BWFE2016-0217 Structural CalcsRE aw.1 f tyu if bunrew 77725 Enfleld Lane, Unit 130 Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-4411 FAX (760) 772-4409 drpfly@aol.com CLIENT: Woo DATEIA& REVISED COUPLES 53701 Fremont Way La Ouinta Madison Club MaINTYRE POOLS AND 5PA5 85-6015 Avenue 45 Indio, GA 012201 ('160) 542-5612 or 250-8546 5TRUOTURAL OALOULATION5 DE516N AND DETAILING OF• I. Design 44t. high CMU retaining wall. 2. DETAIL "A" 4 -ft. high CMU retaining wall. S. DETAIL '130: Tie steel at corner of OMU wall. a tro PAGE OF12,_ 2012 Int'I Building Code 2015 California Building Code SOILS INFORMATION SOILS REPORT PREPARED BY 5LADDEN EN&INEERIN6 (760) 115-152-7 PROJECT NO. 544-4810, 05-01-101, DATED ,JANUARY 25, 2005. soil classification = Silty sand Soil Bearing Pressure = 1500 P5F ; 250 PSF Increase per 1.0 -ft. of depth + 250 P5F increase per 1.0 -ft. of width Maximum Soil Bearing Pressure = 2500 P5F Equivalent Fluid Pressure = 35 PCF (Active, Cantilever Wall, Level Backfill) Sliding Coefficient = 0.40 (Dead loads only) Passive Pressure = 250 PSF/FT OVO ERXONTRAOTOR AGGEPTS ALLLIABILITY FOR COMPACTION AND SUBSIDENCE OF UNDERLYING SOILS. f' c = 4500 PSI 25 -Day Gompr-eesive Strength ASTM C150 TYPE V GEMENT, 0.45 MA_X. 1^l/C ratio z C-33446 p ' ^ EXP.,- 0 Zolg REINFORGINS STEEL Hl111 r ,� �-�`1 * op`i->o_Zulfe. * F y >a 40 KSI, 8rade AO, A5TM ASIS, 'BAI fv��� L P 1±'!P PRESSURE O C AMP lo 0� DEP W = 625 PCF AT 5EA __ / ��Sr1-7jc01 pN Ariz A /. /. / / s3"ks► t�wwNr J�� th& fLycvtW buaye4k 77725 Enfield Lane, #130 Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-4411 FAX (760) 772-4409 drpFty@oot.com CLIENT: REVISED COUPLES 55'70'7 Fremont Way La Ouinta Madison Club MaINTYRE POOLS AND SPAS 65-bc5 Avenue 45 Indio, CA 82201 ('760) 542-5612 or 250-5546 BA519 OF DESIGN COM INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IEK.'), 2012 EDITION CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (6V.,), 2015 EDITION INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS 0 .0- 2) PAGE --gt— OF IZ 5=L MANUAL OF STEEL CON5TRI*TION, ALLOWABLE 5TRZ-55 DE51ON (A15C, 341-10) THIRTEENTH EDITION, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL coNsTwanoN CONCRETE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE (ACI), ACI 518-11 AMERICAN CONCRETE IN5TI I UTE WOOD I -- Mop NATIONAL M516N OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR A000 CON5TRIJCTION (N05-2012) AN51/NFoPA, 201:2 EDITION, NATIONAL FOREST PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION MA50WY TM5 402-11, ACI 550-11, A509 5-11 v � K. Piz! Wo - Al Ii= I M M r*j z 2 iA L4; -fit: PA I ZZ -1 IL; R. 2 9 z 5 1 -1 z ACI 516�11, AWENVIX a - Alternate Load and Strength Re4jr-tion Far. -tors (W. C.-qe--4) U= 1,4P + 1-14 + IIH (or I.4F) (Eo. c. q - 2) U= O."M (I -4P + Ili-) + IO—V (or LOIN) HHOM I.;; rzAKTHGUAKE P-;; DEAD LOAD I -r- I-lVE - LOAD Hp I.ATi- WAL E!AftTH F= FLUID clOF IT 15 THE -VLATION5 rPNFiPRM.TO'THEY41;'�A�l�li7r-Re3, FULL INTENTION OF THE r -,A ER THAT THESE r, -.L(- opyg E� STRUCTURAL PORTION -�40kk]Ng-m �015 EDITION. THESE PiNl� 0-�ATION! 5-HA�lm GOVERN THE 5-T W. , TV �6F tHE Ok,'A INHERE ANY DISCREPANCIES P(-GUR PETyllEEN THESE 9eAL<"e4^-TIQN5, AND THE NQRK-11`16 D'9M TK�140 t Ek -Y 5 - !PTIQN klA*r- !P�; TAKEN, THE !.5,TRU-r ' 'TIQ SHALL P ruRAL�CSA46UL#4K �N!571. --oUpm- 9 NOTIFIED IMMEPIATEL, 0 PROPER A TM� c , TRU-- KA ARE FOR THE ANALY515 AND DQ51ON OF THE PRIMARY 5 --TV L -.5'r5TEM, TH9- ATTA- E R AND NONr5TRUC,TUR,AL ELEMENTS 15 THE nSFPN51[31LITY QP THE AR4HITIZCT, UN055 5PEPIFICALLY ip�;M io-i WISE THE ENGINEER A55QMr;5 NO M!5PPON5101LITY FOR r(Q K NOT s4� PART OF -THE5E-6-AL"LATIPMS NOR FOR INSREETI TO J�N,..�IJFP42 . _ I 1P9NOTRJaTION 15 r9RFQRM9P IN Aa40FPNNr,gWITH THESE j_.GU_ L_ -A iZ -N-5� — TlYaTuRAL 0557RVAT OR FIELD ItW5TIOATION 59RYICE5 ARZ RETAINED UNDER A5EFARATE CONTRACT, 77725 EnField Lane, 11130 Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-4411 FAX (760) 772-4409 drpfly@oot.com CLIENT: BY %rr—± DAM REVISED COUPLES 55'70'1 Fremont Way Lo Quints Madison Club Mc I NTYRE POOLS AND SPAS 65-b95 Avenve 45 Indio, GA 92201 ('160) 542-5612 or 250-5546 w• ► • i t1._ R TM5 402 -II, ACI 550-11, ASCE 5-11 and IHC 2012 AT. = 60 PSF, b" CMU, GROUT CELLS WITH STEEL WT. = '18 PSF, 8" CMU, GROUT CELLS WITH STEEL WT. = 124 PSF, 12" CMU, GROUT CELLS WITH STEEL f YA = 1500 P51 COMPRE551 VE STRENGTH fb = 250 PSI COMPRESSION - FLEXURAL fv = 20 PSI MASONRY TAKES SHEAR fv = 241 MI REINFORCING, TAKES ALL SHEAR fs = 20 K51 STEEL STRENGTH (Py = 40 KSI) Em = 1.125 X 10 PSI n = 25.5 MODULAR RATIO Es/Em CONCRETE STRENGTH V c = 4500 PSI 26-0ay Compressive Strength TYPE V CEMENT STF�L F y = 40 KSI, Grade 40, A5TM A615 GROUT STRENGTH Vc. = 2500 PSI 25 -Day Compres9lve Strength SAA qr \ ticTIpN Ila'-1LI the/fLyc+Afb"u-vew 77725 Enfield Lane, #13O Palm Depert, CA 92211 (760) 772-4411 FAX (760) 772-4409 drpflyftot-COM CLIENT: BY] at/) 60 I Mf— QATA REVISEp COUPLES 58*70"7 Fremont Way 4o Wnta Madison Olvb MaINTY'RE F001-5 AND 5PA5 85-615 Avenue 45 Indio, CA 412201 (160) 542-5612 or 250-0546 �D FIN, *IRAM-E HOKIZ, CANT, VIM—T, AT 16" O.C. (TYPJ CMU WALL UP GROUT PROVIDE I ". FT. or• - AOORE&ATE MAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC MIRAPI 140h OR E12JAL, PLACE 6- JPIAM. 9VW. 40 PERFORATED PIPE. PLAGE PIPE DOM WITH AN OVTLET AT END OF WALL. 1 tNATE DIRECTION OF RT-, BARS IN FTGP- HORIZ. CONT. CONCRETE STRENGTH V = 4500 PSI 28 -Day Compressive Strength ASTM C150 TYPE V CEMENT, 0.45 MAX. YVC, ratio ClOlz SgINEqRQINO STEEL 8lJl F a 40 K51, Grade 40, ASTM A615, #3 BARS or GREATER LDjiVG QUIN-rA MIN. LAP *4 DAR = 24" APp�C) DiEpr MA–SONRY FOR'CONS-rF? VCD Pm= 1500 PSI Uc-rjory I RETAININ67 WALL AT FREE-5TANPINCS 5 th.,. f t y f but t Pk BYw—DATE COWLES 77725 Enfield Lane, #130 REVISED 53'10'7 Fremont YVay Palm Desert, CA 92211 La Quinta (760) 772-4411 FAX (760) 772-4409 Madison G1ub drpfly@aol.com CLIENT: ' Ma I NTYRE POOLS AND SPAS 55--6415 Avenue 45 Indio, GA 412241 ("160) 342-5612 or 250-8546 2-+& JERT MN BEND INSIDE BAR VERTICAL IN GORE, 12" LAP OUT5IDE BAR AROUND GORNLRS TYPICAL GORNM #16-196 O• PAGE CO OF IL 5 HORII. ADD 04 HOOK5 TO MATCH 5PACIN& of HORIZ. BARS ALTERNATE 2--% VERT. MIN, - - WALL ELEV, DOUBLE LAYER RE I NFORO I NG TYPICAL INTERIOR TYP. I A I I '! 4-0 (VERT ty 10 IINIMUM 0 05 HORIZ, IN CENTER ADD #4 HOOK -5 TO MATCH 5PAGINO OF HORIZ, DAR5 ALTERNATE. STANDARD WHOOK a0iLDrry & LA QUINT saF� a A EP7; TYPco lw TYPIC 51 NGLE LAY . , r kE I M&A& 11% INTER � " RUCTION TYP I GAL RE I NFORO I NG AT INTIM—SEGTI QNS AND OORNER5 OF MA50NRY WALL MS_ 51 -- SIRl1CWRLIL 8. CN11;_ i 77.725 Enfoeld Lie Uriff #130 C1C6—` _DATE I ' 1 ' ; ' I � � � ' — `----P�tlr�Des��,Gcia•s7�li=--' • ' FAX (760) 772-4409 772-4411 0' (760) 772- { � - i ! I }_ i W PREPARED FOR: ' As I (--__.L____ ti - _� • i�►�-�.—T 1 • Q f�- i J..,� s '�` ..;Y Ste! �! a f _0,1RLA +---_,_--.I__. ._ Ana ,- E. _ ,.a.. �. (—, ,1--.,., ^ I f { ► E !--_ �.___`�-ABY i r i r � 1 ---r.,.,__-r-- ,�.w The Flying Buttress Title COUPLES SPA RETAINING WALL Page: 1 Structural and Civil Engineering Job #: 16.198 Dsgnr. DRP Date: 28 SEP 2016 77725 Enfield Lane #130 Description.... ` Palm Desert, CA 92211 Oft. high CMU retaining wall (760) 772-4411 email: drpfiy@aol.com This Wall in File: c:\users\denise\desktop\documents\retainpro '10 project files\2016-stoker-la seren Ucen P KIN- 87.2016, Build Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2013,ACI 318-11,ACI 530-11 ucense : Kw-0sossa2s - _ _ 9 Criteria �1d� iiil 0 n Load Retained Height = 4.00 ft Wall height above soil 0.00 ft Slope Behind Wall - 0.00 Height of Soil over Toe 8.00 in Water height over heel 0.0 ft Surcliurge loads - Surcharge Over Heel - 0,0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe 0.0 Used for Sliding 8 Overturning Axial Load Ap plied to Stem Axial Dead Load - 0.0 lbs Axial Live Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 In Design Summary Soil Data �1d� iiil 0 n Load ...resultant ex. Lateral Load Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Ad)acerit Footing Coad Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method ...Height t9 `Pop 0.00 ft Active Heel Pressure 35.0 psf/ft ...Height to Bottom 0.00 It Passive Pressure 250.0 psf/ft Load Type = Wind (W) Soil Density, Heel =_ 110.00 pcf Allowable = Level) Soil Density, Toe 0.00 pcf Lateral Sliding Force = f Footingil$oil Friction 0.400 less 100% Friction Force = - 500.8 lbs $oli height to ignore 9 ignore 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 Stability P • , k=F1� ` pa iv pressyre = 12,90 in 1,193.2 isait ad 1ppil eFp';.' �1d� iiil 0 n Load ...resultant ex. Lateral Load 010 #/ft Ad)acerit Footing Coad 0,0 .b ...Height t9 `Pop 0.00 ft Footing Width 0.00 ft ...Height to Bottom 0.00 It Eccentricity = 0.00 In Load Type = Wind (W) Wall to Ftg CL Dist = 0.00 ft Allowable = Level) Footing Type Line Load Lateral Sliding Force = (Servft B Ah I /Bel Soil 334.2 lbs Wind on Expose-d-�tttm a Back of Wal 0.0 ft (Service Level) Poisson's Ratio 0.300 Wind ads left -to right to�wr4rd retention Side. Stem Construction _ Bottom stem oK Wall Stability Ratios Design Height A -W -IM Ftg ft = 0 90 Overturning = 2,41 QKWaIlMatefialAboye'kit" Masonry Slidina = 1,73 OK Design Method = ASD Total Bearing Load = 1,252 lbs ...resultant ex. 4.58 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 872 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel 67 psf OK Allowable = 1,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1,221 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 93 psf Footing Shear @ Toe 4,5 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 4.2 psi OK Allowable = 75.0 psi Sliding Calcs lbs = Lateral Sliding Force = 482.3 lbs less 100% Passive Force = - 334.2 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 500.8 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 Stability P 0.0 lbs OK Thickness Rebar Size = = 8.00 # 4 Rebar Spacing Dead Load 16.00 Rebar Placed at = Edge Design Data - Wind, W 1.000 fb1F0 + fa/f'a ? 0.313 Total Force a Section Service Level lbs = 280.0 Strength Level lbs = Moment -Actual Service Level ft-# 373.3 Strength Level Moment.. ,,Allowable = 1,193.2 Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures. Load Factors Building Code CBC 2013,ACI Dead Load 1.400 Live Load 1.700 Earth, H 1.700 Wind, W 1.000 Seismic, E 1.000 Service Level Strength Level Shear..... Allowable Anet (Masonry) Rebar Depth 'd' Masonry Data fm Fs Solid Grouting Modular Ratio'n' Wail Weight Short Term Factor Equiv. Solid Thick. Masonry Block Type Masonry Design Method Concrete Data fc Fy PSI = 3.1 psi = psi = 44.8 int = 91.50 In = 5.25 psi= 1;500 psi = 20;000FYO F LA QUI NTA z 48' DING & SAFETY DEPT. psf = .000. PPRO ED 1 In= o -OR CONSTRUCTION = Medium Weight = ASPATE-- v psi = psi = The,Flying Buttress Structural and Civil Engineering 77726 Enfield Lane #130 Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-4411 email: drpfty@aol.com This Wall In File: Title COUPLES SPA RETAINING WALL Page : 2 Job # :16.198 Dsgnr. DRP Date: 28 SEP 2016 Description.... 44t. high CMU retaining wall 10 Drolect filesV016-stoker-la seren rcaa+nrry p./ wv-w w, vvw .ow.v..v ucense : KW -os M26 _ Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2013,ACI 318-11,ACI 530-11 Footing Dimensions & Strengths Toe Width = 1.00 ft Heel Width 1.67 Total Footing Width = 2.67 Footing Thickness = 15.00 In Key Width - 0.00 in Key Depth 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 It fc = 2,500 psi Fy = 40,000 psi Footing Concrete Density = 150.00 pcf Min. As % 0.0018 Cover @ Top 3.00 @ Btm = 3.00 in of Overturnl Footing Design Results 0.86 in2 Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 7221 93 psf Mu': Upward = 540 117 ft4 Mu': Downward = 243 586 ft4 Mu: Design = 297 469 ft-# Actual 1 Way Shear = 4.51 4.16 psi Allow 1 -Way Shear = 75.00 75.00 psi Toe Reinforcing = # 4 @ 16.00 in Heel Reinforcing = None Spedd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Surcharge Over Heel = Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd: Mu < phi"51ambda'sgrt(fc)"Sm Heel: Not req'd: Mu < phi 51ambda•sgrt(fc)'Sm Key: No key defined Min footing T&S reinf Area 0.86 in2 Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot 0.32 in2 At If one layer of horizontal bars: If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 7.41 In #4@ 14.81 in #5@ 11.48 In #5@ 22.96 in #6@ 16.30 in #6@ 32.59 in Force Distance Moment_ Force Distance Moment Item lbs it ft-* lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 482.3 1.75 844.1 Soil Over Heel 440.0 2.17 953.3 Surcharge over Heel = SloPed $911 Over Heel - Surcharge Surcharge Over Toe = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Adjacent Footing Load F Added Lateral Load Axial Dead Load on Stem = Load @ Stem Above Soil = 5.25 "Axial dive Load on Stem = - Soil Over Toe = 0.50 SurEharge Over Toe - Total Q,T� Stern Weight(s) 3 312.0 1.33 416,0 Earth otpM Tronsiupw - Footip8 W9101 a 500:0 1,33, 066,7 Reslsti"OlOverturning Natio F 2,41 Kett Wolght Vertical Loads ysed far Solt 1?reagure a 1,262,9 Iba Vert, Ccmpgnent 2,07�_� Toot --1,252,0 lbs F3,M,= 5 0;Q Axial Ilvg iosd NQT incJude� resit®nce, but is included , in total dispiaygd or used for overtyming r soil pressure ai�Cuiation, Vertical component of act'nre lateral soli pressure IS considered In the calculation of Skiing Resistance,. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of Oysrtuming Resistance, CITY OF LA QUINTA Horizontal s f o Deflection at Toe of 1Nall due settlement to settlemoil `�Uti_OIPjG & SAFETY DEPT. (Deflection due to wall bonding not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 20 pgi FOR CONSTRUCED TION 50, Horizontal 0@11 C Top of Wall (approximate only) Q,Q3f in bectause the wall would then tend to rotate into the retained soil. The.Flying Buttress ' Title COUPLES SPA RETAINING WALL Page: 3 Structural and Civil Engineering Job # :16.188 Dsgnr. DRP Date: 28 SEP 2016 77725 Enfield Lane #130 Description.... Palm Desert, CA 82211 4-R. high CMU retaining wail (760) 772.4411 email: drpfly@aol.eom This Wall In File: c:WsersWeniseWesktopldocumentsVetainpro 10 project files\2016-stoker-la seren RetalnPro (c)1987-2018, Bund : KYY-080S3828 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2013,ACI 318-11,ACI 530-11 Ucen-- --_-- Rebar Lap & Embedment Lengths Information Stem Design Segment: Bottom Stem Design Height: 0.00 ft above top of footing Lap Splice length for #4 bar specified In this stem design segment = 20.00 in Development length for #4 bar specified in this stem design segment;; 12.00 in Hooked embedment length into footing for #4 bar specified in this stem design segment = 6.00 in As Provided = 0.1500 in2tft As Required = 0.0476 in2tft CIT`( OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE�-__BY I The Flying Buttnass Title COUPLES SPA RETAINING WALL Page: 4 Structural and Civil Engineering Job # :16.198 Dsgnr, DRP Date: 28 SEP 2016 77726 Enfield Lane #130 Descrlption.... Palm Desert, CA 92211 44L high CMU retaining wail Viz (760) 772-4411 email: drplty@aol.com This Wail in File: c:WsersldeniseldesktopldocumentsVetainpro 10 project fileM2016-stoker-la seren RetelnPro (c)1987-2016, Build Ucem: KW-ososse2s Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2013,ACI 318-11,ACI 530-11 WIVE a°a e�.o e�aoaa.°'�eaoo eaai �oia �eas'i �a ♦♦♦ea ♦esoaee♦a• C Y 07- -- LA QUINTA ij111._D1�k!G & SAFETY DEPT. FOR CONSTPUCTIUN DATE BY The Flying Buttrass Title COUPLES SPA RETAINING WALL Page: 5 Structural and Civil Engineering Job # :16.198 Dsgnr. DRP Date: 28 SEP 2016 77726 Enfield Lane #130 Description.... Palm Desert, CA 92211 4 -ft. high CMU retaining wall Cr/jzI (760) 772-4411 email: drpfiy@aol.com This Wall in File: c:WsersWenise\desktop\documentslretainpro 10 project files12016-stoker-la seren RetainPro (c)1987-2016, Build uanvieverea Ketalning Wall Code: CBC 2013ACI 318-11,ACI 530-11 r), -PT. 'ih jo:oJ I ; ill, 1 IIJi`�