2021 06 23 CC & HA Minutes Sp Joint MtgMINUTES Page 1 of 7 JUNE 23, 2021 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL & HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 2021 CALL TO ORDER A Special Joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council and Housing Authority was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Evans and Chairperson Fitzpatrick. This meeting provided teleconferencing accessibility pursuant to Executive Orders N-25-20, N-29-20, N-33-20, N-35-20, N-60-20, and N-08-21 executed by the Governor of California, in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). ROLL CALL – CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña (joined the meeting at 5:08 p.m.), Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None ROLL CALL – HOUSING AUTHORITY PRESENT: Authority Members Evans, Peña (joined the meeting at 5:08 p.m.), Radi, Sanchez, Chairperson Fitzpatrick ABSENT: None VERBAL ANNOUNCEMENT – AB 23 as made by Authority Secretary Radeva. CHAIRPERSON FITZPATRICK ASKED MAYOR EVANS TO ACT AS PRESIDING OFFICER FOR THE HOUSING AUTHORITY DURING THE SPECIAL JOINT MEETING STAFF PRESENT: City Manager McMillen, City Attorney Ihrke, City Clerk Radeva, Administrative Assistant McGinley, Community Resources Director Escobedo, Community Resources Manager Calderon, Management Analyst Kinley, Assistant to the City Manager Villalpando, and Interim Finance Director Martinez. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor/Authority Member Evans led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. MINUTES Page 2 of 7 JUNE 23, 2021 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL & HOUSING AUTHORITY COUNCIL AND AUTHORITY RECESSED THE SPECIAL JOINT MEETING TO CONDUCT THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AT 5:02 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE SPECIAL JOINT MEETING AT 5:03 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None PUBLIC COMMENT ON BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELECONFERENCE (the audio recording of this public comment is impaired due to intermittent challenges with audio connectivity) – Virginia (Gia) Casto, Housing Commission applicant – introduced herself and apologized for her inability to attend tonight’s interviews due to a medical emergency; expressed her strong commitment and dedication to the community and her service on the Housing Commission over the last three (3) years; expressed her interest to continue to serve; and thanked Council for their consideration. BUSINESS SESSION 1. INTERVIEW AND APPOINT RESIDENTS TO SERVE ON VARIOUS CITY COMMISSIONS AND OUTSIDE AGENCIES’ BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Council waived presentation of the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk’s Office. In accordance with La Quinta Municipal Code Section 2.06.020, subsection (D), City Clerk Radeva held a random drawing resulting in the following interview order: 1) Planning Commission 2) Palm Springs Airport Commission 3) Housing Commission 4) Financial Advisory Commission 5) Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District Board 6) Community Services Commission Mayor Evans thanked all applicants for their willingness to serve the City and explained the process the Council follows in conducting interviews and appointing members. MINUTES Page 3 of 7 JUNE 23, 2021 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL & HOUSING AUTHORITY COUNCIL/AUTHORITY MEMBER PEÑA JOINED THE MEETING AT 5:08 P.M. COUNCIL AND AUTHORITY RECESSED THE SPECIAL JOINT MEETING TO CONDUCT THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AT 5:08 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE SPECIAL JOINT MEETING AT 5:15 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT City Attorney Ihrke said pursuant to the La Quinta Municipal Code Section 2.06.020, subsection (E) “Applicants may apply for appointment to more than one (1) board or commission but order of preference shall not be noted and shall not be considered by the city council”; City Attorney Ihrke also explained the potential conflict of interest that may arise from residents serving on multiple boards and commissions simultaneously under the “incompatible offices doctrine” codified in state law (Government Code section 1099), which restricts the ability of public officials to hold two different public offices if the offices have overlapping and conflicting public duties; Attorney Ihrke explained that the doctrine applies where the functions of the offices concerned are inherently inconsistent or where public policy dictates that one person may not retain both offices; courts ultimately decide whether or not there is an incompatibility under the doctrine, but generally residents can serve on a City board or commission while simultaneously serving on a regional board or commission, provided there are no anticipated conflicting priorities based on the assigned subject matter of the respective jurisdictions. 1) PLANNING COMMISSION (OPEN: 4 VACANCIES) The following applicants gave a brief presentation of their qualifications:  Mary Caldwell  Mike Etheridge  Elisa Guerrero (withdrew her application from consideration)  Douglas (Doug) Hassett  Michael Proctor  Ray Rooker  Dale Tyerman Results of ballot vote no. 1 to identify candidates to fill the four (4) vacancies: Councilmember Fitzpatrick: Mary Caldwell, Doug Hassett, Michael Proctor, and Dale Tyerman Councilmember Peña: Mary Caldwell, Doug Hassett, Michael Proctor, and Dale Tyerman Councilmember Radi: Mary Caldwell, Doug Hassett, Michael Proctor, and Dale Tyerman Councilmember Sanchez: Mary Caldwell, Doug Hassett, Mayor Evans: Mary Caldwell, Doug Hassett, Michael Proctor, and Dale Tyerman Michael Proctor, and Dale Tyerman Results of ballot vote no. 2 to identify the candidate to fill the one (1) unexpired term vacancy: Councilmember Fitzpatrick - Doug Hassett Councilmember Pena - Doug Hassett Councilmember Radi - Doug Hassett Councilmember Sanchez - Michael Proctor Mayor Evans - Doug Hassett MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/ Sanchez to appoint as follows: • Mary Caldwell, Michael Proctor, and Dale Tyerman to serve full three- year terms from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024; and • Doug Hassett to serve an unexpired term from June 23, 2021 to June 30, 2023. Motion passed unanimously. 2) PALM SPRINGS AIRPORT COMMISSION (OPEN: 1 VACANCY) The following applicants gave a brief presentation of their qualifications: • William Campbell • Steven Cherry • Kathleen Hughes Results of the ballot vote: Councilmember Fitzpatrick - Kathleen Hughes Councilmember Pena - Kathleen Hughes Councilmember Radi - Kathleen Hughes Councilmember Sanchez - Kathleen Hughes Mayor Evans - Kathleen Hughes MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to appoint Kathleen Hughes as the La Quinta representative on the Palm Springs Airport Commission for a three-year term from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024. Motion passed unanimously. COUNCIL/AUTHORITY RECESSED THE SPECIAL JOINT MEETING FOR A BRIEF BREAK AT 7: 26 P. M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE SPECIAL JOINT MEETING AT 7:48 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT MINUTES Page 4 of 7 JUNE 23, 2021 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL & HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES Page 5 of 7 JUNE 23, 2021 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL & HOUSING AUTHORITY 3) HOUSING COMMISSION (OPEN: 4 VACANCIES) The following applicants gave a brief presentation of their qualifications:  Derek Beesemyer (withdrew his application from consideration)  William Campbell (withdrew his application from consideration)  Virginia (Gia) Casto (was not able to attend and submitted a written statement for consideration included as a hand-out to the agenda packet)  Capri Chapman  Gwendolyn Davidson  James (Jim) Lewis  Veronica Gaeta-Mejia  Scott Rosen (was not able to attend, application was considered)  Stephanie Minor (was not in attendance for the interviews)  David Schuknecht Results of the ballot vote: Authority Member Fitzpatrick: Capri Chapman, Gwendolyn Davidson, Veronica Gaeta-Mejia, and David Schuknecht Authority Member Peña: Virginia Casto, Gwendolyn Davidson, Veronica Gaeta-Mejia, and David Schuknecht Authority Member Radi: Virginia Casto, Gwendolyn Davidson, Veronica Gaeta-Mejia, and David Schuknecht Authority Member Sanchez: Capri Chapman, Gwendolyn Davidson, Veronica Gaeta-Mejia, and David Schuknecht Chairperson Evans: Virginia Casto, Gwendolyn Davidson, Veronica Gaeta-Mejia, and David Schuknecht MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Authority Members Fitzpatrick/Radi to appoint Virginia (Gia) Casto (tenant), Gwendolyn Davidson (tenant and 62+), Veronica Gaeta-Mejia (non-tenant), and David Schuknecht (non-tenant) to the Housing Commission for three-year terms from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024. Motion passed unanimously. 4) FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION (OPEN: 4 VACANCIES) The following applicants gave a brief presentation of their qualifications:  Brian Anderson  William Campbell  Keith Dorsey  John Guerrini  Richard (Dick) Mills MINUTES Page 6 of 7 JUNE 23, 2021 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL & HOUSING AUTHORITY Results of the ballot vote: Councilmember Fitzpatrick: Brian Anderson, Keith Dorsey, John Guerrini, and Richard Mills Councilmember Peña: Brian Anderson, William Campbell, Keith Dorsey, and Richard Mills Councilmember Radi: Brian Anderson, William Campbell, Keith Dorsey, and Richard Mills Councilmember Sanchez: Brian Anderson, William Campbell, Keith Dorsey, and Richard Mills Mayor Evans: Brian Anderson, William Campbell, Keith Dorsey, and Richard Mills MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to appoint Brian Anderson, William Campbell, Keith Dorsey, and Richard Mills (professional) to the Financial Advisory Commission for three-year terms from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024. Motion passed unanimously. 5) COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD (OPEN: 1 VACANCY) Appointments to the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District Board were not considered as Mr. Douglas Hassett was the only applicant; and he was appointed to serve on the Planning Commission. 6) COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION (OPEN: 4 VACANCIES) The following applicants gave a brief presentation of their qualifications:  Cynthia Beesemyer  Sharrell Blakeley  William Campbell (was removed from consideration due to his appointment to serve on the Financial Advisory Commission)  Tammy Gordon  Laura Hunt Little COUNCIL/AUTHORITY RECESSED THE SPECIAL JOINT MEETING FOR A BRIEF BREAK AT 9:52 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE SPECIAL JOINT MEETING AT 9:55 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT  Patricia Kelly  Lisa Larson  Robert (Bob) Leidner  James (Jim) Lewis (withdrew his application from consideration) MINUTES Page 7 of 7 JUNE 23, 2021 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL & HOUSING AUTHORITY  Brandon Marley  Karen Olson (was not available to speak during the meeting)  Gregory Papazian  Sally Shelton Results of the ballot vote: Councilmember Fitzpatrick: Sharrell Blakeley, Tammy Gordon, and Sally Shelton Councilmember Peña: Cynthia Beesemyer, Sharrell Blakeley, and Sally Shelton Councilmember Radi: Sharrell Blakeley, Tammy Gordon, and Sally Shelton Councilmember Sanchez: Laura Hunt Little, Brandon Marley, and Sally Shelton Mayor Evans: Sharrell Blakeley, Tammy Gordon, and Sally Shelton MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to appoint Sharrell Blakeley, Tammy Gordon, and Sally Shelton to the Community Services Commission for three-year terms from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024. Motion passed unanimously. COUNCIL AND HOUSING AUTHORITY MEMBERS’ ITEMS – None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Council/Authority Members Radi/Fitzpatrick to adjourn the Special Joint Meeting of the City Council and Housing Authority at 10:47 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk/Authority Secretary City of La Quinta, California