06-1523 (AR) Title 24� TITLE 24 � Energy Conservation � Standards Compliance Report (Calculations Based On 2005 Standards) ANDALUSIA AT CORAL MOUNTAIN 75 SERIES' X LOTS PLAN 6X with CUSTOM GUEST HOUSE LA QUINTA March 15, 2006 w Madlin's Job Number: 26155A ' Prepared For: CITY OF LA QUINTA CORAL OPTION 1, LLC. 13UILDING & SAFETY DEPT. P.O. BOX 1716 APPROVED LA QUINTA, CA 92253 FO N RUCTION TELEPHONE (760) 777-77 �b ' DAT 7MAR a ins 2006 ' enterprises By vvvvvvv Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Ener Analyst .� Energy Y Post Office Box 1443 w Palm Springs, CA 92263 Phone 760-322-5004 / 760-323-3644 Fax E-mail: Cmadlin@aol.com 1 1 f ' Madlin s � enterprises p Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst - 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 Fax. - - ... - � I 11 � I Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards Compliance Report This proposed project has been reviewed for compliance with the 2005 State of California Energy Conservation Standards, Title 24, by Madlin s Enterprises. The building design described in this compliance report is in conformance with the standards as outlined in the attached compliance forms and documentation. Date: March 15, 2006 Job Number: 26155A Owner's Name: CORAL OPTION 1, LLC. Designer's Name: PEKAREK-CRANDELL, LLC Project Name: ANDALUSIA AT CORAL MOUNTAIN — PLAN 6 w/ CUSTOM GH Project Location: 75 SERIES — X LOTS - LA QUINTA Method of Compliance: MICROPAS V7.1 CERTIFIED COMPUTER PROGRAM Certified Energy Analyst Catherine M. Madlin r rr NR05-90-721 r C A B E C R05-90-630 California Association of Building Energy Consultants Post Office Box 1443 w Palm Springs, CA 92263 � I � I I I 1 Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst - 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 Fax Madli s enterprises Tvvvvvv DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING COMPONENT MINIMUM COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS Job Name ANDALUSIA AT CORAL MOUNTAIN 75 SERIES — X LOTS — PLAN 6 w/ CUST.GH Job Number / File Number / Compliance Method 26065A / Micro as V7.1 Computer Simulation Insulation: Roof / Ceiling R-38 Batts Roof Radiant Barrier Required at Roof — Installed Per Mfg Secs Insulation: Walls R-19 Batts + 1"EPS R-4.0 or Better 2x6 Studs R-19 Batts — House to Garage Firewall R-13 Batts — 2x4 Wall — Firewalls Insulation: Floor - Slab on Grade Not Required Insulation: H.VA.C. Ducts / Location R-4.2 / Attic (CEC Default Value H.V.A.C. Duct Testing Duct Testing Not Required Glazing: Exterior Shading Overhangs as Shown on Plans Thermal Mass Square Footage & % Not Required for Compliance HVAC System Efficiency Gas Heating Electric AC 80% AFUE / 13.0 SEER / 11.5 EER w/ TXV HVAC System Efficiency Heat Pump Units 8.0 HSPF / 13.0 SEER / 11.2 EER w/ TXV Domestic Hot Water Heater See CF -1R for Quantity Energy Factor / Eff / Standby Loss Large WH: 0.80 RE or Better Small WH: < 50 Gallon WH: 0.62 EF or Better R-12 Blanket on Tank Not Required For Compliance Recirculating Pump for DHW Lar - e WH: Yes with Time and Temp Controls Third Party Certified Inspections for T24 11Re uired for Verified EER & TXV Other Requirements Applicable Mandatory Measures Fenestration Type U Factor (maxim m SHGC maximum Tested Value Operable 0.38 0.35 Yes — NFRC Casement or Awning 0.38 0.35 Yes — NFRC Fixed 0.380.35 Yes — NFRC Patio Doors 0.40 0.40 Yes — NFRC French Doors 0.38 0.35 Yes — NFRC Typical specifications: Dual Pane, Low E Coating, Any Frame Type, Anderson or Equal Product Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst - 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 Fax Post Office Box 1443 - Palm Springs, CA 92263-1443 - Cmadlin@aol.com Madlin s enterprises VVVVVVV Note 7�a Pian Ckeeker This Title 24 compliance report is based on the original plan takeoff for Plan 6 with a detached guest house and modified to include the new 426 sq.ft. addition. Our original calculation for this plan is job number 25476B in the report issued on January 6, 2006 for the Andalusia 75 Series. All entries in this calculation remain the same with the following exceptions: 1. Relocation of window #12 from the rear of the original guest house to the right side of the addition: 2. New windows #47-50 in the new addition. 3. New walls, roof, slab, SC door and mass for the addition. 4. Addition of the kitchenette 2 light fixture to the WS -5R worksheet. 5. Increase the size of the heat pump unit for the guest house from'2 tons to 3 tons. Please feel free to contract me if you have any questions regarding this report. Catherine M. Madlin Certified Energy Plans Examiner No R05-89-5123 Residential / NR05-88-5578 Nonresidential Certified Energy Analyst No. R05-90-630 Residential / NR05-90-721 Nonresidential Madlin s en terpnses Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 l 323-3644 (fax) ... V v ® . Title 24 Compliance Forms CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF -1R Page 1 Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN6X.GHX2 Date..03/15/06 09:15:48 Project Address........ PLAN 6X w/DET GH DBL ******* ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v7.10* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Ciimate Zone 15 Compliance Method...... MICROPAS7 v7.10 for 2005 Standards.by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 MICROPAS7 Building Permit Plan Check Date Field Chec7T Date Compliance Method...... MICROPAS7 v7.10 for 2005 Standards.by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 GENERAL INFORMATION HERS Verification. ........ MICROPAS7 ENERGY USE SUMMARY Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance (kTDV/sf-yr) Design Design Margin Space Heating.......... 2.56 2.71 -0.15 Space Cooling.......... 71.32 65.05 6.27 Water Heating.......... 4.65 9.04 -4.'39 North Total 78.53 76.80 1.73 Space Heating.......... 2.56 2.68 -0.12 Space Cooling.......... 71.32 64.58 6.74 Water Heating.......... 4.65 9.04 -4.39 East Total 78.53 76.30 2.23 Space Heating.......... 2.56 2.68 -0.12 Space Cooling.......... 71.32 66.07 5.25 Water Heating.......... 4.65 9.04 -4.39 South Total 78.53 77.79 0.74 Space Heating.......... 2.56 2.50 0.06 Space Cooling.......... 71.32 63.87 7.45 Water Heating.......... 4.65 9.04 -4.39 West Total 78.53 75.41 3.12 *** Building complies with Computer Performance *** *** HERS Verification Required for Compliance *** GENERAL INFORMATION HERS Verification. ........ Required 5521 sf Single Family Detached New NaturalGas Cardinal - N,E,S,W 1 1 FullYear Conditioned FloorArea..... ' Building Type.. . Construction Type ......... Fuel Type ..... ..... ... Building Front Orientation. Number of Dwelling Units... Number of Building Stories. Weather Data Type.......... Required 5521 sf Single Family Detached New NaturalGas Cardinal - N,E,S,W 1 1 FullYear CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF -1R Page 2 Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN6X.GHX2 Date..03/15/06 09:15:48 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -FORM CF -1R .User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Number of Building Zones... 2 Conditioned Volume......... 58627 cf Slab -On -Grade Area......... 5521 sf Glazing Percentage......... 17.8 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.38 Average Ceiling Height..... 10.6 ft BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Floor # of # of Cond- Thermo- Vent Vent Verified Area Volume Dwell Peop- it- stat Height Area Leakage or Zone Type (sf) (cf) Units le ioned Type (ft) (sf) Housewrap 1.ZONE Residence 4546 48877 0.82 4.9 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No 2.ZONE Residence 975 9750 0.18 1.1 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No OPAQUE SURFACES U- Sheath- Solar Appendix Frame Area fact- Cavity ing Act Gains IV Location/ Surface Type (sf) or R-val R-val Azm Tilt Reference Comments 1.ZONE 1 Wall Wood 510 0.055 19 4 0 90 Yes IV.9 C5 2X6 Studs 3 Wall Wood 1353 0.055 19 4 90 90 Yes IV.9 C5 5 Wall Wood 601 0.055 19 4 180 90 Yes IV.9 C5 7 Wall Wood 1054 0.055 19 4 270 90 Yes IV.9 C5 9 Wall Wood 331 0.074 19 0 0 90 No IV.9 A5 11 Wall Wood 90 0.102 13 0 0 90 No IV.9 A3 2x4 Studs 14 Door Other 24 0.500 0 0 0 90 No IV.5 A4 15 RoofRad Wood 4541 0.025 38 0 n/a 0 Yes IV.1 A18 2.ZONE 2 Wall Wood 215 0.055 19 4 0 90 Yes IV.9 C5 2X6 Studs 4 Wall Wood 526 0.055 19 4 90 90 Yes IV.9 C5 .6 Wall Wood 255 0.055 19 4 180 90 Yes IV.9 C5 8 Wall Wood 535 0.055 19 4 270 90 Yes IV.9 C5 10 Wall Wood 105 0.074 19 0 0 90 No IV.9 A5 12 Door Other 24 0.500 0 0 90 90 Yes IV.5 A4 13 Door Other 24 0.500 0 0 90 90 Yes IV.5 A4 16 RoofRad Wood 975 0.025 38 0 n/a 0 Yes IV.1 A18 PERIMETER LOSSES Appendix Length F2 Insul Solar IV Location/ Surface (ft) Factor R-val Gains Reference Comments 1.ZONE 17 S1abEdge 369 0.730 R-0 No IV.26 Al 19 S1abEdge 35 0.730 R-0 No IV.26 Al 2.ZONE ' CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF -1R Page 3 Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN6X.GHX2 Date..03/15/06 09:15:48 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 1 ' Surface 18 S1abEdge 20 S1abEdge FENESTRATION SURFACES Exterior Area U- Act Shade Orientation (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type Location/Comments ' 1. ZONE PERIMETER LOSSES 1 Wind ' 2 Appendix Length F2 Insul Solar IV Location/ (ft) Factor R-val Gains Reference Comments 171 0.730 R-0 No IV.26 Al 11 0.730 R-0 No IV.26 Al FENESTRATION SURFACES Exterior Area U- Act Shade Orientation (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type Location/Comments ' Back 1. ZONE 48.0 1 Wind ' 2 Door 4 ' 3 4 Door Door 48.0 5 Door 270 6 Wind W2/FR.DR Average 7 Wind ' 8 Wind 180 9 Wind W3/Patio Dr Average 10 Wind ' 11 19 Wind Wind 270 20 Wind W4/Patio Dr Average 21 Wind t 22 23 Door Door 180 24 Door W5/FR.DR Average 25 Wind ' 26 27 Wind Wind 180 28 Wind W6/Casement Average 29 Wind ' 30 31 Wind Wind 270 32 Wind W7/Fixed Average 33 Wind 4.0 34 Wind ' 35 Wind W8/Fixed Average 36 Skyl 4.5 37 Skyl 270 38 Skyl W9/Casement Average 39 Skyl 13.5 40 Skyl 270 41 Door W10/Fixed Average 44 Wind 13.5 45 Wind 270 46 Wind W11/Fixed Average 2. ZONE (E) 12 Wind ' 13 Wind Back (S) 48.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard W1/Fixed Average Right (W) 48.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W2/FR.DR Average Back (S) 240.0 0.400 0.400 180 90 Standard W3/Patio Dr Average Right (W) 120.0 0.400 0.400 270 90 Standard W4/Patio Dr Average Back (S) 48.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard W5/FR.DR Average Back (S) 15.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard W6/Casement Average Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W7/Fixed Average Right (W) 4.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W8/Fixed Average Right (W) 4.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W9/Casement Average Right (W) 13.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W10/Fixed Average Right (W) 13.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W11/Fixed Average Left (E) 4.5 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard W19/Casement Average Front (N) 4.5 0.380 0.350 0 90 Standard W20/Fixed Average Right (W) 17.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W21/Casement Average Front (N) 24.0 0.380 0.350. 0 90 Standard W22/FR.DR Average Front (N) 24.0 0.380 0.350 0 90 Standard W23/FR.DR Average Front (N) 24.0 0.380 0.350 0 90 Standard W24/FR.DR:Average Right (W) 12.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W25/Casement Average Right (W) 12.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W26/Casement Average Right (W) 12.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W27/Casement Average Back (S) 12.5 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard W28/Casement Average Left (E) 23.4 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard W29/Casement Average Left (E) 4.5 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard W30/Casement Average Left (E) 4.5 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard W31/Casement Average Left (E) 15.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard W32/Casement Average Left (E) 15.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard W33/Casement Average Left (E) 4.5 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard W34/Casement Average Left (E) 13.5 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard W35/Casement Average Horz 1.0 1.720 0.830 0 0 None W36/Skylight Average Horz 1.0 1.720 0.830 0 0 None W37/Skylight Average Horz 1.0 1.720 0.830 0 0 None W38/Skylight Average Horz 1.0 1.720 0.830 0 0 None W39/Skylight Average Horz 1.0 1.720 0.830 0 0 None W40/Skylight Average Front (N) 48.0 0.500 0.500 0 90 Standard W41/Entry Dr Average Front (N) 3.8 0.380 0.350 0 90 Standard W44/Fixed Average Front (N) 3.8 0.380 0.350 0 90 Standard W45/Fixed Average Front (N) 3.8 0.380 0.350 0 90 Standard W46/Fixed Average Left (E) 4.5 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard W12/Casement Average Right (W) 4.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W13/Casement Average CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF -1R Page 4 Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN6X.GHX2 Date..03/15/06 09:15:48 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 FENESTRATION SURFACES 0VFRHANC,S Window ---Overhang Area Left Right Exterior (sf) Width Height Depth Height Extension Extension 1.ZONE Area U- 1 Window 48.0 8 6 1.67 0 Act n/a Shade 2 Door 48.0 6 8 30 6 Orientation n/a (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type Location/Comments 14 Wind Right (W) 9.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W14/Casement Average 15 Wind Right (W) 4.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W15/Casement Average 16 Wind Right (W) 4.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W16/Casement Average 17 Wind Left (E) 15.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard W17/Casement Average 18 Door Left (E) 48.0 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard W18/FR.DR Average 42 Wind Left (E) 4.5 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard W42/Casement Average 43 Wind Left (E) 4.5 0.380 0.350 90 90 Standard W43/Casement Average 47 Wind Back (S) 15.0 0.380 0.350 180 90 Standard W47/Casement Average 48 Wind Right (W) 4.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W48/Casement Average 49 Wind Right (W) 4.5 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W49/Casement Average 50 Wind Right (W). 9.0 0.380 0.350 270 90 Standard W50/Casement Average 0VFRHANC,S Window ---Overhang Area Left Right Surface (sf) Width Height Depth Height Extension Extension 1.ZONE 1 Window 48.0 8 6 1.67 0 n/a n/a 2 Door 48.0 6 8 30 6 n/a n/a 3 Door 240.0 22 12 17 2 n/a n/a 4 Door 120.0 12 12 13 2 n/a n/a 5 Door 48.0 6 8 28 6 n/a n/a SLAB SURFACES Area Slab Type (sf) 1.ZONE Standard Slab 4546 2.ZONE Standard Slab 975 HVAC SYSTEMS Verified Number Verified Verified Verified Verified Maximum System of Minimum Refrig Charge Adequate Fan Watt Cooling Type Systems Efficiency EER or TXV Airflow Draw Capacity 1.ZONE Furnace 4 0.800 AFUE n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ACSplit 4 13.00 SEER 11.5 Yes No No No 2.ZONE HPSplit 1.0 8.00 HSPF n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a HPSplit 1.0 13.00 SEER 11.2 Yes No No No CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF -1R Page 5 Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN6X.GHX2 Date..03/15/06 09:15:48 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 System Type 1. ZONE Furnace ACSpli 2.ZONE HPSplit HPSplit ' Tank Type DHW ,1 1 Large ' DHW 2 2 Large DHW 3 3 Storage Total t Duct HVAC SIZING Duct Surface Buried Type Location R -value Verified Area Total Sensible Design Maximum Factor Heating Cooling Cooling Cooling R-4.2 Load Load Capacity Capacity Attic (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) No 89819 n/a n/a n/a 30 n./a 68074 84480 n/a No 26148 n/a n/a n/a R-4.2 n/a 17467 21677 n/a 115966 85541 106157 n/a Orientation of Maximum..... Front Facing 0 deg (N) Sizing Location... ........ INDIO Winter Outside Design...... 24 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 111 F Summer Inside Design....... 75 F Summer Range ............... 30 F DUCT SYSTEMS Verified Verified Verified System Duct Duct Duct Surface Buried Type Location R -value Leakage Area Ducts 1.ZONE Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value Furnace Attic R-4.2 No No No ACSplit Attic R-4.2 No No No 2.ZONE Standard 1 0.62 30 R- n/a HPSplit Attic R-4.2 No No No HPSplit Attic R-4.2 No No No WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Tank External Heater in Energy Size Insulation Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a 75 R-0 Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 n/a 75 R-0 Gas Standard 1 0.62 30 R- n/a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF -1R Page 6 Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN6X.GHX2 Date..03/15/06 09:15:48 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL ' Recovery Rated System Efficiency Input Standby Loss Fraction Internal Tank Insulation Pilot R -value Light DHW 1 1 Large 0.80 n/a 0.03 R-n/a 0 DHW 2 2 Large. 0.80 n/a 0.03 R-n/a 0 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This building incorporates a HERS verified Refrigerant Charge test or a HERS verified Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary. This building incorporates HERS verified EER. This is a multiple orientation building. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. This building incorporates a non-standard Water Heating System. HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION *** Items in this section require field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods and *** *** must be reported on the CF -4R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates a HERS verified Refrigerant Charge test or a HERS verified Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary. This building incorporates HERS verified EER. REMARKS SEE COMPLIANCE FORM CF -1R ADDENDUM A FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND REMARKS BY DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR. I� 7 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL COMPUTER METHOD CF -1R Page 7 Project Title........... ANDALUSIA.PLAN6X.GHX2 Date..03/15/06 09:15:48 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 REMARKS ' Name.... COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance Address. specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the ' California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. ' DESIGNER or OWNER DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR 1 Name.... CATHERINE M. MADLIN Company Madlin's Enterprises idcires, . P.O. Box 1443 Palm Springs, CA 92262 Pho e... 760-322-5004 7 /1 Signed.. (date) 3 /,To(o Certified Energy Analyst Catherine M. Madlin r r NR05-90-721 rr C ADE C R05-90-630 Califomia Association of Building Energy Consultants Name.... Company. CORAL OPTION 1, LLC ' Address. P.O. BOX 1716 LA QUICA 92253 Phone... 0-77!77777 License. Signed.. V (date) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name.... Title... ' Agency.. Phone... ' Signed.. (date) t • 1 Name.... CATHERINE M. MADLIN Company Madlin's Enterprises idcires, . P.O. Box 1443 Palm Springs, CA 92262 Pho e... 760-322-5004 7 /1 Signed.. (date) 3 /,To(o Certified Energy Analyst Catherine M. Madlin r r NR05-90-721 rr C ADE C R05-90-630 Califomia Association of Building Energy Consultants Madlins enteT�ises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst w' 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 Fax Post Office Box 1443 v' Palm Springs, CA 92263-1443 w Cmadlin@aol.com ....... Compliance Form CF 1 R Addendum A Additional Remarks By Title 24 Documentation Author The attached compliance calculations are based on the largest glazing areas when different fenestration options are offered or occur due to elevation changes. The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner or his/her authorized representative may install better materials or equipment without obtaining revised compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included in the compliance report are for permit purposes only. The licensed installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determining the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accordance with industry standards. The load calculation included in the Title 24 report considers ambient temperature load, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and system/equipment performance. All contractors, subcontractors and their representatives at the job site are responsible to meet all Title 24 Energy Standards Mandatory Measures related to their work. Information about these requirements can be obtained at www.energy.ca.gov: Compliance Form CF -6R Installation Certificate is required to be completed by installing contractors during various phases of construction. These include the plumbing, HVAC, fenestration/glazing, and insulation contractors. The form is to be posted at the job site unless otherwise directed by the local enforcement agency. Documentation Author: Catherine M. Madlin Certified Energy Plans Examiner No R05-89-5123 Residential/ NR05-88-5578 Nonresidential Certified Energy Analyst No. R98-90-144 Residential / NR98-90-544 Nonresidential It h MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: RESIDENTIAL (Page I of 2) MF -IR Note: Low-rise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. More stringent compliance requirements from the Certificate of Compliance supersede the items marked with an asterisk (•) below. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or check NA if not applicable. DESCRIPTION NA Desi er Enforce -tient Building Envelope Measures: ✓ ✓ '� • §150(a): Minimum R-19 in wood frame ceiling insulation or equivalent U -factor in metal flame ceiling. ❑ ❑ §150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value: ❑ ❑ • §150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U -factor in metal fiame walls (does not apply to exterior mass walls). ❑ Qr ❑ • §150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation inflamed floors or equivalent 1.1 -factor. E ❑ ❑ § 150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gras Logs. 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a_ closeable metal or glass door covering the entire opening of the firebox ❑ ❑ b. outside air intake with damper and control, flue damper and control ❑ ❑ 2. No continuous burning gas pilot lights allowed. ❑ el ❑ §150(f): Air retarding wrap installed to comply with §151 meets requirements specified in the ACM Residential Manual. 117 ❑ ❑ §150(8): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. (a ❑ ❑ §150(1) : Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate for the insulation material alone without facings no greater than 0.3% water vapor permeance rate no greater than 2.0 permlinch. ❑' ❑ 0 §118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation installation quality standards. Indicate type and include CF -6R Foran: ❑ [�' ❑ §I 16-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors, and Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls. 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. ❑ 2. Fenestration products (except field -fabricated) have label with certified U -factor, certified Solar Heat Cain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification. ❑ (a [] 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. . ❑ (tr ❑ Space Conditioning, Water Beating and Plumbing System Measures: §110-§113: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets wed by the Energy Commission. ❑r[x� ❑ §150(h): Heating and/or tooting loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. ❑ LII ❑ §150(i): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. ❑ a ❑ §15t)(j): Water system pipe and tank insulation and cooling systems line insulation. ❑ G2r ❑ 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be eatemally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. ❑ [� ❑ 2. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 internal insulation and indicated on the exterior of the tank showing the R -value. Gr ❑ ❑ 3. The following piping is insulated according to Table 150-A/B or Equation 150-A Insulation Thickness: 1. First 5 feet of hot and cold water pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculating systems, and entire length of recirculating sections of hot water pipes shall be insulated to Table 150B. (� ❑ 2. Cooling system piping (suction, chilled water, or brine lines), piping insulated between heating source and indirect hot water tank shall be insulated to Table 150-B and Equation 150-A. ❑ d ❑ 4. Steam hydronic heating systems or hot water systems >15 psi, meet requirements of Table 123-A. er ❑ ❑ Residential Compliance Forms April 2005 I : MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: RESIDENTIAL (Page 2 of 2) MF -IR Space Conditioning, Water Beating and Plumbing System Measures: (continued) Enforce- NA-" Desi ner men$ 5. Insulation must be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind. ❑ [� ❑ 6. Insulation for chilled water piping and refrigerant suction piping includes a vapor retardant or is enclosed entirely in 11E]conditioned 7. Solar water -heating systems/collectors are certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation. (� ❑ ❑ ' §150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirement of the CMC Sections 601, 602, 603, 604, 605 and Standard 6-5; supply -air and retum-air ducts and plenums are insulated to a minimum installed level of RAI or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable ❑ (� ❑ requirements of UL 181, UL 181 A, or UL 181 B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirementsof UL 723. If mastic or tape is used to seal opaningsocaterthan 1/4 inch the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used. 2. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and ❑ 13support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. 3. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive dud tapes ❑ Q 11unless such is used in combination with mastic and draw bands. 4. Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. ❑ ❑ 5. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated [I❑ dam 6. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water ❑ tb ❑ retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material. 7. Flexible duds cannot have porous inner cores. ❑ ❑ § 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. A thermal efficiency that complies with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations, on-off switch mounted outside of the ❑ d ❑ heater, weatherproof operating instructions no electric resistance heatingand no pilot light 2. System is installed with: a. at least 36" of pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating ❑ ❑ b. cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas . ❑ ❑ 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. ❑ [� ❑ § 115: Gas fired fan -type central furnaces, pool heaters, spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no continuously 11❑ burningpilot light tion: Non -electrical cookie /hr appliances with pilot < 150 Btu §118(i): Cool Roof material meets specified criteria ❑ Residential sighting Measures: § 150(k)I: HIGH EFFICACY LUMIIIAIRES OTHER THAN OUTDOOR HID: contain only high efficacy lamps as , / outlined in Table 150-0, and do not contain a medium screw base socket (E24/E26). Ballast for lamps 13 watts or greater ❑ I3 ❑ are electronic and have an output frequency no less than 20 kHz §150(k)l : HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRES - OUTDOOR HID: contain only high efficacy lamps as outlined in Table ❑ �. ❑ 1 SD -C, luminaire has factory installed HID ballast § I50(k)2: Permanently installed luminaires in kitchens shall be high efficacy luminaires. Up to 50 percent of the wattage, as determined in § 130 (c), of permanently installed luminaires in kitchens may be in luminaires that are not high efficacy ❑ d ❑ luminaires, provided that these luminaires are controlled by switches separate from those controlling the high efficacy luminaires. §150(k)3: Pemranently installed luminaires in bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms utility rooms shall be high efficacy luminaires. OR are controlled by an occupant sensor(s) certified to comply with Section 119(d) that does not tum on ❑ t17 ❑ automatically or have an always on option. §I50(k)4: Permanently installed luminaires located other than in kitchens, bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms shall be high efficacy luminaires (except closets less than 70fe): OR are controlled by a dimmer switch OR are ❑ d 13controlled by an occupant sensor that complies with Section 119(d) that does not tum on automatically or have an always on option. § I50(k)5: Luminaires that are recessed into insulated ceilings are approved for zero clearance insulation cover (IC) and are ❑ d ❑ certified airtight to ASTM E283 and labeled as air ti ht (A to less than 2.0 CFM at 75 Pascals. § I50(k)6: Luminaires providing outdoor lighting and permanently mounted to a residential building or to other buildings on the same lot shall be high efficacy luminaires (not including lighting around swimming pools/water features or other ❑ d ❑ Article 680 locations) OR are controlled by occupant sensors with integral photo control certified to comply with Section 119(d). § I50(k)7: Lighting for parking lots for 8 or more vehicles shall have lighting that complies with Sec. 130, 132, and 147. ❑ ❑ Lighting for parking XELTZIM for 8 or more vehicles shall have I ighting that complies with Set. 130 131, and 146. §I50(k)8: Permanently installed lighting in the enclosed, non -dwell Iing spaces of low-rise residential buildings with four or / more dwelling units shall be high efficacy luminaires OR are controlled by occupant sensor(s) certified to comply with [� ❑ ❑ Section 119(d). Residential Compliance Forms April 2005 2005 Joint Appendices Page IV -6 IV.2 Roofs and Ceilings Table IV. 1- U -factors of Wood Framed Attic Roofs Rated R -value of Continuous Insulation' R -value of Truss Attic None R-2 R-4 R-6 R-7 R-8 R-10 . R-14 Spacing Insulation A B C D E F G H 16 in. OC None 1 0.300 0.186 0.135 0.106 0.096 0.087 0.074 0.057 R-11 2 0.079 0.067 0.059 0.053 0.050 0.047 0-043 0.037 R-13 3 0.071 0.061 0.054 0.049 0.046 0.044 0.040 0.035 R-19 4 0.049 0.045 0.041 0.038 0.036 0.035 0.033 0.029 R-22 5-.. 0.043 0.039 0.036 0.034 0.033 0.032 0.030 0.026 R-25 6 0.038 0.035 0.033 0.031 0.030 0.029 0.027 0.024 R-30 7 0.032 0.030 0.028 0.027 0.026 0.025 0.024 0-022 R-38 8 0.026 0.024 0.023 0.022 0.022 0.021 0.020 0-019 R-49 9 0.020 0.019 0.019 0.018 0.018 0.017 0.017 0.015 R-60 10.'. 0.017 0.016 0.016 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.014 0.013 4 in. OC None 11 0.305 0.188 0.136 0.107 0.097 0.088 0.075 0.058 R-11 12 0.076 0.066 0.058 0.052 0.049 0.047 0.043 0.036 R-13 13 0.068 0.059 0.053 0.048 0.045 0.043 0.040 0.034 R-19 14 0.048 - 0.044 0.040 0.037 0-036 0.034 0-032 0.028 R-22 15 0.042 0.039 0.036 0.033 0.032 0.031 0.029 0.026 R-25 16 0.037 0.035 0.032 0.030 0.030 0.029 0.027 0.024 R-30 17 0.032 0.030 0.028 0.027 0.026 0.025 0.024 0.022 38 18 0.025 0.024 0.023 0.022 0.022 0.021 0,020 0.018 R-49 19 0.020 0.019 0.019 0.018 0.018 0.017 0.017 0.015 R-60 20 0.016 0.016 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.014 0.013 Notes: 1. Continuous insulation shall be located at the ceiling, below the bottom chord of the truss and be uninterrupted by framing. 2. In climate zones 1 and 16 the insulating R -value of continuous insulation materials installed above the roof waterproof membrane shall be multiplied times 0.8 before choosing the table column for determining assembly U -factor. This table contains thermal performance data (U -factors) for wood framed attics where the ceiling provides the air barrier and the attic is ventilated. Wood trusses are the most common construction for low-rise residential buildings and for Type V nonresidential buildings. While the sketch shows a truss system with a flat ceiling, the data in this table may be used for scissor trusses and other non -flat trusses. If the bottom chord is not flat, then the slope should not exceed 3:12 if blown insulation is used. This table may also be used with composite trusses that have a wood top and bottom chord and metal struts connecting them. For the majority of cases, values will be selected from column A of this table. Column A shall be used for the common situation where either batt or blown insulation is placed directly over the ceiling (and tapered at the edges). Builders or designers may increase thermal performance by adding a continuous insulation layer at the ceiling. The continuous insulation is typically a rigid polystyrene or polyisocyanurate foam insulation. Continuous insulation does not include the blown or batt insulation that is over the bottom chord of the truss (this is already accounted for in the U -factors published in Column A). When this table is used manually, the R -value of continuous insulation shall be equal to or greater than the R -value published in the continuous insulation columns. For instance if the insulation is R-3, the R-2 column shall be used. No interpolation is permitted when data from the table is selected manually. CEC approved ACM Joint Appendix IV - U -Factor, C -Factor, and Thermal Mass Data 2005 Joint Appendices Page 1V-21 1 I V.3 Walls ' Table IV.9 - LI -factors of Wood Framed Walls Rated R -value of Continuous Insulation 2 Nominal ' Cavity Framing' R-0 R-2 R-0 R-6 R-7 A-8 R-10 R-14 Sq Insulation Size A B C D E F G H 16 in. OC None Any 1 0.356 0.204 0.144 0.111 0.100 0.091 0.077 0.059 R-11 batt 2x4 2 0.110 0.087 0.073 0.063 0.059 0.056 0.050 0-041 ' R-13 batt 2x4 3 0.102 0.081 0.068 0.059 0.056 0.052 0.047 0.039 R-15 batt 2x4 4 0.095 0.076 0.064 0.056 0.053 0.050 0.045 0.038 R-19 batt 1 2x6 S 0.074 0.063 0.055 0.049 0.046 0.044 0.040 0.034 ' R-21 batt 2x6 6 0.069 0.058 0.051 0.046 0.043 0.041 0.038 0.032 R-19 batt 2x8 7 0.065 0.057 0.050 0.045 0.043 0.041 0.038 0.033 R-22 batt 2x8 8 0.061 0.053 0.047 0.042 0.040 0.039 0.036 0.031 ' R-25 batt 2x8 9 0.057 0.050 0.044 0.040 0.036 0.037 0.034 0.030 R-30 batt 1 2x8 10 0.056 0.049 0.043 0.039 0.038 0.036 0.033 0.029 R-30 batt 2x10 11 0.047 0.042 0.038 0.035 0.034 0.032 0.030 0.027 ' R-38 batt 1 2x10 12 0.046 0.041 0.037 0.034 0.033 0.031 0.029 0.026 R-38 batt 2x12 13 0.039 0.035 0.032 0.030 0.029 0.028 0.026 0.023 Foamed 2x4 14 0.103 0.082 0.069 0.060 0.056 0.053 0.048 0.040 Plastic or 2x6 15 0.071 0.060 0.052 0.047 0.044 0.042 0.039 0.033 Cellulose Insulation3 2x8 16 0.056 0.049 0.043 0.039 0.038 0.036 0.033 0.029 2x10 17 0.045 0.040 0.036 0.033 0.032 0.031 0.029 0.025 2x12 18 0.038 0.034 0.031 0.029 0.028 0.027 0.025 0.023 24 in. OC None Any 19 0.362 0.207 0.145 0.112 0.101 0.092 0.077 0.059 R-11 batt 2x4 20 0.106 0.085 0.072 0.062 0.058 0.055 0.049 0.041 R-13 batt 2x4 21 0.098 0.079 0.067 0.058 0.055 0.052 0.046 0.039 ' R-15 batt 2x4 22 0.091 0.073 0.062 0.055 0.051 0.049 0.044 0-037 R-19 batt 2x6 23 0.071 0.061 0.053 0.047 0.045 0.043 0.039 0.034 R-21 batt 2x6 24 ' 0.066 0.056 0.049 0.044 0.042 0.040 0.037 0.032 ' R-19 batt 2x8 25 0.063 0.055 0.049 0.044 0.042 0.040 0.037 0.032 R-22 batt 2x8 26.. 0.058 0.051 0.046 0.041 0.040 0.038 0.035 0.030 R-25 batt 2x8 27 0.055 0.048 0.043 0.039 0.037 0.036 0.033 0.029 R-30 batt 1 2x8 28 0.054 0.047 0.042 0.038 0.037 0.035 0.033 0.028 ' R-30 batt 2x10 :. 29 0.045 0.041 0.037 0.034 0.033 0.031 0.029 0.026 R-38 batt 1 2x10 30 0.044 0.039 0.036 0.033 0.032 0.031 0.029 0.025 R-38 batt 2x12 31 0.037 0.034 0.031 0.029 0.028 0.027 0.025 0.023 Foamed 2x4 32 0.099 0.080 0.067 0.059 0.055 0.052 0.047 0.039 Plastic or 2x6 33 0.069 0.059 0.051 0.046 0.044 0.042 0.038 0.033 Cellulose Insulation3 2x8 34 0.054 0.048 0.043 0.039 0.037 0.035 0.033 0.029 ' 2x10 : • 35 0.044 0.039 0.036 0.033 0.031 0.030 0.028 0.025 2x12 36 0.036 0.033 0.031 0.028 0.027 0.027 0.025 0.022 Notes 1. Higher density fiberglass batt is required in these cases. 2. Continuous insulation may be installed on either the inside or the exterior of the wall, or both. 3. Foamed plastic and cellulose shall fill the entire cavity. Cellulose shall have a binder to prevent sagging. ACM Joint Appendix IV - U -Factor, C -Factor, and Thennat Mass Data ' i 2005 Joint Appendices IV.5 Miscellaneous Construction Table IV,.28 - Opaque Doors Description IV -54 U -tactor (Btu/°F-ft=) Uninsulated single -layer metal swinging doors or non -swinging doors, including single -layer 1 1.45 uninsulated access hatches and uninsulated smoke vents: Uninsulated double -layer metal swinging doors or non -swinging doors, including double -layer 2 0.70 uninsulated access hatches and uninsulated smoke vents: Insulated metal swinging doors, including fire -rated doors, insulated access hatches, and insulated 3 0.50 smoke vents: Wood doors, minimum nominal thickness of 1-3/4 in. (44 mm), including panel doors with minimum 4 0.50 panel thickness of 1-1/8 in. (28 mm), and solid core flush doors, and hollow core flush doors Any other wood door. 5 0.60 Source: ASHRAE 90.1-2001, Section. AT ACM Joint Appendix IV - U -Factor, C -Factor, and Thermal Mass Data r Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst - 760-322-50041323-3644 Fax Madlin's enterprisesvvvv vvv . Residential Lighting Compliance � I � I � I I I I I I I I I Title 24 Compliance Documentation Worksheet RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN LIGHTING WORKSHEET WS 5R] ' Madlin's Enterprises Project Title: Andalusia Plan 6X Date: 3/15/2006 Job: 26155A ' luminaire Type High Efficacy? Watts x Quantity = High Efficacy Watts or Other Watts Incandescent No 75 x 3 = or 225 ' CFL -1 Yes 26 x 9 = 234 or T5-36" Yes 21 x 6 = 126 or T5-24" Yes 18 x 2 = 36 or ' x = or Kitchenette 1 x = or CFL -1 Yes 26 x 1 26 or ' x or x . = or Kitchenette 2 x or CFL -1 Yes 26 x 1 26 or x = or x = or Total A: 448 B: 225 COMPLIES IF A >_ B � I � I � I I I I I I I I I Madlin s enterpfises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 ' HVAC SIZING HVAC Page 1 Project Title........... ANDALUSIA.PLAN6X.GHX2 Date..03/15/06 09:15:48 Project A ress........ PLAN 6X w/Dr, T GH DBL ANDALUSIA, LA QUINTA *v7.10* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs,. CA 92262 760-322-5004 Fie C ec Date Climate Zone.. ..... 15 Compliance Method...... MICROPAS7 v7.10 for 2005 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area ................. 5521 sf ' Volume. 58627 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 0 deg (N) ' Sizing Location............ Latitude ................... Winter Outside Design.. INDIO 33.7 degrees 24 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F ' Summer Outside Design...... Summer Inside Design....... 111 F 75 F Summer Range.. ...... 30 F Interior Shading Used Yes ' Exterior Shading Used...... Overhang Shading Used...... Yes Yes Latent Load Fraction....... 0.24 ' HEATING AND COOLING Description LOAD SUMMARY Heating (Btu/hr) Cooling (Btu/hr) ' Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 49745 20797 Glazing Conduction and Solar..... 18098 28089 Infiltration ..................... 24443 13385 ' Internal Gain .................... Ducts ............................ n/a 23680 2980 20290 Sensible Load .................... 115966 85541 ' Latent Load ...................... Minimum Total Load n/a 115966 20615 106157 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider selection air flow sizing, also be all ' factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. r ' HVAC SIZING HVAC Page 2 Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN6X.GHX2 Date..03/15/06 09:15:48 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ZONE '2.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 975 sf Volume........................... 9750 cf Heating Description (Btu/hr) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... Glazing Conduction and Solar..... Infiltration ..................... Internal Gain .................... Ducts............................ Sensible Load .................... Latent Load ...................... Minimum Zone Load 14184 2307 4317 n/a 5339 26148 n/a 26148 Cooling (Btu/hr) 5510 4913 2364 536 4143 17467 4210 21677 ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 4546 sf Volume ........................... 48877 cf ' Heating Cooling Description (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 35561 15286 ' Glazing Conduction and Solar..... 15790 23176 Infiltration ..................... 20126 11021 Internal Gain .................... n/a 2444 ' Ducts ............................ 18341 16147 Sensible Load .................... 89819 68074 Latent Load ...................... n/a 16406 ' Minimum Zone Load 89819 84480 ZONE '2.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 975 sf Volume........................... 9750 cf Heating Description (Btu/hr) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... Glazing Conduction and Solar..... Infiltration ..................... Internal Gain .................... Ducts............................ Sensible Load .................... Latent Load ...................... Minimum Zone Load 14184 2307 4317 n/a 5339 26148 n/a 26148 Cooling (Btu/hr) 5510 4913 2364 536 4143 17467 4210 21677 HVAC SIZING HVAC Page 3 Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN6X.GHX2 Date..03/15/06 09:15:48 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 GENERAL INFORMATION FloorArea ................. Volume.. ..... ........... Front Orientation.......... Sizing Location............ Latitude... ............. Winter Outside Design...... Winter Inside Design....... Summer Outside Design...... Summer Inside Design....... Summer Range.. ..... ... Interior Shading Used.....: Exterior Shading Used...... Overhang Shading Used...... Latent Load Fraction....... Description 5521 sf 58627 cf Front Facing 90 deg (E) INDIO 33.7 degrees 24 F 70 F 111 F 75 F 30 F Yes Yes Yes 0.24 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 49745 19594 Glazing Conduction and Solar..... 18098 26274 Infiltration ..................... 24443 13385 Internal Gain .................... n/a 2980 Ducts ............................ 23680 19352 Sensible Load.... .............. 115966 81586 Latent Load....... ............... n/a 19662 Minimum Total Load 115966 101248 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. ' HVAC SIZING HVAC Page4 Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN6X.GHX2 Date..03/15/06 09:15:48 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 4546 sf Volume ...................:....... 48877 cf Heating Description (Btu/hr) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 35561 Glazing Conduction and Solar..... 15790 Infiltration ..................... 20126 Internal Gain .................... n/a Ducts ............................ 18341 Sensible Load .................... 89819 LatentLoad ...................... n/a Minimum Zone Load 89819 ZONE '2.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 975 sf Volume..... .................... 9750 cf Heating Description (Btu/hr) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 14184 Glazing Conduction and Solar..... 2307 Infiltration ..................... 4317 Internal Gain..................... n/a Ducts ............................ 5339 Sensible Load........... ....... 26148 Latent Load ...................... n/a Minimum Zone Load 26148 Cooling (Btu/hr) 14586 23367 11021 2444 15989 67406 16245 83651 Cooling (Btu/hr) 5009 2908 2364 536 3363 14180. 3417 17597 HVAC SIZING HVAC Page 5 Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN6X.GHX2 Date..03/15/06 09:15:48 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 GENERAL INFORMATION FloorArea ................. Volume.. .... ........... Front Orientation.......... Sizing Location............ Latitude... .. ....... Winter Outside Design...... Winter Inside Design....... Summer Outside Design...... Summer Inside Design....... SummerRange ............... Interior Shading Used...... Exterior Shading Used...... Overhang Shading Used...... Latent Load Fraction....... Description 5521 sf 58627 cf Front Facing INDIO 33.7 degrees 24 F 70 F 111 F 75 F 30 F Yes Yes Yes 0.24 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY 180 deg (S) Heating Cooling (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 49745 Glazing Conduction and Solar..... 18098 Infiltration ..................... 24443 Internal Gain .................... n/a Ducts ............................. 23680 20771 28086 13385 2980 20281 Sensible Load .................... 115966 85504 Latent Load ...................... n/a 20606 Minimum Total Load 115966 106110 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. 1 HVAC SIZING HVAC Page 6 Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN6X.GHX2 Date..03/15/06 09:15:48 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ZONE '1.ZONE' Cooling (Btu/hr) 15268 23173 11021 2444 16141 68046 16399 84446 Cooling (Btu/hr) 5503 4914 2364 536 4141 17457 4207 21664 Floor Area.......... ............. 4546 sf Volume ........................... 48877 cf ' Description Heating (Btu/hr) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 35561 ' Glazing Conduction and Solar..... 15790 Infiltration ..................... 20126 Internal Gain .................... n/a ' Ducts ............................ 18341 Sensible Load ................. 89819 ' Latent Load ...................... Minimum Zone Load n/a 89819 ' ZONE 12.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 975 sf Volume ........................... 9750 cf Description Heating (Btu/hr) ' Opaque Conduction and Solar...... Glazing Conduction and Solar..... 14184 2307 Infiltration ............. 4317 Internal Gain .................... n/a Ducts ............................ Sensible Load.. 5339 26148 Latent Load ...................... n/a Minimum Zone Load 26148 Cooling (Btu/hr) 15268 23173 11021 2444 16141 68046 16399 84446 Cooling (Btu/hr) 5503 4914 2364 536 4141 17457 4207 21664 HVAC SIZING HVAC Page 7 Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN6X.GHX2 Date..03/15/06 09:15:48 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area ................. 5521 sf Volume.. .... ........... 58627 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 270 deg (W) Sizing Location............ INDIO Latitude... I.. ....... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 24 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 111 F Summer Inside Design....... 75 F Summer Range.. ..... ..... 30 F Interior Shading Used...... Yes Exterior Shading Used...... Yes Overhang Shading Used...... Yes Latent Load Fraction....... 0.24 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY ' Heating Cooling Description (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) ' Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 49745 Glazing Conduction and Solar..... 18098 19465 26275 Infiltration ..................... 24443 13385 Internal Gain .................... n/a 2980 ' Ducts..........:••23680 Sensible Load.. ....•..•••••..• 115966 19312 81418 Latent Load ...................... n/a 19622 ' Minimum Total Load 115966 101040 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, such as air flow coil sizing, ' availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. etc., must also be to consider all HVAC SIZING HVAC Page 8 Project Title.......... ANDALUSIA.PLAN6X.GHX2 Date..03/15/06 09:15:48 MICROPAS7 v7.10 File -26155A1 Wth-CTZ15S05 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -2005 CODE PLAN 6X.LT1 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ZONE ZONE '1.ZONE' Floor Area ....................... 4546 sf Volume ........................... 48877 cf Heating Description (Btu/hr) 11 ZONE '2.ZONE' 35561 15790 20126 n/a 18341 89819 n/a 89819 Floor Area...... .. ........... Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ' Glazing Conduction and Solar..... Infiltration ..................... Description Internal Gain .................... iDucts ............................ Glazing Conduction and Solar..... Sensible Load .................... 1 Latent Load ...................... Minimum Zone Load 11 ZONE '2.ZONE' 35561 15790 20126 n/a 18341 89819 n/a 89819 Floor Area...... .. ........... 975 sf Volume ........................... 9750 cf Heating Description (Btu/hr) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 14184 Glazing Conduction and Solar..... 2307 Infiltration ..................... 4317 Internal Gain .................... n/a Ducts ............................ 5339 Sensible Load .................... 26148 Latent Load ...................... n/a Minimum Zone Load 26148 Cooling (Btu/hr) 14527 23367 11021 2444 15970 67329 16226 83555 Cooling (Btu/hr) 4939 2908 2364 536 3342 14089 3396 17485 Ma dlin's enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst . 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) .. Addendums and Notes Madlin s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst w 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 Fax Post Once Box 1443 v' Palm Springs, CA 92263-1443 W Cmadlin@aol.com .. - .. - . Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt Radiant Barrier Construction Practice To qualify, a radiant barrier must have an emittance of 0.05 or less. The product must be tested according to ASTM C-1371-98 or ASTM E408-71(2002) and must be certified by the Department of Consumer Affairs2. Radiant barriers must also meet installation criteria as specified i� Section 4.2.1 of the Residential ACM Manual (Section 4.2.1 is also reprodu;d jr�pendix D of this document). The most common way of megeting cant b\\arrle uirement is to use roof tel_. . sheathing that has a dibt barriet� ondb to it id�factory. Oriented strand board (OSB) is the mt c ` tena vailable with a factory -applied radiant barrier. Tla�staeathnn Irs st�)ed with the radiant barrier (shiny side) fading do-tow�(d the�tti spar . Altematively, a radiant barrier material that s t�s ` e T' st�nd moisture perforation requirements that apply to ;�t to -lar��, �t � be field -laminated. Field lamination must use a secure c nk✓ eans of holding the foil to the bottom of the roof decking such as . I or nails that do not penetrate all the way through the roof deck material. Other acceptable methods are to drape a foil type radiant barrier over the top of the top chords before the sheathing is installed, stapling the radiant barrier between the top chords after the sheathing is installed, and stapling the radiant barrier to the underside of the trusstrafters (top chord). For these installation methods, the foil must be installed with spacing requirements as described in Section 4.2.1 of the Residential ACM Manual.. The minimum spacing requirements do not apply to this installation since it is considered a "laminated" system. Installation of radiant barriers is somewhat more challenging in the case of closed rafter spaces when sheathing is installed that does not inciufle-a� laminated foil. Foil may be field -laminated after the sh­aathirp s beeje. stalled; by "laminating" the foil as described above to the roof she t�tatn �� framing members. This construction type is des� TJ� i theRes en ACM� Manual, Section 4.2.1. _ ,.�� \ ( fi` See Figi 1 1 ation methods. Madlin.' enterprises vvvvvvv Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt Deciring 11EWWeA' Roof DecWng Radiant Rafter Barrier Insulation 9 Radiant 0 Method 1: Radiant I Over Top 2: RadLOft-KKer Attached Between Truss(Rafters Roof DecWng Roof DecWng Radiant Rafter Barrier Radiant Barrier Insulati'� t4'ti �� �� Insulation 2: RadLOft-KKer Attached Between Truss(Rafters Roof DecWng Method 3: Radiant BanierAttached to Method 4: Radiant Barrier Attached to Bottom of TrussrRafter Underside of Roof Deck Figure 3-12 —Methods of Installation for Radiant Bar Radiant Barrier Insulation Joist Method 3: Radiant BanierAttached to Method 4: Radiant Barrier Attached to Bottom of TrussrRafter Underside of Roof Deck Figure 3-12 —Methods of Installation for Radiant Bar Madlin s Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst 760-322-5004 1323-3644 Fax entMWises Post Once Box 1443 W Palm Springs, CA 92263-1443 W Cmadlin@aol.com ....... Title 24'2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt Fenestration Mandatory Measures ' U -factor and SHGC Ratings §116(a)2 and §116(a)3 Table 116-A Table 116-8 ' Manufactured Fenestration Products. The rr�nda ryhreasures require that both the U -factor and the SHGC of matau�ctured4er�etration products be determined from NFRC' '1PerbTJed wduq,Directo a nom Energy Commission-approl dfault ble �At tt� ,time o if 'nspection; the actual fenestration U -f a d�iG �ral ess astrown on NFRC labels or in the default to s est re It i u�1 or'lower overall energy consumption than the �r 9Y P rti lue�,ti'i ' to n om it documents. The default U -factors are �Cbtaid i ta�s Table 116-A and the default SHGC values are co ai edandards Table 116-B also in Appendix B of this compliance {� � ( PPe P maftal). A directory of NFRC certified ratings is available at ' htta://www.NFRC.org. Commission default values in both Tables 116-A and 116-B are on the poor side of the performance range for windows. To get credit for advanced window ' features such as low -e (low -emissivity) coatings and thermal break frames, the window manufacturer must have the window tested, labeled, and certified according to NFRC procedures. Figure 3-1 shows an example of an NFRC- approved temporary fenestration label. ' Requiring that SHGC and U -factor be calculated using a common procedure ensures that the performance data for fenestration products are more �at73le and that data provided by different manufacturers can be more ea'sil �r ' The test procedure for U -factor is NFRC 100, and t prc=/ C is NFRC 200. Site -built Fenestration Products. For to -ris7rle i tial struction, site -built products are tre ted the sa e an&jl cqp ucts:U-factor and SHGC values must code -fro' ratn gs o� andards Tables 116-A and 116- BNote t di nt e talues app�r to nonresidential projects; default f/ a y fo d in eonresidential ACM Manual. ' eld ricat Products [§1 16(b)]. Field -fabricated fenestration must always usethe nergy Commission default U -factors from Standards Table 116-A and Gvalues from Standards Table 116-B. V� U! Madlin' enterprises ....... Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt Fenestration — Mandatory Measures 1' Figure 3-1— NFRC Temporary Label 1� Temporary and Permanent Labels 4 See §10-111(a and §116(a)4 Manufactured Fenestration Products. The land is tore t�atnufactured windows have both temporary and anal �a Is that �how`fiie NFRC performance characteristics. T 'm fary I be hows the U -factor and SHGC, for eacArated t)t�nr. e labs 7also show that the window meets the air infiltrat ri Brit ria e to orar' l bel must not be removed before rhe s th enfe�t agencyU r "OPmust, at a minimum, identify the certifying organization and Chave umber or code to allow tracking back to the original information on file wi h certifying organization. The permanent label can be inscribed on the spacer, etched on the glass, engraved on the frame, or otherwise located so as . not to affect aesthetics. World's Best NFRC Window Co. Millennium 2000+ finalFenratrat'm f'ng 00unc& Vinyl -Clad Wood Frame Double Glazing - Argon Fill - Low E Product Type: Vertical Slider ENERGY PERFORMANCE T S U -Factor (USAP Gaineffr ent 1)4$\0.3 fabricated fenestration products. 1 �DOIITIOf0, L OERFORMANCE RATINGS V ' lei FdKsmittance Air Leakage (USCI -P) 0.51 0.2 fdanutacturer stipulates that these ratings conform to applicable NFRC procedures for determining whole product performance. NFRC ratings are determined for a fad set of environmemml conditions and a specific product size. NFRC does not recommend any product and does not warrant the suitability of any product for any specific use. Consull manufacturer's literature for other product perfomtance information. wwwxam.org Figure 3-1— NFRC Temporary Label 1� Temporary and Permanent Labels 4 See §10-111(a and §116(a)4 Manufactured Fenestration Products. The land is tore t�atnufactured windows have both temporary and anal �a Is that �how`fiie NFRC performance characteristics. T 'm fary I be hows the U -factor and SHGC, for eacArated t)t�nr. e labs 7also show that the window meets the air infiltrat ri Brit ria e to orar' l bel must not be removed before rhe s th enfe�t agencyU r "OPmust, at a minimum, identify the certifying organization and Chave umber or code to allow tracking back to the original information on file wi h certifying organization. The permanent label can be inscribed on the spacer, etched on the glass, engraved on the frame, or otherwise located so as . not to affect aesthetics. Site -Built Fenestration Products. Labeling requirements apply to site -built fenestration products as well, except that a label certificate may be provided in accordance with NFRC 100 in place of an attached temporary label. The label certificate is a document that verifies the performance of the site -built fenestration product but that is not physically attached to the product. The label certificate is kept at the job site by the contractor for field inspector verification. Field -Fabricated Fenestration Products. A label is not required for field - fabricated fenestration products. 1 � Madlin's enterprises ' Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst W 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 Fax Post Office Box 1443 W Palm Springs, CA 92263-1443 W Cmadlin@aol.com ....... ' Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt Residential Lighting - Mandatory Measures ' High Efficacy Luminaires A luminaire is the lighting industry's term for light fixture. A luminaire consists of ' the housing, power supply (ballast), lamp,�gfle end in some cases a lens. A lamp is the lighting industry's term for a light b b_" inaires can be designed to be recessed into the ilingl, sus nd� by a ro o hain, or surface mounted on the wall or c Bilin . ' A high efficacy I j -A `e i o, a ntains only high efficacy lamps and must t con ,� c event al Mem) screw -based socket. Typically, high III air���ca in, pin -based sockets, like compact or linear fluorescent ' II s,� hough other types such as screw sockets specifically rated for ig int`eflsity discharge lamps (like metal halide lamps) may also be eligible for xternor use. Luminaires with modular components that allow conversion ' between screw -based and pin -based sockets without changing the luminaire housing or wiring shall not be considered high efficacy luminaires. These requirements prevent low efficacy lamps being retrofitted in high efficacy ' luminaires. Also, compact fluorescent luminaires with permanently installed ballasts that are capable of operating a range of lamp wattages, the highest operating input wattage of the rated (amp/ballast combination must be use for ' determining the luminaire wattage. There are two qualifying requirements for a high efficacy luminaire: at-# e lumens per watt for the lamp be above a specified threshold nd th e1 onic ballasts be used in certain applications. 1 Electronic Ballasts O Additionally, fluo 's`cent i a po �r—rating of 13 W or more shall have -eloctro ick Ila' �ha b�erdik \e lam. ata frequency of 20 kHz or more. •AII t4maire mon 'valle ectro c ballasts meet this requirement. Outdoor ' ith �ukjh intensity discharge (HID) lamps (like metal halide or high- 's ium) containing hardwired electromagnetic HID ballasts with HID dYnedium base sockets and lamps meeting the minimum efficacy ' requirements in Table 6-1 are considered high efficacy. At the present time, pin based compact fluorescent lamps that are operated with ' electronic ballasts typically have four -pin lamp holders. Pin -based compact fluorescent lamps with two -pin lamp holders typically will indicate that the ballast is magnetic. However, there are new compact fluorescent lamp holders being ' considered by the lighting industry. I. 1 1. Madlin' enterprises ♦TVVVVV Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt Residential Lighting — Mandatory Measures Lumens per Watt The lumen is the unit of visible light. To be rated as high efficacy, a lamp must produce a certain number of lumens for each watt of electrical power it consumes. Efficacy is therefore measured in lumens per watt. Almost all fluorescent lamps equipped with electronic ballasts qualify as high efficacy light sources; incandescent lamps (clud' any screw-in incandescent lamps, like regular'A' or reflector lamps or q ka halogen lamps, or low voltage lamps, like halogen MR lampsl�do riot a. classifie �"s high efficacy, a lamp must meet the requi a lisf6d i fabl -1 (d(Gurt%nted in Table 150-0 of the Standards): Frosim t owe us b\'the ballast is ignored when determining the p , p Y. g g I k ns� tt r-pu ores of compliance with the residential lighting �eq `�re nt aDl� 6-9 – Hiah Effcac Lamps Lamp power Required lamp efficacy <15W 40hVW 15-40 W 50 kn/W >40W 60 M/W Note: the wattage of the ballast is not included when determining lamp efficacy. Mercury vapor lamps do not usually meet the requirements; metal halide or compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are good replacements. For other lamp ty such as LEDs you should check with the lamp manufacturer and prov'—� documents showing that the lamp meets the requiremeRi s. To calculate the efficacy of a lamp, find out from thee' aiii#a w' nafiy lumens it produces, then divide this nu�Der�jy' h ted; tUQ the lamp. Do not include any watts consu y Mal t. VP 1Q* Standal§s require that all permanently installed luminaires be high efficacy as Orae by the Standards, with some exceptions described later in this chapter. Permanently installed luminaires include, but are not limited to those luminaires installed in, on, or hanging from the ceilings or walls (including ceiling fan lights); in or on built-in cabinets (including kitchen, nook, wet bar, and other built-in cabinets); and those mounted to the outside of the buildings. Permanently installed luminaires do not include lighting that is installed in appliances by the manufacturers including refrigerators, stoves, microwave ovens, or exhaust hoods. I Madlin' enterprises VVVVVVV Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt Residential Lighting — Mandatory Measures - I Typical efficacy of lamps 100 90 80 70 OEM= M E 60 50 40 L30 .T 20 101M 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 lamp power (W) Lamp types: --------- Metal halide lamp (T-6) Compact fluorescent lamp Minimum requirement — — — — — -- Mercury vapor lamp ---------- Incandescent lamp Halogen MR16 lamp Figure 6-1- Typical Lamp Efficacies I Madlws enterprises ' Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v' 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 Fax Post Office Box 1443 Palm Springs, CA 92263-1443 ► Cmadlin@aol.com ....... Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt ' Residential Lighting — Mandatory Measures Kitchens §950(1)2. The Standards define a residential kitchen to a "a room or area used for food storage and preparation and washing dishes lgdudi g -associated counter tops and cabinets, refrigerator, stovV, oven, pvoor ai�he definition goes on to say, "Adjacent areas are conside kitbhen if the ,1► for the adjacent areas is on the Barri swi as t e ll ting �f� the IuTbh�n". ' The intent of the n liag ting tan'• rd is o insure the builder provides the Z ccupant-with pergy fflcilig 'ng. The permanently installed lighting should rov s p <lighte els or basic kitchen tasks without the need for ' gm un , it - - ble (plug-in) lighting. A5 es ammendation may be to utilize the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) guidelines that at least 30 footcandles of light be ' provided for seeing tasks in kitchens. Seeing tasks include, but are not limited to, the basic kitchen tasks as preparing meals and washing dishes. These tasks typically occur on accessible kitchen countertops, the tops of ranges and in ' sinks, where food preparation, recipe reading, cooking, cleaning and related meal preparation activities take place, as well as at the front of kitchen cabinets so that the contents. of the cabinet are discernable. Although the design should achieve 30 footcandles on most counter -height, horizontal work surfaces, there may be a few work surfaces where the lighting levels fall below this value and ' the fronts of kitchen cabinets may also be below this value. Even in these locations, the lighting level provided should not fall below the IESNA- recommended lower value for non-critical seeing tasks of0 footcandles ' of counters that are not work surfaces, such as a comer undem at c.;Uet, may have a lighting level below 20 footcandles and ' e� th�-rego fem s_ of the standard, because meal preparatio n ik 00 ccuuine/areas. The Standards require that at les alf IighU its in a-6chen must be consumed by ht'%h effica�in' es (r mb tha low -voltage halogen MR lamps do not 1 shq cad. Be€high efficacy luminaires typically nsum e p er an oth tlu naires,'about three-fourths of the luminaires in th ` a the are ik�elyl o, 15igh efficacy. See Form WS -5R, Residential tCitchLig h ' r`(c�heet, Appendix A, which is completed to determine if kitcheri * htin complies with the Standards. on -high efficacy luminaires must be switched on a separate circuit from the high efficacy luminaires. These could include low -voltage halogen MR lamps or reflector lamps used to provide decorative spotlighting. Lighting in areas adjacent to the kitchen, such as dining and nook areas and even family rooms, is considered to be kitchen lighting if it is not separately switched from the kitchen lighting. The switches may be mounted on the same faceplate, but as long as the lights can be switched independently, these areas ' do not count as being in the kitchen. J Madfin' enterprises ♦VVVVV♦ Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt Residential Lighting — Mandatory Measures Bathrooms, Garages, Laundry Rooms and Utility Rooms §150(k)3 Lighting in bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms and/or utility rooms must be high efficacy, or must be controlled by a manual -on occupant sensor. A bathroom is a room containing a shower, tut, or a sink that is used for personal hygiene. v If a sink used for per . naRh gid is , a room.oth�than a bathroom, such as bedroom, where o d' rs, all r o �`�,r partitions separate the sink area from the rest of the r th i h�fo�-the sink area is switched separately a( 1g p Y from.r m r a Ii ing,,bnl a uminaire(s) that are lighting the sink area must m fhle a roo II htlrequirements. In this case, lighting of the sink area incl es 1 h' associated counters, cabinets, and mirrors. �+lo an one circuit of luminaires may be attached to the same manual -on occupant sensor. At least one high -efficacy luminaire should be installed so that it can be left off the occupant sensor circuit to ensure that all of the luminaires don't switch off while someone is in the bath. Even dual technology sensors may not detect a motionless and silent occupant. Garages, laundry rooms and utility rooms can be lit entirely by high efficacy lighting. Linear fluorescent luminaires are typically between 1.5 and 4 times as efficient as CFLs, and should be used unless there is insufficient space. Luminaires should be mounted dose to washer/dryer hookups and over work surfaces to ensure shadow free illumination. Garages present an opportunity to reduce energy u by pr�v' in ta"htrng. The end of the garage furthest from the door to the ,ouse'i�o�ten a� work area, and can be provided with high effi u ' ales switch separately from the rest of the spac�o�rs Although not required, occuR4rft�e `� b sed in conjunction with high efficacy lighI' g to a� th �lowes pow le energy use. If there are any concerns al�t�r�af y n�j pan sensors in conjunction with low -efficacy lum�r� 'f� in pa cosi de a fol owing two options: • ddition to the low efficacy luminaires controlled by a manual - on occupant sensor, leave one high efficacy luminaire on a separate manual switch. • Install all high efficacy luminaires in the space; high efficacy luminaires do not require an occupant sensor to meet the requirements of the Standards. Madfin' enterprises YYYVVVV Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt Residential Lighting — Mandatory Measures Other Rooms §150(k)4 Permanently installed lighting in other rooms must be high efficacy, or a manual - on occupant sensor or a dimmer must control it. "Other rooms" includes hallways, dining ro ol, Camrooms and bedrooms — the rooms in which people are�nost ar of intenor ign both in terms of fashion and the usab jty\the:fivi}` spa. Exception 3 to §1,� \4 cif ' tN�t permanently installed luminaires that are �Tjhj' igh cy ILmin :';C in allowed in closets less than 70 square feet. e i ires�ay e�controlled by a simple toggle switch, manual -on a e �r o'�'an automatic -on occupant sensor. an�)peop commonly add their own portable lighting. Unfortunately, portable Y 6hting often means highly inefficient incandescent floor -standing luminaires that can consume 190 watts or more for older lamps. Permanently installed lighting should reduce the need for such high wattage portable sources by creating variations of light throughout the room, and by reducing areas of shadow. To achieve this, use several luminaires rather than a single luminaire; wall -mounted uplights are a good choice because they are design -neutral and can be repainted. For high-end properties, linear fluorescent cove lighting and other forms of concealed lighting may increase marketability People like to control the appearance of their rooms; I switches for each luminaire will make the space more will allow them to reduce their energy use. ; Although occupant sensors can bes�d� in iivji I 'aces; ere are limitations in those living spaces where pop"fie tie a pecte ,to _St still for long periods of time and not move ar nd, erg '! o p t `�S. e or activated, resulting in lights going off prematt�reiy.� C Madlins ' enterprises ' Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt Residential Lighting — Mandatory Measures ' Outdoor Lighting I §15Wk)6 Outdoor lighting attached to a building must be high efficacy, or controlled by a motion sensor with integral photocontrol. Motion sensors used in conjunction with outdoor lighting luminaires should have the capability of turning the lights on automatically. Lighting around swimming P6PIs, dater, features, or other ' locations subject to Article 680 of the Cal�ifoia�iaslecctrCode are exempt. Section 119 (b) require . ons I de s,\ihcludin�rn✓titin sensors and photocontrols, to h a ndi' for at vi ly or audibly informs the operator ' that the controls er 'ng Top , o at they have failed or �rmalfuncfirted.(� lig �mi trig diode (LED) status signal is typically used to W 61s" '11mi,�nen he ED status signal is also practical for use as a ' m io to1�t. Another option is to use the lamp in the luminaire as the (st��tu''s 21, as long as the lamp fails in the off position. The intention of this 'regOrement is that if the photocell or motions sensor fails the luminaire will not turn on until the control is fixed. Amalgam CFLs perform better at both very high and very low temperatures than non -amalgam versions, so are appropriate for outdoor lighting, although they can take a few minutes to reach full output. If instant start is important and ' temperatures may be low, specify a cold -weather -rated ballast. Alternatively, an incandescent source (fitted with a combination photocontrol/motion sensor) may be a good choice. ' Decorative landscape lighting that is not permanently attached to bui�in is no regulated by the Standards. Even though it is not req Fred by Sta� ,� using a time clock or photocontrol on outdoor lighting n t at#0c'Fed to�!11�r��s ' will help to prevent people accidentally leaving theEre'li§ s dn-dr}g"tth day and reduce energy use. ILI rte' J Madlin' enterprises ♦VVVVVV Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt Residential Lighting — Mandatory Measures ' Residential Manual -On Occupant Sensors In bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms, manual -on / automatic - off occupant sensors are allowed as an alternate compliance option to high efficacy lighting. Manual -on / automatic -off occupant sensors automatically turn lights off if an occupant forgets to turn them off when a room is unoccupied. Additionally, these sensors should readily ovi" occupant with the option ' of turning the lights off manu�kly upon ving t�e�ogm. This option should be available without having reffiove-tti6s tchplate-o ny other modifications to ' the sensor. The man I fe�Aur�rcnfio�al because it provides the occupants with the flexibility tro he ightm environment to their satisfaction, and Wts i rea r� erg �spvmgs by allowing the occupants to turn off the lights vithera rbo 0 c� ant` tensors must be "manual on", i.e., the sensors must not have the 't ili o turn the lights on automatically and must not have a setting that can ' leave the lights in a permanent -on position. If a manual -on occupant sensor has an on/off switch to put the sensor into a temporary programming mode, the on/off programming switch must automatically switch off (for example, within 15 minutes) in the event the end user or installer leaves it in the programming ' mode. Some models of occupant sensors have the capability to be changed by the occupant to "automatic -on" by removing the switchplate or touchplate and ' changing switch settings. These occupant sensors are acceptable as tong as the mechanism to switch settings is not visible to the occupant, cannot b -e accessed without the removal of a switchplate or touchplaate, a s lot'i 3 fey, are delivered to the building site and installed with the " ua tt� Occupant sensors usually have built-in switchesori i�s thallctw justment of the time delay between the last send i cu n and en the lights are turned off. This built-in dela us - 30 nute' r Ie�s. Occupant sensors P must meet the var ys, re ire n�s`of s ; Will9 (d); most commercially ' ome o� pan`�?�en?;,hve`minimum load requirements. For example, an 'Pant nso lnay require that bulbs rated over 25 watts be installed before Tie sens5or ill work. However, if an occupant later installs a screw-in compact hiQs1crifical nt lamp that is rated less than 25 watts, the sensor will no longer work to select a sensor that has a low enough minimum load requirement to accommodate however small a load the occupant may install into the socket. Another solution would be to install an occupant sensor that does not have ' minimum load requirements. Madlin' enterprises ♦VVVVV♦ Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt Residential Lighting — Mandatory Measures The sensors that have a minimum load requirement are typically the ones that are designed to operate without a groundwire in the switch box which were 1 common wiring scheme in the older residential units. Commercial grade sensors and all other sensors that are designed to take advantage of the groundwire in the switch box typically do not have a minimum load requirement and are the preferred choice to meet the 6-c ire (is of the Standards. 1 If you are trying to control a ligjhting fly tur fromWo_- 3aifferent switches you will want to use a ceiling oia`hte"- th� ha `a wall i occupant sensor. For example, if you are tal ng\t co trol� e li��ing in a hallway with a switch at 1 each end of the a II un occupant sensor will not work. 1 esigen �al �1i IO o alternate options to high efficacy lighting in rooms other than kitchens, bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms is the use of 1 dimmers. It is important to correctly match the dimmer with the type of lighting load that is being dimmed. Failure to correctly match the dimmer with the electrical lighting 1 load may result in early equipment failure, including the dimmer, transformer, ballast, or lamp. Dimmer manufacturers typically offer three basic types of incandescent 1 dimmers: Line voltage (120 volt), low -voltage for use with a magnetic transformer, and low -voltage for use with an electronic transformer. Lig- olt e incandescent lamps, including tungsten -halogen lamp can can ea__se_ly be i �d ^� over their full range of output with voltage control or ph`� a col -nn {e �c) C'— dimmers. Tungsten -halogen lamps can be dimm b n `tF a�� 1 �. incandescent dimmers, generally wi o y sp cial eopsfdus ons. When dimming a low voltage load, ��d i 3n I�com ns are�equired in the dimmer 1 to avoid overh ting � sfP er. UL—h separate requirements for 120 -volt and low voltaq���r�6r�'uj tb he hest concern with transformers. 1l flu 6t � lahips 15�atts or greater, with electronic ballasts, and meeting 1 mi bl um m ns per watt already comply with Standards. Even though high efficactoreseent lamps with electronic ballasts do not require dimmers to eeft tandards, dimmers are permitted to be used with fluorescent lighting 1 systems. Most fluorescent lamps cannot be properly dimmed with the same simple wallbox devices typically used for dimming incandescent lamps. A special control and dimming ballast must be used. Some types of screw-in 1 compact fluorescent lamps with integral ballasts can be dimmed by simple controls. However, many screw-in compact fluorescent lamps cannot be dimmed at all. 1 r. Madlin s enterpnses ' Catherine M. Madlin Certified Ener Analyst w760-322-5004 - Fa fi gy y / 3233@4 4 Fax ....... ' Post Office Box 1443 '� Palm Springs, CA 92263-1443 �' Cmadlin aol. cont Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt Lighting Mandatory Measures ' Light Fixtures and Recessed Equipment §150(k)5 Luminaires recessed in insulated ceilings�can create thermal bridging through the insulation. Not only does this deg rad4jhe errtbrmance of the ceiling assembly, but it can also permit co nsation=cbld surface of the luminaire if exposed to moi ait's i �a b roo For these reasons, u mi' air \ re sed4n insulated ceilings must meet three requirements.Q `� U ust be a roved for zero clearance insulation cover (IC) J `y PP ~`-Gy Underwriters Laboratories or other testing/rating laboratories recognized by the International Conference of Building Officials. This enables insulation to be packed in direct contact with the ' luminaire. (See Figure 3-11.) • The luminaire must have a label certifying air tight (AT) construction. Air tight construction means that leakage through ' the luminaire will not exceed 2.0 cfm when exposed to a 75 Pa pressure difference, when tested in accordance with ASTM E283. • The luminaire must be sealed with a gasket or caulk betwe� the housing and ceiling. For more information see n of this manual. T e a�te & atu d wihfied& ted C max ai rrioverhert O O 110 O Gasket between fixture and gypsum board or sealant around opening Figure 3-11- IC -Rated Light Fixture 1. Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst W 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 Fax Post Office Box 1443 W Palm. Springs, CA 92263-1443 w Cmadlin@aol.com Madlin's enterprises VVVVVVT Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Excerpt ' HVAC Ducts - Mandatory Measures ' (m) Air -distribution System Ducts, Plenums, and Fans. 1. CMC compliance. All air -distribution system ducts and plenums, including, but not limited to, mechanical closets and air -handier boxes, shall be installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of the CMC Sections 601, 602, 603, 604, 605 and Standard 6-5, incorporated h�ein i nce. Portions of supply -air and return -air ducts and plenums shall either be insulated to a migimum tnstalledieyel�of R4.2 (or any higher level required by CMC Section 605) or be enclgsed eft rely rfdhibned spaceCo�r+r'ections of metal ducts and the i inner core of flexible ducts shall be chaneally ten Op�opgs shali%Qaled with mastic, tape, or other ' duct -closure system that meets the a icab a req ' eof U11 81, UL 181 A or UL 181 B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of�}^ if m \ iso pe is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combinat' f mast erthe(r mesh tap shall used. ilding Ca�es, i tfb r�air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other ' t ea1e� sh t 1, oar or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building artii sto tforms may contain ducts. Duds installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be EM11 e'to use reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. PTION to Section 150 (m)1: The requirements do not apply to ducts and fans integral to a wood heater ' or fireplace. 2. Factory -fabricated duct systems. A. All factory -fabricated duct systems shall comply with UL 181 for ducts and closure systems, including collars, connections, and splices. B. All pressure -sensitive tapes, heat -activated tapes, and mastics used in the manufacture of rigid fiberglass ducts shall comply with UL 181. ' C. All pressure -sensitive tapes and mastics used with flexible duds shall corvaly with UL 181 iU .1B. —� D. Joints and seams of ducts stems and their components shall not be seal ' I k bber esive� Y Po� ' duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic an7aT, be 0 1 1 E Madlins enterprises 1 VVVVVVV ' Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Excerpt HVAC Ducts - Mandato!y Measures ' 3. Field -fabricated duct systems. i A. Factory -made rigid fiberglass and flexible ducts for field -fabricated duct systems shall comply with UL 181. ' All pressure -sensitive tapes, mastics, aerosol sealants, or other closure systems used for installing field - fabricated duct systems shall meet the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181A, or UL 181B. B. Mastic sealants and mesh. L Sealants shall comply with UL 181, UL 181A, or UL 18t, J'b tvntoxic and water resistant. ii. Sealants for interior applications shall tested inw rdanca C 731 and D2202, incorporated herein by reference ^ ChsI iii. Sealants for exterior applicans Il ste i ace, ance with ASTM C 731, C 732, and D 2202, incorporated herein by iv. Sal is es all be f xterior use. ress4 i` iti �. P%ssur -sensitive tapes shall comply with UL 181, UL 181A, or UL ]SIB. ' d o uct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive `du�lpes less such tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. ' E. rawbands used with flexible duct. i. Drawbands shall be either stainless-steel worm -drive hose clamps or UV -resistant nylon duet ties. ii. Drawbands shall have a minimum tensile strength rating of 150 pounds. ' iii. Drawbands shall be tightened as recommended by the manufacturer with an adjustable tensioning tool. F. Aerosol -sealant closures. ' i. Aerosol sealants shall meet the requirements of UL 723 and be applied according to manufacturer specifications. ii. Tapes or mastics used in combination with aerosol sealing shall meet t requir eats o7ion 4. All duct insulation product R -values shall be based on insulation only (excl ing'" nES �~r 6r ' other duct components) and tested C -values at 75°F mean temperature a nsta�I d thin accordance with ASTM C 518 or ASTM C 177, incorporated herein by r� r� an rtifi�jurection 118. L 5. The installed thickness of duct insulation used to d'Wehiine ' R-val shad &be determined as follows: ' A. For duct board, duct liner, ct> -tea a ri " ducts noBy subjected to compression, the nominal insulatio thickness 1 ed. B. F�" ct wrap, ' tall iclo�sh i-beassumed to be 75 percent (25 percent compression) of nominal. C. Foctory-w de\llexible air ducts, the installed thickness shall be determined by dividing the difference be actual outside diameter and nominal inside diameter by two. ' 6. Insulated flexible duct products installed to meet this requirement shall include labels, in maximum intervals of 3 feet, showing the thermal performance R -value for the duct insulation itself (excluding air films, vapor barriers, or other duct components), based on the tests in Section 150 (m) 4 and the installed thickness determined by ' Section 150 (m) 5 C. 7. All fan systems, regardless of volumetric capacity, that exhaust air from the building to the outside shall be provided with backdraft or automatic dampers to prevent air leakage. � I Madlin' enterprises ♦VVYVVV Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Excerpt HVAC Ducts — Mandatory Measures S. All gravity ventilating systems that serve conditioned space shall be provided with either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers in all openings to the outside except combustion inlet and outlet air openings and elevator shaft vents. .9. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind but not limited to the following: Insulation exposed to weather shall be suitable for outdoor service e.g., protected by aluminum, sheet metal, painted canvas, or plastic cover. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can. cause degradation of the material. ,� 10. Porous Inner Core Flex Duct. Flexible ducts having porous utner 4n shRnot be used. TABLE 150-A PIPE INSULATION�OA' JCT� 97YN, f FLUID TEMPARATURE RANGE (*F UL T'JON MEAD RATING i PERATURE ('F) CONDUCTIVITY RANGE (Btu -inch per hour per square foot per °F)' - 50 ,1 V. , 150 0.27-0.30 16f � I 1 l L�� � 100 0.24-0.28 below 10 75 0.23-0.27 ' Ins n coifductivity shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C 335 at the mean temperature listed in TABLE 150•A, and shall be rounded to the nrest MOO Btu -itch per hour per square foot per *F. TABLE 150-B PIPE INSULA770N MINIMUM THICKNESS REQUIREMENTS SYSTEM PIPE UL1A1E7FR Less than or Equal to 2 inches Canter Men 2 inches INSULATION THICI%A'ESS REQUIRED On inches) Domestic hot water (above 105°F) 1.0 1.5 H.ydronic heating supply lines (above 200°F to 250°F)' 1.0 2.0 Hydmnic heating supply lines (105°F to 200'F) 1.0 1.5 Cooling system rcfrigerant suction, chilled water and brine lines 1 0.75 'Stem hydronic heating systems or hot water systems with pressure above 15 psi shall meet the requ 1s of 74123.A. ti i 7 1 Mcdins Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst w 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 Fax eWophses Post Office Boz 1443 W Palm Springs, CA 92263-1443 V' Cmadlin@aol.com ....... Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt Installation Certificate Construction Phase Documentation (CF -6111) §10-103(a)3 and 4 The installation certificate, CF -6R, is completed during the construction phase of the compliance and enforcement process. Thi CF -6R is really several documents in one. The documents are comped( y the contractors responsible for installing the windows (fenestration), the air distributfiducts and the HVAC equipment, the measur s th it aff t' di . envelgpO-t dhtness, the lighting system, and the insula in. The CF -6R is sig sari s in all s. �H C stems. The contractor who installs mechanical Oquipment signs this part. Heating and cooling equipment are listed and the energy efficiency, capacity, design loads and other properties of each piece of equipment is documented. • Water Heating Systems. This part includes information about the water heating equipment installed in the building, including model number, energy efficiency, tank size, input rating and other properties. The installer also verifies that faucets and shower heads are certified and comply with the appliance standards. • Fenestration/Glazing. This part includes a list of all windows installed in the home. For each, the U -factor, SHGC, arr�ea, number of panes, and number of windows of igIyp �r4-1 C� building are indicated. This section is.gig, that installs the windows. `V • Duct Leakage an Desi D aiD ai gds ' s. Th part is signed by th contres nsibl�forj Otallifig the HVAC air distribution du�smngr. rr�in at thTy-tbmply with the leakage eq 1temrr�i nt, . n this form�ihe contractor includes the results of iag cZS�'c%sts, which will later be verified by a third -party pe or (HERS rater). • Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Measurement. This part is signed by the contractor responsible for verifying that split system air conditioner and heat pumps have the correct refrigerant charge. This form contains diagnostic data that are later verified by a third -party inspector (HERS rater). • Duct Location and Area Reduction Diagnostics. This part is completed and signed by the contractor who installs the HVAC air distribution ducts. It verifies the location of the ducts and/or includes information on duct location. This form is used only when the default duct area is not assumed. f. Madlins enterprises ♦VVVVVV Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt Installation Certificate ' Building Envelope Leakage Diagnostics. This part is completed by the contractor responsible for testing building envelope leakage through pressurization of the house. This form contains test results that will later be verified by a third -party inspector (HERS rater). • Insulation Certificate. Tf��� pa completed and signed by the contractor responsible fo``rr in fallin.�the insulation. This indicates the m� ufgcturer�rapd, and ther�r al properties of insulation in all in e r`o�f, ce Ing, watts, and floor. ' ' • atii Q lity�heckklist. This part is completed and signed + by t in6iation contractor when credit is taken for quality n ion installation. This is later verified by a third -party inspector (HERS rater). Credit for quality insulation installation i is new with the 2005 standards. ' Lighting Systems. This part is completed and signed by the contractor responsible for installing hard -wired lighting systems. Li Persons signing these CF -6R forms are verifying that the installed efficiencies or requirements meet or exceed those used for compliance with the standards as shown on the CF -1R. The CF -6R must be posted at the job site in a conspicuous location (e.g., in the garage) or kept with the building permit and made available to the enforcement agency upon request. When field verification and/or diagnostic testing is required for a b� rni t e builder shall provide a copy of the CF -6R to the HERS p Vi'dL,, r a e building department upon request. Information from the CF -6R is below). This provides the hors features instal in (ei mi J \�th`hom wrfers-fnanuat (see wither fo ratio 'about energy efficiency LI I i Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst W 760-322-50041323-3644 Fax Post Office Box 1443 W Palm Springs, CA 92263-1443 vCmadlin@aol.comvvvvvvv M.cdin0 aitoptues 's Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt HVAC Systems — HERS Verification Field Verification and/or Diagnostic Testing The HERS rater may visit the site to compfete heating and cooling system portions of the Certificate of Field Verific 2n iagnostic Testing (CF -4R). There are several sections Qf this foqnjt at relate- to eating and cooling. The following require field vQificat�ond & nostieqes'#iAg if they are used in the proposed design f840Mblia�Qe:� •Zuu in cu®niu aonea space + /\ Design �/ • Diagnostic supply duct location, surface area, and R -value (including buried ducts) • High efficiency air conditioner EER • Refrigerant charge or TXV • Forced air system fan flow/adequate airflow • Air handler fan watt draw • Verified maximum cooling capacity • Verified duct leakage. Field verification is necessary when credit is taken o"he!rneas�l r�rgx- example, maximum cooling capacity need only iE'RS ver a lium cooling capacity was used to achiev ,i pro �gn Catherine M.. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst W 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 Fax Post Office Box 1443 W Palm Springs, CA 92263-1443 v' Ciiiadlin@aol.com Mtjr,�n's entoprises VVVVVVV Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt HERS Rater HERS Rater The HERS rater is a person certified by an Energy Commission -approved HERS provider to perforin the necessary field verb*fi tion and diagnostic testing required for demonstrating compliance witNhe ran aids. HERS raters have special training in diagnostic I;gchn�iqy e - nd build g fence and are capable of identifying problems�vl+hilo\the om �is s'll``under4coifstruction. As long as the documentation authoS s n ark\ m� yee�bf the builder or subcontractor whose work they are ve , th ca Is\act as the HERS rater. Tt�`e�HEi�r� re ` si a for completing and signing the field verification 16r d' n ice ingg certificate (CF -4R). r HERS rovider httDJ/www.cheers. oru httD:/ilvww. calcerts.= ' The HERS provider is an organization that the Energy Commission has approved to administer a HERS program. The provider has responsibility to certify and train raters and maintain quality control over field verification and diagnostic testing required for compliance with the standards. In Calif rxa' , currently certified HERS providers are California Home nergVies ict � System (CHEERS) and California Certified Energy Rati` g ng" ryv (CaICERTS). 11 1. MaSi"n's enteT�ises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst W 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 Fax Post Office Box 1443 W Palm Springs, CA 92263-1443 W Cmadlin@aol.com .... .. Title 24 2005 Buildinq Energv Efficiencv Standards Residential Manual Excerpt HVAC Systems - TXV Thennostatic Expansion Valves Option 1: TXVs may be used as an alternalito dia nostic testing of the refrigerant charge in split system air conditio 'ng rrdeat pumps. TXVs are used in air conditioners or heat -pumps o -control he4oiu of refrigerant into the evaporator in respon t , e s at \ he ref0geradrit leaving it. The valve is placed upstream fro a ap to let d is connected to a temperature - sensing bulb. Aser t leaves the evaporator, the TXV senses i�empe �'rid pr ur sand djusts the flow rate to maintain proper 00 4trs r ibl s must provide a removable door for valve verification }{�* - ed tR rater. An access door (or removable panel) is not required if e Vis t a readily accessible location. Readily accessible means capable of mg reached quickly for operation, repair, or inspection, without requiring climbing or removing obstacles or resorting to access equipment. The body of the TXV can be anywhere that is warmer than the location of the sensing bulb (including outside the plenum). It is preferable that the refrigerant manifold be close to the TXV body. Option 2: Visually verify that a sensing bulb is running from inside the unit and that it is visible outside of the unit. You do not need to open the unit to complete this verification. Please note that the sensing bulb will be attached to the suctiora� line and should be covered by insulation. You will need to verify the ss. g by either removing sufficient insulation to see it or by feQl,N Option 3: This option is designed to allow a rater to yf.T '', l ash _ 1 ' manufacturer's nameplate data. To use this op ion�11 dee st pans be completed. (✓�� 7s ' Step One: Obserry��- that f a i'c�ular �8nd�2i d model that the manufacturer has installed a TXV�>r fa ism accomplished by the air Tnd onditioner i�tn6u`16r or ' stal to ng thver off of one unit per subdivision sho r g t,rat � t at a has been installed. Two. terrine that the manufacturer's nameplate on the coil indicates as been factory installed. The rater may ask for clarification of the late information from the distributor. ' Step Three: Verifythat the nameplate information on each unit being inspected indicates that a TXV has been installed in that unit. Madlin s enterprises ' Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst W 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 Fax Post Office Box 1443 W Pa.hn. Springs, CA 92263-1443 Cmadli».@aol.com .... .. Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt ' HVAC Systems — Verified EER High Efficiency Air Conditioner Air conditioner designs are available with effici r�ciesivalent to a SEER up ' to 18.0, which is significantly better than the r ni iuVCq al efficiency of SEER 10.0 (or 13.0 starting January , 2006)..5 v s cahieved by choosing an air conditioner that exce s� rami m e'fficienirements. The EER is the full load 1`C c , t speci a operating conditions. It is possible that two y i s w,Ie ' ' e SLE R�can have different EERs. Using the p(m navM co ia��ce thod, credit is available for specifying an air co • jfinn6r ' i h r �R greater than 10 see the compliance program vendor's 9 ( P P o9 co��fi!i�ae supplement). When credit is taken for a high EER, field verification by a4H\ ERS rater is reauired (see Annendix RI in the Residential ACM Manual). TIP Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 Fax Post Office Box 1443 Palm Springs, CA 92263-1443 - Cmadlin@aol.com MadlinY s enterprises TVTVVTV HVAC Manufacturer's Specifications Title 24 Compliance Documentation I - HVAC EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE I Date: 3/15/06 Madlin's Enterprises Project Title: Andalusia Plan 6X - CUSTOM GH Job: 26155A Zone Name System Type FAU/AH Condenser Coil AFUE HSPF SEER EER Zone 1 Gas/Electric Split LY8S080C16 HIRD048SO6 ASFM4822A 80% NA 13.0 11.5 Zone 2 Gas/Electric Split LY8S100C20 HIRD060SO6 ASFM6022A 80% NA 13.0 11.5 Zone 3 Gas/Electric Split LY8S040C12 HIRD036S06 ASFM3622A 80% NA 13.0 11.5 Zone 4 Gas/Electric Split LY8SO40C12 HIRD036S06 ASFM3622A 80% NA 13.0 11.5 Zone 5 Heat Pump Split FR2RP036 EIRD036SO6 NA 8.0 13.0 11.2 WYORIC ming and Air Conditioning TECHNICAL GUIDE LATITUDE MODELS: GY8SiLYSS GAS-FIRED HIGH EFFICIENCY SINGLE STAGE DOlA NFLOW FURNACES STANDARD & LoNOX NATURAL GAS 40 -130 MBH INPUT Mead ne. pro0ue.e. mnMam.ea a o yan..wm Queuy.," W a odno„+lr.ev, iso eool. Due to continuous product improvement, specifica- tions are subject to change without notice. Visit us on the web at www.york.com for the most up-to-date technical information. Additional information can be found.at www.gamanet,org. 036-21613-002 Rev. A (1104) DESCRIPTION These high efficiency, dedicated downflow compact units employ induced combustion, reliable hot surface ignition and high heat transfer tubular heat exchangers. These furnaces are designed for residential installation in a closet, attic or garage and are ideal for commercial applica- tions. All units are factory assembled, wired and tested to assure safe dependable and economical installation and operation. These units are Category I listed and may be common vented with another..gas appliance as allowed by the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI 2223.1 (latest edition). WARRANTY 20 -year limited warranty on the heat exchanger. 10 -year heat exchanger warranty on commensal applica- tions. 5 -year limited parts warranty. FEATURES Dedicated downflow models may be easily applied with- out any field conversion Top vent connection allows installation in narrow loca- tions 100% shut off main gas valve for added satiety • High velocity fitter provided for field installation • High quality inducer motor for quiet operation • Standard terminals for controlling humidifiers & EACs • 40 VA control transformer, fuse protected • Easy to conned power and control wiring • Efficiency ratings of 80 AFUE attained by using tubular heat exchangers Cooling... relay standard for easy installation of add-on cooling Blower off -delay for cooling SEER improvement • Multi -speed PSC, direct -drive blower motors to match cooling requirements Adjustable fan -off settings to eliminate "cord -blow' • Compact 40 -in height allows installation in small space confines Lo NOx models available to meet specific area require- ments. Lo NOx models may not be converted to pro- pane. • All standard "G" models are propane convertable FOR DIS iRIB TION USE ONLY - NOT TO BE USED AT POINT OF RETAIL SALE 036-21613-002 Rev. A (1104), _B- 3`4 -2✓4 2t) NQ4 Ox-dw) T'STAT WIRING 7A1' KO. ED 4 GAS INLET ® ®ALT. GAS INLET 114 X2442- •- A r ..-_28.112--'--^ FRONT LEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE B -., q -+ 1-118 7-318 FRONT FRONT T IMAGE BOTTOM IMAG E ' CABINET AND DUCT DIMENSIONS D Models Cabinet Width In. Cabinet Size A g Cabinet Dimension C D E F (G,L)Y8S40A121)N11 14-1/2 A 141/2 131/4 101/8 4.0 ( 101/8 33/4 (CAL)Y8S60Al2DN11 14-1/2 A 141/2 13114 101/8 4.0 101/8 3314 (G,L)Y8S80Al2DN11 14-12 A 141/2 131/4 101/8 4.0 101/8 33/4 (G�L)Y8S808i6DN11 1712 8 171/2 161/4 131/8 4.0 115/8 33/4 fG�L)Y8S100B12DN11 171 8 171/2 161/4 131/8 4.0 11 5/8 3314 (G�L)Y8S100C20DN71 21 C 21 I 193/4 165/8 4.0 13318 3314 (G,L)Y8S115C16DN11 21 C 21 193/4 165/8 4.0 133/8 3 3/4 (G,L)Y8S115C20t7N11 2 i C 21 193/4 16 5/8 4.0 133/8 3 3/4 (G,L)Y8S130D200N11 24-12 D 2412 i 231/4 201/8 4.0 151/8 33/4 HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL VEN. NG CLEARANCES - MUST USE FIELDS CONTROL MODELS SWG-4Y OR VERENLAND MODEL GPAK-JT FIELD SUPPLIED POWER VENTING KITS Models Horizontal Vent Length Ft with 4 Elbows Pipe S¢e Min. Vent Length Max. Vent Length Inches Feet Feet (G, L)Y8S40A1201411 4 4.5 34.5 (GyL)YSS60A 12DN11 4 4.5 34-5 (G,L)Y8S80Al2DN11 4 4.5 34.5 (G,L)Y8S80816DN1 i 4 4.5 34.5 . (G•L)Y8S100B12DN11 4 4.5 34.5 : (G,L)YSS100C20DN11 4 4-5 34.5 (G,L)Y8S115C16DN11 4 4.5 34.5 (G,L)Y8S115C20DN11 4 4.5 34-5 (G,L)Y8S130D20DN11 4 4.5 34.5 2 Unitary Products Group RATINGS & PHYSICAL I ELECTRICAL DATACA V 036-21613-002 Rev. A (1104) Wire size and over wrnent protection must comply with the National Electrical Code (NEPA-704atest edition) and all local codes. The furnace shall be installed so that the electrical components are protected from water. Annual Puel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) numbers are determined in accordance with DOE Test procedures. FILTER SIZES Modems Input Output (G,L)Y8S40Al2DN11 A Air Temp. (G,L)Y8S60Al2DN11 A Models MBH MBH Nominal CFM AFUE Rise "F (G�L)Y8S10OB12DN11 B (G,QY8S40Al2DN11 40 32 (2) 14 x 20 1200 80.0 20-50 (G,L)Y8S115C20DN11 C (G,L)Y8S60Al2DN11 57 48 (2) 14 x 20 1200 80.0 25-55 (G,L)Y8S80Al2DN11 80 64 1200 80.0 35-65 (G,L)Y8S80B16DN11 80 64 1600 80.0 25-55 (G,L)Y8S100612DN11 100 80 1200 80.0 40-70 (G,L)Y8S100C20DN11 100 80 2000 80.0 2.155 (G,L)Y8S115C160N11 115 92 1600 80.0 35-65 (G,L)Y8S115C20DN11 115 92 2000 80.0 30.60 (G,L)Y8S130D20DN11 130 104 2000 80.0 40-70 Modems Max. Outlet Blower Blower Total Unit MexMin. Over -current Wire Size (awg) Operation Air Temp'F Hp Amps Size In. Amps protect @ 75 IL one way WG'G LBS (G,L )Y8S40Al2DN11 150 1/3 6.2 10 x 8 9.0 20 14 100 (G,L)Y8S60Al2DN11 155 1/3 6.2 10 x 8 9.0 20 14 110 (G,L)Y8S80Al2DN11 165 1/3 6.2 10 x 8 9.0 20 14 120 (G,L)Y8S80B16DN11 160 3/4 11.0. 11 x10 12.0 20 14 130 (G,L)Y8S100B12DN11 170 1/2 7.0 10 x 8 12.0 20 14 125 (G,L)Y8S100C20DN1 i ' 155 1 12.2 11 x 10 14.0 20 12 140 (G,L)Y8S115C16DN11 165 3/4 11.0 11 x 10 12.0 20 14 150 (G,L)Y8S115C20DN11 160 1 12.2 11 x 10 14.0 20 12 150 (C,L)Y8S130D20DN11 170 1 1 12.2 11 x 10 14.0 20 12 1 160 Wire size and over wrnent protection must comply with the National Electrical Code (NEPA-704atest edition) and all local codes. The furnace shall be installed so that the electrical components are protected from water. Annual Puel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) numbers are determined in accordance with DOE Test procedures. FILTER SIZES Modems Cabinet Size Top Return Filter (in) (G,L)Y8S40Al2DN11 A (2) 14 x 20 (G,L)Y8S60Al2DN11 A (2) 14 x 20 (G,L)Y8S80A 12DN11 A (2) 14 x 20 (G,L)Y8S80B16DN11 B (2) 14 x 20 (G�L)Y8S10OB12DN11 B (2) 14 x20 (CtiL)Y8S100C20DN1 i C (2) 14 x 20 (GtiL)Y8S115C16DN11 C (2) 14 x 20 (G,L)Y8S115C20DN11 C (2) 14 x20 (G1QY8S130D20DN11 D (2) 14 x 20 ESP (External Static Pressure) .S WG is at furnace outlet ahead of cooling coil. NOTES: 1. All filters must be high velocity cleanable type. Unitary Products Group 3 036-21613-002 Rev. A (1104) BLOWER PERFORMANCE CFM - (WITHOUT FILTER) MODELS FILTER PERFORMANCE Airflow Data The airflow capacity data published in the "Blower Perfor- BLK ,k BLK (HOT) Speed Ext Static Pressure (in. H2O) ( ) ®� WHT WHTNEUTRAL 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 (GL)Y8S40Al2DN11 High 1620 1590 1480 1400 1310 1240 1140 1040 910 760 Medium High 1430 1390 1340 1280 1220 1140 1050 960 820 710 Medium Low 1210 1210 1190 1200 1100 1020 940 850 730 620 Low 980 980 970 950 920 870 810 720 620 520 High 1500 1470 1390 1320 1240 1170 1070 960 830 700 (GL)Y8S50Al2DN11 Medium High 1380 1340 1280 1210 1150 1060 970 870 760 610 Medium Low 1220 1200 1160 1110 1050 990 910 820 700 600 Low 960 950 940 920 890 840 770 710 630 530 High 1550 1480 1410 1330 1250 1150 1050 940 810 700 (C,L)Y8SB0Al2DN11 Medium High 1400 1360 1290 1220 1150 1060 970 860 730 590 Medium Low 1230 1210 1170 1120 1060 990 910 810 680 560 Low 980 970 960 930 890 830 760 680 550 450 (GL)Y8S'60B16DN11 High 2070 2000 1930 1850 1770 1670 1580 1470 1360 1250 Medium 1650 1630 1610 1560 1490 1420 1360 1270 1170 1040 Low 1410 1400 1370 1340 1320 1270 1210 1140 1050 950 High l 1710 1650 1580 1510 1420 1330 1260 1160 1090 930 (G LQYSS100B12DN11 Medium High 1480 1x40 1380 1330 1270 1180 1090 980 790 630 Medium Low 1240 1230 1200 1170 1110 1030 950 850 710 600 LOW 980 980 980 970 930 890 800 720 530 530 High 2400 2330 2240 2130 2030 1960 1820 1710 1570 1390 (G,L)Y8S100C20DN11 Medium High 2130 2070 2000 1940 1840 1760 1660 1540 1420 1230 Medium Law r 1800 1760 1730 1650 1580 1510 1430 1300 1200 1030 Low 1480 1450 1390 i 1360 1300 1240 1180 1080 960 850 (GL)Y8S116C16DN11 High 2210 2160 2100 2030 1940 1850 1750 1640 1520 1400 Medium 1640 1640 1620 1590 1530 1500 1430 1360 1270 1160 Law 1410 1410 1370 1360 1300 1260 1210 1150 1090 1010 High 2400 2310 2220 2120 2010 1910 1800 1650 1520 1350 (G, L)YSS115C20DN11 Medium High 2090 2030 1970 1880 1790 1730 1 1640 1520 1370 1190 Medium Low 1720 1690 1650 1600 1550 1460 1370 1270 1150 960 Law 1440 1430 1400 1340 1280 1220 1140 1040 930 830 (G L)Y8S130D20DN1 i High 2530 2420 2340 2250 2110 2020 1920 1750 1590 1410 Medium High 2190 2150 2070 1970 1910 1790 1680 1550 1400 I 1250 Medium Law 1800 1760 1720 1680 1610 1490 1410 1300 1160 1040 Low 1450 1440 1410 1360 1310 1250 1170 1080 980 1 860 NOTES: 1. Airflow expressed in standard cubic feet per minute (CFM). • 2. Motor voltage at 115 V. 4 Unitary Products Group FILTER PERFORMANCE The airflow capacity data published in the "Blower Perfor- BLK ,k BLK (HOT) ( ) ®� WHT WHTNEUTRAL MINAL } mance" table listed above represents blower performance 200 VOLT WITHOUT filters. To determine the approximate blower per- GRN A GRN formanoe of the system, apply the fitter drop value for the fil- ter being used or select an appropriate value from the "Filter Performance" table shown below. Line wring Connection NOTE: The filter pressure drop values in the "Filter Perfor- mance" table shown below are typical values for the type of filter listed and should only be used as a guideline. Actual pressure drop ratings for each filter type vary between lifter manufacturer. 4 Unitary Products Group 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i2YORIC Heating and Air Conditioning TECHNICAL GUIDE SPLIT—SYSTEM AIR CONDITIONERS 13 SEER MODELS: H*RD018 THRU 060 (1.5 THRU 5 NOMINAL TONS) ^.` . To Pramius COTIMCATIONAPPLMSOMY Ww�- TME COPAPLCM SYSTE. Is Ua,m ISO SWI. certffied auauty Management System Due to continuous product improvement,'specifications are subject to change without notice. Visit us on the web at www.york.com Additional rating information can be found at www.ariprimenetorg. 036-21339-001 Rev. D (0605) DESCRIPTION The 13 SEER Series condensing unit is the outdoor part of a versatile system of air conditioning. It is designed to be cus- tom -matched with one of UPG's complete line of evaporator sections, with each serving a specific function. Matching Air Handlers are available for upflow, downflow, or horizontal applications to provide a complete system. Electric Heaters are available, if required. Add -On coils are available for use with upflow, downflow, or horizontal furnaces and air han- dlers. WARRANTY 5 -year limited parts warranty. 10 -year limited compressor warranty. FEATURES • QUALITY CONDENSER COILS - The coil is constructed of copper tube and aluminum fins. • PROTECTED COMPRESSOR - The compressor is inter- nally protected against high pressure and temperature. This is accomplished by the simultaneous operation of high pressure relief valve and a temperature sensor which protects the compressor if undesirable operating condi- tions occur. A liquid line filter -drier further protects the compressor. • DURABLE FINISH - The cabinet is made of pre -painted steel. The pre-treated galvanized steel provides a better paint to steel bond, which resists corrosion and rust creep. Special primer formulas and desert sand matted textured finish insure less fading when exposed to sunlight • LOWER INSTALLED COST - Installation time and costs are reduced by easy power and control wiring conneo- tions. Discharge line heat exchanger knockouts are pro- vided, if required. Available in sweat connect models only. The unit contains enough refrigerant for matching indoor coils and 15 feet of interconnecting piping. The small base dimension means less space is required on the ground or roof. • TOP DISCHARGE - The warm air from the top mounted fan is blown up away from the structure and any landscap- ing. This allows compact location on multi -unit applica- tions. • LOW OPERATING SOUND LEVEL - The upward air flow carries the normal operating noise away from the living area. The rigid top panel effectively isolates any motor sound. Isolator mounted compressor and the rippled fins of the condenser coil muffle the normal fan motor and compressor operating sounds. - LOW MAINTENANCE - Long life permanently lubricated motor -bearings need no annual servicing. • EASY SERVICE ACCESS -Fully exposed refrigerant con- nections, a single panel covering the electrical controls, and the molex plug in the control box connecting the oon- denser fan make for easy servicing of the unit - SECURED SERVICE VALVES - Secured re -usable ser- vice valves are provided on both the liquid and vapor sweat connections for ease of evacuating and charging. • U.L. and C.U.L listed - approved for outdoor application. Certified in accordance with the Unitary Small Equipment cer- tification program, which is based on ARI Standard 210/240. FOR DISTRIBUTION USE ONLY - NOT TO BE USED AT POINT OF RETAIL SALE ' 035-21339-001 Rev. D (0605) PHYSICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA 1 MODEL H1RD01BS06 H1RD024S06 HIRD030S06 I H1RD036S06 I H1RD042S06 H1RD048S06 H1RD060S06 Unit Supply Voltage A B C 208/230 -1 - 60 Vapor 018 27 Normal Voltage Range 27 3/4" 187 to 252 27 37 27 Minimum Circuit Ampacity 10.1 11.8 16.7 18.9 21.9 20.6 31.8 Max. Overcaarent Device Amps 2 15 20 25 30 35 35 50 Compressor Type 3 Reap Reap Reap Reap Scrolic Scrollc Scroll 8 Compressor Amps Rated Load 7.7 9.0 12.2 14.1 16.5 15.5 24.3 Locked Rotor 48 48' 60 73 95 109 150 Crankcase Heater No Yes Yes Yes No No No Fan Motor Amps Rated Load 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 Fan Diameter Inches 22 22 22 22 22 . 24 24 Fan Motor Rated HP 1/15 1115 1.115 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/3 lNominal RPM 850 850 850 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 Nominal CFM.1 21200 2,200 2,400 3,800 3,500 3,300 3,500 Face Area Sq. Ft. 15.72 15.72 19.65 23.60 23.60 27.00 27.00 Coil Rows Deep 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Fin / Inches 18 18 18 20 18 18 18 Liquid Line OD 38 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 318 Vapor Line OD 3/4 3/4 7M 7/8 7/8 7/8 1-18 Unit Charge (Lbs.-Oz.)4 4-11 5-8 7-9 9-4 9-8 14-3 15-13 Charge Per Foot, Oz. 0.68 0.68 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.76 1 Rated in accordance with ARI Standard 110, utilization range "A". 2 Dual element fuses or HACR crasC breaker. 3 All scrolls listed with a superscript "B" are Bristol scrolls. All scrolls listed with a superscript "C" are Copeland scrolls. 4 The Unit Charge is correct for the outdoor unit, matched indoor coil and 15 feet of refrigerant tubing. For tubing lengths other than 15 feel add or subtract the amount of refrigerant, using the difference in length multiplied by the per foot value. All dimensions are in inches and include the fan guard. They are subject to change without notice. Certified dimensions will be provided upon request DIMENSIONS . UNIT DIMENSIONS REFRIGERANT CONNECTION MODEL (INCHES) LINE SIZE A B C Liquid Vapor 018 27 37 27 3/4" 024 27 37 27 .030 33 37 27 036 042 39 39 37 37 27 27 3/8" 78" 048 38 43 32 060 38 43 32 1-1/8" Unitary Products Group TO'd -iulCil P P AIIStyle Coil Company, L.P. Prepared for- YORK or'FORK Coil Performance Report PLENUM DUCTBO YORK H1RD -13 SEEM DATE: 5127/05 YORK 131RD024SOC' 1.T+D+V 13.00 23.80 0.74 11.50 559115 YORK HIRD030S06T'+.D W 13.00 28.80 0.68 11.50 406022 YORK HIRDOOWIS`1T+>D+V WAS1M6L2MM--FD+V 13.00 28.80 0.73 11.50 559095 YORK HIRA03690K11T+D+V-.,••. 13.00 34.40 0.76 1i_50 406036 'YORK S05 ;t' ;' r. Y3.O0 35.40 0.76 :w<t fl 559106 YORK HT1U)036S0'6'1fASL136.28A34T+D+V ")3.00 35,40 0.77 - 11.50 569748 YORK i31RD042S06 . ASLB48-18A31T+1)rV 13.00 3950 0.76 11.00 40b026 YORK Hl RtD042SO6. ;. A{St-W 22A32T+D+V 13.00 40.50 0.76 11.50 559119 YORK HIRD042SO6 ASLL48-2W%4T+D+V 13.00 4050 0.77 11.50 559126 YORK HIRD048S06 . ' ' ° '4&22A32T+D+L' 13.00 4550 0.77 1150 55+9100 YORK HiRD048SO6 ASLL4-28A34T+D+V 13.00 46.50 0.78 11.50 '559123 YORK �` " 60x28 '_;. =-13M 45.00 0.73 11.90 406012 YORK . =2TLA34T#D1V <' `':.13:00:: 53.50 0.80 :`,x:113fl:; 406017' .YORK 11iRDo60SO6 4SFL60=30A34T+D+V Bho 53,50 0.79 "' i 1.5D ` 559905 VORK HIRE -14 SEER PT.iNT VI YORK HIRE024S06•' - ASXX2- 4:18A31T+D+V 14.00 25,00 0.74 12.50 559098 YORK kiiRE MS0 , u MMRW1W17+D+N, 14,00 2930 0.76 12.00 406034 YORK 141RE030SO6 ASLB36- 2A32T+D+V 14.00 30M 0.76 12.50 5:xVA YORK HIRE030S06 A SLL36-28A34 T+D+V 14.00 30.00 0.7�, 1250 559112 YORK II1RE036308 ,' 9KW6-19A31T+D+V 14.00 3420 0.77 11.95 406014 HIRE036SO6 '`•, X9L936-22A32T+D+V 14.00 35.20 0.76 12.00 559113 YORK HIRED36SIX ASLL36-28A34T+D+V 14.00 3520 0.77 12.50 559101 YORK HZRE042SO6 B48-7?A'i2T+D7 V 14.00 39.50 0.78 11.50 554109 YORK H2RE042S96- .,: `AS1LW28A34T+D+V 14.00 40.50 0.78 12.00 559108 ORiC HRRE048S0&A'x+43-Z9A34T+D+V 14.00 47.00 0.78 11-95 559121 YORK MRB0485066¢2ZAW+D+V r - 14.00 47.00 " . 0.78 11.90 PENDING 406013 YORK IVRE06OS06' AMW60 22A34T+D+V .- 13.00 53.50 0.80 i 150 359107 YORK 1i2RBWSOlS 30A.34T+D+V 14.00 53,50 0.79 1250 4.06018 YORK CZB -13 SEER PLENUM YORK CZ802411 • i ASL 4-18A31z+D+V 1Z410A) 13.00 23.00 0.76 11.50 PENDING YORK CZID03011;- 6iB36-184 lT+1 +V 4104 13.00 29.40 0.74 1150 PENDING YORK CZBO3611 36-164311+D+V 4104 13.00 36?0 0.74 1150 PENDING YORK CZB042ll 10A 13.00 41.00 0.78 11.50 PENDING YORK CZBWI I 2 T+I � Rd10A) 13.00 4830 0.76 1150 PENDING YORK CZ806011 ' A.SFM60-22.4341+D+V 4104 13.00 57,00 0.76 11.00 PENDING YORK CZB06011 ';t 3OA34TtJ>+VQZ4104} 13.00 1 57.00 0.77 11.50 1 PE14DWG. +" indicates 8 piston change b,rzr�lr,•ed to adaeve Meted rating. +p indicates a time delay r4Ay ls.rogtdred to achieve dated rating. +V indicates a son bleed eqww&16lt-vaiae is required to achlet a Fisted rating. A Piston ebango on 10.00 sea cvnpo;ator coils is required if the ewpormw coil tonnage indicator does not match that of ft outdoor unit tormage on which its used. All evaiporawr coils matched with 11.00 suer and above outdoor nails will r quinda pisiau dtasge w. sc caxtiance with AiL Oe s chart On all comsptmdence togat3i gAbis doe mwt please include iht publication sods listed boiowr. PUBLICATION CODE: YU8SOd)7B=VIEWED RSILVA 4/07/05, YORK0027 REV RSILVA 6/07/05 These values are cakalsted in gmformnnce with the Vddermet act by the OoE .end published In the Fedmd Regis 10 CEili par1430. Thr proadcrUlased Include test data collected per ARI Standard 2101240 eu input_ AilStyle Coil �...,r" Cem avy, L -F. rewva the right tui eLange or discontinae ratings at way tient without notice or ¢oa c quence. Jobs Wrl&t's recomai 036-21339-001 Rev. D (0605) ACCESSORIES Refer to Price Manual for specific model numbers. Hard Start Kit - Provides increased starting torque for areas with low voltage. Compressor Blanket - Designed to further reduce the nor- mal compressor operating sound. Refer to price pages for specific match -ups. Off Cycle Timer Delay - Provides a 5 -minute off cycle to pre- vent rapid recycling of the compressor. Room Thermostats - A wide selection of compatible thermo- sets are available to provide -optimum performance and fea- tures for any installation. 1 Heat Stage only, manual, mechanical thermostat. Add sub- base for 1H/1 C, -1 H/1 C, manual change -over electronic non -programmable thermostat TYPICAL INSTALLATION 1H/1C, auto/manual changeover, electronic programmable, deluxe 7 -day, thermostat. 1H/1C, auto/manual changeover, electronic programmable. For the most current accessory information, refer to the price book or consult factory. SOUND RATINGS UNIT MODEL SOUND RATINGS DECIBELS WITH SOUND WITHOUT SOUND BLANKET BLANKET 018 69 73 024 70 74 030 73 75 036 74 75 042 74 75 048 76 77 060 79 80 -Kalov In aocoraanoe wnn Arts bancaro Zf V. MINIMUM 24- SERVICE ACCESS 60° OVERHEAD CLEARANCE ON ONE SIDE CLEARANCE \ WEATHERPROOF DISCONNECT 10" CLEARANCE 6.v COILAREA' -, .... NOTE: ALL OUTDOOR WIRING MUST BE WEATHERPROOF TYPICAL FIELD WIRING -1 Phase Application THERMOSTAT TO FURNACE OR AIR / TERMINALHANDLER BLOCK NEC CLASS 1 WIRING �-- NEC CLASS 2 WIRING TO INDOOR COIL \ SEAL OPENING(S) Wrrl I PERMAGUM OR EQUIVALENT CONTROL ACCESS PANEL ALL FIELD WIRING TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) AND/OR LOCAL CODES POWER WIRING 2� VOLT C — " — POWER WIRING CONTROL WIRING 208/230-1-60 WIRE — — — — — • CONTROL WIRING MINIMUM O GA.TR (NEC CLASS 2) FACTORY WIRING FURNACE OR AIR HANDLER TERMINAL BLOCK 1 �C Y / I I I I *TERMINAL W IS ONLY 0 00REQUIRED ON SYSTEMS CONTACTOR ( I ( I I ( WITH HEAT. TERMINALS I I I I i I I I I I 1 GID.I LUG COIL Y R G W CONDENSING UNIT ROOM THERMOSTAT ALL OUTDOOR WIRING MUST BE WEATHERPROOF. USE COPPER CONDUCTORS ONLY. 1 8 Unitary Products Group MATCHING INDOOR COMPONENTS ADD-ON COILS - FOR FURNACE APPLICATIONS G1UA 1/2 CASED G 1HD UPFLOW HORIZONT, G1 FA FULL CASED UPFLOW 'Available with factory installed horizontal drain pan. G2FD' - MULTI -POSITION (UPFLOW, HORIZONTAL AND DOWNFLOW) GINA UNCASED UPFLOW AIR HANDLERS - FOR NON -FURNACE APPLICATIONS N1AH OR N1VS MODULAR BLOWER (UPFLOW, HORIZONTAL AND DOWNFLOW) Subject to change without notice. Printed in U.SA. Copyright® by York International Corp. 2005. All ri Unitary Products Group reserved. COIL F2RC / F2FC OR F2RC / F2FP FAN COIL UNITS (UPFLOW; HORIZONTAL) 5005 York Drive 036-21339-001 Rev. D 036-21339-001 Rev. C OK 73069 1 My 0. Heating and Air Conditioning TECHNICAL GUIDE ' SINGLE PIECE AIR HANDLERS FOR USE WITH SPL(TSYSTEM ' COOLING & HEAT PUMPS HEAT PUMP MODELS: L -1 1 Due to continuous product improvement, specifications are subject to. change without notice. Visit us on the web at www.york.com for the most up-to-date technical inforrnation. Additional rating information can be found at www.ariprimenetorg. 035-21110-002 Rev. C (1204) DESCRIPTION This fan coil unit provides the flexibility for installation in any upflow or horizontal application. These versatile models may be used for split -system cooling or heat pump operation. Compact cabinets along with return air options in both the upflow and horizontal positions allow this unit to fit into tight spaces such as attics, crawl spaces, and closets. NOTE: For matching condensing units and performance data, refer to condenser technical guides. FEATURES CABINET -The compact and sturdy cabinet is protected with a durable, attractive finish to prevent rust. The cabinet is also. insulated to prevent cabinet sweating. F"RP/F2RC models have 1/2 inch fiber glass insulation and F'FP/F2FC & F'FV models have 3/4 inch insulation. BLOWERS - Blowers are sized to circulate air both quietly and efficiently. The direct -drive, 3 -speed motors provide a selection of air volume to match any application. Motor speeds may be selected via quick conned terminal at the motor. Slide -out blower/motor assemblies provide for easy servicing. COILS - Using the latest in heat iransfertechnology, the rifled tube coiUaluminum fin coils produce high performanoe ratings and provide long lasting quality. The cols are capable of bot- tom return air in the upflow position, and right or left end return air in the horizontal position. FACTORY INSTALLED TXV - Air handler models F3RP(T)/ F3FP(T) & F3FVM have factory installed TXV metering device. All other models are orifice metered. ELECTRIC HEATERS - Models.providing up to 25kw of heat are available as field installed accessories. Electric heaters are available in both single and three phase. EASY INSTALLATION - These fan coil units are designed to provide the lowest total installation cost. Accessible color coded control wiring, top and side power wiring knockouts, easy to install drain connections and electric heaters all com- bine to minimize installed cost on every job. CONTROL BOARD - The control board is equipped with low voltage terminal strips for easy installation. The control board is also equipped with plug-in receptacles for the auxiliary heaters. FOR DISTRIBUTION USE ONLY -NOT TO BE USED AT POINT OF RETAIL SALE F2RP/F2FP018 THRU 060 F3RPfF3FP018 THRU 060('T) COOUNG MODELS F2RC/F2FCO24 THRU 036 VARIABLE SPEED MODEL: ' F2FV060 F3FV060(T) L -1 1 Due to continuous product improvement, specifications are subject to. change without notice. Visit us on the web at www.york.com for the most up-to-date technical inforrnation. Additional rating information can be found at www.ariprimenetorg. 035-21110-002 Rev. C (1204) DESCRIPTION This fan coil unit provides the flexibility for installation in any upflow or horizontal application. These versatile models may be used for split -system cooling or heat pump operation. Compact cabinets along with return air options in both the upflow and horizontal positions allow this unit to fit into tight spaces such as attics, crawl spaces, and closets. NOTE: For matching condensing units and performance data, refer to condenser technical guides. FEATURES CABINET -The compact and sturdy cabinet is protected with a durable, attractive finish to prevent rust. The cabinet is also. insulated to prevent cabinet sweating. F"RP/F2RC models have 1/2 inch fiber glass insulation and F'FP/F2FC & F'FV models have 3/4 inch insulation. BLOWERS - Blowers are sized to circulate air both quietly and efficiently. The direct -drive, 3 -speed motors provide a selection of air volume to match any application. Motor speeds may be selected via quick conned terminal at the motor. Slide -out blower/motor assemblies provide for easy servicing. COILS - Using the latest in heat iransfertechnology, the rifled tube coiUaluminum fin coils produce high performanoe ratings and provide long lasting quality. The cols are capable of bot- tom return air in the upflow position, and right or left end return air in the horizontal position. FACTORY INSTALLED TXV - Air handler models F3RP(T)/ F3FP(T) & F3FVM have factory installed TXV metering device. All other models are orifice metered. ELECTRIC HEATERS - Models.providing up to 25kw of heat are available as field installed accessories. Electric heaters are available in both single and three phase. EASY INSTALLATION - These fan coil units are designed to provide the lowest total installation cost. Accessible color coded control wiring, top and side power wiring knockouts, easy to install drain connections and electric heaters all com- bine to minimize installed cost on every job. CONTROL BOARD - The control board is equipped with low voltage terminal strips for easy installation. The control board is also equipped with plug-in receptacles for the auxiliary heaters. FOR DISTRIBUTION USE ONLY -NOT TO BE USED AT POINT OF RETAIL SALE ' DIMENSIONS SHIPPING BRACKET' REMOVE PRIOR TO �. INSTALLATION (2 SCREWS) J 10-3/8 F DRAIN CONNECTIONS K FOR HORIZONTAL � APPLICATIONS 11 lie> 4 VAPOR OPENING LIQUID 791 1 — c 2 B DRAIN CONNECTIONS FILTER FOR UPFLOW APPLICATIONS ACCESS 036-21110-002 Rev. C (1204) ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. THEY ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. CERTIFIED DIMENSIONS WILL BE PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. 314 F . /4-1/8 mw m 3/8 7-1/2 TOP VIEW (ALL MODELS) A ®=DRAIN PAN FOOTPRINT MAX FILTER LENGTH (21 INCHES) MAX. FILTER WIDTH (B MINUS 1-1/2 INCHES) BOTTOM VIEW MODEL F2RP/F3RP(T)/ DIMENSIONS WIRING KO.S1 REFRJGCONNECTIIONSE� E SIZE F2FP/F3FP{T)! F2RC/F2FC/ F2FV/F3FV(T) A B C D E F J K VAPOR HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH POWER CONTROL LIQUID 018 (RP/FP) 40-3/4 18 22 12-1/8 14-7/8 16-1/21 7/8 (1/2) 718(1/2) 3/$ 5/8 024 40-3/4 18 14-7/8 16-1/2 5/8 030 40-3/4 18 14-7/8 16-1/2 3/4 036(RC) 40-3/4 18 14-7/8 16-1/2 3/4 036(RP) 40-3/4 21-1/2 18-3/8 20 3/4 0402 40-3/4 21-1/2 18-3/8 20 7/8 042 40-3/4 21-1/2 18-3/8 20 7/8 0452 50-3/4 24 17-3/$ 20-7/8 22-1/2 - 1 8(j) 1-318(1) 1-23/32 7/8 048 (FP) 50.3/4 24 20-7/8 22-1/2 7/8 060 (FP) 50-3/4 24 20-7/8 22-1/2 7/8 06020 50-3/4 24 20-7/8 22-1/2 7/8 . 1. Actual conduit size is shown in parenthesis. 2. Models only awflable with factory installed horizontal drain pan. Unitary Products Group 036-21110-002 Rev. C (1204) COIL TECHNICAL DATA AIR HANDLER APPLICATION MODEL REFRtGL CONN. TYPE DEEP STD. FACE FINS COIL ORIFICE AREA PER SLABE SIZE SIZE (SQ. FT.) ROWS INCH H W LUBE GEOMETRY TUBE DIA FIN. TYPE METERING DEVICE F2RP/FP018 A/C & HP Sweat i 53 2.43 2 14 10 17.5 1x886 3/8 Enhanced Orifice F2RC/FCO24 A/C 61 2.92 2 14 12 17.5 Orifice F2RP/FP024 A/C & HP 61 3.40 2 14 14 17.5 Orifice F3RP024 A/C & HP 61 3.40 2 14 14 17.5 TXV F2RC/FC030 A/C 65 2.92 2 14 12 17.5 Orifice F2RP/FP030 A/C & H/P 65 1 3.89 2 14 16 17.5 Orifice F3RP030 A/C & H/P 65 3.89 2 14 16 17.5 TXv F2RC/FC036 AC 73 3.89 2 14 16 17.5 Orifice F2RP/FP036 A/C & H/P 75 3.40 3 12 14 17.5 Orifice F3RP036 A/C & H/P 75 3.40 3 12 14 17.5 TXV F2FP040 A/C & H/P 63 3.89 3 11 16 17.5 Orifice F3FP040 A/C & H/P 63 3.89 3 11 16 17.5 Txv F2RP/FP042 A/C & H/P 78 3.89 3 11 16 17.5 Orifice F3RP042 A/C & H/P 78 3.89 3 11 16 '17-5 TXV F2FP045 A/C & H/P 78 5.83 3 12 24 17.5 Orifice F3FP045 A/C & H/P 78 5.83 3 12 24 17.5 TXV F2FP048 A/C & H/P 84 5.35 3 12 22 17.5 Orifice F3FP048 A/C & H/P 84 5.35 3 12 22 17.5 TXV F2FP060 A/C & H/P 90 5.83 3 12 24 17.5 Orifice F3FP060 A/C & WP 90 5.83 3 12 24 17.5 Txv F2FV060 A/C & H/P 90 5.83 3 12 24 17.5 Orifice F3FV060 A/C & H/P 90 5.83 3 12 24 17.5 TX' Unitary Products Group 3 036-21110-002 Rev. C (1204) Physical and Electrical Data MODEL F2RC/F2FC4F2RP/F3RP(7)/F2FP 018 024 030 036(RP/FP) 036(RCIFC) - Slower - Diameter Width 9x6 10X6 10x8 10x8 10x8 - Motor HP 1/4 1/4 1/3 1/2 112 - Nominal RPM 1075 1075 1075 1075 1075 - Voltage 04OH06 2.5 2.3 208/230 15 14 AMPS Full Load 1.6/1.4 1.6/1.4 2.5/22 3.32.9 3.3/2.9 - Locked Rotor 3/32.9 3.32.9 6.2/5.5 7.416.5 7.416.5 - Fitberl TVpe 060(NIH) 05 4.6 4.4 Disposable/Permanent 15 Ste 16x20xl 16x20xl 16x20x1 20x20x1 16x20x1 - PermanmentType KR IPF601BK 1PF601BK lPF6018K lPF602SK lPF6018K Shipping/Operating Weight (lbs.) - RP/FP 87192 93/98 100/105 109/115 - - ShippingtOperat3ng Weight (lbs.) - RC/FC - 90/95 90/95 - 90/95 - MODEL F2RP/F3RP(T)/F2FP/F3FP(T)/FZFV/F3FV(T) 040 042 045 048 1 060 F(2,3)FV060 Blower - Diameter x Width 10x8 10x8 10x10 11 x10 I 11 x10 11 x10 Motor HP ' 1/3 3/4 1/3 12 3/4 1.0 Nominal RPM 1075 1130 925 1085 1100 1200 Voltage 208230 Amps Full Load 2.5/2.2 4.4/3.8 3.02.7 I 3.8/3.3 1 4.4/3.8 7.8!7.0 Locked Rotor 6.2/5.5 11.9/10.3 1 4.8/4.1 L 4.6/4.0 1 8.417.3 - F'rtterl Type Disposable/Perrnanerd Size 16x20x1 20x20xl 22rQ0x1 22x20x1 22x20x1 22x20x1 Permanment Type Kk lPF6018K 1PF602BK 1PF603SK lPF6038K 1PF6038K 1PF603BK Shipping/Operating Weight (lbs.) - RP/FP 1151121 115/121 144/150 142/148 149/155 160 Shipping/Operating vVeight (tbs.) - RC/FC - - - - - - 1. Reid Supplied. ELECTRICAL DATA - Cooling Only MODEL F2RP/F3RP(T)/FZFP/F3FP(T)/ F2RC/F2FCJF2FV/F3FV(T) TOTAL MOTOR AMPS 208V I 240V MINIMUM CIRCUIT AMPACITY 208V 240V Max. O.C.P.' Amps/ Type MINIMUM WIRE SIZE A.W.G 018 (NM) 06 1.6 1.5 2.0 1.8 15 14 024 (WIC 06 l 1.6 1.5 2.0 1.8 15 14 030(TI/H) 06 2.5 2.3 3.2 2.6 15 14 036 (N,H) 06 3.3 3.0 4.2 3.7 15 14 04OH06 2.5 2.3 3.2 2.8 15 14 042(N/H) 06 4.4 4.0 5.5 4.8 15 14 0451-106 3.1 ( 2.6 3.9 3.4 15 14 048(NfH) 05 3.9 3.5 4.9 4.3 15 14 060(NIH) 05 4.6 4.4 6.4 5.5 15 14 VARIABLE SPEED MODEL F(2,3)FV06H06 - - - - 15 14 .1. O.C.P. =Over Current Protection device, must be HACR type Circuit Breaker or Time Delay Fuse. e Unitary Products Group 1*. 1 L C 0 MYORK i 11 Ri and Air Condibonling TECHNICAL GUIDE R-22 SPLIT -SYSTEM HEAT PUMPS 13 SEER MODELS: E*RD018 THP,U 060 1(1-112 T HRU 5 NOWNAL 036-21681-003 Rev. B (0905) DESCRIPTION The 13 SEER series heat pumps are designed for use with a variety of UPG evaporator sections to suit any application need. A full line of matching Add -On Coils are available for use with upflow, downflow or horizontal furnaces. Matching Air Handlers are also available for upflow, downflow or hori- zontal installation to provide a complete system. Electric heat may be installed in air handlers. All units are factory charged to assure easy installation. WARRANTY 5 -year limited parts warranty. 5 -year limited compressor warranty. FEATURES • DURABLE CONSTRUCTION - The outdoor unit is con- structed of pre -painted steel that offers tough protection against corrosion and resists fading when exposed to sun - TONS) light Drain holes are incorporated into the base pan to per- mit free drainage of moisture. scow r giInFlCAI"... 16 oRY . — SYS(BJ 6 usTm ,.�,+ a. C & U S Ut m� �'wu t6•sx�,x tso 2001 Cerored werdy Meru genets Sycte„ QUALITY COILS - The coil is constructed of enhanced copper tube and aluminum fins. COIL PROTECTION - Coils are protected from damage by a polymer mesh applied between the coil face, and a PVC coated steel coil guard. PROTECTED COMPRESSOR - The hermetic compressor is internally protected against high pressure and tempera- ture by the simultaneous operation of a high pressure relief valve and temperature sensors which stop the compressor if operating temperatures go too high. Both protectors reset automatically. A discharge line solid core filter drier further protects the compressor. Complete System Control — These heat pumps utilize the unique microprocessor defrost control system to pro- vide optimal comfort and to monitor the overall system for reliable operation. The defrost control system continuously monitors the space environment to maintain optimum efrr- c]ency. It initiates defrost only when necessary to further reduce heating costs and improve reliability. In the event improper operating conditions occur, the control will auto- matically shut the system down to extend the life of the heat pump. Rapid cycling is prevented by use of an inter- nal anti -recycle timer. LOW OPERATING SOUND LEVEL --The compressor is mounted on rubber isolators to reduce operating sounds. The slow moving condenser fan keeps air turbulence and sound to a low level. - EASY ACCESS - Removable panel affords accessibility to the electrical box. FULLY CHARGED AND FACTORY WIRED - to simply Due to continuous product impnrovemerit, specifications installation and reduce tabor costs. Only power supply and are subject to change without notice. control wiring and refrigerant lines must be connected. All models are sweat connect with reusable service valves. Visit us on the web at www.yo-k.com for the most up-to-date technical information. - Factory tested - to verify system operation and control functioning before shipment Additional rating information can be found at U_L and C.U_L listed -approved for outdoor application. www.ariprimenetorg. Certified in accordance with the Unitary Small Equipment cer- tification program, which is based on ARI Standard 2101240. FOR DISTRIBUTION USE ONLY - NOT TO BE USED AT POINT OF RETAIL SALE 036-21681-003 Rev. 8 (0905) Physical and Electrical Data /-� MODEL E111RD018S06 E1R0024S06 E1RD030S0 EtRD036S06 E1RD042S06 E1RD048S06 E1RD060S06 Unit Supply Voltage08323 A' B , , OHz Liquid Vapor 018 Normal Voltage Range 35 1 23 3/8" 187 to 252 024 31 27 Jj37_ 030 35 7 27 7/8" Minimum Circuit Ampacaty 9.9 15.0=1 6.9 19.8 25.0 32.7 37.8 Max. Ovencrrrent Device Amps 2 15 25 25 30 40 50 60 Compressor Type 3 Reap Reap Recip Reap Recip scroll" Scroll" Compressor. [RaledLoad 7.5 10.7 12.4 14.6 18.8 25.0 29.1 Amps Locked Rotor 41 44 60 78 78 115 150 Crankcase Heater Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Fan Motor Amps Rated Load 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Fan Diameter Inches 22 22 22 22 22 24 24 Rated HP 1/15 1/4 1/4 114 1/4 1/4 1/4 Fan Motor Nominal RPM 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 Nominal CFM 2,000 3,250 3,450 3,500 3,500 3.400 3,500 Face Area Sq_ Ft 15.72 18.34 20.96 23.58 23.58 24.00 27.00 Coil Rows Deep 1 ! 1 1 1 2 2 Fin / Inches 22 22 22 22 22 18 18 Liquid Line Set OD (Field Installed) ! 318 3/8 3/8 318 3/8 3/8 3/8 ! Vapor Line Set OD (Field Installed) 3/4 3/4 7/8 718 7/8 7/8 7/8 UnrCharge (Lb s.-Oz.)4 7-1 7-9 8-7 8-7 8-7 12-8 16-8 Charge Per Foot, Oz. 0.68 0.68 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 Operating Weight Lbs. 1,72 184 ! 196 208 208 250 294 1. Rated in accordance with ARI Standard 110, utilization range "A". 2. Dual element fuses or HACR circuit breaker. 3. All scrolls listed with a superscript "B" are Bristol scrolls. All scrolls listed with a superscript "C" are Copeland scrolls. 4. The Unit Charge is correct for the outdoor unit, matched indoor coil and 15 feet of refrigerant tubing. -For tubing lengths other than 15 tee; add or subtract the amount of refrigerant, using the difference in length multiplied by the per foot value. All dimensions are in inches. They are subject to change without notice. Certified dimensions will be provided upon request. Unit Model Dimensions (Inches) Refrigerant Connection Service Valve Size A' B C Liquid Vapor 018 27 35 1 23 3/8" 3/4" 024 31 27 Jj37_ 030 35 7 27 7/8" 036 39 37 27 042 39 37 27 048 34 43 32 060 38 43 32 1. Including Fan Guard 2 Unitary Products Group 036-21681-003 Rev. B (0905) Additional R-22 Charge / Orifice Size for Various 1. Systems matched with turiace or air handlers not equipped with blower -oft delays may require blower Time Delay Krt #591IM011. 2. These orifices are factory mounted in the flow device of each indoor coil. 3. A TXV Idt must be used with these coils to obtain system performance (701, 702, 703 indicates 1TV07 ...series). PROCEDURES: 1. Unit factory charge listed on the unit nameplate includes refrigerant for the condenser, the smallest evaporator and for 15 feet of interconnecting line tubing. 2 Verify the orifice size and the additional charge required for the specific evaporator coil in the system using the above Sable. 3. Additional charge forthe amount of interconnecting line tubing greater than 15 feet at the rate specified in the table above. 4. Permanently mark the urK nameplate with the total system charge. Total System Charge = Base charge (as shipped) + adder for evaporator + adder for fine set. 5. It the orifice in the evaporator was changed, verify the evaporator nameplate has been marked with the correct o ffioW XV size. Uniry Products Group 3 Coil Orifice XV Kits + Additional Charge, Oz 7 + - - - - - - ,H)17 k-2FD036(6,H)1 5 702+2 - - - - - - 14 I + - - - - - - 7 5 - 702+5 - - - - - 2 ( )21 8 - - 703+2 0 +6 - - - O(KtJ ,H 11 I 78 - - 703+2 - - - - )21. 4 84- - - +9 F-7-0+14 - - 1 H24 90 706+14 706 + 13 l + _ - _ _ - - HAO H14 7 - 702 + 12 - - - - - 1 fd 702+9 +2 - - - - ? 21 84 - - 7 +9 +5 5+7 - - 1 24 - - - _ - + +7 24 5 7 - - - - - - 1 - +4 - - - - - 1H 1 - - 3+3 703+ 705+0 - - _ _ _ - _ 7U5 + 0 70+ U 3 ? w fuz + I - 1 - - - 1 1M 63 +1 - - -- dGlNA036SITJ 6t - 702+2 - - - - - U-1FWMBMIC 151 702 -t- 2 EMT+ 1NA 1 i 71 - - -0 - - - - ?NA0424 8a - - - - - - 1 i 8 - - 70i+- 0 - 7a, +0 - - i NAVbUZ524 I I Ut - - - 703+6 +0 705 + 77 7 u- 1 OAQ 24S14,17 S9- - - - - - - 4 + _ _ _ _ A/ 1U 14- 1 A/ 1 UA 36 1 21 73 I 702+2 - - - - - - 1 1UA i7 84 - - 703+7 - - - - GIFAIGlUA048S21 8& 7w + 03+6 7 +7 - - 1 FA/ 1 UA060 21,24 90 I - - - - - 06 + 7 706 + h / "ra i t51 702 + — f 2 P030 65 - 7U -+O - - - - FZRP/F2FP04z 703 + 2 + - _ _ _ _ 7Q5 + 14 - - F2FP050 90 - - - - - 706 +7 705+7 7ub + 1 A 21 - - - 6 - - - r cal - - -2 6- - - (S,H)1-Ir - ( )2 4i - - - - 9 14 - - H?4l - -12 - - - - — 1 - -9 2- - - - 61HA0481-121T5 7- - F3FP042 6- - - fa0THO S_ 1. Systems matched with turiace or air handlers not equipped with blower -oft delays may require blower Time Delay Krt #591IM011. 2. These orifices are factory mounted in the flow device of each indoor coil. 3. A TXV Idt must be used with these coils to obtain system performance (701, 702, 703 indicates 1TV07 ...series). PROCEDURES: 1. Unit factory charge listed on the unit nameplate includes refrigerant for the condenser, the smallest evaporator and for 15 feet of interconnecting line tubing. 2 Verify the orifice size and the additional charge required for the specific evaporator coil in the system using the above Sable. 3. Additional charge forthe amount of interconnecting line tubing greater than 15 feet at the rate specified in the table above. 4. Permanently mark the urK nameplate with the total system charge. Total System Charge = Base charge (as shipped) + adder for evaporator + adder for fine set. 5. It the orifice in the evaporator was changed, verify the evaporator nameplate has been marked with the correct o ffioW XV size. Uniry Products Group 3 035-21661-003 Rev. B (0905) -001 INC, CAPACITY -With Air Handler Coilsri/ UNIT MODEL AIR HANDLER COIL MODEL' COOLING MODEL ELECTRIC HEAT KW2 W RATED CFM NET MSH SEER EER TOTAL SENS. 1 PH 13 SEER HP WITH N1AH / G2FD EIRD018SO6 NlAHB08 5.8,10,15,19 17 G2FD024(S,H)17 600 18.0 12.4 13.00 11.35 E1 RD024S06 NlAHB08 5,8,10,15,19 17 G2FD036(S,H)17(T) 800 23.2 16.8 1 13.00 1125 NlAHB12 I 5,8,10,15,19 17 G2FD036(S,H)17(T) 800 23.2 16.8 1 13.00 11.25 EIRD030SO6 NlAHB12 5,8,10,15,19 17 G2FD046(S,H)17(T) 1000 28.4 20.3 1 13.00 11125 E1RD036SO6 N1AHC16 5,8,10,15,19 21 G2FD042(S,H)21(T) 1200 35.0 25.6 13.00 111.60 NlAHC16 5,8,10,15,19 21 G2FD048(S,H)21(f) 1200 35.0 25.6 13.00 1 11.60 E1RD042S06 NlAHC16 5,8,10,15,19 21 G2FD048(S,H)21 1400 41.0 30.8 13.00 11.25 NlAHD20 8,10,15,20,25,30 24 G2FD048(S,H)24 1400 41.0 30.8 13.00 11.25 EiRD048506 NlAHD20 8,10,15,20,25,30 24 G2FD060(S,H)24 1600 46.0 35.4 13.00 11.50 N1AHD20 8,10,15,20,25,30 24 G2FD061H24 1600 46.0 35.5 13.00 11.50 ElRD060S06 NIAH020 8,10,15,20,25,30 24 G2FD060(S,H)24 1800 55.0 40.7 13.00 11.50 NlAH020 8,10,15,20,25,30 24 G2FD061H24 1800 55.5 41.0 13.00 1155 1 PH 13 SEER HP / N1 VS - VARIABLE SPEED E1RD018SO6 N1VSB12 5,8,10,15,19 17 G2FD024(S,H)17 600 18.8 11.7 14.00 11.95 N7 VSB12 5,8,10,15,19 17 G2FD030(S,H)17 600 18.4 12.6 14.00 112.70 EllRD024S06 NIVSB12 5,8,10,15,19 17 G2FD036(S,H)17(T) 800 23.6 16.7 14.00 112.55 NlVSC16 5.8,10,15,19 21 G2FD036(S,H)21(T) 800 24.0 17.1 1425 12.70 ElRD030SD6N1VSB12 5,8,10,15,19 17 G2FD046(S,H)17(T) 1000 29.0 20.1 14.00 12.35 N1VSC16 5,8,10,15,19 21 G2FD042(S,H)21(T) 1000 28.8 20.0 I 14.00 12.30 ElRD036S06 N1VSC16 5,8,10,15,19 21 G2FD042(S,H)21(T) 1200 35.4 252 14.00 12.65 NlVSC16 5.8,10,15,19 t 21 G2FD048(S,H)21(T) 1200 35.4 252 14.00 12.65 r NlVS020 8,10,15,2025,30 24 G2FDO48(S,H)24(T) 1200 35A 252 14.00 12.65 ElRD042S06 NIVSC16 5,8,10,15,19 21 G2FD048(S,H)21 1400 41.0 1 30.3 13.75 11.95 NIVSD20 5,8,10,15,19 21 G2FDG48(S,H)21 1400 41.5 30.4 14.00 1 12.05 E1R004:SS06 N1VSD20 8,10,15,20,25,30 24 G2FD060(S,H)24 1600 46.0 34.6 13.50 11.95 N1 VSD20 8,10,15,20,25.30 24 G2FD061 H24 1600 46.5 1 34.8 13.75 12.10 El RDD60S06 N i VSD20 8,10,152025,30 24 G2FD060(S,H)24 1800 54.0 39.7 13.25 11.70 N.VS020 8,10115,20,25,30 ' 24 G2FD061H24 1800 55.0 39.9 1325 11.85 1 PH 13 SEER HP / F2RP / FP / FV3,4 ElRD018SO6 ; F2RP/F2FP024 ` 2,5,8,10 17 - 600 18.4 11.4 13. -dab 111.05 E1RD02 1 F2RP/F2FP030 5,8,10,15 17 - 800 232 16.4 13.00 1120 1RD03-0S06 F2RP/F2FP040 5,8,10,15 21 - 1000 28.0 19.5 13.00 11120 1120 F3RP040 5,8,10,15 21 - 1000 28.0 19.5 13.00 E1RD03b'S06 F2RP/F2FP042 5,8,10,15 21 - 1200 34.6 25.4 13.00 11.25 F3FP042 i 10,15,20,25 24 - 1200 34.6 I 25.4 13.00 1125 ElRD04ZS06 I F2FPD48 10,1520,25 24 - 1400 40.5 30.7 13.00 10.95 ElRD048S06 F2FP060 F2FV060 10,15,20,25 10,15,20,25 24 24 - - 1600 1600 45.5 46.0 35.3 34.6 13.00 11.20 13.50 12.00 EllRD060606 F2FP060 10,15,20,25 24 - 1800 54.5 40.4 13.00 11.20 F2FV060 10,15,20,25 24 - 1800 54.0 39.7 13.25 11.70 Rated in accordanoe with DOE test procedures (Federal Register 12-27-79 and 318-88) and ARI Standards 2101240. Cooling MBH based on 80'1F entering air temperature. 50% RH, and rated air flow. EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) is the total cooling output in BTUs at a 95°F outdoor ambient divided by the total electric power in watt-hours at those conditions. SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) is the total coding output in BTU's during a normal annual usage period for cooling divided by the total electric power input in watrhours during the same period. W 1. G2FD coils available with a factory installed horizontal drain pan. See price pages for specific model number. 2. Single phase units require single phase 2HK heaters. 3. To meet R=4.2 insulation requirements, substitute F2FP for F2RR models. All ratings remain the same. 4. FG8, FG9, and FL8 furnaces and F2RP air handlers have B.O.D. standard. -= Not Appricable.' Unitary Products Group 036-21681-003 Rev. B (0905) BEATING PERFORMANCE -With Air Handler / UNIT MDDEL" AiR HANDLER COIL' MODEL ARI HEATING2 47°F 17°F HSPF MBH I COP KW I MBHCOP KW I STD 1 PH 13 SEER HP WITH N1AH/ G2FD E1RD018S06 NlAHB08 G2FD024(S,H)14,17 18.0 3.62 1.46 10.5 2.28 1.35 8.00 EIRD024SOS NlAHB08 G2FD036(S,H)17(f) 23.0 3.44 1.96 13.1 2.30 1.67 8.00 NlAHB12 G2FD036(S,H)17(T) 23.0 3.44 1.96 13.1 2.30 1.67 8.00 EIRD030S06 N1AHB12 G2FD046(S,H)17(T) 31.0 3.66 2.48 16.2 212 j 2.14 8.00 E1RD036S06 NlAHC16 G2FD042(S,H)21(T) 34.4 3.44 2.93 20.4 2.50 2.39 8.40 NIAHC16 G2FD048(S,H)21(T) 36.0 3.86 2.73 22.4 2.78 2.36 9.00 E1RD042SD6 NlAHC16 G2FD048(S,H)21 42.0 3.62 340 25.0 2.56 2.86 8.75 NlAHD20 G2FDD48(S,H)24 42.0 3.62 3.40 25.0 2.56 2.86 8.75 E1RD048SD6 NIAHD20 G2FD060(S,H)24 48.0 3.50 4.02 29.6 2.34 3.71 8.10 NIAHD20 G2FD061H24 48.0 3.50 4.02 29.6 2.34 3.71 8.10 E1RD060S06 NlAHD20 G2FD060(S,H)24 58.0 3.52 4.83 35.0 2.32 4.42 8.00 NlAHD20 G2FD061H24 1 58.0 3.52 1-7-831 35.0 2.32 4.42 8.00 1 PH 13 SEER HP WITH N1 VS - VARIABLE SPEED E1RD018S06 NiVSB12 G2FD024(S,H)17 17.6 3.86 1.34 10.1 2.40 1.23 8.40 'N1VSB12 G2FD030(S,H)17 17.5 3.86 1.33 10.0 242 1.21 8.50 ElRD024S06 N1VSB12 G2FD036(S,H)17M 222 3.68 1.77 12.5 2.46 1.49 8.50 N1VSC16 G2FD036(S,H)21M 222 3.68 1.77 12.5 2.46 1.49 8.50 E1RD030S06 N1 VSB12 G2FD046(S,H)17(T) 30.4 3.84 2.32 1 15.6 2.301.99 8.20 N1VSC16 G2F0042(S,H)21(T) 302 3.90 227. 15.5 2.34 1.94 820 NIVSC16 G2FD042(S,H)21M 32.0 3.54 2.65 18.5 2.58 2.10 8.65 ElRD036SD6 N1VSC16 G2FD048(S,H)21(T) 35.2 4.10 2.52 21.6 2.96 2.14 9.65 NIVSD20 G2FD048(S,H)24(7) 352 4.10 2.52 21.6 2.96 2.14 9.65 E1 ROD42S06 N1 VSC16 G2FD048(S,H)21 41.5 3.72 327 24.4 2.64 2.71 9.00 N i VSD20 G2FD048(S,H)21 41.5 3.72 3.27 24.4 2.64 2.71 9.00 ElRDD48S06 NlVSD20 G2FD060(S,H)24 47.5 3.58 3.89 292 2.40 3.56 825 N1 VSD20 G2FD061 H24 47.5 3.60 3.87 292 2.40 3.56 8.30 E1RDD60S06 N1VSD20 G2FD060(S,H)24 57.5 3.56 4.73 34.6 2.34 4.33 8.15 N1 VSD20 G2FD061 H24 57.5 3.58 4.71 34.6 2.36 4.30 8.20 i 1 PH 13 SEER HP / FRP / FP / FV jkp EIRD018S06 F2RPr2FP024 - 17.9 1 3.66 1.43 10.4 2.30 1.32 8.25 24S06 F2RP/F2FP030 - 23.0 3.44 1.96 13.1 2.30 1.67 8.10 I E1RD030S06 F2RP/F2r"P040 -31.0 3.66 2.48 162 2.22 2.14 8.00 F3RP040 - 31.0 3.66 2.48 16.2 222 2.14 8.00 E1RD036S06 QE�!:�% F2RP/F2FP042 - 34.2 3.44 2.91 202 2.50 2.37 9.00 F3FP042 - 342 3.44 2.91 202 ' 2.50 2.37 9.00 E7 RDD42S06 F2FP048 - 42.0 3.56 3.46 25.2 2.52 2.93 8.60 E1RD048SOS F2FP060 - 48.0 3.44 4.09 30.0 2.30 3.82 8.00 F2FV060 - 47.5 3.60 3.87 292 2.40 3.56 8.30 ElRD060S06 F2FP060 - 58.0 3.46 4.91 352 2.28 4.52 8.00 F2FV060 - 57.5 3.56 4.73 34.6 2.34 4.33 8.15 1. Rated CFM same as for ung. 2. Heating MBH based on ARI standards of 70' DB entering indoor air, 72% RH outdoor air with 25 feet of interconnecting piping and no supplemental elec- tric heat operation. CP equals MBH output divided by (total Kw input x 3.412). HSPF (Heating Seasonal Performance Factor) is the total heating output during a normal annual usage period for heating divided by the total electric power input during the same period. - = Not Applicable. 8. Unitary Products Group MATCHING INDOOR COMPONENTS ADD-ON COILS - FOR FURNACE APPLICATIONS G1UA, G1HD 1/2 CASED HORIZONTI UPFLOW G2FD' G1FA � MULTI-POSITiO FULL CASED (UPFLOW, HOR.� UPFLOW AND DOWNFLOW) "Available with factory installed horizontal drain pan. GIH FULL k.^I)ry HORIZONTAL G1NA UPFLOW 036-21681-003 Rev. B (0905) AIR HANDLERS - FOR NON -FURNACE APPLICATIONS WAH OR N1 VS MODULAR BLOWER (UPFLOW, HORIZONTAL AND DOWNFLOW) Unitary Products Group COIL F2RP/F2FPIF3RP/F3FP/F2FV/F3FV FAN COIL UNITS (UPFLOW, HORIZONTAL) 27 Madlin s en teipfises Catherine M. Madlin; Certified Energy Analyst v 760-322-5004 / 323-3644 (fax) ®v . ®v vv _Manufacturer's Specifications Resistance Factor (R) of Common Ruffdsing Fvq-ater iaEs, Air Spaces and Films Moving Air Surfaces Any Position or Direction 15 MPH Wind (Winter) 0.17 7.5 MPH Wind (Summer) 0.25 Build V Vit n e -,,,,,-ffy Falcon Foam Insu12tiorn Materiais -value Insulation Board - St-didina Eaarcl FALCON FOAM- @ Type i/75 -F tz-Value FALCON FOAM- @ Type VIII175"F Gypsum Board 1/2" 0.45 ' 4.40 5/8" 0.56 Polyurethane/Polyisocyanurate Plywood 1/4" 0.31 Insulation batts:blankets 3/8" 0.47 Insulation Loose Fill 1/2" 0.62 Cellulosic/Inch 3.1-3.7 3/4" 0.94 Vermiculite, exfoliated/inch Hardboard, Underlayment 1/4" 0.31 Heat Flow Up 1" 1.24 Building Paper Reflective, one surface 2.22 (Summer) Permeable Felt, 151b, Heat Flow Down 0.06 Non -reflective Plastic Film Neg Reflective, one surface br. zrY Mtatena!s Concrete blocks, three oval cores 3.59 (Winter) Heat Flow Horizontal Cinder aggregate 4" thick 1.11 1.01 (Winter) 12' thick 1.89 3.46 (Winter) 8" thick 1.72 Sand and Gravel Aggregate 8" thick 1.11 ' lightweight Aggregate 8" thick 2.00 (through a horizontal surface) 4' thick 1.50 0.92 Gypsum Mortar or Plaster 1/4- 0.05 (through a vertical surface) 1/2" 0.10 0.68 1- 020 ' Gypsum Plaster (Perlite) 1" O.64 Gypsum Plaster (Vermiculite) 1" 0.59 Brick per inch 0.20 Fake brick, per inch 0.11 ' Stucco, per inch 0.20 Roo ing iFla«riaiS Asbestos Cement Shingles 0.21 Asphalt Roll Roofing 0.15 ' Asphalt Shingles 0.44 Built Up Roofing . 3/8" 0.33 Wood Shingles 0.94 Sid.€ng Materials Asbestos Cement 1/4" thick lapped 0.21 Asphalt 0.15 Wood Shingle. 16"x7.5' Exposure 0.87 Double with 12" Exposure 1.19 ' Wood Drop Siding, 1 "x8" 0.77 Wood Bevel Siding, .5'x8" (lapped) 0.81 Wood Bevel Siding..314"x10" gapped) 1.05 Wood Plywood, .3/8" (lapped) 0.59 ' Structural Glass 0.10 Moving Air Surfaces Any Position or Direction 15 MPH Wind (Winter) 0.17 7.5 MPH Wind (Summer) 0.25 Build V Vit n e -,,,,,-ffy Falcon Foam Insu12tiorn Materiais -value Insulation Board - FALCON FOAM- @ Type i/75 -F 3.90 FALCON FOAM- @ Type VIII175"F FALCON FOAM- @ Type 11/75•F FALCON FOAM° @ Type DV75*F 4.40 Extruded Polystyrene @ 75T 5.00 Polyurethane/Polyisocyanurate Aged @ 75'F 5.60 Insulation batts:blankets Mineral Wool Per Inch/75'F 3.66 Insulation Loose Fill FALCON FOAM- 3.40 Cellulosic/Inch 3.1-3.7 Perlite. Expanded/Inch 2.2-2.9 Vermiculite, exfoliated/inch 2.1-2.3 Air Spaces (S,'4'1 Heat Flow Up Non -reflective 0.75 (Summer) 0.87 (Winter) Reflective, one surface 2.22 (Summer) 221 (Winter) Heat Flow Down Non -reflective 0.85 (Summer) 1.02 (Winter) Reflective, one surface 3.29 (Summer) 3.59 (Winter) Heat Flow Horizontal Non -reflective 0.84 (Summer) 1.01 (Winter) Reflective, one surface 3.24 (Summer) 3.46 (Winter) Sur`ace Air Fafrts, Inside (Still Air) Heat Flow Up (through a horizontal surface) Non -reflective 0.61 Reflective 1.32 Heat Flow Down (through a horizontal surface) Non -reflective 0.92 Reflective 4.55 Heat Flow Horizontal (through a vertical surface) Non -reflective 0.68 Moving Air Surfaces Any Position or Direction 15 MPH Wind (Winter) 0.17 7.5 MPH Wind (Summer) 0.25 Build V Vit n e -,,,,,-ffy Falcon Foam 0 It 5 A n de"T's"e" n Center of Glass Performance Data Dual -Pane Class (Air filled) Visible Light, C7 5 CasemenVAwning, Tilt -Wash, 1 %MR ! Glass Woodwrlghl:7 NarrolineV Transom 83% I 0.92 Fixed (Picture Windows) 82% I 0.90 Circle Tor 83% 0.92 Perma-Shleld" 0.31 I 76 Narrolinee Gliding Patio Door oz 7. 0.87 FleldtrdTllB," Ards Top, Sprnglin,_ 62% 0.82. Inside ;Surface High -Performance Sun- Low -E Glass (Dual -pane, tinted Low -F, argon blend filled) Visible j UgtFt' i SC' Failing j RHG1 1 1 %MR ! Glass SHGC2 RNW I Tuv' Tdw1 !U-Factor4@cente1`!; entry Temp" B-7 WoodwrigtrI7, Transom Picture Units: CA, NLLPYF' 40% 0.36 0.31 I 76 16% i Surnsfaidce 0.79 191 62% 64% 0.50 41% j 45°F 0.77 187 1 57% 60% i 0.49 1 41% ..46-F 0.79 191 62% 65% 0.49 41% 45°F. 0.75 181 54% 58% 0.49 42% 467 0.71• 172 47% j 53% 0.49 f 42% 46°F High -Performance Sun- Low -E Glass (Dual -pane, tinted Low -F, argon blend filled) Visible j UgtFt' i SC' SHGC1 j RHG1 1 Inside Surface Fading I ; %MR Class Tuvl Tdwl 111-Factorl-Rcenter"i Temp' Casemerd, Awning, Tilt -Wash, I Resistance I to Tested Tightness Ie High -Performance entry CW16 A-3 B-7 WoodwrigtrI7, Transom Picture Units: CA, NLLPYF' 40% 0.36 0.31 I 76 16% i Surnsfaidce Low -E Glass Visible I 54°F @-3. 40% 0.35 _T_ Fading 74 1 %MR Glass (Dual -pane, Low -E, argon blend filled) Light'' i SC' SHGC' RHG' TW Tdw1 ;U.Facto,1.:@.etr1! Temp' Casement, Awning,rdt-Wash, .30 5'% 7 54°F Circle iict :E3f1pii.6W, Circle, Oval 40-A 0.36 F 0.31 1 75 1 _ 1 ..2.4 24% Woo L"tgtg-IransSM 73% 0.50 0.43 1 104 17% 34% 0.28 60% 55°F Casement Picture, Awning 39% 1 (5374 Frenchwood' Hi ng*e'd', 39% 0.3 5 0.j0_i. ­ j! 73 14i% 22% ! 0�30 - 58% Double -Hung Picture 73% 0.49 1 0.43 1 102 16% 33% 0.28 60% i 56°F Gliding Virtadows (400 Series) 9-34 650 OA3 104. 17% 34% 9 1 60% 56*F Circle Top, Elliptical Top piicte,_pMt_ 73% Q.50 0.43 104 iii 34% 1 0.28 1 60 56°F Perma­ShltId* Patio Dow, Narrollne Gliding Patio Door 72% 0.490 4=2 101 i 15% 32% 0.27 60% i 56-F t,Outsntg, Ig id!nk 122t� 0.49 0.42 101 15% 32% 0.28 60% 56-F Windows, Spring6ne7 _ 7196 _J 0.47 0.41 1 98 14% i 31% 0.27 61% I 56°F Roof Windows/Wights (tempered) 73% :1 _71% 0.49 1 0.43 1 102 16% j 33% 0.28 60% 56-F Laminated (a11 products) 0.49" F0.42 T 10-1 2% 25% 0.28 60% i 56°F High -Performance Sun- Low -E Glass (Dual -pane, tinted Low -F, argon blend filled) Visible j UgtFt' i SC' SHGC1 j RHG1 1 Inside Surface Fading I ; %MR Class Tuvl Tdwl 111-Factorl-Rcenter"i Temp' Casemerd, Awning, Tilt -Wash, I Resistance I to Tested Tightness Tightness and blow-out entry CW16 A-3 B-7 WoodwrigtrI7, Transom Picture Units: CA, NLLPYF' 40% 0.36 0.31 I 76 16% i 24% I 0.31 4 58% I 54°F @-3. 40% 0.35 _T_ 0.30 74 1 15% 23% 0.30 57% 54*F Windows iniling 40% 0.36- - 0 31 75 6� % .30 5'% 7 54°F Circle iict :E3f1pii.6W, Circle, Oval 40-A 0.36 F 0.31 1 75 1 _ 1 ..2.4 24% 0.30 57% Perma-Shield" Patio Door _r.1_idin_9­ __ 0.30 1 7' '2 3 ­ 1 14% % 22 '_ T_ - 0.30 1 58� 54-F 39% 1 (5374 Frenchwood' Hi ng*e'd', 39% 0.3 5 0.j0_i. ­ j! 73 14i% 22% ! 0�30 - 58% S4°F Z;h iii�drws, i 6- 0.33 0.29 71 % 21% 0.30 58% 55°F Roof Windows/Skylights itempe III 9-34 L -920 -Ji 73. 14% 22% 0.30 58% 5A'F L,mmafiWlall products) 39% j 0.35 1 0.30 L 73 16% 0­.'3"0­ Thh; data's accurate as at Aug= 1,2,21103. Due to ongoing Product changes, updated Mia sawlis, Or new Intortary standards, this able TM than&,. tura lions. Canadian Product Performance Ratings Tested to: CAWCSA A440 -M90 The mullion was tested and the deflection was within the maximum allowable of 4/175 at positive and negative loads of 2600 Pa. 238 -High-Parlarmance' (HP Lao.[) and 'High -Performance Sun" (HP Sub ) are Andaman IrademBria; for *L�Pgla= Based 00 NFRC leStillWS11111113110D CMdIUDOS using Windom 4.) and NFRC validated special data. 0-f outside temperature, 70-F inside tentarer. alure and a 15 mph wind. I Visible Transmittance (VI) measures how much light mines tbrnugt the gless. The higher the value, from 0 to 1, the More daylight the ClAw leis In. Visible Transinlitants is measured ever ilia 380 to 760 narrometer portion of the solar spectrum. 2 Shading Coefficient defines the arno.ni of best gain through the &as compared to a single Ifte of dear 1/8' (3 MM) glass. 3 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) defines the fraCliOn Of Solar radiation Bdollned through the glass both directly transmitted and absorbed and subsequently released inward. 7he lower the value. the less neat is imnsMined through the g1ru,s. 4 Relative Heat Gain Is calculated under B different set at assumptions Ittan tittimal performance. 5 Transmission Urtra-Violet Energy (W. The transmission of short wan energy in the 300- 380 nanometer Portion of the solar spectrum, The energy can cause fabric fading. 6 Tmarsmissina Damage Function (TDW),Ibe transmission of short -ve energy in the 3M 600 nanorneiter portion 0: the solar spectnen. The value includes barth Vic Uld and visible lot energy urai can cause fabint facing. This rating has also been relemed lo as the Krochmann Damage Funcillon.'flus rating better predicts fading potential than UY transmission alone. The Imer The Damage Function rating, the kem tosmvnitsion of short -e energy through the 9kras that tan potentially cause fabric firding. Fabric " is also a key component of toding potential. 7 U-FaCIDI is 8 Mt&2= Of one fleet to= through the total unit In BTLJ/ht degF sq. IL 8 Percent relark humidity before candentartlim occura at the center of glazar. taken using ttnte, of Big-. lamptristm. 9 Inside gto� surface temperatures am taken at the center of glass. istance Applicable Applicable Applicable Windload Windload Re Unft Air Water I Resistance I to Tested Tightness Tightness and blow-out entry CW16 A-3 B-7 Fixed 5 P6050 Fixed B-7 B4._ B-3 C-4 -2 C-3 No A A-3 .AP421V A3535 A-3 TW3862 A-2 @-3. C-2 pplicable. 160611 I4..L3862____ A-3 B7.3 C-3 A DHP5662 Fixed B-3 C - Not G65 A-3 8-3 C-3 C-5 Not Fixed .q�qykP048­_. Ers Fixed B-7 C-5 yptA 238 -High-Parlarmance' (HP Lao.[) and 'High -Performance Sun" (HP Sub ) are Andaman IrademBria; for *L�Pgla= Based 00 NFRC leStillWS11111113110D CMdIUDOS using Windom 4.) and NFRC validated special data. 0-f outside temperature, 70-F inside tentarer. alure and a 15 mph wind. I Visible Transmittance (VI) measures how much light mines tbrnugt the gless. The higher the value, from 0 to 1, the More daylight the ClAw leis In. Visible Transinlitants is measured ever ilia 380 to 760 narrometer portion of the solar spectrum. 2 Shading Coefficient defines the arno.ni of best gain through the &as compared to a single Ifte of dear 1/8' (3 MM) glass. 3 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) defines the fraCliOn Of Solar radiation Bdollned through the glass both directly transmitted and absorbed and subsequently released inward. 7he lower the value. the less neat is imnsMined through the g1ru,s. 4 Relative Heat Gain Is calculated under B different set at assumptions Ittan tittimal performance. 5 Transmission Urtra-Violet Energy (W. The transmission of short wan energy in the 300- 380 nanometer Portion of the solar spectrum, The energy can cause fabric fading. 6 Tmarsmissina Damage Function (TDW),Ibe transmission of short -ve energy in the 3M 600 nanorneiter portion 0: the solar spectnen. The value includes barth Vic Uld and visible lot energy urai can cause fabint facing. This rating has also been relemed lo as the Krochmann Damage Funcillon.'flus rating better predicts fading potential than UY transmission alone. The Imer The Damage Function rating, the kem tosmvnitsion of short -e energy through the 9kras that tan potentially cause fabric firding. Fabric " is also a key component of toding potential. 7 U-FaCIDI is 8 Mt&2= Of one fleet to= through the total unit In BTLJ/ht degF sq. IL 8 Percent relark humidity before candentartlim occura at the center of glazar. taken using ttnte, of Big-. lamptristm. 9 Inside gto� surface temperatures am taken at the center of glass. istance Applicable Applicable Applicable Windload I Resistance forced Units I Weer. Air Resistance I to famed Tested Tightness Tightness and blow-out I entry FX -12050 Fixed &7 C-5 NotApQicaDle AF -608 Fixed 5 NotApplicable. Pass SP -802 Pass 080AP FWH6­ ' 8-7 C-5 .2 C-3 Not Applicable Pass Fixed A-3 Pass 908DSASR Pass FW06080AP 3180 Pass FWG8080 A-3 A-3 A-3 A [:tA CT 8-4 C-3 11-4 3 B-3 C-1 Pass ___ Not - Applicable Not Applicable pplicable. 160611 �3 9.2. c.1 Pass _ A PSG8080 -.1 Performance Data Andersen® NERC Certified Total Unit Performance_-_ Andersen Mndm And patio doors meat or etceed the farrowing standards: WDMAA.&-2,wD.hLA -LS..4 (VMMA lioanse No. 129).80mark ceffiried. Independent te30nglabevelories have pedDrMad All mQUIledIM on 5EIWJC63be& Compliance with these standards Is confirmed by ongoing touring In Andersen laboratories. These pmdud5 am covered by one or mom of the lolinuring patents: 4,999,950; 5,595.409; 5,775,749; 6,055,786; 5.544,450; 5$66,507: 5.582.445; 5,097,629; 5,740,632; 5,199,234;13312,565; D397,604; and D437,831. Other patents pending. GftS-FffkljVn of Full Divided fight -HiErr.Pedormanmx' (HP Low -p and '1`1141110twhante Sim' (HP Sun) are Andersen U34M. aft fol 'LO.-E'9t2S5 I 1.1-FaCtot defines the amount of hear lost threvo the am, -BA, mu -sq- n"r The tpo he value, the law heal is IDS, thmop me enthe product 9 Solat Real (3aln Coeffidem (SHGC) definm the faction Of solar "dl"nw adomood lhwp the eau both directly vansmottd and absorbed And Subsequently MICBStul m-rl The omr the value, the L -a hem It trolvdn-d ttffmgt the PmdVa 3 visible 7rinsrNuorme (1'r) meBSV= hex Men hiom comes invough 0 produm (0 On - d "'am) The bilibeithe value, from 0 to 1, the room d#Ot the Pma=ten 'n "`1 me pod"" Em.1 Von area -re lumsminesme 15 mtasumd our die 380 to 760 nanometer portion 04- the solar SPIMn. This data is acromme As 01 August 12, 2003. Due to oroinj PmdoM Changs. Ul,"tcd test r=ft, M om indtonry standaraL this date may change MW time. 239 Without Grilles. MYIJIJLUIf� 400 Series Doors 4DO Series Windows HP HP HP Sun HP HP Sun Andersen' Product Type Low -E Low -E Low -E Low -E Casement 1.1 -Factor' 0.33 0.35 0.34 0.36 24'x48'size SHGC2 0.33 0.24 0.30 0.22 72*x82"size VP 0.53 0.29 0.48.--- 0.26 Awning LI -Factor 0.33 0.35 0.34 0.36 48' x 24" size SHGC2 0.32 0.24 0.30 i 0.22 VP VP 0.52 1 0.28 0.47 i 0.26 CasemerrvAwning U -Factor' 0.30 - 0.32 0.32 0.34 Picture Window SHGC2 0.36 0.26 0.33 0.24 ,48'x 48" sae VP 0.59 0.32 53 1 0.29 %Voodwrighr ILI-Factor' 0-33 0.35 0.34 0.36 Double -Hung SHGC2 0.32 0.24 1 0.29 0.22 26" X 60" site VP 0.51 0.28 i0,46 _0.25 Woodwrighf- 1.1 -Factor' 0.3.0 0.32 0.32 0.34 Picture Window SHGC2 0.33 0.24 0. 15 0.22 48' x 48' size VP 0.54 0.29 0.48 0.26 Woodwriglitt" ILI-Factor, 0.30 _ 0.32-1 'i 0.32_7 - 0.34 Transom SHGC2 .35 F - 0.25 0.3i - 0.23 48' x 48' size VP Low -E 6.31 1 O.'iT 0.26 Tilt -Wash 1.1-Facwt, _034 0.36_ 0.35 0.35 Double -Hung SHGCI 0.32 0.24 0.29 0.22" 36' x 613" size Vr3 0.51 ^ 0.28 i 0.45 0.25 Titt-Wash *U -Factor, 0.33 1.15 135 0.37 Double -Hung Picture SHGC2 0.35 0 .25 6 :i 0.24 48" x 48" size VP 0.56 0.30 O.'SO -*0.27" Tilt -Wash U-Factot, 0.33 ---. 0.35 0.34 0.36 ­ Double -Hung Transom sHGCI 0.35 o. 25 1_0.32 7- 6.23 48* x 48' size VP 0.56 0.31 0.50 0.27 Gliding Window 1.1 -Factor, 0.36 0.38_0.38 8 8 0.39 60" x 36" --,&a SHGC2 0.30 013 tO3 2 8:: 47 Narroline Transom VP 0.46 0.25 0.43 0.97 Blipffical Window U -Factor' 030 0.32 0.32 0.34 48'x 48' Mae SHGC2 0.36__ 0.26 0.33 014 �.56 VP 0.59 012 0.53 9.29 Circle Top- 1.1-FaCtl3l' 0.30 0.320.32 60'x 36' size I 0.34 Casement SHGC2 036 0.26 F-6373 0.'24 48'x 48" size vr- 1.1 -Factor, 0.59 0.30 642 0.32 0.53 .0.32 0.29 0.34 Circle/Oval 48'x48"sae SHGC2 6.36 0.26 0.33 6.24 vr- VP 0.59 0.32 0.53 t 0.29 Arch Windows U-17actor, 0.31 0.33 0.32 0.34 48" x 48' size SHGC2 7 .36 i 0,26 33 0.24 VP Via 0.59 032 0.53 0-29 Flexitrame" 1.1 -Factor' 0.30 0.32 0.32 0.34 48* x 48" size SHGC2 EiI3 0.26 0.33 0.24 ­ Vp VP -6.59 0.32 0.53 1- 0.29 Springline- Window J -Factor' 0.34 0.36 0.36 ' 0.38 481 x 48" size SHGC1 0.35 0.26 0.32 6.24 Via 0.55 0.30 1 0.50 0.27 . Tempered- Skylight 1.1 -Factor' 0.44 0.46 0.44 .... 0.46 48" x 48" size SHGCI 0.42 3 1' OJI VP 0.67 .6. 017 0.65 0.36 Venting 1.1 -Factor' 0.42 0.44 0.42 .---0.44 '6.4j' Roof Window SHGC2 0.40 -16.62 0.24 0.39 0.29 484 x 484 size VP '% 0.34 Stationary 1.1 -Factor, 0.42 0.44 0.42 0.44 Rod Window SHGC2 0.40 0.30 L 0:39 0.29 48% 48' sae VP 0.64 0.35 0.60 0.33 GftS-FffkljVn of Full Divided fight -HiErr.Pedormanmx' (HP Low -p and '1`1141110twhante Sim' (HP Sun) are Andersen U34M. aft fol 'LO.-E'9t2S5 I 1.1-FaCtot defines the amount of hear lost threvo the am, -BA, mu -sq- n"r The tpo he value, the law heal is IDS, thmop me enthe product 9 Solat Real (3aln Coeffidem (SHGC) definm the faction Of solar "dl"nw adomood lhwp the eau both directly vansmottd and absorbed And Subsequently MICBStul m-rl The omr the value, the L -a hem It trolvdn-d ttffmgt the PmdVa 3 visible 7rinsrNuorme (1'r) meBSV= hex Men hiom comes invough 0 produm (0 On - d "'am) The bilibeithe value, from 0 to 1, the room d#Ot the Pma=ten 'n "`1 me pod"" Em.1 Von area -re lumsminesme 15 mtasumd our die 380 to 760 nanometer portion 04- the solar SPIMn. This data is acromme As 01 August 12, 2003. Due to oroinj PmdoM Changs. Ul,"tcd test r=ft, M om indtonry standaraL this date may change MW time. 239 Without Grilles 400 Series Doors HP HP Sort HP HP Son Andersen" Product Type Low -E Low -E Low -E Low -E Frenchwood` U -Factor' 033 0.35 0.35 0.36 Gliding Patio1SHGC2 I 0.29 0.21 0.26 0.20 72*x82"size VP 0.44 0.24 039 0.21 Frenchwoo& U -Factor' 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.36 Hinged Hinged Patio Door SHGC10.27 0.20 0.25 0.19 38"x 82' size VP 0.43 0.22 0.36 0.20 Frenchwoo 1.1 -Factor' 0.34 0.36 0.37 pi� Outswing aniti oD oor SHGC1 0,27 __0.41 -1:, 0.20 _0.25 0.19 311'xWsl Via (T4 _0.22- 03-6 :-'-0.20-* irencbwooiro U -Factor' _ 13.35 036 0.35 0,36 Patio Door Sidelight SHGC2 0.20 0.15 0.19 0.15 16"182* she I VP 0.27 0.15 0.26 i 0.14 Frenchwoo&U-FaCIDI' D.34 0.35 L 9.34 D.35 Patio Door Transom SHGC2 .16 0.13 0. 15 0.12 38' t 141 size VP 0.20 0.11 0.19 0.10 Mfturt Grilles 200 Series Windows & Doors ClearClear IDuid-pane: Andersen Product Type Dual -Pane Lav- r Low -E Casement U -Factor' 0.48 0.49 24'x 48" size SHGC1 VP _0.57 0.59 0.54 Awning 1.1 -Factor, 0.480.49 48"x 24" size SHGC2 0.56 6.-52. - VP 0.58 0.53 Tilt -Wash U -Factor' 0.49 0.34 0.50 035 _FZ1 -_ T36 - Dolable-Hung I SHGC1 56 033 Mx 60* size VP 0.58 - 0.51 052 F Narroline U-FactoO 0.50 0.35 0.50 036 Double -Hung SHGC2 0.58 0 33 .1.52 0-31 . 36'x 60' size VP 0.60 0-,.4 0.53-7 47 Narroline Transom 1.1-Factorl 0.47 0.31 L 0-48 0.33 48"x 48' sae 1 SHGC7 0.59 0.31 _ W - I �.56 049T. Gliding Window 1.1 -Factor' 0.50 0.50 0.35 60'x 36' size I .0.35.j SHGC2 0.57-7' 0.33 VP 0.58 0.52 0.52_ 0.46 Fixed, T in, U -Factor, 0.47 0.31 0.46 0.33 CintleTr I In SHGC1 0.60 0.34 1 0.54 . . 0.32 18'x 48" size vr- 0.62 0.58 J---0.5--6 0.49 NarrolinelFactor' 0.49 0-32 0-50 0.35 Gliding Patio Door SHGC2 0.35 0.54.- ' -0.56-0.49 032 72'x 821 size VP --6.-62 Fe-rma' Shield' U-Factnrl 0.47 0.31 0-48 033 Gliding Patio Door SHGC2 0.60 0.34 0.54 0.32 1 72'x sl- Vp -_j. r-' 2 0.56 0.56 0.50 GftS-FffkljVn of Full Divided fight -HiErr.Pedormanmx' (HP Low -p and '1`1141110twhante Sim' (HP Sun) are Andersen U34M. aft fol 'LO.-E'9t2S5 I 1.1-FaCtot defines the amount of hear lost threvo the am, -BA, mu -sq- n"r The tpo he value, the law heal is IDS, thmop me enthe product 9 Solat Real (3aln Coeffidem (SHGC) definm the faction Of solar "dl"nw adomood lhwp the eau both directly vansmottd and absorbed And Subsequently MICBStul m-rl The omr the value, the L -a hem It trolvdn-d ttffmgt the PmdVa 3 visible 7rinsrNuorme (1'r) meBSV= hex Men hiom comes invough 0 produm (0 On - d "'am) The bilibeithe value, from 0 to 1, the room d#Ot the Pma=ten 'n "`1 me pod"" Em.1 Von area -re lumsminesme 15 mtasumd our die 380 to 760 nanometer portion 04- the solar SPIMn. This data is acromme As 01 August 12, 2003. Due to oroinj PmdoM Changs. Ul,"tcd test r=ft, M om indtonry standaraL this date may change MW time. 239 An dersen® 400 Series Air Infiltration, Testing and light Transmittance Sound AAMA/WDM0. I` Cartlllcd � Trans, i Perfurmenm 102/1--, 2/NAFS•02 I pir Infiltradoncess ' AnthrseW Pmdud Rating Standard atm mpf ('/tu/m°! (SiC)^ ! one - DP 40 i C•C 40 36 x 72 i 0.03 (.54) 25 22 _. --- -- • g; DP 35 AP -C 35 65 x 28 0.04 (.73) i 26 i 22 0"i5eiies>Awnm Window, "': �'i� �': ?100;-Sefit3s�Casemtmti?<:�;'-� - � 1 ! h :..., atidYavirtiiigRi(ire YlihdoJrsti:%.__ DP 60 t F -C 60 72 x 60 <.01 (.1R) 30 ! 25 DP 30 i H -LC 30 46 x 77 ; 0.14 (2.52) i 27 23 -400 Se dJOOdwngfi� r I 430ub1e�imlgyc�irend[nvr'°; ; DP 65 L F -C 65 67 x 77 j <.01 (.18) 28 ! 23 i..... _. X00'SeDes�Noodlvrigti'��;"=�•„e;. ! Tili iltig "risomlkitridow ??:' `e DP 65 L_TR-LC 65 75 x 27 <.01 (.18) - 28 I 22 ,-40D�e "tas•TiEWash��bDTile=Hang};; DP 30 I H -R 30 46 x 72 0.10 (1.80) ; 27 23 D,Sertes-�i11=YJi�gitli)e'i10rt��. ! j ; ar •. -<. -.. e- 1323inin):HetAfeanBifrider`ps •i DP 50 li-R 50 38 x 65 1 0.24 (4.39) 27 23 r40D Bengt;Til�PWr�asn:Doob)e;Hthig`:; ' „�. '�t�cb7reV��Dw#,•�:,,;,~t'',�'�' DP 50 F -R 50 67 x 77 <.pl (.18) X26- �OO�enes-2�-�az ranso' yii'ow1�tw DP 30 '• ! O.DS (.91) 1-27 i 23 v,IItiD;Sl �'Gifdl 1 oiS , . ci DP 30 i HS -C 30 72.60 ! 0.02 (.36) 25 21 M Ain -R _„Fa �Sd :':.^ _ �', ... .. (.18) -3D - 24 ?900` o , tn�rt 4 Siahbrria .' ; DP 40 0.01 ?40 X00, WIN 0.01 ettLng�_, DP 25 0.01 (.18) i 3L 28 5 l " DP 65 SKG-C 65 56 x 56 i 0.02 (.36) j 30 I 24 U3Serter. • fop`- n -�' I 1 ,:§3F mtTws'� ' r-,'��. DP 65 <.Ol- 0 seeps. +rde nljl va: m owl: DP 65i *• <.01 (.18) ;,25 - ghSenes s(gl o���� DP 65 j <.01 (.18) I - fi0 M, inn7ow DP 65i '• j <.01 (.18) i 30 - _em=u.. .�<� �•cz•~r: �:--y- - - ---.� t... .. - � a300Nen'rme�-mglow � ��: 1>rmdDP 65 F -HC 65 96 x 72 ! <.01 (.18) KNOW , i+,'nct�-.• ".`,�,-a ;yam-�+ •-�;.+ � c •,'--'S�'r �%:.^fr.`: M:-.--..�.. .. K . _ _ - 16080 - DP 35 i SGD-LC 35 189 z 96 i 0.05 (.91) 31 ! 26 160611 SRD DP 25 SGD-LC 25 189 x 82 !0.05 (.91) I 31 ! 26 RFINFORCm DP 40 SGD-LC 40 189 x 82 0.05 (.91) , 31 j 26 16068 DP 30 SGD-LC 30 189 x 80 10.06 (1.10) LL _ 26 8080, 6080 _ DP 50SGD-LC 50 96 x 96 i 0.03 (.54) i 31_ ,'. 26 60611, BOM. 80511, 6080 DP 60 SGD-LC 60 96 x 82 0.08 (1.46) i 31 I 26 T'^a -: '!-'" -'•="' - -F_ CRWODO:�t101ged,8'�110•DOOt5sV Via_ _ ^ < 6080 AP/PA DP 40 HGD-R 40 71 x_ 96 1 0.02 (.36) 32 - I 26 9080 SASR DP 40 HGD-R 40 107 x 96 0.01 10.01 (.18) L_22 j (.18) 32 - 26 26 6080 SA DP 40 HGD-R 40 71 x 96 _ _ 3180S DP 60 0_.02 (.36) 32 I 26 HGD-R 60 36 x 96 i 90611 SASR DP 50 1 0.01 (.18) L_32 1 26 HGD-R 50 107 x 82 60611 AP/PA DP 40 i 0.02 (.36) ! 32 26 • HGD-R 40 71 x 82 HGD-R 50 71 x 82 60611 SA DP 50 i 0.01 (.18) 32 26 31611 A - t.T._ _fr. ;�__..._R^tea DP 60 .: y:.. _ j 0.01 (.18) I 32 r:<r: 1 26 .rj::. �i HGD-R 60 36 x 82 �:A�+-' _ v,�.Y• 1 Awnable wW Slonny ouW Pmtation - Including design Prasad upgrades For a mpy of the Andoruan Coastel Product Guide. mmed Vow Andersen supoler. • Applicable only Oren DP upyade M is bap&d %th faflDly MULOted efte inlef!or units (AN pMML9ted IRWIDT trod Stop ttplion). m • • Did nmeal madmum size re0ulrerner ns torNAFS-02 testM .. OO;Seri�r�fe-CTiivoD'd� • :.� :• giP,atioiDoorS =-'t•' :h'`•i'�rp< r.�fy ,:.�:�::r..?��,,_•.�-:_:_ :?_'_'.:-': a SIC and rnrC rattogs gni, are mr mdlvmuel dnKS based an 1111013endem 3180 DP 50 HGD-R 50 36 x 95 0.02 (.18) 31 i 26 beds and represent the con urn Htpner SIC and OTIC "M dry be - • --- -- - l - avalable Min arrear pmings. Comas Ar&ZM for MOO Infwmetiort 6080 AP/PA DP 40 HGD•R4D 71x95_ 0.02 (.18) 3� 26 mosdatabamruasmAupstu,2003.Due morgongvoduaWtga "a ,. `.,:.-: ` .. ,.OZONE ` -. _ -._.._ -.. updated test memo , or nen Industry swntlwds, thts Me may dwV 041 Orr.. eTies Te �/v'Z1i�el tti�}'i DP 77 SL -LC 77 19 x 96 I <.01 (.18) - - . time. Cell Win Andersen represenzetNe Im mrrrnt pedotmarr¢ Irlomnnian . `.i•^47; --`.a/ . ,4r X5'74 'it'.;�,r,'ya:, ti: OO:SeiSes nafi�tiodr, 7ansvtn ,3'; DP 77 TR -LC 77 96 x 82_I <01 (.18) J - orupgrade Owns. 236 Installation Instructions APA -The Engineered Wood Association Performance Rated Panels Wood Truss Roof System 3/4" min. air space Roofing Insulation Shield Stay cooler. Save energy. Vaulted Roof System 3/4' min. air space ROOF SHEATHING INSTALLATION These nine steps are necessary: 1. Always check for uniform rafter alignment. 2. Provide adequate roof ventilation according to building code in your area. 3. Panel spacing on ends and edges should be 1/8'. 4. Place TeehShieldTM radiant barrier sheathing panels with the foil side Facing down on the roof, (toward the attic air space). 5. Fasten the panels a minimum of G' on center at supported panel ends and edges, and 12" on center at intermediate supports; 8d nails are recommended. 6. Protect TechShield panels from moisture prior to and during installation. 7. Use shingle underlayment (or #15 roofing felt) to cover roof as soon as possible to protect panels from exposure to adverse weather conditions. Use #30 roofing felt if construction delays are anticipated. 8. Allow sheathing to adjust to atmospheric conditions before shingle - installation. Heavier weight or textured shingles arc recommended over lightweight fiberglass shingles. 9. Install all panels with APA, LP and TechShield sheathing trademarks DOWN. ' TechShield sheathing can be used as a radiant barrier on gables and walls to reduce solar On in these areas. This is particularly true for southern exposure exterioi home surfaces that can absorb heat from prolonged exposure to the sun. LP and TechShield (U.S. Patent No. 5,281,814) are registered trademarks of Louisiana-Pacific Corporation. 02003 LouisianaPacitic Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in USA ' TS8507N 03,03 tsii 3103 20m pg TechShield®sheathing, foil facing down 3/4° min. air space GABLE INSTALLATION Using TechShield sheathing in this application will add to the benefits associ- ated with utilizing TechShield sheathing in roof sheathing applications. As with the installation of TechShield sheathing on roofs, it is important that the TechShield sheathing is installed with the foil side facing into the attic. WALL INSTALLATION In a brick wall application, TechShield sheathing's foil surface should face the exterior of the home (our). This gives TechShield sheathing the required air space between the brick and the wall. In a siding application, TechShield sheathing's foil surface should face the exterior of the home (our). Use furring strips to create a separation between the foil and the siding. This gives TechShield sheathing the required air space between the siding and the wall. TechShield Radiant Barrier Sheathing should not be substiru red as a house - wrap as it does not work as a vapor barrier. Refer to local building codes for specifics on housewrap requirements. LP Specialty Products `Shield® Stay cooler. Save energy. .= �z4 fir.} i -r'.,4 ._.. .. (a) Pane edge dips (one midvny beswem cadh.suppose-exmprs equally spaced.be ren supposes -` _ •.. ",-(c Includes APA'--RA='SHEATEENG/CEMING DECK' � - ,+ Fh:��• :.',_+ •48 inches on cenra). lumber bloddstgor oEhee • ' - . _ (d) 10 psfdesd loadusumed. ' . (b) 24 inches for 45/32-inchand 1/2 -inch pwelz. . : s (d Appliesm panels24 iocbeso—idaapplied ovc nvo os mme spans. This nble is from dhc "APA Design/Consmrsion Guide' _ `�--V-"'._—�_- •-'_ '__—�—__•_--J•— --___."� — _ Installation Instructions Store TechShiel& radiant barrier sheathing panels in a dean, dry area. Do not store in direct contact with the ground. Protea TechShield radiant barrier sheathing from moisture prior to and during installation. Outside storage, if necessary, requires panels to be covered with plastic sheets or tarpaulins with the sides loosely covered to provide adequate air ventilation. Handle TechShield radiant barrier sheathing panels as you would other APA -rated LP sheathing panel products. Be careful not to drop on comers or crush panel edges. Keep panels well supported and neatly stacked to prevent warping. Use caution to avoid damage to the radiant barrier foil surface. Radiant barriers may interfere with attic -mounted antenna reception. Temperature studies are available from LP upon request. INSTALLATION ' For best results on installation, follow installation instruaions carefully. TechShield radiant barrier sheathing panels are an engineered wood product, subject to wood's inherent qualities of natural expansion and contraction resulting from changes in moisture content and temperature. For more information call our customer service team at 800450-6108. 1 ((i Lp. Specialty Products � 24/16 .. 24 t 24 190 100, 65 40 ' 32/16 .7/16 /2 r ss:,ry 0 70 -3 s 40/.20 .. . 19/32,,5/8; X40 � 32`' .. z 305' 205 130 � 60 -48/24 23/32,.3/4 - 48' ;36 280 175 - 95 45 35 .= �z4 fir.} i -r'.,4 ._.. .. (a) Pane edge dips (one midvny beswem cadh.suppose-exmprs equally spaced.be ren supposes -` _ •.. ",-(c Includes APA'--RA='SHEATEENG/CEMING DECK' � - ,+ Fh:��• :.',_+ •48 inches on cenra). lumber bloddstgor oEhee • ' - . _ (d) 10 psfdesd loadusumed. ' . (b) 24 inches for 45/32-inchand 1/2 -inch pwelz. . : s (d Appliesm panels24 iocbeso—idaapplied ovc nvo os mme spans. This nble is from dhc "APA Design/Consmrsion Guide' _ `�--V-"'._—�_- •-'_ '__—�—__•_--J•— --___."� — _ Installation Instructions Store TechShiel& radiant barrier sheathing panels in a dean, dry area. Do not store in direct contact with the ground. Protea TechShield radiant barrier sheathing from moisture prior to and during installation. Outside storage, if necessary, requires panels to be covered with plastic sheets or tarpaulins with the sides loosely covered to provide adequate air ventilation. Handle TechShield radiant barrier sheathing panels as you would other APA -rated LP sheathing panel products. Be careful not to drop on comers or crush panel edges. Keep panels well supported and neatly stacked to prevent warping. Use caution to avoid damage to the radiant barrier foil surface. Radiant barriers may interfere with attic -mounted antenna reception. Temperature studies are available from LP upon request. INSTALLATION ' For best results on installation, follow installation instruaions carefully. TechShield radiant barrier sheathing panels are an engineered wood product, subject to wood's inherent qualities of natural expansion and contraction resulting from changes in moisture content and temperature. For more information call our customer service team at 800450-6108. 1 ((i Lp. Specialty Products 1 Stay -cooler and use less energy with � TechShield' radiant barrier sheathing. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Without TechShield: • Heat and radiant energy is absorbed into roof deck • Heat builds up in attic • Heat transfers to living area • Lower and lower settings are required to achieve comfort level • Energy usage climbs With TechShield: • TechShield sheathing, with its thin laminated aluminum layer, prevents up to 97% of the radiant heat in the panel from radiating into the attic • Attic temperatures are reduced by as much as 30° • Less heat transfers to the living space • Energy usage is reduced • Value of home may increase Energy Consumption Comparison ` 130°_ r V r r'iy„ This A/C run time information is based on 110 .�ro"i3A'r ntf''e-7 to- ; gAif independentlyverdred n N :; , i .� �s r�; studies. Actual run time E in homes using 900 U_ TechShield will vary. a 70° F, ra 12 M FEM ' 570 Total run >t I I I!SON 1 1 11 489 minutes 24 pin 2:00 pm 4:00 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 10:00 pm lj without TechShield Air conditioner run time without TechShield M With TechShield Air conditioner run time with TechShield TechShield radiant barrier sheathing is an easy, cost-effective way to upgrade a home, increase its energy efficiency in hot weather climates and/or create a more comfortable living environment. Consumers view TechShield as an energy -wise investment. Consumers have made it clear that they are willing to pay extra for energy-efficient upgrades. They see TechShield's benefits as an indicator of building quality that will increase any home's value. That means homes built with TechShield have an extra selling advantage in a competitive marketplace. Here's Why it works Aluminum is agreat conductor, but is an. eve lgreaterM reflector.The thin aluminum she laminated to the sheathing has a property called "low emissivity°that blocks or reflects back all but up to 3% of the heat transmitted down through the sheathing by conduction. The lower the emissivity of a material, the better it blocks heat. The emissivity of7ZrMbidd radiant barrier- is <_ 0.05, which is very effective. Unlike other radiant barriers, TechShield is the first patented laminated radiant barrier ryrtent. Its design uses tiny patented incisions in the aluminum to allow the panel to acclimate faster at your job site. You get outstanding panel performance with TerhShield that makes your homes stand out.