BRES2016-0214 ICC-ES Report' Z016 — 02-11,, 'B'' 'C' DOWEL 'D : . BAR ORCO` 6 IGH: !IV LL W121-011 TD A -v -RE7A.INING 2'-9a#44WO/CLas FOR.110 /KPH WIND 3 SEC. GUST@a EXP C s4MV 01Czr -- LA arrz�trAraav �r a• r Z. Z.,8• 3•-0• r'Ty U�LDI &SAF PT. N/A .1P jr ti .ROV� FOR ONSTRU i a�wea.mamaw Yar � n t , 4-0, � 2 4%016* 01C JEW: TE / i f . z CMYU?1?7EA=AWUaV19aii MA4TpcMQ=SM "W=Wwaa¢a.trim . #Md' oiC Ltrs• *4016• 01C 39• 90 IWtAP3Y7G8Q6aW SIMBELOW.' Z avmPF1ElOPaJunxa9(4t1.WJWra9WYr7 AZ* rr . e•r— ♦ -.• ° AWTSMW70.96-WA0XTSGUMWANA TVP 1-42 GVJM CPM7BtAMS4QCA7RRAADCBkWr .,,.•vim „ "' rAbS1DJ9Nf fl "aaWVWMASMCZiDrM44'A:_85WM t92PtyCpAtAC$} '. 8 XEMOMMSMRMWVBVW41PAWCMMUWM AS/MA&StsPA0E6itAMOVmEe tR IAP. b Es9t7tRi3, .� 16�1a8rNita=tSVTBtEDMWfft>QWWFW&OOwaUjv DO MArTAdPCPdYB4RAT mawiYsim7at 640/'S7DEOFQ7AIfl0Qt:"; " . O WP. 0W.C:FNALLSAIfD 3� a EIFBmC9lAl18ElAYIDlNAAlAlIt011G9G1YD 0WAUAEWfT0t4NM PATnW WWM9MO&CL1NlEWYGP7Wa91SLM A Altt108CallSVMVDidM Wt71DOLXew-gWLAE svAorizaavr. aa�•a�c > raeafiP7"ESMMueA=aaMuWuMGAMCno :P7Rramw7oj/2muLmro +k2AOR7s44w, LOGIESM tEME40 1L LMM 71VF 6101�8t AHE SQdSt31KiP: a titlrfC:tLUV08E7FFl0007DBP1A9RrtZiM�T7D9 �g�rll4Yt�N711W?A9RTS3�A511Jd4US iFN�BC7»ti6A�lifSGR�OBIEAlra8001C �oLIYCi6i1�E7�t�L�1�CSTAi1/r7DAt10W00aD IZ— o &Qd/rHdYj lt9hH "a fiE"w TDOMLWOOOD I �) A6x/f RO1Y MQT1ttY?tfl1011 tF 11$ t�171IJ9V15 I l�A4AN� 8 aocr 7B1mrfiEffrm'rt'li!•wO"Elvarm M1taF7TffCi1CRElE14/4Ai7>G �OQS►BiANYBE CDDMfiat�GEQFti•aW RAW MffMaX9CFVC UWWTT7BA➢tRW ran m txam►at+tar�A�aMaelanatrler,>aTu� AM7Ut4tstiesa OVCMW WMLMMAMXWW I'tSR MR3spwpmwj m CMMMCUXGFXgL - +e 4, =1 1 _ aa•ort�s mawm II 14LWRU aA1MW-ISltxe7btMAat '. d wATsaA�oa=a�a�leaRaeTao�c ;. u fi7t4 VAWfi ONTaBFAFnRA'J zVV7RtWFMSAjW tutu P-6WmACOfW3WFANDALLREQ(MMSMUSTMM �' : •� �a>aotainr�A�7>raloar►�1tsAswrTn GRwr 771ENd1lt'ti TD t>SS71A�7CgOl�l 0 k wam of ma con a eras IWAAVWnVWA99l WA 'A' 'B'' 'C' DOWEL 'D : . BAR 'K' -2'-Os 2'-9a#44WO/CLas s4MV 01Czr -- NIA �r a• r Z. Z.,8• 3•-0• s4asr O/C`ar a4asp• oic ac• N/A mr O/C 49, jr , 4-0, � •O/C sr 4%016* 01C B, . a• r—. J,-9. #Md' oiC Ltrs• *4016• 01C 39• 90 rr . e•r— 2wmx amR tit [C�D alQT WIDE ML AIM cny O,F LA QUINTA E fn tu in C 1026 CO) Exp. I -31-2016 sr4r c f v �a,Q OF CAttfo i ORCO WALL SYSTEM FORCES PER 2016 CSC CHAPTER 16 WIND FORCES fd WALLS,PER ASCE 7-1.0,SECTION 29.4 armor *W FUME CALM A"M FW BASIC es MW A 0 MW S sc OW MWMWMW C CQA r,*V Ll�VB AStF id0 ago L0AA4 . �.. .. . MW SEClIMN.S Im nw lw a Sm m ay7r mras w f as o.00P80 Rt!fir a Vf ag." wm xr .:B7 FW AV. B AW R e .W :W FW C IWOM TALE ms4 . Or. 0.DEFAILT IM SW LnW 2&&# /to -.dd FAp""Z&64 Ox a 1nt�eX.�i#koIG�J�rroP) �Yt4 t6F a �i � la0�aselG6alQ.ol(.e�tmOpJ �pd:e ►� G�Af(J,8Et7:GY 6.&16 POR �'FMMlZ 1 M ICALLB r Am (pP-41i M�Er. Bi .Oi PRCM E�.9./' t d 1.490 AR !RAW Z044 UM AVBUW ASPECT RA7r0. ftU LLi W M MOM QFE MST- Cr RAM8F8'FMN Lod FGR A,d' Mbffi7iIQILM WALL TO Ld F4R A 60' PANAL TlB : FOR 1I0 NW =4 WZOAXL4 ft -P6.1 PSR. 6 • FUR W IETJ 26.6 *X -0W -X PSJ! W ND FORCE FOR EXPQSG�PE;C COND/now ftr IN MPH I00 11, " .' 1I0 •IZo X130 , 140 150 co4ro.80NsilitRON .ZZW *IZ4W .PbW,. .P7W 30W .d2W Ips A7a8A" Sif+fi01� :89 1&6 PSF P 4 26:6 pm JW IF FV S" pp N.6 PW r:N sm race MR ea rr. 62 PSF 60 FSF 80 FSP 160 PW Fir-&v*jCMvmwl9.44 210 26.7rJl po f d&4' 4&P.. 49.6 NNW dads AW CP""A W- . LOW: 0.00LOM FACM 78 x 8� ' 93 /01 • -108 118 F®v.r c;asda rc�ri6 & . PROJECT SI TE W IND ZONE Vii;N MPH= -,EXPOSURE C THEREFORE: WIND FORCE =A, �PSF ` 5 ' SEISMIC FORCES PER. 20/3 CBC (ASCE 7=10. SECT 15.4. /8) FOR NOAGUILDOVO STRUCTURES -FREE BTAiVDW,WALLS AW AilAS1FRS - FRO"T SRE CLASS D - PMAAENTAL AEMOD T, SWA7SR 7MN 0,06 SEC CAL="TtD LOW 445-070N 118.-7 AAD TABLE 12.B,Y PIN EWL r s r a� as cae li ;s7 laeolls fRirll tat 00001 a.L0 6 FA =1.1 PRm,TABLE N.4-1 A R kS.0 F"' TABLE 15" SEISMIC FORCE F .,f &Eb. PERIOD: CONDI TiONS FR011 FIec2P 4 60 X70 80 90 /OO no co4ro.80NsilitRON .ZZW *IZ4W .PbW,. .P7W 30W .d2W ,Ice( �4 PROJECT S/ TE SEISMIC INFORMAT/ON: SI ='70 SO CS W jCkU WALL WEIGHTS" PIER SO. FT. BL= TYPi 6' QW ir/ JOINT JONFQRChMW ' ' 8' cmv !6X16 GR01nw ! O/C 48V/C 40WC 321D/C 24V/C MV/C MOM AV/C " 16 G/C swo SOLID WT. PER SCL Fr. U PSP J6 PSP S7,PSF J9 PSS 4B fw 68 FV 62 PSF 60 FSF 80 FSP 160 PW THEREFORE SEISMIC FORCE _ ( , a-4 )( 4 31PSF)= lit `'PSF _ ( X `PSF)= PSF TIMOTHY S. MALLIS - CIVIL ENGINEER 1,342 lbs Title 2 O 'ij6n w Vwall 110 ULT Pap: I ORCO BLOCK CO. INC. Used To Resist'Sliding Overturning - & Job # ;.Mew.-. Dsgnr Data: 15 FEB 2016 4510 RUTILE ST. Used t6rS9dIng&0verWmIng DescrIptlom... RIVERSIDE, cx Axis! Dead Laid = 0.0 Ibs This Wall In File: C:Wsers%TMALUSM)acunientsV;t6tain Pro Mnew combo -walls 2010.RPX RetalnPrV(Q1987-2016, BuildlIA&UM' UwnV8:-KwQs05w1 - 6°iintileve-ii1w fka661ng*,.Wall Cod a: CBC 2013,ACI 318-11 ACI 530-11 License To,: ORCOBLOCKC61111PANY INC. 1,Design -Sum : mag Footing Stow Q Keel ir Crftria 144- O varturning 1.94 OK Sliding = Retained Height 2.00 ft All6w.9611 Bi.taring, � 2 000'0 w 1- 15010 ft Wall height above soil 6.00 ft Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method 7 Added Force Recrd = Slope fthInd Wall 0.w Active Heel Pressure 45.,0 psVft Height of,Soll over Too = 6.00 In Passive Pressure = 150:0 psf�t Water hafght over heel = 0.0 ft Soff-pensitq, Heel = 1154 -pcf Sall Densftyjde = 115.00 pd FootIngjtSqfa FrIct1oh = .0.300. 160.2 304.2 SOB Might to ignore f0epassIve presswe = 6.00 In Suircherge:L-oade 1,342 lbs SurcharneiOver-Hebl..0 0.0pif Used To Resist'Sliding Overturning - & - . Surcharge Over Toe. 0.0.psf Used t6rS9dIng&0verWmIng Allowable Stern Axis! Dead Laid = 0.0 Ibs Axial Lim Load 0..O:ft AxfW Load Eccentricity 0.0 In 1,Design -Sum : mag Footing Stow Q Keel ir "ls-t6blilly Ratios Allowable O varturning 1.94 OK Sliding = 1.85 OK Total Bearing Load = 1,342 lbs Lat.oral,loa 9:94 In Soil Pressure*@ Toe s 1,837 pef OK Sall; Pressure @ Heel F 0:psf OK Allowable 2.000 pef Soil Pressure Less Than AllowabW ACI Factored @ Toe = 1,-964 per ACI Factored (M Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear a Too 0.0 psi OK Footing Stow Q Keel ir 3.4 psi OK Allowable 75.0 W Sliding Calce # 4 Lateral Sliding Force = 298.6:ft les6:1 W% Passive Force 15010 ft less 100% FrIctim Faroe 4025 Un Added Force Recrd = 0.0 be OK ....for I.&StablIfty, = 0.0 lbs OK Vertical component of active lateral sail pressure IS, NOT considered In the calcuLition of soil beaft Load Factors 0.00 ft Lat.oral,loa Lateral Dead Load ...Height toTb; = 0.00 ft .,Height to Bottom 0.00 ft Load Type Wind, W 1.000 (Samoa Lem Wind on: posed Stem 28..7 pd . (Sire; Vertical component of active lateral sail pressure IS, NOT considered In the calcuLition of soil beaft Load Factors 0.00 ft Building Code CBC 2013ACI Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1.600 Earth, H 1.00 Wind, W 1.000 Seismic, E 1.000 Footing width 0.00 ft Eo'cantdcdty 0.00 In Well to Ftg, CL Dist 0.00 ft F0669 Type Line Load Base Abaireffielow Soil Masonry at Back ofWalf 0.0 ft Polsiorfe-Ratio 0.300 (natiuctio0h, am:�C�o 2nd Bottom Z"lon Hell;"Abo4ifte Stam' OK '200 Stem OK 0.00 UVaII Materia! Above "Ht" _ Masonry Mason' FY Design Method LRFD LRFD Thtcira 6.00 8.00 Reb.Pr Size # 4 # 4 R ebirsimcing 32.*00 32.00 Reber. Placed at camw Edge Design; Data fb" + fa/Fa OAU Total Form @ Section Servide, WMI U Strength Urm- ilis-= 160.2 304.2 Moment-. Ach I Servicia Level 44. Strength Level ft-# = 490.6 897.0 Moment. ... jUWwjtb16 A-4 669.16 1,713.3. SWVIM Level psi w Sbwvffi LOW psi 41:9 4.8 Shear.... All6wable psi - 69.7 69.7 Wall Weight pW= 47:0 84.0 Rebw Depth 'df In= 2.75 525 MasdAry Data fm PSI 1,500 1.500 Fy p . 31= 60"000 60,000 Solid Grouting No yes Modular Ratio'n' 21.48 21.46 Equiv. Solid Thick, Masonry Black Type Masonry Design Method Concrite Date fc FY in'=, .3.90 7.60 Normal Weight LRFD PSI= PSI = EP -1 U',*-Bw 1* Uil TIMOTHY S.'MALLIS - CML ENGINEER Title • vriv ain'ev4' wall •110.ULT Page: 2 ORCO BLOCK CO. INC. ,ioti.i;t c;MeriF.. Dsgnr.' Date: 15 FEB 2016 • 4610 RUTILE.ST. Desatpflon:.:: RIVERSIDE,.CA: Th� Wal[ in Fid, C,1tJsersiTRIIALLISIDocumentali2etaln'Pro 9Vtew �mb0{vvalls2010:RPX_ 4,_ _ •;, .166 las tdlA 4, WGSt34o1 Cana iever6d. ak8Birlina wilf • Code: CBC 2013ACI 318-11 ACI 5311-1.1 Ucense To : ORCO:BLOCK:COMP.ANY IMC.. ®oting Dimenaion� Strtangtdls ..: FootinrDesBgn;Resuli>s_ ._ Toe Widtft' Heal Width 2.75 Factored Pressure n 1964 0:psf fiotal Foattng:Width = 2:75 We Uo aN;.. r t _ 0 184 ftp Footing' Thfdmess = 12.00 in fulu' `Dowrnaard. _ 0 '1.1.4811.0. Key Width = b.00 In Mu n 4 lJes�,' ' 0 984 ftp Key Depth 0a)0'In Actuarl-Way Shear.; _ 0:00. 3.36 PSI i(ey Distance from Toe _ 2.76 8 Altota►1 WaY Sf�ear g 0.00: 75.00,psI, Toe ReW*mh g : None Spud' f = 2,5W.ps1 Fy = 60;000 psi Heel Reinforcing ' None Speed . Footing:Conaiete Density 150.000d KeY.Retnlorcing... Min. As % = 0.6018 t�l Other AopeP' Sees & S �®e Cover Top 2.00 @ Stm� 3.D0 in .e Toe Not rq'd. Mu < phi,'tart�da�sdi!(fc)'Sm Heel' Not`aq'd :;f+Au <tphI*6*Iambda'sgrt(fc)'Sin No:k®ydAnad Sutmmary of f?v�etairning':BYR�s9stQn>�:For�� �ome`riis . . :..::OVERTURNING::.:: ° ::.:.RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment' Force; Ofetance Moment Item lbs ft R-#v Abs It ft-rl. 1-1661 Active Pressure 202.5 1.00 :202:5. Sol Aver Heal = 479.2 1.71 818.6 Surcharge over Heel _ Sleow SO'C"r'Heel = Sur harge::OverToo -' surcharge;04euHe61 - - Adjacent Footing Load Adjacent Footing°Load = Added .LateM(Load Axiat<I)ead Load on Stem.' Load @ Stpm Above Soil = 98.1 6.00 578.7 - AxW Llve iaad' oq Sterni = _ �SoU,OaerToe _ SurchargeOverToe a Total 298.8 O.T.M. 775.2 + stem welght(s) _ 450.0 0.28 126.5 frarth;® Stem:Transidonsm _ - - _ ..- Footlrrg;Waighl _ .. 412.5 1.38 567.2 ReststlregdOvertumtng Ratlo _ 1:84 i(eY 27b ' Verticai`Losds used -for. Soft Pressure = 1,341:7 [be, Vert. Component Total = 1,341.7 ms R.M.= 1,512.3 Axial live-1696NOTdnciirded In:total displayed or used for overtuming resietence, but leincluded for sol pressure;-a6latfon. Vertical component of acfiva lateral son pressure Is NOT considered In , the calcutatton of Sliding Resistance: ; Verticai'component f active .lateral son preseure ISNOT coris>d`ejd h, • Aho calculation of Overtuming Resistance. _Tilt HQ rt!tatefieciion at foo oflNali dueto setNement of soil (Deflection due to wail bending not considered) Soil Spring ReactionUodulus 250 0 b pcd Horizon�liDefl ®`TOp of:Wall (epprcx�nate only) 0:132 fn. The ebove calculation ie not.valid if fhe hset sol bearing oressure'exceeds•that of the toe. because the wall would then tend to rotate into tFre retained=soil;f ; W S. r � r own or _'.� 7IM07W S. MAWS - CIVIL ENGINEER Title 2rresin NV wall 110 ULT Page: I ORCO:BOCkCOANC. Job # .. Dsgnr. Date: 15 FEB 2018 45100u'n.L.k ST. RIVERSIDE, CA. �11 RieftOned Hel9k wan fiefght.abowioll Slope -Behind Wag Height.of Son over The Water hwght,ov* heel U=rtQ;r"' " Ro tSliding :drMarm rAmr. Th" 's:aa: Lose ve: Load Md Ecoe.nftfty 6.00A 0.00 6.00.1n 0.0 It O.Q'Ibs 0.0 in INC. khtifi4 'R"OU11h ng "wi Data Code: CBC 2013ACI 318-11 ACI 530-11 P %UYV! ?vY: 9jaw 11!jj' L. cIvvv.v;Pw E Pressure Method 'OK a va VA 2. 1* 1 A.O" Heal OiesstA 4.5.0 Pd'm Total Bearing Lead = 1673, On ..:resultant.eoa a PasslVePresiure .1-50!0 ps" 1,663:pof OK Son Pressure @ Heal .0 08f bk Soo Density; Heel m its Do 'pd Soll'Pressureless Than AlldWiW ACI. Fecicradl:@ tos1,995 Pat Son bens too 115c00 06f FooUngSMar.@ Toe 0.0 psi OK F0004ShOW @: HOW Foo,ft'llSbuTrIction = 0300* 75.0 pstt Sliding Cates Masonry Dete Lateral Sliding Force = 399.2 [be less 100% Passive Force - - 150.0 lbs im 100% Friction Force = - 501.8 ft 6.00 in .0.0 lbs OK L 6.0 -_68- OK 60,000 [AdjagefttFooting tpad . No; yes ularkstlo'n' :Adjacent Jam.. Load = 0.0-1118 .,.Height to TOP = 0.00A FoothigWidth 0.60 ft ... HeIghtto-Bottom 0.06 ft E66 . or&'- PRY` 0.00 In Load TypeWall . to Ftq CL Dist 0.00 It (Service L eveo FodMa B�Wzqlvw soil Una Load Win I'll Wind on is 26..7rpgf - . '69�k of Wan at 0.0 it Walfsh-Mlity;Rallois 'OK Overturrffng = 2. 1* 1 Sliding UO OK Total Bearing Lead = 1673, On ..:resultant.eoa a 9:95 in Soil Pressure -@ Too = 1,663:pof OK Son Pressure @ Heal .0 08f bk Alloviable 2,000 pef' Soll'Pressureless Than AlldWiW ACI. Fecicradl:@ tos1,995 Pat ACI:Fddolt6@ HOW 0 W FooUngSMar.@ Toe 0.0 psi OK F0004ShOW @: HOW 34 PS'I,.OK' Allowable 75.0 pstt Sliding Cates Masonry Dete Lateral Sliding Force = 399.2 [be less 100% Passive Force - - 150.0 lbs im 100% Friction Force = - 501.8 ft Added Force Reqd .0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 5 1 bibft 6.0 -_68- OK VerUcal component of active lateral son pressure IS NOT considered In the calculation of soil bearing Load Factors Maionr'y Building Code CBC 2013ACI Dead Load 1200 Lhis Load 1.600 Earth, H 1-600 Wind, W 1:000 Seismic, E 1.000 Poison's Ratio' = 0.300 2nd . Bottorn 'Stam'OK SteM OK - 2-.67 0.00 Maionr'y Masohry LRFD_ LRFD Service Level '00 # 4 V4 32;00 32.00 Center, Edge bjA Y+; fiA m CAM am ratail: , Fo r cOV . Section ServiC_e Level lbs = Strength uwpj Pas = 160:2 . 1 416.8 ft-#= 460.6 1,1313.7 Moment.....Alibumme ft-#= 869.5 1,713.3 Sheir ... Actual Service Level psi Strength Lo;Wpsi = 4 1 .9 0.6 Shw7.';.,A11.OwiW9 P[M 69.7 69.7 WWI Weight, psf 47..0 $4.0 Rabair Depth 'er In= 2.75 5.25 Masonry Dete fm pw.= 1,50,0 .1,500 Fy !psi= 60,000 60,000 olid,Grouting . No; yes ularkstlo'n' 22 ' 21.48 21.48 E ,quiv. Sofid:ThlclL In = 3.90 7.60 Masoinfy"Eilock Typo = Normal Weight Masonry Qasfgn -Method = LRF1D Concrete Data. fc PSI xz Fy psi 94L Fawar-aw /* or TIMOTHY S. MALLIS - CIVIL ENGINEER Title. K 2-k rutin w W wall 110 ULT ORCO BLOCK CO. INC. Job ;• "...I`:. Dsgnr. 4510 RUTILE ST. Description.... RIVERSIDE, CA. Tlils.:Wall �Iri_ Fite:,C:1UserslT.MWLl1S10ocumentslR in,Pr-•9lrrevy comba'waU 2Z310 RPX- ' •FtvUdnPro (c)1887,�W8. BuDd "11 .-I. ..,, Page : 2 Date: 15 FEB 2016 tacerree Kw iaassaol . 8tl1t�tBQ1@i�d,a$®tairti�g Yl/aI( Code: CBC 2013,ACI 318-11,ACI 530-11 Licenw1b;:..ORCO;BLOCWCOMPANY, INC:'.: _.. {.,. F®oUng'.DiITlensions� Strengti>is`. `:. 0=ooting ®esa�n;F%sultts MomentItem Toe Width O.00 ft ". + &ft Heel Width 3.00 `- Factored Pressure • = 1,995 0 psi. ' Total Footing Width = 3.00 Mu,_ Upward, , _ 0 403 ft4 '. Footing Thickness 12.00 in Mu' 'Do>r!d 0' 1,706'-it4t Key Width = O.00an 'Mu Design _ 0 Actual A 1'.304U Key Depth = O.00 In;.. 1 -Way Shear = 0.00 .3.3b psi Key Olatance from Toe = 2:75`R'" Allow1 WayShear = 0.00 75.00 psi _ 'Soll Over Toe Toe:Rehrforotiig None §"-' PC = 2,50Dpsi Fy = 60,000 psi. - Heel Reii�foroing _ None+Spec'd Footing:Conaete Density 150:00 pq, ICey'Reinforcing' =None Spdc'd 145.3 Min. As % _ o.Q0113 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings x: Cover @ Top 2.00 !� Btrh*' 300:In" 40'.1, F 875.0 Reslstlrig/Overtuming Rego - . 2.1'1. iCey. W1 11914 = Toe ;Not req'd Mu < ptii'S•iambda"agR(fe}"Sm` Vertical toads used for Soil Pressure a 1,672.7 Ibs Heet'IYot req'd;;Mu <phPS•lambda'sgrt(Pc}�Sm Key: No key defined' A � $liAiiRl>3Iy of=Overtulfning',83Reslsiin�<FOrces;.Br;RQOrtoenisl 1 .. • . . "Axlal.11ve Ioad NOT Included ':OVERTURNING..... r rt , ' ' RESISTING Force AAomerii' ' '. ,Force �� Distance MomentItem lbs It •..' ft4 . ° Ibs ft &ft Heal Active Pressure . F. 303.1 1:22 370.7 --," Over Heel_ 716.5 1.83 1.313.5 Surcharge HisI Shed:Sol] _Over Heal = Surcharge Over Toe 9F Surcharge::OverHeal AdJaoerit Footing'Load= AdJadik Foottng Load Added Lateral Load 1,Dead Load, on Stem= Load :@ Stem Above So# = 98:1 8:67 641.1 • A)ddi Llve Load cwStsm = _ 'Soll Over Toe Suich"i 'liver Toe = Total 399.2 O.T.M: ' 1,011.9 . Stem WelO*s) . = 506.3 Ole 145.3 • Earth 6 Stem Transitions= ;d _ t=ootlr�.WelgM _. 450.0 1.50 875.0 Reslstlrig/Overtuming Rego - . 2.1'1. iCey. W1 11914 = 2.75 Vertical toads used for Soil Pressure a 1,672.7 Ibs VerL-,Component "Tabu= -1,672.7 tbs , RA= 2,133.8 "Axlal.11ve Ioad NOT Included fn,}otsWisplaYed or used for overtuming rissFstanoe, W.18 leduded for soil "pn3ssure ca!'culatlon. Vertical componerit of ac Qve lateral soil pressure -is Not considered4n the calc ulatlomof.'sfidl6g Resfetance. Vertical::oomponent of.ective lklorei; soll pressure:IS NOT considered In the calculation of Overtuming Resistance. Hofontal Deflecttonii-Tpp'c (Defleetlon due to wall bending not con Son Spring -.Reaction Modulus HorftontatDeflQ Tdp:df Well (acbrokb (a0 due .to s®ttlern®n 250.0 ;pd ,only) 0:133' Iin of soil is that of 6 toe. TIMOTHY S. NIALLIS - CIVIL ENGINEER 0010 *0 BLOCK CO. INC. 4510 RUTILE $T. IOVERSIM-C& Title. .34!':retain w O"wall 110 ULT Doti 6 Maw D . sgnr' Page: I Date: 15FEB 2016 Canttllbvete&RbbljjftgWall Code: C6C2013,AC[318-11,ACI 530.11 � I fisanomn':Tei.-:ORCO 131-t=-COMPAMY. INC. - I * . � �z Retained-Holght Wan heigh[tLabowsoff Slope Behind Wall: Height vf-Sop over Too Water height-oversheal 3.33 ft 6.00 It 0.00 6.00 In 0.0 ft Surcharge Lo -ads 1955 lbs Surcharge Over Heel = nopf Used TbResM Sliding. & Overturning. Surc wuge Over Toe 00Od Uied4brSfiding-&Overtuming Allowable =.2,000 [:Ax:lafz Load ApOfldd-1414 . iw Mat'Daid1bid 0.0-U' Ax Axial Live Load 0.0:ft AxIal Load Eccentricity = 0.016, n Su - wiflustabillo Radbli Allowable ,Overturning 1.98. OK Sliding = 1.68 OK Total Bea ft. Load lgz; 1955 lbs ...resultant ecc. 1609.1n Sop Pressure @ Tom 1.978-psf OK S*HPressure G:HW 16 -psf. OK Allowable =.2,000 psf Soil Pressure Low Than Allowable ACI Factored :@ Too 2;374 Psf AC4-Fadored @ Heel - 0 psf Footing. Shear.Q Top - '0.0. psi, OK Footing Shear 0 HeeJ 4.6 psi, OK Allowable 75.0' pst Sliding Caeca :Ribir Spacing Lateral Sdlng,FomeI 518.&ft. 168s 100% Passive Force L 233.3; Itis - lbisiDOWFO1611 n'Form - 59601bs' - Added Fom.$:Wd 0.0 H)i OK ....for 1*.5:StabURy 0.0.;Ibs OK Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT consideridin the calculation of sop e'airIng Load Factors. Lateral .Lobel Appstelh..". h� ...Height to TOF = 0,00 ft ...Height oBottom 0.06 it LOSICTYPO (Service LOVOO v&w::on'11bcposW Stem = 26.7 paf (Strqngth'Level) Footing Width 0.00 ft AH64.-SoliBbaft'. 2.000:0::w 0.00 In EquWldht':' Fluid- Pressure M OM It Active Heel Pressure 45.0 pan Lift Load PassNePressure Masonr y SOWD'en'sity I-Idel' = 115.00 pcf I 0.0 ft Sdfl:Nnsky, Too' = 115.00:pd 0.300 Footing JjWl kcilon' 0.300 = SO hevirt,to'loncre 8.00 for paolve-pr6sure = 0.66 in = Lateral .Lobel Appstelh..". h� ...Height to TOF = 0,00 ft ...Height oBottom 0.06 it LOSICTYPO (Service LOVOO v&w::on'11bcposW Stem = 26.7 paf (Strqngth'Level) Footing Width 0.00 ft Eccentricity. = 0.00 In Wan #o o Fig CL Dist OM It FooHM:Type Lift Load Basi AbowSelow 6oll Masonr y attstk of Wall 0.0 ft Polmon's Ratio = 0.300 Stem.'CiDirtstirluiddo"n .2nd Bottom ft= MefwOK 3.33 Stara CK 0.00 Wall'1014te;igrA6 ova!"Ht' Masonry Masonr y Seismic, E 1.600 LRFD LRFD Thickness. 6,00 8.00 -Rebitr-Shib = #•' ;4 # 4 :Ribir Spacing 3100 32.00 Center Edge fbift +'fa/Fa MM "$I Totil Force @ Sqatlon Service Lem ft - Si�e. r�*L#vei - lbs= 1602 559A fildnient.-Actual .Sir`V`1691"I- ft4= 'S�ngth-L-evel ft. = 480.6 1,467.2' Morneht..;Allowable R4- 869.5 1,713.3 S6MICSI'Ovil- psi= Siiinq*L6"l 051. 4+.9 8.9 Shear::.. Allowable psi - 69.7 69.7 Wall weight Psi- 47.0 84.0 Rebar Depth V In= 2.75 5J5 M"onry Datii fm' psi-- 1,500 1,500 Fy psi = 60.660 60,000 Solid Grouting = No Yes Mcidutar Ration' = 21.48 21.48 :Building.Code CBC 2013ACI Dead Load 1100 Live Load 1.660. Earth, H Wind, W Seismic, E 1.600 fqtk!v.,Solld Thick. Masonry. Block Type Masonry Design Meffwd Concrete Data fc Fy 4 In=, 3.60 7.60 = Norrnal Weight = LRFD , Psi = 'Psi = M Summity of0vertum ng, Resis$Ing Pbraes & Moments'. , OVERTURNING Forte "Dis0nce BRomeht item Itis ft tib: .....RESISTIN Force ,.Dista lbs ft Moment ft-# Heel 'ActIm Pressure 421.9 1.44 808:9 ° Sou Ober Heel„ _ 893.6 1.83 1,638.2 TIMOTHY S. MAL LJS - CML ENGINEER T[Ue W' netaln.w 6'-wrail•110 ULT Page: 2 ORCO BLOCK CO. INC. Job #::.QdeiAtsc: )?sgnr.' Date: 15 FEB 2016 4516 Rt771LE ST. Descr"on.... RIVERSIDE, Cly. Axil p®ad Load on. _Stem = This Wall do File C:1UsersWMALLI9Ib6ouma"tain f?ro 91now combo_- ils 2010 RPX ' Ax�1 Live lAad:on Stent RetainPro (c):1887;T016 8ulld'1118:12.22 � >:_ t kens KYif-0sos94o1 Caniilevoc� Retalnln® aU 3 ; Code: CBC 2093,ACt 3.18-11 ACI 53()-j 4 Ucenee To sORCO:BLOCK COMPANY INC: F.00�ing ,pifinensions:-& Sere ngth :-.. Footin$•DesBgn Resulis' Totai 518.0O.T:M.. 1;313.4 Too- Wirtth: m ' moa ft 163.7 Heel lllfidtai R 3.00. Fat2ored•Preseure = 2,374 0 psf Total Foottng:W�th 3.00 Mu' Upward=" _ 0 450:A4 Footing:Thiclmness = AL; in Mu' : Dowrrvvard = 0 toobt-e Width = 12:00 In s AAu Des�n _. 0 .Actual 1alifey;Shest _. 0.00 1;640 ft-.# 4:05 psi Key Depth 4OO:in Key Dfstanoe from Toe 200 8' :. ., Atlow 1=Wey,Shear , _' 0:00 Toe Reinfoteing • � None Speed 75.00 psi fC = •2;5DOpsl FY = 60,000joi Hesl:Relnfordng _. Ncne Spedd resistance, but Is'•Induded forsoll pressure ca6lation. Footing Concrete Density = 150 00 pcf Kejf;Wi forting, _ Norre Speed•, Min: As 96 = 0.0018 Cover a Top 2.00 8trnj S 00'in . QtJ�®r Addbotable ShBs:'& Spadngs T.... ►1�a-..�:1:fit.. i �LaaM��l���__�ia=.mow_ Summity of0vertum ng, Resis$Ing Pbraes & Moments'. , OVERTURNING Forte "Dis0nce BRomeht item Itis ft tib: .....RESISTIN Force ,.Dista lbs ft Moment ft-# Heel 'ActIm Pressure 421.9 1.44 808:9 ° Sou Ober Heel„ _ 893.6 1.83 1,638.2 Surcharge overHeel = Slcpetl:Soll,Over:H'eel= Surcharge,Over Toe = Surdarge 0ror Heti' - Adjacen1.t Fdoting Load . Ad�cent Footing; Load i -- Added Added Lateral Load Axil p®ad Load on. _Stem = Load 0 Stem At ove Soff = 98:1. 7.33 704:6: ' Ax�1 Live lAad:on Stent _' . SoilOver:Toe Sutcerge'Over.Toe = Totai 518.0O.T:M.. 1;313.4 Stem�W 1j,hi(si - = 561.7 0.29 163.7 Forth?@'Stem Transitions = .. ,`M Footipg.Welghl 4505.0 1.50 675.0 ResIstingfOvertuming Ratio 1:88 KeY Weigh = 50.0 2.50 125.0 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 1,955.3`' fbs Vert component = 1 Total ® ,955.3 bs R.B.= 2,601.9 •AxIakliva.kmd NIOT Induded In total displayed or used for overturning resistance, but Is'•Induded forsoll pressure ca6lation. Vertical wn0* oner*of actIve lateralao➢ pressure IS NOT Ponslderedln the calcuWit6n'of. SiidbV'Resis't'krace.- Vertical c:omponent:of:acdve:Iafoml:sa pressure:IS NOT considered In the calculaWni of O natng Res stance. soil Spring Reaction Modulus 250:0 pd Horizordif Deft @ Top of WeI {eppmdmate oniy) 0:171 -in The above CaiaMon Is not valid if the heel soli bearing pressure -ecce -oda that o1 'TIMOTHY S. MAL -US - CIVIL ENGINEER Title 4V"� ln:w.V:.*.Wl 110 ULT Page: I ... Ir9tal ORCO BLOCKCO. INC. Dlbgnr. Date: 15FEB 20i6 4610 IRLITILE ST. RIVERSIDE, C& This Wall In File.: C:UJse.rs%TMALLISTocumetftlRetain:.Pro.Olnew.combo:wails ,.2qlO;RPX.. RetainPro(C)19872ISi.BWldll.l&1222 Lki�KW43=401. , all Code:.CBC 2013,ACI 318-1I ACI 530-11 Ud6nse.Td': -'ORCO'BLOCK COMPANY., INC-, ciliteria, ,. Mialis , 1- .. .1 0 Data: Bottum snRwu"tStaliftRaffos' . ..... F k�- Retained Height- = 4.ODt"'M6ftd 'Ure Ps M= Masonry Wall height:above son 6.00 ft t Eluid : -RFD 0.0 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heal 2.0 psi OK AcM.Heel -Pressure 45.Jq'pSVft -Sliding Ctics 0.553 Slope: Behind Wall 0.00 less 100% Passive Force = - 28,11.3 lbs less I 00%'.Fftftn Force = - 756A lbs Height of SOU over Too = 6 -00 -In: Passive Pressure=150.0 pan lbs = 160,2 Water height over heal 0.0 ft SOU'Denifty, Heil . 115:00• -pc - 1 f Serviis'LAiiel, %.# Son, bensfty"Top - 110.,00 pd ft.# 480.6 1,889.4 Moment. ... AffmNable F6otft'VjjSoII:FdctIo ,Friction 869.5 3,306.4 shiat.-Muil- Soilhi ighti-to Ig I nore Serwoe Level psi:- Straiew-Leiii for passive pressure 6.00 In 11.7 Shear ...Adciwabla J.Symhar Loads , .69.7 Lateral Load P046d to. n 0 Adj acei i Fo Ung Load psf = Surcharge Over H661 _.().60f OvertumN. am, Load' Rebar Depth. d Adja;ent Footing Load .0.0:9 Used To Risist Sliding & Masonry Data 0.0014 Footing Width 0.00 ft Surcharge Over Too ., ­ Over 070 psf ...Hilok 110 Bottom 01.001 Ecue fd* n 0.00 In heed for Slidingit Overturning -, I Load Type '60,60 WOOF V CL Dist, 0.00 ft AxIA[Loid!.-A pliddIdStem: P No *68 (Service Level), Foaft Type Line Load -21.48 Equiv. Solid Thkk igo Baw-Atibvefflelow Son Masonry;I316& Type AxIal Dest ' Load: 0.0 'Ibi' Wind on Exposed Stem.. 25.7 psi at Back of wall 0.0 ft Axial Live. L Axial Load Eccentricity 0.0 ft 0.0 In (Strength LOW" 0.300 Desidwsti-mma!y Stem 11 Co . fttrdcmofi.� 7nd.....,,. Bottum snRwu"tStaliftRaffos' . ..... F k�- Stem OK 4.00 StemOK 0.00 Overturning 2.37.OK Will Miiihill Above M= Masonry Sliding 1.58 OK DW6� kethod - 0 psf -RFD Total, Bearing Load 2,521 lbs ...rosultant am r 9.89 In Soil Pressure @,Toe = 1,816 psf OK Sod Pressura4Heal "A*: d psf OK Allowable = 2,000 pd Soll Pressure Less Than Aft-Nable ACI Factored @,Toi 4-178 psf ACI Factored Q Heal 0 psf Footing,Shear@ Too 0.0 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heal 2.0 psi OK Allowable a 75.0 psi -Sliding Ctics 0.553 Lateral:SlIdIng Force 0 658A lbs less 100% Passive Force = - 28,11.3 lbs less I 00%'.Fftftn Force = - 756A lbs Added Fordw R6qd 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 Stability, = 0.0 lbs OK Vertical component ofactive6tdmi son prsssur6 IS NOT considered in the calculation of soli bearing Load Factors Building Code CBC 2013ACI Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1:600 Earth, H 1.600 Wind, W 1.000 Seismic, E 1.000 E4L a -a -dim. 6.00 8.00 Reber, Stre # 4. # ; 4 Rebei Spacing 32.00' 16:00 A461 06c6d at = Center Edge DesignZalia wm+.Awa 0.553 0J71 Total Force section SWOO'Level ftim Stiength Lavel lbs = 160,2 736.2 MornerrL-Aiival Serviis'LAiiel, %.# Strength Level ft.# 480.6 1,889.4 Moment. ... AffmNable ft.= 869.5 3,306.4 shiat.-Muil- Serwoe Level psi:- Straiew-Leiii 01 K=, 4.9 11.7 Shear ...Adciwabla psi = .69.7 69.7 Wall -Welght psf = 47.0 sco Rebar Depth. d in- 2.75 5.25 Masonry Data fm 081= -1,500 1;500 Fy psi '60,60 00,000 Solid Grouting = No *68 Modular Rafio-'n' 21.48 -21.48 Equiv. Solid Thkk igo 7.60 Masonry;I316& Type ­iz Norma . I Weight MasonyDesiDesign Method LkFD reap Ad Concete Data fe pi A&A Fy PsI E4L a -a -dim. TIMOTHY S. MALLIS - CIVIL ENGINEER 0RC0,SL0-qK CO. INC. 4610 RUTILE ST. RIVERSIDE, CA. Tbla WWI4,IKFf*z!C-xus"x T.Itle, -4.11" rw,- qtiln 6-,`vvjII,jje:�ULT Job.# D9qnr. DescrIpIfun.'... Pap: 2 Date: 15 FES 2016 CBC 2013ACI'318-1 1,ACI 530-11 '7 Fggtk tg. Dlmenip ni:&P �-Fd H641 WWth 2-3 66 Heal Total -Footing Width0. . 10014 Footing Thickness -.2r. libD In OOMS DistaneoMomentm 0 3284,ft4 Key Width KOV Depth 12;00.ln 6.60 In Mu:. Dikin", jk cif)�614� 4 -V1 "a j, Shear .0 1:05411# = 0,00 2.W psi Key Distance from Toe 2:60 R Allow I-Wor thia Toe Reinforcing = 0* .00' 75-00'Pal Surcharge over Heel 'SON CWr-Heel = Norie.-Spedd ft= 2,500 psi Fy •60.0C)apsi HeaI.R6Irw&idng' None SPbdd ConcreteFootingConcreteDensity 160.'00'od Key Re Min. As % Cover Top 2.00 0.0018 Oth rSpa dngs,-.n .. Pap: 2 Date: 15 FES 2016 CBC 2013ACI'318-1 1,ACI 530-11 (DWWcdo6:du'-9tvWaI1:b6n� oo not 'n3W"a)-. Soil Spring. Reaction Modulus pd Horizontal0ella To :of .1 The' aboystolculaUgn is nonvalid ff the heel ebl.[ bearing pressure ezceedJ because file wkmqovld` then tend huQ16 ned so,I. :OVERTURNING ForCO" t%vliju, - - - - .ce 6f.::..RESISTING..... . ite OOMS DistaneoMomentm 4 Heel AcUmPressurs 562.5 1.61- 937.5 Soil Over Heel 1,303.3 2.08 2,715.3 Surcharge over Heel 'SON CWr-Heel Surche6 Over Too rg. OJ 04WHeil Adfpwnf!F6vtIng Load wage A' f - - Added: Laterel.Load Axiali l5sad LAad i on Stem Load @:StomAbove Sall 96A 8.00 769;0 AxIaILIft Load onStiin Urchatrgeover' Toe Total, 658.6 O.T.m. 1,70.5 618.0 0-30 182.5 EaM:-@ i6rn Transitions- oqft-tWelghl = 525.0 1.75 91&8 ,Realsting0verturning Ratio = 2.37 Vertical Loads used fbr Soil Premre = 2.521.3 *-Ibs Key WbIght-1 - -,,v irt 75.0 3.0. 226.0 Component Total :- 2,521.3 ft 4,041.5 iAxial ,["-10id-NOT,,hicuded,in t6talcls"pisy' 9cz or-Used;fbr overturningresk rmcafc;iiffci. oe.-but :sIncluded the calculation ofSMdiri V91*010011 n0nt Of scttvO:hftnd 6OH: pressure IS: NOT consideri-b'di In' thte -dklcuWon of di"mliig Aeilkahcs. (DWWcdo6:du'-9tvWaI1:b6n� oo not 'n3W"a)-. Soil Spring. Reaction Modulus pd Horizontal0ella To :of .1 The' aboystolculaUgn is nonvalid ff the heel ebl.[ bearing pressure ezceedJ because file wkmqovld` then tend huQ16 ned so,I. SI TIMOTHY S. MALUS - CML ENGINEER Tits 4'8" rataln•w V WALL 1i0 c ULT Page : 1 'ORCQ 13LOCK CO. INC.Job 0 ,:'j*... Dsgnr. Date: 22 MAR 2016 45%RLMLE ST. Descrlptton c: RIVERSIDE, CA. This .Walt fn;Flle•,c;WseTsWnefflowocumer�tsbetaIn:.pro 9Uew:combo reteinling Ovalis 2013:rpx . igParo�(ya) 8 ;,'B 11.15: 1T License Ta :;ORCO BLOCK 6ntB.W811 Cod®:CBC 2818,ACi3i8-14,ACI53U-13 COMPANY INC CNteeia ®ata.. ,.. Eiet bred Height 4.07 it A41 -6w Soo Be'a*,., _ `2;000:0 psi Wail height above son 6.'001" Equii+atent Flurd Pressure Method Stops $amidl Wan - 0.00' Adhre Reel Pressure. 45.0 psf/Ft _ Height of Son over Toe = 6.00 to Passive Pressure 150.0 pm Water height over heel = 0.0 ft SonDensny„heel 11$i00'pt y,, Too 115:00 pd ' _= Footingl�SoB;FriCtton 0.300. Siahetght ta`lgnors 110:03lve`Rreseure 6.00 in ' 4.urcharge'Loads Ad acent Footing Load telim- ad.'APORed'.' Stern surd ha a over Heel _ Used To Rest 3Jidirtg & O.O:pgf: Overtiiming Lateral Load: a 'O.O #M Adjacent FootingLoad _ V.0 Surcharge Over Too = O.O psf ...ht to;To; 0.00 it .. ht to Bottom O.00:ft' Foong:Width 0.00 R _ ' 0.00 In Used for S11dingA Overturning Load Type Wind (VII) Wail tot CL Dist = 0.00 ft AXiali Load iced :to Stom,i.. , • , (Servide UMD F0°ft Type Lure Load Axdal DO" Load _ Axtal Llve Load O.O lbs 0:0 Wind on Exposed Stem = 26.7 psf Base AbavelBatow Soo = at Back of Wali 0.0 ft .. = Axial Load Eocentitcity lbs 0.0 In (Sb*Vth Level Potm' Rado 0.300 QeBign 8Ummery -� Stem CORt3tlitWon2nd Bottom WblI S1ablltly Das! - Hq.j td A ' 6ve Stem OK 9 ® ft = 4 67` &tem;OrC 0:00 Oveitumi 2.40 OK Walt Msterial Above "Nt" _ .. Masonry . Masonry Sliding 1.54 OK DeslgrrMethod LRFD LRFD Thlckness = 6.00 8.00 Total Bearing: Load a 3,005 lbs Rabai Size.. _ # 4 # .reisiruariteorr - 1011 in Rebar. Spacing •. _ .32:00 .5 18.00 Soli Pressure Toe - 1,958 psi OK ReberRtaoed at . _ . • Center Deaigil p ' Edge Son Pressure.@ Heel 0 pd OK fb/FB t W'Fa. = 0.719 0.65 Allowable 2,000 ps( Solt"Pressure Less Than Allowable * Toon ACI Factored @ Toe 2,739. I'Of Serirlce ! eVef lbs = ACI Factored @ Heel 0 psf Strength iew lbs = 208.3 1297.8 Footing Shear 4j Tae : 0.0. psl OK momeAL.I.Actual Footing Shear @:-Heel 3.4 psi OK Service Level Allowable 75.0:psl Strength1evel ft-#= -324.8 3,277:8 SlldhV CaIcs AAoirtent..- Allowable ft-#= �.5 4,929:7 Lateral Sndii.V'Force = 819:6156 Shear' ... :Acbsi We 100%Passl4e:Force= - 360.9.1lbs Seniles 'Level psi= less 100% Frktfon Force = - 90.1.6 lbs , Strength Levet ..psi= X8:3 20.4 Added Force Req'd m 0.0 lbs OK' . Shaw ... Allowable .psl = 69.7 69.7 ....for 1.5 Stability 0.0 be OK Wan Weight' psi= 47.0 84.0 Rebar Depth 'd' In =. 2.75 5:25 Masonry Data Pm . ps1= 1,500 1,500 FY psi = 6o;000 60,000 Verticat:component of active'lateral son. pressure M. Soltd'Grouting = - No Modular. Ratio. -W = 21.48 Yes 21.48 NOT conacdered n the calc ulatlon of son bearbtg Load Fetors Equiv. Solid Thick. in= 3.90 7,50 Building Code - CBC 2016ACiMasonry . Blooic Type = Normal Weight r- . Dead Load 1.400 Masonry diiigri Method = LRFD Live Load 1.700 Concrsfe-Data Earth, H Wind W 2.200 1 300 ft �� e $ , Seismte, E 1.000 TIMOTHY S.'MALUS - CIVIL ENGINEER ORCO BLOCK CO. INC. 4810 RUTILE ST. RIVERSIDE; CA. 1 Title 4'8! "In w V WALL.110 c ULT Page: 2 Jobe .New... Digin. ' Date: 22 AGAR 2016 Descriptions... . ThIS WGn tn:ENe:;cluaerstb-aftidocumentsketeln,p% Slow:combo reteining.waits 201.3.,rpx RaWnPro(Q,18fJ7. a, Buliddt.f6c08: 7 license . fG�p t ` License T"OR RCO: t3L• LOCK CSn�1fiV®lam ROM' Btl� lBEI ' Cade: CBC 2016.ACi 358-14,ACI 530-13 • COMP INC: . ConcreteStem Rebar Area Details' i . : l �oo�ing°Dirr���lala°;� S�trengtt�'s, .' �ooting�Dealgn:Resuits: ,�. Toe Widfh.. Ism°: ' • �, Heel Wide _ 9.75; TotiI Footing Wide _ 3.75` FactoredP..reseure m 2.739 O psf Mu' upward 0 2;069.A4 Footing .Thic kness 0 6,087 its Key'b"th = 12:00 in: Mu' Design 0 2;988 ft4. �Y �� 9:00'in . Actual:l lUay.Shear .= 0.00. 3:38,psI Shear O 75:00' Key Distance ftom Toa 2:75 ft1-Ma oo pal Toe Reinforcing =None Speed fe = 2,600 psi Fy = 60;000 psi' Hes! Rea br6fng a None Speed Footing Concx®ta Density 160.00.pcf Key Re�ttor�inS _ .None Speed Min, M.CA _. 0.0014 Cover Top 2.00 G6trnp :3.00: in Other 9 Sizes � S d S �= �, n9 ,. . .. To®, fJot req'd:Mu <<phP'S'lamDda'agit(Pc)•Sm ; Heel t 1190 In; 18 45`In, x.2819 in; 07®;35:71 in;' 47.02 in, #9® 5 KeY • i°1:90 far 18.46 In, "26:19 I607 '36.71 In, idtri;footlng T" r6hf Area; 0.76 In2' Mki looting T83 relrnf Area per foot 020 In2 ` At 1'avo Layers of noriz htil Bars x:23:81 In . f3890 to ; 3111n Summa-off.0veIjUmin ,.&.,R6sl§iln Folia �-it�om®nts '...OVERTURNING Force Dlstinee Moment ....RESISTING...» Force Distance Moment Item tbs ft . ft4 lbs ft ft_# Heel Active Pressure = 723:4 1.89 1,367.1 Soil Over Heel _ .. 11655.9 221 3,658.8 Surcharge over Heel "a: Stoped Soil Over; Feel = Surcharge Over Toe SUrcherge Over Heel a Adjacent Foolhtg Load Adjacent Footir'ig Load: Added Lateral Load _ AxIaI Deada oad:on`Stem- Load 0 Stem Above Soil = 96.1 8.67 833A,•`AxlalsLhre Loadon Sfem so = _ . •. > ' h > c irer Toe Surcharge Over%Toe = Total 819.5 O:T:M. 2,200.5 Stem W` S) ' 674.3 0.30 201.3 ferth,� _StiemaTransltlone= Footirfg'WeagM: = 5825 f.88 1,084.7 Rests#ingtOverturning Rio; 2A0 Key WetgM••- = 112.5 325 365.6 Vertical bads usedYor Soll:Presegge = 3,0052 Ibs Veit Component = Tool =: 3;005:2 lbs FLM.e 5,278.4 ' Axfel'i{ve Toad iVOT rncluifed In toW displayed .or used for overturning n tstance, tiut fs'induded for eoD preseur® aelpl(ation. Vertica/:component of active :lateral soil pressure:IS NOT consld6red In the calculation of Sliding F16sktenoe. ' Vertical componerrt of;ecthm lateral Boil:pressure,IS'NOT considered In-. me::calculctfon ofOvefirming Reeistn: i lorizorita! Deis' anion at Toa •of 11 611 dfse:to settlement ofa�oii.. t s ;v >(Detlectlon due;to vrall bending nbt'consadered)-k Soli Spring Reaczlon Modulus :250.0:pd Horizorhal::Deft Top of Welt (0000 rnate'only): 0.155 an The above cakwlgtlon is not valid tf the 111001 6011 besrino Dreasure exceed s_ that_ of the -toe. tQ.tbst:tl�.t TOP:VIEW FOOTING W"� BLOCK 2T' °art GROUT • : STEEL REBAR "'�i REBMEAR NT PLACE G , ��� •.�� �, . .. .:ILLUSTRATION SECTION VIEW' . .. 'BLOCK_ (12" X 12" ORA 6" X 16") :SOLID GROUT 'MIN 24" 6' (4) .# 4 REBAR REaAR . OVERLAP .. MAX. :`•i •••° --.(ONE AT.. EACH CORNER) ._....... - .,,. ALL FOOTINGS ADJACENT TO. SLOPES TO. BEAT LEAST 5' TO . DAYLIGHT AS SHOWN BELOW. I � MIN 24" REBAR. C?J # OVER GRADE BOTroM _ _ of S' MIN.' FOOTING I T ga LIMITATIO_NS:. `�'�" ,•' FOOTNG REBAR SHALL f1•'; �` �. r; HAVER MIN: 6' LONG 1 PIL?'STER SPACING SHALL NOT, EXCEED 20 FT. WHEN OTHER INFILL FENCING 20iiookANaArnN. IS ATTACHED' 16° s{t coracriETEcovEla of 3". 2 ONLY OPEN TYPE FENCING (SUCH AS WROUGHT IRON)'MAY BE ATTACHED TO i3 �€ PILASTCRS..' SOLID TYPE FEN CING MAY.,NO f BE ATTACHED TO PILASTER. alill �. 3 •„ r 3 WEIGHT AND 4 FT. MAX WIDTH'P RPRE LIMIPILASTER. GATES AND DOORS xr�ACHED TO TED TO 200# MAX 4:THIS PILASTER DESIGN IS INTENDED TO. BE USED ONLY AS A FENCING - 'FEATURE AND IS NOT INTENDED TO SUPPORT ANY OTHER LOADS . . --27 5 FENCE HEIGHTS ARE REGULATED — CONSULT ZONING REGULATIONS BEFORE CHECK WITH _THE,BUIWING _DEPARTMENT BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION: r TO. VERIFY -IF—A-E-30 LDING PERM ITIS REQUIRED; 6. INSTALLATION OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS;.CONDUITS. OR UGHTING FIXTURES WHEN A BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED; REQUIRE. EI EGTRICAL.PERiviRS"AND INSPECTION. THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS ARE ALSO REQUIRED: 7 FOOTINGS TO BE PLACED IN UNDISTURBED SOIL OR'PROPERLY COMPACTED :AND ENGINEERED FILL. 1) FOOTING: EXCAVATION TRENCH CLEANWITH STEEL w •. ' 8 IN PLACE AND SUPPORTED 3" ABO"VE'ANO:AWAY FROMFR DESIGN PARAMETERS. SEE FREESTANDING BLOCK WALL STANDARD. .. � •> .O-' • • THE SURROUNDING THE EARTH/DIRT. -'WESTERN RIVERSIDE'.COUNTY.CODE UNIFORMITY PROGRAM 2) REBAR/PRE-GROUT; VERTICAL REBAR:IN'PLACE INSPECTION PRIOR TO PLACING GROUT. 3) FINAL, AFTER GROUT IS PLACED - PRIOR TO -ANY DECORATIVE CAP PLACEMENT: DISCLAIMER:. . MAS'ONRY PILASTER • �'�/ OF y�lf. ALTERNATE DESIGNS MAY BE POSSIBLE WMEitiPROVIOED WITH AN ENGINEERED ANALYSIS. USE OF THIS.STANDARDDESIGN IS78-495 CALLS TAMPICO AT THE USER'S RISK AND CARRIES NO IMPLIED OR INFERRED PHONE(760):777 71251' GUARANTEE AGAINST FAILURE OR DEFECTS: I A_ UINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (.7.60).777-7011 ;10/9/2014 COMMUNiT1 DEVELOPMENT DEPT. PAGE LOF 1 I. #4 HORIZONTAL REBAR 1 (USE.BOND BEAM BLOCK) i .6"'OR 8" BLOCK I H.. H.. HEIGHT FROM TOP ..... .. .:.... #4 HORIZONTAL AT 32'."MAX. O.C. _ _ .. } HEIGHT FROM TOP OF FOOTING (USE BOND BEAM BLOCK) OF FOOTING SEETABLE"A" SEE TABLE "B" FOR REBAR SIZE FOR REBAR SIZE I AND -SPACING AND SPACING. 5]9 (t,GCAIE REDARIN Ca;r4i F.R or CL/,I.l ft:.C�.a'fE RCE.Vi IN C:f.1FFJt OF CCI -0 i f I FINISH GRADE l '.;..... (1) - #4 REBAR,' I _..._ Y REVERSE DIRECTION OF "W" �l HOOK ON EVERY i (FOOTING WIDTH) OTHER RESAR SEE TABLE "A" :a oTi4B#LES sA,r "H "W VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT ..-::-..:_.:... VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT _ ... 3•t 4! 20" #4 @ 48" O.C. 5' 23" #4 @ 48' O.G.; 6 .29" #4 @ 24" O.C., . (2) :- #4. REBAR:..._:: CONTINUOUS !(FOOTING WIDTH) SEE" TABLE "B" ALL FOOTINGS ADJACENT TO SLOPESTO BE AT LEAST 5' TO DAYLIGHT AS SHOWN BELOW. a.. s n,� or- 12" vg�A�3L{ Ott' H W ..-::-..:_.:... VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT _ ... 3•t 19" #'4 @ 48" O.C.: : WESS'I RN,,RIV .. .MORE THAN 6" ON OPPOSING SIDES OF THE WALL. THIS IS ,#4 @ 48" O.C... 5; 29" #4 @;48" O.C,:: 6' 34"1 #4 9.24" O.C.' 5 .._ ... TOOTING MIN. NOTES.....: EHECK,./ITH.THE.B•UILDtNG.:DEPARTMENT,IO. 8) REBAR TO BE CENTERED IN MASONRY CELLS. VERIFY, IF A BUILDING PERMIT IS REQU[R.ED. 1) THIS DESIGN DOES NOT ALLOW GRADE DIFFERENTIALS OF. : WESS'I RN,,RIV .. .MORE THAN 6" ON OPPOSING SIDES OF THE WALL. THIS IS WHEN A PERMIT IS,REQUFRED, THE FOLLOWING. NOT A RETAINING WALL. INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED: 2) FENCE HEIGHTS ARE REGULATED - CONSULT ZONING 1 )`FOOTING: EXCAVATION TRENCH CLEAN WITH REGULATIONS BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. STEEL IN PLACE AND SUPPORTED 3" ABOVE AND 3) NO WATER COURSE OR NATURAL DRAINAGE SHALL BE AWAY FROM THE SURROUNDING EARTH/DIRT. OBSTRUCTED. 2) REB•ARARRE GROUT: BONG BEAM REBAR AND 4) GROUT ONLYTHE CELLS CONTAINING REBAR. THIS WALL VERTICAL REBAR IN PLACE -,INSPECTION PRIOR TO 1S NOT DESIGNED FOR ALL CELLS TO BE GROUTED. PLACING GROUT. 3) FINAL AFTER GROUT IS PLACED - PRIOR TO ANY 5) ALL REBAR TO BE ASTM SPEC. A6 1 5 GRADE 40 MINIMUM. 2 4 " DECORATIVE CAP PLACEMENT. 6) ALL REBAR LAP SPLICES l U BE MINIMUtd. 7) ALL MASONRY UNITS TO BE ASTM C-90 GRADE N. 8) REBAR TO BE CENTERED IN MASONRY CELLS. - '- r : WESS'I RN,,RIV .. s 'SEE PAGE 2 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION' DISCLAIMEDR; ALTERNATE ESIGNS MAY BE POSSIBLE WHEN PROVIDED WITH AN ENGINEERED 'DESIGN �YtF+.;��u•. ANALYSIS. USE OF THIS STANDARD IS AT. THE USER'S RISK. AND CARRIES NO' . ..... IMPLIED OR INFERRED GUARANTEE AGAINST',, PI:I0NE•(7'6.0) 777-7.1.25' FAILURE OR DEFECTS. i FAX (760)'777-701 1 COUNTY CODE UNIFORMITY PROGRAM ..-,_ FREESTANDING BLOCK WALL' 78=49.5 CAI Ll.' TAMIlli:;U: `I:A 4LI;LNT6, CaNIJI-7.6RNIA 222.5:3 IV/9/2J1�1 COMMUNITY UL'VELUP61EC.'r Crum I' cA .I U1+2. FOO DESIGN PARAMETERS: ACTIVE SOIL PRESSURE (PSF) =30 PASSIVE SOIL BEARING (PSF) =150 COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION = 0.25 ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING (PSF) =1500 WIND = 80 MPH. EXPOSURE C SEISMIC: NA= l.'3. NV= 1.6. Z=0.4. SOIL PROFILE=SD WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNTY CODE UNIFORMITY PROGRAM FREESTANDING BLOCK WALL � or na P110NB (760) 777-7125 ! 78-495 CALLO . ,�rtw�4•e nAl n: FAX (760) 777-7011 1 )0/9/2014 lcoroieTun rlv uewa oretra�I ot:I�.I PAGE20R2