CE-19-0816 - 51835 Navarro6/16/2021 Print Code Enforcement Case
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Code Enforcement Case: CE-19-0816
Entered on: 04/09/2019 00:00
Printed on: 06/16/2021
Topic: Building Code Status: Closed
Due Date: 04/25/19 Assigned To: Moises Rodarte
Initiated by: Neighbor Area #: 1 COVE
Hearing Date: Hearing Time:
Permit #: Business name: License #:
Property Location
Occupant Name: Lic: DOB:
Address: 51835 AVENIDA NAVARRO , 92253
Phone: Cell #:
APN : 773-183-015
Owner Information
Phone: Cell #:
Action By Date Time Hours Note/Observation
Complaint Kayli
04/09/2019 0.25 states the home is under renovation and there are no
permits. I checked Trakit and was unable to find any recent permits. An old permit in Trakit
revealed the home is a historical site.
Inspection Moises
04/10/2019 0.25 I checked and did find 2017 remodel permit and current STVRP permit that is good til
12/2019. House was remodeled to be used as rental.
Other Kevin
04/12/2019 0.00 REOPENED: The referenced permit from 2017 was never issued and the current
complaint is for construction taking place now.
Complaint Kayli
04/12/2019 0.25 states the home has doubled in size and is now being
rented for STVR with the incorrect number of guests and unpermitted additions.
Inspection Moises
04/16/2019 0.25 I checked advertisement and they advertise 2 bedroom 1 bath. Check STVRP case.
Advertisement attached.
Other Kevin
04/17/2019 0.00 REOPENED: See entry from 4/12/19 and corresponding email with instructions regarding
this case.
Phone Call Moises
04/18/2019 0.50 I called and spoke to local contact and owner Darrell Thomas and he was advised about
changing his web site to not advertise the main house from den area. He did say that he
does have a three bedroom house, and i told him that he needs to pay and request an
inspection, and we can see that he does or does not have a legal three bedroom, and he
also needs to change his advertisement. He was also advised that we need to inspect and
see what was done during the remodel and see if any permits were required that were not
Inspection Moises
05/13/2019 0.25 I called owner and he stated that he had changed advertisement to show two bedrooms
for this residence, but after checking previous pictures of residence and after talking to
reporting party he advised that wall and room addition was done without permit of any
kind. Please refer to case # 19-0854 on open case regarding short term rental violations
and building violations for failure to pull permits before remodel was done.
Complaint Christina
07/15/2019 5:13 pm 0.50 Neighbor called and states that there is unpermitted construction being done at this
property still
#Violation Type Due Date Status Closed Date
Corrections Required:Cease and Desist any and all work that requires a Building Permit from the City of La Quinta. Immediately
contact the Community Development Department and submit the required plans to obtain a Building Permit.
Inspection Notes
Date: ________________ Time: ______________
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Date: June 16, 2021
DARRELL ADAMS Case No.: 19-0854
License No.: 767158
Re: 365-day Suspension of Short-Term Vacation Rental License & Permit at
51835 Avenida Navarro.
Dear Owner(s) and/or Authorized Agent(s):
This Letter is an Official Notice submitted to you as the recorded owner(s) and/or
Authorized Agent(s) of the above-referenced property. Please be advised that per La Quinta
Municipal Code Section 3.25.090(B), the City Manager, or designee, shall have the authority
to impose additional conditions on the use of any given Short -term Vacation Rental unit.
On May 13, 2019, an inspection of the outside of the property revealed this property has
been remodeled and blocks walls added around the property.
As of May 28, 2019, our records indicate no remodel permit(s) or permit to have walls built
per California Building Code (CBC) 105.1 permit(s) required were obtained. Please cease
any and all activity at this residence. Submit plans showing remodel work that has been
done and submit drawings for the footings for all walls that were built in the front and side
yard of this property.
In addition, this property is currently registered as a Short-term Vacation Rental, however,
our records indicate the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) has not been remitted as required,
per La Quinta Municipal Code 3.24.080 which states, you are to report and remit TOT for
your registered Short-Term Vacation Rental Property. Failure to remit TOT per La Quinta
Municipal Code 3.24.100 is a violation. A violation of any provision of this Chapter, this
Code, California Vehicle Code, or any other applicable federal, state, or local laws or codes,
including, but not limited to, applicable fire codes and the building and construction code as set forth
in Title 8 of this Code, by any applicant, occupant, responsible person, local contact person,
owner, or owner’s authorized, agent or representative, shall constitute grounds for
modification, suspension and/or revocation of the Short-Term Vacation Rental Permit and/or
any affiliated licenses or permits pursuant to the provisions set forth in Section 3.25.100.
LQMC: 3.25.090 (B) Permit Modification, Suspension and Revocation. A violation of any provision of
this chapter, this code, California Vehicle Code, or any other applicable federal, state, or local laws or
codes, including, but not limited to, applicable fire codes and the building and construction codes as set
forth in Title 8 of this code, by any applicant, occupant, responsible person, local contact person, owner,
or owner’s authorized agent or representative, shall constitute grounds for modification, suspension
and/or revocation of the short-term vacation rental permit and/or any affiliated licenses or permits
pursuant to the provisions set forth in Section 3.25.100.
As a result, you are hereby given a 365-day Suspension of the Short-Term Vacation Rental,
for the aforementioned building issues and for not remitting TOT for the above-referenced
property, effective immediately. LQMC: 3.25.090 (B)
The continuous use of this property as a Short-Term Vacation Rental unit will result in
further legal action, including but not limited to, Administrative Citation, Court Appearance,
and/or permanent Revocation of your Short-Term Vacation Rental License and Permit.
Any person aggrieved by any decision of a city officer made pursuant to this Chapter may
request a hearing before the City Manager in accordance with Chapter 2.08 (or successor
provisions, as may be amended from time to time) of this Code.
For verification purposes, the signature(s) of the individual(s) involved, and a copy of their
current driver’s license will be required. Before any affected permit/license (s) are reinstated.
Your immediate attention and cooperation regarding this matter are greatly appreciated. If
you have any question please contact Officer listed below.
Moises Rodarte
Code Compliance Officer II
Recorded Owner Signature Date
Kayli Alford
Sent:Monday, May 13, 2019 2:51 PM
To:Moises Rodarte
Subject:Check out this listing on Airbnb!
Check out this listing on Airbnb! https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/33751317?s=1
Kayli Alford
Sent:Monday, May 13, 2019 2:50 PM
To:Moises Rodarte
Subject:Check out this listing on Airbnb!
Check out this listing on Airbnb! https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/33753552?s=1