08-1975 (AR) Title 24Title 24 Report for: Carlos & Teresa Ramos 52-105 Avenida Carranza La Quinta, CA 92253 Report Prepared By: Gabriel Rios Riosdesigns 49-901 Cinnabar Lane Coachella, CA .92236 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE ILn j =g '" — Date: )2i2ai2oos MAR 0 3 2009 VA CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL (Page 1 of 5) CF -1R Project Title RAMOS RESIDENCE Date 12/09/2008 Building Permit 4 Project Address 52-105 AVENIDA CARRANZA LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Joint Roof Radiant Location Appendix Barrier Comments IV Installed (attic, garage, Reference Yes or No typical, etc. Plan Check /Date Documentation Author RIOSDESIGNS - Telephone (760)485-7431 Field Check / Date Compliance Method (Prescriptive) PACKAGE D Climate Zone 15 Enforcement Agency Use Only ® Alternative Component Package Method: (check one) C D y D (Alternative) • Package C and Package D choices require HERS rater field verification and/or diagnostic testing (see CFAR page 3) For Package D Alternative see Appendix B Table 151-0 Footnotes 7-14 GENERAL INFORMATION Total Conditioned Floor Area (CFA) 1.438 ft 2 Average Ceiling Height: 9'-0" ft 1 Maximum Allowed West Facing Fenestration Products Per Table 151-B or 151-C -- (5% X CFA) 71 ft z Maximum Allowed Total Fenestration Products Per Table 151-B or 151-C --(20% X CFA) 287.6 ft 2 V ❑ Building Type: (check one or more)_ Single Family Multifamily / Addition Alteration (If adding fenestration fill out WS -4R, Fenestration Maximum Allowed Area Worksheet and see Section 8.3.2 for Additions and 8.3.3 for Alterations.) Number of Stories: 1 Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Floor Construction Type: tab aised Floor (circle one or both) Front Orientation: 315° North / South / ast West / All Orientations (input front orientation in degrees from True North and circle one). V ❑ RADIANT BARRIER (required in climate zones 2, 4,?- 1_51 OPAQUE SURFACES INCLUDING OPAQUE DOORS Component Type (Wall, Roof, Floor, Slab Edge, Doors) Frame Type (Wood or Metal) Cavity Insulation R -Value Continuous Insulation R -Value Assembly U - factor (for wood, metal frame and mass assemblies Joint Roof Radiant Location Appendix Barrier Comments IV Installed (attic, garage, Reference Yes or No typical, etc. Wall 2X6 WOOD NO LIVING ZONE Wall Roof 2X4 WOOD R-38 NONE 0.025 IVA YES LIVING ZONE Roof Floor Floor Slab ge 1) See Joint Appendix IV in Section IV.2, IV.3 and IVA, which is the basis for the U -factor criterion. U -factors can not exceed prescriptive value to show equivalence to R values. Residential Compliance Forms April 2005 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL. (Page 2 of 5) CF -1R FENESTRATION Project oject Title Date •RAMOSRESIDENCE .-12./09/2-008- -12/09/2008 FENESTRATION PRODUCTS - U -FACTOR AND SHGC u .FE ES T.RATi0N- iviAn%iviUM Ai LUWEED-AREA:--' RitSIiE T ih%S-fir= ret stere-�inciuded-for-New. ,0o isittil:iful-1, lldttiiflittJ Und tiftcrat10- lis. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fenestration #/Type/Pos. (Front, Left, Rear, Right, Skylight)— Orien- dation, N, S, E, W' Area (ftl)' U-.factorz U -factor Source' SHGC° SHGC Sources Exterior Shading/Overhangs '' ✓box if WS -3R is included Front EAST 18 SQ.FT. 0.57 116-A 0.40 116-6 ❑ Left SOUTH 20 SQ.FT. 0.57 1'16-A 0.40 116=13 ❑ Rear WEST 40 SQ.FT. 0.57 116-A 0.40 116-B ❑ Rear WEST 3 SQ.FT. 0.57 116-A 0.40 116-B ❑ Rear WEST 40 SQ.FT. 0.57 116-A 0.40 116-B ❑ Rear WEST 10 SQ.FT. 0.57 116-A 0.40 116-B ❑ Right ❑ Right ❑ 1) Skylights are now included in West -facing fenestration area if the skylights are tilted to the west or titled in any direction when the .pitch is ,less than 1:12..See § 15 ! -#R, mid -in Szctiou 3.2.3 -af the -R esidetial1w 2) Enter values in this column are either NFRC Rated value or from Standards default Table I I6A. 3) I tdicate source either from NVrRC or Table 116A 4) Enter values in this column from NFRC or from Standards Default Table 116B or adjusted SHGC from WS -3R 5) 1nditcate source. -either from NFRC or Table .116B.. 6) Shading Devices are defined in Table 3-3 in the Residential Manual and see WS -3R to calculate Exterior Shading devices. 7) See Section 3.2.4 in the Residential Manual. HVAC ,SYSTEM& Heating Equipment Type and Capacity furnace, heatpump, boiler, etc. Minimum Efficiency AFUE orASP-F Distribution Type and Location du attic etc. Duct or Piping Thermostat R -Value Type ,Configuration lit orpackage) Heli PAX4 4 Ton 82% AFUE ATTIC 8.0 SETBACK SPLIT tZ-! Cooling Equipment Type and -Capacity (A/C, heat :pump, evap. coolie Minimum. Efficiency SEER or EER Duct Location Duct Thermostat (attic, etc.) R -Value Tye Configuration .(split or.acka e Heli PAX44Ton 14.5 SEER ATTIC 8.0 SETBACK SPLIT tZ-! IResidet.ilial:Coit.ipliat.ice.Ioi.'ms. Apf:i1..21I03. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL (Page 3 of 5) CF -1R Project Title Date RAMOS RESIDENCE 12/092008 SEALED DUCTS and TXVs (or Alternative Measures) Aligned:CF-4R.Form:must:be.provided to the,building,department.for.each home for which the following. are required. OR Alternative to Sealed Ducts and Refrigerant Charge /TXVs (See Package D Alternative Package Features for Project Climate Zone in the RM Appendix B Table 151-C, Footnotes 7-14. OR For additions and alterations, duct systems that are not documented to have been previously ❑ sealed as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing in accordance with procedures in the Residential ACM Manual and duct systems with more than 40 linear feet in unconditioned spaces all meet the re uirements of Section 150(m) and duct insulation requirements of Package D. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS F7___1 Sealed Ducts all climate zones)(Installer testing and certification and HERS rater field verification required.) C. TXVs, readily accessible (climate zones 2 and 8-15 only) Energy Installer testing and certification and HERS Rater field verification re Tank Refrigerant Charge (climate zones 2 and 8-15 only) (Installer testing and certification and HERS Rater field verification re uired.) OR Alternative to Sealed Ducts and Refrigerant Charge /TXVs (See Package D Alternative Package Features for Project Climate Zone in the RM Appendix B Table 151-C, Footnotes 7-14. OR For additions and alterations, duct systems that are not documented to have been previously ❑ sealed as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing in accordance with procedures in the Residential ACM Manual and duct systems with more than 40 linear feet in unconditioned spaces all meet the re uirements of Section 150(m) and duct insulation requirements of Package D. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS F7___1 Systems serving single dwelling units Check box if system meets criteria of a "Standard" system. Standard system is one gas-fired water heater per C� dwelling unit. If the water heater is a storage type, 50 gallons is the maximum capacity and recirculation system is Energy not allowed. Tank Check box when using Preapproved Alterative Water Heating table, Table 5-4 in Chapter 5 in the Residential 7Manual.-No water -heating calculations are required,and the system complies automatically. Input' Check box if system does not meet criteria of "Standard" system, and does not comply with the Preapproved ❑ Alterative Water Heating table. In this case, the Performance Method must be used and must be included in the Water Heater submittal. ❑ Check box to verify that a time control is required for a recirculating system pump for a system serving multiple Capacity ' Thermal units Systems serving single dwelling units System serving multiple dwelling units Water Heater Type -Distribution Type Number in System Rated Energy Energy Factor' or Thermal Efficient Tank Tank External Insulation R -Value Input' Tank Factor' or External Water Heater Distribution Number (kw or Capacity ' Thermal 'Standby Insulation Type/Fuel Tye Type in System Btu/hr(gallons) Efficiency Loss %) R -Value A O Smith Water Products CTG -50-227 Small Gas No Pipe Insul. 1 37,000 50 0.80 n/a n/a I System serving multiple dwelling units Water Heater Type -Distribution Type Number in System Rated Input' (kW or Btu/hr) Tank Capacity (gations) Energy Factor' or Thermal Efficient Standby Loss (%) Tank External Insulation R -Value 1) For small gas storage water heaters (rated inputs of less than or equal to 75,000 Btu/hr), electric resistance, and heat pump water heaters, list Energy Factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input of greater than 75,000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency, Thermal Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input and Thermal Efficiencies. Pipe Insulation (kitchen lines > 3/4 inches) All hot water pipes from the heating source to the kitchen fixtures that are 3/a inches or greater in diameter shall be thermally insulated as specified by Section 1.50 (j).2 A or. 1.50 (j) 2 B. Residential Compliance Forms April 2005 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL (Page 4 of 5) CF -1R Project Title Date- 12/092008 RAMOS RESIDENCE -SPECL4LL, +: +ATJRES.N.OT..REQU.HtING HERS VERM. CATION:(add:extra sheets if- necessary) Indicate which special features are part of this project. The list below only represents special features relevant to the prescritive method. 14, Feature Required Forms (if a _licable) _ Description ❑ Metal Framed Walls CF -1R gr Radiant Barriers CF -IR ❑ . Exterior Shades WS -411 ❑ Cool Roof N/A; Attach CRRC Label to Forms Dedicated Hydronic Heating Performance Calculation System Required; Attach Run to Forms. ❑ Combined Hydronic System Performance Calculation R uired; Attach Run to Forms. ❑ ElRequired. Gas Cooling - Performance Calculation D Buried Ducts N/A; Indicate on building plans. ❑ Kitchen Pipe Insulation See Section 5.6.2 Distribution Systems in Residential Manual. Multiple Water Heaters Per See Table 5-13 or use ❑ Performance Calculation and Dwelling Unit attach Run to Forms. Central Water Heating System Performance Calculation and Serving Multiple Dwellings attach Run to Forms. ❑ Non-NAECA Large Water CF -IR Heater See Table 5-13 or use ❑ Indirect Water Heater Performance Calculation and attach Run to Forms. See Table 5-13 or use ❑ Instantaneous Gas Water Heater Performance Calculation and attach Run to Forms. See Table 5-13 or use ❑ Solar Water Heating System Performance Calculation and attach Run to Forms. ❑` Wood Stove Boiler Performance 'Calculation and attach Run to Forms. SPECIAL FEATURES REQUIRING HERS RATER VERIFICATION (add extra sheets if necessarv) Indicate to the HERS Rater which credits are part of this project and need verification. .i Feature Re uired Forms if applicable) Description _ Duct Sealing CF -6R part 4 of 12 Refrigerant C e CF -6R part 5 of 12 Thermostatic Expansion -Valve . CF -6R part 6 of 12 Residential Compliance Fonns April 2005 CERTIFICATE OF CONI LIANCE: RESIDENTIAL (Page 5 of 5) Project Title .] Date RAMOS RESIDENCE 112/09/2008 -GOWHILIANS ST-Af—EMENT- This certificate of compliance lists the building features and specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts I and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulafions to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. The undersigned recognizes that compliance using duct design, duct sealing, verification of refrigerant charge and TXVs, insulation installation quality, and building envelope sealing require installer testing and certification and field verification by an approved HERS rater. Designer or Owner (per Business and Professions Code) Documentation Author Flame: GABRIELIRIOS Name: -.GABRIEL.R.IOS Title/Firm: RIOSDESIGNS Title/Firm: RIOSDESIGNS Addvess: 49-901 CINNABAR LANE Address: 49-901 CINNABAR LANE COACHELLA, .CA:92236COACH P -LA, -qA92236 Telephone: (760)485-7431 Telephone: (760)485-7431 License #: LL �(Wnatuoy (date) (signator &Y (d V — Enforcement Agency Name: Title Agency: Telephone: Comments: Residential Compliance Forms April 2005 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: RESIDENTIAL (Page 1 of 2) MF-1R Protect Title RAMOS RESIDENCE Date 112/0912008 Note: Low-rise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used More stringent compliance requirements. from the Certificate of Comnlimce supersede the items marked with an asterisk (°l below. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the fratures noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or check NA if not applicable. DESCRIPTION PIA. Desi er Enforce - merit Building Envelope Measures: J V I/ ' §150(a): Minimum R-19 in wood fine ceiling insulation or equivalent U -factor in metal frame ceiling. ❑ 9 ❑ §150(b): Loose fillinsulation manufacbuets labeled R-Vahie: ❑ ❑ ' §150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U -factor in metal frame walls (does not apply to exterior mass walls) ❑ ry l7� ❑ ' §150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors or equivalent U -factor. ❑ ❑ §150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. 1. Masonry and factory4milt fireplaces have: a. closeable metal or glass door covering the entire opening of the firebox ❑ ❑ b. outside air intake with damper and control, flue damper and control ❑ ❑ 2. No continuous burning gas pilot lights allowed. ❑ ❑ § 150(f): Air retarding wrap installed to comply with § 151 meets requirements specified in the ACM Residential Manual. (>� ❑ ❑ §150(8): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. ❑ ❑ 11500): Slab,edge insulation - water absorption rate for the insulation material alone without facings no greater than 0.3°/ water vapor perfonnance tate no greater than 2.0 Verrolinch. ❑ ❑ § 118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation installation quality standards. Indicate type and include CF -6R Form ❑ ❑ § 116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors, and lnfilt ration/ExSlhation Controls. 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. ❑ [� ❑ 2. Fenestration products (except field -fabricated) have label with certified U -factor, certifies Solar Heat Gain Coefficient SH and infiltration certification. ❑ Gr ❑ 3. Exterior doors and windows weather-stripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed ❑ ❑ Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: §110-§113: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Energy Commission. ❑ gr ❑ §150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE. SMACNA or ACCA. ❑ ❑ §150(1): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems.❑ (]� ❑ § 150(5): Water system pipe and tank insulation and cooling systems like insulation. ❑ 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. �. ❑ ❑ 2. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 internal insulation and indicated on the exterior of the tank showing the R -value. ❑ ❑ 3. T.r.e : llow:as :; i.:g is inw-Wated -according to Table 150 -AB or Equation 150-A Insulation Thickness: 1. First 5 feet of hot and cold water pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculating systems, and entire length of recirculating sections of hot water pipes shall be insulated to Table 150B. gr ❑ ❑ 2. CooliAg S.—piping (suction, chilled water, or brine lines), piping insulated between heating source and indirect hot water tank shall be insulated to Table 150-B and Equation 150-A- �+ ❑ ❑ 4. Steam hydropic heating systems or hot water systems > 15 psi, meet requirements of Table 123-A. (� ❑ ❑ Residential Compliance Forms April 2005 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: RESIDENTIAL (Page 2 of 2) MF -1R Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: (continued) F nforce- NAie Designer ment 5. Insulation must be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind ❑ [r ❑ 6..lnsulation for chill-.: waicrpiping and refrigerant suction piping includes a vapor retardant or is enclosed cntirly in ❑ ry lr�y ❑ conditioned space. 7. Solar water -heating systems/collectors are certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation. Elup ❑ * § 150(m): Ducts and Fans I . All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and i isulated to meet the requirement ofthe CMC Sections 601, 02,603, 604,605 and Standard 6-5; supply -air and return -air ducts and pleamns are insulated to a minimum installed revel of R42 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sear with mastic, tape or other duc+lrclosure system at meets the applicable ElL �-�r n ❑ requirements of UL 181, UL 181A, or UL 181B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used. 2. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board orrtlexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and ry L]� El El platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area ofthe ducts. 3. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes ❑ ry i90 ❑ unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and draw bands. 4. Exhaust fan systems have back draft of automatic dampers. ❑ (� ❑ 5. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated ry I]� C1 Eldarn ors. 6. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water Elup ry ❑ retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation ofthe material. 7. Flexible ducts cannot have porous inner cores. ❑ ❑ § 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. A thermal efficiency that complies with the Appliance i;fficiency Regulations, on-offswitch mounted outside ofthe ry ❑ ❑ heater, weatherproof o eratin instuctions, no electric resistance heatingand no pilot light. 2. System is installed with: a. at (cast 36" of p:pe bu ::.,en f' !L -r =d har»cr F : f,.^.W ...^.lar �y L�= rJ ❑ b. cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. ❑ 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. [a' ❑ ❑ § 115: Gas fired fan -type central furnaces, pool heaters, spa heaters, or household cooking appliances have no continuously �. El El pilot light. (Exception: Non -electrical cooling appliances with pilot < 150 Btu/br) § 118(i): Cool Roof material meets specified criteria [� ❑ ❑ Residential Lighting Measures: § 150(k)l: HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRES OTHER THAN OUTDOOR HID: contain only high efficacy lamps as outlined in Table 150-C, and do not contain a medium screw base socket (E24/E26). Ballast for lamps 13 watts or greater ❑ 9 ❑ are electronic and have an output frequency no less than 20 kHz §150(k)l: HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRES - OUTDOOR HID: contain only high efficacy lamps as outlined in Table 11 gr E]150 -C, hmminaire has installed HID ballast §150(k)2: Permanently installed taminaires in kitchens shall be high efficacy luminaires. Up to 50 percent ofthe wattage, as determined in § 130 (c), of permanently installed luminaires in kitchens may be in luminaires that are not high efficacy 11 G21 Elluminaires, provided that these luminaires are controlled by switches separate from those controlling the high efficacy luminaires. § 150(k)3: Permanently installed luminaires in bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms & utility rooms shall be high efficacy luminaires. OR are controlled by an occupant sensof(s) certified to comply with Section 119(d) that does not turn on ❑ ❑ wtomaticaUy or have an always option, § I50(k)4: Permanently installed luminaires located other than in kitchens, bathrooms, garages, humdry rooms, and utility rooms shall be high efficacy luminaires (except closets less than 70fe): OR are controlled by a dimmer switch OR are ❑ gr ❑ controlled by an occupant sensor that complies with Section 119(4) that does not tum on automatically or have an always on option. § 150(k)5: Luminaires that are recessed into insulated ceilings are approved for zero clearance insulation cover (IC) and are ❑ Gr ❑ certified airtight to ASTM E283 and labeled as air tight A to less than 2.0 CFM at 75 Pascals. § 150(k)6: Luminaires providing outdoor lighting and permanently mounted to a residential building of other.buildings.on the same lot shall be high efficacy luminaires (not including lighting around swimming pools / water features or other �. ❑ El 680 locations) OR are controlled by occupant sensors with integral photo control certified to comply with Section 119(d): §I50(k)7: Lighting for parking lots for 8 or more vehicles shall have lighting that complies with Sec. 130, 132, and 147. ry L70 ❑ 11Li tin for parkingare es for 8 or more vehicles shall have lighting that complies with Sec. 130 131 and 146. § 150(k)8: Permanently installed lighting in the enclosed, non -dwelling spaces of low-rise residential buildings with four or more dwelling units shall be high efficacy luminaires OR are controlled by occupant sensor(s) certified to comply with ❑ ❑ Section 119(d). Residential Compliance Forms Apii12005 Residential Kitchen Lighting Worksheet WS -5R -RAMOS : RESIDEN-CE 12/09;200.0 Project Title Date At.least.50% .of.the.total. rated.wattage.of,permanently. installed. luminaires. in. kitchens. must..be..in.luminaires.that.are high. efficapy.luminalres as defined in Table 150-0. Luminaires that are not high efficacy must be switched separately. Kitchen Lighting Schedule. Provide the following information for all luminaires .to be installed in kitchens. High Efficacy Luminaire Type High Efficacy? Watts Quantity Watts Other Watts (4) 57w Compact Fluoresecent TriptQuad 4pin Yes X1 No F 62.0 x4 = 248 or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes N x = or Yes No x = or "es -x = or Yes o x = or Yes I No x = or Yes I No x = or Yes- 71 ..: No -i x = or es o x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or `Yes I --No" A x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Yes No x = or Total A: 248 B: 0 COMPLIES IF A> B YES OX WE] 1 - ry ER -3748 LEGACY REPORT Reissued March 1, 2004 ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. I Off' &W Wadanan N° Road, Wim' C&w9a 9M1 a (5U) ffiM 3 Regional Office ■ 900 Mortdair Read. SLdte & Bimtingharn, Alabama 35213 ■ (205) 599-9800 WWW.icc-es.org Regional Office .4051West FbssmoorRoad, CamtryClub Ms,Illinois 160478a(708)799-2305 Legacy report on the 1997 Uniform Building CodeTm, the 20001ntemational Building Code® and the 2000 International Residential Code® DIVISION: 07—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07320—Roof Tiles HANSON CONCRETE INTERLOCKING ROOFING TILES HANSON ROOF TILE, INC. 10650 POPLAR AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92337-7334 1.0 SUBJECT Hanson Concrete Interlocking Roofing Tiles. 2.0 DESCRIPTION 2.1 General: 2.1.1 Regular -weight Tiles: Hanson concrete roofing tiles are produced in high-profile Regal, low -profile Hacienda, and in flat styles with either smooth slate or textured shake surfaces. Ridge, rake and universal trim units are produced to match each product. The tiles are composed of portland cement, sand and proprietary additives. Mineral coloring oxides are added or are mixed with portland cement and water for surface application following extrusion. Units are cured under controlled temperature and humidity conditions. Tiles are 171/4 inches (438 mm) long, 13 inches (330 mm) wide and nominally '/2 inch (12.7 mm) thick. They are manufactured with interlocking sidelaps, 11/2 inches (38 mm) wide for Regal and 15/16 inches (33 mm) wide for all other profiles, designed to resist surface water penetration and to maintain proper alignment. All tiles have protruding head lugs on the underside which provide mechanical attachment over wood battens. Two nail holes are provided in each tile. See Table 1 for installed weight with a minimum 3 -inch (76 mm) headlap. 2.1.2 Lightweight Tiles: The Hanson lightweight tiles are manufactured in the same manner, shape and size as regular -weight tiles, except for substituting lightweight aggregate and proprietary additives for sand. See Table 1 for installed weight with a minimum 3 -inch (76 mm) headlap. 2.2 Installation under the 1997 Uniform Building CodeTm (UBC): Installation shall be in accordance with the Roof Tile Institute's Installation Manual for Moderate Climate Regions, recognized in evaluation report ER -6034P. 2.3 Installation under the 2000 International Building Code® (IBC) and the 2000 International Residential Code® (IRC): - -- Installation of the roofing assembly is in accoi Section 1507.3 of the IBC or Section R905.3 of applicable. All other conditions of installation re Section 2.2 of this report. ` When installed over new construction as described in this report, the Hanson concrete interlocking roofing tiles are Class A roof coverings in accordance with UBC Section 1504.1, IBC Section 1505.2 and IRC Section R902.1, and are noncombustible roof coverings in accordance with Section 1504.2 of the UBC. When used in reroofing applications as described in Section 2.2.2 of this report, the tiles are class A roof coverings in accordance with UBC Section 1504.1, IBC Section 1510 and IRC Section R907. 2.5 Identification: Each tile is identified on the underside by the name Hanson, Pioneer or Hume. Each pallet is identified by the manufacturer's name (Hanson Roof Tile, Inc.) and telephone number, and the evaluation report number (ER -3748). Additionally, each pallet is stenciled with a product code and date, and the installed weight. 3.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance with the ICC -ES Interim Criteria for Clay and Concrete Roof Tiles (AC180), dated January 2002. 4.0 FINDINGS That the Hanson concrete interlocking roofing tiles described in this report comply with the 1997 Uniform Building Code 110, the 2000 International Building Code® (IBC) and the 2000 international Residential Code® (IRC), subject to the following conditions: 4.1 Tiles are manufactured, identified and installed in accordance with this report and the manufacturer's instructions. 4.2 In jurisdictions enforcing the IBC, installation of the roof tiles is limited to areas exposed to maximum basic wind speeds (3 -second gust) of 100 miles per hour (161 km/h) on structures having a maximum mean roof height of 60 feet (18 288 mm). ICC -ES legoc v reports are not to he construed as representing aesthetics or anv other attributes not specifrcal4v addressed nor are thev to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no wurranty by ICC Evaluation Service, Inc., express or implied, as to t anv finding or other matter in this report, or as to anv product covered by the report. Copyright © 2004 Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 ER -3748 4.3 In jurisdictions enforcing the IRC, installation of the 4.4 Tiles are manufactured at the Hanson Roof Tile, Inc., roof tiles is limited to areas exposed to maximum plants located in Fontana, California; Tolleson, basic wind speeds (3 -second gust) of 100 miles per Arizona; and Dixon, California. hour (161 km/h) on structures having a maximum This report is subject to re-examination in two years. mean roof height of 40 feet (12 192 mm). TABLE 1 --FIELD TILE SPECIFICATIONS STYLE TOP VIEW BOTTOM VIEW LENGTH HEIGHT WIDTH INSTALLED WEIGHT (inches) (inches) (inches) Lightweight Regular- (psf) weight (per REGAL �^ • \, \` ' \ A 17'14 31/4 133/e 5.9 9.9 HACIENDA 17'14 2'/,e 13 5.9 9.1 SHAKE PRODUCTS: 1. -Ever WEST 2. Weathered Shake 17'/4 11/4 13 7.3 9.9 3. Shake 4. Olde World Shake SLATE PRODUCTS: - 1. Olde World Slate 2. Slate 17'14 11/8 13 7.6' 10.5 3. Cottage Shingle 4. Victorian Slate For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psf = 4.882 kg/m. Battens required for all slopes.