002807 (SFD) Title 24-; Nl M�lDLIN'S ENTERPI21SESr.�....r,n .:��. ZOO I3UDG�T CONSULTANTS TITLE 24 COMPLIANCE FORMS BUILDING DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Page 1 of 3 FORM 2 BAY SANDS CONSTRUCTION - JOB NO. 10685 PLAN A.- ENTRY TO EAST - LA QUINTA ; SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE - SINGLE STORY ---------------------- 1 ;(plan check/permit #) ; CLIMATE ZONE 15 ' (checked by) Building Type: Single Family '----------------------' Documentation Author (Serial # DEMO): (date) MADLIN'S ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 1443 - PALM SPRINGS, CA 92263 ;______________________; 619-324-1731 Enforcement Agency Use Compliance Method: POINT SYSTEM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: JUNE 6 1986 BUILDING ENVELOPE DESIGN Total Conditioned Floor Area: 1397 sgft Insulation R -Value Area POINTS SLAB PERIMETER Type 1: R- 0.0, 16°, 221 ft 1397.0 sgft Type ' -4 RAISED FLOOR Type 1: Type Over Open: ; CEILING Type 1: R- 38.0 1397.0 sgft Type 2 +4 Attic: 100 % ; WALL Type 1: R- 16.5 (assembly) 1591.0 sgft Type 2 +0 Glazing U -Value % Area WEST Type 1: -2 Type 2: 0.65 4.21 58.0 sgft NORTH Type 1: -6 Type 2 0.65 7.3 102.0 sgft EAST Type 1: +2 Type 2: 0.65 2.3 32.0 sg f t SOUTH Type 1: 1.10 0.4 6.0 sgft +2 Type 2: 0.65 0.9 12.0 sgft SKYLIGHT Type 1: +0 Type 2: BUILDING DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Page 1 of 3 FORK: 2 BAY SANDS CONSTRUCTION - JOE NO. 10685 ------------------------ PLAN A - ENTRY TO EAST - LA QUINTA SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE - SINGLE STORY ti :(plan check/permit ##) ; CLIMATE ZONE 15 ' (checked by) Building Type: Single Family '------ ------------ Documentation Author (Serial # DEMO): 7 (date) ; MADLIN'S ENTERPRISES ; P.O. BOX 1443 - PALM SPRINGS, CA 92263 ;______________________; 619-324-1731 Enforcement Agency Use Compliance.Method: POINT SYSTEM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: JUNE 6 1986 BUILDING ENVELOPE DESIGN Total Conditioned Floor Area: 1397 sgft Insulation R -Value ------- Area POINTS ------------ ------ SLAB PERIMETER Type 1: R- 0.0, 16"9 221 ft 1397.0 sgft ; Type 2: -4 RAISED FLO(.)R Type 1: ; - Type 2: ; Over Open: ; CEILING Type 1: R- 38.0. 1397.0 sgft Type 2 T4 Attic: 100 WALL Type 1: R- 16.5 (assembly) 1591.0 sgft f Type 2: +0 Glazing U -Value % Area WEST Type 1: -� Type 2: 0.65 4.2 58.0 sgft NORTH Type 1: -6 Type :: 0.65 7.3 102.0 sgft EAST Type 1: + Type 2: 0.65 2.3 32.0 sgft SOUTH Type 1: 1.10 0.4 6.0 sgft +2 Type 2: 0.65 0.9 12.0 sgft SKYLIGHT Type 1: +0 Type 2: BUILDING DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Page 2 of 3 FORM 2 BAY SANDS CONSTRUCTION - JOB NO. 10685 PLAN A'- ENTRY TO EAST - LA QUINTA Climate Zone 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shading S.C. % POINTS WEST Type 1: -8 Type 2: 0.66 4.2 NORTH Type 1: +0 Type 2: 0.66 7.3 EAST Type 1: -3 Type 2: 0.66 2.3 SOUTH Type 1: 0.80 0.4 +0 Type 2: 0.66 0.9 SKYLIGHT Type 1: +0 Type 2: SOUTH OVERHANG: 3.00 ft South Glazing = 1.3 % +0 MOVABLE INSULATION: None +0 INFIL. CONTROL: MEDIUM: Standard Infiltration Control Features -1 with Outlet Plate Gaskets THERMAL MASS: -See Thermal Mass Calculation Worksheet11 - Type Material Area ---------------------------- Interior Conc 140 164 sgft +6 BUILDING DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Page 3 of 3 FORM 2 BAY SANDS CONSTRUCTION - JOB NO. 10685 PLAN A - ENTRY TO EAST - LA QUINTA Climate Zone 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING, VENTILATING & AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM POINTS Space Heating and Cooling t HEAT PUMP Floor Area= 1397 sgft 1 Brand & Model No: ---------------------------------------------- Heating Output (Btu/hr):-------------- ___________ EER = 8.7 Cooling Output (Btu/hr): ------------------------- +7 Domestic Hot Water System: GAS Brand & Model No: ---------------------------------------------- ' Tank: Size (gallons): ____________________ ----------------------- +0 TOTAL POINT SCORE -3 POINT COMPLIANCE GOAL (see calculation worksheet) -4 Atanves rMrepnwsEs EI1�L?61' - 6UD6ET TS 1 2 3 4 Sketch of Construction Assembly WEIGHT:: 15-25 Ib/ft2 Check one: Wall X Roof Floor _ Form 3 HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY List of Construction Comporants R 1. STUCCO .18 2 INSULATION WITH RESISTANCE= 5.60 3. INSULATION WITH RESISTANCE= 11,00 a. GYPSUM BOARD .45 5. 8. 7. 8. Inside Surface Air Pilm .68 .68 cooling V6111" 6643 Outside Surface Air Film war sus. '� cusr�otr,a cooling heating Sketch of Construction Assembly WEIGHT:: 15-25 Ib/ft2 Check one: Wall X Roof Floor _ Form 3 HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY List of Construction Comporants R 1. STUCCO .18 2 INSULATION WITH RESISTANCE= 5.60 3. INSULATION WITH RESISTANCE= 11,00 a. GYPSUM BOARD .45 5. 8. 7. 8. Inside Surface Air Pilm .68 .68 cooling heating Outside Surface Air Film .25 .17 cooling heating Total ResillUncs Rt 18.06 17.98 cooling heating ll Valu• (I/Rt1 .055 .055 cooling heating Y-143 Form 3 List of Consuucdon Caeeoorwnd Ra1T[ft�fAai[i TuO.Wt Mrl 1 2 ,. INSULATION WITH a� �MLM 1WMrbl. 38.00 �y � cssswa HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT Bt�6ET +�-1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY UAN"A U List of Consuucdon Caeeoorwnd R 1 2 ,. INSULATION WITH RESISTANCE = 38.00 2 GYPSUM BOARD OR TILE .45 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Inside Surface Air Piim .92 .61 cooling hating Sketch of Construction Assembly 0' 15 IbRtZ Outside Surface Air Film .25 , 17 WEIGHT: cooling heating Check one: Total Resistance Rt 39.62 39.23 Wall _ cooling heating Roof _IX LI -Value UIRO .025 .025 Floor ._ cooling heating R -G .r, ���, ENTERPRISE CONSULT,�NTS LOAD CALCULATICS AIHRAE METHOD f HEATING EQUIPMENT SIZING COMPLIANCE FORM BAY SANDS CONSTRUCTION - JOB NO. 10685 PLAN A - ENTRY TO EAST - LA QUINTA SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE - SINGLE STORY Location Data: Palm Springs Building Type: Single Family Documentation Author (Serial # DEMO): MADLIN'S ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 1443 - PALM SPRINGS, CA 92263 619-324-1731 Method: ASHRAE Load Calculation Manual Page 1 of 2 ------------------------ ---------------------- :(Plan ----------------------- - -- --------------(plan check/permit #) , '----------------------' (checked by) ----------------------- (date) , ---------------------- Enforcement Agency Use Date: JUNE 6 1986 HOURLY HEAT LOSS Total Conditioned Floor Area: 1397 sgft Site Information: Inside Design Temperature Outside Design Temperature Design Temperature Difference, TD: For Standard Assemblies For Floor over Vented.Unheated Space Conductive Heat Loss Description or Assembly Area ------------------------------ ---- Slab, R- 0.0 16" deep Ceiling, R-38.0 Wall, R-16.5 W Glazing, Double N Glazing, Double E Glazing, Double S Glazing, Single S Glazing, Double U -Value 70.0 F 31.0 F 39.0 F 19.5 F TD Btu/hr 221.0 (ft) X 42.0 - 9282 1397.0 X 0.026 X 39.0 = 1434 159.1.0 X 0.061 X 39.0 = 3761 58.0 X 0.650 X 39.0 = 1470 102.0 X 0.650 X 39.0 = 2586 32.0 X 0.650 X 39.0 = 811 6.0 X 1.100 X 39.0 = 257 12.0 X 0.650 X 39.0 = 304 SUBTOTAL 19905 HEATING EQUIPMENT SIZING COMPLIANCE FORM Page 2 of 2 BAY SANDS CONSTRUCTION - JOB NO. 10685 Building Location Data: PLAN A - ENTRY TO EAST - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA QUINTA Palm Springs Infiltration: 1397 X 8.0 X 0.5 AC X .018 X 39.0 = 3923 Conductive Heat Loss (From Previous Page): 19905 SUBTOTAL 2388 Duct Heat Loss: 0.15 X 2388 = 3574 TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS 27402 Maximum Btu/hr: 1.3 X 1 27402 + (10 X 1397)3 = 53784 MINIMUM HEATING EQUIPMENT OUTPUT: 27402 (Btu/hr) MAXIMUM HEATING EQUIPMENT OUTPUT: 53784 (Btu/hr) COOLING EQUIPMENT SIZING COMPLIANCE FORM BAY SANDS CONSTRUCTION - JOE NO. 10685 PLAN A - ENTRY TO EAST - LA QUINTA SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE - SINGLE STORY Location Data: Palm Springs Building Type: Single Family Documentation Author (Serial # DEMO): MADLIN'S ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 1443 - PALM SPRINGS, CA 92263 619-324-1731 Page 1 of 2 ------------------------ ---------------------- !(plan -------------------------- - -(plan check/permit #) --- (checked by) ---------------------- (date) ---------------------- Enforcement Agency Use Method: ASHRAE Load Calculation Manual Date: JUNE 6 1986 . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOURLY HEAT GAIN Total Conditioned Floor Area: 1397 sgft Site Information: Inside Design Temperature Outside Design Temperature Daily Temperature Swing Design Equivalent Temperature Difference, TDeq: Standard Temperature Difference For Frame Walls and Doors For Masonry Walls For Floor For Ceiling and Roof Conductive Heat Gain Description of Assembly Area ----------------------------- ---- 78.0 F 113.0 F 35.0 F 35.0 F 28.0 F 21.0 F 20.0 F 49.0 F TD or U -Value TDeq Ceiling, R-38.0 1397.0 X 0.026 X 49.0 = Wall, R-16.5 1591.0 X 0.061 X 28.0 = W Glazing, Double 58.0 X 0.650 X 35.0 = N Glazing, Double 102.0 X 0.650 X 35.0 = E Glazing, Double 32.0 X 0.650 X 35.0 = S Glazing, Single 6.0 X 1.100 X 35.0 = S Glazing, Double 12.0 X 0.650 X 35.0 = Btu/hr 1801 2700 1319 2320 728 31 273 SUBTOTAL 9373 COOLING EQUIPMENT SIZING COMPLIANCE FORM Page 2 of G BAY SANDS CONSTRUCTION - JOB NO. 10685 Building Location Data: PLAN A - ENTRY TO EAST - LA QUINTA ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Palm Springs Solar Heat Gain: Description of Assembly Area S.C. CLF Btu/hr W Glazing, Double 58.0 X 0.66 X 78 = 2986 N Glazing, Double 102.0 X 0.66 X 34 = 2289 E Glazing, Double 32.0 X 0.66 X 78 = 1647 S Glazing, Single 6.0 X 0.80 X 51 = 245 S Glazing, Double 12.0 X 0.66 X 51 = 404 SUBTOTAL 7571 Less: mash Factor 0.00 X 7571 = 0 Net Solar Heat Gain: SUBTOTAL 7571 Infiltration: 1397 X 8.0 X 0.5 AC X .018 X 35.0 = 3520 Internal Heat Gain: = 3000 Conductive Heat Gain (From Previous Page): = 9373 SUBTOTAL 23465 Duct Heat Gain: Latent Load: SENSIBLE COOLING LOAD: TOTAL (SENSIBLE + LATENT) LOAD: 0.10 X 23465 = 2346 TOTAL SENSIBLE HOURLY HEAT GAIN 25811 0.20 X 25811 = 51622 25811 Btu/hr 30973 Btu/hr ( 2.6 tons) M= Auulf NUUAI AL S", CIL f �. ENTEL2PRISE 4 Vii.. [3UDG FT CONSULTANTS M= Auulf NUUAI AL S", CIL f NOTICE TO BUILDERS & OWNERS All of the energy conservation devices and features outlined in this compliance portfolio are required to meet Title 24 standards. This residence will not be in compliance if any of these features or devices are removed, altered or covered. The hvac load calculation and equipment sizes provided in this compliance portfolio are. in accordance with the guidelines setforth in the standards. Final. equipment selection and hvac design is the responsibility of the contractor. NadffiLs ::.►. rLtefprises Budget Gorbsultarp NOTICE TO BUILDERS & OWNERS All of the energy conservation devices and features outlined in this compliance portfolio are required to meet Title 24 standards. This residence will not be in compliance if any of these features or devices are removed, altered or covered. The hvac load calculation and equipment sizes provided in this compliance portfolio are. in accordance with the guidelines setforth in the standards. Final. equipment selection and hvac design is the responsibility of the contractor. NadfirO� : rLtetprises Erteigy' MANDATORY FEATURES " Budget Gorbsultarlts This section describes the mandatory features and devices which must be installed in new residential buildings regardless of the method used to demonstrate compliance with the energy budget. These measures assure the building envelope and related systems meet at least minimum thermal performance levels. CEILING INSULATION 2-5352(a) The opaque portions of ceilings separating conditioned and unconditioned space must either (1) be insulated between framing members with R-19 or greater insulation, or (2) have a weighted average U -value of 0.067 or less. To meet the intent of the- ceiling insulation requirements, ceiling insulation should extend far enough to the outside walls to cover the top plate. LOOSE FILL INSULATION 2-5352(b) When loose fill insulation is installed, the minimum installed weighted per square foot must conform with the insulation manufacturer's installed design density per square foot at the manufacturer's labeled R -value. WALL INSULATION 2-5352(c) The opaque portions of metal or wood frame walls separating conditioned and unconditioned spaces must either (1) be insulated between framing members with R-11 or greater insulation, or (2) have a weighted average U -value of 0.100 or less. Masonry or concrete exterior walls do not have to be insulated with a minimum of R-11 insulation. Foundation walls of heated basements or heated crawl spaces must be insulated above the adjacent outside ground line with at least R-7 insulation. Nadfii s P E tet rises .� rL ErLetgy- `�_ Budget -l. Gorbsultarlts MANDATORY FEATURES WALL. INSULATION REQUIREMENTS CONTINUED EXCEPTION: Insulation which is not penetrated by framing members may meet an equivalent minimum R -value which includes the effects of framing members on the above R -values. INSULATION CERTIFICATION 2-5303 Builders may not install insulation materials unless the product has been certified by the manufacturer. A certificate of insulation must be at site. LIGHTING 2-5352(m) The standards require that general purpose lighting fixtures in kitchens and bathrooms have an efficiency of at least 25 lumens per watt. ( These fixtures will usually be fluorescent.) If there is only one fixture in a kitchen it will be considered to be general purpose lighting. EXCEPTION: Luminaires which are the only lighting in a bathroom and lighting to be used only for specific visual tasks or decorative effect are exempt from this requirement. Such exempt lighting includes all luminaires that are meant to light only a specific task area such as a kitchen counter or sink, a dining table, or a bathroom mirror. If recessed incandescent lighting fixtures are installed in an insulated ceiling, such fixtures shall be covered with insulation, with no spacing between the insulation and the fixture, and shall be Type IC, as defined by Underwriters Laboratories 1571. • _ �• �Vladlir�s ►: Erttefprises .IM Erlefgy' ^ Budget =� Gorysultarls INFILTRATION CONTROL The standards contain the infiltration. A MANDATORY FEATURES 2-5352(d) following requirements to control 1. Doors and windows (including skylights) between conditioned and unconditioned spaces must be fully weatherstripped. 2. The following openings in the building envelope must be caulked, sealed, or weatherstripped: a. Exterior joints around window and door frames, between wall soleplates_and floors, and between exterior wall siding panels; b. Openings for plumbing, electricity and gas lines in walls, ceilings and floors; C. Openings in the attic floor (such as where ceiling panels meet interior and exterior walls and masonry fireplaces); and d. All other such openings in the building envelope. 3. Builders may install manufactured doors and windows only when they are certified and labeled indicating that they meet the standards listed in Section 2-5352(d), Table 2-53V. Site - built windows and doors are exempt from this requirement. 4. Exhaust fans and other exhaust systems must be equipped with backdraft or automatic dampers. ,. NadfitLs .•? 1F rLtefprises ErLefgY Budget Gorbsultarlts SPACE CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT*SIZING MANDATORY FEATURES 2-5352(g) To ensure that properly -sized systems are installed in new residential buildings, the standards set the following sizing requirements and specify acceptable load calculation procedures and indoor and outdoor design temperatures. 1. Natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas central furnaces in the building must be sized to meet at least one of the follow- ing requirements: a. The total output heating capacity of furnaces in the building must be less than 45,000 btuh/hr, or b: The furnace's output heating capacity must be less than 1.3 times the sum of the design heat loss for the heating zone being serviced by the furnace and 10 btuh/hr per square foot for conditioned floor area in the zone, or C. Seasonal efficiency must be greater than 1% point above 678 for every 7,000 btuh/hr that the output heating capa- city exceeds either the building design heat loss or 45,000 btuh/hr, whichever is greater.. (Effective Decem- ber 22, 1982 the seasonal efficiency requirements were to increase to 718. Lawsuits currently pending.) 2. Heating equipment and cooling equipment must be sized accord- ing to the building heating and cooling loads, using a method set forth by the Commission's Executive Director. 3. v Indoor design dry bulb air temperatures must be 700F for heating and 780F for cooling. Outdoor design temperatures must be those listed in the 18 or 0.28 Winter Dry Bulb column for heating and the 2�% or 0.58 Summer Dry Bulb and Wet Bulb columns for cooling, based on whether the percentages are percent -of -season or percent -of -year respectively, of the following ASHRAE publications: Recommended Outdoor Design Temperatures, Northern California, 1977 Recommended Outdoor Design Temperatures, Southern California, 1972 . A . NadfirLs to ErLtefprises Erle Budget Gorhsults SETBACK THERMOSTATS MANDATORY FEATURES 2-5352(h) Thermostatically controlled heating or cooling systems, except electric heat pumps, gravity furnaces in additions or room air conditioners, must have an automatic setback thermostat which can be programmed by the building occupant to set back at least twice in one day. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Gravity gas wall heaters, floor heater, and room heaters that are installed in additions need not comply with this requirement. DUCTS 2. Electric heat pumps are exempt from this requirement prior to July 1, 1984, except where such thermostats are required by an alternative component package for climate zones 1,3, 5,7,15, and 16. 2-5352(f) The standards require that ducts be constructed, installed and insulated according to Chapter 10 of the State Mechanical Code. This chapter is the same as Chapter 10 of the 1976 Uniform Mechanical Code. GAS COOKING APPLIANCES 2-5352(1) Gas stoves installed in new residential buildings must be equipped with intermittent ignition devices and must not have standing pilot lights unless: 1. The stove is designed to burn only liquefied petroleum gas, or 2. The stove. does not have an electrical line voltage supply connection and has only one continuous burning pilot light consuming less than 150 btu/hr. UAadfirLs ErLtaprises ErLefgY- MANDATORY FEATURES Budget ult Go� arLts WATER HEATING SYSTEMS INSULATION 2-5352(i) 1. Storage type water heaters and storage and backup tanks for solar water heating systems shall be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. Alternatively, such tanks may be insulated to a combined level of R-16, when both internal insulation and external wrap insulation are considered. Internal insulation can be included in the combined insulation level only where the R -value of such insulation has been labelled on the tank exterior by the manufacturer. This blanket requirement applies to storage tanks used primarily for domestic water heating systems. It does not apply to storage tanks used primarily for space heating systems or to solar storage tanks mounted outdoors and directly exposed to.weather. Piping in unconditioned space leading to and from water heaters must be insulated with at least R-3 insulation for the first 5 feet of pipe closest to the water heater, or whatever shorter length is in uncondi- tioned space. It is not necessary to penetrate a fire wall with the pipe insulation. The insulation may end at.the fire wall and be continued on the other side provided the first 5 feet of piping are insulated. PIPE INSULATION 2-5352(j) Steam and steam -condensate return piping and recirculating hot water piping in attics, garages, crawl spaces, or unheated spaces other than between floors or in interior walls must be insulated to provide maximum loss of not more than 50 btu/hr per linear foot for piping up to and including 2 inch nominal diameter and 100 btu/hr per linear foot for larger sizes. \` M�IDI.IN S ..''��°s:�� ENTERPRISES MECHANICALLY HEATING INSULATION TYPES DUCT LOCATION ENEMY �`�`� I3IJDG FT MNSULTANTS ADDENDUM: "INSULATION OF DUCT" UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE 1976 EDITION SECTION 1005 Insulation of Ducts Sec. 1005. Every supply and return air duct and plenum of a heating or cooling system shall be insulated with not less than the amount of insula- tion set forth in Table No. 10-D except for ducts and plenums used ex- clusively for evaporative cooling systems. Only approved materials shall be installed within ducts and plenums for insulating, sound deadening or other purposes. All such materials shall have a mold, humidity and. erosion resistant face that has met the re- quirements of U.M.C. Standard No. 10-1. Such materials shall have a flame -spread rating of not greater than 25 and a smoke developed rating of not greater than 50. Duct systems operating at velocities in excess of 2000 feet per, minute shall be fastened with both adhesive and mechanical fasteners, and all exposed edges shall have adequate treatment to with- stand the operating velocity. Insulations applied to the exterior surface of metal ducts located in buildings shall have a flame spread of not more than 25 and a smoke development rating of not more than 30 when tested as a composite installation, including insulation, facing materials, tapes and adhesives as normally applied. EXCEPTION: Insulation having a flame -spread rating of not over SO and a smoke development rating of not over 100 may be applied to the exterior surface of metal ducts installed only in dwellings or apartment houses w hrre the duct system serves not more than one dwelling unit. TABLE NO.10-D—INSULATION OF DUCTS NOTE: Where ducts are used fur both IwAting and cuoinit. the minimum in- sulation shall be as required lot the must restrictive ctudusort. 'Insulation may be umined on that portion of a duct whit is located within a wall ur a noorceiling space wberc both sides of this apace are eApvscd to conditioned air and where this space is not ventilated w otherwise exposed to unconditioned air. 'Vapor barriers shall be installed Or. curtditiorscd air suppl> ducts iii gargraphic areas where the average of [hc July, August and Septcakbc-r mean deupoint temperature exceeds 60'F. 'Heating Degree Days: Zone I below 4500 D. D. Zone 11 4501 to 8000 D. D. Zone 111 over SWI U. D. INSULATION TYPES: A. 1 -inch 0.60lb./cu. 1't. mineral fiber blankets and felt, ru ►,slag or glas 'if -inch 1.5 to 31h./cu. A. btaaLet duct litter, rtick. ►tar ut glass V -inch 3 to 10lh./cu. ft. board, mineral fiber, ruck, &tact or glass or equivalent to provide an installed C'onduciancc = 0.46 R = 2 B. 2 -inch 0.60lb./cu. ft. mineral fiber blanket 14nch 1.5 to 3lb./cu. ft. mirscral blanket (duct liner) I -inch 3 to 10lb./cu. ft. mineral fiber board or equivalent to provide an installed Conductance = 0-24 R 6 C. 3 -inch 0.601b./cu. ft. mineral fiber blanket 1'h -inch 1.5 to 3 Ib./cu. ft. mineral blanket (duel liner► I Vi -inch 3 to 101b./cu. fl. In at fiber board or equivalent to provide an installed Conductance = 0.16 R a 6 V. Vapor barrier, with perm rating not greater than 0.05 perms, all joints sealed. W. Approved weatherproof barrier. INSULATION TYPES MECHANICALLY HEATING INSULATION TYPES DUCT LOCATION COOLED ZONEHEATING ONLY I A and Vi' Chi roof or on exterior C. V' and W 11 H and W o(' building 111 C and N' 1 A 11 A Attics, garagrs and crawl A and V' spates 11I B 1 A 11 A In walls', within floor- A and V' Ceiling spaces' 111 N Within the conditioned space or in basements None Keyuired Nunc Iteyuual Cerium slab or within ground None kequired None Re4uirtal NOTE: Where ducts are used fur both IwAting and cuoinit. the minimum in- sulation shall be as required lot the must restrictive ctudusort. 'Insulation may be umined on that portion of a duct whit is located within a wall ur a noorceiling space wberc both sides of this apace are eApvscd to conditioned air and where this space is not ventilated w otherwise exposed to unconditioned air. 'Vapor barriers shall be installed Or. curtditiorscd air suppl> ducts iii gargraphic areas where the average of [hc July, August and Septcakbc-r mean deupoint temperature exceeds 60'F. 'Heating Degree Days: Zone I below 4500 D. D. Zone 11 4501 to 8000 D. D. Zone 111 over SWI U. D. INSULATION TYPES: A. 1 -inch 0.60lb./cu. 1't. mineral fiber blankets and felt, ru ►,slag or glas 'if -inch 1.5 to 31h./cu. A. btaaLet duct litter, rtick. ►tar ut glass V -inch 3 to 10lh./cu. ft. board, mineral fiber, ruck, &tact or glass or equivalent to provide an installed C'onduciancc = 0.46 R = 2 B. 2 -inch 0.60lb./cu. ft. mineral fiber blanket 14nch 1.5 to 3lb./cu. ft. mirscral blanket (duct liner) I -inch 3 to 10lb./cu. ft. mineral fiber board or equivalent to provide an installed Conductance = 0-24 R 6 C. 3 -inch 0.601b./cu. ft. mineral fiber blanket 1'h -inch 1.5 to 3 Ib./cu. ft. mineral blanket (duel liner► I Vi -inch 3 to 101b./cu. fl. In at fiber board or equivalent to provide an installed Conductance = 0.16 R a 6 V. Vapor barrier, with perm rating not greater than 0.05 perms, all joints sealed. W. Approved weatherproof barrier. SPECIFICATIONS is r-NTtvmISt&NOW WA ENEMY l I3UDG ET . C�NSU�T,�NTS SPECIFICATIONS rkli C". Day&Night -y ; _ . �-14,4.,.`•'.,,. - • : Air Conditioning ;• '.FAN-COIL•8t:'. s,�.�FAN UNITS i 1sd,rnalKAIa ICity of UOU541 I. CA N ;1.. . 'IC's • . bey► • :t.3rti Ab 1103 Model 517E Fan -Coil and Fan Units are multipurpose packaged air handlers that are specifically designed to satisfy a variety of split -system applications --both conventional air conditioning and heat pump. These versatile units are available in three distinct variations: (1) fan units without coil, electric heater, or controls • (2) tan -coil units without electric heater or controls, and (3) heating cooling fan -coil units with electric heater and controls. Fan -coal units are available in three nominal coil sizes -042, 048• and 060. Fan -coil units with electric heaters, and the accessory heat packages for field -installation into the fan -coil units without heaters and the fan units, are available in heating sizes ranging from 7.5 to 30KW. Fan units are available in two sizes -003 and 004. Accessory electric heat packages and 5108 coils are available for field - installation to convert these fan units into conventional electric furnaces, fan -coil units, or heating/cooling fan -coil units. ` Model- 51.7E Sizes 0oa'404, 0az; 048, &060 •�r•L .. tai A-\ fes•. FEATURES WRAPAROUND FULLY INSULATED CABINET -One-piece heavy-duty steel construction helps eliminate casing noise. Fully insulated interior provides both thermal and acoustic isolation. The cabinet exterior is finished with an attractive silver sage enamel. SPECIAL DESIGN FEATURES—Application versatility of all units is enhanced by the spacesaving compact size and the installa- tion flexibility of four mounting attitudes: either upflow, downflow, horizontal left, or horizontal right. Refrigerant and condensate connections are provided on the front of fan -coil units for ease of installation. Locating marks are provided on the casing side for field -conversion to optional right -side return. Knockouts are provided for optional horizontal suspension, using suspension rods. Separate access panels for the coil sec- tion and blower/control section on the cabinet front make these units totally servicable from the front. A third front access panel provides easy access to the permanent -type air filter furnished with each unit. DIRECT -DRIVE MULTISPEED, PSC, BLOWER MOTORS have been carefully selected to minimize energy consumption while providing the airflow to meet the requirements of a wide variety of applications. A Molex speed -tag -changer simplifies speed changes. Blower and motor assembly is resiliently mounted to minimize vibration, and slides out for easy servicing COMPUTER -DESIGNED INDOOR COILS provide for optimum heat transfer and cooling and/or heat pump heating efficiency. Flare refrigerant connections enable quick leak -proof connec- tions, using our precharged refrigerant tubing sets. The acces- sory 5108 Coifs that are used with the fan units are the same coils provided in the fan -coil units. All coils have a condensate drain pan with primary and secondary connections, and a hold- ing charge of R-22 refrigerant. CHECK-FLO-RATER—All coils have a Check -Flo -Rater for effi- cient and dependable refrigerant metering, and to eliminate the potential service requirements of other metering devices. Located external to the unit, the Check -Flo -Rater is readily accessible for piston changeout or maintenance. For added sys- tem reliability. all coils have a liquid -tube strainer to help maintain clean, unrestricted operation. ELECTRIC HEAT PACKAGES are available either as factory - installed in the heating/cooling fan -coil units or as a Geld -installed accessory for the fan units and fan -coil units. The application flexibility of these -heaters is increased with the availability of sin- gle- and three-phase power supply options. The 10-• 15-. and 20 -KW single-phase heaters are available with or wAnout circuit breakers for internal circuit protection. Sequencer control is used for incremental energizing and deenergizing of the heater elements. Field -installation of a heater into a unit has been made extremely easy—simply slide in the heater, secure with three screws, and plug-in three leads for blower motor control. Form No. PDS 517E.42.2D DIMENSIONAL DRAWING I 7 DIA K.O. s 8 LOW -VOLTAGE 517E DIMENSIONS (Inches) 28 617E Sl:s 6 42 22.3/4 21 113-13,116 0.11/32 048 d 0600 26-7/18 24-1/2 17.9/32 23-13/16 1 'Also fan unit sizes 003 8 004. ! 3 -�4 2 8 COOL I.1 DIA OOLING-ONLY BLLOWK-VOLTAGE :T 16 HIGH-VOLTAGE INLET 1 Shipping Weights (lbs) 17 17 003 8 004 ............ 155 ��+� 18— 132 r—E-7 r 132 042 ................. 1756 048 185• 060 .................. IW 13 116 •Add heater weights shown r, 3 heater table to determine SOD FLARE LIQUID CONN approximate weights of fan-coi f units with heaters. 4 OD LOCATING MARKS LARE 56 FOR OPTIONAL 441 SUCTION C 116 SIDE INLET aerxwlsocuAtu►ncEs (THIS SIDE ONLY) 4111,1011111111)8 FPT Recommended Berme clearance bom DRAIN CONN ) ` Min mum clearance from combust" 1I6Unit mataraae: 2291 ` First 30 lt mos of unin ulsbd supply j ; 32� _ 9 _ duct when uMV heater. ae 7E-1DUCT II 125 1 r.- 3g CILT ) pp�EANFOR IELD D 1 F+- 32 1 �19� 4 ATTACHMENT WHEN DIA K.O. 4 REQUIRED 2(4) PLCS THIS SIDE 3 MPT DRAIN B(4PLCS OPPOSITE 4 CONN 21 8 Aet1o4 SPECIFICATIONS—UNITS WITHOUT ELECTRIC HEATER MODEL 517 SIZE N003 N004 N042 N048 N060 RATINGS 8 PERFORMANCE Nominal Ca acit Blun • - - 42,000 48.000 60.000 Nominal Airflow t /Mini 1600 2000 1400 1600 2000 ELECTRICAL Unit Volts -Phase 60 Hz 081230-1 208/230-1 2081230-1 81230-1 081230-1 Operating Voltage Range 187-253 187-253 187-253 187-253 187-253 Single -Circuit Operation Rated load Amps 4.8 5.6 3.8 4.8 5.6 Minimum Ampacq for Wire Sizing 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Minimum Wire Ste 14 14 14 14 14 Maximum Wire Length Ft 1521158 1 1301144 1911212 1521158 1 1301144 Maximum Fuse Size Ams 15 15 15 15 1 15 Control Transforme--24V VA ';;# ### # ;I tit; INDOOR COIL Rows & Fins Per W, 3 & 13 3 & 13 4 14 x Width in. - - 32.5 x 19.4 32.5 x 22.8 32.5 x 22.8 ,Height Face Area (Sq Ft - - 4.4 5.1 5.1 A-22 Refrigerant Metering Device - - Check -Flo -Rater Piston ID Number - - 76 82 88 Condensate Drain Connection Pri-Sec - - 314 MPT -3/4 FP; 314 MPT -3/4 FPT 314 MPT -3/4 FPT INDOOR SLOWER b MOTOR Wheel Diameter x Width In. 10 x 9 11 x 9 10 x 9 10 x 9 11 x 9 Filter Site -Cleanable In. 20 x 25 x 1 20 x 25 x 1 20 x 21 x 1 20 x 25 x 1 20 x 25 x 1 Blower Motor HP 112 314 112 112 3/4 Blower Motor Speeds d Type 3 i1 D PSC 3 iS D PSC 3 b 0 PSC 3 6 D PSC 3 i3 DD(PSC) Rated Load Amps 4.8 5.6 3.8 4.8 5.6 OPTIONAL EOUIPMENT PIN'S Liquid—Tube Swivel Ell (3/8)11 P651-1066 Vapor -Tube Swivel Ell 314 t P651.1068 Combustible Floor Base*** 306230.202 306230.201 306230.202 Side Return Kitt T 1 306230.204 048 b 060j 306230203 306230204 Sin Ie -Circuit Kit** 3018204001 Electric Heat Pac iUt t See Accessory Electric Hea a Table Control Packs eZ It 305971.464 Cooling Coil Mode 5108048 5108060 Standard See notes on nett page. 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