2021 ROV Polling Place & Hold Harmless Agrmts - Sept 14 CA Gubernatorial Recall ElectionREBECCA SPENCER 5HJLVWUDURI9RWHUV ART TINOCO $VVLVWDQW5HJLVWUDURI9RWHUV 5(*,675$52)927(56 &2817<2)5,9(56,'( -XO\ /D4XLQWD&LW\+DOO &DOOH7DPSLFR /D4XLQWD&$ 7KH&RXQW\RI5LYHUVLGH5HJLVWUDURI9RWHUVWKDQNV\RXIRUWKHXVHRI\RXUIDFLOLW\DVD3ROOLQJ 3ODFHLQSDVWHOHFWLRQV 7RSUHSDUHIRUWKHXSFRPLQJ 6HSWHPEHU&DOLIRUQLD*XEHUQDWRULDO 5HFDOO(OHFWLRQ WKH &RXQW\ RI 5LYHUVLGH 5HJLVWUDU RI 9RWHUV RIILFH LV LQTXLULQJ DERXW WKH DYDLODELOLW\ RI \RXU IDFLOLW\ 7KH&RXQW\RI5LYHUVLGHZRXOGXVH\RXU IDFLOLW\DVD3ROOLQJ3ODFHIURP September 11 through September 13, 2021 (8:00 am – 5:00 pm) and Election Day, September 14, 2021 (6:30 am – 9:00 pm). 3OHDVH DFNQRZOHGJH WKDW \RXU IDFLOLW\ LV DYDLODEOH E\ FRPSOHWLQJ VLJQLQJ DQG GDWLQJ WKH DWWDFKHG³3ROOLQJ3ODFH$YDLODELOLW\5HTXHVW$JUHHPHQW´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òKRXU DQGWR JXDUDQWHHDFFHVVWRWKHIDFLOLW\ 9RWLQJHTXLSPHQWZLOOEH GHOLYHUHGDSSUR[LPDWHO\ILYH  GD\VSULRUWRWKHILUVWGD\RIYRWLQJ WR WKH6(/(&7('3ROOLQJ 3ODFHV 7DEOHV DQG FKDLUV FDQ EH GHOLYHUHG XSRQ UHTXHVW 7KH 5HJLVWUDURI9RWHUVRIILFHRURXUFRQWUDFWHGFDUULHUZLOOFDOOWRVFKHGXOHDWLPHDQGGDWH IRU GHOLYHU\RIHTXLSPHQWPlease identify a secure area for voting equipment storage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lease forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating facility use before and during the Election period. Provide the contact person’s phone number ( ) _______ - ________ Polling Place location for the: 6HSWHPEHU  &DOLIRUQLD*XEHUQDWRULDO 5HFDOO (OHFWLRQ ‰‰I give my permission for the use of: Please provide the name of the room or rooms you are authorizing use of: ________________________ Please check (X) the appropriate boxes that apply: ‰Check here if you can provide three 6’- 8’ tables and 10 chairs ‰Check here if you require for the Registrar to deliver tables and chairs to your facility ‰Facility use “Free” ‰Request $25.00 Compensation (Must provide W-9 enclosed) Contact Name (print):________________________Title:_______________________Phone #:_____________________ Alternate Contact Name (print):____________________________Phone #:______________________________________ *Emergency contact:_____________________________________Phone #:_____________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ After Business Hours Phone: ________________________________Fax #:_____________________________________ E-mail Address:_____________________________________________________ For future requests how would you prefer to be contacted? Fax ‰ E-Mail ‰ Regular Mail ‰ ,+$9(5($'$1'81'(567$1'$//7+(7(5062)7+,6$*5((0(17$1'%<6,*1,1*7+,6$*5((0(1792/817$5,/<,$0 $*5((,1*72$%,'(%<7+(6(7(506 6LJQDWXUH_________________________________________________ 'DWHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 3OHDVHFRQWDFWXVDW  ZLWKLQGD\VSULRUWRWKHHOHFWLRQLI\RXKDYHQRWUHFHLYHGDOHWWHU LQIRUPLQJ\RXRIDGHFLVLRQIRU\RXUIDFLOLW\WRVHUYHDVDSROOLQJSODFH /D4XLQWD&LW\+DOO 6WXG\6HVVLRQ5RRP &DOOH7DPSLFR /D4XLQWD&$ *This is the person and phone number the Registrar of Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) ‰Facility use not authorized for this Election Initial Here: _________ ID# 760 835 9768 for Jorge Vizcarra or (760) 567 - 6605 for Monika Radeva X X X Monika Radeva City Clerk Cell: (760) 567 - 6605 (760) 777 - 7035 Nichole Romane, Deputy (760) 777 - 7092 Jorge Vizcarra, Building Access (760) 777 - 7082 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 835 - 9768 Jorge V. mradeva@laquintaca.gov & jvizcarra@laquintaca.gov XX July 25, 2021____________________________________________________ Study Session Room N/A REBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters ART TINOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE July 16, 2021 /D4XLQWD0XVHXP $YHQLGD0RQWH]XPD /D4XLQWD&$ The County of Riverside Registrar of Voters thanks you for the use of your facility as a Polling Place in past elections. To prepare for the upcoming September 14, 2021, California Gubernatorial Recall Election, the County of Riverside Registrar of Voters office is inquiring about the availability of your facility. The County of Riverside would use your facility as a Polling Place from September 11 through September 13, 2021 (8:00 am – 5:00 pm) and Election Day, September 14, 2021 (6:30 am – 9:00 pm). Please acknowledge that your facility is available by completing, signing, and dating the attached “Polling Place Availability Request Agreement” form. You may return the completed agreement by email to Rovpolls@rivco.org,by mail in the enclosed postage paid envelope, or by fax to (951) 486-7320. When completing the form please indicate the specific room space that will be available for the four (4) day voting period, it is very important that our office provides the correct location to our voters. We carefully review all facilities to determine which will be used as a Polling Place. A confirmation letter will be mailed approximately 29 days before the scheduled election when a facility is SELECTED. A letter will be sent approximately 15 days before the scheduled election when a facility is NOT SELECTED,providing the reasons the facility may not have been selected. Please call us at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free) if you have not received a letter 15 days prior to the election. Note: If your facility is SELECTED to serve as a Polling Place, the Lead Election Officer for your site will contact you to make arrangements to access the facility prior to the beginning of the voting period for setup (about ½ hour) and to guarantee access to the facility. Voting equipment will be delivered approximately five (5) days prior to the first day of voting to the SELECTED Polling Places. Tables and chairs can be delivered upon request. The Registrar of Voters office or our contracted carrier will call to schedule a time and date for delivery of equipment. Please identify a secure area for voting equipment storage.Pick up of the equipment will occur within one week after the election, you will receive a call from our office, or that of our carrier. Should you have questions or concerns regarding the use of your site as a Polling Place, please contact our office at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free). Sincerely, Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM VIA FAX, EMAIL, OR REGULAR MAIL TO THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE E-Mail: Rovpolls@rivco.org Fax # (951) 486-7320 Mail: Use the self-addressed stamped envelope provided. Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating facility use before and during the Election period. Provide the contact person’s phone number ( ) _______ - ________ Polling Place location for the: September 14, 2021, California Gubernatorial Recall Election ‰‰I give my permission for the use of: Please provide the name of the room or rooms you are authorizing use of: ________________________ Please check (X) the appropriate boxes that apply: ‰Check here if you can provide three 6’- 8’ tables and 10 chairs ‰Check here if you require for the Registrar to deliver tables and chairs to your facility ‰Facility use “Free” ‰Request $25.00 Compensation (Must provide W-9 enclosed) Contact Name (print):________________________Title:_______________________Phone #:_____________________ Alternate Contact Name (print):____________________________Phone #:______________________________________ *Emergency contact:_____________________________________Phone #:_____________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ After Business Hours Phone: ________________________________Fax #:_____________________________________ E-mail Address:_____________________________________________________ For future requests how would you prefer to be contacted? Fax ‰ E-Mail ‰ Regular Mail ‰ *I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT VOLUNTARILY I AM AGREEING TO ABIDE BY THESE TERMS. Signature: _________________________________________________ Date:______________________________________________ Please contact us at (951) 486-7341 within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for your facility to serve as a polling place. /D4XLQWD0XVHXP &RPPXQLW\5RRP $YHQLGD0RQWH]XPD /D4XLQWD&$ *This is the person and phone number the Registrar of Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) ‰Facility use not authorized for this Election Initial Here: _________ ID# 760 902 4451 for Luis Magallanez or (760) 567 - 6605 for Monika Radeva X Community Room X X Luis Magallanez Community Resources Coordinator Cell: (760) 902 - 4451 (760) 777 - 7189 Christina Calderon, Manager (760) 777 - 7183 Luis Magallanez (760) 777 - 7189 La Quinta City Hall - 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 9021 - 4451 N/A X X lmagallanez@laquintaca.gov & mradeva@laquintaca.gov July 25, 2021 A ________________________________________________________________________ September 2, 2021 Monika Radeva, City Clerk September 10, 2021 Monika Radeva, City Clerk