04-6144 (SFD) Revision 1 Structural CalcsArchitecture,. Interiors, Space and Land Plannino Structural Calculations 17 March 2006 The City of La Quinta Department of Building and Safety 78.495 Calle Tampico La Quints, CA 92253 Project: A Single Family Residence for Harold Anschel at: " �— Ffofes de Montanas (Lot 7) La Quinta, CA Regarding: Project Observation I am the Structural Designer of Record for the Project noted above. The developers chose, during construction, to revise some of the framing. `Shear_wall._'C' has 11 a revised -from -three sections 5, ', 6=O''and-6'=6"-to-two sections of 5'-6' and 13'-00. The load changes from 236 plf to,230-plfi' The minor change therefore does not aff€ctthe�all-deiign, nailing or holdown requirements. Additionally, the header on the right hand end of th; .3'=0section of the revised shear wall `C' will increase in length. The re- vised. analysis is herewith attached. -� Finally, the Entry roof°has been revised to stick-buK& rafter and ridge beam framing. Please find the revised framing and detail- ing necessary for this modification attached. The_stcuctural calculations are unaffected �y the:revised framing a�d detailing. Also, any detailing not specifically keyed at the attached layout plan remain unchanged from the originally approved construction documents antl are in conformance with the . original structural design intent of the construction documents. Therefoifif hererQ state that code required construction observations have been performed, the revised and unrevised portions of the work are In substantial conformance with the structural design intent and the project Is ready for final framing.inspecdon. If you have any queAns or comments regarding this issue or any other issue please do not hesitate in contacting my firm. Charles D. Garland �t�,�S 0 � Architect UIQ 1 Encl: No. C1�99 10/31/2007, EXP DATE CTtY OF LA QUINTA B=UNG & SAFETY DEPT, APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 744154 Velle Way, Suite 5 ❑ Palm Desert, CA 92260 o Phone: (760) 340-3528,❑ Facsimile: (760) 340-57n I I . 1 1 CALCULATIONS 17 OF 22 A CUSTOM RESIDENCE FOR: FLORES DE MONTANA LOT 7 3/28/06 SHEAR WALL REQUIREMENTS FT ROOF D.L. - 19 WALL HT,1 = 10 WALLS D.L. =.0 UPLIFT FORMULA: (Vh-(2/3 (wb L"22)+(WwL/2)))/ L WALL, No. LAT (P.L.F) .'7E TRIG. AREA (FtJ TOTAL FORCE (LB) TOTAL (h) WALLtFU RESIST,W (,FT)_(L) 6"EAR.FORCE (ax/R) LOAD (1/) WALL -.SEG. PUFT.'F0R S SHEAR WALL TYPE HOEDOWN' TYPE REMARKS WALLS SHEAR MAX 5B' BOLT SPACING(In) STRUC NOTES A 188 20 5320 37 12.5 144 1797 -204. 1 48 1 A 288 20 5320 37 8 144 1150 389 1 48 1 A '288 20 5320 37 18:5 144 2372 -713 1 48 1 B 268 8 2128 12 6 177 1064 1418 1 STHD14 POSTAX6 48 1 B 268 8 2128 12 a177 1084 1418 1 STHD14 POST 4X8 48 1 C 288 16 4256 18:5 5.5 230 1285 1690 1 STHD14 POST 4X8 48 1 C 268 16 4256 18.5 13 230 2991 928 1 STHD14 POST 4X8 48 1 D 286 22 5852 20.5 20.5. 285 5852 -88 2 32 1 E 266 '10 2880 12.5 12:5 213 26W 1441 1 STHD14 POST 4X8 48 1 F 266 22 5852 26 12.5 225 2813 450 1 48 1 F 288 22 5852 26. 4 225 900 1840 1 STHD14 POST 4X8 48 1 F 266 22 5852 '26 4 .225 900 1640 1 STHD14 POST 4X8 48 1 F 266 22 5852 26 5:5 225 1238 1430 I STHD14 POST 4X8 48 1 G 268 25 6650 29 9.5 229 2178 1154 1 STHD14 POST 4X6 48 1 G 268 25 6650 29 19.5 229 4472 256 1 48 1 H 268 12 3192 8 2 399 798 3838, SM 24x8 H 266 12 3192 8 2 399 798 3838 SM 24x8 H 266 12 3192 8 2 399 798. 3838, SM 24xB H 266 12 3192 8 2 399 798 38361 SM 24x8 1 268 12 3192 12:5 12.5 255 3192, 1549 1 STH014 POST 4X8 48 1 J 266 12 3192 19:5 18:5 193 3192 824 1 48 1 K .286 10 2680 12.5 8.5 413 1809 1845 1 STHD14 POST 4X8 48 1 K 288 10 26W 12:5 4 213 851 1874 1 STHD14 POST 4X8 48 1 L 286 20 5320 39.5 11 159 1747 838 1 48 1 L 266 20 5320 33.5 8.5 159 1350 987 1 48 1 L 266 20 5320 33:5 14 159 2223 647 1 48 1 M 266 8 2128 10 5 213 1064 1823 1 STHD14 POST 4X8 48 1 M 266 8 2128 10 5 213 1064 1823 1 STHD14 POST 4X8 48 1 N 266 23 8118 25 25 245 6118 -1263 1 48 1 O 288 10 2860 11.5 11.5 231 2660 508 1. 48 1 P 268 11 2926 8 3 488 1463 4349 SM 36X P 268 11 .2926 B 3 488 1463 4330 SM 38X CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED ® FOR CONSTRUCTION 4+ih��v• �� cc mi ko V HHHHH] MAN 3 0 2006 Charles D. Garland, Architect 74-854 Velie Way (Suite 5) Palm Desert, CA, 92260 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS For: DATE: 3.117106 MR.ANSCHELL 77-154 CASA DEL SOL LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA Roof Beam[ 97 Uniform Bufldino Code (91 NDS) I Ver .5.02 Br Charles D. Garland . CharlesD. Garland. Architect on: 03-20-2006: 22522 PM Project= ANSCLOT7 - Location:. NEW HEADER AT GREAT ROOM Summary. 5.5 IN x 15.5 IN x 15.5 FT / 81- Douales Fir -Larch - Dry Use Section Adequate By: 37.3% Controlling Factor: Area / Depth Required 11.68 In Deflections: Dead Load: Lice Load: Total. Load: Reactions (Each End): Lhie Load: Dead Load: Total Load: Bearing Length Required (Beam only, Support capacity,not.checked): Beam Data: Span: Maximum Unbraced Span: Pitch Of Roof: Live Load Deflect. Criteria: Total Load Deflect. Criteria: Non -Snow Lnre Load: Roof Loaded Area: U4e Load Method: Roof Loading: Roof Live Load -Side One: Roof Dead Load -Side One: Tributwv Wi fth-Side One: Roof Lin Load -Side Two: Roof Dead Load -Side Two. Tributery Width -Side Two. Roof Duration Factor. Wall Load: Beam Self Weight SlopeMitch Adiusted Lenaft and Loads: Adiusted Beam Length: Beam Uniform -Live Load: Beam Uniform Dead Load: Total Uniform Load: Properties For #1.- Douglas Fir=Larch Bendurq Stress: Sheer Stress: Modulus of-ElaOW. Stress Perpendicular to Grain: Adjusted Properties FW (Tension): Adjustment Factai : Cd -1.15 CIn1.W Cf -0.97 FV: Adtustment Factors: Cd=1.15 Design Reauirernents: Control6no Moment 7.75 ft from left support Critical moment created by combining all dead and me loads. Ma>amum Shear: At support: Critical shear created by combining all dead and 9% loads. Comparisons With Required Sections: Section: Modulus: Area: Moment of Inertia: DLD= LLD= TLD= LL-Rxn= DL-Rxn= TL4Rxn= BL L= LW RP- U U RLA= Method = LL1= DLI= TW1= LL2= DL2= TW2- Cd= WALL= BSW= Ledi= wL= wD adf= wT= Fb= F% - E= Fcyerp= Fb = FV= PAGE: R1 0.13 IN 0.12 IN = U1565 025 IN = L1749 1938 LB 2110 LB 4047 LB 1.18 IN 15.5 FT 1.33 FT .01 :12 240 180 193.8 SF One 20.0 PSF 15.0 PSF 12.5 FT 20.0 PSF 0.0 PSF 0.0 FT 1.15 64 PLF 21 PLF 15.5 FT 250 PLF 272 PLF 522 PLF 1356 PSI 85 PSI 1600000 PSI 625 PSI 1508 PSI 98 PSI M= 15683 FT -LB V= 4047 LB Sreon 125.0 IN3 S= 220.2 IN3 Areg= 62.2 IN2 A= 0 85.2 IN2 rreq= 410.2 IN4 1= 1706.7 IN4 Roof Beam[ 97 Uniform Building Code (91 NDS) jVer. V6020894 By: Charles D. Garland, CharlesD. Garland, Architect on: 03-20-2006 Project: ANSCLOT7 - Location: NEW HEADER AT GREAT ROOM Summary: 5.5 IN x 15.5 INx 15.5 FT / #1 -Douglas Fir -Larch - Dry Use ReactIbm LiVe LAW A 19W Lb B 1938 Lb AM Uniform. Loading Life Load W 250 Plf W Span =15.5 ft Dead Load Total Load 1.11011 Load 2110 Lb 4047 Lb 0 Lb 2110 Lb 4047 Lb 0 Lb De Load Self Welaht Total Load 252 Plf 21 Plf 522 Plf craw Architecture; Interiors, Space and Land Planning Structural Calculations 4 August 2006 The City of La Quints Department of.Building and Safety 78.495 Calle Tampico La Quints, CA 92253 Project A Single. Family "Residence forflarold Anschel at '�'T=t54�asaxfel�Svl�n� � � � _ Flores de Montanas (Lot 7) La Quints, CA Regarding: Project Observation I am the Structural Designer of Record for the Project noted above. The developers chose, during construction, to revise some of the framing. Shear wall'A' was revised at the west wail of Bedroom No. 3. The developers were directed by the=etectrical:service.pravideis.to locate the service entrance, meter and main disconnect in -this wall. The norther most 3' x 3' window was eliminated to db this and the overall wall 'length of all of the wall segments in this shear line adjusted to conibrm to existed constructed elements. Shear wall. 'AS' is now Compri , of a 8'-0' segment, a'17-6' segment and a T-6° segment for a total developed length of 28'-0' in lieuV the originally tabulated 7-V. Attached please find the revised shear wall tabulation reflecting this change. The load per lineal foot can now be seen to be 90,pif in lieu of 144plf. This illoading is still within the load parameters of the original calcula- tions and thuspo revision to the existing construction need`be undertaken. Therefore, I, hereby state that the revised and unrevised portions of the work are in substantial conformance with the structural design, intent and the project is ready for final framing Inspection. If you have any questions or oomments.;regarding�this issue or any other issue please do not hesitate in contacting my firm: I tV VI 11WVL End: 744154 Vetie Way, Suite 5 a Palm Desert, CA -92260 ❑ Phone: (760) 3403528 ❑ Facsimile: (760) 340-3728 S' gy_ CALCULATIONS 17 of 22 A CUSTOM RESIDENCE FOR: FLORES DE MONTANA. LOT 7 8/4/06 SHEAR WALL REQUIREMENTS FT ROOF D.L. = 19 WALL HT,1 = 10 WALLS D.L. =15. FIRST FLOOR WALL I LATRORCE IMB. AREAJ TOTAL FORCE I TOTAL(h) IRESISTNALIJ UPLIFT FORMULA: (Vh (2l3 (wb L"22)*(Wwtl2)))/ L 288 8 2128 12 6 177 1064 1418 266 82128 12 8 177 1064 1418 266 16 4256 18.5 5.5 230 1265 1690 266 16 4256 1&S 13 230 2991 926 285 22 W52 20.5 20.5 285 5852 -66 266 10 2560 12.5 12.5 213 2660 1441 266 22. 5852 26 12.5 225 2813 450 266 22 5852 26 4 225 900 1640 266 22 5852 26 4 225 900 1640 266 22 5852 26 5.5 225 1238 1430 266 25 6650 29 9.5 229 2178 1154 266 25 6650 29 19.5 229 4472 256 266 12 3192 8 2 399 798 3688 266 12 l'928 2 399 798 3838 256 12 3192 8 2 399 798 3838 268 12 3192 8 2 399 798 3638 266 12 3192 12.5 12.5 255 3192 1649 286 12 3192 18.5 16.5 193 3192 624 266 10 2660 12.5 8.5 213 1809 1645 286 10 2660 12.5 4 213 851 1874 286 20 5320 315 11 169 1747 838 266 20 5320 33.5 8.5 169 1350 997 266 20 5320 33.5 14 159 2223 647 268 8 2128 10 5 213 1064 1823 266 8 2128 10 5 213 1064 1823 266 23 61.18 25 25 245 6118 -1263 266 10 2660 11.5 11.6 231 2650 506 266 11 2928 6 3 488 1463 4349 266 11 2926 6 3 488 1463 4330 1 STHD14 POST06 48 1 STHD14 POST4X6 48 1 STHD14 POST4X6 48 2 32 1 STHD14 POST4X6 48 1 48 1 STHD14 POST 4X6 48 1 STHD14 POST4X6 48 1 STHD14 POST 4X6 48 1 STHD14 POST4X6 48 1 48 SM 24x8 SM 24xB SM 24x8 SM 24x6 1. STHD14 POST4X6 48 1 48 1 STHD14 POST 4X6 48 1 S71-614 POST 4X6 48 1 48 1 48 1 48 1 STHD14 POST4X6 48 1 STHD14 POST 4X6 48 1 48 1 48 SM 36X SM 36X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 If CALCULATIONS 17 OF 22 A CUSTOM RESIDENCE FOR: FLORES DE MONTANA, LOT 7 8/4/06 SHEAR WALL REQUIREMENTS FT ROOF D.L. = 19 WALL HTJ = 10 UPLIFT FORMULA: WALLS D.L. = 15 I(WH213 (vNb L^22 , )+(WWL/2)))/ L FIRST FLOOR WALL LAT.FORCE TOTALFORCE TOTAL (h) F*s=mT, SHMrOROE LOAD (V) FT. SH STRU No. PLF) ITFUS t (LB) WALL (FT),(L) (#/.ft) WALL --SEG 0 TYPE TYPE WALLS um SPArANG Qn) NOTE &" 26s 8 2126 12 6 177 1064 1418 1 STHD14 POST 4X6 46 1 B 260 8 2128 12 6 177 1064 1418 1 STHD14 POST 4X6 48 1 C 266 16 4256 18.5 5.5 230 1265 1690 1 STHD14 POST 4X6 48 1 C 266 16 4256 18.5 13 230 2991 926 1 ST14D141 POST 4X6 48 1 D 286 22 5852 20.5 205 265 5852 -66 2 32 1 E 268 10 2660 12.5 12.5 213 2660 1"1 1 STHD14 POST06 48 1 F 266 22 5852 26 12.5 225 2813 450 1 48 1 F 266 22 5852 26 4 225 goo 1640 1 STHD14 POST 4X6 48 i F 266 22 5852 26 4 225 900 1640 1 STHD14 POST4X6 48 1 F 26e 22 5852 26 5.5 225 1238 1430 1 STHD14 POST 4X6 48 1 G 266 25 6650 29 9.5 229 2178 1154 1 STHD14 POST 4X6 48 1 9 266 25 6650 29 19.5 229 4472 256 1 48 1 H 266 12 3192 8 2 399 798 3838 SM 24X8 H 288 12 3192 a 2 399 798 3838 SM 24X8 H 268 12 3192 8 2 399 798 3838 SM 24X8 H 266 12 3192 8 2 399 '798 3838 SM 24*8 1 266 12 3192 12:5 12.5 265 3192 1549 1 STHD14 POST 06 48 1 1 266 12 3192 16.5 16.5 193 3192 624 1 48 1 K 266 10 2860 12.5 8.5 213 lwg 1645 1 STHD14 POST 4X8 48 1 K 266 10 2666 12.6 4. 213 651 1874 1 STHD14 POST 4X6 48 1 L. 266 20 5320 33:5 11 159 1747 838 1 48 1 L 266 20 5320 33.5 8.5 159 1350 997 1 48 1 L 266 20 5320 33.6 14 159 2223 647 1 48 1 .m 266 8 2128 10 5 213 1064 1823 1 STHD14 POST 4X6 48 1 M266 8 2128 10 .5 213 1064 1823 1 STHD14 POST 4X6 48 1 N 268 23 6118 25 25 245 6118 -1263 1 48 1 0 266 16 460 11.5 11.5 231 2860 506 1 48 1 P 266 11 2928 6 '3 488 1463 4349 SM 36X P 266 1'1 2926 6 '3 488 1463 4336 SM 36X