2021 06 09 HCHOUSING COMMISSION AGENDA 1 JUNE 9, 2021 REGULAR MEETING Housing Commission agendas and staff reports are available on the City’s web page: www.LaQuintaCA.gov HOUSING COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 2021 AT 4:00 P.M. ****************************** SPECIAL NOTICE Teleconferencing and Telephonic Accessibility In Effect Pursuant to Executive Orders N-25-20, N-29-20, N-33-20, N-35-20, and N- 60-20 executed by the Governor of California in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID -19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.), members of the Housing Commission, the City Manager, City Attorney, City Staff, and City Consultants may participate in this meeting by teleconference. Additionally, pursuant to the above-referenced executive orders, the public is not permitted to physically attend at City Hall the meeting to which this agenda applies, but any member of the public may listen or participate in the open session of this meeting as specified below. Members of the public wanting to listen to this meeting may do so by tuning- in live via http://laquinta.12milesout.com/video/live. Members of the public wanting to address the Housing Commission, either for public comment or for a specific agenda item, or both, are requested to send an email notification to Housing Specialist Doug Kinley at DKinley@LaQuintaCA.Gov, and specify the following information: HOUSING COMMISSION AGENDA 2 JUNE 9, 2021 REGULAR MEETING 1) Full Name 4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number 2) City of Residence 5) Subject 3) Phone Number 6) Written or Verbal Comments The email “subject line” must clearly state “Written Comments” or “Verbal Comments.” Verbal public comments – requests to speak must be emailed to Housing Specialist Doug Kinley no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the Housing Commission and general public for the item(s) by contacting him/her via phone and queuing him/her to speak during the discussion. Only one person at a time may speak by telephone and only after being recognized by the Housing Commission’s Chairperson. Written public comments, received prior to the adjournment of the meeting, will be distributed to the Housing Commission, incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting, and will not be read during t he meeting unless, upon the request of the Housing Commission Chairperson, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the Commission Secretary can accommodate such request. It would be appreciated that any email communications for public comments related to the items on the agenda, or for general public comment, are provided to the City Manager’s Office at the email address listed above prior to the commencement of the meeting. If that is not possible, and to accommodate public comments on items that may be added to the agenda after its initial posting or items that are on the agenda, every effort will be made to attempt to review emails received by the City Manager’s Office during the course of the meeting. The Housing Commission’s Chairperson will endeavor to take a brief pause before action is taken on any agenda item to allow the Commission Secretary to review emails and share any public comments received during the meeting. All emails received by the City Manager’s Office, at the email address above, until the adjournment of the meeting, will be included within the public record relating to the meeting. ****************************** HOUSING COMMISSION AGENDA 3 JUNE 9, 2021 REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Commissioners: Casto, Davidson, McDonough, Pacheco, Chairperson Gaeta-Mejia PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the Housing Commission on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please email “Written Public Comments” to DKinley@LaQuintaCA.gov and limit your comments to three (3) minutes (approximately 350 words). The Commission values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code Section 54654.2(b)]. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENT, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION - NONE CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. 1.APPROVE SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 5, 2021 2.RECOMMEND THE HOUSING AUTHORITY RECEIVE AND FILE THE LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY ANNUAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019/20 PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34328 3.RECOMMEND THE HOUSING AUTHORITY RECEIVE AND FILE HOUSING SUCCESSOR ANNUAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019/20 REGARDING THE LOW- AND MODERATE-INCOME HOUSING ASSET FUND PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34176.1 (F) FOR THE LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY BUSINESS SESSION 1.DISCUSS AND APRROVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 PROPOSED HOUSING AUTHORITY BUDGET COMMISSIONERS’ ITEMS ADJOURNMENT HOUSING COMMISSION AGENDA 4 JUNE 9, 2021 REGULAR MEETING ********************************* The next regular quarterly meeting of the La Quinta Housing Commission will be held on September 8 , 2021, commencing at 4:00 p.m., at the La Quinta Study Session Room, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253, and via Zoom. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Doug Kinley, Housing Specialist, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta Housing Commission meeting was posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chambers at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at the Stater Brothers Supermarket at 78630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on June 3, 2021. DATED: June 3 , 2021 Doug Kinley III Doug Kinley, Housing Specialist City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTICES •The La Quinta City Hall Study Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. •If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092. A one (1) week notice is required. •If background material is to be presented to the Commission during a Housing Commission meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Secretary for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. •Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Commission regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at The Hub counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 1 of 2 MAY 5, 2021 SPECIAL MEETING HOUSING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 2021 CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the La Quinta Housing Commission (Commission) was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chairperson Gaeta-Mejia. This meeting was held by teleconference pursuant to Executive orders N -25- 20, N-29-20, N-33-20, and N-35-20, executed to by the Governor of California in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). PRESENT: Commissioners Casto, Davidson, McDonough, Pacheco, Chairperson Gaeta-Mejia ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Housing Specialist Kinley, Assistant to City Manager Villalpando, Interim Finance Director Martinez, and Commission Secretary Camarena PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Gaeta-Mejia led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA Specialist Kinley said no requests for WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS or VERBAL COMMENTS have been received for this meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 2 of 2 MAY 5, 2021 SPECIAL MEETING CONSENT CALENDAR 1.APPROVE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF March 10, 2021 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Casto/Davidson to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed Unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION - None STUDY SESSION 1.REVIEW FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 PROPOSED HOUSING AUTHORITY BUDGET Interim Finance Director Martinez provided a presentation for the 2021-22 Proposed Housing Authority Budget. Staff discussed the budget schedule; revenue projections and expense projections for funds 241, 243, 249; and Housing Fund Balances currently having no anticipated changes. Per Commission’s request, Assistant to City Manager Villalpando provided a brief update on the Dune Palms Mobile Home Park; discussed the funds set aside for the evaluation and explained how funds are to be utilized for any upgrades needed such as road work. Commission questioned whether enough funds have been set aside. Staff explained at this time funds are sufficient, and adjustments can be made as needed. STAFF REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS COMMISSIONER’S ITEMS – None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Pacheco/Davidson to adjourn the meeting at 4:15 p.m. Motion passed Unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Reyna Camarena REYNA CAMARENA, Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California City of La Quinta HOUSING COMMISSION MEETING: June 9, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECOMMEND THE HOUSING AUTHORITY RECEIVE AND FILE THE LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY ANNUAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019/20 PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34328 RECOMMENDATION Recommend the Housing Authority receive and file the Fiscal Year 2019/20 La Quinta Housing Authority Annual Report. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •California Health and Safety Code Section 34328 requires the Housing Authority (Authority) to prepare and file an Annual Report (Report). •The Report (Attachment 1) presents all Authority activities for 2019/20. •The Report will be posted on the City’s website and filed with the City Clerk. FISCAL IMPACT – None. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Report reviews the Authority’s assets, budget, housing unit compliance, and affordable housing activities during 2019/20, and includes the following findings: •No bonds were issued nor were any affordable housing commitments made. •After transferring ownership of the Washington Street Apartments project to Coachella Valley Housing Coalition on March 15, 2018, the project has been completed and is open officially as of November 21, 2019. •The Authority remains in compliance with the Housing Affordability requirement wherein 50 percent of 1352 total Authority assisted rental units are available to persons of very-low income. •The Authority has 391 silent second trust deed loans, and 1 residential rehabilitation loan, all of which provide affordability covenants and are monitored for compliance. •The Authority did not issue any domestic violence related termination notices. ALTERNATIVES As this is a receive and file action no alternatives are presented. Prepared by: Doug Kinley, Management Specialist Approved by: Gilbert Villalpando, Assistant to City Manager Attachment: 1. La Quinta Housing Authority Annual Report CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 City of La Quinta Housing Authority Fiscal Year 2019-20 Annual Report Wolff Waters Place ATTACHMENT 1 City of La Quinta Housing Authority Fiscal Year 2019-20 Annual Report Introduction About This Annual Report SUMMARY California Health and Safety Code (“HSC”) Section 34328 states that “at least once a year, an authority shall file with the clerk of the respective city or county and with the Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”) a report of its activities for the preceding year“(“Annual Report”). This Annual Report for the La Quinta Housing Authority (“Authority”) covers all the activities that have occurred during the 2019-20 Fiscal Year (“FY 19-20”), including housing unit compliance with affordability requirements, activities concerning existing debt obligations, as well as land transactions and development. LEGAL AUTHORITY It is the intent of the State legislature that housing authorities function as local entities with the primary responsibility of providing housing for very low- and low-income households. As such, housing authorities are distinct, autonomous, legal entities that derive their powers from State statute. The HSC, beginning with Section 34200, provides for the functioning of a local housing authority through a resolution of the local governing body. In the case of the City of La Quinta (“City”), the City Council of the City of La Quinta (“City Council”) resolved that the Authority could exercise its powers. The resolution adopted by the City Council must be accompanied by a finding that either of the following is true: (1) unsanitary or unsafe housing exists in the city or (2) there is a shortage of safe or sanitary housing available to persons of low income. On September 15, 2009, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2009-005, confirming that both aforementioned findings have been met to establish a housing authority in accordance with the California Housing Authorities Law (Health and Safety Code Section 34200, et. seq.). The Authority adopted Bylaws and Rules of Procedure on October 6, 2009 by Resolution HA 2009-001, which was amended by the Authority on April 15, 2014. ABx1 26 dissolved redevelopment agencies in California effective February 1, 2012. Health and Safety Code Section 34176(b)(2) allows the local housing authority to assume all rights, powers, assets, liabilities, duties, and obligations associated with the housing activities of a dissolved redevelopment agency. On January 17, 2012, the La Quinta Housing Authority adopted resolution HA 2012-002, electing to be the “housing successor” to the dissolved La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. Health and Safety Code Section 34179 requires the formation of oversight boards to approve transactions related to former redevelopment agencies. The Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was established on March 7, 2012. The Oversight Board subsequently approved the transfer of affordable housing properties to the La Quinta Housing Authority on April 18, 2012 via resolutions OB 2012- 008 and OB 2012-009. OBJECTIVES OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY The Authority was established to own rental properties in the City of La Quinta that were scheduled for substantial rehabilitation, and to hold title to vacant properties that will be developed with single and multi-family housing. A detailed inventory of Authority properties is presented in Tables 1a, 1b, and 1c. The Authority contracts with private entities to manage the occupied properties. The Authority’s objectives are: •Provide safe and sanitary housing opportunities for La Quinta residents; City of La Quinta Housing Authority Fiscal Year 2019-20 Annual Report •Rehabilitate properties that exhibit unsafe or unhealthy characteristics; and •Increase, improve, and preserve the community’s affordable housing stock. CONTENTS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY’S ANNUAL REPORT This Annual Report has been developed to: •Summarize the Authority’s activities during FY 19-20, including any bond issuances, and loan or finance agreements that the Authority has entered into; •Show compliance with requirements of HSC Section 34312.3 such as the minimum amount of housing units affordable to lower income in projects assisted by the Authority, and document established base rents and/or maximum rental payments for lower income households; and •Document any domestic violence tenancy or Section 8 voucher termination as required by HSC Section 34328.1. HOUSING AUTHORITY DEBT OBLIGATIONS Pursuant to HSC Section 34328.1, the Authority must provide a complete report of all bond, loan and financing agreement transactions during the prior fiscal year. Authority activities permitted by HSC Section 34312.3 include issuing bonds, loans and financing agreements for multi-family rental housing projects. There were no new bond, loan or financing agreement transactions during FY 19-20. LAND TRANSACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT HSC Section 34312.3 permits housing authorities to undertake activities related to: •The development, rehabilitation, or financing of housing projects; •The purchase, sale, lease, ownership, operation, or management of housing projects assisted by the Authority; conveyance of surplus lands to a developer for permitted purposes; and •Establish a special trust fund or account funded with bond proceeds or developer funds. Dune Palms Mobile Home Park (DPMHP) will be entering into contract with the owners that may result in the City’s acquisition of the property. If the City does acquire the mobile home park and amenities, the City plans, currently, to continue the use as a mobile home park to preserve and perhaps improve the housing stock in the city. It is anticipated that a combination of housing funds, bond proceeds, and tax credit financing will be used to pay for the acquisition of DPMHP, and any resulting improvements requiring design, architectural, engineering, and project management services in addition to vertical construction and rehabilitation. HOUSING AUTHORITY ASSETS Housing Authority assets include real property assets owned or managed by the Authority and include a breakdown of the current and anticipated income levels at each property where applicable. All Real Property Assets are shown on Table 1a and 1b. A summary of the seven (7) long-term loans made by the former La Quinta Redevelopment Agency to City of La Quinta Housing Authority Fiscal Year 2019-20 Annual Report affordable housing developers is provided in Table 1c. These loans have been assumed by the Authority due to redevelopment dissolution. Real Property Inventory Table 1a City of La Quinta Housing Authority Fiscal Year 2019-20 Annual Report HOUSING UNIT COMPLIANCE As set forth by HSC Sections 34328 and 34328.1, housing authorities are required to: •Show compliance with requirements of HSC Section 34312.3 such as the minimum amount of housing units affordable to lower income households in projects assisted by the Authority, and document established base rents and/or maximum rental payments for these households; and •Document any domestic violence tenancy or Section 8 voucher termination as required by HSC Section 34328.1. The following subsections provide a summary of the Authority’s progress toward the requirements listed above. Housing Affordability Requirement The authority shall require the owners of housing projects assisted pursuant to this section to accept as tenants, on the same basis as all other prospective tenants, in the units reserved for very low income households, any very low income households who are recipients of federal certificates for rent subsidies pursuant to the existing program under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 1437f), or its successor. The authority shall not permit a selection criteria to be applied to Section 8 certificate holders that is any more burdensome than the criteria applied to all other prospective tenants. No resident in housing units assisted pursuant to this section shall be denied continued occupancy or ownership because, after admission, the resident's family income increases to exceed the eligibility level. However, the authority shall ensure that percentage requirements of this section shall continue to be met by providing the next available unit or units to persons of low income or by taking other actions to satisfy the percentage requirements of this section. Table 2 provides a summary of the Authority assumed enforcement responsibility for affordability covenants within privately-owned, former redevelopment-agency properties and shows how the current affordability mix of the Authority’s assisted projects meet established requirements within HSC Section 34312.3. The Authority has 391 silent second trust deed loans, and 1 residential rehabilitation loan, all of which provide affordability covenants on these properties. Silent second trust deed City of La Quinta Housing Authority Fiscal Year 2019-20 Annual Report loans are not repaid unless there is a default on affordability covenants. Interest assessed only if there is a default on affordability covenants. (Due to the length of this list, it is attached as Table 5 of this report.) Base & Maximum Rents The Housing Authority monitors to ensure compliance of rental payments charged for its housing units and will make necessary adjustments to bring any rental payments that exceed the listed amounts in Table 3 into compliance. Table 3 Domestic Violence State law requires that a housing authority annually disclose data related to domestic violence incidents in units owned or operated by the housing authority. Specifically, the data must include: •Data on termination of tenancies and/or Section 8 vouchers of victims of domestic violence in housing authority units. •Summary of steps taken by the housing authority to address any termination of tenancies and/or Section 8 vouchers of victims of domestic violence. City of La Quinta Housing Authority Fiscal Year 2019-20 Annual Report In Fiscal Year 2019-20, there were no terminations of tenancies or Section 8 vouchers of victims of domestic violence in units owned or operated by the Authority. AUTHORITY BUDGET Table 4 presents the Authority’s actual expenditures for FY 2019- 20 as well as the estimated budget to be requested for FY 2019-20. City of La Quinta Housing Authority Fiscal Year 2019-20 Annual Report SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP TABLE 5 City of La Quinta Housing Authority Fiscal Year 2019-20 Annual Report SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP TABLE 5 COUNTINUED City of La Quinta Housing Authority Fiscal Year 2019-20 Annual Report SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP TABLE 5 COUNTINUED City of La Quinta Housing Authority Fiscal Year 2019-20 Annual Report SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP TABLE 5 COUNTINUED City of La Quinta Housing Authority Fiscal Year 2019-20 Annual Report SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP TABLE 5 COUNTINUED City of La Quinta Housing Authority Fiscal Year 2019-20 Annual Report SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP TABLE 5 COUNTINUED City of La Quinta HOUSING COMMISSION MEETING: June 9, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECOMMEND THE HOUSING AUTHORITY RECEIVE AND FILE HOUSING SUCCESSOR ANNUAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 19/20 REGARDING THE LOW- AND MODERATE-INCOME HOUSING ASSET FUND PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34176.1 (F) FOR THE LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY RECOMMENDATION Recommend the Housing Authority receive and file the La Quinta Housing Successor Annual Report regarding the Low- and Moderate-Income Asset Fund pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 34176.1 (f). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The Housing Successor Annual Report (Report) is part of a State requirement for Housing Successors to Redevelopment Agencies. •The Report provides the Housing Authority a comprehensive representation of the City’s housing assets and activities. •Once filed, the Report will be made available to the public on the City’s website and filed with the City Clerk. FISCAL IMPACT – None. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Report must provide the Housing Successor’s Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Asset Fund (LMIHAF) balance, deposits, expenditures, transfers, current projects, acquisitions, obligations, income test, senior housing test, and excess surplus test. The Report for 2019/20 reflects the following findings: •A total of $2,151,596 was deposited into the LMIHAF; the majority of the deposits originated from rental revenue generated by City-owned affordable housing properties and a $107,695 loan repayment from Coral Mountain. •A total of $965,830 was expended from LMIHAF for maintenance, monitoring, administration expenses, and homeless prevention funding. •A total of $58,898,897 in assets owned by the Housing Successor was reported, assets consist of notes and loans, land, building and improvements and accumulated depreciation. •Senior Housing Test reflects that 26 percent of 1352 total Housing Successor Assisted rental units are restricted to seniors. •The Housing Successor reports no computed excess surplus; therefore, no plan exists for eliminating the excess surplus. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 3 The Report will be submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development to comply with California Health and Safety Code Section 34176.1(f). ALTERNATIVES As this is a receive and file action no alternatives are presented. Prepared by: Doug Kinley III, Management Specialist Approved by: Gilbert Villalpando, Assistant to City Manager Attachment: 1. La Quinta Housing Successor Annual Report HOUSING SUCCESSOR ANNUAL REPORT June 9, 2021 LOW- AND MODERATE-INCOME HOUSING ASSET FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34176.1(f) FOR THE LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY ATTACHMENT 1 HOUSING SUCCESSOR ANNUAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1 AMOUNT DEPOSITED INTO LMIHAF .......................................... 1 ENDING BALANCE OF LMIHAF .................................................. 1 DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURES FROM LMIHAF ..................... 2 TABLE 1: DESCRIPTION OF LMIHAF EXPENDITURES ........................ 2 STATUTORY VALUE OF ASSETS OWNED BY HOUSING SUCCESSOR .............................................................................. 2 TABLE 2: STATUTORY VALUE OF ASSETS OWNED BY HOUSING SUCCESSOR ............................................................................... 2 DESCRIPTION OF TRANSFERS .................................................. 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS .......................................................... 2 TABLE 3: PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS ................................................ 3 STATUS OF COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 33334.16 ................. 3 TABLE 4: SECTION 33334.16 COMPLIANCE .................................... 3 INCOME TEST ........................................................................... 5 TABLE 5: INCOME TEST - $ SPENT ON DEVELOPMENT ..................... 6 SENIOR HOUSING TEST ............................................................ 6 TABLE 6: SENIOR HOUSING TEST ................................................. 6 EXCESS SURPLUS TEST ............................................................. 6 TABLE 7: EXCESS SURPLUS TEST .................................................. 6 LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY 2019-20 ANNUAL HOUSING SUCCESSOR REPORT Page 1 INTRODUCTION This Housing Successor Annual Report (“Report”) addresses the requirements of California Health and Safety Code Section 34176.1(f) regarding the Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Asset Fund (“LMIHAF”). This Report outlines the financial and housing covenant details of the La Quinta Housing Authority (“Housing Successor”) for 2019-20 (the “Fiscal Year”). The purpose of this Report is to provide the governing body of the Housing Successor an annual report on the housing assets and activities of the Housing Successor under Part 1.85, Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code, in particular sections 34176 and 34176.1 (“Dissolution Law”). This report includes discussion on the deposits to, ending balance of, and expenditures from the LMIHAF. A description of the Housing Successor’s assets, and any transfers of assets to other housing successor agencies are addressed as well. The report also discusses the Housing Successor’s current projects, acquisitions of any real property since February 1, 2012, or any outstanding obligations. Finally, as required by law, three separate test are discussed – the income test, senior housing test, and excess surplus test. This Report is to be provided to the Housing Successor’s governing body by December 31, 2020 (six months after the end of the Fiscal Year. In addition, this Report and the former redevelopment agency’s pre-dissolution Implementation Plans are to be made available to the public on the City’s website. http: www.laquintaca.gov) AMOUNT DEPOSITED INTO LMIHAF This section provides the total amount of funds deposited into the LMIHAF during the Fiscal Year. Any amounts deposited for items listed on the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (“ROPS”) must be distinguished from the other amounts deposited. A total of $2,151,596 was deposited into the LMIHAF during the Fiscal Year. Of the total funds deposited into the LMIHAF, a total of $0 was held for items listed on the ROPS. These deposits originated from rental revenues generated at City-owned affordable housing properties and a $107,695 loan repayment from Coral Mountain. ENDING BALANCE OF LMIHAF This section provides a statement of the balance in the LMIHAF as of the close of the Fiscal Year. Any amounts deposited for items listed on the ROPS must be distinguished from the other amounts deposited. At the close of the Fiscal Year, the ending fund balance (inclusive of notes receivables) in the LMIHAF was $22,818,595, of which $0 is held for items listed on the ROPS. LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY 2019-20 ANNUAL HOUSING SUCCESSOR REPORT Page 2 DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURES FROM LMIHAF This section provides a description of the expenditures made from the LMIHAF during the Fiscal Year. The expenditures are to be categorized. There was a total of $965,830 expended from the LMIHAF, divided into the following categories: TABLE 1: DESCRIPTION OF LMIHAF EXPENDITURES Description of Expenditures Total Expenditures Maintenance, Monitoring and Administration Expenditures $615,051 Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Services Expenditures $350,779 Housing Development Expenditures (Total of Next Three Lines) $0.00 Expenditures on Low Income Units $0.00 Expenditures on Very Low-Income Units $0.00 Expenditures on Extremely Low-Income Units $0.00 Total LMIHAF Expenditures in Fiscal Year $965,830 STATUTORY VALUE OF ASSETS OWNED BY HOUSING SUCCESSOR This section provides the statutory value of real property owned by the Housing Successor, the value of loans and grants receivables, and the sum of these two amounts. TABLE 2: STATUTORY VALUE OF ASSETS OWNED BY HOUSING SUCCESSOR Asset Type Statutory Value of Assets Notes and Loans $33,674,454 Land $24,989,279 Building and Improvements $742,453 Less Accumulated Depreciation $507,289 Total Assets $58,898,897 DESCRIPTION OF TRANSFERS The Housing Successor did not make any transfers in the Fiscal Year. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS This section describes any project for which the Housing Successor receives or holds property tax revenue pursuant to the ROPS and the status of that project. The following is a description of project(s) for which the Housing Successor receives or holds property tax revenue pursuant to the ROPS as well as the status of the project(s): LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY 2019-20 ANNUAL HOUSING SUCCESSOR REPORT Page 3 TABLE 3: PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS Project Name Status Dune Palms Mobile Home Park Due Diligence – June 2020 Dune Palms Mobile Home Park Dune Palms Mobile Home Park (DPMHP) will be entering into contract with the owners that may result in the City’s acquisition of the property. If the City does acquire the mobile home park and amenities, the City plans, currently, to continue the use as a mobile home park to preserve and perhaps improve the housing stock in the city. It is anticipated that a combination of housing funds, bond proceeds, and tax credit financing will be used to pay for the acquisition of DPMHP, and any resulting improvements requiring design, architectural, engineering, and project management services in addition to vertical construction and rehabilitation. STATUS OF COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 33334.16 This section provides a status update on compliance with Section 33334.16 for interests in real property acquired by the former redevelopment agency prior to February 1, 2012. For interests in real property acquired on or after February 1, 2012, provide a status update on the project. Section 34176.1 provides that Section 33334.16 does not apply to interests in real property acquired by the Housing Successor on or after February 1, 2012; however, this Report presents a status update on the project related to such real property. With respect to interests in real property acquired by the former redevelopment agency prior to February 1, 2012, the time period described in Section 33334.16 shall be deemed to have commenced on the date that the Department of Finance approved the property as a housing asset in the LMIHAF; thus, as to real property acquired by the former redevelopment agency now held by the Housing Successor in the LMIHAF, the Housing Successor must initiate activities consistent with the development of the real property for the purpose for which it was acquired within five years of the date of the DOF approved such property as a housing asset. The following provides a status update on the real property or properties housing asset(s) that were acquired prior to February 1, 2012 and compliance with five-year period: TABLE 4: SECTION 33334.16 COMPLIANCE Address of Property Date of Acquisition Deadline to Initiate Development Activity Status of Housing Successor Activity LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY 2019-20 ANNUAL HOUSING SUCCESSOR REPORT Page 4 Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive (APN 600-030- 009) 6/13/2006 6/13/2016 Deadline met- City has initiated site programming and developed conceptual plans Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive (APN 600-030- 003) 1/17/2007 1/17/2017 Deadline met- City has initiated site programming and developed conceptual plans Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive (APN 600-030- 008) 4/27/2007 4/27/2017 Deadline met- City has initiated site programming and developed conceptual plans Avenida Mendoza and Avenida Montezuma (APN 773-077- 014) 11/30/2007 11/30/2017 Deadline met- City has initiated site programming and developed conceptual plans Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive (APN 600-030- 002) 6/12/2009 6/12/2019 Deadline met- City has initiated site programming and developed conceptual plans Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive (APN 600-030- 005) 1/26/2010 1/26/2020 Deadline met- City has initiated site programming and developed conceptual plans Calle Tamazula south of Avenida La Fonda (APN 770-174- 002) 10/31/1990 08/31/2022 Deadline met – Sold to private party in 12/2019, will remain in listing until next year’s Report. Deposited proceeds into the Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Fund. Avenida Navarro between Calle Durango/Calle Sonora (APN 773-234- 015) 02/01/1993 08/31/2022 Deadline met – Sold to private party in 03/2019, will remain in listing until next year’s Report. Deposited proceeds into the Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Fund. Avenida Herrera and Calle Sonora (APN 773-223- 022) 03/03/2011 08/31/2022 City to market vacant property and place proceeds of sale into the Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Fund. Avenida Villa between Calle Durango/Calle Sonora 03/03/2011 08/31/2022 City to market vacant property and place proceeds of sale into the LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY 2019-20 ANNUAL HOUSING SUCCESSOR REPORT Page 5 (APN 733-234- 015) Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Fund. Health and Safety Code Section 33334.16 required former redevelopment agencies to initiate activities, such as zone changes or disposition and development agreements within five years of acquiring a property. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33334.16, the legislative body is authorized to extend the deadline to initiate activities by an additional five years upon affirming the intention to develop housing affordable to households of low and moderate income. In 2011, the Housing Authority extended development of the abovementioned properties by adopting Resolution 2011-070. In 2017, the Housing Authority approved a second resolution (Resolution 2017-005) extending the period during which it may retain property for an additional five (5) years. The following provides a status update on the project(s) for property or properties that have been acquired by the Housing Successor using LMIHAF on or after February 1, 2012. The Housing Successor did not acquire property on or after February 1, 2012. DESCRIPTION OF OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS UNDER SECTION 33413.This section describes the outstanding inclusionary housing obligations, if any, under Section 33413 that remained outstanding prior to dissolution of the former redevelopment agency as of February 1, 2012 along with the Housing Successor’s progress in meeting those prior obligations, if any, of the former redevelopment agency and how the Housing Successor plans to meet unmet obligations, if any. The housing successor does not have any obligations to fulfill under Section 33413. INCOME TEST This section provides the information required by Section 34176.1(a)(3)(B), or a description of expenditures by income restriction for a five-year period, with the time period beginning on July 1, 2015 and whether the statutory thresholds have been met. The Housing Successor has not historically tracked expenditures on extremely low-income households. Expenditures in the previous Fiscal Year can be distributed based on known household incomes (refer to Table 1 for the distribution of expenditures by household income level for the Fiscal Year). This fiscal year 19/20, the Housing Successor is tracking expenditures by income level such that the Housing Authority can report on expenditures by household income over a five-year period, as shown in Table 5. The recorded development spent can be tracked to the Washington Street Apartments project, having been completed in November 2019 officially. A relocation benefit expense of $1,939 is recorded for this fiscal year and can be attributed toward being spent on Extremely Low-Income development. LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY 2019-20 ANNUAL HOUSING SUCCESSOR REPORT Page 6 TABLE 5: INCOME TEST - $ SPENT ON DEVELOPMENT Category of Income $ Spent LMIHAF Spent on Extremely Low-Income Households $ 1,716,225 Spent on ELI (A) Total LMIHAF (Five Year Total - FY 15/16 through 19/20) $10,000,000 Total LMIHAF (B) Extremely Low-Income Test (A)/(B) 17% SENIOR HOUSING TEST This section provides the percentage of units of deed-restricted rental housing restricted to seniors and assisted individually or jointly by the Housing Successor, its former Redevelopment Agency, and its host jurisdiction within the previous 10 years in relation to the aggregate number of units of deed- restricted rental housing assisted individually or jointly by the Housing Successor, its former Redevelopment Agency and its host jurisdiction within the same time period. For this Report the ten-year period reviewed is 2008 to 2018. TABLE 6: SENIOR HOUSING TEST Unit Category # of Units Assisted Senior Rental Units 348 Total Assisted Rental Units 1,352 Senior Housing Test (%) 26% EXCESS SURPLUS TEST The Housing Successor does not presently retain a computed excess surplus pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34176.1. For the purpose of this section of the Report, pursuant to Section 34176.1(d), “’excess surplus’ shall mean an unencumbered amount in the account that exceeds the greater of one million dollars ($1,000,000) or the aggregate amount deposited into the account during the housing successor’s preceding four fiscal years, whichever is greater.” If the Unencumbered Amount (See Table 6) does not exceed the greater of the aggregate amount deposited into the LMIHAF during the preceding four fiscal years or $1,000,000, whichever is greater, there is no excess surplus. The Housing Successor computed excess surplus is noted below in table 6. TABLE 7: EXCESS SURPLUS TEST FY 2019-20 Unencumbered Amount (Available Housing Successor Funds) $12,069,276 Aggregate Deposited for Last Four Years $8,003,845 Greater of Aggregate Deposited for Last Four Years or $1,000,000 $8,003,845 Computed Excess Surplus None City of La Quinta HOUSING COMMISSION MEETING: June 9, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: DISCUSS AND APPROVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 PROPOSED HOUSING AUTHORITY BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Approve the fiscal year 2021/22 Housing Authority Budget and recommend approval by the Housing Authority. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The proposed 2021/22 Housing Authority Budget was presented to the Commission for review on May 5, 2021, and to the Housing Authority on June 1, 2021. •The proposed budget has a deficit of $44,078. •Final budget adoption is scheduled for June 15, 2021. FISCAL IMPACT The preliminary Housing Authority budget projects revenues of $1,768,122 (inclusive of the annual loan repayment of $660,722) and expenditures of $1,812,200. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Staff provided an overview of the proposed budget to the Commission on May 5, 2021 and subsequently to the Housing Authority on June 1, 2021. There were no further recommendations for adjustments at either meeting. The intent of this meeting is to provide further details on the budget and obtain approval from the Commission prior to final adoption by the Housing Authority. Each Housing Fund section contains notes to explain changes from 2019/20 actuals, changes in 2020/21, and projections for 2021/22. The budget format is similar to the prior fiscal year and includes a fund balance summary and year to year comparison summary chart. Attachment 1 provides a narrative of Housing Authority revenue and expenses including the Redevelopment Agency loan repayment to the Authority. Line item details for these revenues and expenses are located in Exhibit A of the BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 Attachment. ALTERNATIVES The Commission may recommend further adjustments to the budget. Per State law, the Authority must adopt a budget by June 30. Prepared by: Claudia Martinez, Interim Agency Finance Director Approved by: Gilbert Villalpando, Assistant City Manager Attachment: 1. Fiscal Year 2021/22 Proposed Budget HOUSING AUTHORITY 2021/22 PROPOSED BUDGET The summary is designed to provide an overview of the Housing Authority Funds. Line item details for revenues and expenses are located in Exhibit A of the Attachment. A preliminary review of the proposed budget was provided to the Housing Commission on May 5, 2021, and to the Housing Authority on June 1, 2021. The budget is scheduled for adoption on June 15, 2021. The 2021/22 Authority budget has three active funds restricted to housing operations. Estimated Fund Balance, revenues, and expenditures for each fund are summarized below, no further recommendations for adjustments were made at prior study sessions: REVENUES When all funds are combined, there is a 48% decrease in revenues from the current 2020/21 current budget to the proposed 2021/22 budget which is due to the one-time land purchase by the City on Dune Palms and second trust deed repayments lowered due to unpredictable home sales. In addition, allocated interest has been decreased slightly due to current capital market conditions. Another significant update from prior fiscal year is the addition of rent revenue for Dune Palms Mobile Estates which accounts for a full year associated with the 102 units owned by the Authority. EXPENSES The operating Housing Authority Fund (241) has an overall estimated increase of 21% which is attributed to salary and benefit negotiations, internal service charges, and operational expenses and anticipated building and site improvements for Dune Palms Mobile Estates. For RDA Low-Mod Housing Fund (243) The proposed budget for 2021/22 homelessness programs is $250,000, which is a slight decrease from prior year. The SA 2011 Low/Mod Bond (249) is anticipated to have a balance of $11.1 million at June 30, 2021 and a $20,000 budget for 2021/22 provides for the ability to evaluate future affordable housing projects and programs. The decrease in expenses is in large part due to the purchase of the Dune Palms Mobile Estates in FY 20/21. FUND #FUND NAME ESTIMATED AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE July 1, 2021 ESTIMATED REVENUES ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE June 30, 2022 241 HOUSING AUTHORITY FUND 11,800,000 871,400 1,542,200 11,129,200 243*RDA LOW-MOD HOUSING FUND 3,000,000 695,722 250,000 3,445,722 249 SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND 11,195,000 201,000 20,000 11,376,000 25,995,000 1,768,122 1,812,200 25,950,922 CITY OF LA QUINTA ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2022 GRAND TOTAL ATTACHMENT 1 2021 22CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY PROPOSED BUDGET EXHIBIT A THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK FUND #FUND NAME ESTIMATED AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE July 1, 2021 ESTIMATED REVENUES ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE June 30, 2022 241 HOUSING AUTHORITY FUND 11,800,000 871,400 1,542,200 11,129,200 243*RDA LOW-MOD HOUSING FUND 3,000,000 695,722 250,000 3,445,722 249 SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND 11,195,000 201,000 20,000 11,376,000 25,995,000 1,768,122 1,812,200 25,950,922 CITY OF LA QUINTA ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2022 GRAND TOTAL * General Fund and RDA Low-Mod Housing Fund estimates are for unappropriated reserves and included annual Successor Agency loan repayments as approved with the last and final recognized obligation payment schedule. The repayment for FY 2020/21 is $660,722. CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY FY 2021/22 PROPOSED BUDGET As of 4/29/2021 Housing Fund Revenues 2020/21 Original 2020/21 Current Variance Original vs. Current 2021/22 Proposed Variance Current vs. Proposed % Change 241 - Housing Authority 513,300 1,901,756 1,388,456 871,400 (1,030,356)-54% 243 - RDA Low-Mod Housing 35,000 35,000 - 35,000 - 0% 249 - SA 2011 Low/Mod Bond 200,000 201,000 1,000 201,000 - 0% Total Revenues 748,300 2,137,756 1,389,456 1,107,400 (1,030,356) -48% RDA Loan Repayment 647,767 647,767 - 660,722 12,955 Total Operating Revenues 1,396,067 2,785,523 1,389,456 1,768,122 (1,017,401) Housing Fund Expenditures 2020/21 Original 2020/21 Current Variance Original vs. Current 2021/22 Proposed Variance Current vs. Proposed % Change 241 - Housing Authority 822,300 1,270,062 272,138 1,542,200 272,138 21% 243 - RDA Low-Mod Housing 250,000 300,000 (50,000) 250,000 (50,000) -17% 249 - SA 2011 Low/Mod Bond 6,185,000 6,185,000 (6,165,000) 20,000 (6,165,000) -100% Total Expenditures 7,257,300 7,755,062 (5,942,862) 1,812,200 (5,942,862) -77% Budget Surplus/(Deficit)(5,861,233) (4,969,539) (44,078) HOUSING AUTHORITY 2021/22 BUDGET SUMMARY CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY FY 2021/22 PROPOSED BUDGET 2019/20 Actuals 2020/21 Original Budget 2020/21 Current Budget 2020/21 YTD Activity* 2021/22 Proposed 21/22 vs. Current 20/21 % Change in Budget 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 9101 - Housing Authority - Admin 340 - Charges for Services 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 %241-9101-42301 Miscellaneous Revenue 340 - Charges for Services Totals:1 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 360 - Use of Money & Property 190,627 200,000 170,000 25,735 160,000 (10,000)-6 %241-9101-41900 Allocated Interest 239,559 0 0 0 0 0 0 %241-9101-41910 GASB 31 Interest 131,261 300 300 74 400 100 33 %241-9101-41915 Non-Allocated Interest 107,695 0 0 0 0 0 0 %241-9101-42706 Loan Repayments 58,789 0 0 0 0 0 0 %241-9101-43500 Home Sale Proceeds 60,000 25,000 196,000 278,024 50,000 (146,000)-74 %241-9101-43504 2nd Trust Deed Repayments 0 0 1,061,456 1,061,456 0 (1,061,456)-100 %241-9101-45000 Sale of Other Assets 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals:787,930 225,300 1,427,756 1,365,289 210,400 (1,217,356) -85 % 390 - Other Financing Sources 386,692 0 0 0 0 0 0 %241-9101-49500 Transfers In 390 - Other Financing Sources Totals:386,692 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 9101 - Housing Authority - Admin Totals:1,174,624 225,300 1,427,756 1,365,289 210,400 (1,217,356) -85 % 9102 - Housing Authority - Wash St Apts 340 - Charges for Services 0 0 0 1,820 0 0 0 %241-9102-42305 Miscellaneous Reimbursements 340 - Charges for Services Totals:0 0 0 1,820 0 0 0 % 9102 - Housing Authority - Wash St Apts Totals:0 0 0 1,820 0 0 0 % 9103 - Housing Authority - LQRP 360 - Use of Money & Property 299,692 288,000 288,000 219,293 290,000 2,000 1 %241-9103-43502 Rent Revenue/LQRP 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals:299,692 288,000 288,000 219,293 290,000 2,000 1 % 9103 - Housing Authority - LQRP Totals:299,692 288,000 288,000 219,293 290,000 2,000 1 % 9104 - Dune Palms Mobile Estates 360 - Use of Money & Property 0 0 186,000 0 370,000 184,000 99 %241-9104-42112 Rent Revenue/Tenant/Dune Palms 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 0 %241-9104-42302 Miscellaneous Revenue/Dune Palms 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals:0 0 186,000 0 371,000 185,000 99 % 9104 - Dune Palms Mobile Estates Totals:0 0 186,000 0 371,000 185,000 99 % 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Totals:1,474,316 513,300 1,901,756 1,586,402 871,400 (1,030,356) -54 % 243 - RDA LOW-MOD HOUSING FUND 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 190,627 200,000 170,000 25,735 160,000 (10,000) 239,559 0 0 0 0 0 131,261 300 300 74 400 100 107,695 0 0 0 0 0 58,789 0 0 0 0 0 60,000 25,000 196,000 278,024 50,000 (146,000) 0 0 1,061,456 1,061,456 0 (1,061,456) 787,930 225,300 1,427,756 1,365,289 210,400 (1,217,356) 386,692 0 0 0 0 0 386,692 0 0 0 0 0 1,174,624 225,300 1,427,756 1,365,289 210,400 (1,217,356) 0 0 0 1,820 0 0 0 0 0 1,820 0 0 0 0 0 1,820 0 0 299,692 288,000 288,000 219,293 290,000 2,000 299,692 288,000 288,000 219,293 290,000 2,000 299,692 288,000 288,000 219,293 290,000 2,000 0 0 186,000 0 370,000 184,000 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 0 0 186,000 0 371,000 185,000 0 0 186,000 0 371,000 185,000 1,474,316 513,300 1,901,756 1,586,402 871,400 (1,030,356) CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING AUTHORITY REVENUE DETAIL FY 2021/22 PROPOSED BUDGET * As of 4/29/2021 2019/20 Actuals 2020/21 Original Budget 2020/21 Current Budget 2020/21 YTD Activity* 2021/22 Proposed 21/22 vs. Current 20/21 % Change in Budget 40,939 35,000 35,000 4,640 35,000 0 0 %243-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 54,515 0 0 0 0 0 0 %243-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals:95,454 35,000 35,000 4,640 35,000 0 0 % 370 - Miscellaneous 173,558 0 0 0 0 0 0 %243-0000-48500 Extraordinary Gain 370 - Miscellaneous Totals:173,558 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0000 - Undesignated Totals:269,013 35,000 35,000 4,640 35,000 0 0 % 243 - RDA LOW-MOD HOUSING FUND Totals:269,013 35,000 35,000 4,640 35,000 0 0 % 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016) 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 8,054 0 1,000 (327)1,000 0 0 %249-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 82,284 0 0 0 0 0 0 %249-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest 313,604 200,000 200,000 70,653 200,000 0 0 %249-0000-41915 Non-Allocated Interest 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals:403,942 200,000 201,000 70,326 201,000 0 0 % 0000 - Undesignated Totals:403,942 200,000 201,000 70,326 201,000 0 0 % 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016) Totals:403,942 200,000 201,000 70,326 201,000 0 0 % 40,939 35,000 35,000 4,640 35,000 0 54,515 0 0 0 0 0 95,454 35,000 35,000 4,640 35,000 0 173,558 0 0 0 0 0 173,558 0 0 0 0 0 269,013 35,000 35,000 4,640 35,000 0 269,013 35,000 35,000 4,640 35,000 0 8,054 0 1,000 (327)1,000 0 82,284 0 0 0 0 0 313,604 200,000 200,000 70,653 200,000 0 403,942 200,000 201,000 70,326 201,000 0 403,942 200,000 201,000 70,326 201,000 0 403,942 200,000 201,000 70,326 201,000 0 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING AUTHORITY REVENUE DETAIL FY 2021/22 PROPOSED BUDGET * As of 4/29/2021 2019/20 Actuals 2020/21 Original Budget 2020/21 Current Budget 2020/21 YTD Activity* 2021/22 Proposed 21/22 vs. Current 20/21 % Change in Budget 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 9101 - Housing Authority - Admin 50 - Salaries and Benefits 136,322 246,900 246,900 213,852 258,300 11,400 5 %241-9101-50101 Permanent Full Time 578 0 0 385 0 0 0 %241-9101-50105 Salaries - Overtime 900 3,000 3,000 350 1,800 (1,200)-40 %241-9101-50110 Commissions & Boards 193 400 400 156 200 (200)-50 %241-9101-50150 Other Compensation 11,131 16,800 16,800 16,872 23,400 6,600 39 %241-9101-50200 PERS-City Portion 261 0 0 4,208 0 0 0 %241-9101-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 24,158 57,500 57,500 34,266 58,600 1,100 2 %241-9101-50221 Medical Insurance 330 0 0 460 0 0 0 %241-9101-50222 Vision Insurance 1,259 0 0 1,848 0 0 0 %241-9101-50223 Dental Insurance 67 0 0 93 0 0 0 %241-9101-50224 Life Insurance 578 1,500 1,500 818 1,600 100 7 %241-9101-50225 Long Term Disability 3,400 5,700 5,700 4,275 5,900 200 4 %241-9101-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 2,002 3,600 3,600 3,143 3,800 200 6 %241-9101-50240 Social Security-Medicare 105 0 0 46 0 0 0 %241-9101-50241 Social Security-FICA 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals:181,285 335,400 335,400 280,772 353,600 18,200 5 % 60 - Contract Services 78,218 100,000 142,700 66,522 60,000 (82,700)-58 %241-9101-60103 Professional Services 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 %241-9101-60106 Auditors 3,849 35,000 35,000 7,285 20,000 (15,000)-43 %241-9101-60153 Attorney 60 - Contract Services Totals:87,067 140,000 182,700 78,807 85,000 (97,700)-53 % 62 - Maintenance & Operations 1,211 500 500 209 1,000 500 100 %241-9101-60320 Travel & Training 2,470 2,000 2,000 1,513 2,000 0 0 %241-9101-60420 Operating Supplies 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals:3,681 2,500 2,500 1,722 3,000 500 20 % 64 - Other Expenses 0 20,000 20,000 0 0 (20,000)-100 %241-9101-60480 Contributions 64 - Other Expenses Totals:0 20,000 20,000 0 0 (20,000)-100 % 69 - Internal Service Charges 6,000 8,000 8,000 6,000 8,100 100 1 %241-9101-91843 Property & Crime Insurance 14,000 14,000 14,000 10,500 16,100 2,100 15 %241-9101-91844 Earthquake Insurance 24,800 52,400 52,400 39,300 53,400 1,000 2 %241-9101-98110 Information Tech Charges 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals:44,800 74,400 74,400 55,800 77,600 3,200 4 % 99 - Transfers Out 0 0 278,062 278,062 0 (278,062)-100 %241-9101-99900 Transfers Out 99 - Transfers Out Totals:0 0 278,062 278,062 0 (278,062)-100 % 9101 - Housing Authority - Admin Totals:316,833 572,300 893,062 695,164 519,200 (373,862)-42 % 9103 - Housing Authority - LQRP 62 - Maintenance & Operations 298,218 250,000 250,000 98,657 250,000 0 0 %241-9103-60157 Rental Expenses 136,322 246,900 246,900 213,852 258,300 11,400 578 0 0 385 0 0 900 3,000 3,000 350 1,800 (1,200) 193 400 400 156 200 (200) 11,131 16,800 16,800 16,872 23,400 6,600 261 0 0 4,208 0 0 24,158 57,500 57,500 34,266 58,600 1,100 330 0 0 460 0 0 1,259 0 0 1,848 0 0 67 0 0 93 0 0 578 1,500 1,500 818 1,600 100 3,400 5,700 5,700 4,275 5,900 200 2,002 3,600 3,600 3,143 3,800 200 105 0 0 46 0 0 181,285 335,400 335,400 280,772 353,600 18,200 78,218 100,000 142,700 66,522 60,000 (82,700) 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 3,849 35,000 35,000 7,285 20,000 (15,000) 87,067 140,000 182,700 78,807 85,000 (97,700) 1,211 500 500 209 1,000 500 2,470 2,000 2,000 1,513 2,000 0 3,681 2,500 2,500 1,722 3,000 500 0 20,000 20,000 0 0 (20,000) 0 20,000 20,000 0 0 (20,000) 6,000 8,000 8,000 6,000 8,100 100 14,000 14,000 14,000 10,500 16,100 2,100 24,800 52,400 52,400 39,300 53,400 1,000 44,800 74,400 74,400 55,800 77,600 3,200 0 0 278,062 278,062 0 (278,062) 0 0 278,062 278,062 0 (278,062) 316,833 572,300 893,062 695,164 519,200 (373,862) 298,218 250,000 250,000 98,657 250,000 0 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING AUTHORITY EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2021/22 PROPOSED BUDGET * As of 4/29/2021 2019/20 Actuals 2020/21 Original Budget 2020/21 Current Budget 2020/21 YTD Activity* 2021/22 Proposed 21/22 vs. Current 20/21 % Change in Budget 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals:298,218 250,000 250,000 98,657 250,000 0 0 % 9103 - Housing Authority - LQRP Totals:298,218 250,000 250,000 98,657 250,000 0 0 % 9104 - Dune Palms Mobile Estates 60 - Contract Services 0 0 22,000 22,539 33,000 11,000 50 %241-9104-60103 Professional Services 0 0 105,000 31,983 240,000 135,000 129 %241-9104-60157 Rental Expense 60 - Contract Services Totals:0 0 127,000 54,522 273,000 146,000 115 % 68 - Capital Expenses 0 0 0 0 500,000 500,000 0 %241-9104-72110 Building/Site Improvements 68 - Capital Expenses Totals:0 0 0 0 500,000 500,000 0 % 9104 - Dune Palms Mobile Estates Totals:0 0 127,000 54,522 773,000 646,000 509 % 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Totals:615,051 822,300 1,270,062 848,342 1,542,200 272,138 21 % 298,218 250,000 250,000 98,657 250,000 0 298,218 250,000 250,000 98,657 250,000 0 0 0 22,000 22,539 33,000 11,000 0 0 105,000 31,983 240,000 135,000 0 0 127,000 54,522 273,000 146,000 0 0 0 0 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 0 500,000 500,000 0 0 127,000 54,522 773,000 646,000 615,051 822,300 1,270,062 848,342 1,542,200 272,138 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING AUTHORITY EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2021/22 PROPOSED BUDGET * As of 4/29/2021 Fund: 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Permanent Full Time 258,300.00241-9101-50101 20% - City Manager (80% City Manager) 10% - Finance Director (90% Finance) 10% - City Clerk (90% City Clerk) 40% - Assistant to City Manager (60% City Manager) 60% - Management Analyst (40% Information Technology Fund) 60% - Management Specialist (40% City Manager) 80% - Management Assistant (20% City Manager) City Council Member Stipends (5) Professional Services 60,000.00241-9101-60103 Housing compliance services Travel & Training 1,000.00241-9101-60320 Rental Expenses 250,000.00241-9103-60157 Expenses are associated with 28 homes owned by the Authority which are located in the La Quinta Cove Professional Services 33,000.00241-9104-60103 Rental Expense 240,000.00241-9104-60157 Expenses are associated with 102 units owned by the Authority which are located in North La Quinta CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING AUTHORITY EXPENSE NOTES FY 2021/22 PROPOSED BUDGET 2019/20 Actuals 2020/21 Original Budget 2020/21 Current Budget 2020/21 YTD Activity* 2021/22 Proposed 21/22 vs. Current 20/21 % Change in Budget 243 - RDA LOW-MOD HOUSING FUND 0000 - Undesignated 64 - Other Expenses 350,779 250,000 300,000 300,000 250,000 (50,000)-17 %243-0000-60532 Homelessness Assistance 64 - Other Expenses Totals:350,779 250,000 300,000 300,000 250,000 (50,000)-17 % 0000 - Undesignated Totals:350,779 250,000 300,000 300,000 250,000 (50,000)-17 % 243 - RDA LOW-MOD HOUSING FUND Totals:350,779 250,000 300,000 300,000 250,000 (50,000)-17 % 350,779 250,000 300,000 300,000 250,000 (50,000) 350,779 250,000 300,000 300,000 250,000 (50,000) 350,779 250,000 300,000 300,000 250,000 (50,000) 350,779 250,000 300,000 300,000 250,000 (50,000) CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING AUTHORITY EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2021/22 PROPOSED BUDGET * As of 4/29/2021 2019/20 Actuals 2020/21 Original Budget 2020/21 Current Budget 2020/21 YTD Activity* 2021/22 Proposed 21/22 vs. Current 20/21 % Change in Budget 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016) 0000 - Undesignated 68 - Capital Expenses 0 6,125,000 6,125,000 6,116,796 0 (6,125,000)-100 %249-0000-74010 Land Acquisition 0 60,000 60,000 0 20,000 (40,000)-67 %249-0000-80050 Affordable Housing Project Development 68 - Capital Expenses Totals:0 6,185,000 6,185,000 6,116,796 20,000 (6,165,000) -100 % 0000 - Undesignated Totals:0 6,185,000 6,185,000 6,116,796 20,000 (6,165,000) -100 % 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016) Totals:0 6,185,000 6,185,000 6,116,796 20,000 (6,165,000) -100 % 0 6,125,000 6,125,000 6,116,796 0 (6,125,000) 0 60,000 60,000 0 20,000 (40,000) 0 6,185,000 6,185,000 6,116,796 20,000 (6,165,000) 0 6,185,000 6,185,000 6,116,796 20,000 (6,165,000) 0 6,185,000 6,185,000 6,116,796 20,000 (6,165,000) CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING AUTHORITY EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2021/22 PROPOSED BUDGET * As of 4/29/2021 Fund: 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016) Affordable Housing Project De 20,000.00249-0000-80050 For the evaluation of future housing projects and programs CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING AUTHORITY EXPENSE NOTES FY 2021/22 PROPOSED BUDGET POWER POINTS HOUSING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 9, 2021 Housing Commission Regular Meeting June 9, 2021 Housing Commission Meeting June 9, 2021 B1 – Discuss Fiscal Year 2021/22 Preliminary Proposed Budget FY 2021/22 Budget Schedule •January 16 – Community Workshop •March 2 - CIP – City Council •May 4 – City Council •May 5 – Housing Commission •May 12 – Financial Commission •May 18 – City Council •June 1 – City Council •June 2 – Financial Commission •June 9 – Housing Commission •June 15 – City Council, Adoption Revenue Projections Fund 241 – Addition of Dune Palms Mobile Estates rent revenue Fund 243 – Includes annual loan repayment $660,722 Fund 249 – No anticipated changes to revenue Expense Projections Fund 241 – Professional services, legal fees, upgrades and repairs, insurances, information technology charges Fund 243 – Homelessness funding Fund 249 - Evaluate future affordable housing projects Housing Fund Balances Housing Commission Meeting Next Regular Meeting Date September 8, 2021