Address Change 1995-03-17TRY 4 ,�'Qurstfw 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 March 17, 1995 Postmaster LA QUINTA POST OFFICE 51-324 Avenida Bermudas La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Postmaster: Please be advised of an address change due to the abandonment of Calle Tampico at the La Quinta Golf Maintenance building location. Parcel #773-052-019, previously addressed as 77-550 Calle Tampico, will be addressed as 51-095 Avenida Carranza. Please note this change and feel free to contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank you. Sincerely, BUILQING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT i/ Kelly Tropple Counter Technician MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 T,dy 4 4a Qw�tz 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 March 17, 1995 Bernardine Sutton COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DIST. P.O. Box 1058 Coachella, CA 92236 Dear Ms. Sutton: Please be advised of an address change due to the abandonment of Calle Tampico at the La Quinta Golf Maintenance building location. Parcel #773-052-019, previously addressed as-77-550 Calle Tampico, will be addressed as 51-095 Avenida Carranza. Please note this change and feel free to contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank you. Sincerely, BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT � Kelly Tropple Counter Technician MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 �. T-41y 4 4a Q9&M 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 March 17, 1995 Dennis J. Martin COLONY CABLEVISION 41-725 Cook St., Box 368 Palm Desert, CA 92261-0368 Dear Mr. Martin: Please be advised of an address change due to the abandonment of Calle Tampico at the La Quinta Golf Maintenance building location. Parcel #773-052-019, previously addressed as.77-550 Calle Tampico, will be addressed as 51-095 Avenida Carranza. Please note this change and feel free to contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank you. Sincerely, BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Kelly Tro le Counter Technician MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 March 17, 1995 Deborah L. McGerry WASTE MANAGEMENT OF THE DESERT P.O. Box 3876 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Dear Deborah: Please be advised of an address change due to the abandonment of Calle Tampico at the La Quinta Golf Maintenance building location. Parcel #773-052-019, previously addressed as.77-550 Calle Tampico, will be addressed as 51-095 Avenida Carranza. Please note this change and feel free to contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank you. Sincerely, BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Kelly Trple Counter Technician MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 T4ht 4 4a " 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 March 17, 1995 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 211 N. Sunrise Palm Springs, CA 92262 To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised of an address change due to the abandonment of Calle Tampico at the La Quinta Golf Maintenance building location. Parcel #773-052-019, previously addressed as 77-550 Calle Tampico, will be addressed as 51-095 Avenida Carranza. Please note this change and feel free to contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank you. Sincerely, BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT 4 Kelly Tr pie Counter Technician MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 T4ht 4 4aQui+ifw 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 March 17, 1995 Susan Siqueiros IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT P.O. Box 1080 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Susan: Please be advised of an address change due to the abandonment of Calle Tampico at the La Quinta Golf Maintenance building location. Parcel #773-052-019, previously addressed as..77-550 Calle Tampico, will be addressed as 51-095 Avenida Carranza. Please note this change and feel free to contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank you. Sincerely, BUILD NG & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Kelly Tropple Counter Technician MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA •92253 TRY 4 4a Q"n& 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 March 17, 1995 RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE 46-209 Oasis Street, Room 406 Indio, CA 92201 To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised of an address change due to the abandonment of Calle Tampico at the La Quinta Golf Maintenance building location. Parcel #773-052-019, previously addressed as 77-550 Calle Tampico, will be addressed as 51-095 Avenida Carranza. Please note this change and feel free to contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank you. Sincerely, BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Kelly Tropple Counter Technician -16 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 40 T4ht 4 4a; Qaia 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 March 17, 1995 Facility Planner DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST. 82-879 Hwy 111 Indio, CA 92201 To Who It May Concern: Please be advised of an address change due to the abandonment of Calle Tampico at the La Quinta Golf Maintenance building location. Parcel #773-052-019, previously addressed as::77-550 Calle Tampico, will be addressed as 51-095 Avenida Carranza. Please note this change and feel free to contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank you. Sincerely, BUILD NG & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Kelly Tropple Counter Technician A-11, MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 4 T-ity 4 aCP Q" 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 March 17, 1995 General Telephone 45-590 Jackson Street Indio, CA 92201 To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised of an address change due to the abandonment of Calle Tampico at the La Quinta Golf Maintenance building location. Parcel #773-052-019, previously addressed as 77-550 Calle Tampico, will be addressed as 51-095 Avenida Carranza. Please note this change and feel free to contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank you. Sincerely, BUILD NG & SAFETY DEPARTMENT 7 V� t Kelly Tro le Counter Technician MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 A 03/29/95 13:59 FAX 619 340 9764 Colony Cable IM002 Colony Cablevislon of California 41-725 Cook Street P.O.Box 368 Palm Desen, California 9M51-0368 Phone:(619)340-1312 • Fax:(619)340•2364 March 29, 1.995 Ms. Kelly Trapple CITE' OF LA QMINTA 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Tropple: RE: Address Change of Parcel #773-052-019 I have attached a copy of the map on which I will be updating the address formerly known as 77-550 Calla Tampico, now known as 51- 095 Avenida Carranza. As you can see from my current map, we show a bike/jogging path alone Avenida Carranza where 51-095 will be located. I would like to know how wide the like path is along Avenida Carranza, 44ts approximate location on the property and if there are any other addresses across which the bike path travels that I do not have listed. Thank you in advance f.+ar your prompt response. Sincerely, CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT Brandy Tallman Designer Your Connection to Quality Service A Colony Communications Company BUEI10 Engineers,inc. 1731-A WALTER STREET • October 18, 1985 VENTURA, CALIFORNIA 93003 Landmark Land Company P.O. Box 1578 La Quinta, CA 92253 Project: Golf Course Maintenance Bldg. Santa Rosa Cove, La Quinta, CA Subject: Compaction of Bldg. Pad Report of Field Densities It i V E D OCT 2 51985 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT • PHONE (805) 642-6727 B-15354-Pl 85-10-250 On October 8, 1985 a representative of our firm performed density tests on the golf course maintenance building pad on the above referenced project. Tests were performed in accordance with ASTM. 2922-81 and ASTM 3017-78 Nuclear Density Test Procedure. Tests performed as per authorization of Al Dorett of Landmark Land Company. The estimated locations of the tests are presented on the attached plan with their results being summarized on the attached test report sheet. A total of ten (10) density tests were performed. Test results indicate that a minimum of ninety (90) percent of relative compaction has been obtained within the areas tested. In areas of low density the fill was reworked and retested. The maximum density -optimum moisture was determined in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM 1557-78, Method A, five layer curve. Test results are as follows: Soil Description Dark brown silty fine sand VENTURA (805) 642.6727 Maximum Density 116.4 pcf Optimum Moisture 13.9% LANCASTER (805) 948.7538 BAKERSFIELD SANTA BARBARA PALM SPRINGS SAN LUIS OBISPO ronrl� 121)7 risn rune QRR.QQ19 16191 328-9131 (805) 544-6187 October 18, 1985 Limitations: B-15354-P1 85-10-250 The compaction operations were completed at the time. our personnel were called to the site. The test results summarized in this report present the moisture and density only at the locations and depths tested on the specified dates. The summarized field and laboratory tests were performed in accordance with engineering principles generally accepted at this time and location. No opinion is expressed as to the uniformity of the material, compaction, nor adequacy of the material to perform its intended function. No guarantee or warranty of the contractor's work is made or implied. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully submitted, BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. Norm Jackson, Jr. NJ/CSH/m s Copies: 4 - Landmark Land Company 2 - PS file 1 - VTA File Reviewed and Approved Ravm d E. Brannen CE 28966 9 BUENA ENGINEERS. INC. i 'ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS REPORT OF RELATIVE COMPACTIONS .lob No. B-15354-P1 DATE: 10-18-85 Report No. 85-10-250 JOB & LOCATION: Maintenance Bldg. TEST NO. DATE TESTED DESCRIPTION % MOISTURE IN PLACE DRY DENSITY IN PLACE RELATIVE COMPACTION MAXIMUM DENSITY 1 10/8/85 Per Plan 0.5 BFG 9.7 115.0 i 99 116.4 2 10/8/85 Per Plan 0.5 BFG 9.4 115.2 99 ` 116.4 3 10/8/85 Per Plan 0.5 BFG 3.8 103.6 89 I 116.4 4 10/8/85 Per Plan 3.5 BFG 10.8 115.4 99 116.4 5 10/8/85 Per Plan 2.5 BFG 8.7 114.6 98 116.4 6 10/8/85 Per Plan 1.5 BFG 8.2 115.8 99 116.4 7 10/8/85 Per Plan 3.0 BFG 12.4 114.6 98 116.4 8 10/8/85 Per Plan 2.0 BFG 11.1 115.0 99 116.4 9 1 10/8/85 Per Plan 1.0 BFG 13.1 116.4 100 116.4 10 10/8/85 Retest #3 0.5 BFG 9.9 109.1 94 116.4 BFG = Below Finished Grade WE CERTIFY THAT THESE TESTS WERE PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH COPIES: BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. golf course �� Ave. Obregon (D 0 dry wash Compaction test locations for golf course maintenance building, Santa Rosa Cove, La Quinta, CA. Buena Engineers, 10-14-85 not to scale Job B-15354-P 1