08283 (SFD) Title 24� TITLE 24 REPORT FOR: Duplex 51-125 and51-155 Eisenhower Drive La 0uinta, California 92253 PROJECT DESIGNER: Mr. George Mooney OWNER: Mr. George Mooney . REPORT PREPARED 8Y: Joseph N. Cicchini 71-321 Highway 111, Suite 4 Rancho Mirage, California 92270 (619)-341-2273 Job Number: Bate: 6/8/1989 ~� �. .- ?4 sqmputer Program Sam been used to perform the calculations in WAX.pdrmpliance report. This program has interim approval 0,0tKar.iAe4:b6 the Califprnia Energy Commission for use with the -Second Generation Residential Occupancies 3mPQUiF_Q,tK49.prc;gnam conform to tKp results produced by the '061n' , `86sterri,, developed by the California Energy Commissioni. ` IL RIGHT DDPL8}C Table Of Contents for Title 24 Report ----------- =_______________________-_ Cuver Page . 1 .....~.................... ..�.^.........,..........,..... Table of Contents .......^....^...^...^...........,.~....,.,.,....... 2 Form CF -1R Certificate of Compliance: Residential ................... 3 Form MF -1R Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential .,,.".,......... 6 Form P -2R Points System Summary ....................^...~............ 8 Form S Shading Coefficient (SG) Worksheet ....,.,.....,...,.......... 9. Form WS -1R Points Thermal Mass Worksheet ................ ~........... 160 Form WS -2R Interpolation Worksheet .......,........................... 11 Form CF -3 Construction Assemblies ............,.....,................ 12 Domestic Hot Water Worksheet .~...................^°.............^... 17 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (part 1 of 3) CF -1R page 3 of 19 Project Right Duple: l COMPLY 24 v 2.21 Designer: Mr. George Mooney Location: Indio .Date: 6/6/1989 - Building Permit No -------------- -- Checked By • ------------------ Documentation: Joseph N.. Cicchini Daae (User # 2079) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT ADDRESS 51-155 Eisenhower Drive La 4uinta., California 9-2253 GENERAL INFORMATION Compliance Method: Climate Zone: Total Conditioned Floor Building Occupancy: Front Entry Orientation: Floor Construction Type: Infiltration Control: Point. System 15 Area-*- 968 sqf t Single Fara Det North,/East/South/West Slab Standard BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Area R-19 Frame Wall 797 R-11 Frame. Wall 3;12 R-38 Roof/Gyp Ceiling. 968 Undefined 968 (c1rcle one) U -Value Location/Comments 0.0655 Right Duple; 0.0978 Right. Duple: 0.0290 Right Duplex 0.9000 Right Duplex/Slab F2 Val THERMAL MASS Thick Mass Material. Area (i.n) Type Location/Description Concrete, Heavyweight 743 4.000 Covered Right Duple;/Int Mass Concrete, Heavyweight 226 4.000 Exposed Right Duple;•:/Int Mass ~ ~ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (part _____________________________________-___________________________________-_ 2 of 3) CF -1R page 4 of 19 proJect: Right Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 Designer: Mr. George Mooney | ________________ | Building Permit No . Location: Indio Date: | __________________ 6/6/1989 | Checked By . Dbcumentation: Joseph _-�________----------------------------------------------------------- N. Cicchini __________________ 1 Date (User # 2079) SHADING C0EFF GLAZING Glass Gl.ass Glass m/Int Orientation Area Type O -Val Only Shade' Description East 16.0 Double 0.65 -------- 0.88 0,75 _______________________ Double/Nonwhite Drapes North 64.0 Double 0.65 0.88 0.75 Double./Nonwhite Drapes West 19.0 Double 0.65 0.88 0.75 Double/Nonwhite Drapes SHADING (for Glazing above) Over Orientation ___________ Exterior Device Sc hang Framing Ty -pe _______________________ East None -- 1.00 ____ 0.0 Metal w/o Mullions North None 1.00 0.0 Metal w/o Mullions West None 1.00 0.0 Metal w/o Mullions � ^ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (part 3 of 3) CF -1R page 5 of 19 __________________________________-__-_____________________________________ ProJect: Right Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 | __________________ Designer: Mr, George Mooney | Building Permit No | __________________ Looation: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 | Checked By | --------------- ___ Documentation: Joseph N. Cicchini | Date (User # 2079) ______________ HVAC SYSTEMS Min output Duct Duct Manufacturer/Model No. System Type Eff (Btuh) Location RVal (or approved equal) ---- _____ ---- _________________ ____ ------------------------- Heat _-__-____________-____Heat Pump 7.000 36000 Vent. Attic Space 2.1 LENN0XCHP15-411 Heat Pump 10.300 35200 Max. Furnace Output: 45000 Btub + 1(767.- 71%) x 70003 = 82351 Btu'h Cooling E-xception: ______ CFM Cooling (seeLoad Calcs) requires ______ Btuh HOT WATER SYSTEMS Tank Manufacturer/Model No. # of Energy '# of System Type Volume (or approved equal) Sys Credits Pumps Gas Fired 50.0 Std Gas 50 gal or less 1 0 0 SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS (Add extra sheets if necessary) --------------- __,-___________________-~________-______-___________ ____-____________________________________________~_________________________ C0MPLIANCE STATEMENT ' This Certificate of Compliance lists the builddng features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Chapter 2-53 and Tit1e'20' Chapter 2, Subchapter 4, Article 1 of the California Administrative Code. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility and the building owner, mhq shall retain a copy of it and transmit the certificate to any subsequent purchaser of the building. When this Certificate of Compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, all building conservation features which vary are indicated in the Special Features/Remarks section. DESIGNER Mr. George Mooney DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Joseph N. Cicchini 71-321 Highway 111, Suite 4 Rancho Mirage, California 92270 (619 Sign --- BUILDING OWNER Mr. George Mooney --_- -___�_____�___��-______� = ENF8RCEMENT AGENCY Name: _________________--__________ A9ency:_______-+_-________________ Telephone:_________ --------------- Signed: ------------------------- ^ ~ MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST (part 1 of 2) MF -1R page 6 of 19 ------------------------------------------- ______-____________-________-____ ProJect: Right Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 | _________-________ Designer: Mr~ George Mooney | Building Permit No __________-_______ Location: Indio Bate: 6/6/1989 | Checked By � ____-_________-_=_ Documehtation: Joseph N. Cicchini 1 Date (User # 2079) _____-___________-__=_____________________________________________________ N0TE: Lqmrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance apprpach used. Items marked with an asterisk <*> may: be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted -shall be considered by all parties as binding minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. BUILDING ENVELOPE MEASURES Enforcement o Sec. 2-5352<a>: Minimum ceiling insulation R-19 weighted average. * -------- o Sec. 2-5352(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturers labeledR-Value. -----_-_--- o Sec, 2-5352(c): Minimum mall insulation in framed walls R-11 weighted average (does not apply to exterior mass walls). * ----------- o Sec. 21-5352(k): Slab edge insulation - mater absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, mater vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. ----------- o Sec. 2-5311: Insulation specified. or installed meets . California Energy Commission (CEC) quality standards. Indi'cate type and form. ------------ o Sec. __________oSec. 2-5352(f): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. ----------- o Sec, 2-5317: Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls a. Doors and mindoms between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. b. Doors and windows certified. ' ` c~ Doors and windows meatherstripped;� all Joints and Penetrations caulked and sealed. ----------- o Sec. 2-5352(e): Specdal infiltration barrier installed to comply with Sec. 2-5351 meets CEC quality standards. ------- o Sec. '�-)-5352(d): Installation of Fireplaces 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Tight fitting, closeable metal or glass door b- Outside air intake mith damper and control c. Flue damper and control ~ . MANDATORY _____________________________-________________________________-____________ MEASURES CHECKLIST (part 2 of 2) MF -1R page 7 of 19 ProJect: Right Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2~21 Designer: Mr. George Mooney | Building Permit No � Lqcation: Indio Qate: 6/6/1989 | _____-____________ Checked By | Documentation: ------------------------------------- Joseph N. Cicchini __________.-_________________________- | _______________-__ Date (User # 2079) HVACAND PLUMBING SYSTEM MEASURES Enforcement o Sec. 2-5352(g) and 2-5303: Space conditioning equipment sizing: atta-ch calculations" ----------- o Sec. 2-5352(h) and 2-5315: Setback thermostat on all applicable heating systems" ----------- o Sec. 2-5316(a): Ducts constructed, installed and insulated o Sec. 2-5316(b): Exhaust systems have damper controls. ----------- o Sec. 2-5314(c): Gas-fired space heating equipment has intermittent ignition devices. ----------- o Sec. 2-5314: HVACequipment, mater heaters" shomerheads and faucets certified by the CEC. ----------- o Sec. 2-5352(i): Water heater insulation blanket (R-12 or greater) or combined interior/exterior, insulation (R-16 or greater); first 5 feet of pipes closest to tank insulated (R-3 or greater). ----------- o Sec~ 2-5312(Exception I): Pipe insulation on steam and steam o Sec. 2-5318(c): Swimming Pool Heating 1. System has: ' a. 0n/off switch on heater. b. Weatherproof instruction plate an heater. C. Plumbed to allow for sol'ar. 2. 75 percent thermal efficienc'y. 3.. Pool cover. 4. Time clock. 5^ Directional mater inlet. LIGHTING AND APPLIANCE MEASURES o Sec. 2-5352(j): Lighting -25 lumens/matt or greater for general lighting in kitchens and bathrooms, ----------- b Sec. 2-5314(c): Gas fired appliances equipped With intermittent ignition devices. ----------- o Sec. 2-5314(a): Refrigerators, refrigerator -freezers, ` freezers and fluorescent lamp ballasts certified by the CEC. Indicate make and model number. ---------- ~ � POINTS SYSTEM SUMMARY: CLIMATE ZONE 15 'P -2R page 8 of 19 Project: Right, Duplex | COMPLY 24 w 2.21 . _____________+____ Designer: Mr. George Mooney | Building Permit No | __________________ Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 < Checked By | ________________--_ Documentation: Joseph N. Gicchini | Date (User # 2079> _____________-_____________________________-__________-_____________ 8UILDING DATA ------------- Conditioned Floor Area 968 sqft Occupancy Type Single Fam Det SCORE CARD Measure _________-_______________ Number of Stories I 1. Roof Insulation 64.0 0.0290 (U-VaIue) = 2. Wall Insulation b. 0,0746 (U -Value) 1^7 x 3. Raised Floor Insulation 0.0000 (U -Value) _ | 3a. Controlled Vent Cramlspace 0.0 (R -Value) | |-> 4. Slab Edge Insulation d. 0,9000 (f2 factor)-! | 5. Infiltration 1.3 Standard e. Sky ligFit 6. Glass Heat Loss 0.00 ` 0~65 10.2% 0, 7. Shade Open Area % Glass SC 0H Eff % a. North 64.0 6.6 x 0.77 = 5.1 b. East 16,0 1.7 x 0.77 x 1.00 = 1.3 c. South 0.0 0L0 x 0.00 x 0,00 = '0.0 d. West 19.0 2.0 x 0.77 x 1.00 = 1.5 e. Skylight 0.0 0.0 x 0.00 = 0.0 8. Shade Closed Area % Glass SC 0H Eff % Points 0 K -2 -1 0 a, North 64.0 6.8 x 0.66 = 4.4 -2 b. East 16.0 1^7 x '0.66 x 1~00 = 1.1 1 c. South 0.0 0.0 x 0.00 x 0.00 = 0~0 6 d. West 19.0 2.0 x 0.66 x 1.00 = 1.3 1 e. Sky ligFit 0.0 0.0 x 0.00 = 0.0 0, 9. Interior Thermal Mass 2.49 0 10. Exterior Wall Mass 0"00 0 Sum 7-10 11. Heating System 7.000 HSPF x 0.78 Duct Eff = 5.46 Eff HSPF Zonal Control: No 12. Cooling System 10.300 SEER x 0~74 Duct Eff = 7.62 Eff SEE 13. Water Heating (see DHW Wor,ksheet) Point Total: 2 3 1 7 0 13 ° ^ SHADING COEFFICIENT (SC) WORKSHEET FORM S page 9 of 19 _.... ..... ..... __------------- ___________________ ProJL�ct: Right Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 | _'-_-_____-________ Designer: Mr. George Mooney Building Permit No | ____________-_____ Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 | Checked By | __________________ Documentation: Joseph N. Cicchini | Date (User # 2079) -_________________________________________-_________=__________'-_______-___ GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Glazing T�pe: Double 3. Framing Type: Metal w/o Mullions 5~ Framing/Mullion Factor: 0~88 (from Table G-10) 6. Interior S.hade Type: Double/Nonwhite Drapes 7. SC Shade Open: 0.88 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) 8. SC Shade Closed: 0.75 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) GLAZING, INTER.10R SHADE &,FRAMING 10a.0.75 (SC #8) x 0.88 (FMF #5) = 0.66 SC Shade Closed ^ EXTER,IOR SHADE Exteri-or 5hade Type: NO EXTERIOR SHADE OVERHANG FACTOR Glass 0vrhng Dist Glass Proj 0H Factor 0H Factor Orientation Area Depth Above Height Ratio Shade Open Shade Clsd ___________ ----- ------ ______ ----- __________ ---------- NO OVERHANGS ^ � THERMAL MASS WORKSHEET _______________________________-____________-__________________-___________ WS -1R page 10 of 19 ProJect: Right Duplex | COMPLY 24 * 2.21 0esigner: Mr. George Mooney | ___________-______ 1 Building Permit No / Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 ____-____-___�____ | Checked By | Documentation,: Joseph N. Cicchini ______-_______________________________________-____________________________ __________________ | Date (User # 2079) INTERI0R THERMAL MASS Interior Interior Sides Wall Mass Mass Mass Mass Material Thick ----------------------- Exposed U -Value Area Factor Capacity _____ Concrete, Heavymeight 4.00 _______ 0 _______ ______ 742.5 ________ x 1�8 = ______-_ 1351.3 Concrete, Heavyweight 4.00 1225.5 x 4.7 = 1059.8 TOTAL 2411.2 INTERIOR MASS FACTOR 2411.2 IMC / 968 sqft = 2.49 * Mass listed above with a Wall U -Value denotes the Interior Mass credit for Exterior Mass Walls, and are repeated below for Exterior Mass credit. 0Sides Exposed indicates mass covered with surface material >==R-2. EXTERIOR MASS WALLS Exterior Exterior Sides Wall Mass Mass Mass Mass Material Thick Exposed U -Value Area Factor Capacity , INTERPOLATION, -------------------------------------------------------- WEIGHTED AVERAGE & ADDITION WORKSHEET WS -2R page 11 of 19 Project: Right Duplex _______-_____-___ | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 Designer: Mr. George Mooney | __________________ | Building Permit No Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 | ___-_____-________ | Checked By Dqcumentation: ---------------- Joseph -____--_____-_______________________________________________ N. Cicchini | ____-_____________ | Date (User # 2079) INTERP0LATI0N Point Point Point Score Actual Value Score Score Value Value Point Item ------- 1 Value ______ 1 2' 1 2 1 Score _____ Roof 4 +( 0.0290 _____ - 0.02) x _____ ( -4 - _____ 4) /< _____ 0.04 - __-__ 0.02) = 0 Wall 1 +( 0.0746 - 0.06) x ( -3 - 1) /( 0.08 - 0.06) = -2 Slab Edge -1 +( 0.9000 - 0.80) x ( -3 - -1) 0.90 - 0.80) = -3 Glass Type 2 7 +00.2273 "10.00) x ( 6 - 1) /(11.00 -10.00) = 7 N Shade Open -2 +( 5.1200 - 5.00) x ( -2 - -2) /< 6.00 - 5.00) = -2 E Shade Open 0 +( 1.2800 - 1.00) x ( 0 - 0) /( 2.00 - 1.00} = 0 W Shade Open 0 +( 1.5200 - 1.00) x ( 0 - 0) 12.00,- 1.00) = 0 N Shade Clsd -2 +( 4.3636 - 4.00) x ( -3 - _2) /( 5.00 - 4.00) = -2 E Shade Clsd 1 +( 1.0909 - 1.00) x ( -2 - 1) /( 2.00 - 1.00) = 1 W Shade Clsd 2 +( 1.2955 - 1.00) x ( -3 - 2) /( 2.00 - 1.00) = 1 Int Mass -1 +( 2.4909 - 2.00) x ( 0 - -1) /( 2.50 - 2.00) = -0 Heating 0 +( 5.4600 - 5°14) x ( 1 - 0) /< 5.50 - 5~14> = 1 Cooling 0 +( 7^6220 - 7.00} x ( 11 - 0) /( 8.00 - 7,00) = 7 WEIGHTED AVERAGE POINTS Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Total Average Item --------- Points Area ______ ____ Points ______ Area ____ Pbints ______ Area ____ Area _____ Points ______- CONSTRU.0:TIS>N ASSEMBLY COMPL.IAN.CE FORM CF -3 page 12 of 19 ----------------------------- Project: Right Duplex ; COMPLY 24 v 2..21 --- Des.ig.ner: Mr. George Mooney Building Permit No --- ----------- Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 ; Checked By Documentation: Joseph N. Cicch=in'i Date (User 2079) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assembly Name: Undefined Assembly Type: Undefined Th R -Value Construction Components Fr' (in) Summer Winter --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outside Air Film 0.25 0.1-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. b_. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film Framing Percentage: 0.0 Framing Material: NONE , , , , --------------------------------- Total 0.68 0.68 ------------------ 0.93 0.85 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING R -Value 0. 93 0.85 ----------- _._---,----•--_._____--•-•_-- U ---Value 1.0753 1.1765 Sketch of Construction Assembly -_-__--_-__-• CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 13 of 19 Project: Right Duplex, COMPLY 24 v 2.21 ------------------ Designer: Mr. George Mooney Building Permit No ------------------ Loc.ation: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 t Checked By ------------------ Documentation: --- ----- Documentation: Joseph N. Cicchini 1 Date (User # i079) Assembly Name: R-11 Frame Wall Assembly Type: Wall Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (Vertical). Framing Percentage 15.0 Framing M'ateri.al: Softwood, Douglass Fir -Larch , , , , ---------------------------------- Sketch of Construction Assembly Calculation for framing Adjustment Summer U -Value 0.0793 x 0.85 + 0.1969 x 0.15 = 0.0969 Winter U -Value 0.0798 0. e5 + 0.2000 x 0. 1.5 = 0.0978 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Stucco, Wood Shingles Weight: 1:2.3 lb/sgft Heat Capacity: 2.88 R -Value 1.0,.34 10.22 U --Value 0.0969 0.0978 Th R -Value . Construction Components -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fr (in) Summer Winter Outside Air Film 0.25 0.17 1. Stucco 0.875 0.17 0.17 2. Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt 0:.010 0.06 0.06. 3. Insulation, Mineral Wool, R-11 3:.500, 11.00 11.00 4. Gypsum or, Plaster Board 0.500 0.45 0.45 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film 0.68 0.68 Total 12.61 1.53 Framing Percentage 15.0 Framing M'ateri.al: Softwood, Douglass Fir -Larch , , , , ---------------------------------- Sketch of Construction Assembly Calculation for framing Adjustment Summer U -Value 0.0793 x 0.85 + 0.1969 x 0.15 = 0.0969 Winter U -Value 0.0798 0. e5 + 0.2000 x 0. 1.5 = 0.0978 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Stucco, Wood Shingles Weight: 1:2.3 lb/sgft Heat Capacity: 2.88 R -Value 1.0,.34 10.22 U --Value 0.0969 0.0978 ^ CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 14 of 19 _____-____________=____'____________________________________________________ proJect: Right Duplex. COMPLY 24 v 21.21 | __________________ Desd9ner: Mr. George -Mooney | Building Permit No | ___________-______ Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 | Checked By | --________________ Documentation: Joseph N. Cicchini | Date (User # 2079) __--_______________________________________'_~_______�-___-______________ Assembly Name: R-19 Frame Wall Assembly Type: Wall Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (Vertical) Framing Percentage: 15.0 % Framing Material: Softwood, Douglas Fir -Larch --------------------- __________ | | | | || | | | | | | | | } | | | | � | | | | Sketch of Construction Assembly / Calculation for Framing Adjustment Summer U -Value 0.0515 x 0.85 + 0.1416 x 0.15 = 0.0650 Winter U -Value OVERALLVALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMI'NG Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Stucco' Wood Shingles Weight: 13.2 lb/sqf-t Heat Capacity: 3.23 R-ualue 15.38 15.28 U -Value 0.0650 0.0655 ====== ====== Th R-#alue Construction Components ______________________________ Fr (in) Summer Winter --------------------- 0utside Air Film -_______~-____-____ 0.25 0.17 1. Stucco 0.875 0.17 0.17 2. Membrane' Vapor -Permeable Felt 0.010 0.06 0.06 3. Insulation, Mineral Wool, R_17.8 * 5.500 17.80 17"80 4. Gypsum or Plaster Board 0.500 0.45 0.45 5. ., .. q, 9. Inside Air Film ------------------------------- _--------------------------------- 0.68 _______________ 0.68 Total 191.42 19.33 Framing Percentage: 15.0 % Framing Material: Softwood, Douglas Fir -Larch --------------------- __________ | | | | || | | | | | | | | } | | | | � | | | | Sketch of Construction Assembly / Calculation for Framing Adjustment Summer U -Value 0.0515 x 0.85 + 0.1416 x 0.15 = 0.0650 Winter U -Value OVERALLVALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMI'NG Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Stucco' Wood Shingles Weight: 13.2 lb/sqf-t Heat Capacity: 3.23 R-ualue 15.38 15.28 U -Value 0.0650 0.0655 ====== ====== . CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 15 of 19 ------------------------------------------------- _____________________________ ProJect: Right Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 | __________________ Designer� Mr, George Mooney | Building Permit No . ________-_________ Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 | Checked By . | ------ __-_________ Documentation: Joseph Ni Cicchini | Date (User # 2079) _______________________________________________________________-____ Assembly Name: R-38 Roof/Gyp Ceiling Assembly Type: Roof Assembly Tilt: 0 deg (Horizontal Roof) Framing Percentage: 10~0 % Framing Material: Softmood, Douglas Fir -Larch __-_____-_________-____________ | ' | | | ( ( | | | � | } � . | | | � | | | | | | | \ | Sketch of Construction Assembly Calculation for Framing Adjustment ' Summer U -Value Winter U -Value OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING Absorptivity; 0.70 Roughness: Concrete, Asph, Shingles Weight: 9.9 lb/sqft � Heat Capacity: 2.95 35.15 34.43 U -Value 0.0284 0.0290 ====== ====== Tb R -Value Construction Components Fr (in) Summer Winter ___________________________________ 0utside Air Film 0.25 0.17 1, Roofing, Asbestos -Cement Shingles 0.250 0.21 0.21 2. Plywood 0.500 0°63 0.63 3. Air Space 12.000 1.00 0.80 4. Insulation, Mineral Wool, R-38 * 11.500 38.00 38.00 5. Gypsum or Plaster Board 0.500 0.45 0.45 6. '^ ". 9. . Inside Air Film -__________________________--_____________________________________ 0.92 0.61 ' Total 41.46 40.87 Framing Percentage: 10~0 % Framing Material: Softmood, Douglas Fir -Larch __-_____-_________-____________ | ' | | | ( ( | | | � | } � . | | | � | | | | | | | \ | Sketch of Construction Assembly Calculation for Framing Adjustment ' Summer U -Value Winter U -Value OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING Absorptivity; 0.70 Roughness: Concrete, Asph, Shingles Weight: 9.9 lb/sqft � Heat Capacity: 2.95 35.15 34.43 U -Value 0.0284 0.0290 ====== ====== CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 1.6 of 19 ------------- Project: Right Du,ple;: 1 COMPLY s4 v :x'_..21 Designer: Mr. George Mooney Building Permit Na. ------------------ Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1.989 1 CheckedBy - Documentation.. Joseph N. Cicc;hini 1 Date (User # 079) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assembly Name: Double./Nonwhite Drapes Assem,bly Type: Glazing Th R -Value Construction Components Fr (in) Summer Winter --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outside Air f=ilm 0.25 0.17 1. Southwall Heat Mirror w/1/2" airspace 0.500 1.85 2.33 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film 0.68 0.68 ------------------ Total 1.62 1.54 Framing Percentage: 0.0 Framing Material: NONE ------------------------- OVERALL RAL,L VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING R -Value U -Value Sketch of Construction Assembly Vis°ible Transmittance:. 0.85 Winter Shading Coefficient: 0.88 Summer Shad -i ng Coefficient 0..75 1.62 1.54 0.6179 0.650.0 � DHW W0RKSHEET ONE: STORAGE TYPE GAS OR ELECTRIC page 17 of 19 ------------------------------- __________________________________________ ProJect: Right DuPlex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 | ________________-_ Designer: Mr. George Mooney | Building Permit No ' | _-________________ Location: Indio Date; 6/6/1989 | Checked By | ___-_____,-_____-_- Documentation'. Joseph N. Cicchini | Date (User # 2079) _____________________________________________-____-_____ A EQUIIPMENT DATA 1 Water beater type SG Enter SG or SE See Appendix D 2 Manufacturer & Water heating budget 18700 K8tu/yr/unif' see Table 1 3 Model number Tank set temp. Std Gas 50 gal or less 4 Ignition device GP GP, gas pilot or IID, int. ignition device 5 Tank volume 50.0 Tptal gallons, from CEC Appliance Directory 6 Recovery efficiency 76.0 Percent from CEC Appliance Directory 7 Standby loss 3.1 Percent/hour, from CEC Appliance Directclry. 8 Rated input 55000 Btu/hr,from CEC Appliance Directory 9 Number of pumps (1 kWh = 3413 Btu) 9 Number of Heaters 1 From bu,ilding plans (total) 1 Climate Zone 15 See Appendix D 2 Water heating budget 18700 K8tu/yr/unif' see Table 1 3 Tank set temp. 140 F, fixed input 4 Water main temp. 70~0 F, see Table 1 5 Daily hot mater load 50 50 or 35 gallons/unit, see Table 1 6 Ambient air temp. 72.6 F, see Table 1 7 AdJ Standby Losa�es 0.0205 See Table 2 or Appendix B 8 No. dwelling units 1 From building plans (total) 9 Number of pumps 0 From building plans 10 Pumping energy 0.0 Watt-hr/yr per Pumpv see Table3 C WATER HEATING ENERGY -----------------------------------�___-___________________________-_-____ CREDITS 1 Credit name _______ See Table 5 2 Annual savings 0.0 K8tu/yr/dmelling unit, see Table5 D CALCULATE ANNUAL WATER HEATING ENERGY (KBtu/yr) ____________________________-_____________________-=_______________________ 1 Recovery load 10539.4 ([85 x 8.25 x(140-B4)x 365 x 0~001]-C2}x B8 2 Recovery energy 13867.6 D1 / A6 3 Standby loss energy 4839~6 <24 - [(D2 x 1000�/(A8x A9 x 365)1) x 8.25 x A5 x B7 x 365 x (140-B6) x 0.001 x A9 4 Pumping energy 0.0 89 x 810 x 3.413 x 3 x 0^001 6 Water heating budget Comparison -7.2 KBtu/ur/unit 82 - D5 7 Water heating budget -0.0 Points (D6 / Floor Area) x 2 x 88 � HVAC ZONE ---------------------------------------------- HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY PEAK page 18 of 19 PrpJect: __________________________________ Right Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 Designer: Mr~ George Mooney . | ___________-______ Building Permit No Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 | _-________________ Checked By Documentation: ___-________________-=_______-____________________________-________________ Joseph N. Cicchini | | __________________ Date (User # 2079) HVAC ZONE DESCRIPTION HVAC Zone Name: HVAC System Name: System Multiplier: Heating Schedule: Cooling Schedule: Fan Schedule: Sizing Method: Relative Humidity: SPACES ____-_____°-___-_______ IN THIS ZONE PEAK HEATING Right Duplex (Jan 12am) 17874 TOTAL SPACE LOAD 17874 Bypass Ventilation Air ( 0 cfm} 0 SuPPlW Duct Conduction 0 Supply Duct Leakage 0 Supply Fan Heat Gain -1286 EFFECTIVE SPACE LOAD 16588 Ventilation ( 0 cfm) 0 Return Air Lighting Gain Return Du!ct Conduction 0 Return Duct Leakage 0 Return Fan Heat Gain TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD 1.6588 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE 25146 AT DESIGN CONDIT'IONS Right Duplex LENN0XCHP15-411 1 Residential Heating Residential Cooling Residential HVAC & Fans COINCIDENT 50 % COOLING PEAK SENSIBLE LATENT ____ ________ ------ (Aug 2pm) 14544 436 ________ ______ ' 14544 436 ( 0 cfm) 0 -0 0 0 0 1286 ________ ------ 15830 436 ( 0 cfm) 0 -0 0 0 0 0 1.5830 436 1.3 tons 0.0 tons 31704 0 2.6 tons 0.0 tons SPACE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY page 19 of 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pr•o,ject: Right Duple: to COMPLY 24 v 2.'21 '-------- DesAgner: Mr. George Mooney Building Permit No ------------- Location: Indio Date: 6/6./1989 1 Checked By '---------- -- Document_a+_ion: Joseph N. Cicchini Daae (User # 2079) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR SPACE Space Name: DESIGN CONDITIONS -------------------- Peak Hour: Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Candi,tiohs: LOAD COMPONENT Wall Conduction Window Conduction_ Door, Conduction Roof Conduction Skylight Conduction Floor Conduction Slab Conduc.ti:on In't'erior Conduction Infiltration Solar Gain Lighting Equ i-pmen t Occupants SPACE LOADS HEATING Jan 12am 70 F DP 29 F DB Btu/h.r 3390 .638 0 11.3 0 0 64:07 0 4:8.6 17874 2t u / her Right Duplex COOLING SENSIBLE LATENT Aug 2pm 78 F DB 50 % RH 112 F DB 75 F WB Btu/hr 249 2080 0 1377 0 0 0 3554 3182 661 826 436 14544 Btu/hr 1. 2 tons Btu/hr 0 4,36 436 Btu/hr 0.0 tons SUPPLY AIR QUANT I TIIES Heating: 17874 Btu/hr, / 11.10 (105 F' Supply - 65 'F TStat) 7 = 406 cfm Cooling: 14544 Btu/hr / 11.08 ( 78 F TStat -= 55 F Supply)' = 586 cfm ^ LEFT DUPLEX Table Of Contents for Title 24 Report Cover Page ......................~.,.....,........................... 1 Table of Contents ....~......................................,.,...., 2 Form CF -1R Certificate of Compliance: Residential .,.............,.~. 3 Form MF -IR Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential ...~............ 6 Form P -2R Points System Summary .............,,.~........,........... 8 Form S Shading Coefficient (SC) Worksheet ^..........,............,.. 9 Form WS -IR Points Thermal Mass Worksheet .............^....."........ 11 Form WS -2R Interpolation Worksheet ................................., 12 Form CF -3 Construction Assemblies .......~........................... 13 Domestic Hot Water Worksheet .....,........,......................... 19 HVAC Zone & Space Loads Summary ^.....................,............... 20 ~ RTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (part 1 of 3) CF -1R page 3 of 21 -------------------- �_____+______-_______________________-____________________ ^' ProJect: Left Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 | __________________ Designer: Mr, George Mooney | Building permit No | __________________ Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 | Checked By | ___________-______ Documentation: Joseph N. Cicchini | Date (User # 2079) _________________________________-______-^___________ PR0JECT ADDRESS 51-125 Eisenhower Drive La Auinta, California 92253 GENERAL INFORMATION Compliance Method: Climate Zone: Total Conditioned Floor Building Occupancy: Front Entry Orientation" Floor Construction Type: Infiltration Control: Point System 15 Area: 968 sqft Single Fam Det North/East/South/West Slab Standard BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Area R-19 Frame Wall 781 R-11 Frame Wall 312 R-38 Roof/Gyp Ceiling 968 Undefined 968 (circle one) U -Value Location/Comments ---- _______________-_________________ 0.0655 Left Duplex 0.0978 Left Duplex 0.0290 Lef-t Duplex 0.9000 Left Duplex/Slab F2 Val . THERMAL MASS Thick Mass Material Area (in) Type Location/Description ____ _____ _______ _____________________ Concrete, Heavyweight743 4.000 Covered Left Duplex/Int Mass Concrete, Heavyweight 226 -4,000 Exposed Left Duplex/Int Mass . CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (part ___________________________________________________________________________ 2 o 3) CF�1R page 4 of 21 ^ ProJect: Left Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 Designer: Mr. George Mooney | _______-__________ | Building Permit No Location: Indio Date: | __________________ 6/6/1989 | Checked By ` | Dbcumentation� Joseph ____-____________________-_____________________-____-________________-_____ N. Cicchini __________________ | Date (User # 2079) SHADING C0EFF GLAZING Glass Glass Glass w/Int orientation ----------- Area ______ Type ______ U -Val _____ Only Shade Description East ` 16.0 Double 0.65 _____ _____ 0.88 0.75 _______________________ Double/Nonwhite Drapes South 64.0 Double 0,65 0.88 0.55 Double/White Drapes West 19.0 Double 0~65 0.88 0.75 Double/Nonwhite Drapes SHADING (for GIazing above) Over Orientation ___________ Exterior ________________________ Device 8C __ hang Framincj Type East None 1.00 _ 0.0 -------------------------- __________-___________East Metal W/o Mullions South None 1,00 0.0 Metal w/o Mullions West None 1.00 0.0 Metal w/o Mullions , CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential (part 3 of 3) CF -1R page 5 of 21 ~ Project: Left Duplex' | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 ' ------------------ Designer� Mr. George Mooney | Building Permit No | ____________--__-_ Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 | Checked By . | _____=___-__--____ Documentation: Joseph N, Cicchini \ Date (User # 2079) HVAC SYSTEMS Min Output Duct Duct Manufacturer/Model No. System Type Eff (8bu.h) Location RVai (or approved equal) _______________ _____ -------------------------------- ____ ________-______________ Heat Pump 7.000 36000 Vent. Attic Space 2.1 LENN0XCHP15-411 Heat Pump 10.300 35200 Max. Furnace Output: 45000 8tuh + [(76% - 71%), x 70003 = 82351 8tuh Cooling Exception:CFM Cooling (see Load Calcs) requires 8tuh ____--~ ____�_ HOT WATER SYSTEMS Tank Manufacturer/Model No. # of Energy # of System Type Volume (or approved equal) Sys Credits Pumps Gas Fired 50.0 Std Gas 50 gal or less 1 0 0 SPECIAL FEATUkES/rREMARKS (Add extra sheets it necessary) COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications neededto comply with Title 24, Chapter 2-53 and Title 26, Capter 21 Subchapter 4, Article 1 of the California Administrative Code~ This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility and the building omner, mho shall retain a copy of it and transmit the certificate to ang subsequent purchaserof the building. When this Certificate of Compliance is submitted for a single building Plan to be built in multiple orientations, all building conservation features which vary are indicated in the Special Features/Remarks section. DESIGNER Mr. George Mooney License No:________________________ Signed: DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Joseph N. Cicchini 71-321 Highway 111, Suite 4 Rancho Mirage, California 92270 (61 Sign BUILDING OWNER Mr. George Mooney Signed:________________________-����� ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name------------------ _------_--__-__ Agency:____=____________-----_____ Telephone:________________________ Signed:___________________________ ° MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST (part " Project! Left Duplex Designer: Mr. George Mooney Location: Indio 1 of 2) MF -1R page 6 of 21 Date: 6/6/1989 0ocunwentation: Joseph N. Cicchini ____-___________________________ ___-______________ 8uilding Permit No __________________ Chocked By . ___________ | Date (User # 2079) _____________________ NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as binding minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shbwn elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. BUILDING ENVELOPE MEASURES Enforcement o Sec. 2-5352(a): Minimum ceiling insuIatioh R-19 weighted average. * ------------ o _______-__ o Sec. 2-5352(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturers labeled R -Value. ___________ o Sec. 2-5352(c): Minimum wall insulation in framed malls R-11 weighted average (does not apply to exterior mass walls). * ----------- o Sec. 2-5352(k>: Slab edge insulation - mater absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no o Sec. 2-5311: Insulation specified or installed meets California Energy Commission (CEC) quality standards. Indicate tape and form. ------------ o _______-__ o Sec. 2-5352(f): Vappr barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. ___________ o Sec. 2-5317: Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls a. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. ' ^ b. Doprs and windows certified, c. Doors and windows mfatherstripped; all joints and / penetrations caulked and sealed. ------------ o Sec. 2-5352(e): Bpecia1 infiltration barrier installed to comply with Sec. 2-5351 meets CEC quality standards- ----------- o Sec. 2-5352(d)o Installation of Fireplaces 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Tight fitting, closeable metal or glass door Q. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. ___________ 6 ° ' MANDATORY __-______-__-_____________________________________________-______---------- MEASURES CHECKLIST (part 2 of 2) MF -1R page 7 of 21 Project: Left Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 Designer: Mr. George Mooney | __________________ Building Permit No Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 \ | __________________ Checked By Documentation: Joseph N. Cicchini _____________________________________ | | ____-____'-__=_____ Date (User # 2079) HVAC AND PLUMBING SYSTEM MEASURES o Sep, 2-5352(g) and 2-5303: Space conditioning equipment sizing: attach calculations. o Sec, 275352(h) and 2-5315: Setback thermostat on all applicable heating systems. o Sec. 2-531.6(a): Ducts constructed, installed and insulated perChapter 10, 1976 UMC. * o Sec. 2"5316(b): Exhaust systems have damper controls. o Sec. 2-5314(c): Gas-fired space heating equipment has intermittent ignition devices. o Sec. 2_5314: HVAC equipment, mater heatersy shomerheads and faucets certified by the CEG. o Sec. 2"5352(i): Water heater insulation blanket (R-12 or greater) or combined interior/exterior insulation (R-16 or greater); first 5 feet of pipes closest to tank insulated (R-3 or greater). o Sec. 2-5312<Exception I): Pipe insulation on steam and steam condensate return & recirculating piping. o Sec. 2-53181d>: Swimming Pool Heating 1. System has: a. 0n/off switch on beater. _ b. Weatherproof instruction plate on beater. c. Plumbed to allow for solar. A. 75 percent thermal efficiency. 3. Pool cover. 4. Time clock. 5. Directiqnal mater inlet. LIGHTING AND APPLIANCE MEASURES o Sec. 2-5352(J): Lighting -25 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens and bathrooms. Enforcement o Sec, 2-5314(c): Gas fired appliances equipped With intermittent ignition devices. -------------- o ___________o Sec. 2"5314(a): Refrigerators, refrigerator -freezers, freezers and fluorescent lamp ballasts certified by the CEC. Indicate make and model number. ° POINTS SYSTEM SUMMARY: CLIMATE ZONE 15 P -2R page 8 of 21 � ProJect: Left Duplex ______-_____________________________-___ 1 COMPLY 24 v 2^21 Designer: Mr. George Mooney | ( | __________________ Building Permit No Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 | ____-___-_________ Checked By De(.-umentation: Joseph N. Cicchini | | ----- __________________ Date ('User # 2079) _______-__________ BUILDING DATA --------------- Conditioned Floor Area 968 sqft Number of Stories 1 Occupancy Type Single Fam Det SCORE CARD Measure Points 1. Roof Insulation 0.0290 (U -Value) 0 2. Wall Insulation 0.0747 (U -Value) -2 3. Raised Floor Insulation 0.0000 (U -Value) _ | 3a. Controlled Vent Cramlspace 0.0 (R -Value) \ |-> -3 4. Slab Edge Insulation 0.9000 (f2 factor)-', 5. Infiltration Standard 0 6. Glass Heat Loss 0.65 10.2% 7 Sum 1-6 2 7. Shade Open Area % Glass SC 0H Eff � a. North 0.0 0.0 x 0.00 = 0.0 0 b. East 16,0 1.7 x 0.77 x 1,00 = 1.3 0 c, South 64.0 6.6 x 0.77 x 1.00 = 5.1 0 d. West 19.0 2.0 x 0.77 x 1.00 = 1.5 0 e~. Skylight 0.0 0,0 x 0.00 = 0.0 0 8, Shade Closed Area % Glass SC ' 0H Eff % ,Fi. North 0.0 0.0 x 0.00 = 0.0 1 b. East 16.0 1,7 x 0~66 x 1.00 = 1.1 1 c. South 64,0 6~6 x 0.48 x 1.00 = 3~2 -8 d. West 19,0 2.0 x 0.66 x 1.00 = 1.3 1 e. Skylight 0.0 0.0 x 0.00 = 0.0 0 9. Interior Thermal Mass 2.49 0 10^ Exterior Wall Mass 0.00 0 Sum 7-10 -5 11^ Heating System 7.000 HSPF x 0.78 Duct Eff = 5.46 Eff HSpF 1 Zonal Control: No 12. Cooling System 10.300 SEER x 0.74 Duct Eff = 7,62 Eff SEER 7 13. Water Heating (see DHW Worksheet) = 0 Pbint Total: 5 ° `SHADING COEFFICIENT (SC) WORKSHEET FORM S page 9 of21 � ' Project: Left Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 | __________________ Designer: Mr. George Mooney | Building Permit No | ____-._____________ Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 | Checked By | __________________ Documentation: Joseph N. Cicchini | Date (User # 2079) ________________________________________________+_________________ GENKRAL INFORMATION 1. Glazing Type: Double 3. Framing Type: Metal w/o Mullions 5. Framing/Mullion Factor: 0.88 (from Table G-10) 6. Interior Shade Tupe: Double/Nonwhite Drapes 7. SC Shade Open." 0^88 <from Table G-9 or show calrulation) 8. SC Shade Closed: 0~75 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) GLAZING, INTERIOR SHADE & FRAMING 10a.0.75 (SC #81 x 0.88 (FMF #5) = 0.66 SC Shade Closed EXTERIOR SHADE OVERHANG FACTOR Glass 0vrhng Dist Glass ProJ 0H Factor 0H Factor Orientation Area Depth Above Height Ratip Shade Open Shade C1sd ----------- _____ ______ _____ _-____ ----- ---------- __________ ~ `SHADING COEFFICIENT (SC) WORKSHEET FORM S page 10 of 21 ------------- Project: ___________ ~ ProJect: Left Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 | __________________ Designer: Mr. George Mooney | Building Permit No | __________________ Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 | Checked By | _____________-____ Documentation: Joseph N. Cicchini | Date (User* 2079> ---------------------- -------------------------- 1. Glazing Type: Double 3. Framing Ty,pe: Metal w/o Mullions 5. Framing/Mullion Factor: 0.8B (from Table G-10) 6. Interior Shade Type: Double/White Drapes 7. SC Shade Open: 0.88 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) 8. SC Shade Closed: 0.55 (from Table G-9 or show calculation) EXTERIOR SHADE OVERHANG FACTOR Glass Orientation Area NO OVERHANGS �teri,orShade Type: NO EXTERIOR SHADE Ovrt-Irng Dist G1 ass Pro,j OH Factor OH Factor Deptb Above Height Ratio Shade Open Shade Clsd __________ THERMAL MASS WORKSHEET WS -1R page 11 of 21 --------------------- .---_-_.--_.._ Project: Left Duplex 1 COMPLY 24 v 2.21 ------------ Designer: Mr. George Mooney 1 Building Permit No ' ------ =--------- -- Loca+_ion: Indio Data: b/b/1989 1 Checked By ------------------ Documentat. ion. Josephs N. Ci cch i.n i 1 Date ( User # 2079 ) -------------------------------------- INTERIOR THERMAL MASS Interior Interior Sides Wall Mass Mass Mass Mass Material Thick Exposed U -Value Area Factor Capacity Concrete, Heavyweight 4,.00 0 742.5 K 1.8 = 1351.3 Concrete, Heavyweight 4.00 1 225.5 0 4.7 = 1059.8 TOTAL 2411.2 INTERIOR MASS FACTOR 2411,2 IMG / 968 sqf t = 2.49 # Mass listed above with, a Wall U -Value denotes the Interior Mass credit for Exterior Mass Walls, and Are repeated below for Exterior Mass credit. 0 Sides Exposed in.iiates mass covered with surface material >y R-2. EXTERIOR MASS WALLS Exterior Exterior Sides Wall Mass Mass Mass Mass Material Thick Exposed U -Value Area Factor Capacity NONE ~ ,%NTERP0LATI0N, WEIGHTED AVERAGE & ADDITI0N W0RKSHEET WS -2R, page 12 of 21 « ------------------- ---------------- Project: Left Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 - __________________ Designer: Mr. George Mooney | Building Permit No | __________________ Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 | Checked By | _____________-____ Documentation: Joseph N. Cicch-ini | Dat** (User # 2079) _______=________________________________________--------------------------- INTERPOLATION Point Point Point Score Actual Value Score Score Value Value Point Item 1 _____ Value 1 2 1 2 1 Score Roof 4 +( ______ 0,0290 _____ - 0.02) x _____ ( -4 - _____ 4> /( _____ 0.04 - 0.02> = 0 Wall 1 +( 0.0747 - 0.06) x ( -3 - 1) /( 0.08 - 0.06) == -2 Slab Edge -1 +( 0.9000 - 0.80) x ( -3 - -1) /( 0.90 - 0.80) = -3 Glass Type 2 7 +(10.2273 -10.00) x ( 6 - 7> /(11.00 -10.00) = 7 E Shade Open 0 +( 1.2800 - 1.00) x ( 0 - 0) /( 2.00 - 1,00> = 0 S Shade Open 0 +( 5.1200 - 5.00) x ( 0 - 0) /( 6,00 - 5.00) = 0 W Shade Open 0 +( 1.5200 - 1.00) x ( 0 - 0) /( 2.00 - 1.00) = 0 E Shade Clsd 1 +( 1.0909 - 1.00) x ( -2- 1) /( 2.00 - 1.00) = 1 S Shade Clsd -7 +( 3.2000 - 3.00) x ( -12 - -7) /( 4.00 - 3.00) = -8 W Shade Clsd 2+( 1.2955 1.00) x ( -3 - 2) /( 2.00 - 1.00) = 1 Int Mass- -1 +( 2.4909 - 2.00) x ( 0 - -1) /( 2.50 - 2.00) = -0 Heating 0 +( 5,4600 - 5.14) x ( 1 - 0} /( 5,50 - 5~14) = 1 Cooling 0 +( 7.6220 - 7.00) x ( 12 - 0) /( 8,00 - 7.00) = 7 WEIGHTED AVERAGE POINTS Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Total Average Item Points Area Points Area Points Area Area _____ Points _______ -CON TRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FARM CF -3 page 13 of 21 -_ --------_.__ -- ---- Pro,ject: Left Duple: 0 COMPLY 24 v 2.21 ' ------------------ Desi.gn.er: Mr. George Mooney 1 Building Permit No Location: Indio Date: 6/6./1989 Checked By ------------------ Documentation: Joseph N. Cicchini Date (User # 2079) ------------------------------------------- Assembly Namel: Undefined Assembly Type: Undefined Th R --Value Construction Components Pr (in) Summer Winter ------------------------------- Outside Air Film 0.25 0.17 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. -6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film 0.68 0.68 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Framing Percentage: 0.0 7 Framing Material: NONE Tota.l 0.93 0.85 OVERALL. VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING R -Value 0.93 0.85 -------------- ---._ 4.)-Vc:31ue 1.0753 1.1765 Sketch of Construction Assembly ~ X0NSTRUCTI0N ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM 'CF -3 page 14 of 21 ~ __________________________-___________________________=___________=---------- Project" Left Duplex | C0MPiY 24 v 2.21 | _-________________ Designer: Mr. George Mooney | Building permit No | __________________ Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 1 Checked By | _--_____-_________ Documentation: Joseph N. Cicchini | Date (User # 2079) Assembly Name: R-11 Frame Wall Assembly Type: WaIl Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (Vertical) Th Construction Components Fr (in) Outside Air Film 1^ Stucco 0.875' 2, Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt 0.010 3. Insulation" Mineral Wool, R-11 * 3^500 4. Gypsum or Plaster Board 0.500 5. 6. /. 8. 9. ' R -Value Summer Winter ------ _-------- � 0.25 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.06 0,06 11.00 11.00 0.45 0.45 Inside Air Film 0.68 0,68 ____________=_________________________ Total 12.61 12.53 Framing Percentage: 15.0 % Framing Material: Softwood, Douglas Fir -Larch --- ------------- ------ --- ______---- _ | | � | | | | | | � | | | | � | | | � | � | | | .| | | | Slxotch of Construction Assembly C,alculation for Framing Adjustment Summer U -Value 0.0793 x 0.85 + 0.1969 x 0.15 = 0.0969 Winter U -Value 0.0798 x 0.85 + 0.2000 x 0.15 = 0.0978 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING . R -Value Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Stucco' Wood Shingles Weight: 12.3 lb/sqft Heat Capacity: 2.09 10,32 10.22 U -Value 0~0969 0.0978 ====== ====== ° v .*CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 15 of 21 Project: Left Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 | =-______--_________ Designer: Mr. George Mooney ( Building Permit No | --_______-_________ Location: Indio Date�: 6/6/1989 | Checked By . -____________-____ Documentation: Joseph N. Cicshini | Date (User # 2079) ------------------------------------- _________________________________-__________ Assembly Name: R-19 Frame Wall Assembly Type: Wall Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (Vertical) Framing Percentage: 15.0 % Fr-arridng Material: Softwood, Doualas Fir -Larch . -______________________-______- | | ( | | | | | | | | ] � | | } || . . | [ | ) | | Sketch of Construction Assembly Absorptivity: Roughness: Stucco, Weight: Heat Capacity: Calculation for Framing Adjustment Summer U -Value Winter U -Value 0.0517 x 0.85 +0~1433 x 0.15 = 0.065.5 OVERALL- VAL UES ADJUSTED FORFRAMING 0.70 Wood Shingles 13.2 lb/sqft 3.23 R --Value U -Value �15.38 15.28 0.0650 0.0655 Th R -Value Construc-tion Components ___________________________________-___________________ Fr (in) Summer Winter 0utside Air Film 0,25 0.17 I. Stucco 0. 75 0.17 0.17 2. Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt 0.010 0.06 0.06 3, Insulation, Mineral Wool, R-17.8 * 5.500 17.80 17.80 4. Gypsum or, Plaster Board 0�500 0.45` 0.45 5^ ~. 7. S. 9. Inside Air Film 0.68 0.68 Total 19.42 19.33 Framing Percentage: 15.0 % Fr-arridng Material: Softwood, Doualas Fir -Larch . -______________________-______- | | ( | | | | | | | | ] � | | } || . . | [ | ) | | Sketch of Construction Assembly Absorptivity: Roughness: Stucco, Weight: Heat Capacity: Calculation for Framing Adjustment Summer U -Value Winter U -Value 0.0517 x 0.85 +0~1433 x 0.15 = 0.065.5 OVERALL- VAL UES ADJUSTED FORFRAMING 0.70 Wood Shingles 13.2 lb/sqft 3.23 R --Value U -Value �15.38 15.28 0.0650 0.0655 * � ,4C0NSTRUCTI0N ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page _______________________________-__________________________________ ProJect: Left Duplex | COMPLY 24 Designer: Mr. George Mooney Location: Indio 16 of 21 v 2.21 Building Permit No __________________ Date: 6/6/1989Checked By . _____________+ Documenta,tion: Joseph N. Cicchini | Date (User # 2079) _________________-_________________________________________________________ Assembly Name: R-38 Roof/Ggp Ceiling Assembly T�pe: Roof Assembly Tilt: 0 deg (Horizontal Roof) Framing Percentage: 10.0 % Framing Material: Sbft.wood, Douglas Fir -Larch --------------------- ------------ _ | | | | | � | | | � | | | | � | � | | | � | | | | l Sketch of Construction Assembly Calculation for Framing Adjustment Summer U -Value 0.0241 x 0.90 + 0.0674 x 0.10 = 0.0284 Winter U. -Value 0.0245 x 0.90 + 0.0702 x 0.10 = 0.0290 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles Weight: 9.9 lb/sq-ft Heat Capacity: 2.95 R -Value 35.15 34.43 U --Value 0.0284 0.0290 Th R -Value Construction Components Fr (in) BUmmer Winter Outside Air Film 0.25 0.17 1, Roofing, Asbestos -~Cement Shingles 0.250 0.21 0.21 2. Plywood 0.500 0.63 0.63 3. Air Space 12.000 1.00 0.80 4^ Insulation' Mineral Wool, R-38 * 11.500 38.00 38.00 5. Gy,Psum or Plaster Board 0.500 0.45 0.45 6. '^ S. 9. Inside Air Film _..... _ ..... ..... ____________________-________-_ 0.92 0.61 Total 41.46 40.87 Framing Percentage: 10.0 % Framing Material: Sbft.wood, Douglas Fir -Larch --------------------- ------------ _ | | | | | � | | | � | | | | � | � | | | � | | | | l Sketch of Construction Assembly Calculation for Framing Adjustment Summer U -Value 0.0241 x 0.90 + 0.0674 x 0.10 = 0.0284 Winter U. -Value 0.0245 x 0.90 + 0.0702 x 0.10 = 0.0290 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING Absorptivity: 0.70 Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles Weight: 9.9 lb/sq-ft Heat Capacity: 2.95 R -Value 35.15 34.43 U --Value 0.0284 0.0290 CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 17 of 21 �------------------------------ -___--____________=_______-_____________________ � ProJect: Left Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 | Designer: Mr. George Mooney | Building Permit No | _________-________ Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 | Checked By ( __________________ Documentation: Joseph N. Cicchini | Date (User # 2079) ---------------------------------- Name: Double/Nonwhite Drapes Assembly Type: Glazing ^ Th R -Value Construction Components Fr (in) Summer Winter Outside Air Film 0.25 0.17 1. Southmall Heat Mirror m/1/2" Airspace 01.500 1.85 2.33 2. 3.- .44. . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film' 0.68 0.68 Framing Percentage: 0.0 % Framing Ma'teriAl* NONE | | | � | . | | | | | | | | | | | | ( | | | � Sketch of Construction Assembly Visible Transmittance: 0.85 Winter Shading Coefficient: 0.88 Total 1.62 1.54 OVERALL VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING R. -Value 1.62 1.54 U --Value 0.6179 0.6500 ====== ====== O'CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE FORM CF -3 page 18 of :11 -------------------------------------------- Project: _ _-.._-._--___--_-------__ - -- .-..Project: Left :Duplex 1 COMPLY 24 v 2.21 '----•------- -- Designer: Mr. George Mooney Euild.ing PermitNo ------------------ Location: ----------------- Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 Checked By r ------------------ Documentation: Joseph N. C:i cch i.n i f Date ( User # 20 79 ) Assembly Name: Double/WhAt:e Dra_:pes. Assembly Type,: G.l,azing Th R -Value Construction Components Fr (in) Summer Winter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outside. Air Film 0.25 0.17 1. Southwall Heat Mirror w/l/ " Airspace 0.500 1.85 2.33 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inside Air Film 0.68 0.68 Total 1.62 1.54 Framing Percentage: 0.0 "/. Framing Material". NONE ----------------- , OVERALL. VALUES ADJUSTED FOR FRAMING R --Value U--Va 1 u.e Sl. -.etch of Cor)s+')^'U(c tion Assembly Visible Trantmi.ttance: 0.85 Winter Shading Cbeffficie-nte 0„E98 Summer Shading Coefficient" 0.55 1.62 1..54 0.6179 0.6500 ~ ~4,DHW WORKSHEET ONE., STORAGE TYPE GAS OR ELECTRIC page 19 of 21 Project: Left Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 | __________________ Designer: Mr. George Mooney Building Permit No | __________________ Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 | Checked By | ________________ Documentation: Joseph N. Cicchini Date (User # 2079) ____________________-_____________ A EQUIPMENT DATA 1 Water heater type SG Enter SG or SE 2 Manufacturer & 2 3 Model number 18700 Std Gas 50 gal or less 4 Ignition device GP GP, gas pilot or IID, int. ignition device 5 Tank volume 50.0 Total gallons' from CEC Appliance Directory 6 Recovery efficiency 76.0 Percent from CEC Appliance Directory 7 Standby loss 3.1 Percent/hour, from CEC Appliance Directory 8 Rated input 55000 Btu./hr, from CEC Appliance Directory see Table'1 6 (1 kWh = 3413 Btu) 9 Number of Heaters 1 From building plans (total) B OPERATING DATA 1 Climate Zone 15 See Appendix D 2 Water heating budget 18700 KBtu/y�r/unit, see Table 1 3 Tank set temp. 140 F, fixed input 4 Water main temp. 70.0 F, see Table 1 ' 5 Daily hot mater load 50 50 or 35 gallons/unit, see Table'1 6 Ambient air temp. 72.6 F, see Table 1 7 AdJ Standby Losses 0.0205 See Table 2 or Appendix B 8 No. dwelling units 1 From building plans (total) 9 Number of pumps 0 From building plans 10 Pumping energy 0.0 Watt-hr/yr per Pump, see Table 3 C WATER HEATINGENERGY CREDITS -------------------- _... ... ________________________________�_____________________ 1 Credit name See Table 5 2 Annual savings 0.0 KBtu/yr/6melling unit, see Table 5 D CALCULATE ANNUAL WATER HEATING ENERGY (KBtu/yr) ______-_________________________ 1 Recovery load 10539.4 ([85 x 8.25 x(140-B4)x 365 x 0.001]--C2}x B8 2 Recovery energy 13867.6 D1 / A6 3 Standby loss energy '4839.6 <24 - [(D2 x 1000)/(A8 x A9 x 365)3} x 8.25 x A5 x B7 x 365 x (140-B6) ; 0.001 x A9 4 Pumping energy 0.0 B9 x 810 x 3.413 x 3 x 0,001 5 Total energy 18707.2 GAS SYSTEMS: (D2 + D3 + D4) / 88 ELECTRIC: ([(D2 + 03) x 31 + D4) / 88 6 Water beating budget comparison —7.2 K8tu/61r/unit 82 - D5 7 Water heating budget -0,0 Points (D6 / Floor Area) x 2 x B8 � vflVAC ZONE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY page 20 of 21 � _________-__=_-____-_-____________________________________=_________-______ ' Project: Left Duplex | COMPLY 24 v 2.21 | -__________________ Designer: Mr. George Mooney | Building Permit Na, ( __________________ Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 | Checked By | ________________-_ Docamentation. Joseph N. Cicchini | Date Wser # 2079) ----- _______-______-_____________ ' .HVAC ZONE DESCRIPTION HVAC Zone Name : HVAC System Name: qystem Multiplier: Heating Schedule: Cooling Schedule: Fan Schedule: Sizing Method: Relative Humidity: SPACES IN THIS ZONE PEAK Left Duplex (Jan 12am) TOTAL SPACE LOAD Bypass Ventilation Air ( 0 c,fm> Supply Duct Conduction Supply Duct Leakage Supply Fan Heat Gain EFFECTIVE SPACE LOAD HEATING 17831 17831 Ventilation ( 0 cfm> Return Air Lighting Gain Return Duct Conduction Return Duct Leakage Return Fan Heat Gain . TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD 0 0 -1286 0 0 -0 18545 Left Duplex LENN0%CHP15-411 1 Residential Heating Residential Cobling Residential HVAC& Fans COINCIDENT 50 COOL ING PEAK SENSIBLE LATENT ____ ________ ------ (Aug 2pm) 14795 436 ________ ______ 14795 436 0 cfm) 0 -0 0 0 0 1286 16081 436 0 cfm) 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 16.081 436 1.3 tons 0.0 tons SYSTEM PERFORMANCE 25146 31704 0 AT DESIGN CONDITIONS 2.6 tons 01.0 tons ,,tf'ACE HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY page 21 of 2.1 ---------.--------------------------- ---------------------------------- Pro;jeet: Left Duple:; 11 COMPLY 24 v 2.21 --------------- Des-igner': Mr. George Mooney Building Permit No ------------------ Location: Indio Date: 6/6/1989 1 Checked Ey ' ------------------ Document,at i on : Josephs N. C i,ch�ci n i Date ( User #2079 ) SUMMARY OF PEAK HOUR LOADS FOR SPACE Space Naive: DESIGN CONDITIONS Peek Hour, Indoor Conditions: Outdoor Conditions: LOAD COMPONENT Wall Conduction W i n.dow Conduction Door Conduction Roof Conduction Skyli.ght Conduction Floor Conduction_ Slab Conduction Interior Conduction Infiltration Solar Gain L.ighting Equipment Occupants SPACE LOADS HEAT I NG Jan 12am '70 F DB 29 F I)B. Btu/hr 3347 2638 0 .1153 0 0. 6407 0 4'.86 178::31 Btu/her Left Duplex COOLING SENSIBLE LATENT Aug 2pm 78 F DB 50 % RH 112 F DP 75 F WE Btu/hr 23ge 2080 0 1377 0 0 0 35'54 3.463 661 8'6 436 14795 Btu/her 1.2 t ons. Btu/her 0 436 436 Btu/her 0.0 tons SUPPLY AIR .QUANTITIES ---------------------- Heating: 17831 Btu/hr / 11.10 * ( 105 F Supply -= 65 F TStat) 3 W 405 ef'm Cooling: 14795 Btu./hr / 11.08 * ( 78 F TStat 55 F Supply) 3 596 cfm