BOTH2016-0003 ICC-ES ReportDIVISION: 03 00 00—CONCRETE SECTION: 0316 00—CONCRERE ANCHORS DIVISION: 05 00 00—METALS SECTION: 05 0519—POST-INSTALLED CONCRETE ANCH REPORT HOLDER: RECEIVED SIMPSON STRONG -TIE COMPANY INC. MAY 0 5 2016 5956 WEST LAS POSITAS BOULEVARD PLEASANTON, CALIFORNIA 94588 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION SUBJECT: I.- SIMPSON STRONG -TIE® SET -XP® EPDXY ADHESIVE ANCHORS FOR CRACKED AND UNCRACKED CONCRETE RECEIVED ICC ICC ICCn MAY 0 5 2016 c� Q": C11Y Of LA AUINTA PMG LISTED COMM0MiTY QVEUDPMENT Look for the trusted marks of Conformity! "2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPC) Award in Excellence" A Subsidiary of �CODECOuNOr ICC -ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright © 2015 ICC -ES Evaluation Report ESR -2508* Reissued July 2014 This report is subject to renewal July 2015. wwwAc-es.org 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 03 00 00—CONCRETE Section: 0316 00 --Concrete Anchors DIVISION: 05 00 00—METALS Section: 05 0519—Post-Installed Concrete Anchors REPORT HOLDER: SIMPSON STRONG -TIE COMPANY INC. 5956 WEST LAS POSITAS BOULEVARD PLEASANTON, CALIFORNIA 94588 (800)999-5099 www.stronatie.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: SIMPSON STRONG -TIE® SET -XP® EPDXY ADHESIVE ANCHORS FOR CRACKED AND UNCRACKED CONCRETE 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: ■ 2012, 2009 and 2006 Intemational Building Code® (IBC) ■ 2012, 2009 and 2006 Intemational Residential Code® (IRC) Property evaluated: Structural 2.0 USES The Simpson Strong -Tie® SET -XP® Epoxy Adhesive Anchors are used to resist static, wind and earthquake (Seismic Design Categories A through F) tension and shear loads in cracked and uncracked normal -weight concrete having a specified compressive strength, f, of 2,500 psi to 8,500 psi (17.2 MPa to 58.6 MPa). The anchor complies with anchors as described in Section 1909 of the 2012 IBC and is an alternative to anchors described in Section 1908 of the 2012 IBC, and Sections 1911 and 1912 of the 2009 and 2006 IBC. The anchors may also be used where an engineering design is submitted in accordance with Section R301.1.3 of the IRC. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 General: The SET -XP Epoxy Adhesive Anchor System is comprised of the following components: • SET -XP epoxy adhesive packaged in cartridges • Adhesive mixing and dispensing equipment • Equipment for hole cleaning and adhesive injection SET -XP epoxy adhesive is used with continuously threaded steel rods or deformed steel reinforcing bars. The manufacturer's printed installation instructions (MPII) are included with each adhesive unit package as shown in Figure 1 of this report. 3.2 Materials: 3.2.1 SET -XP Epoxy Adhesive: SET -XP epoxy adhesive is an injectable, two -component, 100 percent solids, epoxy -based adhesive mixed as a 1 -to -1 volume ratio of hardener -to -resin. SET -XP is available in 8.5 -ounce (251 mL), 22 -ounce (650 mL), and 56 -ounce (1656 mL) cartridges. The two components combine and react when dispensed through a static mixing nozzle attached to the cartridge. The shelf life of SET -XP in unopened cartridges is two years from the date of manufacture when stored at temperatures between 45°F and 90°F (7°C and 32°C) in accordance with the MPII. 3.2,2 Dispensing Equipment: SET -XP epoxy adhesive must be dispensed using Simpson Strong -Tie manual dispensing tools, battery -powered dispensing tools or pneumatic dispensing tools as listed in Tables 7 and 8 of this report. 3.2.3 Equipment for Hole Preparation: Hole cleaning equipment consists of hole -cleaning brushes and air nozzles. Brushes must be Simpson Strong -Tie hole cleaning brushes, identified by Simpson Strong -Tie catalog number series ETB. See Tables 7 and 8 in this report, and the installation instructions shown in Figure 1, for additional information. Air nozzles must be equipped with an extension capable of reaching the bottom of the drilled hole. 3.2.4 Anchor Materials: Threaded Steel Rods: Threaded anchor rods, having diameters from 3/9 inch to 11/4 inch (9.5 mm to 31.7 mm), must be carbon steel conforming to ASTM F1554, Grade 36, or ASTM A193, Grade 137; or stainless steel conforming to ASTM A193, Grade B6, B8, or B8M. Table 2 in this report provides additional details. Threaded bars must be dean, straight and free of indentations or other defects along their lengths. Steel Reinforcing Bars: Steel reinforcing bars are deformed reinforcing bars (rebar), having sizes from No. 3 to No. 8, and No. 10, must conform to ASTM A615 Grade 60. Table 3 in this report provides additional details. The embedded portions of reinforcing bars must be straight, and free of mill scale, rust, mud, oil, and other coatings that may impair the bond with adhesive. Reinforcing bars must not be bent after installation except as set forth in Section 7.3.2 of ACI 318, with the additional *Revised January 2015 ICC -ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied as to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright 0 2015 Page 1 of 16 ' ESR -2508 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 16 condition that the bars must be bent cold, and heating of reinforcing bars to facilitate field bending is not permitted. Ductility: In accordance with ACI 318 D.1, in order for a steel element to be considered ductile, the tested elongation must be at least 14 percent and reduction of area must be at least 30 percent. Steel elements with a tested elongation of less than 14 percent or a reduction of area less than 30 percent, or both, are considered brittle. Where values are nonconforming or unstated, the steel must be considered brittle. 3.2.5 Concrete: Normal -weight concrete must comply with Sections 1903 and 1905 of the IBC. The specified compressive strength of the concrete must be from 2,500 psi to 8,500 psi (17.2 MPa to 58.6 MPa). 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 4.1 Strength Design: 4.1.1 General: The design strength of anchors under the 2012, 2009 and 2006 IBC, as well as the 2012, 2009 and 2006 IRC must be determined in accordance with ACI 318- 11 (ACI 318) and this report. A design example according to the 2012 IBC based on ACI 318-11 is given in Figure 2 of this report. Design parameters are based on ACI 318-11 for use with the 2012. 2009 and 2006 IBC unless noted otherwise in Section 4.1.1 through 4.1.11 of this report. The strength design of anchors must comply with ACI 318 D.4.1, except as required in ACI 318 D.3.3. Design parameters are provided in Tables 2, 3, 4, 5A, and 5B of this report. Strength reduction factors, 0, as given in ACI 318-11 D.4.3, and noted in Tables 2, 3, 4, 5A, and 5B of this report, must be used for load combinations calculated in accordance with Section 1605.2 of the 2012, 2009 or 2006 IBC or Section 9.2 of ACI 318. Strength reductions factors, 0, described in ACI 318 D.4.4 must be used for load combinations calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Appendix C. 4.1.2 Static Steel Strength in Tension: The nominal steel strength of a single anchor in tension, Nsa, in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.1.2 and the associated strength reduction factors, 0, in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.3 are provided in Tables 2 and 3 of this report for the anchor element types included in this report. 4.1.3 Static Concrete Breakout Strength in Tension: The nominal static concrete breakout strength of a single anchor or group of anchors in tension, Nob or Ncbg, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.2, with the following addition: The basic concrete breakout strength of a single anchor in tension, Nb, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.2.2 using the values of k,,,, and kc,una, as described in Table 4 of this report. Where analysis indicates no cracking in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.2.6, Nb must be calculated using kc,,,nu and tP,,N = 1.0. For anchors in lightweight concrete see ACI 318-11 D.3.6. The value of Fc used for calculation must be limited to 8,000 psi (55.1 MPa) maximum for uncracked concrete in accordance with ACI 318 D.3.7. The value of t'c used for calculation must be limited to 2,500 psi (17.2 MPa) maximum for cracked concrete regardless of in-situ concrete strength. Additional information for the determination of nominal bond strength in tension is given in Section 4.1.4 of this report 4.1.4 Static Bond Strength in Tension: The nominal static bond strength of a single adhesive anchor or group of adhesive anchors in tension, Na or Nag, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.5.5. Bond strength values are a function of the concrete condition (cracked or uncracked), the concrete temperature range, the installation conditions (dry or water saturated concrete), and the special inspection level provided. Strength reduction factors, 0, listed below and in Tables 5A and 5B are utilized for anchors installed in dry or saturated concrete in accordance with the level of inspection provided (periodic or continuous), as applicable. SPECIAL INSPECTION LEVEL PERMISSIBLE INSTALLATION CONDITION BOND STRENGTH ASSOCIATED STRENGTH REDUCTION FACTOR Continuous Dry concrete rk Oayd Continuous Water -saturated ik 0.&d Periodic Dry concrete Zk Obr,M Periodic Water -saturated Zk O..,,y ik in the table above refers to rk,cr or Tkuncr. 4.1.5 Static Steel Strength in Shear: The nominal static steel strength of a single anchor in shear as governed by the steel, Vsa, in accordance with ACI 318 D.6.1.2 and strength reduction factors, 0, in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.3, are given in Tables 2 and 3 of this report for the anchor element types included in this report. 4.1.6 Static Concrete Breakout Strength in Shear: The nominal static concrete breakout strength of a single anchor or group of anchors in shear, Vcb or Vcbg, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.6.2 based on information given in Table 4. The basic concrete breakout strength of a single anchor in shear, Vb, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.6.2.2 using the values of d as described in Table 4 of this report for the corresponding anchor steel in lieu of da (2012 and 2009 IBC) and do (2006 IBC). In addition, ha, must be substituted for ee• In no case shall ,ee exceed 8d. The value of Pc must be limited to 8,000 psi (55.1 MPa), in accordance with ACI 318 D.3.7. 4.1.7 Static Concrete Pryout Strength in Shear: The nominal static pryout strength of a single anchor or group of anchors in shear, V�p or Vcpg, shall be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.6.3. 4.1.8 Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces: For designs that include combined tension and shear, the interaction of tension and shear loads must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.7. 4.1.9 Minimum Member Thickness, hmrn, Anchor Spacing, smin, and Edge Distance, cmin: In lieu of ACI 318 D.8.1 and D.8.3, values of smin and cmin provided in Table 1 of this report must be observed for anchor design and installation. The minimum member thicknesses, hi,, described in Table 1 of this report, must be observed for anchor design and installation. For adhesive anchors that will remain untorqued, ACI 318 D.8.4 applies. 4.1.10 Critical Edge Distance cep: In lieu of ACI 318 D.8.6, cagy must be determined as follows: ESR -2508 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 16 0.4 c.Q=hef lisol [3.1-0.7h'— (D-43) where [Th ] need not be taken as larger than 2.4; her runcr = characteristic bond strength stated in Tables 5A and 5B of this report where by r„ r,G need not be taken as larger than: kuncr hef% Tuncr — n -d4 4.1.11 Design Strength in Seismic Design Categories C, D, E and F: In structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E or F under the IBC or IRC, the design must be performed according to ACI 318 Section D.3.3. The nominal steel shear strength, Vsa, must be adjusted by av,seis as given in Tables 2 and 3 of this report for the anchor element types included in this report. The nominal bond strength rk,cr in Table 5A must be adjusted by av,ses. For Table 5B, no adjustment to the bond strength zk,c, is required. Modify ACI 318 Sections D., D. and D. to read as follows: D. - Where the tensile component of the strength - level earthquake force applied to anchors exceeds 20 percent of the total factored anchor tensile force associated with the same load combination, anchors and their attachments shall be designed in accordance with D. The anchor design tensile strength shall be determined in accordance with D. Exception: 1. Anchors designed to resist wall out -of -plane forces with design strengths equal to or greater than the force determined in accordance with ASCE 7 Equation 12.11-1 or 12.14-10 shall be deemed to satisfy Section D. D. — The anchor or group of anchors shall be designed for the maximum tension obtained from design load combinations that include E, with E increased by I20. The anchor design tensile strength shall be calculated from D. D. —Where the shear component of the strength - level earthquake force applied to anchors exceeds 20 percent of the total factored anchor shear force associated with the same load combination, anchors and their attachments shall be designed in accordance with D. The anchor design shear strength for resisting earthquake forces shall be determined in accordance with D.6. Exceptions: 1. For the calculation of the in -plane shear strength of anchor bolts attaching wood sill plates of bearing or non-bearing walls of light -frame wood structures to foundations or foundation stem walls, the in -plane shear strength in accordance with D.6.2 and D. 6.3 need not be computed and D. need not apply provided all of the following are met: 1.1. The allowable in plane shear strength of the anchor is determined in accordance with AF&PA NDS Table 11 E for lateral design values parallel to grain. 1.2. The maximum anchor nominal diameter is % inch (16 mm). 1.3. Anchor bolts are embedded into concrete a minimum of 7 inches (178 mm). 1.4. Anchor bolts are located a minimum of 13/4 inches (45 mm) from the edge of the concrete parallel to the length of the wood sill plate. 1.5. Anchor bolts are located a minimum of 15 anchor diameters from the edge of the concrete perpendicular to the length of the wood sill plate. 1.6. The sill plate is 2 -inch or 3 -inch nominal thickness. 2. For the calculation of the in -plane shear strength of anchor bolts attaching cold -formed steel track of bearing or non-bearing walls of light -frame construction to foundations or foundation stem walls, the in -plane shear strength in accordance with D. 6.2 and D. 6.3 need not be computed and D. need not apply provided all of the following are met: 2.1. The maximum anchor nominal diameter is % inch (16 mm). 2.2. Anchors are embedded into concrete a minimum of 7 inches (178 mm). 2.3. Anchors are located a minimum of 13/4 inches (45 mm) from the edge of the concrete parallel to the length of the track. 2.4. Anchors are located a minimum of 15 anchor diameters from the edge of the concrete perpendicular to the length of the track. 2.5. The track is 33 to 68 mil designation thickness. Allowable in -plane shear strength of exempt anchors, parallel to the edge of concrete shall be permitted to be determined in accordance with AISI S100 Section E3.3.1. 3. In light -frame construction, bearing or nonbearing walls, shear strength of concrete anchors less than or equal to 1 inch [25 mm] in diameter attaching a sill plate or track to foundation or foundation stem wall need not satisfy D. through (c) when the design strength of the anchors is determined in accordance with D.6.2.1(c). 4.2 Allowable Stress Design (ASD): 4.2.1 General: For anchors designed using load combinations in accordance with IBC Section 1605.3 (Allowable Stress Design), allowable loads shall be established using Eq. (4-2) or Eq. (4-3): yl Tallowable,ASD = •r✓a Eq. (4-2) and Vallowable,ASD = OVr✓a Eq. (4-3) where: Talowable,ASD = Allowable tension load (Ibf or kN) Vallowable,ASD = Allowable shear load (Ibf or kN) OIV„ = The lowest design strength of an anchor or anchor group in tension as determined in accordance with ACI 318 Appendix D as amended in Section 4.1 of this report and 2009 IBC Sections 1908.1.9 and 1908.1.10 or 2006 IBC Section 1908.1.16, as applicable. ESR -2508 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 4 of 16 OV„ = The lowest design strength of an anchor or anchor group in shear as determined in accordance with ACI 318 Appendix D as amended in Section 4.1 of this report and 2009 IBC Sections 1908.1.9 and 1908.1.10 or 2006 IBC Section 1908.1.16, as applicable. a = Conversion factor calculated as a weighted average of the load factors for the controlling load combination. In addition, a must include all applicable factors to account for non -ductile failure modes and required over -strength. Table 6 provides an illustration of calculated Allowable Stress Design (ASD) values for each anchor diameter at minimum embedment depth. The requirements for member thickness, edge distance and spacing, described in Table 1 of this report, must apply. 4.2.2 Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces: In lieu of ACI 318 Sections D.7.1, D.7.2 and D.7.3, interaction of tension and shear loads must be calculated as follows: If Tapplled 5 0.2 Tallowable,ASD, then the full allowable strength in shear, Vallowable,ASD, shall be permitted. If Vapplied <_ 0.2 Vallowable,ASD, then the full allowable strength in tension, Tallowable,ASD, must be permitted. . For all other cases: Tapplied + Vapplied 51.2 Eq. (4-4) Tallowable, ASD Vallowable,ASD 4.3 Installation: Installation parameters are provided in Table 1, 7, 8, 9 and in Figure 1. Installation must be in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.9.1 and D.9.2. Anchor locations must comply with this report and the plans and specifications approved by the building official. Installation of the SET -XP Epoxy Adhesive Anchor System must conform to the manufacturer's printed installation instructions included in each package unit and as described in Figure 1. The nozzles, brushes, dispensing tools and adhesive retaining caps listed in Tables 7 and 8, supplied by the manufacturer, must be used along with the adhesive cartridges. The anchors may be used for floor (vertically down), wall (horizontal), and overhead applications. 4.4 Special Inspection: 4.4.1 General: Installations may be made under continuous special inspection or periodic special inspection, as determined by the registered design professional. See Section 4.1.4 and Tables 5A and 5B of this report for special inspection requirements, including strength reduction factors, corresponding to the type of inspection provided. Continuous special inspection of adhesive anchors installed in horizontal or upwardly inclined orientations to resist sustained tension loads shall be performed in accordance with ACI 318 D.9.2.4. Under the IBC, additional requirements as set forth in Sections 1705, 1706, or 1707 must be observed, where applicable. 4.4.2 Continuous Special Inspection Installations made under continuous special inspection with an onsite proof loading program must be performed in accordance with Section 1705.1.1 and Table 1705.3 of the 2012 IBC, 2009 IBC Sections 1704.4 and 1704.15, or 2006 IBC Sections 1704.4 and 1704.13, whereby continuous special inspection is defined in IBC Section 1702.1 and this report. The special inspector must be on the jobsite continuously during anchor installation to verify anchor type, adhesive identification and expiration date, anchor dimensions, concrete type, concrete compressive strength, hole drilling method, hole dimensions, hole cleaning procedures, anchor spacing, edge distances, concrete thickness, anchor embedment, tightening torque and adherence to the manufacturer's printed installation instructions. The proof loading program must be established by the registered design professional. As a minimum, the following requirements must be addressed in the proof loading program: 1. Frequency of proof loading based on anchor type, diameter, and embedment; 2. Proof loads by anchor type, diameter, embedment and location; 3. Acceptable displacements at proof load; 4. Remedial action in the event of failure to achieve proof load or excessive displacement. Unless otherwise directed by the registered design professional, proof loads must be applied as confined tension tests. Proof load levels must not exceed the lesser of 50 percent of expected peak load based on adhesive bond strength nor 80 percent of the anchor yield strength. The proof load shall be maintained at the required load level for a minimum of 10 seconds. 4.4.3 Periodic Special Inspection Periodic special inspection must be performed where required in accordance with Section 1705.1.1 and Table 1705.3 of the 2012 IBC, Sections 1704.4 and 1704.15 of the 2009 IBC or Section 1704.13 of the 2006 IBC and this report. The special inspector must be on the jobsite initially during anchor installation to verify anchor type, anchor dimensions, concrete type, concrete compressive strength, adhesive identification and expiration date, hole dimensions, hole cleaning procedures, anchor spacing, edge distances, concrete thickness, anchor embedment, tightening torque and adherence to the manufacturer's printed installation instructions. The special inspector must verify the initial installations of each type and size of adhesive anchor by construction personnel on site. Subsequent installations of the same anchor type and size by the same construction personnel is permitted to be performed in the absence of the special inspector. Any change in the anchor product being installed or the personnel performing the installation must require an initial inspection. For ongoing installations over an extended period, the special inspector must make regular inspections to confirm correct handling and installation of the product 4.5 Compliance with NSF/ANSI Standard 61: SET -XP Epoxy Adhesive Anchor Systems comply with requirements of NSF/ANSI Standard 61, as referenced in Section 605 of the 2006 International Plumbing Code (IPC) for products used in water distribution systems. SET -XP ESR -2508 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 5 of 16 Epoxy Adhesive Anchor Systems may have a maximum exposed surface area to volume ratio of 216 square inches per 1000 gallons (3785 L) of potable water and/or drinking water treatment chemicals. The focus of NSF/ANSI Standard 61 as it pertains to adhesive anchors is to ensure that the contaminants or impurities imparted from the adhesive products to the potable water do not exceed acceptable levels. 5.0 CONDITION OF USE The Simpson Strong -Tie SET -XP Epoxy Adhesive Anchor System described in this report complies with or is a suitable alternative to what is specified in the codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 SET -XP epoxy adhesive anchors must be installed in accordance .with the manufacturer's printed installation instructions as shown in Figure 1 of this report. 5.2 The anchors must be installed in cracked and uncracked normal -weight concrete having a specified compressive strength Fc = 2,500 psi to 8,500 psi (17.2 MPa to 58.6 MPa). 5.3 The values of F, used for calculation purposes must not exceed 8,000 psi (55.1 MPa) for uncracked concrete. The value of Pc used for calculation purposes must not exceed 2500 psi (17.2 MPa) for tension resistance in cracked concrete. 5.4 Anchors must be installed in concrete base materials in holes predrilled with carbide -tipped drill bits complying with ANSI B212.15-1994 in accordance with the instructions provided in Figure 1 of this report. 5.5 Loads applied to the anchors must be adjusted in accordance with Section 1605.2 of the IBC for strength design and in accordance with Section 1605.3 of the IBC for allowable stress design. 5.6 SET -XP epoxy adhesive anchors are recognized for use to resist short- and long-term loads, including wind and earthquake loads, subject to the conditions of this report. - 5.7 In structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E, or F under the IBC or IRC, anchor strength must be adjusted in accordance with Section 4.1.11 of this report 5.8 SET -XP Epoxy Adhesive Anchors are permitted to be installed in concrete that is cracked or that may be expected to crack during the service life of the anchor, subject to the conditions of this report. 5.9 Strength design values shall be established in accordance with Section 4.1 of this report. 5.10 Allowable design values shall be established in accordance with Section 4.2 of this report. 5.11 Minimum anchor spacing and edge distance, as well as minimum member thickness and critical edge distance, must comply with the values described in this report. 5.12 Prior to installation, calculations and details demonstrating compliance with this report must be submitted to the code official. The calculations and details must be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed. 5.13 Fire -resistive construction: Anchors are not permitted to support fire -resistive construction. Where not otherwise prohibited in the code, SET -XP epoxy adhesive anchors are permitted for installation in fire -resistive construction provided at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled: • Anchors are used to resist wind or seismic forces only. • Anchors that support gravity load-bearing structural elements are within a fire -resistive envelope or a fire resistive membrane, are protected by approved fire -resistive materials, or have been evaluated for resistance to fire exposure in accordance with recognized standards. • Anchors are used to support nonstructural elements. 5.14 Since an ICC -ES acceptance criteria for evaluating data to determine the performance of adhesive anchors subjected to fatigue or shock loading is unavailable at this time, the use of these anchors under such conditions is beyond the scope of this report. 5.15 Use of zinc -plated carbon steel threaded rods or steel reinforcing bars is limited to dry, interior locations. 5.16 Hot -dipped galvanized carbon steel threaded rods with coating weights in accordance with ASTM A153 Class C and D, or stainless steel threaded rods, are permitted for exterior exposure or damp environments. 5.17 Steel anchoring materials in contact with preservative - treated and fire -retardant -treated wood must be zinc -coated steel or stainless steel. The minimum coating weights for zinc -coated steel must comply with ASTM A153. 5.18 Special inspection must be provided in accordance with Section 4.4 of this report. Continuous special inspection for anchors installed in horizontal or upwardly inclined orientations to resist sustained tension loads must be provided in accordance with Section 4.4 of this report. 5.19 Installation of anchors in horizontal or upwardly inclined orientations to resist sustained tension loads shall be performed by personnel certified by an applicable certification program in accordance with ACI 318 D.9.2.2 or D.9.2.3. 5.20 SET -XP epoxy adhesive is manufactured and packaged into cartridges by Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc., in Addison, Illinois, under a quality control program with inspections by ICC -ES. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 6.1 Data in accordance with the ICC -ES Acceptance Criteria for Post -installed Adhesive Anchors in Concrete (AC308), dated September 2014, which incorporates requirements in ACI 355.4-11.. 6.2 Data in accordance with NSF/ANSI Standard 61, Drinking Water Systems Components-Heaith Effects, for the SET -XP adhesive. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION 7.1 SET -XP Epoxy Adhesive is identified in the field by labels on the cartridge or packaging, bearing the company name (Simpson Strong -Tie Company, Inc.), ESR -2508 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 6 of 16 product name (SET -XP), the batch number, the expiration date, and the evaluation report number (ESR -2508). 7.2 Threaded rods, nuts, washers and deformed reinforcing bars are standard elements and must conform to applicable national or international specifications. TABLE 1 -SET -XP EPDXY ADHESIVE ANCHOR INSTALLATION INFORMATION Characteristic Symbol Units , IB , /2 Nominal Rod Diameter d, (inch) s a > /8 /{ /8 1 > 1 /4 Drill Bit Diameter dnda in. 1/2 5/9 3/4 7/9 1 1'/8 13/8 Maximum Tightening Torque Ti,a, ft -lb 10 20 30 45 60 80 125 Permitted Embedment Depth Range Minimum/Maximum hM.mn in. 23/8 23/4 3% 31/2 33/4 4 5 hal,mm in. 71/2 10 12'/2 15 17'/2 20 25 Minimum Concrete Thickness h i„ in. Tension Resistance of Steel hal+ 5d, Critical Edge Distance cac in. See Section 4. 1.10 of this report. Minimum Edge Distance C,,,,,, in. 19370 26795 1 /4 56200 2 /{ Minimum Anchor Spacing srtin in. 3 6 For SI: = 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 ft4b = 1.356 Nm. TABLE 2 -STEEL DESIGN INFORMATION FOR THREADED ROD 'The tabulated value of 0 applies when the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used. If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of 0 must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.4. Nominal Rod Diameter (inch) Characteristic Symbol Unitsa le , /z s /a a /! 7 /g 1 � 1 /{ Nominal Diameter d in. 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875 1 1.25 Minimum Tensile Stress Area A. in.2 0.078 0.142 0.226 0.334 0.462 0.606 0.969 Tension Resistance of Steel - ASTM F1554, Grade 36 4525 8235 13110 19370 26795 35150 56200 Tension Resistance of Steel - ASTM Al 93, Grade B7 N. lb. 9750 17750 28250 41750 57750 75750 121125 Tension Resistance of Steel - Stainless Steel ASTM Al 93, Grade B6 (Type 410) 8580 15620 24860 36740 50820 66660 106590 Tension Resistance of Steel - Stainless Steel ASTM Al 93, Grade B8 and B8M 4445 8095 12880 19040 26335 34540 55235 (Types 304 and 316) Strength Reduction Factor for Tension - Steel Failure' - 0.75 Minimum Shear Stress Area Asa in.2 0.078 0.142 0.226 0.334 0.462 0.606 0.969 Shear Resistance of Steel -ASTM F1554, Grade 36 2260 4940 7865 11625 16080 21090 33720 Shear Resistance of Steel - ASTM Al 93, Grade B7 V. Ib. 4875 10650 16950 25050 34650 45450 72675 Shear Resistance of Steel, - Stainless Steel ASTM A193, Grade B6 4290 9370 14910 22040 30490 40000 63955 (Type 410) Shear Resistance of Steel - Stainless Steel ASTM A193, Grade B8 and 2225 4855 7730 11425 15800 20725 33140 B8M (Types 304 and 316) Reduction for Seismic Shear - ASTM A307, Grade C 0.87 0.78 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.65 Reduction for Seismic Shear - ASTM Al 93, Grade B7 ov.sala - 0.87 0.78 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.65 Reduction for Seismic Shear - Stainless Steel ASTM Al 93, Grade B6 (rype 410) 0.69 0.82 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.83 0.72 Reduction for Seismic Shear - Stainless Steel ASTM A193, Grade B8 and B8M 0.69 0.82 0.75 0.75 0.75 I 0.83 i 0.72 (Types 304 and 316) 1 1 I Strength Reduction Factor for Shear -f - Steel Failure' 0 - 0.65 'The tabulated value of 0 applies when the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used. If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of 0 must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.4. ESR -2508 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 7 of 16 TABLE 3 -STEEL DESIGN INFORMATION FOR REINFORCING BAR (REBAR) Characteristic Symbol Units #3 #4 #5 Bar Size #6 #7 #8 #10 Nominal Diameter d in. 0.3751 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875 1 1.25 Minimum Tensile Stress Area A.Enn.0.11 71/2 10 12'/2 15 17'/2 20 25 0.20 0.31 0.44 0.6 0.79 1.23 Tension Resistance of Steel - Rebar (ASTM A615 Gr.60) N.9900 in. 18000 27900 39600 54000 71100 110700 Strength Reduction Factor for Tension - Steel Failure' 0 Minimum Anchor Spacing s,an in. 0.65 6 Effectiveness Factor for Uncracked Concrete k, Minimum Shear Stress Area A.0.11 17 0.20 0.31 0.44 0.6 0.79 1.23 Shear Resistance of Steel - Rebar (ASTM A615 Gr. 60) V. Ib. 4950 10800 16740 23760 32400 42660 66420 Reduction for Seismic Shear- Rebar (ASTM A615Gr. 60) av,sdg - 0.85 0.88 0.84 0.84 0.77 0.77 0.59 Strength Reduction Factor for Shear - Steel Failure' 0 - 0.60 'The tabulated value of 0 applies when the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC, or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used. If the load combinations of or ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of 0 must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.4. TABLE 4 --CONCRETE BREAKOUT AND PRYOUT DESIGN INFORMATION FOR THREADED ROD/REBAR ANCHORS Characteristic Symbol Units Nominal Rod/Rebar Diameter 3 s 3 /e or #3 /Z' or #4 /e' or #5 /;' or #6 /e' or #7 1" or #8 11/4' or #10 Nominal Diameter d in. 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875 1 1.25 Permitted Embedment Depth Range Min. / Max. hef,,a„ in. 23/e 23/4 31/8 31/2 33/4 4 5 hafm. In. 71/2 10 12'/2 15 17'/2 20 25 Minimum Concrete Thickness h,an in. hef+ 5do Critical Edge Distance k= in. See Section 4. 1.10 of this report. Minimum Edge Distance Qdo in. 13/4 23/4 Minimum Anchor Spacing s,an in. 3 6 Effectiveness Factor for Uncracked Concrete k, _ 17 Effectiveness Factor for Uncracked Concrete e _ 24 Strength Reduction Factor - Concrete Breakout Failure in Tension' 0 0.65 Strength Reduction Factor - Concrete Breakout Failure in Shear' 0 - 0.70 Strength Reduction Factor - Pryout Failure' 0.70 The tabulated values of 0 applies when both the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC, or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used and the requirements of ACI 318-11 D.4.3 for Condition B are met. If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix Care used, the appropriate value of 0 must be determined in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.4 for Condition B. ESR -2508 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 8 of 16 TABLE 5A—SET-XP EPDXY ADHESIVE ANCHOR THREADED ROD BOND STRENGTH DESIGN INFORMATION FOR TEMPERATURE RANGE 1''2 'Temperature Range 1: Maximum short term temperature of 150eF. Maximum long term temperature of 110°F. 2Short term concrete temperatures are those that occur over short intervals (diumal cycling). Long tern temperatures are constant over a significant time period. 3For sustained load conditions, bond strengths must be multiplied by 0.58. 4 A detailed in Section 4. 1.11 of this report, bond strength values for 7/e' anchors must be multiplied by aN,seie = 0.80. 5As detailed in Section 4.1.11 of this report, bond strength values for 1" anchors must be multiplied by aN,eb = 0.92. Condition Characteristic Symbol Units Nominal Rod Diameter 3/8" +/z" s/e' 3/4" 'le' 1" 1'/4" Characteristic Bond Strength Tkumr psi 1,330 1,985 1,830 1,670 1,525 1,360 1,070 o Uncracked Concrete Embedment Minimum hef,,,,j, 23/e 23/, 3'/8 3'/2 33/4 4 5 n Depth Range m. Maximum hef,m 7'/2 10 12'/2 15 17'/2 20 25 Characteristic Bond Strength3 Tk,r psi 1,025 880 1 750 1 665 1 610 595 595 c Cracked Concrete4,5 Embedment Minimum hef,min 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Y Depth Range in Maximum hef- 7'/2 10 1 12'/2 1 15 17'/2 20 25 a; m c 0 Anchor Category, dry concrete - - 1 Strength Reduction Factor - dry concrete 0fry,d - 0.65 Characteristic Bond Strength3 Tk, = psi 1,330 1,985 1,830 1,670 1,525 1,360 1,070 o Uncracked Concrete Embedment Minimum hef,min 23/e 23/4 3'/e 3'/2 33/4 4 5 � Depth Range P 9 in. Maximum hei,mmc 7'/2 10 12'/2 15 17'/2 20 25 CL Characteristic Bond Strength3 Tk.e psi 1,025 880 750 665 610 595 595 o Cracked Concrete" Embedment Minimum hef,min 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 � a� Depth Range P 9 in. Maximum hef,me: 7'/2 10 12'/2 1 15 1 17'/2 20 25 a Anchor Category, dry concrete 2 Strength Reduction Factor - dry concrete 0dry-0i - 0.55 Characteristic Bond Strength3 Tk,una psi N/A 1,130 1,045 950 N/A N/A N/A oUncracked Concrete Embedment Minimum hef,min 2% 23/4 3'/e 3'/2 33/4 4 5 Z Depth Range �n Maximum hef.man 71/2 10 12'/2 15 17'/2 20 25 Characteristic Bond Strength3 Tk,p psi 585 500 425 380 350 340 340 m o Cracked Concrete°, Embedment Minimum hef,min 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 c Depth Range in Maximum hef,mw 71/2 10 12'/2 15 17/2 20 1 25 c 0 0 Anchor Category, water -saturated concrete - - 3 10 Strength Reduction Factor — water -saturated concrete 4ata 0.45 A Characteristic Bond Strength3 n« Tkqhef,� psi N/A 955 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A m cn c Uncracked Concrete Embedment Minimum 23/e 23/4 3'/e 31/2 33/4 4 5 Depth Range P 9 in. Maximum 7'/2 10 12'/2 15 17'/2 20 25 Characteristic Bond Strength 3psi 490 420 360 320 295 285 285 v Cracked Concrete" Embedment Minimum 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 o Depth Range Maximumin1 71/2 10 1 12'/2 1 15 1 17'/2 1 20 1 25 o- Anchor Category, water -saturated concrete - 3 Strength Reduction Factor— water -saturated concrete A o - 0.45 'Temperature Range 1: Maximum short term temperature of 150eF. Maximum long term temperature of 110°F. 2Short term concrete temperatures are those that occur over short intervals (diumal cycling). Long tern temperatures are constant over a significant time period. 3For sustained load conditions, bond strengths must be multiplied by 0.58. 4 A detailed in Section 4. 1.11 of this report, bond strength values for 7/e' anchors must be multiplied by aN,seie = 0.80. 5As detailed in Section 4.1.11 of this report, bond strength values for 1" anchors must be multiplied by aN,eb = 0.92. ESR -2508 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 9 of 16 TABLE 58—SET-XP EPDXY ADHESIVE ANCHOR REBAR BOND STRENGTH DESIGN INFORMATION FOR TEMPERATURE RANGE 1''2 i emperature Range 1: Maximum short term temperature of 150°F. Maximum long tern temperature of 110eF. ZShort tern concrete temperatures are those that occur over short intervals (diumal cycling). Long term temperatures are constant over a significant time period. 'For sustained load conditions, bond strengths must be multiplied by 0.58. 4As detailed in Section 4. 1.11 of this report, bond strength values for rebar need not be modified (aNxeis = 1.0). Condition Characteristic Symbol Units Nominal Rebar Size #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #10 Characteristic Bond Strength' Tk, = psi 1,545 1,500 1,460 1,415 1,370 1,330 1,240 o Uncracked Concrete Embedment Minimum het,min 2'/e 23/4 3'/e 3'/2 33/4 4 5 n Depth Range in. Maximum het,,,e T/2 10 12'!2 15 1T/2 20 25 Characteristic Bond Strength' Tk,Q psi 625 1,265 1,140 1,015 885 760 475 y'o Cracked Concrete' Embedment Minimum hei,Mn 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 c Depth Range �n Maximum het,mm 7'/2 10 12'/2 15 17'/2 20 25 v Anchor Category, dry concrete - - 1 d Strength Reduction Factor - dry concrete gbn,.d - 0.65 0 10 Characteristic Bond Strength' Tk,,,w psi 1,545 1,500 1,460 1,415 1,370 1,330 1,240 o C Uncracked Concrete Embedment Minimum heti 23!e 23/4 3'/e 3'/2 33/4 4 5 Depth Range P 9 in. Maximum het,mex 7'!2 10 12'!2 15 17'/2 20 25 CL Characteristic Bond Strength' Tk,a psi 625 1,265 1,140 1,015 885 760 475 v Cracked Concrete` Embedment I Minimum het.min 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 c De th Ran a P 9 in.J_ Maximum het,mm , 71/2 10 , 12% 15 , 17'12 20 25 o Anchor Category, dry concrete - 2 Strength Reduction Factor - dry concrete Miry pi - 0.55 Characteristic Bond Strength' Tk,-n psi N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A o Uncracked Concrete Embedment I Minimum hers, 23/8 23/4 3% 3'/2 3'/4 4 5 CL a Depth Range in- n. Maximum hef., 7'/2 10 12'!2 15 171/2 20 25 U) Characteristic Bond Strength' rk,« psi 355 720 650 580 505 435 270 �, 'o Cracked Concrete° Embedment Minimum het,m,n 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 �' U C c'_ C Depth Range m. Maximum het,me 7'/2 10 12'/2 15 17'/2 20 25 0 0 Anchor Category, water -saturated concrete - 3 d m Strength Reduction Factor – water -saturated concrete fie, 0.45 Characteristic Bond Strength' Tkum psi N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A m C Uncracked Concrete Embedment Minimum het,,,dn 23/8 2'/4 3% 3'/2 33/4 4 5 0 DepthRange �n Maximum het, . 7!2 10 12'/2 15 17'/2 20 25 Characteristic Bond Strength' Tk.a psi 300 605 545 485 425 365 230 v Cracked Concrete` Embedment Minimum het,,,,,,, 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 v c Depth Range P 9 in. Maximum het,mm 7'/2 10 112'/2 15 17'/2 1 20 25 a Anchor Category, water -saturated concrete - - 3 Strength Reduction Factor–water-saturated concrete �e�w 0.45 i emperature Range 1: Maximum short term temperature of 150°F. Maximum long tern temperature of 110eF. ZShort tern concrete temperatures are those that occur over short intervals (diumal cycling). Long term temperatures are constant over a significant time period. 'For sustained load conditions, bond strengths must be multiplied by 0.58. 4As detailed in Section 4. 1.11 of this report, bond strength values for rebar need not be modified (aNxeis = 1.0). ESR -2508 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 10 of 16 TABLE 6—EXAMPLE SET -XP EPDXY ADHESIVE ANCHOR ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN TENSION VALUES FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES Nominal Anchor • Diameter, d, (inches) Drill Bit Diameter, dhoj (inches) Effective Embedment Dench, h Allowable Tension Load, IIS) 3/8 '/z 23/8 946 1/2 5/8 23/4 2181 5/8 3/4 31/8 2857 3/4 7/8 31/2 3450 7/8 1 33/4 3825 1 11/8 4 4215- 114 13/8 5 5892 Design Assumptions: 1. Single Anchor with static tension load only. 2. Vertical downward installation direction. 3. Inspection Regimen = Continuous. 4. Installation temperature = 50 -110°F. 5. Long term temperature = 110°F. 6. Short tern temperature = 150°F. 7. Dry hole condition - carbide drilled hole. 8. Embedment = hefAn 9. Concrete determined to remain uncracked for the life of the anchorage. 10. Load combinations from ACI 318 Section 9.2 (no seismic loading). 11. 30% Dead Load (D) and 70% Live Load (L); Controlling load combination is 1.2 D + 1.61- 12. .6L12. Calculation of a based on weighted average: a = 1.21) + 1.61- = 1.2(0.3) + 1.6(0.7) = 1.48 13. Normal weight concrete: Pc = 2500 psi 14.c.f=c22tCep 15.hth,a„ "" Illustrative Procedure (reference Table 2, 4 and 5A of this report): 1" SET -XP Epoxy Adhesive Anchor (ASTM A193, Grade 87 Threaded Rod) with an Effective Embedment, hef = 4" Step 1: Calculate Static Steel Strength in Tension per ACI 318 Section D.5.1 = QmN. = 0.75 x 75,750 = 56,810 lbs. Step 2: Calculate Static Concrete Breakout Strength in Tension per ACI 318 Section D.5.2 = 4Nb = 0.65 x 9,600 = 6,240 lbs. Step 3: Calculate Static Bond Strength in Tension per ACI 318-11 Section D.5.5 = QbN. = 0.65 x 9,912 = 6,443 lbs. Step 4: The controlling value (from Steps 1, 2 and 3 above) per ACI 318-11 Section D.4.1 = ^ = 6,240lbs. Step 5: Divide the controlling value by the conversion factor a per Section 4.2.1 of this report: Tmioda,Aso = ON„la = 6,240 / 1.48 = 4,215 lbs. TABLE 7 --INSTALLATION DETAILS FOR THREADED ROD ANCHORS Anchor Drill Bit Diameter Diameter'= Brush Part (in) (in) Number Nozzle Part Number Dispensing Tool Part Number Adhesive Retaining Cap Part Number' /e /2 ETB6 EMN22i CDT10, EDT2213, EDT22AP, EDT22CKT, EDT56AP ARC37-RP25 1/2 5/8 ETB6 ARC50-RP25 5/8 3/4 ETB6 ARC62-RP25 34 7/8 ETB8 ARC75-RP25 '/8 1 ETB10 ARC87-RP25 1 11/8 ETB10 ARC100-RP25 11/4 13/8 ETB12 ARC125-RP25 ror sr: = i mcn = za.4 mm. 'Rotary Hammer must be used to drill all holes. 2Drill bits must meet the requirements of ANSI B212.15. 3Adhesive Retaining Caps are to be used for horizontal and overhead anchor installations only. ESR -2508 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 11 of 16 TABLE B-- INSTALLATION DETAILS FOR REINFORCING BAR ANCHORS Anchor Drill Bit Diameter Diameter' -Z Brush Part (In) (in) Number Nozzle Part Number Dispensing Tool Part Number Adhesive Retaining Cap Part Number' #3 1/2 ETB6 EMN22i CDT10, EDT22B, EDT22AP, EDT22CKT,EDT56AP ARC37-RP25 #4 5/8 ET86 ARC50-RP25 #5 3/4 ETB6 ARC62-RP25 #6 '/e ETB8 ARC75-RP25 #7 1 ET610 ARC87-RP25 #8 1'/8 ETB10 ARC100-RP25 #10 13/e ETB12 ARC125-RP25 For SI: = 1 inch = 25.4 mm. 'Rotary Hammer must be used to drill all holes. 2Drill bits must meet the requirements of ANSI B212.15. 'Adhesive Retaining Caps are to be used for horizontal and overhead anchor installations only. TABLE 9—CURE SCHEDULE' (IF) Concrete Temperature CC) Gel Time (minutes) Cure Time' (hours) 50 10 75 72 70 21 45 24 90 32 1 35 1 24 110 43 120 1 24 For SI: = 1°F = (c x e/5)"+ 32. 'For water -saturated concrete, the cure times should be doubled. ESR -2508 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 12 of 16 For horizontal, vertical and overhead applications. �a d •P .. cb0 iq• Drill -Drill hole to specified diameter and depth. 4 seconds yye v•P - q� 80 Psi ttin. 2. Blow -Remove dust from hole with oil -free compressed air for a minimum of 4 seconds. Compressed air nozzle MUST reach the bottom of the hole. fI4 cycles {{, (min. ^y %0 b � � a 3. Brush -Clean with a nylon brush for a minimum of 4 cycles. Brush MUST reach the bottom of the hole. Brush should provide resistance to insertion. If no resistance is felt, the brush Note: Refer to Tables A and B for proper drill bit size and brush part number. is wom and must be replaced 4 y seconds (min.) of� y •P .:tiq aa` r 80 ;: _ °'C• psi min. 4. Blow -Remove dust from hole with oil -free compressed air for a minimum of 4 seconds. Compressed air nozzle MUST reach the bottom of the hole. © � Vertical Anchorage Prepare the hole per instructions "Hole Preparation Dry and Damp Holes: 1. Fil"ll hole 1h - ya 2. Insert -Insert 3. Do not disturb - full, starting from the clean, oil free Do not disturb, bottom to prevent air anchor (marked load or torque pockets.Wiftraw with the required A anchor until 'tee r°;v nozzle as hole fills . :P embedment oP fully cured. up. Nozzle extensions 6 depth), Burning may be needed for ° slowly until the br deep holes. ^'`R. °y , anchor contacts e p.; y,, the bottom of the tole. Threaded rod .. or rebaf Note: Refer to Table C for proper gel times and cure times and Table D for maximum tightening torgue. © OMjM3M= Hortmnlal and Overhead Anchorage Prepare the hole per instructions "Hole Preparation". Install -Install Simpson Strong -Tie® ARC adhesive retaining rap. (ARC required. Refer to Tables A and B.) obrd,. 2. Fill -Fill hole % -'h full, starting from the bottom to prevent air porkets.Withdraw nozzle as hole fills up. Nozzle extensions may be needed for deep holes. Threaded may, e``dn •. red or rebar 3. Insert -Insert clean, oil free anchor (marked with the required embed- ment depth), turning slowly until the anchor contacts the bottom of the hole. There should be no gaps between the anchor and the sides of the hole. Note: Refer to Table C for proper gel times and cure times and Table D for maximum tightening torgue. FIGURE 1—INSTALLATION DETAILS Threaded ,✓°ga; °" a r rod or °r robot a,qo"off°.o�. 4. Do not disturb -Do not disturb, load or torque anchor until fully cured. For overhead installations, the anchor must be secured from movement during the cure time (e.g. wedges or other restraint methods). 1. Chec"herk cartridge 2. Open -Open expiration date. Do not cartridge per use expired product. package —° e Productis usable instructions.a o ' until end of printed expiration month. 3. Attach -Attach proper 4. Insert -Insert cartridge 5. Dispense -Dispense adhesive Simpson Strong -Tie® into dispensing tool. to the side unfit property nozzle to cartridge. mixed (uniform color). Do not modify nozzle. Note: Review MSDS prior to use. Refer to Tables A and B for proper nozzle and dispersing tool part number. Refer to Tables C and E for proper adhesive storage temperatures, permitted concrete temperature range and adhesive gel times. © � Vertical Anchorage Prepare the hole per instructions "Hole Preparation Dry and Damp Holes: 1. Fil"ll hole 1h - ya 2. Insert -Insert 3. Do not disturb - full, starting from the clean, oil free Do not disturb, bottom to prevent air anchor (marked load or torque pockets.Wiftraw with the required A anchor until 'tee r°;v nozzle as hole fills . :P embedment oP fully cured. up. Nozzle extensions 6 depth), Burning may be needed for ° slowly until the br deep holes. ^'`R. °y , anchor contacts e p.; y,, the bottom of the tole. Threaded rod .. or rebaf Note: Refer to Table C for proper gel times and cure times and Table D for maximum tightening torgue. © OMjM3M= Hortmnlal and Overhead Anchorage Prepare the hole per instructions "Hole Preparation". Install -Install Simpson Strong -Tie® ARC adhesive retaining rap. (ARC required. Refer to Tables A and B.) obrd,. 2. Fill -Fill hole % -'h full, starting from the bottom to prevent air porkets.Withdraw nozzle as hole fills up. Nozzle extensions may be needed for deep holes. Threaded may, e``dn •. red or rebar 3. Insert -Insert clean, oil free anchor (marked with the required embed- ment depth), turning slowly until the anchor contacts the bottom of the hole. There should be no gaps between the anchor and the sides of the hole. Note: Refer to Table C for proper gel times and cure times and Table D for maximum tightening torgue. FIGURE 1—INSTALLATION DETAILS Threaded ,✓°ga; °" a r rod or °r robot a,qo"off°.o�. 4. Do not disturb -Do not disturb, load or torque anchor until fully cured. For overhead installations, the anchor must be secured from movement during the cure time (e.g. wedges or other restraint methods). ESR -2508 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 13 of 16 Table A -Installation Details for Threaded Rod Anchors Anchor Drill Bit z Brush Part Diameter Diameter' Number (in)- (in) Nozzle Part Number Dispensing Tool Part Number Adhesive Retaining Cap Part Number' %/x ETB6 EMN22i CDTI0,EDT22B, EDT22CKT, EDT56AP ARG37-RP25 '/x % ETB6 ARC50-RP25 YO 3d ETB6 ARC62-RP25 % '% ETB8 ARC75-RP25 1 ETB10 ARC87-RP25 1 1% ETB10 ARC100-RP25 1%< 1V, ET612 ARC125-RP25 1. Rotary Rammer must be used to drill all holes. 2 Drill bits must most the requirements of ANSI 821215. 3. Adhesive Retaining Caps are to be used for horizontal and overhead anchor installations only. Table B - Installation Details for Reinforcing Bar Anchors Anchor Drill Bits Brush Part Diameter Diameter (in) (in) Number Nozzle Part Number Dispensing Tool Part Number Adhesive Retaining Cap Part Number' #3 /x ETB6 EMN22i CDTI0,EDT228, EDT22AP, EDT' EDT56AP6AP ARC37-RP25 #4 % ET86 ARC50-RP25 #5 % ETB6 ARC62-RP25 16 r/a I ET88 ARC75-RP25 #7 1 ETB10 ARC67•RP25 #8 1% ETB10 ARG100-RP25 #10 1Y, ETB12 ARC125-RP25 1. Rotary Rammer must be used to drill all holes. 2 Drill bits must meet the requirements of ANSI 821215. 3. Adhesive Retaining Caps are to be used for horizontal and overhead anchor installations only. Table D - Anchor Tightening Torque, Embedment Depth and Placement Details Anchor Maximum . Min. Emb. Max. Emb.. Min. Anchor Min. Edge Min. Concrete Diameter Tightening Torque Depth Depth Spacing Distance Thickness (in) T.— hn..i. ha.�. s.i. c.;. h.;. (fl -1b)' - (in) (in) (in) '(in) (in)" e 10 2f/e 7%x 3 1 S. '/x 20 2% 10 ire 30 3'/e 1 12'/x 60 3Y'a 17'h 1 60 4 20 125 5 25 6 2% Table C - Cure Schedule Concrete Temperature Gel Time Cure Time' (^1 CC) (minutes) (hours) 50 10 75 72 70 21 45 24 90 32 35 24 110 43 1 20 1 24 1. For water -saturated concrete, the cure times should be doubled. Table E - Storage Information Storage Temperature Shelf Life (months) (7) (•C) 45 to 90 7 to 32 24 FIGURE 1—INSTALLATION DETAILS (Continued) ESR -2508 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 14 of 16 Determine if a single 'k"d,iameter ASTM A193 Grade 87 anchor rod in SET-XPp1 epoxy adhesive with a minlmum,4'W embedment (hef- 41N) installed 1%' corn the edge of a 17.deep spandrel beam is adequate for strength level tension load or 1,640 lb.for wind and a reversible strength level shearload of 440 Ib. foFWInd. The anchor winbeln the tension -zone.. away from other anchors in j'c = 3,000 psi normal -weight concrete (dry). Contin oous:inspectlon W3i0 be,pro vidieq.. ai�-. •2 1 `` Deterinirie the Factored Tension and Shear Design Loads: ACI 318, 92.1 N 1.6 W o 1:0.0;040 1,0401b.: +Vua=1.01#=1.0 x 440 =440 lb. 2 Design Considerations: This is a combined tension & shear.lateractlon problem where values forboth @Na andQVn rued '.to be. determined_ $11, is the lesser of the design tension strength controlled by. steel (ONi�, concrete breakout (0Ncb), or adhesive, (4Na) pV„is the lesser of'Me e design shear strength. cbntrolied by: steel (� im, concrete breakout (QVcti), orprMt (bvro). K Steel capacIN.undei tension;: loading: •QN�> N� N =17,750 lb. b = 0:75' Calcula ngfor4NN: mN� 075x17750=13;31316,> -1,04016;-0K 0.41 t D.5.1 Table D_9:1. f Table 2 Tablet. 1,04016. 44016. 41AJo' i1S• ' , Note: Rebar not • • shown for ctarfty. to, NVY Ili ► o +. 4. Concrete breakout capacity under tension laading_' D.52 ONeb>– Nua, Ncb= AA" '1ed.Nwc.NVMNNb. Where:' No= kcaaflcheia substituting: 4Ncb= TZ Wed,N4 cAVcp.Nkr)aNTchef" where: Kc= Kir=17 (Anchor isinstalled in a tension zone, therefore, craMng is assumed at sen&e toads) aa= x=1.0 (Normal -weight concrete) W4xN=1.0 ca min We4N=,0.7+0,31.5Aef whencamin<1.5het by observation, camin< 1.5hel Woe N=0.7+0.3 1.75 =0.78 1.5(4.5) W,�=1.0 (assuming cracking at service loads) 0 = 0.65 for Condition 8 (no supplementary.reur --ant provided) Aran = 9helz 9(4.5)2 =18225 in? Aim= (oar + 1.5hef)(2 x 1.5her):. = (1.75 + 1:5(4.5))(2 x.1.5(4.5)) =114.75 in? Ayc _ 114.75 _ 063 Arm 182.25 Calculating for 9NV 6: 4Ncb=0.65x0.6311.0x0.78x1 x17x1 x 500 x (4.5)1' = 2,592 lb. > 1,040 (b. – OK FIGURE 2—EXAMPLE CALCULATION : Table D.4.1.1 Eq. (D3) E4- (0.6) .:Table 4 U. & D.3.6 `D.5.2:7 Eq. (D-10) 0.52.6 Table 4 'Eq- (04) Rg. RD.5.2.1(4) ESR -2508 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted MID DISCUSSION '5. Adhesiveanchorcapacity unde%tension loading." 0.5.5 ONa.2: NL4 Table Na actio, pNa Ar Eq. (D 18) 1V6=7erCrsdahaf=1.x880xXx0.5x4:5 '6,2201D: Eq. (D-22) FIE: = 1Oda . : - ' Eq (D-21) • 1,100 - ctb=10 (0.5)1 ,1,985 1,100 ANaa =• (2e,? (2 z 6:72)? = 780.63. iri? Eq. (D-210) 'A6= (cal+g0(2c;J=(L75+6.72)(13:44). 113.84 in? Ftg. RD.5.51 W� M = (0.7 + 0.3 Cin) 51.0: Since cad,,;,, <qa . Eq. (D-25) 1.75 Wed Ra=(0.7+0.3"� ,)=(0.7+ Y2ip =1:0 0 =O.65.for dry .6nirete-. Table 5 Cakulatirrg foi K,. @Na 0.65x113'84x0:78xlx6,220=19871b.>1,040.Ib.-OK 180.63 6:'Ch-kkali failuie..modes undeitension loading:, D.4.1. f Summary: Steel capacity. =.13,313 Ib. 'Concrete breakout capacity 2,592 ib.. Adhesive capacity = 1,987 ib_ <-. Controls 1,997 lb. as adhesive raspacily controls • 7:> Steel. capacity under shear loading: 0.6;1 Table VS8 =10,65016. Table 2 4 = 0:65 Table 2 Calculating for OVA: 8 VL =.0.65 x'10;650 = 6,923 Ib.> 440 Ib. - OK Page 15 of 16 rih:UKaruu1:.y:rannriKMULM-ram 8. Concrete breakout capaciqundershear loading: 0.6.2 4 Vyh>_ V. Table Vcp=AVO Wed,VWCVW&A Eq- (D-30) where: ( ( 1az Vb= \7\de / oda �a�li(call53 E_ q. (D ?J a substrtuting: ,�Vcb=¢A VedVwcVWhV(7\r!ed )��da �a� c(ca1Pa where: 0 = 0.70 for Condition B (no supplementary reinforcement provided) Table 4 AVc& = 4.5ca12 Eq: (D-32), 4.50.75)z :. Avaa=13.78 W AVC= 2(1_Soal)(1.5cal) Rg. RO.6.2.1(a) = 2(1.5(1.75))(1.5(1.75)) =- Ave =13.78 in? AVC =13_78_1 AVC& 13.78 ha =12 in. Wh,V=1 A since ha > 1.5cai 0.62.8 WedV=1.0 since c.2 > 1.5c., Eq. (",q Wcv=1.0 (assuming crawng at servke toads) Aa = A =1.0 (Normal -weight concrete) 8.6.1 8 0.3.6 da = 0.5 in. Qe=8d0=8(0.5)=4 in. cal'=1.75 in. 0Vcb=0.70x1 x1 X X X7X(64 �)�i�055x,1 x.� x(1.75)'a=666Ib- >44016. -OK 9. Concrete pryout capacity 0.6.3. V,p min [kcnNa; "d] Eq. (D=40) k,A= 2.0 for hat>_ 2 -5 - Ma = 3,057 Ib. from adbesive-rapacitycalcuMon withouti'factor Neb= 3,988 ib. from`eoncrete-breakout calculation without 0 factor V,p= (2.0)(3,057) = 6,114 Ib. controls 0 _ 0.7 Table 4 4 V,p= (0.7)(6,114) = 4,280 111. > 440111. - OK FIGURE 2 -EXAMPLE CALCULATION (CONTINUED) ESR -2508 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted CALCULATIONS AND "M 10: Check alffailuie+modes imdershear [aading;' . Summary:' StCcapacity 6;923Ib... Cori ieta breakout 6bkfty =,.666 Ib: �.Controts Pryout_r�padfy `,_.`.4280,Ib._, .Vq 668:Ib 'as concrete breakout capacity coirtiots 11.1 Gheck ir6raction of terisiori:and'sheai:torces: D.7 'if `Vua/JV V�) < 0 2, then.tiiE full tension design:strength is permitted 'D.71 ,By observation; this is not the;case. If'N,�/( N6) <"02, then the•fuli shear -desfgn si:rength is permitted, D.Z2 BY' observation; this is not-the:case, ,Therefore: 1;04o aao ._ •1�18<1.2=0K'.. x;987 6661 . '12: Summary_ Asingle Yz" diametes.ASTM A193'Gm'de 87:anctior`rod in SET XP" epoxy adhesive at a Ve,, _embedment depth is adepate to resist the applied strength`levei tension and shear wind toads.ot1,040ab. and 440 Ah.,,respestivel�... _ .. _ FIGURE 2—EXAMPLE CALCULATION (CONTINUED) Page 16 of 16 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR PAVILLION AT LA QUINTA 79220 HIGHWAY I I I LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (TRASH ENCLOSURE EXPANSION) Ty 0 p QUINI CI BUILCtNC� & SAFETY D AppRpVE RECE VED FOR CONSTRUCTIO�U� ��APR 0 2016 DA4 BY CITY OF LA QUINTA D �- �1(p • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Prepared By: Group Design oFESS/ 28545 Old Town Front Street, Ste. #2 O QR DER Temecula, Temecula, CA 92590 (95 1) 250-0608 W 72968 ren * EXP. 0/16 `rr CNIL q�E, OF MARCH 28, 2016 \�v ATO luo i /U 90 YTIo :T930 YT3iA(? 11ja 93VOR99A i, iorrou'qT'awoo 110:1 MAO 'Group Design 28545 Old Town Front Street Ste. #205 Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 250-0608 Project Title: La Quinta Trash Enclosure Expansion Engineer. ABIGH Protect Project Descr Description: Trash Enclosure Criteria 681 psf OK Retained Height = 0.50 ft Wall height above soil = 6.50 ft . Slope Behind Wall = 0.00:1 Height of Soil over Toe = 12.00 in Water height over heel = 0.0 It Vertical component of active Soil Density, Toe = Lateral soil pressure options: Friction Coeff btwn Ftg & Soil = NOT USED for Soil Pressure. Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = NOT USED for Sliding Resistance. NOT USED for Overturning Resistance. Surcharge Loads Lateral Load = Surcharge Over Heel - 0.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf Used for Sliding & Overturning Axial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Live Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Design Summary Wall Stability Ratios 681 psf OK Overturning = 1.80 OK Sliding = 11.48 OK Total Bearing Load = 697 lbs ...resultant ecc. = 9.79 in Soil Data 681 psf OK Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psi Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Allowableil Heel Active Pressure = 45.0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 30.0 psflft Passive Pressure = 389.0 psflft Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pcf Soil Density, Toe = 0.00 pcf Friction Coeff btwn Ftg & Soil = 0.400 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 12.00 in Lateral Load Applied to Stem less 100% Passive Force = Lateral Load = 0.0 pff ...Height to Top = 0.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 it Soil Pressure @ Toe = 681 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Had = 0 psf OK Allowableil 1,500 psf Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 818 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 1.2 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 0.0 psi OK Allowable = 75.0 psi Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component NOT Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 113.3 lbs less 100% Passive Force = - 1,021.1 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 279.0 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5: 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK Wind on Exposed Stem = 18.0 psf Stem Construction Design Height Above Ftg Wall Material Above'Ht' Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Design Data fbIFB +falFa Total Force @ Section Moment -Actual Moment... Allowable Shear.... Actual Shear.... Allowable Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd Lap splice if above Lap splice if below Hook embed into footing Masonry Data I'm Fs Solid Grouting Adjacent Footing Load 1 Adjacent Footing Load = 0.0 lbs Footing Width = 0.00 ft Eccentricity = 0.00 in Wall to Ftg CL Dist = 0.00 It Footing Type line Load Base Above/Below Soil = 0.0 It at Bads of Wall Poisson's Ratio = 0.300 Too Stem Stem OK ft= 6.60 = Masonry in= 8.00 _ # 5 In= 32.00 Center om lbs = 7.2 ft -I = 1.4 ft -I = 658.2 psi = 02 psi = 38.7 psf = 5B.0 in = 3.75 In= 30.00 in= 7.00 in= 7.00 psi= 1,500 psi = 20,000 No Lead Factors Dead Load 1 Modular Ratio'n' - 21.48 Live Load .200 1.200 Short Tenn Factor = 1.000 Equiv. Solid Thick. in= 4.90 Earth, H 1,600 Masonry Block Type = 3 Wind, W ,600 11.000 Masonry Design Method = ASD 'Group Design' 28545 Old Town Front Street Ste. #205 Temecula, CA 92590 ' (951) 250-0608 Project Title: La Quinta Trash Enclosure Expansion Engineer. AB1GH Project ID: Project Descr Description: Trash Enclosure Footing Dimensions & StrengthsFooting Design Results Toe Width = 2.33 ft Toe Heel Heel Width = 0.67 Factored Pressure = 818 0 psf Total Footing Width = 3.00 Mu': Upward = 0 0 ft4b Fooling Thickness = 18.001 n Mu'- Downward Mu: Design = 0 0114b 2 2 ft4b Ke Width = Y 0.00 in Actual 1 -Way Shear 1.16 0.00 psi Key Depth = 0.00 in Allow 1 -Way Shear = 75.00 75.00 psi Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft Toe Reinforcing = # 5 @ 18.00 in Pc = 2,500 psiFy = 60,000 psi Heel Reinforcing = # 5 @ 18.00 in Footing Concrete Density = 150.00 Oct Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Min. As % = 0.0018 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Cover @ Top 2.00 @ Btm: 3.00 in Toe: Not veld, Mu < S' Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S' Fr Key: No key defined Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments OVERTURNING.._. Force Distance Moment .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Item Itis It ft4b lbs ft ft4b Heel Active Pressure = 90.0 0.67 60.0 Soil Over Heel = 0.0 3.00 0.0 Surcharge over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Toe Active Pressure = -93.8 0.83 78.1 Surcharge Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Adjacent Footing Load y = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Added Lateral Load = ' Axial Live Load on Stem = Load @ Stem Above Soil = 117.0 5.25 614.3 Soil Over Toe = 1.17 Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 232 2.66 61.8 Earth @ Stem Transitions = Total = 113.3 O.T.M. = 596.1 Fooling Weight = 674.3 1.50 1,010.3 ResietingfOvertuming Ratio = 1.80 Key Weight = Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 697.5 lbs Vert. Component = Total = 697.5 Itis R.M. = 1,072.0 • Axial live load NOT included in t, tai displayed or used for overturning includulation. resistance, but is ed for so! pressure ca c Group Design 28545 Old Town Front Stmt Ste. #205 Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 250.0608 Project Title: La Quinta Trash Enclosure Engineer. GH/AB Project ID: Project Descr: Trash Enclosure Expansion Description: Check HSS abv Trash Enclosure Calculations per AISC 360-05, IBC 2009, CBC 2010, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used: IBC 2012 Generei'Infonnatron.: _ .�' <r. y Steel Section Name: HSS4x4x3/16 Overall Column Height 3.0 ft Analysis Method: Allowable Strength Top & Bottom Fixity Top Pinned, Bottom Fixed Steel Stress Grade Brace condition for deflection (buckling) along columns Fy : Steel Yield 36.0 ksi X -X (width) axis: E : Elastic Bending Modulus 29,000.0 ksi Fully braced against buckling along X -X Axis Load Combination : IBC 2012 Y Y (depth) axis : Fully braced against budding along Y -Y Axis a ` A " Pied Loads 0.014 Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. , t 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft Column self weight included: 28.209 lbs' Dead Load Factor 0.027 PASS 0.00 ft AXIAL LOADS ... PASS 0.00 ft +D+Lr+H Load From 6x Beam: Axial Load at 3.0 ft, D = 0.750, L = 0.750 k 0.00 ft 0.000 BENDING LOADS ... 0.00 ft +D+S+H 0.014 Lateral Wind Load: Lat. Point Load at 3.0 ft creating Mx -x, W = 0.050 k 0.000 PASS DESIG04UMMA0 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H 0.024 PASS Bending & Shear Check Results 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft PASS Max. Axial+Bending Stress Ratio = 0.02748 :1 Maximum SERVICE Load Reactions- eactions..Load 0.00 ft LoadCombination +D+L+H Top along X -X 0.0 k Location of max.above base 0.0 ft Bottom along X -X 0.0 k At maximum location values are ... 3.00 ft Top along Y -Y 0.050 k Pa: Axial 1.528 k Bottom along Y -Y 0.0 k Pn 1 Omega: Allowable 55.617 k Maximum SERVICE Load Deflections ... PASS Ma -x :Applied 0.0 k -ft Along Y Y 0.0 in at O.Oft above base Mn -x / Omega: Allowable 6.593 k -ft for load combination 0.00 ft Ma -y: Applied Mn -y / Omega: Allowable 0.0 k -ft 6.593 k -ft Along X -X 0.0 in at O.Oft above base 0.024 PASS for load combination 0.000 PASS Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = 0.001916 :1 +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 0.008 Load Combination +D+0.60W+H 0.002 PASS Location of max.above base 3.0 ft 0.008 PASS At maximum location values are ... 0.000 PASS 3.00 ft Va : Applied 0.030 k Vn / Omega: Allowable 15.655 k Load CombinatioitResAs' .r Maximum Axial + Bending Stress Ratios Maximum Shear Ratios I narl r`.nmhinafinn Stress Ratio Status Location Stress Ratio Status Location +D+H 0.014 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft +D+L+H 0.027 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft +D+Lr+H 0.014 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft +D+S+H 0.014 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H 0.024 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft +0+0.750L+0.750S+H 0.024 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft +D+0.60W+H 0.014 PASS 0.00 ft 0.002 PASS 3.00 ft +D+0.70E+H 0.014 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 3.00 ft +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H 0.024 PASS 0.00 ft 0.001 PASS 3.00 ft +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W+H 0.024 PASS 0.00 ft 0.001 PASS 3.00 ft +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H 0.024 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 3.00 ft +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 0.008 PASS 0.00 ft 0.002 PASS 3.00 ft +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H 0.008 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 3.00 ft 'Group Design 28545 Old Town Front Street Ste. #205 'Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 250-0608 Title Block Line 6 I is KW -06010289 Description: Check HSS abv Trash Enclosure Project Title: La Quinta Trash Enclosure Engineer. GH/AB Project Descr Trash Enclosure Expansion Re=G Project ID: 1231. Maximum Reactions .:r ,- � �,, . Note: Only non -zero reactions are listed. X X Axis Reaction Y -Y Axis Reaction Axial Reaction Load Combination @ Base @ Top @ Base @ Top @ Base k k 0.778 k +D+H k k 1.528 k +D+L+H k k 0.778 k +D+Lr+H k k 0.778 k +D4S+H k k 1.341 k +D40.750Lr+0.750L+H k 1.341 k 40+0.750L40.750S+H k k 0.030 k 0.778 k +D+0.60W+H k k 0.778 k +D40.70E+H k 0.022 k 1.341 k +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H k 0.022 k 1.341 k 4D+0.750L+0.750S40-450W+H k 1.341 k +0+0.750L+0.750S40.5250E+H k k 0.030 k 0.467 k +0.60D+0.60W40.60H k 0.467 k +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H k k 0.778 k D Only k k k Lr Only k k k 0.750 k L Only k k k S Only k 0.050 k k W Only k k E Only k k k H Only k s. MaximumDeflections for Load Combinations t .i Load Combination Max. X -X Deflection Distance Max. Y -Y Deflection Distance +D+H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 It +D+L4H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft +D+Lr+H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft +D+S+H 0.0000 in 0.000 It 0.000 in 0.000 ft 4040.750Lr+0.750L+H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 In 0.000 It +D+0.750L+0.750S+H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft +D+0.60W+H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft +D40.70E+H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 It +D+0.750Lr40.750L+0.450W+H 0.0000 in 0.000 It 0.000 in 0.000 ft +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W+H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft D Only 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft Lr Only 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft L Only 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft S Only 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft W Only 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft E Only 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft H Only 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft ` `Steel Section Properties � � F' HSS4X4X3116 -- 0.000 in M -x Loads x Vi 41t Loads are total entered value. Arrows do not reflect absolute direction. I Project Title: La Quinta Trash Enclosure Group Design Engineer. GHIAB Project ID: 28545 Old Town Front Street Project Descr. Trash Enclosure Expansion Ste. #205 Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 250-0608 Title Block Une 6 Fde:zo.1UWSXG=p\otopbm=13PR-ill3.O24-ilWESTMI-�4.EC6 el 46I64 rryx'f ENERCALC, INC. 1983015, BuU6,15.12.9, Ved 14.12.3l.' 1C Description: Check HSS ativ Trash Enclosure Steel Section Properties �` '` lHISSU431116 10.000 inA4 Depth 4.000 in I xx 6.21 in'14 J Sxx 3.10 irvA3 Width = 4.000 in R xx = 1.550 in Wall Thick = 0.187 in Zx = 3,670 ir,113 C 5.070 W3 Area 2.580 1n"2 I yy 6.210 inA4 Weight 9A03 pff syy 3.100 inA3 Ryy = 1.550 in 0.000 in M -x Loads x Vi 41t Loads are total entered value. Arrows do not reflect absolute direction. I Design Project Title: La Quinta Trash Endosure 'Group 28545 Old Town Front Street Engineer. TrashGHIAProtect Descr: Trash Enclosure Expansion Ste. #205 General Information Temecula, CA 92590 '(951) 250-0608 m c : LRFD Resistance Factor 0.60 Title Block Line 6File = C:1Uswstc=p0opb=G1 Steel Base Plate ENERCALC, INC. 1983.20 -01111 11 Fla. Description : Check Base Plate at Trash Enclosure Project ID: Build -., Ver. Code References Calculations per AISC Design Guide # 1, IBC 2009, CBC 2010, ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set: IBC 2012 General Information Material Properties AISC Design Method Load Resistance Factor Design m c : LRFD Resistance Factor 0.60 Steel Plate Fy = 36.0 ksi Concrete Support tic = 3.0 ksi Assumed Bearing Area : Full Bearing Allowable Bearing Fp per J8 2.550 ksi Column & Plate Column Properties Steel Section: HSS4x4x3/16 Depth 4 in Area 2.58 in"2 � Width 4 in Ixx inA4 Flange Thickness 0.174 in lyy in"4 _F Web Thickness in I Plate Dimensions Support Dimensions N : Length 7.0 in Width along ")C 8.0 in B: Width 12.0 in Length along 7 12.0 in Thickness 0.6250 in Column assumed welded to base plate. jr Applied loads P -Y V -Z WX D: Dead Load ....... 0.750 k k 0.2510 kat L: Live ....... 0.750 k k 0.1450 k -ft Lr: Roof Live ......... k k k$ S: Snow ................ k k k -ft ;6W : Wind ................ k k k -ft x: E: Earthquake .............. k k k -ft H: Lateral Earth ......... k k k -ft +x P' = Gravity load, '+ sign is downward. '+ Moments create higher soil pressure at+Z edge. L '+ Shears push plate towards +Z edge. Anchor Bolts Anchor Bolt or Rod Description .625 Max of Tension or Pullout Capacity........... 16,70 k Shear Capacity ........................................ 9.20 k Edge distance: bolt to plate ................... 1.250 in "— Number of Bolts in each Row ................... 2.0 Number of Bolt Rows ........................ 1.0 [X EdWO.Um .e.-.bKm 'Group Design 28545 Old Town Front Street Ste. #205 Temecula, CA 92590 ' (951) 250-0608 Project Title: La Quinta Trash Enclosure Engineer: GH/AB Project Descr: Trash Enclosure Expansion Project ID: Description: Check Base Plate at Trash Enclosure GOVERNING DESIGN LOAD CASE SUMMARY Mu: Max. Moment ..................... ' Plate Design Summary fb : Max. Bending Stress ............... Design Method Load Resistance Factor Design Fb : Allowable Governing Load Combination +1.40D Bending Stress Ratio Governing Load Case Type Axial + Moment, L12 < Eccentricity, Tension on Bc Design Plate Sine r x 1'-0" x 0 -518 Pu: Axial ......... 1.050 k fu: Max. Plate Bearing Stress .... Mu: Moment ........ 0.351 k -ft Fp: Allowable: Load Comb.: +1.40D ' Loading Pu: Axial ......... Mu: Moment ........ Eccentricity ........................ ' Al : Plate Area ......... A2: Support Area ..................... sgrt( A21A1) ' Calculate plate moment from bearing ... . m ...................... *A": Bearing Length Mpl : Plate Moment 1 Load Comb.: +1.20D+1.60H Loading Pu: Axial ......... Mu: Moment ........ Eccentricity ........................ Al : Plate Area ......... A2: Support Area ..................... sgrt( A2IA1) Calculate Dlate moment from bearing .. . . m' ..................... "A": Bearing Length Mpl : Plate Moment min( 0.85*fc'sgrt(A21A1),1.7• Pc)'Phi Bearing Stress Ratio 1.000 Bearing Strms OK 0.051 16.700 0.003 Axial Load + Moment, Ecc. > L/2 0.150 k4n 1.533 ksi 32.400 ksi 0.047 Bending Stress OK 1.530 ksi 1.530 ksi Tension in each Bolt ................... Allowable Bolt Tension ............... Tension Stress Ratio Calculate Dlate moment from bolt tension .. . 1.050 k i ension per rson .......................... 0.351 k -ft Tension : Allowable .................... 4.016 in Stress Ratio .-_.._.-.. 84.000 W2 fu: Max. Bearing Pressure 84.000 ie2 Dist from Bolt to Col. Edge ............. Stress Ratio ._. ._..... Effective Bolt Width for Bending ..... 1000 Plate Moment from Bolt Tension ....... 0.051 k 16.700 k 0.003 0.350 in 1.400 in 0.026 k4n 1.600 in Bearing Stresses 0.126 in Fp: Allowable ............................... 1.530 ksi 0.012 k4n fu: Max. Bearing Pressure ( set equal to Fp) Stress Ratio ._. ._..... 1.000 Plate Bending Stresses Mmax.......................................... 0.150 k4n fb : Actual ................................ 1.533 ksi Fb : Allowable ................................ 32.400 ksi Sims Ratio __ ._.W...„_ 0.047 Axial Load + Moment Ecc. > L12 Calculate plate moment from bolt tension ... 0.900 k Tension per Bon .......................... 0.043 k 0.301 k -ft Tension: Allowable .................... 16.700 k 4.016 in Stress 0.003 84.000 in"2 84.000 in"2 Dist. from Bolt to Col. Edge ............. 0.350 in Effective Bolt Width for Bending ..... 1.400 in 1.000 Plate Moment from Bolt Tension ....... 0.022 k4n 1.600 in Bearing Stresses 0.108 in Fp: Allowable ............................... 1.530 ksi 0.011 k4n fu : Max. Bearing Pressure ( set equal to Fp ) Stress 1.000 Plate Bending Stresses Mmax.......................................... 0.129 k4n fb : Actual ................................ 1.317 ksi Fb : Allowable ................................ 32.400 ksl Stress Ratio .._.. __. „.... 0.041 Grbup Design 28545 Old Town Front Street Ste. #205 Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 250-0608 Title Block Line 6 WWI`Base Plate' KW -06010289 Loadin Description: Check Base Plate at Trash Enclosure Pu : Axial ......... Load Comb.: +1.20D+0.50S+1.60H Mu: Moment ........ Loading Eccentricity ........................ Pu : Axial ......... 0.900 k Mu: Moment ........ 0.301 k -ft Ecoentricty ........................ 4.016 in A1: Plate Area ......... 84.000 in"2 A2: Support Area ..................... 84.000 V2 sgrt(A21A1) 1.000 Calculate plate moment from bearing ... Mpl : Plate Moment .M* ..................... 1.600 in 'A' : Bearing Length 0.108 in Mpl : Plate Moment 0.011 k4n Load Comb.: +1.20D+0.50W+1.60H Load + Moment Etc. > U2 Loadin .-bolt Tension per bon .......................... Pu : Axial ......... 0.900 k Mu: Moment ........ 0.301 k -ft Eccentricity ........................ 4.016 in A1: Plate Area ......... 84:000 in"2 A2: Support Area ..................... 84.000 in"2 sgrt( A21A1) 1.000 Calculate plate moment from bearing .. . Fp: Allowable ............................... 1.530 ksi 1.600 in *A": Bearing Length 0.108 in Mpl : Plate Moment 0.011 k4n Project Title: La Quinta Trash Endosure Engineer. GH/AB Project ID: Project Descr Trash Enclosure Expansion h118 I::IUSeBWfOUPWIOpWRW7wrrc-��irvc+-v.�v �. ENERCALC INC.:I9D2015,111146.15.129, Ver614.1231 , - - -` -- - - - - `Axial Load + Moment Etc. > U2 Calkxtlate slate moment fro tension ... .-bolt Tension per bon .......................... 0.043 k Tension: Allowable .................... 16.700 k Stress Ratio » »».»»» 0.003 Dist. from Bolt to Col. Edge ............. 0.350 in Effective Boft Width for Bending ..... 1.400 in Plate Moment from Bolt Tension ....... 0.022 kin Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable ............................... 1.530 ksi fu : Max Bearing Pressure ( set equal to Fp) Stress Ratio .»..»..» »»» 1.000 Plate Bending Stresses Mmax.......................................... 0.129 can fb : Actual ................................ 1.317 ksi Fb : Allowable ................................ 32.400 ksi Strus Ratio »». .»..» ». 0.041 -� - -- --_- - Axial Load + Moment, Ecc. > L/2 ^ ^ Calculate olate moment from bolt tension ... Tension per Bolt .......................... 0.043 k Tension: Allowable .................... 16.700 k Stress Ratio ...»....».....».. 0.003 Dist from Bolt to Col. Edge ............. 0.350 in Effective Bolt Width for Bending ..... 1.400 in Plate Moment from Bolt Tension ....... 0.022 k4n Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable ............................... 1.530 ksi fu: Max. Bearing Pressure ( set equal to FP) Stress Ratio ...».» ....».. 1.000 Plate Bending Stresses Mmax.......................................... 0.129 k4n fb : Actual ................................ 1.317 ksi Fb : Allowable ................................ 32.400 ksi Stress Ratio »» ....»..»..... 0.041 'Group Design 28545 Old Town Front Street Ste. #205 Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 250-0608 Title Block Line 6 L E to a.. t Z 1 H^ �: { - (- +Steel Base Plate t. y��°r , '` ' k _ _< -i-Lic. KW -06010289 Description: Check Base Plate at Trash Enclosure Project Tide: La Quinta Trash Enclosure Enoineer: GHIAB Project ID: Project Descr: Trash Enclosure Expansion Load Comb.: +1.200+1.60S+1.60H J - Axial Load + Moment, Ecc. > L/2 60 -ad -Com -b.'-:+1.20D- .50W+1.60H 0.900 k Loadin - 0.301 k -ft Calculate plate moment from bolt tension ... Pu : Axial 0.900 k Tension per .......................... 0.043 k ......... Mu: Moment 0.301 k -ft Tension: Allowable .................... 16.700 k ........ Eccentricity ........................ 4.016 in Stress RaBo ...__....»»_ 0.003 A1: Plate Area ......... 84.000 in"2 84.000 in"2 Dist from Bolt to Col. Edge ............. in A2: Support Area ..................... 0.022 k4n Effective Bolt width for Bending ..... 1.350 1.400 in sgrq A21A1) 1.000 Plate Moment from Bolt Tension ....... 0.022 k4n Calculate Plate moment from bearing ... 1.000 Plate Bending Stresses • m • 1.600 in Bearino Stresses 1.317 ksi ................... W: Bearing length 0.108 in Fp: Allowable ............................... 1.530 ksi Mpl : Plate Moment 0.011 k4n fu: Max. Bearing Pressure ( set equal to F 1000 Load Comb.: +1.200+1.60S+1.60H Loading Pu : Axial ......... 0.900 k Mu: Moment ........ 0.301 k -ft Eccentricity ........................ 4.016 in A1: Plate Area ......... 84.000 inA2 A2: Support Area ..................... 84.000 in"2 sgrt( A21A1) 1.000 Calculate Plate moment from bearing .. . 0.043 It m' ..................... 1.600 in W: Bearing length 0.108 In Mpl : Plate Moment 0.011 k4n Stress RaUo ....».... _...... Plate Bending Stresses Mmax.......................................... 0.129 k in fb : Actual ................................ 1.317 ksi Fb : Allowable ................................ 32.400 ksi Stress Ratio ........ .... 0.041 ^-------____-�--.. - - Axial Load +Moment, Ecc. > L/2 ---- Calculate late moment from bolt tension ... anion per tiolt .......................... 0.043 It Tension: Allowable .................... 16.700 k Stress Ratio ............ _...... 0.003 Dist from Bolt to Col. Edge ............. 0.350 in Effective Bolt Width for Bending ..... 1.400 in Plate Moment from Bolt Tension ....... 0.022 k4n Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable ............................... 1.530 ksi fu: Max. Bearing Pressure ( set equal to Fp Stress Ratio ........_ _ _ 1.000 Plate Bending Stresses Mmax.......................................... 0.129 k4n fb: Actual ................................ 1.317 ksi Fb : Allowable ................................ 32.400 ksi stress Ratio ....»»»......».. 0.041 1,00.0 ._...._.._-- aIH SS34S ISI OOY'Z£ ................................ eIgmDV : qd R L1,£' 1, ................................ lemv : ql u! rI 621,'0 xewilq 4 OOC91, s9ssa4S u!Puag Wield 000' L »» »" »_ OPS ssa4S (dd of !enbe las) arnssard 6uuea8n- !q Oc5.1, ............................... elgeMoOV : dd W4 1,0£'0 sassa4S— S OWNS W1 ZZO'O ....... u01sua1408 woy luawoW aleld u! 00VI, BUIpUge Jo- 4pP!M 408 aM0all3 U! OWO ............. OR '1033 0) 408 wal •ls!p E00'o ....» »_ »» ORLa ssa4S 4 OOC91, WIQe"IV : Uo!sual 4 OTO ..........I ............... 008 jad Uolsual lvu! 000'ir9 uolsual iloq wog} Iuawow alela alelra!eo Zn <'3a3 Juowoyy +pool )e)xd two !sal oov U R L1,£'1, WA 6ZVO 000'1, (dd of lenba Jos) !�I 0£5' L a!1,ea SSM ................................ eIQeAoIIV : qd ................................ IeMAV : Co .......................................... xewW sassagS BUPU88 aleld ... ._............ OIM ssa4S amsswd 6uuea8 •xeW : nl ............................... algmWlV : dd sassMSuueag W8 ZZo'0 ....... uoisual408 W04 IOWA Wield u! 00V 1, 6uIpuse rol OR 408 aAqm#3 U! 05£'0 a6n ro %wa wort wa ECITO »»»»... _». pm ssm X OUR .................... algmIIv : uo!sual A OTC).......................... 4oe rad uo!sral lvu! 000'ir9 • • ' uolsual AN wor- luawow alep alelnuleo - — — in < wg luawow + pool )e)xv UH L 1,0'0 luawow aleld : IdW u! ROVO 436u81 Oupeas :.V. W 009'1, w. • uueaq wog} luaurow 01810 alepole0 000'1, (1,y2y)ubS avu! 000.09 .................... my lroddnS : Zv lvu! 000'ir9 ewV eleld : 1,V u! 91,0'6 ...I....................61!ouluwD3 W4 1,0£'0 IUawoW : nW 4 006'0 ......... le1XV : rid _H09' 6+MO9'O+SO9' 6+QOZ' 6+ 'gwoo peol w HO9' 6+MOS'O-S09' 6+QOZ' 6+ : 'gwoo peol WX L 1,0'0 luawow Wield: IdW U! 901,'0 446u81 Wpm: V. U! 009' 1, w . uueaq war- luawow WO alein3le0 000' 1, (1,vmv)pbs a�u! 000'09 .................... n aero s : zd Zvu! 000'ti9 ewV Wield :.1,v U! 9I,O,v ........................ rlla!4=3 T1 1,0£30 luawoW : nW 4 006'0 ......... Ie!xy : nd UP6 to _H09' 6+MO9'O+SO9' 6+QOZ' 6+ 'gwoo peol amsopu3 4seil le aleld aSeB V840 : ugdlrosap 909HGZ (1,56) 065Z6 W0'e1noaur81 uolsuedx3 arnsopu3 4sej1 :nsap laa(ord50Z# •WIS I 9V/HD :jaaul6u3 Im4S luojd umol PIO 9MZ :al amsOlau3 4seii elu►nn el :81PI loafard u6lsaQ dna0 'Group Design 28545 Old Town Front Street Ste. #205 'Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 250-060B Project Title: La Quinta Trash Enclosure Engineer. GH/AB Project ID: Project Descr: Trash Enclosure Expansion Description: Check Base Plate at Trash Enclosure Load Comb.: +1.20D+W+1.60H Axial Load + Moment, Ecc. > uz Loadin ... Pu : Axial ......... 0.900 k Mu: Moment ........ 0.301 k -ft Eccenfidty ........................ 4.016 in Al : Plate Area ......... 84.000 in"2 A2: Support Area ..................... 84.000 in"2 sgrq A21A1) 1.000 Calculate plate moment from bearing .. . ' m. ..................... 1.600 in 'A': Bearing Length 0.108 in Mpl : Plate Moment 0.011 k4n Load Comb.: +1.20D-1.0W+1.60H Axial Load + Moment, Ecc. > uz Loading ... Pu: Axial ......... 0.900 k Mu: Moment ........ 0.301 k4 Eccentricity ........................ 4.016 in Al : Plate Area ......... 84.000 in"2 A2: Support Area ..................... 84.000 in"2 sgrq A21A1) 1.000 Calculate plate moment from bearing ... m' ..................... 1.600 In 'A": Bearing Length 0.108 in Mpl : Plate Moment 0.011 k4n Axial Load + Moment, Ecc. > uz Calculate plate moment from bolt tension ... Tension per 0611 .......................... 0.043 k Tension: Allowable .................... 16.700 k Stress Ratio _._ ...._» _ 0.003 D'st from Bolt to Col. Edge ............. 0.350 in Effective Bolt Width for Bending ..... 1.400 in Plate Moment from Soft Tension ....... 0.022 k4n Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable ............................... 1.530 ksi fu: Max. Bearing Pressure ( set equal to F Stress Ratio . __.. __ _ 1.000 Plate Bending Stresses Mmax.......................................... 0.129 k in fb : Actual ................................ 1.317 ksi Fb : Allowable ................................ 32.400 ksi Stress Ratio .__...w_._. 0.041 --�---��-_-�_+.-_-_-_ Axial Load+ Moment, Ecc. > L/2 Calculate plate moment from bolt tension ... Tension per Esolt .......................... 0.043 k Tension: Allowable .................... 16.700 k Stress Ratio .................... 0.003 Dist from Bolt to Col. Edge ............. 0.350 in Effective Bolt Width for Bending ..... 1.400 in Plate Moment from Bolt Tension ....... 0.022 k4n Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable ............................... 1.530 ksi fu : Max. Bearing Pressure ( set equal to Fp) Stress Ratio ..._..w_.._.... 1.000 Plate Bending Stresses Mmax.......................................... 0.129 k4n fb : Actual ................................ 1.317 ksi Fb : Allowable ................................ 32.400 ksi Stress Ratio ...... .._...... _.. 0.041 two .............. ...._ of" sous R OOb'Z£ ................................ elgpmOliV : qd R Lt£'t ................................ I1mv: g1 ul-1 6ZVO .......................................... xewW 000't sasMg 6UPUBS aleld . Zvw 000'48 oaea SSM (dd of lenbe las) amssard 6uueag WM : r4 !s4 OCT t ............................... aigmliV : d j W4 L0£'0 sassall— S 6uueae UH ZZ0'0 uolsual1108 wa43uawoW aleld u! 004't ..... 6ulpuag J014P..M 408 BA4M43 U! 0S£'0 ............. e6P3 .l03 01408 w09 'wa co0•o _...........__.* opea sseulS A o0L'9t .................... alge1wi!V : uolsual I £40.0 .......................... 4og jad uolsual • • • uolsual4oq wal luawow alela alelMle'J Zr► < �ao3 lueloon + pool 181xd two ..............,!tea stets M oo4'Z£ ................................ aiqpm011V : qd R LL£'t .........................I. leripv: q! u!-rl 6Zt'0 sassa4S Buipuse oleo 000• t opea SSeus (dj of lenba les) sinss8Jd 6uueag 'xeW : 01 !�10£S't .............................. algeMWly: di sassa4S Dup WA ZZ0'0 uolsua14oe wog luawoW aleid U! MY ••••• 6u!Puag10141P!M408 aM0a113 u! 05£'0 ............. a6P3.100 03408 wag •!s!0 £oo•o .._„...w......_ 04ea ss84S ME% .................... elgemolly : uolsual 4 £40.0 .......................... 4og jad uoisuel • • • uolsual lloq woo luawow elela alelrKleO Z/7 < 333 Iuawoyy + Peol )e►xd UH tt0'0 luawoWeleld:IdW u! 80t'0 ro6ual 6uueeg:.V. u! 009't w uueaq wog luawow alel alelnoleO 000't ( LV/Zv)ubs . Zvw 000'48 ..................... uwV lJoddns : ZV . Zvw 000'48 ”"""' MV WId : tV ul %0'4 *ulu'W3 W4 L0£'0 luawoW : nW 4 006'0 ......... Ie1xv : nd wpe01 H09' 6+MO' VS09'0+a0Z' 6+ -gwo3 pool W4 t L0'0 luawoW aleld : IdW ul OOVO 4t6ua-1 6uuea8:.V. u! 009't , w • • uueaq wog} luawow 91eld aleln3le0 o00't ( LVIZV )irbs Zvui 000'48 ..................... ewV ltoddnS : Zv Zvul 000'48 ewVeleld: LV U! 9L0'4 ........................ ANP14 o3 4-4 t0£'0 ........ IMM: nW 4 006'0 le!xya bui P0l H09' 6+M+S09'0+aor 'gwoo pool amsopu3 Wil le aleld Meg V840 : uogduosaa uolsuedx3 amsopu3 4seJ1 :moo l8lad :al MOM 8V/H9 Ja2w6u3 9jnsol3u3 4seJl e;wnp el :apll loa(ad 9090-019Z (M) ' 069Z6 VO'elmawal 50Z#'a1S lGa4S luad "Ol PIO MOZ ' u6lsea dno10 'Group Design 28545 Old Town Front Street Ste. #205 'Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 250-0608 Project Title: La Quinta Trash Enclosure Engineer. GH)AB Project ID: Project Descr. Trash Enclosure Expansion Description: Check Base Plate at Trash Enclosure Load Comb.: +1.20D+0.70S+E+1.60H Loading Pu : Axial ......... Mu: Moment ........ Eccentricity ........................ Al : Plate Area ......... A2: Support Area ..................... sgrq A21A1) Calculate plate moment from hearing ... "A": Bearing Length Mpl : Plate Moment 0.900 k 0.301 k -ft 4.016 in 84.000 in"2 84.000 in"2 1.000 1.600 in 0.108 in 0.011 k4n Load Comb.: +1.20D+0.70S-1.0E+1.60H Loading Fp: Allowable ............................... Pu: Axial ......... 0.900 k Mu: Moment ........ 0.301 k -ft Eccentricity ........................ 4.016 in A1: Plate Area ......... 84.000 in"2 A2: Support Area ..................... 84.000 in12 sgrq A2/A1 ) 1.000 Calculate plate moment from bearing .. . Stress Ratio __..» • 1.600 in "A': Bearing Length 0.108 in Mpl : Plata Moment 0.011 k4n ^Axial Load + Moment; Ecc. > L12 Calculate late moment from bolt tension ... ensron per Bon .......................... 0.043 k Tension: Allowable .................... 16.700 k Stress Ratio .._...».._..._ 0.003 Dist from Bolt to Col. Edge ............. 0.350 in Effective Bolt Width for Bending ..... 1.400 in Plate Moment from Bolt Tension ....... 0.022 k4n Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable ............................... 1.530 ksi fu: Max Bearing Pressure ( set equal to FP) Stress Ratio ... _............ 1.000 Plate Bending Stresses 0.350 In Mmax.......................................... 0.129 kin fb : Actual ................................ 1.317 Its! Fb : Allowable ................................ 32.400 IW Stress Ratio __..» 0.041 Axial Load + Moment Ecc. > L12 Calculate plate moment from bolt tension .. . ension per wit .......................... 0.043 k Tension : Allowable .................... 16.700 k Stress Ratio .__..» ...__ 0.003 Dist from Bolt to Col. Edge ............. 0.350 In Effective Bolt Width for Bending ..... 1.400 in Plate Moment from Bolt Tension ....... 0.022 k4n Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable ............................... 1.530 ksi fu : Max. Bearing Pressure ( set equal to Fp) Stress Ratio ....... »___ .. 1.000 Plate Bending Stresses Mmax.......................................... 0.129 k4n fb : Actual ................................ 1.317 ksi Fb : Allowable ................................ 32.400 ksi Stress Ratio » . ._...... 0.041 'Gfoup Design 28545 Old Town Front Street Ste. #205 Temecula, CA 92590 '(951) 250-0608 Title Block Line 6 Steel; Base Plate KW -06010289 Description: Check Base Plate at Trash Enclosure Load Comb.: +0.90D+W+0.90H Loadin Project Title: La Quinta Trash Enclosure Engineer. GH/AB Project Descr: Trash Enclosure Expansion Pu : Axial ......... 0.675 k Mu: Moment ........ 0.226 k -ft Ecoentridly ........................ 4.016 in A1: Plate Area ......... 84.000 in"2 A2: Support Area ..................... 84.000 in"2 sgrt( A21A1) 1.000 Calculate Plate moment from bearing ... 84.000 in"2 . m' ..................... 1.600 in W: Bearing Length 0.081 in Mpl : Plate Moment 0.008 k4n Load Comb.: +0.90D4.OW+0.90H Axial Load+ Moment Ecc. > L!2 Loadin anion per 0611 .......................... Pu : Axial ......... 0.675 k Mu: Moment ........ 0.226 k4t Eccentricity ........................ 4.016 in Al: Plate Area ......... 84.000 in"2 A2: Support Area ..................... 84.000 in"2 sgrt( A21A1) 1.000 Calculate Plate moment from bearing ... Fp: Allowable ............................... .in* ..................... 1.600 in "A*: Bearing Length 0.081 in Mpl : Plate Moment 0.008 k4n Project ID: --�- -_--_ �.�- Axial Load+ Moment Ecc. > L!2 Calculate plate moment from bolt tension ... anion per 0611 .......................... 0.032 k Tension: Allowable .................... 16.700 k Stress Ratio....-- 0.002 Dist from Bolt to Cal. Edge ............. 0.350 in Effective Bolt Width for Bending ..... 1.400 in Plate Moment from Bolt Tension ....... 0.016 k4n Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable ............................... 1.530 ksi fu: Max. Bearing Pressure ( set equal to Fp) Stress Ratio 1.000 Plate Bending Stresses Mmax.......................................... 0.097 k4n fb : Actual ................................ 0.992 ksi Fb : Allowable ................................ 32.400 ksi Stress Ratio---.- 0.031 ----�.-�--�----�--�--_-- Axial Load+ Moment, Ecc. > L/2 Calculate plate moment from bolt tension ... Tension per Elon .......................... 0.032 k Tension: Allowable .................... 16.700 k Stress Ratio . _..._..._.._ 0.002 Dist from Bolt tD Col. Edge ............. 0.350 in Effective Bolt Width for Bending ..... 1.400 in Plate Moment from Bolt Tension ....... 0.016 k4n Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable ............................... 1.530 ksi fu: Max. Bearing Pressure ( set equal to F Stress Ratio .._ ._._ __ 1.000 Plate Bending Stresses Mmax.......................................... 0.097 k4n fb : Actual ................................ 0.992 ksi Fb : Allowable ................................ 32.400 ksi Stress Ratio .................•. 0.031 LEO'0 _ ._.._.... opea ssa4s M OOVZ£ ................................ aigemolltl: qd RI 266'0 ................................ levv: (! W4 L60'0 xewW 0001 SGSSM bUIPUOG aleld 000 ........... O.WH sseuls ( d -q of fenba las) ainssard 6uueag wW : nl !al OCT l ............................... a1ge=HV : d j 8-1 9ZZ'0 saMISuu�S; eageag W1910'0 uo!sua1808 way luawoW aleld u! 004' l ..... 6ulpuag poi tap!M 408 GAQM3 U! 04£'0 ............. a6P3 'Io,J 01808 wal Isla 200'0 " open SSM I OOL'9l .................... elgemoliv : uo!sual 4 Z£0'O .......................... 808 jed uo!sual ... uo!sual llwl W04luawOw alela alelnoleO Zn < •003 `luawow + pool (eixd Wwo _ W..a ...... algia ssa4s Ise 0047£ ................................ elgeAol!v: qj M Z66'0 ...... .......................... 1e14ov: g► W4 L60'0 ......................................... MIN sessa4S u!Puag aleld 000'1 _..... _ ogeli SSM (d.4 o) !enbe las) arnssard 6uueag •xeW : ry R 0£931 ............................... algeMdllV: dj sessang supeag W1910'0 uo!sual Joe W04luawoW %eld ul 004' 1 6wpuae rol 41P!M Bog aM08!!3 ul 04£'0 ............. a6P3 '1033 01 W08 w04'PO ZOO'o OPH sse4s A WE% .................... GAMIN: uo!sual I ZEO'0 .......I .................. Bog jad uo!sual • • • uo!sual lloq woq luawow alela alelnole0 zn <'003 Iuewoyy +pool )elxp u!-rl 900'0 luawoW aleld : IdW u! 00.0 gl6ual 6upme :.V. W009' l w. � • • uueaq WQ4lu8wow Glela alelr'31e0 0001 (1V/ZV)vbs Zvu! 000'49 ..................... ean/ lrOddnS : ZV Z�.i Ooo'v9 ......... sand ale!d: W u! 910'4 ........................ kKMU=3 8-1 9ZZ'0 luawow : nW A 4L9'0 leers . �d Pel H06'0+30' 6-406'0+ : 'gwoo peo-I WA 900.0 luawoW 81e1d:IdW w 190•O rp6u91 6uueag :.v. u! 009' ,w • • uueaq wart luawow 5XId aWpole0 000' i ( lv/ZV)lrbs ave! 000'49 .................... ear oddn vu s zd . Zvw 000'69 ......... earV aleld : 1v u! 910.4 ........................ AWuluaW3 U-4 9ZZ'0 ........ luawow : nW rl 4L9'0 IM : nd u!peo-i H06'0+3+Q06'0+ : 'gwoo peol ainsopu3 4serl le aleld ase8 V840 : uogd! ma uo!suedx3 ainsopu3 4seil =SOS loa(ad :GI PB!a,d SVIHO :J88ul6u3 ajnsopu3 yseii e;wnp el :8011 Pefoid 9WH9Z (06) ' 069Z6 Welnoswal 90Z#'alS ' le"S load umol NO 9mz u6!sap dnas0