09 STVR Mass Notifications 2018 to presentSHORT TERM VACATION RENTAL
La Quinta City Hall
Study Session Room
THURSDAY, MAY 10, 2018 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
For more information, contact Missy Mendoza:
(760)777-7060 Join us for new STVR
Code rules & updates
THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2019 - 3:30PM
For more information, contact Missy Mendoza:
(760) 777-7060
Join us for our PROPERTY
to discuss the STVR program and get
updates on program regulations.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 2019 - 5:30PM
For more information, contact Missy Mendoza:
(760) 777-7060
to discuss the STVR program and get
updates on program regulations.
Memorable Guests.
Memorable Moments.
Ther e may b e h o mes a roun d your neig hborhood that
are s hort-term va c at ion r en tals. I f you e x p e r i e nce an y
m u nici p al cod e viola tion s such a s: tr ash, noise, and/or
par ki ng violations, plea se c all t he Sh o r t-Term V acati o n
Rent al Hot li ne at
A ll c all s c an remain a n onymous.
F E S T I V A L S E A S O N I S H E R E !
Memorable La Quinta.
76 0.7 7 7 .715 7 .
To preserve the quality of life in
the City of La Quinta by evoking
a true collaboration of hosts, guests,
and community, encouraging tourism
in our Gem of the Desert.
City residents have the right to call a
24/7 short-term vacation rental hotline
to report violations of the rules such as
noise, trash, and/or parking.
7 6 0 .7 7 7 .7 1 5 7
There may be homes around your
neighborhood that are short-term vacation
If you experience any municipal code
violations such as: loud noise, trash and/or
parking violations, please call the 24/7
Short-Term Vacation Rental Hotline. All
calls will remain anonymous.
Short-Term Vacation
Rental Hotline
(760) 777-7157
To preserve the quality of life in the City of
La Quinta by evoking a true collaboration of
hosts, guests, and community, encouraging
tourism in our Gem of the Desert.
City residents have the right to call a 24/7
short-term vacation rental hotline to report
violations of the rule such as noise, trash,
and/or parking.
7 6 0 .7 7 7 .7 1 5 7
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Vacation Rentals Join
Greater Palm Springs TBID
COLLECTION BEGINS JULY 1, 2021Vacation Rental lodging owners and representatives across the Coachella Valley
have successfully petitioned to be included in the Greater Palm Springs Tourism
Business Improvement District (GPSTBID).
The GPSTBID is managed by the Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) and funded by a 1% assessment of gross rental revenue
from short-term vacation rentals.
Examples of ways the funding can be used to benefit the industry include:
• Destination marketing aimed at vacation rental
lodging visitors
• Travel media coverage
• Best-practices, compliance and education for
communities, stakeholders and visitors
• Industry research and consumer studies to increase
marketing effectiveness and support the value of
short-term vacation rentals
• Increased flights to PSP to build new audiences
• Promotion targeting the shoulder seasons and
summer months to drive year-round demand
An advisory group of vacation rental owners and property managers will be formed to help determine how to best use the funds to benefit the industry.
Vacation rental owners and agents should begin preparing to remit the 1% GPSTBID assessment July 1, 2021.
Vacation Rentals Join Greater Palm Springs TBID: FAQs
Who is assessed?
All vacation rental lodging located within the boundaries of the GPSTBID are required to
remit the 1% assessment on gross rental revenue of short-term stays starting July 1, 2021,
regardless of when the reservation was confi rmed. Owners and property managers can
begin including this fee in future bookings accordingly.
How do I pay?
Owners and agents will remit the assessment along with TOT. The TBID assessment is paid
monthly (or quarterly for some cities) and applies to gross rental revenue, similar to how
TOT is calculated and remitted.
How do I learn more?
Additional details on how to add your listing and get involved will be forthcoming.
Please look for future communications from the Greater Palm Springs CVB regarding the
TBID assessment and benefi ts. Until then, visit gpsTBID.com and sign up for the TBID
communication email list.
Who is my CVB contact?
If you have any questions, please contact Davis Meyer, Director of Partnership at the
Greater Palm Springs CVB: dmeyer@gpscvb.com or (760) 969-1360.
For more information, visit gpsTBID.com.
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78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 760.777.7000
Dear Homeowners and Management Companies,
Thank you for your participating in our Short Term Vacation Rental Program and
for another successful festival season.
We have made an important update to our program and are seeking your
collaboration in the process.
We will no longer be issuing renewals to properties that are located within
developments that do not allow Short Term Vacation Rentals.
As a homeowner or management company that manages a rental, we ask that
you verify that your development allows Short Term Vacation Rentals before
submitting your renewal to us. The Homeowners Association (HOA) and/or the
Covenant’s, Conditions, & Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the development your
property is in should have more information to help you make this determination.
If a renewal is submitted for a property in a development where it is not allowed,
it will be denied, so please make a pro-active effort to identify the eligibility of
your property, or properties, before submitting.
We appreciate your help and cooperation.
The Vacation LQ Team
Dear Owners,
Thank you for recently registering your vacation rental unit(s) in compliance with the La Quinta Vacation
Rental Municipal Code. Enclosed are your Vacation Rental Certificate / Business License Permit. This
document is to be posted in a conspicuous location in your rental property. Also enclosed are copies of
the Good Neighbor Brochure that must also be placed in your rental property. A PDF version of the
brochure can be obtained by clicking on the Vacation Rental Ordinance “link” on the
www.laquintaca.gov home page. You are encouraged to share the brochure with your guests prior to their
stay at your property.
As a licensed owner of a vacation rental property in La Quinta you are required to comply with the
following rules as further detailed in the City’s Municipal Code Chapter 3.24 & 3.25.
• Annually renew your Business licenses and Vacation Rental Permit.
• Collect and remit to the City the required 10% Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) for all rentals of
30 days or less.
• Report to the City on a monthly basis, whether your property rents or not, regarding all rental
activity. Monthly reports must be received by the City by the last day of the month following the
reported month or a fine may be levied.
• If your property is located with a Homeowner Association (HOA) it is your responsibility to
adhere to any covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) regarding Short-Term Vacation
• Special events permits are required for gathering in vacation rental properties that exceed the
number of allowable people outline in the Good Neighbor Brochure.
• Identify a responsible party in each rental group, who is 21 years of age or older, to be legally
responsible for ensuring that guests comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations
pertaining to the use of your rental property.
• Designate a “local contact person” who is available 24/7/365 with the ability to respond to the
location within 45 minutes for the purpose of: (1) Taking remedial action to resolve any such
complaints and (2) Responding to complaints regarding the condition, operation, or conduct of
occupants of the short-term vacation rental unit. You may wish to contract with a Vacation
Rental Management Company to provide this service.
• Post the enclosed Short-Term Vacation Rental Permit and the Good Neighbor Brochures as
previously mentioned above.
• List your property’s permit number (shown above) on all advertisements.
• Maintain, for three years, all records of rental activity for possible inspection by the City.
If you have any questions regarding these requirements or the TOT remitting procedure please do not
hesitate to contact staff at 760-777-7000.
LQ Vacation Team
The Short-Term Vacation Rental Program team would like to
wish you a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! We would
like to let you know about some exciting changes as well as
some important reminders about our program as we enter the
new year. We look forward to an exciting 2020!
The City of La Quinta has contracted LODGINGREVS to provide Online and
Compliance services for the Short-Term Vacation Rental Program. Services include,
Online payments for Short-term rental permit/renewals, and Transient Occupancy
Taxes (TOT). Access your account 24/7 to view account activity, pay monthly
Transient Occupancy Taxes and STVR permits. Manage your account easily and
view recent transactions. More information to follow!!
The City of La Quinta Short-Term Vacation Rental Program Administrative Citation
fines were amended effective August 17, 2018. Fines for Short-Term Rentals
violations have increased to range from $500 - $5000.
• General STVR Violation (Local Contact Fail to
Respond/Occupancy/Noise Parking).
• Operating a STVR without a Short-Term Vacation Rental Permit.
• Hosting a Special Event at a STVR without a Special Event Permit.
Three violations of Short-Term Vacation Rentals regulations will result in a
suspension of STVR permit.
It shall remain the responsibility of all registered properties and management
companies to complete and submit a City of La Quinta TOT Tax Reporting
Form. This form should continue to be submitted to the City on a monthly basis
and should indicate the amount for that given month.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we implement these new changes.
Happy New Year!! We hope you have had a great start to the
new year!! Our team is excited for the improvements that are
underway to make our Short-Term Vacation Rental Program
better than ever!! Please see below for exciting announcements
and important updates as we kick off a great year in the
beautiful City of La Quinta.
Primary Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes for your business is now
being requested on business license applications and renewals to comply with
Senate Bill 205, which went into effect January 1, 2020. This bill requires the
city to confirm businesses with SIC codes that are identified in the Stormwater
Industrial General Permit (IGP) to demonstrate compliance with the State’s
stormwater permit. To help guide you to provide this new information, a few
SIC codes are listed that apply to Short-Term Vacation Rentals. If you believe
a different SIC code applies to your business, you can search on
http://www.osha.gov/pls/imis/sicsearch.html. SIC codes is a REQUIRED field
on business license applications and renewals.
Starting February 1, 2020, the City of La Quinta will be using a new
paperless, online system for the Short-Term Vacation Rental Program. You
will be receiving step-by-step registration instructions from MUNIRevs/
LODGINGRevs to walk you through the process of creating a user profile and
registering your property on the website. Once your account is created, you
will be able to access your account 24/7 to make online payments for TOT
and/or STVR permits as well as easily manage your account and view all
recent transactions.
We are excited to announce we received 65 applications for the STVR
Ad-Hoc Committee!! Interviews for the selection process will be scheduled in
the coming weeks and the committee will meet once a month to exchange
ideas and information to make the Short-Term Vacation Rental program better
than ever!!
Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we implement these new changes.
February 3, 2020
Dear Owner,
Effective February 1, 2020 the City of La Quinta is using a new paperless, online Short-Term
Vacation Rental system—MUNIRevs/LODGINGRevs. This system will allow you to submit all TOT
payments, as well as pay business license and STVR permit fees online 24/7. Reminders and notices
from our STVR program will now be sent via email exclusively. To register with our new program,
please follow the registration steps below:
Registration Steps
1. Go to: https://laquinta.munirevs.com
2. Click on the Green “Go” button on the left side for “New Users Registration.”
3. Enter your email address.
4. Follow the instructions in the email you will receive which will prompt you to click on a link to
bring you to a secure “User Profile” screen.
5. Create your “User Profile” and click “Continue to Business Profile”
(orange button)
6. Link to your Property Record by entering the information below. Note that your license number in
the new system has SIX DIGITS.
Account Number:
Activation Code:
Need Assistance?
Login and account access help is available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm PST by
contacting MUNIRevs at 1-888-751-1911 or email at support@munirevs.com.
If you have any questions regarding the registration process or you need assistance, please contact
our Short-Term Vacation Rental team at (760) 777-7000 and we will be happy to assist you.
Missy Mendoza, Management Specialist
March 27, 2020
Pursuant to City Council Emergency Resolution EM 2020-001 and Chapter 2.20 of the La Quinta
Municipal Code, Executive Order #7 has been issued by the City Manager and mandates the closure
of Short term (30 Days or Less), vacation rentals, time shares, hotels and motels but are limited to
the following:
• To house essential service workers related to COVID-19. Essential service workers are public
safety and medical professionals, state, county, and city workers supporting the local
emergency pandemic.
The following documentation is REQUIRED to be submitted to the City of La Quinta from the
homeowner to verify your exemption from Executive Order #7:
1. Business card from renter (essential worker)
2. Signed letter from renter stating essential service they are providing, why this service is
essential and where they will be providing this service.
3. Renter to provide name and contact number to verify essential workers employment
• Temporary lodging to protect homeless persons.
• Current renters are allowed to remain until contract ends.
• Current renter is allowed to remain if the renter has been displaced and cannot return to
his/her residence because of the following:
1. A person residing at his/her residence must isolate or quarantine,
2. A higher risk of severe illness at the residence,
3. Due to travel restrictions or other circumstance beyond their control, or
4. Renter needs to isolate or quarantine themselves.
Please contact your STVR Team at 760-777-7000 if you have any questions or concerns.
March 27, 2020
Pursuant to City Council Emergency Resolution EM 2020-001 and Chapter 2.20 of the La Quinta
Municipal Code, Executive Order #7 has been issued by the City Manager and mandates the closure
of Short term (30 Days or Less), vacation rentals, time shares, hotels and motels but are limited to
the following:
• To house essential service workers related to COVID-19. Essential service workers are public
safety and medical professionals, state, county, and city workers supporting the local
emergency pandemic.
• Temporary lodging to protect homeless persons.
• Current renters are allowed to remain until contract ends.
• Current renter is allowed to remain if the renter has been displaced and cannot return to
his/her residence because of the following:
1. A person residing at his/her residence must isolate or quarantine,
2. A higher risk of severe illness at the residence,
3. Due to travel restrictions or other circumstance beyond their control, or
4. Renter needs to isolate or quarantine themselves.
Please contact your STVR Team at 760-777-7000 if you have any questions or concerns.
April 2, 2020
UPDATED: April 1, 2020
Pursuant to City Council Emergency Resolution EM 2020-001 and Chapter 2.20 of the La Quinta
Municipal Code, Executive Order #7 has been issued by the City Manager and mandates the closure
of Short term (30 Days or Less), vacation rentals, time shares, hotels and motels but are limited to
the following (A,B,C,D,E):
A. Temporary lodging to protect homeless persons.
• Letter from property owner/property manager required to be submitted to the City of La
Quinta to verify lodging to protect homeless persons.
B. Lodging for persons who have been displaced and cannot return to their residence because a
person residing at the residence must isolate or quarantine, there is a higher risk of severe illness
at the residence, or due to travel restrictions or other circumstance beyond their control.
• Letter from the Renter is required to be submitted to the City of La Quinta describing their
circumstances as it pertains to any of the above.
C. Lodging is for persons who need to isolate or quarantine themselves.
• Lodging for persons who need to isolate or quarantine themselves is limited to La Quinta
residents only. Documentation required to be submitted to the City of La Quinta: 1) copy of
California Driver’s license or other government issued ID, and 2) a utility bill or other form of
documentation that shows that La Quinta is the primary residence of the person(s).
D. Lodging is for essential service workers related to COVID-19. Essential service workers are
public safety and medical professionals, state, county, and city workers supporting the local
emergency pandemic.
• Documentation required to be submitted to the City of La Quinta: 1) Letter from Renter
verifying essential service work, 2) Renter’s business card, and 3) Name and contact number
of employer.
E. Current renters that have an existing contract to rent the short-term rental that started before
March 26, 2020, are allowed to remain until contract ends.
• Copy of contract required to be submitted to City of La Quinta.
STVR’s in violation - $5,000 fine and suspension of license for one year.
** In order to ensure we have accurate information on file, please make sure your local contact information is current.
** Please submit all required documentation to Tommi Sanchez at TSANCHEZ@LAQUINTACA.GOV **
April 3, 2020
Date AS AMENDED: April 3, 2020
Pursuant to City Council Emergency Resolution EM 2020-001 and Chapter 2.20 of the La Quinta
Municipal Code, Executive Order #7 as amended has been issued by the City Manager and
mandates the closure of Short term (60 Days or Less), vacation rentals, time shares, hotels and
motels but are limited to the following (A,B,C,D,E):
A. Temporary lodging to protect homeless persons.
• Letter from property owner/property manager required to be submitted to the City of La
Quinta to verify lodging to protect homeless persons.
B. Lodging for persons who have been displaced and cannot return to their residence because a
person residing at the residence must isolate or quarantine, there is a higher risk of severe illness
at the residence, or due to travel restrictions or other circumstance beyond their control.
• Letter from the Renter is required to be submitted to the City of La Quinta describing their
circumstances as it pertains to any of the above.
C. Lodging is for persons who are residents of the city but need to isolate or quarantine
• Documentation required to be submitted to the City of La Quinta showing proof of
residency: 1) copy of California Driver’s license or other government issued ID, and 2) a
utility bill or other form of documentation that shows that La Quinta is the primary residence
of the person(s).
D. Lodging is for essential service workers related to COVID-19. Essential service workers are
public safety and medical professionals, state, county, and city workers supporting the local
emergency pandemic.
• Documentation required to be submitted to the City of La Quinta: 1) Letter from Renter
verifying essential service work, 2) Renter’s business card, and 3) Name & contact number of
E. Current renters that have an existing contract to rent the short-term rental that started before
March 26, 2020, and the existing contract extends beyond April 3, 2020, are allowed to remain
until contract ends.
• Copy of contract required to be submitted to City of La Quinta.
STVR’s in violation - $5,000 fine and suspension of license for one year.
** In order to ensure we have accurate information on file, please make sure your local contact information is current.
** Please submit all required documentation to Tommi Sanchez at TSANCHEZ@LAQUINTACA.GOV **
April 7, 2021
• AMENDED EXECUTIVE ORDER #10: Moratorium on issuing new permits for Short-
Term Vacation Rentals (STVRs) has been extended to June 1, 2021. New permits for
STVRs can be issued only if you are located within Tourist Commercial or Village
Commercial Districts. CLICK HERE for Executive Order No. 10, Amendment 4.
• AMENDED EXECUTIVE ORDER #9: Order governing use and occupation of Short-Term
Vacation Rental units in the City of La Quinta. CLICK HERE for Executive Order #9,
Amendment 2.
• Updates to STVR regulations went into effect as of January 15, 2021. CLICK HERE to
view Ordinance 586.
For more information on these updates, CLICK HERE for what these updated STVR
regulations mean for you as a host.
April 9, 2020
Date: 04/09/2020
Effective April 9, 2020, Executive Order #7 was amended according to the following: (1) All short-
term rentals for 60 days or less in the City of La Quinta are prohibited for the duration of the local
emergency; (2) No short-term rental for 60 days or less may operate or continue to operate for any
one of the limited exceptions listed in Section 4 of City Manager Executive Order #7 dated April 3,
2020 unless, prior to any rental or use, or continued rental or use, the owner of the short-term rental
delivers documents and evidence sufficient for the City to confirm the rental or use is allowable
under one or more of the limited exceptions; (3) Citations for violations of this City Manager
Executive Order, currently and as to be amended, shall be issued immediately; (4) This executive
order, currently and as to be amended, applies to any unit that may be available or used as a short-
term rental regardless of whether rent or other consideration is received; (5) The amended
executive order will take effect the day after its issuance by the City Manager.
What are the exemptions that allow me to rent my short-term rental for stays 60 days or
The exemptions are listed under Item No. 4 of Second Amended Executive Order #7, and listed
1. Temporary lodging to protect homeless persons.
2. Lodging for persons who have been displaced and cannot return to their residence because a
person residing at the residence must isolate or quarantine, there is a higher risk of severe
illness at the residence, or due to travel restrictions or other circumstance beyond their control.
3. Lodging is for persons who are residents of the city but need to isolate or quarantine
4. Lodging is for essential service workers related to COVID-19. Essential service workers are
public safety and medical professionals, state, county, and city workers supporting the
emergency pandemic.
5. Persons currently using and occupying a short-term rental any time after March 26, 2020,
who have an existing contract to rent the short-term rental that extends beyond April 8, 2020.
Documentation and evidence for short-term rentals currently being used or occupied
shall be submitted to the City NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on April 10, 2020. City
approval shall be based on clearly convincing evidence, such as medical provider or doctor’s
orders, essential worker designation from a public agency, or other similar documentation as
the City deems necessary or proper to confirm an existing or proposed short-term rental use or
occupancy is exempt. If the City finds that any one or more of the exemptions are met, the
persons may remain in the short-term rental until the contract ends, unless prevented from
returning for a reason set forth in the Order. Any person who violates this order shall be subject
to a fine of $5,000 per violation and an immediate suspension of any and all City permits that
authorize the use of the short-term rental for one (1) year from the date of suspension.
Do I need approval from the City before I make any bookings for rental?
Yes. Documentation and evidence are required to be submitted to the City no later than one business
day before any agreement or contract is entered, or if no agreement or contract is to be entered,
then one business day before taking any use or occupancy. Any and all purported evidence shall be
submitted by the “owner” or “authorized agent or representative” (as defined in La Quinta Municipal
Code Section 3.25.030), or other person or entity who owns or manages a short-term rental in the
City of La Quinta.
I am currently renting my short-term rental. What do I need to do?
City approval is required for short term rentals currently in use or occupied, and prior to any new
use or occupancy. Documentation and evidence for short-term rentals currently being used
or occupied shall be submitted to the City NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on April 10, 2020.
Any person who violates this order shall be subject to a fine of $5,000 per violation and an
immediate suspension of any and all City permits that authorize the use of the short-term rental for
one (1) year from the date of suspension.
What documents and evidence do I need to submit to the City to confirm the rental is
allowable under one or more of the limited exemptions?
• For temporary lodging to protect homeless persons, a letter from property owner/property
manager required to verify lodging to protect homeless persons. “Homeless persons” mean
persons who do not have a home, residence, or dwelling unit or area of any kind.
• For persons who have been displaced, a letter from the renter describing their circumstances.
• For persons who are residents of the city but need to isolate or quarantine themselves,
documentation required to be submitted showing proof of residency: 1) copy of California
Driver’s license or other government issued ID, and 2) a utility bill or other form of
documentation that shows that La Quinta is the primary residence of the person(s)
• For essential service workers supporting the COVID-19 emergency pandemic, documentation
required: 1) Letter from Renter verifying essential service work, 2) Renter’s business card, and
3) Name and contact number of employer.
• For persons currently using and occupying a short-term rental, documentation and evidence
such as medical provider or doctor’s orders, essential worker designation from a public agency,
or other similar documentation as the City deems necessary or proper to confirm an existing or
proposed short-term rental use or occupancy is exempt.
• “Group hotels” that have 125 rooms or more and pay a transient occupancy tax of 11%
pursuant to La Quinta Municipal Code Sections 3.24.020 and 3.24.030 do not need to submit
documentation to confirm rental of their rooms is allowable under one or more of the limited
exemptions as long as the group hotel has instituted and maintains a practice of verification for
any guest as qualifying for one of the limited exemptions.
• “Hotels” that are not “group hotels” (as described in the bullet point above) and that pay a
transient occupancy tax of 10% pursuant to La Quinta Municipal Code Sections 3.24.020 and
3.24.030 do not need to submit documentation to confirm rental of their rooms is allowable only
if the hotel has 50 or more rooms, is typically considered by the general public as a small hotel,
boutique hotel or motel, inn, or lodge, and has instituted and maintains a practice of verification
for any guest as qualifying for one of the limited exemptions. All other short-term rentals
that otherwise may fall under the definition of “hotels” in La Quinta Municipal Code
Section3.24.020, including but not limited to any structure or portion thereof, duplex, triplex,
single-family dwelling units or other short-term vacation rental unit as defined in Chapter 3.25,
must submit documentation to confirm rental of their rooms is allowable under one or
more of the limited exemptions in order for the City to confirm whether their rooms are not
subject to the requirements in Subsection (D) of Section 4 of the Second Amendment to
Executive Order #7.
For any one or more the exemptions, City approval shall be based on clearly convincing evidence,
such as medical provider or doctor’s orders, essential worker designation from a public agency, or
other similar documentation as the City deems necessary or proper to confirm an existing or
proposed short-term rental use or occupancy is exempt.
How do I submit documentation and evidence to the City?
Please call 760-777-7000 during business hours or email vacationlq@laquintaca.gov to request the
specific exemption you are claiming. You will then need to log into your MuniRevs account at
https://laquinta.munirevs.com and follow the instructions in your Open Tasks that pertain to your
exemption. If you have not yet accessed your account, please call the STVR Team at 760-777-7000 or
email support@munirevs.com to activate.
What is the penalty for violating this order?
Any person who violates this order shall be subject to a fine of $5,000 per violation and an
immediate suspension of any and all City permits that authorize the use of the short-term rental for
one (1) year from the date of suspension.
*These supplemental instructions are issued and must be followed as authorized by Section 4,
Subsection (D), and Section 8 of the Second Amendment to Executive Order #7.
May 14, 2020
Date: 05/12/2020
Effective May 12, 2020, Executive Order #7 was amended according to the following: (1) All short-
term rentals for 30 days or less in the City of La Quinta are prohibited for the duration of the local
emergency; (2) No short-term rental for 30 days or less may operate or continue to operate for any
one of the limited exceptions listed in Section 4 of City Manager Executive Order #7 dated April 3,
2020 unless, prior to any rental or use, or continued rental or use, the owner of the short-term rental
delivers documents and evidence sufficient for the City to confirm the rental or use is allowable
under one or more of the limited exceptions; (3) Owners of the property may stay at the STVR with
permission from the City; (4) Any STVR that is given permission to be rented is required to have a
minimum of 24 hours between the departure of one guest and the arrival of the next guest; (5)
Citations for violations of this City Manager Executive Order, currently and as to be amended, shall
be issued immediately; (6) This executive order, currently and as to be amended, applies to any unit
that may be available or used as a short-term rental regardless of whether rent or other
consideration is received; (7) The amended executive order will take effect the day after its issuance
by the City Manager
What are the exemptions that allow me to rent my short-term rental for stays 30 days or less?
The exemptions are listed under Item No. 4 of Third Amended Executive Order #7, and listed here:
1. Temporary lodging to protect homeless persons.
2. Lodging for persons who have been displaced and cannot return to their residence because a
person residing at the residence must isolate or quarantine, there is a higher risk of severe illness at
the residence, or due to travel restrictions or other circumstance beyond their control.
3. Lodging is for persons who are residents of the city but need to isolate or quarantine themselves.
4. Lodging is for essential service workers related to COVID-19. Essential service workers are public
safety and medical professionals, state, county, and city workers supporting the emergency
5. Persons currently using and occupying a short-term rental any time after March 26, 2020, who
have an existing contract to rent the short-term rental that extends beyond April 8, 2020.
Documentation and evidence for short-term rentals currently being used or occupied shall
be submitted to the City NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on April 10, 2020. City approval shall be
based on clearly convincing evidence, such as medical provider or doctor’s orders, essential worker
designation from a public agency, or other similar documentation as the City deems necessary or
proper to confirm an existing or proposed short-term rental use or occupancy is exempt. If the City
finds that any one or more of the exemptions are met, the persons may remain in the short-term
rental until the contract ends, unless prevented from returning for a reason set forth in the Order.
Any person who violates this order shall be subject to a fine of $5,000 per violation and an
immediate suspension of any and all City permits that authorize the use of the short-term rental for
one (1) year from the date of suspension.
Do I need approval from the City before I make any bookings for rental?
Yes. Documentation and evidence are required to be submitted to the City no later than one business
day before any agreement or contract is entered, or if no agreement or contract is to be entered,
then one business day before taking any use or occupancy. Any and all purported evidence shall be
submitted by the “owner” or “authorized agent or representative” (as defined in La Quinta Municipal
Code Section 3.25.030), or other person or entity who owns or manages a short-term rental in the
City of La Quinta.
I am currently renting my short-term rental. What do I need to do?
City approval is required for short term rentals currently in use or occupied, and prior to any new
use or occupancy.
What documents and evidence do I need to submit to the City to confirm the rental is allowable
under one or more of the limited exemptions?
· For temporary lodging to protect homeless persons, a letter from property owner/property
manager required to verify lodging to protect homeless persons. “Homeless persons” mean persons
who do not have a home, residence, or dwelling unit or area of any kind.
· For persons who have been displaced, a letter from the renter describing their circumstances.
· For persons who are residents of the city but need to isolate or quarantine themselves,
documentation required to be submitted showing proof of residency: 1) copy of California Driver’s
license or other government issued ID, and 2) a utility bill or other form of documentation that
shows that La Quinta is the primary residence of the person(s)
· For essential service workers supporting the COVID-19 emergency pandemic, documentation
required: 1) Letter from Renter verifying essential service work, 2) Renter’s business card, and 3)
Name and contact number of employer.
· For persons currently using and occupying a short-term rental, documentation and evidence such
as medical provider or doctor’s orders, essential worker designation from a public agency, or other
similar documentation as the City deems necessary or proper to confirm an existing or proposed
short-term rental use or occupancy is exempt.
· “Group hotels” that have 125 rooms or more and pay a transient occupancy tax of 11% pursuant to
La Quinta Municipal Code Sections 3.24.020 and 3.24.030 do not need to submit documentation to
confirm rental of their rooms is allowable under one or more of the limited exemptions as long as the
group hotel has instituted and maintains a practice of verification for any guest as qualifying for one
of the limited exemptions.
· “Hotels” that are not “group hotels” (as described in the bullet point above) and that pay a
transient occupancy tax of 10% pursuant to La Quinta Municipal Code Sections 3.24.020 and
3.24.030 do not need to submit documentation to confirm rental of their rooms is allowable only if
the hotel has 50 or more rooms, is typically considered by the general public as a small hotel,
boutique hotel or motel, inn, or lodge, and has instituted and maintains a practice of verification for
any guest as qualifying for one of the limited exemptions. All other short-term rentals that
otherwise may fall under the definition of “hotels” in La Quinta Municipal Code
Section3.24.020, including but not limited to any structure or portion thereof, duplex, triplex, single-
family dwelling units or other short-term vacation rental unit as defined in Chapter 3.25, must
submit documentation to confirm rental of their rooms is allowable under one or more of
the limited exemptions in order for the City to confirm whether their rooms are not subject to the
requirements in Subsection (D) of Section 4 of the Third Amendment to Executive Order #7.
For any one or more the exemptions, City approval shall be based on clearly convincing evidence,
such as medical provider or doctor’s orders, essential worker designation from a public agency, or
other similar documentation as the City deems necessary or proper to confirm an existing or
proposed short-term rental use or occupancy is exempt.
How do I submit documentation and evidence to the City?
Please call 760-777-7000 during business hours or email vacationlq@laquintaca.gov to request the
specific exemption you are claiming. You will then need to log into your MuniRevs account at
https://laquinta.munirevs.com and follow the instructions in your Open Tasks that pertain to your
exemption. If you have not yet accessed your account, please call the STVR Team at 760-777-7000 or
email support@munirevs.com to activate.
How do I get approval from the City to stay at my STVR property?
Please send an email to vacationlq@laquintaca.gov and provide the dates of the stay along with a list
of names of who will be at the property during your stay.
What is the penalty for violating this order?
Any person who violates this order shall be subject to a fine of $5,000 per violation and an
immediate suspension of any and all City permits that authorize the use of the short-term rental for
one (1) year from the date of suspension.
These supplemental instructions are issued and must be followed as authorized by Section
4, Subsection (D), and Section 8 of the Third Amendment to Executive Order #7.
May 21, 2020
On May 20, 2020, the Executive Order #7 for Short-Term Rentals was amended (fourth
amendment). Please see below for a summary of the changes:
• Short term rentals may open and operate as authorized by, and consistent with, California
Governor Executive Order N-60-20 and the requirements of the California Department of Public
• City of La Quinta does not require pre-approval of short term rental use.
• Short-term rentals that are authorized to open and operate are required to have a minimum of 24
hours between the departure of one guest and the arrival of the next guest.
June 1, 2020
The Fifth Amended Executive Order No. 7 regarding Short Term Vacation Rentals was just released
– see https://www.laquintaca.gov/home/showdocument?id=43625.
The guidelines are as follows:
• Rentals allowed in private homes where the guest rents the entire home and does not share
any common areas with others. Home-sharing is not allowed.
• No events or group gatherings are permitted until approved by the State of California. Only
guests registered for the home should be on premise.
• Complete a deep cleaning after each rental, using products and protocols outlined by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
• Ensure a 24-hour reservation gap between when a guest departs and a new arrival.
July 15, 2020
Order Governing Use and Occupation of Short Term Vacation Rental Units
As a result of increased Short Term Vacation Rental complaints and violations during COVID-19 and
in an effort to retain the quality of life for La Quinta residents, Executive Order #9 (dated July 15,
2020) which the Mayor and City Council of La Quinta have authorized the distribution of information
and updates relating to the COVID-19 proclaimed local emergency through the City Manager is
linked below.
The executive order is as follows during COVID-19:
• 2 violations = suspension of STVR license
• Immediate 90-day suspension for non-responsive owner/host
• STVR rules apply regardless if unit is rented (applicable to owner or guest of owner)
• Fines will be double
• No sound amplification permitted outside
• Noise limits
• Suspensions to take place after current occupant vacates premise unless egregious offense in
which suspension will be immediate – (simple administrative appeal process)
** In order to ensure we have accurate information on file, please make sure your contact
information and/or local contact information is current at https://laquinta.munirevs.com.
November 24, 2020
Dear STVR Operators,
As we are starting the holiday season, and STVR guests continue to visit La Quinta, we would like to
remind you that Executive Order #9 is still in effect. Therefore, there is no amplified noise allowed
outside STVR rentals, and noise limits will continue to be enforced. Also, the local contact shall be
available 24 hrs. a day to respond to issues at your property. If you need to change your local
contact information, you may change it in your Munirevs profile. Our weekend patrols will continue,
but we are hoping that you will help us minimized disturbances and ensure all enjoy this season.
Please find a copy of the Executive Order #9 for your review HERE
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
City of La Quinta Code Enforcement
Following the Governor’s Dec. 3, 2020 Regional Stay at Home Order, there was some
confusion over what types of short-term lodging operations would be allowed to continue
to operate.
The City of La Quinta has received clarification from the County of Riverside with the
following restrictions in order to operate:
• For instate visitors, short-term lodging (including hotels, motels, vacation rentals,
and time shares) will continue to be able to operate as long as those visitors are either:
(1) “essential” workers; or (2) traveling for COVID-19 mitigation and containment
measures, treatment measures, or providing housing solutions, including measures to
protect homeless populations.
• For out of state visitors, a separate rule applies. Short-term lodging is allowed to
continue to operate and be available if only: (1) those visitors are “essential” workers;
or (2) those visitors are traveling for above-referenced COVID mitigation purposes; or
(3) those visitors are traveling for non-essential travel, and the reservation is for at
least the minimum 14-day time period required for quarantine and visitors remain at
the place where they have a reservation.
Under the Regional stay at home order, Hotels and lodging are allowed for COVID-19
mitigation and containment measures, treatment measures, provide accommodation for
essential workers, or providing housing solutions, including measures to protect homeless
populations. See FAQs here:
Owners and Operators are responsible to comply with these restrictions.
Moratorium on issuing new permits for Short-Term Vacation Rentals (STVR) has been
extended to April 6, 2021 (Executive Order No. 10, Amendment 3)
New permits for STVR can be issued only if you are located within Tourist Commercial or
Village Commercial Districts.
Updates to the regulations went into effect as of January 15, 2021 (Ordinance 586).
What do the updated STVR regulations mean for you as a host?
STVR permits are valid for one year and must be renewed on an annual basis. Renewing your
permit must be completed no earlier than 60 but no later than 30 calendar days prior to the
permit expiration date. For example, if your permit expiration is April 30th, you can submit
your renewal application starting March 2 but no later than April 1st.
STVR permits are not transferable. The City must be notified immediately upon change of
ownership of a STVR unit, which terminates the existing STVR permit and all STVR operations
must cease immediately. The new property owner must obtain a new STVR permit in order to
operate the property as a STVR unit; failure to comply may result in a fine, see updated fine
information below.
Bedroom additions or conversions must be verified and approved by the City to ensure
compliance with City codes; the STVR permit shall be reissued to reflect the approved number
of bedrooms allowed.
STVR property advertisement must list STVR permit number and the approved number of
bedrooms at the beginning or top of the ad. Inaccurate advertisement of the number of
approved bedrooms is subject to a fine by administrative citation for first offense, and a second
or subsequent violation for the same are subject to fines and may result in STVR permit
revocation (including permanent revocation).
STVR permit application for properties within Homeowners Associations (HOAs) must submit a
letter from the HOA indicating STVRs are allowed in the community; STVR permits will not be
issued for properties within HOA communities that do not allow STVRs.
STVR unit’s online registration profile must be up to date at all times.
The City has the right to conduct a count of all persons occupying the STVR unit in response to
a complaint.
The person(s) listed as the local contact person for the STVR unit shall be available 24-hours
per day, 7-days per week, with the ability to respond to the location within 30 minutes of
notification or attempted notification.
Hosting platforms are required to verify property listings have an active STVR permit prior to
booking transactions on their sites.
If declaration of non-use is submitted by STVR owner while the STVR permit is suspended, the
owner is eligible to apply for a new STVR permit after 12 consecutive months have elapsed
from the date of the declaration of non-use.
Fines for violations have increased:
General violations (occupancy/noise/parking)
First violation: $1,000
Second violation: $2,000
Third violation: $3,000
Operating a STVR without a valid STVR Permit
First violation: $3,000 and prohibited for all time from being eligible to be issued a
STVR permit.
Second or more violations: $5,000
As a reminder, notification of renewals and Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) submittals are a
courtesy. It is the Permit Holder responsibility to ensure not to let the permit or TOT submittal go
past the expiration date. Failure to do so will be asses late fees and penalties and/or termination of
For the full list of the STVR regulations, see Ordinance 586.
From:Lori Lorett
Date:Thursday, April 22, 2021 8:41:06 AM
Good Morning STVR Owner,
Effective July 1, 2021, Short-Term Vacation Rental lodging will begin paying the 1% TBID assessment on
short-term stays of less than 28 days. The TBID assessment is calculated as 1% of gross rental revenue on
short-term rental stays of less than 28 days, remitted each month in the same way you calculate and remit
Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) to the City. Please refer to the information below for resources and contacts
with the Greater Palm Springs CVB and registration information on an upcoming informative Zoom meeting
about these upcoming changes.
There is no reply needed to the City of La Quinta, please direct all questions and correspondence to:
70100 highway 111 • RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270
T: 760.969.1360 F: 760.969.1371
Please join us Monday, April 26 at 12pm for an informative zoom meeting about the Greater Palm Springs Tourism
Business Improvement District (TBID).
Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) President and CEO, Scott White and Davis Meyer,
Director of Partnership, will review what the TBID means for Greater Palm Springs short-term vacation rental
owners, how it can work to benefit the industry, the role of the CVB, and how owners and property managers
can get involved. Your questions are welcome, this will be an interactive forum.
Please register using the link below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link to
join the meeting.
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Apr 26, 2021 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
Please reply to Davis Meyer, dmeyer@gpscvb.com, if you can’t make this time but are interested in joining a
future information meeting about the TBID. More information is also available at gpsTBID.com.
Thank you,
Lori Lorett | Permit Technician
Design & Development
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7162
PLEASE NOTE: City Hall is currently open by appointment only. All services are available via phone, email or online
web portal. Please contact City staff if you need assistance or to schedule an appointment at (760) 777-7000.
Good afternoon everyone,
The City is seeking short-term vacation rentals (STVR) to participate in a noise monitoring device
pilot program. The goal of the pilot is to determine whether noise monitoring devices can mitigate
STVR complaints by bringing noise events to the operator’s and tenant’s attention before a neighbor
The pilot will last three months and there is no cost to join. All participants will receive a free device
and will not be charged a subscription fee during the Pilot.
Participating in the Pilot is as easy as installing the device and resuming operations normally. Click
here for an overview of the program. If you are interested, please complete the form by following
this link: https://forms.gle/V5MT9stHuS6EBaSF9.
The City is looking forward to working with you to enhance the STVR program. If you have any
questions, please Jaime Torres at jtorres@laquintaca.gov or (760) 777-7014.
Good afternoon,
The City would like to express deep gratitude to everyone that submitted an application to
participate in the Pilot Program. The application window will close today at 11:59 p.m. Pacific and
City staff will initiate a thorough review.
Twenty-five properties will be selected to participate in the program. The City seeks a diverse pool of
participants, therefore properties will be selected from several neighborhoods across the City.
Staff will begin contacting property owners within the next several days. If you are selected City
staff will contact you with the next steps. If you are not selected, the City will keep you in mind for
future opportunities to help enhance the short-term vacation rental program.
While the City would like to include everyone in the Pilot, resources are limited. The City looks
forward to working together and continue building a strong relationship with the STVR community.
If you have any questions about the Pilot Program, please contact Jaime Torres at (760) 777-7014 or
jtorres@laquintaca.gov. For all other inquires such as Code issues 760-777-7050, for suggestions
about permits and/or TOT 777-7000.