2016 SR Dev Co/Master Site DesignBUSINESS ITEM NO. 2 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 15, 2016 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE; UPDATE ON SILVERROCK RESORT DEVELOPMENT AND APPROVAL OF THE MASTER SITE DESIGN RECOMMENDATION Approve the Master Site Design for SilverRock Resort. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • SilverRock Development Company's (SDC) development program locates a 140- room luxury hotel and spa on the Arnold Palmer Signature Golf Course; to accommodate the hotel/spa existing golf holes must be realigned. • On January 19, 2016, Council approved the Golf Course Realignment for the Palmer Course at SilverRock Resort. • SDC and Arnold Palmer Design Company (APDC) have nearly completed improvement plans to construct the golf course realignment. • Per the Schedule of Performance contained in the Purchase, Sale and Development Agreement, the City Council must approve the Master Site Design by March 19, 2016. • SDC and AKD Land Planning + Design (AKD) have collaborated to further refine and detail the Master Site Design (MSD) (Attachment 1). • The MSD now propagates planning areas with accurately sized and shaped buildings, roads, pathways, and landscaping areas. FISCAL IMPAC' This approval poses no financial impact; it is merely one of many required steps leading up to project development. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In November 2014, the City entered into a Purchase, Sale and Development Agreement (Agreement) with SDC to construct a luxury hotel and spa, a conference center, a lifestyle hotel, luxury and lifestyle branded residential, resort and mixed use villages, and a permanent golf clubhouse. SDC's original site plan called for locating the luxury hotel on the 17t" hole. Subsequently the site plan has been refined several times with the latest incorporating the approved golf course realignment plan that was presented and approved at the January 19, 2016, Council meeting. This plan now locates the luxury hotel and spa on the 11th and a portion of the 18th holes and on the land used for the current cart barn and staging area (adjacent to the temporary clubhouse). This new MSD incorporates a higher level of detail and refinement to all of the project areas with the exception of the Promenade and Mixed Use Village areas (PA 7 and 9). SDC has left these planning areas void of detail as they anticipate partnering with another entity to develop or bulk sell these areas in the future. These areas are still restricted to being developed as described in the Agreement. At the October 20, 2015, and again at the January 19, 2016, Council meetings, SDC expressed interest in constructing the golf realignment starting in the summer of 2016 so that development of the luxury hotel and spa sites could be expedited. The Schedule of Performance provides SDC an outside completion date of November 2017 for Course realignment. Per the Agreement SDC is required to perform realignment work during the off-season (May thru November) minimizing lost revenues to the City. In addition the agreement assumes realignment work to commence after the phase 1 land closing (all planning areas less the lifestyle hotel and lifestyle residential), currently scheduled for January 2017. In consideration of the aforementioned staff is anticipating that SDC will be seeking a waiver in the sequencing of events as contemplated in the Schedule of Performance. This will necessitate staff preparing an implementation agreement for Council's approval at the April 19, 2016, Council meeting. Approving the MSD enables SDC to accurately define the planning areas with enough detail so that infrastructure and site improvements can be accurately designed and engineered for the entire site. This is critical in order for SDC to meet the following approvals outlined in the Schedule of Performance: 1) site development plan submittal for the luxury hotel (PA 2), luxury branded residential development (PA 3), and conference and shared services facility (PA 4) all due May 2016; 2) preliminary engineering and mapping for the entire site due July 2016; and 3) infrastructure plan submittal for PA 2,3, and 4 due August 2016. Included are a series of exhibits associated with the MSD (Attachments 2 through 8). ALTERNATIVES: The Council may request changes to the master site plan and require a resubmittal for approval. Prepared by: Jon McMillen, City Economist Approved by: Frank Spevacek, City Manager Attachment: 1. SilverRock Resort Master Plan 2. Luxury Hotel Plan 3. Luxury Branded Residential Plan 4. Conference Center and Shared Services Building 5. Golf Clubhouse 6. Lifestyle Hotel 7. Lifestyle Branded Residential 8. Resort Village Al 1ACHMENT 1 1 r ry _ eC a ■'r LL a r1 # oil Imi FEN ,y i I lip 7 — - —■ - Rip r - LAN Fw„ ' ■- I - 1 r Vol - - LLI�LIRY HOOTEL PARKING - i 3 I '� 1 �1 � CONFERENCE AND "SHARED - { { : �� i - �. IT ,� _ ,� ' � �: E ' I E FA ILY . • I - S RV C C - mill F Jp y 1 l5 I , : r • LIFESTYLE HOTEL = POTENTIAL NO k, -low, GOO LF COO LIRSETr, r - -_ d RESERVE/PLI :LIC LISE , ION OF } PARCELS _ GOLF CLUBHOUSL r. ,e , I I L r a "�W III I n N wil e $ I 1. - PA 6 IFEFYLL BR_ DED , , �. _ _ __ _ ESIDENTI L E EL P EN R ADV OM w ' , - --- r c e I y I AM I" r 1 AL gral , jJIIjII, , , l 9N M , y v I I y , c , .-z , r t , I 'o ■ { , , , t , 1. n _ _ G I ; 4 L a■ i ., �_ —z I 1` , — ■, r :t r L --- Ile" - q �, jUBLIC PARK - �Es T , - I .8 R OR IPARKING LLI�LIRY BRANDED � �� .� I �. - 1 I ,. 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I 0 100 200 -7 400 In .01, Ar sel r- - All lip notIF 06 MASTER PLAN TIIE SILVERROCK RESORT ROBE GREEN C O M I' A N Y LA U IN TA,CALIFORNIA AKD MAR -CH 151 2016 %► Spa Entry Hotel Court Entry Road Service Event Lawn - ATTACHMENT 2 King/Double Queen Guest Rooms (4 per building) 1 Bedroom Suites (1-2 per building) Emergency %, kccess Route Existing Ahmanson House v" 1 Presidential Suites (1 per building) Luxury Hotel Unit Types PA 2 - LUXURY HOTEL CONCEPT PLAN SILVERROCK RLSORT LA QLIINTA, CALIFORNIA M UZCI 1 15, 2016 Emergency Access Turnaround Existing Golf Irrigation Lakes Ili ROBERT GREEN C C) M P ,1 ti Y ATTACHMENT 3 10 nnn /�/_N F I—f, PA 3 - LUXURY BRANDED RESIDENTIAL CONCEPT PLAN SILVERROCK RESORT LA QLIINTA, CALIFOP NIA f'11_ ROBERr GREEN C i7 tit I, n u Y A K, :) U9RCI-I Io, 2016 Conference Center Entry Road Remote Parking For Luxury Hotel r t - �y i , 'll'A` llrlY s At Conference Center Concept Diagram PA 4 - CONFERENCE CENTER/ SHARED SERVICES BUILDING SILVERR.00K RESORT LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA \I \RCI I I5, 2010 ATTA C Small Meeting Room rPre -Function Area Conference Center HMENT4 — Shared Service Entry Drive Shared Service F—f arking r err Y 'I' ( }r �.. E•lt !'.r 4. � I N Arrival Courtyard Resort J7 �! `""ram Path ` Outdoor Pre -Function Area for Ballrooms F - :-�— I i G I I K TIlt ROBFRT GRFFN C 0 M P A N Y 8 wJ ATTACHMENT 5 �u PA 10A - GOLF CLUB CONCEPT PLAN SILVERROCK RESORT LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA %,I \RCI 1 15, 2016 t lii ROBERI' GREEN C 0 M I' A N Y A I- mW A 1 TACHIMENT 6 Key Map Lifestyle Hotel Concept Diagram PA 5- LIFESTYLE HOTEL CONCEPT PLAN ROB E RT GREEN SILVERROCK RESORT COMPANY LA QUINTA, CALIFOIZNIA ei:vZc_i 1 is, 2016 ATTACHMENT 7 3 Story/2 Bedroom (9 Units) Covered Parking (108 Stalls) Clubhouse & Pool 3 Story/ 2 Bedroom (9 Units) 3 Story/3 Bedroom ' (9 Units) 3 Story/2 Bedroom (9 Units) Lifestyle Branded Residential Unit Concept Diagram PA 6 - LIFESTYLE BRANDED RESIDENTIAL CONCEPT PLAN SILVERR0CK RESORT LA OLIINTA, CALIFORNIA MARCH 15, 2016 3 Story/ 2 Bedroom (9 Units) Main Entry 3 Story/ 2 Bedroom (9 Units) Key Map I I u F ROBERT GREEN C C) M P A N Y ATTACHMENT 8 Lagoon & Golf Fronting Lots Golf Fronting, Mountain View Lots Lagoon Fronting Lots (55 Lots, 10,000 (+/-) sf lots, Min. 75'x120') e $0 Im ma W Connection to Resort Path Key Map 1 PA 8 - RESORT RESIDENTIAL CONCEPT PLAN SILVERROCK RESORT ROBERT GREEN c 0 10 r AN! v LA QLIINTA, CALIFORNIA MARCH iD, 2o1e am