrualure le'tbe responsibility of tho building designer. 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 'fastener are complete andal no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling: shipment and installation of components: S. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPI/WTCA In SCSI, copies of which will be fumished upon request. MTak USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E Scale: 0.5253 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise naled: 1. This design In based only upon th parameter, shown and Is for an,brdivldual building component. Applicability of design parameteni and proper Incorpmetion of component d the responsibility, of the building designer. 2. Design aswmes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2o.c.'and of 10' o.e. respectively unless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathbig(TC) and/or,drywon(BC).. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown • r 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Desigeaesumes trusses areto be used In a norwml orresive eronmm e. aim era Por 'dry condition* of use. 8. Design assumes fun beafto at all supports shown. Shim or wedge 8 necessary. _ rain 7. Design assiuiaea adequate dage Is provided. a. Rates shall be bceted onboth faces of truss, and placed so their center Ones coincide with joint center fines.. e. DIgt6 Indicate size or plate in Inches. to. For bask connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR=1888 (Wek) nm n In ll� , LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX'YEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1:00 TRUSS,SPAN 2`= 6.0' 1-2=(-25) 51 TC: 2,4OF #1iBTR S-1= -185) 2 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 BC: 20 OF UISBTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. WEBS: 20 OF A16BTR MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REOUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS: REACTIONS LOADING SIZE INCHESSPECIES) TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON, LL( 20:0)+DL( 23:0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7:0 PSF -43/ 45H 5.50' 0.22 TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF Connectorplate prefix des.' nators: 0.19 OF/ 0.30 HF/ 0.25 SPF C'CN C1S CN18 (or no prefix4 = CompuTrus, Inc LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL M,V2bHS,i18HS, 16 = YiTek M series REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. 2-06 BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE'LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12 3.46 - M -2x4 2-06 <PL:12-00-12 as p o o M N CD plans co C o., 0Dj� O �0� Z��+ n � � >_ nf 3 n�-: 00 0 z mom'! :4 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A88 Truss: 1"'g"t u I DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755191 TRANS ID: 386463 WARNINGS: 1. Builder, and erection contractor should be advbed of an General Notes and Mmings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression weh bracing must be Inslaned where shown +. 3. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction Is the responsibility ofthe emclor. Addhlonal permanent bracing of the overall structure h the responsibility of thebuedhq designer. 4. No bad should be applied to any component until alter all bracing and fasteners am complete and at no time should any loads greater than design bads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the Feb. kaeon, handihp, shipment and Installation of components. e. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPI/WTCA In SCSI. copies of.whlch win be furnished upon request. MITek USA, Inc:/CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1L)-E T( ;lgn------ ed `--- -DMPP---- '-put; SI 'ABR i (J - Scale: 0.8689 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an individual building component Applicability, of design parameters and proper Incorporstlon of component B the Iesponsiblittir of the building designer. 2. -Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be lateraey braced at 2';o.c. and at 10' c.c. respectively unless braced throughout their bnnppttthr by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathhrg(TC) and/or drywaa(BC). 3. 2a Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the mspectWe contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses aro to be used in non -corrosive environment, and are for "dry condition' of use. e., Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge m necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. S. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and plated so their center lines coincide with )oim center lines. a. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. 10: For bask connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/380; TL=L/240 VAX TC PANEL LL DEFL = -0'.008' @ 1'- 3.4' Allowed = 0.118' VAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.008' @ 1'- 3.4' Allowed = 0:178' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.003' MAX'HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.000' @ 2'- 2.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.000' IF 2'- 2.5' Wind`. 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.11BCOL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat ./1 Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.8, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb -concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which i :non -concurrent with other live loads. CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX'YEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1:00 1-2=(-25) 51 3-4=(-42) 32 S-1= -185) 2 4.2=(-175) 0 1-4=' -40) 22 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REOUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS: REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHESSPECIES) 0'- 0.0.' 0/ 181V -43/ 45H 11.00' 0.19' DF.( 625) 2'- 9,0' 0/ 209V -43/ 45H 5.50' 0.22 OF 625) BRG @ 0'- 0:0' 0.19 OF/ 0.30 HF/ 0.25 SPF BRIG @ 2'- e.0' 0.22 DF/ 0.34 HF/ 0.93 SPF Scale: 0.8689 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an individual building component Applicability, of design parameters and proper Incorporstlon of component B the Iesponsiblittir of the building designer. 2. -Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be lateraey braced at 2';o.c. and at 10' c.c. respectively unless braced throughout their bnnppttthr by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathhrg(TC) and/or drywaa(BC). 3. 2a Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the mspectWe contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses aro to be used in non -corrosive environment, and are for "dry condition' of use. e., Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge m necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. S. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and plated so their center lines coincide with )oim center lines. a. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. 10: For bask connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/380; TL=L/240 VAX TC PANEL LL DEFL = -0'.008' @ 1'- 3.4' Allowed = 0.118' VAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.008' @ 1'- 3.4' Allowed = 0:178' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.003' MAX'HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.000' @ 2'- 2.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.000' IF 2'- 2.5' Wind`. 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.11BCOL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat ./1 Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.8, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb -concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which i :non -concurrent with other live loads. LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC:2x4 DF' p16BTR BC: 20 DF A18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF A16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON, Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix desi netara: C,CN,CI8,CN18 or no prefix -CompuTrus; Inc M,M20H8,Y18H8,i16 = MiTek Y 'series FLAT ROOF TRUSS PROVIDE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE TO PREVENT PONDING Co o to 0 N N 0-11- .f 0-07-1 12 3.46Z --'- TRUSS SPAN 14'- 10.1' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL(( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD 43.0 PSF UL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0'PSF TOTAL LOAD =. 50.0'PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE.TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 13-11 7-01-04 �r;1 o I �M=3xA2== I T sign r'ed ompi )put ' S -ABF S (' CBC201O/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4Wfl/GDF/C =1.00 1-2= 28 19 6-7= -.23 95 1.6=( -'47) 0 B-4=� 0) 261 3.4= •247 0 7-8= 0� 1774 8.2=( -753) 0 4-9=(•1854) 0 4.5=1 -19) 20 8-9= 0) 1774 2-3= 01 648 9-5=1 -244) 0 3-7=10 543 7.4= -1575) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 742V -55/ 45H 5.50` 0.79 OF ( 625I 14 10.1' 0/ 742V -55/ 45H 5.50' 0.79 OF ( 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.79 DF/ 1.22 HF/ 1.18 SPF BRG @ 14'- 10.1' 0.79 OF/ 1.22 HF/ 1.18 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L1360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = •0.054' @ 7+- 8.9' Allowed = 0.464' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.120' @ 7'- 8.9' Allowed = 0.698' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.174' @ 7'- 8.9' Allowed 0.698' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.120' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.012' @ 14'- 6.6' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL.= 0.031' @ 14'- 6.6' Wind: 90 mph, h-15ft, TCDL=13.8 SCOL=4.2, ASCE 7-05; 7-01-04 Enclosed, Cat.2 Exp.C, 1AFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009. due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. M -4x6 6. r M -4x6 For hanger specs. See approved plans. L L - 01-:12-04-i2 0.11-02 6-09-12 _OP 0 v Z M 2-- 0-i 14-10-02 inn Kmx - Rrri ++ Gnc i rlcnnc - I nt 1A P(;A Wcct _ AAQ inn 11 N A0 M -2x4 WARNINGS: 1. Sunder and erection contractor should be advised of all General No in GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Ls Doty upon Ne pereiiliters shown and Is for an fndWual 93. Cf) � and VYamings before conslNatlon commences. -based building oonponent. Applicability of design parameters and'propsr Truss. 2, 2x4 compression bracing be Installed shown +, Incorporation at component Is the responsibility of the bulding designer. DES. BY: AM web must where Additional temporary bracing to incurs stability during construction the of M -4x6 6. r M -4x6 For hanger specs. See approved plans. L L - 01-:12-04-i2 0.11-02 6-09-12 _OP 0 v Z M 2-- 0-i 14-10-02 inn Kmx - Rrri ++ Gnc i rlcnnc - I nt 1A P(;A Wcct _ AAQ inn 11 N A0 WARNINGS: 1. Sunder and erection contractor should be advised of all General No in GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Ls Doty upon Ne pereiiliters shown and Is for an fndWual 93. and VYamings before conslNatlon commences. -based building oonponent. Applicability of design parameters and'propsr Truss. 2, 2x4 compression bracing be Installed shown +, Incorporation at component Is the responsibility of the bulding designer. DES. BY: AM web must where Additional temporary bracing to incurs stability during construction the of 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be. laterally braced at z'o.c. end a< 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 12/10/2013 Is responsibility the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 9 the overall structure Is the responsibllny of the building designer. w 14M ecus sheathing such as plywood sheathing(Tp) andlor drywall(SC). 3. 2x Impart GddgIng or lateral bracing required where shown + + SEQ. : 5765192 4. No load should be appaed to any component ants eller ell bracing arM raslI aers ere complete and "nooma should any loads greater than 4.. installation of tress Is the responsibimy of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-cortoaNe environment. TRANS I D : 386463 assign roods be eppte to any componeni.. - S. CompuTrus has no control over end sesames no responslD lay, for the and are for •dry condmon' of use: S. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. e. This Is to limitations fond by necessary. 7. Deslpn assumes adequate drefnage Is to ed. design famished subject the set A In I. copies of which wit be fumished upon request. 5. Plates shell lie'located on Eolh (sees of suss, arM placed w their center nter lines. 111111 IIIII IIIII IIIII VIII IIIII VIII III �� USA, 9. Dighs indicate size of plate In inches. edesign MTek Ino.3/CompuTrus SoRware 7.6.4-SP5(1 Ia. For hale connectoroplatint values see ESR (Mrrek) t�op��aa/w� Intel 111 J111 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 DF p1dBTR BC:2x4 DF k13BTR WEBS: 20 DF 818BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'O,C. UON. LETINS: 1.06-00 0-00-00 Connector plate prefix desig"!tors: C;CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS, �18HS,Y.18 III TO MT series FLAT ROOF TRUSS PROVIDE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE TO PREVENT PONDING O 0 0 w OC 0 TRUSS.SPAN 21' 8.e' - LOAD DURATION INCREASE.= 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL 23.0) ON'TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF 6L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7:0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REOUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF_LIVE LOAD. TOP' ANQ BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. T >igr red Dlnpl Iput S -ABF 5 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1- 2= -161 0 1- 8=(0) 1848 1- 2= ,2099 0 9- 8=1 =2831 258 2- 3= •2028 0 8 9= Oj))j)) 2904 3- 8= 0 576 10. 8= d 253 9- 4= -124 0 9-10= 0 3050 3- 5= -•1760 0 6.11= =3170 0 5. 6= -2987 0 10-11= 0 3050 8- 5= :-1192 0 11. 7= •242 0 6- 7= -19 20 4- 5= -236 0 5- 9= 0 203 BEARINGMAX VERT MAX'HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 1095V -49/ 45H 5.56' 1.17 �F 625 21'- 8.8' O/ 1077V -49/ 45H 5.50' 1.15 DF � 6251 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.17 OF/ 1.80 HF/ 1.72 SPF BRIG @ 21'- 8.6' 1.15 DF/ 1.77 HF/ 1.69 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L1360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.146' @ 8'= 1.0' Allowed = 0.693' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.335' @ 6'- 1.0' Allowed 1.040' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = •0:481' @ 81- 1.0' Allowed = 1.040' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED'ON DL DEFL)= 0.335'' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.030' @ 21'- 5.1' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.074' @ 21'- 5.1' Wind: 90 mph; h=15ft TCDL=13.8;BCDL=4._2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed; Cat.! Exp.C, MWFRS, interioP zone, Joad duration'factor=l'.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss, only. 8-01 M r--, 8 13=07-09 which is 1-05-07 3-04-08 3-03-01 m -p 6-58 ��! ;' 6-11-08 U � (-,,b �o 12 r 3.46 17 - M -2x4 0 T M -3x7 G) M -4x14 M -2x4 4 fp r 1106"G'1 a M -3x5 I 6x16 r M + o O F i J- o N 1 802r 1 • u < M -4x6 M -.3x5 M-3 M-300 M -5x6(5) •• For hanger specs. - See approved plans 4.-09-15 3-03-01 6-08 6-11-08 I L <PL:1240-12 21-08-09 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A90 Truss: 1-%17 1 DES. BY: AM DATE:. 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755193 TRANS ID' 386463 1 ill�l VIII IIII VIII VIII ILII IIII III IIII Scale: 0.3264 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: _ - 1. Builder and erection contractor should be'adyised of all General Notes 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an individual and Waminpebefore construction commences. '2x4 building component, Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation component Is.the responsibnxy of the building designer. 2. compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. of 2.. assumes this top end bosom chords to be laterally braced of 8. _ Additional temporary bracing to insureslebnity during construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional bracing of To.Design onn .and ffi hin. unless bathed ihreuphod their by continuous permanent the overall structure is the responsibility or the building designer. eat such as alnl(p�I1 sheathing or such es plywoodgheed where shown 3. 2x Impnld bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 2x Impact 4.. No bad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of,lruss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. fasteners are corn plate and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non-conosive environment, design bads be applied to any. component. and are for -dry condftlon" of use. S. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown.: Shim or wedge it S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary - fabrication. handling, shipment and Installation of co Do 7. DoNgn,assumes adequate dretapa Is Wovlded.. S. This design Is furnished sub)ed to the limitations set forth by S. Plates shell be tcated on both faces or miss, end placed so their tender TPyV=A In SCSI,. Copies of which will be furnMed upon request Imes coincide with joint center Ones. - 9.. Digits indicate size oT plate N Inches. MTek USA, Inc:/CompuTrus.Saftare 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E 10. For best connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR=1988Ofrek) faceow EXR �4 swan a r e LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: '20 DF #18BTR BC: 20 DF #18BTR' WEBS: 2x4 DF N13BTR, TC LATERAL SUPPORT E= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. LETINS: 1.06'-00 0-00.00 Connector plate prefix designators: C, CN C18,CN18 (or no prefix f = CompuTrus, Inc 9,M2bH9,M18HS, 16 = MiTek YT series FLAT ROOF TRUSS PROVIDE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE TO PREVENT PONDING 0 0 0 0 0 tD O 0 1 8-01 1.05-07 3-04-08 3-03-01 12 3.46 17:- TRUSS SPAN 211• 5.1' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 29.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF, TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. M -2x4 4-09-15 3-03-01 :12-00=12 6-06-05 21-05=01 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A91 i M @ C: I 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design Is be 31670- 05 and Weminga before construction commences. f 7 �J PO it UO I Dj Incorporation of 2. Des.0.^ assumes M 0 C `�_ C) - 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction 2 and et fly (x16 0 r_ continuous esi continuous sheet 3. 2x Impact bddgh 4. No load shoutd'be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. bnteaalion of tm SEQ.: '5755194 listeners'am complete and at no time should any loads greater then 6-06-05 21-05=01 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A91 T.. _ sign _ . red - _ .. Dmpi put . S =ABP S G CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR(GDF/Cq=1.00 1 2=1.- 0 1 8_�0� 1815 1. 2 -2088 0 9. 8-( •238) 275 2 3-- 1995 0 8' 9- 0 2840 'S- 8 0 580 10• a- 0 247 3 4= -122 0 1-10= 0 2950 1. 5- -1731 0 6.11= -3070 0 5 6= •2901 0 10-11= 0 '2950 B- 5= -1155 0 11. 7= -237 0 8 7= 19 20 4- 5= -235 0 5= 9= 0 192, BEARING VAX VERT MAX HORZ SRO REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 0'- 0.0' 0/ 1080V -49/ 45H '5.56' 1,15 OF 625 21 5.1' C/ 1062V -49/ 45H 5:50' 1.13 DF 825 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.15 OF/ 1.78 HF/ 1.69 SPF BRG @ 21 5.1' 1.13 OF/ 1.75 HF/ 1:67 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = =0.140' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed '= 0.683' VAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.321' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed = 1.025' VAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.461' @, 8'- 1:.0' Allowed = 1.025' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.321' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.028* .@ 21'- 1.6' MAX.HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0,071' @ 21'- 1.6' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7,05, Enclosed, Cat.! Exp C' �IWFRS, interior zone, hoed duration factor=l.8, Trues designed for wind loads in the plane of the trues only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 13-04-0,1 6-09-12 M -4x14 M-20 e 7 ni0 N 0.25' to M -3x10 •• 11 M-5x6(S) •* For hanger specs. • See approved plans 6-09-12 Scale: 0.5189 herwise noted: ipon the parameters shown and b for an IndtMuel obexy of design parameters and proper t is the responsibiII of the bullding designer. id bottom chords to be laterally tiiaoad at divelyuniess braced throughout their lengptIhh by asplywood.sheathbg(TC)ardlor drywall(BC). III bredng required where shown ++ nponsibiliry of the respective contractor. re b be used in a nmrcorresive environment, of use, p at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if drainage Is provided. Doth faces of Wss, and placed so their center tier cones, In Incites: lesign vetoes see ESR -1311, FSR -190 (MITek) WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design Is be Truss :A9 and Weminga before construction commences. baadlrtg compos 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown+: Incorporation of 2. Des.0.^ assumes DES. BY: AM 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction 2 and et fly DATE: 12110/2013 is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall slnicl im is the responsibility,of the building designer. continuous esi continuous sheet 3. 2x Impact bddgh 4. No load shoutd'be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. bnteaalion of tm SEQ.: '5755194 listeners'am complete and at no time should any loads greater then 5. Design assumes TRANS I D : 386463 design bads be applied to any component. S. CompuTrus has for and are far'dry e. Design assumes no contend over and assumes no responsibility the ^ fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. 7. � aryssumes S. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by B. P shell be k copies; or which win be furnished upon Ones coincide wi �E 9. Digtts hidldate sl IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�I�II�I�IIIIIIIIII MTTPVA 1nnc./Com,puTtusSoftware7.G."Ps 1t, 0uest. ;9.Irorbasbconrnei T.. _ sign _ . red - _ .. Dmpi put . S =ABP S G CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR(GDF/Cq=1.00 1 2=1.- 0 1 8_�0� 1815 1. 2 -2088 0 9. 8-( •238) 275 2 3-- 1995 0 8' 9- 0 2840 'S- 8 0 580 10• a- 0 247 3 4= -122 0 1-10= 0 2950 1. 5- -1731 0 6.11= -3070 0 5 6= •2901 0 10-11= 0 '2950 B- 5= -1155 0 11. 7= -237 0 8 7= 19 20 4- 5= -235 0 5= 9= 0 192, BEARING VAX VERT MAX HORZ SRO REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 0'- 0.0' 0/ 1080V -49/ 45H '5.56' 1,15 OF 625 21 5.1' C/ 1062V -49/ 45H 5:50' 1.13 DF 825 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.15 OF/ 1.78 HF/ 1.69 SPF BRG @ 21 5.1' 1.13 OF/ 1.75 HF/ 1:67 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = =0.140' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed '= 0.683' VAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.321' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed = 1.025' VAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.461' @, 8'- 1:.0' Allowed = 1.025' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.321' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.028* .@ 21'- 1.6' MAX.HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0,071' @ 21'- 1.6' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7,05, Enclosed, Cat.! Exp C' �IWFRS, interior zone, hoed duration factor=l.8, Trues designed for wind loads in the plane of the trues only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 13-04-0,1 6-09-12 M -4x14 M-20 e 7 ni0 N 0.25' to M -3x10 •• 11 M-5x6(S) •* For hanger specs. • See approved plans 6-09-12 Scale: 0.5189 herwise noted: ipon the parameters shown and b for an IndtMuel obexy of design parameters and proper t is the responsibiII of the bullding designer. id bottom chords to be laterally tiiaoad at divelyuniess braced throughout their lengptIhh by asplywood.sheathbg(TC)ardlor drywall(BC). III bredng required where shown ++ nponsibiliry of the respective contractor. re b be used in a nmrcorresive environment, of use, p at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if drainage Is provided. Doth faces of Wss, and placed so their center tier cones, In Incites: lesign vetoes see ESR -1311, FSR -190 (MITek) recoil 11 l 11 IIII LUMBER 'SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF k16BTA BC:: 2x4 OF NI&BTR WEBS: 20 OF /1RBTA TC LATERAL SUPPORT -c= 12.0C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1-06.00 0.00.00 Connector plate prefix desi rotors: C,CN cis CN18 (or no prefix4 = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,M18HS, 16 = MiTek M series FLAT ROOF TRUSS PROVIDE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE TO.PREVENT PONDING TRUSS SPAN 21'- 1.8' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20:0)+DL( 23,0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF_LIVE LOAD, TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 8-01 1-05-07 3-04-08 3-03-01 12 3.46 v M -2x4 M -3x6 0 3 o o M -3x5 2 c!x � O,1I� 01I < M -4x6 M -3x5 M (o1 In -T7 C. 13-00-09 §10I- §104 ,4x08 -, B G _ j z D) C1) Gli -1 0 ,�� « 7J •;1 M-404 C M 6 x16 0.25° " M-5x6(S) Ti >ign red ompl - put S- - 'ABR . B (J -„ CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF,/Cq=1.00 1. 2= -154 0 1- 8= 0 1785 1- 2= •2099 0 9- 6= -210 299 2- 9= -19823 0 8. 9=10` 2777 3 8= 0 543 10. 8=1-297291 241 4= -121)}) O 9.10= 0 2851 3. 5= -1702 6 6-11= 0 5, 6= •2838 0 10-11= 0 2851 =1117 0 11- 7= 232 0 6- .7=- -20 19 4- 5= -234 0 5. 9= 0 181 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BAG REQUIRED BAG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 0'- 0.0' 0/ 1065V -49/ 45H 5.56' 1,14- DF825 21'- 1.6' O/ 1048V -49/ 45H 5.50' 1.12 OF 625 BAG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.14 DF/ 1.75'HF/ 1.67 SPF BAG @ 21'- 1.6' 1.12 DF/ 1.72 HF/ 1.64 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360; TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.134' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed = 0:874' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.908' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed = 1.010' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = =0.441' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed 1,.010' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.308' MAX HORIZ. LL. DEFL = 0.027' @ 20'- 10.1' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.068' @ 20'- 10.1' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.i Exp.C, tIWFAS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.6. Truss designed for wind loads in1the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 6-08-01. M -2x4 i 0 N •• 11 M -3x10 •* For hanger specs. - See approved plans 4-09-15 3-03-01 6-04-08 6-06-01 <PL:12-00-12 21-01-09 Mia AIAAAP - Rri tt Rae i Hanna I nt 1 R PAA Wact _ AA9 A9 2end WARNINGS 1. Builder end erection comreaor should be advised of all General Notes Warnings before construction commences. GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an, Individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and'pro per Truss : bracing ba installed +. Incorporation of component Is the responsmnny of the bulging designer. DES BY : AM 2. zx4 compression web must where shown 8. Addnlonal temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction erector. Additional 2. Design assumes the top ant bottom chords c d throughout breed M ativ unless bathed by 2• o.nti end ehea . DATE.• 12/10/2013 is the responsibility of the permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer:. hin such d/o dry an(Sh continuous sheathing such ffi plywood sheathing(TC) arM/ordrywan(Bc). ly 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown . + 4. Noload should be applied to any component* after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss B the responsibility of the respective contractor. SM: .: 5 755195 fasteners are complete and at no time should arty bads greeter than s. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non -corrosive environment, "dry TRANS I D : 386463 design bads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and ane fa tondPoon•.of use. e- Design assumes fun DeW at all supports shown. Shim or wedge H - hp, shipment and,installation of cont rents. fabrication, handl compo e. This design to the limitations forth by necessary. 7, Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. both faces loos, so their 'll II iI IIIIII Ilml VIII (IIII VIII cilli (IIIE ISISI IIII IIII Is furnished subject set TPIANfCA In SCSI, copies of which will be fumisAed upon request. MTek USA, Ino./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E S. Plates shall be located on of and placed center Tines coincide with joint center noes. 9 DrolsIndcdewithointce.telones. 10. For basic connehlor plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (Mrrek) nnnnn LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF R18BTR BC: 20 OF #18BTR WEBS: 20 OF H13BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1.06-00 0=..00.00 Connectorpplate prefix designators: C,CN CIS CN18 (or'no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M2GHS; 18HS; 16 = MiTek MT series FLAT ROOF TRUSS PROVIDEADEQUATE DRAINAGE TO PREVENT P.OND.ING 8-01 1-05-07 344-08 3-03-01 12 3.,46 TRUSS,SPAN 20'- 10.1' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD= 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF D TOTAL LOA= 50.0 PSF LIMITED_ STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLYY, M -2x4. Y M M -02-12 `1 Cf,' Wy C'M3 2 I , 0.25 =.M-5x5(S) 6-06-04 4-09-15 3-03=01 6-02-12 6.06-04 :12-00-12 20-10-01 11)R IUAMG a Rri t+ Pesci ricnrc I nt 1A PP,A Wact _ AWA Truss: DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/11/201-3 SEQ.: 5756180 TRANS ID: 386544 WARNING,: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Wamings before oonsWd'an commences. 2. leu/ compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. 3. Addlllonel temporary bracing to Insure stability during constriction Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional penianerd bracing of the overall structure Is the responslbUlti of the building' designer. 4. No load should be applied to any component unto after all bracing and fasteners ere complete and at.no timeshould any leads greater than designbeds be applied to any component. 5. CompuTnn has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication. handling, shipment and Installation of components. S. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set foot by TFn/WT'CA M SCSI; copies "of which will be furnished upon request. MTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E T sign red olnpl put S :ABF _ .. -i (..._, m 0 0 0 � CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF'/Cq 1 00 1 2= -68 41 1 8 0 950 1. 2=(-1569 289 9 6( -250) 2016 2 3= -1004 O 8 9-s 0 966 3- 8= -184 325 10 6=((-1188 0 ' 3 4= •343 302 9 10=( -,635 85 3. 51,1151 1,14 8 11=(-1350 1900 5. 6= -1294 141 10-11=(((-1160 611 8 5=( -659 566 11- 7= -216 0 6- 7= •657 676 4- 5=( •200 0 5- 9=( •501 156 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HOHZ, BRG REOUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES' ((SPECIES 0' 0:0' 0/ 688V -49/ 45H 5.56' 0.73 DF 625 14'- 3.8' 0/ 1303V 0/ OH 0.00' 0,00 OF 625 201- 10:1' -352'/ 509V -49/ 45H 74.94' 0.54 OF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0:0' 0.73 DF/ 1.13 HF/ 1.08 SPF BRG @ 14'- 3.8' 1.39 DF/ 2.14 HF/ 2.04 SPF BRG @ 20'- 10.1' 0.54 DF/ 0.84 HF/ 0.80 SPF •- - acate: U:4voa GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the. parameters shown and is for an Individual building component Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component Is the responsibility el the buildhp designer. 2. Design assumes the lop and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 7 o.a andat10' o.& respectively unless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing sudtas plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywal(BC). .3.2x Imppeed bridging or lateral required where shown - 4. Installatlonof tons Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In non-conosM environment, and are for "dry condition' of use. G. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If necessary. 7. Design'essumes adequate drainage Is provided. . 8. Plates shell be located on both faces of Wss, and placed so their center Ores coincide with joint center lines. 9. Digits indicate sire of plate In Inches. 10. For bask connector plate design values see ESR•1311. ESR -1988 (Welt) M -2x47. �t M -3x7 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.069' @ 4''- 9.4' Allowed = 0.462' MAX DL DEFL = -0.126' @. 1'- 4.5' Allowed = 0.693' MAX TL DEFL = -0.124' @. 4'- 9-9' Allowed = 0.693' RECOMMENDED CAMBER'(BASED ON DL DEF.L)= 0.126.' MAX AORIZ. LL DER = •0.007' @ 14'- 3.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL.= 0.009' @ .14'= 3.8' This truss doesnot include anytime dependent deformation for long term loadingg (creep in the total load deflection.. The building_des �gner shall verify that,this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. COND. 2: 200.00 PLF DRAG -LOAD. SHEARWALL 0.00 to 20.84 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES UNIFORM SHEAR TRANSFER Wind:.90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4, 2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat. Exp:C, tr1WPRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which -is non -concurrent with other live loads. - CD 0 N so " Inn rr fl LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF M18BTR BC: 20 OF M16BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF MIRBTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT;<= 12',OC. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT r- 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1-06-00 0-00-00 Connector plate prefix designators: C;CN C18,CN18 for no prefixf = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,M18HS; 16 = M Tek MT series FLAT ROOF TRUSS PROVIDE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE TO PREVENT PONDING 8= 3-04.08 12 3.46 C--- <PL:12-00- M -3x6 0.25' M -5x5(8) . TRUSS SPAN 20'- 8.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' D.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL 23:0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF �L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 P,SF LIMITED,STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CSC 2010 NOT BEING MET, BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 11OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY, 03-01 6-01 M -2x4 o Q iii C M -6x18 9 I M -3x4 -15 3-03-01 6-01 20-06-08 .Inn MAW: r Rri tt one i fianra _ I nt 1 A PGA Wact _ A9d 71 05- 6-04-08 T' ' sign red ompl iput S =ABP S (... CBC20110/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/G0F/C!=1'.00. 1- 2=( -148 0 1- 8= 0 1723 1- 2= •1966 0 9- 6= -159 326 2- 3=(-1895 0 8- 9= 01 2849 3. 8= 0 514 10= 8=( B 230 9- 4=_ -.119 0 9-10= 0 2656 3- 5= -1644 0 8-11=((-2778 0 5- 6= -2703 0 10.11= 0 2856 a- 5= -1042 0 11. 7= 222 0 6- 7= -20 18 4. 5= -232 0 5- 9= 0 159 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BAG REQUIRED BAG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 1036V -49/ 45H ,5.56' 1.11 OF 1 825 20', 6.5' 0/, 1018V 49� 45H 5.50' 1.09 DF 625 BAG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.11 DF/ 1.71 HF/ 1.63 SPF BAG @ 20'- 6.5' 1.09 OF/ 1.68'HF/ 1.60 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0,122,' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.654' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.282' @ 81- 1.0' Allowed = 0.981' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = •0.404' @ 8'• 1..0' Allowed 0.981' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)=0.282' MAX HORIZi LL DEFL = 0:025' @ 20'- 3.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.062' @ 20'- 3.0' Wind: 90 mph; h=15ft TCDL=19:8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cet:� Exp.C, �SWFAS; interior.zone, dead duration factor=l.8; Truss designed for wind loads in the planeofthe truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other ,live loads. *! For hanger specs. - See approved plans 6-04-08 bcale:. u. U24 43. WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes end Wemi s before mnslruc0on commences. r,g _ GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design V based only upon the parameters shown and is for an Individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper Truss:A9 z, 2x4 oompresslon web bredng must be Installed where shown +, InsWxy Inc. orallon of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. DES'. BY: AM Additional temporary bracingro to Insure dlidrg construction 2. Design assumes the ,top ,and bottom chortle to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenpplIhh by DATE: 12/10/2013 Is the responsibility of the erector. Atltlalonal permanent bredn0'af the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. continuous sheathing such as plywood shealhin0(TC) andlordrywan(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bradng required where shown ++ SEN 5755197 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greater then 4. InstaltatMn.of truss Is the responsIbltity of the respective conlractor- S. Design assumes busses aha to be used In a non-eorrostve emhonm m, .: TRANS I D ' '386463 design loads be applied to any component. pu responsibility for Me 5. cont Trus has no control over and assumes no and ere, for -dry condition' of use. 8. Design assuioes rub bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge n fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. n�,1, 7, Design assumes adequate drainage Is fp;L ad. S. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIIWTCA In SCSI, coplea of which will be furnished upon request. 8. Plates $Dalt be Woeted on both feces oltress, end placed so their center linescoincidejoint cale IIIIMI IIII 1111111111111111111111111111111 a frit size plate InrInches. IIII Mr rek: USA,. IncJCompuTrusSoftware 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E 10. For ties c connecI4 plate design values see ESR4311. ESR -1988 (MITek) tmnnn LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TO: 2x4 OF p18BTR BC: 20 OF k16BTR WEBS: 20 OF #168TR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'06. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT r- 12.00. UON. LETINS: 1-06.00 0-00-00 Connector plate prefix designators: C;CN C18 CN18 for no gefixl = CompuTrus, Inc U1014S,418H8, i6 = Y Tek IIseries FLAT ROOF TRUSS PROVIDE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE TO PREVENT PONDING TRUSS SPAN 20', 3.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED, '24.0' D.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+•DL 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON, BOTTOM CHORD = 7,0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND'BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NOWCONCURRENTLY. Q%,r� 8-01 D1 C Edi -02 1 ill -nF 1-05-07 3-.04-08 3-03-01 5-11-0'4 f -r 3.460-0�i} 0 2x4 M=�.� Qo -n(G) u) M 3x6 c00 4 12 o M -3x5 - - Fes_ tit M -6x16 ° O � O O. co lw� I o t 8 0.25° < M - 3x6 M -3x4 -2&4 =-M-5x5(S) T`-- ' ;ign-----red :---ompr`-- -put S -ABS 3 (J CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WRIGDF/Cq=1:00 1- 2= 144 0 1. 8= 01 1692 1- 2= -1933 0 9- 6=-136 341 2- 3=-18821 0 8- 9=�0� 2585 3- 8 0 501 10- 6=� 0 225 3- 4= •1,18 0 9.10= 0 2581 3- 5= -1815 0 6=11= -2684 0 5- 6= -2838 0 10.11= 0 2561 8- 5= •1005 0 11- 7= 218 0 6- 7=. 20 18 4- 5= -29L 0 5- 9=. T 149 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0I 1021V -49/ 45H 5.56' 1.09 F ( 625) 20'- 3.0' OI 1004V •49/ 45H 5.50' 1.07 OF ( 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.09 DF/ 1..68 HF/ 1.60 SPF BRG If 20'- 3.0' 1.07 OF/ 1..65 HF/ 1.57 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.117' @ 8''- 1.0' Allowed = 0.644' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0,269' @ .8'- 1.0• Allowed = 0.966' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.386' @ 8'} 1.0' Allowed = 0.988' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.269' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL 0.023' @: 19'- 11.5' MAX HORIZ TL DEFL 0.058' @ 19'- 11:5' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft . TCDL=13:8,tSCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, _Enclosed, Cat.7[ Exp.O, WRS, interior zone Joad duration factor=1.6, Truss designeb for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 111 concentrated top chord live .load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 6-02-12' M=2x4 i O 0 N •+ 11 M -3x10 •• For hanger specs.. - See approved plans 4-09-15 3-03-01 5-11-04 6-02-12 <PL:12-00=12 20-03 Inn KiAaw - nr+; ++ ncc i rlonno _ I nt 1A PIA Wcct _ A05 iZ/ ,o/ -,-3 scale- u.azbu WARNINGS- 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of. ell General Notes GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: t. This design Is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual 52. and Wamilgs before consWalon cormrrenoss- building component. Applicability of design parameters and'proper Truss:A9 2x4 compression web bredng must be listened where shown +- incoryore0on of component is the responsibility of IM baudlrp desiGnar. - AM 3. Additional temporary bradng to insure stability during construction g Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced et 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c: respectively unless braced throughout their lennqptlttlt by DES. BY: is the responsibility or Me erector. Additional pemtanent bracing of. coidinuous sheathing such as plywood shealhh,g(TC) and/or drywall C). DATE' 12/10/2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2u Impact brdong or lateral bracing required where shown + +- SEQ. : 5755198 4. No load should be applied to any component until atter all bracing and fasteners am complete and at no time should any loads greaterthan 4. Installation of truss is the responsmnity of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes busses ane to tie used to anon -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 386463 design bads be applied to any component. S. CompuTnn has no'control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are for-drycondition' of use. S. Design assumes full bearing at an supports shown. Shim or wedge n g Iprrnent and Installation of components. fabrication, handling, sit necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainege_is pnovldetl. 8, Thb design Is furnished subject to the. limitations sat forth by S. Plates shell bri toceted on bold faces of buss, end placed so their center MIIII TPINvrcA in SCSI, copies of which will be famished upon request fines coincideto Anes coincide with ide with III�I IIIDVIII IIII ILII IIIMI IIII IIII USA, Inc./CompuTrus 7.6.4SP5(1L)-E jof plate In (Roes. a. of plate inches. design see ESR4311, ESR -1088 (Mrrek) MiTek Software /0. For.basle connector plate values iZ/ ,o/ -,-3 Immll 11 111 �II , LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF #16BTR BC: 2x4 OF #16BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'00. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1.08.00 0.00.00 Connector pplate prefix dealgnators: C,IN C18�CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS, 18HS, 16 = MiTek NT series For hanger specs. - See approved plans FLAT ROOF TRUSS PROVIDE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE TO PREVENT PONDING TRUSS SPAN 19'- 11.5' LOAD DURATION, INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O:C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL'( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL. ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE.LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. Ti sign red Ompt put SI----- -"ABR S (J. CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq 1.00 1. 2=( -141 0 1- 8= 0 1882 1 2= -1900 0 9 6-( -113 358 2- 3=(-1828 0 8. 9= 0 2522 3 8= . 0 488 10 8=(' 0 219 3. 4=( 1 0 9-10=(0 2468 3 5= •1586 0 B 11= -2592) 0 C: a 8-01 Irrt i T r�-1 1.1-10-08 6. 7=( -20 1-05-07 3-04-08 3-03-01 I 5-0, 0_ 6-01. 12. Q 3.46 � I QQ M -2x4 03 C> > M 3x6 I OMS: c 6x12 ro o s the responslA8ly, of the erector: Addlibnal permanent Etecirhp of o M -3x5 - - Q = M -6x16 M L I O m J - MAX LL DEFL = -0.11,1' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.635' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = •0.257' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.952' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -.0.368.' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.952' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.257' O1 MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL 0.022' @ 19'- 8.0' 8 9 10 < Wind: 90 mph, h=.15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, M -3x6 M -3x4 M -3x4 M -2x4 Ti sign red Ompt put SI----- -"ABR S (J. CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq 1.00 1. 2=( -141 0 1- 8= 0 1882 1 2= -1900 0 9 6-( -113 358 2- 3=(-1828 0 8. 9= 0 2522 3 8= . 0 488 10 8=(' 0 219 3. 4=( -117 0 9-10=(0 2468 3 5= •1586 0 B 11= -2592) 0 5- B=(=2572 0 10.11=((((((0)))))) 2488 8. 5= -988 0 11. 7=( -215) 0 6. 7=( -20 18 4- 5= -229 0 Warnings before construction cornmences 5- 9= -15 138 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES, (SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 1007V -49/ 45H 5.56' 1.07 OF625 laterally braced at 2. Design assumes the top grid bottom chords d bethroughout 7 o.c. and d 7 f7 o.c. respectively unless braeod Mreugho A Ihalr length by 19'- 11:5' 0/ 989V ,49/ 45H 5.50' 1.05 OF ' 825 s the responslA8ly, of the erector: Addlibnal permanent Etecirhp of continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywan(SC).. BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.07 DF/ 1.66 HF/ 1.58 SPF BRG @ 19'- 11.,5' 1.05 DF/ 1..63 HF/ 1.55 SPF 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + t VERTICAL. DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.11,1' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.635' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = •0.257' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.952' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -.0.368.' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.952' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.257' TRANS I D : 386463 MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL 0.022' @ 19'- 8.0' design beds be applied to any component.and 5, CompuTrus has no comrol over and assumes no responsibility for the MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.056' @ 19''- 8.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=.15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. Enclosed, Cat./1 Exp.C, LIWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.6,, 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 "due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. M -3x16 M=2x4 4-09-15 3-03-01 5-09-08 641 F I <PL:12-00-12 19-11-08 Inn AIAAAP- Rri++ Docirlonna _ I n+ iR Pr2A INcct _ AGA ...... ...,....�. �. ....�,� �..__ �� �.. ..-- - -- scale: u.azo4 WARNN03 1. Builder end erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only upon the paremeters shown and Is bran Individual Warnings before construction cornmences building component, ApptleabAxyaf design parameters and proper T-and russ: t 8 •. Incorpmadon of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. 2A96 .2x4 compression web bracing must installed whore shown a. Addalanot temporary bracing to Insure stability during conshaa8on laterally braced at 2. Design assumes the top grid bottom chords d bethroughout 7 o.c. and d 7 f7 o.c. respectively unless braeod Mreugho A Ihalr length by DES. BY: AM :12/10/2013 s the responslA8ly, of the erector: Addlibnal permanent Etecirhp of continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywan(SC).. DATE': Ne overall structure Is the responsibility of the buiting designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + t 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss B the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5755199 fasteners are complete and at no time should any beds greater than 5. Design assumes busses are to be used In a nonoorostn environment, *dry TRANS I D : 386463 design beds be applied to any component.and 5, CompuTrus has no comrol over and assumes no responsibility for the are for condrdon' of use. e. Designaas umes.fag bearing at all supporta shown. Shim or wedge n fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. necess 7, Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be locatedonboth faces of truss, and placed so their center I ,p1 f11 IN1 TPIIWTCA of hwill be furnished upon lines coincide with joint IIl� IIII'I VIII VIII VIII VIII (IIII fllll IIII IIII MiT USA,nInc.9I. /CompuTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L)--E� 10. Four be ic o neeator plate desi. gn values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MrTek) 0 0 N � 4 Z!/off /3 rmrn r'i �II LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF N16BTR BC:. 2x4 OF k18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF k1&STR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. LETINS: 1.06.00 0.00-00 Connector pplate prefix dean nators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no pret.in)9 = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20H8,1118HS,Y16 = MiTek MT series FLAT ROOF TRUSS PROVIDE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE TO PREVENT PONDING 8 1-05-07 3-04-07 12 3.46 C --- Ln 0 c M -3x5 - co LID 0 do C> ii 0 1 < [7M -3x6 TRUSS SPAN 19'a 8.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD .= 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET, BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. D -0t Im 3-03-01 I M -2x4 M -3x6 M -3x4 M_ -n L) z Y U ""'' G.) io c< M T' ' sign red ofhpt - Iput S - `ABR- S (, CBC201011OC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES. 4WR/GDF/Cq=1:00 2 3= I-1801) 0 8. 9=(O 2468 9. 8 Ol 1638 1- 1 1870 0 9-475 10- 6= 91) 370 0)214 9 4= •117)' .0 9-IDID 2384 '3 5=- -1563) 0 8.11= -2508 0 5 6=(-2515 0 10-11= 0 2984 .8- 5=I -931) 0 11. 7= •212 0 8. 7=( 20 18 4- 5= -228) 0 5- 9=( -24) 127 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONSSIZE- INCHES .SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 992V •49/ 45H 5:58' 1.06 OF ('625 191- 8.0' 0/ 974V -49/ 45H 5.50' 1 .0 4 OF ( 825) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.06 DF./ 1.69 HF/ 1.56 SPF BRG @ 19'- 8.0' 1.04 OF/ 1.60 HF/ 1..53 SPF' VERTICAL DEFLECTION' LIMITS: LL=L/960, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL =. •0.106' @ 8'- 1.0' 'Allowed = 0.625' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = 0.245'@ 8'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.937' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0'.351' @ S'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.997' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.245' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.021' @ 19'- 4.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.053' @ 19'- 4.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat'./1, Exp.C, MWFRS; interior zone, load duration factor=1.8, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the trues only. 11-07 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per.IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 5-11-04 M -4x.12 M -2x4 ILI 10 •• 11 M -2x4 M -3x8 `• For hanger specs. - See approved plans 4-09-15 3-03-01 5-07-12 5-11-04 L - i <PL:12-00-12 19-08. 1118 AIAAAG • Rn; ++ Doe i donne _ I nt 1 A PIA IAloct _ AQ.7 1400W p��14 iZ!/o�i3 A 73. WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Weminga before construction commences GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown end is for en Individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper Truss : 2.2x4 compresslon web bracing must be installed where shown +, incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. BY: AM Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracingof 2• Design assumes the top and bottom rhos to be laterally. braced at and st 10' hin respectivelyuchalywooess braced.throughout their allWr by 2' continuous contmaaus stieathtrip such esPlywood sneathhre(rc> and/or daywan(ecj. DATE: 12/10/2013 the.overansWature is the responsibility of the building deelgnar: 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown - 4 SEQ. : 5755200 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no Hilae should any loads greater then 4. Installation of truss b the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Design assumes busses are to be used In a non-oorosive environment, TRANS I D : 386463 design loads be applied to any component. 5. compuTrus has nil control over and assumes no responsibility far.the end ere for "dry condition' of use. 8. Design assumeefull beating at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it fabrication. handl) handling, shlpunam end Installation of components. 6. This design Is fumished to the limitations forth by necessary. -7. Design assumes adequate drainage le rounded. Doth hires Was, their 1 �IIII VIII VIII �'1I II'� subject set TF9MrfCA M SCSI, copies ofwhich will be Nmhred upon iegrresL 8. Proles shall be loceted ori of and placed so center Dies coincide with joint center Ones. 9, lines odkete else of plate to Inches. Il I�II1I II III 1111111111111111111 III11 Il II IIIA 'pl'pl II II II MTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311. ESR -1988 (Mfret) 1400W p��14 iZ!/o�i3 rannu r LUMBER 'SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR BC:2x4 OF #16BTR. WEBS: 2x4 OF #16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1.08.00 0-00.00 Connector plate prefix do"ipnatars: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefixi ! Compu7rus,.Inc M,M26HS;d118HS, 18 = MiTek M series FLAT ROOF TRUSS PROVIDE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE TO PREVENT PONDING TRUSS.SPAN 19' 4:5'' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD - 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR tOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS'ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 8.01 r,, 11-03-08 1-05-07 3-04.08 3-03-015-06_ O' rD 12 3:46 v � • tc� -+ M -2x4 cc C) �U �} -T, M-34 c Cl) M -4x12 o M -3x5 (1"I � - - - r, M 6x16 n - tn I O - s A 0 1 8 9 10 < M -3x6 M-3 -3 4 --I M -2x4 T. >ign red - ompt iput S --ABR _ -- - -_-5 (J , CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 401GDF1C,ol,00 1. 2= -134 0 1. 8=101 1601 1. 2= -1894 0 9. 6=( -70� 381 2. 3: •1762 0 8'- 9= 0 2385 3- 8= 0 462 10- 8= 0 208 3. 4= -115 0 9-:10= 0 2287 3- 5= -1528 0 8-11= -2413 0 5. 6= -2442 0 10-11= 0 2287 8. 5= -894 0 11- 7= -210 0 6- 7= .-20 17 4. 5= -227 0 5. 9 -32 116 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BIRD LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES ((SPECIES '01- 0.0' 0/ 978V -49/ 45H 5.56' 1.04 DF 625 19'- 4.5' 0/ 960V -49/ 45H 5:50' 1.02 DF.! 625 BRG It 0''- 0.0' 1.04 DF/ 1.61,HF/ 1.53 SPF BRG It 19'- 4.5' 1,.02 DF/ 1.58 HF/ 1.51 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.101' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.615' MAX.DL CREEP DEFL = •0.233' @ 8'= 1.0' Allowed= 0.923' MAX TL CREEP DEFL= -0.33V@ 8'' 1.0' Allowed 0.923' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0:233' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.020' @ 19'- 1..0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.051' @ 19'- 1.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCOL=19.8 BCDL=4, 2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat:/1 Exp.Cy KFRS; interior zone; load duration factor=1.8, Truea designed for wind loads in the plane of the tfuss only. 5-09-08 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. M -3x8 +• For hanger specs. - See approved plans 4-09-15 3-03-01 5-08 5-09-08 I <PL:12-00-'12 19-04-08 .If1R NARAF - Rri tt Roc i donna - I nt 1A PAA Wpct - AQR AA 82., WARNINGS: 1.: Builder end erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted:. 1. This design is basad only upon the parameters shown and Is loran Individual building component Applicability of design parameters and proppeer Truss: installed +. esponsibility of the building designer. incorporation of component Is the responsibility, 2d compression web bracing must be wears sham 3.. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during conslruWon 2 Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at P o.c: and at 10' cc. respectively unless braced thnlughout then length by DES. BY: AM Is the responsibility of the eredor: AddBlonal permanent bracing of continuous sheathing such as plywood shealhing(TC) and/or drywan(BC). DATE: 12 / 10 / 2013 ' the overall structure Is the responsible ly of the building designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component unlit alter all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. c •7 c SEQ. : 5 / 5520 1 fasteners aro complete and at no time should any beds greater titan 5. Design assumes trusses are 10 be used M anon-corrosive'envhonment, "dry TRANS I D : 386463 design loads, be apolled to any component. 5. compuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and are for condition' of use. S. Design assumes run bearing n an support snows. Shim or wedge it fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. by necessary. 7. Design aswmes adequate drainage Is revldetl. III�I B. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations sal forth TPI/VVTCA M eCSI, wpbs of which will a furnished upon request. 8. Plates shall be ktcale0 on botlr faces of inrss, eM placed so their center coincide with of VIII VIII VIII VIII IIEI IIII 9 size plate in hes. I1 II VIII VISI II II 'I! MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Sofware7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek) (mann ti till LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF #I&BTR BC: 2x8 DF SS WEBS: 20 OF #16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. LION. SC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION.. Connector plate prefix desi -!tors: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix = CompuTrus,.Inc M,M26HS,418HS, 16 = MiTek M series 2 ) complete trusses Srevived. oin together 2 ply with 3'x.131 DIA GUN nails staggered at: 9' oc ih i row s throughout 2x4 top chords, 9. oc in 2 rows throughout 20 bottom chords, 9' oc in 1 rows throughout 20 webs. *** HANGER TO APPLY CONC. LOAD(S) TO ALL.MEMBERS. FLAT ROOF TRUSS PROVIDE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE TO PREVENT PONDING LO D:� 5-04-04 M ("'y 5-07-12 0 m _n - " 140# 0 > 0 �-y M-6 6X1 M -2x 0 M-5; cy O M -3x-10 O Z - j Qo "IM 6x18 M-2) 5 s O 0 1 C TRUSS SPAN 19'- 1.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING ADDL: TC UNIF LL( 20.0)+DLJ 23.0 = 43.0 PLF 0'7 0.0' TO 19'- ADDL: TC UNIF LL( 20,0)+DL 29.0= 43.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 19'- ADDL: BC 'UNIF LL 93:5)+DL 140:2 = 233.7 PLF 11'- 4.8' TO 18'- ADDL: 8 UNIF LL+DL= 7.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 19'- 1.0' V ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 7.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 18'- 1.0' V ADDL: TC CONC LL+DL= 140.0 LBS Q 17'- 8.5' ADDL? BC CONC LL+DL= 1578.0 LBS 9 7'- 9.7' ADDL: BC CONIC LL+DL= 422.0 LBS @ 9'- 2.8' ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 579.0 LBS, @ 10'- 4.8' ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 693.0 LBS @ 17'- 9.3' ADDL:- BC CONC LL+DL= 422.0 LBS @ 19'- 1.0' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 16PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP . AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 8-01 11-00 T sign red ompt Iput S - 'ABR- S (� CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.- 2= 6854 0 1- 7= 0 6332 2- 7= 0) 2146 8. 5= 0) 2400 2- 3- 348 0 7- 8= 0 10468 2- 4=01 9050 7- -6092 0 9-.5 0 1830 ' 5 6=1 10808 28 9.10=(0) 9050 3- 4=� -1110 30 10-610) 0 16= -3221 0 1.0' V ( 4 8=� 0� 1804 1.0' V 9.8' V BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG'LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES 01- 0,0' -33/ 2758V -84/ 43H 5.12' 1.47 F825 19'- 1:0' 0/ 4250V -84/ 43H 5.50' 2.27 DFS 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.47 DF/ 2.27 HF/ 2.16 SPF BRG @ 19'- 1.0' 2.27 DFJ 3.50 HF/ 3.33 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.109' @ 8'- 1:0' Allowed = 0.60T MAX DL CREEP DEFL = 0.416' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.910' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = 0.469' @ 8'- 1.0' Allowed ,= 0.910' RECOMMENDED CALIBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.416' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.020' @ 18'- 9.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.061' @ 18'- 9.5' Wind: 90 mph; h=15ft TCDL=13:8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05,. Enclosed, Cat./G Exp.C; �1WFRS; interior 'zone, load duration factr=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 dueto maintenance workers, which is non -concurrent with other live loads, 4-10-02 3-02-14 D:� 5-04-04 M ("'y 5-07-12 12 3.461 m _n - " 140# 0 > 0 �-y M-6 6X1 M -2x 0 -a s Z 0�'y Q l_, M -3x-10 P Z - j Qo "IM 6x18 M-2) 5 s _ - 10 :per��- �.�q - 7 8 M -3x8 M -4X6 9 Z M -2x4 M -7x8 7 5*7*8 A� 422# 579# 1' 6.3*#IL 4-10-02 3-02-14 5-04-04 5-07-12 <PL:12-00-12 19-01 WEDGE REQUIRED AT HEEL($). Inn KIAAAG - Rri ++ Dnei ricnnc _ I nt i Q MIA Waint _ AOQ Truss: � I DES. BY,: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755202 TRANS ID: 386463 WARNINGSt 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes sna,Wainings before construction _oommerwes. 2. 2x4compresslon web bracing must be Installed where shown.•. 3.. Addliional temporary, bracing to, insure stablley, during construction Is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No load should be applied to arty component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any bads greater then design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTnrs has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. S. This design Is furnished subject to the nmltellons set forth by TPIANTCA In SCSI; coples of which will tie furnished upon request. MTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4=SP5(1L)-E : u.azb GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted; 1. This design Is based only,upon the parameters shown and is for an Individual building oomponent Applicability of design parameters and proper Incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at I W o.c. respeWeely unless braced throughout their lennpUi by continuous sheathing such -as plywood sheslhing(TC) and/or drywan(BC). 8. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown- - 4. Installation of truss is the responsWimy of the respective contractor. 5:. Design assumes busses are to be used in a norFmnost" environment, and are for "dry condition* of use. 8. Design assumes fun bearing at all supports shown. Shim_orwedge ft necessary. - 7. Design ammo" adequate drainage is pprevkkd. .8. Plates shall be Wcated vn both faces o(tnrss, aM placed so thele center Ores coincide with joint center lines. 9. Digits Indicate sae of plate in inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -'l 988 (MITek) ;422# *** �.Nm: w'i're •� Imnnu n LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF 210OF BC: 2x6 OF SS WEBS: 2x4 OF #18BTR TC LATERAL.SUPPORT <= 12'DC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. OVERHANGS: 0.0' 0,3' Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix) - CompuTrus, Inc M,M2dHS,�t18HS, 18 = Y>Tek M1 serifs SINGLE MEMBER AS SHOWN.. HANGERS, ATTACHED'TO BOTTOM CHORD WILL HAVE 1.5' MAX. NAIL PENETRATION. HANGER BY OTHERS. TRUSS SPAN 10' 5.9' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1,25 (Non -Rep) SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF I�L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF ADDL; TC CONC LL+DL= 152.0 LBS,@ 2'- 7.6' ADDL: TO CONC LL+DL= 147.0 LBS @ 31- 0.4' ADDU:. BC CONC,LL+DL= 30.0 LBS @ 21- 6.3' ADDL: BC, CONC LL+DL= 35.0 LBS .@ 2'- 10.8' ADDU BC CONC LL+DL= 287.0 LBS @ 5'- 1,7' ADDL: BC'CONC LL+DL= 317:0 LBS @ 5'-, 11.2' ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 377.0 LBS @ 7'- 9.4' ADDL: SC CONC LL+DL= 410.0 LBS @ 8'- 11.9' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING NET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF_LIVE LOAD, TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-06-09 4-11-06 j 147# 12 2•pa coo M -2X4 M C_ M -3x10 ~' a T (g) 0 O Z O M 00 M -7X6 _ C q r - - < M -2x8 Z M -7x6 For ha1�r lmmc , Bee approved plans j30p30 4287# 44100 L i 5.04-13 5-01-02 L<PI ' 12 - 00 -12 10-05-15 0-00-05 10P MAW: • Dri ++ Dna i danno _ I nt 1A D(;A INac't _ Ainn TI" lign ed )MPL-put SI -ABR , (i CBC2010/IBC2OO9 )))MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 3.4=! 2858 580 '5.6=101 2560 8.3=1 2707 11209 19, BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH. LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 1243V -65/ 63H 7,25' 1.33 OF 625( 101- 5.9' 0/ 1578V .65/ 63H 5,50' 1.68 OF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 1.33 DF/ 2:05 HF/ 1.95 SPF BRG -@ 10'- 5:9' 1:68 DF/ 2.60 HF/ 2.47 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L1360i TL= L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.020' @ 5'- 4.8' Allowed = '0.314' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.114' @ 5'- 4.8' Allowed = 0.472' MAX TL CREEP DEFL -= -0.126' @ 5'- 4.8' Allowed = 0.472' RECOMMENDED.CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.114' MAXHORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.004,' @ 10'- 1.2' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.018' @ 10'- 1.2' Wind: 00 mph, h=15ft TODL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE.7-05, Enclosed, Cat.! Exp C,' 6WFRS, interior zone, load duration' factor=l.8, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per -IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N O O m scaie: U.4rdf f 1 0% A 4 o%WARNINGS: 1. Budder end ereclbn'comractor should be advised of all General Notes WamIngs before construction commences. - GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design le based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper Truss ' E and Incorporation of component b the responsibaby of the building deapnor. 2. 2N compression web biediq must be Installed where shown +. 2. Design aasurcoe the top and bottom chords to be Iaterety,braced of DES. BY: AM 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during o6ftshualbn Is the. respo"IbIllly.of ins erector. Additional bracing of 2' .9 end of tt, o.c. respecavely unless braced throughout their larn�ppMtln by sheathhng(TC) drywae(BC). DATE: 12/10/2013 permanent the mmrall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. continuous sheathing such as plywood and/or 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shorn ++ 4. No bad should beapplied to any component until saw all bracing and 4. Installation of tons is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ.: 5755203 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater then S. Design assumes gnaw are to be used in a non-corrostre emMonment. TRANS_ ID: 386463 design loads be applied to_any component. 5. CompuTrus hes over for the and are.ror "dry condition' of use. S. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim of wedge H no control and assumes no responsibility necessary. fabrication„handlin , shipment and Installation of components. 8 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. -of VIII all) (III S. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPINVrCA M SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. S. Plates shell be located on both faces tons; and placed' so' their center 9 Dig coincide with size of plate 1hohes: IIIIII VIII VIII VIII VIII II 1 (III MTek USA, Ino; /ComrpuTrus Softmrs 7.6.4-SP51 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek) N O O m r .rr O r rr LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF N1dBTR BC: 20 OF NISBTR WEBS: 2x4 OF`#16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1.01-12 1-01.12 Connector late,prefix designators: C,CN cis CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,618HS, 16 = MSTek MT series 0 M o to 0 W o M -3x6 1 <PL:12-00-12 TRUSS SPAN 1'-. 11.9' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O;C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL(( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE'TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD: TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12 3.46 C--- 1-11-15 >PL:1.3-00-00 > Irn 0 0 m 1 n IkIARAC a Drs, ++ Dnr 4 r1nnnn - I n+ 1 A Dr -'A Woe+ - A11)1 Truss: IMN t 1 DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013. SEQ.: 5755204 TRANS ID: 386463 WARNING: 1. Builderand erection contrador:should be advised of all General Notes and Wemingsbefore construction commences. 2. 2z/ compression web bracing must be Installed where sham •, 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction Is the responsibility of erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners aro complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication. handling, shipment and Installation of components. e. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth ;by TPIANfCA in SCSI, copies of which will be,fumished upon requesL MTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP5(1L)-E C i C 5UO2 71 : U.uun GENERALNOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based only upon theparameters shown and is for an Individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporation of component Is the responsibility of the building desigpner. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at roe, _and of 1p' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenppl1hh by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) andfor drywail(EC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown • t 4.'Installation of buss is the responsibility of the respective contractor: 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a noncorrosive environment. and are for "dry _condition' of use.: S. Design assumes fun beer" at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. 9. Plates shall be located on both aces of tons, and placed so their center Wes coincide With joint center lines. 6. Digns Indicate stre of plate in inches. W For bask connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -19H (MITek) i Z!/off /3 T(--- J- iign------'ed `----olapr`-- '-put SI 'ABR i (J CBC20101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1.-2= 0 122 1.4=(0) 0 1-2=(-166) 0 2-3=�-8� 26 ' BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRA REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 0'- 0.0' 0/ 261V -12/ 4H 5.56' 0.28 OF( 625 i'- 9.2' 0/ 30V 0/ OH 5:50' 0._03 OF ( 625 1'- 11.9' 0/ 152V .12/ 4H 1.50' 0.16 OF ( 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.28 DF/ 0.43 HF/ 0.41 SPF BRG @ 1'• 9.2' 0.03 DF/ 0.05 HF/ 0.05 SPF BRG @ 1'- 1.1.9' 0.16 DF/ 0.25 HF/ 0.24 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.002' @ 1'- 0.4" Allowed = 0.036' MAX OL DEFL = -0.001' @ 1'- 0.4' Allowed = 0.054' MAX TL DEFL = -0.002' @ 1'- 0.4' Allowed = 0.054' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL= 0.001' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL 0.001' @ 1'- 11.2' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL 0.002' @ 1'- 11.2.' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creepiin the, total load deflection. The building des gner shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2; ASCE 7.05, Enclosed', Cat./t Eicp.C, �IWERS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. i Z!/off /3 nnlnln LUMBER -SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 4'- 0.2' TC: 2x4 OF k16BTR LOAD DURATION SNCREASE = 1.25 BC: 2x4 OF k13BTR SPACED 24,0' O.C. WEBS: 20 DF k16BTR LOADING TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LL( 20.0)4DL� 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12.0C. UON. L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LETINS: 1.00.00 0-00-00 LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL Connector plate prefix designators: REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. C,CN C18 CN18 for no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,ilffiS, 16 = M Tek M series BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP *• For hanger specs, - See approved plans AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 0-11' f1 2-09-04 0-03-04 12 3.461? rnn KfARAr. n...++ M 2x6 <PL:12-00-12 3-08-15 0-03-04 4-00-03 I n+ 192 D/3A IAl^e,+ riNriTA LIVIIJ 1lf-MI1116, a LJ1 LLL IIG'J iVvrrwJ wI _v I r v -1. . ..vv r ••• Truss: 1"S"I I i DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755205 TRANS ID: 386463 WARNINGS: 1. Sunder and erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction Is the responsibility of the erector: Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design bads be applied to any component. 5.. CompuTrus has no,control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. 6. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations ad loth by TPIAWCA In SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus, Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E `J C o>0 :0" -To 0 o 0C U Cn 0I C < rn r F5 ` n -i : 0.591; GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted,:, 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an IndWual building component. Applicability, of design parametersaM-propar Incorporation of component is the responsibility oflhe.bulMl designer. 2. Design essumea the top and bottomchords to be laterally braced at roc. and at IV o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their leby wood continuous sheathing such as plyshealhing(TC) and/or drywall BC). 3, 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where drown - a 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, and are for *dry condrion' of use. e. Design assumes Wil bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge a necessary. 7: Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. S. Plates shell be located on,both faces of truss, and placed so Meir tender lines coincide with joint center lines. 9. Digits Indicate size of plate In Inches. 10. For bask connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek) TY`- -•--ign ..._---,ed `-----)Mpu`-- _-put SI ABR. i (J VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL -=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.005' @ 0'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.103' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.004' @ 0'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.155' MAX TL DEFL = -0.007' @ 0'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.165' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.004' NO HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0,000' 0. 3'- 8.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.000' @ 3'- 8,9' This truss does°not include: any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep in the total load deflection. The buildi,n'g dea�gnor shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat./1 Exp .C, iIWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. LIfM1 Rte'+'a CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX, MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDFICq=1,00 1-2= -3) 78 1-5=(-16) 86 1.2=(-245) 0 2-3= -129 0 3.5'(-262)' 0 ' 3.4= -11� 0 BEARING MAX VERT' MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES), 01- 0.0' 0/ 313V -23/ 39H 5.56' 0.33' OF ( 625) 4'- 0,2' 0/ 287,V -23/ 39H 5.50' 0.31 OF ( 625) BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.33 DF/ 0.52 HF/ 0.49 SPF BRG @ 4'- 0.2' 0:31 DF/ 0.47 HF/ 0.45 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL -=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.005' @ 0'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.103' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.004' @ 0'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.155' MAX TL DEFL = -0.007' @ 0'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.165' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.004' NO HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0,000' 0. 3'- 8.9' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.000' @ 3'- 8,9' This truss does°not include: any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep in the total load deflection. The buildi,n'g dea�gnor shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat./1 Exp .C, iIWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.6, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. LIfM1 Rte'+'a 11111111111 LUMBER ,SPECIFICATIONS TC 2x4.DF.AIRBTR BC: 2x4 OF g13BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF g16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON, BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. LETINS: 1-00-00 0.00.00 Connector plate prefix deli nators: C,CN,CI3,CN13 for no prefix)9 = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,MIBHS,X = MiTek YT series 12 3.46 - M -3x4 " I I M -3x6 '12-00-12 TRUSS.SPAN e'- 0.4' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 `SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DLI 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL ;LOAD = "50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING NET. BOTTOM CHORD•CHECKED FOR IOPSFLIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON=CONCURRENTLY. 4-09-08 0-03-04 M -2x8 M -2x4 �• For hanger specs. - See approved 5-09-03 6-00-07 0= IAR AIAAAG' Rni tt one i Hanna I nt i R Pf;A WoQt _ Al M M � Q0 _n. p anCo a (Cj�rr:�f 0 0� o �f � - z m If , >I TI ' sign ed - )Inpt --- '-put Si. - 'ABR- - ' (i - CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2=( -6� 86 1.5=(-18) 139 1.2=(=314) 0 2-3=.(-184 0 3-5= -397 0 3.4=( -11) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES SPECIES a,- 0.0' 0/ 396V -35/ 54H 5.56' 0.42 J ( 625 6'-- 0.4' 0/ 377V -35/ 54H 5.50' 0.40 OF ( 625 BRG @ 0'- 0:0' 0.42 DF/ 0.65 HF/ 0.62 SPF BRG P 6'- 0.4' 0.40 OF/ 0.62 HF/ 0.59 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL-0.014- @ 0'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.170' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = .0.016' @ 0'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.256' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.025' @ 0'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.256' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.018' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0:001' It 5' 9.2' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.001' @. 5 9.2' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCOL=13.8,BCOL=4:2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2 Exp.C, MWFR3, interior zone, load duration factor=l.8, Truss designed for wind loads in the `plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 7Z//off/3 Al WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection, contractor should be advised of as General Noise GENERAL NOTES, unless othenwlse noted: 1. This design 15 based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual 0, 3 and Wamings before construction commences. building component. Applicability of design parameters and !;o Truss: 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be:instelled where shown �. ger Mcogn r r1lon of component is the responsibility of the building Seslgner. to be laterally traced DES.. BY: AM 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure steblOty during construction u the responslbmly of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 2 Design assumes the top and bottom chords of 2' o.o, and at 1d ox,respectively unless braced throughout their length by continuer sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywalRBC). DATE 12_ / 10./ 2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. h Impact bridging or.latend bracing required where shown * i 4. No bad should be applied to any component until atter all bracing and 4. Installation of truss Is the iespcnslbility, of the respectNe eordractor.. S EQ-. 5755206 fasteners are complete end at no time should any loads greater then 5: Design assumes trusses are to be used In a norrconoslve envlronmem, TRANS I D : 386463_ design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and am for."dry condltion' of use. a. Design assumes fun bea" at all supports shown. Shim or wedge O - fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. necessary. ).'Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided, VIII S. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIAA?CA In SCSI, copiesof vrt kis coal be famished upon request 8. Plates shall bei located on both faces of cuss, and placed so their center 9 Ones cohickle Dots indicate s� joint In inches. 1111111111111 ILII u 11111111111111111111111 LII II VIII IIM(I 1 IIII TIMI 1 MTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E 10. For bask connector plate design values sae ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek) 7Z//off/3 novo rn llll r LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 OF ##&BTR BC: 2A OF #13BTR WEBS -,.2x4 DF #13BTR TO LATERAL.SUP,PORT <= 12'OC, UON, BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C, UON. LETINS: 1-02-02 1-02-02. Connectorplate prefix desi nators: C,CN C18 d ((or no pprefit4 = CompuTrus; Inc .M,M26HS,�118HS,k18 = MiTek MT series 12 3:50 U --- <PL:12-00-12" 2-00-11 0-02-12 z -03-o7 ;oL0ao M OG >PL.:13-01-00< nr 1 >, JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A104 Scale: 0.6912 WARNINGS. GENERAL NOTES, unless upon tse'paril: _ 1: Bulkier and erecaon contracts ahoukl be advbed of all General Notes 1. Thb`Aeslgn Is based Doty upon me parameters shown and .IsPoranIndNidual and Wemings before. construction commences. building component. Applicability of deslgn parameters and proppeer Truss. 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, Incorporation of component e.the responsibility of the bulldli deslgner. A.1-04 3. Additional temporary bracIng to Insure staEnfty during "motion 2. D 0 c. asaun eslne top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM is the res nsla of.the erector. Additional permanent bretlnp of 2' o.e. and at10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout Meir length by Pe 8tY continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 12 / 101 201 3 - the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after all biasing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5755207 listeners are eornplete and at no time should any bads greater than 5. Design assumes busses are be used In e non -corrosive environment, design begs be applied to any component: and are for Ytryttindifton" of use. TRANS I D : 386463 5. CompuTrus has no control overs_ pd assumes no !aspoasibelly for the 8: Design assumes fug bearing at a8 supports shown. Shim or wedge If fabrication, Handling, shipmem and Installation of components. necessary: 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of tow, and placed so their center Il�ll VIII VIII VIII lN�l IIID I'll ill IIII TPiIWfCA In asst coPps.oiwhbh will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint p center sues. II II II 6. Digits coincide sire of plate In Inness. MITek USA, Inc./Corn uTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E 10. For bask connector plate design vshies see ESR -1311; ESR -1688 (MfTek) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360,"TL=L1240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.003' @ 1'- 0.7' Allowed = 0.048" MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -,0.002' @ 1'-. 0.7' Allowed = 0,068' MAX.TL DEFL = -.0.004' @ 11- 0.7' Allowed = 0.068' RECOMMENDED CAMBER '(BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0:002' MAX,HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.002"111 2'- 2.7' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.603' @ 2'- 2.7" This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep), in the total load, deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with, the intended use of'this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8}�B��CDL=4:2; ASCE 7-05, Enclosed; Cat.t Exp: C; fiFRS, interior zone load duration factor=l.6, Triti designee for wind loads in the plane of the: truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. i z�vo/i:a TI :gn ed Dmp( put TRUSS WN 2'- 3.4' CBC201O/:IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES' 4WR/GDF/C =1.0,0 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 1-2=( 0) 108 1-4=(0.) 0 1-2„(-148) 0 SPACED 24.0' O.C. 2-3=(-9) 32 LOADING LL( 20,0)+DLIl 23.0) ON TOP CHORD ,= 43.0 '= PSF BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRIG LENGTH UL ON BOTTOM CHORD 7.0 PSF LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF 01- 0.0' 01 244V -141 5H 5.50' 0.28'F ' 625 2'- 0.7' 0/ 35V 0/ 'OH 5:50' 0.04 OF 625 LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 2'- 3.4' 01 147V -1'41 Sit 1.50' 0.16 OF 625 REOUIREMENTS'OF CBC.2010 NOT BEING MET. Bfl0 @ 0'- 0,0' 0:26 DF/ 0.40 HF/ 0.38 SPF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP BRG @ 2'- 0.7' 0.04 DF/ 0.06 HF/ 0.05 SPF 1-0.1-11 1-01-12 AND.BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. BOG @ 2'- 3.4' 0:16 DF/ 0:24 HF/ 0.23 SPF 12 3:50 U --- <PL:12-00-12" 2-00-11 0-02-12 z -03-o7 ;oL0ao M OG >PL.:13-01-00< nr 1 >, JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A104 Scale: 0.6912 WARNINGS. GENERAL NOTES, unless upon tse'paril: _ 1: Bulkier and erecaon contracts ahoukl be advbed of all General Notes 1. Thb`Aeslgn Is based Doty upon me parameters shown and .IsPoranIndNidual and Wemings before. construction commences. building component. Applicability of deslgn parameters and proppeer Truss. 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, Incorporation of component e.the responsibility of the bulldli deslgner. A.1-04 3. Additional temporary bracIng to Insure staEnfty during "motion 2. D 0 c. asaun eslne top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM is the res nsla of.the erector. Additional permanent bretlnp of 2' o.e. and at10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout Meir length by Pe 8tY continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 12 / 101 201 3 - the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No bad should be applied to any component until after all biasing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5755207 listeners are eornplete and at no time should any bads greater than 5. Design assumes busses are be used In e non -corrosive environment, design begs be applied to any component: and are for Ytryttindifton" of use. TRANS I D : 386463 5. CompuTrus has no control overs_ pd assumes no !aspoasibelly for the 8: Design assumes fug bearing at a8 supports shown. Shim or wedge If fabrication, Handling, shipmem and Installation of components. necessary: 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of tow, and placed so their center Il�ll VIII VIII VIII lN�l IIID I'll ill IIII TPiIWfCA In asst coPps.oiwhbh will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint p center sues. II II II 6. Digits coincide sire of plate In Inness. MITek USA, Inc./Corn uTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1 L) -E 10. For bask connector plate design vshies see ESR -1311; ESR -1688 (MfTek) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360,"TL=L1240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.003' @ 1'- 0.7' Allowed = 0.048" MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -,0.002' @ 1'-. 0.7' Allowed = 0,068' MAX.TL DEFL = -.0.004' @ 11- 0.7' Allowed = 0.068' RECOMMENDED CAMBER '(BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0:002' MAX,HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.002"111 2'- 2.7' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.603' @ 2'- 2.7" This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep), in the total load, deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with, the intended use of'this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8}�B��CDL=4:2; ASCE 7-05, Enclosed; Cat.t Exp: C; fiFRS, interior zone load duration factor=l.6, Triti designee for wind loads in the plane of the: truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. i z�vo/i:a LUMBER 'SPECIFICATIONS TC; 20 OF M168TR BC: 20 OF M168TR WEBS: 20 OF N16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12 -OC. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12.00. UON" LETINS: 1-00-00 0-00-00 Connector pplate prefix dealgnators: C,CN C18 CN18 (or no prefix)' = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,418HS,A116 = MiTek M series .. For hanger .specs. - See approved plana. 12 3.,50 o TRUSS SPAN 4' 7.3" LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING' LL( 20.0)+DL '23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43:0 PSF �L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50,0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REGUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED.FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 3-W05 0-03-04 1AM MAW: • Dr+i ++ Dnei /tomo _ I n+ 1 A P(:A Woe+ Ai nr% TI ;ign •ed 5mpt. put scale- U.aff, Al deformation for long term loaoin (creep) in the WARNINGS 1: Builder end erectlon contractor strauW be advised of a0 General Notes CBC201O/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDFICq=1.00 total load deflection The building designer 1-2=( -3) 81 1=5=(-17) 103 1-2=,(-287 0 shall verify that this parameter: fits with the 2-3=(-150 0 3.5=(•287; 0 ' intended use of this component. 3-4=( 12 0 I I BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS 'SIZE INCHES. (SPECIES 0'-- '0.0' 0/ 339V -27/ 44H 5.50' 0:36 DF 625 4'- 7.3' 0/ 317V -27/ 44H 5,50' 0.34 OF 625 BRG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.36 DF/ 0.56 HF/ 0.53 SPF Design.chec-ked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord BRG'@ 4'- 7.3,' 0.34 DF/ 0:52 HF/ 0.50 SPF live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers is nom concurrent with other live loads. VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL --L/3!0, TL=L/240 design loads be applied to any component. a. CompuTrus,has no comm) over and assumes no responslbllay for the MAX LL DEFL = -0.007' @ 0'--103 Allowed = 0.123' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.008' @ 0'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.184' I MAX TL DEFL a -,0.011' @ 01- 10.7' .Allowed = 0.184' e. Plates shell be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their, center RECOMMENDED' CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.008' C ��ii M 2x "(M MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0:000' @ 4'- 4:0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.001' @ 4'- 4.0" 1AM MAW: • Dr+i ++ Dnei /tomo _ I n+ 1 A P(:A Woe+ Ai nr% This truss does not include any time dependent scale- U.aff, Al deformation for long term loaoin (creep) in the WARNINGS 1: Builder end erectlon contractor strauW be advised of a0 General Notes GENERAL NOTES; unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based Dory upon the pererrieters shown and b for an Individual total load deflection The building designer 05a. M -3X5 shall verify that this parameter: fits with the . Truss:: 4 intended use of this component. I U I I Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCOL=13:8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, kiRS, > 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords fo be laterally braced at 2' and al 10' hin respectively throughout theli length by ly unless Enclosed, Cat. Exp.C, is the responsiblltty of theAdditional permanent bracing of interior zone,..ioad duration factor=t.8, i 1Truss - designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only': M 3x4 C1 n c c Design.chec-ked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord N4C1- (�i 1`� C11which live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers is nom concurrent with other live loads. TRANS I D t 386463 design loads be applied to any component. a. CompuTrus,has no comm) over and assumes no responslbllay for the and are for 'dry oondalon'of use. S. Design assumes full Deering at all supports shawn.'Shhn ormedge if bo ` -1 1 fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components.necessary. o I I o < e. Plates shell be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their, center M 3X6 C ��ii M 2x "(M `0 '-1 lines coincide with Joint center 4-04 p 0-03-04 VIII 4=07-04 <PL:1.2-00-12 VIII VIII 1AM MAW: • Dr+i ++ Dnei /tomo _ I n+ 1 A P(:A Woe+ Ai nr% scale- U.aff, Al WARNINGS 1: Builder end erectlon contractor strauW be advised of a0 General Notes GENERAL NOTES; unless otherwise noted: 1. This design Is based Dory upon the pererrieters shown and b for an Individual 05a. and Wamings before construction commences. building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper . Truss:: 2:- 2x4 web bracing be Installed shown.+, Incorporation of component Is theresponsibilityof the building designer. DES. BY: AM compression must where Additional temporary bracing to Insure aleatory during construction 'erector. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords fo be laterally braced at 2' and al 10' hin respectively throughout theli length by ly unless is the responsiblltty of theAdditional permanent bracing of coc.ontinuous sheathing(TC) continuous sheethirrp such as plywood ehealhing(TC) and/or drywaa(BC). as DATE,: 12 / 10 / 2013the overall souclure Is Ne responsibility of the building designer- a. 2c Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown . + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after log bracing and 4. Installation of truss Is the responsfbfifly of the respeadve contractor. SEG.: 5755208 fasteners are complete and at no itme should any loads greater than trusses are to be used in a nocosive environment, S. Design assumes fomno TRANS I D t 386463 design loads be applied to any component. a. CompuTrus,has no comm) over and assumes no responslbllay for the and are for 'dry oondalon'of use. S. Design assumes full Deering at all supports shawn.'Shhn ormedge if fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provkled: S. This design lo fumished subject to the Ilm.no sal forth by e. Plates shell be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their, center TPIlWfCA M BC31, copies of which will be furnished hed uponrequest. lines coincide with Joint center IIIIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII IIII MiTak USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6."P5(1 L) -E Inches. 9: Digits Indicate size of plate in hrehes. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1911, ESR-tges (Mrrek) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF N18BTR BC: 2x4 DF 916BTR WEBS: 2i14 DF B16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12.00. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12.0C. UON. LETINS: 1-00.00 0-00.00 Connector plate prefix designators: C;CN,C18',CN18 or no prefix) CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,918113; 16 = M Tek NT series M -3x4 O GO O I I O 1 � M -3x6 L) 5 M -20M �" For hanger specs. - See approved plans zM 07-12 0-03-04 L L ' PL:12-00-12 6-11 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West A106 Truss: DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ. 5755209 TRANS ID: 386463 WARNINGS: am 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes 1. and Warnings before consliutlbn commences: 2. 2r4 compression web bracing must be Installed whom shown r, 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction 2.. Is the responsibility of the erector. AddtUonol permanent bracing of the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 4. No load should be applied to any component unlll after all braeft and 4. tastaners are corrhptste and at no time should any bads greater than 5. .design bads be applied to_any component. a 5. CompuTrus hes no control over and assumes no responsiblifty.for the fabrication, handling, shipment end installation of components. 7. S. This design Is furnished subject to the Onnitallons set forth by 9. TPUWrCA h SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Mi7ek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.8.4-SP5(1L)-E 10. Scale: 0.5918 unless otherwise noted: sed only .upon .the parameters shown and Is for an individual int Applicability of design paremeters and preper component Is the responsibilityf the building designer. the top and�bonom chords to be laterally braced at o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by hing such as plywood shesthing(M) and/or drywsn(BC). ig or lateral bracing required where shown .. li w is the rosponalblifty of We respective contractor. trusses are to be used Ina non-coaosive environment, ondiaon' of use.. tun besrbig at all supports shown., Shim or wedge if adequate drainage Is provided. .sled on both feces of truss, and placed so their center h pmt center Imes. te of plat' M Inches. for Wade design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MMT.* TI ign 'ed )MPL put TRUSS SPAN 8'-. 11,0' CBC201O/ISC2009 VAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cy=1.00 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 1.2= 7 89 1-5=(-19) 157 '1-2=(-339) 0 SPACED 24.0' O:C. 2-3-1-218 0 3-5=(-3$5) 0 9- 0 4- 12 LOADING LL( 20.0)*DL 23.0) ON TOP CHORD =: 43.0 PSF �L ON BOTTOM CHORD .= 7.0 PSF BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRO REQUIRED BRG LENGTH TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 428V .401 62H 5.50' 0.46 OF ( 625 LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL S'- 11.0' 0/ 410V -401 62H 5.50' 0.44 OF ( 625 REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BRG @ 0'- 0:0' 0.46 DF/ 0.70 HFj 0.67 SPF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP BRG @ 6'- 11.0' 0.44 DF./ 0.68'HF/ 0.64 SPF AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY'. 5-08-01 0-03-04 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:,LL=L/360, TL=L/240 _ MAX LL DEFL = -0.021' @ 01- 10.7' Allowed = 0.200' MAX, OL CREEP DEFL = 4.028' @ 01- 10.7' Allowed = 0.300' 12 MAX TL CREEP.DEFL = -0.041' @'_ 01- 10.7' Allowed = 0.300' 3.50 C - RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON'DL,DEFL)=-0.033' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.001' @ 6'- 7.8' VAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.001' @ 6'- 7.8' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, M -2X8 Enclosed, Cat.2 Exp. C, 111111111,4 interior zone, load duration factor=1.8, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord Q live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads: M -n (- 0 C 17 QO N F ' I L) 5 M -20M �" For hanger specs. - See approved plans zM 07-12 0-03-04 L L ' PL:12-00-12 6-11 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West A106 Truss: DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ. 5755209 TRANS ID: 386463 WARNINGS: am 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes 1. and Warnings before consliutlbn commences: 2. 2r4 compression web bracing must be Installed whom shown r, 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction 2.. Is the responsibility of the erector. AddtUonol permanent bracing of the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 4. No load should be applied to any component unlll after all braeft and 4. tastaners are corrhptste and at no time should any bads greater than 5. .design bads be applied to_any component. a 5. CompuTrus hes no control over and assumes no responsiblifty.for the fabrication, handling, shipment end installation of components. 7. S. This design Is furnished subject to the Onnitallons set forth by 9. TPUWrCA h SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Mi7ek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.8.4-SP5(1L)-E 10. Scale: 0.5918 unless otherwise noted: sed only .upon .the parameters shown and Is for an individual int Applicability of design paremeters and preper component Is the responsibilityf the building designer. the top and�bonom chords to be laterally braced at o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by hing such as plywood shesthing(M) and/or drywsn(BC). ig or lateral bracing required where shown .. li w is the rosponalblifty of We respective contractor. trusses are to be used Ina non-coaosive environment, ondiaon' of use.. tun besrbig at all supports shown., Shim or wedge if adequate drainage Is provided. .sled on both feces of truss, and placed so their center h pmt center Imes. te of plat' M Inches. for Wade design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MMT.* IIMII II I II IIII LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC 20 OF BIBBTR. BC: 2x4 OF #16BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF Y188TR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. AON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT<= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1-00-00 0-00-00 Connector pplate. prefix designators: C,CN C18 CNIS for no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M26HS,68HS, 16 _ M Tek MT series 0-11-11 0 3-00-05 12 3.50 TRUSS'SPAN 8'- 0.0' LOAD.DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0. O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBG 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS,ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 4=00 JOB NAME: Britt Residence - Lot 16 PGA West - A107 Truss: DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/10/2013 SEQ.: 5755210 TRANS ID: 386463 WARetINGS: GENI -1. Sunder and erection contractor should be advised of a8 General Notes 1. TI and Warnings before construction commences. - In 2'2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown t. in 2. 0 3. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction Is the.responsibllity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 2' the overall structure Is the responsibility of the building designer. 3; 21 4, No load should be epplled to any component until after all bracing and 4. In fastenersare complete apd_at no time should any loads greater than 5: D design bads be appaed fo any component. 21 8. D 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the m _fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.. 6. This design is furnished subject to the rimmanons set forth by 8: PI TPWVrCA to SCSI,copies of which will be furnished upon *uesl Or MfTek USA, Inc./CornpuTrus SoRware 7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E e. D 10. F, M -2x4 M -8x4 See approved plans 0-03-08 in 0 0 0 M .Scale: 0.5885 noted: parameters shown andIsfor an Individual. or me Is the bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge N. ypuere dreinage Is provided. id on center fees. of truss; and placed so their center Irit pntar IMes: - fe In Inches. Dista design,values see ESR -1311; ESR -1988 (Wek) TI sign ed Dmpt put St.---- -'ABR---.. _.-i (J.., CSC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2=32-3=-4=�39 -442 .0 .103 0 1-5=(•3) 403 5-4=[-208 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZEINCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' 0/ 464V -49/ 71H 5:50' '0.50 OF s 825 81- 0.0' 0/ 422V •49/ 71H 5,50' 0.45 OF l 625' BRG @ 0'- 0:0' 0.50'DF/ 0.76,HF/ 0.73 SPF BRG @ 8'- 0.0' 0.45 DF/ 0.69 HF/ 0.68 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/380, TL --L/.240 MAX LL DEFL = •0.018' @ 31- 11.5' Allowed = 0.236' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.020' @ 3' 11.5' Allowed= 0.354' VAX TL DEFL = -0:031•,@. 3'- 11.5' ,Allowed = 0.354' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)=-0.087' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.002' @ 7'- 8.5' MAX'HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.004' @ 7'- 8.5' This truss does not incl4de.any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep in the total load deflection. The buildinp des�gner shall verify that this parameter'fifs with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8,BCDL 4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat./1 Exp.C, MWF.R8, interior zone, load duration factor=1.8,. Truss designed for wind loads in the plane:of the truss only. Design checked for.8,300 lb concentrated topchord liveload per IBC 2009 due to Maintenance workers which is.non-concurrent with other live loads. t�oatpceo 4 nnfNInIIII t LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 20 DF #18BTR BC: .2x4 OF #16BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12.00. UON. LETINS: 1-00-00 6-00-00 Connector plate prefix deli nators: C,CN C18�CN18 for no prefix =. mu Co Inc, M;M26H3,.18HS; 16 = NiTek M series 0 M -3x4 TRUSS SPAN 8'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL(20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF L ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PIF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 P.SF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 3.00-65 4-00 12 3.50 L--- p. i D �t Tl M M -3x6 n M PII 000- 2 M v � M -2x4 M -W *• For hanger specs. - See approved plans 1 7 0.08 0-03-08 I L ' PL:12-00-12 8-00 M12 KIAAAC - Qr%i ++ Dne i rinnf int _ I nt 19Z Dr -A Mleiet _ Ai nQ N 0 0 co ...... .......�. ... �.� .....�......__ ___ ,. �,. ...,.,� ....... Scale: 0.5885 Amil 08 WARNINGS. 1. Builder and eredlon contractor should be a&Ased of all General Notes. and Warnings belcm construction commences. GENERAL NOTES, unless-otherwisenoted: 1. This design b based only upon the parameters shown and is for an Individual building component Applicability of design parameters and proper Truss : 2. 2zt compression web bracing must be Installed shown +, Incorporatlon of component Is the responsibility of the Wilding designer. DES. BY: AM selene 3. Additional temporary bracing to Insure stability during construction u it a responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 2 Design assumes the top end bottom chords to be laterally braced at 7 o.a, arW et te,b.e. respectively unless braced throughout their krrgqNM DY DATE: 12/10/2013 the ovemn structure Is the responsrbilay of the bultding designer. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(fC) and/or drywan(EC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ. : 5755211 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are,complete end at no time should any beds greater then5. 4. Installation of Muss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a nun-mnosive environment, TRANS I D : 386463 design bads be applied to any component. 5: CompuTnrs hes no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and an for dry condition" of use. 8. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of comPaaes. 8. This design is furnished subled to the lhnlletlons sed forth by 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. S. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so Meir tender (IIII VIII I'll 7PIMIrCA M SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request Mas coincide with Joint ranter I IIIIII II IIII) III'!I 1111111111111111111111111111111 IIII III'I'IIII ,,pt1 IIIN Illi 'ID11 Illi MTek USA, InclCompuTrus Software 7.6.4SP5(1L)-E 9. nche O. Digits indicate connectorplatedesign values 'see ESR -1311, ESR -1888 (Mi TI sign ed DmpL put SI ... __ "'ASR _..3 (J.., COC201011BG2000 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C -1.00 1-2=(-293) 212 1.5=(-3) 403 1.2=(=1162) 603 2-3= -788 332 3-5=( -9459 472 3.4=-452 455 5.4=( -208) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ ORO REQUIRED ERG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHESSPECIES 01- 0.0' -99/ 590V -49/ 71H 5.50' 0.63 DF 1 625 81- 0.0' -110/ 579V -49/ 71H 5:50' 0.82 DF 625 ERG @ 0'- 0.0' 0.63 DF/ 0.97 HF/ 0.93 SPF BRG @ 8'- 0.0' 0.62 -DF/ 0.95 HF/ 0.91 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: L141360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL - 0.060' @ 3'- 11.5' Allowed = 0.236' MAX DL CREEP DEFL'= -0.020' @ 3'- 11.5' Allowed = 0.354' MAX TL DEFL'= =0.073' @ 3'- 11.5' Allowed = 0.354" RECOMMENDED,CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)=-0.087' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.002.' @ 7'- 8.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.004' @ 7'- 8.5' This truss does not include any time dependent.. deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use that component. CON'. 2:200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. SHEARWALL 0.00 to 8.00 NOTE: TRUSS DESIGN ASSUMES UNIFORM, SHEAR TRANSFER Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8 BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, cat.1 Exp.C, URRS, interior zone, load duration factor -1.6, Truss designed for rind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent With other live loads._ mIl II I n IIII , r LUMBER 'SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF A18BTR BC: 20 OF g16BTR WEBS: 20 OF M18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT r- 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1-00=00 0-00.00 '• For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector Plate prefix designators: C,CN Cie CN18 for no prefix l = CampuTrus, Inc. M;M26HS,il8HS, 18 = M1Tek M series um. 0 0 0 61 N k-- <PI TRUSS SPAN B'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0. O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL1 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF ADDL: TC UNIF LL+DL= 70.0 PLF 1'- 0.0' TO 8'- 0.0' V LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 3-00-05 4-00 12 3.50 C--- 3 ' :0 OI M 3x6 z Q° � � _n < C Om WARNINGS: Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Wemings before ccnswawn commences. GENERAL NOTES,. unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual Ing component. Applicability of design parameters and propar building O UU z 7.12-00-12 U M -2x4 7-08-08 8-00 .Inn IUAAAI= a nri tt Roe i rlanra _ I nt 1A PIA Wact - Al n9 M -3x4 0-03.08 0 0 0 co --- - - - --- ...---__...-- --- - --- -- ouaie:U.000u Al 09-1. WARNINGS: Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Wemings before ccnswawn commences. GENERAL NOTES,. unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and Is for an Individual Ing component. Applicability of design parameters and propar building Truss: ' 2. 2:r4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +, Incorporation component Is the responsibility of the building Aeslaner. m DES. BY: AM 3. AddRlonal temporary bredrp to Insure stability during eoneW�hn b the of the Additional Matlng of 2. Deslpn aswmeethe lop and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and et 10' o.c. resliectvelq unless braced throughout their hath by DATE: 12/10/2013 responsibility erector. peril anent the overall structure is the responslbilty of the building designer. 4. No load should be applied to any component until'after all bracing and commuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown+. + 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. /� SEQ 5755212 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a noncom»M environment; .: TRANS IM 386463 design bads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus hes no control over and assumes no,responslbiley for the end arefor "dry oondNon' of use. e. Design assumes full beermg at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. mPt S. This design Is furnished limitations forth,by necessary` 7. Design assumes adequate drainage h feces subject to the se f TPVWfCAin SCSI, copies of which will be famished upon request. 153, a S. Plates shell be located on both of tnrsa, end placed so their center lines coincide joint hl�i II 11111111111 III /rill IIII 11111111111111111 IDI IIII IIII IIII MiTek USA, InclCom UTfUs Software 7.6.4 SP5(1 L) -E ate in i che. size s Inches. a. _Doris sic con site plate 10: For basic connector plata design values see ESR -131 1, ESR-198s'(MRek) Tr ign ed )fnpu put SF...-_ .'A8R__ ,_..j (Jl., CBC2010/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C =1.00 1-2=(-186) 0 1-5=(0) 724 1-2= -914 0 2-3=(-849) 0 3-5:�-T95j 0 3-4=( -62) 102 5-4= -342 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 683V -49/ 71H 5.50' 0.73' OF ` 625 R'- 0.0' 0/ 693V -49/ 71H 5.50' 0.74. DF t 625 BRG @ 0'- 0:0.' 0.73 DF,/ 1.12 HF/ 1.07 SPF BRG @ 8'- 0;0' 0.74 DF/ 1.14 HF/ 1.09 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/380, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.018' @ 3'- 11:5' Allowed = 0.236' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.049' @ 3'- 11.5' Allowed = 0.354' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -.0.081' @ 3'- 19.5' Allowed = 0.354' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)=-0.067' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.002' @ 7'- 8.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.007' It 7'- 8.5' Wind: 90 mph, h:15ft, TCDL=I9.B,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat .2 Exp .C, YWFRS,. interior zone load duration factor=l .6, Truss designel5 for wind loads in the plane of the truss only: Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due t0 maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. GENERAL NOTES NOTAS GENERALES Trusses are not marked in any way to Identify the Las bussesno wren Inarrados deningun modo que frequency or location of temporary lateral restraint identifique la frecuencia 0 10calizad6n de restrico6n lateral and diagonal bracing. Follow the recommendations yarricstre diagonal temporales. Use las recomendaciones for handling, installing and temporary restraining de manejo, instaladdn; restriccOn yamostre temporal de and bracing of trusses. Refer to BCSI - Guide to las busses. urea el foileto f=- Guia de Buena Pratt/� t"__' Practice for Handling, Installing Restraining rip Intel- '6n R xfrfai6n y Anroxtre de los a Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Thisses de Madera ConxUdos con PIaF `s de Metal*** In rcv+c*** for more detailed information. para Infarmaa6n mas detallada. Truss Design Drawings may specify locations of Los dibujos de diseno de los trusses pueden espedncar permanent lateral restraint or reinforcement for las localizaaones de resMcci6n lateral pemlanente o individual truss members. Refer to the SCSI- refuerzo en los mlembros individuales del truss. yea la 831** for more information. All other permanent hoja resumen BCSI-93*** para mas informaadn. EI bracing design is the responsibility of the building resto de las diser%s,de amoslnes permanentes son la designer. responsabilidad del disenador del edfico. WARNING The consequences of improper handling, erecting, installing, restraining and bracing can result in a collapse of the structure, or worse, serious personal injury or death. iADVERTENCIA! El:resultado de un manejo, levantamierI4 instalaci6n, restrfccl6n y arrisotre incorecto puede ser la calda"de la estructura o aun peor, heridos o muertus. ®CMUM Exercise care when removing banding and handling trusses to avoid damaging trusses and prevent Injury. Wear personal protective,equipment for the eyes, feet, hands and head when working with trusses. - Utflice cautela'al, quitar lasataduras o las pedazos de metal de sujetar para evitar dano a kis trusses y prevenir la herida personal. Lleve el u/ proteciivo personal la o os pies a I ® Cam Use D�ON�, Utilice manor y cetera cuartdo rrabaJa'con 'trvsses. special care in cuidado especial en windy weather or dias ventasos o certa near.power lines de cables electricos o and airports. de aeropuertos. Spreaderbar for truss HANDLING MANEJO O O Avoid lateral bending. Evite la flexi6n lateral. Use, proper rig- Use equipo apropiado ging and hoisting para levantar e The contractor is responsible for equipment. Improvisar.. properly receiving, unloading and storing the trusses at the jobsibe. Unload trusses to smooth surface to prevent damage. EI contratlsta tiene la,responsabikdad de recibir,: descargar y almacenar adecuadamente los trusses en la obra, Descaigue los itusses,en la Iberia luso para prevenir el dano. (S) DO NOT store unbraced bundles upright. Trusses may be unloaded directly on the ground at the time of delivery or stored temporarily in contactwith the ground after delivery. If trusses are to, be stored -for more than one week, place blocking of sufftdent height beneath the stack of busses at 8'(2.4 m) to 10' (3 m) on -center (o.c.). Los trusses pueden ser descargados directamente en el suelo en aquel momenta de entrega o almacenailas tempordlmente en contacto con el suelo despues de entrega. Si "los trusses estaran guardados pard mas de' una semana; ponga bloqueando de alturd sufidente derma de la pita DO NOT store on NO almacene en Cierra de los trusses a 8 hasta 10 pies en centro (o.c.). uneven ground. desigua. For busses stored for more than one week, Dover bundles bo protect from the environment. r . Para trusses guardados par mds de una semana, f "^ cubra los paquetes Fara piotegeries del amblente. - G Refer to BCSI*** for more, detailed information pertaining to handling and jobsite storage of - trusses. Vea el folleto. BCSI*** para Informadbrt mas detal- ladasobre el manejo y almacenado de los misses en area de trabajo. A I "PIN 71W E= - NO almacene verticalmente IDS trusses sueltos. HOISTING AND PLACEMENT OF TRUSS BUNDLES RECOMENDACIONES PARA LEVANTAR PAQUETES DE TRUSSES DONT overload the crane. Top Chard TemporarrX� �Lateral' Restraint (TCTLR) Spaetrig. NO sobrecargue la gnja. Egpaciam7efttode_lA_rriosfn9 Temporal de la Cuerda Superior (S) NEVER use banding to lift -a bundle. 10'(3 m) o.c. max. NUNCA use las ataduras para levantar un paquete. lapped at least two trusses. 0 A single lift point may be used for bundles of 8"(2.4 m) o.c. max. top chord pitch trusses up to 45`(13.7 m) and Clay The parallel chord trusses up to 30''(9.1 m). 6' (1.8 m) o.c. max. Use at least two lift points for bundles of top ®WARNING Do over load supporting chord pitch trusses up to 60'(18.3 m) and paral- not structure with truss bundle. lel chord trusses up to 45' (13.7 m). Use at least three lift points for bundles of top chord pitch IADVERTENCTA! No sobrecargue la trusses >601(18.3m) and parallel chord trusses estruetura apoyada con el paquete de >45'(13.7 m). trusses. Puede usar un solo, lugar de levantar para pa- Place truss bundles in stable position. quetes de busses de la cuerda superior hasta 45' y. trusses de cuerdas paralelas de 30'o mens. Puse paquetes de trusses en una posicl6n Use par lo menus dos puntos de levantar con esoble. grupos de trusses de cuerda superior inainada 1' haste 60'y busses de cuerdas paralelas hasta Mex. Bow Length -► 45' Use par to mens dos pumas de. levantar con grupos de. trusses de; cuerda,superior lndlnada mas de; 60'y trusses de cuerdas pardlelas mas de 45: 2111 MECHANICAL HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SINGLE. TRUSSES RECOMENDACIONES PARA LEVANTAR TRUSSES INDMDUALES Using asingle pick -point at the peak can damage the truss. EI use de un solo lugar en el pico para levantar puede 60' or less hacer dano al truss. Appmx. 1/2 _� Taglins truss length TRUSSES UP TO 30'(8-I m) _ TRUSSES HASfA in PIES Attach Lobate Spreader bar 1p'(3 h above orstiflback o.c..max.. Toe-In 'T mid -height Spreader bar 12 to 2/3 true' length Tegline Spreader bar 213 to TRUSSES UP TO 60' (18.3 m) _� E- 314 truss length -� TRUSSES NASiA 60 PIES Tagllne TRUSSES UP TO AND OVER 60' (18.3 m) TRUSSES HASfA ------ 60 PIES -r. 0 Hold each truss in position with the erection equipment until top chord temporary lateral restraint. is installed and the truss, is fastened to the bearing' points. Sostenga sada truss en position con equipo de grrja hasty que.la.restaccOn lateral temporal de la cuerda superior estcs instalado y el truss este asegurado en las sopones. INSTALLATION OF SINGLE TRUSSES BY HAND RECOMMENDACCIONES DE LEVANTAMIENTO DE TRUSSES ZNDMDUALES POR LA MANO Trusses 20" -' - ; `it: - - Trusses 30' (6.1.4) or (9.1 m) or r less, support less, support at near peak. quarter points. Soporte Soporte de terra al pith los.cuartos /as trusses f Trusses up to 20' -► de tramo losI d-. Trusses up to 30' .0 de 10 ples o (6.1 m) trusses de 30 (9.1 m) mens. Trusses hasty 20 pies pies a menos. Trusses pasta 30 pies TEMPORARY RESTRAINT & BRACING RESTRICCION Y ARRIOSTRE TEMPORAL Refer to BCSI-62*** for'moreTop Chord Temporary information. *LTaral Restraint Vea el resumen BCSI-B2*** pard mas infor-LR) min: maadil.Locate ground braces for first truss directly o in line with all rows of top chord temporary lateral restraint (see table in the next column). Coloque los ariDstres de'tierra pare el primer truss directamente en linea con Cada una de las filas de reshlcribnlateral temporal de la Brace first truss cuerda superior (vea la tabla en la pr6xima t- securely before columna): erection of additional DO NOT walk on trusses. ° unbraced trusses. NO Gamine en trusses Q sueltos. /J< Nq 0 IJ STEPS TO SETTING TRUSSES LAS NEDIDAS DE LA INSTALACION DE LOS TRUSSES El 1) Install ground bracing. 2) Set first truss and attach securely to ground bracing. 3) Set next 4 trusses with short member temporary lateral restraint (see below). 4) Install top chord diagonal bracing (see below). S) Install web member plane diagonal bracing to stabilize the first five trusses (see below), 6) Install bottom chord temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing (see below). 7) Repeat process with groups of four trusses until all trusses are set. 1) InsWle las airiostres de tieira. 2),instale el primero truss y ate seguramente al arr/ostre de tierra. 3) Instate los proximo; 4 trusses con regWctf6n lateral temporal de miembro co/to (vea abajo). 4) Instale el arriostre.diagonal de la cuerda superior (vea abajo). 5) Instate ariostre diagonal para los plans de los mlembros secundarius para estabilice los primeros cinco trusses (vee abaJo). 6) Insta/e la restriod6n lateral temporal y arrlostre diagonal para la cuerda inferior (vea abaJo)..7) Repita este procedimiento en grupos, de cuatro trusses hasty que todos los busses esten instalados. EmRefer to SCSI -82*** for more information. Vea el resumen BCSI-82*** para mas information. RESTRAINT/ BRACING FOR ALL PLANES OF TRUSSES RESTRICCION/ARRIOSTRE PARA TODOS PLANOS DE TRUSSES This restraint and bracing method Is for all trusses except 3x2 and 4x2 parallel chord trusses (PCTs). See tDp,(Yf next column for temporary restraint and bracing of PCTs. Este matado de restricadin y amosbe.es para todo trusses excepts trusses de cuerdas paralelas (PCTs) 3x1 y 4x1. Vea la parte superior de la columna para la, resfricri6n y arriostre temporal de PCTs. 1) TOP CHORD- CUERDA SUPERIOR I Trues Span Top Chard TemporarrX� �Lateral' Restraint (TCTLR) Spaetrig. ,Longltud de Tramo Egpaciam7efttode_lA_rriosfn9 Temporal de la Cuerda Superior Up to 30' 10'(3 m) o.c. max. (9.1 m) lapped at least two trusses. 30'(9.1 m) - 8"(2.4 m) o.c. max. 45'(117 m) Clay The 45'(13.7 m) - 6' (1.8 m) o.c. max. 60'(18.3 IT Q Tolerances for Out -of -Plane. 60'(18.3 m)- 4'(1.2 m) o.c. max. 80'(24.4 m * -Consult a Registered Design Professional for trusses longer than 60'(18.3 m). *Consulte a un Professional Registrado de Disen"o par trusses mas de 60 pies. _ See BCSI-BP** for TCTLR options. Clea el BCSI-82***, para las options de'TCTLR. EM Refer to BCSI-B3*** for Gable End Frame restraint/bracing/ A reinforcement information. Para infionnaci6n sabre restricadry TCTLR arnostre/rehierro para Armazones Hastiales vea el resumen BCSI-B Note: Ground bracing not shown for clarity. 10" or Truss attachment 0 Repeat diagonal braces for each set of 4 trusses. required at suppo s) Repita los'arrlsotres dlagona/es para cada.gril de 4 trusses. Section A -A I2) WEB MEMBER PLANE - PLANO DE LOS MIEMBROS SECUNDARIOS NEW LATERAL RESTRAINT & DIAGONAL BRACING ARE VERY IMPORTANT iLA RESTRICCION LATERAL Y EL ARRIOSTRE DIAGONAL SON MUY ZMPORTANTES! Bottom chords Diagonal,btaces every' 10 truss spa ce9 10' (3 m) - 15' (4.6' m) max. Same, spacing as bottom Note: Some chord and web members chord lateral restraint not shown for clarity. 3) BOTTOM CHORD - CUERDA INFERIOR Lateral Restraints - 2x4x12' or greater lapped over two trusses or CLR splice reinforce- ment. Bottom , chords 10'(3 m) - 15'(4.6 m) max. CLR splice reinforcement Truss Member rax CLR 1 A 7 Minimum 2' 2x Scab block centered over splice., Attach to CLR with minimum 8•tfid (0.135x3:5°) nails each side of splice or as'specified by the Building Designer. SECTION A -A - Truss Member Note: Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. Diagonal braces every 10 truss spaces 20' (6.1 m) max. RESTRAINT & BRACING FOR 3x2 AND 4x2 PARALLEL CHORD TRUSSES RESTRICCION Y ARRIOSTRE PARA TRUSSES DE CUERDAS PARALELAS 3X2 Y 4X2 10' 3 m) or Diagonal bracing Repeal diagonal bracing Refer to 15' �4.6 m)• every 15 truss spaces 30' BCSI-87*** for more _ (9.1 m) max. information. Vea el resumen SCSI -B7*** para mas Information. Apply diagonal brace to vertical Material Height webs at end of cantilever and at 12"(305 mm) Plywood or OSS bearing locations. All lateral restraints lapped at least two trusses. *Top chord temporary lateral restraint spacing shall be 10' (3 ni .o.e. max. for 3x1 chords and 15'(4.6 m) Ill 4x2 chords. Clay The 0 INSTALLING - INSTALACION putcf-Kiane Q Tolerances for Out -of -Plane. Out-aPPlumb Max. Bew Truss Length Tolerancias para Fuera-de-Plano. 12.5' Max. Bow D/50 D (R) 19 mm 3.8 m Length 114" 1' 7i8^ 14.6' Mex. Bow Length -► 6.mm 2111 22 mm 4:5 IT Max. Bow 1 ; 13 mm 0.6',m 25 mm 5.1 m - S 314" 3' 1-1/8" 18.8' �- Length rr ' Plumb 19 mm 0.9 m 29 mm 5.7 m r] line 1" 4' 1-114" 20.8' Tolerances for 25 mm 1.2 m 32 mm 6.3 m Out -of -Plumb. 1-114"�6' '1-3/8" 22.9'! Tolerancias para D/5o max �° 32 mm 35 mm To m FUera de PlOmadd. 1-112^ 38 mm 1-112" 25A' 38 mm (7.6'm) 1+314" r 13/4" 29.2'. CONSTRUCTION LOADING 45 mm 2:1 m 454th 8.9 m CARGA DE CONSTRUCCION 2" z8' 2" 133.3' 51 mm t2.4m 51 mm 10.1 m' Q DO NOT proceed with construction until all lateral restraint and bracing is'securelyand properly in place. NO proceda con la construcd6n hasty que. Codas las restric- crones laterales y losamostres esten mlarados en forma apropiada y Segura. DO NOT exceed maximum stack heights. Refer to BCSI-B4*** for more information. NO exceda las alturds maximas de mont6n. Vea el resumen BCSI-B4*** para mas Informad6n. I\ .Maximum Stick,Heigtrt for Knierlal ot1 Tr(uses Material Height Gypsum Board 12"(305 mm) Plywood or OSS 16" (406 mm) Asphalt Shingles 2 bundles concrete Block B" (203 mm) Clay The 3.4 tiles high I NEVER stack materials near a peak or at mid -span. NUNCA amontone los materiales cerca de un pico. DO NOT overload small groups,or single trusses. NO sobrecargue pequenos grupos o trusses Indlviduales. Place loads over as many trusses as possible. Coloque las cargas sabre taintos trusses tomo sea posible. © Position loads over load bearing walls. Coloque las cargas sabre las paredes soportantes. ALTERATIONS - ALTERACIONES MmReferBCSI-85:*** Truss bracing not shown for clarity. Vea el resumen BM -BS.*** G DO NOT cut, alter, or drill any structural member of a truss unless specifically permitted by the truss design drawing. NO corte, altere o perfore ningun miembro estructural de un truss, a mens que este especificamente pennitido en el dibujo dd diseno del truss. Trusses that have been overloaded during construction or altered without the Truss Man- ufacturer's prior approval may render the Truss Manufacturer's limited warranty null and void. Trusses que se han sobrecargado durante la construod6na han lido alterados sin la autor- izaci6n previa del Fabricante de Trusses,, pueden hacer nulo y sin: efecto la garanba 1/m/tacta del Fabricante de Trusses. "'Contact the Component Manufacturer for more Inhonhation or consult a Reaialerad Design Prefesdonal for assistance. To view a non -printing PDF of this document, visit sbdridustry.mm/bl. NOTE: The tons manufacturer and true dmigner rely on the presumption.that the contractor and crane operator (If applicable) are professionals with the capability to undertake the work they haw! agreed to do on any glwn project. If the conbactor believes It needs asslslarax In some aspect of the construction project, It should seek assisiarxe from a competent patty. The methods and procedures outlined in this document are Intended to ensure that the overall constriction tectmiques employed will put the tmises into place SAFELY. These recommendations for handling, installing, restraining and bracag trusses are based upon the collective experience of leading Personnel Involved with truss design, manufacture and msialladon, out "must, due to the nature of responsibilities Involved, be presented onto as a GUIDE. for use by a qualifiedbuildingdesigner or contractor. It is not InlertAed.that these recommendations be Interpreted as. superior to the building designers design speciflcatbn fur handling; Installing, restraining and tracing susses and It does not preclude the use of otherequtvalmt methods for restiaining/bradng and piovIdIng stability for the wails, columns, floors, roofs and all the Inharelated structural building components as determined by the contractor. Thus, SBCA and TPI expressly disclaim. any responsibility for damages arising from the use, application, or reliance on the recommendations and Information contained herein. I W__� Ob SBCf aemrmuemwt TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 6300 Enterprise Lane • Madison, WI 53719 218 N. Lee St., Ste. 312 " Alexantlna, VA 22314 rnA1774-4A40 . 4M7nrI,,dm. com 703/683-1010 " bp1nst.or4 FEBRUARY 14, 2012 CONVENTIONAL VALLEY FRAMING DETAIL ST-VALLEYI 00 EV][10 o.00 0 00 �a MiTek USA, Inc. MiTek USA, Inc. RIDGE BOARD GABLE END,. COMMON TRUSS (SEE'NOTE46) OR GIRDER TRUSS POST VALLEY PLATE (SEE. NOTE #4) TRUSS TYPICAL (;24" O:C.) GABLE END, COMMONTRUSS r'LNIV a7Cli I I_VIV TRUSS MUST BE SHEATHED NOTE: GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 48 O C. MAXIMUM POST,.SPA ING 1: WITH BASE TRUSSES.ERECTED (INSTALLED), APPLY SHEATHING TO 1 I , j % Q I NTA TOP CHORD OF SUPPORTING'(BASE) 'TRUSSES. LIVE LOAD;3U SAFETY ���T. PSF (MAX) =Ii'5{PSF'(tu�AXj� .� 2. BRACE BOTTOM CHORp AND WEB MEMBERSiPER TRUSS DESIGNS. DEAD LOADD.O.L. INC- 1.15' ," I _J n (y' > %—�'�, 3. DEFINE -VALLEY' RIDGE, BY'RUNNINGA,LEVEL STRING. FROM THE INTERSECTING RIDGE OF ASCE 7-98, ASCE'7 02,.ASCE X-0511mx; �(d�AW FRS) THE (a.) GABLE END, (b.) GIRDER TRUSS ORI(c:) COMMON TRUSS TO THE ROOF SHEATHING. ASCE7-10 1'15 MPUAMW�I�i STR JCTION 4. INSTALL2x 4 VALLEY PLATES. FASTEN TO EACH SUPPORTING ,TRUSS WITH'(:2 j 16d (3.5" X ,131'1 NAILS. 5. SET 2'x 6'#2,RIDGE BOARD. SUPPORT WITH 2 x 4 POSTS SPACED 48"0.C;. BEVEL BOTTOM OF POST TO SET EVENLY ON THE SHEATHING: FASTEN POST TO ,RIDGE WITH (4) 10d (3" X :131 ")NAILS: "PTI BY FASTEN POST TO ROOF. SHEATHING WITH (3) 10d'(3" X .131 )TOE,NAILS: 6. FRAME VALLEY RAFTERS FROM VALLEY PLATE TO RIDGE BOARD. MAXIMUId RAFTER SPACING IS 24"OZ.: FASTEN .VALLEY 'RAFTER TO RIDGE'13EAM WITH (3)16d1(3:5" X.131"j,TOE-NAILS. FASTEN' VALLEY,. RAFTER TO VALLEYiPLATE WITH (3'.)16d (3.5" X..131 ") TOE -NAILS. 7. SUPPORT THE VALLEY RAFTERSWITH 2;x4 POSTS.48"'O.0 ( OR LESS) ALONG, EACH RAFTER. INSTALL POSTS IN A STAGGERED PATTERN AS SHOWN ONPLAWDRAWING. AL LIGN POSTS WITH TRUSSES: BELOW. FASTEN VALLEYRAFTER.TO POST WITH'(4):10d1(S, X;.131"),NAILS. FASTENROST THROUGH SHEATHING TO SUPPORTING TRUSS WITH.( 2) 16d (3;5" X .131") NAILS.. 8. POSTS SHALL BE 2 x 4 42'OR'BETTER SPRUCE PINE FIR„DOUG FIR LARCH OR SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE. POSTS EXCEEDING' 75” SHALL BE INCREASED TO 4,x 4 OR BE PRE=ASSEMBLED (2) PLY 2x 4's FASTENED 'TOGETHEB WITH,2 ROWS OF 10d NAILS W O:C:., VALLEY ( SEENOTE#2) ----- II I, I I RAFTERS ----- , I I II ----- ----- ------ - ------------ II Ir II II I 11 II II II II � IIII II II II II ------- ----- -- „ 11 'Il 11 11 II ,I II II I II I� 1� II Ij II 11� II II jl II II II I II I' II I 'II II IIS' Ij _ II I�' 1 1 II' jl II' I II. POST lk ( SEE NOTE #8) I II. II I, 'Il 11' II II- 11 II ' I ' j I PLAN DRAWING POST VALLEY PLATE (SEE. NOTE #4) TRUSS TYPICAL (;24" O:C.) GABLE END, COMMONTRUSS r'LNIV a7Cli I I_VIV TRUSS MUST BE SHEATHED NOTE: GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 48 O C. MAXIMUM POST,.SPA ING 1: WITH BASE TRUSSES.ERECTED (INSTALLED), APPLY SHEATHING TO 1 I , j % Q I NTA TOP CHORD OF SUPPORTING'(BASE) 'TRUSSES. LIVE LOAD;3U SAFETY ���T. PSF (MAX) =Ii'5{PSF'(tu�AXj� .� 2. BRACE BOTTOM CHORp AND WEB MEMBERSiPER TRUSS DESIGNS. DEAD LOADD.O.L. INC- 1.15' ," I _J n (y' > %—�'�, 3. DEFINE -VALLEY' RIDGE, BY'RUNNINGA,LEVEL STRING. FROM THE INTERSECTING RIDGE OF ASCE 7-98, ASCE'7 02,.ASCE X-0511mx; �(d�AW FRS) THE (a.) GABLE END, (b.) GIRDER TRUSS ORI(c:) COMMON TRUSS TO THE ROOF SHEATHING. ASCE7-10 1'15 MPUAMW�I�i STR JCTION 4. INSTALL2x 4 VALLEY PLATES. FASTEN TO EACH SUPPORTING ,TRUSS WITH'(:2 j 16d (3.5" X ,131'1 NAILS. 5. SET 2'x 6'#2,RIDGE BOARD. SUPPORT WITH 2 x 4 POSTS SPACED 48"0.C;. BEVEL BOTTOM OF POST TO SET EVENLY ON THE SHEATHING: FASTEN POST TO ,RIDGE WITH (4) 10d (3" X :131 ")NAILS: "PTI BY FASTEN POST TO ROOF. SHEATHING WITH (3) 10d'(3" X .131 )TOE,NAILS: 6. FRAME VALLEY RAFTERS FROM VALLEY PLATE TO RIDGE BOARD. MAXIMUId RAFTER SPACING IS 24"OZ.: FASTEN .VALLEY 'RAFTER TO RIDGE'13EAM WITH (3)16d1(3:5" X.131"j,TOE-NAILS. FASTEN' VALLEY,. RAFTER TO VALLEYiPLATE WITH (3'.)16d (3.5" X..131 ") TOE -NAILS. 7. SUPPORT THE VALLEY RAFTERSWITH 2;x4 POSTS.48"'O.0 ( OR LESS) ALONG, EACH RAFTER. INSTALL POSTS IN A STAGGERED PATTERN AS SHOWN ONPLAWDRAWING. AL LIGN POSTS WITH TRUSSES: BELOW. FASTEN VALLEYRAFTER.TO POST WITH'(4):10d1(S, X;.131"),NAILS. FASTENROST THROUGH SHEATHING TO SUPPORTING TRUSS WITH.( 2) 16d (3;5" X .131") NAILS.. 8. POSTS SHALL BE 2 x 4 42'OR'BETTER SPRUCE PINE FIR„DOUG FIR LARCH OR SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE. POSTS EXCEEDING' 75” SHALL BE INCREASED TO 4,x 4 OR BE PRE=ASSEMBLED (2) PLY 2x 4's FASTENED 'TOGETHEB WITH,2 ROWS OF 10d NAILS W O:C:., FOR GABLE ENDS OVER 6'-V IN HEIGHT Inc.CumpuTrus, MINIMUM GABLE STUD GRADE 2x4CONSTRUCTIONGRADEDOUG-FIR GABLE STUD SPACING 16` OC Design conforms to Main Wlndforce-Resisting System also Components and Cladding criteria. Wind: 90 mph, h-30ft max, ASCE 7-05, AI IAUHtU VVI IH Iba b m �C) GAEATHING BWEND-,1 DJ* C; 0 z -r I ("" DRAG GABLE 90C;(+ ''AM DATE: 07/01/09 REF: 25-15 E IBC 2009 / CBC 2010 SEQ: S151507 ( t1P_.r! 1k.8 I P- O.C. $C DgTCHED ER O TL'OOK RSPACING Ll PROVIDED 1 STUCCO OROTHERSHEAR RESISTING MATERIALADEQUATETORESIST 180PLF ISATTACHEDTO ONE FACE. STUCCO MUST BEATTACHEDIN ACCORDANCE WITHIBC TABLE 2306.7. 2 GABLE END TRUSS IS ADEQUATELYAND CONTINUOUSLY CONNECTED TO SUPPORTING BEARING WALL. 2x4 BLOCKS WITH '`3d6d NAILS 8d'NAIL AT EACH.END 06 O:C. N 1-16d 2x4 BLOCK 2-16d WITH 2-16d TOE NAIL EACH END. W 16d at 24- o.a. y 16d at 24- O.C. FOR GABLE ENDS UNDER 6'-1' IN.HEIGHT CompuT�u5.Inc.- MINIMUM GABLESTUDGRADE -2x4STUD GRADE DOUG -FIR Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing GABLE STUD SPACING 16" oc CONDITION 2 GABLE END TRUSS,MAY RESIST UP TO 180 PLF DRAG LOAD, GABLE END PROVIDED 1 STUCCO OR OTHERSHEAR RESISTING MATERIAL ADEQUATE TO RESIST 180 PCF IS ATTACHED TO ONE FACE. STUCCO MUST BE ATTACHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH IBC TABLE 2306.7. (2) 2 GABLE END TRUSS IS ADEQUATELY AND CONTINUOUSLY CONNECTED TO SUPPORTING BEARING WALL. 2x4 BRACE AT'16'-0' o.c. OR AT CENTERLINE:. ATTACH WITH 16d NAILS SHOWN IN O. (2) (2) BRACING FOR.GABLE END STRUCTURAL TRUSSES PLATE Design conforms to Main Windforce-Resisting System also Components and Cladding criteria. Wind: 90 mph, h-30ft max, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, EXD& gable end zone, load duration factor -1.6 M -2.5x4 M -2.5x4 CUTOUT FOR 42 OUTLOOKER M -2.5x4 (Spl) rr"ILV CENTER VERTICALS VARYAS REQUIRED BY VENT SIZE OR OUTLOOKER CUTOUT FOR 4x2 OUTLOOKER OFFSTUD 1x4ADD-ON. ATTACH WITH 8d NAILS AT 9" o.c. 4x2 OUTLOOKER DETAILS OVER STUD OD � 1 t:55/Q m -n _U QO `j o: 0806 70 Z `T) XP. 3%31/15 fn f/l/l3 �4 EN (- 6'-1") n OF CP&1f DRAG GABLE 90 DATE: 07/01/0 REF: 25-15 DES: _ O IBC 2009 / CBC 20'0 0 -1 SEQ: S15150 Design conforms to Main Windforce-Resisting System also Components and Cladding criteria. Wind: 90 mph, h-30ft max, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, EXD& gable end zone, load duration factor -1.6 M -2.5x4 M -2.5x4 CUTOUT FOR 42 OUTLOOKER M -2.5x4 (Spl) rr"ILV CENTER VERTICALS VARYAS REQUIRED BY VENT SIZE OR OUTLOOKER CUTOUT FOR 4x2 OUTLOOKER OFFSTUD 1x4ADD-ON. ATTACH WITH 8d NAILS AT 9" o.c. 4x2 OUTLOOKER DETAILS OVER STUD MARCH 12, 2009 WEB BRACING RECOMMENDATIONS ST-WEBBRACE l�0 a�aa 0 00 O 00 �a Mli ek USA, Inc. U MiTek USA; Inc: Page 1 of 1 `Bay size shall be measured in between the centers of pairs:of diagonals. MAXIMUM TRUSS WEB FORCE (Ibs.)(See note 7) BRACE BAY SIZE 24"O:C. 48"O.C. 72" O.C. ROOF ANDIOR CEILING DIAPHRAGM THE DIAPHRAGM 6 TO BE DESIGNED BY A QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL. - BRACING'MATERIALTYPE BRACING, MATERIAL TYPE BRACING MATERIAL TYPE A A B C. D A B C D C D 101-0° 1610 1886 1886 2829 ' ":i's` ) `.A', _'' 3143 3143 4715 r a 12'-0" 1342 1572 1572 2358 4715 7074 . FOR CONTINUITY. 8. FOR ADDmONAL GUIDANCE REGARDING DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF BRACING, CONSULT C 2 X 4 #3, STD, CONST DF, HF, OR SYP) DSB-89 TEMPORARY BRACING OF METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES AND BCSI 1 14'-0" 1150 1347 1347 2021 xr' D 2 X 6 #3 OR BETTER:(SPF, DF, HF., OR.SYP) 7. REFER TO SPECIFIC•TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING FOR WEB MEMBER FORCE • - V : `. 8, TABULATED VALUES- ARE BASED ON ADOL. 1AS 16'-0" 1006 1179 1179 1768 2358 2 358' 3536 = } 18' -0" 894 1048 1048 1572. 3143 4715 1886 1886 2829 20'0' 805 943 943 1414 `Bay size shall be measured in between the centers of pairs:of diagonals. FOR STABILIZERS: FOR A SPACING OF 24" O.C. ONLY, MITEK -STABILIZER" TRUSS BRACING SYSTEMS CAN BE, .SUBSTITUTED FOR TYPE & B, C AND D BRACING MATERIAL DIAGONAL BRACING FOR STABILIZERS ARE TO BE PROVIDED AT BAY SIZE INDICATED ABOVE. WHERE DIAP, HRAGM BRACING IS REQUIRED AT PITCH BREAKS, STABILIZERS MAY BE REPLACED WITH WOOD BLOCKING.. SEE STABIL¢ER' Tei ice ooertiur_ iucrei i ennu n nne eun onnro inT s—P-W.PaTinu 1S LATERAD f LA _Y UFpT. o1'V,, rRtJC - 0U 4)iv TRUSS WEB MEMBERS This information is provided as a recommendation to assist in'the requirement for permanent bracing of the individual truss:web members. Additional bracing may still be required for the stability of the overall roof system. The method shown here is just one method that can be used to provide stability against web buckling. QRgFESSIpYV SOON C OF 4486 1i 31-13 � GENERALNOTES TYPE BRACING MATERIALS 1. DIAGONAL BRACING 6 REQUIRED TO TRANSFER THE CUMULATIVE LATERAL BRACE FORCE INTO THE ROOF ANDIOR CEILING DIAPHRAGM THE DIAPHRAGM 6 TO BE DESIGNED BY A QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL. - 1.X 4 IND. 45 SYP 2. THESE CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON LATERAL BRACE CARRYING 2% Or THE WEB FORCE A _OR. 3. DIAGONAL BRACING MATERIAL MUST BE SAME SIZE AND GRADE OR BETTER, AS THE LATERAL BRACE MATERIALS AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SUCH A'MANNER THAT R INTERSECTS WEB MEMBERS 1 X 4 #2 SRB (DF, HF, SPF), AT APPROX 45 DEGREES AND SHALL BE NAILED AT EACH END AND EACH INTERMEDIATE TRUSS WITH 2-8d (0.1311Q.57) FOR 1 x4BRACES; 2-10d (0.131'x 3") FOR 24 and 2X4 BRACES, AND 3-10d (0.131167-) FOR 2x8 BRACES. 4. CONNECT LATERAL BRACE TO EACH TRUSS WITH 2-8d (0.131'X2.5) NAILS FOR 1)A LATERAL BRACES; 2-10d (0.13118-) NAILS FOR 2a and 2*4 LATERAL BRACES, AND 3.104 (0.13118') FOR 2)d LATERAL BRACES B 2 X 3 #3, STD, CONST (SPF, DF,, HF, OR SYP); 5. LATERAL BRACE SHOULD BE CONTINUOUS AND SHOULD OVERLAP AT LEAST ONE TRUSS SPACE - . FOR CONTINUITY. 8. FOR ADDmONAL GUIDANCE REGARDING DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF BRACING, CONSULT C 2 X 4 #3, STD, CONST DF, HF, OR SYP) DSB-89 TEMPORARY BRACING OF METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES AND BCSI 1 (SPF, GUIDE TO GOOD PRACTICE FOR HANDLING, INSTALLING 8 BRACING OF METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES, JOINTLY. PRODUCED BY WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA and TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE wwwzb*dusbycom and www.Iphstary D 2 X 6 #3 OR BETTER:(SPF, DF, HF., OR.SYP) 7. REFER TO SPECIFIC•TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING FOR WEB MEMBER FORCE 8, TABULATED VALUES- ARE BASED ON ADOL. 1AS FOR STABILIZERS: FOR A SPACING OF 24" O.C. ONLY, MITEK -STABILIZER" TRUSS BRACING SYSTEMS CAN BE, .SUBSTITUTED FOR TYPE & B, C AND D BRACING MATERIAL DIAGONAL BRACING FOR STABILIZERS ARE TO BE PROVIDED AT BAY SIZE INDICATED ABOVE. WHERE DIAP, HRAGM BRACING IS REQUIRED AT PITCH BREAKS, STABILIZERS MAY BE REPLACED WITH WOOD BLOCKING.. SEE STABIL¢ER' Tei ice ooertiur_ iucrei i ennu n nne eun onnro inT s—P-W.PaTinu 1S LATERAD f LA _Y UFpT. o1'V,, rRtJC - 0U 4)iv TRUSS WEB MEMBERS This information is provided as a recommendation to assist in'the requirement for permanent bracing of the individual truss:web members. Additional bracing may still be required for the stability of the overall roof system. The method shown here is just one method that can be used to provide stability against web buckling. QRgFESSIpYV SOON C OF 4486 1i 31-13 � August 10, 2010 o ao 0 00 a MiTek Industries, Inc. T -BRACE / I -BRACE DETAIL WITH 2X BRACE ONLY I ST - T -BRACE 2 MiTek Industries, Chesterfield, MO Page 1 of 1 Note: T -Bracing / I -Bracing to be used when continuous lateral bracing is impractical, T -Brace / 1 -Brace must cover 9000 of web length. Note: This detail NOT to be used to convert T -Brace / I -Brace webs to continuous lateral braced webs. Nailing Pattern T -Brace size Nail Size Nail Spacing 2x4 or 2x6 or 2x8 10d 6" o.c. Note: Nail along entire length of T -Brace / 1 -Brace (On Two -Ply's Nail to Both Plies) Nails Nails Nails Web Nails I -Brace T U 1 I � DING Y f. & SAFE jY DEPT. AP R0VED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE )0/y O� Fy �o' n 4486 ' 61-13 2/* Brace Size for One -Ply Truss Specified Continuous Rows of Lateral Bracing Web Size 1 2 2x3 or 2x4 2x4 T -Brace 2x4 1 -Brace• 2x6 !2x6 T -Brace 241 -Brace 2x8 '2x8 T -Brace 2x81 -Brace T U 1 I � DING Y f. & SAFE jY DEPT. AP R0VED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE )0/y O� Fy �o' n 4486 ' 61-13 2/* Brace. Size for Two -Ply Truss Specified Continuous Rows of Lateral Bracing Web Size 1 2 2x3 or 2x4 2x4 T -Brace 2x4 [-Brace 2x6 2x6 T -Brace 2x6 I -Brace 2X8 2x8 T -Brace >vn T U 1 I � DING Y f. & SAFE jY DEPT. AP R0VED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE )0/y O� Fy �o' n 4486 ' 61-13 2/* DETAIL FOR COMMON AND END JACKS MII/SAC - 8 -20PSF 8/31/2005 PAGE 1 MAX LOADING (Psi) SPACING 2=0-0 BRACING MITek+industries, Inc. TCLL 20:o Plates Increase 1.1s TCDL 16.0 Lumber Increase i.1s TOP'CHORD Sheathed. Western Division BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied. MINIMUM LUMBER SIZE AND GRADE TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF, DF -L No.1 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF,lHF, DF -L No.2 LENGTH OFEXTENSION AS DESIGU REQ'D 20'-0" MAX SPLICE'CAN EITHER BE 3X6 MT20.PLATES OR 22"'LONG 2X4'SCAB CENTERED AT SPLICE W/SAME,LUMBER AS TOP CHORD ATTACH TO ONE FACE W% (.131 "X3.0" MIN)'NAILS @ 3" O:C.. 2 ROWS, NOTE: TOP CHORD PITCH: 3/12-8/12 BOTTOM CHORD PITCH: 0/12-4/12 r PITCH DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD TO BE "2" MIN. SPACING= 24" O.C. SUPPORT AND CONNECT ONSY OTHERS OR 2-16d COMMON WIRE (0.162"DIA: X 3.5") LGT TOE NAILS SUPPORTS SHALL BE PROVIDED' @.4'-0" O.C. ALONG THE EXTENSION OF TOP CHORD. CONN. W/3 16d COMMON.WIRE (0.16TDIA.-X 3.5" LGT) TOENAILS 2 1 3x4= CONN. W/2 16d COMMON WIRE (0.1 -DIA. X 3.5" LGT) TOENAILS 8-M 8-0-0 6-0-0 EXT. 2-G-0 9-0-G 2-0-0 EXT. _ EXT-.. 2-0-0 - EXT. 2-0-0 LA QLANTA CONN. W/3 16d COMMONI/JIRS0J62LD1A tX`3.5�,L GJ AI Y DEPT. v$"k vI FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE By Lnj BOTTOM CHORD LENGTH MAY BE 2'-0" fN \ ` 3x4 = OR A BEARING BLOCK. CONN..W/2 16d COMMON,WIRE(0.162"DIA. TOE NAILS OR SEE DETAIL MII/SAC-7 FOR. 2-0-0 PRESSUREBLOCKING INFO. OQ�pFESS/0 NOTE: NAILING SHALL BE SUCH THAT THE, LUMBER DOES NOT SPLIT. �� SOON 0 ® WARNWO • Ve,% desipn parameters and ROAD NOTES'ON THIS AND INCLUDED W7SR ROFMWNCO PAGE MU --7473 BOFORE;USE, 7777 Greenback Lane far Design val'd for use only with NOTek connectors. This design¢ based only ypoh parameters shown, and'u for an mdNidiial building component,; Suited 09 A Gcab1' of desi n romenters bnd, o into ration of tom hent is res nsib0 of 6uildm deli her ndt truss das' net Brawn shown Cftivs Heights, CA. 9561 PP dl' g Pa Pr Pe< rPo , Po Po Oy 9 9 �9 g., a for lateral support of individual web membersonly Additional temporary bracing to insure stdbil)ry during constnietion adhe resporisibtllily of the erector. Additional permanani bracing of the overall shuciure rs therespomibility of itis building designer.'For generdl'guidanee regarding Fdbrication, guahty control, storage delivery, erection and brdcing; consult ANSI/IPII Gvadly CAleda, D56 69 and 60511 BuBdMg Componerrt M iTe m Salefylnlorinallon,available horn Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'OnohioDrive;'M&Bison, WL53719. „ n CampuTirus, Inc. Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing 3-11 'PRESSURE BLOCKING DETAIL FOR END JACK BOTTOM CHORD UP TO 8'-0" AT HIP NO. 1 WITH CEILING LOAD OF 10psf L L Bottom chord of Hip 2'-0' oc typical No.1 truss FILE NO: PRESSURE DATE: 01/20/68 REF: 15,25-1 IBC 2009 / CBC 2010 SEQ: S5480564 NOTE: Attach 2x4 Doug Fir pressure block to, bottom chord of hip no. 1 with 4-16d nails. Bottom chords of end joints are attached with 3-10d nails at each end of the pressure • block. Od Hip No. 1 truss SIDE VIEW end jack If 3-10d pressure -block Z21CUMPUTrUS. lnr-. Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing Plate pitch 0 0Q 2.82-3.00 M -3x8 M -3x5 M -3x8 3.00-4.50 M -3x8 M -3x5 M -3x8 4.50-6:00 1 M -3x6 M -3x5 M -3x8 12 2.82-6.00 Deflection Criteria: Live Load=:L/240 Dead Load = U180 -A-- R = 347# max. W = 1 FILE NO: Hip Rafter -2x6(1 DATE: 04/11/13 SEQ: 2787668 IBC 2009/CBC 2010 Vro Extensions must be supported every 4-0-0 max. Extensions may be plated as shown for additional length. Use M -3x8 plate for 2x4 lumber, M -5x8 for 2x6. M Varies with pitch 0 = Do not overcut ripped chords. § - Shim all supports solid to bearing Refer to Max•Setback ---over-2 supports —0 R = 694# max.. W = 1.5" min. QRaF Block(1) Plate OO Raised Heel 2x4 M -3x6 2x6 M -3x8 _\ ��M-3x M -3x10 — — M -3x12 + 1.5" min. H-_i� •-' 18" min. Cantilever -3x4 3x4 __-__L____- 2x4,2x6,2x8,2x10 block FL grade Lumber Grades TC LUDL Max setback DF,SS 20/14 = 34# 8 0 0 EXR 3131/15 ' 4I ��lE•a �q- ENG�N� Note: � Conventional framing is not the responsibility of the truss designer, OF CALIFS plate manufacturer nor the truss fabricator. Framers erecting trusses are cautioned to seek the advice of a local, professional engineer regarding conventionafframing. ALTERNATE FRAMING DETAIL AROUND 30" ACCESS GUMPUTrUL=" lnc. Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing TYPICAL ROOF TRUSSLAYOUT L 24' k 24" L 24' 24" 1 24' L 24" L 24' 1 ADJUSTED ROOF TRUSS LAYOUT *�EXP. 3131115 J C' NOTE: REFERTO APPROPRIATE ENGINEERING DETAIL FOR TRUSS TYPES DESIGNED FOR OVERSPACING. single member common (net 24" o.c.) Ladder Frame Between trusses with 2x4 at 48" o.c. Section A -A 30"x 30" (bottom view) Access Opening MINIMUM LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS (OF ONLY) TC: 2x4 OF #2 BC: 2x4 OF #2 WEBS: 2x4 OF STD/STUD TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC,.. UON,. A ipping required as shown.ttom section of truss with and top section with 2-16do stripping Stripping spaced maximum. Connections arel loads only. PIGGYBACK TRUSS SPAN UP TO 16'- 0.0' LOAD.DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 MAX. SPACING = 24.0" O.C. LOADING LL( 20.6)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF' DL ON BOTTOM CHORD= 1.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 36.0 PSF NOTE: STRUCTURAL TRUSS SHOWN BELOW PIGGYBACK TRUSS IS FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. REFER.TO_APPLIC- ABLE COMPUTRUS DESIGN FOR STRUCTURAL TRUSS BELOW. 16'-0' MAXIMUM WIND SPEED = 100mph, MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT = 20ft. CATEGORY II, BUILDING EXPOSURE B or C ENCLOSED STRUCTURE, GABLE END ZONE ASCE 7-05, DURATION OF LOAD INCREASE = 1.60 4'-0" max 4'-0" Max 4'-0" max 4'-0' max_ M -4x4 4.0" 12 3 to 6,[7' RS -ROOF SHEATHING TO BE CONTINUOUS M -2x4 OVER JOINT. SHEATHING TO OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 12" OVER JOINT. M -2x4 JOB NAME: STAN Truss: %J DES. BY: MJ DATE: 6/20/2013 SEQ.: 556$625 TRANS ID: 371550 * M -2x4 M -2x4 OF TOP CHORD AT STRUCTURAL TRUSS BELOW 1. BDtMar'Lnq�erstlgn contfactbr.should be advised of all General Notes a((11dd}Namings befprelionktictfon commences. 2: 2*4.00iigE 4Wot�areMiclnp must be Installed where shown a. 3. aneLler*:1 rybradngto Insure stability Curing construction I r,�sppgqnns lltty gf<the a or. Additional permanent erecting d Mthrgg�overdlYsb is.tlte . naiblllry of the building designer. 4. f7Erload shout a&ee9 _ any component until atter all bracing and Wieners are captpletatend Ott no time should any loads greater than. design loads beajlp9g46y component. S. CompuTrus has do oorMol over and assumes no responsibility for the labocation; handling, shipment and installation of components. 8. 7hr's da';4.lanasas&"jed to the limitations set forth by TPIMTCA In SCSI, copes of which will be furnished upon request.. MiTek USA, IncJCompuTrus Software + Q -Z 12 a3to6 M -2x4 M- GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1.: This design is based only upon the rameters shown and Is for an Indmdual building component. Applleablllty of deaigri parameters and proper Ineo nation of component is the responsfbillty of the bullring designer. 2. Dealgn assumes the top and bottom chorda tobe laterally braced at 2 ox- and at 10' o.c. respectively. unless braced throughout their le tl1 by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall ). 3. 2x 1mpact bodging or lateral bracigp required where shown ++ 4: Installation bol truas le the resporislblIlly of the respective contractor. & Design assumes trusses are to be used In a nonconosive environment, and are for.'dry condition" of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shin or wedge II necessary. 7. Design assumes ateaaueto drainage is provided. 6. Plates shall be Iocatetl on both faces of truss, and placed so their center lines coincide with joint center lines. 9. Digits Indicate size of plate In Inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1966 (MiTek) M -2x4 RS TIMBER ODUCTS INSPECTION May 17, 2010 To Whom It May Concern: This is to verify that Spates Fabricators, Inc. of Thermal, CA is a Subscriber in the Timber Products .Inspection (TP) and General Testing and Inspection. (GTI) Truss Quality .Auditing Program since June, 1990. The TP and GTI Truss Quality Auditing Programs are recognized by the International Accreditation Service (IAS) with the assigned number of.AA-664. TP and the GTI quality assurance marks have been recognized in the'West by the truss 'industry and :code jurisdictions since 1969. TP currently audits -truss manufacturing facilities nationwide. TP is conducting unannounced., third party audits at Spates Fabricators, Inc. of'Thermal, CA. This facility is..currently in good standing in the TP Truss Quality Auditing Program. Spate's Fabricators,. Inc. personnel -are authorized to apply the GTI quality mark to trusses that are manufactured inaccordance with the latest revision of the ANSI TPI Standards. All stamping takes place at the truss manufacturing facility, under supervision of qualified plant- personnel. If you have questions regarding the status of any plant in the TP/GTI Program, please .contact.me on my cell 208:818:7869. Sincerely, TIMBER PRODUCTS INSPECTION ivac M., 4�( 1.4 Brian Hensley Truss Manager —Western Division /jr Xc: File Cj Mit 0F LA Qi...tk"JTZ. BUILDii\[ G et SAFETY DEPT, APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY 105 SE 124th Avenue l P.O: Box 91'9 • 1641 Sigman Road Vancouver, Washington 98684 j ponyors, Georgia 30012 360/449-3840 • FAX: 360/449-3953 ,A" f , t _t. 770/922-8000 a FAX: 770/922=1290 ICC -ES Evaluation Report ESR -1988 Reissued December 1, 2010 This report. is subject tore -examination in two years. www.icc-es.org (800) 423-6587 1 (662),699-0.543 A Subsidiary of the Intemational Code Council® DIVISION: 06 00 00 -WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES Section: 0617 53 -Shop -Fabricated Wood Trusses REPORT HOLDER: MITEK INDUSTRIES,, INC. 14515 NORTH OUTER FORTY, SUITE'300 CHESTERFIELD, MISSOURI 63017 www.mii.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: MITek® TRUSS CONNECTOR PLATES: TL18, MT18, MTI8HS;-, M18SHS-, TL20 and MT20 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: • -2009 international Building Code® (2009 IBC) • •2009 International Residential Code® (2009 IRC) • -2006 International Building Code® (2006 IBC) •2006 International Residential Code®.(2006 IRC) - -1997 Uniform Building Code'"' (UBC) Property evaluated: Structural 2.0 USES MITek® metal truss connector plates are used as joint connector components of light wood -frame trusses. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 MITek®TL18 and MT18: Models TL18 and MT18 metal truss connector plates are manufactured from minimum No. 18 gage 10:0466 inch total thickness (1.18 mm)], ASTM A 653 SS, Grade 40 steel, .with a G60 galvanization coating [0.0005 inch thickness on each side (0.013 mm)] and having a base -metal thickness of 0:0456 inch (1.16 mm). The plates have teeth 3/8 inch (9:5 mm) long, punched in pairs formed at right angles to the face of the parent metal so that two teeth per hole occur along the length. The spacing along the longitudinal direction of each punched slot is 1 inch (25.4 mm) on center. The transverse centerlines of adjacent slots are staggered 0.10 inch (2:54 mm). The distance between longitudinal centerlines of the slots is 0.25inch (6.35 mm). There are eight teeth per square inch (645, 645 mm2) of surface area. Plates are available in 1/2 -inch (12.7 mm) width increments, up to 12 inches (304.8 mm), and lengthwise in 1 -inch' (25.4 mm) multiples. See Figure 1 for details. 3.2 MITek® MT18HSTM': Model MT18HSTm metal truss connector plates are manufactured from minimum No. 18 gage [0.0466 inch total thickness (1.18 mm)], ASTM A 653, Grade 60, high-strength, low -alloy steel (HSLAS) with a G60 galvanization coating [0.0005 inch thickness on each side (0.013 mm)] and having a base -metal thickness of 0.0456 inch (1.1'6 mm). The plate has teeth 3/8 inch (9.5. mm) long, punched in pairs formed at right angles to the face of the parent metal so that two teeth per hole. occur along the length. The=spacing along the longitudinal direction of each punched slot'is 1 inch (25.4 mm) on center. The transverse centerlines of adjacent slots are staggered 0.10 inch (2.54 mm). The distance between longitudinal centerlines of the slots is 0.25 inch (6.35 mm). There. are eight teeth per square inch (645 mm2) of surface area. Plates are available in 1/2 -inch (12.7 mm) width increments, up to 12 inches (304.8 mm), and lengthwise in 1 -inch (25.4 mm) multiples. See Figure 1 for details. 3.3 MITek® M18SHS-:. Model M18SHSTm metal truss connector plates are manufactured from minimum No. 18 gage [0.0466 -inch (1,18 mm) totalithickness], hot -dipped galvanized steel that meets the requirements of ASTM A 653 SS, Grade 80 steel, with .a G60 galvanization coating [0.0005 inch thickness on each side (0.013 mm)] and having a base metal thickness of 0.0456 inch (1.16.mm). The plates have 3/8 -inch -long (9.5 mm) teeth, punched in pairs formed at right angles to the face of the parent metal so that two teeth per hole occur along the length. The spacing along the longitudinal direction of each punched slot is 1 inch (25.4 mm) on center. The transverse centerlines of adjacent slots are staggered 0.10 inch (2.54 mm). The distance between longitudinal centerlines of slots is 0.25 ,inch (6:35 mm). There are eight teeth per square inch (645 mm2) of surface area. Plates are available in 1/2 -inch -width (12.7 mm) increment"p to 12 inches (304.8 mm), and lengthwise in 1 -inch (5:4 -Marg mu tipte�s- SeeFigurp 1 for r details. �rb V� t�� TA 3.4 MITek® TL20 a Mx2b1* DjNG & SSAFE PT Models TL20 and M OTm metal t�n��_V �. ^yonnector pates Ty Yrb- � 'V -i d 4 �__ manufactured from inimu No. 20 gage_[0.9356 Jin h total thickness (0:9 m)], A 1�NifA�ati�S Cpfa e�0i I with a G60 galvaniz tion coating 10.0005 inch thickneIi� each side (0.013 m )}, having a base -metal. thickness of 0.0346 inch (C cis ET-he-plateshavj3jeeth 318 inch (9:5 mm) long, punch tin h�t an the face of the parent metal so. that two teeter 7pe '17ote---- occur along the length. The spacing along the longitudinal direction of each punched slot is 1 inch (25.4 mm) on center. The transverse centerlines of adjacent slots are ICC -ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing' aesthetics or any other attributes notr specifically addressed„ nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its we. There is, no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this report. or as to wtyproduct covered by the report. Copyright 0 2011 Page 1 of 3 E.SR4988 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 3 staggered 0.10 inch (2.54 mm). The distance between longitudinal centerlines of the slots is 0.25 inch (6:35 mm). There are eight teeth per square inch (645 mm2) of surface area. Plates are available in '/,,inch width (12.7 mm) increments, up to 12 inches (304.8 mm), and lengthwise in 1 -inch (25.4 mm) multiples. See Figure 1 for details. 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 4.1 General: All truss plates are pressed into the woodi for the full depth of their teeth by hydraulic -platen embedment presses, multiple roller presses that use, partial embedment followed by full -embedment rollers, or combinations of partial embedment roller presses and hydraulic -platen presses that feed trusses into a stationary finish roller press. Trusses must be assembled within the tolerances provided by the Truss Plate Institute's Quality Criteria -for Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses, shown as Section 4 in ANSI/TPI 1 National Design Standard for Metal. Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction. 4.2 Allowable Design Values:. Allowable design values for MiTek® metal truss connector plates to be used in the design of metal. plate connected wood roof and floor trusses are shown in Tables 1 and 2. Allowable design values are applicable when the connection is made with identical plates on opposite sides of the joint. This evaluation report is limited to the evaluation of connection capacity of the MiTeke metal truss connector plates listed in this report. The design, manufacture, and installation of trusses employing the truss plates have not been evaluated. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The MiTeke Industries metal truss connector plates described in this report comply with, .or are suitable aftematives to what is specified in, those codes- listed in Section 1.0 of this report; subject to the following conditions: 5.1 This evaluation report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions, when required by the code official, must be submitted at the time of permit application. In the event of a conflict between the manufacturer's published installation instructions and this document, the instructions in this document govern. 5.2 Each application for a building permit, using these truss plate connectors, must be accompanied by documentation, showing that the design,, manufacture, and proposed installation conform with the requirements of the applicable code. 5.3 This report establishes plate design values only. For items not covered by this report, such as truss design, fabrication, quality assurance and special inspection, refer to ANSI/TPI 1, engineering drawings and the applicable code. 5.4 The design values (lateral resistance values, effective tension strength ratios, and effective shear resistance ratios) used in the design of trusses, using MiTek® Industries metal truss connector plates; must not exceed those listed in Tables 1 and 2 of this report Load combination reductions must be in accordance with the,applicable code. 5.5 All lumber used in the fabrication of trusses using MiTek® Industries metal truss connector plates must be graded in compliance with the applicable building code, and must have a: moisture content not exceeding 19 percent at the time of assembly. Wet service factors from ANSI/TPI 1 Section 6.4.5 most be applied to the table values when the lumber moisture content exceeds 19 percent. Allowable values shown in the tables of this report are not applicable to metal connector plates embedded in either fire -retardant - treated lumber or preservative -treated lumber. 5.6 Metal truss connector plates must be installed in pairs on opposite faces of truss members.. 5.7 Galvanized G60 metal truss plate connectors subject to corrosive environments must 'be protected in accordance with Section 6.5 of ANSI/TPI 1. 5.8 MiTek® metal truss connector plates are manufactured in St. Charles, Missouri; Phoenix, Arizona; Tampa, Florida; Edenton, North Carolina; and Bradford, Ontario, Canada. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 6.1 Data in accordance with the National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, ANSI/TPI 1"2.007. 6.2 Manufacturer's descriptive literature. 6.3 A quality control manual. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION The MiTek® connectors are identified by an imprint of the plate name embossed into the surface of the plate (for example, the MT20TM' plate: is embossed "MT20"). Additionally, boxes containing the, connector plates must be labeled with the MiTek® Industries name, the metal connector plate model,..artd the evaluation report number (ESR -1988): it TABLE 1 -ALLOWABLE LATERAL RESISTANCE VALUES, HYDRAULIC -PLATEN 3ED1M#(1J in406eiE)ET'y DEPT_ LUMBER SPECIES so AA EA �EE�" TL18, MT18, MTI8HST", M18SHSTM, TL20 and MT P. um -Z-44 Douglas fir-4arch 0.49 248 203 170 171 Hem -fir 0.43 188 159 141 Spruce -pine -fir 0.42 206 162 Southern pine 0.55 244 192 171 178 For SI: IWin 2 =.6.9 kPa. NOTES: 'Tooth -holding units = psi for a single plate (double for plates on both faces when applying to area on only one face). To achieve values, plates must be installed on opposite sides of joint.. AA = Plate parallel to load„wood grain parallel to load. EA = Plate perpendicular to load, wood grain parallel to load. AE = Plate parallel,to load, wood grain perpendicular to, load. EE = Plate perpendicular to load, wood grain perpendicular to load: 'All truss plates are pressed into the wood for thefull depth of their teeth by hydraulic -platen embedment'presses, multiple roller presses -that use, partialembedment followed by full -embedment rollers, or combinations of partial -embedment roller presses and hydraulic -platen presses that feed trusses into astationary finish roller press. ESR -1988 1 Most Widely -Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 3 TABLE 2 -EFFECTIVE TENSION AND SHEAR RESISTANCE ALLOWABLE DESIGN VALUES' PROPERTY FORCE DIRECTION TL18 AND MT18 MT18HST" M18SHS- TL20 AND'MT20- Efficiency Pounds/ Inch/Pair of Connector Plates Efficiency Poundsl Inch/Pair of Connector Plates Efficiency Pounds/ inch/Pair of Connector Plates Efficiency Pounds/ inchtPair of Connector Plates Tension values in:accordance with Section. of TPIA (Minimum Net Section over the joint)' Tension @.0•• 0:5 1149 0:48 1596 0.52 2247 0.49 857 Tension @ 90-• 0.52 1208 0.5 1671 0.53 2292' 0.49 854 Tension values in accordancewwith TPI -1 with a deviation [see Section 5.4.9 (e) 1] (Maximum Net SectiomOccurs over the joint) Tension @ 0e- 0.59 1 1349 1 0.59 1975' 0.6 2586 0:59 1035 Tension.&90•• 0.53 1214 0.51 1727 0.54 2341 0.49 861 Shear Values Shear @ 0-• 0.56 874 0.55 1099 0.53 1363 0.51 604 Shear @ 30-- 0.66 1023 0.57 1153 0.57 1482 0.74 876 Shear @ 60•• 0.83' 1283 0.74 1492 0.7 1805 0.82 970 Shear @ 90•- 0.49 757 0.52 1052 0.39 1012 0.58 686 Shear @ 120•• 0.39 608. 0.4 11 802 1 0.41 1073 0.42 498 Shear @ 150•• 0.45 702 .0.37 745 0.33 868 0:5 592 For SI: 1 lb/inch = 0.175 N/mm, 1 inch- 25.4 mm. NOTES: 'Minimum coated thickness is 0:0356 inch (0.904 nim) for 20 gage, or 0.0466 inch (1.184 mm) for 18 gage in accordance with Section 4.3.4 of ANSUTPi 1. Minimum coating thickness. for G60 is 0.0010 inch:(0.025 mm)`total for both sides in accordance with Section 4.3.6 of ANSI/TPI 1. ZMinimum Net Section -A line through the plate's tooth pattem .with the minimum: amounttof steel for a specified orientation. For these plates, this line passes through a line of holes. 3Maximum Net Section- A line through the plate's tooth pattern with the maximum amount of steel for a specified orientation. For these plates, this line passes through a section of the plate with no holes.. 0.125" 0.256" 0.125" 0.375' 32 mm 6.4 mm 32 mm 9.5 mm aaooaQoo�oao. 0000�a0000 �000�0000�o1 �y_ ILJt_c�taVC &�I�iC5 04 + a a a o U=7 FOR C &, ��� luCT/0�y TE BY MT18, Q MT18, TUB, MT18HS, M18SHS, MT20, TL20 FIGURE 1 -APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS OF MITEK CONNECTOR PLATES.(Inches) (1 Inch = 25:4 mm)